HomeMy WebLinkAbout4742 RESOLUTION NO. 4742 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF AUBURN, WASHINGTON, AUTHORIZING THE MAYOR TO ACCEPT A STATE GRANT FROM THE WASHINGTON STATE DEPARTMENT OFTRANSPORTATION FOR THEAUBURN WAY SOUTH CORRIDOR IMPROVEMENTS, DOGWOOD STREET SE TO FIR STREET SE WHEREAS, the City desires to increase the safety of iPs transportation corridors; and WHEREAS, the need for corridor improvements on Aubum Way South is recognized in Auburn's adopted Transportation Improvement Program; and WHEREAS, the City applied for and was granted a state Pedestrian and Bicycle Safe4y Program grant administered through the Washington State Department of Transportation (WSDOT) in the amount of $740,830 to finance walking and cyciing route improvements for the Auburn Way South Corridor, from Dogwood Street SE to Fir Street SE, including street lights, a mid-block crossing, a landscaped median island, accessible ramps, pedestrian push buttons and audible countdown pedestrian signal heads, education, and enforcement activities; and WHEREAS, 4he $740,830 federal grant consists of $734,750 for design and construction, $2,000 for education and $4,080 foc enforcement activities; and Resolution No. 4742 August 9, 2011 Page 1 WHEREAS, the $740,830 grant requires a local match of $100,000, which will be contributed by the City; and WHEREAS, the City applied for and was granted a federal grant in the amount of $100,0,00, which does not require a local match, the purpose of which is to supplemeM the $740,830 state Pedestrian and Bicycle Safety Program grant to finance walking and cycling route improvements for the Aubum Way South Corridor; from Dogwood Street SE to FirStreet SE; and WHEREAS, it is in the best interest of the City to use grant monies to finance safety improvements to the transportation system. NOW, THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF AUBURN, WASHINGTON, HEREBY RESOLVES as follows: Section 1. That the Mayor is hereby authorized to accept the Washington State Department of Transportation state grant for$740,830 for the Auburn Way South Corridor Improvements, Dogwood Street SE to Fir Street SE, with local matching#unds of$100,000 from the City. In addition, the Mayor is hereby authorized to execute a 8tate Funding Agreement beiween the City and the Washington State Department of Trdnsportation in substarrtial conformity with the agreement attached hereto, marked as,_ Exhitiit A and incorporated herein by this reference. Also, the Mayor is hereby authorized to Resolution No. 4742 August 9, 2011 Page 2 execute any further necessary supplemental ag�eements for the Project, expending up to the total amount of the grant of$740,830. Section 2. The Mayor is hereby authorized to implement such other administrative procedures as may be necessary to carry out the directives of this legislation. Section 3. That this Resolution shaU take effect and be in full force upon passage and signatures hereon. Dated and Signed this��day of L?�, 20t1. AUBURN � PETER B. LEWIS MAYOR ATTEST: G��� 'Darnelle E.,Daskam, Ciry Clerk APP VED AS TO FORM: aniel B. Heid, City Attorney Resolution No. 4742 August 9, 2011 Page 3 � � Washington State Transportatlo�Bullding Department of Transportation 3�0 Maple Park Avenue S.E. Paula J. Hammond, P.E. P.O.Box a7300 SeCretary of Transportation Olympia,WA 9850a7300 360-705-7000 � T'fY: 1-800-833-6388 www.wsdot.wa.gov December 30, 2011 Mr..�nis Dowdy RECEIVED Public Works Director Ciry ofAubum 25 West Main Street �A N 4 2012 Aubum, Washington 98001-4998 an�Aubuo� City of Auburn p'�`��w'"'"E^� Aubum Way South (SR 164) Pedestrian Improvements HLP-PBl l(009) 2011 Pedestrian & Bicycle Safety Dear Mr. Dowdy: The aboye project has receiyed£und authorization,effective December 15,2011, as follows: PHASE TOTAL STATE SHARE Preluninary Engineering $163,080 $143,685 Right of Way $2,559 $2,203 Enclosed for your information and file is a fully executed copy of Highways & Local Programs State Funding Agreement LA-7631 between the state and your agency. All costs exceeding those shown on this agreementaze the sole responsi6ility of yow agency. All future correspondence relating to the project is to be submitted to your Region Local Progratns Engineer, Ed Conyeis at(206�40-4734. Sincer ly, Stephanie Tax Manager, Program Management Highways &Local Programs Division STjg:ac - Enclosures ` cc: Ed Conyers,Northwest Region Local Progtams Engineer,NB82-121 �, r , l��r�nlf;�� �s _ � �� Highways and Local Programs A9encyandAddress City of Aubum State Funding Agreement 25,West Main Street Work by Public Aubum,WA 98001 Agencies AgreemeM Num r ` r Maximum AmouM/Wthorizsd Location and description of Work(See also E#�ibit"A") � 7����� ' Tlus project will desiga and oonstruct pedestrain : 8740,830.00 �pro�eents along subum Way South becween � ParGCipating Percentage Project Number ��,00d St SE and Fir Street SE,including access 100% �P-P.6�1 p a� management, a mid-block crossing&street lighting. This AGREEMENT is made and erdered iMO this !�'`' day of �G!7��_, between the STATE'OF WASHINGTON,Departrnent of TranportaUon,acfing by and through the Secretary of Trans orhation, 6ednafte�called the:"STATE,"and the above named organiistian,hereinafter called the"AGENCY." WHEREA3;the AGENOY is planning the work shown abave,and in connection therewith,the AGENCY has requested flnanaal assistance for the projed or program,and WHEREAS;theAGENCY lias requested funds for the above shown project or program,which.has been selected tiy tl�e STATE for funding assistance. NOW THEREFORE,in consideration of the tertns,cond�fons,covenants,and pertortnance contained herein,ar attached anil incorporated and made a part hereof, IT IS MUTUALLY AGREED AS FOLLOWS: Estimate of Fundin Type of Work (�) (2) (3) Estimated Total Estlmated Agem.y Estlamted �P�ojectFUnds Funds State�Funds P.E. a. qgen : $41410 $41,410 b. Other Cansuiham S96 918 $96,918 c. Other Educatlon $1,762 $1,762 tl. Omer EMorcemerrt $3,595 $3 595 e. Olher Non-PaNdpaBOn $19,395 $19,395 f. Total PE Cost Estimate a+b+e+e+e $163,080 $19,395 $143,685 Rfght of WeY 9• A9en�y $2 03 $2 03 n. other Non-Partidpatlon $356 $356 i. Othar . Sfate k. Total Ww Cost Estlmate +hM ' $2 559 $356 $2,203 Constructiolf I. CoMract m. Other ConsWtaM � n. Other o. Otner _ P• A9�Y q.-S� � - - - - - r. Tohdl CN Cost Estimate I+m+n+o+ $0 $0 $0 a Tatal ProJeU Cost Estlmate Hkn $165 639 $19 751 $145 88 DOT F«m,+ooe�� ww.ea emo � . • � N � General Legal Jtelations The AGENCY agrees ro perfortn the above desaibed work in aaordance No Iiability shall attach to Me AGENCY ar Ne STATE by reason of wIN Me ProjeQ ApplicaUon eCacheC heia[a as`Exhlbft A" entl made a eMering inro Mis AGREEMENT exoept es ezpreasy providetl harein. part of thia AGREEMENT. Plans, specmcations, and coat esdmates shall be prepared by the V AGENCY in acoortlance with Ne wrteM SYate of Weshington Standard NondiSC�iminBdOn SpedflceUons Por Road, BHdge, and Munidpal Construetion amf adopted The AGENCY agrees to wmpy wfth all applirable state antl tederal lawa, design standards, unless oMerv+ise noteO. The AGENCY will incorpotate Nles, and reguledoris pertaining to nondisuimination and agreea to the plana and spedflcatlor�s into Me AGENCY's proJed and Meieafter advertlse the resulGng projeU for bid and,aasuminp Dida are reoeived end �uire the same of all subconkaGOis providing aervic�s or pertortning a contract Is awardeC,administer the contraet,or d Ne proJea is of a size any work usirg Tunds provided under this AGREEMENT. which the AGENCY is euNorimd to perTom�wHh Hs own foroes under Me laws of the State af WasMnglon, the AGENCV may proceed with its own � Venue All work perfomied under Mls AGREEMENT shall compy with the applieable provisions of state law. For Me convanience of the partfes ro this AGREEMENT,it is agreed Nat �� arry daims and/or causes of action whkh the AGENCY has against the STATE, growing out of this AGREEMENT or the pmJeG or pmgram with PaymeM which R is �ncemetl, shall be brougM anty in the Superior CouR for The STATE, in wnsideration W the talthful perfortnence of the work M be perfomied by the AGENCY, aprees to reimburae the AGENCY tor the VII parceMage of lhe ectual direct and related Indirect cost of the work shown TBrt11f118U011 above, up to the 'MAXIMUM AMOUNT AUTHORIZED'. The egency will compy wfth GovemmeMel AxouMing Audidng and Finendal Reporting The Secretary of the DepartrrreM of Transportetion may tertninate this Standa�ds and applicebla ata0e �aw antl loeal regulationa, polieies and AGREEMENi H the fundinp becomaa unavallable ar H the Seaetery proceduias. No peymeM will be made for work done prior to exeartian of detertnines that R is in the best intereat of the STATE. this AGREEMENT. PaRlal paymenffi shall be mede by the STATE, upon request of the V��� AGENCV, to cover coats incurred. These paymeMa are not to be more Final Report and Fl�al InspecUon irequent than one (1) per moMh. It ie agreed thet eny auch partial yykhin ninety (90) days following the wmpletfon of the project end paymeM will not consUtute agreement as W the appropHatenesa of any yubmission of tfie finel billing for the proJect, e flnal report entllor flnal item and that,at tha time of the flnal eudk,all requlred adJustmenfa will be inspectton shall ba submltted W tha Assisteirt Secretery tor Highweys & made and reflected in a flnal payment The AGENCY egrees to submR a Locel Programs containin9 the foilowing iMormatlon: final blll to the STATE wRhin foRy-flve (45) days after the AGENCY has The AGENCY apreea that ail costs in excess ot the amouM authotized and Non-Caokal Proiects the AGENCY's matching funds shall be ttre reaponsibility of the AGENCY. � q description of the project or program. III 2. A wmmary of actual costs of the proJect or pragram. A1ldh 3. M evaluatlon of Me project or program. Th� ahould addresa ecpeds suM as hansportadon and/or other benefits to the public The AGENCY agrees that an audk may be conducted by the STATE. During the progress W Me xrork and Mr a period nM lesa than thiee(3) �oital Proiecfs years trom Me de[e M flnal paymern W ttre AGENCY, the records antl 1. A final inspection ia required. aaouMS perFeining W Me work and acwu�rtirg thereot are to be kept � avallable for Irepectlon enC auCit Dy Me STATE end eopies M all recartls, a000u�, dowmenm, or other da�a pertaiMng to Me projed will be Suppl8f1�611t Wmished upon request. If airy Iilipstion, daim, or audR is wmmenced, the records end acmunffi along with suppordng dowmer�GOn ahall be This agreement may be modified or supplamen6ed only in wiidng by both retained until all litlgation, daim, or audtt fl�Ming has been resoNed even Pe�• though wC� litigation, claim, or audH mMinues past the three-year IN WITNESS WHEREOF,the partiea hereto ha�e executed this AGREEMENT on the day and year last written below. AGENCY STATE �, By: By: AssistaM ry for HlgMxays and Local Programs Twe: Mayor oa�: //�22/�r/ �ac�: DtC 1 5 2U1t DOT R�&oQ7 EF