Agenda Subject REZ12-0001, River Mobile Home Park – Zoning
Map Amendment (Rezone)
Date: January 14, 2013
Department: Planning and
Attachments: See listing below Budget Impact: N/A
Administrative Recommendation: Hearing examiner to conduct public hearing and
recommend to City Council approval of the River Mobile Home Park Zoning Map Amendment
(Rezone) without conditions.
AGENT: K. Michael McDowell, Principal
Confluence Environmental Company
146 North Canal Street #111
Seattle, WA 98103
APPLICANT/OWNER: Dean Moser, Managing Director (River Estates Mobile Home Park)
HCA Management
7250 Redwood Boulevard #350
Novato, CA 94945
REQUEST: File No. REZ12-0001
Rezoning of the northern approximately 5.95 acres of a 31.5 acre parcel,
#0004000098 from “P1, Public Use” to “R-MHC, Manufactured/Mobile Home
Community Zone”
LOCATION: The northern approximately 5.95-acres of Parcel #0004000098. Site is located
south of the mobile home park at 3611 “I” ST NE within NE quarter of Section 6,
T 21 North, R 5 East, W.M.
EXISTING ZONING: P1, Public Use District
PLAN DESIGNATION: Moderate Density Residential
SEPA STATUS: A Determination of Non-Significance (DNS) was issued under city file SEP12-
0016 on August 29, 2012. The comment period ended September 12, 2012 and
the appeal period ended September 26, 2012.
Reviewed by Council & Committees: Reviewed by Departments & Divisions: Arts Commission COUNCIL COMMITTEES: Building M&O Airport Finance Cemetery Mayor Hearing Examiner Municipal Services Finance Parks Human Services Planning & D Fire Planning Park Board Public Works Legal Police Planning Comm. Other Public Works Human Resources
Action: Committee Approval: Yes No Council Approval: Yes No Call for Public Hearing ___/___/____ Referred to _________________________________ Until ____/___/____ Tabled ______________________________________ Until ___/___/____
Councilmember: Staff: Dixon
Meeting Date: January 23, 2013 Item Number:
Agenda Subject: REZ12-0001 River Mobile Home Park Zoning Map
Amendment (Rezone)
Date: January 14, 2013
Page 2
The current Comprehensive Plan designation, zoning classification and land uses of the site
and surrounding properties are as follows:
Comprehensive Plan Zoning Land Use
Moderate Density Residential
P1, Public Use Vacant
North Moderate Density Residential
RMHC, Residential Manufactured Home Community
Mobile home park
South Public and Quasi-Public
P1, Public Use Vacant except for overhead electrical transmission lines on lattice towers, an underground water transmission pipeline and constructed storm drainage ponds and naturally occurring wetlands
East Open Space P1, Public Use Green River West High Density Residential
R20, 20 dwelling units per acre
Multiple family residential
and I Street NE
Agenda Subject: REZ12-0001 River Mobile Home Park Zoning Map
Amendment (Rezone)
Date: January 14, 2013
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Agenda Subject: REZ12-0001 River Mobile Home Park Zoning Map
Amendment (Rezone)
Date: January 14, 2013
Page 4
1. The applicant submitted a comprehensive plan map amendment, rezone (zoning map
amendment) and environmental checklist applications on June 8, 2012; the submittal
deadline for processing of annual Comprehensive Plan Amendments.
2. The application was submitted by K. Michael McDowell, Principal, of Confluence
Environmental Company on behalf of Dean Moser, Managing Director, River Estates Mobile
Home Park and HCA Management, Applicant and property owner.
3. The zoning map amendment (rezone) application seeks to change the zoning classification
applicable to the northern 5.95-acres of a parcel (Parcel # 0004000098) located west of the
Green River from “P1, Public Use” to “R-MHC, Manufactured/Mobile Home Community
Zone”. The subject property is located east of the 3400 block of I Street NE and directly
south of the River Mobile Home Park which is addressed as 3611 I Street NE (Parcel #
4. The portion of the parcel requested for change is undeveloped. The balance of the parcel is
undeveloped, except for the overhead electrical transmission lines on lattice towers
(Bonneville Power Administration), an underground water transmission pipeline (Tacoma
Pipeline No. 5) and storm drainage ponds and naturally occurring wetlands.
5. The site does not border public streets.
6. The property is located within the King County portion of the City of Auburn. It was annexed
to City in 1959 by Ordinance No. 1300.
7. The subject property had a “Single Family Residential” comprehensive plan designation and
was zoned “R2, Single Family Residential” since at least 1987. The comprehensive plan
designation was changed to “Public Quasi-Public” and the zoning changed to “P1, Public
Use” after the city’s acquisition of the parcel in 1995 for potential use for future municipal
regional storm water management purposes. The property was acquired by the stormwater
utility division of the City. Subsequent, changes in drainage standards and more specific
storm drainage modeling by the city indicated that the entirety of the parcel was no longer
needed. An update to the City’s Comprehensive Drainage Plan was processed as a
Comprehensive Plan Amendment last year based on this storm drainage modeling of this
drainage basin (CPA11-0003 – P/T#7). The City is in the process of recognizing a portion of
the city-owned property as “surplus” and conducting the public hearing as required under
RCW 35.94.040.
8. The Comprehensive Plan Amendment and related rezoning change have been requested
by the Applicant for the purpose of changing the land use designation. The change is to
facilitate future development of replacement mobile home spaces and the park’s
recreational vehicle parking that will be displaced by King County Reddington Levee setback
and Extension Project. The King County Flood Control District is acquiring the east end of
the mobile home park (and a row of mobile home spaces closest to the Green River) in
order to relocate the levee further west and away from the River and allow additional flood
capacity and river migration area.
Agenda Subject: REZ12-0001 River Mobile Home Park Zoning Map
Amendment (Rezone)
Date: January 14, 2013
Page 5
9. The following explanation of the King County Reddington Levee Extension and Setback
Project is excerpted from the agency website:
(http://www.kingcounty.gov/environment/wlr/sections-programs/river- floodplain-section/capital-
The project
The Reddington Levee Setback and Extension Project, as a component of King County’s
Green River levee system, is part of a larger overall flood management strategy for the
entire Green River. This project will set back and extend the Reddington Levee along the
left (west) bank of the Green River through a portion of the City of Auburn.
The project is proposed in two phases. The first phase is located from Brannan Park
(26th Street Northeast) north to the north boundary of the Plat of Auburn 40 (a.k.a.
Monterey Park) approximately 43rd Street Northeast.
Problem addressed
The project will result in a wider corridor for moving flood flows, and a wider riparian
corridor with enhanced ecological benefits. It will greatly reduce flood risk to residents,
businesses and infrastructure within the City of Auburn and the Green River Valley.
Once the new setback levee is constructed and the existing levee removed, the river
channel will be free to migrate laterally and form new channel patterns in this area.
The project includes approximately 6,600 linear feet (LF) of setback levee. The southern
end of the project includes removing existing rock armoring and the existing levee prism
that is currently sitting along the river’s edge. The northern end of the project will extend
the levee north to 43rd Street Northeast.
Project goals
The Green River basin is located in Water Resource Inventory Area (WRIA) 9. The
WRIA 9 Salmon Habitat Plan identifies actions for the recovery of endangered salmon in
the Green River, including specific project recommendations. The plan calls for side
channel rehabilitation within the Reddington Levee Setback and Extension project plan
area (Project LG-1). The proposed Reddington project not only accomplishes the side
channel reconnection goal, it also removes channel armoring, incorporates engineered
log structures and riparian revegetation, and avoids the use of tide gates thereby
allowing access for juvenile and adult salmonids.
• The Reddington Levee Setback and Extension Project goals are to:
• Reduce flood risks to residents of Auburn and the Green River Valley by:
• Replacing levees that do not meet modern structural design standards and have
a history of seepage problems
• Extending the levee system where no levee currently exists along roughly a mile
of river bank from just north of the River Mobile Home Park to 43rd Street
• Setting back levees to reduce their susceptibility to scour, the forceful removal
and translocation of sediment by heavy water flows
Agenda Subject: REZ12-0001 River Mobile Home Park Zoning Map
Amendment (Rezone)
Date: January 14, 2013
Page 6
• Increasing the flow containment capacity of the levee system beyond 12,000
cubic feet per second
• Improve natural river functions to improve habitat by:
o Setting back levees to allow for more channel movement within the project
o Allowing the river to meander, scour and develop a more complex
ecosystem, which includes formation of rearing habitat for juvenile salmon
o Providing floodplain refuge for fish to avoid high flow velocities
o Protecting existing vegetation and restoring a corridor of native vegetation to
increase shoreline and channel shading, support the riparian food web, and
improve fish and wildlife habitat adjacent to and within the river channel
Project time line
The Phase I project is planned for construction in 2013 and will cover
approximately 6,600 feet of levee.
10. The King County Flood Control District will financially compensate the mobile park owner
and the mobile park residents for the acquisition and displacement consistent with
applicable state and federal laws. As a separate and distinct action from the County’s
project, the mobile park owner seeks to replace the approximately 16 mobile home spaces
and the park’s recreational vehicle parking area that will be displaced by the levee project.
11. Nearly simultaneously with the requested change in comprehensive plan and zoning
designations, the mobile home park owner is negotiating with the City for acquisition of a
portion of this city-owned parcel. Upon successful conclusion of negotiations, a Boundary
Line Adjustment or other method will be required to combine the area of acquisition (the
approximately 5.95 acres) with the existing mobile home park.
12. At its November 7, 2012 public hearing, the Planning Commission reviewed CPM #2 (File #
CPA12-0002) Comprehensive Plan Map amendment to Map No. 14.1 – River Mobile Home
Park (HCA Management) to change the comprehensive plan designation from
“Public/Quasi-Public” to “Moderate Density Residential” of the northern portion of Parcel #
0004000098. The Planning Commission forwarded its recommendation to the City Council.
13. At its December 10, 2012 meeting, the Planning and Community Development Committee
of the City Council reviewed the Amendments and draft Ordinance No. 6440 and
recommended approval, as recommended by the Planning Commission. On December 17,
2012 the City council approved ordinance No. 6440 approving the change in comprehensive
plan designation of the subject property from “Public/Quasi-Public” to “Moderate Density
Residential” of the northern portion of Parcel # 0004000098.
Agenda Subject: REZ12-0001 River Mobile Home Park Zoning Map
Amendment (Rezone)
Date: January 14, 2013
Page 7
14. Pursuant to ACC 18.68.030 and ACC 18.68.040, all applications for a rezone shall be
reviewed by the Planning Director prior to the scheduling of a public hearing. After review of
the application, the Director shall determine which of the following two processes should
occur to properly hear the rezone:
a. If the rezone is consistent with the Comprehensive Plan, then the Hearing
Examiner shall conduct a public hearing on the rezone and make a
recommendation to the City Council pursuant to ACC 18.66.170.
This application is consistent with the comprehensive plan, as outlined below in the
15. Pursuant to ACC 14.07.030 (Notice if open record predecision hearing required) and ACC
14.02.070 (“Project Permit Application” definition) a Notice of Application is required for site
specific rezones and notice of a public hearing shall be given at least 15 days prior to the
public hearing in accordance with ACC 14.07.030 and ACC 14.07.040. A combination
notice of application and public hearing was issued and published in the Seattle Times on
January 8, 2013; this combined notice was mailed to the property owners within 300 feet of
the subject site, and posted on the subject property meeting the notification requirements
16. Per ACC 18.09.010 the intent of the “R-MHC, Manufactured/Mobile Home Community Zone”
district and its application is to site is to provide a residential zone of single-family
manufactured homes exclusively within a planned community. It is further intended that the
R-MHC zone shall only be prescribed in those areas that are bordered on, contain physical
features, or shall be planned and designed as part of a larger development incorporating
other housing types in a manner which limits further expansion into adjacent areas.
17. As identified in ACC 18.09,020, the R-MHC, Manufactured/Mobile Home Community Zone
district classification allows a very limited range of uses, primarily as a manufactured/mobile
home community and their accessory uses. The development standards of the zone are
contained in ACC 18.09.030 and ACC 18.31.190, Supplemental development standards for
residential mobile home communities.
18. A Determination of Non-Significance was issued for the River Estates Mobile Home Park
(HCA Management) Comprehensive Plan Map Amendment and rezone under City File No.
SEP12-0016 on August 29, 2012. No comments were received or appeals filed.
ACC Chapter 18.68 provides certain criteria for approval of a rezone. Following is a staff
analysis of the requested application with the criteria.
1. The rezone must be consistent with the Comprehensive Plan.
Staff analysis: The purpose of the City’s Comprehensive Plan document is to provide a
policy basis for the future zoning changes to ensure that the Comprehensive Plan and
Zoning Ordinance are consistent as required by the following city code section:
Agenda Subject: REZ12-0001 River Mobile Home Park Zoning Map
Amendment (Rezone)
Date: January 14, 2013
Page 8
“ACC 14.22.050 Conformance and consistency.
The zoning, land division and other development codes contained or referenced within
Auburn City Code shall be consistent with and implement the intent of the
comprehensive plan. Capital budget decisions shall be made in conformity with the
comprehensive plan.’
On December 17, 2012 the City council approved ordinance No. 6440 approving the change
in comprehensive plan designation of the subject property from “Public/Quasi-Public” to
“Moderate Density Residential” of the northern portion of Parcel # 0004000098.
The Comprehensive Plan contains policy guidance that relate to this rezone application.
Chapter 14, Comprehensive Plan Map, starting at page 14-5 provides the following purpose
and description of the ‘Moderate Density Residential’ Comprehensive Plan designation:
“Moderate Density Residential
Purpose: To provide a transition between single family residential areas and other
more intensive designations, as well as other activities which reduce the suitability of
potential residential areas for single family uses (such as high traffic volumes). In so
doing, this designation will offer opportunities for housing types which balance residential
amenities with the need to provide economical housing choice, in a manner consistent
with conserving the character of adjacent single family areas.
Description: Moderate density residential areas are planned to accommodate
moderate densities of varying residential dwelling types. Appropriate densities in these
areas shall range from 8 to 10 units net per acre and potentially 16 units per net acre,
where properties have frontage on an arterial or residential collector. Dwelling types
would generally range from single family units to multiple-family dwellings, with larger
structures allowed (at the same overall density) where offsetting community benefits can
be identified. Structures designed to be occupied by owner-managers shall be
encouraged within this designation.
Compatible Uses: Public and quasi-public uses that have land use impacts similar to
moderate to high density residential uses are appropriate within this category. Also, uses
which require access to traffic (such as schools and churches) are appropriate for these
areas. Carefully developed low intensity office, or residentially related commercial uses
(such as day care centers) can be compatible if developed properly. This designation
can include manufactured home parks.
Criteria for Designation: Areas particularly appropriate for such designation are:
1. Areas between single family residential uses and all other uses.
2. Areas adjacent to, or close to, arterials designated in the transportation element.
3. Existing manufactured home parks.
4. Areas sandwiched between higher intensity uses, but not directly served by an
Agenda Subject: REZ12-0001 River Mobile Home Park Zoning Map
Amendment (Rezone)
Date: January 14, 2013
Page 9
5. Urban infill areas not appropriate for single family uses but also not capable of
supporting higher density uses.
Considerations Against Applying this Designation: Areas to generally be avoided
by moderate density residential designations include:
1. Areas surrounded by lower density uses.
2. Areas more appropriate for commercial or higher density uses due to traffic or
extensively developed public facilities.
3. Areas within the Region Serving Area designated by this Plan (except as
otherwise provided by the Plan).
4. Any areas not planned to be served by water and sewer systems.
Appropriate Implementation: This designation can be implemented by three zones:
1) R-10: Permits 10 dwelling units per net acre. The zoning allows single family
dwellings and duplexes as permitted uses. Multiple-family dwellings, some residential
supporting uses, and professional offices as part of a mixed-use development may be
permitted as conditional uses.
2) R-16: Permits 16 dwelling units per net acre. The zoning allows for a variety of
housing types, including single family, duplexes, and multiple-family dwellings and
mixed-use development.
3) R-MHC: Manufactured/Mobile Home Community permits the development of
manufactured home parks on property that is at least 5 acres in size. The base density
is 10 dwelling units per net acre.”
The requested zoning change would make the zoning classification of the portion of the property
consistent with the recent change in comprehensive plan designation.
Also, in Chapter 3, Land Use, the Comprehensive Plan document provides various policies
which promote additional residential development in order to meet community and growth
management goals. The following excerpted policies support residential development and this
zoning change:
“LU-13 The City should promote the provision, preservation and maintenance of
adequate housing for the city's residents by encouraging a balanced mix of housing
types and values appropriate to the income levels and lifestyles of area residents.
Auburn has always been willing to accept its "fair share" of low and moderate cost
housing opportunities. However, this has translated into a great disparity in Puget Sound
communities with cities such as Auburn receiving more of these types of housing than
other comparable communities. This has had impacts in terms of the costs of meeting
human service needs as well as some poorly maintained multifamily properties which
have caused a variety of problems. Auburn will work to insure that housing units are
equitably distributed across the region in terms of both physical location and cost.”
Agenda Subject: REZ12-0001 River Mobile Home Park Zoning Map
Amendment (Rezone)
Date: January 14, 2013
Page 10
“LU-24 The development of residential areas should recognize the importance of
community and public facilities in developing a sense of neighborhood and community.”
“LU-37 Siting of moderate density units shall be encouraged as a buffer between
single family areas and more intense uses. Such buffering is appropriate along arterials
where existing platting prevents effective lot layout for single family units. Also, such
buffering is appropriate between single family areas and commercial and industrial uses.
Where there are established single family areas, the design and siting of moderate
density units shall be controlled to reduce potential conflicts and to ensure buffering of
uses. Higher density units are not to be considered such a buffer.”
The city-owned property requested for change does not border a public street and is bordered
by overhead electrical lines and underground water lines. Thus, the existing configuration does
not lend itself to a wide variety of uses, but is suitable for replacement of housing stock that is
being lost to the levee project. The replacement of the mobile homes is consistent with the
Comprehensive Plan policies of supporting diversity and preservation of housing and
maintaining neighborhoods.
In addition Chapter 3, Land Use, recognizes the value of manufactured home and mobile home
parks. The Plan recognizes that mobile home parks serve a community purpose of filling a
need for affordable housing. The section entitled “manufactured homes” identifies these
specific areas and specifically recognizes and addresses the need within the city as follows:
“Manufactured Homes Manufactured homes provide affordable housing to many
Auburn residents. In many cases, they provide the opportunity of home ownership to
households which cannot afford to purchase more traditional types of housing.
However, poorly designed, high density manufactured home parks can raise the same
issues that multiple family developments pose. Careful design and placement of
manufactured housing in parks especially with appropriate landscaping, can greatly
reduce problems associated with such development.
This Plan's policies continue to recognize the benefits that manufactured homes can
have on housing affordability. Improved codes requiring high standards for the design
and siting of manufactured home parks and units on individual lots should be
Objective 7.6 To continue to allow manufactured homes as an affordable form of home
ownership, provided that such developments are carried out in a manner which supports
rather than detracts from the quality of the community and adjacent uses.
LU-39 The siting of new manufactured home parks shall be subject to the same policies
applicable to high density residential development. Manufactured home park densities
should not exceed 8 units per acre. New manufactured home parks shall be bordered or
contained by physical features, or planned and designed as part of a larger development
incorporating other housing types in a manner which limits further manufactured home
park expansion into adjacent areas.”
The request allows the continuation of manufactured homes as a more affordable form of
home ownership.
Agenda Subject: REZ12-0001 River Mobile Home Park Zoning Map
Amendment (Rezone)
Date: January 14, 2013
Page 11
2. The rezone must be initiated by someone other than the City in order for the
Hearing Examiner to consider the request.
Staff Analysis: The rezone application was submitted by K. Michael McDowell, Principal, of
Confluence Environmental Company on behalf of Dean Moser, Managing Director, River
Estates Mobile Home Park and HCA Management.
3. Any changes or modifications to a rezone request made by either the Hearing
Examiner or City Council will not result in a more intense zone than the one requested.
Staff Analysis: The requested rezone change, from “P-1, Public Use” district, to “R-MHC,
Manufactured/Mobile Home Community Zone”, will not result in a more intense zone.
In addition, Washington case law has identified other criteria for rezone applications (see
Parkridge v. Seattle, 89 Wn.2d.454; 573 P.2d 359 (1978) (conditions must have changed since
the original zoning was established and the proposed rezone must bear a substantial
relationship to the general welfare of the community); Ahmann-Yamane, LLC v. Tabler, 105 Wn.
App. 103, 111 (2001) (proponents of a rezone must establish that conditions have substantially
changed since the original showing and that the rezone must bear a substantial relationship to
the public health, safety, morals or welfare; provided, that a showing of a change of
circumstances has occurred is not required if a rezone implements the Comprehensive Plan.)).
a. Conditions in the area must have changed since the original zoning was
Staff Analysis: The rezone proposal implements the comprehensive plan land use
designation for the subject property. As mentioned under the Findings of Fact, a
comprehensive plan map amendment was processed in 2012 and approved by the City
Council Ordinance No 6440. The proposed rezone would adjust the zoning of the property
to correspond and be consistent with the comprehensive plan designation. Showing of a
change of circumstances has occurred is not required if a rezone implements the
Comprehensive Plan.
b. The proposed rezone must bear a substantial relationship to the general
welfare of the community.
Staff Analysis: The property is currently undeveloped vacant land. Rezoning the subject
property to R-MHC, Manufactured/Mobile Home Community Zone will match the zoning
district to the comprehensive plan designation. As noted above, Chapter 3, Land Use, the
Comprehensive Plan document provides various policies which promote additional
residential development in order to meet community and growth management goals. The
change will benefit the community and general welfare.
Based upon the application, Findings of Fact, and Conclusions of the staff report, staff
recommends that the Hearing Examiner recommend to the City Council approval of the
rezone with no conditions.
Agenda Subject: REZ12-0001 River Mobile Home Park Zoning Map
Amendment (Rezone)
Date: January 14, 2013
Page 12
Staff reserves the right to supplement the record of the case to respond to matters and
information raised subsequent to the writing of this report
Exhibit 1 Staff Report
Exhibit 2 Completed Rezone Application Form and materials (REZ12-0001)
Exhibit 3 Legal Description
Exhibit 4 Vicinity Map
Exhibit 5 Zoning map showing the current and proposed zoning
Exhibit 6 Aerial Photograph
Exhibit 7 Determination of Non-Significance (File No. SEP12-0016)
Exhibit 8 Ordinance No. 6440 approved December 17, 2012
Exhibit 9 Combined Notice of Application and Public Hearing document
Exhibit 10 Affidavits of posting, mailing, and publication (3 documents).
146 N Canal St, Suite 111 Seattle, WA 98103 www.confenv .com
To: Jeff Dixon, City of Auburn
cc: Dean Moser, HCA Management
From: Kerrie McArthur and Mike McDowell
Date: August 15, 2012
Re: Comprehensive Plan Map Amendment Request for 3460 I Street
Figure 1 – Site Vicinity
Figure 2 – Proposed Zoning Change Area
Comprehensive Plan Map Amendment Application
SEPA Submittal Application
SEPA Environmental Checklist
On behalf of HCA Management (HCA), we are requesting a Comprehensive Plan Map Amendment to
change the Comprehensive Plan designation for the approximately northern half of the property
located at 3460 I Street NE (Tax Parcel No. 000400-0098) (Figures 1 and 2). Currently the property is
designated as public/quasi-public on the Comprehensive Plan Map and zoned as P1 (Public Use
District). We are requesting the designation be changed to Moderate Density Residential on the
Comprehensive Plan Map and zoned as RMHC (Residential Manufactured/Mobile Home Units). This
request is being made because a significant change in conditions on adjacent properties is scheduled to
occur in 2012-2013 (King County 2012). Specifically, this change is necessary because of the proposed
condemnation of about 16 mobile homes (approximately 4 acres) in the River Home Mobile Park (zoned
RMCH) located directly north of subject property, by King County. King County plans on condemning
these properties as part of their Reddington Levee Setback and Extension Project (Levee Project). The
Levee Project is designed to reduce flood risks to residents of Auburn and the Green River Valley and
improve natural river functions to improve habitat for species listed under the Endangered Species Act
(King County 2012).
The River Home Mobile Park development is owned and managed by HCA. The mobile homes slated
for condemnation by King County are mostly occupied by low-income senior citizens; and HCA would
like to be able to offer these residents another nearby location on which to move their homes. To
accomplish this, HCA is requesting the Comprehensive Plan designation change from public/quasi-
public to moderate density residential in the approximately northern 6.36 acres of 3460 I Street NE
(Figure 2). This change would allow HCA to negotiate with the City of Auburn (City) for acquisition of
Mr. Jeff Dixon
August 14, 2012
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the property (City storm drainage utility-owned property), pursue a zoning change for this area, and
develop mobile home pads and associated infrastructure (i.e., roads and utilities) so that the
condemned mobile home residents can be relocated and stay within the River Home Mobile Park
community. In addition to the 16 homes proposed for condemnation, HCA would also need to relocate
up to 4 additional homes to provide roads and utilities to the area.
The exact timing of the negotiation with the City for the property purchase, and the precise location of
the portion of the property to be purchased is unknown at this time, as the property purchase is
dependent upon approval of the Comprehensive Zoning change. However, according to King County
(2012), construction of the new levee is set to begin in 2013 and HCA hopes to be able to relocate the
residents before construction occurs in the vicinity.
This request is consistent with the goals and objectives of the Comprehensive Plan, and the Plan will
remain internally consistent. Currently, there are 1,665 acres zoned as P1, or 8.47% of the total land
within the City (Auburn 2011). Although this change would reduce the area zoned as P1 by 6.36 acres,
the percentage change of the total P1 area would be negligible: a 0.04% reduction to 8.43%. Thus, the
zoning change on this parcel is consistent with the goals and objectives of the Comprehensive Plan and
the Plan will remain internally consistent. Additionally, the area on HCA property proposed for
condemnation (about 3 acres), while not owned by the City, would meet the City’s definition of open
space: land that will remain undeveloped or only lightly developed (a trail, for instance) and will be
managed to protect and enhance the natural environment (Auburn 2011).
The requested zoning change would not increase the amount of homes in the area, rather the zoning
change would allow for relocation of existing homes within the neighborhood. Therefore, the zoning
change would not result in a change in the capacity for the City to provide adequate services nor would
there be any anticipated impacts from the proposed change.
If you have any comments or questions, please feel free to contact us :
Kerrie McArthur, 206-999-6201, kerrie.mcarthur@confenv.com
Mike McDowell, 206-356-6624, mike.mcdowell@confenv.com.
Auburn (City of Auburn). 2011. City of Auburn Comprehensive Plan. City of Auburn, Planning and
Development, WA.
http://www.auburnwa.gov/business/planning_development/Comprehensive_Plan.asp (accessed
May 31, 2012).
King County. 2012. The Reddington Levee Setback and Expansion Project. King County, Water and
Land Resources Division, Seattle, WA http://www.kingcounty.gov/environment/wlr/sections-
(accessed May 31, 2012).
Mr. Jeff Dixon
August 14, 2012
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1066-001 RME Comp Plan-Written Statement 08182012.doc
K:\69-Development\2012\691204 - River Home Mobile Park\Legals\LEGAL DESCRIPTION.docx
A portion of the northeast quarter of Section 6, Township 21 North, Range 5 East, W .
M., in King County, Washington, being more particularly described as follows:
Commencing at the northwest corner of said Section 6;
Thence S 88º53’01” E along the north line of said Section 6, a distance of 2245.36 feet
to the west line of George E. King Donation Land Claim #40;
Thence S 00º31’08” W along said west line 937.42 feet to the northwest corner of River
View Estates – Mobile Home Park as recorded in Record of Survey in Volume 11 of
Surveys, Page 253 under recording number 197801319003;
Thence continuing S 00º31’08” W 727.13 feet;
Thence S 89º23’12” E 250.00 feet;
Thence S 00º31’08” W 200.00 feet to the south line of Government Lots 15, 14, and 8;
Thence east along south line of said Government Lot, S 89º23’12” E 655.75 feet to the
True Point of Beginning;
Thence S 00º19’20” W 118.04 feet;
Thence S 66º43’16” E 18.11 feet;
Thence S 89º23’12” E 171.68 feet;
Thence S 30º06’10” E 144.39 feet;
Thence S 57º03’19” E 18.21 feet;
Thence S 89º23’12” E 407.23 feet;
Thence N 25º26’59” E 75.89 feet;
Thence S 89º23’12” E 535.52 feet;
K:\69-Development\2012\691204 - River Home Mobile Park\Legals\LEGAL DESCRIPTION.docx
Thence N 11º56’13” E 193.80 feet to the south line of said Government Lots;
Thence westerly along the south line of said Government Lots, N 89º23’12” W 1290.80
feet to the True Point of Beginning.
See attached Exhibit
Written by: JPC
Checked by: JPC
FILE NO. SEP12-0016 CPA12-0002 & REZ12-0001
Printed Date:
Information shown is for general reference
purposes only and does not necessarily
represent exact geographic or cartographic
data as mapped. The City of Auburn makes no
warranty as to its accuracy.
Map Created by City of Auburn eGIS
CPM#2, CPA12-0002, River Mobile Park
Printed Date:
Information shown is for general reference
purposes only and does not necessarily
represent exact geographic or cartographic
data as mapped. The City of Auburn makes no
warranty as to its accuracy.
Map Created by City of Auburn eGIS
WHEREAS, the City of Auburn, on August 18, 1986, adopted a
Comprehensive Plan by Resolution No 1703 which includes a Map establishing the
location of the Comprehensive Plan Land Use Designations throughout the City; and
WHEREAS, on April 17, 1995, the City of Auburn adopted Comprehensive
Plan Amendments by Resolution No 2635 to comply with the Washington State
Growth Management Act; and
WHEREAS, the City of Auburn on September 5, 1995, reaffirmed that action
by Ordinance No 4788; and
WHEREAS, the City of Auburn published in the Seattle Times and Auburn
Reporter an advertisement that the City was accepting comprehensive plan
amendment applications and established a deadline for submittal of June 8, 2012;
WHEREAS, the City of Auburn received three privately-initiated amendment
map amendments (File Nos. CPA12-0002, CPA12-0003 & CPA12-004); and
WHEREAS, the City of Auburn initiated two map amendments and seven text
amendments (File No CPA12-0001), and
Ordinance No 6440
December 4, 2012
Page 1
WHEREAS, Comprehensive Plan map and text amendments were processed
by the Planning and Development Department as proposed Year 2012 amendments
to the City of Auburn Comprehensive Plan; and
WHEREAS, maintaining a current Capital Facilities Plan is required in order to
meet regulations of the Growth Management Act under RCW 36 70A, and
WHEREAS, the environmental impacts of the Year 2012 Comprehensive Plan
amendments were considered in accordance with procedures of the State
Environmental Policy Act; and
WHEREAS, the proposed amendments were transmitted to the Washington
State Department of Commerce, Growth Management Services Division and other
State agencies for the 60-day review period in accordance with RCW 36 70A.106,
WHEREAS, after proper notice published in the City's official newspaper at
least ten (10) days prior to the date of hearing, the Auburn Planning Commission on
October 16, 2012, November 7, 2012, and November 20, 2012, conducted public
hearings on the proposed amendments, and
WHEREAS, at the public hearing the Auburn City Planning Commission heard
public testimony and took evidence and exhibits into consideration, and
WHEREAS, thereafter the Auburn City Planning Commission made
recommendations to the City Council on the proposed Year 2012 Comprehensive
Plan map and text amendments, and
Ordinance No. 6440
December 4, 2012
Page 2
WHEREAS, on November 26, 2012, the Planning and Community
Development Committee of the Auburn City Council reviewed the Planning
Commission's recommendations; and
WHEREAS, on December 3, 2012, the Public Works Committee of the
Auburn City Council reviewed the Planning Commission's recommendations, and
WHEREAS, on December 3, 2012, the Finance Committee of the Auburn City
Council reviewed the Planning Commission's recommendations; and
WHEREAS, on December 10, 2012, the Planning and Community
Development Committee of the Auburn City Council made a recommendation to the
City Council; and
WHEREAS, on December 17, 2012, the Auburn City Council considered the
proposed Comprehensive Plan amendments as recommended by the City of Auburn
Planning Commission.
Section 1 The 2012 Comprehensive Plan city-initiated Map Amendments
CPA12-0001) are adopted and approved as set forth in Exhibits "A" and "B" as
attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference The City Clerk shall file
Exhibits "A" and "B" along with this Ordinance and keep them available for public
Section 2. The 2012 Comprehensive Plan Text Amendments (CPA12-
0001), including the amendments to the City of Auburn Comprehensive
Ordinance No 6440
December 4, 2012
Page 3
Transportation Plan (Chapters 2, "The Street System" and Chapter 5, "Policies"), and
various amendments to Chapter 14, "Comprehensive Plan Map" of the Auburn
Comprehensive Plan are adopted and approved as set forth in Exhibit "C" attached
hereto and incorporated herein by reference. The City Clerk shall file them along with
this Ordinance and keep them available for public inspection. The full text of the
Capital Facilities Plan of the City and the four school district's Capital Facilities Plans
are adopted with the City's Comprehensive Plan, copies of which shall be on file with
the Office of the City Clerk. The City Clerk shall file them along with this Ordinance
and keep them available for public inspection. Council adopts both the Planning
Commission's recommendations, dated October 16, 2012, as amended by the Public
Works on December 3, 2012, the Planning Commission's recommendations, dated
November 7, 2012, and the findings and conclusions outlined in the December 4,
2012, staff report, attached as Exhibit "D"
Section 3. Application CPA12-0002, River Mobile Home Park and HCA
Management Comprehensive Plan Map Amendment, requesting a land use
designation change from "Public and Quasi-Public" to "Moderate Density Residential"
for a portion of the property identified by parcel number 0004000098 is approved as
set forth in Exhibit "E" attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference. Council
adopts both the Planning Commission's November 7, 2012 recommendations, and
the findings and conclusions outlined in the December 4, 2012, staff report, both
attached as Exhibit "D"
Ordinance No. 6440
December 4, 2012
Page 4
ZIOZ '7jagwaoaa
sepa4oe4e4loq 'Nodalgels 'Z10Z '17jagwaoaaa4luipau!llnosuo!snlouoopue
s6ulpul; eqjpuesuo!lepuawwooai 'Z10Z 'LjagwanoNs,uo!sslwwo06u!uuelda4l
sldopepouno0 -amaja;ajAqu!aja4palejodjooulpueolaja4papepe „„ l!q!gx3ui
g1JOJlassepanoiddes! OZZ00778117pUe '91200778117 '90Z0077817 '00Z00778117
9610044867 '981001717817 '08100417867 'OL1001717817 '0910017178117 '991001717817
091001717817 '97100778117 'sjagwnulaoiedAqpa!l!luaplsa!lJadoidanlanN
jo; ,oilgnd-!sen0pueo!lgnd„ of „leguap!saa 4!sua446!H„ wa; abue4ouolleu6!sap
asnpuelabu!lsenbaipue9L000L8989pUe90000L8989 'sjagwnulaoied
qpalpluap! sal}iadoidomljo; ,o!lgnd-!sen0pueoggnd„ O1 „leguap!saa@31;40„ w04
abue4ouolleu6!sepasnpuela6ullsenbai 'luawpuewydealveldan!suagajdwoo
8017 'oN10!Jlslaloogogwngny '7000-Z1b'dOuolleollddy •9u0110as
lsenbais!4lwa; sllnsaiveldan!sua4aidwo0
941u! 9bue4oON „Q„ llq!4x3sepa4oe4e4loq 'liodajIlels 'Z1OZ '7jagwaoa4a4l
uipeu!llnosuolsnlouoopuesbu!pu!; a4lpueuo!lepuawwooajZ60Z 'OZjagwanON
olaaa4pa40elle „d„ l!q!4x3ulqPO; lassepaluaps! Z8169MZ60jagwnulaoiedAq
pal;lluep! Aliadoidajo; „leguap!saljAl!suaa46!H„ of „leguaplsalAl!we3al6uls„ wwl
96ue4ouo!leu6!sepasnpuelabu!lsenbai 'luawpuawydelNueldanlsuagajdwo0
4adwdalloo-1Awypuewe!ll!M '£000-Z1Vd0uo!leo!lddy •17u0140as
Section 6. The 2012 Comprehensive Plan amendments modify the
Comprehensive Plan adopted on August 18, 1986, by Resolution No 1703 and
adopted by Ordinance No 4788 on September 5, 1995
Section 7 The adopted Comprehensive Plan as amended is designated as a
basis for the exercise of substantive authority under the Washington State
Environmental Policy Act by the City's responsible environmental official in
accordance with RCW 43.21C 060
Section 8. If any section, subsection, sentence, clause, phrase or portion of
this Ordinance or any of the Comprehensive Plan amendments adopted herein, is for
any reason held invalid or unconstitutional by any Court of competent jurisdiction,
such portion shall be deemed a separate, distinct and independent provision, and
such holding shall not affect the validity of the remaining portions thereof
Section 9. The Mayor is hereby authorized to implement such administrative
procedures as may be necessary to carry out the directions of this legislation to
include incorporating into one document the adopted Comprehensive Plan map and
text amendments, attached hereto as Exhibit "A", Exhibit "B", Exhibit "C", Exhibit "D"
Exhibit "E", and Exhibit "G" preparing and publishing the amended Comprehensive
PASSED- DEC 17 2012
APPROVED- DEC 17, 2012
Ordinance No. 6440
December 4, 2012
Page 6
Peter B Lewis
Dani le E. Daskam,
City Clerk
niel B Hei ,
City Attorney
Ordinance No 6440
December 4, 2012
Page 7
Exhibit A
Colored Map No 6 1, "Electrical Service Facilities" with updated
references and information
Please see "Comp Plan Map Amendments" tab in the working binder)
Ordinance No 6440
December 4, 2012
Page 8
Exhibit B
New Colored Map No 14 3, "Economic Development Strategy
Areas" with references and information
Please see "Comp Plan Map Amendments" tab in the working binder)
Ordinance No. 6440
December 4, 2012
Page 9
Exhibit C
The Auburn, Dieringer, Federal Way and Kent School District
Capital Facilities Plans,
City of Auburn Capital Facilities Plan,
Amendments to the City of Auburn Comprehensive
Transportation Plan,
Chapters 2, "The Street System" and
Chapter 5, "Policies"
and various amendments to the Auburn Comprehensive Plan
Chapter 14, "Comprehensive Plan Map"
See "Comp Plan Policy/Text Amendments" tab in the working binder)
Ordinance No 6440
December 4, 2012
Page 10
Exhibit D
Agenda bill/staff report dated December 4, 2012,
Ordinance No. 6440
December 4, 2012
Page 11
Exhibit E
Colored map which is a detail of Map No 14 1, "Comprehensive
Plan'; showing the change from "Public and Quasi-Public" to
Moderate Density Residential" for property identified by parcel
number 0004000098 for River Mobile Home Park (HCA
Please see "Comp Plan Map Amendments" tab in the working binder)
Ordinance No. 6440
December 4, 2012
Page 12
Exhibit F
Colored map which is a detail of Map No 14 1, "Comprehensive
Plan", showing a change from "Single Family Residential' to
High Density Residential" for property identified by parcel
number 0921059132 for William and Amy Locke
Please see "Comp Plan Map Amendments" tab in the working binder)
Ordinance No 6440
December 4, 2012
Page 13
Exhibit G
Colored map which is a detail of Map No 14 1, "Comprehensive
Plan", showing the change from "Office Residential' to "Public
and Quasi-Public" for properties identified by the following two
parcel numbers. 6858700005 and 6858700015 and a change
from "High Density Residential' to "Public and Quasi-Public" for
properties identified by the following twelve parcel numbers.
4184400145, 4184400150, 4184400155, 4184400160,
4184400170, 4184400180, 4184400185, 4184400195,
4184400200, 4184400205, 4184400215, and 4184400220 for
the Auburn School District No 408
Please see "Comp Plan Map Amendments" tab in the working binder)
Ordinance No. 6440
December 4, 2012
Page 14
Page 1 of 12
Agenda Subject REZ12-0004, Auburn School District
Zoning Map Amendment (Rezone)
Date: January 14, 2013
Department: Planning and
Attachments: See listing below. Budget Impact: N/A
Administrative Recommendation: Hearing Examiner to conduct public hearing and
recommend to City Council approval of the Auburn School District Zoning Map Amendment
(Rezone) without conditions.
AGENT: Camie Anderson, Senior Associate
Shockey Planning Group, Inc.
2716 Colby Avenue
Everett, WA 98201
APPLICANT/OWNER: Jeffrey L. Grose, Executive Director of Capital Projects
Auburn School District No. 408
915 Fourth Street NE
Auburn, WA 98002
REQUEST: File No. REZ12-0004
Rezoning of two parcels totaling approximately 0.63 acres located SE of the
Auburn High School from “RO, Residential Office”, to “I, Institutional”, and to
change 12 parcels totaling approximately 1.74 acres located NW of the high
school from “R20, Residential 20 dwelling units/acre” to “I, Institutional”.
LOCATION: The request involves two physically separate locations; two parcels located SE of
the high school and twelve parcels located NW of the high school. The address
of the high school is 800 4th Street NE.
Reviewed by Council & Committees: Reviewed by Departments & Divisions: Arts Commission COUNCIL COMMITTEES: Building M&O Airport Finance Cemetery Mayor Hearing Examiner Municipal Services Finance Parks Human Services Planning & D Fire Planning Park Board Public Works Legal Police Planning Comm. Other Public Works Human Resources
Action: Committee Approval: Yes No Council Approval: Yes No Call for Public Hearing ___/___/____ Referred to _________________________________ Until ____/___/____ Tabled ______________________________________ Until ___/___/____
Councilmember: Staff: Dixon
Meeting Date: January 23, 2013 Item Number:
Agenda Subject: REZ12-0004 Auburn School District
Zoning Map Amendment (Rezone)
Date: January 14, 2013
PARCELS: The addresses of the southeast (SE) corner parcels are:
6858700005 - 803 E MAIN ST
6858700015 - 815 E MAIN ST
The addresses of the Northwest (NW) corner parcels are:
4184400145 - 502 3RD ST NE
4184400150 - Not available (vacant)
4184400155 - Not available (vacant)
4184400160 - 512 3RD ST NE
4184400170 - Not available (vacant)
4184400180 - Not available (vacant)
4184400185 - Not available (vacant)
4184400195 - 523 2ND ST NE
4184400200 - Not available (vacant)
4184400205 - 513 2ND ST NE
4184400215 - 505 2ND ST NE
4184400220 - 206 E ST NE
EXISTING ZONING: SE corner – two parcels totaling 0.63 acres zoned “RO, Residential
NW corner – twelve parcels totaling 1.74 acres zoned “R2O, Residential
20 dwelling units/acre.”
PLAN DESIGNATION: SE corner – two parcels totaling 0.63 acres designated “Public
and Quasi-Public”
NW corner – twelve parcels totaling 1.74 acres designated “Public and
SEPA STATUS: A Determination of Non-Significance (DNS) was issued under city file
SEP12-0021 on September 4, 2012. The comment period ended
September 18, 2012 and the appeal period ended October 2, 2012. No
appeals or comments were received.
Agenda Subject: REZ12-0004 Auburn School District
Zoning Map Amendment (Rezone)
Date: January 14, 2013
The Comprehensive Plan designation, zoning designation and land uses of the site and
surrounding properties are as follows:
Comprehensive Plan
Land Use
Parcels SE of
High School
Parcels NW
of High
SE of
NW of
Parcels SE
High School
Parcels NW of
High School
Public and
Public and
20 d.u. per
and medical
Single Family &
Multiple Family
Residences, &
Public/ Quasi-
Institutional High School
School District
Swimming Pool,
Parking Lot &
offices &
offices and
High School
Public/ Quasi-
High Density
20 d.u. per
High School
Single Family &
Multiple Family
Residences &
Agenda Subject: REZ12-0004 Auburn School District
Zoning Map Amendment (Rezone)
Date: January 14, 2013
1. The Comprehensive Plan map amendment, rezone (zoning map amendment) and
environmental checklist applications were accepted on June 8, 2012, the submittal deadline
for processing of annual Comprehensive Plan Amendments.
2. The application was submitted by Camie Anderson, Senior Associate, Shockey Planning
Group on behalf of Jeffrey Grose, Executive Director of Capital Projects, Auburn School
District, Applicant.
3. The zoning map amendment (rezone) application seeks to change the zoning classification
of fourteen parcels; two parcels totaling approximately 0.63 acres located SE of the Auburn
High School from “RO, Residential Office” to “I, Institutional” and to change 12 parcels
totaling approximately 1.74 acres located NW of the high school from "R 20, Residential 20
dwelling units/acre" to "I, Institutional." The sites are SE and NW of the high school
addressed as 800 4th ST NE, Auburn.
Agenda Subject: REZ12-0004 Auburn School District
Zoning Map Amendment (Rezone)
Date: January 14, 2013
4. The 2 parcels totaling 0.63 acres located SE of the Auburn High School contain an existing
professional office and a medical office. At the time of the rezone application submittal, the
District had acquired the property or is in the process of acquiring and has secured the
property owner’s permission to file this application.
5. The 12 parcels totaling approximately 1.74 acres located NW of the school, are either
vacant or contain a single family or multiple family residence. At the time of the rezone
application submittal, the District had acquired the property or is in the process of acquiring
and has secured the property owner’s permission to file applications with the City.
6. The request seeks to change the designation of 14 parcels; 2 parcels totaling 0.63 acres
located SE of the Auburn High School and 12 parcels totaling approximately 1.74 acres
located NW of the high school. The parcels requested for change are each rectangular in
shape and have been previously platted.
7. The two parcels totaling 0.63 acres located SE of the Auburn High School are bordered to
the south by developed East Main Street designated by the City as a ‘Minor Arterial’ street
within a 60- foot right-of-way. The 12 parcels totaling approximately 1.74 acres located NW
of the high school, considered together border the developed right-of-way of E Street NE
designated as a ‘Local Residential’ street within a 60-foot right-of-way.
8. NW of the high school, the one-block length of public alley between the 12 parcels,
(extending east from E Street NE approximately midway between 2nd and 3rd Street NE) and
the one block portion of 2nd street NE located south of the 12 parcels have been requested
by the School District to be vacated. (City File # V1-12). The vacation was approved by city
council on December 17, 2012 by Ordinance No. 6431.
9. The property is located within the King County portion of the City of Auburn and is within the
original incorporated boundary of the City (circa 1890).
10. The 2 parcels totaling 0.63 acres located SE of the Auburn High School have had a
“Residential Office” comprehensive plan designation and were zoned RO, Residential Office
since 1987.
11. The 12 parcels totaling approximately 1.74 acres located NW of the school have a “High
Density Residential’ comprehensive plan designation and were zoned R4, Multiple Family
Residential (and subsequently amended to R20, 20 dwelling units per acre) since 1987.
12. As indicated by the Applicant’s narrative submitted with the application, the Comprehensive
Plan Amendment and related rezoning have been requested for the purpose of changing the
land use designation of the property to ensure the ability for future redevelopment. The
comprehensive plan map amendment and rezone are requested for the purpose of
facilitating the ‘Auburn High School Modernization and Reconstruction Project’. The
following information on the Auburn High School Modernization and Reconstruction Project
originates from the School District website:
“Project Information
• Auburn High School was built in 1950 and expanded five times since then.
Agenda Subject: REZ12-0004 Auburn School District
Zoning Map Amendment (Rezone)
Date: January 14, 2013
• The school provides excellent programs and extensive community facilities but
does so in an aging building that is no longer cost-effective to operate and
• To address this situation, Auburn School District is working on the design of a
modernized and reconstructed facility at Auburn High School.
Project History:
• In 2005, an Auburn School District Citizen’s Ad Hoc Committee recommended
the school district replace any building if the cost to modernize the facility
exceeds 70% of the cost of a new building.
• In 2008, Auburn School District completed an in-depth assessment of all of its
buildings and found that Auburn High School:
fails to meet many of the school district’s facility standards,
is beyond its economic life span and not cost-effective to remodel, and
should be replaced because the cost to remodel the school exceeds 70%
of the cost of a new building.
Project Design:
• The modernized and reconstructed school will be built at its current location
between East Main Street and 4th Street NE.
• The project will replace all of the buildings on campus except for the PAC
(Performing Arts Center) and Auto Shop.
• The PAC, Auto Shop and grounds will be modernized.
• The new facility will be similar in size and student capacity to the current school.
• The building will be brick, with a classic and timeless appearance.
• The construction work will be phased so students can safely remain on campus
during the construction project.
Important Design Features:
• A new and prominent front entry on East Main Street.
• Direct access to and easily visibility of the PAC and Main Gym from 4th Street
• Expansion of on-site parking stalls from 315 to over 600.
• Large parking lot adjacent to the Main Gym, PAC and Auburn Pool directly
across the street from Auburn Memorial Stadium.
• Off-street bus loading area.
• New synthetic turf baseball and softball fields.
• All buildings under one roof.
• Improved energy efficiency.
• New classroom and building technology.
• A large student commons.
Agenda Subject: REZ12-0004 Auburn School District
Zoning Map Amendment (Rezone)
Date: January 14, 2013
• Modernized PAC with a new front entry plaza and drop-off area, new lobby and
delivery area, new theater seats, upgraded lighting and sound systems, improved
access for the disabled, seismic upgrades, and more restrooms.
Project Schedule:
• A bond issue will be submitted to the voters on November 6, 2012 to provide
funding for the project.
• If a bond issue passes in November 2012, construction will start in 2013 and be
completed in phases with the last phase finished in 2016.”
13. At its November 7, 2012 public hearing, the Planning Commission reviewed CPM #4 (File
No. CPA12-0004) Map amendment to Map No. 14.1 – Auburn School District No. 408 to
change the comprehensive plan designation from “Residential Office” and “High Density
Residential” to “Public and Quasi-Public” of the 14 parcels. The Planning Commission
forwarded its recommendation to the City Council.
14. At its December 10, 2012 meeting, the Planning and Community Development Committee
of the City Council reviewed the Amendments and the draft Ordinance No. 6440 and
recommended approval, as recommended by the Planning Commission. On December 17,
2012 the City council approved Ordinance No. 6440 approving the change in
comprehensive plan designation of the subject properties to “Public and Quasi-Public”.
15. Pursuant to ACC 18.68.030 and ACC 18.68.040, all applications for a rezone shall be
reviewed by the Planning Director prior to the scheduling of a public hearing. After review of
the application, the Director shall determine which of the following two processes should
occur to properly hear the rezone:
a. If the rezone is consistent with the Comprehensive Plan, then the Hearing
Examiner shall conduct a public hearing on the rezone and make a
recommendation to the City Council pursuant to ACC 18.66.170.
This application is consistent with the comprehensive plan, as outlined below in the
16. Pursuant to ACC 14.07.030 (Notice if open record predecision hearing required) and ACC
14.02.070 (“Project Permit Application” definition) a Notice of Application is required for site
specific rezones and notice of a public hearing shall be given at least 15 days prior to the
public hearing in accordance with ACC 14.07.030 and ACC 14.07.040. A combination
notice of application and public hearing was issued and published in the Seattle Times on
January 8, 2013; this combined notice was mailed to the property owners within 300 feet of
the subject site, and posted on the subject property meeting the notification requirements.
17. Per ACC 18.44.010, the stated intent of the “I, Institutional” zoning district is to provide an
area where educational, governmental, theological, recreational, cultural and other public
and quasi-public uses may be allowed to develop. It is further intended these areas be
significant in scope which will allow a combination of uses which may not be permitted
outright within other zones. This district is not intended to include those smaller or singular
public uses which are consistent with and permitted in other zones.
Agenda Subject: REZ12-0004 Auburn School District
Zoning Map Amendment (Rezone)
Date: January 14, 2013
18. As identified in ACC 18.44,020, -025 and -030, the “I, Institutional” zoning classification
allows a very limited range of uses, primarily as public-serving uses and their accessory
uses. The development standards of the zone are contained in ACC 18.44.050.
19. A Determination of Non-Significance (DNS), the environmental review decision required
under the State Environmental Policy Act (SEPA), was issued for the Auburn School District
Comprehensive Plan Map Amendment and Rezone under City File No. SEP12-0021 on
September 4, 2012. No comment letters were received in response to the issuance of the
environmental review decision.
ACC Chapter 18.68 provides certain criteria for approval of a rezone. Following is a staff
analysis of the requested application with the criteria.
1. The rezone must be consistent with the Comprehensive Plan.
Staff analysis: The purpose of the City’s Comprehensive Plan document is to provide a
policy basis for the future zoning changes to ensure that the Comprehensive Plan and
Zoning Ordinance are consistent as required by the following city code section:
“ACC 14.22.050 Conformance and consistency.
The zoning, land division and other development codes contained or referenced within
Auburn City Code shall be consistent with and implement the intent of the
comprehensive plan. Capital budget decisions shall be made in conformity with the
comprehensive plan. “
On December 17, 2012 the City Council approved Ordinance No. 6440 approving the
change in comprehensive plan designation of the subject properties from the “Residential
Office” and “High Density Residential” comprehensive plan designations to the
“Public/Quasi-Public” comprehensive plan designations.
The Comprehensive Plan contains the policy guidance that relate to this application.
Chapter 14, Comprehensive Plan Map, starting at page 14-8 provides the following purpose
and description of the “Public and Quasi-Public” Comprehensive Plan designation:
“Public and Quasi-Public
Purpose: To designate areas of significant size needed to provide public and
quasi-public services to the community.
Description: This category includes those areas which are reserved for public
or quasi-public uses of a developed character. It is intended to include those of a
significant extent, and not those smaller public uses which are consistent with
and may be included in another designation. Public uses of an industrial
character, such as the General Services Administration, are included in the
industrial designation. Streets, utilities and other public activities supporting
other uses are not considered separate uses and are not so mapped. This
designation includes large churches, private schools and similar uses of a quasi-
public character. Developed parks are also designated under this category.
Agenda Subject: REZ12-0004 Auburn School District
Zoning Map Amendment (Rezone)
Date: January 14, 2013
Compatible Uses: Uses more appropriately designated under another category
should not be designated under this category, irrespective of ownership.
Industrial and commercial uses which are affiliated with and managed by
educational institutions for vocational educational purposes may be classified as
a public use and permitted on a conditional basis.
Criteria for Designation: Designation of these areas should be consistent with
the character of adjacent uses.
Appropriate Implementation: This designation will generally be implemented
by three zones:
1) P-1 (Public Use) District provides for the location and development of
public uses that serve the cultural, educational, recreational and public
service needs of the community.
2) I (Institutional Use) District provides for similar uses, but includes schools
and typically allows a much broader list of uses.
3) LF (Landing Field) District provides for the operation and management of
the Auburn Municipal Airport.
The designation can also be implemented as a conditional use under various
zones. Approval of these types of uses (and open space uses), not individually
designated on the Plan Map, under a conditional use permit or rezone consistent
with or related to adjacent zoning, shall not be considered inconsistent with the
designations under this Plan.” (Emphasis added)
The requested change would make the zoning classification of the 14 parcels consistent
with the Comprehensive Plan designation. The property is adjacent to other parcels already
designated for and/or developed with public school facilities and zoned “I, Institutional”. It is
adjacent to the approximately 28-acre property (parcel # 1821059082) containing the
Auburn High School and Performing Arts Center (PAC) and the 4.3-acre parcel (Parcel #
1821059060) containing Washington Elementary School. So the request seeks to expand
the existing area zoned “I, Institutional”.
Also, in Chapter 3, Land Use, and Chapter 5, Capital Facilities, the Comprehensive Plan
document provides various policies which relate to this request and meeting community and
growth management goals. The following excerpted policies support this requested zoning
“Chapter 3, Land Use
Objective 8.1 To maintain and enhance all viable and stable residential neighborhoods.
LU-42 Regulatory decisions in all residential neighborhoods shall result in maintenance
or enhancement of the neighborhood’s residential character.
a. The location of uses other than those permitted outright shall only be allowed as
specified in this comprehensive plan and in the zoning code.
Agenda Subject: REZ12-0004 Auburn School District
Zoning Map Amendment (Rezone)
Date: January 14, 2013
b. Approval of any non-residential land use shall occur only after a public hearing
c. The City recognizes the important role that public facilities (such as sidewalks,
neighborhood parks and elementary schools) and limited scale quasi-public uses (such
as smaller churches and daycare centers) play in maintaining viable residential
d. Single family detached residential neighborhoods should be protected from
intrusion by non-residential or large scale multi-family uses.” (emphasis added)
As a “public facility” in this context, this policy statement of the comprehensive plan recognizes
the important role that public facilities or quasi-public facilities such as schools contribute to
residential neighborhoods. The proposal to expand the existing I, Institutional zoning
classification by rezoning these parcels to facilitate redevelopment of the high school is
consistent with this policy.
“Chapter 5 Capital Facilities
To maximize public access and provide for the appropriate location and development of
public and quasi-public facilities that serve the cultural, educational, recreational,
religious and public service needs of the community and the region.
Objective 14.1. To site public buildings in accord with their service function and the
needs of the members of the public served by the facility.
CF-63 Public and quasi-public facilities which attract a large number of visitors (City
Hall, museums, libraries, educational, permit or license offices, and health or similar
facilities, etc.) should be sited in areas which are accessible (within 1/4 mile) by transit.
CF-65 The location of religious institutions, private schools, community centers, parks
and similar public or quasi-public facilities shall be related to the size of the facility and
the area served. City-wide facilities should be sited in visible and accessible locations.
CF-66 Small public or quasi-public facilities intended to serve one or two residential
neighborhoods may be located within a neighborhood. Larger public or quasi-public
facilities intended to serve mainly Auburn residents or businesses shall be located along
major arterial roads within the Community Serving Area of Auburn, however, elementary
schools should be given flexibility to locate along smaller roads. Buffering from adjacent
land uses may be required.
The request to change the designation to “I, Institutional” is consistent with these policies since
the property is close to transit, related to the surrounding area served and located along an
arterial street (East Main Street) to be sufficiently publicly accessible. The change is for
redevelopment of the high school which is within a ¼ mile of transit. The location is within ¼
mile of bus lines and bus stops along Auburn Way North (Northbound stop at 4th ST NE &
Auburn WY N – Serving Routes 152, 180, 910, & 919)(Southbound stops at 2nd ST NE &
Agenda Subject: REZ12-0004 Auburn School District
Zoning Map Amendment (Rezone)
Date: January 14, 2013
Auburn WY N and 5th ST NE & Auburn WY N – Serving Routes 152, 180, 910, & 919)
according to website information.
The requested change is to facilitate redevelopment of the high school and build upon the
significant existing capital investment in the site. Redevelopment of the site capitalizes on the
existing location that is appropriate and accessible and serves the student population and
community. The high school and performing arts center are bordered by an arterial street (East
Main St) and a non-residential collector (4th Street NE). In fact, the project will be provide “A
new and prominent front entry on East Main Street”, the arterial classified street.
2. The rezone must be initiated by someone other than the City in order for the
Hearing Examiner to consider the request.
Staff Analysis: The rezone application was submitted by Camie Anderson, Senior Associate,
Shockey Planning Group on behalf of Jeffrey Grose, Executive Director of Capital Projects,
Auburn School District No. 408, Applicant.
3. Any changes or modifications to a rezone request made by either the Hearing
Examiner or City Council will not result in a more intense zone than the one requested.
Staff Analysis: The requested rezone change, from “RO, Residential Office” and “R20,
residential 20 dwelling units/acre” to “I, Institutional” zone, will not result in a more intense zone.
In addition, Washington case law has identified other criteria for rezone applications (see
Parkridge v. Seattle, 89 Wn.2d.454; 573 P.2d 359 (1978) (conditions must have changed since
the original zoning was established and the proposed rezone must bear a substantial
relationship to the general welfare of the community); Ahmann-Yamane, LLC v. Tabler, 105 Wn.
App. 103, 111 (2001) (proponents of a rezone must establish that conditions have substantially
changed since the original showing and that the rezone must bear a substantial relationship to
the public health, safety, morals or welfare; provided, that a showing of a change of
circumstances has occurred is not required if a rezone implements the Comprehensive Plan.)).
a. Conditions in the area must have changed since the original zoning was
Staff Analysis: The rezone proposal implements the comprehensive plan land use
designation for the subject property. As mentioned under the Findings of Fact, a
comprehensive plan map amendment was processed in 2012 and approved by the City
Council Ordinance No 6440. The proposed rezone would adjust the zoning of the property
to correspond and be consistent with the comprehensive plan designation. Showing of a
change of circumstances has occurred is not required if a rezone implements the
Comprehensive Plan.
b. The proposed rezone must bear a substantial relationship to the general
welfare of the community.
Staff Analysis: Rezoning the subject property to I, institutional will match the zoning district
to the comprehensive plan designation. As noted above, Chapter 3, Land Use, the
Comprehensive Plan document provides various policies to meet community and growth
Agenda Subject: REZ12-0004 Auburn School District
Zoning Map Amendment (Rezone)
Date: January 14, 2013
management goals. The zoning change and high school project will benefit the community
and general welfare.
Based upon the application, Findings of Fact, and Conclusions of the staff report, staff
recommends that the Hearing Examiner recommend to the City Council approval of the
rezone with no conditions.
Staff reserves the right to supplement the record of the case to respond to matters and
information raised subsequent to the writing of this report
Exhibit 1 Staff Report
Exhibit 2 Completed Application Form (REZ12-0004) and materials
Exhibit 3 Vicinity Map
Exhibit 4 Zoning map showing the current and proposed zoning
Exhibit 5 2007 Aerial Photograph
Exhibit 6 Determination of Non-Significance (File No. SEP12-0021)
Exhibit 7 Ordinance No. 6440 Approving Comprehensive plan Amendment, dated
December 17, 2012
Exhibit 8 Combined Notice of Application and Public Hearing document
Exhibit 9 Affidavits of posting, mailing, and publication (3 documents)
SEP12-0021, CPA12-004 & REZ12-0004
Printed Date:
Information shown is for general reference
purposes only and does not necessarily
represent exact geographic or cartographic
data as mapped. The City of Auburn makes no
warranty as to its accuracy.
Map Created by City of Auburn eGIS
2 N D S T N E
3 R D S T N E
2 N D S T N E
Inf orm a tion s ho w n is f or ge n e ra l r e fe r e nc e p ur po se s only a n d d oe s n ot ne c e s s a rily re p re s e nt e xa c t ge o gra p hic or c a rto gra phic da ta a s m a p pe d . T he C ity of A ub ur n m a ke s n o w a rra n ty a s to its a c c u ra c y .
M a p ID : 4 152
R E Z 1 2 -0 0 0 4 - P r o p o s e d Z o n i n g D e s i g n a t i o n
0 46 92 138 184 230
2 N D S T N E
1 S T S T N E
2 N D S T N E
3 R D S T N E
Existing Zoning
Proposed Zoning
C2 Central Business District
DUC Downtown Urban Center
I Institutional Use District
R7 Residential 7 DU/Acre
R20 Residential 20 DU/Acre
RO Residential Office District
Auburn City Limits
Parcels Pr inte d O n: 1/16 /20 13
CPM #4, CPA12-0004, Auburn School Dist #408
Printed Date:
Information shown is for general reference
purposes only and does not necessarily
represent exact geographic or cartographic
data as mapped. The City of Auburn makes no
warranty as to its accuracy.
Map Created by City of Auburn eGIS
WHEREAS, the City of Auburn, on August 18, 1986, adopted a
Comprehensive Plan by Resolution No 1703 which includes a Map establishing the
location of the Comprehensive Plan Land Use Designations throughout the City; and
WHEREAS, on April 17, 1995, the City of Auburn adopted Comprehensive
Plan Amendments by Resolution No 2635 to comply with the Washington State
Growth Management Act; and
WHEREAS, the City of Auburn on September 5, 1995, reaffirmed that action
by Ordinance No 4788; and
WHEREAS, the City of Auburn published in the Seattle Times and Auburn
Reporter an advertisement that the City was accepting comprehensive plan
amendment applications and established a deadline for submittal of June 8, 2012;
WHEREAS, the City of Auburn received three privately-initiated amendment
map amendments (File Nos. CPA12-0002, CPA12-0003 & CPA12-004); and
WHEREAS, the City of Auburn initiated two map amendments and seven text
amendments (File No CPA12-0001), and
Ordinance No 6440
December 4, 2012
Page 1
WHEREAS, Comprehensive Plan map and text amendments were processed
by the Planning and Development Department as proposed Year 2012 amendments
to the City of Auburn Comprehensive Plan; and
WHEREAS, maintaining a current Capital Facilities Plan is required in order to
meet regulations of the Growth Management Act under RCW 36 70A, and
WHEREAS, the environmental impacts of the Year 2012 Comprehensive Plan
amendments were considered in accordance with procedures of the State
Environmental Policy Act; and
WHEREAS, the proposed amendments were transmitted to the Washington
State Department of Commerce, Growth Management Services Division and other
State agencies for the 60-day review period in accordance with RCW 36 70A.106,
WHEREAS, after proper notice published in the City's official newspaper at
least ten (10) days prior to the date of hearing, the Auburn Planning Commission on
October 16, 2012, November 7, 2012, and November 20, 2012, conducted public
hearings on the proposed amendments, and
WHEREAS, at the public hearing the Auburn City Planning Commission heard
public testimony and took evidence and exhibits into consideration, and
WHEREAS, thereafter the Auburn City Planning Commission made
recommendations to the City Council on the proposed Year 2012 Comprehensive
Plan map and text amendments, and
Ordinance No. 6440
December 4, 2012
Page 2
WHEREAS, on November 26, 2012, the Planning and Community
Development Committee of the Auburn City Council reviewed the Planning
Commission's recommendations; and
WHEREAS, on December 3, 2012, the Public Works Committee of the
Auburn City Council reviewed the Planning Commission's recommendations, and
WHEREAS, on December 3, 2012, the Finance Committee of the Auburn City
Council reviewed the Planning Commission's recommendations; and
WHEREAS, on December 10, 2012, the Planning and Community
Development Committee of the Auburn City Council made a recommendation to the
City Council; and
WHEREAS, on December 17, 2012, the Auburn City Council considered the
proposed Comprehensive Plan amendments as recommended by the City of Auburn
Planning Commission.
Section 1 The 2012 Comprehensive Plan city-initiated Map Amendments
CPA12-0001) are adopted and approved as set forth in Exhibits "A" and "B" as
attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference The City Clerk shall file
Exhibits "A" and "B" along with this Ordinance and keep them available for public
Section 2. The 2012 Comprehensive Plan Text Amendments (CPA12-
0001), including the amendments to the City of Auburn Comprehensive
Ordinance No 6440
December 4, 2012
Page 3
Transportation Plan (Chapters 2, "The Street System" and Chapter 5, "Policies"), and
various amendments to Chapter 14, "Comprehensive Plan Map" of the Auburn
Comprehensive Plan are adopted and approved as set forth in Exhibit "C" attached
hereto and incorporated herein by reference. The City Clerk shall file them along with
this Ordinance and keep them available for public inspection. The full text of the
Capital Facilities Plan of the City and the four school district's Capital Facilities Plans
are adopted with the City's Comprehensive Plan, copies of which shall be on file with
the Office of the City Clerk. The City Clerk shall file them along with this Ordinance
and keep them available for public inspection. Council adopts both the Planning
Commission's recommendations, dated October 16, 2012, as amended by the Public
Works on December 3, 2012, the Planning Commission's recommendations, dated
November 7, 2012, and the findings and conclusions outlined in the December 4,
2012, staff report, attached as Exhibit "D"
Section 3. Application CPA12-0002, River Mobile Home Park and HCA
Management Comprehensive Plan Map Amendment, requesting a land use
designation change from "Public and Quasi-Public" to "Moderate Density Residential"
for a portion of the property identified by parcel number 0004000098 is approved as
set forth in Exhibit "E" attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference. Council
adopts both the Planning Commission's November 7, 2012 recommendations, and
the findings and conclusions outlined in the December 4, 2012, staff report, both
attached as Exhibit "D"
Ordinance No. 6440
December 4, 2012
Page 4
ZIOZ '7jagwaoaa
sepa4oe4e4loq 'Nodalgels 'Z10Z '17jagwaoaaa4luipau!llnosuo!snlouoopue
s6ulpul; eqjpuesuo!lepuawwooai 'Z10Z 'LjagwanoNs,uo!sslwwo06u!uuelda4l
sldopepouno0 -amaja;ajAqu!aja4palejodjooulpueolaja4papepe „„ l!q!gx3ui
g1JOJlassepanoiddes! OZZ00778117pUe '91200778117 '90Z0077817 '00Z00778117
9610044867 '981001717817 '08100417867 'OL1001717817 '0910017178117 '991001717817
091001717817 '97100778117 'sjagwnulaoiedAqpa!l!luaplsa!lJadoidanlanN
jo; ,oilgnd-!sen0pueo!lgnd„ of „leguap!saa 4!sua446!H„ wa; abue4ouolleu6!sap
asnpuelabu!lsenbaipue9L000L8989pUe90000L8989 'sjagwnulaoied
qpalpluap! sal}iadoidomljo; ,o!lgnd-!sen0pueoggnd„ O1 „leguap!saa@31;40„ w04
abue4ouolleu6!sepasnpuela6ullsenbai 'luawpuewydealveldan!suagajdwoo
8017 'oN10!Jlslaloogogwngny '7000-Z1b'dOuolleollddy •9u0110as
lsenbais!4lwa; sllnsaiveldan!sua4aidwo0
941u! 9bue4oON „Q„ llq!4x3sepa4oe4e4loq 'liodajIlels 'Z1OZ '7jagwaoa4a4l
uipeu!llnosuolsnlouoopuesbu!pu!; a4lpueuo!lepuawwooajZ60Z 'OZjagwanON
olaaa4pa40elle „d„ l!q!4x3ulqPO; lassepaluaps! Z8169MZ60jagwnulaoiedAq
pal;lluep! Aliadoidajo; „leguap!saljAl!suaa46!H„ of „leguaplsalAl!we3al6uls„ wwl
96ue4ouo!leu6!sepasnpuelabu!lsenbai 'luawpuawydelNueldanlsuagajdwo0
4adwdalloo-1Awypuewe!ll!M '£000-Z1Vd0uo!leo!lddy •17u0140as
Section 6. The 2012 Comprehensive Plan amendments modify the
Comprehensive Plan adopted on August 18, 1986, by Resolution No 1703 and
adopted by Ordinance No 4788 on September 5, 1995
Section 7 The adopted Comprehensive Plan as amended is designated as a
basis for the exercise of substantive authority under the Washington State
Environmental Policy Act by the City's responsible environmental official in
accordance with RCW 43.21C 060
Section 8. If any section, subsection, sentence, clause, phrase or portion of
this Ordinance or any of the Comprehensive Plan amendments adopted herein, is for
any reason held invalid or unconstitutional by any Court of competent jurisdiction,
such portion shall be deemed a separate, distinct and independent provision, and
such holding shall not affect the validity of the remaining portions thereof
Section 9. The Mayor is hereby authorized to implement such administrative
procedures as may be necessary to carry out the directions of this legislation to
include incorporating into one document the adopted Comprehensive Plan map and
text amendments, attached hereto as Exhibit "A", Exhibit "B", Exhibit "C", Exhibit "D"
Exhibit "E", and Exhibit "G" preparing and publishing the amended Comprehensive
PASSED- DEC 17 2012
APPROVED- DEC 17, 2012
Ordinance No. 6440
December 4, 2012
Page 6
Peter B Lewis
Dani le E. Daskam,
City Clerk
niel B Hei ,
City Attorney
Ordinance No 6440
December 4, 2012
Page 7
Exhibit A
Colored Map No 6 1, "Electrical Service Facilities" with updated
references and information
Please see "Comp Plan Map Amendments" tab in the working binder)
Ordinance No 6440
December 4, 2012
Page 8
Exhibit B
New Colored Map No 14 3, "Economic Development Strategy
Areas" with references and information
Please see "Comp Plan Map Amendments" tab in the working binder)
Ordinance No. 6440
December 4, 2012
Page 9
Exhibit C
The Auburn, Dieringer, Federal Way and Kent School District
Capital Facilities Plans,
City of Auburn Capital Facilities Plan,
Amendments to the City of Auburn Comprehensive
Transportation Plan,
Chapters 2, "The Street System" and
Chapter 5, "Policies"
and various amendments to the Auburn Comprehensive Plan
Chapter 14, "Comprehensive Plan Map"
See "Comp Plan Policy/Text Amendments" tab in the working binder)
Ordinance No 6440
December 4, 2012
Page 10
Exhibit D
Agenda bill/staff report dated December 4, 2012,
Ordinance No. 6440
December 4, 2012
Page 11
Exhibit E
Colored map which is a detail of Map No 14 1, "Comprehensive
Plan'; showing the change from "Public and Quasi-Public" to
Moderate Density Residential" for property identified by parcel
number 0004000098 for River Mobile Home Park (HCA
Please see "Comp Plan Map Amendments" tab in the working binder)
Ordinance No. 6440
December 4, 2012
Page 12
Exhibit F
Colored map which is a detail of Map No 14 1, "Comprehensive
Plan", showing a change from "Single Family Residential' to
High Density Residential" for property identified by parcel
number 0921059132 for William and Amy Locke
Please see "Comp Plan Map Amendments" tab in the working binder)
Ordinance No 6440
December 4, 2012
Page 13
Exhibit G
Colored map which is a detail of Map No 14 1, "Comprehensive
Plan", showing the change from "Office Residential' to "Public
and Quasi-Public" for properties identified by the following two
parcel numbers. 6858700005 and 6858700015 and a change
from "High Density Residential' to "Public and Quasi-Public" for
properties identified by the following twelve parcel numbers.
4184400145, 4184400150, 4184400155, 4184400160,
4184400170, 4184400180, 4184400185, 4184400195,
4184400200, 4184400205, 4184400215, and 4184400220 for
the Auburn School District No 408
Please see "Comp Plan Map Amendments" tab in the working binder)
Ordinance No. 6440
December 4, 2012
Page 14
Auburn School District Rezone
This notice is to inform you that the City of Auburn has received the following application that
may be of interest to you. The application may be reviewed at the City of Auburn Department of
Planning and Development, 1 East Main Street, 2nd floor, Auburn, WA, 98001.
Nature of Project or Request: Rezoning of 2 parcels totaling approximately 0.63 acres
located SE of the Auburn High School from RO, Residential Office to I, Institutional and rezone
12 parcels totaling approximately 1.74 acres located NW of the high school from R20,
Residential 20 dwelling units/acre to I, Institutional.
Location: The address of the high school is 800 4th Street NE. The request involves two
physically separate locations; two parcels located SE of the high school and twelve parcels
located NW of the high school within the NW quarter of Section 18, Township 21 North, Range
5 East, W.M. King County, W A.
SE corner parcels are:
6858700005 - 803 E MAIN ST
6858700015 - 815 E MAIN ST
NW corner parcels are:
4184400145 - 502 3RD ST NE
4184400150 - Not available (vacant)
4184400155 - Not available (vacant)
4184400160 - 512 3RD ST NE
4184400170 - Not available (vacant)
4184400180 - Not available (vacant)
4184400185 - Not available (vacant)
4184400195 - 523 2ND ST NE
4184400200 - Not available (vacant)
4184400205 - 513 2ND ST NE
4184400215 - 505 2ND ST NE
4184400220 - 206 E ST NE
Application Date: June 8, 2012
Date of Notice of Completeness: December 17, 2012
Date of Notice of Application: January 8, 2013
File No: REZ12-0004
Applicant: Camie Andersen (Agent), Shockey Planning Group, Inc. on
behalf of Jeff Grose, Auburn School District No. 408
In addition to the rezone application, on September 4, 2012 the City issued a Determination of
Non-Significance (DNS), SEP12-0021. The review process for approval of the proposal may
include requiring mitigation measures under applicable codes and imposition of mitigation
measures regardless of whether an Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) is prepared. This
may be your only opportunity to comment on the environmental impacts of the proposal.
Other Permits Required: No other permits are required prior to the decision on the rezone
application; however, subsequent development will be required to obtain all necessary permits
or approvals that may include subdivisions, grading, facility extensions and building permits.
Additional Studies Provided with the Application:
Letter request Comp Plan and Rezone – Auburn School Dist. No 408, Shockey Planning Group Inc., July 2,
Auburn High School Modernization and Reconstruction 90% Plans, NAC Architecture, 5/25/12
Auburn High School Education & Facility Specification Standards Memo, Auburn School District, 10-24-12
Public Comment Period: You are invited to comment, request a copy of the decision, when
available, and be made aware of any appeal rights. Comments must be received in writing by
the Auburn Department of Planning and Development at the mailing address: 25 West Main,
Auburn, WA 98001-4998 and located at: 1 East Main Street, Auburn WA 98001 before 5:00
p.m. on January 22, 2013 (15 days) or presented at the public hearing.
Public Hearings: A Hearing Examiner public hearing is required for the rezone application and
is scheduled for 5:30 PM on January 23, 2013 in the Council Chambers at 25 West Main
Street, Auburn WA 98001.
Statement of Consistency and List of Applicable Development Regulations: This proposal
is subject to and shall be consistent with the City of Auburn Comprehensive Plan, Zoning Code,
Surface and Stormwater Management Ordinance, Street & Utility Standards, International
Building & Fire Codes.
If you have further comments or questions related to this application, you may contact Jeff
Dixon, Principal Planner at (253) 804-5033 or jdixon@auburnwa.gov If you call or write, please
reference File No. REZ12-0004.
For citizens with speech, sight or hearing disabilities wishing to review documents pertaining to this hearing,
should contact the City of Auburn within 10 calendar days prior to the meeting, as to the type of service or
equipment needed. Each request will be considered individually according to the type of request, the availability
of resources, and the financial ability of the City to provide the requested services or equipment.