HomeMy WebLinkAboutAuburn Arts CommissionAgreement No. 112029A Contractor's Federal Taxpayer ID No. (last 4 digits) Contractor City of Auburn Arts Commission Project Title: Three Days of Happiness and Pixels Contract Amount: $ 5,000.00 Fund Source: CP —Site Specific KCPN Contract Period From: 1/1/2012 To: 12/30/2012 AGENCY SERVICES CONTRACT 2012 THIS CONTRACT is entered into by the CULTURAL DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY OF KING COUNTY ("4Culture"), whose address is 101 Prefontaine Place South, Seattle, WA 98104-2672 and telephone number is (206) 296-7580 and the City of Auburn Arts Commission (the "Contractor"), whose address is 910 Ninth St SE, Auburn WA 98002 and telephone number is (253) 804-5043. Contractor is an art, cultural or historical organization or specialist qualified to receive funds pursuant to King County Code Sections 2.48 and 4.42 and RCW 67.28.180 and as hereinafter may be amended. The 4Culture Board of Directors approved providing funds for this project by Motion No. 2012-10. 4Culture desires to provide funds with which the Contractor shall render certain services to King County citizens. Such services are for the benefit of art museums, cultural museums, heritage museums, the arts, and/or the performing arts and are consistant with those defined in RCW 67.28.180 ("Public Benefit Services"). 4Culture is organized pursuant to King County Ordinance 14482 and RCW 35.21.730, et se g. RCW 35.21.750 provides as follows: "[All] liabilities incurred by such public corporation, commission, or authority shall be satisfied exclusively from the assets and properties of such public corporation, commission or authority and no creditor or other person shall have any right of action against the city, town, or county creating such corporation, commission, or authority on account of any debts, obligations, or liabilities of such public corporation, commission, or authority." The legislative authority of 4Culture has found and declared that providing funds to Contractor to reimburse Project costs in consideration of services provided hereunder constitutes a public purpose with the meaning of Article VII, Section 1 of the Washington State Constitution for which public funds may properly be expended or advanced. NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of payments, covenants, and agreements hereinafter mentioned, to be made and performed by the parties hereto, the parties covenant and do mutually agree as follows: AG SVC 2012 Page 1 of 7 h. I. SCOPE OF SERVICES A. The Contractor shall provide services and comply with the requirements set forth hereinafter and in the following attached exhibits which are incorporated herein by reference: ® Specific Scope of Services & Reimbursement Schedule Attached hereto as Exhibit A ® Project Proposal and Budget Attached hereto as Exhibit B ® Insurance Requirements Attached hereto as Exhibit C ❑ Personnel Inventory (K.C.0 12.16.060A)( In combination with other a reements, in excess of $25,000 in a calendar ear Attached hereto as Exhibit D ❑ Affidavit and Certificate of Compliance (K.C.0 12.16.0608) for Agreements in excess of $25,000 Attached hereto as Exhibit E ❑ Disability Assurance of Compliance/Section 504 (KCC 12.16.060D) [ORGANIZATIONS ONLY Attached hereto as Exhibit F B. Purchase of Services. Funds awarded under this Agreement shall be used solely to reimburse the Contractor for expenses incurred expressly and solely in accordance with the Project Proposal and Budget and/or the Specific Scope of Services attached. Any amendment or modification to the Project Proposal and Budget or the Specific Scope of Services and Payment Schedule must be approved in writing by 4Culture. The work described generally by the Project Proposal and Budget and more specifically by the Specific Scope of Services shall hereinafter be referred to as the "Project". C. In addition to performing the Project, Contractor shall provide any Public Benefit Provisions that may be specified in the Specific Scope of Services attached. D. Contractor agrees to acknowledge 4Culture support with inclusion of the approved 4Culture logo in all marketing and promotional materials during the period this contract is in force: I CULTURE KING COUNTY LODGING TAX Approved logos are available for download in a variety of formats at http://www.4culture.org E. The Contractor agrees to notify 4Culture in advance of any public Project activities, including but not limited to ground breaking events, dedications, and other public programs. II. DURATION OF CONTRACT This Agreement shall commence on January 1, 2012 and shall terminate on December 30. 2012. This Agreement, however, may be terminated earlier as provided in Section IV hereof. III. COMPENSATION AND METHOD OF PAYMENT A. 4Culture shall reimburse the Contractor for its actual and authorized expenditures incurred in satisfactorily completing the Specific Scope of Services attached and otherwise fulfilling all requirements specified in this contract in an aggregate amount not to exceed $5,000.00. AG SVC 2012 Page 2 of 7 B. Contractor may apply to 4Culture for reimbursement upon completion of specified phases as detailed in the Specific Scope of Services and Reimbursement Schedule attached to this contract. C. Contractor shall submit an invoice and all accompanying reports in the forms attached hereto as "EXHIBITS", not more than 30 days after the completion of each specified phase identified in the Specific Scope of Services and Reimbursement Schedule. 4Culture will initiate authorization for payment after approval of corrected invoices and reports. 4Culture shall make payment to the Agency not more than 60 days after the appropriate invoice is received. D. Contractor shall submit its final invoice and all outstanding reports within 30 days of the date this Agreement terminates. If the Agency's final invoice and reports are not submitted by the day specified in this subsection, 4Culture will be relieved of all liability for payment to the Agency of the amounts set forth in said invoice or any subsequent invoice E. Accompanying the final invoice for the project, the Contractor shall also submit: 1. A project evaluation report upon the form provided by 4Culture. 2. If 4Culture requests, at least two images (prints, slides, or digital images accompanied by a high-quality print-out) of publishable quality for use by 4Culture to publicize its funding programs. Photos shall have credits, caption information, and permission to publish. F. If the Contractor fails to comply with any terms or conditions of this contract or to provide in any manner the work or services agreed to herein, 4Culture may withhold any payment to the Contractor until 4Culture is satisfied that corrective action, as specified by 4Culture, has been completed. This right is in addition to and not in lieu of 4Culture's right to terminate this contract as provided in Section IV, any other rights of4Culture under this Agreement and any other right or remedy available to4Culture at law or in equity. IV. TERMINATION OF AGREEMENT A. If, through any cause, the Contractor shall fail to fulfill in a timely and proper manner its obligations under this Agreement or if the Contractor shall violate any of its covenants, agreements or stipulations of this Agreement, 4Culture may terminate this Agreement and withhold the remaining allocation. Prior to so terminating this Agreement, 4Culture shall submit written notice to the Contractor describing such default or violation. 4Culture shall not so terminate this Agreement if 4Culture determines that Contractor has, within twenty (20) days of the date of such notice, fully corrected such default or violation. V. MAINTENANCE OF RECORDS A. The Contractor shall maintain accounts and records, including personnel, property, financial, and programmatic records and other such records as may be deemed necessary by 4Culture to ensure proper accounting for all contract funds and compliance with this Agreement. All such records shall sufficiently and properly reflect all direct and indirect costs of any nature expended and services provided in the performance of this Agreement. B. These records shall be maintained for a period of six (6) years after termination of this Agreement unless a longer retention period is required by law. AG SVC 2012 Page 3 of 7 VI. AUDITS AND EVALUATIONS A. The records and documents with respect to all matters covered by this Agreement shall be subject at all times to inspection, review or audit by 4Culture and/or federal/state officials so authorized by law during the performance of this Agreement and six (6) years after termination hereof. B. The Contractor shall provide right of access to its facilities, including by any subcontractor to 4Culture, the King County, state and/or federal agencies or officials at all reasonable times in order to monitor and evaluate the services provided under this Agreement. 4Culture will give advance notice to the Contractor in the case of fiscal audits to be conducted by 4Culture. C. The Contractor agrees to cooperate with 4Culture in the evaluation of the Contractor's performance under this contract and to make available all information reasonably required by any such evaluation process. The results and records of said evaluations shall be maintained and disclosed in accordance with RCW Chapter 42.17 (Public Records Act). VII. PROPRIETARY RIGHTS If any patentable or copyrightable material or article should result from the Project, all rights accruing from such material or article shall be the sole property of Contractor. Contractor agrees to and does hereby grant to 4Culture, an irrevocable, nonexclusive, and royalty -free license to use, according to law, any material or article and use any method that may be developed as part of the work under this Agreement. The foregoing license shall not apply to existing training materials, consulting aids, checklists, and other materials and documents of Contractor which are modified for use in the performance of this Agreement. VIII. FUTURE SUPPORT 4Culture makes no commitment to support the services contracted for herein nor guarantee regarding the success of the services and assumes no obligation for future support of the Project except as expressly set forth in this Agreement. IX. HOLD HARMLESS AND INDEMNIFICATION A. In providing services under this Agreement, the Contractor is an independent contractor, and shall determine the means of accomplishing the results contemplated by this Agreement. Neither the Contractor nor its officers, agents or employees are employees of 4Culture for any purpose. The Contractor shall comply with all applicable federal and state laws and regulations regarding employment, minimum wages and hours, and discrimination in employment. The Contractor is responsible for determining the compensation of its employees, for payment of such compensation, and for all federal and/or state tax, industrial insurance, and Social Security liability that may result from the performance of and compensation for these services. The Contractor and its officers, agents, and employees shall make no claim of career service or civil service rights which may accrue to a 4Culture employee under state or local law. 4Culture assumes no responsibility for the payment of any compensation, wages, benefits, or taxes by, or on behalf of the Contractor, its employees and/or others by reason of this Agreement. To the extent allowed by law, the Contractor shall protect, defend, indemnify and save harmless 4Culture and its officers, agents, and employees from and against any and all claims, costs, and/or losses whatsoever occurring or resulting from (1) the Contractor's failure to pay any such compensation, wages, benefits, or taxes; (2) the supplying to the Contractor of work, services, materials, or supplies by Contractor employees or other suppliers in connection with or support of the performance of this Agreement. The Contractor shall also defend, indemnify, and save harmless 4Culture, and its officers, agents, and employees, from and against any and all claims made by Contractor's employees arising from their employment with Contractor. AG SVC 2012 Page 4 of 7 B. To the full extent provided by applicable law, the Contractor shall protect, defend, indemnify, and save harmless 4Culture its officers, employees, and agents from any and all costs, claims, judgments, and/or awards of damages, arising out of or in any way resulting from the acts or omissions of the Contractor, its officers, employees, and/or agents, except to the extent resulting from 4Culture's sole negligence. If this Agreement is a "a covenant, promise, agreement or understanding in, or in connection with or collateral to, a contract or agreement relative to the construction, alteration, repair, addition to, subtraction from, improvement to, or maintenance of, any building, highway, road, railroad, excavation, or other structure, project, development, or improvement attached to real estate" within the meaning of RCW 4.24.225, the Contractor shall so protect, defend, indemnify, and save harmless 4Culture, its officers, employees, and agents only to the extent of the Contractor's, its officers', employees', and/or agents' negligence. The Contractor agrees that its obligations under this subparagraph extend to any claim, demand, and/or cause of action brought by or on behalf of any employees, or agents. In the event 4Culture incurs any judgment, award and/or cost arising there from including attorneys' fees to enforce the provisions of this article, all such fees, expenses, and costs shall be recoverable from the Contractor. Claims shall include, but are not limited to, assertions that the use or transfer of any software, book, document, report, film, tape or sound reproduction or material of any kind, delivered hereunder, constitutes an infringement of any copyright. X. INSURANCE REQUIREMENTS The Contractor shall procure and maintain for the duration of this Agreement insurance as described on the Exhibit labeled as Insurance Requirements attached here to. XI. CONFLICT OF INTEREST Chapter 42.23 RCW (Code Of Ethics For Municipal Officers --Contract Interests) is incorporated by reference as if fully set forth herein and the Contractor agrees to abide by all the conditions of said Chapter. Failure by the Contractor to comply with any requirements of such Chapter shall be a material breach of contract. In addition, Contractor represents, warrants and covenants that no officer, employee, or agent of 4Culture who exercises any functions or responsibilities in connection with the planning and implementation of the Specific Scope of Contract Services funded herein, has or shall have any beneficial interest, directly or indirectly, in this contract. The Contractor further represents, warrants and covenants neither it nor any other person beneficially interested in this Agreement has offered to give or given any such officer, employee, or agent of 4Culture, directly or indirectly, any compensation, gratuity or reward in connection with this Agreement. The Contractor shall take all appropriate steps to assure compliance with this provision. AG SVC 2012 Page 5 of 7 XII. NONDISCRIMINATION During the performance of this Agreement, Contractor shall comply with state, federal and local legislation requiring nondiscrimination in employment and the provision of services to the public, including, but not limited to: Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964; chapter 49.60 RCW (the Washington state law against discrimination); K.C.C. chapter 12.16 regarding discrimination and affirmative action in employment by contractors, subcontractors and vendors; K.C.C. chapter 12.17 prohibiting discrimination in contracting; K.C.C. chapter 12.18 requiring fair employment practices; K.C.C. chapter and 12.22 prohibiting discrimination in places of public accommodation. The Contractor shall maintain, until 12 months after completion of all work under this contract, all written quotes, bids, estimates or proposals submitted to the Contractor by all businesses seeking to participate in this Agreement. The Contractor shall make such documents available to 4Culture for inspection and copying upon request. XIII. NOTICES Whenever this Agreement provides for notice to be provided by one party to another, such notice shall be in writing and directed to the chief executive officer of Contractor and the Executive Director of 4Culture at the addresses first written above. Any time within which a party must take some action shall be computed from the date that the notice is received by said party. XIV. GENERAL PROVISIONS No modification or amendment to this Agreement shall be valid unless made in writing and signed by the parties hereto. Proposed changes which are mutually agreed upon shall be incorporated by written amendments to this Agreement. 4Culture's failure to insist upon the strict performance of any provision of this Agreement or to exercise any right based upon a breach thereof or the acceptance of any performance during such breach, shall not constitute a waiver of any right under this Agreement. In the event any term or condition of this Agreement or application thereof to any person or circumstances is held invalid, such invalidity shall not affect other terms, conditions, or applications of this Agreement which can be given effect without the invalid term, condition, or application. To this end, the terms and conditions of this Agreement are declared severable. The parties agree that this Agreement is the complete expression of the terms hereto and any oral or written representations or understandings not incorporated herein are excluded. Both parties recognize that time is of the essence in the performance of the provisions of this Agreement. XV. ATTORNEYS' FEES; EXPENSES Contractor agrees to pay upon demand all of 4Culture's costs and expenses, including attorneys' fees and 4Culture's legal expenses, incurred in connection with the enforcement of this Agreement. 4Culture may pay someone else to help enforce this Agreement, and Contractor shall pay the costs and expenses of such enforcement. Costs and expenses include 4Culture's attorneys' fees and legal expenses whether or not there is a lawsuit, including attorneys' fees and legal expenses for bankruptcy proceedings (and including efforts to modify or vacate any automatic stay or injunction), appeals, and any anticipated post judgment collection services. Contractor also shall pay all court costs and such additional fees as may be directed by the court. AG SVC 2012 Page 6 of 7 XVI. SURVIVAL The terms and conditions of Sections III, V, VI, VII, VIII, IX, XI, XII, XIII, XIV and XV shall survive the termination of this Agreement and shall be continuing obligations of the parties. Vi 1: 4Cultt90A Executive Direttor 8 � Date AG SVC 2012 CONTRACTOR: Signature �y� (- Name (Please type or print) 1� ?MA� - AEKS - t2C-��EA-�l L7"J Title (Please type or print) Date Ylzs//v Page 7 of 7 EXHIBIT A SCOPE OF SERVICE The City of Auburn, Auburn Arts Commission, and 4Culture mutually agree that the following services be provided: This contract provides partial support for the development and presentation of two new artistic works for the 2012 Site Specific Program of 4Culture. The City of Auburn will work in cooperation with artist Jeff Crandall to create a temporary art installation entitled Three Days of Happiness and with artist Nicole Kistler to create a temporary art installation entitled Pixels. This contract will support the development of the project, cost of materials, and public presentation. AMOUNT: $3,500 Payable upon installation of Three Days of Happiness, submission of invoice and documentation regarding: • Completion of Evaluation Form • Project Documentation AMOUNT: $1,500 Payable upon installation of Pixels, submission of invoice and documentation regarding: • Completion of Evaluation Form • Project Documentation PUBLIC BENEFIT The project will be open, accessible, publicized and free to the community. PUBLICITY/PROMOTION POLICY Prominent acknowledgment of 4Culture Site Specific Performance Network is required of all recipients for use in all publicity and promotional materials, including, but not limited to brochures, press releases, programs, posters, public service announcements, flyers and advertisements. The artist agrees to provide the following credit for all 2012 performances of this project. Please contact your contract administrator for an electronic file of this logo for publication purposes. CULTURE SITE - SPECIFIC EXHIBIT B 'Al CULTURE NINE COUNTY LOOOINO TAX Local Arts Agency Contract Information Request 2012 Site -Specific Program 4Culture 206 296.7580 101 Prefontaine Place South, Seattle, WA 98104 TTY 711 www.4culture.org 1. Applicant: Agency Name: City of Auburn Arts Commission Contact Name: Mr. ❑ Ms. x Title: Arts Coordinator First Name: Maija Last Name: McKnight Mailing Address:910 Ninth Street SE City: Auburn Zip: WA Auburn Parks, Arts and Recreation Area Code: 253 Phone: 804-5043 e-mail: mmcknight@aubumwa.gov 2. Project Selected Artist) project Title 4Culture Site -Specific Total Project � Cost Anticipated p Dates/Duration Information: Organization Allocation Project One Friday, August 3, 5-9 Jeff Crandall Three Days of Happiness $3,500 $3500 pm Saturday, August 4, 11-6 pm Project Two Nicole Kistler Pixels $1,500 $1500 Mid July —Early August, 2012 Totals $5000 3. Signature: Signature: e:- 47 4 CULTURE RIME COUNTY t DMIN9 TAG 2012 Site -Specific Program Application 4Culture 101 Prefontaine Place South, Seattle, WA 98104 www.4culture.org 206 296.7580 TTY 711 Deadline: October 19, 2011 Applications must be received in the office by 4:30 p.m. on Wednesday, October 19, 2011 or postmarked by October 19, 2011. INSTRUCTIONS Read the King County Performance Network guidelines before filling out this form. • Submit one original of the application and artist work history. DO NOT STAPLE. • Submit one set of required work sample and optional support materials. 1. Applicant Artist/ Ensemble/ Organization Name: Jeff Crandall Contact Name: Mr. El Ms. ❑ Title: First Name: Jeff Last Name: Crandall Address: 5929 25th Ave S City: Zip: Seattle 98108 Area Code: Phone: 766-8007 e-mail: jeff.crandall@yahoo.com Area Code: Fax: http:// www.inversestudio.com County Council District Number, 9 -- THIS IS REQUIRED INFORMATION Call King Co. Records and Elections at (206) 296-1581 to verify your Council District or visit http:/twww.metrokc.00v/mkcc/digIMip.htm 2. Project Concept(s) Please attach one to three ideas or concepts for a site-specific performance or exhibition; Please include a description and a preliminary expense budget for each concept (2 pages per project). Additional information such as technical requirements, site availability, and a final project budget will be developed after the review and selection by 4Culture and the sponsoring organizations. For the purpose of this application, please just describe your idea(s) and estimated expenses. 3. Project Requirements: If your proposal has special requirements (which might include technical needs, venue restrictions, or the need and/or desire to be paired with a specific community, please explain within your attached two-page project concept.) 4. Application Checklist: li� Signed application page d 1 to 3 concept narrative(s) and preliminary budget(s) (two pages per project) 13' Artist Work History (1 page); Include your work in the proposed discipline as well as a concise history of collaborative and site-specific projects if applicable. d Work Sample. A high quality work sample of the artisUorganization's work is strongly encouraged. Work samples may be submitted in a variety of standard formats. Work Sample Description. Please include a separate page detailing title, date, description, participating artists, and applicant role in selected sample(s). [/ Su ort Materials to include articles, reviews, sample publicity materials etc. 5. Applicant Signature: Signature: _4___ Date: 10/16/11 Three Days of Happiness a site-specific public art proposal by Jeff Crandall Summary: 3 Days of Happiness is an interactive sculptural installation which will provide the general public with a reminder, in these dark times of economic despair, that happiness is important in our lives. It will put an individual, lasting piece of art in the hands of up to 200 people from 3 different cities — a tangible reminder to give, receive, and preserve happiness in our lives. Sculptural installation I will create sandblasted wine bottles which will read: HAPPINESS CONTAINS DELIGHT, SMILES, JOY, EASY LAUGHTER & PURE FUN. LIGHT HUMOR ADDED TO PRESERVE FRESHNESS. With these bottles I will create 6 foot x 6 foot Mandala of Happiness. The mandala will be displayed on a portable, 8 foot x 8 foot x 3 inch platform which will raise the work gently off the ground. The platform will be covered with a sheet of thin black rubber on which will be painted an off-white square containing the Mandala of Happiness. The mandala will be a galactic spiral -arm pattern using 36 cobalt blue wine bottles and 32 aqua wine bottles. In addition to these Happiness bottles, the mandala will include 8 smoke -colored wine bottles; these bottles will display negative emotions we tend to carry with us, such as WORRY, DISAPPOINTMENT, FRUSTRATION, DEJECTION, LOSS, etc. Rather than ingredients, these bottles will display the sandblasted text: WARNING: TOXIC! DO NOT TAKE INTERNALLY. KEEP SEALED AT ALL TIMES. The purpose of these is to show that happiness can overwhelm and subsume these negative feelings. �7 Ci e Public Interaction As members of the general public approach and engage with the artwork, they will be offered the opportunity to take one (and only one) bottle of Happiness with them, encouraging them to accept happiness freely and to allow happiness to come into their lives and homes. Under each bottle will be a circle containing one of the 9 letters of HAPPINESS starting with H at the outer ring, A at the next ring in, etc. so as the bottles disappear, the mandala remains. Under the center bottle will be the word: ME. When all the Happiness bottles are gone, the negative bottles will be removed, and the public will be invited to stand at the very center of happiness. The public will also be offered a one-page handout titled "Happiness is a Good Thing to Have" containing a simple artist statement describing the installation regarding our need to accept and hold on to happiness in our lives and give happiness to others where we can. The handout will also contain information on 4Culture and any other sponsor. The flyer will contain no information whatsoever about the artist aside from the artist name. Locations The Mandala of Happiness will be installed from noon to 6:00 PM in high -traffic areas in 3 different cities on 3 different days. (3 complete sets of 72 bottles will be created). Auburn: In front of the Kent: Kent Town Square Auburn Sound Transit Station. Plaza. Mandala will be Mandala will echo the square contained within one of the frames of the building plaza circles, echoing and combined with the circular enhancing the plaza design. clock. Seattle: Westlake Park Mandala will echo the shapes of the semi -circular stage and its square overstructure, as well as play off the basketweave Auburn and Kent have two of the highest poverty rates in the List of Participating Communities (www.city-data.com); they were chosen based on perceived need for happiness. Seattle was chosen to expose the installation message of happiness to the highest number of people. Concept This artwork is meant to dissolve into the community and have a lasting effect. The mandala creates a galaxy of happiness in the center of which is — happiness. And underneath that happiness is: ME. Unlike performances and other temporary installations, this project puts real art permanently in the hands of the public to leave lasting impressions for years to come. Why use glass bottles? Humanity has been creating glass bottles for over 4,000 years. Their concept is steeped with notions of magic, potions, genies, and celebrations, among many others. This installation takes a common, breakable, everyday object and turns it into something precious; reminding us that common human happiness is just as precious, and also, our own happiness can be a fragile thing that needs to be taken care of. The mandala can be reconfigured to echo any pattern or architectural feature. The 4Culture logo or any other sponsor logo may be sandblasted onto the backs of the bottles. With further funding, this project can be duplicated in any number of locations indefinitely. This project can be easily expanded or contracted to fit smaller budgets or larger visions. Ireliminary Project Bud et $2,0.00 Artist Time: 60 hrs $40/hr $60.00 $ Installation Assistant : 6 hrs $10/hr $1550.00 Rubber mat: 8 x 8' Bottles $432.00 Glass wine bottles 18 cases $24/case $432.00 Sandblasting resist 216 a $2 each $360.00 Sandblast rental 12 hrs at $30/hr Corks, etching solution, paint, vinyl letters, bottle washing supplies, misc su lies $150.00 $800.00 Insurance $150.00 Handout $50.00 PR Press releases, printing, postage $4,984.00 TOTAL CULTURE KIND COUNTY LODGING TAX 2012 Site -Specific Program Application 4Culture 206 296.7580 101 Prefontaine Place South, Seattle, WA 98104 TTY 711 www.4cukure.org Deadline: Applications must be received in the office by 4:30 p.m. on October 19, 2011 Wednesday, October 19, 2011 or postmarked by October 19, 2011. INSTRUCTIONS 0 Read the King County Performance Network guidelines before filling out this form. • Submit one original of the application and artist work history. DO NOT STAPLE. • Submit one set of required work sample and optional support materials. 1. Applicant Artist/ Ensemble/ Organization Name: Nicole Kistler and Last Chance Travel Contact Name: Mr. ❑ Ms. El Title: Principal Artist First Name: Nicole Last Name: Kistler Address: 5046 SW Waite Street City: Zip: Seattle 98116 Area Code: Phone: 2066010360 e-mail: nk@nicolekistler.com Area Code: Fax: http://www.nicolekistier.com County Council District Number: $_ THIS IS REQUIRED INFORMATION Call King Co. Records and Elections at (206) 296-1581 to verify your Council District or visit http:/twww.metrokc.goy/fnkodd ap.htm 2. Project Concept($) Please attach one to three ideas or concepts for a site-specific performance or exhibition; Please include a description and a preliminary expense budget for each concept (2 pages per project). Additional information such as technical requirements, site availability, and a final project budget will be developed after the review and selection by 4Culture and the sponsoring organizations. For the purpose of this application, please just describe your idea(s) and estimated expenses. 3. Project Requirements: If your proposal has special requirements (which might include technical needs, venue restrictions, or the need and/or desire to be paired with a specific community, please explain within your attached two-page project concept.) 4. Application Checklist: sr Signed application page Er 1 to 3 concept narrative(s) and preliminary budget(s) (two pages per project) d Artist Work History (1 page); Include your work in the proposed discipline as well as a concise history of collaborative and site -speck projects if applicable. d Work Sample. A high quality work sample of the artist/organization's work is strongly encouraged. Work samples may be submitted in a variety of standard formats. d Work Sample Description. Please include a separate page detailing title, date, description, participating artists, and applicant role in selected sample(s). o Support Materials to include articles, reviews, sample publicity materials etc. Date: p Z0 ,� 5. Applicant Signature: Signature: � Pixels Concept Digital cameras, iPhones, and digital media all insure that our memories are forever captured by the mighty pixel. Yet, that pixel is just one, tiny dot of light. "Pixels" expands the concept of that tiny dot of light making the path of light evident. "Pixels" shine through the trees, bounce off windows or go right through into buildings. Each installation responds like light to its specific surroundings. Design and Construction Each fabric -covered "pixel" is about X in diameter — about the size of a Hula Hoop. The "pixels" are held together in formation by a clip system. They can be installed indoors or outside in all weather. Each "pixel" is covered in a variety of fabric patterns and textures giving a homey, play fort like feeling to this high tech concept. Numerous pixels will be attached to form "rays" of light that play with their surroundings in the same way that light does. The project can be installed in numerous locations, both indoors and outdoors year-round. Timeframe is flexible for this project, but is envisioned to be up for about a month. Budget Materials Hula Hoops Clips Fabric Fasteners Artist Fee Creation of Pixels On-site Installation Sub Total Fee WA Sales Tax (9.5%) Total Fee 206 601 0360 200.00 56.95 50.00 25.00 600.00 450.00 1,381.95 131.28 $1,513.23 NICOLEKISTLER.COM I NKeNICOLEKISTLER.COM All -Terrain Mini and Mini Pack Concept The All -Terrain Mini is part portable -park and part terrier, a pet that needs only batteries, water and sun. This concept, first developed for the Seattle Parks, Art Sparks program in 2009, is fun to drive over all terrain and by all ages. While the artist is the principal operator, the Mini is so easy to drive that even children can have a chance to operate it. Like a family pet, the All -Terrain Mini is easily portable, and follows right along in any park. Like a pet, the Mini is a great icebreaker for meeting new people and starting a conversation in any setting or group of people. While envisioned as a stand-alone or two -pet project, it is possible to also operate 4 Minis in formation or a pack. Photos of the project can be found in the work sample. Design and Construction Plants are attached to a growing medium, backing and wire mesh armature that is affixed to a toy remote control truck. Plants are selected for variety, durability and drought tolerance. Budget Fabrication Costs: $150 per mini (A one time cost) Artist Fee: $300 per event ($150 for each additional Mini) WA Sales Tax (9.5%) = 42.75 Total Fee for (1): $492.75 206 601 0360 1 NICOLEKISTLER.COM I NKeNICOLEKISTLER.COM EXHIBIT C INSURANCE REQUIREMENTS Contractor shall procure, at its sole cost and expense, insurance against claims for injuries to persons or damages to property which may arise from, or in connection with the performance of work hereunder by the Contractor, his agents, representatives, employees, and/or subcontractors. The costs of such insurance shall be paid by the Contractor or subcontractors. For All Coverages: Each insurance policy shall be written on an "Occurrence" form. 1. Minimum Scope of Insurance needed for this contract is as follows: ® Commercial General Insurance Services Office form number (CG 00 01 Ed. 11-88)—Minimum Liability Combined Single Limit of $1,000,000 BI & PD with a General Aggregate per project Automobile Liability Covering all owned and non -owned and hired automobiles – Combined Single Limit of $1,000,000 BI & PD 2. Deductibles and Self Insured Retentions. Any deductibles or self-insured retentions must be declared to, and approved by, 4Culture. The deductible and/or self-insured retention of the policies shall not apply to the Contractor's liability to 4Culture and shall be the sole responsibility of the Contractor. 3. Other Insurance Provisions A. The insurance policies are to contain, or be endorsed to contain, the following provisions: (a) General Liability Policies (1) 4Culture, its officers, employees and agents are to be covered as primary additional insureds as respects liability arising out of activities performed by or on behalf of the Contractor in connection with this Agreement. (2) To the extent of the Contractor's negligence, the Contractor's insurance coverage shall be primary insurance as respects 4Culture, its officers, employees, and agents. Any insurance and/or self-insurance maintained by 4Culture, its officers, employees, or agents shall not contribute with the Contractor's insurance or benefit the Contractor in any way. (3) The Contractor's insurance shall apply separately to each insured against whom claim is made and/or lawsuit is brought, except with respect to the limits of the insurer's liability. (b) All Policies (1) Coverage shall not be suspended, voided, canceled, reduced in coverage or in limits, except as reduced in aggregate by paid claims, at any point during the life of this contract. No material change, or cancellation or nonrenewal of any policy required by this contract shall occur without thirty (30) days' prior written notice to 4Culture. 4. Acceptability of Insurers Unless otherwise approved in writing by 4Culture, insurance is to be placed with insurers with a Best's rating of no less than A:VIII, or, if not rated with Best's, with minimum surpluses the equivalent of Bests' surplus size VIII. 5. Verification of Coverage 4Culture, reserves the right to request that contractor submit the certificate(s) of insurance evidencing compliance with all requirements set forth above.