HomeMy WebLinkAbout2008 Stormwater Permit Annual Report FormMark N in the Y/N/NA field.Provide following information in Comments field: “reasons why, corrective steps taken and proposed, and expected dates that the deadline will be met.” [See S9.E.2.d for full description of required additional information.]Mark NA in the Y/N/NA field. You may note in the Comments field if the requirement is not yet due.5. Do not add text to shaded fields.4. For questions asking for a number, type in a 0 (zero) in the # field of the ANNUAL REPORT tab if no activity has occurred. Do not leave the field blank. If the permit requirement does not apply to you or is not yet due…..If you did not meet the permit requirement by the deadline in the permit…..Instructions on Filling out the Western WA Phase II Municipal Stormwater Permit Annual Report Form If you met the permit requirement by the deadline in the permit…Mark Y in the Y/N/NA field . 6. Use the following tables to guide filling out the Y/N/NA field. See below.7. Save your completed Annual Report and email the Excel worksheet PLUS attachments to: PH2_WAnnRpt@ecy.wa.gov. Ecology cannot accept incomplete or partially completed Annual Report forms. 1. Complete all TABS in the worksheet: (1) Permittee Information; (2) Certification; (3) ANNUAL REPORT (Section VI); (4) Info Collection (Section VII-A); (5) Info Collection (Section VII-B); (6) Info Collection (Section VII-C); and (7) Info Collection (Section VII-D).2. The Certification form/TAB must be signed and certified by the responsible official(s). All TABs (except the INSTRUCTIONS) must be printed out and mailed to Ecology.3. Answer every question. Use the Comment s and Attachment fields only when necessary to provide additional information.
Reminder: Proceed to the Permittee Information (I-III ) tab next
I. Permittee Information Permittee NamePermittee Coverage Number City of Auburn Contact Name Phone Number Chris Thorn Mailing Address 25 W Main St City StateZip + 4 A uburn WA98001-4998 Email Adddress cthorn@auburnwa.go v II. Regulated Small MS4 Location Entity Type: Check the box that applies JurisdictionCountyCity/TownOther City of Auburn X Major Receiving Water(s)White River, Green River, Mill Creek III. Relying on another Governmental Entity Name of Entity: WAR04-5502 253-804-5065 If you are relying on another governmental entity to satisfy one or more of the permit obligations, list the entity and briefly describe the permit obligation(s) they are implementing on your behalf below. Attach a copy of your agreement with the other entity to provide additional detail.Permit Obligation(s):
IV. Certification Name Pete LewisTitleCity MayorDate3/17/2009 Name TitleDate Name TitleDate Name TitleDate Name TitleDate I certify under penalty of law, that this document and all attachments were prepared under my direction or supervision in accordance with a system designed to assure that Qualified Personnel properly gathered and evaluated the information submitted. Based on my inquiry of the person or persons who manage the system or those persons directly responsible for gathering information, the information submitted is, to the best of my knowledge and belief, true, accurate, and complete. I am aware that there are significant penalties for submitting false information, including the possibility of fine and imprisonment for willful violations.All annual reports must be signed and certified by the responsible official(s) of permittee or co-permittees. Please print and sign this page of the reporting form and mail it (with an original signature) to Ecology at the address noted below. An electronic signature will not suffice.
VI. Status Report Covering Calendar Yr: 2008 Jurisdiction Name:City of Auburn PLEASE indicate reporting year and your jurisdiction in Line 1, above.PLEASE refer to the INSTRUCTIONS tab for assistance filling out this table.NOTE: Items that have future compliance dates must still be answered to indicate status.NOTE: Highlighted questions indicate permit requirements that are due for calendar year 2008.NOTE: For clarification on how to answer questions, place cursor over cells with red flags.PLEASE review your work for completeness and accuracy. Save this worksheet as you go!QuestionY/N/ NA #Comments (50 word limit)Name of Attachment & Page #, if applicable 1.Attached annual written update of Permittee’s Stormwater Management Program (SWMP), including applicable requirements under S5.A.2 and S9?Y 2.Attached a copy of any annexations, incorporations or boundary changes resulting in an increase or decrease in the Permittee’s geographic area of permit coverage during the reporting period, and implications for the SWMP as per S9.E.3?YOn January 1, 2008, Auburn annexed portions of West Hill and Lea Hill as identified on the included map. 3.Implemented an ongoing program for gathering, tracking, maintaining, and using information to evaluate SWMP development, implementation and permit compliance and to set priorities? (S5.A.3)YSWMP implementation and permit compliance is evaluated during the annual SWMP update.4.Began tracking costs or estimated costs of the development and implementation of the SWMP? (Required no later than January 1, 2009, S5.A.3.a)NARequirement is not yet due.Page 5 of 30
QuestionY/N/ NA #Comments (50 word limit)Name of Attachment & Page #, if applicable 5.SWMP includes an education program aimed at residents, businesses, industries, elected officials, policy makers, planning staff and other employees of the Permittee? (Required to begin by February 15, 2009, S5.C.1)NARequirement is not yet due.6.Distributed appropriate information to target audiences identified in the area served by the MS4? (Required to begin by February 15, 2009, S5.C.1.a) NARequirement is not yet due.6b.Please mark a Y next to audiences targeted in Y/N/NA box: y iGeneral Public YRequirement is not yet due.iiHome-based business NARequirement is not yet due.iiiElected officials NARequirement is not yet due.ivDevelopers NARequirement is not yet due.vContractors NARequirement is not yet due.viPermittee Employees NARequirement is not yet due.viiResidents YRequirement is not yet due.viiiBusinesses NARequirement is not yet due.ixPolicy makers NARequirement is not yet due.xEngineers NARequirement is not yet due.xiProperty managers NARequirement is not yet due.xiiHomeowners YRequirement is not yet due.xiiiMobile businesses NARequirement is not yet due.xivIndustries NARequirement is not yet due.xvLandscapers NARequirement is not yet due.xviPlanning Staff NARequirement is not yet due.7.Tracked the types of public education and outreach activities implemented. (Required to begin by February 15, 2009, S5.C.1.c)YRequirement is not yet due.Page 6 of 30
QuestionY/N/ NA #Comments (50 word limit)Name of Attachment & Page #, if applicable 7b. Number of activities implemented:5Requirement is not yet due.8.Measured the understanding and adoption of the targeted behaviors among targeted audiences. (Required to begin b y February 15, 2009, S5.C.1.b)NARequirement is not yet due.9.Provided opportunities for the public to participate in the decision making processes involving the development, implementation and updates of the Permittee’s SWMP? (Required by February 15, 2008, S5.C.2.a)YThe public was invited to comment on our draft SWMP during the adoption process.10.Developed and implemented a process for p ublic involvement and consideration of public comments on the SWMP? (Required by February 15, 2008, S5.C.2.a)YThe public was invited to comment on our draft SWMP during the adoption process.11.Made the most current version of the SWMP available to the public. (S5.C.2.b) YThe SWMP is available on the City's web-site. Hard copies are available upon request.12.Posted the SWMP and latest annual report on your website. (S5.C.2.b) YThe SWMP and latest Annual Report are available on the City's web-site.12b.NOTE website address in Attachment field: y http://www.auburnwa.gov/Comm unity/Utilities/Storm_Division/NP DES_Stormwater_Permit.asp 13.Initiated or implemented an ongoing program to detect and remove illicit connections and illegal discharges into the Permittee’s MS4? (Required August 19, 2011, S5.C.3)NARequirement is not yet due.14.Developed and currently maintain a map of your MS4? (Required by February 15, 2011, S5.C.3.a)NARequirement is not yet due.Page 7 of 30
QuestionY/N/ NA #Comments (50 word limit)Name of Attachment & Page #, if applicable 14b.Initiated a program to develop and maintain a map of all connections to the MS4 authorized or allowed by the Permittee after the Permit effective date? (S5.C.3.a.ii)Y 15.Map shows the location of all known municipal separate storm sewer outfalls, receiving waters and structural stormwater BMPs owned, operated, or maintained by the Permittee? (Required by February 15, 2011, S5.C.3.a.i) NARequirement is not yet due.16.Map shows all storm sewer outfalls with a 24 inch nominal diameter or larger, or an equivalent cross-sectional area for non-pipe systems and includes tributary conveyances, associated drainage areas and land use? (Required by February 15, 2011, S5.C.3.a.i) NARequirement is not yet due.17.Map shows geographic areas served by the Permittee’s MS4 that do not discharge stormwater to surface waters? (Required by February 15, 2011, S5.C.3.a.iii) NARequirement is not yet due.18.Map has been made available upon request? (S5.C.3.a.iv) NARequirement is not yet due.19. Developed and implemented regulatory actions necessary to effectively prohibit non-stormwater, illegal discharges, and/or dumping into the Permittee’s MS4? (Required by August 15, 2009, S5.C.3.b)NARequirement is not yet due.Page 8 of 30
QuestionY/N/ NA #Comments (50 word limit)Name of Attachment & Page #, if applicable 20.Developed and implemented an ongoing program to detect and address non-stormwater discharges, spills, illicit connections and illegal dumping into the Permittee’s MS4? (Required by August 19, 2011, S5.C.3.c) NARequirement is not yet due.21.Developed procedures for locating priority areas likely to have illicit discharges, including at a minimum: evaluating land uses and associated business/industrial activities present; areas where complaints have been registered in the past; and areas with storage of large quantities of materials that could result in spills? (Required by August 19, 2011, S5.C.3.c.i)NARequirement is not yet due.22.Implemented field assessment activities, including visual inspection of priority outfalls identified during dry weather, and for the purposes of verifying outfall locations, identified previously unknown outfalls, and detected illicit discharges? (Required by August 19, 2011, S5.C.3.c.ii)NARequirement is not yet due.23.Prioritized receiving waters for visual inspection? (Required by February 15, 2010, S5.C.3.c.ii)NARequirement is not yet due.24.Conducted field assessments for three high priority water bodies? (Required by February 15, 2011, S5.C.3.c.ii)NARequirement is not yet due.Page 9 of 30
QuestionY/N/ NA #Comments (50 word limit)Name of Attachment & Page #, if applicable 25.Conducted field assessments on at least one high priority water body? (Required annually after February 15, 2011, S5.C.3.c.ii)NARequirement is not yet due.26.Developed and implemented procedures for characterizing the nature of, and potential public or environmental threat posed by, any illicit discharges found by or reported to the Permittee? (Required by August 19, 2011, S5.C.3.c.iii)NARequirement is not yet due.27.Developed and implemented procedures for tracing the source of an illicit discharge; including visual inspections, and when necessary, opening manholes, using mobile cameras, collecting and analyzing water samples, and/or other detailed inspection procedures? (Required by August 19, 2011, S5.C.3.c.iv)NARequirement is not yet due.28.Developed and implemented procedures for removing the source of the discharge, including notification of appropriate authorities; notification of the property owner; technical assistance for eliminating the discharge; follow-up inspections; and escalating enforcement and legal actions if the discharge is not eliminated? (Required by August 19, 2011, S5.C.3.c.v.)NARequirement is not yet due.29.Informed public employees, businesses, and the general public of hazards associated with illegal discharges and improper disposal of waste? (Required by August 19, 2011, S5.C.3.d)NARequirement is not yet due.Page 10 of 30
QuestionY/N/ NA #Comments (50 word limit)Name of Attachment & Page #, if applicable 30.Distributed appropriate information to target audiences identified pursuant to S5.C.1? (Required by August 19, 2011, S5.C.3.d.i)NARequirement is not yet due.31.Publicized a hotline or other local telephone number for public reporting of spills and other illicit discharges? (Required by February 15, 2009, S5.C.3.d.ii) NARequirement is not yet due.31b.Number of hotline calls received:0Requirement is not yet due.31c.Number of follow-up actions taken in response to calls: 0Requirement is not yet due.32Tracked the number and type of spills? (Required by August 19, 2011, S5.C.3.e) YRequirement is not yet due.32b.Number of spills:19Requirement is not yet due.33Tracked the number of illicit discharges identified? (Required by August 19, 2011, S5.C.3.e)YRequirement is not yet due.33b.Number of illicit discharges identified: 25Requirement is not yet due. This number includes the 19 spills reported in 32b.34Tracked the number of inspections made for illicit connections? (Required by August 19, 2011, S5.C.3.e)NARequirement is not yet due.34b.Number of inspections:0Requirement is not yet due.35Received feedback from IDDE public education efforts? (Required by August 19, 2011, S5.C.3.e)NARequirement is not yet due.36 Attached report on IDDE public education efforts? (Required by August 19, 2011, S5.C.3.d, S5.C.3.e) NARequirement is not yet due.Page 11 of 30
QuestionY/N/ NA #Comments (50 word limit)Name of Attachment & Page #, if applicable 37Municipal field staff responsible for identification, investigation, termination, cleanup, and reporting of illicit discharges, improper disposal and illicit connections are trained to conduct these activities? (Required by August 15, 2009, S5.C.3.f.i)NARequirement is not yet due.37b.Number of trainings provided: 0Requirement is not yet due.37c.Number of staff trained: 0Requirement is not yet due.38Provided follow-up training as needed to address changes in procedures, techniques or requirements? (Required by August 15, 2009, S5.C.3.f.i)NARequirement is not yet due.38b.Number of trainings provided: 0Requirement is not yet due.38c.Number of staff trained: 0Requirement is not yet due.39Developed and implemented an ongoing training program on the identification of an illicit discharge/connection, and on the proper procedures for reporting and responding to the illicit discharge/ connection for all municipal field staff, which, as part of their normal job responsibilities, might come into contact with or otherwise observe an illicit discharge or illicit connection to the storm sewer system? (Required by February 15, 2010, S5.C.3.f.ii.)NARequirement is not yet due.39b.Number of trainings provided: 0Requirement is not yet due.39c.Number of staff trained: 0Requirement is not yet due.Page 12 of 30
QuestionY/N/ NA #Comments (50 word limit)Name of Attachment & Page #, if applicable 40Developed, implemented and enforced a program to reduce pollutants in stormwater runoff to a regulated small MS4 from new development, redevelopment and construction site activities? (Required by August 15, 2009, S5.C.4)NARequirement is not yet due.41Applied stormwater runoff program to all sites that disturb a land area 1 acre or greater, including projects less than one acre that are part of a larger common plan of the development or sale? (Required by August 15, 2009, S5.C.4)NARequirement is not yet due.42Applied stormwater runoff program to private and public development, including roads? (Required by August 15, 2009, S5.C.4)NA Requirement is not yet due.43Applied the Technical Thresholds in Appendix 1 to all sites 1 acre or greater, including projects less than one acre that are part of a larger common plan of the development or sale? (Required by August 15, 2009, S5.C.4)NARequirement is not yet due.44Adopted and implemented regulatory mechanism (such as an ordinance) necessary to address run-off from new development, redevelopment and construction site activities? (Required by August 15, 2009, S5.C.4.a)NARequirement is not yet due.Page 13 of 30
QuestionY/N/ NA #Comments (50 word limit)Name of Attachment & Page #, if applicable 45Retained existing local requirements to apply stormwater controls at smaller sites or at lower thresholds than required pursuant to S5.C.4? (S5.A.4)Y 46The ordinance or other enforceable mechanism includes the minimum requirements, technical thresholds, and definitions in Appendix 1 (or an equivalent approved by Ecology under the NPDES Phase I Municipal Stormwater Permit) for new development, redevelopment, and construction sites? (Required by August 15, 2009, S5.C.4.a.i)NARequirement is not due yet.47The ordinance or other enforceable mechanism includes exceptions and variance criteria equivalent to those in Appendix 1? (Required by August 15, 2009, S5.C.4.a.i., and Section 6 of Appendix 1)NARequirement is not due yet.48Were exceptions or variances to the minimum requirements in Appendix 1 granted? (Required b y August 15, 2009, S5.C.4.a.i., and Section 6 of Appendix 1)NARequirement is not due yet.48b.If so, how many were granted? 0Requirement is not due yet.Page 14 of 30
QuestionY/N/ NA #Comments (50 word limit)Name of Attachment & Page #, if applicable 49The ordinance or other enforceable mechanism includes a site planning process and BMP selection and design criteria that, when used to implement the minimum requirements in Appendix 1 (or equivalent approved by Ecology under the Phase I Permit) will protect water quality, reduce the discharge of pollutants to the maximum extent practicable and satisfy the State requirement under Chapter 90.48 RCW to apply all known, available and reasonable methods of prevention, control and treatment (AKART) prior to discharge? (Required by August 15, 2009, S5.C.4.a.ii)NARequirement is not due yet.49b.Cite documentation to meet this requirement in Attachment field:y Requirement is not due yet.50The ordinance or other enforceable mechanism provides the legal authority, through the approval process for new development, to inspect private stormwater facilities that discharge to the Permittee’s MS4? (Required by August 15, 2009, S5.C.4.a.iii)YRequirement is not due yet. ACC 13.48.180A provides authority to inspect private stormwater facilities.Page 15 of 30
QuestionY/N/ NA #Comments (50 word limit)Name of Attachment & Page #, if applicable 51The ordinance or other enforceable mechanism allows non-structural preventive actions and source reduction approaches such as Low Impact Development (LID) Techniques to minimize the creation of impervious surfaces and minimize the disturbance of native soils and vegetation? (Required by August 15, 2009, S5.C.4.a.iv)NARequirement is not due yet.52If the ordinance or regulatory mechanism allows construction sites to apply the Erosivity Waiver in Appendix 1, Minimum Requirement #2, does it include appropriate, escalating enforcement sanctions for construction sites that provide notice to the Permittee of their intention to apply the waiver but do not meet the requirements (including timeframe restrictions, limits on activities that result in non-stormwater discharges, and implementation of appropriate BMPs to prevent violations of water quality standards) to qualify for the waiver? (If waiver is allowed, the qualification is required by August 15, 2009, S5.C.4.a.v)NARequirement is not due yet.53Developed and implemented a permitting process to address runoff from new development, redevelopment and construction site activities with plan review, inspection, and enforcement capability? (Required by August 15, 2009, S5.C.4.b)NARequirement is not due yet.Page 16 of 30
QuestionY/N/ NA #Comments (50 word limit)Name of Attachment & Page #, if applicable 54Applied permitting process to all sites that disturb a land area 1 acre or greater, including projects less than one acre that are part of a larger common plan of the development or sale? (Required by August 15, 2009, S5.C.4.b)NARequirement is not due yet.55 Reviewed Stormwater Site Plans for new development and redevelopment projects? (Required by August 15, 2009, S5.C.4.b.i)NARequirement is not due yet.55b.Number of site plans reviewed during the reporting period: 0Requirement is not due yet.56Inspected, prior to clearing and construction, all known development sites that have a high potential for sediment transport as determined through plan review based on definitions and requirements in Appendix 7 Determining Construction Site Sediment Potential ? (Required by August 15, 2009, S5.C.4.b.ii)NARequirement is not due yet.56b.Number of qualifying sites inspected prior to clearing and construction during the reporting period: 0Requirement is not due yet.57Inspected construction-phase stormwater controls at all known permitted development sites during construction to verify proper installation and maintenance of required erosion and sediment controls? (Required by August 15, 2009, S5.C.4.b.iii)NARequirement is not due yet.Page 17 of 30
QuestionY/N/ NA #Comments (50 word limit)Name of Attachment & Page #, if applicable 57b.Number of sites inspected during the construction phase for the reporting period: 0Requirement is not due yet.58Enforced as necessary based on the inspection at new development and redevelopment projects? (Required by August 15, 2009, S5.C.4.b.iii)NARequirement is not due yet.58b.Number of enforcement actions taken during the reporting period: 0Requirement is not due yet.59Inspected qualifying permitted development sites upon completion of construction and prior to final approval or occupancy to ensure proper installation of permanent stormwater controls such as stormwater facilities and structural BMPs? (Required by August 15, 2009, S5.C.4.b.iv and v)NARequirement is not due yet.59b.Number of qualifying sites known during the reporting period: 0Requirement is not due yet.59c.Number of qualifying sites inspected during the reporting period: 0Requirement is not due yet.60Verified a maintenance plan is completed and responsibility for maintenance is assigned for qualifying projects? (Required by August 15, 2009, S5.C.4.b.iv)NARequirement is not due yet.61Enforced regulations as necessary based on the inspection? (Required by August 15, 2009, S5.C.4.b.iv)NARequirement is not due yet.61b.Number of enforcement actions taken during the reporting period: 0Requirement is not due yet.Page 18 of 30
QuestionY/N/ NA #Comments (50 word limit)Name of Attachment & Page #, if applicable 62Developed and implemented an enforcement strategy to respond to issues of non-compliance with the regulations for qualifying projects? (Required by August 15, 2009, S5.C.4.b.vi)NARequirement is not due yet.63Did the Permittee choose to allow construction sites to apply the Erosivity Waiver in Appendix 1, Minimum Requirement #2? (S5.C.4.b.vii)NARequirement is not due yet.63b.If yes, how many waivers were allowed ? 0 Requirement is not due yet.64Developed and implemented a long-term operation and maintenance (O&M) program for post-construction stormwater facilities and BMPs? (Required by August 15, 2009, S5.C.4.c)NARequirement is not due yet.65Adopted an ordinance or other regulatory mechanism that clearly identifies the party responsible for maintenance, requires inspection of facilities and establishes enforcement procedures? (Required b y August 15, 2009, S5.C.4.c.i)NARequirement is not due yet.66Inspected post-construction stormwater controls, including structural BMPs, at new development and redevelopment projects? (Required by August 15, 2009, S5.C.4.c)NARequirement is not due yet.66b.Number of sites inspected during the reporting period: 0 Requirement is not due yet.66c.Number of structural BMPs inspected during the reporting period: 0 Requirement is not due yet.66d.Number of enforcement actions taken during the reporting period: 0 Requirement is not due yet.Page 19 of 30
QuestionY/N/ NA #Comments (50 word limit)Name of Attachment & Page #, if applicable 67Established maintenance standards that are as protective, or more protective, of facility function as those specified in Chapter 4 of Volume V of the 2005 Stormwater Management Manual for Western Washington ? (Required by August 15, 2009, S5.C.4.c.ii)NARequirement is not due yet.68Performed timely maintenance as per S5.C.4.c.ii? (Required by August 15, 2009, S5.C.4.c.ii)NARequirement is not due yet.68b.Attached documentation of any maintenance delays. (Required by August 15, 2009, S5.C.4.c.ii)NARequirement is not due yet.69Annually inspected all stormwater treatment and flow control facilities (other than catch b asins) permitted by the Permittee according to S5.C.4.b. unless there are maintenance records to justify a different frequency? (Required by August 15, 2009, S5.C.4.c.iii)NARequirement is not due yet.70If using reduced inspection frequency, Attached documentation as per S5.C.4.c.iii? (Required by August 15, 2009, S5.C.4.c.iii)NARequirement is not due yet.Page 20 of 30
QuestionY/N/ NA #Comments (50 word limit)Name of Attachment & Page #, if applicable 71Inspected all new stormwater treatment and flow control facilities owned or operated, including catch basins, for new residential developments that are a part of a larger common plan of development or sale, every 6 months during the period of heaviest house construction (i.e., 1 to 2 years following subdivision approval) to identify maintenance needs and enforce compliance with maintenance standards as needed? (Required by August 15, 2009, S5.C.4.c.iv)NARequirement is not due yet.71b.Number of facilities inspected during the reporting period: 0 Requirement is not due yet.72Implemented a procedure for keeping records of inspections and enforcement actions by staff, including inspection reports, warning letters, notices of violations, other enforcement records, maintenance inspections and maintenance activities? (Required by August 15, 2009, S5.C.4.d)NARequirement is not due yet.73 Provided copies of the Notice of Intent for Construction Activity and Notice of Intent for Industrial Activity to representatives of proposed new development and redevelopment? (S5.C.4.e)YNOI's are provided to project applicants during the development planning process.Page 21 of 30
QuestionY/N/ NA #Comments (50 word limit)Name of Attachment & Page #, if applicable 74All staff responsible for implementing the program to control stormwater runoff from new development, redevelopment, and construction sites, including permitting, plan review, construction site inspections, and enforcement were trained to conduct these activities? (Required by August 15, 2009, S5.C.4.f) NARequirement is not due yet.74b.Number of trainings provided: 0Requirement is not due yet.74c.Number of staff trained: 0Requirement is not due yet.75Developed and implemented an operations and maintenance (O&M) program that includes a training component and has the ultimate goal of preventing or reducing pollutant runoff from municipal operations? (Required by February 15, 2010, S5.C.5)NARequirement is not due yet.76Adopted maintenance standards as protective, or more protective, of facility function as those specified in Chapter 4 of Volume V of the 2005 Stormwater Management Manual for Western Washington ? (Required by February 15, 2010, S5.C.5.a)NARequirement is not due yet.77Performed timely maintenance as per S5.C.5.a.ii? (Required by February 15, 2010, S5.C.5.a.ii)NARequirement is not due yet.77b.Attached documentation of any maintenance delays. (Required by February 15, 2010, S5.C.5.a.ii)NARequirement is not due yet.Page 22 of 30
QuestionY/N/ NA #Comments (50 word limit)Name of Attachment & Page #, if applicable 78Annually inspected and maintained all stormwater treatment and flow control facilities (other than catch basins)? (Required by February 15, 2010, S5.C.4.c.iii)NARequirement is not due yet.78b.Number of known facilities: 0Requirement is not due yet.78c.Number of facilities inspected during the reporting period:0Requirement is not due yet.79If using reduced inspection frequency, Attached documentation as per S5.C.5.a.ii? (Required by February 15, 2010, S5.C.5.b)NARequirement is not due yet. 80Conducted spot checks of stormwater facilities after major storms? (Required by February 15,2010, S5.C.5.c)NARequirement is not due yet.80b.Number of known facilities:0 Requirement is not due yet.80c.Number of facilities inspected during the reporting period: 0 Requirement is not due yet.81Inspected municipally owned or operated catch basins at least once before the end of the Permit term? (Required by February 15, 2010, S5.C.5.d) NARequirement is not due yet.81b.Number of known catch basins:0Requirement is not due yet.81c.Number of inspections:0Requirement is not due yet.81d.Number of catch basins cleaned:0Requirement is not due yet.Page 23 of 30
QuestionY/N/ NA #Comments (50 word limit)Name of Attachment & Page #, if applicable 82Established and implemented practices to reduce stormwater impacts associated with runoff from streets, parking lots, roads or highways owned or maintained by the Permittee, and road maintenance activities conducted by the Permittee? (Required by February 15, 2010, S5.C.5.f)NARequirement is not due yet.83Established and implemented policies and procedures to reduce pollutants in discharges from all lands owned or maintained by the Permittee and subject to this Permit, including b ut not limited to: parks, open space, road right -of-way, maintenance yards, and stormwater treatment and flow control facilities? (Required by February 15, 2010, S5.C.5.g)NARequirement is not due yet.84Initiated or implemented an operations and maintenance (O&M) program that includes a training component and has the ultimate goal of preventing or reducing pollutant runoff from municipal operations? (Required by February 15, 2010, S5.C.5.h.) NARequirement is not due yet.84b.Number of trainings provided: 0Requirement is not due yet.84c.Number of staff trained: 0Requirement is not due yet.Page 24 of 30
QuestionY/N/ NA #Comments (50 word limit)Name of Attachment & Page #, if applicable 85Initiated or implemented a Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP) for all heavy equipment maintenance or storage yards,and material storage facilities owned or operated by the Permittee in areas subject to this Permit that are not required to have coverage under the Industrial Stormwater General Permit? (Required by February 15, 2010, S5.C.5.i)NARequirement is not due yet.86Is there an approved Total Maximum Daily Load (TMDL) applicable to stormwater discharges from a MS4s owned or operated by the Permittee? N 87Complied with the specific requirements identified in Appendix 2? (S7.A)NA 88 Attached status report of TMDL implementation? (S7.A)NA 89Where monitoring was required in Appendix 2, did you conduct the monitoring according to an approved Quality Assurance Project Plan? (S7.A)NA 90Took appropriate action to correct or minimize the threat to human health or the environment or otherwise stop or correct the condition of any instances of non-compliance with any of the terms and conditions of this Permit, including discharges from the Permittee’s MS4 which may cause a threat to human heath or the environment? (G20.A)NA Page 25 of 30
QuestionY/N/ NA #Comments (50 word limit)Name of Attachment & Page #, if applicable 90b.Attached a summary of the status of implementation of any actions taken pursuant to S4.F and any information from an assessment and evaluation procedures collected during the reporting period. (S4.F.2.d)NA 91Notified Ecology of the failure to comply with the permit terms and conditions within 30 days of becoming aware of the non-compliance? (G20.B)NA 92Notified Ecology immediately in cases where the Permittee becomes aware of a discharge from the Permittees MS4 which may cause or contribute to an imminent threat to human health or the environment? (G20.C)NA Page 26 of 30
VII. Information Collection, BMP Evaluation, and Monitoring Complete Part A for all annual reports. A. Information Collection Briefly describe any stormwater monitoring, studies, or type of information collected and analyzed during the reporting period. (S8.B.1)Who/how to contact for additional information?1.Temperature, conductivity, dissolved oxygen and pH were measured in Kelly McLain Aardal (253) 288-7432 2.a conveyance that drains from downtown. Please note in Row 1 of the table if you have no information to report.NOTE: Please limit your entries to 255 characters per cell. You may include additional information in your Supplemental Documentation attachment and reference it below with the page number.Page 27 of 30
VII. Information Collection, BMP Evaluation, and Monitoring Complete Part B for all annual reports. B. SWMP Evaluation Question Y/N/NA Comments (50 word limit)1.Are the BMPs selected and implemented for Public Outreach appropriate to minimize pollutants in the MS4 to the MEP?NA Requirement is not yet due.2. Are the BMPs selected and implemented for Public Involvement appropriate to minimize pollutants in the MS4 to the MEP?Y 3. Are the BMPs selected and implemented for Illicit Discharge Detection and Elimination appropriate to minimize pollutants in the MS4 to the MEP? NA Requirement is not yet due.4. Are the BMPs selected and implemented for Construction Stormwater Pollution Prevention appropriate to minimize pollutants in the MS4 to the MEP?NA Requirement is not yet due.5.Are the BMPs selected and implemented for Post-Construction Runoff Management appropriate to minimize pollutants in the MS4 to the MEP?NA Requirement is not yet due.6. Are the BMPs selected and implemented for Good Housekeeping for Municipal Operations appropriate to minimize pollutants in the MS4 to the MEP?NA Requirement is not yet due.You are required to assess the appropriateness of the BMPs you have selected to implement your SWMP. This evaluation is necessary to evaluate whether the MEP standard set by the permit is protective of water quality in your receiving water bodies. This assessment may be entirely qualitative. Answer NA if you are not yet implementing BMPs for a component of the SWMP. (S8.B.2 and S9)Page 28 of 30
VII. Information Collection, BMP Evaluation, and Monitoring Com p lete Part C for all annual re p orts. C. Changes in BMPs or objectives (S8.B)Old BMPOld ObjectiveNew BMPNew ObjectiveJustification for Change 1 No changes.2 3 4 5 6 7 If any of the BMPs or objectives is being changed, list the old BMP and objective, the new BMP and objective, and a justificati on for the change below. (S8.B.2., and S9)NOTE: You may choose to attach additional documentation justifying Changes in BMPs or objectives. Note such attachments in the Justification for change field.Page 29 of 30
VII. Information Collection, BMP Evaluation, and Monitoring D. Preparation for future, long-term monitoring Complete section D for the fourth annual report only.Question Y/N/NA Comments (50 word limit)Name of Attachment?Page Number?1.Identified outfalls or conveyances for long-term stormwater monitoring?1b.Attach site maps and descriptions. (S8.C.2.a)y 2.Identified at least two questions for SWMP effectiveness monitoring and developed monitoring plans? (S8.C.2.b) 2b.Attach the proposed questions and monitoring plans for SWMP effectiveness monitoring.y 3.Monitoring plan developed for each question? (S8.C.1.b.iii)3b. Attach a copy of the monitoring plan. y 4.Identified sites in preparation for future, long-term monitoring? (S8.C.1.a., and S8.C.2.b)4b.Attach a summary of the status of site identification for long-term stormwater monitoring; proposed questions for SWMP effectiveness monitoring; and status of developing the SWMP effectiveness monitoring plans.y Page 30 of 30