HomeMy WebLinkAboutItems Submitted at the Meeting * cmroF ��' * � Intero�ce Memorandum Engineering Division ' WASHINGTON Date: March 15, 2012 To: Mayor Lewis Public Works Committee Members Finance Committee Members From: Dennis Dowdy, Public Works Director CC: Shelley Coleman, Finance Director � Dennis Selle, Assistant DirectoNCity Engineer Ingrid Gaub, Assistant City Engineer Carolyn Robertson, Govemment Relations Manager � �tsi�Taskam;Gity-Cle�k—� Re: GSA Project Pianning and Budgeting Per the attached Memorandum of Agreement for the transfer of property from the ' General ServicesAdministration to the City of Aubum for the 815 Building located at ' 2905 C S.treet SW; the City has agreed to imp,lement the separation of access and utility serdices for`said property frorri the balance of the GSA campus. While this workwas scheduled to be accomplished by the end of 2008, due to financial considerations the majority of this work has not been completed and is not currently'budgeted. As such, GSA has requested the City to commit to a new schedul,e'for the completion of the work. Therefore, staff would like to discuss with the Committee considerations for the 2013/2014 budget that would fund the completion of the committed improvements. Applicable scope, budget, and,schedule informa4ion fo be provided at the meeting. pUgURN*��v mu� RESOLUTION NO.4 2 S 4 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF AUBURN, WASHINGTON, ACCEPTING A GIFT OF REAL PROPERTY FROM THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA WHEREAS, the United States of America owns certain reai property commonly known as the 815 Building, located in the City of Aubum; and WHEREAS, 4he United States has gifted said properly to the City of Aubum without costs but in and for consideration of the use and maintenance of the property for emergency management response. NOW, THEREFORE,-THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF AUBURN, WASHINGTON, HEREBY RESOLVES as follows: Secfion 1. That the City Council hereby accepts the United $tates gift of real property legally described in "Exhibit A". Section 2. The Mayor is hereby authorized to implement such administrative procedures as may be neoessary to carry out the directives of this IegislaGon. Section 3. This resolution shall be in full force and effect upon passage and signatures hereon. Dated and Signedthis�day of �e.rs�ea��er , 2007. C URN � , PET R B. LEWIS MAYOR Resolution No.4234 Augusf 29,2007 Page 1 oi 2 ATTEST: ��LL�Cf panielle E.Daskam, CityClerk' AP O S TO F niel B. ' ; City.A orney � Resolutio�No.4234 August 29�20D7 Page 2 of 2 T0070216002017A01 � � ' � I��IW��������� Ial�� 2007021500201 . ������ .�.« n��ori�aaa�: City of Aubum E2265909 u west Main saxc Aubum,WA 98001 �1ar�e7nss� miLH :s0.� PpCQ001 OR 001 , .�fICpM9ilt(B�YY0(Q flkf!�f I�Id bj/P�NOItlAYYlt TIR6�6 �r,r�'-w5�`4-�a �0(w Qurrc�n�n�0t�'.a,�e.�� 61�'i/d 8710 pi0p61 COIi01�11 K ' THIS IIVDENT[JRE,made thiel4ih day ofDecember ZO 6�be�hx an�th�e UNITED STATE9 OF AMERICA,acting by end flvough the Adminishstor of f3d�e�a1 Services (heroinaftor roferrad to as"CRANTOR"),under and pursuera to tha pcwers md � authority cantainod in the provisions of the Fedaat Pmperty and Administrative Servicas Act of 1949(40 U.S.C.§i Ol d seq.�as emanded,and reguladona promulgated thereunder>and ia consideation of the poliey expressed in 4p U.S.C.553(6)(2),and the City of Anbum,a political subdivisioa of t6c Stete of Washinghm,(hereia mferred to as "GRAIVTEE„) GRANTOR without monetazy cxnsidaation,but fot and'm coasidera6on of the use and mainten�ce of the PmPert�'hveia doscnbed for em�Y mana8eme� raspoase.incIudiag Sre use,and for�other p�apoae,heeeby rpnises,releaees and quitclaims�mto the GRANTEE,and m its auccesso=s and essigos,all of GRANTOR's xight,ritle aad iatereat in sad to that cattein roal pmperty fomierly owaal by the United States,and commonly lmoava aa the 815 Building,located in Aubmn,Kiag County.State of Washingon,end is moae pardcularly deseabed aa followa: PARCEL"A^ A parccl of U.S Gbvemment land within t6e aoiiheast quaitcr of Section 25,Township 21 North,Renge 4 East W.M.,aeid pazcel baing moie particnlarly desaibed as follows: Commettciug at the emter of said Section 25 es monume�d by an aciating brass disc, 8rom wlrich point the wast quartar eomer of eaid aectlon beaes North 89°l l'20"West, 2599.2�feet dietant from which poi�the South quarter c�aor of eaid aection bears South 1°10'46"West 264232 fat diatant; Th�ce North 1°10'46"Eest a distance of 50.01 faeF Tha�ce Souffi 89°l l'20"Eest,a distana of 121.20 fat w the begimmig of a 603.11 foot redius curve to ffie left; Thaace Eaeterly,along said curva,an arc diatance of 336.65 feet,through a eentral angie of 31°58'S5"; � Exhibit A zomoz���.00z Thence North 58°49'45"Eaat a diatanco of 547.73 feet to the hue point,of beginning; said point lies Soutl�Ol°10'37"East 5634.74 feet distant ttom a 6"x 6'concrcte monumant on the South margin of an eaeement for]S'"Stroet Southwest ri�t-of-way conveyed to the City of Aubum by invhumast recordcd undar mcmding number 6160979; Thence No:th Ol°10'37"West a diatance of 671.T8 fak Thmco Nortti 88'S 1'31•East a distaace of 333.47 fee� Thmce South Ol"08'29"Eest a distaace of I4.47 fee� 1'hance,North 68°42'23"Bsst a diatsnce of 527.94 fee� 'lhence Soutfi Ol°17'37"East a distetice of 2.58 feet . 1'hence South 89°06'10"East a disrance of 22.29 fat W thc South liae of said U.S. . Govenunem tand and a noataugent curve,the ceata of which beera Nonh 68°46'S1" Wost 603.11 feot distant Thence Southwesterly along said curve 395.89 feG throngh a cenhal angle of 37°3636"; Thence South 58°49'45"West a distance of 724.60 feet to the Vue point of beginning. Containiag 8.04 Aeres PARCEL B � A parcel of U. S.Govamment land within the Northeast quaztet of Section 25,R'owaship 21 North,Renge 4 Best W.M.,said pams!being more particulm�ly described as follows• Commencing at tha center of said Seetion 25 as moaumeated by en pcieting bress disc, from wltich poim the West e�aarta comer of said saclioa bea�s North 89°l l'20"Wesh, Z599.20 feet distant and&om whic6 point the Sonth quaifer comer ef said section beazs Souib 1°IO'46"West 2642.32 f�eet distant; Thena North 1°IO'46"Bast a distaace of 50.01 feet; Thence South 89°l i'20"fiest,a distana of 12110 feet ro tke begi�ming of a 6Q3.11 foot ' radiue curve to the left; 1Lon�x Easterly;along said curvo,an�c distance of 336.65 feet,throngh a eentral angle of 31°58'S5"; Thence North 58°49'45"Bast a distence of 547.73 feet to a pomt whic6 lies South • Ol°10'37°Beat 5634.74 feet diatanE Som a 6"x 6"wncrefe monumpU on the South margitt of en eesement for 15m Stroet Southwest rigM-of-wa c� Aubum by iavtrumerrt recordad under Y reY�to the GSty of racording munber 6160979; Thmce Nortli Ol°1037"West a distanee of 671-78 feet Thaice Nortli 88°S 131"Past a diatmce of 333.4�.Feet; Thence SouW Ol°08'29"Psst.A distmce af 1A.47 feet; T4ence North 88°4273"&est a diatenoe of 527.94 feet; Thence South Ol°17'37"East a dietsnce of 2.58 febr, >. Thence South 89°06'10"East a disteace of 22.29 frst to,tlie South line of said U.S. Govemmerrt land and a non-�nt curve,the ceata of whicli ba�s Noith b8°4G51° West 603:1 l faet disla� - Thence Northeesterly along said.corve 3.71 fat througti a ceut�al:angle of 0°21'10°; TheIICC NoIth 88°4273"East a distmice of 158.07 fat to tlie true poiat ofbe�nnin� s �oomz�aoo�m��.aos 1'hence North 88°42'23"East a distance of 73.72 feot to ihe West right of way of"C" Stroat Southwest; 4'6onca South Ol°I O'47"East,along said right of way,a distance of 414.25 feet; Thence North 11°16'27"West a distance of 42Q.6I feet to the true point of beginning. Containing 0.35 acres. AAVE AND TO HOLD the pmpaty Wgether with all the privileges end appucUaiances thaUO belonging imto GRA1V1'EE's,tLeir ouocaesors�d assigns,forovw.Tlw pmpetry wes botd duly datemiined to ba stuplus to the needs and requirematts of the Uniud Staus of America and assigned w the Genp�al Sarvices Adminishation for dispoael pursuant to authoriry contained in t6e Fedaral Property end Administrative Servicas Act, as amondai,and applicable orders m�d regulations promuIgated thaeunda'. 17ris action imolves Generel Services Adminishation(GSA)Disposal Case No.9-G- WA-1233. RE3ERVING TO tha United States of America a right of acuas to,end eahance upon, the above descdb�P+nP��Y�n reesanable notico w tha mcord tifle owner,in order to dotermine compliance wiW the teame of thie conveyanx. SUBJECT TO all cwenants,conditions,restrictions,eaaemems,righte-of-wey, maervations end ene�unbrencea,whethc or nrn of record�and eny facts which a physical inspecUon er accurate survay otthe propaty may diselose.Thia Pmperty and ita improvements are sometimes wllectively refeired to heiein es the"Property". GRANI'EE by acceptance of this Deul,coveam�ts mM agees for itsel�its suaeasors and assigAS,that the Pmperty is hanafmred on an"as is,whae is"basis,without wacranty of any kind,either expressed or implied,ineluding as w tLe condition of tha Propmty. The GRANTEE also covments and agreea for itvel�ite successors aad assigns,that the GRANTOR has no oh6gation w provide eny addidons,improvements.or alterations to the property. RESERVATIONS AND REVEATEIt AFFECTING'THE YROPERTY 17rie quitclaim is made and axapoed on the condition that(I)the above deseribed Froperty shall be usod aad marotained for emergency managoment reaponse,me�uding fue P�¢pOSes:and(2).the above dpcdbed Property shall aot be so1d,leased,mortgaged, assignad or othwwise dieposed o�excepi to another local govemment ageney for the seme purpoaes with the prior consent of the Administrator of General Services Adminisuation,or hislher succeesor in tGnetion In the evesrt of bieach of any such condition ae to sll or any portion or pordone of the above deseribed Properry by the GRAN1'EE,ita successocs or aeaigns,regm,dlesa of the cause of auch breach,all sight, title and interost in end to s¢ch portion or portions of thc above described Property,m ik thea existing aondition,including all improvememrs thoreiq st�all revert to and become the Property ofthe Unitad Statas of Amarice az the option of and upon damend mede m writlng by tha Adminietrator oftha Crmeral Services Adminietration,or]rialhc suecessor , 3 20070216002077A04 in function.In such evmt,the Umted Smtee of America shall Lave the i�ediate right- . of-enhy upon said Propmty,and the GI2ANTEE,its succeesors and eaeigna,shall forfeit ell right;tiUe az�d intuest in eaid Property end in any and all the teneanents, heceditameau,and appurtenances thereunto belomging,mul sha11 take such ection and oc«xite such docum�ts as may be neoeasery or roquimd to evideace transfer of tiUe to the United States of America The failure of the Adrninishstor of the Geaeral Savices,or hiaTher successor ia funcdon,to inaist upoa complae perfonuanee of the above condiflons ahall not be construed es e weiver or relinyiriahmont of futare performance thereof,but the obligation of tho G1tAN1'EE,ils successors and assigns,with rospect to such futiue perfocmance ehall contiaue in flill force and e�ect. NOTICE OF THE POSSIBLE PRESENCE OF LEAD-BASED PAIIVT The GRAIV'i'EE is hereby infotmed and does aclmowlodga that the building on the Ptoparty and existing on the date of this deed wes conspucted prior to 1978 aad,es with ell such prcrporty,a laad-basad peint hazard may be pxnsaft The GRA1V'I'EE shall not pe�it the use of any euch strumums formsidmtia!habitation mless the G�tAN7EE has wliminm...+�hazazds of lead-basod pa'tnt by keeting my defaetive Iwd-based peiut surface ia ecwrdance with ell epplicebk Iaws end regulatiom.Axording m the Cons�er Pmduct Safoty Commission and We Prasidmt's Couneil on Emironmattal � Quality,lead ia a special hazatd to smatl childron.The propaty is baing conveyed"es is" end the GItAN7'EE ahall be responsible for any and all liabilitiaa,daznagea,loas, expenses or judgtnents arising out of�re�W heelth problems which are the rault of mcposure to lead-basod pautt where the exposure occurred after the propaty wes conv�yed to the GRANTEE. The building was cons4ncted ia 1955 es a Federal Fire Station. A3BEST06COVENANT Asbestoa containing materials(A(5�a�e Present m the building. GRAIVTEE covenents end egees,on bebalf of thm�aelvm.thar aacc�aors md assigos,t6az in their uae as�occ�pancy of the Propaty,or aay Pazt ther�of,they tnn71 wmply with ell Federal,stete and local laws relating to asbestos.GItANTOH assumes no liability for d�egea for personal iqjury,illoeas,disabi&ty or deeffi,to dte GRANTEE.or w GRAN'I'EE's encceseocs,assi�s,employees,im�itees,or to any ot6v person subjest to the contml or d'uecfion of GRADffEE,its suoceesore or easigns,or m eay other pecson� i�luding members of the general public,arising hom or incideM to the puc�hase, uansportation,remavai,handling,ume,dispoaition,or otha activity causing ot leeding to comact of eny kind whatsoavor with esbaetos on the Pmpmty deec�ibed in this daed, . whet6er the GRANl'EE,iffi successoes ar asaigne haa or have proQerly w�ned or faiied to p�opaAy wam ffie mdividnal(s)itpueed. The G1tANTEE was provided a copy ofthe Enviromnemal3ite Asses�ents of the GSA 815 Building dated February 2003 end Deeamber 2003. . 4 20070216002077.006 PESTICIDES DLSCL03URE T'he Gramee is notified thet the Property mey contain the preaence ofpesticides that have been eppGed in the mm�agemeat of the property.The Uniud Stetas 16iovi+s of no nse of any registered pesticide in a m�ner inconeistent with iu letieling,and believes that all applicatians were made in accordance with the Federal Iasecticide,Fungicide and RodenUCide Act(FIFRA-7 U.S.C.Sec. 136,et seq.),ite implementing teguladona,and according to the labeling provided with such eabstances.Furthe�more,tBat in,accordance with the Comprahmsive Emiromnontal Response;Compensatioa and LiabilityAct " (CIItCLrI-42 U.S.C.Sx.9601,et seq.),the use of such substence�v is not a"rclease". (es defincd 'm CHRCLA,42 U.S.C.Sec.9601 (22)).but instead tl�e nse of a coneuma� p:odact in consumer nae(42 U.S.C.Sec.9601 (9)),and the applicarion of a pesucide - pidduct ngiatenil imdei FTFRA for which recovery for res�wnse�ts is not allowed , (42 U.S.C.Scc.9607 O)• CERQ.A PROVISYONS (A)NOTTCE Reeardiue Fiazerdu¢S 8n6s�ace Aet(vitv.Pmsaant to 40 CFR. 373.2 and8xtion 120(h){3)(A)(i)of the Compretienaive g.nviroamental Reepoase, Compensation and Liability Act of t 980,as amended(CERCI,Ax42 U.S.C. §96?A(h)(3)(A)(i),and ba�ed ppon a complete seuch of agency filas,t6e United States gives novee that no tiazardous`substances heve been mleesod or dieposed of or amrod for one yaar or more on the Property. (B)CERCLA Covenant GItANTOR wazranta ffiat ali remediai action necassary w protxt h�en haalth and the enyimmnent haa ban takcn before the dak of. ' this conveyeace, GRANTORwaaanb t6ei itsl�ail take eny edditionat respoase ac6aai fuund to be necessary after the date of this coaveymce reganding hazazdous wbstancw located on the Property on the date of this eonveyauca (1) This covanertt shatl not apply: (e) ia azty cese in wh{eh GRAIVTEE,ita euccessor(a)or asmgo(s�or any aucceasar in ii�terest to the Property or part thuieof is a Potmtially Respomabla Perty(PRP) with�spect to the Property immediately prior W the dete of this co�rveyance;OR ' (b) to the extent'that such eddiaqnal responae aerion or part theroof Found to be necessary is tho result of an.act or failure to act of tha GRANTEE,its. succassoa�(s)+or aeaig�(a),or anY partY ia possession after the date of Uiie coaveyence that either: (i) results ur a mloeso w Umatened release of a hazerdoas aubstance that was not • located op the Property oa the date of thia conveyance;OR (ii)eauses or e�cacerbates the release or threatened release of a hazardous substancc the existeace and location of which was Imown and ideruiified to the epplicabie rogulatory authority as of the dau of this conveyance. s zomoz�soo��.obe (2) in thc event GF:ANTEE,its successo�(s)or easign(e),seaks ro have GItANTOR conduct any additlonal response action,end,ae a condition precedast to GRALYTqR incurring eny edditional cleanup obligation or related expenua,the GRANTEE,its successbr(s)or assign(sj,s6a11 piovide GRANTOR at Jeas[45 daya written notice of such a claim. L�order for the 45-day period m coaun�ce,such notice muat include c�edi'ble evidence Ihat: ' (a) the asaociatod coat�nieation exieted prior w the date of this conveyance;end (b)the need W wnduct any additiorial�espoase action or part thereof was not the result of any act or failure m:ect by the GRANTEE,its succeaeor(s)or assign(s), or anY partY in possessioa: (G�ACCESS;�RANPOR Ieserves the right of access to al1 portions af the Propary for enviro�entaf iuvestigation,runediation or otha caQrcedve actioa.This nservation mcludea the riglit of access to and yse of aveiln�nyle utilities at reasonable wst to. GRANTOR Ihasa ri�tts ahall be exercisabte in mry case in wtiich ncnediel action, response action or waective action is found to be necessary aftor the date of tLis comeyance,or in which access is noceesary to earry ont a remadial action.:eeponse action or comc6ve ap6an on adjoinieg property.Pursuant to this ieservetion,thcUnited States of Aaiaica,and its resp�cdve officers,agents,employeea,eontractors and subconhacto�s ahall have the`right(upon reasonable advanca wriuert notice W the record , title owner)to enter.upon the Pmperty and conduct investigations aad awveys,to include drilling,tesbpitting,borit�,data and recorde complicaflon and other ectivitiea related to environmemal im�a�tigation,aud W carry out remedial or remnyel actions as requirod or nacessary,incluting but nat limited to the inetalletion'�d opeeation of moniroring wells, and ueatrnem faciliries.My such mtry,includiag such acpvities,responses or remedial actions,shall be coordinated with the xecord dUe ow�nner and aha11 ba performed in e mannv thet aummizes intermption with activitiea o£sutkiorized occupents. CIVIL RIGRTS CLAU6E GTtANTEE covonauta for itaelf,its haiis,aucceseors,and assigos ancl enay successor in interest to the property hereby eonveyed,or eny part theneo�that the said GRANTEE � and sach heire.successors,and assigrie shaU not diecriminau upan the basis of racq color,religion,sex or na6onal origiri in thepse,aeei�PmcY.sale or lease of du PraPerty. or in U�eir employment piactices coaducted theraon. This eovenent shall not epply, however,to tho lease or xentai of a room or moms within a family dwelling unit;iror shall it apply with respect w roligion to paemises used primarily for religious piuposes.The United Statea of Amarica stiall be dumed a bene6ciery of Uiis covenant without regard to whether it remains the owncr of any:l�d or interest thaein in(he locality of the . Property hereliy wnveyed and shatl 6ave the sole right fo enforce this covrnant in eny court of competent jurisdiction. 6 2007�16002017A07 _ _ ..._.. .. The aqached Momorandum of Agreemeut between the Genersl Services Atlministration and the City of A�ibum is haraby mwrporaced into thia Quitalaim Deed.The � memo�eadum establishes a proceaa by which the Cie�eeal Seivices Administration and ' _ . the City of Aubum will addtess issues rolating to the severmice of this properry from the GSA complex. IN WI7'NESS'1T3EREOF.GRAIVTOR has caused thia inatnrmeat to be effective as of 12:01 a.m.Dxembar 15;2006. UN1TEb STA'!'ES OF AIv�RICA . Actiag by and through the Admimstratvr of C3eneral Services ,' �� Blaice Hastings, ' Rea1 ProPerty Dieposal Office STATE OF WASHINGTON COUNTY OF KTNf3 On tlpe �J'ryday of.: �R'!�'d"2006,beEo'ro the imdetsigtarl,a Notary Pbblic in and — - - for the State of Wes6uigtop,peisonallY eppeared Blazna ' W me lmown to be the HavtwBs. . .. `. . DiT°otor,Roal PmP�Y���.��n.Qenaral Semas A�ainise�ation,and . to me lmown W be the individual drscrlbed ia and who wcecated the foregoing inetrument aad who und�oath atated that he was dulY anthvriud,emPowered.and delegatad by the Achait�3s�ator of Qeneral Suvicm to execnu the eaid instrumeott and actmewledged:the foaegoing inefnnnent to be}va fne and volpntary act end dad,acting for and on behalt of the Adminis�ator of General Servicas,acting for m�d on yehalf of the United Stafes of America,for the uscs and PiaPosos Uiemin mentioned. IN W1TIVESS WHERSOF,I have hawmto set my hand and affixed my ofT:cial seal the day end year m tLis oertificate above writtea. �,,,,,,...,..... ' ,,gP ROUpQ , ,. � .��;�u�;+�I' ' "' _ W r NOT� ±„�i' �. .. = .,: o q . �� Public in end Eor the State of a N ° •••: • Washington,rosiding in Milton =b�4�8Ltc;��. . . �:���`•_�q•:��o' . Commiaeion Expires-�� ''",F,.was;�r' . � , 20070216002017.008 ACCEPTANCB:S l5 Building etid 8.39tAcras City of Aubum das accept this Quitclaim Dad end by such acaptana agrees to all of thetenns m�d couditionsthereof. � � 6 '�a�o �: Zoos � s�r �bia or the City of Aubwn 8 zoo�oz�soozo+�.00s �sa—aueu� oe-�ea LEOAL DESCRIPf10N U.B.GOVERNMQlT BEVERANCE PARCEL°A" OCTOBER 27,2f106 � . A�PARCEL OF U:S.GOVERNMENT LAND WITHIN THE NORTHEAST QUARTER OF SECTION 2b, TOWNSHIP 21 NORTH,RANOE 4 EAST W:M.,SqID PARCEL BEING MORE PARTICULARLV � DESCRIBEDA9FOLLOWS:� , . COMMENCING AT TME CENTER OF 3AID SECTION 2S AS MONUMtTJT�BY./W.IXISTING BRASS D�SC,FROM WHICH�POINT THE NfE97'GUARTER CAqI�IBt pF$q�p SECTION BFARS NORTH88'71'�'VYE3T,2898,2p�FEETDISTANTAIdp.FROMWHICHPOINTTHESOUTH ' . �UARTER CORNER OF 9ND 3ECTION BEARS 60UTH 1'10'48`WESi 284232_FEET DI5TANT: THENCE NORTH 1•10'46"EAS�A DISTANCE OF 60.01 PEET;� THENCE SOUTH 89'i 7'10"EAST,p DISTANCE OF 121.�FEET TO THE$EOINNIN6 OF A 803.11 FOOT RADIU$CURVE TO THE lEFT; THENCE EASTERLY,ALONG SAID CURVE,AN ARC DISTANCE OF 998.�FEET,THRDUGH A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 91'$8'6S"; T1iENCE NORTH 68'48'46"EAST A DISTANCE OF 647.T3 FEET TO THE TRUE POIM OF BECiINN�N6.SAID POWT LIES S�UTH Ot'1ff3T:EA9T 68�4.74 F�T DISTANT FROM A 6"X 6' � CONCRETE MONUMENT ON THE SOUTii MARpIN OF AN EASETAENT FOR 19TH STREET� SOUTHWE3TRICiHT-OF-WAVCONVEYmTOTHECITYOFAUBURNBY��INSTRUMENT � RECORDEDUNDERRECORDIN6NUIU�ER81H087B;� � � � � TMENCE NORTH 01"IP9T WEST A DISTANCE OF 871'.7B FEET; TNENCB NORTH 86•81'91'EA3T A D19TANCE OF 333;47 FEET; THENCE SOUTH��01'Q8'2B"EAST A DISTANCE OF 14,47 FEET; THENCE NORTH 88•4723•EAST A DtSTANCE OF 627.84 PEET: THENCE SOUTH O7'1T97'�EAgT A OI9TANCE OF 2.66 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 89•OB'.10`EA37 q OISTqNCE OF 22.29 FEEf TO THE SOUTH I,IME pF Sq�p U.S.GOVERNMFM{AND AND A NON-TAkC4BV7 CURVE,THE CENTER OF WFIICH HEARS NORTH 88'46'87'WEST W3.11 FEET DISTANT; . . THENCE SOUTHWESTEFii.V ALONO SAID CURVE 995.88 FEET TFIROUGH A CENTRALlW(C1E OF 9T98"38'; � THEDlCE SOUTH 6B'4g'46"WESi'A OISTANCE OF 724.80 NT OF BE6INNRJ6. � - - �.S SRUATE IN KINO COUNTY,WASHINf3TON. �,4ti'� CANTAININ6 950,237 SQ.��FTJ 8.04 ACRES. � � �� � . � O �I2 O � _...._ ...... ... ..__._._ ...._.._ .. ._..._.___------ \ svuo�rnto�wo�+�aHS�yui�r�u.�.ecnnm� � nnr��s'.wawRNe�muma� usstte�u waw.ofse•�a+na�� �a e o� .wv.vumax.� � _ — � 10p70Z180C207T.010 GSA—AUBURN . o&tca • LEGAL UESCRIPTION U.S.GO1/ERNMENT 8EVERqNCE PARCEL"B"� OCTOBER 27.2008 A PARCFl OF U.3;OOVERNMENT LAND WITHIN TME NORTHEAS7 CVARTER OF SECTION 45,. TOWNSHIP 27 NORTH.RAN6E 4 EAST WM.6ND PARCEL BEW6 MORE PARTICUTARLY OESCWBED AS FOLLOW3: ' � . COMMENGNO AT THE CENTER OF 9AtD SECTIOW 25A8 MONUh�V7�BY AN E703THJ0 BRASS DISC, FROM WHICH POINT7HE WE9T OUARTER CORNER OF&YD SECTION BEARB NOR'TF188'7/Z0'WEST, � '1b9820 FEET DiSTMlr AND FROM W WCH POINT7HE SOUTN CUARTER CpRNEk OF SAI�9ECTION� BEARS 90URI 7•10'4B'WEST 2842.92 FEET qSTMlf: . . � THENCE NORiH.1'10'48'EA8TA DIBTANCE OF 60.01 FEET; � 1HFNCE 80UTH BB'1170"EAST,A 019TANCE OF tY1.20 FEET TO THE BEOINNINQ OF A 803.11 FOOT � RADIUS CURVE TO THE LEFT; - - . ' 7HENCE EAS7ERLY.ALONG�D CURVE�ANARC OISTANCE OF 398.�FEET.THRDUGH A CENTRAL � ANCiLE OF 31'6856'; .. THENCENORIH6B'49Y6'EA9TADISTANCEOF64T.79PEETTOA�POINTWHICMLIE$ � , SOUTM 01•10'S7'EAS7 6894.74 FEET DISTANT FROM A B'X T CONCqEiE MONUMENT ON THE SOUTH � ' MARGNN OF/W EASEMENT FOR l6TH STREET 80{RHW�T WOHT-0FWAY CONVEYED Tp TiE CITY OF AilBURN BV INSTRUMENT RECOROED UNGER RECORDIN6 NUMBgt 8100878; ' � T}iENCENORTH01•10'3TWESTADISTANCEOF871.78FEET: -.. . . THENCE NORTH BB'61'31"EASTA OISTANCE OF 3A1A7 FEET: . n�avice sourri o�roeze'EAST A DISI'ANCE OF 74A7FEET; �THENCE NORTH 88'4223"EAB'iA DISTANCE OF SpAI fEET: THBICESOIJ�li61M79TEA3TA018TANCE0F268FEET: � THENCE SOVIH 89'OB'1C EA3T A D19TANCE OF P229 FEET TO TME 80V�H LINE OF SAID U.S. ' .OOVERN0.�Mf LAND AFID A NON-TANCiEHT CURVE,THE CENTER QF WHICH BEARS NORRi 88'16'61' :WE8T803.17FEETDISTANT: � . �iIiENCE NORT1iEA9TERLY ALONCi 9AID CURVE 3.77 FEETTNRDUpH A CENTRAL AN6LE OF 0'27'10'; TNENCE NORTH 88Y223'E0.3T A D19TANCE OF 168.07 FEET TO TF{E 7}t{!E ppp•p�OF BEOINMN6: THENCE NORM 88'MC28'EA6T A pI9TANCE OF 73J2 FEET 70 TME WE3T RIOMT OF WAY OF•C BTREET 80UTIiW EBT: . . . TIENCE 90UTH Ot'10'4T'EAST,AI.fNJO SAID RI(iHT OF WAY,A DI9TANCE OF 414,26 FEET, ' THENCE NORTH it'�62T WEBT A DISTANCE OF 42p,87 FEET1tp7�iE TRUE POINT OF BE6WNIN0, : - SITLA7E�MKINCiCDUMV,WASHINGTON. ��j,��"� � � , COMAININ(i1S.2W8C.FTJ0.38ACRES. ��S 'S�, � . `�1� �� - owr�J O$ .__�...._ . _. . _.. .... ..:....r.._ .......... ' . . .. ::.l.P .7G , /TRIAD .�,.��n;;�,u,�.,,�e.� �=,�Z��S'",�eN[I�u�4 Wun�Otan,b,.fw� �axs.et iewe•eoanwse��a��su i.Hn ASLOCIA7Ei k'�'�'.���� ��� . MEMORANDUM OF AGREEMENT between . General Services Administradon and City of Aubum Concerning the tiansfer of the 815 Building and 839 Acres From GSA to the City of Auburn Introduction This Memorandum of Agreement.("MOA'�;made and entered into between the General Services Administration and the City of Aubum sets forth the terms arid conditions for the transfer of interests from General Services Administration to the City of Aubnm f,or the 815 Building with 839f acres of land located at 2905 C Street S.W.;Auburn WA., This ag�eement establishes a process by wlrich the(ieneral Services Adnvmshation and _ _ __ the Ciry of Aubuin will address issues relating to tfie severance of Uus pmperty from the GSA complex.The process may take up to two yeazs to complete.•If items such as a new access road,security feacing,eto.are not completed due to other imerests(Safeway, Boeing,Railroad),other arrangemeuts for access must be estalilished between both parties. The property transfer will be effective Deaember 15,2006. : In consideration of the terms contained herein the parties agree as follows: GSA ResponsibPilitles GSA Properiy Management staff along with the maintenance coi�lractor(Brooks Range) will continue to occnpy a portion of the 815 building thru FY07 on a no cost month to � month lease(approximately 12,208f square feet). Property Management will move imo their renovated space as soon as it is completed,no later than November 30,2007. GSA Property Management will immediately start the preparation for iheir move firom ' the 815 Building. All renovation and moving expenses related to their move will be bome by GSA imless specifically listed on the attached GSA Building Task List. GSA wilt eontinue to provide and fund all utilities for the 815 Building during the time of ` their occupancy with the exception of the fire department ovefime utilities which aze , billad quartealy. Upon GSA vacating the buildiug,but prior w Snal utility severance and separate meteriug,the City will assume responsibility to pay all utility costs as estimated ' by GSA and approved by the City. As the City accomplishes each utility severance and subsequent reconnection,they(the City of Aubum)will be responsible for the utility cost. • GSA will remove a11 GSA property and relocate Federal tenant(US Forest Service)as soon as possible within FY07. _ City of Aabnrn Responsibilities 11ie City of Aubum will fund and be responsible for the severance and subsequent recwnnecting and metering of all utilities for the815'-Building&om the GSA complex. The City will coordinate all seYerance activities with GSA Property Managemeat and shall ensure no utility disruption occurs that impacts the GSA complex or client missions. The City will relocate the fire panel for the GSA complex tYiat is currendy located in the 815 Building to the new.Property Management area after renovation is completa The City will assume maintenance responsibilities of aCechanical equipment,fixtiues and gro�md maintenance,excluding custodial services for the 815 Building at the effective date of the tansfer. The City of Auburn will continue their normal operations for the Firc Depaztnient at the , 815 Building and may implemeaYapy and all items notateil in their application to FEMA. The attached GSA Bnilding Task List that was initiated by the City and contains 15 action items relating to the seyerance with comments and`due dates is incorporated 'mto . this memorandum of agr�ment. ACCEPTED BY: , Date_���� �� Blaiue Hastings,Director I GgA, � _ Perty D'�ffice � . � - � `D� 1 ���l� Pefer . Lewis,Mayor City,of Auburn GSA Bullding Task List ITEM DESCRIPl10N �TASK COMMENTSNppATE$ D�. COAP.O.C. �UE� . . . .. � � . �RESPON818LE DATE� e 8 useo e ng, queue n grai spur� � � 1 Site Accesa ' a��d�°P��ro CO^e���new. make il very d�Ifiwll to Insure safe . . roed aaoss Setevrdy Properry and Boeing-rsil end reliable emergency aasss to the Ma� �Y�RobeASOn 71/30/OB 2 Coord'viate Easmenls CoMact Bceitg end 8efen'aN�e9ardin8 3ite Acoesa� :StOrm Watar,. e eMs .B . - Publfo Wtirks &11 Helbig 3I37/07 ns gnewaooess no � Coretrud New Road for Sile Aaess oNy H' ����. Need�s�neMe from ' 3 Site Accesa tf�e queue lawe essadeled with fhe Boeing ' Se�eway e^d/�eemenl vAth Boefng Pubik Worka Bip Helbig 12/91108 reB spur tan be adequateiy eddressed. tor.crosslnp rai apur. Re�spur usa . . , by Boeing h(Me�s�emerge�wy vehitte . � 4 31te Meintenam� �^�a COA Maint Contrac0or.Add Faaliry OA oorwem does�qt pa pSp. . . . el GSA . � v�l be compieled when building is M2� Mark E�Ingson 17/30F08 5 E ui L Leave/reke R uest Lisl from G9q HR Mark�I 11I30I08 6 Nahuall3as ConfaclPSE neurecmunt 3ervice HR .Mark 7/1/W 7 Power Conlad PSE new accaurt HR Merk n 3/31/07 8 Pawer Cor�alnui�rew ' e . . - Publk Worla .Bal Hel - 12I31A8 � C Street d e pump - 9 Stam Water New Connectlon to'C'Streel SW w Boeing sfarypn. 8aeing tltacherge requtres a Pubik Works BAI Helbtg 1?/37/OB aro . eqwree a�gn -mns n on- - 70 Sewer Cons�ud New Connection ro C Street SW $�9�Y.M�P afelbn�and fave Pubilc Waks BAI Helbip 12l31f08 main. Requtras easement Rom equ rea n 8 oons 11 Water ConsWd New Connedbn to C Street 8W new on�ite water.system. Requ'ves Public Waks Bdl Helbig 17J37108 fro S � � e no comme a p ne mes � �nhg W Ihat dlOdhg. Flowever, , � 12 Telepf�one . IAere are Iinea mNrg in wilh Ure IS�Waks 7MI07 �� otlrer ii67itlea Mat serve other OSA . -- � � � � tenaMs. PW w01 he mad(n2�Mg r o serve e one or ie ' � . � � 33 comes kdo tlre bullding on, � � establisF�edu6'ddy.pdes: PWw@ 13 Rber . : cooMinate easemeM for etl u6lilies. 1 �.ISJPUbOC Waks 7l7N7 � , � fibe[needs ro be moved;�IS xn'0�reed� . � � - ' to cooMinale w�Comceal to:get that � . 14 �. . Ftre Alerm 3ystem Conlact G3A Ilre aystem owdracla fo , . - . � oblein�estlme0a �" HR _ .�MarkEll'ugwn 7AN7 15 �Sile Securfty New daa loelts aM�alaim syelem.(gncg Defemrine whetlier terroe upgiades . HR Idaik EDhgwn 7H/07 �� - . p . . Silh AY6 .g a. � 9 a .�C ,�. . . ' K . . � . � . m � O . 84i .AVe 9 � X � T .. r � . �fESt VALtEY_ .MY . . 1�� - . . Y ' '� . . - '� � �. � t _ ._ _ � . Ay� • i ..' �T ..b�`A � � 4 y� ' �S. � - � G � s � IIG NA � ♦ . s O � T"0N� .. �5 � � S � g 6 � R ' � ^ � &� cE R =_ c� lfl lryAy y, y�1 C � Y�L AVkE AV6 ' 2 z tp e � 0 $T \ � � • CNICAGO ,� -AVE . � ♦ YO.�AUf�6 m. 1 1 � AVL � S `o .� � c '� . CR6d; O � b � : � � Z � .. � �LUND RO � � ZN�U.c.� � � PE9IERN � � / Ry � � �@I MD�[BJIDM4� � J �R�. Nmwt mn Sv AV6 r PALif'IC AVe� .S� z MY ST C "� L 7 � �. � � o � � i ' � �� � �/`-��) � � � us m.m (eouxcl a p. m C NM o . fD 1�1 - � x � N �8 � F M� i a y � a m F I � •u�w 'ce SAFEMAY � a n � D EzST tn � N � ., y , � � n �> �. � � � � Cw. �a : 7 F- `� (, A SE RWVCTON ' A ' ST S� W � AUBURN � �. . 3 D � . (� a - uNi . .. - ... S A 8 . A' S/' S A Y � ' _ ° . � �N ° . S eS� srV. �.6 S.v � �n + � i Ne � N (/J � `n° . � `5 i SS s[ �. � yn'S `-1• l,p "� � z� m m a ° � � �� � � �. , fT'� � i�' � ^ u "a u . p 0. �U sl 6 p . qE �° s � � D �1 � � � @.� & SO6p6n6 S �� e° f� � �im � '�'� • � �-�$ Ro,� °'y � � � � a�. ` ' P e y s ��� . � w t`� � E C Sf SE � � � ° 4 Z � Ql `� ""0 ' � - O 99 Ia° � � A 3f H ' N Sf SE� O n C C ?- � �� � SE Se 1 5P gg O � a . . � y� ! si se b>h�- � � sr se . � 1 sT= ra 6 I se � �M� �.. -pCi e Aey K 3 � � K St NH p n '9 . CD _ Y PL y n S m l a k t� K Sf 5B L � �1 � ` K _ � Y y � u 31 q e� � 31' 98 Y Hg .bx. Y � o sr a gy � N N � i H 56 N SI . NE S� p � . �' T 0. � e� � � � 4 � � � 6 � W i wa sr se q � � � p y.' � ' R � �,u � bnce 9 n¢ . . ' R 56�6 p- �� NE R 3 38 } p i Y � s� +.ryC ' e�� � T3t 3BN '� " r.o >am - — " i :— � ---�t` � �'—,. ',� s �'��� ��c 4 i. I, III • � � � � I �i. I � ��I I—_—' � . � . 3 ,I . � G � �� � "�� � �`T� _ � � I . ( I `r ���— ' ' � — � � � , ==r� r • � -�.r `��"= _ , . �! '��� � � ' ".a' M' I �` , I ti� ` � ' �' I� � I � - !I ��� I II ` . I " ;, ' ^'' � t� � �I� 1� �i r � � II I i � I , ,ki w: " � `°' l cse�e�uc'�_I'� l-f. ra:���.i� I. . .,_ �r+-.q��, - , S — J� �..�ocss�st�a��aE ��.' ' " C/1 _ i • _� � ' .� �n � " yMO - � j'. - � 11 , '. � 1 .' ,� . � �. . � ��. . r.� . . {�,.",��.='`�.v� PtiOP¢5L6 FII�E.-$'��'�'�PN �3/S17`YSJT�J � �., ;. I— I� ��i�4` � . . 1� ,��r��r � �'(C�yy ROA�� � 4 � I �,� �'i � � � �V ` �: �� I r'/ � �� .. � .�f 31�. ' . ��!�• . ' 1T t. F� p i �e � / e � , � _ CITY OF AUBURM � ,,' U .t � � _ .o, � _ � �e ;. � GSA PARCEL �''> ,�rs�y I, , � (.. ��! �{ �n ' � � , . .� . 1 �� F�". F-� ` ;� ` SAFEWAY PARr_E�. i � n:.� w _ � � v,Ea . �t � SAfEWeY EMPLOILE r. ��� PARKINC L07 . � �n�� ' ( I� i . r ;-;' �e? ' � �, � ' ��;p rF F ���� p ,�, �; ` r I � : �� � ` ./ dFrt-r ';� � F � J i �. - � � �..' rMtn � G I f ��y. �. ;� ��� I ' tF 3�d�� r 'o' �µ I � �: . .�-�.r� � "�� -,• . .. .�.vc..:.,.�^ s�, -' �- -`� , � . t I/ � � * + dIK �+•�� ' I ♦ I � A, i-- ` � ;r .. - } � .�t` ��.'xe a e � ��;��' �i — .- �,�k. , �•�`�� � s � — n,. -? i � ' ' �' � r �, �� , Y � � � r �,, , R . � � � ,_ , � �' � ��� n - —r '�, , , � _ � �i � a-. . — h ,,,,,, Fire Station 33 Property Severance Project ALTBURN SffE MAP wnsriiNCTO.� Revieed March 13,2012