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ORDINANCE NO. 6378 AN ORDINANCE OF THE GITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF AUBURN, WASHINGTON; AMENDING . ORDINANGE . NO. . _ _ 6339, THE 2011-2012 .BIENNIAL BUDGET ORDINANCE AS AMENDED BY ORDINANCE NO. 6351, ORDINANCE NO. 6352, ORDINANCE NO. 6362 AND ORDINANCE 6370 AUTHORIZING AMENDMENT TO THE CITY OF AUBURN 2011-2012 BUDGET AS SET FORTH IN SCHEDULE "A" WHEREAS, the Aubum City Council at its regular meeting of December 6, 2010, adopted Ordinance No. 6339 which adopted the City of Auburn 2011-2012 Biennial budget; and WHEREAS, the Aubum City Council at its regular meeting of February 22; 2011, adopted Ordinance No. 6351 which amended Ordinance No. 6339 which adopted the City of Auburn 2011-2012 Biennial budget; and WHEREAS, the Aubum City Council at its regular meeting of April 4, 2011, adopted-Ordinance No. 6352 which amended Ordinance No. 6351; and WHEREAS, the Aubum Cify Council at its regular meeting of July 18, 2011, adopted Ordinance No. 6362 which amended Ordinance No. 6352; and WHEREAS, the Auburri City Council at its regular meeting of September 6, 2011 adopted Ordinance No. 6370 which amended Ordinance.6362; and WHEREAS, the City of Aubum deems it necessary to appropriate additional funds to the various funds of the 2011 budget; and . WHEREAS, this Ordinance has been approved by one more than the majority of all councilpersons in accordance with RCW 35A.34.200. • Ordinance No. 6378 November 2, 2011 Page 1 of 3 NOW THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF AUBURN, WASWINGTON DO ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: . Section 1. Amendment of the 2011-2012 Biennial Budget The 2011- 2012 Biennial Budget of the City of Aubum is amended pursuant to Chapter 35A.34 RCW; to reflect the revenues and expenditures as shown on Schedule "A" attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference. The Mayor of the City of Aubum, Washington is hereby authorized to utilize revenue and expenditure amounts shown on said Schedule "A". A copy of said Schedule "A" is on file with the City Clerk and available for public inspecfion. Section 2. Severabitity. If any provision of this Ordinance or the application thereof to .any person or circumstance is held to be invalid, the remainder of such code, ordinance or regula6on or the application thereof to other person or circumstance shall notbe affected. Section 3.. Implementation. The Mayor is hereby authonzed to implement such administrative procedures as may be necessary to carry out the directives of this legislation. � Section 4. Effective Dabe. This Ordinance shall take effect and be in force five (5) days from and after its passage, approval and publication as provided by law. Ordinance No. 6378 November2, 2011 Page 2 of 3 INTRODUCED: DEC 5 Y011 PASSED: (lEG 'S 2011 VED` $€6�28}i � �---� P ER B. LEWIS; MAYOR ATTEST: � /�Qr��t �'�`���_ Danielle'E. Daskam Giry Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORM:. niel B.'Hei . __ _ _ City Attomey PUBLISHED: .,.�r-� i ` ���'") Ordinance No. 6378 NoJember 2; 2011 Page3 of 3 SeheduM A Summsry of BUdgetAdJustmenb by Fund Budget AmendmeM f6 Ordlnenee 89i8 Bag.fund m11 Ending Fund 6enenl Fund i001 Bakhee Ravenuea 20�7�xpendNures Belenee GenaralFunA Ado Bud 77,789,986 48.888,807 66,1�8.320 B,�B7,8b8 BAi1 Ado d;otdlnancelBS61 48.000 17!�80 89,�60 BA02 Ado ;oNlnanea 08362 880,000 186,270 820 080 248,190 BAp do :ordlnanee�8382 2,888,888 48M1 M 680 7.880.860 BA44 do :oMinanee�87T0 81.000 DB,baO Y2,870 BAt6 Pr Vlann Direcl Fede�al G2M Larry fonvard EPA grant for assessment of active weUand atlon sttes rea.4538 31,300 37,300 PWirs Fedetel Grent-Edward e;fund PoGce ove� 33,830 33,630 - IMirect Fedeial GreM-E Ma M Perfamanoe Grant 1,580 4.580 Pa�ks Insurance Recoveries rHated to Aubum Meater ul ment re acemeM 5 500 5,500 Mirar ui ment for Meater(undeA inswance recove roceeds 5,500 (5,500) State Em b r Penairoi Rale Im�aease effedive 7lOt177 Ma rlCouncd 3.350 3,350 Human Resou�ces 11.960 11,980) Finanee 2,840 2.840 C 5,770 5,170 pia�m 9,950 9,950 pdkg 8,ffi0 8,820 pubUc NbAcs 20 050 20,050 parka 15,590 15,580) g(reefa 500 500 Changes to meet GASB 54 Requhemenb-Record MVFT revenues directly to FurM 102 Reduce MVFf revenue-lo be recaded in Fund f02 6 FurM 720 537,100 537,100 Reduee Tish Oul of Motor Vehida Fuel Taz 1u Fimd 702 530,000) 530,000 Reduoe TBh Oul ot MoMr Vehide Fuel Tau lo Fund 720 .100 7,100 BAi6 Total I84.110 ]B4 080 78 0.10 �Revhed Bud et 16,882,J6� 48,878 804 86 8S0 9 6 7,828 Totat Rpourees/Expandlturea 66,Ot0,B68 86,010,868 Pape 7 0(9 Schedula A Summary o}Budget AdjuetmeMS by Fund Budget Amandmant i6 OMlnanea Ba78 Bag.FUnd �ON E�MIng�FUnd � rte 18dsetPund t704► Ba4�e Revenuea 2071 Fxpendilures 8elanee Ado Bu et bBE,778 7a,210,200 1a,axe,lDO Y88,01B BAtt do d•ordlnaMa t&161 BA32(Adopted;ordinanee i83871 7i8.S00 1�842 200 7 808 600 30.000 BARt Ado ted;ordina�e i8S82 847 B26 B7B�SO 818 ri0 807 928 BAl1 do ;oMina�e 06770 BA06 ed Charpes b meet GASB 54 Requirements-Record MVfT revenues directly W Fund 102 Reduce Trsfr In of Mota Vehide Fuel Taz fran Gen Fund 530,000 530 000 Reoognize Motor Vehide Fud Taz revenue 530,000 530,000 BA06Toh) Revlsed8ud� 1,787,SM 768707E0 186881 8�2,844 Tohl Rssourees/Expandriures 17,78B4O7I 77,798A74 I � Beg.Fund ION Ending Fund �LoulStreetFund Oa Balenu Revenues 3011EYpemliluras BaW�ee Atlo Bud 8l0,808 2,766,000 2000000 1095808 BA67 Ado :ordinance 08357 BA02 do ;ordina�e IBb62 400,000 388,278 7,78{ BNS do •adinanea OBlBi 747 788 1,000,000 278,Y31 BAfI do ;ordinanee 0&1T0� BAf6 Empbyer Pension Rete Inaease eftedive 7/01/11 - 824 (8241 BAi6Tohl 87A Btt �,Revised Bu 7 676 2, 66,000 7,�88,010 878.6b6 Total ResoureeslExpendHUres 4,217,676 1.417.676 Pape 2 ot 9 Sehedule A 8ummary of Budgat AdjusfineMS by Fund BUdget Amendme�rt i6 OrdlneMB 8378 - � Beg.FUnd Z01i EpdMgFund � usln andCommun Deveb meM6raMFu�M N8 Baianee Revenues 20NE�enditurec BaMnee Ado u et 88,ZB8 610,000 642A10 66,878 BA61 do ;ordinanee 08357 BA62 Ado •oMinanee�8752 1,180 1A80 BAib Ad ;ordlne�el836f B 9B7 66.987 BAf4 Ad d;ordlnenu f8770 BA06 R nize recei of HCDA ianl fundin fw Aubum Youth Resouroea Increasebud ted �antfunding 140,400 140,400 Inerease ezpense budpet for properry ecquisitlon - - 140.400 f740.400) BA46 Totel 7�0,400 1/0,t00 (Ravlsed8ud- 4�:298 860A� 881.38U. 1=.189 TMaI Resources/ExpandNurvs 893,689 BSf,888 + Beg.Funtl 7011 Ending Funa IReereatlo Tnlb Fund i1R0 BaMnee kawnuas 2017 EYpendilurea BakMa Ado ud 8,177 7,P00 7b,377 BAi1 do ;ordlnanee06967 BAi2 d ;ordMenea i6367 8AC7 Ad ;oMinaneeM36! 17 .1T BA44 d :ordinanee t6370 � BA4b Chanpea to meet GASB 54 Requhements-Reoord MVFf revenues directy lo Fund 102 Reduce Trefr In o1 Mota Vehide Fuel Tez hom Gen.Fund p,100) .100) Bu M Motor Vehide Fuel Tax revenue 7,100 7.100 BAtB Tofal �Revised8ud at - - 8.194 7.2Q0 16,18I Total Resources I Ea{wndkuns 76,79I 76,J91 Pape 3 of 9 Seheduk A 8ummary ot Budget AdJusdnenb by Pund Budgat AmemlmeM i6 ONlnenee&178 - � Beg.FunA YOH Ending Fund Businessim rovemeMAnaFund OtYt 9ekncs FEevenues 2017'EapandiWres Babnea A o d B et 04,788 63,100 84,000 49A98 8AN do d•wdina'rca 08761 BAf2 d •ordlnanu i6762 612 8.248 28.000 34.T38 BAtb(Adopted•oMlnanea 0&18�) (87) (97) BA01 d d;ordinanee OBS70 BAi6 ro Increase operating budpet for higher tl�an aMidpated e�enses 5.000 (5,000) BAt6 Total 6,000 5,000 �RaVIs6dBIW - 817� {3,652 B6W0 3868 Tota Resowces f Expendltwea 86,669 88,688 8og.Fund 2011 Endln9 Fund Cumuletive Reserve PwW 22 _ - Balance Revenues 2011 ExpendUurea Bahnee A BUd 6,673,486 YS 000 900 6 801 684 BAi1 Ad d;oMinanee 06367 BAf2 d d;ordinanee O6b63 78.160 76,460 BAR7 do ;ordinance i6S62 �0,778 400,000 568,88t BAf4 do •oNinanuiW70 BA08 d Tansfer Out lo CemeteiY FuM to suDP�cesh Mw reeds 200.000 1200�000) BAM Total Y00.000 f00.000 Reridad Bud et 792,07P 29 000 723,360 6 T,88Y Total Resources I Eapendttures 5,766,072 6,755,074 � Bag.FwM 2071 Ending FwM �M tlon FeeaFUntl itT4 . Balenea Revenwa YON Fspendllures Belanee A �,1/0,87b 800.000 2,679,200 1,866,779 BAf1 Ado •ordinanu 08367 BAC2 Ado ted;ordinanee 0&752� 807,170 601,770 BNJ Ado ;ordinance OBS62 180,887 280,687 BAf4 do bd;ordlnaneei8770 BAEB ro ad Inpease expenses to rellect higher Fire Impact 8 MNBatlon cdlections(used tor Statlon 03�1 consWCUOn - 272.300 (272,300) BACB Totel 212,300 27t,300 'Revised8ud�e1 1,138�&18 800.000 3,48Y,670 1.7M.168 Tofal Rasourees/ ndHures 6,2�8,818 6 36 8 Page 4 0(9 8ehadule A Sumirory ot Butlget AdJuatmenb by fwM Budget Amsndme�A 06 Ordinanu&7f8 Beg.Fund � 2011 Eedinp Puml Munkl I Park Comtrudlon fund t7Y7 Balanu Revenues 20H Eapenditurea �Balanoa A Bud 774 SB6 19 88,200 18 1700 207 888 BA07(AdopMd;ordlnaMe�&167) BAY1 do d;ordlnanu 08362 21B 120 2.226,280 R,NI,400 8AA1 Ado d;ordina�wa 1&t87 t48,r06 130,000 178,108 BAf4 do d•ordina�rcei6770 BACB ro Federel 6rant NiMin for Game Fa�m Soaer Field Ggh6ng 83,200 83,200 BAlb Total 8�,200 8�,200 Ravlaed Bud et - - � 747 OB8 21 687 880 21-708,100 � 68 BBb� Tofa ources 1 Expendkuros 21,874,78a 41,871,780 Beg:Fund Y011 EndMgFund aterFUnd f4DO - Bak�lee . Reven_ues m1lExpendilu�ea Bappee Ado Bu 19 788 789 10 878p00 t7 809. YO .677, 7 BAi1 Ado ;oMlnaneef&161 BA62 Ad ;ordinanee08262 ],11�,700 2,081,270 �7,110 BAN Ad ;ordinaneaf818t 12�,788 208,000 47,680 �86,688 BAN(AdopEed;ordinanee 0&t70 d0,370 �O,�M BA66 ro d Reduce Estimaled WaMr Salea revenue due to bwer usage 1.180.800 1 780,9110 R nize water b011np ad usbr�enl 600.000 800,000 er Pensbn Rata Increase efteclive 7A1N 7 23,740 3,140 BA06Toh1 680,900 Y3,1/0 BOI.WO IRavbadBud 21.BOBA87 10.648,600 28-830,980 2621�877� TMa ources I xpendNura JII.162,567 �2,762,667 Pape 5 of 9 Sehedule A Summsry ol BudgetAdJusbnenb by Fund Budget AmendmeM f6 Ordlnance 8878 Bag.�FUnd. .2011 . ' . EmlingFdnA-�. �SeYYBf F.und 1� . . . � . Balence ' � Revenws tOH�. -- �Mitures BalaMe A d Bu at 10.818,P4I 17.968,a00 28,80 , 00 �.173,144 BA67 do d•ordinanw f8S67 �7,000 ]7,000 BAi2 Ad d:ordinanu OBD62 2166 800 7 747 10 S7 080 BAf3 d ;ordina�we i8b82 7,0l6 836 104,800 89,b70 �,088,166 BAf4 Ado d;oMinaircai&770 ]0,720 30,8f0 BNB R Nze rant Nndin for Janu 2011 sto�m IiMlrec[Federal GraM 34�400 34.100 State Granl 5,800 5,800 (iWaM Wnded e 40,000 40,000 r Pension Rate Inaease eRective 7101f17 13,000 13,000 BAO6TOhl 40.000 83,000 7S,W0 �'RavisadBud�et� - �- BOYT879 8707�t00 �27 8.180 " 8,28{,018' Total Resources/Ezpandltures 34,12�.779 74,72E,178 Bsg.Fund 2011• EMing Fund � Mrm Dreina FutM ON2 Belanee �Reve�uea 2011 ndlfures Balanu A B 7 8 Y 7.27].700 1�,088.8b0 7,8{Y,7�Y BAC1 do ;oNinanu 0&161 BA62 Ado ;ordlnenee0696t 7,]W,280 1,284,470 38 .50 BAfJ Ado :oNinanu 0816T 786,�88 80,800 67.BOD 788,288 BAf1 d0 ;oMiMneei8S70 51,910 51.810 BAiB ro Em Pensbn Rate Inaeaae eReUive 7Po1/11 22.080 .080 BAt6 Tofal 22,080 22.080 ;Revked Bu - 8.78 6J8_ . 7,RT4.800 - U,378,�.10 2,880:708 Tohl Resourcea/ExpendRures 17,070,0]8 77A70,038 Pape 8 0(9 8ehedub A Summury of Budpet AdJustrneMe by Fund BUdget Ame�MmeM i6 OMinanee 8778 Beg.Fund Y017 Ending Fuml � Id Weste Fund Belenea Ravenues fOH Expe�MRUres Balenee Ad Bud 600,�08 8 81� 00 8,887 70 470 7�8 BIW Ado ;wdinanee i6M1 BAf7 Ado •ordlmnce/&162 8,880 8,890 BAN 1AdoWed:ordlnance 0&1821 24 718 18.t30 18,4�0 2�,718 BAf4 Ado d;ordlnanee�6.t70 7,800 1 600 BAi6 m d Ad'ust fund revenues erM June 2011 rale e Increaee solid was�e serv�e revenues 450,930 450,930 Ad t esf.Wasle M meM fees 475,340 475 340 Em r Pension Rele Increase eRecNve 7lOtl11 2.310 2,310 BA06 Tofel 460 9]0 an eso 38 7Y0 Revlsed Bud at � 776 880 8,980,980 10,389,860 388,690 ota Resourosa/Eapendltures 10,768,860 0,7 ,860 � Beg.Fund 2017 Endlnp Funtl IGmele Fund SISB Beknea Rarenua 20H Exppndilures Be4nee Ado Bu N JOO,J28 824,800 7,078,970 1rB 188 BAf1 d d•ordlnenea f8s61 BAit d ;ordlna�rce 0816Y 8,080 8 60 BAfa Ad d;ordlnanee08381 178189 Y8,600 7�7 88 BAA4 Ad ;adlnsnee/BD70 960 860 BAC6 ad Transfer In from Cumuladve Reaerve FuM to meet(ash Moxr needs 200.000 200,000 BA46ToLl f00 400000 '�Revtsad8ud 744128 1�124.800 - 1A4Z,]00 408,879 Tohl RpouRes/E:pendkuree 1,Y18,9Y9 7,2{8,829 Page 7 ot 9 SeheduW A Summary of Budget Adjusfmanb by Fund Budget AmemlmaM O5 Ordlnance 6578 . . ._. . __,_ . . _ . _ , _. . . _ ._• ._ ._ _ -. �. . � � . . . �� � Beg.FUm1 :� :. ' 2011'�. . . .�i . . I�nding.Fpnd�.�� - � - . .. ;�� � y - � - - � - 6oHGoures Fund w� . . . .__.._ .. . �_ _.-. .. _�> -._: ._ _ .c_ -. '.__Bakneao � �'�:_. ,sRaventles ,. :;: iYON Expendkurea' .._ .�•. �.Beh�we. `•1 Ado 8ud 228,888 7,808,300 1,8a8,880 96,468 BA61 Atlo ted;ordinanee 06161 BA02 do ted;ordlnanee06362 10,840 10,Bt0 BA09(Adopted;oPoinance I6361 221,878 400,000 176,084 BAf1 Ado ;ordinanee06370 (87,000) 8;000 BAiS r ad Em b erPensionRatelncreaseeRedive7Potl77 3;790 3,790 Carry biward 2010 principal 8 interest payment of Interiund ban(to be paid in 2017) 39,800 38,800) BAi6 Total 4Y 780 l2,790 ReYIseBBU - . . .. _.. -. .:- ;-. . _ _. : � � . :::.�.. � ' �._ . . �-:- 3�762 `� -: �2. 7AM0 .-.:--:;- . -.� -:1'889:�J6`:- � _. .-: . � . .298� 22� ToMt Reaources f Expenditurea II,1Y7,862 Y,127,862 . -�- -� . ' ' .�. ` � . . ' .Beg:Fund� . �SOH � - � - ,� .:'- - .EndygFUnd��F �Irrouro�e`.Fund 1 .. - � - Balahie - . - .�Revenues ' � 2011 Exp6ntlltures . . Baladee . _ . Ado ted Bud et 3,403,088 3,700 68,700 - 2,518,068 BAC1 Ado ted;ordinanes i6767 BA62 Ado ted;ordinanee OBS62 BAIp Ado ted;ordinanea66a62 S8,Y37 7Y0,000 766,Y]7 BAf4 do ted•ordinanca i6770 BACS ro osed Increase Estlmated Uneinployment Claims - - - 10,000 (10,000) BA06 Total 70,000 70,000 Revised�8dd__ ._._ . _..__ .__. �_- . .: .,:.�.:- . .--: - _-:-:�- �.� - � -. . �p. g. y . . �- g�T00-.r:.. - �`— ,. '788.700. . " - . - �- c2.18t8b2� Tofal Rasources/ExpandNures 2,370,6aY R,370,6b2 . . � ._ ., - � . � ,. '� . i-.Beg:Fund - � .1077 " � - . ' � ' - �E�ipg Fund FadRdas'�Fund. 605 �' . .. . - � � � � '�Balslfee � - � Revenuas. 1011iExpenplturea , . �.Balente. � Ado d Bud el - � " 007 609 � S 999 000 � 7,880,400 �/8 9 BAi7 Ado ted;ordinanea 1�6561) BASZ Ado ted;oNlnancei8S62 50,000 28,790 81,110 4,320 BA03 Ado bd;ordinanee/6164) 377,406 34,000 �9,000 454,405 BAR4 do ted;ordlnante06370 105,�00 706,�00 ReVlsed'�BO .. - - � �T7. 844 . :S 64790 � . � - �.3;871.170 - - � - - ,796E24' Tofa Raources 1 ExpantliWres 4,669,734 1,868,73� Page 8 of 9 Sehedula A Summary of Budget Adjwfmants by Fund Butlget Amendment 98 OMlnanee&778 Bag.Fund Y017 � Ending Fund Mormalbn SeMeas Fu� 18 Bslenu Revenusa ION Expendiluroa BekMe Ad Bud et S Bl6 877 • 7 670 6,740,{ 087 787 BA07 Ado d;ordlnantai6J61 6,500 6,600 BACl Ado ted;ordlnanea i8762 708,000 217,000 904 080 72 820 BAAt do led•ordlnance t8�87 288 276 8,400 48 700 Y68 778 BA04 Ado ted;ordinanee i6370 Yl,000 1B 6 BAf6 Empbyer Pension Rate Inaeace eMective 7/07/7 7 - - 8.8�0 f8.&01 BA06 Tofal 8,640 8,8/0 RevisedBUd ef � - 3,949,78II 4621,670 8� 6f0 4576793 TWaI Resourca/Expenditures 8,474,385 8�74,�83 8eg.Fund 2M1 E�Ming Fund E UI meM ReMal Fund f660 BeMnee ReYenues 2011 E�anditures Be4nce Ado ted B et 4,8 ,8 ,H 7, 00 4, 9 BAa1 Ado d;oMinanu 08367 BAC2 A :oMinaneel8361 781.600 1M.070 7.670 BAC3 Ado :ordinanea IBbBII 878.941 20.000 788,841 BAf4 do :oNinaMa t&1f0 810 610 BAfb r e Empbyu Pensbn Rate In�xease eftective 7I01111 - - 1.800 (1.800) BAf6 Tofal 1 800 7 800 Ravhad BYd �6.848.796 2,827.700 4.98 10 7.880 886 Toh Resourees I FapendlWres 6,86.1.286 8, 8eg.Fund 2011 Ending FmM 6nnd Totel•All Fu�dA BaMnee Ravenues 2017 EzpeiMiturea Baknee Ado Butl el 88,706.168 64.702,661 M�.776,808 �9, , 3 BA01 Ad ;ordinaneeM]67 61,600 177,880 128,380 BAt2 •ordinairce0878P 11,367.W2 67N6�2 76.784 31/,�.18 BAAt d :ordinanes i&18t 10,�W,281 �OP6,871 f.J74 1 71.708,477 BAt4 d ;ordlnance/8�70 224 7B0 �S 880 BA46 ro 176,480 B7J.7r4 814,374 RevisadBud- N M8 1 83�788,826 4Y9,Sb8688 48861,088 Tofa Resourees I Ezpendkmes 27�,2BT,907 27�,287,907 Pape B of 9