HomeMy WebLinkAbout6419 ORDINANCE NO. 6 41 9 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF AUBURN, WASHINGTON, AMENDING SECTIONS 18.29.060, 18.29.070, 18.31.020, 18.31 120, 18.52.020 AND 18.60.020 OF THE AUBURN CfTY CODE AS HOUSEKEEPING MEASURES WHEREAS, from time to time, amendments to the City of Aubum zoning code are appropriate, in order to update and better reflect the current development needs and standards of the City; and WHEREAS, the City Council modified its committee structure via Resolution No. 4779 removing the Downtown Redevelopment Committee; and WHEREAS, following proper public notice, the Planning Commission considered the proposed code amendments at a public hearing on July 3, 2012; and WHEREAS, after fully considering the testimony and information presented at the public hearing, on July 3, 2012, the Planning Commission made its recommendations on the code amendments to the City of Auburn City Council; and WHEREAS, the Planning and Community Development Committee reviewed the Planning Commission's recommendation at their July 9, 2012 meeting and' forwarded their recommendation to the City Council; and WHEREAS, the environmental review on the proposal has been completed in accordance with the requirements of the State Environmental Policy Act (SEPA) with a final Determination of Non-significance (DNS) issued June 13, 2012; and WHEREAS, pursuant to RCVV 36.70A.106, the proposed zoning code amendments were sent to the Washington State Department of Commerce, Growth Management Services, and other state agencies as required with expedited review Ordinance No. 6419 July 10, 2012 Page 1 of 15 requested and acknowledgment received on June 14, 2012; and WHEREAS, no comments regarding the proposed zoning code amendments have been received from the Department of Commerce or other state agencies; and WHEREAS, the Auburn City Council finds that the proposed amendments provide clarification to the subdivision title and corrmply with recent changes to state law NOW, THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF AUBURN, WASHINGTON, DO ORDAIN as follows: Section 1. Amendment to Citv Code. That section 18.29 060 of the Auburn City Code be and the same hereby is amended to read as follows: 18.29 060 Development Standards A. Minimum lot area: none. B Minimum lot width� none. C Nlinimum lot depth. none. D Floor Area Ratio Floor Area Ratio is the cumulative amount of floor area within a building as a multiple of the lot area. Floor Area Ratio (FAR)� For properties abutting the south side of Main Street and to the south: Basic Allowable"AS of Right" Maximum Allowable with Bonuses Nonresidential2 Residential2 Nonresidential Residential3 Combined4 1.0 2.0 1.5 3.5 5.0 Properties abutting the north side of Main Street and to the north: Basic Allowable As of RighY' Maximum Allowable with 8onuses NonresidentialZ ResidentialZ Nonresidential Residential3 Combined° 3.0' 2.0 4.0 3.5 5.0 � Floor area is measured to the inside face of exterior walls. The following shall be excluded from floor area calculation: a. All space below finished grade. b. Space dedicated to structured parking. c. Space used for any bonus feature listed in 18.29.060.E. Z Minimum required FAR is 0.75, basic allowable FAR is 1.0. 3 Hotels, nursing homes, assisted living centers, etc. shall be considered residential for the purpose of calculating FAR 4.Allowable FAR for non-residential and residential uses may be added together within a project, for a combined total. --------------------------------- Ordinance No. 6419 July 11, 2012 Page 2 of 15 ! \:4.1 f!'(!� 4yr�1"' : � )xhf4'I ni'�ri�.,� � �. ... ,.. x �:;;�:q#,�:Fr'. �.,v ,���,,.;��`�yG.. b..'.. . 7:M,�r. ti�:� 4r7d�.. ..w-......=-' " 'r+�"4h'���i�•?:•"'' . . , w .�.',.'�;-_!° ,-,.: • �;";. M... �-.. �6 �ig',• a°�'+'.t. - '' �m 'w- h� . . `� y�T� � aa-," � - � �'� `'�;� :.1� '�,,`�..` .:; � r- .,�;; ^::r� ,,. _, . :....._y,,� ;�%%;��,.,� .:;�;`�r°- -;, •,�,:�%"., .:;.::4�''. - y�: ..: �Y N'� • -�.� A�.Ji''. . ���..i �� 1 ik ! �7 1'ik?.n 1'9R t n 1'�1K ;.n 1��4n';r.', E. Bonus Features Allowing Increased Floor Area Ratio Feature Additional Gross Floor Area for each Feature Street Level Retail 100 sf of floor area for each linear foot of retail frorrtage Restaurant 100 sf of floor area for each linear foot of restaurant frontage Public Plaza 5 sf of floor area for each sf of plaza Widening Public Sidewalk 4 sf of floor area for each sf of sidewalk made available for public use Canopy 4 sf of floor area for each sf of canopy � Day Care 4 sf of floor area for each sf of day care Health Club 2 sf of floor area for each sf of health club Performing Space 2 sf of floor area for each sf of performing space Public Meeting Room 5 sf of floor area for each sf of ineeting room Public Art (Arts Commission approval 10 sf of floor area for each $100 of valuation required) Water Feature 10 sf of floor area for each $100 of valuation Structured Parking 0.5 sf of floor area for each sf of required parking above grade Below Grade Parking 1 sf of floor area for each sf of required parking below grade (including half-level plate below grade) Green Roof 2 sf of floor area for each sf of green roof Ordinance No. 6419 July 11, 2012 Page 3 of 15 Public Restrooms 10 sf of floor area for each sf of public restroom Contribution to a public park or cultural 10 sf of floor are for each $100 of facility such as a library, museum or theatre contribution towards acquisition or within 0.5 miles of the DUC zone; also, any ' development. This can be used to exceed project including a performance or both maximum FAR and maximum building entertainment venue is eligible for these height by up to 25% bonuses, based upon the vaiue of construction. Development of open space such as open 5 sf of floor area for each sf of open space roof decks, balconies, lanais or parts of the building and improved for outdoor living; including rooftop daycare play areas, dog walkin areas, etc. An applicant may be required to provide a legally binding agreement or easement to ensure any of the above features is maintained over the life of the project. F Maximum Building Height. Maximum building height within the DUC zone shall be 75 feet, unless bonus height is permitted per (E) above. 1 If retail uses occupy the ground floor, the minimum height for that floor shall be 14 ft. 2. Mechanical penthouses, stair/elevator overruns, and antennae may be excluded .from building height calculation provided they extend no more than 20 feet above the roof deck. 3. Maximum building height may be increased by up to 20% if the top is designed as a non-habitable, architectural element. This element may extend above the increased height limit. G. Minimum Building Height. The minimum height for any new structure within the DUC zone shall be two stories for the full extent of the building footprint. H. Parking Ratios The following parking standards shall apply within the DUC zone in lieu of any standard noted in ACC 18.52.020 or provision of ACC 18.52.030 Use Type Minimum required Maximum aliowed for surface arkin lots Retail 2 stalls/ 1000 nsf 4 stalls / 1000 nsf� Office 2 stalls / 1000 nsf 4 stalls / 1000 nsf Residential 1 stall per dwelling unit 2 per dwelling unit Restaurant 0.5 stall per 4 seats 1 stall per 4 seats �nsf=net square feet 1 Parking requirements for uses not listed shall be determined by a study of parking demand for that use, as prepared by a qualified professional and as accepted by the Director 2. Retail and restaurant uses less than 3000 in nsf in area shall be exempt from parking requirements. Ordinance No. 6419 July 11, 2012 Page 4 of 15 3. Uses sharing a common parking facility may reduce the required number of stalls by 25%. 4 Required parking may be located off site, so long as it is: a) located within the DUC zone, b) is within 1000 feet of the property, c) is connected to the property tiy streets improved with sidewalks or walkways, and d) is tied to the site by a contractual agreement reviewed and approved by the City Attorney that is filed with the City and Deed of Record at the County 5. On-street parking that is located directly adjacent to a devefopment site may be used to satisfy minimum parking requirements and shall not be included in determining maximum surface parking allowances. 6. Dedicated offsite parking provided within a parking structure may be used to provide FAR bonuses for a project on a separate site, provided the parking structure is located consistent with this chapter 7 The maximum standards noted in the table above may be exceeded if all stalls above the maximum limit are provided within a parking structure. 8. Compliance with these standards is not required for a change of use within an existing building or whenever there is an expansion of an existing building or a new building replaces an existing building that does not increase the floor area by more than 25%. 9. In lieu of providing the minimum parking required by this section, an applicant may request to pay for each required parking stall into a special fund that will be used to provide and upgrade municipal parking to serve the DUC zone. The per stall fee shall be as specified in the City's fee schedule. I. Signs. The design of alI signs shall be in conformance with the design standards referenced in ACC 18.29 070 Allowable types, numbers and sizes of signs shall be as follows: 1 Freestanding. Not allowed, except for monument signs as described within the "Downtown Auburn Design Standards"; no more than one per street frontage; maximum size: 64 square feet, calculated at a rate of one square foot of sign area per lineal foot of site frontage, minimum entitlement shall be 32 square feet; maximum height: five feet. 2. Wall signs: maximum area of 150 square feet per building facade, calculated at a rate of one square foot of sign area for every lineal foot of facade; minimum entitlement shall be 16 square feet. 3. Suspended signs attached under a marquee or canopy one double-faced sign, no greater than three square feet per face allowed for each building entrance; minimum �clearance above grade: eight feet. 4 Portable Signs. ��^°^« a,.. �n.,,.. c..,,,,. F.,,.....,.,,� Oene portable sign may be allowed for each business entrance, not to exceed one portable sign per building frontage, subject to the following: a. May be placed within public right-of-way subject to the guidelines provided � by the director in consultation with the city engineer such that sign placement does not interfere with pedestrian or vehicular traffic and conforms to the requirements of the Americans with Disabilities Act. b. May not exceed 36 inches in height and 30 inches in width and be limited to two faces. Ordinance No. 6419 July 11 2012 Page 5 of 15 c. May be displayed during business hours only d. Must be constructed of either wood or another sturdy material to ensure stability in the wind. e. May not move, spin, flash, or otherwise be animated. J. Landscaping. Landscaping shall be provided as defined in the Downtown Auburn Design Standards. (Ord. 6071 § 6 (Exh. A), 2007 ) Section 2. Amendment to Citv Code. That section 18.29 070 of the Aubum City Code be and the same hereby is amended to read as follows: 18.29 070 Design standards. Adopted by reference are the "Downtown Aubum Design Standards;" and the "Auburn Junction DesiQn Standards." a copy of which shall be maintained by the city clerk. These}s documents contains standards for development of the built environment in the DUC zone. The director shall have the authority to apply the standards to specific development proposals. These standards may be amended upon approval by the planning and communitv development committee of the Auburn city council—exse� ' . (Ord. 6287 § 2, 2010; Ord. 6190 § 1, 2008; Ord. 6071 § 6 (Exh. A), 2007 ) Section 3. Amendment to Citv Code. That section 18.31 020 of the Auburn City Code be and the same hereby is amended to read as follows: 18.31.020 Fences. A. Height Regulations. The minimum or maximum height requirements as stipulated throughout this chapter shall be considered to be met if the height of the fence is within six percent of the height required. The height of the fence shall be determined from the existing, established grade on the property 1 The following regulations shall apply in the R-1, R-5, R-7, R-10, R-16, R- 20, R-MHC, RO, RO-H, I, C-N, C-1, C-2, and DUC zones: a. Fences may be constructed to a height not to exceed the following in each of the required setback areas, as regulated per each zone, or as modified by subsection B of this section: i i. Front setback: 42 inches; provided, that fences constructed of chain link, wrought iron or similar materials that provide visibility may be 72 inches in height; ii. Side setback: 72 inches; iii. Rear setback: 72 inches; iv Street side setbackc 72 inches. 2. Fences and walls built within the building area of a lot may be as high as ----------------------------- Ordinance No. 6419 July 11 2012 Page 6 of 15 the maximum building height allowed within the applicable zone. Building permits are required for fences exceeding six feet in height. 3. If the fence includes a qate or similar feature, a vehicle refuqe area shall be orovided within the drivewav to avoid blockinq the street. The vehicle refuae area shall have a length that is sufficient for a waitinq vehicle and not block the street. B Special Height Restrictions. 1 There shall not be anything constructed or reconstructed, and no obstruction permitted, within the sight distance triangle area as required by ciry of Aubum engineering design standards. 2. In general, no fence, hedge, structure or other obstruction shall act as a sight hazard to tra�c, and the city engineer may order the removal of such hazard whether or not such object otherwise complies with the provisions of this title. C Screened Fence. 1 A screened fence shall consist, at a minimum, of a chain link fence interwoven with slats placed in every row or avaiiable space in the fence. 2. A 100 percent sight-obscuring fence shall be constructed of solid wood, metal, concrete or other appropriate material which totally conceals the subject use from adjoining uses. D Fences and Associated Landscaping. 1 When landscaping is required along the property line, the fence shall be set back a minimum of five feet if the fence abuts a street right-of-way, so as to not obscure such landscaping. 2. At other property lines, the landscaping shall be located to serve the greatest public benefit. E. Obstructions — Generally Prohibited. 1 In no case shall any fence and/or hedge be constructed or grown such that it deters or hinders the fire authority from gaining access to any fire authocity connection, fire protection control valve, fire hydrant, or fire authority appliance or device. Minimum clearance requirements for fire hydrants shall be in accordance with the city design and construction standards. 2. In no case shall any fence and/or hedge obstruct the visibility of any fire hydrant from a distance of 150 feet, in any direction, of vehicular approach to the hydrant. 3 In no case shall any fence andlor hedge be constructed or grown in a manner which interferes with access to storm or sanitary sewer manholes and other appurtenances which require access for maintenance purposes. F Other than in the P-1, M-1 or M-2 zones, no fence may include the use of barbed wire; provided, that pasture areas a minimum of one acre in area may be fenced with barbed wire in any zone. Barbed wire may be attached to the top of and in addition to the height of a 72-inch fence in the above zones, provided it does not extend more than one additional foot in height. See ACC Section 8.12.060 for additional requirements for nuisances related to fences such as electric fences. G. Any fence located within a front setback that features a locking gate or similar security device shall provide emergency access in a manner acceptable to the fire marshal. (Ord. 6245 § 15, 2009 ) Ordinance No. 6419 July 11 2012 Page 7 of 15 Section 4. Amendment to Citv Code. That section 18.31 120 of the Auburn City Code be and the same hereby is amended to read as follows: 18 31 120 Accessory dwelling units. Accessory dwelling units are permitted outright in all residential zones that permit single-family homes, and may be developed with new or existing single-family homes. The development standards of the underlying zone and the following siting and pertormance standards shall apply to all accessory dwelling units as defined by ACC 18.04 018. A. The home or accessory dwelling unit must be the principal place of residence for the homeowner B. Only one accessory dwelling unit may be permitted per single-family residence. C An accessory dwelling unit shall not be larger than 50 percent of the square footage of the single-family home with garage space not being included in the calculation. In no case shall the accessory dwelling unit be more than 950 square feet, nor less than 300 square feet, nor have more than two bedrooms. D Exterior Appearance/Modifications 1 Any alterations shall not change the appearance from that of a single- family residence, as determined by the planning director 2. Only one exterior entrance is allowed to the accessory dwelling unit and it can be Iocated no closer than 10 feet to an adjoining property Iine. 3 Any exterior stairs shall be placed in the rear or side setback and no closer than 10 feet to an adjoining property line. 4 Where garage space is converted to living space, the garage door shall be replaced with materials that match the exterior of the house. If a detached garage is converted, its appearance must still be that of a detached garage and the detached garage must be able to be used for parking of at least one vehicle. E. Parking Requirements. 1 The parking required for the existing single-family home must meet all requirements of the zoning code including amount, size and setback requirements in order for an accessory dwelling unit to be allowed. 2. One additional parking space, beyond those required for the single-family home, is required for an accessory dwelling unit. The additional parking space must also meet all requirements of the zoning code. 3 Newly created parking shall make use of existing curb cuts, when possible. F An accessory dwelling unit may not be sold as a separate piece of property, or as a condominium unit, unless allowed by the existing zoning on the property G. Any homeowner seeking to establish an accessory dwelling unit shall apply for approval in accordance with the following procedures. 1 The homeowner shall apply for an accessory dwelling unit permit with the city A complete application shall include a. properly completed application form, floor � and structural plans, and fees, . �#e-a#i�av+t-e# Ordinance No. 6419A� July 11 2012 Page 8 of 15 2. Before issuance of the certificate of occupancv for an accessory dwelling unit-per�+#, the homeowner must provide a copy of a statement recorded with the county in which the subiect propertv is located fesides. The statement must read: An application for a permit for an accessory dwelling unit has been submitted to the city of Auburn by the owner of this property Future owners are advised that the owner of the property must comply with all requirements of the Auburn Zoning Code, as amended, if the accessory dwelling unit is to be occupied or rented. H. If an accessory dwelling unit is to be removed, appropriate permits and inspections must first be received from the city If a homeowner wants to remove the statement as required by subsection (G)(2) of this section from the property's title, then the city shall issue an appropriate release upon evidence that the accessory dwelling unit has been removed. The release shall be recorded by the homeowner with the county records and elections office and a copy of the recorded release shall be provided to the city (Ord. 6245 § 15, 2009 ) Section 5. Amendment to City Code. That section 18.52.020 of the Auburn City Code be and the same hereby is amended to read as follows: 18.52.020 Numbec of off-street parking spaces required. Each principal use of the land, building, or structure shall provide the number of off-street parking spaces required by this section. The following standards are not applicable in the DUC, downtown urban center zone; refer to Chapter 18.29 ACC for specific requirements for that zone. A. Parking Requirements by Land Use. 1 Minimum Number of Parking Spaces. Each land use shall provide the minimum number of off-street parking spaces required by Table 18.52.020, except where a greater number of spaces are required through a more specific approval process such as an administrative use permit or conditional use permit approval. 2. Uses Not Listed. Where a use is not listed in Table 18 52.020 the planning director shall determine the number of required parking and/or loading spaces. The planning director shall use the requirements in Table 18.52.020 as a guide in determining the number of off-street parking spaces required based on the similarity of uses or may consider a parking generation study B. Maximum Number of Parking Spaces. Except for required parking spaces for persons with disabilities, spaces provided in park and ride lots operated by a public transit agency, spaces for carpools, spaces for electric vehicle charging and spaces within structured parking with two or more levels, the maximum number of parking spaces for nonresidential uses shall not exceed 125 percent of the minimum spaces required by Table 18.52.020. C Measurement of Floor Area. In any case where Table 18.52.020 establishes a parking requirement based on floor area in square feet (for example: two Ordinance No. 6419 � July 11 2012 Page 9 of 15 spaces per 1,000 square feet (sfl of floor area), the floor area shall be construed to mean gross floor area (defined in ACC 18.04 430). D Use with Accessory Components. A single use with accessory components shall provide parking for the primary use, and each component. For example, a hotel with a meeting room may be requi�ed to provide the parking spaces required by Table 18.52.020 for a hotel (i.e., the guest rooms), and for a meeting room. E. Obstruction. Removal of required parking or loading spaces from practical use by obstruction, erection of buildings, or other actions as to reduce the parking or loading capacity or usefulness thereof below the minimum requirements established in this chapter is prohibited. Table 18.52.020 Off-Street Parking Requirements by Land Use Land Use Type: Unit of Measure: Required Parking Rate (spaces per unit of ineasure)• Residential Categories Single-family, detached dwelling,.adult Dwelling unit 2.00 family home Two-family dwelling (duplex) Dwelling unit 2.00 Multifamily dweiling (one and two bedroom Dwelling unit 1.50 units) Multifamily dwelling (three bedroom units Dwelling unit 2.00 or more) Mobile home dwellings' Dwelling unit 2.00 Assisted living facilities 4 bedrooms 1 00 Plus one space for eachtwo employees Group living (includes supportive housing, 2 bedrooms 1 00 boardinghouse) Commercial Categories Auto, boat, or recreational vehicle sales or 5,000 square feet of 1 00 leasing, new or used outdoor sales area 1,000 square feet of 1 00 showroom and service facilities Daycare centers Each 10 children in 2.00 care Eating and drinking establishments 1,000 square feet of 10 00 Ordinance No. 6419 July 11 2012 Page 10 of 15 floor area Food retail stores and markets 1,000 square feet of 5 00 floor area Health and fitness clubs 1,000 square feet of 10.00 floor area Hotel or motel Guest room or rental 1 00 unit Mini-marts and self service gas stations 1,000 square feet of 5 00 floor area Mortuaries or funeral homes SeatZ 0.25 Motor vehicle repair and services 1,000 square feet of 2.50 floor area Personal service shops 1,000 square feet of 2.50 floor area Retail commercial establishments, less 1,000 square feet of 2.50 than 15,000 square feet of floor area floor area Retail commercial establishments, greater 1,000 square feet of 4 00 than 15,000 square feet of floor area floor area Shopping centers 1,000 square feet of 4 00 floor area O�ce Categories Business and professional offices 1,000 square feet of 2.00 floor area Medical, dental, and other doctor's offices 1,000 square feet of 5.00 floor area Manufacturing Processing and Warehousing Categories � (See also ACC 18.52.020(D)) All manufacturing, industrial, and 1,000 square feet of 1 00 processing uses, except the following: floor area Warehousing 2,000 square feet of 1 00 floor area Storage — Personal storage/mini-storage Storage unit3 Minimum of 2 facilities spaces Recreation, Education, Public Assembly Categories Auditoriums, stadiums, and theaters Seat� 0.25 -------------------------------- Ordinance No. 6419 July 11, 2012 Page 11 of 15 Commercial recreation facilities — Indoor, 1,000 square feet of 5.00 except for the following: flooc area Bowling alleys Lanes 5 00 Pool and billiard rooms Table 2.00 Skating rinks 1,000 square feet of 5 OD floor area Commercial recreation facilities — Outdoor 1,000 square feet of 3 00 usable recreational area Hospitals Bed 1 75 Library, museum 1,000 square feet of 2.50 floor area Meeting facility, public or private SeatZ 0.25 Religious assembly SeatZ 0.20 Schools (public and private) Kindergarten schools Employee" 1 00 Elementary/middle schools Teaching station 1.20 Secondary (high) schools Student 0 40 College or university (including trade and Student 0 75 business schools) Studios (dance, martial arts, etc.) 1,000 square feet of 5 00 floor area Tennis/racquetball/handball or other sport Court 2.00 courts Each 300 sf of floor 1 00 area for accessory uses Recreational uses not listed elsewhere Same as retail, based on size Notes: 1 Within mobile home parks, parking space shall not be allowed within the required setbacks. Guest parking shall be provided within the development: five percent of total requirement. 2. Seat, 18 inches of bench, or 25 square feet of floor space. 3. Parking shall be provided by parking/driving lanes adjacent to buildings. Two parking spaces shail be provided adjacent to the manager's quarters. 4 There shall be two visitor-parking stalls provided for each 10 required employee stalls. (Ord. 6388 § 1, 2011, Ord. 6167 § 4, 2008; Ord. 6140 § 2, 2007, Ord. 6071 § 3, 2007, Ordinance No. 6419 July 11, 2012 Page 12 of 15 Ord. 5777 § 1, 2003; Ord. 5556 § 1, 2001, Ord. 5170 § 1, 1998; Ord. 4949 § 1, 1997, Ord. 4304 § 1(40), (41), 1988; Ord. 4229 § 2, 1987 ) Section 6. Amendme�t to City Code. That section 18.60 020 of the Auburn City Code be and the same hereby is amended to read as follows: 18.60 020 Requirements. Home occupations are required to have a business license as issued by the city, comply with all city codes and ordinances, and shail be consistent with the following provisions: A. Only members of the immediate family residing on the premises and no more than one non-resident may be employed at any one time; provided, that home occupations with a nonresident employee shall provide off-street parking for the employee on site, B No mechanical equipment is used except such as is commonly or customarily used for domestic, household or personal purposes for a dwelling unit (or as deemed similar in terms of power, quantity, noise, emissions and type), C Not more than one-fourth of the floor area of any building is devoted to such occupation, except for bed and breakfasts; D That such occupation shall not require internal or external alteration or involve construction features not customarily found in a dwelling; E. The home occupation shall not irivolve the use of personal commercial vehicles as defined in ACC 18.04.245 for the distribution of materials to or from the premises. Deliveries or pickups by commercial delivery services shall not apply toward this limitation provided such pickup or delivery does not exceed twice per day; F The conduct of any home occupation, including but not limited to the storage of goods and equipment, shall not reduce or render unusable areas provided for the required off-street parking. Additional parking is not allowed in order to conduct a home occupation, except what may be required through the issuance of a special home occupation permit pursuant to ACC 18.60 040; G. Only one sign is permitted, not to exceed 18 inches by 24 inches in area, nonilluminated, and attached to a building, except that home occupations in commercial or industrial zones may have signs consistent.with the applicable zoning district; H. No display pertaining to the occupation, other than the one permitted sign, is visible from the street or adjacent residences; I. No more animals are maintained on the premises than what may otherwise be permitted in the zone; J Except for bed and breakfasts, employee and customer visits shall be limited to the following hours of operation: 1 Employees from 8:00 a.m. to 6•00 p.m. Monday through Friday and from 9�00 a.m. to 6�00 p.m. on Saturday and Sundays, 2. Customers from 9�00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. �eli�a�s� K. Traffic generated by the home occupation shall be limited to a maximum Ordinance No. 6419 July 11, 2012 Page 13 of 15 of eight (two-way) clienUdelivery-related trips per day for those home occupations that operate by appointment only and do not have overlapping client visits. All other home occupations shall be limited to five (two-way) clienUdelivery trips per day; L. Outdoor storage of materials, goods, products or equipment is not allowed; M. The home occupation is to be conducted in such a manner that the residence shall not differ from its residential character either by the use of colors, materials, construction, lighting, signs, or the emissions of sounds, noises, vibrations or odors or result in traffic impacts inconsistent with the character of the area in which the home occupation is located. (Ord. 6141 § 1, 2007, Ord. 5897 § 21, 2005, Ord. 4229 § 2, 1987 ) Section 7. Implementation. The Mayor is hereby authorized to implement such administrative procedures as may be necessary to carry out the directions of this legislation. Section 8. Severabilitv. The provisions of this ordinance are declared to be separate and severable. The invalidity of any clause, sentence, paragraph, subdivision, section or portion of this ordinance, or the invalidity of the application thereof to any person or circumstance shall not affect the validity of the remainder of this ordinance, or the validity of its application to other persons or circumstances. Section 9. Effective date. This Ordinance shall take effect and be in force five days from and after its passage, approval and publication as provided by law INTRODUCED� .1UL 16 2012 PASSED� JUL 16 2012 APPROVED� JUL 16 2012 ' OF A > _- �� ATTEST PETER B. LEWIS � ^ � � MAYOR Dt�u.p Danielle E. Daskam, City Clerk Ordinance No. 6419 July 71 2012 Page 14 of 15 APPR D A TO FORM� D ie . e Ci Att ne • Published: — -�-�-� �S�a.�, j1�*J Ordinance No 6419 July 11, 2012 Page 15 of 15