HomeMy WebLinkAboutArgosy Construction 04 12 04:43p EKDESIGNS p.1 SMALL PT1BLlC WORK CONTRACT Project 1Ytle:Golf Cuuise Kitch�Ftoor Itepair/&eplecemmt THIS CONfRACf is entatid inW heRreen tha City ofAubum,a Washingion Municipal Corporetian("City"),m�d A,s,gosy Conshuction("Camtractor"),whose maiW�g xddress is P.O. Box G28 Carnation,Washiqgton 98104. 7'Le parties egrce as follows; L ' CO]V71tAETOR SEItVICES. Tl�e Contrador s6aU do all�vork and fumish all toolg mataials and eqnipmeM forthe ldtcl�t floor repa'a/roplacement(epproximabely 100 Square Fed of floorinpJ in accordxnce with 8ns Co�rtiacl fam. The Conl�actor shall do all work and furnish all tools,metarials and equipment for the completion of tl�e repaidmplacemerrt work,in eoeordance with tiiis Con6act form and as s0o�vn on tLe anached Exhibit"A", �vGich is by thie reference incorporeted herein and mxde e parE j�areef. The completa Conlract i�ludes the fo[bwing parts,wtiich are by thiy raferonce incorporaced herein and made a part]�ereof. Any inconsistauy in tlio parts of the Cantract shall be resolved by tha ordar ia�vl�ic&Wey are lisfed: A. Saiall Public 9Vo�ic Contrect B. Appeacfix A,Scopa of woik C. wasLington stata Department of Lebor dt Industries Prevailing wago Wrtes and Be�s Key Code effective 09/19/2011. ln easa of a�ry embigairy�dispute over interproting 1he Contract,iha City Eng6uer's decision will 6e fiaal. ' II. Cl'I'Y OF AUBURN BUSFNESS IdCENSE BEQIIIREp. In order to do businea in the Ciry of Aabiun,you are reqnined to have a carrent C'uy of Aubum basioess license. Alt suboonlractors and lmvu tier subca�ractors working on the project must also haJea City of Anburn business licenso, III. NOTICT TO PROCEED: A A'otico to Proceed wil!be iswed once the Contract hes 6een fally mecuted lry the Contraetor and Ci[y,and aII xanoired doannents as set fath in ehis Contract and all requirements as set forth io the award tetter have bepi met, IV. TID�OI'CONIPLETION. 17te Conttactor sGall complete the�vork within 30 working days firom fhe date of issuanoe of tlie City's Notice to Pmceed. V. HOURS OF WOBK Noru�al Syarking Hours for tlu Corttr�eyc�t,�shail ba Snnday l Opm tNrough Wednesday�,The area�vill be oporational Iry���!Vednasday, VI. COMPENSATION. Tlie Contrsclor shaN do a11 work and furnisG all tools;materials,aud eqiripment for the work and services eoNomplated in this Conhact for the lump swn price of S3•950.00•and Was6ingtoa Stata Salas Tax of 5375.00 for a total of a4.3u1�. Anr seles sMnu.ruBUC�vostc coxrrtacr Poac 1 or I i � . / . � ///il_ �—a—!Ti ir[,r� v- Jan 04 12 04:43p EKDESIGNS �p.2 tax aiea is 1702 for K ing Copruy: No payment shall be issaed imtil a Statcmeat of Iatent to Pay Prevai[ing Wagos form,for iLe Contracfir and each aud every Subconhactor,has becn approved by the Stat�e Departinent of Labor&Iadustries,and is recoaived by the Ciry. A. Li��� gq. The Conhactor may elect to(1)fumisL a performencebond imacoordartce ryith Sectian VL A, in which wse tha City shall hold back retainage in the amouut of Tive perwM(5%)of aay aml aN paymentc made to Uie Coatrabror,or(2)have the City retaiq in liea of the perfamance bond,fifly petcmt(50%)of the rotal Contract amo�mt, p�asuant to RCW 39.08.D I0. The Contractor sh"all execute a"Declaration of Optiou for Perfonnance Bond or Additional Rdninage°to indicate liis/her option. In eitl�er casq tlte Contractor can clwoso to hava the reminnga hald by Ilie City in a ran-inter�.st bearing acxount,4eve it pleced ia an fiscarory(interast bearinpa Axount,or subnai a bond io Jieu of rehaivage. Said retainage shall be held 6y the Ciry for a period of forry-five(45)deys after t1u date of fmal ac�nce,or until rece7pt ofali neeessery releases from the Stare �t of Revenua md .Stau Employmart Sec�uity Dcparpnent includ'mg Aff�davits of Wagas paid for the Coatractor and each end evaY wbcontractor,and until satlemont of azry liwu filed nedv CAapter 60.28 RC W.whicF�ever is latar. B. P��fsstas or Unauthoriva Work. The City resavas its rig6t to witfdwld paymont fran the Gonhactor for euY dafective or mwuthorized�voii�. De{�hve or anautliorized work incfudes,wit4oat lnnitation; �vork and materia[s ihat do not cm�focm to the requiroments. of#fiis Conaact;6nd ccha�rk acorl mataials&imi�ed without the Citys writxn epprovaL If the Coatractor is ilnable, for any reeaon,�o satty�feC�orii�,co�np�eDe any pwtion of tLe�wrk,the City mey complete the work by contract or othenyise,and the Contractor sliall bo Jiahle to tho Ciiy for any additioriel costs incurred 6y 1Lo City. "AdditionaI costs"shalt mean all reaconabie cosfs,inclnding k$al costs a�d attomey fees,i�irred bY the CitY baYoud the maximum Coimact price specified above. 77�e City . finther�tsorves its right to deduct the cost to cwnpkbe tha Confract�vork, including any :�dditional costs,from eny and all amounts doe or to 6ecoine due the Coahyuxor. C. Final Pavment: W�+v�.of Claima �e malcing offmal payment(exclnd'u�g withlield �efainage)shall constiliite a nreiva•of clamu,esce�t those proviousiy and propeity msde and identiFiad by ti�e ConRabtor as unsdtled et tka dme requcct for final payment is made. Vil. 1NDEP�fDENT CONTRAC7'OR The parties iRteud N�at an L�dependent Cont�aetor- EmpFoyer Relatianship�yiQ be atiated by t(iis Contract,tlie Ciry being ineapsted only in d�e rosuMs obtained under this Contract. � SMAT1.PU➢]1CIVORKCON'fYtACI' Poat2of❑ - � ' � k �___, Jan 04 12 04:43p EKDESIGNS p.3 'f71Ii.SZ7B(:OIVTRACI7NG. Work dorn by the Conusctor's owa or�ni�ii�shal� accou�rt for M kest 30(thirty}parcent of Um ewarded Conlrad price. Befa�e canputing this perocutage hrnvever,t6e Confractor may sabtrect(from tha awarded Conhact priea)flx costs of aoy subcontracted�vark on items the Contiact dasignates as spacislty ita�rs. The Coirtractor sl�atl not sabeom6�act work�mkss the CPry aPProves in writing. Fach requestzo�beontract s]iall be on the forne t6e Ciry provida. (f the City requesn�,the Contractor shall proride pnoof that Uie subcontractor das the exPeriencq ability;and equipmmf tha work tequiros Thp Contractor shap requiae each subco�Rrector to oomply �vidi RCW 39.72(Prevailiag Wages pp Public Warks)snd M{urnisti all certificates and s[atanettts reqoired by the Contract As sfated'm Section V1:`Compansatioa,°uo pxyment shall ba issaed until a SfaOement of Lrtent to Pay Pcevaiting Waga form,for the Contreaar and ea�aad'overy suboontractor,has 6een appa�oved 6y the State D�nt of Labor& [ndostrias,and is*ecadved by the City. A1ong wRh the requost to su6let;the Contrector shall sabmit the namas of a�ry aontracting firn�s the suboontractor qnposes W use as Imvec tiu subconhactors. Collectively,these lowa tier subcontrectors sha[l not do�vork 1Let excxds 25 peroent of ihe total amouat subcontraeted to a subeonvector. 6Vhen a subcomractor is respm►sible for consorudion of a specifie stiueture or stractores,tha following tivork may bo porfonned by lovvortier subconh�actors�vlt9out being mbject O�the 25 pement limitatiom: A. Furnishing and driving of piling,or B_ Fmnishing a�instailiug aoncrate reinforoing and post tensioning steel. Except for the 25 pacent li�oit,losver tier sabcontrectors shal!meet t�o same requira�nts as subconfractors. . 71te City wiJl approva the reqaest�ly if satisFed witl�the�eposed subcontraGw.'s reca�d,aquipmnt,peporicttco and:ability. Approvel to subcrnttracf shall not: I. Relleve the CoMraetor ofany rasponsi6ility to cerry out the Contract. 2. Ralievo the CoMrnctor of azRy obligetions or liability under the Contract and chc Contrndor's bond. 3, Gcau any eanUact 6etmeu ri�e City nnd}1ie wbcontracbor,or 4. Convey to the subcoutractor any rights agxinst the City. � Tha Ciry wiEl not considor as sul�conlrecting: (1)purchase of sand,gavel,cruslud stona,en�hed slag,batched cfl�rete ag�,ates,ready mnc concrne,off-site fabricated shucturel steol,other ofY-sito fabricnlecl items,and any ocherrnatarials supplicd by established and recogniaed commaciai plsnu>or(2)deliweay of those imceriats m d�e�vork si6e in velucIes orrned or oparated by such plAnts or by recogrtiud au(ependent or . SMAI.L PUBLIC WORL 00lJTRAC7' � � Pege 3 of i l /� � �!J Jan 04 12 04:44p EKDESIGNS p.4 eomma�cial hauling oanpaniea: Hmwver,tha Wasiiing�6n State Department oFl,abor and Lidi�sirieg may detcrn�n�e that RCW 39.]2 applies to the empbye�s of such Fims identified in A and B above in accordancro tivith WAC 296-127. lfdiaat�ed with any part of t6a suboontracl+ed ryork,tbo Cfty may�uast m writing tl�at fl�e subc�tractor be�noved. The Conhactor shall comply with U�is ceqo�t az onca and shnll not employ the su6cont�acror for any fudher work under the Contract: ' Tl�is se�Non�es not create a con[rechial mlationshlp behvea�i the City and airy subcunlraGor. ALso,it is moi intended to bestow npon a�ry sabcontrxctrn•,Ihe status of e thQd-imrry bweficiary 6o tLn Conhsct betweea lhe City and the Conlractor. IX. TERD7INATION.,The City may tetminate 4is Conhact fargood cause. °Good cavsa" shall inclodq withrnrt limitation,atry one or more of tlie follotiviag eveots: A. The Contradors nefiaal or failu�r to svpply a sufficimt amnber of proper),y_ski7leQ wo`Icers orpropermaterials for complcuou ofthe Gonhact�wrk B. The Conhxebo�s feilure tu complete the work within Iha tirme specified in this Contract. C. Tha Conhactois Sail�ere oo make full and pmmpt paym�u to subcontraciois or for material ar la6ot. D. The Comcactoi's persistent disregard of federal,state w Ixal la�vs,ruies or rogulatans. E. 13e Cmrtractofs filu�g for bankruptay or becoming ad,judged bsnkrnpt. ARar atl tlte woiic co�pnplatod by tiie Contrnct bss been complated aither by tlio S�ery or the City,d�e City�viU celcutate flie totel ea.pensa and damages fo�t�e completed werk. If dte total expeasas and deotagas are kss tlwn siry uupaid�alxnce due t6e Ca�hactor, the exee.ss�vill be paid lry tLe Cily to the Contractor. If the total�enses a�d demages axceed Hu unpeid balamx,the Contraotor and ihe Smroty shall be jointly end sevarally Gable to,and shall pay the d�snce to;the Ciry on demand. X. PREVAII.ING.WAGE3. Go�rtractor shall file a"Statemmt of I�nt W Pay Prevailing Wagos"with the Smte of Washington Department of Lu6or�`c Industries prioc m commencing the Contrart work. Ttie Camractor slia[I�ey prevailfiig waga aid comply with Chaptor 39.3 2 of the Rovised Code of Washing0on,as wep as any other applicable prevailing wage rete provisions. The p�evailing�vage rate revision in dTect as of Septemba 19,20 t I is by this roferenca imwxporatod harem and made a part hereo£ No payment shall be issued amil a Statement of intmu Eo Pay Prevniting Wagos fonn,for the Contraator and each and � evary subeontrsctor,lias heen approved by tl�e State IIopartmont of Labor 8c ind�utries,and is received by the City. Retainege shali not be released until an Affidavit of Wages Paid form for ffie Corttracror and each and e�vc�y subco.ntractor,hes beert approved by the State Depariment of Lebor&Industrias,a�is receiveA by the City, 9MALL PUIiLIC WORICQOMW�CT . Pabe4oPtl � /� ... � %/i �. !K/ � Jan 04 12 04:44p EKDESIGNS p.5 RL CHANGES. The Cily may issuc a written chenge arder for any change in tGe Contraa�wrk during the parfarm�ce of this Coatract. If tha Cauhactor d�erm�a,for s�y reason,t�at a change order is necossery,the Comracwr mnst submit a written chauge order ezquest.to an autho:ized ageut o�the Ciry within fifleen(15)celend�deys of the dale the Contractor(mwv or sfiould.6ave knawn of the facfs and eveoffi giving rise ro die req�osted chenge, If the City detorminas that die chenge increases or decreasos the Comrecto�'s costs or time for perFoia+anco,tlie City wiEl rr�ko an equitable adjust+neat Tha Ciry will attempt, in good faith,to reach agreranent�vith 16e Conhactor on al!equitablo aAjustments Tiowever, if the parties am unable to agree,the City will deterniina the eqidts3�k�ustment as it deems appropriata, 7'Le Contractor shsl I prccoec!�vit4 ihe dmng�order�wrk apon receiving either a wrAten ohenga o�der from U►e City or an ora[ordw from the City beforo achm]ly recaiving the�vritron chan�e otder_ If flro Coot+actor fai4s to�eqairo a cl�engo order wrt�iii tha time aQmved,the Cootractor�vaiqes its rigtd to malce a�•elaim or sa6mit subuc��ant c6ange urdcr mquests for that portioa of the,Conhact work, If the Contrnctor disagroes ivith tLa equiteble adju�t,the Contractor must comp[ate the changa ortkr worlc;hmveyer,ihe Comt�actor msy e1eU w protest the adjustmeat es provided belmr. A. Procedure and Protest by the Contrector, If tho Conhactor disagrees wit6 anything reqaired by a change ordar,anocher written arder;or sn aral order from the City, iucluding nny duxction,nnshuction,interp+atation.�detramination by tha Ci�y,the Contractor s]iali: 1. Immediahe3y give a signed writtw�nodce of pmtast W the City; 2. Suppl�naut t6e�vriften protest within ftfteen(15)c8lendar days�vith a written statemetrt ffiet provides tM following infwmation: a. The date of tfie Coruracto�'s protest b. 7fie nawro and c'ucamsmnces tl�at ceused the protest c. The provisions in this Conhact d�at support 1Ge:protest d. The estuna6ed dollar cost,if any,ofthe probested�vork and Iw�v thet estunete �vas ddermined. e. An analysis of the progress schedule shrnviog the scheduk change or disny�tion � ifthe Contrsctqr is��rting a schednle chec�e or d'sruption. The ConhacMr shatt keep�nplde re�wrds of�a costs and time nwurred xs a rosult of the protysted work. The�ty shall have ncoeas to any of the Contractors records needed for evahiating the proteat. 3. The City wilJ evaivate elJ prot�sts,provided dta procadurea in this sxtion are I follrnved. If tUe Ciry detenninas that a prote�is valitl,Use City tivil]adjust p t I ! � sMa.�. ruaucwrnuccoNmncr waesorii � f � i Jen 04 12 04:44p EKDESIGNS p.6 for work or timo by an equifable adjustrowt No adjusiment tvill be made for an invalid potest. ' B. Caurnctm's Daty m CAmolete Protested Wo�k Io spito of any protest,tlro Contiactor shall ptoccecl PromPtlY with t6e�wrk as ffie Cqy Ims orderod. C. Contrac0o�'s Accrntance of Chanaes. 71u Contractpr accepts aU requirements of a ahange arder by: (1)andorsing it,(2)writing a separate acceptence,a�(3)not protesting m the�vay this section provides. A change orda t6et a acceptod by ihe Camtractor as �movided in tbia section shell oc»stitute tull p�ymenrsnd final settlmnp�t af all claiu�s for Contract tima�md for dired,iadirecY eed cwu�queatiel�,i�1ud'mg costs of delays rolated to aay�v�k,eithar covered or affected by tho c6engm D. Failtire ro Protest Constitufas Weiver. By not protest7pg az t6is section provides,the Contraeoor also waives aqy additional entitlomertt and acoepts from the City any wriuen or oQal ador(mclnding dit!xtions, instructions, interprotatious,nnd dd�mination3. E. Failare to FoIIoNProcedurra Constitutes Waiver By failingto follmv U�e procedures of this section,t1�e Cdntractor oompldely�vaives mry claims for pratested work and accepts from the City any writtqi oc aal ader(ineluding direction;i�tructians,intequetuions, and detemiinarion). RII. CI.AIMS. The Contraetor waives ri�t to a c(aim ifth.ey have not follrnved procedures artlined in Sectioa XLA of this Ca�tract. Ifresolutia�cermot be�eached m�der Section XI.A,then tha CoMreMOr sltaU giva written notice to Uie City of all claims other dian change orders mit6ia fiiteau(1�celender deys of tha City's notice aF its fna!decision oa the Contrncto�'s protest. Any cla'im for demages,additionel payrtant for airy reason,or extansion oft¢no,wlmtkor under tlus Ca�trACt or othee�vise,shall be conclusrvely deemedto have been waived by the Contractornnless a timely�vrimn claim is made in strict accordanee with U�a applioable provisions ofthis Contiach,or if(a�d onlyi�no snch provision is applicablq un[ess Biat cleiw is set foTth in detait in writing aad received by ttre. Ciry within sevon(�calendar deys from the date tha Cwurtictor knew,or should have knmvq of the facts giving rise to tha cleiui. At a minimmn,a Contrncta's tivritten claim must i»clude the iaformxtio�set for{h ragsrding pmtascv in Sebtion XI.A. Pailure m provide a�lae,writow�ati$cation of claim+vithin the time allo�ved shali bo eu a6soline�vaiver otatry aleinu arising in aay�vay from Me faMS or events suirounding that cleim or caused by that dolay. TLe Cm�tractor must, in any eveat,fi le airy claon or bring any a�rt arising from or covnecoed�vith this Contract wid�in forty-fn+e(45)celendar days fiom the date the Contract work is complete. sma.�. rus[��vowc coNSaacr � Pa�eG oF 11 � Jan 04 12 04:44p EKDESIGNS p.7 XIIL WABRINTI'Y• Al!dafxts m workmenship and materials that oxur within one year finm tlte dnte of tha CAy's accbptence of the Conhact�wrk shall be carncted by the Contrador. Wheo dafecls are carttcted,the warrnMy for dwt por(ion of the wa•k shall extend for one yaear fran tlu dete such correction is comp[eced and eccepted 6y 8ia Ci[y. The Ca�trac[or shall6egin to correct any defects�riWin sa•en(7)calendar days of its reaipt of notice from . the City of the defecL If the;Canlract�does uot accamplish the correetions within a roasoaable time,lhe City may complate the corrections and t4o Contractor shall pay ail costs incwret!by Uie Cily in o:der to aecomplish the coaection. XIV. 1NDSIVIWII?ICATION. ConhacWr shell defrnd,indemnify and hold the Ciry,iCs o�cers, officials;emPtoyeas,agents end volanteen hacmless&rnn a�ry and all claims, injaries, dame�es,losses or suits; ino�udLig etl lega{costs and attorney{ses,arising out of or m connection widi the perfornwnce ofi'tLis Conh�acy except for inj�tties aaA t�uages causcd by the sote negiigv�ce of t6e Cay. 7'he Ciry's inspxtion or accoNtauce af any of the ContrecGoi's�vork tvhon compteced sl�all not bo gmunds to avoid any of these covenants of indennification. � Shaild a caut of competant jurisdiction dUmnine that this ConRact is snbject to ACW 4.24.115,the�r, in Uca eveM of liebility for demages erising out of bodily injmy to persoms or ��8��ProP�'�3'�used by ar rasalting&na�tho concivrcnt aogligence of the Contractox � anrl the Cily,its a�icers,oft`'icials,employeas,agenis and volunteers,the Conhaolw+s � liability Ilereunder shall be on�y to the m:tent of the Contractor's nagli�nco. @ is farNier s�caUy and expressly underatood tl�at this ude�m�icatian ooestitutes Nte Cw�tractor's waiver of immunity under y�dostrial Iqs�uancq Titte 5 I RCW,soIety for t4a purposas of Hus indemnifieatioa. The partios acknrnvledge t�t they Ireve mutually tleg0[iffied thlS tvaiva'. Tha provisioas of this section shall s�vive fhe acpiretion or termivation of this Contract. XY• 'INSUR�INCE. The Coraractor shall procure and maintain for the duration of thls Comract, insurance egainst clainu for iqjuries to persons od•daaiage eu pm�dty tl�at rnxy nri se froiu or in connection wit6 tha p�foimmica of the Contxsct woii�luizimder by the ConUacroy its �8�,�'�p��nlat�ves,employees w•subconUacMrs. Before beginning work on the pmjxt described in this Caa�lruct,the Contractor ahatl provide a Certificate of Insnrance ovidencing tlm coverages listed beimv. The policies of u�suia�ue fnr gmaa4 aucomvbilg eod pollution policies sl�nll be specificaEly endorsed m neme the Condaaing Agmm�y and its o2Ficacs, eleeted c�iats,employee;aBe�s and volpMeers,and any atlter mfiry spacifically reqaired by the Cootract Provisions,as additional insared(s). SMALL PUBLiC�WORBCONTRACf � � I Pq6o 7 of I I I k ' � Jen 04 12 04:44p EKDESIGNS p.8 A. A,ntomobila Lia6i11tv insw�anca coverins all owned,�ron.owned,hirod and leased vehiclos�vith lunits no less tliazi$1,000,000 cambined sing�e limit pv acaident for bodi�y injury and propertydamege. Coveca�e sliell be wriden an I�u•anca Services Office(ISO)fa�m CA 00 Ol or a wbstitute form praviding equivalmt liability coverage. ffnecessary,the policy shell be antlorsed w provide contractuat liability covemge. $. �omma�cial General Liabifi(y insarauce wriqen wiHi limi�s�ro kss t1�an$1,000,000 each oxurranca,$2,000,000 gemrai aggagete,and a$2,000,000 products-completed oporations aggregate iimit Covarage shall be writOen on 4S0 occurrence form CG 00 01 md slmll cova•liability arising from premiswv,operatEons,stop gep liability,i�eprndent contrecM[s,produetscaanpleted oparat ions,parsanal'mjmy aad adveitising injury.and liability essumed imder m iasumd contract. The Commorcinl Genaal Liabillty msmance shall be endorsed to provide�he Aggnegabe Per Project Eidorsdnmit form CG 25 03 11 85. There shaLL be uo emlorsement or modi8cetion of the Commercial General Liability insuranca for lia6ility arisi�from axp[osion,collapsc or pndersroiu�d property damage. The City aliail ba uamad as an additiw�al insured mcder the Conriacror's Comwa�cial Cxneca!Liability insurence poliey,nrhh respect ro the work perfom�ed for d�a City using ISO Additianal Insurance endorsement CG 20 10 l0 Ol and Additiooel losiaedd-Compleaed O�ions cndorsemeM CG 20 3? 10 Ol or sudstitate ondorsements P�'�'�8 e4uivalent coveiage. C. Workers' Comuansation coverage as reqtiimd by tfie Lxlush9al[nsuraace laws oFthe Steta of Washington D. Other Lisurnnce Provisiona The insurance policies are to contain,or be mdrnsed to conmin,the follosving provisions for Autamobile Liabtlity and Caamnercisl Gaireral I.iability: 1. The Contractor's iasuwnce coverage shnll be primary insarance us eespax the City. Any'rnsurence,self-insui�ance,ar insm�anco poo!covernge maintain�d by Hte Ciry shal] bo a�cess of tlm Conlractor's iasurance and shall not crn�tribute with ii. 2. T6e Conteactor's iawrance shall ba endoised to state thar coverage shall nar be ' cm�celled by either pa,�ty,�capc sflEr tliirty(3�days priar arinen aaice by certified mai1,relum receipt nequested,(ms been given Oo Ihe Ciry. E. Coutractor's Inwraxe for 01her Losses. 7Ue Canhactor shall assiane full responsi6iliry for aU loss rn•dAmage from a�capso rvhatsoorer to aoy tools,Contractor's pnployeo rnmed tools,machinay,equipment,or motor vehictes rnvned or rented 6y tbe Cont�actor,a•the CoutracOOr's ageuts,suppliera,ar contrxctars as�vell as m arry temporary strachues,seaffoldidg,and pivtectiva t'encas. SMAIl PUBLICWOItKCON7RACi' Yx�eBofll ^ . K , ul-- Jen 04 12 04:45p EKDESIGNS p.9 F. Waiver of Subm ,p�Non The Contractor and the City waive all rFghb a�gaiost each ot[ier, any of the'u SubcontraM9rs,Sub�aubconaactors,agents end employees,eaich of the othor, for damages caused by fire or other periis to the�rt oovercd by Builders Risk ins�rnnce a'uNia'propaAy insorsaca obtainedpanuant to Section XV ofthis Contrect or other properiy insyranoe applicebio m the�vo�ic. Tha pollcies shaA provide sac1� ' waivars by endnrsement oi otliernise. C�. Acceplabilitv of Ltsvrerc. ���ce is to be p2axd�vifh authorlaed insure�s in Wasiiington State with a cwrent A,M.Best rnting ofnet less Uun A-:VIi, � H. Verifc,.s*ion of - vere¢o. Contrmxor shall finnish the City with origioal certifxates aod a copy of Nm amendatory p��iorsoments, iucluding bid not necesyarity limiled to the additionaL iazured endorsement,ovidencing the Autanobile Linbility s�l Comm�+eia( Geqerai Liabiliry insurmce of 1he Contractor 6efum oummencanent nf the tivork. I. S1�bcomrncto� Contreetor shall alvure t6at eacL subcontractor of overy tier o6tains and �naintaias at a mniunum,tha insurance coverage,y 1ist�d in 1his section. Upon requost of tha Ciry,tha Contractor shell prwida evidence of saah iaswance, Any ptryment of deductible or self insurod retaition shal!be the sole reskwosibility ofthe Contractor. � 7'ha Ciry rese�ves tLa right to recoive a outified copy of a11 the required instmmce poGcies. � XVL MISCEI.LANE4US. A. Nondiscrimination. In tlre hiring of employees for ttie performance of�vark under fhis CoatmU,the Contractor,its subcamhactots, or my persan acting on behalf of Contractor shalt not,by reason oProcq retigion,coMr,sex,sexua�erientation,national origin,or the piesence of any sensory,mentel,or physical dis•rbiliry,discriminate agaiast arsy person who is qusGfied w�d ava ilabte to parform the work to witich the employment rolafes, B. Complianee with Laws. 17�e Gon[raccor shal]comply�vith all faderal,state and [oca( laws,rules aud regolatiom througboat.every asped in tho performan�e oEt6is Comract. G Work ParFamed st f,m �s Risk. 77ie Contrsctor shall take all prxantions necossary md sl�sll bo respo�sibk 6or the satety of its amP�Y�,�lts,nnd subcootradois ia the pa�fonnanco of this CoMract Ali wofk shall bo do�at the Contrecta's mvn risk,and tlre Can�ector sha116e responsibk for mry loss of or damage to materials,toofs,or other erticlos uscd or held for use in conqectio�cvith t4e�wcfr. D. ��vaiver of Breacl� ���o{�City to insist upon strict perfom�ance of any of the te�ms and rigUts oontauied herein,or to exercise sny opv�p henqn conferred in one a'nwre�nstnocos,sl�slt not bo conetrued to be a�vaiver•or ralinqu ishment of those teims and rlghts and thoy slraEl remaiu in fu11 force aud effeet � sHUU,rust.icwanexcoo�rmncr � Pa�e 9 of l l � Jan 04 12 04:45p EKDESIGNS p.10 E. Govemin Law. Tbis Coatract shalf be governed amt conslrued in accordnnce wiW tha la�vs of the Slate of Wasl�a�gton. Ifany d'upi�to arises benveon tlie City and tlu Cwiitractorunda'm�y ofthe pravisians of this Contract;rosolution oftl�at dispute shall be avnt7able only throagh fhe juri,9diction,vmue end n�les of the King Cmmty Superior � co„rt,x�co�„�cy,w��. F. Attom s Fees. To the aYtent not inconsiseaet wit6 RCW 39.04.240,in any olaim or lawsuit for damnges arisiug from the parties'performence of 16is Corttract,eech pamy shail be rosponsible for payment of iJs o�vn legttl costs and altomey's bees incarred in deknding or Minguig such claim or lawsait; however,�thiag in this su6sectfon shall limit tlie Ciry+s rig(rt to inEemniGcation�der Sedim� 10 of Ihis Contract. G. �Vritban Narice. Ali communicffiians rogarding this Contiact sfm14 ba sart to the parties at the addcesses listed on tho signature page of dris C�hgct,unlass uthenvise�rotified. My wririen notice shell becotno affective upon delivory,but iu any evait tLree(3) c;dendnr days atler the dete of mailing by registered e�certified mail,and shall be deemed sufIiciently given if sent to the addresaee at dx sifdcess staroed in this Contrad. H. Assi eat A�assigrtment of this Contract by tha Coatractor tivithout tLe wrinea consaot of the Cily shall be void. L Modification. No waiver,alteration,or mod'ifcation af any of tlie provisions of tbis Comrect slmll be bi�u�g pnless in�vriting and signed by a duly authoraed izpiasenhative of the Ciry and the Contr�tor. 7. Sava�a6ilitv. If eoy ono or more sections,svb-sectia�s,ar sentcnces of lhis Contract are held to be umca�stiditioaa7 or iavalid,that decisi�sl�all not affect tlia validity of tlie re�oaining pwtian of this Ca�traat and tha reuremder shall reroain in fuq fnrccand effect K Entire Conhact The ryrivan pmvisions and tarms of this Ca�tract,togGher with any rofenenced doeuments and atfached Exlu'tiits,supersede all priar verbal statentents by any ropresomative of the City,and t6ose statano�s shall not be construed es forming a pe�t ofor eltering in any manner Uiis Cantract. TJ�is Coatrect,rderenced documents, ettd any edached E�ibits contaio fl�artire Conhad beh4een the garties SIroNd aey lengwga in am+referenced documaits or EsFubits to this Condact wn}liet�vith a�ry lenguage contained rt�mis Conhaet,the ternu of ehis Contract sGall prevail, SMALL 1'U8L[C WORKa01YTRpCI' � � .. Ptige IOOlI I � Jan 04 12 04:45p EKDESIGNS p.11 - - R�I WIfNESS WHEREOF,tlie�rties belo�v have axecuted this Contract. CONTRACTOR Tf�CTTY OF ' . �� _ P,� -� cs;�� �s�g����� By �' ""' °•'"�7 v'� • By PetarB.t.ervis (Print nnmc 6ere) . I� I `'���� Its Mayor- (Authoriud rapresentative) DATE:�� �2alsr— DATE: _ c�V�.CI.e�U R 4 7�'9 1 'Z Cailrnctor'sStateLicrnseNo. ������1�� State Tax Registration{UBn No. G^�I^623 '�b') F�a«�i r��o� �I _ rbgy�s a NoGices to be smt to: Notixs to ba seut ta Argosy Canslmaion CIFY OF AUBURN Attu: Lee Schalley Attn: I.isa Mocre P.O.Box 628 25 West Main Strrot Carnation,WA 98014 Anbnrn,WA 98�1 Plrona 425.4443661 Phoce: 2532883158 Fex: 425.502.7108 Fax: 253333.8890 E�mail: argdscl�aoLcom E-mail: ]moore(�auburn�vagov ATTEST; /���/'�A'���.111�1/1_� Danielle E:Dnskam, City Clerk APP FO • s • Cm,A ey H:IFORMS1FCl25(Itw. l2l1/06) sa�a,t, runuc wonx oownwcr ro�o�i aru