HomeMy WebLinkAboutResponses to Questions 02.02.122 /2 /2 0 1 2 1 2 :1 4 P M CP1119 / CP1118 Responses to Questions during the Request for Propo sal process – Last updated February 2, 2012 February 2, 2012 Who is the City’s on-call stormwater modeling consu ltant? Brown & Caldwell. Will there be federal funds used on CP1118? The Cit y’s Nov. 10, 2011 letter to WSDOT mentioned a request to reprogram the $100k grant to another project that had federal funding. Has this been reprogrammed or should we anticipate a federal nexus/NEPA permitting for that project? The federal grant of $100,000 has not been reprogra mmed. At this time, the consultant should expect to include a federal nexus/NEPA permi tting for project CP1118. Will overhead power/cable/phone be undergrounded or just relocated? Relocated. Will the City want a pavement design recommendation from the geotech for the roadway widening section? Yes. January 30, 2012 It sounds like you will be tying the two projects a nd bid/construction together. I’m assuming the intent on having two consultant contracts and produ cing two designing packages (CP1118 & CP1119) is to have clear documentation because of t he different funding sources. However, reviewing the scope/schedule of the improvements, o ur initial thought is that the schedule doesn’t necessarily warrant two separate, parallel, design teams but is your expectation that the consultants organize with separate design teams? The reason behind executing two consultant agreements and preparing two design packages (plans , specifications and estimate) is due to the different funding sources. However, we do not want two separate, parallel design teams but would expect one Project Manager to have a design t eam of sufficient size to complete both projects simultaneously. What prior public involvement has the City done rel ative to either of these two projects? The City has coordinated both projects with the Muckles hoot Indian Tribe and the Auburn School District. Outreach to adjacent residents and busine sses has not been completed. Want to just clarify the intent is that the consult ant team will prepare the required Cultural Resources study – correct? Yes. Has the City completed a traffic analysis to determ ine the 20 -30 year traffic volume demand as required by the NEPA Environmental Process? Yes.
2 /2 /2 0 1 2 1 2 :1 4 P M If so, has the future year volume been identified? 2030 ADT = 47,000 A mid block cross walk was identified on the prelim inary plan. Since Auburn Way is a state highway, has the placement of a mid block crosswalk been approved by the DOT Region Traffic Engineer or will a deviation be required? The mid block crosswalk has preliminary concurrence from WSDOT. Formal WSDOT approval of the channeliza tion plan, including mid block crosswalk and new signal at Hemlock St SE, will req uire coordination with WSDOT Regional Traffic Engineer and may require adjustments to current conceptual c hannelization plan. The preliminary cost estimate for Project 1118 show ed no cost for storm detention. Is detention not required? At this time, detention is not anticipated to be re quired for Project CP1118. The proposed median island is anticipated to be at leas t partially landscaped, replacing existing impervious pavement. Also, it is anticipated that pervious sidewalks will be used on the project. The relocation of the utility poles is typically pa rt of the critiical path. Has coordination with PSE begun? Preliminary information was provided to PSE in Octo ber 2011 so that PSE could start looking at the proposed impacts to their faci lities (ie. relocation of the utility poles). No further coordination has taken place at this time. Does the City possess good documentation of undergr ound utilities? The City will provide the selected consultant with available as-built plans f or roadway and utility improvements in the project area. However, a complete topographic surv ey (including underground utilities and right of way lines) will need to be completed as part of the projects. Is the City anticipating any decorative street scap e features as part of this work such as crosswalks, sidewalk, or street lighting and street furniture? Not at this time, although it is possible some type of decorative streetscape featur es or meandering sidewalk may be incorporated into the project where the project is adjacent to property owned by the Muckleshoot Indian Tribe. Will the Consultant need to apply for the Storm Wat er Permit or will the City? The City will apply for the Storm Water Permit. How much review time will the City require for each of the submittals at 30%, 70%, 95%, 99% and final? Will the City request a Consultant pres entation or simply submittal? The City does not require a Consultant presentation with the subm ittals. At minimum, the City would anticipate needing 3 weeks for each submittal excep t the final submittal. The final submittal should occur a minimum of 10 working days prior to the advertisement date. The advertisement period will either be 2 or 3 weeks. The time betwe en bid opening and when the contractor starts work is typically 1.5 months.