HomeMy WebLinkAboutExhibit 06C117Y OF RNjA- B U WAS IJ I N GTO) N LI th Ocati'lofn 1: 219 49 St NE, Generally south of S 277th ST, east, of Auburn Way N, norlthm of 49th, St NE and west of D S,T'N',E,,, The siteis within thfe NW quarter of' Secti on 31, Township, 22 North,, Range 6 East, W.M. King County, 0001 & 936060- Washington. Parcel Nos: 000220-0007,, 936000-02001 0022,0 0350 Date off Public Hearing-, August 15,, 2012 1 for the aboveIcertifythat, ar before Jul 30 2012 1 did, send, a Notice of Public Hearing referenced application, as required by Auburn City Code 18.66.130, to all property owners located, within 300 ifeet, of the: affected site. Said Notice was mailed, pre-paild stamped through the United States Postal Service at least T5 days, prior to the, public hearing date noted' above. I declare under penalty of perjury of the laws ofthe State ofWashington that the foregoing is true and correct. POO Or, Tina Kriss — Planning Secroary REQUEST TO PUBLISH ATTN: Legal Notice Account Representative Please publish in the Seattle Times on Monday, July 30, 2012. Send the bill for the cost of publishing and Affidavits of Publication to: City of Auburn City Clerks Dept 25 West Main Auburn, WA 98001-4998 Please publish below line only. NOTICE OF APPLICATION & HEARING PUBLIC HEARING: Hearing Examiner, August 15, 2012 at 5:30 pm COUNCIL CHAMBERS, CITY HALL APPLICATION NUMBER & NAME: REZ12-0003 / RPG Auburn Properties LLC Rezone PROPONENT: Tamara Thompson, (Agent), Landmark Development Group on behalf of RPG Auburn Properties, LLC PROPERTY LOCATION: 219 49th St NE, Generally south of S 277th ST, east of Auburn Way N, north of 49th St NE and west of D ST NE ; The site is within the NW quarter of Section 31, Township 22 North, Range 5 East, W.M. King County, Washington. Parcel Nos: 000220-0007, 936000-0200, 00220-0001 & 936060-0350 702 West Main St. DESCRIPTION OF PROPOSAL: Rezoning of four parcels totaling approximately 11 acres from C3, Heavy Commercial to C4, Mixed-Use Commercial APPLICATION FILED: June 19, 2012. COMPLETE APPLICATION: July 17, 2012. NOTICE OF APPLICATION: July 30, 2012 STUDIES SUBMITTED WITH APPLICATON: Letter Request for Rezone, Landmark Development Group, LLC, June 14, 2012. ALTA/ACSM Land Title Survey, Barghausen Consulting Engineers Inc., October 2, 2007 Addendum to NE Auburn/Robertson Properties Special Area Plan Final Environmental Impact Statement, City of Auburn, November 2, 2012 NE Auburn/Robertson Properties Special Area Plan Final Environmental Impact Statement, City of Auburn, July 30, 2004 NE Auburn/Robertson Properties Special Area Plan Draft Environmental Impact Statement, City of Auburn, February 3, 2004 OTHER PERMITS AND PLANS WHICH MAY BE REQUIRED: No other permits are required prior to the rezone decision; Subsequent development will be required to obtain all necessary permits or approvals that may include subdivisions, grading, facility extensions and building permits. STATEMENT OF CONSISTENCY AND LIST OF APPLICABLE DEVELOPMENT REGULATIONS: This proposal is subject to and shall be consistent with the City of Auburn Comprehensive Plan, Zoning Code, Stormwater Management Ordinance, Street & Utility Standards, International Building & Fire Codes. All persons may comment on this application either in writing to the address below or by submitting written or oral testimony during the public hearing. Any person wishing to become a party of record and receive future notices, copies of the Planning Dept report with recommendation (one week prior to hearing), Hearing Examiner decision or any appeal decision must notify Planning Dept. by providing their name, mailing address and reference the application number REZ12-0003. Pursuant to WAC 197-11-535, this hearing will be open to the consideration of the environmental impact of the proposal. All environmental documents prepared pursuant to SEPA for the subject proposal will be available for consideration at this public hearing. For citizens with speech, sight or hearing disabilities wishing to review documents pertaining to this hearing, should contact the City of Auburn within 10 calendar days prior to the meeting, as to the type of service or equipment needed. Each request will be considered individually according to the type of request, the availability of resources, and the financial ability of the City to provide the requested services or equipment. PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT - 25 WEST MAIN STREET, AUBURN, WA. 98001 (253) 804- 5033, Contact: Jeff Dixon, Principal Planner, jdixon@auburnwa.gov