HomeMy WebLinkAboutUnited Way of King County License Agreement LICEIVSE AGREEMENT This Lica�se Ageemem("Agreemenf7,dated Decanberl1 ,2011,is by and betwcen thc City of Aubum,a Washington municipal("Aabnrn"),and United Way of King Counry, which is locattd at 720 2nd Avenue,Seattle WA 98104,e Washin�fon state noo-profil organization under the laws of the State of Washington,("Licensce.'� RECITALS A. Aubum is the owner of certain real property and faciEities; located at 25 West Msin Sucet Aubum, WA 98001 hereafter referred to ss the"Spacc.^ B. Liansee waMs ro use approximatety.220 square fect,oFthe Spacx for the purpose of providing free tax Preparation services, filing retums elecuoniaally,helpiag customers gain access to publie benefits,atul providing customas with axess to bank accounts and otha asset building opportunhies.'fl�e licxnsee rcquires that the participa�ris make lesc thaq$56,000 per year,and wdy fik basic tax rturns NOW,THEREFORE,in consideration of the promises,covrnants and conditions oonmirt�hereinr the parties heaeto agree as follows: i. Grent of Lic�nse. Aubum hercby grnnts to Licensce tho rigM to cnter upon and use the Spact for the purpose xt forth in Recital B at the foltowing daus end tima: From January 1 Q 2012 through February 24,2012,Monday du�ough Friday from Spm W 9pm;From Febn�ary25,2012 through April IS,2012,Tuesday through Thursday from Spm to 9pm. Aubum wiA provide acoess W the Spmce,use of electrical outlets,use of furniurce,and accas w restrooms: _ 2. Consideration. a. Liaensee agrees to pay to Aubum the sum of S 1.00 as a ticense fa for its use oftheSpace. 3. Term and Pur;nse. 'Ihe term of this Agreement shall begin on lanuary 1 I,2012 . _. (the"Commencement Date"j throagh April I S,2012 and may 6e urminated by either party with or widaut cause tiy giving the other perty thirty(30)days wrimn notioe rcqniring them to vacau the 5pacx. In the event Licensee shall utiliu the Space for any otha purpose,or perform a�ry other actiyiry on the Space which is not suthoriud by this A$reement,or othenvise breach any co4enarrt heisof,this Agreemeat end all L�censee's nghts hereunder shal�be xrm�imted ... .. .. ........... ..... _........... .. _ _ .. ........ . ........ , ... ._ immediauly. 4. Maintain and Restore: Licensee shall not aflow any waste,damuge,or destruction to occur on thc Space er�d upai termi�tion or expiration of ttiis Agrament,Licenue at its sole c�sl and expense,shall restore the Space to iu original caidition. Without limiting the foregoing, Licensee specifially agr�s not w a�low any twcic,da�ardoas or peU�oleum prod�xRs W be discharged or deposited onm the Space in cormxtion with Licensee's activities hereunder. _ � _ - 5. Due Care and Diligence. Licensoe will usc due care and diligenoe in the exercise of its righu hereunder,and it will at afl times exercise its righu hereunder at sueh times and 'm such manner as approved by Auburn and as will na�_ion(a)any interfcrersce with ifie bitsiness operations on the Space,(b)eny interference with the cbstomary access to or from the Spa�x,or(c)any damage or injury to the Spac4 or to any sublessees,agents,servants or cmployas of Aubum. 6. Aswmotion of Risk. Liansee assumes all risks and I'mbilities arising out of Licensee's use of the Space or use of the Space by Licensee's employas,agrnu, rcpresentatives,guests or imhees. 7. I:icaisce's Covenants. Licensee covenants a�agrees that Aubum shall not at any time or to aery extert whatsoever be I'�able,rcsperosibfe or held e�ntabk for:(a}any personal m]ury(including deatd)to any person, includmg Lioaisee's emptoyees,egecus. represeutatives,guests or invit�s which in any way arius out of Licensee's adivities haeunder w activities of Licensce's employas,ager�,representatives,guests or inviues hercundu or use or occupation of the Spacr by Licrnsee,or Licensee's emp►oyas,agenLC,rcp�se�tives,Suests or invitas;(b)Pcoperty damage including Property of Licrnsee or Licensee's employees, ogrnts,�entatives,guests or invitees which in any way arises out of Licensa's activhies he�eunder or activities of Licensee's emptoyas,agenls,re�nesentatives�guests or invibxs hereunder or use or occupation of the.Space by Licensa,or Lica��'s employees,ag�nts, representatives,guests oc invitas;(c)eny costs ussocinted witki Licensee's acxivities under this Agament:and(d)the presena of or discharge or emission of toxie or hazardous materials or substanees. 9: emn't . Lixnsx agrees W indemnify attd hold harmless an4 et Aubum's option;defaid Aabum,its ofticers,agent4,employees,wc�so�s and assisns from and against any and all suits,actions,legal p�nceedings,claims,danands,and acpenses(including attorneys• fxs arid acpaises)of whauver kind or cheraaer relating W Licensee's use of the Spaa, including,but not limited to:(a)persor�al mjury(inctud'mg death)to arry pason,including l,icenset's anptoy�s,agents,representatives,gueses or invitees;(b)Property damage,or activities of Lieensee's employas,agents,represenmtives;guests or invitces or the use of die Spstce by L'axnscx or by Lixnsee's emPleyas,agrnts,�tatives,gucsts or invitees; (c)etaims of lien finm Licensee's employees,agmu,repre�atmives,or(sub)coniractors;or (d)1he presence of hazardous,toxic or petroleum protiucts in tlu Space. It is further apecif eally and expnsslyundersto��hat Uu indemnification provided herein constitutes tfie Licensee's waiver of immunity under Industrial h�wrance.'�tle S 1 RCW,sokly for the purposes ofthis _ mdemnificat�on. Tha warver has ban mutually negot�d by the parties. 7Te prov�s�ons of this _... . .. .. .._.. _ _.. _. section shall survive the expirsfion or termination of this Agrcranrnt. I0. �omptiance with l.ews. Liansee agras to oomply with all rcquirements of federal,state or local lew,ordinenoes or regulations and sl�all defd�d and save harmless Auburn from and against asny I'�abilitrcs or claims arising out of or from eny alleged breach of such laws or ordinanas. -2- I I. osts. Licensx agrces to pay a11 costs, including attorney's Fees,incurn� by Auburn in enforoing this Agreement 12. nsurance. Licu�see shati pr�ure and mai�rtain in effect during the term hei+rof crnnmercial geneml liability and Space damage insurance,'induding a conuactunl liability endorsemart coveri�Licensee's obtigations under Soction 9, in the minimum amount of $I.000.000{xr oxurisnce and$1,000.000 ennusl aggregate. Within three(3)days from the date hercof,bat in a�evrnt prior to the Commencement Datq Licensee shsll fumish Aubum with a xrtificaUe of such policies of insurenccon which Aubum is named es an eddicioael insw�ed. Thc obligation to carry insurance shall not limit or modify any other obfigaYrons assumed by Licensee hcreunder,iror shall Aubum be under any duty to examine such mtificate or to advise Licensee in the evem its insurance is not in compl'�ancx with this Agreement The insurenix policy evidentxd by the catificate of insurance shall be with a oompany rcasonabty approvod by Auburn,end such policy shall provide that h is not subjat to canceltation or reduction in coverage exapt aRer ten(10)days' prior written qotice to Auburn. 13. �. All notices,demands,consents,approvals and other oommunications (each,a°NMke'7 which arc required or desired ro be given by eithv party to the Mher under this Agreemart shell be in writing and shaU be(a)hand deliverod,@)se�rt by U.S.registued or catified mail,postage prepaid,returci reaipt requa�ted,(c}sent by roputable ovemight courier service,or(�fransmitted by facsimile machiirc(with a copy,ipcluding the transmission shea indicatin�suc�cessful transmission of the Notia by facsimile mad�ine,to follow by regular mail�addressed to the aPAroA�P�Y az iu eddress sot forth bdow,or at such other address as sucA party shatl have last designated by NMice to the other: Notices shall be deemed given when def ivered, if delivered by hand,or by ovemight courier;at the time and on the dale of machine kansmittal,itgiven by facsimile;o'three days aRer mailing,if givon by US. mail. Ryection or otha�reFusal by the addressa to accept a Notice or the inability to deliva the Notice beceuse of a changed address of which no Notice was given shall be daaned to be receipt of the 1Jotice sent. Notice addrases for the parties aze as follows: To Liansee: United Way of King Counry 720 2nd Avenue Seattle WA 98104 Attn: Pavick Ketlry To Auburn: Ciry of Aubum 25 West Main St Aubum, WA 98001 ._. ._._ _.. . .. _.... .. . , _......_.... _ _ .... .. .. . . ....... . .._._._... _......... _........... _ ....... .... ............, Attention:Facilitia Facsimila(253�04-3116 ' 14. I�isxllanwus. -3 - (a) �ntire Aereemem-No Oml ModificaYrons. This Agrccment and the exhibits hereto consthute the final and complete agreement,and;supersede all prior cortespcmdence,memoranda or agreemems between the parties rclating to the subject mutter t�ereof. This Agreement caenot be changed or modified other than by a writtm agreement executed by all parties. , (b) Suocessors liound. Subject W the restrictions on assignment contained in Soaion I4(c�the provisions of this Agreanent shafl extend to,bind and inure to the benefrt of the parties hereto and their respcctive personal representatives,heirs,successors,and assigns. (c) AssianmenL "i'his Agrament'is personal to Licensee and Licrnsce shall not havc arry rigM to assign its rights or obligations he�eunder. Any attempt by Licensee to assign this ticense shall tenninate this Agreement. Aubum shall have d�e right to assign uny and all af its righu end obligazions hereunder. (d) S+ovemingLaw. 'Ihis Agreement shall be govemed by and conswed in accordance with the laws of Washington. (e) Counte� 'ihis Agreement may be executed 'm more than nne oobntexpart,each of which shall be deemed an original,and all of which together shall constitute one and the seme instrummt. (� Attomevs' Foes. ]n the event that any party hercto brings an action or prooeeding for a declaration of thc rights of the parcies under this Agroement,for injunctivr nel'rcf,or for an alteged breach or default of this Agreemmt,or any other action arising out of this Agrcematt or the transactitins contemplated heretiy,the prevailing party in any such action shall be entitkd to aa award of reasonable attomeys'fces and any wurt costs incurred in wch action or proceeding, in addition to any other damaga or relief awarded,regardless of whethc such action proceeds w fmal judgm�t. (g) Severabilrtv. If any term orprovision ofthis Ageement shall;:to any extent,be held invalid or unenforceable,the remaining terms and provisions of this Asreement shall not be affeccod thereby,but each re�naining tenn and prorision shall be valid and enforced to the fullest extent permit0ed by taw. (h) Caations. "The captions of this Agreement are insened solely for convenience of rcfera»oe onty and do not defmq descnbe or limit the scope or iMent ofthis Agrcemem or any urtn hercof. _... .. . ... ... .. _ .. ,_._........... _............ ...... __...., __ ..........,.. _ _ . . ,.,..,..,..... (i) Exhibits. All exhibits attached hereto are heieby incorporaled herein by reference and made e part hereof. (j) Construction. Licensx and Autium aclinowledge that each party and its counsel have rcviewed and revisod this Agreemem and that the normal ruk of constnrction to the eflect that any ambiguities are to 6e resolved against the dra(tinB party shaU not be anployed in tAe interprdation ofthis Agrcemau(including Ne exhibits)or sny s�ae�maits thereto,and tlre . _4_ s¢me shall be wnstrued neither for nor against Licensee or Aubum, but shall be given a reasonableinterpretation in accordance with the plainmeaning.of its terms and the intent of the parties. (k) Survival ofTerms. The covenants and indemnity of Licensee contained in this Agreement shall survive the fermination of Licensee's rights fo utilize the Space. Q) Authoritv. Each person executing thisAgrccment represents and warranu thai he orshe has the authority to so execute this Agreement and that no furtherapproval ofany kind is necessary to bind the parties hereto. (m) Time: Time is of the essence of eyery provision contained herein. DATED as of the day and year first set forth above. AUBURN: CITY FAUBUR a Was i ' pa corporation �J By: ���� �l�,W�s VYl a�,.�.� S� LICENSEE: United Way of King County a Washingt�frt organi7ation By: Its• 13�.t: � Nu.�s �`{ . r, ' -s -