HomeMy WebLinkAbout04-15-2013 FINANCE COMMITTEE PACKET Finance Committee April 15, 2013 - 5:30 PM Annex Conference Room 1 AGENDA I.CALL TO ORDER A.Roll Call B.Announcements C.Agenda Modifications II.CONSENT AGENDA A. Minutes of the April 1, 2013 Meeting* B. Claims Vouchers* (Coleman) Claims check numbers 421592 through 421875 in the amount of $4,850,174.97 and dated April 15, 2013. C. Payroll Vouchers (Coleman) Payroll check numbers 533722 through 533755 in the amount of $852,513.66 and electronic deposit transmissions in the amount of $1,175,116.50 for a grand total of $2,027,630.16 for the period covering March 28, 2013 - April 10, 2013. III.DISCUSSION ITEMS A. February 2013 Financial Report* (Coleman) B. Resolution No. 4932* (Tiedeman) A Resolution of the City Council of the City of Auburn, Washington, authorizing the Mayor and City Clerk to execute a contract for services with Avidex Industries, LLC for audio visual systems C. Utility Amnesty Program* (Coleman) IV.ADJOURNMENT Agendas and minutes are available to the public at the City Clerk's Office, on the City website (http://www.auburnwa.gov), and via e-mail. Complete agenda packets are available for review at the City Clerk's Office. *Denotes attachments included in the agenda packet. Page 1 of 152 AGENDA BILL APPROVAL FORM Agenda Subject: Minutes of the April 1, 2013 Meeting Date: April 8, 2013 Department: Administration Attachments: April 1, 2013 Minutes Budget Impact: $0 Administrative Recommendation: Background Summary: Reviewed by Council Committees: Councilmember:Staff: Meeting Date:April 15, 2013 Item Number:CA.A AUBURN * MORE THAN YOU IMAGINEDCA.A Page 2 of 152 Finance Committee April 1, 2013 - 5:30 PM Annex Conference Room 1 MINUTES I. CALL TO ORDER Chair John Partridge called the meeting to order at 5:30 p.m. in Annex Conference Room 1 located on the second floor of the City Hall Annex at One East Main Street in Auburn. A. Roll Call Chair John Partridge, Vice Chair Largo Wales and Member John Holman were present. City officials and staff members present included: Public Works Director Dennis Dowdy, Finance Director Shelley Coleman, City Attorney Dan Heid and Deputy City Clerk Shawn Campbell. Also present was Scot Pondelick B. Announcements There was no annoucnement. C. Agenda Modifications Resolution No. 4932 was removed from the agenda. II. CONSENT AGENDA A. March 18, 2013 Minutes Vice Chair Wales requested City Attorney Heid research the usage of the Golf Course by high school students at no fee and report back to the Committee. Vice Chair Wales moved and Member Holman seconded to approve the March 18, 2013 minutes. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 3-0 B. Claims Vouchers (Coleman) Claims check numbers 421291 through 421591, in the amount of $1,320,530.11 and dated April 1, 2013. Vice Chair Wales moved and Member Holman seconded to approve Page 1 of 7 CA.A Page 3 of 152 and forward claims and payroll vouchers to the full Council for consideration. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 3-0 C. Payroll Vouchers (Coleman) Payroll check numbers 533690 through 533721 in the amount of $283,042.12 electronic deposit transmissions in the amount of $1,260,268.29 for a grand total of $1,543,310.41 for the period covering March 14, 2013 - March 27, 2013. Please see claims vouchers above for action on payroll vouchers. III. RESOLUTIONS A. Resolution No. 4916 (Coleman) A Resolution of the City Council of the City of Auburn, Washington, authorizing the transfer of funds for the purpose of making a loan or loans from the Cumulative Reserve Fund to the Golf Course Fund for up to a three-year period of time Director Coleman presented the two proposed options for Resolution No. 4916. The Enterprise Fund Loan will sunset at the end of 2013. Both options will require the Golf Course Fund to repay $50,000.00 of the loan by the end of 2013. Option one requires one balloon payment and option two allows for monthly installments. Chair Partridge stated the City must implement a repayment plan before the loan sunsets. The Washington State Auditors office has recently issued findings for municipalities with outstanding interfund loans where the enterprise fund has not attempted repayment. The Golf Course needs to be responsible for the debt. Option two gives the Golf Course more working capital through the year and allows the Golf Course to manage their funds throughout the year with the knowledge they have a monthly payment. The fund may be able to sustain the monthly payment and the City would not have to make the permanent transfer. Option two shows the Auditor the City is treating this as a loan. Chair Partridge stated the Council needs to develop best practices regarding interfund loans so as the Golf Course requires additional funds the debt is kept in the forefront of the discussion making process. The City has other options available besides paying off the loan. The Council will have to reconsider this loan and the enterprise fund as a whole at the end of the year. Director Coleman stated the City could not sell the Golf Course at this time. The building was paid for with General Obligation Bonds, that are tax exempt for an additional three years. The City could refund or prepay the debt at that time. The Finance Department will be reevaluating the amount of the debt that the Golf course can repay at Page 2 of 7 CA.A Page 4 of 152 the mid term budget adjustment. Director Coleman responded to a question regarding best practices that the Councilmembers need to look at the enterprise fund and see if the fund can afford the level of payment. If the fund cannot, the Council would need to reevaluate the repayment of the loan. The Auditor’s Office does not typically allow interfund loans to be extended beyond three years. The Golf Course is focusing on promotion. The staff is aware of the debt and they are attempting to reduce expenses. Member Holman questioned if the Golf Course has sufficient revenue each month to pay the proposed monthly payment. The loan is an interfund loan that the City is responsible for; if the Golf Course fund does not have the revenue to pay the debt, the City as a whole is still responsible for the debt. Vice Chair Wales questioned who was responsible for the budget at the Golf Course. The City should be aggressive with Enterprise Funds. The Golf Course does not have the additional funds to pay back the loan nor can the City expect there to be more revenue to work with than last year. Member Holman moved and Vice Chair Wales seconded to approve and forward Resolution No. 4916 option one to the full Council for consideration. MOTION CARRIED. 2-1 Chair Partridge voted no. IV. DISCUSSION ITEMS A. Ordinance No. 6460 (Coleman) An Ordinance of the City Council of the City of Auburn, Washington, amending Sections 8.08.070 and 8.08.140 of the Auburn City Code relating to solid waste disposal Director Coleman presented Ordinance No. 6460. She said the Ordinance is an extension of the Solid Waste agreement. This would allow the Auburn City Code to be in line with the interlocal agreement. Member Holman requested a report of the discussion at Municipal Services Committee. Chair Partridge said there was not a lot of discussion. It was understood this ordinance is a clean up ordinance to ensure the Auburn City Code matches the interlocal agreement. B. Resolution No. 4928 (Coleman) A Resolution of the City Council of the City of Auburn, Washington, authorizing the city to apply for and, if awarded, to accept grant funds Page 3 of 7 CA.A Page 5 of 152 in the amount of $300,000.00 from the Federal Aviation Administration and the Washington State Department of Transportation, Aviation Division, to seal coat airport apron areas, runway and taxiway surfaces for the Auburn Municipal Airport and authorizing the execution of the grant agreement therefor Director Coleman said Resolution No. 4928 is a Federal Grant from the Federal Aviation Administration for the seal coating portions of the airport runways. The grant is for 90% of the cost. The City expects to receive a minimum of 2.5% from Washington State Department of Transportation. C. Resolution No. 4929 (Coleman) A Resolution of the City Council of the City of Auburn, Washington, authorizing the City to apply for, and if awarded, to accept grant funds in the amount of $70,000.00 from the Federal Aviation Administration and the Washington State Department of Transportation, Aviation Division, to prepare an airport wildlife hazard assessment for the Auburn Municipal Airport and authorizing the execution of the grant agreement therefor Director Coleman said Resolution No. 4929 is a Federal Grant from the Federal Aviation Administration for a wildlife hazard assessment. The grant is for 90% of the cost. The City expects to receive a minimum of 2.5% from Washington State Department of Transportation. The City may have additional expenses from the findings of the assessment. Vice Chair Wales confirmed the amount for the expected funds was based on expected funds received from the Washington State Department of Transportation. D. Resolution No. 4930 (Heid) A Resolution of the City Council of the City of Auburn, Washington, approving placing the King County County-wide 2014-2019 Medic One/Emergency Medical Services (EMS) levy on the ballot City Attorney Heid presented Resolution No. 4930. State law requires each jurisdiction with a population over 50,000 to endorse putting the measure on the ballot. Chair Partridge noted the rate is actually $.335. The rate is slightly higher than previously assessed but based on home values the cost to the individual homeowner will actually be reduced. E. Resolution No. 4931 (Dowdy) A Resolution of the City Council of the City of Auburn, Washington, authorizing the Mayor to accept a federal grant to be administered through the Washington State Department of Transportation for the Page 4 of 7 CA.A Page 6 of 152 Citywide Guardrail Improvements Project Director Dowdy presented Resolution No. 4931. It is a grant for replacement and additional guardrails in the City. The only cost to the City is City staff time for designing the project. F. Redflex Contract (Coleman) Director Coleman stated this is an amendment to the existing agreement with Redflex. The amendment extends the agreement by five years with an annual auto renewal. The amendment allows the City to suspend a camera in the case of road construction or school closures. Redflex requested the City extend the contract to compensate for the time a cameras was suspended. The City did not agree to any extensions. The City requested starting a new contract, but Redflex was not interested in executing new contracts due to the amount owed to Redflex in uncollected fines. The uncollected fines are not a City liability, the funds will only be paid to Redflex if the fines are collected. Director Coleman presented a new estimated cost to the City for the Redflex contract. In 2012 the City paid a portion of the judge’s wages and a full time court clerk out the of the Redflex account. In 2013 the City will not have that expense. The amendment allows for the collections to be handled through King County District Court. The Court has the ability to attach a fine to a vehicle license, so the collection rate is expected to increase. Redflex has agreed to credit the City with a $5,000.00 per month in deferred revenue credit. Chair Partridge reported the Municipal Services Committee discussed putting the contract out for bid. Vice Chair Wales inquired if other companies who provide this type of service are local. City Attorney Heid said the companies are national. Vice Chair Wales questioned the officer time on the proposed cost sheet. Director Coleman said the hours were provided by the Police Department and she would confirm the totals. Vice Chair Wales stated she does not like photo enforcement and she feels the signs at every intersection even where there is no photo enforcement camera is unwelcoming and any safety value they provided is offset. When a City relies on photo enforcement some police officers do not feel they are responsible for patrolling the intersections. She said when a police officer stops you they have the opportunity to explain and teach you regarding the infraction. Member Holman stated he does not endorse photo enforcement based on the lack of statistical data showing the reduction of Page 5 of 7 CA.A Page 7 of 152 accidents. He also sees the cost to the City without the promised benefits. He said for the cost of the Redflex contract the City could pay for a lot of police overtime and target problem areas. Chair Partridge said he also has concerns regarding the cost of Redflex. He questioned if the City could provide an additional officer purely devoted to patrolling school zones and busy intersections. He added he does like that the City added the cameras to school zones since they were not there originally. Director Dowdy said in the first two years the City was able to generate revenue that was used for traffic calming measures. Director Colman noted the agreement will go back to the Municipal Services Committee with additional information from Redflex and a report that the Finance Committee is not in support of continuing the Redflex contract. If the contact is not renewed Redflex will be responsible for removing the cameras and repairing the concrete. G. Public Works Consultant Agreement No. AG-C-431 (Dowdy) City Council to grant permission to enter into Consultant Agreement No. AG-C-431 with FCS Group, Inc. for the Water, Sewer, and Stormwater Cost of Service Rate and Charge Study Director Dowdy stated the Public works Committee pulled this item from the Council agenda so they could spend additional time working on the scope of services. Chair Partridge asked if there is a legal requirement to do this study. Director Dowdy said there is no legal requirement. The Council directed staff to conduct this study during the last rate adjustment. Chair Partridge questioned what the potential benefits of the study. Director Dowdy said one customer class maybe subsidizing a different customer class. This study will give the City a true cost of services for each customer class. The last study was completed in 2000. Director Coleman said the City did a rate study in 2012. This study is a cost of service study which provides the City with different kind of data. V. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business to come before the Committee, the meeting adjourned at 6:35 p.m. APPROVED this 15th day of April, 2013. Page 6 of 7 CA.A Page 8 of 152 ___________________________ _____________________________ John Partridge, Chair Shawn Campbell, Deputy City Clerk Page 7 of 7 CA.A Page 9 of 152 AGENDA BILL APPROVAL FORM Agenda Subject: Claims Vouchers Date: April 8, 2013 Department: Finance Attachments: Claims Vouchers Budget Impact: $0 Administrative Recommendation: City Council to approve Claims Vouchers Background Summary: Claims check numbers 421592 through 421875 in the amount of $4,850,174.97 and dated April 15, 2013. Reviewed by Council Committees: Finance Councilmember:Staff:Coleman Meeting Date:April 15, 2013 Item Number:CA.B AUBURN * MORE THAN YOU IMAGINEDCA.B Page 10 of 152 04/10/2013 Voucher List City of Auburn 1 4:32:42PM Page:vchlist Bank code :000 Voucher Date Vendor Invoice Description/Account Amount 421592 3/29/2013 019208 SCORE 293 MARCH 2013 SCORE MEMBER CITY FEE 001.20.523.600.51 426,037.17 Total : 426,037.17 421593 4/5/2013 116120 AWC EMPLOYEE BENEFIT TRUST AWC-APR2013 AWC PREMIUMS FOR RETIREES~ 001.98.517.210.25 37,517.12 AWC PREMIUMS FOR RETIREES~ 001.21.521.200.25 100.60 AWC PREMIUMS FOR RETIREES~ 001.98.522.210.25 10,412.61 AWC PREMIUMS FOR RETIREES~ 001.98.522.220.25 18,168.14 Total : 66,198.47 421594 4/8/2013 022154 SCHUTTEN, ERIK & DARLA 026846 UTILITY REFUND - 11230 SE 321ST PL 430.233.100 264.88 UTILITY REFUND - 11230 SE 321ST PL 431.233.100 7.76 UTILITY REFUND - 11230 SE 321ST PL 432.233.100 2.16 UTILITY REFUND - 11230 SE 321ST PL 434.233.100 3.43 Total : 278.23 421595 4/15/2013 003827 A AGRO TREE INC.019442 Take down (9) large Poplar Trees at 432.00.535.900.48 12,950.00 Sales Tax 432.00.535.900.48 1,230.25 Total : 14,180.25 421596 4/15/2013 005503 ADT SECURITY SERVICES, INC.116159062 1Page:CA.B Page 11 of 152 04/10/2013 Voucher List City of Auburn 2 4:32:42PM Page:vchlist Bank code :000 Voucher Date Vendor Invoice Description/Account Amount 421596 4/15/2013 (Continued)005503 ADT SECURITY SERVICES, INC. ALARM SERVICES AT THE GOLF COURSE 437.00.576.680.41 49.49 Total : 49.49 421597 4/15/2013 115190 AGRI SHOP, INC 26832/1 35MP DEBRIS LOADER 001.33.576.100.35 5,099.00 DL TRAILER KIT 001.33.576.100.35 1,317.49 Sales Tax 001.33.576.100.35 609.57 27495/1 LAWN & GARDEN SUPPLIES, TOOLS & WORK 430.00.534.800.31 8.75 27520/1 COURSE TOOLS AND SUPPLIES 437.00.576.600.31 29.06 27639/1 Nuts and Bolts for Facilities~ 505.00.524.500.31 3.26 27641/1 PARTS AND SUPPLIES FOR PARKS MAINT. AS 001.33.576.100.31 18.25 27694/1 PARTS AND SUPPLIES FOR PARKS MAINT. AS 001.33.576.100.31 15.64 27701/1 PARTS AND SUPPLIES FOR PARKS MAINT. AS 001.33.576.100.31 19.45 27730/1 COURSE TOOLS AND SUPPLIES 437.00.576.600.31 7.99 27747/1 PARTS AND SUPPLIES FOR PARKS MAINT. AS 001.33.576.100.31 4.37 2Page:CA.B Page 12 of 152 04/10/2013 Voucher List City of Auburn 3 4:32:42PM Page:vchlist Bank code :000 Voucher Date Vendor Invoice Description/Account Amount 421597 4/15/2013 (Continued)115190 AGRI SHOP, INC 27749/1 PARTS AND SUPPLIES FOR PARKS MAINT. AS 001.33.576.100.31 67.96 27753/1 COURSE TOOLS AND SUPPLIES 437.00.576.600.31 10.18 27756/1 PARTS AND SUPPLIES FOR PARKS MAINT. AS 001.33.576.100.31 9.84 27796/1 PARTS AND SUPPLIES FOR PARKS MAINT. AS 001.33.576.100.31 307.10 27797/1 PARTS AND SUPPLIES FOR PARKS MAINT. AS 001.33.576.100.31 251.30 Total : 7,779.21 421598 4/15/2013 112610 ALPINE PRODUCTS INC TM-130471 24"x24" .080 Aluminum Sign, HIP White 001.42.542.300.31 990.00 Sales Tax 001.42.542.300.31 94.05 Total : 1,084.05 421599 4/15/2013 393720 ARAMARK UNIFORM SERVICES 655-67170051 Rubber Mat Service at Multiple City 505.00.524.500.41 10.95 655-6717049 Rubber Mat Service at Multiple City 505.00.524.500.41 10.95 655-6717050 Rubber Mat Service at Multiple City 505.00.524.500.41 13.80 655-6717596 MAT AND TOWEL SERVICE 3Page:CA.B Page 13 of 152 04/10/2013 Voucher List City of Auburn 4 4:32:42PM Page:vchlist Bank code :000 Voucher Date Vendor Invoice Description/Account Amount 421599 4/15/2013 (Continued)393720 ARAMARK UNIFORM SERVICES 437.00.576.600.41 16.43 655-6717597 Rubber Mat Service at Golf Course ~ 505.00.524.500.41 71.61 655-6728840 Rubber Mat Service at Multiple City 505.00.524.500.41 10.95 655-6728841 Rubber Mat Service at Multiple City 505.00.524.500.41 13.80 655-6728842 Rubber Mat Service at Multiple City 505.00.524.500.41 10.95 655-6736135 CLEANING OF SHOP TOWELS AND MATS 001.33.576.100.41 16.86 Total : 176.30 421600 4/15/2013 022075 ASTRAL COMMUNICATIONS INC.100409 Sierra Wireless AirLink GPS Unit GX400 001.32.532.200.42 599.00 Tri Band 700-800-1900 MHz Antenna 001.32.532.200.42 62.00 Dual Band Diversity Dipole Antenna 001.32.532.200.42 25.00 AC Power Supply 001.32.532.200.42 15.00 Technical Time 001.32.532.200.42 55.00 freight 001.32.532.200.42 25.00 Sales Tax 001.32.532.200.42 74.20 Total : 855.20 4Page:CA.B Page 14 of 152 04/10/2013 Voucher List City of Auburn 5 4:32:42PM Page:vchlist Bank code :000 Voucher Date Vendor Invoice Description/Account Amount 421601 4/15/2013 022014 AT PRODUCTIONS 031613INV SOUND & LIGHT TECH FOR THE THEATER 001.33.575.280.41 420.00 SOUND & LIGHT TECH FOR THE THEATER 001.33.575.280.45 131.40 040413INV SOUND & LIGHT TECH FOR THE THEATER 001.33.575.280.41 350.00 Total : 901.40 421602 4/15/2013 110510 AT&T MOBILITY 287251966360X0324201 3 iPhone 5's for testing/replacement 518.00.518.880.35 930.72 Cell Phone service for Mayor's dept 001.11.513.100.42 281.39 875428076X04022013 ACCT#875428076, PD BAIT CAR, SURVEY 117.00.521.210.42 18.33 ACCT#875428076, PD BAIT CAR, SURVEY 001.32.532.200.42 73.33 Total : 1,303.77 421603 4/15/2013 114740 AUBURN CHEVROLET 5083252 VEHICLE PARTS AND SERVICE ON AN AS 550.00.548.680.35 91.92 6033782/1 VEHICLE PARTS AND SERVICE ON AN AS 550.00.548.680.48 910.67 Total : 1,002.59 421604 4/15/2013 002493 AUBURN FOOD BANK 1STQTR2013 UTILITY BILL DONATION PROGRAM - PER 651.237.143 580.30 Total : 580.30 421605 4/15/2013 115260 AUBURN MECHANICAL, INC 13050 5Page:CA.B Page 15 of 152 04/10/2013 Voucher List City of Auburn 6 4:32:42PM Page:vchlist Bank code :000 Voucher Date Vendor Invoice Description/Account Amount 421605 4/15/2013 (Continued)115260 AUBURN MECHANICAL, INC TOILET AND DRAIN REPAIR AT THE MUSEUM 001.33.575.300.48 659.20 Total : 659.20 421606 4/15/2013 115550 AUBURN SCHOOL DIST #408 014035 RENTAL SPACE FOR BRAVO SHOWS; 001.33.573.201.45 2,240.13 014046 BEFORE AND AFTER SCHOOL FACILITY USAGE 001.33.574.240.49 300.00 014047 BEFORE AND AFTER SCHOOL FACILITY USAGE 001.33.574.240.49 300.00 Total : 2,840.13 421607 4/15/2013 115730 AUBURN TRAVEL FUND 3160 PER DIEM - LARGO, NLC CONF IN WASH DC 001.11.511.600.43 418.90 3165 PER DIEM FOR CHAD JORDISON - WOW CONF 431.00.535.800.43 151.20 3166 PER DIEM FOR PETE DERAITUS - WOW CONF 430.00.534.800.43 151.20 3167 PER DIEM FOR JON POSTAWA - CONF ON DV 001.21.521.210.43 340.80 Total : 1,062.10 421608 4/15/2013 120270 BADGER METER INC 96702301 Service contract Trimble meter reading 430.00.534.800.31 1,800.00 Sales Tax 430.00.534.800.31 171.00 6Page:CA.B Page 16 of 152 04/10/2013 Voucher List City of Auburn 7 4:32:42PM Page:vchlist Bank code :000 Voucher Date Vendor Invoice Description/Account Amount (Continued)Total : 1,971.00 421608 4/15/2013 120270 120270 BADGER METER INC 421609 4/15/2013 014723 BAKER, DELEE ANN 38175 GOTTA DANCE CLASSES:~ 001.33.574.240.41 44.00 Total : 44.00 421610 4/15/2013 020822 BANK OF AMERICA/SCARSELLA BROS 11-01/#13 M Street SE Grade Separation 102.00.594.420.65 30,271.67 Total : 30,271.67 421611 4/15/2013 017993 BANK OF WASHINGTON MAY2013 LOT A LEASE - 21 SO DIVISION ~ 505.00.524.500.45 1,850.00 LOT B LEASE - 36 WEST MAIN ST ~ 505.00.524.500.45 650.00 Total : 2,500.00 421612 4/15/2013 007738 BARTELT, JEANINE LOUISE 042613/PERF WARDROBE ASSISTANT FOR FORBIDDEN 001.33.573.201.41 260.00 Total : 260.00 421613 4/15/2013 022123 BAUKOL, DAVID & MARILYN BUY BACK CEMETERY BUY BACK OF PROPERTY 436.343.609 945.00 Total : 945.00 421614 4/15/2013 022134 BELL, WILLIAM M.058470 UTILITY REFUND - 5212 S 302ND PL 432.233.100 22.37 Total : 22.37 421615 4/15/2013 121260 BEN-KO-MATIC CO 00067238 PARTS & SERVICE ON AN AS REQUIRED BASIS 550.00.548.680.48 830.37 7Page:CA.B Page 17 of 152 04/10/2013 Voucher List City of Auburn 8 4:32:42PM Page:vchlist Bank code :000 Voucher Date Vendor Invoice Description/Account Amount (Continued)Total : 830.37 421615 4/15/2013 121260 121260 BEN-KO-MATIC CO 421616 4/15/2013 020033 BLUE LINE TRAINING LLC 783/A SUICIDE BY COP CLASS (PAKNEY) 001.21.521.200.49 99.00 786 SUICIDE BY COP TRAINING (STOCKER) 001.21.521.100.49 99.00 Total : 198.00 421617 4/15/2013 286220 BNSF RAILWAY COMPANY TRACKING#13-46856 Stormwater Pipeline/Railroad Insurance 102.00.594.420.65 13,150.00 Total : 13,150.00 421618 4/15/2013 286220 BNSF RAILWAY COMPANY TRACKING#13-46849 Electrical Pipeline/Railroad Insurance 102.00.594.420.65 4,000.00 Total : 4,000.00 421619 4/15/2013 022135 BOESPFLUG, JENNIFER 066261 UTILITY REFUND - 6517 GRADY CT SE 431.233.100 171.35 Total : 171.35 421620 4/15/2013 014566 BRICKMAN GROUP LTD, LLC 5122647998 LAWN SERVICE FOR LAKELAND LINEAR AND 001.33.576.100.41 1,569.89 5122648132 LAWN SERVICE FOR LAKELAND LINEAR AND 001.33.576.100.41 760.33 Total : 2,330.22 421621 4/15/2013 012304 BROWN AND CALDWELL 14188094 On -Call Storm & Sewer Utility Modeling 432.00.535.100.41 2,075.51 8Page:CA.B Page 18 of 152 04/10/2013 Voucher List City of Auburn 9 4:32:42PM Page:vchlist Bank code :000 Voucher Date Vendor Invoice Description/Account Amount (Continued)Total : 2,075.51 421621 4/15/2013 012304 012304 BROWN AND CALDWELL 421622 4/15/2013 019931 BUILDING BLOCK JANITORIAL 4113 FACILITY CLEANING AFTER RENTAL USE 001.33.574.210.41 380.00 Total : 380.00 421623 4/15/2013 019931 HOOKER COMPANY 40113 Monthly Cleaning for PARB~ 505.00.524.500.41 215.00 Total : 215.00 421624 4/15/2013 022130 BYERS, JON & DAWN 027181 UTILITY REFUND - 11847 SE 321ST PL 430.233.100 8.91 Total : 8.91 421625 4/15/2013 022019 CADAPULT SOFTWARE SOLUTIONS IN 2602 Cadapult Software Solutions "A 001.32.532.200.49 159.96 Total : 159.96 421626 4/15/2013 000396 CAFE PACIFIC CATERING, INC 24371 CATERING FOR BRAVO SHOWS 001.33.573.201.41 226.12 Total : 226.12 421627 4/15/2013 130900 CANNON SPORTS INC 443293 INFIELD DRAG MATS 001.33.574.240.31 427.97 Total : 427.97 421628 4/15/2013 013685 CAROLLO ENGINEERS, INC 0127373 WATER COMPREHENSIVE PLAN, AG-C-310~ 430.00.590.100.65 2,050.57 0127424 Academy Booster Pump Station 9Page:CA.B Page 19 of 152 04/10/2013 Voucher List City of Auburn 10 4:32:42PM Page:vchlist Bank code :000 Voucher Date Vendor Invoice Description/Account Amount 421628 4/15/2013 (Continued)013685 CAROLLO ENGINEERS, INC 430.00.590.100.65 3,208.93 0127425 Lakeland Hills Booster Pump Station 430.00.590.100.65 1,037.83 0127428 Water Utility Modeling Support, AG-C-363 430.00.534.100.41 2,739.00 Total : 9,036.33 421629 4/15/2013 131330 CASCADE COFFEE INC 208085317 COFFEE FOR RESALE 437.00.576.680.34 273.07 Total : 273.07 421630 4/15/2013 012029 CASCADIA INTERNATIONAL LLC 720664T PARTS & REPAIR SERVICES ON AN AS 550.00.548.680.35 183.93 Total : 183.93 421631 4/15/2013 131540 CASH & CARRY 169290 CANDY, CHIPS AND COFFEE SUPPLIES 437.00.576.680.34 204.88 173541 SUPPLIES AND GROCERIES FOR THE SENIOR 001.33.574.210.31 204.03 Total : 408.91 421632 4/15/2013 001022 CDW-GOVERNMENT, INC.BD97567 HP LJ Pro M1536DNF Laser Printer~ 518.00.518.880.35 266.31 Sales Tax 518.00.518.880.35 25.30 BF64983 HPE 3YR BUS Priority NBD Exchange 518.00.518.880.35 76.16 10Page:CA.B Page 20 of 152 04/10/2013 Voucher List City of Auburn 11 4:32:42PM Page:vchlist Bank code :000 Voucher Date Vendor Invoice Description/Account Amount 421632 4/15/2013 (Continued)001022 CDW-GOVERNMENT, INC. Sales Tax 518.00.518.880.35 7.24 Total : 375.01 421633 4/15/2013 021854 CENTURY WEST ENGINEERING CORP 233491 1/2013 prof svcs Airport Master Plan - 435.00.590.100.65 11,595.00 233532 2/2013 prof svcs Airport Master Plan - 435.00.590.100.65 7,576.70 Total : 19,171.70 421634 4/15/2013 370450 CENTURYLINK 041513PHONES PHONE USAGE - APRIL 2013 518.00.518.880.42 885.11 PHONE USAGE - APRIL 2013 431.00.535.800.42 1,218.66 PHONE USAGE - APRIL 2013 436.00.536.100.42 4.02 PHONE USAGE - APRIL 2013 434.00.537.100.42 4.02 PHONE USAGE - APRIL 2013 430.00.534.100.42 8.04 PHONE USAGE - APRIL 2013 550.00.548.100.42 4.03 PHONE USAGE - APRIL 2013 430.00.534.800.42 1,384.39 PHONE USAGE - APRIL 2013 432.00.535.900.42 463.53 PHONE USAGE - APRIL 2013 437.00.576.680.42 327.32 Total : 4,299.12 421635 4/15/2013 132550 CHEVRON U S A INC.37676693 STATEMENT FOR PD GAS CHARGES 11Page:CA.B Page 21 of 152 04/10/2013 Voucher List City of Auburn 12 4:32:42PM Page:vchlist Bank code :000 Voucher Date Vendor Invoice Description/Account Amount 421635 4/15/2013 (Continued)132550 CHEVRON U S A INC. 001.21.521.200.31 628.86 Total : 628.86 421636 4/15/2013 131890 CHS - CENEX HARVEST STATES INC 120807 Propane for the Golf Course Pro Shop~ 505.00.524.500.32 1,470.63 Total : 1,470.63 421637 4/15/2013 132940 CINTAS CORPORATION #461 461248364 UNIFORM LAUNDRY SERVICE ON AN AS 550.00.548.100.49 125.83 461251459 UNIFORM LAUNDRY SERVICE ON AN AS 550.00.548.100.49 125.83 Total : 251.66 421638 4/15/2013 021731 CIR CONSTRUCTION LLC 3017 HOUSING REPAIR--DIANA BLISS' DISHWASHER 119.00.559.200.63 360.00 3197 HOUSING REPAIR--DOYLE & LENORA DULIN'S 119.00.559.200.63 2,272.00 Total : 2,632.00 421639 4/15/2013 020960 CISCOE MORRIS HORT 042513INV PRESENTATION AT THE COMMUNITY VOLUNTEER 001.33.574.210.41 650.00 Total : 650.00 421640 4/15/2013 115760 CITY OF AUBURN UTILITIES041513 WATER - SEWER - STORM: MARCH/APRIL 2013 505.00.524.500.47 4,411.75 WATER - SEWER - STORM: MARCH/APRIL 2013 001.33.576.100.47 6,512.73 WATER - SEWER - STORM: MARCH/APRIL 2013 001.42.542.300.47 1,125.45 12Page:CA.B Page 22 of 152 04/10/2013 Voucher List City of Auburn 13 4:32:42PM Page:vchlist Bank code :000 Voucher Date Vendor Invoice Description/Account Amount 421640 4/15/2013 (Continued)115760 CITY OF AUBURN WATER - SEWER - STORM: MARCH/APRIL 2013 431.00.535.800.47 192.74 WATER - SEWER - STORM: MARCH/APRIL 2013 432.00.535.900.47 170.37 WATER - SEWER - STORM: MARCH/APRIL 2013 001.17.562.100.47 17.41 Total : 12,430.45 421641 4/15/2013 122820 BONNEY LAKE, CITY OF REG-004116 Emergency Intertie Water Consumption~ 430.00.590.100.65 1,147.41 Total : 1,147.41 421642 4/15/2013 122820 CITY OF BONNEY LAKE, WA 19942500000 PUMP STATION AT KERSEY WAY - 2013 WATER 430.00.534.800.47 34.00 19943720100 PUMP STATION AT 7100 LAKE TAPPS DR SE - 431.00.535.800.47 22.10 19943910000 PUMP STATION AT 2610 LAKE TAPPS PKY SE 431.00.535.800.47 22.10 Total : 78.20 421643 4/15/2013 001627 CITY OF FEDERAL WAY PS-1250 PAYMENT ON BEHALF OF V-NET 652.00.521.210.51 2,523.00 PAYMENT ON BEHALF OF V-NET 652.00.521.214.51 2,007.33 Total : 4,530.33 421644 4/15/2013 008837 CITY OF KENT - UTILITY BILLING 628-25602.01 WATER SERV - VERDANNA SEWER PUMP 431.00.535.800.47 47.76 Total : 47.76 13Page:CA.B Page 23 of 152 04/10/2013 Voucher List City of Auburn 14 4:32:42PM Page:vchlist Bank code :000 Voucher Date Vendor Invoice Description/Account Amount 421645 4/15/2013 281810 CITY OF SEATTLE POLICE DEPT P1105283 PAYMENT ON BEHALF OF V-NET 652.00.521.210.51 2,523.00 Total : 2,523.00 421646 4/15/2013 022023 CITY PASS INC.21313 TRIP THING VENUE FOR JUNE 26 THROUGH 001.33.574.240.49 1,535.00 Total : 1,535.00 421647 4/15/2013 021873 CITY TO CITY MUSIC, LLC 050313PERF PERFORMANCE AT THE THEATER ON 5/3/13 001.33.575.280.41 3,500.00 Total : 3,500.00 421648 4/15/2013 021309 COASTAL FARM & HOME SUPPLY LLC 000459 LAWN, GARDEN, MAINTENANCE SUPPLIES AND 432.00.535.900.31 5.34 102571 WATER DISTRIBUTION DIVISION JEANS ($100 430.00.534.800.22 91.94 102580 WATER DISTRIBUTION DIVISION JEANS ($100 430.00.534.800.22 100.00 455 WATER DISTRIBUTION DIVISION JEANS ($100 430.00.534.800.22 100.00 456 WATER DISTRIBUTION DIVISION JEANS ($100 430.00.534.800.22 100.00 464 WATER OPERATIONS DIVISION JEANS ($100 430.00.534.800.22 100.00 478 EQUIPMENT RENTAL & CENTRAL STORES 550.00.548.100.22 100.00 14Page:CA.B Page 24 of 152 04/10/2013 Voucher List City of Auburn 15 4:32:42PM Page:vchlist Bank code :000 Voucher Date Vendor Invoice Description/Account Amount 421648 4/15/2013 (Continued)021309 COASTAL FARM & HOME SUPPLY LLC 482 WATER DISTRIBUTION DIVISION JEANS ($100 430.00.534.800.22 96.29 483 VEGETATION DIVISION JEANS ($100 MAXIMUM 432.00.535.900.22 78.80 488 WATER DISTRIBUTION DIVISION JEANS ($100 430.00.534.800.22 91.95 B02590 WATER DISTRIBUTION DIVISION JEANS ($100 430.00.534.800.22 100.00 B02874 WATER DISTRIBUTION DIVISION JEANS ($100 430.00.534.800.22 100.00 B03810 VEGETATION DIVISION JEANS ($100 MAXIMUM 432.00.535.900.22 100.00 B04159 WATER DISTRIBUTION DIVISION JEANS ($100 430.00.534.800.22 100.00 B04803 WATER DISTRIBUTION DIVISION JEANS ($100 430.00.534.800.22 100.00 Total : 1,364.32 421649 4/15/2013 009720 COASTWIDE LABORATORIES T2535954 Misc Facilities Supplies Coastwide, per 505.00.524.500.31 734.71 T2536414 Misc Facilities Supplies Coastwide, per 505.00.524.500.31 44.50 T2536415 Misc Facilities Supplies Coastwide, per 505.00.524.500.31 72.35 15Page:CA.B Page 25 of 152 04/10/2013 Voucher List City of Auburn 16 4:32:42PM Page:vchlist Bank code :000 Voucher Date Vendor Invoice Description/Account Amount 421649 4/15/2013 (Continued)009720 COASTWIDE LABORATORIES T2536795 Misc Facilities Supplies Coastwide, per 505.00.524.500.31 8.32 Total : 859.88 421650 4/15/2013 015158 COBRA BEC, INC 20868 Patched Hole in Roof at Gambini Building 505.00.524.500.48 394.20 Total : 394.20 421651 4/15/2013 133610 COLEMAN, SHELLEY 032713REIMB MILEAGE TO MTGS ON 3/19 & 3/27 001.14.514.100.43 30.51 Total : 30.51 421652 4/15/2013 005708 COLUMBIA BANK/LINCOLN CONST 1177-4-F CONTRACT 12-18, CITY HALL REMODEL~ 328.00.524.501.65 1,881.58 CONTRACT 12-18, CITY HALL REMODEL~ 328.00.594.190.65 2,198.52 Total : 4,080.10 421653 4/15/2013 003891 COMFORT INN - AUBURN 15221883 HOTEL ROOMS FOR BRAVO PERFORMERS 001.33.573.201.41 152.50 15221893 HOTEL ROOMS FOR BRAVO PERFORMERS 001.33.573.201.41 152.50 15221903 HOTEL ROOMS FOR BRAVO PERFORMERS 001.33.573.201.41 152.50 15221917 HOTEL ROOMS FOR BRAVO PERFORMERS 001.33.573.201.41 152.50 15221936 16Page:CA.B Page 26 of 152 04/10/2013 Voucher List City of Auburn 17 4:32:42PM Page:vchlist Bank code :000 Voucher Date Vendor Invoice Description/Account Amount 421653 4/15/2013 (Continued)003891 COMFORT INN - AUBURN HOTEL ROOMS FOR BRAVO PERFORMERS 001.33.573.201.41 152.50 15221957 HOTEL ROOMS FOR BRAVO PERFORMERS 001.33.573.201.41 152.50 Total : 915.00 421654 4/15/2013 022065 COMWARE 121556 1 Year Renewal for OpenText NFS Server 518.00.518.880.48 299.10 Total : 299.10 421655 4/15/2013 011708 CONSOLIDATED PRESS PRINTING 8623 Large quantity printing jobs 518.00.518.780.41 854.49 8769 Printing (19,700 each) Bulky Item 434.00.537.120.42 2,314.46 Mailing (16,175 each) Newsletters. 434.00.537.120.42 1,056.11 Sales Tax 434.00.537.120.42 320.21 Total : 4,545.27 421656 4/15/2013 022072 COUNTRY GREEN TURF FARMS 272609 WILDFLOWER HYDROSEEDING, PARKS MAINT 001.33.576.100.31 1,861.50 Total : 1,861.50 421657 4/15/2013 009272 CSG SYSTEMS, INC.736431 CSG - postage for mailing utility 430.00.534.110.42 1,984.68 CSG - postage for mailing utility 431.00.535.110.42 1,984.68 CSG - postage for mailing utility 17Page:CA.B Page 27 of 152 04/10/2013 Voucher List City of Auburn 18 4:32:42PM Page:vchlist Bank code :000 Voucher Date Vendor Invoice Description/Account Amount 421657 4/15/2013 (Continued)009272 CSG SYSTEMS, INC. 432.00.535.910.42 1,984.68 CSG - postage for mailing utility 434.00.537.110.42 1,984.69 CSG - Print, Fold, Instert, Mail 430.00.534.110.41 984.36 CSG - Print, Fold, Instert, Mail 431.00.535.110.41 984.36 CSG - Print, Fold, Instert, Mail 432.00.535.910.41 984.36 CSG - Print, Fold, Instert, Mail 434.00.537.110.41 984.34 Total : 11,876.15 421658 4/15/2013 019498 CUSTOM COATING CONSULTANTS LLC 29384 Testing for Lakeland Hills Reservoir~ 430.00.590.100.65 2,250.00 Total : 2,250.00 421659 4/15/2013 140510 DAROUGH, DORIS G 040113LEOFF LEOFF 1 LONG TERM CARE FOR MONTH OF 001.98.517.210.25 11,051.11 Total : 11,051.11 421660 4/15/2013 022131 DEPREKER, KENDALL 029781 UTILITY REFUND - 30634 115TH CT SE 430.233.100 304.49 Total : 304.49 421661 4/15/2013 142280 DON SMALL & SONS OIL DIST CO MAY2013 JAN-JUNE 2013 PARKING LOT LEASE @ 505.00.524.500.45 1,300.00 Total : 1,300.00 421662 4/15/2013 142280 SOUND PUMP & EQUIPMENT 20164 FUEL SUPPLIES FOR GOLF MAINT. 18Page:CA.B Page 28 of 152 04/10/2013 Voucher List City of Auburn 19 4:32:42PM Page:vchlist Bank code :000 Voucher Date Vendor Invoice Description/Account Amount 421662 4/15/2013 (Continued)142280 SOUND PUMP & EQUIPMENT 437.00.576.600.32 54.55 Total : 54.55 421663 4/15/2013 142333 DONUT & MUFFIN FACTORY 25 DONUTS FOR EASTER SUNRISE SERVICE 436.00.536.100.31 73.60 Total : 73.60 421664 4/15/2013 022139 DORSEY, BRIAN 070355 UTILITY REFUND - 1113 61ST ST SE #F 434.233.100 31.68 Total : 31.68 421665 4/15/2013 019444 DOWLING INC.030113INV HOUSING REPAIR--SHEILA BIDWELL'S ROOF 119.00.559.200.63 5,000.00 Total : 5,000.00 421666 4/15/2013 003968 DUNBAR ARMORED INC 3215630 APR ARMORED CAR SERV FOR PARKS 001.33.574.100.41 503.96 Total : 503.96 421667 4/15/2013 150150 EAGLE ONE GOLF PRODUCTS, INC 281265 GOLF ACCESSORIES AND IRRIGATION SUPPLIES 437.00.576.600.31 1,056.20 282067 GOLF MAINT SUPPLIES 437.00.576.600.31 88.58 282319 GOLF MAINT SUPPLIES 437.00.576.600.31 308.94 282914 GOLF MAINT SUPPLIES 437.00.576.600.31 454.74 19Page:CA.B Page 29 of 152 04/10/2013 Voucher List City of Auburn 20 4:32:42PM Page:vchlist Bank code :000 Voucher Date Vendor Invoice Description/Account Amount (Continued)Total : 1,908.46 421667 4/15/2013 150150 150150 EAGLE ONE GOLF PRODUCTS, INC 421668 4/15/2013 018209 ECO 3 ASSOCIATES, LLC 2202 Erosion & Sediment Control Lead 432.00.535.100.49 1,200.00 Total : 1,200.00 421669 4/15/2013 022007 ECOMMERCE HOLDING INC 04081350 TWO BABY CHANGING STATIONS FOR MENS AND 001.33.576.100.31 559.02 Total : 559.02 421670 4/15/2013 019107 EMERALD FIRE LLC REFUND REFUND OF PERMIT FEES ON FIR13-0037 651.237.360 250.00 Total : 250.00 421671 4/15/2013 003773 EVANS, J.D.022813LEOFF LEOFF 1 PHARMACY REIMBURSEMENT CLAIM 001.98.517.210.25 117.62 022813LEOFF LEOFF 1 DENTAL REIMBURSEMENT APPROVED 001.98.517.210.25 336.00 LEOFF 1 MEDICAL REIMBURSEMENT APPROVED 001.98.517.210.25 750.00 MEDICARE/LEOFF LEOFF 1 MEDICARE PART B REIMBURSEMENT 001.98.517.210.25 1,198.80 Total : 2,402.42 421672 4/15/2013 013291 EWING IRRIGATION PRODUCTS 6071866 IRRIGATION SUPPLIES FOR PARKS MAINT. 001.33.576.100.31 20.33 Total : 20.33 421673 4/15/2013 007114 FASTENAL CO WAFED119310 10 QTY AMMEX, LRG 20Page:CA.B Page 30 of 152 04/10/2013 Voucher List City of Auburn 21 4:32:42PM Page:vchlist Bank code :000 Voucher Date Vendor Invoice Description/Account Amount 421673 4/15/2013 (Continued)007114 FASTENAL CO 436.00.536.200.31 95.81 Total : 95.81 421674 4/15/2013 160360 FBINAA, WA CHAPTER STOCKER/REG FBINAA WA CHAPTER 2013 SPRING TRAINING 001.21.521.100.49 60.00 Total : 60.00 421675 4/15/2013 160600 FERRELLGAS 1075711037 PROPANE FOR OLSON FARM (FARMHOUSE) 001.33.575.300.32 469.07 Total : 469.07 421676 4/15/2013 161410 FLEX-PLAN SERVICES, INC.215502 PARTICIPANTS ADMINISTRATION FEES~ 001.14.514.230.41 205.40 Total : 205.40 421677 4/15/2013 021432 FLORATINE NORTHWEST INC.2227 GREENS FERTILIZER 437.00.576.600.31 855.65 Total : 855.65 421678 4/15/2013 161590 FOG-TITE INC 255997 REPLACE STOCK # 2 J20S STEEL METER BOX 430.141.100 427.00 # 2 STEEL COVER J20S STEEL METER BOX~ 430.141.100 105.00 Sales Tax 430.141.100 50.54 Total : 582.54 421679 4/15/2013 007674 FRAUSE GROUP, INC 0213-8595 2013 NATURAL YARD CARE WRKSHP-MARKETING 430.00.534.100.41 706.06 2013 NATURAL YARD CARE WRKSHP-MARKETING 21Page:CA.B Page 31 of 152 04/10/2013 Voucher List City of Auburn 22 4:32:42PM Page:vchlist Bank code :000 Voucher Date Vendor Invoice Description/Account Amount 421679 4/15/2013 (Continued)007674 FRAUSE GROUP, INC 432.00.535.100.41 706.06 2013 NATURAL YARD CARE WRKSHP-MARKETING 434.00.537.120.41 445.92 0213-8609A 2013 NATURAL YARD CARE WRKSHP-MARKETING 430.00.534.100.41 233.99 2013 NATURAL YARD CARE WRKSHP-MARKETING 432.00.535.100.41 233.99 2013 NATURAL YARD CARE WRKSHP-MARKETING 434.00.537.120.41 147.77 Total : 2,473.79 421680 4/15/2013 006739 FUEL CARE 6415 Fuel Tank Inspection Unleaded/Diesel 550.00.548.150.31 580.35 Total : 580.35 421681 4/15/2013 022133 GEISEN, DANIELLE 054156 UTILITY REFUND - 6326 FRANCIS AVE SE 431.233.100 99.12 Total : 99.12 421682 4/15/2013 021970 GENUINE AUTO GLASS 300856 Windsheild replacement Unit P015B, per 550.00.548.680.48 465.38 300918 WINDSHIELD REPLACEMENT UNIT 6512D ~ 550.00.548.680.35 152.56 Sales Tax 550.00.548.680.35 14.49 Total : 632.43 421683 4/15/2013 012454 GOODBYE GRAFFITI SEATTLE 17475 REMOVAL OF GRAFFITI AT VARIOUS PARKS 001.33.576.100.41 390.92 22Page:CA.B Page 32 of 152 04/10/2013 Voucher List City of Auburn 23 4:32:42PM Page:vchlist Bank code :000 Voucher Date Vendor Invoice Description/Account Amount 421683 4/15/2013 (Continued)012454 GOODBYE GRAFFITI SEATTLE 17799 REMOVAL OF GRAFFITI AT VARIOUS PARKS 001.33.576.100.41 293.90 17834 REMOVAL OF GRAFFITI AT VARIOUS PARKS 001.33.576.100.41 883.67 Total : 1,568.49 421684 4/15/2013 171620 GOSNEY MOTOR PARTS, INC 572796 MOTOR PARTS ON AN AS REQUIRED BASIS 550.00.548.100.31 51.26 572838 MOTOR PARTS ON AN AS REQUIRED BASIS 550.00.548.100.31 -45.98 572854 MOTOR PARTS ON AN AS REQUIRED BASIS 550.00.548.680.35 39.14 572912 MOTOR PARTS ON AN AS REQUIRED BASIS 550.00.548.100.31 14.60 MOTOR PARTS ON AN AS REQUIRED BASIS 550.00.548.680.35 116.93 572913 MOTOR PARTS ON AN AS REQUIRED BASIS 550.00.548.100.35 24.89 572965 MOTOR PARTS ON AN AS REQUIRED BASIS 550.00.548.100.31 22.89 573010 MOTOR PARTS ON AN AS REQUIRED BASIS 550.00.548.100.31 -14.60 573282 MOTOR PARTS ON AN AS REQUIRED BASIS 550.00.548.680.31 1.93 573423 23Page:CA.B Page 33 of 152 04/10/2013 Voucher List City of Auburn 24 4:32:42PM Page:vchlist Bank code :000 Voucher Date Vendor Invoice Description/Account Amount 421684 4/15/2013 (Continued)171620 GOSNEY MOTOR PARTS, INC MOTOR PARTS ON AN AS REQUIRED BASIS 550.00.548.680.35 30.65 573538 MOTOR PARTS ON AN AS REQUIRED BASIS 550.00.548.680.35 62.49 573674 MOTOR PARTS ON AN AS REQUIRED BASIS 550.00.548.100.31 17.48 574050 EQUIPMENT SUPPLIES 437.00.576.600.31 100.92 574185 EQUIPMENT SUPPLIES 437.00.576.600.31 138.90 574385 EQUIPMENT SUPPLIES 437.00.576.600.31 101.08 574406 PARTS AND SUPPLIES FOR PARKS MAINT. 001.33.576.100.31 14.24 Total : 676.82 421685 4/15/2013 171920 GRALL, COY FRANKLIN 031813LEOFF LEOFF 1 PHARMACY REIMBURSEMENT CLAIM 001.98.522.220.25 30.40 Total : 30.40 421686 4/15/2013 012410 GREAT FLOORS LLC 38424A-202 Furnish & Install Flooring/Base at Golf 505.00.524.500.48 62,582.60 38551-202 VCT Repairs and Rubber Base for Senior 505.00.524.500.48 684.59 Total : 63,267.19 24Page:CA.B Page 34 of 152 04/10/2013 Voucher List City of Auburn 25 4:32:42PM Page:vchlist Bank code :000 Voucher Date Vendor Invoice Description/Account Amount 421687 4/15/2013 012521 GROHS, MICHAEL 031513REIMB MILEAGE/PER DIEM - BUILDING CODE 001.17.524.200.43 206.12 Total : 206.12 421688 4/15/2013 172700 GUNTER, KEN 033013REIMB MILEAGE - MANDATORY CODE CLASS IN KENT 505.00.524.500.43 28.82 Total : 28.82 421689 4/15/2013 011670 HD SUPPLY WATERWORKS, LTD 6290085 HYDRANT AND WATER SERVICE PARTS ON AN 430.00.534.800.31 14.29 6312092 REPLACE STOCK - 6" FL X 6" MJ GATE 430.141.100 465.00 Sales Tax 430.141.100 44.19 6326265 REPLACE STOCK - 5 1/4 X 6" (MUL) 430.141.100 337.24 Sales Tax 430.141.100 32.04 6383046 HYDRANT AND WATER SERVICE PARTS ON AN 430.141.100 39.42 6388442 HYDRANT AND WATER SERVICE PARTS ON AN 430.141.100 217.07 Total : 1,149.25 421690 4/15/2013 006401 HDR ENGINEERING, INC.63445-B Water Utility Meter & Billing System 430.00.534.100.41 2,030.71 Total : 2,030.71 25Page:CA.B Page 35 of 152 04/10/2013 Voucher List City of Auburn 26 4:32:42PM Page:vchlist Bank code :000 Voucher Date Vendor Invoice Description/Account Amount 421691 4/15/2013 181230 HEAD-QUARTERS 23057 PORTABLE TOILET SERVICE 437.00.576.600.45 223.50 23067 PORTA POTTY RENTALS FOR VARIOUS PARKS 001.33.576.100.45 627.75 3346-5 PORTA POTTY RENTALS FOR VARIOUS PARKS 001.33.576.100.45 627.75 Total : 1,479.00 421692 4/15/2013 181560 HENDERSON, ED 030713LEOFF LEOFF 1 DENTAL EXPENSE CLAIM APPROVED 001.98.522.210.25 959.50 032213LEOFF LEOFF 1 PHARMACY REIMBURSEMENT CLAIM 001.98.522.210.25 25.32 Total : 984.82 421693 4/15/2013 016325 HOLT, RICHARD 14447 1 TENT CLEANING AND INSTALLATION 437.00.576.600.41 394.20 Total : 394.20 421694 4/15/2013 020485 HORIZON CONSTRUCTION SERV, INC 28625 HOUSING REPAIR--MARY NORMAN'S 119.00.559.200.63 2,929.13 28626 HOUSING REPAIR--DOROTHY MAPLES' WINDOW 119.00.559.200.63 984.41 28651 HOUSING REPAIR--RUSSELL KAINBER'S 119.00.559.200.63 4,972.48 Total : 8,886.02 421695 4/15/2013 003195 HUSKY INTERNATIONAL TRUCKS INC 385517 26Page:CA.B Page 36 of 152 04/10/2013 Voucher List City of Auburn 27 4:32:42PM Page:vchlist Bank code :000 Voucher Date Vendor Invoice Description/Account Amount 421695 4/15/2013 (Continued)003195 HUSKY INTERNATIONAL TRUCKS INC TRUCK PARTS & SERVICE ON AN AS REQUIRED 550.00.548.680.48 228.56 Total : 228.56 421696 4/15/2013 230000 ICON MATERIALS CORP 50-1795048 ASPHALT, CONCRETE AND RELATED MATERIALS 430.00.534.800.31 143.11 50-1796254 ASPHALT, CONCRETE AND RELATED MATERIALS 001.42.542.300.31 246.64 50-1797825 ASPHALT, CONCRETE AND RELATED MATERIALS 432.00.535.900.31 114.07 50-1800275 SAND TOPDRESSING 437.00.576.600.31 427.65 70 TONS OF GREENS TOPDRESSING SAND 437.00.576.600.31 1,135.93 50-1801123 CRUSHED ROCK AND TOP DRESSING SAND 437.00.576.600.31 388.00 SAND TOPDRESSING 437.00.576.600.31 386.24 50-1801287 SAND TOPDRESSING 437.00.576.600.31 786.11 Total : 3,627.75 421697 4/15/2013 190360 IMAGE MASTERS INC 109609 INK PADS AND STAMPS FOR PLANNING - 001.17.524.200.31 73.58 Total : 73.58 421698 4/15/2013 019646 INCH, RICHARD D 013013INV HOUSING REPAIR--PEGGY CARPENTER'S 27Page:CA.B Page 37 of 152 04/10/2013 Voucher List City of Auburn 28 4:32:42PM Page:vchlist Bank code :000 Voucher Date Vendor Invoice Description/Account Amount 421698 4/15/2013 (Continued)019646 INCH, RICHARD D 119.00.559.200.63 234.33 Total : 234.33 421699 4/15/2013 191500 INTL E-Z UP, INC INV099836 CANOPIES/ASSEMBLY 001.33.574.220.35 1,343.71 CANOPIES/ASSEMBLY 001.33.574.210.35 413.75 Total : 1,757.46 421700 4/15/2013 015588 J DORBRITZ, AIA 08-06/N/11 CP1009 CITY HALL REMODEL INVOICE NO. 328.00.594.190.65 5,217.45 cp0716 CITY HALL REMODEL INVOICE NO. 328.00.524.501.65 1,835.69 Total : 7,053.14 421701 4/15/2013 020644 JACOBS ENGINEERING GROUP INC W3X65000-01 2013 LOCAL ST PAVEMENT RECON-DESIGN~ 103.00.595.300.65 24,831.64 2013 LOCAL ST PAVEMENT RECON-DESIGN~ 430.00.590.100.65 1,041.26 Total : 25,872.90 421702 4/15/2013 017188 JASON ENGINEERING & CONSULTING 13005-001 Materials Testing for Well 1 Imprv 430.00.590.100.65 11,196.25 Total : 11,196.25 421703 4/15/2013 012244 JILLIAN ENTERPRISES, LLC MAY2013 2013 THEATER LEASE @ $6259.82/MO 001.33.575.280.75 3,758.30 2013 THEATER LEASE @ $6259.82/MO 001.33.575.280.83 2,501.52 Total : 6,259.82 28Page:CA.B Page 38 of 152 04/10/2013 Voucher List City of Auburn 29 4:32:42PM Page:vchlist Bank code :000 Voucher Date Vendor Invoice Description/Account Amount 421704 4/15/2013 013894 JONES, JASON 070111REIMB ART SUPPLIES 518.00.518.780.31 22.06 Total : 22.06 421705 4/15/2013 210360 K C FINANCE 249014/1STTQR2013 King County Local Hazardous Waste 434.00.537.800.51 102,967.56 Total : 102,967.56 421706 4/15/2013 210360 K C TREASURY #781570011507 PROPERTY TAX (JAN-DEC) ON LEASED 505.00.524.500.49 2,338.69 #781570013503 PROPERTY TAX (JAN-DEC) ON LEASED 505.00.524.500.49 4,374.31 Total : 6,713.00 421707 4/15/2013 210360 K C TREASURY 2013PPTAXSTMTS 2013 PP TAX STMTS - 386 PARCELS 505.00.524.500.49 3,237.85 Total : 3,237.85 421708 4/15/2013 210360 K C ADMIN BLDG FILING FEES FILING FEES, LIENS 430.00.534.110.41 432.00 Total : 432.00 421709 4/15/2013 022128 KINDZERSKI, ALLEN & VALERIE 017066 UTILITY REFUND - 1228 37TH ST SE 430.233.100 104.81 Total : 104.81 421710 4/15/2013 008046 KING COUNTY DISTRICT COURT FILING FEE King County District Court Filing Fee 430.00.534.110.41 83.00 29Page:CA.B Page 39 of 152 04/10/2013 Voucher List City of Auburn 30 4:32:42PM Page:vchlist Bank code :000 Voucher Date Vendor Invoice Description/Account Amount (Continued)Total : 83.00 421710 4/15/2013 008046 008046 KING COUNTY DISTRICT COURT 421711 4/15/2013 211210 KING COUNTY UMPIRES ASSOC 032713INV OFFICIALS FOR ADULT SOFTBALL GAMES FOR 001.33.574.240.41 1,485.00 Total : 1,485.00 421712 4/15/2013 212340 KIPLINGER LETTER 0064476708 6/2013-2014 subscription Kiplinger 001.14.514.100.49 99.00 Total : 99.00 421713 4/15/2013 013136 KIRWIN, ROCKY 041013REIMB DEP FOR PORTLAND SENIOR TRIP, PARK 001.33.574.210.49 280.84 Total : 280.84 421714 4/15/2013 022111 KOCH, MARINA L 032513INV TRANSLATION SERVICES FOR SLAVIC 001.17.557.200.41 80.00 Total : 80.00 421715 4/15/2013 022136 KOCHUBEY, ANATOLIY 066369 UTILITY REFUND - 3425 D ST SE #B 430.233.100 131.93 Total : 131.93 421716 4/15/2013 018685 KPG, INC.24513 Downtown Pedestrian Kiosks~ 330.00.594.300.65 1,038.19 Total : 1,038.19 421717 4/15/2013 022126 KRAFT, TRUE 012017 UTILITY REFUND - 6551 FRANCIS AVE SE 431.233.100 53.27 UTILITY REFUND - 6551 FRANCIS AVE SE 433.233.100 15.00 30Page:CA.B Page 40 of 152 04/10/2013 Voucher List City of Auburn 31 4:32:42PM Page:vchlist Bank code :000 Voucher Date Vendor Invoice Description/Account Amount (Continued)Total : 68.27 421717 4/15/2013 022126 022126 KRAFT, TRUE 421718 4/15/2013 213330 KUKER RANKEN INC 390112-001 Inspection by Kuker-Ranken Inc.~ 001.32.532.200.48 615.38 Total : 615.38 421719 4/15/2013 010586 LAKES ELECTRIC, INC.00012425 SEWER PUMP STATION REPAIRS ON AN AS 431.00.535.800.48 1,041.33 00012447 EMERGENCY REPAIR OF ELECTRICAL SYSTEMS 430.00.534.800.48 446.45 Total : 1,487.78 421720 4/15/2013 220480 LAKESIDE INDUSTRIES, INC 12035403MB ASPHALT & RELATED STREET PRODUCTS ON AN 001.42.542.300.31 874.11 Total : 874.11 421721 4/15/2013 014358 LAMPHERE, JIM 032212REIMB Reimbursement for Public Operator 001.42.542.300.49 33.00 Total : 33.00 421722 4/15/2013 005723 LINCOLN CONSTRUCTION INC.1177-4-F CP1076 CITY HALL REMODEL PHASE 1 PAY 328.00.524.501.65 39,325.02 CP1009 CITY HALL REMODEL PHASE 1 PAY 328.00.594.190.65 45,949.07 Total : 85,274.09 421723 4/15/2013 022132 LONE, STEVE 032401 UTILITY REFUND - 923 14TH ST NE 430.233.100 209.03 Total : 209.03 31Page:CA.B Page 41 of 152 04/10/2013 Voucher List City of Auburn 32 4:32:42PM Page:vchlist Bank code :000 Voucher Date Vendor Invoice Description/Account Amount 421724 4/15/2013 013525 LONG, HAROLD R.032613REIMB SHOP CRANE FOR BATTERIES PURCHASED AT 437.00.576.680.31 197.09 Total : 197.09 421725 4/15/2013 222200 LOWE'S HIW, INC 08154 Misc Storm Supplies from Lowe's - per 432.00.535.100.35 26.71 09794 MISC SUPPLIES FOR CEMETERY 436.00.536.200.31 46.75 09852 CLUB HOUSE SUPPLIES 437.00.576.680.31 58.17 10406 COURSE SUPPLIES 437.00.576.600.31 53.96 16030 ELECTRICAL SWEEPER AND PRESSURE WASHER 001.33.574.210.31 353.09 23088 Misc Facilities Supplies Lowes per Lisa 505.00.524.500.31 27.08 23223 SMALL TOOLS, LAWN, GARDEN & 001.42.542.300.31 25.98 23593 SMALL TOOLS, LAWN, GARDEN & 431.00.535.800.35 102.49 23909 SUPPLIES FOR PARKS MAINT. 001.33.576.100.31 19.64 24075 SUPPLIES FOR PARKS MAINT. 001.33.576.100.31 10.38 24099 32Page:CA.B Page 42 of 152 04/10/2013 Voucher List City of Auburn 33 4:32:42PM Page:vchlist Bank code :000 Voucher Date Vendor Invoice Description/Account Amount 421725 4/15/2013 (Continued)222200 LOWE'S HIW, INC SUPPLIES FOR PARKS MAINT. 001.33.576.100.31 166.70 24127 SUPPLIES FOR PARKS MAINT. 001.33.576.100.31 39.95 24132 SMALL TOOLS, LAWN, GARDEN & 001.42.542.300.31 120.38 24153 SUPPLIES FOR PARKS MAINT. 001.33.576.100.31 6.12 24196 SMALL TOOLS, LAWN, GARDEN & 430.00.534.800.35 41.59 24469 SUPPLIES FOR PARKS MAINT. 001.33.576.100.31 14.24 24617 SUPPLIES FOR PARKS MAINT. 001.33.576.100.31 41.47 24639 SUPPLIES FOR PARKS MAINT. 001.33.576.100.31 15.05 24677 SMALL TOOLS, LAWN, GARDEN & 001.42.542.300.31 2.58 24855 SUPPLIES FOR PARKS MAINT. 001.33.576.100.31 330.80 24983 COURSE SUPPLIES 437.00.576.600.31 28.05 24987 SUPPLIES FOR PARKS MAINT. 001.33.576.100.31 18.68 33Page:CA.B Page 43 of 152 04/10/2013 Voucher List City of Auburn 34 4:32:42PM Page:vchlist Bank code :000 Voucher Date Vendor Invoice Description/Account Amount 421725 4/15/2013 (Continued)222200 LOWE'S HIW, INC 25664 SMALL TOOLS, LAWN, GARDEN & 431.00.535.800.35 71.50 43702 SUPPLIES FOR PARKS MAINT. 001.33.576.100.31 19.93 923550 SUPPLIES FOR PARKS MAINT. 001.33.576.100.31 88.38 Total : 1,729.67 421726 4/15/2013 012034 LOZIER, RADINE 040213PC PETTY CASH REIM FOR SENIOR CENTER 001.33.574.210.31 111.44 PETTY CASH REIM FOR SENIOR CENTER 001.33.574.210.49 10.00 PETTY CASH REIM FOR SENIOR CENTER 001.33.574.210.43 75.86 Total : 197.30 421727 4/15/2013 012329 LUMINANCE MEDIA SERVICES 07-000800 SERVICE ON MARCH 9, 2013 001.33.575.280.41 180.00 Total : 180.00 421728 4/15/2013 016074 MAUL FOSTER & ALONGI, INC 18319 CP0746 MILL CREEK WETLAND ECOSYSTEM 001.98.558.100.65 1,800.00 Total : 1,800.00 421729 4/15/2013 013433 MCAFEE, INC 96121312 McAfee Email Protection and Continuity. 518.00.518.880.49 680.00 Total : 680.00 421730 4/15/2013 007507 MCBREEN, GERALD A.032513INV 34Page:CA.B Page 44 of 152 04/10/2013 Voucher List City of Auburn 35 4:32:42PM Page:vchlist Bank code :000 Voucher Date Vendor Invoice Description/Account Amount 421730 4/15/2013 (Continued)007507 MCBREEN, GERALD A. Arts Project Support ReGrant: Poetry at 001.33.573.201.41 1,000.00 Total : 1,000.00 421731 4/15/2013 231930 MCKINSTRY CO 0652413 HVAC Maintenance at various City 505.00.524.500.48 472.43 0652513 HVAC Maintenance at various City 505.00.524.500.48 960.32 0653013 HVAC Maintenance at various City 505.00.524.500.48 1,254.87 0653213 HVAC Fan Belt Replacement at PRAB~ 505.00.524.500.48 508.00 0702413 HVAC REPAIR & MAINTENANCE~ 505.00.524.500.41 1,363.82 0712013 HVAC Maintenance at various City 505.00.524.500.48 940.98 Total : 5,500.42 421732 4/15/2013 022156 MCMULLEN, GENE 024008 UTILITY REFUND - 150 R ST SE 430.233.100 500.00 Total : 500.00 421733 4/15/2013 232305 MENG, ARTHUR HAROLD 38248 HOME FOOD PRESERVING CLASSES/SPRING AND 001.33.574.240.41 8.00 38249 HOME FOOD PRESERVING CLASSES/SPRING AND 001.33.574.210.41 16.00 35Page:CA.B Page 45 of 152 04/10/2013 Voucher List City of Auburn 36 4:32:42PM Page:vchlist Bank code :000 Voucher Date Vendor Invoice Description/Account Amount 421733 4/15/2013 (Continued)232305 MENG, ARTHUR HAROLD 38292 YOGA CLASSES/SPRING AND SUMMER QUARTERS: 001.33.574.210.41 90.00 Total : 114.00 421734 4/15/2013 232610 METRO - KC DEPT OF FINANCE 30002803 K C Metro Sewer Charges April 2013 433.00.535.800.51 1,199,404.43 Total : 1,199,404.43 421735 4/15/2013 007550 MILLER, SUSAN 010412REIMB Susan Miller annual renewal Fee's for 431.00.535.800.49 15.00 Total : 15.00 421736 4/15/2013 019124 MOBILE EVENTS UNLIMITED LLC 032313INV ALL STAR MEGA OBSTACLE COURSE FOR THE 001.33.574.240.41 629.63 Total : 629.63 421737 4/15/2013 014274 MONSON, TRISHA 041513PC PLANNING: PARKING FEE FOR MEETING IN 001.17.558.100.43 9.00 PLANNING: COOKIES FOR AIRPORT MASTER 001.17.558.100.31 10.00 PLANNING: PARKING FEE FOR MEETING IN 001.17.524.200.43 12.00 ENGINEERING: INTERVIEW LUNCH FOR WATER 430.00.534.100.49 46.18 ENGINEERING: CERTIFICATION MEMBERSHIP 001.32.532.200.49 40.00 EM: EOC HYGIENE KIT SUPPLIES 001.32.525.100.31 36.95 EM: CERT GRADUATION CAKE 001.32.525.100.49 11.98 36Page:CA.B Page 46 of 152 04/10/2013 Voucher List City of Auburn 37 4:32:42PM Page:vchlist Bank code :000 Voucher Date Vendor Invoice Description/Account Amount 421737 4/15/2013 (Continued)014274 MONSON, TRISHA FINANCE: MILEAGE REIM. TO/FROM EDAN 001.14.514.230.43 6.73 Total : 172.84 421738 4/15/2013 022125 MONTES, EMILY 008034 UTILITY REFUND - 3401 20TH ST SE 430.233.100 192.95 Total : 192.95 421739 4/15/2013 012412 MORRIS, CHRIS 041513PC ITEMS FOR RESALE AT THE GOLF COURSE~ 437.00.576.680.31 25.14 ITEMS FOR RESALE AT THE GOLF COURSE~ 437.00.576.680.34 172.83 Total : 197.97 421740 4/15/2013 012988 MORRIS, CHRIS 013013REIMB WWC PGA DUES FOR 2013 437.00.576.680.49 100.00 013113REIMB SNACKS FOR RESALE AT PRO SHOP 437.00.576.680.34 132.73 Total : 232.73 421741 4/15/2013 022138 MUEHLE, ERIC & HEIDI 068375 UTILITY REFUND - 1119 59TH ST SE #A 434.233.100 8.34 Total : 8.34 421742 4/15/2013 234590 MULKEY, SAMMY N 031613LEOFF LEOFF 1 DENTAL EXPENSE REIMBURSEMENT 001.98.517.210.25 511.00 031613LEOFF LEOFF 1 PHARMACY REIMBURSEMENT CLAIM 001.98.517.210.25 183.16 37Page:CA.B Page 47 of 152 04/10/2013 Voucher List City of Auburn 38 4:32:42PM Page:vchlist Bank code :000 Voucher Date Vendor Invoice Description/Account Amount (Continued)Total : 694.16 421742 4/15/2013 234590 234590 MULKEY, SAMMY N 421743 4/15/2013 021853 MURRAY, SMITH & ASSOCIATES INC 12-1360-4 WATER FACILITIES EVALUATION STUDY~ 430.00.534.100.41 8,527.43 12-1360-5 WATER FACILITIES EVALUATION STUDY~ 430.00.534.100.41 12,218.64 Total : 20,746.07 421744 4/15/2013 022140 MUTTART, RICKY & KELLY 070998 UTILITY REFUND - 1714 1ST ST NE 430.233.100 286.92 Total : 286.92 421745 4/15/2013 241180 NATIONAL BARRICADE CO, LLC 246243 STREET SUPPLIES & RENTALS FROM NATIONAL 001.42.542.300.31 246.38 Total : 246.38 421746 4/15/2013 014285 NATIONAL BUSINESS FURNITURE MK408543-CRW City Hall Remodel Furn for Mayor's Wing 328.00.594.190.65 1,493.07 Sales Tax 328.00.594.190.65 141.84 MK408902-BUD 60" and 48" Cubicle Tack Boards~ 505.00.524.500.49 229.42 Total : 1,864.33 421747 4/15/2013 021813 NEWELL, ANDY 032413REIMB one time reimbursement for safety shoes 432.00.535.900.22 100.00 Total : 100.00 421748 4/15/2013 001897 NORTHWEST PLAYGROUND EQUIP INC 35241 WOOD CHIPS TO TOP OFF VARIOUS 38Page:CA.B Page 48 of 152 04/10/2013 Voucher List City of Auburn 39 4:32:42PM Page:vchlist Bank code :000 Voucher Date Vendor Invoice Description/Account Amount 421748 4/15/2013 (Continued)001897 NORTHWEST PLAYGROUND EQUIP INC 001.33.576.100.31 1,576.56 35328 Wabash Recycle Containers, Liners & Lids 434.00.537.100.31 346.04 Wabash Recycle Containers, Liners & Lids 434.00.537.100.35 7,500.00 Wabash Recycle Containers, Liners & Lids 434.00.537.120.31 11,844.67 35329 Wabash #21027 - #LR300S cable for lid. 434.00.537.100.31 36.00 freight 434.00.537.100.31 15.00 Sales Tax 434.00.537.100.31 4.85 Total : 21,323.12 421749 4/15/2013 242843 NORTHWEST TRANSCRIBERS 2061P TRANSCRIPTION SERVICE FOR PORTION OF 001.15.514.300.49 275.00 Total : 275.00 421750 4/15/2013 250210 OFFICE DEPOT 648786494001 SUPPLIES FOR HR, PAPER FASTNERS 001.13.516.100.31 4.03 650255878001 BINDER CLIPS; TAPE; STICKY NOTES; 001.21.521.100.31 52.95 STAPLER FOR EVIDENCE ROOM~ 001.21.521.300.31 71.97 Total : 128.95 421751 4/15/2013 122670 OFFICEMAX CONTRACT INC 045388 Printing of packets for council meetings 518.00.518.780.41 92.38 39Page:CA.B Page 49 of 152 04/10/2013 Voucher List City of Auburn 40 4:32:42PM Page:vchlist Bank code :000 Voucher Date Vendor Invoice Description/Account Amount 421751 4/15/2013 (Continued)122670 OFFICEMAX CONTRACT INC 045389 Printing of packets for council meetings 518.00.518.780.41 445.44 051467 PRINTER CARTRIDGES 001.33.576.100.31 571.06 051485 OFFICE SUPPLIES FOR PARKS, PARKS MAINT, 001.33.574.220.31 76.76 058179 OFFICE SUPPLIES FOR PARKS, PARKS MAINT, 001.33.574.220.31 164.77 078232 OFFICE SUPPLIES FOR PARKS, PARKS MAINT, 001.33.576.100.31 -409.65 088025 OFFICE SUPPLIES FOR CITY CLERK'S ORDER 001.15.514.300.31 23.61 095119 DIGITAL VOICE RECORD FOR PARKS & RECS 001.33.574.100.31 80.47 137784 Printing of packets for council meetings 518.00.518.780.41 82.23 137785 Printing of packets for council meetings 518.00.518.780.41 192.48 137786 Printing of packets for council meetings 518.00.518.780.41 213.26 898438 OFFICE EQUIP & SUPPLIES FOR M&O 550.00.548.100.31 76.80 908661 OFFICE EQUIP & SUPPLIES FOR M&O 40Page:CA.B Page 50 of 152 04/10/2013 Voucher List City of Auburn 41 4:32:42PM Page:vchlist Bank code :000 Voucher Date Vendor Invoice Description/Account Amount 421751 4/15/2013 (Continued)122670 OFFICEMAX CONTRACT INC 550.00.548.100.31 95.38 Total : 1,704.99 421752 4/15/2013 022015 OURAY SPORTSWEAR LLC 120864 SUMMER HEADWEAR ND CLOTHING FOR RESALE 437.00.576.680.34 225.75 Total : 225.75 421753 4/15/2013 260800 PACIFIC PLANTS, INC 69523 ROYAL BURGUNDY CHERRY TREE FOR AVHS 001.33.576.100.31 129.21 69524 ARBOR DAY TREE, JAPANESE LARCH 001.33.576.100.31 82.13 Total : 211.34 421754 4/15/2013 260240 PACIFIC POWER GENERATION 6729904-00 EQUIPMENT SUPPLIES 437.00.576.600.31 8.33 847278-00 Well 3 generator float switch 430.00.534.800.48 850.29 Sales Tax 430.00.534.800.48 80.78 847674-00 GENERATOR REPAIR & MAINTENANCE FOR 550.00.548.680.35 97.83 847675-00 Generator Maintenance at Justice Center 505.00.524.500.48 1,345.46 Total : 2,382.69 421755 4/15/2013 001585 PARTRIDGE, JOHN 032013REIMB PER DIEM / BAGGAGE FEE/ TAXI - NLC 001.11.511.600.43 494.04 41Page:CA.B Page 51 of 152 04/10/2013 Voucher List City of Auburn 42 4:32:42PM Page:vchlist Bank code :000 Voucher Date Vendor Invoice Description/Account Amount (Continued)Total : 494.04 421755 4/15/2013 001585 001585 PARTRIDGE, JOHN 421756 4/15/2013 015127 PAST PERFECT SOFTWARE 2013-30869 ANNUAL SUPPORT CONTRACT RENEWAL 001.33.575.300.41 432.00 Total : 432.00 421757 4/15/2013 016025 PAUL YESTER PRODUCTIONS AAT130402 SOUND/LIGHT TECH SERVICES FOR AUBURN 001.33.575.280.41 325.00 Total : 325.00 421758 4/15/2013 022120 PELLEGRINI, SHANNON REBATE WATER UTILITY TOILET REBATE PROGRAM 430.00.534.100.41 178.20 Total : 178.20 421759 4/15/2013 012125 PERFECT DRIVE GOLF & UTILITY 2162849 GOLF CART PARTS 437.00.576.680.31 531.43 Total : 531.43 421760 4/15/2013 022121 PERFORMANCE LEADERSHIP 690 REGISTRATION FOR COACHING & COUNSELING 001.21.521.200.49 150.00 Total : 150.00 421761 4/15/2013 262640 PETERSON COMPANY 1263123 CHEESE FOR THE SENIOR CENTER 001.33.574.210.31 295.76 Total : 295.76 421762 4/15/2013 003345 PFX PET SUPPLY LLC CD12097508 K9 FOOD (QTY 3) - KOEN~ 001.21.521.200.49 125.91 Total : 125.91 42Page:CA.B Page 52 of 152 04/10/2013 Voucher List City of Auburn 43 4:32:42PM Page:vchlist Bank code :000 Voucher Date Vendor Invoice Description/Account Amount 421763 4/15/2013 263070 PIERCE COUNTY BUDGET & FINANCE 2013 PP TX STMTS 2013 PP TAX STMTS - 37 PARCELS 505.00.524.500.49 141.10 Total : 141.10 421764 4/15/2013 263070 PIERCE COUNTY AUDITOR FILING FEE 2013 FILING FEES, LIENS 430.00.534.110.41 72.00 Total : 72.00 421765 4/15/2013 263070 PIERCE CO BUDGET & FINANCE DEP FILING FEE/CAPESTANY ex-parte filing fee / Capestany lawsuit 430.00.534.110.41 20.00 Total : 20.00 421766 4/15/2013 013146 PING, INC 11618008 RESALE OF BAGS, CLUBS AND MISC 437.00.576.680.34 4,955.79 Total : 4,955.79 421767 4/15/2013 263510 PLATT ELECTRIC 3533688 ELECTRICAL PARTS & SUPPLIES ON AN AS 001.42.542.300.31 123.52 3576823 ELECTRICAL AND LIGHTING PARTS FOR PARKS 001.33.576.100.31 36.45 Total : 159.97 421768 4/15/2013 021951 PLAYKILL II INC 042613PERF BRAVO PERFORMANCE FORBIDDEN 001.33.573.201.41 12,000.00 Total : 12,000.00 421769 4/15/2013 021330 PLAY-WELL TEKNOLOGIES DB2116 LEGO FUNDAMENTAL CLASSES~ 001.33.574.240.41 768.00 43Page:CA.B Page 53 of 152 04/10/2013 Voucher List City of Auburn 44 4:32:42PM Page:vchlist Bank code :000 Voucher Date Vendor Invoice Description/Account Amount (Continued)Total : 768.00 421769 4/15/2013 021330 021330 PLAY-WELL TEKNOLOGIES 421770 4/15/2013 263805 POLLARDWATER.COM I348459-IN WATER PARTS & SUPPLIES ON AN AS 430.00.534.800.35 35.72 Total : 35.72 421771 4/15/2013 264140 PRAXAIR DISTRIBUTION INC 45483867 WELDING SUPPLIES & EQUIPMENT FROM 431.00.535.800.31 131.25 45606789 ACETYLENE AND OTHER WELDING SUPPLIES 001.33.576.100.31 151.41 Total : 282.66 421772 4/15/2013 019648 PRIME ELECTRIC INC 109255 4 Hours Labor to troubleshoot and 518.00.518.880.41 256.49 Equipment Costs:~ 518.00.518.880.41 140.94 Sales Tax 518.00.518.880.41 37.76 Total : 435.19 421773 4/15/2013 002719 PRINTCO, INC 050949 large quantity print projects 518.00.518.780.41 729.27 051017 Large quantity print projects 518.00.518.780.41 102.93 Total : 832.20 421774 4/15/2013 022101 PROCTOR JR, FRANK E WILLIAMS/TRAINING "TACTICAL PERFORMANCE CARBINE" TRAINING 001.21.521.210.49 200.00 Total : 200.00 44Page:CA.B Page 54 of 152 04/10/2013 Voucher List City of Auburn 45 4:32:42PM Page:vchlist Bank code :000 Voucher Date Vendor Invoice Description/Account Amount 421775 4/15/2013 264925 PUBLIC FINANCE INC 0001628 2nd qtr 2013 LID Admin Base Fee, 001.14.514.230.41 550.84 Total : 550.84 421776 4/15/2013 265220 PUGET SOUND ENERGY 041513GAS/ELEC ELECTRICAL AND GAS CHARGES FOR 505.00.524.500.47 136.60 ELECTRICAL AND GAS CHARGES FOR 001.42.542.300.47 51,677.90 ELECTRICAL AND GAS CHARGES FOR 430.00.534.800.47 41.98 ELECTRICAL AND GAS CHARGES FOR 431.00.535.800.47 3,073.60 Total : 54,930.08 421777 4/15/2013 270210 QUIRING MONUMENTS, INC 134628 NICHE INSCRIPTION, LUDINGTON 436.00.536.200.34 100.00 Total : 100.00 421778 4/15/2013 270630 RADIO SHACK CORPORATION 023104 BATTERIES AND OTHER MISC SUPPLIES FOR 001.33.576.100.31 3.49 Total : 3.49 421779 4/15/2013 020851 RAINY DAYFUND LLC 1624 MEN'S CLOTHING/SPRING & FALL 437.00.576.680.34 1,217.44 Total : 1,217.44 421780 4/15/2013 011267 REDFLEX TRAFFIC SYSTEMS INC RTS0002532 2013 PHOTO ENFORCEMENT PROGRAM 001.21.521.200.41 49,084.51 Total : 49,084.51 421781 4/15/2013 021667 REDICK, MARGARET JANE 38477 45Page:CA.B Page 55 of 152 04/10/2013 Voucher List City of Auburn 46 4:32:42PM Page:vchlist Bank code :000 Voucher Date Vendor Invoice Description/Account Amount 421781 4/15/2013 (Continued)021667 REDICK, MARGARET JANE SENIOR LINE DANCING: ~ 001.33.574.210.41 140.00 Total : 140.00 421782 4/15/2013 017340 RESOURCE STEWARDS, LLC 1092 AUBURN SCHOOLS RECYCLING PROGRAM~ 434.00.537.120.41 1,160.00 1094 Residential Recycling Program~ 434.00.537.120.41 1,660.00 Total : 2,820.00 421783 4/15/2013 018875 RH2 ENGINEERING, INC 57603 Lakeland Hills Reservoir 6, AG-C-393~ 430.00.590.100.65 346.75 57685 Well 4 Emergency Improvements~ 430.00.590.100.69 16,420.00 57813 Lakeland Hills Reservoir 6, AG-C-393~ 430.00.590.100.65 2,787.00 57843 Well 4 Emergency Improvements~ 430.00.590.100.69 14,345.00 Total : 33,898.75 421784 4/15/2013 021012 RICOH AMERICAS CORPORATION 1038504021 PAYMENT ON BEHALF OF V-NET 652.00.521.211.31 53.66 Total : 53.66 421785 4/15/2013 020410 ROBBINS COMPANY 1725867 HELIUM/CYLINER RENTALS 001.33.574.240.45 39.42 1725869 46Page:CA.B Page 56 of 152 04/10/2013 Voucher List City of Auburn 47 4:32:42PM Page:vchlist Bank code :000 Voucher Date Vendor Invoice Description/Account Amount 421785 4/15/2013 (Continued)020410 ROBBINS COMPANY HELIUM/CYLDINER RENTAL FOR THE SENIOR 001.33.574.210.45 13.14 Total : 52.56 421786 4/15/2013 005162 ROBERTSON, CAROLYN 032913REIMB MILEAGE/PARKING 3/4-3/29 LEGISLATIVE 001.11.513.100.43 843.42 Total : 843.42 421787 4/15/2013 272795 ROTH HILL, LLC 102414 132nd Ave SE Tacoma Pipeline 5 430.00.590.100.65 3,233.27 Total : 3,233.27 421788 4/15/2013 006840 RW RHINE INC.REFUND HYDRANT DEPOSIT PERMIT HYD13-0004 430.399.501 1,449.00 HYDRANT DEPOSIT PERMIT HYD13-0004 430.343.431 0.42 Total : 1,449.42 421789 4/15/2013 020120 SANDALL, GREG 030613REIMB CDLTest/Endorsement Fees Gregg Sandall 430.00.534.800.49 223.00 Total : 223.00 421790 4/15/2013 280870 SCARFF MOTORS, INC 547242 AUTO REPAIR & SERVICE ON AN AS REQUIRED 550.00.548.680.35 21.44 C14931 CREDIT - PO12-007474 117.00.521.210.48 -391.59 C20630 WHEEL ALIGHMENT~ 550.00.548.680.48 1,336.09 47Page:CA.B Page 57 of 152 04/10/2013 Voucher List City of Auburn 48 4:32:42PM Page:vchlist Bank code :000 Voucher Date Vendor Invoice Description/Account Amount 421790 4/15/2013 (Continued)280870 SCARFF MOTORS, INC Sales Tax 550.00.548.680.48 126.93 C20890 CAM REPAIR FOR FORD RANGER 437.00.576.600.41 282.04 Total : 1,374.91 421791 4/15/2013 280865 SCARSELLA BROS INC 11-01/#13 M Street SE Grade Separation 102.00.594.420.65 575,164.64 12-04/#3 Well 1 Transmission Main, Contract 430.00.590.100.65 215,772.05 Well 1 Transmission Main, Contract 432.00.590.100.68 106,687.71 RETAINAGE 430.223.400 -9,852.61 RETAINAGE 432.223.400 -5,334.39 Total : 882,437.40 421792 4/15/2013 016374 SCHNEIDER, THOMAS BRIAN 38124 FITNESS BOOT CAMP CLASSES/WINTER 001.33.574.240.41 360.00 38126 FITNESS BOOT CAMP CLASSES/WINTER 001.33.574.240.41 360.00 Total : 720.00 421793 4/15/2013 007796 SCI INFRASTRUCTURE LLC REFUND HYDRANT DEPOSIT PERMIT HYD12-0017 430.399.501 1,449.00 Total : 1,449.00 421794 4/15/2013 019208 SCORE 324 48Page:CA.B Page 58 of 152 04/10/2013 Voucher List City of Auburn 49 4:32:42PM Page:vchlist Bank code :000 Voucher Date Vendor Invoice Description/Account Amount 421794 4/15/2013 (Continued)019208 SCORE 2009 SCORE PDA July 1 interest payment 001.20.592.230.83 499,276.76 Total : 499,276.76 421795 4/15/2013 019208 SCORE 307 PAYMENT ON BEHALF OF V-NET 652.00.521.211.41 3,780.00 Total : 3,780.00 421796 4/15/2013 281642 SEATTLE KARAOKE 65308 NEW RECEIVER FOR THE KARAOKE MACHINE 001.33.574.240.31 394.18 Total : 394.18 421797 4/15/2013 019141 SEATTLE KC DEPT PUBLIC HEALTH EVENT/PERMIT FARMERS MARKET EVENT PERMIT 001.33.573.901.49 502.00 Total : 502.00 421798 4/15/2013 282040 SEATTLE TIMES 107302 LEGAL AD # 302049 PUBLISHED 4/2/13 001.15.514.300.44 570.88 107302 LEGAL ADS FOR THE MONTH OF MARCH 2013 001.15.514.300.44 2,732.99 Total : 3,303.87 421799 4/15/2013 014104 SEATTLE'S CHILD 2013-15738 SUMMER CAMP ADVERTISING 001.33.574.220.44 452.00 Total : 452.00 421800 4/15/2013 282100 SECOMA FENCE INC 9006 FENCE REPAIRS ON AN AS REQUIRED BASIS 432.00.535.900.48 1,368.75 49Page:CA.B Page 59 of 152 04/10/2013 Voucher List City of Auburn 50 4:32:42PM Page:vchlist Bank code :000 Voucher Date Vendor Invoice Description/Account Amount (Continued)Total : 1,368.75 421800 4/15/2013 282100 282100 SECOMA FENCE INC 421801 4/15/2013 000679 SENTINEL PEST CONTROL, INC 69419 PEST CONTROL SERVICES ON AN AS REQUIRED 550.00.548.150.48 56.94 Total : 56.94 421802 4/15/2013 022108 SHARER, WESTON 032513REIMB SAFETY SHOES REIMBURSEMENT PER TEAMSTER 430.00.534.800.22 100.00 Total : 100.00 421803 4/15/2013 020917 SHARP, CHRIS 032513INV MAINTENANCE AND REPAINTING OF PUBLIC ART 001.33.573.201.41 1,390.65 040813INV MAINTENANCE AND REPAINTING OF PUBLIC ART 001.33.573.201.41 547.10 Total : 1,937.75 421804 4/15/2013 022129 SHARRARD, DARREL 024495 UTILITY REFUND - 100 T ST NE 430.233.100 16.90 Total : 16.90 421805 4/15/2013 022124 SHETTY, SUDHAKAR 007638 UTILITY REFUND - 2000 GINKGO ST SE 430.233.100 193.03 Total : 193.03 421806 4/15/2013 001484 SHIVELY, VICTOR G.032013LEOFF LEOFF 1 PHARMACY REIMBURSEMENT CLAIM 001.98.517.210.25 130.19 Total : 130.19 421807 4/15/2013 017545 SHOWCASE MEDIA 945 ADVERTISING FOR 2013 BRAVO SHOWS 50Page:CA.B Page 60 of 152 04/10/2013 Voucher List City of Auburn 51 4:32:42PM Page:vchlist Bank code :000 Voucher Date Vendor Invoice Description/Account Amount 421807 4/15/2013 (Continued)017545 SHOWCASE MEDIA 001.33.573.201.44 200.00 Total : 200.00 421808 4/15/2013 001187 SHRED-IT USA INC 101307622 PAPER/DOCUMENT SHREDDING SERVICES FOR 001.33.574.100.41 49.50 101340209 SECURE RECORDS DESTRUCTION 370 BOXES @ 001.15.514.300.49 1,838.10 Total : 1,887.60 421809 4/15/2013 283305 SHROPSHIRE, MONROE S.031113LEOFF LEOFF 1 DENTAL EXPENSRE REIMBURSEMENT 001.98.522.210.25 172.00 040213LEOFF LEOFF 1 DENTAL EXPENSE REIMBURSEMENT 001.98.522.210.25 1,035.00 102511LEOFF LEOFF 1 PHARMACY REIMBURSEMENT 001.98.522.210.25 119.25 Total : 1,326.25 421810 4/15/2013 022000 SIGN TECH NW 1537 Maintenance on sign shop gerber edge fx 001.42.542.300.48 163.95 Total : 163.95 421811 4/15/2013 011692 SILLS, STEVE 051810REIMB REIMBURSE BOOT CHARGE PAID BY SILLS 001.21.521.200.22 51.79 Total : 51.79 421812 4/15/2013 283830 SKILLPATH SEMINARS 10543756 WOMEN'S CONFERENCE 1/30/13 (J. HESLING) 001.21.521.300.49 149.00 10543757 51Page:CA.B Page 61 of 152 04/10/2013 Voucher List City of Auburn 52 4:32:42PM Page:vchlist Bank code :000 Voucher Date Vendor Invoice Description/Account Amount 421812 4/15/2013 (Continued)283830 SKILLPATH SEMINARS WOMEN'S CONFERENCE 1/31/13 (S. VAN 001.21.521.300.49 149.00 Total : 298.00 421813 4/15/2013 021752 SNYDER, MITCHELL 032013REIMB Commercial Drivers License Written 432.00.535.900.49 100.00 License and Commercial Drivers License 432.00.535.900.49 85.00 Total : 185.00 421814 4/15/2013 012363 SOUND PEST MANAGEMENT, INC 25785 PERIMETER TREATMENT, LIGHT ACTIVITY 436.00.536.200.31 93.08 Total : 93.08 421815 4/15/2013 284900 SOUND TRANSIT 25296 1ST QTR OPERATING EXPS AT TRANSIT 505.00.524.500.45 2,020.00 Total : 2,020.00 421816 4/15/2013 016482 SPIKE'S GOLF SUPPLIES, INC.743701 GOLF TEES AND MISC ITEMS 437.00.576.680.34 584.11 Total : 584.11 421817 4/15/2013 022141 SPRAGUE, JEFFREY 071887 UTILITY REFUND - 502 4TH ST SE #B 430.233.100 200.15 Total : 200.15 421818 4/15/2013 002733 STAR RENTAL & SALES, INC 33-087835-03 EQUIPMENT RENTALS; CHOP SAW, COMPACTOR, 437.00.576.600.45 71.19 Total : 71.19 52Page:CA.B Page 62 of 152 04/10/2013 Voucher List City of Auburn 53 4:32:42PM Page:vchlist Bank code :000 Voucher Date Vendor Invoice Description/Account Amount 421819 4/15/2013 004341 STATE OF WA SUPREME COURT PR-8284 Printing Costs 001.15.515.100.49 6.26 Total : 6.26 421820 4/15/2013 006380 STATEWIDE PARKING LOT 8093 PAVING SERVICES ON AN AS REQUIRED BASIS 430.00.534.800.48 3,449.25 Total : 3,449.25 421821 4/15/2013 019421 STENSRUD CONSTRUCTION SVC LLC 700-271 TENNIS AND PICKELBALL NETS 001.33.576.100.31 691.00 Sales Tax 001.33.576.100.31 65.65 Total : 756.65 421822 4/15/2013 022155 STEWART TITLE - PUGET SOUND 025867 UTILITY REFUND-31802 112TH AVE SE 432.233.100 3,611.83 UTILITY REFUND-31802 112TH AVE SE 434.233.100 2.83 Total : 3,614.66 421823 4/15/2013 003617 STOVER, RUTH NEIL 38230 PILATES CLASSES (WINTER QUARTER)~ 001.33.574.240.41 336.00 38234 PILATES CLASSES (WINTER QUARTER)~ 001.33.574.240.41 240.00 Total : 576.00 421824 4/15/2013 020467 STROOMER, JOSEPH 067955 UTILITY REFUND - 1802 37TH WAY SE 430.233.100 136.51 Total : 136.51 53Page:CA.B Page 63 of 152 04/10/2013 Voucher List City of Auburn 54 4:32:42PM Page:vchlist Bank code :000 Voucher Date Vendor Invoice Description/Account Amount 421825 4/15/2013 005668 SUMNER VETERINARY HOSPITAL 216395 EXAMINATION; MEDICATIONS; DELUXE 117.00.521.210.41 395.07 Total : 395.07 421826 4/15/2013 022082 SUYEMATSU, HIMEKO 024349 UTILITY REFUND - 32 R PL NE 430.233.100 159.91 Total : 159.91 421827 4/15/2013 287590 SWANLUND, MIKE 081309 ROTOTILL P-PATCH ON 1/13/13 & 3/24/13~ 001.33.576.100.41 325.00 Total : 325.00 421828 4/15/2013 017004 T & N ENTERPRISE 2493 HOUSING REPAIR--ANNEMARIE HARKCOM'S 119.00.559.200.63 5,000.00 Total : 5,000.00 421829 4/15/2013 290270 TACOMA SCREW PRODUCTS INC 13932985 MISCELLANEOUS NUTS & BOLTS FOR WATER 550.00.548.680.31 1.30 15175100 SHOP SUPPLIES FOR GOLF MAINT. 437.00.576.600.31 37.42 Total : 38.72 421830 4/15/2013 012736 TAYLOR MADE GOLF COMPANY INC.19264577 CLUBS FOR RESALE 437.00.576.680.34 160.87 Total : 160.87 421831 4/15/2013 210750 TETRA TECH, INC 50643476 A STREET NW EXTENSION CONSULTANT SVCS~ 102.00.594.420.65 1,141.94 50659165 54Page:CA.B Page 64 of 152 04/10/2013 Voucher List City of Auburn 55 4:32:42PM Page:vchlist Bank code :000 Voucher Date Vendor Invoice Description/Account Amount 421831 4/15/2013 (Continued)210750 TETRA TECH, INC A STREET NW EXTENSION CONSULTANT SVCS~ 102.00.594.420.65 2,526.28 Total : 3,668.22 421832 4/15/2013 222370 THE LOCK SHOP 84241 Core Tailpieces~ 505.00.524.500.31 12.98 Total : 12.98 421833 4/15/2013 012331 FOOTJOY 4827966 RESALE OF CLOTHING, SHOES, GLOVES, 437.00.576.680.34 75.09 4839605 RESALE OF CLOTHING, SHOES, GLOVES, 437.00.576.680.34 290.23 Total : 365.32 421834 4/15/2013 015041 TRANSPORTATION SYSTEMS INC 1703 Site Work - TSI #W13-0288: Lea Hill 001.32.532.200.48 1,898.77 Total : 1,898.77 421835 4/15/2013 292750 TRIPLE T TROPHIES 270817 PLAYER TROPHIES FOR YOUTH BASEBALL 001.33.574.240.31 88.04 Total : 88.04 421836 4/15/2013 020242 TROGDON, DAVID REPLENISH BUY FUND PAYMENT ON BEHALF OF V-NET 652.00.521.212.49 17,384.00 Total : 17,384.00 421837 4/15/2013 013834 UNIFIRST CORPORATION 0883980 CEMETERY SUPPLIES 436.00.536.200.31 57.28 ADDITIONAL USE TAX 55Page:CA.B Page 65 of 152 04/10/2013 Voucher List City of Auburn 56 4:32:42PM Page:vchlist Bank code :000 Voucher Date Vendor Invoice Description/Account Amount 421837 4/15/2013 (Continued)013834 UNIFIRST CORPORATION 436.00.536.200.31 0.05 ADDITIONAL USE TAX 436.237.200 -0.05 Total : 57.28 421838 4/15/2013 370900 UNITED PARCEL SERVICE 0000890192123 Shipping services with UPS 518.00.518.780.42 32.99 0000997552083 SHIPPING CHARGES ON AN AS REQUIRED 001.32.532.200.42 13.98 SHIPPING CHARGES ON AN AS REQUIRED 431.00.535.800.42 26.46 0000997552123 SHIPPING CHARGES ON AN AS REQUIRED 430.00.534.800.42 11.10 0000997552133 SHIPPING CHARGES ON AN AS REQUIRED 550.00.548.100.42 6.25 Total : 90.78 421839 4/15/2013 021672 US BANK 3/133057900012901575 DOWNTOWN RECYCLE CONTAINERS 434.00.537.100.31 111.04 DOWNTOWN RECYCLE CONTAINERS 434.00.537.120.31 222.06 3/133059000661776541 DEX ONE ADVERTISING FOR CEMETERY 436.00.536.200.44 194.26 3/133059987137947124 RECYCLING BAGS FOR RECYCLE EVENT 434.00.537.120.31 103.29 3/133060100296473849 OFFICE SUPPLIES FOR FINANCE DEPT 001.14.514.230.31 140.48 56Page:CA.B Page 66 of 152 04/10/2013 Voucher List City of Auburn 57 4:32:42PM Page:vchlist Bank code :000 Voucher Date Vendor Invoice Description/Account Amount 421839 4/15/2013 (Continued)021672 US BANK 3/133065100241033834 DATE STAMPS FOR FINANCE DEPT - A/P 001.14.514.230.31 185.01 3/133066253791010069 LOCKS FOR PUBLIC RECYCLING PROGRAM 434.00.537.120.31 264.85 LOCKS FOR PUBLIC RECYLING PROGRAM 434.00.537.120.31 88.29 3/133068000679092005 TAXI SERV FOR COUNCIL-NLC CONF IN WASH 001.11.511.600.43 150.00 3/133068043627870930 IN FLIGHT SERV-(LARGO REIMBURSED) NLC 001.11.511.600.43 7.00 3/133068100274107106 OFFICE SUPPLIES FOR UTILITIES DEPT 434.00.537.110.31 14.75 OFFICE SUPPLIES FOR UTILITIES DEPT 431.00.535.110.31 14.75 OFFICE SUPPLIES FOR UTILTIES DEPT 432.00.535.910.31 14.75 OFFICE SUPPLIES FOR UTILTIES DEPT 430.00.534.110.31 14.75 3/133068286972400265 DISTINGUISHED BUDGET AWARD APPLICATION 001.14.514.230.49 550.00 3/133070130702266447 NLC "CELEBRATE DIVERSITY" EVENT (LARGO) 001.11.511.600.49 35.00 3/133070130702266454 NLC "CELEBRATE DIVERSITY" EVENT (HOLMAN) 001.11.511.600.49 35.00 3/133070824500864447 BAGGAGE FEE - NLC CONF (OSBORNE) 001.11.511.600.43 20.00 57Page:CA.B Page 67 of 152 04/10/2013 Voucher List City of Auburn 58 4:32:42PM Page:vchlist Bank code :000 Voucher Date Vendor Invoice Description/Account Amount 421839 4/15/2013 (Continued)021672 US BANK 3/133070824500879775 BAGGAGE FEE - NLC CONF (PARTRIDGE) 001.11.511.600.43 20.00 3/133070824500880377 BAGGAGE FEE - NLC CONF (PELOZA) 001.11.511.600.43 20.00 3/133070824509738295 BAGGAGE FEE - NLC CONF(HOLMAN) 001.11.511.600.43 20.00 3/133070824509909680 BAGGAGE FEE - NLC CONF (LARGO) 001.11.511.600.43 20.00 3/133071000720914400 RESIDENTIAL OUTREACH FOR RECYCLING AD 434.00.537.100.44 521.25 3/133072026094818254 GRANT REFORM CD FOR FINANCE 001.14.514.230.49 239.00 3/133073004070075931 LODGING - NLC CONF (PARTRIDGE) 001.11.511.600.43 1,465.60 3/133074004084079084 LODGING - NLC CONF (LARGO) 001.11.511.600.43 1,758.72 3/133074004084079092 LODGING, NLC CONF (HOLMAN) 001.11.511.600.43 879.36 3/133074004084079100 LODGING - NLC CONF (OSBORNE) 001.11.511.600.43 879.36 3/133074004084079290 LODGING - NLC CONF (PELOZA) 001.11.511.600.43 1,758.72 3/133074100269191661 FILE FOLDERS FOR OUTREACH PACKETS 58Page:CA.B Page 68 of 152 04/10/2013 Voucher List City of Auburn 59 4:32:42PM Page:vchlist Bank code :000 Voucher Date Vendor Invoice Description/Account Amount 421839 4/15/2013 (Continued)021672 US BANK 434.00.537.120.31 54.20 3/133074987170342796 300 HOME COMPOST BIN FLYERS 432.00.535.100.41 34.90 300 HOME COMPOST BIN FLYERS 430.00.534.100.41 34.91 3/133074987170342804 300 COMPOST WORKSHOP FLYERS 432.00.535.100.41 34.90 300 COMPOST WORKSHOP FLYERS 430.00.534.100.41 34.91 3/133077824512329796 BAGGAGE FEE - NLC CONF (HOLMAN) 001.11.511.600.43 20.00 3/133077824512329895 BAGGAGE FEE - NLC CONF (OSBORNE) 001.11.511.600.43 20.00 3/133077824512329994 BAGGAGE FEE - NLC CONF (LARGO) 001.11.511.600.43 20.00 3/133077824512331990 BAGGAGE FEE - NLC CONF (PELOZA) 001.11.511.600.43 20.00 3/133082100295235441 OFFICE SUPPLIES FOR FINANCE DEPT 001.14.514.230.31 41.25 3/133082100295235516 OFFICE SUPPLIES FOR UTILITIES DEPT 434.00.537.110.31 35.01 OFFICE SUPPLIES FOR UTILITIES DEPT 431.00.535.110.31 35.01 OFFICE SUPPLIES FOR UTILITIES DEPT 432.00.535.910.31 35.01 OFFICE SUPPLIES FOR UTILITIES DEPT 430.00.534.110.31 35.01 59Page:CA.B Page 69 of 152 04/10/2013 Voucher List City of Auburn 60 4:32:42PM Page:vchlist Bank code :000 Voucher Date Vendor Invoice Description/Account Amount 421839 4/15/2013 (Continued)021672 US BANK 3/133082100295235698 OFFICE SUPPLIES FOR UTILITIES DEPT 434.00.537.110.31 35.17 OFFICE SUPPLIES FOR UTILITIES DEPT 431.00.535.110.31 35.17 OFFICE SUPPLIES FOR UTILITIES DEPT 432.00.535.910.31 35.17 OFFICE SUPPLIES FOR UTILITIES DEPT 430.00.534.110.31 35.18 Total : 10,343.09 421840 4/15/2013 371410 UTILITIES SERVICE CO. INC 8475 MECH & ELECT PUMP STATION REPAIRS BY 430.00.534.800.48 427.05 Total : 427.05 421841 4/15/2013 380030 VADIS CORP 18115 2013 LITTER CONTROL/RECYCLING SVCS~ 434.00.537.800.41 10,735.00 USE TAX 434.00.537.800.41 270.51 USE TAX 434.237.200 -270.51 Total : 10,735.00 421842 4/15/2013 380240 VALLEY COMMUNICATIONS CENTER 0013907 800MHz radio invoices for year 001.32.525.100.42 195.00 Total : 195.00 421843 4/15/2013 022127 VALLEY PUMP 014195 UTILITY REFUND - 202 8TH ST SE 430.233.100 1,887.17 Total : 1,887.17 60Page:CA.B Page 70 of 152 04/10/2013 Voucher List City of Auburn 61 4:32:42PM Page:vchlist Bank code :000 Voucher Date Vendor Invoice Description/Account Amount 421844 4/15/2013 022137 VAN AMBURG, KELLY 066837 UTILITY REFUND - 710 7TH ST SE 430.233.100 49.07 Total : 49.07 421845 4/15/2013 380660 VANDVER, RUSS 031113LEOFF LEOFF 1 PHARMACY REIMBURSEMENT 001.98.522.220.25 4.00 031113LEOFF LEOFF 1 MEDICAL EXPENSE REIMBURSEMENT 001.98.522.220.25 187.08 Total : 191.08 421846 4/15/2013 111800 VERIZON WIRELESS 9701468344 PAYMENT ON BEHALF OF V-NET 652.00.521.212.42 579.60 Total : 579.60 421847 4/15/2013 380760 VERMEER NORTHWEST SALES INC S23524 Repair parts for #6770B, work order 550.00.548.680.35 37.26 freight 550.00.548.680.35 13.06 Sales Tax 550.00.548.680.35 4.78 Total : 55.10 421848 4/15/2013 017214 VIETNAM VETERANS MEMORIAL FUND 103 DEPOSIT FOR THE WALL THAT HEALS 001.33.573.901.41 2,800.00 Total : 2,800.00 421849 4/15/2013 171890 W. W. GRAINGER, INC 9085690312 Sales Tax 550.00.548.150.35 131.60 Outdoor power reels for M&O building. 61Page:CA.B Page 71 of 152 04/10/2013 Voucher List City of Auburn 62 4:32:42PM Page:vchlist Bank code :000 Voucher Date Vendor Invoice Description/Account Amount 421849 4/15/2013 (Continued)171890 W. W. GRAINGER, INC 550.00.548.150.35 1,385.28 9094669935 Outdoor power reels for M&O building. 550.00.548.150.35 1,412.66 Sales Tax 550.00.548.150.35 134.20 9096138111 SMALL TOOLS, EQUIPMENT AND SUPPLIES ON 430.00.534.800.31 8.77 SMALL TOOLS, EQUIPMENT AND SUPPLIES ON 431.00.535.800.31 8.77 SMALL TOOLS, EQUIPMENT AND SUPPLIES ON 432.00.535.900.31 8.77 SMALL TOOLS, EQUIPMENT AND SUPPLIES ON 001.42.542.300.31 8.77 9097047675 SMALL TOOLS, EQUIPMENT AND SUPPLIES ON 550.00.548.680.35 115.29 9098108526 SMALL TOOLS, EQUIPMENT AND SUPPLIES ON 550.00.548.150.35 101.53 9098317895 Water Heater Pan~ 505.00.524.500.48 25.37 9098699128 SMALL TOOLS, EQUIPMENT AND SUPPLIES ON 550.141.300 93.07 9099541485 Outdoor power reels for M&O building. 550.00.548.150.35 -1,516.88 9102368207 CLEAR POLY SHEET FOR SMOKING SHELTER 001.33.574.210.48 1,207.39 Total : 3,124.59 62Page:CA.B Page 72 of 152 04/10/2013 Voucher List City of Auburn 63 4:32:42PM Page:vchlist Bank code :000 Voucher Date Vendor Invoice Description/Account Amount 421850 4/15/2013 391470 WA STATE CRIM JUSTICE TRAINING 2013-2109 ENROLLMENT IN THE BASIC LAW ENFORCEMENT 001.21.521.100.49 3,331.00 2013-2153 ANIMAL CONTROL OFFICER TRAINING / 001.21.539.300.49 350.00 Total : 3,681.00 421851 4/15/2013 391710 WA STATE DEPT OF ENTEPRISE SER 2013030049 11 Adobe Acrobat Professional Licenses 001.32.532.200.35 877.38 11 Adobe Acrobat Professional Licenses 430.00.534.100.35 626.70 11 Adobe Acrobat Professional Licenses 431.00.535.100.35 626.70 11 Adobe Acrobat Professional Licenses 432.00.535.100.35 626.70 Sales Tax 001.32.532.200.35 83.35 Sales Tax 431.00.535.100.35 59.54 Sales Tax 432.00.535.100.35 59.53 Sales Tax 430.00.534.100.35 59.54 Total : 3,019.44 421852 4/15/2013 392040 WA STATE DEPT TRANSPORTATION RE31CRI000032980 ANNUAL PERMIT FEE FOR MOTORIST 437.00.576.680.44 910.00 Total : 910.00 421853 4/15/2013 390395 WA STATE NARCOTICS BETZ/REG REGISTRATION FEE - WSNIA/WSIN 2013 117.00.521.210.49 90.00 ONIEL/REG 63Page:CA.B Page 73 of 152 04/10/2013 Voucher List City of Auburn 64 4:32:42PM Page:vchlist Bank code :000 Voucher Date Vendor Invoice Description/Account Amount 421853 4/15/2013 (Continued)390395 WA STATE NARCOTICS REGISTRATION FEE - WSNIA/WSIN 2013 117.00.521.210.49 90.00 PEARSON/REG REGISTRATION FEE - WSNIA/WSIN 2013 117.00.521.210.49 90.00 Total : 270.00 421854 4/15/2013 392610 WA STATE RETIREMENT SYSTEMS 981261 Annual Admin Fee for OASI Tax YR 2012. 501.00.517.700.41 204.22 Total : 204.22 421855 4/15/2013 014405 WALTERS, JOANNE S.040413REIM GROCERIES FOR THE SENIOR CENTER 001.33.574.210.31 95.52 Total : 95.52 421856 4/15/2013 392520 WASHINGTON STATE PATROL 00050112 ACCESS USER FEES FOR 1ST QTR 2013~ 001.21.521.300.42 534.00 I13007438 MARCH 2013 FINGERPRINTING/CPL CARDS - 651.237.105 742.50 Total : 1,276.50 421857 4/15/2013 270540 WASTE MANAGEMENT OF WA, INC MAR2013 Waste Management Solid Waste charges 434.00.537.800.41 807,273.64 Total : 807,273.64 421858 4/15/2013 393570 WATER MANAGEMENT LABS, INC 119395 WATER ANALYSIS ON AN AS REQUIRED BASIS 430.00.534.800.41 528.00 119466 WATER ANALYSIS ON AN AS REQUIRED BASIS 432.00.535.100.41 385.00 64Page:CA.B Page 74 of 152 04/10/2013 Voucher List City of Auburn 65 4:32:42PM Page:vchlist Bank code :000 Voucher Date Vendor Invoice Description/Account Amount 421858 4/15/2013 (Continued)393570 WATER MANAGEMENT LABS, INC 119547 WATER ANALYSIS ON AN AS REQUIRED BASIS 001.32.532.200.41 42.00 WATER ANALYSIS ON AN AS REQUIRED BASIS 430.00.534.800.41 315.00 119611 WATER ANALYSIS ON AN AS REQUIRED BASIS 430.00.534.800.41 189.00 Total : 1,459.00 421859 4/15/2013 016337 WATERSHED COMPANY 2013-0100 A STREET WETLAND DELINEATION ENV SVCS~ 432.00.590.100.65 210.00 Total : 210.00 421860 4/15/2013 004433 WEBB, DONALD 032213LEOFF LEOFF 1 DENTAL EXPENSE REIMBURSEMENT 001.98.517.210.25 210.00 Total : 210.00 421861 4/15/2013 018105 WEBCHECK INC.4612 Webcheck Escrow Estimate fees for 63 430.00.534.110.41 236.25 Webcheck Escrow Estimate fees for 63 431.00.535.110.41 236.25 Webcheck Escrow Estimate fees for 63 432.00.535.910.41 236.25 Webcheck Escrow Estimate fees for 63 434.00.537.110.41 236.25 Total : 945.00 421862 4/15/2013 394140 WEST COAST AWARDS 51306 AWARD APPAREL FOR ADULT FLAG FOOTBALL 001.33.574.240.31 177.34 51307 65Page:CA.B Page 75 of 152 04/10/2013 Voucher List City of Auburn 66 4:32:42PM Page:vchlist Bank code :000 Voucher Date Vendor Invoice Description/Account Amount 421862 4/15/2013 (Continued)394140 WEST COAST AWARDS AWARD APPAREL FOR ADULT FLAG FOOTBALL 001.33.574.240.31 128.28 Total : 305.62 421863 4/15/2013 394200 WEST COAST PAPER 7947141 Purchase paper for citywide use 518.00.518.780.31 242.93 7949168 Citywide paper supply 518.00.518.780.31 474.22 Total : 717.15 421864 4/15/2013 006595 WEST TIGER MT 2WAY RADIO SITE 020113INV RENTAL OF 2-WAY RADIO 001.33.576.100.45 185.00 040113INV RENTAL OF 2-WAY RADIO 001.33.576.100.45 185.00 Total : 370.00 421865 4/15/2013 394470 WESTERN EQUIPMENT DIST INC 717612.3 MOTOR FOR GREENS MOWER 437.00.576.600.35 2,615.94 Total : 2,615.94 421866 4/15/2013 021039 WESTERN SYSTEMS & FABRICATION 3520 SEWER CAMEL PARTS, SUPPLIES AND REPAIR 431.00.535.800.35 183.76 Total : 183.76 421867 4/15/2013 008051 WESTFIRE COASTAL INC.300WC-1115 Annual Clean Agent Inspections~ 505.00.524.500.41 1,292.10 Total : 1,292.10 421868 4/15/2013 021684 WHITE CAP CONST SUPPLY 30132286 66Page:CA.B Page 76 of 152 04/10/2013 Voucher List City of Auburn 67 4:32:42PM Page:vchlist Bank code :000 Voucher Date Vendor Invoice Description/Account Amount 421868 4/15/2013 (Continued)021684 WHITE CAP CONST SUPPLY WATER CONSTRUCTION PARTS AND SUPPLIES 430.00.534.800.35 291.89 Total : 291.89 421869 4/15/2013 011495 WHITWORTH PEST SOLUTIONS INC.199676 Pest Control at City Facilities~ 505.00.524.500.41 251.85 Total : 251.85 421870 4/15/2013 395580 WILBUR-ELLIS, CO 6942510 WINTER CHEMICALS/FERTILIZERS 437.00.576.600.31 299.59 6946723 PESTICIDES AND FERTILIZERS FOR PARKS 001.33.576.100.31 1,070.65 6950476 PESTICIDES AND FERTILIZERS FOR PARKS 001.33.576.100.31 408.13 6969081 SPRING FERTILIZERS AND HERBICIDES FOR 437.00.576.600.31 559.48 WINTER CHEMICALS/FERTILIZERS 437.00.576.600.31 1,095.00 6969241 PESTICIDES AND FERTILIZERS FOR PARKS 001.33.576.100.31 84.86 6972981 PESTICIDES AND FERTILIZERS FOR PARKS 001.33.576.100.31 195.80 Total : 3,713.51 421871 4/15/2013 022142 WILLIAMS, WALT 072196 UTILITY REFUND - 1820 4TH ST NE 430.233.100 34.44 67Page:CA.B Page 77 of 152 04/10/2013 Voucher List City of Auburn 68 4:32:42PM Page:vchlist Bank code :000 Voucher Date Vendor Invoice Description/Account Amount (Continued)Total : 34.44 421871 4/15/2013 022142 022142 WILLIAMS, WALT 421872 4/15/2013 017788 WILLIS, MARGIE K.28275 ENHANCED FITNESS CLASSES:~ 001.33.574.210.41 280.00 38048 ZUMBA CLASSES:~ 001.33.574.210.41 128.00 38051 ZUMBA CLASSES:~ 001.33.574.210.41 160.00 38054 ZUMBA CLASSES:~ 001.33.574.240.41 16.00 38273 ENHANCED FITNESS CLASSES:~ 001.33.574.210.41 180.00 38274 ENHANCED FITNESS CLASSES:~ 001.33.574.210.41 21.00 38284 ENHANCED FITNESS CLASSES:~ 001.33.574.210.41 171.00 38480 ENHANCED FITNESS CLASSES:~ 001.33.574.210.41 35.00 38483 ENHANCED FITNESS CLASSES:~ 001.33.574.210.41 35.00 Total : 1,026.00 421873 4/15/2013 022143 WOOD, COREEN 072217 UTILITY REFUND - 5628 HAZEL LOOP SE 430.233.100 45.28 Total : 45.28 68Page:CA.B Page 78 of 152 04/10/2013 Voucher List City of Auburn 69 4:32:42PM Page:vchlist Bank code :000 Voucher Date Vendor Invoice Description/Account Amount 421874 4/15/2013 019741 YMCA OF GREATER SEATTLE JUL-DEC2012 So King Co YMCA Alive & Free Program 001.17.562.100.41 60,000.00 Total : 60,000.00 421875 4/15/2013 234680 ZONES INTERNATIONAL S30903660101 Cable Organizer Patch Cable Management 328.00.594.190.65 793.40 Sales Tax 328.00.594.190.65 75.37 Total : 868.77 Bank total : 4,850,174.97 284 Vouchers for bank code :000 4,850,174.97Total vouchers :Vouchers in this report 284 69Page:CA.B Page 79 of 152 04/10/2013 Voucher List City of Auburn 70 4:32:42PM Page:vchlist Bank code :000 Voucher Date Vendor Invoice Description/Account Amount I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THE GOODS AND/ OR SERVICES CHARGED ON THE VOUCHERS LISTED HEREIN HAVE BEEN FURNISHED TO THE BEST OF MY KNOWLEDGE. I FURTHER CERTIFY THE CLAIMS HEREIN TO BE VALID AND CORRECT. ____________________________ DIRECTOR OF FINANCE WE, THE UNDERSIGNED FINANCE COMMITTEE OF THE AUBURN CITY COUNCIL, AUBURN WASHINGTON, DO HEREBY CERTIFY THAT VOUCHER #421592 THROUGH VOUCHER #421875, IN THE AMOUNT OF $4,850,174.97, ARE APPROVED THIS 15TH DAY OF APRIL, 2013. ______________________ CHAIR _______________________ MEMBER ________________________ MEMBER 70Page:CA.B Page 80 of 152 AGENDA BILL APPROVAL FORM Agenda Subject: Payroll Vouchers Date: April 8, 2013 Department: Finance Attachments: No Attachments Available Budget Impact: $0 Administrative Recommendation: City Council to approve Payroll Vouchers Background Summary: Payroll check numbers 533722 through 533755 in the amount of $852,513.66 and electronic deposit transmissions in the amount of $1,175,116.50 for a grand total of $2,027,630.16 for the period covering March 28, 2013 - April 10, 2013. Reviewed by Council Committees: Finance Councilmember:Staff:Coleman Meeting Date:April 15, 2013 Item Number:CA.C AUBURN * MORE THAN YOU IMAGINEDCA.C Page 81 of 152 AGENDA BILL APPROVAL FORM Agenda Subject: February 2013 Financial Report Date: April 4, 2013 Department: Finance Attachments: February Financial Report Budget Impact: $0 Administrative Recommendation: For discussion only. Background Summary: The purpose of the monthly financial reports is to summarize for the City Council the general state of Citywide financial affairs and to highlight significant items or trends that the City Council should be aware of. The following provides a high level summary of the City’s financial performance. Further detail can be found within the attached financial report. The February status report is based on financial data available as of March 25, 2013. Sales tax information represents business activity that occurred in December 2012. General Fund: The general fund is the City’s largest fund and is used to account for the majority of City resources and services except those required by statute or to be accounted for in another fund. Through the first two months of 2013, General Fund expenses totaled $7.8 million and compare to $7.4 million for the same period last year. The increase in year-over-year expenses reflect the payment of SCORE debt service principal (prior to 2013, debt service payments were interest only) and increased payments for incarceration services (current period payments are based upon prior year City inmate counts). General Fund revenues, which were not sufficient to meet General Fund expenses, totaled $7.5 million for 2013 year-to-date, and compare to collections of $6.9 million for the same period last year. The increase in revenue reflect the current upswing in general construction activity locally and regionally and includes $399,000 in building permit revenues from the Auburn High School Reconstruction and Modernization project. AUBURN * MORE THAN YOU IMAGINEDDI.A Page 82 of 152 During the month of February, 361 pet licenses were sold resulting in $10,875 in revenue. Year-to-date, 631 licenses have been sold bringing in a total of $18,150. Enterprise Funds: The City’s eight enterprise funds account for operations with revenues primarily provided from user fees, charges or contracts for services. At the end of February, the Water fund ended with operating income of $92,700; the Sewer fund ended the period with a $250,700 operating loss; and the Storm Drainage fund ended with operating income of $242,300. The Golf Course ended the period with an operating loss of $177,200 as compared to an operating loss of $189,800 for the same period last year. The improvement in the Golf Course financial performance reflect an increase in year-to-date rounds played -- 3,041 as compared to 2,812 the previous year. The Cemetery ended with $14,200 in net operating income compared to an operating loss of $20,400 for the previous year, improvement of which is attributable to a decrease in operating expenses. Internal Service Funds: Internal Service Funds provide services to other City departments and include functions such as Insurance, Facilities, Innovation and Technology, and Equipment Rental. By the end of the year, revenues received from charges to internal client departments are projected to be sufficient to meet expenses. Investment Portfolio: The City’s total cash and investments at the end of February was $91.8 million, compared to $90.6 million the month prior. Reviewed by Council Committees: Finance, Public Works Councilmember:Partridge Staff:Coleman Meeting Date:April 15, 2013 Item Number:DI.A AUBURN * MORE THAN YOU IMAGINEDDI.A Page 83 of 152 Monthly Financial Report February 2013 General Fund 2012 Summary of Sources and Uses Annual BudgetYTD BudgetYTD ActualYTD ActualAmountPercentage Operating Revenues Property Tax 14,299,417.00203,400.00169,370.63 163,591.38 (34,029.37)-16.7% Sales Tax 11,280,869.001,935,400.002,165,003.822,161,023.04229,603.82 11.9% Sales Tax - Annexation Credit 1,397,602.00240,400.00285,696.76 258,120.94 45,296.76 18.8% Criminal Justice Sales Tax 1,225,059.00214,400.00 268,017.81 247,880.41 53,617.81 25.0% Brokered Natural Gas Tax 301,500.00 72,900.00 64,173.75 75,623.17 (8,726.25)-12.0% City Utilities Tax 2,991,933.00465,100.00612,072.38 418,759.41 146,972.38 31.6% Admissions Tax 363,609.00 60,100.00 59,019.88 55,894.67 (1,080.12)-1.8% Electric Tax 3,340,500.00857,000.00786,368.23 812,586.09 (70,631.77)-8.2% Natural Gas Tax 1,201,900.00303,300.00244,173.48295,288.92 (59,126.52)-19.5% Cable TV Franchise Fee 808,000.00204,100.00 212,145.32 202,201.09 8,045.32 3.9% Cable TV Franchise Fee - Capital 62,000.00 15,600.00 15,820.88 15,823.75 220.88 1.4% Telephone Tax 2,032,574.00373,600.00270,364.48359,943.36(103,235.52)-27.6% Garbage Tax (external)151,504.00 25,700.00 7,899.52 12,380.69 (17,800.48)-69.3% Leasehold Excise Tax 50,501.00 8,400.00 10,350.27 2,400.87 1,950.27 23.2% Gambling Excise Tax 247,965.00 59,900.00 71,991.75 65,767.47 12,091.75 20.2% Taxes sub-total 39,754,933.005,039,300.005,242,468.965,147,285.26203,168.96 4.0% Business License Fees 202,005.00 74,000.00 71,961.00 89,782.50 (2,039.00)-2.8% Building Permits 1,182,066.00122,400.00626,702.17 155,934.35 504,302.17 412.0% Other Licenses & Permits 454,413.00 39,700.00 94,300.87 42,632.92 54,600.87 137.5% Intergovernmental (Grants, etc.) - (1)4,751,784.00803,000.00754,449.44802,018.69 (48,550.56)-6.0% Charges for Services: General Government Services 94,467.00 14,400.00 18,237.61 18,862.93 3,837.61 26.7% Public Safety 219,305.00 40,300.00 8,302.38 39,657.12 (31,997.62)-79.4% Development Services Fees 832,458.00 99,400.00164,563.46 148,307.44 65,163.46 65.6% Culture and Recreation 809,717.00103,800.00 118,030.18 114,099.68 14,230.18 13.7% Fines and Forfeits 1,556,500.00 282,100.00 219,910.88 277,783.60 (62,189.12)-22.0% Fees/Charges/Fines sub-total10,102,715.001,579,100.002,076,457.991,689,079.23497,357.99 31.5% Interests and Other Earnings 64,900.00 8,900.00 7,942.84 12,036.92 (957.16)-10.8% Rents, Leases and Concessions 308,000.00 64,900.00 43,410.05 43,994.37 (21,489.95)-33.1% Contributions and Donations 30,000.00 2,200.00 1,766.44 4,837.82 (433.56)-19.7% Other Miscellaneous 92,200.00 8,300.00 12,060.86 12,476.45 3,760.86 45.3% Transfers In 193,000.00193,000.00 119,548.00 17,000.00 (73,452.00)-38.1% Insurance Recoveries- Capital & Operating 25,000.00 2,101.94 27,042.43 10,446.13 24,940.49 1186.5% Other Revenues sub-total 713,100.00279,401.94211,770.62100,791.69(67,631.32)-24.2% Total Operating Revenues 50,570,748.006,897,801.947,530,697.576,937,156.18632,895.63 9.2% Operating Expenditures Council & Mayor 960,930.00140,500.00155,922.89128,603.50 (15,422.89)-11.0% Municipal Court & Probation 549,494.00 80,300.00 62,482.60462,130.39 17,817.40 22.2% Human Resources 1,572,256.00239,800.00 221,713.25135,279.30 18,086.75 7.5% Finance 1,287,232.00194,800.00 186,144.49 171,314.66 8,655.51 4.4% City Attorney 1,728,391.00261,500.00259,027.06240,439.62 2,472.94 0.9% Planning 3,824,581.00612,000.00685,105.64 633,158.69 (73,105.64)-11.9% Community & Human Services 1,136,717.00 213,100.00188,965.76 200,259.17 24,134.24 11.3% Jail - SCORE 6,676,146.001,140,624.33796,633.96 286,419.41343,990.37 30.2% Police 19,434,846.003,146,600.002,965,425.222,993,330.61 181,174.78 5.8% Engineering 2,646,999.00410,700.00386,552.29 388,312.62 24,147.71 5.9% Parks and Recreation 7,719,646.001,123,500.001,195,598.801,073,879.19 (72,098.80)-6.4% Streets 3,263,864.00488,400.00441,222.30 417,931.61 47,177.70 9.7% Non-Departmental 3,567,437.00288,000.00325,688.58 286,813.09 (37,688.58)-13.1% Total Operating Expenditures 54,368,539.008,339,824.337,870,482.847,417,871.86469,341.49 5.6% 2013 2013 YTD Budget vs. Actual Favorable (Unfavorable) (1) Streamlined Sales Tax mitigation payments represent intergovernmental revenues from the State of Washington and are presented above in the Intergovernmental Revenue category. For the first two months of 2013, $333,333.33 in Streamlined Sales Tax mitigation payments is included based upon anticipated 2013 Streamlined Sales Tax mitigation payments of $2,000,000.00 and are reconciled at the end of each quarter based upon actual distributions from the State. 1DI.A Page 84 of 152 Monthly Financial Report February 2013 Overview This financial overview reflects the City’s overall financial position for the fiscal period ending February 28, 2013 and represents financial data available as of March 25, 2013. The budgeted year-to-date revenues and operating expenses are primarily based on collection/disbursement average for the same period of the two years prior. Through the first two months of 2013, General Fund revenue totaled $7.5 million. Significant activity include building permit revenues, which for the month of February include permit revenues from the Auburn High School Reconstruction and Modernization project. In general, building permit and plan check revenue are increased over the previous year, reflecting a broader improvement in housing that is seen locally and regionally. General Fund expenses totaled $7.9 million and compare to $7.4 million for the same period last year, increase of which is attributable to the payment of the City’s share of SCORE debt service principal and SCORE City inmate incarceration costs. Revenues The combined total of property tax, sales/use tax, utility tax, gambling, and admissions tax provide approximately 80% of all resources supporting general governmental activities. The following section provides additional information on these sources. Property Tax collections to date total $169,000 and compare to budget of $203,000. The majority of property tax revenues are collected during the months of April and October, coinciding with the due date for County property tax billings. $0.0 $2.0 $4.0 $6.0 $8.0 $10.0 $12.0 $14.0 $16.0 JanFebMarAprMayJunJulAugSepOctNovDec Mi l l i o n s Property Taxes 2013 budget 2013 actual to date 2012 actual Sales taxes, excluding transfers to construction which were effective January 2013, totaled $2.2 million and are nearly identical to collections for the same period the previous year. 2DI.A Page 85 of 152 Monthly Financial Report February 2013 Per City Council policy, effective January 2013, all sales tax revenue from construction is transferred to the Local Street Fund (Fund 103) for local street repair and maintenance. $0.0 $2.0 $4.0 $6.0 $8.0 $10.0 $12.0 $14.0 JanFebMarAprMayJunJulAugSepOctNovDec Mi l l i o n s Sales & Use Tax 2013 budget 2013 actual to date 2012 actual The following table breaks out the City’s base sales tax, excluding Criminal Justice, Annexation Credit and Streamlined Sales Tax Mitigation by major business sectors. 20122013 Component GroupActualActualAmountPercentage Construction 212,147.60277,216.2665,068.6630.7% Manufacturing 9,896.95112,393.77102,496.821035.6% Transportation & Warehousing7,809.4212,267.454,458.0357.1% Wholesale Trade 215,398.01190,450.74(24,947.27)-11.6% Automotive 461,992.73488,424.3826,431.655.7% Retail Trade 790,290.02826,080.5535,790.534.5% Services 500,033.53557,656.5557,623.0211.5% Miscellaneous 6,886.8620,284.0013,397.14194.5% YTD Total 2,204,455.122,484,773.70280,318.5812.7% Change from 2012 February-2013 Comparison of Sales Tax Collections by SIC Group As shown above, sales taxes by business sector totaled $2.5 million and compare to $2.2 million for the same period last year. It is important to note that 2012 actuals for the Manufacturing sector include an adjustment of $74,000 by the State Department of Revenue as a result of an audit. After adjusting for this audit, the sectors of the local economy that grew over the previous year include construction, business services and retail trade. 3DI.A Page 86 of 152 Monthly Financial Report February 2013 Year to date sales tax revenue on construction, which are transferred to the Local Street Fund (Fund 103) for local street repair and maintenance, was $286,000. $0.0 $0.2 $0.4 $0.6 $0.8 $1.0 $1.2 $1.4 $1.6 JanFebMarAprMayJunJulAugSepOctNovDec Mi l l i o n s Sales Tax on Construction Transfer 2013 budget 2013 actual to date Utility Taxes consists of City inter-fund utility taxes (Water, Sewer, Storm and Solid Waste) and external utility taxes (Electric, Natural Gas, Telephone and Solid Waste). Utility tax collections through February totaled $1.9 million and are comparable to collections for the same period last year. $0.0 $2.0 $4.0 $6.0 $8.0 $10.0 $12.0 JanFebMarAprMayJunJulAugSepOctNovDec Mi l l i o n s Utility Tax 2013 budget 2013 actual to date 2012 actual 4DI.A Page 87 of 152 Monthly Financial Report February 2013 As shown in the table below, collections from City interfund utilities partially offset lower than expected collections from private utility providers. A mild winter has reduced consumer heating demands and resulted in year-over-year declines in electric and natural gas revenue collections. Telephone utility taxes are lower than the previous year, reflecting the competitiveness of rates for telephone plans. 201220132013 Month ActualBudgetActualAmountPercentageAmountPercentage City Interfund Utility Taxes418,759.41465,100.00612,072.38193,312.9746.2%146,972.3831.6% Electric 812,586.09857,000.00786,368.23(26,217.86)-3.2%(70,631.77)-8.2% Natural Gas 295,288.92303,300.00244,173.48(51,115.44)-17.3%(59,126.52)-19.5% Telephone 359,943.36373,600.00270,364.48(89,578.88)-24.9%(103,235.52)-27.6% Garbage (external)12,380.6925,700.007,899.52(4,481.17)-36.2%(17,800.48)-69.3% YTD Total 1,898,958.472,024,700.001,920,878.0921,919.621.2%(103,821.91)-5.1% February-2013 Utility Tax by Type 2013 vs. 2012 2013 vs. Budget Cable TV Franchise Fees, which are collected quarterly, totaled $212,000 and are on target with budget and historical actuals. $0 $100 $200 $300 $400 $500 $600 $700 $800 $900 1st Quarter2nd Quarter3rd Quarter4th Quarter Th o u s a n d s Cable TV Franchise Fee 2013 budget 2013 actual to date 2012 actual Licenses and Permits include business licenses, building permits, plumbing, electric and other licenses and permit fees. Building permit fees and business licenses make up 80% of the annual budgeted revenue in this category. Total building permit revenues through February was $627,000 and exceeded both budget and prior year actual. The spike in February is largely explained by building permit fees collected from the Auburn High School Reconstruction and Modernization project. 5DI.A Page 88 of 152 Monthly Financial Report February 2013 $0 $200 $400 $600 $800 $1,000 $1,200 $1,400 $1,600 $1,800 JanFebMarAprMayJunJulAugSepOctNovDec Th o u s a n d s Building Permits 2013 budget 2013 actual to date 2012 actual Business License revenues totaled $72,000 and reflect the timing of payments by business owners. The majority of business license payments are collected in December of the previous year and during the first two months of the current year. $0 $50 $100 $150 $200 $250 JanFebMarAprMayJunJulAugSepOctNovDec Th o u s a n d s Business Licenses 2013 budget 2013 actual to date 2012 actual 6DI.A Page 89 of 152 Monthly Financial Report February 2013 Intergovernmental includes Grants (Direct & Indirect Federal, State and Local), state shared revenues and compact revenue from the Muckleshoot Indian Tribe (MIT). Collections to date total $754,000 and are running lower than budget due to the timing of MIT payments. State shared revenue includes $333,000 in Streamlined Sales Tax mitigation payments. 201220132013 Revenue ActualBudgetActual% ChangeAmount% Change Federal Grants 0.00 0.002,229.96 N/A2,229.96 N/A State Grants 0.00 0.009,961.01 N/A9,961.01 N/A Interlocal Grants 2,500.00300.002,000.00 N/A1,700.00 566.7% State Shared Revenue 636,237.69557,400.00550,530.77-13.5%(6,869.23)-1.2% Muckleshoot Casino Emerg.163,281.00245,300.00182,594.00 11.8%(62,706.00)-25.6% Intergovernmental Service 0.00 0.007,133.70 0.0%7,133.70 N/A YTD Total 802,018.69803,000.00 754,449.44 -5.9%(48,550.56)-6.0% February-2013 Intergovernmental 2013 vs. 20122013 vs. Budget Charges for Services consists of general governmental services, public safety, development service fees and cultural & recreation fees. Development service fees and culture and recreation fees make up over 85% of the revenue within this category. Development service fee collections this period reflect charges as a result of city utility extension projects as well as plan check fees related to the Auburn High School Modernization and Reconstruction project and the Lakeland Villas project. Culture and recreation revenues are improved over 2012 levels and are higher than budget, reflecting increased activity from city special events, class registrations and league enrollments. Year-to-date 2013 Public Safety charges for services reflect the elimination of revenue from Adult Probation and explain the variance to budget and historical actual. These revenues are now retained by King County under the City-King County District Court contract for municipal court services. The 2013 budget will be amended starting with the March financial report, consistent with the timing of Council approved BA#1. 201220132013 Revenue ActualBudgetActualAmountPercentageAmountPercentage General Government18,862.9314,400.0018,237.61(625.32)-3.32%3,837.6126.65% Public Safety 39,657.1240,300.008,302.38(31,354.74)-79.1%(31,997.62)-79.4% Development Services148,307.4499,400.00164,563.4616,256.0211.0%65,163.4665.6% Culture & Recreation114,099.68103,800.00118,030.183,930.503.4%14,230.1813.7% YTD Total320,927.17257,900.00309,133.63(11,793.54)-3.7%51,233.6319.9% February-2013 Charges for Services by Type 2013 vs. 20122013 vs. Budget 7DI.A Page 90 of 152 Monthly Financial Report February 2013 $0 $200 $400 $600 $800 $1,000 $1,200 $1,400 JanFebMarAprMayJunJulAugSepOctNovDec Th o u s a n d s Development Service Fees 2013 budget 2013 actual to date 2012 actual $0 $100 $200 $300 $400 $500 $600 $700 $800 $900 $1,000 JanFebMarAprMayJunJulAugSepOctNovDec Th o u s a n d s Culture & Recreation 2013 budget 2013 actual to date 2012 actual 8DI.A Page 91 of 152 Monthly Financial Report February 2013 Fines & Penalties include traffic and parking infraction penalties, Redflex photo enforcement violations, criminal fines (including criminal traffic, criminal non traffic and criminal costs) as well as non court fines such as false alarm and shopping cart fines. Total revenue to date is $220,000 compared to budget of $282,000. 201220132013 Month ActualBudgetActualAmountPercentageAmountPercentage Civil Penalties 2,439.912,100.002,028.95(410.96)-16.8%(71.05)-3.4% Civil Infraction Penalties 117,577.14118,700.0069,647.22(47,929.92)-40.8%(49,052.78)-41.3% Red Light Photo Enforcement100,943.7993,600.0095,919.91(5,023.88)-5.0%2,319.912.5% Parking Infractions 18,496.7428,600.0021,428.882,932.1415.9%(7,171.12)-25.1% Criminal Traffic Misdemeanor19,046.5516,900.007,820.32(11,226.23)-58.9%(9,079.68)-53.7% Criminal Non-Traffic Fines14,343.4314,400.008,153.50(6,189.93)-43.2%(6,246.50)-43.4% Criminal Costs 2,824.122,500.002,392.45(431.67)-15.3%(107.55)-4.3% Non-Court Fines & Penalties2,111.925,300.0012,519.6510,407.73492.8%7,219.65136.2% YTD Total 277,783.60282,100.00219,910.88(57,872.72)-20.8%(62,189.12)-22.0% February-2013 Fines & Forfeits by Type 2013 vs. 20122013 vs. Budget $0.0 $0.2 $0.4 $0.6 $0.8 $1.0 $1.2 $1.4 $1.6 $1.8 JanFebMarAprMayJunJulAugSepOctNovDec Mi l l i o n s Fines & Penalties 2013 budget 2013 actual to date 2012 actual 9DI.A Page 92 of 152 Monthly Financial Report February 2013 $0 $100 $200 $300 $400 $500 $600 $700 JanFebMarAprMayJunJulAugSepOctNovDec Th o u s a n d s Photo Enforcement 2013 budget 2013 actual to date 2012 actual Miscellaneous revenues include interest and other investment earnings, rents, leases & concessions, contributions & donations and other miscellaneous income. Revenues in this category totaled $65,000 and were below budget by $19,000 primarily due to reduced facility rental revenues. 201220132013 Month ActualBudgetActualAmountPercentageAmountPercentage Interest & Investments 12,036.928,900.007,942.84(4,094.08)-34.0%(957.16)-10.8% Rents & Leases 43,994.3764,900.0043,410.05(584.32)-1.3%(21,489.95)-33.1% Contributions & Donations4,837.822,200.001,766.44(3,071.38)-63.5%(433.56)-19.7% Other Miscellaneous Revenue12,476.458,300.0012,060.86(415.59)-3.3%3,760.8645.3% YTD Total 73,345.5684,300.0065,180.19(8,165.37)-11.1%(19,119.81)-22.7% Miscellaneous Revenues by Type February-2013 2013 vs. 20122013 vs. Budget 10DI.A Page 93 of 152 Monthly Financial Report February 2013 Real Estate Excise Tax (REET) revenue is receipted into the Capital Improvement Projects Fund and is used for governmental capital projects. Total revenue at the end of February was $221,000 and exceeds budget and prior year actuals by $65,000 and $4,000 respectively, reflecting local and regional improvement in real estate transactions. $0.0 $0.2 $0.4 $0.6 $0.8 $1.0 $1.2 $1.4 $1.6 $1.8 JanFebMarAprMayJunJulAugSepOctNovDec Mi l l i o n s Real Estate Excise Tax 2013 budget 2013 actual to date 2012 actual 11DI.A Page 94 of 152 Monthly Financial Report February 2013 Pet Licensing During the month of February, 361 pet licenses were sold resulting in $10,875 in revenue. Year- to-date, 631 licenses have been sold bringing in a total of $18,150. 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 $0 $2,000 $4,000 $6,000 $8,000 $10,000 $12,000 JanFebMarAprMayJunJulAugSepOctNovDec Pet Licensing Revenue & Sales By Month 2013 2013 License Revenue (L)2013 Licenses Sold (R) Enterprise Funds The detailed Working Capital and Fund Balance statements for Enterprise and Internal Service funds can be found in the Appendix at the end of this Report. The Water Utility ended February with $92,700 in net operating income and compares to $28,500 in net operating income for the same period in 2012. Water sales continue to improve over the previous year as planned while water usage is remaining relatively stable. 0 200,000 400,000 600,000 800,000 1,000,000 1,200,000 1,400,000 JanFebMarAprMayJunJulAugSepOctNovDec Water Revenues vs Water Sold 2013 vs 2012 2012 Water Sales ($) 2013 Water Sales ($) 2012 Water Sold (ccf) 2013 Water Sold (ccf) The Sewer Utility ended the period with a $250,700 net operating loss and compares to a $248,400 net loss for the same period in 2012. 12DI.A Page 95 of 152 Monthly Financial Report February 2013 The Stormwater Utility ended the period with $242,300 in net operating income which compares to $186,900 in net income for the same period last year. The number of rounds played at the Auburn Golf Course (AGC) in February totaled 1,764 which compares to 1,687 for the same period last year. Year-to-date rounds total 3,041 compared to 2,812 rounds in 2012. The AGC ended February with a net operating loss of $177,200 compared to a loss of $189,800 for the same period last year, reflecting seasonal revenue patterns as compared to relatively stable operating costs. 0 50,000 100,000 150,000 200,000 250,000 300,000 JanFebMarAprMayJunJulAugSepOctNovDec Golf Course Operating Revenues & Expenses By Month 2013 vs 2012 2013 Bud. Revenue 2013 Act. Revenue 2012 Act. Revenue 2013 Act. Expenses 0 200,000 400,000 600,000 800,000 1,000,000 1,200,000 1,400,000 1,600,000 JanFebMarAprMayJunJulAugSepOctNovDec Cumulative Golf Course Revenues & Expenses 2013 vs 2012 2013 Bud. Revenue 2013 Act. Revenue 2012 Act. Revenue 2013 Act. Expenses 13DI.A Page 96 of 152 Monthly Financial Report February 2013 The Cemetery Fund ended February with $14,200 in net operating income compared to a $20,400 net operating loss for the same period last year, reflecting a decrease in fund operating expenses. 0 20,000 40,000 60,000 80,000 100,000 120,000 JanFebMarAprMayJunJulAugSepOctNovDec Cemetery Operating Revenues & Expenses By Month 2013 vs 2012 2013 Bud. Revenue 2013 Act. Revenue 2012 Act. Revenue 2013 Act. Expenses 0 100,000 200,000 300,000 400,000 500,000 600,000 700,000 800,000 900,000 JanFebMarAprMayJunJulAugSepOctNovDec Cumulative Cemetery Revenues & Expenses 2013 vs 2012 2013 Bud. Revenue 2013 Act. Revenue 2012 Act. Revenue 2013 Act. Expenses 14DI.A Page 97 of 152 Monthly Financial Report February 2013 Internal Service Funds Operating expenses within the Insurance Fund represents the premium cost-pool that will be allocated monthly to other City funds over the course of 2013. As a result, this balance will gradually diminish each month throughout the year. The Innovation & Technology Fund ended with a net loss, reflecting the timing of expenses. No significant variances are reported in the Facilities Fund or Equipment Rental Fund. Both funds have had sufficient revenues to cover year- to-date expenses. Contact Information This report is prepared by the Finance Department. Additional financial information can also be viewed at our website: http://www.auburnwa.gov/. For any questions about the report please contact us at mchaw@auburnwa.gov or scoleman@auburnwa.gov. 15DI.A Page 98 of 152 Investment Purchase Purchase Maturity Yield to Type Date Price Date Maturity State Investment Pool Various 84,271,074$ Various 0.17% KeyBank Money Market Various 7,513,599 Various 0.15% US Treasury 05/04/1990 57,750 05/15/2016 5.72% Total Cash & Investments 91,842,423$ 0.167% Investment Mix % of Total State Investment Pool 91.8%Current 6-month treasury rate 0.12% KeyBank Money Market 8.2%Current State Pool rate 0.17% US Treasury 0.1%KeyBank Money Market 0.15% Blended Auburn rate 0.17% 100.0% City of Auburn Investment Portfolio Summary February 28, 2013 Summary 16DI.A Page 99 of 152 SALES TAX SUMMARY FEBRUARY 2013 SALES TAX DISTRIBUTIONS (FOR DECEMBER 2012 RETAIL ACTIVITY) 2012 Annual Total 2012 YTD 2013 YTD YTD 2012 Annual Total 2012 YTD 2013 YTD YTD NAICS CONSTRUCTION (Nov '11-Oct '12)(Nov '11 - Dec '11)(Nov '12 - Dec '12))% Diff NAICS AUTOMOTIVE (Nov '11-Oct '12)(Nov '11 - Dec '11)(Nov '12 - Dec '12))% Diff 236 Construction of Buildings 483,409 81,952 127,934 56.1%441 Motor Vehicle and Parts Dealer 2,795,164 424,631 446,190 5.1% 237 Heavy and Civil Construction 114,823 26,097 15,630 -40.1%447 Gasoline Stations 223,463 37,362 42,235 13.0% 238 Specialty Trade Contractors 622,980 104,099 133,652 28.4%TOTAL AUTOMOTIVE 3,018,627$ 461,993$ 488,424$ 5.7% TOTAL CONSTRUCTION 1,221,212$ 212,148$ 277,216$ 30.7%Overall Change from Previous Year 26,432$ Overall Change from Previous Year 65,069$ 2012 Annual Total 2012 YTD 2013 YTD YTD 2012 Annual Total 2012 YTD 2013 YTD YTD NAICS RETAIL TRADE (Nov '11-Oct '12)(Nov '11 - Dec '11)(Nov '12 - Dec '12))% Diff NAICS MANUFACTURING (Nov '11-Oct '12)(Nov '11 - Dec '11)(Nov '12 - Dec '12))% Diff 442 Furniture and Home Furnishings 226,309 45,362 43,600 -3.9% 311 Food Manufacturing 2,932 708 255 -64.0%443 Electronics and Appliances 145,391 32,694 37,854 15.8% 312 Beverage and Tobacco Products 5,855 772 1,499 94.2%444 Building Material and Garden 425,494 59,716 63,656 6.6% 313 Textile Mills 570 24 32 33.2%445 Food and Beverage Stores 341,379 57,374 53,425 -6.9% 314 Textile Product Mills 4,457 484 641 32.6%446 Health and Personal Care Store 148,812 31,881 30,341 -4.8% 315 Apparel Manufacturing 218 149 123 -17.3%448 Clothing and Accessories 772,153 168,950 189,628 12.2% 316 Leather and Allied Products 59 36 1 -97.4%451 Sporting Goods, Hobby, Books 120,507 29,870 29,147 -2.4% 321 Wood Product Manufacturing 31,417 3,223 15,999 396.3%452 General Merchandise Stores 967,039 223,261 214,610 -3.9% 322 Paper Manufacturing 3,944 606 664 9.5%453 Miscellaneous Store Retailers 508,326 83,878 95,304 13.6% 323 Printing and Related Support 28,275 6,162 3,817 -38.1%454 Nonstore Retailers 268,503 57,305 68,516 19.6% 324 Petroleum and Coal Products 10,532 1,413 1,647 16.5%TOTAL RETAIL TRADE 3,923,913$ 790,290$ 826,081$ 4.5% 325 Chemical Manufacturing 8,089 899 1,078 19.9%Overall Change from Previous Year 35,791$ 326 Plastics and Rubber Products 9,469 1,907 1,346 -29.4% 327 Nonmetallic Mineral Products 17,324 2,478 2,425 -2.1% 331 Primary Metal Manufacturing 1,766 435 12 -97.3%2012 Annual Total 2012 YTD 2013 YTD YTD 332 Fabricated Metal Product Manuf 24,965 2,003 15,837 690.7%NAICS SERVICES (Nov '11-Oct '12)(Nov '11 - Dec '11)(Nov '12 - Dec '12))% Diff 333 Machinery Manufacturing 12,890 1,965 2,629 33.8%51*Information 396,353 65,882 72,949 10.7% 334 Computer and Electronic Produc 10,260 844 1,848 119.1%52*Finance and Insurance 53,291 (6,861) 18,512 -369.8% 335 Electric Equipment, Appliances 426 164 114 -30.6%53*Real Estate, Rental, Leasing 326,259 62,860 53,957 -14.2% 336 Transportation Equipment Man 187,175 (20,287) a 54,787 -370.1%541 Professional, Scientific, Tech 173,274 34,206 30,948 -9.5% 337 Furniture and Related Products 18,721 1,789 3,080 72.1%551 Company Management 16 4 1 -85.9% 339 Miscellaneous Manufacturing 25,368 4,122 4,559 10.6%56*Admin. Supp., Remed Svcs 334,354 42,152 55,131 30.8% TOTAL MANUFACTURING 404,712$ 9,897$ 112,394$ 1035.6%611 Educational Services 53,672 5,178 4,908 -5.2% Overall Change from Previous Year 102,497$ 62*Health Care Social Assistance 114,833 9,891 21,598 118.4% 71*Arts and Entertainment 153,417 65,193 64,473 -1.1% 72*Accomodation and Food Svcs 920,556 144,224 158,205 9.7% 2012 Annual Total 2012 YTD 2013 YTD YTD 81*Other Services 388,279 64,575 63,797 -1.2% NAICS TRANSPORTATION AND WAREHOUSING (Nov '11-Oct '12)(Nov '11 - Dec '11)(Nov '12 - Dec '12))% Diff 92*Public Administration 142,188 12,731 13,176 3.5% 481 Air Transportation - - - N/A TOTAL SERVICES 3,056,492$ 500,034$ 557,657$ 11.5% 482 Rail Transportation 19,182 1,627 5,560 241.6%Overall Change from Previous Year 57,623$ 484 Truck Transportation 10,245 1,845 2,427 31.6% 485 Transit and Ground Passengers 268 212 12 -94.5% 488 Transportation Support 18,841 2,852 3,446 20.8%2012 Annual Total 2012 YTD 2013 YTD YTD 491 Postal Service 470 46 177 281.7%NAICS MISCELLANEOUS (Nov '11-Oct '12)(Nov '11 - Dec '11)(Nov '12 - Dec '12))% Diff 492 Couriers and Messengers 568 108 239 122.5%000 Unknown 1 - - N/A 493 Warehousing and Storage 5,376 1,119 407 -63.7%111-115 Agriculture, Forestry, Fishing 2,868 264 1,171 344.1% TOTAL TRANSPORTATION 54,952$ 7,809$ 12,267$ 57.1%211-221 Mining & Utilities 30,229 3,596 2,186 -39.2% Overall Change from Previous Year 4,458$ 999 Unclassifiable Establishments 27,601 3,027 16,927 459.2% TOTAL SERVICES 60,699$ 6,887$ 20,284$ 194.5% Overall Change from Previous Year 13,397$ 2012 Annual Total 2012 YTD 2013 YTD YTD NAICS WHOLESALE TRADE (Nov '11-Oct '12)(Nov '11 - Dec '11)(Nov '12 - Dec '12))% Diff 423 Wholesale Trade, Durable Goods 1,137,932 192,995 165,180 -14.4%GRAND TOTAL 13,037,326$ 2,204,455$ 2,484,774$ 424 Wholesale Trade, Nondurable 153,721 21,544 24,543 13.9%Overall Change from Previous Year 280,319$ 12.7% 425 Wholesale Electronic Markets 5,065 859 728 -15.3% TOTAL WHOLESALE 1,296,718$ 215,398$ 190,451$ -11.6% Overall Change from Previous Year (24,947)$ a. Wa. State Dept of Revenue audit adjustment to sales tax returns for period Nov 2011 (adjustment: -$73,971). 02/26/13 file:Monthly Sales Tax Report.xls Prepared by Auburn Finance Department 17DI.A Page 100 of 152 INNOVATION EQUIPMENT & TECHNOLOGY RENTAL OPERATING REVENUES Charges For Service 1,593,943.89 1,061,601.19 - 1,324,950.96 2,114,344.83 2,495.00 147,278.30 48,866.86 - - - - Interfund Charges For Service - - - - - - - - - 581,632.00 796,280.00 488,060.91 Sewer Metro Service Revenue - - 2,258,182.53 - - - - - - - - - Rents, Leases, Concessions, & Other - - - - - 98,742.20 - 30,313.38 - 28,480.78 10,475.00 - TOTAL OPERATING REVENUES 1,593,943.89 1,061,601.19 2,258,182.53 1,324,950.96 2,114,344.83 101,237.20 147,278.30 79,180.24 - 610,112.78 806,755.00 488,060.91 OPERATING EXPENSES Salaries & Wages 374,150.40 246,398.22 - 314,082.38 63,335.38 3,250.83 64,556.31 90,676.66 - 106,049.79 226,182.65 75,444.50 Benefits 167,117.84 108,284.85 - 137,946.14 27,739.43 1,109.29 30,744.89 45,331.20 - 47,389.57 93,265.53 34,041.26 Supplies 20,005.49 3,612.94 - 5,173.29 2,496.68 - 11,995.34 26,626.65 - 16,489.94 60,213.34 115,803.21 Other Service Charges 372,528.04 477,800.67 - 147,470.20 153,772.33 108,245.78 6,838.42 14,988.03 845,802.87 146,608.96 422,928.17 51,730.70 Intergovernmental Services - 153.98 - 9,536.65 - - - - - - - - Waste Management Payments - - - - 859,218.83 - - - - - - - Sewer Metro Services - - 2,399,170.30 - - - - - - - - - Interfund Operating Rentals & Supplies 184,784.00 161,677.21 - 213,966.00 30,150.00 - 9,366.00 27,416.00 - 19,868.00 50,284.00 41,272.37 Other Expenses - - - - - - - - - - - - Depreciation & Amortization 382,678.76 314,342.29 - 254,489.76 3,136.55 67,293.04 9,613.91 51,360.23 - - 78,491.55 131,040.87 TOTAL OPERATING EXPENSES 1,501,264.53 1,312,270.16 2,399,170.30 1,082,664.42 1,139,849.20 179,898.94 133,114.87 256,398.77 845,802.87 336,406.26 931,365.24 449,332.91 OPERATING INCOME (LOSS)92,679.36 (250,668.97) (140,987.77) 242,286.54 974,495.63 (78,661.74) 14,163.43 (177,218.53) (845,802.87) 273,706.52 (124,610.24) 38,728.00 NON-OPERATING REVENUES & EXPENSES Interest Revenue 3,038.39 3,501.62 1.86 2,658.28 185.62 266.72 57.89 103.34 315.72 470.98 791.61 1,499.49 Contributions - - - - 54,267.75 - - - - - - - Other Non-Operating Revenue 278.36 109,978.35 - 668.35 - (16,042.40) - - - - - 6,505.41 Gain (Loss) On Sale Of Fixed Assets - - - - - - - - - - - - Debt Service Interest - - - - - - - - - - - - Other Non-Operating Expense - - - - - - - - - - - - TOTAL NON-OPERATING REVENUES & EXPENSES 3,316.75 113,479.97 1.86 3,326.63 54,453.37 (15,775.68) 57.89 103.34 315.72 470.98 791.61 8,004.90 PLUS ITEMS NOT EFFECTING WORKING CAPITAL Depreciation 382,678.76 314,342.29 - 254,489.76 3,136.55 67,293.04 9,613.91 51,360.23 - - 78,491.55 131,040.87 NET WORKING CAPITAL FROM OPERATIONS 478,674.87 177,153.29 (140,985.91) 500,102.93 1,032,085.55 (27,144.38) 23,835.23 (125,754.96) (845,487.15) 274,177.50 (45,327.08) 177,773.77 Increase In Contributions - System Development 1 71,920.00 2,110,875.50 - 81,851.28 - - - - - - - - Increase In Contributions - Area Assessments - 2,253.61 - - - - - - - - - - Increase In Contributions - Other Governments - - - 705,853.09 - - - - - - - - Increase In Contributions - Other Funds - - - - - - - - - - - - Increase In Contributions - FAA - - - - - - - - - - - - Proceeds of Debt Activity - - - - - - - - - - - - Operating Transfers In - - - - - - - 2,443.34 - - - - Increase In Restricted Net Assets (104.22) 10,825.12 - - - 2,098.30 - - - - - - Decrease In Long-Term Receivables - - - - - - - - - - - - Increase In Deferred Credits - - - - - 16,175.78 - - - - - - TOTAL RESOURCES OTHER THAN OPERATIONS 71,815.78 2,123,954.23 - 787,704.37 - 18,274.08 - 2,443.34 - - - - Net Change In Restricted Net Assets (385.22) 113.24 - (2,090.09) - 2,098.30 - 3,550.41 - - - - Increase In Fixed Assets - Salaries 47,377.08 7,859.36 - 23,472.17 - - - - - - - - Increase In Fixed Assets - Benefits 19,746.57 3,374.67 - 9,887.38 - - - - - - - - Increase In Fixed Assets - Site Improvements 4,248.52 - - - - - - - - - - - Increase In Fixed Assets - Equipment - - - - - - - - - - 12,884.50 13,115.91 Increase In Fixed Assets - Construction 394,875.63 29,308.84 - 211,643.54 - - - - - - - - Operating Transfers Out 50,000.00 50,000.00 - 50,000.00 - - - - - - - 7,000.00 Debt Service Principal - - - - - - - - - - - - TOTAL USES OTHER THAN OPERATIONS 515,862.58 90,656.11 - 292,913.00 - 2,098.30 - 3,550.41 - - 12,884.50 20,115.91 NET CHANGE IN WORKING CAPITAL 34,628.07 2,210,451.41 (140,985.91) 994,894.30 1,032,085.55 (10,968.60) 23,835.23 (126,862.03) (845,487.15) 274,177.50 (58,211.58) 157,657.86 BEGINNING WORKING CAPITAL - January 1, 2013 10,196,281.10 12,072,579.09 - 10,218,848.21 1,018,487.34 818,912.00 182,098.05 90,691.62 2,028,681.08 1,473,040.96 2,885,527.19 5,559,564.94 ENDING WORKING CAPITAL - February 28, 2013 10,230,909.17 14,283,030.50 (140,985.91) 11,213,742.51 2,050,572.89 807,943.40 205,933.28 (36,170.41) 1,183,193.93 1,747,218.46 2,827,315.61 5,717,222.80 NET CHANGE IN WORKING CAPITAL 34,628.07 2,210,451.41 (140,985.91) 994,894.30 1,032,085.55 (10,968.60) 23,835.23 (126,862.03) (845,487.15) 274,177.50 (58,211.58) 157,657.86 ENTERPRISE FUNDS INTERNAL SERVICE FUNDSWORKING CAPITAL The following table presents the Working Capital Statement for each of the City's Enterprise and Internal Service funds. Working Capital is generally defined as the difference between current assets and current liabilities. CEMETERY GOLF INSURANCE FACILITIESWATERSEWERSEWER METRO STORM SOLID WASTE AIRPORT 18DI.A Page 101 of 152 INNOVATION EQUIPMENT & TECHNOLOGY RENTAL OPERATING REVENUES Charges For Service 1,593,943.89 1,061,601.19 - 1,324,950.96 2,114,344.83 2,495.00 147,278.30 48,866.86 - - - - Interfund Charges For Service - - - - - - - - - 581,632.00 796,280.00 488,060.91 Sewer Metro Service Revenue - - 2,258,182.53 - - - - - - - - - Rents, Leases, Concessions, & Other - - - - - 98,742.20 - 30,313.38 - 28,480.78 10,475.00 - TOTAL OPERATING REVENUES 1,593,943.89 1,061,601.19 2,258,182.53 1,324,950.96 2,114,344.83 101,237.20 147,278.30 79,180.24 - 610,112.78 806,755.00 488,060.91 OPERATING EXPENSES Administration 433,099.92 334,864.16 - 415,072.89 111,955.73 112,590.33 44,165.17 38,275.76 845,802.87 - - 128,456.14 Operations & Maintenance 685,485.85 663,063.71 - 413,101.77 165,538.09 15.57 79,335.79 166,762.78 - 336,406.26 852,873.69 189,835.90 Waste Management Payments - - - - 859,218.83 - - - - - - - Sewer Metro Services - - 2,399,170.30 - - - - - - - - - Depreciation & Amortization 382,678.76 314,342.29 - 254,489.76 3,136.55 67,293.04 9,613.91 51,360.23 - - 78,491.55 131,040.87 TOTAL OPERATING EXPENSES 1,501,264.53 1,312,270.16 2,399,170.30 1,082,664.42 1,139,849.20 179,898.94 133,114.87 256,398.77 845,802.87 336,406.26 931,365.24 449,332.91 OPERATING INCOME (LOSS)92,679.36 (250,668.97) (140,987.77) 242,286.54 974,495.63 (78,661.74) 14,163.43 (177,218.53) (845,802.87) 273,706.52 (124,610.24) 38,728.00 NON-OPERATING REVENUES & EXPENSES Interest Revenue 3,038.39 3,501.62 1.86 2,658.28 185.62 266.72 57.89 103.34 315.72 470.98 791.61 1,499.49 Other Non-Operating Revenue 278.36 109,978.35 - 668.35 54,267.75 (16,042.40) - - - - - 6,505.41 Gain (Loss) On Sale Of Fixed Assets - - - - - - - - - - - - Other Non-Operating Expense - - - - - - - - - - - - TOTAL NON-OPERATING REVENUES & EXPENSES 3,316.75 113,479.97 1.86 3,326.63 54,453.37 (15,775.68) 57.89 103.34 315.72 470.98 791.61 8,004.90 95,996.11 (137,189.00) (140,985.91) 245,613.17 1,028,949.00 (94,437.42) 14,221.32 (177,115.19) (845,487.15) 274,177.50 (123,818.63) 46,732.90 Contributions 1 71,920.00 2,113,129.11 - 787,704.37 - - - - - - - - Transfers In - - - - - - - 2,443.34 - - - - Transfers Out (50,000.00) (50,000.00) - (50,000.00) - - - - - - - (7,000.00) TOTAL CONTRIBUTIONS & TRANSFERS 21,920.00 2,063,129.11 - 737,704.37 - - - 2,443.34 - - - (7,000.00) CHANGE IN FUND BALANCE 117,916.11 1,925,940.11 (140,985.91) 983,317.54 1,028,949.00 (94,437.42) 14,221.32 (174,671.85) (845,487.15) 274,177.50 (123,818.63) 39,732.90 BEGINNING FUND BALANCE - January 1, 2013 67,719,034.00 74,779,493.00 - 49,964,488.00 1,128,442.00 9,439,263.00 872,103.00 8,578,904.00 2,028,681.00 1,415,971.00 4,069,294.00 10,502,921.00 ENDING FUND BALANCE - February 28, 2013 67,836,950.11 76,705,433.11 (140,985.91) 50,947,805.54 2,157,391.00 9,344,825.58 886,324.32 8,404,232.15 1,183,193.85 1,690,148.50 3,945,475.37 10,542,653.90 1 Sewer contributions reflect System Development Charges resulting from the Goedecke land swap agreement with the WA Department of Transportation. FUND BALANCE ENTERPRISE FUNDS INTERNAL SERVICE FUNDS The following table provides an analysis of each of the City's Enterprise and Internal Service funds - showing 2013 revenues and expenditures by fund. INCOME (LOSS) BEFORE CONTRIBUTIONS & TRANSFERS CEMETERY GOLF INSURANCE FACILITIESWATERSEWERSEWER METRO STORM SOLID WASTE AIRPORT 19DI.A Page 102 of 152 AGENDA BILL APPROVAL FORM Agenda Subject: Resolution No. 4932 Date: April 9, 2013 Department: Information Services Attachments: Avidex Audio VIsual Proposal Resolution 4932 Budget Impact: $238,000.00 Administrative Recommendation: Innovation & Technology recommends approval of the Avidex contract proposal to enhance City Hall and Golf course audio visual capabilities and services. The proposed solution creates a framework of engineering and technical standards that will allow Innovation & Technology to continue adding services in the future. Background Summary: City Hall rennovations on floor 2 are almost complete. In review of requirements, and the direction of the Mayor to evaluate technology, services, and enhancements to meeting capabilities we reviewed several options. We identified Avidex as a leading engineering and audio visual services company that has a reputation for upgrading, installing and engineering solutions for automating and enhancing meeting places like those for University of Washington, Valley Communications, SCORE, Redmond, Bellevue and numerous others. Taking a strategic look at the needs of City, we chose to utilize Avidex expertise to identify a scalable solution which upgrades and enhances technology with the ability to add, grow and enhance City services and capabilities now and in the future. Reviewed by Council Committees: Finance, Municipal Services Councilmember:Staff:Tiedeman Meeting Date:April 15, 2013 Item Number:DI.B AUBURN * MORE THAN YOU IMAGINEDDI.B Page 103 of 152 1 City of Auburn Audio Visual Systems Phase 1 ________________________________________________ PROPOSAL Avidex Project No. 120359 Submitted by AVIDEX Date 20 March 2013 ________________________________________________ Prepared by: Dave Crace, Account Executive John Weed, Design Engineer Tel: 425-643-0330 13555 Bel-Red Road l Suite 226 l Bellevue, WA 90085 l 425.643.0330 DI.B Page 104 of 152 AVIDEX 20 March 2013 2 DI.B Page 105 of 152 AVIDEX 20 March 2013 3 TABLE of CONTENTS EXECUTIVE SUMMARY ............................................................................................... 5 REQUIREMENTS .......................................................................................................... 4 COST BREAKDOWN ................................................................................................... 18 IMPLEMENTATION PROCESS ................................................................................. 21 SCHEDULE ................................................................................................................... 26 GENERAL CONDITIONS ........................................................................................... 28 POST INSTALLATION SUPPORT ............................................................................. 33 PROJECT TEAM ........................................................................................................... 36 TERMS ........................................................................................................................... 39 DI.B Page 106 of 152 AVIDEX 20 March 2013 4 DI.B Page 107 of 152 AVIDEX 20 March 2013 5 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Scope Cost Schedule DI.B Page 108 of 152 6 _____________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________ Executive Summary This proposal describes the audio video implementations for each of the listed spaces and systems, located at 25 West Main Street in Auburn, WA. The following are the requirements as presented to Avidex during the December 14th, January 3rd and January 31st meetings. Avidex has described the requirements to assure that the solutions described later in this document are consistent with the expressed City of Auburn needs. SCOPE Solutions 1. Council Chambers – The existing council chambers is currently functioning but has become outdated over time. The current process of video-audio recording and post production required to prepare for local television broadcast has limited capacity. The City is seeking enhancements to the council chambers technology with expanded- function. The expanded function of the council chambers must provide for local presentations, from computer connections, ceiling cameras, audio, localized control and press bridge audio connections. The enhancements must provide the ability for live and recorded video streaming of council meetings to City internal networked desktop computers, mobile wireless handheld devices, i.e, Android, I-Phone and iPad, and externally to the general public via the internet. The immediate need for the existing council chambers involves modular improvements to cover meetings in the council chambers where tables are set-up with a portable wireless microphone system that can be used as needed to support up to ten meeting participants. The portable system will be able to be used in the council chambers and elsewhere as needed. To support display during general presentations, and video teleconferencing sessions a new ninety inch diagonal flat panel monitor behind the existing projection screen. Video and audio teleconferencing will be used for internal and external communications and provide the ability to rent the system to outside parties. 2. City Hall Mayor’s Office -The mayor’s office must provide for local presentations, from a single computer connection. The room will include (1) 50” LCD display capable of tuning the IPTV system for viewing. The room will include H.323 standards-based video conferencing. The audio system will include two ceiling speakers, microphone and mixer. An owner furnished equipment (OFE) Apple iPad will be used to control the audio visual elements in the room. 3. City Hall Second Floor Conference Room 263 - The conference room must provide for local presentations, from a single computer connection. The room will include one wall mounted 40” LCD display capable of tuning to the IPTV system for viewing. The room will include a VGA plus audio, and HDM digital video connection point at the DI.B Page 109 of 152 AVIDEX 20 March 2013 2 table to display video. The audio in the room will consist of the displays speakers. The system will be controlled by the display manufacturer handheld wireless remote control. 4. City Hall Second Floor Conference Room 275 – The conference room must provide for local presentations, from a single computer connection at the table. The room will include one wall mounted 80” LCD display capable of tuning to the IPTV system for viewing. The display will be large enough so that detailed information may be read from a distance of about 20 feet. The room will include integrated audio conferencing and H.323 standards-based video conferencing and audio teleconferencing. 5. City Hall Second Floor HR Conference Room 250 - The conference room must provide for local presentations, from a single computer connection. The room will include one wall mounted 55” LCD display, and an audiovisual bridge used to provide microphone video and camera video to an (OFE) PC or laptop. The room will include a VGA plus audio, and HDM digital video connection point at the table to display video. The audio in the room will consist of a ceiling microphone and speakers to support desktop video calls and program audio content from the connected computer source. An (OFE) Apple iPad wll be used to control the TV, and room audio volume. 6. Digital Signage System – The City Hall main entrance and second floor elevator locations will include an integrated flat panel display device. The system will include (2) 46” LCD wall-mounted, direct-view, flat panel display devices. The displays will connect to (2) content players and the Cities (OFE) network. The system provides messaging on displays in open areas as well as is capable of providing council chambers meeting and events overflow viewing. 7. IPTV System – The IPTV system will utilize the Comcast provided service connecting it to the Auburn City computer network. Avidex will supply equipment from Silicon Dust providing the channel tuning and encoding for play back using an office PC enabled media player or other authorized network devices capable of playing the IPTV media stream. The City of Auburn will be responsible to configure the computer network for proper IPTV operation. 8. Golf Course – The golf banquet facility must provide for a single computer connection located on the right side corner of the room. The room will include (2) 80” LCD mounted displays. The display will be large enough so that detailed information may be read from about 20 feet. The room will include audio teleconferencing, handheld and lapel wireless microphones, speakers to support voice reinforcement and program audio from computer. The display will also provide for Cable TV to be provided by the City, and utilize a City provided Apple iPad for control of the audiovisual system. Two additional wall mounted 55 inch LCD displays with speakers will be located in the pro shop and restaurant with cable television service and the ability to display tee times and scores from the City provided computer located in the pro shop. DI.B Page 110 of 152 AVIDEX 20 March 2013 3 SCHEDULE A complete project schedule will be coordinated and provided at the point of acceptance. COST The costs presented in this proposal are based on The University of Washington Contract #UW-12-120. AREA Qty Unit • Council Chambers 1 $87,700.00 • City Hall Mayor’s Office 262 and Conference Room 263 1 $34,050.00 • City Hall Conference Room 275 1 $45,300.00 • City Hall HR Conference Room 250 1 $13,000.00 • Digital Signage and IPTV Systems 1 $7,550.00 • Golf Course 1 $50,400.00 *Includes freight and shipping costs Totals 6 $238,000.00 *The costs do not include Washington State Sales Tax. DI.B Page 111 of 152 AVIDEX 20 March 2013 4 REQUIREMENTS DI.B Page 112 of 152 AVIDEX 20 March 2013 5 _____________________________________________________________________ ________________________ REQUIREMENTS The Avidex offering considers the following to be the requirements of The City of Auburn in Auburn, WA project based on information received from The City of Auburn. Narratives The following are functional descriptions of the capabilities and resources provided for the locations to receive audio video support. 1. Council Chambers Overview The council chambers, currently provides local presentations and the system supports council meetings in its current state. The enhancements to the council chambers will minimally impact the current working system but includes the addition of video and audio conferencing, wireless microphones to support panel discussions, meetings and events. Display The existing projector and screen will remain in use. The addition of a display will be located on the wall behind the projection screen and consist of (1), 90 inch diagonal wall mounted flat panel LCD display. Computer/Data Sources The system supports connection for a computer source from one (1) floor box location. The desire is to add (1) additional floor box location to avoid having to move the existing computer based on meeting type. The new location will be supported by an audio video floor box (by others). Video Conferencing The capability of video conferencing in the council chambers has been identified and will be included. The system will be comprised of (1) codec, and utilize the existing camera system feeds, and (1) 4-way multi-site trans-coding license. Signal Processing The heart of this system will be a high-bandwidth router with signal processing. The device chosen for this application will be (1) 6X4 matrix switcher. This device will allow for the source routing selection of images to be displayed on the flat panel and down converted to be used with the existing broadcast room equipment. The matrix will allow for switching between following list of source devices: One (1) portable computer location One (1) dedicated computer One (1) Audio-conferencing interface One (1) Cable TV tuner One (1) Video-conferencing codec DI.B Page 113 of 152 AVIDEX 20 March 2013 6 Audio Speaker Systems - The audio system provides for amplification of information within the council chambers the additions will utilize the existing speakers. Signal Processing - The system will include a digital signal processing (DSP) based audio mixer/processor that will accommodate the necessary connectivity to provide sufficient input and output connections for the system. In this case, the processor will also provide the necessary echo suppression and cancellation for managing the systems use with audio and video conferencing. Microphones-New microphones will be added to replace the existing dais system and allow more portable microphones plus higher level of request to speak microphone management. The microphones consist of (8) dais wireless microphone transmitters, (2) belt pack wireless lapel microphones, and (4) table top wireless microphones. Audio Conferencing The audio conference capabilities are provided for in the audio section above with the addition of wireless tabletop, handheld and lapel microphones and two digital audio eight channel microphone receivers. The system will accommodate an owner-furnished, standard telephone connection via an analog line interfaced with the telephone system. Control System The control system for the video and audio teleconferencing systems will utilize a system controller and a City provided (OFE) Apple iPad. The system will allow a non-technical user access to the operational functions of the equipment via the iPad control interface. The iPad will provide a user access to source selection, and display functions. The functions controlled from the iPad touch screen will include: • Display (on/off, source selection) • Video teleconferencing (dial pad, address book/preset numbers, camera select, camera PTZ, volume up/volume down, hang-up) • City provided cable television (channel selection, volume up/volume down) • Audio system microphone volume (preset/raise/lower) • Audio system program volume for selected audio source; computer, codec, etc. • Audio teleconferencing (dial pad, address book/preset numbers, volume up/volume down, hang-up) DI.B Page 114 of 152 AVIDEX 20 March 2013 7 2. City Hall Mayor’s Office 262 Overview The mayor’s office will accommodate local presentations, video and audio conferencing. Display The display portion of the conference room has been developed around one 50”, wall mounted flat panel LCD display. Computer/Data Sources/IPTV The system supports connection for a portable computer source from one (1) location. This location will be supported by an audio video floor box (by others) under the table. The system will provide a digital (HDMI) and analog VGA plus audio computer connections for an, (OFE) laptop input for display. The system will include the ability to tune to the IPTV cable system. Video Conferencing The capability of video conferencing in the mayor’s office has been identified and will be included. The system will be comprised of (1) codec, one (1) pan-tilt-zoom (“PTZ”) camera, and (1) 4-way multi-site trans-coding license. The PTZ camera will be located adjacent to the wall mounted display. Signal Processing The system will utilize a control processor for signal processing. The device chosen for this application will be an automation processor. This device will allow for the source routing selection of images to be displayed on the flat panel display. The matrix will allow for switching between following list of source devices: One (1) Portable computer location One (1) Room PTZ camera One (1) Video-conferencing codec Audio Speaker Systems - The audio system provides for amplification of information within the room. To facilitate this, two ceiling mounted speakers will be provided to allow for reinforcement of quality audio information with even coverage throughout the room. The audio for the video teleconferencing system will consist of a USB mixer/amplifier, ceiling microphone pod and sound bar speaker located at the display. DI.B Page 115 of 152 AVIDEX 20 March 2013 8 Control System The control system provided for this space will allow a non-technical user to access the operational functions of the equipment within the space via a City provided Apple iPad. The iPad will provide a user access to source selection, and display functions. (Note: iPad control will be made via The City of Auburn wireless network.) * The iPad will not be used to control PC or laptop computer video and audio calls. The in-room functions controlled from the iPad will include: • Display (on/off, source selection) • Audio system volume for voice and computer program audio source (*Space needs to be planned to accommodate the necessary audio video support equipment for this space.) 3. City Hall Conference Room 263 Overview The conference room will accommodate local presentations. Display The display portion of the conference room has been developed around (1) 40”, wall mounted flat panel LCD display. Computer/Data Sources/IPTV The system supports connection for a portable computer source from one (1) location. This location will be supported by an audio video floor box (by others) under the table. The system will provide digital (HDMI) and analog VGA plus audio computer connections for an, (OFE) laptop input for display. The system will include the ability to tune to the IPTV cable system. Control System The display manufacturer handheld wireless remote will be used for control in the room. The in-room functions controlled from the wireless remote will include: • Display (on/off, source selection) • Audio system program volume up/down 4. City Hall HR Conference Room 250 Overview The conference room will accommodate local presentations, desktop video conferencing and audio conferencing. Display The display portion of the conference room has been developed around one 55”, wall mounted flat panel LCD display. Computer/Data Sources/IPTV DI.B Page 116 of 152 AVIDEX 20 March 2013 9 The system supports connection for a portable computer source from one (1) location. This location will be supported by an audio video floor box (by others) under the table. The system will provide digital (HDMI) and analog VGA plus audio computer connections for an, (OFE) laptop input for display. The system will include the ability to tune to the IPTV cable system. Desktop Video Conferencing The system will support the ability to conduct interviews with outside participants using (1) HD electronic pan-tilt-zoom camera and (1) AV bridge, and (OFE) City networked computer to provide the ability to use Skype, or other soft codecs. Audio Conferencing The audio conference capabilities consist of a USB mixer/amplifier, ceiling microphone pod and sound bar speaker located at the display. The system will utilize an (OFE) computer and unified communication application. The system will accommodate an owner- furnished, primary telephone connection via an analog line interfaced with the telephone system. Control System The control system provided for this space will allow a non-technical user to access the operational functions of the equipment within the space via a City provided iPad. The iPad will provide a user access to source selection, and display functions. (Note: iPad control will be made via The City of Auburn wireless network.) * The iPad will not be used to control PC or laptop computer video and audio calls. The in-room functions controlled from the iPad will include: • Display (on/off, source selection) • Audio system volume for voice and computer program audio source 5. City Hall Conference Room 275 Overview The conference room will accommodate local presentations, video conferencing and audio conferencing. Display The display portion of the conference room has been developed around one 80”, wall mounted flat panel LCD display. Computer/Data Sources The system supports connection for a portable computer source from one (1) location at the conference table. This location will be supported by an audio video floor box (by others) under the table. The decision has been made to provide a digital (HDMI) computer connection, and an analog (VGA) connection for owner furnished equipment, (OFE) laptop input at the table for display. Space needs to be planned to accommodate the necessary audio video support equipment for this space. DI.B Page 117 of 152 AVIDEX 20 March 2013 10 Signal Processing The heart of this system will be a high-bandwidth router with signal processing. The device chosen for this application will be a 6X4 matrix. This device will allow for the source routing selection of images (and audio) to be displayed on the flat panel. The matrix will allow for switching between following list of source devices: One (1) portable computer location Two (1) Room PTZ camera One (1) Video-conferencing codec One (1) Audio-conferencing interface Audio Speaker Systems - The audio system provides for amplification of information within the room. To facilitate this, a matrix of ceiling mounted speakers will be provided to allow for reinforcement of quality audio information with even coverage throughout the room. For this pre-design effort, the conference room is provided with 6 speakers evenly distributed throughout the ceiling. Playback - This system will provide for quality playback of audio from all of the playback sources attached to the system. This includes those dedicated devices referenced above. Signal Processing - The system will be provided with a digital signal processing (DSP) based mixer/processor that will accommodate the necessary connectivity to provide sufficient input and output connections for the system. In this case, the processor will also provide the necessary echo suppression and cancellation for managing the systems use with audio and video conferencing. 9. City Hall Digital Signage Main Lobby and Second Floor Overview The audio video solution is developed to support the City signage information display, messaging, and overflow from the council chambers for City council meetings, and events. Display The display portion of the digital signage messaging system is developed around flat panel displays with local content players. The system will assure displaying images that are clear and bright in many lighting conditions. Computer/Data Sources The system supports connections computer sources, RSS feeds, web-based content, video and other forms of media. The system is capable of providing and managing content for the displays. Control System The digital signage content management will be from a city provided computer that will be running a digital signage manufacture provided software content creator and management DI.B Page 118 of 152 AVIDEX 20 March 2013 11 package. For control of and content push to the digital signage players will require connection to the Auburn city computer network. Note: Avidex does not install software onto the city computers but will work with the city staff to assure proper operation and functionality. 10. City Hall Digital IPTV System Overview The Comcast cable television system serving the City will be carried over the network system for display on properly enabled office desktop computers in meeting spaces on large format flat panel displays connected to a local (OFE) networked room computers. IPTV System – The IPTV system will consist of (4) Silicon Dust HDHomeRun Primes. Each unit has (3) agile tuning channel with one capable of using a Comcast provided cable card for a total of 12 channels • The system will require a network connection and setup to the Auburn LAN, Auburn will be responsible for proper network configuration • Multicast for unencrypted digital cable channels, will be broadcast to all users. (example KOMO, KING, KIRO, KCPQ • For list of available unencrypted digital cable channel Silicon Dust Link to channels • Encrypted channels require cable card from Comcast, end device must be capable of Windows Media Center and will only serve one viewer at a time (CNN, FOX news, ESPN) 11. Golf Course Overview The audio video solution is developed to support presentations within the banquet facility. Two other locations have been identified in the pro shop and restaurant for cable television and the ability to display tee times from a computer application located in the pro shop. Display The display portion of the banquet facility has been developed around (2) 80 inch diagonal flat panel LCD displays. The pro shop and restaurant will include two (2) 55 inch commercial grade wall mounted flat panel displays to be used to display the tee times and scores from a city provided computer located in the pro shop. The system will assure displaying images that are clear and bright in many lighting conditions. Computer/Data Sources The banquet facility system supports connection for a portable computer source in the right corner of the room opposite the entry doors. This location will be supported by an audio video wall plate and supports both digital (HDMI) and analog (VGA) computer connection. The pro shop and restaurant will receive the computer signal from the city provided computer via matrix switcher and CAT-5 transmitter receiver pairs. (Cable set top box provided by the City) DI.B Page 119 of 152 AVIDEX 20 March 2013 12 Audio Speaker Systems - The audio system provides for amplification of information within the banquet room. To facilitate this, (8) surface mounted speakers will be provided to allow for reinforcement of quality audio information with even coverage throughout the room. Signal Processing - The system will be provided with a digital signal processing (DSP) based mixer/processor that will accommodate the necessary connectivity to provide sufficient input and output connections for the system. In this case, the processor will also provide the necessary echo suppression and cancellation for managing the systems use with the audio conferencing. Microphones- To support presentations and voice lift in the banquet facility microphones will be used consisting of (1) podium wireless microphone , (2) handheld wireless microphones, and (1) lapel wireless microphone. Audio Conferencing The audio conference capabilities are provided for in the audio section above with the addition of (1) podium wireless microphone, (2) handheld wireless microphones and (1) lapel wireless microphones. The system will accommodate an owner-furnished, standard telephone connection via an analog line interfaced with the telephone system. Control System The control for this system is accommodated by the use of a City provided iPad wireless tablet. The system will allow a non-technical user access to the operational functions of the equipment via the iPad control interface. The iPad will provide a user access to source selection, and display functions. The functions controlled from the iPad touch screen will include: • Display (on/off, source selection) • City provided cable television (channel selection, volume up/volume down) • Audio system microphone volume (preset/raise/lower) • Audio system program volume for selected audio source; computer, codec, etc. • Audio teleconferencing (dial pad, address book/preset numbers, volume up/volume down, hang-up) DI.B Page 120 of 152 AVIDEX 20 March 2013 13 A. Design / Construction 1. Provision of a complete Audio Visual system which includes but is not limited to furnishing, installing, testing, and programming of all equipment, materials, devices and necessary appurtenances. 2. The proposal shall include a minimum of four (4) hours for training of Owner’s personnel in the maintenance and operation of all equipment and systems. 3. Identify all long lead equipment to ensure timely purchase as required to meet the construction schedule. 4. Avidex will work with other trades (fire protection, electrical, low voltage, AV, security, etc.) to review and coordinate all systems in the ceiling space to ensure conflicts are avoided prior to installation. 5. Avidex will obtain and pay for all permits (other than building permit) required for the audio/visual work only. 6. Provide schedule information to the general contractor for use in preparing and updating the master construction schedule. 7. Following issuance of the construction documents, continually update the drawings to reflect the accurate record set information. Supply two sets of record set drawings and disks at the completion of the project. 8. Two (2) complete O&M Manuals shall be submitted at the completion of the project. 9. Perform startup and testing of all systems. Prepare and furnish documentation describing the work performed and the test results DI.B Page 121 of 152 AVIDEX 20 March 2013 14 6. Equipment List Council Chambers Manufacturer Model Description Qty Display Sharp LC-90LE745U 90" Full Array LED HDTV 3-D 120Hz Aquamotion 1 Chief PDRUB Large Flat Panel Swing Arm Wall Mount 37" extension 1 Video PC (OFE) Computer for Multimedia Use 1 Marshall VS-102-HDI 2MP High Resolution Encoder 1 Crestron DM-MD6x4 Digital Media Switch 6 input 4 output 1 Crestron DM-RMC-100-C DM 8G Room Controller 4 Crestron DM-TX-201-C DM 8G transmitter VGA\HDMI 4 Cisco CTS-INP-C40-K9 Integrator Package C40- Codec Natural Present Package, Remote 1 Cisco CON-PSDN-INTPC40 Zcare 24X7 Next Business Day Technical Support 1 Cisco LIC-INTP-C40-MS Integrator Package Codec C40, 4-Way Multisite 1 Audio BSS BLU-102 Audio Teleconference, Audio digital signal processor 1 BSS BLU-101 Network audio digital signal processor 1 Extron 60-883-02 Two Channel Power Amplifier 1 Sacom 8-Channel Receiver Digital Audio Microphone System 8 Channel Recevier 2 Sacom Podium Transmitter Podium Wireless Mic Transmitter 8 Sacom Belt Pack Transmitter Belt Pack Wireless Mic Transmitter 2 Sacom Hand Held Transmitter Hand Held H-18 Condensor Cardiod Transmitter 2 Sacom Table Top Transmitter Table Top Cardiod Mic transmitter 4 Control Apple iPad (OFE) Wifi Touch Panel for Control 1 Sonance 70141 Iport base station 1 Sonance 70166 Power Shuttle 1 Sonance 70169 Launch Port Security Package 1 Cisco ASA5505-BUN-K9 Network Firewall Edition 10 User Bundle 1 Crestron CP3 3 Series Controller 1 DI.B Page 122 of 152 AVIDEX 20 March 2013 15 City Hall Mayor’s Office 262 and Conference Room 263 Manufacturer Model Description Qty Display Samsung UN50ES6100 50" LED Smart TV, WiFi,speakers (Mayor’s Office) 1 Chief TS218SU Medium Thinstall Dual Swing Arm Wall Mount 18" Ext (1 Room 262, 1 Room 263) 2 Samsung UN40ES6100 40" LED Smart TV, WiFi,speakers (Conf Room 263) 1 Video PC (OFE) Computer for Multimedia Use 1 Apantac HDBaseT receiver HDBaseT Receiver (Conference Room 263) 1 Crestron DM-RMC-100-C DM 8G room controller 1 Crestron DM-TX-201-C DM 8G transmitter VGA\HDMI 2 Mayor’s Office 262 Cisco CTS-SX20-PHD4X SX20 Quickset Codec 4X Camera Natural Presenter Package 1 Cisco CON-PZDN-SX2PHD4X Z-Care 24X7 Next Business Day Technical Support 1 Cisco LIC-SX20-MS Multisite Option for SX20 1 Cisco LIC-SX20-PR Premium Resolution Option 1 Audio Vaddio 999-8620-000 EasyTalk USB Audio Bundle System A 1 Shure MX391/C Cardioid miniature black condenser boundary 1 Sonance CM660 In-ceiling speaker 6" Pair 1 Control Apple i-Pad (OFE) Wifi Touch Panel for Control 1 Sonance 70141 Iport base station 1 Sonance 70166 Power Shuttle 1 Sonance 70169 Launch Port Security Package 1 Cisco ASA5505-BUN-K9 Network Firewall Edition 1 Crestron DIN-AP2 DIN Rail 2-Series automation processor 1 City Hall Conference Room 275 Manufacturer Model Description Qty Display Sharp LC-80LE632U 80" Class LED Smart TV 120Hz, WiFi 1 Chief PDRUB Large Flat Panel Swing Arm Wall Mount 37" extension 1 Video PC (OFE) Computer for Multimedia Use 1 Crestron DMPS-200C DM Presentation System 100 1 Crestron DM-RMC-100-C DM 8G room controller 1 Crestron DM-TX-201-C DM 8G transmitter VGA\HDMI 1 Audio BSS BLU-102 Audio Teleconference, Audio digital signal processor 1 Shure MX391/C Cardioid miniature black condenser boundary 6 Sonance CM660 In-ceiling speaker 6" pair 3 Control Apple i-Pad (OFE) Wifi Touch Panel for Control 1 Sonance 70141 Iport base station 1 DI.B Page 123 of 152 AVIDEX 20 March 2013 16 Sonance 70166 Power Shuttle 1 Sonance 70169 Launch Port Security Package 1 Cisco ASA5505-BUN-K9 Network Firewall edition 10 user bundle 1 Crestron CP3 3 Series Controller 1 City Hall HR Conference Room 250 Manufacturer Model Description Qty Display Samsung UN55ES6100 55" LED Smart interactionTV, WiFi,speakers 1 Chief TS218SU Medium Thinstall Dual Swing Arm Wall Mount 18" Ext 1 Video PC (OFE) Computer for Multimedia Use 1 Crestron DM-TX-201-C DM8Gtransmitter VGA/HDMI at Table 1 Apantac HDBaseT Receiver HDBaseT receiver from table 1 Panasonic AW-HE2 HD Camera Electronic PTZ 1 Vaddio 999-8210-000 AV Bridge for (Soft Codecs, Skype Cisco Jabber) 1 Audio Vaddio 999-8530-000 Easy USB Mixer/Amplifier 1 Vaddio 999-8510-000 EasyMic Ceiling MicPod white 1 Sonance CM660 In-ceiling speaker 6" pair 1 Control Apple i-Pad (OFE) Wifi Touch Panel for Control 1 Sonance 70141 Iport Base station Sonance 70166 Power Shuttle 1 Sonance 70169 Launch Port Security Package 1 Vaddio 999-1005-022 Extreme USB Extender kit 1 Crestron DIN-AP2 DIN Rail 2-Series automation processor 1 City Hall Digital Signage and IPTV System Manufacturer Model Description Qty Display NEC E463 46" LCD Public Display 2 Chief TS218SU Medium Thinstall Dual Swing Arm Wall Mount 2 Video BrightSign XD1030 Digital Signage Media Player 2 BrightSign BrightAuthor PC software for BrightSign creation (OFE) PC required 1 Silicon Dust Prime HDHomeRun Prime Cable TV tuner cable card 4 Control ActionTec ECB2500CK01 IP over coax HPNA Bridge, if IP is not available at display 2 DI.B Page 124 of 152 AVIDEX 20 March 2013 17 Golf Course Manufacturer Model Description Qty Display Sharp LC-80LE632U 80" Class LED Smart TV 120Hz, WiFi 2 Chief PDRUB Large Flat Panel Swing Arm Wall Mount 37" extension 2 NEC E553 55" LED LCD Public Display 2 Chief TS218SU Medium Thinstall Dual Swing Arm Wall Mount 18" Ext 2 Video PC (OFE) Computer for Tee Times and Golf Scores 2 Crestron DM-MD6x4 Digital Media Switch 6 input 4 output 1 Crestron DM-RMC-100-C DM 8G room controller 4 Crestron DM-TX-201-C DM 8G transmitter VGA\HDMI 4 Audio BSS Blu-102 Audio teleconference, audio digital signal processor 1 Sonance 40081 FMS860 Surface mount speaker black/pair 4 Extron 60-883-02 XPA 2002 70V 1 Sacom 4-CH Receiver Digital Audio Microphone System 4 Channel Recevier 1 Sacom Podium Transmitter Podium Wireless Mic Transmitter 1 Sacom Belt Pack Transmitter Belt Pack Wireless Mic Transmitter 1 Sacom Hand Held Transmitter Hand Held H-18 Condensor Cardiod Transmitter 2 Control Apple i-Pad (OFE) Wifi Touch Panel for Control 1 Sonance 70141 Iport base station 1 Sonance 70166 Power Shuttle 1 Sonance 70169 Launch Port Security Package 1 Cisco ASA5505-BUN-K9 Network Firewall edition 10 user bundle 1 Crestron CP3 3 Series controller 1 DI.B Page 125 of 152 AVIDEX 20 March 2013 18 COST BREAKDOWN DI.B Page 126 of 152 AVIDEX 20 March 2013 19 Area Equipment Non Equipment Area Total Qty Extended Council Chambers $60,845.00 $26,855.00 $87,700.00 1 $87,700.00 City Hall Mayor's Office 262 & Conf Room 263 $23,155.00 $10,895.00 $34,050.00 1 $34,050.00 City Hall Conference Room 275 $30,920.00 $14,380.00 $45,300.00 1 $45,300.00 City Hall HR Conference Room 250 $8,665.00 $4,335.00 $13,000.00 1 $13,000.00 City Hall Digital Signage and IPTV System $4,510.00 $3,040.00 $7,550.00 1 $7,550.00 Golf Course $34,445.00 $15,955.00 $50,400.00 1 $50,400.00 Totals $238,000.00 *Pricing based on UW Contract #UW-12-120. Includes; shipping & handling. **Excludes WA State Sales Tax. UW Contract #UW-12-120 Equipment Mark-Up Avidex equipment pricing will be a 10% mark-up above Avidex Invoice (including freight, but excluding any sales tax) from manufacturer. Mark-up is calculated prior to any Avidex earned early payment discount or VIR. Labor Rates Design Services Rates Description Rate Senior Designer $95.00 Designer $79.00 CAD $65.00 Project Manager $79.00 Contract Administrator $79.00 Project Administration $50.00 Installation Services Rates Description Rate Project Manager $79.00 Contract Administrator $79.00 Project Foreman $67.00 System Testing $79.00 Programmer $79.00 Training $79.00 CAD $65.00 Field Installation $63.00 Shop Technician $63.00 Documentation $63.00 Project Administration $50.00 DI.B Page 127 of 152 AVIDEX 20 March 2013 20 DI.B Page 128 of 152 AVIDEX 20 March 2013 21 IMPLEMENTATION PROCESS Design Installation Project Management Project Support DI.B Page 129 of 152 AVIDEX 20 March 2013 22 _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ IMPLEMENTATION PROCESS The implementation process incorporates all of the necessary steps to provide a complete, “turn-key” audio visual solution. Avidex will provide all of the necessary components and materials. Most importantly, Avidex will provide all of the necessary labor and services to complete the systems as explained within this document. Avidex follows industry certified and documented processes which have been proven successful in assuring each system will be installed as developed. In carefully following these processes Avidex is committed to providing a high level of communication. These internal processes assure each project is implemented, coordinated, installed and finalized properly. The following describes our scope of work and project deliverables for Integration Services: DESIGN • Prepare all system documentation necessary for the installation of the project. • System functional diagrams. • Facilities drawings (equipment locations). • Control system program requirements. • Provide and implement control systems programming. • Test and debug system. • Oversee final systems testing and commissioning. • Adjust and balance system settings. • Mark and record final system settings. • Assure the finished system meets the design criteria and functions per the developed concept. • Create AV control system code. • Design and create touch panel graphical user interface (GUI) pages. DI.B Page 130 of 152 AVIDEX 20 March 2013 23 _____________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________ INSTALLATION • Pull, terminate, and label all low voltage cables. • Install structural mounting systems for all audio visual equipment. • Mount and terminate all AV connection plates. • Install all AV equipment. • Site clean-up and trash disposal, etc. • Assure that all installed systems are operating as proposed. • Assist engineering with systems testing and debugging. • Provide or assist in providing end-user training. DI.B Page 131 of 152 AVIDEX 20 March 2013 24 _____________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________ PROJECT MANAGEMENT • Responsible for client communication throughout the project duration. • Coordinate all activities with designated client representative. • Attendance at weekly construction meetings is not included in this agreement. Avidex will participate in meetings as required to complete the project and coordinate with other trades. • Monitor project implementation. • Provide scheduling for and oversight of the Avidex team. • Coordinate project equipment ordering, staging and pre-installation fabrication of equipment for the project. • Coordinate any site conditions that may necessitate audiovisual system changes. • Coordinate with any general contractor and/or any specialty contractors related to the audiovisual system integration. • Coordinate audiovisual system connections and interfaces as they relate to any lighting, electrical, or mechanical systems. • Verify project completion. • Confirm completion of systems testing. • Assure completion of any punch list items. • Prepare a project CD containing equipment manuals and computer-generated, as-built drawings. The documentation will include record drawings and manufacturers equipment DI.B Page 132 of 152 AVIDEX 20 March 2013 25 ________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________ manuals. These will be assembled and delivered on the day of training as an electronic copy on a CD. The documentation will include any and all information provided to Avidex that comes standard with the equipment from the original manufacturer. Hard copies of the project documentation are available for an additional fee. (See Training and Documentation Section below) PROJECT SUPPORT Avidex is committed to supporting our clients long after the installation is complete. While Avidex can provide support in many forms, there is a common thread to the support of any project. The key, communication and keeping track of the reported problem until it is resolved. Avidex puts the necessary resources into play to assure that this can happen as fast as possible. DI.B Page 133 of 152 AVIDEX 20 March 2013 26 _____________________________________________________________________ SCHEDULE DI.B Page 134 of 152 AVIDEX 20 March 2013 27 _____________________________________________________________________ SCHEDULE A complete project schedule will be coordinated and provided at the point of acceptance, and will include the following: Avidex under Contract to Proceed Onsite Installation starts Onsite AV installation AV Systems Performance Testing documents Substantial Completion Deliver O&M e-Manuals Owner-Training Deliver Record Drawings Final Acceptance AV Warranty begins Tentative Schedule Description Date Contract Executed (Avidex Under Contract) 3/15/13 Mobilization 3/18/13 - 3/22/13 Design & Engineering 3/25/13 - 4/5/13 Procurement 4/8/13 - 4/26/13 Council Chambers 4/29/13 - 5/10/13 Digital Signage 5/16/13 - 5/20/13 Second Floor Conference Rooms 263 & 275 5/21/13 - 5/23/13 Mayors Office 5/24/13 - 5/30/13 HR Conference Room 250 5/31/13 - 6/4/13 Golf Course 6/5/13 - 6/12/13 Project work areas are to be made available for exclusive use by Avidex on the day(s) of the scheduled installation. Unless specifically arranged in advance, room(s) will be available during Normal Business Hours in eight (8) contiguous hour segments. “Normal Business Hours” are defined as Monday through Friday, 8:00am to 5:00pm. This access is necessary to allow for the effective and efficient use of resources on this project. DI.B Page 135 of 152 AVIDEX 20 March 2013 28 _____________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________ GENERAL CONDITIONS Assumptions Work & Product Provided by Avidex Work & Product Provided by Others (Exclusions) DI.B Page 136 of 152 AVIDEX 20 March 2013 29 _________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________ ASSUMPTIONS •••• Room Availability: Rooms are to be made available for exclusive use on the day(s) of the scheduled installation. Unless specifically arranged in advance, room(s) will be available during Normal Business Hours in eight (8) contiguous hour segments. “Normal Business Hours” are defined as Monday through Friday, 8:00am to 5:00pm. •••• Electrical Outlets and Pathways: Prior to Avidex beginning on site work, the Owner will provide all electrical outlets floor boxes, conduits and core drills in the area(s) where audiovisual equipment is to be installed as specified by Avidex. All new electrical work is to run on one phase. All power runs are to be clean and properly grounded. All electrical work is to be installed in compliance with all applicable electrical codes. If power is provided for a projector, it shall be run on a separate circuit dedicated for the exclusive use of the projector. •••• Structural Vibrations: Jobsite building structures; including ceilings, walls and floors; used to support audiovisual equipment are assumed to be vibration free. •••• Furniture: If there is furniture that cannot be removed prior to the time of system installation, Owner will provide adequate protective covering. If the furniture cannot be properly moved or covered, Owner will agree, by signing appropriate waiver, to allow Avidex to provide covering during our work in the room. •••• Parking: Owner will provide adequate parking for vehicle(s) in a location conducive to access to the vehicle(s) for retrieval of tools and supplies throughout the workday. If such parking is within a secured facility, Owner will validate the parking tickets for the vehicle(s). Parking fees will be added to invoices. •••• Ceiling Tiles: If installation occurs in any room in which suspended ceiling tiles are installed, Owner will provide a reasonable number of spare tiles of the same pattern and batch number as those of the tiles already installed in the room. •••• Merchandise Ownership/Storage: Owner accepts responsibility for all merchandise, sold and provided for this installation; delivered to the job site and signed for by a representative of the Owner. Owner will provide secure storage for such merchandise. Avidex will not be responsible for any loss or damage, except loss or damage caused by an Avidex employee during the act of installation which occurs after delivery and acceptance by the client. •••• Existing Equipment/Wiring: •••• Documentation: If this project entails installation and/or re-use of any existing equipment and/or wiring provided by the Owner, Owner shall, at Avidex request, provide any documentation which may be required to properly install and/or integrate that equipment into the new system. •••• Good Working Order: Avidex is not responsible for the integrity and/or good working order of any existing hardware and/or wiring which is designated to be included in this new system. If, during the installation process, such hardware / wiring is found to be defective, it is understood that the completion date of the project may be affected, and a change order may be required to overcome the obstacle(s) created by such defects. DI.B Page 137 of 152 AVIDEX 20 March 2013 30 _________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________ •••• Pre/Post-Tensioned Ceilings / Floors: Owner shall identify the presence of any pre- or post-tensioned ceilings or floors within the area of installation. If Avidex is to be held responsible for the integrity of such pre- or post-tensioned ceilings or floors, they shall obtain, at Owner’s expense, one or more x-rays of the area(s) in which mounting hardware is to be attached to structure of the building. Any expense incurred for x-rays shall be passed on to the Owner, in the form of a change order or a line item on the purchase contract. •••• Software Installation: Avidex will not load software of any kind on Owner’s computer. •••• Returns: Avidex will accept returned equipment within 30 days of delivery in original packaging and may be subject to manufacturer restocking fees. •••• Delays/Postponement: Should Avidex be delayed in the progress and performance of the work due to material changes, labor disputes, fire, unusual delay in deliveries, construction delays, project postponement, unavoidable casualties or other causes beyond Avidex control, the agreed upon time for completion shall be extended by change order. These change orders may also include charges to cover additional project costs incurred by Avidex due to the delay. •••• Right of Revision: Avidex reserves the right to revise this proposal based upon information obtained from subsequent site visits and/or other sources not available to us at the time that this proposal was prepared. Any revisions must be agreed to in writing by the Owner. •••• Freight: Freight fees are estimated for ground freight service. Expedited freight, as required by the client, will be prepaid and added to invoices. *Additional Assumptions: • The existing floor box in the council chamber has sufficient space and correct pathway for any needed wire pulls. • That adequate wall backing is in place for all mounts, especially the 90” television for swing arm mounting. Should this not be the case this service to be provided by others. • The IPTV cable feed to be provided to all AV locations by others if required. (This quote does not include the cost of extending or providing RF cable pulls.) WORK & PRODUCT PROVIDED BY AVIDEX • All equipment, wire and accessories required for a fully functional audio visual system • Non-union labor for installation activities including, but not limited to: rough-in, cable pull, equipment mounting and related activities associated with turnkey audiovisual systems installation is budgeted • Non-union labor associated with engineering, programming, testing and training labor activities associated with turnkey audiovisual systems installation is budgeted. • CAD diagrams and Operation & Maintenance manuals to document the audiovisual system as a record of the system installation DI.B Page 138 of 152 AVIDEX 20 March 2013 31 _________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________ • Systems Documentation including record CAD drawings for the project and the manufacturer supplied owner’s operations and maintenance manuals in an electronic form as recorded on a computer disk • Construction coordination and cooperation with other team members and organizations necessary for the installation of the system • One year Avidex New Systems workmanship warranty • User training on system operation • All necessary permits (unless specifically provided for elsewhere in the contract) • Software licensing – Where applicable, Avidex will provide the owner with full access to control systems and other software source code(s) that have been written specifically for this project. Any and all software program(s) or code(s) will be provided under a licensing agreement specifically limiting the modification, duplication and distribution of the software provided by Avidex to the specific use for which it was created. (See Appendix B) • This quotation is valid for 60 days. The scope and pricing may be modified by Avidex if this proposal is not accepted within 60 days from the date of issuance of this quotation • This quotation is based on an installation at the site address as indicated at the beginning of this proposal. Additional travel and other expenses may apply if the system as identified within this proposal is to be installed at an alternate work location WORK & PRODUCT PROVIDED BY OTHERS (EXCLUSIONS) The owner or the owner’s architect will provide the Avidex engineering department with all required architectural floor, reflected ceiling, building elevation, and section plans in an agreed upon AutoCAD format at no charge to Avidex, where applicable. • Any and all related electrical work, including but not limited to 110VAC, conduit, core drilling, raceway and boxes. This includes all conduits, high voltage wiring panels, breakers, relays, boxes, receptacles, etc • All network connectivity, routing, switching and port configuration necessary to support audio-visual equipment, unless specifically addressed elsewhere in this document • Voice and data cabling, including analog phone lines, ISDN lines, DSL lines, network ports, etc. • Necessary sheet rock replacement and or repair • Necessary ceiling tile or T-bar modifications, replacement and/or repair • All millwork, moldings, trim, etc., or modifications to project millwork necessary to accommodate the installation of the audiovisual equipment unless otherwise noted in this proposal will be provided by others • Rough-in, bracing, framing, or finish trim carpentry for installation • Painting, patching or finishing of architectural surfaces • Core drilling and/or concrete saw cutting • HVAC, plumbing, sprinkler head and lighting fixture relocation • Ceiling, roof, firewall, and/or floor penetration(s), • Removal or patching, of fire stopping DI.B Page 139 of 152 AVIDEX 20 March 2013 32 • Structural welding, cutting, or reinforcement of structural steel members required for support of assemblies • Owner furnished equipment or equipment supplied by others to be integrated into the system(s), as described above, is assumed to be current industry acceptable equipment and in good working order. Equipment that is faulty upon installation or evidences an adverse effect on the system(s) may result in additional project charges • DMX, DSS or other outside signals. TV subscription services (cable and/or satellite), sign-up services, provision of TV signal distribution or set top boxes • Provision and configuration of computers • All applicable taxes or bonds related to the project DI.B Page 140 of 152 AVIDEX 20 March 2013 33 POST INSTALLATION SUPPORT New System Warranty Maintenance & Support Agreement Options DI.B Page 141 of 152 AVIDEX 20 March 2013 34 _____________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________ NEW SYSTEM WARRANTY Avidex warrants the integrated system(s) in accordance with Section 40 of the General Terms and Conditions for a period of one year from the date of acceptance or date of first beneficial use whichever occurs first. Remedy for such defects during the warranty period shall be provided at no additional expense to the client and shall be handled as expeditiously as is feasible during normal business hours and days of operation. This warranty includes trouble shooting, uninstalling and installing of any equipment within the Avidex AV system except for the cost to service and/or repair Owner Furnished Equipment (OFE) or equipment out of manufacturer’s warranty. Avidex will broker and process the repair of that equipment at the standard Avidex rate. Avidex Services Provided Under This Warranty • Avidex will dispatch a technician during normal business hours (8AM to 5PM Pacific Standard Time, Monday - Friday) to troubleshoot the AV system problem based on our available resources • Avidex will identify and uninstall the defective equipment and return such equipment to the manufacturer for warranty processing • Avidex will reinstall the repaired or replaced equipment and test the system • Avidex will pay the shipping costs associated with the repair of the equipment, except for Owner Furnished Equipment and/or equipment out of manufacturer’s warranty Avidex Services Not Provided Under This Warranty • Extend or provide additional repair services for manufacturer warranty coverage • Repair of Owner Furnished Equipment • Guaranteed on-site response time • Before or after hours on-site response time • Proactive support or preventive maintenance • Training • Spare or loaner equipment during equipment repair period • Customer acts of negligence or misuse Please contact the Avidex AV Help Desk at 800.497.7104 or avsupport@avidexav.com if you would like to log a system failure. DI.B Page 142 of 152 AVIDEX 20 March 2013 35 _________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________ MAINTANENCE & SUPPORT AGREEMENT OPTIONS There are three standard levels of maintenance support that are available. Please indicate which level of support you require. PROGRAMS AV HELP DESK ON-SITE TECHNICAL RESPONSE TIME PREVENTIVE MAINTENANCE Premium 8 AM to 5 PM PT 8 Business Hours 4 Visits* Standard 8 AM to 5 PM PT 12 Business Hours 2 Visits* Baseline 8 AM to 5 PM PT 24 Business Hours 0 Visits* *Indicates visits in one year Avidex recommends the Standard Maintenance and Support Agreements (M&SA) for this system. While this system is fully warranted, the Avidex M&SA provides proactive and reactive support services which provide worry free operation of the system for one year. Additional Maintenance and Support option details will be provide upon request. DI.B Page 143 of 152 AVIDEX 20 March 2013 36 PROJECT TEAM DI.B Page 144 of 152 AVIDEX 20 March 2013 37 _____________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________ PROJECT TEAM Washington Technical Services Andrew Douglas, CTS, PMP, Senior Project Manager, Pacific Northwest Andrew draws upon 20 years of experience in residential and commercial A/V installations, and has been with Avidex for six years. Prior to joining Avidex, he worked for three years as a Project Manager for a leading commercial audio/video system integrator based in Las Vegas, NV. Andrew is PMP certified and holds Bachelor of Science degrees in General Business Management and Finance Law from Portland State University. Hawk Kim, Design Engineer, Pacific Northwest Hawk has been in the audio visual industry for over fourteen years. Prior to joining Avidex, he worked at a leading northwest systems integrator as a project engineer. Hawk received a BA in Sound and Acoustics from the Columbia College, Chicago. His project roles include engineering, programming and project management work for Boeing Chicago World Headquarters, Boeing Washington DC operations and the 787 program in Everett, WA. Boeing St. Hellen’s Room at 2520 Building at Long Acres Park. Hawk is a Crestron Digital Media Certified Designer and Certified Engineer. Darrin McDonough, CTS, Senior Design Drafter, Pacific Northwest Darrin has over five years of experience in the AV systems integration industry with leading northwest systems integrators. He has advanced knowledge of system design, acting as technical services design drafter and a technical illustration specialist. Darrin helped develop the drafting standards employed by Avidex, which have been hailed as among the best in the business. Trained at the University of Washington, Darrin is a licensed apprentice electrician. John Weed, Senior AV Designer, Pacific Northwest John brings nearly 30 years of experience in the electronics industry to Avidex. John’s diverse background includes Project Management, Lead Technician, Director of MDU sales and 5 years as journeyman low volt technician with administrator’s license. John also has another 4 years as journeyman union low volt technician. In 1985 John started working on high end homes installing security, AV and big dish satellite systems. Prior to joining Avidex, John worked for Vulcan Inc as Project Manager/Technology Engineer working on major projects in Beverly Hills CA, New York City, London, UK; Nice, France; Perth, Australia; 413ft Yacht built in Kiel, Germany, Estates in Mercer Island and Medina, Washington. John is certified as a Crestron Digital Media Designer and Engineer. Jim Colquhoun, CTS-D, CTS-I, ISF-C, Chief Technologist Jim Colquhoun is the technologist for Avidex. His corporate responsibilities include the technical side of vendor relationships, developing new Avidex product offerings and assisting in the development of internal programs. In addition, Jim is actively involved in direct support of large and complex design projects for key clients including managing the recently completed Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation Headquarters in Seattle. Jim Colquhoun has been in the AV industry for over 35 years bringing him an exceptional record of management and operational oversight experience, as well as expertise in the design and integration of communications, AV, and broadcast systems. Prior to joining Avidex, he was VP of Technical DI.B Page 145 of 152 AVIDEX 20 March 2013 38 Services for Audio Visual Innovations (AVI) in Tampa, FL.; Managing Director for ten MCSi offices, Director of Technical Services for Intellisys Group, and a Senior Manager with Pro Media. Support Services Groups Dan Farmer, CTS, Service Manager / Field Engineer, Pacific Northwest Dan brings over 10 years experience in the audio visual industry performing duties in installation, service, project management, and programming. Dan has experience in programming Crestron and AMX systems, as well as configuring digital signal processors from BSS, BIAMP, Symetrix, ClearOne and Polycom. His experience allows him to efficiently troubleshoot / resolve virtually any problem. Dan is a Crestron Digital Media Certified Designer and Certified Engineer. Justin Hogue, CTS, Service Technician, Pacific Northwest Justin is well rounded and our clients continually rave about his amazing communication skills and enthusiastic approach to AV integration. Justin has experience in multiple programming languages and environments. While employed with Avidex, he has worn many hats. Bringing his expertise to the Avidex team, his work experience also includes on-site technician at Adobe, Safeco, and most recently with Davis Wright Tremaine. Justin excels at troubleshooting and follow-through – he always goes the extra mile. With over 5 years of experience in the audio visual industry he holds many certifications which include ISF-C, Crestron, AMX, ClearOne, Symetrix, Polycom, Tandberg, Extron, and Biamp. Justin earned a Bachelor of Science degree in Computer Engineering Technology from DeVry University. David Peck, CTS, Programmer and Service Technician, Pacific Northwest David has been in the audio visual industry for over 5 years. He has worked in installation, programming and service. He has extensive training in the AV field, and holds several certifications including ISF-C, Crestron, AMX, Trapeze Wireless Admin Specialist, is a ClearOne Certified Technical Specialist and is CTS certified as well. David excels in troubleshooting, programming and adjusting audio visual systems. Project Administration Fraser Batchelor, Operations Manager/Project Administrator, Pacific Northwest Fraser brings over 15 years of experience in operations, logistics and project management predominately in the computer industry. Prior to joining Avidex, Fraser was the Operations Manager at a VAR providing computer equipment to a local software manufacturer and a Project Manager at an international computer firm managing multiple local, national and international deployment projects. In his current role, Fraser coordinates internal communication and provides detail and support to ensure a smooth project rollout. DI.B Page 146 of 152 AVIDEX 20 March 2013 39 TERMS Terms & Conditions Authorization to Proceed Terms and Conditions applied in accordance with Section 40 of the General Terms and Conditions University of Washington Contract #12-0120. DI.B Page 147 of 152 ---------------------------- Resolution No. XXXX 3.8.13 Page 1 of 2 RESOLUTION NO. 4932 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF AUBURN, WASHINGTON, AUTHORIZING THE MAYOR AND CITY CLERK TO EXECUTE AN AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE CITY OF AUBURN AND AVIDEX INDUSTRIES, LLC FOR AUDIOVISUAL SYSTEMS WHEREAS, the city has a need to upgrade its audiovisual and teleconferencing capabilities; and WHEREAS, the University of Washington had previously conducted a competitive selection process for similar services and equipment, and had entered into a contract with Avidex Industries, LLC (“Avidex”) to provide services and equipment; and WHEREAS, the City Council adopted Resolution 4919, authorizing the City to enter into a cooperative purchasing agreement under RCW 39.34.020 with the Univeristy of Washington, which would allow the City to contract with Avidex under the same terms and conditions as contracted for by the University; and WHEREAS, it is in the public interest for the parties to enter into an agreement for audiovisual services and equipment. NOW, THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF AUBURN, WASHINGTON, HEREBY RESOLVES as follows: Section 1. That the Mayor and City Clerk are hereby authorized to execute an Agreement between the City and Avidex Industries, LLC for audiovisual services and equipment, which agreement shall be in substantial conformity with the agreement attached hereto as Exhibit A and incorporated herein by this reference. DI.B Page 148 of 152 ---------------------------- Resolution No. XXXX 3.8.13 Page 2 of 2 Section 2. That the Mayor is authorized to implement such administrative procedures as may be necessary to carry out the directives of this legislation. Section 3. That this Resolution shall take effect and be in full force upon passage and signatures hereon. Dated and Signed this _____ day of _________________, 2013. CITY OF AUBURN _________________________ PETER B. LEWIS, MAYOR ATTEST: _________________________ Danielle E. Daskam, City Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORM: _________________________ Daniel B. Heid, City Attorney DI.B Page 149 of 152 AGENDA BILL APPROVAL FORM Agenda Subject: Utility Amnesty Program Date: April 9, 2013 Department: Finance Attachments: Memo Budget Impact: $0 Administrative Recommendation: For discussion only. Background Summary: In February of 2013, it was decided that the City would begin sending delinquent utility accounts to collections. However, prior to sending the delinquent accounts to collections, the City would make one last attempt to get customers to bring their accounts current and as added incentive to do so, offered to waive all accumulated late penalties if the remaining principal balance was paid in full – thus the City of Auburn’s Utility Amnesty Program was born. The following memo summarizes the program's results. Reviewed by Council Committees: Finance, Public Works Councilmember:Staff:Coleman Meeting Date:April 15, 2013 Item Number:DI.C AUBURN * MORE THAN YOU IMAGINEDDI.C Page 150 of 152 Interoffice Memorandum To: Finance and Public Works Committees From: Shelley Coleman, Finance Director CC: Pete Lewis, Mayor Date: April 9, 2013 Re: Results of the Utility Amnesty Program The City’s utility collection department has witnessed an increase in past due accounts over the past several years. The City has been utilizing a lien process on delinquent accounts and places them at 90 days after a 30 day notice. In some cases the lien was enough for owners to bring their accounts current, but not always. Other owners had no plans to sell their property for years and the City would have to wait until that time for the lien to pay. Also, with the owner in a nonpayment status for their utility service, the delinquent balance continued to grow larger and older. The main reasons leading to the increased delinquency are foreclosures and accounts without City water service. The latter being the largest factor. Annexations over the past several years have brought areas into the City that are serviced by other water purveyor’s: Bonney Lake, Lakehaven and Water District 111. Finance worked with Legal and selected several accounts to take through the small claims and district court process as a test, to see how efficient it would be. Court dates took about five months to schedule and they were on various dates which equated to various trips by staff to court. Once the judgment was received, the City had to go back to court in order to perfect them i.e. collect on them. The process was costly in time and not efficient. The City decided to contract with a collection agency and turn accounts over to the agency and create a new process where past due accounts were sent to collection when the lien was placed. The City wanted to encourage these first past due account holders to pay their accounts prior to sending them to collections. The City offered an amnesty program where accrued penalties and late fees were waived for 30 days. There were 342 accounts that received certified letters notifying them of the amnesty program and period. At the end of 30 days their accounts, including penalties and late fees would be turned over to collection. As a side note, of the 342 certified letters that went out, 142 were not picked up and came back to the City. The next page summarizes the results of the program. Page 1 of 2 DI.C Page 151 of 152 Page 2 of 2 Amnesty Program Results The program began with the following number of delinquent accounts by district. DISTRICT  NUMBER AREA SERVED NUMBER OF  ACCOUNTS  ACCOUNT  BALANCE  LESS  PENALTIES  BALANCE         TO PAY  1 Muckleshoot/Riverwalk 27 49,065 10,167 38,899 2 Lakeland 90 204,353 47,776 156,577 3 Downtown 18 28,646 5,269 23,377 4 Lea Hill 68 115,550 29,071 86,479 5 West Hill, Commercial, Multi-Family, Mobile Homes 139 149,579 56,270 93,308 Totals 342 $ 547,193 $ 148,553 $ 398,640 Account holders were given thirty days to pay the amnesty total with the last effective due date being March 15, 2013. The response to the program breaks down as follows. DISTRICT  NUMBER AREA SERVED NUMBER OF  PAYMENTS  ACCOUNT  BALANCE FEES WAIVED AMOUNT  PAID  1 Muckleshoot/Riverwalk 4 4,956 85 4,871 2 Lakeland 16 30,794 6,481 24,314 3 Downtown 4 4,158 491 3,667 4 Lea Hill 20 23,456 5,041 18,416 5 West Hill, Commercial, Multi-Family, Mobile Homes 36 35,080 12,736 22,344 Totals 80 $ 98,444 $ 24,834 $ 73,612 The Current Status of Delinquent Utility Accounts The 262 accounts totaling $448,749 that remained delinquent at the end of the amnesty period have been sent to collections. They are currently in an additional 30-day grace period (mandated by State law) at the collection agency. Notices have been sent to the account holders. If the accounts are paid in full during this period of time, they will not go to full collection. The grace period for the 262 accounts sent to Merchants Credit will expire on April 24, 2013. DI.C Page 152 of 152