HomeMy WebLinkAbout4770 RESOLUTION NO. 4 7 7 0 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF AUBURN, WASHINGTON, APPROVING THE 2012-2017 TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM OF THE CITY OF AUBURN PIiRSUANT TO THE LA1NS OF THE STATE OF WASHINGTON AND CHAPTER 35.77 R.C.W. WHEREAS, RCW 35.77.010 requires that the legislative body of each City prepare and adopt a comprehensive Transportation Improvement Program (TIP) for the ensuing six years, but only after conducting a public hearing; and WHEREAS, a public 'hearing to review the 20122017 Transportation Improvement Program for the City of Auburn was held on December 19th, 2011 at the hour of 7:30 p.m. in the Council Chambers of the Aubum City Hall, pursuant to notice published in the legal newspaper of the City of Aubum on Deoember 6, 2011. NOW, THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF AUBURN, WASHINGTON, HEREBY RESOLVES as follows: Section 1. There is attached hereto and denominated as Exhibit "A," the � terms of which are incorporated herewith by reference as though fully set forth, a designation of the streets within the corporate limits of the City of Aubum to be improved in the manner therein set forth during the year set for the improvement of such street or streets." Section 2. That the City Engineer of the City of Aubum is hereby directed to forward a certified copy of this Resolution to fhe Washington State Department Resolution No. 4770 December 13,2011 Page 1 of Transportation for filing not more than#hirty (30) days after the adoption of this 'Resolution. Section 3. That the Mayor is hereby authorized to implement such administrative procedures as may 6e necessary to carry out the directions of this legislation. $ec4ion 4. That this Resolution shall take effect and be in full force upon. passage and signatures hereon. DATED this ��� day of December, 2011 CITY $�N � � i� PETER B. LEWIS MAYOR ATfEST: ��b Danielle E. Daskam, City Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORM: niel B. Heid; City Attomey Resolution No.4770 December 13,2011 Page 2 � � f ��� ���T F�AN YOU /A.tqG I NEO Transpartatian Improv�ment Program �a'� �-2C1� � � � _ _ � � �. � . , �� � �� - _ r.��_ � - L.C`.� . _- _ . . �'�� � I� --�'� a �n _ r� �� r �+g � .x�.Ji""��._ � � � � �t _ i'�.' s. �{�� :_ '1 �._ � �t . � ,'T{��` � Qt,7y�. , _S�- __�� �e � '.i M ,.. ' - l � � #-..: - �-�, ' ' - '� � � _ W�if I N �C_ �� ' Ly F � A � }�y"P�: _ - - `- - ��i���^�.. . Siy� `y�� � ��'. . 4 '.1 �1 � y.-�,^ _ � �� 4 - -• . � Y �.L O. � ,� �\ � s � Y � � �.�45\�'-'�-� � ���� . �.:.�y.� � �� y1� 'i�(� � +�s y 1 iU-. �-X. .�,+C4. t "�t"a�y .T:. 1� . t.A �� . .. • ���!���� ` +{ `I ♦ .'i1 - \^��`�� I Cr(v ufAuhmn Trcrnspurialiun hn��rureu�cnt Prr��ram � � * � THAN YOU �O�' f MAG 1 NE� Transportation Improvement Program 2012-2017 Appro�ed hy Auburn City Council December 19, 2011 Cit�� of Auburn 2� N'cst IVfain Street Auburn, WA 98U01 (253)-931-3010 ���w.auburnwa.go� ('ih'nfAuhin�n Trr�iicpur�aliun l�nprnren�enl Pru��ram � � * �p�, THAN YOU �MAG1N�� Cuvcr Phutos: l u�� ri<<ht i� S'�' St NI[K P Sf nli �fraffic Signnl; hotlum IcR i� A ST NVo' Phasc I. City ofAuburn Transportalion bnprovement Program RESOLUTION NO. 4770 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF AUBURN, WASHINGTON, AFPROVING THE 2012-2017 TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM OF THE CITY OF AUBURN PURSUANT TO R.C.W. CHAPTER 35.77 OF THE LAWS OF THE STATE OF WASHINGTON WHEREAS, RCW 35.77.010 requires that the legislative body of each City prepare and adopt a comprehensive Transportation Improvement Program (TIP) for the ensuing six years, but only after conducting a public hearing; and WHEREAS, a public hearing to review the 2012-2017 Transportation Improvement Program for the City of Aubum was held on December 19, 2011 at tfie hour of 7:30 p.m. in tfie Council Chambers of the Aubum City Hall, pursuant to notice published in the legal newspaper of the City of Aubum on November 28, 2011; and WHEREA8, said amendment to the 2012-2017 Transportation Improvement Plan of the City of Aubum was approved by the City Council by motion duly made and carried in said hearing. NOW, THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF AUBURN, WASHINGTON, HEREBY.RESOLVES as follows: Section 1. There is attached hereto and denominated as Exhibit "A," the terms of ` which are incorporated herewith by reference as tfiough fully set forth, a designation of the streets within the corporate limits of the City of Aubum to be improved in the manner therein set forth during the year set for the improvement of such street or streets. Section 2. That the City Engineer of the City of Aubum is hereby directed to forward a certified copy of this Resolution to the Washington State Department of Transportation foc filirig not more than thirty (30) days after the adoption of this Resolution. Section 3. That the Mayor is hereby authonzed to implement such administrative procedures as may be necessary.to carry out the directions of this IegislaUon. Section 4. That this Resolu4ion shall take effect and be in full force upon passage and signatures hereon. Resolution 4Z70 jjj Ciry ofAuburn Transportation Improvement Program DATED this_day of December, 2011 CITY.OF AUBURN PETER B. LEWIS , MAYOR ATTEST: - Danielle E. Daskam, City Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORM: , Daniel B: Heid, City Attomey , , . j� Resolution 4770 City ofAuburn Transportation Improvement Program Transportation Improvement Program 2012-2017 Table of Contents ExecutiveSammary......................................._...».................................................................................... 1 Introduction..»..........__............................»........._....••.._••••.__.............................................._........._.._. 1 Projects& Financing Plan Summary.....................................................................................................3 Financial Constraint Bz Fund Balance Summary.................................................................................. 13 RoadwayImprovement Projects. ...._............._...»......................................_......»................. 15 AStreet NW, Phase 1 ........................................................................................................................... 15 AWS Ped Improvements Dogwood to Fir............................................................................................ 16 AubumWay Cottidor Imp.................................................................................................................... 17 IStreet NE Corridor.............................................................................................................................. 1 S MStreet Grade Separation.................................................................................................................... l9 South277th Street.................................................................................................................................20 15th Street SW Reconstruction.............................................................................................................21 AStreet NW, Phase 2...........................................................................................................................22 DSueet NW..........................................................................................................................................23 FStreet SE............................................................................................................................................24 MStreet NE..........................................................................................................................................25 BNSF Railyard Grade Crossing............................................................................................................26 WestValley Highway Lnp....................................................................................................................27 8thStrcet NE Widening........................................................................................................................28 49thStreet NE....•••................................................................................................................................29 Traffic Calming Improvements.............................................................................................................30 124th Ave SE Corridor Imp. Phase 3....................................................................................................31 124th Ave SE Carridor Imp. Phase 1....................................................................................................32 124th Ave SE Corridor Imp. Phase 2....................................................................................................33 SE 320th Street Corridor Imp...............................................................................................................34 DowntownPromenade Imp..............................................•••.........................................•••••••....•••••...•••..35 Downtown Pedestrian Lighting............................................................................................................36 AWS Corridor Lnprovements Fir to Hemlock.....................................................................................37 MST SE Comdor.................................................................................................................................38 AubumWay South Bypass...................................................................................................................39 AubumWay South Streetscape............................................................................................................40 L.ea Hill Rd Segment ]..........................................................................................................................41 LeaHill Rd Segment 2..........................................................................................................................42 LeaHill Rd Segment 3..........................................................................................................................43 IntersecHonImprovement Projects.........................................................................._...........................45 Harvey Rd.8c 8th Street NE Im�..........................................................................................................45 8th SVeet NE&R ST NE(104 Ave SE U-tum)................................................................................46 Auburn Way North& lst Street NE.....................................................................................................47 Auburn Way South&M Street SE..................................•-•.............................................................•••..48 v City ojAuburn Transportation Improvemenl Progrmn Table of Contents (cont.) C Street NW&West Main Street.........................................................................................................49 FStreet SE&4th Street SE..................................................................................................................50 RailroadCrossing Imp..........................................................................................................................51 Auburn Way South&Riverwalk Dr SE...............................................................................................52 29�' St SE 8c R St SE..........•••••...............................................................................••••...............••••........53 Tra�c Signal &Iatetligent Transportation Systems Projects............................................».........�..55 TrafficSignal Improvements................................................................................................................55 ITSDynamic Message Signs................................................................................................................56 East Valley HWY ITS Expansion.........................................................................................................57 Non-Motorized &Transit Improvement Projects...............................................................................59 BNSF/Fast Valley HWY Ped. Underpass ...........................................................................................59 AcademyDrive Class 1 Trail................................................................................................................60 MetroShuttles.......................................................................................................................................61 Citywide Pedestrian Crossing Program........................................................•••••................•••••....•••••••...62 Citywide Arterial Bicycle and Safety Imp.....--•....................................................................................63 Citywide Sidewalk Improvements......................................................................................•••••......••••...64 ASt NE Ped. Imp..................................................................................................................................65 InterurbanTrailhead Imp....................................................................................................................••66 Lea Hill Safe Routes to School Improvements.....................................................................................67 PreGminary Engineering Bc Miscellaneoas Projects......_....................................................._.. 69 Mohawk Ptastics Site Mitigazion..........................................................................................................69 4l st Street SE&A St SE Access Study...............................................................................................70 S 277`" St Wetland Mitigation ..............................................................................................................71 104th Ave SE&Green River Rd Study...............................................................................................72 Env'vonmental Park Study....................................................................................................................73 Downtown to I,es Gove Non-Motorized Study....................................................................................74 S316th Bike and Ped Swdy..................................................................................................................75 KerseyWay SE Study...........................................................................................................................76 MaryOlson Farm Imp. .........................................................................................................................77 RoadwayPreservation Projects.............................................................................................................79 Annual Bridge Preservation Project......................................................................................................79 Annual Arterial Street Preservation......................................................................................................80 Annual Arterial Crack Seal Program....................................................................................................81 Local Street Imp.Program(SOS).........................................................................................................82 Project Sammary Spreadsheet ........................................................................Appendix A 2012-2017 TIP Project Map.............................................................................Appendix B vi Ciry ofAuburn Transportation Improvement Program EXECUTIVE SUMMARY The Transportation Improvement Program (TII') is .a 6-year plan (2012-201� for transportation improvements that suppoits the City of Aubums current and future growth: 1'he TIP along with the Comprehensive Transportation,plan serve as source documents for the City of Auburn Capital Facilities Plan which is a Comprehensive Plan element required by Washington's Growth Management Act:.The program may be revised at any time by a majority of the City Council aftera public hearing. The'2012- 20I7TIP recognizes approximately$217 million worth of transportation improvements(including Non- Motorized and roadway preservation)over the next sin years. INTRODUCTION Pnrpose The purpose of the TIP is to identify priority transportation projects and assure that the city has advanced plans as a guide in carrying out a coordinated'transportation program. There are always more projects than available revenues. Therefore, a primary objective of the TIP is to integrate the two to produce a comprehensive, realistic program for the orderly development and maintenance of our street system. Projects are required to be included in the TII' in order to be eligible for state and federal granu. Grant funding for projects Iisted may not yet be secured. Statutory Re.quirements Six YearTransponation Improvement Program - RCW 35:77.010 requ'ves that each city prepare and adopt a comprehensive transportation improvement program for the ensuing six calendar yeazs consistent with its Comprehensive Transportation Plan. 1'his six-year Transpor[ation Improyement Program (TIP) shall be filed with the Secretary of the Washington State Department of Transportation (WSDOT)each year within 30 days of adoption. Projects ofRegional Significance -RCW 35.77.010 also reguires each ciry to specifically seYforth those projects and progams of regional significance for inclusion in the transportation improvement program for tliat region.The2012-2017 TIP includes nine projects of regional significance: - - . TIP Pro'ecf Ndmber ---- — - - —- --- - -- ---- — -Pro'ect.Title.--- ---- - -- _ . . .. TIP#1 A St NYV,Phase 1 TIP#4 I St NE Cotridor TII'#5 M Street Grade Se azation TIP#6 S277 St Widenin 1'II'#14 West Valle Hi wa Im rovements TIP#50 ITS D amic Messa e.Si TIl'#51 East Valle Hi wa TTS Ex ansion TIP#58 AWS Corridor Im rovements TIP#61 Aalinrn Wa South B ass Executive Summary&Introduction 1 City ofAu6urn Transporlatron lmprovement Program Methodology Annual updates of the TIP begins with developing a revenue forecast to provide a reasonable estimate of funding available to accomplish the transportation improvement needs. Since the desire to construct transportation improvements typically exceeds the.available forecast revenue, it is necessary to establish some method of prioritizing the needs. Transportation needs are identified by examining the latest information concerning level of service, safety and accident history, growth trends, traffic sWdies and the Ciry's adopted Coinprehensive Transpor[ation Plan. The likelihood of receiving federal or state grants for various improyemeqts, community interests and values are also considered. All of these factors yield a prioritized list of transpor[ation iinprovements. Projects' are placed into one of the following categories; Roadway Improvements, Interseption Improvements, Signal & Intelligent Transportation Sysfem Improvemenks, Non-Motorized & Transit Improvements, Preliminary Engineering & Miscellaneous projecu and Roadway Preservation Projects. Each project is identified as a Capacity or Non-capacity improvement and those that lay within the limits of a defined Arterial LOS Corridor per with Table 2-2 of the City's Comprehensi4e Transportation Plan are identified accordingly. Detailed project costs and funding sources are identified and.provided for each project listed in the _ _ proposed TIP. The prioritized list is then financially constrained in the fvst three ybars to,reflect the financial projections to yield the six-year Transportation Improvement Prograzn. Atter completing all reviews and compiling the document staff mal:es final recommendations to t6e Planning and Community Development Commitfee and City Council for approval. 2 F�ecutive Summary&Introduction City ofAuburn Transportation Improvement Program Project§ & Financing Plan Sumrnary ' �3073 301J 20t4 2076 7018 2077 'Tdal . � 71PWRO�tlwavAnwowma�nProleem .. '1' YYStrsetNW:Plmsel��ft4.1�M�laiBmeiYbAPMwm2072f . .CepimlCash� " � -�-'"� --'1',8875� 1+.�0 .25AOa 3o0A�' . � TS.00O 26AOa 3,YB7¢oo �FwNnY3w�ma: -. .. . . ... UnmMtledStreetRmewe� 18.500� - � - 16�.000 - - - 189500 trano �as.aoo - - 7as,aao Tre1ACMPaGFem . 894.OU0. 25.000� �75.000 150A00 25A� . 25A00 4]4A00 . ONer ewlc men0 . 200.000'. - ... ..___--._ _ . _. _-__.._.._.—_--_. __ __.__.,-�.___—.4LOAG0 2 AubumWavSOUthPoMaManpnorouema�DOUwootlbFhff60K6osmladPrlorroR0771 � � � - . .. CepltelCOeb ' "t08,500 784,300 - - - - B90,BU0 Fun0lnp Sourcea: ' � � , UnieaMtleESCeatRe�anue 18,500 �3,500 - - - • � 90AOU ($end 80.000 AI0,800 - � . - - � - ' WOADO ONarSomma � , . .. . . ..._ _._ __..�_ _._... _ _'_.. _ '_ __' - '_'_'_._ . _'_ '_ _ ___'._. ____. ' " __ "-'_ _" �. M�bmnWevCarAdnpnmwameinaMM9tNEtoNhSt3� Cep9dCAem - - - - 878.700 9,000.000 i',818,700 � FuMInB So�iuma: � - .. �UntestlltleC�StreetReuenue _ _ - 170,OOU E00,000 TIOpUU Qanti(Fetl�Sdte.laap _ � , . - '70B�7W 7A�0�000 ��108�70C 1Y819CImpaclFees - , . . . . � .. � �ONer De�el me � 4 TStreatNECOrrkbr(St=AOO6tmMsdPrbrtoR01]1 . . 'Cepltal Coab Y68,3U0 � � • , - - 8.780,000 7A78,700 . Fundlnp Saurtaa: ' , , � � UnwetrlaeEStreetRe�enue zseaoo� • - - - - ,iaeaao Cianb(FeO,Sbte,LO�q - . - - - - 1,000,000 7,OGOACC TmIBCImVadFaea � • ' ' " " " Olher men ' 6,780,000 _- _ ' _ - ." '""_'___ __-_"__---____.—"—_-____._—___ - 6�--'IfSbsatfieds5aeemtlon(58.988d00Bto�ndedRbrlef01R1 ' . . � cavur�m �.seans eaessze. ,io,sm ,sosoo ,za.sou ,zo.sao ,ea,e,sea Fw�din0 Sowmn: � . . .. , ..Unme4ltledStreelRe�enue ' ' ' ' ' , �b6nb � � 4.787.836 4,Y08,�86� � _ , -. _ � AADOA00� REET1 - . . . . . � .. LaIACMP�Fees �� 981'.4� . ' - .170,500 1Tq;600 '13q600 120,600' 1��1{ip00� TmIACMtlOatlonFOa9 - - . � . . . . ��PWfFLOen - �336,889 - - ' . • .a,IZepB7. Otllel. entle9 � 2,088,800 1$49.4� � 0��. 8� SoWh277M-AUNrtnWNNMhb6aan18N�8'IAas(i19A00Bm��MetlRbrb201I1 . ' � . . . CeplmlCaab� - � - - 750,000 � - -- -� - - � - a,500,000 �4�B60A�0 FunN�ry Sourms: � - UnmeMdeEStreetRewnue isa,000 - • - - • ��Ano Grenti(FeA,SOeteLuap - -- - - • - . �2.00O,OOO :tAO0,000 TmIAcMDectFeee . .. " ' ' ' ' ' .. . .. OMer � la men � '2,600,000 iR 00 00 . . . .. .. ... ._..�.. ._'__.._ _.. . ... . _ . 7 tBMSteWFbeemvuetbn � - . . . . . . . .. � "CeplmlCaeh � " " -� � - -� -� 376,000 9AOU,000 � 3,178p00�� � FunWnpeourma: � . . . u��mme'seee�a���o . , -� -� -� - �s.dao�� soo.000 siaacu� amm c�asmm�:omm� - -� �- - _ aoo.om :s.soo.mo� �samaao a�:-- - — __ --_ _ - -----�_ -.. -' - 8 �Stra�tMN.%uaa3 __ _ . _ . __ ..- - _ ' - ' .' _ _. . CaPiplCoeb: - - - 750.000 - 3.000�000 0.750A00 - � FunElnp Sourcee: �. Un�eatrltbtl Sbee�Re�enue - - - 150,000 - - 760,U00 Grems(Fed,Smtelocel) -� - - � ,- 3,000,000 ]AOO,OGO � REET " " _ _ ' ' ' TmfflelmpaCFem • " " ' " ' " " OMU(DmelopemmQ Projects&Financing Plan Summary 3 � Ciry ofAuburn Tranrportation Improvement Program 2072 307J 1014 70�6 7078 7077 Tofel ]J�Roetlwavlmvrwement Proleele fCa�M.I f B D 8ReK NW.]7M�N 14Ml3B Mlllian Eawnd M771 � Cepryel Coap ' " ' ' • 300,000 ]OO�OOC � FunElnp Sourcea: I Unmsbictetl Slmel Reuenue • - - - - . - � OIellb - • - 26tl.00D 250,00U ,..___ Tmlfic ImfiBC Feea 60.000 60.00G 10 F Street SE 4M ro ANIS(SB.00O Exeentletl PMrtn M19 CeDttdCoets - - 250.000 2.250.000 - - 3da0.W0 Funtlhry Sourtes: Umaahictad Straal Rewnue - - - - - • - Granb(Fetl,Slete,LOCel) ' ' 200,000 2.o0U.000 - - 3,30o.G00 REET ' ' " ' " " " Tre1HC Impeet Faea - - 50,000 250,000 - - �00,000 r_. . _ Other Saurcas 11 MSheetNE.EYelnroYli I CepltalCosls - 60.000 276.000 1.t50.000 - - t.p9,000 I Fumm�B Sowms: Umeablmad Street Reumiue • ' ' ' ' ' ' � C,Yaniy ' " Y15.000 1.OIX1.000 - - 7,t73.00G � Ta1Mlm�ctFees SOA00 50.000 1W.000 750.m0. 12� GreEeSemnletl fieealne e16N9F Re1NnMlf11 Mllllon EeuonE 20171 CeyRa�Caaeg " " ' 125.000 - 1�000.000 7,778,000 Fundlnp Soutms: UnrolACted Slrcet Revenue - - - - � - - OreMa - . _ 725.OW - - 126,000 Other(Oe�lonmen0 7.000.000 1�,OUq000 r14 WeatVellevFfiwlmnroreme�ff2.27�.000EYeendeOPrbrle1017) � CeC9eiCosn SA� ' " ' " ' B�aW � PunEInBSowces: � UnrestrlePL Street Rm�enue 5.000 ' ' ' ' " g,00p Ca�il�g ' ' ' " " ' ' . REET'j _ ' _ . _ _ . T�ffieWBOetlm�Faaa " ' ' " " � . haMC Imom Feea 16 BthSbastNEWltlenlmfWke3treettoRStraetNE1 cwneico.a - • aso.000 i.000.oaa - - �ASU�om Funtll�p Souw: Unreatrictetl Streal Ravanua " " ' " " " ' Grenb(Fad�Slete.LOCeI) " " 990.000 800.000 - . 1.180�000 REET ' " ' ' " " ' Tralflc ImpeG Feaa - - BU,OOU 200,000 - - 290,000 Otler Saiame r— - - - ' �e aam scee�r�r�a�eum wa�uenn m M sneee� � capW co,° - - - aso.oao z.saoAOO - a,aso.aao I� Fumtlnp 9mams: ' Un�oMeKtl Streal Rewnua ' ' ' ' ' ' ' � Oranb(FeC�Stata.Laca� � ' ' ' ' ' " � qEE7 ' ' ' ' ' ' ' Tmllle MLM�tlon FwGS ' ' ' ' ' ' " � a�me�o�n esa.a� x soo.mo �,�sn.om. `- - �.t TreTe Calmino ImaeuemeM� CepXelCoab Y00.000 200.000 3(q.000 200.000 200,000 ZW.000 7�2U0,000 Fundhq Sauw: Unrcstritletl Cap.M0.Funda " ' " " " " ' Grmrts(FW.Stace.laeep " " ' " ' " " REET2 ' " ' " ' " ' ONerlRed�M�A Z00.000 300.000 Y00.000 400.000 200.000 ZOD.000 1300.000 4 Projects&Financing Plan Summary Ciry ofAuburn Transportatron ImprovementProgram 3072 7077 2074'_ ' �2016 1016 3077 Tobl . j�/Roetlwavimo�mnmenePralecblContl ' :�9 12�M'AveSECeM4orlmorovemendP�eee1 , CepllelCCero " _ " " 7�0.000 75D.000�. :eb0,W0�. , .FU�ip,Sauca: . " . . � Unm6Mmd�SUeetRevanue , ', � .". ' " _ ' . ' . ... , CirenlalFed.5lete.l.oraD . ' . � - � �BB.000' BBD�OW � 776A�0; . ' . T�slficimpadFeee .. :-. ' . .-. . - � . 18,000.. . 100,�00 � 115,000'� . . _OMai&ou�. ___'. . _ .._ ' ' _.__ • .. _. __._.. '_ '___'_.:..—_ .-..___... __ _.- _ . .__. -. . � �0 12�M Ave SE Cortltlorlmemwmanb Phees 7 . ' � ... . � ' Cepifal Cwb 50,000 75U.000 1.750p00 " " " 1,8�,OG0 � FwullnO Sourcrs: � . UnreaWCleE 5treat Hawnue _ . . ' " ' " C+anh(Fr1.9ete.Wml) - ' 725.000 7.585.000 ' " " 1,BBG�000 . . TmlficlmpaGFeea � 50.000 . 25.000 1B5.W0 - . 280.000 � 011mr Soumea - . ' 41 1Sph�AVeSECarrldarlieereueinenbPliem4 . . . _ . . � CBpIIaICOlO.- -.• . � _ 70A00 . . q30.0001 1.000.OW � _ . . 1,760�000. . Fu!vBnY Sqrt?isr � � . . . , . .. ..UmmMdad Sheet Rawnue - . .. ' ' ' . c,iamsiFea:sie�edace�l � �- . -� �oo,000. ees,aao- . sss�aoo, r�mci�+F�; ao,aoo so,aoo �aF,aao . a+s,up - . �.oaur"so�— � ------.,._.._.—__..—�._:,_.` . _ ... . ' II �SE170MStGortidmlmorowma�rtt� � � . .CaplfelCmb .�. - �30.000 80.000 SB0.000 - � 870�OG0 ' Funtlln9 Sourw: ' - UnresMGM Sireet Reuenue " � " ' ' " ' ' ' OrmR(Fad.Stab.Locel) • - • 57.500 503�700 - . 86t.600 TralficlmpeqFaes - - 90,000 8,50D 77,800 - 118,A00 OIMr Sourw _'_ '_ _. .... '__ _ ' `_ _ '_'. . ___ ..__ ... '. '._ _ "_ _ ____—_'_ .__ _. —____ _ - .`__'_ 6t ' GptelCosta. . . t�5.000 ' ' ' . . ' ' 1�6,ppp�. fuMlnp Somep: � ' � ' CChmii4ffedaaq:� &5�100� - . . . . . . . _ - .6Cy100� . :qEE7y � . � _. _ _ . _ ' . " :Otlmr fiOBondt . -88800. � l-.. .. . . � .-��. . : . . . -. . .: - . . 900, . 67 OowMOwn PatleeWen LlaMlna . . � . .. • . • ""' caorcei coan se;soo - - - • - oe.soo w�a��a sw,�: � � - Grarta(FeUemq ' " ' _ ' • .. REET7 ' ' " " ' ONer C30 Bantls . 39'. _._ .-_ .- . _._ . . .. . . .. ..,. _ . .. . . ..... . . . .. . 68 AuEUmW8v5oulhCOrtltlorlmoloVemeMSFlrtoNemlocklS7B8�00EfueMeeNlor1n70171 � . . CepIRIC6std. . '- . . . . . - ' 2,776.7fq. - . . - . . _ . . �. ; . . - . • �.=�TJ8�70p . Funtl1�0 Sa�: � . .UmesMme7SUmfRmenua � " " ' , ' " . :Qm�9 � 2/88A00 - . . - ._. . - _ '3.189.�00 - T�dficlmPadFam - - - - . " - - ' . ._.;OMer r1Ma�odt - ____-'.— ..54700D--'---_".- -_ "'— ._._ _'____"_'_'_ "'_'__'_e{7". BO M gtleet SE CeMler f2TX St 9E m AN191 � � Cepitel Coab " " � " " 1.886.100 4.745.100 - 8�6b,80U FunNnO`�°urcen: . . UniesMCletl Streef Rewnue - • • , 234,000 234,000 • . 468,000 Gtenb(Fetl,Stele,txd) - - - � . 987,800 3,Y<9,800 - , .],6.46,l0G . TrelM1c ImpaG Fxa - - �• 7.283.8�0 1.P63.800 - .. 2,637.200 REETy " " " " _ " OMer Sourau � Projects&Financing Plan Sirmmary 5 City ofAuburn Tranrportation Improvenrent Program _ . 2013 407] .707� 3076 2078 2077 . ' TWN �� ' . � _.. . __ _ . _ . _ _ ` . _"— ' _ .. '__. �...__'_ - 87 __ . �y. .CeG�CASb. .. ... . � .' ' ' ' . 80.�fi0A00 80.A60.000 �FundlnBSOU�: . .. - .- . ...UmeaMVed Srtee1 Revmue - � - ... . ' _ ' � - . - (irenb,(Fed.Smle�lad)�. . . . - .. ." " •. ' 80A�.� . mA�Am . TtelAclmPeaFms ' ' .'. ' '. ' ... . REE7R . . . _ . . . '" ' ' . . . . . . . Ot�er Seu�¢s � . . 87 �AubumWevSaMStnebeerolmo�ownw�rta � .. CaP,�Coele " " " " 7.B50.00U 2.800.400 l,7fi0,�0 � Fu�Wing Souw: ' UnmaMCeE Street Reuenue . - . - 400.000 �OO.OW l00,000 � G�m�b(Fe0S1ffie.Loceq " " " " 1.200.000 3.OSOA� �.3b0.000 TmflklmV�Fem_ "" ' " " ' '. " . gEER . • _ " " ' _ " , 011iarSau�ma ' -350000 ..350 _ 700 ' . _ _" " _." _ _'_"' ___. "— __ _ . ._ __ ' . . � '84� Lire XIO ibnd Seamerrt 1 fMh St NE fiom R St NE ro/0/M Are SEI CaP�COab � " ' . ' " 8�2517�000� 78.450.000 2�,700AOU - `FunNnO�urtma: �. . ' UmesMCtedStreelRevariue: . � - - ,... �. . 9UD.W0. 7.250.000 7p00,000 . � CumMe(Fe7�8tale.LOr2p " " . . - . 8��,�0� 7�730A0� . ejB0,00C. Traflli ImpaC Fesa ' ' - ' ' ' 1�,230.000 1,26G.000 � pEE77 ' ' ' ' _ ' _.ONerSOUims___.___ ..____. '. .__. _.__"' —_— .."_ _ _____'—____.45060a._ __7Ymoo0o. _ 1 . . " !8 LeeMIIlSeoment2ltWtl�RVeSEm11]NAve3E1 ' ���ro_ _ .-_ . _ - ' " " " " 71.�00.000 11.�OOA� Fimtl1�0 Souw: . . Unrt�tritlatl Streat ReYeiw � - . - - . ' � G�entn(Fed.Stele.LOrN) ' ' .. . - . B.00O.OW eAao,00o � . . . . ._. _. , . .. .�. pEET ' ' ' " ' ' - . TretAC ImP�Fces . ' ' ' ' " ' 4./D0.000 tM0.000 � . . . . _ _..... . .. . .. OttwrSOUrtsa. � _.,.. ,CePiml Coab.. �...... . .. .. ... . ..... . . . . : , _ � .. ' 9.576.000 J.!'16.000 .� ^ -.FunEInOSOUrma: ' ' . . � . . _ . . . ... _ . . . � UrveetrlileA Street Ravenue'� _ ' .-. - � _ � . - 260.000 � 7E0�000 � Granb(F�:Smb�Lou7 � . � . , - � � . . 2.1D0.000 5,700,UW TreAlclmP�Fees� � - �- � - � . . � � 7(qA00 7GqWG . REtT2 ' ' ' ' ' -. . . . OtlarSourma . .. . . _ . .. . _ ' .. ' .' -_ S35 GP�ICaaR��` -72�920�7]B 9�82{�77L 3,R6G�600 9,700.Y00 77.BB1,80Y 718,�.10,600 172,1BB,087� . Fumm�p8ouma - � UnmaMCOeaStree[Rauenua Q0.700 43.500 - 554.000 t.71B4O00 9.000,000 6,176,WG O�anb .7.887.035 5,074.285 2.{50.000 5.398.900 11.593.800 .88.1$0.000 121,3i8,700 TroIACMP�Fxs �7.985.�00 1�0.000 Bm.500 P.277.BU0 t.502.000 4.815.500 �. 70.661p00 .TrelAC Mitlpetlon Fen - � � �� PWTF - 9�]28�BB3 " " " ' ]�a8,Y83 . REET2 ' ' ' ' ' - _. OMer(MUWeahootTrlbe) 6Q.300 ' " ' " 047,J00 oamr(ftedna� � 2aa.oao - zon.000 zoo.ona zno.aoa mo.aao saa.000 . - t,xooAOa ' OMef(OMiBfApancie9) .. 2.088.800 . 7.249.100 • ' " 7,]A8,20G ' ' Otner(GO Bo�ntls). . 129.M0� ' " " ' . . ...128.�100 omerry�ap�np soo.oao - - eso.00a 2.sao.aoo e.zeo.000 � +x,e+o,000 � ONefSoufcas 8IX1.000 73.075.000� t7.876,000 TdNFUntlInO 12,928,7J8 9AU�728 3,3W,600 9,100.800 17,eeA,800 �718,iJ0,900 '173.198,861 6 Projects&Financing P1an Summary Ciry ofAuburn Transponatron Improvemenl Program IOtt . 3013 .tOU 2016' . ]Ot� 3077 Total . i1W A�Iirt�GlnnhnwowmuqVmNCb. _ _' _ ' _ . - . . ____ ._ _ _ _ '" _' - _ _ _'_ 17 .. . _ _ . . . . B _" �CBp�elCmfa � 87.800 l6,BOU� 88,600- 98.OW �85,800 85,200 677,6D0� . :Fimm�y��6oucas ` � � Unmet�l�ie7'Streot Rwanue - , ' , - ' - , - - . �OramelFatl.Siata.:�aca-0 � - � _. . TteRClmpeCFeea �87,]00 '86,B00 B6,fi0� BB,U00 :B6;W0 86,�0'. 617,�0' . ..Olher Retlk � ... .. . ,. . . _ . . . . _. 7B� bR TN Im 1 000E and� P r • � GptalCocn 33],000 - - - - - ' - Funtli^➢Soucos Ume3lncmG Strwt Rwanue 137,OOD " " " " " " : G�ama(FeEeraA 50�000 " " " ' - . . REEf2 76.000 - • � • - _ - . Tialfic hnVnp Faea _ " " . " " . _. " " Otler emle �6000U ' . . . __ ' _ __ __ . ._- . . ._ .. _._.___.. _. ,_ . _ ._ .^,. _ _ '_ ._ _. . 19 AuEUmWaYNeM(.UtSVeetNE8lpnNlmprow�omh ' . � LePpelLasb . - .W.000 �660.000 - .. - .BWp00' � , 'FUntln9SO�[w: � ' . WIt69MCOfESlleet$6vmlm -� 'SQ000_• .724000' ' -. - . .. •Y70�000� oremn � � - - �.<sGaoo. • . . • iie.cuo' -.OIMrSomcee_.__'_'_-_'.___' '__.____".. - `_'__"___' . __ .. ... _ _ ..-,_ ' � . 7o AubumWayBOUmantlN&reat6El�rtanaWenlmprovemmb�f]b,00OE�enAeCPtlorM1011� - �GpItalCmta 76,000 1,000,000 - - - - � 7,07lp00 Fwtlinp Sovcos: .. . Unrealtictetl Straet Rmenue 7fi,000 - - - - • ri,000 Omnb - BW.000 " " ' " ' 080,000 Tiefic A4EpeCOn Feea 150.000 �1(0,000 .... , ._�.,_._ _ .. .... _ . _ . __.__._v�__.... .... . . - - - - . ._. ..._.. . . 31 C Btnat NW siM.WM Ytln ffireat. � . . . . . �� � wpemco:m " ica,om- �,aoo,000. - - . �.�oo,wo. -.FUimN�BOUCSS: ' � � . Ihvert6ceeE Strad Rwanue. - 10.000 -300�000 - .-. . 310,OG0� . ' �mnb � - ' 80.000� �800.000 �-� �- - AlO.OGO _'OUrcSoveei..—_-_____'_._''--_ __�.__-__ _'.-' __'_ '_"'___-_ __'"'_-_ _'__'' - 36 FSISE�nAtlhSteETnrtkSq�ul(!]W,000E�anCetlPnorromtx� . � � � Gptd Caab t.a00 ' " " ' ' t,0U0 FwCirp Saiuees: IlrceelticletlSVmtRevmue 7,000 . . . . . 1�000� Gienn • " ' ' " " ' . . �OtlarSOUicu Projects&Financing P[an 5u»rmary 7 - _ City,ofAuburn Transportation Improvement Program . ]0�12. 1017 201t 2016 .101i � :20fl: TaLI . . . .:- >._ ' ' a b mnrt P a _ ... . . . - . . .. -.. . _ � 7e.�.wmoaaun.Nepa.rorylmpm.mnew . ' � ' . . . ', . � CBPbBICaeb - ' . � - - 7.Y07.000�. � 7.800.000: � i�000.000' F�mdinp 9ovem: . . .. � . . � . . . . ... . . . � .11rceatdctedSCm�Ravanue�. ... . . • .. 7W�OW 1W�W0� - �360.00U ' �G�aNe � � . ' . . . - ' .7�i00.000 - ' 1,860.OW-� , - 0.760�000 , 'OlherSOiee>a � ' � - . . � �]'.AUOUmWeyBouthiRlvawalkNtenectlonlmprowmanb� ' - �P„alCoata . . . � • - 150.000 2,Y50.W0 - ],400,000� . � Fun0lrp Souiiea: . ' ' -'.Urreat�cta0 Streat Reueriue ' ' ' " " ' ' GrnMa , " ' " 1Y5.000 1p51.00� . 1078,000 —"TmficMOmFms ___ ." " " __ 25.000 .288.OW _ "_' '"_i_"_— ]2AA00" . ._ .. ..,. .._..._. .._ . . . .... . . _ _._ .._ . ._ ... .. .. � . . . .. ..., 6]� tBM9eaR6EiR9npSE � � . . ' GGpW�Cwts ' • -. . • .2945�OW '7F�A00 Fmd�q Sovicea: - _ � � . _ . . . . � . U�na41Ck75QmlRwenue� .- _ . . - � .' � GwmnlS�eiej. �. . .. ,. . _ . � . � 2,aas,000 'rs�aAOO . Tremc o'nan qam ` , - . . - - �ezn.om � exo,aou . ..OttwrSameaa._. 1_ . . .. .'. -- - ._..._ . . .. -� � . -. __ .. . . . . , _. - .. .. . . � .. _—__ '_ _ — . - .. . _ . _. _ . _ .. . _ _. � SuEbT�I.hilemGlonlmo.PioNas:' . . . � GOIW CoW- .. ` ' /84]00 �� 1.t0l.B00 1.eJ4fi00 1,Nl.000 t.t06.800 i,000.200�. 11,870�l00, FunElnp9oumn•. � " ' Unmp�ctatlSbeetRmanue 23J,000 10,000 325,000 700,000 160,000 - 87l,000 OrBnta 50,000 830,000 1,�35,000 1,2]5,000 3,001,0�0 2,325,000 �B�3M,000 TMIlehnpaetFees 87,300 88,900 86,500 111,000 384,900 �705,200 '7,�Bt,WG Tre1RC64Upe1bnFem - 150,000 . - - - 760,000 REET3. ..• . ' 75.000 ' " " " ' � 76�000 Ol�er(ReOMp b0,000 ' � 60.000 . . ToHlFUntllnp 4f6,]00� � 1.2]8,90G 1,8]6,600 ' 1�!]6,OW �,136.800 .],0]0,200' - 11A7G.W0' 8 Projects&Financing Plan Summary City ofAaburn Tranrportation Improvement Program - . 7017_ _ ...201] . IOU ]016 1018 � 3017 Tefal. � IIPa e • n • m - - ._., .__"'""..__. .__ "___ ' _ -.. . _' _._ .�� TnleeSlp'ullmproramanb � ' �CeplN�Casb t]6.0� 776,000 170.000 176:000 � 175,000 175.000 tA60.W0. ' F�nNnp 6ouEee: . WvslriCatl SM1eet Ravave ' " ' " ' " " OmMa " "" ' " " . . 7Ye19c ImpaU fao _ - - - ....Otlw EET. _ A7 �� .77b m� 177 0� �17 �000 77bW0 7)50�0' 6G000' 60 R8DUnnnlcNarwSlan�QltOKWwM30�61 ' CepYal Can - - �a,o00 - 420,a00 - MO,C00 Fimdi�q Sourem: . .. . � Urrcap�c0ed Straet Rauanue . - 30,000 - J0.0�0 - 80�000 . 02ma .. . " " t8U,000 . - 180,000 - 7lO.ODO. ' -Tremc ImOea Faa " " ' , . , _ _ ' OtherIREETR)..__ . -""'_. " ' '"' . __ " '. _._ '_ .' —'- ' .'___"""_"'_.__"_____—_�'_� _ _'_ "_'_'__'" _ "._. ..""'___'___"-'__'_ '.. .'__'_. .... . .. . . 6P EapV�ltevXlel�wevR9Em�mlon. ' . , ..GptelCaau ' __: .... ._. . _ BW.OW. . _ r _. t . �900.OU0� � Fin01nY 9aNCea: � " '. - � . .. � Unro»IICNeE81roe1Revenue� � . . ' "' - '. , . ' , ' . .Or6m� � . . . �972A00�. . - - � -. ' - aR.wO; lYatllC Ilnpaq Fae� � ' - tO8A00. . . .. . .. � . , �� . .70E�000 ...Otlwr EEM _ ""'-'..__'__'_."..�_"__..___.___...""_____�._..._ � ..:.� . BuEmn1.R8 Pmlacb: .. . _ �_ -' . __� . . _ ' ' ' ua�eo.0 17q000 076A� ]04000 176,000 ]96,000 176,000 1,2�0,000 ,FU�N09wmp . - . . . . . llnrotl�ctatl5bnetRmenue - - 3Q000 � - 30.W0 - . l0,000 G�ama � � � - 882,000 180,000 � - 190.000 - . ..tA�3.000 . TmMlclmpr�Faaa fO8,00D � 700,000� REET2 A75000 - '175000 17600U . 17b�000 175000 -775000 .�1 60000� TefalFUnElnp 1 000 . . .e 00 ]B '" �000 J ,000 t 6,000� -. -�t,3f0. 0� Projects&Financrng Plan Summary 9 City ofAubrrrn Transporlation Improvement Program ' .7072 707] 101�� 3016 .7078. ..7017� _ Total en ete 8 - . . . . . . . . - . .. - .. }�. BNSFIE Ve11ev Nlelm��iv PeibeMm�Uneem�roslSII4:OW Eaee�Med PAo�10]M2 S6 Mlltlen Sme'M]MT � � Cepflel Conb� ' . ' ' - _ - - '_ ' - . . .__ c ' ' _ 4.800.000 �.800.700 � FunNn7 Sau�rm: . . . _ _ . .UmBSbkl�G SVbe1 Rewrnw ' ' '"' ' ' ' (AMU . - � - - . - . �1.S9Q�0 �A�OA� ' .OIMr(OtlrorAOemhal�. __ ' . .�. __�____'.'_-_'-"'.__'__:250.000. . ._.__�.]EOAOU. . . _ ._ . .. .. . _ " _ _' _ . .. _. ____-____-_.. ]A AWemvO�IwMUttlalpha0 ' ' caPrcm com - - - w.oao azs.oao ass.oao soo,om FuMinp Souimc . . '.LlnroaWtlaCStreatRavenue ' " " 50.000 4Y.W0 42,500 � � 736,OW GreMa . " " " .382.500 382�500 ,786.000 OtMr .. . .. . ., . ..___'..__. . ._. . __ "._ _ .. . i6�:MErno snuine: aut�m eemmunin,na�w;ta�a sn�. � , . caPnwcos�. - ap,wo - - rio,000 uo,� iao,000, sso,wo 2zo.000 t.o:o,aoo � F.wtlinp'Sau�: � - . ..UmeetriUetlStreatReuemm 220�000� 720.000 ��2RO.OUO' �Z10,000 .'720,000 'Y20,OD0 1.1]O,G00 .. . � GmMe .� � . � � _ ' ... _ ... � Tralllc pn Fees - .. . - 00 Cllwitle PodesMen Lmeeino Proomm " . . . . . . . , . . . - � . CBpitol CAeU � 100,000 - 100,000 - 100,OQ0 - 000,OGU FunEmG 6du�ces: . ' . . . . '� . 'UnmalrlttetlSbeatRevanue 100,000 - 700.000 - 100,OOO . ]OOy00 � Grame - _ " " " ' � '. Omu. 17. Clttip!itla'ArtMnl Bleueh end BeteN bnmuv. . . . . . � . GCNeICmb 700.000 1W.000 100.000 100.000� �1W.00D 1GQOOU b�OA� FuntllnB Sw�ces: ' . � Wueabl�tetl6traetRSVantr tOG�000 700.000 1W�000 700.000 70D.�0 700.00U W0.G00 . G� .. . ' ' ' .' 011w u � CepltelCos4 M.000 780,000 20.00o t80.000 20.00U 780.000 800A77 fwqinp SwRea: ' UMeaItlCedCeO.MP.FUMS 20.000 780.OW 2U.000 180.000 ZO.OW 180�OW 800,07G GlBf4p " " ' " " " " ONer REER . . u ceami casu. - - . �so.000 +eo.ma Fwitllm 9oumee: - . " , 'Urrtaattkteif5treetRaveriue ' � "' '" ' " Gmntn .. ^ � � - 16Q000.�. . -. - Tlp�ppp_ . ....TmQk Fam.__""_-._'�._.._._�..__"_�._...__'"' .' _ ._'.:__ �_ . . .� ' 46 hHavAiin Twllhei�d Imo�areme�m '_ � _ . _ _._ __ . . . . . _ . -.._ .. � � coo�ico.ia - -� . zm,000 - - z�o,coo . Funtlbp Soumm: Unrcalrieted BVae!Revenue " ' " " ' ' ' , Grellte - - - P70,000 - - 27D,W0 -.TreMklm Fap - _.__ "__ '._..�. .. .V_...."__'_"�'__ "_�__'_' ..___ ._ '_ " __._._ . .. . . . _ . . . . . _.._. . 68�'�LaeN108afa'Neulasro8ehootimeiweme� � . . ._. �.. CaORelCOele - . .. � .. .�373�'AO' °� - • - . - . 37],6m: . FundlnBbaumea:. . . . . . UrnaaVkted Stmet Revenue ' ��. . ... - .. Gronb �373,WU ' . ' ' ' ' ' S7��gpp. Tr6Rklm � Feo.�_ _"." � ._'.--__.__ "'._-_.__ _-'_-._-_,..____'__"'-"_ � SuEtetel.Nen.IAMeAZeA i Tmml[Probete: CapfelCoeb 913,500. 500,000 440,000 910,000 865,000 5.725.OW 8,367,60U FlmmnO 8owms � . � llnroaDicledBVaefRewnue 420�WU 3Z0.000 440.000 370.000 162.500 3fi2.500 3.786AOG GrBnb. . . 373.50�� - ' 360.OW 382.500 4.832.500 0.7JB�600 UnreBVicYetlCeP.hnG.FUnC9 '7A.OW 190�000 20�000 780.000 20.W0 780,000 .80Q000 Oltror(ONaApendee) 250.000 TS0.000 TutdFmMinp �E73,600� 600.000 M0.000 810,000 886,000� 6,726,000 B,781,600 10 Projects&Financing Plcm Summary City ofAuburn Transportation Improvemen!Program . 3013 .301� M1{ 201b 3016 t017 Tolal . � _ _ _ _ _ �A7, '_ _ __'_.—'_' . CeP�falCOnfn " - . ' ' ' " Y3.000� ']0.000� 25AOD 70A�0 � �.25Am 85A00 1DO,OGO PuMNp Sowcea: - . . . . . .- . . . 'Unr�O Str'st Reumue ' ' " ' ' p�p _ ' ' � .TmMCi Fm—_'_'_.. . __'YSOOOe_." '.'1A000'- _'_ .y�,:: . _ ]0000-. __..:Y5000 . . �..�85 ._ . 7 000 17 47�t Slraet SE ma A Slnst SE Aeeeu Mm�aema�rt SIUW - � CBpItaIC09te 2,000 - - - - - 2,000 Funtllnp Sww: - UnrnitlUetlStrctRevenue 2,00� - - - - ' - :R,ODU � Granin ' ' ' ' _ ' ' Tremc ImDe�t Faes� ' tB So.2771h.YVetle�M Mttlaatlen ff70/.000 Exeantletl PMrte R0111 � . . �COpNelCmis 25.000 ' 25.000 ?5.000 ' " - 76.000 � FuMhq Souw: Unre+trktetl Stree1 RaVmue .Y5.000 25.aa0 25.000 - - - 76,000 Granty ' " ' . ' " " ' Trelllcl Feea � _ "_' . _— _. _— ' _.__ __ . " _ _'_ _...—____"_" . _ — '_—__—__—_—,___——____-_ � �IB 1 WN Aw 5E i O�een Rirei Roe05W W ftt000 Eaee�MeE Pr1a to 30131 , .. .._..___� CepI�ICaRS � .9.Om � .- • .-. - :5000 ,FunNn9 SwRea: � UnreitriCeCStreetRaumue 9.000. - � .- - _ ._. .0,000 cmny ' . '" ' ' " ' TrsNk 1 aet Fep ' - � - � ' . B EnNronmenlnlPSrkXaetlwevlmorovemenGStuM � � 'CepllalCoatn - - - - 5,00� - 6,000 FunEinO Sou�cea: lMma0lGad Street Revmue - - - • 5,000 -� 6,000 . Gren�e . .. ' " ' ' " ' ' Tre�lel .. ..Fee� � �N. Downtown to Lee Onw NwMblorltetl Imoro�wmmttn SNEVl32.000 B�neiiWG Prbrto tQf21 � � .. - C�Ilel CmR . � 70.000 - --""' ". . - : . . - .- . �-. .. 1G.000 wmxm sa,rm: unrc�ee suw t�ue io.mo . � � � ta,000 cre�u _. . : 7rax� Paas �!8 3]78M St 9kxb B�Pedeebinn ImvmvemeM ShMv(f7.000 Rim�Matl Priorlo 701I1 . . . . . CepllalCwU S.WU " ' ' " " bA�O FuMlnp Sources: . .. UnieeMCYetl SVeet Re�enue 5.000 " ' " " " 6,000 Omnb " " " " " ' - Troflk Imped Fem -.. . _' ' . . _ ... __. _ . . . .. . _.. . . . _. _. .. ._..' '_' . '_'__._ ..�_'.,._. ___._._�_ "_'___ ' � 64 KeneuWevSniLV - � . . . . . � ...�Gpkal.COSb:- . . � � 700�000 � - � . _. � �9.860�000. ' . . ' . �A�F��. PuntlNpgowcea:. . : � � � ' � . .' ' . �, . UnieeMCedStleetRewiue� , .-, � �;.. . .. - .�500.000' � � • - - , ��- . �Q0o,000. Orxnt � - . -. � '� . J.15�,000 � . ' ],1E0,000'� Tr�IICMI anFms 500000 � lC0000' 6fi MervOlaonFerm . _. . . . . .._ GP�I fmb 1.000 ' ' ' " ' 7.000 FuMl�p Saurrx UmmWdatl SVM Revenue -1.000 /,000 GrmMS ' _ ' " " " ' ' Tralllc Imoeel Fees �SuMMeI.Rel.Em.aM MMe.Rokeb: � � capiweonm intAOO �s,00a w,am' - s��a,oao so,000 es,ouo s,�sf,mo Funtllnp Samcec . • UmmstrlUed Sbaet Revanue 4B4O00 25.000 25,OOU 500.000 5,000 - 801.000 ' . ' Omnb -� " " 3.150.000 - - 7.150.000 , T�alllc MNIO�n Faes 700,000 - - - - - 200,000� TrelAClmpaclFees Y6,OOU ]0,000 25,000 20,00� Y3,00� 85,m0 180.000. TotalFUntllnp 77�,000 ' 46,000 50,000 ],870,000 70,000 85,000 J,1N,000 Projects&Financing Plan Summary 11 CityafAuburn Trcrosportation Improvement Program ¢au :mo aau m�s m�e mn __ Torei ]J�RmdwevP1emrvetlonProlecb . . . . .- . - . �3! AnmaI.B�WpiRewivatlonPmject . . . CqImlCOeta. . 60.U00 50.000 b0.000 fiO.OW 60.000 60.OW . �00:000 FwMMY Swmas: . . UnresCldeE�StreetRevenue 'W,OOU 50,000 50,OOD� 50.000 60,000�� -50,000 �00,000 , G�. - .. .. . . .. . _ . ' TMlle 1 � m!FeeS� . �06 AnnuN ARadd Siroat Presarvatlon. . ... . . .. . ._ . . .� WpIfalCwta 1,300,000 1,900.000 1.90U,000 1.300,000 �.900,000 1,300,000 7,800,000 FuiMInO�urcen: UnraMtlUeE Sbeat Revenue • - ' " ' '- - Grerite " " " " " " Artalat Strae1 FunE 105 7� 0 000 7 900 000 1 30D 000 7 300 000 1 3�000 7 30U 000 7 0 000 ... . - . ..... ..._ - . . _ . . ._. . . . . . . . . .. . .. .. . . . 'ae AnnudMmMlCrackeedPropmm � Gp1bI�CuMb'� 300.000 200.000 '2UD.UOD. ��200.000 t00.000' 300.000 . t,100A00 .FIU1Nn0 Souimi: UmeaMtled8tl8etReumue� � ' "' _ " ' '. GretHn. . . . . ._.. � .. _.MMNSIieetFunA.iaS-__'__- 000_._-300000_-.. 000 30U000-- 000-- _ OG�.__-t J7 laCelBbaQ Pressmtlan Pmgrem SOS .. . ' . ' GpMalGnb 2A00.000 2.000.000 4.000.000 2.000.000� . Y.000.000 � I.00O.00D . 13p00,000 Funein09outms: ' ' UnreeWtled Stred Revenue - - - - - - - Omnb _ . � _ " " . .. - LacelSbeetFUn0107 2.000.000 2.000.000 Y.00D.000 � 2.000,000 R.000.000 I.WO.00D 71,000.000 6ubtehl.Fraeervatlon Moieeta: � . CapltelCOeLL 7,560,000 J,880,000 J,860,000 7,560,OOG J,860,000 �,WOA00 t7,J00,000 FunElllp 8ourcas �UnreaMCOeCSbeetRe�anue 50,000 50,000 60.000 50,000 50,000 50,000 � 700,000 Arleflel Strcel FuM 10.5 1,500.000 7.b00.000 1.SOD.000 1.500.000 '1.500.000� 1.500.000 8,000�000 �LOfaI5tr88iFUnd103 ' 2.00D.OW T.000.000 4.00D.WO 2.000,000 2.00O,WO � Z.000.000 12,000.000 . . TofelFUntlin9 �.CbC.000� ��660.000 i.SW�000 A560.000 9d30.000 3.660.OU0 Z1.777.W0 _ " _- _ . _ __ . . _ . b1WMARV: CA%TAL C0375 , . . �ROadWayPro)aOS 72.B48.735 8.874.128 32W.500 B.t00.800 77.88,.800 �7tB.970.50D 172.198.l8] - IntmmcfimP�. �85.300 1.238.800 7.898.600 7.{38.000 4.195.840 3.030,200 77�B70�H10 Slpnd 6 RS PmJxb . 7)5,000 875,000 995,000 '175,000 995,000 - ' 775,OOD 3,290.000 NonMOlcrizeOPm�xb 877.W0 600.000 140.000 910.000 885,000 5.725.000 8,287,600 . FU.Enp.antl Mlfc Pm�aM 277�.000 45.000 50.000 ,3.870.000 30,000 85.000 �.1J7,000 PmeervetlanProjade 3.550.000. 3.650.000 3,550.000 .3.550.000 3.SW.000 3.550.000 . t7,�00,000 TotdCOSta 7l,Z]I,W6 18�771A28 e,m,000� ��e,esi�eao �m,aa,zao-- �.�a��na,�aa �n�,��0.eea ' FUNOINO60URCE8: '�UnracWttedStreetRevenue 1,3�8,300 5U8,500 850,000 1,554,000 7,878,500 3,472,500 9,�88,800 TroMCImP�Fem . 1.507.700 SM,B�O 712.000 2.�UB.B00 �.871.800 5.N5J00 .7R,00�,W0 . Tre111c MHlpetlon Feea 300,000 750.000 - - - �- 750,OOU �Locel Shee1 FuM 703 . 2A�.� 7.00O.U00 2,000.000 2.000.000 2.000.000 2.000.000 .12.0OO,OUO MIe�IdStreelFUnC705 .7,SOO.00U 1.900.000 t.500.OW 1.5U0.000 7.500,000 7�,500,000 B�OOO�WD Wenta .... 8,304.536 8.888.285 3,885.000 �9.87�.300 75.�17,t00 .88.�07.500 � -740,884,700 UnrcSWqetlCap.Imp.FUnGV 70.W0 t80.000 217.000 780.000 20.�0 i80.00U BOO,mO OMer(REET2) 2W.000 175.000 1]5.000 175.000 775.000 175.000 . 7�1I6�000 ONm(GOBmOs) � t48.i10U • ' ' " " t�,�pp Otllu(AOentN9) 2A�+.BO� 7.248.�00 • " ' TSp.000 ].N8.100 omerNerdw��n 2oo.ron - - asn.mo s.suo.000 e.zeo.oao ,za,o,mo . ouwpaucdn;noop sn.aoo - - - - - ss7,�uo , ' oniei�aeena`r� . zso.aoo zao.000 xao.aoo xoo.000 wo.000 � soo.000 �,zsoAOO . OthefSance9 ' " " " 800.000 73.075.000 77,AS.WO PWfF . 3.778.883 .. ' ]�6.867 ' TotnlFUntlhry 7E,771,0]B 18,277A78 B,J13,OW i8,M1.B00 2B.8r0,200 1i1.876.700 .327.7M,887 12 Projec(s&Financing Plan Summary City ofAuburn Transportation Improvement Program Financial Coostraint&Fand Balance Summary Y072 .201� 2014 TO16 2016 2017 � Unres6lUed Street Revenue - . -Bepinnlnp Puntl Balence 1,Y00,000 527,700 563,200 �288.20a p30,800) � (1,887,900) AnnualRevenue � 550,000 550,000 555,000 555,000 580,000� 580,000 � PmjeGExpenxs . 1.228.300 508.500 .850.�00 - - 1.554'.OUO 1.818.50U'. __3,472.500. EMolYeerFUndBelarroe C..--'S21'.700:c '-':583.200�.'_ -'�8:200'_'_-O�:�S""""p-.9H7.300)�.. _'.(4:839:8C0II T�eXle hnpaet Feo Bepinnlnp Fund BelanCa t,M8,3t3 .347,873 788,7t3 884,773 (72S,B8� (7,935,4Bn Annual Revanue 800,000 800,000 800,000 800,00� 800,000 800,000 � Pro)ect E�anus 1,607,700 �344.800 712,000 � 2.408,800 1,811,800 ..5,415,700 � EntlofVeerFunEBalanca L__-'34T.813�__ ..:788;773�--__.884.Z13-_-_'(7R3:8B7�___-.f7:835.i87)."'-(8.451.187�1 TrefM�MhlBatlon Fees Bepinnlnp FunA BeWnre 382,100� 182,100 72,100 12,10� 12,100 12,100� ' Annua�Revenue � ' ' ' ' ' Projeet F�wnaa+ 200,�00 150 000 � End W VeerFund Behnm � 162,100,. . �72,100� " 12,100 � . ..12;100" � �12,700 .72;700' Local Straat Fund 1W Bepinnfn0 Funtl Balanm ' ' ' ' � ' ArinuefRevenue 2,000,000 2,000,000 2,000,000 2.000.000- 2,000,000 2,000,000 Pmject Ei�anses - .2,000,000 . .2.000 000 2 000,000. 2,000,00�� .2.000,000 .2.000,000 . .EndafYearFundBalance . . .-�..-'_��_._..__:-, __..._._.' ___-___-_.�__'. ."__.. .__..._._._..:i ArOmiel Strest Fund 105� . . . • . . . � Bepinnin0 Funtl Belarwe ' � - - �- � - - AimualRevenue 1,500,000 1.500,000 1,500,000 1,500,000 , 1,500,000 7,500,000 PmJeGExpenaes 1.500,000 ' 1,500,000 1.500,000 .1,500.000 1,500,000 7,500,000 � EntlofVeerFundBalarwe C=-----_..-___._ -` _____-_________':-,-- _-_.-___._"___-�.7 . � UnmsMUetl CaP.�0.Funda ru�ri�eudoa zo,000 ieo,000 zo,000 ieo,aoo zo,000 �eo,000 _. . _ _. , PmJedExpenxs 2U,000 iB0,000 20,000 180,000 20,OU0 180,000 Othar(RedFle:In Fund]YB) � ArmualBudB� 250.000 200,000 200,000 200,000 200,000 .200,000 � ' PmfeGE�ryanam 250,000 200,000 200,000� 20Q�00 200,000 .200,000 ' � Other(REET2� AIIIIUaIBUtlOet 250,000 175,000 175,000 775,000 175,000 175,000 � ProjeGE�enaes 250,000 175.000 115,OOU 175,000 1�5,000 �775,000� Orante Smrcd 8,304,535 1,500,000 - - - � Unsearcd 8,304,535 5,198,285 �3,885.000 9,874,300 15.717,100 98,107,500 � PNRFL SacmeE - 3.328.083 " " " ' Unxared - ' .- - ' .' Other(ONer Apeneien) � Seemetl _ ' ' '. ' ' _ uosecurea i,oee,eoa 1,240,400 - - - 250,000 Otlror(GevebVme�R) . SeturcO ' ' ' " un�,.ad soo,00a - - aso,aao 2,suo,000 a,xso,000 Othsr(NUCklaehoot) Sawred 547,300 - � - - - - � Unaearotl - - - - - �- � Othsr Sourw � . Securod � - - - - _ � Unaecurcd - - -� - 800,000 13,075,000 Projects&Financing Plan Summary 13 City ofAuburn Transportation Improvement Program � „ �� _ ,,, � — - ___-� — _ � _ -- ��-" �� * . � , � - " - ?k , � __ ; ;. �;:�=��'�- -- �,�=-�0�THAN YOU jq�G1N�� � 14 Projects&Financing Plan Summary Ciry ofAuburnTransportation Improvement Program ARTERIAL STREET FUND(102) Capltal Facllltlp P18n Six Yedr Cepital Fatilitlea Plen,2012-2017 � . - �Speelal Rewnue Fund - � � . Project Tkle: A Stroet NW,Phase 7 (3rd SL NW to 74th SL MN) TIP# 1 PraJed No: c207a0 , ProleG Type: Capaelty � Projed Manapar. Ingrid Gaub . LOS Caridor ID#18 Deacription: - � Conshuct a multi-lane arteriel Trom 3rc1 St.NW.to 141h�S1.NW. This project wip'unprove mobiliry and is tied W cortidor dewbpment. tt is cansistent with Me Comprehensive Plan aM conMbules to the completion�01 a rroM/south arterial mrtidor. The projeG length is approximately thrmquarters of a mib. The Ciy purchaseA ROW trom the nwtham properry owrrer. If Me proparty devebps,eama or a porllon of�thoae funds may he rcimbursetl to the Ctty(total mst was 5251,000). - ProgressSummary: . Predeaign was completed pdor to 2007. Fnal desl8n wea comptetetl alon8 with the envimnmentel pmcesa. Construction bapan . � '� in 2011 and is e�ected to be completed in 2012.Casts bayond 2012 aro for wetlentl monitoring and plentlng. . � FWUte dnpaG on OparaU�6udget: � . , The annual mairrtanance cost for ihis projed is asUmated W ba 525,830. � Budget' - ]07f � �Y7UAewtl ]M3 ttButlgu� . . . 9uAPt E�a�AW�o Budpat Btlnio pppp(etlBWyet ' ". " " " Butlyet AmerWmeMs � Atl%IaledBU[a7et -� -� - . ACtMty3 . . . . - . ' fProAOU�Vn) 1011 YE 7012 Va�r Entl TaUI IhoJeet - Funtllnp8eurcm: . Prlerb7011 6tl�b .]073 2013 Pm Tdd Cert � . UnmaMdetlSCmtRerenue. 2 �861 . . -� t8.500 - . .277.4fiY - 42 .A84 GmMaIFeCSbb.Lau9 1�235�778 4.586.67� 785,000 . 6�607.708 �'.�. 8.807.70B . � - i/BRkfmO�Fem 79t�.OFA W.WU 684.000 25.000 ' 925.060 '1.116.U60 WrerSuuims(DewbPe7' 3W560 200000 a75w 407580 ' TaWFUnBepBaurtr: f.eB8,e0t 4,BM,OO 1,88/,600 36,000 � 8,217.791 4877,70'I ' Gapld�Frq�M�Wm: . Qupn 1,300.4d1 378,818 - - 7.777,723 � 7,777,7A RiphtdWeY 2B5�3W �88�373 . . , 1.083.770 1�OB3.770 CorMn.cibn 3748?JB 1687500 450W 543fi78B � 5838798� . �- Tobl Expmdllures: . . . 7,0l6,801 �BO t.887.900 76,OOO � 8,317.781 8,017.781 ForewstedProje�tCont: � - . . - . . . . 7wv Exp.nNmo. 201� 2016 . .3016 7077 1012.7017 7077... . . �FunBnO Seurcr: . - _ "_'. UnmshitlatlSCaatRewnua - 150�000 - - � " -168,500 - Grann(Fetl,Sbro,lore7 � " 7a5.000 _ . . Tre1fICImP�Fa6t 25.000 t50�OW 25.000 45.000 . 411.000 OtlnrSOwoee(Daw�bDw1' YW OW TobiFUmm�OSwrca: . 7b.000 7G0.007 - 3'+A� 7SA� .3��b'7.b0U - G�1�I E�a�mres: pemC^ " " ' ' ' RWbtWWeY ' " " " " � CorUf/Wbn 25000 3W 000. 7500U 35000." . 2 W]500 � �ToblExp�Wtturn: ' ]l�OW �00�000 36.W0 70.�70 � 3,U87.300 � • - Omrm/OtherSOUrcna: •OmerlunEauraMUIllCOmhatlsdeetwnv�EUilon. - � � - ' Roadway Improvement Projects 15 City ofAuburn Transportation Improvement Program ARTERL4L STREET FUND(102) CapNal Faollhl�Plen . _ SIx Year Capltal FecOltles Plan,2012-2017 Speelel Revenue Fund� ProJea 7ltle: Autiarn Way South Petlestrfan Improvements Dogwood to Fir TIP# 2 � ProJect No: cp1116 aro�ec[rype: Non-Motorfzed ' ProJeC Manager. Leah DbnsdOn LOS COrridOr ID#4 � Oesedptlon• . . . � . . This project wi0 wnstruct petlestrian improvemenb abng Aubum Way South Eelween�Dopwood St SE and Fr St SE that are conwtent wiN WS�OTe SR•164 Route Davebpment Plan.Thp project indudes aitlewa�Improvementa,aooess manapemen;a midbbek - . pMestrian cfossing,consWGMn of a u•tum wedpe al Fir St SE antl street Ilphtinp. ProgreaeSummery:: ProjeG design wi0�.bagin in 2011 wkh construction e�ected tu be compleled in 2013. The Ciry was ewarded$100,000 in � � federaLfunding end$740,830 in state tunding.in May 201 t. , � Fuluro knpaet on Operating Budget � � " � This pro�ect Wtl have no ImpaG on tlb operatln8 Oudpet for street maintenance. BUdgBk " '2071 VTDACUUI 20t4 71.Budpat - ' . . . ButlaN- Expentltturea 9uapet Bslance qypproABUdpet ' ' " . ' " Buc;7etAmendrtronb ' Ad/ustedBUdpet - ". . " " " . AeWlqr: � , . . - 1077VE� , 1013YSerEntl TatalPro)eet � ' ' .:FuntlbrySOUrms: .Prbrto3011 PaWUf� - 20129u [ � ZO70 P- eCTOLI. 'Ceat . fMlesbktetlSbeetRewnue - 10.000 � Afi.500 'A9�500 58.50D � t00.000 GmM(Fed.Smb.lnca0 " �0�000 60�000 7�0.800 100.OU0 8M.800 TrelficlmpectFaes " " " " ' ' OMeiSaucsa � . Tobl FuMinp Sou�CU: - fi0,000 106,600 7d1,]00 73B.fi00 W0,800 CaPibl FxDe�0ltures: - ..Wslpn - 50�000 105.000 M.000 t55.00� 'I85.000 RphtulWeY " " 7,500 - 7.500 . 7.500 Conshuctlan� 744300 744700 Tolnl Eipandlturas: • E0,000 108,300 704,700 . 15B,b00 �� 840,000 Forecas�a w,o�eee cose rm.i ��arc����. � � zou m�s mis aa�� � zou.mn' �eaai� Fun00ry 9oumse: � . ' � UnresbkfetlSbeetRewrua - . - - 90.000 Grentr(frodS/abr.luceO . . • " _ " BOO.BOU " Tr811klmyectFees " . " " ' . � OCieiSaweea' ToWFUMinYBou�em: • - • - 880�BG0 - Gapltal EspeMl[uraa: � peyypn " " _ " 7r5.000 . � R/phfalWaY " ". " " �.50D _ . COnsfnrctlon 74t30U . ' Total FspeMhurm: ' .' _ .. ' e90,EU0 - � _ - Omnla/Olhar Sourcas: Gronl�ero 5100K ham Fetleml Olarretlonery Funtla end 5710.8901rom Stale Pet16 Blke Sefety Grend. - - , 16 Roadway Improvement Projects City ofAuburn Transportation Improvement Program , • ARTERIAL STREET FUND(102) CapKal Paeilkles Ptan , .86�Yesr CepMal FacJlltlea Plan,2072-2017 - Spoelal Rewnue�Fund � Projeet 7me: Aubum Way Corrldor Imp.(4th St NE to 4tli St SE) TIP# 3 ProJeG No: C40900 . PmjeQType: NOn�p3Clty . ProJeG Manager. TBD LOS Cortfdot'ID#2.� DesMptlon: � - . � This projeq Is 6ased an a pre-0eslgn s1uAy antl Is intended to improve pedestrian access(biliry,appearance,and qnk iha � downtown area along Aubum Wey Scuth beM2en 4Ih St NE�aM 4th St SE..This project may indude some.pavement � , repalrs. However,an ovarlay was completed as part of ihe Citys ArteriaLPavement P�eservatlon Propremin 2007. Allhough itds wes eunslAered e temporary.fiz,ihe scope has been madified to aaouM for Ihe pavement work.The pmJect lengih is � � approximatey a haM mik. � . � Prog'eea Summary: � . . � � The pavement porlion has been minimized due to the work eampkted in 2007 undv the Arterial PavemeM Preaervallon . . � Propram. ' '� i . Future Impaet on Operating Budget: ;- �- - � . � _ ��� . �ThIS pro�eG wlli hava no ImpaG on.Me operatlng budget for street maiMenance. . � ' Budgetr mii� vroncewi xou nauapa . ' � Butlpat .' EiWntliwras BWYSt �' Bela� . . � . AtlaPfetlBUtlyet ". ' ' " ' BupetAmenCrtanR� A4/usfetl Buopef " � ' " ' . AClIVIQr � ' �. . . � � 10HVE 2012YeerEntl TotelPro�xt � � Funtlln93ourcac 'Ptlorw3011 Eetlmne .2013Bu 207]Bu n ProeetTotLl �� �Cwl�. . . UnresMCbtlSY�eelFwenue . 78.251 - - . .78.351 788,]51 . . , Gisntr(Fad.SbEe.LnceO . . . ... ' ' ' " 9,708.700 . ., REET . " ' " " ' � . . ' Trallklmp�UFeea ' " " " " ' ' � OMSiSOUrces ' ToYI FueMinp Soweea: 78,461 " ' ' .7l,261 3,lil,Y61 � GPMaI F.�enllturar. ' . Deslpn � 78.257 • .. " " 78,261. 888.851. .. . RiphrolWeY � " " " " " 200,000. Conatructlon 3000000 . ToW ExpeMituroa: 78,7b7 . � . - .78,7E1 S,BB9,961 �ForeceateA ProJea CoaC - . Toul� F.ypsnAltuiea ' 70/{ 2016 3078 2017 2013-1017 2077 . � FuM4p 8auw: - . . - . UmwOCmtl56eefRevenue - - 110.0�0 eU0.0�0� 770.000 - G2M5(Fltl.Sbb,LOClIf " - �7(18.7(10 2.�WU.000 3.108.700 - ' REET " ' " " ' ' TielMClmpxfFees " ' " " ' ' OtMrSOU�cea ' Totel Fu�lnp Hourcas: - -. .87l.70G �,OOU,OOU S,E78.70G ' GVttd BqandlWras: Detlpn ' " B7B.700 - 818.700 - RpMWWeY - . Z(10.�u - 400.000 - CAn4buctlon .3000000 3000000 ron�eryen0�wi�: - - ste�7ao a�o00�om . aA�s,7oo - Grenro/OMx Soureea: G�t mMinp b�rot eeeueeA..: . . . . . Roadway Improvement Projects 17 Ciry ofAuburn Transportation Improvemenl Program ARTERIAL$TREET FUND(102j cap�tel Fae�lkba Plan ' Six Yeer Cepi�l Fae0ltloa PIan,1012-2017 Speelal Revenue Fund� � � � Projed Tine: . � I Street NE Corridor(45th SL NE to 5�277th St) TIP# 4 ' Pro�ea No: u415a0 Pro�ecl7ype: Capaelty Pmjed nnanager. TBD LOS Cortidor ID#21 Oeseription:�. . ' The flnal alignment of the I Sheet CoMdor is�being anatyzetl as part of the Northeast Aubum Spedal Area PWn � � � �� � � Envhonmerrtal ImpaQ StuCy:�A�portlon�of the ROW and Construction wlli be developer tunded. The crass sectinn will Iikety be a 5-lane artedal per.the dry's Comprehensive Plan � ' � � Progress Summary: Thls�projett ls dedelopment tlriven. The pro�eet has heen delayed due to Me delay af the nearhy pending development. . . _ . . . . . . .. . . . Future Impna on Operating ButlgeC � , The annual maMtenance cost for this proJect Is estimstad to be 525,200. � , euages: - . '-zoi; vmncwni zo,z ' „awyn , 6udYe1 '.ExDeMituns �euAYet. �Belanca � AdoPtetlBWpef ' _ � " _ . . BudyefArtrontlmentr � .. AQpsledBudpat � • " " �' ACLWHy: � . .. , ' " (PnNOUe vn) 2071 VE .. .I071 Vur Entl Tota1 Profect FunA6p Sourcss: Prlor to 3U77 611mab 707t Bu M 2011 Bud �� Pm aet Tobl� Cwt� UnmabkfetlSbvefRevenw 17,877 - 258.300 - ' Y77,/27 - � 277.777 ' �GrenN(Fetl.Sbte.LacsD " " " ' � ' 7.000.000 7relRClmpUFees • • - - � . ' - - OMerSoulces(Dembprtpiry " " ' " . 5.780,000 ' W OMer�('POitolSmftle) � � � ToWFuMlnp3ouien: 77,027 - 388,.100 - 271.17! 7,Oi1,137 . Capitel Espantltturoa: . . Dssipn 10,057 - � 25,000 - 95,857 I86,000 ' .Rlphto7WaY B70 - � 23�.300 - . 376,770 1,Y5�,900 ' Conxtruetlon —6]60 000 � TofalF�cpanCtturee: 11,837 - � 36B.70U . 271,137 ' - 7,0�1,127 Foreeaated Projeet Cost � , � ' Tadl . EryeMttum 301� - 3016 3018 ]Y17 - 207WD17 7L17. � - FunAhq Sourw: ' . ' UmesbkleUSnaetRevawe . . ' ' " ' 25B,3W - - GiaM(Fe4Sbro.LGUO " ' _ tA�.000 1.aaa.aa0 ' . , TnOk/mpacfFees. � • • " " " ' OMerSOU2es(DeveMpmenD� - - - �5,78�,000 5.780.000 - � OfNer(Portb/Seeelel . _ _ ' � - �ToLI FuMbq Souma: - . . fi.7fi0.G00 7,018�]00 . uaw e.w�en��..: asp� • • - aea.oao ees.000 - aqnrwwar - - - �.oxo.000. i.ss�.3oo - consnuceon s�ao 00o s seu o00 TMtlEftpe�Mltu�w: ' ' " 6�76Q000 - 7.018�700 ' Orenin/Olher.5ourma: . '�erNnPer In khtl NnEa/ndvices wOP�Nb Prol�Aut tlo rwt V�+Wwph tlrc tlb.5�09K Is Part of Seetlle - ' � Mltlpstlon FunAi In Me unresbYUM Nntl balence.Gre�it Is unaecuretl. � , 18 Roadway Improvement Projects City ofAuburn Transpor7ation Improvement Program ARTERIAL STREET FUND(102) CepMel Feellklea Plan , .Slx Ymr CapMal Faeillties Plan.TA12,2017 Specfal Revenue Fund . . . � ProjeU Title: M Street Grade Separatlon (3rd St SE to Sth St S� TIP# 5 ProjeU No: c?A1a0 � . Project Typa: C2peGity Projeet Manager. Jacob Sweetlng LOS Corridor ID0 6 Des_erlYLon:_. . . . ConsWdion of a g2de u0arated railroad aossin8 of M St SE at the BNSF Sfampede Pass Nadcs. . Prog�eas Summary: ' � � � � 100%Design Dravrings and rigM of way ecquisRion wera completed in 201 t.ConstrucGon is expecoed to slart in early 2012. � Futwe Impaet on Oparating Budget The ennuat maintenance tost for ihis Orolect Is estims0ed to be 521,827. i Bud98h � 7017 � YfOAew�l 7L72� ' 118uApe1 � ' . BuAOM .EsP�iWms .ButlO� BeNnca AtloPbtl9WGnt " � " ' ' ButlpatAmerMmenfs - A��: Atl/usfetl Budpet ' — ' ' -. 7�77YE . 3012YmrEnC ToWProjact Funtllnp8oureas: PAorro3077 Ectlmab 3073&W at 201] at RoeetTOW Cw[ " - �u�reamcrods�reerr+e�e�ue iso.aoo - i ,aoo � . ao O/anfd(Fetl,S�ob,local) ' 479,8U0 46P,580� 4,797,535 1,308,185� 5,887,875 9,9M,� ' REET2 169,IW0 970,580� - - 1,190,980 1,13B,B80 Tie111clmperlFeas(Cona�n2ticn) � .2,r4�,000 �,SOD,000 661,4a0 - �,80Y,�00 �,802.100 � ' TrellfclmP�Feesll7eEtServicel ' ' " ' • 9.819.500 - Tre11k MlHpefbn Feas - ' �880,000 - - - 880,000 880,000 � PN?FL - 3,2R6,BB3 - ],228,883 ' OUro�SaurceafOMerApencles)' 180100 51940 2a86B0o 1248400� 33310�0 �8B1S�0 , TafalFuntllnp8omcu: 1,870,/00 ;128,100 . . 7,818,775 8,886,BZB. 1�,600,96 $ 81 600 Gpllel ErpmEpum: . Lbt'pn .I,57Y,300 571,000 - - 7,033,300 . . 1.073.300 � .... RpMOIWeY 7.318.700 2.257.900 -� - 3.600.000 3.800.000 � COnsM1LCtlon - 765.200 7.5�9.775 B.6B9.BTB 7.871.975 16,588.783 PWIFLOebf Servica 9 813 500� TotelExpsntlilu'os: �,870,�00 .],738.100 7.&18.7]6 &�0.828 140M,770 11,3J.t,0lJ Foreeeeted PmJect Coat . . -. � roLl E�MIWms . 7074 T076 '&NB 7017 �73-7077 ZOfl.. Funtllnp8omus: -- -' � - � " - , Unieabic(a0Sb6etReuenue _ " ' ' ' '- � ' Ganh(Fatl.Sfefe.LOrd) " " " • 9.00U.�O - REET2 ' ' ' ' ' ' � T�aRZImOeGFeea(Conabuc0on) ' ' " 861./00 Tmllfc Impx1 Faes(LbOt Servkal 120.300 120,500 - ' 120,500 130.500 182.Opp ].131,000 , 7relllc Mi(igafbn Fees " _ _ " . ' . PWIFL " " ' • 9.228.963 - OMarSOwms(OMe/Apentles)' ' 331fi 00 TmelFUnANO��: 7]q600 t7q500 t20,800 120,800 18.71&eb1 -i.1N ". Caph+�F.rysnamns: �. psyy^ ' " " ' ' ' . RA7MOIWBY ' " ' ' ' ' . .COnUUtlon • ' ' ' 78.xMSBJ PWlFLDebISeNke 720500 720500 - t4D600 120500 ' /82000 7797600 ToLlFSpe�blWns: 12q800 t7q800 130,600 120,H00 18,718,687 ],7N Orenb/Olhtt Sou�cm: 'Ormrta em FeEmel mb Siste NMa.OMer Apmdea NtluCe Parl M Seattle,Pml MTemme,BNSF,PSE enA qnp CauMy. PWfFL has�O Veet raysy�nant xlwdYa.� . . Roadway Improvement Projects 19 City ofAu6urn Traruportationlmprovement Program AR7ERIAL STREETEUND(102) Capdal Facillt�s Plee �Siz Year Gplfal FxIlMlas Plan;2012-Z017 � Spaelsl Revenue Fund � Project 7iue: South 277th(Aubum Way North to Greeo River Bridge) TIP# 6 .Pro�ectNo: c22?a0 � P�oJect Type:. CapaGlty ' Project Manager. TBD LOS Cortido�ID#15 Deseriptlom � - This.pmjed mdudes,preliminary enginearinp,-design;rigM of way acquis8icn and mns4vdion of maior wideni�on 5.277th� Street,,Induding ihe eEdlNon ot Mrea lanes,"one westbound and Mro eastbound,e Gass 1 trail,sWrm,sewer and water ImpruvemeMS.�The proJeet IengVi is nlneAeMlis of e mlle. The Mal canfiguradon wilt Inducle three lanes eesltiounA antl two . _ ._ . _ . . . . _ _ . . . .. larms wesibound. Pmg�esa Summary: , ' The inaJoiily of Ihis roadway Is�artantly In Uie Clry of KenPs Jurtsdicdon. Because Me pmperry sernd trom Uie roadway Is in the.Gty of Aubum,the plan Is to ennex this portion ot ihe roadway Tmm Kent irrto the Ciry of Aubum.�The maJofity of this � � projeG is e�ec[ed to be completed by edjacent developments. � - Fulure Impaet on Operetlng 8utlget:- . The annual maintenance co516 for thls projeG is estimateE to be$27,250. � Budget � , xon � nonemai zntz tieudoee. . � Bud et� . .ExpenElWres .eutl et . Belanu� AdaAbdBudpet - � - _ - .� . - ButlpatAmentlmanfs Atl/1abtlBlqpet ' " ' ' ACtiv�ry: . . . .(ProNOUe Vro� 2011 VE .7U17 YaarEntl �Tobl PmJect � FuMIn09oumaa: PMrm2077 Eetlmab .. 'TD7RBUtlM .TL13BUtlM _Pro TotM_ ,_ -COeI _ � Umn5trk0�dSfroetRewnue 'IB,OBS -' ' 750,U00 - � 788,086 188.OB6 GrarHa(Fad�$faR.laGD • . ' - ' 2.000,000 TYe1lk Impecf FaaT " ' ' ' ' Olher(DawbpmentFU�al' " ' ' ' " " 2.500.000 OMer ToWFU�MInp9oumAS: 19,0l6 - tfi0,000 - 18B�OC6 4�l6i3Ot6 Gpihl FspmOtluns: . Dsslpr t8.510 - 750,OW - 788,570. 478,570 FphfolWey 5I5 - . - - 675 � 250,575 Conabuctlon� 4000000 ioml EnPanarcuma: teAaa - twAao - - tseAes e,es9.oes Foreaa9ted Pro�eat Cost: � � ToLI E�mAttwee 3074 M18 3016 2017 . II017.i017' �nf1201) � �FUn01n09ouRea: . . Un23bkbdSbeetRewmfa- - - " 750.000 - G�enfa(FedSfele.LOCe9 � ' ' _ z.000.am 2.00U.000 - 'TreRklmpectFees " " ' " ' ' 011ier(DewbymnfFUnGS)' • " - 2,500.000 2.500.000 . ONer TOhIFUnAInpSOUftM: ' ' ' . 4�6W�OW 4�66D�000 . CapinlEtPentlttuma: ' pipygn . " " ' 750.000 ' 100.000 - � � . �RiphtolWey . - - - 250.000 � .T50.000' ' Conlblttlon 1 000 I000 000' TofalExM�eiWraa: �. • . . 4d�7.000 4,g6p�ppp . - - - �Granb/ONU Saureea: 'DevelaperhnOa a In klnA eeMCea. " 20 Roadway Improvement Projects Ciry ofAuburn Transponatron Improvement Program ARTERIAL STREET FUND(702) capua�Facnmes P�an Sbc Yeer CapMal Factlltles Plan,2072d017 Speelal Revenue Fund . - PmjectTroe: 75th Street SW ReconsWction 71P# 7 Project No: Cp7oaot • . ProJaetType: NOnlrapacity - - Projeet Managar. TBD ' LOS Cortidor ID#12 DmerlpNon: � - - ThLS pfoJeG was oripinalty seoped to intlutle pavemeqt praservation. TAe pavemert[pteservaUan wmpa�+ent could stlll 6e mmhined wiM this prokG,bW is also ellgible Por the Medal�Pavement Pmservallon Propram. This projact shouW bok to impro�e the faidoatl crossing gredes as wep ai tha vertiral sigM distanca to the IMenirban trail M Me west of the dadcs. The ' , � cvst estimate Ilsted�balow is planning level cast.. � � � � Prop�een Summary: . _ . . . . .�. _. -- . Futura hnpaet on Operating Butlgat � . '�.Thb proJed wiil have no�impact on the operatlng budget forstreet maiMenence. �� � , � � BUdQBC 3077 VTDActual ]012 H.BUilpat � � � euayat E�qima�tu1e. euay.c ae�.nce ' AtloPEeOBUdpet - ' ' - . - _ - . BWyef Amendrir� . AQMxtbdBu�ef " " " " ACflVily] - '__ . . � . 2011 VE M13 Yser Entl Tofal Pmj�i. � FuMlnp Soureas: PiWtm 2011 Eatlmata 3072 Butl M7J Butl Peu eet TuTnl Cmt :.. , UN64WCfetlSbeefReVenue ' ' " ' . . � _.SIS.000�. - 6nrrta(F+dSrero.LCC+7 _ ' " • � - 3.800.000�. . � gEE7 " " " " ' ' , Tnflk Mltlpetlon Funtls - - - , • - OMer TofalPUMlnpBouw: ' ' ' ' " J,176,Wo � GPMaI EnpenEllmm: . pey� _ _ " ' ' �575.000 ' R�fWWeY ' ' _ . _ _ . _ - � Cont0Lt0'on 9000000' ToldEspantllNras: " ' ' " ' " y,�76•ppp. Foraeasted ProJeet Coat � . . . . � ' Totel � E:DMaiWtas . . 1014 M15 � ]018 M17 M77-3017 �ntl]077 . ,Funtlbry 9ouRp: � UnrefbkhtlSfnsfRewnue � - . 78.000 60D.000 676A00 � - ' Gnnb fFed.SbEe.Lacep ' ' 3UO.UUO 2.SOOA00 , � 2.BU0.000 - � REET - - - - - � ' TmlIkM/0'7�tlonWndt ' ' - - . . � - . ome� Tobl Fundln0 ga�rcec . . - • 776,000 ],000,000 3,076,000 - C�PkelExPenElWras: .. . , De51pn - - 375,000 • 775,000 - . ' RlphtolWey ' ' . " , ' " Conshuctlon - 9000000 JOOUOOU � � � TotalEYpenAlWroc � � - . _ ]78,000 .0,000,000 S,J76,000 - . ' Granb/ONerSourem: OrantfunElipbuneewre0. ' � Roadway Improvemen!Projects 21 City ofAuburn Transpor[ation Improvement Program ARTERIAL STREETFUND(102) Caplfal Fadlitlm,Plan � Slx Year Cepipl Faeflitlea Pkn,4012•2017 Spacial Revenue Fu'W � - Project nne: A Straet NW,Phase 2 (W Main to 3rd St NYY) • TIP# 8 a�oiecc rao: ep�ami ProledType: �C8p8Clty � . . Projea Manager. TBD LOS Corrldor IDll 18 �eserlpUon: . ConstruG a�mulddane ar0arial lrom�W Ntain to 3rd St NW. This p�oject will connect A St NW,Phase 1��M the Sountl Transit � � Statlon anE tha CeMral Business District This project may end up being funded all or in part by developers:The project � length�is bne fiRh of a mile. � � � , � Progress 9ummary: � ' The parking garage consiruGed by the AuDum Regional Mediral Center completeda portion of this projeet in 2009. � � Future Impaet oqOpereting Butlget: - � . . � This project wlil'heve no impact on the operating budget for street maintenance. � . . . .. . _ _ . . . . . . . � Butlgef. � - ' 2oN YTDlkiwl 307x H'Buepat:.' . , " ButlOet._ - EnPentllWm� 9uAYet BaWU ' . . � �PfetlButlpet.� ' " " ." - . .. ' BWpetAmeritlmenfa� . ... . AtllusMtl Butlyef . . - . . . AGNVIIy: • - . . .. . 1077VE ]012YUrEnA '� �7am�ProJact. . . FuMMp Somen: Prbrm Z077 6tlmem 1012 BW 707]�tl et Pm - Tobl �� `CM � , UmesbickdSaeetidevam.s � - .- . - . - ' 150.000 GmnLtfFedSfefe.LOCe9 ' _ " " " 3.W0.000 .. REEi ' _ " ' ' " � � TmMcImP�Fees _ _ " " ' " OffbrlDevebpe�' iW000 150000 '760000 ' 'Tonl FuMbq Somen: 150,W0 - . - 1lq000 ]W0,000 GPlhl EiW�dlWmc ppn0^ ' _ " " ' ' IWO.OW . , Rphfo/WeY " _ ' " " .750.000 , Consbuc0on 750000 .750000� 2650000 � TahlExpanNWma: � 1b0,000 . . - -160,000 � S,]00,000 � Foraeasted Proj¢et CoaC '� � � '� Totel ' P.ypenAttuias� - � � M/4 t01b 201B 1011 2077-2077 � tl1017_ �FUnAMOSOUaes: - _ _ -' _ - - . �- .. .. ' Un�esbic6ltlSbeefRevenue ' - 150.000 - . 750.000 . Grenfs(FeE,Slafe,Laca9 - �.000�000 , 3.000.000 - . _. . REET - - . . � _ � . ' 7m11kIm0�Feea ' � ' ' " " " . .. . Other(Devela0etl'., ' - ToblFUndlnO�urtm:� - 150,000 - 7.0OO.OW J,180,000 , • ' WP�+IExpantllW�es: ' � . �� � Deslpn - 150.000 350,000 400,000 . � � R/phfolWeY - ' ' 250.000 �� ' R60.00U' - . .. . .Conslmctlon. . ' . 2 500 000 ' 7 500 000� .. TotalExWntlIWM:' . .'. 160r00U - 7rOW.00U 7r760r00U . . . : . Orems I OMer Sovices: •Mtldpalatl 0ewloper mntrlEWOrm (�n or��kma ser�cssl.�o��m�ama snown is unsawred. . . .. - _ . 22 Roadway Improvement Projects Ciry ofAuburn Transportation Improvement Program AR7ERIAL STREET FUND(102) cavne�Faambs abn Slx Vear Capiml Facilltiea Plan,�012-2017 � ..Speokt Revenua Fund . . _ . . . _._ __ _ _ . _ ... _ _ ____ ' _ Projeet TMe: D Street NW(S7th St NW to 44th St NYY) . . _ . 71P#-9 � ProjeG No: CpX700t � . � . � � , ProJect Type: CapecHy Project Manaper: TBD LOS.CoMdcr ID#20 , �Descdp8an: ., - _ ' ConsWU e four-lene arteriai per Me city Comprehensive PWn. It will impiove nor7Jsouth mobiliry..This project is Ged to �! potential WWre development end wili camplete a major nwtlJsouN ertnial mrtidor from Ellirgson Road SW(415t Sh'eet S� W S.277th St The D St NW Omlect�engM is approrimately OA2 miks. . � � Progresa Summary: Futura Impaet on OperaGng Budget � � � ' The ennual mairrtenance mst tar this�projeet is esUmated.to be$11,450. . � BUtlgBt: 3071 Y7DAetw1 � Z017 71BuEqat .-- � � 8uE7N F�pe�dHUma Butlpat Belenee � AtloPfedBUtlpel " ' " " AWpef Amentlmenfe ' Atl(udfBdBUtlgBf • " � ' " AetHity: :m17VE � � .]Ct]vurEna 7oWPnJ.ct�. Funtlln0�urcee: '� _PMrm T017 Eefimsro. ...�iR 8 701]Bua et �Pro ectTaYl- . Cmt ' _ UnfBSIlktBtlStrBBtRaVBnue • • ' " ' ' - ' " ' 02nb(Fed,S�ab,Laca9 " " " ' � ' �,R30�000. REE7 - - - - . T211klmpectFaes ' ' ' . . " " " 2,050A00, OMar TotnIFuMM08oumm: . • ' - ' " ' 8,700,OW. GpItnlExpentllw�n: � . pyyy^ ' " " " ' 7�OSO.00U . ROhtaIWaY " ' ' ' ' ' 7.7W�OOU Constructlon 7 500 000 , ' '_ Tetal ExpaiERi�ee: " ' . ' " ' 4��A� ForeeeatedProjeelCost - _ _ _- - . .. . _ _ _- .__ __ 7aW F:panUitwes 307! 1018 �3018 M17 701t.i017 '- 2017 fuMhpSnumm: . � unm+hic0ee5emtRevenue " " " " " " G2�fFed.SYdtB.LOCa9 - - ' - 250.000 250.000� /.U00.000 REET " ' . ' " ' TiellklmP�Fees - - - - 'W.000 'S0.000 2.0OO.OUO Otl»r TobIFmWWMOSeurtn: - . � - . a00.ma ]W.OGO . l.W0�000 GVMaIExWnWt��n: , ' n .Desipn - �- . � 700.000 300.000 750.000 Fphto/WaY ' " � ' " " 1.7W.000 Consliuction �b00 000 ToblExWnElwnc ' � _ - ]OO.WU -� ]W.000. 8.000.000 ' Oranb/ONm fiourcas: GreM FuMi�O etav.n 4s unser��eE: - . . . Roadway Improvement Projects 23 Crty oJAuburn Transportation Improvement Program ARTERIAL STREETFUND (102) caPnai Fsum�P�a� Slz Year CaPital Faellitles Plan,5012-2017 �Speelal Revenue Fu'M� � � . Project Title: F SVeet SE(4th St SE W Aubum Way S) TIP# 10 ProjeG No: Cp0911 Project Type: C8P2Gty ProJeet Manager. _ TBD � Descriptlon: - . . The F St SE p�ojeG intludes pavemerrt reeonstrudion,lnstallallon of cur6s,gutters,an&foot wide sidawalk on�boN sidas, �, � paAcing on one sWe,�and a cerrter ptm-lana,as well as assh aCanuation at ihe supports for theBNSF rallroad bridge. This � projeet improves mobility antl hafery abng the artidoc The projec[length is apDrozimatey 0.3 miles. � ' ProgrosaSUmmary: � � � ' Prelimin9ry design and survey xrork was eompletadln 2009.Final design and ronshudion are O�anned to De eompletetl foAOwing construetlon of fhe�M Street greCe sapsratlon projea. .- -. - . _. . . . . Future Impaoton Operating Budget: . . . . The annual maintenance cost for this projeG Is estlmated to be$4100. � BuAget mi� rron�wai am2 77eua�u � . e�ae�- ex'ne�anuroa- ewqee . �ew�v� ' AtloptedBUtlpet " ' ' " BuCpef Aniendmen4i qQ�yy(G�gyd7pf '. _ . ' Aetivily: . . 7011 VE 2012 Veer EM 'Total P�oJact � FuntllnpSaweac�. Ptlorto20N EaUmate 20128ud t IIa71Butl et_. PmeetTotel �- _ .COet'.__. . UnmsMOMdSfreefRewnue ' - -� - - -� - . - - " " G/anb(Fetl.Sbte,LUteO ' " " " ' ' ' '2.700�000 �. REET - - - - - irellltlmpeCtFees 7.830 ' " " ' ' " 3U7.82f1 , . Ottnr TonlFmNlnp9ouren: 7,820 -� " ' ' ;W7,820 . cavu�Exw�arcum.: ouro� �.ezo - - - �.s2o 2si.sxo RWMaIWeY • " " " ._' 1fi.U40 Cons(rucGOn 2 175 000 TeW btOenEkums: 7.Bt0 ." " " - ' .1.e30 ' � 3.601.820 ' ._ . ._.. ._.., Forerasted Pmjeet CosC �- ' ' Tatel Etpmdttum' . . 207! 7076 20te 3077 �707td0/7 -M2017 Pumll�p Soumm: . . UmeaMC0etlS0eetReveMro " " ' ' " ' � Gra:�h(Fetl�Saa.taca9 xro.000 3.000.000 - - 7�,20o.aoo ' REET ' " ' ' � TMklmpeWFees 50.000 250.W0 - - ' � ]00.000 , - OMe/ ToWFWNInpSOUrm:'' 2fi0.�0o 2,290AOO . - R,600,qq ' . GpttN EipaMlNres: , � . . � Ueilpn 250.000 - - 250.000 • Rlphto/WaY - 75,000 - 75.00D � ' - Constrtx8on 2 775 000 � 2 775 WU �- ' Totol ExMndltum: 2fi0.00o 3.280A00 ' • Z�app�ppp • . � Omnb/ONerSOURes: G'anthaWMpbunaearctl. . . 24 Roadway Improvement Projeets City ofAuburn Transportation Improvement Program ARTERIAL STREET FUND(702) Cepifal FaeilMles PWn , 36�Yaar Capltal Faclllqes Plan,2012-2D77 � Spacial Ravonua Fund Project 7itle: M Street NE(E Maln St to 4th St NE) TIP# 11 . ProJeG No: cpx7ooc . FroJect 7ype: Capaelty ProjeU Manager. TBD LOS Cortidor ID#5 , � � Desuiptlon: , � � This Droject will conshuct a complete 4 lane street secllon on M St NE batween sauM ot E Main St and 4th St NE. . � Progrma Summary: . . - Predesign wiA be dune in 2013 to 2fine proJeet seope,e�gnmeM,enA eost. � . PuMe 6npazt on Operatlng Budget � .The annual matnterianre eost torMis proJed Is esllmafetl to be$1,500. - . eudget m„ rronewv :o,: „aoaa.e - a�eu.e Eaw�ea�A, a�na� e.�r: � . ndoaadeudmr - - - , eutlperameMmenfs AWusfetlBU.yet � • - - - - � ACtMty: mi�re mi:r...�a Toa�rm�ece FuMlnp Sou�en: Prbrb 207t Fitlmab Y072 9ud 701�Bu t Ro aet Tatal Cwt- cn UmuMCO�ESbeefRavenue " ' . " " " � . o�analFeaSUre.�ace9 . - - �� ' ' � - t.zss.aoa REET " ' " " ' ' ' . . Tr�IlklmpeCFees - - ' - 50.000 - '250.000 OMer ToNI Funtlinp Somen: - - �� - b0,000 � - 1,473,W0 C�pXelExpandltum: � o^+ron - - - so,oao - us.wo RPohtMWeY " " ' " ' 20U.00D' Conahu[Non 7 1b�WU� TotelEnpsndLLUroa: • - - 60,OOG - - 7�Q6�000 Forewsted ProJect Coat: " � � � Tobl Expsndfturoa mu sots iaie son wis-zan._.. awt� FuMInO Sourcee: . . UnresbkfedSbeetRevenlq ' " " " " " " . .. GrennlFatl,Sble.LOUO 225.000 1.000.000 " ' . 1,R25.000 . . REET • � • - — _ - TiellklmpeetFeas 50,000 150,000 - - � z50,000 - OMer TohIFUMInp9ou�eee: 276,000 7,760,OOG -• - - � 1�475,OU0 - GpltalExpaMltura: �' - Detlyn 75,000 - � - - 125,OOU - RphfolWaY . 200.000 - . � - . - - � 200.OU0 - Consbuctlon t 1 W 000 7�150 000 Tatd E�s�Mltufse: �.� 276.000 7.780.000 - - 1,476,000 - Grente I Otlier Sources� Gren�fimElnp la unaewraE. � � � ' Roadway ImprovementProjects 25 City ofAuburn Transportation Improvement Program ARTERIAL STREET FUND(102) capMa�Facmt�ed t+Wn i ' Siz Yesr Gapital Faz1lMles Plan,2012-Z017 Speelel Revenue Fund � - � Pm)ecc Tme: . GradeSeparated Crossing ot BNSF Railyard TIP# 12 ProJect No: cpnmt � Prolect Type: C2p8Gity . PmjeG Manager. �� TBD � � . Deacriptlon:�. � ' � . This projaG mnsLSfs of a gradeseparatad crossing of the BNSF Railyarcl,�elMer from SR-18 to 6M Street SE or from 15M � Street SW to A Streat SE. The flrst attemalhe would enteil realipning ihe SR-78 easlbound ramp,grade separsting tlie main _ � northlsouth line antl the.Stampede Pass Iine,end connecling to 6M Slreet SE. The secorM altemaWe wouW provide a new corridarfrom 151h Straet SW to A Streat SE In the Ndniry of 12tn Street SE end�l7th Street SE,eithervia an overyess or underyassofthe�BNSF�Rallyartl. ThlspruJeclhnprovestraflicflowslgnifleentlytlue�tothepotentlaldevelapmentofthe � � � � BNSF yard as an IMermoAal freight TaGliry. , . Progresa Summary: Fu[ure Impact on Operafing Budget. � . �. � . Not srhedukd for compk8on until after 2015. . BudgBC - ' 107'I VTUACNaI 20�x tt BuEpet - � � autlpn E�emllwres eWpat. eatanu Adnpfetl8ue7et ' - � - ' - - ' BurbetAmerMrta�rts ' .AyuffetlBU�et ' " ' " " AetivltY: . . . (PmNeua Ynl 2011 YE � 2013 Yaar End 'Totai Projaa FuntlhpSourtas: WMrW7077 Eetimete 7A729uE 301]BU M . . P�oactToTal -GOnt. UnresMCetlSbestReoema • - � - - - - -� - -- Gnntr(FedShla.LauO " ' " " " 1?5.000 � � FEET • " " ' _ ' TraMclm'p�cfFees - - - - - -� - Otliei 3y ppp o00 TofeIFuMlnpSomen: " " ' ' '� ]y�26.0a0 Gpinl Expantl@um:� � pealpn " ' " ' " 3.fi25�00� F/phtolWay: - - - - - 4,WO,OOU Corufructlan� 24500000 Total Expantlituroe: " " ' ' - 32,17b,000 Forecaated�ProJect Coat: . . rob� Exnenattu�ee� 2074 7016 ]018 3077 @a12-20fl � M3077 � FuntlhpSOwen:. . . -. . . Unrubkbitl Sfreet Revenue • ' ' ' ' ' GrBnfa(FOtl,Sble.LOCe9 - 1P5,000 - - 7T5.000 - . � � REET " " " ' .. 7mllklmPactFaea . - - . �-. � . - � . OMSr(Dewbpe7 1000000 -t0000W 31000000 '' � 7omIFu�MInpSomen: . 126.000 - 7A�.a00 � t.t35,000 atAODAUO . � ' GPltd ExPentlttum: OJS/pn . . ' �25.000 - 1,W0.000 1.735.000 2,50U.000 Rhhta(WBY � . . _ - - . - 4.000.000 LnnsbucMOn � � --24500000 . TotalExpenittures:� . . 746,W0 - 7,000,000 ' �1.17b,V00� �-77,Um,WG. � Oronb I OMa Sourca: � . . 26 Roadway Improvement Projec[s City ofAuburn Transportation.lmprovement Program /�RTER�AL STREET FUND(102) Capital Feeiiitles Plan , , . Slx Year Capilnl Fmllltiea Plan.T012-I017 ' Spa�lal Rewnue Fu�M _ ' , � Pio�xt,Tiqe:. . West Yalley Hwy Improveme�(SR-18 to West Main SffeeU TIP#�14 . Pioject No: Cp0976 - . PtojedType: CepeCily , � � Projea nnaneper.� Jacob Swaetlng� LOS Corridor IDIF 96 . . DeaeAptlon: This project will widan the roadway to eccommodete an extension oT the Mro way bR tum�larro,edC wib&gutter,atorm drainega,. repeir feifing medwey suAeoe;instatl eidewelk on orre sida of the roadurdy;insfa0 cily standard street Gghtirg,improve biGyde aaommodaUons,and'mstell a rrow tratfie sipnel at tha in4rsedion aF West Main Shxt and West Velley Hiphvuey. TAis projeet wi0 imp�ova the t�padly,eafaty,and driving mmfort of the mrtidor as weil as reduce the emouM of time meintenence ateft spends doing � . temporary repai�s. . Progresa3ummary: " Design afarted in 20t0 end construction is P�nned fm 2011. . � Futun Impaet on Operating Budget � � �This pmjed will heve no impact on Ma opersting budget kr street maintenance. � � . �BudeGS: 1011 YTDAetu�l 30t7 �19uEpH . BWpst � BipentlMU�n Butl Balmo n . Atlopled Bwyet " ' ' " � ButlpetAmBntlmBnb ' . A�Jualetl Butlpef � " ' ' ' AUNiIy: .��.vA� m»ve .. ' m�s r..r e�e rom rrol.tt FuMl�qBewen: PrlortoMll Eatlm�b 101] .107] Tabl Catt�- Unrosf/icbtl Sbnef fteronue - SB.730 6.000 . - " 69.7]0 02nk(Fetl,Sbb,LOCa1) 118.'RB 2.310.830 " " " 7.SSO.B18� REET7 " 61.30P 01.88� " " " pp•g9] T2MtMttpnfbnFeea 75.000 - . . . 75.000 i2liklnpsclFeea R5000 5300W . - 556000 TalalFUnEInO�� 1B].03E ;6N,]]0 6,000 - - - i.178,768 Gpw�ErOm�alWm: Oeypn 283.028 33B.BBU - - 832.708 � 83Y.70B Rq�rolWay " 5.560 - - :5.580 6,680 COnsfnx:tlon Y 196 0�0 6 000 1501 070 -- —2 607 070 TotelB�anmluras: 2B�.rot 7.M7,�i0 . .. 0.� - - i,178,i6E � 7.tiB,i00 FOremsLadProjeetGOaC ' � " ' Totd �'� E�eneO�oa 3014 3018 1018 701] 101]-1077 � 7D77 FumMp 9oumm: . Un�esfACrotlSGeefReven�m " " ' " 6,000 - GnnR(Fetl.Sleh.lxe9 ' " ' ' ' " .. . AEET2 ' ' " " " " " • iMIIeMMpsfbnFwa ' " " " " " � nemco�urbe., - roeuc�mamvaoure..: - - � . • • e.000 • GWbI ExPmEltuw: . .. pp+k� . . " . ' ' . " � Rqnebrwar ' ' " ' • ' ' Conaerutlbn -6000 TaMI b�Pan0lturoc . . . . �� . . l�000 .-_. •- OrenN I Otlw 6ourcee: TIB O�ant(aecureEl.. . - i -_ -.' . Roadway Improvemen!Projects 27 Ciry of Auburn Transportation Impravement Program ARTERIAL STREET FUND(102) Capital Fa�Ilitbe Pisn - - .. . S6c Year Capka�Fae0ltlas Plan,Z073-2017. _ . . . . . ._ . . . _ - Speelal Revenue Fund.-_- - '- ' . Project7'Na: 8th Street NE Widening(Pike S4to R St NE) TIP# 15 ProjeG No: Cp70O0t ' ProjectType: � CepaCity� Pro�ea Manager. TBD LOS Cortidor ID#19 � Deserlptlon: � _ _ � Add easibound lana W Southsida of 8tH St NE: CuFrentty Ihe lane exisis(rom M St NE and drops as a dpht Nm only lane at � the�interseetinn oi 8th St NE�end Plke SL Thls would extend the lana to RSt NE where II woultl then he a�.ripht tum nny Wne onto R�St NE eouthbound. This Is e plenning level cost esllmate. , PmgressSummary: _ FuWre Impeet on OpereUng Budget This projadwlll have�no_Impact oqthe aperating budgetforstreet malntenance. eutlget . . -.. m+t vronuwi u�z ��e�eyn � Bw19et EzOeMimm :BWVm Belniea � . .AdoPbd9udyet " ' � � ' ' . BurbetAme�Mt .AqpnfetlBUd,pef " ' " " ' ACtMI�/: . . ' . , � �m�t re R01R Vmr Entl '.ToW ProJe4 su�a��soumu: anoramt+� �.a�' mixam xava wo "�roui- �cwi unmsmrmasmneRawnw � - - - • - - cn�m(Podsrem.tnca9. . - - - t.ieo.aoo .. ��� - - - - - - rnmc�macrFees - - � " - . � - xw.aoo OMer Totel FunAl�p 9ourcm: ' ' " ' ' 1,{60.000 . CaplhlEaWMMUtas: . Osalpn - . - - . . . . 20U.000 R/plrtWWay ' ' ' - ' ' 250�000 Caiubuetlon ��1 000 OOD TotafExpenCttmea: ' ' ' " ' �t,{6p�p00 �Foreeasted ProJeet Coat: . - ' . Tobl � �. E�mUlai�ee 1014 201b 1078 7017 1072d017 ntl1077 FuMinp Soureaa: _ . . UmesMtMdSf/eefRevenue ' ' ' ' - - ' GqMS(Fed.Sbb.IauQ J80.000 800.000 - - 7.180.U00 - . REET - - - T2IIklmpectFeea 80,000 20I1,000 - . 2BO,U40 - OMer 7oaiFUndinpsourea.: �eo,aoo �,000,oao - - � �,aeo,aoo �� _, - Gplbl FsPenOiturar. � � . Deslpn . 7A0,000 ' " " . 200.000 - � ' RlphfWWey 250,000 - - - I50AOO � ' - .. ConsVUttlon 70�OOU0 1000000 - - 7oW EapenalNrdc. � .460,000 7�00O�OOO - . . . 1�BOA00 .-�_ _:__ . Ormb/OMer Sourcee: Grem NMlnp la unsewred. " 28 Roadway Improvement Projects City ofAuburn Transportation Improvement Program ARTEWAL STREET FUND(102) capMe�Fad�it�es P�en - _ "- Six Year Cap�l Facilitias Plan,2012-2017 Speefel Revanue Fu� . � �Projea ree: 49th Street NE from Aubum Wajr North to I Street NE ��TIP# 16 . _ . . � Project No: cpxl�0t , • ' ProjaG Typa: C8{18C1�/ Projea rnanager. TBD LOS Cortidor ID#29 – – – _ . _- _ DesedPtlon: - -- . . .- _ - � . . . --� --- —--.._ .._, ConstruG easUwest mrridor from Aubum.Way Nortli to I Street NE. The e�dstlng 49th Streat NE eMends westerty to B SVeet � � � , NE.This prol��InGudes a traffic.sigrel at the intersedion af Aubum Way NoM and 49th Street NE. This roadvay was . �, . . evaluaoad and remmmended in tha NE Spedal Plannfnp Area. ft is antidpated tliat this wI0 be m�utrudetl by tuture tl a ns � development. It is approximatay 3!4 of a mik�in lenpth. . � - Progress Summary: -' . . . FuGne Impact an Operetlng BudgeC: - - - - The ennual maintenence cost for Nis projeet is estlmeEed W be$27,050. _ Budget m11 YTDACUUI 207z 118utlpat. ' .. . 6WYat EqpndlWm� BudY� Balenca AtloOlBtlButlOet ' ." ' ' BudpafAmenWnnls _ . qy/ualeyg�M'Rf . " . " ' ' . ./�CtlVlry:. . � (P�sNOwvnl �77VE 307YVarEnE TeIDIPro}et . - . . �FUnEInpBOU�ces: � Prlorm2017 EetlmKS 20778utl M 3073&M ProectTOtal Coit-_. ' UniesbkfeCSYieetRe�enue • • - - - - - - . � ' GrariR(Fetl.Smb.Laca9 • • ' " " ' . . . REET ' ' ' ' " ' . . . TiellkMltlpatlo/rFU/Ma - - - - � - ' - OMar(De�*�cDmen4' - - 7950000. . . ' TotelFUntlhyBOUrces: - - — - - - 0.760,000'� GP�I EipsntllW fq: . .Dealpn " ' " " ' . - YOOA�� � RNhtoIWU' ' " ' " g5p,ppp�. � Canstructlon 26W 000� . ' TonlExpsntllWm: . . _ .. . . 7,750,OW', __ ._.. _ . _ . - . . _, � . - Foreceated Pro)ect CosC - . . " ' ' � � Tohl. -... . Espentlituma . . 20U 2076 '2016 7017 � Z012-3017 � -.... t077 . . FunAlnpSOUrcec , � . � . unresM1lcfMSGeefReroiwe " " ' " " " ' � � � c.a�ralrba,sdro;wwn. - - - - - - , REET - - - - - - . , '7ieMc AA�tlDeEbn Funds � . . . ' , ' . ' .. .O�her(DevNOPmenp' 850000 Y600000 3350000 - � ToblFuntlN08ourcee: , • Bfi4000 R,600,000 - '7,7W,OW - ' - - Gpitel Eipsntliwmr. . Dealdn - 200.000 - - ' 200.000 -. � R�htolWeY � - 850.000 - G50.0� - Construclbn � 2 500 000 2 500 000 ' ToLIExP�4ume: _. - 030.000 2�600A00 • .aS5p�p00 . , Gl811I8/Otl1M SOYML9: 'FNWB GGMGIOGRI011119 B.�IBdBE f0/WW 6lltl COIISINtl Nb VIO�Od.. _ . .. . . .- Roadway Improvemeru Projects 29 Ciry ofAuburn Transportation Improvement Program - _ -- - - -- ---- CAPRAL 1116PROVEMEWT FUND(328) capua�Faenwes Pian - "- -- -Six Yeer Cepifal Faellitles Plan,4012-2U77� Cepital Projeets Fund: . ... Project ritle: Traftie Calming Improvemenffi T1P#33 Project No: cpl000c � - ProJect Typa: Non-Capaclty(Mnual) Project Manager. � � '�Pa610 Para • �. - Desedpdon: � . � Tha Ciys Naghborhocd Twf(K Calming Pmpram was adopted by Clry CounGl in Nwember of 2005. SteH reoaiues compWiMS hom ' eitaens aM.Nen�paMers data to mMirm Mat a speedfng Iswe andlor aR Mrouph traMe Lsaue is preseM.�Thb money is far physi�al impmvertrenta to the strea�once ell olhar oPticns heve been ezheus@tl. Physiwl Impmvemenffi maY indude items suU as liphllng. sign�n9,atriP�nO�speed humps,apeed mbks�ehicanes�trame tlrcJes�antl metlian treatmanffi. � � � Progrese Summary: . � Progrdm eoMinuas W implemeM valuabb safaty aMmancements dtywide.2071 Improvements Mdude const�uGion af pedeshian activated aasswalk waming beacons,signage improvements arM speed wshlon instaltalions. FuO�ra Impaet on Opeeatlng BuAgeC - Annual maintenance cost for thae improvemenffi arc estimated ta be � ' Budger � � u�t rmtkm� � xo�x ���aueo:e ' ' 'BuEpat� ExpanOi[um Butlpet Balanu qWyfeyBUtlQet _' " _ . ' ' BucyefAme�Mmer� Ad�u.redewu�t ' , ' _ ' aetiWty: � (PmWOw 4 YnI ]011 YE 1U12 Yeer 6b. Tota1 Fo7aet FundlnpSourcea: PMOrm2077 Estdn�b 30738u at 20�7Bu! st .. Pm � �Tatel . Cost UnmsMCfetlC+P.ImpmeRewrx» - ." . ' � _ � . - ' ' " GmMa'(Fetl.Stab.LOCe9 . - - _ _ . . � . REET4 " ' " _ " ' Otller(RedMx) 3a0000 700000 ']00000 ' 80�000��. 7 000 ToplPUntllnp5amcn:. • 200AOD 300,000 300,000 � 800,000'�. 1,400,000 Cepihl ExpeMlWroa: ' � � � oeap�� - zo,aoo ' zo,aoo zo,oao ao,000. uu,000 Rlphta7Way - . - , - � � Carutruetlon 780000 180000 1800�0 � .980000�. - - .12BOOOU TWIEkpentllWm�: . - - ]00,000 700�000 ]00�000 , ��00�000�. . 1�40U�OW . ForeeaeTed ProJeet Coat• - � � � � � . � ... , . Tobl ExpentlLLUns 3014 3015 RO'IB 2017 � .TD12-I017 IOt7. � ,. Funtllnp5omcer.� -- - - - - -� � — ' , UnresbkbtlGP.Irirpmv.Reennus ' " ' " � . " ' . . . . c�a(r•.d.sr.r�.ix,9 - - ' - . .- . REETY' • -� - - � - � , . ONer(RetlMx) 200000 Y00000 R00000 300000 12f10000. � . � TohIFu�MInOgourtws: 300,000 Y00,0�0 300,000 70U,000 - �1,Z00,000� ' . . . -Caplul Expendituros: Oealpn . Y0,000 20.000 20,000 $0.000 �77A.000 - . - � RyhfWWSY " " " ' '. , ' � ' COnSGLCtlon ' . ' iB0000 780000 ' 780000 780000 �7 U80 WO . 7oW ExpeMltuies: 30o,aa0 MOA� 100,000 400,OOO 7,200,000 . . -� . , �Granb/ONU Samcea:ReAMx money Irenaferted hom Omiarai Fwtl. _ . . ' 30 Roadway Improvement Projects Ciry ofAuburn Transportation Impsovement,Program ARTERIAL STREET FUND(102) Capiml Facultlee Plan , � Six Year CapNel Facllitles Plan.2072-201Z� .. � Speebl Revenua FunA-.---` _ Projeq 7ltle: 724th Ave SE Corridor Improvemer�ts Phase 3 • .. . TIP# 39 � � � . � ProjaCNo: Cpxmc .� � , . ProJeG Type: Capacity '. _ . - ProJeet Manager. TBD LOS Corrldor ID#23,25 . _ . _ _ — ---- om�dptlon: _ . . . . . . _ . . - --, - - - � T�IS projeht wlll Nntl the design,Fight of way acqulsltlon;�end constructian of impmvemeMS to the aipnallutl Intereecthn of SE 340th St . . , antl 124th Ave SE ImproJemenis IncNtle conshucllnp bike lanea,sitlawalke,dual southbbun0lett Nm lanes InW GRCC,entl ITS.A . . portlon of thls project Is the main entrance to Green Rlver Communlly Callepe entl will requlre atl0ltlonal analte Impmvemenb by , � GRCC. Prognss Summary: . � . .' � Future Impaet on Operating Budget . . Thb proJeet will heve m impaG on the operating buGget for sheet meintenerrce. . , . _ audger. :o„ �vro ncaw mu �,euao.e . . . auCpet ',e�ena�wr.. � euao� ea�ence . . Ado0tetl8uCpet � - �- - . . - . . 9Wy7efAmentlmsntr , � A(ywfed6udG/f . " " ' " . ActMty: zo��r¢ soi:rmrena TolalVrojact FuntllnOSaumes _Ptlorm20N 6tlmete 70�26uE t 70178uE n. ProactTotel Cost UnrostrktedSbeefRevdnue �" . . _ � - _._ _ . .. .. Grsr�(Fed,Sbfe,LOU9� . " " " " ' 715.000 . Tr819clmpeUFees " ' " ' " 775.000 OMer ToL�FW�E1np5ouw: ' ' ' ' ' p5p�ppp . . Gpqal E�a�M(Wtas: - . �0� . . _ " ' " " " RlphtofWey . " " ' " '135.000 Lonstruc6on 7t5000 ' ' Total6�entllWres: ' ' ' � ' ' ' - 96p�ppp - Poreeasmd Projea Cost . � iobl EwW�XUns 70U 2016 2016 2017 20133017 B iM 2017 . FuMfnOSOUrtm: ' - . ' Uneeabkfetl Sbeet Revmue . _ . . . . Grenis(Fe4Stdb,LacdA . . . . 85.000 850�OOU 735.000 - inllklmpactFees - • 75,000 100,000 1t5,000 - OMer TotnlFUnding3oum.�si - - ,100,000 760,OW OE0,000 , - CeO��Expentllturer. , DeslDd . . . " ' _ ' ' � RMhtoIWeY " " 85.000 �.W,000 . 735.000 - Loiubucllon � 75000 700000' 775000 � Totnl ExMnllNm: � . . . 100�000 760�000 . ..860A00 �.. � ' � Ormib/OMC Saurces: G�mrt Fwd4g ia�mmwretl. . . . Roadway Improvement Projects 31 City ofAuburn Transpor(ation Improvement Program ARTERIAL STREET FUND(102) GpMal FaGlkks Plan Six Ymr Capital FeeflMiea Plaq 2012-2017 Special Revenue Fu� � � Projea TWa: � �� 124th Ave SE Corridor(mproveme�rts Phase 7 � ��TIP# 40 ProJed No: cplooa . Pm)eq 7ype: Capacity ProjeG Managar. TBD LOS CorrfdarJD#23 Oeseripllon:�. � � � This projeet will.fund the dnalgn,tlpM of way a�quisl6on,antl construction of a 41ane sec[lon wlth hicyde and pedastdan facllitles on � 124M Am SE hdNmen SE 318th St antl SE 312th St.. � ' � Prog'esaSummary:� " . Pre-design is planned tar 2013. Puturs Impaet on Operatlng Butlget � � - This�P�j�1'a�tl heve rw impad an t�e operetirig OuCget tar street maintenence. .. . .. BudgeL � m11 n'onawi zotx ��euapa . . . . e�av� �iae�dro�n. .a�eu�� e.anca ' � AdopkdBWpet ' " " • . . � . BuubetAmentlmenLt . AWuSfetlButlpet � ' . " ' - . , ACtIVIQr� � � . . . . . . M77 YE 2012 Yaer EnE Totnl ProJecY � . . FuntllnOSOUrcac . Prlorto2011 E�tlmeb�. 30128ud ]0776ud at' Pn«eTanl Co�t � � UnmstrRbtlStreatRawnua -� - - - � -� � � O2nfa(FedSdte.lnca4 ' ' ' t26.o00� � .-. 1.880.000 TiaMc/mWRFeeS� SO.OW 45.000 � ` 50.000 280�000 Otlmr , . ' TWdFw�dMpSOmcm: - � - 6U�000 160A00 lOA�. � 1�950000 . . GpitelExWMUUm: � . Desgn - • SO.00U t50.000 50.000 21p.0�0 : ' ' ' R1yhtWWeY " " ' " "' 250.000 � � . CansbucObn ' .�. ppp . . ToW ExP�IW4ures: . - SO�ODU 1fiQ000 � � W�WO 7�860�000 �� Foreeasted ProJeet Cost ' � . . roml BxpmEttu� . . . . ' 10U 3016 3018 7017 2012-t017 - �ndI017.. ' . FunCi�pSOUrces: ' � . UnmtbicbdSl�eefRevenue " " ' " " . . Oranfd(FedSYeM.LauO� 1.585.00U " ' " 1.BB0.000 - � TrelllclmpacfFees 185,000 - - - 280.000 � - OMer . TahlFund6p5aumer. 7,760,000 • ' ' Y,960AOU - . ' Lapitel Fipendlmres: � . . .Das47n . " ' _ ' 200.� . . , RlphFalWaY 250,000 " ' ' 250.000 - . , ' . � Constructlon� ' . 7500000 1500000 . � .TOtdExWntlkuma: � 7Afi0Aao ' ' ' f�6eDA�7 ,. � Grarits/OMer Sourros: Cuant hmdinp Is unu�reE. .. . _ - . � �. 32 Roadway Improvement Projects City ofAuburn TransporJation lmprove»ient Program ARTERIAL STREET FUND�102) ,ceWmi Padutlm Vmn . . . � Sh Veai CePiml FaellWes Plan.Y012-201Z Special Re4enue Fund_ -- � . ProJect 7itle: 124th Ave SE Carridor Impmvements Phase 2 . TIP# 41 Projea yo: cpioaoc Projea Type: Capaelty Rrojea Manager. TBD . LOS Corfidor ID#19,23' . . Deaeriptlon: - � ---- -- - �- �- -- Thta prokct w10 Nntl Ne Aeafpn,ripht o1 way.e�uisMon,anE consWtlion of improveme�rts W the signalined hrteiaeclbn of SE 312tli SI , ' ariA�t24th Ave SE ImpmvemeMa Indutle addlrig hike lanes,�tlual westbound left qim laries,�duzl sou[h6ound thru laries,rioMOOUnC � � rlgM him po�ket,RS entl peCestrien eefery Imptmieiirerrts. - � - -. Progreae Summary: � . . Pre�design is acheduled for 2013. Future Impaet oa Opentlng Budget, _ - . .._ _. . --- - . This projxt w10 have no Impect on Ma uperating 6udpet for atreet mainUnance.. � , � , � Budget . . . .. zoH � YT�Actuei 7012 - 71 Buapet � � � ButlOet Expendliures � �BUtlpat Balanu . .. AdapfedBUCQet - � � . . ' - . ButlpetAmerMmeirts ' . . AylptetlBWpet ' " " " ActNNy: . . . . ' . . . 7017 YE R017 Yaar End Totel Wo�xl .� FunUlnpSOUreae: . Pdorto2017 . Eatlmeta - R0128ud et 1010BUtl ProectTObl � �Coat. UnresfrkkdSfreetRevenue " • " ' ' " ' " Gnnta(Fetl,SbM,LOwp � � - - - - - B&S,WO 7nRklmpectFeaa ' ' ' 70.W0 . Y15.000 OMer Totnl FunAInO�uroes: -� - • 70,000 - 1,1t0,000 . GPN�IExpendNu�u: ' pey0^ " " ' 30.00� - eU.000 . RIpMO/WaY . " " " " • 700.000 Constructlon 7000000 TetdExPeMituros: - - • � SGA� - �1��780,000 - Foraeasfed ProJeU CoaC _ � . . . . Tofai -Expantlltmss 30U R016 2018 2017 2013-3017 Iltl t017 FuMhpBOwcn: - UnrssbktadSbeafRevenus'_.. . . . ' ' " " " ' G�anta(FecCSbro.wu4 too.000 ee5,000 - - ee4000 - Tr�19c�mpccfFess . 50.000 135.000 . " ' 215.000 - Otlror Tetal FunAlnp Sourtw:.�' � ' 7l0.000 1,000.000 - , " ' 1.Ia0,000 • . �. . GOIlalBxpendltuenf_ . . . . . � �Oeslpn� � 30.000 " ' " 80.00U - Rlpnto/WeY 700.000 - - 700.000. • ' COnSbucCOn . �1 000 000--- - - 1 000 000 TotaiExM�lturee: � 160.000 .1.700.000 --. _ �- ' - :- 1.180.000 - Grana/Other Sourcss: Oront Nntllnp k unm�e7: . . . . . Roadway Improvement Projects 33 Ciry ofAuburn Tranrportation Improvement Program ARTERIAL STREET FUND (102) capnal FaWlkbs Pidn 56c Year Capttel FeeOMka Pbn,�072-4b17 � .SpeNal Revenue Fu� � Project 7itle: SE 320th Street Corrldor Impmvemerrts TIP# 42 Projed No: cpnax � Projecl Type: C8p2Clty � ' ' ProJect Manager. TBD LOS Corrldor ID#23,26 Descriptfon: ' � This pro�eG w10 Nntl Ne design,right of way aoQUiaitfon,and mnsiruQion M a 3 lane meM�rdy with biyde and pedestrian tadfifies on. � SE S20Ui St halwesn 724[h Ave SE antl Me weatem ent2nce fn GRCC. - � ' � � Propress Summary: . .. Futuro Impea on Operatlng Budget � � This piojecl wlll have no ImpeG on the operallng butlpet for street melntenance. � _ Budgetr � � m�� rroaeeuai uu � � tt eueo.e ' - , _ ' Butlpet ExpsnEiWraa .Butlpet. BWnca , ' AtloPhOBUtlpef " ' " . . . BuCpef Amentlrtpnq . . ANuaktlBu�pet - - _� - ' . - � . . . ACtIVIry: . � , � . � � . � ]017 VE �1012YeerEntl TotalProJaet , , ' . FunE1n0 Souron: - P11or W 2U17 FJtlmeb 20t16uC et 201J 8u �et Pfo wt Toul .� Cnt� .� � , . Unrasbkhd Sbeel Rarenw . " " " " ' ' Grenb(Fetl.SfaM.LOCeO " " _ _ ". 557,800 TrellklmpectFeea " " " " •� 178A00 . PWTFL . " , . _ " " " �. OMer TotnlFundlnpSoumw: - - - - . - ,E7U,OG0 . ' GYIbIExWnEttuiu: - . . . . � . . � . -ppyyn ' ' ' ' . _. .80.000 - . . Rh�FOIWeY _ ' , ' ' �'80.� � . � ComNmtlon� - 510000 � .. � TaW FsPMdIWm: - . • - . - :W0.000 . ForeteBlBA PmJeet CoaC _.... ..,. .. . , .. . . ... Total ExpanABUros . . 3014 2015 M16 3077 .. . 3013d017 ��nA1G17 ' Fundl�pSOUrcu: � ' . UnresbkbdSbeafRewma " " ' " ' .Gre�(Fetl.Sble.LOCaO - 57.500 502.100 - 553.BW - . . . rmncimpx�reu 30.00o e.soo n.sm - iis.�oo - � - PwrF� - - - - � - � • - ofner � ToLI Puntlhp SwRaa: �0,000 80,000 680,000 - . g/p,ppp .. . . . � O+a�mExw�ercmea:. , � Deilpn, 30,000 BO.WO - �-� ' BO.00D - . � RphfolWeY " " ep,OW " � 80.000 . " CanSWcCon 5P0000 �SY0000 TotalExOanEtturoa: �� �0�000 80�000 580.000 " - - . _ .870Atlp ' - - . � Grema/ONn Somcen: (3rant Nntlinp la unaewred. , 34 Roadway Improvement Projects City ofAuSurn Transportation Improvement Program LOCAL REVITALIZATION FUND(330) Capiml Paeilwea Plan Six Year CapHal Faeflltles Plan,4072-2017 Capiml Projeeta Fund . �ProjeaTitie: DowntownPromenadeJmprovemenffi � TIP# 52� �� � Projed No: cp7006 Pro�ea 7ype: Non-CapacHy ProJeCt Manager. Ryan Vondrak/Ellzabeth Chambedaln . � � Oexdption: � � - � Thb�piojeaw0llund the dpipn,coordinetlon,permlttinp end mnsWCtlon af DavMOwn PromenaCe Impmwmema.ProJec[InUUCes , - atrnm,enwr,wetar erM metlwey improwmenln al DlWslon Sueet between Maln St anE 3rt15t SWISE. Proqroas Summary: - . �esign eiM cons4udion will be compbted In 2011. , � �Future Impaet on OperoU�Budget . Thb projeG w0 haw no ImpaG an tlie operatln0 Dudpet tor atreet meintenenm. � BudglL: . 70H YTDAeWd m7x 119udpet ' � BuApet Etpendllurc� Butlpet 9dmee AdoPte08utlpet .. _ .. . - � Butlpet Artpno'menla ACWatetl9urpet _ � ' " " AetFlty( - .. _ � 1077VE 1013VeaEM ToblNOJeCt - Fu�nY9aww: .Prlorto2U17 Estlmrte 7G7Y 701] Tehl Ceet _ 'C�Xal6nWw.FUrM ' " ' ' ' � ' � c�n,�rrm,�an - z.,a�,ee� ss.,00� - z,a,,oas a,w.oee � -REETt " " ' " _ �oawrfcosonN - iaaooee zeo3.aw eaeoo �auns 4aun5 � Tadl Fum9np Somcm: . 7,OIO,OBB 6,0.17,112' 1�6,000 - B,t28,9M � B,t28,601 . 4plftl Et�W Wm: Des'pn 1,Od0.OeB Y76,035 - - 1.378.734 1.918.744 ' Rpnfa/WBY " ' ' _ ' ' � Cqn3frtClbn 4765377 145000 49103T7 481 377 ' ToW F�enmWme: 7,WQOBB 6,047.N2 1�6,UW - . B,Z76,601 '-B,3t8,W1� Foremafetl Project Coat:. - � , � . � imtl .EtpeMltu� ' 3014 2076� '3078 7077 7073.1077 ntl3018 - ' ' FunNnq Soweu: ' - . _ . Cnpfallmpmv.Fund " " ' — ' ' c.e�nrreanren � • - - �- ss.,w . - ' . REET1 " _ ' " ' . " , ' Otlror(GOBOrroy 89900 � ' ToMFUMnpSOU'cu: . ' ' ' ' 1�6.OW . � C�IM E�enEXUm: � � ' pw�^ - _ _ . " " " - ' RghfolWaY ' ' " " . . ' ' Wnsb�.Vlon t�5a0o - � TNN�—..�.�nn..... ' " ' • . . '. 146.m7 GmNa/OCw Sou�ces: Gean Fuitlinp e Fetlqtl EDA Grorl.01her Fundmp e lqal RMIeIVMion Fwtinp GO Bontl mwiw. .. . , Roadway Improvement Projec�s 35 City ofAuburn Trcrosportation Improvement Program LOCAL REVITAIJZATION'FUND(330) cepitelFbcUWas Plon She Year Capifel FaeiOtles Plan,2012-Y017 Cepital ProJeeta Fund�� Pro�eet nne: � Dcwntown Pedeslrian LJghUng � �TIP�i� 57� � - Projact No: . Cp1176. � vroject rype; Non�apacity .� � Project Menepec Ryan Vondrak � - DeacripGon: � This project will tund Me tleaqn,moNinetbn,pertnXtinp and mntrudion d Oownlown atrcet lightinp ropiammenb. Pronroaa Summarv: '- - -� -"` - - ' Design antl aonslri�e[ion will be mmpkled in 2011. Future Impaa on Operoting Budgac Thia pmJeG wW hew no hnpaa on the operetlng budpet for aveet meintenence. BuAg9t: � _ �� . . - 2071 �'YTOAeWaI m1i 118u0pm � euao.e ��am,ro. eua� ee.��e AtloPfadB✓d0et - . -. . . Burpet Amentlmenfa - Ad/IqfetlB4tl�B& _ '. ' .". ActNity: ]011 VE � ]G13 Vav EnA �. Tehl Prejeet FuMInB3oinw: Prbr4I011 Estlmete 7017 - 301SBu �� Toml . � Gwt CepIW�nProy.FUW .• " ' " " " GrBNa(Federe9 " ' " ' " " . . REFR " " " ' . '"' ' Otlar(GOBOntlI �M5500' -_ 39500 . .485000 - 4850D0 TatdFUmm�YSOmeea: • M0.9W.' _ '_�9,l00 - - ' - .IBy,OW �B6.W7 Clpim EY�Wret: � � Deagn - 76,600 - - 18.5W 18.500 FqhtalWaY " "' " ' " " Cqrish�xfipn 1490W 38500 �BB500 I68500 ' roer�em�..: �-� aos,soo � . �es.am. �es,mo � Foreceatad ProJeU Cosk - . . � Totd � 6pMnuros ' �..P014' ]U18�- - 2018 ]01] ]013-3017 � 2018�. Fundin0 Sourcaa: . . . -.. ._ - . Cepltel lmpmv.FuM - " " ' ' ' � . GmrRa(FederoA " " " " - . - . � � REETT - . . _ � .-. . . OMar(GO Bortll 38 500 ' . ToW FuntOnYSaurcea: . .- - . " '78.800 " 4pItY Ew�Amm: . pp�V" ' _ " " ' . - pmhfdWeY " " " ' - ' Cnnsb�c0on 3B 500 TaW E�Nb�m: .' ' .. . 7g.3pp - � .Orame I Otl+m Souta+: Otl+er Fu�a'rp u Laml Reulmlirnibn FuMhp GO BoM mvanue. 36 Roadway Improvement Projects I City ofAuburn Transportation Improvement Program ARTERIAL STREET FUND(102) cav�i Fadnnes wan � Slx Yeer CaPMei FaeDitles Plan,2012-�17 � Speelal Revenue Funtl ProJea Sttle: Aubum Way Soutli Corridor Imp.,Fir ST SE to Hemlock ST SE TIP# 58 ' Pro�d No: cp1779 ProJedType:� CapdCily � • Pro)ea Manager Leah Dunsddn LOS Corrfdor ID#4 DeneAptlon: . . . � ' . Thie profeG wN wSden Auhum Way Seuth h9Mnen Fir St SE antl Hemlock St SE W fire lanes wlth wr0,Butter,ddawalka,Alumfnatlun . . . . . _ . .._ . . _ . . � enC etorm Improvementa.A new trafllc sl0nal wW elso be mnshucletl at Hemiark Street SE and eon�feet to Aubum's IMeUipeM .__._.. ._ . ._ . . . . . . . . Transportation System. � � . ?eo8resa Summary: WashingWn State Transpartation Imp�ovameM Board(T7B)awardad grant in the amount of$2,426,400 an November 19, � 2010 to,Me Clry of Aubum. - FuLUre Impaet on Operating BudgeS: � - Thb annuel meintenance cost far Nis�pmJed Is es8mated to be 58,300. -: . Budget .mii rrurmnw xou �te�ep.� . . . ewa� �an�A.� a�aa•� e.r� qppyby9ydWt ' ' ' ' . . ButbetAmeMmenh - . . AWmeed9u�et ". ' ' ' ACtIhIY; � - � . . . . , ' m1tVE mt7rearFsa 7otalPm�set - Flmtlbp 9omep: VAar tn 7071 E�neta 2072 et 3013 BuE ToMI � Coet � UmesCttedSbeetRewwe . ' " ' Gm�(SmbJ - Z77.000 2.188.�00 - T.{28.400 2.1IBA00 . .TI8111CIInCectFees . ' " " ' ". . OMe�Souices(MucftbsMOO 58300 5973W 808fiW 808800 'TObIFu�Wl�ry9ourees: - 288,�00 2.778.700 ],0.1],000 � 7,W7A� � . GpMal Pxpantlkuns: - � . Oeslpn - 281.90D 77�000 - 358.300 3SB�300 ��tirorwar . • is.000. . ssz,aao . . sn.aao zri,oao . � Consfn2tlon 2 397 700 - �2 3H7 700 2 9B7 700 . � TotdESpendhum: . - 3Y8�700�. .3�779�700 ... .. �.037.000 � ],077AOG . Foreesatetl PmjectCaaC� _ ' - _- _ __ _ . Total� EvpenAlWrm .201f 2016' � 7018 2ptl M11-3017 nE 3077. FuM6ry Soumwc: . . . Unresbkfetl50eetRew�uro ' ' " ' ' Gianh(Sbb) _ ' " ' 2.189.b0 - . Tral�tlmpect(roes " ' ' " ' " 011rorSnurmafMUrJ�baMoO Ss7 300 TotalFUntlinYSOUmaa: . _ . . . .-]A�.pOU . GP�I E�enditmp: , n^ay^ � - - - - n.00n - � � RlglrtolWaY ' ' ' ' ' 262.00U � ' Conshuctlon � Y3877U0 rmd 6cw�an��.: . . . Z,��a� _ GmMa/Otlwr Somces: Smm GrnM la TIB. . . . Roadway Improvemenl Projects 37 City ofAuburn Transportation Improvement Program ARTERIAL STREET FUND(702) Capital Faeilitles Pian . Six Year Capqal Pai�JliBes Plen.2072-2017 �Speelal Revenue Fund _ Pro�ea Twe: M Street SE Corridor(8TH St SE to AWS) TIP# 60 ProJectNa �10IX � • - ProjectType: '. C8p2Gly � Project Menager. TBD LOS Corrldor ID#5 Oeserlptlon:- �� . CAn9tniU a�mul�-18ne arterlal from 8TH Street SE W AWS..This DrojeU will Improve mobiliry antl Is tietl to cortitlor Eevebpmant. It fs tonsis[ent wtth the Comprehensive Plan and contrlbutes to�Ne wmpletbn of a nohhlsouth arterial corridor. Progresa Summary: Future impaet on Operating 6udgat - . . 611dQBC 3077 YTDAetusl 101] 11BUtlpet � ewon exaenaimrea euaa.� a.ien� A�PtetlBUtlpef' " " ' .' Butpet ArtroMlrtienb � - Atyustetl Butlpet- ' " ' � " �� � . _ ryrnimaYnl 7U77.VE ]072YmrEnE .TWalProjett FunEMp Sauw: Vrbr W 3017 Eatimeb. tOtt 307J Tonl �Cost . Unmabkfetl5beetReuenue " . " " ' ' I88.000 Gmmrts fFe45dro.1r+0 ' ' ' ' � _ 3.815.eoo � TroNklmpeC[Faes... . . . ' ' ' ' ' Y.527.700 . REET2 " ' " ' ' ' Ofha� ' ' ' ToTalFuntli�pSOUmee: , - - ' - . - 0.W0,800 Gpibl EapandiWrea: pyyg� ' ' ' " - 697.800 � RKhf oiWeY " " . " " " 1.283.E0� � Couhi,stlon �4745�00� �Tofal ExpatMiturea: • ' ' . - 8�640�l00 . ForecasteA ProJect�COSC . � ' , Tofel. �Erye,mllluna - ' 3014 3015 ]O18 ]017 3071-3017 . �L4017 � . FunChp Souw: . UnmMebtlSbeetRewwe ' - 23l.00D 230p00 . �88.000 Giants(FedSYale.LOCe9 - �87.800 9ZQ.800 - 3.8�5.800 - ' �- 7/ellk�mpectFaes - 1�.26i.eW 1387.800 - . 2.527.YW - . � REET2 ' " ' " ' . " OMer " ' ' ' " _ .. .. . . � . ToLlFundi�Souicec � - t,BB8,A00 l,768,�W - 6,&10,800 � - . . 4pItnlExP��ihuea: � . � . Desgn - 637.BDU - - 831,80� . . . - ' F(yhto/WaY . - 1,283.600 - . - � 7,283.800 - . - Constrectlon � �6795M0 47L5t0� � . � TWelExpeMkurp:. . ' -�1�896��00. 4.7{6��00 . � 8�8/0�800 � ' . Caranre/Othm Sourcea: � � � � �� „_ . 38 Roadway Improvement Projects City ofAuburn Transportation Improvement Program ARTERIAL STREET FUND(702) ' capenl Fae�Mka Pian . Sh Year Capkal Faeltitlea Plan,4012,2017 �Spxial Revanua Fu�d . aro)ect 7me: Auburn Way SouJh Bypass TIP# 61 Pro�ed No: cpmc �ProJectType: Cepacity � . . � ProJeG Maneger. TBD LOS COrrldor IDp4 Oeserlptlon: - , CqnatnWNon of a new Aubum Way South Bypass connecllng SR 764.[o SR 18 vla Rlverv�alk Drive antl a new R Slreet iirterUianpe. The . proJai will improve tra}fic operotions on SR 184 anE wlll have teu�er intersection9 operallng ouar wpacNy durinp the PM Peak hour. It. wlll aho.improve sigM dYStence end roadway geometrks to provide drivera wiM improve0 visibillty entl oveiall sa(ery. � Progress Summary: . _ , FuWre Impect on Operetlng Budget: - . „ � BuAgeC . m7t rTOqctw� ]otx� tteuapet BuGYN �Fxpm�Atturoe Butlpet BNams AtloCNd9uqpat " ' ' ' . BuqpetAmentlmenfs - - pyJucOStlBuYpt ' ' ' ' , ACtiv4y:. . . . . .__ _ � - �muam vn� m71 YE 2012 Yeer EnA Tdal Propet FuMfnpSoumm: � PrlortoTD11 E�tlme4 1073 301] Peo ToW Catt: ^ Unrsstrzbd Street Revmue � " ' . ' " ' Gnrib(FaI,ShOe.LOCeO " ' ' " " 80.�50.000 � TrellkfmpectFeas �" ' " " ' � ' � REET7 " " " ' " ' OMer � � . � Tofal Fundlnp Soumas: , � - - - - • 60,�60,G00 � GP��Wndlturoa: - ' peayn " " " " " 8.500�000 R/phto/WSY " ' ' ' ' 8A50.000 Consbuctlon 45600000 7atal Eqp�MNum: ' ' ' ' ' lOA�A00 Fore�aaEed ProJeU Coat: � . ' ronl �ExpsiMltum . 307� M78 7078 3017 3012•2017 -�i112U17 ' Funtlhp Somen: . UmaGSOMStreefRevanue ' " ' ' ' ' GranLt(retl,sreb.wceq - - • eo,a5o,aoo eo,aso,000 - TwRkImPK�Fees " " ' " " ' � REETS . " ' ' ' . OMer TetalFUnEhrySowcu: � - - . - 80,690,000 W,460,000 - Capital Expsndlturoc. � . � Deslpn " " B.W0.000 8,500.W0 - R/phto/Wey - • . - B,�50.000 . 8,450,000 - comaucaon� as -o 000� -as soo aoo roeei E,y;e�ain��es: . • - eo,�su.00a eo,uo,000 - ormn,�omn sartces: � . Roadway Improvement Projects 39 Ciry'ofAuburn Transportation Improvement Program ARTERIAL STREET FUND(102) Caplrsl Fautkks Plen SIx Vear Capifal Fecilitles Plan,20'12-2017 ��Speelal Revenue Fund ' ' � Project 7me: AWSStreetscape ImprovemeMs(SR 18 to M Street SE) • TIP# 62 ProJeel No: cpx�at. � � Pro�eet 7ype: Miscellaneous , Project Maneger. � ' �TBD - LOS Corridor ID#4' � �eserlptlon: � - - TTe puryox of tNS proket is Lo mAteliae antl beeutly Aubum Way Sauth Irom the SR 18 iMeichanpe W tne interactian of M Strcet SE. � Propoxtl Improvements intlude:enhancemeM of crosswalke aM pedesMan�Gnkages;new and repaircd aide�valka:wrb and B�r, peAastrien remps;,new IandsrapeE medians:street trees:new Iiphting:peOesMan henMes:trash receP�9:ra.YUing wr�iners eM oNer ePProOrlate amenitles.� � � Pmg�eas�3ummary: � . Future Impaa on Operating'BudgeC � � ' � � � BudgBt � � � m11 VTDACtuel 3013 . 11BUApet � . BudO� �ExW�elWtss BulWt Belenoe AdopfetlBWyet ' ' ' " BWIpltArtMntlmenb. ' ' _ ' AtyyqbpBUdWf ' " " " AetlWb: (PreNaus Ynl 7U71 VE � 1073 Vur E� Toinl Projaet Funtli�p5ourcan: Prlortn�H Eatimate 307RBUtl Y070 eL P Tofd�. Cwt UnrosbkteESbeefRevenue " ' � " ' . ' " BOD.WO � cre�m(FedStero.Loup - - - � - a.250.000 , . T21�KIrtyNGtFeea ' ' " ' " " REER - ' " " " ' ' " OMer 700 a0o TotalFuntllnpSOUmwa: . . . - ' . - 4,7H0,000 , GDltal Expantllturee: .ppsmn " " " " ' .' 500.000 RiphfalWaY - " " " " 1.�50.000 ConsNxtlon Y 800 000 7otelFipeMlWrea: - - . . ._ .�700�000 Fore�eama rryea cost —— ' T�CI EfpenUlplRa . . ]01f 1015 M18 5017 2012-20fl. 2017 Funtlinp Someee: -- -- - - - - -- UmsstrkAetlSEeetRevenue - - 100.000 �00�000 800.000 Gmmh(FedSbb.leca9: . _ � 7,400.000 Y.OW,000 3.250.U00 - . . rramc7mpecrrees - - - - - - ' ' REET7 - - • - - - � � - � OMer 350000 3W000 - - 700000 �- Total Pundinp Soumat: ' ' - - 1,860,000 4,800,000- �l,780,00� • Gpttal Expentllwros: . . � OBdb7n � - 500,00� - 500,000 - ' R/yhtWWeY''.. . � - - 7.450.�00 - 1,450AU0 - . . . Lbiifb�ctlon . - . 2800000 2800000 .. ' '-7ow�p.mpu�ee:� � - � . f�eso�000 2A��aoo . . �,tw,aoo - orenb ronw sourma: -. � . - _ " . . 40 Roadway]mprovement Projects Ciry ofAuburn Transportation Iriiprove�iient Program ARTERIAL STREET FUND(102) cevnai Fa�uuea Pian , � SlzYesrCapllalFae111tlea�Plan,2072-2017 _ 9peNaiRewnueFunds__ _ Pro�ea ntle: Lea Hill Rd Segment 7 (R St NE to 104th Ave SE) TIP# 64 Pro)ea No: cpxmc � . � ProjeG Typa: C8p8City � . � ProjeG Manager: TBD LOS CorridOr ID#23 ' Daserlption: � Expand w�rent lwo-lene roadway to 4aanes,Induding wideninp of the Green River Bridge. ProjeG indudes hike Wnes and sidewalks. � , Pmgreas 3ummary: . � Future Impact on Openting Budget - - ---" -- Budget � mtt rmncwai mu ueuaa.e .. 9uEpet Fipa'Mitures BudpM Balence . Adapfetl Budpet - ' ' � ButlpetAmentlmsnfa - - , AywtedBudpet. " ' " ' ' . ACtivity: . _ . � . � . � 40HYE 2012YeerEnU� TotelPmjact. ' . Funtlln09ourca�: . � .PAortoY077 Estlmeta 401]BUd et 7077BU Pio � Total ...COit . UmesblWetlSbeetRmronue' " " . " " ' ' 1.6W�000 Oranfs(FStl�Sbb,LaceO " " ' . . . 8.Y60�000� REEL " " ' ' ' � T211kImpeGFeas " " ' ' . ' - 1.]50�000 . � - � OMSr 12850000 . ToteIFUMInOBowcm: ' ' ' ' . ' �2�,700p00 . . GPttel EsPe�MIMn: . . Osa/pn _ ' " " " 2.500.00�' . . WyhtNWeY ' " ' " ' • 9.750.000 � � Conabuctlon teA50000 .. . TatelEt�aMlwra: . . . ' - .. - - 2�,7pp,ppp , . �ForaenEetl ProJett Ceat: . . . . ,� Toml. E�yanElWiae - 3011 301b . 3018 Z017' ]013-RU17 � t017 � � � FuM6p Saurrm: � . UnmsbklndSOeefReuenue - - . . :900.000 7.250.000 .. 1.6b0.000 . •. � GranR(FedSfeOr.LOU� - _ " 5`,�W.000 3.750.000 8.150.000 • . REET - - • - . 7211k�mOx�Faes . " " , - 1.250,000 � 7.2W.000 , � � OMef 150000 12200000 138500� ' Tobl Fundlnp Sa�me:- � - - . s,36U,00� tB,t80,000. . t1,700.000 ' . . . GYital F�snEtturoe: _ . DasWn . - - - 2.500.000 - 2.SW.000 _ . RlpllfolWey � - • .9.750.000 . 3.750.WU .. � (qmbuctlon ' 791B0000.. i8A60000 � ToW EqqnAlturca: .- ' " 8,260,000 18,160,000 � . .2�,700,000 � - _ � Grnta/ONm Souw: - . �. . Roadway Improvemen!Projects 4l City ofAuburn Transportation Improvement Program ARTERIAL STREET FUND (702) capnal Fae�utm's Pian - '-• - Six Year Capital FaeUMka PIaM�12-2017 Speelal Revenua Funds : . P�ojeQ Title: � Lea Nill Rd SegmeM 4(104th Ave SE to 172M Ave SE I � �P# 6S . . - Project No: � ep�000c .. .,� PmjectType: C8E18CIty . . . .. .. - Pmjeet Manager. TBD LOS CandorlD#23 " _ ._ .__.. Deseriptlon:� . . ' Project indudes widening from ads8ng 2-lane roadway to 4-larres with bi�larres and.sidewalks.. � �� ' Progress Summary: . .. Future Impeet on Oparating Budget� ' BuAget( � � xa�t vroncw.i zou tteuaox ' _' � Butlpet Expentlttuna Butlpet� Belence ACOpbtlButlpef - ' --�- - . - . ButlpetAmantlmenb ' �AywbtlBtMpat - - - - AellWty: . . . . . ' 2077YE - � M13VmrEnE � TotalPm}ct � ' FunA1n0 Sourcas: 'PMr b 20H 6tlm�h.: _:207Y 6uE t Y07]9uA t � Pro Total .. . Cost � - � . .UnlesbfcrotlSbeatRevenue ' ' � " -" � .'� ' �' crantr(Fedsrere,Loce4 - - - - - e,aao,�o �� � REE7 - .. _ _ _ _ Tlallk fmp�cf Feea " ' ' " ' � - 2.�00,000 OMec - 7ablFuMlnpSomeu: ' ' ' ' . ' • H,�WA00 . Ceplal FsqnCllures: � . G+� _ _ _ - 1�.300.000 Ripltf o/WeY " " " ' 1.800.000 Lanabuctlon 8 r00 WO � . 7omEltwnaltura: - - • - - . 77,bo,000 ' Forecaatad ProJect Cost: _- � . _ - . . . ' Tabl ' Expmdkume . . .' _ . ' , 20U 1018 4076 2017 '2ot2-7077 nd307Z � ' FunCbNSOUrcn: ._. . . _. . _ _-. _ . �UmeabkG�dStreetRawnus " " - ' ' G2nb fFe45fe(e.IxeO " " " 8.0�.000 B.OD0.000 - . _ . REET ' " ' ' " ' . . T2IIk�mWCtFaes � . " ' _ 2.100.000 I.IW,000 - . . .. . OMer � - - • ToW FuMhp SourcM: � . . - 7t,�00,�00 - 71,�W0,000 . . - �. GplfalE�cW�MttuAe: � .ppy�n ' " " 1Z(10.000� 1.2W.000 . . R/phtolWay " " - 1.800.000 7.800.000 - . .. Consbuctlon . B 000.�, 8�100 0 ' . • . ToMEn7e�Wkurae: . . � NA��A00 .11�q00,000 ' . . . Orants/OMU Sourcea: ' _ � . - - • � . 42 Roadway Improvement Projects' City ofAuburn Transportation Improvement Program . ARTERIAL STREET FUND(102) cepnal Feenhteap�an ' . . S6c Vaer.Caplml FaWkins Plan,.4D�2-2017 . Spadal Revanue FmMe _ � . � . ProjeG TWe: Lea Hlll Rd Segme�R](172th Ava SE to 1TAffi Ave SE.) 'I�P# 66 � _ � ProJeG No: dpx7ooc Project 7ype: Capadry LOS Cortidor ID#23 ProJeU Manaper: TBD -, - . . � . � Deeerlption: - . � ProjeG Includes widaning fiom existing 2aa're roadway m 4lanes with bicy��larres and sidewalks. - Progreaa Summary: - . Future Impaet on Operaling Budget: . ' ' : . . Budget zo�� vrcnaum :ai3 ��auaon - ' � . � euao.i . E�enam,res � eueaee �ea�mce . 'AdopbdBudpef. . .- - -- _ - _ - . ButtrptAmenOrtiertla' ' � . . � � AQkufetlB��At ' " '. ' . . . ACtNLLy: . � . m77rE�,. - xwsr.erEne 7'atalvmj.0 ea Funtllnp8ourca: PrbrtoR017 EsUmeta - .7D7R 207� ToW�. �COit— UmvbicfatlSbeetRaromm - - ' " - • . � - .75f1.000 . . � Gier�lFed.Sfe0e.1oca9 - • • - - 2.700�000 REET " " ' " " .. TMmc�mW�Feea ' " ' ' • 7110.00D - � OMar '-'52R 000 . TohlFUtWInOSOU�cu: • ' � ' ' ' 3,67a.000 GOK+I F�entliWns: . . , py� ' " " " . .�950.� . Pophto�WeY _ ' ' ' ' �525.000� . Caru7NCtlon � 700000 .-TOnI E�an0lmm: - - • - • 3A7b,000 � Foreeasted ProjeG Coat � � � -- � 7oml Erya�Altuma - .101! M75 3018 2017 30S•1017 nA 7D77. ' FundlnO3oumea: � - --- . . .- - - - -- � - . Un�esWGetl Sbsef Rswnue - - - 250,000 150.000 . . Grantr(Fed.Sfaro.Lacs� � - ' " 2.700.000 2.700.000 - REET - - • - ' • , - � 7ralMlmp�GFSea " " " 700.000 700.000 - OMer SYSOW' SP5000 Totd Funtllnp Soumn: - - - ' - 0,676,000 0�675�000 � ' �'� -- � C�pkel EtpandlNM: , Desfpn . " " " .360.000 3fi0.000 - R/pMOIWey - -� - 525,000 545,000 Conslructlon � 2 700 000 2 700 000 Totel E�endLLurp: . " ' ' '- ' 1,67l,000 .' J,676.000 . . Granb/ONer Sourcea: � Roadway Improvement Projects 43 City ofAuburn Transportatron/mprovement Program y --- * � // 'T - "- - '` -' �� . �; . , c --� � �- "� �9 * - — -- % i j/� . --- - _-" . ._. %�_ i�� � �... * '� ' , „� � - _'l�O�'THAN YOU I�'IAGIN�� �� � -- 44 Roadway Improvement Projects City ofAuburn Transportation Improvement Program . ARTERIAL STREET FUND(102) Capital Faeilitlea Plan, . Siz Year Capitel Faeilitles Plan;2074.2017 ' Speclal Revenue FunA� — � Projea T�tle: Harvey Road&8M�Street NE Intersectlon Improvements �TIP# 17 � - , Prolea No: cp0811 � � , ProjeGType: CapaCHy . . Projeel ManeBer. Jaeob SweeBng � LOS Corrfdor ID#6,19 �Deaedptlon: - - -�- --- -- � Add one eastbound Ihrough/ripht tum lana on eth St NE appioachinp Harvey Rd. Modiy treKC sipnals entl traffic � Uanneli¢ation M exommotlata the new tane. She atlditional Wne will improve trafic delays and vehida queuing at tha � � hiter4eetbn oi Hervay RO entl Bth St NE in ell directioiis. This project wlll reconstrvc[M St NE fiom 4th St NE to etn St NE,a se8ment of roedway eppmdmatetyA.3 miies in length with tour travel lanes. The recbnstruGion will fix Me e�astinp poor pevement mntlltlon entl BII In eny paps in Ihe sidewalk network. - � � � Propross Summary: - - - �. � � PmJeG was completed In 2010.Ongoing budpet is for PWTFL de6t peymenta. FuW�a Impect on OperaUng Butlget ' . , � � ,This pmjact wiil heve no impael on tha opereting�budget for street maiManance. � Budeet: m» rro kwa mu 77 e�a�n ' , a�a�e �.�maw. aw� a� am�deudaet � - � - . - ewAeramarMmeas - AdF+��dBW7et " ' " " ��ACUVIqr: � . . m1�YE 3M2veerFiW 7aalProjscl. - Fumm�p9ouRa: PtimmMtt 6tlmele 201tBU 701] Tattl Caet . . UnlmMdeNSbeefRevencV - • • • .. ' " m G�ib(Fed.57am.LOre9 " ' ' ' " ' �7�ellkfmpeCtFeeB(DehtSeiwcel 87.100 87.700 87,3W 88.9W 282.100 1.6UY,700 TrMkImP�Fees 209.500 - �- - 2U4.500 2W.SW � . ' - PIMF 159300 � 75Z7300 15]7300 . . TeWFu�np9eurcm: 1A78,8� 87.700 87,700 88,900 1,897,8W 1.7]7,800 ' � DeOt Bvvka: . . 7,H02700 Wpbl E�anEituma: -. .. Oesipn 2&S.OW . . - 385�000 ' 785.000 � R'plrto/WeY 186�500 " " " 186�500 186.W0 ' Consfruclbn 1�3W.300 " ' " 7.25U�300 7�250.�00 , � . .. Lorp7ermOaDt-PWIF - 87100 B�]00 . 8]300 BB900 . .7@100 ---180470U , To1dE�endNums: ', 1.Bt8.9a0 87.700 ° - 07,OW . 88.Y00 . .t,9f7,900 -'-1, J1,LOD �Foreeaated Projeet Coat � � - � ""�� � � . imr �r��aw�. � . - Z07! 1076 RD78 ]017 20133017 � 2077 . FuntlinB Sou'm: . .- . . UnroaHicfedSM1eetRevewe " " " " , ' ' GiaiHa(Fetl.Slab,Wia9 ' ' " ' n,m�i�F;,:(oeerse,w�l es.soo es.oao es.soo es.ma �sn.soo sio.<oo TreRlc/mpaCFees - - - • - • - P4Y(F TafelFUnrMpSOUrcas: - - '. l8,600 l0.W0 'E6,lW� E6,300 6fl.600 -MO,.WO � . Caplbl Ep�enAW�u�m: . - ppsy� " " " " " - Rphfe�W+Y �- - . - • - - Consnuction " . ' " ' " " LarpTemiDeOf-PW/F - - 86500 B600U- - - �86800 85200 �51]500 �970�00 ToW ElyenmWros: . ' 9b.b00 94000 !b.lW l6.700 ' S17.fi00 -810.�7C ' (3�ar0�/Otlw&oucae: PMFlhaa e 10 Y�mm e�y in 20P9 . . ' Intersection Improvement Projects 45 Ciry ofAuburn Transportation Improvement Program ARTERIAL STREET FUND(102) Capltal Fadin�es Pian , Siz Year CapNal FeeOklea Plsn;2012-2077 � Speelei Ra4anue Fund . . . , Pro�ea Tme: 8th Street NE and R St NE Imp.(704th Ave SE St U�um) TiP# 18 Prolect No: CP7104 Projea 7ype: Intersee8on Improvemerrt,Capacity Pro)ea Mansger. Robert Lee . LOS Corridor ID#19 _ .._ . . . , . Descdptlon:�. � . . � � . This proJeQ indudes iha design,dght of way acquisislion and construction,of INersection improvements that wAI either consist of eifher a tralfic signal wiM easbountl u-tum capadty or a roundabout design. � � � - - - -- - - —.. Progresa Summaryc. .. . . . _ ._ _' The tlesign began In 2017 wRh construdion achedukd for 2012. � . FuWretmpeetonOperating�Budgat - - � . -• � The ennuel mair�tenanca cOSt tor Mis praject is estimated to be$6;600:.. BWlget: " . . . . � 20H � 'YTDACtual 20/3 - t7Butlpat• , . . ... __ . ..._.. Bu00� - - E�aMituros �BUApet� Befenw - . . AWphtlBUqpet ' - �- • � - ' � � . 8uqptAmandnieM Atl/�uletl8urqet ' " " ' ACtlYItyC . , . � 2071 YE 2012 Vmr EM Tael Projael � � FundlnpSomcas: PMrtof077 Eatlmate 30138uA et 201i8ud t .Pro ��Tofal Cost Um0.Tbkfetl5beetReverWe -� - . - 157.000 - . .-. '757.U00 GnM�(Fatlera� - 50�000 50.00U - . . 100�000 . REER - - 75.000 - 75,000 75,000 rramc�mneur-ees - - - . . . . ..OMei(Redne:l 50 000 sa 000� so aa0 . TotalFundl�qSou�em: �- 60.000 772,000 - t7bA00 7B1,OOU WDltel EtPenAlwroa: � Deafpn - 30�000 - - 30.U00 �30.00D � R/pMalWaY - 20,000 - - 2qU00 � 20,WD Can[Wetlon �3Y000 ' 332000 332000 rom e■pe�aimre.: - w,uoo ux,000 - aespoa aes,aoo Foreceeted ProJeet Cont: �� �� � � . . Totel �, Expa�Mttuees � 3014 7076 7016 3017 � 70tb3077 � n77017 "FUndMOSOUrcac - . � � UnrosbkOedSbaetRavenue - " " " 757.000 - . , �anms(Federe4 ' ' ' ' . so.aao REET1 - ' " . ' . . 75.OU0 - . � � Tm11kImW«Fees " " " " � " . -� OMei(ReOMx) . . . _ . 50 a00 . Tohl PunOiM Souima: . . . . yf�ppp • . CaDltal ExYSMtturee: � . pey�pn " ' " ' " ' . . . RIpMWWey _ " ' ' "' " ' ConsE�ctlnn . . �332000 � . . . 7oW ExOeMlturea: - - � - , . �-]S1,OW - ' 6ranle/ONmSw�cas: feEe�alUbcelbrery9ren[IeeaamE. - . . ' ' 46 Intersection Improvement Projects City ofAuburn Transporlation Irnprovement Program ARTERIAL STREET FUND (102) Capkal Faellltba Plan Six Vear CapNal�Faetlitlw Plan.2012,2017 � . SpeeWl Revenue FunA . __ ___ ___ . Pro�a 7iue: Aubum Way Nortl�/7st Street NE Signal Improvemer� TIP# 79 ProJeet No: epxlaa Pro7earype: Non-Capacky _ Projed.Manager: TBD . LOS Cortidor ID#2 Dmeripflon: - -—- _ This pro�eC wlll mnshuG a new.complflte tratflc signal wqh wntropar rabirret aM.baf[ery 6ackup along wph reeessary iMersedlon improvementa. . . '.. Peogreas Summary: � . � � Design will ba eompleted In 2013.ConsWCtion Is planned for 2014. . Fuluee trnpaet on Operafing Budgat .. � . . " - ��This proJeet wlll heve no impad on ihe opera0ng budgat for street maiMenance. . � BYdgek 2017 -. .VTDACtual 7012 71 ButlOet , Butlpet Ex�natturos ButlO� . 8elence AtloPEedBUCPot�� - ' - . . . , Butlpetilmentlmeritr Aqbufatl BWpaf. " " " " - qetMyl: - .. - 7011 VE t013 Vear Entl Tatal Pra�sct. FunElnp Sourees:. Pdor to 7U71 Estlmate 2017 Bud ae Z013 BuA et.. Pro ect TofeL . �Cwt , . Unre�bkbil Sfroet Revenue � - " ' ' S0.000 . _ _ _ .� �. _ O�antr(Fed.Sbro.Lau7 ' " ' . . �425�000 . T�e1lklmpeGFeet ' ' ' " ' " ' OMer Toh�Fun01n0 Sourus: - - • 60.000 . l00,000 Caplla�Eqwndlturaa: � . pexlpn ' ' • 60.000 . . 60.000 RlphfMWeY " " " ' " 1W.000 Lom6uc0'on �60 WO Tatal F�antlllum: • - � • 6G�000 " • 800�000 . .� �Foreeasted PmJeU Coat . . . . .. .. , Toul � 6vWntldum .201�� .207b 2078 mt7 .2017-]017-- . �3077- FuMin09oumm: . . ._ . ..' ' . Un+esbkfetlStreetRevenue 725.000 - - - . 175.000 • Q�anulrad.SYeb.tacaA �25.00n ' " ' �25AOO . . ' 7Mk�mpectFees • - . _ - . OMai ' TatalFuMinp9ourua: 6fi0.000 ' ' ' 900•ODU ' � GVMeIE�eMlwm: . . .. pp�� ' " ' ' " 50�� - RIpMMWeY 700.UW " _ ' � 700.000 - . Consbuc0'on �50 00o A50 aaa . TobIE%psMltwaa: 660,W0 - - l00,000 - -Orenb/ONer Sourw: �rent fwtllnY la unaecura0.. _. - - '. -- ' Intersection Improvement Projects 47 City ofAuburn Transportation Improvement Program ARTERIAL STREfT FUND(102) ' 'Cppna�Faqnrees Plen - Sh Year Cepifel Faeilitlos Plan,4012-2077 Special Revenue Fu'M Projea 7itle: Atibum W5y Soutb and M Street SE Intersection Imp. TIP# 20 � ProjeG No: � Cp7000t � � Project Typa: Capaeity - � � Project Manager. 78D LOS COrrldOr ID#9,4 . Oesprfption: ' . . CanstruG a.weslbound W northbound rigM dun pocket at tha IMerseclion of Aubum Way S and M St SE. This projeG wauW� ' also improve t�e tuminp radius at thls same eomer aAOwing driveis to make a safi right Nm on�ed(arter stopping and . yielding to oncoming vehides). CurtenUy the Intersection geametry has necessitsted the Ciry plaong a lapal��estriGion on tt�is movement: -- .. . _. . . . Prog�assSUmmary: . . . Predesign is antidpated W begin in 2011 with ilnal deslgn to be completed'In 2012.Conshuction will be completed when � funtling Is seaired. � Future Impaet on Operating ButlgeC This projecl wlll have no ImpaG on the operating budget far street maintenance. auaget: - zu�i r%auwi zo,z „ewyee .eueoee. ��aa�atw� e�aa� - eaie�rce aaoaaeaei�ewr - - - - ewo,ra�a�a,�e,m AQ�urt�BUdpat " " - �" ACNviry: so��ve 7074 Vwr E�M Tmei a�y« � „FuMinpSaurw: PrlorOO2011 Eetlmaro . ]Of4eu M 207]Budet � ProaetTatal� Coat UnroatrkEedSbeatRewwe • ' 25,000 75.000 - � � - 700,000 �Gienfs(Fetl.Stero,Larap • - 850,000 - 850,000. REET - - - - - . TmRkM/tlpatlonFwWs - - 75U.000 - 150.000 � OMer ToblFundinp5owcae: • 26,000 76,000 1,OW,000 - 7,100,000 . CaDlttl EnMnEllwee: dalpn - 45.000 ' 75.000 - - t00.000 . lthMtoll44Y.. " - . . . . 2(q.�0 � • .. �0(1.000 Caubuctlan� 800 000 e0U 000 . . TotalExY�Mltuma: - 2bA00 76A� . tA��OW t00A� 1,tU0.000 ForeeasmAProJeetCoat: -- - . - ' iotal � ExW�MMuns - . . . . . . . 30t4 7016 2016 2017 M12d017' 1077 FmMiiqSOUrus: . ... _ - ' __ UnremkfadSbeafRawrwe • " ' ' - 75p00 - Granb(Fed.Sfeb,LaceO " " " _ g5p,ppp ' � REEi ' " " " _ ' ' , rwmcMmQ.ao�ww - - - - �soaoo � - on� - - ToWPUn01nB��: " " ' " , 1,076,OOU .- " Cpibl6Pe�MNuns: . . . , � . . �� . " " _ ' 75.� - ' , RWMOIWSY " " ' " ' 20U.00� '. . . Canstructlon . " ' _ gppppp � . - - Totd Espe�MHums: .. " " ' '. 1A76,000 �. ' GraMS/ONm Saurcea: GreM NnEl�ry la unnewreE: . � 48 Intersection Improvernent Projects Crty ofAuburn Transporlation Improvement Program ARTERIAL STREET FUND(102) caprtai Faenuhs wan S6cYearGpMal Facilitlea PIan.2012-2017 .__ .. . Speelal Re4enue FunA. . _ .__ '. - Projea Troe: C Street NW and West Main Street TIP# 21 Projec[No: Cp7OOOC � ProjeaType: NonCapaclty Project Manager. TBD LOS Co�7ldor ID#11 _ ' DeseripUon: � � . - Reeonstrud IntarsaGion at C St NW a�M W Maln St. Project would InGude a new�traNic sipnal and motlHlratlons to Me tuming redif at each comar to help fadlitate�nhlcuWr movemenfs. The naw iraflk slgnal would allow for proteCed left tum . . pfiesing tor noAhbound end southbound left tum movements. This would also provide additional safety related to ihe reGroad . pre�emption. Progroas Summary: � Futuro Impaat on Operating BuAgeC � . . . - . Thls pro�eG will have no impaet on the opereting budget forstreet maiMenance. - . Budget 2077 VTOAituel 7077 HBUtlpet � Butlqet Exp��i0tturw Butlpet, BaMnu AtloOfetl Budpet. . - - -. . _ . � ' Butlpef AmsMmsnfs qd4utedgy�f _ _ " " a�ln�My. � � mit YE 20/2 Vaar F�M Totd PmJeU. Fun01np9ourua: P�IOrto3D11 Eatlmob M776uE 707�8W et . Ple � Tobl �CMt. . 'UnmibkbtlSbeetRevenue - - . - 20.000 - ---110,000 GIMb(Fetl,Sbb.LacaO - - - • 80.000 - 880.000 REET " " " ' " " T2MCImpectFee3 _ . . _ ' _ _ . OMer . TofdFunAlnp9ourcas: • ' ' 100,000 - �7,100.G00 . Capttd E�eMIWm: .. ppa�n " ' ' 100.000 100.000 �100.W0 RpMa/WeY . _ ' � ' ' . �- �00.000 � Consbuctlon - � - 800000 � TotnlEapendiW�a: - - � . 100.000 - - 7,700.00D . Foreeasfed ProJeU Coat - row � E.p.oapu�a . . 2U14 3076 ` I018 7077 3072.2017 8..."mITOA Funtllnp Sou�ea: . UrueaAkYatlSbeetRevenus 200.W0 - . _ �0.p00 - . . �Omnra(rrodsraro.�oce9 eoo.000 - . - eeo.oao � . � REE7 " " . " " " " TiellklmpecfFees - • - - - - OMer . ToblFundlrry8oureni 1,00O,OOU - - . 7,1W,000 - CepttelExpmdlWras: . . ' . Des/pn ' ' ' • 100.000 - RIpMOIWeY . d00.000 - - 400.000' - Conabucffon ' 800000 �80000U� . TatelEftpsntlltuiae: 1.000,000 • - 1,100,000� O�anta/Otlier Sou�ces: Glant FunAlrip U unseareA. - Intersection Improvement Projects 49 City ofAuburn Transportation Improvement Program ARTERIAL STREET FUND(102) cepMa�Faemeka wan Siz Ymr CapMal FaeOitles I+lan,Z012-TA17 � Speeiat Revenue Fund � Projed 71tla: F Street SE 8 4th$treet 5E Trefflc Signal 11P# 25 -- Pmjed No: Cp0814 Projea 7ype: Non-Capaeity InterseeUon Improvement amjea nnanager. Jaeob SweeUng DaserlpUon:� _ . This D�IeG�ndudes Me constrwAOn of a naw tralfic Npnal at the intersection of 4th S7 SE aM F St SE. Intereedbn Improvemerrta w10� - Indude vossralb and�padestrian sipnals. TNS ProjaQ was aekctetl baxtl on ac�Eerrt hipoN,�mc volumea.an0 petlesirien flow � . . � paCCms. � � . Prtgress Summary: � Pmjed was�mmpleted In 2011. Future Impect on Operetlng Butlgek The annuel meintenance aost for ffiIS projeet is estlmeted to be 58,800. � e�aeae: ' sm, rron�a,.i mu ��e�ao�e ' � euayee expanaRUres euayat ee�enee AQOpbtlBldpet ' " ' " .Bu�7ef Ama/Mmen6 'AyuSfedBwpet " " ' �- . AetNHy: . . . � � 1D11 VE II012 Yaa�Entl ' Tote1 ProjaU Fu11tlIn0��: , Prlorm2011 Esthneb. 2072 3073BUtl t �P�o Tobl Coat U/uesbkfetlSbeefRaroMro 7,807 f.080. 7.0� - . B.BW B.BW OrenLS(F?d.Sfefe.lnGe7 285.614 127.470 - . 383.703 , 993�103 � REET ' ' ' ' " " ' pW/pL ' ' " " ' ' OMer . roat F��e�np souw: � naAb im.sao. .- iAOO - - � --�wAOO �,000 cap�a�6o�mna.: �Desmn 18.768 ' " " 49.188 �8.788 � Rgh(ofWaY " ' ' ' " ' � Consbucdon 775 72 /28580� 7000 151 95{89I ToW EipenAiWeas: , T13.M0 1]4fi80 7.000� - '�U3.000 �0].000 Foreeantetl ProJeet Cont � � . ' To�ai �, E�psnClniida � � ' 20U 2076 2018 Y017 3012-7077 n02077 � Funtll�p Somem: _.. � .-0nms6kfetlStreetRmronue - - - - 1,000 - GraMS(FaqSbb,locaQ - - - - • - ' ' REET - - . - ' _. _ . PWiFL. ' ' " " ' ' OMer 7obl Fun01n0�umer. . . - " - ' ' 1.000 ' - � . ' GpNel Etpantlkune: Ws�On � ' ' ' " � .. _ . � . RlphrolWey - - • - - � � � CansHUCtlon ' 1000 . . . . TdalESpmAlwras: . ' ' ' . 1AOO . _ ' -_ ' . Orenb/Other Souue: � CYmit le Fatleml HSIP Nndetl entl tloaa nat mqWm e ciry match.. ' , , � 50 Intersection Improvemen!Projects Cily of Aubarn Transportation Improvemeru Program ARTERIAL S7REETfUND(102) ceatta�pau�mm�se.' ": `� . Sh Year CaPMaI Feellitles Plen.2072-�17 Spxlal Rsvenue Fund � ProJact 7lue: Railroad Crossing Safety Improvemenb 71P# 38 aroJea No: cpma Pro)ea 7ype: Intersection Satety(NOn-Capaelty) . Project Manager. � TBD ' � . . � . � Deserlptlon• � . , Thie project will NrW Me tlesign;cooMinetion,permtttinp end conetruGian of lour quedfant getes at the�W Main St,3M St NW,and 37th ' � ' St NW BN$F Reilroad wssings as well as aetWe 8rede croeainp IIOhq and qates et the:�private epur croesinBe on C St SW and A St ' ' NW. Progtasa Summary: . - . Futme ImpaM on Operatlng Budget. , • - � � The annual maintenance mst far ihis projed is esOmaMd�lo ba 55,000. - � Budglt . 2011 YTO Aetual 2U17 11 Budpat ... ,. Budpe[ E�andNmo Budpn 8de�rca AtloytedBuo�ef ' " ' ' 6urd7et MroiMrmnb � A4WStedButpet " " " . .- . . ' ��; _ . —_ _ ' . . 2017YE 2073VUrEntl TotelPfojacC . . Funtll�g5oureer. Prlor[o2017 Fitlmate 30728ud9n 1�7]Bu a[. ,.ProaetTotd Co�t . . Unres➢kJetlStreefRevenue • . . . '• . � � . . �260.000 � ��G2nb(Faal.Sfela,LxeO . . ' ' " ' ' '.R750.W0 . . gEET " ' ' ' " . . . _ ONer TaWFu�InOSOUmm: • ' .. ' ' " 'SA�.� Gptrel EtpnMiWre: pys/pn " ' ' ' ' �500.000 _ RiphtMWeY ' ' ' ' ' ' Conttruitlan 500000 TohlE�peeMlm�es: . ' ' ' ' :SA�A� ForeemLadProJoctCOaC . .. -- - ---- ,Tobl .� ��. fi�panaitmes . . 2014 1016 2016 2077 t012-2077 . n02077. . . . FuntllnB Somcas: . . - . . .'----__ WreabklstlSheefRevenw 1W.000 - 150.00D - ]W.000 " _ Grar�fFed,Shro.LOCe9 i,�oa.aoo� �.eso.aoo - • saso.om , � - Reer - - - - �- - oMer TatalFUnElnpSOmca�: . ' • 1,]�0,000 tAau,ou0 - J,o0o,000 " GpIW E:pnMlWns: . .. . . � � � � Desi7^ ' - 200.OW� 300.000 - 600.000 - RlphtNWaY • ' ' ' '. ' Co�rsbuctlon t 000 000 �1 600 000 2 600 000 TNtlFSGe�Wlturp: ' � - 7,ZOO.WO- 't.B00.000 • 7A7C.000 � - Oranb/Othm.SaYw: . G�anttundlnOl3MwvrcE. . . Intersection Improvement Projects . 51 City ofAuburn Trcrosportation Tmprovement Program ARTERIAL STREET FUND(102) Gpifal Peeilidea Plen � Siz Year Capitel Fao0ltles Plan,4D�2-2017 � . . Speelal Revenue Fund ._.' . Project 7me: Aubum Way South 8 Rive�walk IrrtersecHon Improvemerns TIP# 43 • Project No: � Gpx700c . .. � Projee[Tgpe: C8p2City � " " � " . - ProJea Managar., TBD LOS Cortidor ID#4 • �edptlon: ' . - . _ . � Thla proJectwlll fund the Eesign,right ofway acquisufon and construdlon of InteiseQion aapaUry and safetyJmprovements at Aubum� � � Way.S antl Rlveiwdlk Dr SE.Thls project will inclutle creatlng eastbountlAVeethounE tluallefl Nrn lanes,auxlllary elgnal heatls and � - - petlestden aatery enhencemerib: � - ' ' Progmas Summaey. . . . . Future 6npeet on Operatlng BudgeC ' � ' � ' This�pro�eG wi0 have no impact on Uie apereting Iwdget for street maimenanee. � � BudpeC - So17 'VTD Aetual �20t7 71 BuApN � � . Butlpn .Expentlllurea Bwlpet Wlanis � AtloGbtlBudyet _ _ - ,_ . . ._ . . . � � . Bu[�etAmentlrtprrtf ' � ' Adfusbtl B�dpet " " " _ a�w�a: . . .2071YE ' � ]01RYmrEnd .TotelPro�aC . - ' Fundlnp Somcea: Prbrlo 3011 �Esthiute .7011 Butl st 201]B - Ro�et Tatel Coat - UnmsbkbtlSbeatRawnue " ' ' . � - . .. � Gmllla(FedSfeh.lxe9 ' ' " � . - 2�078.000 . T/allklnW+�fFees " " _ " ' .37A.00� pµ?fl.� " _ ' " " OMv TobIPUMIn09ou2es: - - . . - y,�pp,ppp Gplbl FspsnEiW�: ' pps�n " ' " ' • 750.000 Wyrt oiWey . " ' " ' ' ' 200.000 ConsOUCtlon 2 O50 000 .row�w�aro��.: . . - . - . • - a��oo.mo ForeeasteA ProJact Cos� _ �� � � . -- ' . ' ' ' Tobl Fape�Wkuro - 3014 t016 3018 7017 7011-20�7 � oU3017 � . FunCbp Somew: � � � Umea6kYed56eetRevewe ' " " ' ' � ' 'cbw(Fedsrero.mwp - �25.000 1.efi7.000 - 2.078,�00 - � . ' �Tn111CImpDCeFees - 25.000 xB8.o00 . - - 344.000 - . � � - PWTF4 ' " ' ' " � " OMar Tobl Fundinp Soumm: - 160,W0 2,760,000 •-� � ' 3�00,000 . - � , capia�exv�an�re.: � � vesg� . - iso.000 - . ieo.auu - RghrolwaY ' ' 200.a00 - . .Y00.000� - . . � Contbuctlon . 2050a00 Y 000 � . . .TOblExpeMkwa+: - 7EO.OUO 2,7a0,00U - 3,�WA00' . . - . Ormm/Otl�m Sourw: Giant NMhp is unxwre0. ' S2 Intersection Improvement Projects City ofAuburn Tr"ansportatron Improvement Program ARTERIAL STREET FUND(102) 4pqa1 FaGlkbs Plen Shc.VearCapMal Facllitlea Ptan.2012d077__. ._ Speeial Revenue Fund _ _ ProJea nue: 29th Street SE&R Sb+eet SE IMerseeUon ImprovemeMS TIP# 63 � Projea No: .epna ProJea Type: Cepadty .ProjectMenaper. TBD LOSCortido�lDlf4 . " Deseriptlon: � . . Thia proJeet wlli tuntl t�e tlesipn,right of way scquisitlon end wnahuctlon of Interaeetian ta�paelry and sefety Improvemar�ts et 29th Street' _ � SE antl R-Street SE.TMe proJect wlll include aeatlnp eastboundNrestbound dual lett tum�lanes,euxlllary siBnal heads and OedesMan sefetyenhencemenq. �� � - � � - . Progreas�9ummary: FuW10 dnpaet on Operatlng Budgat. ��lTls proJxt will have no impaU on tha ape'atlng 6utlgat for street maintenanre. � . Budget 2011 VTDAcwd M12 . t18Wpst � 9uE tturas Budpat Balenee ' AtlDPbdB�Rmet ' ' ' ' BuCpefArtanNllenls qdJ�fadHyyOet ' ' " . ' ' ACtIVi4/:. ' .. ' � - 2077 YE � 1012 Ywr Ena To1a1 Pmjett ' � ' Fu�Wl�qSeuw: . Pebrm2011 6tlmeb .3D778uC t. 701� Pro Totel ' Cwt .. W . . . UnnatrkfetlSY�aetRevenw " ' ' ' ' . ' � . Gmrtls(SfeleJ " " " " � " 2A7b.00U . TiaMClmpectFees ." ' ' ' .• 820�000 , - . pW7FL ' " . " ' " , ' OMer ' � . � Total FunAlnp Sowem: ' ' ' ' -- ' -.t,i/0,000 � ' Gpltal Fspentliwras: pes'pn .. ' _ ' " 970.W0 R�OhtWWeY ". " " ' _ .I85.000 . . Corisbuctlon . '2770000 ' TaW FiMnAlmrm: . . . . . - ';p�p,ppp Foreeestetl ProJeet Cost• �- � 'iofal ErM�MiWtes ]014 ]016 ]O18 1077 SD12d077. .B - 2017 . Fu�MlnpSOU2aa: � . - . .. " - ' Unmstrkmtl Sbeaf RwWm' " _ _ , ' . �GmnblSfabl " " " 2.3]5.W0 2.925.000 - nemcimn+ar-eas - - - azo.aoo . eza.oao - rwrF� . - - - - �- - oMer TotelFUnOfnB�uw: � . ' ' " Z,W8,000 � t,9f8,000 ' GpWlEqrntliW�vs: ' . � ' Deslp^ . " ' ' ' 310.000 310.000 , -. • aynraw.r - . - - - �ss.000 �esAOO ��� - co,aw�wn �xi�u000� . .xn0000 �. rouiExwoam,ro.:' � � • - � - z,ue.000 x.ws.aoo - . Orenb/ONm Sourroa: - ' ' � � Intersection Improvemenl Projects 53 Ciry ofAuburn Transporlation Improvement Program y 'j —_ � ;�; T � ��-% ; , , ,- . , * - __— � - ' > _ __ - - - , .�;; ;% _ __ .. _ - � - - �� ._ ,k :i-, �/ — ✓ =%' -�� _- '=(�D�,THAN YOU j�GINti� ,,; 54 Intersection Improvement Projects City ofAuburn Tr[msportation lmprovement Program CABITAL IMFROVEMENT FUND(328} eapMal Fae�l�tles Plen ` . . � Slx YearCepital FeWliflee Ptan,7012-2017..: . . � CePNeI PmJeels Fund _.. . .. ' �' , _ Pro�ea 7nle: Traffic Signal Improvemenffi TIP#34 Projeel No: Cp7qOCx � � Projed Type: Non-CepeClty(Mnual) � . � .. Projeet Manager. SCOtt Nutter - � � - � � Deaeriptlon: . � , �-_ -- - . � Thts proJep intludes proeurinp antl Insialling traffi�stgnal equipmeM uppraEes for existlnp sipnals as v.ell as cafery/capxtty � Improvemenh for e�risUnp anClor new slgnals.The Cily uses acdtlent a�M traffic caunt tla�to itlently iMerxcUOm In neeG af � - hnprovements. Progress Summary: � ProjeC coMinues to complete intersectlon safery improvements. . FuW�e Impaet on OperaUng Budger . Nor�e Budget .. _ . _ 20H .VTDAtWd �. 2012 HBUApet - �� � Budpet' EtipeMtlurer.- BuOpet BWnn - . AdoGn+dBUdWt- .. . . . . " " . ButlaetAmenMienfs ' ' ' • . . AQWStetl9udpet ' ' ' " ACtnIMy: - . (PmNOw]Yq) ]Ot7VE 3077VUrEntl �� TetalPmJeet FuMinO�urcu: Priorm2077 6tbnab 2017 201]6utl Pro�ttTOfel .Cmt.... UiwabicbdGO.Improv.Reverwe ' " - " " " G�ank(Fed,Stah.LOCeO - - - - - REETT - 775.000 776.000 775.0� . ..350.000 � 7,325.W0 . OMer TofelPundinpSourcee: - 776.OW 775.000 176,000 '3W.000 - 1,325,OW Capttal FaWnAltume: ' Dulpn - 10.000 10.000 10.UOU 7L,000 7�.000 RMMO/W4' " ' � ' ' � ' ' ' CapbuCCOn . 185 00� 165 000 185 000 310 000'. 11 000 TofalEYpsntllW�as: - 776,OOU 176,OOU 17b,000 ��60,000. - 1,=25,W0 PoreeeSted ProJect Coat. . .. ' ; - 7ote1 �ExoeMliuros' � . 3014 ]Otfi .7078 Z017 ' .1077.2017 � iid.2077 . Fun01n0 Sourcp: . . � . UmeshicbdL�P.ImP�v:Revemm ' " . . .� - .. . Granls fFetl.Sfab.LaceO ' ' _ ' ' " � qFFT3 .. .. . 175,000 176.000. 175,000 175.000 . 1,050.000 - OMIOf TofaIFmMlnpSamcef: -776,000 176,OOU 176,000 178,000 -t,060,000 - - ' GpIblBryenGltums: . ' . DetlQn� � . 10.000 70.OW 10.000 10.000 80.OW - . RlphtWWeY' � . ' ' " . Cmubuetlon 185000 1&500U t85 185000 .' gppppp . . ror,iExro�an��e:: . —vs.000 na.000 � -. � ns.aao � nAaoo - :��oso,aao � ---- - � arm�n�omwsour�s.: - Tr�c Signal&.7ntelligenl Transportation Syslems Improvement Projects 55 Cily ofAuburn Trcrosportation Improvement Program ARTERIAL STREET FUND(102) caoim�Faeilkies'Plen . _ _ ... Sh Year Capkal FacillFles Plan,'2072-T017� Speeiel Revenue Fund � ' .. Pm�aet riee: ' � ITS oynamlc Measage Signs TIP# 50 � ProjeG No: .�cpianc � � ProjectType: Non-Capaciry(ITS) Projec[Manager. TBD � - � � , DeaeAptton: ' . - � Thia project witl hme the tlrsipn arid mnstnubon ot Oynamic AAessage sip�at verioua beatbns throughout tlie dry.oynamic masaape � � sigm are an imporfant feol in RS for in(nrtnirig�roatlway uxn.Prioriry IoraCOns for aign InsfellatWm are hased�on the Co�rahensive . Trensportetion Plaris ITS mep and inelutle Au6um Wey N,Au6um Way S,W VeAey XpMvay,E Va�ey Hiphwmy and Lea Hll Rd. � Progresa Summary: . The first phase of this project is scheduled to begln In 2014 or sooner if grent funding becomes avallable: � � � Futura Impact on OpereUng Budget � - The annual maintenance mst for this pro)eG is esLmatetl ta he 55000. , Budget . 307t VTDACtual 3012 11Budpat � - ' Butlpel ExM�Mtturas Butlpet Belend � . AdopbtlBU�pef ._ .- _ . . But{7etAmeMmanb . �. . AQp¢tetlBUdpet ' - - — � - -- __ ACtivlty: . - � _ - . .. . . soi+ve mu rwr ena Toui r�o�a ..FUntlln9�u�ees: . Prlarto4U71 �sumne .mtaeua n mtaeud ec aioaa7oai emi � UnmsMCled Sbeat Ravenue � . . .. _ ._ - � 780,000 �. Grenfs(fedSfeh.LOm� ' " " _ " 7.7�U.00U � - -� REET - - � - - . • , , . .PWTFL " " " " " ' OMer � . TotelFwMlnOSOUrcea:� ' ' .- .. - .. �A.920�000 Gpiml E�smlkuna:� � �ppyY� " " " ' ' tIIU.�� R(phta/WeY ' " " ' - . � Lorubuttlon 1 00000 � Tofal EYP�eituros: - - . . . - 1.]]0.000 Foraeaated ProJect Cost: -_ Teui exp.�aiwn:�' � ' zms zma so�a mn mu�mn namn_. . F�,�,ai�x�R..: � 'l/nmsbktedSbeefRevenue 30,000 - 30,000 - � 80,000� 17A,W0 � Giin7s(FedSbM,LOCS9 180,000 - 180,000 - 380,000 780,000 . . .. REE7 - ' " '" - . - . PWTFL " " " _ " " . Ofher Totel Funai�p Sourus: 32UAOO - 720,o0D �- �MOA00' 'BOD,000 Gpibl Exps�ttum: . Desiprr 20.000 - Y0.000 - - .00�000. 80.000 Rl�t olWey� - - - — � - Consbuctlon 400000 Y0�000 �OU000 - �800000' Tatel FspenEtturee:�. � 7Y0.000 - 340�000 �- . . . M0,000 'BBD.000 O�a�b/ONm Souw: ' OreM fun01n0 b imaaavaE. . 56 TrafJic Srgnal&Intelligent Transportation Systems Improvement Projects City of Auburn Transportation Improyement Program . ARTERIAL STREET FUND (702� capiral Facilhles Plan Slx Vear Caplfel�Faeilltles Plan.�12,2017._ Speefal Rewnue Funtl _ Projea Title: East Valley Nighway ffS E�ansion 71P# 51 "ProjedNo: Gpicmc� Rn�ea Typa: CepaGity Projeet Manager: TBD LOS Corrido►ID#70 . . � Deaeripdon: - - - - �_ - Thia proJeq w10 funtl Ne tlesipn,maMination,permlitlnp and conshudion of ITS fatllities hum 47s1 St SE to Lake TapD$Parkwdy: Progresa Summary: . Future hnpaet on Operatlng Budget -� - 7he annual mahitenanre cost for.Mla projeG is astlmated to be 55000. ' . . BOtlgBt '� 30N . YTD Acluei . ]013' N 9udpdt ' - . . BuAOet FapenElWrea Butlpet .BelaMe AabOEeABU�et ' " " ' . BWpet Amentlmertta � . Aqpubtleu�et - . ' ' " ' AetNLLy: 70NVE 307RYSerEnd TotelProJaot � ' PunAinO Sourcas: . W Wrm 2071 Eetlmete-. -�3012 BuC 107]BuE et Pm ec!Tdfnl-- Cmt— . . . UnroabktetlSbeelRevenue " " ' " ' _- _ - - . � '- Grarifa(Fetl�Steb�LOCeO . ' " ' ' 882.000 882,000�. REE7 ' " ' ' ' ' , ' � inllklrryHelFeaa . . - . . - 108.000 - . 708,000. OMer Tofel FmMlnp 8ouRaa: • - . - 800,000 • EOO,U00 . CaPttel ErOeMlturoa: . . ppyyn ' " ' " 85.000 . &4.000. R�toIWeY " ' " " ' ' Com6uctlon 775000� �715000� � ' TWaIEYMnAlluroa: - - _ - E00�000 - _� _ BW,000. Foreeaated PmJeet CoaS: . - , . . . . iaal eap�nEttum ZO10 3076 YD18 2017 2012-2017- iN3017 Fu�Wl�q Sourcw: � UnmaMCSrtlStreetRevenue " ' ' ' �' ' Grema(FatlSbb.LOC�O ' " ' " ��.� - . . REt7 ' " ' ' , - r,e��,w,a�s - - - - �ae.000 - . OMer Tofel FuMlnp Somcp: " ' ' ' 800,000 � . . - avn.i�.�eimA,: � o^yan - - - - e5.000 _ rtpnrawer • • - • • - Consbuc(ron 7�so0o To1dEiP�MlltuM: ' ' ' ' ppp,Opp ' CuenU/ONer Snurrea: Omnt funEln0la waecureE. . . Tra�c Signal&Intelligent Transportation Systems Improvement Projects 57 • Crty ofAu6urn Transportation Improvement Program _ T �` �— _- � ��' ��>,* _ _ _ — - / �- _ __ � * ; j'� ,. ' �j� �,!- � -,���,THAN YOU I�GIN�� �' 58 Tra�c Signal&Intelligend Transportation Systems Improvemen!Projects City ofAaburn Transportation Improvement Program ARTERIAL STREET FUND(1�2) cao�+e�Fau�ntes Ptan � SIx Yrar Cxpital Faclllties�Plan,Z012-2017 � Speelal Revenue Fund � ' Pro�ect Twe: BNSF/E.Valley Highway PedesVian Underpass TIP# Y3 Projecf No: c229a0 � � . � ProjeG 7ype:� Class 7 Trail(Cepacity) . . ' ProjeU AAanagar. TBO . � Deacriptfon: . . . . �- � . ProjeG to�an undeiaossinp M the BNSF Railroad in wnjufution wIU e pedestrian 6ridge to ellow a sefe;direa, attrapive non-mororaed access betvaeen naiphborhoods in the Ciry of PaciBC and schools in Me Ciry of Aubum. Pmgreas Summary: _ _ „ _ � _ Tha�design is on hdd. Fundin8 source is most likety a federal earmark. Currenqy thia projeG ia onhold pendinp some � � � tllswssions with BNSF RR. Thay are in tha process of planning for a third rail which would signKpntty impaet Me design. - Future Impect on Operating Butlget ' � . , . The annual mairKenance mst for.this projee[is esNmatetl to be$240. , _ , . Budget: - . . . mtt . - vm�cwa� mfz tt�aoe� . e��t Exwnmdires euEps� aetnea . AtlopfetlBWpat - -. - .. BuQpt AnienMer� ' . . . .ANu9ktlBU(j7BR • � . - _ _ . �� . . . " " __ __ m++re mur..r�e rewrmy� . WntllnpSourcaa: . PAmro]ON Eetlmma :7GtSe 701] Pro Tobl .- -..Cmt —= � � UmesGkfeUSf/aetRewN.e . . . _ �' ,900 - ' , - . • ' -53.800 - . ' 53.800 G2Ma(Fed,Sfele.LOCeQ 170,A00 . _ _ ' 170.A00 ' 8,720,400 � REET - - . _ _ _ Troilk/mpact Fees . ONror 250000 '. TatalFUndlnp8ourtaa: -YJA,i00 ' ' " 721,700 "tO,OTA,700� CC�IIW Eqsnmtums: roaivn na.3oo • ' - �a.wo wa.aoo aqn�mwer - - - - • sn.mu Cons12Clb/r 9000000 ToW F�aMWms: � f70,i00 - • - 131,]W 10,02{,]QO Fo�ted Project Cost: � . . Toid E�enmmm : IUit 3016 7018 7D'IT -]017.7017. � m17. FunANO Sourcas: . . .. .unra.vnctetlstmerReronue " " " " ' , Grontr(Fetl,$hOe,LOCaf) - • 4,550,000' � 4,550,000 S,OW,WO . , REET � - - - - - - Tiaflft ImpDtf Feet ' ' ' " " ' � . ONx(OMerApericbs)• - 250W0 250000 Tatal FundMp Saurcr: � . . - 4.BOO.00U ' 4�,� b,�A� CepIW�Pen�GWras: .. . . . 'OeafC/� - - • 750.UW 750�OW _ . Poamawnr - - • so.aoo . w.aoo - Conafrvcfpn 4000000. 4000000 50W WO TottlEaPenmWne: � - • • - - 4lW�WO . - 4�.077 4GW.U7U Grents I OCwl3ourzm: `KC Open Spare Bona ane Mpn SpaeQ Rell SelelyMOney. - Non-Motorized& Transil Improvement Projects 59 City ofAuburn Transportation lmprovemenl Program ARTERIAC STREET FUND(102) Capltal Fedlldea Plan Shc Year Cepifel FaNlltles Plen,2072•7D77 � Speeial�.Revenue Fund ProJect 7ltle: ' ` ��Academy Drive Mu1tl-Use Treil " � TIP# 24 � ProJect No: _ Cp�00qc � � ProJect 7ype: Ctass 7 Trail(Capaoity) Pro�ct Manager. TBD• , Omerlptlon: _ . ' . Thls pmjeG wllfuse existing righFOf-way fo repair the damaged roadbad to a usable muPo-use trail on Academy Dr from Me Green Ririer RA m AuEUm WayS. � � Progrem Swnmary: . . . Future Impaet on Operatlng Budget , ' � � � ' � � The annual mainlenence cost for this proJeG is esGmated W he$7,680. ' ' BudgeL .� , �� 2att Y7DACweI. 2a13 t1&�apn . ' . . . . . .. . . • .BUEpet .� Et�snElwros 6utlae�. 8alanee- . Atlopbd8ixlplt - - . . BwqetAmentlme�rtt .Aq(iabtlewqet ' ' _ ' . AetlWty:�� . . . _ ... � mN YE' � :701x Ymr Ena Tofnl ProJece . . FuMhipSOUreec.. '.-� Prbra20N FapmGb �307S8d � 707]Bi( ProMTOpt. � � Cos( ' . �UnmsbicbdSbestRevelwe - • - - � , •. 136,000 '� Grantr(PodSfefa.LOCe9 ' ' ' ' . - q85.W0 ' . REEi - . . _ _. _ TraMClmpactFees - - - - -� - OtlrorSOwces � ' ' Tohl FuMtrp Sourcm: ' ' ' ' " 90U,000 GVibl EiPe�Nurec � . pey7� ' ' " " " 50.� � . RhMOlWaY " " ' " ' ' . CoHbuclbn -Bsu o00 7otelEZPenaltwee: • • • - . sW�� ' Forerasted ProJeet CosC ..- ._ . . ron� �exPeiiamiAs . ' 107� 1078 4018 1017 2012-2017 ntl2017 . . � Fundinp Sourcac . . . .. . Umesb/cEedSheetRavenue - 'S0,000 42,SW 42,500 735,OU� - � GnrrtS(Fed.Shle,LOCe9 - - 382.600 382.500 785.00D ' ' . REET " " " . . .. ' Trafic ImP+«Fees " " ' " ' ' . OMerSOUrt,es . TotelFund6qSOmia: • W,WO lR6,000 425A� '800,000 , . CePiUI EzWntlllures: � ' dslpn - 50.000 - - 60.00D - , ' .R�t NWaP. " " " � . ' CoM1SbutObn - 425000 425000 '660000 . �7otal FiPendtturea: - 60A�o 125�000 .{34a0U 800A� - Oran41 ONV Sou�ma: Grent FuMInO b uneaarcd. 60 Non-Motorized& Transit lmprovement Projects Ciry ofAuburn TransportaJion Improvement Program . ' ARTERIAL STREETEUND(102) Capkal FacilMles Plan . Six Vear CapHal Faeilitlaa Plan.2012-2017 �Speelal Revenue Fund�:__..----_. Prokct 7ine: ME7R0 Shuttle: Aubum Community and LakeWnd Shuttles TIP# 26 � ProkG No: Cp70oc � . � , . • ProJed Typa:. Transk Service . Pmjeq Manaper. TBD - - Deacriptlon: . . . . -. __ - . _ . - - Operatlon msn associatetl wtth Mro new Meho roiites:a Commu[er Shuttb fmm tha Lekeland Hills neigh0orhood 90 Aubum Statlan end � . . . . . ._ . . . _. .. _ . . . _ . . . . . . e Cammuntty Shultle Ilnkfng�resitlenGal�nelphborhoods with wmme�dal entl aeivlce ceritere. . . � Progress 8ummary: � . . . Lakalantl Hul SeMee began in 2009.The eommuntty shutUe wIA Eegln seMee In 2010. Funding assistance will he requasted � Mrouqh the TrensR Now Pehnership Progrem. FuWre Impaet on Operatlng Budget " � Thla projeet will have�ro ImpaC on.tlie aperating budget for atreet maiMenenee. BUd�Jet' � M11 YTDACWeI �� 2012 778utlpM.� . Butlpst ' E�s�Wimros Budpot Balancs AdpP�'g�pf � _ _ _ ' ' BY�p�/�111Gf1(/RIGII(d . � � AQj�47etlB�dpef " " " . . AC[Mly: _ _ . _ . .' __ _ . . �a�ro�.v�� ]011 YE 3012 Yeer End .Tafel Viojeet Fundin0��� � Ptlorro 2017 Eatlmste 40S BuG�et SOt�Butl K .P eGTOqI ' Cwt UnreabkfetlSYrestRevenue . 300.848 420�000 Y30.000 YY0.000 � 7M.B48 7�BA0.628 �� Gnnb(Fetl,Sbb,LOU9 ' ' ' ' . ' ' REET� ' ' ' " " '" OMer(TBD) ' TotalFunClnpSoureu: ]W,820 710.000 720,000 720,OW �7b,670 ' 1,6/0,678 � ' Ceplul EYpendlwroe: ' . pesT� " " " ". " _' Rlphto/WaY " _ " ". " _ �Ope2tlrgCOSfs 300828 RY0000 4Y0000 220000 ' 7�0828 18�0828 � � TaelEtmaMl[uraa: �00.828 RM.000 � ]30A� 7t0.000 . �710.828 1.M0,638 � Foretasted Projeet Cost - . 7oh1. , E�enCilwea � I01� 3016 ' ... i016 ]D1T �701].2017 � 2017 fuMlnp 8ourtes: . . U+ws6khdSEeetRewrwe 220.000 220.000 220.000 Y20.00U 1.3Y0.000 - omnfs(Fe45mes.LOCa9 ' '. . ' ' , ' '. REET - - . - . . .. Ofhar(TBD) - - - - - � - TolalFUnOhpSOUrces: " t10,000 3t0,W0 Y7U.OW 330.000 - �.1�,T20.000 �• � CePMaI ExW�MMUm: . .. pe,y6^ . " " ' . ' . . RlpntolWeY' ' ' " ' ' ' ,. " OperoO'�pCosts '� �0000 �0000. . .2Y0000 220000 ' - - '13]0000 - iora�e.��aiar�: , zao,aoo xm,aoo --,xso,000 � �zzo,aoo . � �,aw,aoo . Grente/OI�arSOUrcee: � . � � � - � _ - Non-Momrtted& Transil Tmprovement Projects 61 City ofAuburn Transportation Improvement Progrcrm ARTERIAL STREET FUND(102) capha�pecnkles P�an Six Year Caplfal Faetlitias Pian,207Y-Z017 Special Revenue.FUnd � � � ProjectTitle: Citywide PedesVian Crossing Program 77P# 30 ProJeCNo: � �CpX700f � - ProJect7ype: Non-Capazitjr(67-Annuai) Projecl Menager. Pablo Pera ' Deaerlptlon: � � � This Is a bi-annuat level of eHOrt project used to fund small pedesinan safely studies and improvement projecLS.This pro�eet � � � � . provides for pedestrian sa(ery sdidies and Improirements at Jadous�loratlons Grywide. ProJeds sre piiortUzeA�aririvaly � � � � � . _.. . . . . _ . . . . .. 6asetl.on satery Issues and pedestrian demands. . _ � � . � _ Progress Summary: . . . ProJea for 2011 was Orelhnina_ry desfgn of 81h St NE and SE 104th St Intersedlon ImprovemaMS.2012 project is arcess � � improvements at Aubum Ave and 3rd St NE.�� , � ,� ' . Future pnpaet_on Operating Butlget� � � TBis proJeG wlll.haye no impect on Me operating budget for street mainlenaoce. � . � � 9udgeC , m�� rroncaw uu �ieud�.� , . - . � euecn �.Ex �rss euapei e.imw ^a°nr�°a'�+e°t - - - • .eu�wrnmm�e�a ' . aryatada"$�°� - - - - � . �� . .. . ' R011 YE ' R012 Ymr EnA Totel ProJect Funtlln0���� Wbra2077 Esthnab� 30128utl 30118W �t ProepTOial� -- �COSt'--_ UmeablrlatlSbeetRewwe - - � 700,000 100,000 900,000 ' ' G2nb(Fed,Steta.lau0', _ . � " . " ' ' " REET - - ' - _ _ _ . . � ballklmpsctFees ' " " " " ' � OMer TofelFUntllnO�urcas: . - ' 100.000 . �. t00,000 ]00,000� � . c.vwi�.�aiw�.: 'Desipn . - - f0.000 - � 7U.00� 70.000 � RWMMWeY _ " " ' " ' . . ConsEnctlnn 90000 90000 ]7000U � TotalEYpsntllWres: � " • - 100,OU0 - � .100,000 ��00,000 Foreeasted�ProJeetCOat' - . . Tdal ' EfpanCl[uies � 3074 1016. 2018 3011 20'12-M17 2017 � . FuM6ry Souw: . � UnIe50'kMCStreelRevrtM.e t00.000 - 100.OW ' 900,000 - . .. .0.8�rti fFstl.Stih,laci9 � ' ' ' ' .' ' . . .pEE7 " ' " ' Tmflk ImM«Fees ' " " ' ' " , Otlror , TofelPUntllnpSOweM: ' tao,aao • 100,000 - 700,OW - Gplul ExpantliNns: - . � . � Deslpn 10.000 - 70,000 - 70.000� - ' . R/phfWWeY - " ' � " � ;_ Cons71uctlon. � . 80000 . 80000 � - Y70000 �-- =- ------ . - � ToblEapentlituidr � 10Cp00 - 100,000 - - - - 300A00 �'— '- -- �� Grenh/OMer Sourcae:�� - 62 Non-Motorized& Transit Improvement Projects City ofAuburn Transportatron Improvement Program . ARTERIAL STREET FUND(102) cap�Fae�uties Plan,' . �ShYeerCaPkalFaellklesPlan,.2012d017 � SpeclalRevenuaFund__ ._ . . Project 7itle: Citywide Arterlsl Bieyele 8 SaTety Improvemerns ' TIP#•31 � Project No: CpX70Ot. - �- � � Projea Type: NOn-C2p2Clty($3fety) � Projea Manager. � VaHOUS . DeseMption: - . � _ � �This�a an annual level ot effort projeet fawsed on Nndlnp hieyde arM safery impmuemerrts on Gassifled roadways. ProjeGS � • ' � s'e D��ed annueAy basad uDan.11elA studies.PraJeQ was preNOUSIy tallad'Citywide.Roadway Safary InhashuGUre Improvements. - � Progress Summaryr . . . � Projeds fdr2011 induded p�llminary Aesign of Irrtersactlon Impmvements at 8M st NE and SE 104M S[and pedestdan trall � improvements et 37th St SE.2012 Projed hes yet W be Indentifled. Futum ImpaU on Operatlng Budget Thls.prajeC wlll have no ImpaG on the operatlng 6udpet for street mafntenance: � . Budget 2077 VTDncwa� mt] fteuep�t ' Budpa[ E�antllWm ' Butl ealanu ' ' AtlopfetlBWpat � ' ' " ' . . Bucy7atAmaiMmend ' . Ayw[etl8udyet - - ' " " ACtMIy: m��re m�xraarena rawrro�su FwMbry SouRes: Prbrb 7077 6tlmefe Z011 et 3017 Bu Pro Tolal'. �Coit _� Ume3bkpW$bpptRGVGnYG 1B.900 100.000 � f00.000 f00.000 Y10.�00 718,900. Grenb(FedSbb.Laeep .� _ . " ' . . ' ' ' ' REET " ' ' " " Tro11k Impecf Fees " " " " ' ' OMer 7otnlFunAlnp9oweea: 18,0oa t00,uU0. 100,000 tOC,00o 27s,.W0 �M8,700 � GaPltal Expa�Mituras: � . De,ilpn iB.300 57.000� � 1a,000 70,OW 88,300 738,�0 � RlyMaIWaY ' ' ' ' . Constructlon �47000 80000 BDWO' 133000 SB9000 row�.wu,�.�: �e,�oa �ao,000 - �oo,oao �aa,uoo x�saoo ns,�o Poreeastetl ProJeet Cost � " . rwi �.�em� '301/ 3016 3018 3017 2012-T017 8 MtD17 FuMLpSOmcm: . � . UnnsMCkdSfroetRevenue ' 7W.000 700.WU � t00.00U 700.000 800.000 '.. _ . Oranta(PodStete�t.oca0 . • - ' - - � ' - ' REET " " ' ' ' ' Tieqk ImMW Faes . . . ' " ' " " ' OMer Totel Fundbp Sourea: 100,000 700,000� 100,000 100,000 800,000 - GpitalExpsntllWraa: � . . Dealpn 70.000 10.000 70.000 10.000.� 80,000 - RhhfWWeY -. " ' ' ' .' " Lan.tbuctlon 80000 90000 '� 80000 BOODJ' ' 3�0000 rmd�.natw�a.:. - tooAoo �n0.00u au0.om �ooA� .eoo,om . arenis�omr sour«s: � _ Non-Motorized& Transit lmprovement Projects 63 City ofAuburn Transportation Improvement Program -- CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT FUND(328) capnai Facumes r+ian - - " Six Yeer Capifal Facltitles Plan;2012-2017 � � - � Cepital ProJeeffi Fund ' � ProJeaYltle: . ' Cllywlde8ldewalk Improvemenffi TIP#32 ProJeC No: VaflOUS� � - � . Pro�eet Typa: - Non-Capacity(Mnual) Projed Manager. Seth WICk6VOm . �� . � DeseApUon: . ProJaG wI0 fuM sidewalk Improvements to a variety of bceUons throughout ihe dly. A sidewalk inuerrtory was comple[ed In � - � 2004..Annual pmjects aie sebcled hased upon aiteria such as:gap dosure,safe walking roNes M schools,completian of � dovmtown pedestrian�cortidor or"Iinkage",conneCiJiry ta.transit services,ADA reqWremerrts,anE'5a�e our Sireets'(SOS} � � , proJact Iocations. �. Progmaa Summary: . . � .. . � . . Futurelmpacton OpemBng Budget � ' • None Budget: - - � �xo+t rron�tuai zou ��auaan euao� e.ve�aw��. a�dan a.b��. . AtloP�Budpat �6u�efAmendne� - �dlusMdBudpat " " " ' ACtINt�/: .. . . . ' �Pmioue Vnl 3071 YE ]012 Vear Entl 'Tobl Roject . FmbinpSOUrus: Prlorb1011 EWmtte � .30720u �2017BW Pm Taai -COtt . UnmsbkbdGR���.Rewmw - 180.000�- Y0.000 180�000 .380.000�. 7b0.000 . - Grama(FedS7e%t«eD ' _ ' _ ' ' ' REETI " " " - " ' OMer TotalFundlnpSOUftn: . � 180,000 30,000 7BO.WU .780�000 780.000 ' Gapltal Expantlltumr. , nearo� - s.000 s.00a ,o,aoo ,.000 se.aoo eqeeo�war - - - - - co�sm�wron �i0000 �e000 nooao iseano. �aaoao . . . row�w�an�ro.:�� - . n�,000 m,000 �ea.roo . �+es.mo m.000 � ForeeasLedProJeUCoat: , � . ToW -.EYM11tlRU1e� - ' 3014 3016 3018 3077 .'2071-707T � �nE7077'. � FuMlnp SourCas: ' . . UrvesbkletlC+P��P�.Rawnw 20.000 t80.000 20.000 780.000 8�.000 . ' . .Grantr(Fetl.Slete.COCaO ' ' ' . . ' ' � REETt. " " ' ' " � , Otlror 'TotalFundlnOgoulteD: 20,000 7E0,000 20,000 1l0,000 .600,W0. ' • - � � c.wm�w�aim�.: oesyn s.aoo ia,oao .x.00n �o,000 ae,aao� - r+ynrarwer - - - - - Consbuctlon 78W0 770000 1800U 170000 581000 ' .7aW 6peMltufea: 20A00 7lOA00 20�000 1BO�OOD BOO,OW - - ' . GrenblONerSouroes: - _ _ _... . 64 Non-Motorized& Transit Improvement Projects City ofAuburn Transportation Improvement Program ARTERIAL STREET FUND(102) capttai Faenttks wa� Six Year Capital Facllltles Plen,2012-Z017 Special Revenua Funtl . - � . ProJect Tiue: A SVeet NE Pedestrlan Improvements TIP# 44 Prolect No: api000c _ ' ProJect 7ype: Sidewalk Improveme�(Non.Capacity) PmJeG Manaper. �TBD � � , � . � - Deseriptlon: � - _ This projeC mmpletes a peOestrlan connWion behveen Oowntown Aubum and t7ie Bth St NE husi�a districl This projed wi0lmprove � a petlestrian crossinp at 3rtl St NE,aM construct ddewalkelacceea remps aWnp ttie A St NE cartiOOr. � � � Pmgrem Summary:- - _ � � _ __ Fuwre Impaeton�Operatlng Budpet - . - The annwl maintenente Ws[for Mis projeG is estimetetl to he E500. _ , euaget xm, vrcacnw w,i ,i euaon � e�aon. .c��e�mwr.. .a�apei eeienu AdopEeo'Budyef " ' " . ' - BuqqtAmendmen6 ' Adpaled8udpet " " ' ' . AetivRY: ' . ' mii re zmz r..r�e row v�o�xe - FwMi�p9ouw: Prbrro7071 6Umete- _..2072 et .70tJ setTWd - . . Cost. 1/M0.tbkfetl SbeetReValue. . . ' " " ' " ' Gs/2i(Pod,SbOe.Lx80 ' ' ' " • 750.000 � FEET ' " ' " ' ' ' PWTFL . ' ' ' " " ' . OMer � TotelFum11�ry8ourm: " . . . - . 7R0,000 . GpltelExpenAlWros: � , - Oeskn . _ _ .. .... - �5.000 �� rrbnraw.r - - - - • confbuctlon � ..736 Wo � � 7aW Expe�Mlmras: - -� -� - ' 180,000 ForecasEed ProJeQ CosC - - . ron� E�enamnee. � .. ' ' 5074 ]076 t018 M17 .iM2.M17 301T .fuMlno��: � . . UnrestrkLetlSOeetReverwe � ' '. ' ' . ' , .. Granf6(FIl,Sbb.LOCa9 ' - 150.000 . - 150.000 - REET ' ' ' ' ' ' " PWiFL � ' ' " " ' ' OMa/ . Totel FunCInO�umu: - ib0,000- . - - . � 76G,OU0 .-. . Capkel Etp�Mldirss: . Dsslpn - 15.000 - -- �15,000 ' ' R7phtWWeY ' ' ' _ • ' � Constuctlon i35 a0o 136 oD0 ' � - . TatdEi[psMlWns: _. - 1fi0�000 - . . . 1EOA00 - -Omtn/Otlmr Sourme: Orent tunNnB b uiaeareA. _ " � � - _ _ - . � Non-Moto"rized& Transit lmprovement Projec[s 65 City ofAuburn Transportation Improvemenl Program ARTERIAL STREET�FUND(102) cep�m�eaenwea P�an' Slx Year Capifel Facilltiea Plan,Y01Y-2017 Spaelel Revenue Fund" �� � , ProJea 7ttle: Interurban Trailhead Improvemenffi TIP# 45 Pm�ect No: Cp%)00C � - . . Projed Type: qassi Tratl(Non-Capactry) ProJect Managar. TBD - . � Geseriptlon:. . . ' _ Thfs projed provides NMfng for enhancemen@ to exislin8 hailheads and conaM1UGion of new hallheatls.Improvemen@ IntluCe bike � � racks,kiosks,parking an0 aaess.� � � Progiesa Summary: � . . . . . ' . Fu[ure Impact on Operatlng Butlgat - � � _ Thb prol��0 have,iro imperS on ll�e operdtlnp hutlpet 1or street malnienance. , . . BYd�Ot: � . � ' 7077 YTDRCtual 7072 77BUtlqn ' . . - . , � , � � �auaw� ��aim� e�au.e e.b�. . � AdoPbdBUtlpet - • � - ' -. . ButlpetArtrorqmenls � . - - AyufbMBUypet " ' ' " . . ACLWty: . . . ' . . . 1017�VE - '.7072YrrEnA TotalProJeet .. , FuM1nB3ouicas: - Vrbrro1U77 EsWmb 207RBUtl 20738� P�o � Tobl Cott. . � Umesbkbtl Strest Rmromro • • ' ' ' " . G/B�Gt(Fetl.SWe.LOCeO " " ' ' ' . - 270.000 haIlkNMpetlonFeea ' " ' " ' ' . . . . .pW7FL " ' ' . . _ . OMa� TotalFundinOSOUrcp: - . . . . , . ]70,000 " GP�i E:p�ntlttunc . - . Daabn - • • - , -� ' .R0.000 � RkhtWWN' ' ' ' ' ' " ' . . . Consbuctlon •.i80 W0 , ToL1EaiMtlllura: - - � - .. .-. NO,WO - FweceaUd Project Coat: -. .'_ _ _ - _ .___ __ . . . . .iolet '.EapandiWee� � 20U 2016 3078 70fl 307t-2017 ���iiC2017 FuMbp Somew: ' . Unresbkh�dSbesfRewnue " " " " " . . crew(Fed,4srare.tece9 - 2to.000 - -�.- . zto.aoo - ( 4 baRkMl(IpeHdnFeea " ' " �" . ' .. - PWTFL • " " _ - .. . OMer Total Funtllnq Sowfec � - t10,000 - � - , �.210,000 ' - ' . GPHaIExPeMIlWtas: ' . Deskn . 30.000 - - 20.000 . . , RhMWWeY " ' " ' . . . Construcdon - te0000 � 18000D ' � ToblF�tp�M4urw: . 210.000 - .. ' -� NOp00 ' "� —_ , . . Orenu/OMer Saurces: . GraM NMlnp Is umecweE. . . . 66 Non-Motorized& Transil Improvement ProJects City ofAuburn Transportation Improyement Program ARTERIAL STREET FUND(102) Cepital Faeill�ea Plan SlxYoarCapMal Faeilitles PIan.7Al2,R017 Spaelel Revanue Fund Pro�ea7rcle: Lea HiII Safe Reutes to School Improvements TIP# 56 � ProJect No: Cp1120 ProJed Type: Non-MotorizetJ Projad Meneger. Leah�Dunsdan LOS Corridor ID#19 � . . Deaerlptlon: Thla proJeG wlll conslruG patlesWen ImprovemeMS abn8 the souM sitle o15E 312tti St eaet of the IntersacGan wtth 124th Ave SE, � inUrBetlbn improvemenfs at 116ih Ava SE&SE 304ih St,palM bike lanes on 116th Ave SE baNreen SE 312M St and SE 304M St and � improve ar0 ramps adjacent to Rainler Mlddle Schaol. Progress Summary: � - . The Ciry was awaNed$398,500 in federel fundinB�n Mey.2011,which mnsis6 of E75,700 tor School District . educetionkncouragement,87,800 tor Pol�e.Dept enforcemant and 5321,000 for engineedng,right of wey,and mnstruction. � _ . Futme Impaet on Operaling Budget - This pmject w10 have no impact on�he bperstinp budget Por streat maiMenance. . „ � Budget: zo�� vrDn�mal am2 �� fte�eeK � ,� Budyet Expandkure� 8utlpet Balmes . AtlaPfetl Butlpef� " " " " BudpetAmantlmenp�� � AN�tetlBudpet - ' ' " - '" . • . ACLIWry: . � -_ _. . .. . . . _ _ _ _ '_ . . . .. . (PmNOUS Vnl ID17 VE � 2013 Year EnE Tote�ProjaC. , FundhqSomcae: Pfbrm7077 EatlmaN�� .-�T0126W� 701]Butl Pm � Tabl � Cwl unres6iCedsoeerRevmiue - � � - - �02nb(FealSleb.LOCeO . � - 25.000 375.500 - � 398;A0 �88.500 . : ' TraOk ImyeGfaes ' _ " ' ' - ' ' 'REE72 . . . . _ ._ - � OMer TamlFundNYSourcn: . � - .- -7b.W0 - - � 77i,6W - "]BB,aUO� - ]88,6W uv���eiww�..: . . . -ae� - ss,aoo - - u.om 2s,oau � RlphtolWeY '� ' ' ' � ' Conabuctlon 379500 J7S 379800 ' ' TatalExMndkun�: .. 26�000 ]73�800 - 398.600 '� 79l�600 � Foroeested ProJeet Coet: , � � . . .Tntel ��ExOeMIWros � 1014 2015 - 2018 2017 2017@017 � ..iiA 201L . " FunAhipSouices: . U�ueabk(stl Sbeet Revenus - - . - -� " Gian/al�dSlefe.LOCaO • ' ' ' ' 373.500 ' - - hallle Impacf Fex " ' " " ' ' ' REET2 " " " " � ' ONer ToLIPuMInpSaumm: . . - . .S/].600 . - CapBN E�enAiWree: . . pyyW " " ' ' ' ' R/phtdWeY ' _ ' '_ ' �COnalroetlon 379500 Ta1al FsVa�Miluns: " ' ' ' �71�600 . . . Grenb/Ol�a Smrttta: . - . ' Non-Motorized& Transit Improvement Projects 67 City ofAuburn Transporlation Improvemeru Program �/� y -�'-- _ =�.�i� +�'. .%' %' � i � - � r �y �� �- : - % f •T• .^.-__ ----- _ .-- _ � // - . . . .__ . . =.. /� � "- � _ -- �- '�-' � * '�'� -'� THAI�t YOU ����i �=- -�pR� IMAGIN�� 68 Non-Motorized& Transit lmprovement Projects City of Auburn Transportation Improvement Program CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT FUND(328) Cepkal Feeilitlee Plan SIx YearCapHal FaWlitlea Plan,2012-2017 Capkal P�oJeUe Fund � ��ProJea 7itle: Mohawka PlasNes Site Mitfgation ProJeet TIP#13 . � � ProJed No: Cp0767 Projed Type: Non-Capaclty aro�ea Manager: JeTf DlxonlL.eah Dunsdon Deseriptlon: - , - Thb pmJed�consis4s of Me design,construction,maintenance and monRoring ot approxfmatety 2.2-aaes of weUand creatlon .. anC approdmatey 0.4-aces of watlantl en�anrement wtthin the Goetletice South Proparry owned by tlie Sewer Utitlry In order to eampensate for appro�dmately 7:6ace watland loss on the Mohawk PWStlrs.property(Parcel i 132i049056). The � ' pmjeG was�approv�widar an exis8ng agreemeM appim�ed by Resolutlon No.4786,June 200�. ProgressSummary: - . . - - ' The City received the DOE Wo Certification,lNOFW HPA,and on May 7,2009,the Aimy Cmps of Engineers(Corys)404 � . wetland pertntt(NYVS2007-1913). Subsequently,bid spedfications and consir�ctlon plans we�a prapared and constructlon � begen in�Octaber 2009. Canshuclion was completed In January 2010 and theproJed Is wrtently within ihe 10-year � monitoring period,which inwlvas annuel meiMenence,monitadng and repoRing.. � � ' " Future Impaet on Operatlng Budgel:. . � " It Is anUtlpeted�hat snnual meinlananCe,monttoring and reporting an the peifoimance of.Me weUantl ml0gatlon projec[wlll 6e requlred fnr e perlod o1.10�years,In coMOrtnance wlth pertnit requiremenis. Afler Me auccessNl conduslon of this tU-year monlWrfng perlod, whldlls a1Wd ted fa be In�ecember 2018,on oln �o ra0nn enses shnWd be minimel. � . . BudgeE --- -. . - - - � mA rronceuei zmz ��euaoee. . --� - . - euaoee e�.naaum. eua� ewnu mm�reneue�r - - - - euqw+amelNnnieras � AQdnhd6uCpst - . - . . � . xa»re mu rmr Fna row vm� ' Fundleq5ou�eas: Prbrro7Lt7 F_etlma0s 70t38u 70t3 t iko Total Cmt_ . . ' GenerelFUM . - - • - • - ' Gpnfa - - . � . . . 9ontlPiocaeds " " " ' � ' .. . T2McImpeCtFees . . . 455.000 46,000 26,000 20.000 . . fi06,000 7UO.W0 REETY 1791W .178150� t78750 � � ' TotalFundlnpSOUmn: e�1,150 16A� 26,000 30.000 lH,160' 176,000 ' � Gapltnl Expentlliumr. � . Osslpn 7�8.J00 " " ' 1�8.700 ." R/phto7WaY ' ' ' ' 552.850 ' . Consbuctlon " 482850 25000 25000 20000 - �533830� 678150 TobIElqMndttum: BJ7.760 38A� ]&� m.000 887�1W. 776�OOD � ForeeasEed PmJeU Coat . ' '. ' . . . 7oml ExpsMttum Z014 2016 ]01! � 4011 R0f2�017 'A17.. Funtllnp Sourcac � . - �-- � Gene2lFUnd ' " ' ' ' " " � G�ents ' ' ' ' ' Bartl Procaatls - - • - • - . Tra11k Imprct Fees R5.0o0 40,000 25,000 85,000 780,000 A0,000 . REETY' Total Funtllnp Sources: � 23,000 30,000 ' - 26,000 l6,000 �eo,00a� .�a,000 � GePltal ExpanEXUna: � . . �ro� - - - - - • aryeemw.y , - • - - - - � Cautructlon Y5000 70000 - 46000 &5000 1 000 M000 - ToW EvpeMNUras: , Y6,000 T0,000 ' 26,000 06,W0 180,W0 r0,00U - Ormm/Omcsouus: . Preliminary Engineering and Miscellaneous Projects 69 City ofAuburn Transportation]mprovement Program ARTERIAL STREET FUND(102) Capifal Faaitldes Plan, � Sh Year Cepital Faeilltles Plan,TA12•2017 � Special Re�nue FunA'� �- Project 7iqe: " 47st Street SE and A Street SE Aceess Managemerrt Study TIP#, 27 Pro�eet No: cp1170 " aro�ect rypa:, Safely(Non-Capaelry) Pro]ect Manager. Pablo Para LOS Corridor tD#10,33. . Oeacdptbn: - - . - . . � � . " _ -, - - SNdy thb area iram 37th St SEto Me WhRe RiwF on A St SE induding 41st St SE from D St SE to C St SE. The study . � shoulU retiiew the safety and aceessneeASnf fhe heveling puGUe antl the atlJacent propeNes. � � ProgressSUmmary: Predesipn wN ba done to refine proka scoPe,alignmeM,aM cost . Fuluro Impae!on OperaGng Budget , � � This study will havepolmpad on the operetlng budgat for street maintenanee. � Budgot 2olt YTOnemal mtT tte�itlpM ��. . . . '8udpat. ntliWro .Balanu , qyppbyButlDnt ' " " " . " �. Blcbet Amen(Olpllii" pQ(y50etlBU�7ef - • - - Aetivlry: - . . . .. . 2011 YE 2012 Yaar End Tafa1 ProJect - . Funtllnp5owua: Ptbrb2011 Eat6ne0� 20748uE 207] ProertTotal .- Cmt . � UnreibkhtlSOeetRawvua - 8.000 2.000 - 1o,aa0 to,aao � Grarua(Fetl.Sdte.Lar.a9 . . ' ' ' ' ' ' REET - " ' " " " ' Tra0lcM/tlpatlonFees " " " " . . OMer TotnlFundlnp5au�eas: � • 8,000 2,000 • 7U,000 1�,000 ' GPItaIExPeMlWrea: . �Oaslpn • 8.000 2,OW � 10.000� � �10.000 . R/pMOIWeY " " ' " " Canstruttlan ' ' . 7otalFSM�Mttunc ._ . . _ e.aao I.WO �- ' tO,OW� 10,000� - Forecasted Project CasC � � - � . � . roW "eapaneiwm" . ' ' 2010 3016 2018 1079 R072-2017- � nA 2077 ' . .Fumlin➢SOU�mm:., .. . un�esakierlsbeeiRevenua� - - - - 7.aw . . . .G�Mtr(Fed.Sbh.lx+9 " " ' " " " REET " _ ' " " ' 7mlficlmpactFaes " " " ' . " " OMer . .. .TobIFu�InpSaumm: � . - �- • - ],OOa�. - . , Gplbl EzPmtltturos: ' . � - DesW�. " ' " _ ' 2.000� . �. .. � . RNMaIWaY " ' " " . ' . . . � Cansbuctlon - � 7on�Expsnanure.: - - . • - zAao - Orenb I Otlrtr Sou�cea: �- � � - � ' , 70 Preliminary Engineering and Miscellaneous Projects City ofAuburn Transportation Improvement Program ARTERIAL$TREET FUND (102) Cepim�FeeuMlea Pmn Siz Vear CaDMaI Fu11Mas Plan,2072-2017 _Speelal Revenue Fund_, ._ Pro}ea 71tle: South 277th-Wetland Mitlgation TIP# 29 Projeet No: c410a0 Promd Type: Non�:apac(ry Project Manager. Leah�unsdon . � . - � � Deacriptlon: WetlanA mitlgatlon for Iha 277th�St Grade Saparation proJecl. , _ , Progreas 9ummary:� , This k e 10.year ohligatlon,which Eegan in 2004. FuWre Impaet on Operating Budget This proJeG will hava no impact on tne operaHng budget for street malntenance. � . Budget �mtt. rionanw mtx t�eudpet � _ - � . e„ao.e �w.�am�A, e�av.� e.t��. pdpp/ep9udpet ' " " ' . ButpetAmend�mnk '_ . . A��B�� " " ' " ��: . 3017VE 2U13YearEnC TofalPro�sct . . FuM1�5ouRas: .PAorro7017 6tlmeta _ Z012 RCt78 Pra Tatal Cmt � � UnleabktedSbeetRevenue ' 128.3�0 �172.AW � �25.000 25.000 273.820 �9Y3,820 _ � Gramsl�tl,5tete�coca9 ' ' ' ' ' ' REE7 " ' " " ' " � Tnllh 1mP+d iaes • • ' ' ' ' OMer . TonlFuntllnp5ourcea: 178,II0 177,A00 -- '76,G00 'Z6,000 277.820 79,620 , GPqalExpeMlWres: � . . Deslpn 87,8�3 ]1.000 72.500 12,500 125.40� 750.103� . . RhMaIWaY " ' ' ' ' ' � . Corubutlon M 317 81 r00 - -f Y Sro 12 500 .-7�B 17 173 217 . TotelFspendiWras: 178.220 �137.�W0. -. -. ;36.000� -78.000 277.820 �iD.b27� �, ' Foreeaate0 ProJeU Cost . .. - .. - . Tobl ExWnCitum � ' ' - 101� 3016 1078 R017 t011-2017 tl2077 � . FuMhq Soueeea: . . . ' Unlaabk�edSbeetRwenue 25.aoo " " " J5.000 - ' ' fira�(Po0.swe�6aaD ' ' ' ' ' ' rseer _ ' ' ' ' ' TiaRkfmMWFees ' ' " " " " Ofhar Tofel FmAlnp Sourees: 36.000 . . - 76�ppp . . c.pimi�.�mm�..: . oe.� i2soo - - - a�,soo - ' RlphfolWey - - - - - - ' Consbuctlon 12 500 37 50� ' Totel E�endlwrq: ]6A00 - - - 76,000 ' • ' Orenln/Ot�er Sourcee: —- - - - - � Preliminary Engineering and Miscellqneous Pwjects 71 City ofAuburn Tranrportation Improvement Program ARTERIAL STREET FUND(102) cap��Fawnues P�sn' " Slx Yeer Capttal Fee0ltles Plan,�4D12-2017 Speelal Revenue Fund Proka TNIe: 104th Ave SE 8 Green Rider Road SWdy � � TIP#�46 . Project No: Cp7aaa[ � Pro�ecc rype: Noo-Capaciry(intersectlon SaTety) Pro)ea Manager. Seth 1Mckstrom LOS Corridor ID#24'' Desedptlon:. . . . � This prol��II Nnd a P�deslgn studY�b detertnine ihe ripht af way,enW�onmental and mnatruc0on requiremenfs Tor interaecllon ��, . ' � . . . satery improvemenis.TMS aetary pmJect scape wlll Inciude sight distana Improvements,�eonaVUetlnp tum lanes,rlianrnG�ation, _ . . . . .. _ . _ .. . . . . '� . envlronmental mMipatlon,sipnege antl cleer zone improvemenfs. Pmgresa Summary: " -" - � � - - Future Impeet on OperaNng Budget� - . � This prolxt wi0 heve no impart on the operating hudpet tor street mainknance. � Bwlget - - , m» rro aa�t xou - �i euapee ..- . Butlpet E�andiW�as Butlpat _ BWnce. . qdopbpBe�et " " ' � " BucyelAmerx6n'en6 AQ�14IetlB�Rlget ' " ' " - w..�`Y' � . m17rE .muvmrene �� rme�rrobct. � . Fundl�p Sourcaa: . --Pdorto 20N Estlmete . ROS BuC R017 Bud at� Pro � Tohi .�. ..Cmt.. � � OmesOkfetlSbeetRevanue- - — . -2.000� 0.000 ' ' ' _' '6.000 ..y,OW . Oranfa(Fetl.Sbb,Laup " " ' " . . . REET • • ' ' " " PWTFL . . . ' ' " OMer - - . � TofelFUntllnpSOUreea: -� 2,000 ' ' 0,000 -- ' bA�O. 6,000 � Gpitel ExpanCitwas: , Desipn - 3,000 3,000 - 5.000� 6,000 � � RphtotWeY ' ' ' " ". _ ' . Can56uc@an � . . . .TOm�woerc��.:: . - x000 s,mo . . , s.aao e.aao Foreusted PmJeet Cont•� _ � _ . . � - .. . , rw,i e�.�aro��. IOU 2016 2018 T017 IOt3-2017 �7017 . . . � Funtllnp Sou�cm: , _ ' -- -- - � UnASbktetlSbeefRewnue " " " " - 3.00D " - . . . Onw(PadSdta.tnca9 - - ' - ` ' . . . .REET . ' ' ' _ ' ' PWTFL ' ' " ' " " ' . Ofher TotdFUnAinOSOwcaa: . • ' ' _ . . . ],OGa �.� ' _ � . � CapHalExp�ntllwrar. � ' .pealyn . - - . - 3.000 " . 'RlphtMWeY ' - . . _ . . -- ' . . Conahutlan � ' ' � . � Totel Ezp�ndltuns � . • ' ' ' ],000 . . . _ . Orente/Other Saurcee: ' . � - -- . 72 Preliminary Engineering and Miscellmteous Projects City ofAuburn Transponation Improvement Program ARTERIAL STREET FUND(102) capne�Feeumes P�an Slx Year Gpltal Facflitles Plan,2012-2017 � �.8�e1a1 Revenue FunA � ProJea7itla: Environmerital Park Roadway Improvemerrts Study TIP# 47 . ProJect Noi cpx�ooc � � ProJect Type: Cepadty _ � . � Project Maneger. � TBD � . . � . , OeseHptlon: �� � , . Thls prol�'�II lund a - . . � , ,. Progeess Summary: . � � - Futuro Impaet on . ThI9 Prolect w�ll have no _ - Budget: m+� rronceuei xms � � ��ewax � � Bud9et .ExpanAlWrw BuAOn Balnnes�. � Atlopte09utlyet . � . . . . . . - BudpetAmmmdmantr . AQHa0ftl8udpet � - • . • . - � ACLIvLLy: - . . m»re zmz raer ena 'row vro�eee - . iuMlig Souma: ' PMr ro 7077 6tlmete 7077 BW 2079 at. Pn eC TaW Coat . UnresUkbdStreefReuanue ' ' " " ' .b.00D � Grar�(FadSbEe.Locap " ' ' " ' ' . pEET ' ' - ' " ' ' . . pWJ'pL " ' ' ' " ' Olfror . 'Total FunAinp Sumcu: ' .. - - - ' ' ' .6,000 Capital ExWMMUns: ' ppy0n _ " ' ' " 5�000 R�to/WaY " ' ' " ". . ' Constructlan ' . �ToeelExpeMimm: , . • ' ' ' . " :0.GW . Fo�easUd ProJea CoaS: . � rore� �eapenewrce� � 70t1 3018 2018 7077 SOt7d017 ntl2017 ' � FunElnpSoumw:. . � .UMe3fikbdS�batRewnue • - - S,OOU - , 5,000 - GIa�(FxSSbb,LoCeU - : • • - - . � R£ET " _ ' " ' " � .PW�FL " " " ' _ ' OMer ' Total FuMinp Sourcaa: - - b,000 • . 3.000 - . CapMei ExpaMhures: . Ossipn - - 5.000 - 5�000 - R�o/WeY - " ' ' ' ' " ,� Cons6uctlon , 'TOtalEi�ntllh�m: . . _ . , . 0.000 • 6.W7 - Omms I Othar Saurces: . Preliminary Engineering and Miscellaneous Projecls 73 Ciry ofAuburn Transportation Impravement Program ARTERIAL STREEf FUND(102) Capital Fecilttles Plan Sh Yeer CapMal Feellitlea Plen,Z072-2017 . ' Speelai Revenue Fund -= ' . ProJect_7itle: • Doxmtoxm to Les Gove Non-Motorized Improvements Study' ' TIP# 48 Project No: . .�.OP7000t . . .. . � Projee�rypa: Blke Lanes,Sldeuvalks and Trenslt Improvement Study(Capaclry) ProjeG Menager. TBD � - - � . DeaeHptlon: ' . . - -� - " , � This pro�eet prdvlUes Nndinp tu mmpkte a sNdy aLthe 2M St SE 8 F 5[SE carridor heMxen Les Gam Park eM Oowntown Auburn. . � Improvemente�mey inclutle pavement reconshuGion,sltlewal W,access ramps,s18�modifiratlons eM route sl0ninp. Progmss Summary: -- —� - ' — Futum hnpaet on OperffiIng Budget� - - --� � - - Thls�pro�eet wI0 heve no impad on tlie operetinp budpet for strcet maintenaxe. � . BUdgOt: . .. . 7011 � YTDAemel 3013 HBUApet - . . 9utlpet 'Expentlltune BuGpet Belence � � AdoOfedBlxlpef . _ _ . _ . - . . . BWpet Amentlmanfs � . - . AtyustedBudpet . - - -- '' AetMly. . . . . ' 7077 YE 7073 Ymr EM Telal ProJeet ' . , Fun41np5ou1en: PrbrmMl7 Eetlmem � 20739 tl 30198 H �� ctTObl� Cost Un16tbkbdSbeatReuenue - - - �10.000 - - 70.000 �- -t0.000 ' cronu fred.sma.lnca9 - - - - - - � REET " ' ' ' ' ' pµ�/R " ' ' ' ' � ' OMa� ToblFuMhqSwmn: ' ' 70.W0 - t0,000 ta,00o� . � . . GpIhlEip�nEttura: DeS�pn " ' 10.000 - 10.000 70.000 . � . RphtotWeY " ' " ' ' - � � ' Corubuctlon - � �7on1 Fspentlitum: - . �Yo,aoo - 1oA00 top0a � ForoeaatetlProJect Coat: .� ... . � . . � ... To1el � FYpeeMku,u� . ' ' . I014 3016 1018 1017 xmxsot� � e ����Bso�� , � . � FuMlnpSouw: - � - � - � UnresGkNdStreetRarenue • ' " " �� 10.a00 - Granla(Fe456te.Laea9� ' ' ' • . - - � . . . . REET ' " _ " " ' . PWiFL . " ' ' " _ OMer . . . Tobl Funtlbq Sourca6: • ' ' " 10,OOO . .— - _ � . GpIbl6peMitures: . . �^ � - - - - �o.aw � . A�t6{WeY ' " " " � � " ' Carasbumon ' . _. TofalExpe�Mkurm: ' ' " ' � 70�000 . . . . . � Ormm/Omm Sourcaa:. � . . . 74 Prelimiirary Engineering mtd Miscel/aneous Projects City ofAuburn Transportation Improvement Program ARTERIAL STREET FUND(102) Capital Fatllkles Plan -Shc Year Ceplfel Faeilldea Plen,2072-Z01T � SpaolalRevenue FunE � ' Pro�ee�'rine: S 316th Street Bfcycle&Pedestrian Improvemerrt Study TIP# 48 � ProJeC,NO: eplooa ' � -� ��� - P�oject Type: Class 2 Bike Lanes/Sldewelks(Capaciry) Project Manager. TBD LOS Cortido►ID#37 DmoiPtlonc � ' . � This proJea provWee Iuntling for compktlng a swtly m atltl GlcyUe and petlestrian faGOtles�an S 316tn St hom east of Evergreen� � Heights Elemerrtary ta 51at Ave 5. . . . . Progroas Summary: � Future Impaet on Operating BuAget � -- - -- - �- - - � - -- - - — Thb Projxt wt0 have no Impad on ttm operating hutlget tor street melntenairoe. . . . Budget � ' 2011. VTDAetuel x071 � �t76uCpet � , - Budp�t EapenElwns 6utlpet BalaMe - AtloPAEBUipet --. - - � -.- - Butlpst AmerMmenfa Atlprstetl9uo'Oef ' " ' " ACfIWry: . m»re . murmrena iomvm�e Fun01n9�meea:'.. ' Prbr to 1011 Estlmafe - 2012 Bu at 307J Butl Pm ect ToW .Coat UnrmMmtl Soeet Rewnue - - 5.000 - 5.000 '-"5.000 � Gqnh(FedSbOl.LOteA " " . ' ' ' ' REET " _ " " " ' pW/FL . " ' " " ' . . OMer TotalFu�WlnO�uRas: - .. 6,000 ' . 8.000 - 6,000 Gpletl E�qntllturas: " - . �eaWn " ' ' S.000 - .. 5.000 S�OOD R/pht MWeY ' " " " . � - � ... . Corum,ctlan .. � TotalExp�ntltturu: - - 6,000 -. - q000 6,000 FaecmEad Projett Coat• .. _ � � . . .Toml E�mtllWm . .' 2014 �3015' �Y078 1017 . �14-I077 2D17 FmWInO�ti+� � ' Unl6strkfetlSbeetRevenue • - - 5,000 - Ommta(Fed.Sba.e.x�A " ,_ " " " ' ' REET . ' ' ' ' . . PW7FC ' ' . ' ' ' ' OMer . Tobl Funtllnp Soumes: - �• - - -- • , 6,U00 • GPMeI EVb�Mitum: � . (Jpypn " " " ' 5.000 - RWMOIWaY_ ' _ . ' " " " ' Construction TatdE�eMLLmm: ' . -- .' ' ' " 6.000 - Ormita/ONa Sou�ees: Preliminary Engineering and Miscellaneous Projects. 75 City ofAu6urn Transportation Improvement Program ARTERIAL STREET FUND(102) Gpttal Facumea Plan ' SIxY88rCapltal.FaGIItlBaPIen,2012-Y017 ' � SpeGalRavenwFund� Projea Tttie: � ' Xereey Way Study -- � 11P# 54 . � . � . Project No: cpma . ProjalType:�. Capacia . � � , PmjxtManaper. TBD � � LOS CorridorlDH.4 DeuAptlon:� - � . . . ThLS�pm�eG witl swdy improvemenb w Me KeBey Way SE cortitlor fiom tha Whlte Rlver Bndge ro the mWiem criy Iimits.The . stutly will OeveloP tlx.smPe and casts tor horizonfaWeNeal 9�me0rfe roa�M?Y ImpmvemeMs,maCside harard miU9��.sLeet . . Ap�Gng antl rron-motorfzetl trail mnstructlon.The pmjeG length is apptozimately lwo miles. Progroee5ummary:. , � , Dealgn wtll begin in 2ot7: - FuNre Impact on OperaUng BudpeC . � None Budget• mtt, vin�ewa� uu �te�epet . ' ' �. Butlpst E�eMlwrw 8w10�' B�Isnee . . AtloWadBWpef . . � . . . - - � Butlpef Amantlrtbnts � � AyusteCBU�at ' " . ACl11tlb[ . . . . . . .� . . IOtt YE ]01]Ym�N Tetli PmNC .Fw�Dnp9eureee: PelortamH 6tlmeb .2012B t M178 T�el Cmt � Unremk(etlSir9etRewnue - . •,. - .• _ -, - _ _ --5pp.aa0 . Gran6(Potl.Sbb.LOCNI ' .. . " _ ' ' 0.900.000 p� ' " " " " ' Trallk M9fIB�n Fees - 200.000 - ]d1.00� 100.000 OfM/ TatelFUnN�q9oweu:. ' ' .. . ]L0.000 . 20p,ppp 7.OW�000 CapitelErpsMlWns: � . . . Oealpn - - 200,000 - 400,000 1W.000� , epnro�WaY . _. - - - � ' • � CwiatruEfbn 7]00000 . TMa1F�a�Nm:, ...- . . . .�]L0�0� . 1U40W 7.600A7� Foreemted ProJeet Cmt. . . � . .. . Tow ' ��mmm+ .. 10U ]016 �]L16 ]O1f -70tl,�u1] . '- 1017 ' , Fudh45outn: . - � UnresHkYeGSTreefReuenue - 600.000 - - �5W.000 ' ' " � G2ntr(Fatl.Sltb.LOCN) - J.150.W0 - - 3.i50.W0 i 3.150.000 . . . _ REET . ' " ' " " ' . Tm11kAA'tlOa�nFeaa " ' " " " ]OO.OW � SW.OW . Olher - � Toql FuM�p 9eu�ew: . � . ],660,000 . . �,l6q000 J,8l0,000 . . , . C�pMd E�anmturac . . .. � .. . . . � .. ppspd. - - . . - 300.000 . . � RpntalWeY ' ' � ' ' - ' ' ' �.Cona(nlctlon 9&50000 . 3&50 000 3 , � TaW E�enmW�ee: . 7�86GAm • • '-S.B50.000 7.6COA77 Oranb I Otl�m Savms: ' 76 Prelrminary Engineering and MisceUaneous Projects City ofAuburn Transporlation Improvement Program ARTERIAL STREET FUND(102) capua�Facnnks P�an. . . :Six Ysar CaPifal FaNlitios Plen,2072-Z077 Spec41 Ravonuo Funtl Projea 7�ne: Mary Olson Farm Improvements TIP# 55 Project No: cp0875 ProjedType: �NoO�8p3Clty . ProjaG Manager: Leah Dunsdon � � Deserlptlon: - . Thls Is a historical preservation projec[required as mitigation for 5 277th RetonstruclWn�ProJect � � Progress3ummery: � Phase 1 was the�S.277th St Rewnstruction Project. Phase II of the projectwas completed in 2009 and Phase 3 is � � ' � scheduled to 6e completed in 2011. � � � � Futwe Impae[on OperaGng Budget:� - - - � - _ � 7his pmjed will heve no impect on lhe operatinp budget tor street maintenance. �- � - . . . BUdgBt. � � 7017 ' �YTUllctual.. R012 77BudyR . � e�av.e �,cw�an� euav� e.r�� . 'Atlapb08utlpet � - • • ' � - .. � BucpetAmeiMrmntr . � . . . Adlu*btlBUypet . ,. ... ' " . . . � . . . ACthILLy: " � ' _ _ � M11 YE � tOf3 Vear EnA Tatal PnJeet � . . . . Fun0lnp Souw: PAor W 201t Eatlmate 3014 9u et R01J Bu at Pm eet Total Cmt - ' � UnmaMdetl56eetRewnue � � 85,100 70,000 �7,000 - 708,700 tOB,700 � . .' :'GmNS�lFetlem9 ' ' . ' ' � ' � ' REET - - , � � ' " PWTFL _ ' " " " " OMer Tatnl_FundlnOSeurw: . 85,100 �t0,000 - � f,000 - �.106,700 --706,'IW, � CapitalExpentlttueu: � � � � . pym� ' ' " " " " ' ., � R7DMO/WeY . _ ' , " " " Lansbuc6'on 85100 �Y0000 7000 708700 . �, . TotelE�yendkuns: � 86,700 �20,ODU ' t,UOU - - '408,100�. me Forecastea proJea cosr. _ roeai Ezae�am;m ' 201� 2016 2018 2077 7011.7017. ntl2017 . � FunElnpSowesa: . . . -- ' . ' � 'UnmstrkbdStrvetRemnue ' " ' " � 1,W0 � - � . - �Gnnts(Feden7 . " ' _ ' ' ' ' ' REET - - - - - - - � � � . � . PWlFL ' _ ' ' " " OMer � � TotalFundlnp5oumea: , • - � - - � 1,000 � - � CapifnlExpentliturea: � pas�9� _ ' . " ' ' " . . R/phtalWaY � " ' ' ' " . . . . ConshucHOn 1000 _ - - 'TaGlExpentltturaa: — ' ' ' � 7,000 . - - , �GreMS I OMer Saurma: Faderel Orent is FHWA Mltlpatlon Funtla 5101 K rewived in prbr yeen. � , Preliminary Engineering and Miscellaneous Projects 77 City ofAuburn Transportation Improvement Program y � '� ; ,� T - - - - , �- _ - -- _ � : � !,- � � � % � i/ * _, . _ _-___ — - - - , _ _ , -- -- --__ _ - -- .-= ,�: %=- — .__ _ * , f� � . _ ��'���� � '--=- �^O�'"CHAN YOV .�,�,1A�GIN'�S� .%' L� 78 Preliminary Engineering and Miscellaneous Projects Ciry ofAuburn Transporlation Improvement Program -ARTERIAG STREE7'FUND(102) " capna�Fael�tt�Ptan Six Year CepNal Facllltiea Plan,�72-2017 - � 'Speelal Revenua Funtl ' � ero�ed Tme: Annual Bridge Preservation Project TIP# 28 ProJatl No: VazlOU6 Pro)ea Type:. Non�apacity(Annual) ProJed Manager. Seth Wicic6tfOt11 � ' _ . - . . DeseHptlon: � � � - � This is an ennual bvel ot ertort proJect uxtl to funC bridge improvementa as Identifled hy the clty's annual britlpe InspeGion propram. � ProgreasSummary: - . . . . Program Corrmple[ed load rating ea�ulatlons for nMe bridges in 2011. FuWre Impaet on Operatlng Budget � � - - • Thia pro�eet.wlll have no ImpaG on Me opereting hudpat for sheet malntenance. , BYdget . . .-- � 2011 YTDMUaI '�-m7I t18uCpat _ ... euegm Eqwnaimra. . eudo� ee�ance � � ' AdoPtad9udpet. . " ' _ " ' � - BlNgefAmentlrtprib � Atl/uatetl BudpSt - - . - . . AetMty. m»ve mura,.�a roniaromee • FuMhry9ouiem: Prbrte]Ott Eatlmah .2Ut28ud .201�8 et � TWI . . Cmt ,UmestrcbdSCeefReYenue ' - 100.000 50.000 �- 50.000 -150.000� �'400.000 . Gre�CS(Fetl.SbR�LaeeD " " " " ' _ ' " � REET - - - - � Tml&Mifkatlon Feea • " " " ' ' . Olher ToW FuMInOBOwess: - t0oA00 SOA� 60A00 t60A� .. �OO.OW . . CepiW ExPen411urea: ' . , . . Oe� • " " ' " ' - Rk�tolWeY ' " �- " ' . . � ConsbucObn iW000 50000 " .50000 .160000 � ��00000 �. � rowezw�aiwr�.: - ioo�oao so�000 eo,000 , �so�aoo . �oo,000 �. . Foreemted�ProJeaCost: � ' � . - - iwd FsperielWim �� . ]011 3015 2078 -'1017 2072+Mt7 � M3077. Funtllnp Sourcm: . . . . . � �UNetbfcfetlSbeatRevanue .W,000 50,000 50,000 30,000 900,000 - GmHS(FedSbb,Ler+q - - • - - . �' REET ' ' ' ' . " " " - Tralllc M/tl0atlon Fees . ' " " " " " Otlror TohlFU�i�SouRaa: �fi0,G00� 5�.000 �.000 " EO,OW �,�00,000 - GpMal Expentlku'u: peyG� " " _ " . . ' RlphtolWey - - - �- - Conslructlan 50000 50000 50000 ' S000� 300000 ToW EItMMlturae: �80.000 30.000 lO.00D 60,000 �00,000 - Gmnb/Ouur Sources: Rnadway Preservalion Projects City ofAuburn Transportatinn Improvement Program STREET FUND(105) caPrtei Fscmnes rian . Sa Yesr CepHal Facilitlea Plan,7D12-TD1T Special Revenue Funds .. � amject 7me: ArterfalBVeet Preservation Progrem ' , aroject No: ep7000c TIP if35 ProjectType: Amival,Non-Capaelty PtojeGMana9er. Sethwd�trom . . � . DeserlpUOn: Implement regWarpavemerK maintonance andlor rehabilitation of various dasslfied streats cilywide.�These � � projecb may include ovarleys,rebuilds,spot repairs,ora mm6ination of.tlusa ThIs prog�mn is funded.thrtiugh a 1%utlllty �� ' � � tax that wae�edopfed�by Council in�200B: . � Pmgreas Summary: ' ' Pmgram cantinuas to sucoessfulty wmpbta annual patdiing arM o�.ertay projecffi drywide. � Futurelmpeelon�Oparating�Budget: � None � � , . . . BudgBt: 3077 YTDACWaI M13 17Butlpet ' � ��� eua et e� na�mns a�i n Ba�aiice . . AtloptetlBUEget . . . -�- _ - , � BudpelAme�Mrnenta . ' . qvuyedBuQpef ' _ ' . . A�ivlry: . - . . . . . .fP�bu+Vnl 3077YE 2013VmrEnA � TaLlHafect FuntllnpSm�rsa: Prlorm2D17. Eatlmem 701RBudpet 201]B M Pro ToW . � Cmt - UnmsbicDedSCeatRewnue � " ' " ' ' ' ' �PeMTaz ' ' _ - . ' �Utll�b'Tv ' ' 7�388.000 1.900.000 1.300.000 2.888�OOD ... B.18B.000 � Rg7'2 ' ' " ' ' ' ' ' BonOROCeerls ' Tota1 F�oi0lnp Sartm: . • 1.]88,000 1,�OOpOU 7.70D,0� ;888pW � 8,tE8,000 . �capa�Expenaroiees: �- �eSB� . - WA00 Y5.W0 23�OW B6A00 310,000 ' . RlpM1folWny ' " ' ' ' Construrl6n 6 � 75 5000 � 7ow 6cpanamim:� . . . - 7.ub.ouo 1�7ooA� 7�aaoA� ;s9eAao - E,te0.aoo �. �FOrecmtedProjectCosY. - ' " � - � � , ' � � � Tobl � EcpsMMUns� . . 7014 1015 3016 2017 Y012-I017' M 20tt � , - FuntllnpSuump: � � - . . . � `UmesblcmtlSbeetReienue ' .' _ ' ' ' . . ProPm6'Tez . • " _ ' ' . ' Utl/lyTez 1.300.000 t.300.000 7.300.000 7.300.000 7.BOD�000 - pg7p ' _ ' ' " 'Bantl Rocee6c raei F�mamg saum.e: � �,uoAOO 7,woPao �,mo,000 f,woA� .eooAao � - - ceptii Expanawrea: � nesim so.mo so.000 so.000 m.aao .zso.aoo �- � apntawer - - - � - - ' . � conscuann i zso t sw �250 00o t x5o � �sso � ToblExpenAWras: 1.�OOA� 7.�OUADO 1��OOA� 7.700A� 7.BOOA00 .' Gants I Ol�er Sources � - - 80 Roadway Preservalion Projecls City ofAuburn Transporlation Improvement Program STREET FUND(1D5) Caplhl Faeilltles Plan , . Slx Year Gpifal Faellitlee Plan,2012-2017 - Speeial Revenue Funds _ - . ProJed 7ttie: Arterial Crack Seal Program , ProJed No: � cpncnc TIP#36 ProJeet rype: Mnual,NonCapacity ' . � ProJect Manager. SBth YYICkStrom - . � OesMP�n:. � � . Impkment regular meiMenance M various dauifiad stmete by aeeling�xwy fomietl craW. Sealin0lhe crs�cs xnll probnp the Ofe of � . Ihe pavemmt by sbppinp wffier hom drelnin8 infn the subbex nf llu road. � , . . . Pmgmas 8ummary: . � . � - . . . � Picgfam coMimies to successfulry az[e�pavemeM IHe pevement dlywide. Futuie Impact on Opewtlng Budget . �- " � None ' Butlgek � • - , �� � ' amt eronctuel � - xo�z - tteuepn . . � , � eueyn Ezpenercuiea euepee e.lene. • . ' qdoPOdygy�t .. _ . . _ . Bu�etAmerWmer2t , � � _ �M/IC0etl9uqet . - . ' - • .. ��..'�� . ' � (Pnvbm Yn) 1071 YE Z012 Veer End Tobl ProJeet . � ' •, ': 'Funtlln0�u2ae: Prlm ro 3011� . Eathnnfe 5072 Bu et . :20t]9u at Pro ect Total Coct . Umesbkletl5beet Rewma . � ' " . . " • " -. .- . " . " ' . . � fltlqtyTex : 110,000 700,000 200.000 9/0.000 1,3�0.000 . , REET - ' -� ' ' � ' � ' ' , " BontlproCeedt . � �� Tohl FunA1n0 Soulces: - - 110.000 70U�000 � M0�000 5�0,000 1,7�0,000 ... ODltel Fspantllmm: - .. . . . payp� . 70.000 75.000 't5.000 35,000 t00.000 R/p�lo/WDY . " " ' ' " . ' .� . CmnbuctlWi � t30000' 785000- 185000 -- 975000 12�0000 _ ' TolalExO�ditum: ' • 1�uA0o 204�0' 200�000 S/0�000 � �7�}10.000 � FOretastetl ProJeU Coat' �� � � . . .. , . . . . . . . Tofal - .B�enNtuna , .aou zo+a xme aon ¢a�x�aon e �e2on ' . � � Fundlnp5ourcas: � , . . . � � UnmsbkbtlStreetRewmn - • " " ' ' ' � _ �Utl9bTer ' ZIOAaO 2f10.o00 100.000 3oo.0U0 1.200.W0 - � REET " " . ' " , . . Bond Wxeerk. _ - - . '. ToWFwNnOSOwcea: '� 2WA� 300�OW 100�000� 300,OW 1�3WA00 " ' . Opttal FspanO�turas: . . ' . pwlpn .. 16.000 i5.a00 �76.000� 15.aW 80.000 - . ' ' R/pNMWeY - " " " " Conabuetlan �'186000 - 185000 186000.. 185000 7770000 � ioed Expeneieures: � zaaAOO zoa,oao_ mo,oao: � ma,000 �,xao,000 - ' crenb/Other saurces: . . . ..�. . . ' . �" . . Roadway Preservation Projects 81 Ciry ofAuburn Transporlation Improvement Program LOCAL STREET FUND(103) Capital Faellltbs Pkn - Six Year Capifal Fae111Gea Plan,20'IS•2017,' Spee�l RaJanua Fundd . ' ProJea Tme: � Locat Sheef ImprovemeM Program ProJea No: VeHous " TIP 1q7 PiojeC Type: NG11-00�13CIly/ . . ProJeet Manaper. wckstrom � � � . � � Dascrlptlon: � � This prtqram was aeatetl aRer pesiepe M.Proposition.t on ihe Novem6er'04 Eelbt,aeMnp Ihe Cly's Property faz kvy Ihnlls eM. . amtin0 e dedimtad Ixal etraet funtl to he usetl aoley for bcal atreet improvaments:The prcprem wlll/acus on the pieservatbn of loral �� � � streab(unGesaified streefe)wNhln tha Clty ot Aubum:�.The work will InGude uack sealinp,ecphatt patthlnp,pro-levellnp,aspPalt owAeya end�raetlway reaonstruetlon. The proparry tex levy IIR may elw he ueetl to repay bonda ehoultl they be utilizatl to funE ihis prapram. Progress Summrery: � � - . � � This program has suxessfully completed oveAays since 2005. In 2017 and 2012 ihe propfam wiA fows on major street � reeonshvction whera straet surfaces and the undeilying base has failed. _ Future Impaet on.Oparatlng Butlgat � , Nona BUdgOt: .' ' 301t . Y7DActual M1R NBUtlpat - , ' Budget �ExpsnClGlros BuG9e� . . Belente ' � AdoPmd9Wgef " � " " - " � Bu[betAmeidrroMt � . AtyisOetlBUfpef ' ' " " ' ACtivlqr . . . , ' cP�nowv�l p++� souvurena romir�W.a Funa�nosoum.: vrlwmxall� Eaumaoe � mtzaue mtaeu ee .a�o Tor,� :�co:e -. . . atim ' LoCalSbeetFU� - - � , . .. . . PmpertyTnr -� 3.398.220 2,000,000 2,000,000 5,388,220 15,388,320 , UyyyMMpstlon ' " " ' '" " . BontlPmEeaftr " ' ' ' ' ' ' OCar Taml Funtll�p Soums: - ]r 88,770 7.000.000 1,777,000 6,i98,320 -.-�7b�J98�1t0 ' . , GVIOeIF�pendlWm: � , Ossign - 120.000 � 780.000 180.000 ' 900.000 . 7.Zm.000 � � . ' �apnrawar_ _ _ . . . _ - _ - -COnstructlan 3278 20 7B4U000 1820000 -5088�0 � -'-14788240 � .TabIExPMdlaim: � • 7.780�210'_"'_. R�000�000_ 2,aW�000._- -6�188.727 '. ' i5r98i20 .. Foreoasted ProJeet CoaC . - .. . - .. � . - . . � Total� �pendttuma� . . . 7014 SO15 7016 f077 ' 2012-7017' � M IU1T-. . . � .FuntlbpSouw: . - . .. . . 'LOCalSbeatFUnd " " " • . • . • ' RopellyTax I.000.000 2.000.000 2.000.000 R.00U.000 tY�000.00U . . . (/p'/y1W�tlon " " " " ". . . . � .. .. � BondPmaeeds _ _ ' " ' . - � Otlror ToblFundinpSOUrrar. 2,000,000 ],UOOA� 3,000,000 2,OOO,WO � �t3,000,000 -'� - . � GPltal PxpanAqum: � � . � . . � � � � Oez�yn 180,000 � 780.000 180.000 180.000 1.OB0.000� . . � � R/phtolWeY .. - "' ' ' . _ . . .-. . - .: ConsbuGtlan - 1 820 000 1 82o D00 7 830 000 .7 820 000 . .10 9]0 000' -----'�-"-� � 7ou�E.pemrcum: 7.aoo�000 ;000Aao x�oao.000 s�aoo.000- uA��000 __ - _. . . _ . .� GrmnalONrSauces: � . . . 82 Roadway Preservation Projects i i . i �a r �a ° '� $ § �i @ o- � @ � ��i �a �B ' @ s 4 � � @ ,. � e $ e�o. � �a � u � � tl q � � 3 _ I� � � " � � � aa ' -� A x g gk � r� xE � �� i, �� & s � & Yfl � a5_'4c � . 8n E � � � 5 �'�- � �� . _ � �� n @ � � � s — � � 5 � � � „ .. . _ � . . � ,. ; . ., .. . _ .. _ . . I , .i � g ' y ' � s _ _ � � , : : ^ ' �I_ C � . � € . S . . a . . $ � I�` '� €I x @ @ 7g . BL . . g � � ' � § h15 �- 2e $ �'j ...- o �a e9 $ p 4 Ik 8 i'.- � °a ! _ �� a ga @ g � _ , H :.�� � 3 „ �. : � _ � .. „ .,. � a c � $ x ' @ ' � � 8 @ @I i § $ $ M1 % � & � • �' � ° se s � � s ?I� �, �° ; ' t , � � ' � : - � _ _ • � - - ' � �7 x � § 3 $ A a � g € � �€ 9 � = � g °a g d�.� `5 e gi � s � q 9� °s_ & 8� @2 � 9 g � . . � � � Pr. n � s� aa @� 5 @ � � � � x � � e _ s 8 a sae _ q a a G �.i � a 'a '� ' i I ' _ ' � _ ' ' ' ' ei ( � 1 i � A § $ . . @ � � € € �s � �� � $ . s 9@ . . $ < � ? � � � 9 � � e � E $ s5 : - { � # F � �J � = 8s I �.��: '� � e , gBe , � � a s sRkSsz ei = ; _ ' - �_ _ " ' 'a _ � _ s i :- I � . � -� ^ ^ •i '�.� : _ , s f ` � � � ,� � , . � . � . � • _ � � e � B � � $ . g . � � . . � � � � x � � �' .t'. F �� '� z � S i �� .° " _ 8 . � - Y ' � �� _ �� t i i � _ se . � . � . . � . � _ � � � . . . � .'s . � . . a � S ��� @ '� & 9 pS@ & � $ � � s �� �' " a I �i ��� ° � � � � 9 E s _ � � _ _ aea � a a . n ., o . � s� l >i9m . _� � 7E f '•� _ . S � i� Y � i � � � � ��� ��. ��� � S�� � 3 3 � � � 9 r-I °; 9 x _ i= `°��- Y @ fl - a � Ig �� � ��_ :�a �.� � a [ � � .i j=� � I. . I � A � � C �. j� } . t � � � 3 � - l�: II�I3 ` 3 3 ` 3 ? 3I3 ' � ` � 3 � 3I� n 3 �I3 �S 3 3II' � 3 � � 3 ` 3 v � � 3 { t ; 3 z � z � � ^ � 3 3 3 z i i 3I v z � z-� 1 (�� ..£� u � $ �m ' B a � � I � � � I I = -I< ' E, s ., � E I' - - £ , = I �[ i s 3 `g� s, _ 4 d a �t ' x ` i: g � e € y ��� � M s c � "g I`n ' � ^ 3 _ _ 3 ;�'� � � II_ _ _ £ �:3I E _ g - F _ : } i , 3 . 3 8 9IS � 2 � � �i, .i� '� - = i. - > I _ N �: z - = e = s - sl- : � - - - - # �� : � € 3'� " �1='� . � 3 �. ' € F . - cs - - 3 €' - - - r � 3 � e �'nli � � e e . �l :d ` - $ 5 ¢ 3 ,: � �'� � � � s I . � � ° : �� � g e � � � # � � # 3 � � I � . ` , , � es a s z � a � g. $, ' m : � e a � il • g ... € F - a� a x � � I 's FivE. 3 � i � - '� � � � . . ,, ° s � v i I�.. i s e s [ { � a � � ..i ��3 � i n 3 � � � � 2 � � � 5 ,� � � F�-.�� ��� � € s fr ! .I� _�_ a �= a � - £ . eie' � :i. � _ � '. j 6��� E ; 3I: a �: � �� ml � �� � � :�3 . _�� s . ' '�. _ �i�g - E ; E _ ' - - - i .�. .9�a: , II " " " aae �ess :: ae - axca � as : a � a � - :.jon .a .: z :�: saala i .. x .. s - an �s �'� _ el,,le �l: ia e - � � e� . :i? =l: � e gE'.,I . e : el` 3 '3od �I°i � � € .''€ . _Is . s :�� ..I3 � ;� - `- `s _ i : City ofnuburn 2012 - 2017 Transportation hn�rovcmei�t Pro��ram (TIP) AliBURN 1 � � � , � � � , u� 1 �. . _ � �, . .. . .. :.I ..,.,..W �„ � 3Ya ...._ i � }�- � , . ,� ; � ... _ ,. . _ � • .. .,,. � � � : • hl .,..� . ,. ,. �yi In .. } i� � , �„�.0 ��� � GS ,. GL .. . � . ... � dl K' ' -_—. � . , }...,. . : ; � . �.. _��_. ��, . ` , f� . ; I_�y • �: ; -:� a-u - - , � � , �, � a �,.; � �, � - �Ii ,� . \ 'S � �\ . .-I x 3.' I' , . �., ,j��� � � z,���: _ _� - I � '} 5 �� oal .. " � I2 IU _ ' �.. i '~ � l '"� .._...,,��_ .. li i� . .. �_ (dl � _�:'.��... .. . `�'_`� .,..�... +n (I � _ .. ' �. � J3D SFI; .�I � _ . . . . - ' .' W�� 2J , _. : u� .., . . � - . `. (J� . � : '' . i � I � ' :. _.. _....._, ���� � � — 4' i Z i i c . . SI . .. . � . . . .. I I �� ,. .. •. � q 11 I ' ���� I � � �Py Inieisecuun Lnprn.einenb �G—Y RacnmmrnJeJ ke5ioiml Prv�euis �r Cav ul'r\uLuni . , � �I� �► Nun-Mmw�imJ Iniymvcumnis �► RnuJwn.Iwprm�cinenu I':nA.v V''�� � � � I � I ni I�.ng: I�f:�I ipmccnianis �► c pn;iLh ITS Pmiccte lGnicr f.mnrev , �