HomeMy WebLinkAbout07-15-2013 CITY COUNCIL AGENDA City Council Meeting July 15, 2013 - 7:30 PM Auburn City Hall AGENDA Watch the meeting video Meeting videos are not available until 72 hours after the meeting has concluded. I.CALL TO ORDER A.Flag Salute B.Roll Call C.Announcements, Appointments, and Presentations D.Agenda Modifications II.CITIZEN INPUT, PUBLIC HEARINGS AND CORRESPONDENCE A.Public Hearings - (No public hearing is scheduled for this evening.) B.Audience Participation This is the place on the agenda where the public is invited to speak to the City Council on any issue. Those wishing to speak are reminded to sign in on the form provided. C.Correspondence - (There is no correspondence for Council review.) III.COUNCIL COMMITTEE REPORTS A.Municipal Services 1.July 8, 2013 Minutes Peloza B.Planning & Community Development 1.July 8, 2013 Minutes Backus C.Public Works 1.July 1, 2013 Minutes Wagner D.Finance 1.July 1, 2013 Minutes Partridge E.Les Gove Community Campus F.Council Operations Committee IV.CONSENT AGENDA All matters listed on the Consent Agenda are considered by the City Council to be routine and will be enacted by one motion in the form listed. Page 1 of 117 A.Minutes of the July 1, 2013 Regular Meeting B.Claims Vouchers Partridge Coleman Claims voucher numbers 423627 through 423631 and voucher numbers 423633 through 424164 in the amount of $2,343,656.18 and dated July 15, 2013. C.Claims Vouchers Partridge Coleman Claims voucher number 423632 in the amount of $32,983.22 and dated July 15, 2013. D.Payroll Vouchers Partridge Coleman Payroll check numbers 533930 through 533974 in the amount of $873,883.66 and electronic deposit transmissions in the amount of $1,234,234.38 for a grand total of $2,108,118.04 for the period covering June 27, 2013 to July 10, 2013. E.Public Works Project No. CP0616 Backus Dowdy City Council approve Final Pay Estimate No. 3 to Contract No. 12-21 in the amount of $0.00 and accept construction of Project No. CP0616 Downtown Pedestrian Kiosks. F.Public Works Project No. CP0912 Wagner Dowdy City Council grant permission to advertise for bids for Project No. CP0912, Citywide Guardrail Improvements Project. G.Public Works Project No. CP1207 Wagner Dowdy City Council grant permission to advertise for bids for Project No. CP1207, D Street Utility Improvements. V.UNFINISHED BUSINESS - (There is no unfinished business.) VI.NEW BUSINESS - (There is no new business.) VII.RESOLUTIONS A.Resolution No. 4971 Wagner Dowdy A Resolution of the City Council of the City of Auburn, Washington, authorizing the Mayor to execute a Payback Agreement for a Developer’s Extension (Kersey Water Improvements) between the City of Auburn and Kersey 3 LLC B.Resolution No. 4972 Wagner Dowdy A Resolution of the City Council of the City of Auburn, Washington, authorizing the Mayor to execute a Payback Agreement for a Developer’s Extension (Kersey Sewer Extension) between the City of Auburn and Kersey 3 LLC C.Resolution No. 4973 Wagner Dowdy A Resolution of the City Council of the City of Auburn, Washington, authorizing the Mayor and City Clerk to execute an agreement between the City of Auburn and the lowest responsible bidder for Public Works Contract Number 13-07 Project Number CP1120 Lea Hill Safe Routes to School Improvements D.Resolution No. 4975 Wagner Dowdy A Resolution of the City Council of the City of Auburn, Washington, authorizing the Mayor to award and execute an agreement with the lowest responsible bidder Page 2 of 117 for construction of Public Works Contract Number 13-06 for Project Number CP1302, 2013 Pavement, Patching, Chipseal, and Overlay Project VIII.REPORTS At this time the Mayor and City Council may report on significant items associated with their appointed positions on federal, state, regional and local organizations. A.From the Council B.From the Mayor IX.ADJOURNMENT Agendas and minutes are available to the public at the City Clerk's Office, on the City website (http://www.auburnwa.gov), and via e-mail. Complete agenda packets are available for review at the City Clerk's Office. Page 3 of 117 AGENDA BILL APPROVAL FORM Agenda Subject: July 8, 2013 Minutes Date: July 11, 2013 Department: Police Attachments: Minutes Budget Impact: $0 Administrative Recommendation: Background Summary: Reviewed by Council Committees: Councilmember:Peloza Staff: Meeting Date:July 15, 2013 Item Number:MS.1 AUBURN * MORE THAN YOU IMAGINEDMS.1 Page 4 of 117 Municipal Services Committee July 8, 2013 - 3:30 PM City Hall Conference Room 3 MINUTES I. CALL TO ORDER Chair Peloza called the meeting to order at 3:31 p.m. in the City Hall Conference Room 3 of City Hall, 25 West Main Street, Auburn, WA. A. Roll Call Members present: Chair Bill Peloza, Vice Chair Wayne Osborne, Member John Partridge. Staff present: Mayor Pete Lewis, Chief of Police Bob Lee, Assistant Chief of Police Bill Pierson, Finance Director Shelley Coleman, Police Secretary/Scribe Heather Shaw. Others present: Auburn Reporter representative Robert Whale and citizen Yolanda Trout. B. Announcements C. Agenda Modifications DISCUSSION ITEM: A. Contract for Engineering Services at Airport to be pulled from the agenda. II. CONSENT AGENDA A. June 24, 2013 Minutes Vice Chair Osborne moved to accept the Minutes as presented. Member Partridge seconded. Chair Peloza concurred. MOTION PASSED: 3-0 III. DISCUSSION ITEMS A. Contract for Engineering Services at Airport (Coleman) Finance Director Shelley Coleman provided a brief recap on the contract for engineering services at the airport. They completed interviews and made a selection for a candidate. They are currently in the process for a contract. B. Animal Control and Rescue - Quarterly Report (Lee) Page 1 of 2 MS.1 Page 5 of 117 Police Chief Bob Lee and Assistant Police Chief Bill Pierson updated the Municipal Services Committee (MSC) on the Auburn Animal Control second quarter review. Assistant Chief Pierson answered questions from the board regarding whether Animal Control could be reached via directly. Valley Communications is dispatching calls directly to the officer. 911 calls are steadily coming in and the animal control officer is becoming busier in this second quarter as he is becoming more comfortable with the city and call volumes are rising. The Animal Control Officer completed his state training. Chair Peloza requested that the non-domestic calls be defined to include what type of non-domestic animals the officer was being called out to. Member Partridge questioned whether the citations written were being handled at the court level and what the status was on some of those citations. Because the citations are being handled at the court level, it is unknown what the outcome is on them. Assistant Chief Pierson informed the committee that Animal Control entered into a contract with Sumner Veterinary Clinic to control cost due to bills received from local clinics running rather high at times. The contract includes a cap of $150/per animal where the owner is not located. A prior meeting took place with local clinics regarding a possible contract. The local clinics were not interested. C. Project Matrix The following updates were made to the Project Matrix: Item 21P: Project Description amended. Item 21P: Review date added. Item 21P: Status updated. IV. ADJOURNMENT The meeting was adjourned at 3:45 p.m. The next regular meeting is scheduled for Monday, July 22, 2013 at 3:30 p.m. in the City Hall Conference Room 3, City Hall, 25 W. Main Street, Auburn, WA. Page 2 of 2 MS.1 Page 6 of 117 AGENDA BILL APPROVAL FORM Agenda Subject: July 8, 2013 Minutes Date: July 9, 2013 Department: Planning and Development Attachments: July 8, 2013 Draft Minute Budget Impact: $0 Administrative Recommendation: Background Summary: Reviewed by Council Committees: Other: Planning Councilmember:Backus Staff: Meeting Date:July 15, 2013 Item Number:PCD.1 AUBURN * MORE THAN YOU IMAGINEDPCD.1 Page 7 of 117 Planning and Community Development July 8, 2013 - 5:00 PM Annex Conference Room 2 MINUTES I. CALL TO ORDER Chair Nancy Backus called the meeting to order at 5:01 p.m. in Annex Conference Room 2 located on the second floor of One Main Professional Plaza, One East Main Street, Auburn, Washington. A. Roll Call Chair Nancy Backus, Councilmember Osborne (sitting in for Vice- Chair Holman), and Member Largo Wales were present. Vice-Chair Holman is excused. Also present were Interim Planning and Development Director Jeff Tate, Planning Manager Elizabeth Chamberlain, Project Engineer Ryan Vondrak, Traffic Engineer James Webb, and Planning and Development Secretary Tina Kriss. Members of the audience present: Scot Pondelick, Planning Commissioner Yolanda Trout, Jean Lix, Russ Campbell, Susan Weihe, Hank Galmish, and Robert Whale of the Auburn Reporter. B. Announcements There were no announcements. C. Agenda Modifications There were no agenda modifications. II. CONSENT AGENDA A. Approval of Minutes - June 24, 2013 (Tate) Member Wales moved to approved the June 24, 2013 meeting minutes as written, Chair Backus concurred. Motion carried unanimously. 2-0 III. ACTION A. Public Works Project No. CP0616 (Vondrak) Approve Final Pay Estimate No. 3 to Contract No. 12-21 in the Amount of $0.00 and Accept Construction of Project No. CP0616 Downtown Pedestrian Kiosks. Page 1 of 5 PCD.1 Page 8 of 117 Project Engineer Ryan Vondrak provided a briefing of Public Works Project No. CP0616. The Downtown Pedestrian Kiosks project constructed 3 kiosks at 1) W Main Street and the Interurban Trail, 2) 1st ST SW and S Division Street, and 3) The Transit Center. Construction was consistent with the budget. Committee and staff reviewed the locations and costs of the kiosks. The Committee discussed the design, expense and locations of additional kiosks. Councilmember Osborne moved and Member Wales seconded to recommend City Council approve Final Pay Estimate No. 3 to Contract No. 12-21, Project No. CP0616, Downtown Pedestrian Kiosks. Motion carried unanimously. 3-0 B. Resolution No. 4965 - The Outlet Collection Street Name Change (Tate) Planning Manager Elizabeth Chamberlain provided a brief background on Resolution No. 4965. As part of the rebranding of the Supermall to the Outlet Collection Glimcher has requested renaming the private street name from "Supermall" to "Outlet Collection". Member Wales moved and Councilmember Osborne seconded to to recommend City Council adopt Resolution No. 4965. Motion carried unanimously. 3-0 IV. DISCUSSION ITEMS A. Transportation Impact Fees (Webb) Traffic Engineer James Webb provided the Committee with staff's recommendations for updating the Transportation Impact Fee (TIP) program. A handout with changes recommended by the Public Works Committee to the Auburn 2013 Draft Transportation Impact Fee Table and Page 19 of the Transportation Impact Fee Rate Schedule were provided. The Committee and staff reviewed the changes to the traffic impact fee rate schedule and the fee comparisons to other nearby cities. Traffic Engineer Webb explained the updates assist the program in being consistent with the projects funding needs identified in the adopted 2014-2019 TIP. Staff will be taking this back to the Public Works Committee for action on July 15, 2013 and forward to Council the same evening if the Committee is supportive of the updates. B. Proposed Amendment to Auburn City Code Title 18 (Chamberlain) Page 2 of 5 PCD.1 Page 9 of 117 Planning Manager Elizabeth Chamberlain provided the Committee with background information regarding the proposed amendment to Auburn City Code (ACC) Title 18. After meeting with the Planning and Community Development Committee (PCDC) on June 24, 2013 regarding an amendment to the definition of "family" in Auburn City Code Title 18, Committee expressed a concern in making any changes to the definition of “family” and requested staff look at alternatives, possibly removing the definition of “family” altogether. The Committee and staff reviewed and discussed several options in the approach to address student/rental housing and boardinghouses within ACC. The Committee agreed that they would not break the project into two phases but that they would immediately begin to review all the code amendments needed to address student/rental housing at one time. Committee and staff provided the following action steps: • The Committee is supportive of holding Special PCDC meetings, if needed, to address student/rental housing and discuss code and policy changes. • The Committee is supportive of staff working with the City of Auburn’s Legal Department to develop a standardized protocol for the code enforcement of rental housing. As part of the process, code updates may be recommended to establish some additional tools, staff will bring any recommendations forward to the Committee as needed. • The Committee would like staff to discuss updating the Auburn City Business License form to include student rentals as part of the updates. • The Committee would like to discuss the option of limiting the number of people in a rental houses based on the square footage of the rental. • The Committee would like to discuss the option of eliminating a business license if the owner is non-compliant with ACC regarding rental housing regulations. • The Committee recommends that staff develop a program task list for future discussions on student/rental housing. Chair Backus invited the audience members wishing to speak on this topic to come forward. Hang Galmish, 12443 SE 318th Way, Auburn. Mr. Galmish thanked the Committee for taking the student/rental housing issues seriously. He emphasized that in addition to respecting students it is important to respect the property owners home values Page 3 of 5 PCD.1 Page 10 of 117 and quality of life. The cost of having student rental housing has weighed heavily on the homeowners, the property value and quality of life have diminished. Russ Campbell, 31606 126th Ave SE, Auburn. Mr. Campbell stated in August of 2010 he came to the City to complain about student/rental housing safety issues. He emphasized that if the issues can not be resolved by August or September of 2013, the City should continue to resolve the issue rather than waiting another year. Mr. Campbell stated he met with Cyndi Rapier of GRCC and she stated that the college is no longer promoting, advertising, or recommending students use the homeshare program. If the program is continuing it is likely through private individuals. The Committee emphasized that the intent is not to preclude someone from generating revenue in a rental home as long as the rental home is in compliance with ACC in an appropriate way. Jean Lix, 31606 126th Ave SE, Auburn. Ms. Lix stated that she has lived in her Lea Hill home since 1983 as a single parent. She thought the purchase of a single-family home near a community college would be beneficial. She now believes there at least 10 student rental homes in phase one and two of her sub- division. Ms. Lix believes the neighborhood has changed and been highly impacted. She believes the economic benefits drive the student rentals and that code enforcement of the single-family homes needs to be increased. Susan Weihe, 11849 SE 323rd PL, Auburn. Ms. Weihe stated she has lived in her home for over 36 years. Her property abuts a GRCC greenbelt and is next to a rental that seems like a dorm. The greenbelt is now opened for students to go to and from the college causing a steady stream of traffic. She made a call to GRCC security regarding the issues, they did not make a site visit. On Ms. Weihe's behalf Mr. Campbell called security and brought them on site to address the problem. In addition to daylight activity there is a steady stream in the evening 7 days per week, with all ages (individuals she does not believe are students). Ms. Weihe stated “education is the great equalizer” but the quality of life to the neighborhood is being impacted and the property values are lower. Ms. Weihe emphasized if GRCC is bringing students to the neighborhood the college should have a plan in place to be responsible for the students without an impact to the community. C. Director's Report (Tate) Interim Planning and Development Director Jeff Tate provided handouts with annual mid-point statistics (June 30 for the years 2000 - Page 4 of 5 PCD.1 Page 11 of 117 2013) on single-family residential and commercial permits issued and the construction valuation of those permits. The City will be conducting an inventory of land to be developed within the City to determine future development. Committee and staff discussed the City’s development activity. D. PCDC Status Matrix (Tate) There were no changes or additions to the matrix. V. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business to come before the Planning and Community development Committee, the meeting was adjourned at 6:35 p.m. DATED THIS ___________ day of ______________________, 2013. _____________________________________ Nancy Backus - Chair _____________________________________ Tina Kriss - Planning Secretary Page 5 of 5 PCD.1 Page 12 of 117 AGENDA BILL APPROVAL FORM Agenda Subject: July 1, 2013 Minutes Date: July 10, 2013 Department: Public Works Attachments: July 1, 2013 Draft Minutes Budget Impact: $0 Administrative Recommendation: Background Summary: Reviewed by Council Committees: Public Works Councilmember:Wagner Staff: Meeting Date:July 15, 2013 Item Number:PW.1 AUBURN * MORE THAN YOU IMAGINEDPW.1 Page 13 of 117 Public Works Committee July 1, 2013 - 3:30 PM Annex Conference Room 1 MINUTES I. CALL TO ORDER Chairman Rich Wagner called the meeting to order at 3:30 p.m. in Conference Room #1, located on the second floor of Auburn City Hall, One East Main Street, Auburn, Washington. A. Roll Call Chairman Wagner, Vice-Chair Bill Peloza, and Member Osborn were present. Also present during the meeting were: Public Works Director Dennis Dowdy, City Engineer/Assistant Director Dennis Selle, Assistant City Engineer Ingrid Gaub, Utilities Engineer Dan Repp, Transportation Manager Pablo Para, Maintenance and Operations Manager Randy Bailey, Interim Planning & Development Director Jeff Tate, City Attorney Dan Heid, Senior Project Engineer Jacob Sweeting, Project Engineer Seth Wickstrom, Traffic Engineer James Webb, Street Systems Engineer Jai Carter, Transportation Operations Engineer Scott Nutter, Planning Manager Elizabeth Chamberlain, and Public Works Secretary Jennifer Cusmir. Members of the public in attendance included: Scott Pondelick. B. Announcements There were no announcements. C. Agenda Modifications There was one modification to the agenda which added Resolution No. 4962 and Resolution No. 4969 to the Resolutions for action and Resolution No. 4970 for discussion. II. CONSENT AGENDA A. Approval of Minutes It was moved by Vice-Chair Peloza, seconded by Member Osborne, that the Committee approve the Public Works Committee Meeting minutes for June 17, 2013. Motion carried 3-0. Page 1 of 10 PW.1 Page 14 of 117 B. Public Works Project No. CP1103 (Sweeting) 132nd Ave SE Tacoma Pipeline 5 Intertie Improvements Senior Project Engineer Sweeting was present. There were no questions or comments from the Committee. It was moved by Vice-Chair Peloza, seconded by Member Osborne, that the Committee recommend City Council approve Final Pay Estimate No. 6 to Contract No. 12-01 and accept construction of Project No. CP1103, 132nd Avenue SE Tacoma Pipeline 5 Intertie Improvements. Motion carried 3-0. III. RESOLUTIONS A. Resolution No. 4966 (Nutter) A Resolution of the City Council of the City of Auburn, Washington, Authorizing the Mayor to Accept a State Grant to be Administered through the Washington Traffic Safety Commission for the School Zone Flashing Beacon Project Transportation Operations Engineer Nutter explained that the grant will fund the purchase of clocks that will be installed in the School Zone Flashing Beacons. The new clocks will provide coordinated wireless connections among flashers at each school location and staff will have the ability to monitor them remotely as individual telecommunication connections for each site are made available back to City Hall. Assistant Director/City Engineer Selle explained that the schools provide the staff their schedules and staff programs the flashing beacons accordingly, in response to a question asked by Chairman Wagner. It was moved by Vice-Chair Peloza, seconded by Member Osborne, that the Committee recommend City Council adopt Resolution No. 4966. Motion carried 3-0. B. Resolution No. 4969* (Dowdy) A Resolution of the City Council of the City of Auburn, Washington, Declaring an Emergency with Respect to Repair of the Storm Drainage Facilities at the Hidden Valley Vista Drainage Basin The Committee and staff reviewed the vicinity map and aerial map. Director Dowdy and Utilities Engineer Repp identified the drainage basin and facilities on the maps. Page 2 of 10 PW.1 Page 15 of 117 Assistant Director/City Engineer Selle noted areas of pipe failure and slope erosion and explained steps staff has taken to investigate the condition of the storm drainage pipe and to temporarily control flows within the system. The existing pipe is old corrugated metal pipe that was installed prior to the City’s annexation of the area. There is currently an extensive amount of root intrusion in the system. The condition of the pipe is causing very serious problems with the control of drainage down the hillside and staff is recommending an immediate replacement of the system. Assistant Director/City Engineer Selle explained that staff is determining whether or not to follow the existing alignment of the facilities or to change the alignment, in response to a question asked by Vice-Chair Peloza. Assistant Director/City Engineer Selle spoke about the possible acquisition of new easements if a different alignment of the system is deemed necessary, in response to a question asked by Member Osborne. Chairman Wagner asked if the City will be required to install any water treatment facilities. Assistant Director/City Engineer Selle answered that the City will not have to address water quality but that energy dissipation of the high velocity flows will likely be needed. Assistant Director/City Engineer Selle stated that the City will not be changing the discharge amount, flow, quality, etc. and therefore improvements to detention or treatment are not required. Assistant Director/City Engineer Selle answered questions asked by Chairman Wagner regarding the project’s budget. Assistant Director/City Engineer Selle also stated, in a response to a question from Chairman Wagner that the repairs will not be able to be completed prior to the winter months if the project goes through a typical design and bid process. Staff feels that the system in its existing condition may not hold up through another winter season and is very concerned about the potential impacts of a failure in this location, hence the staff recommendation of declaration of an emergency repair. It was moved by Vice-Chair Peloza, seconded by Member Osborne, that the Committee recommend City Council adopt Resolution No. 4969. Motion carried 3-0. C. Resolution No. 4962* (Wickstrom) A Resolution of the City Council of the City of Auburn, Washington, Page 3 of 10 PW.1 Page 16 of 117 Authorizing the Mayor and City Clerk to Execute a License Agreement Between the City of Auburn and Boeing for At-Grade Crossing Assistant Director/City Engineer Selle stated that staff acknowledges that when the GSA property is developed utility lines will need to cross through the easement and the City will have the ability to do so with this agreement, in response to a question asked by Chairman Wagner. Assistant Director/City Engineer Selle answered questions asked by Chairman Wagner regarding the parameters of the licensing agreement. Member Osborne asked about funding. Assistant Director/City Engineer Selle stated that there is a fee of $200.00 per year for the right to have the crossing which will be a general fund. It was moved by Vice-Chair Peloza, seconded by Member Osborne, that the Committee recommend City Council adopt Resolution No. 4962. Motion carried 3-0. IV. DISCUSSION ITEMS A. Ordinance No. 6469 (Tate) Ordinance No. 6469 – 2012 International Building Code Interim Planning Director Tate provided background information regarding the ordinance and the City’s and State’s building code. Tate explained that the International Building Codes, adopted by Washington State, are updated every three years. Following the update of the international codes, in Washington State, the Washington State Building Code Council reviews the international codes and determines what is appropriate for amendment on a statewide basis. When the State Building Code Council took its action in May 2013, the statute states that the new building code goes into affect July 1st. Interim Planning Director Tate stated that the draft amendments of title 15 are to change all of the references from 2009 to 2012 international codes and to update the City’s procedural requirements and standards for processing application, reviewing for completeness and determining fees. Tate noted that the amendments being presented have gone through the Planning Commission and Public Hearing processes and have also been reviewed by the Planning and Community Development Committee. Page 4 of 10 PW.1 Page 17 of 117 Tate stated the three substantive changes are the establishment of language for how the City determines the request for refund following the issuance of a permit, the establishment of the authority to determine permit fees differently for work done without a permit, and provides clarification regarding building officials’ decision making when it comes to issuing a final certificate of occupancy. Interim Planning Director Tate responded to a question asked by Vice- Chair Peloza regarding rental occupancy. Interim Planning Director responded to a question asked by Member Osborne regarding additional updates that may be made to the existing building code, following staff review and discussion. Chairman Wagner asked if City staff had any opportunity to provide the State with input in regard to the building code updates. Tate answered that the City has been active in the code update process. Interim Planning Director Tate answered questions asked by Chairman Wagner regarding the Governor appointment State Building Code Council. At the request of Vice-Chair Peloza, Tate discussed the benefits of the City being a member of ICLEI. Interim Planning Director Tate discussed the International Green Construction Code and responded to questions asked by Chairman Wagner regarding building sustainability guidance. Chairman Wagner asked for a Public Works executive summary of the chapter regarding green building code. B. Transportation Impact Fees (Webb) Transportation Manager Para stated that there are a few downtown blocks that are exempt to transportation fees, which will be in place until June 2014, in response to a question asked by Member Osborne. Chairman Wagner stated that he supports the draft transportation impact fees, specifically the downtown fees, presented by staff. Transportation Manager Para responded to questions asked by Member Osborne regarding the rates listed in the Ordinance. Transportation Manager Para spoke about the acknowledgment of the lower trip generation produced by transit related uses and uses in close. to proximity to the Transit Station Page 5 of 10 PW.1 Page 18 of 117 Transportation Manager Para stated a lot of surrounding City’s are using the same model as the City of Auburn, to recognize the lower traffic impacts based on proximity to transit stations. The Committee and staff discussed the deduction in fees in the downtown area versus the benefit of potential economic growth. Traffic Engineer Webb explained how the trip rate is calculated for particular uses, in response to a question asked by Chairman Wagner. Traffic Engineer Webb responded that the trip rate for general light industrial and general heavy industrial uses were combined in the old impact fee program under “industrial use” with one rate and staff has updated the trip rate table, adding some uses, following questions asked by Chairman Wagner. Traffic Engineer Webb responded to questions asked by Chairman Wagner and Member Osborne regarding the increase in the trip rate for espresso stands. The Committee and staff discussed the transportation impact fee comparisons to other cities. Chairman Wagner spoke about the trip generation fee for a “manufacturing village” where more residents would live within walking distance of their employment and asked that Public Works and Planning staff work together in updating those types of fees. Staff explained how the traffic analyses are reviewed to identify impacts. One of the things considered when calculating trip generation is internalization, which would apply to larger developments that include retail/office space as well as residential. Transportation Manager Para stated that part of the impact fee process is for the projects on the impact fee list to be updated with new projects added and completed projects removed. Transportation Manager Para stated that the estimated cost of the projects on the list are utilized to determine the amount of the impact fees and the City may only spend collected impact fees on those projects listed. Transportation Manager Para responded to questions asked by Chairman Wagner regarding the change in status of the Kersey Way project in the Transportation Improvement Program (TIP). Transportation Manager Para stated the draft transportation impact fees will be reviewed by the Planning and Community Development Committee and then be brought back to the Public Works Committee Page 6 of 10 PW.1 Page 19 of 117 for action. Transportation Manager Para and Traffic Engineer Webb responded to questions asked by Member Osborne regarding the modeling for the impact fee program and the work performed by staff and the consultants. The Committee and staff discussed the proposed fees for the downtown area and potential for economic growth. C. Capital Project Status Report (Gaub) Item 10 – CP1302 – 2013 Pavement Patching, Chipseal, and Overlay Project: Assistant City Engineer Gaub stated that staff identified the potential budget need for this project during the request for permission to advertise it and there will likely need to be a budget adjustment within the 105 fund. The actual amount will be based of the bid results. Item 21 – CP1122 – 30th Street NE Storm Improvements: Vice-Chair Peloza asked about the change to the design completion date. Assistant City Engineer Gaub stated the original scheduled design completion was August but the consultant has had some challenges with the line’s alignment through a congested corridor, delaying the design schedule slightly. The Committee asked for schedule delays be noted in the Status field of the report. Member Osborne asked if the project completion date will be adjusted. Assistant City Engineer Gaub stated once the consultant is further along in design, staff will have a better estimate for the final construction schedule. D. Significant Infrastructure Projects by Others - Public Works Status Report (Gaub) Assistant City Engineer Gaub noted that the State had provided dates for the closure of the Neely Bridge over Green River SR18, July 26th through July 29th. E. Activities Matrix (Dowdy) Item E – Comprehensive Transportation Plan Update: Chairman Wagner asked how detailed the July 15th Committee presentation will be. Transportation Manager Para answered that staff is planning to discuss only the level of service policies with the Committee. Item J – King County Flood Insurance Mailers – Quality Check: Vice- Page 7 of 10 PW.1 Page 20 of 117 Chair Peloza asked that the status be updated to read, “Councilmember von Reichbauer to Councilmember Dunn requesting notification to Auburn residents.” Item K – Street Lamp Installation 112th & 295th Streets: Transportation Manager Para stated that he has not heard anything from PSE as to the cost. Vice-Chair Peloza asked staff to follow up with PSE. F. Resolution No. 4970* (Heid) A Resolution of the City Council of the City of Auburn, Washington, Approving and Interlocal Agreement Between the City of Auburn and the City of Pacific for Municipal Services Resolution No. 4970 was discussed prior to Discussion Item A. City Attorney Heid explained that the City of Pacific provided the City of Auburn (the City) some preliminary ideas of the support they may need, but they wanted to have the opportunity to negotiate additional services as they put their city administrative infrastructure back together. It has been made very clear that is the City provides support to the City of Pacific, it will be done so at a full cost recovery to the City. Chairman Wagner asked if the financial reports that have come out of the City of Pacific are reliable. Heid answered that he can not say if they are completely reliable, but the City will make sure the costs incurred are expected to be paid by the City of Pacific. City Attorney Heid stated that staff is asked that the Mayor be given some authority to work on and negotiate the specifics of a payment schedule, in response to questions asked by Chairman Wagner. Chairman Wagner asked that 30-day remittance of payment language be included in the contract. Chairman Wagner spoke about potential impacts to the Public Works project schedule. Assistant Director/City Engineer Selle stated when the City of Pacific comes to Auburn with a request, staff will evaluate the request, make a recommendation to the Mayor and the Mayor can then make the determination of whether or not support will be provided. Selle continued, explaining that type of assistance staff can readily provide. Chairman Wagner asked that language be included in the resolution providing guidance to the Mayor, stating that as the terms are negotiated, the City will not allow negative impacts on Auburn’s own project schedule. City Attorney Heid stated that language can be included. City Attorney Heid stated that the agreement would not Page 8 of 10 PW.1 Page 21 of 117 exclude the possibility of Auburn hiring additional staff to provide support, however it would be on a full cost recovery, in response to a question asked by Member Osborne. Member Osborne stated that cost recovery was not his primary concern, but rather the workload and burden to City of Auburn employees. The Committee and staff discussed the possibility of having to hire. Chairman Wagner asked that language be added to the resolution stating that if additional human resources are required, it would be on a consultant only basis. The Committee agreed. City Attorney Heid answered questions asked by Vice-Chair Peloza regarding the agreement and future negotiated terms which will be included in the exhibits. Chairman Wagner asked if the Finance Committee will be overseeing the agreement since they will be the action committee. City Attorney Heid stated that the Mayor is the administrator of the agreement. The Committee and City Attorney Heid discussed which committee should provide oversight for the agreement. Heid noted that oversight is a Council decision. Chairman Wagner asked that it be included that there be the right reserved, for internal purposes, to allow an oversight committee that may be different than the Finance Committee. Chairman Wagner asked if the City of Pacific will be needing mostly Public Works engineering support, IT support, Planning or clerical support. Assistant Director/City Engineer Selle answered that Pacific does not yet know what type of support will be needed. Member Osborne spoke about liability. The Committee reaches a consensus that the about of liability should be increased. City Attorney Heid stated that he will present the Committee’s concern to the Finance Committee and City Council. Assistant Director/City Engineer Selle pointed out that the City of Pacific is also working on entering into other interlocal agreements with other jurisdictions, so they will not be solely reliant on the City of Auburn. The Committee and City Attorney Heid continued discussion regarding the responsibility of the oversight of the agreement. The Committee is in support of adoption of Resolution No. 4970, as amended. V. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business to come before the Public Works Page 9 of 10 PW.1 Page 22 of 117 Committee, the meeting was adjourned at 5:09 p.m. Approved this 15th day of July, 2013.   Page 10 of 10 PW.1 Page 23 of 117 AGENDA BILL APPROVAL FORM Agenda Subject: July 1, 2013 Minutes Date: July 9, 2013 Department: Administration Attachments: 7-1-2013 minutes Budget Impact: $0 Administrative Recommendation: Background Summary: Reviewed by Council Committees: Councilmember:Partridge Staff: Meeting Date:July 15, 2013 Item Number:FN.1 AUBURN * MORE THAN YOU IMAGINEDFN.1 Page 24 of 117 Finance Committee July 1, 2013 - 5:30 PM Annex Conference Room 1 MINUTES I. CALL TO ORDER Chair John Partridge called the meeting to order at 5:30 p.m. in Annex Conference Room 1 located on the second floor of the City Hall Annex at One East Main Street in Auburn. A. Roll Call Chair John Partridge, Vice Chair Largo Wales, and Member John Holman were present. City officials and staff members present included: Mayor Peter B. Lewis, Finance Director Shelley Coleman, Public Works Director Dennis Dowdy, and Deputy City Clerk Shawn Campbell. B. Announcements There was no announcement. C. Agenda Modifications Resolution No. 4969 and Resolution No. 4970 were added as discussion items and Resolution No. 4963 was added as an action item. II. CONSENT AGENDA A. Minutes of the June 17, 2013 Regular Meeting Member Holman moved and Vice Chair Wales seconded to approve the minutes as submitted. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 3-0 B. Claims Vouchers (Coleman) Claims check numbers 423291 through 423626, in the amount of $1,305,250.22,and dated July 1, 2013. Committee members reviewed claims and payroll vouchers and briefly discussed claims voucher 423469 (City Hall Remodel Phase I) . Director Coleman informed the Committee claims voucher 423514 had been pulled, the bill was for tax preparation for the White River Page 1 of 4 FN.1 Page 25 of 117 Historical Society. Vice Chair Wales moved and Member Holman seconded to approve and forward claims and payroll vouchers to the full Council for consideration. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 3-0 C. Payroll Vouchers (Coleman) Payroll check numbers 533890 through 533929 in the amount of $278,876.27 electronic deposit transmissions in the amount of $1,254,062.66 for a grand total of $1,532,938.93 for the period covering June 13, 2013 to June 26, 2013. See claims vouchers above for action on payroll vouchers. III. RESOLUTIONS A. Resolution No. 4970 A Resolution of the City Council of the City of Auburn, Washington, approving an interlocal agreement between the City of Auburn and the City of Pacific for municipal services City Attorney Heid presented Resolution No. 4970, approving an interlocal agreement between the City of Auburn and the City of Pacific for municipal services. A revised resolution and agreement were provided to the Committee. Mayor Lewis stated the City will receive full cost recovery and will only negotiate duties that will not impact the City's current level of service. The City will not hire additional employees to complete the work contracted from the City of Pacific. The City of Pacific is in need of assistance to bridge the gap left by the recall of their Mayor. Most of the services provided to Pacific will not extend past the end of 2013. Vice Chair Wales expressed concern for the level of service currently provided to the citizens of Auburn. Chair Partridge ask how the City of Pacific has been meeting these needs currently. Mayor Lewis stated the City Council of Pacific is unaware of the extent of the need for assistance, currently they are taking the steps necessary to keep the City running during the transition from the recalled Mayor to the new Mayor. Member Holman asked if the interlocal agreement would put the City of Auburn at greater risk for litigation. City Attorney Heid stated he saw no increased risk of liability. Vice Chair Wales moved and Member Holman seconded to approve and forward Resolution No. 4970 to the full Council for consideration. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 3-0 Page 2 of 4 FN.1 Page 26 of 117 IV. DISCUSSION ITEMS A. Resolution No. 4966 (Dowdy) A Resolution of the City Council of the City of Auburn, Washington, authorizing the Mayor to accept a state grant to be administered through the Washington Traffic Safety Commission for the School Zone Flashing Beacon Project Director Dowdy presented Resolution No. 4966 authorizing the Mayor to accept a state grant to be administered through the Washington Traffic Safety Commission for the School Zone Flashing Beacon Project. The grant will allow the City to automate the flashing beacons in school zones allowing staff to control the beacon from a computer at City Hall. Vice-Chair Wales stated automating the beacons will increase accuracy. Chair Partridge noted the schools will still have to notify City of schedule changes. B. Resolution No. 4967 (Heid) A Resolution of the City Council of the City of Auburn, Washington, declaring that the City of Auburn, Washington, is officially a Purple Heart City City Attorney Heid introduced Resolution No. 4967 declaring that the City of Auburn, Washington, is officially a Purple Heart City. Mayor Lewis patterned the resolution after other cities across the country adopting similar resolutions. The resolution provides extra recognition to those who have been hurt or killed in service for their country. Chair Partridge asked what changes would be seen within the City if the resolution is approved by Council. City Attorney Heid said there may not be any recognizable changes, the City may put up signs that recognize the City of Auburn as a Purple Heart City. The recognition is a continuation of the City's efforts to recognize veterans and their contributions. C. Resolution 4962 A Resolution of the City Council of the City of Auburn, Washington, authorizing the Mayor and City Clerk to execute a license agreement between the City of Auburn and Boeing for at-grade crossing Director Dowdy presented Resolution No. 4962, authorizing a license agreement between the City of Auburn and Boeing for at-grade crossing. This agreement will allow the City to create a crossing across the railroad tracks to the City owned property. Chair Partridge stated the $200.00 a year payment seems nominal and once the agreement is in place the City can move forward Page 3 of 4 FN.1 Page 27 of 117 with projects at the property. D. Resolution No. 4969 A Resolution of the City Council of the City of Auburn, Washington, declaring an emergency with respect to repair of the storm drainage facilities at the Hidden Valley Vista Drainage Basin Director Dowdy presented Resolution No. 4969, declaring an emergency with respect to repair of the storm drainage facilities at the Hidden Valley Vista Drainage Basin. He explained the storm drainage failure and the current state of the pipe and hillside. The area is an extremely steep grade and the repairs need to take place before additional damage occurs. He presented a preliminary plan for the repairs and a cost estimate. If the City proceeds with the bid process the repairs will not be completed before winter and additional damage will occur to the area. Vice Chair Wales asked where the funds for the repairs will come from. Director Dowdy stated the storm fund has an available balance that will cover the repairs but the City will need to adopt a budget amendment. Chair Partridge asked if the repairs will be a permanent. Director Dowdy stated the repairs will be permanent. The pipe has degraded to the point the a total replacement is required. The City will not follow the previous design. If easements can be obtained the new pipe will go straight down the hill with anchors along the ground. E. Other Vice-Chair Wales requested a discussion item be placed on an upcoming agenda regarding developing a policy for the revenue the City receives from the sale of City owned property. V. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business, the meeting adjourned at 6:10 p.m. APPROVED this 15th day of July, 2013. ________________________ _____________________________ John Partridge, Chair Shawn Campbell, Deputy City Clerk Page 4 of 4 FN.1 Page 28 of 117 AGENDA BILL APPROVAL FORM Agenda Subject: Minutes of the July 1, 2013 Regular Meeting Date: July 9, 2013 Department: Administration Attachments: 7-1-2013 City Council Minutes Budget Impact: $0 Administrative Recommendation: Background Summary: Reviewed by Council Committees: Councilmember:Staff: Meeting Date:July 15, 2013 Item Number:CA.A AUBURN * MORE THAN YOU IMAGINEDCA.A Page 29 of 117 City Council Meeting July 1, 2013 - 7:30 PM Auburn City Hall MINUTES Watch the meeting video Meeting videos are not available until 72 hours after the meeting has concluded. I. CALL TO ORDER A. Flag Salute Mayor Peter B. Lewis called the meeting to order at 7:30 p.m. in the City Hall Council Chambers located at 25 West Main Street and led those in attendance in the Pledge of Allegiance. B. Roll Call City Councilmembers present: Rich Wagner, Nancy Backus, Bill Peloza, John Partridge, Wayne Osborne, Largo Wales and John Holman. Department directors and staff members present: City Attorney Daniel B. Heid, Police Commander Scott Near, Public Works Director Dennis Dowdy, Parks, Arts and Recreation Director Daryl Faber, Finance Director Shelley Coleman, Interim Planning and Community Development Director Jeff Tate, Economic Development Manager Doug Lein, Advisor to the Mayor Michael Hursh and Deputy City Clerk Shawn Campbell. C. Announcements, Appointments, and Presentations 1. Boards & Commissions Appointments City Council to confirm the appointment of Marsha Goodwin to the Urban Tree Board for a term to expire December 31, 2015. Deputy Mayor Backus moved and Councilmember Wagner seconded to confirm the appointment of Marsha Goodwin to the Urban Tree Board for a term to expire December 31, 2015. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 7-0 2. Boards & Commissions Appointments City Council to confirm the appointment of Terri Calnan to the Transportation, Transit & Trails Committee for a term to expire December 31, 2015. Deputy Mayor Backus moved and Councilmember Wagner seconded to confirm the appointment of Terri Calnan to the Transportation, Transit & Trails Committee for a term to expire Page 1 of 8 CA.A Page 30 of 117 December 31, 2015. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 7-0 3. Boards & Commissions Appointments City Council to confirm the appointment of Arnie Galli to the Cemetery Board for a term to expire December 31, 2015. Deputy Mayor Backus moved and Councilmember Wagner seconded to confirm the appointment of Arnie Galli to the Cemetery Board for a term to expire December 31, 2015. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 7-0 D. Agenda Modifications Resolution No. 4962, Resolution No. 4969 and Resolution No. 4970 were added to the agenda. II. CITIZEN INPUT, PUBLIC HEARINGS & CORRESPONDENCE A. Public Hearings There was no public hearing. B. Audience Participation This is the place on the agenda where the public is invited to speak to the City Council on any issue. Those wishing to speak are reminded to sign in on the form provided. Eleanor Brekke Parks, 8457 Midland Road, Medina Ms. Brekke Parks thanked the Mayor for working with businesses, property owners and citizens regarding the proposed King County transfer station site. She asked the City to continue supporting the efforts at the upcoming King County community meeting. She asked the City to request a postponement of the meeting due to the 4th of July holiday. She also requested the City send a representative to King County's public meeting to state the City of Auburn opposition to the transfer station. Mary Anne Harkness, 29780 53rd Ave S, Auburn Ms. Harkness thanked the Council and Mayor for their leadership and passing a resolution opposing a transfer station in North Auburn. She questioned King County decision to call for a community meeting during the summer while they are still conducting the environmental impact study. She requested the City record the King County public meeting. Elam Anderson, 301 23rd St SE, Auburn Mr. Anderson questioned the extravagance of the hanging flower Page 2 of 8 CA.A Page 31 of 117 baskets in the downtown area and a new car for the Mayor. He believes the funds could be spent on activities for children. Mayor Lewis stated the City will look into the public meeting with King County to see what King County will allow. C. Correspondence There was no correspondence for Council review. III. COUNCIL COMMITTEE REPORTS A. Municipal Services Chair Peloza reported the Municipal Services Committee met June 24, 2013. The Committee had one agenda modification to add Resolution No. 4967 to their agenda. The Committee discussed the Purple Heart City designation, the City's Animal Control Licensing Program, Auburn Municipal Airport Master Plan, and the Committee's project matrix. The next regular meeting of the Municipal Services Committee is scheduled for July 8, 2013. B. Planning & Community Development Chair Backus reported the Planning and Community Development Committee met on June 24, 2013. The Committee discussed the Auburn School District's annual report for school impact fees, Ordinance No. 6468, Ordinance No. 6469, the Flood Plan Management report, the lot averaging zoning code and the Director's report. The next regular meeting of the Planning and Community Development Committee is scheduled for July 8, 2013 at 5:00 p.m. C. Public Works Chair Wagner reported the Public Works Committee met this afternoon at 3:30. The Committee forwarded to full Council for consideration the final pay estimate for the Tacoma Pipeline Intertie Project, Resolution No. 4966, Resolution No. 4962, Resolution No. 4969, Resolution No. 4970 and Ordinance No. 6469. The Committee also discussed transportation impact fees, received an update on capital projects, infrastructure tracking by other organizations and the activities matrix. The next regular meeting of the Public Works Committee is scheduled for July 15, 2013 at 3:30 p.m. D. Finance Chair Partridge reported the Finance Committee met this evening at 5:30. The Committee reviewed claims vouchers in the amount of $1.3 million and payroll vouchers in the amount of approximately $1.5 million. The Committee also forwarded to full Council for consideration Resolution No. 4970. The Page 3 of 8 CA.A Page 32 of 117 Committee also discussed Resolution No. 4966, Resolution No. 4969, Resolution No. 4962, and Resolution No. 4967. The next regular meeting of the Finance Committee is scheduled for July 15, 2013. E. Les Gove Community Campus The Lew Gove Community Campus Committee has not met since the last Council Meeting. F. Council Operations Committee Chair Backus reported the Council Operations Committee met this evening at 5:00. They discussed the implementation of the Auburn Junior City Council. The next regular meeting of the Council Operations Committee is scheduled for August 5, 2013. IV. CONSENT AGENDA All matters listed on the Consent Agenda are considered by the City Council to be routine and will be enacted by one motion in the form listed. A. June 17, 2013 Regular City Council Minutes B. Claims Vouchers (Partridge/Coleman) Claims check numbers 423291 through 423626, in the amount of $1,305,250.22,and dated July 1, 2013. C. Payroll Vouchers (Partridge/Coleman) Payroll check numbers 533890 through 533929 in the amount of $278,876.27 electronic deposit transmissions in the amount of $1,254,062.66 for a grand total of $1,532,938.93 for the period covering June 13, 2013 to June 26, 2013. D. Public Works Project No. CP1103 (Wagner/Dowdy) Approve final pay estimate No. 6 to contract No. 12-01 in the amount of $12,459.99 and accept construction of project No. CP1103, 132nd Ave SE Tacoma Pipeline 5 Intertie Improvements Deputy Mayor Backus moved and Councilmember Wagner seconded to approve the Consent Agenda. The Consent Agenda includes claims and payroll vouchers and a public works project. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 7-0 V. UNFINISHED BUSINESS There was no unfinished business. VI. NEW BUSINESS Page 4 of 8 CA.A Page 33 of 117 There was no new business. VII. ORDINANCES A. Ordinance No. 6469 (Backus/Tate) An Ordinance of the City Council of the City of Auburn, Washington, amending Chapters 15.06, and 15.07 of the Auburn City Code and amending sections 15.08A.011, 15.08A.021 and 15.36A.011 of the Auburn City Code regarding amendments to and updating of building codes Deputy Mayor Backus moved and Councilmember Holman seconded to adopt Ordinance No. 6469. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 7-0 VIII. RESOLUTIONS A. Resolution No. 4966 (Wagner/Dowdy) A Resolution of the City Council of the City of Auburn, Washington, authorizing the Mayor to accept a State grant to be administered through the Washington Traffic Safety Commission for the School Zone Flashing Beacon Project Councilmember Wagner moved and Councilmember Peloza seconded to adopt Resolution No. 4966. Councilmember Wagner stated this would allow the City to update the beacons remotely. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 7-0 B. Resolution No. 4967 (Peloza/Heid) A Resolution of the City Council of the City of Auburn, Washington, declaring that the City of Auburn, Washington, is officially a Purple Heart City Councilmember Peloza moved and Councilmember Osborne seconded to adopt Resolution No. 4967. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 7-0 C. Resolution No. 4962 A Resolution of the City Council of the City of Auburn, Washington, authorizing the Mayor and City Clerk to execute a license agreement between the City of Auburn and Boeing for at-grade crossing Councilmember Peloza moved and Councilmember Osborne seconded to adopt Resolution No. 4962. Councilmember Wagner stated the City owns the adjacent property Page 5 of 8 CA.A Page 34 of 117 and this is the most logical place for a crossing. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 7-0 D. Resolution No. 4969 A Resolution of the City Council of the City of Auburn, Washington, declaring an emergency with respect to repair of the storm drainage facilities at the Hidden Valley Vista Drainage Basin Councilmember Wagner moved and Councilmember Peloza seconded to adopt Resolution No. 4969. Councilmember Wagner stated this is an emergency project. Without the repairs the steep hillside will continue to erode and could threaten buildings downstream. The repairs need to be completed before winter. Councilmember Peloza stated the damage is extensive and needs to be repaired quickly. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 7-0 E. Resolution No. 4970 A Resolution of the City Council of the City of Auburn, Washington, approving an interlocal agreement between the City of Auburn and the City of Pacific for municipal services Councilmember Partridge moved and Councilmember Wales seconded to adopt Resolution No. 4970. Councilmember Partridge stated the City of Pacific Mayor has been recalled, and the presiding Council member requested the City of Auburn be available with assistance. The City of Auburn has agreed to negotiate each area at a full cost recovery. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 7-0 IX. REPORTS At this time the Mayor and City Council may report on significant items associated with their appointed positions on federal, state, regional and local organizations. A. From the Council Deputy Mayor Backus reported she attended a DARE graduation at Chinook Elementary, Auburn Kids Day, and the memorial services for Mike Harbin Sr. She also gave a tour of City Hall for Auburn Youth Resources. Page 6 of 8 CA.A Page 35 of 117 Councilmember Wagner reported he attended Auburn Kids Day, the soft opening for the Hospital Laundry Services, and the CERT Program graduation. He also reported the City will receive a $3,000,000.00 grant for the Community Center. Councilmember Wales reported she attended the National League of Cities subcommittee meeting for Human Services where they passed a resolution that will require manufacturer's of pharmaceuticals to have a stewardship program for medication take back. Councilmember Holman reported he attended the National League of Cities subcommittee meeting of the Community and Economic Development Committee. They introduced a resolution to support port maintenance and modernization in cities and towns. This resolution would allow funds from the Harbor Maintenance Tax to be used for roads, rail, grade separation or fast freight corridor improvements. Councilmember Peloza noted citizens can currently take unused pharmaceuticals to the Auburn Police Department. He reported he attended the Energy and Natural Resources Committee meeting at the National League of Cities meeting. The Committee proposed developing a mitigation plan for coal trains. He also attended the Evergreen Heights Neighborhood meeting, Auburn Kids Day and the Auburn International Farmers Market. Councilmember Osborne reported he attended the Association of Washington Cities Conference. He offered to share his hand outs with other interested Council members. Councilmember Partridge reported he attended Auburn Kids Day and the National League of Cities meeting on Public Safety Crime Prevention. The Committee discussed the updates to the 911 system and ensuring they do not become an unfunded mandate and cyber crimes. B. From the Mayor Mayor Lewis reported he attended the US Conference of Mayors where he was recognized for his years of service. He is working on funding for roads and attaining grants. He co-sponsored the resolution that created the Purple Heart City designation and sponsored the resolution to end veteran's homelessness. The City of Auburn is a Commemorative City working with group on a commercial commemorating the Vietnam War. The group has produced a commercial that will air on television. The area jurisdictions are working on a Transportation Investment Generating Economic Recovery (TIGER) Grant that comes with the completion of Highway 167, Highway 509, and the renovation and preservation of West and Page 7 of 8 CA.A Page 36 of 117 East Valley Highways. X. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business to come before the Council, the meeting adjourned at 9:02 p.m. APPROVED the 15th day of July, 2013. __________________________ _____________________________ Peter B. Lewis, Mayor Shawn Campbell, Deputy City Clerk Page 8 of 8 CA.A Page 37 of 117 AGENDA BILL APPROVAL FORM Agenda Subject: Claims Vouchers Date: July 9, 2013 Department: Administration Attachments: No Attachments Available Budget Impact: $0 Administrative Recommendation: City Council approve claims vouchers. Background Summary: Claims voucher numbers 423627 through 423631 and voucher numbers 423633 through 424164 in the amount of $2,343,656.18 and dated July 15, 2013. Reviewed by Council Committees: Finance Councilmember:Partridge Staff:Coleman Meeting Date:July 15, 2013 Item Number:CA.B AUBURN * MORE THAN YOU IMAGINEDCA.B Page 38 of 117 AGENDA BILL APPROVAL FORM Agenda Subject: Claims Vouchers Date: July 11, 2013 Department: Administration Attachments: No Attachments Available Budget Impact: $0 Administrative Recommendation: City Council approve claims voucher. Background Summary: Claims voucher number 423632 in the amount of $32,983.22 and dated July 15, 2013. Reviewed by Council Committees: Finance Councilmember:Partridge Staff:Coleman Meeting Date:July 15, 2013 Item Number:CA.C AUBURN * MORE THAN YOU IMAGINEDCA.C Page 39 of 117 AGENDA BILL APPROVAL FORM Agenda Subject: Payroll Vouchers Date: July 9, 2013 Department: Administration Attachments: No Attachments Available Budget Impact: $0 Administrative Recommendation: Payroll check numbers 533930 through 533974 in the amount of $873,883.66 and electronic deposit transmissions in the amount of $1,234,234.38 for a grand total of $2,108,118.04 for the period covering June 27, 2013 to July 10, 2013. Background Summary: Reviewed by Council Committees: Councilmember:Partridge Staff:Coleman Meeting Date:July 15, 2013 Item Number:CA.D AUBURN * MORE THAN YOU IMAGINEDCA.D Page 40 of 117 AGENDA BILL APPROVAL FORM Agenda Subject: Public Works Project No. CP0616 Date: July 9, 2013 Department: Public Works Attachments: Budget Status Sheet Pay Estimate & map Pedestrian Kiosk Map Budget Impact: $0 Administrative Recommendation: City Council approve Final Pay Estimate No. 3 to Contract No. 12-21 in the amount of $0.00 and accept construction of Project No. CP0616 Downtown Pedestrian Kiosks. Background Summary: The Downtown Pedestrian Kiosks project constructed 3 kiosks as indicated on the attached map. The kiosks provide helpful informational signage and are intended to enhance the pedestrian experience in Downtown Auburn. A project budget contingency of $9,247.00 remains in the 330 Local Revitalization (LR) Fund. Reviewed by Council Committees: Planning And Community Development Councilmember:Backus Staff:Dowdy Meeting Date:July 15, 2013 Item Number:CA.E AUBURN * MORE THAN YOU IMAGINEDCA.E Page 41 of 117 Project No: CP0616 Project Title: Project Manager: Ryan L Vondrak Project Update Initiation Date: January 16, 2012 Permision to Advertise Advertisement Date: December 20, 2012 Contract Award Award Date: January 28, 2013 Change Order Approval Contract Final Acceptance Funding Prior Years 2011 2012 2013 Total 330 Local Revitalization Funds 3,557 38,316 48,627 90,500 Corridor Enhancement Federal Grant 59,975 59,975 Total 0 3,557 38,316 108,602 150,475 Activity Prior Years 2011 2012 2013 Total Design Engineering - City Costs 3,557 13,243 1,931 18,730 Design Engineering - Consultant Costs 25,073 25,073 Construction Contract Bid 80,224 80,224 Line Item Changes 0 0 Construction Engineering - City Costs 11,981 11,981 Construction Engineering - Consultant Costs 5,220 5,220 Total 0 3,557 38,316 99,355 141,228 Prior Years 2011 2012 2013 Total *330 Funds Budgeted ( )0 (3,557)(38,316)(48,627)(90,500) 330 Funds Needed 0 3,557 38,316 39,380 81,253 *330 Fund Project Contingency ( )0 0 0 (9,247)(9,247) 330 Funds Required 0 0 0 0 0 Prior Years 2011 2012 2013 Total *330 Funds Budgeted ( )0 0 0 (59,975)(59,975) 330 Funds Needed 0 0 0 59,975 59,975 *330 Fund Project Contingency ( )0 0 0 0 0 330 Funds Required 0 0 0 0 0 * ( # ) in the Budget Status Sections indicates Money the City has available. Corridor Enhancement Federal Grant 330 Local Revitalization Funds Budget Status BUDGET STATUS SHEET Downtown Pedestrian Kiosks Date: July 1, 2013 The "Future Years" column indicates the projected amount to be requested in future budgets. Funds Budgeted (Funds Available) Estimated Cost (Funds Needed) H:\PROJ\CP0616 - Pedestrian Kiosks\Budget\Pedestrian Kiosks - BudgetStatusSheet.xls 1 of 1CA.E Page 42 of 117 CITYOFAUBURN CO.N0.12,27 CP0816 Downtown Pedestrtan KioaNa PAY-ES71NU17ES3&FINAL 3CHEDULE A: 3treet Improvemente j i ITZM O Y W p Bondrtr piWAE4omlel_ EuA TM U TM uNE UIdITCOST TOTAZB T ;$ERIODC09T PERCENTE T. i g Noaf°r zaia S ._._ i.a— 00 Ia g -- 3 .1009(0 Traffic Control Suoervisor 1_ 1 840.00 _ 100% CrefflcConfrolLabor _. 30 E ____. 11_40.00 75% Ioterurbsn Trall Pedgetden Kbsk.1 QO S _ .. .. ?_4 868_00 10096 B rlan.Kbsk CO S __._z3aess.00 10096 zt aso.00 oosc SCHEDULETOTAL 50.00 I Periad Oa6ea Begin: Mey 21.2013 End: June 20.7D13 h:proPpe1CP0816 qosks PE.xla 1 of 3 7f2/2013 et 9:26 AM CA.E Page 43 of 117 CO.N0.1z-21 CRY OF AUBURN CP0818,Downtown Pedestrlan Kloaks Downtown Pedasfrian Kioska PROJECT;SUMAAARY CO.N0.12-27 PAY ESTIMATE#3 8 FINAL i Original Contract Contract Change IM10utltOrdersTotalPaymentThisPeriodPercenUConhact SCHEDULE A: 3treet Improvements IContraqa79,427.00 E 80,223.81 101% NO TAX NO RETAINAGE E SCHEDULE TOTAL $ 79,427.00 ; E 80223.81 0.00 It j TOTAL CONTRACT AMOUNT TO DATE 80,223.81 f TOTAL PAYIIAAENT TO CONTRACTOR 80,223.81 $0.00 i PAYMENT DUE CONTRACTOR: 0.00 I Period uales I Bepfn: May21,2013 E: June 2U.2013 I h:lprq'+pe CP0818 qosks PE.ds 2 of 3 7YL2013 et 9:28 AM CA.E Page 44 of 117 il CITY OF AUBURN CO: NO. 12-21 CP0616 PAY EBTIAAATE i 3& FINAL CONTRACTOR:i West Coast.Signal 20111 208th Ave SE Renton, UVA 98058 Phone: 253-508-8412 The undersigned has reviewed and approved this final pay estimate. I agree that it is a true and correct statement showing all monies due me from the City of Aubum u er this contract; that I have carefulty examined fhe final pay estimate esUmate arM understand it and that I hereby release the Ciry ofAubum f om any and all claims of whatsoever nature which I may have,arising oul of this wnVact, which are not set forth in this estimate. PAYAIIENT DUE TO CONTRACTOR= 0.00 Signatures: Contrector Date Inspector ei Date " ^/ Project Manager Date /Z 3 City Engineer Date n:Wrol croa+e K+o re.a9 3 0(3 722073 a 926 AM CA.E Page 45 of 117 iI' '_r 1.:, i, J^- .'T7 s,I ''"!' --%/, " 1:1tJIl A 1 7.a yr' i,lI! I I III -- I.M' +'N'!'aIr_ l. •LtJ I 1 i. r.-.,..,r / I r nl s; .-- ; -F ,t r,u.,, I 71: ;; —! I , ; A[ . , ,111.,"'1 -II.. i.;_.-----_ il i o.,IC_I;, 'LT/1 '%u:IjI,'I Iljii, r-. _ i . I I I ; r.l[y.., - , V r a[/I; ir Y •I,!;;: j ,.,!_ ,, L. : !!1''il f+I f,,,: I'-1 • r t I JI , n r." ..;=^ r. i - r.,-,. ) :.,: r , r, -, I , , ,:, r f! 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I J:...ir,;, .... --., .0 oi/ / T.. rl% i o,w` C'l t '' l l I r 11_ f I r° ' TjJ i.i , r 1 ' I ', F_ , •_I I -.- `I + — u — e:= il 11 1 I [±l l[ti i i:i i i e c i o .r. o-- v. • CA.E Page 46 of 117 DOWNTOWN IN F O R M A T I O N Auburn WASHINGTON CITY OF DOWNTOWN Auburn WASHINGTON CITY OF 2’-6” +7 ’ - 0 ” 8” 21” 32 ” removable door panel for maintenance access hidden piano hinge poster display light box with 3” frame, set flush with kiosk frame surface, vandal resistant lock and frame, weatherproof and watertight box HOSPITAL SHOPPING TRANSIT ROUTE CITY BUILDINGS PARKS BANKS LIBRARY CITY BUILDINGS 15” 26 ” replaceable downtown map/ legend on rigid backlit vinyl film set at ADA compliant height screen printed city logo weatherproof aluminum frame and construction changeable metal slat plates with screen printed directional wayfinding for destinations (places/areas/ districts)aluminum letters and graphics CITY OF AUBURN - PROPOSED DOWNTOWN PEDESTRIAN KIOSK 02.20.2013 aluminum letter plates i IN F O R M A T I O N i - 1” m i n . concrete foundation CITY HALL HOSPITAL POST OFFICE POLICE STATION CITY HALL TRANSIT CENTER HISTORIC MAIN ST POLICE STATION CA.E Page 47 of 117 AGENDA BILL APPROVAL FORM Agenda Subject: Public Works Project No. CP0912 Date: July 2, 2013 Department: Public Works Attachments: Budget Status Sheet Vicinity Maps Budget Impact: $0 Administrative Recommendation: City Council grant permission to advertise for bids for Project No. CP0912, Citywide Guardrail Improvements Project. Background Summary: The project will install guardrail along Green River Road SE, R Street SE/Kersey Way SE, and Mountain View Drive SW corridors. The total project cost is estimated to be $552,275.00 of which $502,275.00 is from a Federal Highway Administration Grant and $50,000.00 is from the City 102 – Arterial Street Fund. Reviewed by Council Committees: Public Works Councilmember:Wagner Staff:Dowdy Meeting Date:July 15, 2013 Item Number:CA.F AUBURN * MORE THAN YOU IMAGINEDCA.F Page 48 of 117 H:\PW COMMITTEE\Agenda Bills and Attachments\07-15-13\CP0912\Budget Status Sheet Citywide Guardrail Improvements.docx.xlsx 1 Project No: CP0912 Project Title: Project Manager: Jacob Sweeting Project Initiation Initiation Date: 4/1/13 Permision to Advertise Advertisement Date: Contract Award Award Date: Change Order Approval Contract Final Acceptance Funding Prior Years 2013 2014 Future Years Total 102 Fund - Unrestricted 50,000 50,000 102 Fund - Federal Grant 502,275 502,275 0 Total 0 552,275 0 0 552,275 Activity Prior Years 2013 2014 Future Years Total Design Engineering - City Costs 15,000 15,000 Construction Estimate 502,275 502,275 Project Contingency (5%)25,000 25,000 Construction Engineering - City Costs 10,000 10,000 0 Total 0 552,275 0 0 552,275 Prior Years 2013 2014 Future Years Total *102 Funds Budgeted ( )0 (552,275)0 0 (552,275) 102 Funds Needed 0 552,275 0 0 552,275 *102 Fund Project Contingency ( )0 0 0 0 0 102 Funds Required 0 0 0 0 0 * ( # ) in the Budget Status Sections indicates Money the City has available. Estimated Cost (Funds Needed) 102 Arterial Street Budget Status BUDGET STATUS SHEET Citywide Guardrail Improvements Date: July 1, 2013 The "Future Years" column indicates the projected amount to be requested in future budgets. Funds Budgeted (Funds Available) CA.F Page 49 of 117 v F . i f ? ":='"- t,j1 1 f J i .";f.\\\'\`"`:,`. r`_,--— .. 'lj,i 1 .. 4''. :l j+ ff t J _J \Fi?, :?., i f i 4 e:. Yi`:` t\, i . /-"".--"':l t t` 1:'E " if` , ' 1':`r: w' r Vi l',;;d1},qsi 2i:`,,:y ol':t1 9- C,::ti i •! ^! i 1.. `\\\` r 1 ; i ii;::.a\`.. 1 ; j `-.=:i 11 t . \ f s r\ 1 1 J j r„r `° i r O '> I ':\;\` • 4-'' )f' / f _ . + 1v,. '`.-__:: , j , r' r` 1 nno j 1;i+ "`. ;;;INi i'-'-- •hl't:,;;. jEW . %i• ;i;t ' l+ r i1`J r. ', 1 . ., j rr:;:r G nsr.:. .. i e ^'fr r 1:rr%f:' i::i::'! i i!. 1 Z c\ tr j L.. t f •:iJ:j%"S V F ir'' t.On :.:.:'i;r't f' _ f l ::r;`' [: .• ;, j I i 'r t.'f U(i Jt._, I' .; , :. rt,`H J e 1. .. f/ ' 1"N ,, ; f/?', is`;' ' --.. 1 i;:•'+, J. ' 1 - Qi,;; .i` 1 i.; i;;:t i'O i if i!-. o i r;i.'.,,.. .... T-,...„_r:''' , c..jr-:'.'..:.,``^' _=:. j'. L.y`,ti^,.- .' S .^` : i ?',.' : i.: l:= ,,. -e f :;:i i.r - _1 /'ti'!:;:`: .. ....- 1 t 'v. ie :4.: J y'i-=\'\' ' ti__ _ -—„ J r.- ....._.\.. t ''f ljj;`.i,'.': v;../:.,.:-" r"-_ - _'_ _ y^ J j/ .\»'" l f `` ;/ i •,•:;r,; r J''^ -^--':.%/•-''' . _'_'.v:.... ra;• j r' : 1i;. ::i.C:-:.::':..l s j.:ii:.:! iY,f -,i..--_ E ._ '_ -:_'1 i /+: f 1 r ', t _ ' i.,t,.a.=Gi"+=.-_/,';i!t• J•c. . i,:::e i i IVIOUIVTAIN VIEW DRtVE VlCINITY MAP 1 of 4 o PROPOSED GUARDRAIL o oa FJ((STING GUARDRAIL (TO REMAIN) SCALE:i inch=300 fest CONTOUR LIME(10 FT WCREMENTS) anaum..ure m..o CA.F Page 50 of 117 i i n i a 4 aa. nusueN arr uanrs n;., ic, " t iY ! Ij 1 I ., I F 5 ' Y f a ;• VICIiVITY 1VIAP 2 OF 4 a aneaN PROP05ED GUARDRAII. EXISTING GUARDRAlL i s;' °— ` TO REMAIN) k a` i I u i' C i O Oft j y ` i a SCALE:1 Inoh=60G feSt i I O C i PaeK AUBURN I GOLF I p COURSE,I I I ti n Oo ii i r W a o. o a a i 0 9 j ' y , Af. ev U r i t:? ::;.a v$e:n i` i `.. 5Ft1.!:'a. i , d.':.:l i_r.' j .i:1:.. n yy}J : F u;r, CA.F Page 51 of 117 ip I i t j ' 'J I I lr.,,a - "' i in d.-. r :.% a4 ki+T''.i ' J:. : . 9 l I ` ,. irl, ./ J'.JY - i al,O ON' i .4/ . 4. iJ',..%1_:5 O !r y '; k' ;,••••• ..''" y i r;:::..`.',, iMsL I r j I F:' r, I i nJ I /^ !' i I V9CINITY IViAP 3 of 4 M1t y oe ee r pROPOSED GUARDRAIL f---- ir REPLACE EXISTING f I GUARDRAIL 1,;, I CONTOUR LIt 10 FT INCREMENTS) i2 zo°" °nI , SCAl.E:1 Inch 4U0 feeL i 1 ` , \ , `1;,,. j F i i j t. ` :\J 'I '' ( '. 'E i. ....I tii=c I1 } 11 p L`\^4J. V,i. Ir 8 jj • ti ,r.i Z.._ .... t, 1, ., , , ,,,.L„J I ti.: _..,;`.:...;•„'.. 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VICINITY M/o P 4 Of 4 J .._y, y t:9 d, ' '_-_=1:: o PROPOSEDGUARDRAIL e*Q++ REPLACE 17.- - ; .i EXISTING 1 ,::,._ ,!- ., . _ GUARDRAIL 1 `'`-`:;.\._ _ ._-- - EXISTING GUARDRAIL f Z TO REMAIN) 1 ::,• r 1 i 1 f , 1 : i\ ':j; .. CONT4UR LfNE('10 FT INCREMENTS) L .~.. 1 .' i. 1 ! 1 , '1 ^- `:i 1 , Q:L`... i i Oti•.:L , o zoon oe F SCALE:1 (neh=400feet 4UBURd G1TY(1AdFI'S 1 r.'\ ,i ' ,,'.,_.. y f B 1 Y r r e.• o s CA.F Page 53 of 117 AGENDA BILL APPROVAL FORM Agenda Subject: Public Works Project No. CP1207 Date: July 9, 2013 Department: Public Works Attachments: Budget Status Sheet Vicinity Map Budget Impact: $0 Administrative Recommendation: City Council grant permission to advertise for bids for Project No. CP1207, D Street Utility Improvements. Background Summary: The purpose of this project is to design and construct storm drainage, sanitary sewer and water improvements along D Street NE between Auburn Way North (AWN) and S. 277th Street. Water improvements consist of extending a new 12” ductile iron water main along D St. NE from AWN to 49th St NE to replace an existing 6” asbestos-cement water line. Sanitary sewer improvements include decomissioning the D St. NE sewer pump station and replacing it with a gravity conveyance system, consisting of a new 12” sanitary sewer main along D St. NE from AWN to S. 277th St. Storm drainage improvements include replacing and upsizing the existing 30” storm line with a new 36” storm line along D St. NE from AWN to S. 277th St. A project budget contingency of $2,831 remains in the 430 Water Fund. A project budget contingency of $2,143 remains in the 431 Sewer Fund. Reviewed by Council Committees: Public Works Councilmember:Wagner Staff:Dowdy Meeting Date:July 15, 2013 Item Number:CA.G AUBURN * MORE THAN YOU IMAGINEDCA.G Page 54 of 117 H:\PROJ\CP1207-D St Utilities Improvement\Budget\BudgetStatusSheet.xls 1 of 1 BUDGET STATUS SHEET Project No: CP1207 Project Title: D Street Utility Improvements Project Project Manager: Kim Truong Date: June 28, 2013 Project Initiation Initiation Date: ____01/22/2013_____ Permission to Advertise Advertisement Date: ________ Contract Award Award Date: ___________ Change Order Approval Contract Final Acceptance Budget Adjustment/Updates Funds Budgeted (Funds Available) Funding Prior Years 2012 2013 Total 430 Fund - Water 9,374 202,826 212,200 431 Fund - Sewer 15,610 499,393 515,003 432 Fund - Storm Drainage 17,014 582,986 600,000 Total 0 41,998 1,285,205 1,327,203 Estimated Cost (Funds Needed) Activity Prior Years 2012 2013 Total Design Engineering - City Costs 41,998 55,000 96,998 Design Engineering - Consultant Costs 13,889 13,889 Permits 1,342 1,342 Construction Estimate 1,000,000 1,000,000 Project Contingency (15%)150,000 150,000 Construction Engineering - City Costs 60,000 60,000 Total 0 41,998 1,280,231 1,322,229 430 Water Budget Status Prior Years 2012 2013 Total *430 Funds Budgeted ( )0 (9,374)(202,826)(212,200) 430 Funds Needed 0 9,374 199,995 209,369 *430 Fund Project Contingency ( )0 0 (2,831)(2,831) 430 Funds Required 0 0 0 0 431 Sewer Budget Status Prior Years 2012 2013 Total *431 Funds Budgeted ( )0 (15,610)(499,393)(515,003) 431 Funds Needed 0 15,610 497,250 512,860 *431 Fund Project Contingency ( )0 (0)(2,143)(2,143) 431 Funds Required 0 0 0 0 432 Storm Budget Status Prior Years 2012 2013 Total *432 Funds Budgeted ( )0 (17,014)(582,986)(600,000) 432 Funds Needed 0 17,014 582,986 600,000 *432 Fund Project Contingency ( )0 (0)0 (0) 432 Funds Required 0 0 0 0 CA.G Page 55 of 117 d NGTON NORTHERN R. R. s l' B ST r 80TH AVE S x \z tb' . H z v NE a D ST NE 5 u'+ 98 W y a C ' z ° ` m y° cn s G ST NE Q 5T NE I ST NE m y p o D ° rn O z Z ; . I N CA.G Page 56 of 117 AGENDA BILL APPROVAL FORM Agenda Subject: Resolution No. 4971 Date: July 9, 2013 Department: Public Works Attachments: Resolution 4971 with agreement Budget Impact: $0 Administrative Recommendation: City Council adopt Resolution No. 4971. Background Summary: Resolution No. 4971 authorizes the Mayor and City Clerk to execute a Payback Agreement with Kersey 3 Improvements, LLC. Kersey 3 Improvements, LLC completed the facility extensions (FAC06-0013, FAC06-0037, and FAC07-0003) for water facilities to serve their property. These water facilities were constructed in accordance with the City of Auburn’s Comprehensive Water Plan, and were built with sufficient capacity to provide benefit to nearby properties that currently do not have water service. The improvements include oversized water pipes and a water booster pump station. The City of Auburn has established a Payback Agreement to provide reimbursement to the developer for the benefit received by those property owners. If approved, property owners of properties that benefit from this extension will be assess one or both of the following charges if and when they receive a permit to connect to the water system: 1.Front Footage Charge – Properties located adjacent to the extension will be charged an assessment equal to the front foot amount specified in the agreement multiplied by the length of their property frontage. 2.Area Charge – Each benefitting property will be charge an assessment equal to the area charge amount specified in the agreement multiplied by the number of Equivalent Residential Units (ERU’s) that they connect to the system. City staff has reviewed the overall project costs and supporting documentation as well as the proposed method of allocating the costs. Staff recommends approval of the agreement. Reviewed by Council Committees: AUBURN * MORE THAN YOU IMAGINEDRES.A Page 57 of 117 Finance, Public Works Councilmember:Wagner Staff:Dowdy Meeting Date:July 15, 2013 Item Number:RES.A AUBURN * MORE THAN YOU IMAGINEDRES.A Page 58 of 117 RESOLUTION NO. 4 9 71 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF AUBURN, WASHINGTON, AUTHORIZING THE MAYOR TO EXECUTE A PAYBACK AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE CITY OF AUBURN AND KERSEY 3 IMPROVEMENTS, LLC FOR DEVELOPER'S WATER EXTENSION WHEREAS, Chapter 13.40 ofithe Aubum City Code (ACC) authorizes Ehe Gity Engineer to develop, implement, and administer facility extension payback agreements for utility improvements, and to execute those agreements upon Council approval; and WHEREAS, Kersey 3 Irriprovements, LLC has constructed the utility improvements described in the attached payback agreement, and has agreed to deed those improvements to the City; and WHEREAS, pursuant to ACC 13.40.030, the City has received and approved plans for the improvements; and WHEREAS, the City Council finds that entry into the payback agreement is in the best interest of the City; and NOW, THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF AUBURN, HEREBY RESOLVES as follows: Section 1. The Mayor of the City of Aubum is hereby authorized to execute a Payback Agreement between the City and Kersey 3 Improvements, LLC, for Developer's Water Extension in the form su6stantially as the agreement Resolution No. 4971 July 1, 2013 Page 1 of 2 RES.A Page 59 of 117 attached hereto, marked as AttacHment "1" and incorporeted herein by this reference. Section 2. That the Mayor is hereby au4ho ized to implemenfi such administrative procedures as may be necessary to carry out the directives of this legislation. Section 3. That this Resolution shall take effect and be in full force upon passage and signatures hereon. Dated and Signed this day of 2013. CITY OF AUBURN PETER B. LEWIS MAYOR ATTEST: Danielle E. Daskam, City Clerk APP S TO O M: iel B. ' , ity ttom ResoluGon No:4971 July 1, 2013 Page 2 of 2 RES.A Page 60 of 117 i Attachment 1 Return Address: City of Aubnrn City Cleck 25 West Main Auburn,WA 98001 i Above this line reserved for recordinA informatioa PAYBACK AGREEMENT DEVELOPER'S WATER EXTENSION Referenca#(if applicable): N/A(unless preyious recording#) Grantor : City of Auburn Grantee : Kersov 3 Improvamants.LI,C I.egal Descriptioo/STR Sections 29-32,Township 20 North,Ranga 5 East Assessot's Tax Percel IDN: Sae Exhibits C&D This Agreementmade and emered into this day of 20I3,by and between the City of Aubum,a municipal corporation of King County, Wastiington,heseinafter called the CITY and Kersey 3 Improvements LLC,whose address is 22430 9E 231"St,Maple Valley,WA 98038 hereinafter referred to as DEVELOPER. WHEREAS,.pursdant to Chapter 35.91 RCW et seq,the CITY has by Resolution No.4971 adopted by the City Council of the CITY on the 15th day of July,2013, approved the execution of ttus Payback Agreemeirt with the DEVELOPER above and referring to facilities described herein;and I I PAYBAQCAQRE&b Mf DEVEI.OPGRB WATER EXTHNSION PAGE 1 OF IRES.A Page 61 of 117 WHEREAS,the above-described DEVELOPER has offered and the CITY has agreed to accept the bil(s of sale found as Exhibits A-I and A-2,attached hereto,ss part of the utility systems of the CITY; NOW THEREFORE,IN CONSIDERATION OF THE CONDITIOATS.AND COVENANTS HEREIN,THE PARTIES AGREE AS FOLLOWS: 1. DEVELOPER At the time of conshuction, the above-described DEVELOPER was the record OWNER of real properry legally described on Exhibit A-1 as Kersey 3—Division l and Kersey 3-Division 2,submitted by the DEVELOPER and attached hereto. DEVELOPER" shall include successors, heirs, and assigns. The term shall include a bankruptcy estate and a receivership as long as the City receives notice of the bankruptcy or receivaiship as the law requires for notice to creditors,and the DEVELOPSR provides the notice required by section X of this agreement. II. FACILTTTES The public water facIlilies wlvch have been conshvcted by the DEVEI:OPER. herein are as shown in the aftached Exhibits A-1 and A-2,incorporated herein by tivs reference, and processed as Developer Public Facility Extensions herein refetenced as FAC07-0008 and FAC06-0013,the originals of which are on file at the office of the City Engineer. The facilities have been oonstructed in accordance with the ordinances and requirements of the CI7'Y goveining the conshvctian specifications for facilities of such type, and have been approved by the City Engineer. III. AREA OF FACILITY SERVICE BENEFIT T'he properties benefited by the facili6es constructed by the DEVEIAPER aze shown on Exhibits B, C,and D, incorporated herein 6y reference. Any owner of real estate legally described witivn the benefit boundary as shown on the attached Exhibits B, C, and D, shall pay as a condition forconnecting to the facilities, an amount as identified ia.Section V. All pioperty within the benefit boundary shall be sulijeot to the connection fee as prbvided in this agreement as a condition of issuaace of the connection peimit by the CIT'I', IV. TERMS For a period of 20 years from the date that the City formally accepts the developer's utility extension, atiy owner (latecomer) of real estate legally PAYBACIC AGREEMGNI' EVELOPER'S WATER EXTENSION PAQE 2 OF IRES.A Page 62 of 117 I described in Section III, and which oHmer has not fully contributed their pro rata share to the original cost of the above-described'faciliry, shall pay to the CITY the amoimu shown in Exhibits C and D attached hereto. The charge herein represents the fair pro xe4a share of the cost of cansttuction of said faciiities payalile by properties benefited. Paymem of the latecomers pro rata share is a condirion of issuance of the commection permit by Uie CiTY. 7'he CITY shall reimburse the DEVELOPER within 60 days of the date the City receives payment from a person requesting connection to the facilities. Upon the expiration of the 20-year te m, any moneys wllected by the CITY will not be reimbursed to the DEVELOPER. V. AMOUNT OF REIMBURSEMENT Water system facilities: The DEVELOPER, his successors, heirs and assigns, a s that the amounts which the DEVELOPER is reimbursed from the property owners as specified in Section III of this P,greement, represents a fair pro rata share reimbwsement for the DEVELOPER'S construction of the fecilities described in Secrion II of this Agreement. The specific amount of reimbursement wi116e tfie sum of the&nnt footage chacge,if applicable,and the area charge. The front footage charges,for those percels subject to that charge,are listed in Exhibit C and shall not exceed the following amount: 764,867.66 The area charge will be the number of residential customer eqirivalenb (RCE's), also referred to as equivalent residential units (ERtJ's), to be connected'to the system.under a water petmit multiplied by the single family connecdon charge. Esch parcel's charge per ERU is showa on Exhibit D. The total reimbursement to the DEVELOPER &om the area charge, as shown on Exhi6it B d listed in Exhibit D shall not exceed the following amount: 1,607,439.41 The total auiount of reimbursementto the DEVELOPER for waterfacilities from all applicable charges shell not exceed$2,372,307.07 VI. N01'ICE AND REVIEW Priar to passing the Resolution:authorizing this agrecment, the CITY, shall have mailed to the property owners of the parcels listed in Exhibits C and D, as reflecud im the records of the Pierce :County Assessors Office and the King County Assessors Office, as specified.in Section III, notification of the allocarion of costs to be ievied against the properties which are payable prior to connection to the systems. The property owner shall have ihe right to review the costs with PAYDACKAGREGMCNT DEVELAPER'S WATER EXTENSION PAGE 3 OF IRES.A Page 63 of 117 the City Engineer witkiin 21 days from the date of.said notice for the purpose of requesting`an adjusunent in the allocation of the charge to the properiy. If the City Engineer, upon requested review by a notified properry owner(s), does find cause for adjustment in the allocation of the charge to the benefited properly(s), such adjustment wiAbe made and the DEVELOPER will be notified. of the adjusted amount(s) prior to recordation.. The resulting adjusrted Exlubits C and D shall govem reimbursemem amounts to be received by the DEVELOPER If the adjushment results in an increase to the chazge for other parcels, the notification process in trris agreement shall be repeated. VII. EFFECT OF AGREEMENT The provisions.of this Agreement shall not be effective as to any owner of real estau not a parly hereto unless this Agreement has been recorded in the office of the-County Auditor of the Counfy.in whicfi the real estate is located prior to the time such owner receives a permit to connect to said facilities. The DEVELOPER shall provide the CI11'with proof of recotding. If for any reason, the CITY fails to secure a latecomer payment for Ownec's fair pro rata shaze of the cost of the facilities, before connection to the extension, the CITY is not liable for,payment to tkte DEVELOPER. The entire responsibi]ity recordation and completion of this Agreement is upon. the DEVELOPER,who agrees to do all and to hold the CIT1'harmless. VIII. OWNERSHIP OF FACILTI'Y The DEVELOPER has constructed the faciliGes described in Section II of this Agreement,which faciliries have been accepted by the CITY as satisfectory. The facilities have become a part of the municipal system of the CITY. All maintenance and operation costs of said facility shall be borne by the CITY. IX. UNAUTHORIZED CONNECTION Whenever any connection is made into the facilities described in F,xhibit A under this Agreement which is not authorized by the CTI'Y, the CIT'1' shal] have the absolute autiwrity, but not the obligation, to remove ar cause to be removed suoh unauthorized connections and ell connecting lines or pipes lacated in the facility's right-of-way. The CITY shali incur no liability for any damage to any person or property resulting from iemoval of ihe unauthorized ebnnection. X. CURRENT ADDRESS&TELEPHONE NUMBER PAYBACKAGREEML•NI' DEVELOPER'S WATER EXTENSION PAQE 4 OF I IRES.A Page 64 of 117 The DEVELOPER shall keep a current record of his/her address and telephone number on file with the City Engineer, and shall within 30 days of any change of said address andlor telephone mmiber, notify the City Engineer in writing. If tfie DEVELOPEI2 fails to do so, the parties agree that the CITY may authorize. connectians resulting therefrom and not incw any liabiliry for the non-copection and/or non-reimbwsement of charges to the DEVELOPER under this Agreemc nt. Every two years from the effegtive date of this agteement, shown on page oae,thg DEVELOPER shall notify the City Engineer of its curreirt name, address, and telephone number. If the DEVELOPER fails to provide such information within sixty (60) days of e8ch anniversary, the CTfY may collect and retain any connection chazges owed to the DEVELOPEit uuder tlus contiact XI. ADMINISTRATTON Any inquiries regarding the administration of this ageement shall be directeii to the City Enginea. XII. COVENANT RUNN]NG V fCH.THE LAND This Agreetnent shall be binding on the DEVELOPER, its successors; heirs and assigLV and shall so be bincling on the legal owners of all propenies described within the benefit boundary of the srea as shown in the attached'Exliibits B,G and D, their successors, heirs and assigns. The DEVELOPER agrees to pay all fees for recording this Agreement with the County Recorder's Oftice. The DEVELOPER shall make the actual recording and provide the CIT'Y witti confirmation thereof. 7QII. HOLD HARMLESS The DEVELOPER will defend, indemnify, and save the C]'fY and the CITY'S officials and agents harmless from all clauns and costs of defense, arising out,of this agreement, , including but not limited to attomey's fees, expert witness fees, and the cost of the services of engineering and other peei ssonnel who's time is reasonably devoted to the prepatation and attendance of depositions,.hearings, arbitration proceedinss, settlement conferences and ttials growing out of ffie demands and/or actions of property owners incurred in the performance or completion ofthis Agreement. XIV. CON3TITUTIONALITY OR INVALIDTI'Y If any section, subsecdon, clause or phrase of this Agreement is for any reeson held to be invalid or unconstitutional, such invalidity or unconskihrtionslity shall not affect the validity or constituGonality of the remaining portions of this Agreement, as it being hereby expressly declared that this Agreement and each section, subsection,se,ntence, clause and phiase hereof would t nve been prepered, PAYHACKAGREEMENT DL•VIiLOP1iR'S WA77iR C•X7'L'NSfON PAGE S OF IRES.A Page 65 of 117 i proposecl, adopted and approded and ratified irrespective of the fact thaf any one or more section, subsection, sentence, clause or plaase be declared invalid or unconstitutional. CITY OF AUBURN I I Peter B.Lewis, Mayor I AT'fEST: APP O O O Denielle Daskam, Ciry Clerk Daniel B. Heid, City AYto I DEVEI:OPER: s s,aw si u TITLE: TITLE: I I i I I i I PAYBACK AGREGMLNT DEVELOPER'S WATER EXTENSION PAGE 6 OF IRES.A Page 66 of 117 STATE OF WASHINGTON) ss. County of King I certify that I know or have satisfactary.evidence that Petet-B. I.ewis and Danielle E. Daskam were the persons who appeared.befoie me; and said persons aclmowledged that they signed this instrument, on oath stated ttiat they were suthorized to.execate the inshvinent and acknowledged it as t}ie MAYOR and CITY CLERK of the GTTY OF AUBURN tn be the free end voluntary acf of such parties for the uses and purposes mentioned in this instrument. Dated Notary,Publicin and for the 8tate of Washington NIy appointment expires STATE OF WASHINGTON) ss COUNTY OF KING I certify I have knowor have satisfactory evidence that is/are the erson(s) who appeared before me, and said person(s) acknowledged that he/she/they signed thu insuument on oath stated.that he/she/they was/were authorized to execute the instruinent and acknowledge as the of a limited lia6ility compauy, to be the free and voluntary act ofsuch party for the uses and purposes mentioned'in the instrumenL Dated Notary Public in ancl for the Stste of Washington Residing at My appoirrtment expires rnvencTC ncne rnExr DEVF:LOPF.R'S WATER ERTENSION PAOG 7 Of iRES.A Page 67 of 117 3 rs i EXHIBIT A-1 f/- z,ar-s' nca: cry orauburo City Clerk 25 Wep Maln Aubum.WA 98001 IIl I 20 8 3 02 TZT BS - 0..08 0I! COU 1'18:38NYf Abow thia linc rcoervcd for icoordi informolinn. p{dw'U 1`1 BILL OF SALE FAC07-00U$ Refarenw fl(If epplicablc): N/A Gmna/Borrower. Koaey9 ImpmvaemsLLC QmmedAssi ee/Beneficiary: C1qofAubum I,.agal DeawiplioN571t: 32 2IN•SE Axeessor'a Tax Purcol lD ll: 722105•9015 end'322105-9039 I KNOW ALL MEN BY THGS& PRES8N7'S llint for aad in cons3deration bf the i sum ofTEN DOLLARS (SI0.00),and£or t e wcrsideration of ina rporedng tho Extension I into the Clty system,and othergood and sufriciait cons{deration,receipt w6ereofie Rereby ucknawledged, the unde sig ed arantar Kersey 3 improvements LLC doas bv these presonts haeby wavey; sewver, assign, trensfer and wartent cu the Ciry of Aubwri, a Municipal Corporntion of the Stute og Washington, 10 LF of 12° storm drainnga msin, IIO LF of 18" stann dreinago main, 69 Lf of 24" storm drainaga main, 92 LF of 8"sanitary sewer, 40 LF of 10"sanihvy sewar, 2147 LF of 12"sunitsry sewer, 1737 LF of 18"samtary scwer, 4689 LF af 24"sanitary sower and all appqrtenances or uny oiha assoaated pablic facility as shown on tAepublic taciliry extension ptans raferted to es FAC07-0008, tha Kersey I[i Off-Siw Sower lmprovoinants devekopmm t. Situatod within ilw following described real property,locnted in King CouMy. j I See EX1iIB1T'A'ATTACHBD HERETO AND BY THIS RE ERENCE MADE I i A PART HEREOF. d the said Granror heroby warrants thet il ts the sqle ownv(s)of e!1 the pmpaty ebove iconveyed; thnt it has fWl power to ootivey tho seme and tNat it wtll de&nd thc title of the said Grentee against any nnd aU persons lawfuliy making claim.theret0.end:i emnify the City of Aubam for eny costs,i luding Attomeyje d 4(e. a'o um leed br I aooMbyPaoUlcNorthwestThk x i I socammodatFon onry,It heo notbseo Ia es b Ib elfeotaµnn Mtla. Bill of 5ale Page 1 of J IRES.A Page 68 of 117 i w i IN WITNESS WHEREOF the Orantor.has areautod thesc presenta thia aay oe Ma Yz.k• anos. I i a Y¢%S Authorized Date STATE OF WASHIN(3TON} COUNTY OF K[NG 3ffi 1 certify that I know or Iraqo satisfectory ayidence tl at Thomas Yoon is the person who appea+e l beforc me,und said person aclrnowledged diat he signed this inshvment,on oath statetl that he/she was eut6onzed to axecuto the iqsavment a xl,admowledsed it es the Awolopmant Manager of Koncey 3 Improvcmente, LLC, a IhNted Uab(Ilty compaa , to be lhc free and voluntary act of suah party for the uses and puiposas mentivaed irrtlus inctrummit. na cd Marrh 4,.__ ro, I Notar Publlo end fo hc State of Washington Residrog at g_ MY eRP ntment expims I I I I I HShib 1 File: M1151 i RFF.FI:1 evdopnemlProjcaiN(vsuy IIIMAC07•0008 OR-elte Sewer fmprovanenta I.cgd pocumente Bill or6eie Pego 2 of 7 i I iRES.A Page 69 of 117 1 ti LEQAL DF3CRIFTION FOR KEflSEY 3•DIVtSIQN 1 Tha Soulhwest querter W the SoWheasl quertar end that portton ot 1he Northweat quarter of the Soudieast querter tyfng 3outherty of ttio H.B.Carter Cotiirty Roetl; All In Sectlon 32, Township 21 Nardi, Range 6 East, Walamette Meridien, King Coumy, Washinglon: CEPT thal portion thareof conveyed to King Counry for Stuck Road and by eed reccrtled under Recording No.5407386; AND EXCEPT that poAlon theraol eonveyed ta IOng Cowty Ior Lake Tapps Acoess Roatl, by Deetl i0oordetl under ReCOrtllnp N0.5801768. LECiAL DESCRIPTION FOR KERSEY 9-DIVISION 2 Lm 7,City of Aubum Short Plet Na SP-22J7,recorded underReoording No.7905301012,being a rovlsion of ShoA Plat reco ded undei.Recoiding No:7712130917,In King Counry;Wastiington, being a partion of the East halt oi the 5oWhweat quertor ol 3ecllon 92, 7ownshfp 21 NoAh, Range 5 East;lNWqmette Merldian,in Kine'County,Washington. • a° L 09 i ProJeG Nama: Keroey 3 FBbN01y NJi 2008 WqUVlkg 11394L041.doc i i i RES.A Page 70 of 117 I EXHIBIT A-2 I i Raum Add cs.+: II II Chy ofAuMim I City Cletic 2!WaetMnin 51Aubum,VA 98001 2 10 300 .„ G i0T0 83 KI 00pWUTY, u Aho ro t6ix Ilno mcrrcJ for raxrdirot infmmmlion Pnci rcNO rHwESrrine t153t1 ZBILLOI+SALC FACOG-Q013 Refomnce ll(ifnpplioablo): N!A Ornn ar/Dorrowcr: Kcnoy 3 improvcmante,4LC GrnntedASSlgne JBawtlNary; CiryofAubum LcyalDe ripUon!&77t: S32-T21N-RSE ( (/r I' Aesassor's Tnx Pmool m 0: 322I05-9015,322105-90 7 a 122IOSA079 KNOW ALL MEN BY THFSE PRESENTS that far aad in consideradon of iha sum of TBN DOLLARS($10.00),and for the considaration of{neaporaHng the Ext sion i to the Cily syatan,mui othergood nnd anf8ciant considvrntion,reeoipt whoreof Is I oby hcknowlcdgcd, tha undersigned Orwrtor ICersoy 3 Improvemonta LLC does by t6aso prosents Itareby convoy, sorovcr, assign, trnnafor nnd wnrrnnt to t ia Ciry of Auburn, u Manicipnl Corporallon of ihc Stnte oF Washington, 10;858 LF of etroet, 39 ench of streetilgl ts, 134 LF of 8",6,079 LF of 12"nnd 2,008 LF of I G"waterline, 1,8I4 LF of 8"nnd 2,131 LF of 12"aunitary aewer, 119 LF of 8" Dl, 170 LF of 2" DI, 259 LR of I8" DI, 226 LF of 36" DI, 765 LF af 12" PVC SDR-21, 2,768 LF of 12" PVC SDR=35, 1,652 LF of 18" PVC SDR-35, 3,04G LF of 24" PVC SDR-35, 3,068 LF oF36"PVC SDR-35 7G LF of 42"PVC SDR-35,337 LF of IS"HDPB, and 255 LF 18"CP6P sMrm rainage sorer, n naw hnffic signAl at tho intarsection af Kersay Way S8,Evorgr san Way SE and 53rd Strmt SE Bill of Sale Pago 1 of4 I RES.A Page 71 of 117 i and nll appwtenences ar any otl ar associated pubtic fncllity as shown on ttia public fncility oxtension plans refarred ro as AC06-0013,N e Evergrcan Wny SE nnd Kerecy Wiry S8 developmaiL SituWed within the following descri6ed real property,located in KIng Counry: Seo HXIiIBIT'A'ATTACHBD HERETO AND BY THI3 REFERIINCE MADE A PART HEREOF and the said amntor hereby varranta tlmt it is lhe sale owner of all tlio propc+ny abovo conveycd;tlwt it hes full power ro convey the same nnd ttiat tt will dafond lhe t[tle of the said Granteo ngainst any and all parsoas IawtLlly making claim tharoto,end iadamnify Iho City af Auburn for aay costs,including Allomoy feea ln defending Htle. I I I I Bill oFSate I Pngc Y of4 RES.A Page 72 of 117 i IN WITNESS WHERBOF tha Gmntor hos executad these pmsenls this I h ..day of t?ruierl/ Z! ,2g}g: 1 Abthodz f 6 a uro U STATE OF WASHINGTON j COUN7'Y OF'I{INd I certlfy 1 Mnva know or havq satisfaototy avldanca Wat Tcrh Yau+n 1s7ura the pdrson(s) who nppcared' b"efore.ma; and d personrs) acknowledged tlwt helshe/thay signed tlris inshumau on oath sta(ed thet ha/siic/they:was/ware autlioriiecl to osecute the instrumrnu and ookno'wledge as lhe Devilonmeni- Manaaer of a limitdd ilabllity coiGpunrv,to bo tlie ti a and voluntu y,act of ucL purty for the usas and purposas monUoned inlho mstrumont., Dnted o7 3/.2 N d;t 1C k d yP,.•••sioivE'ry; a Resid Alic und.fV, ItheuStataofWashington oTi,qp ^,: . p L` 1 MYnPpoinUnentcxpims v-6-19 s;,:;',+` pF VlA+6 iin/ I FIS/Ub Pllo: A1089A ItEF:.I l:lDavclapmrntlProjcotlKenoy l[IU'AC06-001111.cga1 Doaumowa12010 I i plll ofSnle Pnya 0 4 i i I RES.A Page 73 of 117 s:, i f i EXHIBIT`A' D1V/SIpIV.t,p.... TkIE SQI]THW ST QUART,R aFTHE SOCTI'HEAST QUqRTER AND THAT P0 7'Q t,()F.`17ifi NQRT}(WE3T QUA4t7'LR OF THB 30UTHP.q,ST QUf,RT$i LYINO.S,QUTtIfiItLY,OF 7'HB H.B.CARTCtt i:OU JTa'ROAQ;ALL IIV$ECI10N 32, ITOydN,$HIA;2.1 NORTH,'RAIVQE 5 EAST,VILLAIvt`CfE M&RIAIAN,KiNG iCOUN'I'',WASH.IIVOTON. I EXC P'THAT P.O1tTION THEREpF CONVEYED TO ICING COUNTY FOR STUCK RQAQ A,ND BY D ED RECORDED UNDER RECORDINd N0.5407388. A.NA,FJCCEPT THAT PORTtON THER OF COIVVLYED.TA K.MO COUNTY FOR I LAI E'TAI'PS ACC6SS RDAD,BY DESD RECORDLU UIVDER RBCORDINd 1V0, 5801756, DIVISIQN 2: LOT 1,Cf(''OF AUBURN.SHORT PLAT NO.SP-22-77,RHCORDBD UNDER RHCORI?RdG 1 10,79A530.1012,BB1N0 A RBVISION OF SHOItT PLAT RECORDED UNDEI]ECO(tDJNG NU.7712130917,IN KINQ GOUN7'Y,WASHI NQ7'ON,B pVG A PO1tTlO1V_QF THE,AST HALP OF THE SOUTH WEST QLIAIt'!'R OF SEC7TON 32,7pWNSHIQ 21 iyORTFI,RANGH 5 EA3T,WILLAMEI7'6 MERiDlAN,IN KlNd COUNTY,WASHINCi1'ON. I i i I i I I i sp of suk Pago 4 of 4 I I x.... I RES.A Page 74 of 117 EXHIBIT B iir,i', ., i i!1' II _ j - Aif II j= I ; . a i4 f.ll , I _ J 1.. I F T..--_t._.-, I L f I 1 _ \'QP c; t Y Il j — 'xcn .r f f r' I I I wni i u/" 1. i. r '; b , I'I, ne s v Y a: ' '' ;°1'—` t t , C L li t 1 ' -:Ii i h:R iEEN a t t I ii wnr: ; 4 GiNAON w tr Ili i i l. 'oimsmN i 1 ' cpJ lldi i aJ 2 n A i <ll.- V iv F rv R y U kd _ . eH, y I I FIGURE 2 I I 1, — WATER SERVICE AREA MAPon, r i n71 L wnTER nREA LnMGE f,1]0.P9 PEfl ERUN yy I NERSET NGNIIY WAIEft FRONiAGC S OA] PER LF 2" S,` _, IIV1 \I L— .— - EAST V LIFV NWY AMA W TFR fHONi GE bfAflGE S 3>.!! PER If ej CAST K NEW WATEF INPqO EYENT i0 C WCLUDED 1 IN T1E WATER AflEe MAqGE i WATEfl BOOSiER PVUP SIA IOu BOe NENLIE >OWFR AOUIN 51R 110N F SlufliT u s nT< Q I mmonrve s r DESIGNED WR KER3EY 3 LATECOMER'S AGREEMENT DRAWN MES CHECKED RH WATER SERVICE AREA MAP uWw 6/25/12 N.,w..:.,.F n'Hin nnrw FIGURE 2 w'o SCALC N.T.S n,:d.iA: ,i.=.•, c RES.A Page 75 of 117 Exhibtf C Kersey Water Payback-Fro rt Footage Charge WaW Front FooMga(chaBa FroM Footege Front Footage ParcelNumtier Addr Owner veruiwrFOOtI IwmdFaeel Cha 31I7059010 aramNewPro rtlet;LLC 13756 1fi6 S_ 82S 121059027 5340AASE Nhon John S 137.58 330 - 5._ 45.401A0 3121059033 SOAStSE Sm - OoAS S 137.58 163 25177.14 3121059036 S990AStSE Cool Barhard S 137.58 148 S 20361.80 31310.590.56. 5680ARSE TerraceVlewPro ertleyLLC. 5' 13758 169 . S . I3251.02 3121059U69.Cla ,Alan 5- 197.58 165 5 2t7fp.70 3723059011. - Todd . 120.92. 1661 2(IDB4&12 3221059037 Todtl S 72p.g2 1523. 5 .78q 161.16 u+049101 Q ofPatlFlt S 137.58 195 5 8.10 0520062002 Flreweedlnvesdnentr LLC S 137.58- 380 .5 5t,280A0 0520062W3 fl2weetl Invemnen UL. 137.58- 387 53]43A6 0570062012 23EastVai H E'E C41e- - - S 13758.100 5 14 30832 05300620I2 RodaM1e FnnkafMfii S 137.58..L97 .S 27 0570062 23. . 17.EestVa H .E Rndarte Fnnkand5hl 5 13758 337 46,3fi4A6 Tobl :76M1 867.66 I I I I I I RES.A Page 76 of 117 Exhibit D I; Kersey Water Payback-Area Charge i Parcel Number Address Owner AI23 CI18M$E(p ER) 3321059001. le Pro erUes S 1,730.29 3121059004.4802 Quin .Ave SE Atkins,Robert andlisa. 5 1,730.29 3123059042 S ale.Pro ertles, S k 3221059009 Denova Northwest LLC S 1,730.29 I3221Q59010u ;Todd S 1;730.29 3221059018 Buckl ,Micheal&P 1,730.29 3223059019 4411 Kers W SE Buckl ,Mfcheal&P 1,730.29 3221059020 Denwa Northwest LLC S 1,Td0.29 3221059022 . 4733Kerse ,-Wa SE Creson,Edwin&Carol n 5 1,730.29 32210.59Q23 4141Xerse Wa SE S ale.Pro erties 1. 3221059027 AII[o LLC 1;730.29 3221059028 SegalePro erdes S 1,73029 3221059029 Buckle ,Micheal&P S 1,730:29 3221059030 Dut ,Todd 1,730.29 3221059040 G(Ilette,R r S L730•29 3221059041.Gfllette,R r S 1,730J9 3221059043 Denova'NOrthwestLLC S 1.73a29 3221059059 5011 Kers W SE Deno4a Northwest LLC 1,730.29 RES.A Page 77 of 117 AGENDA BILL APPROVAL FORM Agenda Subject: Resolution No. 4972 Date: July 9, 2013 Department: Public Works Attachments: Resolution 4972 and Agreement Budget Impact: $0 Administrative Recommendation: City Council adopt Resolution No. 4972. Background Summary: Resolution No. 4972 authorizes the Mayor and City Clerk to execute a Payback Agreement with Kersey 3 Improvements, LLC. Kersey 3 Improvements, LLC completed the facility extensions (FAC06-0013 and FAC07-0008) for sanitary sewer facilities to serve their property. In accordance with Auburn City Code 13.20.270 and the City of Auburn’s Comprehensive Sewer Plan, the sanitary sewer line was extended to and through their property and was designed with sufficient capacity to provide benefit to additional properties that currently do not have sanitary sewer service. The improvements include oversized sewer pipes. The City of Auburn has established a Payback Agreement to provide reimbursement to the developer for the benefit received by the additional property owners. If approved, property owners of properties that benefit from this extension will be assessed one or both of the following charges if and when they receive a permit to connect to the sewer system: 1.Front Footage Charge - Properties located adjacent to the extension will be charged an assessment equal to the front foot amount specified in the agreement nultiplied by the length of their property frontage. 2.Area Charge - Each benefitting property will be charged an assesssment equal to the area charge amount specified in the agreement multiplied by the number of Residential Customer Equivalents (RCE’s, which are the equivalent of a single family residence) that they connect to the system. City staff has reviewed the overall project costs and supporting documentation as well as the proposed method of allocating the costs. Staff recommends approval of the agreement. AUBURN * MORE THAN YOU IMAGINEDRES.B Page 78 of 117 Reviewed by Council Committees: Finance, Public Works Councilmember:Wagner Staff:Dowdy Meeting Date:July 15, 2013 Item Number:RES.B AUBURN * MORE THAN YOU IMAGINEDRES.B Page 79 of 117 RESOLUTION NO. 4 9 7 2 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF AUBURN, WA$HINGTON, AUTHORIZING THE MAYOR TO EXECUTE A PAYBACK AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE CITY OF AUBURN AND KERSEY 3 IMPROVEMENTS, LLC FOR DEVELOPER'S SANITARY SEWER EXTENSION WHEREAS, Chapter 13.40 of the Aubum City Code (ACC) authorizes the City Engineer to develop, implement, and administer facility extension payback agreements for utility improvements, and to execute those agreements upon Council approval; and WHEREAS, Kersey 3 Improvements, LLC has constructed the utility improvements described in the attached payback agreement, and has agreed to deed those improvements to the City; and WHEREAS, pursuant to ACC 13.40.030, the City has received and approved plans for the improvements; and WHEREAS, the City Council finds that entry into the payback agreement is in the best interest of the City; NOW, THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF AUBURN, HEREBY RESOLVES asfollows: Section 1. The Mayor of the City of Aubum is hereby authorized to execute a Payback Agreement between the City and Kersey 3 Improvements, LLC, for Developer's Sanitary Sewer Extension in the form substantially as the Resolution No. 4972 July1, 2013 Page 1 of 2 RES.B Page 80 of 117 agreement attached hereto, marked as Attachment "1" and incorporated herein by this reference. Section 2. That the Mayor is hereby authorized to implement such administrative procedures as may be necessary to carry out the directives of this legislation. Section 3. That this Resolution shall take effect and be in full force upori passage and signatures hereon. Dated and Signed this day of 2013. CITY OF AUBURN PETER B. LEWIS MAYOR ATTEST: Danielle E. Daskam, City Clerk APP ED A OR • D el B. Heid, ityAttome Resolutian No.4972 July 1, 2013 Page 2 of 2 RES.B Page 81 of 117 Attachment 1 Return Address: City of Aubum City Clerk 25 West Main Aubum,V A 98001 Above this line mserved for recording information. PAYBACK AGREEMENT DEVELOPER'S SAI TITARY SEWER EXTENISION Reforence#(if applicable): N/A(unless previous recording GranMr : CityotAa6urn Grantee : Kersey 3 Imomvements.LLC Isgal DescripNon/STR: Sections 29-32,Township 20 North,Rango 5 Eaat Assassor's Tax ParcallD#: See Exhibits C&D i This Agreement made and entered into this day of 2013,by and between the City of Auburn,a municipal corpoiation of King County, Washington,hereinatter called the CI1'Y and Kersey 3Improvements LLC,whose address is 22430 SE 231" St,Maple Valley,WA 48038 hereinafter referred to as DEVELOPER. WHEREAS,pursuant to Chapter 35:91 RCW et seq.,the CITY has by Resolution No. 4972 adopted by the City Council of the CTfY on the 15th day of July,2013, approved the execution of this Payback Agreement with the DEVELOPER above and referring to facilities described herein;and I i j IRES.B Page 82 of 117 i WHEREAS,the above-described DEVELOPBR has offered and the CITY has agreed to accept the bills of sale found as Exhibits A-1 and A-2,attached hereto,as part of the utility systems of the CITY; NOW THEREFORE,IN CONSIDERATION OF THE CONDTITONS AND COVENANTS HEREIN,Tf PARTTES AGREE AS FOLLOWS: I. DEVELOPER At the time of construction, the above-described DEVFd,OPER was the record OWNER of real property legally described on Fachibit A-1 as Kersey 3—Division 1 and Kersey 3-Divisian 2,submitted by the DEVELOPER and attached hereto. DEVELOAER" shall iaclude successors, heirs, and assigns: The term shall include a bankruptcy estate and a receivership as long as the City receives notice of the bankruptcy or receivecship as the law requires for notice to creditors, and the DEVELOPER provides the notice required by section X oftlus agreement. II. FACILITIES The public sanitary sewer facilities which have been constructed by the DEVELOPER herein are as shown in the attached Exhibits A-1 and A-2, incorporated herein by this reference, and processed as Developer Public Facility Extensions herein referenced as FAC07-0008 and FAC06-0013, the originals>of which are on file at the office of the City Engineer. The facilities have been constructed in accordance with the ordinances and requirements of the CTTY governing the construction specifications for facilities of such type,and have been appmved by the City Engineer. III. AREA OF FACILITY SERVICE BENEFIT The pmperties benefited by the facilities constructed by the DEVELOPER are shown on Exhibits B, C, and D, incorpo herein by reference. Any owner of real estate legally described within the benefit boundary as shown on the attached Exhibits B, C, and D, shall pay as a condition for connecting to the facilities, an amount as identified in Section V. All propeRy within the benefit boundary shall be svbject to the connection fee as provided in flils agreement as a condition of issuance of the coimection permit by the CITY. IV. TERMS For a period of 20 years from the date that the City formally accepts the developer's utility extension, any owner (latecomer) of real estate legally described in Section III, and which owner has not fully contributed theirpro rata share to the original cost of the abovedescribed facility,shall pay to the CTfY the i i iRES.B Page 83 of 117 j i i i i amounts shown in Exhibits C and D attached hereto.The charge herein represents the fair pro rata share of the cost of conswction of said facilities payable by i properties banefited. Payment of the latecomers pro rata share is a condition of issuance of the connection permit by the CITY. The C1TY shall reimburse the DEVELOPER within 60 days of the date the City receives payment from a person requesting connection to the fecilides. Upon the expiration of the 20-year term, azry moneys wllected by the CITY will not be reimbursed to the DEVELOPER V. AMOUNT OF REiMBURSEMENT Sanitary sewer collection facilities: The DEVELOPER, lvs successors, heirs and assigns, agrees that the amowrts which the DEVELOPER is reimbursed from the property owners as specified in 5ection II[of this Agreement,represents a fair pro rata share reimbucsement for the DEVELOPER'S consu uction of the faciliries described in Section II of this Agreement. The specific amount of reimbwsement will be the sum of the firont footage charge,if applicable,and the area chazge. The front footage cherges, for those parcels subject to that charge,are listed in Exhibit C and shall not exceed the following amowit: 1,488,330.88 The area charge will be the number of residential customer equivalents (RCE's), also referred to as equivalent residential units (ERU's), to be connected to the system under a sanitary sewer permit multiplied by the single family connection charge forthe propertp's sub-basin. Each pazcePs charge per RCE is shown on Exhibit D. The total amount of neimbursement to the DEVELOPER from the area charge shall not exceed $3,285,251.29. The total reimbuisemer t to the DEVELOPER from the area charge for each sub-basin, as shown on Exlribit B and listed in Exlabit D shall not exceed the following amounts: Sub-Basin 1 1,912,85438 Sub-Basin 2 819,668.86 Sub-Basin3 552,728A5 The total amount of reimbursement to the DEVELOPER for sanitary sewer facilities from all applicable charges shall not exceed$4,773,582.17 i VI. NOTICE AND REVIEW I Prior to passing the Resolution authorizing this asreement, the CTfY, shall have mailed to the property owners of the parcels listed in Exhibits C end D, as reflected in the records of the Pierce County Assessors Office and the King County Assessors Office;as specified in Section III,notification of the allocation ii II RES.B Page 84 of 117 i i of costs to be levied against the properties which are payable prior to connection to the systems. The properry owner shall have the right to review the costs with the City Engineer within 21 days from the date of said notice for the purpose of requesting an adjustment in the allocation of the chazge to the property. If the City Engineer, upon requested review by a notified property owner(s), does find cause far adjustment in the allocation of the charge to the benefited property(s), such adjushnent will ba made and the DEVELOPER will be notified of the adjusted aznount(s) prior to recordation. The tesulting adjusted bkhibits C and D shall govern reimbursement amounts to be received by the DEVELOPER. If the adjushment results in an increase to the charge for other parcels, the notification process in this agreement shall be repeated. VII. EFFECT OF AGREEME[YT The provisions of this Agreement shall not be effective as to any owner of real estate not a party hereto unless this Agreement has bcen recorded in the office of the County Auditor of the County in which the real estate is located prior to the time such owner receives a permit w connect to said facilities. The DEVELOPER shall provide the CTTY with proof of iecording. If for any reason, the CIT'1' fai]s to secure a latecomer payment for Owner's fair pro rata sl are of the cost of the facilities, before connection to the extension,the CITY is not liable for payment to the DEVELOPER. The entire responsibility recordation and completion of this Agreement is upon the DEVELOPER,who agrees to do all and to hold the CITY hatmless. VIII. OWNERSHIP OF FACILTTY The DEVEIAPER has constructed the facilities described in Section II of this Agreement,which facilities have been accepted by the CI1'Y as satisfactory. The facilities have become a part of the municipal system of the CITY. All maintenance and operation costs of said facility shall be bome by the CI'TY. IX. UNAUTHORIZED CONNECTION Whenever any connection is made into the facilities described in Ex(ribit A under this Agrxment which is not authorized by the CI'fl', the CTfY shall have the absolute suthority, but not the obligation, to remove or cause to be removed such unauthorized coanections and all connecting lines or pipes located in the facility's right-of-way. The CIT'Y shall incur no liability for any damage to any person or property resulting from removal of the unauthorized connection. X. CURRENT ADDRESS &TELEPHONE NUMBER i j i RES.B Page 85 of 117 I I The DEVELOPER shall keep a cuxrent record of his/her address and telephone j number on file with the City Engineer, and shall within 30 days of eny change of i said adch ess and/or telephone aumber, notify the City Engineer in writing. If the i DEVELOPER fails to do so, the parties agee that the CITY may airthorize connections resulting therefrom and not incur any liability for the non-coilection and/or non-reimbursement of charges to the DEVELOPER under this Agieement. Every two years from the effective ctate of this agreement, shown on page one;the DEVEL,OPER shall notify the City Engineer of its current name, address, an3 telephone number. If the DEVELOPETt fails to provide such information within siuty (60) days of each anniversary, the CITY may collect and retain any connection chazges owed to the DEVELOPER under tivs contract XI. 9.DMINISTRATION Any inquiries regarding the administration of this agreement shall be directed to the City Engineer. XII. COVENANT RUNNING WITH THE LAND This Agreement shall be binding on the DEVELOPER, its successors, heirs and assigns and shall so be binding on the.legal owners of aU properties ilescribed within the benefit boundary of the area as shown in the aitached Exhibits B,C and D, their successors, heirs and assigns. The DEVELOPER agrees to pay all fees for recording this Agreement with the County Recorder's Office. The DEVELOPER shall make the actual recording and provide the CITY with confirmation thereof. XIII. HOLD HARMLESS The DEVELOPER will defend, indemnify, and save the CITY and the CI1'Y'S officials and agents harmless from all claims end costs of defense, arising out of this agreemem, , including but not limited to attorney's fees, expert witness fees, and the cost of the services of engineering and other personnel who's time is reasonably devoted to the prepaiation and attendance of depositions, heazings, arbitretion proceedings, aettlemeat conferences and trials growing out of the demands and/or actions of property owners incurred in the performance or completion ofthis Agreement. XN. CONSTITUT'fONAL1TY OR INVALIDITY If any section, subsecrion, clause or pf rase of this Agreeme is fvr any reason held to be invalid or unconstitutional, such invalidity or unconstitutionality shall not affxt the validity or constifutionality of the remaining portions of this Agreemeni, as it being hereby expressly declared that this Agreemeirt and each section; subsection, sentence, clause and pluase hereof would have been prepared, proposed, adopted and approved and ratified iirespective of the fact that any one I RES.B Page 86 of 117 or more section, subsection, sentence, clause or phrase be declared invalid or unconstitutional. CITY OF AUBURN I Peter B.Lewis,Mayor ATfEST: APPRO AS T M:. Danielle Daskam,City Clerk D el B.Heid,Ci Attorney DGVELOPER: s re s wti I1TT,E: TITI,E: i I i I IRES.B Page 87 of 117 i i STATE OF WASHINGTON) ss. County of King I certify that I know or have satisfactory evidence that Peter B. Lewis and Danielle E. Daskam were the persons who appeared before me„and said persons acknowledged that they signed this instn ent, oa oath stated that they were authorized to execute the inshvment and acknowledged it as the MAYOR and CI7'Y CLERK of the C1T'Y OF AUBURN to be the free aad vohmtary ad of such paities for the uses and pur}mses mentioned in this instrument. Dated I Notary Public in and for the State of Washington My appointment expires STATE OF WASIiINGTON) COUNTY OF K1NG I certify I have lmow or have satisfactory evidence that is/are the person(s} who appeared before me, and said person(s) acknowledged that he/sheRhey s gned this instrument on oath stated tbat helsheJthey was/were authorized to execute the instrument and acknowlcdge as the of a limited lia6ility company, to be the free and voluntary act of such parry for the uses and purposes mentioned in the instrument. Dated Notar Public in and for the State of Washington Resict ng at i My appoitrtment expires I i i RES.B Page 88 of 117 i EXHIBIT A-1 9- 3 /3 ° 3z. a- Raum A Wra x City ofAuburn City Ckrk 25 Wwt Main Aubum,WA 98001 0 0..» 8:m K aintTV, a Abow thie liac'avved for reoo'dinrt infomiotion. P W'" BILL OE SALE Q FAC07-0008 Relwenx M(if applicabk): N/A Gimtor/Bmrower. Keraey 3 Imp ovemmts LLC GrantedAssigneelBdxfxiary: City of Auburn L.egalDewriptioNSTR: J221N-SE Axeesxor's Tatt Parcel ID#: 322105 9015 md 322105•9039 KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS that for and in oonsidastion of the sum of TEN DOLLARS ($10.00),end for the midmation of oorporating t6e Exte ion into the City systan,and other good and suffiaent considaetion,rxeipt wheceof is haeby acimowied d, the undersigned Grantor Kersey 3 Improvements LLC does by these presents hereby comey, setover, assi , transfer and waaant to tfie Ciry of Aubiun, a Municipal CoTporadon of the State o Washingtoa, 10 LF of 12° sform drainage main, 110 LF of 18" stortn drainaga main, b9 LF af 24" storm drainage: main; 9Z LF of 8" sanitary sawer,40 LF of 10"sanitary sewer,2[47 LF of l2" samtary sewer, 1737 LF of I8"sanitary sewer, 4689 LF of 24"senifary sewa and all appwtenmuxs or any oWa associated public facitiry as shovim on tho public faality extension plens referrod W as FAC07-0006, the Kersoy III Off-Site Sewa tmprovaowus development Siwatad within the following described real property,tocetod in King County. See EXHIBiT'A'ATTACHED HERETO AND BY THIS REFERENCE MADE A PART HEREOF. and the said Grantor heroby wazrants that it is the sole owner(s) of all the properry above conveycd; that it has fiil1 power M convcy tha same and that it will defend the title of the said Grantee against any and all persons Iawfully making ciaim thereto,md indemnify the City of Aubum for any costs,incluiling Attomey v "def 'n tt' smrd by Pacfllc I mtlwirect7Mle, auooem odatlon oMy.It hec rot bsen toC aa te ptopar Or ae b Its el eot npentltle: Hili of Sak Pege 1 of 3 I RES.B Page 89 of 117 i I IN W ITNESS WHEREOF the Gracrtor has executcd these presants this 4+day oF i'A Ti 2008. T.- Authoiizcd at Date STAT6 OF WASHIN(3TON) ss COUNTY OF K[IYG I certify that f know or have tisfactory evidance that Thomes Young is the person who appeared beforc me, and said person aclawwladgod t6at he signed this;inshvment,on oath stated that:helshe was aufl onzed to exxuu the insuument and admowlodged it as tha Develop nent Manager of Keney 3 [mgruvcmeots, LLC, a IimiOed liability rnmpmy, to be the free and voluntary act of such party for the uses end purposts mentioned in thia instrument. nac«t Marrh 4 21 1R t ie Trni A. l ar rYae m Notary.Pablic m and fo State of Washington Residing at My appointment cpires HSldb Fila N IISI REF.H:1 evdopnanlProjeclaVCe eiy 1111FAC07.0008 ORata Sewa Impeovementall.egell poammK Hill oCSale Pege 2 of 3 RES.B Page 90 of 117 i I LEGALDESCRIPTION FOR KERSEY 3•DIVISION 1 7rie Southwest quarter of the Southeast quarter arW thet pwtlon of tl e Northweat quarter ot the Southeast quaAer lying 3oufherly of the H.B.Carter Cowity Roack All tn Sectbn 32, Township 21 North, Range 5 Eest, Wiilamette Meridan, King County, Weshington; EXCEPT Iha1 portlon tl ereof conveyed to Kir g County}or Stuok Road arM by Deed recorded untler Recordtng No.5407386; AND EXCEPT that porllon thereot conveyed to IUng County for Lake Tapps Access Road, by Deed recwdetl under Reca ng No.5801769. LEGAL DESCRIPTIOM FOA KERSEY 3-DIVISION 2 Lot 1,Clty ot Aubum Short Plat No.SP•22•77,rewrded wMer Recording No.7905307012, being fl revision of Short Plst recordedvnder Recording No.7712130917, in IQng County,Washington, being a portion o} the East haN of the Southweat quarter oi Section 92, Townahlp 21 North, Range 6 Eas1,WlDamette Meridlan, In IQpp Counry,Weshirigton. • i osrz ra9 I I Projeet Name: Kereey 3 Febnuuy 20,2U08 WRW/ka 11S941..p41.doc IRES.B Page 91 of 117 i r • EXHIBIT A-2 Reaw Addrass: pryp n'py CiryCler I I IIHI u West Moin I 11 PoIIW A m,WA 98001 2 1 6300.2 51 T I f t i Abovo thia llno resorvcd fa iecmdin t inPormation. PACIflCN01iTHyVE$TflTIE gn,LOFSALE I IA153t1'Z FAC06-0013 Reference H(ifapplioable): N/A mntorBorrower: Keroey 3 Improvements,LLC tiruntee/Aasigoee/Hene£wiory; GtyofAu6urn I.tge1 DescripdoplSTR: S32—T21N—RSE (L (r /.f Aesecsor's Tau Pazcel m#: 322105•9015,322105-9017 md 122I05A039 KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS that for and in consideradon af tlu sum of 7'EN DOLLARS (S]0.00 end for tha considaration of incorporating the Factension into the City a ,and othor good and suffiaeat considaraaon,receipt whaeof cs hereby hclawwl , tho undersi od C3rantor Kersey 3 Improvemeota, LLC doos by thesa presaiits hareby convoy, sewver, assign, transfar aad warrent to the Ciry of Aubum, a Municipal Cocporation of the State of Wavhington, 0,858 LF of street, 39 each of atreetlig6ts, 134 LF of 8",6,0 9 I,F of 12"and 2,008 LF of 16"waterllne, 1,814 LF of 8"and 2,131 LF of 12"sanitary sewer, 119 LF of 8" Dl, 170 LF of 12" Dl, 259 LF of 18" Dl, 226 LF of 36" DI, 765 LF of 12" PVC SDR-21, 2,768 LF of t2" PVC SDR-35, 1,652 LF of 16" PVC SDR-35, 3,046 LF of 24" PVC SDR-35, 3,068 LF of 36"PVC SDR-35 76 LF of 42"PVC SDR-95, 337 LF of 18"HDPE, and 255 LF 18"CPEP storm c raiaage aewer, a naw traftic signal ut tha intaraoction of Karsay Way SE,Evergceen Way SE and 43rd Sb+eet SE 9a orsn e Page 1 of 4 RES.B Page 92 of 117 end ail eppurtwances or any other associatal public faciltry as shoan on tha public feoili axtonsion plans referred to as FAC06-0013,the Evergreen Way SE and Kersey Way S davelopment. Situated within tha fnllo wing descdbed real property,located 'm King County: I See EXHIBIT'A'ATTACHED HERETO AND BY THIS REFERENCE MADE A PART FiEREOF and the said arantor hareby we rants that it is tha sole owner of ali tha proparty above conveyed; that it has full powar to nvey the same and that it will defand the title of the said(#rantea sgainst any and aqp sons lawfullymsk claim thereto,and indemnify the City of Auburn for any costs,inc uldingAttomeyfeesindefendingtitle. ii I HUl of Sale Page 2 of 4 L RES.B Page 93 of 117 i i IN WI'fh1ESS WHERSOF the G antor has executed these presents this 1 day of rurnv/ Zs>1 ,29}Ar i I I v -" ` A ttwrizqd ure U v STATE OF WA3HIN4TON) COUNTY OF KINd I cartify I have lmow or have satisfactory evidance that Towi Yua.na is/are the person(a) who eppearod before me, and said persott s) acknowlalged that he/she/they signed this instrument on oath statad t6at 6e/shdthay was/wero authorized to executo the inshvmont end acknowledga es the verrlanma+l- Ma.qa r of 5 a limib0d UabWty co hpony,bo be the Eree and voluntary ad of uch purty fortha uses and P Pos mentioned in the insuvment. Datad e7/3 0 1 CZ Ii/yy,y N T y t; Notar Public in end for the State of Was a j `a' ` Rosiding at h'1 n,_ al 91 p 8L1p MY BPPointment expires I-6-13 i'J,'Q6:,'431O, y Oa A`•'/''` 1 1 V' I///Il/l j{$t Fllr. #1089A ItEF: H:Developimnl ProjectlKmbey IIIIFAC06-0O1111cgol Documents12010 BW of Sale I Page 3 af 4 I I il RES.B Page 94 of 117 i I i,' i i EXHIBIT',A' DIVISI..ON 1 THE'SOUT-li,V&4T Q1IARTER OF THE S01,11'iE:AST QUARTER 1#ND'HAT; PO.TION OF THE NORTH W,6ST Q J,AATER(2F THE SO.UT!#BA57':QUA t1`ER LYINri;§OUTfIEitLY OF H.B .CAR.`C04JN?'?'RO,AD,AL1;;iN SECTiQN 32, ; fOWi iSHTn]`NQRTH,RANOES.EAST WiLLAME`1TE:T3ERIDU#iV,KIN 3_:;: . CaUN7'3l,W1i8H11VGTON' ' BXCSPT'fHAT P01iTiON THERBOI?CONYEYED T'fl K1NG COUN7'Y FQR STUCK . , OAD.;4N,p BY i)EED 1tEClORDEA:UI+1pER R CORAj[G NO 54Q7368 AIlI71 E3CCEPTTHATPpRT10lV TH 7REQF CONVE'ED TO KA a CO NT'F.QR LAICE`fAPPS ACCESS 7tOAD,BY D.ESDRECO tDED UNDER R CORD1NCi'N0, 5801756; DI ViSION 2 ... . Lp'f 1;CTI'Y OF AUBURN SHCIRT PLAT IyO.SP 22 77,RECORDED UNAER:: RECORDINCi NO.,79053U1012,BBAJO,,A REY.SION OF SHORT PLPaT RECORDED UNDER';ECORDIN(3 NO 2.12130917 1N KtNG COUNTYa WhSHIlVOTONr'BEA Ci : A POR1'tON OF TiiS E,AST:IiALF OF'I`HE SOI'CHWEST QUARTEIt QF SBC7101 . , : ., 32'fQWNSIiI'P:21;1dORTH;ItANCiE 5,Et1ST:WILLAME7T IvIERIDIAN,IN ICiNO . ... ..' COUN`1'Y;WASHINGTON..':: i i BUIoiSak Pege4 of4 J . , '. i I , r:5:.. . ,: . . 6.._ .RES.B Page 95 of 117 EXHIBIT B n 3 ' m i 9 i E m r;:__ 9 y E o 1' m 4 i ,i i o a€ , aaa o / w e e O !R C s _ 4jl r ! h i i s s a ! i i s , i o._ i i . r--<:1 I—..—`I..-\ -_-;_^ _ ' r;_j,I` I. i I i , - . 1J T y 1l I a " i!_ I :"1 i { a . ' _ , A R I _, ` 2 II I .( T l/' ` ` I il I -; Ura.. !_ l t `:_, ;-4 Zw y ua i 6' n 'I - ixi 1 R[F F'. n, y"{l,_,,m- II ,p, 7p, ar n sn i G rl r'I?'J!II lFtlh i! ,I. N`t i{w'(r W.{ tyi r'i.'r ^ Yi . ''Hi,ry a,z n rrx(v I u. W Lt7-f f _I:' , i,. r JX i l ri t jdE},j"9A t 1P I I LI It r,[;;/S Y K -a'.,ca,<u, ( a ? A ^- y( 1 . { 4 Y.i ryj\y / 1 ti r%y `,..- 1 Rr: r i 1 . Y J yr`'4,-I,,.7.%F` 0 F; , Fr•-- I RES.B Page 96 of 117 i I Exhibit C Kersey SaMtary Sewer Payback-Front Footage Charge Sewer3egment Front Frorrt Footage Parcel Number (chargeperltriear(oot) Footage (ft) Charge ($) 3027059024 III.15716.04) 660- -208.586.0 2921059044 IY.(5739.W)350_. 48,664.00 3221059005- IV($139.001 1056 146,82424 3221059006 IV.($139.Oq 404. . 56,1TL.16 3227059008 IV($739.04)1675 232.892•00 3227059078 IV(5139.04)773 7A.OSD.92 3321059079 IV[$139.04)tt3 517.701.92 3221059QlZ IV(5139.04)26S 536,567.52 3221059N3- IV($139.04)5 6 75.915.84 3227059027 N($139.04)1585 220,378.40 3221059028 IV(5739.04)270 537,540.80 3227069029 IV(5139.6Q 70 59.732.80 3II1059009 V($88.%) 704 59.251.84 332705901 V($88.%1 2M 21.7f16.24 u27059020 V($8&%) 517 545.992.32 31270590Y1 V(588.%) 200 517,792.00 3727059025 V(588.%) 317 528,7A0.33 3221059026 V(588•%) 399 33,495.04 3727059031 - V($88.%)1112 98,923.52 332f059059 V.($88.%1 570 517.148. 384500007D Y.($88.96) 577 515.492.32 3845000U60 Y.($88.%1 1/0 9.785.60 3845000070 V($88.96) 153 13,610.88 Total 51.488,330.88 IRES.B Page 97 of 117 I Exhibit D Kersey Sanitary Sewer Payback-Area Q arge Parcal Number Area Charge(per RCF) Sub.Basin 1 0520051076 888.6 052005f019 8BB.45 0520052007 888.46 0520052008 888.46 Q520052011 88H.46 0320D52012 888A6 Q400S2075 5888.A6 76 88&46 F,7mr ma Sggg,6 05200SZ@4 BB8A6 0520055 1 888.46 0520055 2 5688.46 0520055 3 888.6 0520055005 5888.6 a620055006 5888.e6 0620055007 5888.46 2o0ssooe SBee.4a ostaossoo9 Seee.ae. aseaosw o Saee.+t oszoossot t Sees:es os2aosso z Seea. 052005SOt3 5888:16- - . 0524055014 888:A6. 052005SOtS 5888:6 - 0520055016 5888:46 0520055017 889.46 0520054018 868.16 0520055019 5888.46 I 0520055020 588&6 0520055021 88&6 0520055024 8B&6 t 0520059028 5888.6 i0520055071588&6 0520055073 SB88.6 052f1055034 868.6 0520055035 SBB8.16 0520055036 886.6 0520055037 888.46 0520055038 886.6 0520055039 888.46 0520055040 5888.16 0520055041 888.46 05Z005504 5888.46 0520055W3 888.46 052011 50M 988.4G RES.B Page 98 of 117 Kersey Sanitary Sewer Payback-Area Charge Parcel Number Area Charge(per RC 0520055049 888.6 0520055046 5888.46 0520048W7 BB8.46 0520D5SO48 888.46 0520055049 5688.46 052 055050 5888.46 052U055 1 888.6 0520055052 5888.6 052005505 5888.16 0520055054 SB88.6 os2oo5600i SB88.46 A0560D'! SBB8.46 0520056003 BBB.A6 0520056004 S88&6 0520056005 5888.46 On0056W6 588&46 005t 07 88&:46.- 20 6008- BB&46. _ 20056009 - 888:46 .. 0520056010 888.6 0520%071 888A6 OR0096012 BB8.46 0520056018 5888.I6 0520056019 8.46 OS7A0%020 888.46 0520056021 5868.46 0520056023 5888.6 0520056024 5888.6 1043500D70 88EA6 7043500020 5898.46 it04350030888.46 1043500D40 5888.46 t043500050 88&46 1043500060 688•6 1043500D70 868.6 iD93500090 5888.46 7043500100 5888.46 1043506110 5888.46 1093500120 888.46 7043500730 888.46 3221059004 5888.46 3221059009 868,46 3221 9010 BBB.46 3221059011 888.46 3221 9013 888A6 3221ff 90U S8B8.16 3221059016 SBBBA6 I 3uto5voz0 Seea.e6 RES.B Page 99 of 117 I i Kersey Sanitary Sewer Payback-Area Charge Parcel Number Area Charge(per RCE) 3227 902 5888.46 I zloss Sese.w I au osvoz6 Sees.n6 3221059070 8B&46 32210590I1 86&46 3221059033 888A6 3221059034 5.<6 37L7059035 5886.46 3221059036 888.46. 3221059037 888.46 227059038 58.46 3321059W0 BBB.16- - 32270590t7 SB8B.16 - 3Z27059042. 88&46- - 33I7059043 88&46 . 32Z1059044_ 88&A6 3]21059045 5888•46 3221059046 5888.46 32210590f7 888.46 1227059048 886.46 3221059049 886.46 322t059052 5888.46 3321059053 5888.46 3221059054 888.16 3221059055 8.16 7221059056 888.16 322f059057 888.16 3221059058 588&46 3221059059 888.46 3721059007 888.46 337059008 888.6 1321059009 BB8A6 1327059010 5888.6 - 33Y1099011 888.6 - 3321U59012 888.6 332f059013 SBBB.46 I321059014 888.46 3327059015 888.46 332f059016 888.46 3721059017 5888.46 3321059018 888A6 33N 9019 SB88.46 3327059020 SBB8.6 3321 9025 5886.46 3327 9026. _ 5888.46 33270.59037 5888:46 I 3321059034' - 5888:46 I3331059035- 5888.46 I RES.B Page 100 of 117 i Kersey SaMtary Sewer Payback-Area Charge Parcel Number Area Charge(per RCE) 3327059077' SB88.46 3321059078 SBB8.46 3321Q59039 S88&46 3321059W0 BBBA6 3]2t S9041 888.46 3]21059092 SBB8:46 3321059043 888.46 33210590M 888.46 3321059W5 888:46 3721059046 888:46 3327059047 5888:6 327 59048 SBBB.6. .._ 7327059049 BB8.6' 3321059051 5888.46. 3321059052 8BBA6. . . 33210.59053 5888.46 332t059054 5888.46- : 3321059055 888•44 7121059056 888.46 3321059037 5. 332f059058 5888.46 3321059059 5888.6 3321059060 888A6 7321059061. 5888.46 3321059062 886.46 3321059063 888A6 3321059Q6 888.A6 3321059065 5.6 3321059066 5888.46 3327 9067 5888.6 3321 9068 888.6 3321059069 SB88.46 7321059070 888.46 732105907/ B8B.46. . 327059073 BB8.4A 3321059074 888.46. 3321 9075 888.A6 3321 9076 BB8.46 332/059077 888.6 3721059078. 5888.46 3321059079 888.46 327059080 BB8.46 3Y11059081 5888.46 3321059081 888.46 I 33210590- 5888.46 3321059088 88&6 I 3321059089 88&46 3327059090 888.46 RES.B Page 101 of 117 i Kersey Sanitary Sewer Payback-Area Charge Parcel Number Ares Charge(per RCE) 3121059097 588&46 3845 P20 5888.6 384600U060. 5888.46 3845000070 5.46 Sub Basin Z 29210 019 5874.78 2921059032 5874.78 2921059044 874.78 2921059046 874.78 2921 9053 5674.78 3tt1059001 874.78 3221059001 871.78 32210590D2 874.78 3II1059001 87.78 3t2f059005 874.78 3221059006 5874.78 3221059 8 5874.78 3221059018' 874.78 3227 9019 5871.78 3221059022 Sa/4.76 322105902J 5874.78 3221059027 874.78 - 3221059028 87.78_ 3IN059029 5874.78_= . 3 21059 5 874.78 7321059006 874.78 3321059050 874J8 Sub Basin 3 ZTL1059077 5831A7 2921 590VL SB31.17 2921 59006 837•77 2921059030 - 831.17 2421059027 5831.17 927059015 837.77 3027059024 5831.17 i RES.B Page 102 of 117 AGENDA BILL APPROVAL FORM Agenda Subject: Resolution No. 4973 Date: July 9, 2013 Department: Public Works Attachments: Resolution No. 4973 Budget Status Sheet Vicinity Map Budget Impact: $0 Administrative Recommendation: City Council adopt Resolution No. 4973. Background Summary: This project includes the construction of the following improvements: 1.Construction of bike lanes, sidewalks, curb and gutter and ADA accessible ramp improvements to complete the remaining pedestrian gap on the south side of SE 312th St starting at 124th Ave SE and extending approximately 600 feet east. 2.Installation of ADA pedestrian push buttons and audible countdown pedestrian signal heads at the existing signalized intersection of SE 312th St and 124th Ave SE, including upgraded ADA accessible ramps. 3.Construction of upgraded ADA accessible ramps on 116th Ave SE at the two marked school crosswalks in front of Rainier Middle School and at the intersection of 116th Ave SE and SE 304th St. 4.Bike lane striping, signage and pavement symbols on 116th Ave SE between SE 312th St and SE 304th St. The bid opening was held on July 11, 2013, which did not allow enough time for staff to compile the bid tabulation and complete contractor verifications prior to the Committee meeting; therefore, staff is requesting authorization for the Mayor to award this contract to the lowest responsible bidder to avoid delay of the project. The estimated project cost is within the available budget (Grant plus City Funds). Reviewed by Council Committees: Finance, Public Works Councilmember:Wagner Staff:Dowdy AUBURN * MORE THAN YOU IMAGINEDRES.C Page 103 of 117 Meeting Date:July 15, 2013 Item Number:RES.C AUBURN * MORE THAN YOU IMAGINEDRES.C Page 104 of 117 RESOLUTION NO. 4 9 7 3 A RESOLUTION OF THE GITY COUNGIL OF THE CITY OF AUBURN; WASHINGTON, AUTHORIZING THE MAYOR AND CITY CLERK TO EXECUTE AN, AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE CITY OF AUBURN AND TFI E:L0INEST RESPONSIBLE BIDDER FOR PUBUC WORKS CONTRACT NUMBER 13-07, PROJECT NUMBER CP1120, LEA HILL SAFE ROUTES TO SCHOOL IMPROVEMENTS WHEREA8, the City desires to increase safety in school zones; and WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Aubum approved a project to construct sidewalks, bike lanes and ADA compiaint wheeichair ramps, and pedestrian signal improvements in the Lea Hill neighborhood; and WHEREAS, summer break is the safest time for school related construdion as the schools involved — Hazelwood Elementary, Lea HiII Elementary and Rainier Middle School — have a significant number af students who walk to and from school during the school year; and WHEREAS, a project Bid Opening for project CP 1120 took place on July 11, 2013; and WHEREAS, waiting to award the construction contract at a regularly scheduled City Counal meeting would result in a three week delay ofthe construction start date; and. WFIEREAS, the City of Aubum Public Works Department will assess the bids received and identify the Lowest Responsible Bidder following the Bid Opening; and Resolution No.4973 Julyi,2013 Page 1 of 3 RES.C Page 105 of 117 WHEREAS, it is in the public interest for the City to award Corrtrad No. 13-07;. in conformity with bid documents, and to take all appropriate steps to enter iMo an agreement for construction of CP112Q Lea HiII Safe Routes to School Improvements, with all expediency to take advantage of the remaining construction season. NOW, THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF AUBURN, KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON, HEREBY RESOLVES asfollows: Section 1. The Mayor of the City of Auburn and the Aubum City Clerk are hereby authorized to review bids, award, and execute an Agreement between the City of Aubum and the Lowest Responsible Bidder for Project Number CP1120, Public Works Contract Number 13-07, Lea Hill Safe Routes to School ImproVements, which agreemerrt shall conform with the Bid Documents, provided that the bid amount does not exceed the budgeted amount. Section 2. The Mayor is hereby authorized to take all appropriate steps to execute the awarded contrad, to implement such administrative procedures as may be necessary to carry out the directives of this legislation, and to reject all bids if appropriate. Section 3. This resolution shali be in full force and efFect upon passage and signatures hereon. Dated and Signed this day of 2013. Resolution No. 4973 July 1, 2013" Page 2 of 3 RES.C Page 106 of 117 CITY OF AUBURN PETER B. LEWIS MAYOR ATTEST: Danieile E. Daskam, City Clerk APP ED EO niel B. He , ity omey Resolution No.4973 July 1, 2013 Page 3 of 3 RES.C Page 107 of 117 Project No: CP1120 Project Title: Project Manager: Kim Truong Project Initiation Initiation Date: __7/18/11___ Permision to Advertise Advertisement Date: _6/3/13_ Contract Award Award Date: ___________ Change Order Approval Contract Final Acceptance Carry Forward to 2013 Funding Prior Years 2011 2012 2013 Total 102 Fund - Federal Grant 777 25,638 372,085 398,500 102 Arterial Street Fund 34,000 34,000 Total 0 777 25,638 406,085 432,500 Activity Prior Years 2011 2012 2013 Total Design Engineering - City Costs 777 25,638 44,710 71,125 Design Engineering - Consultant Costs 1,924 1,924 Construction Estimate 261,952 261,952 Authorized Contingency 10,000 10,000 Other - School District (Education)75,700 75,700 Other - Police Dept. (Enforcement)1,800 1,800 Construction Engineering - City Costs 10,000 10,000 Total 0 777 25,638 406,085 432,500 Prior Years 2011 2012 2013 Total *102 Funds Budgeted ( )0 (777)(25,638)(406,085)(432,500) 102 Funds Needed 0 777 25,638 406,085 432,500 *102 Fund Project Contingency ( )0 0 0 0 0 102 Funds Required 0 0 0 0 0 * ( # ) in the Budget Status Sections indicates Money the City has available. 102 Arterial Street Budget Status BUDGET STATUS SHEET Lea Hill Safe Routes to School Improvements Date:7/9/13 Funds Budgeted (Funds Available) Estimated Cost (Funds Needed) \\auburn12\building\PROJ\CP1120-Lea Hill School Ped Imp\Budget\CP1120-BudgetStatusSheet.xls 1 of 1RES.C Page 108 of 117 RES.C Page 109 of 117 AGENDA BILL APPROVAL FORM Agenda Subject: Resolution No. 4975 Date: July 9, 2013 Department: Public Works Attachments: Resolution No. 4975 Budget Status Sheet Maps Budget Impact: $0 Administrative Recommendation: City Council adopt Resolution No. 4975. Background Summary: The 2013 Pavement Patching, Chipseal and Overlay Project will rehabilitate deficient pavement on approximately 7.4 miles of streets throughout the City as part of both the 2013 Arterial/Collector Pavement Preservation Program and the 2013 Save Our Streets Program. This rehabilitation will be accomplished by using four different types of pavement preservation treatments as follows: Pavement Patching This project will perform a pavement patching treatment (removing and replacing areas of damaged pavement) on 1.0 mile of arterial and collector streets as part of the City’s Arterial and Collector Street Pavement Preservation Program. Chipsealing This project will perform a double chipseal treatment on 4.0 miles of arterial and collector streets as part of the City’s Arterial and Collector Street Pavement Preservation Program. In addition, this project will perform a chipseal treatment on 1.3 mile of local streets as part of the City’s Save Our Streets Program. Thin Asphalt Overlay This project will perform a thin (1.5-inches thick or less) asphalt overlay treatment on 0.1 mile of local streets as part of the City’s Save Our Streets Program. Thick Asphalt Overlay This project will perform a thick (2-inches thick) asphalt overlay treatment on 1.0 mile of arterial and collector streets as part of the City’s Arterial and Collector Street Pavement Preservation Program. AUBURN * MORE THAN YOU IMAGINEDRES.D Page 110 of 117 See the attached vicinity maps for the specific project streets. Construction is anticipated to begin in early August 2013 and be complete by November 2013. The bid opening was held on July 11, 2013, which did not allow enough time for staff to compile the bids and complete bidder verifications prior to the Committee and Council meetings; therefore, staff is requesting authorization for the Mayor to award this contract to the lowest responsible bidder to avoid delay of the project. A project budget contingency of $3,000 remains in the 103 (Local Street Pavement Preservation) Fund. A project budget contingency of $37,110 remains in the 105 (Arterial and Collector Street Pavement Preservation) Fund. Reviewed by Council Committees: Finance, Public Works Councilmember:Wagner Staff:Dowdy Meeting Date:July 15, 2013 Item Number:RES.D AUBURN * MORE THAN YOU IMAGINEDRES.D Page 111 of 117 RESOLUTION NO. 4 9 7 5 A RESOWTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF AUBURN, WASHINGTON, AUTHORIZING THE MAYOR AND CITY CLERK TO EXECUTE AN AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE CITY OF AUBURN AND THE LOWEST RESPONSIBLE BIDDER FOR PUBLIC WORKS CONTRACT NUMBER 13-06, PROJECT NUMBER CP1302, 2013 PAVEMENT PATCHING, CHIPSEAL, AND OVERLAY PROJECT WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Auburn, Washington, has approved a project to design and construct pavement rehabilitation on existing streets consisting of 1.0 miles of asphalt pavement patching, 1.1 miles of asphalt overlaying, and 5.3 miles of chip sealing; and WHEREAS, a project Bid Opening for the construction of the work was scheduled to take place on July 11, 2013, which would not allow enough time for staff to compile the bids and complete bidder verification prior to fhe next available City Council meeting; and WHEREAS, waiting to award the construction contract until the next regularly scheduled meeting would resutt in a three week delay of the construction start date, and this project is time sensitive due to the limited construction season and need for this work to be completed before the onset of inclement weather, and WHEREAS, the City of Aubum Public Works Department will assess the bids received and identify the Lowest Responsible Bidder; and Resolution No. 4975 July 7, 2013 Page 1 of 3 RES.D Page 112 of 117 WHEREAS, there is avaiiable ending fund balance within the 105 Arterial Street Preservation fund to fund any shortfall in the current project costs,and WHEREAS, it is in the public interest to allocate the available funds to complete.as much pavement preservation work as possible; and WHEREAS, it is in the public interest to award and execute public works construction contract 13-06, with all expediency to take advantage of the remaining construction season. NOW, THEREFORE,THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF AUBURN, KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON, HEREBY RESOLVES as follows: Section 1. The Mayor of the Ciry of Aubum and the Aubum City Clerk are hereby authorized to review bids, award, and execute an AgreemeM between the City of Aubum and the Lowest Responsible Bidder for Project Number CP1302, Public Works Contract Number 13-06, 2013 Pavement Patching, Chipseal and Overiay Project, which agreement shall conform with the Bid Documents; provided that the project costs do not exceeded the amount of funding available. Section 2. The Mayor is hereby authorized to implement such administrative procedures as may be necessary to carry out the directives of this legislation. Section 3. This resolution shall be in full force and effect upon passage and signatures hereon. Resolution No. 4975 July 7, 2013 Page 2 of 3 RES.D Page 113 of 117 Dated and Signed this day of 2013. CITY OF AUBURN PETER B. LEWIS MAYOR ATTEST: Danielle E. Daskam, City Clerk APP OVED O FO D iel . Hei ityA ome Resolution No.4975 July7, 2013 Page 3 of 3 RES.D Page 114 of 117 Project No: CP1302Project Title: Project Manager: Seth Wickstrom Initiation/Consultant Agreement Initiation Date: __October 15, 2012___ Permission to Advertise Advertisement Date: _June 27, 2013_ Contract Award Award Date: ___________________ Change Order Approval Contract Final Acceptance Funding Prior Years 20122013 Future Years Total 103 Fund - Local Street Preservation 242,000242,000 105 Fund - Arterial/Collector Preservation (Funds Currently Budgeted) 105 Fund - Arterial/Collector Preservation (Funds to be Budgeted with BA #3) Total 0 0 2,206,000 0 2,206,000 1,471,000 493,000 1,471,000 493,000 BUDGET STATUS SHEET 2013 Pavement Patching, Chipseal and Overlay Project Date: July 2, 2013 The "Future Years" column indicates the projected amount to be requested in future budgets. Funds Budgeted (Funds Available) Total 0 0 2,206,000 0 2,206,000 Activity Prior Years 20122013 Future Years Total Design Engineering - City Costs*22,50022,500 Construction Estimate 1,921,3901,921,390 Authorized Contingency 192,000192,000 Construction Engineering - City Costs*30,00030,000 Total 002,165,89002,165,890 *City staff costs for local street design and construction are not charged against the project budget and are not shown here. Prior Years 20122013 Future Years Total **103 Funds Budgeted ( )00(242,000)0(242,000) 103 Funds Needed 00239,0000239,000 **103 Fund Project Contingency ( )00(3,000)0(3,000) 103 Funds Required 00000 Prior Years 20122013 Future Years Total **105 Funds Budgeted ( )00(1,964,000)0(1,964,000) 105 Funds Needed 001,926,89001,926,890 **105 Fund Project Contingency ( )00(37,110)0(37,110) 105 Funds Required 00000 ** ( # ) in the Budget Status Sections indicates Money the City has available. 103 Local Street Budget Status 105 Arterial/Collector Budget Status Estimated Cost (Funds Needed) 1 of 1RES.D Page 115 of 117 s s e _ s i - szsem st 514A e5b53B8N4 O` ° 9 ! g aw ooume cnquea 65th Ave S and 40th St SE E (10SAsM) 1 37th St NW 4 MdmN2YN0oIRlE 5 Double Chiyseal Thin OveAay s a $ 1Q5 NrM) 103 flnp) K t 0437thStNWJ' y Nu rnwarNmcsrg a e r Opttledllpseal t 105 fldtl) y. r ' M 1 tl BStNW 5 oyC J m IIMRNWIO S v s e s rn p,y e 108d Av e SE a , - 132nd Ave SE 3 E•. s 1 iosx ral s 3oanAms z mA - and SE 304th St . , 1 !: i ioouti e cnipsasi oouwe cn Iha nual s C iosn;a) n i E H NW. i wu.msmmsxn R St NE 125th Ave a N1 SE 314dt St DoubleChlps981 Er smahsrE 1IWiA e5Eb5E3l21hR 8 lOSNnd)9HI SYNE ParementPatd inB .DoubleChtlaeal 8 9 wemowarMmose .~W las iva) 103 Nritll r 5 Paventent PaOrhinp! fias nr D 2nd St SE a. r s g m Fic rna e ar D011618 Olipseel S 103 fldKl) w, e ara srse MStgtnRA¢ e a 1 DOUb18Chlpsea s. i r1a iv o1 a 0 CP1302 VICI NITY MI P 0 16 ' SCALE: 1 INCH = 3,300 FEET Of VIOfI M 14 w:N:yFp)p1APPU wbneM UFp.Op{Vnhy FNQaRYNiyee4tle bM(61}UTMdpNpApRES.D Page 116 of 117 I% f I Rr`"ri:7 Z'`v rA E IK!.5+ , , 4 ` - E S 4 i p oers. y ic+rn.r- A 1 rz 1.. 1\//! EA t. 9w 1 E S A1 l 1 e ' T,,— . i IEQA F i EFE E y C r 1rl wi: F F f : I c'f' 1! 9 L is+ I w j i p E" j ,. i _ i !•:i Id--- J C i i I f' w . ar' it . 7 I , k 1 y L,+ I r_.s _n RES.D Page 117 of 117