HomeMy WebLinkAbout4796 RESOLUTION NO. 4 7 9 6
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WHEREAS, The Washington State Department of Ecology issued a
National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System VVestem Washington Phase II
Municipal Stormwater Permit that_regulates the discharge ofstormwater from
municipal stormwater systems; and
WHEREAS, the City operates a municipal stormwater system and is
regulated under the National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System Western
Washington Phase II Municipal Stormwater Petmit; and
WHEREAS, the National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System Westem
Washington Phase II Municipal Stormwater Permit requires development and
implementation of a.Stormwater Management Program; and
WHEREAS, the Stormwater Management Program is required to be
updated annually;
WHEREAS, the National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System Westem
Washington Phase II Municipal Stormwater Permit requires submittal of an
Annual Report which is to include a copy of the updated Stormwater
Management Program.
Resolution No. 4796
January 31,2012
Page 1
Section 1. That the updated Stormwater Management Program is
approved for implementation in the Gity of Auburn in substantial conformity with
the copy of the Program attached hereto, marked as Exhibit "A" and
incorporated herein by this reference.
Section 2. That the Mayor is hereby authorized to implement such
administrative procedures as may be necessary to carry out the directives of .
this legislation, including submitting a copy of the Frogram with the City's
Annual Report to the Department of Ecology.
Section 3. ThaY this Resblution shall take effect and be in full force
upon passage and signatures hereon.
Dated and Signed this L�day of��'?���, 2012.
Da 'elle E. Daskam,
City Clerk
niel 8. Heid, _
Gity Attorney
Resolution No. 4796
January 31, 2012
Resolution No. 4796
City of Auburn, WA
March 2012
CITY �F *� *
* ---r�++� WASHINGTON
Table of Contents City of Aubum Compliance Strategy and Work Plan
1. INTRODUCTION........................................................................................................................................................1
1.1 Ove nriew..........................................................................................................................................................1
1.2 RegulatoryBackground...................................................................................................................................1
1.3 City of Aubum Regulated Area........................................................................................................................2
1.4 Total Maximum Daily Load(TMDL)Compliance.............................................................................................2
1.5 SWMP Implementation Responsibilities..........................................................................................................2
1.6 Document Organization...................................................................................................................................3
2.STORMWATER MANAGEMENT PROGRAM ADMINISTRATION...........................................................................1
2.1 Permit Requirements.......................................................................................................................................1
2.2 Current Compliance Activities..........................................................................................................................1
2.3 Planned 2012 Compliance Activities................................................................................................................2
3.PUBLIC EDUCATION AND OUTREACH..................................................................................................................1
3.1 Permit Requiremerrts.......................................................................................................................................1
32 Current Compliance Activities..........................................................................................................................1
3.3 Planned 2012 Compliance Activities................................................................................................................2
4.PUBLIC INVOLVEMENT...........................................................................................................................................1
4.1 Permit Requirements.......................................................................................................................................1
42 Current Compliance Activities..........................................................................................................................1
4.3 Planned 2012 Compliance Activities................................................................................................................1
5. ILLICIT DISCHARGE DETECTION AND ELIMINATION...........................................................................................1
5.1 Permit RequiremeMs.......................................................................................................................................1
5.2 Current Compliance Activities..........................................................................................................................t
5.3 Planned 2012 Compliance Activfties................................................................................................................2
6.1 Permit Requirements.......................................................................................................................................1
6.2 Current Compliance Activities..........................................................................................................................1
6.3 Planned 2012 Compliance Activities................................................................................................................2
7.1 Permit Requirements.......................................................................................................................................1
7.2 Current Compliance Activities..........................................................................................................................1
7.3 Planned 2012 Compliance Adivities................................................................................................................2
8. MONITORING............................................................................................................................................................1
8.1 Permit Requirements.......................................................................................................................................1
8.2 Current Compliance Activities..........................................................................................................................2
8.3 Planned 2012 Compliance Adivities................................................................................................................2
Acronymsand Definftions.....................................................................................................................................A-1
H:NUB WRKSIUtIIItles15Mn1NP�ESIIWAmIntslratlonlSWMPs12012SWMP12012AUbumSWA1P20720320.WCx
Table 2-1.2012 Stortnwater ManagemeM Administration Program Work Plan ............................................2-2
Table 31.2012 Public Education and Outreach Work Plan.....................................................................3-2
Table 41.2012 Public Involvement Work Plan:............................................................................. .......42
Table 5-1.2012 Illicit Discharge Detection and Elimination Work Plan......................:..:..:.:.:................:.....5-2
Table 6-t2012 Controlling Runoff from Development,Redevelopment,and.Construction Sites Work.Plan.�.:::6-2
Table 7-1.2012 Pollution Prevention and Operations and Maintenance 1No�C Plan.... ......... .:.:...7-2
_. . _.
Table&1.2012 Water Quality Monitoring Work Flan .......................... .....,... .,...... ....,..,,.5-2
H:NUB_WRKSIUWtles150omANPOES IMM1nin&trauonlSWNPS1P012 SWIAFl201R AuEUm SWMP ID720320.0ocx
1.1 Overview.
Tlvs�docutnent..ptesents the Cit}�of�lubum's Stotmwatei bfaaagemerit Pro�am(SW1�).. Pxep_axatioa.aad
maiatenance of tliis SWI��is requiied by the Washivgtoa Srate Depamnent of Ecology(Ecology)as a
conditioa of the Wwtun Washingtoa Phase II Muniapal Stonnwater Pemut (the Phase II Permit). The
Phase II pemut covezs dischaxges from regulated smzll municipal separate storm sewer systuns (.11S4s).
'1'he permit to dischatge srormwatex is designed to reduce rhe dischazge oE pollutants,protect wate[quality,
aad meet the xequirementsbf the federal Clean Water i1ct.
rlpp�ndix r1 iadudes acmayms aad de6aitions&om the Pemut to hdp the zeades undesstand the City's
Stozmwater Ilfanagement Pmgtam. � -
7.2 Regulatory Baokgroand
The Narional Pollutant Disrha�Eliminarion System(NPDES)pexmit program is a cequuemrnt of the
fedual Clean Watec 11ct,which is inrended to pxotect and zestore watezs for"fishable,savimmable"uses. The
fede:al Eavixonmental Pcotectioa flgency(EP�1) has ddegated permit authority to stare eavironmmtal
agencies,and these ageacies can set pe�it condirions in accoxdaace with and in addition to the miaimum
fedrsal requirements.In Washiagtoa,the NPDES-delegated permit aud�ority is the Washingtoa State
Depaztmeat of Ecology(Ecologp).
In Washington,municipalities with a populadon of over 100,000 (as of the 1990 census)aere designated as
Phase I commuuities and mast comply with Ecology's Phase I NPDES A4uniapal Stoimwatec Permit.
�lubum's 1990 census was below the ]OQ000 threshold,and the City must comply wit6 the Phase II
1�luniupal Srocmwatez Pecmi[.About]00 other muaicipalities in Washington must aLso coinply with the
Phase 7i Permit,along mith�ubum,as opecators of small muniapal separate sroan sewec systems('.1LS4s).
Ecology's Phase I7111uniupal Storn�water Pemtit is acailable on Ecology�s website at
� The Peanit allows municipalities to dischazge stoxmwarez runoff from municipal drainage systems into;the � �
state's watu bodies (e.g.,streams,rivexs,]akes,wedands) as long as municipalities implanent pxogcams to�
pxotect watec quality by rulucing the discharge of"non-point soutce"pollutants to the"ma:cunum exteat.
pxacticabk" (IVIEP)through application of Pemut-specified"best managemmt pxactices° (BblE's).The B11Ps
specificd in the Permit aze collectively xefecred to as the Stormwates bfanagement Pmgcam (SW1�1P) and
gxouped under the following Pcogxazn components: �
■ Puhlic Education aad Outreach
� Pu61ic Incolvement
° Illicit Dischazge Detection and Elimu�arion
° Concrolling RunofE ftom Development,Redec•elopment,and Construction Sires � -
• Pollurion Ptevenrioa aad�Muniupal Opecation and D4aintrnaace
H:NUB WRKSIUIIIItlesiSmrmINPOESIMdninisrtatlmtlSWMPS12�12SWMP12D11AU0umSWIAP20720310.OaCx
1:Introduction City of Aubum 2012 SWMP
■ Monitoring ..
The Pemmit issued by Ecology became effective on Februaxy�16,2007,was modi£ed on Juae 17,2009 aad
expixes on Febzuary 15,20t2. 1n 2011 theState Legislamre passed and the Gocecaor signed Engzossed
Substitute House Bill 1478 which affected the re-issuance of.the updated blunitipal Stormwatet Gp�p�I
Pennits. ESHB 1478[equires Ecologg to re-issue flie nuxrnt Phase II pexmits with no modificatioa ia July.
2012 for a period of one}eaz,and to ce-issue the next updated Phase II pemilts in July 2012 with an eEfecdve
� date of llugust 2013. Uatil the new pe�it becomes effectic•e the City will continue ro operate under the
PY�fting 2007 pemut in accocdaace with Wr1C 173-22G-220(3). The Permic requires the Ciry to report �
anaually(111azc6 31•�of each year)on pmgcess in SW�IP implemwtation fox the previous yeaz. The Pe�it
also iequires.submittal of docummtation tl�at descubes proposed.S�/BII�acticzties for the comiag yeaz. This �
document contains the City's proposed azti�tities Eoc 2012. Implementation oE variovs Pe�it conditions were
staggeted throvg6out tF�e froe-yeaz Pexmit.tesm ftom Februacy 16,2007 tluough February•1�5,2012.
T6coughout 2012 the City will continue to implement eusting progcams and maintenance activities.
1.3 City of Auburn Regu/ated Area
The Westem Vi/ashington Phase II Pe�it applies to operarocs of zegulated small b1S4s that dischazge -
sto�watex to tvatess of Washiagtoa State located wesC of rhe crest of xhe Cascade Range (west of the eastern
bouadaziesof Whatcom,Skagit,Saohomish,King,Pie�ce,I,ewis aad Skamania counties). Fox cides,the
Pe�it iequitemrnts extend[o those areas of each Gty that dxain to MS4s. 11ost of�lubum dzaias to bfS4s
that ultimately dischazge into the Gieen Rivex,the White Rives,or 1til1 Cteek.In addition,some potrions of
the Ciry dcain to regional in6ltradoa hasins.
1.4 Total Maximum Daily load (TMDL) Compliance
The fedezal Clean Water Act cequixes that Ecology establish"Total Ma.eimum Daily l.oads" (T�fDL) for
rivers,streams,]akes,and marine watexs that don't meet watex quality staadazds. A T1�L is a calculatioa of
the maximum aznount of a pollutant that a warez body can zeceive and still mee[water quality standazds.
�iher the TTIDL has beea calculated foc a givrn watei body,Ecologf detennines how much each source
must xeduce its disrha a s of the pollutaat ia ozdu bzing the watu body back into compliance with the wates
quality standazds. The Ckan�X'atec rlct requues that'I'��IDL requixements must be included ia the NPDES'
pezmits for disrt,a a n iato the affected watu bodies.
Stotmwatex discharges covered uader this pemut aze requued to implement actions necessazy ro adueve the
pollutant reductions called Foz ia applicable TTIDI.s. �lpplicable T�IDLs aze those appxoc•ed by the EP�1
beFore the issuance date of rhe Pemut or which have been approced bp the EPd prior to the dau the
permittee's applicarion was zcceived by Ecology. Info�arion on Ewlogy's T1IDL progxam is available on
Ecobgy's website at www•ec�•.wa.gov/nro, nrun_s/wq/tmdL
The cuaent pemmit dces not coataia any T'A�L cequirements Eoc the City of Ilubum. Howecu,Ewlo�
lias identified sevecal watu bodies that do aot appeaz to meet the watec quaGry staadazds. Ecology has
developed and the EPA has approved fecal colifovn TT'IDLs for the Puyallup Rivu Watushed. In
accozdance with the Ecology approved Qualiry Assucance Project Plan,Aubum has b��n wet weathec
sto�wata sampling for oae wet season(Octobex 20ll through]1pri1201�.
1.5 SWMP /mplementation Responsibilities
The Utiliries Engineeciag Dic�sion in the Puhlic Woxks Department coordinates the overall administradoa of
efforts ro comply with Pecmit requiremwts. 'I'he work plan tables ia eac6 Chapter pxoc'rde the lead
departments for the associated task. Othex majo:departments/divisions induded in the 2012 S1X11`iP
H'\PUB_WRKSIUIIIItleslSlormINPOES IIWGmInISlretlonlSWMP612012 SWMP11012 AuOUm SWMP 20120720.tlOCx.
1:Introduction City of Aubum 2012 SWMP
impletnenraaon indude�faintenance and Operatioas(�1&O),Hutnan Resources�(FiIt),Development
Engineering,Pecmit Center;Infotmation seroices (IS),and Pazks:
1.6 Document. Organization
T'he contents of tivs documrnt aze based upon Pexmit tequuemrnu and Ecology's"Guidance for City and
Couaty flnaual�Repocts for Westem Washiagton;Phase II Afunicipal Stormwatec Gene=al Pecmits."Tlie:
xemainde�of this SWDiP is oxganized similaxly to the Pe�it: '
° Secoion 2.0 addruses Peanit xequiraaents for adcniiiis�P�the City's Stozmwatec nlznagemeat
Progrem for 2012:
° Secdon�3.0 addxesses Pamit xequixemmts for public education�and outreach for 2012. �
°. Secdon 4.0 addxesses Pecmit xequixemmu foc public involvemeat and participadon foz 20]2.
° Secdon 5.0 add:esses Pemut zequicemmts for illicit dis�ha a derectioa and elimiaarioa foz 2012:
■ Section 6.0 addxesses Pe�it xequiremwts for'conttiolliag cunoff fxom new development,
iedevelopment,and coastnudon sites foi 2012.
� ° Scefion?.0 addtesses Pemvt requirements Eor pollution ptevendon and opetations aad maintepance�
foz muaicipal operations fox 2012.
�°� Section 8.0 addtesses Pexmit zequiremrnts for the monitoring section of the�Petmit fot 2012. �
Each secaoa iacludes a suvunary of the relevant Pemut xequixements,a d�scripaon of curxent activities,and
a tabk shoaviag the planaed activities Eo=2012. 11us documrnt also indudes aaonyms aad defiaitioas ia
flppendix f1 for easy refcence..
H:IPl1B WRK5IUTAItle51S1ormINPOES IIUGmInlsVatlonISWMPS12014 SlhT1P1201P Au6um SWMP 2G120.720.Aa�
T7ils secrion oE the S WMP describes Pecnut ceqLUCements related to overell Stormwatez Maaagemwt
Pm�am adtninistration,including descriprions of the City's cuc[ent and planned compliance activities�for
2.1 Permit Requirements
Tlie Pem�it(Secdon SS.l1)xequixes the 6ity to:.
■ Devdop and implemeat.a Stoimwatez Management Psogram and prepaze written documeu[adon Eox
submittal to Ecology on Mazch 37,2008,and update the,SW.�II'aaaually thezeafrex. The putpose of
the SWI�is to zeduce the dischaxge of pollutants fiom the muniupal stoanwates system ro the
maxia�um exteat pxacticable and tiiexeby protect watec qualiry.
• Subailt annual compliance xeports (foc the previous calendar yeaz) to Ecology on Siuch 31,beginning
, in 2008 that summatize the statusof impkmeatation and provide infom�ation fxom assessmrnt and
evaluation ptoceduces collected during the repordng period.
° Coozdinate with other pemuttees on stonnwater xelated policies pxograms,aad projects within
adjacent oi shazed azeas.
2.2 Current Compliance Activities
The cuuent compliance aca�zties associated with the Pemvt indude:
■ The Gty is on.track to complp with Ecology requixements Eot submittal of SWb1P documentation by
n4azch 31,2012.The Utilities En�Pr*+++g Dicision leads rhe development of the fut�e planned
activiaes with input and support from sevezal other depamneau.
� The City created an 1\TPDES�implementation managetnent gzoup.
■ The City set up the systems foz trackiug traiuivg. Tzaiuing attendaace is tecorded and kept on file with
Human Reso�xces.
• �The City has de&ned its stcaregy foi cost tsacking. Cost tcackiug is managed by staff recoxding t'rmc
�spent on Peimit dements on their timecazds using project coding numbexs. Reports can be genecated •
by the Fiaance Depaznnent to detennine aanval costs by element. �
' �The City has defined and implemrnted a strategp fox managing SOPs. SOPs aze available fox.staff use
on the City's Iatranet. �
■ The Ciry is participating in a xegional educarion and outreach consortium. Staff has ensuced that,the
City's educatioa and outteach pro�am will wozk in concert with regional efFozts such as the Puget
Sound Starts Hue campaign.
■ �The City is on track to comply wit6 Ecology's tequirements for subtnittal of rhe fyfxh�lanual Report
by iliarch 31,2012.
H:NUB WRKSWIIIItlesIS�mWPOESIMQninlstratlanlSWMPs@0125WMP12012AU6umSWMP2�120320.Omx
2. Stormwater Management Program Administration City M Aubum 2012 SYVFAP
2.3 Planned 2012 Compliance Activities
. 1lubum has positioned itself well to maintain compliance:Tahle 2-1 presents the pxoposed wotk.plan Eoz the
� 2012 SWMP administradon acticities. � �
�. -'� � --- — — - --- ----- - --- - —— '�i — - -
'. �.Tr_ _�._. _... _� . _
Complisnce .''�
Task�ID ;4 , ' T'askyDesc_"nption+. , • Lead , i
- Tim'eframe �i
, � . ..n y , , . . �
��.__. �.SL__.�!.._:._T�S�_f"__�__ .__._..__.'.. . ......_l_._. .._.._�_.._ ._ ,"_��..... _...__..
� Summarize annual activities for'Stormwaler The SWMP and Annual
' SWMP-1 Management Program'coinporrent of Annual Report; Utili6es Compliance Report su6miltal ',
identify any updates to Progrdm doaument��Define Engineering � .is due on or before March � �
� p�ocess and roles for annual updates for SWMP. 31st af each year. .
SWMP-2 Provide comrtrenis to Emlogy dunng tlie puWic raview� Utilifies Commenis due to Ecology 6y
. period far ihe DraB Municipal Starmwater PertniLS.. � Engineedng Feti'uary 3,2012.
H:IPOB WRKSWtllitlrslSmrmlNP�ESIMtlmInlsVa6onISWMPS120125WMP@012AuhumSW1AP20720320.tlocx
This section describes the Pemut mquuemeats relatcd to public education and outreach,iadudiag
desceptions of the City�'s cuaent and plaaned compliance activities for 2012.
3.1 Permi! Requirements
The Pumit(Section SS.C.I)iequires the Ciry xo:
• Prioritize wd tazget education and ouaeach acti�zties to�specified audiences,induding the geaecal
public,businesses,residents/homeownecs,]andscapezs,property managecs,engincecs,contxactoxs,
developezs,zeview staff aad land use planners,and othec City employees to reduce oc eliminate
behaviots aad practices that cause ox coatribute to advetse stoxmwatet impacts.
° Have aa outreach pcogcam that is designed ro impxove the tacget audience's understaadiag oE the
p=oblan aad what t6ey can do to solve it.
■. Track and maintain cecoxis of public educanon and outxeach activities.
3.2 . Current Compliance Activities
The curteat compliaace acdctities associated wirh the Pennit include:
■ Collaboration with other NPDES muaicipalities thxough involvement in the Stormwatex Outxeach fox
Regional Dlunicipalities (STORR�integraced public educarion campaign,Paget Sound Sta�r Hen
(PSSHJ. This campaign includes public service ads bcoadcast locally and oo cable tv and the website
wmm,n�L+rtro�++dc amh .oro/. The City of�lubuzn broadcasts�PSSH commexcials on the City's �
govemment TV chanael(fl'2]).
° �Saay of the cuizrnt educacion and outreach actic-ides that addcess stormwater man2gGOlent aze
taxgeted at the genual public,xesidmts/homeowners,and some industries. Some of these pmgxams
are listed below:
•Natural pazd caze workshops
•Caz wash kiu
•Used motor oil and household 6v.azdous wasre program
•Residenaal hazazdous waste aewsktter
•Kids day booth
•Watec Festival
•Household hazazdous wasce mobile
e Stormwater lobby display m the Customex Sexvice Centec.
•Spting Cleaa-up (bulky itdn collection)
e News lettu(quartecly oc biannually) foz business
H?PI1B WRKSIUtIIItle5lStu�mINPDESIIlA6nInI5UatlonlSWMPS12�1PSWMPt2012AUbumSWMP40120320.tlocx
3: Public Education andAutreach City of Aubum 2012 SWMP
° T'6e City tracks its education aad outteach efforts.
3.3 P/anned 2072 Compliance Activities
The Ciry plans to conrinue the program that has been developed ovcc the last five years.The tazget audiences
" The genetal public
° Businesses (iacluding home-based and mobile 6usinesses)
� Residents/homeowners
° I.andscapecs
° Pcopetty managexs
° Enginerzs,contxactors,aad devdopers
° Ciry plan ceview staff,laad use jilaanecs,and othes Ciry employees.
Table 3-1 presents the woxk plan foz the 2012 Sl�/MP public educadon and outreach activities.
- - - � � - - - . -, - - , �
— - , - --- .. _. . .___ . . , . ._,. ..- _-
. . -_ . _.� . .,.__..
Task{ID ° Task�Description' ��a , ,' Compliance
..: : , : "'-- -- —_ _. �= __ _ _:._ . <-.. ; . :. .r ,:..� Timeframe� ..
Cantinue collaboretlon with ather NPDES Utilities
� EDUC-7 municipalifies to identify appropriate program Engineedng �
evaluatian teclini�ues.
'�, ED�G2 Refine educatian end outreach strdtegy to supplement UNi6es . �
existing education activities. Engineering ,
EDUC-3 Implement new or modiry ezis6ng education and , Utilities Refinements ro existing
outreachactivitles. Engineering � :pu6ticeducationand�
S�afi iraining related W Surface Water Management
-- 'oulreach acbvifies are on-
Manual Implements6on/fechnical Standards going.
. Pertnit6ng
EDUC-4 . Plan Review Utilities
. Site Inspectiorce Engineering
• Maintenance Stsndartls.
Infoim Dublic employees,businesses and the general ����
�. �EDUC-5 puNic of tlie haiards associated with illegal �Orgoirg
disdiarges arW improper d'aposal ot waste. Engineenng
Summarize annual adivities for'PUWic Eduption and . The SWMP and Aonaal �
� �EDUG6� Outreaoh'canpbnem of Annual Repor�identl(y any Utili�es . ���Compliance RepoR submiCal .
Engineerim� is due on or before March
updates W SWMF. 31st of each year.
H�,IPUB WRKSIUIIIItlazlStamlNP�ESIIL10mInlstratlonlSWMPS11012SVJMP11012nu6umSWMP20720320.tlocr
This section desctibes the Petmit iequitemmts Lelated[o public iavolvemmt,induding descripTioas of the
Ciry's cunent and planned compliaace activiries for 20t2.
4.1 Permit Requirements
The Permit(Section S�.C.2)requires the Ciry to:
• Pmvide ongoing oppottunities foc public inwlvement thxough advisory boazds or wnunissions and
watershed committees,and public participadon in developing xate stxuctures and budgeu,stewazdship
pcogcams,en�tironmental acdoas,oc othec similaz acdvides.T'6e public must be ablc to pazticipate in the
decision-making processes,induding development,implementation,and update of the SW�iP.
° .Itlake the SVU��and�lnnual Compliance Report available to the public,by posting oa the City's website.
hfake any othei documents cequued to be submitted to Ecology in xesponse to Pumit coadidoas
availabk to the public.
4.2 Currenf Compliance Activjties
T'h�cuxreat compliance acticrities associated mith the Peffiit iaclude:
■ The City has defined a series of pnblic iavolvement activities intended to meet the Pemvt Lequiremwrs
Eoc public involvemeat ia development of the Stormwater blanagemeat Pzogram. Tliis process involves
p:esenting the drah SWAfP to the Plaaning and Communiry�Development(PCDC)and Public Works
(PWC)Commiftees.The City will then have a public hearing aad pxesentadon to the Ciry Council.
• The City will make the Smnnwater Managemeat Pcogram document and 1lnnual Compliance Report
a�ailable to the public on the Ciry website.
4.3 Planned 2012 Compliance /Ictivities
The City of tlubura has a history of including the public in decision making. Table 41 below pzeseats the
wock plan foc the 2012 SWMP public invokement acdvides.
H:1PI19 WRKSWtIIIHeslSmrmlNPOESII1RtlminlstratlonlSWMPs12012SWA1P12012AUbumSWMP20120J40.tloc� .
4: Publiclnvolvement CiryatAubum2012SWMP
�r_. _ ._. .. __. . _. ._ _ _._... _ _ _ ..r-_ .__
_ _,�._:_ . Compliance, � - �
i Task ID ! Task DescnpGori . Lead ' ..-- I
�_ __ �� ;�_ � - -��' ' Timefraroe� !
PI-1 Provide publio invoNemen(opportunifies fo�aontial UWifi� . ^.. . . .....- � - .
SWMP update. Engineeri� Public ireolvement
Make SWMP documem and Armua�Compliance �opportunities will he availahle
PI-2 Report availaGle to public by posfing on the City Util�� betore 3/31/2012 submittal.
��i�. Engineedng
Summarize annual adivities for'PuWic InvaNement The SWMP and Mnual �
PIJ and Parlidpatlon'component ot Annual Report; U5lities . Compliance Report submittal ��
identify any updates to SWMP. Engineedng is�due on or before Merch�
31st of each year.
Provide public involvement opportunity fw planting planni�and
p�oject�in�conjunc6on with the campietion of the�
�'�PI-0 � Develapment 2012 �
elevated boardwalk ihmugh Aubum's Erni�on�ntal Depariment
� Host an open house associated with the Mill Creek Planning and
P1-5 Restaretion Project. �e�opmeM 2012
Department �
Hold a pu6lic meeting associated with the Fenster P�nning and
PI� �evelopment� �2012
Levee Setback Pmject pepartrnent
H:NUB WRKSNIIIItle515�mnINP0E5111AtlmInlsVatlonISW�IP51201YSWfAP12D12AU6umSWMP20120910.Eax
Tliissectioa desaibes the Pecmit zequuemmts reLated to illicit disc(iarge detectioa and dimination(IDDE),
includiag descriptioas of the Citp's cuamt aad planned compliance activities foc 2012.
5.1 Permit Requirements
Tha'Pemnit(Section S�.C.3)requues the City to:
• Implemeat an oagoing progiam to detect and remove illidt discharges,connections,and impzoper
disposal,iacluding any spills into the muniapal sepazau smrm sewecs owned oz opesaced by the Ciry.
■ Develop a stom�seaiec spstem map,have ocdiaances that prohibit illicit dischacges,aad creare a
progtam_to detect and addtess iDiut dis�h��s.
• Publicly tist and publicize a hotline or other local telephone numbu for public repocring of spills aad
orhec iDiat discharges.Track illicit dischazge:eports aad actions taken in response through closeouc,
induding enforcement actioas.
• Inform,public amploye�s,busiaesses and the genual public of hazazds associated with illegal
dischacges and impiopec disposal of wasu.
° Txain staff oa propu IDDE iesponse SOPs and munidpal field staff to recognize and teport illiat �
� Summarize all illidt discharges aad manections zeported to the Ciry aad cesponse acaons taken,
iacluding enforcement actions,in the Annual Compliance Report;identifg aay updates to the SIX1hfP.
5.2 Current Compliance Activities
The cutxent compliance acuvities associated with the Pemut indude:
� T7�e Ciry has completed the mappiag cequired foz the Pemvt and is coatinually adding data to impcove
the quality of the iaformatioa in the storm dxaiaage system layes of rhe GIS map. The City�also has an
'SOP fox keepiag the muaicipal�separate stoxm sewer system map and inventory up-to-date.
� Ciry codes and standazds alxeady have secrions that addzess the requixed illicit dischazges and avil
. infiactioas.
° Citizenscan report illicit dischazges or illicit dumping using the published spill hotliae number or any
of the phone numbers published by the City. The calls aze routed to Opuatioas and�faintenaace
whue they aze zecotded and disuibuted to the appcopriate tesponse authority.
•' The Ciry aacks spills,illicit dischazges,and inspectioas.
° The City has chosen to use CazteG;aph as ixs issue uacking and resolurion spstem.
• T6e Ciry creaud au IDDE cespoase and enfo:cement SOP.
° The'Ciry has meined staff for illicit discharge scogaiaon aad tesponse.
■ The Ciry has perfocmed field assessments at pcimary outfalls.
H:IPUB WRN51UtlIItlevlStamWPOESIMdnInlsVatlonlSWMPS12072SWIAP12012AUhumSWMP20120320.NCx
5:Illicit Discharge Deteclion and�Eliminatlon City of Autium 2012 SWMP
5.3 Planned 2012 Compliance Aolivities
Tab1e 5-1 preseats che wock plan for 20]2 S�F'\�illidt dischazge demcrion and elimination utivities
- - — ---- ---- -
�� � � • � .���
__ _. _ .._ . _ ._ -- - . - - -.�
Ta"sk1D ` TaskDescription. Lead Compliance.
_ _ .. — - �--- -� --
IDDE-1 Deflne and�imptement Ciryivide IDDE Priigiam and� U61iUes Ongoi�
develop any necessary supplemental IDDE aqivities. E�ineering
� CarNrn�e to 2view and update sWrtn sysfem map ro lltliities ongang
IDDE-2 ����p�and Permit requiremenls. Engineering �
Canducl a field assessment of one high prioriry water Utilitias �°mplete assessment fidd �
. IDDE3 � Engineering ��r one high prmriry
water body ihis year.
Summarize ennual actNities for'llGdt Discha�ge. �The SWMP and Annual
� IDDE� DetectionandElimination'componentofAnrival Utilitles � CamplianceRepartsubmittal
� � Reporf�IdentHy.sny updates to SWMP. Engineering �is due on or before March
�31s1 of each year:
H:IPl1B WRNSIUTAItleslSlqmINP0E51MtrninlsvatlonlSWlAPS12011SWMP12072AUbumSWMP91120320.EOCx
This section describes the Permit requitemrnts related to conuolling runoff fmm new devdopment,
xcdevelopmeat,and const�uctioa sites,iaduding descripaons oE the City's current and planned compliaace -
actnztics foz 2012.
6.1 Permit Requirements
The Pemut(Section SS.C.4)zequixes the City to:
° Develop,implemmt,aad enfozce a progcam to reduce pollutaats ia sto�water runoff(Le.,illiat
discharges) to the munidpal separate stomi sewec system fcom aew devdopmmt,redevdopment,aad '
consuucrion sixe actnzries:T6e progiam must apply to both pucau and public projects,inclvding
Loads,aod address all wns�ucrion/developme�t-assoaated pollurent sources.
° Adopt regulations(coiles and standards) and implemwt plan zevicw,inspecrion,and escalating
eaEorcement SOPs necessazy to implement the pxogram in accordance with Pemut coadiaons,
induding the minimum technical tequirements in Appendix] of the Pemut.
■ Develop pmvisions (plan ceciew,inspection,and enfozcemwt)aad SOPs to allow non-stxuctucal
prevmtive actions and soucce reduction approaches such as L.ow Impact Decdopmmt t.Yhni�ues to
m;.,;�„i�e the ueation of impuvious surfaces and the disttubaace of native soils and vegetation:
° ddopt segularions(codes aad standazds) and pxocesses to vaciEy adcquate lon'g-term opuafions znd
mainreaance of new post-wastruction pexmanent stoxmwau:fatilities aad B,VII's ia accoLdaace with
Peanit conditions,includiag an aanual inspection frequenty aad/oi appzored altemative inspecuon
fxequency aad maiateaance standazds fox private drainage systems as.pxotective as those in Chapter IV
of the 2005 Ecology Stormwatex blaaagement hfanual fox Westun Washingtou.
° Provide copies of the Nodce of Inteat(NOI) for construction or industrial activides zo xepresentarives
of the proposed new developmmt aad redcwelopment.
� Provide tiaining to staff on the new codes,standards,and SOPs and create public educadon and
outxeach materials. �� �
• Develop and define a pxocess to xecoxd and maiataia all iaspecdons and enforcemeat actioas by sraff..
° Summarize aaaval acrivities foz nc�"Goauolling RunofF'component of the Anaual Compliance
Report;identify any updates to the�SW6iP. . . .. , .
6.2 Current Compliance Activities
The curxrnt compliance acdctities associatid ivith the Peaait inc(udr.
° The City has existing pxogzams,codes,and standazds that address the Permit zeq»+re�++P++ts for
waaao mmt oE stoanwatrs runoff fiom deve]opment,iedevelopment,and construction sites.T'he Ciry
re��ews all stocmwater sice plaas for pzoposed de��elopmmt
H:1PU0 WRKSIUIOItleslSmrmWPDE51M6nInI5VHtlonISWA1Pb120125WMP1P07P AuMxn SWMP 7f1120320.0ocx
6:Conholling Runoft 6om New Development,Redevelopment
and ConsVuction Sites Ciry of Aubum 2012 SWMP
■ The City adopted a stomiwarei management maaual appxoved by Ecology as equivalent to the 2005
Sto�wates btanagemmt R�[anual for Westetn Was6ington.
• The Ciry has a site planning process for B��selection and design criteria.
■ The City inspects all pelmitted development sites duriug constucuon aad ahec construcdon.
` T'he Ciry cleazlp�identifies the pazty responsible for operations and mainienance (08cI��and requires
long-xerm O&R4 of pexmitted facilities and BMPs.
° The Ciry tcacks and moids inspections and enforcement actions by staff.
° T'he Ciry provides wpies of Notices of Inteat(\OI) for mnsttuc[ion aad industrial acdviries�ia the
pze-applicadoa meeting"with developers.
° Constxucdon inspectors and most building inspectozs hac�e the iequired ezosion concrol tcaiuing.
■ The City submitted the Peanit required LID Implemmtadon Report to Ecology. �
° Engineering staff hat•e obtained LID Certi6cation through the Washington State Unive�sity Eictmsion
6.3 Planned 2012 Compliance Activities
The City has a program ro help reduce stor.mwatec iunoff Crom nea de�-elopmwt and coastcucdon sites.
Tabk 6-1 presents the work plan for 2012 S��3P acdrities related m runoff connol for new decelopment,
xedevdopmmt,and constzuction sites.
� � .
Task ID Task Deseription �, Lead' , y Comphance
_ �. ._, 1_ .___ � ._- -- - —.— -----_..� _._. __L- ` Timeframe '
� Track and report canstruotion,new devebprtient;and planning!Partnil '�
CTRL-1 redeveldpment permiLS,.inspectlons and eMomement. Center Oo-going. � �
Conducl ennual Inspection of all treatment and flow Utilitias
CTRL-2 �ntrol'(otlierthancatchtiasins)-privatesystems. Engineering �,On�going
Sdmmarize annual adNitles for'Contralling Runoff 'The,SWMP and Annual
' CTRLJ from New Oavalopmant,Radavalopmant,and Utilfties �Campiiance Report submitlal � �
ConsWction SiMS'companent of Annual Raport; Engineering is due on or before March �
idemity airy updates to SWMP. 31st of eadi yeac � �� �
CTRL� �dditional stafl will obtain LID certification Nrough the UGINes Spring 2012
Washington State Universiry Extension Program. Engineering
H:1PU8 WRKS1UtIIItleslStpmINPDESIMdnINStratlonlSWA1PS1201T5WMP1201TAUUUmSW1AP201203211.COCx
T6is section descabes the Peffiit mquuemmu n]atcd to pollutioa p=ermtioa aad opecations aad
maincenaace foc muniupal opezaaoas,induding descriptioas of the City's cuixent aad planaed compliaace
acticides foz 2012.
7.1 Permit Requirements
The Peanit(Section S�.C.S)requires the Ciry to:
■� �Develop aad implemmt aa O&.�f progam,with rhe ultimate goal of pxevrndng ox xeduciag pollurant
iunoff&om municipal sepazate sto�watel system and municipal O&iVI acdcities.
■ Establish maintenance standazds Eor the municipal separate stormwater system that are at least as
pxotectic�e as those speci6ed ia the 200�Stormwater Dfanagemmt Alaaval foz Westem Washiagton.
■ Pecfoffi inspecdons of srommwat¢flow contzol and treatmmt facilides and catch basias and perfo�
maintenance as needed to compty with main[maace standazds.
° Check ueatmmt and tlow coatml Eacilides aher major stocros aad perEocm repaus as needed in
accocdance with adopted mainteaance staadazds.
° Have SOPs ia place to reduce stoffiwater impacts associamd with nwoff from municipal O&hf
actntiaes,iaduding but aot limited to stxeets,pazking lots,coads,or highways owaed oz maintained by
the Gty,and to zeduce pollutanrs in dischacges ffom all lands owaed oc maintaiaed by[he Gty.
° Tcain staEE to implement the SOPs aad document that tia'�.
° Pxepaze Stoxmwatex Pollution Pzevention Plans (SI�IPPPs) Eoc all heavy equipment maintenance or
stocage yuds identified for peaz-tound facilities ox yazds,and matexial storage facilities owned or
op«ated bf the Ciry.
° Summazize annual acd�rides Eo=the`Tollution Pceveation and Operations aad Tlaintmance foi
Muaicipal Operatioas"componmt of the�lnnual Compliance Report;idendEy aa}'updates to the
7.2 Current Compliance Activfties
T'he cuuent compliance acti«tics assooaud with the Peanit indude:
■ The City operates an O&M pcogrem mteaded to m;.+�..�;�P pollutant runoff&om mI111IC1pa1
� The City adopud[he stommwater mainteaance standazds listed ia the Stoxmwater hfanagemrnt
7.PolWtion Prevention and 0&M for Municipal Operations � City af Auburn 2012 SWMP
■ T3e City coaducts and iewrds t6e necessazy mainteaaace opezarioas identifie8 based oa inspecuous
of sxoxmwater facilitiesand catch basins.The City pecfocros spot checks of potentially damaged
pemianent aeatmrnt aad flow contcol facilities afrec stoan evwts.
■ DI&O stafEinvolved with pestiades,pest maaagement,,and exosion and sediment coatml,xeccive
training in these azeas. The City has devdoped pcoceduies for t6ese acd�zdes. .
` The City has developed Stormwater Polluuon Pzevenuon Plans fox applicabk City facilitus:
■ Public streets aze swept on a regular schedule.
7.3 P/anned 2012 Compliance Activitles
Table 7-] presents the work plan foz 2012 S\Y/VIl'activities ielated to pollution prcvmtion and operauons
and maintenance fo�muniapal opexations. �
� � �e�' •
�Task ID�,; Task Descriptio"m_ ____ ; .Responsi6le� ;_ Sctiedule Notes�,
PPQ�� Conduct annual inspection M all treatment end flow U6litles Ongoing
'control(atherthsnoatchbasins)—pubGcsys[em. � Engineedng
'�Inspect all public catch basins at least once during tlie '
PPOM-2 permR cyde and peKorm maintenance as Origgered by M80 Ongoing
Ihe maintenanre standards.
Summarize annual aclivifias tor'Pallution Preventlon The SWMP.and Annual �
PPOM3 and Operation and Maintenance'component of Utilities Compliance Report stibmitteF � �
ennual report;identi(y any updates to SWMP. �Engineering �is dtie an ai 6efa2 Maich
31st of each c�
PPOM� � Perfortnstreetsweeping. M80 ��. Ongoing
H:IPUB WRKSWtIIItleslSlormINPDESIIWtlmInl5tra11on15WMPS@012SWMP12012AUbumSWMP40120320.tlwx '
This sectioa describes ihe Petmit zequitemmts related to watec quality moaitoiiag,indudiag descriptions of
thc Ciry's cuaent and planned compliance actn-ities for 2012.
8.1 �erm�'t Requirements
The Pemut(Section SS)does not:equue municipalities to conducx water quality sampling ox other testing
dl�ry�this pemvt tecm,with the follomitig exceptions:
■ Sampling oz testing cequixed fox c6azactexiziag illicit clischazges pucsuant to rhe SWlI-II"s IDDE
• Water quality monitociag xequixed for compliance with Total blaximum Daily I.oad(Th1DL)
coaditions(water quality clean up plans). The current Pemvt does aot iequire that�lubum pufomi
'I1II�L-related moaitoxing.
■ Preparing�future compreheasive,long-texm avateL qualiry�moniroring plan inducling ttvo components:
1) sto�water moniroung and 2) razgeted Sto�water lfanagement Pmgcam effecdveaess moaitoriag.
° By the 4�"?�nnual Compliaace Report(A1azch 31,2011),Aubum was requiced to idrnrify two outfalls
or convryances whece permaneat stormwatec sampling statioas can be iastalled aad opexated for
� Euture monitoiing. The City is�also zequired to decelop plans to moaiWz stoxmwatei,sediment,and
receiving water fox physical,chm+i__r_,al and/oz biolo�cal chazacteristics Oae outfall zcpresents high-
densitq residmtial land use,aad the other commestial land use.
■ To monitoz SIX/J�efEecdveaess,the Ciry wi11 aeed to ideatify two suitable Program quesaoas and
sites whcre tazgeted Progcam effectivmess monicoriug can be couducted and develop a monitoang
plan foz these questioas and sites.T'he.ptoposed effectiveness moaitoring is iequited to aaswei the
following types of questions:
•How effective is a spedfic tazgeted acrion or a naaow suite of actions?
•Is the Stocmwater Managemoat Pxogsam achieving a targeted enviroamental outcome?
Ia addiaon,the City is zequued to provide the following monitoring and/or assessment data in each aneual
�° i1 descripnon�of any stortnwatet monitoring or srudies conducted�by rhe City during the teportiag
period..IF sro�watex monitoring was conducted on behalf of the Ciry,ox if studies oz investigations
�coaducted by other endries wete teported to the City,a brief desctipdon of the type oE information
gathu�d oc received shall be included in the annual report.
■ �1n assessment of the appropriateness oEthe best maa3genleat pxactices idendfied by the City for each
component of the SWAII';aad any changes made,oz antiapate3 to be made,to[he B.vIPs that were
pxeviously selected to implemeat the SWItiP and why.
8:Monitoring City af Aubum 2012 SWMP
8.2 Current Comptiance Activities
The City dec�eloped a map of the signiFicant muniapal stormwater ou[falls and has developed a monitoriag
p]aa to implement fiinue Pecniit water qualiry monitoring xequizements.Although not requixed in the curiwt
Pectnit,the City is performiag wet weather fecal colifom�moaitoung of stomiwater dischazge to a tributary
of the\�(/liite Rn er as part of the recendy approved Puyallup Rivec\�latecshed Fecal Colifomi T1�4DL.
8.3 Planned 2012 Compliance Activitfes
Table 8-] pzesrnts the wock plaa foz 2012 S\�'D�monitoriag actnzries.
�: � �
Task ID�,; Task'Description Lead Complianee
�. � � - Timeframe� �'
Pa�ticipate in regional and stale monitaring forums
and fulure legislative actions in order to irfiuence I Udlities
MNTR-1 development of feasible aod eifecGve altemadve ', .Engineedng Continue padicipadon.
.future monitoring�.requiremenis.
Summarize annual manitoring adiviGes for the Annual .The SWMP and Annual
RepoR;ideMify any updates to SWMP induding Utilities Compliance RepoR submiCel'.
MNTR-2 �� ide�roficetion M sitrs selected for manitori�and a '�, Ergineering is due on or befo2 Maroh
summary of,proposed questlons tor efiecliveness 31st M each year.
monilori u e des' n and methods. �
' WetweatherfecalcolifortnmoniWringincanjundion Utllrties October�2011MroughApril
MNTR3 with the PuyaAup River Watershed Fecal Colifortn
TMDL. '� Ergineering 2012
H:1PU8 WRKSUtlIItle5151um1NP�ESIMbniniSValionISNMPS12012SW1AP11012AU6umSWMPT0120720.Gack
Acronyms a�rd Defln/tlons
� H1PU8 WRKSWIIIItleslStamINP�ESIINtrnInlsVatlon45WMPS1P0125WbIP14014AUbwn5WMP20720310.tlax
Appendix A:Acronyms and Defindions Ciry of Aubum 2012 SWMP
The Eollowing definitions and actonyms aze takrn direcdy from the Phase II Petmit and aze ceproduced hece�
Eoi the readu's convenirnce.
AKHRT means all Icaowu,acailable,and reasonable methods of prevendon,control and tteatment.All
Imown,availab4 and reasonabk methods of prevonaon,control and treatmeat refecs to the Stau
Water Polludon Control Act,Chapter 90.48.070 aod 90.48.520 RCW.
Basin Plan is a surface water management process consisting of three parts: a scientific studf of the basin's
drainage feahues and their qualitp;developing actions and recommendations foc cesolctiag any deficieacies
ducovued duiing the study;and impkmeacing the zecommendaaons,followed by moaitoriag.
Best Management Ptac6ces ("BMPe") aze cho schedulcs of acdciries,prohibitions of pracrices,
maiautiance procedures,and stnunual and/or managerial pcactices apptoved 6y the Depaztment tl�at,whm
used singly oi in combinatioa,pcec�ent or ceduce the:elease of pollutaats and other adverse unpacts to waters
of Washington Stace.
BMP meaas Best D4anagemeat Pcacrice.
CFR means Congressional Fedexal Register.
Component or Progeam Component means an demrnt of the Stoxmwatec Maaagemeut Program listed in
SS Stoimwatez T4anagement Piogram foi Cities,Towns,and Couaaes or SG Stoxmwater h4anagement
Pzograzn for Secondaxy Pem�ittees of tivs permix.
CWA meaas Clean Nater Act(fortnexly xeferted to as the Federal W'atex Pollution Cont=ol�1ct ox Fedexal
Wates Polluuon Coatxol Act 1lmeadments of 1972) Pub.L.92-500,as amended Pub.L.95-217,Pub.L. 95-
57G,Pub.L. (6-483 and Pub.L.97-117,33 U.S.C. 1251 et seq.
Diachatge�for.the pucpose of dvs petmit means,unless indicated othexwise,any dischazge&oma bi54
owaed or operated by the pecmittea � "
Ecology's Wesurn Washington Phase I Municipal Stormwater Permit regulates discharges fiom
municipal separare storm sewets owned or operated by Claxk,I{ing,Pierce and Snoho¢ush Couaties,aad the
u[ies of Seattle and Tacoma.
Ecology's Western Washington Phase II Municipal Stormwater Permit cocets certaia"small"
municipal separate stormwata sewer systems.
Entity means anothu govemmwtal body,or public or private oiganization,.such as another pemvttee,a
consuvadon district,or volunuec ocg��;••arion.
Equivalen[docwnen[means�.a techaical stoxmwatet management manual developed hy a state agency,local
govemment or other enrity that includes the\4inimum Technical Requizemenrs in�lppendix t of t}iis Pem�it.
The Depaztment may conditionally approve manuals that do not indude the 14inimum Technical
Requicemeats in�lppeadix 1;ia genecal,the Best 14anagement Practices induded io those documrnts may be
applied at new decelopment and zedevelopment sites,but the\finimum Technical Requiremrnts ia 1lppendix
1 must stiIl be met.
Heavy equipmmt maintenance ot stotag�yazd means an uncovesed azea whese anp heavy equipmeat,
such as mowing equipment,ucacatozs,dump uvcks,backhoes,ox bulldours aze washed ox maintained,or
where at least five pieces of hea�y equipment aze srozed.
Illicit coanectioa maans any maa-made coaveyaace that is coanected ro a muaicipal sepuate storm sewer
without a pumit,ududing zoof drains and other similar type connections.Examples indude sanitary•sewex
H:1PUB WRKSWIIIItlaslSwimINPDESIIL1amInlSrtatlonlSWMPs1207Y5WMP12012AU�umSWMP2(1120320.tlocx
Appendix A:Acronyms and Definitions Ciry of Au6um 2(112 SWMP
connecdons, Eloor drains,cliaaneLs,�pipeliaes;coaduits,inkts,or outkts that aze connected dixecdy to the ,
municipal sepazate stocro sea�c system.
Illicit diacharge meaas aay discl�axge to a municipal sepaxate stoim sewec that is aot composed rntuely of
stoxm watec except dischazges pucsuant to a NPDES pemut(othec than the NPDES pemiit fox dischuges
fmia che municipal sepazate stocro sewer) and dischazges resultmg from fire fighting acrivities.
IDDE means Illicit dischazgc detection and eliminarion.
Low Impact Developmmt(LID)moans a stonnwatu management and laad developmmt stretegy applied
at the pazcd and subdivision scale that emphasizes consen^aaon and use of oa-site nanua]featuces integated
with mgineeced,small-scale hydcologic wntcols to moxe dosely mimic ptedevelopment hpdcologic
Majot Municipal Sepaza[e Stotm Sewer Outfall means a municipal sepazate stocro sewer outfall from a
single pipe with an inside diametu of 36 iaches or moce,or its equis almt(dischazge from a single conveyance
orhes thaa citculaz pipe wluch is assoaated with a dxainage area of more than 50 aues);oc for municipal
separate stomm sewexs that ieceive stormwater&om lands zoned Eor iadustrial activiry(based oa
comprehensive zoning plans oc the equic�alent),aa ouxfall that disc6azges&om a siap�e pipe wirh an inside
diameter of 12 inches ot mote oz from its equivalmt(dischazge&om othec than a ciccular pipe associated
with a dcaiaage uea of 12 acres oi more).
� Matetial Storage Fuilities means aa uamveced azea whece bulk materials (liquid,solid,gcanulu,etc.) aze
srored"m piles,barrds,taalcs,bins,¢aus,oi othu means.
Mazimum Exteat Practicabk (MEP)refecs to paragraph 402(p)(3)(B)(vi) of the fedecal Clean Warer 11ct
which xeads as Eollows:Permits foz dischazges from municipal storm sewess shall zequire contxols to xeduce
the discharge of pollutaats to the maximum estent pcacticable,induding management pracdces,coauol
tochaiques,aad system,design,and engineevag methods,and othu suc6 pzovisioas as the 1ldministratoz or
the Stace detem�iaes appropdate fox the coatrol of such pollutants.
MEP means Maximum Extu�t Pcacticable.
MS4—see Muaicipal Sepazate Storm Sewet Syatem.
MTRe meaas bfinimum Technical Requuements.
Municipal Sepaxau$totm Sewer System(MS4)means a conveyance,or systan of convryances (mcluding
roads with drainage systems,muniupal streets,catch basins,curbs,guttexs,ditches,ma„�„ade chanaels,oT
storm dtains):
(i) owned oi opexated by a stata,ury,town,borough,counry,parish,district,association,or othex public body
(creared by ox pursuant ro state law) having jurisdiction ovez
disposal of wastes,storm watez,ox othu wastes,indudiag special districts undex state law such as a sewer
disuict,flood coalsol district ox dcainage district,oz sinvL�x entity,or an Indian tribe ox an authorized Indian
tribal oxganization,ox a designated and appmved management agenry under section 208 of the CWt1 that
� dischacges to wate=s of the United States.
(u)designed ox used fox collectiag oz codveyiag stoxmwates.
(m)which is not a combiaed sew¢;and(iv)which is aot part of a Publidy Owned Treatment Wocks
(POT'IX�as defined at 40 CFR 122.2:
H:IPUB WRKSWIOItle515mrm1NP0E$IMdnInLStratlonlSWA1PS12012SWMP1207YAUbumSWMPN1120320.0¢� �
Appendix A:Acronyms and Oefinitions City of Aubum 2012 SWMP
. National Pollutant Dischazge EGmination System(NPDES)means the national pxogram foz iss»'�,
modifying,revoking,aad zeissuiag,tccmiaating,monitoring aud enfocciag pecmits,and imposing and
eaforcing pretreatment requixements,undez sectioas 307,402,31 B,and 405 of the Fedeial Clean Water 11c�
foc the dischazge of pollutants to sucface watets of the�state fzom point sources.These pexmits are iefeaed m
as NPDES peimits and,in Waskiington State,are administexed by the Washington Department of Ecology.
Notice of Inunt(NOn means the applicadon fox,ox a request for cocecage undec this General Pemmit .
pursuant ro Wr1C 173-226-200.
Outfall means point source as defined by 40 CFR 122.2 at the point wheze a muniapal sepacate stozm sewec
dischazges ro watecs of the State aad does not include opea coaveyances connecting rno municipal sepacare
stozm sewex systems,oz pipes,tunnels,or otlier convey°ances which connect segmea[s of the same stmani oz
othet waters of the State and aze used to convey watets of the State.
O&M means Opecauons and\faintenaace.
� Petmittee unless othetwise noted,the term"Permittee"includes Pernuttee,Co-Pemvttce,aad Secondary
� Pecmittee,as defined bdow
()f1"Pecmittee"is a uty,town,or count}�owning oc operatiag a regulated small:1LS4 appl}�iag and ieceiviag
a pe�it as a siagle mdry.
(u)�1"Co-Pecmittee"is any operator of a regulaud small A-IS4 that is applying joindy with anothec applicant
for coveiage undez this Peffiit. Co-Pemvttees own oc operate a reguL�ted small bfS4located witivn or
adjacenx eo anorher iegulated small MS4.
(iu)A"Secoadaxy Pe.�ittee"is an opexator of xegulated small MS4 that is aot a citp,rown,or count}�.
Small Muaicipal Sepatate Storm Sewer System or Small MS4 is a coaveyance or system of coaveyaaces
For muaicipalities having populations of less that 100,000 acmrding to the 1990 US census.Such'systems
indude ioad drainage systans,municipal streets,catch basins,c�hs,gutters,ditches,man-made cl�anncls,
and/or storm dxains that aze:
a. Owned oc opexated by a ciry,town,counry,distnct,associadon oi othec public body cxeated
pursuaut to State law having junsdicdon ovec disposal of sewage,industrial wastes,stormwater,oz othec
wastes,includiag special districts undex state law such as a sewer districts,flood control clistricts or dxaiaage
distnccs,oz sunilac endry.
. b.Designed ot used for collec[ing or conveying stormwatcx.
c.Not a combiaed sewer system,
' d.No[parc of a Publidy Owned Ttea[ment Works (POTIX� as defined at 40 CFR]22.2.
e.Not de6ned as`.']azge"or"medium"pucsuant to 40 CFR 122.2G(b)(4)&(7)or deca�ted undes
ao cr-x�zz.ab(a)(i)(��.
Small bIS4s iaclude systuas.similaz ro sepazare stoxm sewer systems in municipalities such as:universities,
' large publicly owned hospitals,prison compleses,highwaSs and other thoroughEazes.Stom�sewes systems in
vety discxete azeas such as indi��idual buildings do not cequ'ue cocexage undex dus Pe�mit. . �
Small MS4s do nat include srorm dxain systems operared by non-govemmental eatives such as:individual
buildings,pavate schools,pucau colleges,pricate unn essities,and industrial and commetcial enaties:
H:IPUB WRKSIUtlI1tle11SmrmINPOESIMtrnIniSVaUOnISVJ1APS12012SWMP12012RUbumSWMP20120�20.COp�
� Appendix A:Acronyms and Definifions City of Au6um 2012 SWMP
SOP means standazd operating procedure. �
Stoemwater means cunoff during and following pzecipitation aud snowmef[ecents,induding surface runoff
and dcainage.
Stoemwatee Associated with Industeial and Construcdon Acuviry means the disc6arge fxom aay
2convepance which is used foz collecting and conveyiag stormwatec,which is dicecdy related to
manufacturing,promssing or raw materials stocage axeas at an indus[rial plant,or assodated with clearing
giading aad/oc excavauoa,and is xequixed to have an NPDES pexmit in accoxdance wixh 40 CFR 122.26.
Stotmwater Management Manual foc Wesum Wasltingtoa meaas the 5-volume technical manual
(Publicadoa Nos. 99-1] thxough IS foz the 2001 vezsioa and Publicauon Nos.OS-]0-029-033 fox the 2005
vexsioa(The 2005 vexsion xeplaces the 2001 version)pxepazed by Ecology fox use by local gocemmaats that
coatains Bb�IPs to pxevwt,contiol,oz txeat pollution ia stoxm watec:
Stoemwater Mana�oement Progrem(SWMP)means a set of acaons aad activiries designed to xeduce the
dischacge of pollutants from the xegulated small hLS4 ro the maxunum exteat practicable aad to prouct warec
qiiality,and comprising the compoaents listed in S�or 56 of this Pecmit and any additional acdons necessary
to meet the xequixements of applicable:
Total Maximum Daily I.oad(PMDL)is a calculation of the maeimum amouat of a pollutant tLat a
� wat¢bodf caa xeceive and stiD meet watrs qualiry staadazds, �
H:IPUB WRK51UOIi0rs15fmm1NP0E51MOmInISPatlanl$WMP51A725WMP12072AUCUmSWMPY11720320.GOCx
AdNa FMLA�Lbting
WmkNflo Ellgibiliry8 -
Rdmin� p�unt fof R8R Form Med Cert ��'um piW rec'd by
Dept N2Te Spit Fnd ' tOA,u'd toEe (S ��VAC Slq(�� �qnm0nts�R2iSOn
+sof w/[attoFe re1d. � NR
m/t9/�z: In"'m0 �Sweea�?I. a°�nl.
COURT PERRY,KRISTI Um/12 G/20/12 . . 7.800 '6/24/11 � e/75/11 9/35/11 10/4/13 3/19/12 OAO Q00'� ���Yleare:6abY6Whom1/tD/12'Swrktl:plWfofined(nlleare
FINANCE PETRIFAN,UINNY 6/19/31 6/19/I] �O.BLi� 5/16/31 S/36/13 5/24/31 5/25/11 Intetmiltant I/i00� p,pp� t°°m(orspouu-newpl4ghentolanm�5/I6/ll;raltl�on
� nea/Wdated med tert.
M60 ARSAI�RO,lOE 3/li/12 3(13/33 32.000 �3/e/71 3/17/12 215.00' 80.00 Wllbladdersurgeryon3/13;
M80 FROST,THOMAS 5/Z6/31 5/16/31 7:350, 4/8/IS 4/13/Il 5/18/Ii 5/20/11 Inlermktent 8138 36.50 Parentalcare.
M60 HUNT,IAYT. 6/3/Sl 6/3/]l 12.000 6/3/11 6/9/11 7/1/11 7/36/11 IntertnkteM 209.OU '�6L25 Pareirtalare(MMher1.
nnso HUNTER,ALLEN iWia/ss w/ia/iu io.izs u/x�/u w/za/u ii/x/ii u/:/tt IMermltteM �m :xse.w caroformocher�,meeam�nnxr�;MOmnadw.eeryweekM�/t3/tz;
�,tao p�s,�M s/ss/u s/ss/u 9.eae e/s/ii a/�/i� s/�/ii s/�/ii IMemillteM �s7.�o 9s3so eiooa da a neminea dwr,3/t0.Keirt saW he If doing much better and
tloes rwt need to cmtlnue w renew his FMUI
VARIfS LOLER,MDINE 3/e/12 Nb/u 12.U7D i/9/12 2/9/1] 2/24/12 ?J77/11 3/16/17 20737 �12450 ���ry�3/e/12:est.Ume out hom work 3/&3/18:R7W mod
. � � dury on 3/M aM tmtaNvely w/o rcrt�ictlons on 4/23/1t.
. 7ARM5 MILLEII;MIKE i�i6/12 7/18/13 17.ODD 2/36/12 7/16/12 2q;,7g ',gpq.Op
_ ' Fane�gM�q hemla wrguy on t/16/1L
PMICS RUSTON,dANI55q 6/20/11 6/ZO/17 31.600 6/ZD/11 6/10/13 7/20/31 7/t1/31 IntermitteM 30.16 20.00 Intmnittrnt leave requeu due m cotlNS flare ups.
��� Blrth of chlld;um him another Med Cen erM of Feb 6 he's wrorldng on
POl10E ADAMS,CRISfIAN 6/1/32 7/9/12 12.000 11/14/11 11/ifi/!1 �o6toln NA Y78.84 `71650� thisw/Or'soHire.
POII[E GOULD,ANDREW i]/33/11 11/31/12 5.975, � 3/27/12 3/17/12 2/6/12 7/9/12 90.95� 16q5.00� Heart attack on 12/31/13;medial rehab necessary•,metl cert rtates he'll
� . � 6erecweA�throuBhaDPraxenrlyApril;
POIICE JENKINS,STEPHANIE 5/1/1] 7/1/12 17.00D !/21/1! 2/11/f2 3/14/12 3/16/12 1O6A5 153.75� BlRhofthild; .
POIICE LIND,OAVI� 5/28/12 6/29/1] 1L000 2/7/12 ]/9/12 2/21/12 t/27/12 IU1 80.51� �173.00 Blrthofchtld
rouce n�iart.�osxun �/ZS/u 3/uu s.aoo Wx9/u �x/z9/u u►Uu y�uix �u �s.�: waw e�rtn a amd-wW aue x/i:eaW bw bom s/ta/u 1wMSOn�.
POII[E MENIUNG,JAMES 3/21/11 3/21/1= 1L913 3/30/11 .4/7/11 5/!1/11 5/13/31 IMmnkteM 74.78 �66L00 Gettl�motherplattdinasshtedarahdlMyduetoNheW�ds.
3/2012012 .
Actire FMLA Ldtng
WmkWlo R��� tli`ibtlfry& Design.uM �
DePt Name Sbrt End Remaln ��,d R3R Fam .Med Cert� to Ee (5 Rf W rec'd W VAC SICK Wmments/Reaton
. m of (�inl) r/tert to Ee rec'd �d�'. HR
. ml�5/ix 15 bus daysl
POLICE MUfEqSPAUGH.LESTER 3/8/31 � 3/8/12 7.750 3/21/11 �3/71/31 4/1/11 </7/11 IMermltteM 79AA =a,pp �'s Iilness(recurrente ot anarl:msy be iittetmittent ard/or FT kave;
.- . . . .. .. . . per ks;wHe B dolrig much 6etterwfll not Med to rdtaR FMU1.
vouce SEDILLO,STAN 5/30/12 s/�s/i: u.000 z/�/tt �/u 2/zz/iz z/zx/i: uo.w us.m etrtno�mia
_ _ _
VOl![E SWIFT,IANELIE 5/12/1] � 3].000 11/IB/11 12/IJ11 3/33J1t �2/1/33� f0539 M2.25�BirthufMM;duedateipron.�17J32
PW/ENG B10RK,MARK 3/8/12 3/76/it 3].000 I/36/12 7/16/12 2/78/12 2/29/12 N/A 733AU 389.35 Witehavingsuigery;�
. . . . .. . . . . . . . _ . . .
. . . 6re M mother af[u her suigery IMludi�rouli�ro portap tollow�up
PW/ENG HOOG,IEREMY 4/11/11 4/]3/17 �&600 d/11/11 4/li/11 9/]7/11 4/28/11 IrKermkterrt 63.]S 226.50 appts;backhomR,FMU15/16/31-meyRlllmedlrrtertriNtaMtoYdke
� ' � Nbm to appts.�..
� Depreubn;riew med art 2['d 1/31/11;s/r Amber rc:FMIA qp
PW/ENG MUND,AMBER 1/17/12 1/17/13 33A50 12/]1f09 33/t3/09 1/17/12 1/17/fi I�Kermkte�H �26.00 ]&50' 1/31/31&�hemaynotmMinue. Blankmedcert(wmsentroher�urtin
Gre for tertnirelly W rmt(Motherl:3/20'par Oan.Mom Is stady and
VW/ENG REVP,DAN 5/il/11 5/11/Il 37.000 5/11/11 5/11/11 6/9/11 6/9/11 IMertnRteM &00' IS8.00�St(II In hospice.�He will neM FMU RrleWed/contlnued unlmf her
. . . . . . . sRuatlontha rlotta
3/20/2012� .
I. Permittee Information
Permfttee Mame Permfttee Coverage Number "
Ci ofAubum WAR04-fi502
Contact Name Phone Number !
_..._ -- - _
Chrla Thom 263 804 5065
Malting Addrese
26 West Main �
_ _- _ g� �p+q
' fY}Y. _
Autiurn 98001 . �4988
Email Adddress
_ ... _
anom aubumwa. ov
II.',Regulated Small MS4 Location
EnUry Type:Check the box fhat appUes_
Jurlsdictton CouM CH /Tawn Other _ _
CI of Aubum X
M�ar ReceWing Water�e) �
WMte Rhrer Green Ftiver,MII Creek
III. Relying on another Governmental Entity
If you are relying on another governmenta! entity to satisfy one or more of the
parmit obligations, tist the entity and briefly desciibe the permit obligation(s)they �
are implemenring onyour behalf below. A#nch a copy ofyour agreement ivith ihe
ot/ier enliry to provirTe additionnl detail.
Nama of Entlqr: Permit Obligation(s�:
� i
� i
N. Certification j
All annual reports must be signed and certified by the responslble off}ciai(s) of permitfee or co-
permittees_ Please print antl sign this page of the reporting form and mail it(wifh an origlnal ;
signa4ure)to Ecoiogy atthe address noted below. An electronic signature will nof suffioe. ;
I certify undar pe��alty of law,that tlus document and all attacUments weie prepared under my diisction ar
supervision im acca�dauce wifh n systrrn designed to assu�e thaf Qualified Personnel ptoperly gathered and ;
avaluated the itrforination suUmitted. Based on my inguiry of the peison or peisons who manage tlie system ar '
those persons directly responsible for gatheiing information,tUe information submi$ed is,to the bost of my j
luwwladgc and belief,true,uccw•elq and complete. I am awat�e that there are significant peualties for siibmitting
falso info ation,including the passitiiliry of fine and imprisonment for willful violations.
! . i
Name _ �Tiile m�p✓ Date 1f Y�c1�Y 2e 7v I Z. �
. i
Name TIOe Date i
Name Tltle Dale I
_ -- I
Ne�ne Title Dste
Name Title Date ' _ _ (
- i
VI: $ffitus ReportCovering�CalendarYr. 2017 Jurisdiction Name: ��rofaubum
PLEASE indicate reporting year and your jurisdiccEion in Line 1, above. '
PLiEASE refer to the INSTRUCTIONS tab for asststance filling out thls table. • ,
NOTE: For GariFlcation on how to answer questions, place cursor over cells with red fl�qs. �
NOTE: Please answer all questions.
PLEASE review your work for completeness and accuracy. Save this worksheet as you goi
Question Y/N/ # Comments (60 word limit) Name of Attachment&
� � Page#, if anplicable.
1. Attached annnal arittea updabe of Peimittee's Y
Stoffiwater Itifanagemcni Ptogtam(SWMI'),
II1CtUL�1Dg S�]1C8biC IL'mtirnmr_MC�� .
SS.A.2 and S9?
Z. Attached a copy o£any annaxations, �
incorpomtions or boundary eYianges resulting
m an mcrease or decrease in the P�ittee's . .
geogapluc area of pemut coverage during the
reporting Period,and implications for the
SWMP as 59.53? i
3. Implemeated an ongoing pmg;am for Y j
g�jpg,�g�=pppintaining�eIId 1L41ng
info�ation to eyaluate SWMP development, � �
implemeatatioa and pamit compliance and to
set 'orities? SS.A3) ',
4. Began traclang costs or es6mated cosks of the Y .
development and impiP*+��±Afion ofthe
SWMP7.(Required no late�than January 1, .
2009,SS.A3.a _ . .
" ��mz�
(3uestion YM! # Comments (60'word,limit) Name of Attachment&
� Fage�,if-aoalicatile
5. SWMP includes an education piogram aimed Y k: �
at residenLc,businesses,:indastries,elected �:�e ��;
official.s,policnlmakers:planning stagand +.,,���
other employees of the Permittce? (Req:dred £„��
to begin by Fe6mary I5,2009,SS:C.1) �� �
. ��
6. Distributed:appropriars infom�ation fo target Y �'' ,
audieaces identified in the area served by tha -
MS42 Re wed fo be n F �' '��' �
� 4rs� Si bY ebruazY 15, �3�: z.�. "
2009;SS.C.l.a ����
7: Tracked the types ofpublic educarion and Y ��;�,� • Ciry of Aubum 2011 Pub�c
��" Education Summary �
onteach acuvities implemented.(Required to #..L���
begin by Fetuuary 15,20�9,SS.C.i.c) �'���=
7b. Number of acdvities ' lemented: �`�`�,y�9
8. Measured the undeistanding and adoption of Y ;,``"�'���
the.targeted behaviors among at least one '. ��
,, �
targeted andieace'in at least one subjed area. y�'(+�� �,
`,_A..2Y2:. � :
(Required to begin by Febmary 15,2009, ���
��{.?`: ";,,
SS.C.l.b) ����
9. Provided opportunities for the public to Y
P��P�ia the decisian making pipcosseg
involvmg the development,implementation
andupdates ofthe Pe�iuee's SWIviF? �
(Required by Febivary 15,2008,SS.C2:a)
10. Developed and implemented a process for Y
public inwlvement and consideraiion of public
commen�on the SWNSP?(Requrred by
Febraary 15,2008,SS:G.2.a) !
� P�e2M2t � �
4uestion Y/N! # Comments (60 word Iimit) Name ofAttachment&
�A Page#; if aaalicable. .
11. Made the most cuaent version ofthe SWMP Y
available to the fic.(SS.C.2.b
12. Posfed the SWMP�d I�est annusl report on 1'
onrwebsite. SS.C.2.b) . .
12b. NOTE website addresc inrlttachment field: wwwaubumNS.awlm urrtWuh7itle
13. Initiated ox implemented an ongoing pmgram Y ' �!
�a,n� f,
to detect and remove illicit conneotions and g�� ,�
�<' �-t
illegal discharges into the Pemuttee's MS4? ����
(Reqadred August 19,20I1,SS.C.3) ��`_��
,� ,
.. l�t�x j�h .
14. Developed and cuaenUy maintain a map of Y , �'d.� •
r� :'''.
your MS4?{Requrred.by February 16,2011, s-r�,�
SS:C3:a ���''�
14b. Inivated a program to dbvelop and maintain a Y ' •
map of all conneclions to the MS4 authorized '
or allowed by the Permittee atter the Pe�it
effective date?(SS.C3.aii)
15. Map ahows the locarioII Of all 1mOwn Y "'�r-»,��
;.� +�� �
municipet sepmate storm sewer oucfaus, �,;��
recei waters�d stxucdaal �•:F+�x "� ..
�'io8 stormwater „�y,✓,s�"�
BMPs owned,opaated,or maintained by the a+:'��;���
:,s�i�cq.'J,�,�.}�i.i .
Peimittee? (Required by February 16,2011, �:���,x
SS.C3.ai) ;�;�;g��
16. Map shows all sto�sewer owfalls with a 24 Y '.•''��"'
inch nommel diameter or larger,or an ��'��
equivaleat cross-sectional m�ea for non-PiPe •� ,
systams and includes hibutary conveyaxtces, ' �,'��
associabed areas and land usa7 �` "'� :
�e .t;' =?y,�, ,
(Required by,Febtuary 16,2011�SS�Cr��AS' y§+ ' � iY�
. . . . . �; �� .§ . � ' .
. . � Pape3of21 . .
Question Y/W # Commenis (50 word limft). ; Name of Attachment&
' . � ' Page#, if aoolicable.
17. , MaP,shovve BeogiaphiC areas served by the 1' � t�e"�{
�' Peamittee's•MS4.that do not discharge t�"��,��
stoffiwater to sutface waters?'(Reguired;by ��
Febmacy 16,2011,SS.C3.a.iii ����?
18. Map hes been made available upon request? Y �wr�'a
(95.E3'a.iv -;'�,�l�
19. Developed and implemeuted regulatory actions Y �,m"��%�'�
necessary,to effectively prohibit non- ����
stomlwater,illicit�diSCharg,asmto�the � " a��'� ,
Permittee's M$47 (Required.by Auguat 15, �`��
2009,SS:C.3:b) �
20. Developed and implemented an ongoing Y �f;�� "
P?ogamto:detectandaddressnon-stomiwatei ��:'�r,r''
,t��,,t,',.,. `�'.r.e �
I��1Clt...o..a.°.5CS,1T1C1UdIIL�g�Hllg�-SRd Ill1Clt ,f�''p. '�`�'':�
connecflons into.the Permittee's IvIS4? 6' ,
Re ed b A , ��"���
( guir' Y ugust 19 2011,SS.C3.o) ��7 �
��. ��
21. Developed procedures for locating priority Y ��£;�?s�
amas likely to haye illicit dtschsrges,including >"�'`�� �
at a minimum:evaloatipg lsnd uses�d - �"`":_
associated business/'mdustual activities �"`;°��Y
s,. '�a
pcesenh areas where complaints have been ����
registex'ed in tha Past;and azeas,with storage of �,��u"''�
large qii�tities of materials thst could result in ��,�,��:�
illicit'dischar es,inc ¢q �.
B luding sPills7(R uired G,a: i�'�
by August 19,2011,SS.C.3.c.i) �:����
. �� �a
Page 4 of 27 .
Question YIWI. �! Comments'(60 word limit) Name ofAttachment.&
NA Page#; if aqalicable
22. Implemented field assessme�activiries, Y "�
including visuat inspection'of priority oud'ai3s �•�
�-�:. .-•
identified dming dry weather and for the � �'•� ,
P�sposes of verifying otitfail locations, �� �"�
ldentifyin$PrevionslY unknown outfslls,and ��'�`"�� .
detecting illicit dischazges.(Regabed by ��° .
August 19,2011;SS.C3.c.ri) ��:�,��Y
�k�;�`��`v� .,
23. Prioritized roceiving wateis for visual Y ��. -��'*
eclion? Re uired b F , �;�,."�
�P � 4 Y �niazy 16.2010 ! -'�: �E
ss:c3.c.n7 -�y�� .
2A. Conducted field assessaaeats for three Y F�"`="r'wwr
� z�h��3;>� .
grioxity vvater bodies?(ltequired by Febroary ��
� 3?•
16,2011 SS.C3.c.ii) ��t+�
25. Conducted field assessments on at least one Y ';m�k�uy��
high priority water bod}tl(Reguired annually n�F��n'�
�,�..,..w,j�'.h',� .
afterFebruffiy 16,2011,SS.C3.c.n� . � �?r�=:
. -
tA a:�� '
26. . Developed and implementeci pmcedises for Y :7c_:;��� .
����cLaracteriz3ng the nature o��and Patential '?s;, r :,,,
public or emiroume�al tiireat posed by,any �,:J`; '
illicit discharges found by or reported to the �:r^�<u� . .
Permittee4 (Reguired bp August 19,2011, �'����`"'
:t� �
35.C3:c.iii) ;:;���,� .
27. Developed and'nnplemented procedtues for Y ,x�.'.�x{.�;� • ,
tracing the source of aa illicit discharge; ;���` _;:
including qisuel inspections,and when �� " .
n�ess�y',opeaing manholes,using mobile r�.��y
. �ameras,collectamg and analyzilt,g water ��"�
ssmples;andlor,other detailed inspecdon �����
proceduFes? (Required hy August 19,2011, ��}�'�'� .
. SS:C.3.c:iv) �,�_�E�,'.�';
a�a s wzi
Question Y/W � Comments (50 word�limif) Name ofAttachment8�
NA Page#;if anplioab[e
28. Developed and implemented procedures for. Y F➢;�"�x=�s,' .
3'av:w �
removing Uia soiuce of tfie discharge, *'."�t'�'���
includingnotification'ofappropriate ���0°�
authori' notification of the "�'�`
11P^4,�a' pIO�CZty�VI�IICI�i �r�f�.`. .
technical assistance for eliminating the �'�",�`�
disct�arge;follow-up inspections•and a;��€;�;�
escalatixig enforcement and legal actions if tfie �;.��4;
discharge is not eliminated7(Required by � ��
August 19,2011,SS.C3:c.v.) �,�„ a�
29. Inform�l public employees,businesses,and Y �����
tha eneral ublic of bazards associated with `Y��"�,
.g P ,c�,.�.;
illegal discLarges and improper disposal of '',��'��i
waste? (Required by Angust 19,2011, :>'���u�
SS.C3:d) ;�s�:,'�.�",�
30. Distributed appropriate infomiation to target Y .,_;�;9i��
audiences ideutified pursuant to SS.C.1? �s�,P�,�';; I
(Required by August 19,2011;SS.C3:d.i): ����^'..,;;
31. Publicizsd a hotline or other local taleplioae ` Y �: �a;�
number for public repofiing of spills and other ��,c'"�-f
�!3X°y. -,'.%
illicit discharges? /Required by Febraary 15, ��`�:��
009>SS.C.3.d'u ,�u,,.�,er.
31b. Nvmber ofhofline callsreceived: �Fa�:�44
31 e. Number of follow up actions teken in response, .����;44
tQ�$: C e�kY .
32 ivta;.na;n�,a hoUine or other raporting numbe�' Y �'"�`�"`�F
su .'°'.$
for public reporting of illicit discharges, ��-.,�`
incl ills? Re ed b Fe 15 ;�_���
udinS SP � 4trtr. Y b�Y ,
2009;SS.C.3.d.ii) �; ,�
32b. NOTB hotline mm�ber in Comments field �:F�y�?��d�+� (�.+`3)9313048 Ext 5
33 1Yacked the number of 17licit discharges, Y ;�'':����
�3r7,^a;r�� .
including spills,identified? (Required by �€.,�..t�,��
��.Y_,� �T.a^
August 19,2011,SS.C3.e) ��s�-,,�r'
, Page 6 of 21 �
Question Y1Ml # • Commsnts (50 word 11mit) , Name of Atffichment 8�
�+ � Page#,-if apallcable•
� .
331i: IQumberbfillicitdisch�geside�ified: ari.;s�,.� �
34 Txacked the numba of inspections made for Y =��`�z`?! . .
illicit connections?(Required by August 19, "`��i"°�i
?011,SS!C3:e). „�,,,,�� ° .
34b. Number of' 'ons: srs-„�,--�2
35 Received feedback from IDDE public N ��'>;�;
educationeffons? R red b A 19 i"���'�
( � Y � . �-n.��-',-,,�i
2011,SS:C3.e ;�"��`�:; ,
36 Attached report on IDDE public education Y '`a`��F:�'�.�� City of Aubum 2011 IDDE
efforts? .R uired b A ;`��r� Educadon Summary
( eg Y ugust 19,2011, ����r
SS.C3.d,SS.C3.e ��;..��-�;;,y
37 Municipal field staff responsible for Y T,�r�:��
��.kt'w ry�� � '
.� IdEL�C8h0I1�3IIVESi1g3L011�1.CIII71DA1104, � � :y�mk.�h?« �.
C1C8IIt7�,8nQ iepoihng Of 1lllCit dLSCbBf$@S, :ati��'e.�kx'� ' . �
improper disposal�d illicit connec4ions are ^�`•''b
trained to condud these activities? (Required ���%'�;
by Augvst I5,2009,SS.C.3.f.i �,��
376. N�ber of ' mvided: }'=�- 2
37c. N�mmber of staff trainsd: �;3 3 staff altended both Vaining events
38 Provided Sollow-nP training as needed to � ��� • ,
address changes m procefiaes;techniques or a��"6e�, �
�� Y
requiremeuts?(Reqrrired by August 15,2009, s�����:. ,
, �.._::
SS.C.3.fi) :�.>�",�� .
38b. Numberoftrainin a vided: ;:?��=;7;0
38c. NumFier of stafftrained: �;';�y� � '
. .. . - - Pa'e7of21 . .. , .
Question' Y/Nl; ! # � Commenta (SO.word Ilmlt) Name of Attachment& .
�'�' � Page#, I4 aoullcable.
� ;
I 39 Developed'and implemented an,ongoing. Y r���
�ProB�'on the identification ofan ����
$�'�- a
illicit discl�azgelconnection,and on the proper ��;����
procedutes for reporting:and responding to tlu '''�"::;�e
illicit dischazge/connection for all mimicipal ' *�a,�`��
fietd'staff,wkrigh,as pert oftheir normal job s '�'
x� '.
Iespot]SlbllItie3,mi9�t CAItLC lIItO.CoIItfiGt Wlth ,�s�,��r� . . .
o;otheravise observe an illicit discharge or ;��r���.
illicit connection to the storm sewer system? `��`�"`.�`=�
( qufr y ruary 16,2010, SS.C:3.f.ii.) s�.�����
Re ed b Feb a r''� �
� ��i��.x� .
39b. Nimober of trainings ovided: Y;:":��;a o
390. N�ber of siaff trained: €at��;h 0
40 Developed,implemented and enfotced a Y ' �'�`��.`�
program to reduce pollutants in stoxmwazer �;�'�F,'�� �
nmoff to.a regulated small MS4 from new �����
deveto radevelo - ;'
pment, pment anil'conshvction =:�°
���, �
site activities?. (Required by February 1G, ��a��,
�..,, �.._
201Q,SS.C.4) ���`���
• y�R�';�a
41 Applied stormwaternmoffprogiamto all sites Y ;�:^r���•�_
� � z�
that disdub a land area 1 acte or.greater, ���y
inclnding projects less than one aore that aze �``:�„�� '
part:of a larger common plan of the ''�����,f`;,
;zy,�w� '.
developmem oi�sale?.(Required by Februaiy •F���p�^�
16;'2010,SS.C.4) x°���
42 Applied'sbormwaternmoffprogramto,Pzivate Y �''�;�r;
and gublic development,inclnding roads? _,��•
(Required by Febtuazy 16,2010,35.C.4 �%���`��
. > ��;
"- ,
� Pege 8 of 27 � . �
Question Y/NI # Comments (50.word�limi� PlameofAttachment•8�
PtA Page#, if applicabie
43 Applied the Technical ILresholds in Appendix Y ���,rh
1 to all sites i acxe or ''�� �`'
�reater,includ'mg ���
ProJec�less fl�an one acrc that are part of a �.��i;,?�"�
larger common plan of the development or ,�•' '""`�.
sale?(Required by Pebruazy.l6,2010,SS.C.4 ``�'`�
� ���'�
44 AAdopted and implemented regulawry Y `�����
mecbaaism(such as aa ordinance)necessary to �£.-r -`'t'�
addtess rua-off fmm new developmeut, ���`"�°�_."�.�'`�
redevelopment and conshudion site activities? ,�, y�„��
(Required by Fehruary 16,20I0,SS.C.4.a) '�����;.
45 Retained'eidsting local requicements to apply Y •
stormwater wntrols at smaller sites or at lower '
thresLulds than reqirired piusvent to SS.C.4?
46 ' The ordinsnce or othei enforceable mechanism Y i�;;�!�i`;';,�
IriGI71dCS t}18 Rlinirrmm � ,
I'E�illl'CII18IItS,.18CtlIl1CAI ��'�r��� .
tbneshOlds, �� �y'~ .
and definitions ia Appendix l (or ;�;,,!� �.�
att valent oved Ecoto vnderthe ' �'��z
� aPPr by. Sy, `�,-,�'�;�;�.
' NPDES Phase I Mtmicipal 3tormwater Permit) ";"µ`�`�
�,. r
far new deyelopmen;redevelopment,and �- � s-{��''*'S �
cons�nction sites?(Reqedred by Febivary 16, ��r�,s�°� , .
,., <-
2010;SS.C.4.ai) �":``",r-.���
. �,:.r;::-t� .
S�a, yr.a . .
47 : T'he ordinanoe or other enforceable mechanism Y �s."�z`""='�:+
ineludes exceptions aad variance criteria ,',-"''���<�r� •
equivale�to those inAppeadix 1?(Required :`,����
by Febivazy 16;2010,SS.C.4.ai,and Section �_'����� ..
6 ofAppendix 1) '�'�',. a%�`
. . . . ' .. � � . . .. Pega9af27� .
. _.._. . .. .
� Question YfW # Commer�ts (50 worditimitj Name ofAttachmer�t&
� Page#, if�aoolicalile
48' VYeie excgptions or variances to the minmium N `:;s���� �
requiremeuts in Appendix 1+gtanted? �` ;
(R¢qutted,by,Februacy 16;?A10,SS.C.4.ai, F �
aad Sedion 6 ofAppendix,l) ������4
48b: If su;how wera ted? �",':f�in p
:,.�.> .�,;
49 The ordinance or other enforceable mechanism 1' ���"`��;�
♦�T1'Q�1wn��/�/�p �,,(� �s'� ,,:�.
�CL�.a�WY�6Y•"^'��'B1Y�C� S��� F'� "
seledioa and.design criteria that,when used to �J �,�'�`� ,
�n;--� n�,�e
implement the minimtaa requiiemments in "�` �!
requt e
•� . .,
Appendixl (or equivaleat appioved by � w �
Ecology undet the.Pl�ase I Pemtit)will pmtect �., �
weker 4natityS reduce the discharge of ;;�y :. ,
Z10ll17I8IIt$t0111C n18X1II1RBl C7CtCIlL]Yf8Cl1C3b18 a��..�%, ;'s�'`. .
� r
and satisfy the Smie requireme�nt under �`����
C ter 90.48 RCW to l all Imo `�'y'T�
�P . 8PP Y a'4 Es: 4��.,,
available and reasonable methods of . ��
prevention,co�ol and ueahnent{AKART� y�?��F��,;
priorto discharge? (Required byFelmiary 16� 5}�L��>�
2ozo,ss.c.4.�.;i� , �:��;��
i�``y' l ry;�.+
49b. GSte documentarioa to meet this requitement m � ��."'e,'� Ordinance 6283
ianent field: xk�`" � ^�-�
50 The ordinance or other enforceable mechanism Y ���%"�'�„'
pro'vides the legal authority,'through the ;�' ��
appmval pmcess for new developmenf,to ,��i�
�s� �,
inspect Private sto�water facilities tUat �=r�:��j
dischargeto,thePennittee'sMS4?(Requfred i���n�;s
by Febmary 16,2010,SS.C.4.aiii) �� .;� v
:�...: r
. - Papet0of21 - � .
Question YM/ , # Commenta(60 word.limit) Name of Aftachmant 8�
� Page#, If aoulfcable . ,
51 The'oidinance or other enforceable'mecLsnism 'Y �-����
ellowa non s�ucnuai preventive actions and ��+�'�
soiuce nductioa appmaches such as Low: �r;'�,=
;�;:,-: �
lmpact llevelopment(LID}Tectniques to 3� w
minunize the caeation of impervions s�ttfuces. k.;��a �
� ����.
�minimi7w���ce of native��soils ''���� � .
and vegetation7(Required by February I6, -��'?a
2010,SS.C.4.aiv) '����
52 If the ordinance'or regulatory mech�ism � """"'�-�"-'�;+=
allows conshucflon sites to ��`>'� • .
aPPIY the Emsivity . ,,�.�.,«,-,,.
Wafver ia Appendis i>lvfinimum ' ' _����`�
Requuemant#2,does it include " z ro��`"�
$PP�P��, �� ��
escalating enforcement sanctions for �a.�� .
conshvction sites tUat ovide notice to the ""��`"m�
� $:.�7'.r"�,`�;' .
Pemuuee of their iateation to I the waiver `�'N�^��`�
aPP Y ,����s.,,y,M�r
but do not meet tha requirements(including �'�'�
'�'i'44!-�,drl aLf
timeframe res�ictions limi 2'��"�'$%A��
, ts on activities that �"�s� ,
� ��� �
cESUlt in non-stormwatex dischazges,and ;£'";..�
implementation of apprapriate BMPs to ��'�a�� '
prevent violaiions of water quality smndazds) ��'���� .
to qualify for the waivet?.(If waiver is allowed, ��°`�4
�M ^::,.
the q�alification is required by February 16, ;�-"� .-,
2010,SS.C.4.a.v) ( g��,
y �`�"rj
'_.3'�:{� .
' - Page 11 of 21 �
... ......_
Questlon Y/W; # Comments (50 word limit) Name of:Attachment 8
NA � Page#, if apaNca6le
53 Developed and implem�eated a peimitting y s��;;b��'' '
process to eddtess.nmofffi�wss new ���'�;�
development,redevelopment and construction �%f�
site ac$vities with plan reyiew,mspec6o�and :��-ti'�n
enforcement�capabilityrl� (Re4ufred.by. ���- '�
x,=yt; :�r:°.
Febmacy 16,2010,SS.C.4.b) ��'���
54 Applied pee�i�g process to all sites thai Y g':•'-�,r�
,�;r,: .
dist�ub'S land area l acae Oi geater,inCltid"mg ���?�
P�.lecta less than one ecre the;are pazt of a ', n
largex common plan of ihe development oi � � �
�t�. @ r�a
sale? (Required hy Febmary`i 6,2010, ��'_�.-��
•r?: �-`�,%
SS.C.4.b) ,:;���,;r�;�
55 lteviewed Stormwater Site Ylans for new �' `'�sr�rin
{� .„,t �
dev,elopmeat and redeveiopment piojeat97 ';�4�n .
(Required byFebcuazy 16,2010,SS:C.4.b.i) ����
SSb. Number of site plans reviewed during the n`�s;`„237
,o� ,.��1�3
56 Inspected;prior tv clearing and conshuction, Y � �`�F
all known develbpmeat sites that have a]righ ��,���'-��
potential for sediment transport as detemlined €���x;
through plsa review based on deEnitions and "�"�'�='
;Ko=.3.:. .
requiteme�s in Appendix 7 Determming ;�'�� ;,
.�. �ya� ''
Conxtraction Site Sediment Potential? �-�a
R ' sured b Fe "`` �"'�
( eq. ' y bruary 16,2010;SS.C.4.b.u� ��a
. -�.�"��
��� ��
56b. Number of quatifying sites inspected prior to ��"''•"�9 �
clearing and coust�uction during the reporting �:.,Ee
'od: '� �.
. ' • Paga72of21� .
Question . Y/N/ # CommerKs (50 word limitj ' Wame,of A4tachment'8
NA , Page#, if auolicabie.
57 Inspected constzuctioa phase stoffiwater Y �;�f , ..r..
controls et alI kaown permitted development �'�����
sites dtaing constrnction to verify proper ����,n��; '
installarion and maintenance ofrequired r�a��,g� ,
B: �" ��,,F�i
CI0310II 8IId SEC�liIIEIIt COIItfO1S� �R2(lil3TP.d �' ':: ri`"�`'.'=� � .
February 16,2010,SS.C.4.b.iii) ��,���
r,�s ?
57b. Number of sites inspected diuimg the z,� {�; 137
conshvction haseforthe od: �''�'
P ��8 P� y;��
58 Enforced as necessary based on the inspection ry=�Y ;�:c:�;"�``5
at new,development and redevelopment F:,. �,
� 4 Y n�Y 16,2010> �-: Y�;�
ptajects? Re uired b Feb '�`�Y^x
SS.C.4.b.iu� e°;�::w-k.��':3`�
58b. Number of enforcement actions taken dtiring ;I�<�n 2D
the •od: �;��`y,`'F ..
59 Inspected 9uali$'ing Peimitted development �Y,Y. .� sf��
sites u}�on completion of canstructioa end prior ��3A r^^^`�
to final approvel or occupancy,W,ensure ro • `°%�-`"9�
installation of pe�anent stoffiwater conmols� '�'?��
s ii'yS. .
SUC�185 StOID1WHLCS�dC711hC5 8DC1-$tI11ChII'81 �' .. .
Y:�€- r
BMPs? (Required by Febzuary 16,2010, �`� =-
S�.C.4.b.iv and v) ::�•r�,',•
y�l���r L�X�s
59b. Number of qualifyiag sites knowa during the ���,��83.
rrin 'od: -�`
?zV:.rkt�.� . .
59c. Nwmbes of qualifying sites inspected during �`�,��r��`,�; �
the eriod• �'"���' '
,t.ti`ii•P�1 . ,
6� vBII�Cd&B181IItC719ACE�11&II 1S COTTCIpl Y '.''x•' <,:�' ,
C�dR(1 ��Sw.�•�{o•§
S 3m.
responsibAity for maintenance is assi�ed for ;�r�;;�
4�?�g P%lects?(Required�by February 16, ,��'���;� •
2010,SS:C.4.b.iv) �.?]"3 . '
,;:r�w��;a. .
QuesUon ;Y1Nl # Comments(60.word'limit) Name of:Athachment 8
'� Pege#, ff aoalica6le
61 Enfomzd'regutatioas:as necessary�based oa the' Y ",��,v='
inspeetion7,(Regemed liy February 16,201U, ! �'��.�v��
SS.G4.b:iv)' �"��"r��
61b: N�eumber of enforcement actions taken during ���2'
62 DCVB10pCd 8Il�InTp12II1CntCd 8II CIIfOiCCIDCnt ' Y �'';°'"��i.;� . �
�'i�` .rs
st[ategy to respond to issues of non- _t��3x
compliance wifh the regulations f4r qualifying i�;;°x��,
projects?{Required by February 16,201Q ';�',' Ae
SfiC.4.b.vi) �:?h-�.�
63 Did the Pem�ittee choose to:allow conshvction N �����'y,
sites to apply the Erosivity'GVaiver ia °"�' ^�
APPendix i,I�Tinimimn Requiremem#2? �F_�„..
SS.C.4.b.vii) ;;,,��
63b. IfYes how manY waive=s:were allowed 7 .`x�f,'�" 0
64 Develaped and implem�ted a long-term Y �4 t=.1��'''�_
op�ationandmaintenance'(08r.�:progam �'�����
, �`���
forposf-consl�ucflan sto�wa�facilities ana
BMPs? R ��^�
( equired by February 16,201 Q _s�,��
� •����
SS.C.4.c ��„��,�„
65 Ad'opted an ordinance or a6ier tegulabory Y �x�,�'
mechani�that cleaziy.identifies the parry ��y��
I9SpOnsible Trn mai*rt�++�e'�pj�, '"' �^
1I13j1ECtl0II0��8C1�111C38IIQ�b]ISIICS". ��istf��
mforcementptocedures7(Regui,ed by ��Ay�'�j
Fe 16 2010 SS:C.4.ai �°���" ;
� , , 7 ��,_����,
66' Tnspected post-constnuKioa stomiwater Y �„;a�l�'�.�i
;?a-. J�x�.',.:
COIIIIO�Sa:lIIC1UCj1IIg SQl1Cti1T8t B�S,9k ILCW a`�,{'""S'°.', .
;F'._r-,�;'.q+�fi- �
development�d redavelopment projects? '�"�.��=_
-°�._ ,��
(Required Fe , >�- =
by �y i6;aoto ss:c.a.�� , �5� ;
���y L�
Page 14 ot 27 �
Question Ylldl # Comments`(60 word limit) Name of Attachment:& ,
PIA Page#; lf applicable
66b. umber of sites inspeated during tfie reporting : ��388
�� �
d &�c4#<�+ - .
66c. Number of sh�ucdaal$MPs inspected during .�,«'�� 564
' the repo ' � 'od: u���'�
66d. Number of enforcement actions takeu during '�-'�,�215
the riod• +i�� �
67 Established maiatenance standards tbat are aa Y i�'�F^�
;�r� �;�+ .
pmtective,oc more protective,of facility. �;�,sy�;
function as ihose specified in Chapter 4 of �',_:���°, ,
volume V of tl�e 2005 Stormwater -�'�'�
.. . l�. f�- . .
Managemeat Manual for Western ���.#�
Washington?�(Required by Feluuary 16, ''�; � .
2�1�,$5.�.'.4.C.11� %.� fi.("�is;4
68 Perfo�ed timely maintenance as per Y ; ."� •
SS.C.4.c.n? �~`"
(Required by February 16,2010, et�;�.�'�
SS.C.4.c.0 ' "
� :����'
68b. Attached documentatioa of any maintemnce NA ;>;�r��a,�"�'
delays. (Reguired by Februazy 16,2010, =��'#d�''n�
�F��?!. .9�1
SS.C.4.c.ii �rdif';�F,°`�`�
69. Bstablished progcam to aanually inspect all Y rne•`-`�'"�:`���
stormwater trealme�and flow conhrol �. e '
facIlities(other than catch basins)permitted by �'�'�'��
�`�i�'�����i"f"� '
the Permittee accotding to SS.C.4.b.unless �t�� _�.��
tllere aze IIYainten2nce;ecords to justi£y a :A•w�ac�
different uen Re uired b Pe ",-'` �
�4 4Y`t� 4 Y bYUaxY ��;��
16,2010,SS.C.4.c.iri) `�'-'�� -*�
70 , ff reduced' on Nq , n;"=`;'�. .
� � �1��X �M: !:�
Aitached documentatioa'as per S5.C.4:c.in? ;i�' ._�:�
(ltequbed by Febmazy 16,2010,SS.C.4.c.in) �; a�i�
I I RA'YY..N.v.� - �
� � Paqe 15 0`21 . .
QuesUon Y(NI # ; CommeMs'(50 word;limit) ' Name of'Attachment& .
Na { Page#, ff andlicable
71 Inspected all ne�•y[offiwaYa(reatme�t and NA #A'�'r�,+st� No new subdivisions were approved in 2010 or
flow control'facilities owned or operated, ����z011.
iacluding catch basias,for new iesideutial ` 4
developme�s thax are s part of a luger �� ,�,
common plan'of development or sale,every 6 �
moaths during the period of heaviest house ��'.7��J
consmtccion(i.e., l`to'2 yeazs following ��' �Y
subdivision appmvai)m identify maintenance �'" P�'"a`,�
Y:'�n. �
needs aad enforce complisnce with �.`<S�x�:�
maimeasnce standerds as aeeded? (Required �v ' .
by February 16,201 Q S5:C.4.c,iv) b���n
71b. Number of facilities mspected dwmg 1Le ;`.�'�� p
re 'od: y.:��;�
72 Impleme�ed a procedure,for keeping recotds Y '%�a�r��
of inspec;tions and enforoemeat actions by �`��;
sta�iacluding inspectipn rzports,weming �r��
lettecs,aoriceg of violarions,other e�'orcement :.,��';-�t,�.
records,maintenance inspections and k��^'v��"x,
�q5; �r�,
meiutenaace activities?(Required by February �4��';:�F���
16,2010,SS.C.4.d '�`� "='�;
) �����
73 Provided copies of the Notice of Inteat for Y
Constraction Actioity and Notice.of Intent
for Industrial AMivIty to represemstives of
proposed new developmeat and
� . Pflge 16 of 21 . - .
Question Y/NI # Comments (50:word itmit) Name of Atiachment&
NA Page#, if anqlicahle
74 AIIstaffresponsibleforimplementingthe Y ,i`�;":,�t� _
pIO�W CAl1tf01 StOIIDW&CCI I'tL10fffIDIII 'F�''�� :• �
r +rr'l�
new development,redevelopment,�d �,,.;.�?',
comshvction sites,including P�P� a��'�
revicw,oonshuction sibe inspectians,and ;;,: �
�'., s�
enfozcem�were haiaed to conduct these �;�;�v
activities7(Required bq Februazy 16,2010, �`��'��
SS.Ci.4.� �5?'�a�q's � �
74b. Ntmmber of ' ' s ovided: 'e'�'���
74c: Number of staffhained: �`a;i 0
75 Devaloped and implemented an operations and Y �kl�`�
meiateaance(O&2vn Prognm tfiat includes a w?o��;�1�
a� � .
training componeni and hss the ultiinate goal ����
of preventing or reducing pollutant nmoff from �=°{*'�`�
�:��Fr���.3 ,
municipal operations?(Required byFebruecy a;�a��r�F
16,2010,SS.C.S) `��rf�,;;;;�;;n
76 Adopted maintenance sfaadsrds as protective, Y atrt'�i'�
or more pcotective,of faaility funetion as those �`�',h� ,
specifiad in Ckiapter�of Voli�e V of the �:�-����
:,�n`g�:i .
2005 SYormwater Mmrageme�u'Mmttrul for �;:��b;� •A .
Western�ashington?(Required by Febmary �F�,r�',hy,+;�..
16,2010,SS:C.S.a) G ry, ;�, '
�_r�;, .'�
77 Perfo�ed timely maintenance as per Y '"�'�"�
SS:C.S.aii? uired b Feb. 16 2010 �d,`� � .
(�4 Y �Y , , m��r,:��
SS.C.S:aii :�.-3r,`w���
776. AYtached doammentation of any maintenance � ��.`�a
' delays. (Requireii by February 16,2010, ;c�r `=�"�
SS.C.S.ass� � ��;�'�
w�e�z azt . .
Question Y/W # Commenffi (80 word limity Name of Attachment 8
NA Page#, if aaplicable
78 EstabliaLed'aPro9�?A annuallY inspecrt and Y `�"dh,u��
�`:?r �r3
II781II181IIP,d8u'St0ffiWii�E['h'�tl1CIIt�817�flOW ����;r�'
COII1101 f8C111tIC5(01�1CI tl]ffi O8tc11 bSS111.9�2 R"a4+'=--�.�
R ufred b F �"`�'�<�;`�
( eq y ebtuary 16,2010;SS.C:S.c.in� v��-,s��� �
. ���r,�;
78b: Number of known facilities: - �u�=� 163
78c. umbet of facilities inspe.cted d"�the ;�;�a>' 163
•od• s_.��,_,��"..,°,
79 If:using rednced.inspeCtion freqnenaY> rw !�t,x�.-,_
� :
Attached'documeniation as per SS.C.S.a.a? ����
(Required by Februazy 16,2010,SS.C.S.b) ��'� �
80 Conducted spot oheoks of stomiwater faclities � .'���;;�„
aRer ma or sto�s? e rred b Feb F`�'��`"�
J (R 4u. Y �S ������t�a
I6,•2010 SS.C:S.c) �,;�;r„.rM�,.
80b: Numberoflmouvfaoiliries: s�;"��,'� 163
80c. Number of faciliflcs inspectcd'during the ^;�;� 0 There were no major storcns in 2017.
eriod: ��v�y;
81 Inspeoted mimicipally owned oz operated catch Y ?�;;::%=°„h�;
basins az least once before the end ofthe ����.;�.
Pt�ut te�. (Required to begin by Februtuy �� ��a� .
16;2010,SS.C:S.cn �;i�c�?�:Y
81b.' umber of known catch basins: _ �«���6829
81a Numberof' 'ons: �;a��2�6
81d: Number.of catch basins cleaned: �`'µ°� 554 '
� PagB�89f2� '
Question Y/NI � Commenta (60word�limity NameofAtlachmentS
NA. Page#, if annlicatile
82 Psffiblished and implemented practices to Y. �'-�`"""�+ ,
reduce stormwater impacts associated with �,�v;s:-n ,
nmoff from:sh�eets,packinglots,roads or a����:��„�'•
hi�7.W&j�S'04JllCd OI.mainiainetl j�u1C %a'��•�ug �
F..���; .
pennittee;aod road maintenence activities �� ,���
conducted by the Pe�itiee?(Re4uired by �=`�.�-�� ,
Febmacy.l6,?A10,SS.C.S:� =y��p ,�� .
"6?�+�F k::i
�Ycn:�<sfi: �
83 : Established and implemented policies and Y =:i'��i�t
procedures to reduce pollutants in diachazges �' « .
' �� ��� ,
i from all lands owned or maintaiaed by the : ��'���
' Peimittee and§ubject to this P�it,including �� „z.��
but not limited to:P�.oPffi 3Pace,mad right r;�2�yr,s«�
of-way;maiatenance yards,and stotmwater �^.�,�#-�'°'."�s-'+
treatment and flow oontrol faci]iiies? ���� '-
(Required by Februsixy I6,2010,SS.C.S.pJ �"�__-��__F� . .
���� .
r;�� �
._��:.:�i .
&i Implemented an opetations and maintenance Y �,�x�,€,§ .
(�BcN�Pro�am that iucludes a trainin3 �'�`°���
����•: •� .
component end has the ulrimake goal of v,;., �1f
Pre���S or red"�+�pollutaat runoff fsom `�' �
� P� (�ed Y bivazy �.�.�;._
mimic o ons? b Fe ��v�`�.-..'`'�
�� d
16,2010,SS.C.S.h:) �.;.���
�?`;���-��s`. • .'
84b. N�beco£hainings vided: ;�';��0 .
84c. Number of stafftrained: '����j� o
. � . - � Page 19 of 2t .. �
Question Y/W, # Commenffi{50�word limit) Name oi.Attachment& :
'NA Page#, Ifaoplicable
85 Implemented a Stoffiwater Pollurian. ' Y :-?'-:z�:;
rw3�" �•
Prevention P1an,(SWPPP)for all heavy ���=A���;
aquiPmeM maintenance ox storaSe Yaz'ds.and -�� �
material stotsge facilifles owaed'or.operated �^��.� s;
by.the Peimitbee in azeas subjc�t w this Pe�mit '''�"�r�
F�,� :;�
that are aot required to have coverage under �„�;,����,:
tbe;Indush�ial Stomiwster Gea�eral Pemiit? f�s��c�w-^-�:�
�� �
(Required byFebruary 16,2010,SS.C.S.i) ��;;�a�
• .:�=,�
86 Is there an'appmved'Totai Ma�dmum Daily N A TMDL for the Puy-dlup Rivetwatershed was
Load'(TIvIDL)applicable to stormwaxer approved In 2011. Compliancewlth thfs TMDL.
discharges from a MS4s owned or operated by �not a requirement of this permit cyde.
87 Complied with the specific;equirements NA
identified in A dix 2? S7.A)
88 Attached smtus report of T1yIDL �
lememation? S7A
89 Where monitoring was reqnired in Appendix �
2;did you conduct the monitoring according m
ffi flPPro�ed Qualit5'Assivance Project Plan?
90 ToOk applopri8fe aCtion to CoIIeCt OI minimi�e Y
discharges into or from the MS4 which may I
consRtute a tlueat to haman health,welfare,or
the'em�imnmant?(G3 �
90b. Auached a sumwary of the status o£ �
implementation of any actions taken pucsuant
to,S4.F and the status of any montioring,
assessment;or evaluatioa efforts conducted
during the repo:ting period?(S4.F3.d)
� � PaAe 20 of 21 � - �
Question ' ': `, YlNL : # �omments.(60 yrcord limit) .: � : Name.o.f.Attachment&:;
. �> Fage_�;if aualtcabla.:i`
91 Notified Ecology of the failure to comply with �
tt�e pemiit terms and conditions within 30 days ' '•�
*,*, :
of becoming aware of the non-compliance? ����
(Cr20) � ' `
92 Nori&ed Ecology immediately in cascs where � -�.',,,�g=
tLe Pecmittee becomes avware of a discharge � � A
mt , ,
from the Permittees MS4 wlrich may cause or
contribute to an imminent threat m h►�an -
health or the environmem? (G3) �'
�.: _
93 Attached a summary of identified banieis to � This was attached to the 2010 report
the use of low impact development(LID)and '
measures to address the berriers(Requir�W �
be submitted by March 31,2011,S9.E.4.a) �- �
�'��, Y :�
94 Attnched a xeport describing LID practices � �t This was attached to the 2010 2po2
, r.
cuaentiy available and thaz can be reasonably �a,
impiemented,potential or planned non-
structutal actions and LID techniques to ���-a
prevent stomiwater imPacts,goals and meuics
W identify,promote,meas�e LID;and �: g �
schedules to requue and implemeat non-
sctuchaeal and LID techniques on a broader
scale (Required to be submitted by Merch 31, ,
Pdge21 ot21 �
VII. Information Collection, BMP Evaluatlon,and Monitoring
CompletePartAfor�l annua[reports.
NOTE: Please note in Row 1 of the table if you have no informatbn to report.
NOT6: Please limit your entries to 255 characters per cell. You may include additional infortnation in your
Supplemental Documentation attachment and reference it below with the page number.
A.Infortnation Collectlon
>,.,�:.:.__,,: ,. . .. . ... ......: :
. :. �-
�: • SHeflydesc[Ipe.any.stormv�raffic rg.onttoNng;studies;:or ' ::: ." -:-. • �:
.: t�rpe9f:iqfor�taxipn:goll��bed aRCJ analyzed.during,q)e 1lVholhow_.to:co�tact.for additiQn�l. .
: ...
reporfing period: (58.8.1 � ;: , , . ` information? "
1. Fecal coliform data was collected from the discha e of Mill Pond. Chris Thom 253 804-b065
Peye 7 of t
VII. Jnforma8on Collectlon, BMP Evaluation;;and Monitoring
Gomplete Part B for all annual reports.
B. SWMP Evaluation(38.6 8�S9)
You are required to assess the appropriateness of the BMPs you have selected to imptement your SWMP. This
evaluation is necessary to evaluate whether the MEP standard set by the permit is protective of water quality in your
receiving water bodies. This assessment may be entlrely qualitative. Answer NA if you are not yet implemendng
BMPs for a component of the SWMP. {S8.6.2 and S9)
_....:..:....... ::... :.... ....... .. ..:. . .. ......._. . .:._.. ... ........ _ .. ._. ..:... .
Quesdon : -� : .. .:.:-:;:: r ::;-;-. `.: .::.::..:::.�_:_.. .._. y�:• Com.men#s(60 word limit)
Are the BMPs selected and implemented for Public Outreach Y
1. a ro riate ta m;n;m;�A llutants in the MS4 to tlie MEP?
Are the$MPs selected and implemented for Public
Involvement appropriate to minimizs pollutants in the MS4 to Y
2. the MEP?
Ace the BMPs selected and implemenud for Illicit Discharge
DetCCttOA 8IId E11nllII8hOn BppLOpTl2te t0 minimi�r.ppj(pjya� y _
3. ia the MS4 to the MEP?
Are the BMPs seleeted and implemeuted for Consmiclion , ,
. .S1piIt1W8tC[�POIIIIIlO4PI'C',VCIIt10II�2ppI0[1I1&tetAminimi�n y , .
4: llntants in the MS4 m the MEP?:
Ate ihe BMPs selected and implemenied for Post-
CODStrUChOII R1IIlOfFM8D3gClri8II1&F)pl'OPI18tC i0 minimi�p y : - .
5: llutants in the M54 to tha MEP?
Are the BMPs selected and implememed for Good
Housekeeping for Municipal Operations appropriate to Y ,
g, minimi�e pp]lutentS 9i1 the MS4 to the MEP?
�Page 1 ot 1 .
Vq. Information Collectlon, BMP Evaluation,and Monitoring
Complete Part C forall annual repoits.
C. Changes,dn BMPs or obJectives{S8.6)
Ff any;of ffie;BMPs or a6Jecthres is being changed, list,the old BMP and objecGve, the new BMP and objectNe, and a jusffiption for the
change below. (S8.62:,.and S9)
NOTE:'You maychoose to attach additional documentation justifying Changes in BMPs or obJectives. Noie such attachments in the
Justificaffonforchange field.
• __.. . .
- ..Old,B1VIP"' �:>::: OIB O.bjective�- ` ; '.'%..New B11AP New Objecdve Justificat[on for Change :' ,:
4 '
7 _ _
.. ' �. � Pape 1 of 7 �
City of Aubum 2011 Public Education Summary
Public Education Activit Tar et Audience Comments
Ciry Storm Drainage Web Site Generel Publfc City wabsite provides general infortnation
on the City's storm drainage program, links
m the City's SWMP and annual Feports and
lists the S ill Re oNn hone number.
Stormwater Outreach for General public Aubum participated in this regional public
Regional Municipalitles educaUon program. Links belween the City
(STORM) Stormwater web page and the"Puget
Sound Starts He�e"web page were
estabiished. PSSH branded 'informa6on
and Items were created and distributed.
South King County General Public Aubum participated with 13 other
Stormwater Outreach Group jurisdictionsuGllzing grant moneyto
(SOG) purchase table-top dfsplay,boards. Auburn
created and displayed pollution prevention
information using one of the display boaMs
in the Ci 's Customer Service Center.
ECOSS Restaurant Poliution Restaurants that pertorm 38 splll kits and plans were provided to
Preven4'ion Program bustness activities and/or restaurants, 39 restaurants receiyed
generate waste that may informa6on on recycling,wmposting and
pollute stormwater hazardous waste handling,40 received
information on faPs,ofl ani!grease(FOG)
BMP's, restaurent owners and managers
became more aware of where stormwater
oes and how to kee ollutente out of iL
Boeing Earth Day Event Empbyees at the Boeing Aubum Utilities staffed a display at Boeing
Company in Au6urn Earth Day event and provided ininrmation
that ihe Bceing employees could useat ;
home to prevent slnrmwater pollution,
conserve water and reduce their impact on
the environment. ;
Water Festival Fourth and fifth grade students 215 Auburn students attended Water i
Festival where they leamed about
stormwater, pollution preveMion,wetlands, I
salmon, drinking water and sanitary sewer ;
issues through hands on activities and !
Natural Yard Care Workshops Homeowners The three workshops were attended by a
' maximum of 86 people{61 households)
from the west hill of Aubum. Attendees
leamed that they could have beautiful,
healthy yards while reducing their
de endence on ticides and fertilizer:
Kid's Day School chlldren and their One day fair where approximatety 1,000 ,
parents children visited the Auburn U6lities tiooth` '
and leamed about stormwater pollution
preven6on and other water resource
Carwash Kit Program/IDDE Property owners/managers The City provided a carwash kit on long tertn
• ban to a local biuiness where charity car
washes occu�frequently. Staff at the
business were trained on its use. Kit
checkout procedures were revised to include
_ _ _.
a process were the City verifies that a kit will
functlonat a site prfor to it being checkoub
for use.
' , i
City of Auburn 2011 IDDE Education Summary
Pu61ic.Education Activi Ta et Audience Comments
IDDE Response Homeowners 31°Rain Drain"postcards were rriailed to a �
neighborhood where evidence of an illicit
dlscharge was detaoted. No additional��
edidence of illicit dis es Pias been noted.
Resolution No.4796
City of Auburn, WA
March 2012
C�� �F * *
Table of Contents City of Aubum Compliance Strategy and Work Plan
1. INTRODUCTION........................................................................................................................................................1
1.1 Overview..........................................................................................................................................................1
1.2 RegulatoryBackground...................................................................................................................................1
1.3 City of Aubum Regulated Area........................................................................................................................2
1.4 Total Maximum Daily Load(TMDL)Compliance.............................................................................................2
1.5 SWMP Implementation Responsibilities..........................................................................................................2
1.6 DocumentOrganization...................................................................................................................................3
2.STORMWATER MANAGEMENT PROGRAM ADMINISTRATION...........................................................................1
2.t Pertnit Requiremerds.......................................................................................................................................1
2.2 Current Compliance Activities..........................................................................................................................1
2.3 Planned 2012 Compliance Activities................................................................................................................2
3.PUBLIC EDUCATION AND OUTREACH..................................................................................................................1
3.1 Pertnit Requirements.......................................................................................................................................1
3.2 Current Compliance Activities..........................................................................................................................1
3.3 Planned 2012 Compliance Activities................................................................................................................2
4. PUBLIC INVOLVEMENT...........................................................................................................................................1
4.1 Permit Requirements.......................................................................................................................................1
4.2 Current Compliance Activities..........................................................................................................................1
4.3 Planned 2012 Compliance Activkies................................................................................................................t
5.ILLICIT DISCHARGE DETECTION AND ELIMINATION...........................................................................................1
5.1 Pertnit Requirements.......................................................................................................................................1
5.2 Current Compliance Activities..........................................................................................................................1
5.3 Planned 2012 Campliance Acfivities................................................................................................................2
6.1 Permit Requirements.......................................................................................................................................t
6.2 Current Compliance Activities..........................................................................................................................1
6.3 Planned 2012 Compliance Activities................................................................................................................2
7.1 Pertnit Requirements.......................................................................................................................................1
72 Curtent Compliance ActNfties..........................................................................................................................1
7.3 Planned 2012 Compliance Activities................................................................................................................2
8.1 Pertnit Requirements.......................................................................................................................................1
8.2 Current Compliance Activities..........................................................................................................................2
8.3 Pianned 2012 Compliance Activities................................................................................................................2
Acronymsand Definitions.....................................................................................................................................A-1
H:IPUB_WRKSIUWItle5lSfmnINP0E5 IIWEmInISVallonlSWMPS@012 54VMP12012 Aubum SWMP 20120720.tlocx
Table 2-1.2012 Stomiwater Management Administration Prugram Work Plan ............................................2-2
Table 3-1.2012 Public Edtication and Ouheach Work Plan .....................................................................3-2
Table 41.2012 Public Involvement Work Plan.............................................................................. .......42
Table S1.2012111icitDischarge Detection and Elimination Work Plan.......................................................52
Table E1.2012 Controlling Runofl from Development,Redevelopment,and Construction Sites Work Plan......6-2
Table 7-1.2012 Pollution PreveMion and Operations and Maintenance Work Plan.....:...:...................:.:::.:..7-2
Table 8-1.20121Na4er Quality Monitoring INork Plan.................................................::..........................&2
_ �x
H:IPl1B WRKSIUI�Itle5lSlamWPOES IMtlminktratlonlSW0.1Pa�2014 SWMP�1012 Au6um SWMP 20120340.tlocx
1.1 Overoiew
This document presents the Cit�of ilubum's Stotmwatu hfanagemmt Pm�cam(SlQ/.�iP). Preparatioa and
maiateaance of rhis SWbiP is requixed bp the Washington State Departmeat.of Ecology�(Ecology) as a
mudition oE the�/estern Washington Phase II Municipal Stozmwatec Pettnit(xhe Phase�II Pemiit): 1'he�.
Phase II permit covecs discharges fmm xegulated small muaicipal separate stoxm sewez systems(.�154s).
The pumit to discharge stomrwater is designed to xeduce the dischazge of pollutants,protect watu quality,
and meet the requitctnents of the federal Clean lX�atet Act.
�ppendix�1 indude's aunnyms and de6nirions from the Peanit to hdp the zeader undustand the City's
Sto�water hfanagemrnt Program.
1.2 Regulatory 9ackground
The National Pollutant Discharge Elimiaaaon System (NPDES)pemut pzogram is a xequizemeat of the
federal Clean W'atet flct,wluch'is intended to protect and restore watus Eox"6shabk,swimmabk"uses. The
federal Envunnmeatal Pcotection r�gencp(EPr�) hu delegated pecmit authouty to state�envuonmmtal
agenties,and these ageacies caa set pemut conditions in accordance wid�and 'm addidon to tLe minimum
fedezal iequi=evieau. In Washington,the NPDES-delegated pexmit authoritf is the Washington State
Department of Ecology(Ecology).
In Washington,muniapalities with a popularioa of over 100,000 (as of the 1990 census)were designated as
Phase I communities and must comply with Ecology's�P6ase I NPDES Municipa]Sto�water Pemut..
Auburn's 1990 census was bdow the 1OQ000 thteshold,aad rhe Citp must comply with the Phasa II
Dluaitipal Stomiwatec Pexmit About 100 other munitipalities in�F/ashington must also comply wit6 the
Phase II Pexmit,along with flubum,as operatocs of small mnuicipal sepazate storm sewer systems(�IS4s).
Ecology's Phase II nlunicipal Stormwatec Pexmit is availahle on Ecology's website at
htco://www.ecv.ma.gov/ mecams/wq/stoanwarer/munic�[,�haceTTe,.../.+�..�..hiinc+++iit1+*.,1
The Permit allows municipalities to dischazge stormwater runoff from municipal dcainage systems in_to the
state's watex bodies (e.g.,stxeams,rivecs,lakes,wedands) as long as muniup"alities implement pmgtams to
protect water quality by xed"`±*�the dischazge of"non-point source"polluCints to the"ma�mum extent
practicable" (I��P)through application of Peanit-speci6ed"best managemexit ptactices"(BIl1Ps)..The B�1Ps
speciFied in the Permit aza collecdcdy xefeaed to as the Stormwater nfanagement Progxam.(SWbfP) and
- gxouped under the following Pzogtam components:
° Pu6lic Education and Outreach
° Public Involvement
° Illicit Dischazge Detecdoa and Eluninaaon
° Conuolling RunofE from Development,Redevelopment,and Consauction Sites
° Pollution Pcevenrioa and Dfuniapal Opetation and rlaintenance
. . . . . . . . . . . . . � . . . . . . . _ . . . . _
H:1PUB WRKSIUIMItleslSmrmVJP0E51MdmInlsVatlomSWMPs12012SWMP11012AU6umSWMP20720.'i20.Aacx
1:Introdudion City of Aubum 2012 SWMP
° Monitoting
The Pe�iit issued by Ecology became effecdve on Febcuaty 1G,2007,was modified on June 17,2009 and
cspues oa Febxua� 15,20]2. In 20t 1 the Star�I,egislature pused and.the Gocunoc sigaed Engcossed
Substituu Houst Bill 1478 which affect�d the te-issuance�of the updaud bfutiiapal Siom�water Genecal
� � Petmits. ESHB�1478 iequires Ecology ro re-issue tl�e cucrent Phase II petmits with no modification�in July.
20t2 for a period of one yeaz,aad to re-isstie the next updaud Phase II pemtits in July 2012 with an efFective
dare oE�lugust 2013. Uotil the new pemiit becomes effectice the Ciry will continue to operare under the
existing 2007 pemut in accordance with W�1C 173-22G-220(3). The Pemvt requires the City to report
anaually(111azch 31^�of each yeaz) on ptogress in SW,��[P implementation for the previous yeaz. The Pecmit
also zequues submittal of documentation that descabes pxoposed S�1P actn-ities for the coming yeaz. Tlus
document contaias the City's proposed actic�ties fox 2012. Impkmrntarion oE��arious Pecmit condiuons wete
staggered thxoughout the five-yeax Peimi[texm fxom Februazy 16,2007 thxough Febzuazy 15,2012.
Throughout 2012 the Gty will continue to implement existing pxogiams and maintrnaace activities.
1.3 City of Auburn Regulated Area
� The Westem�ashington Phase II Pemut applies ro operators of segulated small hfS4s that dischazge
sxormwatez to waxers of Washington State located wesx of rhe ccest of the Cascade Rangc (west of the easum
boundaries oE Whatcom,Skagit,Snohomish,King,Piexce,L.ewis aad Skamaaia counries). Fox cities, rhe
Pemvt xequi:ements cetmd to those azeas of each Ciry that dxaiu to MS4s: \lost of flubum dzaias to b1S4s
that ultimatdy dischazge into nc�Grew Rivec,the White Ric�u,or\fill Cseek. In addition,some porrions of
the Ciry drain to cegioaal inEltcarion ba.sins.
1.4 Tota/ Maxim�m Daily Load (TMDL) Compliance
The Federal Cleaa Watu Act zequues that Ecology establish"Total r3a.eimum Daily I.oads" (I'JII)L) foz
ricets,stxeazns,IaSes,and marine waters that don't meet water quality srradards. A T'.1�L is a calcularion of
the mauimum amount oE a pollutant that a water body caa ceceive aad still meet water qualiry standards.
11hex the T'��L 6as been calcu(ated for a givrn water body,Ecologs detezmines how much ea�h source
must ceduce its dischuges of the pollutant in o:der bring the water body back inro compliance with the water
qualiry standazds. The Clean\K/atec 11ct requues that TA�IDL requirements must be induded in the NPDES
pe�its fo=dischugess into the afEected watex bodies.
Stoimwate�dischazges covesed undes dils pemut aze iequixed to implemeat actioas necessary to achieve the
pollutant xeductions called for iaapplicable TMDLs. 1lpplicabk T'�IDLs aze those approved by the EP�
befoxe rhe issuance date of the Pumit ox which have beea appioved by the EPA priorto the date[he
pcmutte2s applicarion was received by Ecology. InfoLmadoa on Ecolo�'s 1'6IDL ptograzn is a��ailabk on
Ecology's websire at�vanv.e�p.wa gov7ororrr,_,T_ms/wq/rmdl. .
, The.cuaent pem�it does aot conrrin aay"I"n�IDL requixements foz the City of l.ubum. Howecec,Ecology
has identi5ed several water bodies that do�not appear.ro meet the water qvaliry staadazds. Ecologp has . -
developed and the EP� has appioved.fecal mlifoan TT�IDLs for,the Puyallup River�latecshed. In '
accordance with the Ecology approved Quality Assucance Project PLw,�lubucn has begun wet weat6ec�
stoixnwatec sampling for one wet season (October 2017 thmugh flpril 2012).
1.5 SWMP Implementation Responsibilities
The Utilities Eagiaeetiag Division in the Public Works Depaztment coordiaares the ovecall administrarioa of
efEorts to comply with Permit tequue.meats. T'he work plan tables in each Chaptec provide the lead
depaztrnents foc the assoaated task. Other major departments/divisions induded in the 2012 SW1liP
H:IPUB WRKSIUWItleslStdmiNPDESIIL1�nInlSttatlanlSWMPS12014SWMPINtl2AUhum5WMP20120J20.Cocx
t:Introdudion City of Aubum?Al2 SWMP
implementation include�iaintenance and Oprsations(I�1&O),Human R�sources(HR),Development
EngineCLlIIg�Pecmit Center,Iufoimarion seroices(IS),and Pazks.
1,6 Docament Organization
The conunts of this documrnt are based upon Pexmit requiremeats and Ecologp's"Guidance for Gty and .
Couury Amual Repoits foc Westem Washiagton,Phase II Municipal Stocmwater General Pezaiits."T'kie
remaindes of this SW1�iP is ocgzvized'similazly to the Perinir
■ Section 2.0 addresses Pemiit requixements for administering the City's Stoaawater hlanagemeat
- Pxogtaza for 2012.
° Secdon 3.0 addzesses Pezmit requirements for public educadon and outreach fox 2012:
• Section 4.0 addresses Pemut xeguirements for public invoh•ement and partidpauon foi 2012.
° SecUOn 5.0 addYesses Pumit zequicemmts foc illidt dischazge detecdon and oliminarion for 2012.
• Section 6.0 addresses Pemut requitements for controlling runoff��om new developmmt,
redovelopment,and constlucuon sites for 2012. - �
• Secqon 7A addresses Peimit cequixements for pollutioa preventiou and operatioasand maintenance
Fox municipal operations for 2012. �
• Section S.0 addresses Pecmit cequuemmts fok the monitoriag secdon of the Permit for 2012.
Each section incfudes a summary of rhe zelevant Pemut tequicemrnts,a desmpaon of current accivities,aad
a table showiag tk�e.plaaaed activides for 2012. This docu:nent also mcludes acronyms and deFuutions in
�lpprndix 11 foz casy zefecrnce.
. . . . . . . . _ . . . . 3. . . . . . - . - - . . . .
H:IPUB WRKSIU�IIItles151qmINP�E511WdmInlsVatlonlSWMPS1201YSWMP12012AUburn5WMP20120370.Eacx �
This section of the S�!UMI'describes Permit iequirements related to overall Stoxmwater Management
Ptogcam adminisuatioa,induding descriptions of the Gt}-'s current and planned compliaace actnzties for
2012. �
2.1 Permit Requirements
The Pem�it(Section 55.�1)iequues tkSe City to:
■ Decdop and impkmmt a Stormwatez Dlanagemrnt Piogcam and pzepaze wutteo documrntation for
submittal to Ecology on March 3],2008,and update the SW,�1P annuall}'��eaCtex. T6e pu=pose of
the SWD�IP is to reduce the dischazge of pollutaats &om[he municipal stormwaxer system xo the
maximum exteat practicabk and thueby protect watet quality.
, ° Submit annual compliance xeports (for the previous calendu yeaz) to Ecology on 31azch 31,bea^ i^g
in 2008 that summazue the status of impkmentation and procide infotmarion from assessment aad
evaluation pxocedures collected during the reporting peaod.
• Coozdinate with other pennittees on stovnwarer relared�policies pmgxams,and ptojec[s within
adjacent ot s6azed azeas.
2.2 Cunent Compliance Activities
T1ie cuarnt compliancc aca�rities associated with the Pennit indude:
■ The Gty is on txack to comply wit6 Ecology requiremwu foi submittal of 5�1P documentaaon by
\laxch 31,2012.The Utilities Engineeriag D'nzsion kads the development of the futute planaed �
actic-ities arith input and support kom several other departments.
` The City cxeated an NPDES unplementation management gxoup.
° The City set np the systems foz txacking ttaiaing. Txaining atteadance is recoxded and kept on file with
Human Resources. �
� �■ The Gry has de6ned its strategy foz cost trackiag. Cost tracking is managed bf staff recoxding time
spent on Pexmit elements on theiz timecazds using project coding aumbecs. Repotts can be genecated
by the Finance Department to detecmine aanual costs by dement
■ The Ciry has defined and implemented a suategq fox managing SOPs. SOPs aze available fox staff use
� on the Ciry's Inteaaet. � ' �
° The City is pazticipatiag in a iegional education and ouueach consortium. Staff has rnsured that the
City's educationand outxeach progtam will work im m�cert with xegional ef£orts such as�the Puget
Sound Statts Here campaign.
° The City is on tiack ro comply wirh Ecology's zequicements for submittal of the fihh�lnnual Repoxt
by 11azch 31,2012.
_ �
H:IPUB WRKSIUIIIItle5151ormWP0E51MAmInlstratlonlSWMPS@0125WMP1P012AUhumSWMP211120320.EOCx. .
2. Starmwater Management Program Adminishatian City af Aubum 2012 SWMP
2.3 Planned 2012 Complianee Activities
�lubum has positioned itsdf weIl to maintaic�compliance Table 2-] presents the pzoposed wozk plan for the
2012 SWIVIP administration acticities.
� . - — -
Task ID � Task Desc"ription � . �d �mP�iance,
' `- — ---- - . _ - - _. _- Timeframe;
�� �Summarize annual adivi�es for'Stormwater The SWMP and Annual
SWMP-1 Manapement Program'mmponent of Annual Report; Utilitles Compliance Report submittal
identi(y any updates W Pragram document. Define Engineering is due on ar 6efore Mzroti
process and roles for annual updates for SWMP. 31st of eech yeer.
SWMP•2. �0'^de commen3 to Ecology during tha public review Utllities Commenis due W Emlopy by
pedod fa�ihe DraR Municipal Stomiwater Permits. Engineering February 3,2012.
- � - - . . _ . . . _ . . 2 . . . . _ - . - - - . .. .
H:IPUB WRKSWwIIIesISlormWPOESIMEmInlstratlonlSWMPs120125WMP12011AUEUmSWMP20120320.tlax
This seclion descdlies the Pemut tequixemants zelated to public educadoa and ouueach,including
descriptioas of the City'scuaeat and plaaned compliance activities for 2012. ,
3.1 Permit RequPrements
-The Peimit(Sectron S�.C.7) requires the City to:
• Prioritiu and taxget educatioa and outxeach actnzaes ro speafied audiences,induding the general
public,businesses,iesideats/homeowners,landscapers,pzoperty managecs,eagineexs,coatrectoxs,
developexs;xeview staff and]and use plannexs,and o�her City employees to zeduce or eliminate
behavioxs wd pcacrices tfiat cause or conrribute to advexse stoimwatez impacts:
-° Havran outzeach piogram that is designed to impcove the taxget audience's undetstaniling oE�the �
pxoblem and what they can do to solve ic
° Treck and mainrain records of public education and outceach acti�zties.
3.2 Current Comp/iance Activities
The curtent compliance acdvides associated with the Perxnit mclude:
� � Collabozatioa with other NPDES muaicipalities through involvemeot in the S[ocmwater Outxeach foi
Regional bfuaicipalities (STORI��integrated public education caznpaign,Puget Sound Staru Here
�(PSSHJ. This campaign�includes public seTVice ads broadcast locally and on cable tv and the website
R^.J.�ygetsoeedstartshere.or¢/. 1'he City of�lubum broadcass�PSSH commeccials on the City's
gocernmeat T'V clianael(R'21).
■ blaay of the cuaent educadoa.aad ouGeach activides that addcess sto�watet maaagetneat aze
tazgeted at the genexal public;residents/homeowners,and somrindustries. Some of these progxams
ue]isted below:
•Natural yazd eaxe woxkshops
•Caz wash kits
•Used motor oil aad household hazazdous waste progxam
•Residential hazazdous waste neasletter
•Kids day booth
•Water Festival
•Household hazardous waste mobik
•Stormwatec lobbp display in the Cnstomec Sezvice Cmtes.
•Spriag Cleaa-up (bulkg item collection)
•News letter(quartecl}'oc biannually) fox business
� .
H:NUB WRKSWWItleslSlamINPOESIMtlminlstratlon4SWA1P5120125WA1P14014PUhumSWMP2012077A.aocx
3: PublicEducation�and0utreach CityotAuhum2012SWMP
° The Ciry tcacks its educarioa and outceach effons.
3.3 Planned 2012 Compliance Aotivities
1'he Ciry plans to coatinue tlic program that has been dcveloped ov�the]ast five years.The tazget audiences
• T6e general public
° Businesses (including home-based and mobile businesses)
° Residents/homeownexs �
° Landscapers
' PmPer�9 managecs
° Engineecs,contxactors,and devdopers
° City plan review staff,]and use planners,and ot6ec City employees. �
Table 3-1 pxesents the woik plan foc the 2012 5���public education and outxeach activities.
� . . � — — — — - -
.—— ---- ------- — . _ _ __�
Task ID;�, Task DesoripNon Lead ' Compliance� ,
_ '' ' ____ :
��--!i:_.:�•__�_. :�_ .� __... , �__ �.:_ Timeframe - .�:I
- Contlnue collahoration with oMer NPDES � U61Nes �
EDUG1 municipali�estoidentlfyappropriatepragram� Engineenng
evaluatian teohni aes.
EDUC-2 Refine educetion and outreach strategy ta supplement Udlities
existingeduration�activitles. - Engineering , �
EDUC3 Implement new or modity exis6ng education and UfiliGes �flr�e�ts m eXisti�g
outreach adivi6es_ Engineering Public educatian and �
StaR training�related to SurFace Water Managertrent outreach ecUVNes.are or�
, Manual ImplemenletionlTechnical Standards:- ���'
� . Permiping . .
� � ' �.EDUC-0 . Plan Reviaw Utllities
• Sitelnspections Engineering
• Mairrteriance Standards.
� �I�arm public employees,_businesses and ihe general Utilities
'. EDUC-5� .pu6lic af the hazards associated with illegal Ongoing
� d' es and i ro r dis Engir�eering
�charg mp pe posal of waste.
Summaiize annual ac6uNes for'Public Eduotian and� . The SWMP and Annual
' EDUC-6 Outreach'component of Annuai Report;identiry any Utilitles � Complianae Report su6inRtal
updates W SWMP. Engincenng is due an or before March
31st of each year,
. . _ . . . . . . . . . _ Z . . . . . . . . . . . . _
H:IPUB_NRHS4UtlI1tleslSrormINPOES IMGminisvatlonlSVJA1PS12012 SVJMP1T071 Au6um SWMP 20120310.00Cr
Tlils.section descdbes the Pemut cequirements telated to public involvement,including descriptions of the
City's cuamt and plaaned compliance activities foi 2012.
4.1 Permit Requirements
T6a Pemzit(Saction S�.C?)xequires the City to: �
■ Provide ongoing oppoxtunities foz public involvemeut through,advisory boaxds ox commissions and
watetsh"ed committees,and public paiticipation in developing rate strucnues and budgets,stewazdship .
programs,enctiroamental actions,or othec sunilaz aca�zties.The public must be able to participate in the
decisioa-making processes,including developmenr,unplementatioa,and update of the SWI�1P.
■ Tfake the SWAIl'and Annual Compliance Report acailable to the public,by posting on the City's website.
T4ake any othu documents cequired ro be submitted to Ecology in response to Pezmit coaditioas
� available to the pu6Gc.
4.2 Cunent Comp/iance Activities
The cuaeat compliance actnrities associated with the PeLnit indude:
■ The City has defined a series of public invoh�ement acavities intended to meet the Peanit cequiremencs
foz public involvemmt in development of the Stoimwater 6lanagement Progracn. This process invohes -
presmtiag the drrh SWbiP to thrPlanning and Community Dec•dopment(PCDC) and Public Works
� (PWG) Comtnittees.The Gty will fhm have a public hearing and ptesentation to the City Council.
° The Ciry will make the Sto�wate=Management Pcogxam documeat and Ilanual Compliance Report
available to the public on the Gty website.
4.3 P/anned 2012 Compliance Activities
The City of Aubum has a lustory of including rhe public in decision making. Table 41 below pxeseats the
� work plan fox the 2012 SWMP public iavolvement acdetities.
. . . . . . . . _ _ . _ . �. . . . . . . . . - - - . .
HSPUB WAKS1UtlIltlrslSlmnlNP0E51MdmInlSVatlonISWIUPs@ai4SWMP12014AU6umSWMP2012092QEOCx
4: Publiclnvalvement CiryoTAubum2012SWMP
Task ID Task Description Lead Compliance
P�_� Provide puhlic irnaNement opportunities far annuel Utilitles
SWMP update. Engineedng Public invoNertrent
Make S4JMP document and Annual Compiiance opportunities x�ll 6e avaitable
PI-2 Report avai�able to public by postirq�on tha City Utilities pefore 3/3�/2012 submiGal.
,��i� Engineering
Summarize annua�adivities for'PUblic Imolvement The SWMP and Annual
PI-3 and Participation'component of Annual Report; Utilities Campliance Reportsubmittal
Identify any updates to SWMP. Engineering is due an or before March
31st of each year.
Provide public involvemerrt oppoAunity for planting
P�� project in canjunclion with the completion of the Planning and
ele�ated boardwalk through Aubum's Emironmental Developmant 2012
py� Department
Hast an open house assaciated wiN the Mill Creek P�anning and
P�S Resfnration ProjeG. Development 2012
Hold a pu6lic mceting associated udth the Fenster P�nning and
P�� Levee Sethack ProjecL Development 2012
H:IPUB WRKSIUIIIItlrslSWrtniNPOESIINtlminlstratlon45WMPS@012SWMP12012AUhumSWMPT01P0340.Oax
This section:descn'bes tlie Permit cequuemma celared ro illicit disc6azge detecrion aad eliwination(IDDE),
iaduding descaprioas of the Gt}�'s cu�rmt and planned compliaace acrivities Eor 2012.
5.1 Permit Requirements
The Pemilt(Sxtion SS.C.3)zequi:es the City to:
■ Implement an ongoing progzazn to detect and remove illicit discharges,coaaections,and impioper
disposal,induding any spills into the municipal sepazate storm sewecs owned or operated by the City.
■ Develop a sto�sewer system map;6ave ordinances that pcolilbit illidt dischacges,and create a
pxogiam to detect aad addxess illicit dischazges.
° 'Publicly list and publicue a hotline or other local telephone aum6er Eor public:eporriag of spills and
, � other illidt dischaiges.Tcack illiut discharge reports and actions taken in response through dose-out,
induding taforcement actions.
■ Infocm public employees,businesses and the genexal public of hazazds associaxed with�illegal -
dischacges and improprs disposal of waste.
° Txain staff oa pzoper IDDE xesponse SOPs and municipal field staff to zecognize and report illidt
° 5�,�*++*+a++>e all illicit dischazges aad conaections repornd to the City and response acaons taken,
includiag enfoccement acaoas,ia the�lnnual Compliance Report;identify aay updares eo the SWbiP.
5.2 .Carrent Compliance Activities
The current compliance activities associated with the Pemut include:
° The Ciry has complered the mapping xequired fox the Pexnut and is contiaually adding data ro impzove
the quality of the infozcnation in the stoxm drainage system]zyu of the GIS map. The Ciry also has aa
SOP for keeping the muniupal separate stoim sewer system,map and inventory up-to-date.
• Ciry codes and standuds.alrea3y have sections that addiess the iequired illicit dischazges and civil
� Citizens can xepo=t illicit discharges ox illicit dumping using the published spill hodine numbu or any
of the phone aumbexs published by the City. The calls aze xouted to Opetations and Jlaintenance
whese they aze recoxded and distri6uted,to the�appsopziate respoase authority. �
� The City tracks spills,illidt dischazges,and inspections.
° The Ciry 6as chosea to use CarteGtaph as its issue txaclang and resolurion system.
° The City aeated an IDDE response and enEoxcement SOP.
° The City has trained staff for illicit dischazge zecogniaon aud response.
° The Gty has perfo�ed field assessments at primazy outfalls.
H:IPUB WRKSIUIIIItle5lSbrmINPOESIMOnInLStraCOnISWA1P51Y0725WMP12012AU6umSWMP20720310.tlrcx
� 5:illicit DischargeDetection and Eliminatian . City of Aubum 2012 SWMP �
5.3 P/anned 2012 Compliance Activities
Table�-1 pxesents rhe wozk plan foi 2012St�1P illidt dischazge detection and climination activities.
. • � � . �. . , , .
.TasklD TaskDescripbon� • �' . Lead Compliance
. •:`_� , .. - - --- :.-= _:.. . Timeframe .
- - �---__--___._... .. __ __ .
IDDE-1 Defirie and implement City-wide IDDE Progrdm and U6lilies _ . .,0��� �
deveiopanynecessarysupplemeMaIIDDEaclivities. Engineering
CorNnue W review and update stortn system map to U6lities �. ongoing- . � �
ID�E-2 address data gaps and PertnN requiremerds. Engineering
Conduct a field assessment of one high prioriry water U61i6es �01"P���"�"���
IDDE3 �, .�y � Engineering ��rone high prioriry �
water body Ihis year:
Summadza annuai aclivi6es for'lllicit Discharge The SWMP and Annual ,
I�DEd Detection and Eliminabon'camponent of Annual. Eng neering tlueion or before�March�
Report�dentify any updates to SWMP. 31sf of eadi year.
_ . . . . . . . . . . . . Z . . . . _ _ . . . _ . . .
H�WUB WRKSIUIIIIIIe5V51mnINP�E511Wtrnlnlsttatlon45WA1PS1201YSWMPVT(ItPAUCUmSWMP2(1720320.EOCx
Tliis secaon describes the Pezmit requuemmu related to coatzolling runoff fmm new development,.
zedcvelopment,and construction sites,iacluding descriprioas of the Ciry's cuirent and plaaned compliance
activities for 2012.
6.1 Permit Requirements
The Pem�it(Section S�.C.4)requires the City to:
° Develop,implement,and enforce a prog:am to reduce pollutants in stoanwaxes ruaoff(ie.,illidt
dischazges) to the munidpal sepazau stoccn sewet spstem fcom new development,redevdopmen�and
construcuon sire activides.The progsam must apply to both private and public piojects,includiag
roads,and addcess all const�ucrion/developmeno-associated pollutant soucces.
° 1ldopt regulations (codes and standazds) and implement plan icview,inspecrion,and escalating
enfomanmt SOPs necessazy to implement the pzogram in accocdance with Pemut condirions,
includivg the min'vnucn techaical requixemrnts in Appendix 1 of the Permit.
• Develop provisions (plan xeview,inspection,and enforcement)and SOPs ro allow aoa-sttuctu[al
prevendve acrions and source teducuon appioaches suc6 as Low Impact Decdopmmt uchuiques to
m;n;�.,i�-,�e aearion of impervious_sutfams aad[he distuxbaace oE aadve soils and vegetadon.
° Adopt regulations (codes and standazds) and p:ocesses to vecify adequate long-tecm operaaons and
maintaaaace of new post-constructioa pecmaneat stormwatex facilides and&l4Ps in accozdance with
' Pe�it coaditions,iaduding an anvual inspection &equenry and/or appxoved altemative iaspection
&equency and maintenaace standazds fox privare drainage systems as protective as those in Chaptv I�'
of the 200i Ecology Stom�aatec 111anagement Dfanual Eor Westecn Waslvngton.
' Provide-copies of the Nouce of Intent(NOI) foi constcuctioa�or industrial activities m reptesentarices
of the proposed acw dovdopmeat and redevelopmenc � �
■ Provide tcainiag to staEf oa the new codes, standazds,and SOPs and create public education and
ouueach materials.
• Develop and define a promss to recozd aad maintain all inspecrions and enfoccemeat actions by staff.
• Sutnmarize annual actic�ties£or the"Coatrolling RunofP'compoaeat of the Annual Compliance
Report;identify aciy updares to the SWhII'. -
6.2 Current Compliance Activities
The cuzrent compliance acdvities associated;with the Peanit indude:
° The Citp has existing programs,codes,and standazds that address the Pumit cequiremena foc
management of stom�wate=cunoff Erom development,redevelopment,and construction sires.The City
reciews all stormwatu site plws for pmposed development
H:NUB WRKSWNItletlSlmnINPDESIM�ninlSVatlonlSNRAP5120725W1APIT�12AUEUm5WNP2012034�.eocx �
6:Controlling Runoff irom New Development,Redevelopment
and Construction Sifes Ciry oi Aubum 2012 SWMP
' The City adopted a stomiwatec+*��*+��++ent manual appzoved by�Ecology as equivaleat to the 2005
Sto[mwatei blan2gc111ent Alanual foz Westem Washington. �
• The Ciry has a site�planning process for B11P sekction and design criteria.
° The City inspects all pe[mitced development sites d"^�consuiuuon and aher constcuctioa.
° The Ciry deazly identifies the party responsible for operadons and mainunance (O&Iv� and xequires
long-term O&n1 of pecautted faciliries andBMPs.
' The Ciry tracks and cecozds inspections and enfoxcement acrions by staff.
° The City provides copies of Notices of lntent(ivOI) for construction aad iadusnial activities in the
pre-application meering with developers.
° Construction iaspectors and most building inspectoxs ha��e the requued erosioa control training.
. • The Gty submitted the Petmit requued LID Implementation Report to Ecology.
■ Engineering staff have obtained LID Certification tluough the Wasliington State Univezsity Extension
6.3 Planned 2012 Compliance Activities
The Ciry has a prograzri to help reduce stoxmwates cunoff from new decdopment and consmurion•sites.
Table 6-1 pxesents the work plan for 2012 S��AIP acdcritiesxelated to runoff wntcol for new development,
cedevdopmeat,and construcrion sites.
� . �. -- - - . .
..__ r "_ _. "' . „-- . .� �-.-c�
Task'ID" � Task Descnption � � � `Lead Complianee .,^!
,' ' ' _:'. Timeframe� '
Track and repart canshuction,new developmeM,a�W p�ynningl Pertnft �
CTRL-1. redevelopment pertni6,inspections and eirforcement Center � Ongoing. �
. CTRL-2 �nduct annual inspection of all treetment and flow Utilities pn�going�. �
cantrol(otM1erthancatchbasins)-privatesystems. Engineering -
Summarae annual acti�rities for'ControllingRunoR The SWMP aM Annual
CTRL-3 �m New Development,Redevelopment,and Utlifies . CompGance RepoA submitlal
Construction�Sites'�componentotAnnualReport Engineering ��. �isdueanorbeforeMaich
idenMy arry updffies to SWMP. 31st of each year.
CTRL�4 Additional staHwill obtain LID certifiration tlirough the Utilities Spnng 2012
.Washington Stste Universiry Extension Program. Enginearing
- . _ . . _ . _ . . . . . 2 . . . . . _ . . . _ . . _
H:iPUB WRKSIUmIIk5151ormINP�ESIMtrninlxfratloNSVJNPS12072SWMPlI014AUGUmSWMPT012D720.tlanc
Tbis secaoa descobes the Pemut requiccmenu mlated ro polludon pmtatioa and operations and
mainteaaace fox municipal operatioas,induding descaptions of t6c City's curient aad planaed compliance
activities for 2012.
7.1 Permit Requirements
The Pemiit (Sectioa Si.C.S)requuesthe City to:
■ Develop and implement an 08cD1 pcogrun,with the ultimate goal of prevencing or reducing pollutant
runoff from municipal sepazate stomiwarex system and munidpal 08cD4 acm�ities.
• Establish maintenance standatds foz the municipal separate stormwatex system that aze at least as
pxotective as those specified in the 2005 Stoanwater hfanagement Dlanual fox Westem Washington.
■ Perfocm inspectioas of stoxmaater Elow control and treaunent facilities and catc6 basins and pesform
maintenance as needed to comply with maintenance standazds.
' Check treatmeut aad flow conuol facilities aher major stotms and perform repairs as needed in
ucoxdaace with adopted maintrnance standazds.
■ Have SOPs in place to reduce stoffiwatex impacts assoaated with cunoff from muaicipal O&M
acavities,including but aot limited to stzeets;pazking lo[s,ioads,or highways owned oc maintained by
t6e City,aad ro xeduce pollutants in dischazges from all lands owned or maintaiaed by the Ciry.
■ Txain staff to implement the SOPs and document that tzaining..
■ Prepaze Sroffiwatez Pollurion Prevenrion Plans (SWPPPs) for atl heacy equipment maintenance or
stozage yacds idendEud for yeaz-couad facilities or yazds,and mateual storage facilities owned or
operated by the Ciry. �
° Summadze annual acti�zties foz-the"Polludon Prevmtioa and Operauons and Maintenance foz
�4unicipal Opecatioas"componeat of the�lnnual Compliance Report;idearify any updates to the
7.2 Current Compliance Activities
The�cuzxent compliance actictities associated wirh.the Permit iadude:,
° The Ciry operares an O&M progxam intended to++�;�;m;�P pollufaat zuaoff from municipal
° The City adopted the stoanwater maiatenance standazds listed in the Srormmatec Afanagement
. . . _ _ . . _ . . . . - 1 - - - . . . - - - � - - -
H:NUB WRKSIUIIIItle5lSlamWPOESIMEmInlsrtadonlSWA1PS1201YSWMP12012AUbumSWMP20120920.EOCx
7.Poilution Preven6on�and 08M for Municipal Operations City of Aubum 2012 SWMP
■ The Ciry conducts aad zecoxds the aecessuy maintenance op�cations identified based on inspections
oE sto�water facilities and�catch basins.The City pexfomms spot ck�ecks of potentially da�aaged
pemiaaent txeahnent and Elow coattol facilides aftet sroan events.
° DS&O staff involved with pesdcides,pest managemrnt,and erosion and sediment contiol,receive
tc+'^'�in these areas. The City has developed proceduxes foc these acavities.
° The City has developed'Stoxmwarrs Polludon Prevrntion Plaus for applicable City facilitics.
• Public streets aze swept on a m�+l�r schednle.
7.3 Planned 2012 Compliance Activities
Table 7-1 ptesents the woxk plan for 2012 S�yi�1P activides telated to polluuon preventioa and operations
and maintenance fot municipal operations.
� . �.
Task ID ., -Task Descripfion' Responsitile; .,Scheilule Notes'�
PPQ�.� Conduct annual inspection of all heatment and flow Utililies � pn�going
control(atherihanqtchbasins)—publicsystem. �Engineering
Inspect all public ptch basins at least once during the
PPOM-2 pertnit cyde and per(ortn maintenance as iriggered by M80 On�oing
Ihemaintenancestandards. - -
� Summar'v.a annual activiCes for'Pollution Prevention The SWMP and Mnual
PPOM-3 �and OperaUon and Maintenance'camponeM of.� U61@ies Compliance Report submitlal
�annoal reporl;iderrtify eny updates td SWMP.. Engineering is due on or befo�e March
3lstofeach eac �
PPOM-0 Perform streat sweepirg. M80 Ongoing
_ . . _ . . . . _ . . . . . 2 . _ . . . . . . . . . . .
This section describes the Pemut iequiremepts rdated to warez quality moaitoring,includiag descriprions of
the Ciry's current and planned compliance acriviries foz 2012:
8.1 Permi! Requirements
The Pe�it(Section S8)dces not require municipalities ro conduc[watet quality satnpling ot othei testiag
during this permit tecm,with the Eollowing exceplions:
° Sampling ar testing xequued Eot chazacterizing illicit dischazges pursuaat to the SVU��II"s IDDE
■ Watec qualig•moairoxing xequiced foz compliaace with Total A4aximum Daily Load(I1�L)
conditions(tvater quality cleaa up plaas). The cuamt Pemtit dces aot sequite tha[:lubum perform
TAIDLrrela[ed monitoriag.
° Pccparing fuhue compzeheasive,loag-tesm water qualiry moaitoring plan including two componrnts:
1•) stozmwatec monitoring aad'2) tazgetrd Stoaawatv Afanagemrnt Pmgxam efFectiveaess monitonag.
■ By the 4�:lnnual Compliance Report(I�4arch 31,2011);flubum was requued to idendFy two outfalls
or waveyanms whece peffiaaent stocmwates sampling staaons can be installed and opuared for
funue monitoring. The Ciry is also requued to develop plans to moniroc stormwates,sedimmt,and
ceceiving water for pliysical,chemical,and/or biological chazacterisdcs. One outfall represents high-
density tesidential laad use,aad the other commexcial land use.
� To monitor S�/D4P effecrivmess,the City will aced to idcnrify nvo suitable Progiam quesaous aad
sites whese tazgexed ProgLam effecti'veness monitoring caa bc conductcd and develop a monitoring
plan forthese questions.and sites..The proposed efFectivmcss moaitoring is rcquired to answu the
following types of questions:� �
•How effectico is a specific tazgetedacuon oc a naixow suite of acrions?
•Is the Srormwatex n4anagement Pxogxam ac6ieving a xargeted enviconmenxal outcome?
Ia addiTion,the City is xequired�to proaide the Eollowing monitoriag aad/oi assessment data in each anaual
° �.descriptioa oE any stoxmwater monitoring ox studies conducted by the City during the reporting
penod. If stoxmwatex monitoring was conducted on behalf of the Citp,or if studies ar investigauons
conducted by othez wrides wese ieported to the City,a baePdescription of the type of infozmarion
gatheced or rectived shall be included in the annual xeport.
■ �1n assessment of the appropriateness of the best maaagemrnt practices idenafied by xhe City foi each
component of the SWJiP;and any chaages made,ot anricipated Co be made,to the B\-IPs that were
p:eviously selected to implemeat the SVi/bi]'aad why.
� .
HIPUB WRKSUItlIItlnslSmimINP0E511N@ninistratlonlSWNP512072SWA1P1P012AUbumSWMP20120320.tlocrt �
8:MoniWring � City.of Aubum 2012 SWMP
8.2 Current Compliance Activities
The Ciry developed a map of the sigaificaat munidpal stozmwarex outfalls and has devdoped a monitoriag
plan to implement funu�Pecmit watec qualiry moaitoring requirements..1lthough not xequixed in rhe cuizent .
Pemut,t6e City is peifonning wet weathu fecal colifoxm monitoring of stoxmwatez dischazge to a tributacy
of the W1ute Rives u part of the cecendy appzoved Puyallup Rivex��(/atecshed Fecal Coliform'I'�IDL.
8.3 Planned 2012 Compliance ActiviEies
Table 8-1 pmsents xfie work�plan�.for2012 S\�U:1�II�monitoring acdviries.
� .
� Task ID � � Ta D cnpUon Lead Eompliance -'-•'
- - - � �,. J' Timeffame
� PaNcipete,in.regional and sfate manitoring forums
MNTR-1 and future legislative adions in order to influence Utilities �ntinue participation.
de�elaprt�M of feasible and ettecctive attemalive Engineering
future rtqnitoring requiremen5. �
Summarize annual monitoring activi�es far the Annual The SWMP and Annual
Report;iden6fy any updatas to SWMP induding . Utilities Compliance RepoR submitlal �
MNTR-2 idantificafionofsitesselectedformonitonngande �Engincering isduean�orbeforeMarch
summaryafproposedquestlonsforeffectiveness�- 3lstateacfiyear.
monitori ose des' n and methods. �
Wet weather fenl colifarm monitoring in canjunclion U61iGes Octoher 2011.1hrough.April
MNlFi� ' � .with the Puyallup Rivar Watershed Fecal Coliform Engineedng 2012
. . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 . _ . . . . _ . _ . . _ .
H:IPUO WRKSIUWItlrslSlumINPOESIIIAtrnlni�tratlonlSWMPS12012SWMP12012AUbumSW1AP20720320.Gaa
Acronyms and Definit/ons
H:IPUB WRKSIUUIIHe5151dmINPOESIMdminisbatlonl$WAIPs12012SWMP14012AUhumSWMPTf1120320.0acx
Appendix A:Acronyms and Definitions City of Aubum 2072 SWMP
The following d�6nitions and acronyms aze taken duectly fxom the Phase II Pexmit and aze zepcoduced hece
fonthe reader's convenience.
A%ART-means all known,ac^ailable,and reasonable methods oE prevention,coatrol and ueam�ent.All
known,availabk and teasonable methods of pceveatioa,control and trealmmt refus ro the State
Water Pollution Control Ac[,Chapter 90.48.010 and 90.48520 RC1C�.
Basin Plan is a surface watei managemrnt pxocess consisti�g of xhxee parts: a scientific study of the basin's.
dtainage feanues aod theis quality;dovdoping acrions and recommendadons for resolcing any defuiencies .
discoveced during the study;and implementing the recommendaaons,followed by monitoring.
Best Management Practices("BMPe")aze the schedules of acrieiaes,prohibitions oFpzacaces,
maiatenance procedtu�es,and stzucnual and/oc manageval practices apptoved by the Depamnent[hat,whm
used�smgly or in combmation,precent or xeduce rhe xelease of poIlutants and othei advet"se-impacts to watcTS
of Washington State.
BMP means Best Alanagement Pxacuce.
CFR means Congressional Federal Register.
Componeat oc Yrognm Component means an element of the Sroimwater Management Pmgrim listed in
SS Stom�water D4anagement Progcam for Cities,Towas,and Counries or 56 Stommwites Management
Program foc Secondazy Pemuttees of this pemut.
CWA means Clean Wates flct(formerly xefened to as the Fedcsal Watez Pollution Contxol rlct oz Fedesal
Water Pollution ConuollTct�lmeadmrnts of 197� Pub.L. 92-500,as amended Pub.L. 95-217,Pu6.L. 95-
576,Pub. L. (G-4S3 and Pub. L. 97-117,33 U:S.C: 1251 et seq.
Dischatge for the pucpose of this pezmit means,unless indicared othetwise,aay dischazge fiom a TiS4
owned oc operared by the permittee.
Ecology's Western Washiegton Phase I Muaicipal Stotmwa[er Permit regulaus dischazges from
munieipal separate stoxm sewers owned ox opesated by Clazk,Kiag,Pierce aad Snohoinish Couades,and the
cities of Seattle and Tacoma.
Ecology's Western Washington Phase II Municipal Stormwater Permit covecs mrtaia"small"
municipal sepazare stoimwatu sewex systems.
Entity means another govemmental 6ody,oz public or pri��ate organizadon,such as anothes pavnittee,a �
consecvation distxic[,or volunteer oca ni>ation.
Equivakn[document means a technical stoxmwarer managemeat manual developed by a state agencp,local
govunment or othes entity that includes the�finiaium Technical Requiiements in Appeadix] of.this�Pemut.
The Department tnay conditionally approve manuals that do not indude the 1�finimutn Terl,"niral
Requicements in Appendiz 1;in general,the Best\[anagement Pxacdces induded ia.those documents may be
applied at new decelopmrnt and redevelopment sites,but the 1linnnum Teclinical Requirements ic��lppendix
] must still be met.
Heavy equipment mainteaane�or stotage yazd means an u❑covered azea whece any beavq eqnipment,
such as mowiag equipment,ucacators,dump uvcks,backhoes,or bulldozexs aze washed or maintzined,or
whete at kast 6ve pieces of heacy equipment aze stoxed.
Illicit connection means any man-made coneeyance tl�at is connected to a muniupal sepazate stom�sewei
. without a pemut,exduding roof drains and other similar ty�pe connections. Examples indude�sanitarf sewer
� . . . . . . . . _ , . _ _ A_� . . _ _ . _ . . . . _ . .
� H:IPUB_WRKSIU@IIIe5lSformINP0E5 IIV tlminisVallonlSWMPs12(114 SWMP�2012 Aubum SWMP 4012D320.tlocx
Appendix A:Acronyms and Definitions City of Aubum 7D12 SWMP
conaections,floor dceias,chaaaels,pipelines,conduits,inlets,or outlets that aze coanected d'uectly to the
m�\�l�fTal sepazau stoim sewu system.
Illicit dischazge means any discharge to a municipal separate scorui sewec that is not composed enticely of
srotm water except discharges pucsuant to a NPDES peimit(othec than the NPDES pemut foi disc6azges
from the muniupal sepacate stocin sewer) and dischazges resulting&om fire fighting activiries.
IDDE means Illicit dischuge detection and elimination.
Low Impact Development(LID)means a stoanwatcr management and land decelopment strategy applied
.at the pazcd�and subdicision scale t6at emphasizes mnsexaation and use of on-site nahual feahues integrated
with engiaeered,small-scale hydrologic coauoLs to moce closely mimic pxe-decelopment hpdzologic
� functions.
Major Municipal Sepazate Stotm Sewet Outfall means a municipal sepazate stocro sewer outfall from a
single pipe with an iaside diameter of 36 inches or moze,or its equivalent(dischazge &oma single conveyaac�
other than azculaz pipe which is associated with a dxainage azea of moze than�0 acses);or foz muniapal
sepazate storm sewets that xeceive stormwater from lands zoned EoL iadustrial activiry(based on
comp:ehensive zoning plans ox the equn�alent),an outfall that dischazges fiom a siagle pipe with an inside
diametu of 12 iaches or more or&om its eqtivaleat(discharge Erom other thau a cucular pipe associated
with a dzainage azea of 12 acces oi moxe).
Material Stotage Facilities means an uncovued azea whese bulk materials (liquid,solid,granulax,etc.) are
stoxed in piles,bauels,tanks,bins,crares,oc othec means.
Ma�rimum�Exunt Pruticable (MEP)reEezs to pacagreph 402(p)(3)(B)(iu)of the federal C]ean�ater flct
which Leads as folloars:Pe�its Eor dischazges fiom municipal stomi seavers shall cequue controls to ieduce
the dischazge of pollutants to the maximum eztent pracricable,induding managemeat pxaetices,contxol
techaiques,and system,design,and engineCl�ng. methods,and othez such provision3 as the�ldministcator or
the�State detetmi.nes appzopriate�fox the con[col of such pollutants. � '
MEP meaas Diasiwum Exteat Pxactienble.
MS4—see Municipal Sepatatt Storm SeaverSyetem.
MTRs means hfinimum Technical Requirements. �
Muaicipal Sepaza[e Stortn Sewer System(MS4)means a conveyance,or system of conveyances (including
xoads with draiaage systuns,municipal streets,catch basins,cucbs,gutters,ditches,maamade channds,ox � �
stoan drains):
(i)owned or operaud bp a state,aty,towq borough,counry,pazish,district,association,or othes public bodp
(cceaud by or pucsuant to state law)kiaving jucisdiction over
disposal of wastes,stoxm watez,or other wastes,induding special districts undes state�law sueh as a seaver
district, Elood conrlol district or dzainage district,or similar eatity,oi aa Indian tribe ox an authorized Iadiau
xdbal otganizaaon,ox a designated and apptoved management agency under section 208.of the�CW�1 that
dischazges to wauxs of xhe United States.
(ri)designed ox uscd for collecting or convepiag stormwatex.
(m)which is not a combined sewes;and(iv)which is not part of a Publicly Owned Txeatmmt Woxks
(POTVC� as defined at 40 CFR 122.2.
. . . _ . . _ . . . . . . p_Z . . . . _ . . _ . . . . _
H:WU9 WRKSIUWItlaslSbmINPOESIIVEmInLSrtatlonlSWMPS12012SWMP12D11AUbumSWMP20tt0720.dacx
Appendix A:Acronyms and Definitions City of Aubum 2012.SWMP� �
National Pollut�nt Dischatge Eliminadoa Syetem(NPDES)meaus the narional program Eor iss�"�,
modiEying,zevoking,and ceissuiag,texminatiog,moaitoung and enforcing petmits,aad imposiag and
enforcing pcerrearment requizemrnts,undes secrioas 307,402,318,and 405 of the Federal Cleaa Wauz�1ct,
�� foc fhe disc6azge of pollutants to�sniface waters of the stare from point sotuces.These petmits aze refeaed to
as NPDES petmits and,in Waslvngton Sta[e,aze administered by the\�/aslvngton Deparrmrnt of Ecology.
Notice of Intrnt(NOI)means the application for,or a xequest for co��erage under this Grneral Pexmit
pursuaat to WAC 173-226-200.
Outiall means point sotuce as defined bf 40 CFR 122.2 at the point wheze a municipal sepazate srozm seiver
discharges to watets of the State and does not indude open conveyances connecting tao municipal sepuate
.stoxm sewes.systems,or pipes,tunnels,oc othet conveyances which connect segments o£rhe same stteam ox
othex cvatezs of the State and aze used to convey waters of the State.
O&M means Opexations and blaintenance. � . .
Petmittee unless�othexwise noted,the teim'Temuttee"includes Pextnittee,Co-Pem�ittee,and Sewndatq-
Permittee,as defiaed bdow:
()�1 `Pemvttee"is a uty,town,oc county owniag or operating a zegulated small:1fS4 applying aad ceceiving.
a pexmit as a single entity. �
(u)f1"Co-Petmittee"is any operator of a tegulated small 1454 that is applying joindy with another applicaat
for cove�age uader this Peanit.Co-Permittees oam or operate a regulated small bLS4locaced within oc
adjacent to anothec regulated small MS4.
(ui).r1"Secondacy Pe�ittee"is an opetatoL of xegulated small nLS4 tLat is not a,aty,town,or county.
Small Muaicipal Sepatate Sfotm Sewet System oc Small MS4 is a conveyance or system of conveyances
for muaiapalities having populadons oE less that 100,000 accoxding to t6e 1990 US census. Such systems
indude xoad drainage systans,municipal st�eets,catch basins,cucbs,gutters,ditches,man-made rliaonels,
and/ot storm drains that aze:.
a.Owned ot opetated bf.a dty,town,count}�,district,association o:other public body created .
pucsuant to State law having.jurisdiction ovei disposal of sewage,indusRial wasres,sto�watu,ot othec
wastes,ii�duding special districts under state law such as a sewec distticts, tlood control districxs oc dcainage
distucu,ar�similar eatity.
b. Designed or used foz collecting oc conveying sromiwater.
c.Not a combined sewer system,
d. Not part oE a Publidy Owned Tzeatment�/ocks (POT'VU) as defined at 40 CFR 122.2.
e. Not de&ned as"]arge"oz"medium"puzsuarit to 40 CPR ]22.26(b)(4)& (�or designated undex
40 CFR 122.26 (a)(1)(v).
Small bSS4s inclnde systems similar to sepazate stoxm sewer systems in muniapaliries such as:univecsities,
lazge publidy owned hospitals,prisoa complexes,highways and other thoroughfares.Storm sevver systems in
very dis¢ete azeas such as indrt-idual buildings do not require cocetage under this Pemut.
Small MS4s do no!indude stoan drain systems opezated by non-govecamental enrities such as:individual
buildings,private schools,private colleges,pricate unicessities,and indacttial and commexcial rntities.
. . . . . . _ . . . _ . . A� . . . _ . . . . . . _ _ .
H:IPUB WRNSIUWItlazIS�mnINPOESIMdminislrollonlSVJMPsl2012SWMP12012AUburnSWMP2(112072QEax
Appendix A:A�xnnyms and Definitians City of Aubum 2012 SWMP
SOP means standazd opecating pxocedute.
Stoemwaut means runoff during and following pzecipitation and snowmelt ecenu,iacludiag surface xunoff
aad dxaiaage.
Stomiwatee Aseociated with Industrial and Consuvcdon Activity means d�e discharge from any
2conveyance wlvch is used for coliPr+,�and conveping stozmaatrs,which is direcdy=elated to
maaufacmring,pzocessing or rew matexials storage areas at an indushial plant,or assoaated with ckaring
gtading and/oc excavation,and is required to have au NPDES pacmit in accoidance with 40 CFR 122.26.
Stormwatet Management Manttal fot Westem Washing[on means the a�olwne tecl�nical maaual
(Publication Nos.99-11 duough 15 for the2001 �ecsion aad Publication Nos.OS-10-029-033 foz the 200�
vusioa(I'he 2005 cecsioa nplaces the Z001 vecsion)prepazed by Ecology for use by local gocernments that
contains BMPs to pievmt,control,or tceat pollution in stocm watec.
Stormwatet Management Ptogtam(SWMP)means a set of actions and acdvides designed to reduce the
dischazge of,pollutants fzom the iegulated small MS4 to the maximutn extent pracricahk and to protect water '
quality,and comprising the componrnts listed ia SS or SG of this Pennit aad aas additioasl actions aecessuy
to meet the requuemmts of applicable.
Total Maiamum Daily Load.(TNIDL)is:a cakulaaoa of the masinium amount of a pollutant that a
watecbody can ceceive and still meet water quality standuds,
. . . . . . _ � _ . . . . - A1 . . . . _ . . . . . _ _ .
H:1PI1B_WRK51UWItlazLSImnINPDES IMtrninl5tratlonlSWMPS12014 SWMP1T012 Auhum SWMP 20120.120.UOCa