HomeMy WebLinkAbout08-19-2013 FINANCE COMMITTEE AGENDA PACKET Finance Committee August 19, 2013 - 5:30 PM Annex Conference Room 1 AGENDA I.CALL TO ORDER A.Roll Call B.Announcements C.Agenda Modifications II.CONSENT AGENDA A. Minutes of the August 5, 2013 Regular Meeting* B. Claims Vouchers* (Coleman) Claims voucher numbers 424588 through 424845 in the amount of $3,893,810.39 and dated August 19, 2013. C. Payroll Vouchers (Coleman) Payroll check numbers 534009 through 534047 in the amount of $890,547.11 and electronic deposit transmissions in the amount of $1,227,540.81 for a grand total of $2,118,087.92 for the period covering August 1, 2013 to August 14, 2013. III.DISCUSSION ITEMS A. June 2013 Financial Report* (Coleman) June 2013 Financial Report B. Resolution No. 4980* (Dowdy) A Resolution of the City Council of the City of Auburn, Washington, formally accepting a grant from the Washington State Military Department in the amount of Fifty Eight Thousand Four Hundred Thirteen Dollars and no cents ($58,413.00) from the United States Department of Homeland Security Emergency Management Performance Grant Program and authorizing the Mayor and City Clerk to execute the necessary agreements to accept said funds IV.ADJOURNMENT Agendas and minutes are available to the public at the City Clerk's Office, on the City website (http://www.auburnwa.gov), and via e-mail. Complete agenda packets are available for review at the City Clerk's Office. *Denotes attachments included in the agenda packet. Page 1 of 130 AGENDA BILL APPROVAL FORM Agenda Subject: Minutes of the August 5, 2013 Regular Meeting Date: August 12, 2013 Department: Administration Attachments: August 5, 2013 Minutes Budget Impact: $0 Administrative Recommendation: Background Summary: Reviewed by Council Committees: Councilmember:Staff: Meeting Date:August 19, 2013 Item Number:CA.A AUBURN * MORE THAN YOU IMAGINEDCA.A Page 2 of 130 Finance Committee August 5, 2013 - 5:30 PM Annex Conference Room 1 MINUTES I. CALL TO ORDER A. Roll Call Chair John Partridge, Vice Chair Largo Wales, and Member John Holman were present. City officials and staff members present included: Mayor Peter B. Lewis, Finance Director Shelley Coleman, Public Works Director Dennis Dowdy, City Attorney Dan Heid, Innovation and Technology Director Ron Tiedeman, Police Chief Bob Lee, Advisor to the Mayor Michael Hursh and Deputy City Clerk Shawn Campbell. B. Announcements There was no announcement. C. Agenda Modifications An updated version of Resolution No. 4976 was provided to the Committee prior to the meeting and Resolution No. 4983 was added as an action item. II. CONSENT AGENDA A. Minutes of the July 15, 2013 Regular Meeting Member Holman moved and Vice Chair Wales seconded to approve the minutes as submitted. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 3-0 B. Claims Vouchers (Coleman) Claims voucher numbers 424165 through 424587 in the amount of $4,491,621.44 and dated August 5, 2013 Committee members reviewed claims and payroll vouchers and briefly discussed claims vouchers 423469, 424247, 424491, 424562 and 424584. Vice Chair Wales requested a future dialog on the Human Services Program. She stated she feels strongly about supporting these programs and would like to ensure the City is using the funds in a way Page 1 of 5 CA.A Page 3 of 130 that helps the groups long term. Chair Partridge requested Advisor to the Mayor Hursh add this topic to the September Committee of the Whole Meeting. including an overview of the application process. Mayor Lewis said the Human Services Committee is open to changing the underlying rules to rate groups on outcome instead of how many people they serve. Advisor to the Mayor Hursh said some of the groups that receive a small grant will continue needing assistance. Member Holman stated HUD is in the process of developing a system that gives larger donations to fewer groups with the expectation of making the group self sufficient in the future. Vice Chair Wales moved and Member Holman seconded to approve and forward claims and payroll vouchers to the full Council for consideration. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 3-0 C. Payroll Vouchers (Coleman) Payroll check numbers 533975 through 534008 in the amount of $305,442.86 and electronic deposit transmissions in the amount of $1,287,358.20 for a grand total of $1,592,801.06 for the period covering July 11, 2013 to July 31, 2013. See claims vouchers above for action on payroll vouchers. III. RESOLUTIONS A. Resolution No. 4963 (Tiedeman) A Resolution of the City Council of the City of Auburn, Washington, authorizing the Mayor and City Clerk to execute a subscription agreement between the City of Auburn and Zonar for electronic fleet management service Director Tiedeman presented Resolution No. 4963. He requested the Committee remove pages 140 and 141 from the packets, they were added in error. The Public Works Committee requested the staff created spreadsheet be added as an exhibit to the contract and questioned the termination language. City Attorney Heid stated termination language protects the City in the case Zonar breaches the contract. Chair Partridge asked if the City is leasing the equipment or the subscription for services. Director Tiedeman said the agreement is for both equipment and services. There are other companies that do parts and pieces, but for the needs of the City this company offers the most comprehensive package. Zonar will also store all data per the state retention schedule for public disclosure. Page 2 of 5 CA.A Page 4 of 130 Vice Chair Wales asked about training. Director Tiedeman said the shop staff, drivers and IT staff will be trained on the parts of the program that pertain to their job. Vice Chair Wales asked what impact this program will have on the workload of the IT department. Director Tiedeman said the program is fairly automated so the impact will be minimal. Member Holman questioned the reliability of this fleet management system. Director Tiedeman stated this system is very robust. The City checked references and this company looks to be the best fit for the City. Member Holman asked about user interface, dispatch capabilities and management oversight. Director Tiedeman said the driver will not have any direct interaction with device, if a vehicle has multiple drivers each driver will log into the vehicle before driving. Shop maintenance staff will be able to use a scan device to check error codes and engine codes. They will also likely do the installation of the product. The management portion of the program is all completely web based and very customizable. The program has custom reporting and export capabilities. The website will require training. Member Holman said the City could put a map on the website showing where the snow plows or sweepers are. Vice Chair Wales asked about the employees' response to this program. Director Tiedeman stated the program is an operational management tool that will help with City with fuel costs and streamlining processes. Human Resources has discussed this program, which will not be used solely for discipline. Vice Chair Wales stated the system also could be used to improve safety for staff. Chair Partridge asked if the City could lease the equipment. Director Tiedeman said leasing is not an option. Vice Chair Wales moved and Member Holman seconded to approve and forward Resolution No. 4963 to the full Council for consideration. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 3-0 IV. DISCUSSION ITEMS A. Resolution No. 4976 (Dowdy) A Resolution of the City Council of the City of Auburn, Washington, authorizing the Mayor to perform the necessary actions to withdraw from the South King County Regional Water Association and from the joint operating agreement among the members of the association Director Dowdy presented Resolution No. 4976. He gave a brief background and history as to why the City no longer needs to be a member of the South King County Regional Water Association. When Page 3 of 5 CA.A Page 5 of 130 the association was created the City was concerned about seismic conditions and not having water interties with surrounding jurisdictions. Since the association was created the City has built interties with the surrounding jurisdictions and developed many good programs. The City has accomplished the goal and received all the benefits available from belonging to this association. The other jurisdictions in the association will also be pulling out. Chair Partridge confirmed the surrounding jurisdictions will still have an opportunity for open dialogue. Vice Chair Wales said it is nice to see a program complete its objective and be dissolved. B. Resolution No. 4977 (Hursh) A Resolution of the City Council of the City of Auburn, Washington, approving amendment to the 2013 Annual Action Plan Update of the Consolidated Plan Advisor to the Mayor Hursh presented Resolution No. 4977. He stated the federal government has added additional Community Development Block Grant funds to the City of Auburn's grant. The City will see a net increase to the Community Development Block Grant funds and will need to amend the action plan showing the funds will be used to fund housing repair and a required analysis of fair housing practices. The City is partnering with neighboring jurisdictions for the fair housing analysis with the goal of reducing the final cost. Vice Chair Wales stated she is concerned about the food bank. She would like to see the facility housed at a better location. Advisor to the Mayor Hursh stated the construction of the one stop center will give the Council the opportunity to help places like the food bank in the next year. C. Resolution No. 4978 (Dowdy) A Resolution of the City Council of the City of Auburn, Washington, setting a public hearing date in relation to amending the 2014-2019 Transportation Improvement Program of the City of Auburn pursuant to R.C.W. Chapter 35.77 Director Dowdy presented Resolution No. 4978. This will modify the Transportation Improvement Plan (TIP) by adding two projects; a traffic signal at A Street SE and 37th Street SE and the widening of South 277th Street. Amending the TIP will allow the City to apply for grants to complete these projects. The resolution is to set a public hearing regarding adding these projects to the TIP. D. Resolution No. 4983 A Resolution of the City Council of the City of Auburn, Washington, authorizing the Mayor to negotiate and execute an agreement with the other jurisdictions of the South County Area Transportation Board Page 4 of 5 CA.A Page 6 of 130 Director Dowdy presented Resolution No. 4983. King County staffs the South County Area Transportation Board, the Eastside Transportation Board and the Seashore Transportation Board. King County would like to make all of the transportation boards the same. Mayor Lewis met with the other board chairs and developed this agreement. This agreement allows for certain parameters to be uniform and all other items not covered by the agreement to go through the individual boards by-laws. All three boards and King County have agreed to this agreement. E. Parking Revenues and Expenses (Coleman) Director Colman presented information regarding parking enforcement. The department is currently short one Parking Enforcement Officer due to an injury. Chair Partridge asked why the City has not hired a replacement officer in the interim. Mayor Lewis stated union rules prohibit filling the position. Vice Chair Wales asked about the importance of parking enforcement. Chief Lee stated next to speeding, parking enforcement has the highest call volume. Chair Partridge confirmed a commissioned officer can write a parking ticket. Vice Chair Wales asked if a commissioned officers on light duty could be reassigned to parking enforcement. Chief Lee stated if an officer is on light duty they are restricted to the station. V. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business, the meeting adjourned at 6:09 p.m. APPROVED this 19th day of August, 2013. ________________________ _____________________________ John Partridge, Chair Shawn Campbell, Deputy City Clerk Page 5 of 5 CA.A Page 7 of 130 AGENDA BILL APPROVAL FORM Agenda Subject: Claims Vouchers Date: August 14, 2013 Department: Finance Attachments: Claims Vouchers Budget Impact: $0 Administrative Recommendation: Claims voucher numbers 424588 through 424845 in the amount of $3,893,810.39 and dated August 19, 2013. Background Summary: Reviewed by Council Committees: Finance Councilmember:Partridge Staff:Coleman Meeting Date:August 19, 2013 Item Number:CA.D AUBURN * MORE THAN YOU IMAGINEDCA.D Page 8 of 130 CA.D Page 9 of 130 08/14/2013 Voucher List City of Auburn 2 2:51:40PM Page:vchlist Bank code :000 Voucher Date Vendor Invoice Description/Account Amount 424591 8/8/2013 (Continued)021672 US BANK 001.21.521.100.31 16.98 CD-R SPINDLE (QTY 2); DVD-R (QTY 1) 001.21.521.200.31 114.97 7/133176100200804601 EXTENTION CORD & (2) SURGE PROTECTORS 001.21.521.100.31 50.21 7/133176100200804783 ANTIBIOTIC BAND-AIDS 001.21.521.100.31 5.79 7/133176100200804866 COPYHOLDER STAND 001.21.521.300.31 10.37 CD-R SPINDLES (3) - PATROL 001.21.521.200.31 89.07 CD-R SPINDLES (3) - INVEST 001.21.521.210.31 89.07 ZEBRA PENS, BLUE (QTY 4); ZEBRA PENS, 001.21.521.100.31 64.64 7/133176262907525937 TAXI TO HOTEL - US CONF OF MAYORS 001.11.513.100.43 21.12 7/133176849757602016 STOCKER:WA VIOLENT CRIMES INVESTIGATORS 001.21.521.100.49 25.00 CAILLIER,ARNESON,BLAKE,NIX: WA VIOLENT 001.21.521.210.49 100.00 7/133177100203463826 OFFICE SUPPLIES FOR FINANCE DEPT 001.14.514.230.31 70.24 7/133177100203463909 CHAIRMATS FOR FINANCE CUBICLES 001.14.514.230.31 270.98 7/133177824502618488 D. ONEIL AIRFARE TO ATTEND CNOA (CA 117.00.521.210.43 271.80 2Page:CA.D Page 10 of 130 08/14/2013 Voucher List City of Auburn 3 2:51:40PM Page:vchlist Bank code :000 Voucher Date Vendor Invoice Description/Account Amount 424591 8/8/2013 (Continued)021672 US BANK 7/133177824502618637 L. PEARSON AIRFARE TO ATTEND CNOA (CA 117.00.521.210.43 271.80 7/133177824502618785 T. GLENN AIRFARE TO ATTEND CNOA (CA 117.00.521.210.43 271.80 7/133177900010600926 EVIDENCE BOXES (QTY 3) 001.21.521.300.31 262.77 7/133177900010700044 CREDIT ON ACCT. FOR SUPPLIES FROM 2012 001.21.521.300.31 -135.01 7/133178000026680301 STARBUCKS-SNACKS FOR FINANCE MTG 001.14.514.230.31 83.58 7/133178000864341347 Transportation in DC for NLC travel 001.11.511.600.43 26.90 7/133178115101722925 2 UPS units for City Hall Server Room 518.00.518.880.35 2,477.90 7/133178115101723006 1 overnight UPS unit for City Hall 518.00.518.880.35 1,488.39 7/133178399000721638 END OF PROBATION MUG:R. MENDOZA 001.21.521.100.31 37.23 7/133178824504131950 AIRLINE BAGGAGE FEE TO NLC FORUM 001.11.511.600.43 20.00 7/133178824504474731 airline baggage fee to nlc travel 001.11.511.600.43 20.00 7/133179001856496820 LUNCH MTG - DISCUSS VETERANS ISSUES, 3Page:CA.D Page 11 of 130 08/14/2013 Voucher List City of Auburn 4 2:51:40PM Page:vchlist Bank code :000 Voucher Date Vendor Invoice Description/Account Amount 424591 8/8/2013 (Continued)021672 US BANK 001.11.513.100.43 29.23 7/133179151798978580 REGISTRATION PSFO FORUM / SHELLEY 001.14.514.100.49 100.00 7/133179286619300016 2" Gate Valves (4) & Brass Couplings (2) 430.141.100 1,033.35 7/133179357150010139 PD SHREDDING SERVICES - 06/12/2013 001.21.521.100.41 59.40 7/133179824500323782 airline baggage fee to NLC travel 001.11.511.600.43 20.00 7/133179824500360933 Airline Baggage Fee for NLC Travel 001.11.511.600.43 20.00 7/133179980157838138 ACTIVITY BOOKLETS/SCHOOL OUTREACH 434.00.537.120.42 456.96 ADDL USE TAX 434.00.537.120.42 2.94 ADDL USE TAX 434.237.200 -2.94 7/133180002108293837 AT&T DATA CHARGE - D HEID 001.15.515.100.42 30.00 7/133180002109328376 AT&T CELL PHONE USAGE - BRENDA HEINEMAN 001.13.516.100.42 25.00 7/133180171808281606 hotel in for AWC Conference - Wayne O 001.11.513.100.43 332.10 7/133180171808281663 hotel for AWC conference - Carolyn R 001.11.511.600.43 332.10 4Page:CA.D Page 12 of 130 08/14/2013 Voucher List City of Auburn 5 2:51:40PM Page:vchlist Bank code :000 Voucher Date Vendor Invoice Description/Account Amount 424591 8/8/2013 (Continued)021672 US BANK 7/133180200388400281 6940B-FILTER ~ 550.00.548.680.31 14.07 7/133180200699400481 R. JONES HOTEL ACCOM @ NWPEA (NW 001.21.521.210.43 464.10 7/133180206397310356 PARKING - SKC WORKFORCE DEV MTG 001.11.513.100.43 8.00 7/133180286972300534 CAFR, CERT OF ACHIEVEMENT APPL FEE 001.14.514.230.49 580.00 7/133180286972300948 GAAFR REVIEW NEWSLETTER SUBSCRIPTION 001.14.514.100.49 50.00 7/133180300206226329 Graduation cake for CERT 29 class~ 001.32.525.100.49 14.99 7/133180731806295765 Registration for NLC Conference - John H 001.11.511.600.49 495.00 7/133181000985629559 SHIPPING CHARGES TO COHU ELECTRONICS~ 001.32.532.200.42 66.02 7/133181004064530429 hotel in DC for NLC forum - Bill P 001.11.511.600.43 632.04 7/133181292012150416 Lighters fro fire pan - cert class~ 001.32.525.100.49 8.74 7/133181980019669418 6706D-TOMMY GATE REPLACEMENT PULLEY~ 550.00.548.680.35 78.21 7/133182002112638736 CHIEF LEE MONTHLY IPAD CHARGE 5Page:CA.D Page 13 of 130 08/14/2013 Voucher List City of Auburn 6 2:51:40PM Page:vchlist Bank code :000 Voucher Date Vendor Invoice Description/Account Amount 424591 8/8/2013 (Continued)021672 US BANK 001.21.521.100.42 25.00 7/133182004071145418 HOTEL IN DC FOR NLC MEETING - JOHN P 001.11.511.600.43 842.72 7/133182004071145517 hotel in DC for NLC forum - Largo W 001.11.511.600.43 842.72 7/133182004071145525 Hotel in DC, NLC Committee Mtg - John H 001.11.511.600.43 842.72 7/133182300194303443 CREW WATER JUGS~ 001.42.542.300.35 32.80 7/133182360610155273 CREW WATER JUGS~ 001.42.542.300.35 30.13 7/133183000605856457 PO11A-FRONT CALIPERS~ 550.00.548.100.31 109.50 PO11A-FRONT CALIPERS~ 550.00.548.680.35 303.46 7/133183000605856499 PO11A-CALIPER WASHER~ 550.00.548.680.35 3.50 7/133183014000625340 D. ONEIL REG. FEE, CNOA (CA NARCOTICS 117.00.521.210.49 395.00 7/133183014000625357 L. PEARSON REG FEE, CNOA (CA NARCOTICS 117.00.521.210.49 395.00 7/133183014000625365 T GLENN REG FEE, CNOA (CA NARCOTICS 117.00.521.210.49 395.00 7/133183183050968302 PARKING - KC MTG, GOP CAUCUS 6Page:CA.D Page 14 of 130 08/14/2013 Voucher List City of Auburn 7 2:51:40PM Page:vchlist Bank code :000 Voucher Date Vendor Invoice Description/Account Amount 424591 8/8/2013 (Continued)021672 US BANK 001.11.513.100.43 10.00 7/133183200388400049 6524E-BLADERUNNER BELT~ 550.00.548.680.31 54.75 7/133183200388400056 6781B-DISC BRAKE PADS, BRAKE ROTOR/HUB 550.00.548.680.35 215.64 7/133183207361800268 LUNCH MTG-DISCUSS KC TRAVEL ISSUES, 001.11.513.100.43 32.87 7/133183391800766684 (MERTENS)(BODI) BOARD TAG FOR NEW HIRE 001.21.521.100.31 78.56 7/133183824514056901 Airline Baggage fee from NLC Travel 001.11.511.600.43 20.00 7/133183824514231025 AIRLINE BAGGAGE FEE FROM NLC FORUM 001.11.511.600.43 20.00 7/133183824514843951 airline baggage fee from nlc travel 001.11.511.600.43 20.00 7/133183824516420089 airline baggage fee from NLC Travel 001.11.511.600.43 20.00 7/133183838000005348 6472B-CAR BATTERY CORE CHARGE~ 550.00.548.100.31 18.62 6472B-CAR BATTERY~ 550.00.548.680.35 78.00 7/133184000013794935 P011A-CALIPER BOLTS~ 550.00.548.680.35 85.13 7/133184000216188719 6706D-2 TIRES~ 7Page:CA.D Page 15 of 130 08/14/2013 Voucher List City of Auburn 8 2:51:40PM Page:vchlist Bank code :000 Voucher Date Vendor Invoice Description/Account Amount 424591 8/8/2013 (Continued)021672 US BANK 550.00.548.680.35 358.62 7/133184000216188891 TIRES AND SUPPLIES~ 550.141.100 1,043.61 7/133184000331650926 6413D-AC POWER INVERTER STRIP~ 550.00.590.100.64 24.31 7/133184000368269392 HARDWIRE CHARGER CABLE KIT~ 550.00.548.680.35 22.77 7/133184000368325293 Fax machine for finance utility billing 518.00.518.880.35 164.24 7/133184000393832933 supplies for les gove park generator 001.33.576.100.31 28.09 7/133184027475990381 PERSON/PHONE MONTHLY SEARCHES CHARGES 001.21.521.210.41 17.75 7/133184151843074311 ANTIOXIDANT, BRUSH CAP~ 550.00.548.100.31 31.68 7/133184151843096181 HALOGEN SPOTLIGHT~ 550.141.300 93.65 7/133184151843098104 ALLOY SAFETY SHACKLE ROUND PIN~ 550.00.548.680.31 50.72 7/133184200088300650 supplies for water valve replacement 505.00.524.500.31 9.84 7/133184292012181921 WATER FOR AIRPORT CIVIL ENG INTERVIEWS 001.14.514.100.31 8.37 7/133184816002299090 8Page:CA.D Page 16 of 130 08/14/2013 Voucher List City of Auburn 9 2:51:40PM Page:vchlist Bank code :000 Voucher Date Vendor Invoice Description/Account Amount 424591 8/8/2013 (Continued)021672 US BANK Pay Phone Service for July 2013 518.00.518.880.42 110.00 7/133184849285624987 WABO BLD SAFETY EMER APP - TOM U.~ 001.17.524.200.49 25.00 7/133185000447587037 Unmanaged 5 port switch 518.00.518.880.35 78.06 7/133185000458630593 Internet/Cable connections for CH, JC, 518.00.518.880.42 514.95 Internet/Cable for Golf Course 437.00.576.680.42 110.85 Internet Connections for Traffic Cams 001.32.532.200.42 312.44 Internet for Senior Center 001.33.574.210.42 70.85 Cable and Internet for Theater 001.33.575.280.42 177.02 7/133185000542220385 Verizon Cell Phones for June 2013 103.00.595.100.42 18.22 Verizon Cell Phones for June 2013 550.00.548.100.42 70.13 Verizon Cell Phones for June 2013 117.00.521.210.42 350.40 Verizon Cell Phones for June 2013 430.00.534.800.42 840.90 Verizon Cell Phones for June 2013 431.00.535.800.42 381.65 Verizon Cell Phones for June 2013 432.00.535.900.42 314.42 Verizon Cell Phones for June 2013 434.00.537.100.42 18.22 9Page:CA.D Page 17 of 130 08/14/2013 Voucher List City of Auburn 10 2:51:40PM Page:vchlist Bank code :000 Voucher Date Vendor Invoice Description/Account Amount 424591 8/8/2013 (Continued)021672 US BANK Verizon Cell Phones for June 2013 436.00.536.100.42 35.06 Verizon Cell Phones for June 2013 437.00.576.600.42 18.22 Verizon Cell Phones for June 2013 505.00.524.500.42 243.36 Verizon Cell Phones for June 2013 518.00.518.780.42 54.97 Verizon Cell Phones for June 2013 518.00.518.880.42 546.46 Verizon Cell Phones for June 2013 001.11.511.600.42 384.79 Verizon Cell Phones for June 2013 001.11.513.100.42 164.91 Verizon Cell Phones for June 2013 001.13.516.100.42 293.07 Verizon Cell Phones for June 2013 001.14.514.230.42 164.91 Verizon Cell Phones for June 2013 001.15.515.100.42 164.60 Verizon Cell Phones for June 2013 001.17.524.200.42 199.15 Verizon Cell Phones for June 2013 001.17.557.200.42 55.02 Verizon Cell Phones for June 2013 001.17.558.100.42 408.48 Verizon Cell Phones for June 2013 001.17.562.100.42 54.97 Verizon Cell Phones for June 2013 001.21.521.100.42 2,478.63 Verizon Cell Phones for June 2013 001.21.521.210.42 448.76 Verizon Cell Phones for June 2013 001.32.525.100.42 73.19 10Page:CA.D Page 18 of 130 08/14/2013 Voucher List City of Auburn 11 2:51:40PM Page:vchlist Bank code :000 Voucher Date Vendor Invoice Description/Account Amount 424591 8/8/2013 (Continued)021672 US BANK Verizon Cell Phones for June 2013 001.32.532.200.42 593.50 Verizon Cell Phones for June 2013 001.33.573.901.42 54.97 Verizon Cell Phones for June 2013 001.33.574.100.42 54.97 Verizon Cell Phones for June 2013 001.33.574.210.42 53.28 Verizon Cell Phones for June 2013 001.33.574.220.42 443.72 Verizon Cell Phones for June 2013 001.33.575.300.42 53.28 Verizon Cell Phones for June 2013 001.33.576.100.42 314.38 Verizon Cell Phones for June 2013 001.42.543.100.42 384.51 7/133185002117859375 FABER, I PAD MONTHLY SERVICE CHARGE 001.33.574.100.42 14.99 7/133185004729123006 Over the Phone Interpretation June 2013 518.00.518.880.42 48.00 7/133185038380852038 Flowers Sent on behalf of Citizens, 001.11.513.100.49 54.75 7/133185151857086614 PAINT BRUSH (7), FLASHLIGHT (1), HORNET 550.141.300 122.07 7/133185185164801205 LINE LOCATION MARKING PAINT~ 550.141.300 92.77 7/133185200816600104 5 NO LEFT TURN TRAFFIC SIGNS~ 001.42.542.300.35 243.64 11Page:CA.D Page 19 of 130 08/14/2013 Voucher List City of Auburn 12 2:51:40PM Page:vchlist Bank code :000 Voucher Date Vendor Invoice Description/Account Amount 424591 8/8/2013 (Continued)021672 US BANK 7/133185816001834698 Pay Phone Service for August 2013 518.00.518.880.42 110.00 7/133186000056841633 Tools & Supplies for Traffic Signal 001.32.532.200.31 32.39 7/133186000321199860 LUNCH MTG-CREATION OF ECONOMIC DEV 001.11.513.100.43 57.62 7/133186002121806486 iPad Data Usage Fees - D. Dowdy 001.32.532.200.42 14.99 7/133186069150237780 REPLACEMENT BOOT FOR D. FAINI. PREVIOUS 001.21.521.210.22 131.93 7/133186849459859482 Social Media Backup for July 2013 518.00.518.880.48 19.99 7/133187168001419681 plumbing supplies for M&O 505.00.524.500.31 21.44 7/133187556459507028 Emergency Sign Service July 2013 518.00.518.880.42 12.96 7/133189000080334719 NEW DOOR FOR GAME FARM WILDERNESS PUMP 430.00.534.800.35 742.45 7/133189000096970357 Ergonomic Keyboards for Engineering 518.00.518.880.31 71.40 7/133189000121449070 CEMETERY YELLOW PAGE ADVERTISING 436.00.536.200.44 218.25 7/133189002126503838 AT&T iPad Data Account for Ashley 12Page:CA.D Page 20 of 130 08/14/2013 Voucher List City of Auburn 13 2:51:40PM Page:vchlist Bank code :000 Voucher Date Vendor Invoice Description/Account Amount 424591 8/8/2013 (Continued)021672 US BANK 518.00.518.880.42 14.99 7/133189002126645134 I PAD DATA CHARGE - TAMIE B 001.11.513.100.42 30.00 7/133189008897835965 Wide Format Copier Lease - June 2013 518.00.518.880.45 54.75 7/133190000241215564 Document frames - cert class~ 001.32.525.100.31 36.23 7/133190000446789884 supplies for PRAB 505.00.524.500.35 191.60 7/133190000579550231 TOPSOIL AND BEAUTY BARK FOR PROJECT AT 432.00.535.900.31 254.59 7/133190002454140424 Mayor and Mike Hursh AT&T cell phones 001.11.513.100.42 151.29 7/133190002454175180 Swat van AT&T cell June 2013 518.00.518.880.42 37.43 7/133190002454204642 PD Bait Car AT&T Cell June 2013 117.00.521.210.42 15.49 Trimble Units AT&T Data Plans 001.32.532.200.42 69.31 7/133190207293900476 HAM Radio Equipment - Emerg Comm per 001.32.525.100.42 22.90 7/133190207293900518 HAM Radio Equipment - Emerg Comm~ 001.32.525.100.42 59.85 7/133190286178400018 A ST PUMP STATION PUMP INSPECTION AND 13Page:CA.D Page 21 of 130 08/14/2013 Voucher List City of Auburn 14 2:51:40PM Page:vchlist Bank code :000 Voucher Date Vendor Invoice Description/Account Amount 424591 8/8/2013 (Continued)021672 US BANK 432.00.535.900.48 969.62 7/133190286178400026 AUBURN WAY S PUMP INSPECTION AND REPAIR 432.00.535.900.48 736.66 7/133190286178400034 WEST MAIN ST PUMP INSPECTION AND REPAIR 432.00.535.900.48 548.05 7/133190286178400042 BRANNAN PARKTRANSDUCER INSPECTION AND 432.00.535.900.48 549.42 7/133190731909348899 AAA BATTERIES (1 PK), AA BATTERIES (5) 550.141.300 35.13 7/133191000522116399 6403E- REPAIR THERMOSTAT, REPLACE 550.00.548.680.48 829.49 7/133191000633987969 FURNITURE/SUPPLIES FOR MAYORS OFFICE 001.11.513.100.31 380.23 7/133191000771355474 supplies for golf course (monitor power) 505.00.524.500.31 36.51 7/133191001367409165 1 YR SUBSCRIPTION DIAGNOSTIC TECH 2 550.00.548.100.35 821.25 7/133191038326363274 MAYOR/COUNCIL LOBBY DECOR 001.11.513.100.49 25.00 7/133191200088300644 HEDGE TRIMMER LINE 432.00.535.900.31 4.65 HEDGE TRIMMER~ 432.00.535.900.35 569.35 7/133191200088300792 supplies for city hall water fountain 14Page:CA.D Page 22 of 130 08/14/2013 Voucher List City of Auburn 15 2:51:40PM Page:vchlist Bank code :000 Voucher Date Vendor Invoice Description/Account Amount 424591 8/8/2013 (Continued)021672 US BANK 505.00.524.500.31 7.07 7/133191200088300842 cement purchase 505.00.524.500.31 7.11 7/133191206742600276 PARKING - WORKSHOP, CULTURAL 434.00.537.100.43 15.00 7/133191207653900037 thermostat for server room 505.00.524.500.31 52.68 7/133191207929700049 6916B-REAR VIEW MIRROR (1)~ 550.00.548.680.35 168.74 7/133191261917274944 QUICK RELEASE FITTINGS FOR VACTOR~ 432.00.535.900.35 65.10 7/133191271910951697 PROCESS SERVICE ON LID FORCLOSURE 001.14.514.230.41 59.50 7/133191900018903183 Survey Supplies 432.00.590.100.65 323.46 7/133192000931578535 CASE (4) LABELS FOR EVIDENCE 001.21.521.300.31 123.87 7/133192000935638814 ADS: COMPOST YARD SALE / PUBLIC PLACE 434.00.537.120.44 2,916.90 7/133192002132810255 monthly at&t ipad data charge - Rich W 001.11.511.600.42 14.99 7/133192027498767758 HAZMAT SERVICES - PD (3002310891) 001.21.521.100.41 10.36 7/133192083104005526 15Page:CA.D Page 23 of 130 08/14/2013 Voucher List City of Auburn 16 2:51:40PM Page:vchlist Bank code :000 Voucher Date Vendor Invoice Description/Account Amount 424591 8/8/2013 (Continued)021672 US BANK Offsite Data Storage June 2013 518.00.518.880.49 179.58 7/133192100149044103 Misc office supplies for PW 001.32.532.200.31 102.35 7/133192116035010635 HONEY BUCKET RENTAL/SRV FOR PD JULY & 001.21.521.200.49 269.00 7/133192200088300718 6917B-TOGGLE ROCKER SWITCH~ 550.00.548.680.35 27.33 7/133192200815900027 MISC PLANNING SIGN - 7/10/13 - INV. 001.17.558.100.49 65.82 7/133192207929800111 6916B-GLASS WATER FILTER (1)~ 550.00.548.680.35 163.76 7/133192357155010392 PD SHREDDING SERVICES - 06/26/2013 001.21.521.100.41 69.30 7/133192980013036618 6740A-HOSE~ 550.00.548.680.35 132.86 7/133192980013036659 6740A-HARNESS~ 550.00.548.680.35 27.13 7/133192980013036683 PAD KITS (6), ROTORS (6), SENSOR (1), 550.141.100 1,354.02 7/133193000268165806 Network cables, surge protectors, 518.00.518.880.31 96.11 7/133193000328705039 Misc office supplies for PW 001.32.532.200.31 43.78 16Page:CA.D Page 24 of 130 08/14/2013 Voucher List City of Auburn 17 2:51:40PM Page:vchlist Bank code :000 Voucher Date Vendor Invoice Description/Account Amount 424591 8/8/2013 (Continued)021672 US BANK 7/133193000331972006 Misc office supplies for PW 001.32.532.200.31 43.78 7/133193000490611189 CONTAINER (1), BRUSHES (1-2 PK), PAINT 431.00.535.800.31 26.21 7/133193000564513758 AppleCare for 3 Planning iPads 518.00.518.880.35 292.37 7/133193000564534457 3 new Planning iPads 518.00.518.880.35 1,606.37 7/133193000577626423 MX Logic Email Spam Filter July 2013 518.00.518.880.49 680.00 7/133193000720308130 SEWER RING BOLTS (100)~ 431.00.535.800.31 494.94 7/133193002134291883 monthly at&t ipad data charge - Largo W 001.11.511.600.42 14.99 7/133193004937097597 COUPLERS AND WATER SPRAY GUN~ 432.00.535.900.35 253.58 7/133193004938090302 REPLACED DIESEL METER ON #2, RAN PUMP 550.00.548.150.48 851.76 7/133193091184017012 iPhone Data Recovery Tool 518.00.518.880.49 65.65 7/133193091184033167 iPhone recovery software 518.00.518.880.49 73.31 7/133193091184042887 iPhone recovery software 17Page:CA.D Page 25 of 130 08/14/2013 Voucher List City of Auburn 18 2:51:40PM Page:vchlist Bank code :000 Voucher Date Vendor Invoice Description/Account Amount 424591 8/8/2013 (Continued)021672 US BANK 518.00.518.880.49 9.80 7/133193118000169283 electrical permit for avhs 505.00.524.500.31 94.75 7/133193151931053291 CABLE TIES (20 PKGS OF 100)~ 430.00.534.800.31 111.69 7/133193193131360503 LINE LOCATION PAINT (12 CANS) RED~ 550.141.300 50.06 7/133193286815700165 PAID BY PO. CREDIT ISSUED 550.00.548.100.31 748.97 7/133193556120200013 KICK STAND W/ SPRING 22" LEGS (1)~ 001.42.542.300.35 20.27 KICK STAND W/ SPRING 22" LEGS (1)~ 430.00.534.800.35 20.26 KICK STAND W/ SPRING 22" LEGS (1)~ 431.00.535.800.35 20.26 KICK STAND W/ SPRING 22" LEGS (1)~ 432.00.535.900.35 20.26 7/133193630185616687 Verizon Mifis for June 2013 001.17.524.200.42 200.05 Verizon Mifis for June 2013 001.17.558.100.42 120.03 Verizon Mifis for June 2013 001.21.521.200.42 1,640.41 Verizon Mifis for June 2013 001.32.532.200.42 160.04 Verizon Mifis for June 2013 001.11.513.100.42 40.01 Verizon Mifis for June 2013 18Page:CA.D Page 26 of 130 08/14/2013 Voucher List City of Auburn 19 2:51:40PM Page:vchlist Bank code :000 Voucher Date Vendor Invoice Description/Account Amount 424591 8/8/2013 (Continued)021672 US BANK 001.42.543.100.42 260.07 Verizon Mifis for June 2013 430.00.534.800.42 549.45 Verizon Mifis for June 2013 431.00.535.800.42 253.40 Verizon Mifis for June 2013 432.00.535.900.42 253.40 Verizon Mifis for June 2013 518.00.518.880.42 145.29 7/133193630185617107 AVL/HH DAM Modem for June 2013 518.00.518.880.42 35.10 AVL/HH DAM Modem for June 2013 001.32.532.200.42 60.01 7/133193900015600011 FABER, ROTARY LUNCHEON 001.33.574.100.49 9.00 7/133193980012795975 6926A-REPLACE RADIATOR, FLUID~ 550.00.548.680.48 1,941.88 7/133193980013036682 6740A-SL-N-CABLE (1)~ 550.00.548.680.35 8.10 7/133193980013036690 6740A-SL-N-HANDLE (1)~ 550.00.548.680.35 4.82 7/133193980100010075 Online Council Video Streaming May/June 518.00.518.880.42 600.00 7/133194000609525790 6705C-REPLACED SPARK PLUGS, FLUSHED 550.00.548.680.48 295.64 7/133194000687827423 SHIPPING CHARGES FOR RETURNED PARTS TO 430.00.534.800.42 11.10 19Page:CA.D Page 27 of 130 08/14/2013 Voucher List City of Auburn 20 2:51:40PM Page:vchlist Bank code :000 Voucher Date Vendor Invoice Description/Account Amount 424591 8/8/2013 (Continued)021672 US BANK 7/133194000846120439 AUDIO CABLE, EXTENSION CORD, HIGH SPEED 001.33.574.210.35 37.78 7/133194000925744448 electrical supplies for avhs 505.00.524.500.31 82.55 7/133194000925744455 tools for ken gunter, electrician 505.00.524.500.31 47.18 7/133194000925744539 Misc. supplies for Facilities Dept. 505.00.524.500.31 11.42 7/133194000930031807 ELECTRICAL TAPE, SR CENTER 001.33.574.210.35 3.29 7/133194000948349936 Misc office supplies for PW 001.32.532.200.31 19.48 7/133194002134860371 monthly at&t ipad data charge - Bill P 001.11.511.600.42 14.99 7/133194002135546110 AT&T iPad Data Account for Reba 518.00.518.880.42 14.99 7/133194100171961628 CR-RW for Office Supplies 518.00.518.880.31 39.37 7/133194100171966429 STATIONERY STORE/SUPPLIES SR CENTER 001.33.574.210.31 99.63 7/133194100172037451 OFFICE SUPPLIES FOR FINANCE DEPT 001.14.514.230.31 43.69 7/133194100172037527 OFFICE SUPPLIES FOR FINANCE DEPT 20Page:CA.D Page 28 of 130 08/14/2013 Voucher List City of Auburn 21 2:51:40PM Page:vchlist Bank code :000 Voucher Date Vendor Invoice Description/Account Amount 424591 8/8/2013 (Continued)021672 US BANK 001.14.514.230.31 43.79 7/133194100172037600 OFFICE SUPPLIES FOR FINANCE DEPT 001.14.514.230.31 1.96 7/133194151946846399 EAR PLUGS (1 PKG OF 100)~ 550.00.548.100.22 38.21 7/133194151946853627 SEWER SMALL TOOLS- SCREW DRIVER (1), 431.00.535.800.35 41.01 7/133194151946853635 SEWER SMALL TOOLS- PHILLIPS SCREWDRIVER 431.00.535.800.35 11.17 7/133194151946854203 ELEC TAPE (3), LUBRICANT (8), HORNET 550.141.300 216.39 7/133194161946252441 PARKING - CFO FORUM AT UW CAMPUS 001.14.514.100.43 15.00 7/133194286815800139 ER INVENTORY- BATTERY (4), ELEMENT (5), 550.141.100 1,173.39 7/133194286815800147 ASM ELEMENT (5), OIL FILTER (2)~ 550.141.100 216.16 7/133195000967126065 WHALE WATCHING DAY TRIP, SENIOR CENTER 001.33.574.210.49 2,002.00 7/133195002136982354 MONTHLY AT&T IPAD DATA CHARGE 001.11.511.600.42 14.99 7/133195002138524865 AT&T IPAD MONTHLY DATA CHARGE 001.11.511.600.42 14.99 7/133195002138722881 21Page:CA.D Page 29 of 130 08/14/2013 Voucher List City of Auburn 22 2:51:40PM Page:vchlist Bank code :000 Voucher Date Vendor Invoice Description/Account Amount 424591 8/8/2013 (Continued)021672 US BANK AT&T iPad Data Acct Planning Demo 518.00.518.880.42 14.99 7/133195360808975362 AROUND THE BELL SUPPLIES 001.33.574.240.31 32.50 PRESCHOOL CLASS SUPPLIES 001.33.574.240.31 28.00 7/133195900995400076 9MM DUTY AMMO (QTY 6 BOXES) 001.21.521.200.31 394.14 7/133196000621983272 supplies for light repair at city hall 505.00.524.500.31 76.63 7/133196000632181114 Auburnwa.gov 1 YR Domain Renewal 518.00.518.880.49 125.00 7/133196000632181122 cityofauburnwa.gov 1 YR Domain Renewal 518.00.518.880.49 125.00 7/133196000954053656 6413D-NEW UNIT PREP INSTALLED DECALS~ 550.00.590.100.64 98.55 7/133196002138789541 monthly at&t ipad data charge - Wayne O 001.11.511.600.42 14.99 7/133196002138872214 DATA CHARGE FOR SHELLEY'S IPAD 001.14.514.100.42 25.00 7/133196002140219792 AT&T DATA CHARGE - MAYOR LEWIS 001.11.513.100.49 14.99 7/133196161963183814 P071A-INSTALL WINDSHIELD~ 550.00.548.680.48 180.53 7/133196286619600067 22Page:CA.D Page 30 of 130 08/14/2013 Voucher List City of Auburn 23 2:51:40PM Page:vchlist Bank code :000 Voucher Date Vendor Invoice Description/Account Amount 424591 8/8/2013 (Continued)021672 US BANK BRASS NIPPLES AND COUPLINGS~ 430.141.100 364.55 7/133196300189727345 SENIOR CENTER SUPPLIES 001.33.574.210.31 23.91 7/133196300189727428 AROUND THE BELL SUPPLIES 001.33.574.240.31 20.00 DAYCAMP SUPPLIES 001.33.574.240.31 57.01 PRESCHOOL CLASS SUPPLIES 001.33.574.240.31 6.00 7/133196929080019824 SENIOR CENTER SUPPLIES 001.33.574.210.31 151.05 7/133196941677557298 supplies for clerks office repair 505.00.524.500.31 21.89 7/133197000014785903 misc. supplies for facilities dept. 505.00.524.500.31 79.78 7/133197000060982784 Duplex printer for IT 518.00.518.880.35 879.99 7/133197000091005258 Supplies/Batteries for Facilities Dept. 505.00.524.500.31 13.11 7/133197000706590421 SERVICE ON '99 FORD RANGER 437.00.576.600.41 534.84 7/133197000726705918 HDMI Cable for Parks 001.33.574.100.31 20.83 7/133197000996433682 CITY UNIFORM ASH T-SHIRTS (3)~ 23Page:CA.D Page 31 of 130 08/14/2013 Voucher List City of Auburn 24 2:51:40PM Page:vchlist Bank code :000 Voucher Date Vendor Invoice Description/Account Amount 424591 8/8/2013 (Continued)021672 US BANK 430.00.534.800.22 53.55 7/133197002142621598 iPad AT&T Data Acct Kristin 518.00.518.880.42 14.99 7/133197004948357317 Juno Trimble unit for Engineering 432.00.535.100.35 1,098.29 7/133197069151602091 CREDIT ON D. FAINI'S BOOTS 001.21.521.210.22 -125.93 7/133197091007644645 AROUND THE BELL SUPPLIES 001.33.574.240.31 57.24 DAYCAMP SUPPLIES 001.33.574.240.31 57.25 7/133197100203305924 OFFICE SUPPLIES FOR FINANCE DEPT 001.14.514.230.31 9.38 7/133197113032790431 JUNE UTILITY PAYMENT PROCESSING 430.00.534.110.41 200.98 JUNE UTILITY PAYMENT PROCESSING 431.00.535.110.41 200.98 JUNE UTILITY PAYMENT PROCESSING 432.00.535.910.41 200.98 JUNE UTILITY PAYMENT PROCESSING 434.00.537.110.41 200.98 7/133197206483176735 6" HOSE FOR VACTOR - 12 FEET~ 432.00.535.900.31 52.56 7/133197286815000328 CREDIT FOR INVOICES PAID ON PO 550.00.548.100.31 -748.97 7/133197824502459327 FLIGHT TO NLC MTG IN CA - JOHN H ~ 24Page:CA.D Page 32 of 130 08/14/2013 Voucher List City of Auburn 25 2:51:40PM Page:vchlist Bank code :000 Voucher Date Vendor Invoice Description/Account Amount 424591 8/8/2013 (Continued)021672 US BANK 001.11.511.600.43 723.80 7/133197980012795930 6301E-SPINDLE~ 550.00.548.680.35 1,505.63 7/133198000244986155 NETFLIX MOVIE FOR SENIOR CENTER 001.33.574.210.31 1.42 7/133198000332002360 iPad Cases for Planning iPads 001.17.558.100.42 260.97 7/133198000339284425 STARBUCKS-COFFEE FOR AIRPORT ADVISORY 001.14.514.100.31 15.28 7/133198000430297177 YELLOW SAFETY PAINT (12), HAND PRUNER 431.00.535.800.31 36.66 YELLOW SAFETY PAINT (12), HAND PRUNER 432.00.535.900.31 36.66 YELLOW SAFETY PAINT (12), HAND PRUNER 431.00.535.800.35 60.18 7/133198000430297235 LOWES - 3102 O ST. SE ABATEMENT 001.17.524.200.31 10.60 7/133198000454847451 BATTERIES (1 PK), BLACK GLOSS RUSTOLEUM 431.00.535.800.31 24.91 7/133198002142824332 AT&T DATA CHARGE - DOUG LIEN 001.17.558.100.42 14.99 7/133198002143858206 AT&T DATA CHARGE - MAYOR LEWIS 001.11.513.100.49 30.00 7/133198100206413608 6923A-SWITCH, LOW~ 550.00.548.680.35 26.15 25Page:CA.D Page 33 of 130 08/14/2013 Voucher List City of Auburn 26 2:51:40PM Page:vchlist Bank code :000 Voucher Date Vendor Invoice Description/Account Amount 424591 8/8/2013 (Continued)021672 US BANK 7/133198121989910382 DIAMOND PARKING-ELIZABETH KC MTG 001.17.558.100.49 9.00 7/133198171988432771 HOTEL FOR MAYOR LEWIS LEADERSHIP MTG IN 001.11.513.100.43 295.13 7/133198200088300381 Radio Room Parts - Emerg Comm~ 001.32.525.100.42 25.46 7/133198200088300670 AIR CLEANER COVER FOR TRACTOR~ 432.00.535.900.35 33.66 7/133198206599001169 News Tribune Subscription for Mayor's 001.11.513.100.49 68.85 7/133198360869273969 WASTEBASKETS/GSA PARK DUGOUTS & TOWELS 434.00.537.800.31 35.46 7/133198731988413055 TRENCHLESS INSTALLATION 4" SLEEVE~ 430.00.534.800.48 2,190.00 7/133198987196509544 P018E-KEYS~ 550.00.548.680.35 344.93 7/133199000168378667 6923A-FLAT REPAIR~ 550.00.548.680.48 76.05 7/133199000679205062 iPads for Planning + AppleCare Warranty 001.17.558.100.42 2,317.62 7/133199000739138261 electrical supplies for avhs 505.00.524.500.31 3.53 7/133199000739138279 supplies and tools for facilities dept. 26Page:CA.D Page 34 of 130 08/14/2013 Voucher List City of Auburn 27 2:51:40PM Page:vchlist Bank code :000 Voucher Date Vendor Invoice Description/Account Amount 424591 8/8/2013 (Continued)021672 US BANK 505.00.524.500.31 29.39 7/133199000791731078 CREW GLOVES~ 430.00.534.800.31 43.73 7/133199002143910709 AT&T DATA CHARGE - DARCIE HANSON~ 001.17.558.100.42 14.99 7/133199002143911145 AT&T DATA CHARGE - ELIZABETH C~ 001.17.558.100.42 14.99 7/133199002143911806 AT&T DATA CHARGE- CHRIS ANDERSEN EMAIL 001.17.558.100.42 14.99 7/133199004953469633 6923A-CURTAIN SET (1), SIDE RUBBER (1), 550.00.548.680.35 633.86 7/133199008901497081 Wide format copier usage 518.00.518.880.45 54.75 7/133199100206019355 OFFICE SUPPLIES FOR UTILITIES DEPT 434.00.537.110.31 28.23 OFFICE SUPPLIES FOR UTILITIES DEPT 431.00.535.110.31 28.23 OFFICE SUPPLIES FOR UTILITIES DEPT 432.00.535.910.31 28.23 OFFICE SUPPLIES FOR UTILITIES DEPT 430.00.534.110.31 28.23 7/133199100206019439 OFFICE SUPPLIES FOR UTILITIES DEPT 434.00.537.110.31 5.88 OFFICE SUPPLIES FOR UTILITIES DEPT 431.00.535.110.31 5.88 OFFICE SUPPLIES FOR UTILITIES DEPT 432.00.535.910.31 5.88 27Page:CA.D Page 35 of 130 08/14/2013 Voucher List City of Auburn 28 2:51:40PM Page:vchlist Bank code :000 Voucher Date Vendor Invoice Description/Account Amount 424591 8/8/2013 (Continued)021672 US BANK OFFICE SUPPLIES FOR UTILITIES DEPT 430.00.534.110.31 5.89 7/133199171998309291 VEGETATION CONTROL 2.5 GA RANGER PRO 430.00.534.800.31 150.86 7/133199199249602408 Toner/maintenance for HP Printer 518.00.518.880.48 290.34 7/133199360882184069 AROUND THE BELL SUPPLIES 001.33.574.240.31 12.99 7/133199731997202124 P052A-WINDSHIELD REPAIR~ 550.00.548.680.48 21.90 7/133199838000004483 6750A- BATTERY CORE CHARGES (8)~ 550.00.548.100.31 166.44 6750A-GOLF CART BATTERY (8) ~ 550.00.548.680.35 1,216.94 7/133199838000004512 CREDIT ON BATTERYCORE CHARGES 550.00.548.100.31 -166.44 7/133199900015700104 FABER, ROTARY LUNCHEON 001.33.574.100.49 9.00 7/133199980037855158 SECTOR PAPER (QTY 8) 001.21.521.200.31 381.06 7/133199987151537141 TEAM T SHIRTS & HATS 001.33.574.240.31 4,185.36 7/133199987151537158 YOUTH TEAM T SHIRTS 001.33.574.240.31 1,470.59 7/133200000092940151 28Page:CA.D Page 36 of 130 08/14/2013 Voucher List City of Auburn 29 2:51:40PM Page:vchlist Bank code :000 Voucher Date Vendor Invoice Description/Account Amount 424591 8/8/2013 (Continued)021672 US BANK PHONE CLIP, HUDSON 436.00.536.100.31 8.95 7/133200000102648497 lighting repair at senior center 505.00.524.500.31 17.48 7/133200000852030276 VICTORIA CLIPPER, SENIOR CENTER TRIP 001.33.574.210.49 231.00 7/133200004956451718 INVOICE CHARGED TWICE-CREDIT ISSUED 550.00.548.100.31 633.86 7/133200100209171333 AVERY CD/DVD LABELS 001.21.521.100.31 19.51 7/133200100209176464 Misc office supplies for PW 001.32.532.200.31 74.91 7/133200152001731130 FIXED WORKBENCH~ 550.00.548.100.35 314.70 7/133200206040200068 BELT (1)~ 550.141.100 68.80 21" BLADE HI-LIFT (3)~ 550.00.548.100.31 262.66 7/133200206040200076 ER INVENTORY- SPACER (14), BEARING (4), 550.141.100 743.21 7/133200272008144358 Fiber Media Converter 518.00.518.880.35 188.06 7/133200292012310256 SR CENTER SUPPLIES 001.33.574.210.31 6.56 7/133200357159010190 29Page:CA.D Page 37 of 130 08/14/2013 Voucher List City of Auburn 30 2:51:40PM Page:vchlist Bank code :000 Voucher Date Vendor Invoice Description/Account Amount 424591 8/8/2013 (Continued)021672 US BANK PD SHREDDING SERVICES - 07/10/2013 001.21.521.100.41 82.50 7/133200824501783631 flight for Mayor Lewis to Utah for USCM 001.11.513.100.43 819.80 7/133200980012795992 6911B-REPAIR MILEAGE ODOMETER~ 550.00.548.680.48 257.34 7/133200980029967576 LONG LOOK PUBLIC ART PLAQUE 001.33.573.201.41 395.00 7/133201100177920363 OFFICE SUPPLIES FOR UTILITIES DEPT 434.00.537.110.31 15.04 OFFICE SUPPLIES FOR UTILITIES DEPT 431.00.535.110.31 15.04 OFFICE SUPPLIES FOR UTILITIES DEPT 432.00.535.910.31 15.04 OFFICE SUPPLIES FOR UTILITIES DEPT 430.00.534.110.31 15.02 7/133201152012627243 P0360D-INSTALL BACK WINDOW~ 550.00.548.680.48 365.26 7/133201152017251163 6904C-SCREW (2), LATCH (1)~ 550.00.548.680.35 64.09 7/133201169501540051 TOOLS; ASPHALT BREAKER (1), ASPHALT 430.00.534.800.35 1,414.70 7/133201169501540101 6472B-FUEL SENDER 21" TANK~ 550.00.548.680.35 163.16 7/133201200088300022 PARTS FOR WEED EATER~ 432.00.535.900.35 42.95 30Page:CA.D Page 38 of 130 08/14/2013 Voucher List City of Auburn 31 2:51:40PM Page:vchlist Bank code :000 Voucher Date Vendor Invoice Description/Account Amount 424591 8/8/2013 (Continued)021672 US BANK 7/133201200088300238 5LB .095 SQ CUT WEED EATER TRIM LINE 550.141.100 635.00 7/133201206567400081 PAINT FOR GRAFFITI REMOVAL~ 001.42.542.300.31 308.68 7/133201207653800029 Nut Driver to keep in Traffic Signal 001.32.532.200.35 79.25 7/133201732017834398 6429B-DEFLECTOR (1), WASHER LOCK (2)~ 550.00.548.680.35 72.27 7/133202200860800027 refreshments for 'M' St Grand Opening 001.11.513.100.43 56.64 7/133203000046645861 Teleconference services 518.00.518.880.42 73.58 7/133203000093719601 supplies and tools for facilities dept. 505.00.524.500.31 18.48 7/133203000150693731 PAINT SUPPLIES FOR GRAFFITI REMOVAL~ 001.42.542.300.31 87.67 7/133203000205821733 supplies for Gambini Building window 505.00.524.500.31 25.73 7/133203000225248599 RETURN - APPLECARE FOR IPADS 518.00.518.880.35 -292.37 7/133203000225250116 RETURN - IPADS 518.00.518.880.35 -1,314.00 7/133203000225251007 RETURN - APPLECARE FOR IPADS 31Page:CA.D Page 39 of 130 08/14/2013 Voucher List City of Auburn 32 2:51:40PM Page:vchlist Bank code :000 Voucher Date Vendor Invoice Description/Account Amount 424591 8/8/2013 (Continued)021672 US BANK 518.00.518.880.35 -292.37 7/133203000225285679 Phone/iPad charging accessories 518.00.518.880.31 23.16 7/133203000251477612 Network cable tool 518.00.518.880.35 185.64 7/133203000258288137 Dvds for IT 518.00.518.880.31 54.74 7/133203001430915708 LUNCH MTG - DISCUSS CITY & SCHOOL 001.11.513.100.43 17.09 7/133203100173701632 Trend Micro Anti-Virus License Renewals 518.00.518.880.48 10,675.43 7/133203200062200078 COACHING THE VAN DRIVER II RESPONSE BOOK 001.33.574.220.31 55.27 7/133203207653900082 electrical repair at senior center 505.00.524.500.31 58.10 7/133203307962340081 CURED CONCRETE AND PIPE CUTTING~ 430.00.534.800.35 360.00 7/133203394400361704 light sensor in facilities office 505.00.524.500.31 50.92 7/133203838000005419 6740A-PURGE VALVE CANISTER (1)~ 550.00.548.680.35 37.51 7/133203980000106513 WIPEALLS TOWELS (3 CASES)~ 550.141.300 168.30 7/133204000166702267 32Page:CA.D Page 40 of 130 08/14/2013 Voucher List City of Auburn 33 2:51:40PM Page:vchlist Bank code :000 Voucher Date Vendor Invoice Description/Account Amount 424591 8/8/2013 (Continued)021672 US BANK 6916B-FLAT REPAIR~ 550.00.548.680.48 32.85 7/133204000572861931 2 INCH COMBINATION LOCK~ 432.00.535.900.35 16.39 7/133204000596593853 REFUND-GAME FARM PARK STATION DOOR 430.00.534.800.35 -148.80 7/133204000611091037 BOOK STORES 518.00.518.880.31 25.03 7/133204004965870334 air freshners for senior center 505.00.524.500.31 160.70 7/133204042001990011 6916C-TIRES~ 550.00.548.680.48 1,261.14 7/133204042001990029 6916B-TIRE INNERTUBE~ 550.00.548.680.48 210.34 7/133204200088300193 supplies/tools 505.00.524.500.35 14.22 7/133204205024468507 Long Distance for June and July 2013 518.00.518.880.42 1,195.58 7/133204255189992822 REFRESHMENTS FOR M STREET OPENING 001.11.513.100.43 35.59 7/133204286899900013 US TENNIS ASSOCIATION MEMBERSHIP, BRUYA 001.33.574.240.49 35.00 7/133204732048866548 6207B-UTILITY BOX (1)~ 550.00.590.100.64 11.29 33Page:CA.D Page 41 of 130 08/14/2013 Voucher List City of Auburn 34 2:51:40PM Page:vchlist Bank code :000 Voucher Date Vendor Invoice Description/Account Amount 424591 8/8/2013 (Continued)021672 US BANK 7/133204732048875614 ER SUPPLIES BINDER (1)~ 550.00.548.100.31 23.65 7/133204732049327854 6904C-SCREWS (4)~ 550.00.548.680.35 7.01 7/133204900014500012 THERMAL CHART PAPER FOR POLYGRAPH 001.21.521.100.31 42.00 7/133205000168587061 ER INVENTORY- TIRES (2)~ 550.141.100 360.83 7/133205002159005545 AT&T DATA CHARGE- DUANNA R.~ 001.17.558.100.42 14.99 7/133205002159848738 AT&T iPad Data Acct - Ron 518.00.518.880.42 14.99 7/133205004969147154 CREDIT FOR DUPLICATE CHARGE 550.00.548.100.31 -633.86 7/133205080002575668 ER SCANNER SOFTWARE UPDATE~ 550.00.548.100.35 459.98 7/133205162057455794 HOTEL, CEMETERY CONFERENCE CRAIG HUDSON 436.00.536.200.49 240.50 7/133205205048040003 DAYCAMP SUPPLIES 001.33.574.240.31 61.75 7/133205398600668352 BOARD TAGS FOR NEW HIRES (MORSE, 001.21.521.100.31 19.22 7/133205700048794399 SIDEWALL 10' AND 15' 34Page:CA.D Page 42 of 130 08/14/2013 Voucher List City of Auburn 35 2:51:40PM Page:vchlist Bank code :000 Voucher Date Vendor Invoice Description/Account Amount 424591 8/8/2013 (Continued)021672 US BANK 001.33.576.100.31 367.69 7/133205720048598516 TEEN TRIP THING REFRESHMENTS 001.33.574.240.31 30.27 7/133205732050409535 6750A-TIRES (4)~ 550.00.548.680.35 300.34 7/133205732051339275 VOYAGER MOBILE MONTHLY SUBSCRIPTION 001.21.521.210.42 79.98 7/133205732051339283 VOYAGER MOBILE MONTHLY SUBSCRIPTION 001.21.521.210.42 79.98 7/133205732059878209 6915B-V-BELT (2)~ 550.00.548.680.35 69.46 7/133205849729287768 6510B-NEW UNIT PREP, LIGHTS FOR LIGHT 550.00.590.100.64 288.45 7/133206200815900013 4 ROLL UP TRAFFIC CONTROL SIGNS AND 001.42.542.300.35 888.75 7/133206206567700030 paint supplies 505.00.524.500.31 120.81 7/133206206742800531 PARKING - WORHSHOP, CULTURAL 434.00.537.100.43 15.00 7/133206286619200015 10 GAGE COPPER WIRE (500FT)~ 430.00.534.800.31 136.89 7/133206286619200023 WATER REPAIR PARTS; YOKE (4)~ 430.141.100 568.78 7/133206409000840944 35Page:CA.D Page 43 of 130 08/14/2013 Voucher List City of Auburn 36 2:51:40PM Page:vchlist Bank code :000 Voucher Date Vendor Invoice Description/Account Amount 424591 8/8/2013 (Continued)021672 US BANK Ashley's Registration for PNW Dig. Govt 518.00.518.880.49 50.00 7/133206409000840993 BOOKS FOR S.A.O. "LEAN TRAINING" AT 001.14.514.100.49 105.80 7/133206409000841033 Reba's Registration for PNW Dig. Govt 518.00.518.880.49 50.00 7/133206409000841041 Colin's Registration for PNW Dig. Govt 518.00.518.880.49 50.00 Total : 107,158.49 424592 8/19/2013 022287 2FIBERFRIENDS LLC 20130714 TEMPORARY ART INSTALLATION 001.33.573.201.41 4,400.00 Total : 4,400.00 424593 8/19/2013 020509 A WORKSAFE SERVICE INC 179329 DRUG TESTS- FLYNN: GERARD: LEREW: 001.13.516.100.41 260.00 Total : 260.00 424594 8/19/2013 013986 AD SPECIALTIES & PROMOTIONS 18721 Grant Funded-Sling Backpacks 001.32.525.100.49 975.00 Grant Funded-Art set up 001.32.525.100.49 50.00 freight 001.32.525.100.49 136.72 Sales Tax 001.32.525.100.49 110.36 Total : 1,272.08 424595 8/19/2013 002878 ADVANTAGE GRAPHICS, INC 12638 36Page:CA.D Page 44 of 130 08/14/2013 Voucher List City of Auburn 37 2:51:40PM Page:vchlist Bank code :000 Voucher Date Vendor Invoice Description/Account Amount 424595 8/19/2013 (Continued)002878 ADVANTAGE GRAPHICS, INC Printing services for large scale jobs 518.00.518.780.41 960.70 ADDITIONAL USE TAX 518.00.518.780.41 6.18 ADDITIONAL USE TAX 518.237.200 -6.18 12639 Printing services for City of Auburn 518.00.518.780.41 40.26 ADDITIONAL USE TAX 518.00.518.780.41 0.26 ADDITIONAL USE TAX 518.237.200 -0.26 Total : 1,000.96 424596 8/19/2013 115190 AGRI SHOP, INC 29953/1 CAR WASH SOAP, WHEEL, NUTS, BOLTS, 436.00.536.200.31 95.48 29965/1 PARTS AND SUPPLIES FOR PARKS MAINT. 001.33.573.201.31 39.72 418697/1 PARTS AND SUPPLIES FOR PARKS MAINT. 001.33.576.100.31 132.67 Total : 267.87 424597 8/19/2013 022573 AHMSI 061115 UTILITY REFUND 432.233.100 55.71 Total : 55.71 424598 8/19/2013 112610 ALPINE PRODUCTS INC TM-133291 Safety Vest & Paint~ 105.00.595.100.65 66.60 TM-133765 37Page:CA.D Page 45 of 130 08/14/2013 Voucher List City of Auburn 38 2:51:40PM Page:vchlist Bank code :000 Voucher Date Vendor Invoice Description/Account Amount 424598 8/19/2013 (Continued)112610 ALPINE PRODUCTS INC PARKING SIGNAGE AT THE SENIOR CENTER 001.33.574.210.31 650.00 TM-134168 SIGNS, PAINT & SUPPLIES FOR PARKS MAINT. 001.33.576.100.31 139.61 TM-134185 SIGNS, PAINT & SUPPLIES FOR PARKS MAINT. 001.33.576.100.31 362.99 TM-134190 TRAFFIC SAFETY SUPPLIES ON AN AS 001.42.542.300.31 546.95 TM-134203 TRAFFIC SAFETY SUPPLIES ON AN AS 001.42.542.300.31 1,093.91 TM-134287 SIGNS, PAINT & SUPPLIES FOR PARKS MAINT. 001.33.576.100.31 81.03 Total : 2,941.09 424599 8/19/2013 018183 ANDERSON, RONALD W.080613INV POLICE BACKGROUND INVESTIGATION - 001.13.516.710.41 650.00 EMPLOYMENT VERIFICATION 001.13.516.100.41 21.95 Total : 671.95 424600 8/19/2013 006019 AQUA CLEAN JET-N-VAC, INC.18983 FAT & GREASE REMOVAL SERVICES ON AN AS 431.00.535.800.48 1,308.05 Total : 1,308.05 424601 8/19/2013 113930 ARAMARK REFRESHMENT SERVICES 113215 COFFEE AND COFFEE SUPPLIES FOR THE 001.33.574.210.31 514.78 38Page:CA.D Page 46 of 130 08/14/2013 Voucher List City of Auburn 39 2:51:40PM Page:vchlist Bank code :000 Voucher Date Vendor Invoice Description/Account Amount (Continued)Total : 514.78 424601 8/19/2013 113930 113930 ARAMARK REFRESHMENT SERVICES 424602 8/19/2013 022014 AT PRODUCTIONS 072513INV Lighting Services at Auburn Ave. Theater 001.33.575.280.41 720.00 Lighting Services at Auburn Ave. Theater 001.33.573.901.41 600.00 Lighting Services at Auburn Ave. Theater 001.33.575.280.41 80.00 Lighting Services at Auburn Ave. Theater 001.33.575.280.45 219.00 Total : 1,619.00 424603 8/19/2013 009879 AUBURN CTR SOCIAL & ECONOMIC 471 TUITION & APPLICATION FEE FOR 001.21.521.200.49 1,250.00 472 TUITION & APPLICATION FEE FOR 001.21.521.200.49 1,250.00 Total : 2,500.00 424604 8/19/2013 002493 AUBURN FOOD BANK 171 Emergency Housing Program via the 001.17.562.100.41 1,199.71 225 Emergency Housing Program via the 001.17.562.100.41 3,186.36 Total : 4,386.07 424605 8/19/2013 115535 AUBURN RESPITE PROGRAM 2NDQTR2013-GF13/1403 Human Services Funding for Program 001.17.562.100.41 2,500.00 Total : 2,500.00 424606 8/19/2013 115730 AUBURN TRAVEL FUND 3204 PER DIEM - CROSS TRAINING WITH LAPD IN 001.21.521.210.43 390.50 39Page:CA.D Page 47 of 130 08/14/2013 Voucher List City of Auburn 40 2:51:40PM Page:vchlist Bank code :000 Voucher Date Vendor Invoice Description/Account Amount 424606 8/19/2013 (Continued)115730 AUBURN TRAVEL FUND 3205 PER DIEM - J SMITH, WSSO SEMINAR IN 001.21.521.230.43 207.00 3206 PER DIEM - L GOETHALS, WSSO SEMINAR IN 001.21.521.200.43 207.00 3207 PER DIEM - B ANDERSEN, CJTC SWAT 001.21.521.100.43 308.00 Total : 1,112.50 424607 8/19/2013 115850 AUBURN YOUTH RESOURCES 2NDQTR2013-GF13/1404 Human Services Funding for program 001.17.562.100.41 5,000.00 2NDQTR2013-GF13/1405 Human Services Funding for Youth Drop 001.17.562.100.41 21,250.00 Total : 26,250.00 424608 8/19/2013 014723 BAKER, DELEE ANN 38844 BALLERINA ENCHANTMENT: CLASS 38844 001.33.574.240.41 308.00 38846 BEGINNING BATON: CLASS 38846 001.33.574.240.41 56.00 Total : 364.00 424609 8/19/2013 120450 BAKER, JOHN 080113LEOFF LEOFF 1 PHARMACY REIMBURSEMENT CLAIMD 001.98.517.210.25 124.00 Total : 124.00 424610 8/19/2013 022582 BALCOM, JAMES & REBECCA 071495 UTILITY REFUND 430.233.100 110.79 40Page:CA.D Page 48 of 130 08/14/2013 Voucher List City of Auburn 41 2:51:40PM Page:vchlist Bank code :000 Voucher Date Vendor Invoice Description/Account Amount (Continued)Total : 110.79 424610 8/19/2013 022582 022582 BALCOM, JAMES & REBECCA 424611 8/19/2013 020822 BANK OF AMERICA/SCARSELLA BROS 11-01/#17 MStreet SE Grade Separation 102.00.594.420.65 27,191.40 M Street SE Grade Separation 102.00.594.420.65 3,913.39 Total : 31,104.79 424612 8/19/2013 017993 BANK OF WASHINGTON SEPT2013 LOT A LEASE - 21 SO DIVISION ~ 505.00.524.500.45 1,850.00 LOT B LEASE - 36 WEST MAIN ST ~ 505.00.524.500.45 650.00 Total : 2,500.00 424613 8/19/2013 003268 BECU 009583 UTILITY REFUND 430.233.100 389.71 Total : 389.71 424614 8/19/2013 020033 BLUE LINE TRAINING LLC 927 REGISTRATION FEES FOR ADVANCED WRITING 001.21.521.200.49 98.00 Total : 98.00 424615 8/19/2013 122490 BLUMENTHAL UNIFORM CO, INC 13029 SHORT SLEEVE SHIRTS (QTY 3); LONG 001.21.521.100.22 222.72 14178 SAMPLE POLO SHIRT (XS)~ 001.21.521.300.22 16.37 16279 DUTY BELT; DOUBLE CUFF CASE; MAG POUCH 001.21.521.100.22 132.33 6841 RECORDS UNIFORMS~ 41Page:CA.D Page 49 of 130 08/14/2013 Voucher List City of Auburn 42 2:51:40PM Page:vchlist Bank code :000 Voucher Date Vendor Invoice Description/Account Amount 424615 8/19/2013 (Continued)122490 BLUMENTHAL UNIFORM CO, INC 001.21.521.300.22 1,421.89 963500 HONOR GUARD UNIFORM (E. WICKMAN) 001.21.521.100.22 1,089.53 Total : 2,882.84 424616 8/19/2013 122520 BOARD, MURRAY 072613LEOFF LEOFF 1 PHARMACY REIMBURSEMENT CLAIM 001.98.517.210.25 98.51 Total : 98.51 424617 8/19/2013 015398 BOEING X-OUTS REFUND GOLF TOURNAMENT DEPOSIT 437.257.105 100.00 Total : 100.00 424618 8/19/2013 022556 BONJORNI, DUNCAN 007430 UTILITY REFUND 430.233.100 288.80 Total : 288.80 424619 8/19/2013 123015 BORTLESON, GILBERT C 38871 TAI CHI CLASSES/SPRING AND SUMMER 001.33.574.240.41 25.00 38873 TAI CHI CLASSES/SPRING AND SUMMER 001.33.574.210.41 100.00 Total : 125.00 424620 8/19/2013 022107 BRICKYARD MUSIC 082813PERF ENTERTAINMENT FOR KIDS SUMMERSTAGE ON 001.33.573.201.41 375.00 Total : 375.00 424621 8/19/2013 012304 BROWN AND CALDWELL 14196641 On -Call Storm & Sewer Utility Modeling 42Page:CA.D Page 50 of 130 08/14/2013 Voucher List City of Auburn 43 2:51:40PM Page:vchlist Bank code :000 Voucher Date Vendor Invoice Description/Account Amount 424621 8/19/2013 (Continued)012304 BROWN AND CALDWELL 432.00.535.100.41 12,471.11 Golf Course Odor Investigation~ 505.00.524.500.41 4,200.34 Total : 16,671.45 424622 8/19/2013 242330 C & M GLASS CO., INC 1946 Replacement glass at Senior Center and 505.00.524.500.48 875.05 Total : 875.05 424623 8/19/2013 022587 CAMACHO, JACQUELINE 1657444 PARKS REFUND 001.347.699 140.00 Total : 140.00 424624 8/19/2013 006536 CAR WASH ENTERPRISES ACCT#12 CAR WASH SERVICES ON AN AS REQUIRED 550.00.548.100.48 5.00 CAR WASH SERVICES ON AN AS REQUIRED 001.17.524.200.48 10.00 CAR WASH SERVICES ON AN AS REQUIRED 001.21.521.200.48 330.00 Total : 345.00 424625 8/19/2013 131540 CASH & CARRY 115088 SUPPLIES FOR PARKS AND REC PROGRAMS 001.33.574.240.31 13.69 115396 SUPPLIES FOR PARKS AND REC PROGRAMS 001.33.574.240.31 32.03 Total : 45.72 424626 8/19/2013 022264 CAYCE & GROVE JULY2013 PUBLIC DEFENDER SERVICES RENDERED JULY 001.13.516.100.41 33,750.00 43Page:CA.D Page 51 of 130 08/14/2013 Voucher List City of Auburn 44 2:51:40PM Page:vchlist Bank code :000 Voucher Date Vendor Invoice Description/Account Amount (Continued)Total : 33,750.00 424626 8/19/2013 022264 022264 CAYCE & GROVE 424627 8/19/2013 370450 CENTURYLINK 081913PHONES PHONE USAGE FOR JULY/AUG 2013 518.00.518.880.42 2,373.02 PHONE USAGE FOR JULY/AUG 2013 431.00.535.800.42 217.71 PHONE USAGE FOR JULY/AUG 2013 430.00.534.800.42 141.17 PHONE USAGE FOR JULY/AUG 2013 432.00.535.900.42 57.46 Total : 2,789.36 424628 8/19/2013 132310 CH2M HILL 3861167 M Street SE Grade Separation, 102.00.594.420.65 62,402.50 Total : 62,402.50 424629 8/19/2013 132550 CHEVRON U S A INC.38797062 STATEMENT FOR PD GAS CHARGES 7/6-8/5/13 001.21.521.200.31 564.63 Total : 564.63 424630 8/19/2013 018513 CHILDREN'S DANCE THEATER 38864 STORYBOOK BALLET CAMP CLASS~ 001.33.574.240.41 630.00 Total : 630.00 424631 8/19/2013 132610 CHILDRENS HOME SOCIETY OF WA 2NDQTR2013-GF13/1410 Human Services Funding for Auburn 001.17.562.100.41 5,000.00 Total : 5,000.00 424632 8/19/2013 132940 CINTAS CORPORATION #461 461303877 UNIFORM LAUNDRY SERVICE ON AN AS 550.00.548.100.49 130.15 461306964 44Page:CA.D Page 52 of 130 08/14/2013 Voucher List City of Auburn 45 2:51:40PM Page:vchlist Bank code :000 Voucher Date Vendor Invoice Description/Account Amount 424632 8/19/2013 (Continued)132940 CINTAS CORPORATION #461 UNIFORM LAUNDRY SERVICE ON AN AS 550.00.548.100.49 130.15 Total : 260.30 424633 8/19/2013 115760 CITY OF AUBURN 081913UTILITIES UTILITIES: WATER/SEWER/STORM JUNE-JULY 505.00.524.500.47 5,664.94 UTILITIES: WATER/SEWER/STORM JUNE-JULY 001.33.576.100.47 6,512.73 UTILITIES: WATER/SEWER/STORM JUNE-JULY 001.42.542.300.47 1,125.45 UTILITIES: WATER/SEWER/STORM JUNE-JULY 431.00.535.800.47 192.74 UTILITIES: WATER/SEWER/STORM JUNE-JULY 432.00.535.900.47 170.37 UTILITIES: WATER/SEWER/STORM JUNE-JULY 001.17.562.100.47 17.41 UTILITIES: WATER/SEWER/STORM JUNE-JULY 321.00.576.802.65 117.83 Total : 13,801.47 424634 8/19/2013 122820 CITY OF BONNEY LAKE, WA 19942500000 PUMP STATION AT KERSEY WAY - 2013 WATER 430.00.534.800.47 53.76 19943720100 PUMP STATION AT 7100 LAKE TAPPS DR SE - 431.00.535.800.47 22.10 19943910000 PUMP STATION AT 2610 LAKE TAPPS PKY SE 431.00.535.800.47 22.10 Total : 97.96 424635 8/19/2013 008837 CITY OF KENT PAYROLL/REIM PAYMENT ON BEHALF OF V-NET 652.00.521.210.51 7,539.60 45Page:CA.D Page 53 of 130 08/14/2013 Voucher List City of Auburn 46 2:51:40PM Page:vchlist Bank code :000 Voucher Date Vendor Invoice Description/Account Amount 424635 8/19/2013 (Continued)008837 CITY OF KENT PAYMENT ON BEHALF OF V-NET 652.00.521.211.51 2,523.00 PAYMENT ON BEHALF OF V-NET 652.00.521.214.51 741.38 PAYMENT ON BEHALF OF V-NET 652.00.521.215.51 177.93 Total : 10,981.91 424636 8/19/2013 008837 CITY OF KENT - UTILITY BILLING 628-25602.01 WATER SERV - VERDANNA SEWER PUMP 431.00.535.800.47 436.53 Total : 436.53 424637 8/19/2013 281810 CITY OF SEATTLE POLICE DEPT P1105522 PAYMENT ON BEHALF OF V-NET 652.00.521.210.51 2,523.00 PAYMENT ON BEHALF OF V-NET 652.00.521.214.51 391.96 Total : 2,914.96 424638 8/19/2013 292970 CITY OF TUKWILA LINDSTROM/REIM PAYMENT ON BEHALF OF V-NET 652.00.521.211.51 2,523.00 PAYMENT ON BEHALF OF V-NET 652.00.521.215.51 211.31 PAYMENT ON BEHALF OF V-NET 652.00.521.214.51 1,267.88 Total : 4,002.19 424639 8/19/2013 009720 COASTWIDE LABORATORIES T2571484 Supplies for Facilities Dept. 505.00.524.500.31 3,079.91 Total : 3,079.91 424640 8/19/2013 010944 COGGER, LYNNE 38539 46Page:CA.D Page 54 of 130 08/14/2013 Voucher List City of Auburn 47 2:51:40PM Page:vchlist Bank code :000 Voucher Date Vendor Invoice Description/Account Amount 424640 8/19/2013 (Continued)010944 COGGER, LYNNE ADULT/YOUTH/QUICK START TENNIS CLASSES: 001.33.574.240.41 378.00 38540 ADULT/YOUTH/QUICK START TENNIS CLASSES: 001.33.574.240.41 588.00 38541 ADULT/YOUTH/QUICK START TENNIS CLASSES: 001.33.574.240.41 630.00 38543 ADULT/YOUTH/QUICK START TENNIS CLASSES: 001.33.574.240.41 140.00 38544 ADULT/YOUTH/QUICK START TENNIS CLASSES: 001.33.574.240.41 60.00 38545 ADULT/YOUTH/QUICK START TENNIS CLASSES: 001.33.574.240.41 100.00 38547 ADULT/YOUTH/QUICK START TENNIS CLASSES: 001.33.574.240.41 180.00 38548 ADULT/YOUTH/QUICK START TENNIS CLASSES: 001.33.574.240.41 160.00 38551 ADULT/YOUTH/QUICK START TENNIS CLASSES: 001.33.574.240.41 203.00 38552 ADULT/YOUTH/QUICK START TENNIS CLASSES: 001.33.574.240.41 174.00 38553 ADULT/YOUTH/QUICK START TENNIS CLASSES: 001.33.574.240.41 261.00 38554 ADULT/YOUTH/QUICK START TENNIS CLASSES: 001.33.574.240.41 319.00 47Page:CA.D Page 55 of 130 08/14/2013 Voucher List City of Auburn 48 2:51:40PM Page:vchlist Bank code :000 Voucher Date Vendor Invoice Description/Account Amount 424640 8/19/2013 (Continued)010944 COGGER, LYNNE 38555 ADULT/YOUTH/QUICK START TENNIS CLASSES: 001.33.574.240.41 348.00 38556 ADULT/YOUTH/QUICK START TENNIS CLASSES: 001.33.574.240.41 290.00 38557 ADULT/YOUTH/QUICK START TENNIS CLASSES: 001.33.574.240.41 336.00 38558 ADULT/YOUTH/QUICK START TENNIS CLASSES: 001.33.574.240.41 336.00 38559 ADULT/YOUTH/QUICK START TENNIS CLASSES: 001.33.574.240.41 336.00 38563 ADULT/YOUTH/QUICK START TENNIS CLASSES: 001.33.574.240.41 1,680.00 Total : 6,519.00 424641 8/19/2013 022579 COLDWELL BANKER 070688 UTILITY REFUND 432.233.100 17.41 Total : 17.41 424642 8/19/2013 006005 COLUMBIA FORD 3-E130 Unit 6207B Ford Escape w/options per WA 550.00.590.100.64 22,990.00 ADDL USE TAX 550.00.590.100.64 275.88 ADDL USE TAX 550.237.200 -275.88 Sales Tax 550.00.590.100.64 1,908.17 3-E139 48Page:CA.D Page 56 of 130 08/14/2013 Voucher List City of Auburn 49 2:51:40PM Page:vchlist Bank code :000 Voucher Date Vendor Invoice Description/Account Amount 424642 8/19/2013 (Continued)006005 COLUMBIA FORD Unit 6510B Ford Escape w/options per WA 550.00.590.100.64 22,990.00 ADDL USE TAX 550.00.590.100.64 275.88 ADDL USE TAX 550.237.200 -275.88 Sales Tax 550.00.590.100.64 1,908.17 Total : 49,796.34 424643 8/19/2013 008838 COMPLETE OFFICE SOLUTIONS 975169-1 PLANNING OFFICE SUPPLIES INV. NO. 001.17.524.200.31 64.23 976518-0 PLANNING OFFICE SUPPLIES - INV. NO. 001.17.558.100.31 133.14 Total : 197.37 424644 8/19/2013 011708 CONSOLIDATED PRESS PRINTING 9591 JUNE AND AUGUST 2013 AUBURN FARMERS 001.33.573.901.44 1,738.28 Total : 1,738.28 424645 8/19/2013 014391 COPPER FALLS RESTAURANT 073013INV FOOD FOR GOLF TOURNAMENT 6/29 651.237.142 51.10 Total : 51.10 424646 8/19/2013 009337 CORKINS, MICHAEL 060213LEOFF LEOFF 1 MEDICAL REIMBURSEMENT APPROVED 001.98.517.210.25 160.22 Total : 160.22 424647 8/19/2013 009272 CSG SYSTEMS, INC.745017 CSG Utility Bill Print Statements 49Page:CA.D Page 57 of 130 08/14/2013 Voucher List City of Auburn 50 2:51:40PM Page:vchlist Bank code :000 Voucher Date Vendor Invoice Description/Account Amount 424647 8/19/2013 (Continued)009272 CSG SYSTEMS, INC. 430.00.534.110.41 1,650.45 CSG Utility Bill Print Statements 431.00.535.110.41 1,650.45 CSG Utility Bill Print Statements 432.00.535.910.41 1,650.45 CSG Utility Bill Print Statements 434.00.537.110.41 1,650.45 Insert Pet License reminder flyers in 001.17.514.810.44 55.80 Postage for mailing utility billing 430.00.534.110.42 2,375.95 Postage for mailing utility billing 431.00.535.110.42 2,375.95 Postage for mailing utility billing 432.00.535.910.42 2,375.95 Postage for mailing utility billing 434.00.537.110.42 2,375.94 Total : 16,161.39 424648 8/19/2013 022572 CUAYCONG JR, MICHELLE & RICK 060177 UTILITY REFUND 430.233.100 149.53 Total : 149.53 424649 8/19/2013 022077 CURRIE, SCOTT DOUGLAS 072113REIMB EMI Meal reimbursement 001.32.525.100.43 125.20 Total : 125.20 424650 8/19/2013 012598 CUTTER & BUCK 92406847 CLOTHING FOR RESALE 437.00.576.680.34 1,241.49 92406847 CLOTHING FOR RESALE 437.00.576.680.34 -867.17 50Page:CA.D Page 58 of 130 08/14/2013 Voucher List City of Auburn 51 2:51:40PM Page:vchlist Bank code :000 Voucher Date Vendor Invoice Description/Account Amount (Continued)Total : 374.32 424650 8/19/2013 012598 012598 CUTTER & BUCK 424651 8/19/2013 140330 DAILY JOURNAL OF COMMERCE 3278084 LEGAL AD #300237 PROJECT CP1225 W 105.00.595.100.65 497.80 Total : 497.80 424652 8/19/2013 140510 DAROUGH, DORIS G 080213LEOFF LEOFF 1 LONG TERM HOME HEALTH CARE FOR 001.98.517.210.25 11,000.00 Total : 11,000.00 424653 8/19/2013 010638 DAY, KEVIN & CHARLOTTE 051902 UTILITY REFUND 430.233.100 137.25 Total : 137.25 424654 8/19/2013 022557 DAYAO, FIRMO & OLIVIA 008513 UTILITY REFUND 430.233.100 416.31 Total : 416.31 424655 8/19/2013 008052 DEX MEDIA WEST, INC 100115886 YELLOW PAGES ADVERTISING, PUYALLUP, 436.00.536.200.44 223.74 Total : 223.74 424656 8/19/2013 141930 DISCOUNT SCHOOL SUPPLY P29956190101 PROGRAM SUPPLIES 001.33.574.240.31 593.98 Total : 593.98 424657 8/19/2013 142280 DON SMALL & SONS OIL DIST CO 284123 PETROLEUM PRODUCTS ON AN AS REQUIRED 550.00.548.680.32 24.75 37702 OIL FOR LUBRICATION OF WHITE RIVER 51Page:CA.D Page 59 of 130 08/14/2013 Voucher List City of Auburn 52 2:51:40PM Page:vchlist Bank code :000 Voucher Date Vendor Invoice Description/Account Amount 424657 8/19/2013 (Continued)142280 DON SMALL & SONS OIL DIST CO 431.00.535.800.31 1,322.18 OIL FOR LUBRICATION OF WHITE RIVER 432.00.535.900.31 346.82 38399 BULK GASOLINE & DIESEL FUEL 436.00.536.200.31 2,700.63 38607 Bulk fuel for M&O facility, Regular 550.141.100 34,387.80 Sales Tax 550.141.100 4,687.22 38617 Sales Tax 550.141.100 987.07 Bulk red dyed ultra low sulfur diesel 550.141.100 8,845.20 38692 DIESEL AND GAS FOR GOLF MAINTENANCE 437.00.576.600.32 2,416.01 DIESEL & UNLEADED FUEL 437.00.576.600.32 1,473.14 SEPT2013 JULY-DEC 2013 PARKING LOT LEASE @ 505.00.524.500.45 1,300.00 Total : 58,490.82 424658 8/19/2013 019444 DOWLING INC.073013INV HOUSING REPAIR--GIUSEPPE & GRACE LUPO'S 119.00.559.200.63 4,977.74 Total : 4,977.74 424659 8/19/2013 002141 DUNBAR, T. MICHAEL 072613LEOFF LEOFF 1 PHARMACY REIMBURSEMENT CLAIM 001.98.517.210.25 140.58 52Page:CA.D Page 60 of 130 08/14/2013 Voucher List City of Auburn 53 2:51:40PM Page:vchlist Bank code :000 Voucher Date Vendor Invoice Description/Account Amount (Continued)Total : 140.58 424659 8/19/2013 002141 002141 DUNBAR, T. MICHAEL 424660 8/19/2013 006465 EJ USA, INC.3611638 REPLACE STOCK~ 432.141.100 106.50 Sales Tax 432.141.100 10.12 Total : 116.62 424661 8/19/2013 019412 ENTERPRISE HOLDINGS INC 619353 LEASE OF 3 UNDERCOVER VEHICLES ON AN AS 550.00.548.680.45 651.37 619354 LEASE OF 3 UNDERCOVER VEHICLES ON AN AS 550.00.548.680.45 697.06 619355 LEASE OF 3 UNDERCOVER VEHICLES ON AN AS 550.00.548.680.45 697.06 Total : 2,045.49 424662 8/19/2013 013291 EWING IRRIGATION PRODUCTS 6626491 IRRIGATION PARTS FOR PARKS MAINT. 001.33.576.100.31 108.49 6674631 IRRIGATION SUPPLIES, CEMETERY 436.00.536.200.31 88.58 6714794 IRRIGATION SUPPLIES, CEMETERY 436.00.536.200.31 165.33 6721767 IRRIGATION PARTS FOR PARKS MAINT. 001.33.576.100.31 89.01 Total : 451.41 424663 8/19/2013 022583 FALKEY, TERI 073174 UTILITY REFUND 53Page:CA.D Page 61 of 130 08/14/2013 Voucher List City of Auburn 54 2:51:40PM Page:vchlist Bank code :000 Voucher Date Vendor Invoice Description/Account Amount 424663 8/19/2013 (Continued)022583 FALKEY, TERI 430.233.100 104.36 Total : 104.36 424664 8/19/2013 010364 FCS GROUP, INC 2139-21307080 UTILITY COST OF SERVICE, RATE, SDC STUDY 430.00.534.100.41 5,923.75 UTILITY COST OF SERVICE, RATE, SDC STUDY 431.00.535.100.41 2,961.88 UTILITY COST OF SERVICE, RATE, SDC STUDY 432.00.535.100.41 2,961.87 Total : 11,847.50 424665 8/19/2013 022569 FINKENBINER, DALE 035291 UTILITY REFUND 431.233.100 183.26 Total : 183.26 424666 8/19/2013 161085 FIRST AMERICAN TITLE INS CO 874-W2013-28863 FAC13-0005 RECORDING FEES INVOICE 001.32.532.200.41 167.00 RECORDING FEES INVOICE #874-W2013-28863 001.15.514.300.49 90.00 FAC08-008 RECORDING FEES INVOICE 001.32.532.200.41 163.00 Total : 420.00 424667 8/19/2013 161410 FLEX-PLAN SERVICES, INC.222303 FLEX-PLAN SERVICES, INC~ 001.14.514.230.41 192.20 Total : 192.20 424668 8/19/2013 161710 FOOD SERVICES OF AMERICA 4888359 EVIDENCE BAGS (4888359) - LARGE BAGS 001.21.521.300.31 238.50 Total : 238.50 54Page:CA.D Page 62 of 130 08/14/2013 Voucher List City of Auburn 55 2:51:40PM Page:vchlist Bank code :000 Voucher Date Vendor Invoice Description/Account Amount 424669 8/19/2013 002347 FORESTRY SUPPLIERS, INC.475161-00/BAL Remaining payment for invoice 475161-00 432.00.535.100.35 7.86 Total : 7.86 424670 8/19/2013 022570 FOUNDATION BANK 050221 UTILITY REFUND 430.233.100 1,119.52 Total : 1,119.52 424671 8/19/2013 022340 FOUNTAINE, SUSAN 082113PERF ARTRAGEOUS ART ACTIVITY AT KIDS SUMMER 001.33.573.201.41 250.00 Total : 250.00 424672 8/19/2013 170090 G O S PRINTING CORP 80438 Large scale printing services 518.00.518.780.41 274.40 80509 large scale printing services 518.00.518.780.41 164.25 Total : 438.65 424673 8/19/2013 020643 GENESIS MARKETING INC.AACC-13-08 2013 social media fee & search engine 104.00.557.300.41 1,604.00 Total : 1,604.00 424674 8/19/2013 019276 GLOBAL SECURITY AND 4117949 SECURITY AT MARY OLSON FARM 001.33.575.300.41 179.85 Total : 179.85 424675 8/19/2013 017578 GOLDER ASSOCIATES INC.358601 WELL ONE IMPROVEMENTS-DESIGN~ 430.00.590.100.65 16,689.46 55Page:CA.D Page 63 of 130 08/14/2013 Voucher List City of Auburn 56 2:51:40PM Page:vchlist Bank code :000 Voucher Date Vendor Invoice Description/Account Amount (Continued)Total : 16,689.46 424675 8/19/2013 017578 017578 GOLDER ASSOCIATES INC. 424676 8/19/2013 171490 GOLF PUMPING SERVICES LLC 1883 PARTS TO REPAIR IRRIGATION PUMP STATION 437.00.576.600.31 771.98 Total : 771.98 424677 8/19/2013 171620 GOSNEY MOTOR PARTS, INC 585523 MOTOR PARTS ON AN AS REQUIRED BASIS 550.00.548.100.31 32.72 585601 MOTOR PARTS ON AN AS REQUIRED BASIS 550.00.548.100.35 31.81 585602 MOTOR PARTS ON AN AS REQUIRED BASIS 550.00.548.100.31 -32.72 585617 MOTOR PARTS ON AN AS REQUIRED BASIS 550.00.548.100.31 4.38 585925 P100C-MOTOR PARTS ON AN AS REQUIRED 550.00.548.680.35 106.76 585944 MOTOR PARTS ON AN AS REQUIRED BASIS 550.141.100 48.84 585946 MOTOR PARTS ON AN AS REQUIRED BASIS 550.141.300 46.69 586077 MOTOR PARTS ON AN AS REQUIRED BASIS 550.00.548.680.31 8.31 MOTOR PARTS ON AN AS REQUIRED BASIS 550.141.100 113.33 586240 6570C-MOTOR PARTS ON AN AS REQUIRED 550.00.548.680.35 5.43 56Page:CA.D Page 64 of 130 08/14/2013 Voucher List City of Auburn 57 2:51:40PM Page:vchlist Bank code :000 Voucher Date Vendor Invoice Description/Account Amount 424677 8/19/2013 (Continued)171620 GOSNEY MOTOR PARTS, INC 586268 MOTOR PARTS ON AN AS REQUIRED BASIS 550.00.548.100.31 6.13 586270 MOTOR PARTS ON AN AS REQUIRED BASIS 550.00.548.100.31 65.70 586360 MOTOR PARTS ON AN AS REQUIRED BASIS 431.00.535.800.31 29.75 586463 6510B-MOTOR PARTS ON AN AS REQUIRED 550.00.548.680.35 8.15 586485 PARTS AND SUPPLIES FOR PARKS MAINT. 001.33.576.100.31 93.72 586603 P061A-MOTOR PARTS ON AN AS REQUIRED 550.00.548.680.35 5.52 586987 6305E-MOTOR PARTS ON AN AS REQUIRED 550.00.548.680.35 26.72 Total : 601.24 424678 8/19/2013 010577 GRACE'S CLEANING SERVICE 073113INV MONTHLY CLEANING OF PARKS AND REC 001.33.574.100.41 70.00 MONTHLY CLEANING OF PARKS AND REC 001.33.576.100.41 140.00 Total : 210.00 424679 8/19/2013 180120 H D FOWLER CO I3426978 IRRIGATION PARTS AND SUPPLIES FOR PARKS 001.33.576.100.31 107.93 I3427308 IRRIGATION PARTS AND SUPPLIES FOR PARKS 57Page:CA.D Page 65 of 130 08/14/2013 Voucher List City of Auburn 58 2:51:40PM Page:vchlist Bank code :000 Voucher Date Vendor Invoice Description/Account Amount 424679 8/19/2013 (Continued)180120 H D FOWLER CO 001.33.576.100.31 90.58 I3428226 IRRIGATION PARTS AND SUPPLIES FOR PARKS 001.33.576.100.31 56.45 I3429705 IRRIGATION PARTS AND SUPPLIES FOR PARKS 001.33.576.100.31 52.79 Total : 307.75 424680 8/19/2013 180640 HANNITY, DAVID 073113LEOFF LEOFF 1 PHARMACY REIMBURSEMENT CLAIM 001.98.522.220.25 177.00 Total : 177.00 424681 8/19/2013 001107 HARTMAN, MARY 073448 UTILITY REFUND 430.233.100 11.26 Total : 11.26 424682 8/19/2013 022586 HAWDON, NEIL REFUND HANGAR 91 - DAMAGE/SECURITY DEPOSIT 435.399.501 778.28 Total : 778.28 424683 8/19/2013 011670 HD SUPPLY WATERWORKS, LTD 6463374 REPLACE STOCK 2" SDR9 CTS POLY PIPE BLUE 430.141.100 162.00 Sales Tax 430.141.100 25.86 ROMAC 202NS- 980 X 2" IP 8" X 2" IP DS 430.141.100 110.15 6472738 REPLACE STOCK 2" X 1 1/2" BUSHING BRASS 430.141.100 81.00 Sales Tax 58Page:CA.D Page 66 of 130 08/14/2013 Voucher List City of Auburn 59 2:51:40PM Page:vchlist Bank code :000 Voucher Date Vendor Invoice Description/Account Amount 424683 8/19/2013 (Continued)011670 HD SUPPLY WATERWORKS, LTD 430.141.100 7.70 7039584 REPLACE STOCK 1 1/2" B24286N ANGLE STOP 430.141.100 931.24 Sales Tax 430.141.100 88.47 B039415 B2423-2-N 1 1/2" X 12" METER YOKE W/ 430.141.100 937.28 Sales Tax 430.141.100 89.04 B074928 REPLACE STOCK B24118R2N 5/8" X 3/4" X 430.141.100 547.16 freight 430.141.100 10.71 Sales Tax 430.141.100 53.00 Total : 3,043.61 424684 8/19/2013 006401 HDR ENGINEERING, INC.00083310-B Water Utility Meter & Billing System 430.00.534.100.41 5,767.32 Total : 5,767.32 424685 8/19/2013 181230 HEAD-QUARTERS 25293 PORTABLE TOILET SERVICE 437.00.576.600.45 223.50 25304 PORTABLE TOILET & SINK RENTAL FOR OLSON 001.33.575.300.45 169.00 Total : 392.50 424686 8/19/2013 182220 HIRMAN, MICHAEL HIRMAN/REIM MICHAEL HIRMAN- TUITION REIMBURSEMENT 59Page:CA.D Page 67 of 130 08/14/2013 Voucher List City of Auburn 60 2:51:40PM Page:vchlist Bank code :000 Voucher Date Vendor Invoice Description/Account Amount 424686 8/19/2013 (Continued)182220 HIRMAN, MICHAEL 001.13.516.100.49 915.00 Total : 915.00 424687 8/19/2013 020485 HORIZON CONSTRUCTION SERV, INC 28632 HOUSING REPAIR--SANDRA BENNETT'S 119.00.559.200.63 4,566.09 28633 HOUSING REPAIR--ELIZABETH WILLIAMS' 119.00.559.200.63 4,570.42 28851 HOUSING REPAIR--ELIZABETH WILLIAMS' 119.00.559.200.63 219.00 Total : 9,355.51 424688 8/19/2013 022559 HOWE, ANGELA 012706 UTILITY REFUND 430.233.100 259.37 Total : 259.37 424689 8/19/2013 017236 HUNTER, KIM ELAINE 132 CONFLICT SERVICES RENDERED JULY 2013 001.13.516.100.41 950.00 134 CONFLICT SERVICES RENDERED JULY 2013 001.13.516.100.41 700.00 Total : 1,650.00 424690 8/19/2013 183210 HUSEBY, RICHARD 080213LEOFF LEOFF 1 PHARMACY REIMBURSEMENT CLAIM 001.98.522.210.25 138.30 Total : 138.30 424691 8/19/2013 190360 IMAGE MASTERS INC 110385 ENGRAVING OF ITEMS THROUGHOUT 2013 001.33.574.220.31 6.57 60Page:CA.D Page 68 of 130 08/14/2013 Voucher List City of Auburn 61 2:51:40PM Page:vchlist Bank code :000 Voucher Date Vendor Invoice Description/Account Amount (Continued)Total : 6.57 424691 8/19/2013 190360 190360 IMAGE MASTERS INC 424692 8/19/2013 019646 INCH, RICHARD D 1193 HOUSING REPAIR--PATTI LEDFORD'S 119.00.559.200.63 4,994.30 1194 HOUSING REPAIR--GRAYS' FLOORING AND 119.00.559.200.63 766.50 Total : 5,760.80 424693 8/19/2013 002701 INFORM PUGET SOUND 2411 brochure distribution for 2013 National 001.17.557.200.44 35.00 Total : 35.00 424694 8/19/2013 022590 INFRASOURCE SERVICES LLC REFUND PERMIT#MEC13-0224 WITHDREW APP 001.322.110 30.04 Total : 30.04 424695 8/19/2013 018911 IWASAKI, JOANNE 39061 ADULT WATERCOLOR CLASSES:~ 001.33.574.210.41 385.00 Total : 385.00 424696 8/19/2013 200600 JARGER, DAVID 071613LEOFF LEOFF 1 PHARMACY REIMBURSEMENT CLAIM 001.98.517.210.25 273.82 Total : 273.82 424697 8/19/2013 201200 JCI JONES CHEMICALS INC 589448 CLORINE GAS & SODIUM HYPOCHLORITE ON AN 430.00.534.800.31 2,114.40 589511 CLORINE GAS & SODIUM HYPOCHLORITE ON AN 430.00.534.800.31 -500.00 61Page:CA.D Page 69 of 130 08/14/2013 Voucher List City of Auburn 62 2:51:40PM Page:vchlist Bank code :000 Voucher Date Vendor Invoice Description/Account Amount (Continued)Total : 1,614.40 424697 8/19/2013 201200 201200 JCI JONES CHEMICALS INC 424698 8/19/2013 022592 JENKINS, MATT 082513PERF ENTERTAINMENT AT AUBURN INTERNATIONAL 001.33.573.901.41 50.00 Total : 50.00 424699 8/19/2013 012236 JENNINGS, ROBERT 029411 UTILITY REFUND 430.233.100 191.98 Total : 191.98 424700 8/19/2013 012244 JILLIAN ENTERPRISES, LLC SEPT2013 2013 THEATER LEASE @ $6259.82/MO 001.33.575.280.75 3,832.63 2013 THEATER LEASE @ $6259.82/MO 001.33.575.280.83 2,427.19 Total : 6,259.82 424701 8/19/2013 210360 K C FINANCE 2019618 KC FINAL 2012 FINAL RECONCILLIATION FOR 001.98.539.300.41 3,593.00 Total : 3,593.00 424702 8/19/2013 210360 K C ADMIN BLDG FILING FEES FILING FEES, LIENS 430.00.534.110.41 288.00 Total : 288.00 424703 8/19/2013 019027 KALLCENTS E25950073113 PAYMENT ON BEHALF OF V-NET 652.00.521.212.42 70.28 Total : 70.28 424704 8/19/2013 212140 KEY BANK NATIONAL ASSOC 13060001286 BANKING SERV FEE JAN-JUNE 2013 001.14.514.230.41 3,930.44 62Page:CA.D Page 70 of 130 08/14/2013 Voucher List City of Auburn 63 2:51:40PM Page:vchlist Bank code :000 Voucher Date Vendor Invoice Description/Account Amount 424704 8/19/2013 (Continued)212140 KEY BANK NATIONAL ASSOC BANKING SERV FEE JAN-JUNE 2013 430.00.534.110.41 2,032.20 BANKING SERV FEE JAN-JUNE 2013 431.00.535.110.41 1,807.65 BANKING SERV FEE JAN-JUNE 2013 432.00.535.910.41 1,834.01 BANKING SERV FEE JAN-JUNE 2013 434.00.537.110.41 711.84 BANKING SERV FEE JAN-JUNE 2013 435.00.546.100.41 89.75 BANKING SERV FEE JAN-JUNE 2013 436.00.536.100.41 21.00 BANKING SERV FEE JAN-JUNE 2013 437.00.576.680.41 29.91 BANKING SERV FEE JAN-JUNE 2013 501.00.517.700.41 112.89 BANKING SERV FEE JAN-JUNE 2013 505.00.524.500.41 157.59 BANKING SERV FEE JAN-JUNE 2013 518.00.518.880.41 274.12 BANKING SERV FEE JAN-JUNE 2013 550.00.548.100.41 506.93 Total : 11,508.33 424705 8/19/2013 003120 KEY BANK/RODARTE CONSTRUCTION 12-02/#4 ACADEMY BOOSTER PUMP STATION IMPV-ESCROW 430.00.590.100.65 12,717.62 Total : 12,717.62 424706 8/19/2013 211210 KING COUNTY UMPIRES ASSOC 071213INV OFFICIALS FOR ADULT SOFTBALL GAMES FOR 001.33.574.240.41 288.00 071313INV OFFICIALS FOR ADULT SOFTBALL GAMES FOR 001.33.574.240.41 3,024.00 63Page:CA.D Page 71 of 130 08/14/2013 Voucher List City of Auburn 64 2:51:40PM Page:vchlist Bank code :000 Voucher Date Vendor Invoice Description/Account Amount (Continued)Total : 3,312.00 424706 8/19/2013 211210 211210 KING COUNTY UMPIRES ASSOC 424707 8/19/2013 022558 KOMINSKI, KRAIG & LORI 011925 UTILITY REFUND 433.233.100 21.81 Total : 21.81 424708 8/19/2013 022561 LAFRAY, DAVE 014609 UTILITY REFUND 430.233.100 48.37 Total : 48.37 424709 8/19/2013 220480 LAKESIDE INDUSTRIES, INC 12036573MB ASPHALT & RELATED STREET PRODUCTS ON AN 001.42.542.300.31 1,634.25 12036657MB ASPHALT & RELATED STREET PRODUCTS ON AN 001.42.542.300.31 318.45 12036706MB ASPHALT & RELATED STREET PRODUCTS ON AN 001.42.542.300.31 317.67 Total : 2,270.37 424710 8/19/2013 020906 LANCASTER, BOLTON D.38668 LACROSSE CAMP INSTRUCTOR~ 001.33.574.240.41 720.00 Total : 720.00 424711 8/19/2013 022467 LAPENA, JOJO 051845 UTILITY REFUND 433.233.100 110.34 Total : 110.34 424712 8/19/2013 022560 LARSON, RHENETA 013522 UTILITY REFUND 430.233.100 191.45 64Page:CA.D Page 72 of 130 08/14/2013 Voucher List City of Auburn 65 2:51:40PM Page:vchlist Bank code :000 Voucher Date Vendor Invoice Description/Account Amount (Continued)Total : 191.45 424712 8/19/2013 022560 022560 LARSON, RHENETA 424713 8/19/2013 022563 LEA, TED 023159 UTILITY REFUND 430.233.100 204.86 Total : 204.86 424714 8/19/2013 021404 LENNAR NORTHWEST INC.072749 UTILITY REFUND 433.233.100 155.77 Total : 155.77 424715 8/19/2013 221710 LES SCHWAB TIRES 39700084782 P047A-TIRES, BATTERIES, ALIGNMENTS AND 550.00.548.680.48 418.14 Total : 418.14 424716 8/19/2013 014834 LINDBACK, THEODORE 072613LEOFF LEOFF 1 DENTAL REIMBURSEMENT APPROVED 001.98.522.220.25 1,200.00 Total : 1,200.00 424717 8/19/2013 022555 LIPPERT, ESTATE OF WALTER 007330 UTILITY REFUND 430.233.100 61.92 Total : 61.92 424718 8/19/2013 222280 LLOYD ENTERPRISES INC 171522 ROCK, SAND, ETC FOR PARKS MAINT. 001.33.576.100.31 136.66 Total : 136.66 424719 8/19/2013 222200 LOWE'S HIW, INC 0242 MINI CARABINERS FOR CDU VESTS 001.21.521.100.31 19.75 08194 LANDSCAPING SUPPLIES 65Page:CA.D Page 73 of 130 08/14/2013 Voucher List City of Auburn 66 2:51:40PM Page:vchlist Bank code :000 Voucher Date Vendor Invoice Description/Account Amount 424719 8/19/2013 (Continued)222200 LOWE'S HIW, INC 436.00.536.200.31 10.34 09370 SUPPLIES FOR PARKS AND REC PROGRAMS 001.33.574.240.31 18.68 23036 SUPPLIES FOR PARKS MAINT. 001.33.576.100.31 7.98 23363 MATERIALS FOR SYSTEM TO HANG BACKPACKS 001.21.521.300.35 85.38 23543 SUPPLIES FOR PARKS MAINT. 001.33.576.100.31 19.36 24203 6961C-SMALL TOOLS, LAWN, GARDEN & 550.00.548.680.48 15.26 24376 SUPPLIES FOR PARKS MAINT. 001.33.576.100.31 53.00 24609 SUPPLIES FOR PARKS MAINT. 001.33.576.100.31 22.20 24997 LANDSCAPING SUPPLIES 436.00.536.200.31 67.65 25781 LANDSCAPING SUPPLIES 436.00.536.200.31 132.79 43005 SUPPLIES FOR PARKS AND REC PROGRAMS 001.33.574.220.31 22.84 Total : 475.23 424720 8/19/2013 012329 LUMINANCE MEDIA SERVICES 07-000645 MAIN STAGE CANOPY FOR 4TH OF JULY 66Page:CA.D Page 74 of 130 08/14/2013 Voucher List City of Auburn 67 2:51:40PM Page:vchlist Bank code :000 Voucher Date Vendor Invoice Description/Account Amount 424720 8/19/2013 (Continued)012329 LUMINANCE MEDIA SERVICES 001.33.573.901.45 1,314.00 Total : 1,314.00 424721 8/19/2013 021051 MACDONALD MILLER FACILITY JC16767 Energy Efficiency Equipment for Senior 505.00.524.500.48 616.61 SVC043578 Routine Service Call for Auburn Justice 505.00.524.500.48 544.76 SVC043894 Routine Service Call for Auburn Justice 505.00.524.500.48 276.43 SVC044582 Routine Service Call at AJC 505.00.524.500.48 303.86 Total : 1,741.66 424722 8/19/2013 022256 MAKAI, ROSELLA 1654999 PARKS REFUND 001.347.699 200.00 Total : 200.00 424723 8/19/2013 231130 MATTHEWS INTERNATIONAL BRONZE 92105041 MARKER FINISHING, NO VASE 436.00.536.200.34 23.60 Total : 23.60 424724 8/19/2013 231980 MCLENDON HARDWARE 498652/3 City Hall L.E.D. Flashing 505.00.524.500.31 203.09 Total : 203.09 424725 8/19/2013 017991 MEHL, JULIE 081913PC WILD WAVES PARKING, TEEN TRIP THING 001.33.574.240.49 40.00 GREENLAKE BOAT RENTALS, TEEN TRIP THING 67Page:CA.D Page 75 of 130 08/14/2013 Voucher List City of Auburn 68 2:51:40PM Page:vchlist Bank code :000 Voucher Date Vendor Invoice Description/Account Amount 424725 8/19/2013 (Continued)017991 MEHL, JULIE 001.33.574.240.49 86.00 LIGHT BULB FOR POPCORN MACHINE 001.33.574.240.31 5.63 SPORT CAMP SUPPLIES 001.33.574.240.31 3.43 DAYCAMP SUPPLIES 001.33.574.240.31 9.92 TAPE FOR VET'S BUILDING 001.33.574.220.31 4.37 WRPA TRAINING 001.33.574.220.49 5.00 POPCORN OLYMPIC SUMMER PROGRAM 001.33.574.240.31 12.45 PARKING, TEEN TRIP THING 001.33.574.240.49 34.50 Total : 201.30 424726 8/19/2013 232305 MENG, ARTHUR HAROLD 39003 HOME FOOD PRESERVING CLASSES/SPRING AND 001.33.574.240.41 23.00 39007 HOME FOOD PRESERVING CLASSES/SPRING AND 001.33.574.210.41 69.00 39181/#5 HOME FOOD PRESERVING CLASSES/SPRING AND 001.33.574.210.41 23.00 Total : 115.00 424727 8/19/2013 232610 METRO - KC DEPT OF FINANCE 30003506 King County Metro Sewer charges Aug 2013 433.00.535.800.51 1,208,777.09 Total : 1,208,777.09 424728 8/19/2013 233000 MICROFLEX INC 00021406 7/2013 tax audit program 68Page:CA.D Page 76 of 130 08/14/2013 Voucher List City of Auburn 69 2:51:40PM Page:vchlist Bank code :000 Voucher Date Vendor Invoice Description/Account Amount 424728 8/19/2013 (Continued)233000 MICROFLEX INC 001.14.514.230.41 112.80 Total : 112.80 424729 8/19/2013 016297 MIKE'S TRAPPING 080213INV PEST REMOVAL SERVICES ON AN AS REQUIRED 432.00.535.900.41 300.00 Total : 300.00 424730 8/19/2013 233210 MILES SAND AND GRAVEL 891592 MISC. CONSTRUCTION SUPPLIES FOR PARKS 001.33.576.100.31 73.99 Total : 73.99 424731 8/19/2013 233580 MINUTEMAN PRESS OF AUBURN 14471 printing (large scale projects) 518.00.518.780.41 568.87 14483 printing services 518.00.518.780.41 77.48 14511 printing (large scale projects) 518.00.518.780.41 283.64 Total : 929.99 424732 8/19/2013 005857 MORALES, GABRIEL C.OCTOBER/INV TRAINING FEES, "GANG TRAINING" @ CJTC, 001.21.521.200.49 200.00 Total : 200.00 424733 8/19/2013 014285 NATIONAL BUSINESS FURNITURE MK412531-BUD Work Station for Eng Utilities~ 432.00.535.100.49 2,843.87 Sales Tax 432.00.535.100.49 270.17 Total : 3,114.04 69Page:CA.D Page 77 of 130 08/14/2013 Voucher List City of Auburn 70 2:51:40PM Page:vchlist Bank code :000 Voucher Date Vendor Invoice Description/Account Amount 424734 8/19/2013 022575 NGUYEN & THAO VO, GIAO 063702 UTILITY REFUND 430.233.100 40.57 Total : 40.57 424735 8/19/2013 016076 NORTHWEST SAFE & VAULT SVCS 130705 OPENING OF VAULT AT THE SENIOR CENTER 001.33.574.210.41 448.95 Total : 448.95 424736 8/19/2013 250210 OFFICE DEPOT 1593411627 OFFICE SUPPLIES FOR PARKS, PARKS MAINT, 001.33.574.240.31 17.84 664500147001 DVDs for video duplication 518.00.518.780.31 57.79 665430937001 MISC SUPPLIES 001.13.516.100.31 135.67 665431080001 MISC SUPPLIES 001.13.516.100.31 38.95 Total : 250.25 424737 8/19/2013 122670 OFFICEMAX CONTRACT INC 511498 OFFICE SUPPLIES FOR CITY CLERKS~ 001.15.514.300.31 79.48 669010 Printing services for council packets 518.00.518.780.41 306.70 696139 Citywide paper supply 518.00.518.780.31 278.23 748834 Printing services for council packets 518.00.518.780.41 136.90 70Page:CA.D Page 78 of 130 08/14/2013 Voucher List City of Auburn 71 2:51:40PM Page:vchlist Bank code :000 Voucher Date Vendor Invoice Description/Account Amount 424737 8/19/2013 (Continued)122670 OFFICEMAX CONTRACT INC 753178 Citywide paper supply 518.00.518.780.31 347.77 764000 Printing services for council packets 518.00.518.780.41 148.52 764001 Printing services for council packets 518.00.518.780.41 27.27 764002 Printing services for council packets 518.00.518.780.41 228.37 Total : 1,553.24 424738 8/19/2013 013832 ORKIN, INC.JULYSRV PEST CONTROL OLSON FARM 001.33.575.300.41 194.21 Total : 194.21 424739 8/19/2013 013832 ORKIN, INC.885651529 Pest Control at Senior Center 505.00.524.500.41 75.84 Total : 75.84 424740 8/19/2013 283820 OUTDOORS FOR ALL 12494 ADAPTIVE BICYCLES FOR SPECIAL OLYMPICS 001.33.574.240.45 150.00 Total : 150.00 424741 8/19/2013 016417 PACIFIC COAST MEMORIALS, INC 12-05173 MARKER, KAYLIE P BERGEN 436.00.536.200.34 2,265.00 12-05174 MARKERS - BUSH, HAMILTON, ASBERT, 436.00.536.200.34 85.00 71Page:CA.D Page 79 of 130 08/14/2013 Voucher List City of Auburn 72 2:51:40PM Page:vchlist Bank code :000 Voucher Date Vendor Invoice Description/Account Amount 424741 8/19/2013 (Continued)016417 PACIFIC COAST MEMORIALS, INC 12-05175 MARKERS - BUSH, HAMILTON, ASBERT, 436.00.536.200.34 175.00 12-05176 MARKERS - BUSH, HAMILTON, ASBERT, 436.00.536.200.34 230.00 12-05178 MARKERS - BUSH, HAMILTON, ASBERT, 436.00.536.200.34 230.00 12-05236 MARKERS - FRIEDLE, REILLY, WALKER, 436.00.536.200.34 85.00 12-05237 MARKERS - FRIEDLE, REILLY, WALKER, 436.00.536.200.34 85.00 12-05238 MARKERS - FRIEDLE, REILLY, WALKER, 436.00.536.200.34 85.00 12-05239 MARKERS - FRIEDLE, REILLY, WALKER, 436.00.536.200.34 85.00 12-05240 MARKERS - FRIEDLE, REILLY, WALKER, 436.00.536.200.34 465.00 12-05241 MARKERS - FRIEDLE, REILLY, WALKER, 436.00.536.200.34 685.00 Total : 4,475.00 424742 8/19/2013 260240 PACIFIC POWER GENERATION 849164-00 Replacing leaking oil pressure switch, 430.00.534.800.48 460.00 Sales Tax 430.00.534.800.48 43.70 72Page:CA.D Page 80 of 130 08/14/2013 Voucher List City of Auburn 73 2:51:40PM Page:vchlist Bank code :000 Voucher Date Vendor Invoice Description/Account Amount (Continued)Total : 503.70 424742 8/19/2013 260240 260240 PACIFIC POWER GENERATION 424743 8/19/2013 261460 PARAMETRIX INC 20-20083 MIT CASINO SITES WATER METER EASEMENTS 430.00.534.100.41 2,911.38 Total : 2,911.38 424744 8/19/2013 261620 PARKER PAINT MFG CO, INC 954021019252 Paint & Supplies for Faciliites Dept. 505.00.524.500.31 69.55 954021019696 PAINT SUPPLIES FOR PARKS MAINT. 001.33.576.100.31 184.55 Total : 254.10 424745 8/19/2013 016025 PAUL YESTER PRODUCTIONS AAT130806 SOUND TECH SERVICES AND SOUND EQUIPMENT 001.33.573.901.41 510.63 Total : 510.63 424746 8/19/2013 022566 PAVALUNAS, DR ROBERT 031709 UTILITY REFUND 430.233.100 169.64 Total : 169.64 424747 8/19/2013 012214 PEARL BUILDING SERVICES 7721 JANITORIAL SERVICES FOR PARKS 001.33.576.100.41 250.00 7722 JANITORIAL SERVICES FOR PARKS 001.33.576.100.41 250.00 Total : 500.00 424748 8/19/2013 262190 PEARPOINT INC CD180679 REPAIR PARTS & SERVICE BY PEARPOINT ON 431.00.535.800.48 2,984.61 73Page:CA.D Page 81 of 130 08/14/2013 Voucher List City of Auburn 74 2:51:40PM Page:vchlist Bank code :000 Voucher Date Vendor Invoice Description/Account Amount (Continued)Total : 2,984.61 424748 8/19/2013 262190 262190 PEARPOINT INC 424749 8/19/2013 012248 PELZER GOLF SUPPLIES 7-13531 PENCILS AND TOURNEY SUPPLIES 437.00.576.680.31 148.88 Total : 148.88 424750 8/19/2013 016179 PETEK, PH.D, THOMAS C.8443 PSYCHOLOGICAL EVALUATIONS FOR VINCENT 001.21.521.100.41 1,500.00 Total : 1,500.00 424751 8/19/2013 262670 PETERSEN BROTHERS INC 1310601 Repair guardrail on 107th Ave Se from 001.42.542.300.48 3,353.41 Total : 3,353.41 424752 8/19/2013 262640 PETERSON COMPANY 1327470 CHEESE FOR THE SENIOR CENTER 001.33.574.210.31 576.95 Total : 576.95 424753 8/19/2013 015534 PETERSON, LESLEE JO 39580 SENIOR CENTER MASSAGE CLASSES:~ 001.33.574.210.41 28.00 39591 SENIOR CENTER MASSAGE CLASSES:~ 001.33.574.210.41 28.00 Total : 56.00 424754 8/19/2013 263070 PIERCE COUNTY AUDITOR FILING FEES 2013 FILING FEES, LIENS 430.00.534.110.41 144.00 Total : 144.00 424755 8/19/2013 263350 PITNEY BOWES INC REPLENISH Replenish USPS postage in mail machine 74Page:CA.D Page 82 of 130 08/14/2013 Voucher List City of Auburn 75 2:51:40PM Page:vchlist Bank code :000 Voucher Date Vendor Invoice Description/Account Amount 424755 8/19/2013 (Continued)263350 PITNEY BOWES INC 518.00.518.780.42 10,000.00 Total : 10,000.00 424756 8/19/2013 263360 PITZL, WILLIAM 070613LEOFF LEOFF 1 DENTAL REIMBURSEMENT APPROVED 001.98.517.210.25 212.40 Total : 212.40 424757 8/19/2013 021330 PLAY-WELL TEKNOLOGIES 38850 LEGO CAMP/PRE-ENGINEERING CLASSES:~ 001.33.574.240.41 1,650.00 38852 LEGO CAMP-ENGINEERING FUNDAMENTALS 001.33.574.240.41 2,750.00 Total : 4,400.00 424758 8/19/2013 014645 POPPLETON, KAREN D.TAYLOR FOOT CARE SERVICES AT THE SENIOR CENTER 001.33.574.210.41 5.00 E.BISHOP FOOT CARE SERVICES AT THE SENIOR CENTER 001.33.574.210.41 20.00 S.LIND FOOT CARE SERVICES AT THE SENIOR CENTER 001.33.574.210.41 13.00 S.TINGLY FOOT CARE SERVICES AT THE SENIOR CENTER 001.33.574.210.41 15.00 Total : 53.00 424759 8/19/2013 013364 PORT OF SEATTLE POLICE STAIRS/REIM PAYMENT ON BEHALF OF V-NET 652.00.521.211.51 2,523.00 PAYMENT ON BEHALF OF V-NET 652.00.521.212.51 791.81 75Page:CA.D Page 83 of 130 08/14/2013 Voucher List City of Auburn 76 2:51:40PM Page:vchlist Bank code :000 Voucher Date Vendor Invoice Description/Account Amount (Continued)Total : 3,314.81 424759 8/19/2013 013364 013364 PORT OF SEATTLE POLICE 424760 8/19/2013 264140 PRAXAIR DISTRIBUTION INC 46679673 ACETYLENE AND OTHER WELDING SUPPLIES 001.33.576.100.31 163.21 Total : 163.21 424761 8/19/2013 002719 PRINTCO, INC 051836 large scale printing projects 518.00.518.780.41 102.93 Total : 102.93 424762 8/19/2013 264670 PRO-TOW AUBURN/MAPLE VALLEY 117004 TOWING OF VICTIM'S VEHICLE, '02 HONDA 001.21.521.200.41 245.71 Total : 245.71 424763 8/19/2013 265220 PUGET SOUND ENERGY 081913ELE/GAS ELECTRICAL AND GAS CHARGES FOR JUNE & 001.42.542.300.47 8,797.02 ELECTRICAL AND GAS CHARGES FOR JUNE & 431.00.535.800.47 2,261.33 Total : 11,058.35 424764 8/19/2013 022571 PURVIS, ROBERT & CARA 055943 UTILITY REFUND 430.233.100 31.01 Total : 31.01 424765 8/19/2013 270210 QUIRING MONUMENTS, INC 137728 MARKER, MARGARET LEE 436.00.536.200.34 170.00 Total : 170.00 424766 8/19/2013 020623 R.E. MULLINAX INVESTIGATIONS 13-761 POLICE INVESTIGATION- CANDICE PINEDA 001.13.516.710.41 650.00 76Page:CA.D Page 84 of 130 08/14/2013 Voucher List City of Auburn 77 2:51:40PM Page:vchlist Bank code :000 Voucher Date Vendor Invoice Description/Account Amount 424766 8/19/2013 (Continued)020623 R.E. MULLINAX INVESTIGATIONS 13-762 POLICE INVESTIGATION - MICHAEL NOREN 001.13.516.710.41 650.00 13-765 PARKING FEES 001.13.516.710.41 41.48 POLICE BACKGROUND INVESTIGATION FOR 001.13.516.710.41 650.00 Total : 1,991.48 424767 8/19/2013 012126 RAILROAD MANAGEMENT CO III, LL 297886 Storm Pipe Easement in RR ROW~ 432.00.535.100.49 132.87 299851 Storm Pipe Easement in RR ROW~ 432.00.535.100.49 132.87 Total : 265.74 424768 8/19/2013 001829 RELIABLE MAILING &1240 Mailing services 518.00.518.780.42 185.06 1241 mailing services 518.00.518.780.42 157.98 Total : 343.04 424769 8/19/2013 017340 RESOURCE STEWARDS, LLC 1111 AUBURN SCHOOLS RECYCLING PROGRAM~ 434.00.537.120.41 1,140.00 1112 Residential Household Hazardous Waste 434.00.537.120.41 836.00 Total : 1,976.00 424770 8/19/2013 022553 RICE PUBLIC RELATIONS LLC 1 77Page:CA.D Page 85 of 130 08/14/2013 Voucher List City of Auburn 78 2:51:40PM Page:vchlist Bank code :000 Voucher Date Vendor Invoice Description/Account Amount 424770 8/19/2013 (Continued)022553 RICE PUBLIC RELATIONS LLC PUBLIC RELATIONS 001.33.575.300.41 800.00 Total : 800.00 424771 8/19/2013 022589 RICO, TISHA 1656985 PARKS REFUND 001.347.699 25.00 Total : 25.00 424772 8/19/2013 022580 RINNOVATE LLC 070802 UTILITY REFUND 430.233.100 53.29 Total : 53.29 424773 8/19/2013 005162 ROBERTSON, CAROLYN 072413REIMB MILEAGE TO KCD WORK GROUP - 3 DAYS 001.11.513.100.43 84.75 Total : 84.75 424774 8/19/2013 272630 RODARTE CONSTRUCTION INC 12-02/#4 ACADEMY BOOSTER PUMP STATION IMPRVMNTS 430.00.590.100.65 232,286.83 13-04/#1 2013 LOCAL ST PAVEMENT RECONSTRUCTION~ 103.00.595.300.65 15,200.00 2013 LOCAL ST PAVEMENT RECONSTRUCTION~ 430.00.590.100.65 47,402.74 Total : 294,889.57 424775 8/19/2013 272800 ROTO-ROOTER SERVICES CO, INC 218-17226264 DRAIN CLEANING AND UNPLUGGING 001.33.576.100.41 318.64 Total : 318.64 424776 8/19/2013 022568 RUTHERFORD, MATTHEW & CINDY 032451 UTILITY REFUND 78Page:CA.D Page 86 of 130 08/14/2013 Voucher List City of Auburn 79 2:51:40PM Page:vchlist Bank code :000 Voucher Date Vendor Invoice Description/Account Amount 424776 8/19/2013 (Continued)022568 RUTHERFORD, MATTHEW & CINDY 430.233.100 631.50 Total : 631.50 424777 8/19/2013 022588 SANTOME, NANCY 1657539 PARKS REFUND 001.347.699 25.00 Total : 25.00 424778 8/19/2013 280870 SCARFF MOTORS, INC 540627 AUTO REPAIR & SERVICE ON AN AS REQUIRED 550.00.548.100.31 -38.33 553704 AUTO REPAIR & SERVICE ON AN AS REQUIRED 550.00.548.100.31 -109.50 554335 P010A-AUTO REPAIR & SERVICE ON AN AS 550.00.548.680.35 41.80 554405 AUTO REPAIR & SERVICE ON AN AS REQUIRED 550.00.548.680.35 96.08 554480 P010A-AUTO REPAIR & SERVICE ON AN AS 550.00.548.680.35 34.20 554590 P032H-AUTO REPAIR & SERVICE ON AN AS 550.00.548.680.35 287.01 554624 AUTO REPAIR & SERVICE ON AN AS REQUIRED 550.141.100 545.34 554807 P010A-AUTO REPAIR & SERVICE ON AN AS 550.00.548.680.35 341.75 554895 P023H-AUTO REPAIR & SERVICE ON AN AS 550.00.548.680.35 149.89 79Page:CA.D Page 87 of 130 08/14/2013 Voucher List City of Auburn 80 2:51:40PM Page:vchlist Bank code :000 Voucher Date Vendor Invoice Description/Account Amount 424778 8/19/2013 (Continued)280870 SCARFF MOTORS, INC 554920 P023H-AUTO REPAIR & SERVICE ON AN AS 550.00.548.680.35 130.12 Total : 1,478.36 424779 8/19/2013 280865 SCARSELLA BROS INC 11-01/#17 M Street SE Grade Separation 102.00.594.420.65 465,952.27 M Street SE Grade Separation 102.00.594.420.65 74,285.33 Total : 540,237.60 424780 8/19/2013 015191 SCHMITKE, MARK 073113INV UMPIRING FOR YOUTH BASEBALL GAMES 001.33.574.240.41 360.00 Total : 360.00 424781 8/19/2013 022574 SCHNEIDER, DAHLIA 061769 UTILITY REFUND 430.233.100 87.37 Total : 87.37 424782 8/19/2013 022564 SEARS, MIKE & TRACY 026590 UTILITY REFUND 430.233.100 88.64 Total : 88.64 424783 8/19/2013 282040 SEATTLE TIMES 107302 LEGAL AD #334402 BID CP1120 102.00.594.420.65 229.69 LEGAL AD #343505 BID CP1225 105.00.595.100.65 472.76 LEGAL AD #345532 BID CP0912 102.00.594.420.65 234.15 ACCT 107302 BALANCE OF JULY LEGAL ADS 80Page:CA.D Page 88 of 130 08/14/2013 Voucher List City of Auburn 81 2:51:40PM Page:vchlist Bank code :000 Voucher Date Vendor Invoice Description/Account Amount 424783 8/19/2013 (Continued)282040 SEATTLE TIMES 001.15.514.300.44 1,121.02 Total : 2,057.62 424784 8/19/2013 022554 SHAWVER, ALICEA 1655000 PARKS REFUND 001.347.699 100.00 1655001 PARKS REFUND 001.347.699 190.00 Total : 290.00 424785 8/19/2013 001484 SHIVELY, VICTOR G.071713LEOFF LEOFF 1 PHARMACY REIMBURSEMENT CLAIMD 001.98.517.210.25 329.86 Total : 329.86 424786 8/19/2013 001187 SHRED-IT USA INC 101255990 ACCT#1003665 - 2013 SHREDDING SERVICES 001.11.511.600.49 12.38 ACCT#1003665 - 2013 SHREDDING SERVICES 001.13.516.100.49 12.38 ACCT#1003665 - 2013 SHREDDING SERVICES 001.15.514.300.49 12.38 ACCT#1003665 - 2013 SHREDDING SERVICES 001.15.515.100.49 12.36 101266065 SHREDDING SERVICES FROM SHRED-IT 001.42.542.300.41 9.90 SHREDDING SERVICES FROM SHRED-IT 430.00.534.800.41 9.90 SHREDDING SERVICES FROM SHRED-IT 431.00.535.800.41 9.90 SHREDDING SERVICES FROM SHRED-IT 432.00.535.900.41 9.90 SHREDDING SERVICES FROM SHRED-IT 81Page:CA.D Page 89 of 130 08/14/2013 Voucher List City of Auburn 82 2:51:40PM Page:vchlist Bank code :000 Voucher Date Vendor Invoice Description/Account Amount 424786 8/19/2013 (Continued)001187 SHRED-IT USA INC 550.00.548.100.41 9.90 101268201 ACCT#1009564 - 2013 SHREDDING SERVICEXS 001.14.514.230.49 20.40 ACCT#1009564 - 2013 SHREDDING SERVICEXS 001.21.521.100.41 10.16 ACCT#1009564 - 2013 SHREDDING SERVICEXS 001.32.532.200.49 10.16 ACCT#1009564 - 2013 SHREDDING SERVICEXS 518.00.518.880.49 8.78 Total : 148.50 424787 8/19/2013 002823 SIMPLOT PARTNERS 212017049 SUMMER GREENS FERTILIZERS 437.00.576.600.31 448.92 WETTING AGEN AND LIQUID FERTILIZERS 437.00.576.600.31 159.24 Total : 608.16 424788 8/19/2013 022581 SIVERTSON, ERIC & BRITTANY 070941 UTILITY REFUND 430.233.100 149.13 Total : 149.13 424789 8/19/2013 022576 SMITH, RICHARD E.066208 UTILITY REFUND 430.233.100 458.54 Total : 458.54 424790 8/19/2013 017757 SO COUNTY HOUSING & OUTREACH 2NDQTR2013 Human Services Funding for Continuum of 001.17.562.100.41 6,250.00 Total : 6,250.00 424791 8/19/2013 002543 SOROPTIMIST INTERNATIONAL LOZIER-ANNUAL2013 82Page:CA.D Page 90 of 130 08/14/2013 Voucher List City of Auburn 83 2:51:40PM Page:vchlist Bank code :000 Voucher Date Vendor Invoice Description/Account Amount 424791 8/19/2013 (Continued)002543 SOROPTIMIST INTERNATIONAL ANNUAL ASSESSMENT 2013-2014 001.33.574.210.49 440.00 Total : 440.00 424792 8/19/2013 007696 SOUND BUILT TOWNHOMES LLC 071495 UTILITY REFUND 430.233.100 10.00 Total : 10.00 424793 8/19/2013 012558 SOUTH SOUND PRINTING &2016841 Printing services for City of Auburn 518.00.518.780.41 128.39 Total : 128.39 424794 8/19/2013 285430 SPECIALTY METALS CORP 439958 METAL/METAL SUPPLIES FOR PARKS MAINT. 001.33.576.100.31 572.03 Total : 572.03 424795 8/19/2013 285460 SPECTRUM SIGN CO INC 14786 COA Name/Title Personnel Office ID Sign 505.00.524.500.49 65.62 Total : 65.62 424796 8/19/2013 007301 ST. MATTHEW'S EPISCOPAL CHURCH 2NDQRT2013-GF13/1418 Human Services Funding for program 001.17.562.100.41 1,875.00 Total : 1,875.00 424797 8/19/2013 019295 STAN BONHAM COMPANY INC Q73112 JACOBSEN EQUIPMENT PARTS AND SUPPLIES 437.00.576.600.31 161.46 Q73409 JACOBSEN PARTS AND TRACTOR SUPPLIES 437.00.576.600.31 268.82 JACOBSEN EQUIPMENT PARTS AND SUPPLIES 83Page:CA.D Page 91 of 130 08/14/2013 Voucher List City of Auburn 84 2:51:40PM Page:vchlist Bank code :000 Voucher Date Vendor Invoice Description/Account Amount 424797 8/19/2013 (Continued)019295 STAN BONHAM COMPANY INC 437.00.576.600.31 417.47 Total : 847.75 424798 8/19/2013 002733 STAR RENTAL & SALES, INC 33-089764-03 EQUIPMENT RENTAL FOR PARKS MAINT.~ 001.33.576.100.45 203.39 Total : 203.39 424799 8/19/2013 006380 STATEWIDE PARKING LOT 8295 Grind out 20'x35' (700sq ft) area, 001.42.542.300.48 7,290.00 Sales Tax 001.42.542.300.48 692.55 Total : 7,982.55 424800 8/19/2013 017507 STATEWIDE SECURITY 13814 Panic Button Installation at Auburn 505.00.524.500.48 446.76 13837 Troubleshooting at Auburn Justice Center 505.00.524.500.48 229.95 13838 Vandalized Camera Repair at PRAB 505.00.524.500.48 229.95 Total : 906.66 424801 8/19/2013 286440 STEWART, NANCY 082113PERF ENTERTAINMENT FOR KIDS SUMMERSTAGE 001.33.573.201.41 300.00 Total : 300.00 424802 8/19/2013 022329 STROM, MARILYN JOEY 403343 ENTRY FEE FOR DAYCAMP FIELD TRIP ON 001.33.574.240.49 378.00 Total : 378.00 84Page:CA.D Page 92 of 130 08/14/2013 Voucher List City of Auburn 85 2:51:40PM Page:vchlist Bank code :000 Voucher Date Vendor Invoice Description/Account Amount 424803 8/19/2013 004725 SUNRISE GLASS 24124 HOUSING REPAIR--ROSEMARY HURINENKO'S 119.00.559.200.63 3,833.99 Total : 3,833.99 424804 8/19/2013 022578 SUTTON, STEVE & SARAH 070207 UTILITY REFUND 433.233.100 143.61 Total : 143.61 424805 8/19/2013 005163 TACOMA CITY TREASURER 100750519 WHOLESALE WATER SERV 4/30-5/31 430.00.534.800.47 83,395.07 WHOLESALE WATER SERV 5/31-6/30 430.00.534.800.47 136,425.74 Total : 219,820.81 424806 8/19/2013 020690 TACOMA PEOPLES BUILDER 068051 UTILITY REFUND 430.233.100 173.36 Total : 173.36 424807 8/19/2013 020010 TALK TO TYPE TRANSCRIPTION 2013-01 COURT TRANSCRIPTION SERVICES RENDERED - 001.13.516.100.41 51.70 2013-07 COURT TRANSCRIPTION SERVICES RENDERED - 001.13.516.100.41 112.70 2013-0701 COURT TRANSCRIPTION SERVICES RENDERED - 001.13.516.100.41 159.20 Total : 323.60 424808 8/19/2013 008178 TAYLOR, HOLLY 2013-1 CONSULT FEES - JAPANESE PIONEER 001.17.558.100.41 1,418.00 85Page:CA.D Page 93 of 130 08/14/2013 Voucher List City of Auburn 86 2:51:40PM Page:vchlist Bank code :000 Voucher Date Vendor Invoice Description/Account Amount (Continued)Total : 1,418.00 424808 8/19/2013 008178 008178 TAYLOR, HOLLY 424809 8/19/2013 020385 TENTS & EVENTS PARTY RENTALS 43794 COTTON CANDY MACHINE AND SUPPLIES FOR 001.33.574.240.31 151.11 Total : 151.11 424810 8/19/2013 022567 TERRELL, ROBERT 031983 UTILITY REFUND 430.233.100 190.67 Total : 190.67 424811 8/19/2013 022157 TISCH, FRANZ E.0000001 FINAL INVOICE FOR PURCHASE OF POLICE K9 001.21.521.200.35 3,000.00 Total : 3,000.00 424812 8/19/2013 022585 TOMENY, TERRY REFUND HANGAR 512 - DAMAGE/SECURITY DEPOSIT 435.399.501 577.78 Total : 577.78 424813 8/19/2013 022591 TONNESIAN, JASON REFUND FINGERPRINT CARD FEES 001.341.600 27.40 FINGERPRINT CARD FEES 651.237.109 2.60 Total : 30.00 424814 8/19/2013 292750 TRIPLE T TROPHIES 270837 TROPHY PLATES ENGRAVED 001.33.574.240.31 707.64 Total : 707.64 424815 8/19/2013 292910 TUCCI & SONS, INC 45654 STREET PRDUCTS,.i.e., CLASS B,& TACK ON 001.42.542.300.31 681.12 86Page:CA.D Page 94 of 130 08/14/2013 Voucher List City of Auburn 87 2:51:40PM Page:vchlist Bank code :000 Voucher Date Vendor Invoice Description/Account Amount 424815 8/19/2013 (Continued)292910 TUCCI & SONS, INC 45675 STREET PRDUCTS,.i.e., CLASS B,& TACK ON 001.42.542.300.31 530.15 45687 STREET PRDUCTS,.i.e., CLASS B,& TACK ON 001.42.542.300.31 613.52 45697 STREET PRDUCTS,.i.e., CLASS B,& TACK ON 001.42.542.300.31 160.82 45729 STREET PRDUCTS,.i.e., CLASS B,& TACK ON 001.42.542.300.31 654.21 Total : 2,639.82 424816 8/19/2013 370370 U S POSTMASTER BRM/PERMIT Annual fee for BRM Permit No. 755000 518.00.518.780.49 200.00 Total : 200.00 424817 8/19/2013 370607 UKRAINIAN COMMUNITY CENTER 2NDQTR2013-GF13/1431 Human Services Funding for Ukrainian 001.17.562.100.41 1,875.00 2NDQTR2013-GF13/1432 Human Services Funding for Ukrainian 001.17.562.100.41 1,250.00 Total : 3,125.00 424818 8/19/2013 013834 UNIFIRST CORPORATION 0915899 CEMETERY SUPPLIES 436.00.536.200.31 57.28 ADDITIONAL USE TAX 436.00.536.200.31 0.05 ADDITIONAL USE TAX 436.237.200 -0.05 87Page:CA.D Page 95 of 130 08/14/2013 Voucher List City of Auburn 88 2:51:40PM Page:vchlist Bank code :000 Voucher Date Vendor Invoice Description/Account Amount (Continued)Total : 57.28 424818 8/19/2013 013834 013834 UNIFIRST CORPORATION 424819 8/19/2013 020728 UNIQUE PAVING MATERIALS CORP 228724 ASPHALT, COLD MIX AND RELATED SUPPLIES 001.42.542.300.31 2,229.70 228745 ASPHALT, COLD MIX AND RELATED SUPPLIES 001.42.542.300.31 534.60 229074 ASPHALT, COLD MIX AND RELATED SUPPLIES 430.00.534.800.31 -2,229.70 Total : 534.60 424820 8/19/2013 370900 UNITED PARCEL SERVICE 00004799F2313 UPS shipping services 518.00.518.780.42 23.69 4799F2303 UPS shipping services 518.00.518.780.42 30.21 890192303 UPS shipping services 518.00.518.780.42 97.06 Total : 150.96 424821 8/19/2013 370905 UNITED RENTALS INC 112268043-001 Gym Lift Rental at PRAB 505.00.524.500.31 483.21 Total : 483.21 424822 8/19/2013 021794 UNITED STATES GEOLOGICAL 90183533 USGS agreement, quarterly bill. 430.00.534.100.41 3,750.00 Total : 3,750.00 424823 8/19/2013 371410 UTILITIES SERVICE CO. INC 8609 A ST - REPAIR OF STORM PUMP STATIONS ON 432.00.535.900.48 2,944.93 88Page:CA.D Page 96 of 130 08/14/2013 Voucher List City of Auburn 89 2:51:40PM Page:vchlist Bank code :000 Voucher Date Vendor Invoice Description/Account Amount (Continued)Total : 2,944.93 424823 8/19/2013 371410 371410 UTILITIES SERVICE CO. INC 424824 8/19/2013 380120 VALLEY AUTO REBUILD, INC.68461 TOWING OF 2 VEHICLES FROM M&O TO GSA - 001.21.521.200.41 251.85 68684 6320b-TOWING SERVICES ON AN AS REQUIRED 550.00.548.680.48 183.96 68715 TOWING OF '06 HONDA~ 001.21.521.200.41 136.88 68785 TOWING OF VICTIM'S VEHICLE, CHEVY 001.21.521.200.41 297.29 68865 TOWING SERVICES ON AN AS REQUIRED BASIS 550.00.548.680.48 125.92 Total : 995.90 424825 8/19/2013 015067 VALLEY SIGN 15995 LEA HILL PARK SIGN 321.00.576.802.65 3,944.00 Total : 3,944.00 424826 8/19/2013 111800 VERIZON WIRELESS 9708130436 PAYMENT ON BEHALF OF V-NET 652.00.521.212.42 1,288.86 Total : 1,288.86 424827 8/19/2013 392520 WASHINGTON STATE PATROL I14000604 BACKGROUND CHECKS FOR JULY 2013 001.13.516.100.49 120.00 I14000605 BACKGROUND CHECKS FOR JULY 2013 001.13.516.100.49 290.00 I14000682 89Page:CA.D Page 97 of 130 08/14/2013 Voucher List City of Auburn 90 2:51:40PM Page:vchlist Bank code :000 Voucher Date Vendor Invoice Description/Account Amount 424827 8/19/2013 (Continued)392520 WASHINGTON STATE PATROL JULY 2013 FINGERPRINTING/CPL CARDS - 651.237.105 990.00 Total : 1,400.00 424828 8/19/2013 270540 WASTE MANAGEMENT OF WA, INC JULY2013 Waste Management solid waste 434.00.537.800.41 809,085.87 Total : 809,085.87 424829 8/19/2013 393570 WATER MANAGEMENT LABS, INC 122845 WATER ANALYSIS ON AN AS REQUIRED BASIS 001.32.532.200.41 63.00 WATER ANALYSIS ON AN AS REQUIRED BASIS 430.00.534.800.41 483.00 122933 WATER ANALYSIS ON AN AS REQUIRED BASIS 001.32.532.200.41 105.00 123019 WATER ANALYSIS ON AN AS REQUIRED BASIS 430.00.534.800.41 1,206.00 123053 WATER ANALYSIS ON AN AS REQUIRED BASIS 430.00.534.800.41 168.00 Total : 2,025.00 424830 8/19/2013 018105 WEBCHECK INC.4690 WebCheck - Utilitiy Bill Escrow 430.00.534.110.41 322.50 WebCheck - Utilitiy Bill Escrow 431.00.535.110.41 322.50 WebCheck - Utilitiy Bill Escrow 432.00.535.910.41 322.50 WebCheck - Utilitiy Bill Escrow 434.00.537.110.41 322.50 90Page:CA.D Page 98 of 130 08/14/2013 Voucher List City of Auburn 91 2:51:40PM Page:vchlist Bank code :000 Voucher Date Vendor Invoice Description/Account Amount (Continued)Total : 1,290.00 424830 8/19/2013 018105 018105 WEBCHECK INC. 424831 8/19/2013 022333 WELCH, NANCY L.WELCH/REIM RELOCATION EXPENSES 001.17.558.100.49 2,500.00 RENTAL CAR REIMBURSEMENT 001.17.558.100.49 171.28 Total : 2,671.28 424832 8/19/2013 022562 WELCH, RUSSELL J.020310 UTILITY REFUND 432.233.100 27.17 Total : 27.17 424833 8/19/2013 022476 WELLS FARGO/RODARTE 13-04/#1 2013 LOCAL ST PAVEMENT RECONSTRUCTION~ 103.00.595.300.65 800.00 2013 LOCAL ST PAVEMENT RECONSTRUCTION~ 430.00.590.100.65 2,268.07 Total : 3,068.07 424834 8/19/2013 394140 WEST COAST AWARDS 51708 AWARD APPAREL FOR ADULT FLAG FOOTBALL 001.33.574.240.31 208.93 51709 AWARD APPAREL FOR ADULT FLAG FOOTBALL 001.33.574.240.31 254.26 51712 AWARD APPAREL FOR ADULT FLAG FOOTBALL 001.33.574.240.31 367.92 Total : 831.11 424835 8/19/2013 394250 WEST PUBLISHING GROUP 827731363 Westlaw - Legal Research Subscription 001.15.515.100.49 1,675.21 Total : 1,675.21 91Page:CA.D Page 99 of 130 08/14/2013 Voucher List City of Auburn 92 2:51:40PM Page:vchlist Bank code :000 Voucher Date Vendor Invoice Description/Account Amount 424836 8/19/2013 022565 WEST, SEAN & KATHLEEN 028131 UTILITY REFUND 430.233.100 158.45 Total : 158.45 424837 8/19/2013 394470 WESTERN EQUIPMENT DIST INC 732335 EQUIPMENT AND IRRIGATION SUPPLIES 437.00.576.600.31 79.44 Total : 79.44 424838 8/19/2013 022528 WESTERN FRAMERS 071513INV REMOVE & REPLACE GUTTERS AND DOWNSPOUTS 436.00.536.200.48 537.65 Total : 537.65 424839 8/19/2013 394860 WESTHUSING, JAMES 072513REIMB TEEN TRIP - WATER PARK 001.33.574.240.49 72.00 Total : 72.00 424840 8/19/2013 395240 WHITE RIVER VALLEY 073113INV Arts Project Support ReGrant: Small 001.33.573.201.41 300.00 Total : 300.00 424841 8/19/2013 011495 WHITWORTH PEST SOLUTIONS INC.204569 Pest Control at Auburn Golf Course 505.00.524.500.41 60.23 Total : 60.23 424842 8/19/2013 395580 WILBUR-ELLIS, CO 7093477RI VEGETATION CONTROL PRODUCTS ON AN AS 432.00.535.900.31 225.71 Total : 225.71 424843 8/19/2013 018387 WILES, JOE 051013PERF ROCK A THON COORDINATOR 92Page:CA.D Page 100 of 130 08/14/2013 Voucher List City of Auburn 93 2:51:40PM Page:vchlist Bank code :000 Voucher Date Vendor Invoice Description/Account Amount 424843 8/19/2013 (Continued)018387 WILES, JOE 001.33.574.240.41 265.00 Total : 265.00 424844 8/19/2013 022577 WILLIAMS, JANICE M.068446 UTILITY REFUND 434.233.100 11.24 Total : 11.24 424845 8/19/2013 017788 WILLIS, MARGIE K.38827 YOGA AND ZUMBA CLASSES AT THE SENIOR 001.33.574.210.41 80.00 39422 ENHANCED FITNESS CLASSES~ 001.33.574.210.41 35.00 39438 ENHANCED FITNESS CLASSES~ 001.33.574.210.41 260.00 39439 ENHANCED FITNESS CLASSES~ 001.33.574.210.41 120.00 39440 ENHANCED FITNESS CLASSES~ 001.33.574.210.41 180.00 39441 ENHANCED FITNESS CLASSES~ 001.33.574.210.41 42.00 39457 YOGA AND ZUMBA CLASSES AT THE SENIOR 001.33.574.210.41 150.00 39605 YOGA AND ZUMBA CLASSES AT THE SENIOR 001.33.574.210.41 140.00 Total : 1,007.00 Bank total : 3,893,810.39 257 Vouchers for bank code :000 93Page:CA.D Page 101 of 130 08/14/2013 Voucher List City of Auburn 94 2:51:40PM Page:vchlist Bank code :000 Voucher Date Vendor Invoice Description/Account Amount 3,893,810.39Total vouchers :Vouchers in this report 257 I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THE GOODS AND/ OR SERVICES CHARGED ON THE VOUCHERS LISTED HEREIN HAVE BEEN FURNISHED TO THE BEST OF MY KNOWLEDGE. I FURTHER CERTIFY THE CLAIMS HEREIN TO BE VALID AND CORRECT. ____________________________ DIRECTOR OF FINANCE WE, THE UNDERSIGNED FINANCE COMMITTEE OF THE AUBURN CITY COUNCIL, AUBURN WASHINGTON, DO HEREBY CERTIFY THAT VOUCHER #424588 THROUGH VOUCHER #424845 IN THE AMOUNT OF $3,893,810.39 ARE APPROVED THIS 19TH DAY OF AUGUST, 2013. ______________________ CHAIR _______________________ MEMBER ________________________ MEMBER 94Page:CA.D Page 102 of 130 AGENDA BILL APPROVAL FORM Agenda Subject: Payroll Vouchers Date: August 14, 2013 Department: Finance Attachments: No Attachments Available Budget Impact: $0 Administrative Recommendation: Payroll check numbers 534009 through 534047 in the amount of $890,547.11 and electronic deposit transmissions in the amount of $1,227,540.81 for a grand total of $2,118,087.92 for the period covering August 1, 2013 to August 14, 2013. Background Summary: Reviewed by Council Committees: Finance Councilmember:Partridge Staff:Coleman Meeting Date:August 19, 2013 Item Number:CA.F AUBURN * MORE THAN YOU IMAGINEDCA.F Page 103 of 130 AGENDA BILL APPROVAL FORM Agenda Subject: June 2013 Financial Report Date: August 8, 2013 Department: Finance Attachments: June 2013 Financial Report Budget Impact: $0 Administrative Recommendation: For discussion only. Background Summary: The purpose of the monthly financial reports is to summarize for the City Council the general state of Citywide financial affairs and to highlight significant items or trends that the City Council should be aware of. The following provides a high level summary of the City’s financial performance. Further detail can be found within the attached financial report. The June status report is based on financial data available as of July 23, 2013 for the period ending June 30, 2013. Sales tax information represents business activity that occurred in April 2013. General Fund: The general fund is the City’s largest fund and is used to account for the majority of City resources and services except those required by statute or to be accounted for in another fund. Through June 2013, general fund revenues totaled $27.7 million and were sufficient to support total general fund expenses of $25.5 million. General fund revenues exceeded budget by $1.4 million, or 5.4% primarily due to increases in building permit revenues, sales tax revenues and City utility tax revenues. General Fund expenditures were below budget by $3.0 million, or 10.4%, reflecting the timing of payments. During the month of June, 460 pet licenses were sold (as compared to 466 in 2012) resulting in $15,290 in revenue. Year-to-date, 2,619 licenses have been sold (compared to 2,991 in 2012) bringing in a total of $77,295. Enterprise Funds: AUBURN * MORE THAN YOU IMAGINEDDI.A Page 104 of 130 The City’s eight enterprise funds account for operations with revenues primarily provided from user fees, charges or contracts for services. At the end of June, the Water fund had net operating income of $134,700 (as compared to a loss of $27,600 in the previous year). The Sewer fund ended with a $392,100 operating loss (compared to an operating loss of $812,300 the previous year, excluding Metro); the Sewer-Metro Utility ended the period with a net operating loss of $52,900; and the Stormwater Utility ended with operating income of $630,300 (as compared to operating income of $335,900 the previous year). The Golf Course ended the period with an operating loss of $239,200 compared to an operating loss of $296,100 for the same period last year and reflects an improvement in the year-to-date rounds played at the Golf Course (22,195 compared to 20,089 for the same period last year). The Cemetery ended June with a net operating loss of $3,100 compared to an operating loss of $148,800 for the previous year, reflecting an increase in operating revenue and a decrease in salaries/benefits expenditures. Internal Serivce Funds: Internal Service Funds provide services to other City departments and include functions such as Insurance, Facilities, Innovation and Technology, and Equipment Rental. All funds have sufficient revenues to cover year-to-date expenditures. Investment Portfolio: The City’s total cash and investments at the end of June was $109.9 million and compares to $110.3 million the month prior. Reviewed by Council Committees: Finance Councilmember:Partridge Staff:Coleman Meeting Date:August 19, 2013 Item Number:DI.A AUBURN * MORE THAN YOU IMAGINEDDI.A Page 105 of 130 Monthly Financial Report June 2013 General Fund 2012 Summary of Sources and Uses Annual Budget YTD BudgetYTD ActualYTD Actual Amount Operating Revenues Property Tax 14,299,417.00$ 7,467,100.00$ 7,554,839.73$ 6,716,276.75$ 87,739.73$ 1.2 % Sales Tax 11,695,309.00 5,651,900.00 6,022,741.91 6,125,054.21 370,841.916.6 % Sales Tax - Annexation Credit 1,397,602.00 669,400.00 800,827.65 724,047.90 131,427.6519.6 % Criminal Justice Sales Tax 1,225,059.00 593,000.00 726,618.86 665,827.91 133,618.8622.5 % Brokered Natural Gas Tax 301,500.00 196,900.00 172,730.43 202,087.11 (24,169.57)(12.3)% City Utilities Tax 2,991,933.00 1,429,300.00 1,656,266.21 1,304,579.82 226,966.2115.9 % Admissions Tax 363,609.00 137,700.00 130,125.40 136,667.09 (7,574.60)(5.5)% Electric Tax 3,340,500.00 1,823,200.00 1,764,812.46 1,729,940.21 (58,387.54)(3.2)% Natural Gas Tax 1,201,900.00 793,700.00 686,121.27 747,169.63(107,578.73)(13.6)% Cable TV Franchise Fee 808,000.00 403,400.00 423,065.27 400,940.99 19,665.274.9 % Cable TV Franchise Fee - Capital 62,000.00 31,100.00 31,529.64 31,507.88 429.641.4 % Telephone Tax 2,032,574.00 1,004,800.00 868,991.18 957,908.31(135,808.82)(13.5)% Garbage Tax (external)151,504.00 79,200.00 49,278.79 62,242.21 (29,921.21)(37.8)% Leasehold Excise Tax 50,501.00 22,800.00 19,044.90 19,705.58 (3,755.10)(16.5)% Gambling Excise Tax 247,965.00 120,200.00 138,629.99 130,594.17 18,429.99 15.3 % Taxes sub-total 40,169,373.0020,423,700.0021,045,623.6919,954,549.77621,923.693.0 % Business License Fees 202,005.00 103,400.00 103,077.00 121,355.50 (323.00)(0.3)% Building Permits 1,899,966.00 876,500.00 1,305,733.51 638,701.73 429,233.5149.0 % Other Licenses & Permits 454,413.00 165,400.00 346,489.57 163,473.30 181,089.57109.5 % Intergovernmental (Grants, etc.) - (1)4,661,784.00 2,286,900.002,374,040.03 2,697,230.34 87,140.033.8 % Charges for Services: General Government Services 94,467.00 46,800.00 51,839.40 61,157.54 5,039.4010.8 % Public Safety 17,300.00 9,700.00 13,615.02 123,614.58 3,915.0240.4 % Development Services Fees 963,458.00 483,800.00 678,789.30 449,759.12 194,989.3040.3 % Culture and Recreation 809,717.00 473,600.00 494,259.63 508,195.54 20,659.634.4 % Fines and Forfeits 1,556,500.00 861,400.00 742,760.86 827,346.14 (118,639.14)(13.8)% Fees/Charges/Fines sub-total10,659,610.005,307,500.006,110,604.325,590,833.79803,104.3215.1 % Interests and Other Earnings 64,900.00 31,300.00 23,920.41 45,498.76 (7,379.59)(23.6)% Rents, Leases and Concessions 308,000.00 180,300.00 184,868.03 190,462.04 4,568.032.5 % Contributions and Donations 41,000.00 18,400.00 27,508.79 26,052.45 9,108.7949.5 % Other Miscellaneous 92,200.00 29,500.00 33,176.91 38,713.46 3,676.9112.5 % Transfers In 267,000.00 267,000.00 193,548.00 17,000.00 (73,452.00)(27.5)% Insurance Recoveries- Capital & Operating 25,000.00 7,603.51 56,042.01 50,612.47 48,438.50 637.1 % Other Revenues sub-total 798,100.00 534,103.51 519,064.15 368,339.18(15,039.36)(2.8)% Total Operating Revenues 51,627,083.00$ 26,265,303.51$ 27,675,292.16$ 25,913,722.74$ 1,409,988.65$ 5.4 % Operating Expenditures Council & Mayor 980,162.99$ 469,400.00$ 504,870.33$ 435,684.95$ (35,470.33)$ (7.6)% Municipal Court & Probation 744,424.39 351,300.00 184,008.44 1,456,651.77 167,291.56 47.6 % Human Resources 1,596,800.00 757,600.00 690,245.48 397,222.02 67,354.52 8.9 % Finance 1,315,343.78 679,300.00 601,114.91 558,336.96 78,185.09 11.5 % City Attorney 1,836,346.17 950,100.00 987,778.40 810,779.89 (37,678.40)(4.0)% Planning 4,007,214.94 2,003,607.47 1,894,188.85 1,978,767.00 109,418.62 5.5 % Community & Human Services 1,272,579.74 639,800.00 501,722.19 492,134.21 138,077.81 21.6 % Jail - SCORE 7,046,419.00 3,523,209.50 3,426,651.10 2,028,020.18 96,558.40 2.7 % Police 19,878,567.21 9,690,300.009,240,696.32 8,957,134.26449,603.68 4.6 % Engineering 2,836,440.40 1,386,800.00 1,273,989.37 1,247,497.82 112,810.63 8.1 % Parks and Recreation 8,062,493.41 3,942,800.00 3,961,901.72 3,590,713.12 (19,101.72)(0.5)% Streets 3,273,353.35 1,448,400.00 1,279,550.37 1,310,274.51 168,849.63 11.7 % Non-Departmental 5,169,953.00 2,644,976.50 976,455.46 1,656,254.051,668,521.04 63.1 % Total Operating Expenditures 58,020,098.38$ 28,487,593.47$ 25,523,172.94$ 24,919,470.74$ 2,964,420.53$ 10.4 % 2013 2013 YTD Budget vs. Actual Favorable (Unfavorable) Percentage (1) Streamlined Sales Tax mitigation payments represent intergovernmental revenues from the State of Washington and are presented above in the Intergovernmental Revenue category. Through the first two quarters of 2013, $959,524.54 in Streamlined Sales Tax mitigation payments has been received. This compares to budgeted Streamlined Sales Tax mitigation payments of $2,000,000 for the year. 1DI.A Page 106 of 130 Monthly Financial Report June 2013 Overview This financial overview reflects the City’s overall financial position for the fiscal period ending June 30, 2013 and represents financial data available as of July 23, 2013. The budgeted year-to- date revenues and operating expenditures are primarily based on collection/disbursement average for the same period of the two years prior. General Fund revenues totaled $27.7 million as of the end of June 2013 and compare to previous year to date collections of $25.9 million and budget of $26.3 million. Improvement in General Fund revenue performance is primarily due to continued strength in building permits, increased sales tax revenues, and increased City utility tax revenues. Major projects currently underway in the City to date include the Auburn High School Modernization project, the Franciscan Medical Pavilion, Green River Community College Trades Building, as well as several subdivisions including The Ridge at Bowman Creek, Lakeland East, and Vista Pointe. General Fund expenditures totaled $25.5 million and compares to budget of $28.5 million. Review of departmental line item activity indicates that all departments are operating within expectation. The year to date savings are due to timing of payments. $0.0 $5.0 $10.0 $15.0 $20.0 $25.0 $30.0 $35.0 $40.0 $45.0 $50.0 Revenues Expenditures Mi l l i o n s General Fund Revenues vs. Expenditures 2013 Actual 2013 Budget Revenues The combined total of property tax, sales/use tax, utility tax, gambling, and admissions tax provide approximately 80% of all resources supporting general governmental activities. The following section provides additional information on these sources. 2DI.A Page 107 of 130 Monthly Financial Report June 2013 Property Tax collections to date total $7.6 million and compare to collections of $7.8 million for the same period the previous year, after adjusting for transfers to the Local Street Fund (SOS) program1. The majority of property tax revenues are collected during the months of April and October, coinciding with the due date for the County property tax billings. $0.0 $2.0 $4.0 $6.0 $8.0 $10.0 $12.0 $14.0 $16.0 JanFebMarAprMayJunJulAugSepOctNovDec Mi l l i o n s Property Taxes 2013 budget 2013 actual to date 2012 actual * Per City Council policy, effective January 2013, $2.0 million in property tax revenue will no longer be transferred to the Local Street Fund (Fund 103) for street repair and maintenance. The graphic above presents property taxes under the current policy. 1 In 2012, property taxes for the same period totaled $7,785,524.20. Of this amount, $6,716,276.75 was distributed to the General Fund and $1,069,247.45 was distributed to the Local Street Fund (Fund 103). 3DI.A Page 108 of 130 Monthly Financial Report June 2013 Sales tax distributions Citywide totaled $6.8 million of which $6.0 million was distributed to the General Fund and $789,000 to the Local Street Fund (SOS) program.* $0.0 $2.0 $4.0 $6.0 $8.0 $10.0 $12.0 $14.0 JanFebMarAprMayJunJulAugSepOctNovDec Mi l l i o n s Sales & Use Tax (Net of Revenue from Construction) 2013 budget 2013 actual to date 2012 actual * Per City Council policy, effective January 2013, all sales tax revenue from construction is transferred to the Local Street Fund (Fund 103) for street repair and maintenance. Total transferred year-to-date through June: $789,207.89. The graphic above presents sales taxes under the current policy. The following table breaks out the City’s base sales tax, excluding Criminal Justice, Annexation Credit and Streamlined Sales Tax Mitigation by major business sectors*. 20122013 Component GroupActualActualAmount Construction 540,849.17789,208.20248,359.0345.9 % Manufacturing 133,122.90314,597.87181,474.97136.3 % Transportation & Warehousing23,747.0518,192.62(5,554.43)(23.4)% Wholesale Trade 627,254.09622,225.43(5,028.66)(0.8)% Automotive 1,443,831.051,480,324.9936,493.942.5 % Retail Trade 1,926,265.992,085,197.69158,931.708.3 % Services 1,432,134.101,489,325.2757,191.174.0 % Miscellaneous 24,820.8836,197.0611,376.1845.8 % YTD Total 6,152,025.236,835,269.13683,243.9011.1 % Change from 2012 June-2013 Comparison of Sales Tax Collections by SIC Group Percentage * 2012 actuals for the Manufacturing sector include an adjustment of -$74,000 by the State Department of Revenue as a result of an audit. 4DI.A Page 109 of 130 Monthly Financial Report June 2013 As shown above, the areas showing the largest amount of change include the construction trade and manufacturing industry, reflecting the increased level of construction activity and improvement in consumer confidence. In general, consumer spending accounts for approximately two-thirds of economic activity. Year to date sales tax revenue on construction, which is transferred to the Local Street Fund (Fund 103) for local street repair and maintenance, totaled $789,000 and exceed budget by $138,000. $0.0 $0.2 $0.4 $0.6 $0.8 $1.0 $1.2 $1.4 $1.6 JanFebMarAprMayJunJulAugSepOctNovDec Mi l l i o n s Sales Tax on Construction Transfer 2013 budget 2013 actual to date 5DI.A Page 110 of 130 Monthly Financial Report June 2013 Utility Taxes consists of City inter-fund utility taxes (Water, Sewer, Storm and Solid Waste) and external utility taxes (Electric, Natural Gas, Telephone and Solid Waste). Utility tax collections through June were $5.0 million and compare to $4.8 million collected the same period last year. $0.0 $2.0 $4.0 $6.0 $8.0 $10.0 $12.0 JanFebMarAprMayJunJulAugSepOctNovDec Mi l l i o n s Utility Tax 2013 budget 2013 actual to date 2012 actual As shown in the table below, increased collections from City interfund utilities partially offset lower than expected collections from private utility providers. A mild winter has reduced consumer heating demands and resulted in year-over-year declines in electric and natural gas revenue collections. In addition, The Washington Utilities and Transportation Commission recently approved a rate decrease for natural gas which reduced the residential rates by approximately 7% and commercial rates by approximately 10%. This was a result of an abundant domestic supply of natural gas. 201220132013 Month ActualBudgetActualAmount Amount City Interfund Utility Taxes1,304,579.821,429,300.001,656,266.21351,686.39 27.0 %226,966.21 15.9 % Electric 1,729,940.211,823,200.001,764,812.4634,872.25 2.0 %(58,387.54)(3.2)% Natural Gas 747,169.63793,700.00686,121.27(61,048.36)(8.2)%(107,578.73)(13.6)% Telephone 957,908.311,004,800.00868,991.18(88,917.13)(9.3)%(135,808.82)(13.5)% Garbage (external)62,242.2179,200.0049,278.79(12,963.42)(20.8)%(29,921.21)(37.8)% YTD Total 4,801,840.185,130,200.005,025,469.91223,629.73 4.7 %(104,730.09)(2.0)% June-2013 Utility Tax by Type 2013 vs. 2012 Actual 2013 vs. Budget Percentage Percentage 6DI.A Page 111 of 130 Monthly Financial Report June 2013 Cable TV Franchise Fees, which are collected quarterly, totaled $423,000 and exceed year to date budget by $20,000 or 4.9%. $0 $100 $200 $300 $400 $500 $600 $700 $800 $900 1st Quarter2nd Quarter3rd Quarter4th Quarter Th o u s a n d s Cable TV Franchise Fee 2013 budget 2013 actual to date 2012 actual Licenses and Permits include business licenses, building permits, plumbing, electric and other licenses and permit fees. Building permit fees and business licenses make up 80% of the annual budgeted revenue in this category. Total building permit revenues collected through June was $1.3 million and compares to budget of $877,000. Total building permit revenue collected in the month of June totals $168,000 and includes revenues primarily for housing development projects with the City. These developments include Vista Pointe, Kendall Ridge, the Ridge at Bowman Creek, among several others. 7DI.A Page 112 of 130 Monthly Financial Report June 2013 $0 $200 $400 $600 $800 $1,000 $1,200 $1,400 $1,600 $1,800 JanFebMarAprMayJunJulAugSepOctNovDec Th o u s a n d s Building Permits 2013 budget 2013 actual to date 2012 actual Business License revenues collected to date total $103,000 and are on target with budget. The graphic below reflects the timing of payments by business owners, where the majority of business license payments are collected in December of the previous year and during the first two months of the current year. $0 $50 $100 $150 $200 $250 JanFebMarAprMayJunJulAugSepOctNovDec Th o u s a n d s Business Licenses 2013 budget 2013 actual to date 2012 actual 8DI.A Page 113 of 130 Monthly Financial Report June 2013 Intergovernmental includes Grants (Direct & Indirect Federal, State and Local), state shared revenues and compact revenue from the Muckleshoot Indian Tribe (MIT). Collections to date total $2.4 million and are $87,000 or 3.8% higher than budget. This is primarily due to receiving $80,000 more than budgeted for state shared liquor profits. State shared revenue includes $959,524.54 in Streamlined Sales Tax mitigation payments made through June. 201220132013 Revenue ActualBudgetActualAmount Amount Federal Grants 145,610.4210,500.0020,412.48(125,197.94)(86.0)%9,912.48 94.4% State Grants 40,140.0349,100.0077,756.2937,616.26 93.7 %28,656.29 58.4% Interlocal Grants 2,500.0019,600.00 0.00(2,500.00)(100.0)%(19,600.00)(100.0)% State Shared Revenue2,093,629.141,895,100.001,942,722.88(150,906.26)(7.2)%47,622.88 2.5% Muckleshoot Casino Emerg.345,875.00310,000.00310,028.00(35,847.00)(10.4)%28.00 0.0% Intergovernmental Service6,270.972,600.0023,120.3816,849.41 268.7 %20,520.38 789.2% YTD Total 2,634,025.562,286,900.002,374,040.03(259,985.53)(9.9)%87,140.03 3.8% June-2013 Intergovernmental 2013 vs. 2012 Actual2013 vs. Budget % Change % Change Charges for Services consists of general governmental services, public safety, development service fees and cultural & recreation fees. Development service fees and culture and recreation fees make up over 85% of the revenue within this category. Development service fee collections through June, which primarily consist of plan check fees, exceed budget and prior year collections to date by $195,000 and $229,000 respectively. Total plan check fees collected in June totaled $88,000 and included projects such as the Walter Nelson Building, and several housing developments including Christopher Gardens, Lakeland East and The Ridge at Bowman Creek. Culture and recreation revenues are $21,000 higher than budget; reflecting increased activity from City special events and senior citizen programs. The year-over-year decline in Public Safety charges reflect the elimination of Adult Probation revenue (these revenues are retained by King County under the City-King County District Court contract). 201220132013 Revenue ActualBudgetActualAmount Amount General Government61,157.5446,800.0051,839.40(9,318.14)(15.2)%5,039.40 10.8 % Public Safety 123,614.589,700.0013,615.02(109,999.56)(89.0)%3,915.02 40.4 % Development Services449,759.12483,800.00678,789.30229,030.18 50.9 %194,989.30 40.3 % Culture & Recreation508,195.54473,600.00494,259.63(13,935.91)(2.7)%20,659.63 4.4 % YTD Total1,142,726.781,013,900.001,238,503.3595,776.57 8.4 %224,603.35 22.2 % June-2013 Charges for Services by Type 2013 vs. 2012 Actual2013 vs. Budget Percentage Percentage 9DI.A Page 114 of 130 Monthly Financial Report June 2013 $0 $200 $400 $600 $800 $1,000 $1,200 $1,400 JanFebMarAprMayJunJulAugSepOctNovDec Th o u s a n d s Development Service Fees 2013 budget 2013 actual to date 2012 actual $0 $100 $200 $300 $400 $500 $600 $700 $800 $900 $1,000 JanFebMarAprMayJunJulAugSepOctNovDec Th o u s a n d s Culture & Recreation 2013 budget 2013 actual to date 2012 actual 10DI.A Page 115 of 130 Monthly Financial Report June 2013 Fines & Penalties include traffic and parking infraction penalties, Redflex photo enforcement violations, criminal fines (including criminal traffic, criminal non traffic and criminal costs) as well as non court fines such as false alarm and shopping cart fines. Total revenue to date is $743,000 and compares to budget of $861,000. 201220132013 Month ActualBudgetActualAmount Amount Civil Penalties 8,317.577,400.0010,804.702,487.13 29.9 %3,404.70 46.0 % Civil Infraction Penalties329,676.94359,400.00231,721.46(97,955.48)(29.7)%(127,678.54)(35.5)% Red Light Photo Enforcement300,182.62281,800.00307,422.927,240.30 2.4 %25,622.92 9.1 % Parking Infractions 60,236.1391,700.0067,399.477,163.34 11.9 %(24,300.53)(26.5)% Criminal Traffic Misdemeanor52,581.0845,600.0028,379.99(24,201.09)(46.0)%(17,220.01)(37.8)% Criminal Non-Traffic Fines48,647.2549,700.0031,222.53(17,424.72)(35.8)%(18,477.47)(37.2)% Criminal Costs 8,298.716,900.0012,794.764,496.05 54.2 %5,894.76 85.4 % Non-Court Fines & Penalties19,405.8418,900.0053,015.0333,609.19 173.2 %34,115.03 180.5 % YTD Total 827,346.14861,400.00742,760.86(84,585.28)(10.2)%(118,639.14)(13.8)% June-2013 Fines & Forfeits by Type 2013 vs. 2012 Actual2013 vs. Budget Percentage Percentage $0.0 $0.2 $0.4 $0.6 $0.8 $1.0 $1.2 $1.4 $1.6 $1.8 JanFebMarAprMayJunJulAugSepOctNovDec Mi l l i o n s Fines & Penalties 2013 budget 2013 actual to date 2012 actual 11DI.A Page 116 of 130 Monthly Financial Report June 2013 $0 $100 $200 $300 $400 $500 $600 $700 JanFebMarAprMayJunJulAugSepOctNovDec Th o u s a n d s Photo Enforcement 2013 budget 2013 actual to date 2012 actual Miscellaneous revenues primarily consist of income from facility rentals; other sources within this category include investment earnings, contributions & donations and other miscellaneous income. 201220132013 Month ActualBudgetActualAmount Amount Interest & Investments 45,498.7631,300.0023,920.41(21,578.35)(47.4)%(7,379.59)(23.6)% Rents & Leases 190,462.04180,300.00184,868.03(5,594.01)(2.9)%4,568.032.5 % Contributions & Donations26,052.4518,400.0027,508.791,456.345.6 %9,108.7949.5 % Other Miscellaneous Revenue38,713.4629,500.0033,176.91(5,536.55)(14.3)%3,676.9112.5 % YTD Total 300,726.71259,500.00269,474.14(31,252.57)(10.4)%9,974.143.8 % Miscellaneous Revenues by Type June-2013 2013 vs. 2012 2013 vs. Budget Percentage Percentage 12DI.A Page 117 of 130 Monthly Financial Report June 2013 Real Estate Excise Tax (REET) revenue is receipted into the Capital Improvement Projects Fund and is used for governmental capital projects. Total revenue at the end of June was $829,000 and exceeds budget and prior year actuals by $217,000 and $213,000 respectively, reflecting local and regional improvement in real estate transactions. REET revenues collected in June total $177,000, and compares to monthly average collection to date of $130,000. $0.0 $0.2 $0.4 $0.6 $0.8 $1.0 $1.2 $1.4 $1.6 $1.8 JanFebMarAprMayJunJulAugSepOctNovDec Mi l l i o n s Real Estate Excise Tax 2013 budget 2013 actual to date 2012 actual 13DI.A Page 118 of 130 Monthly Financial Report June 2013 Pet Licensing During the month of June, 460 pet licenses were sold resulting in $15,290 in revenue. During the same month in 2012, 466 licenses were sold, resulting in $13,725 in revenue to King County. 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1,000 $0 $2,000 $4,000 $6,000 $8,000 $10,000 $12,000 $14,000 $16,000 $18,000 Ja n Fe b Ma r Ap r Ma y Ju n Ju l Au g Se p Oc t No v De c Nu m b e r o f L i c e n s e s S o l d Li c e n s e R e v e n u e Month Pet Licensing Revenue & Sales By Month 2013 vs 2012 2013 License Revenue (L) 2013 Licenses Sold (R) 2012 Licenses Sold (R) 2013 Budget Goal: $96,000 or more 2014 Budget Goal: $240,000 or more Year-to-Date Revenue 2013 (through June) = $77,295 Year-to-Date Licenses 2013 (through June) = 2,619 Year-to-Date Licenses 2012 (through June) = 2,991 as reported by King County 0 2,000 4,000 6,000 8,000 10,000 12,000 $0 $20,000 $40,000 $60,000 $80,000 $100,000 $120,000 Ja n Fe b Ma r Ap r Ma y Ju n Ju l Au g Se p Oc t No v De c Nu m b e r o f L i c e n s e s S o l d Li c e n s e R e v e n u e Month Cumulative Pet Licensing Revenue & Sales 2013 vs 2012 2013 License Revenue (L) 2013 License Revenue (Budget Goal: $96,000) 2013 Licenses Sold (R) 2012 Licenses Sold (R) 14DI.A Page 119 of 130 Monthly Financial Report June 2013 Enterprise Funds The detailed Working Capital and Fund Balance statements for Enterprise and Internal Service funds can be found in the Appendix at the end of this Report. The Water Utility ended June with net operating income of $134,700 which compares to a $27,600 net operating loss for the same period in 2012. $0 $200 $400 $600 $800 $1,000 $1,200 $1,400 JanFebMarAprMayJunJulAugSepOctNovDec Th o u s a n d s Water Revenues vs Water Sold 2013 vs 2012 2012 Water Sales ($) 2013 Water Sales ($) 2012 Water Sold (ccf) 2013 Water Sold (ccf) The Sewer Utility ended the period with a $392,100 net operating loss and compares to a $812,300 net loss for the same period in 2012 (excluding Metro wastewater treatment revenues and expenditures, which are now being tracked separately in the Sewer-Metro fund). The Sewer- Metro Utility ended June with a net operating loss of $52,900. The Stormwater Utility ended the period with $630,300 in net operating income which compares to $335,900 in net income for the same period last year. 15DI.A Page 120 of 130 Monthly Financial Report June 2013 The number of rounds played at the Auburn Golf Course (AGC) in June totaled 6,605 which compares to 5,873 for the same period last year. Year-to-date rounds total 22,195 compared to 20,089 rounds in 2012. The AGC ended June with a net operating loss of $239,200 compared to a loss of $296,100 for the same period last year. Expenditures increased in April and May while the golf course was being readied for the busy summer season with equipment and course repairs/maintenance and inventory purchases, and have since leveled off. The financial condition of the AGC is expected to improve over the next several months as expenditures are expected to remain level while revenues will increase from greater rounds played with the summer weather conditions. $0 $50 $100 $150 $200 $250 $300 JanFebMarAprMayJunJulAugSepOctNovDec Th o u s a n d s Golf Course Operating Revenues & Expenditures By Month 2013 vs 2012 2013 Bud. Revenue 2013 Act. Revenue 2012 Act. Revenue 2013 Act. Expenses $0 $200 $400 $600 $800 $1,000 $1,200 $1,400 $1,600 JanFebMarAprMayJunJulAugSepOctNovDec Th o u s a n d s Cumulative Golf Course Revenues & Expenditures 2013 vs 2012 2013 Bud. Revenue 2013 Act. Revenue 2012 Act. Revenue 2013 Act. Expenses 16DI.A Page 121 of 130 Monthly Financial Report June 2013 The Cemetery Fund ended June with a $3,100 net operating loss compared to a $148,800 net operating loss for the same period last year which reflects a decline in Cemetery operating expenditures and an increase in operating revenue. In June, the number of interments at the Cemetery totaled 21 (9 burials, 12 cremations) which compares to 20 (5 burials, 15 cremations) for the same period last year. Year-to-date interments total 109 (55 burials, 54 cremations) compared to 118 (49 burials, 69 cremations) in 2012. $0 $20 $40 $60 $80 $100 $120 JanFebMarAprMayJunJulAugSepOctNovDec Th o u s a n d s Cemetery Operating Revenues & Expenditures By Month 2013 vs 2012 2013 Bud. Revenue 2013 Act. Revenue 2012 Act. Revenue 2013 Act. Expenses $0 $100 $200 $300 $400 $500 $600 $700 $800 $900 JanFebMarAprMayJunJulAugSepOctNovDec Th o u s a n d s Cumulative Cemetery Revenues & Expenditures 2013 vs 2012 2013 Bud. Revenue 2013 Act. Revenue 2012 Act. Revenue 2013 Act. Expenses 17DI.A Page 122 of 130 Monthly Financial Report June 2013 Internal Service Funds Operating expenditures within the Insurance Fund represents the premium cost-pool that will be allocated monthly to other City funds over the course of 2013. As a result, this balance will gradually diminish each month throughout the year. No significant variances are reported in the Facilities, Innovation & Technology, or Equipment Rental Funds. All funds have sufficient revenues to cover year-to-date expenditures. Contact Information This report is prepared by the Finance Department. Additional financial information can also be viewed at our website: http://www.auburnwa.gov/. For any questions about the report please contact us at mchaw@auburnwa.gov or scoleman@auburnwa.gov. 18DI.A Page 123 of 130 Investment Purchase Purchase Maturity Yield to Type Date Price Date Maturity State Investment Pool Various 98,317,633$ Various 0.12% KeyBank Money Market Various 8,480,068 Various 0.15% US Treasury 05/04/1990 57,750 05/15/2016 5.72% FFCB 4/11/2013 3,000,000 4/11/2016 0.43% Total Cash & Investments 109,855,452$ 0.137% Investment Mix % of Total State Investment Pool 89.5%Current 6-month treasury rate 0.09% KeyBank Money Market 7.7%Current State Pool rate 0.12% US Treasury 0.1%KeyBank Money Market 0.15% FFCB 2.7%Blended Auburn rate 0.14% 100.0% City of Auburn Investment Portfolio Summary June 30, 2013 Summary 19DI.A Page 124 of 130 SALES TAX SUMMARY JUNE 2013 SALES TAX DISTRIBUTIONS (FOR APRIL 2013 RETAIL ACTIVITY) 2012 Annual Total 2012 YTD 2013 YTD YTD 2012 Annual Total 2012 YTD 2013 YTD YTD NAICS CONSTRUCTION (Nov '11-Oct '12)(Nov '11 - Apr '12)(Nov '12 - Apr '13)% Diff NAICS AUTOMOTIVE (Nov '11-Oct '12)(Nov '11 - Apr '12)(Nov '12 - Apr '13)% Diff 236 Construction of Buildings 483,408.87 201,869.73 367,520.29 82.1%441 Motor Vehicle and Parts Dealer 2,795,163.85 1,334,981.89 1,363,803.75 2.2%237 Heavy and Civil Construction 114,822.92 57,689.51 42,909.94 -25.6%447 Gasoline Stations 223,463.26 108,849.16 116,521.24 7.0%238 Specialty Trade Contractors 622,980.45 281,289.93 378,777.97 34.7%TOTAL AUTOMOTIVE 3,018,627.11$ 1,443,831.05$ 1,480,324.99$ 2.5% TOTAL CONSTRUCTION 1,221,212.24$ 540,849.17$ 789,208.20$ 45.9%Overall Change from Previous Year 36,493.94$ Overall Change from Previous Year 248,359.03$ 2012 Annual Total 2012 YTD 2013 YTD YTD 2012 Annual Total 2012 YTD 2013 YTD YTD NAICS RETAIL TRADE (Nov '11-Oct '12)(Nov '11 - Apr '12)(Nov '12 - Apr '13)% Diff NAICS MANUFACTURING (Nov '11-Oct '12)(Nov '11 - Apr '12)(Nov '12 - Apr '13)% Diff 442 Furniture and Home Furnishings 226,308.94 108,801.91 114,518.39 5.3% 311 Food Manufacturing 2,932.07 1,749.18 804.48 -54.0%443 Electronics and Appliances 145,390.62 73,001.88 86,277.32 18.2% 312 Beverage and Tobacco Products 5,855.42 2,179.09 3,958.53 81.7%444 Building Material and Garden 425,493.64 182,608.91 203,189.66 11.3% 313 Textile Mills 569.85 55.74 140.14 151.4%445 Food and Beverage Stores 341,378.74 160,675.06 155,990.35 -2.9% 314 Textile Product Mills 4,456.85 3,185.69 1,419.81 -55.4%446 Health and Personal Care Store 148,812.47 77,735.99 92,569.67 19.1% 315 Apparel Manufacturing 217.67 189.44 205.73 8.6%448 Clothing and Accessories 772,153.02 388,098.00 443,425.47 14.3% 316 Leather and Allied Products 58.91 54.89 4.85 -91.2%451 Sporting Goods, Hobby, Books 120,507.49 65,603.14 64,628.10 -1.5% 321 Wood Product Manufacturing 31,417.29 10,157.54 40,325.10 297.0%452 General Merchandise Stores 967,039.39 513,571.91 497,474.37 -3.1% 322 Paper Manufacturing 3,943.50 1,963.00 1,580.88 -19.5%453 Miscellaneous Store Retailers 508,326.14 226,196.82 267,093.26 18.1% 323 Printing and Related Support 28,275.22 15,710.91 12,085.81 -23.1%454 Nonstore Retailers 268,502.71 129,972.37 160,031.10 23.1% 324 Petroleum and Coal Products 10,532.00 3,326.98 5,202.15 56.4%TOTAL RETAIL TRADE 3,923,913.16$ 1,926,265.99$ 2,085,197.69$ 8.3% 325 Chemical Manufacturing 8,088.54 2,982.49 4,018.24 34.7%Overall Change from Previous Year 158,931.70$ 326 Plastics and Rubber Products 9,468.87 4,595.46 4,209.76 -8.4% 327 Nonmetallic Mineral Products 17,323.71 7,447.33 8,586.50 15.3% 331 Primary Metal Manufacturing 1,765.68 1,475.05 394.28 -73.3%2012 Annual Total 2012 YTD 2013 YTD YTD 332 Fabricated Metal Product Manuf 24,964.99 6,750.40 24,294.95 259.9%NAICS SERVICES (Nov '11-Oct '12)(Nov '11 - Apr '12)(Nov '12 - Apr '13)% Diff 333 Machinery Manufacturing 12,890.22 6,842.42 5,927.28 -13.4%51*Information 396,353.38 193,852.59 215,601.99 11.2% 334 Computer and Electronic Produc 10,260.16 4,396.07 5,335.11 21.4%52*Finance and Insurance 53,290.56 15,200.22 b 48,789.42 221.0% 335 Electric Equipment, Appliances 426.32 263.05 261.43 -0.6%53*Real Estate, Rental, Leasing 326,259.42 153,485.35 135,643.64 -11.6% 336 Transportation Equipment Man 187,175.19 38,486.50 a 167,387.12 334.9%541 Professional, Scientific, Tech 173,274.20 85,471.36 84,255.44 -1.4% 337 Furniture and Related Products 18,721.33 9,432.39 14,749.95 56.4%551 Company Management 15.78 9.00 64.14 612.7% 339 Miscellaneous Manufacturing 25,368.10 11,879.28 13,705.77 15.4%56*Admin. Supp., Remed Svcs 334,354.06 137,186.76 169,500.98 23.6% TOTAL MANUFACTURING 404,711.89$ 133,122.90$ 314,597.87$ 136.3%611 Educational Services 53,671.83 26,140.85 24,546.81 -6.1% Overall Change from Previous Year 181,474.97$ 62*Health Care Social Assistance 114,832.81 17,281.36 24,460.21 41.5% 71*Arts and Entertainment 153,417.34 94,257.89 89,120.85 -5.4% 72*Accomodation and Food Svcs 920,555.95 442,739.15 464,094.33 4.8% 2012 Annual Total 2012 YTD 2013 YTD YTD 81*Other Services 388,278.72 194,571.25 189,609.82 -2.5% NAICS TRANSPORTATION AND WAREHOUSING (Nov '11-Oct '12)(Nov '11 - Apr '12)(Nov '12 - Apr '13)% Diff 92*Public Administration 142,187.99 71,938.32 43,637.64 -39.3% 481 Air Transportation 0.00 0.00 0.00 N/A TOTAL SERVICES 3,056,492.04$ 1,432,134.10$ 1,489,325.27$ 4.0%482 Rail Transportation 19,181.85 4,611.61 7,613.87 65.1%Overall Change from Previous Year 57,191.17$ 484 Truck Transportation 10,245.48 6,535.23 (7,056.53)c -208.0%485 Transit and Ground Passengers 268.22 234.14 88.36 -62.3% 488 Transportation Support 18,841.37 8,350.97 11,310.03 35.4%2012 Annual Total 2012 YTD 2013 YTD YTD 491 Postal Service 470.02 110.45 439.25 297.7%NAICS MISCELLANEOUS (Nov '11-Oct '12)(Nov '11 - Apr '12)(Nov '12 - Apr '13)% Diff 492 Couriers and Messengers 568.35 335.81 724.32 115.7%000 Unknown 1.04 1.04 0.00 -100.0% 493 Warehousing and Storage 5,376.49 3,568.84 5,073.32 42.2%111-115 Agriculture, Forestry, Fishing 2,868.29 1,341.87 2,099.36 56.5% TOTAL TRANSPORTATION 54,951.78$ 23,747.05$ 18,192.62$ -23.4%211-221 Mining & Utilities 30,228.91 11,431.51 8,533.89 -25.3% Overall Change from Previous Year (5,554.43)$ 999 Unclassifiable Establishments 27,601.09 12,046.46 25,563.81 112.2% TOTAL SERVICES 60,699.33$ 24,820.88$ 36,197.06$ 45.8% Overall Change from Previous Year 11,376.18$ 2012 Annual Total 2012 YTD 2013 YTD YTD NAICS WHOLESALE TRADE (Nov '11-Oct '12)(Nov '11 - Apr '12)(Nov '12 - Apr '13)% Diff 423 Wholesale Trade, Durable Goods 1,137,932.04 552,783.66 541,051.38 -2.1%GRAND TOTAL 13,037,325.52$ 6,152,025.23$ 6,835,269.13$ 424 Wholesale Trade, Nondurable 153,721.30 72,087.48 78,942.20 9.5%Overall Change from Previous Year 683,243.90$ 11.1% 425 Wholesale Electronic Markets 5,064.63 2,382.95 2,231.85 -6.3% TOTAL WHOLESALE 1,296,717.97$ 627,254.09$ 622,225.43$ -0.8% Overall Change from Previous Year (5,028.66)$ a. Wa. State Dept of Revenue audit adjustment to sales tax returns for period Nov 2011 (adjustment: -$73,971).b. Wa. State Dept of Revenue audit adjustment to sales tax returns for period Dec 2011 (adjustment: -$20,014).c. Wa. State Dept of Revenue audit adjustment to sales tax returns for period Jan 2013 (adjustment: -$11,382). 06/24/13 file:Monthly Sales Tax Report.xls Prepared by Auburn Finance Department 20DI.A Page 125 of 130 INNOVATION EQUIPMENT & TECHNOLOGY RENTAL OPERATING REVENUES Charges For Service 5,012,240.84 3,324,049.10 - 4,071,355.91 6,385,991.66 7,641.15 448,556.62 478,107.16 - - - - Interfund Charges For Service - - - - - - - - - 1,744,896.00 2,391,545.00 1,470,839.96 Sewer Metro Service Revenue - - 7,144,088.61 - - - - - - - - - Rents, Leases, Concessions, & Other - - - - - 301,700.83 - 188,187.47 - 69,308.06 38,083.50 - TOTAL OPERATING REVENUES 5,012,240.84 3,324,049.10 7,144,088.61 4,071,355.91 6,385,991.66 309,341.98 448,556.62 666,294.63 - 1,814,204.06 2,429,628.50 1,470,839.96 OPERATING EXPENSES Salaries & Wages 1,126,025.89 753,349.90 - 972,012.91 193,308.62 9,947.62 196,416.32 290,154.22 - 320,072.68 694,501.92 233,706.89 Benefits 506,195.86 327,856.41 - 423,370.43 87,567.55 3,361.29 94,966.20 141,762.92 - 142,824.63 282,758.09 103,083.14 Supplies 87,669.23 36,022.54 - 32,251.91 37,906.67 285.70 77,979.79 156,991.70 - 44,037.27 101,950.11 395,839.17 Other Service Charges 1,454,670.60 1,169,352.48 - 596,118.84 535,107.72 254,950.62 25,343.75 80,815.62 611,967.90 606,733.90 899,858.52 206,081.94 Intergovernmental Services - 1,394.88 - 11,740.65 102,967.56 - - - - - - - Waste Management Payments - - - - 4,194,528.88 - - - - - - - Sewer Metro Services - - 7,196,968.74 - - - - - - - - - Interfund Operating Rentals & Supplies 554,684.49 484,977.77 - 642,039.28 90,450.00 - 28,098.00 82,248.00 - 59,604.00 150,852.00 123,805.36 Other Expenses - - - - - - - - - - - - Depreciation & Amortization 1,148,263.83 943,206.73 - 763,474.67 9,409.65 201,879.11 28,841.71 153,560.40 - - 225,266.48 372,064.40 TOTAL OPERATING EXPENSES 4,877,509.90 3,716,160.71 7,196,968.74 3,441,008.69 5,251,246.65 470,424.34 451,645.77 905,532.86 611,967.90 1,173,272.48 2,355,187.12 1,434,580.90 OPERATING INCOME (LOSS)134,730.94 (392,111.61) (52,880.13) 630,347.22 1,134,745.01 (161,082.36) (3,089.15) (239,238.23) (611,967.90) 640,931.58 74,441.38 36,259.06 NON-OPERATING REVENUES & EXPENSES Interest Revenue 11,798.18 10,081.57 1.86 10,115.66 596.73 776.32 180.57 259.75 973.08 1,359.54 2,362.88 4,381.70 Contributions - - - - 4,190.72 25,796.53 55.00 - - 35,860.00 - - Other Non-Operating Revenue 92,279.44 144,703.81 - 31,159.61 360.00 1,125.00 - - - 23,055.00 35,276.73 Gain (Loss) On Sale Of Fixed Assets - - - - - - - - - - - 4,000.00 Debt Service Interest (242,692.73) (19,099.90) - (157,207.91) - (23,137.50) (11,133.72) - - - - - Other Non-Operating Expense - - - - - - - - - - - - TOTAL NON-OPERATING REVENUES & EXPENSES (138,615.11) 135,685.48 1.86 (115,932.64) 5,147.45 4,560.35 (10,898.15) 259.75 973.08 37,219.54 25,417.88 43,658.43 PLUS ITEMS NOT EFFECTING WORKING CAPITAL Depreciation 1,148,263.83 943,206.73 - 763,474.67 9,409.65 201,879.11 28,841.71 153,560.40 - - 225,266.48 372,064.40 NET WORKING CAPITAL FROM OPERATIONS 1,144,379.66 686,780.60 (52,878.27) 1,277,889.25 1,149,302.11 45,357.10 14,854.41 (85,418.08) (610,994.82) 678,151.12 325,125.74 451,981.89 Increase In Contributions - System Development 1 297,328.00 2,238,792.00 - 317,966.06 - - - - - - - - Increase In Contributions - Area Assessments - 2,253.61 - - - - - - - - - - Increase In Contributions - Other Governments - - - - - - - - - - - - Increase In Contributions - Other Funds - - - - - - - - - - - - Increase In Contributions - FAA - - - - - - - - - - - - Proceeds of Debt Activity 8,165,373.75 - - 5,235,686.06 - - - - - - - - Operating Transfers In - - - - - - - 23,905.36 - - - - Increase In Restricted Net Assets 6,665.99 - - - - 2,470.00 - - - - - - Decrease In Long-Term Receivables - 112,500.00 - - - - - - - - - - Increase In Deferred Credits - - - - - (1,004.29) - - - - - - TOTAL RESOURCES OTHER THAN OPERATIONS 8,469,367.74 2,353,545.61 - 5,553,652.12 - 1,465.71 - 23,905.36 - - - - Net Change In Restricted Net Assets 519,161.10 1,602,335.17 (1,460,182.19) 256,559.41 - 2,998.66 - (13,094.82) - - - - Increase In Fixed Assets - Salaries 140,148.35 22,291.32 - 64,372.37 - - - - - - - - Increase In Fixed Assets - Benefits 55,644.78 8,957.55 - 26,201.51 - - - - - - - - Increase In Fixed Assets - Site Improvements 18,428.76 - - 11,782.20 - - - - - - - 8,470.78 Increase In Fixed Assets - Equipment 3,019.78 3,019.79 - 20,979.98 - - - - - - 12,919.60 52,777.13 Increase In Fixed Assets - Construction 2,400,021.28 93,254.11 - 710,480.06 - 33,250.58 - - - - - - Operating Transfers Out 50,000.00 50,000.00 - 124,000.00 - - - - - 320,875.61 - 7,000.00 Debt Service Principal 629,868.48 288,261.96 - 140,700.00 - - - - - - - - TOTAL USES OTHER THAN OPERATIONS 3,816,292.53 2,068,119.90 (1,460,182.19) 1,355,075.53 - 36,249.24 - (13,094.82) - 320,875.61 12,919.60 68,247.91 NET CHANGE IN WORKING CAPITAL 5,797,454.87 972,206.31 1,407,303.92 5,476,465.84 1,149,302.11 10,573.57 14,854.41 (48,417.90) (610,994.82) 357,275.51 312,206.14 383,733.98 BEGINNING WORKING CAPITAL - January 1, 2013 10,196,281.10 12,072,579.09 - 10,218,848.21 1,018,487.34 818,912.00 182,098.05 90,691.62 2,028,681.08 1,473,040.96 2,885,527.19 5,559,564.94 ENDING WORKING CAPITAL - June 30, 2013 15,993,735.97 13,044,785.40 1,407,303.92 15,695,314.05 2,167,789.45 829,485.57 196,952.46 42,273.72 1,417,686.26 1,830,316.47 3,197,733.33 5,943,298.92 NET CHANGE IN WORKING CAPITAL 5,797,454.87 972,206.31 1,407,303.92 5,476,465.84 1,149,302.11 10,573.57 14,854.41 (48,417.90) (610,994.82) 357,275.51 312,206.14 383,733.98 ENTERPRISE FUNDS INTERNAL SERVICE FUNDSWORKING CAPITAL The following table presents the Working Capital Statement for each of the City's Enterprise and Internal Service funds. Working Capital is generally defined as the difference between current assets and current liabilities. CEMETERY GOLF INSURANCE FACILITIESWATERSEWERSEWER METRO STORM SOLID WASTE AIRPORT 21DI.A Page 126 of 130 INNOVATION EQUIPMENT & TECHNOLOGY RENTAL OPERATING REVENUES Charges For Service 5,012,240.84 3,324,049.10 - 4,071,355.91 6,385,991.66 7,641.15 448,556.62 478,107.16 - - - - Interfund Charges For Service - - - - - - - - - 1,744,896.00 2,391,545.00 1,470,839.96 Sewer Metro Service Revenue - - 7,144,088.61 - - - - - - - - - Rents, Leases, Concessions, & Other - - - - - 301,700.83 - 188,187.47 - 69,308.06 38,083.50 - TOTAL OPERATING REVENUES 5,012,240.84 3,324,049.10 7,144,088.61 4,071,355.91 6,385,991.66 309,341.98 448,556.62 666,294.63 - 1,814,204.06 2,429,628.50 1,470,839.96 OPERATING EXPENSES Administration 1,365,598.34 1,019,638.64 - 1,334,478.44 354,250.39 268,181.68 118,125.05 115,305.84 611,967.90 - - 433,247.45 Operations & Maintenance 2,363,647.73 1,753,315.34 - 1,343,055.58 693,057.73 363.55 304,679.01 636,666.62 - 1,173,272.48 2,129,920.64 629,269.05 Waste Management Payments - - - - 4,194,528.88 - - - - - - - Sewer Metro Services - - 7,196,968.74 - - - - - - - - - Depreciation & Amortization 1,148,263.83 943,206.73 - 763,474.67 9,409.65 201,879.11 28,841.71 153,560.40 - - 225,266.48 372,064.40 TOTAL OPERATING EXPENSES 4,877,509.90 3,716,160.71 7,196,968.74 3,441,008.69 5,251,246.65 470,424.34 451,645.77 905,532.86 611,967.90 1,173,272.48 2,355,187.12 1,434,580.90 OPERATING INCOME (LOSS)134,730.94 (392,111.61) (52,880.13) 630,347.22 1,134,745.01 (161,082.36) (3,089.15) (239,238.23) (611,967.90) 640,931.58 74,441.38 36,259.06 NON-OPERATING REVENUES & EXPENSES Interest Revenue 11,798.18 10,081.57 1.86 10,115.66 596.73 776.32 180.57 259.75 973.08 1,359.54 2,362.88 4,381.70 Other Non-Operating Revenue 92,279.44 144,703.81 - 31,159.61 4,550.72 26,921.53 55.00 - - 35,860.00 23,055.00 35,276.73 Gain (Loss) On Sale Of Fixed Assets - - - - - - - - - - - 4,000.00 Other Non-Operating Expense (242,692.73) (19,099.90) - (157,207.91) - (23,137.50) (11,133.72) - - - - - TOTAL NON-OPERATING REVENUES & EXPENSES (138,615.11) 135,685.48 1.86 (115,932.64) 5,147.45 4,560.35 (10,898.15) 259.75 973.08 37,219.54 25,417.88 43,658.43 (3,884.17) (256,426.13) (52,878.27) 514,414.58 1,139,892.46 (156,522.01) (13,987.30) (238,978.48) (610,994.82) 678,151.12 99,859.26 79,917.49 Contributions 1 297,328.00 2,241,045.61 - 317,966.06 - - - - - - - - Transfers In - - - - - - - 23,905.36 - - - - Transfers Out (50,000.00) (50,000.00) - (124,000.00) - - - - - (320,875.61) - (7,000.00) TOTAL CONTRIBUTIONS & TRANSFERS 247,328.00 2,191,045.61 - 193,966.06 - - - 23,905.36 - (320,875.61) - (7,000.00) CHANGE IN FUND BALANCE 243,443.83 1,934,619.48 (52,878.27) 708,380.64 1,139,892.46 (156,522.01) (13,987.30) (215,073.12) (610,994.82) 357,275.51 99,859.26 72,917.49 BEGINNING FUND BALANCE - January 1, 2013 67,719,034.00 74,779,493.00 - 49,964,488.00 1,128,442.00 9,439,263.00 872,103.00 8,578,904.00 2,028,681.00 1,415,971.00 4,069,294.00 10,502,921.00 ENDING FUND BALANCE - June 30, 2013 67,962,477.83 76,714,112.48 (52,878.27) 50,672,868.64 2,268,334.46 9,282,740.99 858,115.70 8,363,830.88 1,417,686.18 1,773,246.51 4,169,153.26 10,575,838.49 1 Sewer contributions reflect System Development Charges resulting from the Goedecke land swap agreement with the WA Department of Transportation. FUND BALANCE ENTERPRISE FUNDS INTERNAL SERVICE FUNDS The following table provides an analysis of each of the City's Enterprise and Internal Service funds - showing 2013 revenues and expenditures by fund. INCOME (LOSS) BEFORE CONTRIBUTIONS & TRANSFERS CEMETERY GOLF INSURANCE FACILITIESWATERSEWERSEWER METRO STORM SOLID WASTE AIRPORT 22DI.A Page 127 of 130 AGENDA BILL APPROVAL FORM Agenda Subject: Resolution No. 4980 Date: August 12, 2013 Department: Public Works Attachments: Resolution No. 4980 Budget Impact: $0 Administrative Recommendation: City Council adopt Resolution No. 4980. Background Summary: The US Department of Homeland Security (DHS) makes available Emergency Management Performance Grants (EMPG) to local jurisdictions specifically to enhance their emergency management programs. The City of Auburn was allocated funds based on the current emergency management budget. These funds can be used exclusively for emergency management activities and only for items and activities which were not previously budgeted for. Funds will be used to conduct planning activities and provide public education activities and supplies. Reviewed by Council Committees: Finance, Municipal Services Councilmember:Peloza Staff:Dowdy Meeting Date:August 19, 2013 Item Number:DI.B AUBURN * MORE THAN YOU IMAGINEDDI.B Page 128 of 130 RESOLUTION NO. 4 9 8 0 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF AUBURN, WASHINGTON, FORMALLY ACCEPTING A GRANT FROM THE WASHINGTON STATE MILITARY DEPARTMENT ]N THE AMOUNT OF FIFTY EIGHT THOUSAND FOUR HUNDRED THIRTEEN DOLLARS AND NO CENTS ($58,413.00) FROM THE UNITED STATES 'DEPARTMENT OF HOMELAND SECURITY EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT PERFORMANCE GRANT PROGRAM, AND AUTHORIZING THE MAYOR AND CITY CLERK TO EXECUTE THE NECESSARY AGREEMENTS TO ACCEPT SAID FUNDS WHEREAS, the City created and maintains an active Emergency Management Program; and WHEREAS, the United States Department of Homeland Security makes available Emergency Management Pertormance Grant monies to local emergency management programs;and WHEREAS, the Washington State Military Department, Emergency Management Division has approved a grant of those monies to the City of Aubum Emergency Management program. NOW, THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF AUBURN, WASHINGTON, HEREBY RESOLVES AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. Purpose. The City Council of the City of Aubum does hereby accept the Washington State Military Department, Emergency Management Division offer of a grant in the amount of Fifty Eight Thousand Four Hundred Thirteen Dollars and no cents ($58,413.00) as fhe City's aliotmerrt of annual Emergency Management Performance Grant monies. Resolution No. 4980 July 31, 2013 Page 1 of 2DI.B Page 129 of 130 Section 2. Implementation. The Mayorof the City of Aubum is hereby authorized to implement such administrative procedures as may be necessary to carry out the directions of this resolution. Section 3. Effective Date. This Resolution shall take effect and be in full force upon passage and signatures hereon. DATED AND SIGNED THIS DAY OF AUGUST, 2013. CITY OF AUBURN PETER B. LEWIS MAYOR ATTEST: Danielle E. Daskam, City Clerk APPR D AS TO FORM: Daniel B. Hei , City Attomey Resolutlon No.4980 July 31,2013 Page 2 of 2DI.B Page 130 of 130