HomeMy WebLinkAbout05-20-2013 FINANCE COMMITTEE AGENDA PACKET Finance Committee May 20, 2013 - 5:30 PM Annex Conference Room 1 AGENDA I.CALL TO ORDER A.Roll Call B.Announcements C.Agenda Modifications II.CONSENT AGENDA A. May 6, 2013 Minutes* B. Claims Vouchers* (Coleman) Claims check numbers 422300 through 422679 in the amount of $4,265.289.56 and dated May 20, 2013. C. Payroll Vouchers (Coleman) Payroll check numbers 533788 through 533820 in the amount of $869,903.60 and electronic deposit transmissions in the amount of $1,204,262.28 for a grand total of $2,074,165.88 for the period covering April 25, 2013 to May 8, 2013. III.RESOLUTIONS A. Resolution No. 4950* (Dowdy) A Resolution of the City Council of the City of Auburn, Washington declaring certain items of property as surplus and authorizing their disposal IV.DISCUSSION ITEMS A. March 2013 Financial Report* (Coleman) B. Resolution No. 4944* (Lee) A Resolution of the City Council of the City of Auburn, Washington, authorizing the conversion to, and sale of Auburn Police Canine Bodi as surplus property of the City of Auburn C. Resolution No. 4953* (Tate) A Resolution of the City Council of the City of Auburn, Washington, opposing King County locating a solid waste transfer station at 28721 West Valley Highway in Auburn, Washington, and expressing its concerns relative thereto D. Resolution No. 4954* (Faber) A Resolution of the City of Auburn, Washington authorizing the acceptance of a grant from the Cultural Development Authority of King County (4Culture) and authorizing the Mayor and City Clerk to execute the necessary contracts to accept said funds Page 1 of 194 E. Resolution No. 4955* (Chamberlain) A Resolution of the City Council of the City of Auburn, Washington, declaring certain real property as surplus and authorizing the Mayor and City Clerk to execute a Purchase And Sale Agreement between the City Of Auburn and Auburn Professional Plaza, LLC F. Resolution No. 4956* (Heineman) A Resolution of the City Council of the City of Auburn, Washington, authorizing the Mayor and City Clerk to execute an Agreement between the City of Auburn and Cayce & Grove for Public Defense Services V.ADJOURNMENT Agendas and minutes are available to the public at the City Clerk's Office, on the City website (http://www.auburnwa.gov), and via e-mail. Complete agenda packets are available for review at the City Clerk's Office. *Denotes attachments included in the agenda packet. Page 2 of 194 AGENDA BILL APPROVAL FORM Agenda Subject: May 6, 2013 Minutes Date: May 13, 2013 Department: Administration Attachments: May 6, 2013 Minutes Budget Impact: $0 Administrative Recommendation: Background Summary: Reviewed by Council Committees: Councilmember:Staff: Meeting Date:May 20, 2013 Item Number:CA.A AUBURN * MORE THAN YOU IMAGINEDCA.A Page 3 of 194 Finance Committee May 6, 2013 - 5:30 PM Annex Conference Room 1 MINUTES I. CALL TO ORDER Chair John Partridge called the meeting to order at 5:30 p.m. in Annex Conference Room 1 located on the second floor of the City Hall Annex at One East Main Street in Auburn. A. Roll Call Chair John Partridge and Member John Holman were present. City officials and staff members present included: Mayor Peter B. Lewis, Deputy Mayor Nancy Backus, Finance Director Shelley Coleman, City Attorney Daniel B. Heid, Public Works Director Dennis Dowdy, Parks, Arts and Recreation Director Daryl Faber, Utilities Engineer Dan Repp and Deputy City Clerk Shawn Campbell. Also present was Scot Pondelick. B. Announcements There was no announcement. C. Agenda Modifications Resolution No. 4941 was moved from Resolutions, Item A, to Discussion, Item B, and Resolution No. 4949 was added to the agenda as Discussion, Item K. II. CONSENT AGENDA A. April 15, 2013 Minutes Member Holman moved and Chair Partridge seconded to approve the April 15, 2013 minutes. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 2-0 B. Claims Vouchers (Coleman) Claims check numbers 421876 through 422299 in the amount of $2,506,470.54 and dated May 6, 2013. Committee members reviewed the claims and payroll vouchers and briefly discussed claims voucher numbers 422092 and 422280. Page 1 of 6 CA.A Page 4 of 194 Member Holman moved and Chair Partridge seconded to approve and forward the claims and payroll vouchers to the full Council for consideration. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 2-0 C. Payroll Vouchers (Coleman) Payroll check numbers 533756 through 533787 in the amount of $269,974.76 electronic deposit transmissions in the amount of $1,203,894.37 for a grand total of $1,473,869.13. For the period covering April 11, 2013 - April 24, 2013. See claims vouchers above for action on payroll vouchers. III. DISCUSSION ITEMS A. Resolution No. 4911 (Faber) A Resolution of the City Council of the City of Auburn, Washington, declaring certain City property as surplus, and authorizing the Mayor and City Clerk to execute agreements between the City of Auburn and the State of Washington for an exchange of property Director Faber presented Resolution No. 4911. He stated the resolution declares the City owned I street property as surplus and allows the Mayor to enter into an agreement with Washington State to swap the I street property for the State owned property at Game Farm Park. Chair Partridge questioned the assessed value of the two properties. Director Faber stated the values of the two properties are very similar. The Washington State Revised Code of Washington for property exchanges states the value does not have to be equal. Director Faber said the City will use the buildings as storage until a master plan has been developed. Mayor Lewis said the City has been working on acquiring this property since he was on the Council and this is a very good exchange for the City. B. Resolution No. 4941 (Dowdy) A Resolution of the City Council of the City of Auburn, Washington, authorizing the Mayor to negotiate agreements and execute documents necessary to acquire property related to the Auburn Way South and M Street SE Intersection Improvement Project (CP1024) Director Dowdy presented Resolution No. 4941. This resolution allows the Mayor to begin negotiations with the property owners to gain the additional ten feet of right of way needed for this project. This project will result in an additional right hand turn lane, and the ability to round off the curb to address the safety concerns at the intersection. Page 2 of 6 CA.A Page 5 of 194 C. Resolution No. 4938 (Dowdy) A Resolution of the City Council of the City of Auburn, Washington, authorizing the Mayor to negotiate agreements and execute documents necessary to acquire property related to the Auburn Way South Pedestrian Improvements Project Dogwood Street SE to Fir Street SE (CP1118) Director Dowdy presented Resolution No. 4938 and Resolution No. 4939. The resolutions allow the City to negotiate for partial takes of the properties to acquire the rights of way on both sides of the street. Resolution No. 4938 will allow the Mayor to negotiate to acquire properties on Auburn Way South from Dogwood Street SE to Fir Street SE. Resolution No. 4939 will allow the City to negotiate for properties from Fir Street SE to Hemlock Street SE. The two projects are being planned together to ensure they work together. The Muckleshoot Tribe will also be donating land and cost sharing for the project. This project widens the existing road and installs u-turns for traffic and pedestrian safety. Mayor Lewis stated this project has received approval from the State of Washington. The project is primarily for public safety. D. Resolution No. 4939 (Dowdy) A Resolution of the City Council of the City of Auburn, Washington, authorizing the Mayor to negotiate agreements and execute documents necessary to acquire property related to the Auburn Way South Corridor Improvements Project Fir Street SE to Hemlock Street SE (CP1119) See Resolution No. 4938 for discussion of Resolution No. 4939. E. Resolution No. 4940 (Dowdy) A Resolution of the City Council of the City of Auburn, Washington, declaring certain real property as no longer needed for sanitary sewer utility purposes and authorizing the Mayor to execute a dedication deed thereof for City right-of-way purposes for mutual consideration Director Dowdy presented Resolution No. 4940. The property is no longer needed for the Sanitary Sewer Utility but is needed for road rights of way. The resolution will allow access to the east side ditch and easements that have been set aside under the group utilities ownership for wetland mitigation projects. F. Resolution No. 4945 (Coleman) A Resolution of the City Council of the City of Auburn, Washington, authorizing the City to apply for, and if awarded, to accept state grant funds in the amount of $6,000.00 from the Washington State Department of Transportation Aviation Division to update the 2000- 2020 Airport Master Plan and authorizing the execution of the grant Page 3 of 6 CA.A Page 6 of 194 agreement therefor Director Coleman presented Resolution No. 4945. The resolution authorizes the City to apply for and accept a Washington State grant to assist in funding the 2000 - 2020 Airport Master Plan. The City will need to apply for the grant by the end of May and the award will be by the end of June 2013. Chair Partridge stated the City will still be responsible for the remaining $16,500.00. G. Resolution No. 4946 (Dowdy) A Resolution of the City Council of the City of Auburn, Washington, authorizing the Mayor to grant an easement to Puget Sound Energy for the purpose of installing underground power facilities for the Academy Booster Pump Station Project (CP0909) Director Dowdy presented Resolution No. 4946. He stated the purpose of the easement is to support the booster pump station. The City will be taking out an old booster pump station and replacing it. The easement will allow Puget Sound Energy to provide power to the new station. H. Public Works Consultant Agreement AG-C-431 (Dowdy) Council to grant permission to enter into Consultant Agreement No. AG-C-431 with FCS Group, Inc. for the Water, Sewer, and Stormwater Cost of Service Rate and Charge Study Utilities Engineer Dan Repp stated the cost of service study will show the true cost of services for each customer class. The Council will then be able to reevaluate each customer class rate. Chair Partridge asked what prompted the cost of service study. Mr. Repp stated jurisdictions revisit this issue periodically to ensure the cost of services are appropriately allocated across the customer classes. The City has not done this study since 1998. Mayor Lewis said this is considered best practices. Member Holman stated the rate study results will give Council the opportunity to review their billing philosophy. Mr. Repp stated the study would start the first part of the third quarter and be final in the first part of 2014. I. SCORE Jail Statistics (Coleman) Director Coleman presented the SCORE Jail Statistics. The 2014 budget for maintenance and operations of the SCORE facility have been established. The Average Daily Population (ADP) counts averaged 84 inmates compared to the current budget of 122 inmates. That is a reduction of approximately 6.5%. The savings compared to the current budget for the City of Auburns portion of the maintenance and operations budget will be a reduction of 7.85%. Page 4 of 6 CA.A Page 7 of 194 Member Holman stated the City is estimated to save $1,100,000.00 to $1,250,000.00. Director Coleman shared the information provided to the City from the SCORE facility regarding the month by month population of each member and the contract population. Mayor Lewis stated if a sizable contract for jail services was negotiated the SCORE facility would have to open an additional pod. J. Animal Control Licensing Program (Coleman) Director Coleman stated when the Municipal Services Committee reviewed the Animal Control and Licensing Program they requested additional information including all the costs for all aspects of the program. The spreadsheet has been revised to include all costs including building cost, value and amortization; land site improvements; tenant improvements and a 12.5% administration fee on gross licensing and marketing. Member Holman asked if under the King County agreement the City was assessed additional fees for veterinary services. Director Coleman stated emergency veterinary services was a part of the contract. The City has emergency veterinary services added into the Animal Services budget. There has been a substantial increase in licensing and revenue for the month of March. The Committee thanked Director Coleman for providing the detailed information. K. Resolution No. 4949 Mayor Lewis presented Resolution No. 4949. Washington State Department of Transportation is concluding a study done on different locations around the state for new Amtrak stations. The National Amtrak Advisory Board requested the City provide a resolution requesting an Amtrak stop within the City. The City is also including letters of support from all of the cities in the transportation network. IV. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business to come before the Committee, the meeting adjourned at 6:18 p.m. APPROVED this 20th day of May, 2013. ___________________________ _____________________________ John Partridge, Chair Shawn Campbell, Deputy City Clerk Page 5 of 6 CA.A Page 8 of 194 Page 6 of 6 CA.A Page 9 of 194 AGENDA BILL APPROVAL FORM Agenda Subject: Claims Vouchers Date: May 15, 2013 Department: Administration Attachments: Vouchers Budget Impact: $0 Administrative Recommendation: City Council approve claims vouchers as part of the Consent Agenda. Background Summary: Claims check numbers 422300 through 422679 in the amount of $4,265.289.56 and dated May 20, 2013. Reviewed by Council Committees: Finance Councilmember:Staff:Coleman Meeting Date:May 20, 2013 Item Number:CA.D AUBURN * MORE THAN YOU IMAGINEDCA.D Page 10 of 194 05/15/2013 Voucher List City of Auburn 1 3:46:50PM Page:vchlist Bank code :000 Voucher Date Vendor Invoice Description/Account Amount 422300 5/2/2013 212140 KEY BANK 8934 NLC Conference / lodging, taxis for 001.17.557.200.43 1,162.59 Lunch Meetings/Expenses for Michael 001.17.557.200.43 186.12 iPhone/iPad accessories for Michael 001.17.557.200.31 168.35 Supplies for Michael Hursh 001.17.557.200.31 23.76 Total : 1,540.82 422301 5/7/2013 116120 AWC EMPLOYEE BENEFIT TRUST AWC-MAY2013 AWC PREMIUMS FOR RETIREES~ 001.98.522.220.25 18,168.14 AWC PREMIUMS FOR RETIREES~ 001.98.517.210.25 37,517.12 AWC PREMIUMS FOR RETIREES~ 001.21.521.200.25 100.60 AWC PREMIUMS FOR RETIREES~ 001.98.522.210.25 10,412.61 Total : 66,198.47 422302 5/7/2013 005723 LINCOLN CONSTRUCTION INC.1177-5 MAR CP1076 CITY HALL REMODEL PH 1 PAY 328.00.524.501.65 45,726.07 CP1009 CITY HALL REMODEL PH 1 PAY 328.00.594.190.65 167,261.96 Total : 212,988.03 422303 5/9/2013 021672 US BANK 4/133085100233612633 OFFICE SUPPLIES FOR UTILITIES DEPT 431.00.535.110.31 1.15 OFFICE SUPPLIES FOR UTILITIES DEPT 432.00.535.910.31 1.15 OFFICE SUPPLIES FOR UTILITIES DEPT 1Page:CA.D Page 11 of 194 05/15/2013 Voucher List City of Auburn 2 3:46:50PM Page:vchlist Bank code :000 Voucher Date Vendor Invoice Description/Account Amount 422303 5/9/2013 (Continued)021672 US BANK 430.00.534.110.31 1.16 OFFICE SUPPLIES FOR UTILITIES DEPT 434.00.537.110.31 1.15 4/133086001710708818 GOOD EGGS BREAKFAST MTG 4/17, PELOZA 001.11.511.600.43 15.00 4/133087264800371370 COMMUNITY YARD SALE POSTCARDS 434.00.537.120.42 969.58 4/133093000579407591 CEMETERY YELLOW PAGE ADVERTISING 436.00.536.200.44 183.78 4/133094400882000108 PARKING FEE - MTG IN OLYMPIA, HOLMAN 001.11.511.600.43 3.00 4/133095987145989809 PC CITIES & TOWNS MTG 4/4, WALES & 001.11.511.600.43 49.89 4/133096122504010145 "DISMAL SCIENTIST" SUBSCRIPTION FOR 001.14.514.230.49 590.00 4/133100000036611166 ADS: COMMUNITY YARD SALE / COMPOST 432.00.535.100.41 500.63 ADS: COMMUNITY YARD SALE / COMPOST 430.00.534.100.41 500.62 ADS: COMMUNITY YARD SALE / COMPOST 434.00.537.120.44 577.50 4/133101980019770407 WSRA CONFERENCE REGISTRATION FOR 434.00.537.100.43 460.00 4/133107001061687392 GOOD EGGS BREAKFAST MTG 3/27, PELOZA 001.11.511.600.43 15.00 4/133111987150592688 2Page:CA.D Page 12 of 194 05/15/2013 Voucher List City of Auburn 3 3:46:50PM Page:vchlist Bank code :000 Voucher Date Vendor Invoice Description/Account Amount 422303 5/9/2013 (Continued)021672 US BANK COMMUNITIES IN SCHOOL EVENT, HOLMAN 001.11.511.600.43 50.00 4/133112000650651227 COFFEE FOR AIRPORT ADVISORY MTG ON 4/17 001.14.514.100.31 14.18 4/133112300160583203 GIFT CARD - REIMBURSED TO COA 001.14.514.230.31 50.00 Total : 3,983.79 422304 5/9/2013 011372 PEASE & SONS INC.10-17/#9&FINAL White River Storm Station, CP0817 Phase 432.00.590.100.65 11,510.04 Total : 11,510.04 422305 5/20/2013 003827 A AGRO TREE INC.019458 Remove tree well 7 to pull pump/motor 430.00.534.800.41 6,210.00 Sales Tax 430.00.534.800.41 589.95 Total : 6,799.95 422306 5/20/2013 111710 ADVANCED TRAFFIC PRODUCTS INC 0000007710 LED replacement lamps, arrow, ball, PV 001.32.532.200.48 2,373.61 Total : 2,373.61 422307 5/20/2013 002878 ADVANTAGE GRAPHICS, INC 12356 FARMERS MARKET 2013 BOOKMARKS, 10,000 001.33.573.901.44 761.60 ADDITIONAL USE TAX 001.33.573.901.44 4.90 ADDITIONAL USE TAX 001.237.200 -4.90 12400 3Page:CA.D Page 13 of 194 05/15/2013 Voucher List City of Auburn 4 3:46:50PM Page:vchlist Bank code :000 Voucher Date Vendor Invoice Description/Account Amount 422307 5/20/2013 (Continued)002878 ADVANTAGE GRAPHICS, INC large scale printing projects 518.00.518.780.41 424.19 ADDITIONAL USE TAX 518.00.518.780.41 2.73 ADDITIONAL USE TAX 518.237.200 -2.73 Total : 1,185.79 422308 5/20/2013 022110 AFFORDABLE ANIMAL EMERGENCY 16551 STRAY FELINE TABBY~ 001.21.539.300.49 115.00 16635 STRAY RABBIT~ 001.21.539.300.49 65.00 16671 HBC DOG~ 001.21.539.300.49 330.00 16699 STRAY FELINE~ 001.21.539.300.49 245.00 FINCHRG SERVICE CHARGES~ 001.21.539.300.49 24.79 Total : 779.79 422309 5/20/2013 115190 AGRI SHOP, INC 27898/1 PLANNING GRAFITTI SUPPLIES - INVOICE 001.17.524.200.31 70.51 27987/1 LAWN & GARDEN SUPPLIES, TOOLS & WORK 432.00.535.900.48 51.25 LAWN & GARDEN SUPPLIES, TOOLS & WORK 431.00.535.800.48 51.24 28017/1 LAWN & GARDEN SUPPLIES, TOOLS & WORK 4Page:CA.D Page 14 of 194 05/15/2013 Voucher List City of Auburn 5 3:46:50PM Page:vchlist Bank code :000 Voucher Date Vendor Invoice Description/Account Amount 422309 5/20/2013 (Continued)115190 AGRI SHOP, INC 432.00.535.900.35 111.69 28073/1 LAWN & GARDEN SUPPLIES, TOOLS & WORK 432.00.535.900.35 27.38 28075/1 SPRYKRYLON BRITEGOLD 11 OZ 436.00.536.200.31 6.56 28131/1 LAWN & GARDEN SUPPLIES, TOOLS & WORK 432.00.535.900.35 79.58 28135/1 PARTS AND SUPPLIES FOR PARKS MAINT AS 001.33.576.100.31 28.46 28139/1 PARTS AND SUPPLIES FOR PARKS MAINT AS 001.33.576.100.31 10.53 28206/1 LAWN & GARDEN SUPPLIES, TOOLS & WORK 432.00.535.900.31 19.64 28215/1 PARTS AND SUPPLIES FOR PARKS MAINT AS 001.33.576.100.31 164.09 28228/1 Misc. Supplies for Facilities~ 505.00.524.500.31 6.55 28232/1 ITEMS NEEDED FOR VOCAL TRASH 001.33.575.280.31 120.91 28241/1 PARTS AND SUPPLIES FOR PARKS MAINT AS 001.33.576.100.31 46.66 28244/1 SUPPLIES FOR CLEAN SWEEP 001.33.573.901.31 37.99 28246/1 5Page:CA.D Page 15 of 194 05/15/2013 Voucher List City of Auburn 6 3:46:50PM Page:vchlist Bank code :000 Voucher Date Vendor Invoice Description/Account Amount 422309 5/20/2013 (Continued)115190 AGRI SHOP, INC SUPPLIES FOR CLEAN SWEEP 001.33.573.901.31 34.44 28252/1 LAWN & GARDEN SUPPLIES, TOOLS & WORK 432.00.535.900.35 94.29 28253/1 LAWN & GARDEN SUPPLIES, TOOLS & WORK 430.00.534.800.22 116.06 28265/1 PARTS AND SUPPLIES FOR PARKS MAINT. AS 001.33.576.100.31 133.93 28270/1 PARTS AND SUPPLIES FOR PARKS MAINT AS 001.33.576.100.31 177.32 28322/1 PARTS AND SUPPLIES FOR PARKS MAINT AS 001.33.576.100.31 265.23 28326/1 COURSE TOOLS AND SUPPLIES 437.00.576.600.31 35.00 28344/1 PARTS AND SUPPLIES FOR PARKS MAINT AS 001.33.576.100.31 8.75 28361/1 PARTS AND SUPPLIES FOR PARKS MAINT. AS 001.33.576.100.31 56.93 28409/1 COURSE TOOLS AND SUPPLIES 437.00.576.600.31 10.94 28413/1 PARTS AND SUPPLIES FOR PARKS MAINT AS 001.33.576.100.31 86.40 Total : 1,852.33 422310 5/20/2013 111950 ALBERTSONS LLC 6030375100035408 6Page:CA.D Page 16 of 194 05/15/2013 Voucher List City of Auburn 7 3:46:50PM Page:vchlist Bank code :000 Voucher Date Vendor Invoice Description/Account Amount 422310 5/20/2013 (Continued)111950 ALBERTSONS LLC LATE NIGHT SUPPLIES 001.33.574.240.31 3.48 SUPPLIES FOR THEATER CAMP 001.33.575.280.31 45.78 AROUND THE BELL SUPPLIES 001.33.574.240.31 3.58 TEEN COUNCIL SUPPLIES 001.33.574.240.31 20.00 YOUTH COUNCIL SUPPLIES 001.33.574.240.31 26.85 HOSPITALITY FOR BRANDON CASH SHOW 001.33.575.280.31 51.70 SPECIALIZED REC SUPPLIES 001.33.574.240.31 17.16 SPECIAL OLYMPICS SUPPLIES 001.33.574.240.31 77.76 COOKING CLUB SUPPLIES 001.33.574.240.31 33.65 BRAVO SUPPLIES 001.33.573.201.31 41.38 AROUND THE BELL SUPPLIES 001.33.574.240.31 9.98 SPECIALIZED REC SUPPLIES 001.33.574.240.31 30.98 Total : 362.30 422311 5/20/2013 112430 ALLWEST UNDERGROUND INC 32238 Aluminum shoring trench box extension 430.00.534.800.35 4,147.42 Sales Tax 430.00.534.800.35 389.86 Total : 4,537.28 422312 5/20/2013 112610 ALPINE PRODUCTS INC TM-131003 TRAFFIC SAFETY SUPPLIES ON AN AS 7Page:CA.D Page 17 of 194 05/15/2013 Voucher List City of Auburn 8 3:46:50PM Page:vchlist Bank code :000 Voucher Date Vendor Invoice Description/Account Amount 422312 5/20/2013 (Continued)112610 ALPINE PRODUCTS INC 430.00.534.800.35 111.69 TM-131018 TRAFFIC SAFETY SUPPLIES ON AN AS 001.42.542.300.31 295.65 TM-131209 TRAFFIC SAFETY SUPPLIES ON AN AS 432.00.535.900.35 143.45 TM-131239 TRAFFIC SAFETY SUPPLIES ON AN AS 001.42.542.300.31 62.42 Total : 613.21 422313 5/20/2013 112910 AMERICAN HOSE & FITTINGS, INC A46645-001 VARIOUS HOSE & FITTINGS ON AN AS 431.00.535.800.31 79.70 A46863-001 VARIOUS HOSE & FITTINGS ON AN AS 550.00.548.680.35 102.16 Total : 181.86 422314 5/20/2013 013835 AMERICAN SOLUTION FOR BUSINESS INV01273777 STAFF SHIRTS/SWEATSHIRTS/CAPS 001.33.576.100.22 1,172.33 Total : 1,172.33 422315 5/20/2013 022209 ANALYTICAL RESOURCES INC.WD76 Soil Monitoring for M St Underpass 102.00.594.420.65 680.00 Total : 680.00 422316 5/20/2013 018183 ANDERSON, RONALD W.050613INV POLICE BACKGROUND INVESTIGATION - BRENT 001.13.516.710.41 650.00 Total : 650.00 422317 5/20/2013 021816 APO, KYLE 042913INV 8Page:CA.D Page 18 of 194 05/15/2013 Voucher List City of Auburn 9 3:46:50PM Page:vchlist Bank code :000 Voucher Date Vendor Invoice Description/Account Amount 422317 5/20/2013 (Continued)021816 APO, KYLE CREW AND SPOT LIGHT OPERATOR FOR 001.33.573.201.41 250.00 Total : 250.00 422318 5/20/2013 006019 AQUA CLEAN JET-N-VAC, INC.18714 FAT & GREASE REMOVAL SERVICES ON AN AS 431.00.535.800.48 2,122.54 Total : 2,122.54 422319 5/20/2013 393720 ARAMARK UNIFORM SERVICES 655-6783728 CLEANING OF SHOP TOWELS AND MATS 001.33.576.100.41 16.64 655-6788442 Rubber Mat Service for City Facilities 505.00.524.500.41 10.95 655-6788443 Rubber Mat Service for City Facilities 505.00.524.500.41 13.80 655-6788444 Rubber Mat Service for City Facilities 505.00.524.500.41 10.95 Total : 52.34 422320 5/20/2013 022213 ARNESON, BUIE 031913REIMB REIMBURSEMENT FOR (1) TEXTBOOK, 001.21.521.210.49 90.00 Total : 90.00 422321 5/20/2013 022240 AROMIN, MICHAEL 066935 UTILITY REFUND - 321 M ST SE 430.233.100 186.10 Total : 186.10 422322 5/20/2013 114230 ASCO PACIFIC, INC 40511 24 GRAY ZINC VASE SETS 436.00.536.200.34 817.33 9Page:CA.D Page 19 of 194 05/15/2013 Voucher List City of Auburn 10 3:46:50PM Page:vchlist Bank code :000 Voucher Date Vendor Invoice Description/Account Amount (Continued)Total : 817.33 422322 5/20/2013 114230 114230 ASCO PACIFIC, INC 422323 5/20/2013 022014 AT PRODUCTIONS 050813INV SOUND & LIGHT TECH FOR THE THEATER 001.33.575.280.41 300.70 SOUND & LIGHT TECH FOR THE THEATER 001.33.573.201.45 131.40 SOUND & LIGHT TECH FOR THE THEATER 001.33.575.280.45 240.90 SOUND & LIGHT TECH FOR THE THEATER 001.33.573.201.41 600.00 SOUND & LIGHT TECH FOR THE THEATER 001.33.575.280.41 399.30 Total : 1,672.30 422324 5/20/2013 110510 AT&T MOBILITY 287251966360X0424201 AT&T Cell phone usage bill.~ 518.00.518.880.42 234.48 875428076X05022013 ACCT#875428076 , PD BAIT CAR, SURVEY 117.00.521.210.42 18.29 ACCT#875428076 , PD BAIT CAR, SURVEY 001.32.532.200.42 73.16 Total : 325.93 422325 5/20/2013 110510 AT&T MOBILITY 287019865528X0509201 PAYMENT ON BEHALF OF V-NET 652.00.521.212.42 167.50 Total : 167.50 422326 5/20/2013 008442 ATS CORPORATION 208951 VOYAGER MOBILE MONTHLY SUBSCRIPTION - 117.00.521.210.42 79.98 Total : 79.98 422327 5/20/2013 114710 AUBURN CHAMBER OF COMMERCE 23654A 10Page:CA.D Page 20 of 194 05/15/2013 Voucher List City of Auburn 11 3:46:50PM Page:vchlist Bank code :000 Voucher Date Vendor Invoice Description/Account Amount 422327 5/20/2013 (Continued)114710 AUBURN CHAMBER OF COMMERCE MONTHLY ADVERTISING INSERTS FOR PARKS, 001.33.574.100.44 250.00 Total : 250.00 422328 5/20/2013 114740 AUBURN CHEVROLET 5083747 VEHICLE PARTS AND SERVICE ON AN AS 550.00.548.680.35 4.71 5083957 VEHICLE PARTS AND SERVICE ON AN AS 550.141.100 300.90 5084888 VEHICLE PARTS AND SERVICE ON AN AS 550.141.100 378.43 5084912 VEHICLE PARTS AND SERVICE ON AN AS 550.141.100 -501.07 Total : 182.97 422329 5/20/2013 002493 AUBURN FOOD BANK 206 Inclement Weather Shelter between 001.17.562.100.41 4,800.00 Total : 4,800.00 422330 5/20/2013 115160 AUBURN GYMNASTICS CENTER, INC 38878 TINY STARS CLASSES:~ 001.33.574.240.41 232.00 38879 TINY STARS CLASSES:~ 001.33.574.240.41 232.00 38880 TINY STARS CLASSES:~ 001.33.574.240.41 203.00 38881 TINY STARS CLASSES:~ 001.33.574.240.41 203.00 11Page:CA.D Page 21 of 194 05/15/2013 Voucher List City of Auburn 12 3:46:50PM Page:vchlist Bank code :000 Voucher Date Vendor Invoice Description/Account Amount 422330 5/20/2013 (Continued)115160 AUBURN GYMNASTICS CENTER, INC 38890 MINI STARS CLASSES:~ 001.33.574.240.41 232.00 38891 MINI STARS CLASSES:~ 001.33.574.240.41 232.00 38892 MINI STARS CLASSES:~ 001.33.574.240.41 203.00 38893 MINI STARS CLASSES:~ 001.33.574.240.41 232.00 38902 MIGHTY STARS CLASSES:~ 001.33.574.240.41 264.00 38903 MIGHTY STARS CLASSES:~ 001.33.574.240.41 264.00 38908 GIRLS BEGINNER GYMNASTICS CLASSES:~ 001.33.574.240.41 368.00 38909 GIRLS BEGINNER GYMNASTICS CLASSES:~ 001.33.574.240.41 368.00 Total : 3,033.00 422331 5/20/2013 115260 AUBURN MECHANICAL, INC 13391 Electric Water Heater Replacement~ 505.00.524.500.48 16,271.70 Total : 16,271.70 422332 5/20/2013 115535 AUBURN RESPITE PROGRAM 1STQTR2013-GF13/1403 Human Services Funding for services at 001.17.562.100.41 2,500.00 12Page:CA.D Page 22 of 194 05/15/2013 Voucher List City of Auburn 13 3:46:50PM Page:vchlist Bank code :000 Voucher Date Vendor Invoice Description/Account Amount (Continued)Total : 2,500.00 422332 5/20/2013 115535 115535 AUBURN RESPITE PROGRAM 422333 5/20/2013 115550 AUBURN SCHOOL DIST #408 14125 BEFORE AND AFTER SCHOOL FACILITY USAGE 001.33.574.240.49 300.00 14126 BEFORE AND AFTER SCHOOL FACILITY USAGE 001.33.574.240.49 300.00 APR2013 APRIL 2013 SCHOOL IMPACT FEES 124.237.173 203,932.53 Total : 204,532.53 422334 5/20/2013 115730 AUBURN TRAVEL FUND 3176 PER DIEM - D HEID, WSAMA CONFERENCE IN 001.15.515.100.43 100.10 3180 PER DIEM - D O'NEIL, WSNIA/WSIN CONF IN 117.00.521.210.43 156.80 3181 PER DIEM - L PEARSON, WSNIA/WSIN CONF 117.00.521.210.43 156.80 3182 PER DIEM - A RIGGS, CARTEGRAPH BOARD 518.00.518.880.43 84.60 3184 PER DIEM - W SUNDQVIST, WHIA CONFERENCE 001.21.521.210.43 124.20 3185 PER DIEM - F NIX, WHIA CONFERENCE IN 001.21.521.210.43 101.20 3186 PER DIEM - B ARNESON, WHIA CONFERENCE 001.21.521.210.43 101.20 Total : 824.90 13Page:CA.D Page 23 of 194 05/15/2013 Voucher List City of Auburn 14 3:46:50PM Page:vchlist Bank code :000 Voucher Date Vendor Invoice Description/Account Amount 422335 5/20/2013 004445 AUBURN VALLEY COLLISION INC 2591944C Repairs made to P060D at body shop due 550.00.548.680.48 3,682.34 Sales Tax 550.00.548.680.48 349.82 8138 Repairs made to P060D at body shop due 550.00.548.680.48 129.26 Sales Tax 550.00.548.680.48 12.28 Total : 4,173.70 422336 5/20/2013 018742 AUBURN VETERINARY HOSPITAL 157148 PATIENT ID#15212-3 ~ 001.21.539.300.49 110.00 PATIENT ID # 15212-4~ 001.21.539.300.49 154.50 PATIENT ID# 15212-5~ 001.21.539.300.49 48.00 PATIENT ID# 15212-6~ 001.21.539.300.49 113.00 Total : 425.50 422337 5/20/2013 115850 AUBURN YOUTH RESOURCES 1STQTR2013-GF13/1404 Human Services Funding for ACAP 001.17.562.100.41 5,000.00 Total : 5,000.00 422338 5/20/2013 120270 BADGER METER INC 10719301 REPLACE STOCK~ 430.141.100 306.00 freight 430.141.100 11.10 Sales Tax 430.141.100 30.12 11075300 14Page:CA.D Page 24 of 194 05/15/2013 Voucher List City of Auburn 15 3:46:50PM Page:vchlist Bank code :000 Voucher Date Vendor Invoice Description/Account Amount 422338 5/20/2013 (Continued)120270 BADGER METER INC REPLACE STOCK~ 430.141.100 -335.07 Total : 12.15 422339 5/20/2013 008259 BAILEY, RANDY 051013REIMB PER DIEM - AWWA CONFERENCE IN SPOKANE 430.00.534.800.43 128.10 Total : 128.10 422340 5/20/2013 120450 BAKER, JOHN 042813LEOFF LEOFF 1 PHARMACY REIMBURSEMENT CLAIM 001.98.517.210.25 59.56 Total : 59.56 422341 5/20/2013 020822 BANK OF AMERICA/SCARSELLA BROS 11-01/#14 M Street SE Grade Separation 102.00.594.420.65 12,398.98 Total : 12,398.98 422342 5/20/2013 121260 BEN-KO-MATIC CO 00067675 PARTS & SERVICE ON AN AS REQUIRED BASIS 550.00.548.680.35 350.23 00067675CM PARTS & SERVICE ON AN AS REQUIRED BASIS 550.00.548.680.35 -83.57 00067679 PARTS & SERVICE ON AN AS REQUIRED BASIS 550.00.548.680.35 144.30 Total : 410.96 422343 5/20/2013 022215 BERGER, BRAD REFUND HANGAR 91 - DAMAGE/SECURITY DEP 435.399.501 1,223.03 Total : 1,223.03 422344 5/20/2013 021981 BLUE LINE WATER INC 9292 15Page:CA.D Page 25 of 194 05/15/2013 Voucher List City of Auburn 16 3:46:50PM Page:vchlist Bank code :000 Voucher Date Vendor Invoice Description/Account Amount 422344 5/20/2013 (Continued)021981 BLUE LINE WATER INC MONTHLY MAINTENANCE OF THE WATER SYSTEM 001.33.576.100.41 114.98 Total : 114.98 422345 5/20/2013 122490 BLUMENTHAL UNIFORM CO, INC 991615 LIFE-SAVING MEDALS (QTY 2)~ 001.21.521.100.31 181.77 991615-01 MEDAL OF MERIT (QTY 2)~ 001.21.521.100.31 291.27 999028 TACTICAL JACKET - F. NIX~ 001.21.521.210.22 273.74 Total : 746.78 422346 5/20/2013 286220 BNSF RAILWAY COMPANY 90075601 BNSF Work for M St Underpass Project~ 102.00.594.420.65 1,803.48 Total : 1,803.48 422347 5/20/2013 122520 BOARD, MURRAY 042613LEOFF LEOFF 1 PHARMACY REIMBURSEMENT CLAIM 001.98.517.210.25 158.92 Total : 158.92 422348 5/20/2013 123420 BRATWEAR GROUP, LLC 7465 PATROL JUMPSUIT - A. ERNST~ 001.21.521.200.22 503.24 Total : 503.24 422349 5/20/2013 014566 BRICKMAN GROUP LTD, LLC 5122698309 MONTHLY LAWN MAINT AT LINEAL PARK AND 001.33.576.100.41 1,569.89 5122698447 APRIL HEDGE & R.O.W.~ 001.33.576.100.41 3,372.00 16Page:CA.D Page 26 of 194 05/15/2013 Voucher List City of Auburn 17 3:46:50PM Page:vchlist Bank code :000 Voucher Date Vendor Invoice Description/Account Amount 422349 5/20/2013 (Continued)014566 BRICKMAN GROUP LTD, LLC MONTHLY LAWN MAINT AT LINEAL PARK AND 001.33.576.100.41 1,801.25 Total : 6,743.14 422350 5/20/2013 020522 BROWN, GARY 068122 UTILITY REFUND - 604 K ST SE 430.233.100 117.64 Total : 117.64 422351 5/20/2013 022159 BSA COMMUNICATIONS INC 051013INV DEVELOPE / UPDATE COA ECONOMIC 001.11.513.100.41 2,200.00 Total : 2,200.00 422352 5/20/2013 019931 HOOKER COMPANY 43013 Monthly Cleaning of PRAB~ 505.00.524.500.41 215.00 Total : 215.00 422353 5/20/2013 022190 BUNKER, MOLLY 068604 UTILITY REFUND - 6207 HAZEL LOOP SE #E 434.233.100 8.84 Total : 8.84 422354 5/20/2013 019143 BUNO CONSTRUCTION LLC 10-23/#21 LAKELAND HILLS BOOSTER PUMP STA IMPRVMTS 430.00.590.100.65 34,396.50 Total : 34,396.50 422355 5/20/2013 009082 CABELA'S INC.027229329 IK-461332 BUSHNELL 8.0 MP TROPHY CAM HD 431.00.535.800.35 125.00 IK-461332 BUSHNELL 8.0 MP TROPHY CAM HD 432.00.535.900.35 124.99 DISCOUNT 431.00.535.800.35 -12.50 17Page:CA.D Page 27 of 194 05/15/2013 Voucher List City of Auburn 18 3:46:50PM Page:vchlist Bank code :000 Voucher Date Vendor Invoice Description/Account Amount 422355 5/20/2013 (Continued)009082 CABELA'S INC. DISCOUNT 432.00.535.900.35 -12.50 Sales Tax 431.00.535.800.35 10.69 Sales Tax 432.00.535.900.35 10.68 027347804 Side panel walls for commercial grade 431.00.535.100.35 216.20 Side panel walls for commercial grade 432.00.535.100.35 216.20 Side panel walls for commercial grade 430.00.534.100.35 216.20 Total : 894.96 422356 5/20/2013 012572 CALIFORNIA CONTRACTORS 64112 GLOVES AND SAFETY GLASSES 001.33.576.100.31 502.20 Total : 502.20 422357 5/20/2013 006536 CAR WASH ENTERPRISES ACCT#12 CAR WASH SERVICES ON AN AS REQUIRED 001.32.532.200.48 5.00 CAR WASH SERVICES ON AN AS REQUIRED 505.00.524.500.48 5.00 CAR WASH SERVICES ON AN AS REQUIRED 001.21.521.200.48 405.00 CAR WASH SERVICES ON AN AS REQUIRED 001.17.524.200.48 5.00 Total : 420.00 422358 5/20/2013 013685 CAROLLO ENGINEERS, INC 0127851 Lakeland Hills Booster Pump Station 430.00.590.100.65 5,260.38 18Page:CA.D Page 28 of 194 05/15/2013 Voucher List City of Auburn 19 3:46:50PM Page:vchlist Bank code :000 Voucher Date Vendor Invoice Description/Account Amount (Continued)Total : 5,260.38 422358 5/20/2013 013685 013685 CAROLLO ENGINEERS, INC 422359 5/20/2013 004902 CARQUEST OF AUBURN #3736 4754-265235 AFTERMARKET AUTOMOTIVE PARTS ON AN AS 550.00.548.100.31 -18.62 4754-266584 AFTERMARKET AUTOMOTIVE PARTS ON AN AS 550.00.548.680.35 110.58 4754-266968 AFTERMARKET AUTOMOTIVE PARTS ON AN AS 550.00.548.680.35 235.56 Total : 327.52 422360 5/20/2013 131330 CASCADE COFFEE INC 208113319 COFFEE FOR RESALE 437.00.576.680.34 76.06 Total : 76.06 422361 5/20/2013 012029 CASCADIA INTERNATIONAL LLC 722954T PARTS & REPAIR SERVICES ON AN AS 550.00.548.680.35 37.31 723044T PARTS & REPAIR SERVICES ON AN AS 550.00.548.680.35 595.80 723062T PARTS & REPAIR SERVICES ON AN AS 550.00.548.680.35 115.57 98841S PARTS & REPAIR SERVICES ON AN AS 550.00.548.680.35 317.61 CM723044T PARTS & REPAIR SERVICES ON AN AS 550.00.548.680.35 -272.73 Total : 793.56 422362 5/20/2013 131540 CASH & CARRY 181789 19Page:CA.D Page 29 of 194 05/15/2013 Voucher List City of Auburn 20 3:46:50PM Page:vchlist Bank code :000 Voucher Date Vendor Invoice Description/Account Amount 422362 5/20/2013 (Continued)131540 CASH & CARRY SUPPLIES AND GROCERIES FOR THE SENIOR 001.33.574.210.31 169.00 SUPPLIES AND GROCERIES FOR SENIOR CENTER 001.33.574.210.31 209.19 183905 CANDY, CHIPS AND COFFEE SUPPLIES 437.00.576.680.34 165.00 184574 SUPPLIES FOR PARKS AND REC. PROGRAMS 001.33.574.240.31 16.38 700678 SUPPLIES AND GROCERIES FOR SENIOR CENTER 001.33.574.210.31 -27.64 Total : 531.93 422363 5/20/2013 131680 CATHOLIC COMMUNITY SERVICE 1STQTR2013-GF13/1408 Human Services Funding for homeless 001.17.562.100.41 3,750.00 Total : 3,750.00 422364 5/20/2013 131680 CATHOLIC COMMUNITY SERVICE 1STQTR2013-GF13/1407 Human Services Funding for Rita's and 001.17.562.100.41 1,250.00 Total : 1,250.00 422365 5/20/2013 022233 CAUDILL, BRIGET 056845 UTILITY REFUND - 505 A ST NE 430.233.100 62.63 UTILITY REFUND - 505 A ST NE 431.233.100 140.08 UTILITY REFUND - 505 A ST NE 433.233.100 264.96 UTILITY REFUND - 505 A ST NE 434.233.100 46.77 20Page:CA.D Page 30 of 194 05/15/2013 Voucher List City of Auburn 21 3:46:50PM Page:vchlist Bank code :000 Voucher Date Vendor Invoice Description/Account Amount (Continued)Total : 514.44 422365 5/20/2013 022233 022233 CAUDILL, BRIGET 422366 5/20/2013 370450 CENTURYLINK 052013PHONES PHONE USAGE-MAY-JUNE 2013 518.00.518.880.42 2,254.01 PHONE USAGE-MAY-JUNE 2013 431.00.535.800.42 217.72 PHONE USAGE-MAY-JUNE 2013 430.00.534.800.42 141.17 PHONE USAGE-MAY-JUNE 2013 432.00.535.900.42 57.46 Total : 2,670.36 422367 5/20/2013 132310 CH2M HILL 3856106/7 M Street SE Grade Separation, 102.00.594.420.65 998.73 M Street SE Grade Separation, Transfer 102.00.594.420.65 115,990.86 Total : 116,989.59 422368 5/20/2013 022228 CHANG & YOUNG IN, JEFFREY 036412 UTILITY REFUND - 1205 V ST NW 433.233.100 93.27 Total : 93.27 422369 5/20/2013 132550 CHEVRON U S A INC.37962569 STATEMENT FOR PD GAS CHARGES 001.21.521.200.31 625.67 Total : 625.67 422370 5/20/2013 132610 CHILDRENS HOME SOCIETY OF WA 1STQTR2013-GF13/1410 Human Services Funding for Auburn 001.17.562.100.41 5,000.00 1STQTR2013-GF13/1411 Human Services Funding for 001.17.562.100.41 2,500.00 21Page:CA.D Page 31 of 194 05/15/2013 Voucher List City of Auburn 22 3:46:50PM Page:vchlist Bank code :000 Voucher Date Vendor Invoice Description/Account Amount (Continued)Total : 7,500.00 422370 5/20/2013 132610 132610 CHILDRENS HOME SOCIETY OF WA 422371 5/20/2013 013657 CHRIST COMMUNITY FREE CLINIC 1STQTR2013-GF13/1412 Human Services Funding for Medical 001.17.562.100.41 5,000.00 Total : 5,000.00 422372 5/20/2013 131890 CHS - CENEX HARVEST STATES INC 121157 Propane for Pro Shop/Golf Course~ 505.00.524.500.32 1,561.47 121158 PROPANE FOR GOLF MAINT. BLDG. 437.00.576.600.32 457.96 Total : 2,019.43 422373 5/20/2013 132940 CINTAS CORPORATION #461 461263766 UNIFORM LAUNDRY SERVICE ON AN AS 550.00.548.100.49 129.60 461266855 UNIFORM LAUNDRY SERVICE ON AN AS 550.00.548.100.49 130.15 Total : 259.75 422374 5/20/2013 021731 CIR CONSTRUCTION LLC 051313INV HOUSING REPAIRS--PAMELA GEORGE'S 119.00.559.200.63 1,930.48 Total : 1,930.48 422375 5/20/2013 115760 CITY OF AUBURN 052013UTILITIES WATER-SEWER-STORM APRIL-MAY 2013 505.00.524.500.47 5,900.26 WATER-SEWER-STORM APRIL-MAY 2013 001.33.576.100.47 3,710.20 WATER-SEWER-STORM APRIL-MAY 2013 001.42.542.300.47 1,125.45 WATER-SEWER-STORM APRIL-MAY 2013 431.00.535.800.47 96.31 22Page:CA.D Page 32 of 194 05/15/2013 Voucher List City of Auburn 23 3:46:50PM Page:vchlist Bank code :000 Voucher Date Vendor Invoice Description/Account Amount 422375 5/20/2013 (Continued)115760 CITY OF AUBURN WATER-SEWER-STORM APRIL-MAY 2013 432.00.535.900.47 68.57 Total : 10,900.79 422376 5/20/2013 122820 CITY OF BONNEY LAKE, WA 19942500000 PUMP STATION AT KERSEY WAY - 2013 WATER 430.00.534.800.47 46.75 19943720100 PUMP STATION AT 7100 LAKE TAPPS DR SE - 431.00.535.800.47 22.10 19943910000 PUMP STATION AT 2610 LAKE TAPPS PKY SE 431.00.535.800.47 22.10 30721090300 WATER SERV AT LAKELAND PARKS 001.33.576.100.47 127.50 30730330300 WATER SERV AT LAKELAND PARKS 001.33.576.100.47 42.50 Total : 260.95 422377 5/20/2013 001627 CITY OF FEDERAL WAY PS-1285 PAYMENT ON BEHALF OF V-NET 652.00.521.211.51 2,523.00 PAYMENT ON BEHALF OF V-NET 652.00.521.214.51 531.35 Total : 3,054.35 422378 5/20/2013 008837 CITY OF KENT RI27486 PAYMENT ON BEHALF OF V-NET 652.00.521.210.51 9,963.21 Total : 9,963.21 422379 5/20/2013 008837 CITY OF KENT - UTILITY BILLING 628-25602.01 WATER SERV - VERDANNA SEWER PUMP 23Page:CA.D Page 33 of 194 05/15/2013 Voucher List City of Auburn 24 3:46:50PM Page:vchlist Bank code :000 Voucher Date Vendor Invoice Description/Account Amount 422379 5/20/2013 (Continued)008837 CITY OF KENT - UTILITY BILLING 431.00.535.800.47 44.73 Total : 44.73 422380 5/20/2013 271890 CITY OF RENTON 050313INV SHARED TRIPS THROUGHOUT THE YEAR 001.33.574.210.49 900.00 Total : 900.00 422381 5/20/2013 292970 CITY OF TUKWILA MB-01270 PAYMENT ON BEHALF OF V-NET 652.00.521.211.51 2,523.00 PAYMENT ON BEHALF OF V-NET 652.00.521.214.51 257.67 Total : 2,780.67 422382 5/20/2013 292970 CITY OF TUKWILA MB-01245 SOUTH KING COUNTY WII BOWLING TOURNAMENT 001.33.574.210.49 40.00 Total : 40.00 422383 5/20/2013 021309 COASTAL FARM & HOME SUPPLY LLC B09792/SCARFF Compost Bin Discount Coupons for Home 434.00.537.120.31 20.00 Total : 20.00 422384 5/20/2013 009720 COASTWIDE LABORATORIES T2536415-2 Misc Facilities Supplies Coastwide, per 505.00.524.500.31 19.80 Total : 19.80 422385 5/20/2013 015158 COBRA BEC, INC 40169 New Roof-City Hall Conference Room~ 505.00.524.500.48 21,451.05 RETAINAGE 505.223.400 -9,795.00 24Page:CA.D Page 34 of 194 05/15/2013 Voucher List City of Auburn 25 3:46:50PM Page:vchlist Bank code :000 Voucher Date Vendor Invoice Description/Account Amount (Continued)Total : 11,656.05 422385 5/20/2013 015158 015158 COBRA BEC, INC 422386 5/20/2013 133610 COLEMAN, SHELLEY 042413REIMB AIRFARE TO GFOA CONF IN SAN FRANCISCO - 001.14.514.100.43 407.09 Total : 407.09 422387 5/20/2013 021388 COLUMBIA BANK, SCI INFRASTRUCTURE/12-08/#6 Local Pavement Reconstruction, Contract 103.00.595.300.65 1,116.42 Total : 1,116.42 422388 5/20/2013 005708 COLUMBIA BANK/LINCOLN CONST 1177-5 MAR CONTRACT 12-18 - RELEASE CITY HELD 328.00.524.501.65 2,187.85 CONTRACT 12-18 - RELEASE CITY HELD 328.00.594.190.65 8,002.96 Total : 10,190.81 422389 5/20/2013 133690 COLUMBIA BASIN WATER WORKS INC 498 LARGE METER & HYDRANT TESTING ON AN AS 430.00.534.800.48 2,640.90 Total : 2,640.90 422390 5/20/2013 007461 COMCAST 8498300990001659 Comcast Internet Connections for the 001.32.532.200.42 112.62 Account 8498340010153551~ 437.00.576.680.42 107.62 Account 8498340010343400~ 001.32.532.200.42 77.57 Account 8498340111231744~ 518.00.518.880.42 81.90 Account 8498340210658730~ 518.00.518.880.42 122.62 Account 8498340210658748~ 25Page:CA.D Page 35 of 194 05/15/2013 Voucher List City of Auburn 26 3:46:50PM Page:vchlist Bank code :000 Voucher Date Vendor Invoice Description/Account Amount 422390 5/20/2013 (Continued)007461 COMCAST 518.00.518.880.42 122.62 Account 8498340210719193~ 001.33.575.280.42 173.79 Account 8498340211157096~ 001.33.574.210.42 67.62 Account 8498340211271277~ 518.00.518.880.42 82.57 Account 8498340390231043~ 001.32.532.200.42 112.56 Account 8498340390236919~ 518.00.518.880.42 87.56 Total : 1,149.05 422391 5/20/2013 003891 COMFORT INN - AUBURN 15657762 HOTEL ROOMS FOR BRAVO PERFORMERS 001.33.573.201.41 228.75 15657857 HOTEL ROOMS FOR BRAVO PERFORMERS 001.33.573.201.41 228.75 15657909 HOTEL ROOMS FOR BRAVO PERFORMERS 001.33.573.201.41 228.75 15657946 HOTEL ROOMS FOR BRAVO PERFORMERS 001.33.573.201.41 228.75 15657986 HOTEL ROOMS FOR BRAVO PERFORMERS 001.33.573.201.41 228.75 15658003 HOTEL ROOMS FOR BRAVO PERFORMERS 001.33.573.201.41 228.75 15658037 HOTEL ROOMS FOR BRAVO PERFORMERS 001.33.573.201.41 228.75 26Page:CA.D Page 36 of 194 05/15/2013 Voucher List City of Auburn 27 3:46:50PM Page:vchlist Bank code :000 Voucher Date Vendor Invoice Description/Account Amount (Continued)Total : 1,601.25 422391 5/20/2013 003891 003891 COMFORT INN - AUBURN 422392 5/20/2013 008838 COMPLETE OFFICE SOLUTIONS 949654-0 PAYMENT ON BEHALF OF V-NET 652.00.521.211.31 63.75 Total : 63.75 422393 5/20/2013 022230 CONNOLLY, ROGER 051607 UTILITY REFUND - 29638 130TH WAY SE 431.233.100 64.00 Total : 64.00 422394 5/20/2013 016043 CONSEJO COUNSELING & REFERRAL 1STQTR2013-GF13/1413 Human Services Funding for DV Advocacy 001.17.562.100.41 2,500.00 Total : 2,500.00 422395 5/20/2013 112280 CONSOLIDATED ELECTRICAL DIST 0220-331906 Misc Facilities Supplies CED per Lisa 505.00.524.500.31 -61.32 0220-563257 ELECTRICAL PARTS & SUPPLIES ON AN AS 550.00.548.150.35 383.25 0220-563761 ELECTRICAL PARTS & SUPPLIES ON AN AS 550.00.548.150.35 233.04 0220-563770 PARKS MAINTENANCE SHOP LIGHTING UPGRADES 001.33.576.100.31 3,155.36 0220-563794 City Hall Water Heater Repair~ 505.00.524.500.31 36.06 0220-564054 ELECTRICAL PARTS & SUPPLIES ON AN AS 550.00.548.150.35 865.05 0220-564242 27Page:CA.D Page 37 of 194 05/15/2013 Voucher List City of Auburn 28 3:46:50PM Page:vchlist Bank code :000 Voucher Date Vendor Invoice Description/Account Amount 422395 5/20/2013 (Continued)112280 CONSOLIDATED ELECTRICAL DIST Misc Facilities Supplies CED per Lisa 505.00.524.500.31 143.05 0220-564405 Misc Facilities Supplies CED per Lisa 505.00.524.500.31 793.89 0220-564448 Misc Facilities Supplies CED per Lisa 505.00.524.500.31 48.22 0220-564493 ELECTRICAL PARTS & SUPPLIES ON AN AS 550.00.548.150.35 210.29 Total : 5,806.89 422396 5/20/2013 011708 CONSOLIDATED PRESS PRINTING 8624 Mailing services for spring BRAVO 518.00.518.780.42 854.49 Total : 854.49 422397 5/20/2013 014391 COPPER FALLS RESTAURANT 042613INV FOOD FOR 4/26 GOLF TOURNAMENT 651.237.142 679.80 Total : 679.80 422398 5/20/2013 009337 CORKINS, MICHAEL 042613LEOFF LEOFF 1 MEDICAL EXPENSE APPROVED BY THE 001.98.517.210.25 57.93 Total : 57.93 422399 5/20/2013 022244 CREWS, STEVEN & TRACY 070246 UTILITY REFUND - 6331 NATHAN PL SE 431.233.100 103.12 Total : 103.12 422400 5/20/2013 008447 CRITERION PICTURES USA 383504 FILM LICENSING RIGHTS 001.33.573.201.41 325.00 28Page:CA.D Page 38 of 194 05/15/2013 Voucher List City of Auburn 29 3:46:50PM Page:vchlist Bank code :000 Voucher Date Vendor Invoice Description/Account Amount 422400 5/20/2013 (Continued)008447 CRITERION PICTURES USA 383587 FILM LICENSING RIGHTS 001.33.573.201.41 325.00 Total : 650.00 422401 5/20/2013 009272 CSG SYSTEMS, INC.739267 CSG - Print & Mailing Service for 430.00.534.110.41 1,017.81 CSG - Print & Mailing Service for 431.00.535.110.41 1,017.81 CSG - Print & Mailing Service for 432.00.535.910.41 1,017.81 CSG - Print & Mailing Service for 434.00.537.110.41 1,017.79 Postage for Utility Billing Statements 430.00.534.110.42 1,981.95 Postage for Utility Billing Statements 431.00.535.110.42 1,981.95 Postage for Utility Billing Statements 432.00.535.910.42 1,981.95 Postage for Utility Billing Statements 434.00.537.110.42 1,981.94 Total : 11,999.01 422402 5/20/2013 019498 CUSTOM COATING CONSULTANTS LLC 29389 Testing for Lakeland Hills Reservoir~ 430.00.590.100.65 720.00 Total : 720.00 422403 5/20/2013 140330 DAILY JOURNAL OF COMMERCE 3273436 LEGAL AD #295516 INVOICE #3273436 FOR 505.00.524.500.41 573.80 3274597 LEGAL AD #296844 INVOICE #3274597 FOR 001.15.514.300.44 60.90 29Page:CA.D Page 39 of 194 05/15/2013 Voucher List City of Auburn 30 3:46:50PM Page:vchlist Bank code :000 Voucher Date Vendor Invoice Description/Account Amount (Continued)Total : 634.70 422403 5/20/2013 140330 140330 DAILY JOURNAL OF COMMERCE 422404 5/20/2013 022247 DARNELL, WILLIAM 072044 UTILITY REFUND - 1106 3RD ST SE 430.233.100 10.07 Total : 10.07 422405 5/20/2013 140510 DAROUGH, DORIS G 050213LEOFF LEOFF LONG TERM CARE FOR MONTH OF APRIL 001.98.517.210.25 11,051.69 Total : 11,051.69 422406 5/20/2013 013675 DAWN 1STQTR2013-GF13/1416 Human Services Funding for Continuum of 001.17.562.100.41 2,250.00 Total : 2,250.00 422407 5/20/2013 141600 DIERINGER SCHOOL DIST APR2013 APRIL 2013 SCHOOL IMPACT FEES 124.237.171 9,015.00 Total : 9,015.00 422408 5/20/2013 022235 DINIUS, JULIE 059876 UTILITY REFUND - 32704 110TH AVE SE 430.233.100 142.42 Total : 142.42 422409 5/20/2013 141980 DISPLAY & COSTUME 413668 BIRTHDAY PARTY SUPPLIES 001.33.574.240.31 272.50 414624 BIRTHDAY PARTY SUPPLIES 001.33.574.240.31 87.55 Total : 360.05 422410 5/20/2013 142280 DON SMALL & SONS OIL DIST CO 146554 PETROLEUM PRODUCTS ON AN AS REQUIRED 30Page:CA.D Page 40 of 194 05/15/2013 Voucher List City of Auburn 31 3:46:50PM Page:vchlist Bank code :000 Voucher Date Vendor Invoice Description/Account Amount 422410 5/20/2013 (Continued)142280 DON SMALL & SONS OIL DIST CO 550.00.548.680.32 100.00 282078 PETROLEUM PRODUCTS ON AN AS REQUIRED 550.00.548.680.32 210.03 36102 FUEL SUPPLIES FOR GOLF MAINT. 437.00.576.600.32 2,549.18 Total : 2,859.21 422411 5/20/2013 022214 DURKEE, MICHELLE REFUND HANGAR 79 - DAMAGE/SECURITY DEP 435.399.501 558.34 Total : 558.34 422412 5/20/2013 150385 ECOLIGHTS NORTHWEST, LLC 111400 RECYCLE OF FLOURESCENT BULBS & STREET 436.00.536.200.49 7.24 RECYCLE OF FLOURESCENT BULBS & STREET 001.32.525.100.49 7.22 RECYCLE OF FLOURESCENT BULBS & STREET 001.32.532.200.49 42.71 RECYCLE OF FLOURESCENT BULBS & STREET 505.00.524.500.49 14.30 RECYCLE OF FLOURESCENT BULBS & STREET 001.14.514.230.49 46.52 RECYCLE OF FLOURESCENT BULBS & STREET 437.00.576.600.49 11.30 RECYCLE OF FLOURESCENT BULBS & STREET 001.13.516.100.49 11.87 RECYCLE OF FLOURESCENT BULBS & STREET 518.00.518.880.49 27.35 RECYCLE OF FLOURESCENT BULBS & STREET 001.15.514.300.49 7.71 RECYCLE OF FLOURESCENT BULBS & STREET 550.00.548.150.49 18.48 31Page:CA.D Page 41 of 194 05/15/2013 Voucher List City of Auburn 32 3:46:50PM Page:vchlist Bank code :000 Voucher Date Vendor Invoice Description/Account Amount 422412 5/20/2013 (Continued)150385 ECOLIGHTS NORTHWEST, LLC RECYCLE OF FLOURESCENT BULBS & STREET 001.33.575.300.49 7.44 RECYCLE OF FLOURESCENT BULBS & STREET 001.33.576.100.49 83.12 RECYCLE OF FLOURESCENT BULBS & STREET 001.17.524.200.49 6.54 RECYCLE OF FLOURESCENT BULBS & STREET 001.21.521.200.49 41.64 113037 RECYCLE OF LED BULBS 001.33.576.100.41 474.00 Total : 807.44 422413 5/20/2013 150890 EDWARDS, CALI ANN 042613LEOFF LEOFF 1 PHARMACY REIMBURSEMENT CLAIM 001.98.517.210.25 33.46 Total : 33.46 422414 5/20/2013 022236 EISCHEN, JARED 062410 UTILITY REFUND - 6026 MONTEVISTA DR SE 431.233.100 125.82 Total : 125.82 422415 5/20/2013 006465 EJ USA, INC.3588683 REPLACE STOCK - 00371512 24" EON NUT 6" 431.141.100 852.36 00370750 25" M/H COVER DI L SEWER 431.141.100 906.72 Sales Tax 431.141.100 167.11 3588692 REPLACE STOCK 20" X 24" GRATE DI 432.141.100 115.33 Sales Tax 432.141.100 10.96 32Page:CA.D Page 42 of 194 05/15/2013 Voucher List City of Auburn 33 3:46:50PM Page:vchlist Bank code :000 Voucher Date Vendor Invoice Description/Account Amount (Continued)Total : 2,052.48 422415 5/20/2013 006465 006465 EJ USA, INC. 422416 5/20/2013 014081 EMBROIDERY PLUS 16366 Mens Work Polos 001.32.525.100.22 42.00 freight 001.32.525.100.22 6.93 Sales Tax 001.32.525.100.22 4.65 Total : 53.58 422417 5/20/2013 022251 ENZ, DEREK 171 COSTUMES FOR AUBURN COMMUNITY PLAYERS 001.33.575.280.31 147.83 Total : 147.83 422418 5/20/2013 022237 ERICKSON, JENNIFER 064587 UTILITY REFUND - 1201 30TH ST NE 430.233.100 346.29 Total : 346.29 422419 5/20/2013 022225 EVERS, JOSEPH 028907 UTILITY REFUND - 31810 109TH AVE SE 430.233.100 121.58 Total : 121.58 422420 5/20/2013 013291 EWING IRRIGATION PRODUCTS 6178514 RCV-DW PLASTIC IRRIGATION SUPPLIES 436.00.536.200.31 102.89 6241233 IRRIGATION SUPPLIES FOR PARKS MAINT. 001.33.576.100.31 154.88 Total : 257.77 422421 5/20/2013 160130 FAINI, DOUGLAS R 042213REIMB FOOD FOR CRIME SCENE TEAM 001.21.521.210.31 110.34 33Page:CA.D Page 43 of 194 05/15/2013 Voucher List City of Auburn 34 3:46:50PM Page:vchlist Bank code :000 Voucher Date Vendor Invoice Description/Account Amount (Continued)Total : 110.34 422421 5/20/2013 160130 160130 FAINI, DOUGLAS R 422422 5/20/2013 013069 FEDERAL WAY SCHOOL DISTRICT APR2013 APRIL 2013 SCHOOL IMPACT FEES 124.237.174 27,144.00 Total : 27,144.00 422423 5/20/2013 022071 FENHAUS, SUSAN 051013REIMB PER DIEM - AWWA CONFERENCE IN SPOKANE 430.00.534.100.43 128.10 Total : 128.10 422424 5/20/2013 160600 FERRELLGAS 1076100892 PURCHASE OF PROPANE ON AN AS REQUIRED 550.00.548.100.32 18.62 1076270916 PURCHASE OF PROPANE ON AN AS REQUIRED 550.00.548.680.35 50.37 Total : 68.99 422425 5/20/2013 022238 FINLAYSON, DAVID & LISA 065418 UTILITY REFUND - 13010 SE 305TH PL 430.233.100 246.35 Total : 246.35 422426 5/20/2013 161085 FIRST AMERICAN TITLE INS CO 874-420967735 Title Work Charge~ 105.00.595.100.65 416.10 Total : 416.10 422427 5/20/2013 161410 FLEX-PLAN SERVICES, INC.216572 FLEX-PLAN SERVICES, INC~ 001.14.514.230.41 207.10 Total : 207.10 422428 5/20/2013 002347 FORESTRY SUPPLIERS, INC.454738-00 Misc small tools, supplies & equip for 34Page:CA.D Page 44 of 194 05/15/2013 Voucher List City of Auburn 35 3:46:50PM Page:vchlist Bank code :000 Voucher Date Vendor Invoice Description/Account Amount 422428 5/20/2013 (Continued)002347 FORESTRY SUPPLIERS, INC. 432.00.535.100.35 868.95 Total : 868.95 422429 5/20/2013 022254 FRANCISCAN HEALTH SYSTEM REFUND OVERPAYMENT ON PERMIT TEN13-0021 001.239.104 1,126.50 Total : 1,126.50 422430 5/20/2013 162250 FRED MEYER STORES- CUST CHARGE 645282 SUPPLIES FOR MAR LATE NIGHT PROGRAMS 001.33.574.240.31 80.80 Total : 80.80 422431 5/20/2013 170090 G O S PRINTING CORP 80040 printing services 518.00.518.780.41 42.90 Total : 42.90 422432 5/20/2013 170660 GCS ASSOC OF AMERICA 319230 ANNUAL MEMBERSHIP DUES 437.00.576.600.49 365.00 Total : 365.00 422433 5/20/2013 018650 GENERAL PACIFIC, INC.1203326 REPLACE STOCK~ 430.141.100 3,150.00 freight 430.141.100 179.00 Sales Tax 430.141.100 316.26 Total : 3,645.26 422434 5/20/2013 019276 GLOBAL SECURITY AND 4108743 SECURITY AT MARY OLSON FARM 001.33.575.300.41 179.85 35Page:CA.D Page 45 of 194 05/15/2013 Voucher List City of Auburn 36 3:46:50PM Page:vchlist Bank code :000 Voucher Date Vendor Invoice Description/Account Amount (Continued)Total : 179.85 422434 5/20/2013 019276 019276 GLOBAL SECURITY AND 422435 5/20/2013 017578 GOLDER ASSOCIATES INC.348345 FULLMER WELLFIELD IMPROVEMENTS-DESIGN~ 430.00.590.100.69 5,018.19 350116 WELL ONE IMPROVEMENTS-DESIGN~ 430.00.590.100.65 14,453.27 Total : 19,471.46 422436 5/20/2013 171490 GOLF PUMPING SERVICES LLC 1831 FOUNTAIN AND IRRIGATION MOTOR REPAIRS 437.00.576.600.41 136.88 Total : 136.88 422437 5/20/2013 012454 GOODBYE GRAFFITI SEATTLE 18021 REMOVAL OF GRAFFITI AT VARIOUS PARKS 001.33.576.100.41 390.92 Total : 390.92 422438 5/20/2013 171620 GOSNEY MOTOR PARTS, INC 574085 EQUIPMENT SUPPLIES 437.00.576.600.31 152.66 575642 MOTOR PARTS ON AN AS REQUIRED BASIS 550.00.548.100.31 147.19 575731 MOTOR PARTS ON AN AS REQUIRED BASIS 550.00.548.680.35 64.99 575738 MOTOR PARTS ON AN AS REQUIRED BASIS 550.00.548.680.35 87.59 575740 MOTOR PARTS ON AN AS REQUIRED BASIS 550.141.100 245.40 575788 36Page:CA.D Page 46 of 194 05/15/2013 Voucher List City of Auburn 37 3:46:50PM Page:vchlist Bank code :000 Voucher Date Vendor Invoice Description/Account Amount 422438 5/20/2013 (Continued)171620 GOSNEY MOTOR PARTS, INC MOTOR PARTS ON AN AS REQUIRED BASIS 550.141.100 60.21 575864 MOTOR PARTS ON AN AS REQUIRED BASIS 550.00.548.680.35 42.27 576080 MOTOR PARTS ON AN AS REQUIRED BASIS 550.00.548.680.35 257.41 576255 MOTOR PARTS ON AN AS REQUIRED BASIS 550.141.100 87.59 576428 MOTOR PARTS ON AN AS REQUIRED BASIS 550.141.100 -625.62 576811 MOTOR PARTS ON AN AS REQUIRED BASIS 550.141.100 43.89 576927 MOTOR PARTS ON AN AS REQUIRED BASIS 550.00.548.100.31 32.59 577175 PARTS AND SUPPLIES FOR PARKS MAINT. 001.33.576.100.31 135.32 577200 MOTOR PARTS ON AN AS REQUIRED BASIS 432.00.535.900.31 13.07 577591 PARTS AND SUPPLIES FOR PARKS MAINT. 001.33.576.100.31 37.21 577849 10W30 OIL 436.00.536.200.31 18.03 577959 GOLF CART PARTS 437.00.576.680.31 34.17 37Page:CA.D Page 47 of 194 05/15/2013 Voucher List City of Auburn 38 3:46:50PM Page:vchlist Bank code :000 Voucher Date Vendor Invoice Description/Account Amount 422438 5/20/2013 (Continued)171620 GOSNEY MOTOR PARTS, INC 578283 EQUIPMENT SUPPLIES 437.00.576.600.31 50.46 Total : 884.43 422439 5/20/2013 010577 GRACE'S CLEANING SERVICE 043013INV MONTHLY CLEANING OF PARKS AND REC 001.33.574.100.41 70.00 MONTHLY CLEANING OF PARKS AND REC 001.33.576.100.41 140.00 Total : 210.00 422440 5/20/2013 171920 GRALL, COY FRANKLIN 042013LEOFF LEOFF 1 DENTAL EXPENSE APPROVED BY THE 001.98.522.220.25 94.00 Total : 94.00 422441 5/20/2013 171960 GRANGER COMPANY 2013016 AWS COR IMPRVS FIR/HEMLOCK APPRAISAL RVW 102.00.594.420.65 1,500.00 2013020 AWS COR IMPRVS FIR/HEMLOCK APPRAISAL RVW 102.00.594.420.65 750.00 Total : 2,250.00 422442 5/20/2013 012410 GREAT FLOORS LLC 490257 Flooring for M&O~ 505.00.524.500.48 8,525.34 Total : 8,525.34 422443 5/20/2013 017232 GREEN APPLE GRAPHICS 050613INV PUBLIC ART GRAFFITI REMOVAL AND SEALANT 001.33.573.201.41 750.00 Total : 750.00 422444 5/20/2013 172290 GREEN RIVER COMM COLLEGE 126085 38Page:CA.D Page 48 of 194 05/15/2013 Voucher List City of Auburn 39 3:46:50PM Page:vchlist Bank code :000 Voucher Date Vendor Invoice Description/Account Amount 422444 5/20/2013 (Continued)172290 GREEN RIVER COMM COLLEGE Certification Class for Josh Flanders 430.00.534.800.49 365.00 126087 Certification Class for Mike Apodaca in 430.00.534.800.49 365.00 126100 Certification Class for Scott English 430.00.534.800.49 440.00 126117 Certification Class for Scott Arnzen in 430.00.534.800.49 365.00 Total : 1,535.00 422445 5/20/2013 172325 GREEN RIVER MUSIC, INC 262575 2 MACKIE HD1801 SUBWOOFERS AND 001.33.575.280.35 2,165.91 262593 EIGHT WIRELESS HEADSET MICROPHONES AND 001.33.575.280.35 1,875.74 262695 AUDIO TECHNICAL WIRELESS SYSTEM 001.33.573.901.35 107.31 Total : 4,148.96 422446 5/20/2013 022221 GRIFFIN, JOANNE 013896 UTILITY REFUND - 1406 H ST SE 430.233.100 317.02 Total : 317.02 422447 5/20/2013 172400 GRIFFIS HEATING INC S12804 HOUSING REPAIR--PEGGY CARPENTER'S HEAT 119.00.559.200.63 492.75 S-12834 HOUSING REPAIR--SHIRLEY FERGUSON'S 119.00.559.200.63 3,492.49 39Page:CA.D Page 49 of 194 05/15/2013 Voucher List City of Auburn 40 3:46:50PM Page:vchlist Bank code :000 Voucher Date Vendor Invoice Description/Account Amount (Continued)Total : 3,985.24 422447 5/20/2013 172400 172400 GRIFFIS HEATING INC 422448 5/20/2013 022246 GUSTAFSON, MARK & JULIE 071425 UTILITY REFUND - 1122 63RD ST SE #A 431.233.100 70.02 UTILITY REFUND - 1122 63RD ST SE #A 433.233.100 115.46 Total : 185.48 422449 5/20/2013 020226 HAM RADIO OUTLET INC.P1-265868 Microphone Hook-Taurus 001.32.525.100.42 6.99 Radio Speaker-Taurus 001.32.525.100.42 12.95 Car Radio Antenna-Taurus 001.32.525.100.42 54.95 Antenna Mounting Kit-Taurus 001.32.525.100.42 19.95 freight 001.32.525.100.42 9.95 Total : 104.79 422450 5/20/2013 022195 HANAN, ANDREA L.040313INV SUPPLIES FOR YOUTH THEATER CAMP~ 001.33.575.280.31 31.73 043013INV DIRECTORS FEE FOR MULAN, JR 001.33.575.280.41 434.40 Total : 466.13 422451 5/20/2013 180640 HANNITY, DAVID 042113LEOFF LEOFF 1 PHARMACY REIMBURSEMENT CLAIM 001.98.522.220.25 143.00 Total : 143.00 422452 5/20/2013 006237 HARLOWS BUS SALES, INC 27750 40Page:CA.D Page 50 of 194 05/15/2013 Voucher List City of Auburn 41 3:46:50PM Page:vchlist Bank code :000 Voucher Date Vendor Invoice Description/Account Amount 422452 5/20/2013 (Continued)006237 HARLOWS BUS SALES, INC BUS PARTS, SUPPLIES AND SERVICE ON AN 550.00.548.680.35 465.53 27799 BUS PARTS, SUPPLIES AND SERVICE ON AN 550.00.548.680.35 39.97 Total : 505.50 422453 5/20/2013 011670 HD SUPPLY WATERWORKS, LTD 6404903 17" X 30" D.I. COVER W/READER EJ~ 430.141.100 902.48 Sales Tax 430.141.100 85.73 6491852 REPLACE STOCK 3/4" H15428N 110CTS X (M) 430.141.100 379.25 Sales Tax 430.141.100 36.02 6509506 REPLACE STOCK 1 1/2" SDR9 CTS POLY PIPE 430.141.100 90.00 Sales Tax 430.141.100 8.55 6538607 HYDRANT AND WATER SERVICE PARTS ON AN 430.141.100 62.77 7846258 FOR WELL # 7 BLOW-OFF~ 430.00.534.800.35 460.00 10" COMPANION FLANGE 430.00.534.800.35 115.00 10" FL BOLT & NUT KIT LESS GASKET 430.00.534.800.35 42.00 1/8" FL RR RING GASKET~ 430.00.534.800.35 6.00 freight 41Page:CA.D Page 51 of 194 05/15/2013 Voucher List City of Auburn 42 3:46:50PM Page:vchlist Bank code :000 Voucher Date Vendor Invoice Description/Account Amount 422453 5/20/2013 (Continued)011670 HD SUPPLY WATERWORKS, LTD 430.00.534.800.35 100.00 Sales Tax 430.00.534.800.35 68.69 Total : 2,356.49 422454 5/20/2013 181230 HEAD-QUARTERS 23138 PORTABLE TOILET SERVICE 437.00.576.600.45 223.50 23148 PORTA POTTY RENTALS FOR VARIOUS PARKS 001.33.576.100.45 627.75 23240 PORTA POTTY RENTALS FOR VARIOUS PARKS 001.33.576.100.45 360.00 Total : 1,211.25 422455 5/20/2013 002335 HEID, DANIEL B.050213REIMB MILEAGE/PARKING TO MTGS 1/2-5/2/13 001.15.515.100.43 490.42 Total : 490.42 422456 5/20/2013 181560 HENDERSON, ED 041113LEOFF LEOFF 1 PHARMACY REIMBURSEMENT CLAIM 001.98.522.210.25 4.00 042113LEOFF LEOFF 1 DENTAL EXPENSE REIMBURSEMENT 001.98.522.210.25 596.00 Total : 600.00 422457 5/20/2013 007500 HILL-RAAUM PIETROMONACO 035116 UTILITY REFUND - 2601 W VALLEY HWY N 434.233.100 280.84 Total : 280.84 422458 5/20/2013 009279 HILTON VANCOUVER 36018 LODGING FOR STATE CONFERENCE FOR RICK 42Page:CA.D Page 52 of 194 05/15/2013 Voucher List City of Auburn 43 3:46:50PM Page:vchlist Bank code :000 Voucher Date Vendor Invoice Description/Account Amount 422458 5/20/2013 (Continued)009279 HILTON VANCOUVER 001.33.574.220.43 297.66 Total : 297.66 422459 5/20/2013 005843 HINSHAW'S MOTORCYCLE STORE 95940618 PARTS, SUPPLIES AND SERVICE ON AN AS 550.00.548.680.48 179.95 95943402 PARTS, SUPPLIES AND SERVICE ON AN AS 550.00.548.680.48 409.83 Total : 589.78 422460 5/20/2013 020485 HORIZON CONSTRUCTION SERV, INC 28628 HOUSING REPAIR--ALICE WEIGEL'S 119.00.559.200.63 98.55 28629 HOUSING REPAIR--ALICE WEIGEL'S 119.00.559.200.63 2,205.34 Total : 2,303.89 422461 5/20/2013 183200 HUNTER, ALLEN 051013REIMB PER DIEM - AWWA CONFERENCE IN SPOKANE 430.00.534.800.43 128.10 Total : 128.10 422462 5/20/2013 183210 HUSEBY, RICHARD 041913LEOFF LEOFF 1 PHARMACY REIMBURSEMENT CLAIM 001.98.522.210.25 140.40 Total : 140.40 422463 5/20/2013 003195 HUSKY INTERNATIONAL TRUCKS INC 694185 TRUCK PARTS & SERVICE ON AN AS REQUIRED 550.00.548.680.35 263.68 Total : 263.68 422464 5/20/2013 017718 HYDRAFLO, INC.21055 HYDRANT REPLACEMENT PARTS ON AN AS 43Page:CA.D Page 53 of 194 05/15/2013 Voucher List City of Auburn 44 3:46:50PM Page:vchlist Bank code :000 Voucher Date Vendor Invoice Description/Account Amount 422464 5/20/2013 (Continued)017718 HYDRAFLO, INC. 430.00.534.800.35 199.44 Total : 199.44 422465 5/20/2013 230000 ICON MATERIALS CORP 50-1807208 ASPHALT, CONCRETE AND RELATED MATERIALS 001.42.542.300.31 156.81 ASPHALT, CONCRETE AND RELATED MATERIALS 430.00.534.800.31 365.90 50-1808266 ASPHALT, CONCRETE AND RELATED MATERIALS 001.42.542.300.31 159.12 50-1809537 ASPHALT, CONCRETE AND RELATED MATERIALS 430.00.534.800.31 119.01 Total : 800.84 422466 5/20/2013 190360 IMAGE MASTERS INC 109773 NAME TAG FOR PATROL BOARD - L. ORVIS~ 001.21.521.100.31 2.46 109794 APD MUGS FOR CITIZEN ACADEMY (QTY 20)~ 001.21.521.230.31 201.48 109829 CP1009 CITY HALL REMODEL - SLVR STKY 2 328.00.594.190.65 50.26 Total : 254.20 422467 5/20/2013 017354 INSTRUMENTATION NORTHWEST INC.43477 Maint of water level measurment equip~ 432.00.535.100.49 100.58 Total : 100.58 422468 5/20/2013 007855 INTEGRA TELECOM 10882753 PHONE SERVICE 5/8/13-6/7/13 437.00.576.600.42 106.01 44Page:CA.D Page 54 of 194 05/15/2013 Voucher List City of Auburn 45 3:46:50PM Page:vchlist Bank code :000 Voucher Date Vendor Invoice Description/Account Amount 422468 5/20/2013 (Continued)007855 INTEGRA TELECOM PHONE SERVICE 5/8/13-6/7/13 437.00.576.680.42 277.45 PHONE SERVICE 5/8/13-6/7/13 518.00.518.880.42 1,906.91 PHONE SERVICE 5/8/13-6/7/13 001.33.575.280.42 133.52 PHONE SERVICE 5/8/13-6/7/13 436.00.536.100.42 78.51 PHONE SERVICE 5/8/13-6/7/13 001.33.574.100.42 39.10 PHONE SERVICE 5/8/13-6/7/13 430.00.534.800.42 39.10 Total : 2,580.60 422469 5/20/2013 018911 IWASAKI, JOANNE 37976 WATERCOLOR CLASSES:~ 001.33.574.210.41 612.00 37977 WATERCOLOR CLASSES:~ 001.33.574.210.41 216.00 37978 WATERCOLOR CLASSES:~ 001.33.574.210.41 720.00 37980 WATERCOLOR CLASSES:~ 001.33.574.210.41 252.00 37986 WATERCOLOR CLASSES:~ 001.33.574.240.41 36.00 37988 WATERCOLOR CLASSES:~ 001.33.574.240.41 144.00 38719 WATERCOLOR CLASSES:~ 001.33.574.240.41 72.00 45Page:CA.D Page 55 of 194 05/15/2013 Voucher List City of Auburn 46 3:46:50PM Page:vchlist Bank code :000 Voucher Date Vendor Invoice Description/Account Amount 422469 5/20/2013 (Continued)018911 IWASAKI, JOANNE 38720 WATERCOLOR CLASSES:~ 001.33.574.240.41 72.00 Total : 2,124.00 422470 5/20/2013 019492 KERSEY 3 DIV 2 LLC 071686 UTILITY REFUND - 2203 57TH ST SE 430.233.100 92.47 Total : 92.47 422471 5/20/2013 022241 JACKSON, SPENCER & JENNIFER 067439 UTILITY REFUND - 1412 10TH ST NE 430.233.100 22.19 Total : 22.19 422472 5/20/2013 020644 JACOBS ENGINEERING GROUP INC W3X62700-03 2012 LOCAL ST PAVEMENT PRESERV-DESIGN~ 103.00.595.300.65 2,859.73 Total : 2,859.73 422473 5/20/2013 200600 JARGER, DAVID 042313LEOFF LEOFF 1 PHARMACY REIMBURSEMENT CLAIM 001.98.517.210.25 393.16 Total : 393.16 422474 5/20/2013 000976 JIM'S FURNITURE SPECIALTIES 277 GOLF CART SEAT REPAIRS 437.00.576.680.48 3,705.48 Total : 3,705.48 422475 5/20/2013 210360 K C FINANCE 2017046 1ST QTR 2013 LIQUOR PROFITS & EXCISE TAX 651.237.110 3,202.22 Total : 3,202.22 422476 5/20/2013 210360 K C ADMIN BLDG FILING FEES 46Page:CA.D Page 56 of 194 05/15/2013 Voucher List City of Auburn 47 3:46:50PM Page:vchlist Bank code :000 Voucher Date Vendor Invoice Description/Account Amount 422476 5/20/2013 (Continued)210360 K C ADMIN BLDG FILING FEES, LIENS 430.00.534.110.41 576.00 Total : 576.00 422477 5/20/2013 210360 KING COUNTY RADIO 00433812 REPROGRAMMED RADIO FOR CORRUPT CODEPLUG 001.21.521.100.48 32.85 00433825 REPLACED NON-FUNCTIONING CONTROL FLEX 001.21.521.100.48 223.09 00434033 VOLUME KNOBS (QTY 4); RINGS (QTY 4); 2 001.21.521.100.48 126.78 Total : 382.72 422478 5/20/2013 019027 KALLCENTS E25950043013 PAYMENT ON BEHALF OF V-NET 652.00.521.212.42 32.18 Total : 32.18 422479 5/20/2013 022174 KARR, CHRISTOPHER 026497 UTILITY REFUND - 32511 107TH AVE SE 430.233.100 30.00 Total : 30.00 422480 5/20/2013 022239 KARR, JAMES 066781 UTILITY REFUND - 30929 133RD AVE SE 430.233.100 91.39 Total : 91.39 422481 5/20/2013 016644 KEITHLY BARBER ASSOCIATES INC.17-0113266 CP1015 DESIGN CONSULTING FEES FOR 321.00.576.802.65 3,072.30 Total : 3,072.30 422482 5/20/2013 003120 KEY BANK/RODARTE CONSTRUCTION 12-01/#5 47Page:CA.D Page 57 of 194 05/15/2013 Voucher List City of Auburn 48 3:46:50PM Page:vchlist Bank code :000 Voucher Date Vendor Invoice Description/Account Amount 422482 5/20/2013 (Continued)003120 KEY BANK/RODARTE CONSTRUCTION 132nd Ave SE Tacoma Pipeline 5 430.00.590.100.65 1,422.25 Total : 1,422.25 422483 5/20/2013 008841 KING COUNTY PROSECUTORS OFFICE APR2013 PAYMENT ON BEHALF OF V-NET 652.00.521.210.51 23,863.50 Total : 23,863.50 422484 5/20/2013 211210 KING COUNTY UMPIRES ASSOC APRIL2013INV OFFICIALS FOR ADULT SOFTBALL GAMES FOR 001.33.574.240.41 2,268.00 Total : 2,268.00 422485 5/20/2013 022259 KOLZOW, SCOTT 050213REIMB COBAN USER CONF IN HOUSTON, LODGING, 518.00.518.880.43 517.44 Total : 517.44 422486 5/20/2013 213330 KUKER RANKEN INC 391430-001 Annual maintenance agreement for Leica 001.32.532.200.48 549.00 Sales Tax 001.32.532.200.48 52.16 Total : 601.16 422487 5/20/2013 010586 LAKES ELECTRIC, INC.00012491 EMERGENCY REPAIR OF ELECTRICAL SYSTEMS 432.00.535.900.48 236.52 Total : 236.52 422488 5/20/2013 220480 LAKESIDE INDUSTRIES, INC 12035662MB ASPHALT & RELATED STREET PRODUCTS ON AN 001.42.542.300.31 1,030.38 12035820MB ASPHALT & RELATED STREET PRODUCTS ON AN 48Page:CA.D Page 58 of 194 05/15/2013 Voucher List City of Auburn 49 3:46:50PM Page:vchlist Bank code :000 Voucher Date Vendor Invoice Description/Account Amount 422488 5/20/2013 (Continued)220480 LAKESIDE INDUSTRIES, INC 001.42.542.300.31 1,985.97 Total : 3,016.35 422489 5/20/2013 010546 LARSON, BRIAN CRAIG 015713 UTILITY REFUND - 2321 K ST SE 430.233.100 38.84 UTILITY REFUND - 2321 K ST SE 432.233.100 2.96 UTILITY REFUND - 2321 K ST SE 434.233.100 2.83 Total : 44.63 422490 5/20/2013 221450 LEE, ROGER H 042213LEOFF LEOFF 1 PHARMACY REIMBURSEMENT CLAIM 001.98.517.210.25 277.07 Total : 277.07 422491 5/20/2013 021404 LENNAR NORTHWEST INC.072868 UTILITY REFUND - 6702 ELAINE AVE SE 431.233.100 143.57 Total : 143.57 422492 5/20/2013 221710 LES SCHWAB TIRES 31600061492 TIRE AND TIRE REPAIRS 437.00.576.600.31 371.94 39700070187 TIRES, BATTERIES, ALIGNMENTS AND OTHER 550.00.548.680.48 28.14 39700070723 4 New rear retreads for #6926A work 550.00.548.680.35 883.05 Sales Tax 550.00.548.680.35 83.89 39700070940 TIRES, BATTERIES, ALIGNMENTS AND OTHER 49Page:CA.D Page 59 of 194 CA.D Page 60 of 194 05/15/2013 Voucher List City of Auburn 51 3:46:50PM Page:vchlist Bank code :000 Voucher Date Vendor Invoice Description/Account Amount 422497 5/20/2013 (Continued)222200 LOWE'S HIW, INC 08542 Misc Facilities Supplies Lowes per Lisa 505.00.524.500.31 13.24 08644 Misc Facilities Supplies Lowes per Lisa 505.00.524.500.31 72.73 08658 Misc Facilities Supplies Lowes per Lisa 505.00.524.500.31 65.45 08702 Misc Facilities Supplies Lowes per Lisa 505.00.524.500.31 5.69 08749 SMALL TOOLS, LAWN, GARDEN & 430.00.534.800.31 18.24 08913 Misc Facilities Supplies Lowes per Lisa 505.00.524.500.31 8.23 09771 Misc Facilities Supplies Lowes per Lisa 505.00.524.500.31 101.41 10204 CITY HALL REMODEL CP1009 RECEIPT 328.00.594.190.65 96.66 10281 Misc Facilities Supplies Lowes per Lisa 505.00.524.500.31 7.99 10624 Misc Traffic/Public Works Supplies - 001.32.532.200.31 36.32 10642 Misc Facilities Supplies Lowes per Lisa 505.00.524.500.31 9.33 12493 CLEAN SWEEP SUPPLIES - 5/3/13~ 51Page:CA.D Page 61 of 194 05/15/2013 Voucher List City of Auburn 52 3:46:50PM Page:vchlist Bank code :000 Voucher Date Vendor Invoice Description/Account Amount 422497 5/20/2013 (Continued)222200 LOWE'S HIW, INC 001.17.558.100.31 259.97 19269 SUPPLIES FOR PARKS AND REC PROGRAMS 001.33.574.240.31 5.15 19561 COURSE SUPPLIES FOR GOLF MAINTENANCE 437.00.576.600.31 262.94 19621 MISC SUPPLIES FOR CEMETERY 436.00.536.200.31 15.54 23075 SMALL TOOLS, LAWN, GARDEN & 001.42.542.300.31 27.00 23087 SUPPLIES FOR PARKS MAINT. 001.33.576.100.31 20.49 23145 SMALL TOOLS, LAWN, GARDEN & 550.00.548.150.35 39.86 23368 SUPPLIES FOR PARKS MAINT. 001.33.576.100.31 90.36 23636 SUPPLIES FOR PARKS MAINT. 001.33.576.100.31 34.08 23781 SUPPLIES FOR PARKS MAINT. 001.33.576.100.31 3.10 23854 SUPPLIES FOR PARKS MAINT. 001.33.576.100.31 24.91 23867 SUPPLIES FOR PARKS MAINT. 001.33.576.100.31 86.85 24009 52Page:CA.D Page 62 of 194 05/15/2013 Voucher List City of Auburn 53 3:46:50PM Page:vchlist Bank code :000 Voucher Date Vendor Invoice Description/Account Amount 422497 5/20/2013 (Continued)222200 LOWE'S HIW, INC Misc Facilities Supplies Lowes per Lisa 505.00.524.500.31 12.46 24030 SUPPLIES FOR PARKS MAINT. 001.33.576.100.31 20.72 24042 SUPPLIES FOR PARKS MAINT. 001.33.576.100.31 18.68 24099 SMALL TOOLS, LAWN, GARDEN & 550.00.548.680.35 14.48 24169 SUPPLIES FOR PARKS AND REC PROGRAMS 001.33.574.100.31 6.22 24211 SMALL TOOLS, LAWN, GARDEN & 432.00.535.900.31 33.26 24222 Misc Facilities Supplies Lowes per Lisa 505.00.524.500.31 17.89 24232 Misc Traffic/Public Works Supplies - 001.32.532.200.31 48.32 24257 Misc Facilities Supplies Lowes per Lisa 505.00.524.500.31 210.43 24294 SMALL TOOLS, LAWN, GARDEN & 001.42.542.300.31 109.42 24298 Misc Facilities Supplies Lowes per Lisa 505.00.524.500.31 16.22 24347 SUPPLIES FOR PARKS MAINT. 001.33.576.100.31 5.80 53Page:CA.D Page 63 of 194 05/15/2013 Voucher List City of Auburn 54 3:46:50PM Page:vchlist Bank code :000 Voucher Date Vendor Invoice Description/Account Amount 422497 5/20/2013 (Continued)222200 LOWE'S HIW, INC 24460 SUPPLIES FOR PARKS MAINT. 001.33.576.100.31 57.17 24478 SUPPLIES FOR PARKS MAINT. 001.33.576.100.31 60.68 24506 Misc Facilities Supplies~ 505.00.524.500.35 38.10 24510 SUPPLIES FOR PARKS MAINT. 001.33.576.100.31 66.42 24525 COURSE SUPPLIES FOR GOLF MAINTENANCE 437.00.576.600.31 19.49 24611 SMALL TOOLS, LAWN, GARDEN & 432.00.535.900.31 66.51 24620 SMALL TOOLS, LAWN, GARDEN & 001.42.542.300.35 21.82 24641 Misc Facilities Supplies Lowes per Lisa 505.00.524.500.31 29.11 24666 SUPPLIES FOR PARKS MAINT. 001.33.576.100.31 3.35 24679 Misc Facilities Supplies Lowes per Lisa 505.00.524.500.31 47.71 24698 SMALL TOOLS, LAWN, GARDEN & 430.00.534.800.31 61.23 24702 SMALL TOOLS, LAWN, GARDEN & 54Page:CA.D Page 64 of 194 05/15/2013 Voucher List City of Auburn 55 3:46:50PM Page:vchlist Bank code :000 Voucher Date Vendor Invoice Description/Account Amount 422497 5/20/2013 (Continued)222200 LOWE'S HIW, INC 431.00.535.800.31 4.04 24798 SUPPLIES FOR PARKS MAINT. 001.33.576.100.31 49.67 24976 SUPPLIES FOR PARKS MAINT. 001.33.576.100.31 128.94 24994 SUPPLIES FOR PARKS MAINT. 001.33.576.100.31 17.62 43408 Misc Facilities Supplies Lowes per Lisa 505.00.524.500.31 45.50 Total : 2,571.08 422498 5/20/2013 222790 LOZIER, RADINE 050213REIMB SENIOR TRIP - PARKING/ESCORT MEAL, 001.33.574.210.49 73.59 Total : 73.59 422499 5/20/2013 022260 LU, JIRONG 051013REIMB PER DIEM - AWWA CONFERENCE IN SPOKANE 430.00.534.100.43 128.10 Total : 128.10 422500 5/20/2013 022171 LUCE, RODNEY 006305 UTILITY REFUND - 1710 35TH ST SE 430.233.100 134.30 Total : 134.30 422501 5/20/2013 022232 LYNCH, STEVEN 054984 UTILITY REFUND - 5041 ELLIOTT CT SE 430.233.100 140.62 Total : 140.62 422502 5/20/2013 010463 LYNDEN PRECAST LLC 12120 55Page:CA.D Page 65 of 194 05/15/2013 Voucher List City of Auburn 56 3:46:50PM Page:vchlist Bank code :000 Voucher Date Vendor Invoice Description/Account Amount 422502 5/20/2013 (Continued)010463 LYNDEN PRECAST LLC 8 GRAVE LINERS 436.00.536.200.34 1,140.00 Total : 1,140.00 422503 5/20/2013 022245 LYON, BRAD 071008 UTILITY REFUND - 1131 62ND ST SE #B 433.233.100 37.96 Total : 37.96 422504 5/20/2013 017812 MAGNUM PRINT SOLUTIONS 112962 HP LJ P4015 P4515 High Yield Toner 518.00.518.880.31 378.00 HP M601 M602 M603 M4555 CE390A Black 518.00.518.880.31 165.99 Sales Tax 518.00.518.880.31 51.68 Total : 595.67 422505 5/20/2013 233620 MAINSTREET SIGNS & GRAPHICS 4438 BANNERS TO MARKET RECREATION PROGRAMS 001.33.574.220.44 4,500.00 BANNERS TO MARKET ARTS AND EVENTS 001.33.573.901.44 922.96 BANNERS TO MARKET ARTS AND EVENTS 001.33.573.201.44 807.59 Total : 6,230.55 422506 5/20/2013 022256 MAKAI, ROSELLA 1622362 PARKS REFUND 001.347.699 16.00 Total : 16.00 422507 5/20/2013 022231 MARTIN, MARTY & MEGHAN 053459 UTILITY REFUND - 31309 120TH LN SE 430.233.100 11.63 56Page:CA.D Page 66 of 194 05/15/2013 Voucher List City of Auburn 57 3:46:50PM Page:vchlist Bank code :000 Voucher Date Vendor Invoice Description/Account Amount (Continued)Total : 11.63 422507 5/20/2013 022231 022231 MARTIN, MARTY & MEGHAN 422508 5/20/2013 007217 MAU, ERIC 287509 REPLACED BROKEN PEDAL ROD 001.33.574.210.48 65.00 Total : 65.00 422509 5/20/2013 013433 MCAFEE, INC 96205086 McAfee Email Protection and Continuity. 518.00.518.880.49 680.00 Total : 680.00 422510 5/20/2013 231930 MCKINSTRY CO 0796813 HVAC REPAIR & MAINTENANCE~ 505.00.524.500.41 2,446.78 0930813 Heater Repair at M&O~ 505.00.524.500.48 880.03 1036913 HVAC REPAIR & MAINTENANCE~ 505.00.524.500.41 1,363.82 Total : 4,690.63 422511 5/20/2013 015872 MCKNIGHT, MAIJA 050413REIMB CLEAN SWEEP SUPPLIES / MILEAGE & 001.33.573.201.43 37.29 CLEAN SWEEP SUPPLIES / MILEAGE & 001.33.573.901.31 200.01 CLEAN SWEEP SUPPLIES / MILEAGE & 001.33.573.201.43 12.00 Total : 249.30 422512 5/20/2013 231980 MCLENDON HARDWARE 491407/3 BLOWER WHEEL FOR FAN 001.33.575.300.48 27.19 Total : 27.19 57Page:CA.D Page 67 of 194 05/15/2013 Voucher List City of Auburn 58 3:46:50PM Page:vchlist Bank code :000 Voucher Date Vendor Invoice Description/Account Amount 422513 5/20/2013 022207 MDE INC.57964-M Lab Testing for coating system/Lakeland 430.00.590.100.65 2,638.00 Total : 2,638.00 422514 5/20/2013 017991 MEHL, JULIE 052013PC BATTERIES FOR YOUTH THEATER MICROPHONES 001.33.575.280.31 48.14 TAPE FOR MICROPHONES, YOUTH THEATER CAMP 001.33.575.280.31 3.71 MILEAGE, JULIE BREWER - AUBURN TO 001.33.573.201.43 24.07 BATTERIES FOR MEGAPHONE 001.33.573.901.31 8.75 CLASS SUPPLIES 001.33.574.240.31 31.90 ROTARY LUNCHEON, FABER 001.33.574.100.49 9.00 PAPER TOWELS & HAND SANITIZER 001.33.573.201.31 10.38 CLASS SUPPLIES 001.33.574.240.31 45.64 PIZZA FOR YOUTH COUNCIL 001.33.574.240.31 18.47 Total : 200.06 422515 5/20/2013 232305 MENG, ARTHUR HAROLD 38997 HOME FOOD PRESERVING CLASSES/SPRING AND 001.33.574.240.41 69.00 38999 HOME FOOD PRESERVING CLASSES/SPRING AND 001.33.574.210.41 23.00 39180 HOME FOOD PRESERVING CLASSES/SPRING AND 001.33.574.210.41 23.00 58Page:CA.D Page 68 of 194 05/15/2013 Voucher List City of Auburn 59 3:46:50PM Page:vchlist Bank code :000 Voucher Date Vendor Invoice Description/Account Amount (Continued)Total : 115.00 422515 5/20/2013 232305 232305 MENG, ARTHUR HAROLD 422516 5/20/2013 232610 METRO - KC DEPT OF FINANCE 30002853 King County Metro Sewer Charges for May 433.00.535.800.51 1,199,404.43 Total : 1,199,404.43 422517 5/20/2013 232970 MICROFLEX CORP IN1352885 SOH Inventory, case of 10 boxes of 50 550.141.300 365.55 case of 10 boxes of 50 pairs each size 550.141.300 243.70 Sales Tax 550.141.300 57.88 Total : 667.13 422518 5/20/2013 022242 MIHALEK, ANGELA 068521 UTILITY REFUND - 6113 HAZEL LOOP SE #E 434.233.100 11.33 Total : 11.33 422519 5/20/2013 022227 MINNICK, DON 035094 UTILITY REFUND - 1214 W ST NW 431.233.100 142.47 Total : 142.47 422520 5/20/2013 233580 MINUTEMAN PRESS OF AUBURN 14023 Printing services 518.00.518.780.41 54.60 14076 printing services 518.00.518.780.41 506.59 Total : 561.19 422521 5/20/2013 009161 MOEN, JOANNE 043013PC PAYMENT ON BEHALF OF V-NET 652.00.521.211.31 31.99 59Page:CA.D Page 69 of 194 05/15/2013 Voucher List City of Auburn 60 3:46:50PM Page:vchlist Bank code :000 Voucher Date Vendor Invoice Description/Account Amount 422521 5/20/2013 (Continued)009161 MOEN, JOANNE PAYMENT ON BEHALF OF V-NET 652.00.521.211.32 28.78 PAYMENT ON BEHALF OF V-NET 652.00.521.211.42 165.21 PAYMENT ON BEHALF OF V-NET 652.00.521.211.43 50.00 PAYMENT ON BEHALF OF V-NET 652.00.521.212.48 33.38 Total : 309.36 422522 5/20/2013 233960 MONNETT, JAMES 040413LEOFF LEOFF 1 PHARMACY REIMBURSEMENT CLAIM 001.98.517.210.25 58.00 Total : 58.00 422523 5/20/2013 000290 MULTI SERVICE CENTER 1STQTR2013-GF13/1420 Human Services Funding for Emergency 001.17.562.100.41 2,000.00 Total : 2,000.00 422524 5/20/2013 016787 MULTICARE HEALTHWORKS 79224/BAL DOT PHYSICAL EXAMS, HEP SHOT SERIES, 432.00.535.900.22 5.00 79226/BAL DOT PHYSICAL EXAMS, HEP SHOT SERIES, 001.42.542.300.22 5.00 DOT PHYSICAL EXAMS, HEP SHOT SERIES, 430.00.534.800.22 5.00 DOT PHYSICAL EXAMS, HEP SHOT SERIES, 432.00.535.900.22 10.00 Total : 25.00 422525 5/20/2013 014285 NATIONAL BUSINESS FURNITURE MK407970 CHAIR FOR LETICIA IN UTILITIES / 430.00.534.110.35 61.13 60Page:CA.D Page 70 of 194 05/15/2013 Voucher List City of Auburn 61 3:46:50PM Page:vchlist Bank code :000 Voucher Date Vendor Invoice Description/Account Amount 422525 5/20/2013 (Continued)014285 NATIONAL BUSINESS FURNITURE CHAIR FOR LETICIA IN UTILITIES / 431.00.535.110.35 61.13 CHAIR FOR LETICIA IN UTILITIES / 432.00.535.910.35 61.13 CHAIR FOR LETICIA IN UTILITIES / 434.00.537.110.35 61.11 MK410304-OTG New Chair for Construction Clerk~ 001.32.532.200.35 162.36 Total : 406.86 422526 5/20/2013 022208 NEWBERRY GROUP INC.WA-SEPT24-2 CELLEBRITE COMBO (LOGICAL & PHYSICAL) 117.00.521.210.43 1,800.00 Total : 1,800.00 422527 5/20/2013 242150 NEXTEL COMMUNICATIONS 864702496-051 PAYMENT ON BEHALF OF V-NET 652.00.521.212.42 45.53 Total : 45.53 422528 5/20/2013 022229 NGUYEN & THY HONG, BINH 050965 UTILITY REFUND - 5820 NATHAN AVE SE 431.233.100 121.55 UTILITY REFUND - 5820 NATHAN AVE SE 433.233.100 52.55 Total : 174.10 422529 5/20/2013 242580 NORMED 05381-651159 2 ounce spray bottle 95% DEET insect 432.00.535.900.31 201.12 Sales Tax 432.00.535.900.31 19.11 Total : 220.23 61Page:CA.D Page 71 of 194 05/15/2013 Voucher List City of Auburn 62 3:46:50PM Page:vchlist Bank code :000 Voucher Date Vendor Invoice Description/Account Amount 422530 5/20/2013 000533 NORSTAR INDUSTRIES, INC 49141 REPAIR PARTS & SERVICE TO SNOW PLOWS, 001.42.542.300.48 1,823.06 Total : 1,823.06 422531 5/20/2013 001897 NORTHWEST PLAYGROUND EQUIP INC 35438 10' SIGNATURE BENCH AND 2 INFANT SEATS 001.33.576.100.31 2,396.03 ARCH SWING WITH 2 INFANT SEATS 001.33.576.100.31 1,776.09 WOOD CHIPS TO TOP OFF VARIOUS 001.33.576.100.31 423.00 Total : 4,595.12 422532 5/20/2013 250210 OFFICE DEPOT 1569943897 CARD READER & HARD DRIVE FOR CASE # 001.21.521.210.31 186.13 1570232140 OFFICE CHAIR - J. SIDELL~ 001.21.521.100.31 295.64 1570848808 CD SLEEVES - 100 PK (QTY 2); KEYBOARD 001.21.521.100.31 29.43 1573704681 OFFICE SUPPLIES 001.13.516.100.31 16.10 654606492001 POST-ITS (QTY 2); SHARPIES (QTY 2); 001.21.521.100.31 130.75 654606640001 BAND-AIDS (QTY 2)~ 001.21.521.100.31 9.61 654748067001 Misc Office Supplies for PW/Eng - 001.32.532.200.31 88.66 62Page:CA.D Page 72 of 194 05/15/2013 Voucher List City of Auburn 63 3:46:50PM Page:vchlist Bank code :000 Voucher Date Vendor Invoice Description/Account Amount (Continued)Total : 756.32 422532 5/20/2013 250210 250210 OFFICE DEPOT 422533 5/20/2013 122670 OFFICEMAX CONTRACT INC 256770 OFFICE EQUIPMENT & SUPPLIES FROM 001.42.543.100.35 423.67 OFFICE EQUIPMENT & SUPPLIES FROM 432.00.535.900.35 423.66 308425 OFFICE EQUIPMENT & SUPPLIES FROM 001.42.543.100.31 83.28 312112 printing of council packets 518.00.518.780.41 237.93 327369 printing of council packets 518.00.518.780.41 128.13 334024 OFFICE EQUIPMENT & SUPPLIES FROM 001.42.543.100.31 24.17 OFFICE EQUIPMENT & SUPPLIES FROM 430.00.534.800.31 41.39 OFFICE EQUIPMENT & SUPPLIES FROM 432.00.535.900.31 24.17 OFFICE EQUIPMENT & SUPPLIES FROM 431.00.535.800.31 24.17 OFFICE EQUIPMENT & SUPPLIES FROM 550.00.548.100.31 24.19 405251 OFFICE SUPPLIES FOR PARKS, PARKS MAINT, 001.33.575.300.31 52.67 424037 printing of council packets 518.00.518.780.41 315.92 424038 printing of council packets 518.00.518.780.41 102.37 63Page:CA.D Page 73 of 194 05/15/2013 Voucher List City of Auburn 64 3:46:50PM Page:vchlist Bank code :000 Voucher Date Vendor Invoice Description/Account Amount 422533 5/20/2013 (Continued)122670 OFFICEMAX CONTRACT INC 453993 OFFICE SUPPLIES FOR PARKS, PARKS MAINT, 001.33.574.220.31 177.63 464365 Office Supplies for Legal 001.15.515.100.31 334.11 472292 OFFICE EQUIPMENT & SUPPLIES FROM 001.42.543.100.31 15.70 OFFICE EQUIPMENT & SUPPLIES FROM 430.00.534.800.31 15.70 OFFICE EQUIPMENT & SUPPLIES FROM 431.00.535.800.31 15.72 OFFICE EQUIPMENT & SUPPLIES FROM 432.00.535.900.31 15.70 OFFICE EQUIPMENT & SUPPLIES FROM 550.00.548.100.31 15.70 OFFICE EQUIPMENT & SUPPLIES FROM 550.00.548.150.35 511.51 488673 OFFICE MAX SUPPLY ORDER INV.488673 001.15.514.300.31 59.83 544828 OFFICE SUPPLIES FOR PARKS, PARKS MAINT, 001.33.574.220.31 245.91 599450 citywide paper supply 518.00.518.780.31 320.17 614817 Printing of council packets 518.00.518.780.41 248.76 614818 Printing of council packets 518.00.518.780.41 221.89 64Page:CA.D Page 74 of 194 05/15/2013 Voucher List City of Auburn 65 3:46:50PM Page:vchlist Bank code :000 Voucher Date Vendor Invoice Description/Account Amount (Continued)Total : 4,104.05 422533 5/20/2013 122670 122670 OFFICEMAX CONTRACT INC 422534 5/20/2013 019058 OLBRECHTS & ASSOC, PLLC 050613INV APRIL PLANNING HEARING EXAMINER FEES - 001.17.558.100.41 1,750.00 Total : 1,750.00 422535 5/20/2013 013832 ORKIN, INC.83180849 PEST CONTROL OLSON FARM 001.33.575.300.41 176.55 Total : 176.55 422536 5/20/2013 013832 ORKIN, INC.83658978 Pest Control for Senior Center~ 505.00.524.500.41 68.94 Total : 68.94 422537 5/20/2013 016417 PACIFIC COAST MEMORIALS, INC 12-04208 MARKERS FOR: WARREN WATERS, LOIS 436.00.536.200.34 135.00 12-04209 MARKERS FOR: WARREN WATERS, LOIS 436.00.536.200.34 85.00 12-04210 MARKERS FOR: WARREN WATERS, LOIS 436.00.536.200.34 105.00 12-04211 MARKERS FOR: WARREN WATERS, LOIS 436.00.536.200.34 170.00 12-04212 MARKERS FOR: WARREN WATERS, LOIS 436.00.536.200.34 360.00 Total : 855.00 422538 5/20/2013 260240 PACIFIC POWER GENERATION 6730441-00 EQUIPMENT SUPPLIES 437.00.576.600.31 193.94 65Page:CA.D Page 75 of 194 05/15/2013 Voucher List City of Auburn 66 3:46:50PM Page:vchlist Bank code :000 Voucher Date Vendor Invoice Description/Account Amount (Continued)Total : 193.94 422538 5/20/2013 260240 260240 PACIFIC POWER GENERATION 422539 5/20/2013 260847 PACIFIC RIM ENVIRONMENTAL, INC 39457 Asbestos Bulk Sample Analysis~ 505.00.524.500.41 700.30 Total : 700.30 422540 5/20/2013 260930 PACIFIC SAFETY SUPPLY, INC.695781 Roll up signs for M&O traffic van, PN# 001.42.542.300.35 12.84 Roll up signs for M&O traffic van, PN# 430.00.534.800.35 12.84 Roll up signs for M&O traffic van, PN# 431.00.535.800.35 12.84 Roll up signs for M&O traffic van, PN# 432.00.535.900.35 12.83 PN# SB36B1F-RDCA, Road closed ahead 36" 001.42.542.300.35 12.84 PN# SB36B1F-RDCA, Road closed ahead 36" 430.00.534.800.35 12.84 PN# SB36B1F-RDCA, Road closed ahead 36" 431.00.535.800.35 12.84 PN# SB36B1F-RDCA, Road closed ahead 36" 432.00.535.900.35 12.83 SB0L18X18 velcro arrow symbol overlay 001.42.542.300.35 5.11 SB0L18X18 velcro arrow symbol overlay 430.00.534.800.35 5.11 SB0L18X18 velcro arrow symbol overlay 431.00.535.800.35 5.11 SB0L18X18 velcro arrow symbol overlay 432.00.535.900.35 5.11 freight 001.42.542.300.35 3.05 freight 430.00.534.800.35 3.05 66Page:CA.D Page 76 of 194 05/15/2013 Voucher List City of Auburn 67 3:46:50PM Page:vchlist Bank code :000 Voucher Date Vendor Invoice Description/Account Amount 422540 5/20/2013 (Continued)260930 PACIFIC SAFETY SUPPLY, INC. freight 431.00.535.800.35 3.05 freight 432.00.535.900.35 3.06 Sales Tax 001.42.542.300.35 3.22 Sales Tax 430.00.534.800.35 3.22 Sales Tax 431.00.535.800.35 3.22 Sales Tax 432.00.535.900.35 3.20 Total : 148.21 422541 5/20/2013 020416 PAPA JOHN'S PIZZA S3015-13-0877 PIZZA FOR PARKS AND RECS PROGRAMS 001.33.574.240.31 26.28 S3015-13-0878 PIZZA FOR PARKS AND RECS PROGRAMS 001.33.574.240.31 70.08 S3015-13-0879 PIZZA FOR PARKS AND RECS PROGRAMS 001.33.574.240.31 26.28 Total : 122.64 422542 5/20/2013 002132 PAPE MACHINERY 2323827 JOHN DEERE HEAVY EQUIPMENT PARTS ON AN 550.00.548.680.48 1,755.29 Total : 1,755.29 422543 5/20/2013 261460 PARAMETRIX INC 16-64434 WHITE RIVER STORM STATION-CONST SERVICES 432.00.590.100.68 550.90 Total : 550.90 67Page:CA.D Page 77 of 194 05/15/2013 Voucher List City of Auburn 68 3:46:50PM Page:vchlist Bank code :000 Voucher Date Vendor Invoice Description/Account Amount 422544 5/20/2013 261620 PARKER PAINT MFG CO, INC 954021018046 COA GRAFFITI ABATEMENT PROGRAM - Parker 001.17.562.100.41 465.53 954021018466 PAINT SUPPLIES FOR PARKS MAINT. 001.33.576.100.31 168.52 Total : 634.05 422545 5/20/2013 010362 PEDIATRIC INTERIM CARE CTR 1STQTR2013-GF13/1422 Human Services Funding for program 001.17.562.100.41 2,500.00 Total : 2,500.00 422546 5/20/2013 262670 PETERSEN BROTHERS INC 1304801 Repair guard rail at 600blk of 15th St 001.42.542.300.48 4,420.00 Repair guard rail from traffic accident 001.42.542.300.48 1,831.36 Total : 6,251.36 422547 5/20/2013 262690 PETERSEN, WILLIAM R 051013REIMB LEOFF 1 EDUCATION ASSOCIATION ANNUAL 001.98.517.210.43 835.05 051313LEOFF LEOFF 1 PHARMACY REIMBURSEMENT CLAIM 001.98.522.210.25 54.00 Total : 889.05 422548 5/20/2013 262640 PETERSON COMPANY 1278158 CHEESE FOR THE SENIOR CENTER 001.33.574.210.31 206.54 Total : 206.54 422549 5/20/2013 015534 PETERSON, LESLEE JO 39189 SENIOR MASSAGE CLASSES:~ 001.33.574.210.41 28.00 39190 68Page:CA.D Page 78 of 194 05/15/2013 Voucher List City of Auburn 69 3:46:50PM Page:vchlist Bank code :000 Voucher Date Vendor Invoice Description/Account Amount 422549 5/20/2013 (Continued)015534 PETERSON, LESLEE JO SENIOR MASSAGE CLASSES:~ 001.33.574.210.41 48.00 39194 SENIOR MASSAGE CLASSES:~ 001.33.574.210.41 76.00 39195 SENIOR MASSAGE CLASSES:~ 001.33.574.210.41 152.00 39201 SENIOR MASSAGE CLASSES:~ 001.33.574.210.41 84.00 39202 SENIOR MASSAGE CLASSES:~ 001.33.574.210.41 56.00 39204 SENIOR MASSAGE CLASSES:~ 001.33.574.210.41 84.00 Total : 528.00 422550 5/20/2013 022218 PHUNG, KATHY LEE 006045 UTILITY REFUND - 1441 33RD ST SE 430.233.100 320.92 Total : 320.92 422551 5/20/2013 022220 PIECEK, EDWARD & ROXANNE 012444 UTILITY REFUND - 5804 OLIVE AVE SE 431.233.100 71.19 Total : 71.19 422552 5/20/2013 263350 PITNEY BOWES INC ACCT#29260965 Postage for mail machine 518.00.518.780.42 10,000.00 Total : 10,000.00 422553 5/20/2013 263360 PITZL, WILLIAM 041813LEOFF 69Page:CA.D Page 79 of 194 05/15/2013 Voucher List City of Auburn 70 3:46:50PM Page:vchlist Bank code :000 Voucher Date Vendor Invoice Description/Account Amount 422553 5/20/2013 (Continued)263360 PITZL, WILLIAM LEOFF 1 PHARMACY REIMBURSEMENT CLAIM 001.98.517.210.25 31.99 Total : 31.99 422554 5/20/2013 263510 PLATT ELECTRIC 3320286 Misc Facilities Supplies Platt Electric 505.00.524.500.31 78.03 3527434 ELECTRICAL PARTS & SUPPLIES ON AN AS 001.42.542.300.31 135.41 3739089 ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES FOR GOLF MAINTENANCE 437.00.576.600.31 44.17 3739295 ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES FOR GOLF MAINTENANCE 437.00.576.600.31 12.81 3797118 ELECTRICAL PARTS & SUPPLIES ON AN AS 431.00.535.800.31 166.46 3805398 ELECTRICAL PARTS & SUPPLIES ON AN AS 001.42.542.300.31 24.14 Total : 461.02 422555 5/20/2013 263805 POLLARDWATER.COM I350810-IN WATER PARTS & SUPPLIES ON AN AS 430.00.534.800.35 228.74 Total : 228.74 422556 5/20/2013 021680 POORTVLIET, HELENA R 39402 ACRYLIC PAINTING CLASSES:~ 001.33.574.210.41 180.00 Total : 180.00 422557 5/20/2013 014645 POPPLETON, KAREN D.TAYLOR 70Page:CA.D Page 80 of 194 05/15/2013 Voucher List City of Auburn 71 3:46:50PM Page:vchlist Bank code :000 Voucher Date Vendor Invoice Description/Account Amount 422557 5/20/2013 (Continued)014645 POPPLETON, KAREN FOOT CARE SERVICES AT THE SENIOR CENTER 001.33.574.210.41 5.00 E.BISHOP FOOT CARE SERVICES AT THE SENIOR CENTER 001.33.574.210.41 5.00 M.SUPPLE FOOT CARE SERVICES AT THE SENIOR CENTER 001.33.574.210.41 5.00 S.LIND FOOT CARE SERVICES AT THE SENIOR CENTER 001.33.574.210.41 13.00 S.TINGLEY FOOT CARE SERVICES AT THE SENIOR CENTER 001.33.574.210.41 15.00 V.MARTINEZ FOOT CARE SERVICES AT THE SENIOR CENTER 001.33.574.210.41 15.00 Total : 58.00 422558 5/20/2013 013364 PORT OF SEATTLE POLICE VNET172 PAYMENT ON BEHALF OF V-NET 652.00.521.210.51 2,523.00 PAYMENT ON BEHALF OF V-NET 652.00.521.214.51 1,085.37 Total : 3,608.37 422559 5/20/2013 003088 POULSEN, JANINE 042913PC M & O Petty Cash Fund Reimbursement;~ 550.00.548.150.35 12.33 01/02/13; Dept. of License - license 550.00.590.100.64 47.25 1/22/13; O'Reilly Auto Parts - locking 550.00.548.680.35 24.51 2/6/13; Auburn Best Cleaners - sew 430.00.534.800.22 10.70 71Page:CA.D Page 81 of 194 05/15/2013 Voucher List City of Auburn 72 3:46:50PM Page:vchlist Bank code :000 Voucher Date Vendor Invoice Description/Account Amount 422559 5/20/2013 (Continued)003088 POULSEN, JANINE 2/6/13; Auburn Best Cleaners - sew 431.00.535.800.22 3.07 2/6/13; Auburn Best Cleaners - sew 432.00.535.900.22 9.23 2/21/13; Omni Packing & Seal - O'Rings 550.00.548.680.35 7.00 2/28/13; Auburn Valley Pontiac - 550.00.548.680.35 4.31 3/5/13; Seattle Hilton Hotel - Parking 550.00.548.100.43 12.00 4/8/13; Costco - Automatic Dishwasher 550.00.548.150.31 21.77 4/2-4/4/13; Tacoma Convention Center 430.00.534.800.43 6.00 4/2-4/4/13; Tacoma Convention Center 431.00.535.800.43 6.00 4/2-4/4/13; Tacoma Convention Center 432.00.535.900.43 6.00 4/2-4/4/13; Tacoma Convention Center 001.42.542.300.43 6.00 4/2-4/4/13; Tacoma Convention Center 550.00.548.100.43 6.00 4/10/13; White Knight Safe Lock & 550.00.548.150.35 2.19 4/25/13; Wash St Dept of Licensing - 550.00.548.680.49 14.75 Total : 199.11 422560 5/20/2013 264140 PRAXAIR DISTRIBUTION INC 45877011 ACETYLENE AND OTHER WELDING SUPPLIES 001.33.576.100.31 165.17 Total : 165.17 422561 5/20/2013 001015 PREGNANCY AID OF AUBURN 1STQTR2013-GF13/1423 Human Services Funding for program 72Page:CA.D Page 82 of 194 05/15/2013 Voucher List City of Auburn 73 3:46:50PM Page:vchlist Bank code :000 Voucher Date Vendor Invoice Description/Account Amount 422561 5/20/2013 (Continued)001015 PREGNANCY AID OF AUBURN 001.17.562.100.41 1,250.00 Total : 1,250.00 422562 5/20/2013 010254 PRICE, JEAN 050713REIMB RECORDS MGMT TRAINING IN OLYMPIA, 001.21.521.300.43 54.94 Total : 54.94 422563 5/20/2013 002719 PRINTCO, INC 051275 printing services 518.00.518.780.41 154.40 Total : 154.40 422564 5/20/2013 022118 PRODUCERS INC DEPOSIT DEPOSIT FEE FOR BRAVO PERFORMANCE OF 001.33.573.201.41 1,275.00 Total : 1,275.00 422565 5/20/2013 013692 PUBLIC BENEFIT TECHNOLOGY 22265 On-Demand Stream for Auburn City 518.00.518.880.42 300.00 Total : 300.00 422566 5/20/2013 017051 PUBLIC ENGINES, INC.17613 Public Engines Command Central - Crime 518.00.518.880.48 4,800.00 Total : 4,800.00 422567 5/20/2013 265220 PUGET SOUND ENERGY 052013ELE/GAS ELECTRICAL AND GAS CHARGES FOR THE 505.00.524.500.47 4,022.66 ELECTRICAL AND GAS CHARGES FOR THE 001.33.576.100.47 753.35 ELECTRICAL AND GAS CHARGES FOR THE 001.42.542.300.47 16,133.79 ELECTRICAL AND GAS CHARGES FOR THE 73Page:CA.D Page 83 of 194 05/15/2013 Voucher List City of Auburn 74 3:46:50PM Page:vchlist Bank code :000 Voucher Date Vendor Invoice Description/Account Amount 422567 5/20/2013 (Continued)265220 PUGET SOUND ENERGY 430.00.534.800.47 20,506.96 ELECTRICAL AND GAS CHARGES FOR THE 431.00.535.800.47 3,954.23 ELECTRICAL AND GAS CHARGES FOR THE 432.00.535.900.47 941.47 Total : 46,312.46 422568 5/20/2013 022017 PUGET SOUND POWER-VAC INC 12336 Clean Ductwork at three City Facilities 505.00.524.500.48 876.00 Total : 876.00 422569 5/20/2013 270090 QUALITY FENCE BUILDERS, INC 25340 2 RAIL SPLIT RAIL FENCING 001.33.576.100.31 2,168.10 Total : 2,168.10 422570 5/20/2013 018092 R.H. LANDSCAPE SUPPLY CO INC 1498 5 YDS TOPSOIL, 8 YDS BARK 436.00.536.200.31 454.42 Total : 454.42 422571 5/20/2013 270630 RADIO SHACK CORPORATION 013304 EQUIPMENT FOR THEATER 2013 001.33.575.280.31 70.59 Total : 70.59 422572 5/20/2013 270810 RAINIER TREE SERVICE, INC E-36 MURAL LOT STUMP GRINDING 001.33.576.100.41 1,787.04 E-37 COMMUNITY GARDEN STUMP GRINDING 001.33.576.100.41 970.17 Total : 2,757.21 422573 5/20/2013 011267 REDFLEX TRAFFIC SYSTEMS INC RTS0002745 74Page:CA.D Page 84 of 194 05/15/2013 Voucher List City of Auburn 75 3:46:50PM Page:vchlist Bank code :000 Voucher Date Vendor Invoice Description/Account Amount 422573 5/20/2013 (Continued)011267 REDFLEX TRAFFIC SYSTEMS INC 2013 PHOTO ENFORCEMENT PROGRAM 001.21.521.200.41 59,802.46 Total : 59,802.46 422574 5/20/2013 021667 REDICK, MARGARET JANE 28671 SENIOR LINE DANCING:~ 001.33.574.210.41 120.00 Total : 120.00 422575 5/20/2013 018875 RH2 ENGINEERING, INC 58103 Lakeland Hills Reservoir 6, AG-C-393~ 430.00.590.100.65 6,556.88 58104 Well 4 Emergency Improvements~ 430.00.590.100.69 11,556.53 Total : 18,113.41 422576 5/20/2013 022222 RICE, PAMELA 018024 UTILITY REFUND - 1148 57TH PL SE 430.233.100 378.37 Total : 378.37 422577 5/20/2013 021012 RICOH AMERICAS CORPORATION 88938673 PAYMENT ON BEHALF OF V-NET 652.00.521.212.45 244.19 Total : 244.19 422578 5/20/2013 003580 RIGHT! SYSTEMS, INC 121053 SolarWinds Maintenance~ 518.00.518.880.48 5,727.14 Sales Tax 518.00.518.880.48 544.08 Total : 6,271.22 422579 5/20/2013 020376 ROBBINS & COMPANY 4578 Raise concrete street panels on 1st St 75Page:CA.D Page 85 of 194 05/15/2013 Voucher List City of Auburn 76 3:46:50PM Page:vchlist Bank code :000 Voucher Date Vendor Invoice Description/Account Amount 422579 5/20/2013 (Continued)020376 ROBBINS & COMPANY 001.42.542.300.48 5,850.00 Sales Tax 001.42.542.300.48 555.75 Total : 6,405.75 422580 5/20/2013 020410 ROBBINS COMPANY 1726119 HELIUM/CYLINER RENTALS 001.33.574.240.45 39.42 1726120 HELIUM/CYLDINER RENTAL FOR THE SENIOR 001.33.574.210.45 13.14 53159 HELIUM/CYLINER RENTALS 001.33.574.240.45 201.37 Total : 253.93 422581 5/20/2013 005162 ROBERTSON, CAROLYN 042413REIMB MILEAGE/PARKING LEGISLATIVE HEARINGS & 001.11.513.100.43 715.91 Total : 715.91 422582 5/20/2013 272630 RODARTE CONSTRUCTION INC 12-01/#5 132nd Ave SE Tacoma Pipeline 5 430.00.590.100.65 29,725.03 Total : 29,725.03 422583 5/20/2013 020945 ROSS, DAVID & NANCY 070923 UTILITY REFUND - 1702 2ND ST NE 430.233.100 368.57 Total : 368.57 422584 5/20/2013 009835 RUSNAK, LAW OFFICES OF MATTHEW J.050913INV 2013 PUBLIC DEFENDER CONTRACT JANAUARY 001.13.516.100.41 30,416.66 Total : 30,416.66 76Page:CA.D Page 86 of 194 05/15/2013 Voucher List City of Auburn 77 3:46:50PM Page:vchlist Bank code :000 Voucher Date Vendor Invoice Description/Account Amount 422585 5/20/2013 280110 S M E SOLUTIONS, LLC 136750 Pull fuel tank turbines for cleaning 550.00.548.150.48 958.73 Sales Tax 550.00.548.150.48 91.09 Total : 1,049.82 422586 5/20/2013 016381 SAFARILAND, LLC I13-057975 WINDOW GUN BOXES - PACK OF 20 (QTY 2)~ 001.21.521.300.31 207.28 Total : 207.28 422587 5/20/2013 022223 SAMPSON, DONNA 019508 UTILITY REFUND - 113 49TH ST NE 430.233.100 644.56 Total : 644.56 422588 5/20/2013 014110 SATCOM DIRECT COMMUNICATIONS 57284339 Sat phone invoices for year 001.32.525.100.42 99.90 Total : 99.90 422589 5/20/2013 280870 SCARFF MOTORS, INC 548297 AUTO REPAIR & SERVICE ON AN AS REQUIRED 550.00.548.100.31 -6.57 548496 AUTO REPAIR & SERVICE ON AN AS REQUIRED 550.00.548.680.35 73.58 548521 AUTO REPAIR & SERVICE ON AN AS REQUIRED 550.00.548.680.35 310.77 548634 AUTO REPAIR & SERVICE ON AN AS REQUIRED 550.00.548.680.35 7.93 548723 AUTO REPAIR & SERVICE ON AN AS REQUIRED 77Page:CA.D Page 87 of 194 05/15/2013 Voucher List City of Auburn 78 3:46:50PM Page:vchlist Bank code :000 Voucher Date Vendor Invoice Description/Account Amount 422589 5/20/2013 (Continued)280870 SCARFF MOTORS, INC 550.00.548.680.35 539.67 548847 AUTO REPAIR & SERVICE ON AN AS REQUIRED 550.00.548.680.35 341.75 548972 AUTO REPAIR & SERVICE ON AN AS REQUIRED 550.00.548.680.35 203.83 549053 AUTO REPAIR & SERVICE ON AN AS REQUIRED 550.00.548.100.31 94.39 549097 AUTO REPAIR & SERVICE ON AN AS REQUIRED 550.00.548.100.31 -76.65 549210 AUTO REPAIR & SERVICE ON AN AS REQUIRED 550.00.548.680.35 84.29 549354 AUTO REPAIR & SERVICE ON AN AS REQUIRED 550.00.548.680.35 41.05 549382 AUTO REPAIR & SERVICE ON AN AS REQUIRED 550.00.548.680.35 -41.05 549400 AUTO REPAIR & SERVICE ON AN AS REQUIRED 550.00.548.100.31 579.71 549420 AUTO REPAIR & SERVICE ON AN AS REQUIRED 550.00.548.680.35 426.41 549421 AUTO REPAIR & SERVICE ON AN AS REQUIRED 550.00.548.100.31 -579.71 549431 AUTO REPAIR & SERVICE ON AN AS REQUIRED 550.00.548.680.35 21.44 C22284 78Page:CA.D Page 88 of 194 05/15/2013 Voucher List City of Auburn 79 3:46:50PM Page:vchlist Bank code :000 Voucher Date Vendor Invoice Description/Account Amount 422589 5/20/2013 (Continued)280870 SCARFF MOTORS, INC AUTO REPAIR & SERVICE ON AN AS REQUIRED 550.00.548.680.35 481.50 C22380 AUTO REPAIR & SERVICE ON AN AS REQUIRED 550.00.548.680.48 104.11 Total : 2,606.45 422590 5/20/2013 280865 SCARSELLA BROS INC 11-01/#14 M Street SE Grade Separation 102.00.594.420.65 235,646.74 12-04/#4 Well 1 Transmission Main, Contract 430.00.590.100.65 75,434.08 Well 1 Transmission Main, Contract 432.00.590.100.65 50,199.86 RETAINAGE 430.223.400 -3,711.49 RETAINAGE 432.223.400 -2,509.99 Total : 355,059.20 422591 5/20/2013 007796 SCI INFRASTRUCTURE LLC 12-08/#6 Local Street Pavement Reconstruction, 103.00.595.300.65 21,211.94 Total : 21,211.94 422592 5/20/2013 019208 SCORE 343 HEALTH SERVICES - COSTLESS SENIOR 001.20.523.600.51 3.28 Total : 3.28 422593 5/20/2013 014952 SEATTLE AUTOMOTIVE 05-944701 AUTOMOTIVE PARTS AND SUPPLIES FROM 550.00.548.680.35 177.12 Total : 177.12 79Page:CA.D Page 89 of 194 05/15/2013 Voucher List City of Auburn 80 3:46:50PM Page:vchlist Bank code :000 Voucher Date Vendor Invoice Description/Account Amount 422594 5/20/2013 019141 SEATTLE KC DEPT PUBLIC HEALTH PR0070229 HEALTH PERMIT FOR LES GOVE SPRAY POOL 001.33.576.100.49 241.00 Total : 241.00 422595 5/20/2013 014104 SEATTLE'S CHILD 2013-15739 SUMMER CAMP ADVERTISING 001.33.574.220.44 452.00 Total : 452.00 422596 5/20/2013 000679 SENTINEL PEST CONTROL, INC 70090 PEST CONTROL SERVICES ON AN AS REQUIRED 550.00.548.150.48 56.94 70179 PEST CONTROL SERVICES ON AN AS REQUIRED 431.00.535.800.48 246.38 Total : 303.32 422597 5/20/2013 022248 SERR, ANDREW 072153 UTILITY REFUND - 1117 28TH ST SE 430.233.100 198.06 Total : 198.06 422598 5/20/2013 015690 SHARP ELECTRONICS CORP C774138-701 ENGINEERING WIDE FORMAT COPIER LEASE~ 518.00.518.880.45 54.75 Total : 54.75 422599 5/20/2013 020917 SHARP, CHRIS 051513INV MAINTENANCE AND REPAINTING OF PUBLIC ART 001.33.573.201.41 738.45 Total : 738.45 422600 5/20/2013 022219 SHIELDS, FRANCIS & JENNIFER 007487 UTILITY REFUND - 2620 ALPINE PL SE 430.233.100 240.89 80Page:CA.D Page 90 of 194 05/15/2013 Voucher List City of Auburn 81 3:46:50PM Page:vchlist Bank code :000 Voucher Date Vendor Invoice Description/Account Amount (Continued)Total : 240.89 422600 5/20/2013 022219 022219 SHIELDS, FRANCIS & JENNIFER 422601 5/20/2013 001187 SHRED-IT USA INC 101262790 PD SHREDDING SERVICES - 05/01/2013~ 001.21.521.100.41 72.60 101266062 SHREDDING SERVICES FROM SHRED-IT 001.42.542.300.41 9.90 SHREDDING SERVICES FROM SHRED-IT 430.00.534.800.41 9.90 SHREDDING SERVICES FROM SHRED-IT 431.00.535.800.41 9.90 SHREDDING SERVICES FROM SHRED-IT 432.00.535.900.41 9.90 SHREDDING SERVICES FROM SHRED-IT 550.00.548.100.41 9.90 101268198 ACCT#1009564 - 2013 SHREDDING SERVICEXS 001.14.514.230.49 20.40 ACCT#1009564 - 2013 SHREDDING SERVICEXS 001.21.521.100.41 10.16 ACCT#1009564 - 2013 SHREDDING SERVICEXS 001.32.532.200.49 10.16 ACCT#1009564 - 2013 SHREDDING SERVICEXS 518.00.518.880.49 8.78 101307623 PAPER/DOCUMENT SHREDDING SERVICES FOR 001.33.574.100.41 49.50 Total : 221.10 422602 5/20/2013 022000 SIGN TECH NW 1635 Repair broken foot on Gerber Edge 001.42.542.300.48 240.46 Total : 240.46 422603 5/20/2013 002823 SIMPLOT PARTNERS 212014293 81Page:CA.D Page 91 of 194 05/15/2013 Voucher List City of Auburn 82 3:46:50PM Page:vchlist Bank code :000 Voucher Date Vendor Invoice Description/Account Amount 422603 5/20/2013 (Continued)002823 SIMPLOT PARTNERS SUMMER GREENS FERTILIZERS 437.00.576.600.31 618.00 FERTILIZER AND CHEMICAL SUPPLY 437.00.576.600.31 1,520.34 Total : 2,138.34 422604 5/20/2013 022234 SMITH, BRANDON R.057488 UTILITY REFUND - 29519 59TH AVE S 432.233.100 18.69 Total : 18.69 422605 5/20/2013 021938 SONSRAY MACHINERY LLC f55898 REPAIR PARTS & SERVICE ON AN AS 430.00.534.800.48 141.37 q0413275 Rental of a CX130 Excavator for 550.00.548.100.45 1,300.00 Sales Tax 550.00.548.100.45 123.50 Total : 1,564.87 422606 5/20/2013 002543 SOROPTIMIST INTERNATIONAL RLOZIER/DUES ANNUAL DUES 2013-2014 001.33.574.210.49 100.00 Total : 100.00 422607 5/20/2013 011874 SOUND MENTAL HEALTH 1STQTR2013-GF13/1427 Human Services Funding for program 001.17.562.100.41 1,250.00 Total : 1,250.00 422608 5/20/2013 005003 SOUND PUBLISHING, INC 544470 ADVERTISING FOR THE MUSEUM 001.33.575.300.44 453.00 Total : 453.00 82Page:CA.D Page 92 of 194 05/15/2013 Voucher List City of Auburn 83 3:46:50PM Page:vchlist Bank code :000 Voucher Date Vendor Invoice Description/Account Amount 422609 5/20/2013 284890 SOUND SAFETY PRODUCTS CO, INC 2004605-01 SAFETY ITEMS ON AN AS REQUIRED BASIS 550.141.300 56.67 Total : 56.67 422610 5/20/2013 019140 SOUTH KING COUNCIL OF HUMAN 1STQTR2013/GF13/1428 Human Services Funding for Capacity 001.17.562.100.41 1,250.00 Total : 1,250.00 422611 5/20/2013 005507 SPORT SUPPLY GROUP, INC.95327147 BALLFIELD FENCING SUPPLIES 001.33.574.220.31 410.40 Total : 410.40 422612 5/20/2013 019142 ST VINCENT DE PAUL 1STQTR2013/GF13/1430 Human Services Funding for program 001.17.562.100.41 2,500.00 Total : 2,500.00 422613 5/20/2013 022224 STANDBRIDGE, MORGAN & ANGELINE 027974 UTILITY REFUND - 12306 SE 315TH PL 430.233.100 222.27 Total : 222.27 422614 5/20/2013 002733 STAR RENTAL & SALES, INC 33-088423-02 EQUIPMENT RENTALS; CHOP SAW, COMPACTOR, 437.00.576.600.45 62.42 Total : 62.42 422615 5/20/2013 006380 STATEWIDE PARKING LOT 8127 PAVING SERVICES ON AN AS REQUIRED BASIS 431.00.535.800.48 2,354.25 PAVING SERVICES ON AN AS REQUIRED BASIS 432.00.535.900.48 2,354.25 Total : 4,708.50 83Page:CA.D Page 93 of 194 05/15/2013 Voucher List City of Auburn 84 3:46:50PM Page:vchlist Bank code :000 Voucher Date Vendor Invoice Description/Account Amount 422616 5/20/2013 002068 STERICYCLE INC 3002248261 HAZMAT SERVICES - PD (3002248261) 001.21.521.100.41 10.36 Total : 10.36 422617 5/20/2013 022250 STONE FINANCING LLC 072839 UTILITY REFUND - 6113 HAZEL LOOP SE #H 434.233.100 20.50 Total : 20.50 422618 5/20/2013 017696 STOR-MORE SELF STORAGE UNITS123&125/JUNE STORAGE FEES FOR THE MONTH OF JUNE FOR 001.15.514.300.45 270.00 Total : 270.00 422619 5/20/2013 000169 SUNSET MAGAZINE SUBSCRIPTION MAGAZINE SUB FOR CEMETERY WAITING AREA 436.00.536.100.31 29.00 Total : 29.00 422620 5/20/2013 017378 SVOBODA, GRANT 050413INV DJ DANCE SERVICE ON MAY 4TH, 2013 001.33.574.240.41 300.00 Total : 300.00 422621 5/20/2013 019572 SWEET, ROBERT M 043013INV PRUNING 001.33.575.300.41 371.96 ADDITIONAL USE TAX 001.33.575.300.41 0.34 ADDTIONAL USE TAX 001.237.200 -0.34 Total : 371.96 422622 5/20/2013 290240 TACOMA NEWS TRIBUNE 457397 NEWS TRIBUNE FOR CEMETERY 436.00.536.200.49 68.85 84Page:CA.D Page 94 of 194 05/15/2013 Voucher List City of Auburn 85 3:46:50PM Page:vchlist Bank code :000 Voucher Date Vendor Invoice Description/Account Amount (Continued)Total : 68.85 422622 5/20/2013 290240 290240 TACOMA NEWS TRIBUNE 422623 5/20/2013 019876 THOMAS, WILLIAM REFUND PERMIT FEES FOR DECK 651.237.133 4.50 PERMIT FEES FOR DECK 001.322.100 110.00 Total : 114.50 422624 5/20/2013 291490 THORN, CHRIS 051013REIMB PER DIEM - AWWA CONFERENCE IN SPOKANE 430.00.534.100.43 128.10 Total : 128.10 422625 5/20/2013 265460 TIRE DISTRIBUTION SYSTEMS, INC 803-35727 Pursuit tires for inventory, P225/60R16 550.141.100 753.68 P235/55R17 Firestone Firehawk GT 550.141.100 2,258.34 Tire Tax 550.141.100 29.00 Sales Tax 550.141.100 286.14 Total : 3,327.16 422626 5/20/2013 021933 TLO, LLC 304350 TLOxp MONTHLY CHARGES FOR PERSON/PHONE 001.21.521.210.41 43.00 Total : 43.00 422627 5/20/2013 291830 TMG SERVICES, INC 0034605-IN PARTS, SUPPLIES AND SERVICE ON AN AS 430.00.534.800.48 443.48 0034701-IN Well 4 annual PM for gas chlorinators 430.00.534.800.48 1,144.09 85Page:CA.D Page 95 of 194 05/15/2013 Voucher List City of Auburn 86 3:46:50PM Page:vchlist Bank code :000 Voucher Date Vendor Invoice Description/Account Amount 422627 5/20/2013 (Continued)291830 TMG SERVICES, INC Sales Tax 430.00.534.800.48 108.69 0034702-IN West Hill annual PM gas chlorinators 430.00.534.800.48 1,030.70 Sales Tax 430.00.534.800.48 97.92 Total : 2,824.88 422628 5/20/2013 022216 TORRES, MARK REFUND HANGAR 614 - DAMAGE/SECURITY DEP 435.399.501 442.98 Total : 442.98 422629 5/20/2013 016451 TRUGREEN LIMITED PARTNERSHIP 4600414 LAWN SERVICE AT CEMETERY 436.00.536.200.31 2,840.98 Total : 2,840.98 422630 5/20/2013 370607 UKRAINIAN COMMUNITY CENTER 1STQTR2013-GF13/1431 Human Services Funding for Refugee 001.17.562.100.41 1,875.00 1STQTR2013-GF13/1432 Human Services Funding for Crisis 001.17.562.100.41 1,250.00 Total : 3,125.00 422631 5/20/2013 013834 UNIFIRST CORPORATION 0891567 SCRAPER, ULTRA FLOW, WIPERS, LAUNDRY 436.00.536.200.31 57.28 ADDITIONAL USE TAX 436.00.536.200.31 0.05 ADDITIONAL USE TAX 436.237.200 -0.05 Total : 57.28 86Page:CA.D Page 96 of 194 05/15/2013 Voucher List City of Auburn 87 3:46:50PM Page:vchlist Bank code :000 Voucher Date Vendor Invoice Description/Account Amount 422632 5/20/2013 019254 UNION BANK/PEASE & SONS INC 10-17/#9&FINAL White River Storm Station, Contract 432.00.590.100.65 550.72 Total : 550.72 422633 5/20/2013 370900 UNITED PARCEL SERVICE 00004799F2173 shipping services 518.00.518.780.42 34.11 0000890192173 shipping services 518.00.518.780.42 36.94 0000997552163 SHIPPING CHARGES ON AN AS REQUIRED 431.00.535.800.42 10.63 0000997552173 SHIPPING CHARGES ON AN AS REQUIRED 431.00.535.800.42 10.63 4799F2183 shipping services 518.00.518.780.42 22.56 890192183 shipping services 518.00.518.780.42 36.13 Total : 151.00 422634 5/20/2013 371410 UTILITIES SERVICE CO. INC 8456 REPAIR OF SEWER PUMP STATIONS BY 431.00.535.800.48 322.62 8506 LABOR & MATERIAL TO SUPPLY AND INSTALL 001.33.576.100.41 1,075.45 Total : 1,398.07 422635 5/20/2013 371290 UTILITIES UNDERGROUND LOCATION 3030092 LINE LOCATION SERVICES ON AN AS 430.00.534.800.42 365.89 87Page:CA.D Page 97 of 194 05/15/2013 Voucher List City of Auburn 88 3:46:50PM Page:vchlist Bank code :000 Voucher Date Vendor Invoice Description/Account Amount (Continued)Total : 365.89 422635 5/20/2013 371290 371290 UTILITIES UNDERGROUND LOCATION 422636 5/20/2013 016735 UTILITY SERVICES ASSOC, LLC 124070C Annual leak detection of water system 430.00.534.800.41 13,290.00 Total : 13,290.00 422637 5/20/2013 380030 VADIS CORP 18154 2013 LITTER CONTROL/RECYCLING SVCS~ 434.00.537.800.41 13,963.00 USE TAX 434.00.537.800.41 265.65 USE TAX 434.237.200 -265.65 Total : 13,963.00 422638 5/20/2013 380120 VALLEY AUTO REBUILD, INC.67770 TOWING SERVICES ON AN AS REQUIRED BASIS 550.00.548.680.48 191.62 68338 TOWING SERVICES ON AN AS REQUIRED BASIS 550.00.548.680.48 125.93 Total : 317.55 422639 5/20/2013 380150 VALLEY CITIES COUNSELING 1STQTR2013-GF13/1433 Human Services Funding for Co Occurring 001.17.562.100.41 3,000.00 1STQTR2013-GF13/1434 Human Services Funding for DV program 001.17.562.100.41 2,500.00 Total : 5,500.00 422640 5/20/2013 380240 VALLEY COMMUNICATIONS CENTER 0013988 911 CALLS, ASSESMENT FOR 2013~ 001.21.521.100.42 265,944.67 Total : 265,944.67 88Page:CA.D Page 98 of 194 05/15/2013 Voucher List City of Auburn 89 3:46:50PM Page:vchlist Bank code :000 Voucher Date Vendor Invoice Description/Account Amount 422641 5/20/2013 015073 VALLEY REGIONAL FIRE AUTHORITY APR2013 APR 2013 PERMIT & PLAN REVIEW FEES 651.237.360 19,201.92 MAR2013 MAR 2013 PERMIT & PLAN REVIEW FEES 651.237.360 25,868.69 Total : 45,070.61 422642 5/20/2013 022243 VAN GORP, STEVE R.030713REIM PLANNING DIRECTOR INTERVIEW - 001.13.516.100.49 168.48 Total : 168.48 422643 5/20/2013 008816 VIVAX METROTECH CORP 39326 SERIAL # 038044~ 430.00.534.800.35 245.61 freight 430.00.534.800.35 22.24 Total : 267.85 422644 5/20/2013 001986 VPCI 00001080 Laserfiche Software Assurance Plan for 518.00.518.880.48 18,570.00 Sales Tax 518.00.518.880.48 1,764.15 Total : 20,334.15 422645 5/20/2013 390300 W R P ASSOCIATION 12-1041 STATE CONFERENCE REGISTRATION FEE FOR 001.33.574.220.49 299.00 12-945 AGENCY RENEWALS AND MEMBERSHIPS 001.33.574.100.49 1,300.00 AGENCY RENEWALS AND MEMBERSHIPS 001.33.574.220.49 824.00 Total : 2,423.00 89Page:CA.D Page 99 of 194 05/15/2013 Voucher List City of Auburn 90 3:46:50PM Page:vchlist Bank code :000 Voucher Date Vendor Invoice Description/Account Amount 422646 5/20/2013 171890 W. W. GRAINGER, INC 9109972522 Misc Facilities Supplies - Grainger 505.00.524.500.31 -365.03 9109972530 Misc Facilities Supplies - Grainger 505.00.524.500.31 -222.33 9110067254 Misc Facilities Supplies - Grainger 505.00.524.500.31 272.78 9111639531 SMALL TOOLS, EQUIPMENT AND SUPPLIES ON 550.00.548.100.31 15.39 9115516222 SMALL TOOLS, EQUIPMENT AND SUPPLIES ON 550.00.548.680.35 37.44 9118084814 SMALL TOOLS, EQUIPMENT AND SUPPLIES ON 550.141.300 96.64 9124279689 SMALL TOOLS, EQUIPMENT AND SUPPLIES ON 550.00.548.100.35 101.18 9125551748 SMALL TOOLS, EQUIPMENT AND SUPPLIES ON 431.00.535.800.35 6.88 9126465682 PARTS AND SUPPLIES FOR PARKS MAINT. 001.33.576.100.31 578.37 Total : 521.32 422647 5/20/2013 390920 WA FESTIVALS & EVENTS ASSOC MAY/RENEWAL ANNUAL MEMBERSHIP RENEWAL FEE 001.33.573.901.49 150.00 Total : 150.00 422648 5/20/2013 391840 WA STATE DEPT OF LICENSING LICENSES CONCEALED PISTOL LICENSES 90Page:CA.D Page 100 of 194 05/15/2013 Voucher List City of Auburn 91 3:46:50PM Page:vchlist Bank code :000 Voucher Date Vendor Invoice Description/Account Amount 422648 5/20/2013 (Continued)391840 WA STATE DEPT OF LICENSING 651.237.104 702.00 Total : 702.00 422649 5/20/2013 391840 WA STATE DEPT OF LICENSING LICENSES CONCEALED PISTOL LICENSES 651.237.104 420.00 Total : 420.00 422650 5/20/2013 391840 WA STATE DEPT OF LICENSING LICENSES CONCEALED PISTOL LICENSES 651.237.104 405.00 Total : 405.00 422651 5/20/2013 391840 WA STATE DEPT OF LICENSING ACCESS DEPOSIT DEPT OF LICENSING ACCESS DEPOSIT 001.17.524.200.49 25.00 Total : 25.00 422652 5/20/2013 392040 WA STATE DEPT TRANSPORTATION RE41JA6625L013/BAL Engineering Plan Review for M Street 102.00.594.420.65 944.94 RE41JA6625L014 Engineering Plan Review for M Street 102.00.594.420.65 9,635.85 Total : 10,580.79 422653 5/20/2013 392040 WA STATE DEPT TRANSPORTATION RE41JA6625L015 Engineering Plan Review for M Street 102.00.594.420.65 87.39 Total : 87.39 422654 5/20/2013 392100 WA STATE EMP SECURITY DEPT 13-048908-RDU-J2 PAYMENT ON BEHALF OF V-NET 652.00.521.211.49 29.50 Total : 29.50 91Page:CA.D Page 101 of 194 05/15/2013 Voucher List City of Auburn 92 3:46:50PM Page:vchlist Bank code :000 Voucher Date Vendor Invoice Description/Account Amount 422655 5/20/2013 393090 WA WOMEN'S EMP & EDUC 1STQTR2013-GF13/1435 Human Services Funding for REACH Plus 001.17.562.100.41 2,000.00 Total : 2,000.00 422656 5/20/2013 020828 WALES, LARGO 042513REIMB MILEAGE TO MTGS 4/3-4/25 001.11.511.600.43 57.63 Total : 57.63 422657 5/20/2013 020252 WALKER, JERRY M.110-40 DOWNTOWN INDEPENDENT MARKET STUDY 001.17.558.100.41 2,000.00 Total : 2,000.00 422658 5/20/2013 014405 WALTERS, JOANNE S.050113INV GROCERIES FOR THE SENIOR CENTER 001.33.574.210.31 58.48 Total : 58.48 422659 5/20/2013 018768 WASHINGTON SCHOOL SAFETY ORG REG/GOETHALS REGISTRATION-GOETHALS, 12TH ANNUAL 001.21.521.200.49 250.00 Total : 250.00 422660 5/20/2013 392520 WASHINGTON STATE PATROL I13008238 BACKROUND CHECKS FOR APRIL 2013 001.13.516.710.41 480.00 I13008319 APRIL 2013 FINGERPRINTING/CPL CARDS - 651.237.105 1,666.50 Total : 2,146.50 422661 5/20/2013 006740 WASHINGTON2 ADVOCATES, LLC 4413 WA Advocates consulting services - 001.98.513.100.41 15,684.72 92Page:CA.D Page 102 of 194 05/15/2013 Voucher List City of Auburn 93 3:46:50PM Page:vchlist Bank code :000 Voucher Date Vendor Invoice Description/Account Amount (Continued)Total : 15,684.72 422661 5/20/2013 006740 006740 WASHINGTON2 ADVOCATES, LLC 422662 5/20/2013 007841 WASTE MANAGEMENT 0003741-2588-8 DISPOSAL OF DECANT FACILITY SOLID WASTE 432.00.535.900.49 6,136.68 DISPOSAL OF DECANT FACILITY SOLID WASTE 434.00.537.800.41 9,205.01 Total : 15,341.69 422663 5/20/2013 270540 WASTE MANAGEMENT OF WA, INC APR2013 Waste Management Commission for April 434.00.537.800.41 855,883.41 Total : 855,883.41 422664 5/20/2013 393570 WATER MANAGEMENT LABS, INC 120154 WATER ANALYSIS ON AN AS REQUIRED BASIS 430.00.534.800.41 189.00 120302 WATER ANALYSIS ON AN AS REQUIRED BASIS 430.00.534.800.41 340.00 120303 WATER ANALYSIS ON AN AS REQUIRED BASIS 430.00.534.800.41 651.00 120329 WATER ANALYSIS ON AN AS REQUIRED BASIS 430.00.534.800.41 168.00 120492 WATER ANALYSIS ON AN AS REQUIRED BASIS 430.00.534.800.41 336.00 120524 WATER ANALYSIS ON AN AS REQUIRED BASIS 430.00.534.800.41 168.00 Total : 1,852.00 422665 5/20/2013 004433 WEBB, DONALD 042613LEOFF LEOFF 1 PHARMACY REIMBURSEMENT CLAIM 93Page:CA.D Page 103 of 194 05/15/2013 Voucher List City of Auburn 94 3:46:50PM Page:vchlist Bank code :000 Voucher Date Vendor Invoice Description/Account Amount 422665 5/20/2013 (Continued)004433 WEBB, DONALD 001.98.517.210.25 30.54 Total : 30.54 422666 5/20/2013 018105 WEBCHECK INC.4632 Webcheck online Utility Final Bill 430.00.534.110.41 247.50 Webcheck online Utility Final Bill 431.00.535.110.41 247.50 Webcheck online Utility Final Bill 432.00.535.910.41 247.50 Webcheck online Utility Final Bill 434.00.537.110.41 247.50 Total : 990.00 422667 5/20/2013 021818 WEST COAST SIGNAL INC 12-21/#1 DOWNTOWN PEDESTRIAN KIOSKS, Contract 330.00.594.300.65 40,581.90 Total : 40,581.90 422668 5/20/2013 394250 WEST PUBLISHING GROUP 827148593 Westlaw - Legal Research Subscription 001.15.515.100.49 1,607.00 Total : 1,607.00 422669 5/20/2013 006595 WEST TIGER MT 2WAY RADIO SITE 050113INV RENTAL OF 2-WAY RADIO 001.33.576.100.45 185.00 Total : 185.00 422670 5/20/2013 394470 WESTERN EQUIPMENT DIST INC 722531 EQUIPMENT SUPPLIES 001.33.576.100.31 193.50 722873 EQUIPMENT SUPPLIES 001.33.576.100.31 13.07 722873.2 94Page:CA.D Page 104 of 194 05/15/2013 Voucher List City of Auburn 95 3:46:50PM Page:vchlist Bank code :000 Voucher Date Vendor Invoice Description/Account Amount 422670 5/20/2013 (Continued)394470 WESTERN EQUIPMENT DIST INC EQUIPMENT SUPPLIES 001.33.576.100.31 64.75 723382.2 EQUIPMENT SUPPLIES 001.33.576.100.31 32.64 723530 EQUIPMENT SUPPLIES 001.33.576.100.31 335.50 723530.2 EQUIPMENT SUPPLIES 001.33.576.100.31 81.04 723652 MISC SUPPLIES FOR GOLF MAINT. 437.00.576.600.31 157.18 724189 EQUIPMENT SUPPLIES 001.33.576.100.31 246.53 Total : 1,124.21 422671 5/20/2013 021039 WESTERN SYSTEMS & FABRICATION 3838 SEWER CAMEL PARTS, SUPPLIES AND REPAIR 431.00.535.800.35 341.88 Total : 341.88 422672 5/20/2013 022249 WHEELER, STEVEN 072434 UTILITY REFUND - 827 61ST ST SE 431.233.100 37.29 Total : 37.29 422673 5/20/2013 395580 WILBUR-ELLIS, CO 6997956RI VEGETATION CONTROL PRODUCTS ON AN AS 432.00.535.900.31 868.36 7030907 PESTICIDES AND FERTILIZERS FOR PARKS 001.33.576.100.31 90.28 95Page:CA.D Page 105 of 194 05/15/2013 Voucher List City of Auburn 96 3:46:50PM Page:vchlist Bank code :000 Voucher Date Vendor Invoice Description/Account Amount 422673 5/20/2013 (Continued)395580 WILBUR-ELLIS, CO 7030942RI VEGETATION CONTROL PRODUCTS ON AN AS 432.00.535.900.35 451.41 7069441 SPRING FERTILIZERS AND HERBICIDES FOR 437.00.576.600.31 161.76 7072435 PESTICIDES AND FERTILIZERS FOR PARKS 001.33.576.100.31 126.86 7088248 PESTICIDES AND FERTILIZERS FOR PARKS 001.33.576.100.31 57.49 Total : 1,756.16 422674 5/20/2013 017788 WILLIS, MARGIE K.38676 ENHANCED FITNESS CLASSES:~ 001.33.574.210.41 180.00 38679 ENHANCED FITNESS CLASSES:~ 001.33.574.210.41 20.00 38682 ENHANCED FITNESS CLASSES:~ 001.33.574.210.41 160.00 38691 ENHANCED FITNESS CLASSES:~ 001.33.574.210.41 220.00 38692 ENHANCED FITNESS CLASSES:~ 001.33.574.210.41 150.00 38693 ENHANCED FITNESS CLASSES:~ 001.33.574.210.41 300.00 38694 ENHANCED FITNESS CLASSES:~ 001.33.574.210.41 21.00 96Page:CA.D Page 106 of 194 05/15/2013 Voucher List City of Auburn 97 3:46:50PM Page:vchlist Bank code :000 Voucher Date Vendor Invoice Description/Account Amount (Continued)Total : 1,051.00 422674 5/20/2013 017788 017788 WILLIS, MARGIE K. 422675 5/20/2013 005627 WILSON, EDWARD J.041713LEOFF LEOFF 1 PHARMACY REIMBURSEMENT CLAIMD 001.98.517.210.25 106.57 Total : 106.57 422676 5/20/2013 017800 WINDERMERE PM -SOUTH 069482 UTILITY REFUND - 305 PIKE SR SE #101 430.233.100 224.60 Total : 224.60 422677 5/20/2013 009260 WISC 072242 UTILITY REFUND - 1232 A ST NE 434.233.100 700.00 Total : 700.00 422678 5/20/2013 022094 WWCPA SPOKANE SMS WWCPA SEWER MAINTENANCE SCHOOL 431.00.535.800.49 140.00 WWCPA SEWER MAINTENANCE SCHOOL 432.00.535.900.49 140.00 Total : 280.00 422679 5/20/2013 400120 YWCA OF SEATTLE KING COUNTY 1STQTR2013-GF13/1436 Human Services Funding for Child DV 001.17.562.100.41 1,250.00 1STQTR2013-GF13/1437 Human Services Funding for DV program 001.17.562.100.41 5,000.00 1STQTR2013-GF13/1438 Human Services Funding for Emergency 001.17.562.100.41 1,000.00 1STQTR2013-GF13/1439 Human Services Funding for Transitional 001.17.562.100.41 3,500.00 97Page:CA.D Page 107 of 194 05/15/2013 Voucher List City of Auburn 98 3:46:50PM Page:vchlist Bank code :000 Voucher Date Vendor Invoice Description/Account Amount (Continued)Total : 10,750.00 422679 5/20/2013 400120 400120 YWCA OF SEATTLE KING COUNTY Bank total : 4,265,289.56 379 Vouchers for bank code :000 4,265,289.56Total vouchers :Vouchers in this report 379 I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THE GOODS AND/ OR SERVICES CHARGED ON THE VOUCHERS LISTED HEREIN HAVE BEEN FURNISHED TO THE BEST OF MY KNOWLEDGE. I FURTHER CERTIFY THE CLAIMS HEREIN TO BE VALID AND CORRECT. ____________________________ DIRECTOR OF FINANCE WE, THE UNDERSIGNED FINANCE COMMITTEE OF THE AUBURN CITY COUNCIL, AUBURN WASHINGTON, DO HEREBY CERTIFY THAT VOUCHER #422300 THROUGH VOUCHER #422679, IN THE AMOUNT OF $4,265,289.56, ARE APPROVED THIS 20TH DAY OF MAY, 2013. ______________________ CHAIR _______________________ MEMBER ________________________ MEMBER 98Page:CA.D Page 108 of 194 AGENDA BILL APPROVAL FORM Agenda Subject: Payroll Vouchers Date: May 15, 2013 Department: Administration Attachments: No Attachments Available Budget Impact: $0 Administrative Recommendation: City Council approve the payroll vouchers as part of the Consent Agenda. Background Summary: Payroll check numbers 533788 through 533820 in the amount of $869,903.60 and electronic deposit transmissions in the amount of $1,204,262.28 for a grand total of $2,074,165.88 for the period covering April 25, 2013 to May 8, 2013. Reviewed by Council Committees: Finance Councilmember:Staff:Coleman Meeting Date:May 20, 2013 Item Number:CA.E AUBURN * MORE THAN YOU IMAGINEDCA.E Page 109 of 194 AGENDA BILL APPROVAL FORM Agenda Subject: Resolution No. 4950 Date: May 14, 2013 Department: Public Works Attachments: Resolution No. 4950 Budget Impact: $0 Administrative Recommendation: Finance Committee recommend that City Council adopt Resolution No. 4950. Background Summary: EQUIPMENT RENTAL DIVISION: The following police patrol vehicle was in an accident on April 11, 2013 and has been declared a total loss: P035H – 2008 Ford Crown Victoria – VIN: 2FAFP71V38X160191 Fixed Asset No. 55000 P035H Reviewed by Council Committees: Finance, Public Works Councilmember:Staff:Dowdy Meeting Date:May 20, 2013 Item Number:RES.E AUBURN * MORE THAN YOU IMAGINEDRES.E Page 110 of 194 RESOLUTION NO. 4 9 5 0 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CIN OF AUBURN, WASHINGTON DECLARING CERTAIN ITEMS OF PROPERTY AS SURPLUS AND AUTHORIZING THEIR DISPOSAL WHEREAS, the City of Aubum Public Worics Department has an item which is no longer of use to the City; and WHEREAS, it would be appropriate to surplus the property and dispose of it by auction or other sale mechanism, or to dispose of it, in whole or in part, through gift to another goveminental agency or an appropriate charitable non- profd entity, as deemed most expedient by the Mayor. NOW, THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF AUBURN, WASHINGTON HEREBY RESOLVES as follows: Section 1. Purpose. That the property identfied below is declared to be surplus, and the Mayor is authorized to dispose of and convey such property through appropriate sale or donation to another governmental agency or charitable non-profit entity. P_ublic-Works Deoartrnent EQUIPMENT RENTAL DIVISION: The following vehicle was in an accident on April 11, 2013 has been declared a total loss and a seftlement has been reached: P035FI —2U08 Ford Crown Vctoria—VIN: 2FAFP71 V38X160191 Fixed Asset No. 55000 P035H Resolution No.495D May 8, 2013 Fage 1 of 2 RES.E Page 111 of 194 Section 2. Implementation. That the Mayor is authorized to imptement such administrative procedures as may be necessary to carry out the directives of this legislation. Section 3. Effective Date. That this Resolution shall take effect and be in fuil force upon passage and signatures hereon. Dated and Signed this day of 2013. CITY OF AUBURN PETER B. LEWIS ATTEST: MAYOR Danielle E. Daskam, City Clerk AP E S O O iel B. Heid, Attomey J Resolution No. 4950 May 8, 2013 Page 2 of2 RES.E Page 112 of 194 AGENDA BILL APPROVAL FORM Agenda Subject: March 2013 Financial Report Date: May 9, 2013 Department: Finance Attachments: March Financial Report Budget Impact: $0 Administrative Recommendation: For discussion only. Background Summary: The purpose of the monthly financial reports is to summarize for the City Council the general state of Citywide financial affairs and to highlight significant items or trends that the City Council should be aware of. The following provides a high level summary of the City’s financial performance. Further detail can be found within the attached financial report. The March status report is based on financial data available as of April 18, 2013. Sales tax information represents business activity that occurred in January 2013. General Fund: The general fund is the City’s largest fund and is used to account for the majority of City resources and services except those required by statute or to be accounted for in another fund. Through the first quarter of 2013, general fund expenses totaled $12.5 million and compare to expenditures of $11.0 million for the same period last year. The increase in year-over-year expenses are mostly due to the payment of SCORE debt service principal (prior to 2013, debt service payments were interest only) and increased payments for incarceration services (current period payments are based upon prior year City inmate counts). General fund revenues through the first quarter of 2013 was $10.6 million were not sufficient to meet General Fund expenditures and compare to prior year actuals of $9.6 million. The increase in revenue is primarily due to increased new construction activity and the related fees (building permits and plan check fees) generated from this activity. AUBURN * MORE THAN YOU IMAGINEDDI.A Page 113 of 194 During the month of March, 625 pet licenses were sold resulting in $16,360.00 in revenue. Year-to-date, 1,256 licenses have been sold bringing in a total of $34,510.00. Enterprise Funds: The City’s eight enterprise funds account for operations with revenues primarily provided from user fees, charges or contracts for services. Through the end of the first quarter, the financial condition of each of the City’s three utilities improved over the previous year. The Water fund ended the quarter with an operating income of $7,700.00 (as compared to an operating loss of $44,000.00 in the previous year); the Sewer fund ended with a $304,800.00 operating loss (as compared to an operating loss of $431,700.00 the previous year, excluding Metro); the Sewer- Metro Utility ended the first quarter a net operating loss of $179,800.00; and the Storm Drainage fund ended with operating income of $330,400.00 (as compared to an operating income of $253,000.00 the previous year). The financial condition of the Golf Course improved over the previous year, ending the first quarter with an operating loss of $254,100.00 as compared to an operating loss of $284,300.00 for the same period last year. The improvement in the Golf Course financial performance reflect an increase in year-to-date rounds played – 5,589 as compared to 4,751 the previous year. The financial condition of the Cemetery improved over the previous year, ending with a $31,000.00 net operating income compared to an operating loss of $32,400.00 for the previous year. The improvement in the Cemetery reflect an increase in operating revenue and a decrease in salaries/benefits expenditures. This is the best quarter the Cemetery has experienced in the past five years and is primarily due to the reduction of one FTE and strong marketing efforts. Internal Service Funds: Internal Service Funds provide services to other City departments and include functions such as Insurance, Facilities, Innovation and Technology, and Equipment Rental. By the end of the year, revenues received from charges to internal client departments are projected to be sufficient to meet expenses. Investment Portfolio: The City’s total cash and investments at the end of March was $105.2 million, compared to $91.8 million the month prior. The increase in cash reflect proceeds received from the sale of utility construction revenue bonds in March. Reviewed by Council Committees: Finance AUBURN * MORE THAN YOU IMAGINEDDI.A Page 114 of 194 Councilmember:Staff:Coleman Meeting Date:May 20, 2013 Item Number:DI.A AUBURN * MORE THAN YOU IMAGINEDDI.A Page 115 of 194 Monthly Financial Report March 2013 General Fund 2012 Summary of Sources and Uses Annual BudgetYTD BudgetYTD ActualYTD ActualAmountPercentage Operating Revenues Property Tax 14,299,417.00548,900.00 623,011.30457,024.22 74,111.30 13.5% Sales Tax 11,695,309.002,812,900.003,037,855.073,017,518.74224,955.07 8.0% Sales Tax - Annexation Credit 1,397,602.00335,700.00403,738.59359,032.45 68,038.59 20.3% Criminal Justice Sales Tax 1,225,059.00299,200.00378,229.20 343,891.17 79,029.20 26.4% Brokered Natural Gas Tax 301,500.00 110,500.00 98,078.85 113,313.28 (12,421.15)-11.2% City Utilities Tax 2,991,933.00695,500.00860,062.50627,942.30 164,562.50 23.7% Admissions Tax 363,609.00 62,100.00 61,538.80 57,778.73 (561.20)-0.9% Electric Tax 3,340,500.00857,000.00786,368.23812,586.09 (70,631.77)-8.2% Natural Gas Tax 1,201,900.00303,300.00244,173.48295,288.92 (59,126.52)-19.5% Cable TV Franchise Fee 808,000.00204,100.00 212,145.32202,201.09 8,045.32 3.9% Cable TV Franchise Fee - Capital 62,000.00 15,600.00 15,820.88 15,823.75 220.88 1.4% Telephone Tax 2,032,574.00505,300.00395,980.31481,944.03(109,319.69)-21.6% Garbage Tax (external)151,504.00 43,400.00 24,046.44 34,708.72 (19,353.56)-44.6% Leasehold Excise Tax 50,501.00 8,400.00 10,350.27 2,400.87 1,950.27 23.2% Gambling Excise Tax 247,965.00 61,000.00 73,914.33 66,941.83 12,914.33 21.2% Taxes sub-total 40,169,373.006,862,900.007,225,313.576,888,396.19362,413.57 5.3% Business License Fees 202,005.00 85,100.00 82,365.00103,349.50 (2,735.00)-3.2% Building Permits 1,182,066.00179,500.00760,504.53249,624.75 581,004.53 323.7% Other Licenses & Permits 454,413.00 65,600.00159,658.25 70,317.32 94,058.25 143.4% Intergovernmental (Grants, etc.) - (1)4,764,784.001,116,400.001,153,548.581,151,127.03 37,148.58 3.3% Charges for Services: General Government Services 94,467.00 24,200.00 31,459.74 31,763.17 7,259.74 30.0% Public Safety 17,300.00 4,800.00 8,999.75 59,263.25 4,199.75 87.5% Development Services Fees 832,458.00153,500.00 291,244.41236,173.70 137,744.41 89.7% Culture and Recreation 809,717.00213,600.00 234,416.51220,236.78 20,816.51 9.7% Fines and Forfeits 1,556,500.00 441,100.00 356,040.88 425,426.33 (85,059.12)-19.3% Fees/Charges/Fines sub-total 9,913,710.002,283,800.003,078,237.652,547,281.83794,437.65 34.8% Interests and Other Earnings 64,900.00 13,500.00 11,916.65 18,279.06 (1,583.35)-11.7% Rents, Leases and Concessions 308,000.00 83,000.00 67,390.73 67,907.28 (15,609.27)-18.8% Contributions and Donations 30,000.00 5,700.00 5,614.79 12,494.25 (85.21)-1.5% Other Miscellaneous 92,200.00 12,200.00 17,066.20 16,833.35 4,866.20 39.9% Transfers In 193,000.00193,000.00 119,548.00 17,000.00 (73,452.00)-38.1% Insurance Recoveries- Capital & Operating 25,000.00 3,767.51 30,441.98 17,884.64 26,674.47 708.0% Other Revenues sub-total 713,100.00311,167.51251,978.35150,398.58(59,189.16)-19.0% Total Operating Revenues 50,796,183.009,457,867.5110,555,529.579,586,076.601,097,662.06 11.6% Operating Expenditures Council & Mayor 980,162.99233,600.00249,469.03228,163.49 (15,869.03)-6.8% Municipal Court & Probation 556,623.39 127,900.00 92,902.74 718,933.83 34,997.26 27.4% Human Resources 1,596,800.00372,700.00337,727.86200,803.98 34,972.14 9.4% Finance 1,315,343.78302,600.00280,588.74255,324.80 22,011.26 7.3% City Attorney 1,769,579.17403,700.00 411,755.62365,695.48 (8,055.62)-2.0% Planning 3,972,214.94993,053.74 981,792.12 914,046.90 11,261.61 1.1% Community & Human Services 1,262,884.74 281,600.00 251,737.10 222,610.91 29,862.90 10.6% Jail - SCORE 6,676,146.001,566,661.501,649,016.71286,979.45 (82,355.21)-5.3% Police 19,468,675.214,864,200.004,629,326.194,517,580.09 234,873.81 4.8% Engineering 2,800,821.47670,500.00 616,818.25607,345.55 53,681.75 8.0% Parks and Recreation 7,882,428.411,814,200.001,862,607.771,706,052.78 (48,407.77)-2.7% Streets 3,269,523.35 712,900.00628,727.80601,549.73 84,172.20 11.8% Non-Departmental 3,567,437.00951,859.25494,447.07387,544.34 457,412.18 48.1% Total Operating Expenditures 55,118,640.4513,295,474.4912,486,917.0011,012,631.33808,557.48 6.1% 2013 2013 YTD Budget vs. Actual Favorable (Unfavorable) (1) Streamlined Sales Tax mitigation payments represent intergovernmental revenues from the State of Washington and are presented above in the Intergovernmental Revenue category. The first quarter payment for 2013 was receipted in for the amount of $478,666.20 and compares to budget of $514,200.00 for the quarter. The anticipated Streamlined Sales Tax mitigation payments for 2013 is $2,000,000.00. 1DI.A Page 116 of 194 Monthly Financial Report March 2013 Overview This financial overview reflects the City’s overall financial position for the fiscal period ending March 31, 2013 and represents financial data available as of April 18, 2013. The budgeted year- to-date revenues and operating expenses are primarily based on collection/disbursement average for the same period of the two years prior. Through the first quarter of 2013, General Fund revenues totaled $10.6 million. Significant activity includes revenue from building permit and development service fees, which continue to perform above budget due to increased construction activity. Major projects around the City that are contributing to increased building permit revenues include the Auburn High School Modernization project, the Franciscan Medical Pavilion-Auburn, Green River Community College Trades Building, tenant improvements at the Outlet Collection – Seattle, and several subdivisions including The Ridge at Bowman Creek, Lakeland East, and Kersey III. General Fund expenses totaled $12.5 million and compare to budget of $11.0 million the previous year, increase of which is attributable to the payment of the City’s share of SCORE debt service and the operations and maintenance costs which are based on the prior year average adult daily population. While expenses to-date are increased over the previous year, year-to- date expenses are within expectations and total 22.3% of the annual budget (target is 25%). Revenues The combined total of property tax, sales/use tax, utility tax, gambling, and admissions tax provide approximately 80% of all resources supporting general governmental activities. The following section provides additional information on these sources. Property Tax collections to date total $623,000 and compare to $457,000 collected the same period last year. Year to date property taxes collected are running $74,000 higher than budget because 100% of property tax is being retained in the General Fund compared to 87% in 2012.1 The majority of property tax revenues are collected during the months of April and October, coinciding with the due date for County property tax billings. $0.0 $2.0 $4.0 $6.0 $8.0 $10.0 $12.0 $14.0 $16.0 JanFebMarAprMayJunJulAugSepOctNovDec Mi l l i o n s Property Taxes 2013 budget 2013 actual to date 2012 actual 1 Per City Council policy, effective January 2013, $2.0 million of City property taxes are no longer transferred to the Local Street Fund (Fund 103) for local street repair and maintenance and is replaced with a transfer of sales taxes from new construction. 2DI.A Page 117 of 194 Monthly Financial Report March 2013 Sales taxes, excluding transfers to construction* totaled $3.0 million and exceed budget by $225,000 through the first quarter of the year. * Per City Council policy, effective January 2013, all sales tax revenue from construction is transferred to the Local Street Fund (Fund 103) for local street repair and maintenance. $0.0 $2.0 $4.0 $6.0 $8.0 $10.0 $12.0 $14.0 JanFebMarAprMayJunJulAugSepOctNovDec Mi l l i o n s Sales & Use Tax 2013 budget 2013 actual to date 2012 actual The following table breaks out the City’s base sales tax, excluding Criminal Justice, Annexation Credit and Streamlined Sales Tax Mitigation by major business sectors. 2012 actuals for the Manufacturing sector include an adjustment of $74,000 by the State Department of Revenue as a result of an audit 20122013 Component GroupActualActualAmountPercentage Construction 282,028.34400,915.03118,886.6942.2% Manufacturing 44,882.03166,306.30121,424.27270.5% Transportation & Warehousing12,567.057,457.29(5,109.76)-40.7% Wholesale Trade 306,681.96278,924.69(27,757.27)-9.1% Automotive 654,606.06710,566.1755,960.118.5% Retail Trade 1,032,419.931,108,746.8676,326.937.4% Services 714,689.00779,476.9864,787.98 9.1% Miscellaneous 9,352.6224,427.8515,075.23161.2% YTD Total 3,057,226.993,476,821.17419,594.1813.7% Change from 2012 March-2013 Comparison of Sales Tax Collections by SIC Group As shown above, the areas showing the largest amount of change include construction and retail trade, reflecting the increased level of construction activity and improvement in consumer confidence. In general, consumer spending accounts for approximately two-thirds of economic activity. 3DI.A Page 118 of 194 Monthly Financial Report March 2013 Year to date sales tax revenue on construction, which are transferred to the Local Street Fund (Fund 103) for local street repair and maintenance, totaled $401,000. $0.0 $0.2 $0.4 $0.6 $0.8 $1.0 $1.2 $1.4 $1.6 JanFebMarAprMayJunJulAugSepOctNovDec Mi l l i o n s Sales Tax on Construction Transfer 2013 budget 2013 actual to date Utility Taxes consists of City inter-fund utility taxes (Water, Sewer, Storm and Solid Waste) and external utility taxes (Electric, Natural Gas, Telephone and Solid Waste). Utility tax collections through March was $2.3 million and are comparable to collections for the same period last year. $0.0 $2.0 $4.0 $6.0 $8.0 $10.0 $12.0 JanFebMarAprMayJunJulAugSepOctNovDec Mi l l i o n s Utility Tax 2013 budget 2013 actual to date 2012 actual 4DI.A Page 119 of 194 Monthly Financial Report March 2013 As shown in the table below, collections from City interfund utilities partially offset lower than expected collections from private utility providers. A mild winter has reduced consumer heating demands and resulted in year-over-year declines in electric and natural gas revenue collections. Telephone utility taxes are lower than the previous year, reflecting the timing of March utility tax payments. These payments are expected to be received in April and will be reflected in the next month’s financial report. 201220132013 Month ActualBudgetActualAmountPercentageAmountPercentage City Interfund Utility Taxes627,942.30695,500.00860,062.50232,120.2037.0%164,562.5023.7% Electric 812,586.09857,000.00786,368.23(26,217.86)-3.2%(70,631.77)-8.2% Natural Gas 295,288.92303,300.00244,173.48(51,115.44)-17.3%(59,126.52)-19.5% Telephone 481,944.03505,300.00395,980.31(85,963.72)-17.8%(109,319.69)-21.6% Garbage (external)34,708.7243,400.0024,046.44(10,662.28)-30.7%(19,353.56)-44.6% YTD Total 2,252,470.062,404,500.002,310,630.9658,160.902.6%(93,869.04)-3.9% March-2013 Utility Tax by Type 2013 vs. 2012 2013 vs. Budget Cable TV Franchise Fees, which are collected quarterly, totaled $212,000 and are on target with budget and historical actuals. $0 $100 $200 $300 $400 $500 $600 $700 $800 $900 1st Quarter2nd Quarter3rd Quarter4th Quarter Th o u s a n d s Cable TV Franchise Fee 2013 budget 2013 actual to date 2012 actual Licenses and Permits include business licenses, building permits, plumbing, electric and other licenses and permit fees. Building permit fees and business licenses make up 80% of the annual budgeted revenue in this category. Total building permit revenues through March was $761,000 and exceeded both budget and prior year actual. Major projects include Auburn High School Reconstruction and Modernization project (building permit fees collected in February), the Franciscan Medical Pavilion-Auburn as well as several housing developments including Lakeland East and Kersey III. 5DI.A Page 120 of 194 Monthly Financial Report March 2013 $0 $200 $400 $600 $800 $1,000 $1,200 $1,400 $1,600 $1,800 JanFebMarAprMayJunJulAugSepOctNovDec Th o u s a n d s Building Permits 2013 budget 2013 actual to date 2012 actual Business License revenues totaled $82,000 and reflect the timing of payments by business owners. The majority of business license payments are collected in December of the previous year and during the first two months of the current year. $0 $50 $100 $150 $200 $250 JanFebMarAprMayJunJulAugSepOctNovDec Th o u s a n d s Business Licenses 2013 budget 2013 actual to date 2012 actual 6DI.A Page 121 of 194 Monthly Financial Report March 2013 Intergovernmental includes Grants (Direct & Indirect Federal, State and Local), state shared revenues and compact revenue from the Muckleshoot Indian Tribe (MIT). Collections to date total $1.2 million and are running $37,000, or 3.3% higher, due to state grant revenue collections. State shared revenue includes $478,666.20 in Streamlined Sales Tax mitigation payments. 201220132013 Revenue ActualBudgetActual% ChangeAmount% Change Federal Grants 0.00 0.00 0.00 N/A0.00 N/A State Grants 7,017.084,000.0027,620.48 293.6%23,620.48590.5% Interlocal Grants 2,500.00600.002,000.00-20.0%1,400.00 233.3% State Shared Revenue 978,328.95936,800.00933,760.40 -4.6%(3,039.60)-0.3% Muckleshoot Casino Emerg.163,281.00175,000.00182,594.00 11.8%7,594.00 4.3% Intergovernmental Service 0.00 0.007,573.70 0.0%7,573.70 N/A YTD Total 1,151,127.031,116,400.001,153,548.58 0.2%37,148.58 3.3% March-2013 Intergovernmental 2013 vs. 20122013 vs. Budget Charges for Services consists of general governmental services, public safety, development service fees and cultural & recreation fees. Development service fees and culture and recreation fees make up over 85% of the revenue within this category. Development service fee collections this period reflect revenues as a result of City utility extension projects as well as plan check fees related to the Green River Community College Trades Building and several housing developments including Brandon Meadows, Vista Pointe and Kendall Ridge. Culture and recreation revenues are improved over 2012 levels and are $21,000 higher than budget; reflecting increased activity from City special events, senior citizen programs, recreational class registrations and league enrollments. The year-over-year decline in Public Safety charges reflect the elimination of Adult Probation revenue (these revenues are retained by King County under the City-King County District Court contract). 201220132013 Revenue ActualBudgetActualAmountPercentageAmountPercentage General Government31,763.1724,200.0031,459.74(303.43)-0.96%7,259.7430.00% Public Safety 59,263.254,800.008,999.75(50,263.50)-84.8%4,199.7587.5% Development Services236,173.70153,500.00291,244.4155,070.7123.3%137,744.4189.7% Culture & Recreation220,236.78213,600.00234,416.5114,179.736.4%20,816.519.7% YTD Total547,436.90396,100.00566,120.4118,683.513.4%170,020.4142.9% March-2013 Charges for Services by Type 2013 vs. 20122013 vs. Budget 7DI.A Page 122 of 194 Monthly Financial Report March 2013 $0 $200 $400 $600 $800 $1,000 $1,200 $1,400 JanFebMarAprMayJunJulAugSepOctNovDec Th o u s a n d s Development Service Fees 2013 budget 2013 actual to date 2012 actual $0 $100 $200 $300 $400 $500 $600 $700 $800 $900 $1,000 JanFebMarAprMayJunJulAugSepOctNovDec Th o u s a n d s Culture & Recreation 2013 budget 2013 actual to date 2012 actual 8DI.A Page 123 of 194 Monthly Financial Report March 2013 Fines & Penalties include traffic and parking infraction penalties, Redflex photo enforcement violations, criminal fines (including criminal traffic, criminal non traffic and criminal costs) as well as non court fines such as false alarm and shopping cart fines. Total revenue to date is $356,000 compared to budget of $441,000 due primarily to civil infraction penalties, which are running below budget due to fewer filings at the court. 201220132013 Month ActualBudgetActualAmountPercentageAmountPercentage Civil Penalties 4,234.853,700.003,360.44(874.41)-20.6%(339.56)-9.2% Civil Infraction Penalties178,525.58192,000.00115,484.33(63,041.25)-35.3%(76,515.67)-39.9% Red Light Photo Enforcement153,119.38140,000.00149,072.42(4,046.96)-2.6%9,072.426.5% Parking Infractions 27,764.9644,300.0031,394.703,629.7413.1%(12,905.30)-29.1% Criminal Traffic Misdemeanor27,943.5324,900.0015,445.92(12,497.61)-44.7%(9,454.08)-38.0% Criminal Non-Traffic Fines20,605.7323,100.0015,630.10(4,975.63)-24.1%(7,469.90)-32.3% Criminal Costs 4,045.973,500.006,407.232,361.2658.4%2,907.2383.1% Non-Court Fines & Penalties9,186.339,600.0019,245.7410,059.41109.5%9,645.74100.5% YTD Total 425,426.33441,100.00356,040.88(69,385.45)-16.3%(85,059.12)-19.3% March-2013 Fines & Forfeits by Type 2013 vs. 20122013 vs. Budget $0.0 $0.2 $0.4 $0.6 $0.8 $1.0 $1.2 $1.4 $1.6 $1.8 JanFebMarAprMayJunJulAugSepOctNovDec Mi l l i o n s Fines & Penalties 2013 budget 2013 actual to date 2012 actual 9DI.A Page 124 of 194 Monthly Financial Report March 2013 $0 $100 $200 $300 $400 $500 $600 $700 JanFebMarAprMayJunJulAugSepOctNovDec Th o u s a n d s Photo Enforcement 2013 budget 2013 actual to date 2012 actual Miscellaneous revenues primarily consist of income from facility rentals; other sources within this category include investment earnings, contributions & donations and other miscellaneous income. Revenues in this category totaled $102,000 and were below budget by $12,000 primarily due to reduced facility rental revenues. 201220132013 Month ActualBudgetActualAmountPercentageAmountPercentage Interest & Investments 18,279.0613,500.0011,916.65(6,362.41)-34.8%(1,583.35)-11.7% Rents & Leases 67,907.2883,000.0067,390.73(516.55)-0.8%(15,609.27)-18.8% Contributions & Donations12,494.255,700.005,614.79(6,879.46)-55.1%(85.21)-1.5% Other Miscellaneous Revenue16,833.3512,200.0017,066.20232.851.4%4,866.2039.9% YTD Total 115,513.94114,400.00101,988.37(13,525.57)-11.7%(12,411.63)-10.8% Miscellaneous Revenues by Type March-2013 2013 vs. 20122013 vs. Budget 10DI.A Page 125 of 194 Monthly Financial Report March 2013 Real Estate Excise Tax (REET) revenue is receipted into the Capital Improvement Projects Fund and is used for governmental capital projects. Total revenue at the end of March was $365,000 and exceeds budget and prior year actuals by $49,000 and $10,000 respectively, reflecting local and regional improvement in real estate transactions. $0.0 $0.2 $0.4 $0.6 $0.8 $1.0 $1.2 $1.4 $1.6 $1.8 JanFebMarAprMayJunJulAugSepOctNovDec Mi l l i o n s Real Estate Excise Tax 2013 budget 2013 actual to date 2012 actual 11DI.A Page 126 of 194 Monthly Financial Report March 2013 Pet Licensing During the month of March, 625 pet licenses were sold resulting in $16,360 in revenue. Year-to- date, 1,256 licenses have been sold bringing in a total of $34,510. 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 $0 $2,000 $4,000 $6,000 $8,000 $10,000 $12,000 $14,000 $16,000 $18,000 JanFebMarAprMayJunJulAugSepOctNovDec Pet Licensing Revenue & Sales By Month 2013 2013 License Revenue (L)2013 Licenses Sold (R) Enterprise Funds The detailed Working Capital and Fund Balance statements for Enterprise and Internal Service funds can be found in the Appendix at the end of this Report. The Water Utility ended March with $7,700 in net operating income and compares to a $43,800 net operating loss for the same period in 2012, reflecting an increase in water sales revenue, while water usage is remaining relatively stable. 0 200,000 400,000 600,000 800,000 1,000,000 1,200,000 1,400,000 JanFebMarAprMayJunJulAugSepOctNovDec Water Revenues vs Water Sold 2013 vs 2012 2012 Water Sales ($) 2013 Water Sales ($) 2012 Water Sold (ccf) 2013 Water Sold (ccf) 12DI.A Page 127 of 194 Monthly Financial Report March 2013 The Sewer Utility ended the period with a $304,800 net operating loss and compares to a $431,700 net loss for the same period in 2012 (excluding Metro wastewater treatment revenues and expenses, which are now being tracked separately in the Sewer-Metro fund). The Sewer- Metro Utility ended the first quarter a net operating loss of $179,800. The Stormwater Utility ended the period with $330,400 in net operating income which compares to $253,000 in net income for the same period last year. The number of rounds played at the Auburn Golf Course (AGC) in March totaled 2,548 which compares to 1,939 for the same period last year. Year-to-date rounds total 5,589 compared to 4,751 rounds in 2012. Improvement in golf course activity has helped to reduce the AGC net operating loss to $254,100 as compared to a loss of $284,300 for the same period last year. 0 50,000 100,000 150,000 200,000 250,000 300,000 JanFebMarAprMayJunJulAugSepOctNovDec Golf Course Operating Revenues & Expenses By Month 2013 vs 2012 2013 Bud. Revenue 2013 Act. Revenue 2012 Act. Revenue 2013 Act. Expenses 0 200,000 400,000 600,000 800,000 1,000,000 1,200,000 1,400,000 1,600,000 JanFebMarAprMayJunJulAugSepOctNovDec Cumulative Golf Course Revenues & Expenses 2013 vs 2012 2013 Bud. Revenue 2013 Act. Revenue 2012 Act. Revenue 2013 Act. Expenses 13DI.A Page 128 of 194 Monthly Financial Report March 2013 The Cemetery Fund ended March with $31,000 in net operating income compared to a $32,400 net operating loss for the same period last year and reflect a decline in Cemetery operating expenses and an increase in operating revenue. 0 20,000 40,000 60,000 80,000 100,000 120,000 JanFebMarAprMayJunJulAugSepOctNovDec Cemetery Operating Revenues & Expenses By Month 2013 vs 2012 2013 Bud. Revenue 2013 Act. Revenue 2012 Act. Revenue 2013 Act. Expenses 0 100,000 200,000 300,000 400,000 500,000 600,000 700,000 800,000 900,000 JanFebMarAprMayJunJulAugSepOctNovDec Cumulative Cemetery Revenues & Expenses 2013 vs 2012 2013 Bud. Revenue 2013 Act. Revenue 2012 Act. Revenue 2013 Act. Expenses 14DI.A Page 129 of 194 Monthly Financial Report March 2013 Internal Service Funds Operating expenses within the Insurance Fund represents the premium cost-pool that will be allocated monthly to other City funds over the course of 2013. As a result, this balance will gradually diminish each month throughout the year. The Innovation & Technology Fund ended with a net loss, reflecting the timing of expenses. No significant variances are reported in the Facilities Fund or Equipment Rental Fund. Both funds have had sufficient revenues to cover year- to-date expenses. Contact Information This report is prepared by the Finance Department. Additional financial information can also be viewed at our website: http://www.auburnwa.gov/. For any questions about the report please contact us at mchaw@auburnwa.gov or scoleman@auburnwa.gov. 15DI.A Page 130 of 194 SALES TAX SUMMARY MARCH 2013 SALES TAX DISTRIBUTIONS (FOR JANUARY 2013 RETAIL ACTIVITY) 2012 Annual Total 2012 YTD 2013 YTD YTD 2012 Annual Total 2012 YTD 2013 YTD YTD NAICS CONSTRUCTION (Nov '11-Oct '12)(Nov '11 - Jan '12)(Nov '12 - Jan '13)% Diff NAICS AUTOMOTIVE (Nov '11-Oct '12)(Nov '11 - Jan '12)(Nov '12 - Jan '13)% Diff 236 Construction of Buildings 483,408.87 104,019.42 179,393.70 72.5%441 Motor Vehicle and Parts Dealer 2,795,163.85 599,011.50 651,573.08 8.8% 237 Heavy and Civil Construction 114,822.92 33,335.77 20,692.46 -37.9%447 Gasoline Stations 223,463.26 55,594.56 58,993.09 6.1% 238 Specialty Trade Contractors 622,980.45 144,673.15 200,828.87 38.8%TOTAL AUTOMOTIVE 3,018,627.11$ 654,606.06$ 710,566.17$ 8.5% TOTAL CONSTRUCTION 1,221,212.24$ 282,028.34$ 400,915.03$ 42.2%Overall Change from Previous Year 55,960.11$ Overall Change from Previous Year 118,886.69$ 2012 Annual Total 2012 YTD 2013 YTD YTD 2012 Annual Total 2012 YTD 2013 YTD YTD NAICS RETAIL TRADE (Nov '11-Oct '12)(Nov '11 - Jan '12)(Nov '12 - Jan '13)% Diff NAICS MANUFACTURING (Nov '11-Oct '12)(Nov '11 - Jan '12)(Nov '12 - Jan '13)% Diff 442 Furniture and Home Furnishings 226,308.94 60,105.62 60,231.90 0.2% 311 Food Manufacturing 2,932.07 923.43 338.52 -63.3%443 Electronics and Appliances 145,390.62 40,961.74 45,533.83 11.2% 312 Beverage and Tobacco Products 5,855.42 965.47 2,016.48 108.9%444 Building Material and Garden 425,493.64 87,776.58 89,472.77 1.9% 313 Textile Mills 569.85 35.63 38.97 9.4%445 Food and Beverage Stores 341,378.74 81,240.86 79,820.06 -1.7% 314 Textile Product Mills 4,456.85 644.84 784.43 21.6%446 Health and Personal Care Store 148,812.47 43,086.75 41,272.86 -4.2% 315 Apparel Manufacturing 217.67 154.48 143.84 -6.9%448 Clothing and Accessories 772,153.02 207,849.12 248,545.06 19.6% 316 Leather and Allied Products 58.91 39.54 1.25 -96.8%451 Sporting Goods, Hobby, Books 120,507.49 37,668.52 38,085.48 1.1% 321 Wood Product Manufacturing 31,417.29 4,341.73 22,151.02 410.2%452 General Merchandise Stores 967,039.39 282,096.04 283,030.42 0.3% 322 Paper Manufacturing 3,943.50 1,029.16 965.27 -6.2%453 Miscellaneous Store Retailers 508,326.14 116,556.91 133,916.84 14.9% 323 Printing and Related Support 28,275.22 8,858.25 5,316.72 -40.0%454 Nonstore Retailers 268,502.71 75,077.79 88,837.64 18.3% 324 Petroleum and Coal Products 10,532.00 2,226.89 2,912.51 30.8%TOTAL RETAIL TRADE 3,923,913.16$ 1,032,419.93$ 1,108,746.86$ 7.4% 325 Chemical Manufacturing 8,088.54 1,297.94 1,941.54 49.6%Overall Change from Previous Year 76,326.93$ 326 Plastics and Rubber Products 9,468.87 2,772.65 2,627.72 -5.2% 327 Nonmetallic Mineral Products 17,323.71 3,499.91 4,006.01 14.5% 331 Primary Metal Manufacturing 1,765.68 849.92 16.03 -98.1%2012 Annual Total 2012 YTD 2013 YTD YTD 332 Fabricated Metal Product Manuf 24,964.99 2,663.73 16,891.59 534.1%NAICS SERVICES (Nov '11-Oct '12)(Nov '11 - Jan '12)(Nov '12 - Jan '13)% Diff 333 Machinery Manufacturing 12,890.22 3,738.45 3,270.06 -12.5%51*Information 396,353.38 96,633.05 108,257.71 12.0% 334 Computer and Electronic Produc 10,260.16 1,258.00 2,622.81 108.5%52*Finance and Insurance 53,290.56 b (1,501.37)25,839.04 -1821.0% 335 Electric Equipment, Appliances 426.32 175.90 228.66 30.0%53*Real Estate, Rental, Leasing 326,259.42 85,918.73 73,598.38 -14.3% 336 Transportation Equipment Man 187,175.19 a 307.04 89,187.79 28947.6%541 Professional, Scientific, Tech 173,274.20 47,118.77 43,837.47 -7.0% 337 Furniture and Related Products 18,721.33 3,917.31 4,627.35 18.1%551 Company Management 15.78 3.98 0.51 -87.2% 339 Miscellaneous Manufacturing 25,368.10 5,181.76 6,217.73 20.0%56*Admin. Supp., Remed Svcs 334,354.06 65,192.58 78,591.24 20.6% TOTAL MANUFACTURING 404,711.89$ 44,882.03$ 166,306.30$ 270.5%611 Educational Services 53,671.83 13,089.46 12,537.37 -4.2% Overall Change from Previous Year 121,424.27$ 62*Health Care Social Assistance 114,832.81 11,442.81 22,250.46 94.4% 71*Arts and Entertainment 153,417.34 71,104.10 70,090.24 -1.4% 72*Accomodation and Food Svcs 920,555.95 214,405.72 229,565.11 7.1% 2012 Annual Total 2012 YTD 2013 YTD YTD 81*Other Services 388,278.72 92,944.75 94,915.80 2.1% NAICS TRANSPORTATION AND WAREHOUSING (Nov '11-Oct '12)(Nov '11 - Jan '12)(Nov '12 - Jan '13)% Diff 92*Public Administration 142,187.99 18,336.42 19,993.65 9.0% 481 Air Transportation 0.00 0.00 0.00 N/A TOTAL SERVICES 3,056,492.04$ 714,689.00$ 779,476.98$ 9.1% 482 Rail Transportation 19,181.85 2,178.39 5,876.86 169.8%Overall Change from Previous Year 64,787.98$ 484 Truck Transportation 10,245.48 4,009.75 c (8,592.42)-314.3% 485 Transit and Ground Passengers 268.22 212.28 88.36 -58.4% 488 Transportation Support 18,841.37 4,230.84 5,204.85 23.0%2012 Annual Total 2012 YTD 2013 YTD YTD 491 Postal Service 470.02 60.91 248.01 307.2%NAICS MISCELLANEOUS (Nov '11-Oct '12)(Nov '11 - Jan '12)(Nov '12 - Jan '13)% Diff 492 Couriers and Messengers 568.35 140.74 239.92 70.5%000 Unknown 1.04 1.04 0.00 -100.0% 493 Warehousing and Storage 5,376.49 1,734.14 4,391.71 153.3%111-115 Agriculture, Forestry, Fishing 2,868.29 369.86 1,263.15 241.5% TOTAL TRANSPORTATION 54,951.78$ 12,567.05$ 7,457.29$ -40.7%211-221 Mining & Utilities 30,228.91 5,318.53 4,256.32 -20.0% Overall Change from Previous Year (5,109.76)$ 999 Unclassifiable Establishments 27,601.09 3,663.19 18,908.38 416.2% TOTAL SERVICES 60,699.33$ 9,352.62$ 24,427.85$ 161.2% Overall Change from Previous Year 15,075.23$ 2012 Annual Total 2012 YTD 2013 YTD YTD NAICS WHOLESALE TRADE (Nov '11-Oct '12)(Nov '11 - Jan '12)(Nov '12 - Jan '13)% Diff 423 Wholesale Trade, Durable Goods 1,137,932.04 274,763.62 240,324.83 -12.5%GRAND TOTAL 13,037,325.52$ 3,057,226.99$ 3,476,821.17$ 424 Wholesale Trade, Nondurable 153,721.30 30,657.46 37,585.17 22.6%Overall Change from Previous Year 419,594.18$ 13.7% 425 Wholesale Electronic Markets 5,064.63 1,260.88 1,014.69 -19.5% TOTAL WHOLESALE 1,296,717.97$ 306,681.96$ 278,924.69$ -9.1% Overall Change from Previous Year (27,757.27)$ a. Wa. State Dept of Revenue audit adjustment to sales tax returns for period Nov 2011 (adjustment: -$73,971). b. Wa. State Dept of Revenue audit adjustment to sales tax returns for period Dec 2011 (adjustment: -$20,014). c. Wa. State Dept of Revenue audit adjustment to sales tax returns for period Jan 2013 (adjustment: -$11,382). 03/25/13 file:Monthly Sales Tax Report.xls Prepared by Auburn Finance Department 16DI.A Page 131 of 194 Investment Purchase Purchase Maturity Yield to Type Date Price Date Maturity State Investment Pool Various 94,283,999$ Various 0.18% KeyBank Money Market Various 10,897,339 Various 0.15% US Treasury 05/04/1990 57,750 05/15/2016 5.72% Total Cash & Investments 105,239,089$ 0.179% Investment Mix % of Total State Investment Pool 89.6%Current 6-month treasury rate 0.11% KeyBank Money Market 10.4%Current State Pool rate 0.18% US Treasury 0.1%KeyBank Money Market 0.15% Blended Auburn rate 0.18% 100.0% City of Auburn Investment Portfolio Summary March 31, 2013 Summary 17DI.A Page 132 of 194 INNOVATION EQUIPMENT & TECHNOLOGY RENTAL OPERATING REVENUES Charges For Service 2,411,924.26 1,595,858.70 - 1,999,992.87 3,170,865.26 3,790.00 242,448.77 99,245.28 - - - - Interfund Charges For Service - - - - - - - - - 872,448.00 1,194,420.00 732,721.25 Sewer Metro Service Revenue - - 3,418,948.24 - - - - - - - - - Rents, Leases, Concessions, & Other - - - - - 148,888.19 - 54,155.08 - 34,618.76 14,715.00 - TOTAL OPERATING REVENUES 2,411,924.26 1,595,858.70 3,418,948.24 1,999,992.87 3,170,865.26 152,678.19 242,448.77 153,400.36 - 907,066.76 1,209,135.00 732,721.25 OPERATING EXPENSES Salaries & Wages 558,034.64 376,828.33 - 476,626.81 97,149.60 4,973.79 94,191.92 138,627.39 - 160,146.12 346,262.10 115,197.55 Benefits 249,301.76 162,756.90 - 208,101.75 42,737.19 1,678.83 46,040.30 68,667.80 - 71,429.16 141,129.12 51,348.59 Supplies 39,902.49 6,341.28 - 7,850.77 5,412.59 285.70 31,751.93 55,184.06 - 23,686.95 71,906.56 177,880.65 Other Service Charges 676,335.02 640,453.34 - 243,449.86 243,644.00 144,375.31 11,005.15 26,893.43 769,075.87 223,183.52 605,705.54 85,108.57 Intergovernmental Services - 197.98 - 9,580.65 - - - - - - - - Waste Management Payments - - - - 1,675,050.56 - - - - - - - Sewer Metro Services - - 3,598,755.45 - - - - - - - - - Interfund Operating Rentals & Supplies 277,182.81 242,544.26 - 320,968.07 45,225.00 - 14,049.00 41,124.00 - 29,802.00 75,426.00 61,897.37 Other Expenses - - - - - - - - - - - - Depreciation & Amortization 603,510.13 471,558.41 - 403,051.01 4,704.82 100,939.54 14,420.84 77,040.34 - - 116,762.95 194,019.05 TOTAL OPERATING EXPENSES 2,404,266.85 1,900,680.50 3,598,755.45 1,669,628.92 2,113,923.76 252,253.17 211,459.14 407,537.02 769,075.87 508,247.75 1,357,192.27 685,451.78 OPERATING INCOME (LOSS)7,657.41 (304,821.80) (179,807.21) 330,363.95 1,056,941.50 (99,574.98) 30,989.63 (254,136.66) (769,075.87) 398,819.01 (148,057.27) 47,269.47 NON-OPERATING REVENUES & EXPENSES Interest Revenue 5,590.01 5,363.39 1.86 4,796.05 298.40 412.53 94.18 146.97 492.67 740.89 1,216.29 2,308.50 Contributions - - - - - 8,542.00 - - - 35,860.00 - - Other Non-Operating Revenue 437.86 109,978.35 - 1,679.00 360.00 525.00 - - - - - 27,983.04 Gain (Loss) On Sale Of Fixed Assets - - - - - - - - - - - 4,000.00 Debt Service Interest - - - - - - - - - - - - Other Non-Operating Expense - - - - - - - - - - - - TOTAL NON-OPERATING REVENUES & EXPENSES 6,027.87 115,341.74 1.86 6,475.05 658.40 9,479.53 94.18 146.97 492.67 36,600.89 1,216.29 34,291.54 PLUS ITEMS NOT EFFECTING WORKING CAPITAL Depreciation 574,075.13 471,558.41 - 381,736.01 4,704.82 100,939.54 14,420.84 77,040.34 - - 116,762.95 194,019.05 NET WORKING CAPITAL FROM OPERATIONS 587,760.41 282,078.35 (179,805.35) 718,575.01 1,062,304.72 10,844.09 45,504.65 (176,949.35) (768,583.20) 435,419.90 (30,078.03) 275,580.06 Increase In Contributions - System Development 1 113,928.00 2,131,296.75 - 116,699.66 - - - - - - - - Increase In Contributions - Area Assessments - 2,253.61 - - - - - - - - - - Increase In Contributions - Other Governments - - - 705,853.09 - - - - - - - - Increase In Contributions - Other Funds - - - - - - - - - - - - Increase In Contributions - FAA - - - - - - - - - - - - Proceeds of Debt Activity 7,186,400.94 - - 5,203,945.51 - - - - - - - - Operating Transfers In - - - - - - - 4,962.26 - - - - Increase In Restricted Net Assets 3,211.04 17,590.82 - - - 5,724.58 - - - - - - Decrease In Long-Term Receivables - - - - - - - - - - - - Increase In Deferred Credits - - - - - 2,176.52 - - - - - - TOTAL RESOURCES OTHER THAN OPERATIONS 7,303,539.98 2,151,141.18 - 6,026,498.26 - 7,901.10 - 4,962.26 - - - - Net Change In Restricted Net Assets 474,065.67 172.89 - 343,279.53 - 29,713.79 - (829.39) - - - - Increase In Fixed Assets - Salaries 75,262.24 10,935.54 - 32,947.01 - - - - - - - - Increase In Fixed Assets - Benefits 30,649.92 4,519.30 - 13,806.53 - - - - - - - - Increase In Fixed Assets - Site Improvements 9,198.27 - - - - - - - - - - 241.85 Increase In Fixed Assets - Equipment - - - - - - - - - - 12,884.50 13,115.91 Increase In Fixed Assets - Construction 907,668.26 69,135.46 - 431,122.10 - - - - - - - - Operating Transfers Out 50,000.00 50,000.00 - 50,000.00 - - - - - 21,745.61 - 7,000.00 Debt Service Principal - - - - - - - - - - - - TOTAL USES OTHER THAN OPERATIONS 1,546,844.36 134,763.19 - 871,155.17 - 29,713.79 - (829.39) - 21,745.61 12,884.50 20,357.76 NET CHANGE IN WORKING CAPITAL 6,344,456.03 2,298,456.34 (179,805.35) 5,873,918.10 1,062,304.72 (10,968.60) 45,504.65 (171,157.70) (768,583.20) 413,674.29 (42,962.53) 255,222.30 BEGINNING WORKING CAPITAL - January 1, 2013 10,196,281.10 12,072,579.09 - 10,218,848.21 1,018,487.34 818,912.00 182,098.05 90,691.62 2,028,681.08 1,473,040.96 2,885,527.19 5,559,564.94 ENDING WORKING CAPITAL - March 31, 2013 16,540,737.13 14,371,035.43 (179,805.35) 16,092,766.31 2,080,792.06 807,943.40 227,602.70 (80,466.08) 1,260,097.88 1,886,715.25 2,842,564.66 5,814,787.24 NET CHANGE IN WORKING CAPITAL 6,344,456.03 2,298,456.34 (179,805.35) 5,873,918.10 1,062,304.72 (10,968.60) 45,504.65 (171,157.70) (768,583.20) 413,674.29 (42,962.53) 255,222.30 ENTERPRISE FUNDS INTERNAL SERVICE FUNDSWORKING CAPITAL The following table presents the Working Capital Statement for each of the City's Enterprise and Internal Service funds. Working Capital is generally defined as the difference between current assets and current liabilities. CEMETERY GOLF INSURANCE FACILITIESWATERSEWERSEWER METRO STORM SOLID WASTE AIRPORT 18DI.A Page 133 of 194 INNOVATION EQUIPMENT & TECHNOLOGY RENTAL OPERATING REVENUES Charges For Service 2,411,924.26 1,595,858.70 - 1,999,992.87 3,170,865.26 3,790.00 242,448.77 99,245.28 - - - - Interfund Charges For Service - - - - - - - - - 872,448.00 1,194,420.00 732,721.25 Sewer Metro Service Revenue - - 3,418,948.24 - - - - - - - - - Rents, Leases, Concessions, & Other - - - - - 148,888.19 - 54,155.08 - 34,618.76 14,715.00 - TOTAL OPERATING REVENUES 2,411,924.26 1,595,858.70 3,418,948.24 1,999,992.87 3,170,865.26 152,678.19 242,448.77 153,400.36 - 907,066.76 1,209,135.00 732,721.25 OPERATING EXPENSES Administration 658,513.99 510,324.35 - 639,494.33 174,748.36 150,996.79 62,898.54 57,884.75 769,075.87 - - 195,281.84 Operations & Maintenance 1,142,242.73 918,797.74 - 627,083.58 259,420.02 316.84 134,139.76 272,612.00 - 508,247.75 1,240,429.32 296,150.89 Waste Management Payments - - - - 1,675,050.56 - - - - - - - Sewer Metro Services - - 3,598,755.45 - - - - - - - - - Depreciation & Amortization 603,510.13 471,558.41 - 403,051.01 4,704.82 100,939.54 14,420.84 77,040.34 - - 116,762.95 194,019.05 TOTAL OPERATING EXPENSES 2,404,266.85 1,900,680.50 3,598,755.45 1,669,628.92 2,113,923.76 252,253.17 211,459.14 407,537.09 769,075.87 508,247.75 1,357,192.27 685,451.78 OPERATING INCOME (LOSS)7,657.41 (304,821.80) (179,807.21) 330,363.95 1,056,941.50 (99,574.98) 30,989.63 (254,136.73) (769,075.87) 398,819.01 (148,057.27) 47,269.47 NON-OPERATING REVENUES & EXPENSES Interest Revenue 5,590.01 5,363.39 1.86 4,796.05 298.40 412.53 94.18 146.97 492.67 740.89 1,216.29 2,308.50 Other Non-Operating Revenue 437.86 109,978.35 - 1,679.00 360.00 9,067.00 - - - 35,860.00 - 27,983.04 Gain (Loss) On Sale Of Fixed Assets - - - - - - - - - - - 4,000.00 Other Non-Operating Expense - - - - - - - - - - - - TOTAL NON-OPERATING REVENUES & EXPENSES 6,027.87 115,341.74 1.86 6,475.05 658.40 9,479.53 94.18 146.97 492.67 36,600.89 1,216.29 34,291.54 13,685.28 (189,480.06) (179,805.35) 336,839.00 1,057,599.90 (90,095.45) 31,083.81 (253,989.76) (768,583.20) 435,419.90 (146,840.98) 81,561.01 Contributions 1 113,928.00 2,133,550.36 - 822,552.75 - - - - - - - - Transfers In - - - - - - - 4,962.26 - - - - Transfers Out (50,000.00) (50,000.00) - (50,000.00) - - - - - (21,745.61) - (7,000.00) TOTAL CONTRIBUTIONS & TRANSFERS 63,928.00 2,083,550.36 - 772,552.75 - - - 4,962.26 - (21,745.61) - (7,000.00) CHANGE IN FUND BALANCE 77,613.28 1,894,070.30 (179,805.35) 1,109,391.75 1,057,599.90 (90,095.45) 31,083.81 (249,027.50) (768,583.20) 413,674.29 (146,840.98) 74,561.01 BEGINNING FUND BALANCE - January 1, 2013 67,719,034.00 74,779,493.00 - 49,964,488.00 1,128,442.00 9,439,263.00 872,103.00 8,578,904.00 2,028,681.00 1,415,971.00 4,069,294.00 10,502,921.00 ENDING FUND BALANCE - March 31, 2013 67,796,647.28 76,673,563.30 (179,805.35) 51,073,879.75 2,186,041.90 9,349,167.55 903,186.81 8,329,876.50 1,260,097.80 1,829,645.29 3,922,453.02 10,577,482.01 1 Sewer contributions reflect System Development Charges resulting from the Goedecke land swap agreement with the WA Department of Transportation. FUND BALANCE ENTERPRISE FUNDS INTERNAL SERVICE FUNDS The following table provides an analysis of each of the City's Enterprise and Internal Service funds - showing 2013 revenues and expenditures by fund. INCOME (LOSS) BEFORE CONTRIBUTIONS & TRANSFERS CEMETERY GOLF INSURANCE FACILITIESWATERSEWERSEWER METRO STORM SOLID WASTE AIRPORT 19DI.A Page 134 of 194 AGENDA BILL APPROVAL FORM Agenda Subject: Resolution No. 4944 Date: May 14, 2013 Department: Police Attachments: Resolution No. 4944 Budget Impact: $0 Administrative Recommendation: City Council adopt Resolution No. 4944. Background Summary: The Police Department has determined that Canine Bodi has reached the end of a reasonable service period and the property status of said canine should be surplussed and should be sold consistent with the understanding and practice between the City and Canine Handlers to Auburn City Police Officer Samuel Betz for the amount of one dollar and no/100 ($1.00). Reviewed by Council Committees: Finance, Municipal Services Councilmember:Staff:Lee Meeting Date:May 20, 2013 Item Number:DI.B AUBURN * MORE THAN YOU IMAGINEDDI.B Page 135 of 194 RESOLUTION NO. 4 9 4 4 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF AUBURN, WASHINGTON, AUTHORIZING THE CONVERSION TO, AND SALE OF AUBURN POLICE CANINE BODI AS SURPLUS PROPERTY OF THE CITY OFAUBURN WMEREAS, City ofi Aubum Police Canine Officer Samuel Betz has been promoted to Sergeant; and WHEREAS, the City of Aubum Police Department has evaluated Officer Betz's Police Service Dog, Bodi, and has determined that it is best to retire 4he dog instead of trying to train the dog to a new officer; and WHEREAS, Sergeant Betz has expressed the desire to acquire sole and exclusive ownership of Bodi; and WHEREAS, there is an understanding beiween Canine Handling Officers and the City of Aubum that at the conclusion of a Police Service Dog's usefulness, the City will sell the Police Service Dog to its Canine Handling Officer and his or her family for the sum of one dollar and no/100 ($1.00). NOW THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF AUBURN, WASHINGTON, FiEREBY RESOLVES AS FOLLOWS: Saction 1. The City of Aubum has determined that Canine Bodi has reached the end of a reasonable service p.eriod and therefore determined that the properry status of said canine should be surplussed and should be sold consistenY with the understanding and practice between the City and Canine Handlers, to Aubum City Police Offcer Samuel Betz for the amount of one dollar Resolution No.4944 April 24,2013 Page 1 of 2DI.B Page 136 of 194 and no/100 ($1.00) upon execution of the sale and waiver agreemeM as described in Exhibit A attached hereto and incorporated herein by this reference. Section 2. The Mayor is authorized to implement such administrative p"rocedures as may be necessary to carry out the directives of this legislation. Section 3. This Resolution shall take effect and be in full force upon passage and signatures hereon. CITY OF AUBURN Pete B. Lewis Mayor ATTEST: Danielle E. Daskam City Glerk APPRO D AS TO FORM: D iel B. 'Hei CityAttomey Resolution No. 4944 April 24, 2013 Page 2 of 2DI.B Page 137 of 194 SALE AND HOLD HARMLESS AGREEMENT THIS AGREEMENT is entered into this_day of 2013, by and between the City of Aubum, its agents, employees and assigns (hereinafter referred to as the "City") and Samuel Be (hereinafter referred to as Sergeant Be), his heirs and assigns. Police Canine Bodi, having come to the end of his service duty, may be purchased by his handler, Sergeant Be, for the sum of one dollar and no/100 ($1.00). Sergeant Betz seeks to purchase Bodi under the terms of this Agreement and the City seeks to relieve itself of ownership of Bodi and any potential exposure to additional costs and/or other issues that may arise during the remainder of Bodi's life. Sergearrt Betr acknowledges and agrees that the City has no basis upon which to render any warcanty or guararrtee regarding Bodi's suitability for non-law enforcemeM activities, including suitability as a traditional pet or suitability for any particular purpose, and accordingly 4he city offers no warrant orguarantee and disclaims any warranty in law or equity that might otherwise accompany a sale. Sergeant Betz voluntarily accepts these canditions and disclaimers. For sufficient consideration, including Sergeant Be's payment under the tertns of thisAgreement and the City's agreement to sell Bodi in lieu of other means of disposal and for other consideraUon as set forth in this agreement, Sergeant Betz agrees to release, acquit and forever discharge the City of and finm any and all actions, claims, demands, claims for attomey's fees orother claims of any variety on account of or in any way arising out of Sergeant Betz's ownership of Bodi. Sergeant Befz spec cally acknowledges that the sale of B.odi is as is" that the City has not agreed to provide any f rther care or treatment for Bodi as a condition of sale, and agrees that he will not make any claim against the City after the sale for anything associated with Bodi's medical or other needs or conditions, whether those needs and conditions occurred prior to or after this sale. Sergeant Betr agrees that Bodi is solety his property and that he bears full responsibility forBodi s care, behavior and actions from the time of purchase forvvard. Bysigning this Agreement, Sergeant Befz acknowledges that he has executed this Agreement of his own ftee will and is a voluntary act. Sergeant Samuel Be, Purchaser By: Bob Lee, Chief of Police On behalf of the City of Aubum DI.B Page 138 of 194 AGENDA BILL APPROVAL FORM Agenda Subject: Resolution No. 4953 Date: May 15, 2013 Department: Planning and Development Attachments: Agenda Bill Resolution No. 4953 Budget Impact: $0 Administrative Recommendation: For discussion only. Background Summary: See attached Agenda Bill. Reviewed by Council Committees: Finance, Planning And Community Development, Public Works Other: Legal Councilmember:Backus Staff:Tate Meeting Date:May 20, 2013 Item Number:DI.C AUBURN * MORE THAN YOU IMAGINEDDI.C Page 139 of 194 AGENDA BILL APPROVAL FORM Agenda Subject: Resolution No. 4953 Date: May 15, 2013 Department: Planning and Development Attachments: Resolution No. 4953 Budget Impact: N/A Administrative Recommendation: City Council to introduce and adopt Resolution No. 4953 Background Summary: As a follow up to Resolution No. 4934 adopted by City Council on April 1, 2013, City Council would like to clearly state its opposition of a King County Solid Waste Handling Facility at 28721 West Valley Highway. The City of Auburn previously stated its opposition to a Solid Waste Handling Facility at 901 C Street SW via letter written on November 15, 2012 at a time when King County was considering this site as their preferred location. King County then initiated an environmental impact statement scoping period which identified 28721 West Valley Highway as the preferred location. During the April 1, 2013 City Council meeting many residents expressed their concern over King County’s decision to designate the West Valley site as the preferred alternative. The majority of citizens who voiced their concerns also urged Auburn to express opposition to the West Valley site. At the conclusion of the April 1, 2013 City Council meeting, City Council adopted Resolution No. 4934 which expressed concerns over siting a solid waste facility at 28721 West Valley Highway. On April 5, 2013, the City of Auburn delivered a letter to King County Solid Waste expressing concern over locating a facility at this site and attached Resolution No. 4934 as part of the package delivered to the County. Since April 5, 2013 the City has heard additional public testimony, further evaluated and considered the concept of locating a solid waste handling facility at the West Valley site, and have conducted historical research of the land use activities in the surrounding areas and has drafted a resolution that documents findings and a position of opposition to the facility. Reviewed by Council & Committees: Reviewed by Departments & Divisions: Arts Commission COUNCIL COMMITTEES: Building M&O Airport Finance Cemetery Mayor Hearing Examiner Municipal Serv. Finance Parks Human Services Planning & CD Fire Planning Park Board Public Works Legal Police Planning Comm. Other Public Works Human Resources Information Services Action: Committee Approval: Yes No Council Approval: Yes No Call for Public Hearing ___/___/____ Referred to _________________________________ Until ____/___/____ Tabled ______________________________________ Until ___/___/____ Councilmember: Backus Staff: Tate Meeting Date: May 15, 2013 Item Number: DI.C Page 140 of 194 RESOLUTION NO. 4 9 5 3 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF AUBURN, WASHINGTON; OPPOSING KING COUNTY LOCATING A SOLID WASTE TRANSFER STATION AT 28721 WEST VALLEY HIGHWAY IN AUBURN, WASHINGTON, AND EXPRESSING ITS CONCERNS RELATIVE THERETO WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Aubum, Washington, previously passed Resolution No. 4934 on the 1g` day of April, 2013, a copy of which Resolution is attached hereto and incorporated fully herein by this reference; and WHEREAS, in furtherance ofResolution No. 4934, the City Councifwishes to make it ciear that it has significant and ongoing concems that were not only addressed in that Resolution but that are related to the siting of a Solid Waste Transfer Station proposed to be located in North Aubum, on West Valley Highway because of historical implications that now bear on properties in the area that would be affected thereby; and WHEREAS, prior to the annexation of West Hill by the City of Auburn, King County allowed development to occur in the higher elevation areas of the West Hill Annexation Area, which development did not have adequate storm drainage facilities or that storm drainage facilities were inadequate to handle the storm drainage needs in the West Hill and lower lying areas to which storm drainage waters flow; and WHEREAS, in addition to and notwithstanding the impacts of the Solid Waste Transfer Station, the deve.lopment that King County permitted in the West Hill neighborhoods from the 1980's until annexation has left storm drainage impacts Resolution No. 4953 May 15, 2013 Page 1 of 4 DI.C Page 141 of 194 on the low-lying areas that have not been suitably or adequately addressed and which has therefore caused harm on the affected properties that were developed befinreen 1920 and 1962; and WHEREAS, it is the position of the City Council of the City of Aubum that King County and the West Hill upland property owners should take steps to address the impacts related to that development; and WHEREAS, the City Council furttier believes that King County needs to consider the issues and concerns that relate to any proposal for an additional Solid Waste TransferStation in South King County; and WHEREAS, the subject property is an approximately 20 acre M-2 zoned site that allows for a wide range of light manufacturing uses that have the potential to create a significant number of new jobs in contrast to a solid waste transfer station which provides minimal job growth. NOW, THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF AUBURN, WASHINGTON, HEREBY RESOLVES as follows: Section 1. That the City Council of the Cit r of Aubum hereby expresses its opposition to King County locating a Solid Waste Transfer Station at 28721 West Valley Highway, in Aubum, Washington, because it is an expensive facility with an approximately $70,000,000.00 tax payer cost that is not needed, since the newly completed Bow Lake Transfer Station is able to handle solid waste needs in South King County, and since there are other reasonable altematives tha4 could be employed to alleviate the need,for another Solid Waste Transfer Station in South King County. Resolution No. 4953 May 15, 2013 Page 2 of 4 DI.C Page 142 of 194 Section 2. That rather than promoting another Solid Waste Transfer Stations in South King County, and locating it so as to exacerbate existing impacts on affected properties, the City Council of the City ofAuburn hereby expresses its position that, consistent with the King County Solid Waste Management Plan, King County should take steps to implement mandatory curb-side garbage collection and mandatory recycling services, and King County should promote otherjurisdictions within King County to likewise require recycling and solid waste garbage collection services since only 13 of the 37 cfties require mandatory garbage service and only 12 of the 37 cities require mandatory recycling service, so as to minimize the neeii for any other Solid Waste Transfer Stations anywhere in South King County. Section 3. That the City Council further wishes to solicit cooperation and assistance by King County and from the property owner's of the westem slopes to address the impacts on the low-lying areas down-stream of the West Hill Annexation neighborhoods, where those low-lying areas have been so affected by inadequate storm drain facilities resulting from the residential development that King County permitted to occur without adequately addressing storm drainage impacts on the low-lying areas. Section 4. That the Mayor'is authorized to implement such administrative procedures as may be necessary to carry out the directives of this legislation. Section 5. That this Resolution shall take effect and be in full force upon passage and signatures hereon. Resolution No. 4953 May 15, 2013 Page 3 of 4 DI.C Page 143 of 194 Dated and Signed this day of 2013. CITY OF AUBURN PETER B. LEWIS MAYOR ATTEST: Danielle E. Daskam, City Clerk APP D TO FO aniel B. Heiii, ity Attomey Resolution No. 4953 May 15, 2013 Page 4 of 4 DI.C Page 144 of 194 AGENDA BILL APPROVAL FORM Agenda Subject: Resolution No. 4954 Date: May 13, 2013 Department: Parks/Art and Recreation Attachments: Resolution No. 4954 Contract Budget Impact: $0 Administrative Recommendation: City Council approve Resolution 4954 accepting $17,000 grant funding from 4Culture. Background Summary: The office of the Cultural Development Authority of King County, doing business as 4Culture, awarded a grant to the City of Auburn in the amount of $17,000 per annum for the 2013 cycle as part of its Local Arts Agency Sustained Support Program. Funds for this program are provided through King County’s Hotel/Motel Tax funding initiative. Grant cycles are a bi-annual competitive process. Funding is allocated annually. The money supports City arts programming as well as community organizations that present art programs and/or activities serving the citizens of Auburn. All funded programs are required to acknowledge support from the City of Auburn and the 4Culture Hotel/Motel Tax fund in printed materials and their websites. Reviewed by Council Committees: Finance, Planning And Community Development Councilmember:Staff:Faber Meeting Date:May 20, 2013 Item Number:DI.D AUBURN * MORE THAN YOU IMAGINEDDI.D Page 145 of 194 RESOLUTION NO. 4 9 5 4 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF AUBURN, WASHINGTON, AUTHORIZING THE ACCEPTANCE OF A: GRANT FROM THE CULTURAL DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY OF KING COUNTY ("4CULTURE") AND AUTHORIZING THE MAYOR AND CITY CLERK. TO EXECUTE THE NECESSARY CONTRACTS TO ACCEPT SAID FUNDS WHEREAS,the City of Aubum Arts Commission, on behalf of the City of Aubum, submitted an application to the Cultural Development Authority of King County 4CULTURE) for a Cuitural Facilities Program Grant; and WHEREAS, the City has been advised that it has been approved to receive a grant from said program in the amount of Seventeen Thousand and No/100s Dollars 17,000.00); and WHEREAS, acceptance of the grant will benefd the citizens of Aubum. NOW, THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF AUBURN, WASHINGTON, HEREBY RESOLVES as follows: Section 1. Acceptance of Grant and Authorization of Contract The City Council hereby accepts the Sustained Support Program Grant from 4CULTURE, in the amount of Seventeen Thousand and No/100s Dollars{$17,000.00), and authorizes the Mayor and Gity Clerk to execute the Contract with 4CULTURE in substantial conformity with the Contrect marked as Exhibif"A" attached hereto and incorporated herein by this reference. Section 2. Imalementation. The Mayor is further authorized to implement such administrative procedures as may be necessary to carry out the directions of this Resolution No. 4954 May 14, 2013 Page 1DI.D Page 146 of 194 legislafion, including assuring that the grant fund appropriation is included in the appropriate budget documents of the City. Section 3. Effective Date. That this Resolution shall take effect and be in full force upon passage and signatures hereon.. SIGNED and DATED this day of 2013. CITY OF AUBURN PETER B. LEWIS, MAYOR ATTEST: Danielle E. Daskam, City Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORM: Daniel',B. Heid, City Attomey Resolution No. 4954 May 14, 2013 Page 7DI.D Page 147 of 194 DI.D Page 148 of 194 DI.D Page 149 of 194 DI.D Page 150 of 194 DI.D Page 151 of 194 DI.D Page 152 of 194 DI.D Page 153 of 194 DI.D Page 154 of 194 DI.D Page 155 of 194 DI.D Page 156 of 194 DI.D Page 157 of 194 AGENDA BILL APPROVAL FORM Agenda Subject: Resolution No. 4955 Date: May 14, 2013 Department: Planning and Development Attachments: Resolution No. 4955 and Agreement Budget Impact: $0 Administrative Recommendation: For discussion only. Background Summary: Jeff Oliphant of Auburn Professional Plaza LLC, approached the City to purchase Unit 380 within the One Main Professional Plaza. The City’s team has been negotiating with Jeff on the purchase and sale agreement as well as a potential amendment to the parking garage lease agreement. There is more discussion needed on any amendment to parking garage lease so in order to move forward with the purchase and sale agreement, we are separating the negotiations. With the existing parking garage lease agreement and with what is on-site at the One Main Professional Plaza, there is sufficient parking, by code requirements, for the units owned by Jeff Oliphant and Key Bank. Summary of the Purchase and Sale Agreement (PSA): 1. Purchase Price - $1,074,949.00 (price outlined in the right to re-purchase agreement when the City purchased its condo units in 2010 from Auburn Professional Plaza LLC). 2. The PSA is contingent on the Buyer entry into a lease agreement for Unit 380 with MultiCare Health Systems. 3. Requires Buyer to complete the necessary tenant improvements for the City to relocate the employee break room to the 2nd floor and the GIS offices. 4. Amendments to the Condominium Declarations and Survey will be required to reallocate the 3rd Floor Terrace limited common element to Unit 300 (City’s other third floor space) and allocated the currently combined parking spaces in the Mel’s Lot to the specific units. AUBURN * MORE THAN YOU IMAGINEDDI.E Page 158 of 194 Reviewed by Council Committees: Finance, Municipal Services, Planning And Community Development, Public Works Other: Legal Councilmember:Staff:Chamberlain Meeting Date:May 20, 2013 Item Number:DI.E AUBURN * MORE THAN YOU IMAGINEDDI.E Page 159 of 194 RESOLUnON N0. 4955 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF AUBURN, WASHINGTON, DECLARING CERTAIN REAL PROPERTY AS SURPLUS AND AUTHORIZING THE MAYOR AND CITY CLERK TO EXECUTE A PURCHASE AND SALE AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE CITY OF AUBURN AND AUBURN PROFESSIONAL PLAZA, LLC WHEREAS, the City owns real property that it no longer needs for municipal purposes; and WHEREAS, Aubum Professional Plaza, LLC ("APP"), desires to purchase said property; and WHEREAS, the City of Aubum and APP have negotiated an agreement that is beneficial to both parties at a cost that is acceptable to the City. NOW, THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF AUBURN, KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON, HEREBY RESOLVES as follows: Section 1. That the following prope ty is declared to no longer be required for municipal purposes, and is hereby declared to be surplus: Unit 380 of Lot 1, City of Aubum Boundary Line Adjustment No. BLA0019, recorded under recording number 20091124900003, records of King County, Washington Together with an easement for parking under parking easemeM agreemenr recorded under King County recording number 20091118001355, with respect to the following property:. Lot 7, Map of L.W. Ballard's Park Addition of Slaughter, according to the plat thereof recorded in Volume 3 of Plats; Page 91, in King Gounty, Washington; together with the vacated west 10 feet Resolution No.4955 May 10, 2013 Page 1 of 3 DI.E Page 160 of 194 of Silyer 3treet (now A Street Northwest) adjoining and subject to a revocable license in favor of the City recorded under King County Recording No.20100218000151. Section 2. The Mayor of the City of Auburn and the Aubum City Clerk are hereby authorized to execute a Purchase and Sale Agreement between the City of Aubum and APP for fhe purchase of either or both these properties, which agreement shall be in substantial conformity with the Agreement a copy of which is attached hereto, marked as Exhibit "A" and incorporated herein by this reference. Section 3. The Mayor is hereby authorized to implement such administrative procedures as may be necessary to carry out the directives of this legislation. Section 4. This resolution shall be in full force and effect upon passage and signatures hereon. Dated and Signed this day of 2013. CITY OFAUBURN PETER B. LEWIS, MAYOR. ATfEST: Danielle E. Daskam, City Clerk Resolution No.4955 May 1 D, 2013 Page 2 of 3 DI.E Page 161 of 194 APPRO D AS TO FORM:. D " I B.Heid, ' -Att Resolution No.4955 May 10, 2013 Page 3 of 3 DI.E Page 162 of 194 Exhibit A to Resolution No. 4955 PURCHASE AND SALE AGREEMENT This PURCHASE AND SALE AGREEMENT (this "Agreement") is entered into as of the day of 2013, by and between the CITY OF AUBURN, a Waslrington municipal corporation, as Seller (hereinafter the "City" or "Seller', and AUBURN PROFESSIONAL PLAZA, LLC, a V ashington limited liability company hereinafter the"Buyer"). RECITALS A. The City is the owner of certain real pmperiy and all improvements thereon ("Property") located in the City of Auburn, County of King, VJashington, commonly known as Unit 380, One Main Street Professional Plaza, a Condominium, which is legally described as follows: Unit 380 of Lot 1, City of Auburn Boundary Line Adjustment No. BLA0019, recorded under recording number 20091124900003, records of King County, V ashington Together with an easement for pazking under pazking easement agreement recorded under King County recording number 20091118001355, with respect to the following property: Lot 7, Map of L.W. Ballard's Park Addition of Slaughter, according to the plat thereof recorded in Volume 3 of Plats, Page 91, in King County, Washington; together with the vacated west 10 feet of Silver Street (now A Street Northwest) adjoining and subject to a revocable license in favor of the City recorded under King County Recording No.20100218000151. B. City desires to sell the Property to Buyer, on the terms and conditions set forth herein. AGREEMENT NOW, TEIEREFORE, for good and valuable consideration, the receipt and sufficiency of wtrich are hereby mutually aclmowledged, Buyer and Seller hereby agree as follows: 1.Certain Defined Terms. For purposes of this Agreement, the terms set forth below shall have the meaning assigned to them: 1.1 "Closing"or"Close of Escrow" means the recordation of the Deed in the Official Records and Seller's receipt of the Purchase Price. City of Auburn/Auburn Professional Plaza, LLC 5.10.13 Page 1 of 16 DI.E Page 163 of 194 1.2 "Closing Date" means any mutually agreeable date on or before December 31, 2013. l3 "Escrow" means the escrow opened with Escrow Agent for the consummation of the u ansaction described in this Agreement. 1.4 "Escrow Agent" means Stephani Owens of Stewart Tide Company 206.770.8811)whose address is 1420 Sth Avenue, Suite 500, Seattle, WA 9810t. 1.5 "Official Records" means the official real property records of King County, V ashington. 1.6 "Opening of Escrow" means the date:a fully executed copy of ttris Agreement is deposited with Escmw Agent. 1.7 "Permitted Exceptions"has the meaning as set forth in Section 6.3 below. 1.8 "Purchase Price"has the meaning as setforth in Section3. 1.9 "Tide Company"means Stewart Title Company. 1.10 "Title Policy" means an ALTA (1970 Forcn B) extended coverage owner'spolicy of tifle insurance issued by the Title Company to Buyer with coverage in the amount of purchase price, showing title to the Property vested in Buyer subject only to the Permitted Exceptions. 2. Purchase and Sale. The City agrees to sell to Buyer, and Buyer agrees to purchase from City,the Property upon the terms and wnditions set forth in this Agreement. 3. Purchase Price; Cash Payment. The total cash purchase price for the Property(the Purchase P;ice") shall be One Million, Seventy-Four Thousand, Nine Hundred Forty Dollars and no cents ($1,074,949.00). The Purchase Price shall be paid to City in cash at Closing. 4. Covenants, Conditions,Restrictions. 4.1 This Agreement is subject to the terms and conditions of• 4.1.1 Declaration of One Main Street Professional Plaza, a Condominium, recorded under King County Recording No. 2010051200511 on May 12,2010. 4.1.2 Bylaws of the One Main Street Profession Plaza Owners Association. 4.13 This Agreement is subject to a right of first refusal held by Ceradimm, LLC. Ceradimm ROFR' City of Auburn/Auburn Professional Plaza, LLC 5.10.13 Page 2 of 16 DI.E Page 164 of 194 4.1.4 This Agreement is contingem on Buyer's entry into a lease agreement with MultiCare Health System for Unit 380 or for an area that includes ihe area currenUy known as Unit 380 together with additional space presendy owned by Buyer. 5. Earnest Money Deposit. On execution of this Agreement, Buyer shall deposit with Escrow Ageat One Thousand Dollars and no cents ($1,000.00) in cash (the Deposit', which shall be held by Escrow Agent as an earnest money deposit hereunder. The Deposit shall be held in Escrow and applied or disposed of by Escrow Agent as provided herein. Escrow Agent shall place the Deposit in an interest-bearing account approved by City and Buyer and all interest earned thereon shall be added to and become. a part of the Deposit. 6.Due Diligence. 6.1 Due Diligence Period. Buyer shall have the right for a period of sixty (60) days from the date of this Ageement (the "Due Diligence Period") to conduct Buyer's due. diligence review, examination and inspection of all matters pertaining to iu acquisition of the Property, including such inspections,tests, and surveys as Buyer deems appropriate to determine the suitability of the Property for Buyer's intended use. City shall provide. Buyer and Buyer's agents and wnsultants with reasonable access to the Property and, to tlie extent such information is in the possession or control of City, shall pmvide reasonable acc.essto appropriate information respecting the Property, subject to the tecros and conditions of tlris Agreement. Buyer's obligation to purchase the Property shall be contingent upon its approval of such property after conducting its due diligence review. If; based upon Buyer's review, examination and inspection, Buyer stiall detetmine in its sole discretion that it iatends to acquire the Property, then Buyer shall prompfly notify City of such determination in writing prior to the expiration of the Due Diligence Period, whereupon Buyer's due diligence contingency shall be deemed satisfied and waived; tfie Deposit shall become nonrefundable (except as otherwise provided herein), aad Buyer shall proceed to Closing. In the event that Buyer shall fail to ha4e delivered such notice to'Seller on or before the expiration of the Due Diligence Period, Buyer shall haVe been deemed to be satisfied with the resulu of iu aforesaid review, and shall be deemed to have waived its right to terminate this Agreement pursuant to this subsection. If Buyer shall have timely and affirmatively advised the City in writing of its dissatisfaction with the aforesaid matters based on its review, then tlus Agreement shall automatically terminate, the Deposit shall be returned to Buyer, and the parties' rights under this Agreement shall be of no fiuther force or effect. 6.2 Title Commitment Prompdy after mutual execution of this Agreement, Seller shall obtain an extended preliminary title insurance commitment covering tfie Property from the TiUe Company (the "Commi enY') as is consistent with Secrion 9 together with copies of all recorded documents listed as special exceptions therein. Approval by Buyer of the exceptions to title set forth in the Commitment (other than as hereinafter set forfh) shall be a condition precedent to Buyer's obligation to purchase the Property. City of Auburn/Aubum Professional Plaza, LLC 5.10.13 Page 3 of 16 DI.E Page 165 of 194 Unless Buyer gives written notice that it disapproves the excepdons to tide shown on the Commiunent (other than the exceptions to tifle approved by Buyer and described ia Section 63 below), stating the exceptions so disapproved, within sixty(60) days after the date of this Agreement, Buyer shall be deemed to have approved such exceprions. If Buyer disapproves any tide exceptions, City shall have a ten (]0) day period after its receipt of Buyer's written nodce of disapproval of the same within wlrich to provide written notice to Buyer as to which of such disapproved ride exceprions the City will remove (or cause to be removed) &om tide; provided, however, that City shall not be required to actually remove such excepdon(s) until Closing. If, for any reason, City's notice given pursuant to the immediately preceding sentence does not covenant to remove all of Bnyer's disapproved title exceptions at or prior to Closing, Buyer shall have the right to terminate this Agreement by written notice to City and Escrow Agent given within ten (10) days after the eazlier of the expiration of such ten (10) day period or the date City informs Buyer t6at it does not urtend to remove the disapproved items (the Termination Notice'. Buyer's failure to deliver the Termination Notice within such ten 10) day period shall be deemed Buyer's approval of any such previously disapproved title exception. If Buyer delivers the Termination Notice withinsuch ten (10) day period, the obligation of City to sell, and Buyer to buy, the Property as hecein provided shall terminate and the Deposit shall be retumed to Buyer. Buyer shall have the option to waive the condition precedent set forth in ttris Section 6.2 by written notice to Seller. In the event of such waiver, such condition precedent shall be deemed satisfied. 63 Permitted Exceptions. In addition to such other exceptions to tide as may be approved by Buyer pursuant to the provisions of Section 6.2 above, Buyer shall accept title to the Property subject to the following(collectively,the "Permitted Exceptions"): 63.1 The printed exceptions which appear in the ALTA (Form 1970B) form eactended coverage owner's policy of tifle insurance issued by Tide Company in the State of Washington; and items created by, or on behalf of, Buyer. 6.4 No New Leases or Contracts. Prior to Closing, City shall not enter into any new leases, contracts or agreements affecting the Property without the prior written consent of Bnye=, except ihe City may enter into interim contracts or ageements in connection with the management, maintenance,repair or preservation of the Property in the normal coiuse of business if each such contract or agreement expires or is ternrinated at or prior to Closing. 7.Buyer's Right of Entry. Buyer, and its agents and consultants, at Buyer's sole expense and risk, may enter the Property during the term of this Agreement at reasonable times scheduled in advance with City for the purpose of Buyer's due diligence study of the Property. Buyer shall (a) exercise care at all times on or about the Property, and (b) take precautions for the prevention of injury to persons or damage to properiy on or about the Property. Buyer shall keep the Property free &om all mechanics', materialmen's and other liens, and all claims thereof, arising from any work or labor done, services performed, or materials and supplies fumished in with Buyer's actions in the exercise of City of Auburn/Auburn Professional Plaza, LLC 5.10.13 Page 4 of 16 DI.E Page 166 of 194 its right of entry on the Property, and Buyer shall indemnify and defend City against and hold City haimless from all such liens and claims. 8.Closing. 8.1 Time for Closing. This pwchase and sale shall be closed in the office of Escrow Agent on the Closing Date. Buyer and City shall deposit in Escrow with Escrow Agent all instrumenu, documents and monies necessary to complete the sale in accordance with this Agreement. Funds held in reserve accounts pursuant to escrow insuuctions shall be deemed, for purposes of this definition,as available for disbursement to City. 8.2 Closing Cosu. 8.2.1 City Costs. City sha11 pay (a) the City's share of proradons, if any and, (b) any commissions due on the sale. This sale is exempt from real estate excise taxes undet V ashington Administrative Code Sectioa 458-61 A-205. 8.2.2 Buyer's Costs. Buyer shall pay (a) all escmw fees and costs, (b) the recording fees for the Deed, (c) Buyer's share of prorations, if any and, (d) all premiums charged for basic-and extended coverage for the Tide Policy and any additional endorsements or covetage Buyer may require, including applicable sales tax. 8.23 Other Costs. Buyer and City shall each pay its own legal fees and fees of its own c.onsultants. All other costs and expenses shall be allocated between Buyer aad City in accordance with the customary practice of King County, Washington. 8.3 Real Property Taxation. Ciry shall be responsible for all real property taxes due and owing prior to the Closing. 8.4 Closing Documents. 8.4.1 City's Documents. At Closing, City shall deliver to Escrow Agent the following instnunents and documents: The executed and aclmowledged Deed in the form attached hereto as E ibit"A,"conveying the Property to Buyer; The executed real estate excise tax affidavit to accompany the Deed; and An executed nonforeign person affidavit in the form required under Section 1445 of the Internal Revenue Code. All assig able construction, equipment, and supplier warranties pertaining to Unit 380. City of AuburnlAuburn Professional Plaza, LLC 5:10.13 Page 5 of 16 DI.E Page 167 of 194 8.4.2 Buyer's Documents. At Closing, Bnyer shall deliver to Escrow Agent the following funds, instruments and documents: The balance of the Purchase Price in accordance with Section 3; The executed real estate excise tax affiilavit referenced in Section 8:4.1.2 above. 8:5. Possession. Buyer shall be entided to possession of the Property upon Closing. 9.Title Insurance. As soon as available after Closing, City sha1T provide to Buyer the Tide Policy,dated as of the Closing Date, su6ject only to the Permitted Excepdons. 10. Conditions to Closing. 10.1 Buyer's Conditions to Closing. Notwithstanding anything to the conuary set forth herein, Buyer's obligation to close hereunder is expressly subject to satisfaction orwaiver by Buyer in writing of each of the following condidons: 10.1.1 The Seller's desigiation of the Property as "surplus" and its authorization to sell the Property. 10.1.2 Seller's representation that the tliird party's rights to purchase the Property under the Ceradimm ROFR have been waived or terminated. 102. Seller's Conditions to Closing. Notwithstanding anything to the contrary set forth herein, Seller'sobligation to close hereunder is expressly subject to satisfaction or waiver by Seller in writing of each of the following condidons: 10.2.1 Buyer's completion, at its own cost and expense, for all tenant improvements requi=ed to relocate employee space and break room into another portion of the City- owned Condominium Units. The City has the sole right to approve the design and construction of these tenant improvements associated with the relocation of the employee space and break mom. CITY REPRESENTS AND BUYER SPECIFICALLY ACKNOWLEDGES THAT CONSTRUCTION OF THESE REPLACEMENT TENANT II IPROVEMENTS IS NOT SUBJECT TO WASHINGTQN STATE LAW REGARDING PUBLIC WORKS. THEREFORE, THE TENANT IMPROVEMENTS ARENOT SUBJECT TO COMPETITIVE BID, PREVAILING WAGE,BONDING, AND RETAINAGE REQUIREMENTS. BUYER MUST GUARANTEE PAYMENT FOR ALL SUBCONTRACTORS AND MATERIALMEN BY DEPOSTTING WI'I'H THE CITY, AT THE TIME OF City of Aubum/Aubum Professional Plaza, LLC 5.10.13 Page 6 of 16 DI.E Page 168 of 194 PERNIIT ISSUANCE,A PAYMENT AND COMPLETION GUARANTEE IN THE AMOUNT OF TWO HUNDRED PERCENT (200%) OF THE ESTIMATED COSTS OF THE TENANT IMPROVEMENTS. THIS GUARANTEE-SAALL BE ADDED TO AND CONSIDERED TO BE "EARNEST MONEY" UNDER SECTION 5 OF THIS AGREEMENT. ADDITIONALLY, BUYER AGREES TO DEFEND, INDENINIFY, AND HOLD THE CITY HARMLESS AGAINST ALL CLAIMS RELATED TO THE TENANT II1 IPROVEMENTS. 10.2.2 Approval by the Board of the One Main Street Professional Plaza Owner's Association to amend the Condominium Declaradons and Survey to reallocate the 3rd floor Terrace limited common element to Unit 300 and to clearly allocate the cuaently- combined pazking spaces desigiated as limited common elements for parking in the MePs Lot" specifically to and among Units 200, 300, and 380. All documents required to amend the condominium declarations abd survey sha11 be prepared by and paid for by Buyer. 10.23 Buyer's payment for all other costs associated with relocating City employees and equipment out of Unit 380. Seller shall submit invoices not later than 30 days after Unit 380 is vacated.. 11. Representations and Warranties. 11.1 City's Representations and Warranties. In addition to any other representstions or warranties of City elsewhere in this Agreement, City represents and warrants to Buyer now,and as of the Date of Closing,that: 11.1.1 Authority. City, and the person signing on behaif of City, has full power and authority to execute this Agreement and perform City's obligations hereimder, and all necessa;y action to authorize this transaction has been talcen, except as specifically provided herein. 11.1.2 Hazazdous Substances. City has not received notification of any kind from any governmental agency suggesting that the Property is oz may be targeted for a Hazardous Substances cleanup; to the best of City's lmowledge the Property has not been used (a) for the:storage, disposal or discharge of oil, solvents, fuel, chemicals or any type of toxic, dangerous; hazazdous or biological waste or substance (collectively, "Hazardous Substances"), or (b) as a landfill or waste disposal site; to the best of City's lmowledge the Property has not been coataminated with any Hazardous Substances; and to the best of City's knowledge,there are no undergrouad storage tanks on the Property. 11.2 Buyer's Representations and Wazranties. In addition to any other representations and wananties of Buyer elsewhere in this Agreement, Buyer represents and warrants to City of Aubum/Auburn Professional Plaza, LLC 5.10.13 Page 7 of 16 DI.E Page 169 of 194 Ciry now, and as of the Date of Closing, that (a)Buyer has full power to execute, deliver and carry out the terms and provisions of tlris Agreement, and has taken all necessary action to authorize the execution, delivery and performance of this Agreement; and (b) the individual executing this Agreement on behalf of Buyer has the authority to bind Buyer to the terms and conditions of this Agreement. 113 "AS IS" CONDITION OF PROPERTY. TF PURCHASE PRICE REFLECTS THAT Tf PROPERTY IS BEING PURCHASED BY BUYER ON AN "AS IS" WHERE IS" AND "WITH ALL FAULTS" BASIS, EXCEPT TO 'TI-IE EXTENT OF REPRESENTATIONS AND WARRANTIES SPECIFICALLY MADE BY SELLER HEREIN OR IN 'fHE DEED OR OTI R DOCUMENTS TO BE DELIVERED BY CITY AT CLOSING. BUYER HEREBY WAIVES AND RELINQUISHES ALL RIGHTS AND PRNILEGES ARISING OUT OF, OR WITH RESPECT TO, ANY REPRESENTATIONS, WARRANTIES OR COVENANfS, WHETF R EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, WHICH MAY HAVE BEEN MADE OR GIVEN, OR WHICH MAY BE DEEMED TO HAVE BEEN MADE OR GIVEN, BY CITY OR ITS REPRESENTATNES, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO ANY BROKER, EXCEPT FOR THOSE REPRESENTATIONS, WARRANTIES AND COVENANTS SET FORTHIN THIS AGREEMENT OR IN ANY DOCUMENTS TO BE EXECUTED AND DELIVERED BY CITY AT CLOSING. EXCEPT TO TF EXTENT OF ANY REPRESENTATIONS OR WARRANTIES SET FORTH ELSEWHERE IN THIS AGREEMENT OR IN ANY DOCUMENTS TO BE E}CUTED AND DELNERED BY CITY AT CLOSING, BUYER HAS NOT RELIED UPON AND WILL NOT RELY UPON, AND CITY EXPRESSLY DISCLAIMS, ANY REPRESENTATIONS OR WARRAN'TIES WITH RESPECT TQ AND SHALL HAVE NO LIABILITY FOR: (n TEIE CONDITION OF TI PROPERTY OR ANY BUILDINGS, STRUCTURES OR IMPROVEMENTS LOCATED TI REON OR Tf SUITABILITY TF REOF FOR HABITATION, OCCUPANCY OR FOR BUYER'S INTENDED USE OR FOR ANY USE WHATSOEVER; (II) ANY APPLICABLE BUILDING, ZONING OR FIRE LAWS OR REGULATIONS OR WITH RESPECT TO COMPLIANCE THEREWITH OR WITH RESPECT TO Tf EXISTENCE OF OR COMPLIANCE WTfH ANY REQUIRED PERMITS, ff ANY, OF ANY GOVERNMENTAL AGENCY; (IIn Tf AVAILABILITY OR EXISTENCE OF ANY VJATER, SEWER OR UTILI'TIES,.ANY RIGHTS THERETO, OR ANY WATER, SEWER OR UTILITY DISTRICTS; (IV) ACCESS TO ANY PUBLIC OR PRNATE SATIITARY SEWER SYSTEM; ( TI-IE FACT THAT ALL OR A PORTION OF TI-IE PROPERTY MAY BE LOCATED ON OR NEAR AN EARTHQUAKE FAULT LINE; OR(VI) EXCEPT AS SPECIFICALLY SET FORTH ABOVE, THE PRESENCE OF ANY HAZARDOUS SUBSTANCES IN ANY IMPROVEMENTS ON Tf PROPERTY, INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMTfATION ASBESTOS OR FORMALDEHYDE, OR TE PRESENCE OF ANY ENVIRONMENTALLY HAZARDOUS WASTES OR MATERIAI,S ON OR UNDER THE PROPERTY. WITHOUT LIMITING TI GENERALITY OF TI FOREGOING, EXCEPT TO TI EXTENT OF ANY REPRESENTATIONS OR City of Aubum/Aubum Professional Plaza, LLC 5.10.13 Page 8 of 16 DI.E Page 170 of 194 WARRANTIES SET FORTH ELSEWHERE IN THIS AGREEMENT OR IN ANY DOCUMENTS TO BE EXECUTED AND DELIVERED BY CITY AT CLOSING, CITY SHALL HAVE IVO LIABILITY TO BUYER WITH RESPECT TO Tf CONDITION OF THE PROPERTY UNDER COMMON LAW, OR ANY FEDERAL, STATE,OR LOCAL LAW OR REGULATTON, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO Tf COMPREHENSIVE ENVIItONMENTAL RESPONSE, COMPENSATION AND LIABII.TI'I' ACT OF 1980 AS AMENDED, 42 U.S.C.A. SECTIONS 9601 ET SEQ., AND 'IT-IE WASHINGTON MODEL TOXICS CONTROL ACT ("MTCA', RCW 70.1O5D. BUYER HEREBY RELEASES AND WAIVES ANY AND ALL CLAIMS WHICH Tf BUYER HAS OR MAY HAVE AGAINST CITY UNDER ANY OF TI FOREGOING LAWS OR WITH RESPECT TO THE CONDITION OF THE PROPERTY, EXCEPT TO THE EXTENT OF ANY CLAIMS BUYER MAY HAVE ARISING FROM ANY EXPRESS REPRESENTATIONS, WARRANTIES OR COVENANTS OF CITY UNDER THIS AGREEMENT OR ANY DOCiJMENTS TO BE EXECUTED AND DELIVERED BY CITY AT CLOSING. BUYER ACKNOWLEDGES TO CITY THAT BUYER IS GIVEN T!-IE OPPORTUNITY UNDER THIS AGREEMENT TO FULLY INSPECT TF PROPERTY AND BUYER ASSUMES Tf RESPONSIBILITY AND RISKS OF ALL DEFECTS AND CONDITIONS, INCLUDING SUCH DEFECTS AND CONDITIONS, IF ANY, THAT CANNOT BE OBSERVED BY CASUAL INSPECTION, SUBJECT TO TF EXCEPTION OF RIGHTS EXPRESSLY SET FORTH ABOVE. BUYER: CITY: IF A PHASE I ENVIRONMENTAL SITE ASSESSMENT REPORT OR OTf R ENVIRONMENTAL STUDY OR REPORT (COLLECTIVELY, Tf "PHASE I REPORT") HAS BEEN DELIVERED BY CITY TO BUYER, THEN, WITHOUT LIMITING THE GENERALITY OF THE FOREGOING, BY CLOSING THE TRANSACTION AS CONTEMPLATED HEREIN, BUYER AGREES THAT, EXCEPT TO TF EXTENT EXPRESSLY CONTRARY TO ANY REPRESENTATIONS, WARRANTIES OR COVENANTS OF CITY SET FORTH IN THIS AGREEMENT: (A) BUYER SHALL BE DEEMED TO HAVE ACCEPTED ALL RISK ASSOCIATED WITH ADVERSE PHYSICAL CHARACTERISTICS AND EXISTING ENVIRONMENTAL CONDITIONS THAT MAY OR MAY NOT HAVE BEEN REVEALED BY CITY'S INVESTIGATION OF TI3E PHASE I REPORT,.AND B) AS BETWEEN CITY AND BUYER, BUYER SHALL BE DEEMED TO HAVE ACCEPTED ALL COSTS AND LIABILITIES ASSOCIATED IN ANY WAY WITH TI-IE PHYSICAL AND ENVIItONMENTAL CONDITION OF Tf PROPERTY. BUYER ACKNOWLEDGES AND AGREES THAT CITY MAKES NO REPRESENTATIONS OR WARRANTIES REGARDING TE TRUfH, ACCURACY OR THOROUGHNESS OF TI INVESTIG:ATION, PREPARATION OR CONTENT OF Tf PHASE I REPORT, OR TI COMPETENCE OR ABILITY OF THE PERSONS OR COMPANIES PREPARING SUCH REPORT. BUYER AGREES THAT, BY CLOSING THE TRANSACTION CONTEMPLATED HEREIN, BUYER WILL HAVE HAD AN OPPORTUNITY TO REVIEW THE ABOVE REPORT PRIOR City of Aubum/Aubum Professional Plaza, LLC 5.10.13 Page 9 of 16 DI.E Page 171 of 194 TO THE CLOSING DATE IN ORDER TO MAKE AN INDEPENDENT VERIFICATION OF THE INFORMATION CONTAINED TF REIN, AND THAT BUYER AND ITS ENVIRONMENTAL CONSULTANTS WILL HAVE HAD AN OPPORTUNITY TO CONDUCT TESTS ONTHE PROPERTY. 12. Maintenance of Property; Risk of Loss,Condemnation. 12.1 Maintenauce of Property. Fmm the date of ttus Agreement until the Closing Date or any earliet termination of this Agreement), City agrees to maintain the Property in substantially the same condition existing as of the date hereof, ordinary wear and tear, damage by casualty excepted. 12.2 Risk of Loss; Condemnation. Risk of loss of or damage to the improvements on the Property shall be borne by Seller at all times and no event of casualty or damage shall affect the parties' obligations hereunder or the Purchase Price, however,Buyer shall have the right to receive any insurance proceeds due City in connection with any casualty or damage and City hereby covenants to maintain commercially reasonable casualty insurance in place with respect to the Property at all times prior to Closing. City shall promptly notify Buyer of any condemnation or eminent domain proceeding which affects the Property, and City covenants and agrees not to commence or pursue any such action. In the event of any coademnation or eminent domain proceeding by any entity other than City, or a deed in lieu or under threat thereof, wluch affects a material portion of the Property> Buyer may elect either to terminate this Agreement, or to purchase the Property in the condition existing on the Closing Date without adjustment of the Purchase Price. If Buyer elects to terminate this Agreement, the Deposit shall be returned to Buyer. If Buyer elects to purchase the Property, City shall not be liable to restore same, and Buyer shall be entitled to any condemnation award or payment in lieu thereof payable to City in its capacity as the owner thereof. 13. Default. 13.1 Time of Essence. Time is of the essence of this Agreement. 13.2 City's Remedies for Buyer's Default or Failure to Close. If Buyer fails, without legal excuse, to complete the purchase of the Property in accordance with tlris Agreement, City's sole and exclusive remedies shall be to retain the Deposit as liquidated damages. Buyer expressly agrees that the retention of the Deposit by City represents a reasonable estimation of the damages in the event of Buyer's default and failure to close hereunder, that actual damages may be difficult to ascertain and that tkris provision dces not constitute a penalty. In this respect, Buyer and City acknowledge that these damages have been speciScally negotiated between Buyer and City and aze, inter alia, to compensate City for delaying the eventual sale of the Property and to compensate City or its costs and expenses associaYed with this Agreement. Buyer hereby waives the rights and benefits of any law, rule, regulation or order now or hereafter e cisting that would City of Aubum/Auburn Professional Plaza, LLC 5.10.13 Page 10 of 16 DI.E Page 172 of 194 allow Buyer to claim a refund of the Deposit as uneamed eamest money, a penalty or for any other reason except default by City. 133 Buyer's Remedies for City's Default. If City fails to complete the sale of the Property in accordance with this Agreement, Buyer shall have and may enforce the following exclusive remedies: (a) seek specific performance; (b) terminate tlris Agreement, receive a refund of the Deposit and recover from City all of Buyer's actual third-party costs and expenses incurred by it in connection with the transaction and the Project; or(c) seek rescission of this Agreement and receive a refund of the Deposit. 14. Notices. All nofices, demands and other communications required or permitted to be given-hereunder shall be in writing, and shall be sent by personal delivery (including by means of professional messenger or courier service) or registered or certified mail, postage-prepaid, return-receipt requested, ot by email az the addresses proVided herein. Notice shall be deemed to have been given if personally delivered or sent by email, upon receipt, if sent by mail, two (2) days after duly deposited in the U.S. Mail to all of the addresses designated for such party. The parties' respective addresses for notices are as follows: If to City: City of Auburn Planning& Development Department 25 West Main Street Aubum, WA 98001-4998 Attn: Planning Manager Email: echamberlainna,aubumwa.eov With copies to: City Attorney's Office Ciry of Auburn 25 West Main Street Auburn, WA 98001-4998 Attn: City Attorney Email: serossCa aubumwa.eov; dheidna auburnwa.eov If to Buyer: Auburn Professional P1a7a, LLC P.O. Box 1294 Auburn, WA 98071-1294 Attn: Jef&ey Oliphant, President Email:,j1o55Cg,aol.com With copies to: Auburn Professional Plaza, LLC City of Auburn/Auburn Professional Plaza, LLC 5.10.13 Page 11 of 16 DI.E Page 173 of 194 c/o Michael John Klein, CPA 5743 Corsa Avenue, Suite 216 Westlake Village, CA 91362 Anthony Rafel, Esq. Rafel Law Group; PLLC 600 University SUreet, Suite 2520 Seattle, WA 98101 Notice of change of address shall be given by written notice in the manner de[ailed in ttris Section 14. 15. General. 15.1. Entire Agreement. This is the entire agreement of Buyer and Ciry with respect to the matte;s covered hereby and supersedes all prior agreements between them, written or oral. This Agreement may be modified only in writing, signed by Buyer and City. Any waivers herennder must be in writing. No waiVer of any right or remetly in the event of ilefanit hereunder shall constitute a waiver of such right or remedy in the event of any subsequent default This Agreement sBall be governed by the laws of the State of V ashington. Venue for disputes under this agreement shall lie with the Superior Court of King County, Washington. 15.2 No Third Party Beneficiaries/Severability. This Agreement is for the benefit only of the parties hereto and shall inure to the benefit of and bind the heus, personal representatives, successors and permitted assigns of the parties hereto. The invalidity or unenforceability of any provision of this. Agreement shall not affect the validity or enforceability of any other provision hereof. 'This Agreement may be executed in counterparts, each of wlrich shall be deemed an original, but all of which together shall constitute one and the same instrument. 15.3 Buyer waives its right to receive a resale certificate as provided for in RCW 6434.425. 15.4 Buyer waives its right to receive a Commercial Seller's Disclosure Form as provided for in RCW 64.06.010(7). 16. Commissions. City represents to Buyer that City has engaged a broker; agent or finder in connection with the negotiations leading to tlris Agreement. Buyer reprgsents to City that Buyer has not engaged or in any way dealt with any broker, agent or finder in connection with the negotiations leading to this Agreement The City will be responsible for commissions to be paid to its brbker. OtlieI than as specified in this ag=eement, each party hereby agrees to indemnify, defend and hold the other party hazmless &om and City of Au6um/Auburn Professional Plaza, LLC 5.10.13 Page 12 of 16 DI.E Page 174 of 194 against any claims for broker's, agenYs, or finder's fees or commissions arising &om or through the actions of the indemnifying party. 17. Attomeys' Fees. In the event suit or action is instituted to interpret or enforce the terms of this Agreement, ihe prevailing pazry therein shall be entided to recover&om the other party such sum as the Court may adjudge reasonable as attomeys' fees, inciuding fees incurred at trial,on any appeal and in_any petition for review. 18. Exclusivity. During the term of this Agreement City shall not market nor list the Property for sale, nor accept any offers fiom third parties with respect to sale of the Property. 19. Reservation of Police Power. Notwithstanding anything to the contrary set forth herein, Buyer understands and aclmowledges that the City's authority to exercise its police (regulatory)powers in accordance with applicable law sha1T not be deemed limited by the provisions of tlus Agreement. 20. City Cauncii Approval. The Buyer aclaiowledges that this Agreement does not bind the City of Auburn until the City Council approves the Purchase Agreement.and the Mayor executes the Agreement. 21. Licensing Disclosure. Buyer hereby discloses to City that Jeffrey Oliphant, President of Buyer, is the managing broker, designated broker and president of a Washington licensed real estate brokerage firm that is not involved with this transaction. City of Aubiun/Aubum Professional Plaza, LLC 5.10.13 Page 13 of 16 DI.E Page 175 of 194 21. Exhibits. Extubit A attached hereto is incorporated herein as if fully set forth. SIGNED in duplicate original as of the date first above written. CITY OFAUBURN AUBURN PROFESSIONAL PLAZA, LLC By Peter B. I.ewis, Mayor Jeffrey Oliphant, President Attest:. Title Danielle Daskam, City Clerk Approv as to form: D ' i Attom EI{ITS Exhibit A, Warranty Deed City of AuburnlAubum Pmfessional Plaza, LLC 5.10.13 Page 14 of 16 DI.E Page 176 of 194 Rehun Address: Ciry of Aubum City Clerk 25 West Main Auburn,WA 9800] Above this line reserved for rocording information. WARRANTY DEED Reference#(if applicable): N/A GrantorBorrower: City of Auburn Grantee/Assignee/Beneficiary: Aub an Professional Plaza,LLC Legal Descriprion/STR: Unit 380 of Lot 1,City of;4uburn Boundary Line Adjustrnent No. BLA0019,recorded under recording number20091124900003,records of King County, Washington Assessor's Tax Parcel ID#: For and in consideration of the.sum of TEN DOLLARS ($10.00) and other good and valuable consideration, receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, Grantor, the City of Anburn, a municipal corporation of ihe State of Washington, hereby conveys and warrants to Anburn Professional Plaza, LLC, Grantee herein, its successors and assigns, the property legally described and depicted in Eachibit "A," attached hereto and incorporated herein by this reference (the"Properry'. IN WITTTESS WHEREOF,the parties have caused this instrument to be executed by its proper officer(s)this day of 2013. G2antor: T6e City of Aubnrn By: Iu: Mayor Date Signed: City of Aubum/Aubum Professional Plaza, LLC 5.10.13 Page 1 S of 16 DI.E Page 177 of 194 STATE OF ss. Counry of STATE OF WASHINGTON ) ss. County of King I certify that I Imow or have satisfactory evidence that PET'ER B. LEWIS is the.person who appeared before me,and said person acknowledged that he/she signed this inshwnent,on oath stated that he was authoriied to execute the instrument and acknowledged it as the Mayor of the City of Auburn, a Washington municipal corporation, to be the free and voluntary act of such party for the uses and purposes mentioned in this inswment Dated Notary Public in and for the State of residing at My appointment expires City of Aubum/Auburn Professional Plaza, LLC 5.10.13 Page 16 of 16 DI.E Page 178 of 194 AGENDA BILL APPROVAL FORM Agenda Subject: Resolution No. 4956 Date: May 14, 2013 Department: Human Resources Attachments: Resolution No. 4956 Public Defense Services Agreement Budget Impact: $0 Administrative Recommendation: City Council adopt Resolution No. 4956. Background Summary: Reviewed by Council Committees: Finance, Municipal Services Councilmember:Staff:Heineman Meeting Date:May 20, 2013 Item Number:DI.F AUBURN * MORE THAN YOU IMAGINEDDI.F Page 179 of 194 i RESOLUTION NO. 4 9 5 6 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF AUBURN, WASHINGTON„ AUTHORIZING THE NIAYOR AND CITY CLERK TO EXECU7E AN AGREEMENT BEMIEEN THE CITY OF AUBURN AND CAYCE & GROVE FOR PUBLIC DEFENSE SERVICES WHEREAS, the State legisiature finds that effective legal represer tation should be provided for indigent persons consistent with the constitutional requirements of faimess, equal protection and due process in all cases where right to counseFattaches; and i WHEREAS, the King Courrty District Court presides over cases involving indigent I persons and the City of Aubum provides Public Defense Services; WHEREAS, the City of Aubum desires to contract its Public Defense Senrices; and WHEREAS, it is fiscally responsi6le for the City of Auburn to periodically "shop" for quality defense services with the best retum in its investment; and WHEREAS, the City of Aubum published a Request for Proposal for the purpose of reviewing bids that provide quality public defense services; and WHEREAS, the City of Aubum has reviewed each proposal submitted in accordance with the Request#or Proposal; and WHEREAS, the City of Aubum finds the bid from Cayce & Grove best meets the i requirements. NOW; THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF AUBURN, WASHINGTON, HEREBY RESOLVES as follouvs: Resolutlon No.4956 May 14, 2013 Page 1 of 2 DI.F Page 180 of 194 Section 1. That ffie Mayorand City Clerk are hereby authorized to execute the Public 'Defense Services Contract betvireen the City of Auburn and Cayce & Grove which agreement shall be in substantial conformity with the agreement attached hereto I as Exhibit A and incorporated herein by this reference. Section 2. That the Mayor is authorized to implement such administrative procedures as may be necessary to carry out the directives of this legislation. Section 3. That this Resolution shall take effect and be in full force upon passage and signatures hereon. Dated antl Signed this day of 2013. CITY OF AUBURN i PETER B. LEWIS, AAAYOR ATTEST: Danielle E. Daskam, City Clerk I APPROVED AS TO FORAA: Daniel B. Heid, City Attomey I Resolu8on No.4956 May14, 2013 Page 2 of 2 DI.F Page 181 of 194 Public Defender Contract July 1, 2013 – December 31, 2014 Date 5.14.13 Page 1 of 13 PUBLIC DEFENSE SERVICES CONTRACT CITY OF AUBURN, WASHINGTON July 1, 2013 – December 31, 2014 THIS AGREEMENT made and entered into by the City of Auburn; hereinafter referred to as “CITY,” and The Law Offices of Cayce & Grove, hereinafter referred to as “PUBLIC DEFENDER,” do hereby agree to the following terms and conditions: I. APPOINTMENT OF DEFENDANTS FOR PUBLIC DEFENSE SERVICES: A. General. 1. The CITY shall make public defense services available to all persons who so qualify after application to and approval of the Court or an independent public defense screen or are in custody and directly appointed by the Court. The PUBLIC DEFENDER will provide legal representation for each of these defendants from the time of court appointment or screening through trial, sentencing, post conviction review, and any appeals to Superior court or Washington appellate courts. The PUBLIC DEFENDER, or subcontractor of the PUBLIC DEFENDER, will provide defense services at daily in- custody bail hearings, will attend the arraignment calendar, and will be available, in person, to talk to and meet indigent defendants at the Auburn Detention Center, South Corrections Entity (SCORE), or other alternative locations. The PUBLIC DEFENDER will also provide representation for the Mental Health Court calendar and Community calendar should one be established during the term of the contract. If a mental health court or community calendar is established, the parties agree to reopen the compensation section of this Agreement. 2. The CITY shall be responsible for screening. Upon appointment, the screener shall immediately deliver to the PUBLIC DEFENDER the screener’s document on each case that is assigned. The screener shall be responsible for delivering a letter of introduction, which has been provided by the PUBLIC DEFENDER, to every defendant who qualifies for and is appointed to be represented by the PUBLIC DEFENDER. The screener shall provide notice of appointment to the PUBLIC DEFENDER, the prosecutor, and the court. B. Reporting Procedures. 1. The PUBLIC DEFENDER shall file monthly reports with the CITY indicating the following: (1) the first, middle and last name of each defendant who has been appointed and a Notice of Appearance was filed; (2) criminal cause number(s) for the defendant; (3) date of appointment; (4) whether the defendant was appointed by the Court or by the screener; and (3) if the case was “conflicted” at any time during the process. DI.F Page 182 of 194 Public Defender Contract July 1, 2013 – December 31, 2014 Date 5.14.13 Page 2 of 13 2. The PUBLIC DEFENDER shall also provide a monthly report to the CITY showing all cases in which the defendant has been sentenced or acquitted. 3. The PUBLIC DEFENDER shall also include in its monthly reports the case count information required by Section 16 of this Agreement. All reports are due to the CITY on the 4th day of the month following the appointment and filing of the Notice of Appearance or case disposition. II. RESPONSIBILITIES OF PUBLIC DEFENDER A. The PUBLIC DEFENDER shall be responsible to provide competent professional legal services to the defendants represented. The PUBLIC DEFENDER shall employ and/or associate a sufficient number of attorneys and staff to provide such services. The CITY shall incur no extra cost for the employed and/or associated attorneys and staff. The PUBLIC DEFENDER and each attorney so employed and/or associated shall be an active member in good standing of the Washington State Bar Association. Any attorney employed and/or associated by the PUBLIC DEFENDER who does not have at least three (3) years of experience shall practice under the direct supervision of any attorney who does have three (3) years experience. Such experience shall include at least one-third emphasis on criminal defense. B. Legal interns involved in the representation of defendants in Court must have all of their work reviewed and/or countersigned by a supervising attorney. No legal intern shall have sole responsibility for administering and representing any of the defendants appointed and represented pursuant to the contract herein. C. Caseloads of the PUBLIC DEFENDER and any individual attorneys employed and/or associated therewith should be limited to that level of assignments which allows an attorney to give each defendant’s case sufficient time and effort to ensure effective representation. On June 15, 2012, the Washington Supreme Court issued Order No. 25700-A-1004 (“Order”), adopting new standards for indigent defense, and certification of compliance. Section 3.1 of the Order requires that the CITY establish the maximum number of cases that each attorney will be expected to handle. The Order does not impose a specific or recommended case limit until January 2015. At that time, the Order suggests a guideline of four hundred (400) cases per attorney (if the CITY does not use a weighted case counting system). In order to determine a maximum number of cases, the CITY, in coordination with the PUBLIC DEFENDER, have reviewed the 2012 public defense caseload to date. Based on that review, the CITY has determined that the following factor warrants an upward deviation from the proposed maximum unweighted case limit guideline: The experience level of the staff at the PUBLIC DEFENDER’S office shows that each attorney has over (ten) 10 years of criminal defense experience. This allows them to more efficiently analyze charges, which in turn allows them to provide effective advice to DI.F Page 183 of 194 Public Defender Contract July 1, 2013 – December 31, 2014 Date 5.14.13 Page 3 of 13 their clients. As a result, the experienced attorneys are capable of handling more cases while still providing effective representation. III. SERVICES PROVIDED BY THE PUBLIC DEFENDER 1. The PUBLIC DEFENDER shall represent each defendant from the date of appointment (or at in-custody hearings as the case may be), through sentencing and the first appeal of right pursuant to the Rules for Appeal of Decisions of Courts of Limited Jurisdiction (RALJ) rules. The PUBLIC DEFENDER or the CITY may request rescreening of a defendant whose case is on appeal. Appeals shall not be considered new case assignments. In addition, the PUBLIC DEFENDER shall be present at arraignment hearings on stand-by should a defendant request legal advice. 2. Case defined. A case is defined as the filing of a document with the Court naming a person as defendant or respondent, to which an attorney is appointed in order to provide representation. In Courts of limited jurisdiction, multiple citations from the same incident can be counted as one (1) case provided that a case shall not exceed four (4) criminal counts on a maximum of two (2) criminal citations arising out of the same general course of conduct over a short period of time. Example: a single person charged with three (3) different Driving While License Suspended charges would be counted as three (3) separate cases because the incidents necessarily took place at separate times. However, a single individual charged with Reckless Driving, DUI, Hit and Run (Attended), and Driving While License Suspended arising out of one incident (on two citations), would count as one (1) case. 3. Case Count. A case is counted where: (a) Pretrial: Each pretrial case is counted only once irrespective of any subsequent reappointments pursuant to a failure to appear (FTA). They will be counted at the time of first appointment. Cases subsequently conflicted, or where a private attorney is hired, will be noted on the next monthly report, but is not counted as a PUBLIC DEFENDER case; (2) Post trial convictions: Case where a defendant was previously represented by the PUBLIC DEFENDER and was previously counted when they were in pretrial status will not be counted unless they FTA at a post conviction hearing. Post conviction cases where defendants FTA and are subsequently re-appointed to the PUBLIC DEFENDER will be counted again; however, this shall occur only once. No matter how many times a defendant FTA and the PUBLIC DEFENDER is reappointed when the case is in the post-conviction status, the case will be recounted only once. In the future, the PUBLIC DEFENDER agrees to complete representation for any defendant for which a Notice of Appearance has been filed, even if Court proceedings continue beyond the date when a successor PUBLIC DEFENDER becomes responsible for public defense services. This does not include post conviction reviews. 4. The PUBLIC DEFENDER may associate or employ additional or different attorneys to represent defendants at no extra cost to the CITY. Any counsel associated DI.F Page 184 of 194 Public Defender Contract July 1, 2013 – December 31, 2014 Date 5.14.13 Page 4 of 13 with or employed by the PUBLIC DEFENDER shall have the authority to perform the services called for herein. All associated counsel hired pursuant to this section shall be admitted to practice pursuant to the rules of the Supreme Court of the State of Washington. Sufficient counsel shall be provided to represent defendants during vacation, illnesses, and settings in more than one (1) courtroom. No legal interns shall be used unless agreed to by the CITY in advance. No attorney shall handle more than six hundred (600) public defense cases annually during the term of this Agreement, unless the Washington State Supreme Court establishes different case limits under the Order. If new limits are established by Court Rule or statute, the parties agree to re- open this provision in order to establish the appropriate case limit, and to negotiate whether additional compensation is appropriate. This limit applies to each individual attorney for all Courts in which the attorney practices. The PUBLIC DEFENDER agrees to pay each subconsultant under this Agreement for satisfactory performance of its contract no later than forty-five (45) days from the receipt of each payment the consultant receives from the CITY. Any delay or postponement of payment from the above referenced time frame may occur only for good cause following written approval of the CITY. 5. Conflict Cases. Both parties agree that cases will be conflicted only when a recognized conflict occurs (not a potential conflict). Upon discovery of an actual conflict with the representation of a specific defendant by the PUBLIC DEFENDER (as defined in the Rules of Professional Conduct), the PUBLIC DEFENDER shall immediately inform the CITY, the Court, and the defendant in writing of the conflict by issuing a Notice of Intent to Withdraw. Only a partner in the PUBLIC DEFENDER’S firm will be permitted to make the final decision regarding whether a conflict actually exists. The PUBLIC DEFENDER will assist the City with a list of qualified law firms with which the CITY can contract for conflict public defense services. 6. Upon receiving notice of a conflict of interest and agreeing thereto, it will be the CITY’S financial responsibility to pay alternative counsel to represent the defendant. The Court will rotate, in order, “conflicted” cases to each firm. However, if the CITY contests the Notice of Intent to Withdraw, then the CITY shall immediately file a note for motion regarding the propriety of the withdrawal and request that the Court notify the defendant and the PUBLIC DEFENDER of the date, time, and nature of the hearing. All parties shall be bound by the Court’s ruling or any appeal therefrom. 7. Office appointments for the defendants appointed to the PUBLIC DEFENDER should be made available at least during regular business hours of 8:00 a.m. until 5:00 p.m., Monday through Friday. Appointments shall be available at the courthouse for defendants who are otherwise unable to obtain transportation to the PUBLIC DEFENDER’S office. Local non-service-charge phone service throughout the municipality shall be available as well as toll free and collect phone service from the CITY jail and the King County jails. DI.F Page 185 of 194 Public Defender Contract July 1, 2013 – December 31, 2014 Date 5.14.13 Page 5 of 13 8. The PUBLIC DEFENDER will make every effort to coordinate cases with CITY prosecutors at least once per week, in advance of upcoming court dates. 9. The PUBLIC DEFENDER will be available for all calendars pursuant to the will of the Court. Public Defense requirements would generally appear as follows. Jail is defined as the SCORE facility or Auburn Detention facility. Staffing of SCORE requirements must ensure no calendar down time. 10. The PUBLIC DEFENDER shall provide to the City of Auburn Police Department and Auburn Detention Center the telephone number or numbers at which the PUBLIC DEFENDER can be reached twenty-four (24) hours each day for critical stage advice to defendants during the course of police investigations and/or arrests, as required by statute, case law, and applicable court rule in municipal misdemeanor cases. 11. The PUBLIC DEFENDER shall provide to the screener for dissemination to every represented defendant a letter in plain, simple, and concise language outlining the defendant’s responsibilities with regard to the attorney-client relationship. 12. The PUBLIC DEFENDER shall institute and maintain a procedure to review the defendants’ complaints. Complaints, which are not immediately resolved by the PUBLIC DEFENDER, shall be referred to the Washington State Bar Association and/or the Court. 13. Assignment or Subcontractors: No assignment or transfer of the Contract or of any interest in the Contract shall be made by the PUBLIC DEFENDER without the prior written consent of the CITY. 14. All documents, reports, memoranda, plans, and/or any other materials created or otherwise prepared by the contractor as part of his performance of this Agreement (the “Work Products”) that are not subject to attorney-client or attorney work product privilege shall be owned by and become the property of the CITY, and may be used by the CITY for any purpose beneficial to the CITY. The consultant may retain copies of any documents, reports, etc., it authors. 15. If a Conflict Public Defender has been appointed as conflict counsel in a case, the PUBLIC DEFENDER shall coordinate with Conflict Public Defender to file a Notice of Withdrawal and Substitution with the Court, and shall serve a copy on the City Attorney. If the case is a RALJ appeal, the notice shall be filed in the Superior Court, with a copy to the Municipal Court and the City Attorney. 16. Caseload Monitoring. a. The purpose of this Section is to provide data to support the CITY’S possible adoption of a case weighting system, and to establish caseload limits. Using the case weighting system attached hereto, marked as (Appendix A), the PUBLIC DI.F Page 186 of 194 Public Defender Contract July 1, 2013 – December 31, 2014 Date 5.14.13 Page 6 of 13 DEFENDER shall track assigned cases. Every month, the PUBLIC DEFENDER shall provide a report that shows the total number of cases assigned, broken down by the types of cases. The PUBLIC DEFENDER will meet with the CITY at least once per quarter to review the report, and discuss whether the weighting system accurately reflects the amount of work performed by the PUBLIC DEFENDER. b. Factors to consider. In evaluating the proposed weighting system, the PUBLIC DEFENDER shall consider (and shall include in each report), the effect of the criteria in Section 3.3 of the ORDER. The PUBLIC DEFENDER shall recommend adjustments to caseloads based on the experience of the attorneys, and shall provide justification for those adjustments. The PUBLIC DEFENDER shall recommend adjustments to the case weighting system based on the effect of Stipulated Orders of Continuance, deferred prosecution, or other alternative dispositions. The PUBLIC DEFENDER shall also recommend adjustments based on dispositions such as diversions, or reductions to infractions, or other alternative dispositions that do not include a plea of guilty (as provided for in Section 3.6(B)(v) of the ORDER). IV. COMPENSATION Compensation to the PUBLIC DEFENDER for public defense services beginning July 1, 2013 through December 31, 2014 shall be paid at the rate of Thirty Three Thousand Seven Hundred Fifty Dollars ($33,750.00) per month. The City will also pay a one time transition expense of Ten Thousand Dollars ($10,000.00), within ten (10) days of execution of this Agreement. In addition, the CITY will pay for transcription costs required for the appeal, regardless of which party files the appeal. All videotapes, CDs, audiotapes, video disks, photocopies, color copies of images, or other media associated with discovery shall be provided by the CITY at no cost to the PUBLIC DEFENDER. The PUBLIC DEFENDER will submit an invoice no later than the 4th day of each month. Pursuant to regular CITY policy regarding payment for services rendered, the CITY shall make payment to the PUBLIC DEFENDER on the first day following the first CITY Council meeting following the timely submittal of the PUBLIC DEFENDER report and invoice. The PUBLIC DEFENDER agrees and understands that he/she is an independent contractor and not the agent or employee of the CITY. The manner and means of providing the professional services herein are under the sole control of the PUBLIC DEFENDER. The PUBLIC DEFENDER shall be solely responsible for reporting his/her hours, earnings, income tax, and social security to the applicable federal and state agencies. The PUBLIC DEFENDER understands that he/she is not entitled to any of the benefits provided by an employer to employees including, but not limited to, paid leave, health insurance coverage, retirement programs, and/or unemployment insurance. DI.F Page 187 of 194 Public Defender Contract July 1, 2013 – December 31, 2014 Date 5.14.13 Page 7 of 13 V. TERM OF CONTRACT This Agreement shall remain in full force and effect from July 1, 2013, through December 31, 2014. This Agreement may be annually extended or renewed under the terms of this Agreement, or as modified by agreement of both parties, at the conclusion of the term of this Agreement. Such extension or renewal shall be in writing, upon agreement of both Parties. VI. POLICY AGAINST DISCRIMINATION The PUBLIC DEFENDER shall not discriminate in employment practices on the basis of race, creed, color, age, disability, religion, sex, or sexual orientation and follow the CITY’S policy on nondiscrimination. The PUBLIC DEFENDER should comply with all local, state, and federal laws regarding discrimination. VII. PUBLIC DEFENSE STANDARDS The PUBLIC DEFENDER shall comply with the Rules of Professional Conduct. The PUBLIC DEFENDER shall comply with the City of Auburn Standards for Public Defense as adopted by the CITY on August 20, 2012, pursuant to Resolution 4849 and any future standards for public defense services that may be adopted by the CITY pursuant to Chapter 10.101.030 of the RCW. The PUBLIC DEFENDER shall submit a copy of the affidavit it files with the Municipal Court, stating that the PUBLIC DEFENDER is in compliance with such standards to the Director of Human Resources/Risk Management. This affidavit shall be submitted thirty (30) days after the PUBLIC DEFENDER has received a copy of such standards. VIII. INSURANCE AND INDEMNIFICATION A. Insurance The PUBLIC DEFENDER shall be responsible for maintaining, during the term of this Agreement and at its sole cost and expense, the types of insurance coverages and in the amounts described below. The PUBLIC DEFENDER shall furnish evidence, satisfactory to the CITY, of all such policies. During the term hereof, the PUBLIC DEFENDER shall take out and maintain in full force and affect the following insurance policies: 1. Commercial General Liability insurance, insuring the CITY and the PUBLIC DEFENDER against loss or damages arising from premises, operations, independent contractors, and personal injury and advertising injury. The CITY shall be named as an insured under the PUBLIC DEFENDER’S Commercial General Liability insurance policy with respect to the work performed for the CITY, with minimum liability limits of one million dollars ($1,000,000.00) combined single limit for personal injury, death, or property damage in any one occurrence. DI.F Page 188 of 194 Public Defender Contract July 1, 2013 – December 31, 2014 Date 5.14.13 Page 8 of 13 2. Such workmen’s compensation and other similar insurance as may be required by law. 3. Professional errors and omissions liability insurance with minimum liability limits of one million dollars ($1,000,000.00). B. No Limitation PUBLIC DEFENDER’S maintenance of insurance as required by the Agreement shall not be construed to limit the liability of the PUBLIC DEFENDER to the coverage provided by such insurance, or otherwise limit the CITY’S recourse to any remedy available at law or in equity. If, for any reason, the PUBLIC DEFENDER loses its professional liability insurance coverage, the PUBLIC DEFENDER must immediately notify the CITY’S Director of Human Resources/Risk Management. C. Other Insurance Provisions The insurance policies are to contain, or be endorsed to contain, the following provisions for Professional Liability and Commercial General Liability insurance: 1. The PUBLIC DEFENDER’S insurance coverage shall be primary insurance as respect to the CITY. Any insurance, self-insurance, or insurance pool coverage maintained by the CITY shall be in excess of the PUBLIC DEFENDER’s insurance and shall not contribute with it. 2. The PUBLIC DEFENDER’S insurance shall be endorsed to state that coverage shall not be cancelled by either party, except after thirty (30) days prior written notice by certified mail, return receipt requested, has been given to the CITY. D. Indemnification The PUBLIC DEFENDER shall indemnify, defend, and hold harmless the CITY and its officers, agents and employees, or any of them from any and all claims, actions, suits, liability, loss, costs, expenses, and damages of any nature whatsoever, including attorney fees, by any reason of or arising out of the act or omission of the PUBLIC DEFENDER, its officers, agents, employees, or any of them relating to or arising out of the performance of this Agreement except for injuries and damages caused by the sole negligence of the CITY. If a final judgment is rendered against the CITY, its officers, agents, employees, and/or any of them, or jointly against the CITY and the PUBLIC DEFENDER and their respective officers, agents and employees, or any of them, the PUBLIC DEFENDER shall satisfy the same to the extent that such judgment was due to the PUBLIC DEFENDER’s negligent acts or omissions. DI.F Page 189 of 194 Public Defender Contract July 1, 2013 – December 31, 2014 Date 5.14.13 Page 9 of 13 IX. TERMINATION OF CONTRACT A. Grounds for Immediate Termination. The CITY retains the right to immediately terminate this contract in the event any of the following incidents occurs: 1. Failure to provide timely proof of comprehensive professional liability insurance due at any of the times required herein. 2. Loss of comprehensive professional liability insurance coverage regardless of the reason therefor. 3. Any action that, at the sole discretion of the CITY, could bring discredit on the CITY. B. Additionally, either the CITY or the PUBLIC DEFENDER may terminate this contract in the event of the following: 1. Any other breach of this contract; or 2. Violation of the Rules of Professional Conduct; or 3. Good and Sufficient Cause Such termination under this subpart is effective only if the party terminating the contract has provided written notice of the deficiency to the second party, and the deficiency is not corrected in a timely manner to the reasonable satisfaction of the first party. Written notice of termination under Section IX (B) shall be given by the party terminating this contract to the other not less than sixty (60) days prior to the effective date of the termination. C. In the event of termination or upon completion of the contract, the following conditions may apply: (1) the PUBLIC DEFENDER shall be relieved of any further responsibility for receiving new case assignments under this contract; (2) the PUBLIC DEFENDER will continue to represent those defendants assigned prior to the date of termination and who have a trial date set and shall complete representation in all such cases; provided that, after termination or completion of the contract pursuant to court rules and the Rules of Professional Conduct, the PUBLIC DEFENDER may withdraw from any case as permitted by court rule. X. TRANSITION. In consideration for the transition payment in Section IV of this Agreement, the PUBLIC DEFENDER shall contact the City’s current Public Defender upon execution of this Agreement to discuss the transition of current cases, and historical records. The DI.F Page 190 of 194 Public Defender Contract July 1, 2013 – December 31, 2014 Date 5.14.13 Page 10 of 13 parties agree that, subject to Court Rules and the Rules of Professional Conduct, that as many cases as possible should be taken over by the PUBLIC DEFENDER as of the start date of this contract. The PUBLIC DEFENDER will cooperate with the incumbent to file all necessary paperwork with the Court, and to consult with clients to ensure a smooth transition of representation. DATED this________ day of__________________, 2013. CITY OF AUBURN ________________________________ Peter B. Lewis Mayor ATTEST: ________________________________ ____________ Danielle E. Daskam Date City Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORM: __________________________________ _____________ Daniel Heid Date City Attorney LAW OFFICES OF CAYCE & GROVE __________________________________ ______________ Representative Date DI.F Page 191 of 194 Public Defender Contract July 1, 2013 – December 31, 2014 Date 5.14.13 Page 11 of 13 APPENDIX A TO PUBLIC DEFENSE CONTRACT JULY 1, 2013 – December 31, 2014 Allowing Minor to Frequent Bar 1/3 Allow Unauthorized Person to Drive 1/3 Altered License 1/3 Assault: Domestic Violence 1 Non Domestic Violence 1 With Sexual Intent 2 Animal Cruelty 1 Attempted Assault 2/3 Attempted Forgery 2/3 Attempted Theft 2/3 Canceled Plates/Registration 1/3 Complicity 2/3 Commercial License Needed 1/3 Concealed Weapon 2/3 Conspiracy 2/3 Counterfeiting Trademark 2/3 Criminal Attempt 2/3 Criminal Trespass 1/3 Custodial Interference 1 Cyber Stalking 1 Dangerous Animal at Large 2/3 Discharge of Firearm 2/3 Disorderly Conduct 1/3 Display of Weapon 2/3 Driving Under Influence (DUI) 1 Driving While License Suspended (DWLS 1) 1/2 Driving While License Suspended (DWLS 2) 1/2 Driving While License Suspended (DWLS 3) 1/3 Criminal Assistance 1/3 Escape 2/3 Failure to Transfer Title 1/3 Failure to Disperse 1/3 Failure to Obey 1/2 Failure to Obey Flagman 1/2 Failure to Obtain Vehicle License 1/3 Failure to Stop 1/2 Failure to Secure Load 1 Failure to Surrender License 1/3 False Identification 1/2 False Insurance Card 1/2 DI.F Page 192 of 194 Public Defender Contract July 1, 2013 – December 31, 2014 Date 5.14.13 Page 12 of 13 False Information 1/2 False Reporting 1/2 False Statement 1/2 Fraudulent Driver’s License 1/2 Furnishing Liquor to Minor 1/2 Harm to a Police Dog 1 Harassment 1 Telephone Harassment 1 Domestic Violence Harassment 1 Hit and Run Attended 1 Hit and Run Unattended 1/2 Illegal Fireworks 1/3 Illegal Use of Dealer Plate 1/3 Immoral Conduct with a Minor 1 Indecent Exposure 1 Inhale Toxic Fumes 1 Interfering with Reporting to 911 2/3 Invalid Trip Permit 1/3 Loiter for Prostitution 1/2 Malicious Mischief Domestic Violence 1 Malicious Mischief Non-Domestic Violence 2/3 Minor Frequenting a Tavern 1/2 Minor Intoxicated in Public 1/2 Minor in Possession/Consumption 1/2 Neglect of a Child 1 Negligent Driving 1 1 No Valid Operator’s License 1/3 Obstructing 2/3 Operating Vehicle without Certification of Ownership 1/3 Operating Vehicle without Ignition Interlock 1/2 Patronizing a Prostitute 1/2 Physical Control 1 Possession of Drug Paraphernalia 1/2 Possession of Marijuana 1/2 Possession of Stolen Property 2/3 Possession/Making Burglary Tools 2/3 Possession of Another’s ID 1/2 Possession of Legend 2/3 Prostitution 1/2 Provoking Assault 2/3 Public Disturbance 1/3 Reckless Driving 2/3 Reckless Burning 2/3 Reckless Endangerment 2/3 Refuse to Cooperate 1/2 Crimes Requiring Registration as Sex Offender 2 DI.F Page 193 of 194 Public Defender Contract July 1, 2013 – December 31, 2014 Date 5.14.13 Page 13 of 13 Resisting Arrest 2/3 Selling Liquor to Minor 1/2 Stalking 1 Tampering with Property of Others 1/2 Tampering with a Witness 1 Theft 3 2/3 Theft of Rental Property 2/3 Unlawful Issuance of Bank Check 2/3 Unlawful Bus Conduct 1/2 Unlawful Camping 1/3 Unlawful Racing 2/3 Vehicle Prowl 2/3 Vehicle Trespass 2/3 Violation of Anti-Harassment Order 2/3 Violation of No Contact Order 2/3 Violation of Instruction Permit 1/3 Violation of Occupancy License 1/3 Violation of Protection Order 2/3 Violation of Restraining Order 2/3 Violation of Stay Out of Area of Prostitution (SOAP) Order 1/2 Weapons Capable of Harm 2/3 DI.F Page 194 of 194