HomeMy WebLinkAbout06-04-2012 Agenda Modification (1) e�noa ��* • Interoffice Memorandum Engineering Division WASHINGTON To: Public Works Committee From: Dennis Dowdy, Public Works Director CC: Mayor City Clerk Shelley Coleman, Finance Director Dennis Selle Assistant Director/City Engineer Ingrid Gaub,Assistant City Engineer Date: May 31, 2012 Re: Agenda Modification for the.June 4, 2012 Pubiic Works Committee Meeting This modfication transmits the addition of the following agenda item: N. DISCUSSION F. OMinance No. 6470• IColemaN An Ordinance of the City Council of the City of Aubum,Washington,Amending OrcJinance No. 6339 the 2011-2012 Biennial Budget Ordinance as Amended by Ordinance No. 6351, Ordinance No.6352, Ordinarice No. 6362, Ordinance No. 6370, Ordinance No. 6378, Ordinance No. 6379 and Ordinance No. 6400, Authorizing Amendment to the Ciry of Aubum 2011-2012 Budget as Set Forth in Schedule"A"and8chedule"B" Page 1 of 1 /�iJ$jJ� * MORE THAN YOU IMAGINED * cnvoF �� � AGENDA BILL APPROVAL FORM WASHINGTON Agenda Subject: Date: Ordinance No.6410 M 30,2012 Deparhnent: Attachme�Hs: Budget Impaet: Finance Ordinance No. 6410 and Schedules $15,911,D77 °A" and"B" Administrative Recommendation: City Council to,introduce and adoptArdinance No.6410 Background Summary: Ordinance No.6410 amends the 2012 Adopted Budget(of the 2011-2012 biennium)as presented in the attached transmittal memorandum and suppoRing attachments. �RsvleweA by CounWl&Commiftees: Revlewed by Depar4neMS 8 Divisio�: � Q AAs Commission COUNCIL CAMMITTEES: � ❑ Building � ❑ M&O ❑Airport �� Finance ❑ Cemetery ❑' Mayor ❑ Hearing E�mirrer ��Munidpal.Sarv. O Finance ❑ Parks . p Human Servleea �PWnning&CD ❑ Fire ❑. PWnning � park Boerd ��Public Works ❑ Legal ❑ Police ❑ PlanMng Comm. �O OU�er ❑ Public Worka ❑ Human Reaourms . ._ I�om�atlon Services Aetion: Committee Approval: ❑Yea �No Coundl Approval: ❑Yea .ONO � Call Por Publk�Heering _/ / �Reterted.to Untll/_J_ .. TaEled� � � - UMII JJ_ Councllmem6er: Partrid e -- Staff: Coleman Meetin Date: June 4 2012 Item Number:. �J$iJ� * MORE THAN YOU 1MAGWED °TroF —�* * Interoffice Memorandum ' W,4SIiINGTON To: Cit}/Counal From: Shelley Coleman, Finance Director CC: Pete Lewis, Mayor Date: May 30, 2�12 Re: Ordinance#6410—2011-2012 Budget Amendment#8 Atmched is proposed budget amendment�8 for your review. This amendment is the third budget amendment tor 2012 and ttie efgMh budget amendmerrt for the 2011-2012 bi�nium. This lwdget azfjustrnerrt amends p�e Gity's budget for actua12012 begirming fund balanoes,adjusLs revenues for revisions,as a resuR oF'reoant State IegislaUve ac�ons in regards to State shared revenues�and adjusts revenues and e�q�enses refleding the recerWy re�risad utllity�tes. The folla�uing is a desciption of tlie significant changes iridudetl in this tiudget amendmerrt. • Ac�al 2012 beginNng Tund batances: o AdjustrneMs to begirming fi�rid balanoes are made each year after the dose of the preceeding year to reflect acWal beginning tund tialances. The 2012 beginning fund balarxes are updated to reflect acri�al ending 2011 fund balances. • State Shaeed Revenue Impaefs: o GeneralFund revenue us updateii to reflect revised staGe shared revenue distributions based on receM Stafe legaletive action' as folbws: • Temporary susper�On ot liquor exase tax�for July-December 2012(�186,000) • Indrease in liquor profit distribu6or�s for publie safetjr.($56,000) • Onatime distribWon of pmoeeds irom sale W State Ilquor stwes(8180,000) • Reduedon to Streamlined Sales Tax distributions(-$88,000) . Utllily raLe atudy: o Adjustrnerrts to�renues for the Water,Sewer and Stomiwater utilfies to reflect revised rate revenue;consisteM wifh tlie financial estimates as indudad in the Council adopted rete �Y�P�• . Other ehanges: o Cumulative ReserVe Fund—funds are transferred from the General Fund in the amoun4 of$2.5 M to the Cumulative Reserve to support committed debt payments. 'Estituated revenue impacts per AWC. �URN * MORE THAN YOU IMAGINED o City tratfic infraction revenue is reduced to retlectiovuered red light photo infractions. Red light.traffic infraction revenue is projected to dedine from$12M to approximately $500,000 for 2012. (-$708,700;General Fund) o Due,to rec�t changes in accour�ting for Motoc Vehicle Fuel Taxes,thisrevenues is now to be deposited directly irRo the Arterial Street and F2ea�eation Trails fund instead of the Citys GerreralFund 7he. $537,100 reduction in GenerafFund revenue is oifset by a redudion in operating transFers out o FAA grant fimding and spending aulhority is recognized for an update to the Airport cornprehensive plan as wthorized under ResoluGon#4815'($225,000 Airport Fund). Partially offset by FAA gi�antYevenue of$202,500. o January Storm—FEMA reimbursement • FEMA reimbursemeM funding in the amount of$91,550 for citywide costs ($105;170)related to the January storm.Funiiing iecognized in the Pdice DepartmenUGeneral Fund,Solid Waste,Cemetery;and Golf Course Tunds. o ParkS • The City received 4Culture and.King Conservation District grants for promoting local arts events and the IMemational Fartner's Market($37,000; General Fund) • Chainsaw cervings ta tum downed trees finm January storm damage to public art wark; Brannan,Geme Farm,and Les Grove parks(54,000;General Fund) o Public Works/Streets • Additional funding providad for West Valley Highway asphalt reconsWction end street chip seal projects,as authorized by Coundl($185,000;Arterial Street Presenration Fund) • Repair of Laific signal at 15°i Street SW and We�Valley Highway damagad by pr acadeM($75,000;General Fund). Partialy oftset by$25;000 insurarue recovery. . • Increase annual roadway sVipinglmarldng budget to a level that will keep up with deterioration($100,000;General Func� • Replacement of damaged guardrails,streeE IigMs,and stolen copper wiring ($100,000;General Fund) Table 1 below summarizes Uie 2012 budget,es amended,under this prvposed Ordinance: Table 1: 2012 Budget as Amended 2012Approved Budget $245,105,886 . Budget Amendment#8(Ord#6410) 15.911.077 Budget as Amended $261,017,063 Attachments: ❖ 1. Proposed Ordinar�ce t16410(budget adjustrneM�IS) •r 2 Summary of proposetl 2012 budget adJustrnerrts by fimd and departrnent(Schedule A) •S 3.Summary of approved changes to adopted 2012 budget tiy fund(Schedule B) tLL7DURN * MORE:THAN YOU IMAGINED ORDINANCE NO. 6410 AN ORDINANCE.OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF AUBURN; _ WASHINGTON, AMENDING ORDINANCE NO: 6339, THE 2011-2012 BIENNIAL BUDGET ORDINANCE AS AMENDED BY ORDINANCE NO. 6351, .ORDINANCE NO. _. . _._.. _. 6352, ORDINANCE NO. 6362, ORDINANCE NO. 6370, ORDINANCE NO,: 6378, ORDINANCE NO, 6379, AND ORDINANCE NO. 6400, AUTHORIZING AAAENDWIENT TO THE GITY OF AUBURN.2U11-2012 BUDGE'f AS SET FORTH IN SCHEDULE "A" AND SCHEDULE "B" WHEREAS, the Aubum City Council at its regular meeting of December 6, 2010, adopted Ordinance No. 6339 which adopted the City of Aubum 20112012 Biennial budget; and WHEREAS, the Aubum City Council at its regular meeting of February 22, 2011, adopted Ordinance No: 6351 (BA#1) which amended Ordinance No. 6339 which adopted the City of Aubum 2011-2012 Biennial budget; and WHEREAS, the Aubum City Council at its regular meeting of April 4, 2011, adopted Ordinance No. 6352 (BA#2)uvhich amended Ordiriance No. 6351; and WHEREAS, the Aubum City Gouncil at its regularmeeting of July 18, 2011, adopted Ordinance No. 6362 (BA#3)which amended Ordinance No. 6352; and WHEREAS, the Aubum City Council at its regular meeting of September 6, 2011 adopted Ordinance No. 6370 (BA#4) which amended Ordinance 6362; and WHEREAS, the Aubum City Council at its regular meeting of December 5, 2011 adopted Ordinance No. 6378 (BPdkS) which amended Ordinance 6370; and WHEREAS, the Aubum City Council at its regulac meeting of December 5, 2011 adopted Ordinance No. 6379 (BA#6)which amended Ordinance 6378;and Ordinanee No.6410 May 29, 2012 Page 1 of 4 WHEREAS, the Aubum City Council at its regulae meeting of March 19, 2012 adopted Ordinance No. 6400 (BA#7)which amended Ordinance 6379; and WHEREAS, the City of Aubum deems it necessary to appropriate additional funds to 4he various firnds of the 2012 budget as ouUined in this Ordinance (BA#8); and WHEREAS, this Ordinance has been approved by one more than the majority of ail councilpersons in accordance with RCW 35A.34.200. NOW THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF AUBURN, WASHINGTON DO ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. AmendmenY of the 2017-2012 Biennial Budget The 2011- � 2012 Biennial Budget of the City of Aubum is amended pursuant to Chapter 35A.34 RCW, to reflect the revenues and expenditures as shown on Schedule "A° attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference. The Mayor of the City of Aubum, Washington is hereby authoriied to utilize revenue and expenditure amounts shown on said Schedule "A" and Schedule "B". A copy of said Schedule "A° and Schedule "B° is on file with tlie City Clerk and available for public inspection. Section 2. Severability. If any provision of this Ordinance or the application thereof to any person or circumstance is held to be invalid, the remainder of such code, ordinance or regulaUon or the application thereof to other person or circumstance sha0'not be affected. OrdinanceNo.6410 May 29,2012 Page 2 of 4 Section 3. Implementation. The Mayor is hereby authorized to implement such administrative ,procedures as may be necessary So carry out the directives of this legislation. Secfion 4. Effective Date. This Ordinance shall take effect and be in force five (5) days from and>after fts passage, approval and publication as provided by law. INTRODUCED: PASSED: APPROVED: PETER B. LEWIS; MAYOR ATTEST: Danielie E.Daskam City Clerk Ordinance No.8410 May 29,2012 Page 3 of 4 APPROVED AS TO FORM: Daniel B. Heid City Attomey PUBLISHED: Ordinanee No.8410 May 29, 2012 Page 4 of 4 SehadukA Summary of 201i Budget AdJwfinenb hy Fund e�ase�am.�am.��a a o.ai�,�.w�o Bag.FuM t01Y t017 EMIngFwd snsrW FuM Belanea Ra�enues Erye�MBUm B�ISnee Ganaral iuM 3012 AAopNA BuAgat 10,IB7A�8 48,362,800 64,812,7/0 6,ti8,798 8AA8(AdopUO oNinenca A6179) 1A61,260 788,600 7,BJ9A80 tJ,8T0 8AC7(Adopted oNinerma�r100) 762,700 168.lt0 &18,770 (328.790) BA AB(Proposed oNlnance W6410) Ad�uat 2012 Beginning FwM Balarim 4,533,183 4,593,183 Plamuq Reduoe Pmfessiannl Servicoa ta furN transfa outio Fuml 321 torAubum EnvironmenW Park(AEP) prol�lnaeaseticmts. � (8.000) 6.000 Non DeparOneMal Transfer Oul b Parkn ConstruGia�FurM 9N taAEP pmjM inueased oosb 8.000 (6.000) TranslerOuttoCumulafiveReservePuM 2,500,000 (2,500,000) StaOa ShereO ReVenuas Lkpwr Revenue Retlucfion br Excisa Tazes-1 Year Revenue Suapenabn Ellective July 1,2012 (188,000) (186,U0o) L'puor Profil�croax in Liquor Revdvinp AmouM for Pudie Sekly Purpoles 58,000 56,000 O�7�me D'qburaemenlhom tl�e Auction of SFeOe Liquo�Storea 180,000 180,000 SheaMi�tl Salea Tax Mitlpatbn (68,000) (88,000) Municipel Criminal Justica Acwunt (s,000) (a,000) Reduce Motar Vehide Fud Tex revenue-b be rewrded in FuM 102 and FurM 120(revenues ecmuMed tor diiactly IMo tl�ase fiulds) (537,100) (537,t0U) ReduceTanafa0uto1AlVFTtoFundtu2 (530,000) 53a,a00 ReduoeTranaferOutdANFTtoFund120 (7,100) 7,100 Pdice EmergencyManapameMGraM-GR7201 3,700 3,700 Enw�genryManepemeritGraM-Resdutirn4814 82,218 62,218 Ad'yatr�ront b Reflect FEMA 6 State Grents related b January SEOrm avenl per Ras 4811 510 580 QO) Photo EMOrcement Revenue ReAUCtlon�ue Oo RecalibraEm of Re6Rex Pmgrnm in School Zonea (708,700) (708,700) Pe�tcs 4Culture Gre�A for bcel efts 12.000 12.000 Kig Comelvation Distrkt Cxanl fm Aubum Fermen Mafk8letlutefioneVma�IceCrlgeROrtB 20,000 20,000 Chalnxw carvirps at Brannan.Game Faim.8 Les Grove arks 4000 4,000 Pege i d 18 SchetluN A Summery of 2012 Budgat MjuttmsM�by Funtl Budgst Amsndmsnl118 OMinanea BNO 4 �e 1emP��Y eii uw Con M1y - Pleza � �5.000 5,000� PudkNAorks. _ . - _ R bda 6alficaipntl-inwiance � 25.000 - 25.000. In b damped 4aRa sqnd� 75.000 . . C�6.000). _ . _ _ .___ . _. .__ ._ Streels Inaease RoeAweY Shipeq budpel f00.000 (100.000) ' � R�mentaltlert�egea9uvdnds.atreatlqMa�mM smlenmppetw'uin9 � .100�000 (100.000) BAOBToM I,p],it3. .11,178,77Y) Y,7�6,788. __ t,WB�H� RavNW ett-:'y t ti, c��..'.3-.2 ' -�:,;18 bC0711. .. :.:19 7�!' -� � �69M6A7li' _ ;.6 97� T ourcss m f .77/A 9 Peqe 2 d 18 � ' SehadukA Sum111ery of M12 eudge!M1ueNr�rts by Fund ButlpstMrMmsMOB Ordlnance W10 Bep.FUntl lOtt 201] F�MIngFUnO - AalBtreetFUntl OY eeh�e Rewnues Fxpe�MUum 6ak�wa 13 �68A18 71,716.600 1/A�A70 177,6 8 BNBfAdoM�ordNUw�M&179) 9E3.�08 (7r�0,700) N28�700) �28,R06 Bp1i7(Adoptad ordhunca BW001 571.8d0 7,8N,IY0 7,307,770 8,600 BA A8(ProposW uNinance 96H0) MJus12012 Bephnuq Fund Bda�e 261,924 261.32� Reduce Trenafer In ot Motor Vehide Fud Taz from Generel FuM (530 000) (530,000) Rempnva MMOr Vehide Fuel Tu revenue 590,000 590,000 BA98 TMd 761,7Rt M1,77A 707YRe et 7.78a.888 8,178,6Y0 /7188,670- 7►17�8 Toh Reaourcaa n ni 77. ,E 77,960,778 �Beg.FwM 2072 t012 FaMin9 FuM � Laal3haetWntltR1W) Bala�e Nwenuas �enGtW�fls Balanoa tA96,806 3,766,000 .OW,O 8 eacuwoProaommanearea�s> ln�,ml t�o ltn.utl earr pwo�C.a oram.nea ewoo� �,ox�,000 +.oxi,oao BAYB W�VO�oMmnuC617o) Adjusl2012 Beginning Funtl Bdance 145,545 145,545 BAH Tohl 116,616 716,5�6 YO 7 a Bu st 7,886.080 66,000 S 0Y1 HO 1 18,970 wa uouro.s n uns a,t�o.oeo a,taoAeo Page 3 af 78 Se�aAuN A Summary of I077 BudpN AdJwNenb by FuM Budg�tMrMmeMi 8 ONbux�8{10 86g.FUntl 201i 3072 EnAUgFUntl del Mobl Fund 0� 9�NMa Rwenws EYps�dMum Balanu 7Y 7 ophd ordMU�es OW78) (6,47�1 (6�N BAW(Adopled adlnencs fM00) ep oa(vmpmea aamancesaN0) 201Y Bapinnip Funtl Balenoe 87 Y80 B7,Y80 BN8 TMd p,280 87,260 12 Re B 7,1i7 78 81 Y wourcas ne n, 7 , Bsp.FUnO t012 20t2 F�MInpFUnd MlSfnstRasamtlonFund Balanea itewnua E�endlWm Bahna 089 1 1,600A00 18,688 BAfB�MlopEed adinanee 08378) N],787 H7,TN BNq WuO�oNinanea 06100) 88.600 38,600 enra�vma�aam.�es aaao� Mjust2012 Bepinnuq Fund Belan�e 790,078 790.078 AsP�eR moonehuclbn Por West Velley F1xy Imp. PmjeNKp0816 parrhenpeortler03eppmvedby aund on 6l/H2 180.000 1180.00D) MdAonel butlgel(ar the CMfa porBOn M a Mip aeal Pmlect meneBea ey ciy a apone mmupe mmnxa� apieemerdan Res f4821 S/212012 26 000 /25.000) eneaiow �eoAta �esAOO eos,ma 2 x svlssd st 1 1.60l.� 7 7s ,60o /,084.�8s aoum.aa res t ,869 2,806,868 Page 4 d 1B SeMduN A 9ummary of i01f BWgN AAjuNmsMa br Fund BWgst Miendm�ntp B ONimnn 6H0 Bp.FunU 3%7 201Y EntlMp Puntl FortsilunFuml Y BWnu RsrMws .EZpanUlfum Belenee 613 .7 0 30 6 �TU7 8AC8(Adoptad ortllneMe/8�78) 16t,633 76B,qa BAA lAdop[etl ordinanca�N00) BA/B(Proposetl ONIMnee f8410) Adjusl2012 Bepinnng FuM nce 286.7W 268,750 Inte�PaNrenhip torNire am1 Free Prtigrem. Ci(y of Aubum M bo Lead Cty on Pmpiam-Costb Cily ia 530000. 90,000 (30,000) -BAA87btal- 288.760 �0,000 Y78.760 13RS � BW f18.6Y0 .7 J ,�SO ,08� ofal oureu 1,217,3Y0 . Bp.FUM i01= Nt2 FsdingFund Hous6gamlCanmunNflOm�ebP��R6raMFUMH�tB) Balanea RsVenua ExPeMMum BalaMs 0 et 460�000 q9�20 77,668 BMB(Adopbdordinaircei&778) (�.��1 N�170) (�3A37) BAdI(Adopbd ordinexs QW00) BA q8(Pmposed oNina�s 9fi110� Mjud 2012 Beginning FunA Balance 31,028 31,028 enroaima� 7tAxe 37Axe mlaRavasa ac a97 �wo�aao a7dsa. ssA�71 �o�n..o�.�.. mu.. , � �eaas� aa9e s a ie ScheduN A Summsry d 301t Butlget Ad/us6naM�by Fund eua¢e�a�ameM s e am�.�.e�to ap.Funa xw: mu Fiaaq waa R�enatbnTtlhFund 20 BWns Rwa�ua ExpsndRUro� Batenw 7,200 BKB o'dhwnesWa78 enA Uaovad adh�anes s61001 BA W(Piopwed oNhunu(BN01 AA�uat 2072 Bepinnirp FwM BMarce (58) (+`bl Red�n�o�1 o0or Vehkle Fuel Tax Gan Gsianl Funtl p.700) p.100I Rernpnize Motor Vehide Fuel Tex revenue 7.tU0 7.100 BAAB Tohl (681 (6q 1t ReNtM Bud at 76 T T� � Y4,6 aoufGS rH 11,62 Y2,67 Bep.Funtl t01Y 201i EntlhqFuntl uspws 'AMeFund II1 8+�+^u WM^ua E�a^dMu^� Bal"^°° u,ses si. ao u aaes wbnda aamane.am� n�.em ��+.em ansr pwopaa omm.ne.oewo� BA q(�b�M+�ui�f0) Mjuaf 2012 BOpinnYp FuM BWnce 12.931 1Y.831 BA98 Tohl 17,!]1 17,ri1 7 Ra B 1 6f, 21;700 ���wurcw � 7 � Pepe 6 d iB SchMuN A 8ummsry of 2012 Budp�t AdJuehne�by Funtl euaast a�s�amsMS e o�m�a�s a�o Bp.Fund 7013 2072 EnElnp Fu�M IaMeRase�reFUnd eWnc. nerenws F.�endm�m e�4nea � �.� eAa Neophd adiiunu oW791 I�Ae=1 (��6l21 enn N�v�admenee arool ieAm =MUO I�O,0001 en ee I�a��nanc.esr�ol Mju xotz Bepinnmo Fimd Belenro (Y2o 7n) (]20.777) 7Ansfw En ro CumJedve Reaarvs FuM ro Rspbnbh WfBMrewelahan 2008d012 2.600.000 2.500.000 enee Tow I�t0,7771 i.soo.000 =Xle,sa� i ReNsed 2t6,6t0 7+7]A,806 m 7,68 7 6p.FuM t012 201Y End6ip FwM �yqF� }� BWMe Rawnwa E�peemlih�res Balsnea o u t,ces,m eo �am,vao BAA6(Adopbd oNlnaixe NBiri) 78,18� W7,000 1188,607) BAW G��d orAlnenu OBWU) 7f6,810 788,810 ea w�os.d o.dma�a as��o� Mlwt 2017 BepinnMp Fund Bdance 1 297 348 1.287,318 BAWB Tohl 1,297,S19 1,28T,i�8 2 e B a ,76Z 80;000 2 86,8 2 oureq rq 4,710,16] , 6 Pepe 7 of 18 8chadula A Sumnury d 2011 Budp�t MJuaNw�M Ay Fund euaeu a�.�dm.ms e aam.�e.euo 8sp.FuM 3013 3012 FsClnp Fu�M 998 Bo�MDebt BWnes Ra�enuas E�entlMw6s Bahnc� 120 788.100 t88,800 BAaB(Adopbd ordhrn�s aq7s) (�A6=) _ 17Y7,o821 ��s06/00 8A�(P�opos�d oNNUxe OBH01 AQuat2012Bepmn'vqFwd nce (13W) (1.90/) BA08 Tohl ry,704) H,704) 2RaNsstlB A6.76� 288.100 288,800 ren asi.t64 377,86/ BOp.Fund 3017 t072 EnCing Fund OMna:A69BOndM6tFmM 0 8+lanu Rsvanws E�entl�Wm Btlanu � �. BAf6lAdopbd oN6unca M378) BM�AdoptW adlnenee NB/00) BA iN(Propoeed ordin�nu W8470) Adjust2lHl InnYp Fund Balence 758 158 BA/B ToLI 168 168 12Re Butl 1,8%.100 1 %. 00 Rasomcw 1,698,Y6B ,888,768 Paqe 8 d iB 8ch�duNA Summury of 2011 BuApst AdJuehmmh by FuM eua�pt Am.nana�R a e ora�nanee a�o Bp.FwM i01Y 1MY F�MInpFUM OC6DloctlRav9�ItratlonOabtFUn4 1 �� Rerenua F.�aMIWm Ba4np e ioo sss enas Wuve.aaam.�rc.ewnl u.fo+ u,eo� ansi(ndon�ordinuee Awool en o91P�b adm.neeesHO) M�ust 2Dtt Begcminp Fund Balence (78.801) p8.801) enaa rom ps.w,l naeo+l 4Rerbed8 at 696 686A00 rps 6, Bep.FwM 2012 �1Y Endlnp FunO Ouannbe Fund 9 Balencs Ravanue� Esps�M�N�ai BNenos u 6 600 7 .000 BARB{AdoV�oNManeelB7791 7,OB7 __ 1A07 BAT7 oMnence fM00) BAie(Praposed ordiMnuABHO) AtlJus12072 innmp Furid BalaMe 801 807 BA4B ToLI 807 B01 t2ReWad 61,�t8 600 11 �7 ota Wourcn res 6f,e9/ 61.BB8 Pege 9 of 18 8eMduk A Sumnery M 201t Budg�t AdJw6ronb 6y Funtl aua�a�.�a e aai�.a�a Bsp.Fund 2012 101! FiMing Fund 1260 60 Balenu Rawnua E�MXUr�s 8alanw �t7 66,600 6fI anos l�do�e.a aawnes ee»sl enW Wdoqed oialnancsa�oo) BA p(P'opaad ord6�urce OBN0) Mjw120128epinnGq Funtl Balance (118) (718) BAAB Tofal 1718) (178) Revb B e�ouRas re. 65AU 66,tte Bp.Fu� m12 701Y End6gFUM nkpalPartCanswetlonFUmldNt7) eWna Revanua E�sMMum BaleMe 201A88 1,AA�Oa 7 .100 88.9b9 eau4�dovmawam.ne.ea�n� ws.ses �e.�so.soo uaw,xoo ei.ess BARWbpbdaahunea06�oo) H,t00 771.070 74f.a7U ee(�apmad orahuna oM10) Adjusl2012 Bepinnnp FurM Belance 265.1M 285,1M iroru�er m rtom Gmieral Nnd ror Auwm EmummeMelParkprojM-G72a0 8.000 8.000 BAOB ToTd 168.701 6,000 6,000 Y66.104 t01tRa 8 7 787 20,SN,ObO 20, 09, EO 416,667 pourcn pe m 71,73 .797 37,748,797 Pape 10 M 18 Sehedule A Summary of 3013 Budgat AdJu�LreMa by Fund Budgat Amentlment 0 8 Ordinancs 6N0 �BBp.PUntl TOtY Y012 flWMgFUM rowmenbPund !B BWnce Ra�enuae F.�andMUres Balanee u 9 Y.a80.706 7,7b7.700 , 6f, 0 .968 8 BAf6(AAOpbdoMnancslK779) �.t87.OW 76A7U f.OB0,600 7,207A69 BAC7(Atlopbd aMnanea 0&I00) t81Ab� 8.810 77�,470 BAp8lPropoaM ordina�i6/10) AOjust2ot2 Bepirmhq Fu�Bele�e T47,872 241,872 BASB To41 1A1,B72 117,873 �201A RavNatl Butlget� 8.184'1E7 1.78Y,320 11.170. 4;47f,877. �ou'�i rtesourtu i�pe�m�ns 7,8t8,807 7,8 6� Bep,Fuml �1012 2012 FaMing Fund ioul RaWhltratbn FutM(u7�01 �� �nuw ExPaMXures B+k^a B BA98u{tloptedqdlnanca9W79) 808A07 778.70U 6B8,600 26{,607 BM7(Atlopledwd6�ancaN8400) 7,BB2,H0 730.780 2�17,780 BA BB(Propwad oNina�m YW10) Atljuat 2012 Baginning Fund Belence (843 833) (849,893) AdlustestimateOProrrcnadePml�e��ses��� (�8,326) 389.326 BMBTofal (84f.B31) (M8.J28) (2W,607) s s �a x o ewurcp xpend m 2,692,661 , 93 Paga N d 18 SchaduMA Summery ot M17 BuApst Ad�ustmeMs by Fund eua��o e aaw�e.es�o Bp.FuM 2012 20t2 F�qMg FuM abrFund Bale�rc� Rswnua EqNndNum Balenee 11.824A00 7 7,75l,t69 eneel�o�aauunc.as��e� �AeuA�e 1�.�s�.�w1 e.mo,xso eseA�e BM7(Atlopbd adhwnn Sbi00) 8Ab7.190 8,087.790 BA Iq(Propwsd ordhunu C6H0) Mjuft 2012 Bepinnhp Funtl Balence 1,200,924 1,200.824 U01ity Rale SWtly�avenue J89,137 389,437 8AN8 Total 1,70D,B24 ]88,177 1,680,a61 x e a, .o.. ... r,eos,ese n,eosAee Paga 12 of 18 BeMduM A Summary ot t01]Budg�t Adjw6ns�Aa by FuM euaea a�a�.�er e orom.�.u�o B�g.FUntl 201t 2012 EnElnp W� Bsws�Fund 1 BN�na RW�rnun E�enditum BW�a . 77,M� 6 , 0 Ait,8t0 (Adopbderdlnanes06779) 8.1Bf,866 76,800 677,000 6,83t,266 BA67(Adoplvd ordlnance 06/00) 1,9Bi�,610 1,9B7d10 BA W�PiopoeW ortlUUnee OB/10) Mput 2012 Beginniq FurW 1�85.9/8 1./85.878 ue�ro nero sub,��a+w res aee �se.esa enearoa �,wa,s�e 7EBA69 xaaan e rsps e .xes R.s a��eei.s� � .ee= Bp.FuM 7072 =012 FaWhgFUnA ;SlamGdn�geFundf�t) BWna Rov�nua EsW�pum BWnee '�7Y,93��33'� o�—i3�i,9iB� anael�aanwKSru»I a.ew�e�6 Iu6AOO1 f�so6�wo eN,61s BAW(AdopbO oNln�nee OB/00l 1,607,670 1,6M,610 BAOB lProposetl adina�OB{101 Mjuat 2012 Baginn'vp Fund Belance 1.8�8.912 1.848.812 UHdy Rab S6dy rsvanua 88,0/2 89,092 611f8TMal 1,8�8,91! l9Al2 1,W6,9W •Y012 RevNeO B et B 102 7 6,64t 7iA71,760 1,278,78Y aaou�ca �es 7� t 18,877,6lY Pepe 13 d 18 Schedule A 8ummery ef M7i Budpst AAJwhie�s by FuM Budpst AmsndmsMl B Ordlnuica W70 Bag.Funa f012 2012 EnU4q FuM WMeFUnE BWna Ravu�ws EprMpuros BW� ,T � 70 8 BAf61��dlnanc�M779) ({1,7181 7,7M,680 BN,860 �6BAM e11s71Nlo�be oNmance s6�oo) epae(vmp»ea ord�nu�c�eM10) Atljual2012 Bag'sinhp FmM Belanm Y43.263 2�7.T89 Adjusb�renlb RBflBtlSafid Weste GfeMS {.600 4.800 Mjustrnantb Reflect FFJM 8 Sfale Cwenh releleA to Jenuery50wmevenlperRes4811 fi8.630 78.810 (10.0f0) BI108 Talal 2�.1,t8] 77,ti0 C1.3�0 27i.76] 2Rwbad 6SY,2&1 70A71,690 10 726,2&t aaourtw 11,66f,86.1 B63 Mg.FUnd 201f t01t EnANgFUM Funtl gF{78) Balanu R�venuM E�sndMum BelanCa t1Atl 678A9f 86Y,780 T!8 1 .701 BAR6(Adoplad wdln��rce M�78) 338,1�T t60,M0 86,897 BASI(AdopfedoMn��rceYW00) 8,180 87,1r0 19D.6Y0 (100.700) 13,300 (13,100) BA fle(Proposed ardlmMa 08170) Adjust 2072 Bepinninp Funtl Belence 40,7&1 40,7d1 camprahansrvaqanu b-FMhntling 202,500 202,500 /Upoit nsive nu 225�000 (125,OW) T r0,78/ f02,600 2t6,000 18,t8� 7M�RSVhW 9N673 B�i3OtO 7,�07,670 186,983. asaurte� res � . ,661 Papa 11 of 18 BeAeduN A Sum�ury of�14 Budpe!AdJwhronb M Pund BudgstAnrndms�Rtl80Ninanes W70 Bp.FUIW Y012 2012 FiMdqFUIM Fund Balana narsnua F.�endMum eWna 9�7.600 BNG(Moptsdordinanesl6f7f) 60Al1 1M680) l6AN BRf7(RdopbdwdNance06r00) H�l,100) �A70 61,800 BA08(Piopw�d ordbancsf8N0) Mjust20128eyinnFp FwW 1J,287 1J.Y81 Atljua4neM to Relkcl FEMA 6 Slete G�aMS Meted b Januaryb'b�mmenlperRm�e11 12.580 11.�00 (1.8I0) BAWBTaW 77,t81 1;680 1�,W0 77A61 2 Ra , 66,180 1 7 �28,860 �336AC0 Bp.FunA SOtt 2012 F�Ming Fu�M ,GatfCOUnaFUMIM471! Btkrros Rsvsnuq E�eiMRUns BeMx� �f 8 1.877.700 1.8�7,660 79 BM8(AdopladOrdh�enNM8779) 1B6A� (BB,71O1 Y62,83� BA#7 pbd oMn�nu Y8�00) (a82,700) �91,700 8A 98�Propwetl oNiMne�tlBHO) Adryat 2012 8egmnuq Fund Belence (213,092) (217.092) AdNa6ne�rt to Reflecl FEMA 8 Sfate Grenb relatetl b Januery Sbrm evait per Rss�811 8.850 11.550 (1.700) T I=17A9Y1 9,t6U H,660 1t74,7941 �f012R Budest 68,b20 1Al7,660 1A98,t90 169,680 esoure�s 7,e65,B70 70 Pege 15 of 18 SclwduM A Sumn�ry o/t071 Budget AAjustmenh 6y FmM Budp�t MrntlmsM i 8 ONhunes 8l10 Bsp.FwW 2012 101Y End6qFU�M ranesFuM BWnee Rsrsnwa F.�ndkws Bdanee ;5�8,06 7 6B.T00 l,i8i, 68 eA06(Adopbd mmnanes frel7f) (lss,ia7) (�ss,Y77) BAil(Mopbd adin�nce C6W0) 7�b.000 (716.000) BA9B(ProPaed oNMancs 9&NO) Atljust 2072 Beginninp FunO Belance p 162) p.152) BApO TMtl p,7dt) p,16Y) 2 MvM�d Butl ; 3 .700 1 780 ource� ros � 8 A80 B�g.FUnd 2072 201t EndlnpPonO x�tlesFUntl BWnee Ravenuss F.�endtlum BWnee 7r8A79 7.6�8.610 �68�Ab8 BAAOI�aNinanu/8378) /60AC6 198.000 BW,87G JOA16 abn Wuabe ad�nanu e6rao) u9.290 �u.290 BAp(P�opond adinanp p410) Adjiul2012 Beginnrtg Fund Bdenta 176,835 Q6,635 BAOB Tdal q6,836 Q6,876 ReNsetl u M 1,8tt.M8 �.86�,700 ,600 A7S.1 asourua m 76, sA76, 9sg.Fund 201! M12 F�Mhp Fund MfomistlonBerNee�fuM 1B 6�Wiu Rs`enues Fr�siMlWm Beknea IA87.787 /�76 �07 .990 7M AT7 BAYB(AdoPmd oN4unee 08179) 2B6A�6 {8�000 �138A� 186.pb 9AC7/AdnYmd oNinancs/8�00) �A� 67.710 J91,7r0 e�p lP.ovosea aawnce sasta� na�wi zoiz eeym�my Funa emance �oo,ass aao.oss eaae raai rooASS rao.ow YRs �,178,686 IA66A10 6,6i7,1J0 =,�.JbB� esourcas ras 7.37 7.876A96 Paga t6 Of 18 BchWUbA Summmry otSOtf Budgat AdJwM1nenb br FuM BuApet MwndmeM#8 Ordinanca BNO 99g.Fyntl T073 I012 EIMIngFUnO u MRemMFuM Baltnu R�� ���R+ �� 0 opb Y,8 .964 �,07 ,260 .098,660 t,83�,6M BN6 uWopbd oNManca 68778) 807,Nt 701,M0 707,881 BAN71�Pbd oNinancs i6�00� 7A88,670 1�88,630 Bqse(ProposW oNinanqOW10) MJust 2012 Bepinning FwM Belenro 890,850 890,850 BA08 TMd 690,860 BEOAb� 1012ReNsedBUdBeI 6,767,166 .160 67 0.10 4,t66 � wouru� n res 8,868,�75 B,BB6M6 Bsp.Fun4 �� pi= �m9a� f�FlraWmbnFUMf�11) Beknea Rewnua E�entllWm Batenee tb� ofl�dip � 0 Y,7 2,8 3 47 ,8 6 Y BM61Adopbd ordManee WB]79) (10,0671 2,000 (1t,061) BAfil�10opletl oNinanea R6/W) 8A R8(Pmposed ordhunq f6410) AEjust20728epinninp wMBalarce (56.340) (58.940) Baae Toal IssA�ol f�.�l Y Revised Budget 2,666,6f 90 7 8 oh W�ces n m 3J68.877 3�766,677 Bep.FUM 2012 M12 EntlingFmM EnUOVMne�RPUM 01 Balanea Rawnup ExpendHu�es Bahnes ,663. 62 W,700 24,700 7,6D4,682 BMB(�oP���u 68�781 8,716 B.1/6 BA#7(Atlopbd oNinence A8�00) BAlB(Proposetl mllneneetl8N0) Mjust 2012 Beginning Fund Balance (3 737) (3,737) BAAIB Total (�,7J71 (��717) '2012 RaNSatl Bud st 7,666,670 W,700 2! 00 7,688A�� ' Tofa qourcaa 7 �pen ituras 7,617,270 7.811,270 Pe}p 77 of 18 SeheduM A 8umiury of t01t Budgst AdJu�4nsMS by FuM Budpet Amsnd�nM9 B Ordin�nu BHO Beg.FmM 301f 201Y Entl6qFUne nndTdd-AOFunds BWnu RsYSnues E�ntlMUm BWnee i 7 7 1 BA08(Mopled ordinancs N�78) 26.080�1�7 17,87�,910 7f,741,610 f,892,7p 911WI�Pmdo�nancaON001 18.018,680 �,800,660 f0AM,710 72,610 enoarrropoaedadtnanceses�ol 7aoxe,est x,eex,tte i,et7,xei ta,sasAts 1iR 738AW 7 ,27f 8 ]MO 8 T 68,997,6f1 u A 7 76 , IAq�0,2011 PnM�MMbum Fnanai Runnp F!HUdyelOYWwy�2012 B��N�HNllBudpM M�uaOmnb Bummuy Pape 18 oF 78 Schedu�B 2012 Approprietlona by Fund 2012 A ro rlatlon Authori b Fund 2012 Adbpfed BA#6 BA#7 BApS Total 2012 Revised Fund �d9e� (�rd 8378) (O�d 8400) (Ord 8410� Amendmenfs 8udget Genewl FwM l001 59,740,738 1,882,750 321,520 9,593,811 5,578,081 85,318,819 Aheriel S6ee1 Fund #102 14 880,518 497,884 3,218,370 281,324 2,979,800 17,880,318 LocxlStreetFU� #703 3,250,806 277,271 1.021,000 145.545 889.274 4.740.080 HolrJ Motd Fund i109 95.128 5.274 87.280 82.006 177.132 Me11a1 Shee[P2selYdfioll Funtl #105 1.536.588 412,761 68.500 790,079 1.288.280 2.605,888 D FoReilure FuM !11 811.937 188,633 268.750 435.383 1,247,320 Housi arMCommwd GiairiFund d119 578,876 54,50 31,028 23,479 493,397 ReaeatlonT2lsFund 1F720 Y2,677 56 58 22,521 � Business Im Area FurM 121 87,596 34,82 72.937 21,896 75,700 CumWalive Reserve Fund #122 5,625,564 369,882 28,520 2,279,223 1,935,881 7,581425 Mitl � FcesFuM #724 2.587.P3 78.393 798.840 1.297,346 2,7M,379 4.740,152 1998Li Fund #728 827�Y20 292�082 1�304 293.388 333,854 2010MnezABBBOntlOebtFund A230 1,688.100 158 156 1,888,258 2010 C&D Lod ReNtalizalion Dea Fund A231 658,30U 13,901 6,601 62,7D0 595,800 LIDGImrenlBBFlmtl M249 SS,000 1,087 801 7,868 54,888 UUA250 A250 58,047 176 118 55,929 t1DS350 #275 7,200 7,200 Munidpal Park Construcbon Fund #321 2.075,988 18.456.895 324.830 271,104 19.052.829 27.128.797 " Im e'rts Fund l328 4.128.408 3.282.059 274.470 241,872 3.798.401 7.928.807 Loced Revil�iza6on Fund 30 923 007 2.413.390 843,833 2.892.SB4 2.692.589 (;df Cau�se Debt SeMCe FunO 941 382,100 392.100 392.100 WaterFUrN W30 14.201,879 5.926.688 6.087,190 1.590.981 13.804.219 27.805.898 SeNer Fund #931 21,534,044 8.280,255 1.983.510 T.204.787 10,448,552 37 982 598 Storm Fund 9432 9,788,032 3,368,046 1,607,510 1,935,854 6,911,510 18,677,542 Sdid Waste Fund 34 9.944.538 1.302,924 318.493 1,619.417 17,583,953 PJ Funtl(fl435 1.230.812 336.137 93,320 243,284 872,741 1.971.653 Cemet Fund YM138 1,088.798 80.431 57.900 25.851 138,182 1.228,980 Gotf Coulse Flmd #43 1,973,188 185,924 203,242 17,318 1,955,870 InsuranceFUntl A501 2.351.869 758.237 .152 183.389 2.188.480 Faalities FurM W505 4,004,638 845,085 349,280 478,835 1,471,010 5,475,849 IrdwmabmServicesfuntl N518 8.448.887 334,836 391.740 400,053 1.128.828 7.575.498 E � �ReMal Fufltl A550 5,932,209 803,831 1,499,530 630,850 2,934,2N 8,868,415 Fire PenSian FuM tl811 2.822.832 70 061 56.340 66.401 2,758.531 Cemet EIIdoNnlentFund #701 1.606.882 8,74b 3,73 4.408 1.811.270 �.� Toql 781A54,903 42,733,763 20.817.330 16,917,077 78,582,160 261,077,063 � AWy 30.2012