HomeMy WebLinkAbout4908 RESOLUTION NO. 4 9 0 8 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF AUBURN, WASHINGTON, APPROVING THE 2013 STORMWATER MANAGEMENT PROGRAM AND AUTHORIZING THE MAYOR TO INCLUDE A COPY OF THE PROGRAM IN THE NATIONAL POLLUTANT DISCHARGE ELIMINATION SYSTEM WESTERN WASHINGTON PHASE II MUNICIPAL STORMWATER PERMIT ANNUAL REPORT FOR 2012 TO THE WASHINGTON STATE DEPARTMENT OF ECOLOGY WHEREAS, The Washington State Department of Ecology issued a National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System Western Washington Phase II Municipal Stormwater Permit that regulates the discharge of stormwater from municipal stormwater systems; and WHEREAS, the City operates a municipal stormwater system and is regulated under the National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System Western Washington Phase II Municipal Stormwater Permit; and WHEREAS, the National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System Western Washington Phase II Municipal Stormwater Permit requires development and implemerrtation of a Stormwater Management Program; and WHEREAS, the Stormwater Management Program is required to be updated annually; WHEREAS, the National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System Western Washington Phase II Municipal Stormwater Permit requires submittal of an Annual Report which is to include a copy of the updated Stortnwater Management Program. Resolution No. 4908 February 7, 2013 Page 1 of 2 NOW, THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF AUBURN, WASHINGTON, HEREBY RESOLVES as follows: Section 1. That the updated Stormwater Management Program is approved for implementation in the City of Auburn in substantial conformity with the copy of the Program attached hereto, marked as Exhibit "A" and incorporated herein by this reference. Section 2. That the Mayor is hereby authorized to implement such administrative procedures as may be necessary to carry out the directives of this legislation, including submitting a copy of the Program with the City's Annual Report to the Departrnent of Ecology Section 3. That this Resolution shall take effect and be in full force upon passage and signatures hereon. � _ � � Dated and Signed this /�� day of /,�-�'"�2013. CI A � 0> �`� PETER B. LEWIS MAYOR ATTEST D ielle E. Daskam, City Clerk APP, D O D ' I . Hei , Attorney Resolution No. 4908 February 7, 2013 Page 2 of 2 Resolution No. 4908 Exhibit "A" CITY OF AUBURN 2013 STORMWATER MANAGEMENT PROGRAM City of Auburn, WA March 2013 � - CITY OF��-� : - , .i , � , � �a � . . .. � � J. ' � .-. .��� y � .. .. . � . . WASI�INGT(JN Table of Contents Ciry of Aubum Compliance Strategy and Work Pian TABLE OFCONTENTS 1.INTRODUCTION. 1 1.1 Overview. 1 1.2 Regulatory Background 1 1.3 City of Aubum Regulated Area .2 1.4 Total Maximum Daily Load(TMDL)Compliance .2 1.5 SWMP Implementation Responsibllities .2 1.6 Document Organization .3 2.STORMWATER MANAGEMENT PROGRAM ADMINISTRATION 1 2.1 Permit Requirements. 1 2.2 Current Compliance Activities. 1 2.3 Planned 2013 Compliance Ac6vities. .2 3.PUBLIC EDUCATION AND OUTREACH 1 3.1 Permit Requirements. 1 3.2 Current Compliance Activities. 1 3.3 Planned 2013 Compliance Activities. .2 4.PUBLIC INVOLVEMENT 1 4.1 Permit Requirements. 1 4.2 Current Compliance Activities. 1 4.3 Planned 2013 Compliance Activities. 1 5.ILLICIT DISCHARGE DETECTION AND ELIMINATION. 1 5.1 Pertnit Requirements. 1 5.2 Current Compliance Activities. 1 5.3 Planned 2013 Compliance Activities. .2 6.CONTROLLING RUNOFF FROM NEW DEVELOPMENT,REDEVELOPMENT,AND CONSTRUCTION SITES. 1 6.1 Permit Requirements. 1 62 Current Compliance Activities. 1 6.3 Planned 2013 Compliance Activities. .2 7 POLLUTION PREVENTION AND OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE FOR MUNICIPAL OPERATIONS. 1 71 Permit Requirements 7 7.2 Curnent Compliance Activities. 1 7.3 Planned 2013 Compliance Activities. .2 B. MONITORING. 1 8.1 Pertnit Requirements. 1 8.2 Current Compliance Activities. 1 8.3 Planned 2013 Compliance Activities. 1 APPENDIX A A-1 Acronyms and Definitions. A-1 li H?P118_WRKSIU�iIIGeslStamINP0E5 IlWdmims�ralioniSwmps12019 SWMF�2073 Au�um SWMP Pinal OraX.Owx LIST OF TABLES Table 2-1.2013 Stormwater Management Administration Program Work Plan .2-2 Table 3-1 2013 Public Education and Outreach Work Plan .3-2 Table 41.2013 Public Involvement Work Plan. 42 Table 5-1.2013 Illicit Discharge Detection and Elimination Work Plan. .5-2 Table 6-1.2013 Controlling Runoff from Development,Redevelopment,and Construction Sites Work Plan. .62 Table 7-1.2013 Pollution Prevention and Operations and Maintenance Work Plan. .7-2 Table 8-1.2013 Water Quality Monitoring Work Plan. .8-2 oci H:IPt18 WRK5INIIIAe5lSbtmINPDESIMtlminlstralanlSWMP5120135WMP12013AU0umSWMPFnalOrdtt.tlax CITY OF AUBURN 2013 STORMWATER MANAGEMENTPROGRAM 1 INTRODUCTION 1.'E Overview This documcnt pxesents the Citp of�ubum's Stomiwatec blanagement Program (5���. Prepazation and maintenance oE dus SWbiP is requized by rhe Washington State Departmeat of Ecology�(Ecology)as a condidon of the Wes[etn Waslvagton Phase I�I Municipal Stoxmwatex Pem�it (the Phase II Petmit). 1'he Phase II pecmit covexs dischazges fxom ieguLlted small municipal sepaxare storm sewex systems(�liS4s). The pe�it to discharge sto�wa[et is designed to teduce the dischazge of pollutants,pxotect watu quality, and meet the xequiretnents of the fedecal Clean Water�1ct. �lppendix r1 includes acxonyms and de6nitions fxom the Peanit to help the xeader undexstand the City's Stozmwatex blaaagement Pzogcam. 1.2 Regulatory Backgrownd The Natioaal Pollutant Dischaxge F..limiaarion System(NPDES)pexmit pro�am is a teqtutement of the fedexal Ckan Watez�1ct,which is intended to pxotect and restose watezs fox"fvshable,swimmabk"uses. The fedexal Eavuonmental Pxotecaon�lgeacy(EPA)has delegated pumit authoxity to state mvironmmtal agencies,aad these ageades can set pexmit conditions ia accoidance with and ia addition to the miaimum fedesal iequizements.Ia Waslilagton,the NPDES-delegated pemut authority is the Washington State Deparuneat of Ecology(Ecology). In Waslvagton,muaiapalities with a populatioa of over 100,000(as of the 1990 census)were designated as Phase I communities and must comply with Ecology's Phase I NPDES Muniupal Stormwates Pecmit. �lubuxn's 1990 census was below the l OQ000 xhzeshold,and the City must comply with d�e Phase II Dluaicipal Srocmwatet Pemiic About 100 other muaicipalities in Waslungton must also comply with the � Phase II Pexmit,along wixh�lubum,as opesatoxs oE small municipal sepazate storm sewex sysrems �1S4s). Ecology's Phase II 111unicipal Stormwatez Permit is available on Ecology�s website at htro://www.ec_.wa.gov/nxoM,_,�ms/wq/stormwatex/municipal/phaseIIwa/RnvokriioeTit.html The Permit allows muaicipalities to discharge stoxxnwater runoEE fzom muniupal dLainage systems into the state's watu bodies (e.g.,streams,xivecs,]akes,wetlauds) as long as municipalities implemeat progiams to pmtect water quality hy redllCing the dischuge of"aoa-point souxce"pollutants to the"mazimum extent pxacticable" (MEP) tluough application of Permit-speci6ed"best mauagement pxactices" (BMPs).T'he Bb1Ps specibed in the Pemut aze collectively xefuxed to as the Stocmwater Manageinent Pmgram(SW111P) and grouped under the following Progxazn componenis: � Public Education and Outteach ° Public Involvement and Pardcipation ° Illicit Dischazge Detectioa and Eliu�inatioa ° Controlliag Runoff from New Developmrnt,Redevelopmeat,and Coastruction Sites ° Pollurion Preveadon and Municipal Opezation and Maintenance foz tiluaicipal Opexatioas i H 1PUB WRKSIUOIIpesl51orm1NPDE5 IMAnlnishalbn�SWMPS12D13 SWlAP12073 Aubum SWMP Final Dra%.tlacx 1:InhoducGon City of Aubum 2013 SWMP ° Moaitoring T'he Pe�it issued by Ecology became effective on rlugust 7,2012 and expires on July 31,2013. T'he Pem�it requires the Ciry to teport annually (l�fazch 31��of each yeu) on pmgress in SW1�iP implementation Eoz the psevious yeaz. The Pecmit also requires subauttal of documeatation that describes pzoposed SWIeiP activities foc the period of Januazy through July 2013. Throughout the peuod of January rhrough July 2013 the City will continue to implaneat exisdng progams and maintmance activides. 1.3 City of Auburn Regulated Area The Westem Washiugton Phase II Peemit applies to operato[s of regulared small bLS4s that dischazge sro�watcr to waters of Washington State located west of the crest of the Cascade Range(erest of the easreta boundaries of lX'hatcom,Skagic,Snohomish,King,Piuce,I.ewis and Skamania counties). Fot cities,the Petmit requuemeau aund to those azeas of each Ciry that drain to MS4s. \lost of tluburn dxains to M54s that ultimately dischazge iato the Greea River,the White Rivu,or Vlill Creck. In additioa,some pordoas of the Ciry drain to xegional ia&ltration basins. 1.4 Total Maximum Dai6y Load (TMDL) Compliance The fedecal Clean VVater�1ct xequires that Ecology esrablish`°I'otal Maximum Dailf Loads"(I:�II)L) foT mrcss,stxeams,lakes,and matine watus that don't meet water quality standazds. f1 T'�Il)L is a cakulation of the maximum amount of a pollutant that a watec body can receive and still meet mater quality standards. 11fter the T.�IIIDL has bem calculated for a given�vaur body,Ewlogq dere*�++���how much earh soucce must r�duce its discharges of the polluraat ia ordec bring the watez body back into compliance wit6 the watec quality standazds. The Ckaa Water Act requires that T1�mL requiremeaa mus[be iaduded in the i�IPDES pemuts Eoz dischazgets into the afEected watec 6odies. Stoxmwatez dischatges covered under this pexmit aze required to implanent actioas necessary to ac6ieve the pollutaat reductions called fo=ia applicabk ThIDLs. Applicabk T\�I.s are those appzoced by the EPf1 before the issuance date of the Pumit ox which have beea appxoved by the EPf1 priox to the date the pexmittee's application was recaived by Ecology. Iafo�atioa oa Ecology's'PIDL pxogiam is available on Ecology's website at wwce.ecc.wa°ov/nroRtams/mq [mdL The cuaent pezmit does not contain any TT4DL requizements for the Ciry of tlubuxn. Howecer,Ecology has identified sevecal water bodies that do not appeaz to meet the watu qualiry standazds. Ecology has devdoped and the EP1,has appxoved fecal colifocm TAIDLs Eox the Puyallup Rivec Watexshed Ia accoidance with the Ecology appioved Quality.lssuxance Pcoject Plan,rlubum will contiaue to support the Puyallup Riva'I'n�L ckaa up effort by conducting wet wearhex sampling through�1pril 2013. '�.5 SIMMP Iroeplementation ltesponsibfilities T6e Utilities Engineecing Division in the Public\rlocks Depaxanrnt cooxdmates the ovecall administcaaon oE efEorts ro comply with Permit cequirements. The wozk plan tables ia each Chaptex provide the lead departmeats for the associated task. Othe:majoc depaztmeats/divisions iacluded in the 2013 SlX/i�� implementation indude lfaintrnance and Ope�adons(bI&O),Human Resources (HR),Developmmt Engineering,Peanit Centu,Innovation and Technology(I'I)),and Pazks. 2 H1PUB WRKS1UUlitleslSrormINPDESIMdnintstrattonlSWMPs1�0135WMP12013AUhumSWMPFInalDrafl.ilou 1:Introduction City of Aubum 2013 SVJMP 'B.6 Document Organization The contents of this docwnent aze based upon Pennit xequirements and Ecology's"Guidance for City and County Annual Reports fos Westexn Washington,Phase II Municipal Stormwatex Genexal Pemzits."The pxogxam components of this SWbiP aze or°^i'ed as listed in the Pe�it: ° Section 2.0 addcesses Peanit xequiteznents fox administering the City's Stoxmwater bfanagement P=ogxam fox 2013. ° Section 3.0 addresses Pexmit requirements Eoc public education and outreach Eoz 2013. � ° Sectioa 4.0 addresses Peiuut xequ'uemeats Fo=pub]ic inwlvement and par[idpation Eoi 20]3. ° Sectian 5.0 addcesses Pe[mit xequiremenu'fox iIlidt dischazge detecuon and eliwivauoa fox 2013. ° Section 6.0 addxesses Pemut requizunents fox contzolling runoff&om new development, redevelopment,and construc[ion sites fox 2013. °. Section 7.0 addxesses Pexmit xequixements for pollution pxeveation and operauons and maintenance fox muniupal opexations for 201�3. ° Section 8.0 addzesses Pexinit xeqtzixements fox the moaitoring section of the Pennit foi 2013. Each sectioa indudes a suxnmary of the relevant Pexmi[zequitemenu,a description of ctiaeut activities,aad a table showing the planned activities fox 2013. This docuxneat also indudes auonyms and defuutions in flppendis 11 for easy xefexence. 3 H:NI18 WRKSIUbIltieslSrormINPDESIMdmlNStraGonISWMP5t2013 SWMP12013 Aubum SWMP Pinal�raA.dacr CITY OF AUBURN 2013 STORMWATER MANAGEMENTPROGRAM 2 STORMWATER MANAGEMENT PROGRAM ADMINISTRATION T1»s sectioa of the SlXfi1P desuibes Petmit requirements=elated to ovuall Stortnwauz Maaagemmt Progxam administxarion,including descriptions of the City's cucxent and planaed compliance activities Eox 2013. 2.7 Permit Requirements The Permit(Secdon SS.t1)zequixes the City to: ■ Devdop and implement a Stoimwater blanagemeat Ptogtatn and pxepaze written documentation fox submittal to Ecology by Mazch 31,2013. T6e purpose of the SWMP is to xeduce the dischazge of pollutants from the muniapal stotmwates spstem to the maximum extent practicable and therebp ptotect wates qualitg. ' SuUmit an annual campliance repoxt(for 2012) to Ecology by Mazch 31,2013 that summarizes the stams oE implementation aad pxovides informatioa from assessment and evaluation pxoceduces collected d"�the teporting period. • Cooxdinate with orhes pemuttees oa stormwatex selated.policies progxams,and pzojects within adjacerit ox sl�ed azeas. 2.2 Current Compliance Activities The curcent compliance acticities associated with the Permit include: ° The Gty is on track to comply with Ecology requicements foz submittal of SWbiP documentation by 114azch 3t,2013.The U�ilities.Engincexing D'nzsion kads the devdopment of the future planned activiaes with iaput and support from several othex depaztmwrs. ° The City cseated aa NPDES implemeatadon managemmt group. ° The City set up the systems fox tracking txaining. Traiaiag attendance is xecoxded and kept on file with Hnman Resouices. ° The City has defined its strategy fos cost tcackiag. Cost tracking u managed by sraff recording time spent on Pexmit elements on theix timecards using project coding nutnbers. Reports can be generated by the Fivance Depatnnen[to derexaune annual msts by element. ° The City has defined and ixnplemented a strategq foi managing SOPs. SOPs aze available for staff use on the Cicy's Intxaaet ° T'he City is paxticipating in a regional educarion aad outseacL consortium. Staff has ensuced rhat the City's education and outreach pzogam will woxk in concert with regional efforts such as the Puget Sound Stazts Hese campaign. ° The Ciry is on tcack to comply with Ecology's requirements for submittal of the 2012 Anaual Report by�fuch 31,2013. 7 H.Nl1H WRKSIUIiINesl5lamWPDES111AOmin�stralWnISWMPS12013SWMP�2013AUbumSWMPFlnalOrott.tlxx 2. Stormwater Management Program Adminisiration City of Aubum 2013 SWMP 2.3 Planned 2013 Compliance Activities rlubuxn has posirioned itselFwell to maintain compliance.Table 2-] ptesents the pzoposed woxk plau Eox the 2013 SWI�1P administrarion activides. . • i . . -' - .- ._-- - -- - ... . _._ . __ . _:_<x—.. _�� -- - Compliange Task ID, Task Description Lead �, Tmeframe Summarize annual acdviNes for'Stortmvater The SWMP and Annual SWMP-1 Management Program'component of Annual Report; Utili6,es Compliance Report sutimlttal, identiy any updates to Pragram dacument. Define Engineenng is due on or 6efore March process and roles for annual updates for SWMP 31st of each year. 2 N.�Pl1B_WftKSItItlINUiSbrmINP�ESIMAnlmstralioniSWPAPS1201J SWMPp017 Au6um SWMP Final Drafl.Oocit CITY OF AUBURN 2013 STORMWATER MANAGEMENTPROGRAM 3 PUBLIC EDUCATION AND OUTREACH This secdon describes the Permit requixements xelated to public educarion and outxeach,induding descripuons of tl�e City's cuaent and planned compliance acrivities fox 2013. 3.7 Permit Ytequirements The Pe�it(Secdon SS.C.1)xequires the Gty to: ° Prioatize and tazget education and outreach acdvzdes to specified audiences,induding the genexal public,businesses,xesideau/homeowners,landscapecs,property managess,engiaeecs,contcactors, developezs,zeview staff and laad use planaexs,and othes City employees to teduce or elimivate behaviois aad p=acrices that cause or contxibute to adverse stoxmwatu impacts. • Have an outreach progxam that is designed to unprove the taxget audience's understanding of the pxoblem and what they can do to solve it. ° Tcack and maintain recoxds of public education and outteach acriviries. 3.2 Current Compliance Activities The cuxrent compliance acticities associated with the Pemut indude: ° Collaboxadon with other NPDES municipalities through involv�ent in the Stoxmwater Outreach for Regional blunicipalities (STORIV�integzated public education campaign,Puget Sormd StarRr Here �PSSH). TFus campaign indudes public sexvice ads bmadcast locally and on cable tv and the website wan•>ou„�t�o+++ds a'r�h re.org/ The Ciry of�lubum bxoadcasts PSSH commescials on the Gty's govetnmeat TV chaunel(1'�'21). ° Man}�of the curxeat educarion and outxeac6 acticriaes that adtkess stoxmwater management ue tazgeted at the general public,cesidents/homeownus,and some industries. Some of these pxogxams aze listed helow • Nanssal yazd caze wozkshops • Fund raiser caz wash kits • Used motoc oil and household hazazdous waste pmgram • Residential hazazdous wasre newslettei • Kids day booth • Watex Fesrival • Household hazazdous waste mobile • Stoxmwates lobby display ia the Customex Service Cent�. • Spxiag Clean-up (bullcy itan collection) • News letter(quarterly or biannually) fox business 1 HIPUB WRKSWtlImeslSm`m1NPDE51MdninlstrationlSWMPs120135WMP12073AUhumSWMPfInalOrail.dwr 3: Public Education and Outreach City of Aubum 2013 SWMP • Residrntial cooking oil xecycli»g ° The City ttacks its education and outteach efEorts. 3.3 Planned 2013 Compliance Activities The City plans to continue the progiam that has been developed ovex the]ast sie yeazs.Tl�e taxget audiences indude: � T6e general public � Businesses (induding home-based and mobile businesses) ° Resideats/homeownus • Landscapas ° Pi°Perty maaagexs ° Eagine�s,contrectois,and devdopexs � City plan review staFf,land use plannexs,aad othez City employees. Table 3-1 pxesents the woxk plan fox the 2013 SWDg'puhlic education and outxeach activities. � i . . . . � Task ID ^ TaskaD�eription Lead i Gompliance! ' --,_i.__.�Ti_meframe Continue collaboration with other NPDES- -- - municipelities tli�ough Stamiwater Outreach for Utilities EDUC•1 Regional Municipalities(STORM)aM Puget Sound Engineering Starts Here efforts ta promote regionat education and outreach rams. Refine educa6on and outreach strategy ta supplement existing education activltles.An example vrould be �Udlitles FAUG2 evaluatingthecurrentpetwastecleanupeducatian Engineering� strategy and whether ezis6ng aduption activitles should be su bmanted for better results. Refinements ro exisling �Implemem new ar modify existing educatl6n and pu6lic education and outreach aclivities. An example would 6e Utilitles outreach activities are on- ! EOUC3 implemanting actions related lo our Kid's Engineenng going. Day educalional ectivities hased an lhe evaluation done after tha 2012 event Staff training related M Surface Water Management Manual ImplemenqtionRachnical Sqndards: • Pertnitting Utllities ' EDUC-4 • Plan Revlew Engineering • Site Inspections • Maintenance Standards. Infortn public emplayees,businesses end the general Utilities EDUC-5 puhlic of the hazards associeted with illegal Engineering Ongoing discharges and improper disposal of waste. 2 H1PUB WRKSIl101iuesiStamINPDE5IM6ninutratroniSWMPs12013SWMP12013AUbumSWNPFinalDraA.docv 3: Public Eduration and Ouheach City of Aubum 2013 SWMP Summadze annuel ectivkies for'Puhlic Educatian and ' The SWMP and Annual EDUC�6 Outreach'component of Annual Report;identify any Utilities � Compliance Report submittal updates ro SWMP Engineering is due on ar betare Ma�ch 31st of each year. 3 H:\PI18 WRKSWNioeslSmrtnINPDESIMdmin�stra�ionISWMPSI2013SWMP12073AUbumSWMPFinal�rafttlax CITY OF AUBURN 2013 STORMWATER MANAGEMENTPROGRAM 4 PUBLIC INVOLVEMENT 'I'his section desaibes the Pemiit requiremenu related to public involvemeat,induding descriptioas of the City's cucxent and planned compliance activides for 2013. 4.1 Permit 9iequirements The Pecmit(Secaon SS.C.2) requires the City to: ° Provide oagoing opportunities Eoz public involvement through advisory boazds or commissions aad watexshed committees,and public pazticipadon ia developing rare structuxes and budgets,suwardship pzogcams,envuonmental actions,or othec siinilac acdvities.T'he public must be able to partidpate in the d�cision-making pcocesses,iaduding developmwt,implementacion,and update of the SWh1P ■ hfake the SW11�and llnuual Compliance Repoa available ro t6e public,by posting on rhe City's website. Make any othec documeats xequired ro be submitted to Ecology ia respoase to Pe�it conditions available to the public. 4.2 Current Compliance Activities The current compliaace activities associated with the Pumit iaclude: ° The City has de5ned a series of public involvement activities iatmded ro meet the Pemut mquiremmts for public incolvement in development of the Stomzwater hianagement Pmgram. 'I'his pmcess iavolv�s presenting the drak SWh1P to the Planning and Communiry Development(PCDC) aad Public Wocks (PWC)Committees.The Ciry will then have a public hearing and presentarion to the Ciry CounciL ° The Gry will make the Stoxmwatu Management Prograin documrnt and Anaual Compliaace Report acailable to the public on the City website. 4.3 Planned 2013 Compliance Activities The Ciry offlubum has a history oEinduding t6e public in deasioa making. Table 41 helow pzesents the work plan fox the 2013 SWMP public involvemrnt activities. 1 H.NI1B WRKSWtlIiLe545tortnINPDESIM�nin¢tra�wnFSWMPS12013 SWMP12013 Au�um SWMP Final�ratt�x 4: Pu61ic Involvement City of Aubum 2013 SWMP �� — ' TaskiD. ! Ta_"sk.DescriPtioe �. �l:ead, Compliarice' I Timefratee P�� Provide public involvement opportunities for annual Utllifies SWMP update. Engineering Public invalvement Make SWMP document and Annual Compliance opportuni�es will ba availa6le '� PI-2 Report availa6le to puWic by pasting on ihe City �ti��� be�ore 3/31/2073 submittal. ����e Engineering Summarize annual acti�illes for"Publlc Irrvolvement The SWMP and Annual '��PIJ and Partiapatian'component of Annual Report; Utilfties Compliance Report submittal identify any updates to SWMP Engineering is due an or 6efore March 31st of each year. ProvidepublicinvolvemeMappoKUniryforplanting Planningand PI� nafive plartls and invasive species removal at the Oevelopment '2013 Aubum Environmental Park. DepartmeM 2 H:N118 WRKSIOIIIitIesl51oim1NPDE5IMdninistralpnlSWMPSV2013SWMP@073AUbumSWMPFlnalDrafldxx CITY OF AUBURN 2013 STORMWATER MANAGEMENTPROGRAM 5 ILLICIT DISCHARGE DETECTION AND ELIMINATION This section describes the Pemut tequixements telated to illidt dischazge detection and eliminarioa(IDDE), including descaptioas of the City's curtrnt aad planned compliance,acticzries foi 2013. 5.1 Permit Requirements The Pemut(Secaon SS.C3)requires[he Ciry to: ° Implement an oagoing prograzn ro detect and xemove illicit dischuges,connecdons,and impxopex disposal,including aay spills iato t6e muaicipal sepazate stozm sewers owned o=opecated by the City. ° Maintaia a stovn sewer system map,have o:dinances that pzohibit illidt dischazges,aad implement an ongoing prograzn to detect and addcess illicit dischacges. ■ Publicly lise and publicize a hotline ox other local telephoae aumbu for public reporting of spills and orhes illicit dischazges.Track illicit dischazge zeports and actions taken in response through doseout, including enforcement acaons. ■ Infocm public employees,busiaesses and the genecal public of hazazds associated wixh illegal dischazges and impcoper disposal of waste. ■ Tzain staE£on pmpes IDDE xesponse SOPs and munidpal fidd staff to xecognize aad report illicit dischazges. • Sum�naeze all illidt discharges and coaaectioas reported to the Gty and cesponse actions takea, induding eaEoccement acaons,in rhe�lnnual Complian«R�port;identiEy aap updaxes to the SWR1P 5.2 Current Comp9iance Activities The cuaeat compliauce acti1rities associaud with the Peanit include: • T'he Ciry has compkted the mapping zequued fox the Pem�it and is contiaually adding data co improve the qualin�of rhe infomiatioa in the stoxm d=ainage s}'stem la}'u of the GIS map. The City also has an SOP for keeping rhe municipal sepaxate storm sewer system map and iaveatoxy up-to-date. � City codes and standazds cucready have sections that address the requiced illicit dischazges wd civil infrections. � Citizens can xeport illicit dischazges ox illicit dumping using the published spill hodine numbes or any of the phone aumbers published by the City. The calls ue routed to Opexaaons aad Rfainteaance whese they aze xecorded and distributed to the appropriate response authority. ■ The Citp tracks spills,illicit dischazges,and inspections. • The City has chosen to use CarteGraph as its issue uaclring and resolution system. ■ The City created an IDDE xesponse and mfoxcanent SOP • The City has txained staff fox illicit dischazge cecognition aad response. ■ The City has pezfocmed field assessments at primazy outfalls. � HNt1B WRKSWtlIitleslSloimINPDE51Md'nlnrstralbnlSWMPs@0135WMP�2013AUbumSWMPFInaIDraKOw 5:Illicit Discharge Detection and Elimination Ciry of Aubum 2013 SWMP 5.3 Planned 2013 Compliance Activities Table�-] pxesents the wotk plan for 2013 5��illici[dischazge detectioa and elimination acuvities. i � ��. . . �� - - Task ID � Task.Description Lead. � Compliance , Tmefraiee IDDE-1 Deflne and implement City�wide IDDE Pmgram and UtllNes 0 oi developanynecessarysupplertrentallD�Eaclivi6es. Ergineering � � CorNnue to review and update storm eystem map M Utili6es Ongoing ID�E-2 address daW gaps and Pertnfl requiremen5. EngineeringllT Candud a freld auessmem ot ane high priority v2ter Complete assessment fieW IDOEJ hady. The xrater bndy ro 6e assessed in 2013 will be U61�� work far one high priurity tlie Au6um valiey aquiter. E����� water 6ody this year. Summariza annual adivilies for'Illidt Discharge The SWMP ar�d Annual IDDE-4 Detecllon and Elimine6on'component of AnnuaL Utllities CampGance Report submittal Report;identify any updates W SWMP Engineering is due on or bafore March 31st of eash year. 2 H.IPUB WRKSIU61�IIeslSbimINP�E51MmnlnktralionlSWMPS@O175WMP1401]AU6umSWNPFinal�2ildon CITY OF AUBURN 2013 STORMWATER MANAGEMENT PROGRAM 6 CONTROLLING RUNOFF FROM NEW DEVELOPMENT, REDEVELOPMENT, AND CONSTRUCTION SITES This secdoa descdbes the Petmit requitements telated to conttolling runoff&om new developmrnt, redevelopment,and consmutioa sites,includiag descriptions of rhe Ciry's cutcen[and planned compliance actividesfoz2013. 6.1 Pecmit Requirements The Pemut(Secdon SS.C.4)requixes the City to: ° Implement,aad eafoxce a pmgram to reduce pollutants in stormwater nwoff(Le.,illiat dischazges)to the muaiapal separace stomi sewec s}�stem&om aew development,redevelopment,aad constxucdon sire activities.The prograzn must apply to both pmzte and pu6lic pxojeca,induding xoads,and address all consmution/development-associated pollutant soutces. ° Have adopted tegularioas (codes and standacds),haoe plan reviem,inspecaoa,and escalating enforcemrnt SOPs necessazy to implement t6e progiam in accordance with Peicnit conditioas, including the minunum techaical xequirunents in Appeodix 1 of the Pezmit. ° Develop provisions (plan re��ew,iaspectioa,aad enforcemeat) and SOPs to allow non-structural pseveadve acrions and source reduction appsoaches such as L.ow Imput Decelopment techniques[o m;�;m;>e the cxeation of impervious surfaces and the dishubance of narive soils and vegetatioa. ° Have adopted xegulations (codes and standazds)aad pcocesses to verify adequate]oag-texm operations and mainxmance of aew post-consauction pemianeat stoxmwatex faciliries and BMPs ia accozdaace witl�Pecmit coaditions,induding aa anaual iaspection&equeacy aad/or approved altemative iaspecdoa&equeary and maiatenance standazds Eoi private�aiaage systems as pioucrive as those ia Chaptu IV of the 2005 Ecology Stoxmwatec blanagemeat bianual fox Westem Washington. • Provide copies of the Notice of Iateat(NOI) for construcaoa oz industrial activiaes w repxesentadves of the pxoposed aew devdopmeat and redevdopmeat ° Piovide ttainiag to stafE on the new codes,staadazds,and SOPs and create public educadosand outceach matexials. ■ Recoxd and maintain cecosds of all inspections and enfozcement actions by staff. ° Summaxi�e anaual actnZties For the"Controlling Ruaof£'componeat of the Annual Compliance Report;ideatify any updates to the SWIe1P 6.2 Current Compliance Activit6es The cuamt wmpliaace acd�zties associated with thc Pemvt indude: ° The City has eustic�g ptogrems,codes,and standazds that address the Pexmit iequix�ents For mzaagement of stocmwata ruaoff fiom developmmt,redevelopment,aad constcucaoa sites.The Ciry zeviews aIl s[ormwatec site plaas Eox proposed developmeat 1 H'NUB WRKSIUtlINeslSlamINPDE51MUmimstAbnISWMPS120135WMP12077AUUUmSWMPFInalDratttlas 6:Controlling Runoff from New Development,Redevelopment and Construction Sites City of Au6um 2013 SWMP ° The City adopted a stoxmwaxet managemen[manual app=oved by Emlogy as equivalent to the 200� Stormwatex Dlanagetnent Tlanual fot Wesrem Washington. • The City has a site planning process for Bil2P selection and design crireria. ■ The City 3nspects all peimitted development sites during construction and after construcuon. ° The City cleazly ideatifies the party xesponsible for opesations and maintenance (O&1�and iequixes long-tecm O&M of permitted facrlities and BMPs. ° The Ciry tracks and records inspections and enfoccement acrioas by staEf. ° The Gty provides copies of Notices oF Intent(NO� foc construcrion and industrial activities in the pie-application meetiag wirh developess. ° Construction inspectoxs and most building inspectoxs have the xequu�ed erosion conlml ixaiaing. ° The Ciry submitted the Peimit requued LID Implementadon Report to Ewlogy. � Engineering staff have obtained LID Certification through the Waslvngton State Univessity Extmsion Pxogxazn. 6.3 Planned 20'i3 Compliance Ac4ivities The City has a progiazn to help reduce stoxmwatex runoff ftiom new development and construction sites. Table 6-1 pxesents the woxk plaa fox 2013 SW.1�activities related to runoff control for new decelopment, redevelopment,and construction sites. � � �. .,. . .. � . . � -----. ._..__.._�....`.�._�._—__ __... ___...- --- --,. . .. . ..._ .--- - -- 'TaskiD,� Task�Desdri�hon' 6ead, Compliaece P--- Tmeframe: Trackandrepartconstniction,newdevelapment,and plennirg/Pertnit CTRL-1 redevelopment permits,inspections and enforcement � Center Ongoing. actions. CTRL-2 Conduct annual inspection Mall ireatment and flow � �Utilities On-going control(other than catch basins)-private systems. Engineering Summarize annual activities for'Controlling Runoff The SWMP and Annual CTRL-3 �m New Development,Redevelopment,and Utilities Campliance Report submittal �, Conshucfion Sites'component of Annual Report; Enginezring is due on ar hefora Ma�ch identify eny updates W SWMP 31st of each year. CTRL-0 CiTy sta8will receive Certified Erosion and SeAiment Building Control Lead treining. Depertrnent Spring 2013 2 H.4Pt1B WRKSVWIhneslSmmiINPDESIOAtlmin�stralbnlSWMPS12D13SWMP12013AUbumSWMPFinalDrall.dou CITY OF AUBURN 2013 STORMWATER MANAGEMENT PROGRAM 7 POLLUTION PREVENTION AND OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE FOR MUNICIPAL OPERATIONS This section describes the Peimit requiremears zelated to polludoa pxeventioa and opernaoas and maiarenance Eor municipal operarions,includiag descriptions of the City's cucreat and plaaned compliance acd�zdes for 2013. 7.1 Permit Requirements The Pemmit(Scctioa S�.C.S) requites the City to: ° Implemeat an O&M progcam,with the ultimate goal of pxeventiag or ceducing pollutant runoff from munidpal sepazate stormwater system aad municipal O&I�4 activities. ° Establish maintenance standazds foc tkie municipal sepazate stormwa[ex system that aze at least as protective as those specified in che 2005 Seoxmwates bfznagement b4anual for Westem Washington. ° PerFoxm inspecrions of stoxmwater flow coatcol and ueaanent facilities and catch basins aad pexfonn maintenance as needed ro comply with mawteaance standazds. ° C6eck aeatmmt and flow control facilities a$ec major stoxms and pesfozm repaus as needed in accocdance with adopred maintrnance standazds. ° Have SOPs in piace to reduce stoxmwatu impacts assoaated with cunoff from munidpal O&M acticities,induding but not limited to sueets,pazkiag lots,roads,or highwaps owaed oz maiatained bp the Ciry,and to zeduce pollutants in dischazges &om all lands owaed or maintaiued by the City. ° Train sraff to implement the SOPs aad documeat that riaining. ° Pcepaze Stormwatez Pollution Prevendon P1ans(SWPPPs) for all heavp equipmrnt maintenance or sto:age pazds idenrified for yeaz-round facilides or yazds,aud material stozage facilities owned ox opezaud bq the City. ° Summarize annual acdvities fox the"Polluaon Pzevention and Opuadons and Mainteuance for Muuicipal Opetations"componrnt oF the rinnual Compliance Repott;idenrifp any updates to the SW\� 7.2 Current Complianee Aetivities 1'he cuaent compliaace acti�zties associared arith die Peffiit indude: ° The City operares an O&I�1 ptogcam inrended ro m;.,;..,�>P pollutant runoff from municipal' opmetions. ° T6e Ciry is implementiag the sto�watet maintenance standards listed in the Stozmwata 114anagement blaaual. 7 H1PUB WRKSWtllloeslSmimINPDESIMdnmistratbnlSWMPSl20735WMP11013AU0umSWMPFInaIDralLAOCM 7 Pollulion Prevention and 08M for Municipal Operations City of Aubum 2013 SWMP • The City conducrs and recoxds the necessaty mainteaance opexations identi£ed based on inspecdons oE stoxmwater Eacilities and catch basins.The Ciry perfoxms spot checks of potentially damaged pesmanent txeatment and flow con�ol facilities ahes.stotm events. ° bI&O stafE involved with pesticides,pest managemrnt,and erosion and sediment control,xeceive tcaining in these azeas. The City has devdoped pxocedures for these acavities. ° The City has developed Stoxmwatex Pollution Pxevention Plans for applicable City faciliries. ° Public st=eets aze swept on a regulax schedule. 7.3 Planned 2013 Gomp9iance Activities Tabk 7-1 preswts the woxk plan fox 2013 S��IP activities ie]ated to pollution pxevendoa and opexatioas and maintenance for muniapal operations. � . � . e. .�� TSsk'ID ,,_ _ ,TaskiDescriptiori, „_ _ ,.,;Re"sponsible � _Schetlyle Notes �_, PPOM-1 Conduct annual inspection of all treaMent and flow Utilities pn-going conUOl(other than catch basins)In the public system. Engineering Inspect 20°�of the pubiic catch basins before July 31, PPOM-2 2013 and perfarm mainfenance as triggered hy the M&0 On�gaing maintenance standards. Summarize annual activi�ies for'Pollution PreveMion �The SWMP and Annual PPOM-3 and Opera6on and Maintenance'camponent o� Utllities Compliance Report su6mittal annual repart;identify any updetes ta SWMP Engineering is due on or betore March 31stMeach ear. PPOMd Performstreetsweeping. M&0 Ongoing 2 H�NUB WRKSIUtllioeslSbimINP�ES IOA�ninistrauonlSWMPS120135WMP12013 Nubum SWMP Final�rafl.docr CITY OF AUBURN 2013 STORMWATER MANAGEMENTPROGRAM 8 MONITORING Tlils secdon desccibes the Permit requicements celated xo water quality monitoiing,includiag descripdons of the Ciry's cuaeat and plaaned compliance activides for 2013. 8.1 Permi4 Requirements The Pemmit(Sectioa SS) does aot xequize muniapalities to conduct watet quality saznpling oi othec tes[ing during tivs permit teua,with the following exceprions: ° Sampling ox testing:equired for characterizing illicit dischazges pursuant to the SW�II"s IDDE coaditions. ° �latex qualitp monimring xequiced for compliaace with Total\lazunum Daily I.oad(T�IDL) coadidons (watec qualiry cleaa up plans). The cuueac Pemilt does not xequue that 1lubuzn perfoxm T'DII�Ladared moaitoring The City is requiced to provide the followiag moaitoxing and/ox assessment data in each anaual rcport: ° r1 descriptioa of any stoimwatez moniroriag ox studies conducted by the Ciry during the reporting period. If stoxmwater monitoring was conducted oa behalf of the City,ox if srudies or iavestigations coaducted by othes earides weie reported to the City,a brief description of rhe type of infovnarioa gathered or received shall be included ia the annual cepott. ° �1a assessment of the appzopziateaess of the best managemeat ptactices identi&ed by the Ciry fox euh compoaent of the SW.1fP;aad any c6anges made,or anticipated'to be made,to the B��s that mere px�viously selected to implement the SWhiP and why. 8.2 Gurrent Compliance Activities .1lthough aot zequircd ia tho cua�nt Pf�l} the City is pexfom�iag wet weathec fecal colifomi moaitoting of stoffiwatex dischazge to a tributary of the Whiu Rivec as part of the appzoved Pupallup Rn er�/atecshed Fecal Colifoim TT�IDL. 8.3 i�lanned 2013 Compliance Activities Tabk 8-1 presents the wo=k plaa for 2013 SR7.�-IP monitoring acti�-iCes. 7 H.IPl1B WRKSWtihueslSromANPDE511NtlmmistratlonlSWMPS'�135WMP�1013AUbumSWMPFinalOratl.docr 8:Monitoring City of Aubum 2013 SWMP ' —� — . . : . . . I . . . Compliance i ' Task!ID , Task Description. L.ead r`mefreme � PaNcipate in regional and state monitaring forums MNTR-1 and future legislative actlons in order to influence ' Utilities Continue padicipation. 'develapmer�of feasible and e(fective altemaiive � Engineenng fulu2 monitnring requiremaMs. Summarize annual monitoring activi6es for ihe Annual The SWMP and Annual Repart;identi(y any�updetes to SWMP including Util'Aies Compliance RepoR submittal MNTR-2 iden6fication of sites selected for monitorir�g and a Engineering is due on ar.before Mamh summary of propwed questions for effactNeness 31st of each year. monirorin , u ase desi n and methods. Cantinue wet weatherfecal coliform moniroring in Utilities MNTR-3 conjundion wflh ihe Puyallup River Watershed Fecal Engineering Thmugh Apri12U13 Colifortn TMDL. 2 H?PUB WRKSWtlhllesl5lomANPDE51Mr9n�NStrallonlSWMPS12019 SWMP12019 Au6um SWMP Final Orafl.0oci� APPENDIX A Aero�s and Deffnitions H.NI78 WRKSlU111Ne5151orm1NPDE5111AEmiNSUalIOnISWMPS12D17SWMP12013AUbumSWMPFInalOrafl.dar Appendix A:Acronyms and Definitians Ciry of Aubum 2013 SWMP The folloming de&nitioas and acronyms aze taken direcdy fzom the Phase II Pem�it and are xepcoduced heie foi the zeader's convenience. ARART means all known,available,and reasonable metUods of prevrndon,coatrol aad treatment.All known,available and reasonable methods of ptevention,conaol and treatmrnt refus to the State Wates Polludon Control f1ct,Chaptex 90.48.010 aad 90.48.520 RCW Basin Plan is a surface water maaagcment pxocess consisting of three pazts: a saentific study of the basin's draiaage featuies aad their qualitp;derdoping actions and recommendarions for resolving any deficiencies dismvered duvag the study;and impkmenvng the recommendations,followed by moaitoring. Beat Management Ptacticea("BMPs")are the schedules of acticities,pcohibitions of practices, maintenance proceduces,and savcnual and/oz�nanageaal practices app:oved by the Departmmt that,when used singly ox in combiaatioa,prevent or reduce the ielease of pollutants and other adve�e impacts ro watecs of Waslvngton State. BMP means Best Maaagement Pxutice. CFR meaas Coagxessional Fedexal Registec. Componrnt or Program Componeat means aa elemmt of t6e Stomzwater Managemeat Pmgram listed in SS Smmawatet Tlanagea�ent Program for Cities,Toavns,aad Counties oc SG Srom�wates Dfanagement Progam for Secondary Pecmittees of this pemut. CWA means Cleaa Wates Act(foxmerly cefeaed to as the Federal�Yr'atec Pollution Cont�ol Act oc Fedecal Water Pollution Control Act�lmrndmrnts of 1972)Pub.L.92-SOQ as amended Pub.L. 95-2]7,Pub.L.9S 576,Pub.L. (6-483 aad Pub.L. 97-117,33 U.S.C. 1251 et seq. Dischazge for the puipose of this pe�it means,ualess indicated othezwise,any dischatge from a MS4 owaed ox opesa[ed by the petmittee. Ecology'e Wesum Washingooa Phase I Municipal Stotmwacet Petmit regulates discharges from municipal separate storm seavers owned or opecaxed by Clazk,King,Piecce aad Saohomish Counties;aad the uties of Seattle and Tawma. Ecology's Wesum Washingwn Phase II Muaicipal Smtmwatez Permit covers ce=raia "small" municipal sepante stozmwater seu�er systems. Entity means anothec govemmenta]body,or public or private oiganization,such as anothu pexmittee,a coaservadon district,or volunteex osganization. Equivalent document means a techaical stoanwatec management manual developed by a state agenry,local govemment or othu entity that includes the illiuimum Technical Requixements in�lppmdix 1 of dvs Pwnit The Depamnent may conditionally approve manuals tha[do aot include the Dtinimum Teclinical Requirements in 1lppendix 1;ici genetal,the Best\4anagement Pxacaces induded iu those documeats may be applied at new deoelopmeat ac�d mdevelopmrnt sites,.but the Vlinimum Technical Requixaneats ia 1lppendix ] must still be met. Heavy equipment maintenance ot etorage yazd meaas an uncovezed axea whexe any heavq equipmmt, such as mowing equipmmt,excavators,dump tnuks,backhoes,oc bulldoze=s are washed oz maintained,or whece at least five pieces of heavy equipmeat aze stored. Illicit coaaectioss means any man-made conveyance that is connected to a municipal sepazate stoxm sewec without a pemut,nccluding ioof dtaias aad other similac type coaaecaons.Examples iaclude saaitazy sewu M1 H NUB_WRKSWWYteslSloimWPDE51MdninLstral�nISWMP512017 SWMP�207D Aubum SWMP Fnal0rztl.0oca Appendix A:Acronyms and Definitions City af Aubum 2013 SWMP connections,Eloor dxrius,chaanels,pipelines,coaduits,inlets,ox oudets that aze connected direcdy to the muaicipal sepazate stoxm sewex system. Ifficit dischatge means any dischuge to a municipal sepaxate storm sewer that is not composed endcely of sto�water c4cept dischazges pursuant to a NPDES pe�it(otUu than the NPDES pennit for dischacges from the muniapal sepazate stoan sewex) and dischazges resultiag from 6ze fighting activities. IDDE means Illicit dischazge detection aad elimination. Low Impac[Devebpment(LID)means a stounwatex management and land decelopment strategy applied at the pazcel and subdivisioa scale that emphasizes coaservatioa and use of on-site natucal featuxes iaregated with engineeced,small-scale hydxologic controls to moxe closely miwic pxe-developtneat hydxolop.�c functions. Major Munipipal Sepazate Storm Sewer Outfall meaas a muaicipal separate sroxm sewes outfall from a single pipe with an inside diamerex of 36 inches or more,ot its equivalent(dischazge fiom a single conveyaace other thaa cixculaz pipe which is associated with a draiaage azea of moxe than 50 acxes);oz fox municipal separate stotm sewess that zeceive stormwater from lands zoned for iadusttial activity(based on compzehrnsive zoning plans ox the equivalent),an outfall that dischazges from a siagle pipe with an iaside diameter of 12 inches ox moze ox from its equivalent(dischazge Exom othex thaa a cunilaz pipe associated with a dxainage axea of 12 acres or moxe). Matetial Stotage Fuilities means an uncoveced uea where bulk materials (liquid,solid,gcanulaz,etc.) aze stored ia piles,batxels,tanks,bias,crates,or orhet means. Maximum Extent Practicable(MEP)refeis to pazagxaph 402(p)(3)(B)(iri)of the federal Cleaa Water Act which xeads as follows:Peunits Eoc dischazges fxom muniripal stoxm sewers shall sequite conuols to zeduce the disc6atge of pollutaats to the tnaximutn utent pzacticable,induding —a ment practices,contxol techaiques,and sysum,design,and eagineCring methods,and otha sucli pxovisions as the 1ldmiaistratoz ox the Stare detetmines appropriate fox the mntrol of such pollutants. MEP means blazimum Eztent Pxacticable. MS4—see Municipal Sepatate Storm Sewet System. MTRs means blinimum Technical R.equiranents. Municipal Sepazau Smtm Sewec System(MS4)means a coaveyance,or system of conoeyances (inclurling roads with drainage systems,municipal stceets,catch basias,curbs,guttess,ditches,manmade c6annels,or stoxtn diaias): (i) owned ox opesated by a state,city,town,boxough,wunty,pazish,distric[,association,ox othex public body (ueated by or puLSUant to state law)having jurisdicrion over disposal of wastes,stocm watec,oz orhes wastes,including special distric[s under state law such as a sewex district,flood coatrol district ox dxainage district,ox similar entity,ox an Indiau tcibe or aa authoxized Indian tribal oz°„;'aaon,ox a designated and appxoved management agenry undes section 208 of the CW�1 that dischuges ro wateis of the United States. (u)designed or used Eox collectiag ot coaveying stoffiwat�. (iri)which is not a combined sewer;and(iv)which is not part of a Publicly Oan�ed Txeaunent Works (POTVC� as defined at 40 CFR 122.2. M2 H.1PUB WRKSWtlINes15tamINPDESIMtlminStralbnlSWMPS12017SWMPl201JAU�umSWMPFinalOraR.Uacx Appendix A:Aaonyms and Definitions City of Aubum 7A13 SWMP National Pallutant Dischazge Elimination Syscem(NPDES)means the national prograzn for issuing, modifying,zevoking,and ztissuing,teiminating,moniroting and eaforcing pecmits,aad imposing and eaEortiag pieueatment zequicements,undei sections 307,402,318,and 40�of the Federal Clean Watez Ac� for the dischazge oFpollutants to sucface watess of xhe srate from point soucces.These pumits aze refecred to as NPDES petmits aad,in Washington State,aze administeted by the Washington Depaitmmt of Ecology. Notice of Intent(NOI)means thc applicadoa fox,or a request fox cocoxage under this General Pexmit puxsuanc to WAC]73-226-200. Outfall means point souxce as de6aed by 40 CFR 1222 at the point wheze a muaiapal sepazau swxm sewer dischazges to watess of the State and does oot include open waveyances conaecting two muaicipal sepazate stocro sewes systems,or pipes,tunnds,or othec coavepances wluc6 wnaect segmenrs of the same s[xeam or other watecs oE the State and aze used to convey watecs of the State. O&M means Opecations aad,lfainteaance. Peemittee unless otheiwise noted,che tesm"Pennittee"indudes Pecmittee,Co-Pexmittee,and Secoadacy Peimittee,as de5ned belo�v (i)r1"Pemuttee"is a city,town,oz county owning ox opetating a regulated small MS4 applping and zecaiving a peffiit as a single wtity. (ri)�1"Co-Pe�ittee"is any opaator of a regulated small VLS4 that is applyiug joiady with aaothes applicant for covezage uader dvs Pe�it Co-Pemuttees oma or operate a cegulated small bLS4 locaud within ox adjaceet to anothes cegulated small MS4. (ii�)A"Secondazy Peffiittee"is an operatot of mgulated small MS4 rhat is noi a at}�,rowq oi counry. Small Municipal Sepatate Storm Sewet System or,SmaII MS4 is a conveyaace oz sysum of coave}�aaces for municipalities haviag populamns of]ess that 100,000 accozdiag to the 1990 US crosus.Such systems include zoad dcaioage systems,municipal sueets,catch basins,cutbs,guttus,ditches,man-made channels, and/oz storm drains that ue: a.Owned ox opuated by a city,towq counry,district,association or othez public body czeated puxsuaat to Stace law having jurisdiction ovex disposal of sewage,iadusrtial wastes,stormwatex,or othu wastes,iacluding sp�cial districts under state law such as a sewei districts,IIood contcol districts or dcaiaage distncts,or sitnilac wtity. b.Desigaed or used for collectiag oc coaceping stoanwater. c.Not a combiaed seaver system, d.Not part oEa I'ublidp Owned Txeatment Works (['OT�as de6ned at 40 CFR 122.2. e.Not defined as"lazge"ox"medivm"pucsuant to 40 CFR ]22.26(b)(4)&('7)o=designated undu ao cr,x izz.ze(a)(�)(���. Small A1S4s iadude systems similu ro separate stonn scwvex systems ia municipalities such as:univusities, ]azge publicly owaed hospitals,prison complexes,highwaps and othex thoroughfues.Stonn sewu systems in vety discrete azeas such as indicidual buildings do aot xequite covetage undes this Peffiit. Small MS4s do nat include sroxm drain systems opesated by aon-govunmeatal eatities such as:iadi�tidual buildings,pricate schools,pricate colleges,prmate uaicessities,and industrial acid commezcial entities. A.3 H.IP11B WRNSIUUIi0e51SnrmINPOES IMrLninisOaUOnISWMPS12073 SWMP1201]Aubum SWMP flnal DraA.Uacr Appendix A:Acronyms and Definitions City af Au6urn 2013 SWMP SOP means standard opesating procedure. Stormwatet means runoff duting and followi�g psecipitation and snowmelt evenrs,including surEace ruaoff and'dsainage. Stormwater Associated with Induetrial and Coastruction Activity means rhe dischazge&om any 2conceyance which is used Eoz collecting and conveying stormwatu,wluch is d'uecdy xelated to manufuturing,processiag or raw materials stozage areas at an industrial plant,oi associated with dearing grading and/oc excavation,and is required to have aa NPDES pexmit ia accordance with 40 CFR 122.26. Stotmwatet Management Manual for Wesurn Washington means the 5-volume uchnical maaual (Publicaaoa Nos. 99-]1 thcough 15 fox the 2001 cersion and Publication Nos.OS-10-029-033 fox the 2005 vexsioa(fhe 2005 vexsion zeplaces the 2001 veision)pxepazed by Ecology for use by local govervments that coatains BMPs to pseveat,contxol,ox tceat pollutioa in storm water. Stormwaur Management Progtam(SWMP)means a set of actions and acuvities designed to reduce the dischacge of pollutarits &om the regulated small'MS4 to the ma.eimum exteat piacricable and to protect wates qualitp,and comprising the components listed in SS oz S6 of this Pemut aad any addirional acdons aecessazy to meet the xeguixemeats of applicable. Total Maximum Daity Load(TMDL)is a calculatioa of the maximum amount of a pollutaat that a watesbodp can teceive aad still�meet watet qualiry standazds, M4 H1PUH WRKSIUIi60eslStormINP�ESIMdministrationlSWMPs12073SWfAP12073AUbumSWMPFinalOra%,docx 1. Permittee Information Permittee Name Pertnittee Coverage Number C' of Aubum WAR04-5502 Contact Name Phone Number Chris Thom 253 804 5065 Mailing Address 25 West Main Clty State Zlp+4 Auburn WA 98001-4998 Emall Adddress cthom auburnwa. ov II. Regulated Small MS4 Location Entity Type:Check the box f/►at applles Jurisdiction Coun C /Town Other Ci of Aubum X MaJor Recelving Water(s) White River, Green River, Mili Creek III. Relying on another Governmental Entity If you are relying on another governmental entity to satisfy one or more of the permit obligations, list the entity and briefly describe the permit obligation(s)they are implementing on your behalf below Attach a copy of your agreement with the odher entity to provide additionad detail. Name of Entlty: Pertnit Obifgation(s): IV. Certification All annuai reports must be signed and certified by the responsible offlciai(s) of permittee or co- permittees. Please print and sign this page of the reporting form and mail it (with an original signature) to Ecology at the address noted below. An electronic signature will not suffice. I certify under penalty of law,ttiat tUis document and all attachments were prepazed under my direction or supervision ia accordance with a system designed to assure that Qualified Personuel properly gaihered and evaluated the information submitted. Based on my inguiry of the person or persons who manage the system or those persons directly responsible for gathering information,the information submitted is,t_o the best of my lmowledge and belief,true,accurate, and complete. I am aware that there are significant penalties for submitting false informatio including the possibility of fine and imprisonment for willful violations. Name �� Tit�e HA-ya�2. Date � 1 8�� � Name Title Date Name Title Date Name TiUe Date Name Title Date VI. Status Report Covering Calendar Yr: 2012 Jurisdiction Name: city of aubum PLEASE indicate�reporting year and your jurisdiction in Line 1, above. PLEASE refer to the INSTRUCTIONS tab for assistance filling out this table. NOTE: For clarification on how to answer questions, place cursor over cells with red flags. NOTE: Please answer all questions. PLEASE review your work for completeness and accuracy Save this worksheet as you go! Question Y/NI # Comments:(50 word limit) Name of Attachment& NA Page#, if aaplicable 1. Attached annual written update of Permittee's Y � Stormwater M ement Pro SWMP =;�P� �8 S�� )� ,, <. including applicable requirements under .'���`,+r" ' �. • 2. Attached a copy of any annexations, NA v� e incorporations or boundary changes resulting ,��{:;�s in an increase or decrease in the Permittee's a: `f� o�r.,�`e-d geograpluc area of permit coverage during the ' :�_ �, . reporting period,and implications for the ��°�'� 3. Implemented an ongoing program for Y t�� ' gathering,tracking,maintaining, and using :�?�4 ,� information to evaluate SWMP development, w� � implementation and permit compliance and to e �+,.''";; i�,s� . 4. Tracked�.costs or estimated costs ofthe Y , �; •K developmeut and�implementation of the �Ew' S 7 SS.A.3.a •�`=>�a 5. SWMP includes an education prog�am aimed 1' �:'�'r'�.5 ;.-f-,.`�3c 1 at residents,businesses, industries,elected =•����'` r-�;r>,3`5. officlsls�,policymakers,planning.staffand �}1>'?�'�. other employees of the Permittee7 (SS:C.1) ���`�: ,ti 'r;Y.'.., 'VA 0i..�°r Paga 1 of 12 Question YINI # Comments (50 word limit) Name of.Attachment& NA Page#, if aoallcable 6. Number of public education and outreach �`.�r,.• �� Ciry of Aubum 2012 Publfc activities im lemented: �`A� Education and Involvement P �;:zx� �;i Summary 7 Provided opportunities for the public to 1' participate in the decision making pmcesses . involving the development, implementation and updates of the Permittee's SWMP? �`� (SS.C.2.a) ''�?� 8. Implemented a process for public involvement Y and consideration of public comments on the �� SWMP7 (SS.C.2.a) �'� 9 Made the most current version of the SWMP Y available to the ublic. SS.C.2.b 10. Posted the SWMP and latest annual report on Y Permittee's website. SS.C.2.b 11 NOTE website address in Attachment field: ; http://www.aubumwa.gov/servic 4 _ es/utilitieslstorm_drainage/storm water ertnit.htm 12. Maintained a map of your MS4, including Y �L�,:^^� uirements listed in SS.C3.a.i-iu7 ��.� 13. Map has been made available upon request? Y ��,:?r. SS:C.3.a.iv �'�� 14. Implemented an ordinance or other regulatory Y �:.'°`; �r�+�'-: mechanism to effectively pmhibit non- Ffris:,=;;i stormwater illicit dischar es into the !"�`` '' > g F--'-�-z''b=� Permittee's MS4? (SS.C.3.b) {`':':i�. �`.,xs- 15. Im lemented an on oin ro am to detect and Y �~" �a�,. P g B P B�' �,.,.•� address non-stormwater illicit discharges, '`�`"'� including spills, and illicit connections into the -�r,�� Permittee'sMS4? (SS.C3.c) �•` '4':A`- �';�'�;:"' Page 2 of 72 Question Y/NI # Comments (50 word limit) Name of Attachment 8 NA Page#,,if applicable 16. Implemented field assessment activities, Y ;�;��. �vi:''��'-L4. including visual inspection of priority outfalls '� :s„> ,.�:�,<s,;. identified during dry weather, and for the <i��=� purposes of verifying outfall locations, �a �''�� iden reviousl unknown outfalls and ��=`}v` tifyuig P Y , ;::.i,...< ��-�: detecting illicit discharges. (SS.C.3.c.ii) �;- :��u`�. :,: 17 Conducted field assessments on at least one Y �,�;�;>:i lugh priority water body? (SS.C3.c.ii) ��'.'�`-�."`^�.,:� i;�s�'.:,:.r� 18. Implemented procedures for characterizing the Y �w`#� -a nature of, and potential public or ,�;��.4� environmental threat posed by, any illicit '.�i'.',�� •,�;<.-:, discharges found by or reported to the `k=.':;.--� �..:.A�ti.� Permittee7 (SS.C.3.c.iii) �=`���,;� 19 Implemented procedures for tracing the source Y ``%�`"�` f�:t:;h y. of an illicit discharge; including visual � ,���.'� inspections and when necessary p g �'''�^ �� , , o enin :r;'�.�• ,,�:�,: 'S>:_ ,.� manholes,using mobile cameras, collecting -..:.�:=;:� and analyzing water samples, and/or other ��s��;��,_ detailed inspection procedures? (SS.C3.c.iv) �-'�=:;�a� x:yy�.�?. �� '%->:<�"��� ✓ ..l��_- 20. Implemented procedures for removing the Y 4�`�';�� source of the discharge, including notification �''� y�� �:zr:', of appropriate authorities;nolificarion of the ��;u;,,^,�� �:.':�; properry owner;technical assistance for , eliminating the discharge;follow-up ��';'`�""�-rt� s�:��:;.ri ,,.. ,:..�. ins ections• and escalatin enforcement and ���'°'�: P , g ,=f��°s,� a: . .�;x legal actions if the dischazge is not eliminated? �x-°��a�a�:r' t P4:tiY �S$.C.3.0.V� tr.?:*s'S�;. ���,�-�: Pege 3 of 12 Question Y/NF # Comments (50`word;limit) Name of Attachment 8� NA Page #, if apalica6le 21 Pmvided updated informarion to public y ' '�;�': :,=- ,�� employees,businesses,and the general public _`���g;;p' of hazards associated with illegal discharges ;�.�."�`,-;:r:�'f and improper disposal ofwaste? (SS.C.3.d) '�'��'"='a `�:-e,�� �� �"�t;7 22. Distributed appropriate information to target Y audiences identified pursuant to SS.C.1? (SS.C.3.d.i) 23. Publicized and maintained a'hofliue or other Y ' ;,::�-';;� local telephone number for public reporking of ' '" �z'`"� ,.,. ,-��M s spills and other illicit dischazges? pi��;�,�.' (SS.C3.d.ri) `�'f�E'4�c`� s;> 24. Number of hofline ca11s received: �nz`i 31�� 25 Number of follow-up actions taken in response �_rv�� 31 to ca11s: €::�'�`:� 26. NOTE hotline number in Comments field �=�Y�� ��=::''.w� (253) 931-3048 27 Number of illicit discharges identified r'�::� 36 Includes spills to MS4 SS.C3.e : �,:;u� 28. Number of inspections made for illicit �t"�.`r�' 27 D weather outfall lus 3 ins ections �.�..;s� �Y P P connections SS.C3.e : �:':;=u� 29 Munici al field staff res onsible for Y =� P P ; >,=,`� identification, investigation,temunation, `��z� �`�:-�7-�:`x cleanup, and reporting of illicit discharges, *•r:s°.;;�r< ,,,:�� ,. improper disposal and illicit connections aze .-;�;`.?��` fl .� irained to conduct these activities? (SS.C.3.f.i) ;;;`�;�; :��;:p�� Page 4 of 12 Question Y/Nl # Comments (50 word limit) Name of Attachment & NA Page #, if aualicable 30. Implemented an ongoing haining program on y "'�1�`' the identification of an illicit ��''��"� >��f�,�. u:<.-�>- discharge/connection, and on the proper r���'��, �;�:�:. rocedures for re ortin and re ondin to the ?-�''L��< P P g SP B . ,�:.:, illicit discharge%onnection for all municipal '``;"��° :iii,�'��L, y1.S. . field staff,wlrich,as part of their normal job t`;�_�,�,�` responsibilities,might come into contact with "' '�'���� or otherwise observe an illicit discharge or ` '-`�'� ';:�;:,;V:` illicit connecfion to the storm sewer stem? �''�°�--` � SY � ���.:;�: (SS.C.3.f.n �.-�� �����VA ��' I ��y1�'l.��ti 31. Applied stormwater runoffprogram to private Y F;u:"=`�_;:. w..�._ and ublic develo men includin roads? `"'°=�� (SS C.4) P � g ��-P�„;.. S�?:-k:�xa 32. Applied the Technical Thresholds in Appendix Y �%'.i;;='=� ,.. , T.' "^�.'�.G� 1 to all sites 1 acre orQ}eater includinp p �, -•>� • D' ) O heM1j`Sf��y"«' �..niF.�,� projects less than one acre that are part of a �;��•sF,•� i-�,�..•.,�,., lazger common plan of the development or x"'�,�m�� sale? (S5.C.4) '��;�_} �-s:��<.a 33. Implemented a regulatory mechanism(such as Y �v�,`2:'� �::-.,__: an ordinance)necessary to address run-off �'>�:��^'`ti from new development,redevelopment and �%��'i conshuction site activities? (SS.C.4.a) t.-'`�:�'� �,���� ���,��:i 34. Retained existing local requirements to apply Y stormwater controls at smaller sites or,at lower thresholdsthan required pursuantto SS:C.47 35. Number of exceptions to.the minimum ` � 0 �r���. requuements in Appendix 1 granted(SS.C.4.a.i ':'�'.^�� and Appendix 1)? ks" �>� Page 5 of 12 Cluestion YIN/ # Comments.(50 word limit) Name of Attachment 8 NA Page #, if aaalicable 36. Number of variances to the minimum � 0 requirements in Appendix 1 allowed � SS.C.4.a.i and A endi�c 1 ? 37 Implemented a permitting process to address Y runoff from new development,redevelopment � and construction site activities with plan � review, inspection, and enforcement i capability? (SS.C.4.b) 38. Reviewed Stormwater Site Plans for new Y I � development and redevelopment projects that 'I disturb a land azea 1 acre or greater, including j projects less than one acre that aze part of a � larger common plan of development or sale? � � SS.C.4.b.i I' 39 Number of site plans reviewed during the � � 517 re ortin eriod: 40. Inspected,prior to clearing and construction, Y a111aiown development sites that have a lugh j potential for sediment transport as determined I through plan review based on definitions and � i requirements in Appendix 7 Determiniug i Construction Site Sediment Potenrial? � 41. Number of qualifying sites inspected prior to { ; � clearing and consiruction during the reporting ; ; eriod: 42. Inspected conslruction-phase stormwater Y ! controls at a11 laiown permitted development ` sites during conshuction to verify proper � installation and maintenance of required I erosion and sediment controls? (SS.C.4.b.iii and v) Page 6 of 12 Question YINI # Comments (50 word limit) Name of Attachment& ' NA Page#,.if aoalicable 43. � Nnmber of sites inspected during the �=:� 156 conshuction phase for the reporting period: ���'� �"'_�".3 44. Based on inspections at new development and Y =��"�� f�v�!n_ l�441Y�i.. redevelopment cons4vction projects,enforced :�::�;..,..! - 4-:� requirements related to the pmper installation -::�;";-'� and maintenance of erosion and sediment ;.;;�,�'� controls� (SS.C.4.b.iii and vi) s''-';"„ �;.:�Y_ 3 r .�`;�i.l .;,; �::}:::�. _. 45. Number of enforcement actions taken during �_;�'4y 17 the rtin riod: �;s'';.� 46. Inspected qualifying permitted development Y ,..� °'"-�� sites upon wmpletion of construction and prior �' 3K�4� :v s'>.: �N M to final approval or occupancy to ensure pmper ;5:��s�r :�.Y�CVS i installation of permanent stormwater contmis ,,;�-„ .'_L.N. such as stormwater facilities and structural �`%'-'' ��R�7.. ,1; BMPs? (SS.C.4.b.iv and v) _�'�`�?t;= ,:.�;.�;� µ,Y �. : 47 Number of qualifying sites Imown during the ���� 198 rtin eriod: k��� 48. Number of qualifying sites inspected during P;=� 198 the re rtin eriod: ��="'� ::.�,�. 49. Verified a maintenance plan is completed and 1' � ;�: �'�. .<'��, responsibility for maintenance is assigned for �._. ::�,: qualifying permitted development sites L:�;}�. (SS.C.4.b.iv) rY��" 4"r.::.4r.-.��.'y 50. Enforced regulations to ensure proper Y r:�-�'�".��,� installation of permanent stormwater controls? �"�'r,`,=��'. (SS.C.4 �`� .b.iv) -::�-ri,f�J ^'Y 51. Number of enforcement actions taken dllttllg 'i�� 10 � w� : �10 L�SII CIIOCI: ri-�;,� Page 7 of 12 Question YINI # Comments�(50 word limit) Name of Attachment & NA Page #, if aaulicable 52. Implemented a long-term operation and Y f j maintenance(O&lVn program fnr post- � construction stormwater facilities permitted i i -. .I and constructed pursuant to S5.C.4.a. and b.7 f� =" � 53. Annually inspected all post-conshuction Y f ' � stormwater controls,including shuctural BMPs, at new development and redevelopment � projects permitted according to SS.C.4.b. (unless maintenance records justify a different � - frequency)7(SS.C.4.c.iii) � �_ ___�� 54. If using reduced inspection frequency, � ,� Attached documentation as er SS.C.4.c.iii7 ` ___-J 55. Performed timely maintenance of post- 1' I conshuction stormwater facilities and BMPs as j er SS.C.4.c.ii? _�_J 56. Attached documentation of any maintenance NA dela s. SS.C.4.c.ii �__. ! _.� 57 Inspected all new stormwater ireatment and Y I flow control facilities owned or operated, � including catch basins,for new residential - -� developments that are a part of a lazger � common plan of development or sale, every 6 months during the period of heaviest house construction(i.e., 1 to 2 years following ' _� ' subdivision approval)to identify maintenence needs and enforce compliance with � maintenance standards as needed? � ; j (SS.C.4.c.iv) �: -• _ 1 58. Number of facilities inspected during the � � 14 re ortin riod: 1-__.? Page 8 of 12 Question YIN/ ' # Comments (50 word.limit) Name of Attachment& NA Page #, if aoolicable 59 Implemented a procedure for keeping records Y (�;;;:'�`j;�; i of inspections and enforcement actions by t�:�;�` ;.;`�,:� staff, including inspection reports,warning = `>``� � W.�_ letters,notices of violations,other enforcement '�''"' ��mr:���2 records, maintenance inspections and .�:_�.. :,� maintenance activities? (SS.C.4.d) ..:�,�.�� '�{�Tw'�N?, �a� 60. Provided copies of the Notice of Intent for Y �4 ConatrncHon Activity and Notice of Intent for Indastrial Activity to representatives of n� ' proposed new development and �,�� redevelopment? (SS.C.4.e) �;�� 61. All staff res onsible for im lementin the 'Y Y�• 4A"=�3 Trainin is still needed in the Plannin and P P g "�.:, 9 � 9 pmgram to control stormwater runoff from :�w��- Development Departme�t. :n...�:a t�t�,r. new development,redevelopment, and •�z���:,;, construction sites, including permitting,plan '"' ��' ;.��, �:�:.s`�•: review, construction site inspecflons,and ;:,.a. S^" -;:"- � enforcement were trained to conduct these � __. x` t.:;>�• activities7 (SS.C.4.fl .=xy�r�?; . -.. _ r 62. Performed timely maintenance as per N ��;t,, S$.�.'.5.A.117 �i'��� 63. Attached documentation of any maintenance Y -.�•�; G20 Notifiqtion Letter dela s. SS.C.S.a.ri �,4� 64. Implemented a program designed to annually Y ::�"';� __, r�. inspect and maintained all stormwater ;'�`K-', T�• � treatment and flow control facililies(other than "`'" �7;''•�;:. catch basins)?(SS:C.S:b) %�',�' i:4i�]'�� L. 65. Number of lmown facilities: �� 227 66. Number of facilities inspected duting the r;��� 227 s•t:s�� re ortin . eriod: �.-:� Pege 9 of 12 Question Y/N/ # Comments (50 word limit) Name of Attachment & NA Page #, if epplicable 67 If using reduced inspection frequency, N/+ Attac6ed documentalion as per SS.C.S.a.ii7 (SS.C.5.6) 68. Conducted spot checks of stormwater facilities Y after ma'or storms? SS.C.S.c 69. Number of lmown facilities: 227 70. Number of facilities inspected during the , 10 10 critical sites are routlnely inspected after re ortin riod: major storms. 71 Inspected 20%of municipally owned or 1' operated catch basins at least once before the end of the Permit term7(SS.C.S.d and Permit e 72. Number of Imown catch basins: 10,621 73. Number of ins ections: ; 4,362 74. Number of catch basins cleaned: 571 75. Implemented pracrices to reduce stormwater Y impacts assaciated with runoff from streets, � parking lots,roads or highways owned or maintained by the Permittee, and road maintenance activities conducted by the Permittee7 (SS.C.S.� � 76. Implemented policies and procedures to reduce Y pollutants in discharges from all lands owned or maintained by the PermiUee and subject to tlus Permit,including but not limited to:pazks, open space,road right-of-way,maintenance yards,and stormwater treatment and flow conh�ol facilities7 (SS.C.S.g) Page 10 of 12 Question Y/NI # Comments (50 word limit) Name of Attachment & NA Page#, if anplicable 77 Implemented an operations and maintenance Y 'ir:�,:, (O&lvn training,program that tias the.ultimate �`T �.� ` s:`�L�. goal of preventing or reducing pollutant runoff ��`�'" �=� =�r: firom municipal operations7 (SS.C.S.h.) „�'-� �;�:^�=`_ 78. Implemented'a Stormwater Pollution y �":M: �� , ,.;.r.r_ Prevention Plan(SWPPP) for all heavy �s�,��_?�: �_.+:._,:, equipment maintenance or storage yards, and t�=;.��;;: material storage facilities owned or operated �'� ���� �.... .,;:�, „_ �:.: by the Permittee in azeas subject to this Permit ::?�=�;�=I -;;.�;•, : that are not required to have coverage under '>'���y � the Industrial Stormwater General Permit7 '�r�=�" '��;�`�' (SS.C.S.i) �•r��:� M;:• � 79 Complied with the specific requirements NA associated with appmved TMDIs identified in " •e � Appendix 2? (S7.A and Permit Reference '� x� T ' :� 80. Attached status report of TMDL NA .�;, � . implementadon? (S7.A and Permit Reference ' r� ; Table 81. Where monitoring was required in Appendix 2, NA - ..�.. did you conduct the monitoring according to an ;�`_�.� approved Quality Assurance Pmject Plan? �, (S7.A and Permit Reference Table) �' ` �M 82. Notified Ecology immediately in cases where y '' , the Permittee becomes aware of a discharge ;�; from the Pemilttees MS4 which may cause or `;�� coniribute to an imminent threat to human �;b' health�or the envitonment7 (G3) � � �Page 11 of 12 Ques4lon Y/N/: # Comments;(50.word limit) Name of Attachment:& NA Page #, if applicable 83. TOOk apprOpriatE&Ct'l0II to CoirCCt o1'minimi�P Y discharges into or from the MS4 which coutd ' � '' constitute a threat to human health,welfare, or � the environment? (G3) 84. Attached a summary of the status of ►`� implementation of any actions taken pursuant to S4.F and the status of any montioring, assessment,or evaluation efforts conducted $� • during the reporfing period7 (S4.F.3.d) ' ' 4 85. Notified Ecology of the failure to comply with Y ' any permit term or condition witivn 30 days of becoming aware of the non-compliance7(G20) Page 12 of 12 VII. Information Collecfion, BMP Evaluation, and Monitoring Complete Part A for all annual reports. NOTE: Please,note in Row 1 of the table if you have no information to report. NOTE. Please'limit your entries to 255 characters per cell: You may inciude additional information in your Supplemental Documentation attachment and reference it below with the page number A. Information Collection Briefly describe any stormwater monitoring, studies, or type of information collected and analyzed during the Who/how to contact for additional re orting period. (58.6.1) information? Wet weather fecal coliform monitoring was perfortned in four storm Melanie May, Stortn Drainage Technician,253-87& drainage conveyance system segments which discharge to the White River 1915 1. tributa that runs throu h Ro ner Park. _ Turbidity testlng was.pertormed at a discharge to Mill Creek and a Jamie Kelly, Environmental Planner, 253-804-5092 � discharge to a tributary to Soos Creek to confirm that turbidity levels were 2. within acce table ran es. i Stormwater water levels were measured in three stormwater ponds. Chris Thom,Water Quality Programs Coordinator, 253- I 3. 804-5065 � 4. I 5. 6. ' Page 1 of 1 VII. InformationiCollection, BMP�Evaluation, and Monitoring Complete Part B for all annual reports. B. SWMP Evaluation (58.6 & S9) You are required to assess the appropriateness of the BMPs you have selected to implement your SWMP This evaluation is necessary to evaluate whether the MEP standard set by the permit is protective of water quality in your receiving water bodies. This assessment may be entirely qualitative. Answer NA if you are not yet implementing BMPs for a component of the SWMP (S8.6.2 and S9) Question YININA Comments (50 word limit) Are the BMPs selected and implemented for Public Outreach Y 1 appmpriate to*n;nimi�a pollutants in the MS4 to the MEP? Are the BMPs selected and implemented for Public Involvement appmpriate to minimize pollutants in the MS4 to Y 2. the MEP? Are the BMPs selected and implemented for Illicit Discharge Detection and Eliwination appropriate.to min;mize pollutants Y 3. in the MS4 to the MEP7 Are the BMPs selected and implemented for Construction Stormwater Pollution Prevention appropriate to m;nimi�P y 4. ollutants in the MS4 to the MEP? Are the BMPs selected and implemented for Post- Conshucrion Runoff Management appropriate to minim;�e Y 5. ollutsnts in the MS4 to the MEP? Are the BMPs selected and implemented for Goo Housekeeping for Municipal.Operations appropriate to Y 6. minimize ollutants in the MS4 to the MEP? Page-1 of 1 VII. Information Collectlon, BMP Evaluation, and Monitoring Complete Part"C for all annual reports. C. Changes in BMPs or o6jectives (S8.B) If any of the BMPs or objectives is being changed, list the old BMP and objective, the new BMP and objective, and a justi£cation for the change below. (S8.6.2., and S9) NOTE. You may choose to attach additional documentation justifying Changes in BMPs or objectives. Note such attachments in the Justificafion for change field. Old BMP Old Objective New BMP New ObJective Justification for Change 1 2 3 4 5 8 7 Page 7 of 1 City of Auburn 2012 Pubiic Education and Involvement Summary Public Education Activi Ta et Audience Commerrts City Storm Drainage Web Site General Public City website provides general informatlon on the City's stortn drainage program, Iinks to ttie Cityrs SWMP and annual reports and Iists the Spill Reporting phone number. The City wetisite included headlines declaring May as Puget Sound Starts Here month and inGuded Iocal events that cfizens could artici ate in. Stormwater Outreach for Generai public Aubum participated in this regional public education Regional Municipalities program. PSSH branded information and items STORM _ were distributed. Puget Sound Starts Here General Public The City is using one of the static display units static display in customer purchased by the South King Stormwater OuVeach service aFea of the Group to display PSSH information. C' Hall Annex Solid Waste&Recycling Homeowners Provided infarmation on disposal options for Newsletter household hazardous waste and on keeping hazardous waste out of stortnwater Mnounced Aubum's cookin oil rec ciin ststion..__ ECOSS Spill Kit Program Property management 13 spill kits and infortnation were provided to 2 companies companies that manage multiple properties whe2 56 businesses are looated. Water Festival Fourth and fifth grade students 224 Auburn students attended Water Festival where they leamed about stormwater;pollution preveMion, wetlands,saimon, drinking water and sanihary sewer issues through hands on activities and resentations. Natural Yard Care Workshops Homeowners The three workshops were attended by between 50 and 80 people per session(80 unique households) from the Lakeland Hiils area of Aubum. Attendees leamed that they could have beautifui, heafthy yards while reducing their dependence on pestiades and fertilizer. Kid's Day School children and their One day fair where approximately 1,000 children parents visited the Aubum Utilities booth and Ieamed about stortnwater pollution prevention and other wa[er resource information. Carvvash Kit Program/IDDE Property owners/managers The City provided a carwash kit on Iong term loan to a local business where charity car washes occur frequenUy. Staff at the business were trained on its use. Kit checkout procedures were revised to include a process were the City verifies that a kit will function at a site rior to it bein check out for use. Petpalooza Dog owners The City distributed pet waste pick up bag dispensers shaped like dog bones,which inciuded a supply of ba s. Volunteer Vegetatian Planting General Public The City organized and led na6ve plant planting, at the Aubum Environmentai invasive species conVol and mulching opporiuniUes at Park the Aubum Environmental Park. Approximateiy 150 voluMeers rtici ated. City of Au6urn 2012 IDDE Education Summary Public Education Activ' Ta et Audience Comments _ IDDE Recognition and City Staff Provided IDDE recognftion and reporting Re rtin educatioNtrainin to,9 new ci staff. * CITY OF '� � ���� Peter B. Lewis, Mayor ��C � ' WASH[NGTON 25 West Main Sheet*Auburn WA 98001-4996 * www.aubumwa.gov*259-981-8000 September 7,2012 Anne Dettelbach Phase II Municipal NPDES Permit Manager Ecblogy Northwest Regtonal Office 3190160°i Avenue Southeast Bellevue,WA 98008 FtE: NPDES Municipal Stormwater Permit WAR045502 020 IVo6ftoaUon De�r Ms. Dettelbaoh: This letter is to noqfy you that 4he City of Aubum has become aware of a poirtt of non-compliance with the Phase 11 Nlunicipai StormWater Permit(Permit). The speciflcs of this point of non-compliance gre outiined below. Specfal CondiBon SS.C.5.a.ii requires the Cfty of Aubum(City)to perform maintenarice witFiin 2 years far malntenance that requires oap'dal canstruction of less than$25,000. The City'(derltifrec!iwo stofin Padilities ii12090 {May 6°i and July 7�"')that had exceeded the City's permit required maintenance standarcts. The City prepared a capltal improvement proJect In 2011 to perform the maintenance bri these two faCili�es. Pro)ect delays prevenfed the City ftom bidding fn 2011 so it was rescheduied for the summer ofi 2012. Tha City tiid the project In July of this year however we received only one bid wiiich Was aimost twicc�fhe engineer's est[mate($197,858 over the estirrihte ofi$239,352). The City reject�d the bid artd prepated�o revlse and re-bid the contrac�t. However the City cancelled the ptoJect re-bid nh August 27�'because we determined the risk for c411ateral environmental damage was too great'rf we proceed with th�projed fhis late in the year. Consequently, the City is not in campilance with the pertnit requirements for conducting faciiity maintenance. To correct this complience issue the City wlll complete the required maintenance during thA sUmrimer of 2013. Ifyou fiave questions please contactTim Cadaw at(253)8045060 o1'tcad�wfcDaubumwa.aov. For more lrtformation about the City ofAubutn's efforts to comply w(th the Phase II Municipal Stormwater Permlt In general, piease confact Chris Thom at(253)804-6065 or cihom@aubumwa.aov. Sincerely, ennis R. owdy,BE Public Works Director City of Aubum DRD/Jr cc: Dan Repp,PE, UtiliUes Engineer Tim Cadaw,Storm Drainage Englneer Robe}t Lee,PE,Project�ngineer - - Chris Thom,Water Quaiity Programs Coordinator - - - �,J$jj�# MORE TI-IAN YOU IMAGTNED