HomeMy WebLinkAboutITEM II-A * CtTY oF �_ * DRAFT PLANNING COMMISSION WASHINGTON DECEMBER 6, 2017 MINUTES I. CALL TO ORDER Chair Judi Roland called the meeting to order at 7:02 p:m. inthe Council Chambers located on the first floor of Aubum City Hall, 25 West Main Street, Auburn, WA. Commission Members present were: Chair Judi Roland; �ce Chair Kevin Chapman, Bob Baggett, Ron Copple, Joan Mason, Dave Peace, Yolanda Trout, and Mark Ramey. Staff present included:Planning Director Kevin Snyder; Planning Manager Elizabeth Chamberlain, Planner Stuart Wagner, and Planning 5upport Clerk Bobbie Hodgkinson. There were no audience members in attendance. II. APPROVAL OF MINUTES For the record, Planning Director Snyder stated that the two new Planning Commission , members who were not members and not present at the November 9, 2011 meeting have to abstain from voting.. Commission requested staff amend the minutes by deleting the duplicated words on page one and replacing "her"`with "she" on page two. ' Commissioner Copple moVed and Commissioner Baggett seconded to approve the minutes from the November 9, 2011 meeting as amended. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY 6-0 III. PUBLIC COMMENT There were no members of the public present to comment. IV. PLANNING DEPARTMENT REPORT Planning Manager Chamberlain stated that at the December 5, 2011 City Council meeting, the Council passed the 2011 Comprehensive Plan Amendments along with the Planning Commission's recommendations on all but the bike boxes; they did go with bicycle task force recommendation since it was a pilot progrem. They were concemed that it only be a pilot prog'ram to see how it works. The Council also passed adding industrial to the Stuck Riyer Road,sub-area plan as a,use but with some parameters and some additional guidance for staff as work begins'on the sub-area plan. V. OTHER BUSINESS A. Phase 2 Code Update, Group 2 Planner Stuart Wagner provided the Planning Commission with an overview of the Code Update Project, Phase 2, which will be presented to the Planning Commission in early 2012 for discussion. Mr. Wagner noted there are two focus areas: Non-residential Zoning Districts and Non-conforming Uses and Administrative Processes. Planning Commission Meeting Minutes Decem6er 6, 2071 Planner Wagner described the anticipated outcomes resulting from a review of all the zones listed which include multiple commercial zones, multiple industrial zones, institutional zone, and the public use district: 1) Converting the listeci uses as they are now in the code into a tabular forma4 showing pertnitted versus_non-permitted uses and indicate if an administrative or conditional use permit is required, 2) delete outiiated uses and add uses not previously identified; 3) expand Non-Industrial Uses in the Light Industrial Zoning Disfict, 4) add new defnitions, 5) conyert development standards from a text format to a table format, and 6) improve development code readability and ease of use. Staff will eyaluate the Non-conforming use section of the code and applicable administrative processes including the Hearing Examiner chapter and possible slight changesto Temporary Uses, Home Occupations, and Administrative:and Conditional Use Permits. Planner Wagner noted he is aiso working closely with the Parks Director on the Parlcs and Recreation Open Space Pian and wilf bring forward some of those changes at some point during 2012. Planner Wagner reiterated that the second grouping of code amendments will be brought before the Planning Commission for discussion in February 2012 with hearings planned for Maroh 2012. B. Other Zoning Code Text Amendments Planning Manager Eliiabeth Chamberiain summarized zoning code changes that staff worked on duririg 2011 beyond those�Planner Wagner described as part of the Phase 2 Code Update: • Inclusion of micro-breweries and distilleries in certain zones adopted in July of 2011. • Creation of a Master Plan Process adopted in November 21, 2011. • Allowing electric vehicle charging stations adopted in June 2011. • Expanding the keeping of urban farm animalswithin residential zones adopted in August 2011. • Phase 2 Code Update—currently taking this through the Planning and Community Development Committee and scheduled to go forv✓ard to the Council on December 19, 2011 for action. • Creation of new code language,related.to Agri-tourism (private initiated amendment from Mosby Farms) adopted June 2011: Additional Zoning Code Amendments planned to bring forward to the Planning Commission in 2012, include: • Cottage Housing—carry over from Phase 1 Code Update work. Flanning Manager Cham6erlain noted that staff received additional policy diredion from the City Council and is ready to bring back some code language forthe Commission to review and discuss. Diredor Snyder described for the'benefd of new Commission members the concept of Cottage Housing. • Cluster Subdivisions—carry over from Phase 1 Code Update work. Staff received additional policy direction, and Planning Manager Chamtierlain 2 Planning Commission Meeting Minutes December 6,'2011 exptained the cluster subdivision concept for new members. • Collective Gardens—Planning Manager Chamberlain stated that the City has a moratorium currently in place urytil regulations can be developed to guide collective gardens and described collective gardens as cannabis (medical marijuana} grown in a centrai location. This item will most likely move forward first due to the expiration date of August 3, 2012. • Sign Code—Planning Manager Chamberlain stated the City Council enacted interim zoning code regulations related to real estate signs primarily for residential subdivisions to expire April 26, 2012 unless extended. This item will move forward for discussion rather quickly since there isa looming expira4ion date; however, there are provisions within the interim control ordinance to allow extending this date. Commissioner Peace asked about the status of temporary sign permit regulations to allow A-frame signs. Planning Manager Chamberlain responded that thisfias been extended twice and is effective through March 2012; staff will � be asking the Planning and Community Development Committee if these regulations should be extended for an additional year. Director Snyder noted that staff will seek future guidance from the Commission on how to bring developers along with other interested parties into this conversation. Commissioner Chapman asked how effediveness is measured. Planning Manager Chamberlain commented that we might engage the developers who are using those signs for feedback. Diredor Snyder added we have gotten compliance to the standards and we have noYreceived a large numberof citizen complaints about them and we have atso not had any parties come in and not go through compliance with us. On those levels, we've performed well stated Director Snyder, but the question is do we implement this as a permanent part of our zoning code. • Agri-tourism — Planning Manager Chamberlain explained that during the amendment process for the Mosby Farm's code amendmerrt, the City Council requested that staff explore expanding agri-tourism into other areas zoned Residential Conservancy. Manager Chamberlain explained agri-tourism as it relates to agricultural growing and clar�ed that it is more of a commercial enterprise. Commissioner Peace asked whether there is a market for this other than Mosby Farma Director Snyder stated that the interest from the Council was perhaps more at the residerrtial level, and part of the conversation with the Commission will be does this make sense and in what context. • Design Review Code Amendment— Planning Manager Chamberlain stated there are design standards for the downtown urban center as well as multi-family and mixed use design standards and most receMly the passage of the Aubum Gateway Project. Staff will be bringing forward code changes that outline those three separate design standards and how applications are processed. . Food Carts— Planning Manager Chamberlain stated we would like to explore the possibility of allowing food carts in a more permanent basis. Commissioner 3 Planning Ccmmission Meeting Minutes December 6, 2011 Peace asked about the types of food carts, and Planning Manager Chamberlain responded that this would be reviewed as part of the code development to determine what might be best for Aubum. Commissioner Ramey asked how local restaureteurs would react. birector Snyder responded 4hatin just a6out every jurisdiction that is an issue between the brick and mortar businesses versus the,transitory food carts; you want to rec,ognize the irrvestment the brick and mortar businesses have made and invite them into the conversation anii perhaps get spacing distances between them so they are not overly competing between each othec • Cell Antennas-Planning Manager Chamberlain stated that we have an extensiVe virireless communications code; however, it lacks regulations requiring stealth design when a carrier wants to calocate on an existing,building. If the Council desires work on this code, then staff will start bringing forward discussion items for tFie Commission to consider. • Housekeeping Amendments-This is a catch-all that staff has considered impiementing annually for on-going housekeeping amendments:#hat come up during development review, pefiaps a current code that rieeds to be changed, or to clarify some of the d�nitions from the Phase 1 code update work with the residential zones. Director Snyder invited all Commissio_n members to coMact staff if they haye any questions, need information, or not sure about something and encouraged new members to come in and meet with staff. Director Snyder also reminded the Cortimissioners to reserve the:third Tuesday of each month in case we do need additional meetings; Commissioners.will be,notified well in advance if that is necessary. Chair Roland stated that Commission will not be meeting on the third Tuesday of December and, due to the holiday; the Planning Commission will be meeting on Wednesday, January 4,2011. At the request of Chair Roland, stafF will provide Commissioners with updated calendars and staff phone numbers in the new year. VI.,ADJOURNMENT There being no furtherbusinessto come before the Planning Commission, Chaie Roland adjourned the meeting at 7:37 p.m. 4