HomeMy WebLinkAbout03-19-2012 Finance Agenda Packet Finance Committee March 19, 2012 - 5:30 PM Annex Conference Room 1 AGENDA I.CALL TO ORDER A.Roll Call B.Announcements C.Agenda Modifications II.CONSENT AGENDA A. Minutes of the March 5, 2012 Regular Meeting* B. Claims Vouchers* (Coleman) Claims check numbers 411835 through 412222 in the amount of $3,112,851.79 and dated March 19, 2012. C. Payroll Vouchers (Coleman) Payroll Check numbers 532741 through 532773 in the amount of $830,010.79 and electronic deposit transmissions in the amount of $1,179,374.62 for a grand total of $2,009,385.41 for the pay period covering March 1, 2012 to March 14, 2012. III.ORDINANCES A. Ordinance No. 6400* (Coleman) An Ordinance of the City Council of the City of Auburn, Washington, amending Ordinance No. 6339, the 2011-2012 Biennial Budget Ordinance as amended by Ordinance No. 6351, Ordinance No. 6352, Ordinance No. 6362, Ordinance No. 6370, Ordinance No. 6378 and Ordinance No. 6379 authorizing amendment to the City of Auburn 2011-2012 Budget as set forth in Schedule "A" IV.RESOLUTIONS A. Resolution No. 4787* (Dowdy) A Resolution of the City Council of the City of Auburn, Washington, declaring certain items of property as surplus and authorizing their disposal B. Resolution No. 4804* (Rempher) A Resolution of the City Council of the City of Auburn, Washington, approving and authorizing the 2012 Regional Aerial Mapping Funding Agreement V.DISCUSSION ITEMS A. Utility Rate Study Update* (Coleman & Dowdy) B. January 2012 Financial Report* (Coleman) C. GSA Project Planning and Budgeting (Dowdy) D. Resolution No. 4807* (Heid) A Resolution of the City Council of the City of Auburn, Washington, revising the City of Auburn policy for identified city officials to participate in and maintain membership in professional organizations and in civic, community, service or governmental organizations, amending Resolution No. 3417 accordingly VI.ADJOURNMENT Agendas and minutes are available to the public at the City Clerk's Office, on the City website (http://www.auburnwa.gov), and via e-mail. Complete agenda packets are available for review at the City Clerk's Office. *Denotes attachments included in the agenda packet. AGENDA BILL APPROVAL FORM Agenda Subject: Minutes of the March 5, 2012 Regular Meeting Date: March 9, 2012 Department: Administration Attachments: Minutes Budget Impact: $0 Administrative Recommendation: Background Summary: Reviewed by Council Committees: Councilmember:Staff: Meeting Date:March 19, 2012 Item Number:CA.A AUBURN * MORE THAN YOU IMAGINEDCA.A Finance Committee March 5, 2012 - 5:30 PM Annex Conference Room 1 MINUTES I. CALL TO ORDER Chair John Partridge called the meeting to order at 5:30 p.m. in Conference Room 1 located on the second floor of the City Hall Annex located at One East Main Street in Auburn. A. Roll Call Chair Partridge, Vice Chair John Holman, and Member Largo Wales were present. Also present during the meeting were: Mayor Peter B. Lewis, City Attorney Daniel B. Heid, Public Works Director Dennis Dowdy, Financial Planning Manager Martin Chaw, Financial Services Manager Rhonda Ewing, Information Services Director Lorrie Rempher, Planning and Development Director Kevin Snyder, Environmental Protection Manager Chris Andersen, Chief of Police Bob Lee, and City Clerk Danielle Daskam. B. Announcements There was no announcement. C. Agenda Modifications A revised Resolution No. 4806 will be presented prior to the Council meeting this evening. II. CONSENT AGENDA A. February 21, 2012 Minutes Vice Chair Holman moved and Member Wales seconded to approve the February 21, 2012 minutes. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 3-0. B. Claims Vouchers (Coleman) Claims check numbers 411530 through 411834 in the amount of $1,266,931.89 and dated March 5, 2012. Committee members reviewed the claims and payroll vouchers and briefly discussed the following claims vouchers: 411538, 411559 and 411762. Motion by Member Wales, second by Vice Chair Holman to approve the claims and payroll vouchers. Page 1 of 5 CA.A MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 3-0. C. Payroll Vouchers (Coleman) Payroll check numbers 532709 to 532740 in the amount of $269,508.22 and electronic deposit transmissions in the amount of $1,222,498.64 for a grand total of $1,492,006.86 for the pay period covering February 16, 2012 to February 29, 2012. For approval of payroll vouchers, see claims vouchers above. III. DISCUSSION ITEMS A. Resolution No. 4804 (Rempher) 2012 Regional Aerial Mapping Funding Agreement Information Services Director Rempher reported that the City had planned to perform a small portion of the aerial mapping project in 2012 at a cost of $20,000; however, through partnering with King County and local agencies, the City was able to acquire high resolution aerial imagery for the entire city at a cost of approximately $25,800. The aerial mapping is the basis for the citywide GIS system and is a critical tool used by all City departments. The last imagery was performed in 2007. B. Resolution No. 3417 - Membership in Professional Organizations and Local Civic and Service Organizations (Heid) Committee members discussed previous Resolution No. 3417 relating to membership in professional organizations and local civic and service organizations. Chair Partridge noted that at their last meeting, the Committee discussed the resolution and the policy that allows the City to pay for City officials to participate in civic and community organizations. Member Wales expressed her concern to allow payment for service organization dues and meals for Councilmembers. Mayor Lewis commented that the policy was implemented in order to provide another avenue of leadership training for employees and to engage employees in their city. Vice Chair Holman stated that he sees a distinct difference between City staff and elected officials as it relates to the policy. He expressed opposition to the City paying for elected officials' meals while attending service club meetings. It was consensus of the Committee members to amend the resolution to exclude elected officials from payment of dues and meals for service and fraternal organizations. Dues and meals will continue to be paid for elected officials at meetings of the Chamber of Commerce and similar meetings where the official is Page 2 of 5 CA.A representing the City. City Attorney Heid will prepare a draft resolution for the Committee's future review. C. Ordinance No. 6404 (Heid) An Ordinance of the City Council of the City of Auburn, Washington, amending Section 10.36.190 of the Auburn City Code and creating a new Section 10.36.193 of the Auburn City Code relating to parking in residential zones City Attorney Heid explained that Ordinance No. 6404 was prepared in response to the parking concerns voiced at the last City Council meeting. The ordinance would restrict parking larger vehicles on streets in residential neighborhoods. Larger vehicles are defined as more than 10,000 pounds Gross Vehicle Weight (GVW) other than pick-up trucks not more than 14,000 pounds GVW. This would allow parking larger vehicles along principal arterials and minor arterials even in residential areas, and it would allow larger vehicles to be parked in areas where mixed residential and non-residential uses are permitted, and where one side of the road may permit non-residential uses even if the other side does not. Chief Lee indicated no difficulty in enforcing the ordinance. D. Resolution No. 4806 (Heid) A Resolution of the City Council of the City of Auburn, Washington, supporting the Auburn Transportation Benefit District's Bond Measure City Attorney Heid explained that state law allows City Councils to collectively express support or opposition to a ballot proposition at an open public meeting. At the meeting, members of the public must be afforded an equal opportunity to express an opposing view. Resolution No. 4806 expresses the Council's support of the Auburn Transportation Benefit District's Proposition No. 1 appearing on the April 17, 2012 ballot relating to the issuance of $59,000,000 in general obligation bonds for the purpose of financing transportation improvements. E. Reid Middleton Agreement (Coleman) City Council approve an Agreement with Reid Middleton to develop/update a Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP) for the Auburn Municipal Airport. Environmental Protection Manager Andersen explained that the Agreement for Professional Services with Reid Middleton is for engineering services for the Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan project at the Auburn Municipal Airport. The Airport is currently covered under the National Pollutant Elimination System (NPDES) Industrial Stormwater General Permit. An update of the Airport's Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan is required as part of the NPDES permit requirements. Page 3 of 5 CA.A The work should be completed in three to four months. F. 2013-2014 Budget Development Calendar (Coleman) Financial Planning Manager Chaw presented the Committee with the 2013-2014 Biennial Budget calendar and briefly reviewed the key milestones of the process. G. Ordinance No. 6400 (Coleman) An Ordinance of the City Council of the City of Auburn, Washington, amending Ordinance No. 6339, the 2011-2012 Biennial Budget Ordinance as amended by Ordinance No. 6351, Ordinance No. 6352, Ordinance No. 6362, Ordinance No. 6370, Ordinance No. 6378 and Ordinance No. 6379 authorizing amendment to the City of Auburn 2011-2012 Budget as set forth in Schedule "A" For clarification of these minutes, discussion of Ordinance No. 6400 occurred immediate following the Consent Agenda items. Financial Planning Manager Martin Chaw presented Ordinance No. 6400, the 2012 Budget Amendment No. 7. The Ordinance recognizes spending commitments entered into at the end of 2011 to be completed in 2012. Most of the commitments being carried forward relate to various transportation, street preservation, local revitalization and park projects. The budget amendment also includes approximately $311,000 carried forward for operating expenses and the removal of debt service from the Golf Course Fund to a dedicated debt service fund. Removal of the debt service from the Golf Course Fund will enable the enterprise fund to operate within its current level of revenues. Golf Course debt will be funded through inter-fund transfers from the General Fund. There was brief discussion regarding golf course revenues. In response to questions from Member Wales regarding the Cemetery Fund. Mayor Lewis stated that the budget amendment for the Cemetery Fund is for the purpose of cash flow management, enabling the fund to meet anticipated cash flow needs during the remainder of 2012. IV. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business to come before the Committee, the meeting adjourned at 6:35 p.m. APPROVED the ______ day of March, 2012. ________________________________ __________________________________ John Partridge, Chair Danielle Daskam, City Clerk Page 4 of 5 CA.A Page 5 of 5 CA.A AGENDA BILL APPROVAL FORM Agenda Subject: Claims Vouchers Date: March 12, 2012 Department: Administration Attachments: Voucher List Budget Impact: $0 Administrative Recommendation: City Council approve the claims vouchers. Background Summary: Claims check numbers 411835 through 412222 in the amount of $3,112,851.79 and dated March 19, 2012. Reviewed by Council Committees: Finance Councilmember:Staff:Coleman Meeting Date:March 19, 2012 Item Number:CA.B AUBURN * MORE THAN YOU IMAGINEDCA.B 03/14/2012 ςουχηερ Λιστ Χιτψ οφ Αυβυρν 1 3:33:58ΠΜ Παγε:ϖχηλιστ Βανκ χοδε :000 ςουχηερ ∆ατε ςενδορ Ινϖοιχε ∆εσχριπτιον/Αχχουντ Αµουντ 4118353/6/2012 263070 ΠΙΕΡΧΕ ΧΟΥΝΤΨ ∆ΙΣΤΡΙΧΤ ΧΟΥΡΤΦΙΛΙΝΓ ΦΕΕ ΦΙΛΙΝΓ ΦΕΕ − ΜΙΧΗΑΕΛ ΑΝ∆ ΣΗΑΡΛΕΕΝ ΜΕΤϑΕ 430.00.534.110.41 39.00 Τοταλ : 39.00 4118363/6/2012 008046 ΚΙΝΓ ΧΟΥΝΤΨ ∆ΙΣΤΡΙΧΤ ΧΟΥΡΤΦΙΛΙΝΓ ΦΕΕ ΦΙΛΙΝΓ ΦΕΕ − ΚΑΙ ΠΙΝΓ ΩΑΝΓ ΥΤΙΛΙΤΙΕΣ 430.00.534.110.41 39.00 Τοταλ : 39.00 4118373/6/2012 212140 ΚΕΨ ΒΑΝΚ 0994 Μοντηλψ ιΖιγγ χηαργε 518.00.518.780.44 273.70 Τοταλ : 273.70 4118383/6/2012 212140 ΚΕΨ ΒΑΝΚ 7321 ΑΩΧ Ελεχτεδ Οφφιχιαλσ Ωορκσηοπ 001.11.511.600.49 941.14 Αιρλινε Τραϖελ φορ Χουνχιλµεµβερ Βιλλ 001.11.511.600.43 633.08 Γοσανκο Χηοχολατεσ: ΧΧΜΡ Λυνχηεον 001.11.513.100.43 17.50 Τοταλ : 1,591.72 4118393/6/2012 212140 ΚΕΨ ΒΑΝΚ 8151 Ηοτελ/Αιρλινε εξπενσεσ φορ Μαψορ Λεωισ 001.11.513.100.43 4,382.54 Μαψορ Λεωισ∋ Τραϖελ ανδ Μεετινγ Εξπενσεσ 001.11.513.100.43 1,078.41 ιΠαδ ∆ατα Χηαργε φορ Χαρολψν Ροβερτσον, 001.11.513.100.42 119.92 Μισχ: ΑΩΧ Λεγισλατιϖε Χονφερενχε 001.11.513.100.49 783.68 Τοταλ : 6,364.55 1Παγε: CA.B 03/14/2012 ςουχηερ Λιστ Χιτψ οφ Αυβυρν 2 3:33:58ΠΜ Παγε:ϖχηλιστ Βανκ χοδε :000 ςουχηερ ∆ατε ςενδορ Ινϖοιχε ∆εσχριπτιον/Αχχουντ Αµουντ 4118403/7/2012 116120 ΑΩΧ ΕΜΠΛΟΨΕΕ ΒΕΝΕΦΙΤ ΤΡΥΣΤΑΩΧ−ΜΑΡ2012 ΑΩΧ ΠΡΕΜΙΥΜΣ ΦΟΡ ΡΕΤΙΡΕΕΣ∼ 001.98.517.210.25 39,660.25 ΑΩΧ ΠΡΕΜΙΥΜΣ ΦΟΡ ΡΕΤΙΡΕΕΣ∼ 001.13.512.500.25 50.00 ΑΩΧ ΠΡΕΜΙΥΜΣ ΦΟΡ ΡΕΤΙΡΕΕΣ∼ 001.98.522.210.25 10,971.78 ΑΩΧ ΠΡΕΜΙΥΜΣ ΦΟΡ ΡΕΤΙΡΕΕΣ∼ 001.98.522.220.25 19,308.44 Τοταλ : 69,990.47 4118413/9/2012 017717 ΧΟΛΕΜΑΝ, ΡΨΑΝ031012ΠΕΡΦ ΠΕΡΦΟΡΜΑΝΧΕ ΑΤ ΤΗΕ ΤΗΕΑΤΕΡ ΟΝ 3/10/12 001.33.575.280.41 3,000.00 Τοταλ : 3,000.00 4118423/12/2012 212140 ΚΕΨ ΒΑΝΚ 7321 ΠΨΜΤ ΟΝ ΧΟΥΝΧΙΛ ΚΕΨ ΒΑΝΚ ΜΑΣΤΕΡ ΧΑΡ∆ 001.11.511.600.43 10,000.00 Τοταλ : 10,000.00 4118433/13/2012 212140 ΚΕΨ ΒΑΝΚ 0954 ΠΨΜΤ ΟΝ ΦΙΝΑΝΧΕ ΚΕΨ ΒΑΝΚ ΜΑΣΤΕΡ ΧΑΡ∆ 001.11.511.600.43 8,000.00 Τοταλ : 8,000.00 4118443/14/2012 212140 ΚΕΨ ΒΑΝΚ 2288 Τραϖελ Αρρανγµεντσ/Εξπενσεσ το 001.17.557.200.43 1,280.01 ιΠαδ ∆ατα Χηαργε φορ Μιχηαελ Ηυρση, 001.17.557.200.42 44.97 Συππλιεσ φορ Μιχηαελ Ηυρση∋σ ιΠαδ 001.17.557.200.31 65.60 Ρεγιστρατιον φορ ΝΑΣ∆Ας Χονφερενχε ιν 001.17.557.200.49 513.38 2Παγε: CA.B 03/14/2012 ςουχηερ Λιστ Χιτψ οφ Αυβυρν 3 3:33:58ΠΜ Παγε:ϖχηλιστ Βανκ χοδε :000 ςουχηερ ∆ατε ςενδορ Ινϖοιχε ∆εσχριπτιον/Αχχουντ Αµουντ (Χοντινυεδ)Τοταλ : 1,903.96 4118443/14/2012212140212140 ΚΕΨ ΒΑΝΚ 4118453/19/2012 016804 3 ΩΙΡΕ ΓΡΟΥΠ ΣΕΡςΙΧΕΙΝς2102668 ΜΙΣΧ ΣΥΠΠΛΙΕΣ − ΣΧ 505.00.524.500.31 75.23 Τοταλ : 75.23 4118463/19/2012 002909 ΑΒΧ ΛΕΓΑΛ ΣΕΡςΙΧΕΣ, ΙΝΧ.9402662 ΠΡΟΧΕΣΣ ΣΕΡςΙΧΕ − ΩΑΝΑΜΑΚΕΡ ΛΑΩΣΥΙΤ − 001.21.521.100.41 119.50 Τοταλ : 119.50 4118473/19/2012 014838 ΑΒΟΥ−ΖΑΚΙ, ΚΑΜΑΛ022712ΙΝς ΧΟΥΡΤ ΙΝΤΕΡΠΡΕΤΙΝΓ ΣΕΡςΙΧΕΣ ΡΕΝ∆ΕΡΕ∆ ΟΝ 001.13.512.500.41 100.00 Τοταλ : 100.00 4118483/19/2012 020380 ΑΒΡΑΗΑΜ ΡΙΤΤΕΡ, ΠΛΛΧ, ΛΑΩ ΟΦΦΙΧΕ ΟΦ0000256 ΧΟΝΦΛΙΧΤ ΑΤΤΟΡΝΕΨ ΣΕΡςΙΧΕΣ ΠΡΟςΙ∆Ε∆ ΦΟΡ: 001.13.512.500.41 1,000.00 0000257 ΧΟΝΦΛΙΧΤ ∆ΕΦΕΝΣΕ ΑΤΤΨ ΣΕΡςΙΧΕΣ ΡΕΝ∆ΕΡΕ∆ 001.13.512.500.41 375.00 0000258 ΧΟΝΦΛΙΧΤ ∆ΕΦΕΝΣΕ ΑΤΤΨ ΣΕΡςΙΧΕΣ ΡΕΝ∆ΕΡΕ∆ 001.13.512.500.41 125.00 Τοταλ : 1,500.00 4118493/19/2012 006914 ΑΧΧΥΡΙΝΤ 1277131−20120229 ΛΕΞΙΣ−ΝΕΞΙΣ − ΦΕΒ 2012 − 001.21.521.210.41 78.18 Τοταλ : 78.18 4118503/19/2012 013986 Α∆ ΣΠΕΧΙΑΛΤΙΕΣ & ΠΡΟΜΟΤΙΟΝΣ17242 Χρεδιτ 001.21.525.100.49 −34.20 17680 3Παγε: CA.B 03/14/2012 ςουχηερ Λιστ Χιτψ οφ Αυβυρν 4 3:33:58ΠΜ Παγε:ϖχηλιστ Βανκ χοδε :000 ςουχηερ ∆ατε ςενδορ Ινϖοιχε ∆εσχριπτιον/Αχχουντ Αµουντ 4118503/19/2012 (Χοντινυεδ)013986 Α∆ ΣΠΕΧΙΑΛΤΙΕΣ & ΠΡΟΜΟΤΙΟΝΣ Γραντ Φυνδεδ−ΧΕΡΤ Χαραβινερ 001.21.525.100.49 615.66 Γραντ Φυνδεδ−Πριντινγ σετ υπ 001.21.525.100.49 50.00 φρειγητ 001.21.525.100.49 27.66 Σαλεσ Ταξ 001.21.525.100.49 65.87 Τοταλ : 724.99 4118513/19/2012 111710 Α∆ςΑΝΧΕ∆ ΤΡΑΦΦΙΧ ΠΡΟ∆ΥΧΤΣ ΙΝΧ0000005037 Ρεπλαχεµεντ ΛΕ∆ φορ Σιγναλ Ηεαδσ∼ 001.32.532.200.48 7,487.09 Τοταλ : 7,487.09 4118523/19/2012 002878 Α∆ςΑΝΤΑΓΕ ΓΡΑΠΗΙΧΣ, ΙΝΧ10971 Γραπηιχ δεσιγν/σερϖιχεσ φορ Χιτψ οφ 518.00.518.780.41 985.50 10977 Γραπηιχ δεσιγν/σερϖιχεσ φορ Χιτψ οφ 518.00.518.780.41 825.63 Τοταλ : 1,811.13 4118533/19/2012 115190 ΑΓΡΙ ΣΗΟΠ, ΙΝΧ20915/1 ΛΑΩΝ & ΓΑΡ∆ΕΝ ΣΥΠΠΛΙΕΣ, ΤΟΟΛΣ & ΩΟΡΚ 550.00.548.680.35 108.84 20941/1 ΛΑΩΝ & ΓΑΡ∆ΕΝ ΣΥΠΠΛΙΕΣ, ΤΟΟΛΣ & ΩΟΡΚ 430.00.534.800.35 56.34 20974/1 ΣΗΕΛΛΑΧ ΣΠΡΨ ΧΛΕΑΡ 12ΟΖ 505.00.524.500.31 10.94 21023/1 ΛΑΩΝ & ΓΑΡ∆ΕΝ ΣΥΠΠΛΙΕΣ, ΤΟΟΛΣ & ΩΟΡΚ 430.00.534.800.31 5.51 4Παγε: CA.B 03/14/2012 ςουχηερ Λιστ Χιτψ οφ Αυβυρν 5 3:33:58ΠΜ Παγε:ϖχηλιστ Βανκ χοδε :000 ςουχηερ ∆ατε ςενδορ Ινϖοιχε ∆εσχριπτιον/Αχχουντ Αµουντ 4118533/19/2012 (Χοντινυεδ)115190 ΑΓΡΙ ΣΗΟΠ, ΙΝΧ 21029/1 ΜΙΣΧ ΣΥΠΠΛΙΕΣ − ϑΧ 505.00.524.500.31 24.58 21111/1 ΜΙΣΧ ΣΥΠΠΛΙΕΣ − ϑΧ 505.00.524.500.31 13.03 21167/1 ΧΟΥΡΣΕ ΣΥΠΠΛΙΕΣ ΦΟΡ ΓΟΛΦ ΜΑΙΝΤ. 437.00.576.600.31 40.77 21205/1 ΛΕςΕΡ ΦΛΥΣΗ Π ΒΡΑΣΣ 505.00.524.500.31 10.39 21302/1 ΜΙΣΧ ΣΥΠΠΛΙΕΣ 505.00.524.500.31 6.56 Τοταλ : 276.96 4118543/19/2012 112910 ΑΜΕΡΙΧΑΝ ΗΟΣΕ & ΦΙΤΤΙΝΓΣ, ΙΝΧ991684−001 ςΑΡΙΟΥΣ ΗΟΣΕ & ΦΙΤΤΙΝΓΣ ΦΡΟΜ ΑΜΕΡΙΧΑΝ 550.141.300 34.60 992021−001 ςΑΡΙΟΥΣ ΗΟΣΕ & ΦΙΤΤΙΝΓΣ ΦΡΟΜ ΑΜΕΡΙΧΑΝ 550.141.300 17.30 Τοταλ : 51.90 4118553/19/2012 113150 ΑΜΕΡΙΧΑΝ ΠΟΛΨΓΡΑΠΗ ΑΣΣΟΧ∆ΥΕΣ2012 ΑΝΝΥΑΛ ∆ΥΕΣ − 2012 − Ρ ϑΟΝΕΣ − 7508 001.21.521.100.49 150.00 Τοταλ : 150.00 4118563/19/2012 002431 ΑΜΕΡΙΧΑΝ ΡΕΠΡΟΓΡΑΠΗΙΧΣ ΧΟ03−462878 Πλανσ ανδ Σπεχσ φορ 132νδ Ιντερτιε Προϕ 430.00.590.100.65 639.20 Α∆∆Λ ΥΣΕ ΤΑΞ 430.00.590.100.65 1.16 5Παγε: CA.B 03/14/2012 ςουχηερ Λιστ Χιτψ οφ Αυβυρν 6 3:33:58ΠΜ Παγε:ϖχηλιστ Βανκ χοδε :000 ςουχηερ ∆ατε ςενδορ Ινϖοιχε ∆εσχριπτιον/Αχχουντ Αµουντ 4118563/19/2012 (Χοντινυεδ)002431 ΑΜΕΡΙΧΑΝ ΡΕΠΡΟΓΡΑΠΗΙΧΣ ΧΟ Α∆∆Λ ΥΣΕ ΤΑΞ 430.237.200 −1.16 Τοταλ : 639.20 4118573/19/2012 013835 ΑΜΕΡΙΧΑΝ ΣΟΛΥΤΙΟΝ ΦΟΡ ΒΥΣΙΝΕΣΣΙΝς01032416 Ναµε Βαδγεσ φορ Αρτσ Χοµµισσιον 001.11.511.600.49 79.23 ΙΝς01048432 ΙΝς01048432: Ναµε βαδγεσ φορ ∆επυτψ 001.11.511.600.49 64.18 Τοταλ : 143.41 4118583/19/2012 020356 ΑΠΠΛΕ ΙΝΧ.1800311063 ΑΠΠΛΕ− ΙΠΑ∆ ΚΕΨΒΟΑΡ∆Σ 518.00.518.880.31 138.00 Α∆∆Λ ΥΣΕ ΤΑΞ 518.00.518.880.31 0.27 Α∆∆Λ ΥΣΕ ΤΑΞ 518.237.200 −0.27 Σαλεσ Ταξ 518.00.518.880.31 12.83 Τοταλ : 150.83 4118593/19/2012 020735 ΑΘΥΑ ΡΕΧ∋Σ ΙΝΧ.ΡΕΦΥΝ∆ ΠΕΡΜΙΤ ΜΕΧ12−0012 ΙΣΣΥΕ∆ ΙΝ ΕΡΡΟΡ 001.322.110 38.00 Τοταλ : 38.00 4118603/19/2012 393720 ΑΡΑΜΑΡΚ ΥΝΙΦΟΡΜ ΣΕΡςΙΧΕΣ14724165 ΥΝΙΦΟΡΜΣ ΝΙΧΚ/ΡΑΝ∆Ψ 001.33.576.100.22 163.13 Τοταλ : 163.13 4118613/19/2012 393720 ΑΡΑΜΑΡΚ ΥΝΙΦΟΡΜ ΣΕΡςΙΧΕΣ655−6045943 ΜΑΤ ΑΝ∆ ΤΟΩΕΛ ΣΕΡςΙΧΕ 6Παγε: CA.B 03/14/2012 ςουχηερ Λιστ Χιτψ οφ Αυβυρν 7 3:33:58ΠΜ Παγε:ϖχηλιστ Βανκ χοδε :000 ςουχηερ ∆ατε ςενδορ Ινϖοιχε ∆εσχριπτιον/Αχχουντ Αµουντ 4118613/19/2012 (Χοντινυεδ)393720 ΑΡΑΜΑΡΚ ΥΝΙΦΟΡΜ ΣΕΡςΙΧΕΣ 437.00.576.600.41 18.10 655−6045944 ΜΑΤ ΧΛΕΑΝΙΝΓ − ΓΟΛΦ 505.00.524.500.49 95.48 655−6057868 ΜΑΤ ΧΛΕΑΝΙΝΓ − ΤΗΕΑΤΕΡ 505.00.524.500.49 11.83 655−6057869 ΜΑΤ ΧΛΕΑΝΙΝΓ − ϑΧ 505.00.524.500.49 25.84 655−6057870 ΜΑΤ ΧΛΕΑΝΙΝΓ − ΧΙΤΨ ΗΑΛΛ 505.00.524.500.49 11.83 655−6065180 ΧΛΕΑΝΙΝΓ ΟΦ ΣΗΟΠ ΤΟΩΕΛΣ ΑΝ∆ ΜΑΤΣ 001.33.576.100.41 61.74 655−6070034 ΜΑΤ ΧΛΕΑΝΙΝΓ ≅ ΑΥΒΥΡΝ ΤΗΕΑΤΕΡ 505.00.524.500.49 11.83 655−6070036 ΜΑΤ ΧΛΕΑΝΙΝΓ ≅ ΧΙΤΨ ΗΑΛΛ 505.00.524.500.49 11.83 655−6070500 ΜΑΤ ΑΝ∆ ΤΟΩΕΛ ΣΕΡςΙΧΕ 437.00.576.600.41 52.03 655−6070501 ΜΑΤ ΧΛΕΑΝΙΝΓ − ΓΟΛΦ 505.00.524.500.49 95.48 Τοταλ : 395.99 4118623/19/2012 113935 ΑΡΒΙΤΡΑΓΕ ΧΟΜΠ ΣΠΕΧΙΑΛΙΣΤΣ ΙΝΧΓ2065 πρεπαρε αρβιτραγε χοµπλιανχε 430.00.534.100.41 1,647.30 πρεπαρε αρβιτραγε χοµπλιανχε 431.00.535.100.41 736.50 7Παγε: CA.B 03/14/2012 ςουχηερ Λιστ Χιτψ οφ Αυβυρν 8 3:33:58ΠΜ Παγε:ϖχηλιστ Βανκ χοδε :000 ςουχηερ ∆ατε ςενδορ Ινϖοιχε ∆εσχριπτιον/Αχχουντ Αµουντ 4118623/19/2012 (Χοντινυεδ)113935 ΑΡΒΙΤΡΑΓΕ ΧΟΜΠ ΣΠΕΧΙΑΛΙΣΤΣ ΙΝΧ πρεπαρε αρβιτραγε χοµπλιανχε 432.00.535.100.41 616.20 Τοταλ : 3,000.00 4118633/19/2012 000426 ΑΣΣΟΧΙΑΤΕ∆ ΣΑΛΕΣ & ΒΑΓΨ974397 ΒΑΓΣ ΦΟΡ ΕςΙ∆ΕΝΧΕ ΡΟΟΜ (Ψ974397) 001.21.521.300.31 340.61 ΥΣΕ ΤΑΞ 001.21.521.300.31 32.36 ΥΣΕ ΤΑΞ 001.237.200 −32.36 Τοταλ : 340.61 4118643/19/2012 007593 ΑΣΤΡΑ ΙΝ∆ΥΣΤΡΙΑΛ ΣΕΡς ΙΝΧ00123467 ΒΑΧΚΦΛΟΩ ΑΣΣΕΜΒΛΨ ΡΕΠΑΙΡ ΣΕΡςΙΧΕΣ ΦΡΟΜ 430.00.534.800.35 908.49 ΥΣΕ ΤΑΞ 430.00.534.800.35 86.30 ΥΣΕ ΤΑΞ 430.237.200 −86.30 Τοταλ : 908.49 4118653/19/2012 110510 ΑΤ&Τ ΜΟΒΙΛΙΤΨ287019865528Ξ0309201 ΠΑΨΜΕΝΤ ΟΝ ΒΕΗΑΛΦ ΟΦ ς−ΝΕΤ 652.00.521.212.42 821.13 Τοταλ : 821.13 4118663/19/2012 110510 ΑΤ&Τ ΜΟΒΙΛΙΤΨ875428076Ξ03022012 ΒΛΑΝΚΕΤ ΠΥΡΧΗΑΣΕ ΟΡ∆ΕΡ∼ 001.13.516.100.42 36.15 ΒΛΑΝΚΕΤ ΠΥΡΧΗΑΣΕ ΟΡ∆ΕΡ∼ 001.32.532.200.42 16.87 ΒΛΑΝΚΕΤ ΠΥΡΧΗΑΣΕ ΟΡ∆ΕΡ∼ 117.00.521.210.42 7.23 8Παγε: CA.B 03/14/2012 ςουχηερ Λιστ Χιτψ οφ Αυβυρν 9 3:33:58ΠΜ Παγε:ϖχηλιστ Βανκ χοδε :000 ςουχηερ ∆ατε ςενδορ Ινϖοιχε ∆εσχριπτιον/Αχχουντ Αµουντ (Χοντινυεδ)Τοταλ : 60.25 4118663/19/2012110510110510 ΑΤ&Τ ΜΟΒΙΛΙΤΨ 4118673/19/2012 008442 ΑΤΣΧ 225280 ςΟΨΑΓΕΡ ΣςΣ − ΤΑΣΚ ΦΟΡΧΕ ∆ΕΤ − ΦΕΒ 2012 117.00.521.210.42 79.98 Τοταλ : 79.98 4118683/19/2012 020752 ΑΥΒΛΕ, ΠΑΤΡΙΧΚ Α.ϑΥΡΨ ∆ΥΤΨ ΠΑΨΜΕΝΤ ΦΟΡ ϑΥΡΨ ∆ΥΤΨ 001.13.512.500.49 33.32 Τοταλ : 33.32 4118693/19/2012 114710 ΑΥΒΥΡΝ ΧΗΑΜΒΕΡ ΟΦ ΧΟΜΜΕΡΧΕ22810 Φεβρυαρψ 21, 2012 Παρτνερσηιπ Λυνχηεον 001.11.513.100.43 240.00 Φεβρυαρψ 21, 2012 Παρτνερσηιπ Λυνχηεον 001.11.511.600.43 100.00 22814 Φεβρυαρψ 21, 2012 Παρτνερσηιπ Λυνχηεον 001.11.513.100.43 100.00 22851 ΜΟΝΤΗΛΨ Α∆ςΕΡΤΙΣΙΝΓ ΙΝΣΕΡΤΣ ΦΟΡ ΠΑΡΚΣ, 001.33.574.100.44 125.00 Τοταλ : 565.00 4118703/19/2012 114740 ΑΥΒΥΡΝ ΧΗΕςΡΟΛΕΤ5061330 ςΕΗΙΧΛΕ ΠΑΡΤΣ ΑΝ∆ ΣΕΡςΙΧΕ ΦΡΟΜ ΑΥΒΥΡΝ 550.00.548.680.35 112.56 5061722 ςΕΗΙΧΛΕ ΠΑΡΤΣ ΑΝ∆ ΣΕΡςΙΧΕ ΦΡΟΜ ΑΥΒΥΡΝ 550.00.548.680.35 52.56 5062048 ςΕΗΙΧΛΕ ΠΑΡΤΣ ΑΝ∆ ΣΕΡςΙΧΕ ΦΡΟΜ ΑΥΒΥΡΝ 550.00.548.680.35 44.61 Τοταλ : 209.73 4118713/19/2012 115160 ΑΥΒΥΡΝ ΓΨΜΝΑΣΤΙΧΣ ΧΕΝΤΕΡ, ΙΝΧ35958 9Παγε: CA.B 03/14/2012 ςουχηερ Λιστ Χιτψ οφ Αυβυρν 10 3:33:58ΠΜ Παγε:ϖχηλιστ Βανκ χοδε :000 ςουχηερ ∆ατε ςενδορ Ινϖοιχε ∆εσχριπτιον/Αχχουντ Αµουντ 4118713/19/2012 (Χοντινυεδ)115160 ΑΥΒΥΡΝ ΓΨΜΝΑΣΤΙΧΣ ΧΕΝΤΕΡ, ΙΝΧ ΤΙΝΨ ΣΤΑΡΣ ΧΛΑΣΣΕΣ:∼ 001.33.574.240.41 242.00 35959 ΤΙΝΨ ΣΤΑΡΣ ΧΛΑΣΣΕΣ:∼ 001.33.574.240.41 110.00 35967 ΜΙΝΙ ΣΤΑΡΣ ΧΛΑΣΣΕΣ:∼ 001.33.574.240.41 242.00 35973 ΜΙΓΗΤΨ ΣΤΑΡΣ ΧΛΑΣΣΕΣ:∼ 001.33.574.240.41 104.00 35976 ΓΙΡΛΣ ΒΕΓΙΝΝΕΡ ΓΨΜΝΑΣΤΙΧΣ ΧΛΑΣΣΕΣ:∼ 001.33.574.240.41 190.00 Τοταλ : 888.00 4118723/19/2012 115520 ΑΥΒΥΡΝ ΡΕΓΙΟΝΑΛ ΜΕ∆ΙΧΑΛ ΧΕΝΤΕΡ3384 ΠΟΛΙΧΕ ΣΠΕΧ ΠΡΕ−ΕΜΠΛΟΨΜΕΝΤ ΤΕΣΤΙΝΓ − 001.13.516.710.41 81.00 3580 ΠΟΛΙΧΕ ΠΡΕ−ΕΜΠΛΟΨΜΕΝΤ ΤΕΣΤΙΝΓ − ΚΙΜΒΕΡ 001.13.516.710.41 279.50 Τοταλ : 360.50 4118733/19/2012 115550 ΑΥΒΥΡΝ ΣΧΗΟΟΛ ∆ΙΣΤ #40813290 ΦΑΧΙΛΙΤΨ ΥΣΑΓΕ ΦΟΡ ΑΡΟΥΝ∆ ΤΗΕ ΒΕΛΛ: 001.33.574.240.45 300.00 13291 ΦΑΧΙΛΙΤΨ ΥΣΑΓΕ ΦΟΡ ΑΡΟΥΝ∆ ΤΗΕ ΒΕΛΛ: 001.33.574.240.45 300.00 ΦΕΒ2012 ΦΕΒ 2012 ΣΧΗΟΟΛ ΙΜΠΑΧΤ ΦΕΕΣ 124.237.173 52,061.50 Τοταλ : 52,661.50 10Παγε: CA.B 03/14/2012 ςουχηερ Λιστ Χιτψ οφ Αυβυρν 11 3:33:58ΠΜ Παγε:ϖχηλιστ Βανκ χοδε :000 ςουχηερ ∆ατε ςενδορ Ινϖοιχε ∆εσχριπτιον/Αχχουντ Αµουντ 4118743/19/2012 115700 ΑΥΒΥΡΝ ΣΨΜΠΗΟΝΨ ΟΡΧΗΕΣΤΡΑ021812ΠΕΡΦ ΤΟΥΡΙΣΜ ΠΡΟΜΟΤΙΟΝ ΣΕΡςΙΧΕΣ/ΧΟΝΧΕΡΤ ΟΝ 001.33.573.201.41 18,750.00 Τοταλ : 18,750.00 4118753/19/2012 115730 ΑΥΒΥΡΝ ΤΡΑςΕΛ ΦΥΝ∆3070 Α∆ςΑΝΧΕ ΦΟΡ ΡΗΟΝ∆Α ΤΗΟΜΠΣΟΝ ΤΟ ΑΤΤΕΝ∆ 001.21.521.300.43 115.00 3071 Α∆ςΑΝΧΕ ΦΟΡ ϑΕΑΝ ΠΡΙΧΕ ΤΟ ΑΤΤΕΝ∆ ΣΝΥΓ 001.21.521.300.43 115.00 Τοταλ : 230.00 4118763/19/2012 004445 ΑΥΒΥΡΝ ςΑΛΛΕΨ ΧΟΛΛΙΣΙΟΝ ΙΝΧ7241 ςΕΗΙΧΛΕ ΑΧΧΙ∆ΕΝΤ ΡΕΠΑΙΡΣ ΒΨ ΑΥΒΥΡΝ 550.00.548.680.48 273.75 Τοταλ : 273.75 4118773/19/2012 116100 ΑΩΧ 984−33726 ΑΩΧ Χιτψ Λεγισλατιϖε Χονφερενχε 001.11.513.100.49 135.00 Τοταλ : 135.00 4118783/19/2012 014723 ΒΑΚΕΡ, ∆ΕΛΕΕ ΑΝΝ35989 ΒΑΛΛΕΡΙΝΑ ΕΝΧΗΑΝΤΜΕΝΤ ΧΛΑΣΣΕΣ:∼ 001.33.574.240.41 270.00 35991 ΚΙ∆Σ ΠΟΠ ∆ΑΝΧΕ ΧΛΑΣΣΕΣ:∼ 001.33.574.240.41 594.00 Τοταλ : 864.00 4118793/19/2012 017993 ΒΑΝΚ ΟΦ ΩΑΣΗΙΝΓΤΟΝΑΠΡ2012 ϑΑΝ−∆ΕΧ ΛΟΤ Α − 21 ΣΟ ∆ΙςΙΣΙΟΝ ≅ 505.00.524.500.45 1,850.00 ϑΑΝ−∆ΕΧ ΛΟΤ Β − 36 ΩΕΣΤ ΜΑΙΝ ΣΤ ≅ 505.00.524.500.45 650.00 11Παγε: CA.B 03/14/2012 ςουχηερ Λιστ Χιτψ οφ Αυβυρν 12 3:33:58ΠΜ Παγε:ϖχηλιστ Βανκ χοδε :000 ςουχηερ ∆ατε ςενδορ Ινϖοιχε ∆εσχριπτιον/Αχχουντ Αµουντ (Χοντινυεδ)Τοταλ : 2,500.00 4118793/19/2012017993017993 ΒΑΝΚ ΟΦ ΩΑΣΗΙΝΓΤΟΝ 4118803/19/2012 020641 ΒΑΨ ΙΝ∆ΥΣΤΡΙΑΛ ΧΟ., ΛΤ∆ΒΑΨ−14611 ΣΠΡΙΝΓ ΧΛΟΤΗΙΝΓ ΦΟΡ ΡΕΣΑΛΕ 437.00.576.680.34 456.14 ΓΟΛΦ ΑΠΠΑΡΕΛ 437.00.576.680.34 120.31 Τοταλ : 576.45 4118813/19/2012 121540 ΒΕΡΝΕΡ, ΙΝΧΑ005−12Χ ΧΟΥΡΤ ΙΝΤΕΡΠΡΕΤΙΝΓ ΣΕΡςΙΧΕΣ ΡΕΝ∆ΕΡΕ∆ ΟΝ 001.13.512.500.41 100.00 Τοταλ : 100.00 4118823/19/2012 122490 ΒΛΥΜΕΝΤΗΑΛ ΥΝΙΦΟΡΜ ΧΟ, ΙΝΧ916440 ΥΝΙΦΟΡΜ ΙΤΕΜ − ςΕΣΤ − ∆ΕΡΟΧΗΕ − 916440 001.21.521.200.22 853.01 921535 ΥΝΙΦΟΡΜ ΙΤΕΜΣ − Ο∋ΝΕΙΛΛ − 921535 001.21.521.230.22 119.22 922236 ΥΝΙΦΟΡΜ ΙΤΕΜΣ − ΜΑΣΤ − 922236 001.21.521.200.22 27.38 922284 ΥΝΙΦΟΡΜ ΙΤΕΜΣ − ΧΟΛΓΛΑΖΙΕΡ − 922284 001.21.521.100.22 470.12 924024 ΥΝΙΦΟΡΜ ΙΤΕΜΣ − ΒΨΕΡΣ − 924024 001.21.521.200.22 251.80 924213 ΒΑ∆ΓΕ ΗΟΛ∆ΕΡ Λ− Χ ΛΕΕ − 924213 001.21.521.210.22 26.17 924213−80 ΡΕΤΥΡΝ ΒΑ∆ΓΕ ΗΟΛ∆ΕΡ − Χ ΛΕΕ − 924213−80 001.21.521.210.22 −26.17 926335 12Παγε: CA.B 03/14/2012 ςουχηερ Λιστ Χιτψ οφ Αυβυρν 13 3:33:58ΠΜ Παγε:ϖχηλιστ Βανκ χοδε :000 ςουχηερ ∆ατε ςενδορ Ινϖοιχε ∆εσχριπτιον/Αχχουντ Αµουντ 4118823/19/2012 (Χοντινυεδ)122490 ΒΛΥΜΕΝΤΗΑΛ ΥΝΙΦΟΡΜ ΧΟ, ΙΝΧ ΥΝΙΦΟΡΜ ΙΤΕΜΣ − ΒΟΛ∆ΜΑΝ − 926335 001.21.521.200.22 336.39 Τοταλ : 2,057.92 4118833/19/2012 008723 ΒΜΙ ΜΕ∆ΙΑ ΛΙΧΕΝΣΙΝΓ21898819 Αυβυρν Χοµµυνιτψ Ραδιο − Μυσιχ Λιχενσε 518.00.518.780.49 238.00 ΥΣΕ ΤΑΞ 518.00.518.780.49 22.61 ΥΣΕ ΤΑΞ 518.237.200 −22.61 Τοταλ : 238.00 4118843/19/2012 122520 ΒΟΑΡ∆, ΜΥΡΡΑΨ030512ΛΕΟΦΦ ΛΕΟΦΦ 1 ΠΗΑΡΜΑΧΨ ΡΕΙΜΒΥΡΣΕΜΕΝΤ ΧΛΑΙΜ 001.98.517.210.25 182.40 Τοταλ : 182.40 4118853/19/2012 020792 ΒΟΛΤ, ΚΕΝΝΕΤΗ ΡΩΙΤΝΕΣΣ ΦΕΕ ΩΙΤΝΕΣΣ ΦΕΕ ΠΑΨΜΕΝΤ 001.13.512.500.49 24.75 Τοταλ : 24.75 4118863/19/2012 014808 ΒΟΝΝΕΨ ΛΑΚΕ ΒΙΧΨΧΛΕ ΙΝΧ.295326 ΣΠΕΧΙΑΛΤΨ ΙΤΕΜΣ ΦΟΡ ΒΙΚΕ ΠΑΤΡΟΛ − 295326 001.21.521.200.22 735.59 Τοταλ : 735.59 4118873/19/2012 020753 ΒΟΥΝΠΡΑΣΕΥΤΗ, ΜΑΡϑΟΡΙΕ ΑΛΕΝΕϑΥΡΨ ∆ΥΤΨ ΠΑΨΜΕΝΤ ΦΟΡ ϑΥΡΨ ∆ΥΤΨ 001.13.512.500.49 14.44 Τοταλ : 14.44 4118883/19/2012 123150 ΒΟΩ∆ΕΝ, ΗΕΛΕΝ ϑ.021912ΛΕΟΦΦ ΛΕΟΦΦ 1 ΠΗΑΡΜΑΧΨ ΡΕΙΜΒΥΡΣΕΜΕΝΤ ΧΛΑΙΜ 001.98.517.210.25 83.33 13Παγε: CA.B 03/14/2012 ςουχηερ Λιστ Χιτψ οφ Αυβυρν 14 3:33:58ΠΜ Παγε:ϖχηλιστ Βανκ χοδε :000 ςουχηερ ∆ατε ςενδορ Ινϖοιχε ∆εσχριπτιον/Αχχουντ Αµουντ (Χοντινυεδ)Τοταλ : 83.33 4118883/19/2012123150123150 ΒΟΩ∆ΕΝ, ΗΕΛΕΝ ϑ. 4118893/19/2012 020733 ΒΡΑ∆ΦΟΡ∆, ΑΝ∆ΡΕΩΡΕΦΥΝ∆ ΗΑΝΓΑΡ 65, ∆ΑΜΑΓΕ ∆ΕΠΟΣΙΤ 435.399.501 358.02 Τοταλ : 358.02 4118903/19/2012 123420 ΒΡΑΤΩΕΑΡ ΓΡΟΥΠ, ΛΛΧ322800 Α∆∆ΙΤΙΟΝΑΛ ΥΣΕ ΤΑΞ 001.21.521.200.22 0.96 Α∆∆ΙΤΙΟΝΑΛ ΥΣΕ ΤΑΞ 001.237.200 −0.96 ΥΝΙΦΟΡΜ ΙΤΕΜ − ΝΟΡ∆ΕΝΓΕΡ − 322800 001.21.521.200.22 526.83 Τοταλ : 526.83 4118913/19/2012 001809 ΒΡΑςΟ ΧΑΡΠΕΤ ΧΑΡΕ, ΙΝΧ26617 ΧΑΡΠΕΤ ΜΑΙΝΤΕΝΑΝΧΕ 505.00.524.500.41 574.00 Τοταλ : 574.00 4118923/19/2012 020754 ΒΡΙ∆ΓΕ, ΓΕΝΕϑΥΡΨ ∆ΥΤΨ ΠΑΨΜΕΝΤ ΦΟΡ ϑΥΡΨ ∆ΥΤΨ 001.13.512.500.49 12.22 Τοταλ : 12.22 4118933/19/2012 020755 ΒΡΟΥΓΗ, ΜΙΧΗΕΛΛΕ ∆.ϑΥΡΨ ∆ΥΤΨ ΠΑΨΜΕΝΤ ΦΟΡ ϑΥΡΨ ∆ΥΤΨ 001.13.512.500.49 15.55 Τοταλ : 15.55 4118943/19/2012 012304 ΒΡΟΩΝ ΑΝ∆ ΧΑΛ∆ΩΕΛΛ14163704 Στορµωατερ Στρατεγιεσ & ∆εσιγν 432.00.535.100.41 3,413.25 Τοταλ : 3,413.25 4118953/19/2012 019143 ΒΥΝΟ ΧΟΝΣΤΡΥΧΤΙΟΝ ΛΛΧ10−23/#13 14Παγε: CA.B 03/14/2012 ςουχηερ Λιστ Χιτψ οφ Αυβυρν 15 3:33:58ΠΜ Παγε:ϖχηλιστ Βανκ χοδε :000 ςουχηερ ∆ατε ςενδορ Ινϖοιχε ∆εσχριπτιον/Αχχουντ Αµουντ 4118953/19/2012 (Χοντινυεδ)019143 ΒΥΝΟ ΧΟΝΣΤΡΥΧΤΙΟΝ ΛΛΧ Λακελανδ Ηιλλσ Βοοστερ Πυµπ Στα Ιµπρϖσ 430.00.590.100.68 31,536.00 Τοταλ : 31,536.00 4118963/19/2012 020655 ΒΥΡΤ, ΑΛΑΝ & ΚΡΙΣΤΙΝΕ057548 ΥΤΙΛΙΤΨ ΡΕΦΥΝ∆ − 6033 Σ 296ΤΗ ΣΤ 432.233.100 14.95 Τοταλ : 14.95 4118973/19/2012 020756 ΒΥΣΗΜΑΚΕΡ, ςΙΡΓΙΝΙΑϑΥΡΨ ∆ΥΤΨ ΠΑΨΜΕΝΤ ΦΟΡ ϑΥΡΨ ∆ΥΤΨ 001.13.512.500.49 39.98 Τοταλ : 39.98 4118983/19/2012 020788 ΧΑΛ∆ΕΡΑΡΙ−ΩΑΛ∆ΡΟΝ, ΜΙΛΕΝΑ021312ΙΝς ΧΟΥΡΤ ΙΝΤΕΡΠΡΕΤΙΝΓ ΣΕΡςΙΧΕΣ ΡΕΝ∆ΕΡΕ∆ ΟΝ 001.13.512.500.41 100.00 Τοταλ : 100.00 4118993/19/2012 003237 ΧΑΝΝΟΝ, ΓΑΙΛ030512ΠΧ ΡΕΦΡΕΣΗΜΕΝΤΣ ΦΟΡ ϑΥΡΟΡΣ 3/5/12 001.13.512.500.31 16.14 Τοταλ : 16.14 4119003/19/2012 004902 ΧΑΡΘΥΕΣΤ ΟΦ ΑΥΒΥΡΝ #37364754−235145 ΑΦΤΕΡΜΑΡΚΕΤ ΑΥΤΟΜΟΤΙςΕ ΠΑΡΤΣ ΦΡΟΜ 550.00.548.680.35 275.90 ΑΦΤΕΡΜΑΡΚΕΤ ΑΥΤΟΜΟΤΙςΕ ΠΑΡΤΣ ΦΡΟΜ 550.00.548.100.31 62.42 4754−235268 ΑΦΤΕΡΜΑΡΚΕΤ ΑΥΤΟΜΟΤΙςΕ ΠΑΡΤΣ ΦΡΟΜ 550.141.100 245.26 ΑΦΤΕΡΜΑΡΚΕΤ ΑΥΤΟΜΟΤΙςΕ ΠΑΡΤΣ ΦΡΟΜ 550.00.548.100.31 37.23 4754−235284 15Παγε: CA.B 03/14/2012 ςουχηερ Λιστ Χιτψ οφ Αυβυρν 16 3:33:58ΠΜ Παγε:ϖχηλιστ Βανκ χοδε :000 ςουχηερ ∆ατε ςενδορ Ινϖοιχε ∆εσχριπτιον/Αχχουντ Αµουντ 4119003/19/2012 (Χοντινυεδ)004902 ΧΑΡΘΥΕΣΤ ΟΦ ΑΥΒΥΡΝ #3736 ΑΦΤΕΡΜΑΡΚΕΤ ΑΥΤΟΜΟΤΙςΕ ΠΑΡΤΣ ΦΡΟΜ 550.00.548.100.31 −41.61 4754−235300 ΑΦΤΕΡΜΑΡΚΕΤ ΑΥΤΟΜΟΤΙςΕ ΠΑΡΤΣ ΦΡΟΜ 550.00.548.100.31 −93.08 4754−235410 ΑΦΤΕΡΜΑΡΚΕΤ ΑΥΤΟΜΟΤΙςΕ ΠΑΡΤΣ ΦΡΟΜ 550.00.548.680.35 117.26 ΑΦΤΕΡΜΑΡΚΕΤ ΑΥΤΟΜΟΤΙςΕ ΠΑΡΤΣ ΦΡΟΜ 550.00.548.100.31 18.62 4754−235761 ΑΦΤΕΡΜΑΡΚΕΤ ΑΥΤΟΜΟΤΙςΕ ΠΑΡΤΣ ΦΡΟΜ 550.00.548.680.35 12.08 4754−235762 ΑΦΤΕΡΜΑΡΚΕΤ ΑΥΤΟΜΟΤΙςΕ ΠΑΡΤΣ ΦΡΟΜ 550.141.100 245.26 ΑΦΤΕΡΜΑΡΚΕΤ ΑΥΤΟΜΟΤΙςΕ ΠΑΡΤΣ ΦΡΟΜ 550.00.548.100.31 37.23 4754−235770 ΑΦΤΕΡΜΑΡΚΕΤ ΑΥΤΟΜΟΤΙςΕ ΠΑΡΤΣ ΦΡΟΜ 550.00.548.680.35 94.26 ΑΦΤΕΡΜΑΡΚΕΤ ΑΥΤΟΜΟΤΙςΕ ΠΑΡΤΣ ΦΡΟΜ 550.00.548.100.31 18.62 4754−235834 ΑΦΤΕΡΜΑΡΚΕΤ ΑΥΤΟΜΟΤΙςΕ ΠΑΡΤΣ ΦΡΟΜ 550.141.100 245.26 ΑΦΤΕΡΜΑΡΚΕΤ ΑΥΤΟΜΟΤΙςΕ ΠΑΡΤΣ ΦΡΟΜ 550.00.548.100.31 37.23 4754−235862 ΑΦΤΕΡΜΑΡΚΕΤ ΑΥΤΟΜΟΤΙςΕ ΠΑΡΤΣ ΦΡΟΜ 550.00.548.100.31 −55.85 Τοταλ : 1,256.09 4119013/19/2012 020757 ΧΑΡΡΙΕΡ, ΓΛΕΝΝ Λ.ϑΥΡΨ ∆ΥΤΨ ΠΑΨΜΕΝΤ ΦΟΡ ϑΥΡΨ ∆ΥΤΨ 16Παγε: CA.B 03/14/2012 ςουχηερ Λιστ Χιτψ οφ Αυβυρν 17 3:33:58ΠΜ Παγε:ϖχηλιστ Βανκ χοδε :000 ςουχηερ ∆ατε ςενδορ Ινϖοιχε ∆εσχριπτιον/Αχχουντ Αµουντ 4119013/19/2012 (Χοντινυεδ)020757 ΧΑΡΡΙΕΡ, ΓΛΕΝΝ Λ. 001.13.512.500.49 33.32 Τοταλ : 33.32 4119023/19/2012 240360 ΧΑΣΧΑ∆Ε ΗΟΝΕΨΒΥΧΚΕΤΣ1−429663 ΜΑΡΧΗ 2012 ΣΕΡςΙΧΕ − Π∆ ΡΑΝΓΕ − 1−429663 001.21.521.200.49 134.50 Τοταλ : 134.50 4119033/19/2012 012029 ΧΑΣΧΑ∆ΙΑ ΙΝΤΕΡΝΑΤΙΟΝΑΛ ΛΛΧ92742 ΠΑΡΤΣ & ΡΕΠΑΙΡ ΣΕΡςΙΧΕΣ ΒΨ ΧΑΣΧΑ∆ΙΑ 550.00.548.680.48 2,012.86 Τοταλ : 2,012.86 4119043/19/2012 131540 ΧΑΣΗ & ΧΑΡΡΨ151622 ΓΡΟΧΕΡΙΕΣ ΑΝ∆ ΜΙΣΧ ΣΥΠΠΛΙΕΣ ΦΟΡ ΣΕΝΙΟΡ 001.33.574.210.31 650.61 154271 ΜΙΣΧ. ΓΡΟΧΕΡΙΕΣ ΑΝ∆ ΣΥΠΠΛΙΕΣ ΦΟΡ ΣΕΝΙΟΡ 001.33.574.210.31 32.42 ΓΡΟΧΕΡΙΕΣ ΑΝ∆ ΜΙΣΧ ΣΥΠΠΛΙΕΣ ΦΟΡ ΣΕΝΙΟΡ 001.33.574.210.31 132.72 154274 ΣΠΡΙΝΓ & ΣΥΜΜΕΡ ΧΟΦΦΕΕ ΑΝ∆ ΣΝΑΧΚΣ 437.00.576.680.34 148.18 Τοταλ : 963.93 4119053/19/2012 131620 ΧΑΣΣΕΛΜΑΝ, ∆ΟΝΑΛ∆ΜΕ∆ΙΧΑΡΕ/ΛΕΟΦΦ ΛΕΟΦΦ 1 ΜΕ∆ΙΧΑΡΕ ΠΑΡΤ Β ΡΕΙΜΒΥΡΣΕΜΕΝΤ 001.98.522.210.25 1,158.00 Τοταλ : 1,158.00 4119063/19/2012 001022 Χ∆Ω−ΓΟςΕΡΝΜΕΝΤ, ΙΝΧ.Φ348193 2 χαβλεσ φορ σερϖερσ − ∆Β9 4 φοοτ χαβλεσ 518.00.518.880.31 45.76 Σαλεσ Ταξ 518.00.518.880.31 4.34 17Παγε: CA.B 03/14/2012 ςουχηερ Λιστ Χιτψ οφ Αυβυρν 18 3:33:58ΠΜ Παγε:ϖχηλιστ Βανκ χοδε :000 ςουχηερ ∆ατε ςενδορ Ινϖοιχε ∆εσχριπτιον/Αχχουντ Αµουντ (Χοντινυεδ)Τοταλ : 50.10 4119063/19/2012001022001022 Χ∆Ω−ΓΟςΕΡΝΜΕΝΤ, ΙΝΧ. 4119073/19/2012 018757 ΧΕΝΤΥΡΙΑΝ ΠΡΟΠΕΡΤΨ067459 ΥΤΙΛΙΤΨ ΡΕΦΥΝ∆ − 1930 ΕΛΜ ΣΤ ΣΕ 430.233.100 41.25 Τοταλ : 41.25 4119083/19/2012 370420 ΧΕΝΤΥΡΨΛΙΝΚ70155997 ΣΥΠΠΟΡΤ ΦΟΡ ΝΟΡΤΕΛ ΠΗΟΝΕ ΣΨΣΤΕΜ∼ 518.00.518.880.48 450.00 Σαλεσ Ταξ 518.00.518.880.48 42.75 Τοταλ : 492.75 4119093/19/2012 370450 ΧΕΝΤΥΡΨΛΙΝΚ031912ΠΗΟΝΕΣ ΜΑΡΧΗ ΠΗΟΝΕ ΧΗΑΡΓΕΣ 518.00.518.880.42 2,829.59 ΜΑΡΧΗ ΠΗΟΝΕ ΧΗΑΡΓΕΣ 431.00.535.800.42 217.61 ΜΑΡΧΗ ΠΗΟΝΕ ΧΗΑΡΓΕΣ 430.00.534.800.42 141.07 ΜΑΡΧΗ ΠΗΟΝΕ ΧΗΑΡΓΕΣ 432.00.535.900.42 57.46 Τοταλ : 3,245.73 4119103/19/2012 132310 ΧΗ2Μ ΗΙΛΛ 3821935 Μ Στρεετ Γραδε Σεπαρατιον (Υνδερπασσ) 102.00.594.420.65 39,914.35 Τοταλ : 39,914.35 4119113/19/2012 003898 ΧΗΑΝΓ, ϑΕΝΝΨ021312ΙΝς ΧΟΥΡΤ ΙΝΤΕΡΠΡΕΤΙΝΓ ΣΕΡςΙΧΕΣ ΡΕΝ∆ΕΡΕ∆ ΟΝ 001.13.512.500.41 80.00 022712ΙΝς ΧΟΥΡΤ ΙΝΤΕΡΠΡΕΤΙΝΓ ΣΕΡςΙΧΕΣ ΡΕΝ∆ΕΡΕ∆ ΟΝ 001.13.512.500.41 80.00 18Παγε: CA.B 03/14/2012 ςουχηερ Λιστ Χιτψ οφ Αυβυρν 19 3:33:58ΠΜ Παγε:ϖχηλιστ Βανκ χοδε :000 ςουχηερ ∆ατε ςενδορ Ινϖοιχε ∆εσχριπτιον/Αχχουντ Αµουντ (Χοντινυεδ)Τοταλ : 160.00 4119113/19/2012003898003898 ΧΗΑΝΓ, ϑΕΝΝΨ 4119123/19/2012 020758 ΧΗΕςΑΛΙΕΡ, Κ. ΗΑΡΟΛ∆ϑΥΡΨ ∆ΥΤΨ ΠΑΨΜΕΝΤ ΦΟΡ ϑΥΡΨ ∆ΥΤΨ 001.13.512.500.49 15.55 Τοταλ : 15.55 4119133/19/2012 132550 ΧΗΕςΡΟΝ Υ Σ Α ΙΝΧ.33524113 ΜΟΤΟΡΧΨΧΛΕ ΓΑΣ − 2/6−3/5/12 − 33524113 001.21.521.200.31 572.51 Τοταλ : 572.51 4119143/19/2012 020759 ΧΗΡΙΣΤΕΝΣΕΝ, ∆ΕΝΝΙΣ Λ.ϑΥΡΨ ∆ΥΤΨ ΠΑΨΜΕΝΤ ΦΟΡ ϑΥΡΨ ∆ΥΤΨ 001.13.512.500.49 11.11 Τοταλ : 11.11 4119153/19/2012 131890 ΧΗΣ − ΧΕΝΕΞ ΗΑΡςΕΣΤ ΣΤΑΤΕΣ ΙΝΧ125574 ΠΡΟΠΑΝΕ ΦΟΡ ΒΥΙΛ∆ΙΝΓ ΗΕΑΤ 437.00.576.600.32 530.60 Τοταλ : 530.60 4119163/19/2012 132940 ΧΙΝΤΑΣ ΧΟΡΠΟΡΑΤΙΟΝ #461461824596 ΥΝΙΦΟΡΜ ΛΑΥΝ∆ΡΨ ΣΕΡςΙΧΕ ΦΡΟΜ ΧΙΝΤΑΣ 550.00.548.100.49 115.76 461827794 ΥΝΙΦΟΡΜ ΛΑΥΝ∆ΡΨ ΣΕΡςΙΧΕ ΦΡΟΜ ΧΙΝΤΑΣ 550.00.548.100.49 115.76 Τοταλ : 231.52 4119173/19/2012 112130 ΧΙΤΨ ΟΦ ΑΛΓΟΝΑΦΕΒ2012 ΦΕΒ 2012 ΑΛΓΟΝΑ ΧΟΥΡΤ ΡΕςΕΝΥΕ 651.237.173 4,144.33 Τοταλ : 4,144.33 4119183/19/2012 115760 ΧΙΤΨ ΟΦ ΑΥΒΥΡΝΑΠΠΛΙΧΑΤΙΟΝ ΦΕΕ ΒΑΝΝΕΡ ΑΠΠΛΙΧΑΤΙΟΝ ΦΕΕ ΦΟΡ ΩΕ∆∆ΙΝΓ 19Παγε: CA.B 03/14/2012 ςουχηερ Λιστ Χιτψ οφ Αυβυρν 20 3:33:58ΠΜ Παγε:ϖχηλιστ Βανκ χοδε :000 ςουχηερ ∆ατε ςενδορ Ινϖοιχε ∆εσχριπτιον/Αχχουντ Αµουντ 4119183/19/2012 (Χοντινυεδ)115760 ΧΙΤΨ ΟΦ ΑΥΒΥΡΝ 104.00.557.300.41 30.00 Τοταλ : 30.00 4119193/19/2012 122820 ΧΙΤΨ ΟΦ ΒΟΝΝΕΨ ΛΑΚΕ, ΩΑ19942500000 ΠΥΜΠ ΣΤΑΤΙΟΝ ΑΤ ΚΕΡΣΕΨ ΩΑΨ − ΒΛΑΝΚΕΤ ΠΟ 430.00.534.800.47 32.00 19943720100 ΠΥΜΠ ΣΤΑΤΙΟΝ ΑΤ 7100 ΛΑΚΕ ΤΑΠΠΣ ∆Ρ ΣΕ − 431.00.535.800.47 21.60 19943910000 ΠΥΜΠ ΣΤΑΤΙΟΝ ΑΤ 2610 ΛΑΚΕ ΤΑΠΠΣ ΠΚΨ ΣΕ 431.00.535.800.47 21.60 Τοταλ : 75.20 4119203/19/2012 001627 ΧΙΤΨ ΟΦ ΦΕ∆ΕΡΑΛ ΩΑΨΠΣ−1048 ΠΑΨΜΕΝΤ ΟΝ ΒΕΗΑΛΦ ΟΦ ς−ΝΕΤ 652.00.521.211.51 2,523.00 ΠΑΨΜΕΝΤ ΟΝ ΒΕΗΑΛΦ ΟΦ ς−ΝΕΤ 652.00.521.214.51 1,795.36 ΠΑΨΜΕΝΤ ΟΝ ΒΕΗΑΛΦ ΟΦ ς−ΝΕΤ 652.00.521.215.51 270.99 Τοταλ : 4,589.35 4119213/19/2012 008837 ΧΙΤΨ ΟΦ ΚΕΝΤΡΙ23384 ΠΑΨΜΕΝΤ ΟΝ ΒΕΗΑΛΦ ΟΦ ς−ΝΕΤ 652.00.521.210.51 7,388.77 ΠΑΨΜΕΝΤ ΟΝ ΒΕΗΑΛΦ ΟΦ ς−ΝΕΤ 652.00.521.211.51 2,523.00 ΠΑΨΜΕΝΤ ΟΝ ΒΕΗΑΛΦ ΟΦ ς−ΝΕΤ 652.00.521.214.51 1,667.06 ΠΑΨΜΕΝΤ ΟΝ ΒΕΗΑΛΦ ΟΦ ς−ΝΕΤ 652.00.521.215.51 686.40 ΡΙ23385 ΠΑΨΜΕΝΤ ΟΝ ΒΕΗΑΛΦ ΟΦ ς−ΝΕΤ 652.00.521.211.31 200.39 20Παγε: CA.B 03/14/2012 ςουχηερ Λιστ Χιτψ οφ Αυβυρν 21 3:33:58ΠΜ Παγε:ϖχηλιστ Βανκ χοδε :000 ςουχηερ ∆ατε ςενδορ Ινϖοιχε ∆εσχριπτιον/Αχχουντ Αµουντ 4119213/19/2012 (Χοντινυεδ)008837 ΧΙΤΨ ΟΦ ΚΕΝΤ ΠΑΨΜΕΝΤ ΟΝ ΒΕΗΑΛΦ ΟΦ ς−ΝΕΤ 652.00.521.211.32 17.00 ΠΑΨΜΕΝΤ ΟΝ ΒΕΗΑΛΦ ΟΦ ς−ΝΕΤ 652.00.521.211.45 62.88 ΠΑΨΜΕΝΤ ΟΝ ΒΕΗΑΛΦ ΟΦ ς−ΝΕΤ 652.00.521.212.22 181.88 Τοταλ : 12,727.38 4119223/19/2012 008837 ΧΙΤΨ ΟΦ ΚΕΝΤ408−25602.01 ΩΑΤΕΡ ΣΕΡςΙΧΕ ΑΤ ςΕΡ∆ΑΝΝΑ ΣΕΩΕΡ ΠΥΜΠ 431.00.535.800.47 64.04 Τοταλ : 64.04 4119233/19/2012 271890 ΧΙΤΨ ΟΦ ΡΕΝΤΟΝΦΕΒ2012 ΠΑΨΜΕΝΤ ΟΝ ΒΕΗΑΛΦ ΟΦ ς−ΝΕΤ 652.00.521.211.51 2,523.00 ΠΑΨΜΕΝΤ ΟΝ ΒΕΗΑΛΦ ΟΦ ς−ΝΕΤ 652.00.521.214.51 1,794.04 ΠΑΨΜΕΝΤ ΟΝ ΒΕΗΑΛΦ ΟΦ ς−ΝΕΤ 652.00.521.215.51 659.04 Τοταλ : 4,976.08 4119243/19/2012 271890 ΧΙΤΨ ΟΦ ΡΕΝΤΟΝ022412ΙΝς ΤΙΧΚΕΤΣ ΤΟ ∀ΒΕΑΥΤΨ ΑΝ∆ ΤΗΕ ΒΕΑΣΤ∀ 001.33.574.210.49 418.00 Τοταλ : 418.00 4119253/19/2012 281810 ΧΙΤΨ ΟΦ ΣΕΑΤΤΛΕ ΠΟΛΙΧΕ ∆ΕΠΤΠ1104443 ΠΑΨΜΕΝΤ ΟΝ ΒΕΗΑΛΦ ΟΦ ς−ΝΕΤ 652.00.521.211.51 2,523.00 ΠΑΨΜΕΝΤ ΟΝ ΒΕΗΑΛΦ ΟΦ ς−ΝΕΤ 652.00.521.214.51 745.14 Τοταλ : 3,268.14 4119263/19/2012 292970 ΧΙΤΨ ΟΦ ΤΥΚΩΙΛΑΦΕΒ2012 21Παγε: CA.B 03/14/2012 ςουχηερ Λιστ Χιτψ οφ Αυβυρν 22 3:33:58ΠΜ Παγε:ϖχηλιστ Βανκ χοδε :000 ςουχηερ ∆ατε ςενδορ Ινϖοιχε ∆εσχριπτιον/Αχχουντ Αµουντ 4119263/19/2012 (Χοντινυεδ)292970 ΧΙΤΨ ΟΦ ΤΥΚΩΙΛΑ ΠΑΨΜΕΝΤ ΟΝ ΒΕΗΑΛΦ ΟΦ ς−ΝΕΤ 652.00.521.211.51 2,523.00 ΠΑΨΜΕΝΤ ΟΝ ΒΕΗΑΛΦ ΟΦ ς−ΝΕΤ 652.00.521.214.51 1,382.60 ΠΑΨΜΕΝΤ ΟΝ ΒΕΗΑΛΦ ΟΦ ς−ΝΕΤ 652.00.521.215.51 236.06 ϑΑΝ2012 ΠΑΨΜΕΝΤ ΟΝ ΒΕΗΑΛΦ ΟΦ ς−ΝΕΤ 652.00.521.211.51 2,523.00 ΠΑΨΜΕΝΤ ΟΝ ΒΕΗΑΛΦ ΟΦ ς−ΝΕΤ 652.00.521.214.51 363.00 Τοταλ : 7,027.66 4119273/19/2012 009720 ΧΟΑΣΤΩΙ∆Ε ΛΑΒΟΡΑΤΟΡΙΕΣΧΤ2395770 ΒΛΑΝΚΕΤ ΠΥΡΧΗΑΣΕ ΟΡ∆ΕΡ ΦΟΡ ϑΑΝΙΤΟΡΙΑΛ 505.00.524.500.31 −112.88 Τ2404775 ΒΛΑΝΚΕΤ ΠΥΡΧΗΑΣΕ ΟΡ∆ΕΡ ΦΟΡ ϑΑΝΙΤΟΡΙΑΛ 505.00.524.500.31 760.82 Τ2404775 ΒΛΑΝΚΕΤ ΠΥΡΧΗΑΣΕ ΟΡ∆ΕΡ ΦΟΡ ϑΑΝΙΤΟΡΙΑΛ 505.00.524.500.31 760.82 Τ2404775−1 ΒΛΑΝΚΕΤ ΠΥΡΧΗΑΣΕ ΟΡ∆ΕΡ ΦΟΡ ϑΑΝΙΤΟΡΙΑΛ 505.00.524.500.31 108.81 Τ2405677 ΒΛΑΝΚΕΤ ΠΥΡΧΗΑΣΕ ΟΡ∆ΕΡ ΦΟΡ ϑΑΝΙΤΟΡΙΑΛ 505.00.524.500.31 97.43 Τ2405854 ΒΛΑΝΚΕΤ ΠΥΡΧΗΑΣΕ ΟΡ∆ΕΡ ΦΟΡ ϑΑΝΙΤΟΡΙΑΛ 505.00.524.500.31 755.94 Τ2407216 ΒΛΑΝΚΕΤ ΠΥΡΧΗΑΣΕ ΟΡ∆ΕΡ ΦΟΡ ϑΑΝΙΤΟΡΙΑΛ 505.00.524.500.31 13.50 22Παγε: CA.B 03/14/2012 ςουχηερ Λιστ Χιτψ οφ Αυβυρν 23 3:33:58ΠΜ Παγε:ϖχηλιστ Βανκ χοδε :000 ςουχηερ ∆ατε ςενδορ Ινϖοιχε ∆εσχριπτιον/Αχχουντ Αµουντ (Χοντινυεδ)Τοταλ : 2,384.44 4119273/19/2012009720009720 ΧΟΑΣΤΩΙ∆Ε ΛΑΒΟΡΑΤΟΡΙΕΣ 4119283/19/2012 133690 ΧΟΛΥΜΒΙΑ ΒΑΣΙΝ ΩΑΤΕΡ ΩΟΡΚΣ ΙΝΧ413 ΛΑΡΓΕ ΜΕΤΕΡ ΑΝ∆ ΗΨ∆ΡΑΝΤ ΤΕΣΤΙΝΓ ΒΨ 430.00.534.800.48 5,140.90 414 ΛΑΡΓΕ ΜΕΤΕΡ ΑΝ∆ ΗΨ∆ΡΑΝΤ ΤΕΣΤΙΝΓ ΒΨ 430.00.534.800.48 4,473.35 Τοταλ : 9,614.25 4119293/19/2012 007461 ΧΟΜΧΑΣΤ 8498340010343400 ΒΛΑΝΚΕΤ ΠΥΡΧΗΑΣΕ ΟΡ∆ΕΡ∼ 001.32.532.200.42 85.43 8498340390236919 Λινκ το Συνσετ Παρκ χαµερα µοντηλψ 518.00.518.880.42 86.90 Τοταλ : 172.33 4119303/19/2012 005718 ΧΟΜΜΥΝΙΤΙΕΣ ΙΝ ΣΧΗΟΟΛ2Ν∆ΗΑΛΦ2011−ΓΦ1116 Ηυµαν Σερϖιχε φυνδινγ φορ ΧΙΣ, 001.17.562.100.41 2,500.00 Τοταλ : 2,500.00 4119313/19/2012 008838 ΧΟΜΠΛΕΤΕ ΟΦΦΙΧΕ ΣΟΛΥΤΙΟΝΣ795916−0 ΠΑΨΜΕΝΤ ΟΝ ΒΕΗΑΛΦ ΟΦ ς−ΝΕΤ 652.00.521.211.31 202.01 Τοταλ : 202.01 4119323/19/2012 112280 ΧΟΝΣΟΛΙ∆ΑΤΕ∆ ΕΛΕΧΤΡΙΧΑΛ ∆ΙΣΤ0220−549302 ΕΛΕΧΤΡΙΧΑΛ ΠΑΡΤΣ ΑΝ∆ ΣΥΠΠΛΙΕΣ ΦΡΟΜ 001.42.542.300.35 162.61 0220−549751 ΕΛΕΧΤΡΙΧΑΛ ΠΑΡΤΣ ΑΝ∆ ΣΥΠΠΛΙΕΣ ΦΡΟΜ 550.00.548.150.35 138.36 Τοταλ : 300.97 4119333/19/2012 014391 ΧΟΠΠΕΡ ΦΑΛΛΣ ΡΕΣΤΑΥΡΑΝΤ022512ΙΝς 23Παγε: CA.B 03/14/2012 ςουχηερ Λιστ Χιτψ οφ Αυβυρν 24 3:33:58ΠΜ Παγε:ϖχηλιστ Βανκ χοδε :000 ςουχηερ ∆ατε ςενδορ Ινϖοιχε ∆εσχριπτιον/Αχχουντ Αµουντ 4119333/19/2012 (Χοντινυεδ)014391 ΧΟΠΠΕΡ ΦΑΛΛΣ ΡΕΣΤΑΥΡΑΝΤ ΦΟΟ∆ ΦΟΡ 2/25 ΓΟΛΦ ΤΟΥΡΝΑΜΕΝΤ 651.237.142 1,007.73 Τοταλ : 1,007.73 4119343/19/2012 020760 ΧΟΡΡΑ∆Ι, ΧΗΡΙΣΤΟΠΗΕΡ Α.ϑΥΡΨ ∆ΥΤΨ ΠΑΨΜΕΝΤ ΦΟΡ ϑΥΡΨ ∆ΥΤΨ 001.13.512.500.49 11.11 Τοταλ : 11.11 4119353/19/2012 017753 ΧΡΕΑΤΙςΕ ΟΦΦΙΧΕ12−10152 Παψµεντ ον Ινϖοιχε 12−10152 φορ παπερ 001.32.532.200.31 244.93 Τοταλ : 244.93 4119363/19/2012 015831 ΧΡΕΑΤΙςΕ ΠΡΟ∆ΥΧΤ ΣΟΥΡΧΙΝΓ ΙΝΧ43937 ΤΕΡΜΙΝΑΛ ΠΑΡΚ ∆ΑΡΕ ΣΗΙΡΤΣ∼ 001.21.521.230.31 1,107.17 ΥΣΕ ΤΑΞ 001.21.521.230.31 105.18 ΥΣΕ ΤΑΞ 001.237.200 −105.18 Τοταλ : 1,107.17 4119373/19/2012 009272 ΧΣΓ ΣΨΣΤΕΜΣ, ΙΝΧ.77845 Υτιλιτψ Στατεµεντσ Πριντ, Φολδ & Μαιλ − 430.00.534.110.41 710.66 Υτιλιτψ Στατεµεντσ Πριντ, Φολδ & Μαιλ − 431.00.535.110.41 710.66 Υτιλιτψ Στατεµεντσ Πριντ, Φολδ & Μαιλ − 432.00.535.910.41 710.66 Υτιλιτψ Στατεµεντσ Πριντ, Φολδ & Μαιλ − 434.00.537.110.41 710.66 Ποσταγε φορ Υτιλιτψ Στατεµεντ µαιλινγσ 430.00.534.110.42 1,399.50 Ποσταγε φορ Υτιλιτψ Στατεµεντ µαιλινγσ 24Παγε: CA.B 03/14/2012 ςουχηερ Λιστ Χιτψ οφ Αυβυρν 25 3:33:58ΠΜ Παγε:ϖχηλιστ Βανκ χοδε :000 ςουχηερ ∆ατε ςενδορ Ινϖοιχε ∆εσχριπτιον/Αχχουντ Αµουντ 4119373/19/2012 (Χοντινυεδ)009272 ΧΣΓ ΣΨΣΤΕΜΣ, ΙΝΧ. 431.00.535.110.42 1,399.50 Ποσταγε φορ Υτιλιτψ Στατεµεντ µαιλινγσ 432.00.535.910.42 1,399.50 Ποσταγε φορ Υτιλιτψ Στατεµεντ µαιλινγσ 434.00.537.110.42 1,399.51 Τοταλ : 8,440.65 4119383/19/2012 001299 ΧΨΧΛΕ ΓΕΑΡ, ΙΝΧ0000074−ΙΝ ΣΥΝΓΛΑΣΣΕΣ − ΒΨΕΡΣ − 0000074−ΙΝ 001.21.521.200.22 24.63 0194708−ΙΝ ΓΛΟςΕΣ − ΜΟΤΟΡΣ − 0194708−ΙΝ 001.21.521.200.22 39.41 Τοταλ : 64.04 4119393/19/2012 019942 ∆.Ρ. ΗΟΡΤΟΝΡΕΦΥΝ∆ ΦΑΧ06−0025 ςΙΝΤΑΓΕ ΠΛΑΧΕ ΧΑΣΗ ∆ΕΠΟΣΙΤ 001.343.250 7,500.00 Τοταλ : 7,500.00 4119403/19/2012 019942 ∆.Ρ. ΗΟΡΤΟΝ, ΙΝΧΡΕΦΥΝ∆ ΟςΕΡΠΑΨΜΕΝΤ ΟΝ ΠΕΡΜΙΤ ΒΛ∆12−0026 001.239.104 165.00 Τοταλ : 165.00 4119413/19/2012 140330 ∆ΑΙΛΨ ϑΟΥΡΝΑΛ ΟΦ ΧΟΜΜΕΡΧΕ3258429 ΛΕΓΑΛ Α∆ ΦΟΡ ΥΤΛΙΤΨ ΜΕΤΕΡ ΑΝ∆ ΡΕΑ∆ΙΝΓ 430.00.534.100.41 825.10 Τοταλ : 825.10 4119423/19/2012 007919 ∆ΑΝΙΕΛΙ, ΑΝΝ Ε.022312ΙΝς ΠΡΟ−ΤΕΜ ΣΕΡςΙΧΕΣ ΡΕΝ∆ΕΡΕ∆ ΟΝ 2/23/12. 001.13.512.500.41 400.00 Τοταλ : 400.00 4119433/19/2012 140510 ∆ΑΡΟΥΓΗ, ∆ΟΡΙΣ ΓΛΟΝΓΤΕΡΜΧΑΡΕ/ΛΕΟΦΦ 25Παγε: CA.B 03/14/2012 ςουχηερ Λιστ Χιτψ οφ Αυβυρν 26 3:33:58ΠΜ Παγε:ϖχηλιστ Βανκ χοδε :000 ςουχηερ ∆ατε ςενδορ Ινϖοιχε ∆εσχριπτιον/Αχχουντ Αµουντ 4119433/19/2012 (Χοντινυεδ)140510 ∆ΑΡΟΥΓΗ, ∆ΟΡΙΣ Γ ΛΕΟΦΦ 1 ΛΟΝΓ ΤΕΡΜ ΧΑΡΕ ΦΟΡ ΜΟΝΤΗ ΟΦ 001.98.517.210.25 3,064.97 Τοταλ : 3,064.97 4119443/19/2012 020761 ∆ΕςΡΙΕΣ, ∆ΑΛΕ Α.ϑΥΡΨ ∆ΥΤΨ ΠΑΨΜΕΝΤ ΦΟΡ ϑΥΡΨ ∆ΥΤΨ 001.13.512.500.49 15.55 Τοταλ : 15.55 4119453/19/2012 018267 ∆ΙΡΕΧΤ ΜΑΤΤΕΡΣ ΛΛΧ51678 Πριντινγ Σερϖιχεσ φορ Χιτψ οφ Αυβυρν 518.00.518.780.41 846.08 Τοταλ : 846.08 4119463/19/2012 142010 ∆ΜΧΜΑ ΤΡΕΑΣΥΡΕΡΑΜΕΣ/ΡΕΓ ∆ΙΣΤΡΙΧΤ & ΜΥΝΙΧΙΠΑΛ ΧΟΥΡΤ ΜΑΝΑΓΕΜΕΝΤ 001.13.512.500.49 40.00 ΒΡΙΣΧΟΕ/ΡΕΓ ∆ΙΣΤΡΙΧΤ & ΜΥΝΙΧΙΠΑΛ ΧΟΥΡΤ ΜΑΝΑΓΕΜΕΝΤ 001.13.512.500.49 40.00 ΧΑΝΝΟΝ/ΡΕΓ ∆ΙΣΤΡΙΧΤ & ΜΥΝΙΧΙΠΑΛ ΧΟΥΡΤ ΜΑΝΑΓΕΜΕΝΤ 001.13.512.500.49 150.00 ΧΑΡΟΝ/ΡΕΓ ∆ΙΣΤΡΙΧΤ & ΜΥΝΙΧΙΠΑΛ ΧΟΥΡΤ ΜΑΝΑΓΕΜΕΝΤ 001.13.512.500.49 40.00 ∆ΑΝΙΕΛΣ/ΡΕΓ ∆ΙΣΤΡΙΧΤ & ΜΥΝΙΧΙΠΑΛ ΧΟΥΡΤ ΜΑΝΑΓΕΜΕΝΤ 001.13.512.500.49 40.00 ∆ΜΧΜΑ/2012ΡΕΓ 2012 ∆ΜΧΜΑ ΣΠΡΙΝΓ ΡΕΓΙΣΤΡΑΤΙΟΝ ΦΟΡΜ ΦΟΡ 001.13.512.500.49 200.00 ∆ΟΑΚ/ΡΕΓ ∆ΙΣΤΡΙΧΤ & ΜΥΝΙΧΙΠΑΛ ΧΟΥΡΤ ΜΑΝΑΓΕΜΕΝΤ 001.13.512.500.49 40.00 26Παγε: CA.B 03/14/2012 ςουχηερ Λιστ Χιτψ οφ Αυβυρν 27 3:33:58ΠΜ Παγε:ϖχηλιστ Βανκ χοδε :000 ςουχηερ ∆ατε ςενδορ Ινϖοιχε ∆εσχριπτιον/Αχχουντ Αµουντ 4119463/19/2012 (Χοντινυεδ)142010 ∆ΜΧΜΑ ΤΡΕΑΣΥΡΕΡ ΦΑΨ/ΡΕΓ ∆ΙΣΤΡΙΧΤ & ΜΥΝΙΧΙΠΑΛ ΧΟΥΡΤ ΜΑΝΑΓΕΜΕΝΤ 001.13.512.500.49 40.00 ΗΑΜΜΟΝ∆/ΡΕΓ ∆ΙΣΤΡΙΧΤ & ΜΥΝΙΧΙΠΑΛ ΧΟΥΡΤ ΜΑΝΑΓΕΜΕΝΤ 001.13.512.500.49 40.00 ΛΕΝΕΑΡ/ΡΕΓ ∆ΙΣΤΡΙΧΤ & ΜΥΝΙΧΙΠΑΛ ΧΟΥΡΤ ΜΑΝΑΓΕΜΕΝΤ 001.13.512.500.49 40.00 ΠΕΡΡΨ/ΡΕΓ ∆ΙΣΤΡΙΧΤ & ΜΥΝΙΧΙΠΑΛ ΧΟΥΡΤ ΜΑΝΑΓΕΜΕΝΤ 001.13.512.500.49 40.00 Τοταλ : 710.00 4119473/19/2012 010017 ∆ΟΛΛΑΩΑΨ ∆ΙΣΤΡΙΒΥΤΙΝΓ4033 55 γαλλον φλεετ χαρ ωαση σοαπ 550.00.548.100.31 395.50 φρειγητ 550.00.548.100.31 20.00 Σαλεσ Ταξ 550.00.548.100.31 37.57 Τοταλ : 453.07 4119483/19/2012 142280 ∆ΟΝ ΣΜΑΛΛ & ΣΟΝΣ ΟΙΛ ∆ΙΣΤ ΧΟ504090 Γαλ 87 οχτανε ρεγυλαρ υνλεαδεδ γασολινε 550.141.100 38,268.40 Σαλεσ Ταξ 550.141.100 4,663.12 504091 Γαλ ∆ΣΛ−ΥΛΣ−15∆ δψεδ διεσελ φυελ 550.141.100 17,995.00 Σαλεσ Ταξ 550.141.100 1,867.44 ΑΠΡ2012 2012 ΛΕΑΣΕ ΟΦ ΠΑΡΚΙΝΓ ΛΟΤ ϑΑΝ−∆ΕΧ ≅ 27Παγε: CA.B 03/14/2012 ςουχηερ Λιστ Χιτψ οφ Αυβυρν 28 3:33:58ΠΜ Παγε:ϖχηλιστ Βανκ χοδε :000 ςουχηερ ∆ατε ςενδορ Ινϖοιχε ∆εσχριπτιον/Αχχουντ Αµουντ 4119483/19/2012 (Χοντινυεδ)142280 ∆ΟΝ ΣΜΑΛΛ & ΣΟΝΣ ΟΙΛ ∆ΙΣΤ ΧΟ 505.00.524.500.45 1,300.00 Τοταλ : 64,093.96 4119493/19/2012 142335 ∆ΟΟΛΙΤΤΛΕ ΧΟΝΣΤΡΥΧΤΙΟΝ ΛΛΧΡΕΤΑΙΝΑΓΕ ΠΡΟϑΕΧΤ ΧΠ1117, ΧΟΝΤΡΑΧΤ 11−19 105.223.400 6,648.08 Τοταλ : 6,648.08 4119503/19/2012 005253 ∆ΟΥΓΛΑΣ, ΠΑΤΡΙΧΚ0216ΡΕΙΜ ΦΛΑΡΕΣ − ΝΕΩ ΣΤΨΛΕ − 120214−1 001.21.521.200.35 110.00 ΥΣΕ ΤΑΞ 001.21.521.200.35 10.45 ΥΣΕ ΤΑΞ 001.237.200 −10.45 Τοταλ : 110.00 4119513/19/2012 160560 ∆ΡΕΑΜΤΙΜΕ ΓΡΑΠΗΙΧ ∆ΕΣΙΓΝ692 ∆εσιγν & Προδυχτιον οφ Αυβυρν Σενιορ 518.00.518.780.41 1,800.00 693 ∆εσιγν & Προδυχτιον οφ Αυβυρν 518.00.518.780.41 2,400.00 Τοταλ : 4,200.00 4119523/19/2012 142920 ∆ΥΧΗΕΣΣ ΧΟΝΣΤΡΥΧΤΙΟΝ, ΙΝΧ8159Η ΡΕΠΑΙΡ ΛΙΓΗΤ ΟΥΤΑΓΕ ΑΤ ΦΥΛΛΕΡ ΦΙΕΛ∆ 001.33.576.100.48 3,223.36 Τοταλ : 3,223.36 4119533/19/2012 003968 ∆ΥΝΒΑΡ ΑΡΜΟΡΕ∆ ΙΝΧ3035009 ΜΑΡ ΑΡΜΟΡΕ∆ ΧΑΡ ΣΕΡς−ΠΑΡΚΣ & ΧΟΥΡΤ 001.13.512.500.41 629.48 3035010 ΜΑΡ ΑΡΜΟΡΕ∆ ΧΑΡ ΣΕΡς−ΠΑΡΚΣ & ΧΟΥΡΤ 001.33.574.100.41 464.09 28Παγε: CA.B 03/14/2012 ςουχηερ Λιστ Χιτψ οφ Αυβυρν 29 3:33:58ΠΜ Παγε:ϖχηλιστ Βανκ χοδε :000 ςουχηερ ∆ατε ςενδορ Ινϖοιχε ∆εσχριπτιον/Αχχουντ Αµουντ (Χοντινυεδ)Τοταλ : 1,093.57 4119533/19/2012003968003968 ∆ΥΝΒΑΡ ΑΡΜΟΡΕ∆ ΙΝΧ 4119543/19/2012 020747 ΕΑΓΛΕ ΧΡΕΕΚ ΛΑΝ∆ ∆Ες ΛΛΧΡΕΦΥΝ∆ ∆ΕΠΟΣΙΤ − ΚΧΠ10−0003 ϑΟΗΑΝΣΕΝ ΠΛΑΤ 001.343.250 7,500.00 Τοταλ : 7,500.00 4119553/19/2012 150150 ΕΑΓΛΕ ΟΝΕ ΓΟΛΦ ΠΡΟ∆ΥΧΤΣ, ΙΝΧ264120 ΓΟΛΦ ΑΧΧΕΣΣΟΡΙΕΣ, ΧΥΠΣ, ΠΙΝΣ 437.00.576.600.31 29.18 888928 ΓΟΛΦ ΑΧΧΕΣΣΟΡΙΕΣ, ΧΥΠΣ, ΠΙΝΣ 437.00.576.600.31 19.27 Τοταλ : 48.45 4119563/19/2012 019309 ΕΧΛΙΠΣΕ ΠΡΟΧΕΣΣ ΣΕΡςΙΧΕ, ΛΛΧ104475 Εχλιπσε Προχεσσ Σερϖιχε∼ 001.356.903 97.35 104487 Εχλιπσε Προχεσσ Σερϖιχε∼ 001.356.903 68.85 Τοταλ : 166.20 4119573/19/2012 008859 Ε∆ΩΑΡ∆Σ, ΝΟΛΑΝ∆9989818 ΧΟΥΡΤ ΙΝΤΕΡΠΡΕΤΙΝΓ ΣΕΡςΙΧΕΣ ΡΕΝ∆ΕΡΕ∆ ΟΝ 001.13.512.500.41 100.00 9989820 ΧΟΥΡΤ ΙΝΤΕΡΠΡΕΤΙΝΓ ΣΕΡςΙΧΕΣ ΡΕΝ∆ΕΡΕ∆ ΟΝ 001.13.512.500.41 100.00 Τοταλ : 200.00 4119583/19/2012 000677 ΕΦΦΙΧΙΕΝΧΨ, ΙΝΧ822 Ρεπλαχεµεντ ΦΤΡ Υνιτσ φορ Χουρτροοµσ∼ 518.00.518.880.64 13,990.00 2 Αννυαλ συππορτ αγρεεµεντσ φορ τηε ΦΤΡ 518.00.518.880.64 2,098.00 Τραινινγ ανδ Ινσταλλατιον οφ ΦΤΡ δεχκσ. 29Παγε: CA.B 03/14/2012 ςουχηερ Λιστ Χιτψ οφ Αυβυρν 30 3:33:58ΠΜ Παγε:ϖχηλιστ Βανκ χοδε :000 ςουχηερ ∆ατε ςενδορ Ινϖοιχε ∆εσχριπτιον/Αχχουντ Αµουντ 4119583/19/2012 (Χοντινυεδ)000677 ΕΦΦΙΧΙΕΝΧΨ, ΙΝΧ 518.00.518.880.64 500.00 Τραδε− Ιν φορ ΦΤΡ Ρεπορτερ δεχκ 518.00.518.880.64 −800.00 ΦΤΡ Λογ Νοτεσ Υπγραδεσ φορ ∆εσκ ΠΧσ 518.00.518.880.64 195.00 Σαλεσ Ταξ 518.00.518.880.64 1,518.39 Τοταλ : 17,501.39 4119593/19/2012 015957 ΕΜΜΕΡΤ, ΚΑΤΗΨ030712ΠΧ ΠΑΡΚΙΝΓ − ΣΕΑΤΤΛΕ − ΚΑΡΝΟΦΣΚΙ 001.21.521.100.49 12.00 ΠΑΡΚΙΝΓ − ΤΥΣΧΟΝ ΥΠ∆ΑΤΕ − ΗΙΡΜΑΝ 001.21.521.100.49 15.00 ΦΙΡΣΤ ΑΙ∆ ΣΥΠΠΛΙΕΣ − ΕΜΜΕΡΤ 001.21.521.100.31 10.03 ΚΧ ΧΗΙΕΦΣ ΑΣΣΝ ∆ΥΕΣ − ΛΕΕ 001.21.521.100.49 20.00 ΠΑΡΚΙΝΓ − ΧΟΥΡΤ − ∆ΟΛΛ 001.21.521.210.49 6.00 ΠΑΡΚΙΝΓ − ΣΕΑΤΤΛΕ − ΚΑΡΝΟΦΣΚΙ 001.21.521.100.49 15.00 ΩΕΑΠΟΝ ΡΕΠΑΙΡ ΠΑΡΤΣ − ΤΗΟΡΝΤΟΝ 001.21.521.200.48 16.45 ΡΕΤΙΡΕΜΕΝΤ ΧΑΚΕ (ϑΟΡ∆ΑΝ) − ΕΜΜΕΡΤ 001.21.521.100.31 35.98 ΧΙΤΙΖΕΝ∋Σ ΑΧΑ∆ΕΜΨ ΣΥΠΠΛΙΕΣ − ∆ΕΛΦΕΛ∆ 001.21.521.230.31 16.98 ΥΣΕ ΤΑΞ 001.21.521.200.48 1.56 ΥΣΕ ΤΑΞ 001.237.200 −1.56 ΓΑΣ/ΡΑΝΓΕ − Π ∆ΟΥΓΛΑΣ 001.21.521.200.31 18.33 30Παγε: CA.B 03/14/2012 ςουχηερ Λιστ Χιτψ οφ Αυβυρν 31 3:33:58ΠΜ Παγε:ϖχηλιστ Βανκ χοδε :000 ςουχηερ ∆ατε ςενδορ Ινϖοιχε ∆εσχριπτιον/Αχχουντ Αµουντ (Χοντινυεδ)Τοταλ : 165.77 4119593/19/2012015957015957 ΕΜΜΕΡΤ, ΚΑΤΗΨ 4119603/19/2012 019412 ΕΝΤΕΡΠΡΙΣΕ ΗΟΛ∆ΙΝΓΣ ΙΝΧ602274 ΛΕΑΣΕ ΟΦ 3 ΥΝ∆ΕΡΧΟςΕΡ ςΕΗΙΧΛΕΣ ΦΡΟΜ 550.00.548.680.45 696.42 602641 ΛΕΑΣΕ ΟΦ 3 ΥΝ∆ΕΡΧΟςΕΡ ςΕΗΙΧΛΕΣ ΦΡΟΜ 550.00.548.680.45 696.42 602796 ΛΕΑΣΕ ΟΦ 3 ΥΝ∆ΕΡΧΟςΕΡ ςΕΗΙΧΛΕΣ ΦΡΟΜ 550.00.548.680.45 696.42 603409 ΛΕΑΣΕ ΟΦ 3 ΥΝ∆ΕΡΧΟςΕΡ ςΕΗΙΧΛΕΣ ΦΡΟΜ 550.00.548.680.45 696.42 ∆601581 ΛΕΑΣΕ ΟΦ 3 ΥΝ∆ΕΡΧΟςΕΡ ςΕΗΙΧΛΕΣ ΦΡΟΜ 550.00.548.680.45 696.42 ∆602273 ΛΕΑΣΕ ΟΦ 3 ΥΝ∆ΕΡΧΟςΕΡ ςΕΗΙΧΛΕΣ ΦΡΟΜ 550.00.548.680.45 676.90 Τοταλ : 4,159.00 4119613/19/2012 013660 ΕΞΤΕΝ∆ ΝΕΤΩΟΡΚΣ, ΙΝΧ12−8119316 Λιχενσινγ φορ ςιρτυαλ Σερϖερσ ςµωαρε 518.00.518.880.64 10,235.40 Μαιντ χοϖεαγε φορ ϖιρτυαλ σερϖερσ 518.00.518.880.64 7,332.00 Σαλεσ Ταξ 518.00.518.880.64 1,668.90 Τοταλ : 19,236.30 4119623/19/2012 020748 ΦΑΡΑΗ, ΕΛΗΑΜ Σ.011312ΙΝς ΣΟΜΑΛΙ ΤΡΑΝΣΛΑΤΙΟΝ 11−11587 001.21.521.210.41 220.00 Τοταλ : 220.00 31Παγε: CA.B 03/14/2012 ςουχηερ Λιστ Χιτψ οφ Αυβυρν 32 3:33:58ΠΜ Παγε:ϖχηλιστ Βανκ χοδε :000 ςουχηερ ∆ατε ςενδορ Ινϖοιχε ∆εσχριπτιον/Αχχουντ Αµουντ 4119633/19/2012 007114 ΦΑΣΤΕΝΑΛ ΧΟΩΑΑΥΒ38314 ΝΥΤΣ, ΒΟΛΤΣ & ΣΧΡΕΩΣ ΦΡΟΜ ΦΑΣΤΕΝΑΛ 550.00.548.100.31 25.44 ΩΑΑΥΒ38459 ΝΥΤΣ, ΒΟΛΤΣ & ΣΧΡΕΩΣ ΦΡΟΜ ΦΑΣΤΕΝΑΛ 432.00.535.900.31 13.15 ΩΑΑΥΒ38475 ΝΥΤΣ, ΒΟΛΤΣ & ΣΧΡΕΩΣ ΦΡΟΜ ΦΑΣΤΕΝΑΛ 432.00.535.900.31 6.59 ΩΑΑΥΒ38493 ΝΥΤΣ, ΒΟΛΤΣ & ΣΧΡΕΩΣ ΦΡΟΜ ΦΑΣΤΕΝΑΛ 430.00.534.800.31 10.62 Τοταλ : 55.80 4119643/19/2012 160540 ΦΕ∆ΕΞ 142100001978 Πριντινγ ανδ Σηιππινγ Σερϖιχεσ φορ 518.00.518.780.41 120.95 Τοταλ : 120.95 4119653/19/2012 020762 ΦΕΡ∆ΕΡΕΡ, ∆ΙΑΝΑ ΛΨΝΝϑΥΡΨ ∆ΥΤΨ ΠΑΨΜΕΝΤ ΦΟΡ ϑΥΡΨ ∆ΥΤΨ 001.13.512.500.49 13.33 Τοταλ : 13.33 4119663/19/2012 160600 ΦΕΡΡΕΛΛΓΑΣ1062124081 ΠΥΡΧΗΑΣΕ ΟΦ ΠΡΟΠΑΝΕ ΦΡΟΜ ΦΕΡΡΕΛΛΓΑΣ ΟΝ 550.00.548.100.32 101.37 Τοταλ : 101.37 4119673/19/2012 014191 ΦΙ∆∆ΛΕΡ, ΣΗΙΡΛΕΨϑΥΡΨ ∆ΥΤΨ ΠΑΨΜΕΝΤ ΦΟΡ ϑΥΡΨ ∆ΥΤΨ 001.13.512.500.49 15.55 Τοταλ : 15.55 4119683/19/2012 019545 ΦΙΝΑΛ ΤΟΥΧΗ ΦΙΝΙΣΗΙΝΓ ΣΧΗΟΟΛ36006 ΨΟΥΝΓ ΛΑ∆ΙΕΣ ΑΝ∆ ΓΕΝΤΛΕΜΕΝ ΧΛΑΣΣΕΣ:∼ 001.33.574.240.41 275.00 32Παγε: CA.B 03/14/2012 ςουχηερ Λιστ Χιτψ οφ Αυβυρν 33 3:33:58ΠΜ Παγε:ϖχηλιστ Βανκ χοδε :000 ςουχηερ ∆ατε ςενδορ Ινϖοιχε ∆εσχριπτιον/Αχχουντ Αµουντ (Χοντινυεδ)Τοταλ : 275.00 4119683/19/2012019545019545 ΦΙΝΑΛ ΤΟΥΧΗ ΦΙΝΙΣΗΙΝΓ ΣΧΗΟΟΛ 4119693/19/2012 161085 ΦΙΡΣΤ ΑΜΕΡΙΧΑΝ ΤΙΤΛΕ ΙΝΣ ΧΟ865−1203060003 ΦΑΧ 08−0004 ΠΙΕΡΧΕ ΧΟ ΡΕΧΟΡ∆ΙΝΓ ΦΕΕΣ 001.32.532.200.41 287.00 ΠΙΕΡΧΕ ΧΟ ΡΕΧΟΡ∆ΙΝΓ ΦΕΕΣ∼ 001.15.514.300.49 63.00 Τοταλ : 350.00 4119703/19/2012 161085 ΦΙΡΣΤ ΑΜΕΡΙΧΑΝ ΤΙΤΛΕ ΙΝΣ ΧΟ874−420956583 ΡΕΧΟΡ∆ΙΝΓ ΦΕΕ ΦΟΡ ΒΙΛΛ ΟΦ ΣΑΛΕ − 001.15.514.300.49 82.00 874−Ω2011−27266 ΡΕΧΟΡ∆ΙΝΓ ΦΕΕΣ ΦΟΡ ςΑΧΑΤΙΟΝ ΟΡ∆ΙΝΑΝΧΕ, 001.15.514.300.49 208.00 Τοταλ : 290.00 4119713/19/2012 162340 ΦΛΕΕΤ ΠΡΙ∆Ε46515897 ςΕΗΙΧΛΕ ΡΕΠΑΙΡ ΠΑΡΤΣ ΦΡΟΜ ΦΛΕΕΤ ΠΡΙ∆Ε 550.00.548.680.31 24.48 Τοταλ : 24.48 4119723/19/2012 161410 ΦΛΕΞ−ΠΛΑΝ ΣΕΡςΙΧΕΣ, ΙΝΧ.191767 ΦΛΕΞ−ΠΛΑΝ ΣΕΡςΙΧΕΣ ϑαν πψµτ.∼ 001.14.514.230.41 194.90 Τοταλ : 194.90 4119733/19/2012 007721 ΦΥΤΥΡΕ ςΙΣΙΟΝΣ, ΙΝΧ020112−022912 ∆ΡΥΓ & ΑΛΧΟΗΟΛ ΤΡΕΑΤΜΕΝΤ ΣΕΡςΙΧΕΣ 001.13.512.510.41 2,250.00 Τοταλ : 2,250.00 4119743/19/2012 170090 Γ Ο Σ ΠΡΙΝΤΙΝΓ ΧΟΡΠ77843 ΓΟΣ Πριντινγ Χορπ. − Πριντινγ Σερϖιχεσ 518.00.518.780.41 712.57 77867 ΓΟΣ Πριντινγ Χορπ. − Πριντινγ Σερϖιχεσ 33Παγε: CA.B 03/14/2012 ςουχηερ Λιστ Χιτψ οφ Αυβυρν 34 3:33:58ΠΜ Παγε:ϖχηλιστ Βανκ χοδε :000 ςουχηερ ∆ατε ςενδορ Ινϖοιχε ∆εσχριπτιον/Αχχουντ Αµουντ 4119743/19/2012 (Χοντινυεδ)170090 Γ Ο Σ ΠΡΙΝΤΙΝΓ ΧΟΡΠ 518.00.518.780.41 139.17 77881 ΓΟΣ Πριντινγ Χορπ. − Πριντινγ Σερϖιχεσ 518.00.518.780.41 100.61 Τοταλ : 952.35 4119753/19/2012 020764 ΓΑΗΛΕΨ, ΠΑΜΕΛΑ ΡΗΕΑϑΥΡΨ ∆ΥΤΨ ΠΑΨΜΕΝΤ ΦΟΡ ϑΥΡΨ ∆ΥΤΨ 001.13.512.500.49 13.33 Τοταλ : 13.33 4119763/19/2012 020742 ΓΑΛΕ, ϑΕΦΦΡΕΨ & ΚΕΛΛΨ064630 ΥΤΙΛΙΤΨ ΡΕΦΥΝ∆ − 5725 Σ 294ΤΗ ΠΛ 432.233.100 15.75 Τοταλ : 15.75 4119773/19/2012 003383 ΓΑΛΕΝΟ, ΠΑΥΛ Φ.ϑΥΡΨ ∆ΥΤΨ ΠΑΨΜΕΝΤ ΦΟΡ ϑΥΡΨ ∆ΥΤΨ 001.13.512.500.49 33.32 Τοταλ : 33.32 4119783/19/2012 018577 ΓΑΡΨ∋Σ ΛΑΩΝ ΧΑΡΕ ΣΕΡςΙΧΕ020712ΙΝς ΛΑΩΝ ΧΑΡΕ ΣΕΡςΙΧΕΣ ΡΕΝ∆ΕΡΕ∆ 2/7/12 505.00.524.500.41 87.50 Τοταλ : 87.50 4119793/19/2012 020743 ΓΛϑ ΙΡΑ ΙΝςΕΣΤΜΕΝΤΣ ΛΛΧ066896 ΥΤΙΛΙΤΨ ΡΕΦΥΝ∆ − 1036 Ι ΣΤ ΝΕ 430.233.100 299.62 Τοταλ : 299.62 4119803/19/2012 017578 ΓΟΛ∆ΕΡ ΑΣΣΟΧΙΑΤΕΣ ΙΝΧ.311537 ΕΝΓ ΣςΧΣ ΦΟΡ ΩΕΛΛ 1 ΙΜΠΡΟςΕΜΕΝΤΣ∼ 430.00.590.100.65 60,900.19 Τοταλ : 60,900.19 34Παγε: CA.B 03/14/2012 ςουχηερ Λιστ Χιτψ οφ Αυβυρν 35 3:33:58ΠΜ Παγε:ϖχηλιστ Βανκ χοδε :000 ςουχηερ ∆ατε ςενδορ Ινϖοιχε ∆εσχριπτιον/Αχχουντ Αµουντ 4119813/19/2012 012454 ΓΟΟ∆ΒΨΕ ΓΡΑΦΦΙΤΙ ΣΕΑΤΤΛΕ15707 3 ΜΟΝΤΗ ΓΡΑΦΦΙΤΙ ΡΕΜΟςΑΛ ΣΕΡςΙΧΕ ΑΤ 001.33.576.100.41 588.02 15709 3 ΜΟΝΤΗ ΓΡΑΦΦΙΤΙ ΡΕΜΟςΑΛ ΣΕΡςΙΧΕ ΑΤ 001.33.576.100.41 752.27 15710 3 ΜΟΝΤΗ ΓΡΑΦΦΙΤΙ ΡΕΜΟςΑΛ ΣΕΡςΙΧΕ ΑΤ 001.33.576.100.41 821.25 15711 3 ΜΟΝΤΗ ΓΡΑΦΦΙΤΙ ΡΕΜΟςΑΛ ΣΕΡςΙΧΕ ΑΤ 001.33.576.100.41 555.17 15712 3 ΜΟΝΤΗ ΓΡΑΦΦΙΤΙ ΡΕΜΟςΑΛ ΣΕΡςΙΧΕ ΑΤ 001.33.576.100.41 358.07 15713 3 ΜΟΝΤΗ ΓΡΑΦΦΙΤΙ ΡΕΜΟςΑΛ ΣΕΡςΙΧΕ ΑΤ 001.33.576.100.41 423.77 Τοταλ : 3,498.55 4119823/19/2012 008260 ΓΟΣΑΝΚΟ ΧΗΟΧΟΛΑΤΕ ΑΡΤ56868 Χιτψ οφ Αυβυρν Λογο Χηοχολατεσ 001.11.513.100.49 175.50 Τοταλ : 175.50 4119833/19/2012 171620 ΓΟΣΝΕΨ ΜΟΤΟΡ ΠΑΡΤΣ, ΙΝΧ534844 ΜΙΣΧ ΠΑΡΤΣ ΑΝ∆ ΣΥΠΠΛΙΕΣ ΦΟΡ ΠΑΡΚΣ ΜΑΙΝΤ. 001.33.576.100.31 2.19 534934 ΜΙΣΧ ΠΑΡΤΣ ΑΝ∆ ΣΥΠΠΛΙΕΣ ΦΟΡ ΠΑΡΚΣ ΜΑΙΝΤ. 001.33.576.100.31 50.28 535566 ΜΙΣΧ ΠΑΡΤΣ ΑΝ∆ ΣΥΠΠΛΙΕΣ ΦΟΡ ΠΑΡΚΣ ΜΑΙΝΤ. 001.33.576.100.31 231.67 535681 ΜΙΣΧ ΠΑΡΤΣ ΑΝ∆ ΣΥΠΠΛΙΕΣ ΦΟΡ ΠΑΡΚΣ ΜΑΙΝΤ. 35Παγε: CA.B 03/14/2012 ςουχηερ Λιστ Χιτψ οφ Αυβυρν 36 3:33:58ΠΜ Παγε:ϖχηλιστ Βανκ χοδε :000 ςουχηερ ∆ατε ςενδορ Ινϖοιχε ∆εσχριπτιον/Αχχουντ Αµουντ 4119833/19/2012 (Χοντινυεδ)171620 ΓΟΣΝΕΨ ΜΟΤΟΡ ΠΑΡΤΣ, ΙΝΧ 001.33.576.100.31 28.84 Τοταλ : 312.98 4119843/19/2012 020790 ΓΟΤΤΝΕΡ, ΛΕΟΝΑΡ∆ΡΕΒΑΤΕ ΩΑΤΕΡ ΥΤΙΛΙΤΨ ΤΟΙΛΕΤ ΡΕΒΑΤΕ ΠΡΟΓΡΑΜ 430.00.534.100.41 100.00 Τοταλ : 100.00 4119853/19/2012 014448 ΓΟςΕΡΝΜΕΝΤϑΟΒΣ.ΧΟΜ, ΙΝΧ.07−7072 Γοϖερνµεντϕοβσ.χοµ ψεαρλψ συβσχριπτιον 518.00.518.880.48 487.50 Ινσιγητ Εντερπρισε Υσερ Λιχενσε 518.00.518.880.48 7,000.00 Σαλεσ Ταξ 518.00.518.880.48 711.31 Τοταλ : 8,198.81 4119863/19/2012 010577 ΓΡΑΧΕ∋Σ ΧΛΕΑΝΙΝΓ ΣΕΡςΙΧΕ022912ΙΝς ΧΛΕΑΝΙΝΓ ΣΕΡςΙΧΕΣ ΦΟΡ ΠΑΡΚΣ ΑΝ∆ ΡΕΧ 001.33.574.100.41 210.00 Τοταλ : 210.00 4119873/19/2012 020766 ΓΡΑΝΓΡΥΤΗ, ∆ΟΝΑΛ∆ Γ.ϑΥΡΨ ∆ΥΤΨ ΠΑΨΜΕΝΤ ΦΟΡ ϑΥΡΨ ∆ΥΤΨ 001.13.512.500.49 13.33 Τοταλ : 13.33 4119883/19/2012 172290 ΓΡΕΕΝ ΡΙςΕΡ ΧΟΜΜ ΧΟΛΛΕΓΕ117750 Χερτιφιχατιον Χλασσ φορ Σχοττ Ενγλιση 430.00.534.800.49 179.00 117751 Χερτιφιχατιον Χλασσ φορ Σχοττ Ενγλιση 430.00.534.800.49 335.00 Τοταλ : 514.00 4119893/19/2012 004932 ΗΑΜΙΛΤΟΝ, ΠΣ, ΡΟΒΕΡΤ030112ΙΝς 36Παγε: CA.B 03/14/2012 ςουχηερ Λιστ Χιτψ οφ Αυβυρν 37 3:33:58ΠΜ Παγε:ϖχηλιστ Βανκ χοδε :000 ςουχηερ ∆ατε ςενδορ Ινϖοιχε ∆εσχριπτιον/Αχχουντ Αµουντ 4119893/19/2012 (Χοντινυεδ)004932 ΗΑΜΙΛΤΟΝ, ΠΣ, ΡΟΒΕΡΤ ΠΡΟ−ΤΕΜ ΣΕΡςΙΧΕΣ ΡΕΝ∆ΕΡΕ∆ ΟΝ 3/1 ΑΝ∆ 001.13.512.500.41 275.00 030512ΙΝς ΠΡΟ−ΤΕΜ ΣΕΡςΙΧΕΣ ΡΕΝ∆ΕΡΕ∆ ΟΝ 3/1 ΑΝ∆ 001.13.512.500.41 50.00 030812ΙΝς ΠΡΟ−ΤΕΜ ΣΕΡςΙΧΕΣ ΡΕΝ∆ΕΡΕ∆ ΟΝ 3/8/12 001.13.512.500.41 237.50 030912ΙΝς ΠΡΟ−ΤΕΜ ΣΕΡςΙΧΕΣ ΡΕΝ∆ΕΡΕ∆ ΟΝ 3/9/12 001.13.512.500.41 212.50 Τοταλ : 775.00 4119903/19/2012 020767 ΗΑΝΛΕΨ, ΠΑΤΡΙΧΚ Ο.ϑΥΡΨ ∆ΥΤΨ ΠΑΨΜΕΝΤ ΦΟΡ ϑΥΡΨ ∆ΥΤΨ 001.13.512.500.49 13.33 Τοταλ : 13.33 4119913/19/2012 011670 Η∆ ΣΥΠΠΛΨ ΩΑΤΕΡΩΟΡΚΣ, ΛΤ∆4352680 ΡΕΠΛΑΧΕ ΣΤΟΧΚ∼ 430.141.100 105.61 Σαλεσ Ταξ 430.141.100 9.81 4390843 Σαλεσ Ταξ 430.141.100 13.30 ΡΕΠΛΑΧΕ ΣΤΟΧΚ∼ 430.141.100 140.00 Τοταλ : 268.72 4119923/19/2012 181230 ΗΕΑ∆−ΘΥΑΡΤΕΡΣ25024 ΡΕΝΤΑΛ ΟΦ ΠΟΡΤΑΒΛΕ ΤΟΙΛΕΤΣ 437.00.576.600.45 223.50 25026 ΠΟΡΤΑΒΛΕ ΤΟΙΛΕΤ ΣΕΡςΙΧΕΣ ΑΤ ςΑΡΙΟΥΣ 37Παγε: CA.B 03/14/2012 ςουχηερ Λιστ Χιτψ οφ Αυβυρν 38 3:33:58ΠΜ Παγε:ϖχηλιστ Βανκ χοδε :000 ςουχηερ ∆ατε ςενδορ Ινϖοιχε ∆εσχριπτιον/Αχχουντ Αµουντ 4119923/19/2012 (Χοντινυεδ)181230 ΗΕΑ∆−ΘΥΑΡΤΕΡΣ 001.33.576.100.45 558.00 Τοταλ : 781.50 4119933/19/2012 002794 ΗΕΑΛΤΗΦΟΡΧΕ ΟΧΧΜΕ∆6750 ΒΡΕΑΤΗ ΑΛΧΟΗΟΛ ΤΕΣΤΣ ΦΟΡ ∆ΕΡΕΚ ϑΟΝΕΣ; 001.13.516.100.41 85.00 Τοταλ : 85.00 4119943/19/2012 181560 ΗΕΝ∆ΕΡΣΟΝ, Ε∆∆ΕΝΤΑΛ/ΛΕΟΦΦ ΛΕΟΦΦ 1 ∆ΕΝΤΑΛ ΕΞΠΕΝΣΕ ΡΕΙΜΒΥΡΣΕΜΕΝΤ 001.98.517.210.25 147.25 Τοταλ : 147.25 4119953/19/2012 020744 ΗΕΝΛΕΨ ΥΣΑ ΛΛΧ067718 ΥΤΙΛΙΤΨ ΡΕΦΥΝ∆ − 11515 ΣΕ 302Ν∆ ΧΤ 430.233.100 80.75 Τοταλ : 80.75 4119963/19/2012 020768 ΗΟΛΜ, ∆ΕΑΝΝΑϑΥΡΨ ∆ΥΤΨ ΠΑΨΜΕΝΤ ΦΟΡ ϑΥΡΨ ∆ΥΤΨ 001.13.512.500.49 18.88 Τοταλ : 18.88 4119973/19/2012 020737 ΗΟΜΙΧΙ∆Ε ΤΡΑΙΝΙΝΓ.ΧΟΜΡΕΓ/ΝΙΞ ΡΕΓΙΣ−ΝΙΞ/ΣΥΝ∆ΘςΙΣΤ/ ΜΑΡ 26−28, 2012 001.21.521.210.49 195.00 ΣΥΝ∆ΘΥΙΣΤ/ΡΕΓ ΡΕΓΙΣ−ΝΙΞ/ΣΥΝ∆ΘςΙΣΤ/ ΜΑΡ 26−28, 2012 001.21.521.210.49 195.00 Τοταλ : 390.00 4119983/19/2012 020600 ΗΟΡΣΕ ΧΡΑΖΨ ΧΟΩΓΙΡΛ ΒΑΝ∆033112ΠΕΡΦ ΠΕΡΦΟΡΜΑΝΧΕ ΣΗΟΩ ΑΤ ΤΗΕ ΤΗΕΑΤΕΡ ΟΝ 001.33.575.280.41 1,500.00 Τοταλ : 1,500.00 38Παγε: CA.B 03/14/2012 ςουχηερ Λιστ Χιτψ οφ Αυβυρν 39 3:33:58ΠΜ Παγε:ϖχηλιστ Βανκ χοδε :000 ςουχηερ ∆ατε ςενδορ Ινϖοιχε ∆εσχριπτιον/Αχχουντ Αµουντ 4119993/19/2012 003195 ΗΥΣΚΨ ΙΝΤΕΡΝΑΤΙΟΝΑΛ ΤΡΥΧΚΣ ΙΝΧ378039 ΙΝΤΛ.ΤΡΥΧΚ ΠΑΡΤΣ & ΣΕΡςΙΧΕ ΦΡΟΜ ΗΥΣΚΨ 550.00.548.680.48 1,651.94 Τοταλ : 1,651.94 4120003/19/2012 020739 ΗΥΤΧΗΕΡΣΟΝ, ∆ΟΝΙΕΛΛΕ013732 ΥΤΙΛΙΤΨ ΡΕΦΥΝ∆ − 1206 Ε ΣΤ ΣΕ 430.233.100 11.75 ΥΤΙΛΙΤΨ ΡΕΦΥΝ∆ − 1206 Ε ΣΤ ΣΕ 431.233.100 50.32 ΥΤΙΛΙΤΨ ΡΕΦΥΝ∆ − 1206 Ε ΣΤ ΣΕ 432.233.100 20.80 ΥΤΙΛΙΤΨ ΡΕΦΥΝ∆ − 1206 Ε ΣΤ ΣΕ 434.233.100 15.13 Τοταλ : 98.00 4120013/19/2012 183300 ΗΨ∆ΡΑΥΛΙΧ ΙΝΣΤΑΛΛΑΤΙΟΝ66068 ΗΨ∆ΡΑΥΛΙΧ ΠΑΡΤΣ & ΣΕΡςΙΧΕ ΦΡΟΜ 550.00.548.680.35 129.40 66087 ΗΨ∆ΡΑΥΛΙΧ ΠΑΡΤΣ & ΣΕΡςΙΧΕ ΦΡΟΜ 550.00.548.680.35 41.98 Τοταλ : 171.38 4120023/19/2012 230000 ΙΧΟΝ ΜΑΤΕΡΙΑΛΣ ΧΟΡΠ50−1661958 ΑΣΠΗΑΛΤ, ΧΟΝΧΡΕΤΕ ΑΝ∆ ΡΕΛΑΤΕ∆ ΜΑΤΕΡΙΑΛΣ 001.42.542.300.31 285.44 50−1662337 ΑΣΠΗΑΛΤ, ΧΟΝΧΡΕΤΕ ΑΝ∆ ΡΕΛΑΤΕ∆ ΜΑΤΕΡΙΑΛΣ 001.42.542.300.31 84.32 Τοταλ : 369.76 4120033/19/2012 190330 ΙΚΟΝ ΟΦΦΙΧΕ ΣΟΛΥΤΙΟΝΣ86530371 ΠΑΨΜΕΝΤ ΟΝ ΒΕΗΑΛΦ ΟΦ ς−ΝΕΤ 652.00.521.212.45 295.66 Τοταλ : 295.66 39Παγε: CA.B 03/14/2012 ςουχηερ Λιστ Χιτψ οφ Αυβυρν 40 3:33:58ΠΜ Παγε:ϖχηλιστ Βανκ χοδε :000 ςουχηερ ∆ατε ςενδορ Ινϖοιχε ∆εσχριπτιον/Αχχουντ Αµουντ 4120043/19/2012 190360 ΙΜΑΓΕ ΜΑΣΤΕΡΣ ΙΝΧ107099 ΝΑΜΕΠΛΑΤΕΣ, ΣΤΑΜΠΣ, ΕΤΧ. ΦΡΟΜ ΙΜΑΓΕ 431.00.535.800.31 21.02 107120 ΝΑΜΕΠΛΑΤΕ − ΒΟΛ∆ΜΑΝ − 107120 001.21.521.200.31 2.46 Τοταλ : 23.48 4120053/19/2012 019646 ΙΝΧΗ, ΡΙΧΗΑΡ∆ ∆012312ΙΝς ΗΟΥΣΙΝΓ ΡΕΠΑΙΡ−−ΒΑΡΒΑΡΑ ΛΕΕ∋Σ ΚΙΤΧΗΕΝ 119.00.559.200.63 192.72 022512ΙΝς ΗΟΥΣΙΝΓ ΡΕΠΑΙΡ−−ΧΟΝΝΙΕ ΗΥΜΠΗΡΕΨ∋Σ 119.00.559.200.63 573.78 030512ΙΝς ΗΟΥΣΙΝΓ ΡΕΠΑΙΡ: ΛΕΙϑΥΑΝΑ ∆ΥΧΚΕΤΤ∋Σ 119.00.559.200.63 4,990.03 030612ΙΝς ΩΕΑΤΗΕΡΙΖΑΤΙΟΝ−−ΓΙΣΕΛΑ ΡΕΨΝΟΛ∆Σ∋ 119.00.559.200.63 2,000.00 ΗΟΥΣΙΝΓ ΡΕΠΑΙΡ−−ΓΙΣΕΛΑ ΡΕΨΝΟΛ∆Σ∋ 119.00.559.200.63 2,623.09 030612ΙΝς ΗΟΥΣΙΝΓ ΡΕΠΑΙΡ−−ΧΡΨΣΤΑΛ ΧΥΡΤΙΣ∋ 119.00.559.200.63 87.60 Τοταλ : 10,467.22 4120063/19/2012 015621 ΙΝΤΕΡΧΟΜ ΛΑΝΓΥΑΓΕ ΣΕΡς, ΙΝΧ12−28 ΧΟΥΡΤ ΙΝΤΕΡΠΡΕΤΙΝΓ ΣΕΡςΙΧΕΣ ΡΕΝ∆ΕΡΕ∆ 001.13.512.500.41 1,162.50 Τοταλ : 1,162.50 4120073/19/2012 014810 ΙΝΤΕΡΝΑΤΙΟΝΑΛ ΛΕΑΓΥΕ ΟΦ ΧΙΤΙΕΣ00014−001Χ 2012 αννυαλ µεµβερσηιπ − διρεχτορψ 001.98.513.100.49 3,000.00 40Παγε: CA.B 03/14/2012 ςουχηερ Λιστ Χιτψ οφ Αυβυρν 41 3:33:58ΠΜ Παγε:ϖχηλιστ Βανκ χοδε :000 ςουχηερ ∆ατε ςενδορ Ινϖοιχε ∆εσχριπτιον/Αχχουντ Αµουντ (Χοντινυεδ)Τοταλ : 3,000.00 4120073/19/2012014810014810 ΙΝΤΕΡΝΑΤΙΟΝΑΛ ΛΕΑΓΥΕ ΟΦ ΧΙΤΙΕΣ 4120083/19/2012 015192 ϑ & ∆∋Σ ΗΨ∆ΡΑΥΛΙΧ & ΡΕΠΑΙΡ28767 ΦΑΒΡΙΧΑΤΙΟΝ & ςΑΡΙΟΥΣ ΤΡΥΧΚ ΡΕΠΑΙΡΣ 550.00.548.680.48 354.51 Τοταλ : 354.51 4120093/19/2012 020769 ϑΑΝΚΑΝΙΣΗ, ΣΤΕΠΗΕΝ ΩΙΛΛΙΑΜϑΥΡΨ ∆ΥΤΨ ΠΑΨΜΕΝΤ ΦΟΡ ϑΥΡΨ ∆ΥΤΨ 001.13.512.500.49 14.44 Τοταλ : 14.44 4120103/19/2012 017188 ϑΑΣΟΝ ΕΝΓΙΝΕΕΡΙΝΓ & ΧΟΝΣΥΛΤΙΝΓ12006−001 Ματεριαλ Τεστινγ Σερϖιχεσ φορ ΣΟΣ 103.00.595.300.65 1,275.00 Τοταλ : 1,275.00 4120113/19/2012 012244 ϑΙΛΛΙΑΝ ΕΝΤΕΡΠΡΙΣΕΣ, ΛΛΧΑΠΡ2012 Βλανκετ Πο φορ 2012 τηεατερ λεασε περ 001.33.575.280.75 3,206.09 Βλανκετ Πο φορ 2012 τηεατερ λεασε περ 001.33.575.280.83 2,956.42 Τοταλ : 6,162.51 4120123/19/2012 019689 ϑΟΗΑΝΣΕΝ ΕΞΧΑςΑΤΙΝΓ ΙΝΧ.11−08/#9 ΧΠ1005, Σουτη ∆ιϖισιον Στρεετ 330.00.594.100.65 144,803.76 Τοταλ : 144,803.76 4120133/19/2012 020770 ϑΟΗΝΣΟΝ, ∆ΕΝΙΣΕ Λ.ϑΥΡΨ ∆ΥΤΨ ΠΑΨΜΕΝΤ ΦΟΡ ϑΥΡΨ ∆ΥΤΨ 001.13.512.500.49 33.32 Τοταλ : 33.32 4120143/19/2012 210360 Κ Χ ΤΡΕΑΣΥΡΨ2011ΠΠΤΑΞΣΤΜΤΣ 2012 ΠΡΟΠΕΡΤΨ ΤΑΞ ΣΤΜΤΣ, 388 ΠΑΡΧΕΛΣ 505.00.524.500.49 5,337.94 41Παγε: CA.B 03/14/2012 ςουχηερ Λιστ Χιτψ οφ Αυβυρν 42 3:33:58ΠΜ Παγε:ϖχηλιστ Βανκ χοδε :000 ςουχηερ ∆ατε ςενδορ Ινϖοιχε ∆εσχριπτιον/Αχχουντ Αµουντ (Χοντινυεδ)Τοταλ : 5,337.94 4120143/19/2012210360210360 Κ Χ ΤΡΕΑΣΥΡΨ 4120153/19/2012 210360 Κ Χ ΠΕΤ ΛΙΧΕΝΣΕΠΕΤ ΛΙΧΕΝΣΕΣ ΚΧ ΠΕΤ ΛΙΧΕΝΣΕΣ ΣΟΛ∆ ΒΨ ΧΛΕΡΚΣ ΟΦΦΙΧΕ 651.237.103 1,155.00 ΚΧ ΠΕΤ ΛΙΧΕΝΣΕΣ ΣΟΛ∆ ΒΨ ΠΕΡΜΙΤ ΧΕΝΤΕΡ 651.237.103 580.00 ΚΧ ΠΕΤ ΛΙΧΕΝΣΕΣ ΣΟΛ∆ ΒΨ ΠΑΡΚΣ ∆ΕΠΤ 651.237.103 165.00 Τοταλ : 1,900.00 4120163/19/2012 210360 Κ Χ ΟΦΦΙΧΕ ΟΦ ΦΙΝΑΝΧΕΦΕΒ2012 ΦΕΒ 2012 ΧΡΙΜΕ ςΙΧΤΙΜΣ ΧΟΜΠΕΝΣΑΤΙΟΝ 651.237.180 1,788.19 Τοταλ : 1,788.19 4120173/19/2012 210360 Κ Χ Α∆ΜΙΝ ΒΛ∆ΓΦΙΛΙΝΓ ΦΕΕΣ ΒΛΑΝΚΕΤ ΠΟ ΦΟΡ ΦΙΛΙΝΓ ΦΕΕΣ, ΛΙΕΝΣ 430.00.534.110.41 620.00 Τοταλ : 620.00 4120183/19/2012 210360 Κ Χ ΦΙΝΑΝΧΕ2000531 Μοντηλψ ΙΝΕΤ σερϖιχεσ χοντραχτ ∃567 περ 518.00.518.880.42 471.00 234434 ΚΧ ϑΑΙΛ ΙΝΜΑΤΕ ΦΕΕ∼ 001.20.523.600.51 420.03 Τοταλ : 891.03 4120193/19/2012 210360 ΚΙΝΓ ΧΟΥΝΤΨ ΡΑ∆ΙΟ00429237 ΡΕΠΑΙΡ Σ/Ν 466ΑΩΓ1211−ΥΝΙΤ 736764 − 001.21.521.200.48 381.22 Τοταλ : 381.22 4120203/19/2012 019027 ΚΑΛΛΧΕΝΤΣΕ25950022912 ΠΑΨΜΕΝΤ ΟΝ ΒΕΗΑΛΦ ΟΦ ς−ΝΕΤ 652.00.521.212.42 20.67 42Παγε: CA.B 03/14/2012 ςουχηερ Λιστ Χιτψ οφ Αυβυρν 43 3:33:58ΠΜ Παγε:ϖχηλιστ Βανκ χοδε :000 ςουχηερ ∆ατε ςενδορ Ινϖοιχε ∆εσχριπτιον/Αχχουντ Αµουντ (Χοντινυεδ)Τοταλ : 20.67 4120203/19/2012019027019027 ΚΑΛΛΧΕΝΤΣ 4120213/19/2012 017832 ΚΑΤΟΠΙΑ ∆ΕΣΙΓΝ410 ϑανυαρψ Ινϖοιχε: Ωεβ, Πριντ ανδ 518.00.518.780.41 3,100.00 422 Φεβρυαρψ Ινϖοιχε: Ωεβ/πριντ/γραπηιχ 518.00.518.780.41 2,270.00 Τοταλ : 5,370.00 4120223/19/2012 020771 ΚΕΙΖΥΡ, ∆ΟΝΑΛ∆ Ρ.ϑΥΡΨ ∆ΥΤΨ ΠΑΨΜΕΝΤ ΦΟΡ ϑΥΡΨ ∆ΥΤΨ 001.13.512.500.49 12.22 Τοταλ : 12.22 4120233/19/2012 018970 ΚΕΨ ΒΑΝΚ/ ΡΩ ΣΧΟΤΤ11−11/#5 Ωεστ ςαλλεψ Ηιγηωαψ Ιµπϖσ, Εσχροω Αχχτ 102.00.594.420.65 5,540.44 Τοταλ : 5,540.44 4120243/19/2012 020123 ΚΕΨ ΒΑΝΚ/Τ ΜΙΛΛΕΡ ΧΟΝΣΤΡΥΧΤΙΟΝ11−04/6ΤΗ&ΦΙΝΑΛ 37τη Στ ΣΕ & Ρ Στ ΣΕ Πεδ Χννχτρ−Εσχροω 102.00.594.420.65 553.28 Τοταλ : 553.28 4120253/19/2012 020772 ΚΙΜ, ΒΨΥΝΓ−ΣΥΚϑΥΡΨ ∆ΥΤΨ ΠΑΨΜΕΝΤ ΦΟΡ ϑΥΡΨ ∆ΥΤΨ 001.13.512.500.49 18.88 Τοταλ : 18.88 4120263/19/2012 003341 ΚΙΝΓ ΧΟΥΝΤΨ ΟΦΦΙΧΕ ΟΦ ΦΙΝΑΝΧΕΣ−12 2012 αννυαλ δυεσ ΣΧΑΤΒ − Σο. Χουντψ 001.11.513.100.49 100.00 Τοταλ : 100.00 4120273/19/2012 211210 ΚΙΝΓ ΧΟΥΝΤΨ ΥΜΠΙΡΕΣ ΑΣΣΟΧ030112ΙΝς ΟΦΦΙΧΙΑΛΣ ΦΟΡ ΣΧΗΕ∆ΥΛΕ∆ ΨΟΥΤΗ ΓΙΡΛΣ 43Παγε: CA.B 03/14/2012 ςουχηερ Λιστ Χιτψ οφ Αυβυρν 44 3:33:58ΠΜ Παγε:ϖχηλιστ Βανκ χοδε :000 ςουχηερ ∆ατε ςενδορ Ινϖοιχε ∆εσχριπτιον/Αχχουντ Αµουντ 4120273/19/2012 (Χοντινυεδ)211210 ΚΙΝΓ ΧΟΥΝΤΨ ΥΜΠΙΡΕΣ ΑΣΣΟΧ 001.33.574.240.41 1,985.00 Τοταλ : 1,985.00 4120283/19/2012 013136 ΚΙΡΩΙΝ, ΡΟΧΚΨ020612ΡΕΙΜΒ ΣΕΝΙΟΡ ΣΝΟΩΣΗΟΕ ΤΡΙΠ 001.33.574.210.49 140.00 030712ΡΕΙΜΒ ΣΕΝΙΟΡ ΧΤΡ ΡΥΜΜΑΓΕ ΣΑΛΕ Α∆Σ 001.33.574.210.44 98.29 Τοταλ : 238.29 4120293/19/2012 020255 ΚΟςΑΧ, ΑΤΤΟΡΝΕΨ ΑΤ ΛΑΩ, ϑΑΜΕΣ Ω.022812ΙΝς ΠΡΟ−ΤΕΜ ΣΕΡςΙΧΕΣ ΡΕΝ∆ΕΡΕ∆ ΟΝ 2/28 ΑΝ∆ 001.13.512.500.41 350.00 030112ΙΝς ΠΡΟ−ΤΕΜ ΣΕΡςΙΧΕΣ ΡΕΝ∆ΕΡΕ∆ ΟΝ 2/28 ΑΝ∆ 001.13.512.500.41 350.00 Τοταλ : 700.00 4120303/19/2012 018685 ΚΠΓ, ΙΝΧ.12012 Σουτη ∆ιϖισιον Στρεετ Προµεναδε 330.00.594.100.65 1,277.51 Τοταλ : 1,277.51 4120313/19/2012 213330 ΚΥΚΕΡ ΡΑΝΚΕΝ ΙΝΧ378434−001 Παψµεντ ον Ινϖοιχε 378434−001 φορ 001.32.532.200.48 546.50 378543−001 (2) ΓΠΡ 111 Βασιχ Σεριεσ Πρισµ Ηολδερ∼ 001.32.532.200.35 745.48 Τοταλ : 1,291.98 4120323/19/2012 220360 ΛΑΚΕΗΑςΕΝ ΥΤΙΛΙΤΨ ∆ΙΣΤΡΙΧΤ1168601 ΧΕΜΕΤΕΡΨ ΩΑΤΕΡ ΣΕΡςΙΧΕ ΝΟς/∆ΕΧ 505.00.524.500.47 440.78 2087501 44Παγε: CA.B 03/14/2012 ςουχηερ Λιστ Χιτψ οφ Αυβυρν 45 3:33:58ΠΜ Παγε:ϖχηλιστ Βανκ χοδε :000 ςουχηερ ∆ατε ςενδορ Ινϖοιχε ∆εσχριπτιον/Αχχουντ Αµουντ 4120323/19/2012 (Χοντινυεδ)220360 ΛΑΚΕΗΑςΕΝ ΥΤΙΛΙΤΨ ∆ΙΣΤΡΙΧΤ ΧΕΜΕΤΕΡΨ ΩΑΤΕΡ ΣΕΡςΙΧΕ ΝΟς/∆ΕΧ 505.00.524.500.47 34.10 2206801 ΧΕΜΕΤΕΡΨ ΩΑΤΕΡ ΣΕΡςΙΧΕ ΝΟς/∆ΕΧ 505.00.524.500.47 389.78 Τοταλ : 864.66 4120333/19/2012 010586 ΛΑΚΕΣ ΕΛΕΧΤΡΙΧ, ΙΝΧ.00011912 ΒΛΑΝΚΕΤ ΠΥΡΧΗΑΣΕ ΟΡ∆ΕΡ ΦΟΡ ΕΜΕΡΓΕΝΧΨ 505.00.524.500.48 210.24 Τοταλ : 210.24 4120343/19/2012 020773 ΛΑΡΣΕΝ, Ω.Η.ϑΥΡΨ ∆ΥΤΨ ΠΑΨΜΕΝΤ ΦΟΡ ϑΥΡΨ ∆ΥΤΨ 001.13.512.500.49 13.33 Τοταλ : 13.33 4120353/19/2012 020774 ΛΑΩΡΕΝΧΕ, ϑΟΗΝ ΕΛΛΙΟΤΤϑΥΡΨ ∆ΥΤΨ ΠΑΨΜΕΝΤ ΦΟΡ ϑΥΡΨ ∆ΥΤΨ 001.13.512.500.49 12.22 Τοταλ : 12.22 4120363/19/2012 221450 ΛΕΕ, ΡΟΓΕΡ Η022112ΛΕΟΦΦ ΛΕΟΦΦ 1 ΠΗΑΡΜΑΧΨ ΡΕΙΜΒΥΡΣΕΜΕΝΤ ΧΛΑΙΜ 001.98.517.210.25 379.82 Τοταλ : 379.82 4120373/19/2012 221710 ΛΕΣ ΣΧΗΩΑΒ ΤΙΡΕΣ375121 ΤΙΡΕΣ, ΒΑΤΤΕΡΙΕΣ, ΑΛΙΓΝΜΕΝΤΣ ΑΝ∆ ΟΤΗΕΡ 550.00.548.680.35 449.46 375123 ΤΙΡΕΣ, ΒΑΤΤΕΡΙΕΣ, ΑΛΙΓΝΜΕΝΤΣ ΑΝ∆ ΟΤΗΕΡ 550.141.100 749.91 375132 ΤΙΡΕΣ, ΒΑΤΤΕΡΙΕΣ, ΑΛΙΓΝΜΕΝΤΣ ΑΝ∆ ΟΤΗΕΡ 550.00.548.680.35 −28.48 45Παγε: CA.B 03/14/2012 ςουχηερ Λιστ Χιτψ οφ Αυβυρν 46 3:33:58ΠΜ Παγε:ϖχηλιστ Βανκ χοδε :000 ςουχηερ ∆ατε ςενδορ Ινϖοιχε ∆εσχριπτιον/Αχχουντ Αµουντ 4120373/19/2012 (Χοντινυεδ)221710 ΛΕΣ ΣΧΗΩΑΒ ΤΙΡΕΣ 375249 ΤΙΡΕΣ, ΒΑΤΤΕΡΙΕΣ, ΑΛΙΓΝΜΕΝΤΣ ΑΝ∆ ΟΤΗΕΡ 434.00.537.800.41 17.00 375479 ΤΙΡΕΣ, ΒΑΤΤΕΡΙΕΣ, ΑΛΙΓΝΜΕΝΤΣ ΑΝ∆ ΟΤΗΕΡ 550.00.548.680.48 187.45 375498 ΤΙΡΕΣ, ΒΑΤΤΕΡΙΕΣ, ΑΛΙΓΝΜΕΝΤΣ ΑΝ∆ ΟΤΗΕΡ 550.00.548.680.48 405.85 39700002746 ΤΙΡΕΣ, ΒΑΤΤΕΡΙΕΣ, ΑΛΙΓΝΜΕΝΤΣ ΑΝ∆ ΟΤΗΕΡ 550.00.548.680.35 109.45 39700003034 ΤΙΡΕΣ, ΒΑΤΤΕΡΙΕΣ, ΑΛΙΓΝΜΕΝΤΣ ΑΝ∆ ΟΤΗΕΡ 550.00.548.680.35 109.45 39700003267 ΤΙΡΕΣ, ΒΑΤΤΕΡΙΕΣ, ΑΛΙΓΝΜΕΝΤΣ ΑΝ∆ ΟΤΗΕΡ 550.00.548.680.35 109.45 39700003302 ΤΙΡΕΣ, ΒΑΤΤΕΡΙΕΣ, ΑΛΙΓΝΜΕΝΤΣ ΑΝ∆ ΟΤΗΕΡ 550.00.548.680.35 715.64 39700003393 ΤΙΡΕΣ, ΒΑΤΤΕΡΙΕΣ, ΑΛΙΓΝΜΕΝΤΣ ΑΝ∆ ΟΤΗΕΡ 550.00.548.680.35 123.36 39700003438 ΤΙΡΕΣ, ΒΑΤΤΕΡΙΕΣ, ΑΛΙΓΝΜΕΝΤΣ ΑΝ∆ ΟΤΗΕΡ 550.00.548.680.35 98.50 Τοταλ : 3,047.04 4120383/19/2012 222280 ΛΛΟΨ∆ ΕΝΤΕΡΠΡΙΣΕΣ ΙΝΧ158424 ΦΛΟΟ∆ ΒΑΡΡΙΕΡ ΡΕΜΟςΑΛ 437.00.576.600.41 645.00 158531 ΡΟΧΚ ΑΝ∆ ΣΑΝ∆ ΦΟΡ ΠΑΡΚΣ ΜΑΙΝΤ. 001.33.576.100.41 2,974.55 46Παγε: CA.B CA.B 03/14/2012 ςουχηερ Λιστ Χιτψ οφ Αυβυρν 48 3:33:58ΠΜ Παγε:ϖχηλιστ Βανκ χοδε :000 ςουχηερ ∆ατε ςενδορ Ινϖοιχε ∆εσχριπτιον/Αχχουντ Αµουντ 4120403/19/2012 (Χοντινυεδ)222200 ΛΟΩΕ∋Σ ΗΙΩ, ΙΝΧ ΜΙΣΧ. ΣΥΠΠΛΙΕΣ (ϑΜ) 3/7/12 505.00.524.500.31 56.11 23494 ΜΙΣΧ. ΠΑΡΤΣ ΑΝ∆ ΣΥΠΠΛΙΕΣ ΦΟΡ ΠΑΡΚΣ 001.33.576.100.31 58.17 23514 ΜΙΣΧ. ΠΑΡΤΣ ΑΝ∆ ΣΥΠΠΛΙΕΣ ΦΟΡ ΠΑΡΚΣ 001.33.576.100.31 58.17 23554 ΜΙΣΧ. ΣΥΠΠΛΙΕΣ (ϑΜ) 2/29/12 505.00.524.500.31 8.17 23557 ΜΙΣΧ. ΠΑΡΤΣ ΑΝ∆ ΣΥΠΠΛΙΕΣ ΦΟΡ ΠΑΡΚΣ 001.33.576.100.31 29.08 23612 ΣΜΑΛΛ ΤΟΟΛΣ, ΛΑΩΝ, ΓΑΡ∆ΕΝ & 550.00.548.680.35 40.32 23720 ΣΜΑΛΛ ΤΟΟΛΣ, ΛΑΩΝ, ΓΑΡ∆ΕΝ & 432.00.535.900.31 116.06 23738 ΣΜΑΛΛ ΤΟΟΛΣ, ΛΑΩΝ, ΓΑΡ∆ΕΝ & 550.00.548.150.35 108.19 23797 ΜΙΣΧ. ΠΑΡΤΣ ΑΝ∆ ΣΥΠΠΛΙΕΣ ΦΟΡ ΠΑΡΚΣ 001.33.576.100.31 3.31 24006 ΣΜΑΛΛ ΤΟΟΛΣ, ΛΑΩΝ, ΓΑΡ∆ΕΝ & 432.00.535.900.31 172.63 24012 ΣΜΑΡΤ ΣΤΡΑΩ Ω∆40 2/28/12 505.00.524.500.31 3.93 24031 ΧΟΥΡΣΕ ΣΥΠΠΛΙΕΣ 437.00.576.600.31 11.28 48Παγε: CA.B 03/14/2012 ςουχηερ Λιστ Χιτψ οφ Αυβυρν 49 3:33:58ΠΜ Παγε:ϖχηλιστ Βανκ χοδε :000 ςουχηερ ∆ατε ςενδορ Ινϖοιχε ∆εσχριπτιον/Αχχουντ Αµουντ 4120403/19/2012 (Χοντινυεδ)222200 ΛΟΩΕ∋Σ ΗΙΩ, ΙΝΧ 24067 ΜΙΣΧ. ΣΥΠΠΛΙΕΣ (ϑΜ) ΦΟΡ ΦΑΧΙΛΙΤΙΕΣ 505.00.524.500.31 68.81 24096 Βλανκετ ΠΟ φορ Μισχελλανεουσ 001.32.532.200.31 67.56 24097 ΜΙΣΧ. ΠΑΡΤΣ ΑΝ∆ ΣΥΠΠΛΙΕΣ ΦΟΡ ΠΑΡΚΣ 001.33.576.100.31 10.91 24107 Βλανκετ ΠΟ φορ Μισχελλανεουσ 001.32.532.200.31 6.43 24117 ΣΜΑΛΛ ΤΟΟΛΣ, ΛΑΩΝ, ΓΑΡ∆ΕΝ & 430.00.534.800.35 44.59 24173 ΣΜΑΛΛ ΤΟΟΛΣ, ΛΑΩΝ, ΓΑΡ∆ΕΝ & 430.00.534.800.31 32.76 24182 Βλανκετ ΠΟ φορ Μισχελλανεουσ 001.32.532.200.31 71.24 24213 ΜΙΣΧ. ΠΑΡΤΣ ΑΝ∆ ΣΥΠΠΛΙΕΣ ΦΟΡ ΠΑΡΚΣ 001.33.576.100.31 11.83 24231 ΣΜΑΛΛ ΤΟΟΛΣ, ΛΑΩΝ, ΓΑΡ∆ΕΝ & 550.00.548.150.35 24.17 24240 ΣΜΑΛΛ ΤΟΟΛΣ, ΛΑΩΝ, ΓΑΡ∆ΕΝ & 550.00.548.150.31 18.57 24268 ΜΙΣΧ. ΣΥΠΠΛΙΕΣ (ϑΜ) 3/1/12 505.00.524.500.31 10.31 24277 ΜΙΣΧ. ΠΑΡΤΣ ΑΝ∆ ΣΥΠΠΛΙΕΣ ΦΟΡ ΠΑΡΚΣ 49Παγε: CA.B 03/14/2012 ςουχηερ Λιστ Χιτψ οφ Αυβυρν 50 3:33:58ΠΜ Παγε:ϖχηλιστ Βανκ χοδε :000 ςουχηερ ∆ατε ςενδορ Ινϖοιχε ∆εσχριπτιον/Αχχουντ Αµουντ 4120403/19/2012 (Χοντινυεδ)222200 ΛΟΩΕ∋Σ ΗΙΩ, ΙΝΧ 001.33.576.100.31 7.25 24300 ΜΙΣΧ. ΣΥΠΠΛΙΕΣ (ϑΜ) 3/1/12 505.00.524.500.31 10.22 24334 ΣΜΑΛΛ ΤΟΟΛΣ, ΛΑΩΝ, ΓΑΡ∆ΕΝ & 432.00.535.900.31 34.28 24382 ΜΙΣΧ. ΣΥΠΠΛΙΕΣ (ϑΜ) 3/6/12 505.00.524.500.31 12.26 24477 ΣΜΑΛΛ ΤΟΟΛΣ, ΛΑΩΝ, ΓΑΡ∆ΕΝ & 430.00.534.800.31 154.40 24484 ΜΙΣΧ. ΠΑΡΤΣ ΑΝ∆ ΣΥΠΠΛΙΕΣ ΦΟΡ ΠΑΡΚΣ 001.33.576.100.31 186.58 24497 Βλανκετ ΠΟ φορ Μισχελλανεουσ 001.32.532.200.31 145.57 24507 ΜΙΣΧ. ΠΑΡΤΣ ΑΝ∆ ΣΥΠΠΛΙΕΣ ΦΟΡ ΠΑΡΚΣ 001.33.576.100.31 9.45 24545 ΜΙΣΧ. ΠΑΡΤΣ ΑΝ∆ ΣΥΠΠΛΙΕΣ ΦΟΡ ΠΑΡΚΣ 001.33.576.100.31 2.79 24703 Βλανκετ ΠΟ φορ Μισχελλανεουσ 001.32.532.200.31 23.65 24703 ΣΜΑΛΛ ΤΟΟΛΣ, ΛΑΩΝ, ΓΑΡ∆ΕΝ & 431.00.535.800.31 22.56 24713 ΜΙΣΧ. ∆ΟΟΡ ΣΥΠΠΛΙΕΣ 505.00.524.500.31 37.31 24740 50Παγε: CA.B 03/14/2012 ςουχηερ Λιστ Χιτψ οφ Αυβυρν 51 3:33:58ΠΜ Παγε:ϖχηλιστ Βανκ χοδε :000 ςουχηερ ∆ατε ςενδορ Ινϖοιχε ∆εσχριπτιον/Αχχουντ Αµουντ 4120403/19/2012 (Χοντινυεδ)222200 ΛΟΩΕ∋Σ ΗΙΩ, ΙΝΧ Πλαστιχ χλαµπ φορ χεµετερψ υσε. 436.00.536.200.31 5.16 24980 ΧΟΥΡΣΕ ΣΥΠΠΛΙΕΣ 437.00.576.600.31 22.51 25406 ΜΙΣΧ. ΠΑΡΤΣ ΑΝ∆ ΣΥΠΠΛΙΕΣ ΦΟΡ ΠΑΡΚΣ 001.33.576.100.31 78.93 43854 ΜΙΣΧ. ΣΥΠΠΛΙΕΣ 505.00.524.500.31 29.11 70271 ∆ΙΣΗΩΑΣΗΕΡ 2/29/12 505.00.524.500.31 308.02 Τοταλ : 2,365.76 4120413/19/2012 012034 ΛΟΖΙΕΡ, ΡΑ∆ΙΝΕ030612ΠΧ ΠΕΤΤΨ ΧΑΣΗ ΡΕΙΜ ΦΟΡ ΣΕΝΙΟΡ ΧΤΡ.∼ 001.33.574.210.31 65.63 ΠΕΤΤΨ ΧΑΣΗ ΡΕΙΜ ΦΟΡ ΣΕΝΙΟΡ ΧΤΡ.∼ 001.33.574.210.43 121.23 Τοταλ : 186.86 4120423/19/2012 223030 ΛΨΝΝ ΠΕΑςΕΨ ΧΟΜΠΑΝΨ254242 ΦΙΝΓΕΡΠΡΙΝΤ ΠΟΩ∆ΕΡ∼ 001.21.521.300.31 238.16 Τοταλ : 238.16 4120433/19/2012 020775 ΜΑ∆∆ΙΝΓ, ΑΜΨ ΕΝΖΙΑΝϑΥΡΨ ∆ΥΤΨ ΠΑΨΜΕΝΤ ΦΟΡ ϑΥΡΨ ∆ΥΤΨ 001.13.512.500.49 13.33 Τοταλ : 13.33 4120443/19/2012 020750 ΜΑΡΣΗΑΛΛ, ΜΑΤΤΗΕΩΡΕΒΑΤΕ ΩΑΤΕΡ ΥΤΙΛΙΤΨ ΤΟΙΛΕΤ ΡΕΒΑΤΕ ΠΡΟΓΡΑΜ 51Παγε: CA.B 03/14/2012 ςουχηερ Λιστ Χιτψ οφ Αυβυρν 52 3:33:58ΠΜ Παγε:ϖχηλιστ Βανκ χοδε :000 ςουχηερ ∆ατε ςενδορ Ινϖοιχε ∆εσχριπτιον/Αχχουντ Αµουντ 4120443/19/2012 (Χοντινυεδ)020750 ΜΑΡΣΗΑΛΛ, ΜΑΤΤΗΕΩ 430.00.534.100.41 79.99 Τοταλ : 79.99 4120453/19/2012 020776 ΜΧΒΡΙ∆Ε, ∆ΑςΙ∆ϑΥΡΨ ∆ΥΤΨ ΠΑΨΜΕΝΤ ΦΟΡ ϑΥΡΨ ∆ΥΤΨ 001.13.512.500.49 15.55 Τοταλ : 15.55 4120463/19/2012 231930 ΜΧΚΙΝΣΤΡΨ ΧΟ0397212 ΤΡΟΥΒΛΕΣΗΟΤ ΜΥΛΤΙΠΛΕ ςΑς∋Σ ΙΝ ΧΟΛ∆ 505.00.524.500.48 5,055.75 0416812 ΣΕΡςΙΧΕ ΠΡΟΠΟΣΑΛ − ΤΟ ΠΡΟςΙ∆Ε ΤΩΟ ΗΟΒΟ 505.00.524.500.48 860.83 0417012 ΣΕΡςΙΧΕ ΠΡΟΠΟΣΑΛ − ΡΕΜΟςΕ ΑΝ∆ ΡΕΠΛΑΧΕ 505.00.524.500.48 999.54 0443812 ΡΕΧΟΝΦΙΓΥΡΕ ΩΑΤΕΡ ΠΙΠΙΝΓ ΒΕΤΩΕΕΝ ΗΩΣΤ 505.00.524.500.48 8,435.88 0516012 ΥΝΙΤ ΗΕΑΤΕΡ ΙΝ ΣΗΟΠ ΙΣ ΝΟΤ ΩΟΡΚΙΝΓ − 505.00.524.500.48 558.79 0588312 ΤΡΟΥΒΛΕΣΗΟΤ ΦΟΡ ΤΟΟ ΗΟΤ ΟΡ ΧΟΛ∆ ΩΑΤΕΡ. 505.00.524.500.48 998.64 0589812 ΛΟΧΑΤΕ∆ ΦΑΝ ΜΟΤΟΡ ΣΕΡςΙΝΓ ΕςΙ∆ΕΝΧΕ 505.00.524.500.48 1,702.37 Τοταλ : 18,611.80 4120473/19/2012 012249 Μ∆Α, ΜΙΛΝΕΡ ∆ΙΣΤ ΑΛΛΙΑΝΧΕ79032 ΜΙΣΧ. ΣΥΜΜΕΡ ΓΟΛΦ ΙΤΕΜΣ ΦΟΡ ΡΕΣΑΛΕ 437.00.576.680.34 928.62 Τοταλ : 928.62 52Παγε: CA.B 03/14/2012 ςουχηερ Λιστ Χιτψ οφ Αυβυρν 53 3:33:58ΠΜ Παγε:ϖχηλιστ Βανκ χοδε :000 ςουχηερ ∆ατε ςενδορ Ινϖοιχε ∆εσχριπτιον/Αχχουντ Αµουντ 4120483/19/2012 017044 ΜΕΨΕΡΣ, ∆ΑΝΙΕΛΛΕ36002 ΧΡΕΑΤΙςΕ ΣΧΥΛΠΤΥΡΕ ΧΛΑΣΣΕΣ:∼ 001.33.574.240.41 350.00 Τοταλ : 350.00 4120493/19/2012 233000 ΜΙΧΡΟΦΛΕΞ ΙΝΧ00020542 Ταξ Αυδιτ Προγραµ Φεβ 2012. 001.14.514.230.41 88.86 Τοταλ : 88.86 4120503/19/2012 016297 ΜΙΚΕ∋Σ ΤΡΑΠΠΙΝΓ030112ΙΝς ΠΕΣΤ ΡΕΜΟςΑΛ ΣΕΡςΙΧΕΣ ΠΡΟςΙ∆Ε∆ ΒΨ 432.00.535.900.41 300.00 ΥΣΕ ΤΑΞ 432.00.535.900.41 28.50 ΥΣΕ ΤΑΞ 432.237.200 −28.50 Τοταλ : 300.00 4120513/19/2012 019308 ΜΙΛΕΣ ΡΕΣΟΥΡΧΕΣ ΛΛΧ11−13/#7 Χ207Α, Α Στρεετ ΝΩ Εξτενσιον,∼ 102.00.594.420.65 353,225.15 Χ207Α, Α Στρεετ ΝΩ Εξτενσιον,∼ 430.00.590.100.65 107,069.05 Χ207Α, Α Στρεετ ΝΩ Εξτενσιον,∼ 102.00.594.420.65 15,037.88 Τοταλ : 475,332.08 4120523/19/2012 233210 ΜΙΛΕΣ ΣΑΝ∆ ΑΝ∆ ΓΡΑςΕΛ788471 ΣΑΝ∆ & ΓΡΑςΕΛ ΦΡΟΜ ΜΙΛΕΣ ΣΑΝ∆ & ΓΡΑςΕΛ 001.42.542.300.31 114.28 ΣΑΝ∆ & ΓΡΑςΕΛ ΦΡΟΜ ΜΙΛΕΣ ΣΑΝ∆ & ΓΡΑςΕΛ 430.00.534.800.31 76.19 788472 ΣΑΝ∆ & ΓΡΑςΕΛ ΦΡΟΜ ΜΙΛΕΣ ΣΑΝ∆ & ΓΡΑςΕΛ 001.42.542.300.31 114.54 53Παγε: CA.B 03/14/2012 ςουχηερ Λιστ Χιτψ οφ Αυβυρν 54 3:33:58ΠΜ Παγε:ϖχηλιστ Βανκ χοδε :000 ςουχηερ ∆ατε ςενδορ Ινϖοιχε ∆εσχριπτιον/Αχχουντ Αµουντ 4120523/19/2012 (Χοντινυεδ)233210 ΜΙΛΕΣ ΣΑΝ∆ ΑΝ∆ ΓΡΑςΕΛ ΣΑΝ∆ & ΓΡΑςΕΛ ΦΡΟΜ ΜΙΛΕΣ ΣΑΝ∆ & ΓΡΑςΕΛ 430.00.534.800.31 76.36 789175 ΣΑΝ∆ & ΓΡΑςΕΛ ΦΡΟΜ ΜΙΛΕΣ ΣΑΝ∆ & ΓΡΑςΕΛ 001.42.542.300.31 593.95 ΣΑΝ∆ & ΓΡΑςΕΛ ΦΡΟΜ ΜΙΛΕΣ ΣΑΝ∆ & ΓΡΑςΕΛ 430.00.534.800.31 395.97 789176 ΣΑΝ∆ & ΓΡΑςΕΛ ΦΡΟΜ ΜΙΛΕΣ ΣΑΝ∆ & ΓΡΑςΕΛ 001.42.542.300.31 82.06 ΣΑΝ∆ & ΓΡΑςΕΛ ΦΡΟΜ ΜΙΛΕΣ ΣΑΝ∆ & ΓΡΑςΕΛ 430.00.534.800.31 54.70 789388 ΣΑΝ∆ & ΓΡΑςΕΛ ΦΡΟΜ ΜΙΛΕΣ ΣΑΝ∆ & ΓΡΑςΕΛ 001.42.542.300.31 61.10 ΣΑΝ∆ & ΓΡΑςΕΛ ΦΡΟΜ ΜΙΛΕΣ ΣΑΝ∆ & ΓΡΑςΕΛ 430.00.534.800.31 40.74 789428 ΣΑΝ∆ & ΓΡΑςΕΛ ΦΡΟΜ ΜΙΛΕΣ ΣΑΝ∆ & ΓΡΑςΕΛ 001.42.542.300.31 87.62 ΣΑΝ∆ & ΓΡΑςΕΛ ΦΡΟΜ ΜΙΛΕΣ ΣΑΝ∆ & ΓΡΑςΕΛ 430.00.534.800.31 58.42 790082 ΣΑΝ∆ & ΓΡΑςΕΛ ΦΡΟΜ ΜΙΛΕΣ ΣΑΝ∆ & ΓΡΑςΕΛ 430.00.534.800.31 27.38 Τοταλ : 1,783.31 4120533/19/2012 012502 ΜΙΤΧΗΕΛΛ, ΙΡςΙΝΑ ΜΑΕϑΥΡΨ ∆ΥΤΨ ΠΑΨΜΕΝΤ ΦΟΡ ϑΥΡΨ ∆ΥΤΨ 001.13.512.500.49 16.66 Τοταλ : 16.66 4120543/19/2012 233840 ΜΟΗΑΩΚ ΝΟΡΤΗΕΡΝ ΠΛΑΣΤΙΧΣΕΙ00015150 Ιτεµ #9294 Μιντ Γρεεν Λιττερ Βαγσ φορ 434.00.537.800.31 3,764.00 54Παγε: CA.B 03/14/2012 ςουχηερ Λιστ Χιτψ οφ Αυβυρν 55 3:33:58ΠΜ Παγε:ϖχηλιστ Βανκ χοδε :000 ςουχηερ ∆ατε ςενδορ Ινϖοιχε ∆εσχριπτιον/Αχχουντ Αµουντ 4120543/19/2012 (Χοντινυεδ)233840 ΜΟΗΑΩΚ ΝΟΡΤΗΕΡΝ ΠΛΑΣΤΙΧΣ ΥΣΕ ΤΑΞ 434.00.537.800.31 357.58 ΥΣΕ ΤΑΞ 434.237.200 −357.58 ΕΙ00015151 Ιτεµ #7802 Ορανγε Λιττερ Βαγσ φορ 434.00.537.800.31 1,870.50 ΥΣΕ ΤΑΞ 434.00.537.800.31 177.70 ΥΣΕ ΤΑΞ 434.237.200 −177.70 Τοταλ : 5,634.50 4120553/19/2012 014274 ΜΟΝΣΟΝ, ΤΡΙΣΗΑ031912ΡΕΙΜ ΗΡ: ΡΕΦΡΕΣΗΜΕΝΤΣ ΦΟΡ ΠΟΛΙΧΕ ΣΕΡΓΕΑΝΤΣ 001.13.516.100.49 37.74 ΠΩ: ΩΑΤΕΡ ΤΕΣΤΙΝΓ ΣΥΠΠΛΙΕΣ 430.00.534.100.31 0.91 ΜΑΨΟΡ/ςΙΣΑ ΑΠΠΛΙΧΑΤΙΟΝ ΤΟ ΤΡΑςΕΛ ΤΟ 001.11.513.100.49 21.88 Τοταλ : 60.53 4120563/19/2012 020798 ΜΟΟ∆Ψ, ΓΕΟΦΦΡΕΨΡΕΒΑΤΕ ΩΑΤΕΡ ΥΤΙΛΙΤΨ ΤΟΙΛΕΤ ΡΕΒΑΤΕ ΠΡΟΓΡΑΜ 430.00.534.100.41 79.99 Τοταλ : 79.99 4120573/19/2012 019327 ΜΟΟΡΕ, ∆ΕΝΝΙΣ & ΕΡΙΚΑ056735 ΥΤΙΛΙΤΨ ΡΕΦΥΝ∆−870 ΟΡΑςΕΤΖ Ρ∆ ΣΕ 430.233.100 14.18 Τοταλ : 14.18 4120583/19/2012 240140 Ν Π Ε ΑΣΣΟΧΙΑΤΙΟΝ∆ΥΕΣ2012 ΑΝΝΥΑΛ 2012 ∆ΥΕΣ − ϑΟΝΕΣ 001.21.521.100.49 60.00 55Παγε: CA.B 03/14/2012 ςουχηερ Λιστ Χιτψ οφ Αυβυρν 56 3:33:58ΠΜ Παγε:ϖχηλιστ Βανκ χοδε :000 ςουχηερ ∆ατε ςενδορ Ινϖοιχε ∆εσχριπτιον/Αχχουντ Αµουντ (Χοντινυεδ)Τοταλ : 60.00 4120583/19/2012240140240140 Ν Π Ε ΑΣΣΟΧΙΑΤΙΟΝ 4120593/19/2012 241680 ΝΑΤΙΟΝΑΛ ΣΑΦΕΤΨ, ΙΝΧ0314635−ΙΝ ςΑΡΙΟΥΣ ΣΑΦΕΤΨ ΕΘΥΙΠΜΕΝΤ ΑΝ∆ ΣΥΠΠΛΙΕΣ 432.00.535.900.31 136.88 Τοταλ : 136.88 4120603/19/2012 008032 ΝΑΤΛ ΑΣΣΟΧ ΦΟΡ ΧΟΥΡΤ ΜΓΜΤ2012ΡΕΝΕΩΑΛ ΑΝΝΥΑΛ ΜΕΜΒΕΡΣΗΙΠ ΙΝ ΝΑΧΜ − ΡΕΝΕΩΑΛ 001.13.512.500.49 125.00 Τοταλ : 125.00 4120613/19/2012 242150 ΝΕΞΤΕΛ ΩΕΣΤ ΧΟΡΠ230388811−051 Χουρτ Αιρ Χαρδ 001.13.512.500.42 40.18 Ενγινεερινγ Αιρ Χαρδσ 001.32.532.200.42 220.99 Ενγινεερινγ Αιρ Χαρδσ 430.00.534.100.42 60.27 Ενγινεερινγ Αιρ Χαρδσ 431.00.535.100.42 60.27 Ενγινεερινγ Αιρ Χαρδσ 432.00.535.100.42 60.27 Ενγινεερινγ Αιρ Χαρδσ 432.00.535.900.42 174.12 ΗΡ Αιρ Χαρδ 001.13.516.100.42 40.18 ΙΣ Αιρ Χαρδσ 518.00.518.880.42 501.88 ΙΣ Αιρ Χαρδσ 518.00.518.780.42 40.18 Λεγαλ Αιρ Χαρδσ 001.15.515.100.42 159.96 Μαψορ Αιρ Χαρδσ 001.11.511.600.42 80.36 Μαψορ Αιρ Χαρδσ 56Παγε: CA.B 03/14/2012 ςουχηερ Λιστ Χιτψ οφ Αυβυρν 57 3:33:58ΠΜ Παγε:ϖχηλιστ Βανκ χοδε :000 ςουχηερ ∆ατε ςενδορ Ινϖοιχε ∆εσχριπτιον/Αχχουντ Αµουντ 4120613/19/2012 (Χοντινυεδ)242150 ΝΕΞΤΕΛ ΩΕΣΤ ΧΟΡΠ 001.11.513.100.42 123.55 Μαψορ Αιρ Χαρδσ 001.17.557.200.42 40.18 Μαψορ Αιρ Χαρδσ 001.17.562.100.42 40.18 Μυλτιµεδια Αιρ Χαρδ 518.00.518.780.42 40.18 Πλαννινγ Αιρ Χαρδσ 001.17.524.200.42 80.36 Πλαννινγ Αιρ Χαρδσ 001.17.558.100.42 40.18 Πολιχε Αιρ Χαρδσ 001.21.521.200.42 1,808.85 Πολιχε Αιρ Χαρδσ 001.21.521.210.42 40.20 Πυβλιχ Ωορκσ Αιρ Χαρδσ 001.42.542.300.42 40.18 Πυβλιχ Ωορκσ Αιρ Χαρδσ 001.42.543.100.42 160.72 Πυβλιχ Ωορκσ Αιρ Χαρδσ 430.00.534.800.42 455.37 Πυβλιχ Ωορκσ Αιρ Χαρδσ 431.00.535.800.42 334.83 525712310−123 Χουρτ Χελλ Πηονε 001.13.512.500.42 19.80 ∆ς Συππορτ Πηονε 001.21.521.100.42 51.80 Φινανχε Χελλ Πηονεσ 001.14.514.230.42 208.48 Φινανχε Χελλ Πηονεσ 430.00.534.800.42 68.64 Φινανχε Χελλ Πηονεσ 434.00.537.100.42 51.80 57Παγε: CA.B 03/14/2012 ςουχηερ Λιστ Χιτψ οφ Αυβυρν 58 3:33:58ΠΜ Παγε:ϖχηλιστ Βανκ χοδε :000 ςουχηερ ∆ατε ςενδορ Ινϖοιχε ∆εσχριπτιον/Αχχουντ Αµουντ 4120613/19/2012 (Χοντινυεδ)242150 ΝΕΞΤΕΛ ΩΕΣΤ ΧΟΡΠ ΗΡ Χελλ Πηονεσ 001.13.516.100.42 170.79 ΗΡ Χελλ Πηονεσ 505.00.524.500.42 343.20 ΙΣ Χελλ Πηονεσ 518.00.518.880.42 616.93 Λεγαλ Χελλ Πηονεσ 001.15.515.100.42 168.09 Μαψορ Χελλ Πηονεσ 001.11.511.600.42 374.86 Μαψορ Χελλ Πηονεσ 001.11.513.100.42 174.57 Μαψορ Χελλ Πηονεσ 001.17.557.200.42 185.14 Προβατιον Χελλ Πηονε 001.13.512.510.42 19.80 Σεωερ Χελλ Πηονεσ 431.00.535.800.42 479.83 Στορµ Χελλ Πηονεσ 432.00.535.900.42 391.80 Μαψορ Χελλ Πηονεσ 001.17.562.100.42 49.92 Ωατερ Χελλ Πηονεσ 430.00.534.800.42 611.03 Στρεετ Χελλ Πηονεσ 001.42.543.100.42 351.04 Ενγ/Μισχ Χελλ Πηονεσ 001.32.532.200.42 759.66 ΣΟΣ Χελλ Πηονε 103.00.595.100.42 19.80 Εθυιπµεντ Ρενταλ Χελλ Πηονεσ 550.00.548.100.42 39.60 Μυλτιµεδια Χελλ Πηονε 518.00.518.780.42 54.44 58Παγε: CA.B 03/14/2012 ςουχηερ Λιστ Χιτψ οφ Αυβυρν 59 3:33:58ΠΜ Παγε:ϖχηλιστ Βανκ χοδε :000 ςουχηερ ∆ατε ςενδορ Ινϖοιχε ∆εσχριπτιον/Αχχουντ Αµουντ 4120613/19/2012 (Χοντινυεδ)242150 ΝΕΞΤΕΛ ΩΕΣΤ ΧΟΡΠ Παρκσ Χελλ Πηονεσ 001.33.573.901.42 19.80 Παρκσ Χελλ Πηονεσ 001.33.574.100.42 56.87 Παρκσ Χελλ Πηονεσ 001.33.574.210.42 44.12 Παρκσ Χελλ Πηονεσ 001.33.574.220.42 364.44 Παρκσ Χελλ Πηονεσ 001.33.575.300.42 46.87 Παρκσ Χελλ Πηονεσ 001.33.576.100.42 253.24 Παρκσ Χελλ Πηονεσ 436.00.536.100.42 19.80 Παρκσ Χελλ Πηονεσ 437.00.576.600.42 19.80 Πλαννινγ Χελλ Πηονεσ 001.17.524.200.42 157.96 Πλαννινγ Χελλ Πηονεσ 001.17.558.100.42 436.60 Πολιχε Χελλ Πηονεσ 001.21.521.100.42 2,566.46 Πολιχε Χελλ Πηονεσ 001.21.521.210.42 224.36 Πολιχε Χελλ Πηονεσ 001.21.525.100.42 45.34 Πολιχε Χελλ Πηονεσ 117.00.521.210.42 355.32 Τοταλ : 14,465.44 4120623/19/2012 242150 ΝΕΞΤΕΛ ΩΕΣΤ ΧΟΡΠ724712312−123 11 Βλαχκβερρψ Βολδ Ρεπλαχεµεντ πηονεσ 518.00.518.880.35 1,121.89 Σαλεσ Ταξ 59Παγε: CA.B 03/14/2012 ςουχηερ Λιστ Χιτψ οφ Αυβυρν 60 3:33:58ΠΜ Παγε:ϖχηλιστ Βανκ χοδε :000 ςουχηερ ∆ατε ςενδορ Ινϖοιχε ∆εσχριπτιον/Αχχουντ Αµουντ 4120623/19/2012 (Χοντινυεδ)242150 ΝΕΞΤΕΛ ΩΕΣΤ ΧΟΡΠ 518.00.518.880.35 106.58 Τοταλ : 1,228.47 4120633/19/2012 242150 ΝΕΞΤΕΛ ΧΟΜΜΥΝΙΧΑΤΙΟΝΣ864702496−037 ΠΑΨΜΕΝΤ ΟΝ ΒΕΗΑΛΦ ΟΦ ς−ΝΕΤ 652.00.521.212.42 45.67 Τοταλ : 45.67 4120643/19/2012 020298 ΝΕΞΥΣ ΙΣ, ΙΝΧ∆Σ0028121 Χισχο Χαταλψστ σωιτχη φορ σερϖερ ροοµ 518.00.518.880.35 3,096.90 Σερϖερ ροοµ − Χαταλψστ 2960Σ ΦλεξΣταχκ 518.00.518.880.35 930.00 φρειγητ 518.00.518.880.35 10.06 Σαλεσ Ταξ 518.00.518.880.35 383.51 Τοταλ : 4,420.47 4120653/19/2012 020740 ΝΙΡΣΧΗΛ ΙΝςΕΣΤΜΕΝΤΣ ΛΛΧ055049 ΥΤΙΛΙΤΨ ΡΕΦΥΝ∆ − 4111 ΑΥΒΥΡΝ ΩΑΨ Ν 430.233.100 153.41 Τοταλ : 153.41 4120663/19/2012 242370 ΝΙΞΟΝ, ΡΑΨ Μ030112ΛΕΟΦΦ ΛΕΟΦΦ 1 ΠΗΑΡΜΑΧΨ ΡΕΙΜΒΥΡΣΕΜΕΝΤ ΧΛΑΙΜ 001.98.522.210.25 132.00 Τοταλ : 132.00 4120673/19/2012 019075 ΝΟΒΛΕ, ΛΙΝ∆Α102495 ΧΟΥΡΤ ΙΝΤΕΡΠΡΕΤΙΝΓ ΣΕΡςΙΧΕΣ ΡΕΝ∆ΕΡΕ∆ ΟΝ 001.13.512.500.41 100.00 Τοταλ : 100.00 4120683/19/2012 242580 ΝΟΡΜΕ∆05381−626916 #5428 Νυτραλοξ ανταχιδ 500/ 2παχκσ 60Παγε: CA.B 03/14/2012 ςουχηερ Λιστ Χιτψ οφ Αυβυρν 61 3:33:58ΠΜ Παγε:ϖχηλιστ Βανκ χοδε :000 ςουχηερ ∆ατε ςενδορ Ινϖοιχε ∆εσχριπτιον/Αχχουντ Αµουντ 4120683/19/2012 (Χοντινυεδ)242580 ΝΟΡΜΕ∆ 550.00.548.150.31 51.98 #5449 Προπιναλ παιν ρελιεϖερ 400/2παχκσ 550.00.548.150.31 93.94 #5754 Συδο−Ταβ δεχονγεσταντ 125/2παχκσ 550.00.548.150.31 8.86 #5524 Ασπιριν παιν ρελιεϖερ 125/2παχκσ 550.00.548.150.31 15.33 #5564 Χεταφεν νον ασπιριν παιν ρελιεϖερ 550.00.548.150.31 12.88 #5777 Τηεραστατ χηερρψ χουγη λοζενγεσ 550.00.548.150.31 18.57 Σαλεσ Ταξ 550.00.548.150.31 19.15 Τοταλ : 220.71 4120693/19/2012 000533 ΝΟΡΣΤΑΡ ΙΝ∆ΥΣΤΡΙΕΣ, ΙΝΧ47786 ΡΕΠΑΙΡ ΠΑΡΤΣ & ΣΕΡςΙΧΕ ΤΟ ΣΝΟΩ ΠΛΟΩΣ, 550.00.548.680.35 88.54 Τοταλ : 88.54 4120703/19/2012 018574 ΝΟΡΤΗ ΧΕΝΤΡΑΛ ΛΑΒΟΡΑΤΟΡΙΕΣ300086 πΗ Βυφφερσ φορ πΗ Μετερ Χαλιβρατιον ΘΧ 430.00.534.100.31 106.79 ΥΣΕ ΤΑΞ 430.00.534.100.31 10.14 ΥΣΕ ΤΑΞ 430.237.200 −10.14 Τοταλ : 106.79 4120713/19/2012 020304 ΝΟΡΤΗΕΑΣΤ ΕΛΕΧΤΡΙΧ ΛΛΧ11−20/#1 ∆οωντοων Πεδεστριαν Λιγητινγ 330.00.594.300.65 82,921.93 Τοταλ : 82,921.93 4120723/19/2012 019873 ΝΟΡΤΗΩΕΣΤ ΧΗΡΙΣΤΜΑΣ ΛΙΓΗΤΙΝΓ10309 61Παγε: CA.B 03/14/2012 ςουχηερ Λιστ Χιτψ οφ Αυβυρν 62 3:33:58ΠΜ Παγε:ϖχηλιστ Βανκ χοδε :000 ςουχηερ ∆ατε ςενδορ Ινϖοιχε ∆εσχριπτιον/Αχχουντ Αµουντ 4120723/19/2012 (Χοντινυεδ)019873 ΝΟΡΤΗΩΕΣΤ ΧΗΡΙΣΤΜΑΣ ΛΙΓΗΤΙΝΓ ΜΑΙΝ ΤΡΕΕ ∆ΕΧΟΡ/ΛΙΓΗΤΙΝΓ/ΛΙΦΤ ΕΘΥΙΠΜΕΝΤ 001.33.576.100.41 11,426.87 Τοταλ : 11,426.87 4120733/19/2012 250210 ΟΦΦΙΧΕ ∆ΕΠΟΤ1405302214 ΟΦΦΙΧΕ ΣΥΠΠΛΙΕΣ ΦΟΡ ΠΑΡΚΣ ∆ΕΠΤ 001.33.574.240.31 144.42 1441810113 Οφφιχε Συππλιεσ φορ χεµετερψ υσε. 436.00.536.100.31 32.78 1442709370 Οφφιχε Συππλιεσ φορ χεµετερψ υσε. 436.00.536.100.31 31.14 1444500330 ΟΦΦΙΧΕ ΣΥΠΠΛΙΕΣ ΦΟΡ ΠΑΡΚΣ, ΣΕΝΙΟΡ 001.33.575.300.31 40.24 1445906461 ΟΦΦΙΧΕ ΣΥΠΠΛΙΕΣ ΦΟΡ ΠΑΡΚΣ, ΣΕΝΙΟΡ 001.33.574.240.31 361.33 1447067886 9ξ12 Μανιλα Ενϖελοπεσ 001.21.525.100.31 6.05 Ορανγε Στιχκερσ 001.21.525.100.31 3.97 Πλαστιχ Στοραγε Τυβ 001.21.525.100.31 5.02 ∆εσκ Λαµπ 001.21.525.100.31 24.94 Σαλεσ Ταξ 001.21.525.100.31 3.80 589054172001 ΧΗΑΙΡ/ΡΕΧΟΡ∆Σ − 589054172001 001.21.521.300.35 270.45 593330841001 ΧΗΑΙΡ/ΡΕΧΟΡ∆Σ − 593330841001 62Παγε: CA.B 03/14/2012 ςουχηερ Λιστ Χιτψ οφ Αυβυρν 63 3:33:58ΠΜ Παγε:ϖχηλιστ Βανκ χοδε :000 ςουχηερ ∆ατε ςενδορ Ινϖοιχε ∆εσχριπτιον/Αχχουντ Αµουντ 4120733/19/2012 (Χοντινυεδ)250210 ΟΦΦΙΧΕ ∆ΕΠΟΤ 001.21.521.300.35 270.45 593818969001 Βλανκετ ΠΟ φορ Μισχελλανεουσ Οφφιχε 001.32.532.200.31 67.66 593833214001 Βλανκετ ΠΟ φορ Μισχελλανεουσ Οφφιχε 001.32.532.200.31 99.67 596829216001 ΣΤΟΡΑΓΕ ΒΟΞΕΣ − ΡΕΧΟΡ∆Σ/ΕςΙ∆ΕΝΧΕ 001.21.521.300.31 86.81 596878487001 Γενεραλ Οφφιχε Συππλιεσ φορ Χοµµυνιτψ 001.17.557.200.31 168.64 597385938001 Οφφιχε ∆εποτ Μισχελλανεουσ Οφφιχε 430.00.534.110.31 25.35 Οφφιχε ∆εποτ Μισχελλανεουσ Οφφιχε 431.00.535.110.31 25.35 Οφφιχε ∆εποτ Μισχελλανεουσ Οφφιχε 432.00.535.910.31 25.35 Οφφιχε ∆εποτ Μισχελλανεουσ Οφφιχε 434.00.537.110.31 25.35 Σαλεσ Ταξ 430.00.534.110.31 2.41 Σαλεσ Ταξ 431.00.535.110.31 2.41 Σαλεσ Ταξ 432.00.535.910.31 2.41 Σαλεσ Ταξ 434.00.537.110.31 2.41 597386140001 Οφφιχε ∆εποτ Μισχελλανεουσ Οφφιχε 430.00.534.110.31 0.52 Οφφιχε ∆εποτ Μισχελλανεουσ Οφφιχε 63Παγε: CA.B 03/14/2012 ςουχηερ Λιστ Χιτψ οφ Αυβυρν 64 3:33:58ΠΜ Παγε:ϖχηλιστ Βανκ χοδε :000 ςουχηερ ∆ατε ςενδορ Ινϖοιχε ∆εσχριπτιον/Αχχουντ Αµουντ 4120733/19/2012 (Χοντινυεδ)250210 ΟΦΦΙΧΕ ∆ΕΠΟΤ 431.00.535.110.31 0.52 Οφφιχε ∆εποτ Μισχελλανεουσ Οφφιχε 432.00.535.910.31 0.52 Οφφιχε ∆εποτ Μισχελλανεουσ Οφφιχε 434.00.537.110.31 0.52 Σαλεσ Ταξ 430.00.534.110.31 0.05 Σαλεσ Ταξ 431.00.535.110.31 0.05 Σαλεσ Ταξ 432.00.535.910.31 0.05 Σαλεσ Ταξ 434.00.537.110.31 0.05 597386141001 Οφφιχε ∆εποτ Μισχελλανεουσ Οφφιχε 430.00.534.110.31 3.09 Οφφιχε ∆εποτ Μισχελλανεουσ Οφφιχε 431.00.535.110.31 3.09 Οφφιχε ∆εποτ Μισχελλανεουσ Οφφιχε 432.00.535.910.31 3.09 Οφφιχε ∆εποτ Μισχελλανεουσ Οφφιχε 434.00.537.110.31 3.07 Σαλεσ Ταξ 430.00.534.110.31 0.29 Σαλεσ Ταξ 431.00.535.110.31 0.29 Σαλεσ Ταξ 432.00.535.910.31 0.29 Σαλεσ Ταξ 434.00.537.110.31 0.30 597443425001 ΗΑΝΓΙΝΓ ΦΙΛΕΣ/ΠΟΧΚΕΤ − 597443426001 001.21.521.300.31 126.84 598377295001 64Παγε: CA.B 03/14/2012 ςουχηερ Λιστ Χιτψ οφ Αυβυρν 65 3:33:58ΠΜ Παγε:ϖχηλιστ Βανκ χοδε :000 ςουχηερ ∆ατε ςενδορ Ινϖοιχε ∆εσχριπτιον/Αχχουντ Αµουντ 4120733/19/2012 (Χοντινυεδ)250210 ΟΦΦΙΧΕ ∆ΕΠΟΤ Σετ οφ δεσκ σπεακερσ φορ Παρκσ ∆επτ. 001.33.575.280.35 10.40 Σαλεσ Ταξ 001.33.575.280.35 0.99 598504055001 Φιν ∆επτ. συππλιεσ − ρυββερβανδσ, 001.14.514.230.31 360.34 598555074001 Οφφιχε ∆εποτ Μισχελλανεουσ Οφφιχε 430.00.534.110.31 33.03 Οφφιχε ∆εποτ Μισχελλανεουσ Οφφιχε 431.00.535.110.31 33.03 Οφφιχε ∆εποτ Μισχελλανεουσ Οφφιχε 432.00.535.910.31 33.03 Οφφιχε ∆εποτ Μισχελλανεουσ Οφφιχε 434.00.537.110.31 33.03 Σαλεσ Ταξ 430.00.534.110.31 3.14 Σαλεσ Ταξ 431.00.535.110.31 3.14 Σαλεσ Ταξ 432.00.535.910.31 3.14 Σαλεσ Ταξ 434.00.537.110.31 3.13 598641546001 Γενεραλ Οφφιχε Συππλιεσ φορ Μαψορ∋σ 001.11.513.100.31 183.27 598687804001 ΓΕΝΕΡΑΛ ΣΥΠΠΛΙΕΣ − 598687804001 − Π∆ 001.21.521.100.31 126.63 598690049001 ΓΕΝΕΡΑΛ ΣΥΠΠΛΙΕΣ − 598690049001−Π∆ Α∆ΜΙΝ 001.21.521.100.31 14.24 598715996001 65Παγε: CA.B 03/14/2012 ςουχηερ Λιστ Χιτψ οφ Αυβυρν 66 3:33:58ΠΜ Παγε:ϖχηλιστ Βανκ χοδε :000 ςουχηερ ∆ατε ςενδορ Ινϖοιχε ∆εσχριπτιον/Αχχουντ Αµουντ 4120733/19/2012 (Χοντινυεδ)250210 ΟΦΦΙΧΕ ∆ΕΠΟΤ Λιτηιυµ ΧΜΟΣ Βαττεριεσ φορ χοµπυτερσ 518.00.518.880.31 14.60 Ρυββερβανδσ φορ ΓΙΣ 518.00.518.880.31 3.29 Πενσ 518.00.518.880.31 16.90 Σαλεσ Ταξ 518.00.518.880.31 3.31 598797990001 ΟΦΦΙΧΕ ΣΥΠΠΛΙΕΣ ΦΟΡ ΠΑΡΚΣ, ΣΕΝΙΟΡ 001.33.574.210.31 224.84 598833891001 ΠΟΧΚΕΤ ΦΙΛΕΣ/ΣΤΟΡΑΓΕ ΦΙΛΕΣ − 001.21.521.300.31 169.62 598833891002 ΟΦΦΙΧΕ ΣΥΠΠΛΙΕΣ∼ 001.21.521.300.31 268.75 599386725001 ΓΕΝΕΡΑΛ ΣΥΠΠΛΙΕΣ − 599386725001 − Π∆ 001.21.521.100.31 84.06 599731998001 Φιν. ∆επτ συππλιεσ − ρυλερ, ταπε 001.14.514.230.31 16.71 599732252001 Φιν. ∆επτ − βαττεριεσ 001.14.514.230.31 5.42 600188689001 ΟΦΦΙΧΕ ΣΥΠΠΛΙΕΣ 001.21.521.100.31 13.95 600188766001 ΟΦΦΙΧΕ ΣΥΠΠΛΙΕΣ∼ 001.21.521.200.31 35.68 ΟΦΦΙΧΕ ΣΥΠΠΛΙΕΣ∼ 001.21.521.300.31 31.84 66Παγε: CA.B 03/14/2012 ςουχηερ Λιστ Χιτψ οφ Αυβυρν 67 3:33:58ΠΜ Παγε:ϖχηλιστ Βανκ χοδε :000 ςουχηερ ∆ατε ςενδορ Ινϖοιχε ∆εσχριπτιον/Αχχουντ Αµουντ 4120733/19/2012 (Χοντινυεδ)250210 ΟΦΦΙΧΕ ∆ΕΠΟΤ ΟΦΦΙΧΕ ΣΥΠΠΛΙΕΣ∼ 001.21.521.100.31 91.13 600469986001 ΟΦΦΙΧΕ ΣΥΠΠΛΙΕΣ∼ 001.21.521.100.31 27.28 Τοταλ : 3,718.96 4120743/19/2012 122670 ΟΦΦΙΧΕΜΑΞ ΧΟΝΤΡΑΧΤ ΙΝΧ624642 Γενεραλ οφφιχε συππλιεσ φορ Χιτψ 001.11.511.600.31 100.99 628145 Ωαστεβασκετ φορ Χουνχιλµεµβερσ 001.11.513.100.31 4.88 642480 Γενεραλ οφφιχε συππλιεσ φορ Μαψορ∋σ 001.11.513.100.31 187.45 720182 ΟΦΦΙΧΕ ΕΘΥΙΠΜΕΝΤ & ΣΥΠΠΛΙΕΣ ΦΡΟΜ 431.00.535.800.31 2.91 ΟΦΦΙΧΕ ΕΘΥΙΠΜΕΝΤ & ΣΥΠΠΛΙΕΣ ΦΡΟΜ 550.00.548.100.31 294.55 722953 Χιτψ−ωιδε παπερ συππλψ 518.00.518.780.31 164.25 735251 Οφφιχε Μαξ Πριντινγ Σερϖιχεσ φορ 518.00.518.780.41 131.39 735252 Οφφιχε Μαξ Πριντινγ Σερϖιχεσ φορ 518.00.518.780.41 84.25 741132 ΟΦΦΙΧΕ ΕΘΥΙΠΜΕΝΤ & ΣΥΠΠΛΙΕΣ ΦΡΟΜ 431.00.535.800.31 42.79 ΟΦΦΙΧΕ ΕΘΥΙΠΜΕΝΤ & ΣΥΠΠΛΙΕΣ ΦΡΟΜ 550.00.548.100.31 18.90 67Παγε: CA.B 03/14/2012 ςουχηερ Λιστ Χιτψ οφ Αυβυρν 68 3:33:58ΠΜ Παγε:ϖχηλιστ Βανκ χοδε :000 ςουχηερ ∆ατε ςενδορ Ινϖοιχε ∆εσχριπτιον/Αχχουντ Αµουντ 4120743/19/2012 (Χοντινυεδ)122670 ΟΦΦΙΧΕΜΑΞ ΧΟΝΤΡΑΧΤ ΙΝΧ 819074 Οφφιχε Μαξ Πριντινγ Σερϖιχεσ φορ 518.00.518.780.41 124.25 823418 Χιτψ−ωιδε παπερ συππλψ 518.00.518.780.31 328.50 835378 Οφφιχε Μαξ Πριντινγ Σερϖιχεσ φορ 518.00.518.780.41 19.47 835379 Οφφιχε Μαξ Πριντινγ Σερϖιχεσ φορ 518.00.518.780.41 149.70 835380 Οφφιχε Μαξ Πριντινγ Σερϖιχεσ φορ 518.00.518.780.41 161.32 845297 Χιτψ−ωιδε παπερ συππλψ 518.00.518.780.31 98.55 880581 Οφφιχε Μαξ Πριντινγ Σερϖιχεσ φορ 518.00.518.780.41 344.19 Τοταλ : 2,258.34 4120753/19/2012 250330 ΟΓ∆ΕΝ ΜΥΡΠΗΨ ΩΑΛΛΑΧΕ, ΠΛΛΧ696318 Λεγαλ φεεσ − Χεδαρ Ριϖερ Ωατερ ϖσ Κινγ 430.00.534.100.41 82.50 Τοταλ : 82.50 4120763/19/2012 013832 ΟΡΚΙΝ, ΙΝΧ.72925299 ΣΧΗΕ∆ΥΛΕ∆ ΠΕΣΤ ΣΕΡςΙΧΕ ΦΟΡ ΜΑΡΧΗ (3/9) 505.00.524.500.41 68.94 Τοταλ : 68.94 4120773/19/2012 016417 ΠΑΧΙΦΙΧ ΧΟΑΣΤ ΜΕΜΟΡΙΑΛΣ, ΙΝΧ12−00293 Λοισ Υτλεψ µεµοριαλ φορ ρεσαλε. 68Παγε: CA.B 03/14/2012 ςουχηερ Λιστ Χιτψ οφ Αυβυρν 69 3:33:58ΠΜ Παγε:ϖχηλιστ Βανκ χοδε :000 ςουχηερ ∆ατε ςενδορ Ινϖοιχε ∆εσχριπτιον/Αχχουντ Αµουντ 4120773/19/2012 (Χοντινυεδ)016417 ΠΑΧΙΦΙΧ ΧΟΑΣΤ ΜΕΜΟΡΙΑΛΣ, ΙΝΧ 436.00.536.200.34 340.00 Τοταλ : 340.00 4120783/19/2012 260847 ΠΑΧΙΦΙΧ ΡΙΜ ΕΝςΙΡΟΝΜΕΝΤΑΛ, ΙΝΧ38337 ΑΗΕΡΑ ΒΥΙΛ∆ΙΝΓ ΙΝΣΠΕΧΤΟΡ ΑΣΒΕΣΤΟΣ ΒΥΛΚ 505.00.524.500.41 775.30 38343 ΑΗΕΡΑ ΒΥΙΛ∆ΙΝΓ ΙΝΣΠΕΧΤΟΡ ΑΣΒΕΣΤΟΣ ΒΥΛΚ 505.00.524.500.41 700.30 Τοταλ : 1,475.60 4120793/19/2012 020416 ΠΑΠΑ ϑΟΗΝ∋Σ ΠΙΖΖΑΣ3015−12−0736 ΟΠΕΝ ΠΟ ΦΟΡ ΠΙΖΖΑ ΦΟΡ ΠΑΡΚΣ ΑΝ∆ ΡΕΧ 001.33.574.240.31 39.55 Σ3015−12−0737 ΟΠΕΝ ΠΟ ΦΟΡ ΠΙΖΖΑ ΦΟΡ ΠΑΡΚΣ ΑΝ∆ ΡΕΧ 001.33.574.240.31 17.60 Σ3015−12−0738 ΟΠΕΝ ΠΟ ΦΟΡ ΠΙΖΖΑ ΦΟΡ ΠΑΡΚΣ ΑΝ∆ ΡΕΧ 001.33.574.240.31 17.60 Σ3015−12−0739 ΟΠΕΝ ΠΟ ΦΟΡ ΠΙΖΖΑ ΦΟΡ ΠΑΡΚΣ ΑΝ∆ ΡΕΧ 001.33.574.240.31 17.60 Τοταλ : 92.35 4120803/19/2012 261460 ΠΑΡΑΜΕΤΡΙΞ ΙΝΧ16−63210 Ωηιτε Ριϖερ Στορµ Πυµπ 432.00.590.100.68 1,050.13 Τοταλ : 1,050.13 4120813/19/2012 001585 ΠΑΡΤΡΙ∆ΓΕ, ϑΟΗΝ022912ΡΕΙΜΒ ΜΙΛΕΑΓΕ ΤΟ ΜΤΓΣ / ΠΑΡΚΙΝΓ 2/1−2/29 001.11.511.600.43 100.48 Τοταλ : 100.48 4120823/19/2012 015127 ΠΑΣΤ ΠΕΡΦΕΧΤ ΣΟΦΤΩΑΡΕ2012−30869 69Παγε: CA.B 03/14/2012 ςουχηερ Λιστ Χιτψ οφ Αυβυρν 70 3:33:58ΠΜ Παγε:ϖχηλιστ Βανκ χοδε :000 ςουχηερ ∆ατε ςενδορ Ινϖοιχε ∆εσχριπτιον/Αχχουντ Αµουντ 4120823/19/2012 (Χοντινυεδ)015127 ΠΑΣΤ ΠΕΡΦΕΧΤ ΣΟΦΤΩΑΡΕ ΠΡΟΦΕΣΣΙΟΝΑΛ ΣΕΡςΙΧΕΣ ΑΣ ΝΕΕ∆Ε∆ 001.33.575.300.41 432.00 ΥΣΕ ΤΑΞ 001.33.575.300.41 41.04 ΥΣΕ ΤΑΞ 001.237.200 −41.04 Τοταλ : 432.00 4120833/19/2012 016025 ΠΑΥΛ ΨΕΣΤΕΡ ΠΡΟ∆ΥΧΤΙΟΝΣΑΑΤ120307 ΣΟΥΝ∆/ΛΙΓΗΤ ΤΕΧΗΝΙΧΑΛ ΣΕΡςΙΧΕΣ ΦΟΡ 001.33.575.280.41 320.00 Τοταλ : 320.00 4120843/19/2012 012214 ΠΕΑΡΛ ΒΥΙΛ∆ΙΝΓ ΣΕΡςΙΧΕΣ3790 2012 ΦΑΧΙΛΙΤΙΕΣ ϑΑΝΙΤΟΡΙΑΛ ΣΕΡςΙΧΕΣ 505.00.524.500.41 600.00 3791 2012 ΦΑΧΙΛΙΤΙΕΣ ϑΑΝΙΤΟΡΙΑΛ ΣΕΡςΙΧΕΣ 505.00.524.500.41 125.00 3792 2012 ΦΑΧΙΛΙΤΙΕΣ ϑΑΝΙΤΟΡΙΑΛ ΣΕΡςΙΧΕΣ 505.00.524.500.41 150.00 3793 2012 ΦΑΧΙΛΙΤΙΕΣ ϑΑΝΙΤΟΡΙΑΛ ΣΕΡςΙΧΕΣ 505.00.524.500.41 350.00 3794 2012 ΦΑΧΙΛΙΤΙΕΣ ϑΑΝΙΤΟΡΙΑΛ ΣΕΡςΙΧΕΣ 505.00.524.500.41 1,900.00 3795 2012 ΦΑΧΙΛΙΤΙΕΣ ϑΑΝΙΤΟΡΙΑΛ ΣΕΡςΙΧΕΣ 505.00.524.500.41 200.00 Τοταλ : 3,325.00 4120853/19/2012 016179 ΠΕΤΕΚ, ΠΗ.∆, ΤΗΟΜΑΣ Χ.8143 ∆ΑςΙΣ/ΛΙΝ∆ΓΡΕΝ ΕςΑΛΥΑΤΙΟΝ∼ 70Παγε: CA.B 03/14/2012 ςουχηερ Λιστ Χιτψ οφ Αυβυρν 71 3:33:58ΠΜ Παγε:ϖχηλιστ Βανκ χοδε :000 ςουχηερ ∆ατε ςενδορ Ινϖοιχε ∆εσχριπτιον/Αχχουντ Αµουντ 4120853/19/2012 (Χοντινυεδ)016179 ΠΕΤΕΚ, ΠΗ.∆, ΤΗΟΜΑΣ Χ. 001.21.521.100.41 600.00 Τοταλ : 600.00 4120863/19/2012 262670 ΠΕΤΕΡΣΕΝ ΒΡΟΤΗΕΡΣ ΙΝΧ1201601 Ρεπαιρ/ρεπλαχε δαµαγεδ γυαρδραιλσ ατ 001.42.542.300.48 2,794.81 Σαλεσ Ταξ 001.42.542.300.48 265.54 Τοταλ : 3,060.35 4120873/19/2012 262690 ΠΕΤΕΡΣΕΝ, ΩΙΛΛΙΑΜ Ρ022712ΛΕΟΦΦ ΛΕΟΦΦ 1 ΠΗΑΡΜΑΧΨ ΡΕΙΜΒΥΡΣΕΜΕΝΤ ΧΛΑΙΜ 001.98.522.210.25 207.53 Τοταλ : 207.53 4120883/19/2012 262640 ΠΕΤΕΡΣΟΝ ΧΟΜΠΑΝΨ1074368 ΧΗΕΕΣΕ ΦΟΡ ΤΗΕ ΣΕΝΙΟΡ ΧΕΝΤΕΡ 001.33.574.210.31 355.33 1076423 ΧΗΕΕΣΕ ΦΟΡ ΤΗΕ ΣΕΝΙΟΡ ΧΕΝΤΕΡ 001.33.574.210.31 47.10 Τοταλ : 402.43 4120893/19/2012 015534 ΠΕΤΕΡΣΟΝ, ΛΕΣΛΕΕ ϑΟ36355 ΜΑΣΣΑΓΕ ΣΕΡςΙΧΕΣ ΑΤ ΤΗΕ ΣΕΝΙΟΡ ΧΕΝΤΕΡ∼ 001.33.574.210.41 84.00 36356 ΜΑΣΣΑΓΕ ΣΕΡςΙΧΕΣ ΑΤ ΤΗΕ ΣΕΝΙΟΡ ΧΕΝΤΕΡ∼ 001.33.574.210.41 132.00 Τοταλ : 216.00 4120903/19/2012 263070 ΠΙΕΡΧΕ ΧΟ ΒΥ∆ΓΕΤ & ΦΙΝΑΝΧΕ2011ΠΠΤΑΞΣΤΜΤΣ 2012 ΠΡΟΠΕΡΤΨ ΤΑΞ ΣΤΜΤΣ, 37 ΠΑΡΧΕΛΣ 505.00.524.500.49 141.10 Τοταλ : 141.10 71Παγε: CA.B 03/14/2012 ςουχηερ Λιστ Χιτψ οφ Αυβυρν 72 3:33:58ΠΜ Παγε:ϖχηλιστ Βανκ χοδε :000 ςουχηερ ∆ατε ςενδορ Ινϖοιχε ∆εσχριπτιον/Αχχουντ Αµουντ 4120913/19/2012 263070 ΠΙΕΡΧΕ ΧΟΥΝΤΨ ΑΥ∆ΙΤΟΡΦΙΛΙΝΓ ΦΕΕΣ ΒΛΑΝΚΕΤ ΠΟ ΦΟΡ ΦΙΛΙΝΓ ΦΕΕΣ, ΛΙΕΝΣ 430.00.534.110.41 62.00 Τοταλ : 62.00 4120923/19/2012 013146 ΠΙΝΓ, ΙΝΧ 11065623 ΧΛΥΒΣ ΑΝ∆ ΓΟΛΦ ΒΑΓΣ ΦΟΡ ΡΕΣΑΛΕ ΑΤ ΤΗΕ 437.00.576.680.34 3,028.52 11080557 ΧΛΥΒΣ ΑΝ∆ ΓΟΛΦ ΒΑΓΣ ΦΟΡ ΡΕΣΑΛΕ ΑΤ ΤΗΕ 437.00.576.680.34 −72.00 11081850 ΧΛΥΒΣ ΑΝ∆ ΓΟΛΦ ΒΑΓΣ ΦΟΡ ΡΕΣΑΛΕ ΑΤ ΤΗΕ 437.00.576.680.34 70.56 Τοταλ : 3,027.08 4120933/19/2012 263510 ΠΛΑΤΤ ΕΛΕΧΤΡΙΧ1092387 ΒΛΑΝΚΕΤ ΠΥΡΧΗΑΣΕ ΟΡ∆ΕΡ ΦΟΡ 505.00.524.500.31 62.98 1100859 ΒΛΑΝΚΕΤ ΠΥΡΧΗΑΣΕ ΟΡ∆ΕΡ ΦΟΡ 505.00.524.500.31 136.88 1114077 ΒΛΑΝΚΕΤ ΠΥΡΧΗΑΣΕ ΟΡ∆ΕΡ ΦΟΡ 505.00.524.500.31 58.31 1122064 ΒΛΑΝΚΕΤ ΠΥΡΧΗΑΣΕ ΟΡ∆ΕΡ ΦΟΡ 505.00.524.500.31 111.28 1133739 ΕΛΕΧΤΡΙΧΑΛ ΠΑΡΤΣ & ΣΥΠΠΛΙΕΣ ΦΡΟΜ ΠΛΑΤΤ 550.00.548.150.35 22.87 1139349 ΒΛΑΝΚΕΤ ΠΥΡΧΗΑΣΕ ΟΡ∆ΕΡ ΦΟΡ 505.00.524.500.31 40.50 1198921 ΒΛΑΝΚΕΤ ΠΥΡΧΗΑΣΕ ΟΡ∆ΕΡ ΦΟΡ 72Παγε: CA.B 03/14/2012 ςουχηερ Λιστ Χιτψ οφ Αυβυρν 73 3:33:58ΠΜ Παγε:ϖχηλιστ Βανκ χοδε :000 ςουχηερ ∆ατε ςενδορ Ινϖοιχε ∆εσχριπτιον/Αχχουντ Αµουντ 4120933/19/2012 (Χοντινυεδ)263510 ΠΛΑΤΤ ΕΛΕΧΤΡΙΧ 505.00.524.500.31 378.92 1227555 ΒΛΑΝΚΕΤ ΠΥΡΧΗΑΣΕ ΟΡ∆ΕΡ ΦΟΡ 505.00.524.500.31 94.91 Τοταλ : 906.65 4120943/19/2012 014282 ΠΛΑΤΤΕΡ, ΤΟΜΑΣ ΑΝΤΗΟΝΨ022712ΙΝς ΠΡΟ−ΤΕΜ ΣΕΡςΙΧΕΣ ΡΕΝ∆ΕΡΕ∆ ΟΝ 2/27 ΑΝ∆ 001.13.512.500.41 175.00 030612ΙΝς ΠΡΟ−ΤΕΜ ΣΕΡςΙΧΕΣ ΡΕΝ∆ΕΡΕ∆ ΟΝ 2/27 ΑΝ∆ 001.13.512.500.41 75.00 Τοταλ : 250.00 4120953/19/2012 263805 ΠΟΛΛΑΡ∆ΩΑΤΕΡ.ΧΟΜΙ319600−ΙΝ ΦΟΡ ΩΑΤΕΡ ΣΑΜΠΛΕ ΧΟΛΛΕΧΤΟΝ∼ 430.00.534.800.31 180.30 φρειγητ 430.00.534.800.31 15.00 Σαλεσ Ταξ 430.00.534.800.31 18.56 Τοταλ : 213.86 4120963/19/2012 013364 ΠΟΡΤ ΟΦ ΣΕΑΤΤΛΕ ΠΟΛΙΧΕςΝΕΤ158 ΠΑΨΜΕΝΤ ΟΝ ΒΕΗΑΛΦ ΟΦ ς−ΝΕΤ 652.00.521.211.51 2,523.00 ΠΑΨΜΕΝΤ ΟΝ ΒΕΗΑΛΦ ΟΦ ς−ΝΕΤ 652.00.521.214.51 2,415.54 ΠΑΨΜΕΝΤ ΟΝ ΒΕΗΑΛΦ ΟΦ ς−ΝΕΤ 652.00.521.215.51 946.69 Τοταλ : 5,885.23 4120973/19/2012 263960 ΠΠΙ ΓΡΟΥΠ ΙΝς276478 (3) ΣΕΧΟ βρανδ #8068 Σαφετψ ςεστσ ΑΝΣΙ 001.32.532.200.22 270.71 73Παγε: CA.B 03/14/2012 ςουχηερ Λιστ Χιτψ οφ Αυβυρν 74 3:33:58ΠΜ Παγε:ϖχηλιστ Βανκ χοδε :000 ςουχηερ ∆ατε ςενδορ Ινϖοιχε ∆εσχριπτιον/Αχχουντ Αµουντ 4120973/19/2012 (Χοντινυεδ)263960 ΠΠΙ ΓΡΟΥΠ ΙΝς277348 ΣΠΕΧΙΑΛΙΖΕ∆ ΒΑΤΤΕΡΙΕΣ − ΝΙΚΟΝ − 001.21.521.210.31 373.75 Τοταλ : 644.46 4120983/19/2012 264140 ΠΡΑΞΑΙΡ ∆ΙΣΤΡΙΒΥΤΙΟΝ ΙΝΧ42074797 ΑΧΕΤΨΛΕΝΕ ΑΝ∆ ΟΤΗΕΡ ΩΕΛ∆ΙΝΓ ΣΥΠΠΛΙΕΣ 001.33.576.100.31 158.64 Τοταλ : 158.64 4120993/19/2012 290210 ΠΡΕΜΙΕΡ ΜΕΜΟΡΙΑΛ021512ΙΝς Βασε φορ γρανιτε µαρκερ − Σεϖερσον φορ 436.00.536.200.34 460.00 Τοταλ : 460.00 4121003/19/2012 007577 ΠΡΙΝΤ Ν.Ω.Ω3551801 Πριντινγ Σερϖιχεσ φορ Χιτψ οφ Αυβυρν 518.00.518.780.41 101.29 Τοταλ : 101.29 4121013/19/2012 002719 ΠΡΙΝΤΧΟ, ΙΝΧ048270 Πριντινγ Σερϖιχεσ φορ Χιτψ οφ Αυβυρν 518.00.518.780.41 845.18 048296 Πριντινγ Σερϖιχεσ φορ Χιτψ οφ Αυβυρν 518.00.518.780.41 327.18 048384 Πριντινγ Σερϖιχεσ φορ Χιτψ οφ Αυβυρν 518.00.518.780.41 147.83 Τοταλ : 1,320.19 4121023/19/2012 016322 ΠΡΟΣΠΕΡΙΤΨ ΧΟΥΝΣΕΛΙΝΓ ΑΝ∆030212ΙΝς ΡΕΣΙ∆ΕΝΤΙΑΛ ΤΡΕΑΤΜΕΝΤ ΣΕΡςΙΧΕΣ ΦΟΡ ΤΗΕ 001.13.512.510.41 5,416.25 Τοταλ : 5,416.25 74Παγε: CA.B 03/14/2012 ςουχηερ Λιστ Χιτψ οφ Αυβυρν 75 3:33:58ΠΜ Παγε:ϖχηλιστ Βανκ χοδε :000 ςουχηερ ∆ατε ςενδορ Ινϖοιχε ∆εσχριπτιον/Αχχουντ Αµουντ 4121033/19/2012 006510 ΠΡΟ−ςΑΧ, ΛΛΧ120223−024 ΕΜΕΡΓΕΝΧΨ ∆ΡΑΙΝ ΧΛΕΑΝΙΝΓ ΦΡΟΜ ΠΡΟ−ςΑΧ 431.00.535.800.48 906.23 Τοταλ : 906.23 4121043/19/2012 013692 ΠΥΒΛΙΧ ΒΕΝΕΦΙΤ ΤΕΧΗΝΟΛΟΓΨ22251 ΧΙΤΨ ΧΟΥΝΧΙΛ ΜΕΕΤΙΝΓ ΡΕΧΟΡ∆ΙΝΓΣ φορ 518.00.518.880.42 300.00 Τοταλ : 300.00 4121053/19/2012 005667 ΠΥΓΕΤ ΣΟΥΝ∆ ΑΧΧΕΣΣ2022 ςιδεογραπηψ ανδ Εδιτινγ φορ ∋Υνιθυελψ 518.00.518.780.41 542.50 Τοταλ : 542.50 4121063/19/2012 270210 ΘΥΙΡΙΝΓ ΜΟΝΥΜΕΝΤΣ, ΙΝΧ124678 Γυνδερσον ανδ Ριχε−ΜχΧοψ µεµοριαλσ φορ 436.00.536.200.34 316.00 124679 Γυνδερσον ανδ Ριχε−ΜχΧοψ µεµοριαλσ φορ 436.00.536.200.34 402.00 Τοταλ : 718.00 4121073/19/2012 270600 Ρ Ω ΣΧΟΤΤ ΧΟΝΣΤ ΧΟ11−11/#5 Ωεστ ςαλλεψ Ηιγηωαψ Ιµπροϖεµεντσ, 102.00.594.420.65 105,363.27 11−11/#5Ρ Ωεστ ςαλλεψ Ηιγηωαψ Ιµπροϖεµεντσ, 102.00.594.420.65 43,242.80 Τοταλ : 148,606.07 4121083/19/2012 018903 Ρ&Τ ΗΟΟ∆ & ∆ΥΧΤ ΣΕΡςΙΧΕΣ, ΙΝΧ912946 ΓΡΕΑΣΕ ΕΞΗΑΥΣΤ ΣΨΣΤΕΜ ΧΛΕΑΝΙΝΓ − ΣΧ 505.00.524.500.48 617.20 Τοταλ : 617.20 4121093/19/2012 270630 ΡΑ∆ΙΟ ΣΗΑΧΚ ΧΟΡΠΟΡΑΤΙΟΝ026343 75Παγε: CA.B 03/14/2012 ςουχηερ Λιστ Χιτψ οφ Αυβυρν 76 3:33:58ΠΜ Παγε:ϖχηλιστ Βανκ χοδε :000 ςουχηερ ∆ατε ςενδορ Ινϖοιχε ∆εσχριπτιον/Αχχουντ Αµουντ 4121093/19/2012 (Χοντινυεδ)270630 ΡΑ∆ΙΟ ΣΗΑΧΚ ΧΟΡΠΟΡΑΤΙΟΝ ΧΑΜΕΡΑ ΒΑΤΤΕΡΨ − 026343 117.00.521.210.31 39.40 Τοταλ : 39.40 4121103/19/2012 012126 ΡΑΙΛΡΟΑ∆ ΜΑΝΑΓΕΜΕΝΤ ΧΟ ΙΙΙ, ΛΛ282163 ΙΝςΟΙΧΕ−ΣΙΓΝΑΛ ΠΟΛΕΣ ΙΝ ΡΟΩ−ΡΑΙΛΡΟΑ∆ 001.32.532.200.48 120.79 Τοταλ : 120.79 4121113/19/2012 270810 ΡΑΙΝΙΕΡ ΤΡΕΕ ΣΕΡςΙΧΕ, ΙΝΧ#Ε−12 ΣΤΥΜΠ ΓΡΙΝ∆ΙΝΓ ΦΡΟΜ ΣΝΟΩ ΣΤΟΡΜ ΧΛΕΑΝ ΥΠ 001.33.576.100.41 4,614.33 #Ε−7 ΤΡΕΕ ∆ΕΒΡΙΣ ΧΛΕΑΝ−ΥΠ ∆ΥΕ ΤΟ ΣΝΟΩ ΣΤΟΡΜ 001.33.576.100.41 6,936.82 #Ε−8 ΤΡΕΕ ∆ΕΒΡΙΣ ΧΛΕΑΝ−ΥΠ ΦΡΟΜ ΣΝΟΩ ΣΤΟΡΜ.∼ 001.33.576.100.41 6,482.40 #Ε−9 ΣΤΥΜΠ ΓΡΙΝ∆ΙΝΓ ΦΟΡ ΤΡΕΕ ∆ΕΒΡΙΣ ΦΡΟΜ ΤΗΕ 001.33.576.100.41 6,553.57 3419 ΠΡΟΦΕΣΣΙΟΝΑΛ ΤΡΕΕ ΣΕΡςΙΧΕΣ ΦΟΡ ΠΑΡΚΣ 001.33.576.100.41 2,589.67 Τοταλ : 27,176.79 4121123/19/2012 020778 ΡΑΝΚΙΝ, ∆ΟΝΑΛ∆ Λ.ϑΥΡΨ ∆ΥΤΨ ΠΑΨΜΕΝΤ ΦΟΡ ϑΥΡΨ ∆ΥΤΨ 001.13.512.500.49 26.66 Τοταλ : 26.66 4121133/19/2012 011527 ΡΑΣΗ, ΑΝΓΕΛΑ36218 ΕΝΗΑΝΧΕ∆ ΦΙΤΝΕΣΣ ΧΛΑΣΣΕΣ:∼ 001.33.574.210.41 240.00 36219 76Παγε: CA.B 03/14/2012 ςουχηερ Λιστ Χιτψ οφ Αυβυρν 77 3:33:58ΠΜ Παγε:ϖχηλιστ Βανκ χοδε :000 ςουχηερ ∆ατε ςενδορ Ινϖοιχε ∆εσχριπτιον/Αχχουντ Αµουντ 4121133/19/2012 (Χοντινυεδ)011527 ΡΑΣΗ, ΑΝΓΕΛΑ ΕΝΗΑΝΧΕ∆ ΦΙΤΝΕΣΣ ΧΛΑΣΣΕΣ:∼ 001.33.574.210.41 93.00 Τοταλ : 333.00 4121143/19/2012 271410 ΡΕΕΧΕ, ΧΟΛΛΕΕΝ36030 ΩΡΙΤΙΝΓ ΧΛΑΣΣΕΣ ΑΤ ΤΗΕ ΣΕΝΙΟΡ ΧΕΝΤΕΡ∼ 001.33.574.210.41 378.00 36031 ΩΡΙΤΙΝΓ ΧΛΑΣΣΕΣ ΑΤ ΤΗΕ ΣΕΝΙΟΡ ΧΕΝΤΕΡ∼ 001.33.574.240.41 18.00 Τοταλ : 396.00 4121153/19/2012 020779 ΡΕΙ∆, ϑΟΗΝ Η.ϑΥΡΨ ∆ΥΤΨ ΠΑΨΜΕΝΤ ΦΟΡ ϑΥΡΨ ∆ΥΤΨ 001.13.512.500.49 16.66 Τοταλ : 16.66 4121163/19/2012 001829 ΡΕΛΙΑΒΛΕ ΜΑΙΛΙΝΓ &8198 Μαιλινγ Σερϖιχεσ φορ Χιτψ οφ Αυβυρν 518.00.518.780.41 93.08 Τοταλ : 93.08 4121173/19/2012 008543 ΡΗΟ∆ΕΣ, ΚΕΝΤΡΕΦΥΝ∆ ΗΑΝΓΑΡ 710/711−∆ΑΜΑΓΕ/ΣΕΧΥΡΙΤΨ ∆ΕΠΟΣΙΤ 435.399.501 1,114.49 Τοταλ : 1,114.49 4121183/19/2012 019221 ΡΙΧΗΛΑΝ∆ ΡΕΣΕΑΡΧΗ ΧΟΡΠΟΡΑΤΙΟΝ227518 ΗΙΓΗ ΤΡΑΧΤΙΟΝ ΚΙΤ 001.33.576.100.31 765.55 ΥΣΕ ΤΑΞ 001.33.576.100.31 72.73 ΥΣΕ ΤΑΞ 001.237.200 −72.73 Τοταλ : 765.55 77Παγε: CA.B 03/14/2012 ςουχηερ Λιστ Χιτψ οφ Αυβυρν 78 3:33:58ΠΜ Παγε:ϖχηλιστ Βανκ χοδε :000 ςουχηερ ∆ατε ςενδορ Ινϖοιχε ∆εσχριπτιον/Αχχουντ Αµουντ 4121193/19/2012 015822 ΡΟΑ∆ΩΙΣΕ, ΙΝΧ.Σ910108 ΣΑΛΤ ΦΡΟΜ ΡΟΑ∆ΩΙΣΕ, ΙΝΧ. ΟΝ ΑΝ ΑΣ 001.42.542.300.31 6,965.37 Σαλεσ Ταξ 001.42.542.300.31 661.71 Τοταλ : 7,627.08 4121203/19/2012 272630 ΡΟ∆ΑΡΤΕ ΧΟΝΣΤΡΥΧΤΙΟΝ ΙΝΧ10−15/#11 Ελλινγσον Σεωερ Πυµπ Στν−Χοντινγενχψ∼ 431.00.590.100.68 41,178.44 ΧΠ0817 Πηασε Β Ελλινγσον Σεωερ Πυµπ 431.00.590.100.68 912.82 Τοταλ : 42,091.26 4121213/19/2012 272800 ΡΟΤΟ−ΡΟΟΤΕΡ ΣΕΡςΙΧΕΣ ΧΟ, ΙΝΧ16589850 ΧΛΕΑΝΙΝΓ ΟΦ ΣΕΩΕΡ ΛΙΝΕΣ 001.33.576.100.41 526.42 Τοταλ : 526.42 4121223/19/2012 020780 ΡΥΑΡΚ, ΜΑΥΡΕΕΝ Ε.ϑΥΡΨ ∆ΥΤΨ ΠΑΨΜΕΝΤ ΦΟΡ ϑΥΡΨ ∆ΥΤΨ 001.13.512.500.49 14.44 Τοταλ : 14.44 4121233/19/2012 016381 ΣΑΦΑΡΙΛΑΝ∆, ΛΛΧΙ12−024081 ΕςΙ∆ΕΝΧΕ ΓΑΤΗΕΡΙΝΓ ΣΥΠΠΛΙΕΣ (Ι12−024081) 001.21.521.200.31 259.24 Ι12−025485 ΕςΙ∆ΕΝΧΕ ΓΑΤΗΕΡΙΝΓ ΣΥΠΠΛΙΕΣ (Ι12−025485) 001.21.521.200.31 269.64 Τοταλ : 528.88 4121243/19/2012 014872 ΣΑΝΓΣΤΟΝ, ΑΛΛΕΝ066179 ΥΤΙΛΙΤΨ ΡΕΦΥΝ∆ − 610 9ΤΗ ΣΤ ΣΕ 430.233.100 6.44 Τοταλ : 6.44 78Παγε: CA.B 03/14/2012 ςουχηερ Λιστ Χιτψ οφ Αυβυρν 79 3:33:58ΠΜ Παγε:ϖχηλιστ Βανκ χοδε :000 ςουχηερ ∆ατε ςενδορ Ινϖοιχε ∆εσχριπτιον/Αχχουντ Αµουντ 4121253/19/2012 280870 ΣΧΑΡΦΦ ΜΟΤΟΡΣ, ΙΝΧ522191 ΡΕΠΑΙΡ & ΣΕΡςΙΧΕ ΦΡΟΜ ΣΧΑΡΦΦ ΜΟΤΟΡΣ ΟΝ 550.00.548.680.35 90.34 522308 ΡΕΠΑΙΡ & ΣΕΡςΙΧΕ ΦΡΟΜ ΣΧΑΡΦΦ ΜΟΤΟΡΣ ΟΝ 550.141.100 81.69 522370 ΡΕΠΑΙΡ & ΣΕΡςΙΧΕ ΦΡΟΜ ΣΧΑΡΦΦ ΜΟΤΟΡΣ ΟΝ 550.00.548.100.31 −82.13 522425 ΡΕΠΑΙΡ & ΣΕΡςΙΧΕ ΦΡΟΜ ΣΧΑΡΦΦ ΜΟΤΟΡΣ ΟΝ 550.00.548.680.35 261.37 522497 ΡΕΠΑΙΡ & ΣΕΡςΙΧΕ ΦΡΟΜ ΣΧΑΡΦΦ ΜΟΤΟΡΣ ΟΝ 550.00.548.680.35 66.67 522557 ΡΕΠΑΙΡ & ΣΕΡςΙΧΕ ΦΡΟΜ ΣΧΑΡΦΦ ΜΟΤΟΡΣ ΟΝ 550.00.548.680.35 12.83 522686 ΡΕΠΑΙΡ & ΣΕΡςΙΧΕ ΦΡΟΜ ΣΧΑΡΦΦ ΜΟΤΟΡΣ ΟΝ 550.00.548.100.31 629.26 522705 ΡΕΠΑΙΡ & ΣΕΡςΙΧΕ ΦΡΟΜ ΣΧΑΡΦΦ ΜΟΤΟΡΣ ΟΝ 550.00.548.100.31 109.50 ΡΕΠΑΙΡ & ΣΕΡςΙΧΕ ΦΡΟΜ ΣΧΑΡΦΦ ΜΟΤΟΡΣ ΟΝ 550.00.548.680.35 491.83 522706 ΡΕΠΑΙΡ & ΣΕΡςΙΧΕ ΦΡΟΜ ΣΧΑΡΦΦ ΜΟΤΟΡΣ ΟΝ 550.00.548.680.35 12.83 522708 ΡΕΠΑΙΡ & ΣΕΡςΙΧΕ ΦΡΟΜ ΣΧΑΡΦΦ ΜΟΤΟΡΣ ΟΝ 550.00.548.100.31 −629.26 522751 ΡΕΠΑΙΡ & ΣΕΡςΙΧΕ ΦΡΟΜ ΣΧΑΡΦΦ ΜΟΤΟΡΣ ΟΝ 550.00.548.680.35 431.12 522754 79Παγε: CA.B 03/14/2012 ςουχηερ Λιστ Χιτψ οφ Αυβυρν 80 3:33:58ΠΜ Παγε:ϖχηλιστ Βανκ χοδε :000 ςουχηερ ∆ατε ςενδορ Ινϖοιχε ∆εσχριπτιον/Αχχουντ Αµουντ 4121253/19/2012 (Χοντινυεδ)280870 ΣΧΑΡΦΦ ΜΟΤΟΡΣ, ΙΝΧ ΡΕΠΑΙΡ & ΣΕΡςΙΧΕ ΦΡΟΜ ΣΧΑΡΦΦ ΜΟΤΟΡΣ ΟΝ 550.00.548.100.31 −109.50 Χ95518 ΡΕΠΑΙΡ & ΣΕΡςΙΧΕ ΦΡΟΜ ΣΧΑΡΦΦ ΜΟΤΟΡΣ ΟΝ 550.00.548.680.48 2,005.39 Χ95661 ΡΕΠΑΙΡ & ΣΕΡςΙΧΕ ΦΡΟΜ ΣΧΑΡΦΦ ΜΟΤΟΡΣ ΟΝ 550.00.548.680.48 57.43 Χ96104 ∆ς ςΕΗ ΜΑΙΝΤ∼ 117.00.521.210.48 156.42 Τοταλ : 3,585.79 4121263/19/2012 005436 ΣΧΗΜΑΛΖ, ΧΟΛΙΝ030212ΡΕΙΜΒ ΟΝΣΣΙ ΧΕΡΤΙΦΙΧΑΤΙΟΝ ΙΝ ΠΟΡΤΛΑΝ∆ − 518.00.518.880.43 1,122.27 Τοταλ : 1,122.27 4121273/19/2012 281080 ΣΧΗΥΛΕΡ, ϑΑΜΕΣΜΕ∆ΙΧΑΡΕ/ΛΕΟΦΦ ΛΕΟΦΦ 1 ΜΕ∆ΙΧΑΡΕ ΠΑΡΤ Β ΡΕΙΜΒΥΡΣΕΜΕΝΤ 001.98.517.210.25 1,158.00 Τοταλ : 1,158.00 4121283/19/2012 014952 ΣΕΑΤΤΛΕ ΑΥΤΟ ∆ΙΣΤΡΙΒΥΤΙΝΓ05−836351 ΜΟΩΩ2201Π 22∀ Φορδ ωιπερ βλαδε∼ 550.141.100 142.40 ΜΟΩΩ1002 10∀ Φορδ ωιπερ βλαδε∼ 550.141.100 14.24 ΜΟΓΛ671 Φορδ Χροων ςιχτορια αλτερνατορ. 550.141.100 368.17 Σαλεσ Ταξ 550.141.100 49.86 Τοταλ : 574.67 4121293/19/2012 282040 ΣΕΑΤΤΛΕ ΤΙΜΕΣ030785204 80Παγε: CA.B 03/14/2012 ςουχηερ Λιστ Χιτψ οφ Αυβυρν 81 3:33:58ΠΜ Παγε:ϖχηλιστ Βανκ χοδε :000 ςουχηερ ∆ατε ςενδορ Ινϖοιχε ∆εσχριπτιον/Αχχουντ Αµουντ 4121293/19/2012 (Χοντινυεδ)282040 ΣΕΑΤΤΛΕ ΤΙΜΕΣ ΛΕΓΑΛ Α∆ςΕΡΤΙΣΙΝΓ ΑΧΧΤ #030785204∼ 430.00.590.100.65 337.17 ΛΕΓΑΛ Α∆ςΕΡΤΙΣΙΝΓ∼ 001.15.514.300.44 663.87 030785204 ΛΕΓΑΛ Α∆ςΕΡΤΙΣΙΝΓ∼ 001.15.514.300.44 168.30 030785204 ΛΕΓΑΛ ΡΕΧΟΡ∆ΙΝΓΣ:∼ 001.15.514.300.44 560.72 030785204 ΛΕΓΑΛ Α∆ςΕΡΤΙΣΕΜΕΝΤΣ∼ 001.15.514.300.44 399.68 Τοταλ : 2,129.74 4121303/19/2012 014104 ΣΕΑΤΤΛΕ∋Σ ΧΗΙΛ∆2012−13184 ΣΥΜΜΕΡ ∆ΑΨ ΧΑΜΠ Α∆ςΕΡΤΙΣΙΝΓ ΙΝ 001.33.574.220.44 452.00 Τοταλ : 452.00 4121313/19/2012 282090 ΣΕΧΟΜΑ ΒΟΩΛΙΝΓ ΛΑΝΕΣ102911ΙΝς ΣΠΕΧΙΑΛΙΖΕ∆ ΡΕΧΡΕΑΤΙΟΝ ΒΟΩΛΙΝΓ ΣΕΣΣΙΟΝΣ 001.33.574.240.49 186.00 110511ΙΝς ΣΠΕΧΙΑΛΙΖΕ∆ ΡΕΧΡΕΑΤΙΟΝ ΒΟΩΛΙΝΓ ΣΕΣΣΙΟΝΣ 001.33.574.240.49 176.00 111211ΙΝς ΣΠΕΧΙΑΛΙΖΕ∆ ΡΕΧΡΕΑΤΙΟΝ ΒΟΩΛΙΝΓ ΣΕΣΣΙΟΝΣ 001.33.574.240.49 158.00 111911ΙΝς ΣΠΕΧΙΑΛΙΖΕ∆ ΡΕΧΡΕΑΤΙΟΝ ΒΟΩΛΙΝΓ ΣΕΣΣΙΟΝΣ 001.33.574.240.49 148.00 Τοταλ : 668.00 4121323/19/2012 004128 ΣΕΛΕΧΤ ΠΗΟΤΟΓΡΑΠΗΨ5025 81Παγε: CA.B 03/14/2012 ςουχηερ Λιστ Χιτψ οφ Αυβυρν 82 3:33:58ΠΜ Παγε:ϖχηλιστ Βανκ χοδε :000 ςουχηερ ∆ατε ςενδορ Ινϖοιχε ∆εσχριπτιον/Αχχουντ Αµουντ 4121323/19/2012 (Χοντινυεδ)004128 ΣΕΛΕΧΤ ΠΗΟΤΟΓΡΑΠΗΨ Ρεπριντσ οφ 2012 Χιτψ Χουνχιλ Πηοτο 001.11.511.600.49 80.48 Τοταλ : 80.48 4121333/19/2012 000679 ΣΕΝΤΙΝΕΛ ΠΕΣΤ ΧΟΝΤΡΟΛ, ΙΝΧ60960 ΠΕΣΤ ΧΟΝΤΡΟΛ ΣΕΡςΙΧΕΣ ΒΨ ΣΕΝΤΙΝΕΛ ΠΕΣΤ 550.00.548.150.48 56.94 Τοταλ : 56.94 4121343/19/2012 020796 ΣΗΑΦΕΡ, ΚΑΡΡΙ055813 ΥΤΙΛΙΤΨ ΡΕΦΥΝ∆ − 1579 8ΤΗ ΣΤ ΝΕ #Α 430.233.100 36.19 Τοταλ : 36.19 4121353/19/2012 283030 ΣΗΕΡΩΙΝ−ΩΙΛΛΙΑΜΣ ΧΟ2327−5 ΠΑΙΝΤ ΣΥΠΠΛΙΕΣ ΦΟΡ ΠΑΡΚΣ ΜΑΙΝΤ. 001.33.576.100.31 444.06 3374−2 ΠΑΙΝΤ ΣΥΠΠΛΙΕΣ ΦΟΡ ΠΑΡΚΣ ΜΑΙΝΤ. 001.33.576.100.31 374.07 3375−9 ΠΑΙΝΤ ΣΥΠΠΛΙΕΣ ΦΟΡ ΠΑΡΚΣ ΜΑΙΝΤ. 001.33.576.100.31 −374.07 3376−7 ΠΑΙΝΤ ΣΥΠΠΛΙΕΣ ΦΟΡ ΠΑΡΚΣ ΜΑΙΝΤ. 001.33.576.100.31 377.03 Τοταλ : 821.09 4121363/19/2012 001187 ΣΗΡΕ∆−ΙΤ ΩΕΣΤΕΡΝ ΩΑΣΗΙΝΓΤΟΝ101196610 ΧΟΥΡΤ ∆ΟΧΥΜΕΝΤ ΣΗΡΕ∆∆ΙΝΓ ΟΝ 3/7/12 001.13.512.500.49 37.12 ΠΡΟΒΑΤΙΟΝ ∆ΕΠΑΡΤΜΕΝΤ ∆ΟΧΥΜΕΝΤ ΣΗΡΕ∆∆ΙΝΓ 001.13.512.510.49 12.38 101201106 Π∆ ΣΗΡΕ∆∆ΙΝΓ − 101201106 82Παγε: CA.B 03/14/2012 ςουχηερ Λιστ Χιτψ οφ Αυβυρν 83 3:33:58ΠΜ Παγε:ϖχηλιστ Βανκ χοδε :000 ςουχηερ ∆ατε ςενδορ Ινϖοιχε ∆εσχριπτιον/Αχχουντ Αµουντ 4121363/19/2012 (Χοντινυεδ)001187 ΣΗΡΕ∆−ΙΤ ΩΕΣΤΕΡΝ ΩΑΣΗΙΝΓΤΟΝ 001.21.521.100.41 66.00 101201107 Π∆ ΣΗΡΕ∆∆ΙΝΓ − 101201107 − 001.21.521.100.41 49.50 101204620 ΣΗΡΕ∆∆ΙΝΓ ΣΕΡςΙΧΕΣ ΦΡΟΜ ΣΗΡΕ∆−ΙΤ 001.42.542.300.41 9.90 ΣΗΡΕ∆∆ΙΝΓ ΣΕΡςΙΧΕΣ ΦΡΟΜ ΣΗΡΕ∆−ΙΤ 430.00.534.800.41 9.90 ΣΗΡΕ∆∆ΙΝΓ ΣΕΡςΙΧΕΣ ΦΡΟΜ ΣΗΡΕ∆−ΙΤ 431.00.535.800.41 9.90 ΣΗΡΕ∆∆ΙΝΓ ΣΕΡςΙΧΕΣ ΦΡΟΜ ΣΗΡΕ∆−ΙΤ 432.00.535.900.41 9.90 ΣΗΡΕ∆∆ΙΝΓ ΣΕΡςΙΧΕΣ ΦΡΟΜ ΣΗΡΕ∆−ΙΤ 550.00.548.100.41 9.90 Τοταλ : 214.50 4121373/19/2012 020723 ΣΙΑΝΧΗΥΚ, ΧΥΡΤΙΣ & ∆ΕΒΟΡΑΗ065371 ΥΤΙΛΙΤΨ ΡΕΦΥΝ∆ − 726 19ΤΗ ΣΤ ΣΕ 434.233.100 18.66 Τοταλ : 18.66 4121383/19/2012 283730 ΣΙΞ ΡΟΒΒΛΕΕΣ ΙΝΧ1−750773 6251 τιρε χηαιν χροσσ λινκσ. Υσεδ το 550.00.548.680.35 576.00 Σαλεσ Ταξ 550.00.548.680.35 54.72 Τοταλ : 630.72 4121393/19/2012 284000 ΣΛΥΨΣ, Ε∆ΩΑΡ∆ ϑ022112ΛΕΟΦΦ ΛΕΟΦΦ 1 ΠΗΑΡΜΑΧΨ ΡΕΙΜΒΥΡΣΕΜΕΝΤ ΧΛΑΙΜ 001.98.522.210.25 232.30 ∆ΕΝΤΑΛ/ΛΕΟΦΦ ΛΕΟΦΦ 1 ∆ΕΝΤΑΛ ΡΕΙΜΒΥΡΣΕΜΕΝΤ ΧΛΑΙΜ 001.98.522.210.25 1,070.00 83Παγε: CA.B 03/14/2012 ςουχηερ Λιστ Χιτψ οφ Αυβυρν 84 3:33:58ΠΜ Παγε:ϖχηλιστ Βανκ χοδε :000 ςουχηερ ∆ατε ςενδορ Ινϖοιχε ∆εσχριπτιον/Αχχουντ Αµουντ (Χοντινυεδ)Τοταλ : 1,302.30 4121393/19/2012284000284000 ΣΛΥΨΣ, Ε∆ΩΑΡ∆ ϑ 4121403/19/2012 020781 ΣΜΑΛΛΒΕΧΚ, ΞΕΝΙΑ ΨςΟΝΝΕϑΥΡΨ ∆ΥΤΨ ΠΑΨΜΕΝΤ ΦΟΡ ϑΥΡΨ ∆ΥΤΨ 001.13.512.500.49 13.33 Τοταλ : 13.33 4121413/19/2012 020751 ΣΝΟΩ, Ε∆1420576 ΠΑΡΚΣ ΡΕΦΥΝ∆ 001.347.699 400.00 Τοταλ : 400.00 4121423/19/2012 020799 ΣΟΥΝ∆ ∆ΟΟΡ ΣΕΡςΙΧΕΣ ΛΛΧ1842 ΕΜΕΡΓΕΝΧΨ ΡΕΠΑΙΡ ΕΡ ΣΗΟΠ ∆ΟΟΡ∼ 550.00.548.150.48 185.00 Σαλεσ Ταξ 550.00.548.150.48 17.58 Τοταλ : 202.58 4121433/19/2012 005003 ΣΟΥΝ∆ ΠΥΒΛΙΣΗΙΝΓ ΙΝΧ.441729 Α∆ςΕΡΤΙΣΙΝΓ ΦΟΡ ΤΗΕ ΜΥΣΕΥΜ 001.33.575.300.44 345.00 441789 ΑΧΧΤ#50146199 ΛΙΧΕΝΣΕ ΨΟΥΡ ΠΕΤ Α∆ ΙΝ 518.00.518.780.44 102.25 1/4 ΠΑΓΕ Α∆ ΦΟΡ ΦΑΡΜΕΡΣ ΜΑΡΚΕΤ ΙΝ 2012 001.33.573.901.44 322.25 1/4 ΠΑΓΕ Α∆ ΦΟΡ ΦΑΡΜΕΡΣ ΜΑΡΚΕΤ ΙΝ 2012 001.33.574.220.44 746.25 Α∆ςΕΡΤΙΣΙΝΓ ΦΟΡ ΒΡΑςΟ ΣΗΟΩΣ 001.33.573.201.44 899.50 Α∆ςΕΡΤΙΣΙΝΓ ΦΟΡ ΒΡΑςΟ ΣΗΟΩΣ 001.33.575.280.44 550.25 Τοταλ : 2,965.50 4121443/19/2012 284890 ΣΟΥΝ∆ ΣΑΦΕΤΨ ΠΡΟ∆ΥΧΤΣ ΧΟ, ΙΝΧ2454628−02 84Παγε: CA.B 03/14/2012 ςουχηερ Λιστ Χιτψ οφ Αυβυρν 85 3:33:58ΠΜ Παγε:ϖχηλιστ Βανκ χοδε :000 ςουχηερ ∆ατε ςενδορ Ινϖοιχε ∆εσχριπτιον/Αχχουντ Αµουντ 4121443/19/2012 (Χοντινυεδ)284890 ΣΟΥΝ∆ ΣΑΦΕΤΨ ΠΡΟ∆ΥΧΤΣ ΧΟ, ΙΝΧ ΣΑΦΕΤΨ ΣΥΠΠΛΙΕΣ ΦΟΡ ΠΑΡΚΣ ΜΑΙΝΤ. 001.33.576.100.31 287.55 Τοταλ : 287.55 4121453/19/2012 017757 ΣΟΥΤΗ ΧΟΥΝΤΨ ΗΟΥΣΙΝΓ ΟΥΤΡΕΑΧΗ022712ΙΝς Υτιλιτψ σερϖιχε φορ εµεργενχψ ηουσινγ 001.17.562.100.41 431.36 Τοταλ : 431.36 4121463/19/2012 285100 ΣΟΥΤΗ ΚΧ ΡΕΓΙΟΝΑΛ ΩΑΤΕΡ ΑΣΣΟΧ1−2012−2 Φιρστ Ηαλφ 2012 ∆υεσ∼ 430.00.534.100.49 17,000.00 Τοταλ : 17,000.00 4121473/19/2012 285460 ΣΠΕΧΤΡΥΜ ΣΙΓΝ ΧΟ ΙΝΧ12600 ΧΥΣΤΟΜ ΧΙΤΨ ΟΦ ΑΥΒΥΡΝ ΝΑΜΕ/ΤΙΤΛΕ 505.00.524.500.31 65.62 Τοταλ : 65.62 4121483/19/2012 005507 ΣΠΟΡΤ ΣΥΠΠΛΨ ΓΡΟΥΠ, ΙΝΧ.94518445 11∀ ΑΝ∆ 12∀ ΣΟΦΤΒΑΛΛΣ 001.33.574.240.31 3,069.98 Τοταλ : 3,069.98 4121493/19/2012 020782 ΣΤ ϑΟΗΝ, ΤΙΜΟΤΗΨ ϑ.ϑΥΡΨ ∆ΥΤΨ ΠΑΨΜΕΝΤ ΦΟΡ ϑΥΡΨ ∆ΥΤΨ 001.13.512.500.49 13.33 Τοταλ : 13.33 4121503/19/2012 007301 ΣΤ. ΜΑΤΤΗΕΩ∋Σ ΕΠΙΣΧΟΠΑΛ ΧΗΥΡΧΗ4ΤΗΘΤΡ2011−ΓΦ1121 Ηυµαν Σερϖιχε φυνδινγ φορ ϑΥΒΙΛΕΕ 001.17.562.100.41 1,875.00 Τοταλ : 1,875.00 4121513/19/2012 006380 ΣΤΑΤΕΩΙ∆Ε ΠΑΡΚΙΝΓ ΛΟΤ7614 ΠΑςΙΝΓ ΣΕΡςΙΧΕΣ ΦΡΟΜ ΣΤΑΤΕΩΙ∆Ε ΠΑΡΚΙΝΓ 85Παγε: CA.B 03/14/2012 ςουχηερ Λιστ Χιτψ οφ Αυβυρν 86 3:33:58ΠΜ Παγε:ϖχηλιστ Βανκ χοδε :000 ςουχηερ ∆ατε ςενδορ Ινϖοιχε ∆εσχριπτιον/Αχχουντ Αµουντ 4121513/19/2012 (Χοντινυεδ)006380 ΣΤΑΤΕΩΙ∆Ε ΠΑΡΚΙΝΓ ΛΟΤ 430.00.534.800.48 6,132.00 7616 ΠΑςΙΝΓ ΣΕΡςΙΧΕΣ ΦΡΟΜ ΣΤΑΤΕΩΙ∆Ε ΠΑΡΚΙΝΓ 432.00.535.900.48 1,314.00 Τοταλ : 7,446.00 4121523/19/2012 017507 ΣΤΑΤΕΩΙ∆Ε ΣΕΧΥΡΙΤΨ36185 ΧΡΕΑΤΕ ΝΕΩ ΑΧΧΕΣΣ ΧΑΡ∆ ΦΟΡΜΑΤ∼ 518.00.518.880.48 306.84 Σαλεσ Ταξ 518.00.518.880.48 29.15 Τοταλ : 335.99 4121533/19/2012 002068 ΣΤΕΡΙΧΨΧΛΕ ΙΝΧ3001767853 ΗΑΖ ΜΑΤ ΣΕΡςΙΧΕ − Π∆ − 3001767853 001.21.521.100.41 10.36 Τοταλ : 10.36 4121543/19/2012 004170 ΣΤΕΡΛΙΝΓ ΡΕΦΕΡΕΝΧΕ ΛΑΒΦ30720−41 ΛΑΒΟΡΑΤΟΡΙΕΣ ∆ΡΥΓ ΣΧΡΕΕΝΙΝΓ ΡΕΠΟΡΤ ΦΟΡ 001.13.512.510.41 8,279.50 Τοταλ : 8,279.50 4121553/19/2012 020783 ΣΤΟΥΦΦΕΡ, ΝΑΝΧΨ Ε.ϑΥΡΨ ∆ΥΤΨ ΠΑΨΜΕΝΤ ΦΟΡ ϑΥΡΨ ∆ΥΤΨ 001.13.512.500.49 11.11 Τοταλ : 11.11 4121563/19/2012 286930 ΣΥΒΥΡΒΑΝ ΧΙΤΙΕΣ ΑΣΣΟΧ2086 ΣΧΑ Αννυαλ Μεετινγ & Νετωορκινγ ∆ιννερ 001.11.513.100.43 43.00 ΣΧΑ Αννυαλ Μεετινγ & Νετωορκινγ ∆ιννερ 001.11.511.600.43 301.00 Τοταλ : 344.00 4121573/19/2012 005668 ΣΥΜΝΕΡ ςΕΤΕΡΙΝΑΡΨ ΗΟΣΠΙΤΑΛ156692 86Παγε: CA.B 03/14/2012 ςουχηερ Λιστ Χιτψ οφ Αυβυρν 87 3:33:58ΠΜ Παγε:ϖχηλιστ Βανκ χοδε :000 ςουχηερ ∆ατε ςενδορ Ινϖοιχε ∆εσχριπτιον/Αχχουντ Αµουντ 4121573/19/2012 (Χοντινυεδ)005668 ΣΥΜΝΕΡ ςΕΤΕΡΙΝΑΡΨ ΗΟΣΠΙΤΑΛ ςΕΤ ΣΕΡςΙΧΕΣ − ΗΕΝΚ − 156692 001.21.521.200.41 155.33 Τοταλ : 155.33 4121583/19/2012 004725 ΣΥΝΡΙΣΕ ΓΛΑΣΣ20650 ΗΟΥΣΙΝΓ ΡΕΠΑΙΡ−−∆ΑςΙ∆ ΡΟΧΗΑ ΓΟΜΕΖ∋ 119.00.559.200.63 745.13 Τοταλ : 745.13 4121593/19/2012 020784 ΣΩΑΝΣΟΝ, ΧΑΤΗΨϑΥΡΨ ∆ΥΤΨ ΠΑΨΜΕΝΤ ΦΟΡ ϑΥΡΨ ∆ΥΤΨ 001.13.512.500.49 26.66 Τοταλ : 26.66 4121603/19/2012 017004 Τ & Ν ΕΝΤΕΡΠΡΙΣΕ2121 ΗΟΥΣΙΝΓ ΡΕΠΑΙΡ−∆ΕΒΒΙΕ ΤΙΧΕ∋Σ ΒΑΤΗΡΟΟΜ 119.00.559.200.63 1,853.51 2128 ΗΟΥΣΙΝΓ ΡΕΠΑΙΡ −− ΜΑΡΙΑΝ ΗΟΒΑΝ∋Σ ∆ΕΧΚ 119.00.559.200.63 246.38 2133 ΗΟΥΣΙΝΓ ΡΕΠΑΙΡ−−ΓΙΣΕΛΑ ΡΕΨΝΟΛ∆Σ∋ ΦΡΟΝΤ 119.00.559.200.63 1,196.84 2134 ΩΕΑΤΗΕΡΙΖΑΤΙΟΝ−−ΧΟΝΝΙΕ ΗΥΜΠΗΡΕΨ∋Σ 119.00.559.200.63 471.38 ΗΟΥΣΙΝΓ ΡΕΠΑΙΡ−−ΧΟΝΝΙΕ ΗΥΜΠΗΡΕΨ∋Σ 119.00.559.200.63 1,686.88 Τοταλ : 5,454.99 4121613/19/2012 019570 Τ. ΒΑΙΛΕΨ ΙΝΧ.11−05/#10 ΧΠ1006 Λακελανδ Ηιλλσ Ρεσερϖοιρ 6, 430.00.590.100.68 59,560.43 Τοταλ : 59,560.43 4121623/19/2012 014560 Τ. ΜΙΛΛΕΡ ΧΟΝΣΤΡΥΧΤΙΟΝ11−04/#6&ΦΙΝΑΛ 87Παγε: CA.B 03/14/2012 ςουχηερ Λιστ Χιτψ οφ Αυβυρν 88 3:33:58ΠΜ Παγε:ϖχηλιστ Βανκ χοδε :000 ςουχηερ ∆ατε ςενδορ Ινϖοιχε ∆εσχριπτιον/Αχχουντ Αµουντ 4121623/19/2012 (Χοντινυεδ)014560 Τ. ΜΙΛΛΕΡ ΧΟΝΣΤΡΥΧΤΙΟΝ 37τη Στ ΣΕ & Ρ Στ ΣΕ Πεδ Χοννεχτορ∼ 102.00.594.420.65 10,512.39 Τοταλ : 10,512.39 4121633/19/2012 290240 ΤΑΧΟΜΑ ΝΕΩΣ ΤΡΙΒΥΝΕ2018176 ΑΝΝΥΑΛ ΣΥΒΣΧΡΙΠΤΙΟΝ ΤΟ ΤΑΧΟΜΑ ΝΕΩΣ 550.00.548.150.49 223.40 Τοταλ : 223.40 4121643/19/2012 290240 ΤΑΧΟΜΑ ΝΕΩΣ ΤΡΙΒΥΝΕ115978ΑΙΜ Α∆ςΕΡΤΙΣΙΝΓ ΛΙΣΤΙΝΓΣ ΦΟΡ ΒΡΑςΟ/ΑΑΤ 001.33.575.280.44 174.24 Τοταλ : 174.24 4121653/19/2012 019293 ΤΕΚΤΡΟΝΙΞ, ΙΝΧ.ΥΣΓ689984 ΧΑΛΙΒΡΑΤΙΟΝ ΟΦ ΒΑΧΚ ΦΛΟΩ ΤΕΣΤΙΝΓ 001.33.576.100.49 75.56 Τοταλ : 75.56 4121663/19/2012 020785 ΤΗΑΨΕΡ ϑΡ, ΡΟΒΕΡΤ ΗΑΡΡΙΣϑΥΡΨ ∆ΥΤΨ ΠΑΨΜΕΝΤ ΦΟΡ ϑΥΡΨ ∆ΥΤΨ 001.13.512.500.49 14.44 Τοταλ : 14.44 4121673/19/2012 114950 ΤΗΕ ΑΥΒΥΡΝ ∆ΟΩΝΤΟΩΝ ΑΣΣΟΧ4ΤΗΘΤΡ2011 4ΤΗ ΘΤΡ 2011 ΕΞΠΕΝΣΕΣ−ΡΕΝΤ, ΥΤΙΛΙΤΙΕΣ, 121.00.543.100.31 27.24 4ΤΗ ΘΤΡ 2011 ΕΞΠΕΝΣΕΣ−ΡΕΝΤ, ΥΤΙΛΙΤΙΕΣ, 121.00.543.100.35 333.73 4ΤΗ ΘΤΡ 2011 ΕΞΠΕΝΣΕΣ−ΡΕΝΤ, ΥΤΙΛΙΤΙΕΣ, 121.00.543.100.41 13,378.99 4ΤΗ ΘΤΡ 2011 ΕΞΠΕΝΣΕΣ−ΡΕΝΤ, ΥΤΙΛΙΤΙΕΣ, 121.00.543.100.42 583.00 4ΤΗ ΘΤΡ 2011 ΕΞΠΕΝΣΕΣ−ΡΕΝΤ, ΥΤΙΛΙΤΙΕΣ, 121.00.543.100.45 2,603.62 88Παγε: CA.B 03/14/2012 ςουχηερ Λιστ Χιτψ οφ Αυβυρν 89 3:33:58ΠΜ Παγε:ϖχηλιστ Βανκ χοδε :000 ςουχηερ ∆ατε ςενδορ Ινϖοιχε ∆εσχριπτιον/Αχχουντ Αµουντ 4121673/19/2012 (Χοντινυεδ)114950 ΤΗΕ ΑΥΒΥΡΝ ∆ΟΩΝΤΟΩΝ ΑΣΣΟΧ 4ΤΗ ΘΤΡ 2011 ΕΞΠΕΝΣΕΣ−ΡΕΝΤ, ΥΤΙΛΙΤΙΕΣ, 121.00.543.100.47 160.71 4ΤΗ ΘΤΡ 2011 ΕΞΠΕΝΣΕΣ−ΡΕΝΤ, ΥΤΙΛΙΤΙΕΣ, 121.00.543.100.49 369.50 ϑΑΝ2012 ϑΑΝ 2012 ΕΞΠΕΝΣΕΣ−ΡΕΝΤ, ΥΤΙΛΙΤΙΕΣ, 121.00.543.100.31 8.00 ϑΑΝ 2012 ΕΞΠΕΝΣΕΣ−ΡΕΝΤ, ΥΤΙΛΙΤΙΕΣ, 121.00.543.100.35 63.50 ϑΑΝ 2012 ΕΞΠΕΝΣΕΣ−ΡΕΝΤ, ΥΤΙΛΙΤΙΕΣ, 121.00.543.100.41 5,486.36 ϑΑΝ 2012 ΕΞΠΕΝΣΕΣ−ΡΕΝΤ, ΥΤΙΛΙΤΙΕΣ, 121.00.543.100.42 129.45 ϑΑΝ 2012 ΕΞΠΕΝΣΕΣ−ΡΕΝΤ, ΥΤΙΛΙΤΙΕΣ, 121.00.543.100.45 675.00 ϑΑΝ 2012 ΕΞΠΕΝΣΕΣ−ΡΕΝΤ, ΥΤΙΛΙΤΙΕΣ, 121.00.543.100.47 58.15 ϑΑΝ 2012 ΕΞΠΕΝΣΕΣ−ΡΕΝΤ, ΥΤΙΛΙΤΙΕΣ, 121.00.543.100.49 264.08 Τοταλ : 24,141.33 4121683/19/2012 222370 ΤΗΕ ΛΟΧΚ ΣΗΟΠ78394 ΡΕΚΕΨ ΟΦΦΙΧΕ ∆ΟΟΡ ΦΟΡ ΜΑΨΟΡ 505.00.524.500.48 152.04 78645 ∆ΥΠΛΙΧΑΤΕ ΚΕΨ (ΨΕΛΛΟΩ); ΚΕΨ, ΚΕΨΜΑΡΚ ΒΨ 505.00.524.500.31 100.25 Τοταλ : 252.29 4121693/19/2012 265460 ΤΙΡΕ ∆ΙΣΤΡΙΒΥΤΙΟΝ ΣΨΣΤΕΜΣ, ΙΝΧ803−21821 Π225/60Ρ16 ΦΗ ΩΚ Πς41 ΠΥΡΣΥΙΤ ΦΣ 97ς 550.141.100 160.60 Σαλεσ Ταξ 550.141.100 15.07 89Παγε: CA.B 03/14/2012 ςουχηερ Λιστ Χιτψ οφ Αυβυρν 90 3:33:58ΠΜ Παγε:ϖχηλιστ Βανκ χοδε :000 ςουχηερ ∆ατε ςενδορ Ινϖοιχε ∆εσχριπτιον/Αχχουντ Αµουντ (Χοντινυεδ)Τοταλ : 175.67 4121693/19/2012265460265460 ΤΙΡΕ ∆ΙΣΤΡΙΒΥΤΙΟΝ ΣΨΣΤΕΜΣ, ΙΝΧ 4121703/19/2012 020724 ΤΟΜ, ΧΑΡΜΕΝ & ∆ΟΝΝΑ066877 ΥΤΙΛΙΤΨ ΡΕΦΥΝ∆ − 1522 3Ρ∆ ΣΤ ΣΕ 430.233.100 101.89 Τοταλ : 101.89 4121713/19/2012 001613 ΤΡΑΝΣΟΦΤ ΣΟΛΥΤΙΟΝΣ ΙΝΧ76077 ΑυτοΤΥΡΝ υπγραδε − παρτ οφ ΑυτοΧΑ∆ 518.00.518.880.64 2,440.00 ΥΣΕ ΤΑΞ 518.00.518.880.64 231.80 ΥΣΕ ΤΑΞ 518.237.200 −231.80 Τοταλ : 2,440.00 4121723/19/2012 020291 ΤΡΙΠΛΕΣΤΑΡ ΠΡΟΠΕΡΤΙΕΣ ΛΛΧ065951 ΥΤΙΛΙΤΨ ΡΕΦΥΝ∆ − 228 Σ ΣΤ ΣΕ #Β 430.233.100 51.14 Τοταλ : 51.14 4121733/19/2012 020242 ΤΡΟΓ∆ΟΝ, ∆ΑςΙ∆ΡΕΠΛΕΝΙΣΗ ΒΥΨ ΦΥΝ∆ ΠΑΨΜΕΝΤ ΟΝ ΒΕΗΑΛΦ ΟΦ ς−ΝΕΤ 652.00.521.212.49 22,671.35 Τοταλ : 22,671.35 4121743/19/2012 020728 ΥΝΙΘΥΕ ΠΑςΙΝΓ ΜΑΤΕΡΙΑΛΣ ΧΟΡΠ218863 Βυλκ Χολδ Μιξ, ΥΠΜ #2 Ωιντερ Μιξ 001.42.542.300.31 158.40 Σαλεσ Ταξ 001.42.542.300.31 15.05 Τοταλ : 173.45 4121753/19/2012 370900 ΥΝΙΤΕ∆ ΠΑΡΧΕΛ ΣΕΡςΙΧΕ00004799Φ2082 Μαιλινγ/Σηιππινγ σερϖιχεσ φορ Χιτψ οφ 518.00.518.780.41 17.53 00004799Φ2092 90Παγε: CA.B 03/14/2012 ςουχηερ Λιστ Χιτψ οφ Αυβυρν 91 3:33:58ΠΜ Παγε:ϖχηλιστ Βανκ χοδε :000 ςουχηερ ∆ατε ςενδορ Ινϖοιχε ∆εσχριπτιον/Αχχουντ Αµουντ 4121753/19/2012 (Χοντινυεδ)370900 ΥΝΙΤΕ∆ ΠΑΡΧΕΛ ΣΕΡςΙΧΕ Μαιλινγ/Σηιππινγ σερϖιχεσ φορ Χιτψ οφ 518.00.518.780.41 23.13 0000890192082 Μαιλινγ/Σηιππινγ σερϖιχεσ φορ Χιτψ οφ 518.00.518.780.41 30.41 0000890192092 Μαιλινγ/Σηιππινγ σερϖιχεσ φορ Χιτψ οφ 518.00.518.780.41 114.67 0000997552082 ΡΕΠΛΕΝΙΣΗ ΣΗΙΠΠΕΡ ΑΧΧΟΥΝΤ #997−552 ΦΟΡ 430.00.534.800.42 9.44 ΡΕΠΛΕΝΙΣΗ ΣΗΙΠΠΕΡ ΑΧΧΟΥΝΤ #997−552 ΦΟΡ 550.00.548.100.42 6.53 Τοταλ : 201.71 4121763/19/2012 371410 ΥΤΙΛΙΤΙΕΣ ΣΕΡςΙΧΕ ΧΟ. ΙΝΧ8029 ΝΕΩ ΠΥΜΠ ΦΟΡ ΙΣΑΑΧ ΕςΑΝΣ ΡΕΣΤΡΟΟΜ 001.33.576.100.35 4,050.00 Σαλεσ Ταξ 001.33.576.100.35 384.75 8064 ΡΕΠΑΙΡ ΟΦ ΣΤΟΡΜ ΠΥΜΠ ΣΤΑΤΙΟΝΣ ΒΨ 432.00.535.900.41 6,190.94 8070 ΦΥΡΝΙΣΗΕ∆ ΛΑΒΟΡ & ΜΑΤΕΡΙΑΛ ΤΟ ΣΥΠΠΛΨ & 505.00.524.500.48 2,100.37 Τοταλ : 12,726.06 4121773/19/2012 380030 ςΑ∆ΙΣ ΧΟΡΠ17610 2012 ΛΙΤΤΕΡ ΧΟΝΤΡΟΛ ΑΝ∆ ΡΕΧΨΧΛΙΝΓ, 434.00.537.800.41 10,524.00 ΥΣΕ ΤΑΞ 434.00.537.800.41 265.18 ΥΣΕ ΤΑΞ 434.237.200 −265.18 91Παγε: CA.B 03/14/2012 ςουχηερ Λιστ Χιτψ οφ Αυβυρν 92 3:33:58ΠΜ Παγε:ϖχηλιστ Βανκ χοδε :000 ςουχηερ ∆ατε ςενδορ Ινϖοιχε ∆εσχριπτιον/Αχχουντ Αµουντ (Χοντινυεδ)Τοταλ : 10,524.00 4121773/19/2012380030380030 ςΑ∆ΙΣ ΧΟΡΠ 4121783/19/2012 380240 ςΑΛΛΕΨ ΧΟΜΜΥΝΙΧΑΤΙΟΝΣ ΧΕΝΤΕΡ0012853 ΦΕΒ ΦΕΕ−800ΜΗΖ ΡΑ∆ΙΟΣ∼ 001.21.521.100.42 6,119.60 0012882 ∆ΕΒΤ ΣΕΡςΙΧΕ ΥΝ∆ΕΡΒΙΛΛΕ∆ ΙΝ 2011 001.98.514.100.71 14,000.00 0012904 ∆ΕΧ 2012 ΛΑΝΓΥΑΓΕ ΛΙΝΕ − 0012904 001.21.521.200.41 201.30 0012909 ΒΛΑΝΚΕΤ ΠΟ − 911 ΧΑΛΛΣ, ΑΣΣΕΣΣΜΕΝΤ − 001.21.521.100.42 255,190.83 Τοταλ : 275,511.73 4121793/19/2012 380260 ςΑΛΛΕΨ ΓΛΑΣΣ, ΙΝΧ21593 ΗΟΥΣΙΝΓ ΡΕΠΑΙΡ−−ΓΙΣΕΛΑ ΡΕΨΝΟΛ∆Σ∋ ΒΑΧΚ 119.00.559.200.63 1,149.75 21594 ΩΕΑΤΗΕΡΙΖΑΤΙΟΝ−−ΜΑΡΙΛΕΝΕ ΝΟΩΑΚ∋Σ ΩΙΝ∆ΟΩ 119.00.559.200.63 2,000.00 ΗΟΥΣΙΝΓ ΡΕΠΑΙΡ−−ΜΑΡΙΛΕΝΕ ΝΟΩΑΚ∋Σ ΩΙΝ∆ΟΩ 119.00.559.200.63 4,644.12 Τοταλ : 7,793.87 4121803/19/2012 015073 ςΑΛΛΕΨ ΡΕΓΙΟΝΑΛ ΦΙΡΕ ΑΥΤΗΟΡΙΤΨΦΕΒ2012 ΦΕΒ 2012 ΠΕΡΜΙΤ & ΠΛΑΝ ΡΕςΙΕΩ ΦΕΕΣ 651.237.360 22,307.79 Τοταλ : 22,307.79 4121813/19/2012 380760 ςΕΡΜΕΕΡ ΝΟΡΤΗΩΕΣΤ ΣΑΛΕΣ ΙΝΧΣ17926 1789−081 φεεδερ σπρινγ φορ χηιππερ 550.00.548.680.35 67.21 433−001 3/4∀ ηεξ ϕαµ νυτ 550.00.548.680.35 0.52 92Παγε: CA.B 03/14/2012 ςουχηερ Λιστ Χιτψ οφ Αυβυρν 93 3:33:58ΠΜ Παγε:ϖχηλιστ Βανκ χοδε :000 ςουχηερ ∆ατε ςενδορ Ινϖοιχε ∆εσχριπτιον/Αχχουντ Αµουντ 4121813/19/2012 (Χοντινυεδ)380760 ςΕΡΜΕΕΡ ΝΟΡΤΗΩΕΣΤ ΣΑΛΕΣ ΙΝΧ φρειγητ 550.00.548.680.35 13.68 Σαλεσ Ταξ 550.00.548.680.35 7.73 Τοταλ : 89.14 4121823/19/2012 020730 ςΟΝ∆ΡΑΚ, ΡΨΑΝ021912ΡΕΙΜΒ Βοοτ Ρειµβυρσεµεντ φορ Ρψαν ςονδρακ, ΠΩ 001.32.532.200.22 100.00 Τοταλ : 100.00 4121833/19/2012 390420 Ω Ω Γ Χ Σ ΑΣΣΟΧΙΑΤΙΟΝ8125 ∆ΥΕΣ ΑΝ∆ ΣΕΜΙΝΑΡ ΜΕΕΤΙΝΓΣ 437.00.576.600.49 40.00 Τοταλ : 40.00 4121843/19/2012 171890 Ω. Ω. ΓΡΑΙΝΓΕΡ, ΙΝΧ9753643221 ΣΜΑΛΛ ΤΟΟΛΣ, ΕΘΥΙΠΜΕΝΤ ΑΝ∆ ΣΥΠΠΛΙΕΣ 432.00.535.900.31 225.75 9753643247 ΣΜΑΛΛ ΤΟΟΛΣ, ΕΘΥΙΠΜΕΝΤ ΑΝ∆ ΣΥΠΠΛΙΕΣ 432.00.535.900.31 65.25 9753643262 ΣΜΑΛΛ ΤΟΟΛΣ, ΕΘΥΙΠΜΕΝΤ ΑΝ∆ ΣΥΠΠΛΙΕΣ 432.00.535.900.31 65.25 Τοταλ : 356.25 4121853/19/2012 009598 ΩΑ ΧΟΥΝΧΙΛ ΟΦ ΧΟΥΝΤΨ ΣΥΡςΕΨΟΡΣΜΕΜΒΕΡΣΗΙΠ/ΒΥΡΤΟΝ 2012 Μεµβερσηιπ ΩΑ Χουνχιλ οφ Συρϖεψ, 001.32.532.200.49 50.00 Τοταλ : 50.00 4121863/19/2012 391290 ΩΑ ΣΤΑΤΕ ΑΣΣΟΧ ΣΕΝΙΟΡ ΧΕΝΤΕΡΣΚΙΡΩΙΝ/ΡΕΓ 4 ΧΟΝΦΕΡΕΝΧΕ ΡΕΓΙΣΤΡΑΤΙΟΝΣ ≅ ∃250.00 001.33.574.210.49 250.00 ΚΟΧΗ/ΡΕΓ 93Παγε: CA.B 03/14/2012 ςουχηερ Λιστ Χιτψ οφ Αυβυρν 94 3:33:58ΠΜ Παγε:ϖχηλιστ Βανκ χοδε :000 ςουχηερ ∆ατε ςενδορ Ινϖοιχε ∆εσχριπτιον/Αχχουντ Αµουντ 4121863/19/2012 (Χοντινυεδ)391290 ΩΑ ΣΤΑΤΕ ΑΣΣΟΧ ΣΕΝΙΟΡ ΧΕΝΤΕΡΣ 4 ΧΟΝΦΕΡΕΝΧΕ ΡΕΓΙΣΤΡΑΤΙΟΝΣ ≅ ∃250.00 001.33.574.210.49 250.00 ΛΟΖΙΕΡ/ΡΕΓ 4 ΧΟΝΦΕΡΕΝΧΕ ΡΕΓΙΣΤΡΑΤΙΟΝΣ ≅ ∃250.00 001.33.574.210.49 250.00 ΩΗΙΤΜΑΝ/ΡΕΓ 4 ΧΟΝΦΕΡΕΝΧΕ ΡΕΓΙΣΤΡΑΤΙΟΝΣ ≅ ∃250.00 001.33.574.210.49 250.00 Τοταλ : 1,000.00 4121873/19/2012 391470 ΩΑ ΣΤΑΤΕ ΧΡΙΜ ϑΥΣΤΙΧΕ ΤΡΑΙΝΙΝΓ2013−0495 ΒΑΣΙΧ ΧΟΛΛΙΣΙΟΝ ΙΝςΕΣΤ − 001.21.521.200.49 100.00 Τοταλ : 100.00 4121883/19/2012 321620 ΩΑ ΣΤΑΤΕ ∆ΕΠΤ ΕΧΟΛΟΓΨ2012−ΩΑΡ000399 ϑυλ 2011−ϑυνε 2012 στορµωατερ 432.00.535.100.51 628.00 Τοταλ : 628.00 4121893/19/2012 391710 ΩΑ ΣΤΑΤΕ ∆ΕΠΤ ΟΦ ΕΝΤΕΠΡΙΣΕ ΣΕΡ2012020038 Αδοβε Προφεσσιοναλ ϖ10 ΩΙΝ Λιχενσε φορ 001.21.521.210.35 193.16 ΑυτοΧΑ∆ 2012 Υπγραδε φροµ 1 το 3 518.00.518.880.64 12,273.48 ΑυτοΧΑ∆ Μαπ 3∆ 2012 Υπγραδε φροµ 1 το 3 518.00.518.880.64 3,411.04 ΑυτοΧΑ∆ Μαπ 3∆ 2012 Συβσχριπτιον − 1 518.00.518.880.64 1,163.54 ΑυτοΧΑ∆ Χιϖιλ 3∆ 2012 Συβσχριπτιον 518.00.518.880.64 4,938.20 ΑυτοΧΑ∆ Χιϖιλ 3∆ 2012 Υπγραδε φροµ 1 το 518.00.518.880.64 4,436.38 ΑυτοΧΑ∆ Χιϖιλ 3∆ 2012 Συβχριπτιον− 1 518.00.518.880.64 1,794.90 94Παγε: CA.B 03/14/2012 ςουχηερ Λιστ Χιτψ οφ Αυβυρν 95 3:33:58ΠΜ Παγε:ϖχηλιστ Βανκ χοδε :000 ςουχηερ ∆ατε ςενδορ Ινϖοιχε ∆εσχριπτιον/Αχχουντ Αµουντ 4121893/19/2012 (Χοντινυεδ)391710 ΩΑ ΣΤΑΤΕ ∆ΕΠΤ ΟΦ ΕΝΤΕΠΡΙΣΕ ΣΕΡ Ωινδοωσ σερϖερ λιχενσε 2008 ρ2 518.00.518.880.49 2,632.65 4 Ωινδοωσ 7 ΠΡΟ το ΕΝΤ Υπγραδε Λιχενσεσ 518.00.518.880.35 419.28 φρειγητ 518.00.518.880.64 6.53 Σαλεσ Ταξ 001.21.521.210.35 18.35 Σαλεσ Ταξ 518.00.518.880.64 2,662.29 Σαλεσ Ταξ 518.00.518.880.49 250.10 Σαλεσ Ταξ 518.00.518.880.35 39.83 Τοταλ : 34,239.73 4121903/19/2012 391840 ΩΑ ΣΤΑΤΕ ∆ΕΠΤ ΟΦ ΛΙΧΕΝΣΙΝΓΛΙΧΕΝΣΕΣ ΧΟΝΧΕΑΛΕ∆ ΠΙΣΤΟΛ ΛΙΧΕΝΣΕΣ 651.237.104 309.00 Τοταλ : 309.00 4121913/19/2012 392100 ΩΑ ΣΤΑΤΕ ΕΜΠ ΣΕΧΥΡΙΤΨ ∆ΕΠΤ12−019709−Ρ∆Υ−ϑ5 ΠΑΨΜΕΝΤ ΟΝ ΒΕΗΑΛΦ ΟΦ ς−ΝΕΤ 652.00.521.211.49 11.50 Τοταλ : 11.50 4121923/19/2012 016198 ΩΑ ΣΤΑΤΕ ΦΑΡΜΕΡΣ ΜΑΡΚΕΤ ΑΣΣΟΧ286 2012 ΜΕΜΒΕΡΣΗΙΠ ∆ΥΕΣ 001.33.573.901.49 300.00 Τοταλ : 300.00 4121933/19/2012 392520 ΩΑ ΣΤΑΤΕ ΠΑΤΡΟΛΙ12006482 ΒΑΧΚΓΡΟΥΝ∆ ΧΗΕΧΚΣ ΦΟΡ ΤΗΕ ΜΟΝΤΗ ΟΦ 001.13.516.100.49 30.00 Ι12006483 95Παγε: CA.B 03/14/2012 ςουχηερ Λιστ Χιτψ οφ Αυβυρν 96 3:33:58ΠΜ Παγε:ϖχηλιστ Βανκ χοδε :000 ςουχηερ ∆ατε ςενδορ Ινϖοιχε ∆εσχριπτιον/Αχχουντ Αµουντ 4121933/19/2012 (Χοντινυεδ)392520 ΩΑ ΣΤΑΤΕ ΠΑΤΡΟΛ ΒΑΧΚΓΡΟΥΝ∆ ΧΗΕΧΚΣ ΦΟΡ ΤΗΕ ΜΟΝΤΗ ΟΦ 001.13.516.100.49 440.00 Ι12006563 ΦΕΒΡΥΑΡΨ ΦΙΝΓΕΡΠΡΙΝΤΙΝΓ − Ι12006563 651.237.105 616.00 ΦΕΒΡΥΑΡΨ ΦΙΝΓΕΡΠΡΙΝΤΙΝΓ − Ι12006563 001.21.521.300.49 19.25 Τοταλ : 1,105.25 4121943/19/2012 392800 ΩΑ ΣΤΑΤΕ ΥΝΙς ΧΟΝΦ & ΠΡΟΦ2953734 Παψµεντ φορ ΩΣΥ ΛΙ∆ Ωορκσηοπ φορ 432.00.535.100.49 1,400.00 Τοταλ : 1,400.00 4121953/19/2012 007211 ΩΑ ΤΡΑΦΦΙΧ ΣΑΦΕΤΨ ΧΟΜΜΙΣΣΙΟΝ00059 ΙΜΠΑΙΡΕ∆ ∆ΡΙςΕΡ ΣΨΜΠΟΣΙΥΜ∼ 001.21.521.200.49 85.00 Τοταλ : 85.00 4121963/19/2012 393305 ΩΑΝΓ, ΚΕςΙΝ022712ΙΝς ΧΟΥΡΤ ΙΝΤΕΡΠΡΕΤΙΝΓ ΣΕΡςΙΧΕΣ ΡΕΝ∆ΕΡΕ∆ ΟΝ 001.13.512.500.41 80.00 Τοταλ : 80.00 4121973/19/2012 018785 ΩΑΠΡΟ 2011648 ΩΑΠΡΟ Τραινινγ ρεγιστρατιον φεε φορ 001.15.514.300.49 150.00 Τοταλ : 150.00 4121983/19/2012 006740 ΩΑΣΗΙΝΓΤΟΝ Α∆ςΟΧΑΤΕΣ, ΛΛΧ3994 Βλανκετ ΠΟ φορ 12 µοσ. − ΩΑ Αδϖοχατεσ 001.98.513.100.41 15,000.00 Τοταλ : 15,000.00 4121993/19/2012 292460 ΩΑΣΗΙΝΓΤΟΝ ΣΤΑΤΕ ΤΡΕΑΣΥΡΕΡΦΕΒ2012 ΦΕΒ 2012 ΑΥΒΥΡΝ ΧΟΥΡΤ ΡΕςΕΝΥΕ 96Παγε: CA.B 03/14/2012 ςουχηερ Λιστ Χιτψ οφ Αυβυρν 97 3:33:58ΠΜ Παγε:ϖχηλιστ Βανκ χοδε :000 ςουχηερ ∆ατε ςενδορ Ινϖοιχε ∆εσχριπτιον/Αχχουντ Αµουντ 4121993/19/2012 (Χοντινυεδ)292460 ΩΑΣΗΙΝΓΤΟΝ ΣΤΑΤΕ ΤΡΕΑΣΥΡΕΡ 651.237.133 418.50 ΦΕΒ 2012 ΑΥΒΥΡΝ ΧΟΥΡΤ ΡΕςΕΝΥΕ 651.237.170 51,762.86 ΦΕΒ 2012 ΑΥΒΥΡΝ ΧΟΥΡΤ ΡΕςΕΝΥΕ 651.237.171 30,281.96 ΦΕΒ 2012 ΑΥΒΥΡΝ ΧΟΥΡΤ ΡΕςΕΝΥΕ 651.237.177 12,012.38 ΦΕΒ 2012 ΑΥΒΥΡΝ ΧΟΥΡΤ ΡΕςΕΝΥΕ 651.237.178 415.06 ΦΕΒ 2012 ΑΥΒΥΡΝ ΧΟΥΡΤ ΡΕςΕΝΥΕ 651.237.179 608.91 ΦΕΒ 2012 ΑΥΒΥΡΝ ΧΟΥΡΤ ΡΕςΕΝΥΕ 651.237.183 10,304.52 Τοταλ : 105,804.19 4122003/19/2012 013765 ΩΑΣΗΙΝΓΤΟΝ ΩΟΡΚΩΕΑΡ ΣΤΟΡΕΣ ΙΝΧ587 ∆ΥΝΓΑΡΕΕΣ ΦΟΡ ΧΑΡΛ ΣΝΨ∆ΕΡ − ΦΑΧΙΛΙΤΙΕΣ 505.00.524.500.22 137.94 Τοταλ : 137.94 4122013/19/2012 007841 ΩΑΣΤΕ ΜΑΝΑΓΕΜΕΝΤ0002815−2588−1 ∆ΙΣΠΟΣΑΛ ΟΦ ∆ΕΧΑΝΤ ΦΑΧΙΛΙΤΨ ΣΟΛΙ∆ ΩΑΣΤΕ 432.00.535.900.49 50.00 Τοταλ : 50.00 4122023/19/2012 270540 ΩΑΣΤΕ ΜΑΝΑΓΕΜΕΝΤ ΟΦ ΩΑ, ΙΝΧΡΣΤ−ΦΕΒ2012 Ωαστε Μαναγεµεντ Σολιδ Ωαστε ∆ισποσαλ 434.00.537.800.41 748,300.22 Τοταλ : 748,300.22 4122033/19/2012 393570 ΩΑΤΕΡ ΜΑΝΑΓΕΜΕΝΤ ΛΑΒΣ, ΙΝΧ108548 ΩΑΤΕΡ ΑΝΑΛΨΣΙΣ ΒΨ ΩΑΤΕΡ ΜΑΝΑΓΕΜΕΝΤ 001.32.532.200.41 63.00 ΩΑΤΕΡ ΑΝΑΛΨΣΙΣ ΒΨ ΩΑΤΕΡ ΜΑΝΑΓΕΜΕΝΤ 430.00.534.800.41 168.00 97Παγε: CA.B 03/14/2012 ςουχηερ Λιστ Χιτψ οφ Αυβυρν 98 3:33:58ΠΜ Παγε:ϖχηλιστ Βανκ χοδε :000 ςουχηερ ∆ατε ςενδορ Ινϖοιχε ∆εσχριπτιον/Αχχουντ Αµουντ 4122033/19/2012 (Χοντινυεδ)393570 ΩΑΤΕΡ ΜΑΝΑΓΕΜΕΝΤ ΛΑΒΣ, ΙΝΧ 108657 ΩΑΤΕΡ ΑΝΑΛΨΣΙΣ ΒΨ ΩΑΤΕΡ ΜΑΝΑΓΕΜΕΝΤ 430.00.534.800.41 336.00 108693 ΩΑΤΕΡ ΑΝΑΛΨΣΙΣ ΒΨ ΩΑΤΕΡ ΜΑΝΑΓΕΜΕΝΤ 430.00.534.800.41 168.00 108694 ΩΑΤΕΡ ΑΝΑΛΨΣΙΣ ΒΨ ΩΑΤΕΡ ΜΑΝΑΓΕΜΕΝΤ 432.00.535.100.41 110.00 108820 ΩΑΤΕΡ ΑΝΑΛΨΣΙΣ ΒΨ ΩΑΤΕΡ ΜΑΝΑΓΕΜΕΝΤ 001.32.532.200.41 650.00 108821 ΩΑΤΕΡ ΑΝΑΛΨΣΙΣ ΒΨ ΩΑΤΕΡ ΜΑΝΑΓΕΜΕΝΤ 432.00.535.100.41 330.00 108847 ΩΑΤΕΡ ΑΝΑΛΨΣΙΣ ΒΨ ΩΑΤΕΡ ΜΑΝΑΓΕΜΕΝΤ 430.00.534.800.41 483.00 108905 ΩΑΤΕΡ ΑΝΑΛΨΣΙΣ ΒΨ ΩΑΤΕΡ ΜΑΝΑΓΕΜΕΝΤ 001.32.532.200.41 63.00 Τοταλ : 2,371.00 4122043/19/2012 008430 ΩΑΤΟΑ 2012∆ΥΕΣ ΩΑΤΟΑ ΡΕΓΙΣΤΡΑΤΙΟΝ ΦΟΡ 2012 518.00.518.880.49 100.00 Τοταλ : 100.00 4122053/19/2012 004433 ΩΕΒΒ, ∆ΟΝΑΛ∆∆ΕΝΤΑΛ/ΛΕΟΦΦ ΛΕΟΦΦ 1 ∆ΕΝΤΑΛ ΡΕΙΜΒΥΡΣΕΜΕΝΤ ΧΛΑΙΜ 001.98.517.210.25 1,200.00 Τοταλ : 1,200.00 4122063/19/2012 018105 ΩΕΒΧΗΕΧΚ ΙΝΧ.4364 Υτιλιτψ Βιλλινγ Φιναλ Βιλλ/Εσχροω 98Παγε: CA.B 03/14/2012 ςουχηερ Λιστ Χιτψ οφ Αυβυρν 99 3:33:58ΠΜ Παγε:ϖχηλιστ Βανκ χοδε :000 ςουχηερ ∆ατε ςενδορ Ινϖοιχε ∆εσχριπτιον/Αχχουντ Αµουντ 4122063/19/2012 (Χοντινυεδ)018105 ΩΕΒΧΗΕΧΚ ΙΝΧ. 430.00.534.110.41 112.50 Υτιλιτψ Βιλλινγ Φιναλ Βιλλ/Εσχροω 431.00.535.110.41 112.50 Υτιλιτψ Βιλλινγ Φιναλ Βιλλ/Εσχροω 432.00.535.910.41 112.50 Υτιλιτψ Βιλλινγ Φιναλ Βιλλ/Εσχροω 434.00.537.110.41 112.50 Τοταλ : 450.00 4122073/19/2012 324050 ΩΕΣΧΟΜ ΧΟΜΜΥΝΙΧΑΤΙΟΝΣ20936 ΚΥΣΤΟΜ ΑΤΕΝΑ ΓΟΛ∆ΕΝ ΕΑΓΛΕ Σ/Ν Κ002401 − 001.21.521.200.41 87.60 20937 ΚΥΣΤΟΜ ΓΟΛ∆ΕΝ ΕΑΓΛΕ Σ/Ν ΞΕ08964 −20937 001.21.521.200.41 87.60 20938 ∆ΕΧΑΤΥΡ ΓΕΝΕΣΙΣ ςΠ∆ Σ/Ν 93252 − 20938 001.21.521.200.41 87.60 20939 ∆ΕΧΑΤΥΡ ΓΕΝΕΣΙΣ ςΠ∆ Σ/Ν 03233 − 20939 001.21.521.200.41 87.60 20940 ςΙΝ∆ΙΧΑΤΟΡ ςΗ1 Σ/Ν 3270 − 20940 001.21.521.200.41 87.60 20941 ΚΥΣΤΟΜ ΤΑΛΟΝ Σ/Ν Τ1757 − 20941 001.21.521.200.41 87.60 Τοταλ : 525.60 4122083/19/2012 394250 ΩΕΣΤ ΠΥΒΛΙΣΗΙΝΓ ΓΡΟΥΠ824535945 Ωεστ Λαω Μοντηλψ Χηαργε∼ 001.15.515.100.49 1,600.44 Τοταλ : 1,600.44 4122093/19/2012 006595 ΩΕΣΤ ΤΙΓΕΡ ΜΤ 2ΩΑΨ ΡΑ∆ΙΟ ΣΙΤΕ030112ΙΝς 99Παγε: CA.B 03/14/2012 ςουχηερ Λιστ Χιτψ οφ Αυβυρν 100 3:33:58ΠΜ Παγε:ϖχηλιστ Βανκ χοδε :000 ςουχηερ ∆ατε ςενδορ Ινϖοιχε ∆εσχριπτιον/Αχχουντ Αµουντ 4122093/19/2012 (Χοντινυεδ)006595 ΩΕΣΤ ΤΙΓΕΡ ΜΤ 2ΩΑΨ ΡΑ∆ΙΟ ΣΙΤΕ ΟΠΕΝ ΠΟ ΦΟΡ ΡΕΝΤΑΛ ΟΦ ΤΟΩΕΡ ΟΝ ΩΕΣΤ 001.33.576.100.45 185.00 Τοταλ : 185.00 4122103/19/2012 394470 ΩΕΣΤΕΡΝ ΕΘΥΙΠΜΕΝΤ ∆ΙΣΤ ΙΝΧ693337 ΟΙΛ ΣΕΑΛΣ, ΑΙΡ ΦΙΛΤΕΡΣ, ςΧΥΑΤΟΡ ςΑΛςΕ, 001.33.576.100.31 185.89 693337.2 ΟΙΛ ΣΕΑΛΣ, ΑΙΡ ΦΙΛΤΕΡΣ, ςΧΥΑΤΟΡ ςΑΛςΕ, 001.33.576.100.31 525.47 693431 ΟΙΛ ΣΕΑΛΣ, ΑΙΡ ΦΙΛΤΕΡΣ, ςΧΥΑΤΟΡ ςΑΛςΕ, 001.33.576.100.31 121.35 693443 ΕΘΥΙΠΜΕΝΤ ΣΥΠΠΛΙΕΣ; ΣΕΑΛΣ, ΒΕΑΡΙΝΓΣ, 437.00.576.600.31 91.27 693524 ΕΘΥΙΠΜΕΝΤ ΣΥΠΠΛΙΕΣ; ΣΕΑΛΣ, ΒΕΑΡΙΝΓΣ, 437.00.576.600.31 73.85 693664 ΕΘΥΙΠΜΕΝΤ ΣΥΠΠΛΙΕΣ; ΣΕΑΛΣ, ΒΕΑΡΙΝΓΣ, 437.00.576.600.31 164.89 Τοταλ : 1,162.72 4122113/19/2012 394770 ΩΕΣΤΕΡΝ ΩΑ ΦΟΟΤΒΑΛΛ ΟΦΦΙΧΙΑΛΣ104 ΟΦΦΙΧΙΑΛΣ ΦΕΕΣ ΦΟΡ ΠΟΛΑΡ ΒΕΑΡ Α∆ΥΛΤ 001.33.574.240.41 3,118.50 Τοταλ : 3,118.50 4122123/19/2012 395160 ΩΗΙΤΕ ΚΝΙΓΗΤ ΣΑΦΕ & ΛΟΧΚ, ΙΝΧ24474 ΜΙΣΧ ΚΕΨΣ ΑΝ∆ ΟΤΗΕΡ ΣΥΠΠΛΙΕΣ 001.33.576.100.31 14.24 Τοταλ : 14.24 4122133/19/2012 011495 ΩΗΙΤΩΟΡΤΗ ΠΕΣΤ ΣΟΛΥΤΙΟΝΣ ΙΝΧ.178842 100Παγε: CA.B 03/14/2012 ςουχηερ Λιστ Χιτψ οφ Αυβυρν 101 3:33:58ΠΜ Παγε:ϖχηλιστ Βανκ χοδε :000 ςουχηερ ∆ατε ςενδορ Ινϖοιχε ∆εσχριπτιον/Αχχουντ Αµουντ 4122133/19/2012 (Χοντινυεδ)011495 ΩΗΙΤΩΟΡΤΗ ΠΕΣΤ ΣΟΛΥΤΙΟΝΣ ΙΝΧ. ΧΑΡΠΕΝΤΕΡ ΑΝΤ ΦΥΛΛ ΤΡΕΑΤΜΕΝΤ ≅ 4910 Α 505.00.524.500.41 465.38 Τοταλ : 465.38 4122143/19/2012 395580 ΩΙΛΒΥΡ−ΕΛΛΙΣ, ΧΟ6026822ΡΙ ΠΕΣΤΙΧΙ∆ΕΣ ΑΝ∆ ΦΕΡΤΙΛΙΖΕΡΣ 001.33.576.100.31 531.47 6046273ΡΙ ΠΕΣΤΙΧΙ∆ΕΣ ΑΝ∆ ΦΕΡΤΙΛΙΖΕΡΣ 001.33.576.100.31 674.52 Τοταλ : 1,205.99 4122153/19/2012 017788 ΩΙΛΛΙΣ, ΜΑΡΓΙΕ Κ.36220 ΣΡ ΕΝΗΑΝΧΕΜΕΝΤ ΧΛΑΣΣΕΣ:∼ 001.33.574.210.41 180.00 36221 ΣΡ ΕΝΗΑΝΧΕΜΕΝΤ ΧΛΑΣΣΕΣ:∼ 001.33.574.210.41 33.00 36230 ΣΡ ΕΝΗΑΝΧΕΜΕΝΤ ΧΛΑΣΣΕΣ:∼ 001.33.574.210.41 35.00 Τοταλ : 248.00 4122163/19/2012 020734 ΩΙΛΣΟΝ, ΡΟΝΡΕΦΥΝ∆ ΗΑΝΓΑΡ 75 − ∆ΑΜΑΓΕ ∆ΕΠΟΣΙΤ 435.399.501 358.02 Τοταλ : 358.02 4122173/19/2012 017136 ΩΙΝ∆ΕΡΕΜΕΡΕ ΩΧ055079 ΥΤΙΛΙΤΨ ΡΕΦΥΝ∆ − 309 ΠΙΚΕ ΣΤ ΣΕ #101 430.233.100 110.33 Τοταλ : 110.33 4122183/19/2012 020786 ΩΙΣΕΜΑΝ, ΛΕΣΛΕΕ Ν.ϑΥΡΨ ∆ΥΤΨ ΠΑΨΜΕΝΤ ΦΟΡ ϑΥΡΨ ∆ΥΤΨ 001.13.512.500.49 15.55 101Παγε: CA.B 03/14/2012 ςουχηερ Λιστ Χιτψ οφ Αυβυρν 102 3:33:58ΠΜ Παγε:ϖχηλιστ Βανκ χοδε :000 ςουχηερ ∆ατε ςενδορ Ινϖοιχε ∆εσχριπτιον/Αχχουντ Αµουντ (Χοντινυεδ)Τοταλ : 15.55 4122183/19/2012020786020786 ΩΙΣΕΜΑΝ, ΛΕΣΛΕΕ Ν. 4122193/19/2012 020787 ΩΨΕΡ, ΛΑΡΡΨ Α.ϑΥΡΨ ∆ΥΤΨ ΠΑΨΜΕΝΤ ΦΟΡ ϑΥΡΨ ∆ΥΤΨ 001.13.512.500.49 15.55 Τοταλ : 15.55 4122203/19/2012 020503 ΖΕΡΒΕ, ΡΙΧΗΑΡ∆ ΑΛΕΞΑΝ∆ΕΡ032412ΠΕΡΦ ΠΕΡΦΟΡΜΑΝΧΕ ΟΦ ΤΗΕ ΠΡΟΦΕΣΣΙΟΝΑΛ ΖΑΝΙΑΧ 001.33.575.280.41 750.00 Τοταλ : 750.00 4122213/19/2012 020746 ΖΕΡΟ ΡΕΣΤΡΙΧΤΙΟΝ ΟΥΤΕΡΩΕΑΡ3328 ΣΠΡΙΝΓ ΧΛΟΤΗΙΝΓ ΦΟΡ ΡΕΣΑΛΕ 437.00.576.680.34 −1,340.00 3357 ΣΠΡΙΝΓ ΧΛΟΤΗΙΝΓ ΦΟΡ ΡΕΣΑΛΕ 437.00.576.680.34 −374.40 815005 ΣΠΡΙΝΓ ΧΛΟΤΗΙΝΓ ΦΟΡ ΡΕΣΑΛΕ 437.00.576.680.34 3,288.43 Τοταλ : 1,574.03 4122223/19/2012 234680 ΖΟΝΕΣ ΙΝΤΕΡΝΑΤΙΟΝΑΛΣ26280370101 2 ΗΠ 90 400 µλ Ψελλοω Ινκ Χαρτριδγεσ∼ 518.00.518.880.31 285.16 2 ΗΠ 90 Βλαχκ Πριντηεαδ∼ 518.00.518.880.31 241.28 Σαλεσ Ταξ 518.00.518.880.31 50.01 Σ26457350101 Φαιλεδ ΥΠΣ ρεπλαχεµεντ ΑΠΧ Σµαρτ−ΥΠΣ 518.00.518.880.35 594.78 Σαλεσ Ταξ 518.00.518.880.35 56.50 Σ26509730101 102Παγε: CA.B 03/14/2012 ςουχηερ Λιστ Χιτψ οφ Αυβυρν 103 3:33:58ΠΜ Παγε:ϖχηλιστ Βανκ χοδε :000 ςουχηερ ∆ατε ςενδορ Ινϖοιχε ∆εσχριπτιον/Αχχουντ Αµουντ 4122223/19/2012 (Χοντινυεδ)234680 ΖΟΝΕΣ ΙΝΤΕΡΝΑΤΙΟΝΑΛ 3 Κοδακ Εασψσηαρε Χ1530 διγιταλ 518.00.518.880.35 238.20 Σαλεσ Ταξ 518.00.518.880.35 22.63 Σ26509730102 3 Κινγστον Φλαση Μεµορψ Χαρδ 4ΓΒ 518.00.518.880.35 18.00 Σαλεσ Ταξ 518.00.518.880.35 1.71 Τοταλ : 1,508.27 Βανκ τοταλ : 3,112,851.79 387 ςουχηερσ φορ βανκ χοδε :000 3,112,851.79Τοταλ ϖουχηερσ :ςουχηερσ ιν τηισ ρεπορτ 387 103Παγε: CA.B 03/14/2012 ςουχηερ Λιστ Χιτψ οφ Αυβυρν 104 3:33:58ΠΜ Παγε:ϖχηλιστ Βανκ χοδε :000 ςουχηερ ∆ατε ςενδορ Ινϖοιχε ∆εσχριπτιον/Αχχουντ Αµουντ Ι ΗΕΡΕΒΨ ΧΕΡΤΙΦΨ ΤΗΑΤ ΤΗΕ ΓΟΟ∆Σ ΑΝ∆/ ΟΡ ΣΕΡςΙΧΕΣ ΧΗΑΡΓΕ∆ ΟΝ ΤΗΕ ςΟΥΧΗΕΡΣ ΛΙΣΤΕ∆ ΗΕΡΕΙΝ ΗΑςΕ ΒΕΕΝ ΦΥΡΝΙΣΗΕ∆ ΤΟ ΤΗΕ ΒΕΣΤ ΟΦ ΜΨ ΚΝΟΩΛΕ∆ΓΕ. Ι ΦΥΡΤΗΕΡ ΧΕΡΤΙΦΨ ΤΗΕ ΧΛΑΙΜΣ ΗΕΡΕΙΝ ΤΟ ΒΕ ςΑΛΙ∆ ΑΝ∆ ΧΟΡΡΕΧΤ. ____________________________ ∆ΙΡΕΧΤΟΡ ΟΦ ΦΙΝΑΝΧΕ ΩΕ, ΤΗΕ ΥΝ∆ΕΡΣΙΓΝΕ∆ ΦΙΝΑΝΧΕ ΧΟΜΜΙΤΤΕΕ ΟΦ ΤΗΕ ΑΥΒΥΡΝ ΧΙΤΨ ΧΟΥΝΧΙΛ, ΑΥΒΥΡΝ ΩΑΣΗΙΝΓΤΟΝ, ∆Ο ΗΕΡΕΒΨ ΧΕΡΤΙΦΨ ΤΗΑΤ ςΟΥΧΗΕΡ #411835 ΤΗΡΟΥΓΗ ςΟΥΧΗΕΡ #412222 ΙΝ ΤΗΕ ΑΜΟΥΝΤ ΟΦ ∃3,112,851.79 ΑΡΕ ΑΠΠΡΟςΕ∆ ΤΗΙΣ 19ΤΗ ∆ΑΨ ΟΦ ΜΑΡΧΗ, 2012. ______________________ ΧΗΑΙΡ _______________________ ΜΕΜΒΕΡ ________________________ ΜΕΜΒΕΡ 104Παγε: CA.B AGENDA BILL APPROVAL FORM Agenda Subject: Payroll Vouchers Date: March 12, 2012 Department: Administration Attachments: No Attachments Available Budget Impact: $0 Administrative Recommendation: City Council approve payroll vouchers as part of the Consent Agenda. Background Summary: Payroll Check numbers 532741 through 532773 in the amount of $830,010.79 and electronic deposit transmissions in the amount of $1,179,374.62 for a grand total of $2,009,385.41 for the pay period covering March 1, 2012 to March 14, 2012. Reviewed by Council Committees: Finance Councilmember:Staff:Coleman Meeting Date:March 19, 2012 Item Number:CA.C AUBURN * MORE THAN YOU IMAGINEDCA.C AGENDA BILL APPROVAL FORM Agenda Subject: Ordinance No. 6400 Date: March 9, 2012 Department: Finance Attachments: Ordinance No. 6400 Memo Schedule A Budget Impact: $0 Administrative Recommendation: City Council introduce and adopt Ordinance No. 6400. Background Summary: Attached is proposed budget amendment #7 for your review. Details of this amendment are included in the attached staff memorandum. Reviewed by Council Committees: Finance, Planning And Community Development, Public Works Councilmember:Staff:Coleman Meeting Date:March 19, 2012 Item Number:ORD.A AUBURN * MORE THAN YOU IMAGINEDORD.A ORDINANCE NO. 6 4 0 0 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITYCOUNCIL OF THE CITY OF AUBURN, WASHINGTON, AMENDING ORDINANCE. NO. 6339, THE 2011-2012BIENNIAL BUDGET ORDINANCE AS AMENDED BY ORDINANCE NO. 6351, ORDINANCE NO.. 6352, ORDINANCE NO. 6362, ORDINANCE NO. 6370, ORDINANCE NO. 6378 AND ORDINANCE N0. 6379 AUTHORIZING AMENDMENT TO THECITY OF AUBURN 2011-2012'BUDGET AS SET FORTH IN SCHEDULE "A" WHEREAS, theAubum City Council at its regular meeting of December 6, 2010, adopted Ordinance No. 6339 whichadopted the Gity of Aubum 2011-2012 Biennial budget; and WHEREAS, the Aubum City Council at its regular meeting of February 22, 2011, adopted Ordinance No. 6351 which amended O dinance No. 6339which adoptedthe City of Aubum 2011-2012 Biennial budget; and WHEREAS, the Aubum City Councilat its regular meeting of April 4, 2011, adopted Ordinance No. 6352 which amended Ordinance No. 6351; and WHEREAS, the Aubum City Council at its regular meeting of July 18, 2D11, adoptedOrdinance No. 6362 which amended Ordinance No. 6352; and WHEREAS, the Aubum City Council at its regularmeeting of September 6, 2011 adopted Ordinance No. 6370 which amended Ordiriance 6362; and WHEREAS, the Aubum City Council at its regularmeeting ofDecember 5, 2011 adopted Ordinance No. 6378 which amended Ordinance 6370; and WHEREAS, the Auburn Ci4y Counci at its regularmeeting of December 5, 2011 adoptedOrdinance No. 6379 whichamendedOrdinance 6378; and Ordinance No. 6400 February 1,2012 Page 1 of 3 ORD.A WHEREAS, the City of Auburn deems it necessary to appropriate additional funds to the various funds of the 2012 budget; and WHEREAS, this Ordinance has been approvedbyonemorethanthe majority of all councilpersons in accordance with RCW 35A.34.200. NOW THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF AUBURN, WASHINGTON DO ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. Amendment of the 2011-2012 Biennial Budget The 2011- 2012 Biennial Budget of theCityof Aubum is amended pur5uant to Chapter 35A.34 RCW, to reflect the revenuesandexpenditures as shown on Schedule "A" attached hereto and incorporatedherein by reference. The Mayorof the City of Aubum, Washington is hereby authoriied toutilize revenue and expenditure amounts shown on said Schedule "A". A copy of said Schedule "A" is on filewith theCity Cle[k and available for public inspection. Section 2. Severability: If any provision of this Ordinance or the application thereof to any personor circumstance is held to be invalid, the remainder of such code, ordinance or regulation or the application thereof to other person or circumstance shallnotbeaffected. Section 3. Implementation. TheMayor is hereby authorizedto implement such administrative procedures as may be necessary to carry out the directiyes of thislegislation. Ordinance No. 6400 Febrtiary 1, 2012 Page 2 of 3 ORD.A Section 4.. Effective Date. This Ordinance shall take effect and be in force five (5) days from and afte its;passage, approval and publica4ion as provided by law. INTRODUCED: PASSED: APPROVED: PETER B. LEINIS, MAYOR ATTEST: Danielle E.Daskam CityClerk APPROVED AS TOFORM: aniel B: Heid City`Attomey PUBLISHED: Ordinance No. 6400 February 1, 2012 Page 3 of 3 ORD.A Interoffice Memorandum To: City Council From: Shelley Coleman, Finance Director CC: Pete Lewis, Mayor Date: March 8, 2012 Re: Ordinance 6400 - 2012 Budget Amendment #7 Attached is proposed budget amendment #7 for your review. At the end of 2011, some construction projects, consulting services, and purchases of furniture and supplies remain outstanding. Carryforward of the budget authority from 2011 to 2012 is necessary to enable the City to complete these projects. The following is a description of the significant changes included in this budget amendment. x Construction Project Carryforwards: Carryforward unspent funding for various transportation, street preservation, local revitalization and park projects. These carryforwards constitute the majority of the proposed changes in this budget amendment. Significant projects being carried forward to 2012 include: o ts: A. Street NW Extension, W. Valley Highway; M Street Grade Separation; Local Street and Pavement Preservation projects; Transportation Projec Park Projects: Lea Hil Local Revitalization P town Water Utility Proj Sewer Utility Proj Storm Utility Proj Airport Projects: Run o l Park replacement; Auburn Environmental Park; Fenster Levee Setback; o rojects: So. Division Street Promenade; Downtown Pedestrian Lighting; City Hall North Plaza; Downtown Art; City Hall Plaza Construction; and Down Pedestrian Kiosks; o ects: Water Supply Charges; SCADA System Improvements; Lakeland Hills Booster Pump Station; Lakeland Hills Reservoir #6 o ects: Sewer Utility Repair and Replacement; SCADA System Improvements o ects: Local Street Pavement Preservation; Storm Pipeline Repair and Replacement; SCADA System Improvements; o way Lighting; Hangar row 9&10 x Operating Expense Carryforwards: Carryforward unspent funding for contracted professional services, furniture replacement and supplies. These carryforwards are primarily included in the General Fund and total approximately $311,000. ORD.A x Golf Course Debt Management: Moves $392,000 in budgeted 2012 debt service payments fro the Golf Course Fund to a newly established Golf Course Debt Service Fund (Fund #417), and funds Golf Course Debt by way of inter-fund transfers from the General Fund. m serve ill The 2012 budget for the Golf Course Fund includes debt service principal and interest payments for general obligation bonds related to the construction and improvements to the clubhouse. Golf Course debt service is the second largest cost center for the Auburn Golf Course, behind salaries and wages. Removal of this cost center will enable the Golf Course enterprise fund to operate within its current level of revenues, which has declined as a result of the economic recession and weather conditions. x Cemetery Cash Flow Management: Authorizes a $200,000 transfer from the Cumulative Re Fund to the Cemetery Fund for purposes of cash flow management. Approval of this transfer w increase the working capital of the Cemetery Fund, enabling it to meet anticipated cash flow needs during the remainder of 2012. x Unemployment Insurance: Budget for the Insurance Fund is increased by $145,000 to reflect higher unemployment insurance claim costs. Approval would increase the Fund’s 2012 budget for unemployment insurance claims to approximately $200,000, which is comparable to actual expenses in 2011. Table 1 below summarizes the 2012 budget, as amended, under this proposed Ordinance: Table 1: 2012 Budget as Amended 2012 Approved Budget $224,188,656 Budget Amendment #7 (#6400) 20,917,330 Budget as Amended $245,105,986 Attachments: ™ 1. Proposed Ordinance #6400 (budget adjustment #7) ™ 2. Summary of proposed 2012 budget adjustments by fund and department (Schedule A) ORD.A Schedule A Summary of 2012 Budget Adjustments by Fund Budget Amendment # 7 Ordinance 6400 General Fund (#001) Beg. Fund Balance 2012 Revenues 2012 Expenditures Ending Fund Balance General Fund 2012 Adopted Budget 10,487,938 49,252,800 54,612,340 5,128,398 BA#6 (Adopted; ordinance #6379)1,064,250 798,500 1,839,080 23,670 BA#7 (Proposed ordinance #6400)- - Municipal Court Court Interpreter -State Distribution 11,760 11,760 Community & Human Services Carry forward Human Services contracted professional services 55,500 55,500 - Carry forward Cultural Connections Center supplies 3,500 3,500 - Planning Carry forward professional services for wetland assessment 20,000 20,000 - SCORE Carry forward SCORE billings for Benton County & King County 38,500 38,500 - Police New Grant for Citizen Corps Program 5,440 5,440 - Carry forward Grant funds and expenses for the following programs: 2009 JAG program 3,080 3,080 - 2009 JAG equipment 9,060 9,060 - 2010 JAG program 3,030 3,030 - 2011JAGprogram 33630 33630 - 2011 JAG program 33,630 33,630 - RSO program 8,230 8,230 - Bulletproof Vest Program 1,220 1,220 - Auto Theft Task Force 53,550 - 53,550 Target Zero -Traffic Safety & Accident Reduction 7,890 7,890 - High Visibility - DUI Enforcement 6,420 6,420 - Emergency Management Performance Grant 25,510 25,510 - Engineering Carry forward budget for new signal poles 15,100 15,100 - Carry forward SWIBS Bridge Inspections 5,000 5,000 - Parks Carry forward Senior Center furniture replacement budget 5,000 5,000 - Non Departmental Transfer Out to Golf Course Debt Service Fund 392,100 7 (392,100) Carry forward Mill Creek Restoration project 10,100 - 10,100 - BA#7 Total 152,700 168,820 648,310 (326,790) 2012 Revised Budget 11,704,888 50,220,120 57,099,730 4,825,278 Total Resources / Expenditures 61,925,008 61,925,008 1 of 10 ORD.A Schedule A Summary of 2012 Budget Adjustments by Fund Budget Amendment # 7 Ordinance 6400 Arterial Street Fund (#102) Beg. Fund Balance 2012 Revenues 2012 Expenditures Ending Fund Balance 2012 Adopted Budget 265,018 14,715,500 14,806,900 173,618 BA#6 (Adopted; ordinance #6379)982,406 (1,480,300) (826,100) 328,206 BA#7 (Proposed ordinance #6400) A St NW Extension Carry forward Federal grant, Contributions, Fund Balance & Capital expense 53,750 1,115,340 Reduce Developer Contribution -Multicare (1,560) Carry forward capital project expenses 1,167,530 Subtotal A St NW Extension 53,750 1,113,780 1,167,530 - W Valley Hwy Carry forward State grant 680,450 Carry forward Transfer In- Impact Fees 170,120 1 Carry forward capital project expenses 850,570 Subtotal W Valley Hwy - 850,570 850,570 - M St Grade Separation Carry forward Transfer In -Impact Fees and Beg. Fund Balance 150,000 566,900 2 Carry forward capital project expenses 716,900 Subtotal M St Grade Separation 150,000 566,900 716,900 - AWS Fir to Hemlock Carry forward State grant 236,160 Carry forward MIT match 59,090 Carry forward capital project expenses 295,250 Subtotal AWS Fir to Hemlock - 295,250 295,250 - AWS Dogwood to Fir Carry forward Federal grant and Beg. Fund Balance 8,460 39,920 Carry forward capital project expenses 48,380 Subtotal AWS Dogwood to Fir 8,460 39,920 48,380 - 8th St NE U Turn Improvements Carry forward Federal Grant & capital project expenses - 50,000 41,400 8,600 Lea Hill Safe Routes to School Carry forward Federal Grant & capital project expenses - 25,000 25,000 - Carry forward capital project expenses for the following projects S 277th Wetland Mitigation 32,050 32,050 - 37th St SE & R St SE Ped connector 15,330 15,330 - 41st & A St SE Access Study 6,840 6,840 - AWS & M St SE 5,170 5,170 - 104th & Green River Rd Study 1,350 1,350 - Auburn Pacific Trail 1,000 1,000 - 8th St NE & R St NE Signal 1,000 1,000 - BA#7 Total 274,950 2,941,420 3,207,770 8,600 2012 Revised Budget 1,522,374 16,176,620 17,188,570 510,424 Total Resources / Expenditures 17,698,994 17,698,994 2 of 10 ORD.A Schedule A Summary of 2012 Budget Adjustments by Fund Budget Amendment # 7 Ordinance 6400 Local Street Fund (#103) Beg. Fund Balance 2012 Revenues 2012 Expenditures Ending Fund Balance 2012 Adopted Budget 1,095,806 2,155,000 2,000,000 1,250,806 BA#6 (Adopted; ordinance #6379)(277,271) - 110 (277,381) BA#7 (Proposed ordinance #6400) Carry forward capital project expenses for the following projects Annual Local Street Impr. Program 730,000 730,000 - 2011 Local Street Pavement Preservation 291,000 291,000 - - - - - BA#7 Total 1,021,000 - 1,021,000 - 2012 Revised Budget 1,839,535 2,155,000 3,021,110 973,425 Total Resources / Expenditures 3,994,535 3,994,535 Arterial Street Preservation Fund (#105) Beg. Fund Balance 2012 Revenues 2012 Expenditures Ending Fund Balance 2012 Adopted Budget 35,089 1,501,500 1,500,000 36,589 BA#6 (Adopted; ordinance #6379)412,761 - - 412,761 BA#7 (Proposed ordinance #6400) - Carry forward capital project expenses for the following projects Annual Arterial Crack Seal Program 60,000 60,000 - 2011 Arterial/Collector Pavement Preservation 6,500 - 6,500 - - - - - BA#7Total 66500 -66500 -BA#7 Total 66,500 - 66,500 - 2012 Revised Budget 514,350 1,501,500 1,566,500 449,350 Total Resources / Expenditures 2,015,850 2,015,850 Cumulative Reserve Fund (#122) Beg. Fund Balance 2012 Revenues 2012 Expenditures Ending Fund Balance 2012 Adopted Budget 5,601,564 24,000 - 5,625,564 BA#6 (Adopted; ordinance #6379)(369,882) - - (369,882) BA#7 (Proposed ordinance #6400) - Auburn Environmental Park Carry forward Transfer Out to Fund 321 for capital project expenses 26,520 26,520 5 - Cemetery Fund Transfer Out to Cemetery Fund to meet 2012 cash flow needs - - 200,000 6 (200,000) BA#7 Total 26,520 - 226,520 (200,000) 2012 Revised Budget 5,258,202 24,000 226,520 5,055,682 Total Resources / Expenditures 5,282,202 5,282,202 3 of 10 ORD.A Schedule A Summary of 2012 Budget Adjustments by Fund Budget Amendment # 7 Ordinance 6400 Mitigation Fees Fund (#124) Beg. Fund Balance 2012 Revenues 2012 Expenditures Ending Fund Balance 2012 Adopted Budget 1,665,773 902,000 1,120,700 1,447,073 BA#6 (Adopted; ordinance #6379)78,393 - 537,000 (458,607) BA#7 (Proposed ordinance #6400) - Carry forward Transfer Out Impact Fees for following projects W Valley Hwy 170,120 170,120 1 - M Street Grade Separation 566,900 566,900 2 - Mohawks Plastics Site Mitigation 9,620 9,620 3 - Misc Park Improvements (Park Impact Fees)50,000 50,000 4 - BA#7 Total 796,640 - 796,640 - 2012 Revised Budget 2,540,806 902,000 2,454,340 988,466 Total Resources / Expenditures 3,442,806 3,442,806 Municipal Park Construction Fund (#321) Beg. Fund Balance 2012 Revenues 2012 Expenditures Ending Fund Balance 2012 Adopted Budget 201,868 1,874,100 1,979,100 96,868 BA#6 (Adopted; ordinance #6379)305,995 18,150,900 18,399,200 57,695 BA#7 (Proposed ordinance #6400) Lea Hill Park Replacement Carry forward GRCC reimbursement and capital expense 129,790 129,790 - Misc. Park Improvementsp Transfer In -Park Impact Fees and capital expense 50,000 4 50,000 - Auburn Environmental Park Carry forward State grant and Beg. Fund Bal 11,800 26,520 Carry forward Transfer In from Cumulative Reserve Fund 26,520 5 Carry forward capital expense 64,840 Subtotal Auburn Environmental Park 11,800 53,040 64,840 - Fenster Levee Setback Carry forward Federal Grant 50,710 Carry forward State Grant 29,490 Carry forward capital expense 80,200 Subtotal Fenster Levee Setback - 80,200 80,200 - BA#7 Total 11,800 313,030 324,830 - 2012 Revised Budget 519,663 20,338,030 20,703,130 154,563 Total Resources / Expenditures 20,857,693 20,857,693 4 of 10 ORD.A Schedule A Summary of 2012 Budget Adjustments by Fund Budget Amendment # 7 Ordinance 6400 Capital Improvements Fund (#328) Beg. Fund Balance 2012 Revenues 2012 Expenditures Ending Fund Balance 2012 Adopted Budget 2,390,706 1,737,700 1,159,100 2,969,306 BA#6 (Adopted; ordinance #6379)3,267,059 15,000 2,080,600 1,201,459 BA#7 (Proposed ordinance #6400) 2011 Citywide Sidewalk Repair and Replacement Carry forward capital expenses 180,000 180,000 - Traffic Signal Improvements - Carry forward 2010 and 2011 capital expenses Carry forward 2011 capital expenses 34,520 34,520 - Carry forward 2010 capital expenses 9,270 9,270 - City Hall Remodel Carry forward 2011 capital expenses 39,060 39,060 - Mohawk Plastics Wetland Mitigation Carry forward Transfer In from fund 124 & capital expenses - 9,620 3 9,620 - 12th St SE/ AWS Intersection Carry forward capital expenses 2,000 - 2,000 - - - - - BA#7 Total 264,850 9,620 274,470 - 2012 Revised Budget 5,922,615 1,762,320 3,514,170 4,170,765 Total Resources / Expenditures 7,684,935 7,684,935 BegFund 2012 EndingFund Local Revitalization Fund (#330) Beg. Fund Balance 2012 Revenues 2012 Expenditures Ending Fund Balance 2012 Adopted Budget - - - - BA#6 (Adopted; ordinance #6379)806,907 116,100 668,500 254,507 BA#7 (Proposed ordinance #6400) So. Division St. Promenade Project Carry forward EDA Grant , Beg. Fund Balance and Capital expenses 1,075,120 730,780 1,805,900 - Carry forward capital expenses for the following projects Downtown Pedestrian Lighting Replacement 440,090 440,090 - City Hall North Plaza 51,260 51,260 - Downtown Art 40,000 40,000 - City Hall Plaza Construction 49,700 49,700 - Downtown Pedestrian Kiosks 26,440 26,440 - - - - - BA#7 Total 1,682,610 730,780 2,413,390 - 2012 Revised Budget 2,489,517 846,880 3,081,890 254,507 Total Resources / Expenditures 3,336,397 3,336,397 5 of 10 ORD.A Schedule A Summary of 2012 Budget Adjustments by Fund Budget Amendment # 7 Ordinance 6400 Water Fund (#430) Beg. Fund Balance 2012 Revenues 2012 Expenditures Ending Fund Balance 2012 Adopted Budget 2,577,279 11,624,400 12,867,420 1,334,259 BA#6 (Adopted; ordinance #6379)7,080,418 (1,153,750) 5,070,250 856,418 BA#7 (Proposed ordinance #6400) Carry forward consultant agreement for Annual Hydraulic Model Update 85,490 85,490 - Carry forward Equipment for Muddog Excavator and Water Service trucks 72,500 72,500 - Carry forward capital expenses for the following projects: Water Supply Charges 3,000,000 3,000,000 - SCADA System Improvements 1,085,310 1,085,310 - Lakeland Hills Booster Pump Station 718,650 718,650 - Lakeland Hills Reservoir 6 402,000 402,000 - 2011 Local Street Pavement reconstruction Ph 2 266,900 266,900 - Academy Booster Pump Station 200,750 200,750 - 132nd Ave SE Tacoma Pipeline 5 Intertie 160,800 160,800 - A St NW Corridor 92,760 92,760 - Water Comp Plan update 2,030 - 2,030 - BA#7 Total 6,087,190 - 6,087,190 - 2012 Revised Budget 15,744,887 10,470,650 24,024,860 2,190,677 Total Resources / Expenditures 26,215,537 26,215,537 Sewer Fund (#431) Beg. Fund Balance 2012 Revenues 2012 Expenditures Ending Fund Balance 2012AdoptedBudget 3172444 18361600 20472820 10612242012 Adopted Budget 3,172,444 18,361,600 20,472,820 1,061,224 BA#6 (Adopted; ordinance #6379)6,184,655 75,600 627,000 5,633,255 BA#7 (Proposed ordinance #6400) Carry forward capital expenses for the following projects: Sewer Facility Repair & Replacement 680,000 680,000 - SCADA System Improvements 670,260 670,260 - Sewer & Storm Pump Station Rep (Ellingson & Dogwood)300,000 300,000 - 2009-2010 Sewer Repair & Replacement 253,250 253,250 - Street Utility Improvements 80,000 - 80,000 - BA#7 Total 1,983,510 - 1,983,510 - 2012 Revised Budget 11,340,609 18,437,200 23,083,330 6,694,479 Total Resources / Expenditures 29,777,809 29,777,809 6 of 10 ORD.A Schedule A Summary of 2012 Budget Adjustments by Fund Budget Amendment # 7 Ordinance 6400 Storm Drainage Fund (#432) Beg. Fund Balance 2012 Revenues 2012 Expenditures Ending Fund Balance 2012 Adopted Budget 1,842,732 7,923,300 8,323,710 1,442,322 BA#6 (Adopted; ordinance #6379)3,804,846 (436,800) 2,506,530 861,516 BA#7 (Proposed ordinance #6400) Carry forward capital expenses for the following projects: 2012 Local Street Pavement Preservation Phase 2 425,400 425,400 - 2011 Storm Pipeline Repair & Replacement 377,740 377,740 - SCADA System Improvements 363,250 363,250 - White River Storm Pump Station Replacement 215,000 215,000 - Well 1 Improvements 151,200 151,200 - S 296th St & Bry's Cove Storm Pond Improvement 58,180 58,180 - 2010 Local Street Pavement Preservation 11,790 11,790 - North Central Storm Improvements - Phase 1 4,950 - 4,950 - BA#7 Total 1,607,510 - 1,607,510 - 2012 Revised Budget 7,255,088 7,486,500 12,437,750 2,303,838 Total Resources / Expenditures 14,741,588 14,741,588 Airport Fund (#435) Beg. Fund Balance 2012 Revenues 2012 Expenditures Ending Fund Balance 2012 Adopted Budget 578,532 652,380 738,610 492,302 BA#6 (Adopted; ordinance #6379)336,137 - 250,440 85,697 BA#7 (Proposed ordinance #6400) Increase budget for Airport Management Fees 13,300 (13,300) Additional budget for tree removal services 22,000 (22,000) Additional budget professional services (Reid Middleton)40,000 (40,000) () Airport Improvement- to add Aircraft Wash Bay 25,000 (25,000) Carry forward funding for the following projects - Hangar row 9 & 10 Repair 3,950 3,950 - Runway Lighting Grant Funding, Beg. Fund Balance and Capital expense 2,230 87,140 89,370 - BA#7 Total 6,180 87,140 193,620 (100,300) 2012 Revised Budget 920,849 739,520 1,182,670 477,699 Total Resources / Expenditures 1,660,369 1,660,369 Cemetery Fund (#436) Beg. Fund Balance 2012 Revenues 2012 Expenditures Ending Fund Balance 2012 Adopted Budget 146,198 942,600 1,075,880 12,918 BA#6 (Adopted; ordinance #6379)60,431 - (34,590) 95,021 BA#7 (Proposed ordinance #6400) Adjust estimated beginning fund balance for 2011 year end financial activity (148,100) (148,100) Transfer In from Cumulative Reserve to meet cash flow needs 200,000 6 200,000 BA#7 Total (148,100) 200,000 - 51,900 2012 Revised Budget 58,529 1,142,600 1,041,290 159,839 Total Resources / Expenditures 1,201,129 1,201,129 7 of 10 ORD.A Schedule A Summary of 2012 Budget Adjustments by Fund Budget Amendment # 7 Ordinance 6400 Golf Course Fund (#437) Beg. Fund Balance 2012 Revenues 2012 Expenditures Ending Fund Balance 2012 Adopted Budget 95,488 1,877,700 1,943,550 29,638 BA#6 (Adopted; ordinance #6379)185,924 - (66,710) 252,634 BA#7 (Proposed ordinance #6400) Adjust estimated beginning fund balance - Move Debt Service Interest to Fund 417 (177,100) 177,100 Move Debt Service Principal to Fund 417 - - (215,000) 215,000 BA#7 Total - - (392,100) 392,100 2012 Revised Budget 281,412 1,877,700 1,484,740 674,372 Total Resources / Expenditures 2,159,112 2,159,112 New Fund Golf Course Debt Service Fund (#417) Beg. Fund Balance 2012 Revenues 2012 Expenditures Ending Fund Balance 2012 Adopted Budget - - - - BA#6 (Adopted; ordinance #6379)- - - - BA#7 (Proposed ordinance #6400) Transfer In from General Fund for Golf Course Debt Service 392,100 7- 392,100 Move Debt Service Interest from Fund 437 - - 177,100 (177,100) Move Debt Service Principal from Fund 437 - - 215,000 (215,000) BA#7 Total - 392,100 392,100 - 2012 Revised Budget - 392,100 392,100 - Total Resources / Expenditures 392,100 392,100 Insurance Fund (#501) Beg. Fund Balance 2012 Revenues 2012 Expenditures Ending Fund Balance 2012 Adopted Budget 2,348,069 3,800 58,700 2,293,169 BA#6 (Adopted; ordinance #6379)(156,237) - - (156,237) BA#7 (Proposed ordinance #6400) Adjust estimated beginning fund balance Increase Budget for Unemployment Claims to $200K. 2011 actuals totaled $181K.- - 145,000 (145,000) BA#7 Total - - 145,000 (145,000) 2012 Revised Budget 2,191,832 3,800 203,700 1,991,932 Total Resources / Expenditures 2,195,632 2,195,632 8 of 10 ORD.A Schedule A Summary of 2012 Budget Adjustments by Fund Budget Amendment # 7 Ordinance 6400 Facilities Fund (#505) Beg. Fund Balance 2012 Revenues 2012 Expenditures Ending Fund Balance 2012 Adopted Budget 346,439 3,658,200 3,548,540 456,099 BA#6 (Adopted; ordinance #6379)450,085 195,000 604,670 40,415 BA#7 (Proposed ordinance #6400) Carry forward funding for the following projects McKinstry Energy Conservation Program Improvement 270,640 270,640 - Jacobsen Tree Farm Demolition project MS1110 78,650 78,650 - - - - - BA#7 Total 349,290 - 349,290 - 2012 Revised Budget 1,145,814 3,853,200 4,502,500 496,514 Total Resources / Expenditures 4,999,014 4,999,014 Information Services Fund (#518) Beg. Fund Balance 2012 Revenues 2012 Expenditures Ending Fund Balance 2012 Adopted Budget 2,097,797 4,351,070 5,006,990 1,441,877 BA#6 (Adopted; ordinance #6379)286,836 48,000 138,400 196,436 BA#7 (Proposed ordinance #6400) Carry forward Grant funded IS COPS Equipment 57,740 57,740 - Carry forward 2011 Program Improvements:- CAD Replacement Project 30,000 30,000 - Electronic Plan Review Program 40,000 40,000 - Spillman Superforms 50,000 50,000 - Multimedia Refresh for Council Chambers 75,000 75,000 - Carry forward 2011 Projects to be completed in 2012 SCORE Communications Interface 25,000 25,000 - Online Timekeeping/TOPS 24,000 24,000 - Infrastructure Installs for outlying facilities 30,000 30,000 - CRW Upgrade 30,000 30,000 - Cartegraph Software Enhancements 30,000 30,000 - - - - - BA#7 Total 334,000 57,740 391,740 - 2012 Revised Budget 2,718,633 4,456,810 5,537,130 1,638,313 Total Resources / Expenditures 7,175,443 7,175,443 9 of 10 ORD.A Schedule A Summary of 2012 Budget Adjustments by Fund Budget Amendment # 7 Ordinance 6400 Equipment Rental Fund (#550) Beg. Fund Balance 2012 Revenues 2012 Expenditures Ending Fund Balance 2012 Adopted Budget 2,858,954 3,073,250 3,098,660 2,833,544 BA#6 (Adopted; ordinance #6379)803,831 - 101,840 701,991 BA#7 (Proposed ordinance #6400) Carry forward funding for following projects Capital Equipment-Fleet vehicles to be purchased in 2012 1,404,610 1,404,610 - M & O Vehicle Bay & Storage capital project expense 54,920 54,920 - Fuel System Improvements capital improvements expense 40,000 - 40,000 - BA#7 Total 1,499,530 - 1,499,530 - 2012 Revised Budget 5,162,315 3,073,250 4,700,030 3,535,535 Total Resources / Expenditures 8,235,565 8,235,565 Grand Total - All Funds Beg. Fund Balance 2012 Revenues 2012 Expenditures Ending Fund Balance 2012 Adopted Budget 43,633,003 137,821,900 147,921,880 33,533,023 BA#6 (Adopted; ordinance #6379)25,060,843 17,672,910 32,741,610 9,992,143 BA#7 (Proposed ordinance #6400)16,016,680 4,900,650 21,236,820 (319,490) 2012 Revised Budget 84,710,526 160,395,460 201,900,310 43,205,676 Total Resources / Expenditures 245,105,986 245,105,986 March 8, 2012 Prepared by Auburn Financial Planningepaedbyubuacaag F:\Budget Directory\2012 Budget\Amendments\BA#7\Budget Adjustments Summary 10 of 10 ORD.A AGENDA BILL APPROVAL FORM Agenda Subject: Resolution No. 4787 Date: March 12, 2012 Department: Public Works Attachments: Resolution No. 4787 Budget Impact: $0 Administrative Recommendation: City Council adopt Resolution No. 4787. Background Summary: Public Works P050B-1993 Chevrolet Cargo Van, VIN 1GCEG25H7PF345500, Fixed Asset Number 55000 P050B, Police Jail Van, has been replaced by a larger van Staff has tried to reutilize the 1993 Van within the fleet but it is not suited to other purposes and is becoming increasing costly to maintain. Finance 1992 13" Emerson Color Television with Video Cassette Player/Recorder, Serial Number 3023B652-2407081. Technology is antiquated and television is no longer used by staff. Reviewed by Council Committees: Finance, Public Works Councilmember:Staff:Dowdy Meeting Date:March 19, 2012 Item Number:RES.A AUBURN * MORE THAN YOU IMAGINEDRES.A RESOLUTION NO. 4 78 7 A RESOLUTION OF THECITY COUNCIL OF THE. CITY OF AUBURN, WA8HINGTON DEGLARING CERTAIN ITEMS OF PROPERTY AS SURPLUS AND AUTHORIZING THEIR DISPOSAL WHEREAS, the City of Auburn PublicWorksDepartment and Finance Departmenthave items which are no longerof use to the City; and WHEREAS, it would be appropriate tosurplus the property and dispose of it by auction or other sale mechanism, or to dispose of it, in whole or in part, throughgift to another govemmentalagency or an appropriate chantable non- profit entity, as deemed mosYexpedient by theMayor. NOW, THEREFORE, THE CITYCOUNCIL OF THE CITY OF AUBURN, WASHINGTON HEREBYRESOLVES as follows: Section 1. Purpose, That the property identfied below is declared to be surplus, and theMayor is authorized to dispose of and convey such property through appropriate sale ordonation to another govemmental agency or charitable non-profd entity: Public Works The following item iswoYn and becoming increasinglycostly to maintain: PU50B-1993 Chevrolet Gargo Van, VIN 1GCEG25H7PF345500, Fixed Asset Number 55000 P0506, Police Jail Van Finance The following item is antiquated and no longer in use: Resolution No.4787 March 13, 2012 Page 1 of 2 RES.A 1992 13" Emerson Color Television with Video Cassette Player/Recorder, Serial, Number 30236652-2407081. Section 2. Implementation. That theMayor is authorized to implement such administrativeprocedures as may be necessary tocarry out the directives of this legislation. Section.3. Effective Date. That this Resolution shall takeeffect and tie in full force upon passage and signatures he eon. Dated and Signed this day of 2012. CITY OF AUBURN PETER B. LEWIS ATTEST: MAYOR Danielle E. Daskam, City Glerk APP VEAS TO F M: el .i ttomey Resolution No:4787 March 13,2012 Page 2 of 2 RES.A AGENDA BILL APPROVAL FORM Agenda Subject: Resolution No. 4804 Date: February 21, 2012 Department: Information Services Attachments: Resolution No. 4804 2012 Regional Aerial Mapping Funding Agreement Budget Impact: $25,762.62 Administrative Recommendation: City Council adopt Resolution No. 4804. Background Summary: The City is partnered with King County and local agencies to acquire high resolution aerial imagery at a cost sharing. We had budgeted to do 30% of this project in 2012 at $20,000. With the partnership opportunity, we are able to do the entire project in 2012 at a total cost, with contingency, of $25,800. The request is to use existing Information Services budget to complete the entire project in 2012. The aerial mapping is the basis for the citywide GIS system and is a critical tool used by all City departments. Reviewed by Council Committees: Finance, Municipal Services Councilmember:Staff:Rempher Meeting Date:March 19, 2012 Item Number:RES.B AUBURN * MORE THAN YOU IMAGINEDRES.B RESOLUTION NO. 4 8 0 4 A RESOLUTION OF THE GITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF AUBURN,WASHINGTON,APPROVINGAND AUTHORIZING THE 2012REGIONAL AERIAL MAPPING FUNDING AGREEMENT WHEREAS, the Parties to this Agreement consist of a consortium of local govemmentalentities, includingcounties, cities, and governmental servicesagencies; and WHEREAS, this funding agreement is authorizedby Chapter 39.34 RCW, the Interlocal Cooperation Act, which allows local govemmental entities to make efficient use of their resources by cooperating with eachother on a basis of mutual advantage to meet the needs of local communities;and WHEREAS, thepurpose of this Agreement is topermit the Parties to cooperate on thefunding of a 2012 RegionalAerial Mapping Project (Project); and WMEREAS, the Projectwill utilize vendor services for the productionof orthoimagery and relatedaerial mapping, and include a structure for funding, govemance, technical and administrativemanagement, and quality controUquality assurance (QC/QA) of deliverables from theselected vendor(Vendor); and WHEREAS, agencies throughout thePac c Northwest region regularlyengage in joint operations and provide mutualassistance through effective interagency cooperation. Jointly funding the Project will optimize the agencies' powers and resources, and ensure a standardiied product for all participants; and WHEREAS, this Agreement willprovide substantial benefit to thecitizens of the particip.ating governmental agencies; Resolutlon No. 4804 February 21, 2012 Page 1 of 2 RES.B WHEREAS, the aerial mapping is the basisfor thecitywide GISsystemand is a critical tool used byall City departments. NOW, THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF AUBURN, HEREBYRESOLVES as follows: Section 1. That the2012Regional Aerial Mapping Funding Agreement, which agreement shall be in substantial conformity to the copy which is attached hereto as Exhibit A, is approvedandtheMayor andCity Clerk are authorized to execute the same on behaff ofthe City of Auburn. Section 2. That the Mayor is authorized to implement such administrative procedures as may be necessary to carry out the directives ofthis legislation. Section 3. That this Resolution shall takeeffect and be in full force upon passage and signatwres hereon. Dated and Signed this _day of 2012. CITY OF AUBURN PETER B. LEWIS, MAYOR ATTEST: Danielle E. Daskam, City Clerk APP VED O FORM: a ' B. Heid, City Attomey Resolution No.4804 Fetiniary 21, 2012 Page 2 of2. RES.B RES.B RES.B RES.B RES.B RES.B RES.B RES.B RES.B RES.B RES.B RES.B AGENDA BILL APPROVAL FORM Agenda Subject: Utility Rate Study Update Date: March 7, 2012 Department: Finance & Public Works Attachments: utility rate study Sewer Revenue Decline Ordinance No. 6401 with markups Budget Impact: $0 Administrative Recommendation: For Council review and discussion. Background Summary: The attached presents the results of the City's water, sewer, and stormwater utility rate study update. This update identifies the annual rate revenue requirements needed to fund operating, capital, and debt service coverage needs for each year 2012 - 2017 based on: the estimated revenues over the study period under existing rates; the identified capital needs; and the forecasted operating expenses based on the 2012 approved budget. Study results have been reviewed and discussed starting with the February 6 meeting of the Public Works Committee (PWC), approval of which was given at their March 5 meeting. Discussion by the PWC has included: - The PWC requested a better understanding of the decline in sewer utility revenues and directed staff to identify the general causes of the decline in revenue. Staff prepared a one-page handout in response to the PWC's request. This handout is attached for the Finance Committee's review. - The PWC also directed staff to prepare a cost-of-service rate study for each of the City's three utilities (water, sewer, stormwater). A cost-of-service study builds upon the analytic results of the revenue requirements analysis and identifies modifications, if any, to the City's rates to reflect how each customer classification utilizes the utility system. Staff will initiate the process to prepare a cost-of-service study as directed and will bring the results back for Council Committee review by late 2012 to early 2013. Following review by the Finance Committee on March 19, this item is scheduled for final reading by the PWC and Council approval in April. If approved, the recommended changes in rates become effective June 1. AUBURN * MORE THAN YOU IMAGINEDDI.A Reviewed by Council Committees: Finance, Public Works Councilmember:Staff:Coleman & Dowdy Meeting Date:March 19, 2012 Item Number:DI.A AUBURN * MORE THAN YOU IMAGINEDDI.A Water, Sewer, Stormwater Rate Study Update Council Public Works Committee, February 6, 2012 Jointly prepared by Auburn Public Works and Finance Departments DI.A Utility Rate Study Timeline 2 Financial Update Public Works and Finance Committees Oct 17, 2011 Depreciation Funding Public Works Committee Nov 7, 2011 Council review results of rate study update ((Committees)) Jan-April Public Hearing / Council Adoption of revised rates April-May Implement new rates in Utility Billing System June 1, 2012 DI.A Rate Study Objectives 3 `Six-Year (2012-17) Financial Plan `Identify annual rate adjustments needed to fully fund utility financial obligations (2012-17) `Capital program and new revenue debt requirements `Phase-in system reinvestment (depreciation) funding `Cash flow sufficiency `Debt service coverage (combined utility) `June 1, 2012 effective date for rate adjustments DI.A 4 WATER UTILITY DI.A $14.0 $6.6 $4.6 $3.5 $3.2 $2.9 $0.0 $2.0 $4.0 $6.0 $8.0 $10.0 $12.0 $14.0 $16.0 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 Mi l l i o n s City of Auburn Water Utility Planned CIP: $34.7M 2012-2017 Water Utility CIP 5 Significant Projects: Water Supply: $5.9M Annual Water Repair/Replacements: $5.0M Well 1 Improvements: $3.8M Street Utility Improvements: $3.1M Fulmer Well Field: $2.7M Academy Booster PS: $2.8M Meter/Billing System Improvement: $2.1M Well 5 Upgrade: $1.9M DI.A Water Utility CIP: Funding Plan 6 `New revenue bonds: $21.6M `$9.9M (2012); $7.0M (2014); $4.7M (2016) `System development charges: $2.7M `System reinvestment funding: $1.1M `(phased-in beginning 2015) `Cash balance and interest: $9.3M DI.A Water Utility Rate Revenue Requirements 7 $0.0 $2.0 $4.0 $6.0 $8.0 $10.0 $12.0 $14.0 $16.0 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 Mi l l i o n s City of Auburn Water Utility Rate Revenue Requirements 2012-2017 Water Purchase Cost System Reinvestment Debt Service -New Debt Service -Existing Operating Expenses Revenues -Existing Rates Revenues -w/ Rate Increase Rate Increases 201220132014201520162017 Current mo. bill (2011)26.06$ 29.94$ 33.06$ 36.49$ 37.77$ 39.09$ $ Increase 3.88$ 3.11$ 3.44$ 1.28$ 1.32$ 1.37$ Revised monthly bill29.94$ 33.06$ 36.49$ 37.77$ 39.09$ 40.46$ Previously approved increase6.9%6.9%6.9%0.0%0.0%0.0% Recommended additional increase8.0%3.5%3.5%3.5%3.5%3.5% Total increase14.9%10.4%10.4%3.5%3.5%3.5%DI.A Water Utility Working Capital Balance Projections 8 - 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 $0.0 $2.0 $4.0 $6.0 $8.0 $10.0 $12.0 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 Da y s o f O & M Mi l l i o n s City of Auburn Water Utility Rate Revenue Requirements -Year End Working Capital 2012-2017 Year End WC -CIP Year End WC -Ops Days of O&M (target: 60-90) DI.A 9 SEWER UTILITY DI.A $0.9 $1.6 $1.0 $2.1 $2.5 $0.5 $0.0 $1.0 $2.0 $3.0 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 Mi l l i o n s City of Auburn Sewer Utility Planned CIP: $8.6M 2012-2017 Sewer Utility CIP 10 Significant Projects: Annual Sewer Repair/Replacements: $6.5M Street Utility Improvements: $1.2M DI.A Sewer Utility CIP: Funding Plan 11 `New revenue bonds: None `System development charges: $1.8M `System reinvestment funding: $840K `(phased in beginning 2015) `Cash balance and interest: $6.0M DI.A Sewer Utility Rate Revenue Requirements 12 $0.0 $1.0 $2.0 $3.0 $4.0 $5.0 $6.0 $7.0 $8.0 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 Mi l l i o n s City of Auburn Sewer Utility Rate Revenue Requirements 2012-2017 System Reinvestment Debt Service -Existing Operating Expenses Revenues -Existing Rates Revenues -w/ Rate Increase Rate Increases 201220132014201520162017 Current mo. bill (2011)13.36$ 19.10$ 21.02$ 23.12$ 23.12$ 23.12$ $ Increase 5.74$ 1.91$ 2.10$ -$ -$ -$ Revised monthly bill19.10$ 21.02$ 23.12$ 23.12$ 23.12$ 23.12$ Previously approved increase10.0%10.0%10.0%0.0%0.0%0.0% Recommended additional increase33.0%0.0%0.0%0.0%0.0%0.0% Total increase43.0%10.0%10.0%0.0%0.0%0.0%DI.A Sewer Utility Working Capital Balance Projections 13 - 50.0 100.0 150.0 200.0 250.0 300.0 350.0 400.0 450.0 500.0 $0.0 $1.0 $2.0 $3.0 $4.0 $5.0 $6.0 $7.0 $8.0 $9.0 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 Da y s o f O & M Mi l l i o n s City of Auburn Sewer Utility Rate Revenue Requirements -Year End Working Capital 2012-2017 Year End WC -CIP Year End WC -Ops Days of O&M (target: 45-60) DI.A 14 STORMWATER UTILITY DI.A $4.6 $4.7 $1.4 $2.2 $1.5 $1.2 $0.0 $0.5 $1.0 $1.5 $2.0 $2.5 $3.0 $3.5 $4.0 $4.5 $5.0 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 Mi l l i o n s City of Auburn Stormwater Utility Planned CIP: $15.6M 2012-2017 Stormwater Utility CIP 15 Significant Projects: Annual Pipeline Repair/Replacements: $3.6M 30th Street NE Area Flooding, Ph 1: $2.9M Levee Removal: $2.2M W. Main Street PS Upgrade: $1.1M Street Utility Improvements: $1.2M DI.A Stormwater Utility CIP: Funding Plan 16 `New revenue bonds: $8.1M `$4.5M (2012); $2.5M (2014); $1.1M (2016) `System development charges: $1.2M `System reinvestment funding: $2.6M `(phased in beginning 2012) `Cash balance and interest: $3.7M DI.A Stormwater Utility Rate Revenue Requirements 17 $0.0 $1.0 $2.0 $3.0 $4.0 $5.0 $6.0 $7.0 $8.0 $9.0 $10.0 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 Mi l l i o n s City of Auburn Stormwater Utility Rate Revenue Requirements 2012-2017 System Reinvestment Debt Service -New Debt Service -Existing Operating Expenses Revenues -Existing Rates Revenues -w/ Rate Increase Rate Increases 201220132014201520162017 Current mo. bill (2011)14.95$ 16.13$ 17.41$ 18.78$ 19.25$ 19.73$ $ Increase 1.18$ 1.27$ 1.38$ 0.47$ 0.48$ 0.49$ Revised monthly bill16.13$ 17.41$ 18.78$ 19.25$ 19.73$ 20.22$ Previously approved increase5.4%5.4%5.4%0.0%0.0%0.0% Recommended additional increase2.5%2.5%2.5%2.5%2.5%2.5% Total increase 7.9%7.9%7.9%2.5%2.5%2.5%DI.A Stormwater Utility Working Capital Balance Projections 18 - 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 $0.0 $1.0 $2.0 $3.0 $4.0 $5.0 $6.0 $7.0 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 Da y s o f O & M Mi l l i o n s City of Auburn Stormwater Utility Rate Revenue Requirements -Year End Working Capital 2011-2017 Year End WC -CIP Year End WC -Ops Days of O&M (target: 30-45) DI.A 19 COMBINED UTILITY SYSTEM DEBT SERVICE COVERAGE ³&RYHUDJHUHTXLUHPHQW´LQDQ\FDOHQGDU\HDUPHDQVDQDPRXQWRI1HW Revenue at least equal to 1.25 times the annual debt service in that \HDURQDOOSDULW\ERQGVWKDWDUHQRWDVVHVVPHQWERQGV´>6RXUFH&2$ Ordinance #6335, Section 2(p), Nov 2010; Authorizing $21.3M in utility revenue bonds.] ³1HW5HYHQXH´PHDQVJURVVUHYHQXHVOHVVPDLQWHQDQFHDQG operating expense. [Source: COA Ordinance #6335, Section 2(bb), Nov 2010] DI.A Combined Debt Service Coverage 20 1.25 1.88 1.94 1.99 1.80 1.79 0.81 0.90 0.92 0.80 0.59 0.46 - 0.50 1.00 1.50 2.00 2.50 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 De b t S e r v i c e C o v e r a g e Combined Debt Service Coverage Before and After Rate Adjustments Water/Sewer/Stormwater (2012-17) (1.25 minimum) Combined Coverage (after rate increases) Combined Coverage (before rate increases) DI.A 21 INTER-JURISDICTIONAL MONTHLY BILLING COMPARISON DI.A SFR Monthly Utility Billings Inter-jurisdictional Comparison Water Sewer 22 Kent: $37.86 Tukwila: $35.68 Renton: $35.19 Auburn (2012)b: $29.94 Auburn (2012)a: $27.86 Auburn (2011): $26.06 Auburn (2012)b: $16.13 Auburn (2012)a: $15.76 Auburn (2011): $14.95 Kent: $11.57 Renton: $11.51 Tukwila: $8.50 Renton: $25.08 Tukwila: $19.27 Auburn (2012)b: $19.10 Kent: $16.61 Auburn (2012)a: $14.70 Auburn (2011): $13.36 Stormwater Water billings based on 7.5CCF usage per month. All rates per 2012 schedules. a-indicates billings with previously approved increases b-indicates billings with increases from rate study update Total increase: $10.80/month ($6.85/month vs. previously approved increases) Renton: $71.78 Kent: $66.04 Auburn (2012)b: $65.17 Tukwila: $63.45 Auburn (2012)a: $58.32 Auburn (2011): $54.37 Total +$3.95 +$6.85 DI.A Assumptions 23 `Inflation: 2.0% ±2.4% (King County Office of Economic Research) `Wages: 2.2% -2.4% (King County Office of Economic Research) `Benefits: 4.0% -5.3% (King County Office of Economic Research) `System reinvestment (depreciation) phasing: `Water/Sewer: 2015 `Stormwater: 2012 `Expenses based on 2012 budget(including adjustments through budget amendment #6) `Existing debt `Water:2005 & 2010 revenuebonds; PWTF loans `Sewer:2010 revenue bonds; PWTF loans `Stormwater:2005 & 2012 revenue bonds `New revenue bonds `20 year issuance; 5%; 2% issuance costs DI.A Water Utility CIP 24 City of Auburn Water, Sewer, Stormwater Rate Study Update 2012-2017 Capital Funding Needs Values inflated to year of construction 201220132014201520162017 Total WATER UTILITY 1-W SCADA Upgrades 1,110,700 - - - - - 1,110,700 2-W M Street Grade Separation150,000 - - - - - 150,000 3-W Lakeland Hills Reservoir 6100,000 - - - - - 100,000 4-W Lakeland Hills Booster PS 77,000 - - - - - 77,000 5-W Intertie Infrastructure 503,000 - - - - - 503,000 6-W Academy Booster PS 2,752,700 - - - - - 2,752,700 7-W A Street NW Corridor 206,000 - - - - - 206,000 8-W Water Supply Purchase 5,900,000 - - - - - 5,900,000 9-W Fulmer Well Field Improv 400,000 515,000 1,750,000 - - - 2,665,000 10-W CCS Improvements - - - - 100,000 200,000 300,000 11-W Comprehensive Water Plan - - 330,000 - - - 330,000 12-W Well 4 Power and Chlorination 100,000 640,000 - - - - 740,000 13-W Well 7 Emergency Power - 75,000 440,000 - - - 515,000 14-W Well 5 Upgrade - - - 400,000 1,500,000 - 1,900,000 15-W Green River PS Emergency Power - 90,000 600,000 - - - 690,000 16-W Meter/Billing System Improvement80,000 500,000 500,000 500,000 500,000 - 2,080,000 17-W Lakeland Hills Reservoir Painting - 750,000 - - - - 750,000 18-W Water Repair and Replacements 120,000 1,350,000 150,000 1,500,000 200,000 1,700,000 5,020,000 19-W Well Inspection and Redev. Program - 150,000 - 150,000 - 150,000 450,000 20-W Academy Pump Station 1 - - - - - 300,000 300,000 21-W MIT Master Meters - - 80,000 400,000 - - 480,000 22-W Lea Hill PRV Station Improvements - - - 50,000 400,000 - 450,000 23-W M&O Improvements - - 200,000 - - - 200,000 24-W Street Utility Improvements 600,000 500,000 500,000 500,000 500,000 500,000 3,100,000 25-W D-Street Infrastructure Improv15,000 43,000 - - - - 58,000 26-W Well 1 Improvements 1,880,000 1,940,000 - - - - 3,820,000 TOTAL - WATER UTILITY 13,994,400 6,553,000 4,550,000 3,500,000 3,200,000 2,850,000 34,647,400 DI.A Sewer Utility CIP 25 City of Auburn Water, Sewer, Stormwater Rate Study Update 2012-2017 Capital Funding Needs Values inflated to year of construction 201220132014201520162017 Total SEWER UTILITY 1-S SCADA Upgrades 206,000 - - - - - 206,000 2-S Lea Hill PS Decommissioning15,450 - - - - - 15,450 3-S Ellingson/Dogwood PS Upgrade15,000 - - - - - 15,000 4-S Emergency Power Generators200,000 - - - - - 200,000 5-S Repair and Replacement Projects290,000 1,430,000 300,000 1,930,000 2,250,000 310,000 6,510,000 6-S Transportation related R&R Projects 200,000 200,000 200,000 200,000 200,000 200,000 1,200,000 7-S M&O Vactor Decant Facility - - 270,000 - - - 270,000 8-S M&O Facility Expansion - - 200,000 - - - 200,000 TOTAL - SEWER UTILITY 926,450 1,630,000 970,000 2,130,000 2,450,000 510,000 8,616,450 DI.A Stormwater Utility CIP 26 City of Auburn Water, Sewer, Stormwater Rate Study Update 2012-2017 Capital Funding Needs Values inflated to year of construction 201220132014201520162017 Total STORMWATER UTILTY 1-SWM SCADA Upgrades 206,000 - - - - - 206,000 2-SWM White River PS Replacement5,150 - - - - - 5,150 3-SWM M St. SE (CP0915 - well #1)444,000 - - - - - 444,000 4-SWM 4th St SE (CP9021 - 2012 Sewer)30,000 - - - - - 30,000 5-SWM D Street Improvements 123,600 741,600 - - - - 865,200 6-SWM Pipeline Repair / Replacements200,000 1,000,000 200,000 1,000,000 200,000 1,000,000 3,600,000 7-SWM 30th Street NE Area Flooding, Ph 1257,500 2,697,000 - - - - 2,954,500 8-SWM Auburn Way S Flooding Ph 2252,000 - - - - - 252,000 9-SWM Bypass at 2nd and G Street SE- - 90,600 453,000 - - 543,600 10-SWM 30th Street NE Area Flooding, Ph 2- - 75,000 595,000 - - 670,000 11-SWM W. Main Street PS Upgrade - - - - 1,135,000 - 1,135,000 12-SWM Evergreen PS Improvement - 50,000 600,000 - - - 650,000 13-SWM Street Utility Improvements 200,000 200,000 200,000 200,000 200,000 200,000 1,200,000 14-SWM Maintenance and Ops Center Expansion - - 200,000 - - - 200,000 15-SWM Levee Removal 2,169,000 - - - - - 2,169,000 16-SWM Mill Creek Restoration 750,000 - - - - - 750,000 TOTAL - STORMWATER UTILITY4,637,250 4,688,600 1,365,600 2,248,000 1,535,000 1,200,000 15,674,450 DI.A $0.0 $1.0 $2.0 $3.0 $4.0 $5.0 $6.0 $7.0 2009201020112012 Mi l l i o n s CityofAuburnSewerUtility RateRevenueRequirements 2012RateStudyUpdate DebtService ---------------------- Ordinance No. 6401 March 12, 2012 Page 1 ORDINANCE NO. 6 4 0 1 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF AUBURN, WASHINGTON, AMENDING SECTIONS 13.06.360, 13.20.440 AND 13.48.100 OF THE AUBURN CITY CODE RELATING TO UTILITY RATES WHEREAS, consistent with the responsibilities of the City to operate its utilities in a cost effective manner and in a manner reflective of the actual costs of operation, the City periodically reviews its utility rate structure to make sure that the rates are set in a manner appropriate for efficient fiscal operation; and WHEREAS, following such a rate review, it has been determined that the rates should be adjusted as indicated below. NOW THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF AUBURN, WASHINGTON, DO ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. Amendment to City Code. That Section 13.06.360 of the Auburn City Code is amended to read as follows: 13.06.360 Rates – Generally. Effective as of February 1, 2010, the monthly rates for water supplied by meter shall be as follows: Customer Class Base Rate Charge per 100 cubic feet (ccf) Single-family residential $9.71 $1.93 0 – 7 ccf $2.36 7.01 – 15 ccf $2.67 > 15 ccf Multifamily residential $28.94 $2.02 Commercial $28.94 $2.30 Manufacturing/ industrial $28.94 $1.87 DI.A ---------------------- Ordinance No. 6401 March 12, 2012 Page 2 Customer Class Base Rate Charge per 100 cubic feet (ccf) Schools $28.94 $2.18 City accounts $28.94 $2.67 Irrigation only $9.77 $2.67 Wholesale Algona $45.74 $1.49 WD #111 and Covington $175.00 $0.91 1.5 mgd “take or pay” $1.16 summer over 1.5 mgd $0.91 winter over 1.5 mgd Effective as of January 1, 2011, the monthly rates for water supplied by meter shall be as follows: Customer Class Base Rate Charge per 100 cubic feet (ccf) Single-family residential $10.38 $2.06 0 – 7 ccf $2.52 7.01 – 15 ccf $2.86 >15 ccf Multifamily residential $30.94 $2.16 Commercial $30.94 $2.46 Manufacturing/industrial $30.94 $2.00 Schools $30.94 $2.33 City accounts $30.94 $2.86 Irrigation only $10.44 $2.86 Wholesale Algona $48.89 $1.60 WD #111 and Covington $175.00 2010 Rate X CPI 1.5 mgd “take or pay” 2010 Rate X CPI + $0.25 summer over 1.5 mgd 2010 Rate X CPI winter over 1.5 mgd DI.A ---------------------- Ordinance No. 6401 March 12, 2012 Page 3 Effective as of January 1, 2012, the monthly rates for water supplied by meter shall be as follows: Customer Class Base Rate Charge per 100 cubic feet (ccf) Single-family residential $11.09 $2.20 0 – 7 ccf $2.70 7.01 – 15 ccf $3.06 >15 ccf Multifamily residential $33.07 $2.31 Commercial $33.07 $2.63 Manufacturing/industrial $33.07 $2.13 Schools $33.07 $2.49 City accounts $33.07 $3.06 Irrigation only $11.16 $3.06 Wholesale Algona $52.27 $1.71 WD # 111 and Covington $175.00 2011 Rate X CPI 1.5 mgd “take or pay” 2011 rate X CPI + $0.25 summer over 1.5 mdg 2011 rate X CPI winter over 1.5 mgd Effective as of June 1, 2012, the monthly rates for water supplied by meter shall be as follows: Customer Class Base Rate Charge per 100 cubic feet (ccf) Single-family residential $11.93 $2.37 0 – 7 ccf $2.90 7.01 – 15 ccf $3.29 >15 ccf Multifamily residential $35.55 $2.48 Commercial $35.55 $2.83 Manufacturing/industrial $35.55 $2.30 Schools $35.55 $2.68 City accounts $35.55 $3.29 Irrigation only $12.00 $3.29 Wholesale Algona $56.17 $1.84 DI.A ---------------------- Ordinance No. 6401 March 12, 2012 Page 4 WD #111 $201.08 2011 rate X CPI 1.5 mgd “take or pay” 2011 rate X CPI + $0.25 summer over 1.5 mgd 2011 rate X CPI winter over 1.5 mgd Effective as of January 1, 2013, the monthly rates for water supplied by meter shall be as follows: Customer Class Base Rate Charge per 100 cubic feet (ccf) Single-family residential $11.86$13.17 $2.35$2.61 0 – 7 ccf $2.88 $3.20 7.01 – 15 ccf $3.27$3.63 > 15 ccf Multifamily residential $35.35$39.25 $2.47$2.74 Commercial $35.35$39.25 $2.81$3.12 Manufacturing/ industrial $35.35$39.25 $2.28$2.54 Schools $35.35$39.25 $2.66$2.96 City accounts $35.35$39.25 $3.27$3.63 Irrigation only $11.93$13.24 $3.27$3.63 Wholesale Algona $55.87$62.02 $1. 82$2.03 WD # 111 and Covington $175.00$221.99 2012 Rate rate X CPI 1.5 mgd “take or pay” 2012 Raterate X CPI + $0.25 summer over 1.5 mgd 2012 Raterate X CPI winter over 1.5 mgd Effective as of January 1, 2014, the monthly rates for water supplied by meter shall be as follows: Customer Class Base Rate Charge per 100 cubic feet (ccf) Single-family residential $12.6814.54 $2.522.88 0 – 7 ccf $3.083.53 7.01 – 15 ccf $3.494.01 >15 ccf Multifamily residential $37.7943.33 $2.643.02 Commercial $37.7943.33 $3.003.45 DI.A ---------------------- Ordinance No. 6401 March 12, 2012 Page 5 Manufacturing/industrial $37.7943.33 $2.442.80 Schools $37.7943.33 $2.853.26 City accounts $37.7943.33 $3.494.01 Irrigation only $12.7514.62 $3.494.01 Wholesale Algona $59.7368.47 $1.952.24 WD # 111 $175.00245.07 2013 rate X CPI 1.5 mgd “take or pay” 2013 rate X CPI + $0.25 summer over 1.5 mdg 2013 rate X CPI winter over 1.5 mgd Effective as of January 1, 2015, the monthly rates for water supplied by meter shall be as follows: Customer Class Base Rate Charge per 100 cubic feet (ccf) Single-family residential $15.05 $2.99 0 – 7 ccf $3.65 7.01 – 15 ccf $4.15 >15 ccf Multifamily residential $44.85 $3.13 Commercial $44.85 $3.57 Manufacturing/industrial $44.85 $2.90 Schools $44.85 $3.38 City accounts $44.85 $4.15 Irrigation only $15.13 $4.15 Wholesale Algona $70.86 $2.32 WD #111 $253.65 2014 rate X CPI 1.5 mgd “take or pay” 2014 rate X CPI + $0.25 summer over 1.5 mgd 2014 rate X CPI winter over 1.5 mgd Effective as of January 1, 2016, the monthly rates for water supplied by meter shall be as follows: DI.A ---------------------- Ordinance No. 6401 March 12, 2012 Page 6 Customer Class Base Rate Charge per 100 cubic feet (ccf) Single-family residential $15.57 $3.09 0 – 7 ccf $3.78 7.01 – 15 ccf $4.29 >15 ccf Multifamily residential $46.42 $3.24 Commercial $46.42 $3.69 Manufacturing/industrial $46.42 $3.00 Schools $46.42 $3.50 City accounts $46.42 $4.29 Irrigation only $15.66 $4.29 Wholesale Algona $73.34 $2.40 WD #111 $262.53 2015 rate X CPI 1.5 mgd “take or pay” 2015 rate X CPI + $0.25 summer over 1.5 mgd 2015 rate X CPI winter over 1.5 mgd Effective as of January 1, 2017, the monthly rates for water supplied by meter shall be as follows: Customer Class Base Rate Charge per 100 cubic feet (ccf) Single-family residential $16.12 $3.20 0 – 7 ccf $3.91 7.01 – 15 ccf $4.44 >15 ccf Multifamily residential $48.04 $3.35 Commercial $48.04 $3.82 Manufacturing/industrial $48.04 $3.11 Schools $48.04 $3.62 City accounts $48.04 $4.44 Irrigation only $16.21 $4.44 Wholesale Algona $75.91 $2.48 WD # 111 $271.72 2016 rate X CPI 1.5 mgd “take or pay” 2016 rate X CPI + $0.25 summer over DI.A ---------------------- Ordinance No. 6401 March 12, 2012 Page 7 1.5 mgd 2016 rate X CPI winter over 1.5 mgd Provided, however, that 50 percent shall be added to all rates for water service outside the city limits. City of Auburn utility taxes are included in the monthly rate for all customers except wholesale accounts. Wholesale rates exclude the 50 percent out of city service charge and state excise taxes. (Ord. 6286 § 1, 2010;Ord. 6204 § 1, 2008; Ord. 5898 § 2, 2005; Ord. 5876 § 2, 2004; Ord. 5849 § 1, 2004; Ord. 5789 § 2, 2003; Ord. 5712 § 2, 2002; Ord. 5669 § 2, 2002; Ord. 5664 § 2, 2002; Ord. 5618 § 2, 2002; Ord. 5291 § 2, 1999; Ord. 5216 § 1, 1999; Ord. 4878 § 3, 1996.) Section 2. Amendment to City Code. That Section 13.20.440 of the Auburn City Code is amended to read as follows: 13.20.440 Rates and charges. A. Sewer Rates. The monthly sewer charge to city of Auburn sanitary sewer customers consists of two separate fees. Auburn sanitary sewer utility imposes a charge to maintain, expand and operate the utility’s sewer conveyance facilities, and King County imposes a separate fee for the service King County provides. No charge shall be imposed by the city on the amount charged by King County, which amount the city shall pass directly onto the customer as the cost of the service that King County is providing. Effective as of February 1, 2010, Auburn’s portion of the monthly sewer rates shall be as follows: Single-family residential rate inside city limits per month: City of Auburn monthly rate $12.15 Single-family residential rate outside city limits per month: City of Auburn monthly rate $18.22 Commercial rate inside city limits per month for the first 750 cubic feet of water used each month: City of Auburn monthly rate $12.15 Plus for each additional 100 cubic feet thereafter: DI.A ---------------------- Ordinance No. 6401 March 12, 2012 Page 8 City of Auburn monthly rate $1.23 Commercial rate outside city limits per month for the first 750 cubic feet of water used each month: City of Auburn monthly rate $18.22 Plus for each additional 100 cubic feet thereafter: City of Auburn monthly rate $1.84 Effective as of January 1, 2011, Auburn’s portion of the monthly sewer rates shall be as follows: Single-family residential rate inside city limits per month: City of Auburn monthly rate $13.36 Single-family residential rate outside city limits per month: City of Auburn monthly rate $20.04 Commercial rate inside city limits per month for the first 750 cubic feet of water used each month: City of Auburn monthly rate $13.36 Plus for each additional 100 cubic feet thereafter: City of Auburn monthly rate $1.35 Commercial rate outside city limits per month for the first 750 cubic feet of water used each month: City of Auburn monthly rate $20.04 Plus for each additional 100 cubic feet thereafter: City of Auburn monthly rate $2.02 Effective as of January 1, 2012, Auburn’s portion of the monthly sewer rates shall be as follows: Single-family residential rate inside city limits per month: City of Auburn monthly rate $14.70 DI.A ---------------------- Ordinance No. 6401 March 12, 2012 Page 9 Single-family residential rate outside city limits per month: City of Auburn monthly rate $22.05 Commercial rate inside city limits per month for the first 750 cubic feet of water used each month: City of Auburn monthly rate $14.70 Plus for each additional 100 cubic feet thereafter: City of Auburn monthly rate $1.48 Commercial rate outside city limits per month for the first 750 cubic feet of water used each month: City of Auburn monthly rate $22.05 Plus for each additional 100 cubic feet thereafter: City of Auburn monthly rate $2.23 Effective as of June 1, 2012, Auburn’s portion of the monthly sewer rates shall be as follows: Single-family residential rate inside city limits per month: City of Auburn monthly rate $19.10 Single-family residential rate outside city limits per month: City of Auburn monthly rate $28.66 Commercial rate inside city limits per month for the first 750 cubic feet of water used each month: City of Auburn monthly rate $19.10 Plus for each additional 100 cubic feet thereafter: City of Auburn monthly rate $1.93 Commercial rate outside city limits per month for the first 750 cubic feet of water used each month: City of Auburn monthly rate $28.66 Plus for each additional 100 cubic feet thereafter: City of Auburn monthly rate $2.89 DI.A ---------------------- Ordinance No. 6401 March 12, 2012 Page 10 Effective as of January 1, 2013, Auburn’s portion of the monthly sewer rates shall be as follows: Single-family residential rate inside city limits per month: City of Auburn monthly rate $16.1721.02 Single-family residential rate outside city limits per month: City of Auburn monthly rate $24.2531.53 Commercial rate inside city limits per month for the first 750 cubic feet of water used each month: City of Auburn monthly rate $16.1721.02 Plus for each additional 100 cubic feet thereafter: City of Auburn monthly rate $1.632.12 Commercial rate outside city limits per month for the first 750 cubic feet of water used each month: City of Auburn monthly rate $24.2531.53 Plus for each additional 100 cubic feet thereafter: City of Auburn monthly rate $2.453.18 Effective as of January 1, 2014, Auburn’s portion of the monthly sewer rates shall be as follows: Single-family residential rate inside city limits per month: City of Auburn monthly rate $17.7823.12 Single-family residential rate outside city limits per month: City of Auburn monthly rate $26.6834.68 Commercial rate inside city limits per month for the first 750 cubic feet of water used each month: City of Auburn monthly rate $17.7823.12 Plus for each additional 100 cubic feet thereafter: DI.A ---------------------- Ordinance No. 6401 March 12, 2012 Page 11 City of Auburn monthly rate $1.802.34 Commercial rate outside city limits per month for the first 750 cubic feet of water used each month: City of Auburn monthly rate $26.6834.68 Plus for each additional 100 cubic feet thereafter: City of Auburn monthly rate $2.703.51 Effective as of January 1, 2015, Auburn’s portion of the monthly sewer rates shall be as follows: Single-family residential rate inside city limits per month: City of Auburn monthly rate $23.69 Single-family residential rate outside city limits per month: City of Auburn monthly rate $35.53 Commercial rate inside city limits per month for the first 750 cubic feet of water used each month: City of Auburn monthly rate $23.69 Plus for each additional 100 cubic feet thereafter: City of Auburn monthly rate $2.39 Commercial rate outside city limits per month for the first 750 cubic feet of water used each month: City of Auburn monthly rate $35.53 Plus for each additional 100 cubic feet thereafter: City of Auburn monthly rate $3.58 Effective as of January 1, 2016, Auburn’s portion of the monthly sewer rates shall be as follows: Single-family residential rate inside city limits per month: City of Auburn monthly rate $24.29 DI.A ---------------------- Ordinance No. 6401 March 12, 2012 Page 12 Single-family residential rate outside city limits per month: City of Auburn monthly rate $36.43 Commercial rate inside city limits per month for the first 750 cubic feet of water used each month: City of Auburn monthly rate $24.29 Plus for each additional 100 cubic feet thereafter: City of Auburn monthly rate $2.45 Commercial rate outside city limits per month for the first 750 cubic feet of water used each month: City of Auburn monthly rate $36.43 Plus for each additional 100 cubic feet thereafter: City of Auburn monthly rate $3.67 Effective as of January 1, 2017, Auburn’s portion of the monthly sewer rates shall be as follows: Single-family residential rate inside city limits per month: City of Auburn monthly rate $24.89 Single-family residential rate outside city limits per month: City of Auburn monthly rate $37.33 Commercial rate inside city limits per month for the first 750 cubic feet of water used each month: City of Auburn monthly rate $24.89 Plus for each additional 100 cubic feet thereafter: City of Auburn monthly rate $2.52 Commercial rate outside city limits per month for the first 750 cubic feet of water used each month: City of Auburn monthly rate $37.33 Plus for each additional 100 cubic feet thereafter: City of Auburn monthly rate $3.78 DI.A ---------------------- Ordinance No. 6401 March 12, 2012 Page 13 The rates beginning the first full billing cycle after January 1, 2003, reflect a 50 percent surcharge for single-family and commercial rates outside city limits. Commercial accounts will be allowed to average winter water consumption for the billing dates falling between December through May to determine the summer sewer rates for the billing dates falling between July and October. Said allowance shall be upon application and with appropriate justification that additional summer usage does not enter the sewer system. The months of November through June shall be billed per water used, at the rates noted above. Commercial accounts without city water service shall be charged at the rate as noted above for inside-the-city or outside-the-city commercial customers. The customer shall have installed an approved city water meter or other acceptable means of recording water use, by applying for a permit under ACC 13.06.050, which shall be read by the city to determine sewage charges on commercial private water systems. Commercial accounts that have industrial use of domestic water, and which water is not discharged into the sanitary sewer system, may request a deduct meter for the water that is not discharged to the sewer system. Sewer rates will not be applied to the water usage that is not discharged to the sanitary sewer system. Irrigation meters shall not be billed for sanitary sewer service. B. Permit Fees. Permit fees for side sewer repair, replacement, inspection, or tapping side sewers shall be as shown in the city of Auburn fee schedule (Ord. 6286 § 2, 2010;Ord. 6034 § 3, 2006; Ord. 5852 § 1, 2004; Ord. 5819 § 2, 2004; Ord. 5713 § 2, 2002; Ord. 5314 § 1, 1999; Ord. 5302 § 1, 1999; Ord. 5212 § 1 (Exh. I), 1999; Ord. 5124 § 2, 1998; Ord. 5004 § 1, 1997; Ord. 4827 § 2, 1996; Ord. 4719 § 2, 1994; Ord. 4694 § 2, 1994; Ord. 4657 § 2, 1994; Ord. 4599 § 2, 1992; Ord. 4529 § 2, 1991; Ord. 4472 § 2, 1990; Ord. 4395 § 2, 1989; Ord. 4321 § 2, 1988; Ord. 4258 § 4, 1987.) Section 3. Amendment to City Code. Section 13.48.100 of the Auburn City Code is amended to read as follows: 13.48.100 Rates. The customer classes and rates below are based upon the cost of services provided by the storm utility. A. Effective as of January 1, 2010, the monthly rates for storm drainage service shall be: 1. Single-Family Residential Parcels and Two-Family Residential Parcels. The single-family and two-family residential monthly charge shall be $14.18 per month. 2. Non-Single-Family Parcels (NSF). DI.A ---------------------- Ordinance No. 6401 March 12, 2012 Page 14 Customer Classes Base Rate Per Month ESU Rate Per Month Non-Single-Family $8.82 $11.29/ESU NSF w/Detention $8.82 $9.07/ESU NSF w/Retention $8.82 $5.61/ESU NSF w/Water Quality Treatment $8.82 $6.78/ESU NSF w/Detention and Water Quality Treatment $8.82 $5.12/ESU NSF w/Retention and Water Quality Treatment $8.82 $3.21/ESU B. Effective as of January 1, 2011, the monthly rates for storm drainage service shall be: 1. Single-Family Residential Parcels and Two-Family Residential Parcels. The single-family and two-family residential monthly charge shall be $14.95 per month. 2. Non-Single-Family Parcels (NSF). Customer Classes Base Rate Per Month ESU Rate Per Month Non-Single-Family $9.30 $11.90/ESU NSF w/Detention $9.30 $9.56/ESU NSF w/Retention $9.30 $5.91/ESU NSF w/Water Quality Treatment $9.30 $7.15/ESU NSF w/Detention and Water Quality Treatment $9.30 $5.40/ESU NSF w/Retention and Water Quality Treatment $9.30 $3.38/ESU CA. Effective as of January 1, 2012, the monthly rates for storm drainage service shall be: DI.A ---------------------- Ordinance No. 6401 March 12, 2012 Page 15 1. Single-Family Residential Parcels and Two-Family Residential Parcels. The single-family and two-family residential monthly charge shall be $14.95 per month. 2. Non-Single-Family Parcels (NSF). Customer Classes Base Rate Per Month ESU Rate Per Month Non-Single-Family $9.80 $12.54/ESU NSF w/Detention $9.80 $10.08/ESU NSF w/Retention $9.80 $6.23/ESU NSF w/Water Quality Treatment $9.80 $7.53/ESU NSF w/Detention and Water Quality Treatment $9.80 $5.69/ESU NSF w/Retention and Water Quality Treatment $9.80 $3.57/ESU B. Effective as of June 1, 2012, the monthly rates for storm drainage service shall be: 1. Single-Family Residential Parcels and Two-Family Residential Parcels. The single-family and two-family residential monthly charge shall be $16.13 per month. 2. Non-Single-Family Parcels (NSF). Customer Classes Base Rate Per Month ESU Rate Per Month Non-Single-Family $10.03 $12.84/ESU NSF w/Detention $10.03 $10.32/ESU NSF w/Retention $10.03 $6.38/ESU NSF w/Water Quality Treatment $10.03 $7.71/ESU NSF w/Detention and Water Quality Treatment $10.03 $5.83/ESU NSF w/Retention and Water Quality Treatment $10.03 $3.65/ESU DI.A ---------------------- Ordinance No. 6401 March 12, 2012 Page 16 DC. Effective as of January 1, 2013, the monthly rates for storm drainage service shall be: 1. Single-Family Residential Parcels and Two-Family Residential Parcels. The single-family and two-family residential monthly charge shall be $17.41 per month. 2. Non-Single-Family Parcels (NSF). ED. Effective as of January 1, 2014, the monthly rates for storm drainage service shall be: 1. Single-Family Residential Parcels and Two-Family Residential Parcels. The single-family and two-family residential monthly charge shall be $17.5018.78 per month. 2. Non-Single-Family Parcels (NSF). Customer Classes Base Rate Per Month ESU Rate Per Month Non-Single-Family $10.89$11.68 $13.9314.95/ESU NSF w/Detention $10.89$11.68 $11.1912.01/ESU NSF w/Retention $10.89$11.68 $6.927.42/ESU NSF w/Water Quality Treatment $10.89$11.68 $8.3798/ESU NSF w/Detention and Water Quality Treatment $10.89$11.68 $6.3278/ESU NSF w/Retention and Water Quality Treatment $10.89$11.68 $3.964.25/ESU Customer Classes Base Rate Per Month ESU Rate Per Month Non-Single-Family $10.83 $13.85/ESU NSF w/Detention $10.83 $11.13/ESU NSF w/Retention $10.83 $6.88/ESU NSF w/Water Quality Treatment $10.83 $8.32/ESU NSF w/Detention and Water Quality Treatment $10.83 $6.29/ESU NSF w/Retention and Water Quality Treatment $10.83 $3.94/ESU DI.A ---------------------- Ordinance No. 6401 March 12, 2012 Page 17 E. Effective as of January 1, 2015, the monthly rates for storm drainage service shall be: 1. Single-Family Residential Parcels and Two-Family Residential Parcels. The single-family and two-family residential monthly charge shall be $19.25 per month. 2. Non-Single-Family Parcels (NSF). Customer Classes Base Rate Per Month ESU Rate Per Month Non-Single-Family $11.97 $15.32/ESU NSF w/Detention $11.97 $12.31/ESU NSF w/Retention $11.97 $7.61/ESU NSF w/Water Quality Treatment $11.97 $9.21/ESU NSF w/Detention and Water Quality Treatment $11.97 $6.95/ESU NSF w/Retention and Water Quality Treatment $11.97 $4.35/ESU F. Effective as of January 1, 2016, the monthly rates for storm drainage service shall be: 1. Single-Family Residential Parcels and Two-Family Residential Parcels. The single-family and two-family residential monthly charge shall be $19.73 per month. 2. Non-Single-Family Parcels (NSF). Customer Classes Base Rate Per Month ESU Rate Per Month Non-Single-Family $12.27 $15.71/ESU NSF w/Detention $12.27 $12.62/ESU NSF w/Retention $12.27 $7.80/ESU NSF w/Water Quality Treatment $12.27 $9.44/ESU NSF w/Detention and Water Quality Treatment $12.27 $7.13/ESU NSF w/Retention and Water Quality Treatment $12.27 $4.46/ESU DI.A ---------------------- Ordinance No. 6401 March 12, 2012 Page 18 G. Effective as of January 1, 2017, the monthly rates for storm drainage service shall be: 1. Single-Family Residential Parcels and Two-Family Residential Parcels. The single-family and two-family residential monthly charge shall be $20.22 per month. 2. Non-Single-Family Parcels (NSF). Customer Classes Base Rate Per Month ESU Rate Per Month Non-Single-Family $12.58 $16.10/ESU NSF w/Detention $12.58 $12.93/ESU NSF w/Retention $12.58 $8.00/ESU NSF w/Water Quality Treatment $12.58 $9.67/ESU NSF w/Detention and Water Quality Treatment $12.58 $7.31/ESU NSF w/Retention and Water Quality Treatment $12.58 $4.57/ESU The customer classes set forth in this subsection shall be applicable only if the qualifying on-site facilities have met applicable city standards upon installation, have received city approval of construction, and are in conformity with the applicable operations and maintenance standards. In the event that the city determines that the operation and maintenance standards are not being complied with, the customer class shall be determined to be that of non-single-family only, until operation and maintenance of said facilities meet city standards; whereupon, the customer being billed may reapply for system inspection, in writing, for reclassification to the previous class. The monthly charge for non-single-family parcels shall be based upon the following formula: BASE CHARGE + (TNESU * RATE) = Storm Drainage Charge, where TNESU = Total number of equivalent service units contained on the parcel. An equivalent service unit has been determined to be 2,600 square feet of impervious surface, or any fraction thereof, as defined in ACC 13.48.110. FH. Developed Parcels. Only developed parcels containing impervious surfaces as defined in ACC 13.48.010 shall be charged. DI.A ---------------------- Ordinance No. 6401 March 12, 2012 Page 19 GI. Multiple Class Accounts. When a developed non-single-family parcel contains more than one customer class, the appropriate rate for each customer class will be calculated, and the aggregate total summed for billing. (Ord. 6286 § 3, 2010;Ord. 6204 § 2, 2008; Ord. 5876 § 3, 2004; Ord. 5853 § 1, 2004; Ord. 5530 § 1, 2001; Ord. 5504 § 1, 2001; Ord. 5360 § 1, 2000; Ord. 5293 § 2, 1999; Ord. 5212 § 1 (Exh. J), 1999; Ord. 4492 § 4, 1991.) Section 4. Implementation. The Mayor is hereby authorized to implement such administrative procedures as may be necessary to carry out the directions of this ordinance. Section 5. Severability. If any portion of this Ordinance or its application to any person or circumstances is held invalid, the remainder of the Ordinance or the application of the provision to other persons or circumstances shall not be affected. Section 6. Effective date. This Ordinance shall take effect and be in force five (5) days from and after its passage, approval and publication, as provided by law and as indicated herein. INTRODUCED: __________________ PASSED: _______________________ APPROVED: ____________________ DI.A ---------------------- Ordinance No. 6401 March 12, 2012 Page 20 CITY OF AUBURN ______________________________ PETER B. LEWIS, MAYOR ATTEST: _________________________ Danielle E. Daskam, City Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORM: _________________________ Daniel B. Heid, City Attorney Published: _________________ DI.A AGENDA BILL APPROVAL FORM Agenda Subject: January 2012 Financial Report Date: March 9, 2012 Department: Finance Attachments: January 2012 Report Budget Impact: $0 Administrative Recommendation: For discussion only. Background Summary: The purpose of the monthly financial report is to summarize for the City Council the general state of city-wide financial affairs and to highlight significant items or trends that the City Council should be aware of. The following provides a high-level summary of the City's financial performance. Further detail can be found within the attached financial report. The January status report is based on financial data available as of March 8, 2012. Sales tax information represents business activity that occurred in November 2011. General Fund: The general fund is the City's largest fund and is used to account for the majority of City resources and services except those required by statute or to be accounted for in another fund. At year end, General Fund revenue collections totaled $3.9 million, and compare to 2012 year-to-date budget of $4.1 million and were sufficient to meet expenses of $3.6 million. Total General Fund revenues for the City at the end of the year were slightly below budget due to the timing of reimbursements and lowered fines from the red-light traffic enforcement program. The City's sales tax totaled $1.16 million and is slightly ahead of budget of $1.13 million. Sales taxes have been gradually improving, and mirror the broader strengthening of the regional and national economies. This improvement has been led by a decline in the nation's unemployment rate and improvement in overall consumer confidence and spending. Consumer spending is critical to the recovery as it drives approximately two- thirds of the economy. AUBURN * MORE THAN YOU IMAGINEDDI.B General Fund expenditures totaled $3.6 million, or 13.6% below budget reflecting the timing of invoices from SCORE for the incarceration of City inmates. Enterprise Funds: The City's eight enterprise funds account for operations with revenues primarily provided from user fees, charges or contracts for services. At the end of January, the Water fund ended with a small net loss of $45,000. This is primarily due to seasonality, as the water sales are expected to increase during the summer to late fall. The Sewer fund ended this period with a $290,000 operating loss. Approximately one-third of this loss is due to the timing of payments to Metro for sewer services with the remainder due to expenditures exceeding available rate revenues. Stormwater revenues are on target and are sufficient to meet expenses. A rate study update has been completed by City staff for all three utilities, the results of which are currently being reviewed by Council. The Golf Course ended January with an operating loss of $85,000 and reflect the relatively lower level of play during this time of the year. Cemetery revenues at the end of January totaled $64,000 and were slightly below expenses. A transfer of $200,000 from the Cumulative Reserve Fund is proposed as part of budget amendment #7 to support anticipated Cemetery fund cash flow needs in 2012. Internal Service Funds: Internal Service Funds provide services to other City departments and include functions such as Insurance, Facilities, Information Services, and Equipment Rental. At the end of the year, revenue from charges assessed to internal client departments was sufficient to meet expenses. Investment Portfolio: The City's total cash and investments at the end of January was $98.9 million and was comparable to December 2011. Reviewed by Council Committees: Finance Councilmember:Staff:Coleman Meeting Date:March 19, 2012 Item Number:DI.B AUBURN * MORE THAN YOU IMAGINEDDI.B AUBURN * MORE THAN YOU IMAGINEDDI.B Property Tax 12,562,565 38,500 25,549 49,663 (12,951) -33.6% Sales Tax (1)14,295,000 1,134,100 1,162,135 1,195,711 28,035 2.5% Sales Tax - Annexation Credit1,383,730 104,200 113,647 110,776 9,447 9.1% Criminal Justice Sales Tax 1,212,900 92,800 107,079 101,274 14,279 15.4% Brokered Natural Gas Tax 260,000 25,900 33,214 30,740 7,314 28.2% City Utilities Tax 2,620,200 199,700 194,050 191,844 (5,650) -2.8% Admissions Tax 360,000 63,400 51,617 59,072 (11,783) -18.6% Electric Tax 3,275,000 826,000 812,586 789,549 (13,414) -1.6% Natural Gas Tax 1,295,820 321,500 295,289 268,472 (26,211) -8.2% Cable TV Franchise Fee 703,600 177,200 202,201 204,994 25,001 14.1% Cable TV Franchise Fee - Capital75,000 18,300 15,824 15,993 (2,476) -13.5% Telephone Tax 2,012,400 103,600 148,887 142,983 45,287 43.7% Garbage Tax (external)150,000 9,000 4,214 9,468 (4,786) -53.2% Leasehold Excise Tax 50,000 - - - - N/A Gambling Excise Tax 331,500 41,900 59,160 7,482 17,260 41.2% Business License Fees 200,000 26,200 29,394 52,583 3,194 12.2% Building Permits 700,000 62,400 92,333 78,928 29,933 48.0% Other Licenses & Permits 229,000 18,000 25,624 23,951 7,624 42.4% Intergovernmental (Grants, etc)3,756,285 414,100 210,083 605,147 (204,017) -49.3% Charges for Services: General Government Services64,600 5,600 8,156 7,128 2,556 45.6% Public Safety 223,500 13,800 15,430 14,473 1,630 11.8% Development Services Fees 627,000 36,600 33,758 30,479 (2,842) -7.8% Culture and Recreation 920,000 66,300 53,504 53,943 (12,796) -19.3% Fines and Forfeits 2,208,500 208,100 119,438 167,066 (88,662) -42.6% Interests and Other Earnings 115,000 6,600 5,837 5,511 (763) -11.6% Rents, Leases and Concessions 311,000 44,900 25,658 80,394 (19,242) -42.9% Contributions and Donations 20,500 900 2,367 1,904 1,467 163.0% Other Miscellaneous 46,200 3,700 4,382 5,026 682 18.4% Transfers In 17,000 17,000 17,000 17,000 - 0.0% Insurance Recoveries- Capital & Operating25,000 2,083 4,841 15,121 2,757 132.3% Council & Mayor 869,890 64,800 61,077 55,147 3,723 5.7% Municipal Court & Probation3,399,260 230,900 222,121 208,329 8,779 3.8% Human Resources 886,530 66,800 66,422 58,994 378 0.6% Finance 1,235,590 94,000 90,112 86,192 3,888 4.1% City Attorney 1,699,500 126,200 118,183 114,951 8,017 6.4% Planning 3,892,870 343,700 349,711 319,659 (6,011) -1.7% Community & Human Services1,101,360 83,900 35,568 106,338 48,332 57.6% Jail - SCORE 4,726,250 320,800 - - 320,800 100.0% Police 20,512,690 1,623,100 1,611,303 1,552,113 11,797 0.7% Engineering 2,623,770 202,700 198,285 178,207 4,415 2.2% Parks and Recreation 7,552,230 507,900 516,213 458,753 (8,313) -1.6% Streets 3,215,280 188,400 198,951 168,499 (10,551) -5.6% Non-Departmental 4,736,200 317,000 136,911 178,116 180,089 56.8% (1) Total Sales Tax revenue includes $167,151 in Streamlined Sales Tax mitigation payments and $4,214 in Pierce County Park Sales Tax. Streamlined Sales tax payments are expected to total $2 million for the year. This financial overview reflects the City’s overall financial position for the fiscal period ending January 31, 2012 and represents financial data available as of March 08, 2012. The budgeted year-to-date revenues and operating expenses are primarily based on the collection/disbursement average for the same period of the two prior years. General Fund revenue highlights include: - Tax revenues totaled $3.2 million and were on-target with expectations. Sales taxes, including estimated streamlined sales tax mitigation payments and sales taxes from Pierce 1 DI.B County parks, totaled $1.2 million and were nearly the same as January 2011 and slightly ahead of year-to-date budget. Retail sales activity continues to gradually improve, mirroring the regional and national improvement in employment and consumer confidence and spending. - Revenues from fees, charges and fines totaled $588,000 and were below budget, reflecting the timing of grant reimbursements and lowered revenue from red-light photo enforcement traffic fines. - Other revenues were slightly below budget and reflect lowered revenue from rents and leases. General Fund expenses totaled $3.6 million and were below budget, reflecting the timing of invoices from SCORE for municipal jail services. Non-departmental expenditures were also below budget, and reflect unspent budget for retirement benefits. The combined total of property tax, sales/use tax, utility tax, gambling, and admissions tax provide approximately 80% of all resources supporting general governmental activities. The following section provides detail information on these sources. collections totaled $26,000 and were within expectations. The majority of property tax revenues are collected during the months of April and October, coinciding with the due date for County property tax billings. $0.0 $2.0 $4.0 $6.0 $8.0 $10.0 $12.0 $14.0 JanFebMar AprMayJunJulAugSepOctNovDec 2012 budget 2012 actual to date 2011 actual 2 DI.B totaled $1.16 million and are about 2.5% ahead of the year-to-date budget of $1.13 million. The annual budget for sales taxes is $14.3 million. Total collections for 2012 are expected to slightly exceed this level, consistent with the trend seen in 2011. Sales taxes include an allocated payment of $167,000 for Streamlined Sales Tax Mitigation payments. $0.0 $2.0 $4.0 $6.0 $8.0 $10.0 $12.0 $14.0 $16.0 JanFebMarAprMayJunJulAugSepOctNovDec 2012 budget 2012 actual to date 2011 actual The following table breaks out the City’s base sales tax, excluding Criminal Justice, Annexation Credit and Streamlined Sales Tax Mitigation by major business sectors. Note: 2012 actuals include a one-time $73,971 correcting adjustment in January by Washington State. Accounting for this correction, January sales taxes would have totaled $1,064,741, or 3.5% greater than the same period 2011. New Construction108,082 105,682 (2,400) -2.2% Manufacturing20,896 (35,065) (55,961) -267.8% Transportation & Warehousing8,802 2,798 (6,004) -68.2% Wholesale Trade77,569 98,006 20,437 26.3% Automotive202,024 223,347 21,323 10.6% Retail Trade323,129 324,109 980 0.3% Services282,540 269,211 (13,329) -4.7% Miscellaneous4,948 2,682 (2,266) -45.8% YTD Total1,027,990 990,770 (37,220) -3.6% g 3 DI.B consists of City inter-fund utility taxes (Water, Sewer, Storm and Solid Waste) and external utility taxes (Electric, Natural gas, Telephone and Solid Waste). January collections totaled $1.46 million and are on-target with expectations. $0.0 $1.0 $2.0 $3.0 $4.0 $5.0 $6.0 $7.0 $8.0 $9.0 $10.0 JanFebMarAprMayJunJulAugSepOctNovDec 2012 budget 2012 actual to date 2011 actual The following table presents utility tax collections by source: City Interfund Utility Taxes191,844 199,700 194,050 2,206 1.2%(5,650) -2.8% Electric 789,549 826,000 812,586 23,037 2.9%(13,414) -1.6% Natural Gas268,472 321,500 295,289 26,817 10.0%(26,211) -8.2% Telephone142,983 103,600 148,887 5,904 4.1%45,287 43.7% Solid Waste9,468 9,000 4,214 (5,255) -55.5%(4,786) -53.2% YTD Total1,402,316 1,459,800 1,455,026 52,710 3.8%(4,774) -0.3% Annual Total8,890,614 9,353,420 g 4 DI.B , which are collected quarterly, totaled $202,200 for the 1st quarter, and is above budget and similar to 2011 collection levels. This revenue source is likely to outperform budget by the end of 2012 and end at levels similar to the previous year. $0 $100 $200 $300 $400 $500 $600 $700 $800 $900 1st Quarter2nd Quarter3rd Quarter4th Quarter 2012 budget 2012 actual to date 2011 actual include business licenses, building permits, plumbing, electric and other licenses and permit fees. Building permit fees and Business licenses make up 80% of the annual budgeted revenue in this category. Total building permit revenues at the end of January were $92,000 and was ahead of both budget and prior year levels. The increase in January is primarily due to permits related to commercial alterations. Jan78,928 62,400 92,333 13,405 17.0%29,933 48.0% Feb53,862 38,700 0.0%0.0% Mar40,897 31,600 0.0%0.0% Apr84,239 48,100 0.0%0.0% May104,495 75,000 0.0%0.0% Jun151,177 84,400 0.0%0.0% Jul178,330 93,800 0.0%0.0% Aug124,922 69,500 0.0%0.0% Sep92,413 55,100 0.0%0.0% Oct87,970 56,200 0.0%0.0% Nov46,726 29,100 0.0%0.0% Dec60,226 56,100 0.0%0.0% YTD Total78,928 62,400 92,333 13,405 17.0%29,933 48.0% Annual Total1,104,185 700,000 g 5 DI.B Business License revenues totaled $29,000 and were on-target with budget but lower than collections at the same time last year, due to the timing of payments. $0 $50 $100 $150 $200 $250 JanFebMarApr MayJunJulAugSepOctNovDec 2012 budget 2012 actual to date 2011 actual include Grants (Direct & Indirect Federal, State and Local); State shared revenues and compact revenue from the Muckleshoot Indian Tribe. January collections were below budget due primarily to the timing of reimbursements from the Muckleshoot Casino for public safety services. Federal Grants- 100 - N/A-100.0% State Grants- - - N/A0.0% Interlocal Grants4,167 3,100 - -100.0%-100.0% State Shared Revenue254,455 242,800 210,083 -17.4%-13.5% Muckleshoot Casino Emerg.335,525 168,100 - -100.0%-100.0% Intergovernmental Service11,000 - - -100.0%N/A YTD Total605,147 414,100 210,083 -65.3%-49.3% Annual Total3,432,394 3,756,285 YTD %18%11%6% g 6 DI.B State shared revenues totaled $210,000. The 2012 budget for the Motor Vehicle Fuel Tax has not yet been adjusted to reflect the change in revenue recognition to the Arterial Street fund and Recreational Trails fund. This adjustment will be included in the next budget adjustment ordinance to the City Council. Trial Court Improvements- - - - N/A- N/A Court Interpreter Program- - - - N/A- N/A Motor Vehicle Fuel Tax114,569 117,900 70,869 (43,701) -38.1%(47,031) -39.9% Criminal Justice -High Crime37,353 - 35,698 (1,655) -4.4%35,698 N/A Criminal Justice -Population3,817 25,100 3,884 67 1.8%(21,216) -84.5% Criminal Justice -Spec. Prog.14,412 13,800 14,657 245 1.7%857 6.2% State DUI3,107 1,600 3,389 282 9.1%1,789 111.8% Fire Insurance Premium Tax- - - - N/A- N/A Liquor Excise Tax81,197 84,400 81,587 390 0.5%(2,813) -3.3% Liquor Profits- - - - N/A- N/A YTD Total254,455 242,800 210,083 (44,372) -17.4%(32,717) -13.5% Annual Total2,073,650 2,540,130 g consists of general governmental services, public safety, development service fees and cultural & recreation fees. Development services and culture & recreation revenues make up approximately 80% of revenue for this category. Revenues in this category total $111,000 and are below budget due primarily to lower revenues from recreation classes. General Government7,128 5,600 8,156 1,028 14.41%2,556 45.64% Public Safety14,473 13,800 15,430 957 6.6%1,630 11.8% Development Services30,479 36,600 33,758 3,279 10.8%(2,842) -7.8% Culture & Recreation53,943 66,300 53,504 (439) -0.8%(12,796) -19.3% YTD Total106,024 122,300 110,849 4,825 4.6%(11,451) -9.4% Annual Total1,651,371 1,835,100 g 7 DI.B Development services include engineering fees, zoning & subdivision fees and plan check fees. January collections totaled $34,000 and are consistent with expectations. $0 $100 $200 $300 $400 $500 $600 $700 JanFebMarAprMayJunJulAugSepOctNovDec 2012 budget 2012 actual to date 2011 actual Culture & Recreation revenues totaled $54,000 and consist of theater ticket sales, recreational classes, arts commission and senior citizen program fees. Collections are comparable to 2011 levels and are running below budget due to lower revenue from adult health & fitness classes and afterschool programs. $0 $100 $200 $300 $400 $500 $600 $700 $800 $900 $1,000 JanFebMarAprMayJunJulAugSepOctNovDec 2012 budget 2012 actual to date 2011 actual 8 DI.B includes traffic and parking infraction penalties, criminal (traffic, non traffic and costs) and false alarm fines. Revenue from the City’s photo enforcement program makes up nearly half of total revenues from this category. January collections totaled $119,000 due primarily to lower photo enforcement revenues and non-court fines and penalties. $0.0 $0.5 $1.0 $1.5 $2.0 $2.5 JanFebMarAprMayJunJulAugSepOctNovDec 2012 budget 2012 actual to date 2011 actual Civil Penalties1,168 1,300 1,038 (131) -11.2%(262) -20.2% Civil Infraction Penalties42,870 42,600 44,664 1,794 4.2%2,064 4.8% Red Light Photo Enforcement85,867 130,400 53,881 (31,986) -37.3%(76,519) -58.7% Parking Infractions12,161 14,400 7,596 (4,565) -37.5%(6,804) -47.3% Criminal Traffic Misdemeanor7,392 8,200 5,077 (2,316) -31.3%(3,123) -38.1% Criminal Non-Traffic Fines5,424 6,000 4,402 (1,022) -18.8%(1,598) -26.6% Criminal Costs1,140 800 868 (272) -23.8%68 8.5% Non-Court Fines & Penalties79,462 63,000 1,912 (77,550) -97.6%(61,088) -97.0% YTD Total235,485 266,700 119,438 (116,047) -49.3%(147,262) -55.2% Annual Total1,940,326 2,208,500 g 9 DI.B $0.0 $0.2 $0.4 $0.6 $0.8 $1.0 $1.2 $1.4 JanFebMarAprMayJunJulAugSepOctNovDec 2012 budget 2012 actual to date 2011 actual include interest and other investment earnings, rents, leases & concessions, contributions & donations and other miscellaneous income. January revenues in this category totaled $38,000 and are below budget, due primarily to the timing of revenues from rents and leases. Interest & Investments5,511 6,600 5,837 327 5.9%(763) -11.6% Rents & Leases80,394 44,900 25,658 (54,736) -68.1%(19,242) -42.9% Contributions & Donations1,904 900 2,367 463 24.3%1,467 163.0% Other Miscellaneous Revenue5,026 3,700 4,382 (644) -12.8%682 18.4% YTD Total92,834 56,100 38,244 (54,590) -58.8%(17,856) -31.8% Annual Total649,927 492,700 g 10 DI.B revenue is received into the Capital Improvement Projects Fund and is used for governmental capital projects. Revenue at the end of January totaled $61,400, and is running below budget and prior year. $0.0 $0.2 $0.4 $0.6 $0.8 $1.0 $1.2 $1.4 $1.6 JanFebMarAprMayJunJulAugSepOctNovDec 2012 budget 2012 actual to date 2011 actual 11 DI.B The following table provides an analysis of all City Enterprise funds through the first month in 2012. WaterSewerStormSolid WasteAirportCemeteryGolf OPERATING REVENUES Charges for services 626,046 332,811 596,338 889,237 2,215 63,259 25,238 Sewer Metro Service Revenue - 924,181 - - - - - Rents, Leases, Concessions & Other- - - - 52,351 293 6,462 TOTAL OPERATING REVENUES626,046 1,256,993 596,338 889,237 54,566 63,552 31,700 OPERATING EXPENSES: Administration 199,500 161,720 191,648 59,269 37,459 23,568 18,536 Operations & Maintenance249,514 186,408 198,811 61,483 - 40,733 71,653 Sewer Metro Services - 1,044,597 - - - - - Depreciation & Amortization224,360 154,356 105,061 1,568 31,587 4,807 26,366 TOTAL OPERATING EXPENSES673,374 1,547,081 495,521 122,320 69,046 69,109 116,555 OPERATING INCOME (LOSS)(47,328) (290,089) 100,817 766,917 (14,480) (5,557) (84,855) NON-OPERATING REVENUES & EXPENSES Interest Revenue 1,728 1,065 993 47 121 9 42 Other Non Operating Revenue 111 - 1,524 20,133 20 - - Other Non Operating Expense - - - - - - - TOTAL NON-OPERATING REVENUES (EXPENSES)1,839 1,065 2,517 20,180 141 9 42 (45,488) (289,024) 103,334 787,097 (14,339) (5,547) (84,813) Contributions 8,896 17,340 20,940 - - - - Transfers In 1,006 Transfers Out (50,000) (50,000) (50,000) - - - - TOTAL CONTRIBUTIONS & TRANSFERS(41,104) (32,660) (29,060) - - - 1,006 CHANGE IN FUND BALANCE(86,592) (321,684) 74,274 787,097 (14,339) (5,547) (83,807) BEGINNING FUND BALANCE, January 1, 201263,028,695 73,274,006 47,772,204 760,681 9,731,158 814,709 5,144,962 ENDING FUND BALANCE,January 31, 201262,942,103 72,952,322 47,846,478 1,547,778 9,716,819 809,162 5,061,154 INCOME (LOSS) BEFORE CONTRIBUTIONS & TRANSFERS 12 DI.B The following table presents the Enterprise funds working capital statements. Working capital is generally defined as the difference between current assets and current liabilities. WaterSewerStormSolid WasteAirportCemeteryGolf OPERATING REVENUES Charges for services 626,046 332,811 596,338 889,237 2,215 63,259 25,238 Sewer Metro Service Revenue - 924,181 - - - - - Rents, Leases, Concessions & Other- - - - 52,351 293 6,462 TOTAL OPERATING REVENUES626,046 1,256,993 596,338 889,237 54,566 63,552 31,700 OPERATING EXPENSES: Salaries & Wages 176,523 121,437 156,099 35,398 1,589 35,524 43,598 Benefits 75,942 50,343 66,599 15,520 536 17,892 22,099 Supplies 476 153 1,098 - - 3,007 5,678 Other Service Charges 109,728 108,631 55,754 54,459 35,333 2,370 5,314 Intergovernmental Services - - - - - - - Sewer Metro Services - 1,044,597 - - - - - Interfund Operating Rentals/Supplies86,345 67,564 110,909 15,375 - 5,509 13,501 Depreciation & Amortization224,360 154,356 105,061 1,568 31,587 4,807 26,366 TOTAL OPERATING EXPENSES673,374 1,547,081 495,521 122,320 69,046 69,109 116,555 OPERATING INCOME (LOSS)(47,328) (290,089) 100,817 766,917 (14,480) (5,557) (84,855) NON-OPERATING REVENUES & EXPENSES Interest Revenue 1,728 1,065 993 47 121 9 42 Other Non Operating Revenue 111 - 1,524 20,133 20 - - Other Non Operating Expense - - - - - - - TOTAL NON-OPERATING REVENUES (EXPENSES)1,839 1,065 2,517 20,180 141 9 42 Plus Items Not Effecting Working Capital Depreciation 224,360 154,356 105,061 1,568 31,587 4,807 26,366 178,871 (134,668) 208,395 788,665 17,248 (740) (58,448) Increase in Contributions -System Development8,896 17,340 20,940 - - - - Increase in Contributions -Area Assessments- - - - - - - Increase in Contributions -FAA Grants- - - - - - - Increase in Contributions -KC Flood Zone Dist.- - - - - - - Operating Transfers In - - - - - - 1,006 Increase in Restricted Net Assets 11,999 - - - (670) - Decrease in Long term Receivables- - - - - - - Increase in Deferred Credits - - - - (13,872) - - TOTAL RESOURCES OTHER THAN OPERATIONS20,895 17,340 20,940 - (14,542) - 1,006 Net Change in Restricted Net Assets131 45 92 - (1,251) - 950 Increase in Fixed Assets - Salaries11,545 7,455 2,817 - - - - Increase in Fixed Assets - Benefits4,659 3,275 1,114 - - - - Increase in Fixed Assets - Site Improvements- - - - - - - Increase in Fixed Assets - Equipment- - - - - - - Increase in Fixed Assets - Construction15,669 - 715 - - - - Operating Transfers Out 50,000 50,000 50,000 - - - - Debt Service Principal - - - - - - - TOTAL USES OTHER THAN OPERATIONS82,004 60,775 54,738 - (1,251) - 950 NET CHANGE IN WORKING CAPITAL117,762 (178,103) 174,598 788,665 3,957 (740) (58,391) BEGINNING WORING CAPITAL, January 1, 201216,945,811 12,806,527 9,102,000 632,263 961,633 71,820 68,320 ENDING WORKING CAPITAL, January 31, 201217,063,573 12,628,425 9,276,598 1,420,928 965,591 71,080 9,928 NET CHANGE IN WORKING CAPITAL117,762 (178,103) 174,598 788,665 3,957 (740) (58,391) NET WORKING CAPITAL FROM OPERATIONS 13 DI.B The ended January with a small operating loss. Water sales are comparable to the same period 2011. - 200,000 400,000 600,000 800,000 1,000,000 1,200,000 JanFebMarAprMayJunJulAugSepOctNovDec 2011 Water Sales ($) 2012 Water Sales ($) 2011 Water Sold (ccf) 2012 Water Sold (ccf) The ended January with a $290,000 operating loss at the end of January. About one-third of this is due to the timing of Metro payments and billings while the remainder reflects a lowered level of revenue from water usage. Year-to-date Metro billings totaled $924,000 and compares to payments of $1.05M. Billings for sewer treatment services are based on the average number of residential customer equivalents for the previous 12 months and include adjustments for Boeing and GSA during 2010. Billings for sewer treatment services are not expected to normalize until the first half of 2012 when the effects of the timing of these adjustments are worked through the rolling 12 month Metro billing cycle. The ended January with positive operating income. A rate study is currently underway to evaluate the revised rate revenue requirements for the water, sewer, and stormwater utilities. Results of the rate study will be reviewed with the Council during the first quarter 2012. While revenues for the improved in January over the previous year as a result of slightly better conditions compared the January 2011, the Golf Course ended the period with an operating loss of $85,000, comparable to the financial performance for the same period 2011. Actual rounds played in January totaled 1,125 in 2012 as compared to 701 rounds for the same month 2011. 14 DI.B $0 $50 $100 $150 $200 $250 $300 $350 JanFebMarAprMayJunJulAugSepOctNovDec 2012 Monthly Budget 2012 Actual 2011 Actual The ended January with a slight operating loss. While revenues improved over the previous year, reflecting an increase in revenue from marker sales, revenues are running below budget and the Cemetery Fund is expected to experience cash flow needs in 2012, similar in level to the previous year. As a result, the City will transfer under Budget Amendment #7 $200,000 from the Cumulative Reserve fund to the Cemetery Fund in 2012. $0 $20 $40 $60 $80 $100 $120 $140 JanFebMar Apr MayJunJulAugSepOctNovDec 2012 Monthly Budget 2012 Actual 2011 Actual 15 DI.B The table below provides an analysis of all City Internal Service funds and shows 2012 revenues and expenditures for each fund. InformationEquipment InsuranceFacilities ServicesRental OPERATING REVENUES: Interfund Charges for services - 286,425 344,592 59,838 Rents, Leases, Concessions & Other - 6,161 7,027 193,625 TOTAL OPERATING REVENUES - 292,586 351,619 253,463 OPERATING EXPENSES: Administration - 18,358 53,803 Insurance fund -Unemployment Claims- Operations & Maintenance 931,828 136,579 449,460 102,459 Depreciation & Amortization - - 46,833 62,407 TOTAL OPERATING EXPENSES 931,828 136,579 514,651 218,668 OPERATING INCOME (LOSS)(931,828) 156,006 (163,033) 34,795 NON-OPERATING REVENUES & EXPENSES Interest Revenue 133 208 356 423 Other Non Operating Revenue - - - 30,142 Other Non Operating Expense - - - - TOTAL NON-OPERATING REVENUES (EXPENSES)133 208 356 30,565 INCOME (LOSS) BEFORE CONTRIBUTIONS & TRANSFERS(931,695) 156,215 (162,677) 65,360 Contributions - - - - Transfers In Transfers Out - - - (7,000) TOTAL CONTRIBUTIONS & TRANSFERS- - - (7,000) CHANGE IN FUND BALANCE (931,695) 156,215 (162,677) 58,360 BEGINNING FUND BALANCE, January 1, 20122,184,680 1,570,419 4,350,183 10,135,919 ENDING FUND BALANCE, January 31, 20121,252,985 1,726,633 4,187,506 10,194,279 16 DI.B The working capital statements for the Internal Service funds are presented on the table below. InformationEquipment InsuranceFacilities ServicesRental OPERATING REVENUES: Interfund Charges for services - 286,425 344,592 59,838 Rents, Leases, Concessions & Other - 6,161 7,027 193,625 TOTAL OPERATING REVENUES - 292,586 351,619 253,463 OPERATING EXPENSES: Salaries & Wages - 52,800 108,234 35,991 Benefits - 23,484 46,059 13,723 Supplies - 3,841 8,621 65,026 Other Service Charges 931,828 48,297 280,813 23,704 Interfund Operating Rentals/Supplies - 8,158 24,090 17,817 Depreciation & Amortization - - 46,833 62,407 TOTAL OPERATING EXPENSES 931,828 136,579 514,651 218,668 OPERATING INCOME (LOSS)(931,828) 156,006 (163,033) 34,795 NON-OPERATING REVENUES & EXPENSES Interest Revenue 133 208 356 423 Other Non Operating Revenue - - - 30,142 Other Non Operating Expense - - - - TOTAL NON-OPERATING REVENUES (EXPENSES)133 208 356 30,565 Plus Items Not Effecting Working Capital Depreciation - - 46,833 62,407 (931,695) 156,215 (115,844) 127,766 Increase in Contributions -Other Government- - - - Increase in Contributions -Other Funds - - - TOTAL RESOURCES OTHER THAN OPERATIONS- - - - Net Change in Restricted Net Assets - - - - Increase in Fixed Assets - Equipment - - - 16 Increase in Fixed Assets - Construction - - - - Operating Transfers Out - - - 7,000 TOTAL USES OTHER THAN OPERATIONS - - - 7,016 NET CHANGE IN WORKING CAPITAL (931,695) 156,215 (115,844) 120,750 BEGINNING WORING CAPITAL, January 1, 20122,184,680 1,622,449 3,118,686 5,793,165 ENDING WORKING CAPITAL, January 31, 20121,252,985 1,778,663 3,002,842 5,913,915 NET CHANGE IN WORKING CAPITAL (931,695) 156,215 (115,844) 120,750 NET WORKING CAPITAL FROM OPERATIONS Other services and charges within the represent the premium cost-pool that will be allocated monthly to other City funds over the course of 2012. As a result, this balance will gradually diminish each month through December. The ended January with an operating loss, reflecting the timing of expenditures. No significant variances are reported for the and . Both funds had sufficient revenues to cover expenses during January. This report is prepared by the Finance Department. Additional financial information can also be viewed at our website: http://www.auburnwa.gov/. For any questions about the report please contact us at mchaw@auburnwa.gov or scoleman@auburnwa.gov. 17 DI.B SALES TAX SUMMARY JAN 2011 SALES TAX DISTRIBUTIONS (FOR NOV 2011 RETAIL ACTIVITY) 10 Total10 YTD11 YTDYTD 10 Total10 YTD11 YTDYTD NAICSCONSTRUCTION (NOV-OCT)(NOV-NOV)(NOV-NOV)% DiffNAICSAUTOMOTIVE(NOV-OCT)(NOV-NOV)(NOV-NOV)% Diff 236 Construction of Buildings 582,840 44,466 31,483 -29.2%441 Motor Vehicle and Parts Dealer2,560,962 186,179 206,933 11.1% 237 Heavy and Civil Construction108,727 10,843 16,401 51.3%447 Gasoline Stations 224,459 15,845 16,414 3.6% 238 Specialty Trade Contractors604,245 52,773 57,798 9.5%TOTAL AUTOMOTIVE2,785,421$ 202,024$ 223,347$ 10.6% TOTAL CONSTRUCTION 1,295,813$ 108,082$ 105,682$ -2.2%Overall Change from Previous Year 21,323$ Overall Change from Previous Year (2,400)$ 10 Total10 YTD11 YTDYTD 10 Total10 YTD11 YTDYTDNAICSRETAIL TRADE(NOV-OCT)(NOV-NOV)(NOV-NOV)% Diff NAICSMANUFACTURING(NOV-OCT)(NOV-NOV)(NOV-NOV)% Diff 442 Furniture and Home Furnishings218,335 18,650 19,290 3.4% 311 Food Manufacturing 2,674 55 231 321.8%443 Electronics and Appliances126,870 10,456 10,748 2.8% 312 Beverage and Tobacco Products3,864 330 320 -3.1%444 Building Material and Garden382,504 25,938 28,287 9.1% 313 Textile Mills 959 16 13 -17.5%445 Food and Beverage Stores330,776 29,987 29,048 -3.1% 314 Textile Product Mills 2,625 149 323 116.2%446 Health and Personal Care Store148,387 12,008 12,702 5.8% 315 Apparel Manufacturing 2,519 2,121 13 -99.4%448 Clothing and Accessories754,407 67,558 68,391 1.2% 316 Leather and Allied Products 175 2 6 219.0%451 Sporting Goods, Hobby, Books126,042 10,806 10,563 -2.3% 321 Wood Product Manufacturing24,075 1,608 1,905 18.4%452 General Merchandise Stores967,627 84,346 85,383 1.2% 322 Paper Manufacturing 11,026 999 272 -72.7%453 Miscellaneous Store Retailers489,259 37,112 36,016 -3.0% 323 Printing and Related Support38,511 4,229 3,198 -24.4%454 Nonstore Retailers 235,923 26,268 23,682 -9.8% 324 Petroleum and Coal Products9,771 109 712 553.0%TOTAL RETAIL TRADE3,780,129$ 323,129$ 324,109$ 0.3% 325 Chemical Manufacturing 7,937 554 487 -12.1%Overall Change from Previous Year 980$ 326 Plastics and Rubber Products9,777 677 933 37.8% 327 Nonmetallic Mineral Products16,218 772 1,158 50.0% 331 Primary Metal Manufacturing 452 - - N/A 10 Total10 YTD11 YTDYTD 332 Fabricated Metal Product Manuf19,661 1,606 712 -55.7%NAICSSERVICES(NOV-OCT)(NOV-NOV)(NOV-NOV)% Diff 333 Machinery Manufacturing 14,242 891 1,189 33.5%51*Information 481,043 35,905 32,011 -10.8% 334 Computer and Electronic Produc16,776 662 435 -34.3%52*Finance and Insurance65,518 4,889 6,038 23.5% 335 Electric Equipment, Appliances 780 14 25 79.2%53*Real Estate, Rental, Leasing303,750 20,787 27,396 31.8% 336 Transportation Equipment Man362,149 3,303 (49,007) a -1583.6%541 Professional, Scientific, Tech174,718 11,089 15,939 43.7% 337 Furniture and Related Products13,135 662 584 -11.7%551 Company Management 351 10 1 -91.3% 339 Miscellaneous Manufacturing25,531 2,138 1,427 -33.3%56*Admin. Supp., Remed Svcs294,603 15,994 18,414 15.1% TOTAL MANUFACTURING582,858$ 20,896$ (35,065)$ -267.8%611 Educational Services 52,563 1,466 2,573 75.6% Overall Change from Previous Year (55,961)$ 62*Health Care Social Assistannce40,737 2,830 7,518 165.6% 71*Arts and Entertainment148,629 93,920 58,132 -38.1% 72*Accomodation and Food Svcs838,924 60,646 67,198 10.8% 10 Total10 YTD11 YTDYTD 81*Other Services 389,241 27,107 27,547 1.6% NAICSTRANSPORTATION AND WAREHOUSING(NOV-OCT)(NOV-NOV)(NOV-NOV)% Diff 92*Public Administration 92,163 7,897 6,444 -18.4% 481 Air Transportation 24 - - N/A TOTAL SERVICES2,882,241$ 282,540$ 269,211$ -4.7% 482 Rail Transportation 17,831 6,542 487 -92.6%Overall Change from Previous Year (13,329)$ 484 Truck Transportation 36,261 489 811 65.7% 485 Transit and Ground Passengers 68 - - N/A 488 Transportation Support 18,083 1,283 1,137 -11.4%10 Total10 YTD11 YTDYTD 491 Postal Service 202 12 17 50.0%NAICSMISCELLANEOUS(NOV-OCT)(NOV-NOV)(NOV-NOV)% Diff 492 Couriers and Messengers 1,492 142 32 -77.2%000 Unknown 1,958 - - N/A 493 Warehousing and Storage 3,121 334 313 -6.1%111-115Agriculture, Forestry, Fishing7,355 679 96 -85.9% TOTAL TRANSPORTATION77,083$ 8,802$ 2,798$ -68.2%211-221Mining & Utilities 21,830 1,212 842 -30.5% Overall Change from Previous Year (6,003)$ 999 Unclassifiable Establishments192,496 3,057 1,744 -43.0% TOTAL SERVICES 223,639$ 4,948$ 2,682$ -45.8% Overall Change from Previous Year (2,266)$ 10 Total10 YTD11 YTDYTD NAICSWHOLESALE TRADE(NOV-OCT)(NOV-NOV)(NOV-NOV)% Diff 423 Wholesale Trade, Durable Goods1,095,905 68,879 88,408 28.4%GRAND TOTAL 12,887,267$ 1,027,989$ 990,770$ 424 Wholesale Trade, Nondurable150,480 8,402 9,226 9.8%Overall Change from Previous Year (37,220)$ -3.6% 425 Wholesale Electronic Markets13,698 289 373 29.3% TOTAL WHOLESALE 1,260,083$ 77,569$ 98,006$ 26.3% Overall Change from Previous Year 20,437$ a. Wa. State Dept of Revenue adjustment to sales tax returns for period Nov 2011 due to correction of duplicate State computer records (adjustment: -$73,971). 01/25/12 file:Monthly Sales Tax Report.xls Prepared by Auburn Financial Planning 18 DI.B InvestmentPurchasePurchaseMaturityYield to TypeDatePriceDateMaturity State Investment PoolVarious82,090,242$ Various0.12% KeyBank Money MarketVarious6,767,383Various0.15% US Treasury05/04/199057,75005/15/20165.72% FHLB3/28/20112,000,0003/28/20141.300% FFCB6/6/20112,000,0006/6/20141.180% FHLB6/13/20112,000,0006/13/20141.150% FHLMC12/19/20112,000,00012/19/20141.000% FNMA12/29/20112,000,00012/29/20140.900% Total Cash & Investments98,915,375$ 0.226% Investment Mix% of Total State Investment Pool83.0%Current 6-month treasury rate0.07% KeyBank Money Market6.8%Current State Pool rate0.12% US Treasury0.1%KeyBank Money Market0.15% FHLB4.0%Blended Auburn rate0.23% FFCB2.0% FHLMC2.0% FNMA2.0% 100.0% City of Auburn Investment Portfolio Summary January 31, 2012 Summary 19 DI.B AGENDA BILL APPROVAL FORM Agenda Subject: Resolution No. 4807 Date: March 14, 2012 Department: Administration Attachments: Resolution No. 4807 Budget Impact: $0 Administrative Recommendation: Background Summary: Resolution No. 4807 amends Resolution No. 3417, revising the City of Auburn policy for identified city officials to participate in and maintain membership in professional organizations and in civic, community, service or governmental organizations. In the past, the policy has accommodated participation of City elected officials in such various associations, service clubs, and civic organizations; Resolution No. 4807 would discontinue this policy. Reviewed by Council Committees: Finance Councilmember:Staff:Heid Meeting Date:March 19, 2012 Item Number:DI.D AUBURN * MORE THAN YOU IMAGINEDDI.D RESOLUTION NO. 4 8 0 7 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITYCOUNGIL OF THE CITY OF AUBURN, WASHINGTON, REVISINGTHE CITY OF AUBURNPOLICY FOR IDENTIFIED CITYOFFICIALS TO PARTICIPATE IN AND MAINTAIN MEMBERSHIP IN PROFESSIONALORGANIZATIONS AND IN CIVIC, COMMUNITY, 8ERVICE OR GOVERNMENTAL ORGANIZATIONS, AMENDINGRESOLUTION NO. 3417 ACCORDINGLY WHEREAS, the City of Aubum benefits from the activities of thevarious business and professional associations, service clubs and civicorganizations operating withinthe city; and, WHEREAS, it would likewise be beneficialtothe cityif the public officials and govemment leaders of the City participate in suchbusiness and professionalassociations, service clubs andcivic organizations; and, WHEREAS, the Washington State Auditor has recognized the valuable role that such associations; clubs and organizations play for citiesand for their communities; and, WHEREAS, the Auditor has concluded that city policiesthat proVide support of public officialmembership in such organizations servelegitimate public purposes; and WHEREAS, while in the past, City policyhas accommodated participation of City elected o cials in such various associations, service clubs and civic organizationsoperating within the city, in light ofi currentpriorities and economic conditions, it is apprapriate to change that policy . Resolution No. 4807 March 6,2012 Page 1 of 5 DI.D NOW, THEREFORE, THE CITYCOUNCIL OF THE CITY OF AUBURN, WASHINGTON; HEREBY RESOLVES AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. That thepolicy established by Resolution Na 3417, passed on Fe6ruary 4tfi, 2002, is amended as follows: City of Auburn Policy for Public Official Membership in Professional and Local Civic, Community or Service Organizations 1.0 PURPOSE: The City recognizes that membership in professionalorganizations and in local civic or serVice organizations by cityleaders and responsible public offcials may benefit the City, and therefore, may 6e permitted with support for the city. 2A APPUCATION: This policy applies to the following ciry leaders and responsible public officials: The Mayo, membersofthe city councils, department directors and senior level supervisors. 3.0 REFERENCES: State Auditor's Office Bulletin No. 13 (October 24, 1995) 4.0 POLICY: 4.1 Professional Organizations for City Staff. The Mayor is authorized to approve the reimbursemenY of costs for membership in professionalorganizations for management employees ofthe city of Aubum ff, in the Mayor's opinion, said membershipwilF benefit the City. Reimbursement forprofessional organization memberships shall be made in the name of the City rather than the 'individual staff mem6er, unless an individual membership is required for cert ca4ion or has a specifc; job- related professional deVelopment benefd to the employee. ` Resolution No. 4807 March 6; 2012 Page 2 of 5 DI.D 4.2 Civic and Service Organizations for CityLeaders and Management Employees. 4.2.1 Reimbursement for membership and civicorganizations or service organizations, including initiation costs, annual dues andmeetingmeals, for Manaaement Emplovees t#e s authorized where that membership is in an established civic orservice organization suchas the Chamber of Commerce, Rotary, I Kiwanis, Lions. The se asilManaqement Emplovees are responsible for all othec co§ts, including but, not limited to, costsincurred during traveling to and from meetings, andfines or penalties 4.2'2 The Mayor may approve reimbursement of costs for membership of Manaaement Emolovees, including initiation costs; annual dues and meeting meals, for department directors and senior level supervisors, in civic organizafions or serviceorganizations, if the following conditions are met. The department directors and senior level supervisors will bean active participant in thecivic or service organization. The membership is in an established civic or serviceorganization suchas the Chamber of Commerce, Rotary, Kiwanis, Lions, or other organization deemed by the Mayor to have benefit to the City.. Tfie departmentdirectors and senior level supervisors are responsible for all other costs, includingbutnot limited to, costs incurred during traveling to and from meetings, and fines or penalties. 4.3 Communitv and GovernmentalOrganizations for theMavor. Citv Councilmembers ancl Elected Officials. 4.3.1 Reimbursement for mem6ership in communitv and govemmerrtal oraanizations. includina initiation costs. Resolution No. 480T March 6,2012 Page 3 of 5 DI.D annual dues and meetin4 meals, for theMavor, members of_1he citvcouncil and elected officials of the citv is authorized where that membershio is in an established communitv or qovemmental oraanization, suchasthe Chamber of Commerce (insofar as it is dealinq with citv issues).-and-those reaional, state and national associations and oraanizations to which the Mavor, rriemtiers of the citv council and elected officials of the cfir have tieen assianed in thei role as a representative of the citv. includina. but not limited to: the Kinq Gountv and Kina Countv Metr000litanboards and committees, the National Leaaue of Cities (NLC) boards and committees. the Association of Washinqton Cities (AWC) boards and committees, the Adminisfration and Interqovernmenfal Relations (FAIR) Policv Committee, the Metr000litan Solid Waste ManaqementAdvisorv Gommittee (MSWACL theReaional Access Mobilitv Partne shiq (RAMP). the Puvalluq River Watersfied Forum. the Suburban Cities Association boards and committees. the Kina Countv Flood Control District Advisorv Committee, the South Countv AreaTransportation Board (SCATBdI. This authorization does not include membershio. costs and exoenses for the Mavor, members of the citycouncil or elected officials of tFie citv related to serviceclubs such as lions, Kiwanis. Oatimist, Rotarv, or Soroatimist and similar service clubs and omanizations, unless the aarticiqation bv-the Mavor, members of the citv council or-electedofficials of the citv at a meetina of such a servioe club or orqanization relates spec callv to citv business. 4,34_4 Cosffito be Budgeted. The reimbursement. costs provided for in thispolicy shallbe included in city of Aubum Annual Budget. Section 2: That theMayor is authorized to implement such administrativeprocedures asmay be necessary tocarryoutthe directives of this legislation. Resolution No. 4807 March 6, 2012 Page 4 of 5 DI.D Section 3. That 4his Resolution shall take effect and be in full force upon passage and signatu es Fiereon. PassecJ this Day of 2012. CITY OF AUBURN PETER B. LEWIS, MAYOR ATTEST: Danielle Daskam, City Clerk ' APPROVED AS TO FORM: i B. Heid; ty Attomey Resolution No. 4807 March 6, 2012 Page 5 of 5 DI.D