HomeMy WebLinkAbout4786 RESOLUTION NO 4786
WHEREAS, the City of Auburn Arts Commission, on behalf of the City of
Auburn, submitted an application to the Washington State Arts Commission, Grants to
Organizations, Program Support Grant-, and
WHEREAS, the City has been advised that it has been approved to receive a
grant from said program in the amount of Five Thousand and No/100s Dollars
($5,000.00); and
WHEREAS, acceptance of the grant will benefit the citizens of Auburn.
Section 1 Acceptance._of_Grant and Authorization of Contract. The City
Council hereby accepts the Project Support Grant from Washington State Arts
Commission, in the amount of Five Thousand and No/100s Dollars ($5,000.00), and
authorizes the Mayor and City Clerk to execute the Contract with Washington State Arts
Commission in substantial conformity with the Contract marked as Exhibit "A" attached
hereto and incorporated herein by this reference.
Section 2. Implementation. The Mayor is further authorized to implement
such administrative procedures as may be necessary to carry out the directions of this
-------------- -
Resolution No. 4786
December 2011
legislation, including assuring that the grant fund appropriation is included in the
appropriate budget documents of the City
Section 3. Effective Date. That this Resolution shall take effect and be in full
force upon passage and signatures hereon.
SIGNED and DATED this / day o ,
Danielle E. Daskam, City Clerk
D iel B. Heid, City A .o
-------------- -
Resolution No. 4786
December 2011
Page 2
Program,Grants to Organizations—Project Support—Level B-Midsized Arts Organization FY2012
Contract No.2012012
tM'CO11TR'](�t,famide and entered into by and between the WASHINGTON STATE ARTS
CONYIVIL%,Xii, '{11:,Capitol Way S,Suite 600,PO Box 42675,G lympia,WA 98504.2675 hereinafter referred to
Name-, Alihnin Arts Commission
slabJq►*.. A 4gRR-
AddreAddrag, ' p1Q,Nlati! 4&lE
ss: --
&ift).p WA ?$.9oz
Phone No: (253)804-5043
Web Sim: yPlFll:@4j!lIIAlYaY4Y.
wesbtogton Star tieiNo �q pp. Quo
Fedual RnpWW Id.No. 9.1-44052$
Social Secndty Number MA
hen matter referred to as the CONTRACTOR
This Contract sets out the tame and conditions by which the COMMISSION awards a grant to the
CONTRACTOR for the purpose of developing,sponsoring,promoting or administering an activity,project or
program which is rehued to the growth and development of the arts and humanities in the State of Washington.
RCW 43.46 provides the statutory authorization for making the grant. The funding is administered under WAC
Titia 30.
CONTRACTOR shall use funds awarded Hader this Contract No.2012012 solely for the grant proposal
funded througb Project Support for Midsized Arts Organizations for FY2012 as described in
Attachment A:Scope of Work.
1. The Commission awards Heritage Center Funds m the amount ofZEROAND 00/100 Dollars ($0.00)to
2. The Commission awards Federal Funds in the amount of ME THOUSAND AND 00/100 Dollars_
(55,000.00)to the CONTRACTOR
iiceblo only if Contract includes Federal Funds:
Faded Catalog of DomestieAssinaaw No 45.025
Federd Chem No. 10.6100.2024
3. The Conmussiou awards private funds m the amount of ZERO AND 0410ODollars ($0.00)to the
4. CONTRACTOR agrees to provide matching funds equal to or greater than the total fiords provided by the
Grant Conoaot No.2012012 2 of 3
a t`i ter •0 "y^'.Y
5. Payments will be made In accordance with the payment schedule set forth in Attaclimeniii tit'-11:1' T54.
Funds are awarded for the period beginning Jannary 1.2012 to June 30,2012. The CONTRACTOR:
must expend all fiords by the ending date of this contract Funds not expended by the ending date of this
contract shall lapse unless an extension is requested in writing by the CONTRACTOR and approved in wri44
by the COMMISSION.The CONTRACTOR shall notify the COMMISSION immediately upon knowledge that
any portion of the funds will not be expended by the and of the fiscal year.
The following shall be the coated persons for all communications and billings regarding the performance of this
Contract. Either party shall provide written notification to the other of changes in contract representation.
CONTRACTOR's Contract Representative: COMMISSION's Contract Representative
Nmve MaijaMsjkkk Name ChrlstelRatliff
and Title: - --- " - and Title:
Qi tpgxi}lnatgr Administrative Assistant
or& 1X.4[AA�BiIR>.RS! iA�Kk�.@J0. . � Washington State Arts Commission—
Name: RiQAOR$ N®e: Grants to Organizations
Address: 9.dQ1`I[nSh. 4. Address: PO Box 42675
i An4RtR,E' X M29k -Olympla,WA 98504-2675
Phone: (253).8045043 ext- Phone: (360)586-0026
Fax: (253)9314005 Few (360)586-3351
E-Mail: an v E-Mail: christel.ratUf its wa ov
The COBUMSION s Agent shall be the Executive Director of the Washington State Arts Commission. Only
the COM OSSION's Agent shall have the exprm,implied,or apparent authority to alter,amend,modify,or
e aany clause or condition of this contract.The Agent may delegate this authority,but such delegation is
only if in writing.See General Terms and Conditions for Contract Amendment or Modifiogtion
All rights and obligations of the parties to this Contract shall be subject to this Contract and its attachments including the
following,which by this reference,are made a part of this Connect:
Attachment A: Scope of Work
Atachment B: Payment Schedule
Attachment C: General Terms and Conditions
Attachment D: Voucher
Attachment E: FiMlIftm RV0b.V M4ffinel.M.QJs.AtOissti@),4.4Y2 ADlq at www.arts.waaov)
Attachment F•National Endowment for the Arts General Terms and Conditions
(deleted if Contract does not include federal fiends)
Automobile Liability-.In the event that services.delivered,porsuant to this contract involve the use of vehicles,
either owned or unowned by the CONTRACTOR,the CONTRACTOR shall require the owner or driver of the
aotomobile to provide automobile liability insurance. The minimum limit for automobile liability is:
5100,0001$300,000 bodily injury and 5100,000 proparty damage,
This C innact including all attachments contains all the trams and conditions agreed upon by the parties. No
t other understandings oral or otherwise,regarding the subject matter ofthis contract and attachments shall be
deemed to exist or to bind any of the parties.
K aotNo.2012012 3 of 3
The CONTRACTOR shall provide a final report to the COMMISSION within 30 days following the
Contract Period ending data,submitted according to the forms and foment identified m ATTACIMMU E.
THIS CONTRACT is executed by the persons signing below who warrant that they have authority to execute this
Auburn Arts Commission W: GTON STATE AR COMMISSION
�aAwA 4,,\V4 e." - - v 6
(signature oft"authorized to sign for CONTRACTOR - ,Vocative Director
1rA S�4 I f'o.la:0 t- Date:
(primed name bfsignaiory)
higXAMW ai pin ys
"red titleofsignatory)
Date: % \ ;z 0112
(Signature of Susan Thomsen,AssistantAttomey General,State of Washington,March,2003 on file in fiscal office)
omnt Contract No.2012012 4 of 3
Scope of Work
Program: Project Support -Level B-Midsized Arts Organization Contract No.2012012
CONTRACTOR:Auburn Arts Commission
1. The CONTRACTOR agrees that funds shall be received solely for the services and/or reimbursements
described here below-
Project Support assistance with:
Support inaugural year of the outdoor sculpture gallery
Event Announcement and Documentation:
The CONTRACTOR must provide to Grants to Organizations of the COMMISSION, any public
announcement,press release,or other direct mail announcement of the event(s)funded under this contract.
The CONTRACTOR will mail such public announcements to:
Grants to Organizations
Washington State Arts Commission
PO Box 42675
Olympia,WA 95504-2675.
Final Reports are due:
Every grant recipient must submit a Final Repots to the Washington State Arts Commission's Grants to
Organizations,30 days following the contract ending date;this is a contractual obligation for the grant.
The completed form must be received by the Washington State Arts Commission(WSAC),Grants to
Organizations, by 5:00 P.M.,August 1,2012. The Final Report Form should be downloaded from
the COMMISSION website at www.arts.wa.gov,under Grants to Organizations.
Final Report Penalty:
Grant recipients that do not submit Final Reports by the August 1,2012 deadline will have a 10%.uenalty j
deducted from any future grant from Grants to Organizations.
Logo Credit:
ToWASHINGTON STATE I Recipients of grants and programs are asked to credit
ARTS COMMISSION WSAC h promotional communications about the grant.
The WSAC logo may be downloaded from the V
website: www.aits.wa.gov If your grant includes federal funding(which Would be stated NATIONAL
on page I of your contract),you are also obligated to credit the National Endowment for the ENDOWNIENT
Arts(NEA)in the same manner as WSAC. NEA logos are downloadable at www.arts.gov. FOR THE ANTS
Payment Schedule
Program: Project Support -Level B-Midsized Arts Organization Contract No.2012012
CONTRACTOR: Auburn Arts Commission
The CONTRACTOR agrees that funds as awarded in section(1)of the CONTRACT and in consideration of section
(2)of the CONTRACT,will be paid to the CONTRACTOR by the COMMISSION in consideration of the following
terms and conditions;
1. No funds will be paid to the CONTRACTOR in advance of the contract starting date stated in section D II
1. Payments will be made after the expenses for which COMMISSION funds were committed have been
3. All requests for payment shall be on the form of voucher set forth in Attachment D.
4. You have the option of obtaining your grant payments via direct deposit through the Office of Financial
Management(OFM). The necessary forms are downloadable from www.arts.wa.gov under the link
Grant Payments.
5. The COMMISSION will make payment to the CONTRACTOR within 20 business days of receipt of a
properly completed invoice,which shall include documentation of authorized expenses.
6. The invoice voucher must be signed in blue ink. The schedule for payment is as follows: j
Month/Year Amount
May 2012 $5,000.00
TOTAL AWARD $5,000.00
Grants to Organizations 1. No grant funds will be paid in advance of the contract starting date.
Project Support Grants for FY2012 2. Payments will be made after the expenses for which grant funds were committed have been
Grantee Responsibilities & Grant Payments incurred'
3. Your signed invoice voucher Is to be returned to the Grants to Organizations office as part of the
stapled contract packet. This is the'involoe'for payment and becomes complete upon
GRANTEE,RESPONSIBILITIES documentation of the event.
4. Documentation is required to demonstrate that the grand services have taken place.
1. Grant Management Grantees must manage this grant contract in a timely fashion: • It may be a poster,event program,playbill,invoice for artist fees,newspaper review,or
• Read all components of the contract packet including attachments and meet all contractual anything that documents the gran!-funded expenses as having occurred.
• Return the contract to a Documentation should be sent to the Grants to O so
Organizations office as on as possible
• Submit the Final Report rt on time.by the stated deadline. after the conclusion of the event. p
Pay particular attention to the Grantee Responsibilities and Grant Payment information on this • This documentation is not the same as the Final Report.
sheet • It is the responsibility of the grantee to provide this documentation in a timely manner
• Contact the Grants to Organizations office at any time with any questions or concems about your • Payment will be madewithin 20 business days of receipt of signed invoice and the event
grant. Our contact information is listed on the reverse of this page. documentation.
• Grantees that do not follow through with appropriate grant management will risk the loss of future
2. Changes: The Grants to Organizations office must be notified in advance of any changes in Mailing Address:
the contract details including changes in nu date named rlonme eta Failure to do so Grants to Organizations Program
may result in non-payment of the grant Changes in the grant contact Information must also Washington State Arts Commission
be transmitted to the Grants to Organizations office as soon as Possible. PO Box 42675
3.Credit to Funder(s): Grantees must acknowledge support from WSAC in all printed materials Olympia WA 98504-2675
and announcements(including media interviews)associated with this grant as follows:`This Greats to OrganizationsfStalf Contact Information:
program is supported,in part,by a grant from the Washington State Arts Commission.' Please Ma mi Tsutakawa.Pr Manager.
use the WSAC logo on a ri ogram Man art 360.586,002
onl rfr printed,promotional materials related o this grant The WSAC Christel Ratliff,Administrative Assistant: 360.586.0026
logo maybe downloaded from the wehsde:www.ads.wa.aov. If your grant includes federal funding
(which would be stated on page 1 of your contract),you are also obligated to credit the WSAC Agency Info:
National Endowment for the Arts(NFA)in the same manner as WSAC. NEA logos are Webs @e: www.arls.wa.aov
downloadable at wwwerts.00v. Phone: 360.753.3860
4. Final Reports: Submitting a Final Report is a contractual obligation for this grant,and is used Fax: 360.5865351
in our reporting to the state and the NEA Final Reports must be received within 30 days
following the Contract Period ending date but no later than August 1,2012 The final report
form can be found at www.arts.wa aov under Grants to Organizations.
Note:If a grantee fails to submit a final report for this grant by the contractual deadline,the Commission
shall reduce the amount awarded under a subsequent Grants to Organizations contract by ten percent.
Washington State Arts Commission
CONTRACT.—ATTACHMENT F such as fraud or theft,lack of business integrity,or any Other cause of so serious or competing
a nature that It affects an organization's present responsibility,they may suspend funds and
debar the granteefrom future federal funding for a period of up to three years. Signingthis
National Endowrnerrt for the Art(NEA) gram contract also confirms that you are presently fit to administer the terms of the grant;with
Federal Subgrantlng Requiremenfs rw evidence to the contrary or any previous cause for debamlem or suspension.
updatecsonroa L The National,Historic Preservation Act of 1966 applies to any Federal funds that would
support either the planning on major renovation of arry structure eligible for or on the National
This gram includes federal funds from the National Endowment for the Arts.,Signing and returning Register,of Historic Places,in accordance with Section 106.
your gram contract confirms your compliance with all pertinent federal requirements,regulations M. The National Environmental Policy Act of 1969 applies to any Federal funds that would
and laws,including the following: support an activity that may have environmental implications(e.g. outdoor murals,outdoor
festivals,outdoor sculptures,etc.).
A. Project Costs supported by the NEA—There may be no overlapping project costs between N. Prohibition Against Lobbying OMB CimularA-122/Section 319 of Public law 1,01-121,
two or more Federal awards. This gram may not be used to match a cFnct grant from the NEA codified at 31 U.S.C.Sec 1352145 CFR Part 1158: grantees must adhere to the prohibition
(or visa versa). against lobbying within a federally supported gram project which states that no federal
B. Uniform Administrative Requirements—establishes administrative standards to ensure appropriated funds have been paid or will be paid by or on behalf of the grantee,to any person
consistency among recipients of federal awards. OMB CI ularA-110 applies to grantees that for influencing or attempting to influence an officer or employee of any agency,a member of
are non-profit organizations,colleges,and universities;45 Code of Federal Regulations Part Congress,an officer or employee of Congress,or an employee of a member of Congress in
1157 applies to grantees that are units of state and local governments and federally recognized connection with the making of any federal gram,the entering into any federal gram or
Indian Tribal governments. cooperative agreement,and the extension,continuation,renewal,amendment,ormcdification
C. Cost Principies—esYablishs ailowability,of costs for work perforned under an Arts Of any federal grant or cooperative agreement
Endowment award. OMB CiiculerA-122 applies to grantees that are nonprofit organizations O. Native American Graves Protection and Repatriation Act of 1990 applies to any
other than institutions of higher education;OMB Circular A-21 applies to public and private organization which controls or possesses Native American human remains and associated
institutions of higher education CM8 Ciroulaa87 apples to local governments and federally funerary,objects,and which receives Federal fundng,even for a purpose unrelated to the Act.
recognized Indian tribal governments
D. Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 as amended,provides that no person in the United Additional Information about the above federal requirements are available on the NEA
States shah,on the grounds ofmos,colorornatunal ongim,be excluded from participation in, websfte htio•/Mrvnv neagoy/ nageaward/GTC cif
be denied benefits of,or be subject to discrimination under any program or activity receiving
federal financial assistance.Title VI also extends protection to persons with limited English ( tlo"rdon the NEA re that
E. Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972 provides that no person in the United States = Provide VJSAC with a ro
shall,on the basis ofsex,be excluded from participation in,be denied the benefits of,or he p grass and a final report. WSAC reserves the right to request
subjected to discrimination under an addtionai information or reports necessary for us to fulfi0 all applicable Federal reporting
1 y program o o Pr iso In therU federal assistance requirements.
F Age Discrimination Act of 1975 provides Drat no person in the United States shall,on the �
basis ofage,be excluded from participation in,be denied the benefits of,or be subject to • Use U.S.air canters for foreign travel consistent with"Fly America Acr
discrimination under any program or activity receiving federal financial assistance. a Maintain financial records and supporting douanems pertinent to the award for three years
G. Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 provides that no otherwise qualified asabled following submission of your final report During the project period and the subsequent three-
Individual in the United States,shall,solely by mason ofir"erdisabilAy be excluded from the year retention period,WSAC reserves the ht to
participation in,be denied the benefits of,or be subjected to discrimination under any program p nit request timely and unrestricted access to
or activity receiving federal assistance.Under this regulation,a federally funded arts program Protect records
when viewed in its entirety must be accessible to all persons.The National Endowment for the - Make your best effort to purchase American-made equipment and products,consistent with the
Arts issued ns regulations in 1979(amended 2003)to enforce the existing law(45 CFR 1151). Buy American Act
You must have a Section 504 self-evaluation on file at your organization. Additional • Provide Acknowledgment of Arts Endowment Support as fort
imormation,including The Arts and Humanities Accessibility Checklist,is available online at a. You must prominently acknowledge support from the National Endowmentfor
http:/lwww.arts gov/resourceslAccessib'IiN/. the Arts in all materials and announcements,both audio and visual,regarding
H Americans with Disabilities Act(ADA)of 1990 prohibits discrimination on the basis of this award.
disability in employment(THIe I),State and Local Government Services(Title 10,and places of b. For print materials,a phrase acknowledging support from the'National Endowment for
public accommodation and commercial facilities(i itle Ilp. the Arts"is a basic requirement In addition,we encourage you to incorporate the
I. Labor Assurance—you must comply with the labor standards set out in 29 CFR Part 505. phrase'Art Wortca'in conjunction with the agency's lagu whenever possible.
You provide this assurance by signing and returning to WSAC your grant invofce(s). c. For radio or television broadcast,the following language is required:'This project is
J. Federal Debt Status(OMB QxularA-129)—you may not be delinquent in the repayment of supported in part by an award from the National Endowment for the Arts,which believes
any federal debt that Art Works. For television broadcast,display N the Arts Endowment logo Is
K Debarment and Suspension(NEA regulations implementing Executive Orders 12549 and required in addition to the above text.
12689)If the NEA receives information regarding a grantees fitness to administer federal.funds
GENERALTERMS AND CONDITIONS °COMMISSION"shall—the Washington state Arts Commission,any a ivirms,section,office,unit orother
Aub in Arta Commission 2012012 entity ofthe Commission,or my offer officers or oden,officials tawfuDy,representing that COr®issien.
"AGbNd"shall mean the Ezewtive Direc m,Washington Stan Am Comemboi m,and/or the delegate
TABLE OF CON7$Nf3 authorized in writing in ant on hishbber behalf
"CONTRACTOR"shell mean that faun,Provider,organization,individual or other carry Shad has bees awarded
TAU table ofwmma is for rcferetNe papnses wly and shall imtbe wsaidcad a substantive partof Nis CauASa. a giant offivuis uadn this Cantrank and shall include all employees oftbe CONTRACTOR
A HEADINGS AND DEFINITIONS........... ,2 'T4EA^stall mean the Nadenelladowmem fordx'Ami,
Ameodmemser Madllanders— _.._ ._. ._. ._._..._.._._.. 2 "SUBCONTRACTOR'shall mwnouenotinthserplaymertafthe CONTRACTOR,who Uperoranga0or
Confarmmw with Law .____ ..__.. .__. ..____.�._..__..._...2 Pertafthosasaviccsurdathis Cotaft underacaperatewmaclwiffithe CONTRACTOR Then=
OrdaofProcedmm. .._.__. ._.._,- ._..... ._.__. ._.. __..2 "Subwntraaor"mmd"Snbwntrac ton"mean svbcaonactor(a)in my rier.
S mabE3y.
WaiF09MA CE AND GE .___ ._.. .___.._.._.._.. .___ .2 }iEApNG$-Nead'mgs usd'm this Cartracf me[or rmermw pmpos s oplY and sAS)l rrotbe corhshdered a
C PERFORMANCE ANDGENFRAL AESPON...... ..ES subsrannve pmt ofihU Cosma<c
Coe®am Anon. wtmgrnt Fees_. ------ 2
Indemnifimtion. ..__. _. ._ B. GENERAL CONTRACT TERMS
Indeprndent Caen.-,in of Con:rzror
Nonazaspmbdity ._ ._.. _. _ _ 3 AMENDMEN" ORMODMCATI ON-7b.C.=amaybcame.rmodficdmlybymmuslwnsmt ofNe
Publicity/Acknowledgemenw- ._, 3 COMMISSION and CONTRACTOR To beeffec¢v<,my amwdment or modifiation mun hero writing,shgnd
m iServS., m id
ces within Wazlrvhgton Parde4 and anachd hago. No oral®derstaiding err ageementbmds the panties.
D COMPLIANCE WIM LAWS, FCORDK-=N AND INSPECTIONS CONFORMANCE Ifary provsion oflhis comment violates any smhrte or rule of law otter Sate ofWashingon,h
Americmmwth DisabilitissAa. ._. __. .3 is eonsdemd modified m conform to that mature or rule of law.
Compliance with Applicable Law..... .... ... .__. ._. ._. 3
ConOimnflntemrt. _. 3 ORDER OF P F^EDEN -he incousiscidbelow aeinw,eil by giving p, refere to dic 4eevem afar
Hazadom SUbamncee._. .._.__._..._..._._.. ..__ ._.. ._. 4 inwvshsanry in Has Contract,tAe mwnsiawrystall beraolvd by giving prerri,cam Ne fallowing ceder.
Nwdiusiminatim laws. ...... -_. ._.__.._.. --- .__ 4 1. Applicable Federal and Washington Srae coma and regulations including applicable Federal and State
Public Disclosure/Confider!thdity..__... ............ ..__ _---._..------ 4 Fsmnive Orders-
Records,Documents,and Reports. ._. .___.._._.4 '!
Registrmen with Depamnent of Revwue_. ._..._.. .... .._. ._.4 Special. Sopee.fiN.rkand ions ofthisCwtrxt including
Righted ffaspection.._._______. ..... .__.__.__...._. .... ._. .5 b. Mdficatiorrc to the General Termsad Conti-aims
P EMINCL REIMei SEMENT AND BUDGET 3. Genael Tams and conditio¢s
Advanee Peymmis Pmtvbi;d, ... ..... .. .._. ._. 5 4. NEA General Terms and Conditions ifFdeml fonds are committed b_v this Contract
Funds not Supplanting. ..__ - ._. ._..__..__. .__5 5. All other attachments or material incorporated by refamce.
Taao...._. ._.. ._.._.__-- ._.. ......._._.._.._. _.. .5
Ttawdind Par Dhan ._.. .__. 5 SEVERABLI Ifany provision ofthis Contract or any precision o£ary,document bco,on a,by rafermce¢
F TERMINATION AND DISP TIM held invalid,such ievaldny shall undefiem the odrnpmvisiom ofthis Contact which can be given ctTec withom
Disputes._.._._.._._ ._.. __...._. 5 dre invalid provuion,mdto thisedthe provisiotu ofihU Cmtraa arc dwlatd to In ,,.ble.
GoverningLawaMVrnw. .____._.._..._. ._.._. ._ ._.. ._.. -----5
sinhav' -------- -- --- _. ._.6 WAIVEROFDEFAI TORBREACf i-Waiverof myd efmhmbreahshmwtbedmmdwbeawaivmof
Termination for Coaverdwm. ------ ___ ._. ._. 6 any subsequent dcfavtt orb-each Warvv ofmy da`mlt or beech shall notbe construed to beamodifiasm oftha
Termination or Suspension for Cause _. ._..._6 ternu vfthe Connect
AWBovitiw_. .... ......... ..___._ ..... .._6 C. P ERFORMANCEANDGENERALRESPONSIBILTTTS
Publicity/Admwledgrnrmts ._.._----------------------__. .b
NFA Omerd Tams end COdi6om.__.. .._..
..... .6 COVENANT AGAINST CONTNGENTFEES-The CONTRACTORwarrmts that no pecov or selling agent has
been ehegbyed orrenmd ro solidi mseaas this Contract upon m agreemrni oradaatmding fm s wevmrssion,
A READINGS AND DEFINITION peremmgq beokaage or wntiugaafec,excepting borha fide employees orabaoa fide esnblishd egenrmmnmind
by the CONTRACTOR for the putpost ofsecmhhg business.The COMMISSION shallhave the right in[heaven
DEFINRTONS-Aa¢xd 6voughout this Covhact the fulbwingtme s shag have the meaning adfarth below,, of teach ofthis clause by[be CONTRACTOR In emul this Contract wilhoutliabMty,m,in its dimacetivn,m
AtmchmwtCGmaal Tamsmdibididom I Off Grunt Cuntnm2dl2Al2 Atbdhmaa C:GrnaelTma and Cadaiwa 2of6 GreatCmtrut2001M12
i urm mamoJWey) 93o ti swn!pu P.-1 R+MV:o iremgaegr
spp os Wesalw sluumw bgm Pw•Awmiwp'P,wv'glooq pz qi m1 dolDVNSNOJ a 4L lasavoa
rovopeln8a,'alsu•m&�gpa,uapve os slamB°lauPi Pw',onpntl>mS agl, mfgUmpslIWWOJags
Sq Pazwspw lysry pvuovad,(g1!p1R ro'maw,•vopwdsp[of sam¢a(gevosea,Re W mafgns oq Regs spmz,asagJ,
fod os,avuaus paguvap!,flmpaq oA
s>awvy ma, mP Wqi Waiggmv¢m Pgdds agnM pw bld!awd8vpmtoow Pida:me,CpebwBspus
oawWwasq M Re4%UOJJtliLLNOJ agl.Cq Pa'fold®Smimo>aa Jd wAC.ts aql.¢>eCVOJ s!N Poe eopp.MM
Pwalda ayi m pgve8 Wmwo ayiueW:sal sm am`Pagnbaz1!bumpvad»9mgaiew mp.V.o4e.ry,»p lmw
spmwsagJ, meyvo0
RIP'»wP.usa. .m pw pawom sasoadn avmo.(ua;o suoa magpm pusmas!p pe
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Yp,ows pnawWJ mldmw v!eiursm lla4sUQLJtlU1NOJ a41- d3 JO
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°opemopnro•NOlSS6ggOJ aglBWubouoa uoaewm;¢I lva am{x!p,oamloe Ila4sXOMVU MOJagl.
yaglaads aWP aql m uopnwopr!lsanbu agiasYalu II!m HO1SSU Mo3 a4i'ammlos!P 8mu!ofw,apm
4nw ayi urmgo o;sp:q UoYoVU1NOJ ayt;( 'amsolaap ierp SU!moNa bpro iAw E srgepobOyotlyiNOJ
sml bazag,wP:sea!az aq II!m sproaa,vans lem meP ag Poe isanl»,arp3o U01JtlN1NOJ
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ro PspvaPgow pagmo wpam,o;w Y,ns Ile Jo p!le!iwp;uw aqi mgvrzm IIYw NOIS56YWOJ a41'MJU
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MON se Pvgap sY pm»,x!gndaaq limpm 4.D s.4D 1>p pw mY aamlaw0 a4gnd ,W-d 61 Z4 b*,om
toafgw 9NOISSIWW OJ ag,mP sa8P7mowPE WIDVUiNOJ a 11
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spsqummytmJ mf ol4di!la'w.UOJJVU,LtyOJ acp asla>p°a[e 6em pee wd w m aioym w mY¢wJ s!rp aWmwsai
raft-1psvosu.iew vulNoo mias !-R-(odmsmoel-,—re!uaiernw!nslp¢o¢ys!n Fidcsoa wsxrJv
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of WWpav!uwmo am spun;Iz>W)JI-h LL C53aP J.Od G OLT '3
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sivaamaoPM-'mI4lP-Tsannsas NOISSOYWOJ WL Wxmam>Q Sasuado awW awq aW Pngiam®!p
`xel eowwoa•ese!;o vo!suWdFm spunm bequo Pd P.a8eapw m;w ms aW P--.-v lasev mJ PI=uww Wll+ YOJJV oa IT bma ,I P,O
Fm•Fm anan:a mm Fa¢ JsPPvaPwi tlgygvLPnv w!paw»aW;o lRm vogas!quor> ;{o-mo m3 P>stoq q..q%,j=y NCO a4 smoke neq¢¢J>W Juana aqt ul-W3ION s
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geooseasewpgam•--sPq PIIMIIaq JIM NOISSU'OgOJ Wt tosnwd lvvs(edxn ; J �IO.L�VN.L1OJ
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MsinwoLNOJ ayy w P!ad spay;o vowad FD m
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'tuz¢¢oJ aW poads SO atem¢n:Feat s»urx P+tUe 9u!uaddnsm IT;paU9pwnaq�Nle(),I.D 3mcl WG alpasr.aG:ou llegs t>z�voJ nyt
NOISSU'OYOJ.:p'»uou9uiscpar;o s{ep(517 ca;gg mytus va{elou s! »Pun Pm s>! vW iap LOJ.JVNLNOJ»-I.- . 3`3
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NOISS IWWOJ>W`Paew.Ga�nteu;azacoJ nglyu suo:vpem W:u:un n,dw»w >4 N Wgw!iddastos»!.wz;o uorednumwao»uanm v!nuaw,C.d aN-p3t[HIiiOUd StN3 V 3JNVACl
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1 J_NeW35uR N ONI
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ua>:ux iovd.s.Czp Si wdn1e ..D siW ;al.lFew Fred Pgv3 J'SKq)C�'(fJ- uo¢wy!tou PoaatmowmuPm m'wte!ta(geco.Raw!-...a Ol lenpa3>qt:o um>-c! Date .,
to lua-Paeuogme vapo FUe q ve•u»ego mio Fm m• 4swdj wd'k i Sip
of NO[SSINO'iOJ aW of wePo:d vo ba[ad•Ftuuoa ayI
vO ;o ya mrym wA!II>eJ>W q ssaom;v t48u apuad Iln(%NOJJtl31NOJ agr'smgaadsw aus xpo!Pd�y Fqua
>Wm-pdMoJnWJosmnl ev! P=P-
IRA !1zv.u+Pllo aPp asp»H> ;o 199u 9v!Pnpu!begva�s! , otuatwa mm M
aP W!m at = pawn"nop%oU!l 5w »movoyM to}Fluo n f,. W 1 ury NOISSIN V Wo ;,Papeipuo>w!rtna>z¢o!swgena
W lPgswuted aW T>PU!utPt os s!lmgvoJ 'sTm!Epvoa pm svwtawgSwpwy mw osoyl npun naA9.I meuuovvem Fmmaudpvad Haag ps W!u auudooa fl>W NO1JVll1.NOJ aqL-NO1�3O1u"Iti
>W>+z!w8>va>'(emwgv14 aq1 Saix>s!p s,NOiSSDe61tOJ Wlitl'»imv aouan etn us �J
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a Feas ' J !p p m PWtk o.0 os W'P m"J;n aPW W�ea6!te�dtlwPFtd6tnd4 e t ' ! ' laam
gwno vqqs
sa ,mplfdnq
Om*0586 V M tawlo'os i, a,o,dSwugmdaO MIS wo-.q-M.9 gm'se Fgpabg spmg p 'we w m w wpm It—sow(edm> P s my o 3uw mJ aees�> >glm aoavwxoJ .
'4'WO mlemgy u1 Flwad.d tonevs!8»vnldwoa l!Ws NO1JV8iNOJ WS tld3O M O
unsxq a;o ww>yI vI bvgeo W(lags»Oan beAVOJ sng eu!nlasm -
0 s!gs vwo9 Rags meI uvlBmymM-��-M�'1-DAi1783A�J
>W wloyadw Flpoyns ap anegloP 4WN%Wo WlBmnlou!%BwPJ Pm mswgo ¢ anel IF Ig pnoa
Wmm anugm s!FPwx.D m pmdaP Fq pm pFpaaz . a pgpm
(9)nsogt;004-Aa ag WOJ9 Wgsa
lip"to MITI*•0paptl4m11 'm!l!A v s!gllapmtpaeuwgmsvostad
gswgPd vglswimsowed atpDW4RsW'!awds>mds!P W13ovas!uop WL .(quopwdsw vq.FFLuv wMq.puv bvquoJ aWJO IWn m mgWp¢nivage ctwF av vqj negmD
C �
�� rail,
l eux
711 Capitol Way S,Suite 600,PO Box 42675 Olympia,WA 98504-2675
(360) 753-3860 FAX(360) 586-5351
December 7,2011
Maija McKnight,Art Coordinator
Auburn Arts Commission
910 Ninth St SE
Auburn WA 98002-
Re: FY2012—Project SBpport—Level B—Mid-Sized Arts Organizations(MAO)-Contract#2012012
Dear Ms.McKnight:
The Washington State Arts Commission is pleased to send you a contract for Project Support for
Midsized Arts Organization. The enclosed contract is an offer for a grant award of$5,000.00.
Sign and date the contract and the attached invoice voucher. Update Page I of the Contract with any
recent changes in your organization's information. We strongly urge you to return the full stapled
contract packet to Grants to Organizations by December 29,2011. Do not separate or remove pages
from the stapled contract packet a countersigned copy will be returned to you.
Carefully review the enclosed grant contract. On Attachment "A"•Scope of Work and Attachment"B
are contract requirements including:
• the events,dates and/or expenses that are covered by Project Support grant funds;
• the provision of credits to the Washington State Arts Commission,and for federal funds,the National
Endowment for the Arts; Note: WSAC Logo and NEA Logo(for any federal funds)are
downloadable from the WSAC website at www,arts.wa.gov,
• the completion of a Final Report due no later than August 1,2012 Attachment E,(available for
download at www.arts.wa.eov); and
• the terms for how grant payments will be made as described in Attachment"B"•Payment Schedule,
and the enclosure, "Grantee Responsibilities and Grant Payments."
• As a state agency,the Washington State Arts Commission follows published rules or WACs
(Washington Administrative Code)to implement our programs and services.Our rules are published
at http://qpps.lea.wa.gov/wac/default,aspx?cite=30.
If you have any questions, please contact me at 360.586.0424 or mavuinitna,arts.wagov,or contact
Christel Ratliff at 360.586.0026 or christelrOarts.wa.gov
Maynmi Tsutakawa, Manager I
Grants to Organizations
Enclosures.Project Support Contract;Grantee Responsibilities and Grant Payments
Grant Contract No 2012012 1 of 3
711 Capitol Way S,Suite 600,PO Box 42675 Olympia,WA 98504-2675
April 3,2012
Maija McKnight
Art Coordinator
City of Auburn,Parks,Arts and Recreation
910 Ninth St SE
Auburn WA 98002
RE. FY2012-Project Support,Level B—Midsized Arts Organizations,Contract
Dear Maija:
According to yow email dated March 27,2012,,the timeline for.the inaugural outdoor
sculpture gallery is facing delays and won't be open to the public by June 30,2012.Since
this is outside of the Project.Support,Level B guidelines requirement:Projects must take
place between January 1 and June,30, 2012, we,are canceling,your contract.
Consider this as notification that your grant contract#2012012 in the amount of$5,000 is
cancelled. You are welcome to apply to the FY2013 Project Support, Level B via our
new online grants system bU://wsac cultureerants ornJ
Should you have questions please contact me at 360.586.0026 or christelrQArts.wa.Roy
or Mayumi Tsutakawa at mmAyumi tsutakawa(aa arts wa eov
Sine5ely, ,w e
wFL^ mt
Christel Ratliff,Program Coordinator
Arts in Education/Cawts to Organizations