HomeMy WebLinkAbout6280 Exhibit "B" Policy / Text Amendment 5POLICY /TEXT AMENDMENT #5 Incorporate the City of Auburn's Six Year Capital Facilities, 2010 -2015, as an element of the City of Auburn Comprehensive Plan City of Auburn Draft Capital Facilities Plan CITY OF WASHINGTON CAPITAL FACILITIES PLAN (2010 - 2015) Adopted by Ordinance No. xxxx, December 2009 as part of the City of Auburn Comprehensive Plan City of Auburn 25 West Main Auburn, WA 98001 (253) 931 -3000 www.auburnwa.gov -,,r4141440-4S•lop EPEO.A*4w.o,x4. • 4( City of Auburn Draft Capital Facilities Plan CAPITAL FACILITIES PLAN 2010 — 2015 TABLE OF CONTENTS Executive Summary 1 1. Introduction Purpose 7 Statutory Requirement for Capital F acilities Elements 7 Concurrency and Level of Service 8 Implementation 8 2. Goals and Policies 1. Capital Facilities Response to Growth 11 2. Financial Feasibility 11 3. Public Health and Environment 13 4. Consistency With Regional Planning 13 3. Capital Improvements Introduction Transportation Arterial Street (102) Capital Facilities Projects Local Street (103) Capital Facilities Projects Street Fund (105) Capital Facilities Projects Water Sanitary Sewer Storm Drainage Solid Waste Parks and Recreation General Municipal Buildings Community Improvements Airport Cemetery Golf Course Police Department Valley Regional Fire Authority 15 17 22 74 76 81 115 131 155 157 191 201 215 221 225 229 231 " 0,0:;*4.31-4 ORE THAN YOU IMAGINED City of Auburn Draft Capital Facilities Plan EXECUTIVE SUMMARY A capital facilities element is one of the comprehensive plan elements required by Washington's Growth Management Act (GMA). Capital facilities generally have long useful lives, significant costs and tend not to be mobile. The GMA requires that capital facilities elements include an inventory of existing capital facilities (showing locations and capacities), a forecast of future needs for such capital facilities, proposed locations and capacities of new or expanded capital facilities and at least a six -year plan to finance capital facilities with identified sources of funding. The GMA also requires that the land use element be reassessed if probable funding falls short of existing needs. This document is the City's six -year Capital Facilities Plan (CFP). The CFP, in conjunction with other City adopted documents, satisfies the GMA requirement for a Capital Facilities Element. It addresses one of the GMA's basic tenets, that is, the provision of adequate facilities to support development in accordance with locally adopted level of service standards. This CFP will enable the City to: (1) Make informed decisions about its investment of public dollars, and (2) Make timely decisions about maintaining level of service in accordance with this CFP and other adopted plans. CAPITAL FACILITIES PLAN CONTENT This CFP consists of the following: Chapter 1. Introduction Chapter 2. Goals and Policies Chapter 3. Capital Improvements Purpose of CFP, statutory requirements, methodology. Goals and Policies related to the provision of capital facilities. Proposed capital projects, which include the financing plan and reconciliation of project capacity to level of service (LOS) standards. This CFP is a companion document to the Capital Facilities Element of the Auburn Comprehensive Plan (Chapter 5). The Capital Facilities Element of the Auburn Comprehensive Plan identifies the City's planning approach and policy framework for the provision of capital facilities. This CFP provides the background inventory, identifies proposed projects and establishes the six -year capital facilities plan for financing capital facilities. The comprehensive plan contains timeframes which are the intended framework for future funding decisions and within which future actions and decisions are intended to occur. However, these timeframes are estimates, and depending on factors involved in the processing of applications and project work, and availability of funding, the timing may change from the included timeframes. The framework does not represent actual commitments by the City of Auburn which may depend on funding resources available. City of Auburn Draft Capital Facilities Plan GROWTH ASSUMPTIONS In planning for capital facilities, contemplation of future growth needs to be considered. The CFP is based on the following City population forecast: Year Po . ulation 2008 67,005 2009 67,485 2015 72,350 The population forecasts are based on information from the State of Washington Office of Financial Management (OFM) as well as estimates developed by the City of Auburn Planning and Community Development Department. CAPITAL COSTS OF FACILITIES Based on the analysis of capital improvements contained in this document, the cost of City- owned and managed capital improvements for 2010 -2015 is summarized as follows: Type of Facility 2010 - 2015 Transportation - Arterial (102) $ 78,443,200 Transportation - Local (103) 12,500,000 Transportation - Street (105) 9,000,000 Water 37,819,200 Sanitary Sewer 19,072,400 Storm Drainage 21,657,500 Parks & Recreation 24,777,300 General Municipal Buildings 2,043,000 Community Improvements 34,217,253 Airport 950,000 Cemetery 85,000 Golf Course 350,000 Total $ 240,914,853 2 City of Auburn Draft Capital Facilities Plan FINANCING FOR CAPITAL FACILITIES The financing plan for the citywide capital improvements includes: Funding Source 2010 - 2015 Capital Facili Grants 4,129,500 Parks & Recreation (Includes grant funding that has not 60,000 Community Improvements been secured) 90,000 Storm Drainage 58,020,000 Transportation User Fees /Fund Balance 950,000 Airport 85,000 Cemetery 1,250,000 Equipment Rental 1,380,000 Community Improvements 19,072,400 Sewer 20,967,500 Storm Drainage 30,819,200 Water Arterial Street Fund 4,359,100 Transportation Bond Proceeds 7,000,000 Water 4,985,000 Transportation 4,910,000 Parks & Recreation 22,499,875 Community Improvements 350,000 Golf Course Municipal Parks Fund 1,932,000 Parks & Recreation Cumulative Reserve Fund 388,000 Parks & Recreation Property Tax 12,500,000 Trans.ortation Utility Tax 9,000,000 Transportation Mitigation /Impact Fees 6,997,700 Transportation 130,000 Community Improvements General Fund 2,650,000 Community Improvements REET1 793,000 Fund 328 136,100 Community Improvements 3,688,400 Parks & Recreation REET2 2,145,000 Community Improvements 62,000 Transportation Other Sources 9,729,400 Parks & Recreation 600,000 Storm Drainage 5,216,278 Community Improvements 4,019,400 Transportation Total $ 240,914,853 3 City of Auburn Draft Capital Facilities Plan SUMMARY OF IMPACTS ON FUTURE OPERATING BUDGETS The forecasted impacts of new capital facilities on the City's future operating budgets (2011 -2016) are as follows: Budget Year: 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 Total 1 Transportation 2 Water 3 Sanitary Sewer 4 Storm Drainage 5 Solid Waste 6 Parks and Recreation 7 General Municipal Buildings 8 Community Improvements 9 Airport 10 Cemetery 11 Golf Course 12 Senior Center 13 Police Department 14 Fire Department Total $ 24,800 $ 51,130 $ 72,957 $ 73,957 $ 73,957 $ 106,207 $ 403,008 1,200 1,200 1,200 1,200 1,200 6,000 93,800 111,750 111,750 111,750 111,750 540,800 $ 24,800 $ 146,130 $ 185,907 $ 186,907 $ 186,907 $ 219,157 $ 949,808 4 City of Auburn Draft Capital Facilities Plan LEVEL OF SERVICE (LOS) CONSEQUENCES OF THE CFP Based on the proposed six -year capital projects and the projected population increase of 5,345 (7.977 %), the LOS for the following City -owned public facilities will change as follows: The LOS for the following facilities will be increased as a result of the CFP, comparing the 2009 LOS to the projected 2015 LOS. CAPITAL FACILITY LOS UNITS 2009 LOS 2015 LOS (Projected) Cemetery Burial Plots per 1,000 Pop. 46.97 60.94 General Municipal Buildings Sq. Ft. per 1,000 Pop. 2,723.60 3,798.42 The LOS for the following facilities will be maintained as a result of the CFP. CAPITAL FACILITY LOS UNITS 2009 LOS 2015 LOS (Projected) Roads Volume /Capacity Ratio D" "0" 'irport % Air Operations Support 100% 100% Sanitary Sewer Residential GPCPD (Note 1) 158.00 158.00 Storm Drainage N/A 0.27 0.25 Water Residential GPCPD (Note 1) 236.00 236.00 Note 1: GPCPD = Gallons per Customer per Day The LOS for the following facilities will be decreased as a result of the CFP, comparing the 2009 LOS to the projected 2015 LOS. CAPITAL FACILITY LOS UNITS 2009 LOS 2015 LOS ( Projected) City Jail Beds per 1,000 Pop. 0.80 0.75 Community Parks Acres per 1,000 Pop. 3.38 3.26 Fire Protection Apparatus per 1,000 Pop.. 0.15 0.14 Golf Course Acres per 1,000 Pop. 0.27 0.25 Linear Parks Acres per 1,000 Pop. 0.47 0.44 Neighborhood Parks Acres per 1,000 Pop. 0.80 0.76 Open Space Acres per 1,000 Pop. 2.95 2.75 Senior Center Sq. Ft. per 1,000 Pop. 186.69 174.15 Special Use Areas Acres per 1,000 Pop. 0.80 0.75 As indicated in the chart above, a significant increase in population without a corresponding increase in the unit of measure (square footage, acreage, etc.), will naturally result in a reduced level of service. In some cases, the unit of measure will remain constant, but a greater number of people will be accessing the property resulting in a reduced level of service. For example, a park's acreage remains constant, but increased population brings more people to that park. On the other hand, other facilities such as buildings may be remodeled or expanded to keep pace with population growth. This would prevent or minimize the reduced level of service. The impact of population growth to the level of service for facilities will vary depending on the type of facility and long range planning by the City. 5 City of Auburn Draft Capital Facilities Plan CFP ELEMENT SOURCE DOCUMENTS Documents used in preparing this Capital Facilities Plan (CFP) are principally the comprehensive plans for the various public facilities included in this CFP. These individual comprehensive plans provide detailed identification of projects and identify their (projects) proposed funding sources. City documents include: • City -wide Comprehensive Land Use Plan Element (2009); • City Municipal Airport Master Plan Update (2001- 2020); • City Comprehensive Water Plan (2009); • City Comprehensive Transportation Plan (2009) and Six Year Transportation Improvement Program (2010- 2015); • City Comprehensive Drainage Plan (2009); • City Comprehensive Sewer Plan (2009); • City 2009 -10 Biennial Budget and 2008 Annual Financial Report; and, • Master plan update for parks, as well as numerous other planning and financial documents. All documents are available for public inspection at the City of Auburn. 6 City of Auburn Draft Capital Facilities Plan CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION PURPOSE The Capital Facilities Plan (CFP) is a 6 -year plan (2010 -2015) for capital improvements that support the City of Auburn's current and future growth. In this plan, funding for general government projects is identified. To maintain consistency with individual master and utility comprehensive plans, applicable projects in the 6 -year window of those master /utility plans are included in this CFP. The CFP also identifies LOS standards, where applicable, for each public facility. STATUTORY REQUIREMENTS FOR CAPITAL FACILITIES ELEMENTS RCW 36.70A.070(3)(d) requires that the comprehensive plan capital facilities element include "a six -year plan that will finance such capital facilities within projected funding capacities and clearly identifies sources of public money for such purposes." RCW 36.70A.070(3)(e) requires that all capital facilities have "probable funding" to pay for capital facility needs, or else the City must "reassess the land use element." In addition, the capital facilities element must include the location and capacity of existing facilities, a forecast of future needs, and their proposed locations and capacities. The State Growth Management Act (GMA) guidelines suggest that this analysis be accomplished for water systems, sanitary sewer systems, storm water facilities, schools, parks and recreation facilities, police and fire protection facilities. The GMA also seeks the selection of level of service standards for capital facilities. As a result, public facilities in the CFP should be based on quantifiable, objective measures of capacity such as traffic volume, capacity per mile of road and acres of park per capita. In some instances, though, level of service may best be expressed in terms of qualitative statements of satisfaction with a particular public facility. Factors that influence local level of service standards include, but are not limited to, community goals, national and local standards, and federal and state mandates. To be effective, the CFP must be updated on a regular basis. State GMA guidelines suggest that the CFP be updated at least every two years. In 2007, the City transitioned to a biennial budget. With this in mind, the City will follow these guidelines and update the CFP every two years, incorporating the capital facilities improvements in the City's biennial budget process. 7 City of Auburn Draft Capital Facilities Plan CONCURRENCY AND LEVEL OF SERVICE Concurrency The GMA requires that jurisdictions have certain capital facilities in place or available within a specified time frame when development occurs. This concept is called concurrency. Under the GMA, concurrency is required for transportation facilities, and is recommended by the State for certain other public facilities, namely potable water and sanitary sewer. Concurrency has a direct relationship to level of service. The importance of concurrency to capital facilities planning is that development may be denied if it reduces the level of service for a capital facility below the locally adopted minimum. Explanation of Level of Service As indicated earlier, the GMA requires that level of service be established for certain transportation facilities for the purposes of applying concurrency to development proposals. The State GMA guidelines recommend the adoption of level of service standards for other capital facilities to measure the provision of adequate public facilities. Typically, measures of level of service are expressed as ratios of facility capacity to demand (i.e., actual or potential users). Table 1 -1 lists generic examples of level of service measures for some capital facilities: TABLE 1 -1 Sample Level of Service Measurements Type of Facility Sample Level of Service Measure General Municipal Buildings Parks Roads and Streets Sewer / Water Square feet per 1,000 population Acres per 1,000 population Ratio of actual volume to design capacity Gallons per customer per day The need for capital facilities is largely determined by a community's adopted LOS standards and whether or not the community has formally designated capital facilities, other than transportation, as necessary for development to meet the concurrency test. The CFP itself is therefore largely influenced by the selection of the level of service standards. Level of service standards are measures of the quality of life of the City. The standards should be based on the City's vision of its future and its values. IMPLEMENTATION Implementation of the CFP requires constant monitoring and evaluation. The CFP is sensitive to funding and revenue availability and therefore needs to be constantly monitored against variations in available resources. To facilitate its implementation, the CFP should be kept current. 8 City of Auburn Draft Capital Facilities Plan Update of Capital Facilities Plan Perhaps the most desirable way to keep the CFP current is to update it regularly so the six - year plan is a rolling CFP. Again, the State recommends that the CFP be updated at least biennially. The City of Auburn will seek to update the CFP biennially in conjunction with the budget process. Future updates will consider: A. Revision of population projections, including annexations; B. Update of inventory of public facilities; C. Update of costs of public facilities; D. Update of public facilities requirements analysis (actual level of service compared to adopted standards); E. Update of revenue forecasts; F. Revise and develop capital improvement projects for the next six fiscal years; and, G. Update analysis of financial capacity. Amendments to the CFP, including amendments to level of service standards, capital projects, and /or the financing plan sources of revenue are all actions that can keep the CFP current and relevant to City decision - making. 9 City of Auburn Draft Capital Facilities Plan MORE THAN YOU IMAGINED 11 .ueld sa! ;!I!oed 1e 0e0 s!y ; ;o sa!o!lod ay; y ;!nn ;ua;s!suoo aye pue ;saga ;u! ollgnd iapeoaq ay; ;l;auaq s;uawanaadw! ay; ;ey; ;ua;xa ay; o; Apo ;nq 's ;uawanoadw! JO suo!sua;xa A;!I!oe; pa ;e! ;!u! 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Joidego slyl S31OIlOd ONV SIVOO Z a31dVH3 uvjd saiJz /wvq 1vJzdvD u.rngnvfo g City of Auburn Draft Capital Facilities Plan Policy 2.4 If the projected funding is inadequate to finance needed public facilities and utilities based on adopted level of service standards and forecasted growth, the City will do one or more of the following to achieve a balance between available revenue and needed public facilities: 2.4.1 Lower the level of service standards; 2.4.2 Increase the amount of revenue from existing sources; 2.4.3 Adopt new sources of revenue; 2.4.4 Require developers to provide such facilities at their own expense; and /or 2.4.5 Amend the Land Use Element to reduce the need for additional public facilities. Policy 2.5 Both existing and future development will pay for the costs of needed capital improvements. 2.5.1 Ensure that existing development pays for capital improvements that reduce or eliminate existing deficiencies, and pays for some or all of the cost to replace obsolete or worn out facilities. Existing development may also pay a portion of the cost of capital improvements needed by future development. Existing development's payments may take the form of user fees, charges for services, special assessments and taxes. 2.5.2 Ensure that future development pays a proportionate share of the cost of new facilities which it requires. Future development may also pay a portion of the cost to replace obsolete or worn -out facilities. Future development's payments may take the form of voluntary contributions for the benefit of any public facility, impact fees, mitigation payments, capacity fees, dedications of land, provision of public facilities, and future payments of user's fees, charges for services, special assessments and taxes. Policy 2.6 The City will determine the priority of public facility capital improvements using the following criteria as general guidelines. Any revenue source that cannot be used for the highest priority will be used beginning with the highest priority for which the revenue can legally be expended. 2.6.1 Projects that eliminate hazardous conditions. 2.6.2 Refurbishment of existing facilities that contribute to achieving or maintaining standards for adopted level of service. 2.6.3 New or expanded facilities that reduce or eliminate deficiencies in level of service for existing demand. 2.6.4 New or expanded facilities that provide the adopted level of service for new development and redevelopment during the next six fiscal years. 2.6.5 Capital improvements that significantly reduce the operating cost of providing a service or facility, or otherwise mitigate impacts of public facilities on future operating budgets. 12 Policy 2.7 Goal 3 Policy 3.1 Policy 3.2 Policy 3.3 Policy 3.4 Policy 3.5 Goal 4 Policy 4.1 Policy 4.2 City of Auburn Draft Capital Facilities Plan 2.6.6 Capital improvements that contribute to stabilizing and developing the economy of the City. 2.6.7 Project priorities may also involve additional criteria that are unique to each type of public facility, as described in other elements of this Comprehensive Plan. Ensure that the ongoing operating and maintenance costs of a capital facility are financially feasible prior to constructing the facility. Protect public health, environmental quality, and neighborhood stability and viability through the appropriate design and installation of public facilities. Promote conservation of energy, water and other natural resources in the location and design of public facilities. Require the separation of sanitary and storm sewer facilities wherever combined sewers may be discovered. Practice efficient and environmentally responsible maintenance and operating procedures. The siting, design, construction and improvement of all public buildings shall be done in full compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). Promote economic and community stability and growth through strategic investments in public facilities and public private /partnerships. Make the Capital Facilities Plan consistent with other elements of the comprehensive plan, and = to the extent feasible - with other city, county, regional and state adopted plans. Ensure that the growth and development assumptions used in the Capital Facilities Plan are consistent with similar assumptions in other elements of the comprehensive plan. Coordinate with non -city providers of public facilities on a joint program for maintaining applicable level of service standards, concurrency requirements, funding and construction of public facilities. 13 City of Auburn Draft Capital Facilities Plan CHAPTER 3 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS 1. INTRODUCTION This CFP includes City capital improvement projects, and the financing plan to pay for those projects. It also contains the inventory of existing City facilities, and identifies level of service standards, where applicable. Each type of City public facility is presented in a separate subsection that follows a standard format. Throughout this section, tables of data are identified with abbreviations that correspond to the type of facility: For example, Table W -1 refers to Table 1 for Water (Supply and Distribution). Each abbreviation corresponds to the name of the type of facility. 1. Narrative Summary This is an overview of the data, with sections devoted to Current Facilities, Level of Service, Capital Facilities Projects and Financing, and Impact on Future Operating Budgets. 2. Inventory of Facilities (Table X -1) This is a list of existing capital facilities, including the name, capacity (for reference to level of service), and location. This table also includes any proposed capital projects and the planned inventory total as of December 31, 2015. 3. Capital Projects and Financing Plan (Table X -2, X -2A and X -2B) This is a list of capital improvements that identifies existing deficiencies, identifies facilities needed for future growth, and identifies the repairing or replacing of obsolete or worn out facilities through December 31, 2015. Each list shows the proposed financing plan followed by individual worksheets showing the project detail. 4. Impact on Future Operating Budgets (Table X -31 This is a list of new capital projects and the forecasted impacts on the City's future operating budgets (2011 — 2016). 15 City of Auburn Draft Capital Facilities Plan TRANSPORTATION Current Facilities Roadways: The City's roadway system consists of a network of limited access freeways and 216 miles of arterials, collectors, alleys and local streets. Table T -1 "Auburn Corridor Level of Service" includes the most current Level of Service (LOS) for each defined arterial roadway corridor. Transit: Metro, Sound Transit and Pierce Transit provide transit service to the Auburn area. Auburn is currently served by nine Metro bus routes, two Metro operated Sound Transit bus routes, one Pierce Transit operated bus route for Sound Transit and one Pierce Transit bus route. Six park and ride facilities with a total of 1,127 parking spaces also serve Auburn. Eighteen Sound Transit "Sounder" commuter rail trains stop at Auburn each weekday at the Auburn station located at 23 A Street SW. The Sounder also provides special event service to selected sporting events. Level of Service (LOS) Washington's Growth Management Act (GMA) requires service level standards for both arterials and transit routes. The GMA requires that each jurisdiction's Level of Service (LOS) standards be coordinated within the region and be supported by local ordinance, but the standards and the methods used are up to the local jurisdictions. Under GMA, the focus is on the performance of the whole road system, not on individual intersections or roadways. Level of service standards are a tool to help keep the transportation system in balance with the needs of future population growth and development. A methodology and set of standards have been drafted for the City of Auburn Comprehensive Plan. The standards help determine concurrency (i.e., balance) between transportation and land use elements of the City's Comprehensive Plan, as required by GMA. The City has four choices if it finds the standards cannot be met. • Modify the land use plan, placing tighter controls on the amount and type of development to minimize traffic. • Construct additional transportation facilities to support increased travel demand from new development. • Transportation Demand Management (TDM) measures. • Relax the LOS standards. The City can accept lower level of service standards to encourage further growth and minimize the need for additional transportation facilities. The Transportation Land Use Balance will be monitored through the City's Concurrency Management System as part of the State Environmental Policy Act (SEPA). Transportation concurrency will be evaluated for key facilities and on a system -wide basis. By having system- wide and facility -based roadway LOS standards, the City of Auburn can define preliminary capacity needs. I7 City of Auburn Draft Capital Facilities Plan The City and WSDOT can then begin to plan corridor studies that will define the characteristics and location of a particular roadway improvement. At the project level, the State Environmental Policy Act (SEPA) process will continue to guide the more specific planning and analysis efforts. Uses of Level of Service Standards As measures of transportation system effectiveness, level of service standards can help jurisdictions identify where and when transportation improvements are needed, and when development or growth will affect system operation. Level of service provides a standard below which a transportation facility or system is not considered adequate. Level of service standards can be used to evaluate the impact of proposed developments on the surrounding road system. They can assure that all developments are served by a safe, efficient and cost- effective road system. They can also be used to identify problems, suggest remedial actions, and apportion costs between public and private sources. LOS standards are a cornerstone . in the development of equitable traffic impact fee systems, which requires developments to pay some of the costs for improvements to the transportation infrastructure. In July 2001, the City implemented a traffic impact fee. The purpose of the fee is to mitigate traffic impacts more equitably while making the costs of development more predictable to developers. In 2007, the City implemented an additional transportation impact fee to address the impacts of heavy truck usage on the City's transportation system. Both fees are regularly updated to enable the city to construct road capacity to meet the traffic demand of development. Measuring Transportation System Performance Arterial Corridor Link Level. The level of service for roadway segments or links is analyzed with two primary purposes in mind. First, this site - specific LOS can be used, with the help of a travel demand model, to evaluate areas of congestion within a transportation network -- leading to the development of a long -range transportation facilities plan. Traffic forecasts from the model will be analyzed to determine where capacity improvements should be considered. Second, arterial corridor LOS analysis is used to assess concurrency or if facilities are meeting the LOS standards. The City of Auburn currently uses Synchro 7TM traffic models to estimate LOS. Synchro 7TM incorporates Highway Capacity Manual (HCM2000) Urban Street LOS methodology. Urban Street LOS is based on average travel speed though a defined corridor. Table T -1 shows the 42 defined street corridors, LOS standards and most recent calculated LOS. Table T -la shows the relationships between LOS, street classification, average travel speed, and free flow speed. 18 Table T-la City of Auburn Draft Capital Facilities Plan Urban Street Corridor LOS Corridor LOS Urban Street Class I II III IV FFS -Ran • e(mi /h 55 -45 45 -35 35 -30 35 -25 FFS mi /h 50 40 35 30 LOS Average Travel Speed(mi /h) A >42 >35 >30 >25 B 34-42 >28 -35 >24 -30 >19 -25 C 27 -34 >22 -28 >18 -24 >13 -19 D 21 -27 >17 -22 >14 -18 >9 -13 E 16 -21 >13 -17 >10 -14 >7 -9 F 5516 5513 5510 57 There are six levels of service on a scale of A to F. LOS A represents the best operating conditions, and LOS F the worst. The characteristics of the six levels of service are summarized in Table T -2B, below. Table T -1 b Definition of Arterial Level of Service (LOS) Level of Service A - describes primarily free flow operations at average travel speeds, usually about 90 percent of the free flow speed for the arterial class. Vehicles are completely unimpeded in their ability to maneuver within the traffic stream. Stopped delay at signalized intersections is minimal. Level of Service B - represents reasonably unimpeded operations at average travel speeds, usually about 70 percent of the free flow speed for the arterial class. The ability to maneuver within the traffic stream is only slightly restricted and stopped delays are not bothersome. Drivers are not generally subjected to appreciable tension. Level of Service C - represents stable conditions; however, ability to maneuver and change lanes in mid block location may be more restricted than in LOS B, and longer queues and /or adverse signal coordination may contribute to lower average travel speeds of about 50 percent of the average free flow speed for the arterial class. Motorists will experience tension white driving. Level of Service D - borders on a range in which small increases in flow may cause substantial increases in approach delay and, hence, decreases in arterial speed. This may be due to adverse signal progression, inappropriate signal timing, high volumes, or some combination of these. Average travel speeds are about 40 percent of free flow speed. Level of Service E - characterized by significant approach delays and average travel speeds of one -third the free flow speed or lower. Such operations are caused by some combination of adverse progression, high signal density, extensive queuing at critical intersections, and inappropriate signal timing. Level of Service F - characterizes arterial flow at extremely low speeds below one -third to one - quarter of the free flow speed. Intersection congestion is likely at critical signalized locations, with resultant high approach delays. Adverse progression is frequently a contributor to this condition. Source: 1985 Highway Capacity Manual, Special Report 209, Transportation Research Board, Washington, D.C. 1985, page 11-4 19 City of Auburn Draft Capital Facilities Plan The LOS scale has been adopted by the Institute of Transportation Engineers, the Transportation Research Board, and by most jurisdictions throughout the country. The scale is also accepted and generally understood by the public and elected officials. Level of Service Standards - The LOS standards shown in Table T -lc apply to the facility's location and its functional classification. A more specific description of the level of service methodology is provided in the City of Auburn Comprehensive Transportation Plan (2009). Table T- lc Draft Roadway Capacity /Congestion LOS Standards Roadway /Intersection Maximum V/C Ratio /LOS Arterial Corridor (Capacity) ' "D" for each arterial link, except for collector residential arterials which are "C" Signalized Intersection "D" Unsignalized Intersection "D" Relationship to Concurrency Management - Concurrency involves matching public facilities and new development. The GMA extends concurrency to transportation facilities by requiring that new development be served by adequate roads and public transportation service, and that development is not permitted to cause these transportation facilities to operate below level of service standards that are adopted by local governments in their comprehensive plans. Capital Facilities Projects and Financing The City's transportation facilities include projects totaling $99,943,200. Tables T -2, T -2A and T -2B show the proposed financing plan followed by individual worksheets showing the project detail. Impact on Future Operating Budgets As Table T -3 shows, operating budget impacts of $403,008 are forecasted for transportation facilities during the six years 2011 — 2016. Concurrency (Adequate Public Facilities) In compliance with the GMA, adequate transportation system facilities must be available within six (6) years of the time of occupancy and use of new development. 20 TABLE T- 1 City of Auburn Draft Capital Facilities Plan Auburn Corridor Level of Service ID Corridor,_' From To LOS Standard LOS 2009 1 Auburn Way North 15th St NE Northern City Limits D C/D 2 Auburn Way North East Main St. 15th St NE E D 3 Auburn Way South East Main St. M St SE D F/E 4 Auburn Way South M St SE Eastern City Limits D C 5 M St. /Harvey Auburn Way North East Main St. E C 6 M St. /Harvey East Main St Auburn Way South D D/C 7 Evergreen Way Lakeland Hills Way Kersey Way D Future 8 37th St NE /NW West Valley Hwy I St. NE D B/C 9 15th St NE /NW West Valley Hwy Auburn Way North F ** D 10 Auburn Ave / "A" St SR 18 Southern City Limits D 8 11 Main St West Valley Hwy R St D C 12 15th St SW West Valley Hwy C St SW D D 13 C St SW Ellingson SR 18 D C/E 14 West Valley Hwy Northern City Limits 15th Street NW E B/C 15 S 277th St Frontage Rd. 108th Ave SE E E/B 16 R St. /Kersey Way Auburn Way S. Oravetz Road D NB 17 Lake Tapps Parkway East Valley Hwy. 182nd Ave E D B 18 "A" St SW /NW/ "B" St NW 4th St NW S 277th St D Future 19 8th St NE /Lea Hill Rd. Auburn Way North 132nd Ave SE E C/B 20 D St NW /Emerald Downs Dr S 277th St 15th St. NW D NB 21 I St NE S 277th St Harvey Rd D NB 22 132nd Ave SE SE 282nd St SE 312th St D B 23 124th Ave SE SE 282nd St SE 320th. St D C 24 104th Ave SENSE 304th St 8th St NE 132nd Ave SE D B/A 25 105th PI SE /SE 320th St Lea Hill Road 124th Ave SE D B 26 Lakeland Hills Way SE Lake Tapps Parkway Oravetz Rd D C1D 27 29th St SE /Riverwalk Dr. A Street SE Auburn Way South D C 28 108th Ave SE /112th Ave. SE S 277th St SE 304th St D A 29 49th St NW B St NW S 277th St D Future 30 R Street SE 8th St NE 4th Street SE D B/C 31 3rd St SW /Cross St C Street Auburn Way South E E 32 17th St SE A St SE Auburn Way South D B/A 33 41st St SE /Ellingson Rd A St SE Western City Limits E F 34 Lakeland Hills Way /Oravetz East Valley Hwy Kersey Way E A/B 35 West Valley Hwy 15th Street NW Southern City Limits E C/B 36 Kersey Way Oravetz Road Southern City Limits D A 37 S. 316th Street/Terrace Drive West Valley Highway Western City Limits D B 38 S. 296th Street/65th Ave West Valley Highway Western City Limits D B 39 51st Ave S. S. 288th Street Peasley Canyon Rd D B 40 S. 284th Street 112th Ave SE 124th Ave SE D B/A 41 S. 284th Street 124th Ave SE 132nd Ave SE D Future 42 R St. Bypass /Black Diamond M Street SE SR 18 D Future Corridor segments within Downtown Album may r aerate at LOS E in accordance with the Auburn Downtown Elan, All ether arterial and collector cerrdors must operate at _OS D or belle' unless :'herwise indicated in -able 2 -2. * Split LOS indicates directional LOS in either the East -West or North -South direction. Otherwise, the LOS is the same in both directions. * * Total travel time in the eastbound direction cannot exceed 1000 seconds for this corridor to meet the LOS Standard. 21 TABLE T- 2 City of Auburn Draft Capital Facilities Plan CAPITAL FACILITIES PLAN PROJECTS AND FINANCING TRANSPORTATION - ARTERIAL STREET 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 Total TIP# Capacity Proiects: 1 'A' Street NW, Phase 1 Capital Costs 3,909,500 4,050,000 7,959,500 Funding Sources: Unrestricted Street Revenue - Grants 3,729,500 4,050,000 7,779,500 Traffic Impact Fees 180,000 180,000 Other - 2 Citywide Intelligent Transportation System Capital Costs 35,800 35,800 35,800 35,800 - 143,200 Funding Sources: Unrestricted Street Revenue Grants - - Traffic Mitigation Fees 35,800 35,800 35,800 35,800 143,200 Other - - 4 'I' Street NE Corridor Capital Costs 5,000 5,000 10,000 Funding Sources: Unrestricted Street Revenue Grants - Traffic Impact Fees 5,000 5,000 - 10,000 Other - 5 'M' Street Grade Separation Capital Costs 5,561,800 7,627,000 7,823,000 21,011,800 Funding Sources: Unrestricted Street Revenue 150,000 - 150,000 Grants 4,622,800 6,627,000 4,148,400 .15,398,200 Traffic Impact Fees 789,000 1,000,000 1,161,400 - 2,950,400 Other (Other Agencies) 2,513,200 2,513,200 6 South 277th - Auburn Way North to Green River Bridge Capital Costs Funding Sources: Unrestricted Street Revenue Grants Traffic Impact Fees Other 100,000 1,362,500 1,462,500 100,000 1,362,500 1,362,500 100,000 8 'A' Street NW, Phase 2 Capital Costs 100,000 1,200,000 1,250,000 2,550,000 Funding Sources: Unrestricted Street Revenue - - Grants 1,038,000 1,081,300 2,119,300 Traffic Impact Fees 100,000 162,000 168,700 - 430,700 Other - - 9 'D' Street NW, 37th to 44th Capital Costs Funding Sources: Unrestricted Street Revenue Grants Traffic Impact Fees 200,000 200,000 400,000 22 160,000 160,000 320,000 40,000 40,000 80,000 City of Auburn Draft Capital Facilities Plan TABLE T- 2 (continued) 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 Total TIP# Capacity Projects: 10 'F' Street SE, 4th to AWS Capital Costs 200,000 1,000,000 1,200,000 Funding Sources: Unrestricted Street Revenue - Grants - 780,000 780,000 Traffic Impact Fees 200,000 220,000 420,000 11 'M' Street NE, E. Main to 4th Capital Costs 50,000 275,000 1,000,000 1,325,000 Funding Sources: Unrestricted Street Revenue - Grants - 225,000 897,500 1,122,500 Traffic Impact Fees 50,000 50,000 102,500 202,500 13 Auburn South Intelligent Transportation System (ITS) Expansion Capital Costs 803,400 803,400 Funding Sources: Unrestricted Street Revenue - - Grants 693,400 693,400 Traffic Mitigation Fees 110,000 110,000 Other - - 15 8th Street NE Widening (Pike Street to R Street NE) Capital Costs 450,000 1,000,000 1,450,000 Funding Sources: Unrestricted Street Revenue 90,000 200,000 290,000 Grants 360,000 800,000 1,160,000 Traffic Impact Fees - - 17 Harvey Rd. & 8th St. NE Intersection Improvements Capital Costs 100,000 100,000 100,000 100,000 100,000 100,000 600,000 Funding Sources: Unrestricted Street Revenue - Grants PWTF - Traffic Impact Fees 100,000 100,000 100,000 100,000 100,000 100,000 600,000 20 Auburn Way South and M Street SE Intersection Improvements Capital Costs 100,000 650,000 - 750,000 Funding Sources: Unrestricted Street Revenue 100,000 100,000 Grants - 520,000 520,000 Traffic Mitigation Fees 130,000 130,000 22 Skinner Road to 3rd Avenue (Auburn Pacific Trail Phase 2) Capital Costs 146,800 146,800 Funding Sources: Unrestricted Street Revenue 3,600 - 3,600 Grants 107,000 - 107,000 Other (City of Pacific) 36,200 - 36,200 23 BNSF/E. Valley Highway Pedestrian Underpass Capital Costs 4,800,000 4,800,000 Funding Sources: Unrestricted Street Revenue - Grants 4,550,000 4,550,000 Other (KC & Other) 250,000 250,000 24 Academy Drive Mufti-Use Trail Capital Costs Funding Sources: Unrestricted Street Revenue Grants Other 10,000 150,000 425,000 425,000 1,010,000 10,000 150,000 42,500 42,500 245,000 382,500 382,500 765,000 23 City of Auburn Draft Capital Facilities Plan TABLE T- 2 (continued) 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 Total TIP# Capacity Projects: 39 124th Ave SE Corridor Improvements Phase 1 Capital Costs - 100,000 750,000 7 850,000 Funding Sources: Unrestricted Street Revenue - - Grants 85,000 650,000 735,000 Traffic Impact Fees 15,000 100,000 115,000 40 124th Ave SE Corridor Improvements Phase 2 Capital Costs 150,000 1,370,000 1,520,000 Funding Sources: Unrestricted Street Revenue - - - Grants 125,000 1,185,000 1,310,000 Traffic Impact Fees 25,000 185,000 210,000 41 124th Ave SE Corridor Improvements Phase 3 Capital Costs - 50,000 450,000 500,000 Funding Sources: Unrestricted Street Revenue - - Grants 43,000 389,500 432,500 Traffic Impact Fees 7,000 60,500 67,500 42 SE 320th St Corridor Improvements Capital Costs 60,000 580,000 640,000 Funding Sources: Unrestricted Street Revenue - Grants 51,500 502,100 553,600 Traffic Impact Fees 8,500 77,900 86,400 43 Auburn Way South & Riverwalk Intersection Improvements Capital Costs 150,000 2,250,000 2,400,000 Funding Sources: Unrestricted Street Revenue - Grants 125,000 1,951,000 2,076,000 Traffic Impact Fees 25,000 299,000 324,000 47 Environmental Park Roadway Improvements Study Capital Costs 5,000 - 5,000 Funding Sources: Unrestricted Street Revenue 5,000 - - - - 5,000 Grants - - - - Traffic Impact Fees - 48 Downtown to Les Gove Non - Motorized Improvements Study Capital Costs 10,000 - 10,000 Funding Sources: Unrestricted Street Revenue 10,000 - 10,000 Grants - - - Traffic Impact Fees - 49 S 316th St Bicycle & Pedestrian Improvement Study Capital Costs 5,000 - 5,000 Funding Sources: Unrestricted Street Revenue 5,000 - 5,000 Grants Traffic Impact Fees 51 East Valley Highway ITS Expansion Capital Costs 800,000 800,000 Funding Sources: Unrestricted Street Revenue - - - Grants 692,000 692,000 Traffic Impact Fees 108,000 108,000 24 City of Auburn Draft Capital Facilities Plan TABLE T- 2 (continued) 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 Total TIP# Capacity Projects: 53 37th St SE & R St SE Pedestrian Connector Capital Costs 110,700 Funding Sources: Unrestricted Street Revenue Grants 110,700 Traffic Impact Fees 110,700 110,700 54 Kersey Way from White River Bridge to Southern City limit Capital Costs 100,000 - Funding Sources: Unrestricted Street Revenue Grants - Traffic Impact Fees 100,000 100,000 100,000 Subtotal, Capacity Projects: Capital Costs TIP# Non - Capacity Projects: 3 Auburn Way Corridor Improvements Capital Costs Funding Sources: Unrestricted Street Revenue Grants Other 11,043,000 13,767,800 10,118,800 2,255,800 5,022,500 10,355,000 52,562,900 818,700 3,000,000 110,000 600,000 708,700 2,400,000 3,818,700 710,000 3,108,700 7 15th St SW Reconstruction Capital Costs Funding Sources: Unrestricted Street Revenue Grants Other 375,000 3,000,000 75,000 500,000 300,000 2,500,000 3,375,000 575,000 2,800,000 14 West Valley Hwy Improvements (SR -1 Capital Costs Funding Sources: Unrestricted Street Revenue Grants REET 2 Traffic Mitigation Fees Other (Storm Fund 432) 8 to West Main Street) 320,000 4,535,000 183,000 62,000 75,000 55,000 2,730,000 530,000 1,220,000 4,855,000 55,000 2,913,000 62,000 605,000 1,220,000 18 8th Street NE and R Street NE Traffic Signal Capital Costs 500,500 Funding Sources: Unrestricted Street Revenue Grants Other 400,500 100,000 500,500 400,500 100,000 19 Auburn Way North / 1st Street NE Signal Improvements Capital Costs 20,000 580,000 Funding Sources: Unrestricted Street Revenue Grants Other 20,000 130,000 450,000 600,000 150,000 450,000 21 C Street NW and West Main Street Capital Costs Funding Sources: Unrestricted Street Revenue Grants Other 100,000 1,000,000 20,000 80,000 200,000 800,000 1,100,000 220,000 880,000 25 City of Auburn Draft Capital Facilities Plan TABLE T- 2 (continued) 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 Total TIP# Non - Capacity Projects: 25 F St SE and 4th St SE Traffic Signal Capital Costs 359,700 359,700 Funding Sources: Unrestricted Street Revenue - - Grants 359,700 359,700 Other - • 27 41st Street SE and A Street SE Access Management Study Capital Costs 10,000 Funding Sources: Unrestricted Street Revenue 10,000 Grants - Other 10,000 10,000 28 Annual Bridge Improvement Project Capital Costs 50,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 300,000 Funding Sources: Unrestricted Street Revenue 50,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 300,000 Grants - - - - Traffic Impact Fees 29 So. 277th, Wetland Mitigation Capital Costs 25,000 25,000 25,000 25,000 100,000 Funding Sources: Unrestricted Street Revenue 25,000 25,000 25,000 25,000 100,000 Grants - - Other 30 Citywide Pedestrian Crossing Program Capital Costs 100,000 Funding Sources: Unrestricted Street Revenue 100,000 Grants - Other 100,000 100,000 100,000 300,000 100,000 300,000 31 Citywide Bicycle & Safety Improvements Capital Costs 100,000 100,000 100,000 100,000 100,000 500,000 Funding Sources: Unrestricted Street Revenue 100,000 100,000 100,000 100,000 . 100,000 500,000 Grants - - - - - Other _ 38 Railroad Crossing Safety Improvements Capital Costs 150,000 850,000 - 1,000,000 Funding Sources: Unrestricted Street Revenue 25,000 110,000 135,000 Grants 125,000 740,000 - 865,000 Other - 44 A ST NE Pedestrian Improvements Capital Costs 150,000 150,000 Funding Sources: Unrestricted Street Revenue Grants 150,000 150,000 Traffic Impact Fees - 45 Interurban Trailhead Improvements Capital Costs 210,000 - 210,000 Funding Sources: Unrestricted Street Revenue - Grants 185,000 185,000 Traffic Mitigation Fees 25,000 25,000 26 City of Auburn Draft Capital Facilities Plan TABLE T- 2 (continued) 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 Total TIP# Non - Capacity Projects: 46 104th Ave SE & Green River Road Study Capital Costs Funding Sources: Unrestricted Street Revenue Grants Traffic Mitigation Fees 5,000 5,000 5,000 5,000 50 ITS Dynamic Message Signs Capital Costs 220,000 220,000 220,000 660,000 Funding Sources: Unrestricted Street Revenue 30,000 30,000 30,000 90,000 Grants 190,000 190,000 190,000 570,000 Traffic Mitigation Fees - 52 Downtown Promenade Improvements Capital Costs 1,000,000 6,985,000 7,985,000 Funding Sources: Unrestricted Street Revenue - Grants 500,000 2,500,000 3,000,000 Other (GO Bonds) 500,000 4,485,000 4,985,000 55 Mary Olson Farm Improvements Capital Costs 51,400 51,400 Funding Sources: Restricted Street Revenue 51,400 51,400 Grants Other Subtotal, Non - Capacitv Projects: Capital Costs 2,441,600 12,855,000 900,000 6,063,700 3,250,000 370,000 25,880,300 SUMMARY: CAPITAL COSTS Capacity Projects Non - Capacity Projects Total Costs 11,043,000 13,767,800 10,118,800 2,255,800 5,022,500 10,355,000 52,562,900 2,441,600 12,855,000 900,000 6,063,700 3,250,000 370,000 25,880,300 13,484,600 26,622,800 11,018,800 8,319,500 8,272,500 10,725,000 78,443,200 FUNDING SOURCES: Unrestricted Street Revenue 935,500 390,000 405,000 1,365,000 1,092,500 222,500 4,359,100 Grants 10,406,100 18,525,000 6,509,700 6,526,700 6,588,000 9,413,100 57,968,600 PWTFL - - - Traffic Impact Fees 1,324,000 1,282,000 1,555,100 392,000 592,000 839,400 5,984,500 Traffic Mitigation Fees 220,800 720,800 35,800 35,800 1,013,200 REET 2 62,000 62,000 Other (Other Agencies) 36,200 - 2,513,200 250,000 2,799,400 Other (Storm Fund 432) - 1,220,000 - 1,220,000 Other (GO Bonds) 500,000 4,485,000 4,985,000 Total Funding 13,484,600 26,622,800 11,018,800 8,319,500 8,272,500 10,725,000 78,443,200 • Mitigation agreements, impact fees, contributions, other agencies, other funds 27 City of Auburn Draft Capital Facilities Plan ARTERIAL STREET FUND (102) Six Year Capital Facilities Plan, 2010 -2015 Capital Facilities Plan Special Revenue Funds Project Title: Project No: Project Type: Project Manager: A Street NW, Phase 1 (3rd St. NW to 14th St. NW) c207a0 Capacity Helbig TIP # 1 Description: Construct a multi -lane arterial from 3rd St. NW to 14th St. NW. This project will improve mobility and is tied to corridor development. It is consistent with the Comprehensive Plan and contributes to the completion of a north /south arterial corridor. The project length is approximately three - quarters of a mile. The City purchased ROW from the northern property owner. If the property develops, some or a portion of those funds may be reimbursed to the City (total cost was $251,000). Progress Summary: Pre - design was completed prior to 2007. Final design will be completed in 2009 along with the environmental process. It is anticipated that significant ROW purchase will begin in 2009. Future Impact on Operating Budget: The annual maintenance cost for this project is estimated to be $25,830. Budget: 2009 YTD Actual 2010 09 Budget Budget Expenditures Budget Balance Adopted Budget - Budget Amendments - Adjusted Budget • - - - - Activity: (Previous 2 Yrs) 2009 YE 2010 Year End Funding Sources: Prior to 2009 Estimate 2010 Budget 2011 Budget Project Total Unrestricted Street Revenue - - - _ - Grants (Fed,State,Local) 298,778 1,480,000 3,729,500 4,050,000 5,508,278 REET _ - - _ _ Traffic Impact Fees 69,318 370,000 180,000 - 619,318 Other Sources - - - _ _ Total Funding Sources: 368,096 1,850,000 3,909,500 4,050,000 6,127,596 Capital Expenditures: Design 368,096 275,000 179,500 - 822,596 Right of Way - 1,575,000 1,396,000 - 2,971,000 Construction - - 2,334,000 4,050,000 2,334,000 Total Expenditures: 368,096 1,850,000 3,909,500 4,050,000 6,127,596 Forecasted Project Cost: Total 2012 2013 2014 2015 2010 -2015 Funding Sources: Unrestricted Street Revenue - - _ _ - Grants (Fed,State,Local) - - - - 7,779,500 REET _ - _ _ - Traffic Impact Fees - - - - 1 80,000 Other Sources - - _ _ Total Funding Sources: - - - - 7,959,500 Capital Expenditures: Design - - - - 179,500 Right of Way - - - - 1,396,000 Construction - - - - 6,384,000 Total Expenditures: - - - - 7,959,500 s • er ources• • ooroxima e v • • though city. 28 500K I eveloper in kind funds /services support this project but do not pass City of Auburn Draft Capital Facilities Plan ARTERIAL STREET FUND (102) Six Year Capital Facilities Plan, 2010 -2015 Capital Facilities Plan Special Revenue Funds Project Title: Project No: Project Type: Project Manager: Citywide Intelligent Transportation System (ITS) PHASE 2 c307b0 Capacity Nutter TIP # 2 Description: This project includes interconnect and coordination for traffic signals in the city. The project also includes traffic management cameras, fiber optic interconnect and related hardware along the Aubum Way North and So. 277th St. corridors. Other corridors that may be connected as funding allows are 15th Street NE /NW; Harvey Road /M Street and 37th Street NE /NW; This project is the second phase of the Intelligent Transportation System and builds off of Phase 1, which included SR164 (Aubum Way South). Progress Summary: Phase 1 was completed in 2006. Phase 2 will be completed in 2009. Future Impact on Operating Budget: The annual maintenance cost for this project is estimated to be $6600. In addition, staff time will be required upon completion of the project to monitor the system. Budget: 2009 YTD Actual 2010 09 Budget Budget Expenditures Budget Balance Adopted Budget - Budget Amendments - Adjusted Budget - - - - Activity: (Previous 2 Yrs) 2009 YE 2010 Year End Funding Sources: Prior to 2009 Estimate 2010 Budget 2011 Budget Project Total Unrestricted Street Revenue - - - - - Grants (Fed,State,Local) 113,764 673,431 - - 787,195 Other - 225,000 - - 225,000 Traffic Mitigation Fees 51,800 62,800 35,800 35,800 150,400 PWTFL 163,713 - - - 163,713 Total Funding Sources: 329,277 961,231 35,800 35,800 1,326,308 Capital Expenditures: Design 329,277 72,271 - - 401,548 Right of Way - - - - - Construction - 852,960 - - 852,960 Long Term Debt - PWTF - 36,000 35,800 35,800 71,800 Total Expenditures: 329,277 961,231 35,800 35,800 1,254,508 Forecasted Project Cost: Total 2012 2013 2014 2015 2010 -2015 Funding Sources: Unrestricted Street Revenue - - - - - Grants (Fed,State,Local) - - - - Other - - - - - Traffic Mitigation Fees 35,800 35,800 - - 143,200 PWTFL - - - - - Total Funding Sources: 35,800 35,800 - - 143,200 Capital Expenditures: Design - - - - - Right of Way - - - - - Construction - - - - - Long Term Debt - PWTF 35,800 35,800 - - 143,200 Total Expenditures: 35,800 35,800 - - 143,200 Grants / Other Sources: Grant funding is secure and includes federal earmark and CMAQ funding. Other funds include 81K IS contribution from 518Fund and a 144K Signal Improvement contribution from Fund 328. 29 City of Auburn Draft Capital Facilities Plan ARTERIAL STREET FUND (102) Six Year Capital Facilities Plan, 2010 -2015 Capital Facilities Plan Special Revenue Funds Project Title: Project No: Project Type: Project Manager. 1 Street NE Corridor (40th St. NE to 52nd St. NE) c415a0 Capacity TBD TIP # 4 Description: The final alignment of the I Street Corridor is being analyzed as part of the Northeast Aubum Special Area Plan Environmental Impact Study. A portion of the ROW and Construction will be developer funded. The cross section will likely be a 5-lane arterial per the city's Comprehensive Plan. The project length is approximately three - quarters of a mile. This project may be split into two phases. Phase 1 would be 40th Street NE to 45th Street NE. Phase 2 would be 45th Street NE to 52nd Street NE (S. 277th Street). Progress Summary: This project is development driven. The project has been delayed due to the delay of the nearby pending development. The City has budget available to coordinate as needed and look for grant funding /partnership opportunities. If grant funds are available prior to 2012, a budget amendment will be required to accept the funding. Future Impact on Operating Budget: The annual maintenance cost for this project is estimated to be $25,200. Budget: 2009 YTD Actual 2010 09 Budget Budget Expenditures Budget Balance Adopted Budget - Budget Amendments - Adjusted Budget - - - - Activity: (Previous 2 Yrs) 2009 YE 2010 Year End Funding Sources: Prior to 2009 Estimate 2010 Budget 2011 Budget Project Total Unrestricted Street Revenue 11,827 - - - 11,827 Grants (Fed,State. Local) - - - - - REET - - - - - Traffic Impact Fees - - 5,000 5,000 5,000 Other Sources - - - - - Total Funding Sources: 11,827 - 5,000 5,000 16,827 Capital Expenditures: Design 10,957 - 5,000 5,000 15,957 Right of Way 870 - - - 870 Construction - - - - - Total Expenditures: 11,827 - 5,000 5,000 16,827 Forecasted Project Cost: Total 2012 2013 2014 2015 2010 -2015 Funding Sources: Unrestricted Street Revenue - - - - - Grants (Fed,State,Local) - - - - - REET - - - - - Traffic Impact Fees 10,000 Other Sources - - - _ - Total Funding Sources: - - - - 10,000 Capital Expenditures: Design - - - - 10,000 Right of Way - - - - _ Construction - - - _ _ Total Expenditures: - - - - 10,000 rants / Other Sources: 30 City of Auburn Draft Capital Facilities Plan ARTERIAL STREET FUND (102) Six Year Capital Facilities Plan, 2010 -2015 Capital Facilities Plan Special Revenue Funds Project Title: Project No: Project Type: Project Manager: M Street Grade Separation (E. Main to Auburn Way So.) c201a0 Capacity Jacob Sweeting TIP # 5 Description: Construction of a grade separated railroad crossing of M Street SE at the BNSF Stampede Pass tracks. Progress Summary: The pre- design has been completed. 30% Design Drawings were completed in 2009. Right of way acquisition will occur in 2010 and construction is expected to start in 2011. Design work includes the lengthy environmental process and coordination with BNSF. Future Impact on Operating Budget: The annual maintenance cost for this project is estimated to be $21,827. Budget: 2009 YTD Actual 2010 09 Budget Budget Expenditures Budget Balance Adopted Budget - Budget Amendments - Adjusted Budget - - - - Activity: (Previous 2 Yrs) 2009 YE 2010 Year End Funding Sources: Prior to 2009 Estimate 2010 Budget 2011 Budget Project Total Unrestricted Street Revenue - - 150,000 - 150,000 Grants (Fed,State,Loca/) - 122,500 4,622,800 6,627,000 4,745.300 REET - - - - - Traffic Impact Fees 128,600 877,500 789,000 1,000,000 1,795,100 Other - - - - - Total Funding Sources: 128,600 1,000,000 5,561,800 7,627,000 6,690,400 Capital Expenditures: Design 128,600 1,000,000 961,800 249,700 2,090.400 Right of Way - - 4,600,000 - 4,600,000 Construction - - - - 7,377,300 - Total Expenditures: 128,600 1,000,000 5,561,800 7,627,000 6,690,400 Forecasted Project Cost: Total 2012 2013 2014 2015 2010 -2015 Funding Sources: Unrestricted Street Revenue - - - - 150,000 Grants (Fed,State,Local) 4,148,400 - - - 15,398.200 REET - - - - - Traffic Impact Fees 1,161,400 - - - 2,950,400 Other Sources (Other Agencies)' 2,513,200 - - 2,513,200 Total Funding Sources: 7,823,000 - - - 21,011,800 Capital Expenditures: Design - - - - 1,211,500 Right of Way - - - - 4,600,000 Construction 7,823,000 - - - 15,200,300 Total Expenditures: 7,823,000 - - - 21,011,800 Grants / Other Sources: 'Funding partners include Port of Seattle, Port of Tacoma, BNSF, PSE, and more. 31 City of Auburn Draft Capital Facilities Plan ARTERIAL STREET.FUND (102) Six Year Capital Facilities Plan, 2010 -2015 Capital Facilities Plan Special Revenue Funds Project Title: Project No: Project Type: Project Manager: South 277th (Auburn Way North to Green River Bridge) c222a0 Capacity TBD TIP # 6 Description: This project includes major widening on S. 277th Street, including the addition of three lanes, one westbound and two eastbound, plus a Class 1 trail. The project length is nine - tenths of a mile. The final configuration will include three lanes eastbound and two lanes westbound. Progress Summary: The majority of this roadway is currently in the City of Kent's jurisdiction. Because the property served from the roadway is in the City of Auburn, the plan is to annex this portion of the roadway from Kent into the City of Auburn. The majority of this project is expected to be completed by developers. Future Impact on Operating Budget: The annual maintenance costs for this project is estimated to be $27,250. Budget: 2009 YTD Actual 2010 09 Budget Budget Expenditures Budget Balance Adopted Budget - Budget Amendments - Adjusted Budget - - - - Activity: (Previous 2 Yrs) 2009 YE 2010 Year End Funding Sources: Prior to 2009 Estimate 2010 Budget 2011 Budget Project Total Unrestricted Street Revenue 19,085 - - - 19,085 Grants (Fed,State,Local) - - - - _ REET - - - - - Traffic Impact Fees - - - - - Olher Sources - - - - - Total Funding Sources: 19,085 - - - 19,085 Capital Expenditures: Design 18,510 - - - 18,510 Right of Way 575 - - - 575 Construction - - - - _ Total Expenditures: 19,085 - - - 19,085 Forecasted Project Cost: Total 2012 2013 2014 2015 2010.2015 Funding Sources: Unrestricted Street Revenue - - - - Grants ( Fed,State,Local) - - 1,362,500 - 1,362,500 REET - - _ - Traffic Impact Fees - 100,000 - - 100,000 Other Sources - - - _ _ Total Funding Sources: - 100,000 1,362,500 - 1,462,500 Capital Expenditures: Design - 100,000 - - 100,000 Right of Way - - 318,800 - 318,800 Construction - - 1,043,700 - 1,043,700 Total Expenditures: - 100,000 1,362,500 - 1,462,500 rants •t er ources: he grant funding anticipated is not secured. Developer in kind funds /services support this project but do not pass though city. 32 City of Auburn Draft Capital Facilities Plan ARTERIAL STREET FUND (102) Six Year Capital Facilities Plan, 2010 -2015 Capital Facilities Plan Special Revenue Funds Project Title: Project No: Project Type: Project Manager: A Street NW, Phase 2 (W. Main to 3rd St. NW) cpxxxx Capacity TBD TIP # 8 Description: Construct a multi -lane arterial from W. Main to 3rd St. NW. This project will connect A Street NW, Phase 1 to the Sound Transit Station and the Central Business District. This project may end up being funded in all or part by developers. The project length is one fifth of a mile. Progress Summary: It is anticipated that the parking garage being constructed by the Auburn Regional Medical Center will complete a portion of this project in 2008. Future Impact on Operating Budget: This project will have no impact on the operating budget for street maintenance. Budget: 2009 YTD Actual 2010 09 Budget Budget Expenditures Budget Balance Adopted Budget - Budget Amendments - Adjusted Budget - - - - Activity: (Previous 2 Yrs) 2009 YE 2010 Year End Funding Sources: Prior to 2009 Estimate 2010 Budget 2011 Budget Project Total Unrestricted Street Revenue - - - - - Grants (Fed,State,Local) - - - 1,038,000 - REET - - - - - Traffic Impact Fees - - 100,000 162,000 100,000 Other (Developer)' 150,000 - - - 150,000 Total Funding Sources: 150,000 - 100,000 1,200,000 250,000 Capital Expenditures: Design - - 100,000 - 100,000 Right of Way - - - 1,200,000 - Construction 150,000 - - - 150,000 Total Expenditures: 150,000 - 100,000 1,200,000 . 250,000 Forecasted Project Cost: Total 2012 2013 2014 2015 2010 -2015 Funding Sources: Unrestricted Street Revenue - - - - - Grants (Fed,State,Local) 1,081,300 - - - 2,119,300 REET - - - - - Traffic Impact Fees 168,700 - - - 430,700 Other (Developer)• - - - - - Total Funding Sources: 1,250,000 - - - 2,550,000 Capital Expenditures: Design - - - - 100,000 Right of Way - - - - 1,200,000 Construction 1,250,000 - - - 1,250,000 Total Expenditures: 1,250,000 - - - 2,550,000 Grants / Other Sources: 'Anticipated developer contributions (cash or in kind services). Grant funding shown is unsecured. 33 City of Auburn Draft Capital Facilities Plan ARTERIAL STREET FUND (102) Six Year Capital Facilities Plan, 2010 -2015 Capital Facilities Plan Special Revenue Funds Project Title: Project No: Project Type: Project Manager: D Street NW (37th St. NW to 44th St. NW) cpxxxx Capacity TBD TIP # 9 Description: Construct a four -lane arterial per the city Comprehensive Plan. It will improve north /south mobility. This project is tied to potential future development and will complete a major north /south arterial corridor from Ellingson Road SW (41st Street SE) to S. 277th Street. The D ST NW project length is approximately 0.42 miles. Progress Summary: Future Impact on Operating Budget: The annual maintenance cost for this project is estimated to be $11,450. Budget: 2009 YTD Actual 2010 09 Budget Budget Expenditures Budget Balance Adopted Budget - Budget Amendments - Adjusted Budget - - - - Activity: (Previous 2 Yrs) 2009 YE 2010 Year End Funding Sources: Prior to 2009 Estimate 2010 Budget 2011 Budget Project Total Unrestricted Street Revenue - - - - - Grants (Fed, State. Local) - - - - - REET - - - - - Traffic Impact Fees - - - - - Other - - - - - Total Funding Sources: - - - - - Capital Expenditures: Design - - - - - Right of Way - - - - - Construction - - - - - Total Expenditures: - - - - - Forecasted Project Cost: Total 2012 2013 2014 2015 2010 -2015 Funding Sources: Unrestricted Street Revenue - - - - - Grants (Fed,State,Local) - - 160,000 160,000 320,000 REET - - - - - Trafrc Impact Fees - - 40,000 40,000 80,000 Other - Total Funding Sources: - - 200,000 200,000 400,000 Capital Expenditures: Design - - 200,000 200,000 400,000 Right of Way - - - - _ Construction - - - _ - Total Expenditures: - - 200,000 200,000 400,000 Grants / Other Sources: Grant Funding shown is unsecured. 34 City of Auburn Draft Capital Facilities Plan ARTERIAL STREET FUND (102) Six Year Capital Facilities Plan, 2010 -2015 Capital Facilities Plan Special Revenue Funds Project Title: Project No: Project Type: Project Manager: F Street SE (4th St. SE to Auburn Way So.) cp0911 Capacity TBD TIP # 10 Description: The F Street SE project includes pavement reconstruction, installation of curbs, gutters, an 8 -foot wide sidewalk on both sides, parking on one side, and a center turn -lane, as well as crash attenuation at the supports for the BNSF railroad bridge. This project improves mobility and safety and provides an alternate route to mitigate traffic impacts during construction of the M Street SE Grade Separation project. The project length is approximately 0.3 miles. Progress Summary: Preliminary design and survey work was completed in 2009. - Future Impact on Operating Budget: The annual maintenance cost for this project is estimated to be $4100. Budget: 2009 YTD Actual 2010 09 Budget Budget Expenditures Budget Balance Adopted Budget - Budget Amendments - Adjusted Budget - - - - Activity: (Previous 2 Yrs) 2009 YE 2010 Year End Funding Sources: Prior to 2009 Estimate 2010 Budget 2011 Budget Project Total Unrestricted Street Revenue - - - - - Grants (Fed,State,Local) - - . - - - REET - - - - - Traffic Impact Fees - 7,620 - - 7,620 Other - - - - - Total Funding Sources: - 7,620 - - 7,620 Capital Expenditures: Design - 7,620 - - 7,620 Right of Way - - - - - Construction - - - - - Total Expenditures: - 7,620 - - 7,620 Forecasted Project Cost: Total 2012 2013 2014 2015 2010 -2015 Funding Sources: Unrestricted Street Revenue - - - - - Grants (Fed,State,Local) - - - 780,000 780,000 REET - - - - - Traffic Impact Fees - 200,000 220,000 420,000 Other - - - - - Total Funding Sources: - - 200,000 1,000,000 1,200,000 Capital Expenditures: Design - - 200,000 - 200,000 Right of Way - - - 60,000 60,000 Construction - - - 940,000 940,000 Total Expenditures: - - 200,000 1,000,000 1,200,000 Grants / Other Sources: Grant funding is unsecured. 35 City of Auburn Draft Capital Facilities Plan ARTERIAL STREET FUND (102) Six Year Capital Facilities Plan, 2010 -2015 Capital Facilities Plan Special Revenue Funds Project Title: Project No: Project Type: Project Manager. M Street NE (E. Main St. to 4th St. NE) cpxxxx Capacity TBD TIP # 11 Description: This project will construct a complete 4 lane street section on M St NE between E main St. and 4th St NE. Progress Summary: Pre - design will be done in 2010 to refine project scope, alignment, and cost. Future Impact on Operating Budget: The annual maintenance cost for this project is estimated to be $1,500. Budget: 2009 YTD Actual 2010 Budget Expenditures Budget 09 Budget Balance Adopted Budget Budget Amendments - Adjusted Budget - - - - Activity: (Previous 2 Yrs) 2009 YE Funding Sources: Prior to 2009 Estimate 2010 Budget 2011 Budget 2010 Year End Project Total Unrestricted Street Revenue - - - - Grants (Fed,State,Local) - - - - REET - - - - Traffic Impact Fees - - 50,000 - Other - - - - - - - 50,000 - Total Funding Sources: - - 50,000 - Capital Expenditures: Design - - 50,000 - Right of Way - - - - Construction - - - - 50,000 50,000 - - Total Expenditures: - - 50,000 - 50,000 Forecasted Project Cost: 2012 2013 2014 2015 Total 2010 -2015 Funding Sources: Unrestricted Street Revenue - - - - Grants ( Fed,State,Local) - - 225,000 897,500 REET - - - _ Traffic Impact Fees - - 50,000 102,500 Other - - - _ - 1,122,500 _ 202,500 _ Total Funding Sources: - - 275,000 1,000,000 Capital Expenditures: Design - - 75,000 - Right of Way - - 200,000 - Construction - - - 1,000,000 1,325,000 125,000 200,000 1,000,000 Total Expenditures: - - 275,000 1,000,000 1,325,000 rants / ether ources: Grant funding is unsecured. 36 City of Auburn Draft Capital Facilities Plan ARTERIAL STREET FUND (102) Six Year Capital Facilities Plan, 2010 -2015 Capital Facilities Plan Special Revenue Funds Project Title: Project No: Project Type: Project Manager: Auburn South Intelligent Transportation System (ITS) Expansion cpxxxx Capacity Scott Nutter TIP # 13 Description: The Aubum South ITS Expansion project includes connecting and providing new ITS infrastructure on 15th ST SW, C ST SW and A ST SE. It also includes 6th ST SE, A ST SE and 41st ST SE, (Ellingson Road). This ITS expansion will be accomplished through existing conduits recently installed under capital improvement projects, and with wireless line of sight options. With this extension and additional equipment the project adds an additional 14 signals to the existing central signal system and brings back new cameras along three heavily congested corridors. Progress Summary: Project will be designed and constructed in 2010. Future Impact on Operating Budget: The annual maintenance cost for this project is estimated to be $5000. In addition, staff time will be required upon completion of the project to monitor the system. Budget: 2009 YTD Actual 2010 09 Budget Budget Expenditures Budget Balance Adopted Budget - Budget Amendments - Adjusted Budget - - - - Activity: (Previous 2 Yrs) 2009 YE 2010 Year End Funding Sources: Prior to 2009 Estimate 2010 Budget 2011 Budget Project Total Unrestricted Street Revenue - - - - - Grants (Fed,State,Local) - - 693,400 - 693,400 REET - - - - - Traffic Mitigation Fees - - 110,000 110,000 Other - - - - - Total Funding Sources: - - 803,400 - 803,400 Capital Expenditures: Design - - 40,500 - 40,500 Right of Way - - - - - Construction - - 762,900 - 762,900 Total Expenditures: - - 803,400 - 803,400 Forecasted Project Cost: Total 2012 2013 2014 2015 2010 -2015 Funding Sources: Unrestricted Street Revenue - - - - - Grants (Fed,State,Local) - - - - 693,400 REET - - - - - Traffic Mitigation Fees - - - - 110,000 Other - - - - Total Funding Sources: - - - - 803,400 Capital Expenditures: Design - - - - 40,500 Right of Way - - - - Construction - - - - 762,900 Total Expenditures: - - - - 803,400 Grants / Other Sources: Grant Funding is CMAQ and requires a 13.5% city match. 37 City of Auburn Draft Capital Facilities Plan ARTERIAL STREET FUND (102) Six Year Capital Facilities Plan, 2010 -2015 Capital Facilities Plan Special Revenue Funds Project Title: Project No: Project Type: Project Manager: 8th Street NE Widening (Pike Street to R Street NE) cpxxxx Capacity TBD TIP # 15 Description: Add eastbound lane to southside of 8th Street NE. Currently the lane exists from M Street NE and drops as a right turn only lane at the intersection of 8th Street NE and Pike Street. This would extend the lane to R Street NE where it would then be a right turn only lane onto R Street NE southbound. This is a planning level cost estimate. Progress Summary: Future Impact on Operating Budget: This project will have no impact on the operating budget for street maintenance. Budget: 2009 Budget YTD Actual Expenditures 2010 Budget 09 Budget Balance Adopted Budget Budget Amendments - - Adjusted Budget - - - - Activity: (Previous 2 Yrs) 2009 YE Funding Sources: Prior to 2009 Estimate 2010 Budget 2011 Budget 2010 Year End Project Total Unrestricted Street Revenue - - Grants (Fed, State, Local) - - REET - - Traffic impact Fees - - Other - - - - - - - - - - _ - - - - _ Total Funding Sources: - - Capital Expenditures: Design - - Right of Way - - Construction - - _ - - - . _ _ _ _ _ Total Expenditures: - - - _ _ Forecasted Project Cost: 2012 2013 2014 2015 Total 2010 -2015 Funding Sources: Unrestricted Street Revenue - 90,000 Grants (Fed,State,Loca!) - 360,000 REET - - Traffic Impact Fees - - Other - - 200,000 800,000 - _ _ - - _ _ - 290,000 1,160,000 _ _ _ Total Funding Sources: - 450,000 Capital Expenditures: Design - 150,000 Right of Way - 300,000 Construction - - 1,000,000 - - 1,000,000 - - - - 1,450,000 150,000 300,000 1,000,000 Total Expenditures: - 450,000 1,000,000 - 1,450,000 rants 11 er ources: rant unding is 38 City of Auburn Draft Capital Facilities Plan ARTERIAL STREET FUND (102) Six Year Capital Facilities Plan, 2010 -2015 Capital Facilities Plan Special Revenue Funds Project Title: Project No: Project Type: Project Manager: Harvey Rd. & 8th St. NE Intersection Improvements cp0611 Capacity Jacob Sweeting TIP # 17 Description: Add one eastbound through /right tum lane on 8th Street NE approaching Harvey Road. Modify traffic signals and traffic channelization to accommodate the new lane. The additional lane will improve traffic delays and vehicle queuing at the intersection of Harvey Road and 8th Street NE in all directions. This project will reconstruct M Street NE from 4th Street NE to 8th Street NE, a segment of roadway approximately 0.3 miles in length with four travel lanes. The reconstruction will fix the existing poor pavement condition and fill in any gaps in the sidewalk network. Progress Summary: Design is currently underway and construction is anticipated to begin in early summer of 2009. Future Impact on Operating Budget: This project will have no impact on the operating budget for street maintenance. Budget: 2009 YTD Actual 2010 09 Budget Budget Expenditures Budget Balance Adopted Budget - Budget Amendments - Adjusted Budget - - - - Activity: (Previous 2 Yrs) 2009 YE 2010 Year End Funding Sources: Prior to 2009 Estimate 2010 Budget 2011 Budget Project Total Unrestricted Street Revenue - - - - - Grants (Fed, State. Local) - - - - - Traffic Impact Fees 15,500 130,000 100,000 100,000 245,500 PWTF - 1,800,000 - - 1,800,000 Total Funding Sources: 15,500 1,930,000 100,000 100,000 2,045,500 Capital Expenditures: - Design 15,500 214,500 - - 230,000 Right of Way - 50,000 - - 50,000 Construction - 1,656,500 - - 1,656,500 Long Term Debt - PWTF - 9,000 100,000 100,000 109,000 Total Expenditures: 15,500 1,930,000 100,000 100,000 2,045,500 Forecasted Project Cost: Total 2012 2013 2014 2015 2010 -2015 Funding Sources: Unrestricted Street Revenue - - - - - Grants (Fed,State.Local) - - - - - Traffic Impact Fees 100,000 100,000 100,000 100,000 600,000 PWTF - - - - - Total Funding Sources: 100,000 100,000 100,000 100,000 600,000 Capital Expenditures: Design - - - - - Right of Way - - - - - Construction - - - - - Long Term Debt - PWTF 100,000 100,000 100,000 100,000 600,000 Total Expenditures: 100,000 100,000 100,000 100,000 600,000 Grants / Other Sources: Capacity Improvement eligible for traffic impact fees. Other funding is Public Works Trust Fund Loan 39 City of Auburn Draft Capital Facilities Plan ARTERIAL STREET FUND (102) Six Year Capital Facilities Plan, 2010 -2015 Capital Facilities Plan Special Revenue Funds Project Title: Project No: Project Type: Project Manager: Auburn Way South and M Street SE Intersection Imp. cpxxxx Capacity TBD TIP # 20 Description: Construct a westbound to northbound right turn lane at the intersection of Auburn Way South and M Street SE. This project would also improve the turning radius at this same corner allowing drivers to make a safe right turn on red (after stopping and yielding to oncoming vehicles). Currently the intersection geometry has necessitated the City placing a legal restriction on this movement. Progress Summary: Future Impact on Operating Budget: This project will have no impact on the operating budget for street maintenance. Budget: 2009 YTD Actual 2010 09 Budget Budget Expenditures Budget Balance Adopted Budget - Budget Amendments - Adjusted Budget - - - - Activity: (Previous 2 Yrs) 2009 YE 2010 Year End Funding Sources: Prior to 2009 Estimate 2010 Budget 2011 Budget Project Total Unrestricted Street Revenue - - 100,000 - 100,000 Grants (Fed,State,Local) - - - 520,000 - REET - - - - - Traffic Mitigation Funds - - - 130,000 - Other - - - Total Funding Sources: - - 100,000 650,000 100,000 Capital Expenditures: Design - - 100,000 - 100,000 Right of Way - - - 130,000 - Construction - - - 520,000 - Total Expenditures: - - 100,000 650,000 100,000 Forecasted Project Cost: Total 2012 2013 2014 2015 2010 -2015 Funding Sources: Unrestricted Street Revenue - - - - 100,000 Grants (Fed,State,Local) - - - - 520,000 REET _ _ - - - Traffic Mitigation Funds - - - - 130,000 Other - - _ _ _ Total Funding Sources: - - - - 750,000 Capital Expenditures: Design - - - - 100,000 Right of Way - - - - 130,000 Construction - - - - 520,000 Total Expenditures: - - - - 750,000 - . ce • ran ing unsecure . 40 City of Auburn Draft Capital Facilities Plan ARTERIAL STREET FUND (102) Six Year Capital Facilities Plan, 2010 -2015 Capital Facilities Plan Special Revenue Funds Project Title: Project No: Project Type: Project Manager. Skinner Road to 3rd Avenue (Auburn Pacific Trail Phase2) c507B0 Class 1 Trail / Sidewalk (Capacity) Leah Dunsdon TIP # 22 Description: This project will construct minor road widening and bicycle lane striping on Skinner Road and 3rd Avenue SE from Ellingson Road SW to Pacific Park. Sidewalks will be constructed along the western side of Skinner Road where there are gaps in the sidewalk network. The project length is approximately 1.2 miles. The project will connect to the Phase 1 improvements constructed in Auburn in 2007. Progress Summary: Phase 1 (portion in Auburn) was constructed in 2007. Phase 2 (portion in Pacific) will be constructed in 2010. • Future Impact on Operating Budget: This project will have no impact on the operating budget for street maintenance. Budget: 2009 YTD Actual 2010 09 Budget Budget Expenditures Budget Balance Adopted Budget - Budget Amendments - Adjusted Budget - - - - Activity: (Previous 2 Yrs) 2009 YE 2010 Year End Funding Sources: Prior to 2009 Estimate 2010 Budget 2011 Budget Project Total Unrestricted Street Revenue 3,300 - 3,600 - 6,900 Grants (Fed,State,Local) - 4,080 107,000 - 111,080 REET2 - 7,920 - - 7,920 Traffic Impact Fees - - - - Other (City fo Pacific) - - 36,200 - 36,200 Total Funding Sources: 3,300 12,000 146,800 - 162,100 Capital Expenditures: Design 3,300 12,000 - - 15,300 Right of Way - - - - Construction - - 146,800 - 146,800 Total Expenditures: 3,300 12,000 146,800 - 162,100 Forecasted Project Cost: Total 2012 2013 2014 2015 2010 Funding Sources: Unrestricted Street Revenue - - - - 3,600 Grants (Fed,State,Local) - - - - 107,000 REET2 - - - - - Traffic Impact Fees - - - - - Other (City fo Pacific) - - - - 36,200 Total Funding Sources: - - - - 146,800 Capital Expenditures: Design - - - - - Right of Way - - - - - Construction - - - 146,800 Total Expenditures: - - - - 146,800 Grants / Other Sources: Other is a reimbursable commitment of funds from City of Pacific. 41 City of Auburn Draft Capital Facilities Plan ARTERIAL STREET FUND (102) Six Year Capital Facilities Plan, 2010 -2015 Capital Facilities Plan Special Revenue Funds Project Title: Project No: Project Type: Project Manager: BNSF /E. Valley Highway Pedestrian Underpass c229a0 Class 1 Trail (Capacity) TBD TIP # 23 Description: Project to construct an undercrossing of the BNSF Railroad in conjunction with a pedestrian bridge to allow a safe, direct, attractive non - motorized access between neighborhoods in the City of Pacific and schools in the City of Auburn. Progress Summary: The design is on hold. Funding source is most likely a federal earmark. Currently this project is on hold pending some discussions with BNSF RR. They are in the process of planning for a third rail which would significantly impact the design. Future Impact on Operating Budget: The annual maintenance cost for this project is estimated to be $240. Budget: 2009 YTD Actual 2010 09 Budget Budget Expenditures Budget Balance Adopted Budget - Budget Amendments - Adjusted Budget - - - - Activity: (Previous 2 Yrs) 2009 YE 2010 Year End Funding Sources: Prior to 2009 Estimate 2010 Budget 2011 Budget Project Total Unrestricted Street Revenue 53,900 - - - 53,900 Grants ( Fed,State,Local) 170,400 - - - 170,400 REET - - - - _ Traffic Impact Fees Other - - - - Total Funding Sources: 224,300 - - - 224,300 Capital Expenditures: Design 224,300 - - -- 224,300 Right of Way - - - - Construction - - - - - Total Expenditures: 224,300 - - - 224,300 Forecasted Project Cost: Total 2012 2013 2014 2015 2010 -2015 Funding Sources: Unrestricted Street Revenue - - - - _ Grants (Fed,State,Local) - - 4,550,000 4,550,000 REET - - _ Traffic Impact Fees - - - - _ Other (Other Agencies)* - - - 250,000 250,000 Total Funding Sources: - - - 4,800,000 4,800,000 Capital Expenditures: Design - - - 750,000 750,000 Right of Way - - - 50,000 50,000 Construction - - - 4,000,000 4,000,000 Total Expenditures: - - - 4,800,000 4,800,000 ran s • er ources: - •pen pace :on. an. ig pee. ail Safety Money. 42 City of Auburn Draft Capital Facilities Plan ARTERIAL STREET FUND (102) Six Year Capital Facilities Plan, 2010 -2015 Capital Facilities Plan Special Revenue Funds Project Title: Project No: Project Type: Project Manager: Academy Drive Multi -Use Trail cpxxxx Class 1 Trail (Capacity) TBD TIP # 24 Description: This project will use existing right -of -way to repair the damaged roadbed to a usable multi -use trail on Academy Drive from the Green River Road to Auburn Way South. Progress Summary: Future Impact on Operating Budget: • The annual maintenance cost for this project is estimated to be $1,680. Budget: Adopted Budget Budget Amendments Adjusted Budget 2009 Budget YTD Actual Expenditures 2010 Budget 09 Budget Balance - - - - - - Activity: (Previous 2 Yrs) Funding Sources: Prior to 2009 2009 YE Estimate 2010 Budget 2011 Budget 2010 Year End Project Total Unrestricted Street Revenue Grants (Fed,State,Local) REET Traffic Impact Fees Other Sources - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Total Funding Sources: Capital Expenditures: Design Right of Way Construction - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Total Expenditures: - - - - - Forecasted Project Cost: 2012 2013 2014 2015 Total 2010 -2015 Funding Sources: Unrestricted Street Revenue Grants (Fed,State,Local) REET Traffic Impact Fees Other Sources 10,000 - - - - 150,000 - - - - 42,500 382,500 - - - 42,500 382,500 - - - 245,000 765,000 - - - Total Funding Sources: Capital Expenditures: Design Right of Way Construction 10,000 10,000 - - 150,000 150,000 - - 425,000 - - 425,000 425,000 - - 425,000 1,010,000 160,000 - 850,000 Total Expenditures: 10,000 150,000 425,000 425,000 1,010,000 Grants / Other Sources Grant Funding is unsecured 43 City of Auburn Draft Capital Facilities Plan ARTERIAL STREET FUND (102) Six Year Capital Facilities Plan, 2010 -2015 Capital Facilities Plan Special Revenue Funds Project Title: Project No: Project Type: Project Manager: 124th Ave SE Corridor Improvements Phase 1 cpxxx Capacity TBD TIP # 39 Description: This project will fund the design, right of way aqcuisition, and construction of improvements to the signalized intersection of SE 320th St and 124th Ave SE. Improvements include constructing bike lanes, sidewalks, dual southbound left tum lanes into GRCC, and ITS. A portion of this project is the main entrance to Green River_Community College and will require additional on -site improvements by GRCC. rY• Progress Summary: Future Impact on Operating Budget: • This project will have no impact on the operating budget for street maintenance. Budget: Adopted Budget Budget Amendments Adjusted Budget 2009 Budget YTD Actual Expenditures 2010 Budget 09 Budget Balance - - - - - - - - - - - - Activity: Funding Sources: Unrestricted Street Revenue Grants (Fed,State,Local) Traffic Impact Fees PWTFL Other Total Funding Sources: Capital Expenditures: Design Right of Way Construction Total Expenditures: (Previous 2 Yrs) Prior to 2009 2009 YE Estimate 2010 Budget 2011 Budget 2010 Year End Project Total - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 85,000 15,000 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 100,000 100,000 - - - - - - - - - 100,000 - Forecasted Project Cost: Funding Sources: Unrestricted Street Revenue Grants ( Fed,State,Loca!) Traffic Impact Fees PWTFL Other Total Funding Sources: Capital Expenditures: Design Right of Way Construction Total Expenditures: 2012 2013 2014 2015 Total 2010 -2015 - 650,000 100,000 - - - - - - - - - - - _ - - - - _ - 735,000 115,000 - _ 750,000 - 50,000 700,000 - - - - - - - - - - - - 850,000 100,000 50,000 700,000 750,000 - - - 850,000 rants / Other Sources: Grant Funding is unsecured. 44 City of Auburn Draft Capital Facilities Plan ARTERIAL STREET FUND (102) Six Year Capital Facilities Plan, 2010 -2015 Capital Facilities Plan Special Revenue Funds Project Title: Project No: Project Type: Project Manager: 124th Ave SE Corridor Improvements Phase 2 cpxxx Capacity TBD TIP # 40 Description: This project will fund the design, right of way aqcuisition, and construction of a 4-lane section with bicylcle and pedestrian facilities on 124th Ave SE between SE 318th St and SE 312th St. Progress Summary: Future Impact on Operating Budget: This project will have no impact on the operating budget for street maintenance. Budget: 2009 Budget YTD Actual Expenditures 2010 Budget 09 Budget Balance Adopted Budget - Budget Amendments - - - - - - - Adjusted Budget - - - - Activity: (Previous 2 Yrs) 2009 YE Funding Sources: Prior to 2009 Estimate 2010 Budget 2011 Budget 2010 Year End Project Total Unrestricted Street Revenue - - Grants (Fed,State.Local) - - Traffic Impact Fees - - PWTFL - - Other - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Total Funding Sources: - - Capital Expenditures: Design - - Right of Way - - Construction - - - - - - - - - - - - - Total Expenditures: - - - - - Forecasted Project Cost: - 2012 2013 2014 2015 Total 2010 -2015 Funding Sources: Unrestricted Street Revenue - - Grants (Fed,Stafe,Local) 125,000 1,185,000 Traffic Impact Fees 25,000 185,000 PWTFL - - Other - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1,310,000 210,000 - - Total Funding Sources: 150,000 1,370,000 Capital Expenditures: Design 150,000 - Right of Way - 170,000 Construction - 1,200,000 - - - - - - - - 1,520,000 150,000 170,000 1,200,000 Total Expenditures: 150,000 1,370,000 - - 1,520,000 Grants / Other Sources: Grant funding is unsecured. 45 City of Auburn Draft Capital Facilities Plan ARTERIAL STREET FUND (102) Six Year Capital Facilities Plan, 2010 -2015 Capital Facilities Plan Special Revenue Funds Project Title: Project No: Project Type: Project Manager: 124th Ave SE Corridor Improvements Phase 3 cpxxx Capacity TBD TIP # 41 Description: This project will fund the design, right of way aqcuisition, and construction of improvements to the signalized intersection of SE 312th St and 124th Ave SE. Improvements include adding bike lanes, dual westbound left tum lanes, dual southbound thru lanes, ITS and pedestrian safety improvements. Progress Summary: • Future Impact on Operating Budget: This project will have no impact on the operating budget for street maintenance. Budget: 2009 Budget YTD Actual Expenditures 2010 Budget 09 Budget Balance Adopted Budget - Budget Amendments - - - - - - - Adjusted Budget - - - - Activity: (Previous 2 Yrs) 2009 YE Funding Sources: Prior to 2009 Estimate 2010 Budget 2011 Budget 2010 Year End Project Total Unrestricted Street Revenue - - Grants (Fed,State,Local) - - Traffic Impact Fees - - PWTFL - - Other - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Total Funding Sources: - - Capital Expenditures: Design - - Right of Way - - Construction - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Total Expenditures: - - - - - Forecasted Project Cost: 2012 2013 2014 2015 Total 2010 -2015 Funding Sources: Unrestricted Street Revenue - - Grants (Fed,State,Locat) - 43,000 Traffic Impact Fees - 7,000 W PTFL - - Other - 389,500 60,500 - - - - - - - 432,500 67,500 - - Total Funding Sources: - 50,000 Capital Expenditures: Design - 50,000 Right of Way - - Construction - - 450,000 - 50,000 400,000 - - - - 500,000 50,000 50,000 400,000 Total Expenditures: - 50,000 450,000 - 500,000 ran s 11 er ources: rant un.ing 1 d 46 City of Auburn Draft Capital Facilities Plan ARTERIAL STREET FUND (102) Six Year Capital Facilities Plan, 2010 -2015 Capital Facilities Plan Special Revenue Funds Project Title: Project No: Project Type: Project Manager: SE 320th St Corridor Improvements cpxxx Capacity TBD TIP # 42 Description: This project will fund the design, right of way aqcuisition, and construction of a 3 lane roadway with bicycle and pedestrian facilities on SE 320th St between 124th Ave SE and the westem entrance to GRCC. Progress Summary: Future Impact on Operating Budget: This project will have no impact on the operating budget for street maintenance. Budget: 2009 Budget YTD Actual Expenditures 2010 Budget 09 Budget Balance Adopted Budget - Budget Amendments - - - - - - - Adjusted Budget - - - - Activity: (Previous 2 Yrs) 2009 YE Funding Sources: Prior to 2009 Estimate 2010 Budget 2011 Budget 2010 Year End Project Total Unrestricted Street Revenue - - Grants (Fed,State,Local) - - Traffic Impact Fees - - PWTFL - - Other - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Total Funding Sources: - - Capital Expenditures: Design - - Right of Way - - Construction - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Total Expenditures: - - - - - Forecasted Project Cost: 2012 2013 2014 2015 Total 2010 -2015 Funding Sources: Unrestricted Street Revenue - - Grants (Fed,State,Local) - - Traffic Impact Fees - - PWTFL - Other - - - 51,500 8,500 - - - 502,100 77,900 - - - 553,600 86,400 - - Total Funding Sources: - - Capital Expenditures: Design - - Right of Way - - Construction - - 60,000 60,000 - - 580,000 - 60,000 520,000 640,000 60,000 60,000 520,000 Total Expenditures: - - 60,000 580,000 640,000 Grants I Other Sources: Grant funding is unsecured. 47 8b pamoasun si 6wpuni luej 'saomos Ja410 / slues 000'O0t' 000'09n 000'091 - - :sainupuadx3lelol 000'oS0'Z 000'090'Z - - - uo/lonJJsuoO 000'00Z 000'00Z - - - item Jo J46/8 000'051 - 000'091 - - u6/sap : sainllpuadx3 lelldeo 000'00V'Z 000`09n 000'091. - - :saaJnog 6ulpunj Ielol ia41O - - - - 7diMd 000'VZ£ 000'66Z 000'SZ - - saaj Joedun o/yeii 000.9L0'Z 000'LS6'l 000'SZl - - (Jeoo7'alels'paj)slueiO - - - - anuanaa ;Gags pappisaJun :sazJnos 6ulpund S1.OZ-010Z 91.0Z VLOZ £1.0Z ZLOZ loyal 11603 13afoJd palseoaio j - - - - :saJnllpuadx3lelol - - - - - uon n.1SU03 • - - - - AfeM Jo J46!a - - - - u5isap : sa inl!Puadx3 Ielldeo - - :sa3Jnog 6ulpund Ielol Ja410 - - - - - ldiMd - - - - - saaj ioedwj o jell - - - - - (leoo7'aJeJS"Pad) siuei0 - - - - - anuanaa pans paJOu4saJun lelolLoafoJd Ja6pngLLOZ Ja6pngO1OZ alewns3 GOOz 01i01id :saolnos6ulpunj Pu3 IeaA 01.0Z 3A 6002 (sJA Z sno!naJd) :A inl ;ay - - - - Ja6png palsn(pV - - - - sluawpuawy Ja6png - - - Ja6png paJdoPV aoueleg Ja6png saJnllpuadx3 Ja6png Ja6png 60 01.0Z IenloV alA 600Z :laBpng •aoueualu!ew 1aaJ1s Jo; la6pnq 6ulleiado atl uo loedwl ou aney !gm loafaJd situ :Ja6png 6uwendo uo ioedwl am ;n j :J(Jlewwng ssaI6oJd •sluawaouequa Ala ;es useulsapad pue speaq leu6is 'rue n xne 'sauel wnl uai Imp punoglsannvpunoglsea 6ulleann apnpul !pm loafoJd situ •3s JO >IleMJanla pue toms AeM wngnv le sluawanoJdwl Ala ;es pue Auoede3 uolloasJalu! to uollonJlsuoo pue uoplslnobe Aenn ;o 1146li 'u6lsap ayl pun} ILA loafojd s!Ul :uouduJlasaa £b # dll 081 Alpede0 xxxdo s ;uawanoadwq uogoasJalui lieN 1eA! I' Limos J(eM uungny :Ja6euen pafoJd :adAj pafoJd :o,4 pafoid :011!1"Porwd sound anuanaa Ielaadg uefd sa131llaed Ie;Ide3 9IOZ-010Z 'uefd sal ;iI!3ej le;lde3 ieaA xfg (ZOt) CINCH 1331:11S 1VR13121d uvjd sar ,1zjpng Ivltdn3 fairj tungnv fo I� City of Auburn Draft Capital Facilities Plan ARTERIAL STREET FUND (102) Six Year Capital Facilities Plan, 2010 -2015 Capital Facilities Plan Special Revenue Funds Project Title: Project No: Project Type: Project Manager: Environmental Park Roadway Improvements Study cpxxx Capacity TBD TIP # 47 Description: This project will fund a study to determine the feasibility, scope and cost of low impact roadway, bicycle and pedestrian improvements in the Environmental Park area. Included in this study scope is a connection between Clay St NW and Westem St NW. Progress Summary: Future Impact on Operating Budget: This project will have no impact on the operating budget for street maintenance. Budget: 2009 Budget YTD Actual Expenditures 2010 Budget 09 Budget Balance Adopted Budget - Budget Amendments - - - - - - - Adjusted Budget - - - - Activity: (Previous 2 Yrs) 2009 YE Funding Sources: Prior to 2009 Estimate 2010 Budget 2011 Budget 2010 Year End Project Total Unrestricted Street Revenue - - Grants (Fed,State,Local) - - REET - - PWTFL - - Other - - 5,000 - - - - - - - - - 5,000 - - - - Total Funding Sources: - - Capital Expenditures: Design - - Right of Way - - Construction - - 5,000 5,000 - - - - - - 5,000 5,000 - - Total Expenditures: - - 5,000 - 5,000 Forecasted Project Cost: 2012 2013 2014 2015 Total 2010 -2015 Funding Sources: Unrestricted Street Revenue - - Grants (Fed,State,Local) - - REET - - PWTFL - - Other - - - - - - - - - - - - 5,000 - - - - Total Funding Sources: - - Capital Expenditures: Design - - Right of Way - - Construction - - - - - - - - - - 5,000 5,000 - - Total Expenditures: - - - - 5,000 Grants / Other Sources: 49 City of Auburn Draft Capital Facilities Plan ARTERIAL STREET FUND (102) Six Year Capital Facilities Plan, 2010 -2015 Capital Facilities Plan Special Revenue Funds Project Title: Project No: Project Type: Project Manager. Downtown to Les Gove Non - Motorized Improvements Study TIP # 48 cpxxxx Bike Lanes,Sidewalks and Transit Improvement Study (Capacity) TBD Description: This project provides funding to complete a study of the 2nd St SE & F St SE corridor between Les Gove Park and Downtown Aubum. Improvements may include pavement reconstruction, sidewalks, access ramps, signal modifications and route signing. Progress Summary: Future Impact on Operating Budget: This project will have no impact on the operating budget for street maintenance. Budget: 2009 Budget YTD Actual Expenditures 2010 Budget 09 Budget Balance Adopted Budget - Budget Amendments - - - - - - - Adjusted Budget - - - - Activity: (Previous 2 Yrs) 2009 YE Funding Sources: Prior to 2009 Estimate 2010 Budget 2011 Budget 2010 Year End Project Total Unrestricted Street Revenue - - Grants (Fed,State,Local) - - REET - - PWTFL - - Other - - 10,000 - - - - - - - - _ 10,000 - - - - Total Funding Sources: - - Capital Expenditures: Design - - Right of Way - - Construction - - 10,000 10,000 - - - - - - 10,000 10,000 - - Total Expenditures: - - 10,000 - 10,000 Forecasted Project Cost: 2012 2013 2014 2015 Total 2010 -2015 Funding Sources: Unrestricted Street Revenue - - Grants (Fed,State,Local) - - REET - _ PWTFL - - Other - _ - - _ _ _ - _ _ _ _ 10,000 _ _ _ _ Total Funding Sources: - -. - Capital Expenditures: Design - - Right of Way - - Construction - _ - - _ _ - - _ _ 10,000 10,000 _ - Total Expenditures: - - - - 10,000 ran s • er ources• 50 City of Auburn Draft Capital Facilities Plan ARTERIAL STREET FUND (102) Six Year Capital Facilities Plan, 2010 -2015 Capital Facilities Plan Special Revenue Funds Project Title: Project No: Project Type: Project Manager: S 316th St Bicycle & Pedestrian Improvement Study cpxxxx Class 2 Bike Lanes / Sidewalks (Capacity) TBD TIP # 49 Description: This project provides funding for completing a study to add bicycle and pedestrian facilities on S 316th St from east of Evergreen Heights Elementary to 51st Ave S. Progress Summary: Future Impact on Operating Budget: This project will have no impact on the operating budget for street maintenance. Budget: 2009 Budget YTD Actual Expenditures 2010 Budget 09 Budget Balance Adopted Budget - Budget Amendments - - - - - - - Adjusted Budget - - - - Activity: (Previous 2 Yrs) 2009 YE Funding Sources: Prior to 2009 Estimate 2010 Budget 2011 Budget 2010 Year End Project Total Unrestricted Street Revenue - - Grants (Fed,State,Local) - - REET - - PWTFL - - Other - - 5,000 - - - - - - - - - 5,000 - - - - Total Funding Sources: - - Capital Expenditures: Design - - Right of Way - - Construction - - 5,000 5,000 - - - - - - 5,000 5,000 - - Total Expenditures: - - 5,000 - 5,000 Forecasted Project Cost: 2012 2013 2014 2015 Total 2010 -2015 Funding Sources: Unrestricted Street Revenue - - Grants (Fed,State,Local) - - REET - - PWTFL - - Other - - - - - - - - - - - - 5,000 - - - - Total Funding Sources: - - Capital Expenditures: Design - - Right of Way - - Construction - - - - - - - - - - 5,000 5,000 - - Total Expenditures: - - - - 5,000 Grants / Other Sources: 51 City of Auburn Draft Capital Facilities Plan ARTERIAL STREET FUND (102) Six Year Capital Facilities Plan, 2010 -2015 Capital Facilities Plan Special Revenue Funds Project Title: Project No: Project Type: Project Manager: East Valley Highway ITS Expansion cpxxx Capacity TBD TIP # 51 Description: This project will fund the design, coordination, permitting and construction of ITS facilities from 41st St SE to Lake Tapps Parkway. Progress Summary: Future Impact on Operating Budget: The annual maintenance cost for this project is estimated to be $5000. Budget: 2009 Budget YTD Actual Expenditures 2010 Budget 09 Budget Balance Adopted Budget Budget Amendments - - - - - - - - Adjusted Budget - - - - Activity: (Previous 2 Yrs) Funding Sources: Prior to 2009 2009 YE Estimate 2010 Budget 2011 Budget 2010 Year End Project Total Unrestricted Street Revenue - Grants (Fed,State,Local) - REET - Traffic Impact Fees - Other - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Total Funding Sources: - Capital Expenditures: Design - Right of Way - Construction - - - - - - - - - - _ - - - - - - Total Expenditures: - - - - - Forecasted Project Cost: 2012 2013 2014 2015 Total 2010 -2015 Funding Sources: Unrestricted Street Revenue - Grants (Fed,State,Local) - REET - Traffic Impact Fees - Other - - - - - - - 692,000 _ 108,000 _ - - _ - - - 692,000 - 108,000 - Total Funding Sources: - Capital Expenditures: Design - Right of Way - Construction - - - - - 800,000 85,000 - 715,000 - - - 800,000 85,000 _ 715,000 Total Expenditures: - - 800,000 - 800,000 rants •t er ources• rant funding is d 52 City of Auburn Draft Capital Facilities Plan ARTERIAL STREET FUND (102) Six Year Capital Facilities Plan, 2010 -2015 Capital Facilities Plan Special Revenue Funds Project Title: Project No: Project Type: Project Manager: 37th St SE & R ST SE Pedestrian Connector CP0803 Class 1 Trail (Capacity) Leah Dunsdon TIP # 53 Description: This project will construct a pedestrian connection between 37th ST SE & R St providing a Zink between south Auburn and the White River Trail and Game Farm Park. Progress Summary: Future Impact on Operating Budget: This project will have no impact on the operating budget for street maintenance. Budget: 2009 Budget YTD Actual Expenditures 2010 Budget 09 Budget Balance Adopted Budget - Budget Amendments - - - - - - - Adjusted Budget - - - - Activity: (Previous 2 Yrs) 2009 YE Funding Sources: Prior to 2009 Estimate 2010 Budget 2011 Budget 2010 Year End Project Total Unrestricted Street Revenue - - Grants (State) 337 13,263 Traffic Mitigation Fees - - PWTFL - - Other - - - 110,700 - - - - - - - - - 124,300 - - - Total Funding Sources: 337 13,263 Capital Expenditures: Design 337 13,263 Right of Way - - Construction - - 110,700 • - - 110,700 - - - - 124,300 13,600 - 110,700 Total Expenditures: 337 13,263 110,700 - 124,300 Forecasted Project Cost: 2012 2013 2014 2015. Total 2010 -2015 Funding Sources: Unrestricted Street Revenue - - Grants (Slate) - - Traffic Mitigation Fees - - PWTFL - - Other - - - - - - - - - - - - - 110,700 - - - Total Funding Sources: - - Capital Expenditures: Design - - Right of Way - - Construction - - - - - - - - - - 110,700 - - 110,700 Total Expenditures: - - - - 110,700 Grants / Other Sources: Grant funding is State Ped & Bike Safety Grant. 53 City of Auburn Draft Capital Facilities Plan ARTERIAL STREET FUND (102) Six Year Capital Facilities Plan, 2010 -2015 Capital Facilities Plan Special Revenue Funds Project Title: Project No: Project Type: Project Manager. Kersey Way Study cpxxxx Capacity TBD TIP # 54 Description: This project will study improvements to the Kersey Way SE corridor from the White River Bridge to the southern city limits. The study will develop the scope and costs for horizontal /vertical geometric roadway improvements, roadside hazard mitigation, street lighting and non- motorized trail construction. The project length is approximately two miles. . Progress Summary: It is anticipated that pre - design will begin in 2010. Future Impact on Operating Budget: The annual maintenance cost for this project is estimated to be $14,056. Budget: 2009 YTD Actual 2010 09 Budget Budget Expenditures Budget Balance Adopted Budget - Budget Amendments - Adjusted Budget - - - - Activity: (Previous 2 Yrs) 2009 YE 2010 Year End Funding Sources: Prior to 2009 Estimate 2010 Budget 2011 Budget Project Total Unrestricted Street Revenue - - - - - Grants (Fed,State,Local) - - _ - - REET _ - - Traffic Impact Fees - 100,000 - 100,000 Other - - - - - Total Funding Sources: - - 100,000 - 100,000 Capital Expenditures: Design - - 100,000 - 100,000 Right of Way - - - - - Construction - - - - - Total Expenditures: - - 100,000 - 100,000 Forecasted Project Cost: Total 2012 2013 2014 2015 2010 -2015 Funding Sources: Unrestricted Street Revenue - - _ - - Grants (Fed,State,Local) - - _ - - REET - - _ - - Traffic Impact Fees - - - 100,000 Other (Developer)' - - - Total Funding Sources: - - - - 100,000 Capital Expenditures: Design - - - - 100,000 Right of Way - - _ _ _ Construction - _ _ - _ Total Expenditures: - - - - 100,000 ran s • er ources: 54 City of Auburn Draft Capital Facilities Plan ARTERIAL STREET FUND (102) Six Year Capital Facilities Plan, 2010 -2015 Capital Facilities Plan Special Revenue Funds Project Title: Auburn Way Corridor Imp. (4th Street NE to 4th Street SE) Project No: c409a0 Project Type: Non - Capacity Project Manager: TBD TIP # 3 Description: This project is based on a pre- design study and is intended to improve pedestrian accessibility, appearance, and link the downtown area along Auburn Way South between 4th St NE and 4th St SE. This project may include some pavement repairs. However, an overlay was completed as part of the City's Arterial Pavement Preservation Program in 2007. Although this was considered a temporary fix, the scope has been modified to account for the pavement work. The project length is approximately a half mile. Progress Summary: The pavement portion has been minimized due to the work completed in 2007 under the Arterial Pavement Preservation Program. Future Impact on Operating Budget: This project will have no impact on the operating budget for street maintenance. Budget: 2009 YTD Actual 2010 09 Budget Budget Expenditures Budget Balance Adopted Budget - Budget Amendments - Adjusted Budget - - - _ Activity: (Previous 2 Yrs) 2009 YE 2010 Year End Funding Sources: Prior to 2009 Estimate 2010 Budget 2011 Budget Project Total Unrestricted Street Revenue 78,251 - - 78.251 Grants (Fed, State. Local) - - - .. REET - - - .. _ Traffic Impact Fees - - - .. _ Other Sources - - - _ - Total Funding Sources: 78,251 - - - 78,251 Capital Expenditures: Design 78,251 - - - 78,251 Right of Way - - - - _ Construction - - - _ _ Total Expenditures: 78,251 - - - 78,251 Forecasted Project Cost: Total 2012 2013 2014 2015 2010 -2015 Funding Sources: Unrestricted Street Revenue - 110,000 600,000 - 710,000 Grants (Fed,State,Local) - 708,700 2,400,000 - 3,108,700 REET - - - - - Traffic Impact Fees - - - - - Other Sources - - - - - Total Funding Sources: - 818,700 3,000,000 - 3,818,700 Capital Expenditures: Design - 618,700 - - 618,700 Right of Way - 200,000 - - 200,000 Construction - - 3,000,000 - 3,000,000 Total Expenditures: - 818,700 3,000,000 - 3,818,700 Grants / Other Sources: Grant funding is not secured. 55 City of Auburn Draft Capital Facilities Plan ARTERIAL STREET FUND (102) Six Year Capital Facilities Plan, 2010 -2015 Capital Facilities Plan Special Revenue Funds Project Title: Project No: Project Type: Project Manager: 15th Street SW Reconstruction cpxxxx Non - Capacity TBD TIP # 7 Description: This project was originally scoped to include pavement preservation. The pavement preservation component could still be combined with this project, but is also eligible for the Arterial Pavement Preservation Program. This project should look to improve the railroad crossing grades as well as the vertical sight distance to the interurban trail to the west of the tracks. The cost estimate listed below is planning level cost. Progress Summary: Future Impact on Operating Budget: This project will have no impact on the operating budget for street maintenance. Budget: 2009 YTD Actual 2010 09 Budget Budget Expenditures Budget Balance Adopted Budget - Budget Amendments - Adjusted Budget - - - - Activity: (Previous 2 Yrs) 2009 YE 2010 Year End Funding Sources: Prior to 2009 Estimate 2010 Budget 2011 Budget Project Total Unrestricted Street Revenue - - - - - Grants (Fed,State,Locat) - - - - - REET - - - - - Tratfic Mitigation Funds - - - - Other - - - - Total Funding Sources: - - - - Capital Expenditures: Design - - - - - Right of Way - - - - - Construction - - - - - Total Expenditures: - - - - - Forecasted Project Cost: Total 2012 2013 2014 2015 2010 -2015 Funding Sources: Unrestricted Street Revenue 75,000 500,000 - - 575,000 Grants (Fed,State,Local) 300,000 2,500,000 - - 2,800,000 REET - - - - - Tratfic Mitigation Funds - - - Other - - - - - Total Funding Sources: 375,000 3,000,000 - - 3,375,000 Capital Expenditures: Design 375,000 - - - 375,000 Right of Way - - - - - Construction - 3,000,000 - - 3,000,000 Total Expenditures: 375,000 3,000,000 - - 3,375,000 Grants / Other Sources: Grant funding is unsecured. 56 City of Auburn Draft Capital Facilities Plan ARTERIAL STREET FUND (102) Six Year Capital Facilities Plan, 2010 -2015 Capital Facilities Plan Special Revenue Funds Project Title: Project No: Project Type: Project Manager: West Valley Hwy Improvements (SR -18 to West Main Street) cp0916 Non - Capacity TBD TIP # 14 Description: Widen roadway to accommodate a two way Left turn lane; install a traffic median to prohibit traffic from driving into on coming lanes; add curb, gutter, and 'storm drainage; repair failing roadway surface; install sidewalk along the east side of the roadway; install illumination; accommodate bicycle usage with 3 foot shoulder on both sides of the roadway; and install a new traffic signal at and improve the intersection of West Main Street and West Valley Highway. This project will improve efficiency, safety, and driving comfort, as well as reduce the amount of time maintenance staff has to spend doing temporary repairs that do not last. Progress Summary: Future Impact on Operating Budget: This project will have no impact on the operating budget for street maintenance. Budget: 2009 YTD Actual 2010 09 Budget Budget Expenditures Budget Balance Adopted Budget - Budget Amendments - Adjusted Budget - - - - Activity: (Previous 2 Yrs) 2009 YE 2010 Year End Funding Sources: Prior to 2009 Estimate 2010 Budget 2011 Budget Project Total Unrestricted Street Revenue - - - 55,000 - Grants (Fed,State,Local) - 87,000 183,000 2,730,000 270,000 REET2 - 33,000 62,000 - 95,000 Traffic Mitigation Fees - 25,000 75,000 530,000 100,000 Other (Storm Fund) - - - 1,220,000 - Total Funding Sources: - 145,000 320,000 4,535,000 465,000 Capital Expenditures: Design, - 145,000 320,000 - 465,000 Right of Way - - - - - Construction - - - 4,535,000 - Total Expenditures: - 145,000 320,000 4,535,000 465,000 Forecasted Project Cost: Total 2012 2013 2014 2015 2010 -2015 Funding Sources: Unrestricted Street Revenue - - - - 55,000 Grants (Fed,State,Local) - - - - 2,913,000 REST 2 - - - - 62,000 Traffic Mitigation Fees - - - - 605,000 Other (Storm Fund) - - - - 1,220,000 Total Funding Sources: - - - - 4,855,000 Capital Expenditures: Design - - - - 320,000 Right of Way - - - - - Construction - - - - 4,535,000 Total Expenditures: - - - - 4,855,000 Grants / Other Sources: TIB Grant (secured). Other funding source is to Storm 432 Fund. 57 City of Auburn Draft Capital Facilities Plan ARTERIAL STREET FUND (102) Six Year Capital Facilities Plan, 2010 -2015 Capital Facilities Plan Special Revenue Funds Project Title: Project No: Project Type: Project Manager: 8th Street and R Street NE Traffic Signal cp0701 Non - Capacity Intersection Improvement Vondrak TIP # 18 Description: This project includes the construction of a new traffic signal at the intersection of 8th Street NE and R Street NE. Intersection improvements will include crosswalks and pedestrian signals. This project was selected on accident history, surrounding land uses, and pedestrian flow patterns. Progress Summary: The design is anticipated to be started in 2007, with construction scheduled for 2010. Future Impact on Operating Budget: The annual maintenance cost for this project is estimated to be $6,600. Budget: 2009 YTD Actual 2010 09 Budget Budget Expenditures Budget Balance Adopted Budget - Budget Amendments - Adjusted Budget - - - - Activity: (Previous 2 Yrs) 2009 YE 2010 Year End Funding Sources: Prior to 2009 Estimate 2010 Budget 2011 Budget Project Total Unrestricted Street Revenue - - 400,500 - 400,500 Grants (Federal) 107,298 40,500 100,000 - 247,798 REET - - - - - Traffic Impact Fees - - - - - Other - - - - - Total Funding Sources: 107,298 40,500 500,500 - 648,298 Capital Expenditures: Design 107,298 35,500 - - 142,798 Right of Way - 5,000 - - 5,000 Construction - - 500,500 - 500,500 Total Expenditures: 107,298 40,500 500,500 - 648,298 Forecasted Project Cost: Total 2012 2013 2014 2015 2010 -2015 Funding Sources: Unrestricted Street Revenue - - - - 400,500 Grants (Federal) - - - - 100,000 REET - - - - - Traffic Impact Fees - - - - - Other - - - - - Total Funding Sources: - - - - 500,500 Capital Expenditures: Design - - _ _ _ Right of Way - - - - - Construction - - - - 500,500 Total Expenditures: - - - - 500,500 Grants / Other Sources: Grant is Federal Intersection & Corridor Safety Grant. 58 City of Auburn Draft Capital Facilities Plan ARTERIAL STREET FUND (102) Six Year Capital Facilities Plan, 2010 -2015 Capital Facilities Plan Special Revenue Funds Project Title: Project No: Project Type: Project Manager: Auburn Way North 11st Street NE Signal Improvements cpxxxx Non - Capacity TBD TIP # 19 Description: This project will construct a new complete traffic signal with controller cabinet and battery backup along with necessary intersection improvements. Progress Summary: Predesign will be completed in 2010. Final design and construction is planned for 2011. Future Impact on Operating Budget: This project will have no impact on the operating budget for street maintenance. Budget: 2009 YTD Actual Budget Expenditures 2010 Budget 09 Budget Balance Adopted Budget Budget Amendments - - Adjusted Budget - - - - Activity: (Previous 2 Yrs) 2009 YE Funding Sources: Prior to 2009 Estimate 2010 Budget 2011 Budget 2010 Year End Project Total Unrestricted Street Revenue - - 20,000 Grants (Fed,State,Local) - - - REET - - - Traffic Impact Fees Other - - - 130,000 450,000 - - 20,000 - - - Total Funding Sources: - - 20,000 Capital Expenditures: Design 20,000 Right of Way - - - Construction - - - 580,000 80,000 50,000 450,000 20,000 20,000 - - Total Expenditures: - - 20,000 580,000 20,000 Forecasted Project Cost: 2012 2013 2014 2015 Total 2010 -2015 Funding Sources: Unrestricted Street Revenue - - - Grants (Fed,State,Locaf) - - - REET - - - Traffic Impact Fees Other - - - - - - - 150,000 450,000 - - Total Funding Sources: - - - Capital Expenditures: Design - - - Right of Way - - - Construction - - - - - - - 600,000 100,000 50,000 450,000 Total Expenditures: - - - - 600,000 Grants / Other Sources: Grant funding unsecured. 59 City of Auburn Draft Capital Facilities Plan ARTERIAL STREET FUND (102) Six Year Capital Facilities Plan, 2010 -2015 Capital Facilities Plan Special Revenue Funds Project Title: Project No: Project Type: Project Manager: C Street NW and West Main Street cpxxxx Non Capacity TBD TIP # 21 Description: Reconstruct intersection at C Street NW and West Main Street. Project would include a new traffic signal and modifications to the turning radii at each comer to help facilitate vehicular movements. The new traffic signal would allow for protected left tum phasing for northbound and southbound left turn movements. This would also provide additional safety related to the railroad pre - emption. Progress Summary: ' • Future Impact on Operating Budget: This project will have no impact on the operating budget for street maintenance. Budget: 2009 YTD Actual 2010 09 Budget Budget Expenditures Budget Balance Adopted Budget - Budget Amendments - Adjusted Budget - - - - Activity: (Previous 2 Yrs) 2009 YE 2010 Year End Funding Sources: Prior to 2009 Estimate 2010 Budget 2011 Budget Project Total Unrestricted Street Revenue Grants (Fed,State,Local) - - - - - REET - - - - - Traffic Impact Fees - - - _ - Other - - _ - - Total Funding Sources: - - - - - Capital Expenditures: Design - - _ - - Right of Way - - _ _ _ Construction - - _ - _ Total Expenditures: - - - _ - Forecasted Project Cost: Total 2012 2013 2014 2015 2010 -2015 Funding Sources: Unrestricted Street Revenue 20,000 200,000 - - 220,000 Grants (Fed,State,Local) 80,000 800,000 - - 880,000 REET _ _ _ _ _ Traffic Impact Fees - - - - _ Other - - _ _ _ Total Funding Sources: 100,000 1,000,000 - - 1,100,000 Capital Expenditures: Design 100,000 - - - 100,000 Right of Way - 550,000 - - 550,000 Construction - 450,000 - - 450,000 Total Expenditures: 100,000 1,000,000 - - 1,100,000 er ources: ran un. 2 60 City of Auburn Draft Capital Facilities Plan ARTERIAL STREET FUND (102) Six Year Capital Facilities Plan, 2010 -2015 Capital Facilities Plan Special Revenue Funds Project Title: Project No: Project Type: Project Manager: F St SE & 4th St SE Traffic Signal cp0914 Non - Capacity Intersection Improvement Leah Dunsdon TIP # 25 Description: This project includes the construction of a new traffic signal at the intersection of 4th Street SE and F Street SE. Intersection improvements will include crosswalks and pedestrian signals. This project was selected based on accident history, traffic volumes, and pedestrian flow patterns. Progress Summary: Preliminary design will begin in 2009. Final design and construction will be completed in 2010. Future Impact on Operating Budget: The annual maintenance cost for this project is estimated to be $6,600. Budget: 2009 YTD Actual 2010 09 Budget Budget Expenditures Budget Balance Adopted Budget - Budget Amendments - Adjusted Budget - - - - Activity: (Previous 2 Yrs) 2009 YE 2010 Year End Funding Sources:' Prior to 2009 Estimate 2010 Budget 2011 Budget Project Total Unrestricted Street Revenue - - - - - Grants ( Fed,State,Local) - 37,000 359,700 - 396,700 REET - - - - - PWTFL - - - - - Other - - - - - Total Funding Sources: - 37,000 359,700 - 396,700 Capital Expenditures: Design - 37,000 30,000 - 67,000 Right of Way - - - - - Construction - - 329,700 - 329,700 Total Expenditures: - 37,000 359,700 - 396,700 Forecasted Project Cost: Total 2012 2013 2014 2015 2010 -2015 Funding Sources: Unrestricted Street Revenue - - - - - Grants (Fed,State,Local) - - - - 359,700 REET - - - - - PWTFL - - - - - Other - - - - Total Funding Sources: - - - - 359,700 Capital Expenditures: Design - - - - 30,000 Right of Way - - - - - Construction - - - - 329,700 Total Expenditures: - - - - 359,700 Grants / Other Sources: Grant is Federal IiSIP funded and does not require a city match. 61 City of Auburn Draft Capital Facilities Plan ARTERIAL STREET FUND (102) Six Year Capital Facilities Plan, 2010 -2015 Capital Facilities Plan Special Revenue Funds Project Title: Project No: Project Type: Project Manager: 41st Street SE and A Street SE Access Management Study cpxxxx Safety (Non - Capacity) TBD TIP # 27 Description: Study the area from 37th Street SE to the White River on A Street SE including 41st Street SE from D Street SE to C Street SE. The study to should review the safety and access needs of the traveling public and the adjacent properties. Progress Summary: Pre - design will be done to refine project scope, alignment, and cost. Future Impact on Operating Budget: This study will have no impact on the operating budget for street maintenance. Budget: 2009 Budget YTD Actual Expenditures 2010 Budget 09 Budget Balance Adopted Budget Budget Amendments - - Adjusted Budget - - - - Activity: (Previous 2 Yrs) 2009 YE Funding Sources: Prior to 2009 Estimate 2010 Budget 2011 Budget 2010 Year End Project Total Unrestricted Street Revenue - - Grants (Fed,State.Local) - - REET Traffic Mitigation Fees - - Other - - 10,000 _ - - - _ - - _ 10,000 _ _ - - Total Funding Sources: - - Capital Expenditures: Design - - Right of Way - - Construction - - 10,000 10,000 - - - - _ _ 10,000 10,000 _ - Total Expenditures: - - 10,000 - 10,000 Forecasted Project Cost: 2012 2013 • 2014 2015 Total 2010 -2015 Funding Sources: Unrestricted Street Revenue - - Grants (Fed,State,Local) - - REET _ _ Traffic Impact Fees - - Other - - - _ _ - _ - _ _ - - 10,000 - - _ - Total Funding Sources: - - Capital Expenditures: Design - - Right of Way - - Construction - - - - - - - - - - 10,000 10,000 _ _ Total Expenditures: - - - - 10,000 ran • f er ources: 62 City of Auburn Draft Capital Facilities Plan ARTERIAL STREET FUND (102) Six Year Capital Facilities Plan, 2010 -2015 Capital Facilities Plan Special Revenue Funds Project Title: Project No: Project Type: Project Manager. Annual Bridge Maintenance Project cpxxxx Non - Capacity (Annual) Pablo Para TIP # 28 Description: This is an annual level of effort project used to fund bridge improvements as identified by the city's annual bridge inspection program. Progress Summary: Future Impact on Operating Budget: This project will have no impact on the operating budget for street maintenance. Budget: 2009 Budget YTD Actual Expenditures 2010 Budget 09 Budget Balance Adopted Budget Budget Amendments - - Adjusted Budget - - - - Activity: (Previous 2 Yrs) 2009 YE . Funding Sources: Prior to 2009 Estimate 2010 Budget 2011 Budget 2010 Year End Project Total Unrestricted Street Revenue - Grants (Fed,State,Local) - - REET - - Traffic Mitigation Fees - - Other - - 50,000 - - - - 50,000 - - - - 50,000 - - - - Total Funding Sources: - - Capital Expenditures: Design - - Right of Way - - Construction - - 50,000 - - 50,000 50,000 - - 50,000 50,000 - - 50,000 Total Expenditures: - - 50,000 50,000 50,000 Forecasted Project Cost: 2012 2013 2014 2015 Total 2010 -2015 Funding Sources: Unrestricted Street Revenue 50,000 50,000 Grants (Fed,State,Local) - - REET - - Traffic Mitigation Fees - - Other - - 50,000 - - - - 50,000 - - - - 300,000 - - - - Total Funding Sources: 50,000 50,000 Capital Expenditures: Design - - Right of Way - - Construction 50,000 50,000 50,000 - - 50,000 50,000 - - 50,000 300,000 - - 300,000 Total Expenditures: 50,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 300,000 Grants / Other Sources: 63 City of Auburn Draft Capital Facilities Plan ARTERIAL STREET FUND (102) Six Year Capital Facilities Plan, 2010 -2015 Capital Facilities Plan Special Revenue Funds Project Title: Project No: Project Type: Project Manager: South 277th - Wetland Mitigation c410a0 Non - Capacity Nutter TIP # 29 Description: Wetland mitigation for the 277th Street Grade Separation project. Progress Summary: This is a 10 -year obligation, which began in 2004. Future Impact on Operating Budget: This project will have no impact on the operating budget for street maintenance. Budget: 2009 Budget YTD Actual Expenditures 2010 Budget 09 Budget Balance Adopted Budget Budget Amendments - - Adjusted Budget - - - - Activity: (Previous 2 Yrs) 2009 YE Funding Sources: Prior to 2009 Estimate 2010 Budget 2011 Budget 2010 Year End Project Total Unrestricted Street Revenue 67,775 100,000 Grants (Fed,State,Local) REET - - Traffic Impact Fees - - Other - - 25,000 - - - 25,000 - - - 192,775 - - _ Total Funding Sources: 67,775 100,000 Capital Expenditures: Design 30,210 25,000 Right of Way - - Construction 37,565 75,000 25,000 10,000 - 15,000 25,000 10,000 _ 15,000 192,775 65,210 - 127,565 Total Expenditures: 67,775 100,000 25,000 25,000 192,775 Forecasted Project Cost: 2012 2013 2014 2015 Total 2010 -2015 Funding Sources: Unrestricted Street Revenue 25,000 25,000 Grants (Fed, State, Local) - - REET - - Traffic Impact Fees - - Other - - - - - - - - - - _ 100,000 - _ - _ Total Funding Sources: 25,000 25,000 Capital Expenditures: Design 10,000 10,000 Right of Way Construction 15,000 15,000 - - _ - - - _ - 100,000 40,000 - 60,000 Total Expenditures: 25,000 25,000 - - 100,000 ran s • er ources: 64 City of Auburn Draft Capital Facilities Plan ARTERIAL STREET FUND (102) Six Year Capital Facilities Plan, 2010 -2015 Capital Facilities Plan Special Revenue Funds Project Title: Project No: Project Type: Project Manager: Citywide Pedestrian Crossing Program cpxxxx Non - Capacity (Bi- Annual) TBD TIP # 30 Description: This is a bi- annual level of effort project used to fund small pedestrian safety studies and improvement projects. This project provides for pedestrian safety studies and improvements at various locations citywide. Projects are prioritized annually based on safety issues and pedestrian demands. Progress Summary: Projects for 2010 are being analyzed. Future Impact on Operating Budget: This project will have no impact on the operating budget for street maintenance. Budget: 2009 YTD Actual 2010 09 Budget Budget Expenditures Budget Balance Adopted Budget - Budget Amendments - Adjusted Budget - - - Activity: (Previous 2 Yrs) 2009 YE 2010 Year End Funding Sources: Prior to 2009 Estimate 2010 Budget 2011 Budget Project Total Unrestricted Street Revenue 11,700 - 100,000 - 111,700 Grants (Fed,State.Local) - - _ _ _ REET _ - - - - Traffic Impact Fees - - - - - Other - - _ - - Total Funding Sources: 11,700 - 100,000 - 111,700 • Capital Expenditures: Design 11,700 - 10,000 - 21,700 Right of Way - - _ _ _ Construction - - 90,000 - 90,000 Total Expenditures: 11,700 - 100,000 - 111,700 Forecasted Project Cost: Total 2012 2013 2014 2015 2010 -2015 Funding Sources: Unrestricted Street Revenue 100,000 - 100,000 - 300,000 Grants (Fed,State,Local) - _ REET - - - - Traffic Impact Fees - - - - - Other - Total Funding Sources: 100,000 - 100,000 - 300,000 Capital Expenditures: Design 10,000 - 10,000 - 30,000 Right of Way - - - - - Construction 90,000 - 90,000 - 270,000 Total Expenditures: 100,000 - 100,000 - 300,000 rants / •t er Sources: 65 City of Auburn Draft Capital Facilities Plan ARTERIAL STREET FUND (102) Six Year Capital Facilities Plan, 2010 -2015 Capital Facilities Plan Special Revenue Funds Project Title: Project No: Project Type: Project Manager: Citywide Arterial Bicycle & Safety Improvements cpxxx Non - Capacity (Safety) Various TIP # 31 Description: This is an annual level of effort project focused on funding bicycle and safety improvements on classified roadways. Projects are prioritized annually based upon field studies. Project was previously called "Citywide Roadway Safety Infrastructure Improvements. Progress Summary: • Future Impact on Operating Budget: This project will have no impact on the operating budget for street maintenance. Budget: 2009 YTD Actual 2010 09 Budget Budget Expenditures Budget Balance Adopted Budget - Budget Amendments - Adjusted Budget - - - - Activity: (Previous 2 Yrs) 2009 YE 2010 Year End Funding Sources: Prior to 2009 Estimate 2010 Budget 2011 Budget Project Total Unrestricted Street Revenue - 19,500 - 100,000 19,500 Grants (Fed,State,Local) - - - - - REET - - - - - Traffic Impact Fees - - - - Other - - - - - Total Funding Sources: - 19,500 - 100,000 19,500 Capital Expenditures: Design - 19,500 - 10,000 19,500 Right of Way - - - - - Construction - - - 90,000 - Total Expenditures: - 19,500 - 100,000 19,500 Forecasted Project Cost: Total 2012 2013 2014 2015 2010 -2015 Funding Sources: Unrestricted Street Revenue 100,000 100,000 100,000 100,000 500,000 Grants (Fed,State,Local) - - - - - REET - - - - - Traffic Impact Fees - - - - - Other - - - - - Total Funding Sources: 100,000 100,000 100,000 100,000 500,000 Capital Expenditures: Design 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 50,000 Right of Way - - - - - Construction 90,000 90,000 90,000 90,000 450,000 Total Expenditures: 100,000 100,000 100,000 100,000 500,000 Grants / Other Sources: 66 City of Auburn Draft Capital Facilities Plan ARTERIAL STREET FUND (102) Six Year Capital Facilities Plan, 2010 -2015 Capital Facilities Plan Special Revenue Funds Project Title: Project No: Project Type: Project Manager. Railroad Crossing Safety Improvements cpxxx Intersection Safety (Non- Capacity) TBD TIP # 38 Description: This project will fund the design, coordination, permitting and construction of Quad gates at the West Main St, 3rd St NW, and 37th St NW BNSF Railroad crossings. Progress Summary: Future Impact on Operating Budget: The annual maintenance cost for this project is estimated to be $1,000. Budget: 2009 Budget YTD Actual Expenditures 2010 Budget 09 Budget. Balance Adopted Budget Budget Amendments - - - - - - - Adjusted Budget - - - Activity: (Previous 2 Yrs) Funding Sources: Prior to 2009 2009 YE Estimate 2010 Budget 2011 Budget 2010 Year End Project Total Unrestricted Street Revenue - Grants (Fed,State,Local) REET - PWTFL - Other _ - - - - _ _ - - - - - - - - _ - Total Funding Sources: - Capital Expenditures: Design - Right of Way - Construction - - - - - - - _ - - - _ - - - Total Expenditures: - - - _ - Forecasted Project Cost: 2012 2013 2014 2015 Total 2010 -2015 Funding Sources: Unrestricted Street Revenue 25,000 Grants (Fed,State,Local) 125,000 REET PWTFL - Other - 110,000 740,000 - - - - - - - _ _ _ 135,000 865,000 - - - Total Funding Sources: 150,000 Capital Expenditures: Design 150,000 Right of Way - Construction - 850,000 - - 850,000 - - - - - - - - 1,000,000 150,000 - 850,000 Total Expenditures: 150,000 850,000 - - 1,000,000 Grants / Other Sources: Grant funding is unsecured. 67 City of Auburn Draft Capital Facilities Plan ARTERIAL STREET FUND (102) Six Year Capital Facilities Plan, 2010 -2015 Capital Facilities Plan Special Revenue Funds Project Title: Project No: Project Type: Project Manager. A ST NE Pedestrian Improvements cpxxxx Sidewalk Improvements (Non- Capacity) TBD TIP # 44 Description: This project completes a pedestrian connection between Downtown Auburn and the 8th Street NE business district. This project will improve a pedestrian crossing at 3rd Street NE, and construct sidewalks /access ramps along the A Street NE corridor. Progress Summary: Future Impact on Operating Budget: The annual maintenance cost for this project is estimated to be $500. Budget: 2009 Budget YTD Actual Expenditures 2010 Budget 09 Budget Balance Adopted Budget Budget Amendments - - - - - - - - Adjusted Budget - - - - Activity: (Previous 2 Yrs) Funding Sources: Prior to 2009 2009 YE Estimate 2010 Budget 2011 Budget 2010 Year End Project Total Unrestricted Street Revenue - Grants (Fed,State,Local) - REET - PWTFL - Other - - - - - - - - - - - - 150,000 - - - - - - - - Total Funding Sources: - Capital Expenditures: Design - Right of Way - Construction - - - - - - - - - 150,000 15,000 - 135,000 - - - - Total Expenditures: - - - 150,000 - Forecasted Project Cost: 2012 2013 2014 2015 Total 2010 -2015 Funding Sources: Unrestricted Street Revenue - Grants (Fed,State,Local) - REET - PWTFL - Other - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 150,000 - - - Total Funding Sources: - Capital Expenditures: Design - Right of Way - Construction - - - - - - - - - - - - - 150,000 15,000 - 135,000 Total Expenditures: - - - - 150,000 Grants / Other Sources: Grant funding is unsecured. 68 City of Auburn Draft Capital Facilities Plan ARTERIAL STREET FUND (102) Six Year Capital Facilities Plan, 2010 -2015 Capital Facilities Plan Special Revenue Funds Project Title: Project No: Project Type: Project Manager: Interurban Trailhead Improvements cpxxxx Class 1 Trail (Non- Capacity) TBD TIP # 45 Description: This project provides funding for enhancements to existing trailheads and construction of new trailheads. Improvements include bike racks, kiosks, parking and access. Progress Summary: Future Impact on Operating Budget: This project will have no impact on the operating budget for street maintenance. Budget: 2009 Budget YTD Actual Expenditures 2010 Budget 09 Budget Balance Adopted Budget - Budget Amendments - - - - - - - Adjusted Budget - - - - Activity: (Previous 2 Yrs) 2009 YE Funding Sources: Prior to 2009 Estimate 2010 Budget 2011 Budget 2010 Year End Project Total Unrestricted Street Revenue - - Grants (Fed, State, Local) - - Traffic Mitigation Fees - - PWTFL - - Other - - - - - - - - 185,000 25,000 - - - - - - - Total Funding Sources: - - Capital Expenditures: Design - - Right of Way - - Construction - - - - - - 210,000 20,000 - 190,000 - - - - Total Expenditures: - - - 210,000 - Forecasted Project Cost: 2012 2013 2014 2015 Total 2010 -2015 Funding Sources: Unrestricted Street Revenue - - Grants (Fed,State,Local) - - Traffic Mitigation Fees - - PWTFL - - • Other - - - - - - - - - - - - - 185,000 25,000 - - Total Funding Sources: - - Capital Expenditures: Design - - Right of Way - - Construction - - - - - - - - - - 210,000 20,000 - 190 000 Total Expenditures: - - - - 210,000 Grants / Other Sources: Grant funding is unsecured. 69 City of Auburn Draft Capital Facilities Plan ARTERIAL STREET FUND (102) Six Year Capital Facilities Plan, 2010 -2015 Capital Facilities Plan Special Revenue Funds Project Title: Project No: Project Type: Project Manager. 104th Ave SE & Green River Road Study cpxxxx Non - Capacity (Intersection Safety) TBD TIP # 46 Description: This project will fund a pre - design study to determine the right of way, evironmental and construction requirements for intersection safety improvements. This safety project scope will include sight distance improvements, constructing tum lanes, channelization, environmental mitigation, signage and clear zone improvements. Progress Summary: Future Impact on Operating Budget: This project will have no impact on the operating budget for street maintenance. Budget: 2009 YTD Actual 2010 09 Budget Budget Expenditures Budget Balance Adopted Budget - - - - Budget Amendments - - - - Adjusted Budget - - - - Activity: (Previous 2 Yrs) 2009 YE 2010 Year End Funding Sources: Prior to 2009 Estimate 2010 Budget 2011 Budget Project Total Unrestricted Street Revenue - - 5,000 - 5,000 Grants (Fed,State,Local) - - - - - REET - - - - - PWTFL - - - - - Other - - - - - Total Funding Sources: - - 5,000 - 5,000 Capital Expenditures: Design - - 5,000 - 5,000 Right of Way - - - - - Construction - - - - - Total Expenditures: - - 5,000 - 5,000 Forecasted Project Cost: Total 2012 2013 2014 2015 2010 -2015 Funding Sources: Unrestricted Street Revenue - - - - 5,000 Grants ( Fed,State,Local) - - - - - REET - - - - - W - PTFL - - - - Other - - Total Funding Sources: - - - - 5,000 Capital Expenditures: Design - - - - 5,000 Right of Way - - - - - Construction - - - - - Total Expenditures: - - - - 5,000 Grants / Other Sources: 70 City of Auburn Draft Capital Facilities Plan ARTERIAL STREET FUND (102) Six Year Capital Facilities Plan, 2010 -2015 Capital Facilities Plan Special Revenue Funds Project Title: Project No: Project Type: Project Manager: ITS Dynamic Message Signs cpxxx Non - Capacity (ITS) TBD TIP # 50 Description: This project will fund the design and construction of Dynamic Message signs at various locations throughout the city. Dynamic message signs are an important tool in ITS for informing roadway users. Priority locations for sign installations are based on the Comprehensive Transportation Plans ITS map and include Auburn Way North, Auburn Way South, West Valley Highway, East Valley Highway and Lea Hill Road. Progress Summary: The first phase of this project is scheduled to begin in 2011 on Auburn Way South. Future Impact on Operating Budget: The annual maintenance cost for this project is estimated to be $5000. Budget: 2009 YTD Actual 2010 09 Budget Budget Expenditures Budget Balance Adopted Budget - - - - Budget Amendments - - - Adjusted Budget - - - - Activity: (Previous 2 Yrs) 2009 YE 2010 Year End Funding Sources: Prior to 2009 Estimate 2010 Budget 2011 Budget Project Total Unrestricted Street Revenue - - - 30,000 - Grants (Fed,State,Local) - - - 190,000 - REET - - - - - PWTFL - - - - - Other - - - - - Total Funding Sources: - - - 220,000 - Capital Expenditures: Design - - - 20,000 - Right of Way - - - - - Construction - - - 200,000 - Total Expenditures: - - - 220,000 - Forecasted Project Cost: Total 2012 2013 2014 2015 2010 -2015 Funding Sources: Unrestricted Street Revenue - 30,000 - 30,000 90,000 Grants ( Fed,State,Local) - 190,000 - 190.000 570,000 REET - - - - - PWTFL - - - - - Other - - - - - Total Funding Sources: - 220,000 - 220,000 660,000 Capital Expenditures: Design - 20,000 - 20,000 60,000 Right of Way - - .. - - Construction - 200,000 - 200,000 600,000 Total Expenditures: - 220,000 - 220,000 660,000 Grants / Other Sources: Grant funding is unsecured. 71 City of Auburn Draft Capital Facilities Plan ARTERIAL STREET FUND (102) Six Year Capital Facilities Plan, 2010 -2015 Capital Facilities Plan Special Revenue Funds Project Title: Project No: Project Type: Project Manager: Downtown Promenade Improvements cpxxx Non - Capacity TBD TIP # 52 Description: This project will fund the design, coordination, permitting and construction of Downtown Promenade improvements. Project includes storm, sewer, water and roadway improvements of Division Street between Main St and 2nd St SW. Progress Summary: Future Impact on Operating Budget: This project will have no impact on the operating budget for street maintenance. Budget: 2009 Budget YTD Actual Expenditures 2010 Budget 09 Budget Balance Adopted Budget - Budget Amendments - - - - - - - Adjusted Budget - - - - Activity: (Previous 2 Yrs) 2009 YE Funding Sources: Prior to 2009 Estimate 2010 Budget 2011 Budget 2010 Year End Project Total Unrestricted Street Revenue - - Grants (Federal) - - REET - - PWTFL - - Other(GO Bonds) - - - 500,000 - - 500,000 - 2,500,000 - - 4,485,000 - 500,000 - - 500,000 Total Funding Sources: - - Capital Expenditures: Design - - Right of Way - - Construction - - 1,000,000 1,000,000 - - 6,985,000 1,425,000 - 5,560,000 1,000,000 1,000,000 - - Total Expenditures: - - 1,000,000 6,985,000 1,000,000 Forecasted Project Cost: 2012 2013 2014 2015 Total 2010 -2015 Funding Sources: Unrestricted Street Revenue - - Grants (Federal) - - REET - - PWTFL - - Other(GO Bonds) - - - - - - - . - - - - - - 3,000,000 - - 4,985,000 Total Funding Sources: - - Capital Expenditures: Design - - Right of Way - - Construction - - - - - - - - - - 7,985,000 2,425,000 - 5,560,000 Total Expenditures: - - - - 7,985,000 Grants / Other Sources: Grant Funding is Federal EDA Grant. Other Funding is GO Bond revenue. 72 City of Auburn Draft Capital Facilities Plan ARTERIAL STREET FUND (102) Six Year Capital Facilities Plan, 2010 -2015 Capital Facilities Plan Special Revenue Funds Project Title: Project No: Project Type: Project Manager: Mary Olson Farm Improvements CP0815 Non - Capacity Leah Dunsdon TIP # 55 Description: This is a historical preservation project required as mitigation for S 277th Reconstruction Project. Progress Summary: Phase 1 of project was completed in 2009 and Phase 2 is scheduled to be completed in 2010. Future Impact on Operating Budget: This project will have no impact on the operating budget for street maintenance. Budget: 2009 YTD Actual Budget Expenditures 2010 Budget 09 Budget Balance Adopted Budget Budget Amendments _ - Adjusted Budget - - - - Activity: (Previous 2 Yrs) 2009 YE Funding Sources: Prior to 2009 Estimate 2010 Budget 2011 Budget 2010 Year End Project Total Unrestricted Street Revenue - - - Grants (Federal) - 49,650 51,400 REET - - - PWTFL - - - . Other - - - - - - - - - 101,050 _ - - Total Funding Sources: - 49,650 51,400 Capital Expenditures: Design - - - Right of Way - - - Construction - 49,650 51,400 - - - - 101,050 - - 101,050 Total Expenditures: - 49,650 51,400 - 101,050 Forecasted Project Cost: 2012 2013 2014 2015 Total 2010 -2015 Funding Sources: Unrestricted Street Revenue - - - Grants (Federal) - - - REET - - - PWTFL - - - Other - - - - - - - - - 51,400 - - - Total Funding Sources: - - - Capital Expenditures: Design - - - Right of Way - - - Construction - - - - - - - 51,400 - - 51,400 Total Expenditures: - - - - 51,400 Grants / Other Sources: 73 TABLE T- 2A City of Auburn Draft Capital Facilities Plan CAPITAL FACILITIES PLAN PROJECTS AND FINANCING TRANSPORTATION — LOCAL STREET_ 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 Total Capacity Proiects: None Non - Capacity Projects: 1 Local Street Improvement Program Capital Costs 1,500,000 2,200,000 2,200,000 2,200,000 2,200,000 2,200,000 12,500,000 Funding Sources: Local Street Fund - - - - Property Tax 1,500,000 2,200,000 2,200,000 2,200,000 2,200,000 2,200,000 12,500,000 Sales Tax - - - - Bond Proceeds Utility Mitigation SUMMARY: CAPITAL COSTS Capacity Projects Non - Capacity Projects Total Costs 1,500,000 2,200,000 2,200,000 2,200,000 2,200,000 2,200,000 12,500,000 1,500,000 2,200,000 2,200,000 2,200,000 2,200,000 2,200,000 12,500,000 FUNDING SOURCES: Local Street Fund - - - - Property Tax 1,500,000 2,200,000 2,200,000 2,200,000 2,200,000 2,200,000 12,500,000 Sales Tax - - - - Bond Proceeds Utility Mitigation Total Funding 1,500,000 2,200,000 2,200,000 2,200,000 2,200,000 2,200,000 12,500,000 74 City of Auburn Draft Capital Facilities Plan LOCAL STREET FUND (103) Six Year Capital Facilities Plan, 2010 -2015 Capital Facilities Plan Special Revenue Funds Project Title: Project No: Project Type: Project Manager. Local Street Improvement Program Various Non - Capacity Wickstrom TIP #37 Description: This program was created after passage of Proposition 1 on the November '04 ballot, setting the City's property tax levy limits and creating a dedicated local street fund to be used solely for local street improvements. The program will consist of a number of different contracts focused on the preservation of local streets (unclassified streets) within the City of Auburn. These contracts will include work such as crack sealing, asphalt patching, pre - leveling, asphalt overlays and roadway reconstruction. The property tax levy lift that was voted in in 2004 will be used to repay the bonds that are anticipated 10 complete the program. Progress Summary: This program has successfully completed overlays in 2005, 2006, 2007, and is on track to complete overlays in 2008. In 2009 and 2010 the program will begin tackling the streets that require a complete reconstruction because the street surface and underlying base has failed. Future Impact on Operating Budget: None Budget: 2009 YTD Actual 2010 09 Budget Budget Expenditures Budget Balance Adopted Budget - Budget Amendments - - Adjusted Budget - - - Activity: (Previous 2 Yrs) 2009 YE 2010 Year End Funding Sources: Prior to 2009 Estimate 2010 Budget 2011 Budget Project Total Local Street Fund 25,000 15,000 - - 40,000 Property Tax 1,582,700 810,000 1,500,000 2,200,000 3,892,700 UtihtyMitigation 450,000 225,000 - - 675,000 Bond Proceeds - - - - - Other 2,655,000 1,545,000 - - 4,200,000 Total Funding Sources: .4,712,700 2,595,000 1,500,000 2,200,000 8,807,700 Capital Expenditures: Design 240,000 440,000 300,000 300,000 980,000 Right of Way - - - - - Construction 4,472,700 2,155,000 1,200,000 1,900,000 7,827,700 Total Expenditures: 4,712,700 2,595,000 1,500,000 2,200,000 8,807,700 Forecasted Project Cost: Total 2012 2013 2014 2014 2010 -2015 Funding Sources: Local Street Fund - - - - - Property Tax 2,200,000 2,200,000 2,200,000 2,200,000 12,500,000 Utility Mitigation - - - - - Bond Proceeds - - - - - Other - - _ Total Funding Sources: 2,200,000 2,200,000 2,200,000 2,200,000 12,500,000 Capital Expenditures: Design 300,000 300,000 300,000 300,000 1,800,000 Right of Way - - - - - Construction 1,900,000 1,900,000 1,900, 000 1, 900, 000 10,700, 000 Total Expenditures: 2,200,000 2,200,000 2,200,000 2,200,000 12,500,000 Grants / Other Sources: 75 TABLE T- 2B City of Auburn Draft Capital Facilities Plan CAPITAL FACILITIES PLAN PROJECTS AND FINANCING TRANSPORTATION — STREET PRESERVATION 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 Total Capacity Projects: None Non - Capacity Projects: 1 Annual Arterial Street Preservation Capital Costs 1,400,000 1,400,000 1,400,000 1,400,000 1,400,000 1,400,000 8,400,000 Funding Sources: Local Street Fund Property Tax - - - - Utility Tax 1,400,000 1,400,000 1,400,000 1,400,000 1,400,000 1,400,000 8,400,000 Bond Proceeds - - - - - - 2 Annual Arterial Crack Seal Program Capital Costs 100,000 100,000 100,000 100,000 100,000 100,000 600,000 Funding Sources: Utility Tax 100,000 100,000 100,000 100,000 100,000 100,000 600,000 Bond Proceeds - - - - - - - SUMMARY: CAPITAL COSTS Capacity Projects - - - - - Non- Capacity Projects 1,500,000 1,500,000 1,500,000 1,500,000 1,500,000 1,500,000 9,000,000 Total Costs 1,500,000 1,500,000 1,500,000 1,500,000 1,500,000 1,500,000 9,000,000 FUNDING SOURCES: Street Fund Property Tax' - - - - - Utility Tax 1,500,000 1,500,000 1,500,000 1,500,000 1,500,000 1,500,000 9,000,000 Bond Proceeds - - - - - - - Total Funding 1,500,000 1,500,000 1,500,000 1,500,000 1,500,000 1,500,000 9,000,000 76 City of Auburn Draft Capital Facilities Plan STREET FUND (105) Six Year Capital Facilities Plan, 2010 -2015 Capital Facilities Plan Special Revenue Funds Project Title: Project No: Project Type: Project Manager: Annual Arterial Street Preservation cpxxxx Non - Capacity Seth Wickstrom TIP #35 Description: Implement regular pavement maintenance and /or rehabilitation of various classified streets citywide. These projects may include overlays, rebuilds, spot repairs, or a combination of these. It is anticipated that this program will be funded through bond proceeds that will be repaid by the 1% utility tax that was adopted by Council in 2008. Progress Summary: This program is being expanded 'from previous years. Prior years this program provided approximately $675,000 from the REET funding to go towards the purpose of preserving classified streets. Future Impact on Operating Budget: None Budget: Adopted Budget Budget Amendments Adjusted Budget 2009 Budget YTD Actual Expenditures 2010 Budget 09 Budget Balance - - .. - - - Activity: Funding Sources: (Previous 2 Yrs) Prior to 2009 2009 YE Estimate 2010 Budget 2011 Budget 2010 Year End Project Total Street Fund Property Tax Utility Tax REET2 Bond Proceeds - - - - - - - - - - 1,400,000 _ - - - 1,400,000 - - - - 1,400,000 - - Total Funding Sources: Capital Expenditures: Design Right of Way _ Construction - - - - - - _ - 1,400,000 50,000 - 1,350,000 1,400,000 50,000 - • 1,350,000 1,400,000 50,000 - 1,350,000 Total Expenditures: - - 1,400,000 1,400,000 1,400,000 Forecasted Project Cost: 2012 2013 2014 2015 Total 2010 -2015 Funding Sources: Street Fund Property Tax Utility Tax REET2 Bond Proceeds - - 1,400,000 - - - - 1,400,000 - - - - 1,400,000 - - - - 1,400,000 - - - - 8,400,000 - - Total Funding Sources: Capital Expenditures: Design Right of Way Construction 1,400,000 50,000 - 1,350,000 1,400,000 50,000 - 1,350,000 1,400,000 50,000 - 1,350,000 1,400,000 50,000 - 1,350,000 8,400,000 300,000 - 8,100,000 Total Expenditures: 1,400,000 1,400,000 1,400,000 1,400,000 8,400,000 ran s • er ources: 77 City of Auburn Draft Capital Facilities Plan STREET FUND (105) Six Year Capital Facilities Plan, 2010 -2015 Capital Facilities Plan Special Revenue Funds Project Title: Project No: Project Type: Project Manager: Annual Arterial Crack Seal Program - cpxxxx Non - Capacity Seth Wickstrom TIP #36 Description: Implement regular maintenance of various classified streets by sealing newly formed cracks. Sealing the cracks will prolong the life of the pavement by stopping water from draining into the subbase of the road. Progress Summary: Future Impact on Operating Budget: Budget: Adopted Budget Budget Amendments Adjusted Budget 2009 Budget YTD Actual Expenditures 2010 Budget 09 Budget Balance - - - - - - Activity: Funding Sources: Unrestricted Street Revenue Utility Tax REET Bond proceeds Total Funding Sources: Capital Expenditures: Design Right of Way Construction Total Expenditures: (Previous 2 Yrs) Prior to 2009 2009 YE Estimate 2010 Budget 2011 Budget 2010 Year End Project Total - - - - - - - - - 100,000 - - - 100,000 - - - 100,000 - - - - - - - - - - 100,000 10,000 - 90,000 100,000 10,000 - 90,000 100,000 10,000 - 90,000 - - 100,000 100,000 100,000 Forecasted Project Cost: Funding Sources: Unrestricted Street Revenue Utility Tax REET Bond proceeds Total Funding Sources: Capital Expenditures: Design Right of Way Construction Total Expenditures: 2012 2013 2014 2015 Total 2010 -2015 - 100,000 - - - 100,000 - - - 100,000 - - - 100,000 - - . - 600,000 - - 100,000 10,000 - 90,000 100,000 10,000 - 90,000 100,000 10,000 - 90,000 100,000 10,000 - 90,000 600,000 60,000 - 540,000 100,000 100,000 100,000 100,000 600,000 Grants / Other Sources: 78 TABLE T -3 City of Auburn Draft Capital Facilities Plan SUMMARY OF IMPACTS ON FUTURE OPERATING BUDGETS Project: 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 Total 1 A Street NW, Phase 1 2 Citywide ITS Project 3 1 Street NE Corridor 4 M Street Grade Separation 5 S 277th -AWN to Green River Bridge 6 A Street NW, Phase 2 7 D Street NW, 37th to 44th g FStreetSE,4thtoAWS 9 M Street NE, E. Main to 4th $ - $ 25,830 $ 25,830 $ 25,830 $ 25,830 $ 25,830 $ 129,150 6,600 6,600 6,600 6,600 6,600 6,600 39,600 21,827 21,827 21,827 21,827 87,308 - - 27,250 27,250 10 Auburn South ITS Expansion 5,000 5,000 5,000 5,000 5,000 5,000 30,000 11 8th Street NE Widening 12 Harvey 8 8th Street NE 13 Aubum Way S 8 M Street SE Imp. 14 Auburn Pacific Trail Phase 2 15 BNSF / E Valley Hwy Pedestrian Underpass 16 Academy Drive Multi -Use Trail 17 124th Ave SE Corridor Imp, Phase 1 18 124th Ave SE Corridor Imp, Phase 2 19 124th Ave SE Corridor Imp, Phase 3 20 SE 320th St Corridor Imp 21 Aubum Way S 8 Rive:walk Intersection Imp 22 Environmental Park Roadway Study 23 Downtown to Les Gove Non - Motorized Imp Study 24 S 316th St Bicycle & Ped Imp Study 25 E Valley Hwy ITS Expansion 5,000 5,000 26 37th St SE It R St SE Ped Connector 27 Kersey Way Study 28 Auburn Way Corridor Imp 29 15th St SW Reconstruction 30 W Valley Hwy Improvements 31 8th St NE 8 R St NE Traffic Signal 6,600 6,600 6,600 6,600 6,600 6,600 39,600 32 Auburn Way Alt 1st St NE Signal Imp 33 C Street NW 8 West Main Street 34 F Street SE 8 4th St Traffic Signal 6,600 6,600 6,600 6,600 6,600 6,600 39,600 35 41st Street SE & A St SE Access Study 36 Annual Bridge Imp 37 S. 277th Wetland Mitigation 38 Citywide Pedestrian Crossing 39 Citywide Bicycle & Safety Imp 40 Railroad Crossing Safety lmp 1,000 1,000 1,000 3,000 41 A St NE Pedestrian Imp 500 500 500 500 500 2,500 42 Interurban Trailhead Imp 43 104th Ave SE 8 Green River Rd Study 44 ITS Dynamic Message Signs 45 Downtown Promenade Imp 46 Mary Olson Farm Imp 47 Local Street Improvement Program (Fund 103) 48 Annual Arterial Street Preservation (Fund 105) 49 Annual Arterial Crack Seal Program (Fund 105) Total $ 24,800 $ 51,130 $ 72,957 $ 73,957 $ 73,957 $ 106,207 $ 403,008 79 City of Auburn Draft Capital Facilities Plan * MORE THAN YOU IMAGINED City of Auburn Draft Capital Facilities Plan WATER Current Facilities The City of Auburn water utility provides water supply, treatment, transmission, storage, distribution, and service connections to in -City residences and businesses. The City also provides water to one adjacent city and two water districts. The water system consists of wells and springs for source, chlorination stations and aeration for treatment, pump stations and pipelines for transmission, and steel and concrete enclosed reservoirs for storage. Table W -1, "Facilities Inventory", lists the facilities along with their current capacities and approximate locations. Level of Service (LOS) The City's Comprehensive Water Plan summarizes the design criteria for the City's water distribution system. Capital Facilities Projects and Financing The City of Auburn's water system anticipates six capacity projects in the amount of $12,729,000 and twenty non - capacity projects totaling $25,090,200 for a 6 -year planning expectation total of $37,819,200. The financing plan is shown in Table W -2 followed by individual worksheets showing the project details. The capacity projects will increase water supply quantities, storage, and distribution for growth of retail customers. The non - capacity projects will provide for pipeline improvements and replacements, delivery pressure improvements, water quality enhancements, comprehensive and resource management planning, pump station upgrades, telemetry system improvements, and meter upgrades. Impact on Future Operating Budgets As Table W -3 shows, operating budget impacts of $6,000 are forecasted for water supply and distribution facilities during the six years 2011 — 2016. 81 TABLE W -1 City of Auburn Draft Capital Facilities Plan Facilities Inventory Water Facilities CITY OF AUBURN WATER SYSTEM CAPACITY FACILITY WATER RIGHT (MGD - max rate) LOCATION Water Su. .l : Coal Creek Springs Certificate 857 9.70<2.52>* 3401 Stuck River Dr West Hill Springs Claim (1973 File Date) 0.9 1900 - 15th St NW ext. Well 1 Certificate 3560 -A 3.17 1130 "M" St SE Well 2 G1 -00277 C 3.46 519 "K" St NE Well 3A G1 -23629 C 4.03 401- 37th St SE Well 3B (Included Above) (Included Above) 401- 37th St SE Well 4 G1 -20391 C 4.03 950 25th Street SE Well 5 G1 -23633 C 1.44 5530 James Ave SE Well 5A (Included Above) (Included Above) 5401 Evergreen Way Well 58 (Included Above) (Included Above) West end of 62nd Ct SE Well 6 (Supplemental to Wells 1, 2, 3A, 38, 4) 5.04 (supplemental) 519 "K" St NE Well 7 (Supplemental to Wells 1, 2, 3A, 38, 4) 5.04 (supplemental) 403 "E" St NE Supply Total (MGD) 26.73 Available for Use 24.21 • Denotes deduction of 1,750 gpm (Qi/2,824 ac- ft/yr) to comply with the provisions of the Muckleshoot -Aubum Stipulated Agreement. CAPACITY FACILITY (MG) LOCATION SERVICE AREA Storage Facilities: Valley Reservoir 1 5.0 2004 Auburn Way S Valley Service Area Valley Reservoir 2 3.6 32115 - 105th Place S Valley Service Area Academy Reservoir 8A 1.0 5002 Aubum Way S Academy Service Area Academy Reservoir 88 1.5 5002 Aubum Way S Academy Service Area Lea Hill Reservoir 4A 1.0 30502 - 132nd Ave SE Lea Hill Service Area Lea Hill Reservoir 48 1.5 30502 - 132nd Ave SE Lea Hill Service Area Lakeland Hills Reservoir 5 1.0 1118 57th Place SE Lakeland Hills Svc Area Storage Total (MG) 14.6 82 City of Auburn Draft Capital Facilities Plan TABLE W -1 (continued) Facilities Inventory Water Facilities FACILITY CAPACITY (GPM) LOCATION Booster Pump Stations: Academy 1: 2 pumps 800 2004 Auburn Way S Academy 2: 2 pumps 1,500 2004 Auburn Way S Green River: 4 pumps 4,680 29621 Green River Rd SE Intertie: 7 pumps 4,830 30502 132nd Ave SE Lea Hill: 3 pumps 2,100 10406 Lea Hill Rd SE Lakeland Hills: 6 pumps 3,200 1118 57th Place-SE Jannsen's Addition: 1 pump 100 3600 Block Lemon Tree Lane Game Farm Park: 2 pumps 1,050 2401 Stuck River Drive CAPACITY . Primary Valve FACILITY (PSI - Inlet/Outlet) LOCATION Pressure Reducing Stations: Serves Valley Pressure Zone: Howard Road CCF #1011 -1 82/65 Howard Road Howard Road CCF By -Pass #1011 - Howard Road (Bypass) 25th Street SE #1110 -1 (Offline) - 25th Street SE & K Street SE Riverwalk #1111 -2 90/50 27th St. SE & 27th Place SE Riverwalk #1111 -1 109/55 Riverwalk Dr SE & Howard Road Serves Lea Hill: Lea Hill #512 -1 80/50 304th St. SE West of 112th Ave. Lea Hill #412 -1 90/45 SE 298th Place & 109 Ave. SE Lea Hill #512 -2 87/45 304th St. SE West of 108th Ave. Lea Hill #611 -1 165/65 Lea Hill Rd. S.E. Lea Hill #611 -2 140/65 Lea Hill Rd. & 106 Place Lea Hill #611 -3 145/60 Lea Hill Rd. & 107 Place Lea Hill #411 -1 94/55. 104th Ave SE (South of 303rd Road) Lea Hill #411 -2 86/40 SE 304th Place & SE 101st Place Lea Hill #512 -3 N/C 300 Block & 108th Ave SE Amber View North #711 -1 150/65 105th Place SE & 320th place Amber View North #711 -2 142/60 106th Place SE Near Reservoir 2 Serves Academy: Auburn Way South #1011 -3 130/80 2003 Auburn Way South Auburn Way South #1114 -1 130/80 4500 Auburn Way South Serves Jannsen Addition: Jannsen #1216 -1 72/58 6100 Block & 35th Way SE 83 City of Auburn Draft Capital Facilities Plan TABLE W -1 (continued) Facilities Inventory Water Facilities FACILITY CAPACITY Primary Valve (PSI - Inlet/Outlet) LOCATION Serves Lakeland Hills: Lakeland Hills #1410 -2 Lakeland Hills #1309 -1 Lakeland Hills #1410 -1 Lakeland Hills #1409 -3 Lakeland Hills #1510 -1 Lakeland Hills #1409 -2 Lakeland Hills #1310 -1 Lakeland Hills #1410 -3 Lakeland Hills #1409 -1 Lakeland Hills #1409 -4 Lakeland Hills #1410 -4 Lakeland Hills #1509 -1 Lakeland Hills #1509 -2 Lakeland Hills #1509 -3 Lakeland Hills #1509-4 N/C - Normally Closed 125/62 105/55 N/C 84/55 N/C 120/56 130/55 82/55 N/C 95/70 103/50 174/60 160/73 138/47 230/70 Nathan Avenue & Highland Drive Mill Pond Drive @ Oravetz Road 51st St. SE east of Mill Pond Loop Mill Pond Drive & Lakeland Hills Way Lakeland Hills Way & Evergreen Way 47th SE & Lakeland Hills Way Mill Pond Dr. & Mill Pond Loop Quincy Ave N of 53rd St SE Oravetz & Lakeland Hills Way Lakeland Hills Way & Lakeland Hills Lp 4900 Block & Mill Pond Drive Terrace View Lower (6170) Terrace View Middle (5960) Terrace View Upper (5810) Terrace View & Alexander Place SE FACILITY CAPACITY (GPM) LOCATION Treatment: 5,250 9,900 2,400 (gravity feed) 625 (gravity feed) 2,600 600 180 2104 Howard Street 1113 5th St NE 3401 Stuck River Drive 1900 15th Street NW 950 25th Street SE 1100 63rd Street SE 5401 Olive Avenue SE Howard Road CCTF Fulmer Field CCTF Chlorination Stations: Coal Creek Springs Station West Hill Springs Station Well 4 Well 58 Well 5A BRAUNWOOD SATELLITE WATER SYSTEM FACILITY CAPACITY LOCATION Water Supply: Braunwood Satellite #1 Storage Facilities: Braunwood Satellite 1 Booster Pump Stations: Braunwood: 3 Pumps 0.03 MGD 0.03 MG 2.0 GPM 4501 47th St SE 4501 47th St SE 4501 47th St SE 84 TABLE W -2 City of Auburn Draft Capital Facilities Plan CAPITAL FACILITIES PLAN PROJECTS AND FINANCING WATER DIVISION 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 Total Capacity Projects: 1 Lea Hill Booster Pump Station Capital Costs Funding Sources: Water Fund 260,000 900,000 1,160,000 260,000 900,000 1,160,000 2 Well 1 Improvements Capital Costs Funding Sources: Water Fund 2,470,000 2,470,000 2,470,000 2,470,000 3 Green River PS Emergency Power Capital Costs Funding Sources: Water Fund 280,000 280,000 280,000 280,000 4 Intertie Infrastructure Capital Costs Funding Sources: Water Fund 1,090,000 1,090,000 1,090,000 1,090,000 5 Water Supply Charges Capital Costs Funding Sources: Bond Proceeds 7,000,000 7,000,000 7,000,000 7,000,000 6 Annual Distribution Improvements Capital Costs 113,000 116,000 119,000 123,000 127,000 131,000 729,000 Funding Sources: Water Fund 113,000 116,000 119,000 123,000 127,000 131,000 729,000 Subtotal, Capacity Projects: Capital Costs 2,863,000 8,206,000 119,000 123,000 387,000 1,031,000 12,729,000 Non - Capacity Projects: 7 Lakeland Hills Reservoir Capital Costs 530,000 1,810,000 Funding Sources: Water Fund 530,000 1,810,000 2,340,000 2,340,000 8 Lakeland Hills Booster Pump Station Improvements Capital Costs 1,770,000 Funding Sources: Water Fund 1,770,000 1,770,000 1,770,000 9 Well Inspection and Redevelopment Program Capital Costs 50,000 530,500 • 546,400 562,800 579,600 597,000 2,866,300 Funding Sources: Water Fund 50,000 530,500 546,400 562,800 579,600 597,000 2,866,300 85 City of Auburn Draft Capital Facilities Plan TABLE W -2 (continued) Non - Capacity Proiects: 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 Total 10 Water Repair & Replacements Capital Costs 1,500,000 140,000 1,250,000 150,000 1,350,000 2,005,500 6,395,500 Funding Sources: Water Fund 1,500,000 140,000 1,250,000 150,000 1,350,000 2,005,500 6,395,500 11 Les Gove Waterline Replacement Capital Costs Funding Sources: Water Fund 700,000 700,000 700,000 700,000 12 Academy Booster Pump Station Capital Costs 580,000 400,000 1,600,000 2,580,000 Funding Sources: Water Fund 580,000 400,000 1,600,000 2,580,000 13 Academy Pump Station #1 Capital Costs Funding Sources: Water Fund 250,000 830,000 250,000 830,000 1,080,000 1,080,000 14 Lakeland Hills Reservoir Painting Capital Costs Funding Sources: Water Fund 700,000 700,000 700,000 700,000 15 Comprehensive Water Plan Capital Costs Funding Sources: Water Fund 20,600 20,600 100,000 100,000 120,600 120,600 16 Well 4 and Intertie Pump Station Improvements Capital Costs 600,000 600,000 Funding Sources: Water Fund 600,000 600,000 17 Well 5 Upgrade Capital Costs Funding Sources: Water Fund 730,000 730,000 730,000 730,000 18 Well 7 Emergency Power Capital Costs Funding Sources: Water Fund 70,000 240,000 70,000 240,000 310,000 310,000 19 Maintenance and Operations Expansion Capital Costs Funding Sources: Water Fund 300,000 300,000 300,000 300,000 86 City of Auburn Draft Capital Facilities Plan TABLE W -2 (continued) Non - Capacity Projects: 20 2009 AC Main Replacement Capital Costs Funding Sources: Water Fund 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 Total 900,000 900,000 900,000 900,000 21 MIT Master Meters Capital Costs 130,000 400,000 530,000 Funding Sources: Water Fund 130,000 400,000 530,000 22 Street Utility Improvements Capital Costs 200,000 200,000 200,000 200,000 200,000 200,000 1,200,000 Funding Sources: Water Fund 200,000 200,000 200,000 200,000 200,000 200,000 1,200,000 23 Water Resources Protection Program Capital Costs 21,900 22,500 23,200 23,900 24,600 116,100 Funding Sources: Water Fund 21,900 22,500 23,200 23,900 24,600 116,100 24 Annual Reservoir Repair & Replacement Program Capital Costs 53,100 54,600 56,300 58,000 59,700 281,700 Funding Sources: Water Fund 53,100 54,600 56,300 58,000 59,700 281,700 25 SCADA Upgrades Capital Costs Funding Sources: Water Fund 70,000 70,000 70,000 70,000 26 City Hall Annex Lease Capital Costs 250,000 250,000 250,000 250,000 250,000 250,000 1,500,000 Funding Sources: Water Fund 250,000 250,000 250,000 250,000 250,000 250,000 1,500,000 Subtotal, Non - Capacity Projects: Capital Costs 7,900,600 3,535,500 4,623,500 2,262,300 3,631,500 3,136,800 25,090,200 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 Total SUMMARY: CAPITAL COSTS Capacity Projects 2,863,000 8,206,000 119,000 123,000 387,000 1,031,000 12,729,000 Non- Capacity Projects 7,900,600 3,535,500 4,623,500 2,262,300 3,631,500 3,136,800 25,090,200 Total Costs 10,763,600 11,741,500 4,742,500 2,385,300 4,018,500 4,167,800 37,819,200 FUNDING SOURCES: Water Fund 10,763,600 4,741,500 4,742,500 2,385,300 4,018,500 4,167,800 30,819,200 Bond Proceeds - 7,000,000 - - - - 7,000,000 Total Funding 10,763,600 11,741,500 4,742,500 2,385,300 4,018,500 4,167,800 37,819,200 87 City of Auburn Draft Capital Facilities Plan WATER FUND (430) Six Year Capital Facilities Plan, 2010 -2015 Capital Facilities Plan Enterprise Funds Project Title: Project No: Project Type: Project Manager. Lea Hill BPS Expansion & Rezone cp0801 Capacity TBD Description: Increase the pumping capacity and reconfigure the boosted zone to encompass additional hydrants in order to provide adequate fire flow. Progress Summary: Future Impact on Operating Budget: No significant impact. Budget: Adopted Budget Budget Amendments Adjusted Budget 2009 Budget YTD Actual Expenditures 2010 Budget 09 Budget Balance - - - - - - Activity: Funding Sources: Unrestricted Water Revenue Grants ( Fed,State,Local) PWTFL Other Total Funding Sources: Capital Expenditures: Design Right of Way Construction Total Expenditures: (Previous 2 Yrs) Prior to 2009 2009 YE Estimate 2010 Budget 2011 Budget 2010 Year End Project Total - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - _ - - _ - - - _ _ Forecasted Project Cost: Funding Sources: Unrestricted Water Revenue Grants (Fed,State,Local) PTFL W Other Total Funding Sources: Capital Expenditures: Design Right of Way Construction 2012 2013 2014 2015 Total 2010 -2015 - - - - - - - - 260,000 - - - 900,000 - - _ 1,160,000 _ - - - - - - - - - - 260,000 260,000 - - 900,000 - - 900,000 1,160,000 260,000 _ 900,000 Total Expenditures: - - 260,000 900,000 1,160,000 88 City of Auburn Draft Capital Facilities Plan WATER FUND (430) Six Year Capital Facilities Plan, 2010 -2015 Capital Facilities Plan Enterprise Funds Project Title: Project No: Project Type: Project Manager. Well 1 Improvements cp0915 Capacity Lee Description: liydrogeologic evaluation of existing well conditions, rehabilitation or re- drilling of the well to maximum well production, and construction of building improvements to house chlorine disinfection equipment and an emergency generator. Progress Summary: Future Impact on Operating Budget: Budget: Adopted Budget Budget Amendments Adjusted Budget 2009 Budget YTD Actual Expenditures 2010 Budget 09 Budget Balance - - - - - - Activity: Funding Sources: Unrestricted Water Revenue Grants (Fed,State,Local) PTFL W Other Total Funding Sources: Capital Expenditures: Design Right of Way Construction Total Expenditures: (Previous 2 Yrs) Prior to 2009 2009 YE Estimate 2010 Budget 2011 Budget 2010 Year End Project Total - - - - 210,000 - - - 2,470,000 - - - - - - - 2,680,000 - - - - - - - 210,000 210,000 - - 2,470,000 - - 2,470,000 . - - - - 2,680,000 210,000 - 2,470,000 - 210,000 2,470,000 - 2,680,000 Forecasted Project Cost: Funding Sources: Unrestricted Water Revenue Grants (Fed,State,Local) PWTFL Other Total Funding Sources: Capital Expenditures: Design Right of Way Construction Total Expenditures: 2012 2013 2014 2015 Total 2010 -2015 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 2,470,000 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 2,470,000 - - 2,470,000 - - - - 2,470,000 Grants / Other Sources: 89 City of Auburn Draft Capital Facilities Plan WATER FUND (430) Six Year Capital Facilities Plan, 2010 -2015 Project Title: Project No: Project Type: Pro'ect Mana er: Capital Facilities Plan Enterprise Funds Green River PS Emergency Power cpxxxx Capacity TBD ii Description: Construction of facility improvements to house an emergency generator and associated electrical equipment. Progress Summary: Future Impact on Operating Budget: Budget: Adopted Budget Budget Amendments Adjusted Budget 2009 Budget YTD Actual Expenditures 2010 Budget 09 Budget Balance - - - - - - Activity: Funding Sources: Unrestricted Water Revenue Grants (Fed,State,Local) PWTFL Other Total Funding Sources: Capital Expenditures: Design Right of Way Construction Total Expenditures: (Previous 2 Yrs) Prior to 2009 2009 YE Estimate 2010 Budget 2011 Budget 2010 Year End Project Total - - - - - - - - 280,000 - - - - - - - 280,000 - - - - - - - - - - 280,000 65,000 - 215,000 - - - - 280,000 65,000 - 215,000 - - 280,000 - 280,000 Forecasted Project Cost: Funding Sources: Unrestricted Water Revenue Grants (Fed,State,Local) PTFL WOther Total Funding Sources: Capital Expenditures: Design Right of Way Construction Total Expenditures: 2012 2013 2014 2015 Total 2010 -2015 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 280,000 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 280,000 65,000 - 215,000 - - - - 280,000 Grants l Other Sources: 90 City of Auburn Draft Capital Facilities Plan WATER FUND (430) Six Year Capital Facilities Plan, 2010 -2015 Capital Facilities Plan Enterprise Funds Project Title: Project No: Project Type: Project Manager: Intertie Infrastructure cpxxxx Capacity TBD Description: Construction of two intertie infrastructures required for purchased water and for long term emergency interties. Progress Summary: Future Impact on Operating Budget: Budget: Adopted Budget Budget Amendments Adjusted Budget 2009 Budget YTD Actual Expenditures 2010 Budget 09 Budget Balance - - - - - - Activity: Funding Sources: Unrestricted Water Revenue Grants(Fed•State,Local) PTFL W Other Total Funding Sources: Capital Expenditures: Design Right of Way Construction Total Expenditures: (Previous 2 Yrs) Prior to 2009 2009 YE Estimate 2010 Budget 2011 Budget 2010 Year End Project Total - - - - - - - - - - - - 1,090,000 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1,090,000 250,000 - 840,000 - - - - - - - 1,090,000 Forecasted Project Cost: Funding Sources: Unrestricted Water Revenue Grants (Fed,State,Local) PWTFL Other Total Funding Sources: Capital Expenditures: Design Right of Way Construction Total Expenditures: 2012 2013 2014 2015 Total• 2010 -2015 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1,090,000 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1,090,000 250,000 - 840,000 - - - - 1,090,000 Grants / Other Sources: 91 City of Auburn Draft Capital Facilities Plan WATER FUND (430) Six Year Capital Facilities Plan, 2010 -2015 Capital Facilities Plan Enterprise Funds Project Title: Project No: Project Type: Project Manager. Water Supply Charges cpxxxx Capacity TBD Description: Financing to purchase water from adjacent purveyors to meet projected demand. Progress Summary: Planned . Future Impact on Operating Budget: None Budget: Adopted Budget Budget Amendments Adjusted Budget 2009 Budget YTD Actual Expenditures 2010 Budget 09 Budget Balance - - - - - - Activity: Funding Sources: Unrestricted Water Revenue Grants (Fed, State, Local) Bond Proceeds Other Total Funding Sources: Capital Expenditures: Water Supply Charges Right of Way Construction Total Expenditures: (Previous 2 Yrs) Prior to 2009 2009 YE Estimate 2010 Budget 2011 Budget 2010 Year End Project Total - - - - - _ - - - - - - - - 7,000,000 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - _ 7,000,000 7,000,000 - - - - - _ - - - 7,000,000 - Forecasted Project Cost: 2012 2013 2014 2015 Total 2010 -2015 Funding Sources: Unrestricted Water Revenue Grants (Fed, State, Local) Bond Proceeds Other - - - - - - - _ - - - - - _ - _ _ _ 7,000,000 _ Total Funding Sources: Capital Expenditures: Water Supply Charges Right of Way Construction - - _ - - - - - - - - _ - - - _ 7,000,000 7,000,000 _ - Total Expenditures: raummitvilummeirm - - - - 7,000,000 92 City of Auburn Draft Capital Facilities Plan WATER FUND (430) Six Year Capital Facilities Plan, 2010 -2015 Capital Facilities Plan Enterprise Funds Project Title: Project No: Project Type: Project Manager: Annual Distribution Improvements Program cpxxxx Capacity Various Description: Distribution system improvements needed to support anticipated growth. Projects will be coordinated with the Local Street Program and other utility projects. Progress Summary: Future Impact on Operating Budget: No significant impact. Budget: Adopted Budget Budget Amendments Adjusted Budget 2009 Budget YTD Actual Expenditures 2010 Budget 09 Budget Balance - - - - - - Activity: Funding Sources: Unrestricted Water Revenue Grants (Fed, State, Local) PTFL W Other Total Funding Sources: Capital Expenditures: Design Right of Way Construction Total Expenditures: (Previous 2 Yrs) Prior to 2009 2009 YE Estimate 2010 Budget 2011 Budget 2010 Year End Project Total - - - - - - - - 113,000 - - - 116,000 - - - 113,000 - - - . - - - - - - - - 113,000 26,000 - 87,000 116,000 26,000 - 90,000 113,000 26,000 - 87,000 - - 113,000 116,000 113,000 Forecasted Project Cost: Funding Sources: Unrestricted Water Revenue Grants (Fed,State,Locaf) PTFL W Other Total Funding Sources: Capital Expenditures: Design Right of Way Construction Total Expenditures: 2012 2013 2014 2015 Total 2010 -2015 119,000 - - - 123,000 - - - 127,000 - - - 131,000 - - - 729,000 - - 119,000 27,000 - 92 000 123,000 28,000 - 95 000 127,000 29,000 - 98 000 131,000 30,000 - 101,000 729,000 166,000 - 563,000 119,000 123,000 127,000 131,000 729,000 Grants / Other Sources 93 City of Auburn Draft Capital Facilities Plan WATER FUND (430) Six Year Capital Facilities Plan, 2010 -2015 Capital Facilities Plan Enterprise Funds Project Title: Project No: Project Type: Project Manager. Lakeland Hills Reservoir cpxxxx Non - Capacity TBD Description: Construct a second reservoir in the Lakeland Hills area to meet peak hour demand and fire demand. Progress Summary: Future Impact on Operating Budget: Project will require routine inspections by water operations staff. The annual maintenance cost is estimated to be approximately $1,200. Budget: 2009 YTD Actual 2010 09 Budget Budget Expenditures Budget Balance Adopted Budget - Budget Amendments - Adjusted Budget - - - - Activity: (Previous 2 Yrs) 2009 YE 2010 Year End Funding Sources: Prior to 2009 Estimate 2010 Budget 2011 Budget Project Total Unrestricted Water Revenue - - 530,000 1,810,000 530,000 Grants (Fed,State,Local) - - _ - - PWTFL - - - - - Other - _ - - - Total Funding Sources: • - - 530,000 1,810,000 530,000 Capital Expenditures: Design - - 530,000 - 530,000 Right of Way - - - - - Construction - - - 1,810,000 - Total Expenditures: - - 530,000 1,810,000 530,000 Forecasted Project Cost: Total 2012 2013 2014 2015 2010 -2015 Funding Sources: Unrestricted Water Revenue - - - - 2,340,000 Grants (Fed,State,Local) _ _ - - _ PWTFL - - - - _ Other - - _ - _ Total Funding Sources: - - - - 2,340,000 Capital Expenditures: Design _ 530,000 Right of Way _ - - _ - Construction - - - - 1,810,000 Total Expenditures: - - - - 2,340,000 • 94 City of Auburn Draft Capital Facilities Plan WATER FUND (430) Six Year Capital Facilities Plan, 2010 -2015 Capital Facilities Plan Enterprise Funds Project Title: Project No: Project Type: Project Manager. Lakeland Hills Booster Pump Station Improvements cp0909 Non - Capacity Vondrak Description: Increase the pump station capacity to meet peak demands and fire flow requirements and provide emergency power. Progress Summary: Future Impact on Operating Budget: No significant Impact Budget: Adopted Budget Budget Amendments Adjusted Budget 2009 Budget YTD Actual Expenditures 2010 Budget 09 Budget Balance - - - - - - Activity: Funding Sources: Unrestricted Water Revenue Grants (Fed,State,Local) Bond Proceeds Other Total Funding Sources: Capital Expenditures: Design Right of Way Construction Total Expenditures: (Previous 2 Yrs) Prior to 2009 2009 YE Estimate 2010 Budget 2011 Budget 2010 Year End Project Total - - - - 390,000 - - - 1,770,000 - - - - - - - 2.160,000 - . - - - - - - 390,000 390,000 - - 1,770,000 - - 1,770,000 - - - - 2,160,000 390,000 - 1,770,000 - 390,000 1,770,000 - 2,160,000 Forecasted Project Cost: Funding Sources: Unrestricted Water Revenue Grants (Fed,State,Local) Bond Proceeds Other Total Funding Sources: Capital Expenditures: Design Right of Way Construction Total Expenditures: 2012 2013 2014 2015 Total 2010 -2015 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1,770,000 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1,770,000 - - 1,770,000 - - - - 1,770,000 Grants I Other Sources: 95 City of Auburn Draft Capital Facilities Plan WATER FUND (430) Six Year Capital Facilities Plan, 2010 -2015 Capital Facilities Plan Enterprise Funds Project Title: Project No: Project Type: Project Manager. Well Inspection and Redevelopment Program cpxxxx Non - Capacity TBD Description: Program for inspection and redevelopment of supply wells and springs necessary to ensure production at maximum capacity for efficient utilization. Progress Summary: Planned Future Impact on Operating Budget: None Budget: Adopted Budget Budget Amendments Adjusted Budget 2009 Budget YTD Actual Expenditures 2010 Budget 09 Budget Balance - - - - - - Activity: Funding Sources: Unrestricted Water Revenue Grants (Fed,State,Locaq Bond Other Total Funding Sources: Capital Expenditures: Design Right of Way Construction Total Expenditures: ' (Previous 2 Yrs) Prior to 2009 2009 YE Estimate 2010 Budget 2011 Budget 2010 Year End Project Total - - - _ 50,000 - - 50,000 - 530,500 - _ 100,000 _ - - - - - 50,000 15,000 - 35,000 .50,000 15,000 _ 35,000 530,500 120,500 _ 410,000 100,000 30,000 _ 70,000 - 50,000 50,000 530,500 100,000 Forecasted Project Cost: Funding Sources: Unrestricted Water Revenue Grants (Fed,State,Local) Bond Other Total Funding Sources: Capital Expenditures: Design Right of Way Construction Total Expenditures: •_ 2012 2013 2014 2015 Total 2010 -2015 546,400 _ - _ 562,800 _ - - 579,600 _ - _ 597,000 _ _ _ 2,866,300 _ _ - 546,400 126,100 - 420,300 562,800 129,900 - 432,900 579,600 133,700 _ 445,900 597,000 137,700 _ 459,300 2,866,300 662,900 - 2,203,400 546,400 562,800 579,600 597,000 2,866,300 96 City of Auburn Draft Capital Facilities Plan WATER FUND (430) Six Year Capital Facilities Plan, 2010 -2015 Capital Facilities Plan Enterprise Funds Project Title: Project No: Project Type: Project Manager. Annual Distribution Repair & Replacements Bud430 Non - Capacity (R &R) Various Description: Distribution system repair and replacement projects required for meeting peak demands and reducing system losses. Projects will be coordinated with the Local Street Program and other utility projects. Progress Summary: Future Impact on Operating Budget: No significant impact. Budget: Adopted Budget Budget Amendments Adjusted Budget 2009 Budget YTD Actual Expenditures 2010 Budget 09 Budget Balance - - - - - - Activity: Funding Sources: Unrestricted Water Revenue Grants (Fed, State, Local) PWTFL Other Total_Funding Sources: Capital Expenditures: Design Right of Way Construction Total Expenditures: (Previous 2 Yrs) Prior to 2009 2009 YE Estimate 2010 Budget 2011 Budget 2010 Year End Project Total - - - - 542,500 - - - 1,500,000 - - - 140,000 - - - 2,042,500 - - - - - - - 542,500 108,500 - 434,000 1,500,000 300,000 - 1,200,000 140,000 30,000 - 110,000 2,042,500 408,500 - 1,634,000 - 542,500 1,500,000 140,000 2,042,500 Forecasted Project Cost: Funding Sources: Unrestricted Water Revenue Grants (Fed, State, Local) PWTFL Other Total Funding Sources: Capital Expenditures: Design Right of Way Construction Total Expenditures: 2012 2013 2014 2015 Total 2010 -2015 1,250,000 - - - 150,000 - - - 1,350,000 - - - 2,005,500 - - - 6,395,500 - - - 1,250,000 250,000 - 1 000,000 150,000 30,000 - 120 000 1,350,000 270,000 - 1 080 000 2,005,500 463,500 - 1,542,000 6,395,500 1,343,500 - 5 052,000 1,250,000 150,000 1,350,000 2,005,500 6,395,500 Grants / Other Sources: 97 86 000'00L - - - - :saJnllpuadx31elo1 000'001 - - - - uoponJlsuo0 - - - - - beM Jo 1468 - - - - - uElsaa :sainllpuadx3 lellde3 000'001 - - - - :saoinos 6ulpund lelol 10410 - - - - - spuog - - - - - (leoo'i'a,els'pad) s1ue10 000'001 - - - - anuanab Ja1ee paloulsaiun :saaJnos 6ulpund 9)0Z-0L0Z 910Z 4102 £L0Z ZLOZ Ielo1 :lso3 loafoid palseoaiod 001'181'Z - 000'00L 000'000'1 001'194 :sainppuadx3 ielo1 00Z'o0L'L - 000'001 000'0004 00Z uoIJon11suo0 - - - - - /teM 10 14621 00S'484 - 00S'484 uEisap :saJnllpuadx3 lelldeo 001'L81'Z - 000'OOL 000'000'1 001'184 :saoinos 6ulpund lelol - - - - 10410 - - - - - spuog - - - - - (leoo7'aleis'pad) s1ue10 001' 48 L'Z - 000'001 000'000' 4 001' 494 anuanaa lale4 paloulsalun lelol loafold la6pn8 LLOZ 1a6pn3 OLOZ alewlls3 600Z 0l.20ud :sa3Jnos 6ulpund pu3 JeaA 0)0Z 3A 600Z (s1A Z snolnaid) :IAj!NhV - - - - la6png palsnfpy - sluawpuawy la6png - la6png paldopy aouelea la6png sajnllpuadx3 la6pn3 la6pn9 60 0102 Ienlay 01A 600Z :la6png :1a6png 6u9eJado uo loedwl annlnd :IGewwns ssalboJd •sassol Salem pue spaau aoueualu!ew aonpai pue moU gig anojdw! mm sau!I 6u!is!xe NI 6u!oeldaa •6ua{eaiq io 6upieaI of auoid pue paleJoualap we sau!ualem 6ugslxa ayl •sau!ualem you! g mau qpm paoeldai aq II!m az!s u■ sagou! g of Z sau!ualem uoi! pea P10 ;o lea; nail!! 000'01. 1(Ialew!xaiddy -3s 'awls >1 pUe 3s laaiis a ueamiaq 3S laags 4lg o1 3s 139-J1S 416 wail spualxa ewe aqj •>Jed anon sa-I ;o lsamgpou ewe aqi u! sau!Iaalem 64e eoeidei II!m loafaid s!yl :uollduasaa uospuna (d) diaede3 -uoN Z9L0d3 luawaaeidaa auwaleM ano9 sal :Jabeuen loefaid :ad1(1 loa(aid :oN loa(aid :011!1 loafaid spund asudialu3 uefd seplUoed Iel!de3 9I0Z-01.OZ'ueld saglulpoed Iel!deO nab XIS (ocv) amu 2131VM uric' saymovf jvildv,9 ifaic u.cngnv,(o u City of Auburn Draft Capital Facilities Plan • WATER FUND (430) Six Year Capital Facilities Plan, 2010 -2015 Capital Facilities Plan Enterprise Funds Project Title: Project No: Project Type: Project Manager. Academy Booster Pump Station cp0909 Non - Capacity Vondrak Description: Construct a new booster pump station, to replace the Janssen's Addition pump station, to meet fire flow demands and provide emergency power. Progress Summary: Future Impact on Operating Budget: No significant Impact Budget: Adopted Budget Budget Amendments Adjusted Budget 2009 Budget YTD Actual Expenditures 2010 Budget 09 Budget Balance - - - - - - Activity: Funding Sources: Unrestricted Water Revenue Grants (Fed,State,Local) Bond Proceeds Other Total Funding Sources: Capital Expenditures: Design Right of Way Construction Total Expenditures: (Previous 2 Yrs) Prior to 2009 2009 YE Estimate 2010 Budget 2011 Budget 2010 Year End Project Total - - - - - - - - 580,000 - - - 400,000 - - 580,000 - - - - _ - - - - - - - 580,000 . 580,000 - - 400,000 - - 400,000 580,000 580,000 - - - - 580,000 400,000 580,000 Forecasted Project Cost: Funding Sources: Unrestricted Water Revenue Grants (Fed,State,Local) Bond Proceeds Other Total Funding Sources: Capital Expenditures: Design Right of Way Construction Total Expenditures: 2012 2013 2014 2015 Total 2010 -2015 1,600,000 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 2,580,000 - - - 1,600,000 - - 1 600 000 - - - - - - - - - - - - 2,580,000 580,000 - 2 000,000 1,600,000 - - - 2,580,000 Grants / Other Sources: 99 • Mane er: Description: improvements to the station include replacing the existing pumps which are at the end of their useful life, electrical modifications and emergency. power. Progress Summary: Future Impact on Operating Budget: No significant Impact Budget: 2009 YTD Actual 2010 09 Budget Budget Expenditures Budget Balance Adopted Budget - Budget Amendments - Adjusted Budget - - - - Activity: (Previous 2 Yrs) 2009 YE 2010 Year End Funding Sources: Prior to 2009 Estimate 2010 Budget 2011 Budget Project Total Unrestricted Water Revenue - - - - - Grants ( Fed,State.Local) - - - - - Bond Proceeds - - - - - Other - - - - - Total Funding Sources: - - - - - Capital Expenditures: Design - - - - - Right of Way - - - - - Construction - - - - Total Expenditures: - - - - - Forecasted Project Cost: Total 2012 2013 2014 2015 2010 -2015 Funding Sources: Unrestricted Water Revenue - 250,000 830,000 - 1,080,000 Grants (Fed,State,Local) - - - - - Bond Proceeds - - - - - Other - - - - - Total Funding Sources: - 250,000 830,000 - 1,080,000 Capital Expenditures: Design - 250,000 - - 250,000 Right of Way - - - - - Construction - - 830 000 - 830 000 Total Expenditures: - 250,000 830,000 - 1,080,000 City of Auburn Draft Capital Facilities Plan WATER FUND (430) Six Year Capital Facilities Plan, 2010 -2015 Project Title: Project No: Project Type: Capital Facilities Plan Enterprise Funds Academy Pump Station #1 cpxxxx Non - Capacity Grants / Other Sources: 100 101 :saomog Jai lO / s1ueJ0 0001:10L - - 000'00[ - :sainl!Puadx3 Ielol 000'01-9 000'06 000'00L - - - - - - - - 000'01.9 - 000'06 000'00L - uoilon.7suo3 - AeM Jo 74641 - u4sa0 :sainlipuadxa Iel!deo - :saaunog 6u!pund Ieloi - - 000'00L - - - - - - - - - - - 000'00L - -/a470 - spaa3oJd puo8 - (leoo7'elels'pa3) duels - anuanaa )aleM pepIJ seiun :sa3Jnog 6ulpund S1.0Z- 010Z Ieloi S1.0Z 4•02 BLOZ ZLOZ :1so3 13araid pa)seaaJo j - - - - :sa.nllpuadx3leloi - - - - - - • - - - - - - - - - - uoIloruisuo3 - item Jo 74688 - u5isaa :saJnllpuadx3 IeHde3 - :saaJnos 6ulpun3 leloi - - - - - - - - - - - - ia410 - spaaoad puo8 - (leool'alels'pa3) siueio - anuanaa JaleM paloulsaJun leloi pafoid pu3 JeaA 01.0Z la6png 1.1.0Z la6png OLOZ alew9s3 3A 600Z 600Z o1 Loud :sa3Jnos 6ulpun3 (siA Z snounaid) :Aj!Ai py - - - la6pn8 palsnfpy - sluewpuawy la6png la6pn8 paldopy aoueleg 06png 60 la6png 01.02 sainl!puadx3 IenPV auA la6png 600Z 4a6pn8 loedwl lueoijiuti!s oN :3a6png 6uileiado uo pedwg aznnnI ' :itiewwns ssaI6oJd Aomasai ayl ;o am Qui a/uasaid o) Joua)xa pue Joualui aqi awed :uo!3duosaa asi tl3ede3 -uoN xxxxd3 buquled A!oMasaa sII!H puela>lel :Ja6euew loafoJd :adij pafoJd :oN ;oafad :all!1 joafoid spunA asudJalu3 uefd sailp!oed felideo 9402-0602 'UeId sa13ifi3ed JewA XIS (0£I) ONn3 201VM uvid sarJrjtov, j jvItdv,' Oda uangnvJo tj City of Auburn Draft Capital Facilities Plan WATER FUND (430) Six Year Capital Facilities Plan, 2010 -2015 Capital Facilities Plan Enterprise Funds Project Title: Project No: Project Type: Project Manager: Comprehensive Water Plan cp0704 Non - Capacity Lamothe Description: Update the Comprehensive Water Plan as required by Washington State Department of Health. Progress Summary: Plan update in progress _ Future Impact on Operating Budget: No significant impact. Budget: Adopted Budget Budget Amendments Adjusted Budget 2009 Budget YTD Actual Expenditures 2010 Budget 09 Budget Balance - - - - - - Activity: Funding Sources: Unrestricted Water Revenue Grants (Fed, State,Local) PWTFL Other Total Funding Sources: Capital Expenditures: Design Right of Way Construction Total Expenditures: (Previous 2 Yrs) Prior to 2009 2009 YE Estimate 2010 Budget 2011 Budget 2010 Year End Project Total 344,000 - - 160,000 - _ 20,600 - - - _ - - 524,600 - - - 344,000 344,000 - 160,000 160,000 - 20,600 20,600 - - - _ _ 524,600 524,600 _ - 344,000 160,000 20,600 - 524,600 Forecasted Project Cost: Funding Sources: Unrestricted Water Revenue Grants (Fed,State,Local) PWTFL Other 2012 2013 2014 2015 Total 2010 -2015 - _ - _ - - - - 100,000 _ _ _ - - _ - 120,600 _ - - Total Funding Sources: Capital Expenditures: Design Right of Way Construction - - - - - - - - 100,000 100,000 _ - - - - - 120,600 120,600 _ - Total Expenditures: - - 100,000 - 120,600 102 City of Auburn Draft Capital Facilities Plan WATER FUND (430) Six Year Capital Facilities Plan, 2010 -2015 Capital Facilities Plan Enterprise Funds Project Title: Project No: Project Type: Project Manager: Well 4 and Intertie Pump Station Improvements c512a0 Non - Capacity Lamothe Description: Construct a new building at the Well 4 site to house a diesel - fueled standby generator, new hypochlorite disinfection equipment, and restroom facilities accessible from inside and outside the building. Determine the cost and feasibility of installing standby power to the Lea Hill Booster Pump Station. Progress Summary: Future Impact on Operating Budget: Budget: Adopted Budget Budget Amendments Adjusted Budget 2009 Budget YTD Actual Expenditures 2010 Budget 09 Budget Balance - - - - - - Activity: Funding Sources: Unrestricted Water Revenue Grants (Fed,State,Local) PWTFL Other Total Funding Sources: Capital Expenditures: Design Right of Way Construction Total Expenditures: (Previous 2 Yrs) Prior to 2009 2009 YE Estimate 2010 Budget 2011 Budget 2010 Year End Project Total 6,700 - - - 20,000 - - - 600,000 - - - - - - - 626,700 - - - 6,700 6,700 - - 20,000 20,000 - - 600,000 90,000 - 510,000 - - - - 626,700 116,700 - 510,000 6,700 20,000 600,000 - 626,700 Forecasted Project Cost: Funding Sources: Unrestricted Water Revenue Grants (Fed,State,Local) PWTFL Other Total Funding Sources: Capital Expenditures: Design Right of Way Construction Total Expenditures: 2012 2013 2014 2015 Total 2010 -2015 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 600,000 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 600,000 90,000 - 510 000 - - - - 600,000 Grants / Other Sources: 103 City of Auburn Draft Capital Facilities Plan WATER FUND (430) Six Year Capital Facilities Plan, 2010 -2015 Capital Facilities Plan Enterprise Funds Project Title: Project No: Project Type: Project Manager: Well 5 Upgrade cp0624 Non - Capacity Lamothe Description: Construct a new well facility meeting current electrical and safety codes. The project will include emergency backup power and disinfection capability. Progress Summary: • Future Impact on Operating Budget: No significant impact. Budget: Adopted Budget Budget Amendments Adjusted Budget 2009 Budget YTD Actual Expenditures 2010 Budget 09 Budget Balance - - - - - - Activity: Funding Sources: Unrestricted Water Revenue Grants (Fed, State, Local) PWTFL Other Total Funding Sources: Capital Expenditures: Design Right of Way Construction Total Expenditures: (Previous 2 Yrs) Prior to 2009 2009 YE Estimate 2010 Budget 2011 Budget 2010 Year End Project Total 1,900 - - - 20,000 - - - 730,000 _ _ - - - - - 751,900 - - - 1,900 1,900 - - 20,000 20,000 - - 730,000 - - 730,000 - - - - 751,900 21,900 - 730,000 1,900 20,000 730,000 - 751,900 Forecasted Project Cost: Funding Sources: Unrestricted Water Revenue Grants (Fed,State,Local) W PTFL Other 2012 2013 2014 2015 Total 2010 -2015 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 730,000 _ - _ Total Funding Sources: Capital Expenditures: Design Right of Way Construction - - - - - - - - - - - - - _ - - 730,000 _ - 730,000 Total Expenditures: �w�wr�ww - - - - 730,000 104 City of Auburn Draft Capital Facilities Plan WATER FUND (430) . Six Year Capital Facilities Plan, 2010 -2015 Capital Facilities Plan Enterprise Funds Project Title: Project No: Project Type: Project Manager. Well 7 Emergency Power cpxxxx Non - Capacity TBD Description: Provide a generator for backup power to reliably meet demands in the Valley servicer area. Progress Summary: Future Impact on Operating Budget: No significant impact. Budget: Adopted Budget Budget Amendments Adjusted Budget 2009 Budget YTD Actual Expenditures 2010 Budget 09 Budget Balance - - - - - - Activity: Funding Sources: Unrestricted Water Revenue Grants (Fed,State,Local) PWTFL Other Total Funding Sources: Capital Expenditures: Design Right of Way Construction Total Expenditures: (Previous 2 Yrs) Prior to 2009 2009 YE Estimate 2010 Budget 2011 Budget 2010 Year End Project Total - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Forecasted Project Cost: Funding Sources: Unrestricted Water Revenue Grants (Fed,State,Local) PWTFL Other Total Funding Sources: Capital Expenditures: Design Right of Way Construction Total Expenditures: 2012 2013 2014 2015 Total 2010 -2015 - - - - 70,000 - - - 240,000 - - - - - - - 310,000 - - - - - - - 70,000 70,000 - - 240,000 - - 240,000 - - - - 310,000 70,000 - 240,000 - 70,000 240,000 - 310,000 Grants / Other Sources: • 105 City of Auburn Draft Capital Facilities Plan WATER FUND (430) Six Year Capital Facilities Plan, 2010 -2015 Capital Facilities Plan Enterprise Funds Project Title: Project No: Project Type: Project Manager: Maintenance & Operations Facility Improvements cpxxxx Non - Capacity TBD Description: Improvements to M &O facilities and operations including remodel the existing building. Progress Summary: Future Impact on Operating Budget: Budget: Adopted Budget Budget Amendments Adjusted Budget 2009 Budget YTD Actual Expenditures 2010 Budget 09 Budget Balance - - - - - - Activity: Funding Sources: Unrestricted Water Revenue Grants (Fed, State, Local) PWTFL Other Total Funding Sources: Capital Expenditures: Design Right of Way Construction Total Expenditures: (Previous 2 Yrs) Prior to 2009 2009 YE Estimate 2010 Budget 2011 Budget 2010 Year End Project Total - - - - - _ - - - - - - - _ _ _ - - _ _ - - - _ - - - - - - - - - _ - - - _ _ - - - - - Forecasted Project Cost: 2012 2013 2014 2015 Total 2010 -2015 Funding Sources: Unrestricted Water Revenue Grants (Fed,State,Local) PWTFL Other 300,000 _ - - - _ _ - - - _ - - 300,000 - Total Funding Sources: Capital Expenditures: Design Right of Way Construction 300,000 70,000 - 230 000 - - - - - - - - - - - 300,000 70,000 230,000 Total Expenditures: 300,000 - - - 300,000 106 City of Auburn Draft Capital Facilities Plan WATER FUND (430) Six Year Capital Facilities Plan, 2010 -2015 Capital Facilities Plan Enterprise Funds Project Title: Project No: Project Type: Project Manager: 2009 AC Main Replacement cp0920 Non - Capacity Lee Description: Progress Summary: Future Impact on Operating Budget: Budget: Adopted Budget Budget Amendments Adjusted Budget 2009 Budget YTD Actual Expenditures 2010 Budget 09 Budget Balance - - - - - - Activity: Funding Sources: Unrestricted Water Revenue Grants ( Fed,State,Local) PWTFL Other Total Funding Sources: Capital Expenditures: Design Right of Way Construction Total Expenditures:. (Previous 2 Yrs) Prior to 2009 2009 YE Estimate 2010 Budget 2011 Budget 2010 Year End Project Total - - - - 100,000 - - - 900,000 - - - - - - - 1,000,000 - - - - - - - 100,000 100,000 - - 900,000 100,000 - 800,000 - - - - 1,000,000 200,000 - 800,000 - 100,000 900,000 - 1,000,000 Forecasted Project Cost: Funding Sources: Unrestricted Water Revenue Grants (Fed,State,Local) PTFL W Other Total Funding Sources: Capital Expenditures: Design Right of Way Construction Total Expenditures: 2012 2013 2014 2015 Total 2010 -2015 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 900,000 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 900,000 100,000 - 800,000 - - - - 900,000 Grants / Other Sources: 107 City of Auburn Draft Capital Facilities Plan WATER FUND (430) Six Year Capital Facilities Plan, 2010 -2015 Capital Facilities Plan Enterprise Funds Project Title: Project No: Project Type: Project Manager: MIT Master Meters cpxxxx Non - Capacity TBD Description: Install master meters to Muckleshoot Indian Tribe properties to ease account administration. Progress Summary: Future Impact on Operating Budget: , Budget: Adopted Budget Budget Amendments Adjusted Budget 2009 Budget YTD Actual Expenditures 2010 Budget 09 Budget Balance - - - - - - Activity: Funding Sources: Unrestricted Water Revenue Grants (Fed,State,Local) PWTFL Other • Total Funding Sources: Capital Expenditures: Design Right of Way Construction Total Expenditures: (Previous 2 Yrs) Prior to 2009 2009 YE Estimate 2010 Budget 2011 Budget 2010 Year End Project Total - - - - - - - - - - - - 130,000 _ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -. - - - 130,000 130,000 _ - - - - _ - - - 130,000 - Forecasted Project Cost: Funding Sources: Unrestricted Water Revenue Grants (Fed,State,Local) PWTFL Other Total Funding Sources: Capital Expenditures: Design Right of Way Construction Total Expenditures: 2012 2013 2014 2015 Total 2010 -2015 400,000 - - - - - - - - - - - - - _ _ _ 530,000 _ _ _ 400,000 - - 400 000 - - - .. - - - - - - _ - 530,000 130,000 - 400,000 400,000 - - - 530,000 ran s • er ources• 108 City of Auburn Draft Capital Facilities Plan WATER FUND (430) Six Year Capital Facilities Plan, 2010 -2015 Capital Facilities Plan Enterprise Funds Project Title: Project No: Project Type: Project Manager: Street Utility Improvements cpxxxx Non - Capacity TBD Description: Water main improvements in coordination with SOS and general arterial street improvements. Progress Summary: Future Impact on Operating Budget: No significant impact Budget: Adopted Budget Budget Amendments Adjusted Budget 2009 Budget YTD Actual Expenditures 2010 Budget 09 Budget Balance - - - - - - Activity: Funding Sources: Unrestricted Water Revenue Grants (Fed,State,Local) Bond Proceeds Other Total Funding Sources: Capital Expenditures: Design Right of Way Construction Total Expenditures: (Previous 2 Yrs) Prior to 2009 2009 YE Estimate 2010 Budget 2011 Budget 2010 Year End Project Total - - - - - - - - 200,000 - - - 200,000 - - - 200,000 - - - - - - - - - - - 200,000 20,000 - 180,000 200,000 20,000 - 180,000 200,000 20,000 - 180,000 - - 200,000 200,000 200,000 Forecasted Project Cost: Funding Sources: Unrestricted Water Revenue Grants (Fed,State,Local) Bond Proceeds Other Total Funding Sources: Capital Expenditures: Design Right of Way Construction Total Expenditures: '2012 2013 2014 2015 Total 2010 -2015 200,000 - - 200,000 - - - 200,000 - - - 200,000 - - - 1,200,000 - - - 200,000 20,000 - 180 000 200,000 20,000 - 180,000 200,000 20,000 - 180,000 200,000 20,000 - 180,000 1,200,000 120,000 - 1,080 000 200,000 200,000 200,000 200,000 1,200,000 Grants I Other Sources: 109 City of Auburn Draft Capital Facilities Plan WATER FUND (430) Six Year Capital Facilities Plan, 2010 -2015 Capital Facilities Plan Enterprise Funds Project Title: Project No: Project Type: Project Manager: Water Resources Protection Program c10130 Non - Capacity (Improvements) Thorn Description: Implement strategies identified in the Wellhead Protection Program to protect City water sources. Progress Summary: Future Impact on Operating Budget: No significant impact. Budget: Adopted Budget Budget Amendments Adjusted Budget 2009 Budget YTD Actual Expenditures 2010 Budget 09 Budget Balance - - - - - - Activity: Funding Sources: Unrestricted Water Revenue Grants (Fed,State,Local) PWTFL Other Total Funding Sources: Capital Expenditures: Design Right of Way Construction Total Expenditures: (Previous 2 Yrs) Prior to 2009 2009 YE Estimate 2010 Budget 2011 Budget 2010 Year End Project Total 35,000 - - - - - - - - - - - 21,900 - - - 35,000 - - 35,000 35,800 - - - - - - - - - - 21,900 - - 21,900 35,000 35,800 - - 35,800 - - 21,900 35,800 Forecasted Project Cost: Funding Sources: Unrestricted Water Revenue Grants (Fed,State,Local) PTFL W Other Total Funding Sources: Capital Expenditures: Design Right of Way Construction Total Expenditures: 2012 2013 2014 2015 Total 2010 -2015 22,500 - - - 23,200 - - - 23,900 - - - 24,600 _ - _ 116,100 _ - _ 22,500 - - 22,500 23,200 - - 23,200 23,900 - - 23,900 24,600 _ _ 24,600 116,100 _ _ 116,100 22,500 23,200 23,900 24,600 116,100 rants St er ources• 110 City of Auburn Draft Capital Facilities Plan WATER FUND (430) Six Year Capital Facilities Plan, 2010 -2015 Capital Facilities Plan Enterprise Funds Project Title: Project No: Project Type: Project Manager: Annual Reservoir Repair 8 Replacement Program cpxxxx Non- Capacity TBD Description: Perform reservoir maintenance such evaluation of facility condition and installation sample ports and seismic isolation valves on inlet/outlet piping. Progress Summary: Future Impact on Operating Budget: Budget: Adopted Budget Budget Amendments Adjusted Budget 2009 Budget YTD Actual Expenditures 2010 Budget 09 Budget Balance - - - - - - Activity: Funding Sources: Unrestricted Water Revenue Grants (Fed,State,Local) PWTFL Other Total Funding Sources: Capital Expenditures: Design Right of Way Construction Total Expenditures: (Previous 2 Yrs) Prior to 2009 2009 YE Estimate 2010 Budget 2011 Budget 2010 Year End Project Total - - - - - - - - - - - - 53,100 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 53,100 8,800 - 44,300 - - - - - - - 53,100 - Forecasted Project Cost: Funding Sources: Unrestricted Water Revenue Grants (Fed,State,Local) PWTFL Other Total Funding Sources: Capital Expenditures: Design Right of Way Construction Total Expenditures: 2012 2013 2014 2015 Total 2010 -2015 54,600 - - - 56,300 - - - 58,000 - - - 59,700 - - - 281,700 - - - 54,600 9,100 - 45,500 56,300 9,400 - 46,900 58,000 9,700 - 48,300 59,700 10,000 - 49,700 281,700 47,000 - 234,700 54,600 56,300 58,000 59,700 281,700 Grants / Other Sources: City of Auburn Draft Capital Facilities Plan WATER FUND (430) Six Year Capital Facilities Plan, 2010 -2015 Capital Facilities Plan Enterprise Funds Project Title: Project No: Project Type: Project Manager. SCADA Upgrades C524a0 Non - Capacity (Improvements) Lee Description: Upgrade the existing Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA) system, also known as the Telemetry system, to replace obsolete components and allow for control of the of the water utility facilities. Progress Summary: Future Impact on Operating Budget: No significant impact. Budget: Adopted Budget Budget Amendments Adjusted Budget 2009 Budget YTD Actual Expenditures 2010 Budget 09 Budget Balance - - - - - _ Activity: Funding Sources: Unrestricted Water Revenue Grants (Fed, State, Local) PWTFL Other Total Funding Sources: Capital Expenditures: Design Right of Way Construction Total Expenditures: (Previous 2 Yrs) Prior to 2009 2009 YE Estimate 2010 Budget 2011 Budget 2010 Year End Project Total 50,700 - - - 250,000 - - - 70,000 _ - - - - _ 370,700 _ _ _ 50,700 - - 50,700 250,000 - - 250,000 70,000 - - 70,000 - _ - - 370,700 _ _ 370,700 50,700 250,000 70,000 370,700 Forecasted Project Cost: Funding Sources: Unrestricted Water Revenue Grants (Fed, State, Local) PWTFL Other 2012 2013 2014 2015 Total 2010 -2015 - _ - - - - - _ _ _ - _ _ _ 70,000 _ - _ Total Funding Sources: Capital Expenditures: Design Right of Way Construction - - - - - - - - - _ _ - - _ _ - 70,000 _ - 70 000 Total Expenditures: - - - - 70,000 112 City of Auburn Draft Capital Facilities Plan WATER FUND (430) Six Year Capital Facilities Plan, 2010 -2015 Capital Facilities Plan Enterprise Funds Project Title: Project No: Project Type: Project Manager. City Hall Annex Lease CPxxxx Non - Capacity TBD Description: The Capital lease for the City Hall Annex. Progress Summary: Future Impact on Operating Budget: Impacts to the operating budget will be analyzed and calculated once the timing of expenses is determined. Budget: Adopted Budget Budget Amendments Adjusted Budget 2009 Budget YTD Actual 2010 Expenditures Budget 09 Budget Balance - - - - - - Activity: Funding Sources: Unrestricted Water Revenue Grants (Fed,State,Local) Bond Other Total Funding Sources: Capital Expenditures: Capital Lease Right of Way Construction Total Expenditures: (Previous 2 Yrs) Prior to 2009 2009 YE Estimate 2010 Budget 2011 Budget 2010 Year End Project Total - - - - - - - - 250,000 - - 250,000 - - 250,000 - - - • - - - - - - - - 250,000 250,000 - - 250,000 250,000 - - . 250,000 500,000 - - - - 250,000 250,000 250,000 Forecasted Project Cost: Funding Sources: Unrestricted Water Revenue Grants (Fed,State,Local) Bond Other Total Funding Sources: Capital Expenditures: Capital Lease Right of Way Construction Total Expenditures: 2.012 2013 2014 2015 Total 2010 -2015 250,000 - - - 250,000 - - - 250,000 - - - 250,000 - - - 1,500,000 - - - 250,000 250,000 - - 250,000 250,000 - - 250,000 250,000 - - 250,000 250,000 - - 1,500,000 1,500,000 - 250,000 250,000 250,000 250,000 1,500,000 Grants / Other Sources: 113 TABLE W -3 City of Auburn Draft Capital Facilities Plan Impact on Future Operating Budgets WATER Project: 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 Total 1 2 3 Lea Hill Booster Pump Station Well 1 Improvements Green River Pump Station Emergency Power 4 Interne Infrastructure 5 Water Supply Charges 6 Annual Distribution Improvements 7 Lakeland Hills Reservoir 1,200 1,200 1,200 1,200 1,200 6,000 8 Lakeland Hills Booster Pump Station Improvements 9 Well Inspection and Redevelopment Program 10 Water Repair & Replacement 11 Les Gove Waterline Replacement 12 Academy Booster Pump Station 13 Academy Pump Station #1 14 Lakeland Hills Reservoir Painting 15 Comprehensive Water Plan 16 Well 4 and Intertie Pump Station Improvements 17 Well 5 Upgrade 18 Well 7 Emergency Power 19 Maintenance & Operations Expansion 20 MIT Master Meters 21 Street Utility Improvements 22 Rate Study 23 Water Resources Protection Program 24 Annual Reservoir Repair & Replacement Program 25 SCADA Update Total $ $ 1,200 $ 1,200 $ 1,200 $ 1,200 $ 1,200 $ 6,000 114 City of Auburn Draft Capital Facilities Plan SANITARY SEWER Current Facilities The City's sanitary sewer service area encompasses approximately 28- square miles which are primarily within the City limits, but includes a total of approximately 1/2 square mile within Auburn's Proposed Annexation area (PAA). The City contracts with King County for sewage treatment and disposal. The City's Sanitary Sewer Utility is responsible for the collection and transmission of wastewater to the King County trunk lines. The City's current inventory of approximately 180 miles of sewer lines serves the City's sewer service area. Table S -1, Facilities Inventory, lists the sewage collection and transmission facilities along with their capacities and locations. Level of Service (LOS) The Comprehensive Sewerage Plan for the Sewerage Collection System summarizes the level of service (LOS), or design criteria, for the City's sewage collection system. These standards represent the average quantities of sewage that the system must accommodate, for residential, industrial, and commercial development. Capital Facilities Projects and Financing Investments in the City's sewage collection facilities include primarily non - capacity improvements and replacement projects. Anticipated replacements include three existing pump stations, replacement of aging sewer pipes and manholes in conjunction with arterial and local street improvements, and replacement of pipe identified through the sewer program's condition assessment process. Anticipated improvements include an upgrade of the City's SCADA network, and upgrades and additions to the utility's maintenance facilities. Total 6 -year costs for the eleven projects total $19,072,400. Table S -2 shows the proposed financing plan followed by individual worksheets showing the project detail. Impact on Future Operating Budgets There are no operating budget impacts forecasted for sanitary sewer facilities during the six years 2011 — 2016. 115 TABLE S -1 City of Auburn Draft Capital Facilities Plan Facilities Inventory Sewage Facilities FACILITY CAPACITY (MG D) LOCATION Pump Stations: 8th Street 22nd Street Area 19 D Street Dogwood Ellingson F Street North Tapps Peasley Ridge R Street Rainier Ridge Rainier Shadows Riverside Terrace View Valley Meadows White Mountain Trails FACILITY 0.26 J Street NE & 8th Street NE 0.79 22nd Street SE & Riverview Drive 0.47 Lake Tapps Pkwy E & West of 72nd Street SE 0.58 D Street NE & Auburn Way N 0.29 Dogwood Street SE 1500 & 15th Street SE 0.72 41st Street SE & East of A Street SE 0.86 F Street SE & 17th Street SE 0.73 Lake Tapps Pkwy E & West of 176th Avenue E 0.36 S 320th Street & 53rd Avenue S 0.14 R Street NE & 6th Street NE 0.29 125th Place SE & South of SE 318th Way 0.72 124th Avenue SE & SE 306th Place 0.58 8th Street NE & 104th Avenue SE 0.94 E Valley Hwy E & North of Terrace View Dr SE 0.18 4th Street SE & V Street SE 0.18 SE 292nd Street & West of 118th Ave SE Pipe Size LOCATION River Crossings: Inverted Syphon 8th Street Bridge 8 & 12 Inch 14 Inch Green River & 26th Street NE Green River & 8th Street NE 116 TABLE S -2 City of Auburn Draft Capital Facilities Plan CAPITAL FACILITIES PLAN PROJECTS AND FINANCING SANITARY SEWER DIVISION 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 Total Capacity Projects: None Non - Capacity Projects: 1 Sanitary Sewer Repair & Replacement Capital Costs 750,000 1,570,100 590,100 1,890,900 2,724,300 1,480,000 9,005,400 Funding Sources: Sewer Fund 750,000 1,570,100 590,100 1,890,900 2,724,300 1,480,000 9,005,400 2 Street Utility Improvements Capital Costs Funding Sources: Sewer Fund 927,000 927,000 927,000 927,000 3 Power Generators Capital Costs Funding Sources: Sewer Fund 309,000 318,300 327,800 337,700 309,000 318,300 327,800 337,700 1,292,800 1,292,800 4 Lea Hill Pump Station Decommissioning Capital Costs 469,700 469,700 Funding Sources: Sewer Fund 469,700 469,700 5 SCADA (Telemetry) Upgrades Capital Costs Funding Sources: Sewer Fund 537,100 65,000 537,100 65,000 602,100 602,100 6 Ellingson Pump Station Replacement Capital Costs 1,979,800 106,100 2,085,900 Funding Sources: Sewer Fund 1,979,800 106,100 2,085,900 7 Dogwood Pump Station Replacement Capital Costs 487,800 1,591,400 2,079,200 Funding Sources: Sewer Fund 487,800 1,591,400 2,079,200 8 Les Gove Area Improvements Capital Costs Funding Sources: Sewer Fund 10,300 10,300 10,300 10,300 9 2009 - 2010 Sanitary Sewer Repair & Replacement Capital Costs Funding Sources: Sewer Fund 800,000 800,000 800,000 800,000 10 Maintenance and Operations Facility Expansion Capital Costs 300,000 300,000 Funding Sources: Sewer Fund 300,000 300,000 117 City of Auburn Draft Capital Facilities Plan TABLE S- 2 (continued) Non - Capacity Proiects: 11 City Hall Annex Lease Capital Costs Funding Sources: Sewer Fund 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 Total 250,000 250,000 250,000 250,000 250,000 250,000 1,500,000 250,000 250,000 250,000 250,000 250,000 250,000 1,500,000 SUMMARY: 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 Total CAPITAL COSTS Capacity Projects - - - Non-Capacity Projects 6,520,700 3,900,900 1,467,900 2,478,600 2,974,300 1,730,000 19,072,400 Total Costs 6,520,700 3,900,900 1,467,900 2,478,600 2,974,300 1,730,000 19,072,400 FUNDING SOURCES: Utility Funds (Sewer) 6,520,700 3,900,900 1,467,900 2,478,600 2,974,300 1,730,000 19,072,400 PWTFL Other - Total Funding 6,520,700 3,900,900 1,467,900 2,478,600 2,974,300 1,730,000 19,072,400 118 6 I I sa3Jnos Jay1O / siuwo 004'S00'6 000`084`4 00£`4ZL`Z 006'069'4 004'065 :sainllpuadx3 felol 00L`SZL'L 0008SZ'L 00L'SLE'Z 00£'L09'L 009'L09 uo!hmisuoj - - - AeM /o )4621 00L'6LZ' L 000'ZZZ 009'804 009'£9Z 009'89 u6!sao : saJ nllpu adx3 lellde 3 004'S00'6 000'08P' 4 00£'4ZL'Z 006`069' I. 004'069 :sa3inog 6ulpun j lelol - - - - ia410 - - - - 7d1/Vld - - - - (leoo7'aleispad) sluei0 004'900'6 000'084'L 008'4ZL'Z 006'069'L OOL'069 anuanaaJamas pelalJlsa-iun :saoJnog 6ulpun j 91.0Z-01.0Z 940Z PLOZ £40Z ZLOZ lelol : 1so0 pafo4d pa ;seoaio j 009'£4Z'Z 001.'OLS'4 000'05L 000'001.'1 009'£6£ :saJnllpuadx31elo1 009'608'1. 00L'EL4'L 000'0£9 000'996 009'£61. uollowlsuo0 - - - Ae,lomow 000'4£4 o00'L9 L 000'0ZL 000'VLL 000'o0Z u8!sag : salnlipuadx3 lelldeo 009'£4Z'Z 004'OLS'4 000'09L 000'001.'4 009'£6£ :saounos 6ulpun] lelol - - - Ja410 - - - - - 7d1Md - - - - - (leoo7'aleiS'pad) slueJ0 009'£4Z'Z 00L'OLS'L 000'09L 000'0012 1. 009£6£ anuanafJamaspalo!4sa , un 1E101 loaloid la6pn8 1.1.0Z la6pn8 040z alew0s3 6002 01Joud :saainog 6ulpund pu3 Je0A 01.0Z 3A 600Z (sJA Z sno■aid) :A;lnl;3V - - - la6pne palsn(pv - - - sluewpuawy la6png - - - - la6pne paidopb' aouelee la6pne seJnupuadx3 la6pn8 la6pne 60 0402 Ienlav o1A 6002 : ;a6pn8 .uoguafe suogeJado agnbai leul swafgoJd ay; 6ugoaJJoo Aq Ia6pnq 6uileaado ay; eseaioap wogs slq j : 06pn8 6uf ;e.iado uo ;aedwl aln ;nj 6u!obUO :/iewwns ssaJ6oJd .ainfie; gouali Jo dmpeq ;o >fsu e luasaid Jo pooh aoueualu!ew ;o Iunowe aleuipJoui ue annbai asuwa4io Jo „ paipaq„ 'pau6gesiw 'ua>loJq ale Lp!gM sauif Jams Jo; spafoid luaweoeIdaJ pue nedai 'auofe -puels Ienuue -fq epnpw sloafoid paledpguy •sluawanoJdw! uogepodsuegl Jaylo JO SOS ayl tI!M paleposse lou aJe JO 'uefd luawabeuen IoafoJd panoidde ue aney lou op yoiyM spafoid pesodojd sapnput weJ6oJd Juno! Jed siyl '6u!ueap augnal pue uoiloadsw uois!naial g6nolyl pagguap! aq mm saw' asegl -sai ;iIpe; Jaylo pue su!ew JeM8S ua>{olq aoefdai pue nedaH :uoflduasaa 113M12 (;uewe3eldeJ pue Jledaa) Iyl3ede3 -uoN xxxxd3 luawa3eldaa 'g amdaa James tiel!ueS :Ja6euefN Ioafald :ad�(1;oafad :oN Ioafald :a13!1 loafoid spun j asudJalu3 uefd san!I!3ed Ie ;fdea 91•0Z-01.0Z `uefd saf;flfoej Ielfdea Joe), )(IS (4£t7) ONnA 213M3S uvl d samnovJ lvndvi9 i v i j u.cngnv JO efItj City of Auburn Draft Capital Facilities Plan SEWER FUND (431) Six Year Capital Facilities Plan, 2010 -2015 Capital Facilities Plan Enterprise Funds Project Title: Project No: Project Type: Project Manager: Street Utility Improvements cpxxxx Non Capacity TBD Description: Sewer line replacement in coordination with SOS and Arterial improvements. Progress Summary: Ongoing Future Impact on Operating Budget: No significant Impact Budget: Adopted Budget Budget Amendments Adjusted Budget 2009 Budget YTD Actual Expenditures 2010 Budget 09 Budget Balance - - - - - - - - - - - - Activity: Funding Sources: Unrestricted Sewer Revenue Grants (Fed,State,Local) PWTFL Other Total Funding Sources: Capital Expenditures: Design Right of Way Construction Total Expenditures: (Previous 2 Yrs) Prior to 2009 2009 YE Estimate 2010 Budget 2011 Budget 2010 Year End Project Total - - - - 180,000 - - - 927,000 _ - - - - - - 1,107,000 - - - - - - - 180,000 20,000 - 160,000 927,000 50,000 _ 877,000 - - - - - 1,107,000 70,000 - 1,037,000 - 180,000 927,000 - 1,107,000 Forecasted Project Cost: 2012 2013 2014 2015 Total 2010 -2015 Funding Sources: Unrestricted Sewer Revenue Grants (Fed,State,Local) PWTFL Other - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 927,000 - - - Total Funding Sources: Capital Expenditures: Design Right of Way Construction - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 927,000 50,000 _ 877,000 Total Expenditures: - - - - 927,000 ran s I er ources• 120 IZI sa3Jno5 Ja1-10 / slueJ9 008'Z6Z' I. - - OOL'L££ 008`LZ£ :saJnl!puadx3 !eloi 009'Z69 - - 00L'L£Z 008'LZZ uollanJlsuoo 000'002 - 000'05 000'05 7feM JO /462! 000'00Z - 000'05 000'05 u6lsea :sainnpuadx3 leudeo 008'Z6Z'I. - - 00L'L££ 008`LZ£ :saaJnos 6u!pun3leloi. - - - - 704/0 - - - - - 7diMd - - - - (/eoo7'ale/S'Pad) siuemp 008•Z6Z'L - - 00L'L££ 008'a£ anuanaZ/Jamaspa)au)saJU() :saaJnos 6ulpun3 51.0Z-01.0Z 51.02 11.0Z £1.OZ ZLOZ leloi. :iso0laaFOJd paiseoaJo3 000`626 0008•C 000'60£ 000'021. - :saJnlipuadx3leloj. 000'66Z 00£'81.2 000'60Z 000'06 - UO!)oru /SUO3 000'001. 000'05 000'05 - - item Jo /46!b 000'09 000'09 000'09 000'0£ - u5!saa :sajnllpuadx3 rel!deo 000'624 00£'81.£ 000'60£ 000'0ZL - :saaJnos6ulpund!e101 - - - - Ja410 - - - - - 7d1Md - - - - - (leoo7'alels'pad) slueip 000'6ZP 00£'91.£ 000'60£ 000'0Z l - anUaAaa JaMes paloI,SaJU() Ieloi laa!oJd la6pn8 140Z la6pn8 01.02 alew0s3 600Z 01.101-1/41 :saaJnos 6ulpun3 pu3 JeaA 01.OZ 3A 600Z (sJA Z sno!naJd) :Ai1A93V - - - la5png palsn(py s)uawpuewy la6pn8 - la6pn8 peldopy o3uele8 la6pn8 saJnl!puadx3 la6pn8 la6pn8 60 O i0Z Ienlatl au, 6002 :06pn8 :1a6pn8 6ugeJad() uo pedwi amnind -sloafoid luawaoeldai uo!ieis dwnd poom6o0 pue uos6u!II3 ayi io sled se pallelsu! aq of sioleJaua6 Jo; u6!sap ayl pue 'uogeis dwnd ap!sJan!a ayi le 6u!oua; Alunoos pue JoieJaua6 aglow a ;o uoiielleisu! ay; 'uogels dwnd laags „d„ ay; le JoleJaua6 luaueiwad a ;o uoilellelsu! ayl papnlou! seq Jamod dmpeq jo uo!iellelsu! 600Z aqi :AJewwns ssai6oJd ioafoJd Ai!0 Jayioue yi!m papnpw! aq Aew Jo 'uogeis dwnd ay; of sapei6dn Jaylo qi!m uo!lounfuoo u! aq Aew 'sioafoid aleJedas aq Aew suo!;els lenp!n!pu! le uo!lelleisul •uo!lels dwnd Jamas s,uJngny ;o lle Jo; Jamod dmloeq Ilelsu! Alleo!iewalsAs of s! wei6oid s!yi ;o asodind ayl :uogd!Jasaa a81 All3edea -uoN xxxxd3 sJoleJaua9 Jamod :Ja6euej ioafoJd :adAj ioafoJd :oN ioafoJd :all1 ioafoJd spun3 asudialu3 ue!d sa!i!Ilae3 Iei!dea 910Z-010Z `weld sap!llae j leildea JeaA x!S (KO aNflA ZI3M]S unjd sarjrjrpvd jvjrdvj udngnv Jo du City of Auburn Draft Capital Facilities Plan SEWER FUND (431) Six Year Capital Facilities Plan, 2010 -2015 Capital Facilities Plan Enterprise Funds Project Title: Project No: Project Type: Project Manager: Lea Hill Pump Station Decommissioning cp0724 & cp0756 Non - Capacity (Improvements) Sweeting Description: This project allows two existing City wastewater pump stations to be decommissioned. Gravity sewer lines have been extended from the two existing stations to the Verdana Pump Station (under construction) which has been designed to pump sewage from the two existing stations as well as the new Verdana (aka 'Bridges ") development. Progress Summary: While the Verdana Pump Station is substantially complete, the entire project is on hold, and the station has not been turned over to the City. This sheet reflects carrying over all of the designated funds from 2009 to 2010. Future Impact on Operating Budget: No significant impact. While two stations are to be removed, a larger station will require maintenance and operations attention. Budget: 2009 YTD Actual 2010 09 Budget Budget Expenditures Budget Balance Adopted Budget - - - - Budget Amendments - - - - Adjusted Budget - - - - Activity: (Previous 2 Yrs) 2009 YE 2010 Year End Funding Sources: Prior to 2009 Estimate 2010 Budget 2011 Budget Project Total Unrestricted Sewer Revenue 890,900 1,200 • 469,700 - 1,361,800 Grants (Fed,State,Local) - - - - _ Other - - - - - Total Funding Sources: 890,900 1,200 469,700 - 1,361,800 Capital Expenditures: Design 60,500 - - - 60,500 Right of Way - - - - _ Construction 830,400 1,200 469,700 - 1,301,300 Total Expenditures: 890,900 1,200 469,700 - 1,361,800 Forecasted Project Cost: Total 2012 2013 2014 2015 2010 -2015 Funding Sources: Unrestricted Sewer Revenue - - - - 469,700 Grants (Fed,State,Local) - - - Other - - - _ _ Total Funding Sources: - - - - 469,700 Capital Expenditures: Design - - _ _ _ Right of Way - - _ _ _ Construction - - - - 469,700 Total Expenditures: - - - - 469,700 ran s • er ources• 122 City of Auburn Draft Capital Facilities Plan SEWER FUND (431) Six Year Capital Facilities Plan, 2010 -2015 Capital Facilities Plan Enterprise Funds Project Title: Project No: Project Type: Project Manager: SCADA Upgrades c524a0 Non - Capacity (Improvements) Lee Description: The Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA also known as the "Telemetry" system) is in need of upgrading. The existing system, based on an independent SCADA Assessment Study and the vulnerability study, has numerous obsolete components and does not allow control of the Sewer and Storm Utility stations. Upgrading the portion of the system utilizing antiquated equipment, while maintaining the portions of equipment that are compatible with the newer technologies available seems to be the logical course of action. The new system will utilize an open architecture so the City is no longer reliant on one vendor for repairs and maintenance. RFP was sent in 2009 and construction to begin in 2010. Progress Summary: Future Impact on Operating Budget: No significant impact. Budget: 2009 YTD Actual 2010 09 Budget Budget Expenditures Budget Balance Adopted Budget - - - - Budget Amendments - - - - Adjusted Budget - - - - Activity: (Previous 2 Yrs) 2009 YE 2010 Year End Funding Sources: Prior to 2009 Estimate 2010 Budget 2011 Budget Project Total Unrestricted Sewer Revenue 146,900 312,500 537,100 65,000 996,500 Grants (Fed,State,Local) - - - - - Other - - - - - Total Funding Sources: 146,900 312,500 537,100 65,000 996,500 Capital Expenditures: Design 146900 - - - 146,900 Right of Way - - - - - Construction - 312,500 537,100 65,000 849,600 Total Expenditures: 146,900 312,500 537,100 65,000 996,500 Forecasted Project Cost: Total 2012 2013 2014 2015 2010 -2015 Funding Sources: Unrestricted Sewer Revenue - - - - 602,100 Grants (Fed,State,Local) - - - - Other - - - - - Total Funding Sources: - - - - 602,100 Capital Expenditures: Design - - - - - Right of Way - - - - - Construction - - - - 602,100 Total Expenditures: - - - - 602,100 Grants / Other Sources: 123 City of Auburn Draft Capital Facilities Plan SEWER FUND (431) Six Year Capital Facilities Plan, 2010 -2015 Capital Facilities Plan Enterprise Funds Project Title: Project No: Project Type: Project Manager: Ellingson Pump Station Replacement cp0817 Non Capacity TBD Description: Project to replace the Ellingson Pump Station. Progress Summary: The project is currently at the 30% design.stage. Future Impact on Operating Budget: The project should decrease maintenance costs compared to the existing pump station. Budget: 2009 YTD Actual Budget Expenditures ' 2010 Budget 09 Budget Balance Adopted Budget - - . Budget Amendments - - - - - Adjusted Budget - - - - Activity: (Previous 2 Yrs) 2009 YE Funding Sources: Prior to 2009 Estimate 2010 Budget 2011 Budget 2010 Year End Project Total Unrestricted Sewer Revenue 250,000 1,979,800 Grants (Fed,State,Local) - - _ . PWTFL - - - Other - - - 106,100 - - 2,229,800 - - - Total Funding Sources: - 250,000 1,979,800 Capital Expenditures: Design - 235,000 486,000 Right of Way - 15,000 - Construction - - 1,493,800 106,100 - - 106,100 2,229,800 721,000 15,000 1,493,800 Total Expenditures: - 250,000 1,979,800 106,100 2,229,800 Forecasted Project Cost: 2012 2013 2014 2015 Total 2010 -2015 Funding Sources: Unrestricted Sewer Revenue - - Grants (Fed,State,Local) - - - PWTFL - - - Other - - - - - 2,085,900 _ - Total Funding Sources: - - - Capital Expenditures: Design - - - Right of Way - - - Construction - - - - 2,085,900 486,000 - 1 599 900 Total Expenditures: - - - - 2,085,900 124 City of Auburn Draft Capital Facilities Plan SEWER FUND (431) Six Year Capital Facilities Plan, 2010 -2015 Capital Facilities Plan Enterprise Funds Project Title: Project No: Project Type: Project Manager: Dogwood Pump Station Replacement cp0817 Non Capacity TBD Description: Project to replace the Dogwood Pump Station. Progress Summary: The project is currently at the 30% design stage. Future Impact on Operating Budget: The project should decrease maintenance costs compared to the existing pump station. Budget: 2009 YTO Actual Budget Expenditures 2010 Budget 09 Budget Balance Adopted Budget - - Budget Amendments - - - - - - Adjusted Budget - - - - Activity: (Previous 2 Yrs) 2009 YE Funding Sources: Prior to 2009 Estimate 2010 Budget 2011 Budget 2010 Year End Project Total Unrestricted Sewer Revenue - 346,550 487,800 Grants (Fed,State,Local) - - - PTFL - - - WOther - - - 1,591,400 - - - 834,350 - - - Total Funding Sources: - 346,550 487,800 Capital Expenditures: Design - 346,550 154,500 Right of Way - - - Construction - - 333,300 1,591,400 150,000 - 1,441,400 .834,350 501,050 - 333,300 Total Expenditures: - 346,550 487,800 1,591,400 834,350 Forecasted Project Cost: 2012 2013 2014 2015 Total 2010 -2015 Funding Sources: Unrestricted Sewer Revenue - - - Grants (Fed, State, Local) - - - PWTFL - - - Other - - - - - - - 2,079,200 - - - Total Funding Sources: - - - Capital Expenditures: Design - - - . Right of Way - - - Construction - - - - - - - 2,079,200 304,500 - 1,774,700 Total Expenditures: - - - - 2,079,200 Grants / Other Sources: 125 City of Auburn Draft Capital Facilities Plan SEWER FUND (431) Six Year Capital Facilities Plan,•2010 -2015 Capital Facilities Plan Enterprise Funds Project Title: Project No: Project Type: Project Manager. Les Gove Area Improvements cp0762 Non Capacity Dunsdon Description: Sewer line replacement in coordination with SOS improvements and other utility work in that area. Progress Summary: Design Phase Future Impact on Operating Budget: The replacement of aging sewer pipe will reduce maintenance and assessment needs and decrease the risk of emergency repair. Budget: 2009 YTD Actual 2010 09 Budget Budget Expenditures Budget Balance Adopted Budget - - - - Budget Amendments - - - - Adjusted Budget - - - - Activity: (Previous 2 Yrs) 2009 YE 2010 Year End Funding Sources: Prior to 2009 Estimate 2010 Budget 2011 Budget Project Total Unrestricted Sewer Revenue 75,000 520,000 10,300 - 605,300 Grants (Fed,State,Local) - - - - - PWTFL - - - - - Other _ - - - Total Funding Sources: 75,000 520,000 10,300 - 605,300 Capital Expenditures: Design 75,000 10,000 - - 85,000 Right of Way - - - - _ Construction - 510,000 10,300 - 520,300 Total Expenditures: 75,000 520,000 10,300 605,300 Forecasted Project Cost: Total 2012 2013 2014 2015 2010 -2015 Funding Sources: Unrestricted Sewer Revenue - - - - 10,300 Grants (Fed,State,Local) - - - - _ PWTFL - - _ Other - - - - _ Total Funding Sources: - 10,300 Capital Expenditures: Design - - - _ _ Right of Way - - _ _ _ Construction - 10,300 Total Expenditures: - - - 10,300 ran s • er ources: 126 City of Auburn Draft Capital Facilities Plan SEWER FUND (431) Six Year Capital Facilities Plan, 2010 -2015 Capital Facilities Plan Enterprise Funds Project Title: Project No: Project Type: Project Manager. 2009 - 2010 Sanitary Sewer Repair & Replacement cp0921 Non - Capacity (Repair and Replacement) Elwell Description: The purpose of this project is to replace or repair existing sewer main lines and manholes that are identified as defective. The projects includes small projects sites located throughout the City's sewer service area. Progress Summary: Future Impact on Operating Budget: Budget: Adopted Budget Budget Amendments Adjusted Budget 2009 Budget YTD Actual Expenditures 2010 Budget 09 Budget Balance - - - - - - - - - - - - Activity: Funding Sources: Unrestricted Sewer Revenue Grants (Fed,State,Local) PWTFL Other Total Funding Sources: Capital Expenditures: Design Right of Way Construction Total Expenditures: (Previous 2 Yrs) Prior to 2009 2009 YE Estimate 2010 Budget 2011 Budget 2010 Year End Project Total - - - - 100,000 - - - 800,000 - - - - - - - 900,000 - - - - - - - 100,000 100,000 - - 800,000 50,000 - 750,000 - - - - 900,000 150,000 - 750,000 - 100,000 800,000 - 900,000 Forecasted Project Cost: Funding Sources: Unrestricted Sewer Revenue Grants (Fed,State,Local) PWTFL Other Total Funding Sources: Capital Expenditures: Design Right of Way Construction Total Expenditures: 2012 2013 2014 2015 Total 2010 -2015 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 800,000 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 800,000 50,000 - 750,000 - - - - 800,000 Grants I Other Sources: 127 City of Auburn Draft Capital Facilities Plan SEWER FUND (431) Six Year Capital Facilities Plan, 2010 -2015 Capital Facilities Plan Enterprise Funds Project Title: Project No: Project Type: Project Manager. Maintenance and Operations Facility Expansion cpxxxx Non - Capacity (Improvements) TBD Description: Funds allocated to expand the existing M &O building into a more functional and maintainable facility. Progress Summary: Initiation Stage Future Impact on Operating Budget: Budget: Adopted Budget Budget Amendments Adjusted Budget 2009 Budget YTD Actual Expenditures 2010 Budget 09 Budget Balance - - - - - - - - - - - - Activity: Funding Sources: Unrestricted Sewer Revenue Grants (Fed,State,Local) PTFL W Other (Previous 2 Yrs) Prior to 2009 2009 YE Estimate 2010 Budget 2011 Budget 2010 Year End Project Total - - - - - - - - _ _ - - - - - - - - - . Total Funding Sources: Capital Expenditures: Design Right of Way Construction - - - - - - _ - - _ - - - - - - _ Total Expenditures: - - - - _ Forecasted Project Cost: 2012 2013 2014 2015 Total 2010 -2015 Funding Sources: Unrestricted Sewer Revenue Grants (Fed,State,Local) PWTFL Other 300,000 - - - - _ - _ - _ - - - - - _ 300,000 - _ Total Funding Sources: Capital Expenditures: Design Right of Way Construction 300,000 100,000 - 200,000 - - - - - - - - - - - - 300,000 100,000 _ 200 000 Total Expenditures: 300,000 - - - 300,000 - ources: 128 City of Auburn Draft Capital Facilities Plan SEWER FUND (431) Six Year Capital Facilities Plan, 2010 -2015 Capital Facilities Plan Enterprise Funds Project Title: Project No: Project Type: Project Manager: City Hall Annex Lease CPxxxx Non - Capacity TBD Description: The capital lease for the City Hall Annex. Progress Summary: Future Impact on Operating Budget: Budget: Adopted Budget Budget Amendments Adjusted Budget 2009 Budget YTD Actual Expenditures 2010 Budget 09 Budget Balance - - - - - - Activity: Funding Sources: Unrestricted Sewer Revenue Grants (Fed,State,Local) PWTFL Other Total Funding Sources: Capital Expenditures: Capital Lease Right of Way Construction Total Expenditures: (Previous 2 Yrs) Prior to 2009 2009 YE Estimate 2010 Budget 2011 Budget 2010 Year End Project Total - - - - 250,000 - - - 250,000 - - - 250,000 - - - 500,000 - - - - - - - 250,000 250,000 - - 250,000 250,000 - - 250,000 250,000 - - 500,000 500,000 - - - 250,000 250,000 250,000 500,000 Forecasted Project Cost: Funding Sources: Unrestricted Sewer Revenue Grants (Fed,State,Local) PWTFL Other Total Funding Sources: Capital Expenditures: Capital Lease Right of Way Construction Total Expenditures: 2012 2013 2014 2015 Total 2010 -2015 250,000 - .. - 250,000 - - - 250,000 - - - 250,000 - - - 1,500,000 - - - 250,000 250,000 - - 250,000 250,000 - - 250,000 250,000 - - 250,000 250,000 - - 1,500,000 1,500,000 - - 250,000 250,000 250,000 250,000 1,500,000 Grants / Other Sources: 129 MQRE• THA:N„.YOU C City of Auburn Draft Capital Facilities Plan STORM DRAINAGE Current Facilities The City's storm drainage service area encompasses the municipal boundaries of the City. For management purposes the service area is divided into sixty drainage sub - basins. The City's drainage system consists of a combination of closed conveyance pipes and open ditch conveyance facilities, with five pumping stations. Table SD -1 Facilities Inventory lists the facilities along with their current capacities and location. Level of Service (LOS) The City's Comprehensive Drainage Plan summarizes the level of service (LOS), or design criteria,- for the City's storm drainage system. Generally, these standards represent a 25- year /24 -hour design storm capacity within the sixteen drainage sub - basins. Capital Facilities Projects and Financing The City's storm drainage facilities anticipates four capacity projects in the amount of $3,442,700 and fourteen non - capacity projects. totaling $18,214,800 for a 6 -year planning expectation total of $21,657,500. Table SD -2 shows the proposed financing plan followed by individual worksheets showing the project detail. Impact on Future Operating Budgets There are no operating budget impacts forecasted for sanitary sewer facilities during the six years 2011 — 2016. 131 TABLE SD -1 City of Auburn Draft Capital Facilities Plan Facilities Inventory Storm Drainage Facilities FACILITY CAPACITY Feet of Feet of Acres Pipeline Open Channels LOCATION Drainage Basins: A 484 22,200 1,200 See City of Aubum's AA 408 22,000 24,000 Comprehensive Drainage AAA 296 ** ** Plan, Aug. 2002 B 861 52,800 0 BB 11 1,400 0 BBB 68 ** ** C 835 51,500 2,300 CC 227 * * CCC 991 ** ** D 168 12,700 6,000 DD 231 * DDD 58 * E 657 71,500 14,300 EE 588 * * EEE 287 ** ** F 83 5,900 0 FF 409 * * G 135 12,700 0 GG 190 8,800 1,700 H 555 24,300 2,100 HH 419 0 0 HV 66 8,400 0 I 241 34,000 2,600 II 304 0 0 J 257 2,200 0 JJ 1,158 * K 266 14,000 1,000 KK 391 0 0 L 87 21,500 600 LL 189 * * LS 1,137 * * M 553 4,500 0 MM 332 0 0 N 122 900 0 NN 549 * * NNN 175 ** ** O 176 25,200 11,300 00 1,401 ** ** P 190 6,300 2,100 PP 110 * * PPP 161 3,200 6,500 QQ 334 9,300 3,000 132 City of Auburn Draft Capital Facilities Plan TABLE SD -1 (continued) Facilities Inventory Storm Drainage Facilities CAPACITY Feet of Feet of FACILITY Acres Pipeline Open Channels LOCATION R RR S SS T TT U UU V W WW X XX YY YYY Z ZZ ZZZ Total 46 7,100 249 266 16,000 326 692 * 135 9,300 361 471 552 11,600 65 8,600 70 32 777 324 105 0 57 8,700 950 243 0 21,881 476,600 ** ** ** ** ** ** ' Insufficient data in basin *' Insufficient data due to recent accexation of basin FACILITY 0 ** 5,700 ** 1,000 ** 15,000 0 ** ** ** 0 0 ** 0 100,400 (GPM) LOCATION Pump Stations: A Street SE Pump Station #1 A Street SE Pump Station #2 Auburn Way S Pump Station #3 Brannan Park Pump Station #4 Emerald Corp. Park Pump Station 5,300 5000 block A Street SE 1,380 A Street SE near SR -18 and BNRR overpass 1,000 Auburn Way S near SR -18 and BNRR overpass 20,200 Brannan Park 6,500 C Street NE near 42nd Street 133 TABLE SD -2 City of Auburn Draft Capital Facilities Plan CAPITAL FACILITIES PLAN PROJECTS AND FINANCING STORM DRAINAGE DIVISION 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 Total Capacity Protects: S. 296th Street Pond Expansion, Phase 1 & 2 Capital Costs 473,800 Funding Sources: Storm Fund 473,800 1,170,900 1,170,900 1,644,700 1,644,700 Bypass at 2nd and G Street SE Capital Costs Funding Sources: Storm Fund 590,100 590,100 590,100 590,100 Brys Cove Pond Expansion Capital Costs 144,200 463,700 607,900 Funding Sources: Storm Fund 144,200 463,700 607,900 Port of Seattle Mitigation Project Capital Costs 600,000 600,000 Funding Sources: Storm Fund - Other (Port of Seattle Mit.) 600,000 600,000 Subtotal, Capacity Projects: Capital Costs Non - Capacity Projects: SCADA (Telemetry) Upgrades Capital Costs Funding Sources: Storm Fund 618,000 600,000 590,100 1,634,600 3,442,700 345,400 345,400 345,400 345,400 White River Storm Pump Station Replacement Capital Costs Funding Sources: Storm Fund 1,730,000 1,730,000 1,730,000 1,730,000 Peasley Canyon Culvert Replacement Capital Costs Funding Sources: Storm Fund 750,000 750,000 750,000 750,000 Pipeline Repair / Replacements Capital Costs 412,000 424,400 437,100 450,200 463,700 477,600 2,665,000 Funding Sources: Storm Fund 412,000 424,400 437,100 450,200 463,700 477,600 2,665,000 Auburn Way South Flooding, Phase 1 & 2 Capital Costs 484,100 1,315,500 1,799,600 Funding Sources: Storm Fund 484,100 1,315,500 1,799,600 30th Street NE Area Flooding, Phase 1 & 2 Capital Costs Funding Sources: Storm Fund 1,103,300 2,223,700 3,327,000 1,103,300 2,223,700 3,327,000 134 City of Auburn Draft Capital Facilities Plan TABLE SD -2 (continued) 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 Total Non - Capacity Projects: West Main Street Pump Station Upgrade Capital Costs Funding Sources: Storm Fund 1,212,900 1,212,900 1,212,900 1,212,900 Street Utility Improvements Capital Costs 618,000 212,200 218,500 225,100 231,900 238,900 1,744,600 Funding Sources: Storm Fund 618,000 212,200 218,500 225,100 231,900 238,900 1,744,600 Les Gove Neighborhood Improvement Capital Costs 220,000 220,000 Funding Sources: Storm Fund 220,000 220,000 Regional Drainage Improvement Projects Capital Costs Funding Sources: Storm Fund 579,600 579,600 Maintenance & Operations Expansion Capital Costs Funding Sources: Storm Fund 300,000 300,000 579,600 579,600 300,000 300,000 West Valley Highway Improvements Capital Costs Funding Sources: Storm Fund 1,591,400 1,591,400 1,591,400 1,591,400 15th Street NW Culvert Replacement Capital Costs 449,300 449,300 Funding Sources: Storm Fund 359,300 359,300 Grants 90,000 - 90,000 City Hall Annex Lease Capital Costs 250,000 250,000 250,000 250,000 250,000 250,000 1,500,000 Funding Sources: Storm Fund 250,000 250,000 250,000 250,000 250,000 250,000 1,500,000 Subtotal, Non - Capacity Projects: Capital Costs 5,258,800 5,776,400 4,342,200 925,300 945,600 966,500 18,214,800 MMARY: PITAL COSTS Capacity Projects 618,000 600,000 590,100 1,634,600 - 3,442,700 Non - Capacity Projects 5,258,800 5,776,400 4,342,200 925,300 945,600 966,500 18,214,800 Total Costs 5,876,800 6,376,400 4,932,300 925,300 2,580,200 966,500 21,657,500 LADING SOURCES: Storm Fund 5,786,800 5,776,400 4,932,300 925,300 2,580,200 966,500 20,967,500 Grants 90,000 - - - 90,000 Other (Port of Seattle Mit.) - 600,000 600,000 Total Funding 5,876,800 6,376,400 4,932,300 925,300 2,580,200 966,500 21,657,500 135 City of Auburn Draft Capital Facilities Plan STORM DRAINAGE FUND (432) Six Year Capital Facilities Plan, 2010 -2015 Capital Facilities Plan Enterprise Funds Project Title: Project No: Project Type: Project Manager: S. 296th Street Pond Expansion, Phase 1 & 2 cpxxxx Capacity TBD Description: Phase I of this project will expand the current detention capacity from 4 ac -ft to 8 ac -ft of storage. Phase II will further expand the capacity to 15 ac -ft of storage. Progress Summary: Future Impact on Operating Budget: No significant impact. Budget: Adopted Budget Budget Amendments Adjusted Budget 2009 Budget YTD Actual Expenditures 2010 Budget 09 Budget Balance - - - - - - Activity: Funding Sources: Unrestricted Storm Revenue Grants (Fed,State,Local) Bond Proceeds Other Total Funding Sources: Capital Expenditures: Design Right of Way Construction Total Expenditures: (Previous 2 Yrs) Prior to 2009 2009 YE Estimate 2010 Budget 2011 Budget 2010 Year End Project Total - - - - - - - - 473,800 - - - - - - - 473,800 - - - - - - - - - - - 473,800 50,000 - 423,800 - - - - 473,800 50,000 - 423,800 - - 473,800 - 473,800 Forecasted Project Cost: Funding Sources: Unrestricted Storm Revenue Grants (Fed, State, Local) Bond Proceeds Other Total Funding Sources: Capital Expenditures: Design Right of Way Construction Total Expenditures: 2012 2013 2014 2015 Total 2010 -2015 - - - - - - - - 1,170,900 - - - - - - - 1,644,700 - - - - - - - - - - - 1,170,900 100,000 150,000 920,900 - - - - 1,644,700 150,000 150,000 1,344,700 - - 1,170,900 - 1,644,700 Grants / Other Sources: 136 City of Auburn Draft Capital Facilities Plan STORM DRAINAGE FUND (432) Six Year Capital Facilities Plan, 2010 -2015 Capital Facilities Plan Enterprise Funds Project Title: Project No: Project Type: Project Manager. Bypass at 2nd and G Street SE cpxxxx Capacity TBD Description: This project will install a parallel bypass pipe to convey upstream flows around a localized low spot located at 2nd and G Streets SE. The existing line will serve to drain the localized low spot. Progress Summary: Future Impact on Operating Budget: No significant impact. Budget: Adopted Budget Budget Amendments Adjusted Budget 2009 Budget YTD Actual Expenditures 2010 Budget 09 Budget Balance - - - - - - Activity: Funding Sources: Unrestricted Storm Revenue Grants (Fed,State,Local) Bond Proceeds Other Total Funding Sources: Capital Expenditures: Design Right of Way Cbnstruction Total Expenditures: .i (Previous 2 Yrs) Prior to 2009 2009 YE Estimate 2010 Budget 2011 Budget 2010 Year End Project Total - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - . - - - - - - - - Forecasted Project Cost: Funding Sources: Unrestricted Storm Revenue Grants ( Fed,State,Local) Bond Proceeds Other Total Funding Sources: Capital Expenditures: Design Right of Way Construction Total Expenditures: 2012 2013 2014 2015 Total 2010 -2015 590,100 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 590,100 - - - 590,100 75,000 - 515 100 - - - - - - - - - - - - 590,100 75,000 - 515 100 590,100 - - - 590,100 Grants / Other Sources: 137 City of Auburn Draft Capital Facilities Plan STORM DRAINAGE FUND (432) Six Year Capital Facilities Plan, 2010 -2015 Capital Facilities Plan Enterprise Funds Project Title: Project No: Project Type: Project Manager. Bry's Cove Pond Expansion, Phase 1 & 2 cpxxxx Capacity TBD Description: Phase I of this project will expand the current detention capacity from 0 ac -ft to 1 ac -ft of storage. Phase II will further expand the capacity to 2.3 ac -ft of storage. Progress Summary: • Future Impact on Operating Budget: No significant impact. Budget: Adopted Budget Budget Amendments Adjusted Budget 2009 Budget YTD Actual Expenditures 2010 Budget 09 Budget Balance - - - - - - Activity: Funding Sources: Unrestricted Storm Revenue Grants ( Fed,State,Local) Bond Proceeds Other Total Funding Sources: Capital Expenditures: Design Right of Way Construction Total Expenditures: (Previous 2 Yrs) Prior to 2009 2009 YE Estimate 2010 Budget 2011 Budget 2010 Year End Project Total - - - - _ - 144,200 - _ - - - - - 144,200 - - - - - - - - - 144,200 20,000 124,200 - - - - 144,200 20,000 124,200 - - 144,200 - 144,200 Forecasted Project Cost: Funding Sources: Unrestricted Storm Revenue Grants (Fed,State,Local) Bond Proceeds Other Total Funding Sources: Capital Expenditures: Design Right of Way Construction 2012 2013 2014 2015 Total 2010 -2015 - - - - - - - _ 463,700 _ - - - - - - 607,900 _ _ _ - - - - _ - 463,700 75,000 - 388 700 - - _ - 607,900 95,000 _ 512 900 Total Expenditures: 463,700 - 607,900 138 City of Auburn Draft Capital Facilities Plan STORM DRAINAGE FUND (432) Six Year Capital Facilities Plan, 2010 -2015 Capital Facilities Plan Enterprise Funds Project Title: Project No: Project Type: Project Manager. Port of Seattle Mitigation Project cpxxxx Capacity TBD Description: Unidentified Project for future I St NE Improvement. • Progress Summary: Future Impact on Operating Budget: Budget: Adopted Budget Budget Amendments Adjusted Budget 2009 Budget YTD Actual Expenditures 2010 Budget 09 Budget Balance - - - - - - Activity: Funding Sources: Unrestricted Storm Revenue Grants (Fed,State,Local) Other (Port of Seattle Mitigation) Total Funding Sources: Capital Expenditures: Design Right of Way Construction Total Expenditures: (Previous 2 Yrs) Prior to 2009 2009 YE Estimate 2010 Budget 2011 Budget 2010 Year End Project Total - - - - - - - - - - - 600,000 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 600,000 100,000 150,000 350,000 - - - - - - - 600,000 - Forecasted Project Cost: Funding Sources: Unrestricted Storm Revenue Grants (Fed, State, Local) Other (Port of Seattle Mitigation) Total Funding Sources: Capital Expenditures: Design Right of Way Construction Total Expenditures: 2012 2013 2014 2015 Total 2010 -2015 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 600,000 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 600,000 100,000 150,000 350,000 - - - - 600,000 Grants / Other Sources: Port of Seattle Mitigation 139 City of Auburn Draft Capital Facilities Plan STORM DRAINAGE FUND (432) Six Year Capital Facilities Plan, 2010 -2015 Capital Facilities Plan Enterprise Funds Project Title: Project No: Project Type: Project Manager: SCADA (Telemetry) Upgrades c524a0 Non - Capacity (Improvement) Lee Description: The Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA, also known as the "Telemetry" system) is in need of upgrading. The existing system, based on an independent SCADA Assessment Study and the vulnerability study, has numerous obsolete components and does not allow control of the Sewer and Storm Utility stations. Upgrading the portion of the system utilizing antiquated equipment, while maintaining the portions of equipment that are compatible with the newer technologies. The new system will utilize an open architecture so the City is no longer reliant on a single vendor for repairs and maintenance. RFP was sent in 2006 and construction began in 2007. Progress Summary: Future Impact on Operating Budget: None Budget: 2009 YTD Actual 2010 09 Budget Budget Expenditures Budget Balance Adopted Budget - Budget Amendments - Adjusted Budget - - - - Activity: (Previous 2 Yrs) 2009 YE 2010 Year End Funding Sources: Prior to 2009 Estimate 2010 Budget 2011 Budget Project Total Unrestricted Storm Revenue 22,900 30,000 345,400 - 398,300 Grants ( Fed,State,Local) - - - - Bond Proceeds - - - - - Other - - _ _ Total Funding Sources: 22,900 30,000 345,400 - 398,300 Capital Expenditures: Design 22,900 - - - 22,900 Right of Way - - - - _ Construction - 30,000 345,400 - 375,400 Total Expenditures: 22,900 30,000 345,400 - 398,300 Forecasted Project Cost: Total 2012 2013 2014 2015 2010 -2015 Funding Sources: Unrestricted Storm Revenue - - - - 345,400 Grants (Fed,State,Local) - - - - Bond Proceeds - - _ - - Other - - - _ _ Total Funding Sources: - - - - 345,400 Capital Expenditures: Design - - - _ _ Right of Way - - _ _ _ Construction - - - - 345,400 Total Expenditures: - - - - 345,400 ran s I er ources: 140 City of Auburn Draft Capital Facilities Plan STORM DRAINAGE FUND (432) Six Year Capital Facilities Plan, 2010 -2015 Capital Facilities Plan Enterprise Funds Project Title: Project No: Project Type: Project Manager: White River Storm Pump Station Replacement cp0817 Non Capacity (Replacement) Jacob Sweeting Description: The existing storm water pumping station built in 1981, is in need of replacement. A recent conditions assessment of all five storm water pumping stations indicates that this building is in a very poor condition and should be demolished. The current pumping capacity is marginal to meet the pumping demand. Long term maintenance issues such as pump replacement /servicing, electrical deficiencies and lack of potable water service can be addressed through construction of a new station. Progress Summary: Future Impact on Operating Budget: No significant impact. Budget: 2009 YTD Actual 2010 09 Budget Budget Expenditures Budget Balance Adopted Budget - Budget Amendments - Adjusted Budget - - - - Activity: (Previous 2 Yrs) 2009 YE 2010 Year End Funding Sources: Prior to 2009 Estimate 2010 Budget 2011 Budget Project Total Unrestricted Storm Revenue - 300,000 1,730,000 - 2,030,000 Grants ( Fed,State,Local) - - - - - Bond Proceeds - - - - - Other - - - - - Total Funding Sources: - 300,000 1,730,000 - 2,030,000 Capital Expenditures: Design - 300,000 - - 300,000 Right of Way - - - - - Construction - - 1,730,000 - 1,730,000 Total Expenditures: - 300,000 1,730,000 - 2,030,000 Forecasted Project Cost: Total 2012 2013 2014 2015 2010 -2015 Funding Sources: Unrestricted Storm Revenue - - - - 1,730,000 Grants (Fed,State,Local) - - - - - Bond Proceeds - - - - - Other - - - - - Total Funding Sources: - - - - 1,730,000 Capital Expenditures: Design - - - - - Right of Way - - - - - Construction - - - - 1730,000 Total Expenditures: - - - - 1,730,000 Grants / Other Sources: 141 Zbl seomos lamp J slue 000'09L - - - - : Sal rmpuadx3 !owl 000'0SL - - - - uorJonJJsuo3 - - - - - item Jo J462J - - - - - u6isa0 :saJnllpuadx3 lellde3 000`0SL - - - - :seams 6ulpunj lelol - - - J04J0 - - - - - spaaooid puog - - - - - (Jeoo7'aleJS'pad) sjue.JO 000'09L - - - - anuanaLJ twos paJOUJSaiun :saalnos 6ulpunj SI.OZ-0I.0Z 91.0Z bLOZ £1.OZ Z1.0Z lelol :lsoa loafoad palseoa.lo j 000'000'1. - 000'OSL 000'0SZ - :saAmIpuadx3Ielo1 000'09L - 000'OSL - - uoiJOnJJsuoo - - - - XeM Jo J462J 000'o9Z - - 000'0SZ - u4sa0 : saJnllpuadx3 lel!de0 000'000'1. - 000'0SL 000'0SZ :sa3inos 6ulpunj loyal - - - Ja410 - - - spaaooid puog - - - - - (Jeoo7'a,eJS'pad) sluej0 000'000'1. - 000'OSL 000'0SZ - anuanaaWJOIS paJo,Jsaiun lelol loafo.Id 3a6png 1102 la6png O10Z alew!ls3 6002 olJoud :sa3Jnos 6ulpunj pu3 JeaA 01.02 3A 600Z (sJA Z sno!naJd) :J(ilnlpv - - - - Ja6png palsnlpy - sJuawpuawy Ja6png - Ja6png paJdopy a3ueleg la6png sarnlpuadx3 la6png la6png 60 010Z IenPV alA soot :iabpng :1a6png 6ugeJado uo pedwi ainin j :Aiewwng ssaJ6oJd .a6essed ysy Jo) sjuawaJ!nbaJ !eluawuoi!nua luauno o} pau6!sap aq um iJan!no paoe!daJ aqi ilanirra pale6n.uoo ayl u! sa!oua!onap !einloruls wanes ate map lent pa!ean31 seq lian!no agjo uo!padsu! moil moi luanbasgns pue sluawa!uas J(eMpea luaoau 'peon uodue3 J(alsead yleawapun ilan!no maa-13 !!!W 6uils!xa aql io luawaoe!daJ a s! s!qi :uoflduosaa eel Jmoede3 -uoN 6L80d3 luauJaoeidald panino uoi ue3 Aaisead :ia6euen pafoJd :ad&L pafad :oN pafoJd :an!! pafoid spun j asudJalu3 uefd sa!l!I!oed Iei!dea 910Z-010Z `uefd sa!i!I!oe j lei!dea Je8A x!g (Z£ti aNN 39VNIV JO WaOlS uvjd sarfrlravi 1viidvj i v.i j u.cngnvfo d11,9 City of Auburn Draft Capital Facilities Plan STORM DRAINAGE FUND (432) Six Year Capital Facilities Plan, 2010 -2015 Capital Facilities Plan Enterprise Funds Project Title: Project No: Project Type: Project Manager. Pipeline Repair & Replacement Program cpxxxx Non - Capacity TBD Description: Projects identified as those requiring replacement of existing infrastructure. These projects support street repairs and other utility replacement programs, requiring coordination. Progress Summary: • Future Impact on Operating Budget: No significant impact. Budget: Adopted Budget Budget Amendments Adjusted Budget 2009 Budget YTD Actual Expenditures 2010 Budget 09 Budget Balance - - - - - - Activity: Funding Sources: Unrestricted Storm Revenue Grants (Fed, State, Local) Bond Proceeds Other Total Funding Sources: Capital Expenditures: Design Right of Way Construction Total Expenditures: (Previous 2 Yrs) Prior to 2009 2009 YE Estimate 2010 Budget 2011 Budget 2010 Year End Project Total 105,821 - - - 64,000 - - - 412,000 - - - 424,400 - - - 581,821 - - - 105,821 105,821 - - 64,000 6,400 - 57,600 412,000 50,000 - 362,000 424,400 50,000 - 374,400 581,821 162,221 - 419,600 105,821 64,000 412,000 424,400 581,821 Forecasted Project Cost: Funding Sources: Unrestricted Storm Revenue Grants (Fed, State, Local) Bond Proceeds Other Total Funding Sources: Capital Expenditures: Design Right of Way Construction Total Expenditures: 2012 2013 2014 2015 Total • 2010 -2015 437,100 - - - 450,200 - - - 463,700 - - - 477,600 - - - 2,665,000 - - - 437,100 50,000 - 387,100 450,200 50,000 - 400,200 463,700 50,000 - 413,700 477,600 50,000 - 427,600 2,665,000 300,000 - 2,365,000 437,100 450,200 463,700 477,600 2,665,000 Grants I Other Sources: 143 City of Auburn Draft Capital Facilities Plan STORM DRAINAGE FUND (432) Six Year Capital Facilities Plan, 2010 -2015 Capital Facilities Plan Enterprise Funds Project Title: Project No: Project Type: Project Manager. Auburn Way South Flooding, Phase 1 & 2 cpxxxx Non - Capacity TBD Description: Construct conveyance improvement to 17th Street SE as part of Metro realignment project. Replace existing conveyance line from A Street SE to K Street SE and add an additional 7 ac -ft of storage within the existing A Street SE detention pond. Progress Summary: • Future Impact on Operating Budget: No significant impact. Budget: Adopted Budget Budget Amendments Adjusted Budget 2009 Budget YTD Actual Expenditures 2010 Budget 09 Budget Balance - - - - - - Activity: Funding Sources: Unrestricted Storm Revenue Grants (Fed,State,Local) Bond Proceeds Other Total Funding Sources: Capital Expenditures: Design Right of Way Construction Total Expenditures: (Previous 2 Yrs) Prior to 2009 2009 YE Estimate 2010 Budget 2011 Budget 2010 Year End Project Total - - - - - - - - 484,100 - - - 1,315,500 - - - 484,100 - - - - - - - - - - - 484,100 72,600 - 411,500 1,315,500 197.300 - 1,118,200 484,100 72,600 - 411,500 - - 484,100 1,315,500 484,100 Forecasted Project Cost: Funding Sources: Unrestricted Storm Revenue Grants (Fed,State,Local) Bond Proceeds Other Total Funding Sources: Capital Expenditures: Design Right of Way Construction Total Expenditures: 2012 2013 2014 2015 Total 2010 -2015 - - - - - - - - - - - - - _ - _ 1,799,600 _ _ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1,799,600 269,900 _ 1,529,700 - - - 1,799,600 rants /•ther ources: 144 City of Auburn Draft Capital Facilities Plan STORM DRAINAGE FUND (432) Six Year Capital Facilities Plan, 2010 -2015 Capital Facilities Plan Enterprise Funds Project Title: Project No: Project Type: Project Manager. 30th Street NE Area Flooding, Phase 1 & 2 cpxxxx Non - Capacity TBD Description: This project will maximize the existing capacity of the airport detention ponds and install a pump and force main to direct flows to the Cristal Ministries property. The project will also develop 20 ac -ft of storage at the Cristal Ministries property. Progress Summary: Future Impact on Operating Budget: No significant impact. Budget: Adopted Budget Budget Amendments Adjusted Budget 2009 Budget YTD Actual Expenditures 2010 Budget 09 Budget Balance - - - - - - Activity: Funding Sources: Unrestricted Storm Revenue Grants (Fed,Slate,Local) Bond Proceeds Other Total Funding Sources: - Capital Expenditures: Design Right of Way Construction Total Expenditures: (Previous 2 Yrs) Prior to 2009 2009 YE Estimate 2010 Budget 2011 Budget 2010 Year End Project Total - - - - - - - - - - - - 1,103.300 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1,103,300 165.500 - 937,800 - - - - - - - 1,103,300 - Forecasted Project Cost: Funding Sources: Unrestricted Storm Revenue Grants (Fed, State, Local) Bond Proceeds Other Total Funding Sources: Capital Expenditures: Design Right of Way Construction Total Expenditures: 2012 2013 2014 2015 Total 2010 -2015 2,223,700 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 3,327,000 - - - 2,223,700 333,500 - 1 890 200 - - - - - - - - - - - - 3,327,000 499,000 - 2 828,000 2,223,700 - - - 3,327,000 Grants I Other Sources: 145 City of Auburn Draft Capital Facilities Plan STORM DRAINAGE FUND (432) Six Year Capital Facilities Plan, 2010 -2015 Capital Facilities Plan Enterprise Funds Project Title: Project No: Project Type: Project Manager: West Main Street Pump Station Upgrade cpxxxx Non - Capacity TBD Description: This project will update the existing pump station by providing a redundant pump and telemetry system meeting level of service goals. Progress Summary: Future Impact on Operating Budget: No significant impact. Budget: Adopted Budget Budget Amendments Adjusted Budget 2009 Budget YTD Actual Expenditures 2010 Budget 09 Budget Balance - - - - - - Activity: Funding Sources: Unrestricted Storm Revenue Grants ( Fed,State,Local) Bond Proceeds Other Total Funding Sources: Capital Expenditures: Design Right of Way Construction Total Expenditures: (Previous 2 Yrs) Prior to 2009 2009 YE Estimate 2010 Budget 2011 Budget 2010 Year End Project Total - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Forecasted Project Cost: Funding Sources: Unrestricted Storm Revenue Grants (Fed,State,Local) Bond Proceeds Other Total Funding Sources: Capital Expenditures: Design Right of Way Construction Total Expenditures: 2012 2013 2014 2015 Total 2010 -2015 1,212,900 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1,212,900 - - - 1,212,900 100,000 - 1,112,900 - - - - - - - - - - - - 1,212,900 100,000 - 1,112,900 1,212,900 - - - 1,212,900 Grants / Other Sources: 146 City of Auburn Draft Capital Facilities Plan STORM DRAINAGE FUND (432) Six Year Capital Facilities Plan, 2010 -2015 Capital Facilities Plan Enterprise Funds Project Title: Project No: Project Type: Project Manager: Street Utility Improvements cpxxxx Non Capacity TBD Description: Storm drainage conveyance improvements in coordination with Arterial and SOS improvements. Approximately 10,780 linear feet in 2009 - 2010. Progress Summary: Future Impact on Operating Budget: No significant Impact. Budget: Adopted Budget Budget Amendments Adjusted Budget 2009 Budget YTD Actual Expenditures 2010 Budget 09 Budget Balance - - - - - - Activity: Funding Sources: Unrestricted Storm Revenue Grants (Fed,State,Local) Bond Proceeds Other Total Funding Sources: Capital Expenditures: Design Right of Way Construction Total Expenditures: (Previous 2 Yrs) Prior to 2009 2009 YE Estimate 2010 Budget 2011 Budget 2010 Year End Project Total - - - - 500,000 - - - 618,000 - - - 212,200 - - - 1,118,000 - - - - - - 500,000 50,000 - 450,000 - 618,000 50,000 - 568,000 212,200 50,000 - 162,200 1,118,000 100,000 - 1,018,000 - 500,000 618,000 212,200 1,118,000 Forecasted Project Cost: Funding Sources: Unrestricted Storm Revenue Grants (Fed,Stale,Local) Bond Proceeds Other Total Funding Sources: Capital Expenditures: Design Right of Way Construction Total Expenditures: 2012 2013 2014 2015 Total 2010 -2015 218,500 - - - 225,100 - - - 231,900 - - - 238,900 - - - 1,744,600 - - - 218,500 50,000 - 168,500 225,100 50,000 - 175,100 231,900 50,000 - 181,900 238,900 50,000 - 188,900 1,744,600 300,000 - 1,444, 600 218,500 225,100 231,900 238,900 1,744,600 Grants I Other Sources: 147 City of Auburn Draft Capital Facilities Plan STORM DRAINAGE FUND (432) Six Year Capital Facilities Plan, 2010 -2015 Capital Facilities Plan Enterprise Funds Project Title: Project No: Project Type: Project Manager: Les Gove Neighborhood Improvement cp0762 Non - Capacity Dunsdon Description: This project will replace portions of the old drainage system at locations within the overall neighborhood improvement project. A new conveyance improvement will also be installed in 5th Street SE from F Street to G Street. Progress Summary: Design is continuing. Construction in 2009 & 2010.. Future Impact on Operating Budget: No significant impact. Budget: 2009 Budget YTD Actual Expenditures 2010 Budget 09 Budget Balance Adopted Budget Budget Amendments - - Adjusted Budget - - - - Activity: (Previous 2 Yrs) Funding Sources: Prior to 2009 2009 YE Estimate 2010 Budget 2011 Budget 2010 Year End Project Total Unrestricted Storm Revenue 30,000 Grants ( Fed,State,Local) - Bond Proceeds - Other - 130,000 - - - 220,000 - - - - - 380,000 _ - - Total Funding Sources: 30,000 Capital Expenditures: Design - Right of Way 5,000 Construction 25,000 130,000 - - 130,000 220,000 - - 220,000 - _ - - 380,000 _ 5,000 375,000 Total Expenditures: 30,000 130,000 220,000 - 380,000 Forecasted Project Cost: 2012 2013 2014 2015 Total 2010 -2015 Funding Sources: Unrestricted Storm Revenue - Grants (Fed,State,Local) - Bond Proceeds - Other - - - - - - _ - _ - _ _ - 220,000 _ _ - Total Funding Sources: - Capital Expenditures: Design - Right of Way - Construction - - - - - - - - - - _ _ - 220,000 - _ 220,000 Total Expenditures: - - - - 220,000 ran s • er ources: 148 City of Auburn Draft Capital Facilities Plan STORM DRAINAGE FUND (432) Six Year Capital Facilities Plan, 2010 -2015 Capital Facilities Plan Enterprise Funds Project Title: Project No: Project Type: Project Manager: Regional Drainage Improvement Projects cpxxxx Non - Capacity (Improvement) TBD Description: Unidentified regional projects such as Mill Creek Restoration. Progress Summary: Future Impact on Operating Budget: None Budget: Adopted Budget Budget Amendments Adjusted Budget 2009 Budget YTD Actual Expenditures 2010 Budget 09 Budget Balance - - - - - Activity: Funding Sources: Unrestricted Storm Revenue Grants ( Fed,State,Local) Bond Proceeds Other Total Funding Sources: Capital Expenditures: Design Right of Way Construction Total Expenditures: (Previous 2 Yrs) Prior to 2009 2009 YE Estimate 2010 Budget 2011 Budget 2010 Year End Project Total - - - - - - - - - - - 579,600 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 579,600 86,900 - 492,700 - - - - - - 579,600 - Forecasted Project Cost: Funding Sources: Unrestricted Storm Revenue Grants (Fed,State,Local) Bond Proceeds Other Total Funding Sources: Capital Expenditures: Design Right of Way Construction Total Expenditures: 2012 2013 2014 2015 Total 2010 -2015 - - - - - - - . - - - - - - 579,600 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 579,600 86,900 - 492 700 - - - - 579,600 Grants / Other Sources: 149 City of Auburn Draft Capital Facilities Plan STORM DRAINAGE FUND (432) Six Year Capital Facilities Plan, 2010 -2015 Capital Facilities Plan Enterprise Funds Project Title: Project No: Project Type: Project Manager: Maintenance and Operations Expansion cpxxxx Non - Capacity (Improvement) TBD Description: Funds allocated to remodel the existing M&O building into a more functional and maintainable facility. Progress Summary: Future Impact on Operating Budget: None Budget: Adopted Budget Budget Amendments Adjusted Budget 2009 Budget YTD Actual Expenditures 2010 Budget 09 Budget Balance - - - - - - Activity: Funding Sources: Unrestricted Storm Revenue Grants (Fed,State,Local) Bond Proceeds Other Total Funding Sources: Capital Expenditures: Design Right of Way Construction Total Expenditures: (Previous 2 Yrs) Prior to 2009 2009 YE Estimate 2010 Budget 2011 Budget 2010 Year End Project Total - - - - - - - - - - - - 300,000 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 300,000 25,000 - 275,000 - - - - - - - 300,000 - Forecasted Project Cost: Funding Sources: Unrestricted Storm Revenue Grants (Fed,State,Local) Bond Proceeds Other Total Funding Sources: Capital Expenditures: Design Right of Way Construction 2012 2013 2014 2015 Total 2010 -2015 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 300,000 - _ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 300,000 25,000 - 275,000 Total Expenditures: - - - - 300,000 ran s • er ources: 150 City of Auburn Draft Capital Facilities Plan STORM DRAINAGE FUND (432) Six Year Capital Facilities Plan, 2010 -2015 Capital Facilities Plan Enterprise Funds Project Title: Project No: Project Type: Project Manager. West Valley Highway Improvements cp0916 Non - Capacity TBD Description: Storm Drainage improvements associated with Street project. Progress Summary: Future Impact on Operating Budget: No significant Impact. Budget: Adopted Budget Budget Amendments Adjusted Budget 2009 Budget YTD Actual Expenditures 2010 Budget 09 Budget Balance - - - - - - Activity: Funding Sources: Unrestricted Storm Revenue Grants ( Fed,State,Local) Bond Proceeds Other Total Funding Sources: Capital Expenditures: Design Right of Way Construction Total Expenditures: (Previous 2 Yrs) Prior to 2009 2009 YE Estimate 2010 Budget 2011 Budget 2010 Year End Project Total - - - - - - - - - - - - 1,591,400 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1,591,400 200,000 - 1,391,400 - - - - - - - 1,591,400 - Forecasted Project Cost: Funding Sources: Unrestricted Storm Revenue Grants (Fed,State,Local) Bond Proceeds Other Total Funding Sources: Capital Expenditures: Design Right of Way Construction Total Expenditures: 2012 2013 2014 2015 Total 2010 -2015 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1,591,400 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1,591,400 200,000 - 1,391,400 - - - - 1,591,400 Grants / Other Sources: 151 City of Auburn Draft Capital Facilities Plan STORM DRAINAGE FUND (432) Six Year Capital Facilities Plan, 2010 -2015 Capital Facilities Plan Enterprise Funds Project Title: Project No: Project Type: Project Manager: 15th Street NW Culvert Replacement cp0638 Non - Capacity (Improvement) Chris Andersen Description: This project will construct a new crossing culvert under 15th Street NW in order to improve flow within Mill Creek and allow for enhanced fish passage along Mill Creek Corridor. Progress Summary: Future Impact on Operating Budget: None Budget: Adopted Budget Budget Amendments Adjusted Budget 2009 Budget YTD Actual Expenditures 2010 Budget 09 Budget Balance - - - - - - - - _ Activity: Funding Sources: Unrestricted Storm Revenue Grants (Fed,State,Local) Other Total Funding Sources: Capital Expenditures: Design Right of Way Construction Total Expenditures: (Previous 2 Yrs) Prior to 2009 2009 YE Estimate 2010 Budget 2011 Budget 2010 Year End Project Total - - - 1,900 - - 359,300 90,000 _ - - - 361,200 90,000 _ - - - 1,900 1,900 - 449,300 44,900 404,400 - - _ - 451,200 46,800 - 404,400 - 1,900 449,300 - 451,200 Forecasted Project Cost: Funding Sources: Unrestricted Storm Revenue Grants (Fed,State,Local) Other Total Funding Sources: Capital Expenditures: Design Right of Way Construction Total Expenditures: 2012 2013 2014 2015 Total 2010 -2015 - - - - - - - - - 359,300 90,000 - - - - - - - - - - - _ - - - _ - 449,300 44,900 - 404,400 - - - - 449,300 ran ources• ri is . i e ervice, o er non - secured grant sources 152 City of Auburn Draft Capital Facilities Plan STORM DRAINAGE FUND (432) Six Year Capital Facilities Plan, 2010 -2015 Capital Facilities Plan Enterprise Funds Project Title: Project No: Project Type: Project Manager. City Hall Annex Lease CPxxxx Non - Capacity TBD Description: The Capital lease for the City Hall Annex. Progress Summary: Future Impact on Operating Budget: Impacts to the operating budget will be analyzed and calculated once the timing of expenses is determined. Budget: Adopted Budget Budget Amendments Adjusted Budget 2009 Budget YTD Actual 2010 Expenditures Budget 09 Budget Balance - - - - - .. Activity: Funding Sources: Unrestricted Storm Revenue Grants (Fed,State,Local) Bond Proceeds Other Total Funding Sources: Capital Expenditures: Capital Lease Right of Way Construction Total Expenditures: (Previous 2 Yrs) Prior to 2009 2009 YE Estimate 2010 Budget 2011 Budget 2010 Year End Project Total - - - - 250,000 - - - 250,000 - - - 250,000 - - - 500,000 - - - - - - - 250,000 250,000 - - 250,000 250,000 - - 250,000 250,000 - - 500,000 500,000 - - - 250,000 250,000 250,000 500,000 Forecasted Project Cost: Funding Sources: Unrestricted Storm Revenue Grants (Fed,State,Local) Bond Proceeds Other Total Funding Sources: Capital Expenditures: Capital Lease Right of Way Construction Total Expenditures: 2012 2013 2014 2015 Total 2010 -2015 250,000 - - - 250,000 - - - 250,000 - - - 250,000 - - - 1,500,000 - - - 250,000 250,000 - - 250,000 250,000 - - 250,000 250,000 - - 250,000 250,000 - - 1,500,000 1,500,000 - - 250,000 250,000 250,000 250,000 1,500,000 Grants / Other Sources: 153 w_) z H City of Auburn Draft Capital Facilities Plan SOLID WASTE Current Facilities The City of Auburn no longer has recycle drop stations facilities. The City now provides curbside service through a vendor who handles the disposal. 155 City of Auburn Draft Capital Facilities Plan >t( MORE THAN YOU IMAGINED City of Auburn Draft Capital Facilities Plan PARKS AND RECREATION Current Facilities The City of Auburn's park system consists of a total of 567.57 acres of neighborhood and community parks, special use areas, open space, and linear parks (trails). The 150 -acre Auburn Municipal Golf Course is identified as a separate public facility in this report, and is not included in the Parks and Recreation inventory. Table PR — 1 "Facilities Inventory" lists all park and recreation land in the City's park system along with their current capacity and location. Level of Service (LOS) The current LOS provided by the City's park system represents the current inventory of City - owned park acres divided by the 2009 City population of 67,485. This equates to .80 acres per 1,000 population for neighborhood parks, 3.38 acres per 1,000 population for community parks, 0.47 acres for linear parks, 2.95 acres for open space, and .80 acres for special use areas. The proposed LOS provided by the City's park system represents the planned 2015 inventory of City -owned park acres divided by the 2015 projected City population of 72,350. This equates to 0.76 acres per 1,000 population for neighborhood parks, 3.26 acres per 1,000 population for community parks, 0.44 acres per 1,000 population for linear parks, 2.75 acres per 1,000 population for open space, and 0.75 acres per 1,000 population for special use areas. Capital Facilities Projects and Financing Parks and Recreation facilities include 23 capital projects at a cost of $24,777,300. Table PR — 2a shows the proposed financing plan followed by individual worksheets showing the project detail. Impact on Future Operating Budgets As Table PR — 3 shows, operating budget impacts of $540,800 are forecasted for parks and recreation facilities during the six years 2011 — 2016. 157 TABLE PR -1 City of Auburn Draft Capital Facilities Plan Facilities Inventory Parks and Recreation, Land FACILITY CAPACITY (Acres) LOCATION Neighborhood Parks: Existing Inventory: Auburndale Park Ballard Park Cameron Park Cedar Lane Park Dykstra Park Forest Villa mini -park Gaines Park Indian Tom Park Lakeland Hills Park Rotary Park Shaughnessy Park Scootie Brown Park Terminal Park Jornada Park Auburndale 2 Park Village Square Total Neighborhood Parks Proposed Capacity Projects: None Total Proposed Capacity Projects 2015 Projected Inventory Total - Neighborhood Parks - 10.00 0.70 3.90 8.30 1.70 0.20 1.40 0.40 5.00 4.00 3.50 1.70 1.20 1.90 9.30 1.07 54.27 54.27 31700 108th NE 37th & R Street SE Lemon Tree Lane & Academy Drive 25th & K Street SE 1533 22nd Avenue NE 17th & Fir Street SE 11th NW & W Valley Highway 6th & Henry Road NE 5401 Olive Avenue SE 27th & Alpine Street SE 21st & Hemlock SE 8th & Henry Road NE 12th & C Street SE 1440 U Court NW 29700 118th Street SE 310th St SE @ 120th Ave Community Parks: Existing Inventory: Brannan Park Veteran's Memorial Park Fenster /Green River Access Fulmer Field Game Farm Park Game Farm Wilderness Park GSA Park Isaac Evans Park Les Gove Park Mill Pond Olson Canyon Farmstead Roegner Park Lea Hill Park Sunset Park Total Community Parks 21.70 8.50 13.40 5.00 53.00 20.00 6.60 14.90 20.50 4.00 15.00 21.60 9.00 15.00 228.20 26th & M Street NE Park Avenue & Auburn Way N 10520 Auburn /Black Diamond Road 5th & K Street NE 3226 V Street SE 2401 SE Stuck River Road C Street SW & 15th SW 29627 Green River Road NE 11th & Auburn Way S 600 Oravetz Road 28728 Green River Road 601 Oravetz Road SE 319th & 124th Street SE 1306 69th Street SE 158 City of Auburn Draft Capital Facilities Plan TABLE PR -1 (continued) Proposed Capacity Projects: Lakeland Hills Community Park Total Proposed Capacity Projects 2015 Projected Inventory Total - Community Parks - 8.00 8.00 236.20 Linear Parks: Existing Inventory: Interurban Trail Lakeland Hills Trail White River Trail Total Linear Parks Proposed Capacity Projects: None Total Proposed Capacity Projects 2015 Projected Inventory Total - Linear Parks - 25.40 2.30 5401 Olive Avenue SE 4.10 31.80 31.80 Special Use Areas: Existing Inventory: Bicentennial Park Centennial Viewpoint Park City Hall Plaza Clark Plaza Downtown mini -mall Mountain View Cemetery Pioneer Cemetery Slaughter Memorial Total Special Use Areas Proposed Capacity Projects: None Total Proposed Capacity Projects 2015 Projected Inventory Total - Special Use Areas - 1.40 SR -18 & Aaubum Way S 0.70 600 Mountain View Drive 0.90 25 W Main 0.20 15th & Auburn Way N 0.10 E. Main & B Street SE 50.00 2020 Mountain View Drive 0.80 8th & Auburn Way N 0.20 3100 Auburn Way N 54.30 54.30 Open Space Areas: Existing Inventory: Clark Property Game Farm Open Space Golf Course Open Space Olson Canyon Open Space Total Open Space Areas Proposed Capacity Projects: None Total Proposed Capacity Projects 2015 Projected Inventory Total - Open Space Areas - 25.00 1600 Oravetz Road 87.00 2400 SE Stuck River Road 42.00 29639 Green River Road 45.00 28728 Green River Road 199.00 199.00 159 City of Auburn Draft Capital Facilities Plan TABLE PR -2A CAPITAL FACILITIES PLAN PROJECTS AND FINANCING PARKS and RECREATION (Municipal Parks Construction Fund) 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 Total Capacity Projects: 1 Park Acquisitions /Development Capital Costs 100,000 100,000 100,000 100,000 100,000 100,000 600,000 Funding Sources: Municipal Park Fund Grants (Fed,State,Local) Bond Proceeds Other (KC Prop 2) 100,000 100,000 100,000 100,000 100,000 100,000 600,000 Subtotal, Capacity Projects: Capital Costs 100,000 100,000 100,000 100,000 100,000 100,000 600,000 Non - Capacity Projects: 2 Les Gove Park Improvements Capital Costs 400,000 400,000 Funding Sources: Municipal Park Fund 250,000 250,000 Grants (Fed,State,Local) 75,000 75,000 REET 1 Other (Park Impact Fee) 75,000 - - 75,000 3 Issac Evans Park Capital Costs 170,000 170,000 Funding Sources: Municipal Park Fund 75,000 75,000 Grants ( Fed,State,Local) 75,000 75,000 REET 1 - Other (Park Impact Fee) 20,000 20,000 4 Jacobsen Tree Farm Site Plan Capital Costs 6,000,000 6,000,000 Funding Sources: Municipal Park Fund - - - - Grants (Fed,State,Local) 2,000,000 - 2,000,000 Other (Developer) 4,000,000 - 4,000,000 5 Fulmer Park Improvements Capital Costs 185,000 - 185,000 Funding Sources: Municipal Park Fund 50,000 50,000 Grants (Fed,State,Local) 50,000 - 50,000 REET 1 Other (Park Impact Fee) 85,000 85,000 6 Auburn Community Center /Activity Center Capital Costs 5,277,600 7,416,600 - 12,694,200 Funding Sources: REET 1 1,258,300 2,311,500 3,569,800 NMTC 2,738,600 2,171,400 4,910,000 Other (Boys & Gift Club) 1,000,000 900,000 1,900,000 Other (Solid Waste Fees) 280,700 - 280,700 Other (HUD 108 Loan) - 2,033,700 2,033,700 160 City of Auburn Draft Capital Facilities Plan TABLE PR -2A (continued) Non - Capacity Projects: 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 Total 7 Veteran's Park Improvements - Phase 1 & 2 Capital Costs - 50,000 50,000 100,000 Funding Sources: Municipal Park Fund 50,000 50,000 100,000 Grants (Fed,State,Local) REET 1 Other 8 Mary Olson Farm Restoration Capital Costs 134,300 134,300 Funding Sources: Municipal Park Fund - Grants (Fed,State,Local) 15,700 15,700 REET 1 118,600 118,600 Other (Park Mitigation) - 9 Auburn Environmental Park Capital Costs 776,000 776,000 Funding Sources: Municipal Park Fund - Grants (Fed,State,Local) 388,000 388,000 Cumulative Reserve Fund 388,000 388,000 Other - 10 Shaughnessy Park Improvements Capital Costs Funding Sources: Municipal Park Fund Grants (Fed,State,Local) Other (Other Agency, Pk Mit) 11 Rotary Park Improvements Capital Costs Funding Sources: Municipal Park Fund Grants (Fed,State,Local) Other 85,000 85,000 85,000 85,000 30,000 30,000 30,000 30,000 12 Misc. Parks Improvements Capital Costs 68,400 50,000 100,000 50,000 300,000 50.000 618,400 Funding Sources: Municipal Park Fund 68,400 200,000 268,400 Grants (Fed,State,Local) - - 100,000 - 100,000 Other (Park Impact Fee) 50,000 100,000 50,000 50,000 250,000 13 Cameron Park Capital Costs 55,000 55,000 Funding Sources: Municipal Park Fund 55,000 55,000 Grants (Fed,State,Local) Other 14 Game Farm Park Capital Costs 230,000 87,500 100,000 80,000 497,500 Funding Sources: Municipal Park Fund 31,600 12,500 100,000 80,000 224,100 Grants (Fed,State,Local) 198,400 75,000 - 273,400 Other - 161 City of Auburn Draft Capital Facilities Plan TABLE PR -2A (continued) Non - Capacity Projects: 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 Total 15 Gaines Park Capital Costs Funding Sources: Municipal Park Fund Grants (Fed,State,Local) Other 9,500 9,500 9,500 9,500 16 Roegner Park Capital Costs 130,000 130,000 Funding Sources: Municipal Park Fund 65,000 65,000 Grants (Fed,State,Local) 65,000 65,000 Other - 17 White River Trail Extension Capital Costs 227,400 227,400 Funding Sources: Municipal Park Fund - - Grants (Fed,State,Local) 227,400 227,400 Bond Proceeds - - Other (Fund 102) 18 Aubumdale Park Capital Costs 25,000 100,000 125,000 Funding Sources: Municipal Park Fund 25,000 25,000 Grants (Fed,State,Local) 50,000 50,000 Other (Other Agency) 50,000 50,000 19 Auburndale Park II Capital Costs 20,000 100,000 120,000 Funding Sources: Municipal Park Fund 10,000 50,000 - . 60,000 Grants (Fed,State,Local) 10,000 50,000 - 60,000 Other - 20 Centennial Viewpoint Park Capital Costs 35,000 35,000 Funding Sources: Municipal Park Fund 35,000 35,000 Grants (Fed,State,Local) - Other 21 BPA Trail Lea Hill Capital Costs 35,000 300,000 100,000 100,000 100,000 150,000 785,000 Funding Sources: Municipal Park Fund - 100,000 - 100,000 Grants (Fed,State,Local) 150,000. - - - 100,000 250,000 Other (KC Prop. 2) 35,000 150,000 100,000 100,000 50,000 435,000 22 Lakeland Park #4 Capital Costs 300,000 300,000 600,000 Funding Sources: Municipal Park Fund 150,000 150,000 300,000 Grants (Fed,State,Local) 150,000 150,000 300,000 Other - 162 City of Auburn Draft Capital Facilities Plan TABLE PR -2A (continued) rapacity Projects: 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 • Total 23 Williams Pipeline Trail Capital Costs 200,000 200,000 400,000 Funding Sources: Municipal Park Fund 100,000 100,000 200,000 Grants (Fed,State,Local) 100,000 100,000 200,000 Other - 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 Total SUMMARY: CAPITAL COSTS Capacity Projects 100,000 100,000 100,000 100,000 100,000 100,000 600,000 Non - Capacity Projects 7,168,700 14,499,100 635,000 274,500 900,000 700,000 24,177,300 Total Costs 7,268,700 14,599,100 735,000 - 374,500 1,000,000 800,000 24,777,300 FUNDING SOURCES: Municipal Park Fund 360,000 377,500 270,000 124,500 550,000 250,000 1,932,000 ,ants (Fed,State,Local) 914,500 2,400,000 115,000 - 350,000 350,000 4,129,500 NMTC 2,738,600 2,171,400 - - 4,910,000 REET 1 1,376,900 2,311,500 3,688,400 Cumulative Reserve Fund 388,000 - - - 388,000 Other 1,490,700 7,338,700 350,000 250,000 100,000 200,000 9,729,400 Total Funding 7,268,700 14,599,100 735,000 374,500 1,000,000 800,000 24,777,300 163 City of Auburn Draft Capital Facilities Plan MUNICIPAL PARKS CONSTRUCTION FUND (321) Six Year Capital Facilities Plan, 2010 -2015 Capital Facilities Plan Capital Projects Fund Project Title: Project No: Project Type: Project Manager: Park Acquisitions /Development cpxxxx Capacity Faber Description: Land acquisitions to occur based on demand and deficiencies including trails and corridors. 2009 budget includes purchase of Fenster 1 b project (Smith property) adjacent to Fenster 1 a. This parcel is critical for proper levee setback hydraulic functions. Progress Summary: Future Impact on Operating Budget: None Budget: Adopted Budget Budget Amendments Adjusted Budget 2009 Budget YTD Actual Expenditures 2010 Budget 09 Budget Balance - - - - - _ Activity: Funding Sources: Municipal Parks Construction Fund Grants (Fed,State,Local) Bond Proceeds REET Other (KC Prop 2)' Total Funding Sources: Capital Expenditures: Design Right of Way Construction Total Expenditures: (Previous 2 Yrs) Prior to 2009 2009 YE Estimate 2010 Budget 2011 Budget 2010 Year End Project Total - 130,000 - - 130,000 - - • 100,000 - _ 100,000 - - - 100,000 _ 130,000 _ 330,000 260,000 _ - 260,000 100,000 - - 100,000 100,000 _ - 100,000 100,000 _ _ 100,000 460,000 _ - 560,000 260,000 100,000 100,000 100,000 460,000 Forecasted Project Cost: 2012 2013 2014 2015 Total 2010 -2015 Funding Sources: Municipal Parks Construction Fund Grants (Fed, State, Local) Bond Proceeds REET Other (KC Prop 2)' - - - 100,000 _ - - - 100,000 - - _ _ 100,000 _ - _ _ 100,000 - _ _ - 600,000 Total Funding Sources: Capital Expenditures: Design Right of Way Construction 100,000 - - 100,000 100,000 _ - 100,000 100,000 _ _ 100,000 100,000 _ _ 100,000 600,000 _ - 600,000 Total Expenditures: 100,000 100,000 100,000 100,000 600,000 •. • . • r n , ing onserva ion l [strict und, 'KC Prop. 2 (100,000 per year). 164 City of Auburn Draft Capital Facilities Plan MUNICIPAL PARKS CONSTRUCTION FUND (321) Six Year Capital Facilities Plan, 2010 -2015 Capital Facilities Plan Capital Projects Fund Project Title: Project No: Project Type: Project Manager Les Gove Park Improvements cpxxxx Non - Capacity Wuotila Description: Project to include replacement of existing playground with "Boundless" Inclusive Playground and sensory garden suitable for those with disabilities. Demolish existing Les Gove Building and Restroom facility and replace with new restroom facility and replace with new facility. This improvement will provide for increased visibility of children by guardians as well as a state of the art playground for kids of all abilities. Progress Summary: Future Impact on Operating Budget: No increases are expected; operations remain constant. Budget: 2009 YTD Actual 2010 09 Budget Budget Expenditures Budget Balance Adopted Budget - Budget Amendments - Adjusted Budget - - - - Activity: (Previous 2 Yrs) 2009 YE 2010 Year End Funding Sources: Prior to 2009 Estimate 2010 Budget 2011 Budget Project Total Municipal Parks Construction Fund - - 250,000 - 250,000 Grants (Fed,State,Local) - - 75,000 - 75,000 Bond Proceeds - - - - - REET - - - Other (Park Impact Fee)* - - 75,000 - 75,000 Total Funding Sources: - - 400,000 - 400,000 Capital Expenditures: Design - - - - - Right of Way - - - - - Construction - - 400,000 - 400,000 Total Expenditures: - - 400,000 - 400,000 Forecasted Project Cost: Total 2012 2013 2014 2015 2010 -2015 Funding Sources: Municipal Parks Construction Fund - - - - 250,000 Grants (Fed,State,Local) - - - - 75,000 Bond Proceeds - - - REET - - - - - Other (Park Impact Fee)' . - 75,000 Total Funding Sources: - - - - 400,000 Capital Expenditures: Design - - - - - Right of Way - - - - - Construction - - - - 400,000 Total Expenditures: - - - - 400,000 Grants / Other Sources: 'Other is Parks Impact ee an. ran is ou po s 165 City of Auburn Draft Capital Facilities Plan MUNICIPAL PARKS CONSTRUCTION FUND (321) Six Year Capital Facilities Plan, 2010 -2015 Capital Facilities Plan Capital Projects Fund Project Title: Project No: Project Type: Project Manager. Issac Evans Park cpxxxx Non capacity Wuotila Description: Repair trail throughout park, develop reforestation plan. Future Impact on Operating Budget: Increased mowing and utilities- $6,000 Budget: Adopted Budget Budget Amendments Adjusted Budget 2009 Budget YTD Actual Expenditures 2010 Budget 09 Budget Balance - - - - - - Activity: Funding Sources: Municipal Parks Construction Fund Grants ( Fed,State,Local) Bond Proceeds REET Other (Park Impact Fee)• Total Funding Sources: Capital Expenditures: Design Right of Way Construction Total Expenditures: (Previous 2 Yrs) Prior to 2009 2009 YE Estimate 2010 Budget 2011 Budget 2010 Year End Project Total - - - - - - - - - - - - - 75,000 75,000 - 20,000 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 170,000 - - 170,000 - - - - - - 170,000 - Forecasted Project Cost: Funding Sources: Municipal Parks Construction Fund Grants (Fed,State,Local) Bond Proceeds REET Other (Park Impact Fee)' Total Funding Sources: Capital Expenditures: Design Right of Way Construction 2012 2013 2014 2015 Total 2010 -2015 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 75,000 75,000 - 20,000 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 170,000 - - 170,000 Total Expenditures: - - - - 170,000 ee 166 City of Auburn Draft Capital Facilities Plan MUNICIPAL PARKS CONSTRUCTION FUND (321) Six Year Capital Facilities Plan, 2010 -2015 Capital Facilities Plan Capital Projects Fund Project Title: Project No: Project Type: Project Manager: Jacobsen Tree Farm Site Plan cp0609 Non - Capacity Faber Description: Develop a Master Plan and coordinate with Auburn School District for this 31 acre site. This project site was annexed into the City and the project is contingent on City Council direction. Lea Hill area is deficient in park activities. Progress Summary: Future Impact on Operating Budget: No significant impact due to master plan. Future park development will result in maintenance and utility expenses undeterminable at this time. Budget: 2009 YTD Actual 2010 09 Budget Budget Expenditures Budget Balance Adopted Budget - Budget Amendments - Adjusted Budget - - - - Activity: (Previous 2 Yrs) 2009 YE 2010 Year End Funding Sources: Prior to 2009 Estimate 2010 Budget 2011 Budget Project Total Municipal Parks Construction Fund - 30,000 - , - 30,000 Grants (Fed,State,Local) - - - 2,000,000 - Bond Proceeds - - - - - REET - - - - - Other (Development)' - - - 4,000,000 - - Total Funding Sources: - 30,000 - 6,000,000 30,000 Capital Expenditures: Design - 30,000 - 100,000 30,000 Right of Way - - - - - Construction - - - 5,900,000 - Total Expenditures: - 30,000 - 6,000,000 30,000 Forecasted Project Cost: Total 2012 2013 2014 2015 2010 -2015 Funding Sources: Municipal Parks Construction Fund - - - - - Grants (Fed,State,Local) - - - - 2,000,000 Bond Proceeds - - - - - REET - - - - - Other (Development)' - - - - 4,000,000 Total Funding Sources: - - - - 6,000,000 Capital Expenditures: Design - - - - 100,000 Right of Way - - - - - Construction - - - - 5,900,000 Total Expenditures: - - - - 6,000,000 Grants / Other Sources: 'Potential trade of Lea Hill Park to GRCC for development funds. 167 City of Auburn Draft Capital Facilities Plan MUNICIPAL PARKS CONSTRUCTION FUND (321) Six Year Capital Facilities Plan, 2010 -2015 Capital Facilities Plan Capital Projects Fund Project Title: Project No: Project Type: Project Manager: Fulmer Park Improvements cpxxxx Non - Capacity Wuotila Description: Develop Master Plan for additional parking and park amenities on land exchanged with the Water Utility, and construct planned improvements. Progress Summary: Future Impact on Operating Budget: Increased maintenance of approximately $10,000 annually Budget: 2009 Budget YTD Actual Expenditures 2010 Budget 09 Budget Balance Adopted Budget - Budget Amendments - Adjusted Budget - - - - Activity: (Previous 2 Yrs) Funding Sources: Prior to 2009 2009 YE Estimate 2010 Budget 2011 Budget 2010 Year End Project Total Municipal Parks Construction Fund - Grants (Fed,State,Local) - Bond Proceeds - REET - Other (Park Impact Fee)* - - - - - - - - - - 50,000 50,000 - - 85,000 - - - - - Total Funding Sources: - Capital Expenditures: Design - Right of Way - Construction - - - - - - - - - 185,000 - - 185,000 - - - - Total Expenditures: - - - 185,000 - Forecasted Project Cost: 2012 2013 2014 2015 Total 2010 -2015 Funding Sources: Municipal Parks Construction Fund - Grants ( Fed,State,Local) - Bond Proceeds - REET - Other (Park Impact Fee)• - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 50,000 50,000 - 85,000 Total Funding Sources: - Capital Expenditures: Design - Right of Way - Construction - - - - - - - - - - - - 185,000 - - 185,000 Total Expenditures: - - - - 185,000 ran s I er ources: • er - 'ark p 168 City of Auburn Draft Capital Facilities Plan MUNICIPAL PARKS CONSTRUCTION FUND (321) Six Year Capital Facilities Plan, 2010 -2015 Capital Facilities Plan Capital Projects Fund Project Title: Project No: Project Type: Project Manager: Auburn Community Center /Activity Center cp0607 Non - Capacity Burke Description: Construction of a new 20,100 s.f. Community Center facility at Les Gove Park campus which includes 3,500 s.f. of administrative space of the Parks Department. Construction of a new 10,000 s.f Activity Center /Gymnasium at Les Gove Park campus and minor remodeling work to 7,000 s.f. existing building into a Youth Center. All funding will go into an investment fund controlled by a community development entity and all funds will be drawn from that fund as the project is constructed. Progress Summary: Schematic design is complete. Currently the project is in final stages of securing financing, and the project construction is anticipated to commence in June, 2010. Future Impact on Operating Budget: A proforma operating budget has yet to be prepared. The annual operating budget fiscal impact is estimated to be $44,200. A proforma operating budget has not been prepared. It is anticipated that the City will contract with the Auburn Boys & Girls Club for the operation of the Center. The annual operating budget fiscal impact is estimated to be $19,600. Budget: 2009 YTD Actual 2010 09 Budget Budget Expenditures Budget Balance Adopted Budget - Budget Amendments - Adjusted Budget - - - - Activity: 2009 YE 2010 Year End Funding Sources: Prior to 2009 Estimate 2010 Budget 2011 Budget Project Total HUD 108 Loan' - - - 2,033,700 - NMTC' - - 2,738,600 2,171,400 2,738,600 REET 1* 730,200 - 1,258,300 2,311,500 1,988,500 Other (Boys 8 Girls Club)' - - 1,000,000 900,000 1,000,000 Other (Solid Waste Fees)` - 719,300 280,700 - 1,000,000 Other (Fund 328)* 11,400 - - - 11,400 Total Funding Sources: 741,600 719,300 5,277,600 7,416,600 6,738,500 - Capital Expenditures: Design 710,700 560,200 - - 1,270,900 Professional Services - - 777,600 616,600 777,600 Construction (MACC) 30,900 159,100 4,500,000 6,800,000 4,690,000 Total Expenditures: 741,600 719,300 5,277,600 7,416,600 6,738,500 Forecasted Project Cost: Total 2012 2013 2014 2015 2010 -2015 Funding Sources: HUD 108 Loan' - - - - 2,033,700 NMTC* - - - - 4,910,000 REST 1' - - - - 3,569,800 Other (Boys & Girls Club)• - - - - 1,900,000 Other (Solid Waste Fees)' - - - - 280,700 Total Funding Sources: - - - .. 12,694,200 Capital Expenditures: Design - - - - - Professional Services - - - - 1,394,200 Construction (MACC) - - - - 11,300,000 Total Expenditures: - - - - 12,694,200 Grants / Other Sources: `Revenue sources shown in 2010/2011 are estimates of all required funding. All funding will go into an investment fund controlled by a community development entity and all funds will be drawn from that fund as the project is constructed. 169 City of Auburn Draft Capital Facilities Plan MUNICIPAL PARKS CONSTRUCTION FUND (321) Six Year Capital Facilities Plan, 2010 -2015 Capital Facilities Plan Capital Projects Fund Project Title: Project No: Project Type: Project Manager: Veteran's Park Improvements - Phase 1 & 2 cpxxxx Non - Capacity Wuotila Description: Phase 1 (2009): Add new concrete pathways along parking lot and overlay existing parking lot. This project is referred to in the Parks, Arts and Recreation Plan. Phase 2 (2010): Replace existing concrete paths, add a climbing toy with safety surfacing, upgrade spray pool or expand playground, improve irrigation coverage, selective tree removal and turf renovation. Progress Summary: Future Impact on Operating Budget: None Budget: 2009 YTD Actual 2010 09 Budget Budget Expenditures Budget Balance Adopted Budget - Budget Amendments - Adjusted Budget - - - - Activity: (Previous 2 Yrs) 2009 YE 2010 Year End Funding Sources: Prior to 2009 Estimate 2010 Budget 2011 Budget Project Total Municipal Parks Construction Fund - - - 50,000 - Grants (Fed,State,Local) - - - - - Bond Proceeds - - - - - REET - - - - - Other - - - - - Total Funding Sources: - - - 50,000 - Capital Expenditures: Design - - - - - Right of Way - - - - - Construction - - - 50,000 - Total Expenditures: - - - 50,000 - Forecasted Project Cost: Total 2012 2013 2014 2015 2010 -2015 Funding Sources: Municipal Parks Construction Fund 50,000 - - - 100,000 Grants (Fed,State,Local) - - - - - Bond Proceeds - - - - - REET .. - - - - Other - - - - - Total Funding Sources: - - - 100,000 Capital Expenditures: Design - - - - - Right of Way - - - - - Construction 50,000 - - - 100,000 Total Expenditures: 50,000 - - - 100,000 rants • er ources: 170 City of Auburn Draft Capital Facilities Plan MUNICIPAL PARKS CONSTRUCTION FUND (321) Six Year Capital Facilities Plan, 2010 -2015 Capital Facilities Plan Capital Projects Fund Project Title: Project No: Project Type: Project Manager: Mary Olson Farm Restoration cp0715 Non Capacity Cosgrove Description: Project is restoration and preparation for public use of the Mary Olson Farm. A Washington State Heritage Capital Projects grant has been awarded, $245,000. It will be used to fully restore the farmhouse, inside and out (2007, 2008, 2009 & 2010) and other buildings and landscape. The grant is awarded to the Museum (non - profit) and as such will not show up on the city's records. The cash match provided by the city will be used for design and construction of public parking, restrooms and other parks amenities. Upon completion of the parking, restrooms and park amenities, the Farm will be approximately 95% complete and available for public use. Progress Summary:. City Match, 2009:used for design of parking and restroom. Construction project put out to bid & permiting. 2010. Construction on these projects should be completebhy end of 2010. Non - profit grant, 2008: exterior of house reconstructed, interior designed. 2009; 75% interior construction complete, landscape restoration in progress. Future Impact on Operating Budget: Budget: 2009 YTD Actual 2010 09 Bud Budget 9 9 Budget Expenditures Budget Balance Adopted Budget - Budget Amendments - Adjusted Budget - - - - Activity: (Previous 2 Yrs) 2009 YE 2010 Year End Funding Sources: Prior to 2009 Estimate 2010 Budget 2011 Budget Project Total Municipal Parks Construction Fund - - - - - Grants (Fed, State, Local) - 7,900 15,700 - 23,600 Bond Proceeds - - - - - REET 1 46,200 28,400 118,600 - 193,200 Other (Park Mitigation)' - 32,300 - - 32,300 Total Funding Sources: 46,200 68,600 134,300 249,100 Capital Expenditures: Design 14,000 21,400 15,000 - 50,400 Right of Way - - - - - Construction 32,200 47,200 119,300 - 198,700 Total Expenditures: 46,200 68,600 134,300 - 249,100 Forecasted Project Cost: Total 2012 2013 2014 2015 2010 -2015 Funding Sources: Municipal Parks Construction Fund - - - - - Grants (Fed,State,Local) - - - - 15,700 Bond Proceeds - - - - - REET 1 - - - - 118,600 Other (Park Mitigation)* - - - - - Total Funding Sources: - - - - 134,300 Capital Expenditures: Design - - - - 15,000 Right of Way - - - - - Construction - - - - 119,300 Total Expenditures: - - - - 134,300 Grants / Other Sources: 'Park Mitigation 171 City of Auburn Draft Capital Facilities Plan MUNICIPAL PARKS CONSTRUCTION FUND (321) Six Year Capital Facilities Plan, 2010 -2015 Capital Facilities Plan Capital Projects Fund Project Title: Project No: Project Type: Project Manager: Auburn Environmental Park c412a0 Non - Capacity McLain Aardal Description: The Auburn Environmental Park (AEP) Project seeks to create vegetated open space within an urbanized area, which will provide many mutual benefits. The park will provide opportunities for local economic development, water quality improvement, storm water detention, flood control, fish and wildlife enhancement, visual resource, public education and passive recreation, including walking trails and bird viewing amenities. Progress Summary: The City has been awarded $578,000 grant from IAC and will require City match. The amount funded from the Cumulative Reserve fund will only be transferred as funds are required to match the grant award. Future Impact on Operating Budget: Upon completion of the construction that will consist of improvements and wetland enhancement, there will be a need for management and maintenance. Budget: 2009 YTD Actual 2010 09 Budget Budget Expenditures Budget Balance Adopted Budget - Budget Amendments - Adjusted Budget - - - - Activity: (Previous 2 Yrs) 2009 YE 2010 Year End Funding Sources: Prior to 2009 Estimate 2010 Budget 2011 Budget Project Total Municipal Parks Construction Fund - - - - - Grants (Fed,State,Local) 35,400 100,000 388,000 - 523,400 REET - - - - - Cumulative Reserve Fund 45,000 100,000 388,000 - 533,000 Other - - - - - Total Funding Sources: 80,400 200,000 776,000 - 1,056,400 Capital Expenditures: Design 78,400 10,000 290,000 - 378,400 Right of Way - - - - - Construction 2,000 190,000 486,000 - 678,000 Total Expenditures: 80,400 200,000 776,000 - 1,056,400 Forecasted Project Cost: Total 2012 2013 2014 2015 2010 -2015 Funding Sources: Municipal Parks Construction Fund - - - - - Grants ( Fed,State,Local) - - - - 388,000 REET - - - - - Cumulative Reserve Fund - - - 388,000 Other - - - - _ Total Funding Sources: - - - - 776,000 Capital Expenditures: Design - - - - 290,000 Right of Way - - - - - Construction - - - - 486,000 Total Expenditures: - - - - 776,000 ran s •t er ources: nterapency Committee for Outd $578,000 172 City of Auburn Draft Capital Facilities Plan MUNICIPAL PARKS CONSTRUCTION FUND (321) Six Year Capital Facilities Plan, 2010 -2015 Capital Facilities Plan Capital Projects Fund Project Title: Project No: Project Type: Project Manager: Shaughnessy Park Improvements CPxxxx Non - Capacity Faber Description: Based on the completed Master Plan, coordinate improvements with neighborhood, Muckleshoot Tribe and service club(s). Improvements will include new playground, improved entrance, soccer /baseball field development, hard court improvements and new loop trail. Future Impact on Operating Budget: Increased mowing and utilities- $6,000 Budget: Adopted Budget Budget Amendments Adjusted Budget 2009 Budget YTD Actual Expenditures 2010 Budget 09 Budget Balance - - - - - - Activity: Funding Sources: Municipal Parks Construction Fund Grants (Fed,State,Local) Bond Proceeds REET Other (Other Agency, Park Mitigation)* Total Funding Sources: Capital Expenditures: Design Right of Way Construction Total Expenditures: (Previous 2 Yrs) Prior to 2009 2009 YE Estimate 2010 Budget 2011 Budget 2010 Year End Project Total - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 85,000 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 85,000 - - 85,000 - - - - - - - 85,000 - Forecasted Project Cost: Funding Sources: Municipal Parks Construction Fund Grants (Fed,State,Local) Bond Proceeds REET Other (Other Agency, Park Mitigation) * Total Funding Sources: Capital Expenditures: Design Right of Way Construction Total Expenditures: 2012 2013 2014 2015 Total 2010 -2015 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 85,000 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 85,000 - - 85,000 - - - - 85,000 Grants ! Other Sources: 'Muckleshoot Tribe, Mitigation 173 City of Auburn Draft Capital Facilities Plan MUNICIPAL PARKS CONSTRUCTION FUND (321) Six Year Capital Facilities Plan, 2010 -2015 Capital Facilities Plan Capital Projects Fund Project Title: Project No: Project Type: Project Manager. Rotary Park Improvements cp0807 Non - Capacity Faber Description: Based on completed Master Plan, coordinate improvements with neighborhood and Rotary Club of Auburn to add walking path (2011), new playground, irrigation, landscaping and signage to Rotary Park (2008). Future Impact on Operating Budget: Increased mowing and utilities- $6,000 Budget: Adopted Budget Budget Amendments Adjusted Budget 2009 Budget YID Actual Expenditures 2010 Budget 09 Budget Balance - - - - - - Activity: Funding Sources: Municipal Parks Construction Fund Grants (Fed,State,Local) Bond Proceeds REET Other Total Funding Sources: Capital Expenditures: Design Right of Way Construction Total Expenditures: (Previous 2 Yrs) Prior to 2009 2009 YE Estimate 2010 Budget 2011 Budget 2010 Year End Project Total 27,700 - - - 25,000 - - - - - - - - - - 30,000 - - - 27,700 - - 25,000 52,700 - - 52,700 - - - - - - - 30,000 - 30,000 52,700 - 52,700 52,700 - - 30,000 52,700 Forecasted Project Cost: Funding Sources: Municipal Parks Construction Fund Grants (Fed,State,Local) Bond Proceeds REET Other Total Funding Sources: Capital Expenditures: Design Right of Way Construction Total Expenditures: 2012 2013 2014 2015 Total 2010 -2015 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 30,000 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 30,000 - - 30,000 - - - - 30,000 Grants / Other Sources: Auburn Rotary 174 SLl spund wad loedwl seed, sa3Jnog Jaylp / sluoi9 004'8 L9 000'09 000'00£ 000'09 000`001. :sainlipuadx3lewl 006'8 L9 000'09 000'00£ 000'09 000'001. uo11orulsuo0 - - - - item lo 14618 - - - - - upsea : salnlipuadx3'elideo 004'81.9 000'09 000'00£ 000'09 000'001 :saalnog 6ulpund ielol 000'OSZ 000'09 - 000'09 000'00 L , (aeg pedwl *Jed) Ja410 - - - - 1338 - - - - - spaaOad puog 000'001. - 000'00L - - (leoo-1' axis 'peg) s ueio 004'89Z - 000'00Z - - pund uoilongsuop saved (edrorunyy :saoanos 6ulpund SLOZ - OLOZ SLOZ 41.0Z £L0Z ZLOZ !owl :iso° laafoad palseoaaoj 004'£6 000`09 004'89 000'SZ - :saanl!Puadx3lelol 004'£6 000'09 00489 000 S - uoyoruisuop - - - item lo14618 - - - - - u6,sao :saanl!puadx3 lel!de3 004'£6 000'09 004'89 000'SZ - :saaanos 6ulpund lelol 000'09 - - - .(wad loedwl )Jed) -la41O - - - - - 1338 - - - - spaapoid puog - - - - - (leoo7'aleis'pad) slueiO 004'£6 - 004'99 000'SZ - pund uoilon.IlsuoQ seed led,Olunyy lelol loafoJd 106Pn8 110Z la6Pn8 0L0Z alewlls3 6002 olaoud :saomos 6ulpund pu3 JeaA 0102 3A 600Z (sJA Z snoinaid) urtunuoy - - - - la6png palsnlpy - sluawpuaw y la6png - la6png paldopy aouele8 la6pn3 sainl!Puedx3 la6png la6png 60 OLOZ Ien13V OIA 600Z :la6png auoN :la6png 6ufleaadO uo loedwl aanind :AaewwnS ssaa6oad -ueld aalseiN s>Ued ayl u! palouap se swoo.lisaJ pue uo!le6w! `spunoa6Aeld 'slow 'siallays 6u!pnpu! sluawanoadw! >ped Jou!W :uolld!aasaa aageA M,l3ede3-uoN xxxxd3 s;uauaanoadwi seed •3slw :aa6euew loafoJd :ad/fl loafoid :oN loafad :ail!1 loafoad pun slaa(oad !elide° ueId saglllaed Iellde° 960Z-040Z `ueld saIlllloef Iellde° aeaA xIs (6Z£) aNfli NOI13fl LLSNOa S)1 IVd 1Vd13INflVI uvvd saiJrlwv, J Ivjidv� Oda udngnv fo 'J ?3 City of Auburn Draft Capital Facilities Plan MUNICIPAL PARKS CONSTRUCTION FUND (321) Six Year Capital Facilities Plan, 2010 -2015 Capital Facilities Plan Capital Projects Fund Project Title: Project No: Project Type: Project Manager: Cameron Park cpxxxx Non - capacity Wuotila Description: Add landscaping to park as a buffer for housing and at play structure, and split rail fencing at play structure. The project is identified in the adopted 2005 -2010 Parks Improvement Plan. Future Impact on Operating Budget: None Budget: Adopted Budget Budget Amendments Adjusted Budget 2009 Budget YTD Actual Expenditures 2010 Budget 09 Budget Balance - - - - - - Activity: Funding Sources: Municipal Parks Construction Fund Grants ( Fed,State,Local) Bond Proceeds REET .Other Total Funding Sources: Capital Expenditures: Design Right of Way Construction Total Expenditures: (Previous 2 Yrs) Prior to 2009 2009 YE Estimate 2010 Budget 2011 Budget 2010 Year End Project Total - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Forecasted Project Cost: Funding Sources: Municipal Parks Construction Fund Grants (Fed,State,Local) Bond Proceeds REET Other Total Funding Sources: Capital Expenditures: Design Right of Way Construction Total Expenditures: 2012 2013 2014 2015 Total 2010 -2015 55,000 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - _ - 55,000 - _ - 55,000 - - 55,000 - - - - - - - - - - - 55,000 _ _ 55,000 55,000 - - - 55,000 rants 81 er ources: 176 City of Auburn Draft Capital Facilities Plan MUNICIPAL PARKS CONSTRUCTION FUND (321) S;x Year Capital Facilities Plan, 2010 -2015 Capital Facilities Plan Capital Projects Fund ,ect Title: Project No: Project Type: .'rojeci Manager: Game Farm Park cpxxxx Non - capacity Wuotila Description: ARRA Energy Grant (2010) for Demolition of 10 poles and lights at the soccer fields to be replaced with six new poles and green lights. KC Youth Sports Grant (2011) for Tennis court and miscellaneous improvements. Project(s) is programmed in the 2005 adopted six -year Parks Improvement Plan. Future Impact on Operating Budget: None Budget: . Adopted Budget Budget Amendments Adjusted Budget 2009 Budget YTD Actual Expenditures 2010 Budget 09 Budget Balance - - - - - - Activity: Funding Sources: Municipal Parks Construction Fund Grants (Fed,Stale,Local) Bond Proceeds REET Other Total Funding Sources: Capital Expenditures: Design Right of Way Construction Total Expenditures: (Previous 2 Yrs) Prior to 2009 2009 YE Estimate 2010 Budget 2011 Budget 2010 Year End Project Total - - - - - - - - - - 31,600 198,400 - - - 12,500 75,000 - - - 31,600 273,400 - - - - - - - - - - - 230,000 - - 230,000 - - 87,500 305,000 - - 230,000 - 230,000 87,500 230,000 Forecasted Project Cost: Funding Sources: Municipal Parks Construction Fund Grants (Fed,State,Local) Bond Proceeds REET Other Total Funding Sources: Capital Expenditures: Design Right of Way Construction Total Expenditures: 2012 2013 2014 2015 Total 2010 -2015 100,000 - - - - 80,000 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 224,100 273,400 - - - 100,000 - - 100,000 80,000 - - 80,000 - - - - - - - - 497,500 - - 497,500 100,000 80,000 - - 497,500 Grants / Other Sources: ARRA Energy Grant (198.4K), KC Youth Sports Grant (75K) 177 City of Auburn Draft Capital Facilities Plan MUNICIPAL PARKS CONSTRUCTION FUND (321) Six Year Capital Facilities Plan, 2010 -2015 Capital Facilities Plan Capital Projects Fund Project Title: Project No: Project Type: Project Manager: Gaines Park cpxxxx Non - capacity Wuotila Description: Develop Horticulture Plan for the Park as indicated in the 2005 -2010 Parks Improvement Plan. Future Impact on Operating Budget: None Budget: Adopted Budget Budget Amendments Adjusted Budget 2009 Budget YTD Actual Expenditures 2010 Budget 09 Budget Balance , - - - - - - Activity: Funding Sources: Municipal Parks Construction Fund Grants (Fed,State,Local) Bond Proceeds REET Other Total Funding Sources: Capital Expenditures: Design Right of Way Construction Total Expenditures: (Previous 2 Yrs) Prior to 2009 2009 YE Estimate 2010 Budget 2011 Budget 2010 Year End Project Total - - - - - - - - _ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Forecasted Project Cost: Funding Sources: Municipal Parks Construction Fund Grants ( Fed,State,Local) Bond Proceeds REET Other Total Funding Sources: Capital Expenditures: Design Right of Way Construction Total Expenditures: 2012 2013 2014 2015 Total 2010 -2015 - - - - 9,500 - - - - - - - - - - - - 9,500 - - - - - - - - 9,500 9,500 - - - - - - - - - - 9,500 9,500 - - - 9,500 - - 9,500 ran s •t er ources: 178 City of Auburn Draft Capital Facilities Plan MUNICIPAL PARKS CONSTRUCTION FUND (321) Six Year Capital Facilities Plan, 2010 -2015 Capital Facilities Plan Capital Projects Fund Project Title: Project No: Project Type: Project Manager: Roegner Park cpxxxx Non - capacity Wuotila Description: This project requires trail system maintenance, play structure replacement and riverbank stabilization. Future Impact on Operating Budget: None Budget: Adopted Budget Budget Amendments Adjusted Budget 2009 Budget WO Actual Expenditures 2010 Budget 09 Budget Balance - - - - - - Activity: Funding Sources: Municipal Parks Construction Fund Grants (Fed, State, Local) Bond Proceeds REET Other Total Funding Sources: Capital Expenditures: Design Right of Way Construction Total Expenditures: (Previous 2 Yrs) Prior to 2009 2009 YE Estimate 2010 Budget 2011 Budget 2010 Year End Project Total - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Forecasted Project Cost: Funding Sources: Municipal Parks Construction Fund Grants (Fed,State,Local) Bond Proceeds REET Other Total Funding Sources: Capital Expenditures: Design Right of Way Construction Total Expenditures: 2012 2013 2014 2015 Total 2010 -2015 65,000 65,000 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 65,000 65,000 - - - 130,000 - 130,000 - - - - - - - - - - - 130,000 - - 130,000 130,000 - - - 130,000 Grants ! Other Sources: State Conservation Grant and Prop. 2 fund 179 City of Auburn Draft Capital Facilities Plan MUNICIPAL PARKS CONSTRUCTION FUND (321) Six Year Capital Facilities Plan, 2010 -2015 Capital Facilities Plan Capital Projects Fund Project Title: Project No: Project Type: Project Manager: White River Trail Extension cp0745 Non capacity Wuotila Description: This project will construct the last leg of the White River Trail between Roegner Park and "A" Street/Oravetz PI. SE. Construction estimates are $268,000 plus design fees to be derived from a State Public Works grant and use of the remaining 1989 Open Space Bond Levy money. Future Impact on Operating Budget: None Budget: Adopted Budget Budget Amendments Adjusted Budget. 2009 Budget YTD Actual Expenditures 2010 Budget 09 Budget Balance - - - - - - Activity: Funding Sources: Municipal Parks Construction Fund Grants (Fed,State,Local) Bond Proceeds REET1 Other (Fund 102, )' Total Funding Sources: Capital Expenditures: Design Right of Way Construction Total Expenditures: (Previous 2 Yrs) Prior to 2009 2009 YE Estimate 2010 Budget 2011 Budget 2010 Year End Project Total - - 37,700 - - - 40,000 - - - - 227,400 - - - - - - - - - 267,400 37,700 - . - 37,700 37,700 - - 40,000 40,000 - - 227,400 12,500 - 214,900 - - - - 305,100 90,200 - 214,900 37,700 40,000 227,400 - 305,100 Forecasted Project Cost: Funding Sources: Municipal Parks Construction Fund Grants (Fed, State,Local) Bond Proceeds REET1 Other (Fund 102, ) • 2012 2013 2014 2015 Total 2010 -2015 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 227,400 _ - - Total Funding Sources: Capital Expenditures: Design Right of Way Construction - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 227,400 12,500 - 214,900 Total Expenditures: - - - - 227,400 ran s • er ources• • • • •pen ace :on. rant 107.4 ), Public Works Vitality Grant (160K) 180 City of Auburn Draft Capital Facilities Plan MUNICIPAL PARKS CONSTRUCTION FUND (321) Six Year Capital Facilities Plan, 2010 -2015 Capital Facilities Plan Capital Projects Fund Project Title: Project No: Project Type: Project Manager. Auburndale Park cpxxxx Non capacity Wuotila Description: Develop a Master Plan for the Park in 2011; install an irrigation system, new play structure and improve signage in 2012. Future Impact on Operating Budget: Utilities would increase by $2,000 Budget: Adopted Budget Budget Amendments Adjusted Budget 2009 Budget YTD Actual Expenditures 2010 Budget 09 Budget Balance - - - - - - Activity: Funding Sources: Municipal Parks Construction Fund Grants (Fed,State,Local) Bond Proceeds REET Other (Other Agency) * Total Funding Sources: Capital Expenditures: Design Right of Way Construction Total Expenditures: (Previous 2 Yrs) Prior to 2009 2009 YE Estimate 2010 Budget 2011 Budget 2010 Year End Project Total - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 25,000 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 25,000 25,000 - - - - - - - 25,000 - Forecasted Project Cost: Funding Sources: Municipal Parks Construction Fund Grants (Fed,State,Local) Bond Proceeds REET Other (Other Agency)' Total Funding Sources: Capital Expenditures: Design Right of Way Construction Total Expenditures: 2012 2013 2014 2015 Total 2010 -2015 - 50,000 - 50,000 - - - - - - - - - - - - 25,000 50,000 - - 50,000 100,000 - - 100,000 - - - - - - - - - - - - 125,000 25,000 - 100,000 100,000 - - - 125,000 Grants / Other Sources: *Grant from State Recreation and Conservation matched with service club donation 181 City of Auburn Draft Capital Facilities Plan MUNICIPAL PARKS CONSTRUCTION FUND (321) Six Year Capital Facilities Plan, 2010 -2015 Capital Facilities Plan Capital Projects Fund Project Title: Project No: Project Type: Project Manager: Auburndale Park II cpxxxx Non capacity Wuotila Description: Develop a Master Plan in 2010; improve the existing trail system and install signage and play structure. Future Impact on Operating Budget: Increased utility costs of $2,000 Budget: Adopted Budget Budget Amendments Adjusted Budget 2009 Budget YTD Actual Expenditures 2010 Budget 09 Budget Balance - - - - - Activity: Funding Sources: Municipal Parks Construction Fund Grants (Fed.State,Local) Bond Proceeds REET Other Total Funding Sources: Capital Expenditures: Design Right of Way Construction Total Expenditures: (Previous 2 Yrs) Prior to 2009 2009 YE Estimate 2010 Budget 2011 Budget 2010 Year End Project Total - - - - - - - - - - 10,000 10,000 - - - 50,000 50,000 - - - 10,000 10,000 - - - - - - - - - - - 20,000 20,000 - - 100,000 - - 100,000 20,000 - - - - 20,000 100,000 20,000 Forecasted Project Cost: Funding Sources: Municipal Parks Construction Fund Grants (Fed,Slate,Local) Bond Proceeds REET Other Total Funding Sources: Capital Expenditures: Design Right of Way Construction Total Expenditures: 2012 2013 2014 2015 Total 2010 -2015 - - - - - - - - - - - - - _ _ - - - _ - 60,000 60,000 - _ - - - - - - - - - - - - _ - 120,000 20,000 _ 100,000 - - - - 120,000 ran s • er ources: ino punt y outh Sp y 182 City of Auburn Draft Capital Facilities Plan MUNICIPAL PARKS CONSTRUCTION FUND (321) Six Year Capital Facilities Plan, 2010 -2015 Capital Facilities Plan Capital Projects Fund Project Title: Project No: Project Type: Project Manager: Centennial Viewpoint Park cpxxxx Non capacity Wuotila Description: Develop a landscape plan for the park and remove antenna from building. Future Impact on Operating Budget: None Budget: Adopted Budget Budget Amendments Adjusted Budget 2009 Budget YTD Actual Expenditures 2010 Budget 09 Budget Balance - - - - - - Activity: Funding Sources: Municipal Parks Construction Fund Grants (Fed, State, Local) Bond Proceeds REET Other Total Funding Sources: Capital Expenditures: Design Right of Way Construction Total Expenditures: (Previous 2 Yrs) Prior to 2009 2009 YE Estimate 2010 Budget 2011 Budget 2010 Year End Project Total - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Forecasted Project Cost: Funding Sources: Municipal Parks Construction Fund Grants (Fed, State, Local) Bond Proceeds REET Other Total Funding Sources: Capital Expenditures: Design Right of Way Construction Total Expenditures: 2012 2013 2014 2015 Total 2010 -2015 - - - - - 35,000 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 35,000 - - - - - - - - 35,000 7,500 - 27,500 - - - - - - - - 35,000 7,500 - 27,500 - 35,000 - - 35,000 Grants / Other Sources: 183 City of Auburn Draft Capital Facilities Plan MUNICIPAL PARKS CONSTRUCTION FUND (321) Six Year Capital Facilities Plan, 2010 -2015 Capital Facilities Plan Capital Projects Fund Project Title: Project No: Project Type: Project Manager: BPA Trail Lea Hill cpxxxx Non capacity Wuotila Description: Develop a feasibility /due diligence study to determine the extent of issue with trail design and alignments along the BPA corridor on Lea Hill between 132nd Ave SE and 108th Ave SE, from Jacobson Tree Farm to the east line of the Auburn Golf Course. Construct the Trail in subsequent phases. Progress Summary: Future Impact on Operating Budget: None Budget: 2009 YTD Actual 2010 09 Budget Budget Expenditures Budget Balance Adopted Budget - Budget Amendments - Adjusted Budget - - - - Activity: (Previous 2 Yrs) 2009 YE 2010 Year End Funding Sources: Prior to 2009 Estimate 2010 Budget 2011 Budget Project Total Municipal Parks Construction Fund - - - - - Grants (Fed, State, Local) - - - 150,000 - Bond Proceeds - - - - - REET - - - - - Other (KC Prop. 2)* - 10,000 35,000 150,000 45,000 Total Funding Sources: - 10,000 35,000 300,000 45,000 Capital Expenditures: Design - 10,000 35,000 - 45,000 Right of Way - - - - Construction - - - 300,000 - Total Expenditures: - 10,000 35,000 300,000 45,000 Forecasted Project Cost: Total 2012 2013 2014 2015 2010 -2015 Funding Sources: Municipal Parks Construction Fund 100,000 - 100,000 Grants (Fed,State,Local) - - - 100,000 250,000 Bond Proceeds - - - - - REET - - - - - Other (KC Prop. 2)* 100,000 100,000 - 50,000 435,000 Total Funding Sources: 100,000 100,000 785,000 Capital Expenditures: Design - - - 35,000 Right of Way - - - - - Construction 100,000 100,000 100,000 150,000 750,000 Total Expenditures: 100,000 100,000 100,000 150,000 785,000 • • r- i ing oun y rop. un•s 184 City of Auburn Draft Capital Facilities Plan MUNICIPAL PARKS CONSTRUCTION FUND (321) Six Year Capital Facilities Plan, 2010 -2015 Capital Facilities Plan Capital Projects Fund Project Title: Project No: Project Type: Project Manager: Lakeland Park #4 cpXXXX Non - capacity Wuotila Description: Develop a design for a dog park and construct the park. Open grassed fields, fencing, parking and visitor amenities are included in the project Progress Summary: Future Impact on Operating Budget: None Budget: Adopted Budget Budget Amendments Adjusted Budget 2009 Budget YTD Actual Expenditures 2010 Budget 09 Budget Balance - - - - - - Activity: Funding Sources: Municipal Parks Construction Fund Grants (Fed,State,Local) Bond Proceeds REET Other Total Funding Sources: Capital Expenditures: Design Right of Way Construction Total Expenditures: (Previous 2 Yrs) Prior to 2009 2009 YE Estimate 2010 Budget 2011 Budget 2010 Year End Project Total - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Forecasted Project Cost: Funding Sources: Municipal Parks Construction Fund Grants (Fed,Stale,Local) Bond Proceeds REET Other Total Funding Sources: Capital Expenditures: Design Right of Way Construction Total Expenditures: 2012 2013 2014 2015 Total 2010 -2015 - - - - - - - - 150,000 150,000 - - 150,000 150,000 - - 300,000 300,000 - - - - - - - - - - - 300,000 30,000 - 270,000 300,000 - - 300,000 600,000 30,000 - 570,000 - - 300,000 300,000 600,000 Grants / Other Sources: 185 City of Auburn Draft Capital Facilities Plan MUNICIPAL PARKS CONSTRUCTION FUND (321) Six Year Capital Facilities Plan, 2010 -2015 Capital Facilities Plan Capital Projects Fund Project Title: Project No: Project Type: Project Manager: Williams Pipeline Trail cpXXXX non capacity Wuotila Description: Develop a design for a multi purpose trail over the Williams pipeline right -of -way, and construct the trail from Bridget Avenue SE to the White River Trail in the southeast part of the City. Progress Summary: Future Impact on Operating Budget: None Budget: Adopted Budget Budget Amendments Adjusted Budget 2009 Budget YTD Actual Expenditures 2010 Budget 09 Budget Balance - - - - - - Activity: Funding Sources: Municipal Parks Construction Fund Grants (Fed,State,Local) Bond Proceeds , REET Other Total Funding Sources: Capital Expenditures: Design Right of Way Construction Total Expenditures: (Previous 2 Yrs) Prior to 2009 2009 YE Estimate 2010 Budget 2011 Budget 2010 Year End Project Total - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Forecasted Project Cost: Funding Sources: Municipal Parks Construction Fund Grants (Fed,State,Local) Bond Proceeds REET Other Total Funding Sources: Capital Expenditures: Design Right of Way Construction 2012 2013 2014 2015 Total 2010 -2015 - - - - - - - - - - 100,000 100,000 _ - - 100,000 100,000 - - _ 200,000 200,000 _ _ - - - - - - - _ - 200,000 25,000 - 175,000 200,000 - - 200,000 400,000 25,000 - 375,000 Total Expenditures: - - 200,000 200,000 400,000 -n s • er ources: 186 City of Auburn Draft Capital Facilities Plan TABLE PR -3 Impact on Future Operating Budgets PARKS and RECREATION, Including MUNICIPAL PARKS CONSTRUCTION Project: 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 Total 1 Park Acquisitions $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 2 Les Gove Park Improvements 3 Issac Evans Park 6,000 6,000 6,000 6,000 6,000 30,000 4 Jacobsen Tree Farm 5 Fulmer Park Improvements 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 50,000 6 Auburn Community Center 44,200 55,250 55,250 55,250 55,250 265,200 7 Auburn Activity Center 19,600 24,500 24,500 24,500 24,500 117,600 8 Veteran's Park Improv. 9 Olson Canyon Farm Restoration 10 Auburn Environmental Park 11 Shaughnessy Park Improv. 6,000 6,000 6,000 6,000 6,000 30,000 12 Rotary Park Improv. 6,000 6,000 6,000 6,000 6,000 30,000 13 Misc. Park Improvements 14 Cameron Park 15 Game Farm Park 16 Gaines Park 17 Roegner Park 18 White River Trail Ext. 19 Auburndale Park 2,000 2,000 2,000 2,000 8,000 20 Auburndale Park Il 2,000 2,000 2,000 2,000 2,000 10,000 21 Centennial Viewpoint Park 22 BPA Trail Lea Hill - 23 Lakeland Park #4 24 Williams Pipeline Trail Total $ $ 93,800 $ 111,750 $ 111,750 $ 111,750 $ 111,750 $ 540,800 187 City of Auburn Draft Capital Facilities Plan COMMUNITY /ACTIVITY CENTER Current Facilities The City of Auburn currently does not have a community /Activity Center. Level of Service (LOS) The City does not have a current LOS for a Community /Activity Center. The proposed LOS of 456.12 square feet per 1,000 population is based on the projected inventory divided by the 2015 projected citywide population of 72,350. Capital Facilities Projects and Financing The proposed Community /Activity Center facility construction projects are a 6 -year planning expectation total of $12,694,200. Impact on Future Operating Budgets Based on outcome of feasibility study, increased costs to the general fund may be seen. TABLE PR-4 Facilities Inventory Community /Activity Center FACILITY CAPACITY (Square Feet) LOCATION Existing Inventory: None Total Existing Inventory Proposed Capacity Projects: Community /Activity Center 33,000 Total Proposed Capacity Projects 33,000 2015 Projected Inventory Total 33,000 188 City of Auburn Draft Capital Facilities Plan SENIOR CENTER Current Facilities The City of Auburn currently has one Senior Center. Table PR -5 Facilities Inventory lists the facility along with its current capacity and location. Level of Service (LOS) The current LOS of 186.69 square feet per 1,000 population is based on the existing inventory divided by the 2009 citywide population of 67,485. The proposed LOS of 174.15 square feet per 1,000 population is based on the projected inventory divided by the 2015 projected citywide population of 72,350. Capital Facilities Projects and Financing The CFP includes one senior center capital facilities project for an emergency generator. Detailed project information is located under the General Municipal Buildings section. Impact on Future Operating Budgets There are no operating budget impacts forecasted for the senior center facility during the six years 2011 — 2016. TABLE PR -5 Facilities Inventory Senior Center FACILITY CAPACITY (Square Feet) LOCATION Existing Inventory: Senior Center Total Existing Inventory Proposed Capacity Projects: None Total Proposed Capacity Projects 2015 Projected Inventory Total 12,600 808 9th Street SE 12,600 12,600 189 ^.¢.(tattsav ',414.CLk.ve...0.4046,04,1„ MORE THAN YOU IMAGINED City of Auburn Draft Capital Facilities Plan GENERAL MUNICIPAL BUILDINGS Current Facilities The current inventory of City government administration and operations facilities include 89,975 square feet for general government operations, 62,188 square feet for police services, and 31,673 square feet for fire protection, for a total of 183,816 square feet. Table GM — 1 "Facilities Inventory" lists the facilities along with their current capacity and location. Level of Service (LOS) The current LOS of 2,723.60 square feet per 1,000 population is based on the existing inventory divided by the 2009 citywide population of 67,485. The proposed LOS of 3,826.07 square feet per 1,000 population is based on the projected inventory divided by the 2015 projected citywide population of 72,350. Capital Facilities Projects and Financing The City's General Municipal Building facilities include four capital projects at a cost of $2,043,000. The projects include (1) $250,000 for Equipment Rental vehicle maintenance bay, (2) $100,000 for M &O vehicle bay and storage building, (3) $200,000 VHF Radio upgrade, (4) $700,000 for M &O Expansion, (5) $640,000 for HVAC Upgrades at City Hall and (6) $153,000 for PRAB & Senior Center Generator. Table GM — 2 shows the proposed financing plan followed by individual worksheets showing the project detail. Impact on Future Operating Budgets Operating budget impacts annually are not yet forecast for general municipal buildings during the six years 2011 — 2016. 191 TABLE GM -1 City of Auburn Draft Capital Facilities Plan Facilities Inventory General Municipal Buildings FACILITY CAPACITY (Square Feet) LOCATION Existing Inventory: General Government: City Hall City Maintenance & Operations Facility Parks & Recreation Admin. Facility Street Waste Handling Facility Municipal Court (Justice Center) GSA Building Total Police: Headquarters (Justice Center) Supermall substation Bicycle storage Gun range Seized vehicle parking stalls Total Fire: Stations: North Station #31 South Station #32 GSA Station #33 Other Facilities: North Station Maint. Facility Total 37,700 25,855 7,000 2,750 12,200 4,470 89,975 25 W. Main Street 1305 'C' Street SW 910 9th Street SE 1305 'C' Street SW 340 E. Main Street 2905 C Street #815 24,800 340 E. Main Street 1,208 1101 Supermall Way 300 15 N. Division Street 32,880 1600 Block 15th St. NW 3,000 'C' Street SW (GSA) 62,188 12,220 1101 'D' Street NE 5,200 1951 'R' Street SE 9,533 2815 'C' Street SW 4,700 1101 'D' Street NE 31,653 Total Existing Inventory 183,816 Proposed Capacity Projects: City Hall Annex Community /Activity Center Total Proposed Capacity Projects 2015 Projected Inventory Total 58,000 1 W Main Street 33,000 91,000 274,816 192 City of Auburn Draft Capital Facilities Plan TABLE GM -2 CAPITAL FACILITIES PLAN PROJECTS AND FINANCING GENERAL MUNICIPAL BUILDINGS 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 Total Capacity Projects: 1 Vehicle Maintenance Bay Capital Costs 250,000 250,000 Funding Sources: Equip. Rental Fund 250,000 250,000 2 M &O Vehicle Bay & Storage Capital Costs Funding Sources: Equip. Rental Fund 100,000 100,000 100,000 100,000 3 VHF Radio System Upgrade Capital Costs 200,000 200,000 Funding Sources: Equip. Rental Fund 200,000 200,000 4 Maintenance and Operations Expansion Capital Costs 350,000 350,000 700,000 Funding Sources: Equip. Rental Fund - - Other 350,000 350,000 700,000 Non - Capacity Projects: 5 City Hall HVAC System Upgrade Capital Costs 640,000 640,000 Funding Sources: Capital Improve (328) REET 1 640,000 640,000 6 PRAB & Senior Center Generator Capital Costs 153,000 153,000 Funding Sources: Capital Improve (328) REET 1 153,000 153,000 SUMMARY: CAPITAL COSTS Capacity Projects Non - Capacity Projects Total Costs FUNDING SOURCES: Equip. Rental Fund Grants (Fed,State,Local) REET 1 Other Total Funding 550,000 793,000 1,343,000 550,000 793,000 350,000 350,000 1,250,000 640,000 350,000 350,000 2,043,000 550,000 1,343,000 193 793,000 350,000 350,000 700,000 350,000 350,000 2,043,000 City of Auburn Draft Capital Facilities Plan EQUIPMENT RENTAL FUND (550) Six Year Capital Facilities Plan, 2010 -2015 Capital Facilities Plan Enterprise Funds Project Title: Project No: Project Type: Project Manager: Equipment Rental Vehicle Maintenance Bay cp0710 Description: Add additional vehicle bay at Equipment Rental shop for heavy equipment and large vehicles to improve efficiency and remove choke points. Adding a large vehicle bay with a maintenance pit will enable us to perform inspections and maintenance on more than one large vehicle at a time, and while loaded with product, ie.. sand, water, debris, sewage. Currently several hours of work have to be undone and then repeated due to our limitations. Not only is this counterproductive, but it can be catastrophic during critical operations. Progress Summary: Future Impact on Operating Budget: None Budget: 2009 YTD Actual 2010 09 Budget Budget Expenditures Budget Balance Adopted Budget - Budget Amendments - Adjusted Budget - - - - Activity: (Previous 2 Yrs) 2009 YE 2010 Year End Funding Sources: Prior to 2009 Estimate 2010 Budget 2011 Budget Project Total Unrestricted Equip. Rental Revenue - 250,000 250.000 - 500,000 Grants (Fed, State, Local) - - - - _ Other - - - - _ Total Funding Sources: - 250,000 250,000 - 500,000 Capital Expenditures: Design - 25,000 - - 25,000 Right of Way - - - - - Construction - 225,000 250,000 - 475,000 Total Expenditures: - 250,000 250,000 - 500,000 Forecasted Project Cost: Total 2012 2013 2014 2015 2010 -2015 Funding Sources: Unrestricted Equip. Rental Revenue - - - - 250,000 Grants (Fed,State,Local) - - - _ _ Other - - - - _ Total Funding Sources: - - - - 250,000 Capital Expenditures: Design - - _ _ _ Right of Way - - - - Construction - - - - 250,000 Total Expenditures: - - - - 250,000 rants other ources• 194 City of Auburn Draft Capital Facilities Plan EQUIPMENT RENTAL FUND (550) Six Year Capital Facilities Plan, 2010 -2015 Capital Facilities Plan Enterprise Funds Project Title: Project No: Project Type: Project Manager: Maintenance and Operations Vehicle Bay and Storage cp0710 Description: Add three insulated vehicle bays for Vactor storage to provide year -round protection. These vehicles hold large quantities of water on board at all times enabling them to be immediately dispatched in the event of an emergency. This requires them to be protected from freezing temperatures. Draining their large tanks each day would cause a dispatch delay while refilling, that could result in extraordinary damage to public and private property in an emergency situation. Enclose existing bays to provide necessary weather protection for street sweepers, sanding, and snow plow equipment . Construct storage shed to facilitate removal of portable containers, improving space utilization and traffic flow thoughout M &O. Progress Summary:. Future Impact on Operating Budget: None Budget: 2009 YTD Actual 2010 09 Budget Budget Expenditures Budget Balance Adopted Budget - Budget Amendments - Adjusted Budget - - - - Activity: (Previous 2 Yrs) 2009 YE 2010 Year End Funding Sources: Prior to 2009 Estimate 2010 Budget 2011 Budget Project Total Unrestricted Equip. Rental Revenue - 100,000 100,000 - 200.000 Grants (Fed, State, Local) - - - - - Other - - - - - Total Funding Sources: - 100,000 100,000 - 200,000 . Capital Expenditures: Design - - - - - Right of Way - - - - Construction - 100,000 100,000 - 200,000 Total Expenditures: - 100,000 100,000 - 200,000 Forecasted Project Cost: Total 2012 2013 2014 2015 2010 -2015 Funding Sources: Unrestricted Equip. Rental Revenue - - - - 100,000 Grants (Fed,State,Local) - - - - - Other - - - - - Total Funding Sources: - - - - 100,000 Capital Expenditures: Design - - - - - Right of Way - - - - - Construction - - - - 100,000 Total Expenditures: - - - - 100,000 Grants / Other Sources- 195 City of Auburn Draft Capital Facilities Plan EQUIPMENT RENTAL FUND (550) Six Year Capital Facilities Plan, 2010 -2015 Capital Facilities Plan Enterprise Funds Project Title: Project No: Project Type: Project Manager: VHF Radio System Upgrade cp0908 Description: Replace existing phone system based VHF radio system with a repeater based system, the existing system is dependant on the phone company lines to transmit and if during an event the phone system stops working our radio system does not work. The proposed system is a stand alone repeater based system with back -up power that we will control all links of the communication, with this system even if a repeater stops working we will only have a reduced level of service in that area. Progress Summary: Future Impact on Operating Budget: None, plus we will no longer be paying for the phone company lease lines to operate the radio. Budget: 2009 YTD Actual 2010 09 Budget Budget Expenditures Budget Balance Adopted Budget - - - - Budget Amendments - - - - Adjusted Budget - - - - Activity: (Previous 2 Yrs) 2009 YE 2010 Year End Funding Sources: Prior to 2009 Estimate 2010 Budget 2011 Budget Project Total Unrestricted Equip. Rental Revenue - - 200,000 - 200,000 Grants (Fed, State, Local) - - - - - PWTFL - - - - - Other - - - - - Total Funding Sources: - - 200,000 - 200,000 Capital Expenditures: • Design - - - - - Right of Way - - - - - Construction - - 200,000 - 200,000 Total Expenditures: - - 200,000 - 200,000 Forecasted Project Cost: Total 2012 2013 2014 2015 2010 -2015 Funding Sources: Unrestricted Equip. Rental Revenue - - - - 200,000 Grants (Fed, State, Local) - - - PWTFL - - - - - Other - - Total Funding Sources: - - - - 200,000 Capital Expenditures: Design - - - - - Right of Way - - - - Construction - - - - 200 000 Total Expenditures: - - - - 200,000 ran s • er ources• 196 L6l lgaa :sa3Jnos J01110 / slueio 000'00[ - - 000'09£ 000'0S£ :sainllpuadx31elol 000'00[ 000'OOL - - 000'09£ - - - - - - - 000'0S£ 000'09£ uoilonhisuo3 - item 10146!8 - u6isaa :saJnllpuadx3 lelldeo 000'0S£ :saalnos 6ulpunJ Ielol 000'00[ - - - - 000'09£ - - - - - - - - - 000'05£ Ja410 - 7d1Md - (leoo7'aleis'pad) slueio - anuanadJaaJls palo!JlsaJUn :sa3Jnos 6ulpund 510Z-010Z Ielol SIOZ PIOZ £10Z ZIOZ 3S03 )30(0.1d pa1seaaJod - - - - :saJnllpuadx3lelol - - - - - - - - - - - uo!Ongsuo0 - AeM Jo 14618 - u6isag : saJnl!Puadx3 1e0e0 - :saainos 6ulpund lelol - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Jet//0 - 7d1N1d - (leao7'alelS'Pad) slue-10 - anuana8laans pampsaiun lelol 134/id Pu3 JeaA 010Z 1a6pn8 H0 Z 2a6p08 010Z alew!ls3 3A 600Z 600Z 01.1011d :se3Jnos 6ulpund (sJA z snoinaid) :Al!Ag3y - - - - la6pn8 palsnfpy - - - - - - - sluawpuawyla5png la6pn8 paldopy a3uele8 la6pn8 60 la6pn8 saJnlupuadx3 la6pn8 010Z Ienlotl OLl 600Z :la6pn8 :la6pn8 6ugeJadp uo loedwf alnIn3 :JVewwns sser6o1d .I !Iioe; aigeuielu!ew pue )euoiloun; aJOw e olu! 6uippnq um 6ugsixa ay; japowaJ of paleoolle spun] :uoflduasa0 881 ( ;uawenoJdwl) fqloede3 -uoN xxxxdo uoisuedx3 suogeJadp pue aoueue u!ew :Ja6euen loafoJd :adA1 loafoJd :oN loafoJd :811!1 loafad spund asudlalu3 uefd safifffae3 felfdeo SIAM-01-0Z `Uefd sa!iflpoe3 felfdeo Jew, xis (095) ONflJ 1VIN3211N31Ndlf103 uv /d sari ?p?avg jv1rdv,' u.cngnvfo eflo 861 'sawJn° JeU1fl / slue) 000'049 - - - - :saJnllpuadx3lelol 000'049 - - - - uogonijsuoO - - - - - /fem Jo 146!a - - - - u61saa :saJnllpuadx3 Ie!de3 000'049 - - - - :saaJnog 6uipun3 Ielol - - - JayJO 000'049 - - - - 11338 - - - - (leool'aJe1S'ped) slueJO - - - - - anuanaa noJdwl •de3 paJOUJSaJun :saainos 6ulpun3 S10Z-0I0Z 9LOZ PI0 £1.0Z ZIOZ Ielol :Isoa laafoJd palse3a4od 000'00L - 000'049 000'09 - :sainllpuadx3lelol 000'OOL - 000'049 000'09 - uoponJJSU00 - - - - feM Jo J46!a - - - - - u6!saO :saJn!puadx3 Iel!de3 000'OOL - 000'049 000'09 - :saoJnos 6uipun3 Ielol - - - Ja41O 000'00L - 000'049 00009 - 11338 • - - - (leoo7'alels'peg) slueio - - - - - anuanaa •noJdwJ -de3 paloulsa)un WW1 loafoid Ja6png I40Z la6png O1.0Z alew!ls3 6002 olJOIJd :sa3Jnog 6ulpun3 pu3 JeaA 010Z 3A 600Z (s)A Z snoina)d) :J(ilnl13V - - - - 1a6png palsnfpy - sluawpuawy Ja6png - Ja6png paldopy a3ueleg Ja6png saJnllpuadx3 la6png la6png 60 01.0Z IenPV MLA 600Z :;a6pne auoN :;a6png 6upeiado uo pedwi aJninj :Ammons ssaz6oJd .sJee/ leianas lxau 941.13A0 aaeld u! Ind aq uea legl ueld uo!leluawaldw! pasegd 'a!lewalsi(s e ap!noid osle I1!^^ ll 'sluauodwoa 6u!Ipueq me pue uognqu)s!p me 'sloJ}uoo at)) o} sapei6dn Jo} moue II!^^ sluawano.dwl •wals/s (3WAH) 6u!uo!1!pu03-J!e pue '6uuel!luen '6u!leaq !pH /(1!a aql o} sapeibdn }o uo!leluawaldw! pue u6!saa :uondu3saa sa1101 itil3edeO -UoN 96L0d3 aper6dn we sIs 3VAH IIeH X313 :Ja6euen loafoJd :ad1(1 loafOJd :oN loafoJd :a!)!1 loafoJd punt s ;aafoJd 1e31dea ueld sall!Ifaed leifdea 910Z-010Z 'ueld salilllaeA fe;fde3 JeaA x!9 (8Z£) aN(1l 1NJlN AO idINI 1Vd11dV3 uvld sa! ;qpv, J ivj ;dnj i vd j u4ngn * fo r� City of Auburn Draft Capital Facilities Plan CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT FUND (328) Six Year Capital Facilities Plan, 2010 -2015 Capital Facilities Plan Capital Projects Fund Project Title: Project No: Project Type: Project Manager: PRAB & Senior Center Generator cp0913 Non - Capacity Torres Description: Project consists of the purchase and installation of 2 emergency stand -by generators serving the Senior Center and Parks & Rec Bldg at Les Gove Park. Progress Summary: Future Impact on Operating Budget: None Budget: Adopted Budget Budget Amendments Adjusted Budget 2009 Budget YTD Actual Expenditures 2010 Budget 09 Budget Balance - - - - - - Activity: Funding Sources: Unrestricted Cap. Improv. Revenue Grants ( Fed,State,Local) REET I Other Total Funding Sources: Capital Expenditures: Design Right of Way Construction Total Expenditures: (Previous 2 Yrs) Prior to 2009 2009 YE Estimate 2010 Budget 2011 Budget 2010 Year End Project Total - - - - - - 97,000 - - - 153,000 - - - - - - - 250,000 - - - - - 97,000 - - 97,000 153,000 - - 153,000 - - - - 250,000 - 250,000 - 97,000 153,000 - 250,000 Forecasted Project Cost: Funding Sources: Unrestricted Cap. Improv. Revenue Grants (Fed,State,Local) REET I Other Total Funding Sources: Capital Expenditures: Design Right of Way Construction Total Expenditures: 2012 2013 2014 2015 Total 2010 -2015 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 153,000 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 153,000 - - 153,000 - - - - 153,000 Grants / Other Sources: 199 .MORE THAN • YOU IMAGINED City of Auburn Draft Capital Facilities Plan COMMUNITY IMPROVEMENTS Current Facilities In 2002, the City entered into a 99 -year lease with the Central Puget Sound Regional Transit Authority (Sound Transit) for the use of 180 parking stalls and the right to sublease the Commercial Tenant area of the transit center parking garage and retail area. Level of Service (LOS) No Level of Service for community improvement projects have been identified at this time. Capital Facilities Projects and Financing The City's proposed Community Improvements include nine capital projects at a cost of $34,217,253. Table CI -2 shows the proposed financing plan followed by individual work sheets showing the project detail. Impact on Future Operating Budgets There are no operating budget impacts forecast for community improvement projects annually during the six years 2011 — 2016. 201 TABLE CI -2 City of Auburn Draft Capital Facilities Plan CAPITAL FACILITIES PLAN PROJECTS AND FINANCING COMMUNITY IMPROVEMENTS 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 Total Capacity Projects: None Non - Capacity Projects: 1 Annual Sidewalk Improvements Capital Costs Funding Sources: Capital Improv. Fund Grants (Fed,State,Local) REET 2 180,000 20,000 180,000 20,000 180,000 580,000 180,000 20,000 180,000 20,000 180,000 580,000 2 Traffic Calming Improvements Capital Costs 100,000 200,000 200,000 200,000 200,000 200,000 1,100,000 Funding Sources: Capital Improv. Fund Grants (Fed,State,Local) REET 2 Other (Redflex) 100,000 200,000 200,000 200,000 200,000 200,000 1,100,000 3 Traffic Signal Improvements Capital Costs 100,000 200,000 200,000 500,000 Funding Sources: Capital Improv. Fund Grants (Fed,State,Local) - - REET 2 100,000 200,000 200,000 500,000 4 Downtown Revitalization Capital Costs 500,000 500,000 500,000 500,000 500,000 2,500,000 Funding Sources: Capital Improvement Fund - - - General Fund 500,000 500,000 500,000 500,000 500,000 2,500,000 5 Mill Creek Restoration Capital Costs 170,000 - 170,000 Funding Sources: General Fund 150,000 150,000 Grants (Fed,State,Local) 20,000 20,000 REET 2 5 Mohawks Plastics Site Mitigation Project Capital Costs 242,000 10,000 8,000 5,000 5,000 5,000 275,000 Funding Sources: General Fund - Other (Traffic Impact) 130,000 - - 130,000 REET 2 112,000 10,000 8,000 5,000 5,000 5,000 145,000 6 Maintenance & Operations Satellite Facilities Capital Costs 200,000 200,000 Funding Sources: Capital Improv. Fund 200,000 200,000 Grants (Fed,State,Local) - - REET 2 202 City of Auburn Draft Capital Facilities Plan TABLE CI -2 (continued) Non - Capacity Protects: 7 City Hall Annex Capital Costs Funding Sources: Capital Improv. Interest Capital Improv. Downtown Capital Improv. Other EOC Grant REET 1 Other (Dev Contribution) Other (GO Bonds) 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 Total 25,292,253 25,292,253 837,963 837,963 40,000 136,100 1,778,315 22,499,875 8 City Hall Plaza Capital Costs Funding Sources: Capital Improv. Fund Grants ( Fed,State,Local) REET 2 600,000 600,000 40,000 136,100 1,778,315 22,499,875 600,000 600,000 9 Local Revitalization Capital Costs 500,000 500,000 500,000 500,000 500,000 500,000 3,000,000 Funding Sources: Capital Improv. Fund Grants (Fed,State,Local) - - - - REET 2 250,000 250,000 250,000 250,000 250,000 250,000 1,500,000 Other (LRF) 250,000 250,000 250,000 250,000 250,000 250,000 1,500,000 SUMMARY: CAPITAL COSTS Capacity Projects Non - Capacity Projects Total Costs 27,004,253 1,390,000 1,628,000 1,385,000 1,425,000 1,385,000 34,217,253 27,004,253 1,390,000 1,628,000 1,385,000 1,425,000 1,385,000 34,217,253 FUNDING SOURCES: Capital Improv. Fund 600,000 180,000 220,000 180,000 20,000 180,000 1,380,000 Capital lmprov. Interest - - - Capital Improv. Downtown 837,963 837,963 Capital Improv. Other - - General Fund 150,000 500,000 500,000 500,000 500,000 500,000 2,650,000 Grants (Fed,State,Local) 60,000 - - - 60,000 REET 1 136,100 - - - 136,100 REET 2 462,000 260,000 458,000 255,000 455,000 255,000 2,145,000 Other (Dev Contribution) 1,778,315 - - 1,778,315 Other (GO Bonds) 22,499,875 - - - 22,499,875 Other (LRF) 250,000 250,000 250,000 250,000 250,000 250,000 1,500,000 Other (Traffic Impact) 130,000 - - 130,000 Other (Reditex) 100,000 200,000 200,000 200,000 200,000 200,000 1,100,000 Total Funding 27,004,253 1,390,000 1,628,000 1,385,000 1,425,000 1,385,000 34,217,253 203 City of Auburn Draft Capital Facilities Plan CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT FUND (328) Six Year Capital Facilities Plan, 2010 -2015 Capital Facilities Plan Capital Projects Fund Project Title: Project No: Project Type: Project Manager: Citywide Sidewalk Improvements varies Non - Capacity (Bi- Annual) Seth Wickstrom TIP #32 Description: Project will fund sidewalk improvements to a variety of locations throughout the city. A sidewalk inventory was completed in 2004. Annual projects are selected based upon criteria such as: gap closure, safe walking routes to schools, completion of downtown pedestrian corridor or "linkage ", connectivity to transit services, ADA requirements, and "Save our Streets" (SOS) project locations. , Progress Summary: Future Impact on Operating Budget: Budget: 2009 YTD Actual 2010 09 Budget Budget Expenditures Budget Balance Adopted Budget Budget Amendments - Adjusted Budget - - - - Activity: (Previous 2 Yrs) 2009 YE 2010 Year End Funding Sources: Prior to 2009 Estimate 2010 Budget 2011 Budget Project Total Unrestricted Cap. lmprov. Revenue - 200,000 - 180,000 200,000 Grants (Fed,State,Local) - - - - - REET2 - - - - - Other - - - - - Total Funding Sources: - 200,000 - 180,000 200,000 Capital Expenditures: Design - 20,000 - 10,000 20,000 Right of Way - - - - - Construction - 180,000 - 170,000 180,000 Total Expenditures: - 200,000 - 180,000 200,000 Forecasted Project Cost: Total 2012 2013 2014 2015 2010 -2015 Funding Sources: Unrestricted Cap. lmprov. Revenue 20,000 180,000 20,000 180,000 580,000 Grants ( Fed,State,Local) - - - - - REET2 - - - - - Other - - - - - Total Funding Sources: 20,000 180,000 20,000 180,000 580,000 Capital Expenditures: Design • 2,000 10,000 • 2,000 10,000 34,000 Right of Way - - - - - Construction 18,000 170,000 18,000 170,000 546,000 Total Expenditures: 20,000 180,000 20,000 180,000 580,000 - • - 204 City of Auburn Draft Capital Facilities Plan CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT FUND (328) Six Year Capital Facilities Plan, 2010 -2015 Capital Facilities Plan Capital Projects Fund Project Title: Project No: Project Type: Project Manager. Traffic Calming Improvements cpxxxx Annual Pablo Para TIP #33 Description: The City's Neighborhood Traffic Calming Program was adopted by City Council in November of 2005. Staff receives complaints from citizens and then gathers data to confirm that a speeding issue and /or cut through traffic issue is present. This money is for physical improvements to the streets once all other options have been exhausted. Physical improvements may include items such as speed humps, speed tables, chicanes, traffic circles, and median treatments. Progress Summary: Future Impact on Operating Budget: Budget: 2009 YTD Actual 2010 09 Budget Budget Expenditures Budget Balance Adopted Budget - Budget Amendments - Adjusted Budget - - - - Activity: (Previous 2 Yrs) 2009 YE 2010 Year End Funding Sources: Prior to 2009 Estimate 2010 Budget 2011 Budget Project Total Unrestricted Cap. Improv. Revenue - - - - - Grants (Fed,State,Local) - - - - - REET 2 - - - - - Other (Redflex) - 165,000 100,000 200,000 265,000 Total Funding Sources: - . 165,000 100,000 200,000 265,000 Capital Expenditures: Design - 5,000 10,000 20,000 15.000 Right of Way - - - - - Construction - 160,000 90,000 180,000 250,000 Total Expenditures: - 165,000 100,000 200,000 265,000 Forecasted Project Cost: Total 2012 2013 2014 2015 2010 -2015 Funding Sources: Unrestricted Cap. Improv. Revenue - - - - - Grants (Fed,State,Local) - - - - - REET2 - - - - - Other (Redflex) 200,000 200,000 200,000 200,000 1,100,000 Total Funding Sources: 200,000 200,000 200,000 200,000 1,100,000 Capital Expenditures: Design 20,000 20,000 20,000 20,000 110,000 Right of Way - - - - - Construction 180,000 180 000 180 000 180,000 990,000 Total Expenditures: 200,000 200,000 200,000 200,000 1,100,000 Grants I Other Sources: Redflex money transferred from General Fund. 205 City of Auburn Draft Capital Facilities Plan CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT FUND (328) Six Year Capital Facilities Plan, 2010 -2015 Capital Facilities Plan Capital Projects Fund Project Title: Project No: Project Type: Project Manager: Traffic Signal Improvements cpxxxx Non - Capacity (Bi- Annual) Scott Nutter TIP #34 Description: The City analyzes accident data and identifies locations with higher than average rates. Typically these involve signal locations where volumes have grown significantly requiring signal modifications. Signals that have accident patterns that are correctable are identified and the modifications are implemented. Signals are also evaluated annually for potential capacity enhancements. Progress Summary: Future Impact on Operating Budget: Budget: Adopted Budget Budget Amendments Adjusted Budget 2009 Budget YTD Actual Expenditures 2010 Budget 09 Budget Balance - - - - - - Activity: Funding Sources: Unrestricted Cap. lmprov. Revenue Grants (Fed, State, Local) REET 2 Other Total Funding Sources: Capital Expenditures: Design Right of Way Construction Total Expenditures: (Previous 2 Yrs) Prior to 2009 2009 YE Estimate 2010 Budget 2011 Budget 2010 Year End Project Total - - - - - - - - - 100,000 _ - - - - - - 100,000 - - - - - - - - 100,000 10,000 - 90,000 - - - - 100,000 10,000 - 90,000 - - 100,000 - 100,000 Forecasted Project Cost: Funding Sources: Unrestricted Cap. lmprov. Revenue Grants (Fed, State, Local) REST 2 Other Total Funding Sources: Capital Expenditures: Design Right of Way Construction Total Expenditures: 2012 2013 2014 2015 Total 2010 -2015 - - 200,000 - - - - - - - 200,000 _ - - - - - 500,000 - 200,000 20,000 - 180,000 - - - - 200,000 20,000 _ 180,000 - - - - 500,000 50,000 - 450,000 200,000 - 200,000 - 500,000 ran s • er ources• 206 City of Auburn Draft Capital Facilities Plan CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT FUND (328) Six Year Capital Facilities Plan, 2010 -2015 Capital Facilities Plan Capital Projects Fund Project Title: Project No: Project Type: Project Manager. Downtown Revitalization cp328e Annual Dowdy Description: Ongoing project to purchase property, construct new buildings, and renovate existing structures. Progress Summary: Future Impact on Operating Budget: Budget: Adopted Budget Budget Amendments Adjusted Budget 2009 Budget YTD Actual Expenditures 2010 Budget 09 Budget Balance - - - - - - Activity: Funding Sources: Unrestricted Cap. Improv. Rev General Fund REET Other Total Funding Sources: Capital Expenditures: Design Right of Way Construction Total Expenditures: (Previous 2 Yrs) Prior to 2009 2009 YE Estimate 2010 Budget 2011 Budget 2010 Year End Project Total 500,000 - - - 500,000 - - - - - - - - 500,000 - - 1,000,000 - - - 500,000 100,000 - 400,000 500,000 100,000 - 400,000 - - - - 500,000 100,000 - 400,000 1,000,000 200,000 - 800,000 500,000 500,000 - 500,000 1,000,000 Forecasted Project Cost: Funding Sources: Unrestricted Cap. Improv. Rev General Fund REET Other Total Funding Sources: Capital Expenditures: Design Right of Way Construction Total Expenditures: 2012 2013 2014 2015 Total 2010 -2015 - 500,000 - - - 500,000 - - - 500,000 - - - 500,000 - - - 2,500,000 - - 500,000 100,000 - 400 000 500,000 100,000 - 400,000 500,000 100,000 - 400 000 500,000 100,000 - 400,000 2,500,000 500,000 - 2,000,000 500,000 500,000 500,000 500,000 2,500,000 Grants I Other Sources: 207 City of Auburn Draft Capital Facilities Plan GENERAL FUND (001.98) Six Year Capital Facilities Plan, 2010 -2015 Capital Facilities Plan General Fund Project Title: Project No: Project Type: Project Manager: Mill Creek Restoration cp0746 Non - Capacity Andersen Description: The first phase consists consists of design for the 5K reach of the Mill Creek Restoration. The City received grant revenue from King Conservation District. Progress Summary: • Future Impact on Operating Budget: Budget: 2009 YTD Actual 2010 09 Budget Budget Expenditures Budget Balance Adopted Budget - Budget Amendments - - - - Adjusted Budget - - - - Activity: (Previous 2 Yrs) 2009 YE 2010 Year End Funding Sources: Prior to 2009 Estimate 2010 Budget 2011 Budget Project Total General Fund - 30,000 150,000 - 180,000 Grants - - 20,000 - 20,000 Bond Proceeds - - - Traffic Impact Fees - - - - - REET 2 - Total Funding Sources: - 30,000 170,000 - 200,000 Capital Expenditures: Design - 30.000 170,000 - 200,000 Right of Way - - - - _ Construction - Total Expenditures: - 30,000 170,000 - 200,000 Forecasted Project Cost: Total 2012 2013 2014 2015 2010 -2015 Funding Sources: General Fund - - - - 150,000 Grants - - 20,000 Bond Proceeds - - - - - Traffic Impact Fees - - - - _ REST 2 _ - - _ - _ Total Funding Sources: - - - - 170,000 Capital Expenditures: - Design - - - - 170,000 Right of Way - - - - _ Construction - - - - - Total Expenditures: - - - - 170,000 ran s • er ources: 208 City of Auburn Draft Capital Facilities Plan CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT FUND (328) Six Year Capital Facilities Plan, 2010 -2015 Capital Facilities Plan Capital Projects Fund Project Title: Project No: Project Type: Project Manager. Mohawks Plastics Site Mitigation Project Non - Capacity Dixon Description: The project consists of developing a wetland mitigation plan and conducting construction within the Goedecke South Property owned by the Sewer Utility in order to compensate for approximately 1.6 -acre wetland loss on the Mohawk Plastics property (Parcel # 1321049056). The project was approved under an existing agreement approved by Resolution No. 4196, June 2007. Progress Summary: The City submitted a permit application to the Army Corps of Engineers (Corps) on May 12, 2008. The City subsequently received the DOE Water Quality Certification, WDFW HPA and on May 7, 2009, the Corps 404 wetland permit (NWS -2007- 1913). Subsequently, bid specifications and construction plans were prepared, the City hired a contractor, issued a notice to proceed (10 -2 -09) and construction began. Work is anticipated to be done by the end of the year. Future Impact on Operating Budget: After construction, it is anticipated that annual maintenance, monitoring and reporting on the performance of the wetland mitigation project will be required for a period of years, in conformance with permit requirements. After the conclusion of this monitoring period, ongoing operation expenses should be minimal. Budget: 2009 YTD Actual 2010 09 Budget Budget Expenditures Budget Balance Adopted Budget - Budget Amendments - - - - Adjusted Budget. - - - - Activity: (Previous 2 Yrs) 2009 YE 2010 Year End Funding Sources: Prior to 2009 Estimate 2010 Budget 2011 Budget Project Total General Fund - - - - - Grants - - - - Bond Proceeds - - - - - Traffic Impact Fees - 300,000 130,000 - 430,000 BEET 2 22,800 - 112,000 10,000 134,800 Total Funding Sources: 22,800 300,000 242,000 10,000 564,800 Capital Expenditures: Design 22,800 50,000 25,000 - 97,800 Right of Way - - - - Construction - 250,000 217,000 10,000 467,000 Total Expenditures: 22,800 300,000 242,000 10,000 564,800 Forecasted Project Cost: Total 2012 2013 2014 2015 2010 -2015 Funding Sources: General Fund - - - - - Grants - - - - - Bond Proceeds - - - - - Traffic Impact Fees - - - - 130,000 REET 2 8,000 5,000 5,000 5,000 145,000 Total Funding Sources: 8,000 5,000 5,000 5,000 275,000 Capital Expenditures: - Design - - - - 25.000 Right of Way - - - - - Construction 8,000 5,000 5,000 5,000 250,000 Total Expenditures: 8,000 5,000 5,000 5,000 275,000 Grants / Other Sources: 209 City of Auburn Draft Capital Facilities Plan CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT FUND (328) Six Year Capital Facilities Plan, 2010 -2015 Capital Facilities Plan Capital Projects Fund Project Title: Project No: Project Type: Project Manager: M &O Satellite Facilities cpxxxx Non - Capacity (Improvements) TBD Description: Construction of satellite facilities to support M&O operational activities including vactor waste solids transfer. Progress Summary: Future Impact on Operating Budget: Budget: Adopted Budget Budget Amendments Adjusted Budget 2009 Budget YTD Actual Expenditures 2010 Budget 09 Budget Balance - - - - - - Activity: Funding Sources: Unrestricted Cap. Improv. Revenue Grants REET Other Total Funding Sources: Capital Expenditures: Design Right of Way Construction Total Expenditures: (Previous 2 Yrs) Prior to 2009 2009 YE Estimate 2010 Budget 2011 Budget 2010 Year End Project Total - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - _ - _ _ _ - - - _ Forecasted Project Cost: Funding Sources: Unrestricted Cap. Improv. Revenue Grants REET Other Total Funding Sources: Capital Expenditures: Design Right of Way Construction Total Expenditures: 2012 2013 2014 2015 Total 2010 -2015 200,000 - - - - - - - - - - - - _ _ _ 200,000 _ _ 200,000 200,000 - - - - - - - - _ - - _ _ 200,000 200,000 _ _ 200,000 - - - 200,000 rants / ether ources: 210 City of Auburn Draft Capital Facilities Plan CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT FUND (328) Six Year Capital Facilities Plan, 2010 -2015 Capital Facilities Plan Capital Projects Fund Project Title: Project No: Project Type: Project Manager: City Hall Annex cp0809 Burke Description: To construct tenant improvements and to exercise option to purchase the condo space. Progress Summary: Future Impact on Operating Budget: Budget: 2009 Budget YTD Actual Expenditures 2010 Budget 09 Budget Balance Adopted Budget - Budget Amendments - Adjusted Budget - - - - Activity: (Previous 2 Yrs) 2009 YE 2010 Year End Funding Sources: Prior to 2009 Estimate 2010 Budget 2011 Budget Project Total Unrestricted Cap Improve - Interest - 459,000 - - 459,000 Unrestricted Cap Improve - Downtown 56,532 740,760 837,963 1,635,255 Unrestricted Cap Improve - Other - 1,153,180 - - 1,153,180 EOC Grant - 70,000 40,000 - 110,000 REET 1 - 1,296,154 136,100 - 1,432,254 Developer Contribution - - 1,778,315 1,778,315 Information Systems (518) - 157,400 - 157,400 Other: GO Bonds - - 22,499,875 - 22,499,875 REET 2 - 317,312 - - 317,312 Total Funding Sources: 56,532 4,193,806 25,292,253 - 29,542,591 Capital Expenditures: Design - 46,640 2,500 - 49,140 Legal Costs 56,532 - - - 56,532 Building - - 24,500,000 - 24,500,000 REET - - 436,100 - 436,100 Construction - 4,147,166 353,653 - 4,500,819 Long -Term Debt Service - - - - - Total Expenditures: 56,532 4,193,806 25,292,253 - 29,542,591 Forecasted Project Cost: Total 2012 2013 2014 2015 2010 -2015 Funding Sources: Unrestricted Cap Improve - Interest - - - - - Unrestricted Cap Improve - Downtown - - - - 837,963 Unrestricted Cap Improve - Other - - - - - EOC Grant - - - - 40,000 REET 1 - - - - 136,100 Developer Contribution - - - - 1,778,315 Information Systems (518) - - - - - Other: GO Bonds - - - - 22,499,875 Other: TBD - - - - - Total Funding Sources: - - - - 25,292,253 Capital Expenditures: Design - - - - 2,500 Legal Costs - - - - - Building - - - - 24,500,000 REET - - - - 436,100 Construction - - - - 353,653 Long -Term Debt Service - - - - - Total Expenditures: - - - - 25,292,253 Grants / Other Sources: 211 City of Auburn Draft Capital Facilities Plan CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT FUND (328) Six Year Capital Facilities Plan, 2010 -2015 Capital Facilities Plan Capital Projects Fund Project Title: Project No: Project Type: Project Manager: City Hall Plaza cpxxxx TBD Description: • Construction of the City Hall Plaza Progress Summary: Future Impact on Operating Budget: No Impact Budget: Adopted Budget Budget Amendments Adjusted Budget 2009 Budget YTD Actual Expenditures 2010 Budget 09 Budget Balance - - - - - - Activity: Funding Sources: Capital Improv. Fund Grants Bond Proceeds REET 2 Total Funding Sources: Capital Expenditures: Design Right of Way Construction Total Expenditures: (Previous 2 Yrs) Prior to 2009 2009 YE Estimate 2010 Budget 2011 Budget 2010 Year End Project Total - - - - 88,500 - - - 600,000 - - - - - - - 688,500 - - - - - - - 88,500 50,000 - 38,500 600,000 600,000 - - - • - - - 688,500 650,000 - 38,500 - 88,500 600,000 - 688,500 Forecasted Project Cost: Capital Improv. Fund Grants Bond Proceeds REET2 Total Funding Sources: Capital Expenditures: Design Right of Way Construction Total Expenditures: 2012 2013 2014 2015 Total 2010 -2015 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 600,000 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 600,000 - 600,000 - - - - - - 600,000 rants / ether Sources: 212 City of Auburn Draft Capital Facilities Plan CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT FUND (328) Six Year Capital Facilities Plan, 2010 -2015 Capital Facilities Plan Capital Projects Fund Project Title: Project No: Type: jF- t Manager: Local Revitalization cpxxxx Non - Capacity TBD Description: To pay debt service costs on GO bonds issued for the Downtown Promenade Improvements. Local Revitalization financing is a credit on the State's portion of sales tax that the City will receive over the next 25 years. Progress Summary: • Future Impact on Operating Budget: City must match the State's portion for the next 25 years. Budget: 2009 Budget YTD Actual Expenditures 2010 Budget 09 Budget Balance Adopted Budget Budget Amendments - - Adjusted Budget - - - - Activity: (Previous 2 Yrs) Funding Sources: Prior to 2009 2009 YE Estimate 2010 Budget 2011 Budget 2010 Year End Project Total Unrestricted Cap. Improv. Revenue - Grants - REET 2 - Other (State) - - - 250,000 - - - 250,000 250,000 - - 250,000 250,000 - - 500,000 250,000 Total Funding Sources: - Capital Expenditures: Long Term Debt Service - Design - Construction - 250,000 - 250,000 - 500,000 500,000 - - 500,000 500,000 - - 750,000 500,000 250,000 - Total Expenditures: - 250,000 500,000 500,000 750,000 Forecasted Project Cost: 2012 2013 2014 2015 Total 2010 -2015 Funding Sources: Unrestricted Cap. Improv. Revenue - Grants - REET 2 250,000 Other (State) 250,000 - - 250,000 250,000 - - 250,000 250,000 - - 250,000 250,000 - - 1,500,000 1,500,000 Total Funding Sources: 500,000 Capital Expenditures: Long Term Debt Service 500,000 Design - Construction - 500,000 500,000 - - 500,000 500,000 - - 500,000 500,000 - - 3,000,000 3,000,000 - - Total Expenditures: 500,000 500,000 500,000 500,000 3,000,000 Grants / Other Sources: Other sources is Local Revitalization Finance from State. 213 City of Auburn Draft Capital Facilities Plan CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT FUND (328) Six Year Capital Facilities Plan, 2010 -2015 Capital Facilities Plan Capital Projects Fund Project Title: Project No: Project Type: Project Manager: Auburn Medical Building ms0904 Description: To foster, enhance and promote the livability of the Auburn Downtown Business District the City adopted Ordinance 6197 which provided a temporary exemption within the "Downtown Catalyst Area" 50% of the Transportation Impact fees. This capital improvement will pay for the City's portion of the Traffic Impact fee due to the exemption. Progress Summary: Future Impact on Operating Budget: Budget: Adopted Budget Budget Amendments Adjusted Budget 2009 Budget YTD Actual Expenditures 2010 Budget 09 Budget Balance - - - - - - Activity: Funding Sources: General Fund Grants Bond Proceeds REET 2 Total Funding Sources: Capital Expenditures: Design Right of Way Construction Total Expenditures: (Previous 2 Yrs) Prior to 2009 2009 YE Estimate 2010 Budget 2011 Budget 2010 Year End Project Total - - - - - - - 206,155 - - - - - - - - - - - 206,155 - - - - 206,155 - - 206,155 - -- - - - - - - 206,155 - - 206,155 - 206,155 - - 206,155 Forecasted Project Cost: General Fund Grants Bond Proceeds REET 2 Total Funding Sources: Capital Expenditures: Design Right of Way Construction Total Expenditures: 2012 2013 2014 2015 Total 2010 -2015 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Grants / Other Sources: 214 City of Auburn Draft Capital Facilities Plan AIRPORT Current Facilities The City of Auburn operates the Auburn Municipal Airport, providing hangar and tie -down facilities/leasing space for aircraft - related businesses. As of 2002, there were approximately 141,000 take -offs and landings (aircraft operations) at the airport annually. Table A -1 "Facilities Inventory" lists the facilities with current capacity and location. Level of Service (LOS) The Auburn Municipal Airport Master Plan Update 2001 -2020 provides a maximum runway capacity (LOS standard) of 231,000 aircraft operations annually; one take -off or landing equals one aircraft operation. This LOS is recognized by the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA). The FAA requires the airport to have the capital facilities capacity (i.e., runways, taxiways, holding areas, terminal, hangars, water /sewer system, etc.) necessary to accommodate 100% of aircraft operations during any one year. By 2020 the Airport Master Plan forecasts the number of operations to be 193,189 — well below the capacity of the airport runway. Capital Facilities Projects and Financing The City's Airport facilities include three non - capacity capital projects at a cost of $950,000. These projects are for facilities repairs and improvements. Table A -2 shows the proposed financing plan followed by individual worksheets showing the project detail. Impact on Future Operating Budgets There are no operating budget impacts forecast for the cemetery during the six years 2011 — 2016. TABLE A -1 Facilities Inventory Airport FACILITY CAPACITY # of Aircraft # of Feet LOCATION Existing Inventory: Hangars Tiedowns Air Strip Total Existing Inventory Proposed Capacity Projects: None Total Proposed Capacity Projects 2015 Projected Inventory Total 145 400 23rd Street NE 214 400 23rd Street NE 3,400 400 23rd Street NE 359 3,400 359 3,400 215 TABLE A -2 City of Auburn Draft Capital Facilities Plan CAPITAL FACILITIES PLAN PROJECTS AND FINANCING AIRPORT 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 Total Capacity Projects: None Non - Capacity Protects: 1 Airport Security Capital Costs 5,000 5,000 Funding Sources: Airport Fund 5,000 5,000 2 Hangar Repair Capital Costs 50,000 50,000 Funding Sources: Airport Fund 50,000 50,000 3 General Repair & Maint. Projects Capital Costs 20,000 175,000 175,000 175,000 175,000 175,000 895,000 Funding Sources: . Airport Fund 20,000 175,000 175,000 175,000 175,000 175,000 895,000 Grants (Fed - FAA) - - - - - SUMMARY: CAPITAL COSTS Capacity Projects - - - - - Non- Capacity Projects 75,000 175,000 175,000 175,000 175,000 175,000 950,000 Total Costs 75,000 175,000 175,000 175,000 175,000 175,000 950,000 FUNDING SOURCES: Airport Fund 75,000 175,000 175,000 175,000 175,000 175,000 950,000 Grants (Fed,State,Local) - - - - - - - Total Funding 75,000 175,000 175,000 175,000 175,000 175,000 950,000 216 City of Auburn Draft Capital Facilities Plan AIRPORT FUND (435) Six Year Capital Facilities Plan, 2010 -2015 Capital Facilities Plan Enterprise Funds Project Title: Project No: Project Type: Project Manager: Airport Security Projects cp0713 Garcia Description: Increased security identified as one of the highest priority needs for the airport in the 2005 Development Plan. Progress Summary: Future Impact on Operating Budget: None Budget: Adopted Budget Budget Amendments Adjusted Budget 2009 Budget YTD Actual Expenditures 2010 Budget 08 Budget Balance - - - - - - Activity: Funding Sources: Unrestricted Airport Revenue Grants (Fed,State,Local) Other Total Funding Sources: Capital Expenditures: Design Right of Way Construction Total Expenditures: Prior to 2009 2009 YE Estimate 2010 Budget 2011 2010 Year End Project Total - - 5,000 - - 5,000 - - - - - 10,000 - - - - - - 5,000 - - 5,000 5,000 - - 5,000 - - - - 10,000 - - 10,000 - 5,000 5,000 - 10,000 Forecasted Project Cost: 2012 2013 2014 2015 Total 2010 -2015 Funding Sources: Unrestricted Airport Revenue Grants (Fed,State,Local) Other - - - - - - - - - - - - 5,000 - - Total Funding Sources: Capital Expenditures: Design Right of Way Construction Total Expenditures: - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 5,000 - - 5,000 - - - - 5,000 Grant / Other Sources: 217 8IZ :saaJnos Ja410/ IUeJ 000'09 - - - - :sainopuadx31eloi 000'09 - - - - uo!JofJJsuo3 - - - - AeM to J46!8 - - - - - u6!saa :sa,nppuadx3 lellde3 000'09 - - - - :saaJnos 6ulpunj lelol - Ja4J0 - - - - - (Jeoo7'aJe,s'pad) siueJ0 000'09 - - - - anuanaa JJodnV paJouisaJun :saainog 6u!punj 91.0Z-01.0Z SLOZ 11.0Z f:LOZ ZLOZ Ielol :lsoa loafoJd palse3aio3 000'001. - 000'09 000'09 - :sa4nilpuadx31em1 000'001 - 000'09 000'09 - uo!lanJJsuoo - - - /feMloJ46!id - - - - - u6!sa0 : saJnLlpuadx3 IeLIde3 000'001. - 000'09 000'09 - :saalnog 6ulpun j le7ol Je410 - - - - (!eoo7'aIeis'pag) siueJ0 000'001 - 000'09 000'09 - anuanaed podJ/V palo!JJsaJun rm./. LaafoJd 1.1.0Z Ja6png OLOZ a2ew!1s3 600Z o»oud :saalnog 6ulpund Pu3 JeaA 01.0Z 3A 600Z :J(liniloy - Ja6pn8 poisnlpV - sivawpuawv Ja6png - Ja6png paidopV aoueleg Ja6png sainilpuadx3 La6png ia6png 80 010Z Ienlab atA 600Z :Ja6png -Jainloe;nuew ay; Aq papuawwooaJ se 6u!leas J0 6uqu!ed '6u!uealo sapnpu! aoueualu!en •JeaA Jad 000'9$ ie pa;ewgsa s! i3afoid s!yi Jo; isoo uo!ioadsu! pue aoueuaiu!ew lenuue -!8 :Ja6png 6ugeiadp uo pedwi arnln j :Aiewwng ssaifoid -snedaJ leogpo ssal ugh\ 6u!paaooid 'mg paoeldai ioipue panedaJ aq p!nn uo!i!puoo ISJonn mg u! sweaq asoq j -u!6aq gm luawaoeldaJ Jo /pue nedar 'uogenlena 6u!nnord •ivawaoeldaJ Jo; palnpayos pue pazguoud aq ll!M Aayi 'pagguap! are siapeaq NI soup -8 y6no.iyi Z sie6uey uo sweaq Japeay 6u!!!e; paloadsns isai AIiagnioruis pue aienlen3 :uo!lduasaa el3Je0 LI.L0dO ;uauaa�e�daa '8 i!edam `uol ;enlen9 uaea8 JapeaH- sae6ueH :Ja6euen loafoJd :edJ(1 loafaid :oN loa(oid :ali!1 loafoJd spund asudJalu3 ue!d sa!l!!!aed !el!dea 9602-0602 'ue!d sall!!peA !el!de° Jean XIS (stv) aNnA laodaid uvld sa!Jtltavt[ IvJtdv2 JJVJG uangnv fo �1 ?2 City of Auburn Draft Capital Facilities Plan AIRPORT FUND (435) Six Year Capital Facilities Plan, 2010 -2015 Capital Facilities Plan Enterprise Funds Project Title: Project No: Project Type: Project Manager. Airport Projects - General Repair & Maintenance cp435a Garcia Description: Various airport projects will be identified and prioritized on an annual basis as grant funding is secured. Progress Summary: Future Impact on Operating Budget: Budget: Adopted Budget Budget Amendments Adjusted Budget 2009 Budget YTD Actual Expenditures 2010 Budget 08 Budget Balance - - - - - - Activity: Funding Sources: Unrestricted Airport Revenue Grants (Fed, State, Local) Other Total Funding Sources: Capital Expenditures: Design Right of Way Construction Total Expenditures: Prior to 2009 2009 YE Estimate 2010 Budget 2011 2010 Year End Project Total - - - 150,000 - - 20,000 - - 175,000 - - 170,000 - - - - - - 150,000 15,000 - 135,000 20,000 2,000 - 18,000 175,000 17,500 - 157,500 170,000 17,000 - 153,000 - 150,000 20,000 175,000 170,000 Forecasted Project Cost: Funding Sources: Unrestricted Airport Revenue Grants (Fed, State, Local) Other Total Funding Sources: Capital Expenditures: Design Right of Way Construction Total Expenditures: 2012 2013 2014 2015 Total 2010 -2015 175,000 - - 175,000 - - . 175,000 - - 175,000 - - 895,000 - - 175,000 17,500 - 157,500 175,000 17,500 - 157,500 175,000 17,500 - 157,500 175,000 17,500 - 157,500 895,000 89,500 - 805,500 175,000 175,000 175,000 175,000 895,000 Grant / Other Sources: 219 MORE THAN YO City of Auburn Draft Capital Facilities Plan CEMETERY Current Facilities The City owns two cemeteries. The Mountain View Cemetery is a fully developed facility (50 acres and four buildings) that provides burial services and related merchandise for the community. The Pioneer Cemetery is a historic cemetery which is no longer used for burial purposes. Table C -1 "Facilities Inventory" lists the facilities along with their current capacity and location. Level of Service (LOS) The current LOS of 46.97 burial plots /niches per 1,000 population is based on the existing inventory divided by the 2008 citywide population of 67,855. The proposed LOS of 60.94 burial plots /niches per 1,000 population is based on the projected inventory divided by the 2015 projected citywide population of 72,350. In addition, the cemetery will be able to offer a natural cremation garden. Capital Facilities Projects and Financing The City's Mountain View Cemetery facilities include one capital project at a cost of $85,000 for repairs and maintenance. Table C -2 shows the proposed financing plan followed by an individual worksheet showing the project detail. Impact on Future Operating Budgets There are no operating budget impacts forecast for the cemetery during the six years 2011 — 2016. TABLE C -1 Facilities Inventory Cemetery FACILITY CAPACITY # of burial plots /niches LOCATION Existing Inventory: Mountain View Cemetery Pioneer Cemetery Total Existing Inventory Proposed Capacity Projects: New Development - Burial Plots New Development - Burial Plots Total Proposed Capacity Projects 2015 Projected Inventory Total 3,170 2020 Mountain View Dr. - 8th & Auburn Way No. 3,170 475 Memory Heights 764 10th Addition 1,239 4,409 221 TABLE C -2 City of Auburn Draft Capital Facilities Plan CAPITAL FACILITIES PLAN PROJECTS AND FINANCING CEMETERY 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 Total Non - Capacity Projects: 1 Cemetery - Facilities Repair & Maintenance Capital Costs . Funding Sources: Cemetery Fund Grants (Fed,State,Local) Other SUMMARY: CAPITAL COSTS Capacity Projects Non - Capacity Projects Total Costs FUNDING SOURCES: Cemetery Fund Grants (Fed,State,Local) Bond Proceeds Total Funding 45,000 20,000 20,000 85,000 45,000 20,000 20,000 85,000 45,000 20,000 20,000 85,000 45,000 20,000 20,000 85,000 45,000 20,000 20,000 85,000 45,000 20,000 20,000 85,000 222 City of Auburn Draft Capital Facilities Plan CEMETERY FUND (436) Six Year Capital Facilities Plan, 2010 -2015 Capital Facilities Plan Enterprise Funds Project Title: Project No: Project Type: Project Manager: Cemetery - Facilities Repair & Maintenance cp436a Description: 1) New Development- Phase 2 (2011). 45K 2) Repairs and Maintenance (2013). 20K 3) Repairs and Maintenance (2015). 20K Progress Summary: Future Impact on Operating Budget: Budget: Adopted Budget Budget Amendments Adjusted Budget 2009 Budget YTD Actual Expenditures 2010 Budget 09 Budget Balance - - - - - - Activity: Funding Sources: Unrestricted Cemetery Revenue Grants (Fed, State, Local) Other Total Funding Sources: Capital Expenditures: Design Right of Way Construction Total Expenditures: (Previous 2 Yrs) Prior to 2009 2009 YE Estimate 2010 Budget 2011 Budget 2010 Year End Project Total - - - 20,000 - - - - - 45,000 - - 20,000 - - - - - - 20,000 - - 20,000 - - - - 45,000 - - 45,000 20,000 - - 20,000 - 20,000 - 45,000 20,000 Forecasted Project Cost: Funding Sources: Unrestricted Cemetery Revenue Grants (Fed, State, Local) Other Total Funding Sources: Capital Expenditures: Design Right of Way Construction Total Expenditures: 2012 2013 2014 2015 Total 2010 -2015 - - - 20,000 - - - - - 20,000 - - 85,000 - - - - - - 20,000 - - 20,000 - - - - 20,000 - - 20,000 85,000 - - 85,000 - 20,000 - 20,000 85,000 Grants / Other Sources: 223 MORE THAN YOU N N City of Auburn Draft Capital Facilities Plan GOLF COURSE Current Facilities The City of Auburn owns and operates the 18 -hole Auburn Municipal Golf Course. A PGA Class A professional is contracted to collect greens fees, operate the pro shop and snack bar, provide golf carts for rent, and offer a lesson program. Table GC -1 Facilities Inventory lists the facilities along with their current capacity and location. Level of Service (LOS) The current LOS of .27 holes per 1,000 population is based on the existing inventory divided by the 2009 citywide population of 67,485. The proposed LOS of .25 holes per 1,000 population is based on the projected inventory divided by the 2015 projected citywide population of 72,350. Capital Facilities Projects and Financing City golf course facilities include one capital project at a cost of $350,000 for rebuilding fairways and greens. Table GC -2 shows the proposed financing plan followed by an individual work sheet showing the project detail. Impact on Future Operating Budgets There are no operating budget impacts forecast for new golf course facilities during the six years 2011 — 2016. TABLE GC -1 Facilities Inventory Golf Course FACILITY CAPACITY # of holes LOCATION Existing Inventory: Auburn Municipal Golf Course Total Existing Inventory Proposed Capacity Projects: None Total Proposed Capacity Projects 2015 Projected Inventory Total 18 29639 Green River Road 18 18 225 City of Auburn Draft Capital Facilities Plan TABLE GC -2 CAPITAL FACILITIES PLAN PROJECTS AND FINANCING GOLF COURSE 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 Total Capacity Protects: None Non - Capacity Projects: 1 Reconstruct Holes 1, 2, 10 Capital Costs 350,000 350,000 Funding Sources: Golf Course Fund - - Bond Proceeds 350,000 350,000 Other - - SUMMARY: CAPITAL COSTS Capacity Projects - - Non - Capacity Projects 350,000 350,000 Total Costs 350,000 350,000 FUNDING SOURCES: Golf Course Fund - - Bond Proceeds 350,000 350,000 REET - - Total Funding 350,000 350,000 226 City of Auburn Draft Capital Facilities Plan GOLF COURSE FUND (437) Six 'rear Capital Facilities Plan, 2010 -2015 Capital Facilities Plan Enterprise Funds Project Title: Project No: Project Type: oject Manager: Reconstruct Holes 1, 2, 10 cpxxxx Van Description: Renovate portion of golf course, specifically holes 1, 2 and 10. Progress Summary: Future Impact on Operating Budget: This project will increase the number of rounds played throughout the course. which began in 1988. It will complete all major golf renovations Budget: 2009 Budget YTD Actual Expenditures 2010 09 Budget Budget Balance Adopted Budget Budget Amendments - - Adjusted Budget - - - - Activity: 2009 YE Funding Sources: Prior to 2009 Estimate 2010 Budget 2010 Year End 2011 Budget Project Total Unrestricted Goff Revenue - - Grants (Fed,State,Local) - - Bond Proceeds - - Other - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Total Funding Sources: - - Capital Expenditures: Design - - Right of Way - - Construction - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Total Expenditures: - - - - - Forecasted Project Cost: 2012 2013 2014 Total 2015 2010 -2015 Funding Sources: Unrestricted Golf Revenue - - Grants (Fed,State,Local) - - Bond Proceeds - 350,000 Other - - - - - - - - - - - 350,000 - - Total Funding Sources: - 350,000 Capital Expenditures: Design - 15,000 Right of Way - - Construction - 335 000 - - - - - 350,000 - 15,000 - - - 335 000 Total Expenditures: - 350,000 - - 350,000 Grants / Other Sources: 227 6ZZ L 60Z u! ewpieA 41!M s ;soo leRualod s,Apo 041 salewllsa 6u!Mollol ay; 'alnpagos 6u!Mopol ay; ;e i:80 •S of ewpieA woJ; suogonpaa uol ;elndod y1!nn '0L Jo day ue pue '0072 1310 aleJ ew!meA pasodoid 0111 uo pase8 •(an!snlou! Ile) a ;ewu! aad 00'LZ 1•$ 10 1soo a 1e „luaw;Iwwoo paq wnw!u!w ou„ a sey ley; wnqny 01 loelluoo JeaA . e 6uua}}o Al ;uaJJno si ewDIeA 11.02 Jago ;oo u! palaldwo0 s! 3•H00•s 01 uo! ;!sued ay1 pun L 1,0Z u! Aouebe ;OBJ ;uoo e 1-11!M (day OL lseal 18) spaq alenbape ainoas o; /Gessaoau aq II!M II .01.OZ `l£ iagwaoaa saa!dxa ewple,,, y1!nn ;oeJ ;uoo I!ef luaJJno 0111 •ew!){eA u! OL 10 day paddeo a Li1!nn `001. 18 paddea Alluasaad s! (day) uol ;elndod Alpo a6eJany s,wngny I-1•OZ `J0g010O Aq I1ef Alloo•S ay1 u! aq o; paloadxa salewu! Ile 4 ;!m I1ef 3•HOO:S ail 01 pauo!1!suBJ; aq mom A;unoa 6u!y1 pue ew!ije,k se Lions sa! ;!I!oe ; ;oea ;uoo ui pasnoy sa ;ewu! ' 1-1.OZ 'Alnp u! •6u!uu!6a8 • I.1OZ 'eunp u! A1!I!oed per 31100.S al-11 01 panow aq pinoM uo! ;elndod alewu! wnqny 6ul ;s!xa 0111 • l 1.02 eunp u! A ;!1!0ed per wnqny ay; aso10 of 6uiuueld s! A1!0 ay1 pue 1. I,oz `AeL/ u! 61.!u!eJ; X01 uado aq 01 palnpayos s! per 3'2ioo s 041 slsoo s,uolleaado leuo!1!ppe saHoo'S 10 %6Z 01 do Apo 041 ;oafgns osle Aew 6u!} ;e ;s leuo!1!sueJ; leuo! ;!ppe 0111 J0A8M011 ' I.1-0Z ' 1• tienuep uo A;!l!gedea leuo!leJado awnssei d a oo•S •lauuosJad Mau ay; u!ea101 sJao! O s,uo! ;oaJJo3 pue per uoluay pue wnqny 6u!1s!xa ail 6u!sn pue 1. I.02 ' 6 tienuep se Ape se }gels pet. 6uu!q u!6aq Aew 3.21O0•S 1841 Paled!ogue s! 11 O S o; uoll!suea10410; anp I. 1.OZ u! sasuadxa I!ef Jay6!y Allewiouge aouauadxa Aew pue (3.Hoa s) Al!1u3 Ieuo!;oaJao0 Li;nos 041 pau!of sey A1!3 a41 s;a6pn8 6u! ;uado oin ;n3 uo 1.0Z — 01OZ 6uunp s ;aafoid sa! ;!l!oe; Ie1!deo ao!Iod Aue apnlou! 1ou saop dd0 at-11 6u!0ueu!d pue s;oafoJd sa! 1!1!3ed Ie ;!de3 •09C'ZL 10 uo! ;elndod ap!MA1!o pa ;oafoJd 91-0Z 0111 Aq pap!n!p AJoluanu! pa ;aafoid 0111 uo paseq s! uo! ;elndod 000'1- Jed spaq SL•010 S01 pasodoid 041 •99V`L9 10 uo!lelndod ap!MA1!o 600Z 041 Aq pop!n!p AJoluenu! 6ulls!xa 041 uo paseq s! uol ;elndod 000'1• gad spaq 09'0 JO SOS luaJJna 041 (soi) °o!naas ;o lanai •uo!leool pue A1loedeo ;ualina 041 y1!M AJo ;uanu! sa!;!I!0e1 Ieuo!10aJJ00 ail smogs AJo ;uanui sal ;!I!oed 1, -d ape' •wngny Jo Al!0 0410; `seo!AJas l!ef 6u!pnlou! `seoinaas ;uawa3JO;ue noel 10 a6uea IInJ e sap!noJd luewpedaa eo!lod wnqny Jo A1!3 a41 sa! ;!I!oe3;ua.Un0 33IlOd uvjd sa!Jillav, f lv /idvJ u.rngnvJo du City of Auburn Draft Capital Facilities Plan 2011 —Yakima ADP - Jan thru Jun: 181 Days X 70 Inmates = 12,670 (Inmate Days) X $127.00 2011— S.COR.E ADP (With Corresponding Yakima Decrease) = $1,609,090 Jul Increase = 60 X 29% = 17.4 (70- 17 =53) 53 X 31 Days = 1643 (Inmate Days) 1643 X $127 = $ 208,661 Aug Increase = 60 X 29% = 17.4 (53- 17 =36) 36 X 31 Days = 1 1 16 (Inmate Days) 1 1 16 X$127= $ 141,732 Sep Increase = 60 X 29% = 17.4 (36- 17 =19) 19 X 30 Days = 570 (Inmate Days) 570 X $127 = $ 72,390 Oct Increase = 60 X 29% = 17.4 (19 -17 =2) 2 X 31 Days = 62 (Inmate Days) 62 X $127 = $ 7,874 Total Yakima Costs = $2,039,747 Note: The figures for the first 6 months may be artificially high because it has proven difficult to impossible to maintain an ADP of 70 in Yakima due to court and related interviews of inmates that are held or returned to Auburn. Other less expensive facilities that have less bed availability such as Chelan County may also be available to off -set costs with Yakima. Although our current contract with King County runs through 2012, their bed rate in 201 1 is projected to be $ 128 with a booking fee of $248 per inmate, and therefore is not a cost effective alternative. TABLE P -1 Facilities Inventory Police Police - Correctional Facility FACILITY CAPACITY (Max. Occupancy) LOCATION Existing Inventory: Auburn Correctional Facility Total Existing Inventory Proposed Capacity Projects: None Total Proposed Capacity Projects 2015 Projected Inventory Total 54 25 West Main St. 54 54 230 City of Auburn Draft Capital Facilities Plan FIRE PROTECTION Current Facilities The Valley Regional Fire Authority provides fire protection and rescue services to a 25- square mile area which includes the City of Auburn, the City of Algona, the City of Pacific and King County Fire Protection District 31. The Valley Regional Fire Authority operates out of four stations, which are manned 24 hours per day. The North Station #31 also serves as the department headquarters and includes a hose and training tower. Each station is assigned fire apparatus (Engines and Aid Vehicles). Table F -1 "Facilities Inventory" lists the facilities along with their current capacity and location. Level of Service (LOS) The current LOS of 0.15 fire apparatus per 1,000 population is based on the existing inventory (10 fire apparatus) divided by the 2009 citywide population of 67,485. The proposed LOS of 0.14 fire apparatus per 1,000 is based on the 2015 planned inventory (10 fire apparatus) divided by the 2015 projected citywide population of 72,350. Capital Facilities Projects and Financing The Valley Regional Fire Authority includes one capital project at a cost of $77,100 for Fire Station Facility Relocation, Enhancements & Improvements. Table F -2 shows the proposed financing plan followed by an individual worksheet showing the project detail. Impact on Future Operating Budgets There are no operating budget impacts forecasted for fire protection during the six years 2010 — 2015. 231 TABLE F -1 City of Auburn Draft Capital Facilities Plan Facilities Inventory Valley Regional Fire Authority FACILITY CAPACITY Fire Apparatus Aid Vehicles Other LOCATION Existing Inventory: Stations: North Station #31 1101 'D' Street NE, Auburn First Line 1 1 Reserve 1 1 South Station #32 1951 'R' Street SE, Auburn First Line 1 1 Reserve 1 1 GSA Station #33 First Line 1 - 2815 'C' Street SW, Auburn Reserve 1** 3* Total Existing Inventory 6 4 3 Proposed Inventory Additions: None Total Proposed Capacity Projects 2015 Projected Inventory Total 6 4 3 • Bus, Reserve Van, Disaster Response Vehicle Telesquirt 232 TABLE F -2 City of Auburn Draft Capital Facilities Plan CAPITAL FACILITIES PLAN PROJECTS AND FINANCING VALLEY REGIONAL FIRE AUTHORITY 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 Total Non - Capacity Projects: 1 Fire Station Facility Relocation, Enhancements & Improvements Capital Costs 77,100 Funding Sources: Grants Bond Proceeds - Impact/Mitigation Fees 77,100 . SUMMARY: CAPITAL COSTS Capacity Projects Non - Capacity Projects Total Costs FUNDING SOURCES: Cemetery Fund Grants (Fed,State,Local) Bond Proceeds Total Funding 77,100 77,100 77,100 77,100 77,100 77,100 77,100 77,100 77,100 77,100 233 City of Auburn Draft Capital Facilities Plan Valley Regional Fire Authority (653) Six Year Capital Facilities Plan, 2010 -2015 Capital Facilities Plan Agency Fund Project Title: Project No: Project Type: Project Manager: Fire Station Facility Relocation, Enhancements & Improvements cp0639 Paul Berry Description: Continue study of other Fire station needs for VRFA. Facility improvement projects are identified and prioritized annually, and subject to delay to accommodate emergency repairs. Progress Summary: Fire mitigation and impact fees will be transferred to the Valley Regional Fire Authority to pay for design contracts for the study of fire station relocation, construction projects and facility improvements. Future Impact on Operating Budget: Budget: 2009 YTD Actual 2010 09 Budget Budget Expenditures Budget Balance Adopted Budget - Budget Amendments - Adjusted Budget - - - - Activity: (Previous 2 Yrs) 2009 YE 2010 Year End Funding Sources: Prior to 2009 Estimate 2010 Budget 2011 Budget Project Total Grants - - _ - - Bond Proceeds - - - - _ Impact /Mitigation Fees 707,800 182,100 77,100 - 967,000 Total Funding Sources: 707,800 182,100 77,100 - 967,000 Capital Expenditures: Design 384,300 - - - 384,300 Right of Way - - - - _ Construction 323,500 182,100 77,100 - 582,700 Total Expenditures: 707,800 182,100 77,100 - 967,000 Forecasted Project Cost: Total 2012 2013 2014 2015 2010 -2015 Funding Sources: Grants - - - - _ Bond Proceeds - - - _ _ Impact/Mitigation Fees - - - - 77,100 Total Funding Sources: - - - - 77,100 Capital Expenditures: _ Design - - - _ _ Right of Way - - - _ _ Construction - - - - 77,100 Total Expenditures: - - - - 77,100 234