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Project CP1218 – Auburn Way South Corridor Safety Improvements,
Muckleshoot Plaza to Dogwood St SE
Proposals Due: January 15, 2013
The City of Auburn is soliciting Proposals from qualified consulting teams to provide
professional services for the design, permitting, right of way acquisition, and potentially
construction assistance, at the discretion of the City, for the Auburn Way South Corridor Safety
Improvements, Muckleshoot Plaza to Dogwood St SE project that includes road, signal, storm
drainage, water, transit and pedestrian improvements to approximately 2/3 mile of Auburn Way
South (SR-164), a state route and major arterial. Project CP1218 is a federally funded project
and the prospective consultant will be held to Federal Equal Employment Opportunity (EEO)
requirements. Total estimated project costs are approximately $2,333,000 with design
beginning in the Winter of 2013 and construction being completed in 2015.
The lead consultant shall have:
1. Obtained WSDOT approval of at least two channelization plans within the last 5 years; and
2. Have experience with at least one roadway design on an arterial street with a total project
cost of at least $2,000,000 within the last 3 years; and
3. Have experience on at least two projects involving property acquisition within the last 3
years; and
4. Have obtained NEPA approval on at least two projects within the last five years.
For specific instructions on information to include in the Proposal, refer to the section below
entitled Proposal Elements. Evaluation of the Proposals and ultimate consultant selection is
identified in the section entitled Selection Process and Evaluation Criteria below.
Six (6) copies of the Proposal Package must be submitted on or before 4:00 pm, Tuesday,
January 15, 2013, to the City of Auburn Public Works Department, 25 West Main, Auburn, WA
98001. Proposals shall be sent in a sealed enveloped and clearly marked: “Proposal –
CP1218 Auburn Way South Corridor Safety Improvements, Muckleshoot Plaza to Dogwood St
SE Project” in the lower left corner. Questions regarding this solicitation should be directed to
Leah Dunsdon, Project Engineer, by email only at ldunsdon@auburnwa.gov. Although the use
of subconsultants is recognized as being necessary for a multidiscipline large scale project, the
City’s preference is for the lead consultant to have the majority of the work performed in-house.
Additional information for the projects is available on the City’s website,
Auburn Way South (SR 164) is a regionally significant route and provides important economic
and transportation benefits. As such, the City obtained federal 2012 City Safety Program grant
money to provide improvements to the portion of Auburn Way South from the Muckleshoot
Plaza to Dogwood St SE intersections. The purpose of the project is to improve access
management, provide for u-turns, upgrade transit stops and street lighting, widen Auburn Way
South to accommodate turn lanes and pedestrians and bicycles, upgrade pavement markings,
install countdown pedestrian signals and audible pedestrian push buttons, and upgrade traffic
signals to change the phasing and to improve the visibility of signal heads.
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In addition, the water utility department has plans in the future to master meter the Muckleshoot
Casino site located at 2402 Auburn Way South. This project will include the connections to the
existing water main, pipe, valves, and shutoffs within the project area as needed to avoid future
work within the new roadway improvements to allow for the future master meter project.
The consultant’s scope consists of the survey, design, construction estimates, right of way
and/or easement acquisition, environmental permitting, assembling bid documents, bidding,
and potentially construction assistance of the corridor improvements described below.
SR 164 vicinity Mile Post (MP) 1.65 to vicinity MP 1.84
o Remove and replace portions of the c-curb island to create a longer left turn storage pocket.
SR 164 vicinity MP 1.65 to MP 2.28 (Dogwood St SE)
o Consolidate driveways / accesses.
o Extend medians for access management.
o Eliminate midblock direct left turn movements and provide for u-turns at signalized
o Refresh roadway striping, RPMs, and pavement markings to accommodate widening.
o Mark new bike sharrows and install new share the road signs.
o Relocate utility poles adjacent to the curb.
o Upgrade street lighting that does not meet current standards with standard lighting.
SR 164 MP 1.84 (Muckleshoot Plaza)
o Install yellow retroreflective backplate tape to existing signal head backplates.
o Install new countdown pedestrian signal heads and upgrade to audible pedestrian push
o Install auxiliary mainline signal heads on signal poles.
SR 164 MP 1.84 (Muckleshoot Plaza) to vicinity MP 1.93
o Remove existing c-curb and replace with new c-curb with drainage gaps, RPMs, and
reflectorized tubular markers.
o Construct a raised landscaped island and extend C-curb for access management.
o Widen the roadway to accommodate 14 foot curb lanes.
o Widen sidewalks up to 10 feet within existing right of way.
SR 164 MP 2.07 (Riverwalk Drive SE)
o Widen Auburn Way South (SR 164) to accommodate a second eastbound left turn lane.
o Widen the south leg of Riverwalk Drive SE to accommodate left turn pocket, thru lane, and
right turn pocket with right turn overlap.
o Replace existing traffic signal with a new signal. Includes signal head backplates with
yellow retroreflective tape, flashing yellow left turn arrow operation for Riverwalk Drive SE,
countdown pedestrian signal heads and audible pedestrian push buttons, and auxiliary main
line and side street signal heads.
o Program lead pedestrian interval during periods of peak conflicts with vehicles.
o Construct combined u-turn and transit pullout area on the northwest corner.
o Construct a transit pullout area on the southeast corner.
In addition to the proposed roadway improvements, water utility work will be required to
accommodate the future master meter project. The future master meter improvements will
include installing master meters and reduced pressure backflow assemblies at two locations on
the north side of Auburn Way South to serve the Muckleshoot Casino. The water utility work
that is within the right-of-way, including connections to the existing water main, pipe, valves,
and shutoffs, will be included in this project.
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Besides the work to accommodate the future master meter project and the work to relocate
hydrants as needed due to the roadway improvements, there are no other water system
improvements anticipated to be included in this project.
The project will require new storm system improvements as a result of the widening of the
roadway. Storm drainage water quality and flow control facilities will be consistent with the City
of Auburn’s Surface Water Management Manual. There are no downstream capacity
improvements anticipated to be included in this project.
There are no sanitary sewer improvements anticipated to be included in this project.
The design contract will include project management, geotechnical work, survey, right of way
acquisition documents and negotiations per the Local Agency Guidelines (LAG) manual,
environmental approvals and permitting, preparation of storm water reports per the City of
Auburn’s Surface Water Management Manual and WSDOT Runoff Manual, preparation of
contract plans and specifications, engineering estimates, WSDOT channelization plans, an
archaeology survey, and bidding/construction assistance. The project deliverables include:
A Project Schedule;
Contract documents, including Special Provisions, an Engineer’s Cost Estimate and
Contract Plans including the WSDOT channelization plans for 30%, 70%, 95%, 99%
and final documents; and
Environmental technical information/reports, survey, storm water reports,
geotechnical investigations, channelization plans to meet WSDOT requirements,
NEPA, permitting, and public outreach.
The City would like to have the design for this project started by April 2013, advertisement of
the project in May 2014 and construction to be complete by November 2015.
Each proposal is limited to ten (10) double-sided or twenty (20) single-sided pages (excluding
cover and dividers) (minimum font size 10 arial), and should address the following items relative
to the design and construction of arterial roadways, streetscapes, storm drainage facilities,
traffic signals, street lighting systems, and other project elements:
1. The Project Team, including sub-consultants, experience with similar projects. Please
include the following information: project name, location, a brief description of the project,
the firm’s role in the project, project team member roles in the project, design costs,
construction costs, and a project reference and contact phone number.
2. The identity and qualifications of your proposed Project Team including familiarity with
WSDOT/FHWA standards, environmental permitting, geotechnical design, right-of-way
plans and process, and design efforts. Include any sub-consultants proposed.
3. The Project Team’s project specific approach.
4. The Project Team’s anticipated Project Schedule.
5. Your firm’s process/procedures for providing quality assurance/quality control throughout
the life of the project.
A committee of City personnel will evaluate and rate the proposals, giving equal consideration
to these criteria: Project Team Experience for the Identified Efforts, Project Team
Qualifications, Approach to the Project, Anticipated Project Schedule, and Quality Assurance /
Quality Control Plan.
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Following the evaluation of the Proposals, the City will interview up to three (3) of the
prospective consultants. Those firms selected for interview will have the opportunity to present
their past experience in environmental evaluation and permitting, roadway and storm drainage
design, property acquisition, and overall project approach.
The City’s proposed schedule for Consultant selection, subject to change, is as follows:
Issue Request for Proposals December 11, 2012, December 18, 2012
Deadline for Submittal of Proposals January 15, 2013 @ 4:00 pm
Preliminary Selection of Firms January 24, 2013
Notify Firms Chosen for Interviews January 25, 2013
Consultant Interviews Week of February 4, 2013
Final Selection of Design Firm Week of February 11, 2013
Execution of Consultant Agreement April 2013
The City of Auburn reserves the right to reject any and all Proposals and to waive irregularities
and informalities in the submittal and evaluation process. This solicitation for Consultant
Services does not obligate the City of Auburn to pay any costs incurred by respondents in the
preparation and submission of a Proposal. This solicitation does not obligate the City of Auburn
to accept or contract for any expressed or implied services. Furthermore, the City of Auburn
reserves the right to award the contract to the next most qualified Consultant if the selected
Consultant does not execute a contract within thirty (30) days after the award of the proposal.
Persons with disabilities may request this information be prepared and supplied in alternative
forms by calling 253-931-4013.
The Recipient, in accordance with Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, 78 Stat. 252, 42
U.S.C. 2000d to 2000d-4 and Title 49, Code of Federal Regulations, Department of
Transportation, Subtitle A, Office of the Secretary, Part 21, Nondiscrimination in Federally-
assisted programs of the Department of Transportation issued pursuant to such Act, hereby
notifies all bidders that it will affirmatively ensure that in any contract entered into pursuant to
this advertisement, disadvantaged business enterprises as defined at 49 CFR Part 26 will be
afforded full opportunity to submit bids in response to this invitation and will not be discriminated
against on the grounds of race, color, national origin, or sex in consideration for an award.
Dates of publication in the Seattle Daily Journal of Commerce, December 11, 2012 and
December 18, 2012.
Dates of publication in the Seattle Times, December 11, 2012 and December 18, 2012.