HomeMy WebLinkAboutItems Submitted at the Meeting . PC 3/20/72 Pgs.22 . V.A. AmenEmenttoP-1 Exhibit�7 Submitted by: Stuart Wagner . * ' CLTY OF * /* ° _ : � Memorandum ' WASHIIVGTON To: Judi Roland,Chair,Planning Commission Kevin Chapman,�ce Chair, Planning Commission Planning Commissiori Members From: Stuart Wegner,AICP, Pianner,Planning and Deveiopmerri Department Kevin Snyder, AICP, Planning&Development Director; Planning and DevelopmeM Department � CC: Elizabeth Chamberlain,AICP, Planning Manager, Planning a�Developmerd Departrnerrt j I Date: March 16;2012 � Re: Proposed Amendment to Animal Shelter Definition for Fropased Amendment to the P-1, Public Use ' District Subseguent to the issuance of the staff reportfor the March 20, 2012 Pfanning Commission public hearing forProposed Amendment to the P-1, Public Use District, staff has further reviexred the proposed anirrial shelter definition inciuding addltional consultation with the,CityAttorney's Office. Based on this additional analjrsisand consultation, ataff proposes a mod�ed;definitfon for animal shelters that is presented below=please note that it is presented in strike out and underline fashion with strike outs indicating deletions and underline indicating additlons. The Pianning Commission will note that staff Is proposing to remove the reference"primarilydogs and cafs": Staff determined that this language was not appropriate after conferring with the City Attomey's -- _ Offce as the type of animals aliowed is a contractual not a zoning issue.Jn the case of the City's contract with lheAubum Valley Humane Society(see attached),this contract authorizes companion animals that authorize a limited number of animals beyond just dogs and cats. , Staff recommends the Planning Gommission accept this proposed definition in place of ihe definition contained within the March 20, 2012 Pianning Commission pubiic hearing packet and recommend this deTinition to the City Council. STAFF RECOMMENDED MODIFIED DEFINITION—ANIMAL SHELTER 18:04.105Animal Sheiter, Public:ANmal shelter, public, means a facility a�d-pFepeM�that is used to temnorarilv house or contain stray,homeless,abandoned or unvvarited animats„ ' , aAd-that-is The fabilitv must be owned,operated, or maintained, bu one or more of the fallowina:a-puklie bed�r an animal oare arid control aaencv`. eF ati esEablisqeA humane society,—a�a-or society for the prevention of crueltv to animals reaistered under Ctiapter 18 52 RCW, or another nonprofit organization dedoted to the iivelfare, protection, and humane treatment of animals,wften such societv or oraanizallon is then under contract with an animal care and control aaencv. An animal shelter: aublic mav provide Ssuopodina services,+way inciudinae medicai care. � PROFESSIONAL.SERVICES AGREEMENT BE7'\'VEEI1 THE.CITY UF AUBURN AND . THE.AUBURN�VALLEY HUMAlVE 30CIETY ' 17iisAgceement("Agreement'7 is entered irito by and.between the C1TY O�'AIISU$N, . a muriicipai coiporation.of the 3tate of VJashingtoa(hereinaftgr refer�ed•to as�the"City")add the AUBURN VAI:LEY H[JIVIANE SOCIE'fY, a Waghington nonprofit corporation, whose address is 4410"A"Streat SH;Aubum,Washington(her'oinafter referred to as the"AVHS'�. WffNESSE7'FI,tbat in consideration of t6emuhial pmmises,covenants and ag�xmerts comained lierein�tha.pazries here6y agee as follows: L AGREEMENT FOR SERVICES'AS CITY OF AUBURN A1vIMAL CONTROL AUTHORiTY The•City hueby grants to the AVHS for the term and upon the coaditions and provisions contained h6cein ro•serye es the City's Animal Comrol ?,uthority in the operadoa of an enimal shelter available W apprqpriate•Giry employees 241toues jier day seven days per�veek,loeated in j a City owned building at 4910"A"Street SE,Aubum,V✓astiin8wn�leBallY•aescnbed�°fix��b� °A;:attached hereto and.inCOrporated heseia by reference..�The facilitias sva91s61e to the AVH9 '' w carry on all activiries suthorized in flv"s Agreemant si�all hereinafter be refeaed to es (he� , "Sheltec.° The City reserves the right:aad AVHS acicnowledges the City's right m sell ammal licenses: Licensing sorvices wil1 be'the re$P.onsibility of the City aud iaclude the operation and , mainunaace of a mufied system to, liaoase pets in the Gity. AVfiS will be expected to play a majoz role ia merketing/selling.Pe6.liceases. The City wfll be responsible for tl�e licensing and liaensing renewal prbgam. The pubGc wilt be able w•purchese pet licenses in person at the AV}iS,as weli as at City � sites,and other lacations througlmut the City. "fhe City will maintain on its;websi;e the caPacity for residents to purchase pet licenses on-line. � , The City will maintain s database of pets licensed; owaers, addressos a�nd viotabons. , Tlris information sfiall be fnade available to AVHS,as requested,to the auent Pamitted by law. TI. TERM�OFAGREEI4IENT , This Agreoment shall cmnmenee on the 1°day of]anuary,2012;and shsll expin oa the • 31"day of December 2019. If AVHS is�»t then in defaiilt of ttiis Ageemen;AVHS s�aII liave• the right to an extension of tfie A�eemenc'for�an addiflonal seven(�years under the�same tams anil condiHons, accept as otlieruvise. mutuaily agreed upoa Provided, that tha parties� aball negotiace�nodifications to tfiose.fees:snd esseasments co�iped in Article III of this Agreement, •aad eny facitity restomtioiis,.improvemenu, or upgrades�that resul4 �om the evaluation of facility conditions, potential improvemenu or alterations, iacfuding agreemeat upon fi6w such .ceaforations,improvemenfs,or upgrades she�1 be paid. Notificadon of AVHS's intent to eze�cise Page 1 or2Y theic right to renew this Agreement nius► be issued by the AVHS to thc City by formel�wtitl� natice�not Iffier ihan one year prior.to tlu exp3:ation of lkc iriitial term of tltis Agreemept. • III. AVHS FEES i . 1Le City Fees ahall be paiil'to the AVHS by the City as follows: In return for services pmvided by AVHS,as descrIbed'iii tFris Agreeroent, the City.s}rall psy to AVHS all liceosia� revbnue received by the City, with a minimum fee of two hundred forry i thousaud dollers and zero cents.($240.000.00) with the fiist paymeni scheduled to begin in 7anuary 2U13.as long as the Shelter is operational. Upon AVFIS bec,omiag oparatioaal PaY+nwts � by the City to AVHS sF�all be made quarterly in the amount of the o�querter of�the aiinimum annual payment amount,and xhalTbe paid not later tlian.ienuary 1,April l,Juty 1 and Ocmber l, of'each year of the Ageeement At the end af each yar of the Agreement, the Ciry shall , calculate the total amonnt of Gceeang fees received by tJte•City during that yeer>a�shall make an addiGonal payment to AVHS not laur than Jmuary 25�°of the follawing year in the emount of such license fees received in excess of the m'urimum annval•payment amount,if m�y.For each subsequent year of ttris Agreemem, the minimum aeaual amount shall increase by an emowd ' equaf to the previousyear's annual Seattle-Tacoma-Bremerton CPI-W(August to August)with a minitmm�increese of 0%and a maximum increase of ft¢ee perceat(3.0%). All monies paii!to AVHS shall be used for the operation of the aaimal ahelter.. IV. OPERAT[ONS AND SERV[CE ; A. The AVHS shapr . t. Fumish, maintain, end employ staff•for suitabk sheitering and for the ' 6andling of shay. 'imPoondeit, attd unw�ud cdmpanion •enimals huned over to the AVHS.by the City or its stsidents�thst include the:generel cere,cleaning and nourishraent of companion ariimals tumed over to the AVHS by the City or its zesidents. AVHS . services provided to animats will include eTrcichment, exarcise, care and fading, and ceasonably necessary medi'cal ettention. Compariiori animals are specifically defined as dogs, cats, domestic biids, domestic rabblts ead smeSl domostic rodmts. Companion enimais specifically exclude li'vestocic (horsq cows, pigs, sheop, gpats, fowl, etc.j, reptilea, and wfid or exotic au�imals. The Prenaise'shatl include cat kennets, doB'kennels, and cuns, as well as fac�li6es for the humane disp'o"sel of sick and iajured companion entmals. The facitity will provide disposal(rendering or cremauon)services for animals deceased upon errival or dtiuing the time of'sheltgring. Iinpoimded animels, awaitmg. disposition by the �urts wi11' be held unRl such time that the court reaches finsi disposidon of the case. 2, Keep the Skelter staffed and apen for�kie pu�poses of receiving wmpanion animals�and allowieg sach atrimals to be redeomed dwing regular business hours (it is AVHS's irifent w maintain at least 24 regular business hours per week depending,an gt�ing and budgetary cbnsidaaxions); PROVIDED THAT AVHS shall establi'ah srid maintain 7-day per week, 24-hoiu per dsy a�ess fdr City of Aubum Aaimal Conhol Pege 2 of 2Z ' '. Offioers ("ACO(s)'7 to drop. off wmpanion enimats or cercasses oytside of normal ' shelter hours. It is understood tLat this doeshot include mspoasibility for care of sick or iqjdred companion animels outside of nonnel.Slulter hours. . Provide Gcensing savices for enimals adopted or impounded at Ute Shelter whose ownor res;des witiiln the geograptiic boundary tirrtib of the City of Aubgm. The license servtce - ; will be provided during=rormal business hours.:wlth�time limitatioa.. The AVHS shall meintain complete and adeqriate rewrds of ell licerises'iavued and'shall provide a timely ; ' report to thc City lisriag:the.nsme end address of the licerisee and e description of.the � animat licensed. Moaey will be receipted to�the:City's yendor for the coll�tiori'of thg i licenyting fees in accordance with the proviaiona of the licei�sing agenYs.agreeme�with ; thc City. - � . i 3. Provide orientation and training to ACO(s)and other City staff t+egarding ! the Shelkr and i1s admissibns policies, practices .and other�AVH3 uperstioas es appropriete. � 4, Maintain compiote ncords of aniroals received end snimpls disposed of on behalf of the City:The AVHS agmes to make its records of investigatiqns available for i the City's inspection et nasonable dmea, and to provide,�witl�in reason,sush other data ! as the City requests. The AVHS will makg aveilable to the City all wo:lc-related records i and doeuments for inspecflbn, or evaluation iluring normal business 6ours in order to assess parformance,complianw and�or quaiiry axvurance under this Agrament. i 5. AVHS a�ees to pravide.a repost,semi-nnnuelly ro the Ciry, wluch raport � shall inctuda infoimation pertaining w the work•and services unilertaken pursuant to tlus ' ContraM end inforaoa6on on operations. . 6. Provide•access to compute�s for the ACO(s)to cnterdata into the database software for animals p3cked up by ACO{s). 7 Targeted animal oPerating capaMtY at the'Shelter is 50 per day. lf tho number of animals_acec�cds AVHS's capadty as detqm?ined by spplicable steadatds, ! AVH3 will make all efforts eo reduca tho PoPuladon tivough adoption,foster ame,othei' humene societies or other aPpsoPriate'ineans. T6e CiLy and AVHS will ta]io sceps . � fbroiigti(ts operating policies,co3es,public fee structures•and ParmashiDs�o reduce t�e nnmber of saimals end theis lerigth of stay ia•the Shelter, aad.may st times limit owner-. surrenders and 5eld piok-ups,ac{just fces ancl incentivize comiriunity-6ased solutiore. 8. Maintain a volumeedfoster caze� •coordinator w encourage use of � valunuecs worldmg at the. Shatter and use of. foster families to `provide fostering/transitional care bqtween Shelter end pecraanerit homes for adoptable animals, thua reducing pet populatiom in•fhe Shelter. � Pcge 3 of 2x . . . . 9.. Maintain an animal placcmrntsPecialist as the�Sheloer to provide for aad • manage adopdon events end bther activities leadiag�,to tha placement of animals in appropriate fiomes. . 10, One'veterinetlan andlor one vet,eiipary tecMricien w111 be scheiluled to wotk at the Shclter, during normal business hours as defined in Seciion IV A 2, abo4e. On days that the veterinary'tebhniciau is working;a.vetetinsrian will 4isit tha Shelter w coadpet necessery business and check on tlie oondition of tlu Shaiter: Vetedeary , services provided include•.enimal acaminatiuns. treannem aad minor pmcedures> spay/a6uter end otfier sqcge.ries for animats acapted by the shelter, 11. All adopted:animals�viU be netttered or spayed. I2. Dangerous `animels will be confined as AVHS deurmines is ; aPProPnatdnecessary. � � 13. Disasterlmnetgency preparedne�s for animals will be coordinated througti i the Gity's Office ofEmergencq Preperedness. ' i 14. AVHS agrees to a11ow one City representativq.eppoimad by the Ntayor,to sit on, and be.a votipg member�of its Board of Direcwrs,subject to eppmval by AVHS, I ' pursuaet to ifs bylaws. �, � IS.. AVHS shell retain all adoption, boatd. and other non-licensing fees I • collected fiam tho public for.aaunals acceptod 3ato thc Sheltee I l6. AVfiS will„prepate an annual opeietions plan which wfll include e � description of on-goingac.tiviti.e.s in supporl of�AVFI3 acrivities,and:whieh shall inc[ude • marketing, promotion�and siipport activities iatettded for the fotlowing year to sell pet licenses in cooperation with�ihe Ciry: B. The AVHS shall,•escablish all pric.es for services provided by AVHS in the� , _ Shelur, svbjxt to the right of the Ciry .m periodisally rediew Uie price schedutes for all operations to oasiue competidvb prioing with other mimal shelters., C. The AVHS msy not 'sulicontrect all or.any portion of the Shelter without Ci,ty approval. , • � , D. Alf exterior aigns azid gFepliics placed upon or affixcd to the 3helta� shaU be ; .subJect tb tlie prior ryriaen approval of:tUc Ciry, wl�bh @pprovat sfiall not be unreasonably withheid;conditioned or delayeit.. The AVHS shall submit deiailed plans and'sec�ue any ne�ded perhiitslepprovals for all extqrioz.signs..ln all ca�s, signage shall be consistem in siTe,.wior, . leEte:ing and theme to the Sheltes d6sign and regiilar City sigria$e acd speci5cetions,.arid'm accordance with all govemmental iegiilations. E. The City agrees to do the foUowiifg: � Pege4olZ2 . . . � 1. Revlew end set; a8er consulUng with AVHS, the Ciry fee sehedule for licensing,to include late payments and fu+es. 2. Iteview end upd'ate all City codes involving animal servicea. I 3. Provlde the;AVH3 all iicenses andJicensing maurial for the 6ity. F: The City is resporisible for eenergency ce;e of azry azumal it impounds. The City j will be responsible for payme�rt,of care rendered on impounded animals.taken by the City to � vetainary clinics 6y its ACO(s)regarcilesa of time of day. 5table animals vJiU 6e accxpted by � AVHS 24 Imurs per day from the. ACO oT desi�nafed City employce .aedng @s the ACO. � 1?etermirmtion of azii�iial conditidh, stable versus critical, wi11 be �ade by the.ACO or acHng � repzesentative. If the ACO is uneleaz as to the animal's condiiion,the animal shell he presarted ! w a veterinary faeility for assessment:at•.tha Ciry's expense. 3landard'of care for imponniled critical aniroals is W smbiliu.and. provitk pairi inanaBemmt If these standacds'cennot be I reasoaebly met,then the animal shell be humacie3y ei�ihat�lied. The eRtendiug veteiinarian is i msponsible for t6is determiciation. V. RESERVED RIGHTS In the azeas lisxd below,tlis Ciry reserves end shall have tha right at soy timo to establish ; necessary, reasonable rules•azu1 regutations provided tflat the City sha(I give thi►ry (30) days . written notice to AVH3 pdor w imposing such rules and m8ulation: A. Cieneraily applicable<Iaws,such as ariimal cuntrol,�oning,and building codes. , g, The City shall ratain all rlghta to make improvemente to the ShaIter to enhance • access or use. Prior to commenAinB enY such improveme�ts;the City shall give the AVHS not less thaa thiiRy(30)days prior�wtitten�notice oft6e naduq end schedule of such impro4emetus in ordar for AVHS to roview enil commert on the pmpased�improvements."The Gity shell review . �td duly consicler tlie comments of tfie AVHS md other relevant inforniation.pzior to making a firial d�cision regarding ttie completion,of the improvoments;. Ttie City shall usq its bcst effoits' • . ' to miaimi'yo diyrupuori, consuuction-nelaved dust, and to otherwise aot iirtuFere�with AVHS's . operations in the Shelter. , C. Aaimal Co�h'ol Ser.vices shall be the responsibitity of the C1ty anii includes. . .staffing and equippiaS animel sarvicos actirides,the di$Patch of ACO(s)in nsponse to ca11s,�d the handling of oells ia ihe fieid bj!ACO(e),:includi�ig the collection and detivery of enimals to ihe S6elter.: Tlte AVHS will ensure that the sheker is aveilable to the Gity AC0(s)24 hours per day fdr stable animals•that sre noYia need ofemergencycare: Page s ot22 . . . . . � I I vi. sECVRrnrsBtv[cEs � Any elecu�onic sec�aity measures of the Shelter shall be:the responsibility of the AVHS. VII. UTIL1TlES � The.AVH3.shail pay for all udlity cLazges. Utility charges include charges for water, sewer, electricity, Ivletro urility, nadual gas, phone, data and gaTbage. The City shell provide . I physical a�fl�astriictiue for phaae and dam iines to the Shelter. i VIII. GAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS � p.. The City shall proviile the AVHS up to a 'maximum of fiye ht�ndred thirty � thou�nd thne h�mdied and two dollars and zero cerits.($530;302�.0�toward.the completion of the teoant improvementg as ou8ii�ed in�Fxhibit"B:.° If thp tenent improvements in Exhilrit"B>' exceed the City's contribution,•thp AVHS ahall be respwis9ble for sqy additionel costa. If the tenent improvements in F.�cliibit"B,>ere completed erid thae are additionel tunds available, ( those fimds s1uU mm'au�with tlie City. tlny tenant improvement listed in Fxhibit "B" or purchased fioom the City's $530,302.00 shall become the proparty of the City upon'tbrniinatibn or ezpitatibn of ttds Agreement. T'he AVHS shall not ba requiied to remove drpay the cost of removal-of•any alte,cationa,fixtures,or tena�rt improvemeau identitied in Exiv'liit 'B", at the. expiration or earlier termination of the I Agrament. B. The Ciry and AVHS agrec to meet prior tb'March 1,2012 end review tlu statua of AVH$complet'ing the followisig benalvnazks; L AVHS raises enough mo�y to mcet estimated start up wsts of one hundred seventy-six thovsand dollars and no caits ($t76,000.00), which can include a combinafion of cash, eqi�ipmeat and suppiios. Prov'ided, that`if.AVHS does not raise enough mottey to meet the es,t[maced start up cost4,?he Citp shell advena an amount up to$176,000.00 against future fees'paid to AVHS,which amount sheli be deducted from tha Gty's future paymerts io AVHS over e.24-inonth period commanciag year t}uec of this agr�ement. 2. AVHS will proviile, for the Ciry'.s review, a fo:ma! business plan to include a description of an-going activities'in sapport of AVHS activittes, wliich•shall i,ic(yde marketing, pmmetion, aad support�activities interiiied for'the followIng year to sell pet licenses in wop:eration with the. Ci.ry; ftuid raisieg plan;• volmrtear groups/organizational stru,c,tiue;:��nal adopttoa plan; animal rescue p1.en; eed s6elkr operations plan. These doeuments cm be provided to the.City earlier for review.and commem. C. AVIiS wiil hire e Directorand have a formal governing board in place. • Pege6of22 � , D. AVHS shall, prior to wmmenciag formal platu�ing for eny facility altcrations, improvements or ccnstruotion{i»terior or aitelior), saliriiit.w•the Ctty's Dlrector of Human Resources and Risk/Properry .Nlana$ement, a conqept proposei paper inciuding preliminary sketches of such woric. If approva!by the Diroctor, the AVIiS.may then submit to the City in j writing,formal plans for akaradons;improveme�,end construcrion along with a brealcdown of � costs for such improvements. E. AU plans submittal am�subjecl tu the approval of the Gity prior to coaunrncement � of any alteretioa,imp�ovements or constmctioa The City�a�rus to promptly review said plans, I and if the altera6ons, {mprovements, and conatryction,are acceptable, to p'romptlY approve the ; same, and the plans as approvad shall be attachod.m an eicecuted coPY afthis Agreemeca and ; inctiiporated herein. � F. All work performed shell be done to the satisfactioa of the City. The AVF[S shall I be responsible for obteining ell govemmrntal permits and ineefing all code requiremems and i shap subniit copies of'the same to the Ciry. or its ie.presentative prior io commencing any � construction on the Shelter. �, G. The City may conduct inspections of any capital iinproqement work at eny time to assure itsolf that such work°is in accorilance with tha plaris appioved by tlu Cify. In the event I afry such work is nM acdording to plsris as then approyed by the City, the City shall send a � Notice of Non-Compliance to the AVHS. In the evene tha AVHS fails to make porrections� within twenty (20) days aftcr the A.V.FiS's receipt of such Norice of Naa-Compliena, the City may make whatever correcdons necessary to bring such work iuw compliance with the plans es approved,and shalt charge the•AVHS for all reasonable costs bf such conective work. � H. All alterations, improv,ements, end conehuction shall become the property of the ' � City upon terminatian or expiration of this Agrecmeat�•and ahai] be instatled sotely at the: AVHS's acpense.vnless the City expcessly a�ees in writing w contribuu toward the eosts thereof. Notwithstanding any.prcvi'sion to tke wmrary contained herein,upon termination of this Agreetnent, AVHS shAll have the r1Bht to de-identify the Sheltec by removing ail titettid- idendty elements such a4 pr.oprietarY"signege, custom IiBhvng, trade fixtwes, aad persnns► property celated to the"AVHS's brand. �C, CLT3TODIAI./MA[NTE.PIANCE ' A. AVHS shall,.az all tiina, keep the Shelter•in a neat, cteari,.safe and sapitary condition, and in compliance widi ell applicable codes and laws. AVHS s}iall fumiah all cleariing suppites and mate�iala,other expendable suppliea,-such.as Ugtit bulbs,naded to operate tiu Shelter in a mamier prescribod �in tBis Ag�reement,� aad pcov;de all necessary jeaiforiel serviceato adequately maietain the Sheltar. �The City or a reprrsentadve of the City may iqspect the Sheiter at any reasonable times to ensw'e that the terms and condirions of this Agreemem are being eomp6ed with. Page 7 of 22 ' B. The City shall maintain the building stcuctiue(including roof;seructuml elematu, exterior walls. doou and window�), foundation, Heating Veri6lation and Piir Coaditioning (FiVAC) sYstem� electric power lighting panels, fixtares and disbdbudon cireuits� P��nbing system,iacluding plumbing fuctures;provide4 that any.damegoss rn'�epairs to any of the abovo- deacribed building structiues which are•the result of the.AVHS's negligent or imentianal acts � sMall be the responslbility of the�AVH3. Tite AVH9 ahall maintain the landscaping. 'Che Ciry ' shall provide and AVHS shall mainmin for the use of tlse AVHS,its patrons and employas,the parking lou on the Shelter property. To thc extent reasonabiy aeassary,the City sfiaU wdeavor ' to reraove eccumulations of�snow•anil ice Erom the paeking lot.AVHS•shall endeavor to remove ! snow and ice&om the walkways leading to the Sheker. . � C. The AVH3 and the:Clty•shall each have a representative etund mxtings as ' needed m discuss and resolve eriy'riiaiiiteriance probleirisor concams. x. HnznRaoussuBSraNC�s I A. As used harein,the•term "Hazercious Substance" means any hazerdous, wxic, or � dangerous substance,waste,or.materlal,which is or 6e6omes•iegulated under any federal, state, or tocal statuu;ordinanx, rulc,regulatimi,or other law aow.ar hereafter in afFect pertaining to environmentai protection,aontamination,or cIeenup(colieaively,"Enviionmmtsl Laws'"), B. The AVHS shall keep in a location in the Shelter acce4s�'bk w the Ciry during normai business hoius copies of ail roports ngarding hararao.us or toxic materiats in�tfie 3helter that the AVHS has providal to any govammental egency. in the pievious quarter and all appropriffie Material Safety Deta Slmots (MSDS). The AVHS ahall, upon nquest and at the AVHS's sole oxponse, provide the Ciry with a copy of eny such report. In tha event of any accidont, apill, or other"inciilant involving Hazardous Sulismnces�that.the AVHS is requirad to report to any governmenta!agen�y,the AVHS shall imaie'tljately report the same m the City and �PP1Y the City with all informattoµ and ceports with resPect Jo the same, togother wlth the AVHS's blean-up or remediation p!'an•and schedula lf such clean-up or remediadon plan is not acceptable to the City,the Gtity may'so notif,y the AVHS aad,u}ioa A8 ho�us prior written nodce (or wi�,ou�nodce ifehe Ciry decerriiiaes that an emeigeacy.sinia6on exisrs), may enter on the Shelter to conduct the cleanup oQ reme,dietion and charge the AVHS the costs thereof. AlI infoxmatqon descriHed herein shati bc pmvided to the City regazdlass of e�+cleiin by Hu AVHS that it ia confidaidal or Privileged. provided that the (Stg shell not publish or disctose the infoimaAOn w any tliird party exoept es'pu'rsvant to Chapter 42.17 RCW. C. Indemnification: Tho AVHS agrees to hold harmless, pmtect, indemnify, and defend the City from and againsc�any demage, loss,c1�oi liability;INCLiJDINCI reasona6le ' attomey's fees and costs; resulting from the•AVHS'&USCy fI�9p038I, transportetion,.genaration, aud/or sale•of any Eiazardous 3ubstancps. The City sgrees�to hold�harmless,proixt,indemnify, and defedd the AVHS from anc!against any demage,loss,claim,or liab;Gty,including attomey's fees aad costs,resulting from(a)Iiazardous Substances existing on the Shelter ea of the date of execution of Uus Agreemetrt; or (b) Hazardous Subsfances thereafter• used, disposed a� or gmerated on the Shelur by the City;or(c)Hazardous Salistances used,disposed o�or generated Pege 8 of 22 wazelated to the AVHS. These indemniaes will sarvive the. i on the Shelter by any third party ��� termieiation ofthis Agreement,whothor by expiration of the Term�or otherwise. 7(I.. 7'ERNIINATION _ • A. The partibs may termiaate this Agreemont.az eny time by mutvel;execurian of � soch written te�minaflon ageement es may be negotiated ixtwoen the parties.. . B. The Ciry may tenninate tl�is A�eement�and take�immediata gessessian of the. Shelter in the event 11iat the AVHS shall have failed to perfo'm aay of the coveuants or conditions of this Agr¢ement aad such default or deficiency in performance was aot romedied by � the AVHS within thirty (30) daYs after tueivu+g notico in writing stating with reasonable spepficity the eature.of the default ondeficienay and:tbe City's u+untion;to tem3inate if not cozrected;provided,hbwever,that in'Uu event of a default ur deficiency that the City detennutes is of a naQuerequiriag more.than.thirfy(30)days W cemedy:the AVHS shall not be m default so long as the City deteimines that the AVHS uadertakes fo remedY the defa�lt or deficiertcy within. the 30-day period and thaeafter diligently pursues ccaipterion of the semedy. I The 30-day period stiell aot•apply where theAVH3'e•failuie to pe.rforni in a timdy �� � caused by the:AVHS'•s iaabitity to secure necessarY Bpvemm9� P�� P�� � reason for the imbiGty to secure the govemment petmit is not the fault of AVHS. The AVHS may urnunate tltis Agreement npon thirtj'daYs writtea h6tice w the City ia.the event iheAVH3 is unable to seeure the govemmentnl permits necessarY to the use of ttie•3helter pmposed hercin. C. ln addition, upon �providing written notice w the AVHS, the City may immediately terminate thisA�eemau and tako immeiliate 1�°s�ssion of the She►ur m.the eveat tbac.che AVHS shall have:been cbiivicted of comtnitting.or rngaging in or found to•have committed or eagaged in�anry iltegal activiry as a�part�of the Shelter operations;'includirig the willful failure m pay atl texes and nquired fees,whethec the finding is by a court of compctent jurisdiction or by the City followiiig due.process end iirvestigation seperate a+id aPart from aaY foimal judicisl process. D, In t}ie eveM that aftor tormination or expiratioa of the term of this Ageemem,as provided herein, tiu AVFTS hes not removed its proparty and•fixtures within the.time sllowed uader?uticle XI E,the�City may,bdt neeit not,recnove seid peraosialpcnpdrty end lwld it fdr the owners thereof, or place ihe sema in stora$e. all at the:expenae and risk of tLe owners thereaf, and the AVIiS ahall reimburse the City for any expens9 incu,md by the City in connection with such removal and sto;aga. The Ciry ahall have the right to sell such stored property, widsout notice w tlie AVHS, after it has beas.'stored for a peribd of'thirty (30) days or m6re. 'l9ie • proceeds of sucfi sele shall be'applied first to the cost of'sucfi sale,second to the paysnent af the. ctiarges far storage,and the third to tlie•payment of eny other amounts, wlrich may then be due, . 6rom the AVFIS to the Ciry.,and the balance,if aay,sha[l be paid to the AVHS. Notwithslending• acry provision to the contrary contained herein, the City's end the AVHS's rights.under-.11us Actible.ahatl be subject to the applicable laws of the Stau of Washington. Page 9 of 22 E. Upon terniination�or expicaKOn of the term of this Agreemrnt, the AVFIS shell . remove.all ita goods,wares and merch.apd,'ise from tl�e Sheiter end shall remove any equipmeM or fixtiaes placed therein by.the AYHS pursuant to tl+e terms of any written Agreement prov;iling for removal by the.AVH5.upoa wipiradba. The AVHS sl�all.lis've twenty(ZO)days to domplece nirioval of auch proPerty &om the:Shelui. The AVli9.sh�11�rastore.mry asnss dama8�bY the instatiation of fixt�mes or equipme.m_ to the condidon of the ares bafbre•i�stellation occurred, reavonable wwr and teer excepted.. No fixpues or uaprovcments or addiaoas bo the Shelter shall be nmoved unless previously ag�eed in dhie Agrament or a separate writiag si�oed by both parties. P. Upon terminatioa or expirapoa of the term of this A�eanent, the AVHS shall surrender the Shelter to ihe City and promptly surrander and deliver to the�City alf keys that it may hsve to any encl all pmts ofthe Slielter. The.AVHS shall aurrender the Shelter to the City in as•good of eondition as�at the date�of'eicocution of•tUis Agreement, except for the effects of reasonable wdar and tear,alurations and repei�s made with the concucreace of tlie City, ead I property damage caused by rl.sks'insured against uncler fire;.extended coverage and vandalism insurance in currait pradice. • XII. BTANDARD3 OF CONDUCT• A.. The.AVHS reco�ius that, although it is operating the enimal .shelter av an i independent operator as a non•profit, the City's ACO esists for the nse aad mjoyment of tFie � generat public.. The AVFIS and�its driipioyees will devou their best effcrts toward rendwing ' courteous service to the pubtic as ttiough tho-AVHS and its employees wera employees of the �Y• ' H. The AVHS shall operau aad conduct tlie•adirisei shelteririg in the Shelier in a business like manner, a� will aot pe�mit eny acts or wnduct on the part of the AVHS's employees that would be deuimentsl to tLe City's image. C. All ofthe AVHS's personnel shatl be dmssed in appropriau a2tire for the services they are perfomting. XIII, COMPLIANCE WITH LAWS • Tha A'VHS, iu officees, erisploy.ees, end agents sliall�comply. with applieable federal, state, county,.and looal larvs. sl8tutes� rulea; reguletions, aqd ordinattces� in perfornung its ob1'�gations under this Agreoment.. T.he.AVHS shall comply with any and all applicable laws, standards�and reguletions:pertaieing bo the.oparations.of"an animat sheltar inclusive of sll taiv's pertaining to employxnent prsctibes •and'.gmployee �caUrient. Conditibns of the Federai Occupadonal Safety and Heatth Act of'1970(bSFIA),end thg 4✓eshington Indusufal3afety ead Health Ad oY 1973 (V✓ISHAj. TlirdVH$agrees•to inde�uufy�and hold hermless the Citq from ell demeges•essessed for the•AVHS's.failure to comply with the Acts and Standards iasued thereunder.The AVHS is aSso responsibte for meeting�aU perunent local,state and federel health and environmrntat regulations and standards applying to a�iy operation in the performence of this• ABr�ement . �io or2z � XIV. ACCESS TO BOOKS AND RECORDS A. The City or Its agems sha11�have the right to e�mine and inspect the books and rxords of the AVHS for the purposo of validazing Gross Receiprts rq?orrs,aad aay other matters related•fo the perform�ce of the Agieament. The electrontc andlnr digital POS sysoem date Slqs . &orn the Shelter may be required ta be:tuined!n to the Gity end are.also subject to annual on-site inspe�tions. Ap eloc�onic and/or digital POS system data files are to be maintained for two(2) yeats.All operational'records ere subject to ahe Waslrington's Public Recorils Ad�ChaPter 42:56 RCW. AVHB sha11 cbordinate alI iecjuests• for dxumenu mceived by AVHS with tiie City ' Clak's O�ce. H. The AVHS.shall provide to the Ciry within one hundred five (105) days of the end of.a calendar,yeer, a copy of iu State Business•&Ocdapatioas (B&O)Tax Report for the �prtvious year. Alo certified copy of an ennuei repert's6s11 be requiied. The�Ciry shall not pay I t1ie�AVHS for piepm�tion of any af the 6nancial records�or State B&0'Tax Report that vn'll bo provided to the City. ' XV. PHOTOGELAPHS Nobody shail have the right to take photographs or motion pictpres nf the facilities,. .grounds, and pzoximau sp,aces, act.ivity theroin, ead/or disPlaY.s or exhtbits without the prior approvat of the AVfiS wtiich approval shall not be unreasonabJy withhold from the City. � XV[. ADDRES5E4 FOR NOTICE3 I Any notice reqy',ved or perniitted•hereunda must he in writing end will be effecave upon the earlier of pexsonal delivery or tluoe days after being maile8 bg•certified mail,reUua receipt. requested,addressod to the AVFIS or to ihe CTT1l at the adihess foz that party designatcd herein. � Father partY maY specif� a•difforonc address for notioe purposes by written notice m the oiher. AII notices shatl be delivered to the foAowing addresses: To the City at the following address: 7'o the AVHS ac the following address: Office of the Mayor 1402 Lake'Tapps Pazkway E.Suite 104 t1365 A�y���,� Auburn,lNA 98092-8157 . 25 West Maia Street Auburn,WA 98001 With a copy to:. Gihson&7arvey,Ino.P.S. 901 E.Main.Sueet Aubum,WA 98092 Pagc 11 oPYl , . i XViI. ASf�IGNMEIVT OF AGREEMENf � Nbither party sLal2 assign t6'e coutract in part or as a wtiole,without the written consent of the other, whibh consent sl�all noi tie uareasonsbly withhetd, conditioned'or delayed. 'fhe AVFiS sha11•not subcontract•aup of`.the Shaitor services,�ilities.or equiPmcnt,a delegate.enY. of its duties imder this AgreemeM with6ut the prior wrlaen epprova!of the Ci'ty,which approval � shall noi be umcasonably vvithheld,cdndidoaed or delayed. XVIII. EQUALITY QF TREATMENT A. The�AVFIS shall comply with all applic�ble Ftderal,State,Coun.ty,and City laivs, ordinances,rules end regulations•regarding nondiscriiiiinatton snd shall.conduct its husiness m a mazmer which assures fair,equal and aondiscriminatory. ueetment at•all rimes in•al] cespects to il ell p�rsoas without ragard to raee,•wlor,reGgion,sex;sexual orientation�disability or the use oE a trained dog guide or service m�imal by a disabled pason, age, or aadmrel origiu. No person shall be nfused servibe, be,given.discriminawry treaunent, or be denieil siry privilege, use of facilities or perti�ipatioi►'in "activities•on the Shelc6r on account of race, color,. aeed, sexual oriertation,matitel.stau�s>families with children, disabili,ty or the use of a trained dog guide or service.animal by a disablal persog reGgion,.sex,age or naBonal origin. i i B. The AVHS shap comply wiih all applicable Federal.State,��Y��d City laws, .ordinances. rules and ngutatitins regarding nondiscdmination in employment and shali not •discrimioeu�in employtnent on the 6aais of creed, famities with c6itdren, race, color, national origin, sex, sexual orientatibn,religian, age,marital status,or cUsabllity or the use of a trained ! dog guide or servicx animal bya disabled person,except for amployment.actions based on bona fide oewpational quali5cation ' X1X. CASIIALTY TO OR DEMOLTfION OF SHELTER . The parties egree that the primary use of the prenuses is the opetation of en animal shelter. The parties recogiiize that thia use may be interfered with or.preveated 6�cause of fire, I earthquake,flood,storm,lazidslide,act of war,vendalism,thett�or other extraordinery caeua►,ry. A. Maurial Dameee. 11'the:Shelter is damagdl or destroyed by fire or eny casualty which caanot, despiu.diligen; good faitii efforts,'be mpsy�ed or reatored within two huadred sevemy(276)days foltowing the detc on whieh such damage.'occu..rs,then the AVHS may elect . m taminate Uu A�rcement eff,ective as�ofthe date of such daroage or destruction. Within tfnrty. (30) days aftor the date of such damage; the pardas•shall determine how Ibng ihe repair aud nstoration will take. ARer ehat•detciiaination has•beemm'aile;the AVHS shafl have ae additidnat period of thirty(30)dqys to terminate the Agrcement bY 8��t�LB��norice to the Ciry.. B, Renair•AfterDama¢e: If the AVHS iloes not gtve notice of the AVHS's el'xrion to tsrminate as pmvided in Article XIX A above,and viitl�in the time periods.so pmvided,tfien the City shall, subject to the provisi65s of tliis.Article, itriuiediately coaiiaence and diligeatly pwsue to completion the rep�r of sdch damage so that�t}ie Sheiter is restored to a condition of Pege 12 ot22 _ I� suniler quality, character end utility for.the AVHS's purposes. Notwitkistanding enY�B co�ined heztia to the contrary, if the Sheltcr is not repaired and restorad wittiin one•hundr�d eighty(180)days froin the date of the datnage,the AVHS may caacel the P.�eerneat at any timo (iefore the City corimpletes the repairs and delivus.th'e restoned.Shelter to tkie AVFiS: If the AVFI3 tloes nM so terminate,die City shall contimie to resto.re the S6elter. C. tlnin��' D��nase. In addition W the AVHS's rights to temunate this ', . Agreecment sa provided in Fiiucle 3C13C A snd B ebove, if damage:or deswction is caused by a peril•not rcquired to be insuned against lieieeunder and for which insurance proceeds ere not available,etther the:City or the AVHS may termiqste flps Agreement by thiriy(30)days written , ; notice to tho-ot6er of its electfon so to do and the Agreemenf sl�all6e deemed to have twminated as of such date imless the other party agrees in writing W pay Por such repeirs or restoration i XX. NO LIENB OR ENGUMBRANCES I It is mucualiy undeistood and agreod tl►at the AVHS shali have ao authoriry, express ar implied,to oreate or.place.aay fien orenoumlirence uf any kind or nature whataoever uprin.or in acry menner to bind, the'uwteiest of•the City in the Slielter or to charge the rmtals pay.able � herewider for aay claim in favor of eny person dealing with ihe AVHS,inbluding those who msy . , fivaish materials or perform laboc for any cousaucaon or repein. end eacl! such claiin ahaQ ; atTect and each sucli.lien sha[I attach to,if at ail,,only the right and interest�snted to the AVHS by this Agreemmt. If any 'sucli llens aze filed, the CitY �ma,Y� without waiving its rig}rts and r�medies{or yreach,and witlwut roloasmg Uu AVHS from its•obligaUons hereueder,require the� AVHS m post security in fotcn and amount reasonabty seti'sfactory to the:City or cavse such 6ens to ba released by any means tlie City deabs propa', inetuding payment in satisfactlon of the cl.aim giving rise to the li_en.The AVHS shsll pay w the City upo�demend any sum•paiit hy tha I City w remove the lirns. Fwther,t}ie AVHB agi+eei that it.vill save and hold the City hacmless , from atry and a11 loss, cost, or exp.enses based on or arieing out of the asseRed cla'vns or liens, against[his Agroement ox against the right,tltle, and�interest of die.Ciry in the Shelter or under the termna of this Agreame�it, includ'u+8 reasonable attomey's fees and costs inciirred by the City in removing such Iiens,anct in enforcinB this Aracla Addirionally,it is muwaUy undetstood and agreed that this Ardcle is irnended•to he�a contininng provision appGbable to future repa�rs end 'improvements aRer the initial construction phase. . XX[II. INSURANCE A. �re. Earthana� & �esusltv [ns�.+�rce• During the terat of this Agreement and any extension thereof.the Ci4y shall ma'intain a property insm'anoe policy on the.Shelter building I in the amouat o_f the replaxm�nt cost of the building,'ii�clading t1u�iinplovementv, revtioams ; and hallways;for.demage&om fire,earth9uake and ot}ier perils. Said insarence policy shaIl'also E �insure the replacement value of the equipment, other�eguipment.provided or owned by tlu City and tenant improvemmts provided by the AVHS pursuant to Exlribit "B° to this Agreeineat� �P on a claim agaiast said• insurance p licy for damege to the building, Shelter, _ nal m aty provided by the City,or tenant im rovemerits ursuant fo Exhibit B ,shatl be � used to repair dam�ge to the Sheker and to repair or'replace any dameged personal properFy i providedby mforthe City. Page 13 ocTt . . . � I T'he AVHS shall he ceaponsible for maintaining its own fii@ mid hazard insprance on personal properiy ead'leese2iold imp;ovemmts placed within the Prbmises end owned by the AVHS. All peisonai property of any�kind.or description whatsoeva'.in the Sbelte�'"shell be�at the AVHS's sole iisk, and the City sLall not be.liable for azry damage done w, or toss of, such personal I ProP�rty � I B. �.iabiliri in.curanc�:Not[ess then 16ir4y(30)days prior to the date of the AVHS's entry onto the.Sheher p�einises; the AVHS, at i[s owa ezponse shall-obrain and,flle with the ' City's Risk Manager a Certlflcate of Idsarence evidencing commarcial:general liabtllty iasucance I ooverage ("CGL'� providing co`verage of at least $1,000,000.00 pa occurrence atid $2,000,000.00 general aggregate. CQL insurance shall be written on:Insurance Services Offioe (ISO) occurrcace form CG 00 Ol � and sqall cover premi'ses, professional 7iability, products/completed operarions, broad form i ProP�Y �a6e, indopenilpnt conuactocs� PecsoT�al iWurYladvertisiag liability,uad contiactual j liability: The City shall be nemed•es an additional insured on the AVH3's Commercial Oaneral i, Liability iasurance pollcy osing ISO Atlditional lnsured-]vtanagers or Lessors of Preniises Fornt CG 20 11, or� a .substitute eaddisem�art providing equivalent coverege. Ttiis Gertificeu of' l _ Insureuce and a copy.•of the amen�latary endorsement, including,.but not•necesssrily limited to, the ad�tional insared endorseiaent,e++idenpmB. p . ' the i�yyueance reyuirements of the AVHS shall be ' subject to spproval by the City's Risk Manager as to com aqy.urms and coverage, and said � appmval shall not be upreasonably withheld. ' The•CQrL poliay shall remain in full force.aad effect at•the AVHS's sote expense For liabiliry for ProP�Y demage or personal`injury tbat may ocew in comiecdoa with activities or omiasions by the AVHS or its patrons, and prov�c�verage far�(tarm of this A�re,ement, The AVHS i shell insure that.the City's Risk �s given 30 catendar days pnor�wrltten aotice, ! by aertifiad mail, of ariy cancellaben, lapse, roduction or modificauon.of such insurance. 7'he insuwnce policies are to contam,or be endoised to contam that the AVfiS s msurance coverage shall be prirnary insurance as tespe,ot co the City. Any i�urance,:self-'insuxance, or insurence pool coverage mainteined by flie Ciip shell 6e excess of the AVHS's uuucance and shsll not contribuu to it. The AV HS sha11 lfave�slie right m maintsum a deductible level of up to$S,OOU.00. C. R�leaae and Waiver of�ulm�a�m+:Any policy of insurance earried by either t3ie City or the AVFiS puesuant to any obligation undec tlii's Agreeinent,shall,to the extent ava'tlable, contam a waiver of.subrogation elaiise on the part,of the insunr. Sucfi waiver shal! apply ro demages to adjacent property. Notwit�stnndin6 any oflux provision of ttus Agroament,neithor the City nor the AVHS ahsil"be liable to the other party or to any inAurance company,(by submgation or otherwise) insuring the other party for aay loss or darnage to eny build'iri6, swcture or tangible persoaal prdpeity'of the other occ�irring in or atrout the.Shelur,evm flioetgh , sucki loss or;damaga miight hava tidon ocsasioned by the negIigence of such pazty, its agents or employoes, if such loss or damage.is covered by u�s,tuanoe isscud by an insurance carrier authmized or licensed by the Iaqumnce Commissioner of the State of Washington w issue liacs • nf insurance,benefitiag tlu perty sdffering•such loss or damage or was mquired under the.tenns of this Agnem�t tobe covercd by insureace by the party eovering rhe loss.. pege�a onz ' . � XXII. HOLD HARMLES�,INDENA�ICA'1'ION &INDYJSTRrAL INS[112ANCE A. I�,oid Hettnless 8c IndemnificaHon:Fach party heseto.agrees to be re,sponsible.and assumes lisbility foi:iu own wrongfut or•negligent acfs or oiriissions, orthose of its officers,. ' ageats,or employees w the fullast ac,fent requaed by 1aw.Each party agrees to save,indemnify, ; defond, or hold the other parry hermless agaiost.al! liability� 1oss. daaiaSes,•epd exp�nses, , Including costs and attomey's fecs,resiilting fmm acHon's.claims and Iawswts�arisiag or aile8ed ; to liave arisen;in whole or ia part, out of or in consequence of the acis or faitures to act of the. . ather Pazty, its ompl'oyaes, its subco�cap)ors, iu agents, ur its assi�s,wlug}i arise in eny way out of the perfoxmance of this Agreenieat. In the cese of noSi�Bence of bo;h the City aml the AVHS, any damages allorved ahail be levied in propocbion w the percentage of negtigence , ; ataibutalile to each pazty,aad eaoh Party shail have.the right to sak ccntritiation from the oiher , • I P�Y�n�P�Partion to tha percentage of aegligeeice enributa6le.to the othes'party. , B. industrial 1ns�rance:'The.AVH3 expressly waives auy immwiity under industrial I in�uance whether'arising from Tide 51 of the Reviscil Coite oP Washiagfon(RCV�'or eny oUter stadne or source,to the eztent of the indemmty set furth in flris Article: ', The Ciry o�cpressiy wetves any immtmity unde�'ind�striel inaurance whether erisin�.from TiUe SI o€the Revised Code of'Weshington or any other stahite or source, w the extrnt of the inderrmiry set forth in this Artiole.. � C, fixtent of Tndemnific�g2n' In t1u avenl that the AVHS is successful in proving � that any of the indemmry provided for herein is limited by RCW 4.24.1t5,,the AVHS sl�ail defend, indarnnit'y and hold hamiless the indccnnitias to the fiill eiitent allowed bY RCW 4.24.115. In im eveat sFiall th�e AVHS's obligaUons hereunder•be;l'vnited to the extent of any insurazice availeble to if.�Likewlsb,ia the eveut that the Cityis:spccessful iu pmvin8 that any of I the indemniry provided for hereia 3s Iimiud by RCW 4;24:315,the Ciq shall defond,iademdfY , and hold Larailess the indemnities to'the full estent eilowed by,RCW 4.Z4.115. In no event shall � the City's obligations herennder be'limiud to the extent of.any'insuranca available to it. Ap�C(11. RELATIONSHIP OF PARTIES A. AVHS indeenident Cb6tracior:_.The parties'iatmd that an indepepdent contraotor ielationship sl�all be cnea{ed{iy tkds AgieemeM: iJothvig contained herein •shall create: We relsdonship of principal and a8ent 'or•of parMership or'of joint ventute between the parties hereto,end neither the method•of computation of consideration nor any othor,provlsIon coirtained . herein shall be deemed to create.as►'Y relationsliip`betweeu tlife parties hereto oth«,tlian tlie . •relationship ofthe•City as grantirig a leese w the AVHS. The AVHS has the cxperience,ability, and rasoorces to develop and oRerate en animal shetDer and is perfor►aing'uidep�deat ti�nctiqos and responsibilities within its 8eld�of expertise. The A'VHS �and its personnel are.independ'gnt conhactors and not employees of the City. No agent,employeq seryant,or;epresentstl've of the AVH3 shall be deemed to be an einployeq agent, seivaat or rapre4entative of the Gity,. '!'he AVFIS•and its persoru�el have no suthdrity to bind tiie G�tyor ro contro] the Ciry's:employees,. . 1 Page 15 of 22 � As an independent conuactor, ihe AVH3 is respoasible for its own management The City's " •administration and enforcemeat of�this Agneemart sball aot be deemed aa exarcise of managerial. wntrol over the AVHS or the AVHS's personnel. ' i B. No Third Partv Riehts Created: It is mutually imderstooA aud agrced'that this Agreement is soIely for ttte benefit of ttio PARITES heraw and gives no rlght to any other party. XXN. PERMITS,LICENSES,TAXES AND FEES i A. The AVH3 shall obtain end•at all,times maintain •a cuaent Auburn Business � Licrnue�and shall obiain all heslth;:mid aiL other regu_Iatory liaenses�and pamits as a�ay be � icqnired or buome necessary, inclading a11 consuuedon and birilding pamufs, ttoeeasary to � fuifill the AVHS's otiligations urider this Agreament at ttia AVHS's scle eacpense. Each party � agrees.to execute suc}i additional or.other documents as may 6e required w fuily implemert the. . intent of this Agreement. I B. As an independenf coritractor,the AVHS shall 6a solely responsible fos all taxes, j fees•arid charges incurred, fncluding bnt not limited t6�Iicerise fees, businegs�and vcxupation taxes;w.,arkers'wmpensation,and unerdpl.oyment beaefits,ell foderai,•state,regionel,county.and �i local tax� anii.fxs, inciuding inco.me taaces, leaseholder taxas, Permit fees,.cIxraun6 fces. I surchaeges of any kind that appty to•any and all persons,faciliries.ProPeRY.incane+e4�P�'t� I maurials,supplies or activities retate8 w the AVHS's obhgatidns under this Agreement XXV. WAIVER Faiieue w enforce eoy ptovision of tliis A�e�sdail not be deemed a waiver of Ihat ! provision:No waiver of any right or obligation of atha�party haeto shaq•be effectivo w�less in ' writirig,specifynng such waiver,ex�uted by the party aga�nst whom such waiver is sought w be enfoteed.VJaiver of any right or powor arising out of thia Agfeement shall not be decmed wxiver of any otherright or puwec • ]{XVI. REMEDIES In addi6on to atl other remediea provided by law; the perties hereto agtae.that ihe actual damages suffered by du Ciry may be aifficult to calculate aad. in the event of die abandonmeat of tha premises by the AVFiS or�uy by ehe C'ary becauu'cf breach or defauh by tl�e AVHS,the AVtiS ahatl leave behind all of the Tenant Improvements idenrified in Exh{liit"B." XX'VII. COST$&ATTORIVEY'S FEES � In arry action.brought to �faa�e any provision.of this Agreement, including actions to . recoveS sums due or:for the.breaeh-of eny covenant or condirion of this Agreement,or for the restitution of'the Shelter to tlse City or eviction of the AVHS during the term or after•aupiration thereof;the substantially preveilinB P�Y shatl be � to meover fiom the oYher paRy ell reasonable costs end reasonable aaomeY'.s fees mcume� including the fces of accoimtants, appraisers,and other professiona(s,at triel or on appeal,and without resort to suit. Page 16 of22 . . . . I. X7LIII: ARIICLE HEADINGS,GENDER,8c NIUMBER ' Article headings aro not to be construed as binding provisions of this Agnement;tlieyare j for the convenience of t6e pacties only.?he masculiae,feminine>singalar and piuial of apy word I or words shell be deemod to include and refer W the gender and number appropriate in the , I context. . XXIX. ENTIRE'AGREEMENT I This AgTeameni and ita Exhibits constituus fhe entire Agrecmeat hetween the,•paeties. i •and the Yertias acknowledge_thet there arc no otha�Agreements, written or orei, ttiat liave not � yeen.set forth in the text of tiris Agrebment. I XXX:. JUItISDIGTION&VENUE I � T6is Agreement.shall.be'iriterpretod eccordin$ to die laws of the State of Washingtdn., pny judicial aciiori to resolve disputes ecisin8 out of tlus P.greemem shall be brought in K1ng Counry Suporiar Court. R7(7(i. ARBITRATYON � Any controversy or claim arisi�ig out of or relating to.this Agreement,or its lireech,shall be seWed' by azbitxatibn administered by the Americs6 Arbit�atina Assaciatioa undv its � Commerciat Arbitration Rdles then Ia effect. The deoiffion of the arbi�stor(s) is fine! and judgmantthereon may be eufo,r,ced by any court of competent Juriscliction, IVotwithstanding the , foregoing,either party.may'seek injuncdvb relief in Weshiiigtoa smte coun. � , XXXII. MOIfIFICATIOIV ' Tttis Agrcennent.may only be modified by vrritten'insttument signed by both parties. XICXIII. lLLEGAL PROVISIOIV5-SEVERABILITY � Should any'part of thia Agreement be found void,;illegal,or unen£oxcealile,t}ie balance af the A�eement shall rem5ein'in fup fbice and effect. XXXIV. COUNTETtYAR'I'S This Agreement may be eicebiited simultaneou'siy in two or more•counterparts, eacki of ' which:shell be deerimed an original. but all of w5ich wgether;shall consdtute one and the sarKe it�ciimeut. 'IN WITNESS WHEREOF, th�a Agreement hes lieen emeral into between the City of Aubum and An6urn Vallep Human.Society,es of the •day of ,2011: I ' Pege 1Z ot22 I . . . . . i . � . � CTfY OF:AUBURN , ACFBURN VALLEY HUMANE SOCIETY I� A Washington.municipal corporatfon A Washington corpo�a6on � - i "� . I aO Peter B. wis,l'vlsyor� ' Paul P.uinilia; � � I APPRO AS �FORM: (�t � uzarpieN ,Secretary ' I � •D '" :Hetd,Ci,ty"Attoieey . :.A/���� i /�1Lli n�t�tie E.n�x�,c��y ct� . i . • I •LIST OF EXHIBITS ' • $�t,hiti34 A-Legal Descxiption of tbe Slielter Property 'Exlu'tiit B'-Tenant Improvements Provided by tt�e AVH3 via tha City's$530,302.00 Allowance . i I � . Pago I8 0!22 , i . i „ i i EXHIBIT A:—LEGAL DE3CRtPTION.OF'SHELTER PROPERTY i � Patcd#3621049018" • ' That gart �oP tfie �noitbesst quarCer. oP the.sovtheaat� quarte= oE Seetioa 36; i ' , Townehip 21 North, Ran4e 9 Snat, W.M.,� •ia Kiag County, WaehSagtcn, lyi.ng . �eesst of the Noxttiar[i� FaC3Eta��Railway CompaRy �right-oE-way; , �EXCBPT .the -aorth.i-.mfl deeded'to� tha couuty Eor mad purpoaea, ar+d'tha ; eouth 58.5 ro:de; 'ANG B7CCEPT� tha weet 70 feet thnreof coavayed to Ring� ! . County�by Deed recozded.un6nr Rernr8lsuf Numbez' �.1826192. ' . - � i co�o�ty,t�,owr,a�a9�o"A,�'so��.sw nu6um,wn 98os2 • 1 . • i . . ' i , � _ I I Page 19 of 22 ' EXHIBIT B • TENANT IMPROVEMENT3 PROVIDED BY THE AVHS VIA TAE CTCY'S .$53D,30E.U0 ALLOWAIVGE ; The City•shall make available$530;302.00 for the AVHS to vsc toward tenant improvements for the following purposes: • . � � • 1. Construct improvements_ss per the plans provided;by T Kennels,Inc ; 2. Sawciit.and ieniove as neeassary concrete slab�for�+i concrete at the canine kemuls 3. Select demolitioa uf intedor;walis end ceilings par plaiis provided by Kdmig Associate� i ��a��aaua n�x�io.20I1) • . � 4. Selectiva demolition and Xemoval of exisring plumbing;HVAC;and electrical ; 5. Ponr,epproximately 1500sf of new concrete slab�at the cariina kennels ! 6: Install trench drains auid concrete curbs ! . • 7. All ftatning and for"nerv exteFiijr doors 8. New'intwior firiishes es shqvi!u 6athe plens pravided.iry"P Ketu�ela,Inc: 9. .Sound insulation in interior•finishes 10.All cabinelry I 1'1.Interior door repla�eement.and�y door hardware.aiaz�d'windows in doo�s• I 12.New interior walIs 5atiied'with metal s�tuds. . i 13.New interior rvalls witli 5%S"'drywal[with.asmoot6.well fii►ish 1 A.S/8"moiawra board et eli:potential wet m�eas 15.Patch and re-texture remai'mng walls to match new intericr finiah 76.New walls receivc a level fonrfiaish 17..Paint ati interioi.fini4lies � 18:"ltoplace all interioi:ceiling tiles vrlth water resistent ule. � 19..Luta11 coved aad welded sheet v1ny1 ttvoughout the facility 20.Sealed concrete in canino area - 21, SOOOsf o4'fi4ierglase refnfo�ed panels up to 6' 22.Interior pliimtiing fdr:3 water closets, l iuinai,2layptorios,.1 ldtehen sink, 1 —50 gellon electric water heater,5•sZamlp,ss�eel hend sinks, l�li'shwqshe;rough in; I wash machine, . I 1 bath tub mugh-in(owner su}iplied),5 hose reels for fcennel wash down,80A trench � dxaina for dog k�anel wash odt 23. Replacemem of two mof maunt HVAC units with new Carrier 5 ton units with economlzeis • 24.NIcw HVAG unit for Kemiel area with added ventilatioa systern at feline isolation 23.New S-ton R'N aud duet sy"stem 26..Interior electrical ' 27:Fire alazm See also proposed Floor Plans-pan of tbis Exhibit`B`' . Page zo of 22 ' r^ � � m. � . �� . i . .:r . � ; :, � � ' a � q i . , f"z � � !V , . � . :, 'j �' ' �:. . :' �� � � i . ..� " � � . ` i 1 i I � � i � , ' � I ; I �` - ..�� �-- �� - --�r i . . — _.. F �..) � . . � . , � � � �: ; , , � : � t . , . �. _.i:�. L... � ~`��r�"f , .. a � �4: .. z � . � U . . ,_._,-:-: . ; _, . G , ,� � � ji :; -� � ; �, _ . �_ ' ..vu._ . � � � . q . ��. �' . � . $ ; ; L � � � * � " �:I . .�...�_ ; . � � � �� � �� � a ' � •� t ' •• �. _ M�T� Y � t . ! � �I� .. �. .�.... 1 . t . •� � ♦ '• 1 J` � y, . �Eege 21'or22 . . . � ..,�� W� � _ � i, �� �... � �� n ,�,�, z . � ��� � u� L � � �� � '�� `� "� �i'C �t'� 'm�! a: � �'� � <: �C �y -,r.i1' � :b'9i� � bs•a - ;- ` � i� L�#� � ii�ii _�� ��° :,�i -- _ _,.. ,�-��. � — ... ; � �0���� . .. � :