HomeMy WebLinkAbout09-05-2012 Agenda Packet * C�nr oF_ �- * PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING i � 1 _ September 5, 2012 WAS H 1 N GTO N AGENDA I. CALL TO ORDER—7:00 p.m., Council Chambers II. APPROVAL OF MINUTES A. August 21, 2012 III. PUBLIC COMMENT CommeM from the audience on any item not listed on the agenda for discussion or public hearing. IV PLANNING DEPARTMENT REPORT Update on Planning and Development Department activities. V PUBLIC HEARINGS There are no Public Hearings scheduled. VI. OTHER BUSINESS A. Code Update Project— Phase II, Group 2" (Wagner) Summary� Second review of new code sections for non-residential zones. B. 2012 Comprehensive Plan Amendments"(Dixon) Summary� Review Group 2 of the 2012 Comprehensive Plan Amendment docket that iricludes City inftiated amendments. VII. ADJOURNMENT The City of Aubum Planning Commission is an eight memtier advisory body that provides recommendations to the Aubum City Council on the preparation oF and amendmerrts to land use plans and related codes such es zoning. Planning Commissioners are appoiMed by The Mayor and confirtned by the City Counal. Adions taken by the Planning Commission are not final deasions;they are in the fortn of recommendations to the City Couneil who must ultimately make the final decision. * CITYOF �- * DRAFT PLANNING COMMISSION � � WASHINGTON August21, 2012 MINUTES I. CALL TO ORDER Chair Judi Roland called the meeting to order at 7�02 p.m. in the Council Chambers located on the first floor of Aubum City Hall, 25 West Main Street, Aubum, WA. Commission Members preseM were: Chair Judi Roland, Vice Chair Kevin Chapman, Commissioner Copple, Commission IVlason, Commissioner Peace, Commissioner Baggett, Commissioner Trout and Commissioner Ramey Staff present included: Planning and Development Director Kevin Snyder, Planning Manager Elizabeth Chamberlain, Principal,Planner Jeff Dixon, Planner Stuart Wagner, and Planning and Development Secretary Tina Kriss. II. APPROVAL OF MINUTES A. July 3, 2072 Commission requested removing the word "the" on Page 2, V C. ZOAl2-OQ05 under paragraph three and adding Commissioner Baggett to "Call to Order", as present. � Commissioner Copple moved and Commissioner Mason seconded to approve the minutes from the July 3r0, 2012 meeting corrected. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY 8-0 III. PUBLIC COMMENT T.here were no public commerrts on any item not listed on the agenda for discussion or public hearing. IV PLANNING DEPARTMENT REPORT Planning Manager Chamberlain updated Commission on the status of two projects. The public art storefront project of Aubum will be adding another location, 124 East Main Street. Next week, at several downtown locations„bases will be installed for the dowrrtown sculpture garden project. In order for the public art to be displayed by October artists will submit their art pieces for review and selection to the Arts Commission in September V PUBLIC HEARING There were no public hearings scheduled. VI. OTHER BUSINESS A. 2012 Comprehensive Plan Amendments Principal Planmer Jeff Dixon provided background infortnation on the City's annual Comprehensive Plan amendments. Private initiated Comprehensive Plan PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING MINUTES August 21, 2012 Amendments (text or map) were accepted by the City of Auburn until Friday, June 8, 2012. The City received three private— initiated comprehensive plan amendments; all three are map amendments; no private text amendments were submitted. The City also includes city— initiated amendments. Two city-initiated text amendments will be reviewed with Commission at a later meeting. Principal Planner Dixon and Commission reviewed the amencfinents; the Commission provided the following feedback: TEXT AMENDMENTS • P/T#1 through P/T#4 (Schooi District Capital Facilities Plans) — No comments were provided. • P/T#5 (City's Capital Facilities Plan) —To be reviewed at the next meeting. • P!T#6—Transportation Planner Joe Welsh reviewed the projects anii changes of the Comprehensive Transportation Plan. Commission and staff discussed policy TR-59, page 8 of chapter 5 and policy TR-63; page 9. Commission asked with the potential requirements of policy TR-59 will developers will have the opportunity to mitigate the parking requirements. Transportation Planner Welsh stated the idea would be to provide ceils or parking in other parts of the development to fu�ll the parking needs. • P/T#7 (Amendments to individual chapters of the Comprehensive Plan) —To be reviewed at the next meeting. MAP AMENDMENTS • CPM#1 (Changes to Map 6.X?)— No comments. • CPM#2 (Private Initiated Amendment by River Mobile Home Park) — Commission asked if the City had any plans for the remaining property Principal Planner Dixon stated the City is reviewing ideas but has no concrete plans at this time. • CPM#3 (Private Initiated Amendment, Locke) —Commission asked staff to provide the name of the development the decision would impact. Answering the question if there were critical areas on the property, Principal Planner Dixon confirmed there are but prior to any development the City would review the environmental impact. Commission members expressed their concem that if this was approved it would the property sold as a muRi-family development and Principal Planner answered yes. Commission made a suggestion that if this project precedes a traffic study should be requested due to the congestion on 124"' and limited parking within the developments. • CPM#4—After reviewing the Auburn School DistricYs proposal, Commission expressed concern in making changes to the Comprehensive Plan before the Auburn School District has ownership. Principal Planner Dixon emphasized Page 2 PLANNING,COMMISSION MEETING MINUTES August 21, 2012 the City Council will not act or move forvvard with these amendments urrtil the Aubum School District has taken ownership of the property or has authority by the owners. Planning Manager Chamberlain pointed out that staff has had discussions with the school district on the timing of the amendments and if the ownership authorization could not be secured by a certain date then those two properties would not move forvward in the process. Principal Planner Dixon expects there wili be changes to the docket schedule; staff will be reviewing addkional amendments on Septertiber 5"' but there will be no public hearing. B. Code Update Project, Phase 2 Group 2 Amendments Planner Stuart Wagner reviewed the proposed zoning code amendments related to Phase 2, Group 2 of the Code Update prbject; new definitions, consolidated chapters and moving the Hearing Examiner out of Title 18—Zoning and into Title 2— Administration and Personnel. Commission complimented staff on the new layout and readability of the changes. Commission asked staff to provide an overview of the new or different additions to Phase 2 Group 2. C. Draft Planning CommissionlPlanning and Community Development Committee Work Plan Planning Manager Elizabeth Chamberlain and Commission reviewed the draft 2013 —2014 Planning Commission/Planning and Community Development Committee ` Work Plan. Commission asked staff to provide additional bullet points to give more clarity to the projects. Commission and staff discussed what the City of Aubum as an °errtertainmerrt cente�' looks like and how it can be linked with economic development and promoting to attract other people. Staff discussed the timelines for the woric plan projects. VII. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business to come before the Planning Commission, Chair Roland adjoumed the meeting at 8:27 p.m. Page 3 °TYOF- �* * Memorandum � ` WASHINGTON To: Judi Roland, Chair, Planning Commission Kevin Chapman,Vce Chair, Planning Commission Pianning Commission Members From: Stuart Wagner,AICP, Planner Planning and Development Department CC: Kevin Snyder,AICP, Planning and Development Director Elizabeth Chamberlain,AICP, Planning Manager Date: August 30,2012 Re: Code Update Project—Phase II Second review of new code sedions for non-residential zones—2"' Grouping Baekaround � On August 21, 2012 staff preserrted the Code Update Project Phase 2, Group 2 zoning code � text amendmeMs to the Planning Commission as a first step review with the intention of retuming to the Planning Commission with additional ifetail at a subsequent meeting. The initial feedback staff received was that the new layout of the code is an improvement from what currently exists and that the land use tables are easy to understand and helpiul. But the Planning Commissioners did have questions of how the proposed code amendmeMS relate to the existing code and what was the basis for the changes made. So in order to assist the Planning Commissioners in their review, staff has marked up the text amendments being proposed. Enclosed with this memorandum are the same code sections previously reviewed but with certain parts underlined (which indicates nevir code.ianguage)together with the new land use tables highlighted in places and comments added to explain why changes were made. StafF intends to walk the'Planning Commission tfirough the changes at their next meeting and hold a discussion on the proposed code amendments. Summarv of chanaes See Tabie A Oiscussfon In arrticipation of the Planning Commission conducting a public hearing on the proposed zoning wde text amendmeMs, staff would like to take this opportunity to discuss the proposed code changes, using the questions below as a guide. 1 Planning staff has introduced several new developmerrt standards (for specific land uses). � See Chapter 18.57 Does the Pianning Commission find any of new standards to be too restrictive or difficult to meet? 2. Does the Pianning Commission have additional questions or comments about the revised code sections or new code sections being proposed? Would you Iike staff to research and report back to you on other items pertaining to Phase 11 of the Code Update Project? Exhibits: 1 Table A. Code Update Project— Phase II —2ntl Grouping -Summary of Changes 2. Aubum City Code Chapter 18.04—Definitions(revised) 3. Aubum City Code Chapter 18.23—Commercial and IndusVial Zones (new) 4. Aubum City Code Chapter 18.35—Special Purpose Zones (new) 5. Auburn City Code Chapter 18.57—Standards for Specific Land Uses (new) 6. Aubum City Code Chapter 2.46—Hearing Examiner(revised and relocated) Exhibit 1 TH.�LE A. CODE UPDATE PROJEGT— PHASE II—2nd GROUPinG - SUMMARY OF CHANGES Zoning Code Objective Actton Chapter Chapter 18.04 Definitions Provide an adequate set of definitions Twenty three (23)definitions have been added to Chapter 18.04. Many of for the land uses the zoning code the definitions are for land uses added to the code but others were created -Amend- regulates. to bring clarification to existing ones. The intent, uses, and development standards for the various commercial and Improve development code readability industrial zones in the City have been placed in a single chapter(ACC and ease of use. 18.23). Previously each of these zones comprised a single chapter in the code. Convert land use provisions from a text format to a table format. Tables will A new land use table has been created that identifies the uses of land show permitted vs. non-permitted uses. allowed in each commercial and industrial zone and the land use approval The tables will also indicate if an process required to establish each use. (pg.4 of 11) administrative or conditional use permit is required. Chapter 18.23 Commercial and The new land use table contains many land uses, divided by major land use Industrial Zones categories i.e. Industrial and PAanufacturing vs. Residential vs. Retail vs. Delete outdated uses on the list; add Service, e.g. -New- uses that were not previously identified. New uses include commercial recreational facilities, live/work or work/live unit, building and landscaping sales, outdoor displays and sales associated with a permitted use, fueling station, and others. (pg. 4-7) Cunently the zoning code individually lists out retail uses in the City's commercial zoning districts i.e. antiques, bicycles, clothing, household Consolidate retail uses into general appliances, etc. Realizing that retail uses can range in size and have retail categories. The current setup different intensities staff is proposing to capture each general retail use in takes up a lot of space in the code. the following manner "Neighborhood retail establishmenY', "Community retail establishmenP', and °Regional retail establishment" Each of these terms have been defined together with several examples provided. Pianning Commission-9/OSN2 TABLE A. CODE UPDATE PROJECT— PHASE II — 2nd GROUPING - SUMMARY OF CHANGES Zoning;Code: ' OFiJactive � ;Actlon >Chapter The intent, uses and development standards for the residential office, Improve development code readability residential office-hospital, institutional and public use zone have been placed Chapter 18.35 and ease of use. in a single chapter(ACC 18.35). Previously each of these zones comprised Special Purpose a singie chapter in the code. Zones -New- Convert land use provisions from a text See wmment above. fortnat to a table format. Regulations for a single land use are gecause regulations pertaining to particular uses are scattered throughout often found in two or more different Title 18 it makes it hard for users to find them and determine which s ecial sections. P regulations apply to a particular project. As part of the code update project, Create a chapter where all (specific) existing and new standards for specific land uses have been consolidated to Chapter 18.57 regulations can be found. a single chapter Standardsfor Specific Land Uses -New- Add specific standards for certain land Additional°existing°development standards for outdoor storage and uses within individual or multiple zones '�'arehousing and distribu6on uses have been carried over to this new to mitigate their potential adverse chapter New development standards(on siting, aesthetic, or operational) impacts. have been created for outdoor displays and sales, animal daycare, towing storage yards, automobile washes, e.g. Chapter 2.46 This chapter is better situated in Title 2—Administration and Personnel. Hearing Examiner Review ACC 18.66- Hearing Examiner Also, the timeframe for decision making has been modified from 10 calendar -New- days to 14 calendar days. Pla� �Commission 9l05/72 TAu�E A. CODE UPDATE PROJECT- PHASE II -2ntl GROUPinG -SUMMARY OF CHANGES - Title 18 ZONING Chapters: 18.01 User Guide 18.45 Repealed 18.02 General Provisions 18.45A Repealed 18.04 Deflnitions -Amend 18.46 Repealed 18.06 Repealed 18.46A Temporary Uses 18.07 Residential Zones 18.47 Electric Vehicle Infrastructure 18.08 Northeast Auburn Special Area Plan and Auburn Gateway 18.48 Repealed Planned Action 18.49 Flexible Development Alternatives 18.09 R-MHC Manufactured/Mobile Home Community Zone 18.50 Landscaping and Screening 18.10 Repealed 18.52 Off-Street Parking and Loading 18.12 Repealed 18.53 Master Plans 18.14 Repealed 18.54 Nonconforming Structures, Land and Uses 18.16 Repealed 18.55 Outdoor Lighting 18.18 Repealed 18.56 Signs 18.20 Repealed 18.57 Standards for Sneciflc Land Uses -New 18.21 Overlays, 18.58 Repealed , 18.60 Home Occupations 9isErast-To be repealed 18.82 Surface Mining 78:23 Commercial and Industrial Zones -New 18.64 Administretive and Conditional Use Permits . ' To be repealed 18•66 Hearina Examiner-To be moved to Title 2 1825 Infill Residential Development Standards 18.68 Amendments . ' To be repealed 18.69 Repealed . ' To be repealed 18.70 Variances, Special Exceptions, and Administretive Appeals 18.29 DUC Downtown Urban Center District 18.72 Administra6on and Enforcement . ' To be repealed 18.74 Location of Sexually Oriented Businesses . ' To be repealed 18.76 Planned Unit Development District(PUD)-Lakeland Hills South 18.31 Supplemental Development Standards 18.78 Terrace View(N) District . ' To be repealed . ' To be repealed . ' To be repealed 18.35 Soecial Pumose and Corri6lnina Zones -New 16.36 BP Business Fark District 16.38 LF Airport Landing Field District �c en o � o��tic..�i�e r,;e..,,..,To be repealed 18.42 UNC Unclassified Use District 1G AA � �.,��a,..:,..,.,� ���e r,.�..;,..To be repealed Planning Commissfon-9/05/12 Exhibit 2 DRAFT 1 CHAPTER 18.04 2 DEFINITIONS 3 4 18.04.XXX Building and landscape materials sales. 5 "Building and landscape material sales"means a retail or wholesale establishment selling hardware, 6 lumber and other large building materials, plant materials, and other landscaping materials. 7 8 18.04.XX)C Bufiding contractor services. 9 "Building contractor services" means businesses relating to the building trades including but not limited to: 10 plumbing, heating, air conditioning; painting, paperhanging and decorating; electrical; carpentering and 11 flooring; roofing and sheet metal. 12 13 18.04.XXX Caretaker apartment. 14 "Caretaker apartmenY' means an accessory housing unit that is permitted in association with a 15 commercial or industrial use where no residential dwelling exists, for the express purpose of providing a 16 housing unit for on-site security or operations personnel. 17 18 18.04.XXX Community retail establishment. 19 "Community retail,establishmenY' means stores, shops and businesses either individually or in shared 20 space setting serving a geographic area of the City that engage in merchandise sales. 21 22 18.04.XXX Commercial Recreation facility, Indoor. 23 "Commercial Recreation facility, Indoor" means a private for profit or non-profd establishment offering 24 recreation or providing entertainment'or games of skill to the general public for a fee or charge and wholly 25 enclosed in the building. Typical uses include athletic and health club, pool or billiard hall, indoor 26 swimming pool, bowling alley, skating rink or climbing gyms. 27 � 28 18.04.XX)( Commercial Recreation facility, Outdoor. 29 "Commercial Recreation facility, Outdoor' means a private for profit or non-profd establishment offering 30 recreation or providing entertainment or games of skill to the general public for a fee or charge where any 31 portion of the activity takes place in the open, excluding public parks. Typical uses include: thoroughbred 32 racetracks„ miniature golf; skateboard park; swirnriming and wading, therepeutic facilities; and tennis, 33 handball, basketball courts; batting cages, trampoline facilities. 34 35 18.04.XXX Construction contractor servfces. 36 "ConsWCtion contractor services" means businesses relating to the construction trades including but not 37 limited to; general contractor; highway and street consVuction; heavy construction, masonry and concrete 38 work and water well drilling. 39 40 18.04.XXX Convenienee SWre. 41 "Convenience store" means a small retail establishment that offers convenience goods for sale, such as, 42 prepackaged food items, beverages, tobacco, personal care items, and other household goods and often 43 characterized by 24hours a day operations. These stores can be part of a fueling station or an 44 independent facility 45 46 18.04.XXX Crematorium. 47 "Crematorium" means a facility for the buming of corpses, human or animal, to ashes either as a principal 48 use or as an accessory use. Crematoriums do not include establishments where incinerators are used to 49 dispose of toxic or hazardous materials, infectious materials or narcotics. 50 51 78.04.XXX Entertainment,commercial. 52 "Entertainment, commercial" means spectator entertainment for commercial purposes. This use includes 53 theaters, concert halls, nightclubs, or comedy clubs, but does not include cabarets, licensed under 54 Section 5.20.140 (A)(3) of the City Code and adult entertainment, licensed under Chapter 5.30 of the City 55 Code. 56 Page� 1 9/05/12 DRAFT 1 18.04.XXX Fueling station. 2 "Fueling station" means a retail business selling gasoline or other motor vehicle fuels primarily to 3 passenger vehicles. Includes alternative fuels and recharging facilities which are commercial facilities 4 offering motor vehicle fuels not customarily offered by commercial refueling stations (e.g., liquid propane 5 gas) as well.as equipment to recharge electric powered vehicles. This classfication includes customary 6 incidental activities when performed in conjunction with the sale of fuel, such as vehicle maintenance and 7 repair, vehicle washing, and electric vehicle battery swap-out, but excludes body and fender work or 8 repair of heavy trucks or vehicles. 9 10 18.04.XXX LivelWork Unit. 11 "Live/work uniY' means an integrated housing unit and working space, occupied and utilized by a single 12 household in a structure, either single dwelling or multi-unR dwelling, that has been designed or 13 structurally modified to accommodate joint residential occupancy and work activity, and which includes: 14 A. A complete dwelling unit; and 15 B. Working space reserved for and regularly used by one or more occupants of the dwelling unit. 16 The difference between a live/work unit and work/live unit [defined Section 18.04.913 of the City 17 Code] is that the"work" component of a live/work unit is secondary to its residential use, and may include 18 only commercial activities and pursuits that are compatible with the character of a quiet residential 19 environment, while the work component of a work/live unit is the primary use, to which the residential 20 component is secondary 21 22 18.04,XXX Manufacturing,assembling and paekaging—heavy iMensity. 23 "Manufacturing, assembling and packaging—heavy intensity" means a facility accommodating 24 manufacturing processes that involve and/or produce basic metals, building materials, chemicals, 25 fabricated metals, paper products, machinery, textiles, and/or transportation equipment, where the 26 intensity scale, and/or characteristics of operation and materials used have the potential to result in 27 extemalities or effects on surrounding land uses or the community Examples of heavy intensity 28 manufacturing uses include, but are not limited to chemical products manufacturing, paving and roofing ; 29 materials manufacturing and glass products manufacturing. 30 31 32 18.04.XXX Manufacturing,assembting and packaging—light intensity. 33 "Manufacturing, assembling and packaging—light intensity" means a facility accommodating 34 manufacturing processes involving andlor producing: apparel; food and beverage products; electronic, 35 optical, and instrumentation products; ice;jewelry; and musipl instruments. Light manufacturing also 36 includes other establishments engaged in the assembly, fabrication, and conversion of already processed 37 raw materials into products, where the intensity, scale, and/or characteristics of operation and materials 38 used are unlikely to 2sult in extemalities or effects on surrounding land uses or the community because 39 they can be controlled within the building. Examples of light intensity manufacturing uses include, but are 40 not limited to clothing and fabric product manufacturing and food and beverage products. 41 42 78.04.XXX Manufacturing,,assembling and packaging -medium iMensity 43 "Manufacturing, assembling and packaging—medium intensity" means a facility accommodating 44 manufacturing processes that involve and/or produce building materials, fabricated metal products, 45 machinery, andlor transportation equipment, where the intensity, scale, and/or cha2cteristics of operation 46 and materials used are greater than those classified under"Manufacturing, assembling and,packaging— 47 Light intensity," but where extemalities or effects on surrounding land uses or the community can typically 48 be reduced or avoided when appropriately located and developed. Examples of inedium intensity 49 manufacturing uses include lumber and wood product manufacturing and stone and cut stone product 50 manufacturing. 51 52 18.04.XXX Motor freight terminal. 53 "Motor freight terminal" means a facility with more than one (1)dock per five thousand (5,000)square feet 54 of warehouse, storage, or related use and used for either(1)the loading, unloading, dispensing, 55 receiving, interchanging, gathering, or otherwise physically handling freight for shipment or(2)any other 56 location at which freight is exchanged by motor carriers between vehicles. This includes but is not limited Page �2 9/05/12 DRAFT 1 cross-dock operations and does not indude a package delivery service. Excludes buildings with six(6)or � i 2 fewer loading docks. 3 4 18.04.XXX Neighborhood retail establishment. 5 "Neighborhood retail establishmenC means stores and shops serving the immediate surrounding 6 neighborhood in which they are located, including but not limited to a beauty shop, laundry and dry 7 cleaning, sales of retail goods and such others of a similar nature. 8 9 18.04J0(X Print and copy shop. 10 Prirrt and copy shop means a facility for the custom reproduction of written ar graphic materials on a 11 custom order basis for individuals or businesses. Typical processes include, but are not limited to, 12 photxopying, blueprint, facsim'ile sending and receiving, and including oHset printing. 13 14 18.04.XXX Regional retall establishment. 15 "Regional retail establishment" means a large scale retail establishment intended to serve customers 16 within and outside the City A regional retailer may accommodate a wide range of retail commodities 17 (e.g., appa2l and accessories, consumer electronics, hardware, building materials, sporting goods and 18 automotive supplies) 19 20 18.04JIXX Repair services—equipment, appliances. 21 "Repair services—equipment, appliances" means repair of products, not to include vehicles or heavy 22 equipment These uses include consumer repair services for individuals and households for items such 23 as household appliances, musical instruments, cameras, household electronic equipment, and similar 24 uses. 25 26 18.04.XXX Shop. 27' "Shop" means a small retail establishment or a department in a large one offering a specified line of ,28 goods or services 29 3U 18.04JOCX Store. 31 "Store"means a business establishment where usually diversified goods are kept for retail sale. 32 33 18.04.)0(X Work/live Unit. 34 "VNork1live uniY' means an integrated housing unit and working space, occupied and utilized by a single 35 household in a structure, either single dwelling or multi-unit dwelling, that has been designed or 36 structurally modified to accommodate joint residential occupancy.and work activity, and which includes: 37 A. A complete dwelling unit; and 38 B. Working space reserved for and reguiarly used by one or more occupants of the dwelling unit 39 The difference between a worWlive unit and live/work unit[defined Section 18.04.XXX of the City 40 Code] is thffi the "work" component of a work/live unit is primary use, to which the residential use is 41 secondary; while the work component of a live/work unit is secondary to its residential use, and may 42 include only�mmercial activities and pursuits that are compatible with the character of a quiet residential 43 environment. 44 i I Pa9e I 3 9/O5l12 Exhibit 3 DRAFT CHAPTER 18.23 COAIIMERCIAL AND INDW^TRIAL ZONES Sedio�: Note;All proposed code is n rlin . 1823.010 Purpose. 18.23.020 Intent of Commercial and Industrfal Zones. 18.23.030 Uses. 1823.040 Development stanCartls. 1823.050 Additional Development StarMarda Por G2 CeMral Bwiness Zone. 18.23.060 Addifional DeveWpment Standards for the EP EmironmeMal Park Zone. 18.23.010 Purpose. This Chaoter lisls the land uses tMat mav be ellowed wkhin the mmmarciel end indushial zOnes established W ACC 18.02.070(Esqblishrtrerrt of zonesl.tletertnines the tvoe M land use aooroval reauired for each use.and orovides basic and addftional develoomeM atandards for sites.buildinas.and assodated irtrorovements. 18.23.020 InEerrt ot Comme�eial a�IrMustrial2onea A.General.This sedlon describes the irroeM for each of Ne cilys commerdal and industrial mnes.T1�ese intem statemen5 are M be used to guide the irrterpretation of tha regulations essociated with each zone. Tha Planning DireGOr is eulhorized to make irrteryretations oFthese�aguladona based on his/her analysis of them together wtth elear and abjective reasons far such interprafation. B C•N,Neighborhood Shopping Certter Zone. TAa GN zone is inffindetl to provide areas appropriate for neighborF�ootl s�opping establishments whirh provitla Ilmite0 retail busirress,senice and ofice fadlitiea for the convenienoe of resitlents of Ne neghbortiood.A neighbortrood shopping center is desigrred and loeated so as to minimize trafic congestion on publie highways and sVeels in ita vidnity and to beat fit the ganeral land use paGem of the area to be served by Ne�rrter.The proteNve standards eorrtained in this chapter a2 irrtended to minimize any adverse eftect of the neighborhood shopping center on nearby property values and ro provide for safe and efRCfent use of the neighborhood shopping center itseH. C.Gt,LigM Commercial Zone.The C-1 zone is intended for lower intenslty comrtrercial atljacent to residentiai neighbo�hooda. This zone generally serves as a harisitiom m�e bedveen higher and lower intenslty lantl uses,prrnitling reteil and profasslonel sarvices.This zone represerrts the primary commeicial designation}or small to moderete scale commercial activitles compatlble by having simllar parformance ahandards and ahould be developed in a manner which is consistent with and attrads peCestrian-orientetl activkies.This zone eneourepas Ieisure shopD��9 and providas amenities conducive to at6acting shoppers and pedestria�. D.G2 Central Businese Dishict Zone. The iMaM M tha C-2 zone Is W set apart the portion of Ne cky proximete te Me ee�rter for finandal,cammereial,povemmenhal,profesaional,end culWrel activities.Uaes in the F2 mne have comrrron or similar parfortnen�stantlards in that they rep�esent types of eMerprises irnroNing Me rendering of services,both professional or to tl�e person,or on-premises retail aWviBes.This zone enwurages a�W provitles amenkies mnducive W aC2ding pedesVians. E.C-3,Heavy Commercial Zone. The iMeM of Me C-3 mne is to allow for medium to high intensity uses consisting of a wide range of reteil,commercial,entertainmeM,office,servioas,and prokssional uses. This mne ia imended to aaommodate uses which are orieMed ro automobiles either as a mode or target of the commercial aervice while fostering a pedesMan orientation.The uses allowed can indude outsida Pape I� B!5l12 DRAFT adivities,dispWy,tabneation or service teatures when not the predominant poRion of the use. The uses enumera0ad in this dassification have potentlal Por impads to surtounding propertles and streat systems than those uses pertnitted in the more restrictive comrtrercial dassficatlons. F G4,M&ed Usa Commerdal Zone. The intent of the C<zone is to provide for a pedestrian oriented miz of retail,oifice,and limited mulGple family residential uses. This classifiption is also intended to allow flexibi6ty in dasfgn antl the mmDination of uaes that is responsiva to market demands. The uses enumerated in this classification antiapate a mix of multiple famiy 2sidentiai,retail,and office uses Nat are coortlinated though a site-speciflc planning prooess. The muttiple family resitlential must be lo�ated in a multistory building;the ground floor of whidi must contain a permittad use or combination of uses, otherthan parking,as listed in this chapter. CeRain heavy commarcial uses pertnitted in other mmmeroial classifications are not�rtniCed in this zone bacause of the potential for conflids with muttifamily resideMial uses,in ortler to achieve a qualiry of environment that is conducive to this mbc ot uses. G. M-1 LigM Industrial Zone. The i�tent of the M-1 zone is to acmmmotlate a variety of industrfal, cwnmercial,and Iimited residential uses in an industrial park environment,to preserve land primarily for Iight Intlustrial and commerdal uses,to implemeM the economic goals of the comprehensive plan and to provitle a greater flexibility wlthfn the mning repulationa Por fhose uses which are non-nuisanoe in tertns of air arM water pollution,nose,vibration,glare or otlor.The IigM industriaUCOmmereial chareUer of this zone is intended to aCdress the way in which indushial and commerdal usea are prtied out rather than the actual types of produGS made. The character of this zone will limit the type of primary eGivtties whieh may be conducted outsida of endosad buildings to outdoor tlisplays anO sales.Uses which are nM cusWmarily conduc[ed indoors or imrolve hazardous materials ere consbered heavy intlustrial uses under this title and are not appropriaEe for the M-1 zone.M esseMial aspe�3 of this mna is the need to maintain a quality of developmeM that attra4s rather than disaurages fu�Crer investirrent in light industrial antl commem.ial developmeM. ConsequeMty,site acbvi6es which coultl distraG from tl�a visual quality of develoD�nt of those areas, such as outtloor storage,shouW be atrictly repulated within this zone. H. EP Ernironmental Park Zone.The environmental park district is intendetl to ailow uses in proximlty to the Auburn Environrtrental PaAc Mat benaftt from that loption and will complement the park antl Its environme�l foas.Uses allowed in this zone will foas upon medical,bioteeh and"green"technologies inUUding energy conxrvation,engineering,water quality and s�milar uses.Other uses wmplementery M and supporting these usea ere also allo�red.Incorporetion M sustainable tlesign and g�een building practices will be a primary aspe4 M ihis wrre.The eonstruCion oT leadership in errergy and environmenMal design(IEED)and buitt green tertified buiWings is eneoureged and buitt green will be required for mukiple-famity dwellings.The Gty recognizes that much of the proparty in this zone was developad urnler earlier standarcls,so the goals of Me tlistriG will be realized over a period of time as properties are redevelopetl. I. M-2,Heavy Industriel Zone.The M-2 zone is Intended to aaommotlate a broad range of manufacturing and industrial uses.Pe�miCed acGvlly may vary from medium to higher intensiry usea that involve the manufacWre,fabription,asaembry,or processing of rew andlor finished maberials.Heavy industrial uses should nM be lo�[ed near residantial tlevelopment. While other uses may De sked within this zone,permiLa for such uses should not be issued'A such uses will discourege use M ad}a�nt sites for heavy industry,Interrupt the continuity of industrial siles,or produce traRC in co�liG with the industrial uses. Pepe�2 9/5/12 DRAFT 19.23.030 Uses q, C.Aneral certnit reauiremenLa Table 1823.030 identifies the��of land allowed in each Commercial and indusfial zones and the land use aonroval orocess reauired to establish each � B. Reauirements for certain soecific land uses. Where the last wlumn in Table 1823.030 f Standartfs for Soecific Land Uses9 includes e reference M a�da section number.the referencad sedion detertnines other reauirements and standards anolicable to the use reaardleu of wliether k is oertnittad outnaM or reauires an administretive or conditianai use certnit. Pege�3 9/5112 DRAFT Table 78.23.030 ParmiMetl,AAministratNe,ConEitionel and Prohibifetl Usea by Zone PennYOed.AtlminintraUve.Condilional aml Pmhib�od Us�by Zone P-PermiGeC C-Comfitionel A—Atlmini�ratlue X-Ptohibita0 LAND US£ � ZoninB Des�Hnallo� SfandaMS for e-x a� c,z w u na-i Ea xi-z sPecux t�a uses INDUSTRIAI„MANUFACTURING AND PROCESSING,WHOLESALING Building contractor sernces X X X P X P X P �Oti CO�traCto�58Ml�,_ . X __ X__ _X_ _X_ _X_ .1�__X_ _P ___________________ ___ �O�p[si]:t�vdsfimtl.PrcV�ro be M��d� ffiemdi end X_ X X P X P P P ACC18.31.180 ` adMNrtnureurmtlromllnneadafpmmiced ""'!�6"" ___ ___ __ ______ __ _ "'_______ . o�i t�e9m9—�trNe�iH Manufaeturinp,assemWfrp ana X X X A X P A P ACC 18.31.780 ��P pad0ging —MBtlium IMen8lly Ca�noai2[a2]:Wnuhcu+.iN,acsembl Mg,ena . . WNUt�R�O m nOw b�o/nn down bY brtensM' nuie e6semDli�and' _X_ _X_ X_ X_ _x__X_ X _A' _____ ACC 1831 180____ ssecnaotarie.De-Oelmhrons. Padce0��0 —HeevYir�enY Ouftlaor srorage,incidenfal b X X X P X P P � ACC 18.57 020 A �O����d�"'�ed°f�1°�°"'�° principel permitted use on --"- rt1°"""`�'w"�pf0�'��'�a'd"x"'��1tl° pro�m nnrart�Y tmuW m the M2 miu-See AC[1830.dw Storape Personel housahold X P X P X P X P ACC 18.57.020 8 ���'P�101"tyO�OOf�`°� storepe facility(minfsmfape) +na.m+aa smm a�e u.a m me n+tmw.ua.. tt muR bt eaxlrted wMa pniKlpsl�,uze 1rJerehousing entl tlistri6ution X X X X X .g _X_ �F ACC 18.57.020 C °"n10 PfOO°m' w1MOn6il@reIDilas X X X P X P P P ------------------- • � �I��mmmproheiu�reol�n ����" an indtlenf9l uee(CO1fe'e,bak9(y, "' " "' "' " "' " " `� co�ka eawhd bv tln Otv�uxu Dexm' �,� . 2013. Delate�:P I RECREATON,EDUCATION AND PUBLIC ASSEMBLY USE5 �� p�;p '�C�oOm�marae9retvemiontecuKY" _X_ .P__P_ _?_ P. _?_ _P_ A _ ________ caamneoxLsskex��.waeacowow� rosazrsaml beke�tes(�M almihh Me ebi�Mto CommerGel reaeaTion fedllty, X X X A X P A A ACC 18.57 025 A �'�rt'n o"'stte. OutdoM i�t[s7]:varlau rtt2etlonel uxz(kdoor Confarence/mmreMfonfaGllry X X A A X A X X andmmtloot)autl�ubowu�a�ra,ay�ro,mlMpdL a8.rowfap underarc orthesa caWaka. Librety,musaum X q' A A X A P X ���;uhnrY/muwumikxaasm ' ___ _'_ __ ""__ ___ __________'_________" MeM�ngfeGliry,publicorpnvero A P P P X A P A Mmm�m+weusammlknmm�nntshvmewa�by Movle Meater,exmpt tlrive-in X P P P P X X X ���0"�1Ob1d60°' �rivffie adiool-epadallzeO A A P P P P P P educallonikainin9(for poflt�--- ------ - Canmmt[c91:rna�.rw uu m� "' ___ __ " ___ __ ____________________ RelipiouslnafihNOns.lotaize A P P P A A A A p�"+�^A�^��(���R����sl��m 1E56 ihen OnB eae. to�wm In nuEum, Relipious InsLtutions,lot eize C P P P A A A A more then one acre Sexualiy orieMed busirresses X X X P X P X P ACC 18 74 Sports and anterteinmeM X X A A X A X A asaembly taciliry Studio-Art,tlence,martial erts, P P P P P P A A musie,etc. � Denoles a change from the a�rent zoning mde Pa9e I< 9/5112 DRAFT PormMted Atlmhdstrativs.Condllia�al a�Pm�f0i0eA U�s by Zo�re P-Peimitte0 C-ConOi6onal A-Admini�ratlw X-P�IbiEed LAND USE =°M°9 Oeslgrtation Standards for C�i C-� C3 CJ G4 A!-t � AA-2 SOe�Hk Land Uses RE8IDENTIAL CeretakerepeMreM X P P P X P P P �.ivd!WalcorWOrklLhrounR"" 7( "?' '?' '?' ?' P '?' X' """""""""" '- CmaomrcLc101:nowwMS�+m�ma�rcn.sh hAUltiplsfemAy Cwelfinps espert _ X P P P P P P X ACC 18.57.030 A e'O`'��"'�"�"�"m�"O f°"'""'�"� " __' '__ "_ " '_ "' " '_'_"""""'_'__, ofamixBd-ueOdevBlopment -' CqmmeM[s117:MU�ut+miWdewkO�can MUIUpio-tBMlydwBlGnpa,stend X X X X X X X X ACC18.57.030B onryaawMapntMamked�umAevNOpment a1� Thh rpudcmmrrc rlll anwrt bx ge�roratl�y ums o¢urin rron+Wtle�rthl mroe.5ee puptsr 18.57 Nu�ainghome,aeaistetllivinp X P P P C X X X sraimaNainspec�nc�emumtarmwe facllity IrKOrmavon. �SmriOrhWaing X A A A X X X X - ��i�y�;k„I„�„q�y�b�„� werc iwt preWOUSha¢numetl Par In nemiesaemiel rtEraL mn,.nexuae.�.ammuv.w.u.roehe �uiltli�an0lerWerapematerie�s X X X P X P X P ACC18.57.035A wmm���R�����������` . . _ _ " '"'_ ' ' ' _ _'______________"__ IHptlnEZamherlHr�e�mry. �� CAO1111l1R[513]�Ne�r�pRNded LO�WII- ConstrucGOnerMhesvy X X X X X A X P resim�alm�ece�ppkmenol�undardsoddedto epuipment ae185 erM reMel arsun ero apawum baenAetlulty plesslr�mUe ���m� _'___"' A__!0L 'P' P_ ?�' p _?_ P' __'__"_____________ ��a'�uc. Driw�tivouph esqpso olanda X X X P % P X X - �°�[�]:��aaaw m�wm mslb�Ntl usas tt b abo tldlrctl In Gupter f80a- Drive-Ih�ouph}aWity,ixWCinp A A A P P P X P ACC 18.52.040 �^��• banka end re&auraina Entertainment,commerciel X A P P X A X A G�rie8,speCielly f0od SlOres P P P P P P P X ACC 18.57.035 B ��� X _ X_ 'X' _ '_"_"__"—_ _P A, _P _ _X _ P_ "'_'ACCiB.57.035C____' ' �I�ySj;�.�hen�esw �DuttloonCiapleysendsales P P P P P P P P ACC18.57.035D T�°"�"�1101��""'0"��"'"ORar.ne BgHOdBtBE wIM 8 pBRM�NOBtl U88 ' 'nwxry'am new u[mthrt Mw bnn�dtletl m (8UbA9hidB 881081fO1 h1dUd0d �deMLl mnes.'aMarttl�msnL wmmmdal in thie mte9�Y) �saen�ree io cn.c�r ie.oa-cexnniau. ReSteurBnt,cefe,COReeshoP P P P P P P P P �I�1:�r'�adCaEmallew/ar �,.�d outdow tltspiays aml wka In ProM W#orei(Iiks I^o�!"""_"_'_'_' __' ___ _____' FMMeyaqlowaa.COatnlFa�mmtlSUpply�e.YJ. ______ __ ____________________"_' COmmunNyreteilebtehdlehmBM A P P P P P X P ����hitlarofO^'°etl�Wllmnnol W �n�+nnn�a NBIphDOrtloodtetHll P P P P P P X P �Iiy7j:�ly�ymM�IBmav ��� InalrawM um art�euil uses In t�e aly's mnvnsrfJ�l mnn la.aMiqueA m�Y�1a.eWN^G RegionatfeteileateWhhmerrt X X X P P P X A ��y���s,�.��p��m T9SllngROOm P P P P P P P P opeirteachreoll�¢eueiaknborhoal, mnmvtlrym mybml��wu emWl�hmanL Ean of Tevem P P X P P P X A �m�������- Wine Pmduclion fecility.smeil A P P P P P P P ��� aaR Aiatlllery,smeil aelt brewery � DmoOes a tlianpe hom Me wrtenl mninp mde Paqe�5 9/5/12 DRAFT I Pannit0ed.AOministradve.CaWitionel aiM ProAibiled Uxs Oy Zone P-PmnitOad C-Co�'itional A-AdmNistratiw X-Prohibited U1ND tLSE ��� Sfentlmds fm CN G1 C-2 G3 C-4 M-7 EP MZ SPeeRk Letld Usas SERMCES Anime�daymre CexduEing, _ A _ A' _A _P _ A_ P X P __ACC 18.57.040 A �m� kennels entl animel b08rtll ""'_ "'" """" ."' (s�ylg]:nkw um ametl m non• �B) retltlew�mneisupp�mnmim��'WaNSCmated I Mime�aele8 anA eenrl_oea "'_ P P P _P P P X__P_ ACC 18.57.040 8 m��"P°�b'"m"""O11ai"`o�owrtxs � -- --- --- - -- -- ------------------- c r (exduding'kennelsantl Commmt ori9.nemuwaadaamno�• vaterinary dlnics) �vuaeny.i zarcs. Benkinp and releted flne�ial P P P P P P P P inatlntiona,extlueinp drive- ihrvuph faeillBes Caterinp eervioe P P P P A P A P Deytere,indu0inp mini daycere, A P P P P P P X tl8yt8re CBflmf,pro9fh001s Or nursary schods Dry deaning entl IaunOry sernee P P P P P P P P (Parsone9 EquipmeM iBMel end leeei� X X X P X P X P �e!�!�_�^�9_'__" X 'X_ _X_ _9_ X_ A _X__A. '_"'_ACC18.57_040C__'_ "_� Cammnrt[swIO�:Newu�eeadmmwn--11 GovemmeMtBCilities.Ci� A A A A A A A A ����5°pye'"°"mi'°"ea'ase�e'Ke e�xludes ofims end reletetl uses m ee mmwdbk wm wrmuwmt wnwrt�aa. � thet ero pertnittetl wtripM I�o�t X P P P X p X ,p -- eamme�t Iwuk�cu+�s.m eu�mm�, � LoCg�rp-Hotel or motel X P P P P A P A ` a°O°m"'�""'�fO1Tn���0���"�* ve�wtpermMetllnMeM3,LIghtlntluaMal,M; I MeCicel—tlenteldinie P P P P P P X X NaarriMUmb�mnesgmuxtlm�neumm�mnW I Molhmry,funet5lhOmB, A P X P X P X X C�V���sh°°�elaa�edevelopmentpomntltl�M � c�ematOrium arctlaamorterielrovdLAospbbam I ` iemmmeMWto�pem�pted. Peraonel setwce shoPn P P P P P P X X �:X ' Phertnacies P P P P P X X X p��:X i p�4��PY9hPP___ _ __ P P P_ _P_ P P X X - _� Cammentllw�7:�+swumadGeronen- Printinpandpu611ehinp(ofbooke. X ..A P P P P P P re4demlalums.ttlsalwdeflmtllnWpter18.06- newspaper antl oUer printetl �°^"� metter) Piofeseiona101flcae P P P P P P P P Repeiraerwae-equipmen; X A P P P P X P ACC18.57.040D ePPliences Ve[arinary dfnie,animal hospitel A P P P P P X X � Denotes e dianpe hom me anrem zonmg ooae Papa�8 9/5172 DRAFT Permided.Administrative,Condltionei am!Prohibitetl Uses by Zoire P PertniCetl C-Contllfbnel A-Admintstrative X-Prdii�ted LAND USE 7ani�g�signatlw� Sian�rds for GN O1 C 2 C-9 GI N61 � AF2 SP���LaM Uaes TRANSPORTATION,COMMUNICA710NS AND INFRASTRUCNRE Ambulance,}axi,antl speaelized X X X A X P X P transportation tacility Broeticas6ng studio X P X P X P X P HelipoR X X X C X C X C �IAOta:48igMterminai' X X X X X X X X SeeFOO4to4eNat _ ��(pw�];7�ay�p�pum ' Parlangiedlity,publicor X P P P P P P X �PR�a�T�nconbinspolckssuUn{that � commerciBl,suffe� Wa�e�wmanGdbaibWw4Muwsemnoca � prckrtetl bnt ttem eemromk tlewl�mmt erel PaMtingieGlity,publico� X P P P P P P X V�UUSePrbrltyPorhMUSMalmneda�easinMe commeiciel,strucluretl �r due ma kss m uin ra rcremm assaermd � �s rC X . _ X X X X A X P ACC18.57.045A ��f�°�slmpkmemrtbnafsveamAircWn ITMxlIA_��@Ye'"""""' " "' ____ tnkglslanon.FxbdnBmotwfreMMterm�nelx _ '" __ "_ ___ '____"" '____ "_ Uulitytranamisaionordistribution A A A A A A A A �'°'"^'Q�•�°°�b°'°�°e^�� line or w6atation ��p,�y7p�;p�i�s��yyy,�,u Wiretesswmmunicationiacillty - - ACC 18.04.912, ACC1B31.100 �Ilstedasauwmthanan.eswnttlalmna. i �� VEHICLE SALES AND SERVICES �op���p,eg�g te�p�gry'G X A X P P P X P ___"ACC 18.57.OW A . - � �[yw/15y.p�,�aedaa m noo- I ""'""' "' "" `"` '_ _" "__'" __`_'_" mYde'rt�Imnn.sWP��memalfnrdertlsaesoed h.ai w sen�ervice) m be cemV�bk wttF surrounAlnt ProMNes. 1 Auto perts sales wRh instellatlon X A A P P P X P services Autolvehicle seles antl renfel X A X P X P X P ACC 18.57 O50 B �����_"P'_"Y" X__A_ _B_ _?_ ?_ P__X__P_ _____ACC18.57050C_____ FCOmme�KLsY'�26k;��—„ I Mobile home,boet,or RV sales X X X P X P X P I, Vehicle serrims-re evPoOtl X X A P X P X P ACC 18.57.050 D oennnw�n. OTHER My commeicial uae abutUng a A A A A A A A A resitlen�al zone whicli hes hours W operations outsitle W the bllowing�Suntlay:B:OOam W 70:OOpm or Montlay-SaWrtlay: 7:OOem to tO:�Opm Otlfer ueas mey ba partnitled bY P P P P P P P P tha plemm�g direehr rn designee if Cia use i9 tletertnined to ha eonsietent wIM Ihe mtent oi Me zone end is of Ma same gene2l Uaraeter W the uses permitted. See ACC 18.02.720 C.6 Untlessified uaes 'Any rtalor halp�t tertninel,an tleAnetl Dy ACC 18.04.XXX,in existence es M Me ertective Oete W Ne oNlnance cotlifred in tl�is aecllun:is en ouMght permitletl une in the M-7 antl M-2 inne.My meiMananre,elleraUOne antl atlNtlona to nn ezI91n0��r fielpht teiminal wltic�Is mnsisteM wIN ACC 1823.040-Dewlopment slantlaMa,b ellovnQ Page�7 9l5/12 DRAFT 78.23.040 DevelopmeMStandards A HareaRer no use shal�be condudad and no b�ildina structu and aoourt nan hall be rac[ed relopted remodeled reeonstructetl attered or enlametl unless in comoliance wkh the reauirements in T�bles 1823.040A(GN Gt G2 C-3 and C.t Zone Develoo nt Standards 1 and 18 23 0406(M 1 EP and M-2 Zone Davalooment Standards)and in comoliance with the orovisions of this tkl ��+ onlv after securina all oertni4a antl aoorovals rea�'red hareDv The standards mav be modfied throuah either an administrative variance or variance subiec[to the oroeed of Chaoter 18 70 A C Table 18.23.040A C-N,C-1,G2,C3,and Cd Zone Developmerk Starniards Developma�rt Requirement by Zone S��Bb C-N G7 C-2 C-3 C4 Nefgh6or�oad LigM CaMral Heavy Mixed Use Shopping Commercial Businass Commereial Commercial CeMe� Minimumlot 2Pt,res None None None None(1) Area Mlnimum lot None Nona None None None wftlth,dapM Meximum lot 55 pareeM Nona None None None covarage Minimum Minimumyafbgparaquiisp/p��v�tuigg,SeealspACCfB.31.0701prs�C!¢ Setbacka ez�stoMesssafbadcstarMe,ds. Front 50 ft 20 ft None 2�ft 20 R Sida-Interlor Nona(2) None(2) None None(2) Norro(2) Side-sUeet 50 fl 75 R None 15 ft 15 R Res� Norre(2) None(2) Nona None(2) None(2) HeigM Iimk IldBxlmum albweble haighf W s6uduiBS.Sgg efso ACC 18.31.Qi0(Heiphf j,jml�ypng- Fxcs�Ons)Mr sPedAC hef8ht HmC ex�ybons. Merzimum hei M 30 ft 45}t(3) p'C� 5 fl ______ 75 fl_ g 78.23 050 � '' '''---__ - Cm�mtlR[sw2T,�i�eaeetl Ml�tallowmce ' ACEltlonal Inthe[-9a�MUmms.Allwrshrwao0dwme I ACC w^swttb�leboverneortwosmrlesMCO�roere) I Davelopment None None 7823.050 Norro Norro �a"Ta�ramrleaaMmaeMbWWlrqaccupariWV I SfanAartls Met n�etrom 6uYixss entl meroirtlk m muM4 Fevte6 end Sce Chep[ef 18.31 ACC hmlry. i Madgas Landaeaping See Chapter 18.50 ACC Parking See Chaptar 1 B 52 ACC Signa See Chapter 18.58 ACC LlgMing See Chapter 18.55 ACC Non• See Chepter 18.54 ACC Canforming atruUUr�, land and usas. Notes: (1) Residantlal uses: no minimum lot siza, providetl that residential density doas not exceed 20 units par gross acre(This inGUdes D��etely-oxmed open space trsc[s but e�lutlea ded�cetetl public roetls). (2) A 25-foot xtbadc is required when atl�acerh lo a resiUeMial zone. Page�8 9/5/72 DRAFf (3) Buildings wifhin Me AuDUm NoM Busirrosa Aree,as esteWisheE Ey Resdution No.2283,mey exceeA 45 leal in one atlCitlonal fool oT eetDedc ia provitletl fiom eech pmparp� line (w required minimum setEack)for each foot Me d�iltlirp exceeds 0.5 tee[in height Table 18.23.040B M-1.EP and AA-2 Zone Developma'rt Sfanda�da Dawbpma'R ReqWnmerRbyZOns Sfa1Matd M-7 EP M-Z LigMindustrial EmironmaMal Flavylndustrfal Pa�l[ Minimum lot Norre None None Arw Minimum lot Norre None Nane wlda4 tlePM AAeximum lot None 35 perceM Noire coverage Mlnimum Mlnimumaefbed�srepuired/oratruUures.SeealsoA� Setbeeke 18.31.070 Ior ePa�ic exaeA�s ro Mese aterWe/ds. FroM 20 fl 2U R 30 R Sida-IMarbr None(7) 15R None(7) Slde-Comar 2011 20 R 30 fl Rear None(1) 20-ft(1) None(1) NeigM Ilmk bfazlmum a0owe01e height ols6uctrues.Seo slso ACC 18.31.030(HeipM Limitetidm-Exmptiom)lorspedh'e�aipM Iimltexeeptions Maximum q511(2) 35 ft 45 fl(2) �eight Adtlitlonal OevelopmaM None �23 O80 Nona StanEaMs Fenws and See Chapler 18.31 ACC � lambmping Sea Chepmr 18.50 ACC Parking Sae Chepter 78.52 ACC Sigrre See Chapter 18.58 ACC Llghting See ChapOBr 18.55 ACC Non- Sea Chapfet 18.54 ACC CoMOnning a}IItC}ulBf� knd aM!usas. NOOBS (7) A 25 foot aetDeck�a reduiretl when adjacent fn a resitlmtial zona. (2) Buildinps may excmtl 45 feet if one fuot of selbedc ia provMeO from eaU property hne(or�uiretl minimum setDaak)tor each tnot tha buildinp exceeds 45 feet 18.23.050 Additioiml DavelopmeM Sfandards for G2,Central Buslrress Zone A Maximum buiiding�eigM: 1.The meximum heigM of Mat portion of a building that abuts a street(s)shall be no higher than Cie right-of-wey witlth of the ebutting street(s).Building height may inaease;provided,that the building is Pape I 9 9/SN2 DRAFT stepped badc one foot(from the abutting street right(s)of-way)for each foot of increased building heigM. 2.H the building abuts more than one street and the abulting streeLS have dilfereM right-of-way widlhs tlien the heigM of Me Ouilding allowed at any street froMage shall be Ma average W Me abutting street rigM-of-way widtha. 3.The following rooftop katures may extand up to 15 feet above the maximum heigM Ivnit:atair towers.eleva0or perrthouses,and screenetl machanipl equipmam. B. Minimum setbadcs:none required,see 18.23.050.D balow for specific building orientation requiremarRS. C. Fences shall be dacorative and relate architecWrelly ro Me asaociated buiiding.Acceptable materials are brick wood,stone,rtretel,or texWred conaete.Typipl gatvanized wire mesh(ehain link).6arbetl wife or razor wire am not permilted.For further infortnatlon see Chapler 18.31 ACC. The provisiona of Mis section shall not appty[o temporary fences required during consWCtion projecb partnitted Dy the ary. D. BuiWing Orientation Requiremenb.The following requiremeMs appty to the construction W all new bWldings or skuctures: 1.Existing buildings or strucWres,induding faeades,Mat do not have setDacks or othervvise nnnot eomply are exempt fiom thesa requirartreMS ragardless of the amount of improvements made to the building,strucWre or Tacade as long as any atteration tloes not make Me existing ferade mo�e nonconfortning. 2.Existing bulldings,ahuctures,or faeades that ere set back end within 20 feet ot a street shall eompty W the fullest extent possible as datertnined by the planning direcror,with tha following requirementa when eny amuiative atructural improvemenb are made that exceed 5�percerrt of the assessed value of tha ezlsting building,atruUUre,or faeatle. 3.Any addition W an axisting building,repardlesa of value,that will be within 20 feet of a street shall also comply to tha fullest extent possible as determined by the planning direGOr,with the following requirertrents. a.For each lineal foot of frontepa a building has on a sUeet,there shall be provided en area(s)for pedestrien amenitias ffithe rete of one square foot M ground area for each lineal foot of building frontage.Pedestrian amenides shall wnsist of such features as landscaping,beoches,eMry ways with acceMa auch as brirk pavera,art work,or a combination of these or similar featums. The pedestrian amenWes shalt be located on the property betuueen the straet rigMof-way and the builtling.The planning director shall approve the amouM and type of the pedestrian amenkies. b.For buildings Mffi heve a sbeet froMage thffi exceads 50 feet then at least ZS percent of the buildtng's froMaga shall be immadia0ely aEjaceM to the street rignt-of-way. c.For buildings that have a atreet froMage Mat is less than 25 feet then no pedeshian amenities will be required anC Ne building may be located at the property line.Theie ehall,howaver,De provided a landing in front of each door that opens to a street Mat is large anough such that no part of any door w11i encroech into Ure atreet rigM-of-way when the door�s Deing operred or doxd. d.For buildings that provide addidonal setbatics,exoept as restricletl by subsection(F)(3)(b)of Mis sedion,Me area beNreen tha atreet rlgM-0f-way and Me builtling shall only contain pedestrfan amenitiea. e. H a building has more Man N✓o street froMages then at least two of Me frorrtages shall compy wiM subsections(F)(3)(b)and(�(3)(g)of this aection arW coMain pedestrian amen@ies beMreen Me Duilding an0 the street right-ofrwey.My remaining froMages shall either have pedestrian amenities,windows,murab,flat surfaoed art work or oMer similar ardiitectural features Nat would avoid large blaMc walls. f.For new buildings thM will iMill between Mro otner existing builtlings Me rrew building shap be set badc no further than e1Mer of the atljacent buildings unless addilional setbadc is required to comply wtth wbsection(�(3)(a)of this seetbn.The proposed setback shall be reviewetl by the planning director to ensure the sefbadc will maintain buildin9 coMinuity along the sVeet. 9.Buildings shall have windows Mat encompass at least 60 percent of the first tloor facade and at leasl 40 perce�rt M the facade W ead�addttbnal floor.At least 50 percent of tha area of the first floorwintloxrs of nonresitlendal buildings shall provitle vaibility to the inside of Me building.This Pa9e�70 9/SI72 DRAFT subsection shall only apply M the fecetles,of new buildfngs,with atreet frontage and shall not leasen the requirements of Me UniFOrm Building or Fira Codes. h.The building's prindpal pedestrlan entrance shall be orierrted to Ma street.H the 6uilding is at e comer,either strcet or alley,then the prineipal pedeshian e�ance shall be et the comer unless a better ardiifec[ural Cesign is attainetl at another location and approved by Me planning director. i.Buildings tt�at are at the intarsedion of either two streeh or a street and an alley shall provide for a sight distance fiangular setbadc as required by Chapter 18.31 ACC.These fiangular areas may coMain pedestrian amenities Mat satisfy tfie 2quiremenLS of subsection(�(3)(a)of this section. j.A site pWn shall be prepared by the proponerrt whieh addresses compliance wkh the requiremenis as outlined in subsections(F)(3)(a)through(F�(3)(I)MMis seGion.The site plan shali be approved by the planning director prior to the submitlal of any building pertnit k.For the sole purposes ot subseCion F W Mis seGion the tertn"streeY shall indude the rigM-of- way of private and publfc streets.Tha tartn shall also inGude pedestrian walkways,ancumbered by an easement or similar means,that are used by the general public to travel from ane property to anoMer. E. Mechanical equ�pment on rooRops shall be slted and dasigned to minimize noisa and etfec[ively screen the equipmerrt from view from adjaceM properties and rights-of-way.Tha following methods, or a combination thereof,may be used: 1.Setbadc from the mof etlga to obscure visibility from below; 2.Integration iMO the building architecture,using builtling walls,roof wells or roof parapefs W conceal Me equipment; 3.EquipmeM enGosure or sigMobseuring fendng or landamping; 4.OverAead trellis or roof ro obscure visibility from above. Materials used to sereen mechanical equipmeM shall be the sartre as or compatlble with the design of the prindpal shucWra. F Stair towers and elevalor penMouses shall be designed to be arohitecturally integrated into the prindpal sWCWre.This may include using the same buiiding meteriels,repeeting common 6uilding fortns,colois or elaments,or incorporating tha roof and wall of the stair Mwer or elevator penthouse i�rto the upper wall of the structure. 18.23.060 AddlUonal Develapment Standards Tor the EP,Ernfronmental Park Zone A. Fences and Hedges.Fences shall ba deeorative and relate arcfiiteeturally to the assodated building. Axeptable materials are bridc,wood,srone,metal,or textured concrete.Colored chain link fences may be allowed subject M the planning directofs approvai.Barbed wire or razor wire fences are not pertniCed.For further iMormation on fendng see Chapter 18.31.020 ACC.The provisions of this seUion shall not apply to temporary fences during construc6on projeds pertnitted by the dry; 8. Loadi�and unloading dod�s shell not be visible from Me street. C. Mechaniql equipmant on rooRops shall be siEed and designed to rtnnimize noise and eftectively screen the equipmeM from view from atljaceM proparties and rights-of-way.The following methods, or a combination thereof,may be used: 1. Set badc from Ne roof etlga M obscum visibilky from below; 2. Integration into the building erehiteeNre,using building walls,roof wells or root parapets to conceal the equipmanX 3. Equipmant enGOSUre or eightobsaring fendng or landsceping; 4. Overhead trellis or roW ro obscure visibilily from above. Materials used ro saeen mechanical equipment shall be the same as or compatible with the design of Me PrindPal strucwre. Page�11 9/5/12 Exhibit 4 DRAFT Chapter 78.36 SPECIAL PURPOSE ZONES SecEOns: Note:All proposed code is n rli . 78.35.010 Purpose 16.35.020 InteM W Special Puryose Zones 18.35.�30 Uses 18.35.D40 Oevelopmentstandarcls 18.35.050 Additional Development Standerds for RO and RO-H Zones 18.16.010 Purpose. This Chaoter iists Me land uses that mav ba alloweC within the residerrtlal oRee.reside�rtial offlca howifal.instltutional.and oublic use zones establisheA bv ACC 18.02.070(Esfablishmerrt of zones). detemrines the tvoe W lantl use aooroval reauired for eaeh use.and orovides basic standards for site lavout and buildina size. 18.35.020 hrte'R of Special Purpme Zorrea. A General.This section tlescribes Ne intent for each of tha city's special purpose zones.These intent statemer�s may ba used to guide Ma iMeryretation of the repulations assodated with each zone. B. RO and RO-H Residerrtal Oifice anE ResitleMial Office-Hospital Zone. The RO and RO-H is iMendeC primarily to aaomm�ata small-scale business and profeuional offices,medical and dental diniaa,and banks and similar finanaal insti[utlons at locetions where Mey are compatible with residential uses.Some reWil antl personal servires may be pertniCed'rf supplemental to the other uses allowed in the zore.This zone is irrtended for those areas that are in transitlon from resideMial to commercial uses along arterials or near Ne hoapital.Conversion of resitlential uses to commercial uses is geared trnvartls encouraging atlapWe re-use of exislfng single-famiy atrucWras that continue to appear in aocord with the single-famity residerrtiel chaiac0er. The R4H designa6on is to be used exdusively for the hospital area,loceted in Ne vicinily of 2nd Street NE end Aubum Avenue,and is intenCetl to be used tor medical and related uses and thosa uses compatible wiN the metlical community. C. P-t Public Use Zone. The P-t mne is intended to provide for the appropriate locatlon an0 developmeM of public uses that serve Ma cuttural,edup6onal,reaeatlonal,anE puGlic service neetls of Me community. D. I Institutional Zone. The I wne is intended to provide an area wherein educatlonal,govemmental, theologipl,recreadonal,cuftural and other public and quasi�publie uses may ba allowed to tlevelop. tt is further intendetl thex areas be signifieent in scope which will allow a eombinatlon of uses which may not be permitted outnght within Mher zones.This d4atriG is not intended to inWutle Nose smaller or singuWr public uses which are consis0ant xrith and pertnitted in other mrrea.(Ord.4229§2,1987.) 78.35.�0 uses. A. General oermit reauiremeMS. Tabte 16.35.030 ideMlfies Me uaes of land allowetl in eaeh soaeial aumose zone and Me olannina oartnit reauired to esfabliah eaeh uae. B. Reouirements for certain soedfic Iand uses. Whare tha Wst column in Table 18.35.030("Standartls for Soeeific Land Uses9 indudes a saction numbar.tha refarencad se�tion tletertnines other reauiiameMs arM standards aoolicable to Me use reaarclless of wheMer k is oertniUed ouhiaht or reauires an adminishative or eondkional use oertnR. Pape I 1 9/S112 DRAF7 Table 78.35.030 Permkted,Admi�riatrative,Condklonal anE ProMDited Usas by Zone PamiRte4 Atlmi�StraHva.C�o�mi mW PmhibiOOd Uses by Zone P Permitletl C-Contlitio'rel A–AOministrative X-Pndfibitetl S�ndmda for LAND USE Zoning psignatlam gp�Bk LaM Usee RO RQtI P-1 1 PUBLJC Mimal shetter,puDhe X X P X GovemmeM fatllities.this excludes A A P P ofioes and rela0ed uaes tlfet a�e pertnittetl outrgM Munippal parks and playgrountls P P P P RECREATION,EDUCATON AND PUBLIC ASSEMBLY Campprounds antl reaeeLOnai vehide X X X P Derks.Pnvffia Cemetery.Wblic X X P A Cemetery,prive[e X X X A College.Uni�e(siry,pWhe X % A A Cwnmefdel feaeation�etlity_Ndoor __X____X___X_ _?_ — — - - - — — - - - - - — - -— - cmmant[.wtr.v,r�mrs�ee�enw�.i W CommB'delfBCeetlonfeo7lly-OutEOOr X X X A ACC78.57.025A IlnaoeruMwmdwr)sucnaeowll�alb CoMerancB/conventiontedlly X X X A minlgeM.ei.no.m�mearoneoitleu utq�.Amnmeebl rtaa�tbn fitllky�xe LiMary.museum X X P P a��l excludes wmuc wrks ena txNt�c. Meetlng fatiliry,public a PmeOe A A P P PirvataSUiool–spadelmad P P X P _ educaticnrtreinin0(tor P�U '- Camment[�l:Tht,�m�a�e m aw nm. rt�We��m�rcs optum orNate mwo�s(�rJuu1� PublitachoWe(K'721arMrelaOedfetilitias X X P P b+��oasl�wan[mleuteinAUbum. � Rdipious InsdWtions, lot aize lesa than A P X P orre aae. RUigious Insututions, bt ai�mora then C A X P orre ecre. Studio-Art,Cence,mertial arts,music. P X X X 01G. RESIDEMIAL Duplax P(1) X X A Home oowpetion P P X P ACC 18.80 Live/VYOrk–NbrWl.neunit A P X A MulBpl�family dwellinps,stenC alone P(4) A(3) X A One detechad single-family tlwelling P X X X Nursinp Homa,assirted livinq fecility A A % P Senror,hW�irg A A X A . Commant[sw'9j:smimhanmctlarehamenn � ��O�+iMecmuMaA fp In�pn�esidantlal I xonn.aEtletl u�n Mminlatranra un ao tlm PImNn8UlrtemransbvstaEO�VUWkhanlnf I �Nearin!EnMM�)lf mcesury. Pege I Z BISl12 DRAFT Pertnittetl�AAministraNve,Gonditlortal a�M Prohibked Usas by Zone P-PermiCed C-Cwbitlonel A—Mhnini�redva X- Prohi6i[etl LAND USE �9�ignadm�s SfetMertb fa RO R0.F1 P-1 I Spaeific Laml U�s RETAIL Restsurent,cate,coftee shop, e�luding A A P A Erive-Niough facilities SERVICES Banlung antl relaMtl finencial institudons, P P X X e�AUEing tlrive-Mrough(acilities(4) Daycera,inGUtlmp mini deycare,daycare A P X P wnter,Dreschools or nursery schools Home-besetl tlaycare P P X P Metliral services Ginic,or urgent care P P X X (<) Morluery,funeral home,crematonum X P X X Professionel Offices P P X A Personal service shops P P X X Pharmedes X P X X Notes: (1) Duplexes,3,800 aquare feet W lot eree per Owellinp unit is repuirad (2) Mult�femily tlwenmgs;provided that 2,400 square feet ot lot aree ia providatl for eech dwelling unn (3) Mulh-Temily tlwellings;providetl 1,200 square faet of lot aree is providad for each dvrelling unit.(Ortl.6289§ 28,2009) (4) PertniUad xdthin a public college or unrversity es an amenity or aervice provided M etuderits. A stend alone benk or medical services/Ginic is not pertnM1ted. 18.36.040 DevelopmeM Standards A. Hereafter.no use shall be conduGed.and no buildina.shudure and aoourtenance shall be e2eted. reioeated.remodeled.reconstructed.altered or enlaraed unless in comnlian�with the reauirements in Tffile 18.35.040 fRO.RQH.P-1. I Zone Develooment Standardsl and in comofiance wkh the orovisions of this title.and than onlv after securina all oertnits and aoorovals reauired herebv.These standerds mav be modHied throuah ei[her an administratne variance or variance.subiect to the orocedures of Chaoter 78.70 ACC TABLE 18.35.040 RO,RO-N,P-1,I ZONE DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS Davelopment Repuirement by Zonas FeaWre RO RO-H P-1 I Rasldant�l Reaitlantiel Publk Use Instltutlonal Olfite OHice Hospkal Minimum lot 7,200 st None None 6,000 sf Area Minimum lot 50 ft,80 R None None 60 ft,80 ft vritltl6 tlePth Maximum lot 55 paiceM(1) None None 35 pereent Pege�3 915/12 DRAPT cwarage Setbacks MinGnum Setbedcs retry'veC forpr(mary sOVdures See ACC 18.91.070 Jor 9xc�pNOne 7011+aSe�equ4ameMS. Fro�rt 20ft(2) 70ft 20ft 20ft Side-Inferior 5 fl None 5 fl(4) 5 ft Sida-Comar 10 ft 10 feet 10 ft 10 ft Rear 25 ft(3) None 25 ft 25 8 Aecessory See noM(5) See note(5) strucB��s) 6elow NA NA be/ow HeigMlimR MaxfmurtreROw86ie�elghtofa6uclureaSeeACCf8.3f.030[Heiyh! limlteUons-Br�pdars)f6r/repM limd euaepMons. Maxlmum 35 fl 65 ft 45 ft 45 R(8) haigM Fenees arM See Chapter 18,31 ACC N01lga6 LarMscaping See Chep[er 18.50 ACC PaAcing SeeChapter1B.52ACC Slgna See Chapter 18.56 ACC Lighting See Chepter 18.55 ACC Non- See Chepler 18.54 ACC Conforming structures, land and uses. Notes' (1) New single Tamily resitlenLal or mnversions of sinple-femily resdenres to commerciel uaes with atltlrtions greeler than e Ntal or cumulehve of 200 squere feat on tha propeity since the adoption of Ordinence No.8231,Nan the meximum lot coverage is 35 percent (2) New single-family residentlel or mnversions of singlo-family residences to commercial uses wiM etltlrtions W 200 square feet or less,t�en Me tront yard setbeck is 10 feet (3) New single-family residentiel or mnversions of smgle-femily residences to commercial uses wiN adtlRions W 200 square feat or less,thon Ue rear yard sefback is 15 teet (4) A 25 foot setback is requiretl when edjecem to a resitlentiel zone. (5) Accessory sWCtures shall maet all iha repu�red aetbecks of tha zone wiM Me euception Mal Me reer yard seMeck mey 6e iadumd to five teeF provided thet any structure with e vehida antranca finm a sheet(public or private)or public alley ahall be set back e minimum of 20 feel. (6) Mawmum builtling heigM tor iasltleMiel Ewellings:30 Teat.Accessory builtlings to reeitlentlal dwellings: 16 teet. 78.35.50 Addlfional tlevelopment stantlartls for both the RO antl RO-H Zones. A. All uses shall be conducted entirely wkhin an enUOSed structure,except noncommercial municipal automobile parking fadlities in tha RO-H zone. B. There shall be no outside storage of materials allowed. C. Refuse pns,�rrtainars or dumpsters shall be screened from Me view of adjoining properties. D. No on-ske hazarclous substance processing and handling,or hazardous waste tieaUrient and storage facilities shall be permitted,unless clearly incidental and secondary M a pertnitted use.On-site hazardous waste treatmeM and storage facilities shall be subject to Me stata siting criteria(Chapter 70.105 RCVh. E. Any new construc[ion,inGuding adtlitions and alterations,wiNin Me RO district shall ufilize similar bulk,scale,and architedurel and IanOSCape elements of the existing site shucture or those of the naighborhood in which the property is located.A sNe plan and building alevatlon plans shall be prepared by the applicant which addresses compliance with the requiremeMS as outlined in this Page�4 9/5/12 DRAFT subsection.The plans shall be approved by the planning diractor or designee prior to the issuance of any builtling pertnRs. F The planning direUOr antl the publie works director or designees may deviate finm the development standarcJs under ACC 1835.040 up to 10 parcent,for example reduce rear yard setback by one and one-half feet,to address unusual circumstances for conversions of single-family residential uses to nonresidential uses. Pege�5 9/5/12 Exhibit 5 DRAFT 1 CHAPTER 78.57 � ; 2 STANDARDS FOR SPECIFIC LAND USES 3 4 Sections: Note:All proposed code is underlined. 5 18.57.010 Intent. 6 18.57.015 Appliqbility 7 18.57.020 Industrial, Manufacturing and Processing, Wholesaling. 8 18.57.025 Recreation, Education and Public Assembly 9 18.57.030 Residential. SO 18.57.035 Retail. 11 18.57.040 Services. 12 18.57.045 Transportation, Communication and Infrastructure. 13 18.57.050 Vehicle Sales and Services. 14 15 18.57.010 Intent. 16 17 This Chapter provides site planning, development, and/or opereting standards for certain land uses that 18 are allowed by individual or multiple zoning districts, and for activities that require speaal standards to 19 mitigate their potential adverse impacts. 20 21 18.57.015 Applieability. 22 23 The land uses and activities covered by this Chapter shall comply with the provisions of the Sections 24 applicable to the specific use, in addition to ali other applicable provisions of this Zoning Code. The 25 standards for specific land uses in this Chapter supplemen4 and are required in addition to those in ACC 26 18.23.040 and ACC 18.35.040—Development standards. 27 28 18.57.020 Industrial, Manufacturing and Processing,Wholesaling. 29 A. Outdoor sWrage, incidental to principal permitted use on property 30 1 C-3 Zone 31 Outdoor storage is subject to the following requiremenfs: 32 a. Outdoor storaae shall be Iimited to an area no greater than 10 oeroent of the lot 33 b. Outdoor storage shall be located between the rear lot line and the extension of the front 34 Yacade of the principal structure, provided also that for comer lots no outdoor storage is 35 allowed between a building and a side street lot line. For through lots, the location for outdoor 36 storege shall be determined by the planning director 37 c. Outdobr sWrage shall not be located in a required yard/setback area. 38 d. Outdoor storaae shall not be oermitted on undevelooed lots 39 e. Outdoor storage shall be limited to 15 feet in height. 40 f. Outdoor storage areas shall be landscaped in accordance with ACC 18.50.040.C(5) �I 41 g. Outdoor storage areas shall consist of a hard surface material of either gravel or paving. 42 h. Outdoor storage shall consist of supplies, materials, and/or equipment that are in working and 43 usable condiUon. 44 i. Outdoor storage of unworkable and/or unusable equipment, supplies or materials is not 45 permitted. 46 2. M-1 Zone 47 Outdoor storege is subject to the following requirements: 48 a. Outdoor storage shall be limited to an area no greater than 50 percent of the lot. 49 b. Meet requirements b through j of ACC18.57.020(A)(1)C-3 Zone, above. 50 3. EP Zone 51 Outdoor stowge is subject to the following requiremerrts: 52 a. Outdoor storage shall be limited to an area no greater than 15 percent of the lot. 53 b. Meet requirements b through j of ACC18.57.020(A)(1)G3 Zone, above. ' 54 4. M-2 Zone 55 Outdoor storage is subject to the tollowing requirements: 56 a. Outdoor storege shall be landsczped in accordance with ACC 18.50.040.C(5). Page� 1 g�y�p DRAFT 1 b. Outdoor storaae shall not be �ermitted on undevelooed lots 2 c. Outdoor storage stiall be limited to 30 feet in height. 3 B. Storaae-Personal storaae facilitv (mini-storaael 4 1 Afl Zones wfiere nermitted 5 a. The desian of facades. landscaoina and liahtina of oremises shall be comoatible with the 6 intent of the aooliqble disfict. 7 b. Storaae unit doors shall be screened or located so as to not be visible from residential 8 ro e . 9 c. There shall be no outside storaae of aoods or materials of anv tvoe at the oersonal storaqe 10 facility exce�t that of wheeled vehicles(recrea6onal vehides. pmoers trailers,trailer- 11 mounted boats. motorized vehicles. etc.—but not inonerable motor vehiclesl. Such vehicles 12 mav be stored in areas lhat have been soecificallv desianated and set aside for such use in 13 accordance with the followina: 14 i. Vehicles shall be screened from view of oublic, residential and other 15 commercial orooertv with siaht-obscurina fencina or berms at least eiaht(81 ft 16 in heiaht. When berms are used thev shall be landspued with shrubberv 17 and/or trees. 18 ii. Storaae of recreational vehicles and trailer mounted boats shall not occur in 19 reauired�arkina s�aces. drives and/or lanes between storaae buildinas. 20 �ing lanes, or within reauired buildina setbacks. 21 iii. No vehicle or boat maintenance. washina. or reoair shall be cermitted 22 d. Storaqe units shall not be used for manufacturina. fabrication. orocessina of qoods 23 contluctina servicina or 2oair. nor used to conduct aaraae sales or retail sales: nor conduet 24 anv other oomrtiercial or industrial acGvitv. 25 C. Warehousing and distribution 26 1 All Zones whe2 permitted 27 a. Loading and unloading docks shall not be visible from the street. If this requirement cannot 28 be met an additional 10-foot width of landscaping along the abutting street, meeting the 29 provisions of ACC (Landscape Design and Planting Requirements), is required. 30 b. AII odors, noise, vibrations, heat, glare, or other emissions shall be controlled within the 31 confines of a building unless specifically permitted elsewhere by this title. 32 c. No on-site hazardous subsiance processing and handling, or hazardous waste Veatrnent and 33 storage facilfties, shall be permitted, unless clearly incidencal and secondary to a permitted 34 use. On-site hazardous waste treatment and storage facilities shall be subject to the state 35 siting criteria(Chapter 70.105 RCV1�. 36 2. C3 and EP Zone 37 a. Motor freight transportation is permitted but only as an incidental use to the principal use of 38 the property 39 b. No more than 50 percent of gross floor space shall be devoted to warehouse uses. 40 41 18.57.025 Recreation, Education and Public Assembly. 42 A. Commercial recreatio�facilitv. outdoor 43 1 AU Zones where nermittetl 44 a. Faciliri shall not be loqted within three hundred (3001 feet of an existina residential zone. 45 use'or shucture. 46 b. Outdoor soeakers and sound amelification shall not be oermitted for uses immediatelv next to 47 residential uses. 48 c. Access to subh facilities shall be from a oublic arterial or collector road as defined on,the 49 currentiv adooted CiN of Aubum Street Functional Classifiqtion Mao. 50 51 18.57.030 Residential 52 A. Multiple-family dweliings as part of a mixed-use development; 53 f C-f Zone 54 Multiple-family dwelling as part of a mixed-use development is allowed provided, that corrmpliance i 55 to all of the following is demonstrated: Page �2 9/5172 DRAFT 1 a. Multiple-family dweilings shall only occur concurtent with or subsequent to the development i I 2 and construction of nonresidential componeMs of the mixed-use development; 3 b. Applications for mixed-use development inclusive of muttiple-family residential dwellings shall 4 inGude transportation and traffic analyses appropriate to the type and scale of the proposed 5 development based on the concurrent determination of the planning director and city 6 engineer The planning director and city engineer may require the analysis to address, 7 including, but not limited to, a.m. or p.m. Vaffic impacts; and/or area circulation planning for 8 motorized and nonmotorized modes of travel and connectivity; and/or transportation demand 9 management(TDM) strategies; 10 c. Applications for the mixed-use development inclusive of multifamily residential dwellings shall 11 include written and plan information demonstrating compliance to applicable design 12 standards for mixed-use development contained in the city of Aubum multifamily and mixed- 13 use design standards; 14 d. Applications for the mixed-use development inclusive of multifamily resideMial dwellings shall 15 comply, as applicable, with the neightiorhood review meeting requirements of ACC 18.02.130 16 (Neighborhood 2view meeting); 17 e. Mixed-use development comprised of a maximum of one building on a development site shall 18 have the entire ground floor wmprised of one or more commercial 2tail, entertainment or 19 office uses that are permitted outright or conditionally; provided, that uses normal and 20 incidental to the building, inGuding, but not limited to, interior entrance areas, elevators and 21 associated waiting areas, mechanical rooms, and garbagelrecycling areas, may be allowed 22 on the ground floor, except that nonaVeet frontage vehicle garages located on the ground 23 floor together with all other normal and incidental uses shall occupy a maximum of 50 percent 24 of the ground floor space; and 25 f. Mixed-use development that is geographically distributed on a development site amongst two 26 or more buildings shall have a minimum of 50 percent of the cumulative building ground floor 27 square footage comprised of one or more commercial retail, entertainment or office uses that 28 are permitted oufight or conditionally 29 2. G2 Zone 30 Muttiple-family dwellings are permitted as part of a mi�ced-use development provided they are: 31 a. Located in a muttistory building the ground fioor of which must contain a pertnitted use listed 32 in the land use table found under ACG 18.23.030-"Pertnitted, Administrative, Conditional 33 and Prohibited Uses by Zone" No density limitations shall apply 34 3. C-3 Zone 35 Muttiple-family dwellings are permitted as part of a mixed-use development provided 1200 square 36 feet of lot area is provided for each dwelling unit. 37 4. C-4 Zone 38 Multiple-family dwellings are pertnitted provided they are: 39 a. Located in a mukistory building and the ground floor must contain a permitted use or 40 combination of uses, other than parking facility 41 b. An exception to this ground floor commercial requirement is allowed for uses accessory to 42 the upper story residential at a rate of 1,500 square feet of area per upper story of residential. 43 The ground floor areas accessory to the upper story residential may include, but are not 44 limited to, entry space, lobby, hallway, mail areas. The 1,500 square feet of upperfloor area 45 does not include exiting required to meet applicable building and fire codes. 46 5. M-1 Zone 47 Multiple-family dwellings are pertnitted as part of a mixed-use development, provided they are: 48 a. Located in a multi-story building the ground fl6or of which must contain ohe of the retail or 49 service uses listed in the land use ta61e found under ACC 18.23.030-"Permitied, 50 Administrative, Conditional and Prohibited Uses by Zone" The ground floor may contain 51 entrance and lobby areas which serve the dwellings. 52 B. Mul�le-familv dwellinas, stand alone 53 1 C-3 Zone 54 Multiole-familv dwellinas are oertnitted orovided: 55 a. 1200 s4uare feet of lot area is orovided fo�each dwellina unit: and Page�3 9/5112 DRAFT 1 b. The muRi�le-familv develooment is artanaed in the followina manner based on its orientation , � to a oublic roadwav(Scenarios 1-4): AUBURN WAYN AUBURN WAV S _""'__'�"""""' A8TSE '_'_"""""""' WEST VALLEY NVW,16 ST NWSW CSTSW . • C C/MF - MF 4 - -- -- 5 When orieMed alona the roadwavs listed above 6 �a�o 1�Vertical mixed-use(street level commercial m��fi�milv above)develoomerrt reauired or 7 Seenario 2� HorizoMal mixed-use(commercial use alona frontaae mulHfamilv alona the rear)reauired 8 - AUBURN WAV N "_""""'_ AUBURNWAYS 9 """" ASTSE _'_'_'_""_"��"' WEBT VALIEV MIW,t6 5T NWISW CSTBW GMF ' � MF 10 - -- -- 11 When oriented alona the roadwavs listed above 12 Seenario 3• Land locked orooertv Prooertv to the rear pn be stand alone multifamilv 13 MhrorArOerlala """"""""'""" Nondias Collacron "'""""""""' 1Q 1 ST NE,8'"ST SE,e.g. 15 16 17 18 MF 19 Legend ZD C =Commercial 21 MF= Multi-family 22 23 - --- — 24 When oriented alona other minor arterials and non-residerrtial collectors• � P89e I 4 9/5/12 DRAFT 1 $cenario 4: Prooerties alona streets that are less attradive to commercial uses.such as I St NE.stand 2 .alone multi-familv can be oermitted. 3 2. E on 4 Multiole-familv dwellinas are oertnitted orovided: 5 a. The multiol�familv develooment incoroorates sustainable desian and areen buildina 6 practices and aualifies to be built qreen certified. 7 8 18.57.035 Retail. 9 A. Buildina and landscaoe materials sales 10 1 All Zones where oermitted 11 a. Landscace materials disolaved outdoors are limited to olants, soils. aravel, and fertilizer. No 12 soil mncino is allowed. 13 b. Stored materials other than landsqoe olant materials shall be com�letelv screened bv walls 14 or buildinas and shall not orotrude above the heiaht of the enclosina walls or buildinas or be 15 visible from a oublic riaht-of-wav or adiacent residential zone or use and shall not be located 16 in anv of the reauired setbacks. 17 c. Stored buildina suoolies and landscaoinq materials shall be limited to 15 feet in heiaht. 18 B. Groceries, speaalty food stores 19 1 EP Zone 20 a. Groceries and specialty food stores are limited to 20;000 square feet in size. 21 C. Nurserv 22 1 All Zones where oermitted 23 a. Aerial a�olication of anv �esticides. funaicides. fertilizer or anv other chemical shall be 24 orohibited. 25 b. Ooeratlon of heaw eauioment is orohibited. 26 c. Outdoor storaae and disolav of landscaoe olant materials(excludina elements such as 27 mulch, pebbles, qravel stone, fertilizer, wood, saulotures, fumiture, etc.) is oermitted. but shall 28 not be looated in the reauired setbaCks. Chain link fences. with black or areen vinvl coverina. 29 are oermitted for securiN ourooses. 30 d. Stored ma�erials other than IandSCaDe plant materials shall be comoletelv screened bv walis 31 or buildinas and shall not orotrude abtive the heiaht of the enclosina walls or buildinas or be 32 visible from a eublic riaht-0f-wav oF adiacent residentlal districts or use and shall not be 33 located in anv of the reauired"setbacks. 34 D. Outdoor dis�lavs and sales 35 1 All Zortes whera oermitted 36 a. Onlv the business or entiN occuovina the�rincioal use or structure shall sell merchandise in 37 the outdoor disolav areas. 38 b. All outdoor disolavs must be located on the same lot as the orincioal use. 39 c. Such outdoor disolav is aermittetl in anv front or side 4ard, subiect to a minimum setback of 40 20 feet from an adioinina orooert4 line. 41 d. Merohandise shall not be olaced or located where it will interfere with oedesfian or buildina 42 access or earess. reauired vehicular oarking and handica�oed �arkina. aisles: access or 43 e9ress, loadina soace�arkina or access. oublic or nrivate utilities. services or dreinaae 44 svstems. fire lanes. alartns. hvdrerrts. standnioes. or other fire orotection eaui�ment. or 45 emeryencv aecess or earess. 46 e. The heiafit of disolaved merchandise shall not exceed the height of anv fence or wall or 10 47 feet.whichever is less. 48 f. Outdoor disolav areas shall not be located on anv oarkino soaces needed to com�iv with the 49 minimum oarkina rados in ACC 18.52—Oif Street Parkina and Loadina. OuMoor disolav 50 areas shall be considered eart of the floor area of the orincroal use or structure for ourooses 51 of com�utinp the minimum number of oarkina soaces reauired. 52 53 18.57.040 Services. 54 A. Animal davcare 55 1 AH Zones where nermitted 56 a. All pets shall be orooerlv licensed. Page�5 9/5l12 DRAFT 1 b. For anv doa that has been desianated as a "danaerous doa' or"�otentiallv danaerous doa" 2 as defined bv Aubum Citv Code (ACCI the ooerator shall veriiv that the owner has comolied 3 with the reaulations(on noticina, licensinq, certficate of 2aistration, restraininq, etc.l 4 contained in ACC Chaoter 6.35—Danaerous Doas. The owner shall ensure the facilitv meets 5 the_requirements for a"orooer enclosure"as set forlfi in ACC 6.35.010D. 6 c. All fenced exercise areas must be at least 50 feet from a habitable residential shucture. 7 d. Adeauate screeninc shall be reauired when abuttina anv residential use. 8 e. Szeneral care of oets must be confined to inside of buiidina and under suoervision. 9 f. Pets are oermitted to be walked or exercised outside of buildina onlv under suoervision and 10 in accordance with all other aoolicable ordinances and laws. il g. The exterior appearance of an animal dav care buildinc must be wm�atible with the 12 aooearance of neiahborina orooerties. 13 B. Animal sales and services 14 1 AB Zones where oermrtted 15 a. All sales and services shall be for household oets onlv. 16 b. Ovemiaht boardina is allowed within a comoletelv enclosed buildina; however. animal 17 services or sales uses over 20.000 sauare feet in aross floor area that use a maioritv of their 18 aross floor area for retail sales. shall have no more than 15 oercent of their aross floor area 19 devoted to ovemiqht boardinq. 20 c. Animal_sal_es 8nd services use must be completelv enclosed exceot that ouMoar animal runs 21 or other a2as in which doas will be allowed outside of an enclosed structure off leash 22 (hereinafter"outdoor run"1 are allowed subiect to com�liance with the followinq conditions: 23 i. Outdoor runs shall not be oermitted within 50 feet of a habitable 2sidential 24 stru ure. 25 ii. The outdoor run mav ooerate onlv between the hours of 5:00 a.m. and 6:00 26 p.m. 27 iii. The facilities shall be constructed. maintained and ooerated so that neRher the 28 sound nor smell of anv animals boarded or keot on the oremises durina the 29 time that full enGosure is required can be discemed on other lots. 30 C. Kennels. animal boardina 31 1 All Zones where nermitted 32 a. All oens shall be enGosed in an enGosed buildina. 33 b. The orooertv on which the kennel is to be located shall be no closer than one hundred f 1001 34 feet to anv residential zone. 35 c. Limited outdoor exercise runs or facilities shall be oermitted so lona as their hours of use are 36 resficted to the hours between 8:00 a.m. and 6�00 o.m. 37 d. The faaliN must be air conditioned. 38 e. Exercise runs or facilRies shall be a minimum of four(41 feet bv ten (10)feet. 39 f. The facilitv shall maintain a minimum total of twentv-five (251 sauare feet of kennel area oer 40 animal.This area mav be comorised of caae area. runs. or exercise faeilities. 41 g. Anv outdoor areas used for animal containment or exeroise shall be maiMained bv removina 42 animal waste on a reoular basis for orocer disoosal as solid waste. 43 h. Anv runoff,wash-down water. or waste from anv animal oen. kennel. containment. or 44 exercise area shall be collected and disoosed of in the sanitarv sewer after strainina of solids 45 and hair and shall not be allowed to enter the stormwater drainaae or surface water disoosal 46 s sv tem. 47 i. Strained solids and hair shall be orocerlv disoosed of as solid waste. 48 D. Repair service—equipment, appliances 49 1 C-1, C-2, and C4 Zones 50 a. Any repairing done on the premises shall be incidental only, and limited to custom repairing 51 of the types of inerchandise sold on the premises at retail. The floor area devoted to such 52 repairing shail not exceed 30 percent of the total floor area occupied by the particular 53 enterprises. 54 55 18.57.045 Transportation, Communication and Infrastructure. 56 A. Towina storaqe vard Page�6 9/5l12 DRAFT 1 1 M-1 and M-2 Zone i 2 a. Motor vehicle(sl shall not remain on the orooeriv for more than one-hundred-riventv (1201 3 davs. 4 b. Motor vehicle(sl mav not be repaired. restored. rebuilt. or othervvise altered on ttie orooertv. 5 c. Motor vehicle(sl shall not be stacked verticallv. 6 d. Vehicle �arts and scrao metal shall not be stored on the nronertv. 7 e. The sale of motor vehicles shall not be certnitted. 8 f. The towing storaqe vard shall be landscaced in accordance with ACC 18.50.040.Cf51 9 g. Anv motor vehicles which are damaaed so as to be leaking fluid shall be brouaht to a 10 imoervious surface where all fluids shall be contained and disoosed of in confortnance with 11 all state and federal reaulations. 12 h. The apolicant shall install a separator or otheruse aenerally acceoted industrv devicQ or 13 practice that�rovides eaual/orotection to orevent anv leakina fluids ftom the motor vehicles 14 from enterinq the soil or surface waters. 15 16 18.57.050 Vehicle Sales and Services. 17 A. Automobile washes(automatic. full or self-servicel 18 1 AI!Zones where alfowed 19 An automatic. full-or self-service car wash shall comolv with the followina standards: 20 a. Prooer functionina of the site as related to vehicular stackina, ciroulation, and turninq 21 movements. 22 b. The use of outdoor soeakers is orohibited. 23 c. Car washes!detailina shall be loqted at least fifN (501 feet from anv residential zone. use. 24 or structure. 25 d. Car wash o�eninas must be oriented awav from residential zones. use or structures. 26 B. Auto/vehicle sales and rental 27 1 G1 Zone � 28 a. The business shall be located on a principal or minor arterial as defined by the 29 comprehensive trensportation plan; 30 b. No repairing, pairrting or body work shall be conducted outside of a building; 31 c. If abutting an R zone, a sigM-obscuring fence or landscape screen shall be required; 32 d. A minimum of a 25-foot setback shall be required of any building from any R zone; 33 e. Other landscaping or architectural improvements may be required to ensure compatibility with 34 present and potential C-1 uses in the viciniiy; 35 C. Fueling station 36 1 C-2 Zone 37 a. The fueling station must be accessory to an existing retaillservice estabiishment in which the 38 principal tenant has a minimum floor area of at least 25,000 square feet. The principal tenant 39 must own and/or manage the station. The station must be located on the same parcel of 40 property as the principal tenant and the property must be at least 100,000 square feet in 43 area. 42 b. The station must be located on the property to minimize the amount of wnflict to the 43 pedestrian traffic. 44 c. The station must be located on and have direct access to an arterial using existing curb cuts 45 and driveways whenever practical. If the curb cuts and driveways do not meet arrent city 46 standards, then they shall be brought up to such standards. 47 d. The station cannot intertere with the existing parking and/or traffic circulation on the property 48 There shall be enough room on the property to allow for adequate stacking space for vehiGes 49 waiting for fuel in order to avoid cars interfering witfi vehicles on the street. The facility pnnot 50 reduce the amount of parking required by the zoning code. 51 e. The station shall have a roof that covers all activities including the pay window, refuse 52 containers, fuel pumps and the adjacent parking area for the prs being fueled. The area that 53 is covered by the roof of the facility shall be no larger than 6,000 square feet.The number of 54 pumps shail be limited to five such that no more than 10 vehicles may be fueled at any one i 55 time. Page�7 9/5/12 DRAFT 1 f. Columns or similar architectural features shall be provided that screen tlie visibility of the 2 pump islands as well as give the visible impression of enclosing the structure. If necessary, 3 provisions must be made to avoid a safety issue of enclosing any fumes associated with the 4 fueling of the vehicles. The overall height of the facility shall not exceed 20 feet. 5 g. The design, architectural treatment and streetscape features of the station must be consistent 6 with the design concepts as outlined in paragraph"P"of Section 1 4 of the ilowntown plan as 7 well as provide some design continuity between the facility and prirtiary structure. 8 h. Any other products for sale shall only be displayed within the building containing the pay 9 window and any such products shall be incidental to automobile ca2/maintenance, or snacks 10 and beverages. No sales of alcoholic beverages will be allowed. 11 i. Signs shall be limited to permanent wall signs, attached to the face of the canopy, only 12 j. The application for the administrative use permit shall illustrate how it complies with these 13 standards: (Ord. 6269§31 2009.) 14 2. Other Zones where permitted 15 a. Canooies shall not exceed 20 feet in heiaht or the heiaht of the orincioal buildina whichever 16 is less� 17 b. Canooies shall be architecturallv intearated with the princinai buildina and all other accessorv 18 structures on the site throuah the use of the same or comoatible materials colors and Yoof 19 iD tch' 20 c. Ariv liahtina fixtures or sources of lioht that are a oart of the underside of the canoov shall be 21 recessed into the underside of the canoov so as not to �rotrude below the canooy ceilina 22 surtace more than 2 inches. 23 d. All surtaces for exterior buildinq facades or canooies shall be finished to match the surtaces 24 of tfie orincioal.sUudure. 25 D. Vehicle seivices—repair/body work 26 1 G2 Zone 27 a. No vehicles stored outside that are not operable unless such vehicles are contained within a 28 fenced and paved area. The entire perimeter of the outdoor storage area shall be landscaped 29 with landscaping pursuant to 18.50.040.C(5). The maximum size of the outdoor storage area 30 shall be no more than 25 percent of the associated building area. 31 2. OtherZones where vermitted 32 a. Outdoor work areas shall be fenced, walled or screened to minim¢e on and off-site noise 33 qlare. odor. or other imnacts. 34 b. All reoair work or lubriqtion shall be conducted within the�rincioal buildina All oermanent 35 storaae of materials. merchandise. or reoair and servicina eauioment shall be contained 36 within the orincioal buildina. 37 c. All bod4 work and caintina shall be conducted within fullv enclosed buildinas 38 d. No ope2tor shall oermit the storaae of motor vehicles for a oeriod in excess of twentv-four 39 (24) hours unless the Jehicles are enclosed in the orincioal buildina. 40 41 # Pa9e I 8 9/5/12 Exhibit 6 DRAFf 1 � CHAPTER� otletea:�e.es 2 HEARING EXAMINER 3 4 SeGions: 5 .�C4 010 TRIg.- . - - -- -- - Ddeerd:ie.ee � 6 24�}020____ Generel ob�ectives. S �040 Appo ntrnent�and tertn examinec—--------——— —- ----- -- ----- � - pdeoea:ie.es —�I 9 �4 050 Removal. � oaeord:ie.es 10 �060 _ Qualifications. ---- oaeeea:ie.es ------------------ --- ----------------------- 11 ti,4$070_____Fxeminererotempore-Dutias.__________________________ 12 �080____ Hearing examinar-Conflict of interest_______________ _ __ __ __ ____ �0°°d'�8�� 13 �090____Freedom from improper iMluence. ___________ oere�ed:ia.es ---------------------- 14 �,4§,100 Duties of the examiner-Applications antl decisions. ___ . ��;1e.� � - -- -- -- - - - - - -- - - - ------- --- - 15 �710____ Applications._ ---------- ---- -- — odemi:7e.ee 16 �4y,120 _ Reportbyplanningdepartment. , --------- --- 17 �130 Public heanng. odanetl:�a.es 18 .�4 .140 Ezaminer's dedsion and recommendations-Findings required. � pd�;1e� � 19 �150 Fiequestforrewnsideration. 20 �4fE160 Ap al of fmal dedsions. �B�`1e�� � 21 170 Flearin examineYs recommendation. otleten.ie.ee ' 3._45._----- - g - ------------- 22 .�4C}180 Council ac6on. _ _______ ptleom;�e.ee 23 �190 ----Reviewofchapterbycounci�.------------------------------------- 24 Dde0d1:7e.88 25 .�4§O10 ----Title. --------- ` �e�:�B.� - - - 26 oaeoed:te.es 27 This chapter shall be hereafter known as the"hearing examine�'chapter and may be cited as such and �y� 78 88 9 will be hereinafter reterred to as"this chapter° (Ord.4840§1, 1996;OM.4229§2,1987.) ) ` DtllOfa:78.88 30 I �§.020 GBnBf01 ObJ@CtiVES. ______ ptl�;�g,gg 31 ItisMegeneralobjectiveofthischaP�rto: --------------------------- -- - - ��:7e� 32 A. Provide a single,efficient,integrated,land use regulatory decision-making process and public 33 hearing system; 34 B. Render land use regulatory decisions and recommendetions to the ctty council; 35 C. Provide a greater degree of due process in land use regulatory deasion-making and pubiic 36 hearings; 37 D. Separate land use policy fortnulation from land use poliry administration processes.(Ord.4840§ 38 1.1996;Ortl.4229§2,1987.) 39 40 � 2 43.030 Creation of tha hearing axaminer. ___ _ odetea:is.as ; — - --- - - - ------ -- ---- 41 The ofice of the heanng examiner,hereinafter referred to as"examiner,"is hereby created.The examiner 42 shalt i�rterpiat,reviaw,and implemeM land use regulations as provided in this titla and other ordinances, 43 issuea and mat[ers as assignetl,tlelegated antl/or referted M the examiner.The tertn examiner shall 44 Iikewise inGude the examiner pro tem.(Ord.6185§8,2008;Ord.4840§1 1996;Ord.4229§2, 1987.) 45 46 � 3,_§4 .040 AppoinVnent and term_ oeieaea:is.ee 47 The hearing examiner shall be appointed by the mayor and subjeet to eonfirtna6on by the Aubum eity 48 council.In the eveM that the appointed examiner is unable to perform the duties of oifice for whatever 49 reason,or in Me event of a vacancy in office,the mayor shall appoiM an examiner pro tem who shall 50 have the authorkies herein provided.(Ord.4840§1 1996;Ord.4229§2, 1987.) 51 52 � �050 Removal. - oe�eoen:�e.es 53 The examiner or the examiner pro tem may be removed from office at any time by the mayor (Ord.4840 sa g�, isss;oro.azzs§z,�sa�.� 55 56 � 2.�4C O60 �ualfieations. _- odeem:ie.ss Paye�1 8/27/12 DRAFT 1 The examinar and the examiner pro tem shall be appointed solely with regard to Meir qualTcetions for Me 2 tluties of the office which shall inGude,but not be limitetl ta,appropriate edurational axperience such as 3 in urban planning,land use law and public administration.Wherever feasible,the mayor shall endeavor to 4 appoint qualified candidates who reside in the Auburn area.(Ord.4840§7 1996;Ord.4229§2,1987.) 5 6 � 2.4�070____ Examiner pro tempore—Duties. __ pdeoea:ie ae 7 The exarniner pro tem,in the eveM of Me absence or inabiliry of fhe exammer to ect,shail Aave all the 8 du6es and powers of the examiner.(Ord.4840§1,1996;Ord.4229§2, 1987.) 9 10 � 2.�4 ,080____ Hearing examiner—Conflict of interest._ , p�,7e� 11 The examiner shall not conduc[or paRicipate in any hearing or dedsion in which the examiner has a 12 direct or indirect personal interest which might exert such influence upon the examinerthat might intertere 13 with his decision-making process.Any actual or potent�al conNict of irrterest shall be disdosed Gy the 14 hearing examiner to the paNes immediately upon discovery of such corrflic[.Pertieipants in the land use 15 regula[ory process have the right,insofar as possible,to have Me examiner free from personal interest or 16 prehearing wntracq on land use regulatory matters considered by him.k is recognized that there is a 17 countervailing pu6lic right to Gee access to public officials on any matter If such personal or prehearing 18 interest contad impain fhe examiner's ability M act on the matter,the hearing examiner shall state and 19 shall abstain thareirom M the entl Nat the proweding is fair antl has the appearan�of faimess,unless 20 all parties agree in writlng M have the matter heartl by said examiner.If all parties do not agree and the 21 hearing e�miner must ahstain,Ma mayor shall be notified and the mayor shall appoi�t a hearing 22 examiner pro tem to sit in the hearing ezaminers stead.(Ord.4840§1 1996;Ord.4229§2, 1987.) 23 24 � 3,4�090____ Freedom from imQroper influence. , pde�:ie qe 25 No council member,city official,or any other person shall attempt to interfere with,or impropeAy influence 26 the examiner or examiner pro tempore in the performance of his designated duties.(Ord.4&40§1, 1996; 27 Ord.4229§2,1987.) 28 29 � 2.4f�100 Duties oFMe examiner—Applications and decisions. � _ DeiBtBtl:7886 i 30 For qses antl actions es prescribed by ordinance,the examiner shall receive and examine available 31 information,conduG public Aearings,prepare a record thereof,and enter fintlings of fad,condusions 32 basetl upon those facp,and a decision.As provided by ordinance,such decision may be a 33 recommenda6on or a final adion subjeet to appeal as provided by ordinance.(Ord.4840§1 7996;Ord. 34 4229§2, 1987.) 35 36 � 2.�4C.110 Appliptions. - pe�:�a.� 37 Appliptions iequiring a detertnination by the hearing examiner sha�l be filed with tha planning 38 departrnent. 39 A. Wtthin 26 days of receipt of an appiintion the planning department shall detertnine whether the 40 applteetion is complete.If complete,Me application shall be acceptetl.If not complete,the planning 41 departmeM shall requestMat Me appliwM provide additional infortnation as necessary to complete the 42 appliption.Where applipble,this process shall meet the requirements for completion as set forth in 43 ACC Title 14. 44 B. The applicant shall be advised of the dete of acceptance of the appiiption and of the 45 environrt�ntal determination,'rf one is made.The applicaM shall be advised of the date of any public 46 hearing at least 10 ealendar days prior to the hearing.H pursuarrt to ACC T�de 14,an open record 47 predecision hearing is required and Me threshold determination requires public noGce pursuant W 48 Chapter 76.06 ACC,then the thresholtl determination shall be issued at least 15 days pAOr to the open 49 record predecision heaNOg.(Ord.4840§1, 1996;Ord.4229§2, 1987.) SO 51 � 2.4�C J20____ Report by_planning deQar6nent._ - oaeoee:ie.sa � 52 When such appliption has been set for public hearing,if reqwred,the ptanning deparknent shall 53 coortlinate and assemble the wmments and recommandatlons of aMer city tlepartmenffi and other 54 govemmental agencies having an interest in the subjed application and shall prepare a report 55 summarizing the issues involved,planning departmeM findings of fact,recommended conditions andlor 56 recommended adion.This report shall be transmitted to the examiner at least four calendar days prior to PaBe I Z 821112 DRAFT 1 the seheduletl hearing.Copies of Mis report shall be mailad to Me appliqM prior to Ne hearing and shall 2 be made avaitable to Ma public for the cost of reproduGion prior to fhe scheduled hearing.(Ord.4840§1, 3 7996;OM.4229§2.1987.) 4 5 � �130_ _ Public hearing. ---- -- - _-- pe�neea:�e.es 6 A Betora rendering a decision or recammandation on arry appliption tor which a public hearing is 7 required,Me examinar shall hold a public hearing thereon.Unless otherwise required by Me AuDum City 8 Code,all hearings conduc0ed by the examirrer shali be open reeord hearings.Notice of the place and time 9 of Ne public hearing shall ba given as provided in the ordinance goveming the application.If none is 10 spedficelly aet forth,such notice shall be given in axorclance wiTh ACC 78.70.040. 11 B. The examiner shall have the powar to p�escribe rules and regulations for the conduG of heaNngs 12 under this chapter subjeQ to review by the cky council and to administer oaths and presarve order. 13 C. At the Gose of the testimony Me examiner may close the publie hearing,mntinue tha hearing to a 14 time and data certain,or dose the pubiic hearing pending the submission of add'Rional information on or 15 before a date certain, 16 D. Until a final action on the application is taken,the examiner may dismiss the applicatlon for failure 17 to dilfganUy pursue the applicatlon efter notice is given M all parties of rewrtl. 18 E. If a projec[conaista of different actions which require separete hearings to be held for each 19 aGion,one consolidated hearing shali be held as required by ACC TiUe 14.(Ord.4&40§1 1996;Ord. 20 4229§2, 1987.) 21 22 I �__ Examiners dedsion end recommendatlons—Findings regui2d__ __ __ ___ ____ _ __ pq�;�e,�,i�p 23 A Unless the Ume is extended pursuairt m this section,wlthin,l4 calendar days of the conUusion of_ __ ��:�o • 24 a hearing,or the date set for submission of addHional infortna8on punuant to this ehapter,tha axaminer 25 shell render a writtan deeision,inGuding findings from the record and andusions therefrom,and shall 26 transmfl a copy of such dedsion by regular mail,postage prepaitl,to the applicant and oMer partfes of 27 record in the pse who have requested notice of Me decision at the public hearing.The person mailing '8 the decision shall prepare an alfldavk of mailing,m�andard fortn,and Me affitlavit shall become a part of 3 the iecortl of Me proceeding.In the ease of applications requiring city coundl approval,the examiner shall 3� transmit his dedsion W the cky council. 31 8. In exVaordinary ceses,Me Urtre perial for filing of ihe recwnmendation or the decision of Me 32 exami�rer may be extended tor not rtwre than 20 calendar days after the condusion of Me hearing If tha 33 e�wmi�r flnds Mat the amount arM the nature of the evidenoe to 6e mnsitleretl,or receipt of additional 34 iMOrtnation which eannot be matle available wNhin Ne nortnal tleeision period,requfres the extension. 35 Notice oi tlre extension,statlng Me reasons therefor,shall ba sent to all parties of recorC in Me manner 36 set foM in this section for notifieation of the examiners deeision. 37 C. Conditions.The axaminels recommendation or dedsion may be to grarrt or deny the application, 38 or the examiner may requira of the applicaM such conditions,modfications and resfidions as the 39 examiner finds necessary to make the appli�stion mmpatlble with the enviranmeM and prty out tha 40 goals antl objactives of the mmprehensive plan,this title,the land tlivision ordinance,other codes antl 41 ortlinances of the Gly of Aubum,and the approved preliminary plat,H applieable.Conditions, 42 rtrodHicatlons arM restrictions which may be imposad shall be founded in the body of legislation apDroved 43 by the dly coundl.Porfortnenm bonds may ba required to inwre compliance with the eondRions, 44 modifiaations and iestrictlons. 45 D. Termination M Dedsion.Tha dry dedares Nat arcumstances surrountling lantl uae decisions 46 changa rapitlry wer a periotl of Ume.In artler m assure the compatibiliry of a tlecision with curtent needs 4� anC�nams,any such deeision shall be limfted in duration,unkss the action or improvamanb 48 authorized by the tledsion ie implemented promptly.My applica6on,excapt e rezone,approved pursuaM 44 to Mis chapUr shall be implemantod wkhin Mro years of sueh approvai unless other time Iimits are 50 prescribad alsewhere.My eppilcation which is not so implemanted shall tertninate at the conelusion of 51 that pariod of time and become null and void.The examiner may grant one extension of tlme for e 52 meximum of one year for good cause shown.The burden of jusUfication shatl�est with the applice�t.For 53 leige-scale or phesed projaGS the examiner may at tha time of approval or recommendation sat forth time 54 IlmiLa tor expiratlon whlch ezceed those presuibed in this section for such exfended tima limits as are 55 justified by the record of the ection.(Ord.4840§7 1998;Ord.4228§2,1987.) 56 PeOa I 3 8I21H2 DRAFT 1 � 2 g§__ Reguest for reconsideration. -------------- ------ - uekeed:t8.66.t5o 2 The planning diredor or an iMeresOed party atteded by the final dedsion or recommendation of tlia 3 examiner who asserts that the hearing examiner baseC that�ecommenGation or dadsion on an ertoneous 4 procedure,errors of law or faG,ertor in jutlgme�rt,or the tliscovery of new evitlence wliich coultl not be 5 reasonably available at the D�or�earin9 may meke a wrHten request for review by Me exeminer wfthin 6 seven nlenOar days after Me wrMfen dadsion of the erzaminer has been rendered.The request fir 7 reconsideration shall set foM the spedfie artors relied upon by such appellarrt,and the examiner may, 8 after review of the remrd,fake further action as Me examiner deems proper.The examiner may request 9 further iMortnation which shall ba provided wkhin 10 calendar tlays of the examiner's request.The 10 examiners wrilten tlecision on the request for consideratlon shall be transmitted to all parties of recorcl 11 � within,,14_caleMar da�of�eoeipt of the reque�for reconsideretion or receipt of the add'R_ional ________ p�;�p 12 iMormatlon requesteC,whichever is later.(Ord.4840§t,1996;Ord.4229§2,1987.) 13 l4 � 2 4§__ qppeal of final decisions. _ oeteeau:ie.as.ieo 15 The planning director or eny interested party affected by the examinefs written flnal tlecision may eppeel 16 Me dec4ston to superior eaurt of the counry in wh�h the projeG is located.(Ord 6185§7 2008;Ord. 17 4840§7 1996;Ord.4229§2, 1987.) 18 19 � � Hearing examiner's recommendation. _ ptlen�;�e.ge.np , 20 A. For acdons requiNng the hearing axaminers recommendation as provided by ortlinance,the 21 � examiner's recommandaUon shall be forwarded to the cily council wiMin t4 calendar days of the __ � p��,y;�o 22 examinefs dedsion.The recommandation shall be placed on the next agenda of the eity council.The ciry y 23 eounGl upon iL5 review of Ma reeord mey: 24 1. Aifirtn the reeommandation; 25 2. Remand the recommendation to the hearing examiner; 26 3. Schedule a dosed record public hearing before Me ciry coundl. 27 B. Arry aggrieved person may request Me cily counal to conduct its own dosed remrd hearing. 28 Upon its own Gosetl rewrd hearing the city mundl may aifirm,reject,mod'rfy the hearing examirrer's 29 recomrtiendation or fake whatever edion it deems appropriata pursuant to law.(Ord.4840§1 1996; 30 Ord.4229§2,1987.) 31 32 � 7.�4'}_ Coundlaction_--- ------------ oeia�ea:te.se.ieo 33 My applitation requidng adion by Uia eity council shall be evidenceG by minute eMry unless othervvise 3a required by Ww.When taking any such final aetion,the coundl shall make and erKer findings of faG from 35 the record end condusioris the�efmm which suppoR iLs action.Unless otherwise specifietl,the dty coundl 36 shall be presumed to have adopted tl�e�earing examiner's findings and condusions. 37 A PJI epplit�tions requiring countil action shall be DWc�d on the coundl's agenda for eonsideratlon. 38 B. The actlon of the�oundl approving,motlifying or rejeGing the hearing exeminer's deeision or 39 recommenCadon s�all be flnal antl conUusive,subjeQ to any writ W review pursuant te Iaw.(Ord.4840§ 40 1.1996;OM.4229§2,1987.) 41 42 � �.__ Rayiawofchapterby_coundl_------- --------- - ' ndeeea:ie.ee.ieo 43 The Gty coundl may on sn annual basis review the content and eftect of this ehapter on the dty of 44 Aubum and i45 eitizens.The methotl of review may intlutle a public hearing open W all intereated citizena. 45 The councll after review and conaideratlon shall at that tima dedde to modify,repeal,or retain ell of or 46 part ePMls chapter.(OM.4840§1, 1996;Ord.4229§2, 1987.) 47 48 49 OTHER CODE SECTIONS 50 51 Chapter 78ABA TEMPORARY USES 52 18.46A.040 Appeals of daCisions. 53 Appeals of administratfve decisions issued under the provisions of this chapter shall be made to the dty 54 � of Aubum hearing examiner in eccorclanca with Ne provisfons of Chapter 2.46ACC,as amentled.___. ___, � p�;�e,ge 55 Appeals of the hearing examiner deeision may be appealed in accordance wfth applinbla provisions of 56 � Chapfer 18.66 ACC.(Ord.6268§2,2D09.) Pape I< 8121N2 DRAFf 1 2 Chapter 18.49 FLEXIBLE DEVELOPMENT ALTERNATNES 3 18.49.090 Appeals. 4 Appeals of adminisVative dedsions regarding eligibllHy for flexible developmerrt shall be made to the 5 � heaHng examiner as outlined in Chapters 2.4fiand 18.70 ACC.(Orcl_6245§19,2009.)_ _ _ oebom:ie.ee � 6 7 S Chapter 78.62 SURFACE MINING 9 18.62.030 Pertnk. 10 My surface mining of material shalt ony be allowed after a surface mining opera5ons pertnit has been 11 issuetl,after a public hearing.A request for a surface mining operations pemtit shall be heard by the 12 � hearing examiner in axordance wiM Ne provisions of Chapter�CC,The hearing axaminefs _____ ne�epeu:ie.ae 13 approval of the pemHt may�equire mdigating conditions of appmval as well as finanaal guarantees to 14 ansure aompliance with the permk and the provisions of this chapter.The hearing examiners 15 determinatlon shall De final unless appealed to the suparior court in which the subject property is located, 16 and which appeal shall be in accordance wIM Me procedures in RCW 34.05.510 through 34.05.598,end 17 wiN the appeal being filed with the city derk within 30 days after issuance of the decision of the hearing 18 examirrer.Detertninations on appeals shall be based on whether the dedsion being appealed was 19 consietent with appliqble state law and dty codes. 20 21 18.62.080 YeaB of operetion, 22 A. At the inkfal approval aF an operatlons permit a mester pertnH will Ce given for the lifetlme of the 23 minaral resource at tt�e mining site.These mines must be lorated wiMin the city's comprehensive plan 24 designated mineral resource areas.Mines located oWSide the city's comprehensive plan designated 25 minerel resource areas may be granted a parmit for uD to 10 years antl may be renewad but will be 26 treatetl as a new application. 27 B. OperaBons under a master pertnit must be reviewed by Me planning direGOr at the end of each `8 subsequent 10 yea�s.The operator of the mine must submit to the planning direGOr,at least six moMhs 3 prior to the end of each 16year pariod,evidance that the mining operation is in compliance wRh Me 30 mnditlons of the master pertnit antl ffie sfandards corrtained wiMin this diapter.Tha eviden�shall 31 indutle the suGmlCal of tha exrsting topography in a amputer tlisk fortn that is compatible with the city's 32 system.The operator shall also provitle an estimete of the amount of material that has been removed,an 33 estlmate of when mining is to be complete,identiflcation of any areas where mining has been compbted 34 and whather restoration has begun or is an6dpated to bagin. 35 C. The master permit shall remain in effeG if it is found the operations are in compliance with the 36 condWons of the master pertnd,the standards wntained xrithin this chapter,and U�ere have been no 37 signiticant adve�se impaGS that have occurrad that x�re not prevlously idenrified and efteUively 38 mitigatetl. 39 D. If Me planning direUOr detertnines thet oparaNOna are not in compliance wkh the conditions of tha 40 meater pertn8 or the standards contained wkhin this chapter,orthat significaM adveree impac4s have 41 resulted from the operatlon and have not been mitlgated,then the planning director shall so advise the 42 mining operdtor in writing wkhin 90 days from receipt of Ne materials providetl by the mining operator 43 under aubaeWOn B af Mis secdon.HMe planninp tliroCOr detertnines that operations are nM in 44 eompliance wkh the conditlons of the master permit,the planning diredor shall advise the mining oparator 45 of any noncompliance an0 proposetl coirections/revisions,indutling a time frama during which such 46 correetions/revisions are ro be made.If signfieeM adversa impaOS have oxurred tliat were not 47 previously identifred arM mkigated,the planning director shall advise the mining operator of any required 48 correcdonshevisions ro the master permit to indude suth mitigation.If new operation standards have 49 been aEOpteO pursuant to this tl�apter the planning direGOr s�all atlnse Me mining operetnr W any 50 required reWSions to Me master pertnit to reflaG the new standa'ds,H detertnirred applicable ark praetieal 51 by Me planning direUOr. 52 Tha mining operator shall heve 90 days from receipt of the pienning diredor's notice under this 53 subsaUion to make the required eortectionslrevisions or m appeal the pWnning directors decision to the 54 � hearing examiner pursuaM ro Chapter�ACC_The hearing examiner may_afirtn,modify�or dlsaltirrn__ __- pdee�:ie.es � 55 the planning directors tleteRninatian.H the mining operator does noCappeal the planning director's 56 determination then Me mining operator shall make the corractiona/revisions proposed by the plenning P86e I 5 BI21H2 DRAFT 1 Eirec3or and Me mester pertnit shall be modified to incorporata tha revisions/cortections.If tfie mining 2 operator doea not make the cortectiondrevisions as required by the ciry then the building official ahall 3 proceed wtth enforcemeM action under Chapter 1.25 ACC. 4 E. If permits for mines locatetl outaide the citys comprehensive plan designated mineral resource 5 area are not renewetl tlfen the surface mining operations shall cease and the mine reGaimed purauam to 6 the requirements of Chapter 78.44 RCW.(Ord.5060§1 1998.) 7 8 Chapler 18.84 ADMINISTRATNE AND CONDITIONAL USE PERMITS 9 10 16.64.020 Process. 11 A. Atlministrative Use Pertnifs.M appliption for en administretive use pertnit shall be reviewed in 12 aaordance with ACC Title 14 as a Type II da6sion,subject ro the additional provisions of this section. 13 The planning direetor or designee shall make the final dedsion unless the appliration is forvvarEed to the 14 heaNng examiner pursua�rt to subsection(A)(2)of this section,in whirh rase tt�e hearing examiner will 15 make Me 8nal deasion. 16 1. Addkional Public Notice Requiremen}s.Atlministrative use pertniFS for uses in the following zones 17 shall be subjact to the additional public notica requiremenk in subseUions(A)(1)(a)and(b)of this 18 sewon:R-C resideMfal conservaney zone,GN naighbarhood shopping disUic[,G1 IigM eommercial 19 district,G2 neighborhood business district,G3 heavy commarcial district,M-1 light manufacturing 20 tlistrlct,M-2 heavy manufacturing district,BP buslnass park district: 21 a. The meiling radius requiremeM of ACC 14.07.040(A)shall be increased to 500 feet;and 22 b. In etltlition to tha rtrethods of providing notice required by ACC 14.07.040,public notice shall be 23 posted on the city's website. 24 2. Follawing the public comment period provided for in ACC Title 74,the planning diroctor or 25 tlesignea shall: 26 a. Review Ne infortnation in the record and render a decision pursuaM to tha procetlural 27 requiremenLa W ACC Title 14;or 28 b. Wkhin 10 days following Me Gose of Me public comment period,forwaM the applicatian to the 29 � hearing exemirrer for a public hearing and final deeision in aaordance with Chapter 2 g§ACC fi the __ pe�ed:is,es � 30 planning Eire�tor or designee detertrrines that one or more of the Pollowing exisLS: 31 i. Public mmments inEicete a subslaMiel degree of concem,controversy,w opposifion to Me 32 proposal;or 33 ii. A pubiic hearing is necessary to address issues of vague,conNiGing,or inadequa�iMortnatlon; 34 or 35 iii. The ap0���on raises a sensNive or co�rtroversial public Doli�y issue;or 36 iv. A public hearing might Garify issues invoNed in Ne partnit decision. 37 c. When a public hearing before the hearing examinar is deamed necessary by the planning director 38 or designee: 39 i. Tha city shall provitla written notice to Me epplicant within 10 days following the closing of tha 40 public eommeM period that tha applieetion is being fonvarded to the hearing examiner for public haerinp 41 and deasion pursuaM m the pracedural repuirements of this chapter.The notice shall specify the reason 42 the appllcation is being forvvartleE ta the heaMng euaminer; 43 ii. Prooessing of the application shall not proceed untll any supplemental pertnd review feea set forth 44 in the aty of Aubum Tee schedule aie received;and 45 iii. Tha appli�ation shall be deemed wkhd�awn Hthe supplemental fees are no[received within 30 46 tlays of Ma applicaM notificatlon by Me Uly. 47 48 18.64.055 Appeals. 49 A. Atlminist2tive Use Pertnits.My afFected party may appeal the plannirg direcrors flnal decision SD to the hearing exami�rer as provided for in Chapters 14.73 and 18.70 ACC.If the planning diredor 51 forwards an applicatlon M the hearing examiner tor a public hearing and dedsion puisuaM to ACC 52 18.64.020(A)(2)(b),a reque�for recansideration and/or appeal of the hearing exami�refs final dedsion 53 � may be submitted as provided for in Chapter�4$.ACC_The planning direUors dedsion to fo�waM an___ _ - p�:ie.ee 54 applicetion to the hearing examiner for public hearing antl dedsion msy not be appealed. 55 B. Conditlonal Use Pertnits.Any aftected party may submit a request for reconsiCeration and/or 56 � appeal Ne hearing examiner's final decision as provided for m Chapter .�j4C,ACC.�OM.6269,§22,2009.) - pekrcd;�e.es Pepa�6 B21112 DRAFT 1 2 ChapEer 18.70 VARIANCES,SPECIAL EXCEPTIONS,AND ADMINISTRATIVE APPEALS 3 18.70.050 Administrative eppeals. 4 Appeals from eny atlministrative tledsion made under Nis title may be aDDealed ro the heaAng examiner 5 � DursuaM ro Chapter�ACC. - odaeea:ia.es 6 A My person wishing to appeal an administrative dedsion shali flrst render in writing a request for 7 an administrative deasion from the approptia6a dty official.The aty offidal shall issue in writing a deeision 8 wkhin flve working days aF tha written request. 9 B. If the requester seeks to appeal that dedsion to Ne hearing examiner,any such appeal shall be 10 filed with the planning direGOr within 74 days of maiiing the eity's written tleGSion.The city shall eMend 11 the appeal period for an additional seven Oays for appeals that are aaampanietl by a final mitigated 12 deffirmination of nonsignifieanm or final EIS. 13 C. The planning direcror shatl notiy any other dty WRaal that may be afieGed by the appeal. 14 D. The aDPeal shall then be processed in ttie same manner as any other application for a hearing 15 � examiner decision pursuarrt to Chapter�4,§,ACC.___________________________________ peieeee:ie.ee ', 16 E. The examiner shall conduU a public Frearing pursuant to ACC 18.70.040 and consider any faUs 17 peRinent to the appeal.The examiner may aifirtn the decision,remand for further proceedings,or reverse 18 the dedsion if the dedsion is: 19 1. In viofetion of mnstiMional provisions; Zo z. i�excess a me au�noMy a me meGei; 21 3. Made upon an unlawful procedure; 22 4. Aftected by other error of law; 23 5. Clearly ertoneous;or 24 6. Arbltrary or ppricious.(Ord.4840§1 1996;Ord.4229§2, 1987.) 25 26 18.70.060 Appeal of hearing examiner's dedsian. 27 The hearing examiners dedsions may be appealed to superior murt in the manner prescdbed by �s � Chapter�4$ACC_(Ord,67&5§10,zoos;ob,aeao_g�,isss;ob,az2s_§_z.�sa�.>-- -- -------- - o�u:,e.ee � 3 d0 Chapmr 18.76 PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT DISTRICT(PUD)—LAKELAND HILLS SOUTH 31 18.7fi.130 Hearing examiner rav'iew. 32 � Pursuent to the provisions of Chapter�§4 ACC Me hearingexaminer shall condud apublic hearing on__ _ - paiaeed;is.ee 33 all requasffi for a major amendmeM to a PUD.Tha examiner's dedsion shail be in tha torm of a 34 recomrtrendation to the dty coundL(Ord.5092§1.1998.) Page�7 8/27112 � �* CITY OF �".�"� Memorandum � � WASHINGTON To: Judi Roland, Chair, Planning Commission Kevin Chapman, vce Chair, Planning Commission Planning Commission Members From: Jeff Dixon, Principal Planner CC: Kevin Snyder,AICP, Planning and Development Diredor Elizabeth Chamberlain,AICP, Planning Manager Date: August 30, 2012 Re: 2012 Annual Comprehensive Plan AmendmeMs-Work Session Group 2 BACKGROUND , � Arinually the City amends its Comprehensive Plan. The City processes city- initiated amendments in response to items that are "dodceted" (text or map). The city also includes private-initiated amendments. Private-initiated Comprehensive Plan amendment applications (text or map) were accepted by the City of Aubum until Friday, June 8, 2012. In response to the public notificztion of the time period for applications, the City received three private- initiated compreherisive plan amendments; all three are map amendments; no private-infiated text amendmerrts were submitted. The docket was reviewed by the City Council's Planning and Community Development Committee at their June 25, 2012 meeting. The Planning Commission at their August 21, 2012 special meeting reviewed and discussed Group 1, Comprehensive Plan Amendments. DISCUSSION At the Wednesday, September 5, 2012 Planning Commission meeting staif would like to review and discuss the following second group of annual comprehensive plan amendmerns: i ; Page 1 of 3 �BURN * MORE THAN YOU IMAGINED Group 2—Comprehensive Plan AmendmeMs(policyltext 8,map) Policy/Text Changes 1) P/T#5 -Citv of Auburn Capital Facilities Ptan 2013-2018 A Capital Facilities Plan is one of the comprehensive plan elements required by the Washington State Growth Management Ad (GMA) (RCW 36.70A). The GMA requires that a capital facilities plan include an inventory of existing capital facilities (showing locations and capacities), a forecast of future needs for such capital facilities, proposed locations and capacities of new or expanded capital facilities, and a minimum of a sbc-year plan to finance capital facilities with identified sources of funding. The proposed City of Aubum 6-year Capital Faalities Plan 201�2018 satisfies the GMA requirements for a capital facili6es element as part of the Comprehensive Plan. A "capital facilit�' is a structure, street or utility system improvement, or other long- lasting major asset, including land. Capital facilities are provided for public purposes. Capital facili6es include, but are not limited to, the following: streels, roads, highways, sidewalks, street and road lighting systems, traffic signals, domestic water systems, storm and sanitary sewer sysbems, parks and recreation facilities, and police and fire protection facilities. These capital facilities inGude neoessary ancillary and support facilfies. i , The proposed City of Aubum 6-year Capital Facilities Plan 2013-2018 is incorporated by reference in the Comprehensive Plan, Chapter 5, 'Capital Facifities' 2) P/T#-7 Chanters 14. `Comorehensive-Plan Mao' Economic Develoomerrt Strabeav A�eas Starting at Page 1425 of Chapter 14 of the Comprehensive Plan, the narrative of economic development strategy areas has been expanded to recognize the increased attention and focus by the City Council. In 2005 the City of Aubum brought together a focus group of diverse business and community-minded individuals that identified several economic development areas within the City The focus group's effort is reflected in an Economic Development Strategies document that includes strategies and actions needed to affect necessary change for specific strategy areas within the city The Economic Development Strategies document identifies sbc strategy areas as adopted Resolution No. 3944 in 2005. These economic development strategy areas are targeted for population and employment growth. The boundaries of these areas are subject to further refinement as subarea plans are developed for these Page 2 of 3 tWBURN * MORE THAN YOU IMAGINED i strategy areas or as the areas are differentiated through incentive zoning treatrnents. In 2010, the City Council identfied two additional economic development strategy areas and solidfied the idea of expanding elements of the Urban Center designation—greater residential population density(i.e. moced use), clustered non- residential intensity (offices, retail, services), increased employment and muRi- modal transportation (i.e. walking, transit, and bicycling)—to these economic development strategy areas as key economic development nodes in the City The planning horizon for the economic development strategy areas focused on the City's 20-year(2031) growth target. With the City Council's Economic Development Retreat in 2012, the population and employment growth of each of the eight economic strategy areas was further discussed and refined. The boundaries were modified and the Council correlated the economic development strategy areas with priorily business sectors as listed in Chapter 14 Page 3 of 3 t1UBURN * MORE THAN YOU IMAGWED : i * cmr oF *,�-��� Memorandum ,- ' WASIiINGTON To: Planning and Community Development From: Finance Departrnent,Capital Projects Date: August 30, 2012 Re: DRAFT 6Year Capital Facil'�ies Plan(201&2018) Please find attached the finai copy of our 20132018 Draft Capital Faalities Plan (CFP), the capihal facili�es element of the Cily's Comprehensive Plan. For questions or addfional information on the preparation of.this document, please cordact Consuelo Rogel at (253) 804- 5023 or croael[�a aubumwa.aov Questions regarding specific projeds contained in the document shauld be directed to the departmeM managing the project(s). A capital facilities plan is one of the comprehensive plan elemeMs required by Washington's GroHrth Managemerrt Ad (GMA). The GMA requir� that a capital fadifi� plan inGude an inventory of existing capihal facililies(showing locations and capaci6es), a forecast of futu2 needs for such capital facilifies, proposed locations and capacides of new or expanded capital faciliGes, and a minimum of a six-year plan to finance capital facilities with identified sources of funding. The attached CFP satisfies the GMA requirement for a Capital Facilities Element as part of the Comprehensive Plan. The following projects have been added, removed or revised from Uie previous years CFP (2012-201� due to the creation of new projects, completion of projecLs or chang� in project tiUes and/or prioriGes: Water,Sewer,Stortn Utilibes Additions • Wa[er Meter&Billing System Improvements(Water) • Comprehensive Plan Update(Sewer, Stortn) Deletions • Lea Hill Booster Pump Sta6on(Water) . Ir�ter6e Infrastructure(Water) • Annual Distribufion ImprovemeMs(Water) • Lakeland Hills Reservoir 6(Water) • Lakeland Hills Booster Pump Station(Wate� • Academy Booster Pump Sfation(Water) Page 1 of 3 t1UBURN * MORE THAN YOU IMAGINED Deletions(contlnued) • Water Resources Protection Program(Water) • Annual Reservoir Repair& Replacement Program(Water) • M Street Grade Separation(Water) • Deduct Meter Replacemerrt Project(Water) • A Street NW Corridor(Water) • SCADA upgrades(Water, Sewer, Storm) • Long Tertn Debt(Water, Sewer, Storm) . Power Generators(Sewer) • Lea Hili Pump Station Decommissioning(Sewer) • Eliingson&Dogwood Pump Station Replacements(Sewer) • S.296"'Street Po�d Expansion, Phase 1 &2(Stortn) • Brys Cove Pond E�ansion(Stortn) • Port of Seattle Mitigation Project(Stortn) • White River Stortn Pump Station Replacement(Storm) • Regional Drainage improvement ProjecTs(Stortn) Transportation Projects(see TIP for further details) Additions • M St SE 812"'St SE Traffic Signal • Aubum Ave NE&3"'St NE Pedestrian&Access Improvemerrts • M Street Corridor(8'"St SE to AWS) • 29'"Street SE&R Street SE • Lea Hill Segmerrts 1 (R St NE to 105"Ave SE) • Lea Hill SegmeMs 2(105"'Ave SE to 112"'Ave S� • Lea Hiil Segmerrts 3( 112'"Ave SE to 124'"Ave SE) • AWS Streetscape Improvements(SR18 to M St SE) • Citywide Traffic Signals Safery Improvemerrts Deietions • West Valley Mrvy Improvemerds(SR-18 to West Main Street) • 37th Street SE&R Street Se Pedestrian Connector • F Street SE and 4"'Street SE Tra�c Signal • Mary Olson Farm Improvements Page 2 ot 3 AUBURN * MORE THAN YOU IMAGINED Parks&Recreation Projects Additlons • Brannan Park Improvemerrts • Dykstra Park Improvemerds Deletions • Shaughnessy Park Improvements Community ImprovemeMs/General Municipal Buildings Additio� • Jovita Heights WeUand Mitigation • M &O Fuel Tank Replacement • Cihr Hall Remodel Phase 2 Deletions • Downtown Promenade ImprovemeMs • Citywide Wayfinding Signage • Downtown PedesUian Lighting � • Downtown 5culpture Garden � • NW City Hall Plaza ImprovemeMs • DoHmtown Fumiture . Tratfic Calming Improverr�errts . Do�mtown Revitalization • Mill Creek Restoration Air�rt Additions • Airport Master Pian Cemetery Additions . Memory Heights New Development Page 3 of 3 �BURN * MORE THAN YOU IMAGINED City of Auburn Draft Capital Facilities Plan �,.�� •� CI�'lt OF --,-'�' ��k * � WASHINGTOf�T CAPITAL FACILITIES PLAN (2013 - 2018) Adopted by Ordinance No. _, December 3, 2012 as part of the City of Auburn Comprehensive Plan City of Auburn 25 West Main Auburn, WA 98001 (253) 931-3000 www.aubumwa.gov City of Auburn Draft Capital Facilities Plan � �, �`� ��.� C.ITY OF �r_..�.�.,,���'.� . �_�-��`.�=� ����°�_ __�,-•,.--�... _,::;.,-� � ..� _.�. " �,.,,-� � ,�,�,...- ��` �^ � p,.r^' J.. - .�.�" i •�� -_ _ . ,== '�._. ..X � •T � .`� • -I��I��.� • .�.�. . /• �� + �Lo-.y�A ^'�' yy�e• �" i% " � ����,.� � �� �'�X.1� T,�.�.����I� City ofAuburn Draft Capital Facilities Plan CAPITAL FACILITIES PLAN 2013—2078 TABLE OF CONTENTS Executive Summary 1 1 Introduction Purpose 7 Statutory Requirement for Capital Facilities Elemer�ts. 7 Concurcency and Level of Service 8 Implementation 8 2. Goals and Policies 1 Capital Faciiities Response to Growth. 11 2. Financial Feasibilfty 11 3. Public Heakh and Environment 13 4 Consistency With Regional Planning. 13 3. Capitallmprovements IMroduc[ion. 15 Transportation 17 Arterial Street(102)Capital Projects. 22 Local Street(103) Capital Projects. 79 Street Fund (105) Capital Projeds 81 Water 87 Sanitary Sewer 111 Stortn Drainage. 119 Solid Waste 135 Parks and Recreation 137 General Municipal Buildings 169 Community Improvements 179 AirpoR. 187 Cemetery 193 Golf Course 197 Police Department 199 Vailey Regional Fire Authority 201 City ofAuburn Draft Capita!Facilities Plan � � .,�'"'�.....T— _.",� � : CITY OF .. _.;. �.�d � � ��� .�, , •,c« _� � �,-;�-'�- �,� r ' m ,.,„_— �,,,.-m ..r - _�°; """"". _ �..�' '--� � I I +;'r-.t - _ ...'° - _ _�.^ +s Y.K .�`'.' .. _ :.' .. ' - .' . . ••� _ - •:w.�._. .�� v ' il " � ��.C��',� `��.�.� �.':�� I�.���i��t� City ofAuburn Draft Capital Facilities Plan EXECUTIVE SUMMARY A capital facilities element is one of the comprehensive plan elements required by Washington's Growth Management Act (GMA). Capital facilities generaliy have long useful lives, sign�cant costs and tend not to be mobile. The GMA requires that capital facilities elements include an inventory of existing capital facilities (showing locations and capacities), a forecast of future needs for such capital facilities, proposed locations and capacities of new or expanded capitai facilities and at least a six-year plan to finance capital facilities with ident�ed sources of funding. The GMA also requires that the land use element be reassessed if probable funding falls short of existing needs. This document is the City's six-year Capital Facilities Plan (CFP). The CFP, in conjunction with other City adopted documents, satisfies the GMA requirement for a Capital Facilities Element. It addresses one of the GMA's basic tenets, that is, the provision of adequate facilities to support development in accordance with locally adopted level of service standards. This CFP will enable the City to: (1) Make informed decisions about its investment of public dollars, and (2) Make timely decisions about maintaining level of service in accordance with this CFP and other adopted plans. CAPITAL FACILITIES PLAN CONTENT This CFP consists of the foliowing: Chapter 1. Introduction Purpose of CFP, statutory requiremeMs, methodology Chapter 2. Goals and Policies Goals and Poficies related to the provision of capital faciiities. Chapter 3. Capital Improvements Proposed capitai projects, which include the financing plan and reconciliation of projed capacity to level of service (LOS) standards. This CFP is a companion document to the Capital Facilities Element of the Aubum Comprehensive Plan (Chapter 5). The Capital Facilities Element of the Aubum Comprehensive Plan ident�es the City's planning approach and policy framework for the provision of capital facilities. This CFP provides the background inventory, ident�es proposed projects and establishes the six-year capital facilities plan for financing qpital facilities. The comprehensive plan contains timeframes which are the intended framework for futu�e funding decisions and within which future actions and decisions are intended to occur However, these timeframes are estimates, and depending on factors invoived in the processing of applicaUons and project work, and availability of funding, the timing may change from the included timeframes. The framework does not represent actual � commitments by the City of Auburn which may depend on funding resources available. 1 City of Auburn Draft Capital Facilities Plart GROWTH ASSUMPTIONS In planning for capital facilities, contemplation of future growth needs to be considered. The CFP is based on the following City population forecast: Year Po ulation 2011 70,705 2012 71,240 2018 75,065 The populaGon forecasts are based on infortnation from the State of Washingtori Office of Financial Management (OFM) as well as estimates developed by ttie City of Aubum Plannirtg and Community Development Department. CAPITAL COSTS OF FACILITIES Basecl on the analysis of capital improvements contained in this document, the cost of City- owned and managed capital improvements for 2013-2018 is summarized as follows: i � of Faeil 2013-2078 TranspoRaUon-Arterial(102) $ 100,419,278 Transpatation-Locai(1Q?) 9,029,650 Transportation-S�eet(105) 10,620,000 Water 23,089,150 Sanitary Sewer 9,740,000 Storm Orainage 13,410,100 Parks&Recrea6on 34,416,000 Genera!Municipal Buildings 5,727,900 Communify Improvements 2,929,970 ��rt 483,000 Cemetery 55,000 Total S 209.920.048 � 2 Ci_ty o,fAuburn Draft Capital Facilities Plan I FINANCING FOR CAPITAL FACILITIES The financing plan for the citywide capital improvements includes: Fundin Source 2013-2018 Ca ital Facii' ��� 79,462,133 Trensportation (Includes grant funding that has not 4,001,000 Parks&Recreation been secured) 676,500 Storm Drainage 329,500 Airport UserFees/Fund Balance 13,860,000 Water 9;740,000 Sewer 8,398,800 Storm Drainage 200,000 Community Improvements 588,000 General Municipal Buildings 1,020,000 Equipment Rental 153,500 Airport 55,000 Cemetery rferia/Sheet Fund 4,380,440 Transportation Local Street Fund 850,000 Transportation ria/Street Preservation Fund 1 080,000 Trans ortation Bond Proceeds 5,904,150 Water 4,335,000 Storm Drainage 6,000,000 Farks 8 Recreation Munici al Parks Fund 1,505,000 Parks 8 Recreation P e Tax 390,000 Parks&Recreation — Sales Teu 7,279,650 Trans rtation Utili Tax 9,000,000 Trans ortafion MitigatioMmpact Fees 11;585,600 Transportation 211,670 Commun Im rovements REET? - Parks&Recreation 4,119 900 Generel Munici al Buildin REET 2 2,518,300 Community ImprovemeFrts 1,625,Ob0 Trans ortation OtherSources 4,825,905 Transportation 3,325,000 Water 22,520,000 Parks 8 Recreation ToWI $ 209,920,048 3 City ofAuburn Draft Capital Facilities Plan SUMMARY OF IMPACTS ON FUTURE OPERATING BUDGETS The forecasted impacts of new capital facilities on the City's future operating budgets (201�2018) a2 as follows: Bud etYear. 2014 T015 2076 T017_ 2016 Z019 Totai 1 Trons�n Y 68.557 S 68.557 E 100,807 S tp6.9W 5 117.907 S 1t1'.907 'S 568,642 z� K'�� 1,800 2,400 2,400 5,400 5,400 5,400 22,800 7, SanlfarySewer ' - ' ' 4 StormDralnage 5 SolldWaste - - - - - B ParksandRecreeqon 77,000 222,000 227,000 227,000 234.000 �234,000 7,161,000 7 General Munklpal Bulldhigs - - - 8 Communitylmpmvementr 9 Alrpprt _ . 10 Cemetery - 11 GoMCourse - - . +z se�ro.ce� _ _ I +s nm�o�ro�rem _ _ 14 Flra DeyertrnerK TOtel S 67,767 S 192,867 S 330,207 S SJ9,307 5 767,307 S- 351,307 E 7,782�142 I I 4 City ofAuburn Draft Capital Facilities Plan LEVEL OF SERVICE (LOS) CONSEQUENCES OF THE CFP Based on the proposed six-year capital projects and the projected population increase of 3,825 (5.4%), the LOS for the following City-owned public facilities will change as follows: The LOS for the following facilities will be increased as a resutt of the CFP, comparing the 2012 LOS to the projected 2018 LOS. CAPITAL FACILITY LOS UNITS 2012 LOS 2018 LOS Pro'ected Cemete Burial Plots er 1,000 Po . 44.50 58.73 Communi Parks Acres er 1,000 Po . 3.18 3.80 Genera!Munici al Buildin s S . Ft. er 1,000 Pop. 3.502.47 3,591.53 Nei hborhood Parks Acres er 1,000 Po . 0.69 0.78 The LOS for the following facilities will be maintained as a resuft of the CFP CAPITAL FACILITY LOS UNITS 2012 LOS 2018 LOS (Pro'ected) Roads Volume/Capac' Ratio D" D" i ort %Air O era6ons Su ort 100% 100% Sanita Sewer Residential GPCPD (NOle 1) 158.00 158.00 Stoim Draina e N/A Water Residential GPCPD (Note 1) 210.00 210.00 Note 1: GPCPD=Gallons per Customer per Day The LOS for the following facilities wiil be decreased as a result of the CFP, comparing the 2011 LOS to the projected 2017 LOS. CAPITAL FACILITY LOS UNITS 2012 LOS 2018 LOS Pro'ected Fire Protection aratus er 1,000 Po . 0.20 0.19 Golf Course Acres er 1,000 Po . 0.25 0.24 UnearParks Aares er1,000Po . 0.45 0.43 O en S ace Acres per 1,000 Po . 4.60 4.37 ' Senior Center Sq. Ft. r 1,000 Pop. 176.87 167.84 Special Use Areas Acres er 1,000 Po . 0.76 0.73 Level of Service (LOS) is a common measure used to determine the efficiency of effectiveness of services. For the City of Auburn, LOS targets serves as a means to assess the adequacy of public facilities in meeting the needs of the population for which it serves. For example, in the case of park space, when there is an increase in population without a corresponding increase in park acreage, the LOS unit of ineasure (acres per 1,000 population.) will decline, indicating a potential need to increase the total amount of park acreage to keep pace with population growth. On the other hand, a slight increase in population, coupled with a large increase in facilities, will result in an increased LOS. For example, facilfties such as buildings or burial plots may be constructed or expanded to keep pace with anticipated population growth. While this will have the effect of increasing LOS in the short-term, in the longer-term, the LOS will gradually decline to the targeted level based on forecasted population. The impact of population growth to the LOS for facilities will vary � depending on the type of facility and long range planning by the City 5 City ofAuburn Draft Capital Facilities Plan CFP ELEMENT SOURCE DOCUMENTS Documents used in preparing this Capital Facilities Plan (CFP) are principally the comprehensive plans for the various public facilities included in this CFP These individuai comprehensive plans provide detailed ident�cation of projects and identify their(projects) proposed funding sources. City documents include: • City-wide Comprehensive Land Use Plan Element(2011); • City Municipal Airport Master Plan Update (2001-2020); • City Comprehensive Water Plan (2009); • City Compreherisive Transportation Plan (2011) and Six Year Transportation Improvement Program (2013-2018); • City Comprehensive Drainage Plan (2009); • City Comprehensive Sewer Plan (2009); • City 2013-14 Biennial Budget and 2011 Annual Financial Report; and, • Master plan update for parks, as well as numerous other planning and financial documents. All documents are available for public inspection at the City of Aubum. ! 6 City ofAuburn Draft Capital Facilities Plan CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION PURPOSE The Capital Facilities Plan (CFP) is a 6-year plan (2013-2018)for capital improvements that support the City of Auburn's current and future growth. In this plan, funding for general government projects is ident�ed. To maintain consistency with individual master and utility comprehensive plans, applicable projects in the 6-year window of those master/utility plans are.included in this CFP The CFP also identifies LOS standards, where applicable, for each public facility STATUTORY REQUIREMENTS FOR CAPITAL FACILITIES ELEMENTS RCW 36.70A.070(3)(d) requires that the oomp�ehensive plan capital facilities element include "a six-year plan that will finance such capital facilities within projected funding capacities and clearly identifies sources of public money for such purposes." RCW 36.70A.070(3)(e) requires that all capitai facilities have "probable funding" to pay for capital facility needs, or else the City must"reassess the land use element." i In addition, the capital facilities elemerrt must include the location and capacity of existing facilities, a forecast of future needs, and their proposed locations and capacities. The State Growth Management Act (GMA) guidelines suggest that this analysis be accomplished for water systems, sanitary sewer systems, storm water facilities, schools, parks and recreation facilities, police and fire protection facilities. I The GMA also seeks the selection of level of service standards for capital facilities. As a resuR, public faciifties in the CFP should be based on quantfiable, objective measures of capacity such as traffic volume, capacity per mile of road and acres of park per capita. In some instances, though, level of service may best be expressed in terms of qualitative statements of satisfaction with a particular public faciiity Factors that influence local level of service standards include, but are not limited to, community goals, national and local standards, and federal and state mandates. To be effective, the CFP must be updated on a regular basis. State GMA guidelines suggest that the CFF be updated at least every two years. In 2007, the,City transitioned to a biennial budget. Wdh this in mind, the City wiil follow these guidelines and update the CFP at least every rivo years, incorporating the capital facilities improvements in the City's biennial budget process. 7 City ofAuburn Draft Capital Facilities Plan I CONCURRENCY AND LEVEL OF SERVICE Concurrency The GMA requires that jurisdictions have certain capRal facilities in place or available within a spec�ed time frame when development occurs. This concept is called concurrency Under the GMA, concurrency is required for transportation facilities, and is recommended by the State for certain other public facilities, namely potable water and sanitary sewer Concurrency has a direct relationship to level of service. The importance of concurrency to capital facilities planning is that development may be denied if it.reduces the level of service for a capital facility below the locally adopted minimum. Explanation of Level of Service As indicated earlier, the GMA requires that level of service be established for certain transportation facilities for the purposes of applying concurrency to developmerrt proposals. The State GMA guidelines recommend the adoption of level of service standards for other capital facilities to measure the provision of adequate public facilities. Typically, measures of level of service are expressed as ratios of facility capacity to demantl (i.e., actual or potential users). Table 1-1 lists generic examples of level of service measures for some capital facilRies: TABLE 1-7 ; Sample Level of Service Measurements Type of Facility_ Sample Level of Service Measure General Municipal Buildings Square feet per 1,000 poPulation Parks Acres per 1,000 population Roads and Streets Ratio of actual wlume to design capacity Sewer/ Water Gailons per customer per day The need for capital facilities is largely determined by a community's adopted LOS standards and whether or not the community has formaily designated capital facilities, other than transportation, as necessary for development to meet the concurrency test. The CFP itself is therefore largely irrfluenced by the selection of the level of service standards. Level of service standards are measures of the quality of life of the City The standards should be based on the City's vision of its future and its values. IMPLEMENTATION Implementation of the CFP requires constant monitoring and evaluation. The CFP is sensitive to funding and revenue availabiiity and therefore needs to tie constantly monitored against variations in available resources. To facilitate its implementation, the CFP should be kept current. 8 City of Auburn Draft Capital Facilities Plan Update of Capital Facilities Plan Perhaps the most desirable way to keep the CFP current is to update it regularly so the six- year plan is a rolling CFP Again, the State recortimends that the CFP be updated at least biennially The City of Auburn will seek to update the GFP at least biennially in conjunction with the budget process. Future updates will consider� A. Revision of population projections, including annexations; B. Update of inventory of public facilities; C. Update of costs of public facilities; D. Update of public facilities requirements analysis (actual level of service compared to adopted standards); E. Update of revenue forecasts; F Revise and develop capital improvement projects for the next six fiscal years; and, G. Update analysis of financial capacity Amendments to the CFP, including amendments to level of service standards, capital projects, and/or the financing plan sources of revenue are all actions that can keep the CFP curcerrt and relevant to City decision-making. 9 i Ciry ofAuburn Draft Capital Facilities Plan � � �:ITY +CJ F � � � � �,, „ �., �. . � ;., � �. �.- � -�__:. _ � � .� . � '� .r � .. . • ' � � �'��+�� �`���.:.� �'��.�� T��.1�.���``��� �o City of Auburn Draft Capital Facilities Plan CHAPTER 2 GOALS AND POLICIES This chapter ident�es goals and policies specific to the City's provision of capital facilities. Goal 1 Provide a variety of responses to the demands of growth on public facilities. Policy 1 1 Establish land use patterns that optimize the use of public facilfties. Policy 1.2 Provide addkional public facility capacity when existing facilities are used to their maximum level of�ciency (consistent with adopted standards for level of service). Policy 1.3 Encourage development where new public facilities can be provided in an efficient manner Policy 1 4 Exempt the following from the concurrency management program: 1 4 1 Development vested by RCW 19.26.095, 58.17.033 or 58.17 170. 1 4.2 Development that creates no added impact on public facilities. 1 4.3 Expansions of existing development that were disclosed and tested for concurrency as part of the original application. Goal 2 Provide needed public facilities that are within the ability of the City to fund or within the City's authority to require others to provide. Policy 2.1 Establish level of service standards that are achievable with the financing plan of this Capital Facilities Plan. Policy 2.2 Base the financing plan for public facilities on realistic estimates of curtent local revenues and external revenues that are reasonably anticipated to be received by the City Policy 2.3 Match revenue sources to capital projects on the basis of sound fiscal policies. 2.3.1 The City shall continue to fund utility costs through utility enterprise funds, based on user fees and grants. Public facilities included in utilities are sewer, solid waste, storm drainage, and water 2.3.2 Where feasible pursue joint venture facility construction, construction timing, and other facility coordination measures for City provided facilities, as well as with school districts and other potential paitners in developing public facilities. 2.3.3 The City shall continue to assist through direct participation, LIDs and payback agreements, where appropriate and financially feasible. Where funding is available, the City may participate in developer initiated facility extensions or improvements, but only to the extent that the improvements ben�t the broader public interest, and are consistent with the policies of this Capital Facilities Plan. 11 City ofAuburn Draft Capital Facilities Plan , Policy 2.4 If the projected funding is inadequate to finance needed public facilities and utiiities based on adopted level of service standards and forecasted growth, the City will do one or more of the following to achieve a balance between available revenue and needed public facilities: 2.4.1 Lower the level of service standards; 2.4.2 Increase the amount of revenue from existing sources; 2.4.3 Adopt new sources of revenue; 2.4 4 Require developers to provide such facilities at their own expense; and/or 2.4.5 Amend the Land Use Element to reduce the need for additional public facilities. Policy 2.5 Both existing and future development will pay for the costs of needed capital improvements. 2.5.1 Ensure that existing development pays for capital improvements that reduce or eliminate existing deficiencies, and pays for some or all of the cost to replace obsolete or worn out facilities. Euisting development may also pay a portion of the cost of capital improvements needed by future development. Existing developmenYs payments may take the fortn of user fees, charges for services, special assessments and taxes. 2.5.2 Ensure that future development pays a proportionate share of the cost of new facilities which it requires. Future development may also pay a portion of the cost to replace obsolete or wom-out facilities. Future developmenYs paymerds may take the form of voluntary contributions for the benefit of any public faciiity, impact fees, mitigation payments, capacity fees, dedications of land, provision of public facilities, and future payments of user's fees, charges for services, special assessments and taxes. Policy 2.6 The City will determine the priority of public facility capital improvements using the following criteria as general guidelines. Any revenue source that cannot be used for the highest priority will be used beginning with the highest priority for which the revenue can legally be expended. 2.6.1 Projects that eliminate hazardous condiGons. 2.6.2 Refurbishment of existing facilities that contribute to achieving or maintaining standards for adopted level of service. 2.6.3 New or expanded facilities that reduce or eliminate deficiencies in level of service for existing demand. 2.6.4 New or expanded facilities that provide the adopted level of service for new development and redevelopment during the next six fiscal years. 2.6.5 Capital improvements that sign�caMly reduce the operating cost of providing a service or facility, or otherwise mitigate impacts of ; public facilities on future operating budgets. 12 Ciry ofAuburn Draft CapitaTFacilities Plan 2.6.6 Capital improvements that contribute to stabilizing and developing the economy of the City 2.6.7 Project priorities may also involve additional criteria that are unique to each type of public facility, as described in other elements of this Comprehensive Plan. Policy 2.7 Ensure that the ongoing operating and maintenance costs of a capital facility are financially feasible prior to constructing the facility Goal 3 Protect public health, environmental quality, and neighborhood stability and viability through the appropriate design and installation of public facilities. Policy 3.1 Promote conservation of energy, water and other natural resources in the location and design of public facilities. Policy 3.2 Require the separation of sanitary and storm sewer facilities wherever combined sewers may be discovered. Policy 3.3 Practice efficient and environmentally responsible maintenance and operating procedures. Policy 3.4 The siting, design, construction and improvement of all public buildings shall be done in fuli compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act(ADA). Policy 3.5 Promote economic and community stability and growth through strategic investments in pubiic facilities and public private/partnerships. Goal 4 Make the Capital Facilities Plan consistent with other elements of the comprehensive plan, and - to the extent feasible - with other city, county, regional and state adopted plans. Policy 4.1 Ensure that the growth and development assumptions used in the Capital Facilities Plan are consistent with similar assumptions in other elements of the comprehensive plan. Policy 4.2 Coordinate Nrith non-city providers of public faciiities on a joint program for maintaining applicable level of service standards, concurrency requirements, funding and construction of public facilities. Goal 5 Provide public facilities that provide a sense of community that is inclusive of diverse populations. Policy 5.1 Contribute to community pride and foster a sense of community through provision of public facilities that create a community gathering place for neighbors, family and friends. Policy 5.2 Through provision of public facilities offer a broad range of activities promoting social interactions especially with new residents. Policy 5.3 Provide maximum flexibility and multiple uses through design of public facilities that are adaptable to changing interests. Policy 5.4 Provide a community center facility that is financially feasible, affordable for participants, and can generate revenue to offset a portion of the operating costs. 13 City of Auburn Draft Capital Facilities Plan � �;, �"ITY OF � � _{� ; _. __ , _ _.:� -- _. .r � . _ , . . - � � : � ��.�� `T�-��.� �r���� I,��►���'�� 14 City ofAuburn Draft Capital Facilities Plan CHAPTER 3 CAPITALIMPROVEMENTS 1 INTRODUCTION This CFP includes Ciry capitai improvement projects, and the financing plan to pay for those projects. It also contains the inventory of existing City facilities, and identfies level of service standards, where applicable. Each type of City public facility is presented in a separate subsection that follows a standard format. Throughout this section, tables of data are identified with abbreviations that correspond to the type of facility: For example, Tabie W-1 refers to Tabie 1 for Water (Supply and Distribution). Each abbreviation corresponds to the name of the type of facility 1. Narrative Summarv This is an overview of the data, with sections devoted to Current Faciiities, Level of Service, Capital Facilfies Projects and Financing, and Impact on Future Operating Budgets. i, 2. Inventorv of Facilities(Table X-11 This is a list of existing capital facilities, inciuding the name, capacity (for reference to level of service), and location. This table also includes any proposed capital projects and the planned inventory total as of December 31, 2018. 3. Ca�ital Proiects and Financinq Plan (Table X-2. X-2A and X-261 This is a list of capital improvements that identifies existing deficiencies, identfies facilfies needed for future growth, and identfies the repairing or replacing of obsolete or wom out facilities through December 31, 2018. Each list shows the proposed financing plan followed by individual worksheets showing the project detail. 4. Impact on Futu2 Ooeratina Budqets fTable X-31 This is a list of new capital projects and the forecasted impacts on the City's future operating budgets(2014—2019). 15 City ofAuburn Draft Capital Facilities Plan � �r'"`_.�.=..^"'��. "!� r �� ,�,• "'.^`. ,"", ' ..`""� CITY flF rv�Y� �, � � — =—u,a � -��.— �.: .; - � - � .�.�;.. a...�_-.. .� � ;;.�� _,,Y ; :� .. �-; _ - �.� . �..�� _ ; ; � yC " .. " r• ..- - � ..._ , `�r ~ °'�':_ ... .� .. � .�.���,,..� ��`'� �`i�� Tt�� .�.��,�'*,�� 16 City ofAuburn Draft Capital Facilities Plan TRANSPORTATION Current Facilities Roadwavs: The City's roadway system consists of a network of limited access freeways and 216 miles of arterials, collectors, alleys and local streets. Table T-1 "Auburn Corridor Level of Service" includes the most current Level of Service (LOS) for each defined arterial roadway corridor Transit: Metro, Sound Transit and Pierce Transit provide transit service to the Auburn area. Aubum is currently served by nine Metro bus routes, two Metro operated Sound Transit bus routes, one Pierce Transit operated bus route for Sound Transit and one Pierce Transit bus route. Six park and ride facilities with a total of 1,127 parking spaces also serve Auburn. Eighteen Sound Transit "Sounder" commuter rail trains stop at Auburn each weekday at the Aubum station located at 23 A Street SW The Sounder also provides special event service to selected sporting events. Level of Service (LOS) Washington's Growth Management Act(GMA) requires service level standards for both arterials and transit routes. The GMA requires that each jurisdiction's Level of Service (LOS) standards be coordinated within the region and be supported by local ordinance, but the standards and the methods used are up to the local jurisdictions. Under GMA, the focus is on the performance of the whole road system, not on individual intersections or roadways. Level of service standards are a tool to help keep the transportation system in balance with the needs of future population growth and development. A methodology and set of standards have been drafted for the City of Auburn Comprehensive Plan. The standards help determine concurrency (i.e., balance) between transportation and land use elements of the City's Comprehensive Plan, as required by GMA. The City has four choices if it finds the standards cannot be met. • Modify the land use plan, placing tighter controls on the amount and type of development to minimize traffic. • Construct addRional transportation facilities to support increased travel demand from new development. • Transportation Demand Management(TDM) measures. • Relax the LOS standards. The City can accept lower level of service standards to encourage further growth and minimize the need for additional transportation facilities. The Transportation Land Use Balance wiil be monitored through the City's Concurrency Management System as part of the State Environmental Policy Act (SEPA). Transportation concurrency will be evaluated for key facilities and on a system-wide basis. By having system- 17 City ofAuburn Draft Capital Facilities Plan wide and facility-based roadway LOS standards, the City of Auburn can define preliminary , capacity needs. The City and WSDOT can then begin to plan corridor studies that will define the characteristics and location of a particular roadway improvement. At the project level, the State Environmental Policy Act(SEPA) process will continue to guide the more spec�c planning and analysis efforts. Uses of Level of Service Standards As measures of transportation system effectiveness, level of service standards can help jurisdictions identify where and when transportation improvements are needed, and when development or growth will.affect system operation. Level of service provides a standard below which a transportation facility or system is not considered adequate. Level of service standards can be used to evaluate the impact of proposed developments on the surrounding road system. They can assure that all developments are served by a safe, efficient and cost-effective road system. They can also be used to identify problems, suggest remedial actions, and apportion costs between public and private sources. LOS standards are a cornerstone in the development of equitable traffic impact fee systems, which requires developments to pay some of the costs for improvements to the transportation infrastructure. In July 2001, the City implemented a traffic impact fee. The purpose of the fee is to mitigate traTfic impacts more equitably while making the costs oE development more predictable to developers. In 2007, the City implemented an additional transportation impact fee to address the impacts of heavy truck usage on the City's transportation system. Both fees are regularly updated to enable the city to construct road capacity to meet the traffic demand of development. , � Measuring Transportation System Performance Arterial Corridor Link Level. The level of service for roadway segments or links is analyzed with two primary purposes in mind. First, this site-specific LOS can be used, with the help of a travel demand model, to evaluate areas of congestion within a transportation network—leading to the development of a long-renge transportation facilities plan. Traffic forecasts from the model will be analyzed to determine where capacity improvements should be considered. Second, arterial corridor LOS analysis is used to assess concurcency or if facilities are meeting the LOS standards. The City of Auburn curreritly uses Synchro 7T"" traffic models to estimate LOS. Synchro 7n"' incorporates Highway Capacity Manual (HCM2000) Urban Street LOS methodology Urban Street LOS is based on average trevel speed though a d�ned corridor Table T-1 shows the 42 defined street corridors, LOS standards and most recent calculated LOS. Table T-1b shows the relationships between LOS, streef class�cation, average travel speed, and free flow speed. i , 18 City ofAuburn Draft Capital Facilities Plan TABLE T-1 Auburn Corridor Level of Service • • � . .. . .. . ��• 7 Aubum Way North 15th St NE • Northem City Limits D C/D 2 Aubum Wa North East Main St 15th St NE _ E D 3 Auburn Way South East Main St. M St SE D F/E 4 Aubum W South M St SE Eastem C� Limits D C 5 M St./Harvey Aubum Way North East Main St. E C 6 StJHa st ain St Aubum W Soutl� D D/C 7 Evergreen Way Lakeland Hills Way Kersey Way D Future 8 37th St NERJW West Vaile i St. NE D B/C 9 15th St NE/NW West Valley Hwy Aubum Way North F'• D 10 Audum Ave/"A"St SR 18 Southem City Limits D 8 11 Main St West Valley Hwy R St D C 12 1 Stli St SW West Vall H C St SW D D 13 C St SW Ellingson SR 18 D C/E 14 West Vatiey Hwy Nortl�em C' Limits 15th SO�eet NW B/C 15 S 277th St Frontage Rd. 108th Ave SE E E/B 16 R St(Kerse Way Au um ay S. Oravetr Road D A!B 17 Lake Tapps Parkway East Valley Hwy. 182nd Ave E D B 18 "A" SVt//NW!"B"St NW 4th St NW S 2771h Sf D Future 19 8th St NE/Lea Hill Rd. Aubum Way North 132nd Ave SE E C/B 2D D St NWlEmeraid Downs Dr S 277th St 15th Si. NW D AB 21 I St NE S 277th St Harvey Rd D A!B 22 132nd Ave SE SE 282nd Sf SE 312th St D B 23 124th Ave SE SE 282nd St SE 320th. St D C 24 104th Ave SHSE 304tli St 8M St NE 132nd Ave SE D 8!A 25 105th PI SE/SE 320th St Lea Hill Road 124th Ave SE D B 2S LakelarxJ Hilis W SE Lake Tap Parkwa Oravetr Rd D C1D 27 29th St SE1Riverwalk Dr A Street SE Aubum Way South D C 28 108th Ave SE1112th Ave. SE S277th St SE 304U�St D A 29 49th St NW B St NW S 277th St D Future 30 R SVeet SE 8th St NE 4th Street SE D B/C 31 3rd St SW/Cross St C SVeet Auburn Way South E E 32 17th St SE A St SE Aubum Wa South D B/A 33 41st St SElEllingson Rd A St SE Westem Ci Limits E F 34 I.akeland Hilis Wa lOravetz East Vali Muvy K W E A!B 35 West Valley Hwy 15th Street NW Southem City Limits E C/B 36 Kersey Way OraveFz Road Southem City Limits D A 37 S. 316th StreeUTerrace Drive West Valley Hi hway Westem City Limits D B 38 S.296th SireeU65tti Ave _ West Vailey Hi hwa Westem C Limits D B 39 51st Ave S. S.288th Street Peasley Canyon Rd D B 40 S.283Ut Street " 112lh Ave SE 124th Ave SE D B/A 41 5. 284th Street 124th Ave SE 132nd Ave SE D Future 42 R St ssBiack Diamond M Street SE SR 18 D Fudire Comdor segments within Downtown Aubum may operate at LOS E in accordance with the Aubum Downtown Plan.All other aAenal and collector corndors must operate at LOS D or better,unless otheiwise intliratetl m Table 2-2. + Split LOS indicates direc6onal LOS in eilher Ne East-West or NoMSouth direction. Othenvise,the LOS is the same in both directlans. '* Total travel Vme in the eastbound direction cannot exceed 7000 seconds tor this corridor to meet the LOS Standard. The following Tables (T-1 a, b, and c) address LOS Definitions, Urban Street Corridor LOS and Roadway Capacity/Congestion LOS Standards. 19 City ofAuburn Draft Capital Facilities PZan Table T-1 a Definition of Arterial Level of Service (LOS) Level of Service A-describes primarily free flow operations at average travel speeds�usually about 90 percent of the free flow speed for the arterial class. Vehicles are completely unimpeded in their ability to maneuver within the traffic stream. Stopped delay at signalized intersections is minimal. Level of Service B-represents reasonably unimpeded operations at average travel speeds, usually about 70 percerrt of the free flow speed for the arterial class. The ability to maneuver within the traffic stream is only slightly restricted and stopped delays are not bothersome. Drivers are not generally subjected to appreciable tension. Level of Service C-represents stable cond'Rions; however, ability to maneuver and change lanes in mid block location may be more restricted than in LOS B, and longer queues and/or adverse signal coordination may contribute to lower average travel speeds of about 50 percent of the average free flow speed for the arterial class. Motorists will experience tension while driving. Level of Service D-borders on a range in which small increases in flow may cause substantial increases in approach delay and, hence, decreases in arterial speed. This may be due to adverse signal progression, inappropriate signal timing, high volumes, or some combination of these. Average travel speeds are about 40 percent of free flow speed. Level of Service E-characterized by sign�cant approach delays and average travel speeds of one-third the free flow speed or lower Such operations are caused by some combination of adverse progression, high signal , density, extensive queuing at critical irrtersections, and inappropriate signal timing. Level of Service F-charecterizes arteriai flow at exhemety low speeds below one-third to one-quarter of the free flow speed. Intersection congestion is likely at critical signalized locations,with resultant high approach dela . Adverse ression is f uentl a contributor to this cond'Rion. Source: 1985 Highwey Cepadty Manuai,Speaal Report 209,TranspoAaGOn Researoh Board,Washington,D.C. 1985,page 11< The characteristics of the six levels of service are summarized. Figure T-1 b Urban Street Corcidor LOS Corridor LOS Urban Street Class I II III IV FFS-Ran e mUh 55-45 45-35 35-30 35-25 FFS mi/h 50 40 35 30 LOS Avera e Travel S eed mi/h A >42 >35 >30 >25 B 34-42 >28-35 >24-30 >19-25 C 27-34 >22-28 >18-24 >13-19 D 21-27 >17-22 >14-18 >9-13 E 16-21 >13-17 >10-14 >7-9 F 516 <_13 510 57 There are six levels of service on a scale of A to F LOS A represents the best operating conditions, and LOS F the worst. The LOS scale has been adopted by the Institute of Transportation Engineers, the Transportation Research Board, and by most jurisdictions throughout the country. The scale is also accepted and generally understood by the public and elected officials. 20 City ofAuburn Draft Capital Facilities Plan Level of Service Standards-The LOS standards shown in Table T-1 c apply to the facility's � location and its functional classification. A more spec�c description of the level of service methodology is provided in the City of Auburn Comprehensive Transportation Plan (2011). Table T- 1c Draft Roadway Capacity/Congestion LOS Standards Roadway/Intersection Maximum V/C Ratio/LOS Itelial Corridor(CapaClty) D"for each arterial link, except for collector residenlial arterials which are "C" Si nalized Irrtersection D" Unsi nalized Intersection �D" Relationshio to Concurrencv Manaaement- Concurtency involves matching public facilities and new development. The GMA extends concurrency to transportation facilities by requiring that new development be served by adequate roads and public transportation service, and that development is not permitted to cause these transportation facilities to operate below level of service standards that are adopted by local governmerrts in their comprehensive plans. Concurrency (Adequate Public Facilities) � In compliance with the GMA, adequate transportation system facilities must be available within six(6) years of the time of occupancy and use of new development. Capital Facilities Projects and Financing The City's transportation facilities include projects totaling $120,068,928. Tables T-2, T-2A and T-26 show the proposed financing plan followed by individual worksheets showing the project detail. Impact on Future Operating Budgets As Table T-3 shows, operating budget impacts of$538,642 are forecasted for transportation facilities during the six years 2014—2019. 21 City ofAuburn Draft Capital Facilities Plan TABLE T-2 CAPITAL FACILITIES PLAN PROJECTS AND FINANCING TRANSPORTATION -ARTER�AL STREET 2013 2014 2075 2016 2017 Z018 Tatal TIP#Caoacitv Proiects: 1 A Street NW,Phase 1 Capifal Cosis 25,OD0 25,000 350,000 25,000 25,000 25,000 475,000 Funding Sources: Unres6icted SUeet Revenue - _ _ Grants - _ _ _ TrafficlmpadFees 25,000 25,000 350,000 25,000 25,000 25,000 475,000 Other - - _ _ _ 4 I SVeet NE Cortidor Capital Costs - 1,000,000 1,00O,OOU Funding Sources: Unrestricted Street Revenue - _ Grarrts - 1,OOO,U00 7,000,000 Traffic Impacl Fees - _ Other - 5 M Sheet Underpass Capital Costs 6,714,OOD - 6,714,OU0 Long-Term Debt 38,640 109,550 109,070 108,590 108,110 107,640 561,600 Fundmg Sources: Unrestrided Street Revenue - - - � - Granis 3,864,485 - - 3,664,qg5 � TrafficlmpactFees 38,640 109,550 109,070 108,590 108,110 107,640 581,600 PWTF Loan 1,800,115 - - 1,800,115 Other(OtherAgencias) 1,249,400 1,249400 6 South 277th-Aubum Way North to Green River Bridge Capihal Costs 1,024,300 153,000 4,170,000 - 5,347,300 Funding Sources: UnresVicled SVeet Reven� 156,600 - - - 756,600 Grants 867,700 153,000 3,879,300 - - 4,9D0,000 Traffic Impad Fees 290,700 - - 290,70D Other(Port o(Seatlle) 8 A Street NW,Phase 2 Capilal Costs 150,000 3,000,000 3,150,000 Funding Sources: Unrestricted Street Revenue - Grants - - 3,000,000 3,000,000 Traff�c Impad Fees - 150,000 - - - 150,000 Other - - - 9 D Sheet NW,37th to 44fh CapiFal Costs - - 300,000 300,000 Fund'mg Sources: UnresVicted Street Revenue - - - Grar�ts - 250,000 250,000 Traffic Impad Fees - - 50,000 50,000 22 City of Auburn Draft Capital Facilities Plan TABLE T-2(continued) 3013 2074 2015 �76 21N7 2018 Total T�F Caoacitv Praeets: 10 F Sireet SE,4th W ANIS CepiCal Costs 250,000 2,250,000 - 2,500,�0 Fu�ing Sartes: Unrestrided Street Revenue - . - - ., Gfarrts - - 200A00 2,000,000 - 2,2��000 Treffic Impaa Fees - 50,000 250,OOD 90G,000 11 M Street NE,E Main to 4M Capitel Costs 50,000 275,OOD 7,150,000 - 1,475,000 Fw�d'mg Sour�s: Unrestricled Street Revenue - - - - - GraMS - - 725.000 1,00p,000 - 7,225,000 Traffit ImpaG Fees 50,000 50,000 150,000 250,000 74 EL St SE and 72th St SE Traflfo Signal �P�� - - - 625,000 825,000 Funding Sarces: Unreshitled Street Revenire - - - - • Grants - 5W.00D 50Q000 REET 2 _ _ Traffic Impact Fees - 725,000 125,000 Other 15 Bth Street NE YVidening(Pike SVeet to R Streat NE) CapitelCosis - 450,OOD 1,000,000 7,450,000 Funding Souroes: Un�astriGed Street Revenue - - . Grards - 360,000 800,000 - 1,180,000 Treffc ImpaC Fees 90,000 200,000 290,000 17 Harvey Road 8 8th Street NE IrRareaction ImpmvemerRs Lorg-Tertn Debt 86,900 86,500 86,000 85,600 85,200 84.800 515,000 Funding Saurces: Unresfided Street Revenua - - . G2MS - - - PWfF - - - - - - T2fiic Impact Fees 86.900 86,500 86.000 85,600 85,200 84,800 _ -515,000 18 Bth SUeet NE and SE 104th St trrtereectlon ImpmvemeMs Capit�Costs 233,400 - - - 233A�0 Funding Sources: Unrestricted Straet Raven� 748.400 - - - - 148,400 Grdnls - - - - - • REET2 75.000 - - ' 75,000 TraRc Impaa Fees 10.000 �p,ppp 20 Aubum Way South a�M M Sheet SE IrKemeaMon Imprtweme�4s Capital Cosfs 150,000 d50,000 - - - 600�000 Funding Soura�: Unrestricted Street Revenue - - - - Grarns 450.00D - - - qgp,ppp TraffichTdi9alionFees 150,000 150.�0 23 BNSflE Valley Highway Pedeatrian Underyasa Capdal Cosls - - 4,800,000 5.D00,000 9.800�000 Funding Sou2es: Unrestricted SUeet Revenue - _ _ _ _ �rams - 4,550,000 5,000,000 9,660,000 Other(KC 8 Otlrer 1 250 000 25a 000 23 City ofAuburn Draft Capital Facilities Plan � � 7ABLE T-2(wMinued) 7A73 2014 2015 2078 2017 2078 Topl I�P Ceaoackv Proiects: - -� 24 Awdemy0�lveMWtWseTrafl Capital Cosls - 5�.000 425,000 425,000 900,000 Fundirig Souroes: Unrestrided S6eet Re�enue - 50,000 42,500 42,500 776,000 Grems - - - 362,500 382,500 766,W0 Other - 39 1ZOth Ave SE CoMdor Improvemerda Phase 3 c�a�c.�a �oo.000 �so,000 - aso.oao Funding Sources: Unrestricted Street Revenue - - - • G�arrts - 85,000 650,000 - 736,000 Traffic Impact Fees 15,000 1�A00 116.000 40 124th Ave SE Cortidor hnproveme�Phase 1 Capital Costs 50,000 150,000 1,750,000 - - - 1,960,000 FurMing Sources: Unreshicted Street Revenue - - - G2MS 125,000 1,565,000 - - - 1,890,GOU Traffic ImpaG Fees 50,000 25,000 185,000 280,000 41 124th Ava SE CoMdw hnprovemeMS Phase 2 Capital Costs - 50,000 200,000 1,000,000 - 1,250,000 Funding Sources: Unrestricted Street Revenue - - - . GraMS - - 150,D00 865,000 - - 1,016,000 Traffic Impact Fees 50,000 50,000 135,000 236,000 '� ! 42 SE 320th Street Corridor ImprovemeMs Capifal Costa - - 50,000 60,000 580,000 - 690,000 Funtling Sources: Unre56iGetl Streel Reven� - - - - Grards - - 47,500 502,000 - &19,600 Traffic Impact Fees 50,000 12,500 78,000 140,60D 43 Auburn Way South 8 Riverwralk IMwaecfion ImprovemeMs CapitalCosts 250,000 2,083,108 - - - 2,331,108 FuMing Sources: UnresOicted Street Revenue - - - - - • G2MS 250,000 2,083,708 - - 2,�SS,108 Traflic Impad Fees 47 Emironmenml Park Roadwayr ImprovemeMs SWdy Capdal Costs 10,000 - - - 10,000 Funding Souioes: Un2stricted Street Revenue 10,OD0 - - - - 10,000 Grarrts - - - - • an�� 48 DowMnwn to Les Gove NomlYlotoriud Improvemmts Study Capaal Casts 10,000 - - - 10,�0 Funding Sou�ces: UnrestriGed Street Revenue 10,000 - - - 10.G00 G2MS - - - - - Tra(fic Impact Fees I 24 Ciry ofAuburn Draft Capital Facilities Plan TABLE T-2(continued) I � 2013 �74 1D15 1D16 �17 2018 Total �CaoatlN Prolacts: _ . 49 S 316th Speet Bicyde 8 Pedestrian Impmvemeirt SWdy Capital Costs - - 5,0�0 - 6,000 fu�ing Sources: UnrestriUed Street Revenue - - 5,000 - - 5,000 Traffic Impact Fees 51 East Valley Highway ITS Expanaion CaPital Costs - 800,000 - - 800�000 Funding Sources: Unrestricted Street Revenue - - - - G2ttls - 692,000 - 692,000 Tralfic Impad Fees - 108.000 106,000 54 KeraeY WaY SWdY cap�cos�s so,000 - - - w,000 Fundmg Sources: Unres6iGed Street Revenue - - - - Trafiic Impac;t Fces 50,000 50,0� 58 Aubum Way South CoMdw ImprovemeMa,Fr ST SE to Hemixk ST SE Capital C�is 2,331,950 - 2,337,950 Funding Sources: Unrestricted St2et Revenue - - Grants 1,865,560 - 7,866,�0 Other(MI� 486,390 466,390 59 Aubum Ave NE&3rd St NE Pedestrian 8 Acceas ImprovemerRa ' CapitalCosis 75,000 200,000 700,500 - - 915,600 Funding Sources: Unrestricted Street Reven� 3,000 40,000 140,100 - 183,1U0 Grartls 12,000 160,000 560,400 - 732,400 Other 60 M Sheet SE Cortidw(8th St SE ro AWS) Capilal Cosls - - 1,925,000 4.750.000 6,675,000 Funding Sources: Unrestricted Street Revenue - - 25D,000 250,000 50D,000 �2MS - 925,000 3,750�000 - 4,615�000 TrafficlmpxtFees 750,000 750,000 1,�0,000 63 29th Streat SE 8 R Street SE Capnal Cosls - - - - 1,800,000 1,800,000 Funtling Saurces: Unrestricted Street Revenue - - _ Grartls - - 850,000 850,000 REETZ - 450,000 460,OG0 Tralfic Impaa Fees 5U0 000 500,000 84 Lea MII SegmeM 7(R St NE to 105th Ave SE) Capilal Costs - - - - 2.500,000 10.000,000 1?,500,000 FuMmg Sources UnresfiGed Street Revenue - - - . GraMS - - 2,000,000 8,000,000 t0,000,�U Trafic Impad Fees - - - 500,000 2,000,000 2,500.000 Ott�er 25 City ofAuburn Draft Capital Facilities Plam TABLE T-2(continued) , TIRp C�oadN Profecla: 65 Lea Hill Rd Segme�R 2(109th Ave SE Oo 172th Ave SE) �p�C� - - - 12,000,000 72,000,000 Funding Sources: Unrestricted Street Revenue - - . _ _ ��� - - - 10,000,000 10,000,000 Trefflc Impact Fees - - 2,OU�,000 2,000,000 Other 66 Lea Hfll Rd SegmeM 3(772th Ave SE tn 1241h Ave SE) Capital Cosls 4,000,000 4,000,000 Funding Souroes: Unrestridetl Street Revenue - - - - - GraMS - - - 3,000,00� 3�UWA00 Traffic Impact Fces - - - 1,OOOA00 1�0�,0� Ott�er �btofal.CaoaeiN Proiecls: CapitalCoata 1Q989,790 S,S57,158 9,345,570 7,754,790 77,029,310 36,987,440 83,838,866 T� Non�CaoaoiNProiee[s: 2 AWS Pedestrian Imp.-0ogwood St SE to Fir St SE Capdel Cosfs 748,830 - _ �qg,g3p funding Sources: Un�astlictedStreetRevenue 43,500 - - - 0.9,500 G2nis 705,330 - - _ _ �r,�p i i Other � 3 Aubum Way Cortidor ImprovemeMs Capitsl Costs - - 818,700 3,000,000 �,87&700 FurMing Sources: UnrestricEedStreetRevenue - 110,00� 600,000 770,�0 Grants - - 708,700 2,400,000 3,108�700 Otl�ar 7 1bM S6eat SW Reeona6udion Capital Costs - 375,000 3,000,000 - 3,375,000 FuMing Souras: UnresNC9ed Sheet Revenue - 75,000 500,000 - 575,000 GrdMS - 300,000 2,500,000 - 2,800,000 Other 19 Aubum Way NortA 1 tst Sheet NE Signal Improvemerns Capital Cosb - 50,000 550,000 - BOD,000 Fwding Sources: UnreshiGedStreetRevenue 50,000 125,000 - - 176,000 Grents - 425,000 425,000 OUier 21 C Street NW and Weat Main Street Capaal Cosis 150,000 - - 150,000 Funding Sources: � Unreshided Street Revenue - - - - - - GraMS - - - - - - Otl�er 150,000 1 W,C00 I I 26 City of Auburn Draft Capital Facilities Plan TABLE T-2(continued) ?A13 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 Total TIP!!Non�CaoaeiN Pro�Cts: 27 41st Street SE and A Street SE Access EAanagemeM SWdy Capihal Cosls 8,840 - - - 8� Funding Sources: Un�estrided Street Revenue 8,840 - � GiaMs - - - ' ' ' Other 28 Mniwl Bridge ImprovemeM Project CapitalCosls 50,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 300,000 Funding Sources: Unres6iqed Street Revenue 50,000 50,000 5�,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 300,�0 GraMS - - - - Other - - 29 Sa 277th,Wetland INitlgatlon CapitelCosts 25,000 25,000 '+��� Fu�ing Sources: Unreshicted Street Reuenue 25.000 25,000 - - - - �,� G�artls - - - • ar� - - - 30 Citywide PedesMan Crossing Pragram C¢pital CosS 100,000 - 100,000 100,000 - 300,�0 Funding Sauices: UnrestrictedStreelRevenue 100,000 100,000 100,000 - 30D,000 � G2rtls - - • Otl�er - - - 31 Cilywide 9icycle 8 Sefety Improvements Capital Costs 100,000 100,000 100,000 100,000 100,000 100,000 600,000 Funding Sources: UnrestrictedStreetRevenue 100,000 100,OOD 100,000 100,000 100,000 100,000 600,000 GraMS - - - - - Other - - 38 Railrosd Ciossing Safety ImprovemeMs CapdalCasts 3W,550 - - - 307�550 Fundmg Sourres: Un2sViGeA Sheet Revenue - GrarAS 3W,550 - - - 307'„f5U Other - - - 44 A S6eet NE Pedeatrian Improveme�Rs ��� - - 150,000 - 150,OOD Funding Sour�s: Unrestricted Sbeet Revenue - - - G� - - 150.000 150,000 Other - - - 45 IMerurban T2Ilhead Impmvemeirts Capital Cosls - - 210,000 - 210,000 Fundmg Sources: UnRStricted Sdeet Revenue - - - _ . GraMy 210,000 210,000 I , 27 City ofAuburn Draft Capital Facilities Plan TABLE T-2(continued) ! 2013 2014 2015 2016 2077 ?A18 Total TIPI! Non�CaoaeMr Prolecb: - - 46 704th Ave SE 8 Green River Road SWdy CapiW Costs 5,000 _ _ �0 Fundiog Sources: Un25Cic0ed Street Revenue 5,000 6,000 GraMs 50 ITS Dynamic dlessage Signs Capital Costs 220,000 220,000 - qqp,ppp Funding Sources: Urrcestricted Slreet Revenue - - 30,000 30,000 5p,ppp G�^� 190,000 - 190,000 J80,000 56 Lea Ffill Safe Rautea to Sdmpl Improveme�rts - CaPital Costs 363,500 - - - - - 383,500 Funding Sou2es: Unrestricted Street Revenue - - - - GraMS 363,500 - - 363�600 Other fi2 AWS Sheetscape hnprovemertls(SR 18 to M St SE) ca�naicos�s - �,sso,000 z,eoo,000 - a,�so,000 Fund'mg Sow�s: Unrestricted Street Revenue - - - 200,000 2�0,000 - 400�000 ���� - 1,200,000 2,050,000 3,250,000 -��Z - - 550,000 SSU 000 __11 �0 67 CRywide TraHic Sig�Safet}r Improvemerrts Capital Caets 405.000 - - - - - �� '� � Funding Sources: Unrestricted Street Re�nue 5,000 - 5,000 GraMe 400,000 - ��0 Subtotal.Non�CaoaelN Proiects• �P��� 2,283.720 226,000 470,000 3,386,OW 7,�8,700 3,160,000 16,b6Z,420 2018 Z014 4016 2018 �17 2018 Total SUdIMARY• CAPRALCOSTS CePadtyPioleda 10,863.650 3,161,108 9,150,500 7,560,000 16,830,000 35,175,000 82,740,258 N��P�f'�j�s 2,263,720 225,000 470,000 3,385,000 7,088,700 3,150,000 76,582,42(1 Lorig-TertnDe6t �125,540 196,050 195W0 - 194190 193310 192440 109660� TotalCosts 13,262,810 3,562,158 9,Btb,570 11,138.190 24,77Z,010 38,617,490 100,479,Z18 FUNDING SOURCES: Unrestriqed Street Revenue 665,340 265,000 425,100 850,000 1,382,500 792,50D 4,380,440 Grar�ts 8,436,125 2,971,108 7,821.700 8,007,500 20,283,200 31.382,500 78,902,133 Tralfic Impact Fces 250,540 346,050 1,568,770 1,731,6� 1,646,310 5,892,440 11,435,800 Traffic Mifipation Fces 150,000 - - 150,000 REET2 75,000 - - 550.000 550,000 450,000 �1,515,000 PVYI'Fl.�n 1,800,715 1,8D0,115 Oticer(OtherAgenaes) 1,875,790 250000 2125790 TotalFundng 15,262,910 3,58�158 9,815,570 N,139,190 ?A,N2,010 _38,617,440 100,419�78 �M'N9a�ron�reements,(mpad fees,conhi6u6ons,other egencies,oMer(unds 28 City of Auburn Draft Capital Facilities Plan , ARTERIAL STREET FUND (102) Capital Facilities Plan Six Year Capital Facilities Plan,2013-2078 Special Revenue Funtl ProjectTitle: A Street NW, Phase 1 (3rd St. NW to 14th St. NW) TIP# 1 Project No: C207a0 ProjectType: Capacity Project Manager. Ingrid Gaub LOS Corridor ID#18 Description: Construct a multi-lane arterial from 3rd St. NW to 14th St. NW. This projed will improve mobility and is fied to corridor developmeM. It is consistent with the Comprehensive Plan and contributes to the completion of a north/south arterial corridor. The project length is approximately three-quarters of a mile. The City purchased ROW from the northem property owner. If the property develops,some or a portion of those funds may be reimbursed to the City(total cost was$251,000). Progress Summary: Pre-design was completed prior to 2007 Final design and environmerrtal pertnitting were completed in 2011 Construdion was completed in 2012 and required wetland monitoring will continue until 2023. Future ImpaM on Operating Budget: Tha annual maintenance cost for this project is esfvnated to be$25,830. � BudyBt' 2012 YTD Actual 2013 12 Butlget BuCget Expenditures Butlget Bele�rce Atlopted 8utlget - - - Butlget Amentlments Ad/ustetl Butlget � Aetivily: (P�evious vrs) 2072 YE 2013 Year ErM Funtling Sources: Prior to 5012 Estlma[e 2013 Bud et 3010 Bud et Pm ect Totel Unreshictetl Sheet Revenue 258,962 18,SD9 - - 277 486 Gralrts(Fed.State.LOCen 4,880,402 1,900,338 - 8,380,74� TralHClmpac[Fees 187,309 737,751 25,000 25,OOU 950,080 Other Souices(Devebper)' 209123 198,437 407 580 Totel Funtling Sources: 5,335,798 2,855,030 25,00� 26,000 8,276,8Z6 Capitel Ezpendkurea: Design 1,887,209 - 70,000 10,000 1,677,209 Riphto/Way 1,072,288 - 1,072,288 Conshuction 2 598 319 2 855 030 15 000 15 000 5 466 349� Tofel Expentllturee: 5,336,796 2�85S,W0 25,000 26�OOU 6,215�BZ8 Forecasted Project Cost: rmai ao�s zo+s za�� m+e Y07S-2016 . Funtling Sources: - � Unrestncfetl StreM Revenue - GrarRS(Fetl,State,LOCap _ Trelfic Impact Fees 350,000 25,000 25,000 25,000 475,Q00 ornersouroes(�evaiopeq• Tofal Funtling Sources: 350,000 25,000 25,000 26,000 475,000 Capital Expandkurea: Design 50,0�0 10,000 70,000 10,000 700,000 RIOM oiWey - - Constructlon 300 000 15 000 15,000 15 000 375 000 Total Expandltures: 360,000 25,�0 25,000 25,000 475,000 �ranb!Other Sources. Other Sairce is MuPoCare Contn6utbn 29 City of Auburn Draft Capital Facilities Plan ARTERIAL STREET FUND (102) Capital Facilitles Plan � Six Year Capital Facilitles Plan,2013-201 B Special Revenue Fund Project 7ide: 1 Street NE Corridor(45th St NE to S 277th St) TIP# 4 Projed No: c415a0, cp7207 Projed Type: Capecity Projed Manager: TBD, FCim Truong LOS Corridor ID#21 Descripiion: The final alignment of the I Street Corridor is being analyzed as part of the Northeast Aubum Special Area Plan Environmental Impaet Study. A portion of the ROW and Construction will be developec funded. The cross sedion will likely be a 5-lane arterial per the aty's Comprehensive Plan. Progress Summary• This projed is developmeM driven. 2012 expenditures were for design and construction of culvert crossing. Future Impact on OpereUng Budget - I� The annual mairrtenance cost for this project is estimated to be$25,200. BudgM: zo�z YTDACtual 2013 128uAget e�age� �Penan�res a�ae� ea�o�e Adopted Budget _ _ - _ BudgetAmerrtlments _ i � Atljusted Budget - _ _ _ ' Aetivky: (Previous Yn) 2012 YE 2013 Yee�EnC Funding Sources: Priorto TA72 Eslimata 2013 Bud et 2074 BuE et Pro'eet 7ota1 UnrestnetedSheetRevenue 11,827 150,000 - �g��gy7 Grants(Fey,SYate,Local) - _ Trafiic Impect Feas _ _ _ OMer Sou�ces(Port oi SeattleJ _ _ Othar Sources(Deve/opment) Total Fund(ng Sources: 11,g27 15p,000 _ �5�g27 CaPihl Expenditures: Design 11.827 25.000 - 36,827 Ripht of Way - _ �+��n 125 000 125 D00 7otal ExpenEltures: 11.827 750,�0 - 181.827 Forewsted Project Cost _ Total 2D15 2016 2017 2018 2073-2018 Funding Sourees: Unrestnc(ed Street Revenue _ _ Grants(Fed,Safe,local) 1,000,000 1,000,000 Tretfic ImpeG Fees _ OMier Sourtxs(Pwt of Seattle) - _ OMer Sources(DeveMpmeM) Tofel Funtling Sources: ' ' 7,000,000 1.0�,000 Capkal ExpendlW'es: Design 250,000 250,000 Right of Wey " _ Consfruetwn - 750 000 750 000 ( � Total Expendkures: ' ' 7,OOO,U00 7,000,000 Grants/Other Sources: 30 Ciry ofAuburn Draft Capital Facilities Plan � ARTERIAL STREET FUND (102) Capital FaciliSes Plan Six Year Capipl Facilities Plan,2013-2018 Special Revenue Fund Project Title: M Street Underpass (3rd St SE to 8th St SE) TIP # 5 ProjectNo: c201a0 Projed Type: Capacity Project Manager: Ryan Vondrak LOS Corridor ID#6 Descriptlon: Construction of a grade separated railroad crossing of M St SE at the BNSF Stampede Pass tracks. Progress Summary: 100%Design Drawings and right of way acquisihian were completed in 2011 Construction started in early 2012 and is schedule for completion in 2013. Future Impact on Opereting Budgek The annual mairrtenance cost for this pro�ec[is estimated to be$21,827 BudgBt: 2012 YTD Actual 2013 12 Butlget Budget Expendituras Budget Belanca Adoptetl Butlget - Budget Amendments Adjusted Budqet ACtiVIty: (PmriouaVn) 2012YE 2013YearErid Funding Sources: Prior to 2012 Eatimata 2013 Bud et 2014 Bud et Pro oct Totel UnresMCtetlSYieStRevenue 150,000 - 150,000 Grants(Feti,Stale,LOCa/) 872,372 5,169,000 3,664,485 - 9,705,857 REET2 1,140,000 - - 1,140,000 � Trafflc Impact Fees(Conshuction) 3,128,280 1,228,300 4,356,560 7ralfic Impact Fees(Debt Service) - - 38,640 709,550 38,640 TreflicMrtigatronFees 680,000 - 660,OOD PN?FL - 1,OOB4O84 1,800,115 - 2,808,199 OMer Sources(OMerAgendes)` 235,079 1,753 351 1 249 400 3 237 630 Total Funtling Sources: 6,035,717 9,308,735 6,752,640 709,SS0 ��,097,086� CaPi[al Expenditures: Design 2,874,716 - 2,874,718 RightofWey 3,358,708 - 3,358,708 Conshuction 2,287 9,308,735 6,714,000 16,025,02Y PWTFL Debt Service 38 640 109 550 3B 640 Totel Expendkures: 6,035,711 8,308,735 6,752,640 109,550 Y2,097,088 Forecasted Proje¢t Cost: roml T015 2016 2017 2018 2013-2018. Funding Sources: - - � - - Unreshrcted Sheet Revenue - Grerr[s(Ferl,SYete,lxa!) - - 3,fifi4,485 REET2 - - - _ Tralfic Impecf Fees(Construdion) - - _ Trelfic Impect Fees(Debt Sarvice) 109,070 108,590 108,110 107,640 581,800 TroIRc Mib"gahon Fees . �F� 1,800,115 OMer Sourcas(Other Agencies)' 1,248 400 Total Funding Sources: 109,070 108,59D 108,110 107,640 7,296,600 Capital Expenditures: Design - - Righf o/Way _ Conshuch'on - 6,714,000 PWTFI DBbt Service 109 070 108 590 108 110 107 640 581 600 Tofal Ezpendkures: 709,070 108,59D 108,170 107,640 7,295,800 GreMS/Othar Sources:Other Agencias are IGng County Metro Sewer,Port of Sealtle,Port of Tacoma,antl BNSF Railvray 31 City ofAuburn Draft Capital Facilities Plan ARTERIAL STREET FUND (102) Capital Faciliees Plan j , Six Year Capital Facilities Plan,2013-2018 Special Revenue Fund Projed Title: South 277th (Auburn Way North to Green River Bridge) TIP # 6 Projed No: c22280 Project Type: Capacity Project Manager TBD LOS Corcidor ID# 15 Description: This project includes preliminary engineering, design, right of way acquisition and construdion of major widening on S.277th Street, induding the addition of three lanes,one westbound and two easthound,a Class 1 trail,and storm improvemeMS. TFie project length is nine-tenths of a mile. Progress Summary: Staff is cooridnating with the City of Kent and King County to complete annexation of roadway into City of Aubum jurisdiction. Robertson Properties Group is participating in this projec[and is dedicating ail necessary roadway frontage to the Ciry. Future Impact on Operating BudgM: The annual maiMenance costs for this projec[is estimated to be$27,250. BUdyCt: 2012 YTD Actual 2013 12 Budget Budget F�cpendRures Budget Balance Adopted Butlget Budget Amendmen[s Atljustetl Budget - _ Activity: (P�erious Vrs) 2072 YE 2013 Year End Funding Sources: Prior to 2012 Fstimete 2013 Bud et 2074 Bud et Pro'ect Total UnresMctetlStreetRevenue 19,085 102,700 156,600 278,385 Grents(Fed,Stafe,LOCeI) - 887,700 153,000 867,700 TrafFC Impact Fees - _ Other(Devebpment Funds)• - _ Other Total Funding Sources: 19,085 702,7W 1,020.300 753,000 1,746,085 Capital EzpenEkurea: Design 19,085 102,700 1,007,000 153,000 1,128,785 Right o/Way 17,300 17,300 Construction Total Expendkures: 19,OBS 102,700 1,024,300 153,000 1,746,085 Forecasted Project Cost: Total 2015 2016 ?A17 2018 2073-2078 Funding Sourees: - Unrestricted SYraet Revenue - 156,6D0 GiaMS(Fad,Sfate.LOCap 3,879,300 - 4,900,000 Trelfic ImpaG Fees 290,700 - 290,7U0 OtMr(Development Funds)' - _ Other Total Funding Sources: 4,770,000 - - - - g,3q��pp Capital ExperMkures: De�9� 1,160,000 RigMo/Way 17,300 Conshuct�on 4 170 OOU 4 170 000 Total ExpenARUres: 4,170,000 - 3,347,300 i � , GraMS/Other Sourees: Grant Funding is unseeuie. 32 City ofAuburn Draft Capital Facilities Plan ARTERIAL STREET FUND (102) Capital FacillUes PWn Six Year Capital Facilitles Plan,2013-2078 Special Revenue Fund Project Title: A Street NW, Phase 2 (W Main to 3rd St NVI� TIP # 8 Projed No: cpxxxx Projed Type: CepeGity Projed Manager. TBD LOS Corridor ID#18 Descriptlon: Construd a mulG-lane arterial from W Main to 3rd St NW. This project will connect A 5t NW,Phase 1 to the Sound Transit Station and the Central Business Distrid. This project may end up being funded all or in part by developers.The projed length is one fdM of a mile. Progress Summary: The parking garage constructed by ttie Aubum Regional Mediral Cerrter completed a portion of this projed in 2009.Design is arf6dpated to begin in 2015. Futu�e Impaet on Operating Budget This projed will have no impact on the operating budget far street maiMenance. BudgeC zu�i rr�ncwai zo�s �z eudy� suagae �,endnures eua¢e� eaidnoe AdoDted Budgat - - - - ButlgatAmendmeMs Adjusfed Budpet - . AcHvky: (PrevlousVre) 2072YE 2p13YeerEM FunEing Soureas: Prlor to 2012 EsUmete 2013 Bud at Z014 BuE t Project Total UnrostnCed Streat Ravanua - . Grsnts(Fed,Stafe.Lxeq - REET - Treflic 1mpeC Fees - - Other(Devebper)• Tofal Funding Sources: - - -�� � GapMal Expendkures: Des�pn ' ' ' Right o/Wey - Construct/on Total F�cpendlwres: ' ' ' Forecasted ProJect Cost: -- — - - 7ctal 2016 2078 2017 2076 2073-2078-. Funding Souroes: - Unrestn'ctetl Stieef Revenue _ GiertlS(Fed,Stete.Locel) - 3,00�,000 3,000.000 REET - _ _ _ Trelfic Impecl Fees 150,000 - - 150,000 Otner(Devabpeh• Toml Funding Sourees: 750,000 -� 3,000,0� - 3,750,000 ca,omi E,�ve�an�res: Design 150,000 - 250,000 - 400,000 RightoiWay - - 250,000 - 250,OOD Conshuction 2 500 000 2,500 000 Tofal Expsndkurea: 160,000 - 3.000.000 - 3,150,W0 Grarns/Otlier Sa,ices: 33 City ofAuburn Draft Capital Facilities Plan � ARTERIAL STREET FUND (102) capita�Facineres P►an Six Year Capital Faeilities Plan,2013-2018 Spectal Revenue Fund Project Title: D Street NW(37th St NW to 44th St NW) TIP # 9 Projed No: cp�optX Projed Type: CapaCity Projed Manager. TBD LOS Corridor ID#20 Deseription: - Construct a four-lane arterial per the dty Comprehensive Plan. It will improve north/south mobility This projeot is tied to potential future developmeM arid will complete a major nortlVsouth arterial cortidor from Eilingson Road SW(41 st Street SE) to S.2T/th St.The D St NW projed length is approximatey O.a2 miles. Progress Summary: Future Impact on Operatlng Budget The annual maintenance cost for this project is estimated to be$11 450. BUdgB1: 2012 YTD Aetuai 2p73 12 BuOget BuEget F�pandkures Budget Bala'rce Adopted Budget ' Butlget Amendments � Atljusted Butlpet _ _ Activiry: (WevlousYn) 2012YE �13YearEnE Funding Sourees: PHOr to 2012 Eetimam 2013 Bud et 2074 Bud Pro eet Tofal UnresMCfed Sdeet Revenue _ GisiHS(FaqSfate.LOCeq ' ' REET _ Trelfic Imped Fees _ _ OMer Tofal Fundinp Sourees: - _ - _ Capitel Expendkwea: Design - R�ght oiWey - - ConstrucNon Total ExpenOHurea: - Forecasted Projeet Cost: rocai 2015 2078 2017 ZO18 2013-2018' Funtling 9ources: - � Unrestncted S6eet Revenue _ GraMS(Fetl.Sete.LOea9 250,000 250,000 REET TralficlmperlFees 50,000 50,000 OMer Total FunAing Sources: - . - 3pp,ppp - gp0.ppp CaPital Ezpenditurea: DesfDn - 300,000 300,000 Ripht oiWey - _ ConsmitG'on Total Fxpendltmas: - - �O.aW - ` '300�000 G2MS/OMar Sou�ces: 34 City of Auburn Draft Capital Facilities Plan ' ARTERIAL STREET FUND (102) Capital Faeilitles Plan Six Year Capital Facilities Plan,2013-2018 Special Revenue Fund Projed 7itle: F Street SE(4th St SE to Aubum Way S) TIP# 10 Project No: cp0911 Projed Type: Capacity Project Manager: TBD Deserlption: The F St SE project indudes pavement reconstruction, installation of curbs, gutters, an 8-foot wide sidewalk on both sides, parking on one side, and a center tum-lane, as well as crash attenuation at the supports for the BNSF railroad bridge. This project improves mobility and safety along the corcidor. The projec[length is approximately 0.3 miles. Progress Summary: Preliminary design and survey work was completed in 2009. Final design and construction are planned to be completed following consVuction of the M Street grade separation project. Future Impact on Operetlng Budget: The annual maintenance cost for this project is estimated to be$4,100. BudgM: so�z vr�nctuai 2ota taeuege� BudgM Expendkures BuCget Balence Adopted Budget - - Budget Amendments Ad�usted Butlget - AcTivity: �areNO�s v�> zo+z re zo�3 reer�ne Funtling5ources: Priorto2012 Estimate 2013BuC et 20146utlget P eetTotal Unrestricted Street Revenue - - - Grants(Fed,Stefe,local) - - - REET Tralfic/mpact Fees 7,820 - ome� Total FunAing Sources: 7,620 - - - CapNal Ezpendkures: Design 7,820 - 7,620 R�ghtolWey - - Construc6on Totel EzpendkUR3: 7,620 - - 7,620 Forecasted Project Cost: Total 2015 2016 2017 2018 2073-2078 Funding Souroes: - - � UnresfACfed SYreet Revenue - Grants(Fed.State,local) 200,000 2,0�0,000 - - 2,200,000 REET - - TialfiC ImpeCt Fees 50,000 250,0�0 - - 300,000 Other Tmal FunCing Soureea: 250,000 2,250,000 - - 2,500,000 Capifal Expandkures: Desipn 250,000 - - 250,000 Right o(Wey - 75,000 - 75,000 consnucnon z i�s o00 2��s o00 Toml Ezpandkurea: 250,000 2,250,000 - - 2,SOO,U00 ' Grents 1 Other Sources: 35 City of Auburn Draft Capital Facilities Plam i ARTERIAL STREET FUND (102) Capital Faellities Plan Six Year Capital FacilHles Plan,2073-2018 Speeial Revenue Fued Project Tale: M Street NE (E Main St to 4th St NE) TIP# 11 Project No: cpxxxx Project Type: CapdCity Project Manager: TBD LOS Corridor ID#5 Description: This project will constrvc[a complete 4 lane street sec[ion on M St NE between south of E Main St antl 4th St NE. Progress Summary• P.re-design will be done in 2014[o refine projed scope, alignment, and cost. Future Impact on Operating Budget The annual maintenance cost for Mis project is estimated to be$1,500. BUdg@[: 2012 YTDACtual 2013 126utlget Butlget Expenditures Budget 8alance Adqoted 8utlget _ -- - - 8udget Amentlments Adjustetl Audget - _ Activity: (PrcNOUS Yrs) 2012 YE 2p13 Year Entl Funtling Sources: Priorto 2012 Estlmate 2013 Budget 2074 Bud et Projaet 7otal Unrastnctetl Street Revenue - - - - _ - _ Grants(Fed,State,LOCaI) _ _ _ REET _ _ Trafiic Impaef Fees - 50,000 OMer Total Funding Sourees: - gp,ppp _ Capttal EzpenAhures: Design - 50,000 R�ght o/Way - Constructron Tofal ExPgnCitures: ' ' ' S0.000 Forecasted Project Cost Toial 2fN5 ZIN6 2077 2IN8 2015-2018 Funtling Sources: - - - Unrestncted Sfreet Revenue - . _ _ Grants(Fed,Sfate.Loca1J 225,000 1,000,000 - - 1,225,000 REET - TralfielmpadFees 50,000 150,000 - 250,000 Other 7otal Funding Sources: 275,OD0 7,150,000 - • - -1,475,000 Caplfal Expendttures: Design 75,000 - 125,000 Righto/Way 200,000 - - - 20D,000 Conshuctron 1 150,000 1�150 U00 Totel Expand'RUres: 275,000 1,130,000 - - 7,475,000 � GraMS I Other Sources: 36 City of Auburn Draft Capital Facilities Plan � ARTERIAL STREET FUND (102) - - Cap�te�Facilities Plan Six Year Capital Facilities Plan,2073-2018 , Special Revenue Fund Projea 7itle: M St SE and 12th St SE Traffic Signal TIP# 14 Project No: CP�oocx Project Type: InteBeGtiOn Improvement, CapaCity Projed Manager: TBD LOS Corridor ID#17 Description: This project includes the design, right-of-way acquisiGon,and consWCtion of a new traffic signal. Progress Summary• Future Impact on Operating Budget: The annual maintenance cost for this projed is estimated to be$6,600. Budget: 2otz YTDAcWaI zo�s tzBudge� Budget Expenditures Budget Balance Adopted Budget - Budget Amendments Adjusted Budget - Activity: (PreNOUS Yrs) 2072 YE 2073 YBar Entl Funding Sources: Prlor tn 2012 Estimate 2013 Bud et 2074 BuE et Pro eet Tota�_ Unresfneted SYreet Revenue - � - Grents(Fed,State,Locap ' ' ' REET2 - Tre/rc Impact Fees - - - - oma. TotalFunding Sources: - - - - - - Capifal Expanditures: Design - Right W Way ConsWCfion Total Expentlkures: - - -FOrecastetl Project CosC Total 2015 TA18 2017 7D18 2013-2018 Funding Sources: Unresfncled Sriaet Revenue - Grarrts(Fed,State,LocaQ 50D,000 500,000 REET2 ' ' ' TraRc Impact Fees - - 125,000 725,000 omer Total Funding Sources: - - 625,000 - 825,000 CapMal Expendkures: Desq7n - 75,000 75,000 Righto/Way - - 50,000 W,000 ConsNUCtion 500 D00� 500 000 Totel F�cpentlitures: - - - 625,000 BZ5,000 I, Grartls/Other Sources: 37 City ofAuburn Draft Capita!Facilifies Plan ARTERIAL STREET FUND (102) Capital Faciilties Pian ' Six Year Capital FacilRies Plan,2013-2018 Specfal Revenue'Furrci Projea'ritle: Sth Street NE Widening (Pike St to R St NE) TIP# 15 Projed No: Cp�000c Projed Type: Capecity Project Manager: TBD LOS Corridor ID#19 Descriptfon: Add eastbound lane to Southside of 8th St NE. Currently the lane exists from M St NE and drops as a right tum only lane at the iMersection of 8th St NE and Pike St This would eMend the lane to R St NE where it would then be a right tum only 12ne onto R St NE southbound. This is a planning level cost estimate. Progress Summary: FuWre Impact on Operating Budget: This projeot will have no impad on the operating budget for street maintenance. Budget: 2012 YTD Aetual 2013 12 BuEget Budget Expenditwes Budget Belance Atlopted Budget - Budget AmerMmenfs Adjuster/Budget - } AcSvlty: (Previous Vrm) 2(112.YE Z013 Vear End Funding Sources: Prior to 2012 Eslimate 2013 Budget 2014 BuCget Pro eet To�l Unrcstnctetl5reefRevenue _ _ _ Grents(Fed,State,Loceq - - - REET _ _ _ Tratfic Impacf Fees _ _ Otliei Tofal Funding Sources: _ _ _ Capital Expendkures: Design _ _ Right olWay _ ConsWUion Total Expanditures: - _ _ _ Foreeasted Project Cost: Total 2015 TA78 2077 2p18 2013-2078 Funding Sources: UniesMcled Sreet Revenue - _ _ _ GraMS(fetl,SYefe.LOCaI) 360,0�0 8D0,0�0 - - 1,160,000 REET ' ' ' TralHc Impact Fees 90,000 200.000 - - 290,000 OMer Total Funtling Sources: 450,000 7,000,000 - - 1,450,000 Capital Expend"rtures: Design 200,000 200,000 RightofWay 250,000 - 250,000 Construchbn - 1 000 000 1 U00 000 ( Total Fxpe�dkures: 490,000 1,000,000 - - - 7,450,OW ' Grants/Other Sources: 38 City ofAuburn Draft Capital Facilities Plan ! ARTERIAL STREET FUND (102) Capital Faciiities P�an Six Year Capifal Facilkies Plan,2013-2018 Special Revenue Fund Projea7ine: Harvey Road&8th Street NE I�rtersection Improvements TIP# 17 Projed No: cp0617 Project Type: Cepatity Project Manager. None LOS Corridor ID#5,19 �escription: Add one eastbound through/right tum lane on 8th St NE approaching Harvey Rd. Modify traffic signals and trafFc chanrielization to accommodate the new lane. The additional lane will improve traffic delays and vehicle queuing at the intersection of Harvey Rd and Sth St NE in all directions. This project will reconstruc[M St NE from 4th St NE to Sth St NE,a segment of roadway approximately 0.3 miles in length with four travel lanes. The reconstrudion will fix the existing poor pavement condition and fill in any gaps in the sidewalk network. Progress Summary: Projec[was completed in 2010. Ongoing budget is for PWTFL debt payments. Future Impact on Opereting Budget: This project wiil have no impact on the operating budget for street maintenance. Budget zau vtn actuai mta tz eudget BuEget Expanditures Budget Balanea Ado�etl Butlget - Budget Amentlments Atljus[etl Butlget - AcBvlty: (PiaWOUS Yrs) 2012 YE 2073 Yeer Entl FunEing Sourcas: Prlor W 2D12 EsUmate 2013 Butl et 2014 Butl Pro ect Tofal Unresdictetl Street Revenue - _ Grants(FeC.State,LOCeq ' Tiafflc Impacf Fees(Debt Serv�ce) 174,800 87,300 86,900 88,500 348,000 TralR'c ImpeG Fees 204.5�0 - 204,500 PWTF 1;527300 1,527300 Total Funtling Sources: 7,906,fi00 87,900 86,900 86,500 2,080,800 Capitel Expendkures: Despn 327,500 - 327,500 RightofWay 200,400 - - 200,400 Cons6ucYion 1,203,900 - �,203,900 Long Term Debt-PWTF 174 B00 87 300 88 900 88 500 349 000 '� Totel EzpsnAlturea: 7,806,600 87,900 88,900 88,500 3,OB0,800 ', Forecasted ProJect Cost: Tofal - 2�76. 2018 2077 2018 2079-2078 FunAing Sources: Unrastncfed Street Revenue - ' ' Grents(Fed,State,Local) - - - TialSc Impact Fees(Debt ServiceJ 88,000 85,800 85,200 84,80� 515,000 Treffic Impact Fees - _ PWiF Tofal Funding Souroee: 86,000 85,600 85,200 .84,800 575,000 Capilal Expendlturea: Design - - RigMOfWay Conshudlan Long Temi Debt-PWTF 88,000 85,600 85 200 84 800 515,000 Tota�Expendkures: 86,OD0 B5,�0 85,2�0 84,BD0 515,000 Grems/Other Sources. 39 City ofAuburn Draft Capital Facilities Plan ARTERIAL STREET FUND (102) Capital Faoilities Plan Six Year Capltal Facitities Plan,2013-2018 g � peeial Revenue Fund Project Taie: 8th Street NE and SE 104th St Irrtersection Improvemer�ts T.IP # 18 Project No: CP1104 Project Type: Intersection Improvement, Capacity Projed Manager. Robert Lee LOS Corridor ID#79 Description: This projed includes the design, right of way acquisistion and construdion of intersection improvemerrts that will consist of a traffic signal v�ith easbound u-tum capacity. Progress Summary: The design 6egan in 2011 with construction scheduled for 2013. Future Impact on Operating Budget The annual maintenance cost for this projed is estimated to be$6,600. BUdgEt: 2012 YTDAcWaI 2013 72BUCget Budgat Expendituros Budget, �Balance Adopted Budgat _ --- -- Budget Amendments Atljustetl Butlget -_ - AC1iVity: _� -- � � (Pmnoua vn) 2012 YE 2073 Yaer End Funding Sources: Prior to T072 Eslimate 2013 Butl et 2014 Butlget Pro ect Toql UnresMctad Street Revenue 8,600 - 148,400 - - - - -- 157,000 Grants(Fetleial) 1U0,000 - 100,000 REEM - 75,000 - 75,ODD Tra((ic Impect Fees 40,D00 10,000 ,SO,OW Other(Redflex) Total Funtling Sources: 8,600 140,000 233,400 - 382,000 Capifni Expendkures: Design 7122 110,000 - 117122 Righto(Way 1,478 30,000 - 31,478 ����n 233 400 233 40D TofalExpendiWres: 8,600 140,000 233,400 - 382,000 Forecasted Project Cost: Total TA15 2016 2077 20'IB 2073-2018 Funding Sources: Un�ashictetl Sfreet Revenue - �qg qpp GreMS(Federal) - ' ' REET2 - - 75,000 Trelfic Impect Fees - - 10,000 Other(RetlflexJ Total Funding Sources: - 233,400 Capifal Expendku'es: Design - Riqht o/Way - ConstrucNOn 233 400 Total Expentlitures: ' ' ' ' 233.400 i ! Grarrts/Other Soufces: 40 City of Auburn Draft Capital Facilities Plan ARTERIAL STREET FUND (102) Capital FaclllUes Plan Six Year Capital Facititles Plan,2013-2018 Special Revenue Fund Project Title: Auburn Way South and M Street SE Irrtersection Imp. TIP # 20 Project No: cp1024 Project Type: Capacity Project Manager. Kim Truong LOS Conidor ID#3,4 Description: This Projed is the first phase of improvements for this intersedion. Scope includes construction of a new westbound to northbound rigM tum pocket, improved turning radius at comer realignment of westbound 17th St SE's approach to Aubum Way South, lighting improvements, related traffic signal modifications and right of way acquisition. Progress Summary: Pre-design was completed in 2012. Final design and right of way acquisition are planned for 2013 and construction is planned for 2014. Future Impact on Operating Budget: This projeG will have.no impad on the operating budget for street maiMenance. Budget 2p72 VTD Actual �N3 72 Budget Budget Expentliturea Budget Balanee Atlopted Budgef - - Budget Amerrdments Ad/usfed Budget - Activity: (Prevwus Yrs) 2072 YE 2019 Year End Funtling Sou2es: Prfor W TA72 Estfmafe 2013 Bud et 2014 Budget Project 7ote1 UnresMcted Street Revenue 19,830 80,170 100,000 Grants(Fed,Stffie.LOCaI) - - 450,000 - REEf ' _ ' Traffic Mitqation Funds - - 150,000 750,000 OMe� 7ota1 Funding Sources: 19,830 80,170 1 W,000 450,000 7b0,000 Capitel ExpenEiWres: Design 19,830 80,170 50,0�0 130,17D Right of Way - 100,000 100,OOD ��m+chon " 450 000 � Total Expendkures: 19,630 80,170 750,000 450,OU0 - 250,000 Forecasted Project Cost: Total 2013 2016 2017 �7D18 2013-2078 Funtling Sources: Unreslncfed Straet Revenua _ Grants(Fed.Stete,Locap 450,000 REET _ Tra�c M'rtigatbn Funtls - - 150,000 Other Totel Funding Sources: - - - 6pp�ppp Capital Ezpendkures: Des�gn 50,000 Right o�Way - 100,000 Conshuction - 450 000 ' Total F�cpendkures: - - gpp�ppp Grants I ONer Sources: 41 City ofAuburn Draft Capital Facilities Plan ARTERIAL STREET FUND (102) Capltal Facilities Plan � Six Year Capifal Facilities Plan,2U73-2018 Special Revenue Fund aroject Tale: BNSFIE.Valley Highway Pedestrian Underpass TIP# 23 Projed No: C229a0 ProjectType: Class 1 Trail (Capacity) Project Manager TBD Description: Project in construct an undercrossing of the BNSF Railroad in conjunction with a pedestrian bridge to allow a safe, direct, attractive non-motorized access between neighborhoods in the Crty of Pacific and schools in the City of Aubum. Progress Summary• The design is on hold. Funding source is most likely a federal earmark. Currently this project is on hold pending some discussions with BNSF RR. They are in the process of planning for a third rail which would significaMly impact the design. Future Impact on Operatlng Budget: - The annual maintenance cost for this project is esUmated to be$240. BudgeC 20t2 YTD Attual 2ots t2 BuAget Butlget E�cpandiWres Budget Belence AdOpted Hudget _ Budget Amendmenfs Adjusted Budget - - _ Activity: � � (Prcvlous Vrs) 2072 YE 2013 Yaar End FunCing Soureas: Prior to 2012 Estlmafe 2013 Bud et 2014 Budget Pro'ect Total Unrastricfed Sheet Revenue 53,900 - - - 53,900 Grertts(Fetl.Stete,LOCe/) 170,400 - - 170.400 REET _ , Trelfic/mpact Fees omar Total Funtling Sourcea: 220.300 - - -2M,3p0 Capital Expendlturas: Desipn 224,300 - 224,300 Right ofWay - _ Canstruction Total Exyendltures: 224,300 - Z20.300 Forecasted Project Cost Total 2015 2018 2017 2p18 20112078 Funding Sources: UnresMGed Street Revenue - - . . Grents(Fed,SYete,LocaQ - 4,550,000 5,000,000 9,550,000 REET _ _ Tralfic Impad Faes - _ Other(OtharAgencies)" 250 000 250 000 Total FunEing Sou2ea: 4,800,000 5,W0,000 9,800,000 Capital Expendkurea: Design 750,000 750,000 Right ot Way 50,000 50,000 ConstrucYion 4,ODQa00 5 000 000 9 000 0�0 Total Expendkures: 4,800,000 -5,400,000 9,800,000 Grents/Other Sources: 42 City ofAuburn Draft Capital Facilities Plan ' � 'ARTERIAL STREET FUND (102) Caplql FaofllUes Plan Six Year Capital FaciliUes Plan,2073-2018 Speeial Revenue Fund Projed TiUe: Academy Drive Multi-Use Trail TIP# 24 ProjeG No: CpXxxX Project Type: Class 1 Trail (Capacity) Project Manager. TBD Description: This project will use existing right-of-way to repair the damaged roadbed to a usable multi-use trail on Academy Dr from the Green River Rd to Aubum Way S. ProgressSummary• Future Impaet on Operating Budget: The annual maiMenance cost for this project is estimated to be$1,680. Badget �z rro newei zo�s u eud� e�aaee ���en�res euaae� ea�enee Adopfetl 8utlpel Butlget AmerMmerMs � � Atl�usMtl Budpet - ' Activity: (Proviow Ym) 2012 YE �1�Yem 6M Funtling Sources: Prior W I012 EatlmaOe �73 Butl et 2014 Bud Tolnl UnresinUeU Street Revenue - - Gie�rts(Fetl.Stata.Laceq ' ' ' ' REET - - Tialfic Impact Fees - - Other Sourcas To1nl Fundi�Sourcas: - - - - . Capital EzperMitures: Oesipn - - . raenr or wey - - Cons6uttion Total ExpenOkurea: - . - . . Forecasted Project Cost: Total 2015 2016 T077 Z018 7M7-T078 Funding Soureas: UnrestncfetlStreetRevenua - 50,000 42,500 42,500 135,000 Granfs(Fetl,Sfafe,LOeeq - 382.500 382,500 .765.000 REET - . Tra/fic fmpaa Fees - - OMerSources Totnl Funtling Sources: • 5p,00p 425,000 425,000 900,000 Caplfal ExpentliWros: Design 50,000 - 50,OOD Righf o/Way - ConstrucNon 425 OOD d25 000 . 850 OW f Total ExpendHUres: - 50,000 423,000 425,000 90D,000 Grartls I Other Sources: 43 City ofAuburn Draft Capital Facilities Plan ARTERIAL STREET FUND (102) Capital Faoilities Plan � ' Six Year Capital Facilitles Plan,2013-2016 Speeial Revenue,Fund Projed Trtle: 124th Ave SE Corridor Improvements Phase 3 TIP# 39 Projed No: Gp�a�a Projed Type: C8p2Clty Projed Manager. TBD LOS COmdOr ID#23, 25 Description: - This project will fund the design,right of way acquisition,and wnsVuGion of improvemaMS to Me signaliaed intersedion of SE 320th St and 124th Ave SE.ImprovertreMS inUude constructing bike lanes,sitlewalks,dual wuthtiounC left tum lanas iMO GRCC,antl ITS.A portion of this project is the main eMrence to Green River Community College and will require addi6onal on-site improvemeMS by GRCC. Progress Summary: Future Impad on Operating BudgeC - This projeU will have no impaG on the ope2dng buCget for sheet maiMenance. Bud9Ct 2012 YTD Aetual 2013 12 Bu_Agat e�dget �netwres euaeae eeie�a Atloytetl Budget ' ' __ _ BWgetame/Mmerrcs ACjuuetl Budget - - - � Activlty: (vrauiow vn1 3072 VE 2073 Vam EMI Fundi�Sources: Prior to 2072 Eatimate 2079 Bud et 2074 Bu0 et Pro Tofd Unmshictetl Streot Revenue ' ' ' Giarrts(Fed.Sete,lneap ' ' ' Tra�c Impect Fees - � _ _ _ O(her Total Funding Sourees: - - - - CaPltal FxPentlYWres: ��^ - - RipM olWay - ConsWUron Totaf Expentlltures: - - • - _ Forewsted Pmjed Cost Totel 2015 Z018 2017 2018 Z013-2078 Funding Sou�ees: Unrestnctetl Sheet Revenua - _ GraMS(Fad,Stete,LOCeq 85.000 650,000 735,000 TralNC ImpaUFees 15,000 100,000 N5.000 Other Totnl Funding Sourcea: - 100,000 750,000 860,000 CaCital Expend(tures: Design 100,000 - 100,000 RightolWay 50,000 - 50,000 Cons6udiwr 700 000 700 000 Totd Ezpendkurea: - 100,000 750,000 860,000 GraMS I Otlrer Sources: - - �- 44 City of Auburn Draft Capital Facilities Plan ' ARTERIAL STREET FUND (102) Capital Fadlkies Plan Six Year Capital Facilities Plan,2013-2018 Specfal Revenue Fund Project 7ale: 724th Ave SE Corridor Improvemerrts Phase 7 TIP# 40 Projec[No: Cp7cX7cx Projec[Type: CapaCity Project Manager TBD LOS Corridor ID#23 Description: This projec[will fund the design,right of way acquisition,and wnstruction of a 4-lane section with bicyGe and pedestrian facilkies on 124th Ave SE betwean SE 318th St and SE 312th St. Progress Summary: Pre-design is planned for 2013. Future Impact on Operadng Budget: This project will have no impac[on the opereting budget for street maintenance. BUd9Bt 2012 YTDActual 2015 128utlget Budget Ezpentlitures Budget Beknce Adoptetl Budget - - ButlgetAmentlmeMs � Atljustetl Budget Activily: (Pievious Yrs) 2fN2 YE 2013 Year End Funding Sourcas: Priortn 2612 Estimate 2013 BuA et 2014 Budget Pro'eet Total Unrestncted SYreet Revenue - - - -- Grants(Fed,State,LOCaI) - - 125,000 - TralficlmpaclFees - - 50,000 25,000 50,000 omer Totel Funding Sources: � - 5p.pp0 750.000 50,Opp Capifal Ez{rendiWres: Des�gn - 50,000 150,000 50,000 RightofWay - - _ Conshuction TolalEzpentlKUres: - - 50,000 1$0,0� 50,OD0� Forecasted Project Cost: — TMaI 2015 2016 2077 2018 207$-7A18 Funding Sources: Unrestnctetl Street Revenue - _ Grents(FedStete.LOCeq 1,565,000 - 1,690.000�� T�alfiC ImpaQ Fees 185,000 260,000 Other Total Funding Sources: 7,750,000 - _ ��g5p�ppp Capilal Expentlitures: Design - 200,000 RightofWay 250,000 - - 250,000 Conshuction 7SUO0�0 1,500000 Tofal Fxpentlttures: 1,750,000 - - ��ggp,ppp GranGS/Other Sourtxs: I 45 City of Auburn Draft Capital Facilities Plan ARTERIAL STREET FUND (102) capita�Faci��ties P�an Six Year Capital Facilities Plan,2013-2018 Special Revenue Fund Project Tine: 724th Ave SE Corridor Improvements Phase 2 TIP # 41 Project No: cpxxxx ProjedType: CapaCity Projed'Manager. TBD LOS Cort'idor ID#19, 23 DescripHon: This project will fund the design,rigM of way acquisition,and construction of improvements to the signalized intersection of SE 312th St and 724th Ave SE.Improvemerrts indude adding bike lanes,tlual westbound left tum lanes,dual southbound thru lanes,northbound right tum pocket, ITS and pedeshian safety improvements. Progress Summary: - Pre-design is scheduled for 2013. Future Impad on Operetlng Budget: This projeG will have no impad on the operating budget for street maintenance. BUdgM: 2012 YTD Actual 2073 12 Budget Butlget Ezpenditures Budget Belsnce Atlopfed Budget - - - _ Budpet Amentlmenfs Atljusted Budget - _ '� AdWtty: (PreHOUSVrs) 2IN2YE 2fN3YearEntl Funding Soureea: Prlor to Z012 Estimafe- 2�73 BuA et 2014 Budget Pro'ect Total UnrestnCetl Street Revenue - - � G2nts(Fed State,Locaq - Traific Impect Fees - 50,000 Othar Total Funding Sources: - - - Sp,ppp � Capital Expenditurea: Design W,000 - RightafWey _ _ _ Conshuctron TofalExpentliWres: - - 50,ppp - Forecasted Project CosC rota� 2015 TA76 2017 21N8 2013-2018 Funding Sourees: - - - - -- -- - Unrestncled�raet Revenue - _ Grants(Fed,State,LOCe/) 150,D00 865,000 - - 1,015,000 TralficlmpactFees 50,000 135,000 - 235,000 OMer Total Funding Sources: 200,000 7,000,000 - - 7,250,000 Capital ExpentlRures: Design 100,000 - 150,000 RigirtWWay 100,000 - 100,000 Conshuctron 1 000 000 1 000 400 Total ErzpentlRures: 200,000 1,OW,ODO - - 1,250,000 Grants/Other Sources: , 46 City ofAuburn Draft Capita[Facilz'ties Plan � ARTERIAL STREET FUND (102) Cap�ta�Fac���ties P�an Six Year CapF[al Facitities Plan,2013-2018 Special Revenue Fund Project Title: SE 320th SVeet Corridor ImprovemerKs TIP# 42, Projed No: cpxxxx Project Type: CapaCity Project Manager TBD LOS Corcidor ID#23, 25 Description: This pro�ect will fund the design,right of way acquisition;and aoristruction of a 3 lane roadway wRh bieycle and pedestrian faciiities on SE 320th St between 124th Ave SE and the westem enhance to GRCC. ProgressSummary: - GRCC is planning to complete the design and consVuction for the segment beri✓een 124th Ave SE and 122nd Ave SE in 2013. Future Impact on Opereting Budget: This projact will have no impact on the operating budget for street maintenance. BUdQ2t 2p12 VTDAcWaI 2013 128utlget �Budgat Expendkures Budget Belanee Adopfed Butlget Butlget AmerrtlmaMs Atljusfed 9udget - - - i Aciivily: (P�evroua Yn) 2012 YE 2073 Year End Funding Sources: Prior to�12 Fstimate TA13 Bud et 2014 Budgat Pmject Total_ Unrasfncfad Shaet Revenue - --_— Giants(Fetl,State,locaq 7re/fic Impect Fees - P4t?FL ' ' OMer Total Funding Sources: - - - . Caprtal Expenditures: Design _ Right of Way - Consbvctron Total ExpenAi[ures: ' ' Foreeasted Project Cost: TWaI �15 2IN6 2017 2078 21H3�2018 Funding Sourees: - -- UmesMCtetl Street Revenue _ _ _ Grarrts(Fed,SYate,LOCaI) - 47,500 502,000 549,500 TreRclmpactFees SD,000 12,500 78,OD0 740,500 PWTFL ' ' Ofher Total Funding Sources: 50,000 80,000 580,000 - 690,W0 Capital Expandkures: Des/gn 50,000 60,00� - 110,000 RlghtofWay 60,00� - 60,000 Conshuction 520 000 520 000 i 7otal Fxpendkures: 50,000 60,000 580,000 - 690,000 Grams/Other Sources' -- 47 City ofAuburn Draft Capital Facilities Plan ARTERIAL STREET FUND (102) Capital Facilities Plan � Six Year Capital Facilities Plan,2013-2018 Special Revenue FurM Project Tiue: Aubum Way South (SR-164)Corridor Safety Improvemenffi TIP# 43 Project No: Cpxxxx Project Type: Capacity Project Manager TBD LOS Corridor ID#4 DeseripUon: This prqect will improve access management,provide u-tums,upgrade transd stops and street lighting,widen to accomodate,turn lanes and pedestrians and bicyGes,upgrade pavement markings, install pedestrian signals and audible pedestrian push buttons,and upgrade traffic signals[o change the phasing and to improve the visibiliry of the signal heads. Brogress Summary• GraM funding was awarded in 2012 and does not require a local match. FuWre Impact on Operating BudgM: This project wilbhave na impaG on Me operating budget kr street maintenance. BUdg6t: 2012 YTD Actuel 2073 12 Budget Butlget Ezpenditures Budgat Belance Adoptad Butlget - _ Budget Amendments Adjusfed Butlget - _ i ACSIVILy: (Pmnous Vrs) 2fH2 YE 2013 Year End Funding Sourees: Priorto Z012 Estimate 2�13 Bud et 2a74 Bud et Projeet Totel Un2stncted Street Revenue - - _ Giants(FedSteta.LOCaq - 250,000 2,083,108 250,000 TraR'ic Impact Fees - _ PWTFL ' ' Other Tofal FunCing Sources: 250,000 2,063,708 250,000 Capital Expentlttures: Design 250,000 62,210 250,000 RightofWay - - 69,585 - Construction 1 951 313 Totnl Ezpend'RUras: - 250,000 2.083,108 250.000 Forewsted Project Cost: Total 2015 21118 2077 2018_ _ 207b2018 Funding Sowces: � UnresMcted SYreet Revenue - . _ Grents(Fed,Stete.LocalJ ' ' 2,333,108 Traffic Impact Fees - - PWrFL - _ Other Total Funding Sourcea: - - - 2,333,108 Capital Expendkures: Design - - 312210 PoghtofWay - 69,585 ConsWdbn 1 951 373 Total Expentlitures: - - . 2,353,708 I 1 Grams/Other Sources: 48 City ofAuburn Draft Capital Facilities Plan ARTERIAL STREET FUND (102) Capital Faeilities Plan Sfx Year Capkal FacilRfes Plan,2013-2018 Special Revenue Fund Projea TiUe: Environmental Park Roadway Improvemerrts Study TIP# 47 Projea No: cp�oaot Project Type: CapaC7ty Project Manager. TBD Descrtptfon: - Tl�is projac[will fund a stuCy M da[ertnine the feasibility,soopa snd mst W low impact roadway,bicyUe arid pedestrian improvemerrta in � the Environmental PaAc area. InGuded in this sWdy scopa is a wnnection behveen Clay St NW and Westem St NW. Progresa Summary: Future Impad on This project will have no impaM on the operating butlget for sheet malMenance. Budget: zo�z rroncwai 2o�s ueuaa�e s�ag� �,e�anures e�aee� e■��ee Adopfed Butlget _ Budget AmerMments Atljusted Budpet _ _ - Activity: (ProviowYn) 2012.YE 2p13YearEnd Funding Sourees: Prlor W�12 Estimate �13 Bu et 2014 Bud et Pro eet Total . UnresMCted Street Revenue 10,000 10,000 Grarrts(Fed�S7afe.LOteq - - REET - _ PWiFL _ Ofhar Total Funding Sourees: - - 10.000 - 10,000 Capitel Expendkures: �eslC^ - 10.000 10,000 PoqMOIWey - - _ ConsOVCtbn Total Fxpontlitu�es: - - 10.000 - 10,000 Forecasted ProJed Cost -- rmd 2015 2016 2017 �18 ,Z013-2018 Funding Sourees: -� UnrasmcMC Straet Ravenue - GreMS(Fed.Stefe.Lxeq - - REET ' ' ' PYYfFI ' ' ' Ofhar Totnl FurMing Soweea: - -- -- ' ' ' ' CaPlfel Erzpenditurea: ��T+9^ 10,000 Right olWay - Cansbuc6on i Tofal Expenditu�es: - ' ' ' 10,000 GranLS/Othx Sources' 49 City of Auburn Draft Capital Facilities Plan ARTERIAL STREET FUND (102) Cepifal FaellMies Plan Six Year Capital Faeilitles Plan,2073-2018 Speclal Revenue Fund arojea riUe: Downtown to Les Gove Non-Motorized ImprovemerKS Study TIP# 48 Projed No: Cp7ancX Project Type: Bike Lanes, Sidewalks and Transit Improvement Study(Capacity) Prcjea Manager TBD DescripUon: This projeG provides funtlmg to complete a study of the 2nd St SE 8 F St SE comdor between Les Gove Park and Downtown Aubum. Improvements may inclutle pavement reconstruction,sidewalks,access ramps,signal modifications and route signing. Progress Summary: Futu�a Impact on Operatlng Budget: This project will have no impact on the operatlng budget for street maintenance. BUdgBt: 2012 YTD AcWal 2079 12 Budget Butlget ExpendlWres Budget Balenee Atlopted Butlget - Budget Amerrtlments Atljusted BuQpaf - - -, I , Activity: (Prehoua Yis) 2012 VE 2013 Year ErM Funding Sourees: Priorto 2012 Estimafe 2013 Bud et 2014 Butl et Pio aet TWaI UniesMcfedSheetRevenue - 10,000 10,000 Gra�rts(Fed,SYate,Loceq - ' ' REET - - PWfF1 - - ONer Total Fundlnp Sourees: - 70.000 - 10.000 GaPltel F�[PanAltures: Dasipn 10,000 10,000 RigM ol Wey - - Conshucdon Total Ezpendku�es: - - �0,000 70,OD0 Forecasted Projeet Cost rorei Z015 Z016 20'17 2018 2013d078 Funding Soureea: UnresMCfed SYreet Ravenue - 10,000 Gra�MS(Fed,Sfate,LOtaq ' ' ' REET - - PYVTFL - Other Tofal Fundirg Sourcea: - 10,000 Capltal ExpentllWtes: Despn - 10,000 Rlpht olWay - ConshucNOn Total ExperMRures: - - 1a'000 , 1 Grarrts/Other Soufces: 50 City of Auburn Draft Capital Facilities Plan ARTERIAL STREET FUND (102) Capltal Pacilities Plan Six Year Capkal Facilitles Plan,2013-2018 Special Revenue Fund Projea Title: S 316th Street Bicycle &Pedestrian Improvemerrt Study TIP# 49 Projec[No: Cp�oou Project Type: Ciass 2 Bike Lanes/Sidewalks (Capacity) Project Manager: TBD LOS Corridor ID#37 Deseription: This projeG provides funding for completing a study to adtl bicycle and pedesVian facilities on S 316th St from east of Evergreen Heights Elementary to 51 st Ave S. Progress Summary: Future Impaet on Operating Budget: This projec[will have no impact on the opereting budget for street maintenance. Budg2C 2p12 VTD Actual 51113 12 Budgat � Budget F�cpenAitures Budget Balance Adoptetl Butlget - Budget Amentlments Adjustetl Butlget - - _ I Activity: (Pieviow Vrs) 20'12 YE 2073 Year Entl Funding5ources: Priwto2012 Eatlmafe 20138ud et 20148ud et Pro'eetTotel UnresMCted Street Revenue - - _ G�a�MS(Fed,State,Wcal) - _ 7raffic Impact Fees Total Funding Sources: - - ' - �_' Capital Fxpenditures: Desqn - RigMOlWay - - _ Conshuction Tofal Expendkures: - _ _ _ _ Forewsted Projed Cost: Total 2075 2018 2017 2018 2IN&2078 Funtling Sources: UnresMCted Stieet Revenue 5,000 - 5,000 G2nts(Fed,Stete,Locel) - _ Trelfic Impect Fees Total Funding Sources: 5,U00 - g,ppp CepkalEzpenOiturea: Des�gn 5,OD0 5,000 Poght olWey - ; ConstrvcNOn Total ExpendBurea: 5,000 - 5,000 G2MS/Other Sources: 1 51 City of Auburn Draf't Capital Facilities Plan � ARTERIAL STREET FUND (102) Capital Facillties Plan ' Six Year Capital Facilities Plan,2013-2018 Special Revenue Fund Project Tiue: East Valley Highway ITS Expansion TIP# 51 Projed No: cpxxxx Project Type: Capacity Projed Manager TBD LOS Corridor ID#10 Descriptlon: This project will funtl the design,coord'mation,permitting and construction of ITS facilities from 41st St SE to Lake Tapps Parkway. Progress Summary• Future Impact on Operating Budger The annual maintenance cost for this projeG is estimated to be$5,000. BUdg¢Y. 2012 YTD Attual 2013 12 BuCget Budget_ Fxpenditures Budget Balance Atloptetl Butlget - - _ 8utlget AmerMmenfs Adjustetl Butlget _ _ , � Activity: (Pre�ous Vrs) 2012 YE 2013 Year Entl Funding Sources: Prior to 2072 Estlmate 2013 Butl et 2014 Butlget Pro'ect Total Unrestncfad Sheet Revenue � _ _ Grants(Fed,Stafe,LOCap REET _ _ Tralfic Impad Fees _ _ Otlrer Total Funding Sourcea: - _ - � _ _ Capital Expentlkures: Desipn _ _ _ Poght of Way - - _ ConstNCtion Total EzpenAiwres: - _ _ . Forecasted Project Cost: Total 2015 TA16 2017 4078 .2013-2078 Funtling Sources: UnresMCted Sheet Re�nue - _ Grants(Fed,State,Loce/) 692,000 - 692,000 REET - - _ TratficlmpactFees 108,000 - - '108,000 Other Total Funtling Soiuces: 800,000 - . gpp,ppp Capifel Ezpenditures: Design 85,000 - - &5,000 RightofWay - _ Conshuction 715 000 715 000 Total ExpendRUres: 800,000 - - Bpp,ppp Gmnts I Other Sources: 52 City ofAuburn Draft Capital Facilities Plan � ARTERIAL STREET FUND (102) Capifal Paeilities Plan Six YearCapital Facilities PWn,20�3•2018 Special Revenue Fund Project Title: Kersey Way Study TIP# 54 Project No: Cpxxxx ProjedType: Capaeity Projed Manager: TBD LOS Comdor ID#4 Description: -- This project will study improvemeMs to the Kersey Way SE corridor from the White River Bridge to the southem city limifs.The study wilt develop the scope and costs for horizoMaWertical geometric roadway improvements,roadside hazard mitigaGon,street IigMing and non-motorized treil consVUCtion.The project length is approximately hvo miles. Progress Summary: Design will begin in 2015 aker major transportation comprehensive plan update has been completed. Future Impact on Operating Budget: None BudgeC so�i rro nc�mi m�s ii euaga� 9uAgM �Panan�res Butlget Balanee . Atloptetl Autlget - Butlget amentlmerrts � Atl/us[etl Butlgat - Activity: (Preuioue Vrs) 2012 YE 2019 Year Entl Fun0ing Sources: Prior l0 2072 EsUmate 2073 BuA et 2014 Bud at Pro ect Totel__ UnresVkted Street Revenue - GrenGS(Fed,State.Locaq REET TralNC Mingation Fees 50,000 SU,000 Other Total Funding Sowces: 50,0�0 - - 50,000 Capttal Ezpentlitures: Des�pn 5�,000 50,000 R/pht of Way Consfruct�on rrnai�pananurea: so,000 soAOo Farecasted Project Cost: Total 2076 2076 2D77 2018 201A7A18 FunAing Sources: UnreshiRetl Street Revenue - Grents(FaU,State.LOCap _ Trafic hUhgaNar FeeS 50,000 Other(Devebper)' Total Funtling Sources: - 50,000 CapMel ExperMitures: �� - 50,000 Ripht o/Way Constructron Tolei Fspendltures: - 50,000 � Grenb/Other Sources: 53 City ofAuburn Draft Capital Facilities Plan ARTERIAL STREET FUND (102) Capital Facilities Plan ' Six Year Capital Facilities Plan,2013-2078 Special Revenue Fund Project 7itle: Auburn Way South Corridor Imp., Fir ST SE to Hemlock ST SE TIP# 58 Project No: cp1719 Projed Type: Capacity Project Manager Leah Dunsdon LOS Corridor ID#4 Description: This project will widen Aubum Way South belween Fir St SE and Hemlock St SE to five lanes with curb,gutter,sidewalks, illumination and storm improvements.A new traffic signal will also be construGed at Hemlodc Street SE and connect to Auburn's Intellgeirt Transportation System. ' Progress Summary: Washington State Transportation Improvemerrt Board(TIB)awarded grent in the amount of$2,426,400 on November 19, 2010 to the City of Aubum. FuWre Impact on Opereting Budget: This annual maintenance wst for this project is estimated to be$9,300. BUd JBt: 2012 YTD Actual 2013 12 Butlget BuEget Expentlkures Budget Balenee Atloptetl Budget _ Budget Amendments Atljusled Budget _ _ _ ACLIVI[y: (Pmnous Yrs) 2012 VE 2013 Year Entl Funtling Sources: Priorto 2012 Estimate 2013 BuC et ?D74 Butl et P eet Total Uniestnctetl Sheet Re�nue 869 _ gqg Grsnts(Stete) 840 560,000 1,885,580 - 2,426,400 Tratfic Impact Fees _ _ Other Sources(Muckleshoot) 211 740,000 466 390 606 601 Total Funding Sources: 7,800 700,OU0 2,337,850 3,033,830 Capifal Expenditures: Design 7,900 475,000 476,800 Right MWey 225,000 225,OD0 Constn+ction 2 331 95� 2 331 950 TotalF�cpentlitures: 7,900 700,OU0 2,751,950 3,033,850 Forecasted Project Cost: Total 2015 2076 2017 2018 2013-2016 Funding Sourcea: Un2st�fed Street Revenue - _ Grents(Sta[e) - - 1,865,560 Tretfic ImpaG Fees - _ Other Sowces(Muckleshoof) - 466,390 Total Funtling Sourcas: - - - 2,357,960 Ca{ritai F�cpenEkures: Des�gn - _ _ RiphtofWay _ _ i I ConStrucNon 2 331 950 Totel Expandkures: - 2,331,950 Grants/Other Sources: 54 - . City ofAuburn Draft Capital Facilities Plan ' ' qRTERIAL STREET FUND (102) Capital Facilitles Plan Six Year Capital Facilities Plan,2073-2018 Special Revenue Fund Projea Title: Auburn Ave NE S 3rd St NE Pedestrian 8 Access Improvements TIP# 59 Project No: cp1023 Projed Type: CapaCity Project Manager. Robert Lee LOS Corridor ID#2 Description: This project will improve access,safety and operations for pedastrian,biqGists and motorized vehiGes at the intersections of 3rd St NE &Aubum Ave,4th St NE and Aubum Ave,and 4th St NE&Aubum Way Nortli. Imprvvements iriclude a new traffic signal and geometric improvements at 3rd Street NE to add a missing pedestrian crossing and add northbound Ieft tum movemeM;removing all ADA obsVUCtions from the pedestrian path�within the praject Iimits,rashicting unwntrolled accesses near the interseGion,and modifying the traffic signal at Aubum Way North and 4th St NE to eliminate the easUwest splk phase operation. Progress Summary• Survey and predesign were started in 2010-2011. Design will be completed in 2013 and construction is scheduled for 2014. Future Impaet on Opereting Budget: This project will have no impact on tha opere�ng budget for street maiMenance. BUdyM: ZIN2 YT�Actual 2073 12 Budget BudgM Ezpentlitures Budget Balanee Atloptetl Butlget - - - Budget AmerMmenfs Adjusted Butlget _ Activity: (Previoua Vre) 7Dt2 YE 2U73 Year End Funding Sources: PNorto 2072 Estlmete 2013 Bud et 2014 Bud M ProJxt Tofel UnresMctedSfreefRevenue 8,538 - 3,000 a0,000 11,538 GreMS(Fed,SYaM.LOCaI) - 12,000 �60,000 12.000 Trelfic Impect Feas - _ REET2 - - _ Other Tofal Funding Sources: 8,538 15,000 200,0� 29,538 CapHal Expendkures: Design 8,538 - 15,000 200,000 23,538 Right of Way - Cons6uction Total Fxpendkures: 8,636 75,000 70U,Opp 2g,5gg Forecasted Projeet Cost: Total 2075 2016 2077 2018 - 2073?A18 Fundfng Sources: UnresMctetlStreetRevenue 140,100 - 183,100 Grants(Fed,State,LOCa1) 560,400 - 732,400 T�c Impatt Fees _ REE72 - _ OMer Total Funding Sources: 700,500, - 97S,S00 Capitel Expendkures: Design - 215,000 Right of Way - _ � Construdion 700 SOD 700 500 Totel Fxpendkures: 70U.500 - - 915,500 GrsMS I Other Souices: 55 City ofAuburn Draft Capital Facilities Plan l I ARTERIAL STREET FUND (702) Capital Facilities Plan Six Year Capital Facflities Plan,2013-2018 Special Revenue Fund Projea Titie: M Street SE Corridor(8TH St SE to AWS) TIF# 60 Pro�ect No: xxx Project Type: CapaCity Project Manager. TBD LOS Corridor ID#5 Description: ConstrucY a multi-lane erterial from 8TH Sdeet SE to AWS. This project will improve mobiliry and is tied to corridor development. It is consisterrt wRh the Comprehensive Plan and wMributes to the completion of a north/south arterial eortidor. ' Progress Summary: Future Impact on Operating BudgM: BUd9Et: 2072 YTDACWaI 2019 tt8udget Budget Ezpentlltures Budget Balanee Atloptetl Budget - Butlget AmarMmenh Adjusted Budget - _ Activity: -- - (Provious vrs1 2012 YE 2013 Year End PunAing Sources: Prior to 2012 Estimate 2D13 Budget 2014 Budget Pmject Total UnresMcted SYJeet Revenue _ - - Grants(Fed.Shate,Locap Tre(fiC Impac[Fees - REE72 _ OMer Total Funding Sources: - _ _ Capital Expendkurea: Design _ _ _ Right o/Way _ _ _ CansfruChon ToTalExpentlitures: ' ' Forecasted Project Cast• row 2075 2016 2077 2018 2019-2078 Funding Sources: Unrcstnc7etlStreetRevenue 250,000 250,000 500,000 Grants(Fed,SYate,LOCaI) 925,000 3,750,000 - 4,675,000 TraficlmpactFees 750,D00 750,000 - 1,500,000 REET2 _ Other Total Funding Sources: 1,925,000 4,750,000 - 6,675,000 Capital Bcpend'RUres: Design 650,OW 650,000 RightolWay 1,275.000 1275.000 � , Consbudion 4 750,000 - -4 750 000 ToWlExpentlkures: - 1,925,000 4,750,000 6,675,000 G�ams�other Saurces: 56 City ofAuburn Draft Capital Facilities Plan ARTERIAL STREET FUND (102) Capifal Facilities Plan Six Year Capital Facilities Plan,2013-2078 Special Revenue Fund Projea Tit�e: 29th Street SE&R Street SE TIP# 63 Projed No: CpXXX Projec[Type: Capacity Project Managec TBD LOS Corridor ID#4 Description: This project will fund the design,right of way acquisition and wnstruc[ion of iMersection capadty and safety improvements at 29th Street SE and R Street SE.This project will include crea[ing eastbountl/westbound dual�left turn lanes,auxiliary signal heads and pedestrian safety enhancements. Progress Summary• Fufure ImpaM on Opereting Budget: This projed will have no impact on the opereting budget for street maintenance. BUdgM: 2012 YTD AMUaI 2013 72 BuCget Budget F�cpenAiturea Budget 8alanee Adopted Budget - BuUget Amendmerrts Adjusted Butlge[ - AcUvlty: (PraNOUSVrs) 2012VE Z013YearEnA Funding Sources: Prior M 2012 EsUma[e 2073 Budgat 2074 BuA et Project Totel Unrestncted Sheef Revenue - _ Grents(Stete) - TiaFic Impad Fees _ REET - _ omer Total Funding Soumes: - - - -- - Capital Expenditures: D25ign I RiDht of WaY - I� ConshucYion Total Ezpentllwres: _ Forecasted ProJect Cost: — Tofal 2015 Z016 2077 1D78 2019-2018 Funding Saurcas: Unresfnctad Street Revenue - _ Grents(Stete) - 850,000 850,000 Tialfie lmped Fees - - 500,000 500,000 REET - 450,OOU 450,000 ONrer Total Funding Sources: - 7,BOO,p00 7,8pp,0pp � Capital Ezpandkures: Design - 350,000 350,000 RightofWay - - 450,000 450,000 c�+��� � oou o00 �aao 000 rmai�ve�an�rea: - �,eoo,000 �,eoo,000 GraMS/OMer Sources: 57 City of Auburn Draft Capital Facilities Plan ARTERIAL STREET FUND (102) Capital Facillties Plan Six Year Capital Facilities Plan,2013-2078 Special Revenue Funds Projea Title: Lea Hill Rd Segment 1 (R St NE to 105th'PI SE) TIP# 64 Projec[No: Cpxx�ot Project Type: Capacity Projed Manager TBD LOS Corridor Description: I F�cpand current two-lane roadway to 4lanes, including widening of the Green River Bridge. Projed includes bike lanes arid sidewalks. Progress Summary: Future Impact on Operating BudgM: BUd�JBt: 2012 YTDAetual ZfN9 128utlget Butlget Ez�ntllw'res BuAget BaWnee_ AdoP�ed Budget - - - ' Budget Amentlments Adjustetl Butlget - Activky: (Previous Yrs) 2012 YE 2019 Year EnE FundingSources: PrlortoTA12 Estimate 2013Budget 20148udgat Ro'ectTotal UnresMCted Sreet Revenue - Grents(Fed.Sfate�locel) - TiaRC Impact Fees OMar Total Funding Sources: - _ Capital Ezpenditures: Design - _ Right o/Way - _ Cons6uctlon Total Expandkures: - - _ Forecasted Projed Cost: rotai 2015 2016 2017 21N8 2013-2018 Funtling Soureea: UnresMCtetl Stmat Revenue - _ _ Grarits(Fed,Stafe,LOCep - 2,000,000 8,000,000 10,000,000 Tra(flclmpactFees 500,D00 2,W�,000 2,5D0,000 OMer Total Funding Soureea: - - 2,500,000 70,000,000 72,500.000 Caplfal Expentllture8: Desgn 2,000,000 2,000,000 Po9htofWsy 500,000 - 500,000 Cars6uction 10 000 000 70 000 000 7otal ExpendiWres: 2,500,000 10,O�,ODO 72,W0,000 Grants/Other Sourees: - $8 City ofAuburn Draft Capita!Facilities P[an � ARTERIAL STREET EUND-(702) Capital Facilltles Plan Six Year CapMal Facilkies Plan,20132018 Special Revenue Funds Project Title: Lea Hill Rd Segme�rt 2(105th PI SE to 172th Ave SE) TIP# 65 Project No: cp�aaa Projed Type: Capatity Projed Manager: TBD LOS Comdor Deswiptlon: Project includes widening from existing 2-lane roaduvay to 4lanes with bicycle lanes and sidewalks. Progresa Summary: - - Future Impaet on Operatfng Budget BUdgM: 2012 YTD AcWal 2013 12 BuAgat Budget E:pendlWres Budget Balenae , Adopfed 8udgef � 8udgat AmendmerKs Atl�usted8udget _ ., AcUvlty: (P�evlous Vn) 2012 VE 2079 Year EnA FunOing Soumes: Prlor to 2012 Estimata 2013 Bu0 et 2014 Butl et Pro ��Totel UnresMC[etl Streef Revenue - - - _ Gisrrts(Fed.Sfete.LOCaI) ' ' TraKic Impect Fees . OMer Total Funding Sourcea: - - Capkal F�cpandkures: Desgn _ _ R/phfo/Wey - . ' Cd,Sbuttlon TotelExpendlWres: - ' ' ' ' ' Forewstea Projeet Cost -- rom� 201b Z016 2011 2078 �73-m16 funCing Sourees: - - Unrestrx}ed Sfreet Revenue - ' ' GrarrtsfFetl.Sfeta.LocaQ - 10.00D.000 10.000,000 TreficlmpsGFees - - 2,000,000 2,000,000� Otlrer To1alFUnding Sources: ' ' ' 12,000.000 - 72,OOD,000 CapNal ExpenARures: Design - - 2,000,000 2,000,000 RigAto/Way - 7,500,000 1,500,000 �^��^ 8 500 000 8 SUO OOD , Total Fxpentlkures: - - . 72.000,000 7;000,000 G2MS I Other Sources: - 59 City of Auburn Draft Capital Facilities Plan � ! ARTERIAL STREET FUND (102) Capifal Facillfles Plan Six Year Capltal Facilkies Plan,2013-Z016 Special Revenue Funds Project Title: Lea Hill Rd Segment 3(112tl�Ave SE to 124th Ave SE) TIP# 66 Project No: Cpxx�ot Projea Type: Capacity LOS Corridor Projed Manager. TBD Descdptlon: Project inGudes widening from existing 2-lane roadway to 4lanes with bieycle lanes and sidewalks. Progress Summary: FuWre impaet on Operating BudgeY. BUd9@t: 2012 YTD Aetual 2073 12 Butlget BuAget F�cpantlMures Budget Balanea Atlopted Budget _ Butl9et AmBndmenls ` i Adjusfed Budgef ' Activity: (Provious Vw) 201$YE 2013 Ymr FiW FunAing Sourees: Prbr M 2012 Estima0a 2019 Bud et 2074 Budget Pro' Total Unreshicled Sheet Ravenue - G�ants(Fed,State,Locaq - Tralfle Impect Feas - OMer Total Funding Sourees: . CaD�I Ezpentlitures: Dasign RipMO/Way ConsfruGtion ToW ficPeMlltures: ' ' ' ' Forecasted ProJect Cost Totet 21175 2018 2017 �18 21N3�2078 Funding Sourees: Unrestncfed Streef Raromre ' ' GraMS(Fed,ffiefe,LOeap - 3,000,000 3.0OO,OW Trffifie Impect Fees - - 1.000,000 1.000.000 Otlier Total Fwdi�Somees: - - 4,000,�0 4,000.000 CePIMI Fxpentlltures: �es19n - - 500,000 5U0,000 RightofWay - - 500,000 500,000 Consbuclion - 3 000 000 3 000 000 , � Total Erzpentlltures: ' - /�OOO,ODO 4�000.000 Grerrts/Olher Sources: - - 60 City ofAuburn Draft Capital Facilities Plan i ARTERIAL STREET FUND (702) Capital Facilitiea Plan Six Year Capital Faeilkies Plan,2013-2018 Special Revenue Fund Project Title: Aubum Way South Pedestrian Improvements Dogwood to Fir TIP# 2 Project No: cp1118 Projed Type: Non-Motorized Project Manager. Leah Dunsdon LOS Corridor ID#4 Descrlption: This projeU will construG pedeshian improvemenfs along Aubum Way South DeMieen Dogxrood St SE and Fir St SE that ara consisterrt with WSDOTs SR-164 Route DevelopmeM Plan.This project i�ciudes sidewalk improvemenLa,aaess management,a mid-block pedestrian crossing,conatruction of a u-tum wedge at Fir St SE and street lighting. Progress Summary: Projact design began in 2012 with construcdon expeded to be compieted'in 2013. The Ciry was awarded$100,000 in federal funding and$740,830 in state funding in May 2011. Futu�e tmpact on Operating BudgeC � This projeG wiil have no impact on Ma operating budget for street maiMenance. BUQgEK: 2012 YTD Actual 2013 72 Butlget Budgat Expendltures Budget Belanee Adoptetl Budgat - � Buaget Amendments - - Adjustetl Butlget - - Activily: (PieNm�s Yn) �12 YE 2078 Yeer E�M Funding Soureas: Priorto 2012 EsdmaOe T013 Butl at 2014 B Pro aet Total Unrestncted Sreet Revenue 1,624 54,876 43,500 100,000 Giants(Fed,SYete,Local) 135,500 705,330 840,830 Trefic Impect Fees - - - OMe�Somoes Total Funding Sourees: 1,824 790,976 748,830 • 910,830 Cepital Expentlituras: Despn 1,624 180,376 50,000 232,000 Riphro/way - '10,000 - t0,000 Consbucfion 698 830 698 830 ToTel F�cpendkures: -7.624� -�790,376 748,830 • 940,830 Fo�ecasted Projed CosC Totai 21N5 �18 2017 2018 21N�•20'18 Funtling 9ourcea: Unreshicfetl Sheet Revenue - 43.500 Grarrts(Fed,Stafe,Local) - - 705,330 Tralfic ImpecY Fees - - - Ofher Sou�ces Totnl Funding Sourees: - 748,830 CapkalExpendkures: Design - - 50,000 Right ol Way - Cons6uction 698 830 Total ExpenAitures: ' ' ' ' 748.830 Grarrts/Other Sourees: 61 City ofAuburn Draft Capital Faci[ities Plan ARTERIAL STREET FUND 102 � ' � � Capltal Facilitles Plan Six Year Capifal FaelllUes Plan,20132078 Speefal Revenue Fund Projea Title: Auburn Way Co�ridor Imp. (4th St NE to 4th St SE) TIP # 3 ProjeG No: c4�980 Project Type: Non-CapaGity Project Manager TBD LOS Corridor ID#2-3 Deserlpllon: - This projeG is based on a pre-design study and is intended to improve pedestrian accessibility, appearance,and link the downtown area along Aubum Way South beM�een 4th St NE and 4th St SE. This projec[may include some pavement repairs. Hcwever, an oveAay was completed as part of the City's Arterial PavemeM Preservation Program in 2007 Afthough this was censidered a temporary fuc,the soope has been modified to account for the pavement work.The projeG length is approximately a half mile. Progress Summary: = - The pavemerrt portion has 6een minimized tlue to the work completed in 2007 under the Arterial Pavement Preservation Program. Future Impaet on OperaUng Budget This projec[will have no impad on the operetlng budget for street maiMenance. BudgCt 21N2 YTD Attual 2p73 12 Budget BuOgat Ezpandkures Budpet Bslanee . Adoptetl Budget - . _ — BudgefAmendmeMs Adjustetl Budget _ ActivHy: (ProNOUS Yra) 2012 YE 2013 Yem End Funding Sources: PAor W 2072 Estlmate 2019 Bud at 2014 Butl et Pro eet 7p}e� UnreslricktlSffeetRevenue 78,251 - _ __ - _ 78�251 Grarrts(Fed.SYate.LOCeq ' ' REET _ Tralfic lmpaG Fees OMar Sou2es Total Funding Soureas: 78.257 . " ' 78.?51 Capitel EzpenEkuras: Design 78,251 - 78,251 Righto/Wey _ _ ConsAVCfnon Tofal Expendkures: 7H,257 • ' ' 76,251 Forecasted Project Coat Total 2015 2fN6 2017' 2p78 201Y2016 Funtling Sources: Un25tneted Sheet Ravenue - 1 t0.OD0 6pp.Opp 710,000 GrarrtsfFed.Stete.Loca�) - 708.700 2.400�000 3�108.700 REET _ _ Tralfic Impact Fees _ _ _ OMer Sources Tota1 FunCi�3ourees: - - 818,700 �.W0.000 3,818.700 Capital F�cpendRures: Deagn 678,700 618,700 ��� 200,000 200,000 - 3 000 000 3 000 000 Total Expendkures: - 818,700 9,000.000 9,878.700 Grarrts/Other Sources� 62 City ofAuburn Draft Capital Facilities Plan � ARTERIAL STREET FUND (102) - " capital Faco�ities P�an Six Year Capital Facilities Plan,2013-2018 Special Revenue Fund Project 7itle: 15th Street SW Reconstruction TIP# 7 ProjeG No: cpxxxx ProjeG Type: Non-Capacity Project Manager TBD LOS Corridor ID#12 Deseription: This project was originally scoped to include pavemerrt preservaGon. The pavemeM preservation component could still be combined with this project, but is also eligible for the ARerial Pavemerrt Preservation Progrem. This project should look to improve the railroad crossing grades as well as the vertical sight distance to the interurban trail to the west of the tracks. The cost estimate listed below is planning level cost. Progress Summary• Future Impact on Operating Budget - This project will have no impact on the operating budget for street maintenance. BUdgBt: 2p12 YTDACtual 2073 12BWget Budget �pentlitures Butlget Balence Atlapted Budget - Budget Amendments Adjusted 8udget - Activity: (PieNOUa V�s) 2012 VE 2015 Year End Funding Sourees: Priorto 2012 EsUmate 2073 Bud et 2014 Butlget Pro'eet Total Un2stncted Shaet Revenue • � - _ GraMs(Fed.Sate,Loceq ' ' REET _ _ . TreRk Mitigation Funds - OMer Total FunAing Sources: - - . Capiml Expendkures: Design Right Of Wey - _ CwrshuGbn Totel Expenditures: - - - .- Porecasted Projeet Cost: rotal 2p15 2016 2017 2018 '207&2078 Funtling Sources: UnrestricledStreatRevenue 75,000 500,000 575,0�0 Giants(Fed,State,Locaq 300,000 2,500,000 - 2,800,000 REET - _ 7ralfic Mifigetion Funds - _ OMer Totnl Funding Sources: - 375,000 3,000,000 3,375,000 Capifel Expenditures: Design - 375,000 375,OOD Righ[of Way _ Conshvctron - 3 000 000 3 00�000 ' Totel Expendkures: 375,000 3,000,000 3,575,000 Grents/ONer Sources: 63 City ofAuburn Draft Capital Facilities Plan ARTERIAL STREET FUND (102) Capital Facilities Plan � Six Year Capftal Facilities Plan,2013-2016 Special Reveniie Fued Project ritle: Auburn Way North/1st Street NE Signal Improvements TIP# 19 Project No: CpxXXX Project Type: NO�-00p0City Projed Manager TBD LOS Corridor ID#2 Description: - This projed will construct a new complete traffic signal with controller cabinet and battery backup along with.necessary intersection improvements. Progress Summary• Design will be completed in 2014. Construdion is planned for 2015. FuWre Impact on Operating Budget: -- This pro�ec[will Fiave no impad on the opereting budget for street maintenance. Budget: zo�z rr�qcwai m�3 �zeuaget Budget Expenditurea Budget Balance Adopted Budgat - _ -_ _ - - - - .- _ _ _ - _ Budget AmentlmerRs Adjusled Budget - , ActlVity: � �� � (Prewous vrs) 2012 YE 2013 Year ErM Funding Sourcea: Pdor M 2012 Fatimata Z073 BuE et 2014 Bud at_ Pro � Tofal Unrestnctad Street Revenue - 50,000 - Grerrts(Fed,SYe[e,Local) - - TraRc Impad Fees - - - Otlrer Total Funaing Sources: - - W,000 - Capital Expendkures: Desgn 50,000 Right of Way Conshuction Totnl Ex{»nditures: ' " 50,000 ' Forecasted Project Cost rota� 2015 2016 2017 ZlNB 2073-2018 FwCing Sources: - - - -- Unrestncted Street Ravenue 725,000 '175,000 GraMS(FeqStefe,LOCaq 425,000 - 425,000 Tralfic Impacf Fees - oma. TotalFunding Sources: - 550,000 - - BOU,U00 Capital Expe�Mkures: Design - 50,000 Right o/Way 100,000 - 100,000 Cans6uclron 450 000 --450 ODO Total Expendkures: 550,000 - — 800,000 G2rns 1 Other Sources: G2rrt tunds are unsecure 64 City of Auburn Draft Capital Facilities Plan ARTERIAL STREET FUND (102) Capital Faellltles Plan Six Year Capifal Facilitfes Plan,2013-2018 Special Revenue FurM Project rnle: C Street NW and West Main Street TIP# 21 Project No: Cpxxxx Projed Type: NOn CapaGity Projed Manager. TBD LOS Corridor ID#11 Description: Construct new decorative monopole rype traffic signal to inGude protected left tum phases for C ST traffic.This would also provide additional safery related to the reilroad pre-emption. Futu2 improvemems to this intersedion may indude widening for addfionai tum lanes. Progress Summary: Future Impaet on OperaUng Budget: This projed will have no impad on the operating budget for street maiMenance. Budget: zotz YTDAeWaI 2o�a tzeuaeet Butlget Expendlturea BuOget Balenea Adapted Butlget _ Butlget AmarMments Atljusfed Budpet - - AWvity: - (Preuiouevn) �72YE 2013YearEnd FunAing Sourees: Prior W�72 Esfimafe �13 Bud et 2014 Bud at Pro ect Totel. Unrashicled Sraet Revenue - - - - _-- GrarrtslFetl,Steta,LOeaQ - ' - - REET - . _ Tra9k MiOpatlon Fees 150.000 150.00D Other Total FunOing 9ources: - . - 150,000 - 7b0.000 Capkal Fxpendkures: Des9� 50.000 50.OW �gntoiway - - - censo-ueno� �oo aoo �oo 000 TotelF�cpendkures: - - - - 1W.000 - 150,OW Forecas0ed ProjeM Cosk rotel Z015 2018 20�7 9H8 2013-2078 Fundl�Sourc.as: � Unreshicted Sfreet Reuenue _ GraMS(Fed.Slete�local) ' REET ' ' - . T�eASe MPo'getlw Feas - - - 150,000 OMer Total FunAing Sourees: • - . �gp�ppp Capifal F�cpendkures: ��D� 50,000 Ripht oiWey - . ����� �oo 000 � Totel Expendkurea: ' ' 150,000 GreMS I OMer Sources: � 65 City of Auburn Draft Capital Facilities Plan ARTERIAL STREET FUND (102) cap�i Faciiwes Pian Six Year Capifal FaeIllUes Plan,20112018 _Special Revenue FurM Projed TiUe: 41st Street SE and A Street SE Access ManagemeM Study TIP# 27 Projed No: cp1110 Frojed Type: Safety(Non-Capacity) Project Manager. Pablo Para LOS Cortidor ID#10,33 DescAption: SWdy the area from 37th St SE to the WhRe River on A St SE induding 41st St SE from D St SE to C St SE. The study should review the safery and access needs of the traveling public and the adjaceM properties. Progress Summary• Pre-design will be done to refine projed scope,alignment, and cost. Future Impaet on Operatlng Budgek This study will have no impact on the operating budget for street maintenance. BUdgBt: 2072 YTD Aetual 2013 12 BuAget , Budget Expendituras Budget Balenie � Atloptad Butlget - _ Budget Amentlmenfs Adlustetl8udqet - � Activlty: (PreNaue Vra) 1012 YE 20'13 Year ErM Funding Sou2ea: Prlor to 2072 Estlmam 2013 Budget 2016 Budget Pro Totel UnreStrictedSreetRevenue 1,160 8,840 - 10,000 Grants(Fed.&ata.LOCeq ' ' REET _ _ _ T�Mi6ge6'on Fees _ _ _ Other Total Funding Sowew: 1.160 - 6,840 10.000 CaPMaI ExVeMiturea: Design 1,760 - 8.840 - 10,000 W'ghfo/Wey - - _ _ _ Cpl�sbuGtion Total Exyandkwes: 7.180 - &� - 10.000 Forecasted Project Cost Total 2015 2016 2017 II016 2013-�16 Funding Soureea: UnresMetetl Sbeet Revenua - - � 8.840 Grarrts(Fed.Stefe,LOCeq - ' - - REET - ' ' Tra?c Impac!Feas - _ _ OMer Tofal Funding 9ources: - - - - g,eqp CapMal Expendkures: Despn - - 8.840 RightofWaY - - - - Constructron ' ' ' ' Totel6cpendkures: ' ' 8�&10 ' Grarrts I Other Sourcea: 66 City ofAuburn Draft Capital Facilities Plan � ' ARTERIAL STREET FUND (102) cap7ta�Facmd�Pian Six Year Capital Facilities Plan,2013-2018 Special Revenue Fund Project Title: Annual Bridge Preservation Projeat TIP# 28 ProjeG No: Various ProjedType: Non-Capacity(Annual) Projed Manager Pablo Pare Description: This is an annual level of effort pro�eG used to fund bridge improvemeMS as iderrt'fiied by the eity's annual bridge inspedion program. Progress Summary• Program completed load rating calculations for nine bridges in 2011. 2012 project completed miscellaneous bridge repairs. Future Impact on Operating Budget: This projec[will have no impact on the operating budget for street maintenance. Budget: mt2 YTDAtWaI 2013 72BuAget Budget Ecpenditures Butlget Balanee Atloytetl Budget - 8udget Amentlmenfs Adjustetl Budget _ Activity: (Pravious Ym) 2012 YE 2013 Year End Funding Sourcas: Prlor to Z012 Estimate 2073 Budget TA14 Bud at Pm ect TWaI UnrestnctedSreetRevenue 50,000 50,000 50,000 t00,00D Giants(FedStete,Local) - - REET _ _ Tralfic Mitigation Fees - _ _ _ OMar 7otal Funding Sources: - 50,000 50,000 50,0� 100,000 CapHal EzpendNures: Design - 5,000 5,000 5,000 10,000 RightofWay _ _ _ Conshuchon 45 000 45 ODO 45 D00 90 000 Total Ezpendkures: 50,000 50,000 50,000 - 100,000 Fo2casted Project Cost: Total 2015 ZO16 2017 2078 2013-2078 Funtling Saurces: UnrestnctedS[�aetRevenue 50,D00 50,000 50,000 50,000 300,000 Grants(Fed,Stefe,Locaq _ REET _ Trelfic Mih'gation Fees OMer ToFel Funtling Sources: SO,OOU 50,000 50,000 50,000 300,000 Capital Expentlitures: Desgn 5,000 5,000 5,000 5,000 30,000 Right of Way _ _ _ Conshudion 45 p0� 45 000 45 000 45,000 270 000 Totel Ezpentlltures: - 50,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 900,000 ' � Grants/Other Sources: - 67 City ofAuburn Draft Capital Facilities Plan ARTERIAL STREET FUND (102) Capital Pacilifies"Plan Six Year Capital Facilitfes Plan,2013-2018 Special Revenue Furtd Prbject TiUe: South 277th -WeUand Mitigation TIP# Z9 Projed No: c410a0 Project Type: Non-Capaeity Project Manager Leah Dunsdon Desuiptlon: Wetland mitigation for the 277th St Grade Separation projec[ Progress Summary: This is a 10-year obligffiion,which began in 2004. Future Impact on Opereting Budget: This projed will have no impad on the operating budget for s[reet maintenance. Budget: 20�2 vro nnuei zo�3 12 Budget 9�agee Expendi�uB. sua9el ea�anee Adoptetl8utlget - Budge[AmerWmenls Adjusted Budget - Activity: (ProHOUS Yn) SN2 YE 2013 Year End FunAing Sourees: Priorm 2012 Estlmate 2013 Butl et 2014 Budget Projeet Total UnrestncfetlStreetRevenue 212,267 57,050 25,000 25,000 294,317 Grants(Fed,State.Locel) ' ' REET - - Tre1flc Impact Fees - _ OMier Tatel Fundln8 Sourcas: Y12,267 57,050 25,000 25,000 2%,577 CePitai Expenditurea: Deslgn 81,903 78,000 10,000 10,000 109,903 Right o/WaY ' ' ConstruCNOn 130 364 39 050 15 000 15,OD0 184 474 Tofal ExpontllWres: 212.267 57.050 25.000 25,U00 " ?,94,317 Forecasted Project CosC Total 2015 2016 2017 8178 2013-2078 Funding Sources: UnrestnUed Street Revenue - 50,00� Giants(Fad.SYata,Locaq - _ REET - - Tratfic Impect Fees - - - OMer Total Funding Sources: - - - 50,000 Capifal Eapenditures: Design - 20,000 RightofWay - - �onsb+ction 30,000 Total E�pendid+res: - - - 50,000 Grartls!Other Sources: - 68 City ofAuburn Draft Capital Facilities Plan ARTERIAL STREET FUND (102) Capital Facili8es Plan Six Year Capital Facilities Plan,2013-2018 Special Revenue Fund Project Tine: Citywide Pedestrian Crossing Program TIP# 30 Pro�ec[No: cpxxxx Projea Type: Non-Capacity(Bi-Annual) Project Manager: Pablo Para Description: This is a bi-annual level of effort project used to fund small pedestrian safety studies and improvement projec[s.This project provides for pedestrian safety studies and improvemeMs at various locations cirywide. Projects are prioritized annually based on safety issues and pedestrian demands. Progress Summary• Project for 2011 was preliminary design of Bth St NE and SE 104th St intersection improvemerrts.2012 project is access improvements at Aubum Ave and 3rd St NE. Future Impact on Operetlng Budget: - This project will have no impad on the operating budget for street maintenance. BIld9¢t_ 2072 YTD Attuel 2013 72 BuOget Budget Ezpenditures Butlget Balance Adopfed Budpet - BudqetAmendmeMs Adjusted Budget - Aetivity: (Prevlous vre) 2012 YE TA79 Year End Funtling Sources: Priorto 2Q72 Fstlmafe 2V73 Butlget 2074 Bud et Pro eet Total UnresMcted Street Revenue 1 D0,�00 100,000 Grznts(Fed,Stefe,locaq REET Treffic Impact Fees Other Total Funding Sources: 100,D00 100,OD0 Capital Expentlitures: Design 10,000 10,�00 Right o/Wey : CarshucNon 90,000 -90 000 TotalEzpendlWres: - 100,000 - -100,�0 Forecasted Project Cost: � Total ZINS _ _ 21116 2017 2018 ,2013-2078 Funding Sources: - �� Unresfided SYraet Revenua 100,000 - 100,000 300,000 Grants(Fetl.StaM.loeeq _ ' ' ' REET - _ _ _ Trelfic Impaet Fees - _ Othei TMaI Funtling Sources: - -100,000 100,000 • 300,000 Capital Expendkures: Des�gn 10,000 iD,000 3�,000 RightofWay _ _ Consbuction 90 D00 90 000 270 000 Total Expendkurea: 100,000 100,000 - 300.000 GraMS/Other Sources: 69 City of Auburn Draft Capital Facilities Plan ARTERIAL STREET FUND (102) Capital Faeillties Plan Sbc Year Capital Facilitles Plan,2013-2018 Special Revenue Fund Projea Title: Citywide Arherial Bicycle&Safety Improvements TIP # 31 Projed No: cpxxxx Projed Type: NOn-CapaGity(Safety) Projed Manager Various Descriptlon: This is an annual level of effort project focused on funding bicyGe and safety improvements on Gassified roadways. Projects are prioritlzed annually based upon field studies. Project was previously calleiJ"Citywide Roadway Safety Infrastructure Improvements. Progress Summary• Projects for 2011 included preliminary design of intersection improvements at 8th st NE and SE 104th St and pedestrian trail improvemeMs at 37th St SE.2012 Project has yet to be indentified. Future Impact on Operating Budget: This project will have no impad on the opereting budget for street maintenance. Budget: 2ot2 YTD Actual zota �2 euaget Butlget Expenditures Budgat Balance Adopted Budget - - _ Budget AmerMments Adjusted Budget - Activity: (Prchous vn) 21N2 YE 2019 Year End FunEing Sourees: Prior to 2072 Estimate Z073 Budget 2014 Bud M Project Totel UnreshiCedSbeetRevenue - t00,D00 100,0�0 100,000 Grants(Fed,SYate,Local) - - _ REET _ Tre/fic Impect Fees _ _ OMer Total Funding Sources: - - 100,000 100,000 100,000 Capihl FxpendlWres: Desrqn �0,000 10,000 10,000 RightolWay - COnshuCtbn 90 000 90 000 90 000 TotalExpendiW�es: - 100,000 700,000 100,W0 Forecasted Project Cost: 7otal 2015 2018 2017 2018 2013-20'IB Funding Sources: UnresMCfedStraetRevenue 100,000 700,000 100,000 100,000 600,000 Grants(Fed,Stete.lotel) - - REET - Tra(fic Impaet Fees - Other Total Funtling Sources: 100,000 t00,OD0 100,OOU 100,000 600,U00 Capital ExpendiWres: Desrpn 10,�00 10,000 10,000 10,000 B0,000 RightofWay - - Conshuctron 90 000 90,000 90 000 - - 90 000 - - 540 000 � � Totai F�cpendkures: 100,000 100,000 100,000 --� 100,000 - 600,000 � Grents!OCier Sources. �� City ofAuburn Draft Capital Facilities Plan � '' ARTERIAL STREET FUND (102) Cap�ta�Fae��wes P�am Six Year Capiql Pacilitles Plan,2013-2016 Special Revenue Fund Projea Title: 37th 8�B St NW Railroad Crossing Safety Improvements TIP# 38 Projed No: Gp7oOOt Project 7ype: Ir�tersection Safety(Non-Capacity) ProjeG Manager. TBD D�cription: - This project will fund the design,coorclination,permitting antl construUion oi improvements at the 37th St NW.BNSF Railroad crossing. Improvements indude construction of a pre-signal for eastbound traffic and related signal modfications at B St NW,advanced railroad pre-emp4on,and traffic monkoring wmeres. Progress Summary: City of Aubum was selec[ed M receive Federal Discretionary grent program funding for this project.There is no city match requi2ment. Future Impact on Operating Budget: - The annual maintenance cost for Nis projac[is estimated to be$5,000. Budget spts rio pctua� Zota 72 eudgat BuAgat FxpenClWies BuOget Bamnea AdoPted Budget - ' � - Budget AmerMmmis Adjusted Budget ActiVit)/: (ProNOUS Yin) 2072 YE 2079 Year F�M FunAi�Sources: PAO�to Y012 Eatlmate 2019 Bud et 2014 Bu0 Tofel Unrestndetl Shuet Revenue - - Grants(Fed,Sefa,Local) - 307,550 307.550 REET ' ' ' ' OMer Toml FunOing Sourees: - 307,550 - 907.SSb Cepital ExpanCitures: DemB� - 44.000 a4�000 Riphto/Wey - 5,000 5,000 Conshvction 258 550 258 550 Tofel Ezpsntliturea: - . 907,550 �p7,gSp Forecasted Projeet Cost TMaI ZO15 2018 2017 2018 2019-2016 Fundi�Sources: Unrestncted Sheef Revenue _ _ GiaMSlFed�Stete.Lnceq 307�550 REE7 - _ OMer Tofal FunAing Sources: - - - - �p7,�rp Capital Expendkures: Design dq Opp Right of Wey - 5 ppp Conshucfion 258 550 Totel F�cpendltures: - - �07,550 G2MS I Other Sources: 71 City ofAuburn Draft Capital Facilities Plan ARTERIAL STREET FUND (102) Capita�Faeilifies P�an � i Six Year Capital Faeilkfes Plan,2013-2018 Speeial Revenue FurM Project 7itle: A Street NE Pedestrian Improvements TIP# 44 Project No: CpxXXX Project Type: Sidewalk Improvements(Non-Capaeity) Project Manager. TBD Deserlption: This prqeG completes a pedashian wnnection bahveen Downtown Aubum and the 8N St NE business distric[.This project will irrq,i_rove a pedestrian crossing at 3rd St NE,end construet sidewalkslaccass ramps along the A St NE cortidor. Progress Summary• Future Impact on Operating Budget The annual maiMenence cost for this project is estimated to be$500. Budget 2o�z vTU aewei zots 12 Budgal Budgat ExyarMitures BuAget Bala'iee Atloyted Budpet -� ' Budpef AmeMmenfs Atljustetl Hudget - - ACSIVIh/: (Pienous Vrs) 2D12 VE 2p73 Yeet End FunOing Soureea: Prlor to 2012 Estima0e �73 Bud et _2014 Butl et Pro Total Unieshicted Street Re�anue - - ' GraMS(Fed.State,Lnceq - ' - REET ' ' ' PWfFL - - ONar Total FunAing Sourcos: - - _ . . Capiml Expenditures: Design _ Right of Wey _ Conshuction Totm ExpentlRures: - . - Forecasted Projea Cost Total 7A75 Y018 2017 Y018 207Y201B Funding Sources: Unres[ncted Sfraet Revenue - _ GwMS(Fad,Stale,Lacel) 750,000 - 150,000 REE7' - - . PYl?FL ' ' ' ' Other Total Fundlnp Sources: 150,�0 - - 150.000 Cepital Expenaiwrea: Design - 15,000 - - 75,000 PogMOfWay . _ _� Con56ucNon 135 000 135 000 Total Fxpendidires: - 150,000 • • 760,000 Grartls/Other Sources: GraM funds are unsacure. �2 Ciry ofAuburn Draft Capital Facilities Plan ARTERIAL STREET FUND (102) Capita�Fac��oties Pian Six Year Capital Facilities Plan,2013-2018 Special Revenue Fund Projed Tale: Interurban Traiihead Improvements TIP# 45 Project No: cpux�oc Project Type: Class 1 Trail (Non-Capacity) Project Manager: TBD Description: - This projed provides funding for enhancements to existing trailheads and wnstruc[ion of new trailheads.Improvements inUude bike racks,kiasks,parking antl access. Progress Summary• Future Impact on Operating Budget: This projeG will have no impact on the operahng budget for street mainfenance. BUdgM: � 2IN2 YTD pMuel 2073 12 Budget Butlget EapentliWres BuUget Balanee AdopteU Budget - _ Budget AmentlmeMs Adjusted Budget AcUvlty: (PreNOUS Yrsl 2012 YE 2013 Year EtM Funding Sourcas: Prlorto 2012- Estimate ?A13 Bud et 2014 Budget Pro ect Total UnresMcted Stmet Revenue - - Grants(Fed,StaM,Locaq - _ _ _ Traffic M�hpetion Fees _ _ PWrFL _ oma. Total Funding Sourcas: - - _ Capital Expend'RUres: Design RigM o(Way consmicnon Total Ezpendkures: _ _ _ _ Forecastetl Project Cost: Total 2075 2076 2077 21N8 Z073•2076 Funding Sources: Unreshicted SY�eet Revenue - _ Grants(Fed,SfaM,LOCap 210,OOD Z�p,ppp Tra/fic Mingation Fees _ PWTFL ONrer Total Funding Sourees: - 210,000 210,000 CaPital Expentlkures: Desqn - 20,000 20,000 R�ghtofWay - - _ Consbuction - 190 000 190 000 Total Expendkures: - 210,000 - y�p,ppp Grents/Other5ources Grenttuntlsareunsewre. 73 City ofAuburn Draft Capital Facilities Plan ARTERIAL STREET FUND (102) Capital Faeilities Plan ' Six Yesr Capital FacillUes Plan,2013-2018 Special Revenue Fbnd Project Titie: 104th Ave SE 8 Green River Road Study TIP# 46 Project No: cplocxx Project Type: Non-Capacity(Intersection Safety) Project Manager: Seth�ckstrom LOS Corridor I�24 Description: This projeG will fund a pre-design study to determine the right of way,environmeMaPand construction requiramertls for intersection ' �safety Improvements.This safety,projeG scope will include sight distance improvements,construc[ing tum'lanes,ehannel¢ation, '�environmeMal mitigation,signage and Gear mne improvemants. Progress Summary• Future Impact on Operating BudgM: Thls project will have no impact on the operating butlget for street maiMenance. BUdgES: 2012 YTDACWaI 2073 128udget. BudBet F�Pendkures BuAget Balenee Atlopted Bud9et - - - Budget AmerMmerMS - - Adjusted Budget - � - � Activity: (Previous Yn) 2012 YE TA73 Year End Funding Sources: Priorto 2072 Estlmafe 2013 Budget 2014 Bud et Pro'ect Total Unres[ncted Street Revenue - --5,000 - 5,000 GrarHS(Fed.State;Local) - - REEf - - PWrFL - Otlrer Total Funding Sources: 5.000 8,000 Capital EzpenAltures: Das'gn 5,000 5,00� Right o/Wey - ConsWCtion Total Ezpendkures: - - 5,000 5,000 Forewsted Projed Cast: raai 2075 2018 TA17 2018 2013-2018 Funding Scurces: UnresMCfetl Sreet Revenue 5,OOD Grants(Fed,SYate,LOCaq - REET - - PWfFL - Other Total Funding Sources: - - 5,000 Capltal F�cpenditures: Design - 5,000 Right alWay - Cons6uction Total Ezpenditures: - - 5,00_0 � G2nfs/OMer Sources: ` ' 74 City ofAuburn Draft Capital Facilities Plan � ARTERIAL STREET FUND (702) Capitsl Faeilities Plan Six Year Capital Facllkles Plan.2013-2018 Speeial Revenue Fund Project Title: ITS Dynamic Message Signs TIP# 50 Projed No: Cpxx7ac Project 7ype: Non-Capacity(ITS) Projed Manager TBD DescripUon: This projed will fund the design an0 construGion of Dynamic AAessage aigris at various locations throughout the city.Dynemic message signs are an importarrt Mol in ITS for infortning roadway users.Priority lo�stions for sign installetions are based on ttie Camprehensive TranspoRation Plans ITS map antl inGude Aubum Way N,Aubum�Way S,W Valley Highway,E Vailey Highway and Lea Hill Rd. Progress Summary• The first phase of this project is scheduled to begm in 2015 or sooner if grant funding becomes available. Future Impact on Operating Budget The annual maintenanca cost Tor thia project is estimated to be 85.000. Budget: 7A72 YTD Aetual 2071 72 Butlget Budget Expendituras Budget Baknee Adopted Budgat - - ' - -- Budget AmerMmenfs - Adjusfed Budget " Activity: (Pievious vrs) II072 YE 2013 Vear E'M FunUtng 9ou�cas: PHorto�72 _ Frtimate 2073 Bud 2074 BuC at . Pm eG TWai Unreshicfed Srieet Revenue - - - - - Gisrtts(Fetl.State,Lxal) ' ' REET ' ' ' Plh?FL ' ' ' ' Otlrer Total Funding 9ourcea: - Cepkal Fxpenditures: Dasi9^ - _. Ripht o/WaY - - Cons6uch'on Total Expendku�ea: ' " ' ' ' Forecasted Pro]eet Cost 7otal 2D15 2076 2077 2018 201Y2018 , Funtling Sodmes: Un2stnctetl Stmet Reoenue 30,000 30,000 60,000 Grents(Fed,Sfete,LOCeI) 190,000 190,000 - 380,000 REET - PWfFL ' ' Ofher Tdel fundi�Sowces: 220.000 • �20�000 • 440,000 Capital Ezpendkures: Desgn Z0.000 - 20,000 40,000 RightO/Wey - - - - Consriud'ron 20D 000 200 000 400 000 Total ExpenAltuees: 220,000 Y20,000 - 440,000 i I ' Giarn.alOthaSources: �$ City ofAuburn Draft Capital Facilities Plan ARTERIAL STREET FUND (102) Capifal FaWIMie`s Plan ' Six Year Capital FaWlitles Plan,2013-201g Speeial Revenue Fund Project Title: Lea Hill Safe Routes to School improvements TIP# 56 Project No: cp1120 Projed Type: Non-Moboriz8d Projecx Manager Kim Truong LOS Corridor ID#18 Description: Ths project will construG petlestrian improvements along the south side of SE 312th St east of[he intersection with 124th Ave SE, in[erseetion improvements at 116th Ave SE 8 SE 304N St,paint bike lanes on 116th Ave SE between SE 312th St antl SE 304th St aetl improve eurb ramps adjaceM to Rafnier Mitltlle Sehool. - Progress Summary: The City was awarded$396,500 in federal funding in May 2011,which�nsists of$75,700 for School Distrid educa6oNencouragement,$1,800 for Police Dept.enforcement and$321,000 for engineering, right of way, and construcKion. Future Impad on OperaUng Budget: This projeet will�ave no impad on tha oparating budget for street maiMenance. BUdgeh 2012 YTD Actual 2019 12 Butlgat Budget E�cpeadl[ures Butlgat Balan�e AdoPlad&+d9et - - _ Budgef AmerMmarrts Adjustetl Butlget _ I I Aetivity: (Pmnous V�s) 2p72 YE 2013 Yem End FunAinB 5ourees: Prior to 2012 Eetimape 2013 8utl et 2014 Bud et Pro Total UnrestnGed Sfroet Revenue n� - - n� GJarHS(Fed,State,LotaQ 35,000 363,500 398,500 Trslfic lmpe[7 Fees - - - - REE72 _ Otl�er - ' Total Funtling Sourees: 777 35,�0 383,500 - - 799.277 CeDMaI Expe�Mkures: Despn 777 35.000 15,000 - Sp.77� WghtolWay ' ' ' CO^��� 348 500 348 500 Total Fxpendkures: 777 55.000 383.500 - 398,217 Forecasted Project Cost: - - 7ota1 2015 2016 2D77 2018 _ 2013-2078 FunCi�Sourees: - Unresficted Street Ravenua - - - - - GraMS(Fed.State.LOCaI) - 383.500 Tre(ficlmpaetFees REET2 ' ' OMer Tota�Funding Sources: - _ _ _ �� Capitel Ezpendlturea: ��� 15,000 Riyht o/Wey Construcfion ' ' 348 500 Totnl Ecpenditures: ' ' 383�500 " I i Grer�/OMer Souices: - —--— 76 City ofAuburn Draft Capital Facilities Plan ARTERIAL STREET FUND (102) Capitel Facilities Plan Slx Year Capital Facilkies Plan,2013•2018 Special Revenue Fund Project Tiue: AWS Streetscape Improvements (SR 78 to M Street SE) TIP# 62 Project No: xxx Projed Type: Miscellaneous Project nnanager TBD LOS Corridor ID#4 Description: The purpose of this project is to revitalize and beautiry Aubum Way South from Ne SR 18 interchange to the interse�ion of M Street SE. Proposed improvaments include:enhancement of aosswalks and pedestrian linkages;new and repaired sidewalks;curb and gutter; pedestrian ramps;new landscaped medians;sffeet trees; new lighting;pedestrian benches;trash receptacles;recycling containera and other appropriate amenities. Signifipnt portion of project cost is for rghFOP-way acquisition. Progress Summary: Future Impact on Operating Budget: Budget: 2o�z YTDActual zot3 t2euaget Butlget Expendituras Butlgat Balanee Adopted Budget - _ Butl9et Amandmerrts Atl)usted Budget Activity: (Preuious Yre) 2072 YE 2p1$Vear E'M Funtling Soureea: Priorto 2012 Estimafe 2013 Budget 2014 BuEget Pro�ect Total _ UmashrCted Streat Revenue - - - Grarrts(Fad,SYate.Local) - TreRC Impact Fees - . REET2 _ _ _ omer Total Funtling Sources: - . _ _ Capitnl Expendkwes: , Design - - _ Right o/Way - _ Conshuchon Total Expenditures: ' ' ' ' Forecasted Project CosC Totel 2U15 2016 2077 21N6 P013-2018 _ Funding Sourcea: - -- UnrestrrciedSheetRevenue 200,000 200,000 400,000 G�ants(Fed,Stafe,LOCaq - 7,200,000 2,050,000 - 3,250,000 Tralfic Impacf Fees - _ _ REET2 - 550,000 550,0�� 1,700,000 Other TWaI Funding Sources: - 1,950,000 2,800,000 4,750,000 Capital ExpentliWres: Design - 500,000 500,000 RightofWay - 1,450,000 1,450,000 , Conshuction - 2 800 000 2,800 000 Totel Expenditures: - 1,950,000 2,800,000 4,750.000 Grarhs I OMer Sources: �� City ofAuburn Draft Capital Facilities Plan ARTERIAL STREET FUND (102) Capifal Facilities Plan Six Year Capkal Fabilides Plan,2013-2018 Special Revenue Fund Project Title: Citywide Traffc Signals Safety Improvements TIP# 67 Project No: CpXXX Project Type: Non-CapBCity Project Manager. TBD LOS Corridor ID#N/A DescripUon: - This projed will improve traffic signal phasing antl timing, improve visibiliry of treffic signal heads,arid install counttlown pedestrian signal displays antl ADA pedestrian pushbuttons. Progress Summary• GraM funding was awarded June 2012 with no local match requirement. Project will be designed and construded in 2013. FuWre Impact on Operatlng Budget: �There is no impac[to the street maintenance budget. BudgeC 2012 YTDACKuaI 2013 128uCget BuOget EnpenAitures Budget Ba4nce Adoptetl Butlget - -— Butlget Amendmenfs Atljusted Butlget - Activity: (Prevlousvre) 2072VE 2013YearEnd Funtling Sources: Prior W 2012 Estlmate 2013 Bud et 2074 Butl at Pro ect Total Unresftictetl&ieetRevenue 2,500 5,000 - 7,500 Giarrts(FeqS[ate,LOCaq - 400,000 400,000 Trafllc Impeet Fees - REET2 - - Other Tofel FunCing Sourcea: 2,500 905,000 407,500 CaPifal ExpenEltures: Design 2,500 80,000 - 82,500 RightolWey _ _ _ CwishucNwi 325 000 325 000 Tofaf Erzpentlttures: 2,500 �405,000 - 4p7,6p0 Forecasted Project Cost: Tohl 2015 3016 2077 4078 2013-2018 Funding Sources: UnresMCletl SfreSt Revenue - 5,000 crsnn�r-en,sraee,wca�) - aoo.000 Tralfic Impact Fces - - _ REET2 - _ _ _ OMer 7otal Funtling Sources: - - _ qp5,ppp Capital Expemlkures: DesiFn ' _ ' 80.000 PoghtofWay - - - C�+�� 325 000 Total Expendttures: ' ' ' qp5,pp0 Grar�s I Other Sources. - - 78 City ofAuburn Draft Capital Facilities Plan � TABLE T-2A CAPITAL FACILITIES PLAN PROJECTS AND FINANCING TRANSPORTATION - LOCAL STREET TABLET-1A CAPITAL FACILRIES PLAN PROJECTS AND FINANCING LOCALS7REETFUND 2013 2074 201b 2076 2077 2076 Total CaoaNN Profects: None Non�CaoaciN Proiects: . 1 Local Street Improvement Progrom Capitel CosLS 2,474,250 7,444,300 1',261,000 1,272,110 7,283,330 1,294,660 9,029,660 Funding Sau�ces: Fund Balance 850,000 - _ 860�p� Transfer In(W/S/SWM U61d 150,000 150,000 150,000 150,000 150,000 750,000 900,000 PropeAy Tau _ _ SelesTau 1,474,250 7,294,300 1,111,000 �7,122,11D 1,133,330 1,744,660 7,278,650 Bund Proceeds - - - - - Utllity Mitigation _ _ _ , SUMMARY: CAPITAL COSTS ���P��� - - - Non•Capacity Pmjects 2,474,250 7,444,300 1,261,000 1,272,110 7,263,330 1,294,660 9,029,650 Tatal Costs 2,4T4,260 1,444,900 1,261,000 1,272,110 1,283,330 1,284,660 8,029,660 FUNDING SOURCES: Fund Balance 850,000 - - - 850,OU0 Transfer In(WlS/SWM Udlit 150,000 150,000 150,O�D 750,000 150,000 150,000 900,000 Property Tax - - SalesTax 7,474,250 7,294,300 7,171,000 7,122,710 1,133,330 7,144,660 7,279,650 Bond Proceeds - - - - - Utility hlitigafion � Total Funding 2,Q0.�0 1,444,300 1,Z87,000 1,272,170 1,2BS,J30 1,284,860 8,029,660 i 79 Ciry ofAuburn Draft Capital Facilities Plan LOCAL STREET FUND (103) Capifal Facilities Plan ' Six Year Capital Facitities Plan,2073-2018 Special Revenue Funds Project Title: Local Street Improvement Program Projed No: Various TIP#37 Projecc Type: Non-Capacity Project Manager• WiCkstrom Description: The program will focus on the preservation�of loeal streets(unclassified streets)wkhin the City of Aubum. The work will includa eradc sealing,asphalt petching,pre-leveling,asphatt overlays and roadway reconstruction. Beginning in 2013 4unding sourees inelutle annual sabs tex on construc[ion up to$2.5 million per year. Progress Summary• This program has successfully completed overlays, chip seals and complete reconstructions since 2D05. The program will focus on reconstruction in 2013 and 2014. Future Impact on Operating Budget• None Budget: mtz YTDACtual m�a tseueget BuEget Expentlltures Budget .Balanea___ AdoptedBUtlget - - — -- - - � - Butlget Amentlments AtlJustatl Butlget - _ Activity: (PreNOUS Yrs) 2012 YE 2013 Year End FunAing Sourc.es: Priorto 2012 Estimate 2078 Budget 2074 BuA Pro actTOfal Locel SVeat Fund 850,000 8W,000 Trans/erin 150,000 150,000 150,000 PlDpertyTex 3,021,110 3,021,110 Seles Tax on ConStNCNa1 1,474,250 1,294,300 1,474250 Bontl Proceeds - - Other Tatal FunCing Soureea: 5,027.t70 2,474,260 7,A44,300 5,496,960 Caplpi Fxpentlitures: Design 52�,��0 500,000 200,000 1,021,110 RiyMWWay - - _ ConshucHwr 2 500 000 1 974,250 1,244 300 5 718 550 Topl En{renditures: - 3A27,110 2,47q250 7,444,300 5,995,360 Forecasted Project Cost: Total 2015 2016 2077 2018 2017-2078 FunOing Sources: Local Sheet FurM - - 850,000 Translerin 150,000 150,000 150,OD0 150,000 800,000 PropertyTax - - . SalesTaxonCOnstn�cNon 1,117,000 1,122,110 1,133,330 1,144,880 7,279,650 Baid Prtxeeds ' ' ' O(ABf Total Funding Sourees: 1,261,000 7,272.110 1.283,330 1,294,660 ' 9,029,650 Capttnl Expantlltures: Des�gn 200,000 200,000 200,000 200,DOD 1,500;000 Right OiWey - - ConstrucNOn 1061,000 7,072,110 1083,330 1044,680 7,529650 ' Total ExpentllWres: 1,267,000 7,272,710 1,267,930 1,294,660 9,018,850 , , GreMS/Othar Sources: 8� Ciry ofAuburn Draft Capital Facilities Plan TABLE T-2B CAPITAL FACILITIES PLAN PROJECTS AND FINANCING TRANSPORTATION - STREET PRESERVATION TABLE A-2 CAPITAL FAGILITIES PLAN PR0.1EGT5 ANO FINANCING ARTERIAL STREET PRESERVATION FUNO 20�J ]074 _ 2015 2018 2017 2078 Total GonclN Proleels: Naro Non�Caoacttv Probefe: 1 Annual AnoMal S4eat Prasarvrtlan CepttalCOeb 1,300,000 7,800,000 1,300,000 1,30U,000 1,300,000 7,300,000 B,SG�,000 Funtlinp Sources. FunO Balence 500,000 gpp�ppp UtildyTez 1,300,000 1,300,000 1,300,000 1,300,000 1,3W,000 1,300,OOD 7,800,000 Bontl Praceeda 2 Annual Artarlal Cnck Saal Propwm Cepttel Casla Z00,000 200,000 200,000 200,000 200,000 200,U00 1,2U0.000 Funding Swrces UIIIityT� 200,000 200,000 200,000 200,000 Z00,000 200,ODU 1,200,000 Bontl PrxeeAs 3 Wast Va1Ny HlgMway Sysbm P�aearvatlon CepttalCoets 1,120,000 - 7,720,000 Fun0ing Sourcea FunO Balence 560,000 68D,000 , �mme seo.000 seo,uon Ulllfly Tez _ Bond Praceetle No(e.Finendel plen ufd¢es Ne Iollowi�ortlarlor use olNntls ro finence propds:prerrt leynues plavellable),WII(y tax revenues antl Nntl belence. Sl1MMARV� CAPITAL COSTS Cepecity Pm�ects _ NorvCapeciryProjeUS 2,620,000 2,000.000 1,500.000 1500000 1500000 1500000-- -- 1082U000 TotalCOWS 2,64U,000 2,0OO,OUO 1,500,000 7,500,000 1,80D,000 1,E00,000- - t0,620,000 FUNDING SOURCES: Funa eeience seo.000 soo,oao - i.oeo,000 UIIIItyTez 7,500,000 1,500,000 1,500,000 1,500,000 1,500,000 1,500,000 B4OW,000 Grenffi 580,000 580,000 Bond Proevetls Total Fwtling 2,BY0,000 2,000,000 1,600,OOD 1,600,000 1,300,000 1,500,000 10,840,000 gi City ofAuburn Draft Capital Facilities Plan i i ARTERIAL STREET PRESERVATION FUND (105) Capital Faa11it1es Plari Slx Year.Caplql Facilities Plan,2013-2018 Special Revenue Funds Projed TiUe: Arterial Street Preservation Program Projeet No: cpxxxx TIP#35 Projed Type: Annual, Non-Capacity Project Manager Seth wckstrom Description: Implement regular pavement maintenance and/or rehabilitation of various classifietl streets citywide: These projects may indude overlays„rebuilds, spot repairs, or a combination of these. This progrem is funded through a 1°�u[ility tax that was adopted by Council in 2008. Progress Summary• Program continues to successfully complete annual patching and oveAay projeds citywide. Future Impact on Operating Budget: None BUdyEt: 2012 YTD Actual 2�13 12 Budget Budget Expanditures Budget Balence_ AdoPtedBudget - - -_ — -. _ _ - - Budpet AmerMmerrts Adjustetl Butlget - _ ACUVI[y/: (Previoua Vn) 2012 YE 2013 Year End Funding Sourees: Priorto 2012 Estimate 2015 Bud M 2074 Bud et . _ Pro'eet Total j Artenal Preserve6on Fund � 500,000 � Property Tax UtilityTax 1,551,500 1,300,DOD 1,300,000 2,851,500 REE72 _ Bond Proceeds Total Funding Sources: 1,551,500 1,300,000 1,800,000 ,2,857,500 Cepital Expendttures: Design 50,000 40,000 50,0�0 9�,000 Po'ght of Way - - _ Conshuctlon 1 507 500 1 260 000 1 750 ODO 2 761 500 Total Expentlitures: 1,567,300 1,300,000 1,800,0� 2,851,500 Forecasted ProJect Cost: Total 2015 2016 2017 2078 2013-2018 Funding Sources: - - Arterial Preservahon Funtl - 500,000 PropertyTaY ' ' ' Util'Ry Tax 1,300,000 1,300,000 1,300,000 1,3�0,000 7,800,000 REET2 - BorM Piocaeds TotalFunding Sources: 1,300,000 1,300,000 1,300,000 1,300,000 8,300,OD0 Capitai Expentlitures: Design 40,000 40,000 40,W0 40,000 250,000 RigMWWay - - Conshuction 1 260 000 1 260 000 1 260 000 7 260 000 8 O50 000 Total Fxpenditures: 1,300,000 1,300,000 1,300,000 7,300,OOU 8,300,000 GreMS/Other Sources. I , 82 City of Auburn Draft Capital Facilities Plan � ARTERIAL STREET PRESERVATION FUND (105) CapiTal Facillfies Plan Six Year Capital Facilities PWn,201&2018 Speeial Revenue Punds Projea Title: Arterial Crack Seal Program Project No: cp�axx TIP#36 Project Type: Annual, Non-Capacity Projed Manager. Seth Wickstrom Descrlption: - Implament reguWr maintenance of vaAOUS dassifietl streets by sealing newy formed crddcs. Sealing the aacks will prolong the life of the pavement by stoppirg water from draining iMO the subbase of tha road. Progress Summary: Progrem continues to successfully eMend pavement life pavement citywide. Future Impad on OperaUng Budget: None Budget: mi2 rrunauei zo�� izeudgee eua� �ve�a�w�ea eua� eamn� Atloptetl8udgef ' 8udgetAmandmeMs Adjusted Budget - � Activity: (Pre�nouevre> Y01zVE 2013vearEna Funtling Sources: Prforto 2012_ _EetGnafe �13 Bud et 2U14 Bud et �Pm � Tofal Artenal Pmsenation Funtl - - - ' - — UtlliyTat - 200,000 200,000 200,000 400,000 REET - - - BontlProcaetls Tmal FunCi�Sources: - 200,000 200.000 ,200,000 400,000 Capiml EzpenEiWrea: Dasipn ?A,00� 20,000 20,000 40,000 R/pMOlWay Consduchon 1 BO 000 180 000 780 000 380 000 Total Expendttu�c: 200,000 200,000 ZOD,000 400.000 Forecasted Project Cost• roea� 2015 �78 2017 2018 _ 2073-�78__ PunCing Sourcea: - - - ARenal Preservetion Funtl - - - UtrlllyTex 200,000 200,000 200,000 ZIX1,000 1,200,000 REET ' ' Bondpioceeds TofalFUnAingSources: 200,000 ZW,000 200.OW 20U.000 1,�,W0 Capital ExpeMllturas: Design 20,000 20,000 zo,oao 20,000 120,000 RightWWey - - Conshuction 180 D00 180 000 180 000 180 000 1 O80 000 Total Eupendkures: - �700,000 200,000 200,000 200,OOD 7,200,�00 GraMS/Other Sources� - -_ 83 City ofAuburn Draft Capital Facilities Plan ARTERIAL STREET PRESERVATION FUND (105) Capital Facllifies Plan � Six 1'ear Capital Facilities Plan,2013-2018 Speelal Revenue Funds Projea Title: West Valley Highway System Preservation (15th NW to 37th NVI� Projed No: cp�ocxx T�p#22 Project Type: No�-CapaGity Projed Manager Seth�Ckstrom Descrfptlon: The West Valley Highway System Preservation projed will rneAay the failing portions of the street pavemeM between �5th Street NW and 37th Street NW. This eMads the installatlon of a leveling wurse, providing a 2'-3°thidc asphaft conaete overlay and includes minor surface utiliry adjustmerrts. Progress Summary: FHWA STP Grartt funding was secured in 2012. Future Impact on Operating Budget: None BudgM: zot2 vivacwel zoia t2Budgas BuOget 6cpenAitures Budge[ Balance Adoptetl Butlget - - _ Budget AmerMments Atljusted Budget - - _ Aotivlty: (PraviousYnl 2072YE 207�Y�rEnd � Funding Sources: Prior to 2012 Fstimate 2079 Budget 2014 Butl at Project Total , � Artenal Preservetion Fund Befence - 560,000 560,000 GrentFuntling(Fetlerel,Stete,LocelJ - 560,000 560,000 UNliry Tax _ REE72 - - BorM Pueetls - TaQal Funtling Suitrcea: - - 1.120.000 7,720,000 Capilal Ezpendkurea: Despn 134.000 134.000 Ripht o1 WeY ' ' ConSbuCtlon 9B6 000 986.000 7Mnl Expantlku�ee: 1,120,000 - 7.720.U00 Forecasted Project Cost: Tofal 2075 2018 20'17 Z018 2IM9-2018 Fumm�g souroes: Artenal Prcservahon FwW Belence - ' ' �p,Opp Gisnt Funtling(Fede�a(Stete,Loeeq ' ' ' �p,Opp Utility Tax - - _ REET2 - - _ BorM Proceetls Tofal Fimding Soureea: - . - 1.120.000 CaPifal Fxpendkures: Desqn � - - 134.000 PogMOIWey - - co�sauaro� ses o00 rmai�venan�rea: - � _ �nzo,000 GraMS/Other Sourees: � I 84 City of Auburn Draft Capital Facilities Plan TABLE T-3 I SUMMARY OF IMPACTS ON FUTURE OPERATING BUDGETS P 2014 207b 1076 2077 2078 2079 ToLI � A��%�� E 25,930 S 25.830 S 25,830 E 25.830 E 25,830 E 25.830 E t54,880 Z /SbMINECmlaei ' ' ' ' J YSbMfGrad�Spraabn 21.BT7 21.827 21.827 27.827 21.827 2t.827 t30.862 4 SS77UMWNbOnx,RlrwBrldp 27.250 27.250 27.2W 27.25U t09.000 b ASbMraN;Pnwt ' ' ' B OSbwtNM;77MbMM ' ' ' 7 FSC�MSE1MroAN5 - - 4,t00 d,100 4,10D 12,300 8 NSbMNE,E.ehlnrolfh . � 7,500 7,500 7.500 4,500 g YStSFaf7M3tSE7M/aslpn�l _ _ 10 BldSbsetNEWltlmilnp _ _ �� Iqrry68MSbwtNE _ 73 �+SbMfNE6SEf01MSfMbnwtlon Imµ 8.600 B,800 8,800 8,800 B,800 6,800 38,800 7D AuOUmW�yS6MSbsfSElmµ _ 74 BNSF/EV�INyNwyP�tl�aMm UnaMpW ' ' ' 76 /1wtl�myMls�MUMWnTnU ' ' 18 17tM Aw SE COMtlDilmp,PMx 3 17 1StM At�SECwtltlw Imp.P�m 1 _ 18 futllAwSECOrrlwrlmp,Pna�7 _ 18 SE 970M St Cwr/tler/mi _ SO AvOUmWiU'SOCwrroor5awry Impmwn�nb ' ' � 77 Emlrarma�b/PMRwtlw�ySfu� _ . _ � Oe�rnlm/n aa W Oow IleroUU�erh�0 �P�Y ' ' � 57/8MN81eyeh6P'atl/mpSmOy _ _ �q E✓tlM�9'�� 5,000 5,000 5,000 5,000 20,000 28 MwwYWVSWUD' ' _ ' 18 AM'SWStSEroN�mbcw5t5E 9,300 9,900 9,300 9.900 9,300 9,300 55,800 n IuWmAnNE6�N3tNEP�GmYan � � � '�9 YStSEOmAtlx�BtlIStSEbAMS _ =p SYNSbM5E6R3tnR3E _ �0 �NWRDSpnwnll _ J7 Le N11I Rtl S�Y��S ' ' ' ' JR LM N711 Rtl&OmIn13 ' ' ' ' ' i3 AuOUmWWSOPwN�fMnimi.DOpwooO b Flr - - - i4 AuOUmW/YCarlabrlm0 ' ' ' ' �76 1�Sf SWR�aonebuetlen ' ' JB �//�W/Y�a5tN83ipmllmp ' ]7 CSfmMNW6WrfYNnSewf JB (btSbweSB6A3t5FAmxSWtly _ 78 Mm�IBrlflAlmpmwm�� ' ' AO S.7l7MMLWntlMMywn ' ' , 47 CIO+MWP�dnbYnCieW�p ' ' ' 47 uti�amn.�ob'e�as�I�b�a 6l ifMbB3�NW/bWO�tlCia,ND�4' _ _ ' " 6np 5,000 5,000 5,000 5,000 5,000 5,000 30.000 M A3!NEP�eaehnlmp - - 500 500 500 1,500 O6 a�arurMn inluwObnp _ _ " p tWMAro5F60nanRMVRtlSGay _ •� ^s���� - - s.aoo s,aoo io.000 es uHms.wrtem.rosaueeiaro - - - - r9 awsse.we.pd�o..m.m� - - - - - 00 Ubw/O�T�lIb5�4ntlStlYlylmp ' ' ' 67 Lao�ISOwtOnA+nw'wNPropnm(Fwtl w tuL ' ' ' _ ' 62 Mnu�IMrr�SarwPiarwtlon (r+�ml �� ' ' ' ' ' 67 AnIWtlARMYI CnCk SMI PlOpam(FUM 1p61 ' ' ' ' 64 YYMINMyNwySymmRSwnatlan TOUI S 88,867 S 80.667 f t00,807 S 108.907 S 117,907 S 117.907 S 388.bM13 Ii 85 Ciry ofAuburn Draft Capiial Facilities Plan C:ITY �OF �.__ � - �����.r..-:�°�=� . j �� �.� :�.. .�_ _ _ _ .�.- -u�L.w� �.. w - - ���_ -- ,� .�-_ �. -_ .�: _ . - - .. l, .,.,.� '-F�._ . -.._ . y6C ,,. .. ., •r..-r �1-�� 1 i "'"`�.:u.'.'-:....' •~• rs�t I . I � .�.C�� °1���.:.� �r�.��J r��.��.��i��L� 86 City of Auburn Draft Capital Facilities Plan WATER Current Facilities The City of Auburn water utility provides water supply, treatmerrt, transmission, storage, disfribution, and service connections to in-City residences ancl businesses. The City also provides water to one adjacent city and one water district. The water system consists bf wells, springs and interties for source; chlorination stations and corrosion control for treatment; pump statioris, pressure reducing stations and pipelines for transmission; and steel and concrete enclosed reservoirs for storage. Table W-1, "Facilities Inventory', lists the faciiities along with their current capacfties and approximate locations. Level of Service (LOS) The City's Comprehensive Water Plan summarizes the design criteria and service polices for the City's water distribution system. Capital Facilities Projects and Financing The City of Aubum's water system anticipates two capacity projects in the amount of $5,945,000 and thirteen non-capacity projects totaling $17,144,150 for a 6-year planning i expectation total of $23,089,150. The financing plan is shown in Table W-2 followed by individual worksheets showing the project details. The capacity projects will increase water supply quantities, storage, and distribution for growth of retail customers. The non-capacity projects will provide for pipeline improvements and replacements, delivery pressure improvements, water quality enhancements, comprehensive and resource management planning, pump station upgrades, telemetry system improvemerrts, and meter upgrades. Impact on Future Operating Budgets As Table W-3 shows, operating budget impacts of$22,800 are forecasted for water supply and distribution facilities during the six years 2014—2019. 87 City ofAuburn Draft Capital Facilitzes Plan TABLE W-1 , Facilities Inventory Water Facilities _........... . ....... .__ _ _... . _. . , AUBURN WATER SYSTEIVI.` .`..:: .___ .�_._, __.... � _. __._._�_ CAPACITY - FACILITY WATER RIGHT (MGD-max rate) LOCATION Wa er u I : Coal Creek SpnngS Certificate 857 9.70c2.52>" 3401 Studc River Rd West HiII SpnngS Claim(1973 File Date) 0.9 1900 15fh St NW Ext� Well 1 Certficafe 3560-A 3.17 1136 M St SE Well 2 G1-00277 C 3.46 1 f 09 5fh St NE Well 3A G1-23629 C 4.03 40137th St SE W9ll 38 (Included Above) (Included Above) 40137fh St SE WBII 4 G1-20391 C 4.03 950 25fh St SE Well 5 G1-23633 C 1.44 5530 James Ave SE WB!!5A (Included A6ove) (Included Above) 5401 Olive Way SE Well 58 (Included Above) (Included Above) West end of 62nd Ct SE Well 6 (Supplemental to Wells 1 2,3A, 3B, 4) 5.04(supplemerrtal) 1109 5fh St NE Well 7 (Supplemental to Wells 1 2, 3A, 38, 4) 5.04(supplemeMal) 405 E St NE Suppty Total(MGD) 26.73 Available for Use 24,27 Denotes tle0uction of 1,750 gpm(Oi12,824 ao-fUyr)to compty with the provisions of Me Muckleshoot-Aubum Stipulated Agreement. CAPACITY FACILITY (MGD) LOCATION SERVICE AREA IMertie TaCOma B Stfeet NW 3.2 3240 B SY NW Valley Service Area Tacoma 132nd Ave SE 3.2 29598 132nd Ave SE Lea Hill Service Area nterfie Total(MGD) 8.4 CAPACITY FACILITY (MG) LOCATION SERVICE AREA Stora e Facilrties: Valley Rese�voir 1 5.0 2003 Au6um Way S Valley Service Area VallBy ReSeNOif 2 3.6 32115 105th Place S Valley Service Area Cademy Reservoir 8A 1.0 5002 Aubum Way S Academy Service Area cademy ReSenroir 88 1.5 5002 Aubum Way S Academy Service Area Lea Hill Reservoir 4A 1_0 30502 132nd Ave SE Lea Hill Service Aiea Lea kill Reservoir 4B 1.5 30502 132nd Ave SE Lee Hill Service Area Lakeland Hills Reservoir 5 1.0 1326 571h Dr SE Lakeland Hills Svc Area Lakeland Hills Reservar 6 t.0 57t8 Francis Ct SE Lakeland Hills Svc Area Storage Tofal(MG) 15.6 88 Ciry ofAuburn Draft Capital Facilities Plan TABLE W-1 (continued) Facilities Inventory Water Facilities CAPACITY FACILITY (GPM) LOCATION Booster Pum Sta6ons: cademy 1 2 pumps 800 2004 Aubum Way S cademy 2: 2 pumps 1,500 2004 Aubum Way S cademy East.' 6 pumps 2,820 5002 Aubum Way S Green River 4 pumps 4,680 29621 Green River Rd SE lntertie: 7 pumps 4,830 30502 132nd Ave SE ea Hrll.� 3 pumps 2,100 f 0406 Lea Hi0 Rd SE Lake/and Hills: 6 pumps 3,200 1118 57th P/ace SE �fdemess Game Farm Pk: 2 pumps 1,050 2401 Stuck River Rd CAPACITY Prima.ry Valve FACILITY PSI-InIeUOutle LOCATION Pressure Reducin Stations: , Serves Valley Pressure Zone: Howard Road CCF#1011-1 82/65 Howard Rd Howard Road CCF By-Pass#1011-2 - Howaro Rd(Bypass) 25th.Street SE#1110-1 (Offtine) - 25th St SE&K St SE Rivervvalk#1111-2 9LV50 27th St. SE&27m P/ace SE Rivervva/k#1111-1 109/55 Rrverwalk Dr SE 8 Howard Rd erves Lea Hill: Lea Hill#512-? 80/50 304th St. SE West o(112th Ave Lee Hill#412-1 90/45 SE 298th Place& 109 Ave SE Lea.Hill#512-2 87/45 304th SG SE West of 108th Ave Lea Hil(#611-1 165/65 Lea HiU Rd SE Lea Hil(#611-2 140/65 Lea Hill Rd& 106 PI Lea Hill#611-3 14S/60 Lea Hil1 Rd& 107 Pl Lea Hill#411-1 94/55 >04th Ave SE(South of 303rd Road) Lea Hil!#411-2 8fi/40 SE 304th Pl&SE 101st Place Lea Hil!#512-3 N/C 300 Block& 108th Ave SE Amber View North#711-1 150/65 105th P/SE&32oth PI Amber View North#711-2 142/60 106th PI SE Near Reservoir 2 Serves Academy: Aubum Way South#1011-3 130/80 2003 Aubum Way S Aubum Way South#1114-1 130/80 4500 Aubum Way S Serves Jannsen Addition: Jannsen#121 fr t 72/58 6100 8lock 8 35M wa SE 89 City ofAuburn Draft Capital Facilities Plare TABLE W-1 (continued) � Facilities Inventory Water Facilities caaacirr Primary Valve FACILITY PSI-In1eU0utlet) LOCATION Serves Lakeland Hif/s: Lake/and Hills#1410-2 125�62 Nathan Ave 8 Highland Dr Lake/and Hills#1309-1 10&55 Mil!Pond DrQ Oraveh Rd Lakeland Hills#1410-1 N/C 51 st SL SE easf of Mil!Pond Loop Lakeland Hills#1409-3 84/55 Mill Pond Or 8 Lakeland Hills Way Lake/and Hills#1510.1 N/C Lake/and Hitls Way 8 Evergreen Way Lake/and Hills#1409-2 120/56 47M SE&Lake/and Hiils Way Lakeland Hills#131a1 130/55 Mill Pond Dr 8 Mill Pond Loop Lake/and Hills#1410.3 82/55 Quincy Ave N o/53N St SE Lake/and Hills#1409-1 N/C Oravetz&Leke/end Hills Way Lake/arM Hills#1409-4 95�/0 Lakeland HiOs Way&Lakeland Hills Lp Lake/and Hills#1410-4 103/50 4900&ock 8 Mill Pond Dr Lekeland Hilfs#1509-1 174/60 Terrace View Lower(6170) Lakeland Hills#1509-2 160/73 Tenace View Middle(5960) Lakeland Hills#1509-3 13&47 Teirece View Upper(5810) Leke/and Hills#1509-4 N/C Tertace View&A/exanderPlace SE I N/C-Nortnal Closed CAPACITY FACILITY GPM LOCATION Corrosion Control Howard Road 5,550 2101 Howard Rd SE Fulmer Field 9,375 1113 5M St NE Chlonnallon StaHons: Coa/Creek Springs Staflon 5,000(gravity/eed) 3401 Stuck River Rd West Hill'Springs StaUon 625(grevity feed) 1900 15th St NW Well 4 2,600 950 25th Sf SE Well 58 600 1100 63rd St SE Well 5A 180 5401 0(ive Ave SE .. _... �. �__ . � - �-°--"°._. _`-.- '''."-_. .'�=BRAUNW D SATELLITE WATER SYSTEM...: � '". .�_::��"�:_=� FACILITY - --- CAPACITY - - LOCATION Water Su 1 : - Breunwood Satellite#1 0.03 MGD 4501 47th St SE F 7'i : raunwood Satellite 1 0.03 MG 4501 47th St SE 800ster Pum Sta6ons: Braunwood.•3 Pumps 2.0 GPM 4501 47th St SE 90 City of Auburn Draft Capital Facilities Plan TABLE W-2 CAPITAL FACILITIES PLAN PROJECTS AND FINANCING WATER DIVISION 2013 2014 Z015 2016 2077 Z078 Total CaoaciN Proiecffi: 1 WeII7lmprovemeMa Capital Costs 3,680.000 - - - - - 7�680.000 Funding Souroas: Water Fu�M 355,OOD - - - - - J55,000 PWTF Loan 3,325,000 3,325,GU0 2 Fulmer Well Field Improvemer� Capital Costs 515.000 1,750.000 - - - - 2,265,000 Funding Sources: WaterFund - 310,000 - - - 310,000 Bond Proceeds 515,000 . 7,440.000 1,955,000 SubWtal.CaoaeiH Proieets: CapRal Costs 4,195,000 1,750,000 - - - - 5,945,000 Non-CaoaciN Proiecta: 3 Grean River PS Emergenry Power Capital Costs - - 90,000 600,000 - - 890,000 Funding Saurces: WaterFund - 90,000 600,000 - - 690,000 Bond Proceeds 4 Well 4 Power 8 Chlorinatlon Capdal Costs 245,000 954,150 - - 1,199,150 FwMing Sources: WaterFund - - - - - - - Band Proceeds 245.000 954,150 - 1,189,1� 5 Well 5 Upgrade Capdal Cosfs - - 400,000 1,500,000 - - 1,900,000 Funding Sources: Water Fund - - 400,000 1,500,000 - - 1,900,000 BoM Proceeds 6 Well hmpeUion and Redevebpment Pmgram Capital Cosffi 150,000 - 150,000 - 150,000 - 4W,000 Fundirg Sources: WaterFund 150,000 - 150,000 - 150,000 - 450,000 Bond Proceeds 7 Water Repair 8 ReplacemeMs Capital Cosffi 1,350,000 150,000 1,500,000 200,000 1,700,000 260.000 5,180,000 Fundir�g Saurces: WaterFund - - 1,500,000 200,000 1,700,000 260,000 3,680,000 Bond Proceeds 1,350.000 150.000 - - 1,500,000 91 City of Auburn Draft Capital Facilities Plan TABLE W-2(contlnued) , 2073 T014 2015 2016 2077 2018 Total Non-qoaoitv Prolecls: 8 Lakeland Hlila Reservolr 5lmprovemeMs Capital Costs 750,000 - - - - _ �5p,ppp Fund'mg Sources: Water Fund - - - - - - • Bond Proceeds 750,000 - - - - �b0.000 9 Comp�ehe�hre Water Plan Capital Costs - 330,000 - - - - 530,000 FurWing Sources: Wate�Fund - 330,000 - - - 33p,ppp Bond Proceeds - - - - 10 Well 7 Emargency Power Capital Costs - - 75,000 440,000 - 515,000 Funding Sources: Water Fund - 75,000 440,000 - - 515,000 Bond Praceeds - - - 11 Mal�nanee ami Operatlor�s Expa�lon Capital Costs 220,000 - - - - 220,000 Funding Sourcss: WaterFund - 220,000 - - - - 220,000 Bond Proceeds - - - - - � 12 MIT Master Metera Capital Costs - 80,000 400,000 - - - 480,000 Funding Sources: Water Fund - B0,000 400,000 - - - 480,000 Bond Proceeds - - - - - • 13 S6eet UUlity Improveme�rta CapiTal Costa 500,000 500,000 500,000 500,000 500,000 500,000 3,000,000 Funding Sources: WaterFund 500,000 500,000 500,000 500,000 SD0,000 500,000 3,000,000 BorW Proceeds - - - - 14 Lea Hill PRV Statfon ImprovemeMs Capital Cosls 50,000 400,OOD - - 450,000 Funding Sources: Water Fund - - 50,000 400,000 - - 450,000 BoM Prooeeds - - - 15 Water AAeter 8 Billing SysEem Improvenre� Capital Costs 500,000 500,000 500,000 500,000 - - 2,000,000 Funding Sources: Water Fund 500,000 500,000 500,000 - - 1,500,000 Bond Praceeds 500,000 - - - - 5�,000 i, 92 Ciry ofAuburn Draft Capital Facilities Plan TABLE W-2(continued) Non�Capacilv Proieds: SubwtaL Non-CaoaeHv Proleets: Capital Costs 3,49b,000 2,734,750 3,665,000 4,140,000 2,350,000 760,000 17,744,750 SUMYARY• CAPITAL COSTS Capaaly Projeds 4,195,000 1,750,000 - - - - 5,945,000 No�CapacityProjects 3,495,000 2,734,150 3,665,000 4,140,000 2,350,OD0 760,000 17,144,150 Tatal Costs 7,690,000 4,484,150 3,665,000 4,140,000 2,350,000 760,000 23,089,150' FUNDING SOURCES: WaterFund 1,005,000 1,940,000 3,665,000 4,140,000 2,350,�00 760,000 13,860,000 PW'fF Loan 3,325,000 - - - - - 3,325,000 BondProceeds 3,360,U00 2,544,150 - - - 5,904,150 Totai Funding 7,680,000 4,484,150 3,665,000 4,140,000 2,350,U00 760,000 23,089,150 93 City ofAuburn Draft Capital Facilities Plan WATER FUND (430) Capital Facilities Wan Six Year CapiTal Faeilitles Plan,2013-2018 Enterpiise Funds Projed TiUe: Well 1 Improvemenffi Projed No: cp0915 Projea 7ype: Capacity Project Manager. LBB Descrtption: Hydro geologic evaluation Progress Summary: FuWre Impaet on The annual maiMenance cost is eatimaEad to be approximately$1,800. BUtl4J2t 2D72 VTDAcWaI 2013 128udge[ Butlget Expendkurea Budget Balance AdOptBd Budyet _ Budpet Amentlmenfs i � Atljuatetl Budpot Activity: 2012 YE T013 Ymr End Funtling Soureea: Prlor to 2012 Estlma[e 2013 Bud et 2014 Butlget Pro' Total UnrasMCtetlWeterRevenue 127,814 551,010 355,000 1,033,624 UnresMctetl Storm Revenue 831,900 831,900 Bond Proceads - Other(PWTF loon) 3 325 000 3 325,000 Totel Fundinp Sourees: 127,814 1,382,910 3,880,000 5,790,524 Capital Expendku�ae: Design 127,81A 500,000 - 627,614 RiphtWWey ' Conshuetlon B82,910 3680,000 4562810 Total E:pandltures: 127,g14 1,362,810 3,680,OD0 5,790,SZ4 Foreeastad Projact Coat: Total 3075 2018 2077 2078 2U13-2078 FunAing Sources: Unrashicted Weter Revanue - - 355,000 Unrashicfed Storm Rmronue - _ 8ond Pioceeds - . OMer(PVYTF ben) 3 325 D0� Total Funding Sources: - - . 3�pp�ppp Capital Expentliwres: pe�gn _ _ _ Right of Wey ' ' ' ' ��� 3,680,000 Tobll E�cpendkures: ' ' ' 3,660.000 Grants/Otlrer Sourcex � I 94 City of Auburn Draft Capital Facilities Plan � WATER FUND (430) Capifal Facilities Plan Six Year Capital Facilitles Plan,2013-2018 Enterprise Funds Project Title: Fulmer Welt Field Improvements Project No: cp1707 Project Type: CapaGity Projed Manager. Lamothe/Vondrak Description: Conduct an evaluation of the Wells 2,6 and 7 facilities and the Fulmer Field Corrosion Control Treatment Faciliry to assess the supply and treatment capacity of the existing facilities and iMrasWcWre. The evaluation will include an assessment of individual and total well supply capaci[ies,a rev'rew of the treatrnent facility operating and control parameters,and recommentlations for facility and control improvements based on the evaluation. Progress Summary: Future Impact on OperaUng Budget No significant impact �d9ek 2012 Y7�Actual 2013 12 Budget Budget Expenditures Butlget Belance Atlopted Budget - _ I BudgetAmendments Adjusted Budgef - Activity: 2012 YE 2013 Yeer End Funding Sources: Prlor to 2012 _EsUmate 2013 BuG et 2074 Budget Pro'ect Totel UnresfictedWeterRevenue 2,855 400,000 310,000 402,855 Grents(Fed,State,Locel) - - - BartlProceeds - 515,000 1,440,000 515,000 Other Total Funding Sources: 2,855 400,OOp 515,000 1,750,000 977,855 Capital Expendkures: Design 2,855 400,000 515,DD0 917,855 Right of Wey : C���o� 1 750 000 Tofel Ezpendkures: 2,853 400,000 515,000 7,750,000 977,855 Fcrecasted Project Cost: ToWI 2015 2016 2017 2018 2013-2078 Funtling Sources: UnrastnctedWahrRevenue - - 310,000 Grsnts(Fed,Stefe.locaq Bond Pmceetls - 1,955,�00 Other Total Funtling Sources: - - 2,285,000 CaPilal ExpendiWres: Design 575.000 Right of Way Consbuction 1 750 000 rorai�peoartures: - - - z,zss,000 Grar�ts/Other Sources: 95 City ofAuburn Draft Capital Facilities Plan WATER FUND (430) CapMal Faeilities Plan Six Year Capital Facllitles Plan,2013-2018 Enffirprise Funds Project Title: Green River PS Emergency Power Project No: tpxxxx Projec[Type: Non-CapaGity Project Manager: TBD DescripHon: Constructlon of facility impmvements to house an emergency generator and associated electrical equipment. Progress Summary: Future Impact an Operating Budget The annual maintenance cost is estimated to be approximately$600 BUdgBt: 2072 YTD Actual 2013 12 Budget Bu0 et Expendkures Budget Balance Atlopted Budget - Budget Amendments �Adjusted Budgat - - AcUvity: ?Al2 YE 2013 Year Entl FunAing Sourees: Prior to 2072 Eatimate 2013 Bud et 2014 Butl t Pro eet 7otal Unrestricted Water Revenue _ G2nts(Fed,SYale,Local) Bartl ProceeCS _ OMer Total Funding Sourcas: Capital FxpentlRuras: Das�gn - _ Righto/Way - - - - _ Conshucrion Tofal Expenditures: - ' " ' Forecasted Project Cost: rom� 2015 2016 2017 2078 2073-2D18 Funding Sourcas: UnreshicYedWaterRevenue 90,000 6D0,000 690,000 Grants(Fed.Slete.LacaQ - Bond Proceeds - omw Total Funding Sources: 90,000 600,000 - 690,000 CaD����Pe�dkures: Design 90,000 - - 90,000 Right ol Way - - _ Conshud'wn 600 000 -600 000 Tota�Expentlitures: 90,000 600,000 - 690,000 Grarrts/ONer Sources: � 96 City ofAuburn Draft Capital Facilities Pdan ' � WATER FUND (430) Capital Facilities Plan Six Year Capital Facili8es Plan,2013-2018 Enterprise Funds Projed Title: Well 4 Power and Chlorination Projed No: C512a0 Projea Type: Non-Capacity Projed Manager. TBD Descrlptfon: Construct a new building at the Well 4 site to house a diesel-fueled stantlby generator and new hypochlorite disinfectlon equipment. Progress Summary: Future Impact on Operating BudgM: The annual maintenance wst is estimated to be approximately$600. Builget: sotz YTDACtual 2013 12Butlgat Budget ExpenERurea Budget Bafance Adopted BuC4et ' ' , Budget Amendmants Atljustetl Budget - - - AGtivity: � 2012 YE 20�3 Year Eritl Funding Sources: Prior M 2012 Estimate 2013 Bud 2074 Bud eS Pro'eet Total UnreshictedWaterRevenue 7138 35.000 - -- —42,138 Grarrts(Fed,State,Lxap - _ BondPioceeds 245,00� 954,15D 245,000 Other TotalFUnding Sources: 7,138 35,000 295,000 954,150 287,138 CapiplExpenditures: Design 7138 35,000 65,000 - 107138 R/ghto/Way - _ _ consnucrion �ao aao ssa iso �eo uoo Tofal F�cpentlkures: 7 736 � -- 95,OOU 245,000 954,150 287,138 Forecasted ProJect Cost: Toml 2075 2016 2017 2078 2013-2D18 _ Funding Sources: - - � - Unreshrctetl Waler Revenue _ GraMS(Fed,Sfefe,locap BondPioceeds - - 1,199.150 Other Totnl Funding Sources: ' ' ' 1,799,130 Capital F�cpentlRures: Design 65,000 Right of Way - _ ConsbucNon .t 134 150 To1nlEzpendlWres: - - 1,199.750 Grants/ONer Sources: 97 City ofAuburn Draft Capital Facilities Plan WATER FUND (430) CapHal Facilitfes Plan Six Year Capital Facilities Plan,2013-2018 Enterprise Fonds Project 7it�e: Well 5 Upgrade Project No: Cp0624 Projed Type: Non-Capaeity Projed Manager. TBR Description: Construct a new weil facilily meetlng curtent elechical and safery codes. The projec[will inWude emergency backup power and disinfection capability. Progress Summary: Future Impact on Operating Budget The annual maintenance cost is estirtiated to be approximately$1,80�. Budget: 2o�z rro pcwai 2o�a ts euage� Budget Expentlkures Budgat Balance Adoptetl Budget - - Butlget Amandments Adjusted Butlget - _ ACZIVI�I: 2012 YE 2013 Year End Funding Sources: Prior to 2012 Estimate 2073 Butl et 2014 Bu0 Pro'ect 7otal UnreshictedWaterRevenue - _ _ _ Grants(Fetl,State.loeal) - ' . - Bond Pioceetls - _ Other TotalFUnding Sources: _ _ . Capifal Expendkures: Design Right of Way - Conshuction Total Ezpe�dltures: - ' ' Forecasted ProjeM Cost: Total 2015 2016 2017 2018 2073�2018 Funtling Sources: UnrasMctedWaterRevenua 400,000 1,500,000 1,900,000 Grarrts(Fed,State,locap Bond Proceeds - Other Tofal Funding Sources: 400,000 1,500,000 - 1,900,000 Capital Expentlkwes: nesign aoa,aao - aoo,000 Riqht olWay - . Conshuction 1 SW 000 1 500000 Totel Expenditurea: 400,000 1,500,W0 - 1.900.OU0 i, I Grarrts I Othar Sources. 98 City ofAuburn Draft Capital Facilities Plan � WATER FUND (430) Capital FaelllUes Plan Six Year Capital Facilities Plan,2013-2018 EnterpNse Funds Projed Title: Well Inspection and Redevelopment Program Project No: GpxxxX Project Type: Non-Capacity Projed Manager. TBD Description: Program for inspection and redevelopmeirt of supply wells and springs necessary to ensure production at ma�dmum opadty for effitlaM ' ulilization. Progress Summary: Planned Future Impaet on Operating Budget: No signficaM impact Budget zmz vroaecuai zo�a �zeua� e�a�� EzpendRuroa em�e eaianee atloyted eudget - ' Budpet AmendmeMS - Adjusted Budpet - Activity: 2012 YE �13 Yenr End Funding Soumas: Prlor to 2M2 Esdmate 2073 Butl et 2074 Bud et Pro eet Tofal UnrestridedWeterRavenue - - 750,000 - 150,000 Grants(Fed.SYafo,LxalJ - Bond Prxeeds - om�. TotalFUn0ing3ourcea: - • 750,000 - 750.W0 Capifal Expenditures: Desipn 20.000 20,000 Rfpht of Wey Conshuction 130 000 130 000 Totel Expendkures: - - 750.000 750,U00 Forecasted Projeet Cost• roai 2075 2076 Z077 2018 20111018 Funding Sourees: UmestncfedWateiRevenua 150,000 150,000 450,000 G�aMS(Fed.Stek.Lxeq - Bard Pruceeds - - - omer Total Funding Sourees: 180,W0 - 750,000 - 450,000 Capifal Fxpendkures: Desgn 20,000 - 20,000 60,000 Right oiWay - Construenon 130 000 13D OOD 390 U00 Tofal ExpenCttures: 750,�0 - 150,000 650,000 Grarrts/Other Sources: 99 City ofAuburn Draft Capita!Facilities Plan WATER FUND (430) cap�ta�Fac�i�es Plan Slz Year Capifai Facilitles Plan,2073-2018 EMerp�ise Funds Project Title: Water Repair&Replacemerrts Projed No: CpxXXx Prbject Type: Non-Capacity(RB�R) ProjeG Manager Ve�ious Description: - Distribution,system repair antl replacement prqects required for meeting peak demarWS and reducing system losses. ProjecLa wi0 be coordinatetl with the Loral Street Progrem and other ulility projects. 2012-2013 budget will be usetl for Me Valley AC Main Replacement Prolect. Progress Summary: Future Impaet on OperaBng Budget: - No significant impact. BUdgCt: 2012 YTD Aetual� 2013 12 Budpet Budget Expandkures BuAgat Belsrice Adoptetl8utlget i Budget Amandmanfs Adjus[etl Budget - - _ _ ACtiVlly: �Z� 2073 Year Entl FunAingSourees: PNOrto2012 Estlma0e 2p736utl 20148ud et ProeetTofai UnrestnctedWale�Ravenua 120,000 120,000 Granfs(Fetl,5fale,LOCaI) - _ BontlPmceetls - 1,350,000 15D,000 1,350,000 Otlror _ Total FunCing Sourees: - 1Z0.000 7.350,000 150,000 7.470.000 CaDihl Expe�Mituias: ��0� 120.000 120.000 Right ol Way _ _ Construcrion 1 350 000 150 000 1 350 000 To1al Expendkuren: 120,000 1,350,000 150,000 1A70,000 Fomcastetl Project Cost ---- 7oTe1 2015 2018 2017 2076 201S-2U78 FunAing Sourees: - UnresfncfedWaferRavenue 1,500,000 200,000 1,700,000 260,000 3,660,OU0 Granls(Fetl.Sfete.LOCeq Bond Pmceeda - 1,500,000 OMer Total Funding Sourcea: 1,500,000 200,000 1,700.000 260,000 5,760.000 CaPltal EzpandlWies: Desf9n 200,OOD 28U.000 460.00p Righfo/Way ' ' ' ' Cortshuetion 1 500 000 1 700 000 4 700 000 TotalExpendlqi�es: 1,500,OOD 2W,000 1,700,000 260,000 5,180,000 G2rtls/Othar Sources: - �0� City ofAuburn Draft Capital Facilities Plan WATER FUND (430) Capital Facilitfes Plan Six Year Capital Facilities Plan,2013-2018 Enterprlse Funds Project Tiue: Lakeiand Hills Reservoir 5 Improvemenfs Project No: Gp0765 Project Type: Non-Capacity Projed Manager TBD Description: Paint the iMerior and exterior to preserve the Iife of the reservoir,add mixing equipment for improved water quality and safery improvemenis including seismic isolation valve and new ladder. Progress Summary: " Future Impact on OperaGng Budget: No sipn�cant ImDact BtIdgB1- 2072 YTD AMual 2013 12 BuCget _ Butlget Expendituras Butlget Balanee Adoptad Budget - - Budge[Amendments Adjusted BuUget - _ ACtiYILy: 2012 YE 2013 Year End� Funding Sourcea: Prior m 2012 Estimafe Z073 Butl et 2074 Bud et Prv'ect Total UnrestridedWaterRevenue a3,334 5,t52 - 48,486 Grenls(Fed,Stete,LOCaq ' Bond Proceeds 75�,000 750.000 Otirer - Tmal FunCing Sourcas: 43.334 - 5,152 750.000 - 788,486 Caplfnl ExpendiWras: Desi9n 43,336 5,152 80,000 - 128,486 R�ghto(Wey - - Conshuction 870 00� - 870 000 Total ExpendiNres: 43,334 5,152 750,000 - -" 798,486 Forecasted Projeet Cost: � Toml 2075 2078 2017 2018 20132018 Funding Sourees: UnrasMCted Wafer Revenue - _ Grarrts(FeU,Sfata.Local) - ' - - 8ontl Proceeds - - - 750,000 Other - TolalFunding Sources: - • - 750,000 CaPital F�cPBnditures: ' �s�9� ' ' ' 80,000 Righfo/Wey - - Conshuchon 670 00� 7ote1 Expenditures: - - - 750,000 Grer�ts/OMer Sources: ��� City of Auburn Draft Capital Facilities Plan WATER'FUND (430) Capital Facilities Plan Six Year Capital Facilities Plan,2013-2016 Enterprise'Funds Project ri�e: Comprehensive Water Plan Project No: Gpxxxx Projed Type: Non-Capacity Project Manager. Lamothe Description: Update the Comprehensive Water Plan as required by Washington State Department of Health. Progress Summary: Future Impact on Operating Budget: No sign�cant impad. BudgeC 2012 YTD Actual 2013 12 Budget Budget Expenditures Budgat Baianee Adopted Budget - - Budget Amendments Atl�ustetl Budget - - Activlty: 2012 YE 21h3 YBer End Funding Sources: Prior w 2012 Estimate 2013 Bud et 2074 Bud et Projaet Toql UnrestnctedWaterRevenue - - - --330,000 Grants(Fad,State,local) - - - 8ond Proceeds - - Other Total Funding Sourees: • - - 330,000 - Capital Expendku�es: Design - 330,000 R�ght of Wey - ConsWCtion Totel ExpendRures: - - 330,000 - Forecasted Project Cost: Total 2015 2018 Z017 2018 20'13-21N8 Funding Sources: Un2sMdetlWaterRevenue - - - - 330,000 Grants(Fed,Sfate,Local) - - 8ond Proceeds - - - - OMer Total Funtling Sources: - 330,000 Capifal Expendkures: Design - - - 330,000 Ripht o/WaY ' COns6uction Totel ExpenCRUres: - - 330,000 Grants/Other Sources: 1�2 City of Auburn Draft Capital Facilities Plan WATER FUND (430) Capital Fac'ilities Plan Six Year Capital Facilities Plan,2073-2018 Enterprise Funds Project Titie: Well 7 Emergency Power Project No: GpXxXx Project Type: Non-Capacity Project Manager: TBD Description: Provide a generator for backup power to reliably meet demands in the Valley service area. Progress Summary: Future Impact on Opereting Budget: The annual maiMenance cost is estimated to be epproximately$600. BUdg@t: 2072 YTD Aetual 2a13 12 Budget Budget Expendkures Budget Balance Adoptetl Budqet Butlget Amendments Atljusfetl Buoget - - - Activity: 2072 YE 2013 Year Entl� Funding Sourcea: Prlor to 2072 Estimate 2073 Bud et 2014 Bud t Pro'eet Total UnrestrictetlWaferRevenue - - G�eMS(Feo',Sfete,LOCap - - Bond Pioceetls - Other - Total Funding Sources: - . Capifal ExpantlNures: Design ' ' Right of Way - - COlIffiNCl1011 Total Expendkwes: - - - - Forecasted Project Cost: --� 7otnl ZO15 2016 2017 2016 2013-TA18 Funtling Sources: - UnrastncfedWaterRevenue 75,000 440,OD0 - - 515,000 Gianls(Fed,Sfefe,Loca1) ' ' Bond Procaetls - - Other Tofal Funding Sources: � 75,WU 440,000 515,000 Capkal ExpendiWrea: Desgn 75,000 - - 75,�00 Righto�Way - - - I ConshucNon 440 000 440 000 Total Expandltures: - 75,000 440,000 - 518,000 GreMS/Other Sources: " 103 City ofAuburn Draft Capital Facilities Plan WATER FUND (430) CapiTal Facllitles Plaii Six Year Capital Facilities Plan,2013-2018 EnterPrise Funds Project Title: Maintenance&Operations Facility Improvements Project No: cpXXXX Projea 7ype: Non-Capacity Projed Manager. TBD Description: Improvements to M80 facilitles and operetions including remodel the exisGng buiiding. Progress Summary: � Future Impact on Operating Budget: No sign�cant impact. BUdQBt: 2012 YTDActual 2013 12BUCget BuOget ExpanERures BudgM Balance Adopfed Budget _ _ BudgetAmendments Adjustetl Budgef - _ Activity: 2012 YE 2013 Year End Funding Sourcas: Prior to 2012 Egtimate 2073 Bud et 2074 Bud et Pro' ct Total UnresMctedWaM�Revenue - 220,000 Grarrts(Fed.State,Local) Bond Pioceads _ Other Topl Funding Sources: - 220,000 - Capifal ExpentliWres: ��8� - 40,000 - Ripht o/Way - _ _ Cons6uchon 180 000 romi��odn�re8: - zzo,oao - Forecasted Project Cost: Totnl 2015 2018 2017 2078 2013-2016'� Funding Sources: - UnreshictedWaterRevenue - - 220,000 Grarrts(Fed,SYafe,Locaq - Bond P/oceads - - - _ OMer Total Funding Sources: - - 220,000 Capifal FxpenOttures: Design 40,OD0 Right of Way _ Conshuctlon 180 000 Total F�cpentlitures: ' ' �ppp Grarrts/Other Sources: 104 City ofAuburn Draft Capital Facilities Plan � WATER FUND (430) Capital Facilitles Plan Six Year Capital Facilities Plan,2013-2018 �Enterprise Funds Project Title: MIT Master Meters Projed No: Cpxxxx ProjedType: Non-CapaCity Projed Manager� TBD Desaripfion: , Install master meters to Muckleshoot Indian Tribe properties to ease account adminisVation. Progress Summary: FuWre Impact on Operating Budget: No significant impad. BUdgOt: 2012 YTD Actual 2013 12 Butlget BuCget Expendkures Budget Balanee Adopted Budget - Budget Amentlments Atl�ustetl Butlget - Activity: Y012 YE 2pt3 Vwr End FunAingSources: Priorto2012 Eatimate 20�3Bud et 2014Bud et Pro'aet7ofal.. UniestncledWatarRevanua - BD,000 -- -- - G�arrts(Fatl.State,LOCaq . Bond Proceeds - Other Total Funding Soureea: - - 80,000 Capital Expendkures: Desipn 80,000 - RightMWay ' ' ' ConsWC6'on Total Expendkures: -- - - 80,000 - Forecasted Project Cost: Tofal 2015 2016 2017 2018 2013-2018 Funding Sources: UnresMctedWeterRevenue 4D0,000 - - 48�,000 Grarrts(Fed,State,LOCeq - Bond Proceeds - - omar Total Funding Sources: 400,000 - 480,000 CapkalEzpentlttu�es: Design - 80,000 Right of Way _ Conshuction 400 000 400 000 Total ExpendRures: 400,000 - 480,000 I Grarns/ONer Sources: -- - —-- - - - -- - 105 City of Auburn Draft Capital Facilities P[an WATER FUND (430) Capifal Facilities.Plan � ' Six Year Capital Facflitles Plan,2013-2018 Enterprise Funds Projed Ti�e: Street Utility Improvements Project No: cpxxxx Projed Type: Non-Capacity Project Manager. TBD Description: 'Water main improvements in coordinalion with SOS and general arterial street improvements. Progress Summary: - FuUire Impaet on Opereting Budget: No sipn�cant impact BUdg2C 2012 YT�qctual' 2073 7YBUtlget Budget ExpenOkurea BuOget _ Balanee_ Adopied Budget - - - - _ BWget Amentlme�rts ' Adjusted Budget - _ Activity: 2012'IE 2013 Year Entl Funding Sourcm: Prior to 2012 Fstimate -2013 BuG eY 2014 Bud et Pro'ect Total UnrestnctedWeffirRevenue - 600;0�0 500;000 500,000 7,100,000 Grenfs(Fed.State.loeal) ' - - Bond Proceeds . _ Other - Total Funding Sources: - 600,OW 500,000 500,000 1,100,000 Capital F�cpendkures: Design 50,000 50,000 50,000 100,000 Right o/Way . ConsMuehon 550 000 450 000 C50 000 1 000 000 Total Expendkurea: 600,000 500,000 500,000 1,700,000 Forecasted Project Cost - - Total 2015 2016 2017 2018 ?A'13-2018 Funding Sources: UnreshichstlWaterRevenue 50D,000 500,000 500,000 500,000 3,000,000 Giarrts(Fetl,Sfate,loceq _ _ Band Proceeds - _ Other Total Funding Soureea: 500,000 SOO,OOD 500,W0 � 500,000 �,000,000 CaPital 6cPenditures: Dasign 50,000 50,OOU 50,000 50,000 300,000 Right ofWay - - Construcl'wn 450 000 45D 000 450 000 450 000 2 700 000 TotalExpendiW1es: 500,000 500,000 500,000 500,000 3,000,000 � GrarRs/ONer Sources: - _ -__— _ _ _ 106 City ofAuburn Draft Capital Facilities Plan ' WATER FUND (430) Capital FaGllUes Plan Six Year Capital FacillUes Plan,2013-2018 Enterprlse Funils Projea riUe: Lea Hill PRV Station Improvements Project No: Gpxxxx Projed Type: Non-CapaCity Projeet Manager. TBD Description: Replace pressure redudng valve stafions in Me Lea Hill area. Progress 3ummary: FuWre Impaet on Operatlng Budget No signficant impact. BUdQM: 2072 YTDAtWaI 2013 128udget Budpet Expendfturea Butlget Balanee Atlopted Budgef - � Butlget AmerMmeMs Adjusted Butlgef _ _ AC}IVft�l: 2012 YE 4D13 Year E'W FunCing Sources: _ PAOr W 2012 Estimafe Z013 Bud 2014 Bud et Pro eet Tofel UnrestricYedWeferRevenue - - - Grarrts(Fetl.Stete.LOCeQ ' ' ' ' Bantl ProceeUS - _ OMer Total Funtling Sourcea: - Capttel ExpendlW res: Desipn _ RigAf o/Way . Conshucd'on Tofal ExpendGures: ' ' - • Forecasted Project Cost: Total 2075 2076 Z017 2018 2073-2018 Funding Sourees: .- UnresMctedWaterRevenue 50,000 400,000 0.50,000 Grenfs(Fed,SYate,Locel) Bond Proceetls - - _ Other Total FunAing Sou'ees: -b0,000 40D,000 - - 450,000 CaPitnl Expendku�ea: Design 50,000 - - 50,000 RigMO/Wey _ . Conshudion - 400 000 4U0 000 , Total Ezpandkurea: 50.0p0 dpp.ppp . - q50.000 Grar�ts/Other Sources� �Q7 City ofAuburn Draft Capital Facilities Plan --- -- � � WATER FUND (430) Capital Fae��itles Plan Slx Year Capital Paeilitles Plan,Z018-2018 Enterprise Furids ProJed Title: Water Meter 8 Billing System Improvemer�ts Projed No: Gp�oizi[ Prcject Type: NOn-Capaeity P.rcJect Manager. TBD Deseription: Progress Summary: Future Impact on Operaflng Budger No sign�caM impacL Budget: zot2 YTDAetuel zo�a tzeuaget s�a� ��nnures s�a9� eaunee Adopled Budget - - Budgef Amendme�rts ( � qd'ryyYed guCget ' ' ACtlVfgt: m+z ve m�a v�r e�a FunAing 3ourca: PAOr to 2012 Estlmafe 2013 Bud at 2014 Bud t Pro eet Totel UnreshicterlWete�Revenua - 80,000 - 500,000 80,000 Grartls(Fed.Sate�Loca9 ' - BondProceeds - - 5D0,000 500,000 OMiar Total Funtling Soureea: - 80,000 500,000 - 500,000 580,G00 Capital Expendkures: Oesign - 80,000 B0,000 RipMWWay ' - - ConstNCfron 500 000 500 000 500 D00 Twai Exv�an��es: - eo.oao soo.wo soo.uoo seo.000 Foreeasted Project CosC - To}al 2015 2016 2077 2078 201&2018 Funding Soutees: UnreshictetlWaterRevenue 500,000 500,000 - 1,500,000 G�ents(Fad,S[eta,Locap - Bontl Proceetls 500,000 omer TotnlFunding3ouroes: 500,000 SOO,WO - - Z,ppp,ppp CaPltal EzPB�CI[ures: Design - - RipMO/Wey ' ' - Conshuc8on 500000 500000 OOOODO Totel Expendku1as: 500,000 SOO,OOD - - 2,000,000 � � Grartts/Other Sources: - ��8 City of Auburn Draft Capital Facilities Plan TABLE W3 Impact on Future Opereting Budgets WATER _ Pro'eck 2014 2075 -_ 2076 2017 2018 2019 Sotal 1 Well t/mpmvemen� $ 1.800 $ 1,800 S 1,800 S 1,800 3 1,80D E 1,800 $ 10.800 2 Fu/merWed He/d/mprovements � �����mp�O° - - - 600 600 600 1,800 Emeigenty Powar 4 Well�PowerandCNroKnmlon _ 600 6�0 600 600 600 3,000 5 N'ell6Upg�ade - - - 1,800 1,80D 7,800 5,4D0 6 IMel1 hrspee0on end R�eve/opmant . �g� _ _ _ _ _ _ _ � wam.Repm.a Rep�eoenrone - - - - - - - g Leke/end Hllb Reservolr 6 /mwovamenta - ' - - ' ' - 9 CompiahendwWe[arP/en - ' - - ' - - 70 We1�7Fr�e�9��YP�� - - - 800 600 600 1,800 � 71 Malrrtenanea 8 Operatlons FeGllry - ' - ' ' ' - , Improwmenb 72 MITMasOerMeMis " ' ' ' ' ' ' 7 S Sfreat Utlliry Impmvements ' ' ' ' ' ' ' 14 Lee Hlll PRV SYetlon(mprovemertb 1 S ��Metar B BIIAng System ImC�vemanfs ' ' ' ' ' ' ' _ Total S 1.800 $ 2,400 S 2,400 S 5,400 E 5,400 S 5,400 5 22.800 I 109 City of Auburn Draft Capital Facilities Plam _�. �. �,,�� C:ITY O F .. � � � y--�"'� �. � ..... .... -� .'�'R• �,�„�..7 .. � s„^" ,n_+.�+`�' , �� ' � �. . , .�. ..�. �N •.•• �•..� r. .. '" . - �, w� , .`�.:d.. � � J' I I �' ��� 1���`�.� �':�I� I��.��.���4�I� � ��o City ofAuburn Draft Capital Facilities Plan I SANITARY SEWER Current Facilities The City's sanitary sewer service area encompasses approximately 28-square miles which are primarily within the City limits, but includes a total of approximately '/� square mile within Auburn's Proposed Annexation area (PAA). Tlie City contracts with King County for sewage treatment and disposal. The City's Sanitary Sewer Utility is responsible for the coliection and transmission of wastewater to the King County trunk lines. The City's current inventory of approximately 215 miles of sewer lines serves the City's sewer service area. Table S-1, Facilities Iriventory, lists the sewage collection and transmission facilities along with their capacities and locations. Level of Service(LOS) The Comprehensive Sewerage Plan for the Sewerage Collection System summarizes the level of service (LOS), or design criteria, for the City's sewage collection system. These standards represerrt the average quantities of sewage that the system must accommodate, for residential, industrial, and commercial development. Capital Faciiities Projects and Financing Investments in the City's sewage collection facilities include primarily non-capacity improvements and replacement projects. Anticipated replacements include three existing pump statioris, repfacement of aging sewer pipes and manholes in conjunction with arterial and local street improvements, and replacement of pipe ident�ed through the sewer program's condRion assessmerrt process. Anticipated improvements inciude upgrades and additions to the utility's maintenance facilities. The City of Aubum's .sewer system anticipates costs for five non- capacity projects totaling $9,740,000. Table S-2 shows the proposed financing plan followed by individual worksheets showing the projed detail. Impact on Future Operating Budgets There are no operating budget impacts forecasted for sanitary sewer facilities during the six years 2014—2019. 111 City ofAuburn Draft Capital Facilities Plan TABLE S-7 Facilities Inventory Sewage Facilities CAPACITY FACILITY (MGD) LOCATION Pum Stations: 8th Street 0.26 J Street NE & 8th St. NE 22nd Street 0.79 22nd Street SE & Riverview Drive rea 19 0.47 Lake Tapps Pkwy E &West of 72nd Street SE ubum 40 0.63 O Place NE D Street 0.58 D Street NE &Aubum Way N Dogwood 0.43 Dogwood Street SE 1500 & 15th Street SE Ellingson 2.20 41st St. SE& East of A Street SE F Street 0.86 F Street SE 8 17th Street SE North Tapps 0.73 Lake Tapps Pkwy E &West of 176th Avenue E Peasley Ridge 0.36 S 320th Street &53rd Avenue S R St2et 0.14 R Street NE &6th Street NE Rainier Ridge 0.29 125th Place SE & South of SE 318th Way Riverside 0.58 8th Street NE & 104th Avenue SE Terrace View 0.94 E Valley Hwy E & North of Terrace View Dr SE Valley Meadows 0.18 4th Street SE &V Street SE � ! Verdana 2.88 4th Avenue S FACILITY Pipe Size LOCATION River Crossin s: Inverted Syphon 8 & 12 Inch Green River& 26th Street NE 8th Street Bridge 14 Inch Green River& 8th Street NE 112 City of Auburn Draft Capital Facilities Plan TABLE S-2 CAPITAL FACILITIES PLAN PROJECTS AND FINANCING SANITARY SEWER DIVISION zo�� zota 2ots 2o�s son 2076 _ Total CaoaelN Proleeb: None Non-Cauaelri Prolects: 1 Sanitary Sexrer Repair 8 ReplacemeM CapNel Cosfs 1,430,000 300,000 1,930,000 2,250,000 310,000 1,500,000 7.720.000 FunCing Sources: SeNer FurM 1,430,000 300,000 1.930,000 2,250,000 310.000 1.500,000 7,720,000 Bond Proceeds 2 Street UGINy Improvema�Ks c�,nai c�ffi 200.00o zoo,000 200,00o zoo,000 200,00o zao.000 t,zoo,aoo FunAing Sources: Sewer Funtl 200.000 200,000 200,000 200,000 20D,000 200,000 1,200,000 Bond Proceetls 3 Vactor DecaM Faelllry Capital Costs 270,000 - - - 270,U00 Funding Sources: Sewer Fund - 2T0.000 - - - - 270,000 Bontl�Proceeds - 4 NWtrMenanea and Operffilorm FeWlky Expa�ion c�,�i cog� Zoo,000 - - - - mo,000 , Funding Sources: Sewer Fund 200,000 - - - 200,000 Bond Proceetls 5 Cortipreheiislva Sewer Plan Uptlate Capital Costs 75,000 275.000 - - - - 330,000 FurWing Sources: Sev.er Funrl 75,000 275,000 - - - 360,000 9ond Proceeds Subtalal.NonCaoaeltv Proleets: Capital Costa 1,705,000 7,245,000 2,130,000 2,450,000 510,000 1.700,000 8.740,000 SUAAAAARY• CAPITAL COSTS Capaciry Projects - - _ Non-CapacityProjects 1,705,000 1,245,000 2,130,000 2,450,000 510.000 1,700,OUD 9,740,000 Total Costa 1,706,000 1,2q8,000 2,170,000 2,4SO,U00 510,000 1,700,000 9,740,000 FUNDING SOURCES: Utility PuMS(Sewerl 1,705,000 1,245,000 2.130.000 2,450.000 510,000 1,700,OOD 9,740,000 BorW Proceeds - - - ' - Other Total Funtling 7,705,000 1,246,000 2,130,000 2,460,000 510,000 1,7D0,000 9,740,000 113 City of Auburn Draft Capital Facilities Plan SEWER FUND (431) - capkai Fao�intes Pian � Six Year Capltat Fadlitles Plan,2073-2018 Enterprlse Funds Projea r�le: Sanitary Sewer Repair 8 ReplacemenUSystem Improvemer� Projed No: Gp�axX Projea Type: Non-Capacity(Repair and Replacement) Project Menager. Elwell Description: Repair and replace broken sewer mains and other faGli�es. These lines will be identified through television inspection and routine deaning. This partwlar program inGudes proposed projeqs which do not have an approved Frojed Management Plan,or are not associated with the SOS or other transportation improvements. Mticipated projec[s inGude bi-anrival, sten alone,-repair and replacemeM projects for sewer lines which are broken,misaligned,"bellied"or othervvise require an inordinate amount of mainTenance effort or present a risk of backup or trench failure. Addilionalty, system lmprovements which enhance the ability to maintafn service are included here. Progr�s Summary: Projeded projeds indude: 1. Pump Station wet well ImprovemenTs 2. Manhble frame and wve�.replacements. 3. Biennial Repair and_Replacement Project - _ _ Future Impaet on Operating Budget: This should decrease the operating budget by correcting the problems that require operation staffs attention. euayec zo�z vro na� zd�3 �z eua� Budget �e�anures s�a� ee�,ee Atlopfed Budge[ - - BudgafAmendmeMs Atl/usted Budgat - Attivity: (Frevious 2 vn) �12 YE 2019 Year EnA Funding Sources: Prim W 2077 Eatimate 2077 Bud 2074 Bud et Pm x!Totel Unres6ictetl5ewe�Revenue 1,123,400 450,000 1,430,000 300,000 3,003,400 Grarrts(Fetl.Sste.locaQ ' 8ontl Proceetla OMer Total FunEing Sourcea: 7,72J,100 460,000 1,430,000 300,000 3,003,400 CaCifal EzpendiWres: Design 158,000 100,000 143,000 250,000 401,000 RigMO/Way 6,000 6,000 Conshuttlon 959 400 350 000 1 287 000 50 000 2 596 400 Toial E:penditures: 1,123,400 450,000 1,430,000 900,U00 9,007,400 Forecasted Project Cost: Toml Z015 2078 2017 2078 2D'13-]D78 Funding 3ouRas: UmastrictetlSexerRevenue 1,930,000 2,250.000 310,U00 7,500,000 7,720,D00 GrarMS(FeC.Stete.LOCeI) - Bond Pioceeds ' ' ' OMer Total Funding Sources: 7,930,000 2,250,000 310,000 1,500,000 7,M0,000 Capifal�pendkuees: Desrpn 386,000 225,000 250,000 150,000 7,404,000 Righf ol Way - - Conffiructlon 1 Sa4 000 2 025 000 60 U00 1 350 000 6 316 OOU y TolalFxpendlWres: 1,990,OOD 2,28U,000 '370.000 7,300,0� 7,M0,000 GraMS/Othar Sourms 114 City ofAuburn Draft Capital Facilities Plan ' SEWER FUND (431) Capital Faciiities Plan Six Year Capital Facilitiea Plan,2073-2018 Enterprfse Fueds Project Title: Street Utility Improvemenls Projed No: Cp7ocXx Projed Type: Non Capacity Projed Manager. TBD Description: Sewer line replacemeM in coordination wRh SOS and Arterial improvements. Progress Summary: Ongoing Future Impad on OperaUng Budgek No sign�cant Impact Budget zoiz rr�aUUa� zo13 lzewget Butlget ExpenEiturea Budget Balance Atloptetl Budpet - Budget Amendments Adjustetl Buqget - Aetivity: (Prevloua 2 Yrs) 2012 YE 2p7S Ymr End FunAing Sources: PHOr.ti 20'1Y Eatlmete 2013 Butl 2014 Bud Pro TMaI Unies6icledSewe�Revenue - 80,000 85,000 200,000 200,000 365,000 Grarrts(Fed.Safe.Local) - - - Bartl Proteeds - _ _ omer - Total FunCing Sourees: - 80,000 BS,OW 20p,Opp 2pp,ppp y55,ppp CaPMaI EzPenditures: Des�gn 10,OOD 5,000 20,000 2[1,000 35,0�0 Right of Way - ConsfrucNon 70 000 BO 000 180 000 780 000 - 330 000 TofalEzpentlkures: 80,OD0 85,000� 200,000 �0,000 966,000 Foreeasted ProJect Cost - - Total 2073 2018 2t177 2078 2013-T018 FunEing Somces: � Unrestricfetl5awerRevenue 200,000 200,000 200,000 200,000 1,200,000 Grarrts(Fed.Sfete,LOCeI) ' ' ' Bontl Pioceeds - - _ _ omer _ Total Fundinp Sources: � - �200,000 200,000 200,000 '200,000 t,Z00,00D Capital Expenakures: Desgn 20,000 Z0,000 20,000 20,0�0 �20,000 iLgMW.Way ' ' ' ' ' ConsWCfion 180 000 180 000 180 000 180 000 7 08D WO TMalExpendiWres: II00.W0 Z00,000 2W.W0 �0.000 1.200.000 GreMS/Other Sources: 115 City ofAuburn Draft Capital Facilities Plan SEVItER FUND (431) Capital Facilities Plan Slx Year Capifal FaeiliUes Plan,2013-2018 Enterprlse Punds Projed Title: Vactor Decar�t Facility Project No: cpxxxx Project Type: Non-Capacity(ImprOVemenfs) Project Manager. TBD Description: Funds allopted to construct a derant facility for sewer vador waste. Progress Summary: -- -- Initiation STage Future ImpaU on Operating Budget This project would decrease the fuWre operating budget by reducing the expenses associated wfth sending waste to a landfill BUdgEt 2012 YTD AeWal 2p73 72 Budget e�a¢ee �ena�r� e�dges eew�ea '�t°°'e"uger - - - — - - _ Budget Amentlments " Atl�usted Budget - _ Acdvity: taro„�z rB� zwz ve m13 Year En0 FunNng Sources: Prior to 7A72 EstlmaOe _2013 Bud et 2014 BuC Pro Tofal UniasbidetlSewerRevenue - - - 270,000 - GraMS�(Fetl,Sfafa.LOCaI) - - - - Bond Proceetls _ _ _ Other Total FunAing Sourees: _ . . �� _ CaPifal ExPBndku�es: ��9� 70,000 - Righf o/Way - _ ConsWcdon 200 000 Total EapenCRu�es: - - 270,000 . Forecasted ProJect Cost: 7otai �M3 2018 2077 2076 —2�73-fi18 Funding Soureea: - - Unrestncter!Sewer Revemie - 270,000 G'ants(Fad.Stete,Loceq _ Bontl Proceeds _ omBr _ Total Funding Sources: _ y�p ppp CaPltal Expendkures: �i9^ - - 70,000 RigMOiWey ' ' �^��o^ 200 000 Tolal Expen8ltums: - - - 270�000 , Grarrts I Other Soureea: - - 116 City of Auburn Draft Capital Facilities Plan � � SEWER FUND (431) Capital Fac111Uea Plan Siz Year Capital Facitities Plan,2013-2018 Enterprise Funds Projed TNe: Mair�nance and Operations Facility Expansion Project No: Cp�ooa Project 7ype: Non-Capacity(Improvements) Project Manager. TBD DescripUon: Funds allocated to expand the existing M80 building into a more iunctional and mairrtainable facility. Progress Summary: Initiation Stage Future Impaet on Operatlng Budget: Budget 201$ YTD Actml 2013 7I BuAget Budget ExpenGitures Butlget Baknee Atlopted Budget - Butlget AmendmeMs Adjusted Budget - - - ACUVity: (Pravioun 2 Vn) 2072 YE 7D13 Yaer Entl Funding Sourees: Prim to 2072 EsHmaOe 2013 Bud 2014 Bud at eet Total UnrestrichdSewerRevenue - - 200,000 Grams(Fatl.Stale.LOeaQ - - - - Bontl Proceetls - - - Other - Total FunAing Sourcea: - - 700,ppp - Capital ExpendlW�es: Design - - 40,000 RgMOIWay ' ' ' ConsLUCtlon -160 000 TolalExpendkueas: - - 1pp,p0p ' -ForewsLed Projeet Cost: Tofal T015 Z076 2017 2D18 2013-�78 . Funding Sources: UniesbKtadSewerRevenue - - - Z00,000 Grarrts(Fed.SYafe.LOCaI) ' - - BOntl PIOC8Btl3 - . omer Total Funding Sourees: - - _ - ypp,ppp Capltal ExpantlRures: DeslDn - a0,000 Right ol Wey - . ���+� 760 000 Tofal Expandkurea: ' ' - - ppp,Opp Grarits/OMer Sources: 117 City ofAuburn Draft Capital Facilities Plan SEVIIER FUND (431) Capi�l FaWtiUes Plan Sli Year Capital FacilfUes Plan,201&2018 Enteryrise Funds Projea 7itle: Comprehensive Sewer Plan Update Projec[No: Cpzxipc Project Type: Non�apaeity(Improvemenffi) Project Manager TBD , Descriptlon: Uptlate the Comprehensive Sawer Plan to be mnsishent with the Citys overell Compreherreive PWn uptlete as,requireC by the Stete of VUashington. Progress Summary: Futdre Impact on Operating Budget: - - - None Budget zo�z vroacwai xots tzeua9e[ e�aaec E*ae�au�ms eua0oc eaimrce Adopted Budget ' ' ButlgetAmandmertfs _ I Adjusfed Budpet - - Activity: (Praufous 2 Yra) 2072 YE 2019 Year Entl FunAing Sou'cas: Prior M 20'I2 Estlme0e 2013 Butlgat 2U74 Bu at F4ojeet Total Unres6icladSewerRevenue - 75,000 - 275,000 75,000 Giarrts(Fetl.S�te.LOCaq - . _ Bond Pmceeds ' ' OMx ToUI FunAing Sourees: - - 75,000 778,000 75,000 Capitel Btpendkuree: DesR� - 75,000 275,000 75,000 Righto/Wey ' ' ' Conshuc6'on TotalE��pendkures: - - 75.000 275.OU0 7b.0U0 Forecasfed ProJect Cost Total 2018 2016 2077_ .2018 2019-2018 Funding Sourcee: Unrestricted Sexer Revenue - 350,000 G�aMS(Fed,Stafe.l.oceq - BOnd Pioceeds ' ' Otl�m Tofal Funding Soureae: ' ' ' �O.ppp cavimi�anures: ��D� - - 350,000 Rlght o/Wey - _ Construction TotalE:penditurea: - ' ' - 3SO.OW Grarqs/Olher.SOUrcea: I I 118 City ofAuburn Draft Capital Facilities Plan STORM DRAINAGE Currerh Facilities The City's storm drainage service area encompasses the municipal boundaries of the City For management purposes the service area is divided iMo sixty drainage su�basins. The City's drainage system consists of a combination of closed conveyance pipes and open dkch conveyance facilities, with six pumping stations. Table SD-1 Facilities Inventory lists the facilities along with their current ppacities and location. Level of Service(LOS) The City's Comprehensive Drainage Plan summarizes the level of service (LOS), or design criteria, for the City's storm drainage system. Generally, these standards represe�t a 25- year/24hour design storm capacity within the sixty drainage sub-basins. Capltal Facitities Projects and Financing The City's storm drainage facilities anticipates one capacity projects in the amount of $543,6U0, ten non-capacity projects totaling $12,866,500 for a 6-year planning expeCtation total of$13,410,100. Table SD-2 shows the proposed financing plan followed by individual worksheets showing the project detail. Impact on Future Operating Budgets ThePe are no operating budget impacts forecasted for storm drainage facilities during the six years 2014—2019. f � 119 City ofAuburn Draft Capital Facilities Plan TABLE SD-1 Facilities Inventory Storm Drainage Facilities CAPACITY Feet of Fcet of FACILtTY Aeres Pi line Open Channels LOCATION Drainage Besins: A 562 36,300 7,200 SeeCilyofAubum's AA 408 77,600 17,100 Comp�ehensive Drainege AAA 296 3,100 S,6D0 P/en, Dec. 2009 AZ 777 53,400 13,900 B 864 95,800 0 BB 15 1,700 0 BBB 73 0 0 C 838 75,500 5,600 CC 242 1400 0 CCC 976 55,300 11,300 D 166 18,900 400 DD 231 0 0 DDD 61 4,000 0 E 692 54,600 20,100 EE 600 3,900 0 F 83 9,600 0 FF 411 3,600 900 G 137 18,800 0 GG 190 4,900 3,100 H 559 40,300 4,800 HH 392 0 0 HV 66 5,100 0 I 241 35,300 7,100 II 305 0 0 J 257 4,900 1,100 JJ 1,170 19,700 17.200 K 266 17,200 700 KK 391 0 0 L 87 12,900 600 LL 198 100 1,600 LS 1138 45,300 0 M 553 24,600 3,900 MM 332 1,900 1,200 N 126 9,800 0 NN 588 11100 900 NNN 175 400 0 O 176 16,900 3,600 00 1,397 20,200 2,000 P 189 7,800 3,100 PP 110 1,500 0 PPP 161 2,500 5,100 QQ 334 11,400 3 300 i i 120 City ofAuburn Draft Capital Facilities Plan ' � TABLE SD-1 (continued) Facilities Irnentory Storm Drainage Facilities caPaarr Feet of Feet of FACILITY Acr� Pipeline Open Channels LOCATION R 55 7,200 0 RR 249 10,200 4,800 S 273 '13,600 2,200 SS 333 13,300 30D T 699 75,400 1,400 TT 135 3,100 0 U 365 10,000 0 UU 453 13,000 700 V 598 19,700 10,100 W 287 30,200 2,400 WC 65 7,900 0 WW 71 1,100 500 X 40 3,600 0 YY 327 22,700 5,700 YYY 105 0 0 Z 70 9,600 0 ZZ 949 46,500 17 400 ZZZ 237 0 0 Total 22,144 967,900 163,300 FAGWTY (GPM) LOCATION m S ations: - hite River Pump Stffiion 17 700 5000 block A Street SE Street SE Pump Station 1,380 A Street SE near SR-18 arid BNRR overpass utium Way S Pump Station#3 1,000 Aubum Way S near SR-18 and BNRR overpass Brennan Park Pump St2tion#4 20,200 Brannan Park Emerald Corp. Park Pump Station 6,500 C Street NE near 42nd Street West Main Street Pum Station � 1,200 1420 West Main Street i 121 City ofAuburn Draft Capital Facilities Plan TABLE SD-2 CAPITAL FACILITIES PLAN PROJECTS AND FINANCING STORM DRAINAGE DIVISION 20'13 2074 2016 _ 2016 2017 21118 Total CeoaelN Prolaets: 1 Bypass at 2nA and G SVeat SE CaP��a�Costs 90,600 453,000 - - yqg�6pp Funtling Sources: Storm Funtl - 90,600 453,000 - - - 5yg,5pp Bontl Proceetls Su6NTal.CaoaelN Proieeffi: Capital Cosls - 90,600 453,OU0 - - - 545,600 Non-Caoackv Proiacts: 2 PFpallne Repalrl Replacements CapitalCosts 1,000,000 200,000 1,000,000 200,000 1,000,000 200,000 3,600,000 FunEing Sources: Stortn Fund 1,000,000 200,000 1,000,000 200,D00 1,000,000 200,000 3,600,000 Bond Proceeds 3 Auburn Way Sauth Flootling,Phase 1&2 Capital Costs 1,638,000 - - - 7,638,000 Furitling Sources: Storm Fund - - _ . BonC Proceeds 1,638,000 7 638 000 � 4 30N StreeS NE Area Flootling,Pluae 1 Capital Costs 2,697.000 - - - - 2,697,000 Funding Sourcea: Stortn Fund - _ _ _ _ _ Bond Proceeds 2,697,000 - - 2 697,000 5 �Otl�Street NE Area Flooding,Phaso 2 CapiWl Costs 75,000 595,000 - - 870,000 FundinB Sources: Siortn Fund - 75,000 595.OD0 - - 670,000 Bond Proceeds 8 30M Sfreet NE Area Flooding,Phase 3 cao��ai cosffi - - - zbo,000 zoo,000 Funtling Sourees: Stortn FunC - - - 200,000 200,000 Bontl Proceeds � West Main Straet Pump S1aGOn Upgrade Capital Costs - - 1 135.OD0 - - 1,735,000 Funding Sources: Stnrm Fund - 1,135,000 - - 7,136,000 BonC Prodeeds 8 Straet Utlilry Improvementa Capitei Costs 200,000 200,000 200,000 200,000 200,000 200,000 1,200,000 Fundinp Sourees: Stortn Funtl 200,000 200,000 20D,000 200.000 200,000 2U0,000 1,200,000 Bond�Proceeds - - I22 City of Auburn Draft Capital Facil:ties Plan TABLE SD-2 i NontaoaetN Pmfeels: 9 MainEenanea 8 Operatimre Expa�reion Capital Casts - 200,000 - - - - �O,UOQ Funding Sauroes: Storm FurM - 200,000 - - - �O,U00 8ond Proceeds 10 Comprehe�Ne Stam Drainage PWn Update Capital Cosb 175,000 175,000 - - - - 750,000 Funding Sources: Stortn Fund 175,OD0 175,000 - - - - 350,000 Bond Proceeds 11 dlill Creek Wetland 6K Reach Restoratlon Capital Costs 601,500 575,000 - - - 7,176.600 Fund'mg Sources: Storm Fund 250,000 250,000 - - - - 500,000 GrdMS 351,500 325,000 - - - - 67B,b00 Bond Proceeds Subtotal.NomCaoaeHvProfecfs: Capipl Costs 6,317,500 1425,000 1,795,000 1,535,000 1,200,000 600,000 12,866,500 SUNmIIARY• CAPRAL COSTS Capadry Projecls 80,600 453,000 - - - 543,800 Non-Capadty Projects 6,311,500 1 425,000 1,795,000 1,535,OD0 1,200,000 600,000 12,866,500 Total Costs 6,311,500 1,b15.60D 2,?A8,000 1.SS5.000 1,200,400 60U.00G 13,410,10D FUNDING SOURCES: Storm Fund 1,625,000 1,190,600 2,248,000 1,535,000 1,200,000 600,000 8,398,600 GroMS 351,500 325,000 - - - 676,500 Bond Proceads 4,335,000 4,335 000 Totel Funding 6,311,600 1,518,800 2,2d8,000 1,636,000 1,200,W0 800,000 73p70,100 I i 123 City of Auburn Draft Capital Facilities Plare STORM DRAINAGE FUND (432) Capital FacitlUes Plan ' Six Year Capital Faeilities Plan,2073-2078 ErMerprise FurMs Project Title: Bypass at 2nd and G Street SE Projed No: ep�ocxx Project Type: Capacity Projed Manager. TBD DescrlpUon: This project will insiall a parallel bypass pipe to canvey upstream Flows around a localized low spot located at 2nd and G SVeet SE: The existing line will serve to drain Me locallzed low spot Progress Summary: Future Impact"on Operafing Budget No significant impad. Budget zws vronauei zo+a +seuayee Butlget ExpenARwes 8utlget Balance Adopletl Budget ' ' Budpet Amendmerrts - Adjusted Budget - - - Adivity: 2072 YE 2013 Year End Funding Sourees: Prlor to 2072 EsUmate YOtJ Butl 2014 Bud et Pro Total UnresMetetl Srorrri Revenue - - - 90,600 - Grants(Fed.Stete.Loca11 - - - Brnd Pmceeds ' ' ' OMer Total Funding Sourees: - - - 90,800 - CapMal ExpenAl[urea: Desipn 90,600 - Right o/Way CaestruUion Total Fxpanditures: ' ' ' 90,W0 ' Forecasted Projeet Cost: 7olai 2015 2076 Y017 2018 2013-2018 FunCing Sourcea: UnrcsMCfedStortnRevenue 453,000 - - 543,600 G�arifs(Fed.Stafe.Locel) - - - Bond P�xeads - - - Ofher Total FunAing Sourees: 453,000 - - • 513,800 Capital ExpendiWres: Desipn 90,600 RightofWey - - - ConsNUCNon 453 000 -.453 D00 - Totel Expend8ures: 459.000 - - - - - - - —543.800 � G2MS/ONer Sources: I24 City ofAuburn Draft Capital Facilities Plan � ' STORM DRAINAGE FUND (432) Capital Facilitles Plan Slx Year CapfTal Facilitles Plan,2013-2018 Enterprise Funds Projea Title: Pipeline Repair 8 Replacement Progrem Projed No: Cp7axx Projed Type: NOn-CdpBCit�/ ProjeC Manager: TBD DescNptlon: ProjeGS identHied as those requiring replacement oi existing infrasWCture. These projects support street repairs and other utllity replacemerrt pragrams,requiring�ordination. Progress Summary: — Future Impaet on Operating Budget No signfirant impad. Budget: 20�2 YTDAetual 20�3 t2eudget euagee �oendnure� e�age� eeiaoie Adopted Budpet - - - 8utlget AmerWmenfs Adjusted Budget - - - - ACWIty: zo�z re m�a v�r�a Funding Sources: Prior W 2072-_ EdGmete 2075 Butl 2014 Bud et Pro Tofal UnrosMCtetl Storm Ravenue '-�� 650,000 1,000,000 200,000 1,650,000 G�anfs(Fad,State,Local) . Bond Pioceetls - - Ofier Tofal FunOing Soureea: . 650.000 1,000,000 200.000 7.650.000 CaDital EtcG�ditures: Dasign - 100,000 120,000 24,000 720,000 RigM o/Way - Consbuction 880 000 176 OOD 880 000 Total Ezpendkurea: - 550,000 1,000,000 2UD,OOD 1,550,000 Forecasted Projeet Cost: Total 2073 2016 7A77 2078 2019-3078 FunEing Sourcas: Unreshicfad Stortn Revenue 7,0OO,ODO 200,000 1,000,000 200,000 3,800,000 GrarMS(Fed.Stele.LoceQ ' Bond Roceeds - - _ Other Totel Funtling Sources: 7,000,000 -- 200,000 - 7,00O,OOD 7A0,000 3,800,000 Cepttal ExpendiWres: Desgn 120,000 24,000 120,000 24,000 432,000 RigMWWay - - Con56uction 880 OOD 178 000 880 OW 176 000 3 168 000 TotelExpenditures: 7.W0.000 �200�000 1�000�000 Z00�000 ��600�000 GraMS/Othar Sou�ces: 125 City ofAuburn Draft Capital Facilities Plan STORM DRAINAGE FUND (432) Capltal FaeIIIGes Plan Six Year Capital Fadlltles Plan,2013-2018 Enterpdse Funds Projed Title: Auburn Way South Flooding, Phase 1 8 2 Projed No: Gp1202 Projed Type: Non-Capacity Projeat Manager. TBD Description: Construct conveyance improvement to 17th Street SE as part of Metro realignment projec[. Replace existing conveyance line from A Street SE to K SVeet SE and add an add'Rional 7 ao-f[of storage within the epsting A Street SE deteMion porid. Progress Summary: Future Impaet on Operating Budgeh No significant impad. BudgeC zotz ttonauai so�a �zeud9ee BuOget Expendkurea Butlget Belenee Adopfad Budget _ _ � � BudgatAmendmeMs Adjusted Butlget - _ ACfltlity: 2012 YE 2013 Year End Funding Sourcea: Priorto 2012 Fstlmate 201J Bud ef 2014 Bud et Pro ect Total Unrastncfetl SMmr Revenue _ GraMS(Fed.Stete,locaq - - - Bontl Proceeds 1,638,000 1,638,OD0 OMer Toml Funding Sourees: - 7,g3g,p� - ��5yg�ppp CapMal ExpendiW ras: ��0� '196.560 196.560 Right MWay . Consbuctlon 1 441 44D 1 d61 440 Total Ezpendkures: - 1.638.OU0 1,638.000 Forecasted ProJect CosL• Total 2013 TO18 Z077 7A78 2073-2pt8 Funding Sou�cea: Unresfrided Slorm Revanue - _ GreMS(Fed.Sete.LareQ - Bontl Proceeds - 1,638,000 OMer Total FundMg Sourees: - .1,638,000 � CapMalEzpenditures: �es10� - 796.560 RigMofWaY ' ' ' ' Conshuc6on 1441440 TotalExpendkwas: ' ' • ' 1�69&OW � GraMS I Other Sources: l26 City ofAuburn Draft Capital Facilities Plan � STORM DRAINAGE FUND (432) Capital Faoititles Plan Six Year Capital Facilitles Plan,2013-2018 Enterprise FurWs Project T�le: 30th Street NE Area Flooding, Phase 1 Project No: Gp1122 Project Type: Non-Capacity ProjeG Manager. TBD Description: This proJed would install a new stortn drain from the NW comer of the airport prope�ty(MH I10�to the existing Brdnnan Park storm pump station.This pipe would replace the ebsting 30-inch dfameter pipe generalty located along the 30th St. NE alignment and the northerty boundary of Brannan Parfc by improving the conveyance system's hyd2ulic capaciry,Mereby reduang the poteMial for storrtrvvater flooding inM the sheet •3,820 feet of 42-in.-diameter gravity storm drain from the NW comer of airport property to the existing Brannan Park stortn pump station •Removal of floateble ppture bafFles upstream of the Brannan Park pump station(these are not needed to proted the pumps and reduce Me system's hydraulic capaaty) Progress Summary: Fufure Impaet on Operadng Budget No signficant impact. Budy2t 2012 YTD Actual 2073 72 Butlget Butlget Expendkures Budget Balante � � /1CMtBtlBuCgef Budget AmendmerKs Ad�ustetl8utlpet _ ' ' Activlry: 7A72 YE 201�V�r En0 FunAing Sourcas: Priorto II012 Eaflma0e 201$Bud 2074 Bud TMaI Unreshicfetl Sorm Revenue - 250,000 - 250,OU0 G�enfs(Fed.Sefe.LocaQ Bond Procaeds 2,697,000 2,697,000 OMer Tofal Funding Soweas: - 250,000 2,697,000 - 2,947,000 CapMal ExpenARures: Oesipn 250,000 323,640 573,640 RightOfWay - - Construdion 2 373 360 2 373 360 To1al E:pontlRures: - 250.000 2,897,000 - 2,847,000 Porecaated ProJect Cost: Total 2015 2078 2017 2018 207Y3078 . Funding Sourees: - Unrastncted Storm Revenue - - Grsnts(Fetl.State,LOCaq - - Bond Proceeds - - 2,697,000 Ottrer 7otal Funtling Sources: - - • - 2,687,000 CaPilal Expentlkures: Dem9n ' 323,640 RightWWay - - Cons6uc6on 2 373 360 I Total ExpendlWres: _ _ • 2,697�000 G�anb/ONer Sources 12� City ofAuburn Draft Capital Facilities Plan STORM DRAINAGE FUND 432 �a _ ' � ( ) pital Facflities Plan Six Year Capital Facilitles Plan,2073-2018 Errterprise Funds Projed Title: 30th Street NE Area Flooding, Phase 2 Projed No: cp�aoa Projed Type: NOn-CapaCity Project Manager. TBD Descrlptlon: locate a stortn drain line to qpture stomiwater from the two residential developments at the west edge for the former CRISTA Ministries property.Currently,stormwater flows are discha,rged orrto a depressed area an Me CRISTA MinisVies prcperty where its infittraUon is limited by high groundwater levels that occur during extended periods of high flows ori the Green River.This phase would oonstrud a new stortn drain within I St.NE southward M conned into the upg�aded 42-inch diameter(Phase 1)stortn drain near the intersection at I St. NE and 30th St. NE.The 42-inch diameter line would have sufficient available capacity to convey the I St. NE flows. Key components of Phase 2 indude: •1,�60 feet of 15-inch diameter gravity stortn drain •Cateh basin and incidental grading to collect stormwater at the upstream end of system Progresa Summary: FuWre Impact on QperaUng Budget: No significant impact. BUd4JBi 2012 YTD Aetuai 2079 12 Budget Budget Ezpandkures BuCpet Balan� � Adopted Budget Budget Amentlmerrts Atlrysted Budgef - Activky: 2012 YE ��S Ymr End Fun0ing Sources: PNO�to 2012 FsNma[e 20�3 Bud 2010 Bud et Pro' TMeI Unrestrictetl SYorm Revenue - - 75,000 - Grants(Fed,Steta.LOCe11 - ' Bond Proeeads omer rotal Puna�ng Sourem: - - 7a�p� CapHalExpenditu�es: �es19� 75,000 RipMOfWey - ConshucNOn Tofal Ezpendkures: ' ' 75,000 Forecasted Projeet Cost: rote� 2075 2016 2077 2018 207Y2I118 Funtling Sources: Unrashicted Storm Revenue 595,000 670,000 Giarits(Fed,Slefe,Local) - Bartl Proceeds - _ OMer Totel Funding Soureea: 595,000 . _ g�0,ppp Capifal Ezpendkures: �u9� - ' 75,000 Ripht of Wey - . . Construction 595 000 595 000 � Total Expendlturas: 595,000 - - 5�p�ppp ' ' GraMS/Othar Sources: 128 City ofAuburn Draft Capital Facilities Plan ' STORM DRAINAGE FUND (432) Capital Faeilitles Plan Six Year Capifal Facllitles Plan,2013-2018 Enterpdse Funds Projed Title: 30th Street NE Area Flooding, Phase 3 Projed No: CpXxXX Project Type: Non-Capacity Projeet Manager: TBD Deseription: This projed would reduce flooding in C St. NE by redireding wet weather high flows southward to the 42-inch diazneter (Phase 1)stortn drain in 30tFi St. NE. By redireding the C St.NE drainage into the Brannan Park system,these flows would no longer be affec[ed by high water levels in Mill Creek.To avoitl deepening Me Phase 1 gravity line(and extensive retrofiLs to the Brannan Park pump station),this project xrould indude a wet weather pump stetion and force main connection to 30fh St. NE.The upgraded 42-inch diameter pipe in 30th St.NE would have suffideM capacity for these additional flows. Key eomponents of Phase 3 indude: •Wet weather pump station (estimated capaciry of 4.5 to 7 cfs). •1,730 feet of 15-inch diameterforce main •Diversion sVudure in C St. NE for pump station Progress Summary: Future ImpaM on Operating Budget No signficaM impad Budget m�� rron�ue� m�a �zeua� suagec Expenaaures euaget Bclenee AtlWtedBudgat ' ' - _ __ BudgetAmentlmeMs AtljustetlBuCget - - � _ Aetivlty: 2012 YE 2073 Vedr En0 Funtling Sources: PNor to 2012 Estimate 2013 Bud 2014 Butl t Pro eet.Total_ Unres6ictetl Storm Revenua - - _ � _ Gra'rts(Fetl.Stete.Local) - - ' - Bond Proceetls - - _ OlMr Tofel Fu�ding Sou2ea: - _ _ _ . Gpilal Expendlturea: pggpn ' ' ' RigMOlWay - _ _ . ConsnucNOn Totel F�cpandkurea: - • ' ' Forecasted Project Cost: Tolal 2075 2018 4017 2018 2073-�18 FunEing Sourcea: Un�asMctetl Srorm Revenue 200,000 7A0,000 GreMSlFed.Stafe,loteq ' ' - - Bond Proceeds - - _ omer Totel FunEing Soureea: - - 200,000 - �0,000 Capifal ExPenEitwes: �� - 200,000 1A0,000 RigMO/Wey _ ' Conshuction Total ExOendlWres: ' ' ' 200,U00 200.000 c�ams�ome�sources: 129 Ciry ofAuburn Draft Capital Facilities Plan STORM DRAINAGE FUND (432) -Capifaf Fadlities Plan Slx Year Capital Facilides Plan.2015-2018 EMerprise Funds Project Title: West Main Street Pump Station Upgrade Project No: CpXxXX Projed Type: NOn-Capacity Project Manager TBD DescMptlon: This projeat will uptlate the existing pump statlon by providing a redundaM pump and telemetry system meetlng level af service goals. Progress Summary: - - Future Impact on Operating Budget - No signifiprn impact. eddget zot2 rronma� zota t2Buugei Budget Expandituies Butlget Balanee Atlaptetl Budgat ' ' ' . I Butlgef AmenCmerrts ' AtlJustetl Budget ' ' ' ' Aetivity: YU7 P YE 2013 Year End Funding Sources: Priorto 2012 Estlmate 2013 Butl t 2074 Bud t Pro Tofal Unresfncted SYorrri Revenue - _ _ _ Grerrts(Fed.Stafa,loeaQ _ BaM Proceetls - - . Other Tofal FunAing Sourcm: - . _ _ _ Capital Fxpendku�as: ��^ ' - - Right olWay - - - ConstrucNOn Total ExDenCNures: . . . _ Forecasted Project Cost: Total 2015 2018 2077 Z018 207&2018 Funding Sources: UnresMeledStormRevenua - 1,135,000 - 1,135,000 GraMS(Fetl.Seta.Loceq - _ Bond P�oceeds OMer TotelFuntling5ourrcen: - 1.796.000 ' ' ���9�,ppp Capital Fspentlnurea: Despn 136.200 - 136,200 RyMofWay - - - ConstnrUion 998 800 998 800 Total Expenditures: - 7,135,000 . 7,155.000 � } GraMS/Otlxr Sources. 130 City ofAuburn Draft Capital Facilities Plan ' STORM DRAINAGE FUND (432) Capital Faeilities Pian Six Year Capital FacillUes Plan,2013-2018 EnterpAse Funds Projea Tnle: Street Utility Improvements Project No: cpxxxx Project Type: Non Capacity Projed Manager TBD Deserlptlon: Stortn drainage conveyance improvements in coordination with Arterial and SOS improvements. Progress Summary: Futu2 Impaet on Operatlng BudgeC No signiflcant Impact. Budget: 2o�z YTD Actual zo�a �z euagee Budget E�yfendNures BuApat Belanee AdoPted Budget _ ' ' Budget Amendments Ad�ustetl Butlget - � ACt1Vity: 2012 YE 20'13 Year EnC Funtling Sources: Prirn to 2012 Estlmam 2073 Bud et 2014 BuG Pro eet Total Unrasfictetl SYorm Revenue 362,200 118,500 200,000 200AU0 - 680,700 Grents(Fetl.State.LocaQ ' ' ' eona ProceeUS - _ _ omer - ToWI Funtling Sources: 382,200 718,500 200,000 Y00,000 880,700 CaPital Expendttu�os: n�yc,� �s.aoo zs.000 �z.000 �z,000 ��s,000 Rr�nro�wey - - - Consfructlon 287 200 93 500 188 000 188 000 588 700 7otal Expendkures: 362,200 -- 718,500 200,OOU T00,000 680,700 � �Forewsted Project Cost: Tolal 2015 2016 2017 2018 2017-2018 _ Funding Sources: - - Unresfnded SYorm Revenue 200,000 20D,000 200,000 200,000 1200.000 GraMS(Fed.Stete.Locaq - . . Bond Proceeds - - _ . OMar Total Funding Sources: 200,000 200,000 200,�0 200,000 1,200.000 Caplfnl F�cpendlWres: Desrgn 72.000 12.000 12.000 12,000 72,000 Right ol Wey �_ Carsnucrion 18B 000 188 000 188 OOU 788 000 1 128 000 � Total ExpentlHurea: 200,000 200,000 200,000 200,000 7,200,000 Grarhs I OLier Sources 131 City ofAuburn Draft Capital Facilities Plan STORM DRAINAGE FUND (432) Capital Faeilitles Plan ' � Six Year Capital Faeflitles Plan,2013-2018 Enterprise Funds Projed Tiue: Mairrtenance and Operations Expansion Project No: CpXXxx Project Type: Non-Capacity(ImprovemeM) Projed Manager. TBD Description: Funds allocated to remodel the existing M&O building into a more functional and maiMainable fadlity. Progreas Summary: FuWre Impaet on OperaUng Budgek Nane Budget: zo�z rro ncp,d zo�3 iz eua9e� Budget Expendkmes Budget Balanee Adopted BuCpet _ _ ' ' � 1 ButlpefAmendmeMs Atl/usfed Budget - _ _ Activity: 2012 YE 2073 Yaer End FunAing Sources: Prlor W 2012 Eatimate 207]Bud 2014 Bud Pro Total UnreshicMd Sfprm Revenue - 200,000 - G�aMS(Fed.State,LOCaQ - - - Bontl Proceeds _ OMer Tofnl Funtling Sourees: -- 200,000 - CaD�I Expantlituies: ��° - - - Ripht W Way _ Conshuc6on 200 000 7otalExpendKu�as: - _ Zpp�ppp _ Farecasted Project Cost: Total 2015 2016 2017 2078 TA13-2p18 FundMg Sourees: Unrasbicled Storm Revenue 200,000 Grarrts(Fed.SYata.Locsq _ BonC Proceeds Other Total Fundin8���� - - 200,W0 CapMelExpendltuies: Dasign Righf ofWay - _ �^���^ 200 000 Total ExpenAituras: - - 200.000 Grarrts/Other Sourcxs: 132 Ciry ofAuburn Draft Capital Facilities Plan STORM DRAINAGE FUND (432) Capital Facllities Plan � Six Year Capital Facilitles Plan,2073-2018 Enterprlse Funds Project TiUe: Comprehensive Storm Dreinage Plan Update Projed No: Cpxxxx Projea Type: Non-Capacity Projed Manager Carlaw Descriptlon: Update the Compreheruive Stortn Drainage Plan to be consistent with the City's overall Comprehensive Plan update as required by the State ofWashington. Progress Summary: Future Impact on Operatlng Budget None BUd98C Y072 YTDAtWaI 2013 728udgat Butlpet Expentlitures Budget Balanee Adopted Budget ' ' ButlgetAmentlmeMs Adjusted Butlget - Activity: 2072 YE 2013 Ywr End Funding Sourcas: Prior to 7Al2 EstimMe 2D79 6ud at 2014 8ud Pro' U Total Unrasbictetl Storm Revenue 175,000 775,000 175,000 Grarits(FeO.State.Locaq - - . � Bond Proceads - Other Totel Fundfng Sources: . - 175,000 175.�0 175,000 Capiml FxpenEitures: Des�gn 175,000 175,000 175,000 R�GM o1 WeY ' ' ' Consbuction Totel Expenditures: 775,000 775.000 775,000 Forecasted Project Cost: T�al 2015 2076 2077 2016 207i2016 Funding Sourees: - Unres6icted SYorm Revenua - - 350,000 Giarrts(Fetl.SYate,LOCeq ' ' Bond Proceeds - - - Other Tota�Funding Sources: • ' ' 350.ppp Capifnl F�cpanditures: �esi4� - 350,000 RiqAtolWay - - Consbuchon Total Ezpandttures: - - - - 950,000 Grarrts/OMer Soutces 133 City ofAuburn Draft Capital Facilities Plan STORM DRAINAGE FUND (432) Capkal Facilities Plan Six Year Capital Faeilities Plan.2013-2018 Enterprise Funds I aroject 7itle: Mill Creek Wetland 5K Reach Restoration Project No: CP0746 Project Type: Non-Capacity Project Manager AndBB2n Description: Mill Creek Wetlantl 5K 2ach(WSK)is a stream restoration project to provide Improvetl conveyance and habifat along a 1.2 mile reach of Mill Creek beMreen West Main SVeet and SR 187 The projact InUutles a new larger stream culvert at 15th Street NW for improved hyd�aulic conveyance and fish pazsage,removal of invasive vegetation,naUve tree and shrub plantings,and a new maintenance trail along MIII Creek wiNin Ne AEP Phase 2 planning area that will also provide passive recreation hiking opporlunities along the c2ek.The project ia being contluctetl in paMership wiM the Artny Corps of Engineers unOer the Corys'Ecosystem ResMration Program.The Citys cost sha2 for construWon is 35%,and the fetlerel eost share is 65%.The value W Cllyownetl lands used for the project are cretliteC towartl the Ciry's cost share.Total federal funtling for the proJect(not shown helow)is$57 million. Progeesa Summary: The City has e�cecuted a dasign agreement with the Artny Corps of Engineers,and the 35 percent design ia scheduled to be I cotnplete in Juty 2012;final design is scheduled to complete in the 3rd quarter of 2012. Next steps indude real estate and rigM of way acquisitioNCertification,with construction scheduled for 20132014.A Project Partnership(construction) agreemeM will need to be exearted between the City and the Corps prior to construction. Future Impad on Operatlng Budget: ARer construcUOn„the projeot wlll neetl to be moni[oretl/maintainetl for a minimum of 10 years.The projed site is leigely within the AEP antl tunding for monitoring/management is proposetl to be part of the AEP 08M program beginning in 2015. BudgBt 2072 YTD Actual 2079 12 Bud�t Budget Expentltturea BuEget Batence Atloptetl Budpet Budget Amentlments Atljustad Budget Activity: 2072 YE 2D13 Ymnr En0 Funtling Sourees: Prfor to M12 Eatima0e m13 Butl 2D14 BuA Pro ect TMaI Gerreral Funtl -10,000 1D,DOD UnresfncfedSformRevenue 750,000 250,000 250,000 1,DOD,000 GraMS(FBq,Stete,locaq 200,000 48,800 351,500 325,000 800,300 Baitl Proceeus CkY(Rea/Estefe Ownetl) Total Funding Soureas: 200,000 808,800 6o7,a00 6�5,oaa 1,610,300 Gapitel ExpenCiW�es: De9gn 200,000 48,800 248,800 RlphtO/Way 780,000 250,000 1,0'10,000 ConstrucNOn 351500 575,000 351,500 7oLlExpenElWres: 300.000 808,800 601.500 575.000 - 1.610,700 Forecasted Project CosC romi 2015 2018 2077 2078 201}2078' FunAing Soureas: Gerreral Funtl UnrestrYUetl Sfprm Revenue - 500,00� GiaMS(Fed,Sfefe,LOCeq - 678,500 Ofhe,Federal _ CIty(Real Eatafe Owned) Total Funtling Sou�ces: - - - �,�7g�gpp Capital Expendltures: Design - Rlphto/Way - 250,U00 Constructlar 928 500 Totel E1[pentlitures: - - 7,176,600 Grarrts/Other Sources:PoteMial graM sources�ntluCe RCO,SRFB,KCO,WRIA 9,KC Flood Co�ol Dist 134 Ciry ofAuburn Draft Capital Facilities Plan SOLID WASTE Current Facilities The City of Auburn no longer has recycle drop stations facilities. The City now provides curbside service through a vendor who handles the disposal. � I 135 City of Auburn Draft Capital Facilities Plan ,Yr., �;' ,9 CITY O F �. --��-�" _�.�--���'�.� � _ . �:r -_ �.�� .�,,,,�.�' � ,.,.. ._..�" — �..:� "' --', .-�� .Yi � - .T � ;�''�- • r �• • ,_ • �`;v�H„~ ' ._.. .� 1 =� ��'b�.�.��� �''� '� �.'i..�j..� �a�i,.�.��,��� � , ]36 City ofAuburn Draft Capital Facilities Plan , s PARKS AND RECREATION Current Facilities The City of Auburn's park system consists of a total of 567.57 acres of neighborhood and community parks, special use areas, open space, and linear parks(trails). The 150-acre Aubum Municipal Goff Course is identified as a separate public facility in this report, and is not inciuded in the Parks and Recreation inverrtory Table PR— 1 "Facilities Inventory" lists all park and reoreation land in the City's park system along with their current capacity and location. Level of Service(LOS) The current LOS provided by the City's park system,represents the current inventory of City- owned park acres divided by the 2012 City population of 71,240. This equates to 0.69 acres per 1,000 population for neighborhood parks, 3.18 acres per 1,000 population for community parks, 0.45 acres for linear parks, 4.60 acres for open space, and 0.76 acres for speciai use areas. ' The proposed LOS provided by the City's park system represents the planned 2018 inventory of City-owned park acres divided by the 2018 projeded City population of 75,065. This equates to 0.78 acres per 1,000 population for neighborhood parks, 3.80 acres per 1,000 population for community parks, 0.43 acres per 1,000 population for linear parks, 4.37 acres per1,000 population for open space, and 0.73 acres per 1,000 population for special use areas. Capital Facilitfes Projects and Financing Parks and Recreation facilities include twenty-three capital projects at a cost of$34,416,000. Table PR—2a shows the proposed financing plan followed by individual worksheets showing the project detail. Impact on Future Operating Budgets As Table PR—3 shows, operating budget impacts of$1,161,000 are forecasted for parks and recreation faciiities during the six years 2014—2019. 137 City of Auburn Draft Capital Facilities Plan TABLE PR-1 � Facilities Inventory Parks and Recreation, Land CAPACITY FACILITY (Acres) LOCATION Neighborhood Parks: Existin Invento : ubumdale Park 10.00 31700 108th NE 8allartl Par1c 0.70 37th&R Sheet SE Cameron Park 3.90 Lemon Tree Lane 8 Academy Drive Cedar Lane Park 8.30 25th&K Street SE DoRhy Bothell Park 4.00 5701 Lakeland Hills Way SE Dykstra Perk 1 70 1533 22nd Avenue NE Foresf Villa mini-park 0.20 17th&Fir Street SE C�aaines Parrc 1 40 11th NW 8 W Valley Highway lndian Tom Park 0.40 6th 8 Henry Road NE Jornada Park 1.90 1a40 U Court NW Lake/and HillS Park 5.00 5401 Olive Avenue SE Rotary Park 4.00 27th&Alpine Street SE SCOOtie Brown Park 1 70 8th 8 Henry Road NE Shaughnessy Park 3.50 21st 8 Hemlock SE Terminal Park 1.20 12th 8 C Street SE Village Square 1.07 310th St SE(c� 120th Ave Total Neighborhood Parks 48.97 Pro osed Ca c' Pro'ects: u6umdale ll Park 9.34 29700 t 18th Street SE Total Proposed Capacity Projects 9.34 2018 Projected inventory Totat -Nei hborhood Parks- 58.31 Community Parks: ' i e Brannan Park 21 70 28th&M Street NE Fenster/Green RiverAccess '13.40 10520 Aubum/Black Diamond Road Fulmer Freld 5.00 Sth 8 K Street NE Came Farm Park 53.00 3226 V Street SE Game Farm�ldemess Park 20.00 2401 SE Stuck River Raad GSA Park 6.60 C Street Sw& 15th SW lsaac Evans Park 14.90 29627 Green River Road NE lea Hill Park 7.00 SE 316th 8124th Street SE Les Gove Park 20.50 11th 6 aubum Way S Mill Pond 4.00 600 Oreve�Road Ofson Canyon Farmstead 15.00 26728 Green River Road Roegner Park 21.60 601 Oraveu Road Sunset Park 15.00 1306 69th Street SE Veteran's Memorial Park 8.50 Park Avenue&Aubum Way N Tota/Community Parks 226.20 TABLE PR-1 (continued) 138 City ofAuburn Draft Capital Facilities Plan � Pro sed Ca ac' 'ects: acobson Tree Farm 29.04 13009 SE 294th Street Lekeland Hills 30.00 Kersey Way Tota/Proposed Capacity Projects 59.04 2018 Projected Inventory Total -Communi Parks- 285.24 Linear Parks: 6ristin invento : lntenriban Trail 25.40 Lakelend Hills Tiail 2.30 5401 Olive Avenue SE White River T2i! 4.60 Tota/Linesr Pa�1cs 32.30 Pro o c' Pro'ects: None Total Propased Capacity Projects - 2018 Prcjected Inventory Total -Linear Parks- 32.30_ _ Speeial Use Areas: Exi in Invento : Bicentennial Park 1 4Q SR-18 8 Aubum Way S Centennia/Viewpoint Perk 0.70 60D MouMain Yew Drive City Hall P/aza 0.90 25 W Main, Clerlt Plaza 0.20 75th 8 Aubum Way N 8 Street Plaza 0.10 E. Main 8 B Street SE Plaza Park 0.15 25 W Main Mountain Vlew Cemetery 50.00 2020 Mountain Vew Drive � Pioneer Cemetery 0.80 8th&Aubum Way N S/aughter Memoria/ 0.20 3100 Aubum Way N Tota/Special Use Areas 54.45 osed Ca ac' Pro'ects: None - Total Propased Capacity Projects - 2018 ProJected Inventory Total -S eclal Use Areas- 54.45 Open Space Areas: Eicistrn lnvent Clark Property 25.00 1600 Oravetz Road Game Faim Open Space 87.00 2400 SE Swdc River Road GoNCourse Open Space 42.00 29639 Green River Road Olson Canyon Open Space 45.00 28728 Green River Road ubum Envrronmenfal Park Open Space 120.00 Westem Ave NW and MaiM Street West Au6um Lake Property Open Space 9.00 N of S 321 st and west oi W St.NW Total Open Space Aress 328.00 Pro ed Ca ac' Pro'ects: None _ Tota/Propased Capacity Projects - 2018 Projected Inventory Total -O en S ace Areas- 328.00 139 City ofAuburn Draft Capital Facilities Plan TABLE PR-2A CAPITAL FACILITIES PLAN PROJECTS AND FINANCING PARKS and RECREATION (Municipal Parks Construction Fund) ZU13 2U74 2015 2076 2017 2018 �TW81 CaoaeiN Proieels: 1 Perk ACqulsltlorofDevelopmeM Capttal Costs 240,000 120,D00 - - - zgp,ppp Funding Sources: Fund Balance - _ _ _ _ Grarrts(Fetl.State.LOeal) 120.000 - ' ' - 120.000 Bond Pinceeds _ KC Prop 2 120,OOD 120,D00 Z40.000 SuMMaI.Capadry ProJeeta: CapIW Cosffi ?A0�000 720.000 - - - - 360.000 Non-Caoeeilv Profeets: 2 Issae Evena Park Capkal Costs 25,000 70,000 - - 88,000 Funding Sources: Fimd Balar�ce 25.000 - 50,OOD - - .75,000 GreMS(Fed.SYate.Locap - - - - - - OtheriParklmpectFee) - - 20,000 20,000 3 Jaeobsen 7ree Farm SIEe Pian Capital Cosis - - 12,000,000 - 72,0OO,OUO Funtling Sourczs: , Furid Balance ' ' ' _ - � Grafris(Fed.State.Locaq 2,000.000 - - 2,000,000 Other(Developer) 4,000,000 - - 4.0OO,OUO Bond Proceetls 6,000,000 8.000,000 I 4 Fulmer Park ImprovemeMs Capital Costs 50.000 - - 50,000 FundMg Sources: Funtl Balance 50,000 - - - - Sp,ppp Grarris(Fetl,State.Local) - - - - _ Other(Park Impact Fee) 5 AubumCOmmunfryCe�ter Capital Costs 17.660.000 ' ' ' 17.860,000 Funtling Sources: REET1 - - ' CoMnbutions&Donffiions 17,660,000 17,880,000 6 Veteren's Park ImprovemaMs Capkal Costs 50.000 50.000 - - - 100,000 Funding Sources: Funtl BaWnce 50,000 50,000 - - - 100,00p Grarrts(Fe4State,LOCaq - - _ � _ Other 7 Les Gove Improvementa Capital Costs 60,000 - - - 60,000 Funding Sourt�zs: Fund Balance - 60,000 - - - BO,DOD Grarrts(FeC.Stffie.LOCap - - - - - om0r i � 140 City ofAuburn Draft Capital Facilities Plan TABLE PR-2A(eontinued) ' ; 2013 2074 2015 20�6 2017 '2018 Total Non-Caoaeltv ProiOets: 8 Rotary Park Improvemenffi CaPita�Cost4 - - 30,OU0 - - 30,000 Funtling Sources: F�d Batance - - 30,000 - - 50,000 Grarrts(Fed.State.LOeaq ' ' ' ' ' Other 9 Brannan Park ImprovemeMs Capital Costs 40,000 - - - _ qp,ppp FuMing Soutces: Funtl Balance 40,000 - - - - 60,000 GreMS(Fe4State,LOCaI) - - - _ _ _ Other 10 AAise.Parka Improvements Capttal Cosfs 50,000 175.000 775.000 175,000 175,000 775,000 926,000 Funtling Sources: Funtl Balance 100,000 50,000 50,000 50.000 50,000 300,000 Granls(Fetl.Slate.Locel) - 75,000 75,000 75.000 75.000 75,000 37S,OU0 Otlier(PaAc ImDad Fee) 50.000 50.000 50 000 50,000 50 000 260 000 11 Cemaoa Park CaPttal Costs - - 55,000 - - - 53�000 Funding Sources: Funtl Balence - 25,000 - - 26,000 GraMS(FedState.LOCaq 30.000 - ' - 90�000 OTher 12 Geme Farm Park CapRal Costs - - - 40,000 - 40,000 � Funding Sources: Funtl Balance - - 40,000 - 40,000 Grarrts(Fetl.SYate.Local) - ' - - - - - Other 13 Gahres Park Capital Costs - - 30,000 - 30,000 Funtling Sources: FurW Balance - - - - 30.000 - 90.000 GraMS(Fed.State.Loceq - - - - - - . Other 14 RoegnerPark CaD�I Costa - - 50.000 - - W.000 FuMing Sourees: " Fund Balance 50.000 - - - gp,ppp Grants(FeA,State,Locaq _ _ _ _ KC Prop 2 15 Au6umdale Paifc Capitsl Costs - 725.000 - - 1?5.000 Funding Sources: Fund Balance - - 25.000 - - - �,pp0 Grarrts(Fed.State,LOCai) - - _ _ _ _ �� 10U.000 �pp ppp 16 Aubumtlala Park II Capkal Costs - 25.000 - - 575.000 - 800,000 Funding Sources: Funtl Balance - 25,000 - - 400,000 - 426,000 G2nts(Fed,Sfete,LOwl) - _ _ _ _ _ �� - 775 000 176 000 i 141 City ofAuburn Draft Capital Facilities Plan TABLE PR-2A(wMinued) � 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2078 Total Non�aoaclN Proleets- 17 Centennial ViewpoiMPark Capital Costs - - - - 35,000 35,000 FuriCMg Sources: FunC Balanee ' ' ' ' ' 35,000 35.000 Grarrts(Fed.State.LOCaq - - - - - Ot�er 18 BPA Trail Lae HIII - - Capital Casffi - - 75,000 175,000 125,000 - 575,000 FurWirq�Sources: Fund Balanee - - - - - G2rrts(Fed,Stata,Local) - - 75,000 75,000 75,OOD - 225,000 KC Prop 2 - 100,000 50,000 1 W,U00 19 LakelanA PaAt i4 Capital Cosh 30.000 - - 30.000 - BO.OUO Fu�in9 Souroes: Fund Balence 25,000 - - - 30,OOD - 55,000 Othe� S,U00 6,000 20 YYIliams Pipei6re Treil Capital Costs - - - - 400,000 400,000 FurMing Sources: Funtl Balance - - - 100,000 1 W,000 GraMS(Fad:Stete,LOCaI) - - - - 100,000 100,000 Othar 200.000 200.000 21 Lea HIO Parlc ReDlatamarrt Capital Cosis 165,000 - - - - - 165,000 Funding Sourees: Funtl Balanee - - - - - - GraMS(Fetl.SteOe.lomp 65.000 - - - 65�000 , I Otlier(GRCC Relmb) 100,000 100,000 ' 22 Fe�r Levea Selbaek�e 4B Capitet Costs 835,000 261,000 - - - - 1,086,000 Funding Sources: G�aMa(Fetl,Smte,Laceq 825,000 261,OW - - - 7,086,000 Otlter(sturtn) 10,000 70,000 23 Dykstra Park ImprovemeM Cepital Costs - &5,000 - - - 6S,U00 Funding Sources: Funtl Balanee 65.000 65,000 Otlter 3ub0otal.NomCauaelN PmieUS: CaPltal Cocts 7.245.000 78,298,000 480,000 12.450.000 975,000 870,000 34.056.000 SUAAMARY• CAPITAL COSTS CaOacity Projecb 240,000 120.000 - - - - 360.000 Non-Capacfty Prqeqs 1,245,000 18,296,000 480,000 12,450,000 975,000 610,000 34,056,000 TMaI Cosffi 1,4B5,000 78,4�8,000 46q000 72,450,000 975,OU0 810,000 �4p16,000 FUNDING SOURCES: Fund Balanca 190,000 300,000 150,000 t30,000 550,000 185,000 1,505,000 GrafRS(Fed.State.LOCaq 1.010.000 336,000 180,000 2.750,000 150,0�0 175,000 4,001,000 Contributions&Donations - 17.660.00U ' - - - 17,680.000 REET 1 ' ' ' ' ' ' BonC Proeeeds - - - 6.00O,�OD - - 6,000.000 KC Prop 2 120,000 120,000 - 100,000 50,000 - 390,000 Other 165,000 150,000 4,070,000 225,000 250,000 6,860,000 Total FunAing 1,485,000 18A�6.000 480,000 12,450,000 973.000 670,000 36p16,000 142 City ofAubum Draft Capital Facilities Plan � MUNICIPAL PARKS CONSTRUCTION FUND (321) Capifal Facilitfes Plan Six Year Capihal Facllitles Plan,2013-2018 Capital ProJects Fund Projea 7iue: Park AcquisitionslDevelopment Projed No: tp�axx Projed Type: Capacity Project Manager Febe� Deseriptlon: Land acquisitlons to occur based on demand and tleficiencies InGuding trails and corridors. Projeds funding to potentialy inGude the State Parks property adjacent to Game Farm Park. Progress Summary: Future Impact on Operadng Budget None BudgBt: 2012 YTD Attual 2013 72 Budge! Budgei F.xpenAiWrea Butlget Baknee AdoPtetl BuCBet ' ' ' , Budget Amendments Atl/usted Budqet AeUvltyr: zwz ve so�s reerena Funding Sources: Prlor to 2012 . Esfimate 2013 Bu0 Z014 Bu t Pro Total Funtl Balance ' _ _ . _ Grants(Fetl,Stafe.LOCap 350,000 120,000 470,000 Bond Proceetls REET - KC Prop 2' 12tl 000 120 000 - -120 000 240 000 ToTal Funtling Sources: - 670.000 ZC0,000 120,000 710,000 Capltel F�cpendkuras: DesiQn _ Acquisltion 470,000 720,000 120,OOD 590,000 Cw�shucnon 120 000 120 000 Total Fxpendku�es: - 470.000 ?AO,OOD 1?A,000 710,000 Forecasted Projeet Cost: 7ofnl 2015 2fh8 2077 2018 2013-�18 FunAing Sources: FurM Belence - - GieMs(Fed.SYete,LOCeq 120,000 Bond Proeeeds . REET _ KC Prop 2• 240 D00 Totel PunCi�g Sources: - . . 36p��p CaPltal F�cpentliturea: Desipn _ Acqulsdlon 240,000 Conshucfion - 120 000 Total6cpendltures: ' ' ' 560.000 G2MS/OMer Saurces: 143 City of Auburn Draft Capital Facilities Plan MUNI6IPAL PARKS CONSTRUCTION FUND (321) CapitefFeeil7ties Plan ' Slx Year Capital Faeilities Plan,2013-2078 Capkal Projeets Fund ProJea.Title: Issac Evans Park Projed No: cp�000t Projed Type: Non-Capaeity ProJect Manager Fabe� Deseriptfon: Repair Vail throughout park, develop reforestation plan. Progress Summary: None Future Impact on Operating Budget Increased mowing and utilities$8,000 Budget: 2otz YTO Aetuel 2073 12 8utlget Budget Expendkurea Budget Balanee Adopted BuCpet 25.000 - _ -- 25,000 Butlget Amendmants Adjusted Budpet - Activlty: 2072 VE YfN3 YNr Entl FunAing Sources: Prior to 2012 Estlmafe 2073 Butl 2074 BuA et Pro eet Totel FurMBelar�ce 25,000 - 25,000 Grenfs(Fed,SYete,loeeq - Bond Proceeds - - REET - - Other(Pa�k/mpatt Fea)' Totnl FunAfng Sourtes: - - 26,000 - 2S,OpU Capifal ExpandKuras: Desipn - Righfo/Way - - Consbucoon 25 000 25 000 TotalFS�endituros: - - 25.W0 - 25.000 Forecasted Project Cost: Total 2015 2016 2077 2018 2073•2078 Funding Sourees: Funtl Belanca 50,000 75,000 GraMS(Fed.S7afa.loceq - - Bontl Proeaeds - REET - Other(Perk Impact Fee)' 20 000 20 000 Total Funding Sources: - 70,000 - 95,000 CepNel ExpenAiW�as: Design - Right ol Wey - ConshuGion 70 000 85 000 TotalEzpendku�as: 70,000 - - 96.000 Grarrts/OCier Sources: �� City ofAuburn Draft Capital Facilities Plan � MUNICIPAL PARKS CONSTRUCTION FUND (321) Capital Facilides Plan Six Year Capital FaciliUes Plan,2D13-2018 Capital Projects Fund Projed Titie: Jacobsen Tree Farm Site Plan Project No: cp0609 Projed Type: NOn-CapaCity Project Manager. Fabe� Description: Implement Master Plan for the development of this 31 acre site. Lea Hill area is deficient in park acreage. Progress Summary: Future Impaet on Operating Budget No sign'fiicaM impad due to master plan. Future park tlevelopment will result in maiMenance and utfliry expenses undetenninable at this Gme. BudgeC zotz riv ncwai 2ota iz eudqei e�,a�c �an�res e�a� eaia�ee aauared eudyer - - - � BudqatAmendmeMs Adjusted&.tlget - Aetivity: 2012 YE 2013 Yaer EM FunEing Sources: -PHOrto 2012- . EsUmate 2013 Butl at 2074 BuA t Pro Tofal Fund Belance 25.321� - 25,321 Grants(Fed.Stete.LOCeq - - Bond Pioceeds - - - _ REET ' ' ' Other(Development) Tofal Funding Souroes: 25.327 25,921 CaPHaI F�cpenditures: peypn ' ' Rigfrf olWay ConsWCtion Totel Fxpendkurea: - - . Forecasted Project Cost: Total 2075 2076 2077 2078 2013•2018 Fundinp Sources: - Fu�W Belance - _ Giants(Fed.Steta.Laceq 2.000.000 2.00O.o00 Bontl Proceeds 6,000,000 - 6,000,000 REET - . . OMar(Devabpment) 4 000 000 4 000 000 Total Fun�ing Sou�ces: 72,000,000 - - 12,000.000 CapMa�Ezpenaitures: Design 1,000,000 - 1,000.000 RiphtolWay _ _ Construcfion - 11 000 000 - 11 000 000 I Total Exyandkures: - 12,000,000 - - 12,000,000 Grarrts/Other Sources: - - - 145 City ofAuburn Draft Capital Facilities Plan MUNICIPAL PARKS CONSTRUCTION FUND (321) Capital Faciif8es Plan ' Six Year Capital Faailities Plan,2013-2018 Capifal Projeots Fund arbject Tiue: Fulmer Park Improvemerrts Projed No: Gp�axx Project Type: Non-Capacity ProjeG Manager. Feber DescriptFOn: -- - Develop the new park amenides on land exchanged with the Water Utility. Progress Summary: Future impact on Operatlng Budget InereaseC mairrtenance of approximately$5,000 annually BUd9� 2012 YTD Actual 2079 72 Budget Budget ExpenAiWrea Budpet 6alance� Atlopted Burlget - � _ . Budpet Amentlman[s Atl�usted Butlget _ - -- _ ACtIVit�t: 2012 YE 201�Venr EnA Funding Sources: Prior to 2072 Estlmate 20�3 Bud 2074 Bud et Pro act Total FundBalanca - - 50,000 - - 50,000 Grerrts(Fad,Stale.locap - - - Aantl Proceeds . REET _ _ Other(Pe�k Impact Fee)• rorei Funamg sources: - so,000 so,aou CaPital Etpendkwes: ��9� - - 5,000 S,U00 RightofWay - - _ Constmction 45 000 45 000 Total ExVanGlturea: - - 50A00 . 50.000 Forecasted Projec2 Cosk Tofal 2073 2076 2077 2018 2013-2fN8 Funding Sources: FuntlBalence - - 50,000 G/aMS(Fed,Stafe,locel) - ' - ' Bond Procceds . _ REE7 _ _ Othar(Park Impect Fea)• Tofal Funding Sou'cea: _ _ gQ ppp Capital Expendkures: ��^ 5,000 Right of Way ���� 45 000 ' 7ota1 Ezpend'aurea: ' ' ' • 50,000 GraMS l Otlrer 5ources: 146 City of Auburn Draft Capital Facilities Plan '� ' MUNICIPAL PARKS CONSTRUCTION FUND (321) Capital Facilities Plan Sfx Year Capital Facilities Plan,2013-2018 Capital ProJects Fund Projea Tiue: Auburn Community Center Prqe�3 No: cp0925 Project Type: Non-Capacity Projed Manager. Faber Descrlption: Construction of a new20,100 s.i. Communily CeMerfacility and associffied site improvemerrts at Les Gove Park campus. The project inGudes 3,500 s.f,of administrative space of the Parks DepartmeM and numerous public meeting and activity spaces. All funding wiil go into an investmerrt fund controlled tiy a community development entity and all funds will be drawn from that fund as the projed is constructed. Progress Summary: Construction documents are complete and ready for bidding, pertnitfing and construdion. Future Impact on Operating Budget The annual aperaNng budget fiscal impact is estimated to be$200,000. BUdg@t � —� ` 2072 YTD Attual 2013 12 Budget BuCget ExpenAiWres BuCget Baknce Adoptetl Budget ' _ ' Butlget AmxMments Atljusted Budget - AC}Wit�/: Z012 YE 2075 Ywr End Funding Sou�ces: Primto Z072 Estlmate 201J BuAget P074 Bu Pro Totet Fund Balance Conhi6uNOns&Donatlons - - 17,6fi0,00D REET 1 98,125 - - 98,125 Otl7e�(SolidWesteFeesJ �,000,000 - +,000,000 Other Totel Funding Sources: 7.088,125 - - 77.660,000 1,098,125 Capital F�[pmdiWres: PiopertyACquisition - - B4OOO,OOU - Desrgn 1,093,125 663,000 1,093,125 Prolessiona!Servaes 1,856,900 Conshue0on(MACC) 5 000 7140100 5 000 Total Expenditures: 1.098,175 - 17,660.000 1.098,126 Forecasted ProJect Cost: - Tota� 2015 2016 4017 2p18 20'f32078_ _ ' FunAing Sourees: Fund Belance _ Confrtbuhons&Donahons _ ���Q 0� REET1 _ OMar(Solitl WasteFees) _ _ _ _ Ot/rer Totel Funding Sourees: ' ' ' ' 17,660.00D Capilal ExpendRurea: Proparty AcquisHion - 8,000,000 ��^ - 663,000 ProlessionalServices - - �,g�.y� ConsMUCtion(MACC) - 7140 700 Total ExpendRuras: ' ' - 17,660.000 Grarrts I OUier Sources: ' I 147 City ofAuburn Draft Capital Facilities Plan MUNICIPAL PARKS CONSTRUCTION FUND (321) Capifal Faciltties Plan Six Year Capital Faeili8es Plan,2013-2018 Capital ProJects Fund Projed Title: Veteran's Park Improvemer�ts Project No: cploaoc Project Type: Non-CepaCity Projed Manager: Faber Descrlption: Rep�ace existing concrete paths,add a dimbing my with safery surfacing,upgrade spray pool or expand playground, improve irrigation coverage,selective tree removal and turF renovation. Progress Summary: Future Impact on Operatlng Budget None BUdQBh 2072 YTD Actual 2013 12 Butlget Budget Expendkures BuAget Belante AtlWted BudDet - - - - - Butlge(Amendments � Adjusted Budget ' ' - Acdvlty: 2072 VE 2013 Y�r End Funding Sources: PNor to 2012 EsLmate 2013 Bud __2014 Bud t Pro ea Total FundBalance - 50,000 50,000 50,000 Gian(s(Fed.Stele.Goea9 - - - Bontl Pioceeds - _ REET - _ Ofhes Total Funding Sources: - - 50,000 50,000 50,000 Capiml Expenditures: Design 5,000 5,000 R,ghf ol Wey - - CAnskuUion A5 WD 50 000 45 000 Total ExpenAkures: - - 50.000 50.000 50.000 Forecasted ProJect Cost: Total 2015 20'IB 2017 2018 20112018 Funding Sou�ces: Fund Balance 100,000 GraMS(Fed,Stete.L.oceq BOntl P/OC9Btls - - REET - OMer - Total Funding Sourees: - - - �pp,ppp � Capital Expenalhrtes: Design - - 5,000 RightofWay ' ' ' COnsWCNon - - 95000 � Total Expendkures: - - - - 700,000 � Grants/OMer Sources: - 148 City ofAuburn Draft Capital Facilities Plan MUNICIPAL PARKS CONSTRUCTION FUND (321) Capital Faeilltles Plan Slx Year Capifal Facllitles Plan,2013-2016 Capital ProJects Fund Project Title: Les Gove Park improvemer� Projed No: Cp�ocxX Projed Type: NOrf-Cep3City Project Manager. Fa�r Desariptlon: Interior LighUng and Site Amenities Progress Summary: Future ImpaM on OperaHng Budget $5,000 Utilities Budget so�s YTDACtual zo�s �seuaget Budget Expendkures Budget 6alanee Atlopted 8udpet _ _ _ BudgetAmentlmeMs Atljustad Budget - - _ � ACUVItp: Z012 VE 201J Year Eritl Funding Sources: P'iorlo 2012 Estimata 2013 Bud 201d Bud et Pro aet Totel FundBalence - - 60,000 - - G�ants(Fed,Stafe.LOeaq - _ Bond Proceetls - _ REET - _ Other Tofel Funding Sourees: ' ' - gp�ppp - Capital EzpenEitwes: �e� - 10,000 Right o1 Way Conshuction Sp ppp Total Expendkures: . _ _ gp ppp _ Forewsted ProJect Cost: - — Total 2015 20�6 2017 21178_ _ 2013�20'IB Funding Soureea: FundBelanw - 60,000 Gisrrts(FeO.Sefe.locep ' ' Bond Proceeds - - _ REET - - _ Other Totel Funding Sourees: - - BQ000 Capltal EzpendiW�es: ��9� - 10.OW Right ol Way _ _ _ CO���^ ' S0 000 ' romi�xvenam�res: - - - - su,�o Cararns/othar5ources: - 149 Ci.ty of Auburn Draft Capital Facilities Plan MUNICIPAL PARKS CONSTRUCTION FUND (321) - - capitai Faetiities Pfan Siic Year Capifal Facilities Plan,2013-2018 Capifal Projeets Fund Projecx Title: Rota_ry Park Improvemenis Project No: Cp0807 Projed Type: Non-Capacity Projec[Manager Faber Description: Based on completed Master Plan, coordinate improvements wkh neighborhood and Rotary Club of Aubum to add walking paUi. Progress Summary: - — Future Impaet on Operatlng Budget None B�dgCi 2012 YTD Ae[ual 2073 72 Budget Budget Expendkures BuAget Balanea_ Atlopfetl Budget - - -- - - - - -_ ButlpetAmendmeMs Adjusted Butlgef - - - AMIVIt�I: M72 YE 7U73 YearEnE FunEing Sourees: Prior W 2012 Estlmate 2013 Butl 2074 BuA et Pro eet Total Fund 8alenca 27 700 - 27,700 Granls(Fed.Sfete.LOCeq - - 8ond Pmceeds - _ REET - Other 25 000 25 000 Total Punding Sources: 52,700 - - 52,7pp CaVtlel ExPgnEitueas: ��^ - - - RipMO/Wey - - - _ Cons6uctlon Totd Expendltures: ' ' ' Forecasted ProJea Cost: Total 2073 2016 .2017 2fN8 2073-�18 Funding Sourees: Funtl Balance - 30,000 - 30,000 Gre�MS(Fatl,Slate�LOCaQ ' ' ' Baid Pruceeds ' ' REET - - Other Total Funding Sources: - 30,0� • 30.000 CePNaI EzPendkuras: �Design 5,000 - 5,000 RigMW Way ' Cons6uchon 25 000 25 000 Taal E�tpenAlW1as: - 30�000 - - 30,000 GraMS/OMer Sources: � - 150 City of Auburn Draft Capital Facilities Plan � � MUNICIPAL PARKS CONSTRUCTION FUND (3Z7) Capital Facilltles Plan Six Year Capital Facilitles PWn,2013-2018 Capkal Projecta Fund Projed'ritle: Brannan Park Improvemenffi Projed No: CPXxXX Projed Type: Non-CapaCity Projed Manager. Faber Description: Replace existing Playground Equipment and Field 4 Improvements Progress Summary: Future Impact on Operating Budget: None BUdg2t: Y07Y YTDAetual 2013 728utlget Butlget Expendkures BuCget Balanee Adopfed Budgef - - - , Budget AmeiMmarifs Atljustetl BuOget - ACtlVity: ?A72.YE 2p73 Ym�E�M Funtling Sourees: PNOr W m12 EsUmate 20'13 Butl �td Bud Pro Toml � - FuntlBafartce - - 40,000 - 40,000 Grants(Fetl.State.LOCaq ' ' ' ' Bond Pioceeds - - REET Other(OtherAgexY.PeAtMRigafion)• 70181 Funding Sourcee: - - 40.Opp - <p�pp0 CapMal Ezpenditwes: Desipn - S,OOU - 5,000 R,gMOIWay - - - - Conrnuction 35 OUO 35 000 , Total Expentlitures: - - - 40,000 - 40,000 Forecastetl Project Cost: Totel 2075 2018 2077 20'IB 7A13-2018 FunCing Sourcas: FundBalanoe - - - - A0,000 GraMS(Fed.Slate.LOCeO ' ' _ Bond Proceetls - _ �� . Other(OtherAgency,Park Mitigallon)' Total Funding Soureea: • - 40.000 Capital Expendku'es: �esipn - - - 5,000 R�ght of Way - _ Conshuetion - 3S 000 I � TMalExpendiW�es: • ' ' ' 40A00 GreMS/Other Sources: � �- I51 City ofAuburn Draft Capital Facilities Plan MUNICIPAL PARKS CONSTRUCTION FUND (321) Capital FacillUes Plan Sfx Year Capital Faeitifies Plan,2073-2018 Capifal Projeefs F.ond ProjeaTiae: Misc. Parks Improvements Projed No: cpxxxx Projed Type: Non-Capacity Projed Manager. Fdbe� Description: Minor park improvements inGuding shelters,roofs, playgrounds, irtigation and restrooms as denoted in the Parks Master Plan. Progress Summary: Future ImpaM on Operating Budget None eudget: - 2ot2 vro ncwai zws t2 euaget Butlget E:pendRures Budget Balence aaWtedeudget - - - - BuUpetAmerWmeMS ` Atljusfed BudQet - - - ACLIVIf)I: 2012 YE 2073 Vesr End Funding Sou�eas: Prim W 2012 EaGmete 2073 Bud et 2014 Bu Pro aet Tmal FuridBalaxe 68.400 - 100,000 68,400 GrsMS(Feil,Slem,Locaq 75,000 8ard Procceds �� Otl�e�(Perk ImpeU Fee)• �00 000 50 000 �50 000 Totel Funding Sou�ces: 88,100 100,000 50,000 175.000 218,a� Capltal Expenenuras: pgygo ' ' Rignt of WeY - - - ConslrucNon 68 400 -700 000 50 000 175 000 218 400 Total Expendkures: 68,400 t00,0U0 50,000 173,000 218,400 Forecasted Project Cast: 7otal 2015 2018 2017 2018 201Y�18 FundingSources: - — --- - - FundBalence 50,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 300,000 G�etAs(Fed,SYata,LOCaI) 75,000 75,000 75,000 75,000 375,000 Bond Pmceeds - - {�� . _ Other(Park Impact Fee)• 50 000- 50 000 50 000 50 000 25a 000 Total Funding Sourcas: 776,000 1�5,000 175,000 175,000 925,000 CapHal Expendkures: Des19n - - - ' Right of Wey - - - Constructlon 775 000 175 000 775 000 175 000 925 000 TotalFxpandiW'es: 175,000 775.000 776,W0 175,000 925.000 GraMS/Otl�er Sources: _ _ __ _ _ __ _ _ 152 City ofAuburn Draft Capital Facilities Plan ' � MUNICIPAL PARKS CONSTRUCTION FUND (321) Capital Facllities Plan Six Year Capifal Facilities Plan,2013-2018 Capital Projeols Fund Project TRIe: Cam¢ron Park Projed No: Cpxxxx Projed Type: Non-CapaGity Projed Manager• Fabe� Dese�iption: Add landscaping to park as a buffer for housing and at play structure,and fencing at play strudure. The project is identified in the adopted Parks Improvement Plan. Progress Summary: complete Future Impact on Opereting Budget None Budget: zo�2 rro nauai zo�a �z eud9ee eWget Expenenures euaget aelenea ACOpted Budp� . Butlget AmerMmeMs � Ad%usted BuC9ef ' _ Aetiviry: Y012 YE 20'I$Year End Fundinp Sourees: PNOr to 207Y Eetima0e 2073 Bud et TA74 BuG Total FuntlBelence ' ' - -_ _ - G�erlLs(Fed,Slafa.LOCeI) - Bartl Proceeds _ _ REEf _ Other Totel Funding Sourees: - � . . . CapNal Expentlltures: Desipn . _ R�ghro/Way - - _ _ Conshuchon Total Espenditures: - • - - ' Forecastad ProJect Cost: Total 2075 7D78 2077 2078 2013-2G78 Funding Soureea: WndBaler�ce 25,000 - _ Zg,ppp GiaPoS(Fed,Stele.LOCaq 30.000 - - 30,000 Bond Proceetls _ _ _ REET _ Otlfer Total Funding Sourees: 55,000 ' ' ' Sg�ppp Capilsl Expendkutes: Design 5,000 - 5,000 Righto/Way - - _ Constroetion 50 000 gp ppp � 1 Tofal Bcpen0ltures: 55.000 - - . - 55,000 Grarrta/ONer Sources. 153 City ofAuburn Draft Capital Facilities P[an MUNICIPAL PARKS CONSTRUCTION FUND (321) Capital Fae(tltles Plan Six Year Capital Facilities Plan,2013-2018 CapiffiI Projeeffi Fund Project Title: Game Farm Park Improvements Projed No: cp�000c Projed 7ype: Non-Capacity Projed Manager. FabEf DeseAptlonc -- - - — Playground and Plaza improvements.Complete 3rd play area. Progress Summary: wmplete Future Impact on Opereting Budget None Budgeti 2o�z rrn nc�uai zo+a �z auaeet Butlget Expendkures Butlget Bela�rce Atloptetl8utlget 170,000 170,000 - - BudgefAmentlmeMs acjuued eudqet - ' Activlty: 2012 VE 2013 Yesr End Fund'mg Sourees: Prior to 2072 Eatlmete 2013 Butl 2074 Butl et Pro'ect Totat Wnd Balance - - Grarrts(FeqSYafa,loca9 ' - Bontl Proceeds - - REET - OIMr - TotelFUnding 9ources: - - ean��ae�an�ms: �^ - - - - Rronroiwar - - - - ConshucNOn Toml Expen0lW�es: - - - - Foreeasted Projed Cost: Total 2075 2018 2017 2018 2073-2018 FunOing Sourees: w�e�er,� - ab.obo - ao,000 G�errts(FeqStafa,LOCaQ ' - - - BontlWxeetls ' ' ' REET - Other Total Fundlrtg 9ourees: - • - 40,000 = - 40,0pp Capiml ExpenAiWras: ��9�+ - - - - RipMO/Wey - - ConstNetion 4O OOO 4O O00 Tom��ve�am,res: - - ao,000 ao.000 GraMS!Other Sourms: - 154 Ciry ofAuburn Draft Capital Facilities Plan � MUNICIPAL PARKS CONSTRUCTION FUND (327) Capital FacillUes Plan Six Year Capital Facilities Plan,2013-2018 Capital ProJects Fund Project Title: Gaines Park Project No: GpXXxx Projed Type: NOn-CapaCity Projed Manager. Febe� Descriptlon: Develop Horticulture Plan for the Park as indicated in the Parks Improvement Plan and repair boardwalk. Progress Summary: Future Impact on Operetlng BudgM: None BUd9@� 2072 YTD Adual 2013 72 Budget Budget Expenditures Butlget Balance Adoptetl Budget - - - Budget Amentlmenfs � Atljustetl Budqef - - - Activity: 2012 YE 20�9 Yeer.End Funding Sourees: Prlor W 2012- Estimate _ 2073 Butl et 2014 Bud et Pro eet Total Fund Balance � - _ Grarrts(Fed,Slste.Locaq BOntl PioCeeds - - REET - OMer Total FunAing Sou�ces: - - . Capital ExpandRurea: Design _ _ RightofWay . _ Constnichon roa�Exvenaitures: - _ _ Forewsted Project Cost: - ---- Total 2015 2016 2017 2018 2073-ZfNB Funding Sources: --- FurMBelence 30,000 30,000 G2nfs(Fed,Sfate,LOCaq ' Bond Proceeds - REET - - _ Other ToWI Funtling Sources: = " - 30,000 - 30,000 Capitel Expendttures: Design 10,00� 10,000 Right of Way - _ Conshuchon - 20 000 20 000 � TotalExpendiWres: - 30,0p0 - 30,000 GraMS/Other Sourees: - 155 City ofAuburn Draft Capital Facilities Plan MUNICIPAL PARKS CONSTRUCTION FUND (321) CapiWl Facilities Blan ' � Six Year Capital Facilities Plan,2013-2018 Capital PrcJects Pund Project Title: Roegner Park Projed No: Cp�acxx Project Type: Non-Capacity Projed Manager. Fabe� Desc�ption: This prqed requires Vail system maintenance, play strudure replacement and riverbank stabilization. Progress Summary: Future Impact on Operating Budget: None BUd9Et: 2012 YTD Attual 2073 12 Budget BudgM �Expendiwres Budget Balance Adopted Budget Budge[Amendments - � Adjusted Budget - Activity: 2012 YE 2p13 Year EnA Funtling Sources: Priorto 2072 Estimate 2013 Bud et 2014 Bud t Pro' Total Fund Balance - - Grants(Fed,Stete.LOCaq ' Bond Proceetls - - REET _ Other(ROp Levy 2) TotalFunding Sources: - - CaPIhlExpenCRuies: Des�gn - RlghtofWay - - Construchon Total EzpentlRures: - - _ Forecasted Project Cost: raai 2015 2016 2017 20'18 2073-2078 Funding Sources: FuntlBelance 50,000 - 50,000 GraMS(Fed,StaM,Local) - - Bond Proceeds - - - REET - - - Otber(PmP Levy 2) TotalFunding Sources: 50,000 - - - 50,000 Capltal F�cpendituras: Design 5,00� - - 5,000 Righfo(Way - - Conshuc6on 45 000 45 000 Total Expentliturea: 50.000 ' ' ' 80,000 GreMS I Other Saurces: 156 City of Auburn Draft Capital Facilities Plan ' MUNICIPAL PARKS CONSTRUCTION FUND (321) - Capital Faeilitles P�an Six Year Capital FaeilfUes Plan,2013-2018 CapMal ProJeMS Fund Project Tine: Aubumdale Park Projed No: Cpxxxx Projed Type: Non-Capacity Project Manager: Faber Descriplion: Develop a Master Plan for the Park,install an irtigation system,new play strudure and improve signage. Progress Summary: FuWre Impaet on Operating Budget: UtlliUes would increasa by$5,000 BUd9� 2U12 VTD Actud 2017 72 Budget Budget Etpentlkures Budget Balanea Adopted Budget - _ Budpet AmenOmenfs � Atllusted Budget ' AoUvity: 2072 YE 2073 Year End Funtling Sou'ces: PriorM 2072 EaGmeEe 2D73 Bud 2014 Butl et TWaI ' Fund Belenoe _ _ GrarHS(Fetl,State,Locap - _ Bontl Proceeds _ _ REET _ OMer(OMerAgexyJ• Tofal Funding Sources: . _ _ Capltal ExpenAiturea: Desryn _ Right o/Way _ _ Consbuction Totel ExpenCitures: - . . _ Porecasted Project Cost: - TWeI 2075 2076 20'I7 2016 2073-2018 Fun0ing Sources: FundBalan�e 25,000 25,000 Grants(Fetl,Sfa(e.LOCap - - Bond Proceetls - _ REET ' ' ' ' Other(OtherAgencyJ• 100000 - t0000D Total Funding Sourees: 725,000 • • 125,000 CapMal Expentli[urm: I Desgn 15,000 - 75,00� RigMO/Way - - _ Conshvehon 110 000 110 000 Total Ezpendkures: 725.000 - - 125,000 I Grerrts/OMer Sources: 157 City ofAuburn Draft Capital Facilities Plan MUNICIPAL PARKS CONSTRUCTION FUND (321) Capital Facilitles Plan Six Year Capital Factlitles Plan,2015-2018 Capifal ProJects Fund Projea TiUe: Aubumdale Park II Project No: Cpxxxx Projed 7ype: Non-Capacity Project Manager. Feber Deseripiion: i Develop a Master Plan in 2014;improve the ebsting trail system and install signage and play strudure. Progress Summary: Future Impaet on Operatlng Budget: Increased utiliry costs of$2,000 BUd92t 2012 YTDAtWaI 20�3 128udget Budget �venan�ree Budgat Balanee Atlopted Butlpet ' Butlgat Amentlmants i Atlrysled Butlget - AcHvity: 2012 YE �13 Y�r End Puntling Soureas: P�or to 2072 Eatimate 2013 B �14 Bu ect Total FurM Balance 25,000 GiaMS(Fetl,SYafe,LOCap Bond Proteetls REET - - OMx Totei Funding Sourees: • - - � 25,000 Capkal Expend'KUres: Desipn 25,000 - RigM of WaY ' ConshucGon Total Expendftures: - - Z5,000 - Forecasted Projact Cost: Total 2075 2078 211�7 20'IB 207YZ078 Fun0ing Sourcea: FurM Belance 400,000 425,000 GiatAs(Fetl.Sfate.(.oeaq - BorM Rxeeds - REET - Other 175 000 175 000 Total Funding Sourees: - - 575,�0 800,000 Capital ExPenAiW�es: Despn 75,000 10�,000 RipM o)Wey ConsWCNon 500 000 500 U00 7WalExpentliWrea: - - 575��0 800,�0 � 1 Grarhs/OMer Sources: 158 City ofAuburn Draft Capital Facilities Plan ' � MUNICIPAL PARKS CONSTRUCTION FUND (3Z1) Capital FadllUes Plan Six Year Capital Facilities Plan,2013-2018 CapMal ProJeMa Fund Projea 7iUe: Centennial�ewpoint Park Projed No: Gploax Projed Type: Non-Capacity Project Manager. Faber Description: Develop a landscape plan farthe park and remove antenna from building. Progress Summary: Future Impact on Operating Budget None Budget: zo�z nv pc�uai zo�a ii euaeei Budget E�fendkurea Budget Balance_ Adopted Butlget _ Budget Amentlments Aausted BuCpet ' ' - Activlty: 2072 VE 2013 Year End Funding Sources: Prbr to 2072 -Estima0e 2073 Bud 2�74 Bud t Pro Total FurMBelance - . . _ Giants(Fed.State.Laceq - - - Bontl Proceeds - - _ REET - Other - Total Funtling Sourcas: _ _ . -_ CaPiml ExpenCNu�es: Design - RigMO/Wey - - _ _ Consbuction TotelExpend@uras: ' ' ' --- Forecasted ProJect Cost: — 7ota1 2013 2016 7A17 2018 201Y2016 FunCing Sourcas: w^dBale^ca - 35,000 35,000 Gran3(FM.SYe(e.LocalJ - - Bond Proceeds _ _ _ REET - - _ Other Totel FunEing Sourees: - 38,000 35,OD0 CepNal FxpendlWres: �si9� - 7.000 7,000 RigM of Way _ CarstNCtion 28 OOO 2B�OO Totel Expendituies: ' ' ' 35�000 96.000 Grerns/Other Sourees: 159 City of Auburn Draft Capital Facilities Plan MUNICIPAL PARKS CONSTRUCTION FUND (321) Capital FaallfUes Plan � � Six Year Capital Faeilities Plan,2013-2018 Capital Projects Fund Projed 7iUe: BPA Trail Lea Hill Project No: cp0919 Projed Type: Non-Capacity Project Manager: Faber Description: Develop a feasibility/due diligence study to detertnine the eutent of issue with trail design and alignments along the BPA corridor on Lea Hili between 132nd Ave SE and 108th Ave SE,irom Jacobson Tree farm to the east une of ttie Aubum Golf Course. Construct the Trail in subsequent phases. Progress Summary: Future Impaet on Operatlng Budgex None BUdgM: 2012 YTD Aetuel 2073 72 Budget Budget E:penAkuree Budget Belence Atlqoted 6udgef - Budget Amendmems - � Adjusted 8utlpet - ' ACWify: Z012 YE Y01�Vear EnA Funding Sourees: Prior to 2072 Fstimale 2073 BuE 2014 BuA Pro Totat FundBalante - - _ GraMS(Fed.Slate.LoceQ ' - Bond Proceeds - REET - - Otfrer(KC Prop.�)• Totel FunAing Sourees: • - _ _ _ CaPital ExOenditwes: Desi9n - - RigMOlWey ' ' Constnidron Total Ezpenditures: ' ' Forecasted Project Cost: Total 2015 2016 2017 2078 2013-�78 Funtling Sources: - Fund Balance - - GroMS(Fed,State,Loca� 75,000 75,000 75,000 225,000 Hond Proceeds ' ' REET OMer(KC Prop.2)' 100 000 50 000 750 000 Total Funtling Sourcea: 75,000 175,000 125,000 575,000 Capiql F�cpend7twes: Design 75.000 - 75,000 Right o/Wey - - Cons6uetlon 775000 725000 300000 I • TMalEttpendiWras: 75,000 775,�0 125,000 375,000 � Grarrts/Other Sources: 160 City ofAuburn Draft Capitad Facilities Pdan ' ' MUNICIPAL PARKS CONSTRUCTION FUND (321) Capital Facllitles Plan Six Year Capital Facilitfes Plan,2013-2018 Capital Projects Fund Projea'fnle: Lakeland Park#4 Projed No: cpXXXX Project rype: Non-Capacity Project Manager: Faber Description: Development and construction of an environmental community park. Trails,fencing, parking and visitor amenRies are included in the projed. Progress Summary: Future Impact on Opereting Budget: Increased maiMenance costs of$5,000 BUdyBt: 2012 YTDACtual 2013 12BuAget Budget Expendkures Budget Balance . Atloptetl Butlget - - - Budpet Amendmenfs Adjustetl Butlget - - Activity: — - - --- - - 2072 YE- 2p13 Vear Entl Funding Sources: Priorto 2072 EstimaM 2013 Bud et 2074 BuC et Pro eet Total _ FuntlBalance = - � 25,000 25,000� � GiaMS(Fed,Steta,LOCap - - - Bond Proceeds - REET - - OMer 5 000 5 000 Total Funding Sources: - 30,OD0 - 30,000 Capital Ezpentliturea: Design 6,OD0 - 6,000 Rqht of Way - - Construaion 24 000 24 000 Total ExpenAitures: - 30,000 - 30,000 Forewsted Project Cost: - Total 2015 2018 2017 2078 2073-2018 Funtling Sourees: � - -- -� FurMBalance - 30,000 55,000 Grents(Fed,Stelo,Loca/) - - Bontl Proceetls - - REET ' ' ' �� 5 000 Total Funtling Sources: —'-=- - - 30,000 - 60,000 CapHal ExpentlfWres: ��9n - - 6,00� RightofWay - - _ Conshucfion 30 000 54 D00 ' 7otalExpendkwes: - - �30,000 - 60,000 Grants/Other Sources: - 161 City ofAuburn Draft Capital Facilities Plan MUNICIPAC PARKS CONSTRUCTION FUND (321) --capkai Paci�ifies P�an � Slx Year Capffal FacillUes Plan,2013-2018 Capiql Projects Fund Projed Title: �Iliams Pipeline Traii ProjeG No: CpXXXX Projeix Type: Non-CapaCity Projeot Manager. Faber Description: Develop a design for a mutti purpose trail aver the Williams pipeline rigMof-way,and construct the trail from Bridget Avenue SE to the White River Treil in the southeast part of the City Progress Summary: Futu�e Impaat on Operating Budget: None BudgM: 2072 V70 Actual 2013 12 Butlget BuCpet Expend@ures Butlget Balanee AdaptetlBudget . - ----- BudgatAmendmaMs Atl/usted Br�tlget - - - � _ ACtfVky: ZO�ZYE 2013YearEnd FundingSources: Priorto2012 Estimate 20138uC at 2014Butl et Pro'eetTotal Funtl Balance - - Grants(Fetl.Sfete.Laceq - Bontl Pmceeds - _ REET - _ _ _ OMer Tofal Funtling Sou'eea: _ _ . _ CapHal Expendkures: Design _ _ _ RigMOf,Way _ _ _ Conshucfion Total Expendkures: _ _ _ Forewstetl Project Cost: Total ZlNS 2018 2017 2078 _ 2013-2018 FunAing Sources: - Fund Balance 100,000 100,000 Granfs(Fetl,Slgte,Lxa1J - - t00,000 t00,D00 Bond Proceeds - _ _ _ REEr - _ _ _, ��� - 200 000 200 000 Total Funding Sourees: ' ' • 400,000 400,000 Capital Ezpendkures: ��H^ - - 100,000 100,0�0 Right ol Way _ _ _ Conshuction 300 000 300 000 Total ExVenditures: ' - ' 400�000 40��000 � GreMS/OMer Sourcas: - 162 City ofAubum Draft Capital Facilities Pdan ' MUNICIPAL PARKS CONSTRUCTION FUND (321) capita�Faciuties Plan Six Year Capital Facflitles Plan,2013-2016 Capital Projects Fund Projea'r�le: Lea Hill Park Replacement Projed No: cp1003 Project Type: Pel'k3 Project Manager: Daryl Faber Description: - In coordination with the Community and Green River Community College,design and consVUCt a new community park to meet the needs of Me Lea Hill CommunRy. This park will replace the exiating Lea�Hill Park. Progress'Summary: Under Construction Future Impact on OpereUng Budget: Inaeased mowing and utilfties-$6,000 BUdget 2072 YTDACtual 2013 728utlgat Butlget Ezpend'rturea Budget Balanw Atlopted Butlget -——_- BadgetAmendments i Atllusted BuUget - . Activity: 207Y YE 2013 Year Entl Funding Sources: Prlor to 2012 Estimate 2013 Bud 2014 Butl t Pro eitTOtal_ Funtl Balance - - _ � - G�ents(Fed,State,Local) - 65,OD0 - 65,000 Baitl Proceetls - _ �� . _ Other(GRCC Reimb) 1 329 790 100 0D0 . _1 429 790 Total Funtling Sources: 7,329,790 186,UD0 1,493,790 CapHal ExpenEkures: Design - 200,000 - - Z00,000 Right of Wey - - _ Construcfion 1 129 790 165 000 7 294 790 Totel Expenditwes: - 1,328,790 165,000 1,494,790 Forecasted Project Cost: - - Tofal 2075 2016 2017 2016 201Y2I118� Funtling Sources: - - -- Funtl Belence - _ Grants(FeU,Steta,LOCep - - 65,000 Bard P�oceeds - - _ REET - ' OMer(GRCC Reimb) 100 000 TofnlFunCing Sources: -- ' - 165,000 Capifal Expendkuies: Design - _ Right of Way _ Conshuclion 165 000 � Total Ezpenditures: - - 166,000 Grarrts/Other Sources: - 163 City of Auburn Draft Capital Facilities Plan MUNICIPAL PARKS CONSTRUCTION FUND (321) Capifal Facilities Plan Six Year CapiTal Facilitfes Plan,2013-2018 Projed Ti�e: Fenster Levee Setback, Phase 26 Projed No: CP7076 Projea Type: Non-Capacity Projed Manager AnderSen Description: The project will design antl construG approximately 800 feet of levee setback along the leH bank of the Green River at the Citys Fenster Nature Park property.The project is intended to improve fish habitat and provide refuge for sahnanids as well as create addRional flood ', storage capaeily tlunng pariods of hgher nver flow during/aker stortn events andlor when additional volumes of water are released from Howard Hanson Dam.This project will complete floodpWin restoration and habitat improvements along an approximately lwo mile reach af the Green River that begiris�at Auburn Nartows in unincorporated King County and entls at FensOar Nature Park in Aubum.The City is partnering with King County and the Veteran's Conservation Corp to construct the project,which is scheduled to start in 2013 and be completed in 2014. Proaress Summarv• A 60%design has been completed for the projed.The City has received$604,100 for the project in the fortn of grants from the state Salmon Recovery Funtling Board(SRFB),the King Conservation District,and PugM Sound Acquisfion and Restoration funds.An additional$300K in grant funding has been approved for the project from the 2012 WRIA 9/KCD high priority prajed funds,and a$327K request to SRFB is pending decision in 3rd quarter 2012. Future Imnact on Oueretlna Budqet: After construction,�the projeot will need to be monitored and maintained for a minimum of five yeais to ensure that the seWackAevae is operatlng properly and the restoration piantings become successfully established.A separate progrem for monitoring and�maintaining I restoretion sites has been proposed�as part W Me Planning Departrnent operations budget. , BUdg2t: 2012 YTD AMual 2015 12 Budget Budget Ezpend'RUres Budget Balance Atlopted Budget _ Budget Amentlments Atl�usted Budget - - ACBvity: 2012 YE 2013 Year Entl FunOing Sources: Prior to 2012 Eatimate 2013 Bud et 2014 Butlget Project Total Other(Sform) B00 24200 10,000 35,000 GraMS(FedStete,Local) 19,800 125,30� 825,00� 261,000 970,100 Bond Proceetls - REET Total Funtling Sources: 20,600 149,500 835,000 261,000 1,005,100 CaPital E�cpentlRures: Design 19,8�0 149,500 25,000 �5,000 194,300 Righf ofWay 800 800 ConshucNon 810 000 246 000 B10 000 Total EspendiWres: 20,600 149,500 835,000 267,000 1,005,100 Forecasted Project Cost: rora� 2015 2018 2017 2078 2073-ZIHB Funding Sources: Other(SMrtn) - - 10,000 Granfs(Fetl,SYate,loca!) - - 1,086,000 Bond Proceefls - . REET Total Funding Sources: - - 7,096,�0 Capital Expandkures: ��8� - - 40,000 RightofWay _ _ _ CanshuCion 1 O56 000 Total E:pendRures: ' ' ' 1,096,000 i GrenS/Other Sources:SRFB$304,103;PSAR$100,000; KCD$200,000;WRIA 9/KCD$300,000;SRFB(pentlmg)$327,000 - -- �� Crty ofAuburn Draft Capital Facilities Plan � MUNICIPAL PARKS CONSTRUCTION FUND (321) Capital Facilities Plan Six Year CapiYal Facflitles Plan,2013-2018 Capital Projects Fund Project Tine: Dykstra Park Improvement Projed No: Projec[Type: Projed Manager. Fabe� Description: Replace existing Playground,improve picnic area and concrete sidewalk Future ImpaM on Operating Budget None Budget ioiz v7oacn,a� zota 7zsudget Butlgel ExpenOltures Budget Balence Atlopted Budget - - &idget Amendments Adjusted Budget ACUvity: 2072 YE 2D73 Year ErW Funtling Sources: Prior to 2012 Estimate 2013 Bud et 2074 Butl Pro aet Total Funtl Balance -- 65,OOa - Grents(FedStere.LOCaq - . _ Bond Proceeds - - REET I OMer To181 FuMing Sources: - 85,000 - Capital ExpentliWres: Design - - 5,000 Righ[ofWay - - ���/�/�ro� 60 000 Total ExpenOiWrea: ' ' S5.ppp - Porewsted Projeet Cost: - Total Z015 - 2016 2017 20�8 2073-2018 FunAingSources: --- � Fund Belence 65,000 Grents(Fed,SteM,LOCeIJ - _ . Bond Proceeds - - REET Other Total FunEing Sources: - - 65,000 Capihl EzpendlWres: Des�gn - S,U00 Rght o1 Wey - � Conshucfion 80 OOD , � Toml Expenditurea: - - 65,000 Grarrtsl OtherSources: 165 City ofAuburn Draft Capital Facilities Plan TABLE PR-3 Impact on Future Operating Budgets PARKS and RECREATION, Including MUNICIPAL PARKS CONSTRUCTION Pro�ect: 2014 2015 2016 2077 2078 2019 Total 1 ParkAcquPsJtlorts $ - $ - $ - $ _ $ _. $ _, g _ 2 Issac Evans Park 6,D00 6,000 6,000 6,000 6,000 6,000 36,000 3 Jacobsen Tree Farm - - - - - - - 4 FulmerParklrtiprovemerKS 5,000 5,000 5,OD0 5,000 5,000 5,000 30,000 5 AabumCommun!(yCenter - 200,000 200,000 200,OD0 200,000 Z0�,�00 1,000,000 6 Veferan's PaAr Improv. - - - _ _ _ _ 7 Les Gove Park Imp. - 5,000 5,000 5,000 S,ODO 5,000 25,000 S Rotary Park Improv. - - - - - - - 9 B'annan Park Imp. - - _ _ _ _ _ 70 MlscParklmprovemeMS - - - - _ _ _ 71 Came�on Park - - - - - - - 12 Game Fam+Park - - - _ _ _ _ 13 Gaines Park - - - - - - - 14 Rcegner Perk - - - _ _ . _ ' 15 Aubumdale Park - - 5,000 5,000 5,000 5,000 20,000 16 AuburndalePaAtll - - - - 2,000 2,000 4,000 77 Cerrtennial VPewpoliR PeAc - - - - - - - 78 BPA Trail Lea M!I - - - - - - - 18 Lake/and Park#4 - - - 5,000 5,0�0 10,000 ZO hRNiams Plpeline Trall - - - - - - - 2t Lea Hill Park Replacement 6,000 6,000 6,000 6,000 6,000 6,000 36,000 22 FensterLeveeSet6ack - - - - _ _ _ 23 Dykstre Perk Improvemerrt - - - - - - _ Toal S n,000 5 zzz,000 S 22�,00o S 22�.00o S 2aa,000 S 2aa,o0o S t.�6t.000 166 City ofAuburn Draft Capital Facilities Plan i � COMMUNITY CENTER Curcent Facilities The City of Aubum currently does not have a Community Center Level of Service(LOS) The City does not have a curreM LOS for a Community Center The proposed lOS of 267 77 square feet per 1,000 population is based on the projected inventory divided by the 2018 projeded citywide population of 75,065. Capital Faciiities Projects and Financing The proposed Community Center facility construction project is a 6-year planning expectation total of$17,660,000. Impact on Future Operating Budgets As Table PR—3 shows, operating budget impad of$1,000,000 is forecasted for the Community Center Facilit�r during the six years 2014-2019. � TABLE PR-4 Facilities Inventory Community Center caPnciTv ��� _ - (Square Feet� LOCATION Existlng/nventory: -— None _ Tofal F�cisting Inventory _ Proposed Qapacity Projects: New Community Center 20,100- Total Propased Capacity Projects 20,100 2078 Pr"o'eoted Invento Total 20,100 � 167 City of Auburn Draft Capital Facilities Plan , ! SENIOR CENTER Current Facilities The City of Aubum currently has one Senior Center Table PR-5 Facilities Inventory lists the facility along with its c�rrent capacity and location. Level of Service(LOS) The current LOS of 176.87 square feet per 1,000 population is based on the existing inventory divided by the 2012 citywide population of 71,240. The proposed LOS of 167.84 square feet per 1,000 population is based on the projected inventory divided by the 2018 projected citywicie population of 75,065. Capital Facilities Projects and Financing The CFP does not include any senior center capital facilities projects during 2013-2018. Impact on Future Operating Budgets There are no operating budget impacts forecasted for the senior cerrter facility during the six years 2014—2019. TABLE PRS Facilities Inventory Senior Center CAPACITY FACILITY (Square Feet) LOCATION isting lnventory: Senror Center �2,600 808 9th Sheet SE Total Existing lnventory 12,600 Propased Capacity Projects: None - Tota/Proposed Capaciry Projects - 2018 Pro'ected Invento ToWI 12,600 TABLE P-1 168 City ofAuburn Draft Capital Facilities Plan GENERAL MUNICIPAL BUILDINGS Current Facilities The current inveMory of City government administration and operations facilities include 155,975 square feet for general government operations, 61,888 square feet for pofice services, and 31,653 square feet for fire protection, for a total of 249,516 square feet. Table GM — 1 "Facilities Inventory" lists the facilities along with their current capacity and location. Level of Service (LOS) The current LOS of 3,502.47 square feet per 1,000 population is based on the existing inventory divided by the 2012 citywide population of 71,240. The proposed LOS of 3,591.53 square feet per 1,000 population is based on the projected inventory divided by the 2018 projected citywide population of 75,065. Capital Facilities Projects and Financing The City's General Municipal Building facilities include six capital projects at a cost of $1,858,600 and debt service at a cost of $3,869,300 for a total of $5,727,900. The projects include (1) $200,000 for M&O Vehicle Bay and Storage building, (2) $500,000 for Equipment Rental Vehicle Maintenance Bay (3) $320,000 for M&O Fuel Tank Replacement (4) $250,600 for HVAC Upgrades at City Hall, (5) $100,000 City Hall Remodel, Phase 1, (6) $488,000 for City Hall Remodel, Phase 2,and $3,869,300 for City Hall Annex debt service costs Table GM — 2 shows the proposed financing plan foliowed by individual worksheets showing the project detail. Impact on Future Operating Budgets Operating budget impacts annually are not yet forecast for general municipal buildings during the six years 2014—2019. , � 169 City ofAuburn Draft Capital Facilities Plan TABLE GM-1 Facilities Inventory General Municipal Buildings CAPACITY FACILITY (Square Feet) LOCATION F�isting/nventory• Genera/Govemment: City Hal/ 37,700 25 W Main Street City Hal/Annex 58,000 1 W 11Aain Street City Maintenance & Operafions Facility 25,855 1305 C Street SW Pa�lcs&Recreation Admin. Facility 7,000 910 9th Street SE ctivity Center 8,000 910 9th Street SE Street Waste Handling FacilBy 2,750 1305 C Street SW Municipal Court(Justice Center) 12,200 340 E Main Street GSA Building 4,470 2905 C Street#815 Total 155,975 Police: Headquarters (Justice Center) 24,800 340 E Main Street Supermall substation 1,208 1101 Supermall Way Gun range 32,880 1600 Block 15th St NW Seized vehicle parking stalls 3,000 C Street SW (GSA) Tota/ 61,888 Fire: Stations: North Station #31 12,220 1101 D Street NE South Station#32 5,200 1951 R Street SE GSA Stafion#35 9,533 2815 C Street SW Other Facilities: North Station Maint. Facility 4,700 1101 D Street NE Total 31,653 Tota/Existing/nventory 249,516 Proposed Capacity Projects: Community 20,100 Total Proposed Capacity Projects 20,100 2078 Pro'ected Inverrto Total 269,616 170 City ofAuburn Draft Capital Facilities Plan TABLE GM-2 � CAPITAL FACILITIES PLAN PROJECTS AND FINANCING GENERAL MUNICIPAL BUILDINGS 20�3 20�4 2016 2016 20�7 20�6 Total CaoaclN Prolects: 'I M 8 O Vehlcle MairHenance Bay Capitel Cosb 100,000 �00,000 - - - - 200,000 Funtling Sourcea. Equip.Rantal Funtl �00,000 100,000 _ 200,000 2 HiR Vahlele Bny&Storage Capitel Cosb 250,000 250,000 - - - - 500,000 Funding Sources: Equip. Ren7al Fund 250,000 250,000 - 5D0,000 3 M80 R1BI Tank ReplaCemefrt CapHal Cosb 70,000 250,000 - - - - 320,OD0 Funtling Sources Equip.Rentel Fund 70,000 250,000 320,000 SuMOtal.CauaeiN Profeets: CapHel Costs 420,000 BO0,000 - - - - '1,020,000 t�on-CaoacM Proiects' 4 Clty Hall FNAC System Upgrade Capital Cosb 250,600 - - - - - 260,600 Funtling Sources. Capitel lmprov FunO - - _ _ _ _ _ REET'I 250,600 250,600 5 C1ty Mell Remodel.Phase 7 Capitel Costs �00,000 - - - - - 700,000 Funtlinp Sourcas: Capital Improv.Fund �00,000 - - - - - �00,000 REET_'I, - 8 Clly Nell Remotlel,PhaBe 2 Capitel Costs 488,000 - - - - - 488,000 Funtling Sources: Capitel Improv.Funtl 488,000 - - - - - 488,000 Granb 7 City Flall Mnex Capital Cosffi 645,200 &65,200 644,800 844,'100 645,000 845,000 3,868,300 Funtling Sourccs: Capitel Improv.Funtl - - - _ _ _ _ Granla _ ' " ' ' ' ' REET 1 645,200 645,200 644,800 644,'100 645,00� 645,000 3,869,300 SuMctal.Non-CaoaeiW Proleets: � CapMalCOSts 1,483,800 646,200 644,600 644,�00 645,000 646,OU0 4,707,800 SIANMARV� - - CAPRAL COSTS CapaCityProjecls 420,000 600,000 - - - - �,020,000 Non-CapaciryProjects 638,800 - - - - - 838,600 LonO-Term Debt 645,200 645,200 644,800 644,�00 845,000 845,000 3,869,300 Total Cosffi 1,903,800 '1,245,200 644,800 644,'100 646,000 645,000 6,727,800 R1P01NGSOURCE3: - - Equip. Rental Fund 420,000 800,000 - - - - �,020,000 Capital Improv. Funtl 588,000 - - - - - 588.000 REET1 895,800 645,200 844,800 844,�00 645,000 645,000 4,��9,900 Granffi _ Total Funtling 7,803,800 1,245,200 646,600 644,'100 645,000 646,000 6,727,900 171 I City ofAuburn Draft Capital Facilities Plan EQUIPMENT RENTAL FUND (550) Capital Facilities Plan � � Six Year Capifal Facilities Plan,2013-2018 ErMerprise Funds Project Title: Maintenance and Operations Vehicle Bay and Storege Project No: Cp0711 Projed Type: Project Manager. Descriptlon: Add three insulated vehiGa bays for Vactor storage to provide year-round protection.Thesa vehicles holtl large quentities of water on board at all tlmes enabling them to be immediatety dispatched in the event of an emergency.This requires Mem to be protected from freezing temperaWres.D2ining their large tanks each day would eause a dispatch delay while refillhig,that could resuk in eMraordinary damage M public and private properry in an emergency skuation. Enclose existing bays to provide necessary weaMer protection for street sweepers,sanding,and snow plow equipment Construct storage shed to fadtltate removal of portable conNainers, improving space utilization anif traffic flow thoughout M80. Pragress Summary: Future Impact on Operating Budget: None BUdg2fG 2012 VT�Actual 2013 72BUdget Budget EzpenCitures Budget Balance Atlopted Budget ButlpetAmendments � � Adjusted Butlget - - Activlty (Pre�nous 2 Yrs) 2012 YE 2[173 Year End Funtling Sourcea: Pdor to 2012 Estimate 2013 Bud et 2014 BuA t Project Total Unres[ncfedEquip RentelRevenue 100,000 100,000 100,0�0 200,000 Grants(Fed,StaM,Lxal) - _ Other Total Funding Sources: 100,OOD 100,000 700,000 200,000 Capital Expentlicures: Design - _ Right of Way _ _ Conshuction 100 000 100 000 1 DO 000 200 000 Total ExpenARures: - 700,000 100,W0 100,000 200,000 Forecasted Project Cost: Total 2015 2016 2017 2016 2013-2018 Funding Sources: � - Unrestnctetl Equ�p.Rental Revenue - 200,000 Gianls(Fed.Stafe.loceq ' Other Total Funding Sources: - - 200,000 CaD�I Expendltures: Design ' - R�ghtWWay - Conshuction 200 000 Total Expenditures: - - 2U0,000 Grants/Other Sources: 172 City ofAuburn Draft Capital Facilities Plan EQUIPMENT RENTAL FUND (550) Capital Faciiities Plan Six Year Capltal Faeilitles Plan, 2013-2018 Enterprise Funds Pro ea Tine: E ui ment Rental Vehicle Mair�tenan B 1 q P � 0Y Projea No: cp0710 Projed Type: Projed Manager. Description: Add additional vehiGe bay at EquipmeM Rental shop for heavy equipmerrt and large vehiUes to improve efficiertt.y and remoue dioke points. Adding a la�ge veNCle Day with a large vehicle IiR will enable us to parfortn inspections and maintenance on more than one large vehide at a time,this becomes eMremely important during emergen�y operations such as snow and ice evertls. Progress Summary: FuWre Impact on OperaUng Budget Nona BUdg@t 2072 VTD Actual 2013 12 Budget Budget Expentlitures Budget Balanea , Adopletl BuQget ' Butlget Amentlmanfs Adjusted Budget - - �4CiiVily: (Provlous2Vn) 2012VE �13YearE�itl Funding Sourcea: Prlor W ZOtZ Ectimate 2013 BuC et 2014 Bud et Pro eet Totel UnresMCledEquip.RentelRevenue -- - - 250,000 25(1,000 250,000 Granh(Fetl.Stete.LOCeI) - - - omar Tofnl Funtling 9oureae: - - 250,000 Z50,000 250,000 Caplfel E�cpendHures: Des70� 25,000 25,000 RiphtafWey - _ ConstnieNOn 225 000 250 000 225 000 Total ExpentlRures: 250,000 250.000 250,000 Foreeasted Project Cost: Total 20'1S 2018 2017 2018 2015-2018 Funding Soureea: - - UnresMCletl Equip.Rentel Revanue - 500,000 Giarrts(Fed.State.LOCap _ Other Totel Funding 9ources: ' - 5p0.ppp Capllal ExperMkurea: ��0� - - 25,000 Right o1 Wey - - - . ���^ - 475 000 TotalExOandkmea: ' ' ' ' - - —5U0.000 Grarrts/OCrer Sources: I 173 City ofAuburn Draft Capital Facilities Plan NAME OF FUND/DEPT " Capitai Pac�Irties Plan ' Six Year Capital FaeillUes Plan,2013-2018 6eneral Fund Prbject Title: M8�0 Fuel Tank Replacement Project No: Project Type: Projed Manager. Dcscripfion: Reptace our three'10,000 gallon underground tanks wRh new abova ground bnks.Qur exisUng hanks were installed in 1989 and they are single wall fiberglass tanks.The citles curtent insurance wrtier will not insure Mese tanks once they become 25 years old whieh will oecur in 20'14.The eHy is looking et other insurance optiorrs that may 2move this age�esfiction. It will be a benefd W tl�e dty to have the tanks abova ground in the future dua to the reduced maintenanca and inspedion cost. Progress Summary: Future Impact on Operatlng Budget None Bud[J2t- 2012 YTD Attual Ypt] '12 Budget e�aeee �an�res eua9e� se��oe aucnred euaaer - - i ! 8utlpet Amendmenfs Adjusted Butlpet - _ AcUvity: (PreWOUS 2 Vn) 2072 YE 2073 Yeer End Funtling Sources: Prlor W 2012 Estlmete 2013 Budgat 2074 Bud et Pro'ect 7otal UnresMeted Equip.RarMel Revenua 70,000 250,000 70,000 G�ants(FeqSfefe.LOeel) - Other Total Funtling 3ourcw: - 70,� 250,000 70,000 CapMel 6cpendltures: Dasign 70,000 70,000 Right ofWey Conshucti0n 250 000 Total Eupe�dkurae: - 70,000 ZS0,000 70,OQD Forecasted Projeet Cost: Tofal 2015 2018 2017 2018 20732q18 Funding Souroes: Unrostnefetl Equ�p.Renlel Ravenue 320,000 Grants(Fetl�Stefa.LOCeq - - Other Total Funtling Seurees: - - - �p,ppp Capilal F�cpendkures: De�Bn - 70,000 Right oiWaY ' ' Construdian 250 000 7ofalExpenCkuras: - - - - 320.000 GraMS/Other Sources: ��4 City ofAuburn Draft Capitgl Facilities Plan � � CAPITAC IMPROVEMENT FUND (328) Capital Facflitles Plan Six Year Capital FaeillUes Plan,2013-2018 Capifal Projects Fund Projea Tdle: City Hall HVAC System Upgrade Projed No: cp0716 Projea Type: Non-Capacity Projed Manager: MOOf2 Deseription: Design antl implementation of upgrades to Me City Hall headng,�rentilating,and airvconditioning(FNAC)system. ImprovemeMS will allow for upgratles to the contrWs,air distribution and air hantlling comporrents. It will also provide a systematic,phased�irnplemeMation plan that qn be put in place over the next several years. Progress Summary: Future Impact on Operatlng BudgeC None Buifget 2ws vronewa� 20�3 tseuaye� e�a�t ExpanAkures a�ay�e ea�a�ea , Adopfed Butlpef - Butlget Amentlments - Adjustad Budget - - ACtiVlty: (Previoun Vn) 2072 YE 21NS Year End Funding Sourees: Prior to 2012 EsdmeOe 2013 Bud 2014 BuA et Pro ect TMeI_ Fund Balence - - - GrentslFed.Stete.Lxal) ' ' REET I - 375,900 250,600 - 626,500 To Be Determinetl Tofel Funding 9ources: - 375,900 250,600 - 828,500 Caplal Ezpendkurea: Design _ RiphtWWey - _ Conshuction 375 90� 250 600 826 500 ToTelExpenCttu�es: 375.900 250,600 - �826,5p0 Forepsted ProJect Cost: Total 207i 2018 20'17 2018 Z013-2018 . Funding Sowces: - - Funtl Balance _ G�sMSlFetl.Stete,LOCeQ - - ' REETI - - 250,600 To Ba Dafermined Totel Funding Sources: - - _ �p�6pp CapMal Ezpananuiea: ��^ - - Ripht ol Way - _ _ �^�a+� -250 600 , 7otal F�cpenditures: ' - - Z60.W0 GraMS/Other Saurces: ��5 City ofAuburn Draft Capital Facilities Plan CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT FUND (328) Capital FacilHies Plan Six Year Capifal Facilities Plan,2013-2018 Gpftal Projects Funtl Project Title: City Hali Remodel, Phase 1 Project No: Cp1009 Project Type: Non-Capacity Project Manager. BYrlc6 Descriptlon: 20�3 e�enses for Me Ctty Hell remodel Phase 1 InGude new workstations for the remodel of the 2ntl floor af City Hall. The remotleled spaoe will house Human Resourees,Ciry Clerk a�the Cily Attomeys OHice InGusive of oftice spsce,reception areas antl conference rooms. ProgressSummary: Fuh�re trnpact on Operadng Budget: - None Bud9� 21HY YTDAtLU01 2013 726u0get Budgat EzpanAku�as Budgat Batanee AtlopfatlBWpet - _ Budpet AmerrtlmeMS ' � AOjustetl eutlpet ' ' Aetivity: — - - - (Prehous Vn) 3012 VE ��3 Yeer EnE Fu�Ming Sourees: Prlor to 2013 Estlmab P013 BuA 2076 BuE Pro act Total Fu+�tlBelenee 10,040 538,080 100,000- — - 649,100 Grenfs(Fed,Stete,LocaO ' ' ' REETI _ _ _ ro Be Derorminetl Total Funtling Soureas: 70,040 639,080 100,000 - Ba9,100 cavxai�,o�aw,res: Desipn 70,040 23,000 - 33,040 RpMO/Wey _ _ ConsWCtian 518 080 t00 000 61 fi 060 TWeI ExpanillWrea: 10,090 8]9,080 700,000 - Bqg,�pp Foretasted ProJec!Cost: - Toml 2016 �78 2017 2078 2013-2018 Funding Sour�es: FurldBe/ance - - 100,000 G2nts(FStl.Steb.LOCep ' ' REETI _ _ _ _ _ To Be Dete�m'metl Total FunEinp Soureos: ' ' ' 100.000 Capifal EaperMitutas: DesrDn ' ' Ripht o1 Wey _ _ Consbuction 100 000 Totel FxPenEllurea: ' ' 700.000 Grama/OMa Sources: ( i 176 City ofAuburn Draft Capital Facilities Plan � � CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT FUND (328) Capffat Faoilitles Plan Six Year Gpital Facilities Plan,2013-2018 CapNal Projects Fund Project Title: City Hall Remodel, Phase 2 ProjeG No: Cp�000c Project Type: Non-Capaeity ProjeG Manager: BU1'ke DescripUon: - Remotlel of the tst floor of Ciy Hall inGutling spaces curreMy occupietl by Ne Mayor's Oftice,Communlry Services, Human Resources aM the Ciry Attomeys Office. The remodeletl epace will house the Mayors Offlce,CounUl Offices and Community Services. Progress Summary: Fu[ure Impact on Operating 6udget: � None BudgeC sot2 rinpetuei 2o�a tseudgac e�aeee �ve�aw,res euasa� eamnca AtloptetlBudpat _ _ -- Budpet AmBntlmerrts Atl/uSteQ Butlpet _- AeSivity: (Prev+wnrra) 4p72.YE 7010YearEnO Funtling Sources: Prlor to 2072 EsUmate 20116ud 2014 Bud P aet ToLI_ _ FurMBelence - 488,000 488,000 Grents(Fetl,State,LOCeq - REETI To Be Debrtnirretl , ToW Funtling Sourem: - - qg8.pp0 AB&ppp Gapllal EzpBrM1t11rea: Despn . _ R'phfo/Way - - consnucno� aae,000 aee o00 rom��.�aia�.: � - �ee,wo +ea000 Forecasmd Projea cost � romi 2076 1018 201T 2018 20712018 FunAing SOUrees: Funtl BalenCe - q88,000 Giantr(Fetl.State.LOCeq ' REETI _ ro ee�ero,mhree Tofal Funding Someot: - --488,000 Capihl F�(psnCituroa: Des'pn Ripht ol Way - _ ConsWCdon - i88 000 TofalEsGendlWros: - . � /8&000 Greme/Other Sources: - . � 1�� City ofAuburn Draft Capital Facilities Plan CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT FUND (328) Capital Faeilitlea Plan ' Six Year Capibl Facilities Plan,2013-2018 Gpital Projeets Fund Projea TiUe: City Hall Annex Projed No: Projed Type: Project Manager. Description: To pay tleM xrvim cwb on GO bonda issued for the City Hall Mnex 20�32018. Progress Summary: Future Impaet on Opermting Budget: - - - BUdgBL: 2012 VTDAetual 2073 11BU0get euaget Expanarcu.es _eueges ae�snea Atloytetl Budget - - _ ButlpBtAmentlmerrts Ad/usted Butlget ' - Activity: 2012 YE 2p13 Ymr End Funtling Sources: Prlor to 2074 Esdmafe 201�Butl 2014 Butl et Pro eet Total Unresmctetl Cap Improve . _ Grants _ REET 1 905 400 844 800 &15 200 845 200 2 185 400 Total FunAing Sources: 905,400 844,800 646,TD0 646,Z00 2,1gg,400 GaDllal ExPenAMuras: DBSIBn ' ' Construttlon ' _ ' Lang-Tertn DeEt ServICB 905 400 844 800 845 200 845 200 2 i95 400 TotalEzpentlittieea: 905,400 bKWD bCb.mO 80.5,200 $198,400 Foreeasted Project Cost: iotel ZOtS 2016 2077 2078 2073-7C18 FunCing Sourcas: � - Un2shicfetl Cap Improva - - _ GrsMS - REET 1 664,800 844'100 845 000 945 000 3 889 300 Total FunEing Sourees: 644,800 644,100 646,000 ' � " 846,000 3,869,900 Capital ExpentllWrea: Desrg^ ' ' ' ' Consfrucfion _ _ , Long-Term Debt Sarvica 644 800 844 100 645 000 645 000 3 868 300 TotelExpandlWras: 641.800 G40.700 b6b.000 B66A� �.888�300 Grams/OMer Sourc�s: i } �78 City ofAuburn Draft Capital Facilities Plan COMMUNITY IMPROVEMENTS Current Facilities Community Improvements inGude the Downtown Promenade, City Hall Plaza Improvements, sidewalk and tr�c signal improvements. Level of Service(LOS) No Level of Service for community improvement projects have been identfied at this time. Capital Facilities Projects and Financing The City's proposed Community Improvements inGude six capital projects at a cost of $2,929,970. Table CI-2 shows the proposed financing plan followed by individual work sheets showing the project detail. Impact on Future Operating Budgets There are no operating budget impacts forecast for community improvement projects annually � during the six years 2014—2019. 179 City ofAuburn Draft Capital Facilities Plan TABLE CI-2 � � CAPITAL FACILITIES PLAN PROJECTS AND FINANCING COMMUNITY IMPROVEMENTS 2079 2014 Z075 ZD78 2017 2018 Total Caoacilv Groieets: Na�e _ Non�:awcitv Profects• 1 CHywitle Sitlewalk Rapalrs 8 Improvemants CaD���Cosfa 2D,000 180,000 - - Zpp,ppp FurMing Souraes: Cepitel Improv.Fund 20,000 180,000 - - 200,000 Grerrts(Fed,Slete.Lecal) 2 Traffie Signal6nprovamenis Capitel CosLa 175,000 175.000 175,000 175,000 175,000 175,000 7,OS0,�0 Fundinp Sources: Capitel lmprov Fund ' ' ' ' ' REEI'2 175,000 175.000 175.000 175.�OU 175 000 175 000 1,050,000 3 AAohawb PlasKcs Site Mltlgetion Project CapitetCosffi 25,000 25.000 20.000 20,000 &5,000. 20,000 175.W0 Funtli�Sources: CePital Improv.Fund ' ' ' ' - ' OTher(T�atRC Impad) 25,000 25,000 20,000 20,000 85,000 20,00� 175.000 REET2 4 Publk/Ut Capital Costs 30,000 30,000 30,000 30,000 30,000 30,000 180,000 Funding Sources: CaP�al Improv.FunC ' ' ' ' ' - � Grants - ' ' ' REET 2 30.D00 30,000 30,000 30,000 30 000 30 000 780 000 5 Jovifa HeigMa WetlaM Mitigation Capifel Costs 31,670 5,000 - - - - �g,g7p Fundinp Sources: Cepital Improv.Fund - _ _ _ REET 7 ' ' ' ' Other(MitlgationFUnd) 3'1,870 5,000 35,57p e Local Revitalimtion Capital Cosffi 213,300 217 100 273,500 213,800 213,400 217,200 1,288,100 Funtling Souroes: Cepital Improv.Fund - - - - _ GraMS ' ' ' ' " REET2 213,300 217,100 213,500 213,800 213400 217,200 '1,288,300 SuMOTeI.Non-CamcMr Prolecln: CaP�ICoafs �094.970 632.100 4E8.500 4$B,800 483,400 4t2,200 2,929.970 SUANMARY' CAPRALCOSTS CePadtY ProjeCS ' ' ' ' ' Non-Capacily ProjeGS 494,970 832,100 438,500 438,800 483,400 442200 2,929,970 Tmal Cos1s 494.970 87].100 �78,SOD 0,78.800 483�400 4t2.�0 2.829.970 Fl1NDtNG SOURCES: Capi�sl Improv.Fund 20.000 ieo.000 - - - - zoo,oaa Grartla ' ' ' ' REEf 2 418.300 422,100 418,500 418,800 418,400 422,200 2,518,300 OCier(frafM1C Impart) 25,000 25,000 20,000 20,000 85,000 20,000 175,000 Olher(MlM1gatlon Fund} 37,670 5.000 38,870 TotalFundirg 696,870 632,100 A76,500 �38,800 483,40D 442,700 2,929,97p � I �$� City ofAuburn Draft Capital Facilities Plan CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT FUND (328) Capital Facilitles Plan Six Year CapiYal Facilities Plan,2013-201 S Capital Pro)ects Fund Projea Ti�e: Citywide Sidewalk Repairs 8 ImprovemerMs TIP#32 Projed No: Various Projed Type: Non-Capacity(Annual) Project Manager. Seth Wickstrom Description: Project will fund sidewalk improvements to a variety of locations throughout the city A sidewalk inventory was campleted in 2004. Annual projects are selected based upon criteria such as:gap olosure, safe walking routes to schools,completion of downtown pedestrian corridor or"linkage",connectivity to transit services,ADA requirements, and"Save our SMeets"(SOS) projed locations. Progress Summary: � FuWre Impacton Operating Budget: None BUdget: 2012 Y7DActual 2013 728udget Budget ExpentliWres Budget Balance Adoptetl Budget - ! i Budget Amendmenls Ad%ustetl Butlqet Aetivity: (Prevlous Yrs) zo�z ve 20'13 Y�r End Funding Sources: Pdor to 2072- Estimate 2073 BuA et 201a Bud et Pro'ee[Tofal FundBalance �� 235,000 20,000 180,000 255,000 GrarHS(Fed,Sfete,locaq - '- REET2 - _ To Be Deteimined 7otal Funding Sou�ces: 235,000 20,000 180,000 255,000 Capttal Expenditures: DesiBn 20,000 20,000 - 40,OOD R�ght of Way . _- Constnrotion 215 000 180 000 395 D00 Totel Expenditures: - 235,000 20,0p0 180,000 255,000 Forecasted Project Cost: - � - Total _ 2015 2016 2017 2078 2073-2018 FunAing Sourcas: Fund Belence 200,D00 Grants(FeqStafe,Coca/) ' ' REET2 - - To Be De[ermmed - Tofal Funtling Sourcea: ' � - - - - Z00,000 Capitel Expendkures: Design - - 20,U00 Ripht o/Way - - Conshudion 180 000 Totel Ezpenditures: - - 200,000 I Grarrta/Other Sources: �8� City ofAuburn Draft Capital Facilities Plan CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT FUND (328) - Capital Facuities P�an � Six Year Capihal Facilities Plan,2013-2018 Capital Projects Fund Project TRIe: Traffic Signal Improvements Tip#34 Projed No: Va�IOUS Projea.Type: Non-Capacity(Annual) Projed Manager: Scott Nutter Description: This projed inGudes procuring and insNalling traffic signal eqwpment upgredes for exisUng signals as well as safety/capacity improvements for existing andlcr new signals.The Ciry uses accident and traffic count data to ideMify intersections in need of improvements. Progress Summary: Projed continues to complete various intersedion improvements. Fbture Impact on OperaBng Budget: -- None BUdgBt 2012 YTD Actual 2073 12 Budget Butlget Ezpendltures BuAget Balence Adoptetl Butlget - - - Budget Amendments � Atljusted Budget Activity: — (PfBN0116 V9) 2012 YE 2013 Year Entl Funding Sourcas: Priorto 2072 Estimafe -2013 Bud et 2074 Bud et Pro'ect Tofel FurMBelance -� _ Grants(Fetl,Stete,Local) ' REET 2 175,000 175,000 175,OOD 525,000 OMer Tofal Funding Sourees: 775,000 175,000 175,000 525,000 Capitel Expendhuras: ��c� - zs,00a 2s,000 as,000 Riyht ofWey - - Construction 150 000 150 000 150 000 300 000 Totel ExpendRures: - 175,000 175,�0 175,D00 300,OOD Forecasted Project Cost: — ToWI 2075 2016 2077 2018 2013-�76 FunEing Sources: - Fund Balance - _ Grarns(Fetl.SYate.LOCaI) REET 2 175,000 175,000 175,000 775,000 1,D50,0�0 Other Total Fundi�g Sources: 175,000 175,U00 175,000 175,000 1,060,000 Capital Expenditures: fJesign 25,000 25,000 25,000 25,000 150,000 Right o1 Wey - - Conshuct(on 150 000 150 000 150 000 15D 000 90D 000 Total ExpenAitures: 7�5,000 775,000 775,000 175,000 1,050,000 GraMS/Other Sources: � 182 City ofAuburn Draft Capital Facilities Plan CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT FUND (328) Capifal Faailitfes Plan Six Year Capital Facilities Plan,2073-2018 CapiffiI Projecis Fund Projea Titie: Mohawks Plastics Site Mitigation Project TIP#13 Projed No: cp0767 Project Type: Non-CapaCity Projea Manager. Jeff DixonlLeah Dunsdon Description: The project consists of the design,construction, maintenance and monitoring of approximatey 22-aaes of wetland creation and approximately 0.4-acres of wetland enhancement within the Goedecke South Property owned by ttie Sewer Utiliry in order to compensate for approximately 1.6acre wetland loss on the Mohawk Plastics property(Parcel# 1321049056). The projed was approved under an existing agreement approved by Resolution No.4196, June 2007 Progress Summary: The City received the DOE Wo Certification,WDFW HPA, and on May 7 2009,the Army Corps of Engineers(Corps)404 wetland permit(NWS-2007-1913). Subsequently bid specifications and construdion plans were prepared and consWction began in Odober 2009. Construction was completed in January 2010 and the projed is currently within the 10-year monitoring period,which involves annual maiMenance, monitoring and reporting. Future Impact on Operating Budget: It is anticipated that annual maintenance,monitoring and reporting on the perfortnance of the wetland mitigation project will be required for a period of 10 years,in coMOrmance with partnit requiremeMS. After the successful conclusion of this 10.year monitoring period, which is anticipatad to be in December 2019,ongoing operetion expenses shoutd be minimal. BUd9Bt: 2012 YTD Actual 2013 72 Butlget BudgM EzpenClturas Budget Balenee Atlopted Budget - Budget Amendments Adjustetl Butlget ActiVity: (Preuious Vm) 2012 YE 2013 Yeer End Funding Sources: Prior to 2072 Fstimate 2073 Bud et 2014 BuA et Pro' Total Fantl Belance - - Grents - _ Bontl P/oceeds - - TrafliclmpacfFees 470,38D 34,620 25,000 25,000 530,000 REET 2 176 150 176 150 Total Funding Sources: 646,530 36,820 25,000 25,000 ,708,150 Capkal Expentli[ures: Design - _ R�ght o/Way _ Cortshuction 646 530 34 620 25 000 25 000 706 150 7otel Ezpendkures: 648,530 34,820 25,000 25,000 706,150 Forecasted Projeet Cost: Total 2015 2016 2077 2018 2013-2018 Funding Sources: - Fund Balance - _ Granfs - - _ Bond Proceeds _ Tiaffic Impact Fees 20,000 20,000 65,000 20,000 175,000 REET2 Topl Funtlfng Sourcea: 2U,000 20,000 65,000 20,000 175,000 Capifel Expendkurea: Design _ _ _ Right of Way - Construction 20 000 20 0�0 65 000 20 000 175 000 � Totel Expendkures: 20,000 7A,000 65,000 20,000 175,000 GreMS I Othar Sources. 183 City of Auburn Draft Capital Facilities Plan CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT FUND (328) Capital Facilities Plan Six Year Capital Facilities Plan,2013-2078 Capihal ProjecYS Fund Projed TiNe: Public Art Projed No: pb-art Project Type: Praject Manager� BreW@f DescriPtion: The City designates$30,000 annually toward the purchase of public art,for placement ffi designated loratlons throughout the City Progress Summary: Arts Commission will meet M assess future needs and seek approval from City Council on placement. Futu2 Impact on Operating BudgM: None BUdg@t: _ _ 2012 VTD ACtual 2013 72 Budget Budgat Expenditures Budget Balence Adqofed Budgat - 9udget Amentlments Adjustetl Budget _ _ Activity (Prenws Vn) ?A72 YE 2013 Year EnC Funding Soureea: Prior to 2012 Estimate 2073 Bud et 2074 Bud et Pro'eet Total Furrd Balance - _ _ Giants, REET 2 30,000 30,000 30,000 60,000 Ofher Total Funding Sources: - 30,000 30,000 30,000 60,000 Capital Expendkures: Design - Righfo/Way - - Constn�cro'on 30 ODO 3a 000 30 000 60 000 Total Ezpendkures: - 30,000 30,OD0 30,000 60,000 Forecasted Project Cost: 7ota1 2075 2076 2017 ZO18 2013-2018 Funding Soumes: - Fund Balance . GraMS ' ' REET 2 30,000 30,000 30,000 30,�00 180,000 OMer - Total FunAing Soure�: 30,000 30,000 30,000 30,000 180,000 Capital Expendkures: Desrc�^ ' ' ' ' RightofWay - _ _ ConshucGOn 30 ODO 30 000 30 000 30 D00 160 000 Total Expendkures: 30,000 30,000 30,000 30,000 780,000 I I Grants!Other Sources: -- - 184 City ofAuburn Draft Capital Facilities Plan � CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT FUND (328) Capital Faeflities Plan Slx Year Capltal Facilities Plan,2013-2018 Capifal Projecffi Fund Projea ritle: Jovita Heights WeUand Mitigation Project No: CPXXXX Project Type: Non-Capaeity Projed Manager. Mdersen Deseription: This project will design and construd approximately 0.25 acres of compensatory wetland mitigation to address the xretland impacte of the Jovita HelgMs(V'�sta Point)resitlential subdivision.This is a"fee in lieu"mitigation project authorized by City of Aubum ResoWtlon No.4005. Progress Summary: This is a proposed new project.Developer fees were received by the City of Aubum for this projed in 2010. Futura Impact on Operatlng BudgeC After construction,the site will need to be monitored and mainteined for(5)years.Proposed Iocation of tha site is within the AEP� funding for monitoring is not proposed as part of this project,but rather as part of the overall AEP O&M progrem. BUd98C - - 2012 YTDActual 2073 726Wget BudgM E�entllWres Budge! Belanee � Atlopted BudgeC - - Butlget Amendments Adjusted Budget - AcUVity: Z072 YE pp13 Year En0 Fundinp Sources: Priorto 2072 Esllma0e 2073 Bud aS P014 Butl t Pro eet Tofal Fund Balence - GrerRS(FeO,Stafe.LOeal) - FmM 144 Wetland MiCgeHon Axount 37,670 5,000 31,670 REET Total Funding Soureas: - - 91,670 B4OW 31,870 Cepilal FxpandiWres: Design - 10,000 10,000 RrQMO/Way - _ . Construc6on 21 670 5 000 26 670 Toml Expentlitures: - 3�,870 5,000 3'1,870 Foreeasted ProjeM Cost: Totel �15 2018 2017 2p18 2013-2078 Funding Sources: FuntlBalance - Grants(Fatl.SYaM,LOCaI) - ' ' Fund 124 Wetlantl blfipetlon Axount - - 36,670 REET - Total Funtling Sourees: - - - 58,670 Capital ExpenAKures: ��9� - 10.000 RigM o1 Way - _ _ Consbuc6on 26 670 I Total F�cpendkures: - - - 98,670 Grarns I Other Sources' �8$ City ofAuburn Draft Capital Facilities Plan i � CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT FUND (328) Capital Facilitles Plan Slx Year Capital Fadtifies Plan,2013-2018 CapHal Projects Fund Project TiUe: Local Revitallzation Project No: Project Type: Project Manager: Descripuon: To pey debt servite costs on GO bonds issued for the Downtown Promenade Improvements. Locel Revitelization finanang is e ued'R on the State's portion of sales tex that the Clty will receive over the neM 25 years. Progress Summary: �FUture ImpaM on Operating Budget - Budget: 2o+z rroncnmi �ot3 tt euaga� 9udget Ezpenanures a,agat eam�rce Atloptetl Butlpet - - - I I Butlget Amendmen[s Adlustetl Budget - - ACtivity: 2072 YE 2012 Year E�0 Funtling Sources: Prlorto 2012 Eatlmate 2019 BuA at 2014 Butl Pro eet Tota1 Unresh'ctetl Cap Improve - - Grants - - - REET 2 286 695 214 300 213 300 217100 714,295 Total FunAi�Sourus: 288.895 214,]00 213.�00 217.700 714,385 Capifal ExpanAftures: Desipn Conshuctlon Long7ermOebtService 286,895 2t4,300 213,300 217,100 774.295 Totel ExpBnditures: 286.696 214,300 213,�OD 277,100 77q795 Forecasted ProJect Cost: Total 2075 2076 2017 2018 20'IY3078 Funding Sources: UnresOictetl Cap Improve - G2nts - REET2 273,500 213,800 273,400 217200 1288300 TofnlFUnAingSOUrcas: 273,500 273,600 21J,i00 217,YU0 7,288,�00 CaDital 6[pe�Mftures: Design - Consnuction - Long-Teim Debt Servke 2i 3 500 2i3 800 213 400 217 200 1 288 300 Total ExpeMlturas: Y13,500 213,800 2t3A00 217,200 7,288,700 Grams/Other Sources: � � 186 Ciry ofAuburn Drafz Capital Facilities Plan � AIRPORT Current Facilities The City of Aubum operates the Aubum Municipal Airport, providing hangar and tie-down facilities/leasing space for aircraft-related businesses. As of 2010, there were appropmately 141,000 take-offs and landings (aircraft operatio�s) at the airport annually Table A-1 "Facilities Inventory" lists the facilities with current capacity and location. Level of Service(LOS) The Auburn Municipal Airport Master Plan Update 2001-2020 provides a maximum runway capacity (LOS standard) of 231,000 aircraft operations annually; one take-off or landing equals one aircraft operation. This LOS is recognized by the 'Federal Aviation Administration (FAA). The FAA requires the airport to have the capital facilities capacity (i.e., rumnrays, ta�riways, holding areas, terminal, hangars, water/sewer system, etc.) necessary to accommodate 100% of aircraft operations during any one year By 2020 the Airport Master Plan forecasts the number of operations to be 193,189—well below the capacity of the airport runway Capital Facilities Projects and Financing � i The City's Airport facilities include four non-capacity capital projects at a cost of $ 483,000. These projects are for facilities repairs and improvements. Table A-2 shows the proposed financing plan followed by individual worksheets showing the project detail. Impact on'Future Operating Budgets There are no operating budget impacts forecast for the airport during the six years 2014—2019. 7'/1BLE A-1 Facilities Inventory Airport cnancirr FACILITY #of Ai�cra}t #of Fcet LOCATON istinglnvenrory.• angars 145 4D0 23rd Street NE Tiedowns 214 400 23rd Stleet NE 'v Sbip 3,400 4D0 23rd Street NE Tota!Existing Invenrory 359 3,400 �oposed Capacity Pr�jects: one Tofal Propased Capacity Projecfs - - 2018 Pro'ected Inverrto Total 359 3,400 i �8� I City ofAuburn Draft Capital Facilities Plan TABLE A-2 CAPITAL FACILITIES PLAN PROJECTS AND FINANCING AIRPORT 2013 2014 2015 2016 2077_ 2016 Total CaoaclN Proiects: None Non�aoacitv Pmtecffi: 1 Airport Security Capital Costs 50,000 50,000 - - - - 700,000 Funding Sources: AirpoR Fund 5,000 5,000 - - - - 10,000 Grant 45,000 45,000 - _ _ gp p�p 2 Hangar Roof Repair/Replacement Capital Costs - 6,000 - 6,000 - 6,000 18,OOG Funding Sources: Airport Fund - 6 000 - 6 000 - 6 000 18 000 3 General Repair 8 MaiM.Projeeffi Capiql Costs 140,000 - - - - - 140,000 Funding Sourcss: Airport Fund 103,000 - - - - - 103,000 GrerKS(FAn) 37,000 - - - 37 000 4 AirpoR AAaster Plan Updata Capital Casfs 75,000 150,000 - - - - 225,000 � Funding Sources: Airport Fund 7,500 15,000 - - - - 22,500 Grants(FA,4) 67,500 135,000 - - 202500 SUMMARY• CAPITAL COSTS Capacity Projects - _ _ _ _ _ _ Non-Capacity Projects 265,000 206,000 - 6,000 6,000 a83 000 Total Costs 265,000 206,000 - 6,000 - 8,000 483,000 FUNDING SOURCES: AirportFund 115,500 26,000 - 6,000 - 6,000 153,500 GfeMS(Fetl,Sts[e,LOCa�) 149,500 180,000 - - 329 500 Total Funding 265,000 206,000 - 6,000 - 6,000 483,000 188 City ofAuburn Draft Capital Facilities Plan ' t AIRPORT FUND (435) Capital FacillUes Plan Six Yesr Capital Factli8es Plan,2013-2018 Enffirprise Funds Project TiHe: Airport Security Projects Project No: Cp0773 Projed Type: Projec[Manager. GarCia Description: Inaeased securiry ideMified Dy FAA and TSA Airport controll access gates(both vechile and personnep. Progress Summary: FuWre Impaet on Operating Budget None Budg@C 2012 YTDActuel 2013 72Budget euases �nenan�� e�aaee eam�� AtlOpfetl Budpet . � BudgetAmendments 50 000 Ad%�sfed&+dBet - SO.ODO Activity: 20t2 YE TA79 v�r End Fun0lnp Sources: PHor to 2012 EsUmete 207J Bud et 2014 Butl et Pro et Toml . Unras6icYetlAirpoRRevanua - 5,000 5,OOD -5,000 GrarKS fFed.Sate•Loce�1 45.0�0 45,000 45.000 OMer - ToTal FunAing Sourcas: ' ' gp�pp0 Sp,Opp Sp��pp CapkalEZpentli[ures: Design Rlpht ol Way C���� 50 000 50 000 50 000 romi expananu�.s: - so.ow so,000 w.000 Foreeasted ProJect Cost Totel 2U75 2078 2077 2078 ?A73.Z018 Funding Sourcea: UnrestnctedAiiportRevenue - t0,OD0 Grants(Fed,Steh.Loceq - 90,000 OMer Total FuntlMg Soureea: - - _ �pp�ppp CapHalExpenAi[ures: �B�^ - - Right of Way _ ConshucNon - 100 000 Total EzpenEkures: - � - - - 100,000 GraM/Other Sources: �89 City ofAuburn Draft Capital Facilities Plan AIRPORT FUND(435) Capital Facilities Plan Six Year Capital Facilitiea Plan,2013-2018 ��rp�p�� aroject Title: AirpoR Projects -General Repair 8 Maintenance Projed No: Cp435a Project Type: Projed Manager. Garcia Des¢riplion: Various airyort projecfs will be identified and prioritized on an annual basis as grent funding is aewretl. Remove west sitle trees in compliance with US Cor of Eng. Progress Spmmary: Work with US Cor of Eng to find solution to west side trees so that they can be removed or topped so tMey will not grow up to be a hazartl again. Future Impaet on OperaUng BudgeC None BUd9Bt: 2012 YTD Aetual 2019 12 Butlget Budgat Expendkurea Budget Balanee . AdoPted Butlpet - � _ Budpef AmenOments AOjusted Budget - _ _ _ Activity: 2012 YE 2p73 Yesr End Funding Sources: PAOr W 201Y EaNmate 2013 Bud et 2074 BuA et . Pro eet Total Unra56ictedAirpoRRevenue - 59,500 103,000 - 162,500 GraMS(Fed.StBte.locaq ' ' 37,000 37.000 OMer Tofel Funding$ourcp: - 58,500 140,000 788.800 GnPHaI ExpandlWrm: ��^ - - RipM of Way _ ConNrucdon 59 500 140 000 799 500 TotalExpen4lWrea: - 69�500 140.000 - 188�500 Forecasted ProJect Cost: Total 2073 2016 2017 2018 .20132018 Funding 9ourcas: Unrestr/cted AirpoR Revenue - 103,000 Grants(Fed,Sfele.LOeeq - - 37�000 Ofher Totnl Funding SouRas: ' ' ' ' 140.000 Capital ExpandlWres: Design _ Right olWey _ Construaion .140 000 Total F�c�ntllWres: - - 140,000 Grarrt/Olher Sources: i 190 City of Auburn Draft Capital Facilities Plan � AIRPORT FUND (435) cepital Facllities Pian Six Year Capital Facilitles Plan,2013-2018 Enterprise Funds Project Tale: Hangar-Rows 9 8 70, Roof Repair or Replacement Projed No: cp1025 Projed Type: Project Manager GarCia Description: Rows 9&10 Hangar metal roof repaired and/or replaced. Progress Summary: Out to bid in June 2012,completion scheduled for August 2012 Future Impact on Operating Budget: 8i-annual maintenance and inspection cost for this projec[is estimated at$6,000 per year. Maintenance includes cleaning,paintlng or sealing as recommended by the manufacturer. Budget zo�z rro nauai zota �z euaeee BuAget ExpentlRures Budget Balanee Atloptetl Butlget 200,000 200,�00 ! � Butlget Amendments � Adjusted Budget 200,0�0 - - 200,000 �Activity: 2072 YE 2013 Vedr EnE Funding Sources: Prior to 2072 . Estimate 2013 Bud et 2074 Butl et Pro'eetTetsl_ UnresfictedAirportRevenue - 200,000 6,000 2�O,OOD Grants(FeµSfete.LOCaq - - Other - Total Funding Sources: 200,000 6,000 20D,000 CapNal Expentltturas: Design ' ' RigMotWay - - - Conshuchon 200 000 6 000 200 000 Total Erzpenditures: - ?A0,000 - 6,000 200,000 Forecasted Project Cost: Totel 2fN5 2018 2077 2018 2073-2078-_- Funding Sources: - - Unres6ictedAirportRavenue 6,000 - 6,000 18,000 Gients(Fed,Sfeta,Locap - ' OMer Tofel Funding Sources: - 6,000 6,000 18,000 Capilal ExpendRures: Design - Right of Way - - Conshuction 6 000 6 OOD 18 000 Total Expentlkures: - 6,000 - 6,000 18,000 � Grarrt/Other Sources: 191 City ofAuburn Draft Capital Facilities Plan AIRFORT FUND (435) Capital Facilitles Plan Six Year Capital Facilkies Plan,2013-2018 Enterp�ise Furids Project Tale: Airport Masffir Pian Update Projed No: cpxxx Projed Type: Project Manager. Gar'cia Descriptlon: This is a mid-tertn Airport Master Plan Upda[e. In 2002 a Master Pian update was completetl antl Mis is the secontl update to the Master Plan and Airport Layout Plan(ALP). This is a FAA requirement for coMinuing wRh federal and sta4e grants Progress Summary: The consultant has been selected to begin collecting information and prepare the scope of work and associated costs. This project will take between 18 and 24 months to complete. Future Impact on Operetlng Budget: BUdJBt: 2012 YTDActual 2073 12BudgM Budget Expendltures Budget Balanee Adopted Budget - Budget Amendmen[s Adjustetl Butlget - - ActiVity: ?Al2 YE 2013 Ywr End Funding Sources: Prior to 2012 Estimate 2013 Bud et. 2074 Bu0 et Pro'ect Total UnrestdUedAirportRevenue - 7,500 15,000 - 7,500 Gran[s(Fed,State,Locel) 67,500 135,000 67,50� Other Tofal Funding Sourcea: - 7S,W0 150,000 75,000 Capital Expentlitures: Desyn 75,000 150,000 75,000 RightW Way - ConstrucNOn Tmal Expenditures: - 75,000 150,000 75,000 Forecasted Project Cost: rota� 2015 2016 2077 2018 2013-2018 Funding Sources: UnresMctetlAirportRevenue - - 22,500 Granfs(Fed,Stete,Locaq - - 202,500 Other Total Funding Sources: - - 225,000 CapHal Expendkures: Design - - 225,000 R�ghf a/Way - - Conshuction Tofal Ezpentlkures: - - 225,000 GraMS l Ottrer 5ources' 192 Ciry ofAuburn Draft Capital Facilities Plan � CEMETERY Current Facilities The City owns two cemeteries. The Mountain View Cemetery is a fully developed facility (50 acres and four buildings) that provides burial services and related merchandise for the corrimunity The Pioneer Cemetery is a historic cemetery which is no longer used for burial purposes. Table G1 "Facilities Inventory° lists the facilities along with their current capacity and location. Level of Service(LOS) The current LOS of 44.50 burial plots/niches per 1,000 population is based on the existing inventory divided by the 2012 citywide population of 71,240. The proposed LOS of 58.73 burial plots/niches per 1,000 population is based on the projected inventory divided by the 2018 projeded citywide population of 75,065. ,In aiidition, the cemetery will be able to offer a natural cremation garden. Capital Facilities Projects and Financing The City's Mountain View Cemetery facilities include two capital projects at a cost of$55,000 for � repairs and maintenance and Memory Heights development. Table G2 shows the proposed financing plan followed by an individual worksheet showing the project detail. Impact on Future Operating Budgets There are no operating budget impacts forecast for the cemetery during the six years 2013—201 S. TABLE C-1 Facilities Inventory Cemetery carncrrv FACILITY #of burial plots/niches LOCATION ExisNng Inventory: Mountain View Cemetery 3,170 2020 Mountain�ew Dr PioneerCemetery - Sth&Auburn Way No. Total Exrsting lnventory 3,170 Proposed Capacity Projects: New Development-Burial Plots 475 Memory Heights New Development-8uria1 Plots 764 10th Addition Total Proposed Capacity Projects 1,239 2018 Pro ected Invento Total 4,409 193 City of Auburn Draft Capifal Facilities Plan TABLE C-2 CAPITAL FACILITIES PLAN PROJECTS AND FINANCING CEMETERY 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 Total Non-CanaciN Proiects: 1 Cemetery-Facilities Repair&Maintenance Capital Costs 10,000 10,000 - - - - 20,000 Funding Sources: Cemetery Fund 10,000 10,000 - - - - 20,000 Grents(Fed,State,LOCaI) - _ _ _ _ _ _ Other - - - - - 2 Memory Hefghis New Development - - -- Capital Costs - 35,OOQ - - - - '35,000 Funding Sources: Cemetery Fund - 35,000 - - - - 35,000 Other - - - - - SUMMARY• CAPITAL COSTS ` Capacity Projects - - - - _ _ _ Non-Capadty Projeds 10,000 45,000 - - - - 55,000 Total Costs 70,000 4b,000 - - - - 55,000 FUNDING SOURCES: Cemetery Fund 10,000 45,000 - - - - 55,000 Grants(Fetl,State.LOCai) - - - - - - _ Other Total Funding 10,000 45,000 - - - • 65,000 I 194 City ofAuburn Draft Capital Facilities Plan � � CEMETERY FUND (436) capltal Faeiut�es P�an Six Year Capital Facfiides Plan,2013-2018 Enterprlse Funds Project Tiue: Cemetery- Facilities Repair 8 Main�nance Projed No: Gp436a Project Type: Non Capacity Project Manager. Craig Hudson Descrfption: (2013-2014)-Columbarium niche caps 10K Pmgress Summary: Future Impact on Operating Budget: � Bud9� 2072 VTDActual 201� 128utlget Butlget ExpantlRwes BuAget Belante � Adopted BuQpet _ 8utlget Amendmenfs Adjusted Budget _ Aetivity: 2072 YE 2070 V6ar Entl FuntlMg Sou�cea: Prior to 2012 Fstimate 2073 Budget 2014 Bu Prc - TMaI_ UnresbtGetlCameteryRevanue 10,000 10,0�0 � 10,000 20,000 G�arrts(Fetl,SYate,Lxap _ Other Total FunEing Sources: 10,000 70,000 70,000 20,000 CapMal FzpendiWrea: ' Des,gn ' ' Right ofWaY ' Consbuct/on - 10 000 10 000 70 000 20 000 Tolal ExpenCRU�ee: 10,000 10,�00 70,000 20,000 ForeeasEed Projeet Cost: Tma� 2015 7A16 2017 pp18 2013-m76 - Funding Sources: - - - UnrestneMd Cemefery Revenue - 20,D00 Granh(Fatl,Sfafe,LOCaQ _ _ Ofiar Toml Funtling Sourees: - _ _ _ �� Capital ExpendiWres: Design - - Right o/Wey ���� - zo 000 TotelExpenditurea: - - ' ppp�p G2r�s/Otlrer Sources: 195 City ofAuburn Draft Capital Facilities Plan CEMETERY FUND (436) Capttal Facilifies Plan ' Sfx Year Capital FaeiliUes Plan,2013-2018 Enteryrise Funds Projed Tine: Memory Heights New DeveiopmeM Projed No: CpxXxx Projed Type: Non CapaCity Projed Manager. Crdig HudsOn DeseAptlon: New Memory Fleighb development 450 9raves Progress Summary: Future Impad on OperaBng Budget Future reHenue sour�for plot sales end cemefery merchandise. Budget: zo�s vro a,cwai zo�3 t2 Bua9ec BuAget F.�entlitures Budget �Belanee Adapfed Budgef I Butlget Amendments Adjustetl6utlgaf - ACtlVIly: 2072 YE 2013 Vear En0 FunOing Sourcea: Prior to 2012 Eatimale 2013 BuA 2074 Butl Pro ect Total Unrestricfetl Cemetery Revenue ' ' 35.000 - Gisnts _ Bontl Proceetls - Impect Feas ToTel Funtling Sou�ces: • - - 35,ppp _ CaPifel EzPOndku�as: �eslgn - - 3,000 3,000 R(ghto/Wey - - - _ Conshuctlon 32 000 32 D00 Total EzPenCitueea: - - - 35A00 - Foreeasted ProJect Cost: Total 2015 2016 2077 2078 ZO'13•Zf178 Funding Sources: � - Unresficfed Cemetery Revenue - 35,000 G/ants - Bmd P�oceeds - - . Impact Fees Total FunCing 3ources: - - - 35�Opp caoim�E,cPenan�res: �� - - - 3,D00 RightoiWay - - _ ��� 32 000 Tore�E,cpenarcures: - - - u,00o 196 City of Auburn Draft Capital Facilities Plan GOLFCOURSE Current Facilities The City of Aubum owns and operates the 1&hole Auburn Municipal Golf Course. A PGA Class A professional is contracted to collect greens fees, operate the pro shop and snack bar, provide golf carts for rent, and offer a lesson program. Table GC-1 Facilities Inventory lists the facilities along with their current capacity and location. Level of Service (LOS) The current LOS of .25 holes per 1,000 population is based on the existing inventory divided by the 2012 citywide population of 71,240. The proposed LOS of.24 holes per 1,000 population is based on the projected inventory divided by the 2018 projected citywide population of 75,065. Capital Facilities Projects and Financing The CFP does not include any Goff Course capital facilities projects during 2013-2018. Impact on Future Operating Budgets There are no operating budget impacts forecast for new golf course facilities during the six years 2014—2019. TABLE'GC-1 Facilities Inventory Golf Course FACILITY #of holes LOCATION Existing Inventory� u6um Municipal Golf Course 18 29639 Green River Road Total Existing Inventory 18 Proposed Capacity Projects: None - Total Proposed Capaciry Projects - 2018 Pro'ectedlnvento ToWI 18 197 City ofAuburn Draft Capital Facilities Plan �t ' a +C:IT�` OF � .� �� � ,. �. _ A . , � � � � .} 4 y. n - r. ' • ' �:1 •, , i I " � ��.�.�?�,.� �`��'� '�.'�.�� ���..��i���: "� � � 198 City of Auburn Draft Capital Facilities Plan POLICE Current Facilities The City of Aubum Police Department provides a full range of law enforcement services to the citizens of Auburn. All Divisions of the Auburn Police Department are housed at 340 East Main Street, Sude 201 The Divisions include Patrol, Investigations, Administrative Services, Inspectional Services, and Records. Level of Service(LOS) The City of Aubum Police Department contrects wRh SCORE, an outside entity, for housing of all misdemeanant inmates. Capital Facilities Projects and Financing The CFP does not include any Police capital facilities projects during 2013—2018. Impact on Future Operating Budgets The jail services expenses are dependent on the City's contract agreement with SCORE. 199 City ofAuburn Draft Capital Facilities Plan ! ! � +�ITY �F � � p }, •"N . '6 J. I - � � '• ♦ � �4 . � .a _ • �� � x��.��'..� °T�-�"��-�::.`'� �`�.����J I,����.i�,�I� � 2�� City ofAuburn Draft Capital Facilities Plan FIRE PROTECTION Cunent Facilities The Vailey Regional Fire Authority provides fire protedion and rescue services to a 25-square mile area which includes the City of Auburn, the City of Algona, the City of Pac�c and King County Fire Protection District 31 The Valley Regional Fire AuthorRy operates out of five stations, which are manned 24 hours per day The North Station #31 aiso serves as the department headquarters and includes a hose and training tower Each station is assigned fire apparatus (Engines and Aid Vehicles). Table F-1 "Facilities Inventory" lists the facilities along with their current capaciry and location. Level of Service(LOS) The current LOS of 0.20 fire apparatus per 1,000 population is based on the existing inventory (14 fire apparatus) divided by the 2012 citywide population of 71,240. The proposed LOS of 0.19 fire apparatus per 1,000 is based on the 2018 planned inventory(14 fire apparatus) divided by the 2018 projected citywide population of 75,065. � Capital FaciliUes Projects and Financing The Valley Regional Fire Authority includes one capital project at a cost of $100,000 for Fire Station Facility Relocation, Enhancements & Improvements. Table F-2 shows the proposed financing plan followed by an individual worksheet showing the project detail. Impact on Future Operating Budgets There are no operating budget impacts forecasted for fire protection during the six years 2014—2019. i 201 City ofAuburn Draft Capital Facilities Plan I TABLE F-1 Facilities Inventory Valley Regional Fire Authority cnPnciTM I FACILITY Fire A ratus Aid Vehicles LOCATION bristing/nventwy: - — SYation: North Stffiron#31 1101 'D'Street NE,Aubum First Line 1 1 Reserve � _ � South SYation ii32 1951 'R'Street SE„Aubum First Line � � Reserve � _ ke/and;Station#33 500 182nd Ave E,Aubum First L.ine � _ Reserve � _ ea Hill Station#34 31290 124th Ave SE,Aubum ' First Line � _ Reserve � _ GSA Station#35 2815 C St SW Aubum Reserve � � Pac�c Station#38 133 3rd Ave SE, Pacific First Line � _ Reserve � _ Total Exrsting Inventory 11 3 Proposed lnventory Add'Rions: None - _ Totel Proposed Capaclty Piojects - - 2018 Pro ectedlnverRo Total 11 3 202 City ofAuburn Draft Capital Facilities Plan i i TABLE F-2 CAPITAL FACILITIES PLAN PROJECTS AND FINANCING VALLEY REGIONAL FIRE AUTHORITY 2013 2014 2015 2076 2017 2018 Total Non-CaoaciN Proieets: 1 Fire StaUon Facllity Relocatlon,Enhancements S Improvements Capitel Cos� 50,000 50,000 - - - - 100,000 Funtling Sources: Grants - - - - - - - Bond Proceeds - - - - - - - ImpacUMitigation Fees 50,000 50,000 - - - - 100,000 SUdINIARY• � � CAPRALCOSTS - Capadry Projects - - - - - - - Non-Capacity Projects 50,000 50,000 - 100,000 Total Costs 50,000 50,000 - - - - 100,000 FUNDING SOURCES: Cemetery Fund - - - - - - - Grants(Fed.State.LOCaq - - - - - - - Bond Proceeds 50,000 50,000 100,000 TotalFunding 50,000 50,000 - - - - 100,000 I ; 203 City ofAuburn Draft Capital Facilities Plan Valley Regional Fire Authority Capital Facitities Plan � � Six 1'ear Capital Facilitles Plan,2073-2018 Projea Title: Fire Station Facility Relocation, Enhancements 8 ImprovemeMs Projed No: Cplocxx Project Type: Project Manager. Descriptfon: Continue study of other Fi2 station needs for VRFA. Faality improvement projects are identified and prioritized annualy, and subject to delay to axommodate emergency repairs. Progress Summary: Fire mitigation and impact fees will be transferred to the Valley Regional Fire Authority to pay for design coMrects for the study of fire station relocation,construction projects and facility improvements. Future ImpaM on OperaUng Budget Bud9et 2072 YTD Aetud 2013 12 Budget euagoc �enanures euaaee eab�e Adopted Budget Butlget Amendmenls Ad�usted 8udgef ' Aetivity: (Pmnous 2 Y�s) 2072 YE 4073 Yeor EM Funding Sourees: Priorto 2012_ Estlmata 2D13 Bud 2074 Bu t Pro eet Total GraMS _ Bontl Proeeeds - _ _ ImpaebM'rtigation Fees - 50 000 50 000 50 000 Total Funtling Sourws: - - b0.000 30.000 SOA00 cav�mi exaenarc�res: °°s'g" - Ripht oI Wey _ Cons6ucdon 50 000 50 D00 50 000 Total Expenditu�as: - 50,000 50,000 50,000 Foreeasmd Project Cost: raei 2015 2016 2077 2018 2013-2078 FunAing Sources: G�enfs - _ Bond Pioceeds - _ ImpaehMlHgatian Fees 700 000 Tofal FunCing Sources: - - • 100,000 Capital Expendkwes: _ Design Rlght o/Wey - ��� - 100 000 TMaI ExpentliWrea: ' ' ' • 1U0.UOU i � 2� Style DMnitlon:Botly Text 2:Font:Tmes New Roman,l2 pt,InOent:LeR: 0 p[ CHAPTER 14 COMPREHENSIVE PLAN MAP IntroducHon The previous chapters presented the goats, objectives and policies intended to guide Aubum's future physica] development. The Comprehensive Plan Map presented in this chapter (Map I4.I) applies those policies to the various areas of the City, by indicating the appropriaze locations for various cazegories of land use. The Plan Map should be wnsulted together wiffi the writtrn policies of this Plan when decisions about land use and public facility develaptnent are considered. This chapter also explains the reasoning and intention behind the Plan Map's land use designazions. This should be usefiil in developing and applying implemenling[ools(such as zoning provisions); for interpreting the Plan Map as it applies to specific regulatory decisions or development proposals; and in adjusting or aznending the Plan Map when changing conditions or lend use markets warrant. Finally,this chapter sets forth some special policies intended ro deal with the unique problems or opportunities[hat exist in certain specific locations wilhin Aubum. These specific policies supplement the general goals, objectives and policies of earlier chap[ers. I.and Use Designallons: Plan 1VIsp Residential Categories Residential Conservanry Purpose: To protect and preserve nazursl areas with significant environmec�tal conslraints or values from urban levels of development and to protect the City's water sources. Description: This category should consist primarily of low density resideMial uses (with drnsities not exceeding one unit per four acres) in areas with environmental constraints and/or areas requiring special Page�at Amended 2011 Chaptcr 1/ pro[ec[ion such as the Ciry s watershed, which is a significant water resource. Examples include the Coal Creek Springs watershed azea and ]ow-lying areas along the Green River tha[ are isolated from urban services. From a practical standpoin[, this wa[ershed area cannot be readily served by public facilities due to its physical separation from public facililies by an existing gravel mine operation that is expected to ' continue operation yoars into [he fuwre. The desig�ation will serve to both protect environmental features and hold areas for higher density development unul such time public facilities become available. The ama designated 'residential conservancy" allows for a lifesryle similar to that of rural areas since the lower density established protecLs [he critical areas such as the City's Coal Creek Springs watershed. A rural lifestyle geneially includes allowance of fartn animals,sffeets not urban in character (e.g. no sidewalks, sveet lights), and limited agricultural type � uses. Compatible Uses: Low density residential uses consistent with protecting the City s wazer resources and environmen[al constraiMS are appropriate. Low intensity cottage industry appropriate for rural areas may be allowed, subject to review. Various public and quasi-public uses which are consistent with a rural character may be permitted as conditional uses. Resource eMractive uses can only be allowed if the basic environmental chacac[er of[he azea is preserved. Those areas with critical areas shatl be appropriate for low densiry residential, with the intent to protect environmentally cri[ical areas from impacts associated with more intensive developmen[. These environmentally critical areas area valued as a community resowce, both for wnservation purposes and public enjoyment; provided that the environmentally critical azeas area protected low densiry single family residential use may be appropriate. Criteria tor Desi�atlon: This designazion should be applied to area5 with either significant environmental values worthy of protection or to those azeas which may pose environmen[al hazards if developed, such as areas tributary to public water sources. It may also be appropriate, to a limited extent, as a means of delimi[ing the edge of the City or to areas that are impractical to develop to urban levels until a lazer time period due to pre-exis[ing development pattems and the absence of public facilities. Coesiderations Against Applyiog Wis Designation: Due to the costs of providing City services to ffiese areas, this designation should be applied sparingly It should be applied as a means of conserving significant environmental resources, to achieve watershed protec[ion and/or to areas Page I42 Amrnded 201 I Camp.Plao Map where developtnent served by public facilities has been made impractical due to pre-existing use pattems. Appropriete Implementation: The RC(residen6al conservancy)district will'unplement this designation. Single Family Purpose: To designate and protect areas for predominantly single family dwellings. Description: This cazegory includes those areas reserved primarily for single family dwellings. Implementing regulazions should provide for an appropriate range of lot sizes,clustered and mixed housing types as part of a ptanned developmenL Compatible Uses: Single family residences and uses tha[ serve or support residential development, such as schools, daycare centers, churches and parks shall be considered appropriate and may be permitted on a conditional basis. Other public buildings and semi-public uses may be permitted if designed and laid out in a manner which enhances rather than detracts from the residential character of the area. In siting such uses, however, special care shall be given to ensuring adequate parking, landscaping, and h�affic circulazion with a minimum of conflic[ with residential uses. Uses which generate sig�ificant traffic (such as large churches) should only locate on developed arterials in areas zoned for instimtional uses. Invusion of industrial uses into any of these single family azeas shall be prohibi[ed. Only very limi[ed commercial uses such as home occupa[ions or stricUy]imited appropriaze conditional uses can be allowed. Planned developments should be favorably considered in these designations in order to allow optimal fle�cibility In providing such fle�cibility,the emphasis should be on small alley-loaded lot single faznily development, limited low density multifamily housing and a mixture of types, and design diversity should be sought. Except where conditional use permiu have been previousty granted,alternate strucwre types should not exceed more than 40 percent of the units, and altemative sVUC[ures should in mos[ cases contain no more than four dwelling units each. However, where substanaal offsetting community benefiu can be ideetified,such altemative structures may be a(lowed to contain more than three uniu each. Criteria tor Designatiort: Areas suitable for this designa[ion include [hose azeas designated in goals and policies of this Plan as single family Page 14-3 Amended 201 I CWpM14 areas. Consisten[ with those policies, azeas within the CommuniTy Serving Area of the City suitable for this category should be reserved for [hese uses. This designazion should also be applied [o areas adjacent to lower densiTy residen[ial plan designazions. Considerations Against Applying this Designation: This desigiation would not be generally appropriate(although exceptions may e�tis[)in the following areas: 1. Areas with high volumes of[hrough traffic. 2. Areas developed in or more appropriate uc�der the Plan policies for another use. 3. Areas wi[hin the Region Serving Area of the City Appropriate Implementatioe: Three wnes may be used to implement Uils cazegory• I) R-1 Permi[s one dwelling unit per net acre. This zone is primarily applied m areas designated as urban separators under the King County Coimtywide Planning Policies where rezones from existing densities(rypically one unit per acre)are not allowed for a 20 year period and/or to areas with significant environmental constrain[a It may also be applied in limited instances to areas whue greater densities are limited by environmental constraints. 2) R-5: Permits 4-5 dwelling units per net acre. This zone is intended to create a living emironmerrt of opumum standards for single family dwellings. Duplexes are condi[ionally permitted subject to meeting infill residential design s[andards. It is intended to be applied to the relatively undevdoped portions of the City, areac where existing developmrnt pattems are consistent with the density and upland areas where greatet densities would strain the transportation system. 3) R-7• Permits5-7 dwelling units per net acre. This zone provides for relatively small lot sizes. It may be applied to the older neighborhoods of the Ciry and reflects the typically smaller lot sizes fomd there. Application of[his zone should be considered for areas considered appropriate for a mix of housing types, particularly in some of the Special Planning Areas as discussed below. Moderate Density Pagc 14-4 Amended 2011 Comp.Piso M1Lp Purposr. To provide a tr-ansi[ion between single family residential areas and other more intensive designations, as we11 as other activities which reduce the suitability of potential residential areas for single famity uses (such as high treffic volumes). ln so doing, this designation will offer opportunities for housing types which balance residrntial amrnities with ihe need to provide economical housing choice, in a marmer consistent with conserving the chsvacter of adjacent single fami]y areas. Description: Moderate density residential areas are planned to accommodate moderate densities of varying residemial dwelling types. Appropriate densities in these areas shall �ange fram 8 to 10 uniu net per acre and po[entially 16 units per net acre,where properties have frontage on an azterial or residential collector. Dwelling types would generally range from single family units to mWtiplofsmily dwetlings, wi[h larger swcnues allowed (at the same overall densiry) where offsetting community benefits can be idertified. Swctures designed to be occupied by owner-managers shall be enco�uaged within this designation. Compatible Uses: Public and quasi-public uses that have land use impacts similar to moderate [o high density residential uses are appropriate within this catcgory.A�so,uses which require access to Vaffic (such as schools and churches)are appropriate for these ateat. Carefully developed low intensity office, or residentially related commercial uses (such as day care centers)can be compatible if developed property. This designation can include manufacWred home parks. Crkerta for Desigoatioe: Areas particularly appropriate for such designation are: l. Areas between single family residential uses and all other uses. 2. Areas adjacent W, or close to arterials designated in the transpo�tation element. 3. Existing manufactured home parks. 4. Areas sandwiched between higher intensiry uses, but not directly served by an arterial. 5. Urban i�l] areat not appropriaze for single family uses but also not capabie of supporting higher densiry uses. Consideretloos Agalnst APP4�8 Wic Desiguadon: Areas to generally be avoided by moderate density residrntial designazions include: Page 145 Amended 201 I Chapter]d 1. Areac surrounded by lower density uses. 2. Aress more appropriate for commercial or higher density uses due to traffic or extensively developed public facilities. 3• Areas witFtin the Region Serving Area designated by this Plan (except az othenvise provided by tfie Plan). 4. Any areas not planned[o be served by water and sewer systems, Appropriate Implemeutation: This desibmation can be implemented by two mnes: 1) R-10: Prnniu 10 dwelling uniu per net acre. The wning allows single family dwellings and duple�ces as permitted uses. Multiple- family dwellingt, some residential supporting uses, and professional offices as pan of a mixed-use development may be permined as conditional uses. 2) R-16: Permi[s 16 dwelling �miu per nM acre. The zoning allows for a varie[y of'Ihousing types, include single family duplexes,and muitiple-family dwellings and mixed-use developmmt 3) R-MHC. Manufactured/Mobile Home Community pemtits the developmrnt of manufactured home parks on properry thaz is at leas[5 acres in siu. The base density is 10 dwelling units per net acre. High Densrry Purpose: To provide an opportunity for the Iocation of the most economica] forms of housing in areas appropriately situated for such uses imder the policies ofthis Plan. Descripdoa: This category shall be applied to those azeas which are either now developed or are reserved for multiple family dwellings. Densities may range from 16 to 20 uniks per acre. pwelling ryPes may iange from single family units to apartment complexes, and may include manufactured home pazks when locaied adjacen[to major arterial streets. Adequate on-site open space areac should be provided for all multi-farnily developments. Densi[ies exceeding 20 units per acre and special development standards may be authorized for senior housing projects, within the Down[own area and within 1/4 mile of regional transit service. Pegc 14-6 Amrnded 2011 Comp.PUn Map Compatible Uses: Compaiible uses aze similar to those iden[i5ed under [he o[her residential categories, excep[ higher intensities of use may be appropriate. Public uses and open spaces which tend to visually relieve the high drnsity character of these areas should be encouraged. Cri[erie for Designatioa: In addition to areas already developed to this density, this designation should be applied only [o areas which have or may be most efficirndy served with high capacity and high quality public services and facilities. Of particular concern is the provision of adequate traffic circulation, and this category shall only be applied to areas with developed ar[erial access. Other siting concerns may include access to commercial services and open space arnenities. This category may also be applied to areas which are threatened with deteriora[ion and multiple family dwellings offer the potential for rehabilitation. Consideratioes Against Applyiog this Desigoation: Areas not appropriate for this zone include areas surrounded, without physical sepamtioq by lower intensiry uses. Appropriate Implemeotatiou: This designation can be implemrnted by two zones: I) R-16: Permits 16 units per net acre. The zoning allows for a variety of housing types include single family, duplexes, and multiple-family dwellings and mixed-use development. 2) R-20: Permits 20 units per net acre and multiple-family residential and mixed-use development Residential supporting uses snd some professional ofiSces are permitted as condilional uses. 3) R-M}iC. Manufac[ured/Mobile Home Community permits the development of manufactured home parks on property thaz is a[ leas[5 acres in size. The base densiTy is 10 dwelling uni[s per net acre. In no case should these uses be authorized for consuvc[ion until all appropriaze public facilities are available to full standard Pubticly or Quasi- Pabticty Oweed or Public Access Page 14-7 Amended 20I I Cha ter 14 Categories Open Space Parpose: To ensw�e adequate open space amenities for present and future residee[s by reserving and protecting importaM open space resources and m identify lands usefu] for public purposes(RCW 36.70A.150)as well as open space comdors(RCW 36.70A.160)as required by the GMA. Ikscription: Tlus category shall be applied to areas which are to be managed in a largely open space character. It includes parks,watersheds, shoreline areas, significant wildlife habitsts, lazge s[orm drainage ponds, utility cortidors with public access and azeas with significant development restrictions,such as s[eep slope and tlood hazard areas. Compatible Oses: Appropriate uses include low intensiry recreational uses, low density residen[ia( uses and associated open amas, wildlife habitai,stormwater de[ention,watershed and similar low intensity uses. Criteria for Designation: This designation should be applied to any site in which exis[s a significant developmental ha�ard or open space value suitable for public proteMion without unduly encroaching on private properiy rights. Appropriatc Implementa[ion: Where land in this category is owned pubiicly it shall be implemented by the P-1 Public Use Distric[. Land in this category which is privazely owned wil] generally be wned for low density residential use. Where the open space is linear it may be appropriately managed by means o[her than zoning, such as public ownership or easements, particularly as development takes place on adjacrnt land. The Shore]ine Management Program shall regulate the open spaces designazed adjacent to the rivers. Subdivisions of property involving steep slope or shoreline areas shall consider these developmert limitations and avoid creating inappropriate or unbuildable lots. Public and Quasi-Public Purpose: To designate azeas of significant siu needed to provide public and quasi-public services to the community Deseription_ This category includes those areas which are reserved for public or quasi-public uses of a developed character. It is intended to include those of a significant extent, and not those smaller public uses which are consistrnt with and may be included in anothet designatioa Public uses of an industrial character, such as the General Services Adminishation,are induded in[he industrial designation. Streets,utili[ies Page 148 Amended 2011 Comp.PVo Map and other public activities supporting other uses are not considered separate uses and are not so mapped. This designazion includes large chiaches, private schools and similaz uses of a qua5i-public charac[er. Developed parks are atso designated under this cateBory CompaObk Uses: Uses more appropria[ely designazed under another category should not be designazed �mder this category, itrespective of ownership. Industrial and commercial uses which are affi]iated wi[h and managed by eAucational ins[itutions for vocazional educational purposes may be classified ac a public use and permitted on a conditionai basis. Criteria tor Desigoation: Designation of these areas should be wn- sis[ent with[he character ofadjacrnt uses. Appropriate Implemmtation: This designation will generally be implemented by three mnes: I) P-1 (Public Use)District provides for the location and developmrnt of public uses that serve the cultural,educational,recreational and public service needs of the community 2) 1 (Institutional Use) District provides for similar uses, but includes schoots and rypically allows a much broader list of uses. 3) LF (Landing Field) District provides for the operation and management of the Auburn Mwucipal Airport. The designation can also be implemented as a conditional use under various zones. Approval of these types of uses(and open space uses),not individually designated on the Plan Map,under a conditional use pertnit or rezone consistent with or rclated to adjacem zoning, shall not be considered inwnsistent with the designations under this Plan. Commercial Categories Ligiu Commercial Porpose: To create people oriented commercial areas to supply a wide range of grneral commercial services to ares residrnu. Description: This category represrnu the prime commercial designation for small to moderate scale commercial activities. 7'hese commercial m�eas should be developed in a manner which is consistent with and attrac.KS pedestrian oriented activities. The ambiance of such areas should encourage loisure shopping and should provide amenides conducive to anncting shoppers. eage ta9 Amendcd 2011 Cha ter 14 Compatible Uses: A wide range of consumer orien[ed goods and services arc compaLble wi[hin this designation since the emphasis would be on perfortnance criteria which aeaze an attractive shopping envirorm�rnt However, uses which rely on direct access by vehicles or involve heary truck h�atTic (other than for merchandise delivery) are not appropriate in this category Unsightly outdoor s[orage and similar aMivities should be prohibited Permiued�ues would consist of retail trade, offices,personal services,indoor eating establishmrnts,financial institutions,governmental ogices,aod similar uses. Multiple family dwellings should be encowaged as part of mixed-use developments where they do not interferc with the shopping charaMer of the area, such az within the upper stories of buildings. Since taverns can break up the continuity of people orirnred areas, taverns woutd be permitted generally only as a conditional use. Drive in windows should only be allowed as ancillary ro a permitted use, and only whrn carefully sited under the conditional use permit process in order to ensure that an area's pedestrian environment is not seriously afi'ected. Criteria for Desigoation: This designation should include mode�ate sized shopping centas, and cen[ially located shopping areas. This designazion should be preferred for commercial siles where visual and pedestrian amenities are an importarrt concem o�ide of the downtown. Coosidera8ons Against Applyiug this Designation: Commercial areas which can not be readily sepazated from high haffic volumes (such as shallow lots along busy arterials) should not be included in this designation Areas no[ large enough for sepazation Gom any adjacem heavier commercial or industrial area should not be desig�ated as light commercial. Appropriate Implementation: This designation is implemrnted by the C-1 Light Commercial District T'his distria provides for a wide�ange of sma11 and moderate scale commercial oriented towards the leisure shopper and pedatrian orirnted activities. Downtown Purpose: To creau a vibrant people oriented downtown which serves as the business,governmental and culturel focal point of the Community thaz includes multifemily residen[ial developmeM. Description: 7'his category is intended to be applied only in Downtown Aubwn. The area should be developed in a manner which is consistent with and amacts pedestrian oriented activities. The ambiance of the downtown should encourage leisure shopping, should provide services to Pege 1410 Amrnded 2011 Comp Plan Map local residenu,area employees and should provide amenities conducive to attracting visitors and shoppers. Compatible Uses: A broad mix of uses is appropriaze and encouraged within the Downtown. A wide renge of consumer oriented goods and services are compazible within this designation since the emphasis would be on performance criteria which create an attractive pedestrian orirnud shopping environment However, uses which rely on direct access by vehicles or involve heary truck traflic (otha than for merchandise delivery) are na appropriate in[ttis category. UnsighNy outdoor storage and similaz acKivities should be prohibited. Pertnitted uses would consist of retail uade, offices, personal services, indoor eating establishments, financial institutions, govemmrntal o�ces, and similar uses. Multiple family dwellings should be encouraged, paRicularly within the upper stories of buildings which include rettil and commercial uses. Since taverns can break up the coMinuity of people oriented areas, they should be prohibited Drive in windows should not be permitted to maintain the azea's pedestrian mvironment Parking standards within ihe downtown should reflec[ the pedestrian orientation of the area, bu[ also consider parking's impact for economic developmrnt. Critrria for Desiguation: This designation should apply only in Downtown Aubum. Considerotions Against Applyieg t6is Designation: This designazion should not be used other than for the Downtown area. Appropriah Implementation: This designation can be implemented by the following zoning districts: 1) The primary core of downtown should be implementeA by the Dowmown Urban Center zone,which allows for a broad range of uses with no residential density limita[ions. 2) Other commercial areas withie[he down[own may be implemenud by the G2 Central Business District. Heaw Comme�cia! Purpose: To provide automobile ariemed commercial areas to meet both the local and regional need for such services. Description: 7'his category is intended to accommodate uses which are oriented to automobiles either as the mode or target of providing the commercial service. The category would also accommodate a wide range Page 141I Ammded 2011 — -- � C rI1 of heavier commercial uses involving extensive storage or heavy vehicular mmemem. Compatible Uses: A wide variety of commercial services orirnted to '� automobiles are appropriaze within this category. This includes automobile sales and service, drive in res[aurant or other drive in commercial business, convrnirnce s[orcs, etc. Since these uses are also compazible with hwvier commercial uses, lumber yards, small scale warehousing, contractor yards and similar h�vy commercial uses are appropriate in this desigtwtion. Crkeria for Designadoo: This designation should only be applied to ' areas which are highly accessible to automobiles along major arterials. Generally ihis category would charac,�teriu wmmercial strips. This zone is appropriate for ihe in[ersections of heavily Vaveled arterials, evrn if adjace�t sites are best suited for another commeicial designation. � � Consideratioas Against APp1ymS t6ia Desipatioo: Areas which conflia with single family residemial areac or areas more suited for other uses. Whenever possibie[his cazegory should be sepaiated from all uses � by extensive bufFering. � I Appropriah Implementation: This category is implemented by the C-3 � ( Heavy Commercial District and the C-4,Mixed Use Commercial Distric[. i � Neighborhood Commercia! Parpose: To provide accessible commercial smices frequemly needed in residrntiat areas without creating land use wnflicts between those commercial uses and the residential areas[hey serve. Description: Residential azeas require commercial services almost on a daily basis. Such savices, while necessary, can also conflict with the quality of resideruial areas ConsequenUy, commercial azeas need to be reserved thai are either carefully resVicted (if located within residential areas)or are accessible to,but bu$'ered from,residential areas. Compatible Uses: In restricted areas(thosc within neighborhoods), uses ' mus[ be carcfully controlled both in the kind of uses permitted and in terms of design and other performance criteria A much tess restricted ' type of neighborhood commercial use can be designated near intersections of a major arterial and a residential anerial. A much wider range of ; commercial activities are appropriaze in such an area, including grocery i ' � stores. comenirnce s[ores, service stations. hardwaze stores, small restauranu and drinking atablishmenu. However, activities (such as ; outdoor storage)which can alter the chazacter of these areas into heavier Paqe ta-t2 ! Amended 2011 Comp.Plan �D commercial areas should only be pertnitted on a conditional basis in ordtt to control potential adverse impacts. Criteria for Desi`eatioe: In a]I cases, neighborhood commercial areas should be at the intersections of major streets. In the case of restricted types,such stree[s may be residential arterials,while in the ca5e of the less remiMed type az least one of the streets should be a major arterial. Adequate buffering should be planned in the process of designazing any new areas as neighborhood commercial. Coosideratlons Against Applying this Designadon: This designation should be avoided whenever it is not possible to adequately buffer the commercial uses from adjacent residential uses. Appropriate Implementadon: This category is implemented by the C-N Neighborhood Commercial Distric[. �ce-Residerara! Purpose: To reserve areas to accommodate professional offices for expanding medical and business services, while providing a transition between residential uses and more intensive uses and activities. Descriptioe: This category is a restricted commercial designation rcserved only for certain typu of activities. As a growing medical center, azeas need to be reserved to accommodate growth in this sector,which is largely expresseA in the form of professional offices. This category also assures space to accommodate the rapid growth that is occurring in business services and other service oriented activities. Such uses also provide a means for an appropriate vansition for areas originally developed as a residrntial area but now not appropriate for tha[ type of use. Compatible Uses: To be fully efl8ctive as a umsidon or a buffer, resi- dential uses should be permitted on a conditional basis. Criteria for Designsdon: As a transition this designation can serve as an appropriate buffer betwern heavily traveled anerials end established single family areas. It would be particularly appropriate in areas where large Vaffic volumes have afFected an cstablisheA residemial area. It can be applied where amrnity values mi[igate against heavy commercial uses along major arterials. This designation should also be used to acwmmodate the expansion of inedical services in the area arowd Auburn Regional Medical Center. Page 1a13 Amended 2011 Cha ter 14 Cunsiderations Agaiost Applyiug this Desigoatiou: This mne is intended for particWar applicetions as described. It grnnally should not be applied on a large scale basis. Appropriate Implementatioo: This category is implemented by two zones: I) RO - Residen[ial Office Distric[ which is intended to primarily accommodate business and professional offices where they are compatible with residrntial uses. � 2) R0.H Residential Office-Hospital District is to be used exclusively for the azea around Aubum Regional Medical Center. Indostrisl Categories Light Indusbial Purpase: To reserve quality industrial lands for ac[ivities thaz implement the City's economic development goals and policies. � Drscription: This category is intended to accommodate a wide range of industrial and commercial uses. This desig�ation is intended to provide a 'i location atVac;tive for manufacturing,processing and assembling land use � activities that benefit from qualiTy s�mnuedings and appmpriate commercial retail uses that benefit from the location, access, physical ' canfiguration, building types of[hese properties. (t is dis[inguished from heavier industrial uses by means of perfortnance critvia All�significant activities shall take place inside buildings,and the processing or s[orage of hazardous mazerials shall be stricUy controlled and permitted only as an ' incidental part of another use. The siting and desig� of indusfial � buildings shall be of m 'industrial or business park charncter. Certnin � residrntial uses may be pe'miried, especially in industrial areus thiat havo been established ro promou a business park environment that complemems environmental features, and/or if development standards are developed to promote compatibility between residential and other non- � residrntial land uses. � ' Compatibk Uses: A wide range of industrial and heavy commercial uses may be permitted, subject to performance standards, These uses include indoor manufachving, processing and assembling of materia(s Eom previously prepared or raw materials and ancillary and necessary warehousing and distribution of finished goods associated with manufactuting and indusVial uses. Certain residrntial uses� may be Page 1a14 � nm�a zoi i ' — — ----- � I _. Comp.Plan Map permitted if development standards are established to promo[e compatibiliry between residential and other non-residenrial land uses. Outside storage shall be pemiitted only subjec[ to performanco criteria addressing its quantity and location to ensw�e it is compatible wi[h adjacent uses and so thaz such storage would not detract Gom the potential use of [he area for light industry In all cases such storage shall be extensively screened. In the Env'vonmental Park District that implemrnts the "Light Industrial" plan map designation; outdoor storage will be sVictly Iimited to promote compatibility with adjacent environmental land uses. Uses involving substantial sto�age or processing of ha�rdous materials as well as substantial emissions should not be permitted in these areas. A wide range of commercial activities may be allowed to provide increased opportunities for sales taac revenue. The Burling[on Northem Santa Fe Railroad Aubum Yard located wi[hin the Railroad Special Plan Area is considered a compatible use a[ its current level of usage (as of August 14, 1996). It is nM bound by the policies conceming outside storage wder [he existing light industrial designation as it was an existing use prior to [he development of this policy Should BNSF decide to reacrivaze its applications to upgrade the yard to an intermodal facility,the proposal will be subject to[he essential public facility siting process as defined in the Capital Facilities Element (Chapter 5). To ensure the City s long-term abilily[o invest in public inSastructure and services remains viable, the City mus[pursue implementation of policies lhaz incentiviu the transition of current and future land uses in its indusvial wnes away from distribution and warehouse uses. The Ciry be]ieves that manufacturing and industrial land uses should over time Iargely replace warehouse and distribu[ion land uses cutrently existing in the City and that any future warehouse and distribution uses should be ancillary to and necessary for the conduc[of manufachving and industrial uses. Manufacturing and industrial uses are more appropriate and beneficial through higher and better use of the land,enhanced employment densities, increased property tax revenues and potential on-site sales tau revenue generation for receipt of mazerials and other goods and services. The establishment of regulations and incentives that create a basis for increased commercial retail uses in the Cily s industrial mning districts will provide greazer opportunity for the generation of sales tax revenue in the City Increased sales tae revenue will positively impact the City s continued abiliry to maintain and operate a strong pubfic investment program in infrastructiue and services. Commercial retai]uses wil]in tum Page 1415 Amended 2011 Chapter 10 be attracted to and benefit from the loca[ion, access, physical configuration and building types of indusVial zoned proper[ies Criteria for Desigoation: Tlus designation should be applied to a majority of the Region Serving Area designated under this Plan. It is par[iculazly appropriate for industrial land within high visibiliTy corridors. This category should separate heavy industrial areas from other uses. Considerations Against Applying t6is Designatioo: Within [he Community Serving Area,this desig�ation should only be applied to sites now deveioped as light industrial sitea Industrial sites along rail corridors are generally more appropria[e for heavier industrial uses, imless in high visibility corridars. Appmpriate Implemeotation: This designation is implemented by the Light Industrial (M-1), Environmental Park (EP) or Business Park (BP) zone. Heaw lndustrial Pnrpose: To provide a place for needed heary induslrial uses in areas appropriately sited for such uses. Description: This designazion allows the full range of industrial uses as well as certain commercial uses. Certain msidential uses may be pe�mitted if development standazds aze developed to promote compatibility be[ween residential and o[her non-residrntial land uses. Compatible Uses: While this zone should be reserved primatily for the heavier foans of industrial ac[ivities, a wide range of industrial and commercial activities may be permitted, along with residential uses with appropriate compatibiliry protections. Crkeria for Designation: The most appropriaze area for this designa[ion is in the central part of the Region Serving Area adjoining the iail lines. This designation is also appropriate in the southern portion of[he area which is now developed in lazge scale industrial facilities(the Boeing and [he General Services Administration facili[ies). Considerations Against Applying t6is Designation: This designation can only be applied in the Community Serving Area to sites now developed in this charaaer along A Street S.E. These areas should no[ abut commercial or residential areas;heavy industry should be buffered by light industrial uses. It is not an appropriate designation for highly visible areas. Page 1416 Amended 2011 Comp.Pleo Map Appropriate Implemevtation: This designation is implemented by [he M-2 wne. Planned Areas Special Plan Areas(See Map l4.1) Purpose: To allow large areas wi[hin the Ciry, under a single or a coordinazed management, to be developed as a planned unit. This designation can also be used to provide flexibility when there is uncertainry regarding how an azea may be most appropriately developed in the future. Dacription: Tfvs designation applies to specific areas identified as being appropriate for mixed, urban level development on a planned basis. [t is intended thaz the fu[ure development of these areas will be guided by individual "elements" or"sub-azea plans of the Comprehensive Plan, to be developed and adopted az a later daze. The Plan elemenu should be consistent with the foilowing. Compatible Uses: Uses and intensi[ies wi[hin Special Plarming Areas shall be determined for each area through individual planning processes. Each individual planning process,will result in the adoption of a Comprehensive Plan element (sub-area plan) for thaz particular Special Planning Area Each Plan element shall be consistem with the general goals, objectives and policies of[he Comprehensive Plan. Development of the individual Plan elemrnts shall also be based upon the following guidelines: Academy Specia(Planreing Area: 7'he Aubum Adventis[Academy Plan was adopted by resolution No.2254 in November 1991 and is considered to be an elemen[of[he Comprehensive Plan. 7'he Plan applies[o[he area within the property owned by the Academy and allows for a diversity of uses on the site, primarily those related to the mission and objectives of ihe Academy As part of the adoption of the Plan, the area was zoned under the I-Institutional Use District which pertnits uses such as schools, daycaze,churches,nursing homes,recreazion and single family uses. Auburn North Business Area Planning Area: The Auburn North Business Area Plan was adopted by resolution No. 2283 in March I992 and is considered to be an elemen[of the Comprehrnsive Plan. The Plan covers an approximately 200 acre area tocated directly north of the Auburn Central Business Disvict. The Plan calls for development to be pedestrian oriented with high density resideMial and light commercial components. Page 14-17 Amended 2011 Chapter 14 Downtown Special Planning Area: Downtown Auburn is a unique area in the City which has received significant attention in the past and there will be continued emphasis in the future. This Comprehe�uive Plan recognizes Downtown as the business, governmental and cultural focal point of Aubum with a renewed emphasis on providing housing in the Downtown. Development of [he Downtown should be consis[rnt with the 2001 Aubum Downtown Plan. Lake[and Hil(s Special Planning Area: The Lakeland Hills Plan was adopted by resolution No. I851 in April 1988 and is considered to be an element of the Comprehensive Plan. The Plan covers ffie approximately 458 acres of the Lakeland Hills development which falls within the King County portion of the city The Plan calls for a mix of residential uses including single and multi-family housing as well as supporting recreazional,commercial, public and quasi-public uses.The plan calls for phasing of development in coordination with the provision of necessary urban services. Lakeland Hr!!s South Special Plonning.9rea: The Lakeland Hills South Plan initially covered approximately 685 acres owned by The Lakeland Company within Pierce Counry and contained within the City of Auburn potential annexation area(urban grow[h area). The Plan is intended to be consistent with the conditions of approval of the Lakeland Hills South PDD (Pierce County Hearings Examiner Case No. Z15-90/UP9-70) as amended The City of Auburn has accepted the Lakeland Hills South PUD as an approved PUD. This acceptance is implemen[ed in part through aci annexation and uti]ities agreement between[he Ciry and the developer of Lakeland Hills South PUD. 7'he Lakeland Hills South PUD is fiuther implemented by the City's zoning wde, including ACC Chapter 18J6 entitled "Planned Unit Development District—Lakeland Hills South Special Plan Area" Residential development within the PUD is primarily single family and mode�ate density dwellings with a wide range of lot sizes, including lots smaller than those typically allowed by the City's zoning ordinance for non-PUD's. The maximum allowable number of residential uniu provided for originally was 3,408 based upon an overall gross density of 5 units per acre. High density multifamily units are limited to one area of the PUD to approximately 669 units. Twenry acres are to be used for light commercial development and signi5cant area has been set aside as open space. In 2007,the developer of Lakeland Hills South PUD was granted an expansion to the Lakeland Hilis South PUD to add an additional 4 acres of commercial land,raising the[otal area of light commercial land to Page 1418 Amended 201 I _" _ _' ""'_—___"'"__"—_ ' i � � Comp Plao I I � 1 24 acres. The development indudes a developeA 13-acre park, an i '� unde'veloped IS-acre park hvo 5-acre pazks and a linear pazk along � Lakeland Hills Way The locations of the parks are shown on the i , comprehensive plan map. Changing the location of any or all of the parks � does not conslitufe a comprehensive plan amendment provided that the ; Wtal park acreage does not change and the location is agreed upon by the City i WiUun the Lakeland Hills South Special Plan area only, the permitted i density ranges for the comprehensive plan designazions are as follows: Singk Family Residential: 1-6 units per acre; Moderate Density � Residential:2-14 uni[s per acre;and High Dmsity Residmtial: 12-19 units per acre. 7'he developmrnt has occurted in phases in coordination with the provision of�cquired urban services and in 2008, the development is i nearing complMion. � ln 2004, the developer of Lakeland Hills South PUD requested an expansion W the Lakeland Hills South PUD involving several pazcels totaling approximately 77 acres — bringing the totel PUD acreage ro �, approximately ?62 acres. The proposal designated these additional '� parcels as "Moderau Density Residrnrial" (from "Single Family , Residential") with the objective of increasing the total number of units ' � allowed in the PUD from 3,408 to approximately3,658. Subsequendy, in ' � 2005, it was determined and ageed that the total number of units within even the expanded boundaries of the PUD would be no greater than 3,408. , Lakeview Specid Planning Area: The Lakcview Special Planning Area is curtently the site of two independent sand and gavel mining operations. ; While mining activity continues in the easum operation, indications in I995 are that [he western operation has ceased. Acdvity in the westem portion is now limited to a concrete betch plant and firture site ! reclamation. Following reclamarion, the mtia should be developed as a � primerily single f�nily residrntial neighborhood of Iow to moderate urban ; density A planned developmrn[would be particWarly appropriate for this approximately 235 acre site. The permitted developmetit densiry of the , site will depend heavily upon[he abiliry of[he transportation system near , the site to handle the new uses. Coesidezation shall be given to the '� environmenial, recreational and amenity value of White Lake, as well az ! the historical and cultural significance to the Muckleshoot Tribe, in the , development of the Lakeview Plan element Permit applications have � been accepted and are currently being processed by the City with respect to the mining activity on the eastem portion of the area The pertnit �� process should continue,however,any permit for con[inued mining in this portion of the area should be limited ro IO years to rnwmage completion i of the mining, and subsequent reclamation by [he property owna in Page 1419 S Amended 20I 1 i cn. u��a � pieparation for development. The Lakeview Plan element should be i � adopud prior[o the Ciry s acceptance or processing of any other permit applications for�the mining operation in the Lakeview Special Planning Area The environmenCil information and analysis�included in the Final Environmental Impact Statement for Lakeview(Novemtier I980),shall be considered in the development of the Lakeview Plan etement While heavy commercial or industrial uses would not be appropriate as pertnanrnt uses of this area, conversion of the area now mned for heavy � indusUy to office commercial(or similar)uses would be appropri2te, � � Rar! Ymd Specia!P(anning Area.• This approximately 150 acre Spccial �. Planning Area is loca[ed in the south-central portion of the City and siurowded by SR-18 ro the North, Ellingson Road to the South,C Suee[ ' SW to the west and A Street SE to the East. The Special Plaiming Area � should wnsider�both sides of C Street and A Street. Consideration should , be givm to: 1. The needs of Burlington Northem. �� 2 Providing pedestrian, bicycle and vehicular access across the siu to cormea the southeast and southwest sides of the ciry. 3. Providing a more visuallY epPealing"rntry corridor" into the Ci,ty ' , � from the south along A and C Streeta 4. Allowing for a mix of uses including single and multifamily developmen[ and commercial and industria� uses where '� aPP*�Pnate. I Mt. Rarnier Gista Specia(Plannirig Area: This 145 acre Special planning Area is Iocated south of Goal Crcek Springs Watershcd. pveral] development of the Mt Rainier Vista subarea plan�shall be consistent with the following condidons: 1- Primary consideration in use and developmen[of the property shall � be givrn to protection of Coal Creek Springs' water quality � Development types, patterns and standards determined to pose a substanda!risk to the public water source shall not be allowed. 2. The maximum number of dwelling units will be determined as part of any sub-area plan process. Dwelling tmits shall be loca[ed within portions of the property where developmen[poses the least risk of contaminazion for Coal Croek Springs. Lands upon which any level of development would have a high risk for contaminaring � the water suppiy shall noi be developed, but would be retained as � open space. Tho developmem pattem shatl provide fora logical Page Ia20 I� Amrnded 201 I �i I Comp.Plen i MaD transition between areas designazed for wal uses and those '� designated for single family residmtial use. 3. All dwelling uni[s shall be served by municipal wa[er and sanitary sewer service, and urbaa roads. If 53rd Street S.E. is the major access to serve the Special Planning fvea, [he developtt will be responsible for developing[he sVeet [o urben standards, from the property owners' eastem property line thaz abuts 53rd Street,west to the intersec[ion of 53rd and Kersey Way 4. Percolation type storm sewer disposal systems shall not be permitted All sw�face water drainage shall bc conveyed consistent with the City s current storm drainage standards. TreaVnent of stormwater shall occur prior to its discharge to any surface water body, consistem with standard public works or other requiremenu in grneral effect az the time of developmrnt 5. The site shall be mned temporarily.at one wit per four acres,wtil the sub-azea plan is compleced and the long-tertn urban zoning determined. 6. The Mt. Rainier Vista special planning area bowdary may be modiIIed through the developmem of the subarea plan. 7 The MC Raic�ier Vista and Stuck River Road Special Planning Areas shall be coordinated subarea plans. Stuck River Road Special Planrang Area: A portion of the Stuck River Road Special Planning Area is currently the site of a Iarge sand and gravel mining ope�ation. This area and other adjacent land comprising a rotal of approximazely 664 acres has been designated as a long term resource area (mineral resource area), so development of the Special Area Plan for this area should be a low priority as mining is expected to continue on this site for a5 long as 30 years. The land uses for the SNCk River Road Special Planning P.rea will be deterntined through the subaren planning process and ihe City Council's adoption of the subarea plan. Potential land uses applied through the subarea plarming process coWd include single-family rsidrntial, multi-family residential, wmmercial, institutional, and recreational. Some light industrial uses may be appropriare for considera[ion and designation through the subarea planning process if the uses are "industriat or business park" in character, conducted entirely within an rnclosed building, and exhibit a high degreee of pecfortnance standards and are non-nuisance in nawrc and it appropriately limited in extent and location. A mi�c of housing types ranging from single family residrntial to muhi-family residential is appropriaze for ihis planning area. Page 1421 Ammded 201 I „ cn. ia , The subarea plan should be adopted taking into consideration the period dwing which mining is expected and the intent of the ultimate developmrnt of the area M active permit has been processed by the City with respect to the mining activiry on a portion(approximately 664 acres) of the mineral�naction�operation. The permit process should continue, however, azry permit for mining in the mineral resaurce area should be � ganted for[he life of[he resource, with reviews conducted periodically � (ever five years)to determine whether changes in the originally proposed minaal extraction operation have arisen and give rise to the need for additional or revised permit wnditions to address the new impacts(if any) of any such changes. My permit applica[ions for additional acreage � within the mineral resource azea shall be processed by the Ciry. Developmrnt of this area shoutd not occw until adequate�public facilities are available to support the development consistent with City concurrency ���ry "I7�e Ciry recognizes the poten6al for expanding [he Stuck River Road Special Planning Area w include additional land east of Kersey Wny and nortt�of the Covington-Chehalis power line easemrnt,and will consider a proposal by alI affected property owners. If the area is er.panded, the number of non-muldple family, non-manufactmed home park dwellings units may be increased proportionate to the increase in acreage. My such proposal shall specificalty apportion the rypes and quantities of � 'E development to occiv within each separate ownership. � Northeast Auburn Specid Plan Area: The Northeari Aubum/Kobertson � Propenies Special Ptan area was adopted by Ordinance No. 6I83 in the Spring of 2008. The Plan was prepared in fulfillment of the po]icies included in the Cpmprehensive Plan for the area berivern Aubum Way North and the Green River, south of 277�' Street (52"d Street NE) and '� north of approximately 37'� Street NE in the Ciry of Auburn (Map No. I 14.2). The planning area was narrowed to an area covering appro�cimauly 120 acres, north of 45'� Street NVV and between Aubum Way North and I the existing I Street NE right-of-way The Northeest Auburn/Robertson , � Properties Special Area Plan focuses on proposed develop of the.4ubum ' ii Gateway projec[ atea, a 60-acre group of properties owned or wder { consideration for purchase by Robertson Properties Group,owners of the � � Vallty 6 Drive-In'I'heater. The plan calls for a mix of office, remil,and mul[ifamily development under a new zoning designation (C-4, Mixed ; , Use Gommercial) for the ceetml portion of this planning area, created to i, accommodate mixed use developmen�. The plan calls for phased ; devdopment in coordinazion with the provision of new roads,stormwater and other utilities,and flood management measures. � �; � Page 1422 � Amrnded 201 I i Comµflso I Ma Criteria for Desi�aetion: Additional Special Planning Areas may only be designated througli amendments ofthe Comprehensive Plan. Appropriate Implementadon: Plan elements establishing Ciry policy regazding the development of the Special Planning Areas shall be adopted by amendmrnt of the Comprehensive Plan,or shall be adopted concurrent with adoption of the Comprehensive Plan.Special Planning Area elements shall be implemented in [he same manner as o[her elements of [he Comprchensive Plan; that is, imder the City's wning and subdivision ordinances,development standards and public facilities progtams. Plan A�p PoGcies In some cases the general policies established by this Plan need further articulation or clarification due to particular geographic concems associated with specific areas. In other cases,the applica[ion of the Plan's general policies may be inappropriate for a specific area due to unique circumstances, requiring that specific "e�cceptions" to [hese grneral policies be established. 7'his section identifies these specific areas and establishes either supplemental policies or �ceptions to the general policy,as appropriaze. Urban Separetors Urban sepaiators are area5 designated for low-density uses in the King County Countywide Planning Policies. They are intended to be "permanem low-density lands which protect adjacent resource lands, Rural Areas, and environmentally sensitive azeas and creatc open space corridors within and between Urban Areas which provide environmental, visual,recrea[ional and wildlife benefiu."There are rivo primary areas of urban separators within the Lw Hill portion of the CiTy of Aubum,which the City is obligazed to maintain (and not rodesignate) unti] at least the year 2022, pursuant to the Counrywide Planning Policies and an annexation agreemrnt with King Counry.Urban separators are deemed to be both a regional as well as local concem and no modifications to development regulations governing [heir use may be made without King County review and concurrence.Therefore,the areas design¢ted us 'urban separutor" on the Comprehensive Land Use map, will be zoned for densiaes not to exceed one dwelling unit per acre, with lot clustering being required if a subdivision of land is proposed. Intrestractan Rtlated Policies Pike Street Area: North of Sth N.E.,east of Harvey Road,and south of 22nd N.E. Puge I423 Amended 2011 _ i C6apte"r 14 Problem: This area is inadequately served by residential arterials Further imensification of use in this area would compound tlus problem. Policy IILA. No increase in density or other developmem which would � increase traffic demand in this area should be approved 8th SrreerN.E. Area: 8[h Street N.E.betwcen Auburn Way and M S[reet. Problem: The Comprehensive Plan Map desig�ates multiple family use I� ac[he ultimate use in accord with the Comprehensive Plan policies. While 8ili Street is designazed as a major arterial, it is not currently constructed to that standard and is not abie to suppon current Vaffic demand adequately. The Plan designation would greatly increase tcaffic volumes. Water service is also not sufficient to support muttiple family densi[ies at the present time. Policy iII.B. Implementation of the Plan designations should not occur unti] 8ih Street is constructed W the adequate arterial standard m�d wazer i service is upgraded. Up wnes should not be granted from current zo"'"� until these systems are upgaded or guararteed. j ' Avburn Ww South Anburn Black Diamond Road i �I Arxa: Auburn Way South in the vicinity of the Enumclaw Plateau;Area between Aubwn-Black Diamond Road and the Burlington Northem Railroad. Problem: This Plan does not fully represent the intensity of uses that � could ultimately be supported in these areas (in pan due to the currert ' wealmess of the City's inCmstructure to support future growth). In spite of � this fact, the development intensiry now planned will still need to be � ' coordinated with the necessary infiastructum to support tliat growth. Particularly significant is the need w assess the ability of both Aubum ' Way and Auburn-Black Diamond Road to support continued inaeases in traflic volumes. Policy III.C. The area between Aubum-Black Diamond Road and the Burlington Northern Railroad iracks is designated as Rwal by the Plan Map. The pr'vnary reason !or this Rival designation is the curtent lack of � urban facilities necessary to suppon urban development Major ; development proposals shall be carefully assessed under SEPA W ensiue ' thaz the developmrnt can be supported by the available facilities. Once properry owners are able to demonstrate to the Ciry that they cmi provide ; urban services(municipal water and sewer service,urban roads and storm water management) necessary to support the intensiry of development reBe ta2a .nm��a�azau I ---- - --_- -_-.—. _. y Comp Plan Map proposed wi[hin the entire area, the Plan designation and zoning for this area should be changed to an wban residential or commercial classification. The appropriate classification(s)shall be detertnined after a review of the development proposal and the per[inent Comprehensive Plan policies. Ec000mic DevelopmeM Strahgy Arcss In 2005 the City of Aubum brought [ogetha a focus goup of diverse business and commimity iMerests ffiaz identified severa� economic developmrnt areas within the City. The focus group's effort is reFlected in an Economic Developmenl Sna7egies docwnent thaz includes strategies and actions needed to affect necessary change Tor specific strategy areas within the city As adoMed bv Resolution No. 3944 Sn ,�OOS�he I ceiaaee:�am��r�a Economic Development SVategies dociunen(identifies_six stra[e�areas._j oakeea:� These economic development st�ate� areas arc targeted for populazion �� p'y�;, and employment growtt�. The boundaries of these ureas will be refineded pay�;� �ub-area plans of the Comorehensive Plan are developed for these �:v�������o���� suategyareasorastheareasdifferentiatedthrou¢hincentivezonine. ��; om��cys�����i��� � In 20I0.the Ci[v Council idrntified two addi6onal economic develooment p�;5 shateev areas and solidified t�,gidea qf ex�n�ing�emen[s of Ehg�Ir�ar� . p�;�,odau� Center desienation�Ltater residrntiai oopulation densiri1i.e.mixed usel. �:�HgnWM clustered non-residerrtial intrnsiN (offices. trtail, servicesl. increased� �Immrnt and mulb-modal transoortation (i.e, walkina transit and F°m'ma'r�eHqnupm Ficvcling�to these economic develooment strateev areas as kev �`�„�'� economic develornnrnt nodes in the Ciri. The olannine horizon for[he � P0""�°���Hqhu�t economic develooment saateev areas focused on the Citv's 20.vear f20311 erowth tareet. _ - rommeeea:xaxqnuyrc `____'_"________""'________'_________________ • ' Famumed: No Wllels v num0eruq,DonY __ albw hmqUq W�m,DcnY aEJust sP� betv�em UIM mq Asim Oa�L OonY aOluR With the Citv Council's Economic Develonment Retreat in 2012. the mexbetwempUenm¢aranumoes,ran uooulation and emplovment �owth puroose of the eieht economic "�b"'"en°�h1��'���81 �� strateev areas is further articulated. A 50.vear olannine horizon and ���TM��uw'�+��r^���'n Aubum Wry NoM Cwndw¶ modified tmundaries were used to correlate the economic develooment n�y,,,,,w.�so,nnc�a� strareev area5 with orioritv business sectors ac follows: u�mocw� Aub�vn Envimnmenul Pak and Cxxn Zorw� I5�Suep$W/C Sbed SW/Wat Vdlq • Aubum E�vironmrnta� Pak and "Green Zone" lthe mnine A�g�"PP1°�� desienation surroundin¢ and suoeortive of the Environmental seaitso-ew�ae•n.��sec,.�,a� Parkl: M Strep SE Mwzn Aubum Wry NaIA md o Healthcare research(orovision and oreventionl: A�°m s°"� o Ecosvstem manaeemrnt("erern eneineerin¢"1; P°^'xe°c B"°e°ea+�e.ec x.upnea rt: n�+uweniac 9ooc o Fducation• o Bio-research facilities:and r�iazs AmendrA 2011 C6apter 14 o Aerosoace (esveciallv aeation of "manufacturin villa es" • Urban Center o Healthcare research(orovision and oreventionl; o Entertainmrnt o Hieh densitv housine:and o Ecosvstem manaeement("ereen eneineerine"1; • Auburn Wav North Corridor jGeneraJly /S'h ST NE to S 27r"sr _�-� samamea:rane�ic and C ST NW to I ST NEI ' r�ormemea;rane�rouc,w�cpe " o Mixed-use of commercial and residemial (retail �:�� emohasisl:and o Entertainmrn[ • Aubum Wav South Corridor/Generallv SR B sou�h ta Auburn ,- ��:�t tmuc W�S and Riverwalk DR SW1 -- r«mateea:wnc trenc o Healthcare research(orovision end orevention): _ �- yrm��;F,nt�uc o Ecosvstem manaeement('•ereen eneineering"1; o Fducation: o Bio-research facilities:and o Aerosoace • 15�treet SW/C Street SW/West Vallev Hi¢hwav/�enerallv Clw� �om�amu:notsuoesvroVSuosaM /8 ro Bovndarv Bou(evard SW and West YLY HW}'to C ST SW) ' ra�memeae rbnr.rtaik o Mixed-use of wmmercial and residential (retail �;��� em h i • A Street SE Corridor f,5',enerally SR !��q„(s`S7'SE and c s�W -- r•amavee:rmt muc to D Sf SEI - - rmnemm:raie nauc,guarsvpc o Hieh Densitv Housine � �;�;y�ik • SE 312'�Street/124�'Avrnue SE C rri Generally SE 31 d°ST _- �;y�;psi� �o SE 314.'".ST and l21'°PL SE to 129.'.AVE SE) _ _ '- v�µ�:r��tmik,5„xrscia o Retail Services �., • M S[reet SE between Aubum Wav Norlh and Aubum uth +° ������ ., PomwlOeO:Pmt IIalk Swesclot o Mixed-ace of commercial and residential (retail and �;���� service emohasisl � FarmaGed:Fant:Ib4c.5�esc*bt Probleme Related "� F0^"°�`F0"����` to Eiisdng Uses PormatOetl:Fonk Iplk,Supersvlpt FamutEetl:F9nt l�ik Wes[ArtlutM Area: South of West Main between the rail lines. Problem: This is an older part of town developed in a pattern of commercial uses along Main Street and residential uses south[o Highway 18. This area is in the Region Serving Area as designated in this Plan. The homes in this area am typically older single family homes ihat have been comerted to multi-family housing. Some may have historic Pege 1426 Aroended 2011 Comp Plan Map significance. Preservation and restom[ion of the existing housing in this area is a priorily. Policy 111.7. This area should be planned for local serving multiple family uses even though it is in the Region Serving Area Aispor!Asea Area: Industrially designated area eact of the Airpon. Pro61em: This area is highly suited for air retated activities. Other industrial type uses are now located here. Policy lIIJ. The City will rncourage use in this area to take advan[age of its proximity to the Airport. Lea Hill Area Area: Area annexed on January I,2008. Problem: The Ciry has been concemed far years thaz the rnpid �owth talcing place within the Lea Hill PAA will ovenvhelm city streets. Through annexazion the City can better manage the amount and type of gowth in this arca and help ensure thaz appropriate infratYructure to support development is provided concurrent with thaz developmrnt. The Aub�nn Ciry Cowcil envisions retaining the predominantly singlo- family charac[er of the Lea Hill area rather than allow the trend of rapidly developing multi-family projects to continue. The Ciry's codes will help ensure that the neighborhood character, traffic and environmentally sensitive featums are ptotected and/or managed. Page ta27 Amrnded 2011 �.�_.._ ___. I ; , � i RESOLUTION NO. 3 S 4 4 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CIN OF AUBURN, WASHINGTON, ADOPTIIVG THOSE ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT STRA7EGIES CONTAINED IN THE CITY OF AUBURN ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT 5TI2ATEGIES BROCHURE WHEREAS, the City broughi together a representative group of local residents, business owners, and community leaders, and WHEREAS, this group of concemed citizens collaborated with the Mayor � and City staH ta identify areas within the City of Auburn capable of sustaining ; economic development, and WHEREAS, this dedicated group continued to work in partnership to propose strategies and actions intended to stimulate economic development � opportunities within the City of Aubum, and WHEREAS, those areas and sirategies developed by those represenhative of the economic development interests in the Aubum community I i are contained in the Economic Development Strategies document, and WHEREAS, it is deemed to be in the public lnterest to o�cially adopt the Economic Development Strategies end undertake actions in the future to bring them to fruition. ' NOW, THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF AUBURN, i � WASHINGTON, IN A REGULAR MEETING DULY ASSEMBLED, HEREWITH ' RESOLVES THAT � Resolutlon No.3944 ; i Novemher 17,20Q5 IPage 1 of 3 — i � Sectien 1. Adoption. The City Council of the City of Aubum hereby adopts those Strategy Areas, Strategies and Logistics contained in the Economic Developmenf Strategies document dated November 14, 2005 attached hereto marked as Exhibit "A" and incorporated herein by thfs reference. Section 2. Util'aaticn. The adopted Economic Development Strategies Document is to provide direction to the City of Aubum for economic development activiry in the future. Section S. 6ffective Date. This Resolution shall take effect and be in full force upon passage and signatures hereon. DATED and SIGNED TMIS �1�'f DAY OF`�2p�rus�, 20Q5. I TY OF AUBURN , � PETER B. LE MAYOR Resolution No.3944 Novemtier 17,2005 IPage 2 of 3 � I N I � ATTEST �� L �_� D 'eile E. Daskam, City Clerk APPR ' A 0 FdRM: ' I I iel 8. Heid, ! City Attorney I I i I i I i Resolulion No.3944 � November 17,200b IPage 3 of S � . iY�- � YC U a-z C n•'�^ R X 'M �-. .z.� v_ x qi �Y �' �a Pf3- �y i����,��,�,yN„Y� '� ��'�Tt�a`�f�-1f3y '4i^3�,zi �YS.�vy't� P "' '� � ,h -c `� e'r � �t' i.? i J'�� �.-T '"a-.�3��iF e';"✓ *SL i�."+ls#`� :�k '�"��5.'u.X y P � :Z''t � �} � 7 �.a s!� t� C ai y�s�e-ft�> -r3 `i-,-: y.�'3X»�. �7. l � x'� -r�c. icZ-� �"i'c ifi ?. r .� - lr. S-� x ry" Sti^�" �`'F�45.,��r� �'t�-r.. �� .�. �r �. .�, �� x�;r-.tsn�s yrti � rsx?y.� ' .., ' �.. .J �� �x5t � �Yahdl. `"' Y �' s�� s .-� ein �-. �"� . x s 3 �r � i�' : SK_ �' 1-._4`f �� F-/y �i^ ,n .ti�s t'�rfi ti t ^ �i{ 3';.r,y,.e� i � x: jh �r r .:. �F t 'E i" �.s. 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' ( � y�a� �� fr�-t a� � n`�, 'Sr+=1=� �' { a$-� ; P = S n _ F 1 �� S � _.r II fi d-[ _ : � .$'>n r :._ t � l �f N p �� Y 1 � Y � 'i ' �. � � 4 ) C � � � q �Y C ,y . � .f1,� N � 1 y <� l 1 y�'� ti ,:r �� t i4y,�'� t� 1 & t..,. +� - » � p�r`�s +8.if e'" ' � � -' - ' ,� r7r!:Y.:� � .t � � � a � Mayor Pete Lewts � � iNTRODUCTION Auburn has great potential. That refrain has been heard for as long as anyone around here can remember Unfortunately, most of � what Auburn has had has been potentiai. That unrealized potentfal has been as ethereal as the dreams it surrounded. However,today, that ts no longer true. Auburn's untapped potential ! is turrting into opportunity. More importantly, it is turning into re- suits. Private sector devefopment,coupled w[th public sector invest- ment, is beginning to flow tnto the downtown. Auburn Regional Medical Center has eacpanded and 1s now planning to expand once again. There is a new Justice Center and new commuter rail station and transit hub in the downtown. After years of effort, Green River Community Col- � lege wfll now locate in downtown Auburn. SaEeway has located its new, state of the art regional distribution facillty in Auburn. Zones, the software rese�ler, has located its corporate headquarters here. Dozens of smaller, less heralded businesses, have opened their doors in Auburn, prwlding jobs for our cit(zens and generating revenue to support the communtty's government and the services it provides. Yet, there is more work to be done and we as a communtty can not rest on our laurels. Eco- nomic development Is essenUai for our community. It provicles the jobs people need, the reve- nue our government must have to operate and the locat access to the goods and servtces our citizens want. Other communities also want these Jobs and revenues. The larger communfties around us are tn the planning stages for new and Empressive pro)ects. Auburn must take the Initiative now or be prepared to continue to dream about its potential. ! As a first step, we have brougM together a focus group of dlverse business and community in- � terests in Auburn.A group of people that have a stake in Auburn turning iis potential into results and the ability to prbvide the leadership needed to turn potential into reality. This group has Identifled four Economic Development Strategy Areas (n our community that need our attention now. Combined with these four areas are recommended economic development strategfes and the actions needed fn order to effect necessary change. The implementation of these strategies � provides our community with the abiiity to unleash that potential that we have all heard so much about for so long. � The following pages detall the Strategy Areas, Targets within the Strategy Areas, the economic ' development stwategies for those areas and the steps for fmpiementatlon. Now is the Ume to ' get onboard,the time to get involved. If we are all will(ng to work together,we can tum underde- ;� veloped areas into the kinds of areas we ali want to have and redevelopable areas into areas in vdhich we want to work, play,shop and 11va. IYs realiy up to ali of us, We have the potential. i Tahle o!Contents i � i MaYatsMazse�o Y TaObofCantent+ 3 NoM FiM SlratapAtea 9 RoEalwn Propeny N�purt EmemtdDOansDihe I � 156nICo�ldor � AuEUmWeyNa�6� NoM Entl SUStepAree Me0 6 IioldmTAanpeSUate�lArea 8 � 1 OoldenTAeepe5trele�ArcaMap 7 UiOanCOnterStratep!Awo B UNaeCenEarSbate�AmaMap B uu�s.sw�cusw�a.e io Supe�61811 Boeing6dnuelSeMmaqtlminlstraUOn � � wescuonoy i xsm sr.sw a,c usw i i avanrdtln{54eleQea io � i iSW St SW&C SL SWSVatep�Area MaD 11 I ASheet3EConldorStmlegyllma 12 � ASUeetSECOMdorStraufl'MaMaP 13 AEPCroenZoneSUalegrMea 14 AEPCreenZaneStrabp�AreaMep 16 i nm„r ca�Y•� In ihi, f.ir..� 1744 phnw��apL..m uul,nunu i¢Iri .�aud..uu��.i nnln�.�J ra� iu -\ul�uni t Vonhcw Pdtdir It:el y.uJ. lu Ihc I�.a9, � ��tnm�d i� thr N��nhcu�I'a:dic 1`ia.Lir6 a���„�drn IniJ„c��'6i�h y�.inn:d�6.�.iil�a�J niih arrr.��u Mh Snr�-i til .md w�nr��Lere 7. �����,i� i9d�ti� S\C�anJ!hh tii_`:\\' '� Imhidrd.nnun:tdn��.ru�nm:n:Limm.��upnacoi.ri.•Nnidi;hin� iLa��n�idmn�cr�h� r.ul).inl. i � � � Nox�ry IiND STRATEGY ARL'A and �1�AtlCL'1' (tR[?AS STRATEGY AREA The Norlb ond Eaonomlo Developma�rt Sbategy Area te bortleretl on the norlh by 277th 8trest,on U�a aoulh by 16th Street NoRhweet,on thewmtbyWfestYdleyH�hwpandonMasmtbylSlreet. WIt6lnMetlargoanddlveroearea,thedlyheeldentl11ad6dINl�tMrget � ereas,emh raryking an Intllvitlual courae M a¢tloa. � ROBERTSON PROPERTY ����a y-�pp�pY • Hlgh�entl Casual Dining. j Attract Poopla from Swrounding Communittoa as well as • Bookstorea. i Aubum. J • Storea Sa111ng Etactronks. ; • MualcStor9s. � e Relal�and Otlice Space. � I AIRPORT Loglstla ' yypp�y • Mod-Priw Resteurem. ' Creeie en F�MrornneM that Attracls Busineanes ro the • Alrpart Related Servicea Area. • Oltice Space at the SW Corner of the Airport. • Aerospsae Releted Llght MenWaetuNng Ratall entl ONlee Space. EMERALD DOWNS ORIVE Lo�ella S7RATE6Y e Mod•Prla Resleurant ; Cepltelize on Daytime Votumas. • Enhance bayllme Populatlon wlth Commerclal/Induatrlel Uses. 1 S7REET CORRIDOR Wg�ada � STRATE6Y o Lunch Cafes arpl 5ervlces. i Colnclde Lo sllcs with I SUeet ExtenWon. . � � Enhanea tha Dayllme Papulalion witb Cammercfa�Uaes. i i — I AUBURN WAY NORTH �ffi�s��� I STpA,TOGY • IdentUy Cmripellble Uaes, I � Redevelopmant of llndemclll�ed Propertles on Key Parcels. �� i Among tha additimia�a¢tlons Ihat heve been suggeated W Impacl lhe(nfluance of lhe I Street expansion are: • Auburn Way lo go ona dlrectlon and I Slreet the athei at Harvey Road • Zona the east side of�Streat in u manner tneE promo[es tha development o(residential,otfice,and�eUremant homes.Creating a Eufler for resWentiei developmant to lhe east. Suggestlons thet hevo aiso been otfared to Improve the airpart arc • A new Maln Entranae to tlie Airyart s ThepossiblqryofaxtendfngtharumvaytoalbwtorNetekeclfofneavleralrcrafl. e TheposalbllltyofenlnaWmeMapproacbinUteWWre. �-�3'�`�������rr.�r`r's,> ��.'r�',s��a..t y.��. ��� �-v';� Y *� n ;� �s,t i x�;�sc.�y'� f ,t; �,.y;,y�'��tt'�r �h�� -�,�- i1- � ..s'z�t�,�7�< �,c�:. f� � . rndk-�i- k�s kh•`��4 '`�` ��:��M € �,� tf_�. ��E"({.�y l�-w,�_�y iwl,��' �}.. � •i`.�.���; r , �+K m��:�i 'S 5 �.:�- �:.5 7�r Y" �....�a � t7_ �: �rt��ea.l��-�,..__� . �. �..,�i� � s5��f�'�.s.;-'�s.�w5'�Y�aF$. „`�.._ ';'.;tC� :.�� ,..�...�1: F R+.�v -.��._�: ,� ,r= - '" ��'� �r �. � ���� _ � � ,, , . ,. � ; _, , ,. � _, � ;� �;� � _ -� i� ��� _ _ � ;, . � i � i 1 = _ �I I =� .� , . . � � � �I - , IVkr� � _, f � - - 1� � � -._ . , , � . . `� � ,� �:�, � _� � � � 1 .I � , Y 1u' � � GOLDEN TRIANGLE STRATEGY AREA I STRATEGY AREA � The OotAen Trlangls Eoonomb Devebpment Slratep Area q Oatleretl on the north by Hl�way 18,on Me wulh antl wes!6y Aubum Way South,antl on tl�a ea�L 6y Dogwootl. To promote ecronomlc devalopmeM withln tlret area,tha Clty hes Identl0ed 4 strate0es to be coupietl wlth a smles M logletloal eltorts intsneed M reimlgorate fhe qrea'a buslneas ollmata _ __. G04DEN TRIANOLE �06�� I I STRAI'EQIE5 • Partnedng Batween lhe Public and Pdvata SeMOr. � ,AttraMPaeaThroughCommuten. • StrateglcPianforthaArea. Civater Compllmentary 9uelnesees and Servteee. • ParticipaGon of Exlating Busineas In Implementatlon and Establish a Cenlral Commerdal Area. Busineas NecrultmenL Enhaece Las Dove Park • Re�stablL9hment of an Elevalad Corridar Over the Rall I Yertl,PaaelDly 8alwean 6tt�St.SE end 151b St.SW. • Promola New Buslnessea—auch as a FUat Class Hotel, i � aroeery Store,BowlfngAliey. '�� • M Street Underpass Davelopment. • Utll�Ze Les�ave Park as the Community's'�CeMrel Park" • Fxpantl Lea Gove Perk out W the boulavard,meklog It M01B 9CCea81b16. Among the atldiGonal acUOns that Iwve been offered to impact the Golden Tdangla Strategy Mea ere: � • Qeallon Of a mo et Les GOVe Rark. • The use of Inclaslonaryzoningto dtsperse low-income housfngand avofd cluste�ing. • Better access to Les Qove Perk irom the East side of the park �� Aubum WaySouth provlde.a a thaoughfare for lhousands of commuters each day. This•pess through"Vaftic reproeanW Ihou- santls ot potontlai customars fa the buslnesses In thls area. The ohallenge Ga ta create an area that encourages potenUal coreum- ers to laka the tima to paVOnixe tha businecses In Ihls area,efther through stopping during thelr commute o�retumtng during lel- sure tima hours. In addition W kattic volumea,the communHy does have several notabla assets. An enhanced Les Gove Park has Ne potantlal W attract a vnriery of peopleimm Nroughout the commuNly. M improved park could atw serve as a catalyst ta the redevelopmenl af several propaNaa. One si�KcaM benettt of an enhanced psrk woWE 6e the ancouragement of the development oi hlgh�end, owner occupied homes,wAkh could also provide e afsble customer bafie far 6usinesses In the eres. � SI�e the area encompasses a vadety ot commercief arM residenllal zoning It Ls wep posilloned to teke edvaniaga of the atrategies proposed for lhe improvement of the erea. i � � � . �L:.. I . s.�� • '�;��� �a�-. r _ �� .m� �`�, ...' `: L r F y}ll t:c, 'h 1.—UCh . _ --seaafiFi'I' e � '�i. 1 .�",'t���y.'�^�.,�._�. NS I_- rve�- p !yu npe�x i'. R (t p��� i°I—"ad �� ` �avI p � . �j. "a � < � �,_, M � � �.'IJ �H.Yr � �%L!F bn1, `�0 e� !'I' &�t� F u b p� � -� Yt9roXGt ��TY� �Id W y �� uFG !� �\ 91� 8'1 IiL MAkh" ��� " . � _x� � � � X 4. PMY.PYj �` � �{._ __' � 9T � WF �F_ ' _M N knt(���. �--�� .� a.x�� � lh p�sr�ns_ •�ununm � 5: � C, �''� �� 1� '� r�rr• 'C s� .:+c_ _ incN � K ��' � " „� ai rl �,� ;,, �a^,�,,> ���� SC1100f. �a n Y r � H3'L � 6 n .1„ , >�.�{. / ! )ak :.{_"'F:n�__�f _�� '_'�"- � � JIAIN_��i..�� jjTo•: -� '� �L ��- 1 .�Y� �� n.n..� y �� E:� ;;{�ri.'yfa'�N �I ,F, � - �, . �� e��e 81I� I �8f:F �� �� � �,��id�T S� �11' y � "1�:' I � �n� I!rd � �� � ." _ Nh ��"�-� .1� � i p �5L` '� , ��5.�. ��.SQ:'.�I�. � � . � � . � � ,.,�� _ l.vta.a.., .u..�. _ __ � -.. i �.,.M ,� I ' -o. 'M —. 1 _ -� _�`i;•t YU � `� _9Sh YS r`J1[�—r '- VTw, ��L^1l�N ( OIL f ip� � tl��i�l"_� ,`\b�P..' I ��' nlli 6! 9�_, 1 �"��u �" 01�.:4F.LRF t` xniYF V�,h �oY'?Y.. I "1� 40V£. 'll"1 LIX6 ��""+.. �mii aTU� dl ` 't�' �P.tRA ��� - '� !q`a� _ m� nc �.d • ' � ruca-� Po�enCal M!T `~. :\. ��i �zu �:�i�i 5'i-t�=':�. �� � DNGIOpR1811t ,��a�n�'- K 1. �� � ��. -�.- POtmtlal acr�rcrc 1�h� y� � + �+ R! �� I y`�k� � -� -tl�u5�I � I gr Fn rani i �Ie�n ae � C.I \� � inw II f t'/lh 3P� '� � �- tln� �rl p�. �1 ��y ��n � b '� \�•_\��' �i I P'u_�� � • ,�ti$ I i � � � � �:� �f �� �) �. ;, i �'s'R�°,gE � `- .vvcnccsrru.,a# � a��9 i_..l�ir�— �r—... k '°°r�r,; T m.��..^ �_ez��a sr s�! � , c�s�n•o � -� - _! i 1ra er:u:e a,r m ee C• I .a.a�y YJt�LbTJ:- � G� ��". �I — ,�a?�aL;I v� ,vF /�- z �a i�Q .w,s �I� S� n' " I__ ���o-l' n4 I� 1�G � . � �"_" M1F. yy p ••flh � �JM.� ,�261t� �I' Y4 � � ��J ?y 'M1iR--� 9 .�.-.b r. un ��- 1 M6pt1� i' yF. � � .`1� ( -�/ + 1�_ 1.. y�,yi� ^�niu ar.J�. I���FS f a,A cl. d �'$ 7Y n ;� �w ( o�� � q. "C�+'*° , " �'60LOW 71tU1HGlP za�n �8� �'�nt �vY:AttraaPwMrou9hmmmubn. CIT1' .'°'�e'�� y�qL o.u Cluster canPlemonbry 6ucMCa�s md scrvlra;aeatln0 a ' u"F aentrd mmntmdal ama Oo altrxC SmMI FasCaTCCP�md ���� . y 2. I I Nox flDm edjeant oommunitlas ti �.,da f —„r �� � I.�_L �.oawo:setr��%eeewaa��ucenaomaees«mR , — � � �wwn a mmnno we�ass a nnvb�,a�na� i f e ��� a�a dm�raovwnenG I � �`�� �- &N9 M Mulnauaa swh u a Ilra[daa hotd� I . ;�� I 9�arY��.boxllnp apey. I ., A4reR htph a�d condmdnWmx � � � � o� � k b��'JOTII C�'Y Ar,v� /i S I �� � L` I .._ _�1 ���N.1Sl L�/� � �� .TlM1� 9T ]E v. wu' I GOL�EN TRIANGLE Riieue, *Note:MIT is an acronym tor Mucklashoot Indlan Tribe Development. URBAN CENTER STRATEGY AREA STRATEGY AREA Tha UrAan CeMe�Skategy Area Irtputlea tha downtmm aree,rougity 6wAerad by 8r0 Streat on the norlh,NlphweY i8 ai ths soutl4 N Stree!Nalhweat on She west antl F SUeet un the eaet whlle aho InoludingMe Nortti Aubum Bu6lnesa Dlstrlot. Tlie NaMh Aubum Buel- neaa Olefrlot abute the downtawn arae antl le moto or loea bortlaretl by S6tA Sdeet NuRhwest on the north,fhe BNSP traob and C Street on the xroat and Aubum Way North on the Emt slde. I URBQB CENTEH ���� y��y . Qua14y Restaurantn,/OuUlde Dining. � Attrect Consumare to the Dovmtown by SeMng as a Piace • A Plaee W Congregate In the Downtotim to Congregate. • Speclalty Shops Declde and Focus on What is tfre Aubum "Brand.' • Nlght�tlme AcGv[tlee. I • Hwpital—CommunityPartrre�shlps. � • Parkin@ Needa.Parktng 6meges Indudatl in Plantred � davetopmen4 j • Bring together DlsparaM(iroups wlth an Interest 1� downWwn Rasurgance. , • Comolidete end Radevelap Propertleswhere Poasible. 1 • Extend the Ciry Hall Plaza at the tntersectim ct Ma�n end DIvL�fon to ereate a community gathering place and doWirtown retereoce palnt. Among iha edditWnal actions tnet have been wggeslod to anhence the Urban Center Stretegylvea Business Enviranmant are: • Enou�Uses to attract peopla and have them spend Gme. � Somethingthet eauses people to gat�er indhe Urban Center. • Eilminate perkMg requirements in the Eowntawn. • Induoe Ne mul[Iple properp�owners of a btock to coila6orate on redeuelnping the 61xk. • DrawTrffifle an S6,Auhurn Wey and 187 tnto the UrDan Center. • Use the modei Tacoma has developed lo merga educeUOn antl tha erts in Auburn. • The Gty to collaborata with anolhar 6ovemment enUty to acquire properttas In tha Urben Centar antl iake the rlsks assocletetl wtth redavalopment. • Where possible,the City elwutd look at Ute acqulaflion of property for doxmtawn redevelopment. i r��'�W af L6 bf URB/WCENTER 4 ° isihstN stratepY:Attract coneumers to the downtown r serdng as e plece M�ngrepate. Lopisllts: 1.ConsollUals Properiy,whole Wodcs where �p poSSWe. nmavnorxwr a.soWh of Safeway to Cross "ie b,Key Bank Bbck �Zm s�N a�Nolh ofJ.CPen�reyApts 2.Erpaiid bus service betwean GRCC and I dowMOwn 3.Keep coltega In mhM when devebpinp � lenguage setvices 4.Quafdy restaurents/outsWa dfning tom si 5.Quaply restaurenis end place to contlre9ate - In the downWwn B.3pec�alty sho{u dedde and Pocus on what Is IheAubum"Brand° 7 NIgM-timeadlWtles 8. ospltaUcomm�mMypeqnersAlps ems�� ' B. aiking needs,parking garagas InGUtletl In > � p netl tlevelopment � I ta Bring ropetherdlsparete��sw Ith an Ima `� In ntown resurgon I an n j i N$ V NfY PoST � � dlh 3l NE � � � x � Z StNE y� M P a a e e 2iW Sl IE � i � LS �i rc»n �� onmu Z �' A g� � V q op z n waw r iatSll E � '� at 1NW �"/ M St en n W � �Y w � � 'x �ce � � � �neu r � LL � � �W Q � Dl 2ntl9t9E T m W � � - � ' � 31d51S � � � P E101 lM110. � bl p pR N � LL 4 3tSE f N IJRBAfV CEiVTE �:�u�sUR` I 15'CI[ S1' S�� & C $T SW S'1'RATECI' r\RG:1 ntid T�\RGI:'1' :\Rf?r1S STRATEGY AREA The 161h Stroat Sautb West aml C StroeS 9outh Weai Eaonomb Development Stre6e�Area repreaenro e lorge nree Mat b e¢onanl• willy dlvene wNh tllffering lanp uaea.The mea h bmderad bylSth Sireai Sculh Weeton the north,on the eoulh 6y 9ouadary Houla vard,9st Awnue NatA end Ellingson Road,a�A on tha waat 6y West Yalley Hlghwey es weli as Pmlmeter Road. To pramMe economlo develoDment wifUln thatarea,th0 Ctiy hea IdeMlOed four ta�gM eteas In conJunatlun wlth lour streMglq and e ae�lea of bglstical eflarh IMOnMd to augmenttha erae's bwlnas dlmeb. SUPERMALL ���n y�Rp�yy • DeveWp a Mall Parking Gerage. Enhance the SuperMall Aroa. • ione Both Sitles o}i6th Streel SW Commercial. . Impmve Htghway 18 and C Street Intersectlon. e Target Buslnessas Such as Hohl end Target • A Mitivanga Restaurant,Such as 011va 6arden. I BOEINO & fiSA lo�et�a ��Y • Menufacturing Rather Than Warahousing for 6mtrig/6SA Attract Naw 8uslnaesaa to the Area. Space. WEST VALLEY ��� ! STFtATEQY • OtlICe,P�0leaetonal ahd Hlgh DenSlty HoUSing dlong West � Davelop tha area wlth usea CreaGng an Adminlatretiva, Vallay Highway. � Professloeal antl Hesitlentlal Erivironment. ibTH ST. SW & C ST. SW ����� STRATEpY • Focus on the Area at C Street and Sth SVaet SW. � Redevelop the Aros Wlth Productive Ueea that Improve the Aree anE OHer New OppoKunities. ( i OVERARCHINCiSTRATEQIES � Severel overarching strategies have been euggasted that wauld ba appliceble to etl the ecarwmlc atrategy areas,theae include: e Raduce partcing requiremeMS il a develoQment wlll do aGuctured parldng. • Bring together bankers entl developars to facllltate 1lnandng surrounding potentlal praJects. • The economic at�ategy deelslons made that wtll attect the Aubum wmmunity muet taka place withln the next 18-24 months. � i .� ; , �� �I � 3rd �k __ ;,'��.�� � l � ath 3l S1t t y� y C:1.1•10�j"=ai,+a /"'"`o) '( � � �fA1£ HYfY' ,1H �'` �. �� K�. „� a � .,.�,� Y� � ( �. n �' �ux l \ � //I`_� i '_qiK"� � I I� w r�. `./ // �.' U� R t a:� �' .1 ' � ` ` ^� r ,:,� �.e.+wm.. i%i �� 9(/PhRA!-i/d. �I I �` �� .,: , -j , � � � , , ,, , � -`� r , ,, � ' — -�—�aiut� ,�— � c s.,. � , _ �a � l({,5�i,, ,. k� sT _..� _� ,•eu ,: , ' �, i�� v r �, � / N Ao � /� ,� I: � .r�, ' SW� . :ON / I � � . .I � /t�ln �pYC. I rr_ �� 'F� . epmq �' I � ;;J. ;j ' � IClhp� � �� �\� i -� A46 \ sl�Olii A4(: V` ; ,I Ij�l a I� DHt Y :\VY. _ � � ' �I � _p"_ ' � I R�/OIRm4 � �� � i ' !11 h� �IYC' Y �� g�' � y � ') ( ; f�`" /JOEl,FL �. � >tL At'B � I fcq`" — I ,� 2: i �\— _' }( c V � 1 \i llRUA7WAI ,'`!a� I � ' � x �i �� j ;` 1 y— ��' '�__\ t:V�1USTRLtI L �� � 0 I � � A5:1� d4):_ Y__ U �i 1z,5' i � �_�i 41�.a1k�\ —_IE''i _ ''�� �� � ' I I l�l � '�c�1'S' V � j , �i � ,�1 z .� I � I z.�n Es�� a ��``fh_ ?1� �' � �� � � i \ � 1 ` � f J I ���' �I�.1?t j. SVi� `.{�11 '(._ � �Iv Y Y �� c. �li �I ' YI I � .�y I .;� �� ?�� �•�: � ��—{ ; � � I �',' ' � � l p� y __ !; � ��� A �, l-- �.��w�a,�. R ;� �,��.�,���� � _ 'r,'� a.De�JOPaNaAVa�YLqdr+OS L I� . Axane6�9dnd15^SLSWCamwrlN � jI'' d.TaOet WA� swtlias�� a i :� v,I`.' e.F9Wanperalaurant,IYe WVeGerOtl1. 3.MenN�Qai1nB reN¢r tl�n�maM1wfhq for !� ].�p011kB��aIMNODdm9bhWtlM J\_I_ ... � ' � �g �,.. JI 1 a.4 :. �� r , ! � SUPERMALL, BOEING, GSA AVe i � � � A S•r S� CaR�t�no� S•i�xn•rrc�� Aiti:r� � STRATEGX AREA ! rna a sheet southeast Eoonomlo oarelopmem Stratogy araa r�arns a large area thet lnaluaoa onlce,retali ana IrnduuJel usas. � Tha erea b 6ordaed hy Hl�way3B on the nortly on the eoutb Cy Ms dp/a munlotpal�oun0ary,on tlre easL py D Sdeet 9E extendetl �� to the Olty's soutMm most 6oundary and on Ihe wae!6y tha reilroad yard aml Hro boundaetos of other Iooal lurlsdlcHooe. To pramota eeonomb developmeM wlthln tt�t a�ea,the qty la propoeingsariral meanlqgfW InitlaNws Including nelgh6odaod InvoNement, etrsngthaning rm�denllal aroas,sxpaadingeommerclal arees antl unMoorywtatad aroa emiexeQon. A STREET SOUTHEAST CORRIDOR ! Lo6�stica y�pp�py • �Protediheeree•sinterinrresldenUalnelgh6orhootla Enhanee the ecaromic vltality oi the A Straet Southeast ��bulfera,traRlc calming anA cul4esara of �m�r. realAeMial etreets. �, . Engage the nelgh6ahood In a allabaeWe ettort to A Street ie a lergery commarolal corridor wlth tha weat alde determine wliare the divtding tlne shculd be Mr axlsting � dominntad by the mii yerd.The east slde le dom�nated by reeldentlel antl c'ammarclal/Industrial usea and IuWre commarclal and residentlel uaea of mlxed quaflty.; eommerdal developmant. Reeognlzing that A Streat is etreatly e hlgN voluma tratHc • Enhanee the commercial vltellry at the area tbrough rnrrldor,addftlonal tralfic ehouW noL 6a used ae e ratbnale changingthe zoning and comp pian d�atlons for ihe to precluda devebpmant TraHtc mitigallon a}torts should RMHP xonad Brea and pokiona af the InAUStrial erea to befocusedontheenhaneementofsafetyalongthe onesupportingmuttFfamilyandtowrlhom0s. corridor,not cepactty. . Promota tha paalion of a landacepe bufter and tmll ( corrltlor along the A Stmet right ot way. i � • Dael wllh lha traHlc eongestlon ebng tha corridor. • AGVOCate the cammarclal redeaelopment of propeRlea along ihe A Straet Southeest eorMdor. • Change the heavy Mtlustrlal zoning to heavy commerclal. • Encouraga Ihe commercial development ot tha eouth end ol the retl yaM. • Facpl�te entl ezpedlte the sale ol any property the ratlroad wlshes to safl lor commeralal deve�opmant e Enwurage e wocentrated expanalon of tha commerclal nnde In the Ndnity o}6th 5!.and A Sk SE. i e Saparale the commerclal development ot Tanaca V19w ham tha realdenGal portlon ot the area ' e Annex those ereas and Islends slnng the eortitlor that should be wltliln tho Clty to provida uniflad planning. � � Imresllgata obtelning tha Hghl of wey needad W tronaform � tbe Segale Haul Road Into a secandary arterlal arM/or I trall when the uaetulnaes o}tha road has endetl. ' • Prlorltize the commerNal devefopmem ot Terrece Vlaw, , a^�,�.--c�r- -�e"'�ry K, ��.a3 �'`� -� �.�s � � c-.�- � t � ¢s :iyt a�+ �� '�d''C�Sr '> �`" � v° -0{� nc s �Yf? -t . f� J ; �it.�� i�'��� )�� �t"''�i-S�r?�v^3sv ,.�i+j'V��I`T.K�.s ��,3�, yk'�'+'l"t Y��cs'd-yZ-'�' +xr`r F.r SAt- . =F,�3 l.fJY �i yf.t z ��„'�t az �. � � g' �s a.y-:a.c. +"' i<Z�,_,,, ,. '�Yi'-t1�a ..^.+�i .M'- t ^l,.�i'�° �`Fa- c. a >`F� ��t.�ir��' � t '.ves- i �- �.�v 'srtt . �, � �° ' � ,,�!v .,^�.,a"���7r _ r„�.�✓.� ..-us �`'s�.r._i�A��.`i..e.s:a.�,. a..�'<3�',�* v -�" ' : 3 M�i�i1.] .X..tE-7n.`., .t? ,ws......� I �'�! I;��ii��la:� -' ��� � : W�� �����l11 �� � ��►.`��.�..��..� �. _ �r -��-��: .:� � ����. �������� ■ .� � ':i� M�,. � I �t =� �I ��V�� . . . . . , ,. ����— � ��� . ��. . �� �! � . �1� � ■,,�<.,;�,: � � � ��; _�z'�� s � .�, ���� � -� v rd� 1.� � , ,�, :,,:.: :� � . � '� � �`� ►,�:� � �1 � � � � �_ =��' � � � . � ��:�.:�� ���+ r � .. , �� �. -. - �� l r � � "' � .� • ' � - ����.�' ����r- .:� �► 1 . _ . . . . . _ AEP GitL�?NZoNi. S�rit��•r�rcY A�tr,� STRATEGY AREA The Aubum EhNroamental Park areonbelt Sdatagy Area reprosm�te a large aree thet Inaludea offlee artd enWronmentally eensltive Induablal ueas.Roughlq,t�e area le 6arderotl on Me nmth hy e Me Rom t4e end W qay StraM to fhe Nall Road traoMs,a Ilm trom YI/mtem to Clay,and West Meln l0187,on the wuth by Hl�xay 18, H Sireet an Ma East wlth 187 and Me Auburn Envlronman�l Paek on the WesL.To promote eeonomlo develoOmaMvAMln Ihat area,the Clq h propostng changes In fhe area's IntlueMal zoning requireme�that vrould roeult In an atmoephere Im1Ung onWronmentaly compatible wa. i � ENVIRONMENTAL PARK QREENBELT �8��p gTpp�py � Bring AEP Improvoments out to the Boulavaro,enabling Create en ewnomlceily enhanced area tha!eomplaments Ihe eammunity anq vlaltors to be awafa ot the AEP the Aubuin EnWrunmentai PaAC and suatalns • Change ras�ttentiaity zonetl areas to IMUStrial. � erivironmentatly sensitive industrles. . Initlats deslgn stsnderds maNing new development � mmpatiblb with the AEP � • Structure tha Md mNng requlremente for the dlatdct to enCOUragO tha attracllon oi anvlronmeMelly�nsltive Indushlea while makirig ezisting deve�opmenf non• ' confarming. • Extend Maln SVeet fmprovemeMS to the area,Inc�uding: SUeet Improvemarrta , LniWacaP��B I 7ra11 CoMdm e Upgrade the Inlrastructure ot the erea. � • Manage the area's Malnage using a regionel � metdodctogy: � • Prepnm}a a second phasa In more densely developed but underu011zed areas adJacent to AEP(#reenbatt StreteBY Area, � I 4 i �_ ���: � _ `�� , • '1l� 781h$�NE 7dlhStNW � '»y � � � a 14N St NW '� ' � ` _. _ � ; � ' , T , - �i � I $ UNSINW i r. `7 I � -, , -- _ .., � I �: g � � � , _ ` I � n�n,��� � � 3. Q' $ � �:nvn�r,u:�.nt:i� .a I F � r'.vl� � ' _, _ _ . �'i tONSINW � � �'s i 81F SI NW -' � i � �� .,,, _ ry;= ''f f, � � � ,.� - - ii �— _'_ � '� - •: ,. - �5.. c+ - _ .._��;�,� ` ; y', ' �hSeNW �� I yp ; Z ° �' Possible �,�,�„ < Phase 2 � � � I I RESIO NTAL ; � S��M' a � < I z � g A � z � INDU 1AL v LL o I W Meln 61 2 � � W � Q 3 � � m � $ w � �a si aw ° Q4 ' '= - `� ;� au,s�sw �PGREENZONE '"'S'9w � � R•+e I � - - src o � � . : - ��tl�._. . � i 1 0 Auburn Environmental Park Greenzone Strategy Area ; �I * ' � �� CITY OF * � `' . . .,--_" s''�i:;:J:�-V .r~ -- ' WASHINGTON i � � I � � i I � - - -- � PNnay9nGncuNWren I 46WcstMaln i FnOUm,WA98001 I Cantecl;IM1eQryolAu6uio0epaMront MPlannl� Phonx263-931-3090 Fai:253�80A-9114 EmaB:ahlcks�,iuWmwa.�v ' AUBUR.� � MORE THAN YOU IMAGINED \ 1 � I I � I i � i � � I I I I I 2012 COMPREHENSIVE PLAN AMENDMENT DOCKET CITY-INITIATED TEXT AMENDMENTS Item Page(s) Area to be changed Change Reason Pros Cons Commenta Reflect new projects and Auburn Sc600l Chapter 5, Capital Facilities remove projects that have P/I'# 1 District Capital (Incorporafed by N/A Incorporate updated been completed as well as None Facilities Plan reference) information updated information related to development activity and projection of Reflect new projects and Dieringer remove projects that have Chapter 5, Capital Facilities School District Incorporate updated been completed as well as P!I'# 2 Ca �� (Incorporared by N/A �nformation u None p reference) pdated information Facilities Plan related to development activity and projection of Reflect new projects and Federal Way remove projects that have Chapter 5, Capital Facilities School District Incorporate updated been completed as well as P/T# 3 Capital (jncorporated by N/A information updated infortnation None Facilities Plan reference) related to development and projecdon of student Reflect new projects and Kent School Chapter 5, Capital Facilities remove projects that have P!1'# 4 District Capital (Incorporated by N/A Incorporate updated been completed as well as None Facilities Plan reference) information updated information related to development activity and projection of COA Ca ital Cha ter 5, Ca ital Facilities Inco Add new projects to the P/T# 5 p P P Miscellaneous amendments �rate updated CFP and remove projects None Coordinated with Facilities Plan (Incorporated by reference) information that have been com leted. Finance Dept. 8/3112012 1 CTTY-IIVITIATED TEXT AMENDMENTS Item Page(s) Area to be changed Reason Pros Cons Commenta Chapter 2 -Update Table 2-3, Chapter 2 -Change Table 2-3 Revise text pages 2-14 thru 2- to update project costs,add I S and Figure 2-6 to be new projects,remove Chapter 2 -Incorporate Comprehensive consistent with updated Table. completed projects, move new projects,remove Comprehensive Transportation Plan- Chapter 5 -Update policies TR projects between future, completed projects, and P/I'# 6 Transportation Chapter 2 -'The Street 19, TR-20 & TR-21 related to pmgrammed and regional reflect project priorities. None Plan System' and Chapter 5 - Level of Service, TR-23 project categories. Chapter 5 - Ensure 'Policies' related to concurrency, TR-28 Chapter 5 -As circumstances consistency with accwate related to Finance, TR-59 change and evolve reflect the policy direction. related to Parking and TR-163 latest and most accurate related to transit. policy direction of the City Comprehensive Plan- Subsequent discussions by the Recognize and focus economic Chapter 3, Land Use; city council, inc12012 retreat, Incorporate latest Comprehensive development suategy areas, P/T#7 Chapter 8, Economic have continued to advance information and increase P�� Development; Chapter 14 especially Environmental Park �d focus the purpose of clarity Comprehensive Plan Map & Green Zone these areas. 8/31/2012 2 CITY-INITIATED MAP AMENDMENTS Item Pa e Area to be chao ed Chan e Reasou Proa Cona Comments Update references and Accurately reflect private Electrical Service Facilities, information shown on this map Ensure document is up-to- CPM # 1 Map Section Map 6.1 of private electrical utility ��'�'�ce providers and the �te and relevant None inf'rastructure location of their infrastructure PRIVATELY- INITIATED MAP AMENDMENTS Item Pa e Area to be chan ed Chan e Reason Pros Cons Comments River Mobile Home Park Applicant seeks to change Owner's request for Comp Plan designations from'Public'to CPA12- and Rezone of adjacent 'High Density Residential' for 0002 Ma Section Map 14.1, Comprehensive property in anticipation of the northem portion of parcel, To be p Plan Map future replacement of 16 units south of mobile home park To be determined determined CPM #2 due to future displacement by for ceplacement of spaces King Co. Reddington Levee displaced by King Co. L.evee Project project. 8l31/2012 3 City of Auburn 2012 Comprehensive Plan Amendment Schedule DRAFT 6-8-12 8-25-12 8-21-12 85-12 10-2-12 10-76-12 70-8-72 11�-12 11-13-12 11-18-12 11-26-12 72-3-72 12,3-72 Staff PCDC PC PC PC PC PCDC PC PCDC PWC PCDC PWC CC Grou 1 • TeM Private Final Study N/A Pubiic Publia Discuss Discuss/Recommendation 'rf PCDC Discussion PCDC Discussion 'rf CouncilAction amendments initiated Direction Session Hearing Hearing or if needed Discussion Recommendation needed • City initiated amendments on Docket continued needed to Council map due if needed amendments • Private initiated amendments Grou 2 • Capital Private Final N!A Study PubBc public Discuss Discuss/R�ommendation 'rf PCDC Discussion PCDC Discussion 'rf Counal Action facilities Plan initiated Direc6on Session Hearing Hearing or ff needed Discussian Recommendation needed • Transporta6on amendments on Docket contlnued needed to Council Plan due ff needed Page 1 of 1 8/31/2012