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CITY CEMETERY FEES (Per Ordinance 5715, Resolution No. 3797, Resolution No. 3953, Resolution No. 4027, Resolution No. 4103, Resolution No. 4117, Resolution No. 4272 Resolution No. 4424, Resolution No. 4552, Resolution No. 4675,_Resolution 4778 and Resolution No. 4880. and Resolution No. ) GRAVES Section 9A and 96 $2,395 00 -$2,495 00 All other adult graves $1,995 00 -$2,195.00 Child's Place $300.00 Double Depth (includes 2 burial spaces /2 liners) $4,390.00 Section 9A& 9B (Quads & Upright monument plots) $3,995.00 each Section 913 (Dry river bed area— Block 41A) $4,995.00 each new GROUND CREMATION PLOTS Centennial Urn Garden (single) $695 00 - $995.00 Centennial Urn Garden (double) $1,29500 Section 9 Upright Section Urn Plots (4 urns) $3,195.00 NICHES Mausoleum (top rows available only) Single $695.00 Centennial Columbarium II (1 or 2 urns) Row 1 Top SOLD OUT Row 2 Middle SOLD OUT Row 3 Middle $1,795.00 - $1,895.00 Row 4 Bottom $1,695.00 - $1,795 00 CHAPEL OF MEMORIES — INTERIOR NICHES* Niche Dimensions 12 x 12 Single $2,195.00—$3,595 00 12 x 18 Double $3,295.00—$5,995 00 12 x 24 Family (up to 3 urns) $6,895 00—$8,295 00 *The above niche prices include one bud vase per niche. Inurnment will be $395.00 - $495.00 per occasion. See guidelines for additional pertinent information. A single inscription on the glass front is $175.00 - $195.00 plus tax. Urn's to be purchased separately CHAPEL OF MEMORIES — EXTERIOR NICHES* Rows 4, 5 & 6 Rows 2 & 3 Rows 1, 7 & 8 Niche $2,695.00 $2,295.00 $1,89500 *If the niche (external) is to be used as a double niche, the inurnment, inscription and tax will be due when a second urn is placed. (Row 1 is the bottom row) OVERTIME WILL BE CHARGED AT $150.00 - $175.00 PER HOUR AFTER 4.30 P.M., MONDAY THROUGH FRIDAY THE SATURDAY SERVICE CHARGE IS $595.00 - $695.00 FOR FULL INTERMENT AND $325.00 -$395.00 FOR CREMATION SERVICES. EXTENDED LAND USE $495.00 MEMORIAL PLAQUE - $175 00 additional for inscription + tax $29500 SERVICES "Chapel of Memories" rental for services $19500 Opening and Closing —Ground Burials LinerNault $1,195 00 - $1,295.00 Children's Place $295.00 Opening and Closing —Cremation ForestWalk $495.00 - $595.00 Cremation Plot $495 00 - $595.00 Niche - $175.00 - $195.00 for additional inscription + tax $39500 Opening and Closing — Entombment - $175 00 - $195.00 $89500 inscription + tax Vault Installation + tax $39500 Marker Services Flat Grass: Setting Fee + tax $295.00 Resetting Fee + tax $150.00 New Inspection Fee for outside sales $15000 Upright: Setting Fee + tax $425.00 Resetting Fee $325.00 Vase Setting Fee + tax $45.00 Recording Fee $10000 Overtime Charge — per hour $175.00 Saturday Service Fee Full Interment $595.00 - $695.00 Cremation $325 00 - $395.00 MATERIALS Flower Vases: (prices include vase setting fee) Standard $12500 Deluxe Cast Zinc (gray or bronze zinc) $175.00 Deluxe Wall (brass) $175.00 Liners: Concrete Liner + tax $595 00 - $695.00 Mountain View Vault (+ installation fee & tax) $795 00 - $995.00 Double Depth + tax $89500 Infant + tax "as required Urn Encasement + tax $19500 Vault Installation + tax $395.00 - $495.00 FORESTWALK INFORMAL CREMATION GARDEN Single 3' Double 4' Single Ground Plot $695.00 - $995.00 Double Ground Plot $2,195.00-$3,995.00 Feature Site 4' Wishing Well Double Ground Plot $SOLD OUT Scattering $29500 + monument and tax Biodegradable Urn $125 00 + tax Add for 2nd Inurnment $495.00 Granite Memorials - start at $295.00 + tax Add for 2nd Marker Inscription $195.00+ tax CEMETERY ENDOWMENT CARE FEE 10% of the base, pre-tax sales price of each grave, niche, and crypt.