HomeMy WebLinkAbout201109120004QUIT CLAIM DEED 06302011 ' ��L�° B� ��`�� � Il�llllllll�lllllllll�lllllllllllllllllllll�lllqlll�llllllll� �`' ���� (,��.el� ��O 201109120004 9 PGS � 09l1212�11 08:37:02 RM $70.00 ' = � PIERCE COUNTY; WRSHINGTON WHEN RECORDED RETURN TO: ' • Aubum City Clerk 25 West Main Sueet Au6urn, WA 98001 QUIT CLAIM DEED � Grantor(s): Pierce Counry Grantee: Ciry of Aubum . Tax Parcel Nos:OS-20-06-3-008;05-20-06-3-001;OS-20-06-4-001;05=20-OS-3-048; OS-20-OS-3-042 THE GRANTOR(S), Pierce CounTy,a Municipa]Corporation and a Political Subdivision of the. State of Washington, forand in consideration of mutual benefitsand in furtherconsideration of the.general public welfare and of the peculiaz and special benefits to accrue to us therefrom,conveys and quit claims to the City of Auburn,a municipal corporation and political subdivision of the State of Washington the following described real estate;situated in the County of Pierce, State of Washington,together with all - . after-acquired tiNe of the Grantor(s)thercin,to wit: SEE ATTACHED EXHIBIT"A" IN WIT'NESS W EREOF, said w tion has caused this instrument to be executed by iu proper officers this��day of ,20�_. PIERCE COUN \�`.� c ; � 3a/// Pierce Counry Execuhve ate 1 of 9 ' 09/12/2011 U8:]S:W RM KYOHN aZ686� 8 P�S ' I EXCISE COLLECTEO: =0.00 PROC FEE =5.00 � AUDITOR — /'� � PIERCE COUNTT, YA TECH FEE: �5.00 , lJ F P���O F G� � ' G���cP� 5 ti0�� G� OG,� . � � � � .. � �� � . ; ACKNOWLEDGMENT STATE OF WASHINGTON ) ) Counry of Pierce ) 1 certify that I know or have satisfactory evidence that � is/ase-the person(s)who appeazed before me,and said person{sj'acknowledged HC/she/�ey signed th s instrument,on oath staud thatJie/she/tbe9 was/�authorized to execute the instrument and , acknowledged it as the �P,�,�,T�-LLt.e of Pieice Counry,a Municipal Corporation and Political Subdivision of the State of Washington,to be the free and voluntary act of such party for the uses Iand purposes mentioned in the instrument. DATED this �V . day of ,20�. r (Print Name) ,�puu�i���� � �..•'` pt10E 8, A,, r.� ..,..,.,,,� , � �� �p: otary Pu6Ii a d for the S,�ate of W hin on ���NOTA� �°' Residing at���f� : _ �� ���: =��.ptJBL C = 4 .M��: My Appointment Expires: -9�•�'.!s.....r �.• �"''�•.............��''�� �-��� -�01�- ROVED as to form only: Pierce County Deputy Pros cuting Attorney i QCD.doc � . � 2 of 9 � � � l 1 EXHIBIT "A" Those portions of t6e hezeinaRer described Tract'7{"deunbed as follows: Parcel l. Begismnng at a pomt opposite Etrginee�s Station,heremafter refcesed W as"FS";SAR 12+49.80; on the ceaterline of the Sout}i Access Ramp,at a point 36.64 feet Eastaly tfiere�om;thmce So�erly to a point oppacite ES SAR I3+59.50 and 93.16 feet F�asterly therefrom;tLence Westeriy m a pomt opposite ES SAR 14+00.00 and 26.50 feet Easurly ffiecefroax thence Southerly and Sout}icasteriy,parallel with said centaliue W a poiut opposite ES SAR 24+00.00 and 26.50 feetNo_rtheastcdy�uefrom;the�e Northeasterly to a,point opposite ES SAR 24+OO:QO and 50.00£cet Northeas[erly therefinm;thon¢eNortherly to a point opposite ES LTPE 92+52.63 oa the centerliae of Lake I'apps Parkway East and I50.00 feet Southwesterly there&om; , thtnoe Easterly to a poiat oppos�te;FS LTPE 92+g9.16 and 102:37 feet Southwestedy thue&om; thence Northerly ro a point opposife ES LTPE 9U+77.a6 and 60.00 fect Northeasterly there&om; ' thence Southeastaly,parallel with said centerline,to a pomt,opposite ES LTPE 96+56.72 and 60.00 feat Northeaeterly t6erefrom;thmce Southerly to a poinf apposite ES LTPE 100+79.77 and 110.83 feet Southwesterly therefro�thence Westaly,along the arc of a c�ve W the left with a QCD.doc }of 9 , � radius of 2]0.00 feet,to a point opposix ES SAR 29-28.20 uad 42.25 feet Southerly therefiom; thence Northerly to a_poi�opposite ES SAR 29+28.20 and 33.50 feet Southerly rhexc&om;thcace ' WesEerly andNoithwesterly,paratlel with said ccnurline,to a point opposiu ES SAR 12+42.98 and 33.50 feet Westerly therefrom;fl�ence FacteTly m the poini of begumnmg: EXCEPT that portion of the heteiabefore described Parcel I Fwimded by tLe following described liae: � Beginning at a point opposite ES LTPE 94+25.48 and 55.00 feet Southwestedy iherefrom; thance Southcrly;paralle!with said cmterline,to a poiat appoute ES LTPE 98+90.69 and 55.00 feet Southwesterly therefrom;thence Southwestesly,aloag the arc of a curve to t}x right . with a radius of 76.50 fcet,to a pomt oppositc ES SAR 28+63.96 and 26.50 feet Northaly therefrom; thence Westerly;paiazaltel with said crnterIine,to a point opposite ES SAR 26+40.00 and 26.50 feet Northaly thucfrom;thcncc I`oxthcrIy to thc point of beginning. Pazcei 2 $egitming at a point.opposite Fngmerr's Statioa,hereiaafter refared to as "ES",LTPE 103+00.76, on:the centerline of Lake Tapps Parhvay Eas[,at a point 60.00 feet Norrbeasterly therefrom; theace Soadieastarly,parallel with said ceatarline,to a poi�opposiu ES LTPE 111+30.00 aad 60.00 fcet 1Vortherly theiefrom;thence Northerly to a point opposite ES LTPE 111+30.00 and 220.00 feet Northerly tharefrom;theace Enscerly to a poirn opposi4e ES LTPE 115+00.00 oad 370.00 feet Northarly ther�from:theace SoutheasterIy to a point opposite ES LTPE 116+00.00 and 320.00 foct Nort6orly therefrom;thencc Southcrly W a poiat opposite ES LTPE 116+SO.00 and 200.00 feet Northerly there&om;thrnce Southerly to a po'vrt opposite ESLTPE 176+50.00 and 60.00 feet Noithoily thercfrom;thenco Fasterly,parallel with said centerlinc,to a point opposite ES LTPE 123+24.00 and 60.00 feet Northerly thuefrom;thmce Easterly to a poiat opposite ES L'['PE 124+00.00 and 63.00 feet Northerly d�era&oa�thence Sastaly,parailef with said centaline,m a point opposita ES LTPE 132+40.00 aad 63.00 feet Northerly therefrom;theace Easterly w a pomt opposite BS LTPB 133+00.00 and 60.00 feet Northaly thvefrom;thence Northeusterly,paxallel with said centertiae,m a pomt opposite ES LTPE 140+42.22 and 60.00 feat Northerly therefrom;thence Northeasterly to a point opposite ES LTPE 140+71.30 and 83.45 feet Northerly thcrefrom;thence Northvvesterly,along the arc of a curve to the right with a mdius of 2566.50 feet,m a poim opposite ES LTPE 140+66.36 and 247.06 feet Northwesterly tbetefra�: theace Northeasterly to a point oppasite ES LTPE 141+29.36 snd 246.97 fxt Nart6westcr2y therefroaX tiunce Southeasterly,a]oag the.erc of a c�uve ro the Ieft wif6 a radius of 2503.50&et, to a paint opposite ES LTPE 141+34.71 and 79.12 fcet Northwestuly therefrom;thrnce Somheasttrly to a point opposiu ES LTPE 147+55.22 and 60.00 fret North�vestaly therefrom; thencc Northeasterly,para11e1 with said centerline,to a.poia[opposite ES LITE 145+00.00 and 60.00 feet Northwesterly tlierefroxa;thence Southeasterly to a pomt opposite FS LTPE 145+00.00 and 52.00 feet Northwesterly thdrefrom;theuce Northeastesly,paiallel with said omterline, ro a ' poiat oppositc ES LTPE 147+53.59 and 52.00 fcet Northwesterly theKfrom;thence Easmrly to a , poiM opposise ES LTPE 149+98.44 and SO.OD feet Southeatiterly therefinm;thence Souihwestesly, parallcl wiih said ccntezl�se,ro a poiat opposix ES LTPE 142+00.00 and 50.00 feet Southeasterly d�erehom;ttience Soud,easterty to apoim opposiu ES LTPE 142+00.00 and 58.00 feet Southeasterly thue&am�;thmce Southwcstaly to a pomt appositc ES LTPE I41+G4.41 and 58.00 feet Southeasoccly therefrom;thence Souther2y to a point opposite ES LTPE 141+49.36 aad 74.14 fat SoutLeasterly tLcreBo[�thence Southeasterty,along the arc of a cmve to the right with a radius of 765.00 feet,W a point opposite FS L'I'PE 141+38.92 and 257.92 feet Southeseterly therchom;theace Southwesierly to a poiut opposiis ES LTPE 140+70.02 and 245.57 feet Southeaster2y there�om;thence Noxthaestcly,aloag the are of a curve to the left with a radins of QCD.doc . 4 of 9 ' . , 695.00 feet,to a poiat oppoate FS LTPE 140+79.15 and 7339 feet Swtheasterly therefrom; thrncc Wostcrly to a pout opposite ES LTPE 14Q+52.18 and 58.00 feet Southeasxrly thetefrom; thence Southwesterly,psrallel with said ceaterliae,ro a point opposix ES LTPE 124+00.00 and 58.00 feet Southerly therefrom;thence Westerly w a point opposite ES LTPE 123+24.00 and 55.00 feet Southerly thcrefrom;thencc Northwesterly,pazallel with said centerlina,to a point ' opporiu ES LTPE 104+50.91 snd 55.00 fect Southwesperly therefrom;thence Northerly to the point of beginaing. • Pazce13 Bcginning at a point opposite Engineer's Station,hereinafter refernd m as "ES';EVHE 48+g3.26 on the cmterline of East Va11ey Highway EaSt,at a point 45.47 feet Eaaurly ttiora&om;thence Eastedy to a poirn opposite ES EVF�48+g2.70 and 62.90 fat Easterly therefrom;ttience Southerly to a point opposiu ES EVfiE 46+78.84 and 69.40 feet Eastetly thacfrom;thence SautheAy to a point opposite ES EVI3E 41+47.64 and 30.04 feet Easterly thaefrom;theace Nort�erly along the existmg Easterly right-0f-way line of Aasc Valley Highway East to the point of �6�& Pazcd 4(Pon� Begmning at a poiat opposife$pginee�c Sbtion,beremafte zeferxd to ss "ES",LTPE 153+55.72 oa the ccnterliue of Lake Tapps Pazkway East and 749.50 feet SoWhedy therefrom;tluna Noxthcasterly to a point opposite ES LTPE 153+75.54 and 711.89&ct Southezly there&om;thence ' Northeastcrly oa a straight line to a point opposiu ES LTPE 153+98A2 and 68030 feet Southerly therofrom;thence Northeastaly oa a s�aight line to a point oppasiu ES LTPE 154+44.61 and 596.28 faet Southerly therefro�thenca Northeasterly on a maiglrt liae W a paint oppoeix ES LTPE 155+04.86 and 483.44 feeiSoutherly therefiom;theace Northeasterly oa a straight line m a poim opposite ES LTPE 155+19.96 and 446.76 fect Sautherly therefrom;thrnce NortLerly M a point opposite FS LTPE 155+16.62'and 348.08 feet Sw[herly tterefroaa;theace Easteriy oa a maight line to a poim opposiu ES ISPE 155+65.15 and 353.1 Y feet Southerly therefrom;thence , Southerly on a suaight liue to s pomt opposice ES LTPE I Sr26.86 and 748.59 feet Southerly thetefrom;thence Wesrerly on a straigt�t tine m tlie point ofbeginning aad the termim�s ofthis dacription. Together with a pe�pewal easement and privilege to construct and maintain wu and/or filIs for slopes occaziaaed by thc origmat grading and te-establishme�s of gcades for strcct pmposes aloag,accoss,and upon the followiag descn'bed real pmperties situated in Pieice County. TogMhu with the rigM w mur upon said Isemises az aay dme with all necessary men,materiat,and equiPmen[for the gurposes of . construoYi°8>�P«�&�8,aod maintninmg the same.m wit . . Parce15 Beginning at a point opposite Engineer's Station,hereinaftei ieferred to as "ES",LTPE 141+52.18 on the cemerline of Lake Tapps Parkway Eest and 62.83 feet Northerly therefrom;thence Nortl�easterly on a staigLt line m a point opposite ES L1'PE (44+75.00 and 68.00 fett Northerly thcxefroai;thence Northeastcrly to a pourt opposite ES LTPE 146+40.00 and ]04.00 feet Nortberly ttierefrona;tlxace Northeasxrly to a poiat opposiu ES LTPE 146+58.86�d 105.18 feet Noxtthecly therefrarn;thmee Eastrrly on a stmip,ht 1'me to a poiat opposite ES LTPE 147+5359 and 52.00 feet Noxthealy tLaefrom;thence Suuttiwescerly pazallel with the centclme of Iskc Tapps perkway East fo a point opposiu ES L14E 145+00.00 aad 52.00 feet Northerly therefirom;theace Northaestaly to a pomt opposiu ES LTPE I45+OO.OU and 60.00 fcet Northerly theiefrom;thence Southwesterly parallel with said centertiae co a point opposiu ES LTPE 141+55.22 and 60.00 feet Northesly thaefroa�theaco Northwesterly ro Nu poiat of begiaaing. QCD.doc � 5 of 9 � � Parcel 6 Beginning at a pomt opposite Engiaeer's Station,hereiaafterzeferred to as"'ES",LTPE 141+62.68 on the centerline of Lake Tapps Pazkway East and 59.85 feet Southerly therefrom;thence Norttxasterly on a sstraaiight line W a povrt opposih ES LTPE 147+f 0.00 and 76.00 feat Soutl�edy therefrom;rhence Northeasurcly on a straight line to a point opposice ES LTPE 150+5122 and 62.00 fert Southerly therehom;thence Westerly to a poio¢t opposire ES LTPE 149+98.44 aad 50.00 feet Southerly therefrom;thence Soutt�westerly,parallel with said centerline to a point opposite ES LTPE 142+00.00 aad 50.00 feac Southeasteriy therefrom;the¢ce Southeastecly to a point opposite ES LTPE 142+00:00 and 58.00 feet Southerly therefrom;thmce Southwestuly to a poim opposiu ES LTPE 141+64.41.and 58.00 feot Southeastarly therefrom;tLence Southwesteriy to the point of beginmag. Togethv with a peipatusl easemeat far the conshvctien,improvemmt,inspection,mairnenance and , � , repair of storm drainago facilities,(inclndiag but not limiteil to storm sewer pipelme(s),manholes,catch ' basins,dryweIls,iafiltelion systems.ileuntion/retention ponds,swales,and other appurtenant storm dxamage shuctures and fecilities)in and to said foIlowing descnbed zeal property situate ia Pierce Cotmty. Together with the right of Pierce County officexs; officials and ageats to eater upon said premises at any time with all necessary mea,material'aad equipment for tha purposes of cons�uctin�inspecting,repaixin8 and maintaining the seaie. i Parcd 7 Beginmag at a poi�appoaiu Enginear's Starion,heroinafter referred W as"ES",LTPE 155+63.11 on thtcemerlinc of Lake Tapps Parkway East and 369.38 feeYSoutherly therefrom;thence Eastedy to a point opposite ES'STFIE 31+20.94 on du ceaterline of Sumna-Tapps Highway $xtcnsion and 369�79 feet Southecly therefrom;thence Northeaeterly on a straight line to a poiat opposite ES STHE 31+21.53 and 256.09 feet Soui6exly 11�arefrom;tbenee Eastarly on a straight line W a point apposite ES STHE 31+41.26 and 227.67 feet Southarly therefrom;thenee Northerly on a straight line'to a point opposite ES STHE 30+94.19 and 66.01 feet Southerly therefirom; theace EasterIy on a sttaight liae to a point opposite FS STHE 31r16.28 and 41.29 feet Southerly @ierefrom;thrnce Southcrly oa a shaight line to a point opposite ES STFIE 31+66.90 snd 253.24 fcct Southerly therefrom;thaue Wcstcrly oa a straigLt lirie to a point opposita ES S'17�31+33.72 and 281:10 fcct Sontherly lhexefrom;thencc Sonthwasurly oa u s�aight line to a point opposite ES � STHE 31+30.50 and 394.11 feet Sonthedy tharefi'om;thence Westerly oa a strai�t tiae to a point oppositc ES L'fPE 155+58.37 nnd 408.93 feot Southerly thexefrom;thwae Noitherly on a s4aigbt ]ine to thc point of beginniug and the termmvs of this description. Pazccl S Begianing at a point opposiu Enginwz's SWtion,hereiaafler refened co as"ES"SAR 24+11.69 on the centerline of ffie South Accesa Ramp and 47.30&et SoutLaly thomfrom;theace Southwesterly ! on a semight litu m a point opposite'BS" SAI2 24+30.77 and 215.00 feet Sontl�ctly therefrom; thence Srnxthcasterly otc a stmight liae to a point opposita"ES"SAR 24+5 t.49 and 2Q0.87 feet Sosstherly thcrefrom;thcace Northeasxrly on a straight line to a poiat opposite"ES"SAIt 24+38.99 and 41.92 fxt Swtherly thcrefrom;tbiance Northwasxrly aloag the Sowbezly right-of- way line of the South Access Ramp W 1�e point of baginniug and tha tar�us of tbis descriprion. � . QCD.doc �- 6 of 9 . � Togedier with a perpetual easemwt,allowiag iagcss and egress over,under and across the foUowing described propeRy,to-wit: Parccl 9 Beginniag st u poi�opposite Engiaea's Smtion,hereimaftci rcfe�xed to ss"ES",LTPE 155+57.42 oa the centerliae of Lak't Tapps Pazkway East and 4]7,20 feet SoutherIy there&om;thence - Northeastcrly oa a straightliae to a poiat oppossii�e ES LTPE 155+79.08 and 386.48 feet Sonffierly dierefroan;tbence Fasterly on a shaight line m a poiat opposiu ES S113E 32+18.26 on the ceaterline of Su�a-Tapps Fiighway E�cteasioa and 297:17 feet Southerly tharefrom;thence Souffierly oa a straight line to a pomt opposiu ES STHE 32+23.89 and 340.44&et Sousherly thcrcfrom;thence Eastcrly on a straight line to a point opposite ES STHE 32+40.91 and 336.61 feet Southecty therefrom;tLmce Northerly to a pomt opposite ES STHE 32+19.68 and 171.36 fea Southerly therefrom;tfimce Vorthwestaly on a straight tiae to a poiat oppoeite ES STEIE ?1+38.74 and 63:67 feet Sotrthcrly therefrom;thence Northwesterly on a shaiglrt Ime to e point. apposite ES STf�31+22.27 and 38:89.fect 3outherly therefrocn;thence Wesuxly on a straigbt line to a pomt opposite fiS STf�31+17.1 S and 4052 feet Sontherly d�ecefrom;thence Westerly on a shaight litte to a poinE opposiu ES SiHE 3]+02.31 and 55:44 fxt Southaly therefrom; . . thencc Southe�terly an a saaight line to a pomt opposite ES S7'H$31+Z6:38 and 86.54 feet SouHur2y therefrom;thence Southeastaty oa a straight 15ne to a poiaf opposice ES STTiE 32+00.06 ead 185.49 feet Southa�ly ehere&om;thmce Southerly on a shaiglu line to a poisR opposite ES STFIE 32+14.06 and 267.95 fcet Soathedy thetefi�oa�tbeace Westezly on a sffaight liae to a poart opposioe ES LTPE 155+64.90 a�355.09 5eet Southerly tlraefrom;thence Southcly oa a saaiglrt t'me M tlie point of begi�nnd the mrmians of tlus descriptiam. Tract"X" Out Parcel: Governmmt Lot 6 m SECITON 6;TOWNSHII'20 NORTH,RANGE 5 EAS?,W.M.; EXCEPT North 115 feet thereof; AI.SO EXCEPT the rigln-of-way of the Nard�em Pacific Railway Company; AtSO EXCEPT a sttip of laad I S feet m width actjaceat to and pa:allel with the East line of the iigLt-of-way of ihe.NorthemPacific Raiiway Compaay as coavayed ro the SeattlaTecoma Poava Company,a cocpomtioa,by Deed cecotdcd under Pietoe Connty Auclitor's File No. 189228; ALSO EXCEPT that poraon described az follows: Commencing at tho intesaection of the South}iae of the North I 15 feet of said Govemment La 6 and the East maxgin of a strip of land 15 fxt ia width as com�eyed m Seaffie-'fuoma Power Compazry by Deed recorded vnder Auditor's FilcNo.;189228;tLmce Easterly atong said Swth line,267.13 feet and the point of beginning of ti�is exceptioa;thrnce eon�umg Eastuly along said Sonlhcly line,484 ke�theaco SoutLeriy at right angles to seid South line, 475 feet;thence Westaly pareilel witB said Sauth Iine,34d feet;thmce Northwesterly in a stcaight tme 495.2 feet to ibe pofat of beginniag; AiSO EXCEPT County Road: . Sitvate in the Couuty o£Pierce,State of Waslrington. � QCD.dac , 7 of 9 � r Parcel"B": The North 5 acres of rhe Northwesc quaztei of the Southeast quarter of the Southwest qusrta of 8EC1'ION 5,TOR'NSfiIP 201YORTH,RANGE 5 EAST of tho W.M.,m Fiorco County, Wasbington EXCEPT County Road. Parcel"C": Beginning at the NortLeast comer of the Smrthwest quarter of the Southwest quartcr.of SECPION 5,TOW�TSHIP 20 NORTH,RANGE 5 EAST oithe W.M.,ia Pierce County,Wasbingtom;thence West aloag the NoRh linc of said subdivision, 132 feet;thence South parallel with tl�e East line of said subdivision,334 feet;thence£ast parallel with t5e North line of said sabdivision,132 feet to ffie East liae t�ureof;thrnce North along said East fine,330 feet to the point of beginnuig. , EXCEPT County Road. Parcel"D" Commencing at the Southwest corna of SECTIONS,TOWNSEiIP 20 NORTH,RANGE 5 EAST of ihe W.M,in Pierce County,Washington;thenceNorth along ihe West line of said Sectioa 40 rods to the true point of be^'�;ffiarca continuing I�orth atoag said West line 40 rods to the Northwest carner of the Southwest quartcr of the Southwest quarter of said Section 5;tha�ce East along said North line 20 roils;t6ence South 40 rods;thenee Wost 20 rods to the true point of beBim�in8• EXC£PT that portion conveyed tv Piace County undor Auditor's No. 9703120171. Parcel"E" The Southwest quarter of the Sowhwest quartet of SEC1'ION 5;TOWNSHIP 20.NORTH, RANG�5 EAST of the W:M.,in Piexce Couaty,Waslvngtoa EXCEPT the South 40=ods,AND EXCEPT thc West 20 rods of the North 40 rods,ANA EXCEPT Fast 8 rods of the North 40 rods. - EXCEPT tbat portioa comeyed to Pierce County under Auditor's No. 9703120171. Pazcel'•I" The Sourtheast quaxter of SECTFON 6,TOWNSHIP 20 NORTH,RANGE 5 EAST of the WIM.,m Pierce Co�mty,Washington. EXCEPT portion coaveyed tb Piace Counry by W�rantyDeed recorded under Auditor's No. 9703120171, EXCEPT porhon conveyed to Pierce Co�ty hy Warcanty Deed recorded undcr Audimr's No. 200002070180. . QCD.doc� � � S of 9 � . , Parcel"J„ 'the East half of tke Southwest quarter of SECITON 6,TOWNSHIP 20:VOR7H,RANGE 5 EAST of the IPP.M., inPierce Coumy,Washington. EXCEPT therefrom a strip of land 100 fact widc along the West side of said property deeded to the Paafic Coast Power Company,said 2 00 foot sVip oflland being the West 100 feet of said East half of the Southwest quarter,AND EXCEPT the East 170 feet of the West 270 feet measured ac right angles to the West line of the � East half of the Southwest quarter. EXCEPT tbat portion convcyed to Pierce Counry undor Auditor's No. 9703120171. The knds huein dcscribed conffiin an area of 531;987 square£ect plus 28,880 square fect for slope casyment,plvs 23,562 squan feet fa�dzainage easement,plus 19,869 squaie Pcet for access easement more or less,die specifio details concermag a11 of which aze to be found m that ceitain map of defimte iocarion now of recorii aad oa file ia dm office of the D'aector of Pierce Coimty Public Works and Utilities in Tacoma,V✓ashiagton,and beariag date of approval�'G�s Z?��0/ ,and beariag Counry Road P:oject(CRP)No.5434,eatided Lake Tapps Parkway East. i QCD.doc 9 of 9 . � � PIERCE COUIVTY PUBLIC WORKS AND UTILITIES PROJECT ENGINEERING DIVISION MEMORANDUM Date: October 25, 2012 To: File From: Jeff Wong, SR/WA, Right-of-Way Agent� Subject: Re-record of AFN 201109120004 In 2011, the Ciry of Aubum requested Pierce County to transfer property rights acquired under AuditoYs File Number(AFN) 200102230691 to the City of Auburn. At that time,neither party was awaze that AFN 200102230691 was subsequently re-recorded under AF'Ns 200108200863 and 200305280714 in order to correct the legal desc�iption. The subsequent Quit Claim Deed recorded under AF'N 201 I09120004 erroneously included the legal description from AFN 200102230691. Both Pierce County and the City of Auburn agree that AFN 20ll 09120004 should to be re-recorded to match the legal description contained in AFN 200305280714. Acknowledged by: Pi ce Coynty: �l�'� � -2�- 2 Brian D. Stacy, P.E:, Count E gineer Date City of Auburn: �� D�i��ow`c{y, Dire or of Public Works Date JKW Attachments cc: File Memo to File for Rerewrd 20121025.doc EXHIBIT "A" Those poxtions of the hereinafter described Tnct"X"descnbed as follows: Pazcel i Beginning at a point opposite Enginee�'s Station,hgreinafter rcfened to as"ES",SAR 12+49.80; on the centerline of the S6uth Access Ramp,at a pomt 36.64 feet Easterly tfierefrom;thence Southerly to a point opposite ES SAR I3+�9.50 and 93.16 feet Easterly therefrom;thence Westerly to a point opposite ES SAlt 14+00.00 and 26.SD feet Fasterly tbeiefrom;r,hence Southerly and Souttieasterly,para2tel with said centerline to a pai�opposite ES SAR 1A+00.00 and 26:50 feeYNortiieastcrIy therefrom;thenccNortheastccly to a point oppasite ES SAR 24+04.00.and 50.00�eet Northeastarly there&om;theace Northerly to a poim opposite ES LTT'E 92+52.63 on the centerline of Lake Tapps Parkway East and L 50.00 feet Southwesterly therefrom; thence Faste��y to a poinY oppo�,"i�`,�:ES LTPE 92+89.16 and 102.37 feet Southwesterly thezefrom; thence Northerly toa point oppos`ite BS L7'P&90+77.46 and 60.00 Peet Nurtheasterly therc&om; thence Southeasterly,pazallel with said canteriine,tb a point opposite ES LTl'E 98+56.72 and 60.00 feat Northeaaterly tberefrom;the,nce Southerly to a point opposite&S LTPE 100+'79.77 and 110.83 feet Southwesterly therefrom;thence�Vesterly,along the arc of a c�sve to the left with a QCD.doc 3 of 9 _ _. _. - _ _. _ _ _ _. _ _. - radius of 270.00 fcet,to a point oppbsite ES $AR 29+28:20 an<142.25 feet Southerly ttierefrom; thence Northerly to a poira opposite kS SAR 29+28.20 and 33.50 feot Southerly cherefrom;thence Westcrly and Northwesterly,parallel with said ccnterline,to a point opposite ES SAR 12+42.98 and 33:50 feet Westerly therefrom; therice Easteily to the poin[of beginning. EXCEP`P tfiat portion of the.hereinbefore described Pazcel t bounded by tl�e following desetibed line: Beginning at a point opposite ES LTPE 94+25.48 and 55.00 feet Southwesterly therefirom; thance Southerly,parallel with soid centerline,to a point opposite ES LTPE 98+90.69 and 55.00 feet Soufhwesterly ttierefrom;ihenae:Soutfiwestedy,aloag the arc of a curve to the rigtu with a radius of 76.50 fcet,to a pomt opposita BS SAR 28+63.96 and 26.50 fcet Noxtherly thecefrom; thence Westerly,parallel with said centerline,to a poisrt opposite ES SAR 2G+40.00 and 26.50 feet Northerly therefrom;thence Northerly to the point ofixginning. Parcel2 Begi�zning at a point opposite Engineets Station,hereinafter referred to as"ES",LTPE 103+00.76, on the centerline of I.ake Tapps Parkway Eas[,at a point 60.00 feet NortLeasterly therefrom; thence Southeastarly,parallel with eaid cente;lme,to a point opposite ES I.TPE 111+30.00.anc! 60.00 feet Northerly the;efrom;thenceNortherly to a point opyosite ES LTPE 1 i 2+30.OQ and 220.00 faet Northcrly therafrom;thence Eustprly to a point opposite ES LTPE 115+00.00 aud 370.00 fget Northerly thetefrbm;thence SoutfieasterIy to a point opposite ES LTPE 116-}00,00 and 320.00 f�et Northcily thercfrom;tharce Southerly W a poiM oppositc ES LTP$ 116+SO.OU and 200.00 feet Northerly therefrom;thenca Southerly to a point opposite ES LTPE 116+50.00 and 60.00 fext No:therly there&om;thence Easterly,pazallel vnith said centerline,to a point opposito ES LTPE 123+24.00 and 60.00 feet Northerly therefrom;thence Easterly to a point opposite ES LTPE 124+00.00 and 63.00 feet Norther[y therefrom;fl�ence Easterly,parallei with said centerline,to a point oppoaita&S LTPE 132+40.00 and 63.00 feet Northerly ttiereftom;thence Easterly w a point opposite ES LTPE 133+00.00 aiid 60.00 feet Norttierly ffierefro�theace Northeasterly,perallel�yith said centarline,m a point opposite ES LTPE 140+42.22 and 60.00 feat Northerly therefrom;Uience Nottheasterly to a poini opposite ES LTPE 140+7230 and 83.45 feet �Tortherly thcrofrom;thcnce NwRvwcsterly,along tfie azc of a curve to the right with a rndius of 2566.50 feet,to a point opposite FS LTPB 140+fi6.36 and 247.06 feei Northwesterly therefrom; ffreaca Nurtheasterly to a poinf opposito ES LTPE 14I+2936 atid 246.97 feetNorthwactcrIy tliere£ro�thence Southe.asterly,along the aze of a cuxve to the left with a radius of 2503.50 feet, to a point opposite ES LTPE 141+34.71 and 79.12 feet Northwesterly t8erefrom;thence SoutheasterIy to a point opposite ES L'I'PE t47+55:22 aot160.00 feec Norrhwestrrly there&om; thence Northeasterly,pazallel with said centerline,to a point oppQsite ES LTPE 145+00.00 and 60.00 feet Northwesterly therafrom;tiience 5outiiei+sterly to a point oppoaita ES LTPE 145�+�00.00 and 52.00 feet Northwesterly therefrom;thence Noirtlieasterly,paralle]with said ceutedine,to a point opposite ES LTPE 147+53.54 aiid 52.00 feet Northwesterly therefrom;thence Eastorly W a point'opposite ES LTPE 149+98�.d9arit}39:09'�'eet Southeasterly therefrom;thwce Southwesterly, parallel viith 3aid ccntpdmq to a point opposito BS LTPL 142+00.00 and S$A��eet Southeastcrly therefrom;thence Southeasterly to a point opposite ES LTPE 142+00.00 and'S$rtTO� SoutheastCrly therefrbm;thence Southwesterly to a pomt appasite ES LTPE 141+�#�k3�nd�d-00**** feet Sontheastexly there&+om;thence Swtfierly to a poim opposite ES LTPE 141+49:36 and 74.14 fat Southeasterty thereflrom;rhence Southeasterly,along the arc of a curve to the right viith a radius of 765.00 feet,to a point opposite ES LTPE 141+38.92 and 25792 feet Southeasterly therefrom;thence Southwpsteily to a point opposite ES LTPE t 40+�0,02 and 245.57 feet Sou#heasterty therefiom;fhence Noithwesteily, along the azc of a curve to the left with a radius of Note: See page 9 for corrections. QCD.doc 4 of 9 � _ - _ _ _ _ 38�16 50:00 ... _. _ _ 695.00 feet,to a point opposite ES LTPB 140+79.15 and 73.39 feet Southeastuly theiefrom; thenco Westerly to a poui oppqsile&S LTPE 140+ and feet Southeasterly therefrom;*� thence Southwesterlg paxallel with said canterlina,toa poinf opposita ES LTPE 124+00.00 and � , 58.00 feet Southedy therefrom;thence W esterly to a point opposite ES LTPE 123+Z4.00 and �D 55.00 feet Southerly theYe&om;thence Northwesterly,parallel with said centerlina,to a point y opposite ES LTPE 104+50.91 and 55'.00 feet Southwesterly therefrom;thence Northexly to the � point of begimiing. . � Pazcet 3 0 Beginning at a poim opposita Engineer'a Staaon,hereinafter referred to as"ES",EVHE 48+g3.26 N, on the ceuterline of East Valley Highway Esst,at a pomt 45.47 fzet E2starly therefrom;thence � Easterly to a point opposite ES EVHE 48+g2.7p�d 62.90 feet Eastcrly therefrQm;thence � SouHie�ly to a point opposite ES EVHE.46+78,84 and 69.40 feot Eastexly thercfrom;thence rt Southei�ly tb a point opposite ES EVF�41+47.64 and 30.00 feet Easterly therefrosa;thence � Northedy alang the existing Easterly right-of-way liae of Bast Valley Highway East to the point of begmning. Pazca14.(Pond) Beginning at a poivt opposite fingmec�s Station,heremafter refetred to as"ES",LTPE 153+55.72 on the centerlme of Lake Tapps Pazkway Bast and 749.50 feet Southerly therefrom;Uience Noxtheasterly to a poiat opposite ES LTPE 153+'75.54 aud'7I 1.89 feet SaiA�erly therifrom;thence NortLeasterly on a straigbt 1'nie to a poinY opposite ES L7'PE 153+98.02 and 68030 feet Southedy therefirom;thence Nortbeasterly on a shaight liae to a point opposiie ES LTPE 154+44.61 and 59628 feet Southarly therefrom;thence Northeasterly on a shaight fine W a point oppoeite ES LTPE 155+04.86 and 483.44 foet Southerly therefrom;thence Northeasterly on a stiaight Lme to a • point opposite ES LTPE 155+19.96 and 446.76 fxt Southerly tliere&om;thence Nortlierly to a point opposite ES LTPE 155+16.62 eacl 348.08 feet Southerly ttere&om;thence Easterly on a straight line to a point opposite ES LTPE 155+6$.l5 and 353.11 feet Southerly there&om;thence Southorly on a straight line M a pomt qpposite ES LTPE 155+26,86 and 748.59 feet Southerly therefrom;tlience Westerly on a st�aight.line m the point of be�nning and the terminus of this description Together with a perpeti�al easem8nt and priyilege to conshuct and meintain cuts and/or fills for slopes occasioned by the originat grading and re-establis�mentc of grades for s�eet piuposce alox�g,across,and upon Ute follovi�g descn'bed real pruperties situau.d in Pierce County. TogeYher with the right to enter npon said preuilses at any tlme with all neccssary mea,material,and equipment for the putposes of COOShl1CflIIg�1Il5pCCtiI2&ICF18II1IIg�8i1(�msrin nininro f]LC S8m@ t0 WlL: . Paicel5 Bcginnmg at a pbint opposite Hngiaeei's:Station,hereinaRec xefened to as "ES",LTTE 141f52.18 on Uie cenberline of Lake Tapps Pazkway East and 62,83 feet Northerly tberefro�thence Nottheasteily on a stteight line to a poiat opposite ES LTPE 144+75A0 a�68.00 Fe¢t Northerly tfierefrom;thence Northe"asterly to a point o�posite ES LTPE 146+40.00 and ]04.OQ feet Northedy therefromy thenca Northeasterly to a pomi opposite ES LTPE 146�+58.86 and 205.18 feet NortherIy therefrom;thence Eusterly on a sttaight line to a poiat oppoeite ES LTPE 147+53.59 and 52.00 feet Northerly therefivm;thence Southwesterly pazallel with the centerline of Lake Tapps pazkway East to a point oppoaita ES LTPE 145+00.00 and 52.00 feet Noreherly therefrom;thence Nortiiwesterly to a point oppasite ES LTPE I45+00.00 and 60.00 feet Nartherly iherefrom;tfienceSouthwesterly pazallel with said centerIuu to a poim opposite ES LTPE 141+55:22 and 60,00 fcet Northerly thezefrom;thenca Northwesterly to the poant of beginaing: ��:a�� 5 of 9 Parcel6 Beginnnig at a point opposite Engineez's Station,hereiaa8er ceferred to as "6S",LTPE 141+62.68 on the centerline of Lake Tapps Pazkway East and 59:85 feet Southerly therefrom;Yhence Northeastexly oa a slraight line to a point opposite ES LTPE 147+10.00 and 76.00 feet Southerly thexefrom;thence Norttieasterly on a staight line to a point opposite ES LTPE 150+51:22 and 62.00�'eet Southerly theiefroin; ttience Westerly to a point opposiCe ES LTP& 149+9S44sa�h �i0 feet Southarly therefrom;thence Sgythwestedy paxaltel with said centerl'vve to a point opposite ES LTPE 142+00.00 and SO:B(}f'ee � utheasterty therefrosn;thence Sovtheastexly to a point opposite ES LTPE 142+00.00 and� �t So.utkerly therefrora; thence Southwesterly to a point opposiie ES L7TE 241+ , eet SoutheastsrIy therefrom;thence Soutfiwesterly to the poicit of beginning. Together with a pexpatual easeme,nt faac the conshuctioa,im�sovemeM,inspection,meintenaace and repair of storm drainage facilities,(includiug but not]imited to stoxm sewer pipeline(s),manUoles,catch basins,drywells,in5ltiapon systems,datentionfretention ponds,swales,�d other appurtenant storm draiaage suuctures eiid fecilities)in aad to said foIlowing descnbed reuI properry situate in Pierce Coimty. Together with the rigt�t of Pieice County officers,officials aad a�e�s to enter upoa said premises at a�. time with all necessary men,materini and equipmeat for the pucposes of conshvctiag,mspeciang,repaixing ana mainaining cbc ssme. Parce17 � Beginning at e point oppasite Engineets Station,heteiix�efter mfarred to as'BS",LTPE 155+63.11 on the centerline of Lake Tapps P,azkwey Erist and 369,38 feet Southerly therefrom;thence Easterly to a point oppos'xte ES STFIS 31+i0.94.qn tlie centerline of Smm�er-Tapps Highway Extcnsion and 369:49 faet Souffierly thenfrom,•t6:eqce Nortkieaster]y on a straight line to a point opposito ES STHE 31+Z�,53 and 256.09 febt SouWerly tliarefivm thencp Easterly on a straiglit line to a poi�opposite ES STHE�31+41.26 and 22�.67 feet Sautherly tHereftan;thenoe iVortherly on a straight lme to a poiat opposite ES S'THE 30+94.19 aad 66.01 feet Southerly durefrom; thwcc Eastcrty on a straight line to a point opposite SS STHE 31+]6.28 aud 41.29£eet Sonttheily tbcrefrom;thence Soudicrly oa a shaight liae to a point opposite ES ST'!iE 31+66.90 and 253:24 fect Southerly therefrom;thrnce Westcrly on a shnigfit Ifrie W a pomt opposite ES STFIE 3I+33.72 and 281.10 feet Southerly therofrom; theaea Southwastorly oa n straight line to a point opposita ES STHE 31+30.50 and 394.12 feet Sontherly thexefrom; thenca Weseerly on a susight tine to a poinx oppositc ES LTPE 155+5837 and 408:93 feet Souther]y therefrom;thauce Northerly on a etraig8t lint to the pcjiat of tieginnitg and tha tcm�mas of ttus description. Parcel S Begi�iag at a point oppasite Engincar's Station,hecaina8er refe=red to as"ES"SAR 24+11.69 on i flie centerlinc of d�c South Accesa Ramp.and 47.30 feet Southerly therefrom;thence Soutliivesteriy on a s�aight line to a point opposit�"HS"SAR 24+30.77 and 275.00 feet Southetly thete&om; , thence SoutUeastorly ot�a straight line to n point opposite"ES"SAR 24+51.49 and 200.87 feet Southerly thuefirom;thcnu NortheasterIy on a staight]me to a point opposize"HS"SAlt 24t38,99 and 41.92 fcet Southexly thcrefrom;theaco NorthwesterIy along the Southerly right-o£- way line of the South Access Ramp to thc point of baginning and the torminus of this descriprion. Note: See page 9 for corrections. � QCD.doc 6of9 _. _ _ _ _ _ _ _. _ _ - 'I'ogether with a perpctual eosemcnt,allawing ingress and egress ovcr,undcr and across the foUowing described properiy,to-wit: Pm�ccl 9 Beginning at a point oppositq Engineer's Station,fiereinafter refeired to as"ES",L1'PE 155+57.42 on the centerline of Lake Tapps Parkway East and 417.20 feet Southerly tfiere&om;thence Northeasterlq on a shaigbt Line co a point opposiYe ES L7PE 155+79.08 and 386.48 feet Southerly thcrefrom;thencc Easterly on s shaiglit line to a point opposite ES STHE 32+]8,26 on the centerIine of Sumuer-Tapps Highway Extension aad 297.17 feet Soutfiexly tharefrozn;thence Souf6erly on a straight line to a point opposite ES STHE 32+23.89 and 340.44 feet Southerly therc Crom; thence Easterl}r on a straight line to a point opposite ES STHE 32+40.9 T and 336.61 feet Southerly therefxom;thence.Noxtherly to n point opposite�S STFIE 32+19.68 and 171.38 &et Swtherly therefiom;thmce�Iorthwesterly ou a saaight line W a point opposite ES STEIH 31+38.74 and 63.67 feet Southerly therefrom;thence Northwesterly on a straight line W a point opposite ES STHL�31+22.27 and 38..89.feet Sou�erly there&om;thence Wcsurly on a suaight line to a point opposite ES STF�31+17.18 snd 4052 feet Southerly therafrom;thenca Westerly on a sh�aight line to a point opposite ES STHE 31+0231 and 55.44 feet Southerly therefrom; ihence Southeasterly on a shaight line to a point opposite ES STHE 31+Z6.38 and 86.54 feet Sontherly thare&om;thence 5outheasterly qn a straight line to a point opposite ES STHE 32+00.06 and I85.49 feet Southerly therefrom;theace Soather]y on a siraight line to a poiat opposite ES STHE 32+14.06 and 267.95 feeiSontlierly therefrom;tBence Westerly on a svaight lino tv a point apposita ES LTPE 155+64.90 and 355.09 feet Southedy thomfrom;thence Southerly on a sffaight line M the poiat of beginning and the tertninns of tlris description. Tract"X" Out Pazcel: Government Lot 6 m SEC7TON 6,TOWN5EiIP 20 NORTTi,RANGfi 5 EAST,W.M.; EXCEPT North I 15 fea theraof ALSO EXCBP'I the right-of-way of the Northem Paclfic Railway Company; ALSO EXC&PT a strip of land 15 fe8t m width adjacent to and puallel with the fiast line of the tight-of-way of the Northem Paci&c Railway Comq»any as conveycd to the Seattle-Tecorrffi Power Company,a co:poration,by Decd recorded iwder Pierce County Auctitor's Filo No. 189228; ALSO HXCEPT that pottion described as follows: Commencing at tht intersection of�ie 5oufh li�of tlie North 1 t5 feet of etrid Qoveznaient Lot 6.and the East margin of a strip of land l5 feet ia width as conveyed to Seattle-Tacoma Power Compaay by Deed recorded under AuditoYs FIle No. 189228;thence Eascerly alon$ _ said South line,267.13.feet and the poinroPbeginning of this exception;tbence contmumg Eeaterly along said SontharIy line,484 feer thanca Southerly at right angles to said South lina, 475 feeh,thence W esterly paratlel with said South line;344 feet;thence Northwesterly in a streighY line 495:2 feet to tha poim oi begimiing; ALSO EXCEPT County Aoad; Situate Li tho County ofPierce,State of Wasyingtou. QCD.doc 7 of9 � Parcel "B": The NorW 5 acres of the Northwes�quartzr of the Southeast quarter of the Southwest quaztcr of SBCTION 5,TOWNSFiIP 20 NO1tTT3,RANGE 5 EAST of the W.M.,in Pierca County, Waslungton. EXCEPT County Roa3 Paccel "C": Beginniag at the Northeast comer of the Southwest quuter of the Southwest quarter of SSCTION 5,TOV�'i 3SFIIP 20 NOItTFi,RANGE 5 EAST of the.W.VI.,in Fierce County,WasFiinigton;thenca West along tiie North line of said subdivisiqn, I32 feet;thence Souffi parnllel with the East 7me of said subili4ision,330 feet;thence F,ast parallel ivith tbe North liue of said subdivision, 132 feet to the Esst line thereof;thence�Iorth along said East tine,330 feet to tfie point of beginning. EXCEPT County Road. Percel"D" Commencing at the Southwe.pt corner of SECTION 5,TOWNSHIP 20 NORTH,RANGE 5 EAST of the W.M.,in Pierce County,Washington;the.nce Noi;h along tlie West line of said Section 40 rods W the true pbint of baginning;thenca contiauin�North aloag said West lina 40.rods to tha Northwest co[ner of the Southwest quarter of the Southwest quanter of said Seclion 5;thence East along said North line 20 rods;tlience SouEh 40 rods;thence West 20 mds ta the trve point of begivning. EXCEPT tUat pottion conyoyed to Piexce County undw Auditor's No.9703120t71. Parcel"E" The Southwcst quarter of the Southw�st quartcr of SECTION 5,TOWNSHIP 20.NORTH, RANGE 5 EAST ofthe W:M.,m.Piezce County,Wasfimgton. EXCEPT tho South 40 zoils,AND EXCEPT the West 20 rods of the NortL 40.rods,AND EXCEPT Fast 8 rods of the North 40 rods. EXCEPT that portion conveyed to Pietce Counry under Auditor's lvo.9?03120171. Parcel'•I" The Southeast quaxter of S&CTION 6,TOWNSHIP 20 NORTH,RANGE 5 EAST of the W.M.,ia Pierce Coimty,Washingtoa. EXCEPT portion comeyed to Pierce Countyby Wairanty Deed recarded under Auditm's No. 9703120171. EXCEPT porlion conveyed to Pierce Co�ty by Wanavty Deed recorded under Audiwr's No. z0000ao�oiso. QCD.doc � Sof9 _. _. _ _ _ _ _ _ _. _. _ _. - Pazcel"J" The East lialf of the Southwest quarter of SECTION 6,TOWNSIiTP 20�IORTH,RANGE 5 EAST of the W.M.,in Pierca County,Washmgton. BXCEPT there&om a suip of tand 100 feet wide along the West side of said propeiry deeded to the Pacific Coast Power Company,said 100 foot strip of land being the West 100 feet of said Hast half of rhe Southwest querur:AND EXCEPT the East 17fl feet of the VVest 270 feet measured at right angles to che West line of the Bast half ofthe Southwest quarter: &XCEPT thut portioa conveyed to Pierce Coimty under Auditoz's No. 9703120 Ml. The lands hcrein dcscribed coutain an acea of 531,987 squaza feet plus 28,880 sqiiare fect for slopc easement,plus 13,562 square feet for chainage easement,plus 19,869 square feet Fox acoess easement more or less,the specific details concemmg all of wlrich aze to be found'm thst cattain�p of definite locauon now of record and on file in the oflice of the Daector of Pierce Cuunry Public Worlcs and Utilities in Tacoma,Wasl�a�gtpn,and bearmg date of approvat_�e�(i �L 200/ ,and bearing Counry Road Pxojcct(CRP)No. 5434,entifled Lake Tapps Parkway East, * (From page 4) * 69.22 and 42.00 ** 42.00 *** 50.00 **** 72.24 and 50.00 * (From page 5) *thence Southwesterly, parallel with said centerline, to a point opposite ES LTPE 132+93.39 and 50.00 feet Southerly therefrom; thence Southeasterly on a straight line, to a point opposite ES LTPE 132+94. 73 and 58.00 feet Southeasterly therefrom; * (From page 6) * 69.22 and 42.00 ** 42.00 *** 50.00 **** 72.24 and 50.00 QCD.doc 9 of 9 , C� Departmenl o( evenue ��, ESTATE EXCI$E TAX AFFIDAVIT wo,r,��s�o,�smrc Tfiis form is.your receipt PLeASE TYPE OR PRWT CHAPTER 82�.45RCW-CHAPTER 458-61A WAC when stamped by cashier, THIS AFFIDAVIT WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED ONLESS ALL AREAS ON ALL PAGES ARE FULLY COMPLETED . .. _ . . ._ .. .. . .. . ._ ... . (See back of last page for instructions) � Check box if artial sale of ro � ffmulti le owners Iist rcenta e ofownershi ne�a to name. �N�� Pierce Counry.a Municlpal Corporation N�e Ci of Aubum a Munici al Co oralion �"O - m ;�� MailingAddress 4301SouthBineStreel,�Suite446 �.� MailingAddress ZfiWestMain,Street N�.� City/State/Zip�Tacoma,WA 98409-7207 ��� Ciry/Stiu/Zip Aubum,WA.96001 Phone�No.(including area code) � Phone No.(including area code) (z53)931-3010 . _ __. - . _ _ ..___. Send al I property tax cortcspondenw[o: �❑Same as Buyer/Gantee ��st all aal and personal property[ax parcel ucount� Lis[assessed value(s) . numbers-check boz if personal property Name �ortion of:05-20-063-001, f"1 Mailing Address OS-20-06-4-001.OS20-0S3-048 �""� Ciry/Slate2ip OS-20-05-3-042,OS-20-O6-3-008 �"j Phone No.(including erca code) Tax Area Code 741 n � �� Streetaddress oC property: Lake Tapps Parkway East II This property is localed in AUbUri1 (Pie�Ce) Q Check box if any of the lis[ed parcels are being segregated from a larger parceL I Legal description of property(if more space is needed,you may attach a separfl[e sheet to each page of the affidavit) See EXHIBIT'A'attached hereto and by Mis reterance made a part hereof Select LantlLse Code s : List all personal property([angible and intangible)included in selling 49-Olher Vansporla�ion,communlwlion,antl uliliiies nol classReC elsewhere price. enter any additional codes: 42,45,48 (See baek of last pege for instructions) YES NO Is this property exempt from property tax per chapter ❑ ❑r 84:36 RCW�(noriprofit organization)? �- YES NO �f claiming an exemption, list WAC number and reason for exemption: Ls.this propaty designated as forest land per chaprer 84,33[tCW? � Q Isduspmpatyclassifiedascwr.�ntuse(openspece,fartnand ❑ 0 WACNo. (Section/Subsection) 458-61A-2�7 agiculW�al,or timber)land per cheENer 84.34? i ' 1�'�y Reason for exemption ZOII Oq IZ�U�� "1 z4'Dµp5 Is this propeny receivimg speaal valuation as hisrorical propeny ❑ � perchapter&1.26RCW? Ra-RecoMing to covect legal descnptlon (f any answErs aie yes,mmplete as instruc2d below. (1)N017CEOFCONTQVUANCE(FORFSTIANDORCURREP(CUSE) Type of Document DuitClaim Deed NEW OWNER(S):To continue the current designation es forest land or Date of Dowment 6130/11 classification as current use(open space,fartn and agriculture,or timber) � . land,you mast sign�on(3)bebw.The comry assessor must then determine Gross Selling Price S 0.00 if the lanil trtinsfrned contiriues to qualify and will indicate by signing below. Ifthe�land no longer qualifies oryou do not wish to continue the desig�on •Personal Property (deduct) S or classificatioq it will be removed and the compensating or addi6onal tases Exemption Claimed(deduc[) S 0.00 will be due and payatile by the seller or transferor at the time of sale:(RCW 8433.140 or RCW 84.34.108):Prior to signing(3)below,you may contact Ta�cable Sel ling Price $ 0.00 your Iocal.counTy essessor for more information Excise Tax : State $ 0.00 Thisland ❑does ❑does not quatify for continuance. 0.0050 Local S 0.00 'Delinquent Interest: State S DEPUTY ASSESSOR DATE Local S � (2) N07'ICEOFCOMPLIANCE(fIISTORICPROPERTY) *Delinquent Penalty $ NEW OWNER(S):To continue special valuation as historic property, 0.00 sign(3)below.If the new owner(s)does noi wish to continue;all Subto[al S additional tax calculated pursuant to chapter 84 26 RCW,shall be due *State Technblogy Fee S 5.00 and'psyable�.by the seller or hansferor at the time of sale. � ` - (3) ON'NER(S)SIGNATURE •Affidavit Processing Fee S 5.00 Total Due $ 10.00 PR1NT NAMF A MINIMUM OF�$10.00 IS DUE IN FEE(S)AND/OR7AX� •SEEINS7RUCTIONS I CERTIFY UNDER PENALTY�OF PERJURY THAT THE FOREGOING IS TRUE AND CORRECT. Signature of SignaNre of Grantor or Grantor's Ageut Grautee o�Srauteds Age t Naine�(print) LesliePellegNni Name(print) QLKn:i ,g .���. Date&city of signing: �WSH2 Tacoma Dafe&city of signing: /�/t//L (H.ti+�i L✓� Perjury:Perjivy is a class C felony which is punishable by�imprisonment in�[he slate cortectlonal institution for a maximuin terin of no[more tNar�five years,or by a fine in en amount.6xed bv_the cpurt n£not.mnrr rhao.five thousanJ dollars(55,000.00),or by both imprisomnent and fine(RCW 9A10.020(1C)). �--- THIS SPACE-TREASURER'S USE ONLY COUNTY ASSESSOR 11/09l2012 08:42 53 RII KroNN 4296812 8 PGS EXCISE COLLEQED, S� 0m PROC PEE� $5.00 I A�DITOR '�Pierce Counly, WPSHINGTON TECX FEE; 55.00 j.