HomeMy WebLinkAbout10-07-2013 10-7-2013 FINANCE COMMITTEE AGENDA PACKET Finance Committee October 7, 2013 - 5:30 PM Annex Conference Room 1 AGENDA I.CALL TO ORDER A.Roll Call B.Announcements C.Agenda Modifications II.CONSENT AGENDA A. September 16, 2013 Regular Meeting Minutes* B. Claims Vouchers* (Coleman) Claims Voucher numbers 425314 through 425613 in the amount of $2,564,309.54 and two wire transfers numbers 0134 and 0135 in the amount of $1167.00 and dated October 7, 2013. C. Payroll Vouchers Payroll check numbers 534112 through 534155 in the amount of $314,031.04 electronic deposit transmissions in the amount of $1,274,563.12 for a grand total of $1,588,594.16 for the period covering September 12, 2013 to October 2, 2013 III.ORDINANCES A. Ordinance No. 6482* (Chamberlain) An Ordinance of the City Council of the City of Auburn, Washington, Amending Sections 3.60.036, 3.94.040 and 3.94.060 of the City of Auburn Code relating to tax exemptions IV.RESOLUTIONS A. Resolution No. 4993* (Heineman) A Resolution of the City Council of the City of Auburn approving the Interlocal Agreement between the City of Auburn and Association of Washington Cities Employee Benefit Trust for Health Care B. Resolution No. 4999* (Chamberlain) A Resolution of the City Council of the City of Auburn, Washington, amending Resolution No. 4920 related to temporary reduction of certain fees by changing the eligibility date V.DISCUSSION ITEMS A. Resolution No. 4991* (Coleman) A Resolution of the City Council of the City of Auburn, Washington, authorizing the Mayor and City Clerk to execute an agreement between the City of Auburn and Page 1 of 171 Mead & Hunt, Inc., for a Wildlife and Habitat Assessment at the Auburn Municipal Airport B. Century West Task Order* (Coleman) Council approve engineering design services for proposed improvements at Auburn Municipal Airport C. Auburn Symphony Orchestra Contracts* (Coleman) D. WCIA 2014 Assessment* (Heineman) VI.ADJOURNMENT Agendas and minutes are available to the public at the City Clerk's Office, on the City website (http://www.auburnwa.gov), and via e-mail. Complete agenda packets are available for review at the City Clerk's Office. *Denotes attachments included in the agenda packet. Page 2 of 171 AGENDA BILL APPROVAL FORM Agenda Subject: September 16, 2013 Regular Meeting Minutes Date: September 30, 2013 Department: Administration Attachments: minutes Budget Impact: $0 Administrative Recommendation: Background Summary: Reviewed by Council Committees: Councilmember:Staff: Meeting Date:October 7, 2013 Item Number:CA.A AUBURN * MORE THAN YOU IMAGINEDCA.A Page 3 of 171 Finance Committee September 16, 2013 - 5:30 PM Annex Conference Room 1 MINUTES I. CALL TO ORDER Chair John Partridge called the meeting to order at 5:30 p.m. in Annex Conference Room 1 located on the second floor of the City Hall Annex at One East Main Street in Auburn. A. Roll Call City officials and staff members present: Mayor Peter B. Lewis, City Attorney Daniel B. Heid, Parks, Arts and Recreation Director Daryl Faber, Public Works Director Dennis Dowdy, Innovation and Technology Director Ron Tiedeman, Financial Services Manager Rhonda Ewing, Financial Planning Manager Martin Chaw, Assistant Director of Human Resources and Risk Management Rob Roscoe, Economic Development Planner Bill Thomas and Deputy City Clerk Shawn Campbell. B. Announcements There was no announcement. C. Agenda Modifications There was no agenda modification. II. CONSENT AGENDA A. September 3, 2013 Regular Meeting Minutes Vice Chair Wales moved and Member Holman seconded to approve the minutes as distributed. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 3-0 B. Claims Vouchers (Coleman) Claims voucher numbers 425098 through 425313 in the amount of $4,572,371.86 and dated September 16, 2013. Committee members reviewed claims and payroll vouchers and briefly discussed claims voucher number 425223, 425180, 425260, and 425261. Chair Partridge requested voucher No.425180 be pulled for further Page 1 of 4 CA.A Page 4 of 171 discussion. Vice Chair Wales moved and Member Holman seconded to approve and forward claims and payroll vouchers as amended to the City Council for consideration. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 3-0 C. Payroll Vouchers (Coleman) Payroll check numbers 534082 through 534111 in the amount of $873,466.58 electronic deposit transmissions in the amount of $1,220,321.62 for a grand total of $2,093,788.20 for the period covering August 29, 2013 to September 11, 2013. See claims vouchers above for approval of payroll vouchers. III. RESOLUTIONS A. Resolution No. 4990 (Tiedeman) A Resolution of the City Council of the City of Auburn, Washington, authorizing the Mayor and City Clerk to execute an interlocal agreement between the City of Auburn and the City of Black Diamond for information technology services Director Tiedeman introduced Resolution No. 4990. The resolution is for an interlocal agreement with the City of Black Diamond. The services provided will primarily be done remotely and when staff is required to be on site, the City of Auburn will be reimbursed for mileage and all associated costs. Vice-Chair Wales asked what similar agreements the City has with other jurisdictions. Director Tiedeman said the City also provides services to both the City of Pacific and Algona. Chair Partridge confirmed the City could cancel the contract. Director Tiedeman stated the Innovation and Technology Department will do an annual review of all outside contacts. Member Holman requested the final draft of the agreement be marked as Exhibit "A" as called for in the resolution. Vice Chair Wales moved and Member Holman seconded to approve and forward Resolution No. 4990 to the full Council for consideration. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 3-0 IV. DISCUSSION ITEMS A. July 2013 Financial Report (Coleman) Financial Planning Manager Chaw presented the July 2013 Financial Page 2 of 4 CA.A Page 5 of 171 Report. He explained the increase to the General Fund collections is attributed to property taxes and a transfer from construction sales tax. Utility taxes and development related fees are up over previous years. He also noted the General Fund expenditures are down over last year at this time. The City has sold 438 pet licenses in the month of July compared to 544 in 2012. The year to date pet licenses sold has been 3,057 compared to 3,535 in 2012. The Water Fund ended the month of July with a net operating income of $213,700.00, the Sewer fund ended with a $466,800.00 operating loss, the Sewer-Metro Utility ended with a net operating loss of $162,00.00 and the Stormwater Utility ended with an operating income of $698,900.00. The Golf Course ended the period with an operating loss of $158,800.00 and the Cemetery ended July with a net operating income of $49,900.00. Chair Partridge asked about the transfers into and out of the General Fund. Financial Planning Manager Chaw stated the City made a transfer out of the General Fund and into the Accumulative Reserve fund. Vice Chair Wales thanked the Finance Department for including previous years data in the report. B. Ordinance No. 6473 (Coleman) An Ordinance of the City Council of the City of Auburn, Washington, amending Ordinance No. 6432, the 2013-2014 Biennial Budget Ordinance, as amended by Ordinance No. 6456, Ordinance No. 6462, and Ordinance No. 6472, authorizing amendment to the City of Auburn 2013-2014 Budget as set forth in schedule “A” and “B” Financial Planning Manager Chaw presented Ordinance No. 6473. The Planning and Community Development Committee is the lead Committee on the ordinance because all of the items are related to projects approved by the Planning and Community Development Committee. Vice-Chair Wales asked why there was a bill from the Auburn Community Center project. Mayor Lewis explained there was a billing error from the contractor that is being resolved. C. Resolution No. 4993 (Heineman) A Resolution of the City Council of the City of Auburn approving the interlocal agreement between the City of Auburn and Association of Washington Cities Employee Benefit Trust for health care Assistant Director of Human Resources and Risk Management Rob Page 3 of 4 CA.A Page 6 of 171 Roscoe presented Resolution No 4993. The City partners with Association of Washington Cities (AWC) for the employee medical benefits. The rates for 2014 will not increase and the City will also receive a two percent discount on the medical benefits now that the City has received the Well City designation. Chair Partridge asked if this will affect the City's plan for going self insured. Assistant Director of Human Resources and Risk Management Rob Roscoe said the City will continue to partner with AWC for the medical benefits. The City can consider going self insured again in the future. The agreement with AWC does not lock the City into a long term contract. V. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business to come before the Committee, the meeting adjourned at 6:34 p.m. APPROVED this 7th day of October, 2013. __________________________ ____________________________ John Partridge, Chair Shawn Campbell, Deputy City Clerk Page 4 of 4 CA.A Page 7 of 171 AGENDA BILL APPROVAL FORM Agenda Subject: Claims Vouchers Date: September 30, 2013 Department: Administration Attachments: vouchers Budget Impact: $0 Administrative Recommendation: Approve Claims Vouchers Background Summary: Claims Voucher numbers 425314 through 425613 in the amount of $2,564,309.54 and two wire transfers numbers 0134 and 0135 in the amount of $1167.00 and dated October 7, 2013. Reviewed by Council Committees: Councilmember:Staff:Coleman Meeting Date:October 7, 2013 Item Number:CA.B AUBURN * MORE THAN YOU IMAGINEDCA.B Page 8 of 171 10/02/2013 Voucher List City of Auburn 1 4:57:28PM Page:vchlist Bank code :000 Voucher Date Vendor Invoice Description/Account Amount 134 9/17/2013 391840 WA STATE DEPT OF LICENSING LICENSES CONCEALED PISTOL LICENSES 651.237.104 762.00 Total : 762.00 135 9/20/2013 391840 WA STATE DEPT OF LICENSING LICENSES CONCEALED PISTOL LICENSES 651.237.104 405.00 Total : 405.00 425314 9/17/2013 022712 HICKS, COURTNEY 24684 UTILITY REFUND - 1602 7TH ST NE 430.233.100 108.77 Total : 108.77 425315 9/17/2013 018513 CHILDREN'S DANCE THEATER 38864 STORYBOOK BALLET CAMP CLASS~ 001.33.574.240.41 630.00 Total : 630.00 425316 9/17/2013 022592 JENKINS, MATT 082513PERF ENTERTAINMENT AT AUBURN INTERNATIONAL 001.33.573.901.41 50.00 Total : 50.00 425317 9/17/2013 018387 WILES, JOESEPH 051013PERF ROCK A THON COORDINATOR 001.33.574.240.41 265.00 Total : 265.00 425318 9/18/2013 370370 U S POSTMASTER REPLENISH ACCT #1652 REPLENISH BULK MAIL ACCT #1652 518.00.518.780.42 10,000.00 Total : 10,000.00 425319 9/18/2013 014391 COPPER FALLS RESTAURANT 081613INV 1Page:CA.B Page 9 of 171 10/02/2013 Voucher List City of Auburn 2 4:57:28PM Page:vchlist Bank code :000 Voucher Date Vendor Invoice Description/Account Amount 425319 9/18/2013 (Continued)014391 COPPER FALLS RESTAURANT FOOD FOR TOURNAMENT ON 8/16~ 651.237.142 2,393.25 082313INV FOOD FOR TOURNAMENT ON 8/23~ 651.237.142 4,043.82 082513INV FOOD FOR TOURNAMENT ON 8/25/13~ 651.237.142 1,500.00 083113INV FOOD FOR TOURNAMENT ON 8/31/13~ 651.237.142 19.67 Total : 7,956.74 425320 9/24/2013 391800 WA STATE DEPT LABOR & IND APPLICATION FEE LABOR & INDUSTRIES APPLICATION FEE FOR 001.13.516.100.41 250.00 Total : 250.00 425321 9/24/2013 000067 KOMPAN, INC.INV75261 FREEGAME CUSTOM PLAY COURT AT LEA 321.00.576.802.65 64,732.50 freight 321.00.576.802.65 8,558.68 Sales Tax 321.00.576.802.65 6,962.66 Total : 80,253.84 425322 10/2/2013 212140 KEY BANK 0986 COA COMMEMORATIVE COIN BOXES FOR 001.17.558.100.49 72.35 0994 MC CHARGE FOR SHIPPING SUPPLES~ 518.00.518.780.31 37.07 8360 AT&T CELLULAR USAGE - ROB ROSCOE 2Page:CA.B Page 10 of 171 10/02/2013 Voucher List City of Auburn 3 4:57:28PM Page:vchlist Bank code :000 Voucher Date Vendor Invoice Description/Account Amount 425322 10/2/2013 (Continued)212140 KEY BANK 001.13.516.100.42 14.99 8934 Good2Go Replenishment for City Vehicle 001.17.557.200.43 30.00 9147 NEWSPAPER SUBSCRIPTION, SENIOR CENTER 001.33.574.210.49 56.25 CREDIT ON ACCOUNT 001.33.574.220.49 -50.00 9747 FBINAA WA CHAPTER 2013 ANNUAL TRAINING 001.21.521.100.49 31.50 REGISTRATION FOR FULL CONFERENCE 001.21.521.100.49 141.75 Total : 333.91 425323 10/7/2013 018176 3M COMPANY XS8144A SALES TAX OMITTED ON INVOICE SS21299 - 518.237.200 28.50 Total : 28.50 425324 10/7/2013 003827 A AGRO TREE INC.019548 Take down (17) marked Poplar Trees, 432.00.535.900.48 18,209.00 Sales Tax 432.00.535.900.48 1,729.86 Total : 19,938.86 425325 10/7/2013 111620 ADVANCED SAFETY & FIRE SERVICE 132651 ANNUAL FIRE EXTINGUISHER SERVICES 437.00.576.600.41 130.30 132653 FIRE EXTINGUISHER SERVICE & 550.00.548.150.48 214.44 132656 3Page:CA.B Page 11 of 171 10/02/2013 Voucher List City of Auburn 4 4:57:28PM Page:vchlist Bank code :000 Voucher Date Vendor Invoice Description/Account Amount 425325 10/7/2013 (Continued)111620 ADVANCED SAFETY & FIRE SERVICE ANNUAL FIRE EXT SERVICE, HYDRO SWAP 5 436.00.536.200.31 128.55 Total : 473.29 425326 10/7/2013 010644 AGILON PROPERTY MANAGEMENT 072172 UTILITY REFUND/2210 FOREST RDG DR SE 430.233.100 34.80 Total : 34.80 425327 10/7/2013 115190 AGRI SHOP, INC 28226/1 LAWN & GARDEN SUPPLIES, TOOLS & WORK 432.00.535.900.35 65.22 30772/1 Bolts 001.32.525.100.31 1.80 Flat Washers 001.32.525.100.31 0.80 Lock washers 001.32.525.100.31 0.60 Sales Tax 001.32.525.100.31 0.30 30773/1 Nuts 001.32.525.100.31 1.32 Sales Tax 001.32.525.100.31 0.13 Total : 70.17 425328 10/7/2013 022573 AHMSI 061115 UTILITY REFUND/29830 138TH AVE SE 432.233.100 15.00 Total : 15.00 425329 10/7/2013 005768 AIRPORT MANAGEMENT GROUP, LLC 5911 2013 MGMT SERVICES AT AIRPORT~ 4Page:CA.B Page 12 of 171 10/02/2013 Voucher List City of Auburn 5 4:57:28PM Page:vchlist Bank code :000 Voucher Date Vendor Invoice Description/Account Amount 425329 10/7/2013 (Continued)005768 AIRPORT MANAGEMENT GROUP, LLC 435.00.546.100.41 35,903.73 Total : 35,903.73 425330 10/7/2013 111950 ALBERTSONS LLC 6030375100035408 OLYMPIC SUMMER PROGRAM SUPPLIES 001.33.574.240.31 34.30 DAYCAMP SUPPLIES 001.33.574.240.31 14.56 SPECIALIZED REC SUPPLIES 001.33.574.240.31 227.00 SENIOR CENTER PANTRY ITEMS 001.33.574.210.31 83.55 Total : 359.41 425331 10/7/2013 112350 ALLIANZ LIFE INSURANCE CO 007401 long term care ins - Volstad & Lindback 001.98.522.220.46 1,538.07 long term care ins - Volstad & Lindback 001.98.522.210.46 1,230.45 Total : 2,768.52 425332 10/7/2013 113090 AMERICAN PLANNING ASSOC.106121-130505 MEMBERSHIP DUES FOR NANCY WELCH, INV 001.17.558.100.49 648.00 Total : 648.00 425333 10/7/2013 002431 AMERICAN REPROGRAPHICS CO 03-535947 Plans & Specs for Drive-In Restoration 432.00.535.100.41 103.26 03-536160 Plans & Specs for D St Utility Impv~ 432.00.590.100.65 462.74 06-537031 Plans & Specs 2013 Art/Coll Crackseal~ 105.00.595.100.65 120.34 5Page:CA.B Page 13 of 171 10/02/2013 Voucher List City of Auburn 6 4:57:28PM Page:vchlist Bank code :000 Voucher Date Vendor Invoice Description/Account Amount (Continued)Total : 686.34 425333 10/7/2013 002431 002431 AMERICAN REPROGRAPHICS CO 425334 10/7/2013 018183 ANDERSON, RONALD W.090913INV POLICE BACKGROUND INVESTIGATIONS - 001.13.516.710.41 650.00 091013INV POLICE BACKGROUND INVESTIGATIONS - 001.13.516.710.41 650.00 Total : 1,300.00 425335 10/7/2013 022730 ANTONINI, ANTHONY 061452 UTILITY REFUND/13106 SE 312TH ST 430.233.100 71.91 Total : 71.91 425336 10/7/2013 020160 APEX FACILITY RESOURCES 19110 New Chair for Office Assistant~ 001.32.532.200.35 355.33 Total : 355.33 425337 10/7/2013 121000 APPRAISAL GROUP OF THE NW, LLP A4681 AUB WAY S/M ST SE IMPRVS: APPRAISAL SVCS 102.00.594.420.65 3,000.00 A4690 RODEN PROPERTY APPRAISAL FOR 119XX SE 001.17.558.100.41 4,900.00 Total : 7,900.00 425338 10/7/2013 393720 ARAMARK UNIFORM SERVICES 655-6955121 MAT AND TOWEL SERVICE 437.00.576.600.41 16.43 655-7025874 MAT AND TOWEL SERVICE 437.00.576.600.41 16.43 Total : 32.86 425339 10/7/2013 022213 ARNESON, BUIE 092613REIMB 6Page:CA.B Page 14 of 171 10/02/2013 Voucher List City of Auburn 7 4:57:28PM Page:vchlist Bank code :000 Voucher Date Vendor Invoice Description/Account Amount 425339 10/7/2013 (Continued)022213 ARNESON, BUIE MILEAGE - 3 DAY TRAINING IN BELLEVUE 001.21.521.210.43 120.35 Total : 120.35 425340 10/7/2013 022014 AT PRODUCTIONS 090613INV KIDS SUMMER STAGE LIGHTING 001.33.573.201.41 100.00 092113INV LIGHTING ENGINEER FOR YOUNG 001.33.575.280.41 1,200.00 DEPOSIT/SANTA DEPOSIT FOR CHRISTMAS TREE LIGHTING 001.33.576.100.41 2,500.00 Total : 3,800.00 425341 10/7/2013 114710 AUBURN CHAMBER OF COMMERCE 23881A Partnership Luncheon on 8/20/13 for 001.11.511.600.49 100.00 Partnership Luncheon on 8/20/13 for 001.11.513.100.49 40.00 23917A Oct 2013 tourism svcs & visitor info 104.00.557.300.41 3,750.00 Oct 2013 tourism svcs & visitor info 001.98.558.100.49 3,333.34 23927A Partnership Luncheon on September 17, 001.11.511.600.49 80.00 Total : 7,303.34 425342 10/7/2013 002493 AUBURN FOOD BANK 87 Emergency Housing Program via the 001.17.562.100.41 1,520.83 Total : 1,520.83 7Page:CA.B Page 15 of 171 10/02/2013 Voucher List City of Auburn 8 4:57:28PM Page:vchlist Bank code :000 Voucher Date Vendor Invoice Description/Account Amount 425343 10/7/2013 115535 AUBURN RESPITE PROGRAM 100713/DONATION MEALS FOR THE RESPITE PROGRAM 001.33.574.210.31 500.00 Total : 500.00 425344 10/7/2013 115550 AUBURN SCHOOL DIST #408 AUG2013 AUG 2013 SCHOOL IMPACT FEES 124.237.173 110,233.80 Total : 110,233.80 425345 10/7/2013 022112 AUBURN SO VETERINARY HOSPITAL 162809 CASE # 13-09595: OFFICE EXAM AND PAIN 001.21.539.300.49 80.00 Total : 80.00 425346 10/7/2013 115700 AUBURN SYMPHONY ORCHESTRA 2013/ARTS/SUPPORT Description: Arts Project Support 001.33.573.201.41 2,000.00 Total : 2,000.00 425347 10/7/2013 115730 AUBURN TRAVEL FUND 3211 PER DIEM - R KIRWIN, SR TRIP TO CHELAN 001.33.574.210.43 191.70 3212 PER DIEM - S ULLRICH, SPILLMAN CONF IN 001.21.521.300.43 109.80 3213 PER DIEM - A PEARSON, SPILLMAN CONF IN 001.21.521.300.43 109.80 3214 PER DIEM - H SHAW, SPILLMAN CONF IN 001.21.521.100.43 109.80 3215 PER DIEM-J HOLMAN, NLC MTG IN ROCHESTER 001.11.511.600.43 178.50 3216 8Page:CA.B Page 16 of 171 10/02/2013 Voucher List City of Auburn 9 4:57:28PM Page:vchlist Bank code :000 Voucher Date Vendor Invoice Description/Account Amount 425347 10/7/2013 (Continued)115730 AUBURN TRAVEL FUND PER DIEM -H KITCHEN, WSEMA CONF IN 001.32.525.100.43 106.40 3217 PER DIEM-B PELOZA, NLC MTG IN 001.11.511.600.43 360.00 3218 PER DIEM-D MELTON, TRAINING IN KENNEWICK 001.21.521.200.43 161.00 Total : 1,327.00 425348 10/7/2013 022691 BAKER, WAYNE & JOANN 030208 UTILITY REFUND/13001 SE 305TH PL 430.233.100 240.41 Total : 240.41 425349 10/7/2013 020822 BANK OF AMERICA/SCARSELLA BROS 11-01/#18 M Street SE Grade Separation, Contract 102.00.594.420.65 3,149.85 MStreet SE Grade Separation 102.00.594.420.65 4,058.60 Total : 7,208.45 425350 10/7/2013 022801 BATCHELDER, CAITLAN E 100713INV LIGHTING TECH FOR AVE KIDS 001.33.575.280.41 80.00 Total : 80.00 425351 10/7/2013 022742 BAYLESS, ANN 1679314 PARKS REFUND 001.347.699 23.00 Total : 23.00 425352 10/7/2013 022006 BEADEX MANUFACTURING 071355 UTILITY REFUND/401 C ST NW 434.233.100 94.43 9Page:CA.B Page 17 of 171 10/02/2013 Voucher List City of Auburn 10 4:57:28PM Page:vchlist Bank code :000 Voucher Date Vendor Invoice Description/Account Amount (Continued)Total : 94.43 425352 10/7/2013 022006 022006 BEADEX MANUFACTURING 425353 10/7/2013 121230 BELLEVUE, CITY OF RESOLUTION 4858 Consultant/Legal Fees-Coalition vs DOE 432.00.535.100.41 12,500.00 Total : 12,500.00 425354 10/7/2013 022743 BERNDT, MARIA 1679316 PARKS REFUND 001.347.699 107.00 Total : 107.00 425355 10/7/2013 021848 B-FORCE PROTECTION SECURITY 0187 PARKS SECURITY FOR SEPTEMBER 2013 001.33.576.100.41 850.00 PARKS SECURITY FOR SEPTEMBER 2013 001.33.576.100.41 900.00 Total : 1,750.00 425356 10/7/2013 021981 BLUE LINE WATER INC 9767 MONTHLY MAINTENANCE OF THE WATER SYSTEM 001.33.576.100.41 132.91 Total : 132.91 425357 10/7/2013 122490 BLUMENTHAL UNIFORM CO, INC 1408 LIFE-SAVING MEDALS (QTY 4)~ 001.21.521.100.31 343.83 15802 K. BEAR: PATROL JUMPSUIT; S/O 001.21.521.200.22 604.99 16388 M. BATEMAN - PATROL JUMPSUIT~ 001.21.521.200.22 591.30 16573-01 L. RHEA: TIE BAR WITH SEAL~ 001.21.521.200.22 25.62 21019 10Page:CA.B Page 18 of 171 10/02/2013 Voucher List City of Auburn 11 4:57:28PM Page:vchlist Bank code :000 Voucher Date Vendor Invoice Description/Account Amount 425357 10/7/2013 (Continued)122490 BLUMENTHAL UNIFORM CO, INC R. MEDEIROS - RETRO FIT JUMPSUIT~ 001.21.521.200.22 65.70 22093 NAMETAGS: B. FLYNN; D. MORSE; V. 001.21.521.200.22 69.86 22237-01 M. NOREN - SHORT SLEEVE SHIRT (3); 001.21.521.200.22 411.45 22237-02 M. NOREN: UNIFORM PANTS (QTY 1)~ 001.21.521.200.22 81.80 22397 SEW ON YEARS OF SERVICE INSIGNIA (D. 117.00.521.210.22 2.74 22408 V. MARTINEZ - ACADEMY SHIRT (7); 001.21.521.200.22 446.68 22420 D. MORSE - ACADEMY SHIRT (7); 001.21.521.200.22 445.58 22420-01 D. MORSE ACADEMY APPAREL: SHORTS (QTY 001.21.521.200.22 125.17 22436 B. FLYNN - ACADEMY SHIRT (7); 001.21.521.200.22 419.32 23636 EVIDENCE UNIFORMS: [PANTS (QTY 1), BELT 001.21.521.300.22 116.04 Total : 3,750.08 425358 10/7/2013 286220 BNSF RAILWAY COMPANY 90082024 BNSF Track Work on M St SE Underpass 102.00.594.420.65 164,733.65 90082025 11Page:CA.B Page 19 of 171 10/02/2013 Voucher List City of Auburn 12 4:57:28PM Page:vchlist Bank code :000 Voucher Date Vendor Invoice Description/Account Amount 425358 10/7/2013 (Continued)286220 BNSF RAILWAY COMPANY BNSF Flagging M St SE Underpass Proj~ 102.00.594.420.65 28,987.93 90082065 BNSF Inspection M St SE Underpass Proj 102.00.594.420.65 32,601.51 Total : 226,323.09 425359 10/7/2013 022716 BORRAYO, JULIA REFUND PET LICENSE FEES - NOT IN JURISDICTION 001.322.300 120.00 Total : 120.00 425360 10/7/2013 011519 BRADLEY & GUZZETTA, LLC 20373 Cable administration for August 2013 518.00.518.880.41 1,250.00 Cable administration for September 2013 518.00.518.880.41 1,250.00 Total : 2,500.00 425361 10/7/2013 014566 BRICKMAN GROUP LTD, LLC 5122815276 AUGUST HEDGE & R.O.W. 2013 FOR 001.33.576.100.41 5,177.98 Total : 5,177.98 425362 10/7/2013 022099 BROCK, GISELLE LORENZ 090313INV CHOREOGRAPHER FOR YOUNG FRANKENSTEIN AT 001.33.575.280.41 800.00 Total : 800.00 425363 10/7/2013 012304 BROWN AND CALDWELL 14199221 On -Call Storm & Sewer Utility Modeling 432.00.535.100.41 4,048.64 Total : 4,048.64 425364 10/7/2013 022692 BROWNLEE, MICHAEL 051788 UTILITY REFUND/6321 MONTEVISTA DR SE 12Page:CA.B Page 20 of 171 10/02/2013 Voucher List City of Auburn 13 4:57:28PM Page:vchlist Bank code :000 Voucher Date Vendor Invoice Description/Account Amount 425364 10/7/2013 (Continued)022692 BROWNLEE, MICHAEL 433.233.100 78.77 Total : 78.77 425365 10/7/2013 124110 BUD CLARY CHEVROLET JEEP EAGLE 2140 Purchase of unit P100D new DARE 550.00.590.100.64 25,997.00 Sales Tax 550.00.590.100.64 2,157.75 Total : 28,154.75 425366 10/7/2013 022734 BUFF, ADAM 071262 UTILITY REFUND/1615 1ST ST NE 430.233.100 203.35 Total : 203.35 425367 10/7/2013 015076 BUILDERS EXCHANGE OF WA, INC.1038610 Publish Drive-In Site Restore Proj 432.00.535.100.41 45.30 1038611 Publish Guardrail Impv Project Online~ 102.00.594.420.65 72.55 1038612 Publish WVH System Pres Project Online 105.00.595.100.65 105.45 Total : 223.30 425368 10/7/2013 130430 CAILLIER, MARK 090313INV REIMBURSEMENT TO THE INVESTIGATIVE FUND 001.21.521.210.49 595.24 Total : 595.24 425369 10/7/2013 006536 CAR WASH ENTERPRISES ACCT#12 CAR WASH SERVICES ON AN AS REQUIRED 550.00.548.100.48 15.00 CAR WASH SERVICES ON AN AS REQUIRED 001.32.532.200.48 15.00 13Page:CA.B Page 21 of 171 10/02/2013 Voucher List City of Auburn 14 4:57:28PM Page:vchlist Bank code :000 Voucher Date Vendor Invoice Description/Account Amount 425369 10/7/2013 (Continued)006536 CAR WASH ENTERPRISES CAR WASH SERVICES ON AN AS REQUIRED 518.00.518.880.48 5.00 CAR WASH SERVICES ON AN AS REQUIRED 001.33.576.100.48 5.00 CAR WASH SERVICES ON AN AS REQUIRED 001.21.521.200.48 485.00 CAR WASH SERVICES ON AN AS REQUIRED 001.17.524.200.48 40.00 Total : 565.00 425370 10/7/2013 013685 CAROLLO ENGINEERS, INC 0130478 Lakeland Hills Booster Pump Station 430.00.590.100.65 517.18 0130479 Academy Booster Pump Station 430.00.590.100.65 3,783.67 Total : 4,300.85 425371 10/7/2013 131140 CARPINITO BROTHERS, INC M101027 3 YARDS OF MEDIUM BARK 437.00.576.600.31 65.54 Total : 65.54 425372 10/7/2013 131540 CASH & CARRY 107497 GROCERIES FOR THE SENIOR CENTER 001.33.574.210.31 144.01 113403 SNACKS AND SUPPLIES FOR RESALE 437.00.576.680.34 193.91 121757 SNACKS AND SUPPLIES FOR RESALE 437.00.576.680.34 207.15 124777 GROCERIES FOR THE SENIOR CENTER 001.33.574.210.31 66.95 14Page:CA.B Page 22 of 171 10/02/2013 Voucher List City of Auburn 15 4:57:28PM Page:vchlist Bank code :000 Voucher Date Vendor Invoice Description/Account Amount 425372 10/7/2013 (Continued)131540 CASH & CARRY 128542 SNACKS AND SUPPLIES FOR RESALE 437.00.576.680.34 275.42 Total : 887.44 425373 10/7/2013 022328 CBRE/MULTICARE HEALTH SYSTEM REFUND REFUND OF LH TAX PAID ON LEASE ~ 651.237.120 2,488.71 Total : 2,488.71 425374 10/7/2013 011302 CENTEX HOMES - SEATTLE DIV REFUND HYDRANT DEPOSIT, PERMIT HYD07-0022 430.399.501 1,400.00 Total : 1,400.00 425375 10/7/2013 021854 CENTURY WEST ENGINEERING CORP 233798 Jul 2013 prof svcs Airport Master Plan 435.00.590.100.65 7,312.76 Total : 7,312.76 425376 10/7/2013 370450 CENTURYLINK 100713PHONES PHONE SERIVCE SEPT/OCT 518.00.518.880.42 2,501.83 PHONE SERIVCE SEPT/OCT 505.00.524.500.42 45.66 PHONE SERIVCE SEPT/OCT 431.00.535.800.42 1,161.24 PHONE SERIVCE SEPT/OCT 436.00.536.100.42 4.03 PHONE SERIVCE SEPT/OCT 434.00.537.100.42 4.03 PHONE SERIVCE SEPT/OCT 430.00.534.100.42 8.05 PHONE SERIVCE SEPT/OCT 550.00.548.100.42 4.03 15Page:CA.B Page 23 of 171 10/02/2013 Voucher List City of Auburn 16 4:57:28PM Page:vchlist Bank code :000 Voucher Date Vendor Invoice Description/Account Amount 425376 10/7/2013 (Continued)370450 CENTURYLINK PHONE SERIVCE SEPT/OCT 430.00.534.800.42 1,386.21 PHONE SERIVCE SEPT/OCT 432.00.535.900.42 520.84 PHONE SERIVCE SEPT/OCT 437.00.576.680.42 327.32 Total : 5,963.24 425377 10/7/2013 022804 CHANDLER CONSTRUCTION REFUND OVERPYMT ON BUSINES LICENSE, BUS-29418 001.321.900 15.00 Total : 15.00 425378 10/7/2013 022724 CILA, JAMES & CHONG 018390 UTILITY REFUND/5834 NATHAN AVE SE 431.233.100 43.75 UTILITY REFUND/5834 NATHAN AVE SE 433.233.100 13.13 Total : 56.88 425379 10/7/2013 132940 CINTAS CORPORATION #461 461322370 UNIFORM LAUNDRY SERVICE ON AN AS 550.00.548.100.49 130.98 461325460 UNIFORM LAUNDRY SERVICE ON AN AS 550.00.548.100.49 130.98 461328558 UNIFORM LAUNDRY SERVICE ON AN AS 550.00.548.100.49 130.98 Total : 392.94 425380 10/7/2013 115760 CITY OF AUBURN 100713UTILITIES COA WATER, SEWER, STORM AUG/SEP 505.00.524.500.47 1,670.56 COA WATER, SEWER, STORM AUG/SEP 16Page:CA.B Page 24 of 171 10/02/2013 Voucher List City of Auburn 17 4:57:28PM Page:vchlist Bank code :000 Voucher Date Vendor Invoice Description/Account Amount 425380 10/7/2013 (Continued)115760 CITY OF AUBURN 001.33.576.100.47 4,952.52 COA WATER, SEWER, STORM AUG/SEP 001.42.542.300.47 26.48 COA WATER, SEWER, STORM AUG/SEP 431.00.535.800.47 179.03 COA WATER, SEWER, STORM AUG/SEP 430.00.534.800.47 308.84 COA WATER, SEWER, STORM AUG/SEP 432.00.535.900.47 168.00 COA WATER, SEWER, STORM AUG/SEP 001.17.562.100.47 34.82 COA WATER, SEWER, STORM AUG/SEP 321.00.576.802.65 4,673.48 Total : 12,013.73 425381 10/7/2013 022511 CITY OF AUBURN REVENUE OFFICE REFUND PAYMENT MADE TO COA IN ERROR FOR AGGREKO 001.263.900 244.46 REFUND PYMT IN ERROR - J KENNY 44332-106 001.263.900 72.50 Total : 316.96 425382 10/7/2013 001627 CITY OF FEDERAL WAY PS-1358 PAYMENT ON BEHALF OF V-NET 652.00.521.211.51 2,523.00 PAYMENT ON BEHALF OF V-NET 652.00.521.214.51 442.79 PAYMENT ON BEHALF OF V-NET 652.00.521.215.51 324.72 Total : 3,290.51 425383 10/7/2013 271890 CITY OF RENTON JOHNSON/REIM PAYMENT ON BEHALF OF V-NET 652.00.521.211.51 2,523.00 17Page:CA.B Page 25 of 171 10/02/2013 Voucher List City of Auburn 18 4:57:28PM Page:vchlist Bank code :000 Voucher Date Vendor Invoice Description/Account Amount 425383 10/7/2013 (Continued)271890 CITY OF RENTON PAYMENT ON BEHALF OF V-NET 652.00.521.212.51 516.88 Total : 3,039.88 425384 10/7/2013 281810 CITY OF SEATTLE POLICE DEPT SWANSON/REIM PAYMENT ON BEHALF OF V-NET 652.00.521.211.51 2,523.00 PAYMENT ON BEHALF OF V-NET 652.00.521.214.51 1,597.28 Total : 4,120.28 425385 10/7/2013 292970 CITY OF TUKWILA LINDSTROM/REIM PAYMENT ON BEHALF OF V-NET 652.00.521.211.51 2,523.00 PAYMENT ON BEHALF OF V-NET 652.00.521.214.51 1,498.30 Total : 4,021.30 425386 10/7/2013 012703 CLEVELAND GOLF / SRIXON 3948902 S7 CLUBS FOR RESALE 437.00.576.680.34 952.50 4067849 NO CLUBS FOR RESALE 437.00.576.680.34 -901.00 6759846 CLUBS FOR RESALE 437.00.576.680.34 681.46 6759856 CLUBS FOR RESALE 437.00.576.680.34 124.00 6759856 CLUBS FOR RESALE 437.00.576.680.34 387.00 6759856 CLUBS FOR RESALE 18Page:CA.B Page 26 of 171 10/02/2013 Voucher List City of Auburn 19 4:57:28PM Page:vchlist Bank code :000 Voucher Date Vendor Invoice Description/Account Amount 425386 10/7/2013 (Continued)012703 CLEVELAND GOLF / SRIXON 437.00.576.680.34 45.00 6759856 CLUBS FOR RESALE 437.00.576.680.34 221.00 Total : 1,509.96 425387 10/7/2013 010944 COGGER, LYNNE 38542 ADULT/YOUTH/QUICK START TENNIS CLASSES: 001.33.574.240.41 630.00 38549 ADULT/YOUTH/QUICK START TENNIS CLASSES: 001.33.574.240.41 160.00 38550 ADULT/YOUTH/QUICK START TENNIS CLASSES: 001.33.574.240.41 60.00 38560 ADULT/YOUTH/QUICK START TENNIS CLASSES: 001.33.574.240.41 210.00 38561 ADULT/YOUTH/QUICK START TENNIS CLASSES: 001.33.574.240.41 290.00 38562 ADULT/YOUTH/QUICK START TENNIS CLASSES: 001.33.574.240.41 261.00 Total : 1,611.00 425388 10/7/2013 133610 COLEMAN, SHELLEY 091013REIMB MILEAGE TO SCORE MTG ON 9/10 001.14.514.100.43 13.56 Total : 13.56 425389 10/7/2013 005708 COLUMBIA BANK/LINCOLN CONST 1177-8 JUL RETAINAGE - CITY HALL REMODEL PHASE 1 328.00.594.190.65 1,559.85 Total : 1,559.85 19Page:CA.B Page 27 of 171 10/02/2013 Voucher List City of Auburn 20 4:57:28PM Page:vchlist Bank code :000 Voucher Date Vendor Invoice Description/Account Amount 425390 10/7/2013 008838 COMPLETE OFFICE LLC 991242-0 PLN OFFICE SUPPLIES INV. 991252-0 9/6/13 001.17.558.100.31 61.53 995260-0 BLD OFFICE SUPPLIES - INV. 995260-0 001.17.524.200.31 73.11 Total : 134.64 425391 10/7/2013 022736 CONSERVICE REO UTILITIES REFUND PAYMENT TO COA IN ERROR 001.263.900 100.00 Total : 100.00 425392 10/7/2013 011708 CONSOLIDATED PRESS PRINTING 9865 Bravo Postcards Fall/Winter - 4 518.00.518.780.41 3,335.66 Sales Tax 518.00.518.780.41 316.89 9869 BRAVO Postcards 1st mail drop (24,652) 518.00.518.780.42 901.13 NCOA Processing on clients list only 518.00.518.780.42 50.00 Sales Tax 518.00.518.780.42 90.31 Total : 4,693.99 425393 10/7/2013 014391 COPPER FALLS RESTAURANT 091713INV FOOD FOR TOURNAMENT ON 9/15/13~ 651.237.142 949.94 092113INV FOOD FOR 9/21 GOLF TOURNAMENT~ 651.237.142 936.08 092113INV FOOD FOR GOLF TOURNAMENT ON 9/21~ 651.237.142 510.15 20Page:CA.B Page 28 of 171 10/02/2013 Voucher List City of Auburn 21 4:57:28PM Page:vchlist Bank code :000 Voucher Date Vendor Invoice Description/Account Amount 425393 10/7/2013 (Continued)014391 COPPER FALLS RESTAURANT 092813INV FOOD FOR 9/28 GOLF TOURNAMENT~ 651.237.142 288.46 Total : 2,684.63 425394 10/7/2013 018514 COX, DAVE 100713INV DIRECTOR FEE - YOUNG FRANKENSTEIN SHOW 001.33.575.280.41 1,200.00 Total : 1,200.00 425395 10/7/2013 231915 CRYSTAL SPRINGS 13122480-090613 Coffee Supplies for Mayor's Office 001.11.513.100.31 284.18 Total : 284.18 425396 10/7/2013 004164 CUSTOMER CARE 40330 Customer Care - quarterly fee for 518.00.518.880.42 177.00 Total : 177.00 425397 10/7/2013 022713 DATAPROSE LLC 746154 CSG Utility Bill Printing and Mailing 430.00.534.110.41 772.50 CSG Utility Bill Printing and Mailing 431.00.535.110.41 772.50 CSG Utility Bill Printing and Mailing 432.00.535.910.41 772.50 CSG Utility Bill Printing and Mailing 434.00.537.110.41 772.48 Postage for Utility Billing Statements 430.00.534.110.42 1,531.50 Postage for Utility Billing Statements 431.00.535.110.42 1,531.50 Postage for Utility Billing Statements 432.00.535.910.42 1,531.50 21Page:CA.B Page 29 of 171 10/02/2013 Voucher List City of Auburn 22 4:57:28PM Page:vchlist Bank code :000 Voucher Date Vendor Invoice Description/Account Amount 425397 10/7/2013 (Continued)022713 DATAPROSE LLC Postage for Utility Billing Statements 434.00.537.110.42 1,531.48 Total : 9,215.96 425398 10/7/2013 022737 DAVIS, ANDREW REBATE WATER UTILITY TOILET REBATE PROGRAM 430.00.534.100.41 188.10 Total : 188.10 425399 10/7/2013 141600 DIERINGER SCHOOL DIST AUG2013 AUG 2013 SCHOOL IMPACT FEES 124.237.171 6,010.00 Total : 6,010.00 425400 10/7/2013 022740 DOMINGUES, DAVID 1679313 PARKS REFUND 001.347.699 6.25 Total : 6.25 425401 10/7/2013 142280 DON SMALL & SONS OIL DIST CO 284823 PETROLEUM PRODUCTS ON AN AS REQUIRED 550.00.548.680.32 48.61 285162 PETROLEUM PRODUCTS ON AN AS REQUIRED 550.00.548.680.32 23.98 41129 BULK FUEL FOR M&O FACILITY-DIESEL-BULK 550.141.100 11,216.70 Sales Tax 550.141.100 1,250.72 Total : 12,540.01 425402 10/7/2013 019444 DOWLING INC.091213INV HOUSING REPAIR--REPLACEMENT OF DONNA 119.00.559.200.63 4,446.80 22Page:CA.B Page 30 of 171 10/02/2013 Voucher List City of Auburn 23 4:57:28PM Page:vchlist Bank code :000 Voucher Date Vendor Invoice Description/Account Amount (Continued)Total : 4,446.80 425402 10/7/2013 019444 019444 DOWLING INC. 425403 10/7/2013 012962 DTI SPORTS INC.5600 YOUTH SOCCER BALLS AND UNIFORMS 001.33.574.240.31 4,801.58 6039 YOUTH SOCCER BALLS AND UNIFORMS 001.33.574.240.31 9,250.19 8 YOUTH SOCCER BALLS AND UNIFORMS 001.33.574.240.31 -7.94 Total : 14,043.83 425404 10/7/2013 003968 DUNBAR ARMORED INC 3285761 SEPT ARMORED CAR SERV / PARKS 001.33.574.100.41 513.61 3285983 ARMORED CAR SERVICES FOR THE GOLF COURSE 437.00.576.680.41 724.43 Total : 1,238.04 425405 10/7/2013 014095 DYNAMIC BRANDS 859234 UMBRELLAS, TOWELS & MISC FOR PRO SHOP 437.00.576.680.34 64.74 859235 UMBRELLAS, TOWELS & MISC FOR PRO SHOP 437.00.576.680.34 82.00 860839 UMBRELLAS, TOWELS & MISC FOR PRO SHOP 437.00.576.680.34 293.60 Total : 440.34 425406 10/7/2013 022711 DZINGLE'S LANDSCAPING LLC JUL-SEP SERVICE Maintenance of city owned house on 9th 001.17.562.100.41 443.49 Total : 443.49 23Page:CA.B Page 31 of 171 10/02/2013 Voucher List City of Auburn 24 4:57:28PM Page:vchlist Bank code :000 Voucher Date Vendor Invoice Description/Account Amount 425407 10/7/2013 022688 EAST PARK NORTH LLC 019858 UTILITY REFUND/4620 B ST NW 430.233.100 563.44 Total : 563.44 425408 10/7/2013 019309 ECLIPSE PROCESS SERVICE, LLC 105086 Process Service Costs 001.356.903 155.10 105087 Process Service Costs 001.356.903 119.40 Total : 274.50 425409 10/7/2013 394250 ELITE-THOMSON REUTERS 724526 Prolaw Maintenance 10/1/13 - 9/30/14~ 518.00.518.880.48 2,991.84 Legalex Maintenance 10/1/13 - 9/30/14~ 518.00.518.880.48 1,300.16 Total : 4,292.00 425410 10/7/2013 022800 ELLSWORTH, JENNIFER FEE/ORGANIC ARTIST FEE FOR DOWNTOWN SCULPTURE 001.33.573.201.49 1,000.00 Total : 1,000.00 425411 10/7/2013 012320 EMERALD CITY WATER 29730 QUARTERLY BILLING FOR 8/13/13-11/13/13 001.21.521.100.49 394.20 Total : 394.20 425412 10/7/2013 151770 EQUIFAX INFORMATION SVS, INC 8070928 CREDIT CHECKS - SOTO, A; S CONNER; C 001.13.516.100.49 50.43 Total : 50.43 425413 10/7/2013 022715 ESKESEN, LINDA REFUND PET LICENSE FEE - OUTSIDE CITY LIMIT 24Page:CA.B Page 32 of 171 10/02/2013 Voucher List City of Auburn 25 4:57:28PM Page:vchlist Bank code :000 Voucher Date Vendor Invoice Description/Account Amount 425413 10/7/2013 (Continued)022715 ESKESEN, LINDA 001.322.300 15.00 Total : 15.00 425414 10/7/2013 017291 EWING, RHONDA 092013REIMB PER DIEM - WFOA CONFERENCE 001.14.514.230.43 48.80 Total : 48.80 425415 10/7/2013 010364 FCS GROUP, INC 2139-21308068 UTILITY COST OF SERVICE, RATE, SDC STUDY 430.00.534.100.41 5,346.24 UTILITY COST OF SERVICE, RATE, SDC STUDY 431.00.535.100.41 2,673.13 UTILITY COST OF SERVICE, RATE, SDC STUDY 432.00.535.100.41 2,673.13 Total : 10,692.50 425416 10/7/2013 013069 FEDERAL WAY SCHOOL DISTRICT AUG2013 AUG 2013 SCHOOL IMPACT FEES 124.237.174 10,179.00 Total : 10,179.00 425417 10/7/2013 160790 FINKBEINER FOUR LLC 072888 UTILITY REFUND/30260 129TH AVE SE 430.233.100 155.88 Total : 155.88 425418 10/7/2013 161085 FIRST AMERICAN TITLE INS CO 874-420971857 Title report for COA M&O site - tax lot 432.00.535.100.41 492.75 Total : 492.75 425419 10/7/2013 161170 FITZ TOWING, LLC 253280 TOWING SERVICES TO APD ON 9/16/13 - 001.21.521.200.41 198.20 25Page:CA.B Page 33 of 171 10/02/2013 Voucher List City of Auburn 26 4:57:28PM Page:vchlist Bank code :000 Voucher Date Vendor Invoice Description/Account Amount (Continued)Total : 198.20 425419 10/7/2013 161170 161170 FITZ TOWING, LLC 425420 10/7/2013 022746 FITZGERALD, NICHOLAS 100713INV PRODUCTION ASST FOR YOUNG FRANKENSTEIN 001.33.575.280.41 500.00 Total : 500.00 425421 10/7/2013 161710 FOOD SERVICES OF AMERICA 5027845 EVIDENCE BAGS: SMALL (QTY 2); MEDIUM 001.21.521.300.31 289.35 Total : 289.35 425422 10/7/2013 022611 FOREMAN, ESTATE OF DOUG 026829 UTILITY REFUND/11219 SE 321ST PL 430.233.100 21.82 Total : 21.82 425423 10/7/2013 161980 FOSTER PEPPER PLLC CANNON/REG REGISTRATION FOR 2013 CIVIL SERVICE 001.13.516.710.41 185.00 Total : 185.00 425424 10/7/2013 022723 FRANK, CARL 013240 UTILITY REFUND/724 9TH ST SE 430.233.100 296.02 Total : 296.02 425425 10/7/2013 022805 FRANKLIN ROOFING ENTERPRISES REFUND OVERPYMT ON PERMIT ALT13-0216 001.322.100 1,984.00 Total : 1,984.00 425426 10/7/2013 007674 FRAUSE GROUP, INC 0813-8935A 2013 NATURAL YARD CARE WRKSHP-MARKETING 430.00.534.100.41 29.15 2013 NATURAL YARD CARE WRKSHP-MARKETING 432.00.535.100.41 29.15 26Page:CA.B Page 34 of 171 10/02/2013 Voucher List City of Auburn 27 4:57:28PM Page:vchlist Bank code :000 Voucher Date Vendor Invoice Description/Account Amount 425426 10/7/2013 (Continued)007674 FRAUSE GROUP, INC 2013 NATURAL YARD CARE WRKSHP-MARKETING 434.00.537.120.41 18.42 Total : 76.72 425427 10/7/2013 170030 G C SYSTEMS, INC.000003915 Annual rebuild/inspection of 85 PRV's 430.00.534.800.41 31,300.00 Sales Tax 430.00.534.800.41 2,973.50 Total : 34,273.50 425428 10/7/2013 170090 G O S PRINTING CORP 80699 large scale printing services 518.00.518.780.41 182.80 Total : 182.80 425429 10/7/2013 020643 GENESIS MARKETING INC.AACC-13-10 2013 social media fee & search engine 104.00.557.300.41 1,604.00 Total : 1,604.00 425430 10/7/2013 017578 GOLDER ASSOCIATES INC.355119 FULLMER WELLFIELD IMPROVEMENTS-DESIGN~ 430.00.590.100.69 33,987.10 358181 FULLMER WELLFIELD IMPROVEMENTS-DESIGN~ 430.00.590.100.69 118,192.04 362840 WELL ONE IMPROVEMENTS-DESIGN~ 430.00.590.100.65 5,505.21 Total : 157,684.35 425431 10/7/2013 012454 GOODBYE GRAFFITI SEATTLE 18699 GRAFFITI REMOVAL/TERMINAL PARK/3 MONTHS 001.33.576.100.41 588.02 18705 27Page:CA.B Page 35 of 171 10/02/2013 Voucher List City of Auburn 28 4:57:28PM Page:vchlist Bank code :000 Voucher Date Vendor Invoice Description/Account Amount 425431 10/7/2013 (Continued)012454 GOODBYE GRAFFITI SEATTLE GRAFFITI REMOVAL/VETERANS MEMORIAL 001.33.576.100.41 423.77 Total : 1,011.79 425432 10/7/2013 171620 GOSNEY MOTOR PARTS, INC 589368 MOTOR PARTS ON AN AS REQUIRED BASIS 550.141.300 71.25 589612 MOTOR PARTS ON AN AS REQUIRED BASIS 550.141.300 -51.54 589614 6901C-MOTOR PARTS ON AN AS REQUIRED 550.00.548.100.31 -158.50 6901C-MOTOR PARTS ON AN AS REQUIRED 550.00.548.680.35 -125.79 589692 6472B-MOTOR PARTS ON AN AS REQUIRED 550.00.548.680.35 2.83 589764 P012A-MOTOR PARTS ON AN AS REQUIRED 550.00.548.100.31 15.21 P012A-MOTOR PARTS ON AN AS REQUIRED 550.00.548.680.35 15.21 589808 MOTOR PARTS ON AN AS REQUIRED BASIS 550.00.548.100.31 29.87 589994 MOTOR PARTS ON AN AS REQUIRED BASIS 550.00.548.100.31 6.79 590184 MOTOR PARTS ON AN AS REQUIRED BASIS 550.00.548.100.31 -15.21 590216 MOTOR PARTS ON AN AS REQUIRED BASIS 550.141.100 196.95 28Page:CA.B Page 36 of 171 10/02/2013 Voucher List City of Auburn 29 4:57:28PM Page:vchlist Bank code :000 Voucher Date Vendor Invoice Description/Account Amount 425432 10/7/2013 (Continued)171620 GOSNEY MOTOR PARTS, INC 590238 6117A-MOTOR PARTS ON AN AS REQUIRED 550.00.548.680.35 147.81 590312 MOTOR PARTS ON AN AS REQUIRED BASIS 550.00.548.100.31 171.92 590482 MOTOR PARTS ON AN AS REQUIRED BASIS 431.00.535.800.35 7.96 MOTOR PARTS ON AN AS REQUIRED BASIS 432.00.535.900.35 7.96 590875 6509D-MOTOR PARTS ON AN AS REQUIRED 550.00.548.680.31 6.32 590877 MOTOR PARTS ON AN AS REQUIRED BASIS 550.141.100 37.57 591025 MOTOR PARTS ON AN AS REQUIRED BASIS 550.00.548.100.31 5.03 591179 MOTOR PARTS ON AN AS REQUIRED BASIS 550.00.548.100.35 109.49 591274 MOTOR PARTS ON AN AS REQUIRED BASIS 550.141.100 43.34 591292 6425C-MOTOR PARTS ON AN AS REQUIRED 550.00.548.100.31 52.77 591297 MOTOR PARTS ON AN AS REQUIRED BASIS 550.00.548.100.31 10.49 591395 6906C-MOTOR PARTS ON AN AS REQUIRED 550.00.548.680.35 64.15 29Page:CA.B Page 37 of 171 10/02/2013 Voucher List City of Auburn 30 4:57:28PM Page:vchlist Bank code :000 Voucher Date Vendor Invoice Description/Account Amount 425432 10/7/2013 (Continued)171620 GOSNEY MOTOR PARTS, INC 591425 6906C-MOTOR PARTS ON AN AS REQUIRED 550.00.548.680.35 70.40 591589 6425C-MOTOR PARTS ON AN AS REQUIRED 550.00.548.680.35 38.31 Total : 760.59 425433 10/7/2013 171920 GRALL, COY FRANKLIN 090313LEOFF LEOFF 1 PHARMACY REIMBURSEMENT CLAIM 001.98.522.220.25 79.20 Total : 79.20 425434 10/7/2013 171960 GRANGER COMPANY 2013044 AUB WAY S/M ST SE IMPRVS: APPRAISAL REV 102.00.594.420.65 800.00 Total : 800.00 425435 10/7/2013 172400 GRIFFIS HEATING INC S-13511 HOUSING REPAIR--D. DELUCA'S FURNACE 119.00.559.200.63 553.20 Total : 553.20 425436 10/7/2013 180120 H D FOWLER CO I3403730 WATER/SEWER/STORM SERVICE REPAIR PARTS 432.00.535.900.35 371.96 Total : 371.96 425437 10/7/2013 021673 HALL, KENNETH N ORIGAMI2/FEE ARTIST FEE FOR DOWNTOWN SCULPTURE 001.33.573.201.49 1,000.00 Total : 1,000.00 425438 10/7/2013 180640 HANNITY, DAVID 082913LEOFF LEOFF 1 PHARMACY REIMBURSEMENT CLAIM 001.98.522.220.25 264.00 30Page:CA.B Page 38 of 171 10/02/2013 Voucher List City of Auburn 31 4:57:28PM Page:vchlist Bank code :000 Voucher Date Vendor Invoice Description/Account Amount (Continued)Total : 264.00 425438 10/7/2013 180640 180640 HANNITY, DAVID 425439 10/7/2013 021944 HASCO TAG COMPANY 16039 PET LICENSE TAGS - ORD #143196 DATED 001.17.514.810.31 788.90 Total : 788.90 425440 10/7/2013 006401 HDR ENGINEERING, INC.00105016-B Water Utility Meter & Billing System 430.00.590.100.69 3,588.47 Total : 3,588.47 425441 10/7/2013 181230 HEAD-QUARTERS 23217 PORTA POTTY RENTALS FOR VARIOUS PARKS 001.33.576.100.45 480.00 PORTA POTTY RENTALS FOR VARIOUS PARKS 001.33.576.100.45 287.25 23218 PORTABLE TOILET & SINK RENTAL FOR OLSON 001.33.575.300.45 249.00 Total : 1,016.25 425442 10/7/2013 021560 HEALTH CONNECTIONS LLC 2013-12 FIT TEST RESPIRATOR: RHEA & ARROYO~ 001.21.521.200.49 50.00 Total : 50.00 425443 10/7/2013 022728 HEGSETH, JANET & DENNIS 058085 UTILITY REFUND/29615 55TH PL S 432.233.100 162.84 Total : 162.84 425444 10/7/2013 181395 HEINEMAN, BRENDA 092313REIMB PER DIEM/MILEAGE-WAPELRA CONF IN 001.13.516.100.43 399.69 Total : 399.69 31Page:CA.B Page 39 of 171 10/02/2013 Voucher List City of Auburn 32 4:57:28PM Page:vchlist Bank code :000 Voucher Date Vendor Invoice Description/Account Amount 425445 10/7/2013 022735 HENKE, LEIGH & EILEEN 073941 UTILITY REFUND/6721 NATHAN AVE SE 431.233.100 14.71 UTILITY REFUND/6721 NATHAN AVE SE 433.233.100 212.63 Total : 227.34 425446 10/7/2013 020402 HENRICH, MICHAEL 082113INV Grant Funded-CERT Instructor 001.32.525.100.41 210.00 Total : 210.00 425447 10/7/2013 181730 HERNDAY, SUSAN 396W GRAPHIC DESIGN FOR THE MUSEUM 001.33.575.300.41 850.00 Total : 850.00 425448 10/7/2013 005843 HINSHAW'S MOTORCYCLE STORE 95972350 P066C-PARTS, SUPPLIES AND SERVICE ON AN 550.00.548.680.48 398.20 Total : 398.20 425449 10/7/2013 020485 HORIZON CONSTRUCTION SERV, INC 28944 HOUSING REPAIR--CYNTHIA KOLODZIK'S RAMP 119.00.559.200.63 4,849.67 Total : 4,849.67 425450 10/7/2013 183150 HUMAN RESOURCE SERVICES NW 092413INV UNEMPLOYMENT COMPENSATION MANAGEMENT 501.00.517.700.41 207.00 Total : 207.00 425451 10/7/2013 230000 ICON MATERIALS CORP 50-1865672 ASPHALT, CONCRETE AND RELATED MATERIALS 001.42.542.300.31 368.85 ASPHALT, CONCRETE AND RELATED MATERIALS 430.00.534.800.31 368.85 32Page:CA.B Page 40 of 171 10/02/2013 Voucher List City of Auburn 33 4:57:28PM Page:vchlist Bank code :000 Voucher Date Vendor Invoice Description/Account Amount 425451 10/7/2013 (Continued)230000 ICON MATERIALS CORP 50-1873524 GREENS TOP DRESSING SAND 437.00.576.600.31 2,576.14 200 YARDS OF FINE SCREENED TOPDRESSING 437.00.576.600.31 181.89 50-1874560 90 TONS OF BUNKER SAND 437.00.576.600.31 606.91 50-1875802 90 TONS OF BUNKER SAND 437.00.576.600.31 1,620.65 Total : 5,723.29 425452 10/7/2013 190360 IMAGE MASTERS INC 110628 Name Plates for Dana Hinman and 001.11.513.100.49 37.89 110640 Retirement Plaque for Betty Cannon 001.11.513.100.49 40.84 Total : 78.73 425453 10/7/2013 007855 INTEGRA TELECOM 11268279 PHONE SERVICE 9/08-10/07 437.00.576.600.42 106.94 PHONE SERVICE 9/08-10/07 437.00.576.680.42 293.61 PHONE SERVICE 9/08-10/07 001.33.575.280.42 137.27 PHONE SERVICE 9/08-10/07 436.00.536.100.42 82.83 PHONE SERVICE 9/08-10/07 001.33.574.100.42 41.35 PHONE SERVICE 9/08-10/07 430.00.534.800.42 41.35 PHONE SERVICE 9/08-10/07 33Page:CA.B Page 41 of 171 10/02/2013 Voucher List City of Auburn 34 4:57:28PM Page:vchlist Bank code :000 Voucher Date Vendor Invoice Description/Account Amount 425453 10/7/2013 (Continued)007855 INTEGRA TELECOM 518.00.518.880.42 2,043.70 Total : 2,747.05 425454 10/7/2013 015588 J DORBRITZ, AIA 08-06/N/14 CP1303 CITY HALL REMODEL PHASE 2 - 328.00.594.190.65 5,275.00 Total : 5,275.00 425455 10/7/2013 017804 JAN HOY DESIGN 40926 DESIGN SERVICES FOR THE MUSEUM 001.33.575.300.41 400.00 GRAPHIC DESIGN 001.33.575.300.41 675.00 40927 GRAPHIC DESIGN 001.33.575.300.41 175.00 Total : 1,250.00 425456 10/7/2013 020848 JEWELED SCARAB DANCE COMPANY 39673 SUMMER BELLYDANCE CLASSES~ 001.33.574.210.41 175.00 39674 SUMMER BELLYDANCE CLASSES~ 001.33.574.240.41 105.00 Total : 280.00 425457 10/7/2013 019628 JOHN S REALTY 009757 UTILITY REFUND/1119 R ST NW 430.233.100 38.11 Total : 38.11 425458 10/7/2013 018264 JUST FOR LAUGHS 092113PERF COMEDY SHOW AT THE THEATER 001.33.575.280.41 1,600.00 Total : 1,600.00 34Page:CA.B Page 42 of 171 10/02/2013 Voucher List City of Auburn 35 4:57:28PM Page:vchlist Bank code :000 Voucher Date Vendor Invoice Description/Account Amount 425459 10/7/2013 210360 K C FINANCE 11001183 Monthly INET Services Contract~ 518.00.518.880.42 471.00 11001365 Monthly INET Services Contract~ 518.00.518.880.42 471.00 22210 DISPOSAL SERVICE OF SANITARY SEWER 431.00.535.800.51 587.45 28919-28921 Citywide Pond Cleaning~ 432.00.590.100.65 35,489.34 Total : 37,018.79 425460 10/7/2013 210360 K C ADMIN BLDG FILING FEES FILING FEES, LIENS 430.00.534.110.41 1,368.00 FILING FEES FILING FEES, LIENS 430.00.534.110.41 1,080.00 Total : 2,448.00 425461 10/7/2013 017832 KATOPIA DESIGN 694 Graphic design services for parks 518.00.518.780.41 1,068.00 Total : 1,068.00 425462 10/7/2013 211500 KEL-TECH PLASTIC 158241 POLE CAMERA: SPLICER BOX; WIMAX 117.00.521.210.64 17,684.25 Total : 17,684.25 425463 10/7/2013 008857 KENYON DISEND, PLLC 17940 8/2013 legal svcs New Cingular Wireless 001.14.514.100.41 47.04 17941 35Page:CA.B Page 43 of 171 10/02/2013 Voucher List City of Auburn 36 4:57:28PM Page:vchlist Bank code :000 Voucher Date Vendor Invoice Description/Account Amount 425463 10/7/2013 (Continued)008857 KENYON DISEND, PLLC 8/2013 legal svcs New Cingular Wireless 001.14.514.100.41 1,925.68 Total : 1,972.72 425464 10/7/2013 008841 KING COUNTY PROSECUTORS OFFICE LETTS/REIM PAYMENT ON BEHALF OF V-NET 652.00.521.210.51 6,762.01 LETTS/REIM PAYMENT ON BEHALF OF V-NET 652.00.521.210.51 12,698.73 Total : 19,460.74 425465 10/7/2013 211210 KING COUNTY UMPIRES ASSOC 091413INV OFFICIALS FOR ADULT SOFTBALL GAMES FOR 001.33.574.240.41 4,908.00 Total : 4,908.00 425466 10/7/2013 021670 KLENNERT, DANIEL C HARE/FEE HARE/ARTIST FEE FOR DOWNTOWN SCULPTURE 001.33.573.201.49 1,000.00 Total : 1,000.00 425467 10/7/2013 022119 KNORR, NANCY 102013PERF Fee for BRAVO performance of Jimmy 001.33.573.201.41 7,225.00 Total : 7,225.00 425468 10/7/2013 019507 KWONG, LINDA REFUND CHANGE IN MARKER ORDER, RECPT#33379 436.343.612 821.91 CHANGE IN MARKER ORDER, RECPT#33379 651.237.111 78.09 Total : 900.00 425469 10/7/2013 022739 LAKE WASHINGTON CONST LLC 52 Improvements/Repairs at Auburn Ave 36Page:CA.B Page 44 of 171 10/02/2013 Voucher List City of Auburn 37 4:57:28PM Page:vchlist Bank code :000 Voucher Date Vendor Invoice Description/Account Amount 425469 10/7/2013 (Continued)022739 LAKE WASHINGTON CONST LLC 505.00.524.500.48 4,653.75 Total : 4,653.75 425470 10/7/2013 220480 LAKESIDE INDUSTRIES, INC 12037052MB ASPHALT & RELATED STREET PRODUCTS ON AN 001.42.542.300.31 965.18 Total : 965.18 425471 10/7/2013 021404 LENNAR NORTHWEST INC.071246 UTILITY REFUND/6727 ELAINE CT SE 431.233.100 133.06 UTILITY REFUND/6727 ELAINE CT SE 433.233.100 11.94 072861 UTILITY REFUND/13023 SE 308TH LN 430.233.100 121.84 REFUND REFUND OF PERMIT FEES~ 001.322.110 1,919.60 REFUND OF PERMIT FEES~ 124.344.110 3,882.61 REFUND OF PERMIT FEES~ 124.342.110 290.13 REFUND OF PERMIT FEES~ 651.237.133 4.50 REFUND OF PERMIT FEES~ 124.237.173 5,563.69 REFUND OF PERMIT FEES~ 431.396.101 850.00 REFUND OF PERMIT FEES~ 431.343.533 88.00 REFUND OF PERMIT FEES~ 432.396.101 1,162.00 REFUND OF PERMIT FEES~ 432.343.833 210.00 37Page:CA.B Page 45 of 171 10/02/2013 Voucher List City of Auburn 38 4:57:28PM Page:vchlist Bank code :000 Voucher Date Vendor Invoice Description/Account Amount (Continued)Total : 14,237.37 425471 10/7/2013 021404 021404 LENNAR NORTHWEST INC. 425472 10/7/2013 221710 LES SCHWAB TIRES 31600076077 TIRE AND TIRE REPAIRS 437.00.576.600.31 220.98 31600076197 HANDTRUCK TIRE/WHEEL SAWTOOTH SOLID 001.33.576.100.31 32.90 37200133679 6703A-TIRES, BATTERIES, ALIGNMENTS AND 550.00.548.680.35 50.30 39700089896 P012A-TIRES, BATTERIES, ALIGNMENTS AND 550.00.548.680.48 61.59 39700091655 P057A-TIRES, BATTERIES, ALIGNMENTS AND 550.00.548.680.48 418.14 Total : 783.91 425473 10/7/2013 014875 LEVERAGE INFORMATION SYSTEMS 1340732 LEVERAGE GOLF COURSE AV UPGRADE~ 518.00.518.880.41 3,868.54 Sales Tax 518.00.518.880.41 367.51 Total : 4,236.05 425474 10/7/2013 022733 LI, XUEBING 069409 UTILITY REFUND/11834 SE 318TH PL 430.233.100 114.88 Total : 114.88 425475 10/7/2013 005723 LINCOLN CONSTRUCTION INC.1177-8 JUL CP1009 CONST FEES, CITY HALL REMODEL 328.00.594.190.65 32,600.87 Total : 32,600.87 425476 10/7/2013 222200 LOWE'S HIW, INC 09151 38Page:CA.B Page 46 of 171 10/02/2013 Voucher List City of Auburn 39 4:57:28PM Page:vchlist Bank code :000 Voucher Date Vendor Invoice Description/Account Amount 425476 10/7/2013 (Continued)222200 LOWE'S HIW, INC CLUB HOUSE SUPPLIES 437.00.576.680.31 31.09 43054 PRESSURE WASHER AND OTHER SUPPLIES 437.00.576.680.31 546.25 908302 SHELF FOR DETECTIVE'S OFFICE (ARNESON). 001.21.521.210.31 51.99 908671 MAYOR'S RESTROOM_TOWEL BAR & HARDWARE 328.00.594.190.65 136.16 910854 MAYOR RR & KITCHEN_TOWEL HOLDER & HOOK 328.00.594.190.65 54.07 943523 CLEAN SWEEP SUPPLIES FROM LOWES, 001.17.558.100.31 39.07 991803 REFRIGERATOR 328.00.594.190.65 1,011.90 Total : 1,870.53 425477 10/7/2013 012034 LOZIER, RADINE 092613PC PETTY CASH FOR THE SENIOR CTR 001.33.574.210.31 85.35 PETTY CASH FOR THE SENIOR CTR 001.33.574.210.43 42.91 PETTY CASH FOR THE SENIOR CTR 001.33.574.210.49 84.50 Total : 212.76 425478 10/7/2013 012329 LUMINANCE MEDIA SERVICES 07-001001 AUBURN KIDS SERIES ON 7/10/13 001.33.573.201.41 100.00 39Page:CA.B Page 47 of 171 10/02/2013 Voucher List City of Auburn 40 4:57:28PM Page:vchlist Bank code :000 Voucher Date Vendor Invoice Description/Account Amount (Continued)Total : 100.00 425478 10/7/2013 012329 012329 LUMINANCE MEDIA SERVICES 425479 10/7/2013 016984 MACNAB, JOANNE 091613REIMB 12 WALL CALENDARS 001.33.573.901.49 226.30 Total : 226.30 425480 10/7/2013 021130 MATSON, JENNIFER 100713INV PIANO PLAYOR FOR YOUNG FRANKENSTEIN AT 001.33.575.280.41 250.00 Total : 250.00 425481 10/7/2013 000436 MCHUGH, MIKE & CARMEN 064763 UTILITY REFUND/203 21ST ST SE #A 430.233.100 214.73 Total : 214.73 425482 10/7/2013 002600 MCKINNEY TRAILERS & CONTAINERS V11950 10' STORAGE CONTAINER FOR FIREWORKS~ 001.21.521.200.35 247.75 Total : 247.75 425483 10/7/2013 231930 MCKINSTRY CO LLC 1963113 HVAC REPAIR & MAINTENANCE~ 505.00.524.500.41 1,363.82 1963213 HVAC REPAIR & MAINTENANCE~ 505.00.524.500.41 1,612.76 Total : 2,976.58 425484 10/7/2013 017991 MEHL, JULIE 092413PC LICENSE FEES FOR 2013 CROFT S/N 2685208 001.33.576.100.49 40.75 GLUE FOR FIRE RING PROJECT AT GAME FARM 001.33.576.100.31 83.43 PARKING AT SPECIALIZED REC TRIP TO 001.33.574.240.49 10.00 40Page:CA.B Page 48 of 171 10/02/2013 Voucher List City of Auburn 41 4:57:28PM Page:vchlist Bank code :000 Voucher Date Vendor Invoice Description/Account Amount 425484 10/7/2013 (Continued)017991 MEHL, JULIE PARKING FOR SPECIALIZED REC TRIP TO 001.33.574.240.49 20.00 SUPPLIES FOR WATER SPLASH NIGHT, 001.33.574.240.31 13.05 PARKING TO SUBMIT PERMIT TO KING COUNTY 001.33.574.100.49 1.49 BRIDGE TOLL, TACOMA NARROWS BRIDGE FOR 001.33.574.240.49 15.75 Total : 184.47 425485 10/7/2013 232305 MENG, ARTHUR HAROLD 39798 FALL QUARTER HOME FOOD PRESERVATION 001.33.574.240.41 32.00 39800 FALL QUARTER HOME FOOD PRESERVATION 001.33.574.210.49 24.00 Total : 56.00 425486 10/7/2013 233000 MICROFLEX INC 00021457 Aug 2013 tax audit program 001.14.514.230.41 75.72 Total : 75.72 425487 10/7/2013 002977 MID PAC CONSTRUCTION INC 1373 BASKETBALL COURT SURFACING AT LEA HILL 001.33.576.100.41 3,200.00 Sales Tax 001.33.576.100.41 304.00 Total : 3,504.00 425488 10/7/2013 016297 MIKE'S TRAPPING 090913INV PEST REMOVAL SERVICES ON AN AS REQUIRED 432.00.535.900.41 300.00 Total : 300.00 41Page:CA.B Page 49 of 171 10/02/2013 Voucher List City of Auburn 42 4:57:28PM Page:vchlist Bank code :000 Voucher Date Vendor Invoice Description/Account Amount 425489 10/7/2013 021885 MIZUNO USA INC.3731011 SPECIAL ORDER OF GOLF CLUBS 437.00.576.680.34 491.08 3745916RI SPECIAL ORDER OF GOLF CLUBS 437.00.576.680.34 78.50 Total : 569.58 425490 10/7/2013 022584 MODERN MACHINERY CO., INC.16339 ONE MONTH RENTAL OF EXCAVATOR FOR 550.00.548.680.45 4,500.00 Sales Tax 550.00.548.680.45 427.50 Total : 4,927.50 425491 10/7/2013 022714 MORICAL, DAVID REFUND PET LICENSE FEE - PET RETURNED TO AVHS 001.322.300 30.00 Total : 30.00 425492 10/7/2013 015025 MORRIS MANAGEMENT INC 011086 UTILITY REFUND/6106 NATHAN WAY SE 431.233.100 2,989.43 UTILITY REFUND/6106 NATHAN WAY SE 433.233.100 7,484.77 Total : 10,474.20 425493 10/7/2013 021689 MORRIS, BONNIE 38847 YOUTH HORSE CAMP~ 001.33.574.240.41 580.00 Total : 580.00 425494 10/7/2013 022726 MULLENDORE, LINDA 031379 UTILITY REFUND/30505 112TH AVE SE 430.233.100 469.61 Total : 469.61 42Page:CA.B Page 50 of 171 10/02/2013 Voucher List City of Auburn 43 4:57:28PM Page:vchlist Bank code :000 Voucher Date Vendor Invoice Description/Account Amount 425495 10/7/2013 016787 MULTICARE HEALTHWORKS 82077 POLICE PRE-EMPLOYMENT PHYSICALS - 001.13.516.710.41 596.50 82781 POLICE PRE-EMPLOYMENT PHYSICALS - 001.13.516.710.41 838.50 82852 DOT PHYSICAL EXAMS, HEP SHOT SERIES, 430.00.534.800.22 55.00 Total : 1,490.00 425496 10/7/2013 241180 NATIONAL BARRICADE CO, LLC 514839 Rental of barricades, signs, cones and 001.42.542.300.45 1,928.85 Sales Tax 001.42.542.300.45 183.24 Total : 2,112.09 425497 10/7/2013 014285 NATIONAL BUSINESS FURNITURE MK414163 QUOTE QL112276 V(5) AARON - (2) 2 DWR 001.13.516.100.35 7,813.91 ROB - (2) 72x36 BOOKCASE; EXECUTIVE U 001.13.516.100.35 7,813.92 Total : 15,627.83 425498 10/7/2013 022747 NEAL, JOHN KEVIN 100713INV PERCUSSION FOR YOUNG FRANKENSTEIN AT 001.33.575.280.41 300.00 Total : 300.00 425499 10/7/2013 242150 NEXTEL WEST CORP 230388811-069 Nextel Air Cards June 15, 2013 through 518.00.518.880.42 343.89 230388811-070 NEXTEL air cards August 15 2013 through 518.00.518.880.42 164.46 43Page:CA.B Page 51 of 171 10/02/2013 Voucher List City of Auburn 44 4:57:28PM Page:vchlist Bank code :000 Voucher Date Vendor Invoice Description/Account Amount (Continued)Total : 508.35 425499 10/7/2013 242150 242150 NEXTEL WEST CORP 425500 10/7/2013 003315 NORTON CORROSION LIMITED, LLC 248623 SEWER PUMP STATION IMPROVEMENTS-DESIGN 431.00.590.100.65 9,440.30 Total : 9,440.30 425501 10/7/2013 250210 OFFICE DEPOT 1611674723 Tent cards for exercise 001.32.525.100.31 5.40 Sales Tax 001.32.525.100.31 0.51 674782923001 MISC OFFICE SUPPLIES FOR HR 001.13.516.100.31 89.90 674782923002 PLANNER/OFFICE SUPPLIES 001.13.516.100.31 26.93 674783077001 MISC OFFICE SUPPLIES FOR HR 001.13.516.100.31 41.60 674783078001 MISC OFFICE SUPPLIES FOR HR 001.13.516.100.31 40.73 675029401001 MISC OFFICE SUPPLIES FOR HR 001.13.516.100.31 48.17 Total : 253.24 425502 10/7/2013 122670 OFFICEMAX CONTRACT INC 041717 Office Supplies for Mayor's Office 001.11.513.100.31 87.67 041897 Office Supplies for Mayor's Office 001.11.513.100.31 31.76 113806 44Page:CA.B Page 52 of 171 10/02/2013 Voucher List City of Auburn 45 4:57:28PM Page:vchlist Bank code :000 Voucher Date Vendor Invoice Description/Account Amount 425502 10/7/2013 (Continued)122670 OFFICEMAX CONTRACT INC CREDIT TO MUSEUM FOR SUPPLIES 001.33.575.300.31 -462.61 123590 Citywide paper supply 518.00.518.780.31 104.33 177647 citywide paper supply 518.00.518.780.31 521.66 196113 citywide paper supply 518.00.518.780.31 104.33 196847 OFFICEMAX SUPPLY ORDER INV. NO.196847 001.15.514.300.31 15.24 212077 Office Supplies for Mayor's Office 001.11.513.100.31 377.99 213183 Supplies for Mayors Office 001.11.513.100.31 1.34 303813 Citywide paper supply 518.00.518.780.31 521.66 311645 CREDIT FOR MULTIMEDIA DEPT 518.00.518.780.31 -11.08 Total : 1,292.29 425503 10/7/2013 022303 O'HARA, TERRANCE P.100713INV MUSIC DIRECTOR/MUSICAN - YOUNG 001.33.575.280.41 1,200.00 Total : 1,200.00 425504 10/7/2013 022745 OLDS, CHRISTOPHER W.S.100713INV LEAD CARPENTER FOR YOUNG FRANKENSTEIN 45Page:CA.B Page 53 of 171 10/02/2013 Voucher List City of Auburn 46 4:57:28PM Page:vchlist Bank code :000 Voucher Date Vendor Invoice Description/Account Amount 425504 10/7/2013 (Continued)022745 OLDS, CHRISTOPHER W.S. 001.33.575.280.41 500.00 Total : 500.00 425505 10/7/2013 022738 OLINGER, GARY BUY BACK CEMETERY BUY BACK OF PROPERTY 436.343.609 371.25 Total : 371.25 425506 10/7/2013 013832 ORKIN, INC.86266433 August Pest Control for Senior Center 505.00.524.500.41 75.84 87022553 September Pest Control Service ~ 505.00.524.500.41 75.84 Total : 151.68 425507 10/7/2013 022015 OURAY SPORTSWEAR LLC 123396 SUMMER HEADWEAR ND CLOTHING FOR RESALE 437.00.576.680.34 215.91 Total : 215.91 425508 10/7/2013 020416 PAPA JOHN'S PIZZA S3015-13-0905 PIZZA FOR PARKS & REC PROGRAMS 001.33.574.240.31 17.52 S3015-13-0906 PIZZA FOR PARKS AND RECS PROGRAMS 001.33.574.240.31 17.52 S3015-13-0907 PIZZA FOR PARKS AND RECS PROGRAMS 001.33.574.240.31 17.52 S3015-13-0908 PIZZA FOR PARKS AND RECS PROGRAMS 001.33.574.240.31 70.08 S3015-13-0909 PIZZA FOR PARKS & REC PROGRAMS 46Page:CA.B Page 54 of 171 10/02/2013 Voucher List City of Auburn 47 4:57:28PM Page:vchlist Bank code :000 Voucher Date Vendor Invoice Description/Account Amount 425508 10/7/2013 (Continued)020416 PAPA JOHN'S PIZZA 001.33.574.240.31 35.04 S3015-13-0910 PIZZA FOR PARKS & REC PROGRAMS 001.33.574.240.31 43.80 Total : 201.48 425509 10/7/2013 261460 PARAMETRIX INC 16-64655 BNSF UTILITY CROSSINGS DESIGN SVCS~ 430.00.590.100.65 7,269.65 BNSF UTILITY CROSSINGS DESIGN SVCS~ 431.00.590.100.65 1,453.93 BNSF UTILITY CROSSINGS DESIGN SVCS~ 432.00.590.100.65 5,815.72 16-64721 BNSF UTILITY CROSSINGS DESIGN SVCS~ 430.00.590.100.65 14,135.69 BNSF UTILITY CROSSINGS DESIGN SVCS~ 431.00.590.100.65 2,827.14 BNSF UTILITY CROSSINGS DESIGN SVCS~ 432.00.590.100.65 11,308.55 16-64799 BNSF UTILITY CROSSINGS DESIGN SVCS~ 430.00.590.100.65 5,749.75 BNSF UTILITY CROSSINGS DESIGN SVCS~ 431.00.590.100.65 1,149.95 BNSF UTILITY CROSSINGS DESIGN SVCS~ 432.00.590.100.65 4,599.80 Total : 54,310.18 425510 10/7/2013 261620 PARKER PAINT MFG CO, INC 954021020610 paint issued to J. Arbogust by Parker 001.17.562.100.41 32.84 Total : 32.84 425511 10/7/2013 016025 PAUL YESTER PRODUCTIONS 100713INV 47Page:CA.B Page 55 of 171 10/02/2013 Voucher List City of Auburn 48 4:57:28PM Page:vchlist Bank code :000 Voucher Date Vendor Invoice Description/Account Amount 425511 10/7/2013 (Continued)016025 PAUL YESTER PRODUCTIONS SOUND DIRECTOR FOR YOUNG FRANKENSTEIN 001.33.575.280.41 1,200.00 Total : 1,200.00 425512 10/7/2013 012214 PEARL BUILDING SERVICES 7745 JANITORIAL SERVICES FOR PARKS 001.33.576.100.41 400.00 7747 2013 JANITORAL SVCS FOR CITY FACILITIES 505.00.524.500.41 100.00 7748 2013 JANITORAL SVCS FOR CITY FACILITIES 505.00.524.500.41 125.00 7749 2013 JANITORAL SVCS FOR CITY FACILITIES 505.00.524.500.41 350.00 7750 2013 JANITORAL SVCS FOR CITY FACILITIES 505.00.524.500.41 1,900.00 7751 2013 JANITORAL SVCS FOR CITY FACILITIES 505.00.524.500.41 200.00 7752 2013 JANITORAL SVCS FOR CITY FACILITIES 505.00.524.500.41 1,455.00 7763 JANITORIAL SERVICES FOR PARKS 001.33.576.100.41 300.00 7764 JANITORIAL SERVICES FOR PARKS 001.33.576.100.41 300.00 Total : 5,130.00 425513 10/7/2013 022709 PEARSON, AIMEE PEARSON/REIM REIMBURSEMENT FOR UNIFORM SLACKS (QTY 2) 48Page:CA.B Page 56 of 171 10/02/2013 Voucher List City of Auburn 49 4:57:28PM Page:vchlist Bank code :000 Voucher Date Vendor Invoice Description/Account Amount 425513 10/7/2013 (Continued)022709 PEARSON, AIMEE 001.21.521.300.22 87.36 Total : 87.36 425514 10/7/2013 002114 PELOZA, WILLIAM 091113REIMB MILEAGE TO MTGS 7/18-9/11/13 001.11.511.600.43 50.85 Total : 50.85 425515 10/7/2013 262305 PENN TREATY NTWRK AMERICA INS N345535 10/2013-14 long term care ins R. Huseby 001.98.522.210.46 12,911.51 N345538 10/2013-14 D. Casselman long term care 001.98.522.210.46 2,416.08 Total : 15,327.59 425516 10/7/2013 012125 PERFECT DRIVE GOLF & UTILITY 2175818 CART PARTS FOR REPAIRS AND MAINTENANCE 437.00.576.680.31 91.48 2178055 CART PARTS FOR REPAIRS AND MAINTENANCE 437.00.576.680.31 116.08 2179872 CART PARTS FOR REPAIRS AND MAINTENANCE 437.00.576.680.31 329.02 2184964 CART RENTALS FOR BIG EVENTS 437.00.576.680.45 240.00 2184966 CART PARTS FOR REPAIRS AND MAINTENANCE 437.00.576.680.31 189.74 Total : 966.32 425517 10/7/2013 022727 PERRY, STACEY 050556 UTILITY REFUND/6408 FRANCIS AVE SE 49Page:CA.B Page 57 of 171 10/02/2013 Voucher List City of Auburn 50 4:57:28PM Page:vchlist Bank code :000 Voucher Date Vendor Invoice Description/Account Amount 425517 10/7/2013 (Continued)022727 PERRY, STACEY 431.233.100 120.60 Total : 120.60 425518 10/7/2013 262670 PETERSEN BROTHERS INC 1314701 Guard rail repair from traffic accident 001.42.542.300.48 1,761.97 1316201 Guard rail repair from traffic accident 001.42.542.300.48 2,155.66 Total : 3,917.63 425519 10/7/2013 015534 PETERSON, LESLEE JO 39601 SENIOR CENTER MASSAGE CLASSES:~ 001.33.574.210.41 56.00 Total : 56.00 425520 10/7/2013 263070 PIERCE CO BUDGET & FINANCE DEP AR150690 Traffic signal re-lamping, July 2013.~ 001.32.532.200.48 10,359.97 Total : 10,359.97 425521 10/7/2013 263070 PIERCE COUNTY AUDITOR FILING FEES 2013 FILING FEES, LIENS 430.00.534.110.41 360.00 FILING FEES 2013 FILING FEES, LIENS 430.00.534.110.41 72.00 Total : 432.00 425522 10/7/2013 013146 PING, INC 11953593 RESALE OF BAGS, CLUBS AND MISC ITEMS 437.00.576.680.34 103.19 11970269 RESALE OF BAGS, CLUBS AND MISC ITEMS 437.00.576.680.34 230.69 50Page:CA.B Page 58 of 171 10/02/2013 Voucher List City of Auburn 51 4:57:28PM Page:vchlist Bank code :000 Voucher Date Vendor Invoice Description/Account Amount (Continued)Total : 333.88 425522 10/7/2013 013146 013146 PING, INC 425523 10/7/2013 021685 PLANET TURF / JCC LTD 5481 FALL FERTILIZERS 437.00.576.600.31 1,558.73 Total : 1,558.73 425524 10/7/2013 263510 PLATT ELECTRIC 5588659 ELECTRICAL PARTS & SUPPLIES ON AN AS 001.42.542.300.31 554.85 Total : 554.85 425525 10/7/2013 014645 POPPLETON, KAREN L.CLEM FOOT CARE SERVICES AT THE SENIOR CENTER 001.33.574.210.41 5.00 S.TINGLEY FOOT CARE SERVICES AT THE SENIOR CENTER 001.33.574.210.41 15.00 V.ROSEN FOOT CARE SERVICES AT THE SENIOR CENTER 001.33.574.210.41 20.00 Total : 40.00 425526 10/7/2013 013364 PORT OF SEATTLE POLICE VNET176 PAYMENT ON BEHALF OF V-NET 652.00.521.211.51 2,523.00 PAYMENT ON BEHALF OF V-NET 652.00.521.212.51 833.59 Total : 3,356.59 425527 10/7/2013 002719 PRINTCO, INC 052157 Printing projects 518.00.518.780.41 154.40 Total : 154.40 425528 10/7/2013 265220 PUGET SOUND ENERGY 100713ELE/GAS ELECTRIC & GAS SERVICE AUG/SEPT 51Page:CA.B Page 59 of 171 10/02/2013 Voucher List City of Auburn 52 4:57:28PM Page:vchlist Bank code :000 Voucher Date Vendor Invoice Description/Account Amount 425528 10/7/2013 (Continued)265220 PUGET SOUND ENERGY 505.00.524.500.47 26,177.01 ELECTRIC & GAS SERVICE AUG/SEPT 001.33.576.100.47 5,658.43 ELECTRIC & GAS SERVICE AUG/SEPT 001.42.542.300.47 94,615.56 ELECTRIC & GAS SERVICE AUG/SEPT 430.00.534.800.47 29,898.13 ELECTRIC & GAS SERVICE AUG/SEPT 431.00.535.800.47 2,631.34 ELECTRIC & GAS SERVICE AUG/SEPT 432.00.535.900.47 876.40 ELECTRIC & GAS SERVICE AUG/SEPT 102.00.594.420.65 50.42 Total : 159,907.29 425529 10/7/2013 017762 PUGET SOUND PLANTS, INC.82553 VARIOUS PLANTS AND SHRUBS FOR LEA HILL 001.33.576.100.31 3,640.88 Total : 3,640.88 425530 10/7/2013 020623 R.E. MULLINAX INVESTIGATIONS 13-775 POLICE BACKGROUND INVESTIGATION - 001.13.516.710.41 650.00 Total : 650.00 425531 10/7/2013 018092 R.H. LANDSCAPE SUPPLY CO INC 3154 8 YDS DARK BARK, 10 YDS MIXED TOPSOIL 436.00.536.200.31 646.05 Total : 646.05 425532 10/7/2013 022719 RAYMOND, LARRY 006420 UTILITY REFUND/1713 37TH WAY SE 430.233.100 242.51 Total : 242.51 52Page:CA.B Page 60 of 171 10/02/2013 Voucher List City of Auburn 53 4:57:28PM Page:vchlist Bank code :000 Voucher Date Vendor Invoice Description/Account Amount 425533 10/7/2013 011267 REDFLEX TRAFFIC SYSTEMS INC RTS0004005 2013 PHOTO ENFORCEMENT PROGRAM 001.21.521.200.41 36,177.52 Total : 36,177.52 425534 10/7/2013 271770 RENTON CONCRETE RECYCLERS 0076709 CONCRETE REMOVAL 001.33.576.100.41 56.70 Total : 56.70 425535 10/7/2013 021676 RFI ENTERPRISES INC.467890 Parks building vandalism replacement 518.00.518.880.48 2,992.30 Sales Tax 518.00.518.880.48 284.27 467946 Install card reader in the City Hall 505.00.524.500.49 2,027.15 Sales Tax 505.00.524.500.49 192.58 Total : 5,496.30 425536 10/7/2013 018875 RH2 ENGINEERING, INC 58794 Lakeland Hills Reservoir 6, AG-C-393~ 430.00.590.100.65 455.00 58795 Well 4 Emergency Improvements~ 430.00.590.100.69 9,474.70 Total : 9,929.70 425537 10/7/2013 022553 RICE PUBLIC RELATIONS LLC 2 PUBLIC RELATIONS 001.33.575.300.41 800.00 Total : 800.00 425538 10/7/2013 022426 RICE, PAMELA REFUND 53Page:CA.B Page 61 of 171 10/02/2013 Voucher List City of Auburn 54 4:57:28PM Page:vchlist Bank code :000 Voucher Date Vendor Invoice Description/Account Amount 425538 10/7/2013 (Continued)022426 RICE, PAMELA PET LICENSE FEE - ANIMAL RETURNED TO 001.322.300 30.00 Total : 30.00 425539 10/7/2013 020948 RICHMOND AMERICAN HOMES 071790 UTILITY REFUND/5519 CHARLOTTE AVE SE 430.233.100 107.15 Total : 107.15 425540 10/7/2013 020928 RICHMOND AMERICAN HOMES REFUND REFUND OF PERMIT FEES, SWR13-0100 & 431.396.101 850.00 REFUND OF PERMIT FEES, SWR13-0100 & 430.396.101 2,424.00 Total : 3,274.00 425541 10/7/2013 021012 RICOH AMERICAS CORPORATION 90730581 PAYMENT ON BEHALF OF V-NET 652.00.521.212.45 230.85 Total : 230.85 425542 10/7/2013 020410 ROBBINS COMPANY 1726856 HELIUM/CYLDINER RENTAL FOR THE SENIOR 001.33.574.210.45 13.14 Total : 13.14 425543 10/7/2013 001847 ROTARY CLUB OF AUBURN 660 Annual Dues Ron T, July 1,2013 - June 518.00.518.880.49 550.00 Total : 550.00 425544 10/7/2013 021683 RUDE, BRAD E.091313INV INSTALLATION OF THE LONG LOOK (STOLEN 001.33.573.201.41 10,000.00 Total : 10,000.00 54Page:CA.B Page 62 of 171 10/02/2013 Voucher List City of Auburn 55 4:57:28PM Page:vchlist Bank code :000 Voucher Date Vendor Invoice Description/Account Amount 425545 10/7/2013 018562 S & S CONCRETE 031313/DISCOVERYPARK CONCRETE REPAIRS AT TERMINAL PARK TO 001.33.576.100.48 3,011.25 081313/TERMINAL PARK CONCRETE REPAIRS AT TERMINAL PARK TO 001.33.576.100.48 574.88 POURING OF APPLE RED CONCRETE TO LOOK 001.33.576.100.48 4,735.87 081313/TERMINALPARK1 CONCRETE REPAIRS AT TERMINAL PARK TO 001.33.576.100.48 1,149.75 Total : 9,471.75 425546 10/7/2013 022718 SALGADO, FRANCISCO JUMP/FEE JUMP/ARTIST FEE FOR DOWNTOWN SCULPTURE 001.33.573.201.49 1,000.00 Total : 1,000.00 425547 10/7/2013 280505 SAM'S CLUB DIRECT 004818 GROCERIES/PANTRY ITEMS FOR THE SENIOR 001.33.574.210.31 72.47 006758 PAPER PRODUCTS AND SUPPLIES FOR THE 001.33.574.210.31 317.61 008235 PAPER PRODUCTS AND SUPPLIES FOR THE 001.33.574.210.31 76.31 008624 GROCERIES/PANTRY ITEMS FOR THE SENIOR 001.33.574.210.31 307.09 009459 SUPPLIES, FOOD & CRAFTS FOR LATE NIGHT 001.33.574.240.31 345.39 SUPPLIES, FOOD & CRAFTS FOR LATE NIGHT 001.33.574.220.31 21.13 CF130914 55Page:CA.B Page 63 of 171 10/02/2013 Voucher List City of Auburn 56 4:57:28PM Page:vchlist Bank code :000 Voucher Date Vendor Invoice Description/Account Amount 425547 10/7/2013 (Continued)280505 SAM'S CLUB DIRECT ANNUAL SERVICE FEE ON ACCOUNT 001.33.574.210.49 25.00 ANNUAL SERVICE FEE ON ACCOUNT 001.33.574.220.49 25.00 Total : 1,190.00 425548 10/7/2013 019745 SANDLAND PROMOTIONS 1070 PROMO ITEMS FOR FARMERS MARKET - TOTES 001.33.573.901.44 1,380.00 Sales Tax 001.33.573.901.44 131.10 Total : 1,511.10 425549 10/7/2013 014110 SATCOM DIRECT COMMUNICATIONS 57286423 Sat phone invoices for year 001.32.525.100.42 99.90 Total : 99.90 425550 10/7/2013 005533 SB & ASSOCIATES INC 4395 Lea Hill Park - Design Services 6/7/13 321.00.576.802.65 3,418.75 Total : 3,418.75 425551 10/7/2013 280870 SCARFF MOTORS, INC 557279 AUTO REPAIR & SERVICE ON AN AS REQUIRED 550.141.100 2,075.30 557907 6711C-AUTO REPAIR & SERVICE ON AN AS 550.00.548.680.35 124.44 Total : 2,199.74 425552 10/7/2013 019208 SCORE 468 SEPTEMBER 2013 SCORE MEMBER CITY FEE~ 001.20.523.600.51 426,037.17 Total : 426,037.17 56Page:CA.B Page 64 of 171 10/02/2013 Voucher List City of Auburn 57 4:57:28PM Page:vchlist Bank code :000 Voucher Date Vendor Invoice Description/Account Amount 425553 10/7/2013 282090 SECOMA BOWLING LANES 091413INV SESSION #1 BOWLING RENTAL/ADMISSION 001.33.574.240.49 168.00 092113/A/INV SESSION #1 BOWLING RENTAL/ADMISSION 001.33.574.240.49 52.00 092113INV SESSION #1 BOWLING RENTAL/ADMISSION 001.33.574.240.49 128.00 Total : 348.00 425554 10/7/2013 000679 SENTINEL PEST CONTROL, INC 73722 PEST CONTROL SERVICES ON AN AS REQUIRED 550.00.548.150.48 49.28 Total : 49.28 425555 10/7/2013 015690 SHARP ELECTRONICS CORP E122363-701 Sharp Copier for M&O~ 518.00.518.880.64 5,581.24 Sales Tax 518.00.518.880.64 530.22 E122364-701 Sharp Copier Senior Center~ 518.00.518.880.64 5,062.90 Sales Tax 518.00.518.880.64 480.98 E122367-701 Sharp Copier for JC Property Crimes~ 518.00.518.880.64 3,387.94 Sales Tax 518.00.518.880.64 321.85 E122508-701 Sharp New Records Copier~ 518.00.518.880.64 5,827.90 Sales Tax 518.00.518.880.64 553.65 57Page:CA.B Page 65 of 171 10/02/2013 Voucher List City of Auburn 58 4:57:28PM Page:vchlist Bank code :000 Voucher Date Vendor Invoice Description/Account Amount 425555 10/7/2013 (Continued)015690 SHARP ELECTRONICS CORP E122515-701 Sharp new Finance Copier~ 518.00.518.880.64 8,789.67 Sales Tax 518.00.518.880.64 835.02 E122555-701 Sharp Copier for PD Administration~ 518.00.518.880.64 7,535.61 Sales Tax 518.00.518.880.64 715.88 E122556-701 Sharp Copier for Evidence~ 518.00.518.880.64 4,997.67 Sales Tax 518.00.518.880.64 474.78 E122582-701 Sharp Copier for Planning~ 518.00.518.880.64 8,129.47 Sales Tax 518.00.518.880.64 772.30 Total : 53,997.08 425556 10/7/2013 001187 SHRED-IT USA INC 9402414052 SHREDDING SERVICES FROM SHRED-IT 001.42.542.300.41 9.90 SHREDDING SERVICES FROM SHRED-IT 430.00.534.800.41 9.90 SHREDDING SERVICES FROM SHRED-IT 431.00.535.800.41 9.90 SHREDDING SERVICES FROM SHRED-IT 432.00.535.900.41 9.90 SHREDDING SERVICES FROM SHRED-IT 550.00.548.100.41 9.90 9402496339 ACCT#1009564 - 2013 SHREDDING SERVICEXS 58Page:CA.B Page 66 of 171 10/02/2013 Voucher List City of Auburn 59 4:57:28PM Page:vchlist Bank code :000 Voucher Date Vendor Invoice Description/Account Amount 425556 10/7/2013 (Continued)001187 SHRED-IT USA INC 001.14.514.230.49 20.40 ACCT#1009564 - 2013 SHREDDING SERVICEXS 001.21.521.100.41 10.16 ACCT#1009564 - 2013 SHREDDING SERVICEXS 001.32.532.200.49 10.16 ACCT#1009564 - 2013 SHREDDING SERVICEXS 518.00.518.880.49 8.78 9402496376 ACCT#1003665 - 2013 SHREDDING SERVICES 001.11.511.600.49 12.37 ACCT#1003665 - 2013 SHREDDING SERVICES 001.13.516.100.49 12.37 ACCT#1003665 - 2013 SHREDDING SERVICES 001.15.514.300.49 12.37 ACCT#1003665 - 2013 SHREDDING SERVICES 001.15.515.100.49 12.39 Total : 148.50 425557 10/7/2013 017757 SO COUNTY HOUSING & OUTREACH 2013 HS CONTRACT Human Services Funding for Continuum of 001.17.562.100.41 6,250.00 Total : 6,250.00 425558 10/7/2013 005003 SOUND PUBLISHING, INC 574210 ADVERTISING AT THE MUSEUM 001.33.575.300.44 345.00 574257 AUG CITY ADS / WEBSITE ADS~ 518.00.518.780.44 1,345.75 MARKETING THE AUBURN INTERNATIONAL 001.33.573.901.44 1,072.25 ADVERTISING FOR PARKS, ARTS & 001.33.573.901.44 324.25 Total : 3,087.25 59Page:CA.B Page 67 of 171 10/02/2013 Voucher List City of Auburn 60 4:57:28PM Page:vchlist Bank code :000 Voucher Date Vendor Invoice Description/Account Amount 425559 10/7/2013 285100 SOUTH KC REGIONAL WATER ASSOC 2-2013-2 SKC Regional Water Assoc Dues~ 430.00.534.100.49 10,500.00 Total : 10,500.00 425560 10/7/2013 012558 SOUTH SOUND PRINTING &2017215 Printing services 518.00.518.780.41 660.07 Total : 660.07 425561 10/7/2013 016482 SPIKE'S GOLF SUPPLIES, INC.745226 TEES AND MISC ITEMS FOR RESALE 437.00.576.680.34 538.46 Total : 538.46 425562 10/7/2013 022722 STADELMAN, ROB & ERIKA 011260 UTILITY REFUND/6604 PERRY AVE SE 431.233.100 94.33 Total : 94.33 425563 10/7/2013 019295 STAN BONHAM COMPANY INC Q76457 JACOBSEN EQUIPMENT PARTS AND SUPPLIES 437.00.576.600.31 26.43 Q76574 JACOBSEN EQUIPMENT PARTS AND SUPPLIES 437.00.576.600.31 470.40 Total : 496.83 425564 10/7/2013 022631 STANTEC CONSULTING SERVICES 718003 132nd St SE Tacoma Pipeline 5 Intertie, 430.00.590.100.65 4,288.74 Total : 4,288.74 425565 10/7/2013 022720 STANTON, CLYDE 007096 UTILITY REFUND/1921 O CT SE 430.233.100 32.89 60Page:CA.B Page 68 of 171 10/02/2013 Voucher List City of Auburn 61 4:57:28PM Page:vchlist Bank code :000 Voucher Date Vendor Invoice Description/Account Amount (Continued)Total : 32.89 425565 10/7/2013 022720 022720 STANTON, CLYDE 425566 10/7/2013 017507 STATEWIDE SECURITY 13883 Alarm Maintenance at City Hall on 7/8 505.00.524.500.41 415.88 13884 Alarm Maintenance at City Hall on 7/9 505.00.524.500.41 459.90 13937 Routine Service at AJC on 8/6 505.00.524.500.48 344.93 13943 Routine Service Call for Annex Bldg on 505.00.524.500.48 153.30 13944 Door Timer Installation in Mayor's 505.00.524.500.48 211.34 13945 Routine Service Call for AJC on 8/21 505.00.524.500.48 153.30 13973 PHOTO ID CARDS FOR EMPLOYEE BADGES 001.13.516.100.49 719.84 Total : 2,458.49 425567 10/7/2013 022741 STOCKWELL, LYNDA 1679315 PARKS REFUND 001.347.699 16.00 Total : 16.00 425568 10/7/2013 022329 STROM, MARILYN JOEY 600534 ADMISSION TO THE OUTBACK KANGAROO FARM 001.33.574.240.49 140.00 Total : 140.00 425569 10/7/2013 287020 SUMMIT LAW GROUP PLLC 63876 61Page:CA.B Page 69 of 171 10/02/2013 Voucher List City of Auburn 62 4:57:28PM Page:vchlist Bank code :000 Voucher Date Vendor Invoice Description/Account Amount 425569 10/7/2013 (Continued)287020 SUMMIT LAW GROUP PLLC PROFESSIONAL SERVICES RENDERED THRU 001.13.516.100.41 78.00 Total : 78.00 425570 10/7/2013 005163 TACOMA CITY TREASURER 100750519 WHOLESALE WATER SERV / AUG~ 430.00.534.800.47 162,194.46 Total : 162,194.46 425571 10/7/2013 022729 TANIGAMI, WAYNE & TERESITA 059548 UTILITY REFUND/5421 S 331ST ST 433.233.100 163.25 Total : 163.25 425572 10/7/2013 012736 TAYLOR MADE GOLF COMPANY INC.21113951 SPECIAL ORDER OF GOLF CLUBS 437.00.576.680.34 145.81 21189654 SPECIAL ORDER OF GOLF CLUBS 437.00.576.680.34 237.17 Total : 382.98 425573 10/7/2013 114950 THE AUBURN DOWNTOWN ASSOC APR2013 APR EXPS - RENT, PAYROLL, PHONE, 121.00.543.100.31 783.31 APR EXPS - RENT, PAYROLL, PHONE, 121.00.543.100.41 3,830.43 APR EXPS - RENT, PAYROLL, PHONE, 121.00.543.100.42 175.74 APR EXPS - RENT, PAYROLL, PHONE, 121.00.543.100.45 675.00 APR EXPS - RENT, PAYROLL, PHONE, 121.00.543.100.47 74.54 APR EXPS - RENT, PAYROLL, PHONE, 121.00.543.100.49 310.00 62Page:CA.B Page 70 of 171 10/02/2013 Voucher List City of Auburn 63 4:57:28PM Page:vchlist Bank code :000 Voucher Date Vendor Invoice Description/Account Amount 425573 10/7/2013 (Continued)114950 THE AUBURN DOWNTOWN ASSOC MAY2013 MAY EXPS, RENT, PAYROLL, PHONE, 121.00.543.100.31 10.00 MAY EXPS, RENT, PAYROLL, PHONE, 121.00.543.100.41 3,822.08 MAY EXPS, RENT, PAYROLL, PHONE, 121.00.543.100.42 187.13 MAY EXPS, RENT, PAYROLL, PHONE, 121.00.543.100.45 675.00 MAY EXPS, RENT, PAYROLL, PHONE, 121.00.543.100.47 49.54 MAY EXPS, RENT, PAYROLL, PHONE, 121.00.543.100.49 5,690.06 Total : 16,282.83 425574 10/7/2013 120570 THE BANK OF NEW YORK MELLON 111-1567510 2013-14 admin fee Util Sys Rev Bonds 430.00.534.110.41 299.37 2013-14 admin fee Util Sys Rev Bonds 432.00.535.100.41 216.79 111-1568114 2013-14 admin fee LTGO refunding bonds 435.00.546.100.41 301.75 111-1568544 2013-14 admin fee Util Sys Rev Tax 430.00.534.110.41 299.37 2013-14 admin fee Util Sys Rev Tax 432.00.535.100.41 216.79 Total : 1,334.07 425575 10/7/2013 022721 THEIMER, LAURA & TONY 007461 UTILITY REFUND/2724 ALPINE DR SE 430.233.100 273.31 Total : 273.31 63Page:CA.B Page 71 of 171 10/02/2013 Voucher List City of Auburn 64 4:57:28PM Page:vchlist Bank code :000 Voucher Date Vendor Invoice Description/Account Amount 425576 10/7/2013 012331 TITLEIST 2005124 SUMMER GOLF BALLS, GLOVES AND HEADWEAR 437.00.576.680.34 233.36 2030134 SUMMER GOLF BALLS, GLOVES AND HEADWEAR 437.00.576.680.34 281.18 2032934 FALL BALLS, GLOVES & HEADGEAR FOR PRO 437.00.576.680.34 1,869.90 Total : 2,384.44 425577 10/7/2013 016448 TRAFFIC COUNT CONSULTANTS, INC 0459 2013 TRAFFIC COUNTS~ 001.32.532.200.41 5,825.00 Total : 5,825.00 425578 10/7/2013 015041 TRANSPORTATION SYSTEMS INC 1775 Install street light luminare on 15th 001.42.542.300.48 4,287.00 1795 Re-install ped pole at C Street NW & W 001.32.532.200.48 1,008.00 Total : 5,295.00 425579 10/7/2013 370900 UNITED PARCEL SERVICE 00004799F2373 UPS shipping services 518.00.518.780.42 23.41 0000890192373 UPS shipping services 518.00.518.780.42 141.88 4799F2363 UPS shipping services 518.00.518.780.42 29.29 Total : 194.58 425580 10/7/2013 022725 UPCHURCH, ROBERT 026824 64Page:CA.B Page 72 of 171 10/02/2013 Voucher List City of Auburn 65 4:57:28PM Page:vchlist Bank code :000 Voucher Date Vendor Invoice Description/Account Amount 425580 10/7/2013 (Continued)022725 UPCHURCH, ROBERT UTILITY REFUND/11220 SE 322ND ST 430.233.100 256.16 Total : 256.16 425581 10/7/2013 001300 URBAN LAND INSTITUTE 1610110 URBAN LAND INSTITUTE MEM DUES FOR ELIZ 001.17.558.100.49 525.00 Total : 525.00 425582 10/7/2013 371410 UTILITIES SERVICE CO. INC 8662 MECHANICAL & ELECTRICAL PUMP STATION 430.00.534.800.48 5,226.71 Total : 5,226.71 425583 10/7/2013 371290 UTILITIES UNDERGROUND LOCATION 3080096 LINE LOCATION SERVICES ON AN AS 001.42.542.300.42 89.21 LINE LOCATION SERVICES ON AN AS 430.00.534.800.42 89.21 LINE LOCATION SERVICES ON AN AS 431.00.535.800.42 89.21 LINE LOCATION SERVICES ON AN AS 432.00.535.900.42 89.20 Total : 356.83 425584 10/7/2013 380240 VALLEY COMMUNICATIONS CENTER 0014261 AUGUST 2013 - 800MHz RADIOS FOR PD~ 001.21.521.100.42 5,756.65 0014289 800MHz radio invoices for year 001.32.525.100.42 195.00 0014301 911 CALLS, ASSESMENT FOR 2013~ 001.21.521.100.42 265,944.67 Total : 271,896.32 65Page:CA.B Page 73 of 171 10/02/2013 Voucher List City of Auburn 66 4:57:28PM Page:vchlist Bank code :000 Voucher Date Vendor Invoice Description/Account Amount 425585 10/7/2013 015073 VALLEY REGIONAL FIRE AUTHORITY AUG2013 AUG 2013 PERMIT & PLAN REVIEW FEES 651.237.360 13,428.84 Total : 13,428.84 425586 10/7/2013 022629 VAN NESS FELDMAN LLP 568 Client Matter Number 568~ 001.15.515.100.49 165.82 Total : 165.82 425587 10/7/2013 020279 VERZANI, RICHARD 067444 UTILITY REFUND/1310 57TH DR SE 430.233.100 421.69 Total : 421.69 425588 10/7/2013 391850 WA DEPT OF NATURAL RESOURCES 9083431 One year subscription for Washington 001.32.532.200.49 219.00 Total : 219.00 425589 10/7/2013 390660 WA ASSOC CODE ENFORCEMENT DUES/JOINER WACE ANNUAL MEM DUES FOR CHUCK JOINER - 001.17.524.200.49 40.00 Total : 40.00 425590 10/7/2013 390750 WA CITIES INSURANCE AUTHORITY 100916 STORAGE TANK LIABILITY INS 550.00.548.100.46 4,750.00 Total : 4,750.00 425591 10/7/2013 391320 WA STATE AUDITOR L99862 Aug 2013 conduct audit services at City 001.14.514.230.41 3,992.47 Total : 3,992.47 425592 10/7/2013 391710 WA STATE DEPT OF ENTEPRISE SER 2013080034 Exchange Standard User CAL 2013 for 66Page:CA.B Page 74 of 171 10/02/2013 Voucher List City of Auburn 67 4:57:28PM Page:vchlist Bank code :000 Voucher Date Vendor Invoice Description/Account Amount 425592 10/7/2013 (Continued)391710 WA STATE DEPT OF ENTEPRISE SER 518.00.518.880.49 49.07 B17-00592 StsandTrips 2013 SNGL MVL 001.21.521.210.35 40.22 Sales Tax 518.00.518.880.49 4.66 Sales Tax 001.21.521.210.35 3.82 Total : 97.77 425593 10/7/2013 391760 WA STATE DEPT OF LABOR & IND 150191 Renewal for Annual Operating Certificate 505.00.524.500.49 136.50 150245 Renewal for Annual Operating 505.00.524.500.49 239.40 Total : 375.90 425594 10/7/2013 022703 WAGERS, ROSS 024370 UTILITY REFUND/1814 4TH PL SE 430.233.100 171.72 Total : 171.72 425595 10/7/2013 014405 WALTERS, JOANNE S.091613REIM GROCERIES FOR THE SENIOR CENTER 001.33.574.210.31 187.79 092013REIM GROCERIES FOR THE SENIOR CENTER 001.33.574.210.31 251.56 Total : 439.35 425596 10/7/2013 020221 WARM, BERT & VICKI 073307 UTILITY REFUND/11811 SE 318TH PL 430.233.100 70.83 Total : 70.83 425597 10/7/2013 392520 WASHINGTON STATE PATROL 00051662 67Page:CA.B Page 75 of 171 10/02/2013 Voucher List City of Auburn 68 4:57:28PM Page:vchlist Bank code :000 Voucher Date Vendor Invoice Description/Account Amount 425597 10/7/2013 (Continued)392520 WASHINGTON STATE PATROL ACCESS USER FEES FOR 3RD QTR 2013 INV 001.21.521.300.42 534.00 I14001438 BACKGROUND CHECKS FOR AUGUST 2013 001.13.516.100.49 130.00 I14001439 BACKGROUND CHECKS FOR AUGUST 2013 001.13.516.100.49 650.00 Total : 1,314.00 425598 10/7/2013 006740 WASHINGTON2 ADVOCATES, LLC 4528 WA Advocates consulting services - 001.98.513.100.41 15,000.00 Total : 15,000.00 425599 10/7/2013 007841 WASTE MANAGEMENT 0004003-2588-2 DISPOSAL OF DECANT FACILITY SOLID WASTE 432.00.535.900.41 3,672.55 DISPOSAL OF DECANT FACILITY SOLID WASTE 434.00.537.800.41 5,508.83 Total : 9,181.38 425600 10/7/2013 393570 WATER MANAGEMENT LABS, INC 124045 WATER ANALYSIS ON AN AS REQUIRED BASIS 430.00.534.800.41 336.00 124147 WATER ANALYSIS ON AN AS REQUIRED BASIS 430.00.534.800.41 168.00 124258 WATER ANALYSIS ON AN AS REQUIRED BASIS 001.32.532.200.41 42.00 WATER ANALYSIS ON AN AS REQUIRED BASIS 430.00.534.800.41 315.00 124314 WATER ANALYSIS ON AN AS REQUIRED BASIS 68Page:CA.B Page 76 of 171 10/02/2013 Voucher List City of Auburn 69 4:57:28PM Page:vchlist Bank code :000 Voucher Date Vendor Invoice Description/Account Amount 425600 10/7/2013 (Continued)393570 WATER MANAGEMENT LABS, INC 430.00.534.800.41 168.00 124449 WATER ANALYSIS ON AN AS REQUIRED BASIS 430.00.534.800.41 336.00 124499 WATER ANALYSIS ON AN AS REQUIRED BASIS 430.00.534.800.41 168.00 Total : 1,533.00 425601 10/7/2013 016337 WATERSHED COMPANY 2013-0670 277TH ST WETLAND MONITORING-YEAR 10~ 102.00.594.420.65 293.45 Total : 293.45 425602 10/7/2013 017690 WEAKLAND, ROBIN A.100713INV COSTUMER FOR YOUNG FRANKENSTEIN AT 001.33.575.280.41 500.00 Total : 500.00 425603 10/7/2013 022731 WELSH & KARYLIN ELROY, GEOFF 063206 UTILITY REFUND/31615 117TH AVE SE 430.233.100 45.41 Total : 45.41 425604 10/7/2013 394720 WESTERN WA CHAPTER OF ICC DUES/GROHS 2013 WESTERN WA INTERNATIONAL CODES ICC 001.17.524.200.49 10.00 DUES/KOSKO 2013 WESTERN WA INTERNATIONAL CODES ICC 001.17.524.200.49 10.00 Total : 20.00 425605 10/7/2013 394720 WESTERN WA CHAPTER OF ICC DUES/FERNANDEZ 2013 WESTERN WA INTERNATIONAL CODES ICC 001.17.524.200.49 10.00 69Page:CA.B Page 77 of 171 10/02/2013 Voucher List City of Auburn 70 4:57:28PM Page:vchlist Bank code :000 Voucher Date Vendor Invoice Description/Account Amount (Continued)Total : 10.00 425605 10/7/2013 394720 394720 WESTERN WA CHAPTER OF ICC 425606 10/7/2013 395160 WHITE KNIGHT SAFE & LOCK, INC 25223 SPARE KEYS FOR ANIMAL CONTROL VEHICLE~ 001.21.539.300.49 131.40 25839 PATROL CAR KEYS (QTY 20)~ 001.21.521.200.31 76.65 Total : 208.05 425607 10/7/2013 395580 WILBUR-ELLIS, CO 7536170 SUMMER HERBICIDE, SEED AND FERTILIZERS 437.00.576.600.31 88.91 7546846RI FALL FERTILZERS AND FUNGICIDES 437.00.576.600.31 196.94 7546847RI SUMMER HERBICIDE, SEED AND FERTILIZERS 437.00.576.600.31 840.90 FALL FERTILZERS AND FUNGICIDES 437.00.576.600.31 967.47 Total : 2,094.22 425608 10/7/2013 022610 WILSON, JIM 018122 UTILITY REFUND/1207 57TH DR SE 430.233.100 205.29 Total : 205.29 425609 10/7/2013 017800 WINDERMERE PM -SOUTH 059422 UTILITY REFUND/5703 S 320TH 432.233.100 17.41 Total : 17.41 425610 10/7/2013 022732 WRIGHT MEDICAL TECHNOLOGIES 063483 UTILITY REFUND/1721 WEST VALLEY HWY N 434.233.100 138.76 70Page:CA.B Page 78 of 171 10/02/2013 Voucher List City of Auburn 71 4:57:28PM Page:vchlist Bank code :000 Voucher Date Vendor Invoice Description/Account Amount (Continued)Total : 138.76 425610 10/7/2013 022732 022732 WRIGHT MEDICAL TECHNOLOGIES 425611 10/7/2013 400180 ZEE MEDICAL SERVICE 68239834 EAR PLUGS AND MEDICAL SUPPLIES 437.00.576.600.31 382.90 Total : 382.90 425612 10/7/2013 400210 ZEP MANUFACTURING CO 9000476582 PAPER SUPPLIES FOR THE MUSEUM 001.33.575.300.31 454.97 Total : 454.97 425613 10/7/2013 234680 ZONES INTERNATIONAL S33785670101 Battery replacement for cemetary: APC 518.00.518.880.35 242.38 Sales Tax 518.00.518.880.35 23.03 S33868800101 Zones backup tape LTO cleaning 518.00.518.880.31 450.76 Sales Tax 518.00.518.880.31 42.82 S33987710101 Zones UPS battery replacemnt for Sr. 518.00.518.880.35 969.52 Sales Tax 518.00.518.880.35 92.10 Total : 1,820.61 Bank total : 2,565,476.54 302 Vouchers for bank code :000 2,565,476.54Total vouchers :Vouchers in this report 302 71Page:CA.B Page 79 of 171 10/02/2013 Voucher List City of Auburn 72 4:57:28PM Page:vchlist Bank code :000 Voucher Date Vendor Invoice Description/Account Amount I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THE GOODS AND/ OR SERVICES CHARGED ON THE VOUCHERS LISTED HEREIN HAVE BEEN FURNISHED TO THE BEST OF MY KNOWLEDGE. I FURTHER CERTIFY THE CLAIMS HEREIN TO BE VALID AND CORRECT. ____________________________ DIRECTOR OF FINANCE WE, THE UNDERSIGNED FINANCE COMMITTEE OF THE AUBURN CITY COUNCIL, AUBURN WASHINGTON, DO HEREBY CERTIFY THAT VOUCHER #425314 THROUGH VOUCHER #425613 IN THE AMOUNT OF $2,564,309.54 AND TWO WIRE TRANSFERS #0134 AND #0135 IN THE AMOUNT OF $1167.00 ARE APPROVED THIS 7TH DAY OF OCTOBER, 2013. ______________________ CHAIR _______________________ MEMBER ________________________ MEMBER 72Page:CA.B Page 80 of 171 AGENDA BILL APPROVAL FORM Agenda Subject: Payroll Vouchers Date: September 30, 2013 Department: Administration Attachments: No Attachments Available Budget Impact: $0 Administrative Recommendation: Background Summary: Reviewed by Council Committees: Councilmember:Staff: Meeting Date:October 7, 2013 Item Number:CA.C AUBURN * MORE THAN YOU IMAGINEDCA.C Page 81 of 171 AGENDA BILL APPROVAL FORM Agenda Subject: Ordinance No. 6482 Date: October 2, 2013 Department: Planning and Development Attachments: Ord 6482 Attachment A Budget Impact: $0 Administrative Recommendation: The Finance Committee to recommend that City Council adopt Ordinance No. 6482. Background Summary: The City of Auburn put into place the Multifamily Property Tax Exemption in 2003 with Ordinance No. 5779 which included a minimum investment per unit of $200,000. In 2009, the City Council made additional changes to Chapter 3.94 in response to changes made in state law related to affordable housing and the length of time for the property tax exemption. As the City has been working with two developers for redevelopment of the downtown catalyst blocks, it was brought to the City’s attention that the minimum investment per unit of $200,000 could not be reached with the proposed projects and have the project pencil financially. Landmark Development is proposing a 5 story, 126 unit mixed-use project and Teutsch Partners LLC is proposing a market rate project that could be senior housing or apartments. Both applicants have submitted a request to the City to lower the minimum investment per unit in order for the projects to perform (see the attached letters). The investment into the projects through high level finishes and amenities is planned but without the Seattle market rents a project in Auburn does not perform at a $200,000 per unit investment. The requested minimum investment by the two applications is $130,000 per unit. There is no requirement in the RCW for a minimum dollar investment. During discussion at the Planning and Community Development Committee (PCDC) meeting on September 23, 2013, the Committee was supportive of modifying the code language to not have a minimum investment value per unit for an entire market rate project but the project must have a minimum of 50 units. The Committee recommended that that the minimum investment value per unit be $130,000 for a combination market rate/affordable housing project. AUBURN * MORE THAN YOU IMAGINEDORD.A Page 82 of 171 Staff also proposes to amend when the application for the multifamily property tax exemption is required to be submitted. During discussion at the PCDC meeting, the Committee was supportive of changing the submittal prior to certificate of occupancy. There is no requirement in the RCW for when the application needs to be submitted. Reviewed by Council Committees: Finance, Public Works Other: Planning, Legal Councilmember:Partridge Staff:Chamberlain Meeting Date:October 7, 2013 Item Number:ORD.A AUBURN * MORE THAN YOU IMAGINEDORD.A Page 83 of 171 ORDINANCE NO. 6 4 8 2 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF AUBURN, WASHINGTON, AMENDING SECTIONS 3 60 036, 3.94.040 AND 3 94.060 OF THE AUBURN CITY CODE RELATING TO TAX EXEMPTIONS WHEREAS, The City Council has enacted legislation granting sales and property tax exemptions designed to promote economic development in certain areas of the City; and, WHEREAS, upon further review and the recommendations of the Mayor and City Staff, the City Council wishes to adjust the criteria for these exemptions in order to further incentivize construction in certain areas of the City. NOW, THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF AUBURN, WASHINGTON, DO ORDAIN as follows: Section 1. Amendment to City Code. That section 3 60.060 of the Auburn City Code be and the same hereby is amended to read as follows: 3.60.036 Construction sales tax exemption. A.1. The following purchasers in the eligible target business class who have paid the tax imposed by this chapter on construction materials, fixed equipment, or machinery installation, or on sales of or charges made for labor and services rendered in respect to such construction or installation of such machinery or equipment, are eligible for an exemption as provided for in this section: for property zoned downtown urban center DUC), C-3 (heavy commercial district), and C-4 (mixed-use commercial), purchases directly related to the construction of new commercial buildings or redevelopment of existing vacant buildings 25,000 square feet or greater or expansion of existing commercial buildings that creates new or expanded building floor area that generates sales tax revenue. 2.For property zoned downtown urban center (DUC), purchases directly related to the construction of new commercial buildings less than 25,000 square feet, or redevelopment of existing buildings less than 25,000 square feet, where the cost of the improvement is at least 25 Ordinance No. 6482 October 1, 2013 Page 1 of 6 ORD.A Page 84 of 171 percent of the current assessed value of the improvements on the property pursuant to the assessment records of King or Pierce County, as applicable. 3.For property zoned M-1 (light industrial district), M-2 (heavy industrial district) and EP (environmental park district), purchases directly related to the construction of new commercial buildings, redevelopment of existing buildings that result in a change of occupancy from warehouse use to manufacturing use, or redevelopment of existing buildings where the cost of the improvement is at least 25 percent of the current assessed value of the improvements on the property pursuant to the assessment records of King or Pierce County, as applicable. B. Beginning on the effective date of the ordinance codified in this section through a date four years after the effective date, a purchaser is eligible for an exemption specified under this section from the local sales and use tax paid under this chapter, as authorized under RCW 82.14.030(2), up to a maximum of 20 percent of taxes imposed and paid to the city of Auburn not to exceed $100,000. The purchaser is eligible for an exemption under this section in the form of a refund. C For purposes of this section, the following definitions apply: 1 Change of occupancy" means a change of the purpose for which a building is used or intended to be used The term shall also include the building or portion thereof in which such change of occupancy is made. Change of occupancy is not intended to include change of tenants or proprietors. 2. "Commercial building" means a structure that has, as its primary purpose, a commercial use as that term is defined in ACC 18.04.240. 3 Expansion" means to add to the floor area of a building. 4 Purchaser" means a person or entity that is the recipient of a good or service. D Eligible Target Business Classes. 1. The construction sales tax exemption specified in subsection A)(1) of this section shall only apply to those businesses engaged in normal business activities under the following classifications of businesses occurring within the specified zoning designations: a. General Merchandise, Warehouse Club, SuperCenter — Sales Tax Classification Code 45291, b.Building Materials and Garden Home Center — Sales Tax Classification Code 44411; C.Electronics and Appliances — Sales Tax Classification Code 44311; d.Full Service Restaurants — Sales Tax Classification Code 722110; Ordinance No. 6482 October 1, 2013 Page 2 of 6 ORD.A Page 85 of 171 e.New and Used Automobile and Light Utility Truck Dealers — Sales Tax Classification Code 44110; f.Bowling Centers — Sales Tax Classification Code 713950; g. Motion Picture Theaters (excluding drive-in theaters) — Sales Tax Classification Code 512131, and h.Hotels — Sales Tax Classification Code 72110. i. Residential buildings and dwellings within the DUC only — North American Industry Classification System Code 531110. 2. The construction sales tax exemptions specified in subsections (A)(2) and (3) of this section shall apply to all businesses located in the DUC, EP, M-1, and M-2 zoning districts as set forth in those subsections. (Ord. 6442 § 1, 2012; Ord. 6376 § 2, 2011.) Section 2. That section 3.94.040 of the Auburn City Code be and the same hereby is amended to read as follows: 3.94.040 Tax exemption — Duration —Valuation — Exceptions. A. Exemption, Duration of. The value of new housing construction, conversion, and rehabilitation improvements for market rate property qualifying under this chapter is exempt from ad valorem property taxation for eight successive years beginning January 1st of the year immediately following the calendar year of issuance of the final certificate of tax exemption and 12 successive years beginning January 1st of the year immediately following the calendar year of issuance of the final certificate of tax exemption for affordable housing qualifying under this chapter. B. Limits on Exemption. The exemption does not apply to the value of land or to the value of nonhousing improvements, nor does the exemption apply to increases in assessed valuation of land and nonqualifying improvements. This chapter also does not apply to increases in assessed valuation made by the assessor on nonqualifying portions of building and value of land, nor to increases made by lawful order of a county board of equalization, the Department of Revenue, or a county, to a class of property throughout the county or specific area of the county to achieve the uniformity of assessment or appraisal required by law. In the case of rehabilitation of existing buildings, the exemption does not include the value of improvements constructed prior to the submission of the application required under Chapter 84.14 RCW. C. The following exceptions apply to development within the urban center: 1. Projects on property zoned Downtown Urban Center, as shown on the City's official zoning map, must have a minimum of 50 units to qualify for the exemption. Ordinance No. 6482 October 1, 2013 Page 3 of 6 ORD.A Page 86 of 171 2. Newly constructed or rehabilitated market rate units do not require a minimum per unit investment to qualify for the exemption. 3. O I Rewly n R6#61Gted or rehabilitated market Moto , nif_ FI..F h th (` r DM'n Inrlev n nF the a date of thenmeenpassage in this seGtFG-R (August 17,constructed or rehabilitated market rate units with a minimum investment of 20130,000.00 average per unit annually adjusted for inflation by the Consumer Price Index as of the passage date of the ordinance codified in this section (August 17, 2009) and 20 percent or more of the units priced as affordable units shall qualify for the exemption. (Ord. 6257 § 1, 2009; Ord. 6020 § 1, 2006; Ord. 5779 § 1, 2003.) Section 3. That Section 3 94.060 of the Auburn City Code be and the same hereby is amended to read as follows: 3.94.060 Application procedure. The owner of property applying for exemption under this chapter shall submit an application to the director on a form established by the director. The owner shall verify the correctness of the information contained in the application by his/her signature and affirmation made under penalty of perjury under the laws of the state of Washington. The application shall contain such information as the director may deem necessary or useful, which at a minimum shall include: A. A completed city of Auburn application form, including information setting forth the grounds for tax exemption, B A brief written'description of the project, and schematic site and floor plans of the multifamily units and the structure(s) in which they are proposed to be located; C. Floor and site plans of the proposed project, which plans may be revised by the owner; provided, in the opinion of the director, such revisions do not materially alter the nature of the project or the rationale substantiating the exemption application, D A statement from the owner acknowledging the potential tax liability when the property ceases to be eligible for exemption under this chapter; E. At the time of initial application under this section, the owner shall pay to the city an initial application fee of $1,000, plus an amount necessary to cover recording fees under ACC 3 94.100; F. Except as otherwise provided in ACC 3.94 070, the application shall be submitted any time before the earaieFef Ordinance No. 6482 October 1, 2013 Page 4 of 6 ORD.A Page 87 of 171 a certificate of occupancy temporary or final, is issued; G If on the effective date of the ordinance codified in this chapter, the owner has applied for a permit identified in subsection (F)(2) of this section, then application for exemption under this section may be submitted any time prior to issuance of a building permit. (Ord. 6257 § 1, 2009; Ord. 5779 § 1, 2003 ) Section 4. Implementation. The Mayor is hereby authorized to implement such administrative procedures as may be necessary to carry out the directions of this legislation. Section 5. Severability. The provisions of this ordinance are declared to be separate and severable The invalidity of any clause, sentence, paragraph, subdivision, section or portion of this ordinance, or the invalidity of the application thereof to any person or circumstance shall not affect the validity of the remainder of this ordinance, or the validity of its application to other persons or circumstances. Section 6. Effective date. This Ordinance shall take effect and be in force five days from and after its passage, approval and publication as provided by law. INTRODUCED- PASSED: APPROVED- CITY OF AUBURN ATTEST- PETER B LEWIS MAYOR Danielle E. Daskam, City Clerk Ordinance No. 6482 October 1, 2013 Page 5 of 6 ORD.A Page 88 of 171 APPROVED AS TO FORM: k VP D Wel B UHei jtyAlforney Published- Ordinance No. 6482 October 1, 2013 Page 6 of 6 ORD.A Page 89 of 171 Attachment A rL uTsc )-) P A R T N E K S R ral fis tore Srr r , < e September 12,2013 Mr Doug Lein Economic Development Manager City of Auburn 25 West Main Street Auburn,WA. 98001 RE: Auburn Municipal Code Chapter Dear Doug, Our anticipated development plan for either the SW Block or the SE Block, as described in the Purchase and Sale Agreement dated as of August 28,2013, by and between the CITY OF AUBURN, a Washington municipal corporation, ("Seller"), and TEUTSCH PARTNERS LLC, a Washington limited liability company("Buyer"), will consist of the following product types. Senior Housing(single purpose or a combination of independent living, assisted living, memory care, and/or age restricted housing). Student Housing. Market Rate Multifamily. Principle Use Commercial Space. Accessory Commercial and Parking, as required by the Auburn Municipal Code. As discussed at our 7-30-13 meeting, the total project cast(defined as including all land, hard and soft costs associated with the development of the project), blended over the anticipated n of residential units,will be lower than the$200,000 unit threshold stipulated in AMC The financial viability of the project requires that the project be eligible for the multifamily tax exemption program. Therefore, we request that the City amend the code by reducing the$200,000 minimum to$130,000 average minimum threshold in 2013 Dollars. Sincerely, Jalker 2001 Western Avenue, Suite.330 0 Seattle, tl'lnsbbtgluu 'J8121 7':206.728.1130 o l^206.723:09.35 o mmtv.lcutsch.cum o [•united Liability Co.ORD.A Page 90 of 171 I Plan A Development LLC 2711 West Valley Highway North, B200 Auburn, WA 98001 September 18, 2013 Mr. Doug Lein Economic Development Manager City of Auburn 25 West Main Street Auburn, WA 98001 RE: Tax Abatement Program Auburn Municipal Code Dear Mr. Lein: t As we have discussed previously, the tax abatement program offered by the City to promote mixed use residential development in the Auburn Downtown is essential for the financial viability of our proposed mixed use project located directly south of the new City Hall Building Oil Main Street between"A"and Division Streets. however, after specific review of the ordinance, unlike other City Tax Abatement Programs, AUbUrn'S code requires a mininuun total residential unit cost to qualify for the program. Additionally, the code requires that the total unit cost be in excess of$200,000; this cost structure is unheard of and infeasible in Auburn. Our building will be comprised of market rate housing with anticipated rents ranging from $900 to $1400 depending on unit type/size. To help achieve the necessary underwriting criteria for the financial institutions, we, respectfully, request that the minimum cost per residential unit to qualify for the Tax Abatement program be reduced from$200,000 to $128,000. 'Fire reduced cost estimate is based on the apartment trend for smaller unit sizes together with reduced costs resulting from the current economic downturn. If you have any questions or would like to discuss this further, please call are at (253)333-7007. mcerely, F Nf LLC rclt ORD.A Page 91 of 171 AGENDA BILL APPROVAL FORM Agenda Subject: Resolution No. 4993 Date: September 10, 2013 Department: Human Resources Attachments: Res 4993 Agreement Budget Impact: $0 Administrative Recommendation: City Council adopt Resolution No. 4993. Background Summary: The Association of Washington Cities Employee Benefit Trust is an entity to which contributions by cities and towns and non-city entities organized and existing under the Constitution of laws of the State of Washington and who are members of the Trust and their employees can be paid, and through which the Board of Trustees of the Trust provides one or more insured health and welfare benefit plans or programs to Participating Cities and Towns' and Non-City Entities' employees, their dependents and other beneficiaries, on whose behalf the contributions were paid. Reviewed by Council Committees: Finance Councilmember:Partridge Staff:Heineman Meeting Date:October 7, 2013 Item Number:RES.A AUBURN * MORE THAN YOU IMAGINEDRES.A Page 92 of 171 RESOLUTION NO. 4 9 9 3 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF AUBURN, WASHINGTON, APPROVING THE INTERLOCAL AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE CITY OF AUBURN AND ASSOCIATION OF WASHINGTON CITIES EMPLOYEE BENEFIT TRUST FOR HEALTH CARE WHEREAS, the Association of Washington Cities Employee Benefit Trust (the Trust") is an entity to which contributions by cities and towns and non-city entities organized and existing under the Constitution or laws of the State of Washington and who are members of the Trust ("Participating Cities and Towns," and "Participating Non- City Entities") and their employees can be paid and through which the Board of Trustees of the Trust ("Trustees") provides one or more insured health and welfare benefit plans or programs to Participating Cities and Towns' and Non-City Entities' employees, their dependents and other beneficiaries ("Beneficiaries"), on whose behalf the contributions were paid, and WHEREAS, the Trust qualifies as a voluntary employee beneficiary association within the meaning of Section 501(c)(9) of the Internal Revenue Code, providing for the payment of life, sick, accident or other benefits to Beneficiaries; and WHEREAS, the Trust and Participating Cities and Towns and Non-City Entities have determined that it is in the best interest of Participating Cities and Towns and Non- City Entities to jointly self-insure certain health benefit plans and programs for Beneficiaries through a designated account within the Trust, while at the same time having the Trust continue as the entity to which other insured health and welfare benefit Resolution No. 4993 September 10, 2013 Page 1 of 4 RES.A Page 93 of 171 program contributions are paid and through which insured health and welfare benefit plans and programs are provided to Beneficiaries; and WHEREAS, it appears economically feasible and practical for the parties to do so, and WHEREAS, Chapter 48 62 of the Revised Code of Washington (RCW) provides that two or more local government entities may, by Interlocal Agreement under chapter 39.34 RCW, jointly self-insure health benefit plans and programs, and/or jointly hire risk management services for such plans or programs by any one or more of certain specified methods, and WHEREAS, the Association of Washington Cities Employee Benefit Trust Interlocal Agreement (the "Interlocal Agreement') attached hereto creates a joint self- insured health and welfare benefit program (the "Health Care Program") to be administered by the Trustees for the purposes of providing self-insured health benefits to Beneficiaries; and WHEREAS, Section 200-110-030 of the Washington Administrative Code (WAC) requires every local government entity participating in a joint self-insurance health and welfare benefit program to adopt such program by resolution; and WHEREAS, Chapter 48.62 RCW requires Health Care Program assets to be managed consistent with existing authority over use of municipal funds in RCW 35.39.030. The Trust will manage Health Care Program reserves in compliance with Resolution No. 4993 September 10, 2013 Page 2 of 4 RES.A Page 94 of 171 Chapter 48.62 RCW; RCW 35.39.030, and the Health Care Program Investment Policy; and WHEREAS, all premium contributions for use in the Health Care Program are deposited into a designated account within the Trust, the Health Care Program Account the "HCP Account'), and the HCP Account represents a pool of funds that is independent of all other Trust or AWC funds; and WHERE, the Trust intends to manage the HCP Account assets in compliance with federal and state laws and the Interlocal Agreement; and WHEREAS, the City of Auburn, Washington believes it is in the best interest of the Health Care Program to allow the Trust to manage the HCP Account. NOW THEREFORE THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF AUBURN, WASHINGTON, HEREBY RESOLVES as follows: Section 1. The Interlocal Agreement creating the Health Care Program, a copy of which is attached hereto, marked as Exhibit "A" and incorporated herein by this reference, is hereby approved and adopted, and the Mayor is authorized to execute the same on behalf of the City of Auburn. Section 2. By adopting such Agreement, the City of Auburn acknowledges that it shall be subject to assessments as required by the Health Care Program. Section 3. The Mayor is hereby authorized to implement such administrative procedures as may be necessary to carry out the directives of this legislation. Resolution No. 4993 September 10, 2013 Page 3 of 4 RES.A Page 95 of 171 Section 4. This Resolution shall be in full force and effect upon passage and signatures hereon. Dated and Signed this day of 2013 CITY OF AUBURN PETER B LEWIS, MAYOR ATTEST- Danielle E. Daskam, City Clerk APP R VED TO FOR Hei , ity A orne Resolution No. 4993 September 10, 2013 Page 4 of 4 RES.A Page 96 of 171 ASSOCIATION OF WASHINGTON CITIES EMPLOYEE BENEFIT TRUST HEALTH CARE PROGRAM mTERLOCALAGREEMENT This Agreement is made and entered into in the State of Washington by and among the Association of Washington Cities Employee Benefit Trust (the "Trust") and cities and towns, and non-city entities organized and existing under the Constitution or laws of the State of Washington and who are members of the Trust ("Participating Cities and Towns," or "Participating Non-City Entities"), all of whom are signatories to this Agreement. RECITALS WHEREAS, the Trust is an entity to which contributions by Participating Cities and Towns and Non-City Entities (defined below) and Participating Employees (defined below) are paid and through which the Board of Trustees provides one or more insured health and welfare benefit plans or programs to Patticipating Employees, their covered dependents and other beneficiaries ("Beneficiaries"), on whose behalf the contributions were paid; and WHEREAS , the Trust qualifies as a voluntary employee beneficiary association within the meaning of Section 50l(c)(9) of the Internal Revenue Code ("VEBA"), providing for the payment of life, sick, accident or other benefits to Beneficiaries; and WHEREAS , the Trust and the Participating Cities and Towns have determined that it is in the best interest of Participating Cities and Towns to jointly self-insure certain health benefit plans and programs for Beneficiaries through a designated account within the Trus t, while at the same time hav ing the Trust continue as the entity to which health and welfare benefit plan or program contributions are paid and through which in sured health and welfare benefit plans and programs are provided to Beneficiaries; and WHEREAS, it appears economically feasible and practical for the parties to this Agreement (defined below) to do so; and WHEREAS, Chapter 48 .62 RCW provides that two or more local government entities may, by Interlocal agreement under Chapter 39.34 RCW, jointly self-insure health benefit plans and programs, and/or jointly hire risk management services for such plans or programs by any one or more of certain specified methods ; and WHEREAS , each local government entity that is a signatory hereto, as required by WAC 2 00-110-030, acts upon the authority of a resolution adoptjng this Agreement and the Health Care Pro gram (defined below) created herein; NOW, THEREFORE, for and in consideration of all of the mutual benefits, covenants and agreements contained herein, the parties hereto agree as follows: 742343 47.6 0053138-00001 1 RES.A Page 97 of 171 ARTICLE 1 DEFINITIONS The following are definitions of terms used in the Agreement. Unless indicated otherwise, other terms are defined where they are first used. Defined terms are capitalized when used in the defined context. 1.1 Agreement means this lnterlocal Agreement entered into under the authority of Chapter 39.34 RCW and as required by RCW 48.62.031(2) between the Trust and Participating Employers. 1.2 Association of Washington Cities or A WC means the Association of Washington Cities, a not-for-profit membership association established pursuant to the laws of the state of Washington for the purpose of providing various services to and on behalf of its member cities. 1.3 Association of Washington Cities Employee Benefit Trust or the Trust means the trust and all property and money held by such entity, including all contract rights and records, established for the sole purpose of providing life, sick accident or other health and welfare benefits to Participating Employees, their covered dependents and other beneficiaries, and which is approved by the Internal Revenue Service as a VEBA. 1.4 Employee Benefits Advisory Committee or EBAC means the committee defined in Article V of the Trust Agreement that may be delegated responsibility by the Board of Trustees, including but not limited to: overseeing the operations of the Health Care Program, analyzing and developing annual premium levels and benefit coverage changes for recommendation to the Board of Trustees and performing other duties necessary to ensure that the needs of Participating Employers are met and the long-term financial health of the Health Care Program is maintained. 1.5 Health Care Program means the joint self-insurance program offering self-insured health benefit options through the HCP Account. 1.6 HCP Account means a designated account within the Trust and created by this Agreement, the Trust Agreement and Trust Health Care Program policies all under the authority of Chapter 48.62 RCW to provide self-insured health benefits to Participating Employees, their covered dependents and other beneficiaries and further described in Article 6. 1.7 Non-City Entity means any public agency, public corporation, intergovernmental agency or political subdivision, within the state of Washington that meets the requirements of Article IX, Section 1 ( c )(ii) and (iii) of the Trust Agreement for participation in the Health Care Program. 1.8 Participating City means any city or town within the state of Washington that meets the requirements of Article IX, Section l(a) or Section l(b) of the Trust Agreement. 74234347.6 0053138-0000 I 2 RES.A Page 98 of 171 1.9 Participating Employee means any individual employed by a Participating Employer and for whom the Participating Employer makes contributions to the Trust, and any individual who may have been so employed but is subsequently laid off, terminated , or retired. 1.10 Participating Employer means a Participating City or Non-City Entity that is also a party to this Agreement. 1.11 Resolution means the resolution adopted by each Participating City or Non-City Entity that authoriz es the Health Care Program. 1.12 State Risk Manager or Risk Manager means the risk manager of the Risk Management Division within the Department of Enterprise Services. 1.13 Stop Loss Insurance or Reinsurance means a promise by an insurance company that it will cover losses of the Health Care Program over and above an agreed-upon individual or aggregated amount, which definition shall be modified by any changes to the definition of stop loss insurance in WAC 200-110-020. 1.14 Third-Party Administrator means the independent association, agency, entity or enterprise which, through a contractual agreement, provides one or more of the following ongoing services to the Health Care Program: pool management or administration services, claims administration services, risk management services, or services for the design, implementation, or termination of an individual or joint self-insurance program. 1.15 Trust Agreement means the Trust Agreement Governing the Trus t amended and re stated July 1, 2013 , and any subsequent amendments thereto. 1.16 Trustees or Board of Trustees means the following individuals and their successors, who together, govern the Trust and the Health Care Program: 1.16.1 the A WC President and the A WC Vice President; 1.16.2 the EBAC Chair and the EBAC Vice Chair; and 1.16.3 an individual elected pursuant to the procedures in Article III, Section 5 of the Trust Agreement to serve as the trustee from one of the following regions: (a) North East Region (known as the "North East Region Trustee"); (b) North West Region (known as the "North West Region Trustee"); (c) South East Region (known as the "South East Region Trustee"); and (d) South West Region (known as the "South West Region Trustee"). Individuals from Non-City Entities are not eligible to serve as Trustees. 742 34347.6 005 3 138-00001 3 RES.A Page 99 of 171 ARTICLE2 PURPOSE This Agreement is entered into for the purpose of authorizing the Health Care Program created by the Trust to provide self-insured health benefits to Participating Employees, their covered dependents and other beneficiaries. The Health Care Program shall comply with the statutory provisions found in Chapters 48 .62 and 39.34 RCW and the regulatory requirements contained in WAC 200-110 applicable to joint self-insurance programs. ARTICLE3 PARTIES Each party to this Agreement certifies that it intends to participate in the Health Care Program. Participating Employers are signatories of this Agreement to become effective on a date to be mutually determined (the "Effective Date") and with such other Participating Cities and Non-City Entities as may later be added to and become signatories to this Agreement. ARTICLE4 DURATION OF AGREEMENT 4.1 This Agreement shall become effective on the Effective Date. 4.2 This Agreement shall have perpetual duration unless terminated as hereinafter provided. ARTICLES MEMBERSHIP COMPOSITION The Health Care Program shall be open to Participating Cities and Non-City Entities. Participation in the Health Care Program is voluntary and not a requirement of A WC membership. The Board of Trustees shall provide for the reasonable admission of new Participating Cities and Non-City Entities. ARTICLE6 HCPACCOUNT 6.1 All premium contributions by Participating Employers, Non-City Entities and Patticipating Employees for use in the Health Care Program are deposited into the HCP Account. 6.2 The HCP Account represents a pool of funds that is independent of all other Trust or A WC funds and independent of all other Participating Employer and Non-City Entity funds. The funds deposited into the HCP Account are held, managed and expended only for the Health Care Program and reasonable expenses, consistent with applicable state 7423434?.6 0053138-00001 4 RES.A Page 100 of 171 and federal statutes and rules governing joint self-insurance programs and self-insurance programs generally. 6.3 The HCP Account is subject to audit by the State Auditor's Office. ARTICLE7 TRUSTEE POWERS RELATED TO HEALTH CARE PROGRAM The Board of Trustees is provided with the powers and functions established under RCW 48.62.031 to accomplish the following: 7.1 Promote the economical and efficient means by which health benefits coverage is made available to Participating Employers and Non-City Entities and provided to Participating Employees, their covered dependents and other beneficiaries; 7.2 Protect the financial integrity of the Health Care Program through purchase of Stop Loss Insurance or Reinsurance in such fonn and amount as needed; 7.3 Contract for or otherwise provide risk management and loss control services; 7.4 Contract for or otherwise provide legal counsel for the defense of claims and other legal services; 7.5 Consult with the state insurance commissioner and the State Risk Manager; 7 .6 Obligate the Participating Employers and Non-City Entities to pledge revenues or contribute money to secure the obligations or pay the expenses of the Health Care Program, including the establishment of a reserve or fund for coverage; and 7.7 Exercise all other powers and perform all other functions reasonably necessary to carry out the purposes of the Health Care Program, Chapter 48.62 RCW and Chapter 200-110 WAC. ARTICLE 8 ORGANIZATION OF HEALTH CARE PROGRAM 8.1 The operations of the Health Care Program are managed by the Board of Trustees or its delegates. The Trustees or any delegates review and analyze Health Care Program- related matters and make operational decisions regarding premium contributions, reserves, plan options and benefits in compliance with Chapter 48.62 RCW. 8.2 The Board of Trustees has decision authority consistent with the Trust Agreement, Health Care Program policies, Chapter 48.62 RCW and Chapter 200-110 WAC. 74234347.6 005 3 138-0000.1 5 RES.A Page 101 of 171 ARTICLE9 RESPONSIBILITIES OF THE TRUSTEES 9.1 The Board of Trustees shall discharge its responsibilities under this Agreement as follows: 9 .1.1 Provide for the efficient management and operation of the Health Care Program; 9.1.2 Provide for health benefit coverage options for Participating Employees, their covered dependents and other beneficiaries; 9 .1.3 Determine the level of Stop Loss Insurance or Reinsurance coverage for claims expenses above the amounts deemed appropriate for self-insurance~ 9 .1.4 Ensure that the Health Care Program meets required state and federal statutes and rules; 9.1.5 Contract with vendors required to meet the responsibilities established by the Trust Agreement, Health Care Program policies, and appl icable state and federal statutes and rules; 9.1.6 Maintain the balance between meeting the Health Care Program needs of Participating Employers and the long-term financial integrity of the Health Care Program; 9 .1. 7 Prepare an annual financial report on the operations of the Health Care Program; and 9 .1.8 Provide for other services deemed appropriate by the Board of Trustees to meet the purposes of this Agreement. 9.2 The Board of Trustees may delegate the responsibilities described in this Article 9 to the EBAC or other delegates at its complete discretion. ARTICLE 10 RESPONSIBILITIES OF THE PARTICIPATING EMPLOYERS In order to participate in the Health Care Program , Participating Emp loyers shall : 10.1 Be a Participating City or Non-City Entity in good standing and comply with the requirements of admission or qualification as established by the Board of Trustees; 10.2 Adopt this Agreement by Resolution, agreeing to its terms and provisions; 10.3 Submit the Resolution and Agreement to the Trust; 74234347.6 0053 138·00001 6 RES.A Page 102 of 171 10.4 Read the terms, conditions and representations set forth in the application agreement related to participation in the Health Care Program; 10.5 Designate an employee of the Participating Employer to be a contact person for all matters relating to the Participating Employer's participation in the Health Care Program; 10.6 Pay premiums for the Health Care Program to the Third-Party Administrator no later than the tenth day of the month in which the premium is due; 10.7 By formal action of the legislative body of the Participating Employer, approve policies and procedures necessary to secure protected health information ("PHI") in accordance with Chapter 70.02 RCW and the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act ("HIP AA") privacy and security rules, codified at 45 C.F.R. Parts 160-164; 10.8 Provide the Health Care Program with such information or assistance as is necessary for the Health Care Program to meet its responsibilities under this Agreement; and 10.9 Cooperate with and assist the Health Care Program and any insurer of Stop Loss Insurance or Reinsurance, in all matters relating to the administration and operation of the Health Care Program and all matters relating to this Agreement. 10.10 Comply with all bylaws, rules, regulations and policies adopted by the Board of Trustees re lating to the Health Care Program. ARTICLE 11 RESERVE FUND INVESTMENT All reserve fund investments from the HCP Account shall be made in a marmer that is consistent with RCW 48.62 .111 , Chapter 39.59 RCW, WAC 200-110-090 and the Health Care Program Investment Policy. ARTICLE 12 FINANCIAL RECORDS 12.1 The Board of Trustees shall develop estimated revenue and expenditures to establish a budget for each fiscal year covering January 1 through December 31 armually. Actual Health Care Program revenues and expenditures shall be monitored monthly by the Board of Trustees and reported at its quarterly meetings. 12.2 The accounting records of the Health Care Program are maintained in accordance with methods prescribed by the State Auditor's office under the authority of Chapter 43.09 RCW. The Health Care Program also follows applicable accounting standards established by the Goverrunental Accounting Standards Board ("GASB"). Year-end financial reporting is done on an accrual basis and submitted to the Office of the State Auditor as required by Chapter 200-110 WAC. Once reviewed and approved by the 74234347.6 0053 138-00001 7 RES.A Page 103 of 171 Office of the State Auditor the year-end financial report is transmitted to the Office of the State Risk Manager. 12.3 Financial records of the Health Care Program shall be subject to audit by the Office of the State Auditor. Year-end financial reports and audit results shall be made available to interested parties. The Health Care Program shall provide financial information as required by state statute and rule to the Office of the State Risk Manager. ARTICLE 13 PARTICIPATING EMPLOYER TERMINATION AND WITHDRAWAL 13 .1 A Participating Employer must remain in good standing with the Trust and adhere to the requirements of this Agreement. In the event that a Participating Employer fails to be a Participating City or Non-City Entity in good standing, participation in the Health Care Program shall automatically terminate without notice as shall all health and welfare benefits provided through the Health Care Program. 13 .2 The Board of Trustees may take action to terminate membership or deny membership in the Health Care Program where it determines that such termination or denial is in the best interest of the Health Care Program 13.3 When a Patticipating Employer's eligibility in the Health Care Program is affected due to merger or rumexation , the affected Participating Employer may petition the Board of Trustees to remain in the Health Care Program. 13.4 A Participating Employer may only withdraw its participation in the Health Care Program at the end of the calendar year and must provide written notice to the Trust at least thirty-one (31) days in advance of the end of the calendar year (December 31st). 13.5 In the event of withdrawal or non-renewal, the Health Care Program will cover any of the Participating Employer's remaining outstanding Health Care Program claims expenses incurred prior to the Participating Employer's withdrawal from or non-renewal in the Health Care Program. 13 .6 No Pruticipating Employer, because of withdrawal or any other reason , has any right or interest in the HCP Account because of its nature as a rate stabilization fund. In the event any Patticipat ing Employer withdraws from the Health Care Program, its Participating Employees , their covered dependents and other beneficiaries and any Consolidated Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act of 1985 as amended (COBRA) participants and contract personnel and dependents approved by the Board of Trustees, shall forfeit all right and interest to the HCP Account. 74234 347.6 005 3138-00001 8 RES.A Page 104 of 171 ARTICLE 14 TERMINATION OF HEALTH CARE PROGRAM 14.1 In the event the Health Care Program is terminated, the Board of Trustees shall distribute the remaining funds in the HCP Account to the Trust or any successor association authorized by Chapter 39.34 RCW for like purposes for use in any program with similar purposes. 14.2 Upon termination, this Agreement and the HCP Account shall continue for the purpose of paying remaining outstanding claims and expenses and fulfilling all other functions necessary to complete the business of the Health Care Program. ARTICLE 15 MEETINGS, NOTICES AND COMMUNICATIONS 15.1 The Board of Trustees and the EBAC> if any responsibilities for Trust management have been delegated thereto, shall provide notice of their regular and special meetings and hold their meetings in accordance with Chapter 42.30, RCW Open Public Meetings Act. 15 .2 Communications with Participating Employers may occur using mail, email or posting on the Health Care Program website. The website shall be partitioned to provide information for the general public and information specific to Participating Employers and their employees. 15.3 Communications may come directly from the Health Care Program, through the Third-Party Administrator or through another vendor on behalf of the Health Care Program. ARTICLE 16 AMENDMENTSTOINTERLOCALAGREEMENT 16.1 The Board of Trustees shall review and analyze any proposed amendment to this Agreement. An amendment may be proposed for review by any party to this Agreement. 16.2 The Board of Trustees upon its discretion may take action by resolution on any amendment at any regular meeting ofthe Board of Trustees. ARTICLE 17 PROHffiiTION ON ASSIGNMENT 17.1 No Participating Employer may assign any right or claim of interest it may have under this Agreement. 74234347 .6 0053138-0000 I 9 RES.A Page 105 of 171 17.2 No creditor, assignee or third-party beneficiary of any employer shall have the right, claim or title to any party, share, interest, premium or asset of the Trust, HCP Account or the Health Care Program. ARTICLE 18 HEALTH CLAIM DISPUTES AND APPEALS In the event that a dispute arises over a health claim, the procedures, adjud ication requirements and administrative remedies shall be found in the Health Care Program's plan document applicable to the Health Care Program covering the claimant. ARTICLE 19 PLAN ADMINISTRATION DISPUTES AND APPEALS 19.1 In the event that a dispute arises between a Participating Employer and the Health Care Program, the Participating Employer shall document the circumstances causing the dispute and submit a written request for review of the disputed circumstances to the Board of Trustees. Upon revi ew of such inf01mation, the Board of Trustees shall attempt to resolve the dispute. 19.2 If the Board of Trustees' resolution to the dispute is deemed unsatisfactory, then alternative dispute resolution through mediation or binding arbitration may be necessary. AR TICLE 20 ENFORCEMENTOFTERMSOFAGREEMENT 20.1 The Board of Trustees may enforce the terms of this Agreement. 20.2 In the event legal action is initiated to enforce any term or provision of this Agreement against any present or previous Participating Employer, the prevailing party shall receive such reimbursement of costs as the court deems r easonable for attorneys' fees and costs related to the relevant legal action. ARTICLE21 DEFAULT 21.1 If any Participating Employer fails to perform any term or condition of this Agreement and such failure continues for a period of sixty (60) days after the Board of Trustees has given the Participating Employer written notice describing such failure, the Participating Employer shall be considered in default. 21.2 Upon default, the Board of Trustees may immediately cancel the Participating Employer's participation in the Health Care Program without additional notice or exercise some other remedy otherwise provi ded by law. 74234347.6 0053138-0000J 10 RES.A Page 106 of 171 21.3 The rights and remedies of the Board of Trustees are cumulative in nature and pursuit of any pru1icular remedy shall not be deemed an election of remedies or a waiver of any other remedies available hereunder or otherwise available by law. ARTICLE22 NO WAIVERS No waiver or forbearance of a breach of any covenant, term, or condition of this Agreement shall be construed to be a waiver or forbearance of any other or subsequent breach of the same or of any other covenant, term or condition, and the acceptance of any performance hereu nder, or the payment of any s um of money after the same has become due or at a time when any other default exists hereunder, shall not constitute a waiver or right to demand payment of all sums owing or a waiver of any other default then or thereafter existing. ARTICLE23 CONTRACT MANAGEMENT The Health Care Program shall designate a person to whom the State Risk Manager shall forward legal process served upon the Risk Manager; The A WC Chief Executive Officer (designee or successor). The Health Care Program Director shal l be responsible for and shall be the con tact person for all communications regarding the performance of this Agreement. ARTICLE24 SEVERABILITY If any provision of this Agreement or any provision of any document incorporated by reference s hall be held invalid, such invalidity shall not affect the other provisions of this Agreement which can be given effect without the invalid provision, if such remainder conforms to the requirements of applicable law and the fundamental purpose of this Agreement, and to this end the provisions of this Agreement are declared to be severable. ARTICLE25 COUNTERPART COPIES This Agreement may be signed in counterpart or duplicate copies and any signed counterpart or duplicate copy shall be equivalent to a signed original for all purposes. 7423434 7.6 0053138·0000 I 11 RES.A Page 107 of 171 ARTICLE26 HEADINGS The Article and Section headings in this Agreement are inserted for convenience only and are not intended to be used in the interpretation of the contents of the Articles and Sections they introduce. ARTICLE27 AGREEMENTCO~LETE This Agreement and the documents referenced herein contains all the terms and conditions agreed to by the parties. No other understandings, oral or otherwise, regardi ng the subject matter of this Agreement shall be deemed to exist or to bind the parties h ereto. [Si g nature page follow s] 74234347.6 0053 138-00001 12 RES.A Page 108 of 171 AGENDA BILL APPROVAL FORM Agenda Subject: Resolution No. 4999 Date: October 2, 2013 Department: Planning and Development Attachments: Res 4999 Resolution No. 4920 Budget Impact: $0 Administrative Recommendation: Finance Committee to recomend that City Council adopt Resolution No. 4999. Background Summary: The City Council passed Resolution No. 4920 on February 26, 2013 amending the City’s fee schedule for certain permit fees and park impact fees for development projects within the City’s catalyst area (see map with Resolution No. 4920). The resolution was structured to require that all necessary permits be approved in order for a project to avail themselves of the fee reductions. Staff is recommending a modification that completed applications be submitted for a development project prior to December 31, 2013 rather than require a project by approved. This allows a project to be submitted and not have a rushed review or put the City in a position of not having adequate time to review the project but still have the advantage of the fee reductions. An applicant is still making a significant investment in a project through architectural, engineering, survey, and other consultant costs to submit a completed application to the City. Reviewed by Council Committees: Planning And Community Development Other: Planning, Legal Councilmember:Partridge Staff:Chamberlain Meeting Date:October 7, 2013 Item Number:RES.B AUBURN * MORE THAN YOU IMAGINEDRES.B Page 110 of 171 RESOLUTION NO. 4 9 9 9 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF AUBURN, WASHINGTON, AMENDING RESOLUTION 4920 RELATED TO TEMPORARY REDUCTION OF CERTAIN FEES BY CHANGING THE ELIGIBILITY DATE WHEREAS, On February 26, 2013, the City Council adopted Resolution 4920, which temporarily reduced certain development-related fees for applications that were permitted before the end of 2013; and WHEREAS, while the City still intend to incentivize near-term investment, it believes that its goals will be met if an application submittal is complete by the end of 2013, even if the permits have not been issued. NOW, THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF AUBURN, HEREBY RESOLVES as follows. Section 1. That Section 4 of Resolution No. 4920 is amended to read as follows: Section 4 That the modifications to the City's Master Fee Schedule shall only be made available to those development projects on the aforementioned "catalyst properties" that have received submitted complete applications for all necessary and required development approvals from the City, including planning approval, environmental review approval, building permit approval, and engineering approval, inclusive of facilities extension agreement approval. The determination of completeness shall be determined in accordance with Chapter 14.06 ACC. Section 2. That the Mayor is authorized to implement such administrative procedures as may be necessary to carry out the directives of this legislation. Resolution No.4999 October 1, 2013 Page 1 of 2 RES.B Page 111 of 171 Section 3. That this Resolution shall take effect and be in full force upon passage and signatures hereon. Dated and Signed this day of 12013 CITY OF AUBURN PETER B. LEWIS MAYOR ATTEST. Danielle E. Daskam, City Clerk APPRgVED AS TO FORM- el B Heid,Attorney \ Resolution No 4999 October 1, 2013 Page 2 of 2 RES.B Page 112 of 171 RESOLUTION NO. 4 9 2 0 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF AUBURN, WASHINGTON, TEMPORARILY REDUCING BUILDING, PLANNING AND ENGINEERING RELATED FEES AND TEMPORARILY REDUCING PARK IMPACT FEES (PIF) FOR THE PERIOD FROM THE EFFECTIVE DATE OF THIS RESOLUTION THROUGH DECEMBER 31, 2013, FOR DEVELOPMENT PROJECTS ON CERTAIN REAL PROPERTY DESCRIBED HEREIN FOR WHICH COMPLETED APPLICATIONS HAVE BEEN SUBMITTED WHEREAS, the City of Aubum has previously taken substantive steps to promote redevelopment of Downtown Auburn including but not limited to the preparation of an Environmental Impact Statement (EIS), obtainment of a Regional Center designation from the Puget Sound Regional Council and the preparation and approval of design guidelines and standards; and WHEREAS, despite ongoing economic impacts from the Great Recession, there is current real and substantive interest from private sector development parties in the development of residential, retail and office development in Downtown Auburn; and WHEREAS, the City of Auburn desires to promote and incentivize private sector development investment in its downtown core to realize future property tax and sales tax benefits to the citizens of Auburn from currently undeveloped and underdeveloped properties in said downtown core; and WHEREAS, the City of Aubum City Council is able under current state and local regulations to make adjustments to certain fees charged to private sector development interests and more specifically to fees charged for building Resolution No. 4920 February 26, 2013 Page 1 of 5RES.B Page 113 of 171 review, planning review and engineering review including the facility extension agreement process and for park impacts fees; and WHEREAS, the City of Auburn believes that the aforemerrtioned fee adjustments will be a major factor in enticing private sector development interests to commit to developing on certain parcels in Downtown Auburn; and WHEREAS, the City of Auburn believes that the period of availability for the aforementioned fee adjustments should be limited to no later than December 31, 2013 and that such limitation will help spur near-term private sector development investment; and WHEREAS, there are certain "catalyst properties" in the Downtown Core whose redevelopment will in addition to increasing property and sales tax collections in the Downtown Core act as an impetus to future downtown development and redevelopment through a substantive increase in downtown residents and employees. NOW, THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF AUBURN, WASHINGTON HEREBY RESOLVES as follows: Section 1. That the City's Master Fee Schedule shall be modified to authorize a seventy-five percent reduction in fees charged by the City of Auburn for building review, planning review and engineering review inclusive of the facilities extension agreement process applicable only to those parcels of land specified as the "catalyst properties" in Section 3. Section 2. That the City's Master Fee Schedule shall be modified to authorize a seventy-five percent reduction in park impact fees (PIF) charged by Resolution No. 4920 February 26, 2013 Page 2 of 5RES.B Page 114 of 171 the City of Auburn, applicable only to those parcels of land specified as the catalyst properties" in Section 3. Section 3. That the following parcels of land shall be considered "catalyst properties" (Exhibit "A") in the City's Downtown Core and shall be eligible for application of the aforementioned fee adjustments: Parcel No. 7815700115 Parcel No. 7815700110 Parcel No. 7815700095 Parcel No. 7815700135 Parcel No. 7815700240 Parcel No. 7815700225 Parcel No. 7815700250 Parcel No. 7815700265 Parcel No. 7815700380 Parcel No. 7815700370 Parcel No. 7815700390 Parcel No. 7815700410 Parcel No. 7815700325 Parcel No. 7815700326 Parcel No. 7815700327 Parcel No. 7815700310 Parcel No. 7815700305 Parcel No. 7815700300 Resolution No.4920 February 26, 2013 Page 3 of 5RES.B Page 115 of 171 Parcel No. 7815700295 Parcel No. 7815700290 Parcel No. 7815700285 Parcel No. 7815700280 Parcel No. 7815700075 Parcel No. 7815700070 Parcel No. 7815700047 Parcel No. 7815700030 Parcel No. 7815700020 Parcel No. 7815700015 Parcel No. 7815700005 Parcel No. 0492000460 Parcel No. 0492000461 Parcel No. 0492000463 Section 4. That the modifications to the City's Master Fee Schedule shall only be made available to those development projects on the aforementioned catalyst properties" that have received all necessary and required developmer t approvals from the City including planning approval, environmental review approval, building permit approval and engineering approval inclusive of facilities extension agreement approval. Section 5. That the modfications to the City's Master Fee Schedule spec ed in Sections 1 and 2 of this Resolution shall expire on December 31, 2013, and the prior rates shall thereafter apply Resolution No. 4920 February 26, 2013 Page 4 of 5RES.B Page 116 of 171 Section 6. That the Mayor is authorized to implement such administrative procedures as may be necessary to carry out the directives of this legislation. Section 7. That this Resolution shall take efFect and be in full force as provided herein, and upon passage and signatures hereon. Dated and Signed this 8 day of J 2013. B PETER B. LEWIS MAYOR ATTEST Danielle E. askam, City Clerk APPRO AS T RM: Dani . ei , C' omey ResoluGon No. 4920 February 26, 2013 Page 5 of 5RES.B Page 117 of 171 EXhI blt 1 r`' !_; > :` Z r I o 049200046' o° Q oN I 0492000463 I J I' I IS"1'S'I' NN' IS fSTNF I N I G C z y — mI5 I J ' Q W MAIN ST E MAIN ST I N o inrn o u o o a° o° o 0 0 o 0 0i ' n o c r N f m r n n r m Nn M I o o A PL SE o o Q N I J W n ti J I is srsw isrsTSr. I i li r, ro o i N N O s s oo2ao 0 0 0 o° , h J J m ^ Q 7 15$ 7003 5ono 7615700250 o o M "'' o 0 0 7 15700326 N n O i I N l J 78157 01265 77315700 r7 I ND S"T SbV V'll R tiP. a,s o 0 0 J W r anNS r rt > s w C J'S70 39fl SjS, 781570041 i RD ST SW Parcels of In[cres: Other Parcels Infoi'rnn[mo•Aiowitialo a,nmmli'rlri'rnrrpm,- . v H:i :tlr, .mrn.•rr,.nily rp .r i ... RES.B Page 118 of 171 AGENDA BILL APPROVAL FORM Agenda Subject: Resolution No. 4991 Date: September 25, 2013 Department: Finance Attachments: Res 4991 and Agreement Budget Impact: $0 Administrative Recommendation: City Council approve Resolution No. 4991 Background Summary: The City needs to conduct a Wildlife Habitat Assessment at the Auburn Municipal Airport and would like to enter into a contract with Mead & Hunt, Inc. Contract is attached for review and discussion. Reviewed by Council Committees: Finance, Municipal Services Councilmember:Peloza Staff:Coleman Meeting Date:October 7, 2013 Item Number:DI.A AUBURN * MORE THAN YOU IMAGINEDDI.A Page 119 of 171 RESOLUTION NO. 4 9 9 1 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF AUBURN, WASHINGTON, AUTHORIZING THE MAYOR AND CITY CLERK TO EXECUTE AN AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE CITY OF AUBURN AND MEAD & HUNT, INC., FOR A WILDLIFE AND HABITAT ASSESSMENT AT THE AUBURN MUNICIPAL AIRPORT WHEREAS, The City needs to conduct a Wildlife Habitat Assessment at the Auburn Municipal Airport; and WHEREAS, as provided for in Chapter 39.80 of the Revised Code of Washington, the City conducted a quality based selection, advertising, and negotiation process, and recommends that the City enter into a contract with Mead & Hunt, Inc.; and WHEREAS, it is in the public interest for the parties to enter into an agreement for these services. NOW, THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF AUBURN, WASHINGTON, HEREBY RESOLVES as follows: Section 1. That the Mayor and City Clerk are hereby authorized to execute an Agreement between the City and Mead & Hunt, Inc., in the amount of Sixty Four Thousand, Five Hundred Dollars and no cents ($64,500 00), (sales tax not applicable), to conduct a Wildlife Habitat Assessment at the Auburn Municipal Airport, which agreement shall be in substantial conformity with the agreement attached hereto and incorporated herein by this reference Section 2. That the Mayor is authorized to implement such administrative procedures as may be necessary to carry out the directives of this legislation. Resolution No. 4991 September 23, 2013 Page 1 of 2DI.A Page 120 of 171 Section 3. That this Resolution shall take effect and be in full force upon passage and signatures hereon. Dated and Signed this day of 2013 CITY OF AUBURN PETER B. LEWIS, MAYOR ATTEST- Danielle E. Daskam, City Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORM: F- 44 Da i e 60 Att rney Resolution No. 4991 September 23, 2013 Page 2 of 2DI.A Page 121 of 171 AGREEMENT FOR PROFESSIONAL SERVICES Wildlife Hazard Assessment THIS AGREEMENT made and entered into by and between the CITY OF AUBURN, a Municipal Corporation in King County, Washington, hereinafter referred to as "CITY" and Mead & Hunt, Inc. whose address is 6501 Watts Road, Madison, Wisconsin 53719, hereinafter referred to as "CONSULTANT." In consideration of the covenants and conditions of this Agreement, the parties hereby agree as follows: 1. SCOPE OF WORK. See Exhibit A, which is attached hereto and by this reference made a part of this Agreement. 2. TERM. The CONSULTANT shall not begin any work under this Agreement until authorized in writing by the CITY All work under this Agreement shall be completed by December 2015. The established completion time shall not be extended because of any delays attributable to the CONSULTANT, but may be extended by the CITY in the event of a delay attributable to the CITY, or because of unavoidable delays caused by an act of GOD or governmental actions or other conditions beyond the control of the CONSULTANT A prior supplemental Agreement issued by the CITY is required to extend the established completion time. 3. COMPENSATION. The total compensation for this Agreement shall not exceed sixty-four thousand five hundred dollars ($64,500 00), sales tax not applicable. Agreement for Professional Services Wildlife Hazard Assessment September 18, 2013 Page 1 of 18 DI.A Page 122 of 171 CONSULTANT shall invoice the City monthly based on work performed, with the final payment to be made upon completion and CITY acceptance of the final report. 4. SUBCONTRACTING. The CITY permits subcontracts for those items of work necessary for the completion of the project. The CONSULTANT shall not subcontract for the performance of any work under this AGREEMENT without prior written permission of the CITY No permission for subcontracting shall create, between the CITY and subcontractor, any contractor or any other relationship Compensation for any subconsultant work is included in Section 3 of this Agreement and all reimbursable direct labor, overhead, direct non-salary costs and fixed fee costs for the subconsultant shall be substantiated and paid for by the CONSULTANT and not the CITY 5. RESPONSIBILITY OF CONSULTANT. The CONSULTANT shall be responsible for the professional quality, technical accuracy, timely completion and the coordination of all studies, analysis, designs, drawings, specifications, reports and other services performed by the CONSULTANT under this Agreement. The CONSULTANT shall, without additional compensation, correct or revise any errors, omissions or other deficiencies in its plans, designs, drawings, specifications, reports and other services required within one year of final completion. The CONSULTANT shall perform its services to conform to generally- accepted professional standards and the requirements of the CITY Any approval by the CITY under this Agreement shall not in any way relieve the CONSULTANT of responsibility for the technical accuracy and adequacy of its services. Except as otherwise provided herein, neither the CITY'S review, approval or acceptance of, nor payment for, any of the services shall be construed to operate as a waiver of any Agreement for Professional Services Wildlife Hazard Assessment September 18, 2013 Page 2 of 18 DI.A Page 123 of 171 rights under this Agreement or of any cause of action arising out of the performance of this Agreement to the full extent of the law. 6. INDEMNIFICATION/HOLD HARMLESS. The CONSULTANT shall defend, indemnify and hold the CITY, its officers, officials, volunteers, and employees harmless from any and all claims, injuries, damages, losses, or suits, including attorney fees, arising out of or resulting from the negligent acts, errors or omissions of the CONSULTANT in performance of this Agreement, except for injuries or damages caused by the sole negligence of the CITY Should a court of competent jurisdiction determine that this Agreement is subject to RCW 4.24 115, then, in the event of liability for damages arising out of bodily injury to persons or damages to property caused by or resulting from the concurrent negligence of the CONSULTANT and the CITY, its officers, officials, employees, and volunteers, the CONSULTANT 's liability, including the duty and cost to defend, hereunder shall be only to the extent of the CONSULTANT 's negligence. It is further specifically and expressly understood that the indemnification provided herein constitutes the CONSULTANT 's waiver of immunity under Industrial Insurance, Title 51 RCW, solely for the purposes of this indemnification. This waiver has been mutually negotiated by the parties. The provisions of this section shall survive the expiration or termination of this Agreement. 7. INDEPENDENT CONTRACTOR/ASSIGNMENT. The parties agree and understand that the CONSULTANT is an independent contractor and not the agent or employee of the CITY and that no liability shall attach to the CITY by reason of entering into this Agreement except as otherwise provided herein. The parties agree that this Agreement may not be assigned in whole or in part without the written consent of the CITY Agreement for Professional Services Wildlife Hazard Assessment September 18, 2013 Page 3 of 18 DI.A Page 124 of 171 8. INSURANCE. CONSULTANT shall procure and maintain for the duration of this Agreement, insurance against claims for injuries to persons or damage to property which may arise from or in connection with the performance of the work hereunder by the CONSULTANT, its agents, representatives, or employees. CONSULTANT'S maintenance of insurance as required by the Agreement shall not be construed to limit the liability of the CONSULTANT to the coverage provided by such insurance, or otherwise limit the City's recourse to any remedy available at law or in equity CONSULTANT shall obtain insurance of the types and in the amounts described below, a. Automobile Liability insurance covering all owned, non-owned, hired and leased vehicles, with a minimum combined single limit for bodily injury and property damage of$1,000,000.00 per accident. Coverage shall be written on Insurance Services Office (ISO) form CA 00 01 or a substitute form providing equivalent liability coverage. If necessary, the policy shall be endorsed to provide contractual liability coverage. b. Commercial General Liability insurance shall be written on ISO occurrence form CG 00 01 and shall cover liability arising from premises, operations, independent contractors, and personal injury and advertising injury, with limits no less than $1,000,000.00 each occurrence, $2,000,000 00 general aggregate. The CITY shall be named as an insured under the CONSULTANT'S Commercial General Liability insurance policy with respect to the work performed for the CITY using the applicable ISO Additional Insured endorsement or equivalent. Agreement for Professional Services Wildlife Hazard Assessment September 18, 2013 Page 4 of 18 DI.A Page 125 of 171 c. Worker's Compensation coverage as required by the Industrial Insurance laws of the State of Washington. If the consultant is a sole proprietor, the parties agree that Industrial Insurance would be required if the CONSULTANT had employees. However, the parties agree that a CONSULTANT who has no employees would not be required to have Worker's Compensation coverage. d Professional Liability insurance appropriate to the CONSULTANT'S profession, with limits no less than $1,000,000 00 per claim and 1,000,000.00 policy aggregate limit. The insurance policies are to contain, or be endorsed to contain, the following provisions for Automobile Liability, Professional Liability, and Commercial General Liability insurance. a. The CONSULTANT'S insurance coverage shall be primary insurance with respect to the CITY Any insurance, self insurance, or insurance pool coverage maintained by the CITY shall be excess of the CONSULTANT'S insurance and shall not contribute with it. b. The CONSULTANT'S insurance shall be endorsed to state that coverage shall not be cancelled by either party, except after thirty (30) days prior written notice has been given to the CITY by certified mail, return receipt requested. All insurance shall be obtained from an insurance company authorized to do business in the State of Washington. Insurance is to be placed with insurers with a current A.M. Best rating of not less than A- VII. The CONSULTANT shall furnish the City with certificates of insurance and a copy of the amendatory endorsements, including but not necessarily limited to the additional insured endorsement, evidencing the insurance coverage required by this Agreement for Professional Services Wildlife Hazard Assessment September 18, 2013 Page 5 of 18 DI.A Page 126 of 171 section, before commencement of the work. The CITY reserves the right to require that complete, certified copies of all required insurance policies be submitted to the CITY at any time. The CITY will pay no progress payments under Section 3 until the CONSULTANT has fully complied with this section. 9. NONDISCRIMINATION. The CONSULTANT may not discriminate regarding any services or activities to which this Agreement may apply directly or through contractual, hiring, or other arrangements on the grounds of race, color, creed, religion, national origin, sex, age, or where there is the presence of any sensory, mental or physical handicap 10. OWNERSHIP OF RECORDS AND DOCUMENTS. The CONSULTANT agrees that any and all drawings, computer discs, documents, records, books, specifications, reports, estimates, summaries and such other information and materials as the CONSULTANT may have accumulated, prepared or obtained as part of providing services under the terms of this Agreement by the CONSULTANT, shall belong to and shall remain the property of the CITY OF AUBURN. In addition, the CONSULTANT agrees to maintain all books and records relating to its operation and concerning this Agreement for a period of six (6) years following the date that this Agreement is expired or otherwise terminated. The CONSULTANT further agrees that the CITY may inspect any and all documents held by the CONSULTANT and relating to this Agreement upon good cause at any reasonable time within the six 6) year period. The CONSULTANT also agrees to provide to the CITY, at the CITY'S request, the originals of all drawings, documents, and items specified in this Section and information compiled in providing services to the CITY under the terms of this Agreement. Agreement for Professional Services Wildlife Hazard Assessment September 18, 2013 Page 6 of 18 DI.A Page 127 of 171 11. CERTIFICATION REGARDING DEBARMENT, SUSPENSION, AND OTHER RESPONSIBILITY MATTERS-PRIMARY COVERED TRANSACTIONS. The prospective primary participant certifies to the best of its knowledge and belief, that it and its principals: a) Are not presently debarred, suspended, proposed for debarment, declared ineligible, or voluntarily excluded from covered transactions by any federal department or agency; b) Have not within a three-year period preceding this proposal been convicted of or had a civil judgment rendered against them for commission or fraud or a criminal offense in connection with obtaining, attempting to obtain, or performing a public (federal, state, or local) transaction or contract under a public transaction; violation of federal or state antitrust statues or commission of embezzlement, theft, forgery, bribery, falsification or destruction of records, making false statements, or receiving stolen property; c) Are not presently indicted for or otherwise criminally or civilly charged by a governmental entity (federal, state, or local) with commission of any of the offenses enumerated in paragraph "(b)" of this certification; and d) Have not within a three-year period preceding this application/proposal had one or more public transactions (federal, state, or local) terminated for cause or default. Where the prospective primary participant is unable to certify to any of the statements in this certification, such prospective participant shall attach an explanation to this proposal. Agreement for Professional Services Wildlife Hazard Assessment September 18, 2013 Page 7 of 18 DI.A Page 128 of 171 12. TERMINATION OF AGREEMENT. This Agreement may be terminated by either party upon twenty (20) days written notice to the other party, and based upon any cause. In the event of termination due to the fault of other(s) than the CONSULTANT, the CONSULTANT shall be paid by the CITY for services performed to the date of termination. Upon receipt of a termination notice under the above paragraph, the CONSULTANT shall (1) promptly discontinue all services affected as directed by the written notice, and (2) deliver to the CITY all data, drawings, specifications, reports, estimates, summaries, and such other information and materials as the CONSULTANT may have accumulated, prepared or obtained in performing this Agreement, whether completed or in process. 13. GENERAL PROVISIONS. 13.1 This Agreement shall be governed by the laws, regulations and ordinances of the City of Auburn, the State of Washington, King County, and where applicable, Federal laws. 13.2. All claims, disputes and other matters in question arising out of, or relating to, this Agreement or the breach hereof, except with respect to claims which have been waived, will be decided by a court of competent jurisdiction in King County, Washington. Pending final decision of a dispute hereunder, the CONSULTANT and the CITY shall proceed diligently with the performance of the services and obligations herein. 13.3. In the event that any dispute or conflict arises between the parties while this Agreement is in effect, the CONSULTANT agrees that, notwithstanding such dispute or conflict, the CONSULTANT shall continue to make a good faith effort to cooperate and continue work toward successful completion of assigned duties and responsibilities. Agreement for Professional Services Wildlife Hazard Assessment September 18, 2013 Page 8 of 18 DI.A Page 129 of 171 13.4 The CITY and the CONSULTANT respectively bind themselves, their partners, successors, assigns, and legal representatives to the other party to this Agreement with respect to all covenants to this Agreement. 13 5 This Agreement represents the entire and integrated Agreement between the CITY and the CONSULTANT and supersedes all prior negotiations, representations or agreements either oral or written. This Agreement may be amended only by written instrument signed by both the CITY and the CONSULTANT. 13.6. Should it become necessary to enforce any term or obligation of this Agreement, then all costs of enforcement including reasonable attorneys fees and expenses and court costs shall be paid to the substantially prevailing party 137 The CONSULTANT agrees to comply with all local, state and federal laws applicable to its performance as of the date of this Agreement. 13 8 If any provision of this Agreement is invalid or unenforceable, the remaining provisions shall remain in force and effect. 13.9. This Agreement shall be administered by Laura Morland on behalf of the CONSULTANT, and by the Mayor of the CITY, or designee, on behalf of the CITY Any written notices required by the terms of this Agreement shall be served on or mailed to the following addresses: City of Auburn Mead & Hunt, Inc Attn. Bill Thomas Attn. Rick Jones 25 W Main Street 1743 Wazee Street, Suite 400 Auburn WA 98001 Denver, CO 80202 Phone: 253-288-3142 Phone. 303-825-8844 Fax: 253-288-3132 Fax: 303-825-8855 E-mail: bthomas(d)auburnwa.gov E-mail: rick iones LDmeadhunt.com Agreement for Professional Services Wildlife Hazard Assessment September 18, 2013 Page 9 of 18 DI.A Page 130 of 171 13.10 All notices or communications permitted or required to be given under this Agreement shall be in writing and shall be delivered in person or deposited in the United States mail, postage prepaid. Any such delivery shall be deemed to have been duly given if mailed by certified mail, return receipt requested, and addressed to the address for the party set forth in 13 9 or if to such other person designated by a party to receive such notice It is provided, however, that mailing such notices or communications by certified mail, return receipt requested is an option, not a requirement, unless specifically demanded or otherwise agreed. Any party may change his, her, or its address by giving notice in writing, stating his, her, or its new address, to any other party, all pursuant to the procedure set forth in this section of the Agreement. 13 11 This Agreement may be executed in multiple counterparts, each of which shall be one and the same Agreement and shall become effective when one or more counterparts have been signed by each of the parties and delivered to the other party 14 CONSULTANT will bill the CITY monthly, according to the payment method set forth in the Contract, with net payment due in thirty (30) days. The quoted fee will control until it is amended. Past due balances shall be subject to an interest charge at a rate of 1-1/2% per month. In addition, CONSULTANT may, after giving seven (7) days' written notice, suspend service under any agreement until the CITY has paid in full all amounts due for services rendered and expenses incurred, including the interest charge on past due invoices. 15 The term "Confidential Information" means information marked or designated by CONSULTANT or CITY as confidential. Confidential Information includes, but is not limited to, ideas, specifications, techniques, models, data, programs, documentation, processes, know-how, and financial and technical information. CITY and CONSULTANT Agreement for Professional Services Wildlife Hazard Assessment September 18, 2013 Page 10 of 18 DI.A Page 131 of 171 shall not, during the term of this agreement or after the termination of this agreement for a period of two (2) years disclose any Confidential Information to any person or entity, or use any Confidential Information to any person or entity, or use any Confidential Information for the benefit of CITY or CONSULTANT as the case may be, or any other person or entity, except with the prior written consent of CONSULTANT or CITY, as the case may be, or as required by law CONSULTANT acknowledges that the CITY is subject to Washington's Public Records Act (Chapter 42.56 RCW ) If the CITY receives a request for records that contain Confidential Information, it will notify the CONSULTANT of the request and will give CONSULTANT ten working days to obtain an injunction preventing the release. CITY will cooperate with CONSULTANT in protecting Confidential Information, but will not initiate litigation. If release of records containing Confidential Information is ordered by a court of competent jurisdiction, CONSULTANT shall be responsible for all fines and penalties assessed against the City 16. The CITY agrees to clarify and define project requirements and to provide such legal, accounting and insurance counseling services as may be required for the project. 17 CONSULTANT intends to serve as the CITY's professional representative for those services as defined in this agreement and to provide advice and consultation to the CITY as a professional. Any opinions of probable project costs, reviews and observations, and other decisions made by CONSULTANT for the CITY are rendered on the basis of experience and qualifications and represent the professional judgment of the CONSULTANT However, the CONSULTANT cannot and does not guarantee that proposals, bids or actual project or construction costs will not vary from the opinion of probable cost prepared by it. Agreement for Professional Services Wildlife Hazard Assessment September 18, 2013 Page 11 of 18 DI.A Page 132 of 171 18. This agreement shall not be construed as imposing upon or providing to CONSULTANT the responsibility or authority to direct or supervise construction means, methods, techniques, sequence, or procedures of construction selected by the contractors or subcontractors or the safety precautions and programs incident to the work of the contractors or subcontractors. CITY OF AUBURN Peter B. Lewis, Mayor Date ATTEST Danielle E. Daskam, City Clerk APPROV S T ORM: Daniel B Heid, City Attorney Mead & Hunt, Inc. BY Title. Federal Tax ID # Agreement for Professional Services Wildlife Hazard Assessment September 18, 2013 Page 12 of 18 DI.A Page 133 of 171 EXHIBIT A Scope of Work AGREEMENT#' TASK#' CONSULTANT Mead & Hunt, Inc. PROJECT Name: Wildlife Hazard Assessment The general provisions and clauses of the Agreement referenced above shall be in full force and effect for this Task Assignment. Location of Project: Auburn Municipal Airport Maximum Amount Payable per this Task Assignment: $64.500.00, sales tax not applicable Completion Date: Completion of draft Wildlife Hazard Assessment within 14 months of Notice to Proceed. Scope of Work: Mead & Hunt to conduct a Wildlife Hazard Assessment (WHA) at Auburn Municipal Airport S50) in accordance with Federal Aviation Regulation (FAR) Part 139.337 (e) and (f). FAR Part 139 337(a) defines a Wildlife Hazard Assessment as an ecological study conducted by a qualified wildlife hazard damage management biologist in accordance with FAA Advisory Circular 150/5200-36A. All technical activities associated with the proposed WHA would be overseen by a Mead & Hunt FAA-qualified wildlife hazard damage biologist. The purpose of a WHA is to provide sufficient data to complete a Wildlife Hazard Management Plan (if determined, to be required by the FAA after completion of the WHA). Title 14 CFR 139.337 (c) (1-5) provides specific guidance regarding the development of a WHA "to ensure that its contents are sufficient in the event that the FAA requires a new or revised WHMP." Following the completion of the 12-month monitoring cycle, Mead & Hunt staff will prepare a wildlife hazard assessment (WHA) report in accordance with 14 CFR 139.337 The WHA reports on the avian and mammalian species identified during site monitoring activities and identifies the frequency, seasonal and behavioral activities, and locations of wildlife activity and attractants in relation to the airport. The completed WHA report will include the necessary elements of a WHA as outlined in Title 14 CFR 139.337 and prioritized recommendations for mitigating the hazardous wildlife attractants identified. Based on the results of the WHA, the FAA determines whether a Wildlife Hazard Management Plan (WHMP) is required. If the FAA determines a WHMP is necessary, the results of the WHA serve as the scientific basis for developing and implementing the WHMP The WHMP designates specific duties and responsibilities for implementing the management measures Consultant Invoices Agreement No.AG-C-xxx Page 13 of 26 DI.A Page 134 of 171 recommended in the WHA. These regulations are set forth in 14 CFR 193.337 (f) regarding the preparation of a WHMP Completion of the WHMP is not included in this scope. Scope of Services Mead & Hunt's project approach will use the previously developed data to the greatest extent practicable. We will refer to recently prepared environmental studies associated with ongoing airport improvements to inform our study design, and we work closely with airport staff to build upon the existing data. Upon authorization from the City of Auburn, Mead & Hunt will perform the following tasks: Task 1: Project Initiation and Kick-off 1A. Project Kick-off Meeting To initiate the project, Mead & Hunt team members will facilitate a kick-off meeting with airport representatives. We will discuss the airport's current wildlife hazard management activities, project schedule, reporting and communication protocol, site access and security requirements, site-specific issues associated with the WHA and any other pertinent issues. Before the meeting, the Mead & Hunt team will review existing wildlife hazard data for the airport. The team will also review previously developed habitat or wildlife studies developed locally for airport projects or other projects within an approximately five-mile radius of aircraft movement areas. Following the kick-off meeting, the Mead & Hunt team will perform an airport reconnaissance visit with airport staff to identify, On-site and off-site monitoring locations to include in the study design Any maintenance activities or short-term actions that the airport staff can implement to reduce hazards prior to completion of the WHA study 1 B. Obtain Security Clearance and Necessary Training Based on conversations with airport staff, Mead & Hunt understands that project team members will obtain appropriate security clearances and driver training to enable them to conduct project activities within the Aircraft Operations Area (AOA) without an escort. Team members have extensive experience working in an aviation environment. Prior to the first monitoring event, project biologists will obtain driver training and undergo security screening sufficient to gain access within the AOA. 1C Prepare Study Design Based on the data review and site visit, the Mead & Hunt team will prepare a project-specific study design to meet statutory requirements. The FAA and USDA-APHIS-WS recommend the following standardized survey procedures to provide an objective assessment of hazardous wildlife in the airport environment that can be repeated in future years for comparative purposes: The establishment of standardized survey points throughout the AOA. Additional survey points may be established in nearby off-airport areas suspected of attracting birds or other potentially hazardous species that could move across the AOA. Agreement for Professional Services Wildlife Hazard Assessment September 18, 2013 Page 14 of 18 DI.A Page 135 of 171 Standardized surveys and bird counts (at least twice-monthly) Specialized surveys, as needed, to document the presence of mammals. Two small mammal surveys and two large mammal surveys (i.e., spotlight surveys) will be conducted during the 12-month WHA. The study design prepared by Mead & Hunt will include, at minimum, the following data: Definition of study area, including items identified in FAA AC 150/5200-33B and 14 CFR 139.337, such as the general area; AOA, critical zone; and approach, departure and circling airspace Frequency and schedule for biological monitoring to address daily cycles, seasonal variations, etc. A map or aerial photography and grid to identify monitoring locations (usually 10 to 15 locations) Project-specific recording and reporting protocols and forms The Mead & Hunt team will provide City staff with a draft study design document for review and comment within 10 days of the project kick-off meeting, and we will incorporate one round of comments. A final study document will be provided within one week of the receipt of comments from City staff. Task 1 Deliverables: Preparation for, attendance and documentation of project kick-off meeting and initial site visit Participation in security clearance and training activities Draft and final study design documents Task 2: Perform and Document Biological Studies As described in FAA Part 139.337 (c)(2), a WHA must include the "identification of the wildlife species observed and their numbers, locations, local movements, and daily and seasonal occurrences." In most cases, a 12-month assessment is required to identify seasonal patterns of activity for birds and other wildlife inhabiting the airport and surrounding environs. We will perform twice-monthly monitoring events, plus four mammal monitoring surveys, for a total of 28 monitoring events, throughout the course of the biological study The bimonthly surveys will be performed by our locally based team members from Raedeke Associates, who are knowledgeable of local conditions. Raedeke Associates is based in Seattle, approximately 40 minutes from S50 Survey protocols and data will be overseen by a Mead & Hunt qualified biologist, who will participate in select monitoring events. Initial Monitoring Event Agreement for Professional Services Wildlife Hazard Assessment September 18, 2013 Page 15 of 18 DI.A Page 136 of 171 The initial monitoring event will be conducted with Mead & Hunt's qualified wildlife biologist and Raedeke Associates. A brief survey memo will be provided to summarize the results of the initial site review or to identify necessary changes to the proposed study design or protocols. Twice-monthly Surveys Wildlife biologists from Raedeke Associates will perform twice-monthly surveys to record the presence, extent and movement of wildlife on and near the airport. These twice-monthly surveys will also include ongoing conversations with airport staff. Each wildlife sighting will be documented on standardized forms and maps. To adequately identify the required information during a WHA, the Mead & Hunt team will use standardized survey procedures that provide an objective assessment of hazardous wildlife. Each individual or flock will be indicated on the project grid to identify the spatial distributions of wildlife on or near the airport. Collected information can include time of observation, survey station, species, activity, habitat type and location. Observations of nonavian species will be recorded to identify prey base, migration patterns or other changes in behavior that could be hazardous to aircraft. To analyze the data, birds will be categorized into groups called guilds. Species will be placed into guilds based on behavioral characteristics. This approach is used because behavioral attributes predispose some wildlife species to conflicts with aircraft. Wildlife management strategies are often selected based on their ability to exploit an animal's specific behavior(s); therefore, species that exhibit similar behaviors generally require similar management methods. Analyses will include calculating the quantity of birds recorded at each observation point during surveys, seasonal and daily patterns, habitat use, species activity, guild abundance and frequency of occurrence recorded during twice-monthly surveys. Small Mammal Surveys Although Mead & Hunt will record data pertaining to small mammals during the twice-monthly monitoring events, we will also perform two small mammal surveys. These dedicated surveys typically consist of 50 monitoring stations (trap lines) spaced at approximately 10- to 20-meter intervals with a small mammal trap set at each station. These transects will be established in the various types of habitat present at the airport. Our team will perform two small mammal surveys, with each survey including a three-day data collection effort. The data collected will identify the number of mammals captured, trap station, species, activity, habitat use, grid location and type of trap. The team's qualified wildlife hazard damage biologist will direct activities associated with the small mammal surveys. Large Mammal Surveys Two large mammal surveys will be performed. Spotlight surveys will be performed at night along a predetermined route, which usually includes areas near the runways and more remote areas of the airport property Observations typically begin at least 30 minutes after sunset and conclude several hours later The data collected will include species, activity, habitat use and grid location. Agreement for Professional Services Wildlife Hazard Assessment September 18, 2013 Page 16 of 18 DI.A Page 137 of 171 Deliverables: Documentation of twice-monthly monitoring events and recommendations for airport staff responsible for wildlife hazard management Task 3: Prepare Wildlife Hazard Assessment Report FAR Part 139 specifies the topics that must be addressed in a WHA report. Although wildlife hazard management practices vary according to airport based on local environmental conditions, several types of best management practices (BMPs) can be incorporated at most airports to reduce the potential for wildlife strikes based on the results of biological observations. The Mead & Hunt team will include applicable strategies we have observed or developed while working at other airports, as well as site-specific strategies based on field observations. Mead & Hunt will recommend and refine these general approaches/BMPs based on the results of observations. Proposed measures will be based on sound scientific principles and safe airport operation. We will consider unique airport circumstances and operational concerns when recommending wildlife hazard management techniques. Mead & Hunt will prepare a Preliminary Draft WHA for review by City staff. Following staff review, we will incorporate one round of comments and prepare a Draft WHA for submission to the FAA. The Mead & Hunt team will submit the draft WHA to FAA staff and respond to questions or comments. We will incorporate up to one round of FAA comments within two weeks of receipt and prepare a final WHA report. Deliverables: Preliminary draft WHA report Draft WHA report Final WHA report Responsibilities of City of Auburn Our Scope of Services and Compensation are based on Auburn Municipal Airport performing or providing the following: A designated representative with complete authority to transmit instructions and information, receive information, interpret policy, and define decisions. Provide access to adjacent properties if necessary Access to the project site. Available data, drawings, and information related to the project. Review of draft-final plans and specifications within 2 weeks of receipt. Protection of Mead & Hunt-supplied digital information or data, if any, from contamination, misuse, or changes. Project Schedule Agreement for Professional Services W Idlife Hazard Assessment September 18, 2013 Page 17 of 18 DI.A Page 138 of 171 Mead & Hunt will provide City staff with a complete WHA report within one month of monitoring completion (month 13). We anticipate both the City and the FAA will review project reports within appropriate timeframes, and we will provide a revised draft within two weeks of comment receipt from each agency. Agreement for Professional Services Wildlife Hazard Assessment September 18, 2013 Page 18 of 18 DI.A Page 139 of 171 AGENDA BILL APPROVAL FORM Agenda Subject: Century West Task Order Date: September 30, 2013 Department: Finance Attachments: Task Assignment Budget Status Sheet Budget Impact: $0 Administrative Recommendation: Recommendation to move Task Assignment #435-2013-001 on to City Council for approval. Background Summary: On September 16, 2013 the City Council authorized Ordinance No. 6473, which allocated funding for engineering design services for proposed improvements at Auburn Municipal Airport to include crack seal and slurry seal of the airfield. At this time, City staff is seeking City Council approval of Task Assignment #435-2013- 001 in the amount of $110,000 which engages Century West Engineering, as the City’s ‘on-call’ airport planning and engineering firm, to proceed with this design phase of the project. Project funding is through a Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) grant of $100,000.00 with a 5% City and 5% State match ($5,000.00 each). Reviewed by Council Committees: Finance, Municipal Services Councilmember:Staff:Coleman Meeting Date:October 7, 2013 Item Number:DI.B AUBURN * MORE THAN YOU IMAGINEDDI.B Page 140 of 171 EXHIBIT A TASK ASSIGNMENT AGREEMENT #: TASK #: 435-2013-001 CONSULTANT: Century West Engineering PROJECT #/Name: Asphalt Rehabilitation and Seal Coat The general provisions and clauses of the Agreement referenced above shall be in full force and effect for this Task Assignment. Location of Project: Auburn Municipal Airport Maximum Amount Payable per this Task Assignment: $ 110,000.00 Completion Date: October 31, 2014 Scope of Work: The scope of this project is to provide engineering design services for proposed improvements at Auburn Municipal Airport to include crack seal and slurry seal of airfield. Approvals Consultant Project Manager: Signature: Date: City Project Manager: Signature: Date: City Mayor, if Task Assignment is over $5,000: Signature: Date: DI.B Page 141 of 171 1 of 1 Project No: CPxxxx Project Title: Project Manager: Jamelle Garcia Initiation/Consultant Agreement Initiation Date: _________ Permission to Advertise Advertisement Date: ________ Contract Award Award Date: ___________ Change Order Approval Contract Final Acceptance Funding Prior Years 20132014 Future Years Total FAA Grant -$ 100,000.00$ 237,500.00$ -$ 337,500.00$ 435 Fund - Airport - 5% contribution - 5,000.00 13,750.00 - 18,750.00 WSDOT - State - 5% grant **- 5,000.00 13,750.00 - 18,750.00 Total- 110,000.00 265,000.00 - 375,000.00$ Activity PriorYears 2013 2014 FutureYears Total BUDGET STATUS SHEET Asphalt Rehabilitation and Seal Coat Date: August 30, 2013 The "Future Years" column indicates the projected amount to be requested in future budgets. Funds Budgeted (Funds Available) Estimated Cost (Funds Needed) Activity Prior Years 2013 2014 Future Years Total Design Engineering - City Costs -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ Design Engineering - Consultant Costs - 110,000.00 - - 110,000.00 Construction Estimate - - 265,000.00 - 265,000.00 Project Contingency (15%)- - - - - Construction Engineering - City Costs - - - - - Construction Engineering - Consultant Costs - - - - - Total- 110,000.00 265,000.00 - 375,000.00$ Prior Years 20132014 Future Years Total *435 Funds Budgeted ( )-$ (110,000.00)$ (265,000.00)$ -$ (375,000.00)$ 435 Funds Needed-$ 110,000.00$ 265,000.00$ -$ 375,000.00$ 435 Fund Project Contingency ( )- - - - - 435 Funds Required - - - - - * ( # ) in the Budget Status Sections indicates Money the City has available. ** WSDOT - State 5% grant. If the State grant is not received in 2013, the Airport Fund contribution will increase from 5% to 10%. 435 Airport Budget Status DI.B Page 142 of 171 AGENDA BILL APPROVAL FORM Agenda Subject: Auburn Symphony Orchestra Contracts Date: September 25, 2013 Department: Finance Attachments: Contracts Budget Impact: $0 Administrative Recommendation: Background Summary: For discussion only, Auburn Symphony performance requirements per the contracts. Reviewed by Council Committees: Finance Councilmember:Partridge Staff:Coleman Meeting Date:October 7, 2013 Item Number:DI.C AUBURN * MORE THAN YOU IMAGINEDDI.C Page 143 of 171 AUBURN All&G,I JN CITY OF AUBURN and AUBURN SYMPHONY ORCHESTRA CONTRACT FOR TOURISM PROMOTION SERVICES THIS CONTRACT is made and entered into on the .Jf day of 20_, by and between the CITY OF AUBURN, a municipal corpora on of the St to of Washington, hereinafter referred to as the "City," and the AUBURN SYMPHONY ORCHESTRA, a not-for-profit corporation organized pursuant to 26 U.S.C. 501(C)(3), hereinafter referred tows the"Service Provider," on the following terms and conditions. WHEREAS, the City is interested in promoting and marketing Auburn as a tourist Destination, and WHEREAS, there are activities located and occurring within the corporate boundaries of the City the promotion of which would be beneficial to the City and to the residents and businesses of the City; and WHEREAS one source of such activities is the Auburn Symphony Orchestra, the Service Provider, herein; and WHEREAS, a program of advertising for such events would help to insure the success of such activities by informing people about them encouraging people to attend and attracting tourists to the City; and WHEREAS, in order to advertise the City, attract visitors, and encourage tourism it would be advantageous for the City to contract with the Service Provider for promotional services in connection therewith. NOW THEREFORE THE PARTIES HERETO AGREE AS FOLLOWS 1 SCOPE OF SERVICES BY SERVICE PROVIDER The Service Provider shall provide tourism expansion services to the City through general support and through special marketing programs as follows: a. Listing the City of Auburn as the concert sponsor and including the City of Auburn in advertisements for such events. b. Develop brochures and pamphlets advertising the events including the City of Auburn as the home venue of the orchestra c. The Service Provider shall provide the City with their invoice a report with audience statistics, including zip code demographics of ticket buyers, and copies of all print/media and any KING.FM schedules. . d. The Service Provider shall perform a Winter Chamber Concert performance on February 24, 2013 2. TERM OF CONTRACT The Term of this Contract shall be from date of signing through February 25, 2013. 2013 Auburn Symphony Orchestra Contract Page 1 of 4 DI.C Page 144 of 171 3. COMPENSATION TO SERVICE PROVIDER: Upon receipt of a billing statement from the service Provider detailing the performance tasks completed in advance of the payment dates specified herein the City pay to the Service Provider as compensation for the 2013 services described above the total amount of Eighteen Thousand Seven Hundred and Fifty Dollars ($18,750.00). 4 RECORDS INSPECTION AND AUDIT All compensation payments shall be subject to the adjustments for any amounts found upon audit or otherwise to have been improperly invoiced and all records and books of accounts pertaining to any work performed under this Contract shall be subject to inspection and audit by the City for a period of up to three 3 years from the final payment for work performed under this Contract: 5 CONTRACT ADMINISTRATION This Contract shall be administered by Auburn Symphony Orchestra Manager Lee Valenta on behalf of the Service Provider and by Mayor or designee on behalf of the City Any written notices required by terms of this Contract shall be served or mailed to the following addressees unless, changed by written notice to the other party If to the City City of Auburn, 25 West Main Street, Auburn WA 98001 If to the Service Provider Auburn Symphony Orchestra; PO Box 2186, Auburn WA 98071 6. NOTICES All notices or communications permitted or required to be given under this Contract shall be in writing and shall be deemed to have been duly given if delivered in person or deposited in the United States mail postage prepaid for mailing by certified mail return receipt requested and addressed if to a party of this Contract to the address set forth next to such party s signature at the end of this Contract or if to a person not a party to this Contract to the address designated by a party to this Contract in the foregoing manner Any party may change his or its address by giving notice in writing stating his or its new address to any other party all pursuant to the procedure set forth in this section of the Contract 7 INSURANCE. The Service Provider shall be responsible for maintaining during the term of this Contract and at its sole cost and expense insurance coverages in amounts not less than the amounts set forth herein below The Service Provider shall furnish evidence satisfactory to the City of all such policies During the term hereof the Service Provider shall take out and maintain in full force and effect the following insurance policies. a. Comprehensive general liability insurance including automobile and property damage insuring the City and the Service Provider against loss or liability for damages for personal injury death or property damage arising out of or in connection with the performance by the Service Provider of its obligations hereunder with minimum liability limits of $1,000,000.00 combined single limit for personal injury death or property damage in anyone'occurrence. b. Such workmen s compensation and other similar insurance as may be required by law 8. INDEMNIFICATION The Service Provider shall indeninify.`and hold harmless the City and its officers agents and employees or any of them from any and all claims actions suits liability loss costs expenses and damages of any nature whatsoever by any reason of or arising out of the negligent act or omission of the Service Provider its officers agents employees or any of them relating to or arising out of the performance of this Contract. If a final judgment is rendered against the City its officers agents employees and or any of therm or jointly against the City and the Service Provider and their respective officers agents and employees or any of them the Service Provider shalt satisfy the same to the extent that such judgment was due to the Service Provider s negligent acts or omissions 9. RESTRICTION AGAINST ASSIGNMENT Service Provider shall not assign this Contract or any interest herein nor any money due or to become due hereunder without first obtaining 2013 Auburn Symphony Orchestra Contract Page 2 of 4 DI.C Page 145 of 171 the written consent of the City nor shall the Service Provider subcontract any part of the services to be performed hereunder without first obtaining the written consent of the City. 10 AMENDMENT MODIFICATION OR WAIVER: No amendment modification or waiver of any condition provision or term of this Contract shall be valid or of any effect unless made in writing signed by the party or parties to be bound oL such party s or parties duly authorized representative s and specifying with particularity the nature and extent of such amendment modification or waiver Any waiver by any party of any default of the other party shall not effect or impair any right arising from any subsequent default Nothing herein shall limit the remedies or rights of the parties hereto under and pursuant to this Contract. 11 TERMINATION AND SUSPENSION: Either party may terminate this Contract upon Ninety 90 days written notice to the other party It is provided however that if the Service Provider has performed services pursuant to the Contract the Service Provider shall be compensated for such services in accordance wdh the rate of compensation provided herein. 12. PARTIES IN INTEREST This Contract shall be binding upon and the benefits and obligations provided for herein shall inure to and bind the parties hereto and their respective successors and assigns provided that this section shall not be deemed to permit any transfer or assignment otherwise prohibited by this Contract This Contract is for the exclusive benefit of the parties hereto and it does not create a contractual relationship with or exist for the benefit of any third party including 'contractors sub contractors and their sureties. 11 COSTS TO PREVAILING PARTY In the event of litigation or other legal action to enforce any rights responsibilities or obligations under this Contract the prevailing parties shall be entitled to receive its reasonable costs and attorney's fees. 14 APPLICABLE LAW This Contract and the rights of the parties hereunder shall be governed by the interpreted in accordance with the laws of'the State of Washington and venue for any action hereunder shall be King County State of Washington provided however that it is agreed and understood that any applicable statute of limitation shall commence no later than the substantial completion by the Service Provider of the services 15. CAPTIONS HEADINGS AND TITLES: All captions heading's or titles in the paragraphs or sections of this Contract are inserted for convenience'of reference only and shall not constitute a part of this Contract or act as a limitation of the scope of the particular paragraph or sections to which they apply As used herein where appropriate the singular shall include the plural and vice versa and masculine femirfine and neuter expressions shall be interchangeable Interpretation or construction of this Contract shall not be affected by any determination as to who is the drafter of this Contract this Contract having been drafted by mutual agreement of the parties 16. SEVERABLE PROVISIONS: Each provision of this Contract is intended to be severable If any provision hereof is found by a court of competent jurisdiction to be illegal or invalid of not applicable to any person or circumstance for any reason whatsoever such illegality invalidity or non applicability shall not affect the legality or validity of the remainder of this Contract or its applicability to other persons or circumstances 17 ENTIRE AGREEMENT This Contract contains the entire understanding of the parties hereto in respect to the transactions contemplated hereby and supersedes all prior agreements contracts and understandings between the parties with respect to such subject matter 2013 Auburn Symphony Orchestra Contract Page 3 of 4 DI.C Page 146 of 171 18. COUNTERPARTS: This Contract may be executed in multiple counterparts each of which shall be one and the same Contract and shall become effective when one or more counterparts have been signed by each of the parties and delivered to the other party IN WITNESS WHEREOF the parties hereto have FB Contract to be executed effective the day and year first set forth above AUBURN SYMPHONY ORCHESTRA CITY OF A Peter B. Lewis, Mayor Title: Maoa sFe Date. /' 36 - 13 Date: FEB 4 2013 ATTEST Danielle Daskam, City Clerk APP VE O F 9 Daniel B. Heid, City Attorney 2013 Auburn Symphony Orchestra Contract Page 4 of 4 DI.C Page 147 of 171 CITY OF Au WASHINGTON CITY OF AUBURN and AUBURN SYMPHONY ORCHESTRA CONTRACT FOR TOURISM PROMOTION SERVICES THIS CONTRACT is made and entered into on the ''6 day of Ike-ry ti 20 by and between the CITY OF AUBURN, a municipal corporation of the State of Washington, hereinafter referred to as the "City," and the AUBURN SYMPHONY ORCHESTRA, a not-for-profit corporation organized pursuant to 26 U.S.C. 501(C)(3), hereinafter referred to as the"Service Provider,"on the following terms and conditions. WHEREAS, the City is interested in promoting and marketing Auburn as a tourist Destination, and WHEREAS, there are activities located and occurring within the corporate boundaries of the City the promotion of which would be beneficial to the. City and to the residents and businesses of the City; and WHEREAS one source of such activities is the Auburn Symphony Orchestra, the Service Provider, herein; and WHEREAS, a program of advertising for such events would help to insure the success of such activities by informing people about them encouraging people to attend and attracting tourists to the City; and WHEREAS, in order to advertise the City, attract visitors, and encourage tourism it would be advantageous for the City to contract with the Service Provider for promotional services in connection therewith. NOW THEREFORE THE PARTIES HERETO AGREE AS FOLLOWS: 1 SCOPE OF SERVICES BY SERVICE PROVIDER The Service Provider shall provide tourism expansion services to the City through general support and through special marketing programs as follows: a. Listing the City of Auburn as the concert sponsor and including the City of Auburn in advertisements for such events. b. Develop brochures and pamphlets advertising the events including the City of Auburn as the home venue of the orchestra. c. The Service Provider shall provide the City with their invoice a report with audience statistics, including zip code demographics of ticket buyers, and copies of all print/media and any KING FM schedules. d. The Service Provider shall perform a Winter Symphony Concert performance on January 19 and 20, 2013. 2. TERM OF CONTRACT The Term of this Contract shall be from date of signing through January 20, 2013. 2013 Auburn Symphony Orchestra Contract Page 1 of 4 DI.C Page 148 of 171 3. COMPENSATION TO SERVICE PROVIDER: Upon receipt of a billing statement from the service Provider detailing the performance tasks completed in advance of the payment dates specified herein the City pay to the Service Provider as compensation for the 2013 services described above the total amount of Eighteen Thousand Seven Hundred and Fifty Dollars($18,750.00). 4 RECORDS INSPECTION AND AUDIT* All compensation payments shall be subject to the adjustments for any amounts found upon audit or otherwise to have been improperly invoiced and all records and books of accounts pertaining to any work performed under this Contract shall be subject to inspection and audit by the City for a period of up to three 3 years from the final payment for work performed under this Contract. 5. CONTRACT ADMINISTRATION: This Contract shall be administered by Auburn Symphony Orchestra Manager Lee Valenta on behalf of the Service Provider and by Mayor or designee on behalf of the City. Any written notices required by terms of this Contract shall be served or mailed to the following addressees unless changed by written notice to the other party. If to the City City of Auburn, 25 West Main Street, Auburn WA 98001 If to the Service Provider Auburn Symphony Orchestra, PO Box 2186, Auburn WA 98071 6. NOTICES: All notices or communications permitted or rpquired to be given under this Contract shall be in writing and shall be deemed to have been duly given if delivered in person or deposited in the United States mail postage,prepaid for mailing by certified mail return receipt requested and addressed if to a parry of this Contract to the address set forth next to such party s signature at the end of this Contract or if to a person not a party to this Contract to the address designated by a party to this Contract in the foregoing manner Any party may change his or its address by giving notice in writing stating his or its new address to any other party all pursuant to the procedure set forth in this section of the Contract. 7 INSURANCE. The Service Provider shall be responsible for maintaining during the term of this Contract and at its sole cost and expense insurance coverages in amounts not less than the amounts set forth herein below The Service Provider shall furnish evidence satisfactory to the City of all such policies During the term hereof the Service Provider shall take out and maintain in full force and effect the following insurance policies: a. Comprehensive general liability insurance including automobile and property damage insuring the City and the Service Provider against loss or liability for damages for personal injury death or property damage arising out of or in connection with the performance by the Service Provider of its obligations hereunder with minimum liability limits of $1,000,000.00 combined single limit for personal injury death or property damage in anyone occurrence. b. Such workmen s compensation and other similar insurance as may be required by law 8. INDEMNIFICATION: The Service Provider shall indemPify and hold harmless the City and its officers agents and employees or any of them frgm any'and all claims actions suits liability loss costs expenses and damages of any nature whatsoever by any reason of or arising out of the negligent act or omission of the Service Provider its officers agents employees or any of them relating to or arising out of the performance of this Contract. If a final judgment is rendered against the City its officers agents employees and or any of them or jointly against the City and the Service Provider and their respective officers agents and employees or any of them the Service Provider shall satisfy the same to the extent that such judgment was due to the Service Provider s negligent acts or Omissions. 9. RESTRICTION AGAINST ASSIGNMENT: Service Provider shall not assign this Contractor any interest herein nor any money due or to become due hereunder without first obtaining 2013 Auburn Symphony Orchestra Contract Page 2 of 4 DI.C Page 149 of 171 the written consent of the City nor shall the Service'Provider subcontract any part of the services to be performed hereunder without first obtaining the written consent of the City 10. AMENDMENT MODIFICATION OR WAIVER: No arrrendment modification or waiver of any condition provision or term of this Contract shall be valid or of any effect unless made in writing signed by the party or parties to be bound or such party s or parties duly authorized representative s and specifying with particularity the nature and extent of such amendment modification or waiver Any waiver by any party of any default of the other party shall not effect or impair any right arising from any subsequent default Nothing herein shall limit the remedies or rights of the parties hereto under and pursuant to this Contract- 11 TERMINATION AND SUSPENSION: Either party may terminate this Contract upon Ninety 90 days written notice to the other party It is provided however that if the Service Provider has performed services pursuant to the Contract the Service Provider shall be compensated for such services in accordance with the rate of compensation provided herein. 12. PARTIES IN INTEREST: This Contract shall be binding .upon and the benefits and obligations provided for herein shall inure to and bind the parties hereto and their respective successors and assigns provided that this section shall not be deemed to permit any transfer or assignment otherwise prohibited by this Contract This Contract is for the exclusive benefit of the parties hereto and it does not create a contractual relationship with or exist for the benefit of any third party including contractors sub contractors and their sureties. 13. COSTS TO PREVAILING PARTY' In the event of litigation or other legal action to enforce any rights responsibilities or obligations under this Coritract the prevailing parties shall be entitled to receive its reasonable costs and attorney's fees. 14. APPLICABLE LAW' This Contract and the rights of the parties hereunder shall be governed by the interpreted in accordance with the laws of the State of Washington and venue for any action hereunder shall be King County State of Washington provided however that it is agreed and understood that any applicable statute of limitation shall commence no later than the substantial completion by the Service Provider of the services. 15. CAPTIONS HEADINGS AND TITLES: All captions headings or titles in the paragraphs or sections of this Contract are inserted for convenience of reference only and shall not constitute a part of this Contract or act as a limitation of the scope of the particular paragraph or sections to which they apply As used herein where appropriate the singular shall include the plural and vice versa and masculine feminine and neuter expressions shall be interchangeable Interpretation or construction of this Contract shaI0not be affected by any determination as to who is the drafter of this Contract this Contract having been drafted by mutual agreement of the parties. 16. SEVERABLE PROVISIONS: Each provision of this Contract is intended to be severable If any provision hereof is found by a court of competent jurisdiction to be illegal or invalid or not applicable to any person or circumstance for any reason whatsoever such illegality invalidity or non applicability shall not affect the legality or validity of the remainder of this Contract or its applicability to other persons or circumstances. 17 ENTIRE AGREEMENT This Contract contains the entire understanding of the parties hereto in respect to the transactions contemplated hereby and supersedes all prior agreements contracts and understandings between the parties with respect to such subject matter 2013 Auburn Symphony Orchestra Contract Page 3 of 4 DI.C Page 150 of 171 18. COUNTERPARTS: This Contract may be executed in multiple counterparts each of which shall be one and the same Contract and shall become effective when one or more counterparts have been signed by each of the parties and delivered to the other party IN WITNESS WHEREOF the parties hereto have caused this Contract to be executed effective the day and year first set forth above: AUBURN SYMPHONY ORCHESTRA CITY AUB Peter B. Lewis, Mayor Title: 1hPX i a-otaG Date: 1 - 2 - !3 Date:DEC 2 R n12 ATTEST Danielle Daskam,City Clerk APPR ED 7 AS TO FORM: n' d, ity Att n 2013 Auburn Symphony Orchestra Contract Page 4 of 4 DI.C Page 151 of 171 AUBURN gp.1.i,N CITY OF AUBURN and AUBURN SYMPHONY ORCHESTRA CONTRACT FOR TOURISM PROMOTION SERVICES f- THIS CONTRACT is made and entered into on theme day of 20 jf? , by and between the CITY OF AUBURN, a munieipal corporation of the State of Washington, hereinafter referred to as the "City," and the AUBURN SYMPHONY ORCHESTRA, a not-for-profit corporation organized pursuant to 26 U S.0 501(C)(3), hereinafter referred to as the"Service Provider,"on the following terms and conditions. WHEREAS, the City is interested in promoting and marketing Auburn as a tourist Destination, and WHEREAS, there are activities located and occurring within the corporate boundaries of the City the promotion of which would be beneficial to the City and to the residents and businesses of the City, and WHEREAS one source of such activities is the Auburn Symphony Orchestra, the Service Provider,here in; and WHEREAS, a program of advertising for such events would help to insure the success of such activities by informing people about them encouraging ,people to attend and attracting tourists to the City; and WHEREAS, in order to advertise the City, attract visitors, and encourage tourism it would be advantageous for the City to contract with the Service Provider for promotional services in connection therewith. NOW THEREFORE THE PARTIES HERETO AGREE AS FOLLOWS 1 SCOPE OF SERVICES BY SERVICE PROVIDER The Service Provider shall provide tourism expansion services to the City through general support and through special marketing programs as follows, a. Listing the City of Auburn as the concert sponsor and including the City of Auburn in advertisements for such events. b. Develop brochures and pamphlets advertising the events including the City of Auburn as the home venue of the orchestra. c. The Service Provider shall provide the City with their inyoice a report with audience statistics, including zip code demographics of ticket buyers, and copies of all prinUmedia and any KING FM schedufes , d The Service Provider shall perform a Spring Chamber Concert performance on March 10, 2013 2 TERM OF CONTRACT The Term of this Contract shall be from date of signing through March 11, 2013. 2013 Auburn Symphony Orchestra Contract—March Page 1 of 4 DI.C Page 152 of 171 3. COMPENSATION TO SERVICE PROVIDER: Upon receipt of a billing statement from the service Provider detailing the performance tasks completed in advance of the payment dates specified herein the City pay to the Service Provider as compensation for the 2013 services described above the total amount of Eighteen Thousand Seven Hundred and Fifty Dollars ($18,750.00). 4. RECORDS INSPECTION AND AUDIT All compensation payments shall be subject to the adjustments for any amounts found upon audit or otherwise to have been improperly invoiced and all records and books of accounts pertaining to any work performed under this Contract shall be subject to inspection and audit by the City for a period of up to three 3 years from the final payment for work performed under this Contract. 5. CONTRACT ADMINISTRATION.This Contract shall be administered by Auburn Symphony Orchestra Manager Lee Valenta on behalf of the Service Provider and by Mayor or designee on behalf of the City Any written notices required by terms of this Contract shalt be served or mailed to the following addressees unless changed by written notice to the other party If to the City ity of Auburn,25 West Main Street, Auburn WA 98001 If to the Service Provider.A uburn Symphony Orchestra, PO Box 2186, Auburn WA 98071 6. NOTICES All notices or communications permitted or required to be given under this Contract shall be in writing and shall be deemed to have been duly given if delivered 16 person or deposited in the United States mail postage prepaid for mailing by certified mail return receipt requested and addressed if to a party of this Contract to the address set forth next to such party s signature at the end of this Contract or if to a person not a party to this Contract to the address designated by a party to this Contract in the foregoing manner Any party may change his or its address by giving notice in writing stating his or its new address to any other party all pursuant to the procedure set forth in this section of the Contract. 7 INSURANCE. The Service Provider shall be responsible for maintaining during the term of this Contract and at its sole cost and expense insurance coverages in amounts not less than the amounts set forth herein below The Service Provider shall furnish evidence satisfactory to the City of all such policies During the term hereof the Service Provider shall take out and maintain in full force and effect the following insurance policies a. Comprehensive general liability insurance including automobile and property damage insuring the City and the Service Provider against loss or liability for damages for personal injury death or property damage arising out of or in connection with the performance by the Service Provider of its obligations hereunder with minimum liability limits of $1,,000,000 00 combined single limit for personal injury death or property damage in.arryone occurrence. b. Such workmen s compensation and other similar.insurance as may be required by law 8. INDEMNIFICATION: The Service Provider shall indemnify and hold harmless the City and its officers agents and employees or any of them from any and all claims actions suits liability loss costs expenses and damages of any nature whatsoever by any reason of or arising out of the negligent act or omission of the Service Provider its officers agents employees or any of them relating to or arising out of the performance of this Contract. If a final judgment is rendered against the City its officers agents employees and or any of them or jointly against the City and the Service Provider and their respective officers agents and employees or any of them the Service Provider shall satisfy the same to the extent tha( such judgment was due to the Service Provider s negtigent acts or omissions. 9 RESTRICTION AGAINST ASSIGNMENT Service Pr4Vider shall not assign this Contract or any interest herein nor any money due or to become'due hereunder without first obtaining 2013 Auburn Symphony Orchestra Contract--March Page 2 of 4 DI.C Page 153 of 171 the written consent of the City nor shall the Service Provider subcontract any part of the services to be performed hereunder without first obtaining the written consent of the City: 10. AMENDMENT MODIFICATION OR WAIVER: No amendment modification or waiver of any condition provision or term of this Contract shall be valid or of any effect unless made u1 writing signed by the party or parties to be bound or such party s or parties duly authorized representative s and specifying with particularity the nature and exteht of such amendmen( modification or waiver Any waiver by any party of any default of the other party shall not effect or impair any right arising from any subsequent default Nothing herein shall limit the remedies or rights of the parties hereto under and pursuant to this Contract: 11 TERMINATION AND SUSPENSION Either party may terminate this Contract upon Ninety 90 days written notice to the other party It is provided however that if the Service Provider has performed services pursuant to the Contract the Service Provider shall be compensated for such services in accordance with the rate of compensation provided herein 12 PARTIES IN INTEREST This Contract shall be. binding upon and the benefits and obligations provided for herein shall inure to and bind the parties hereto and their respective successors and assigns provided that this section shall not be deemed to permit any transfer or assignment otherwise prohibited by this Contract This Contract is for the exclusive benefit of the parties hereto and it does not create a contractual relationship with or exist for the benefit of any third party including contractors sub contractors and their sureties. 13 COSTS TO PREVAILING PARTY In the event of Iitigatiorr or other legal action to enforce any rights responsibilities or obligations under this Contract the prevailing parties shall be entitled to receive its reasonable costs and attorney's fees. 14. APPLICABLE LAW This Contract and the rights of the parties hereunder shall be governed by the interpreted in accordance with the laws of the State of Washington and venue for any action hereunder shall be King County State of Washington provided however that It is agreed and understood that any applicable statute of limitation shall commence no later than the substantial completion by the Service Provider of the services, 15 CAPTIONS HEADINGS AND TITLES All captions headings or titles in the paragraphs or sections of this Contract are inserted for convenience of reference only and shall not constitute a part of this Contract or act as a limitation of the scope of the particular paragraph or sections to which they apply As used herein where appropriate the singular shall include the plural and vice versa and masculine femtnine and neuter expressions shall be interchangeable Interpretation or construction of this Contract shall not be affected by any determination as to who is the drafter of this Contract this Contract having been drafted by mutual agreement of the parties 16. SEVERABLE PROVISIONS: Each provision of this Contract is intended to be severable I} any provision hereof is found by a court of competent jurisdiction to be illegal or invalid or not applicable to any person or circumstance for any reason whatsoever such illegality invalidity or non applicability shall not affect the legality or validity of the remainder of this Contract or its applicability to other persons or circumstances. 17 ENTIRE AGREEMENT This Contract contains the entire understanding of the parties hereto in respect to the transactions contemplated hereby and supersedes all prior agreements contracts and understandings between the parties with respect to such subject matter 2013 Auburn Symphony Orchestra Contract--March Page 3 of 4 DI.C Page 154 of 171 18. COUNTERPARTS. This Contract may be executed in multiple counterparts each of which shall be one and the same Contract and shall'become effective When one or more counterparts have been signed by each of the parties and delivered to tqe other party IN WITNESS WHEREOF the parties hereto have.caused this Contract to be executed effective the day and year first set forth above: AUBURN SYMPHONY ORCHESTRA ITY OF UB aLQ—t t T((ze— Pet B. Le is, Mayor Title: General NlanQ ei Date: Z' I Z — 13 Date: FEB 14 Z013 ATTEST Danielle Daskam, City Clerk APPR ED A TO FOR k - D ni Y H i , Cit rn 2013 Auburn Symphony Orchestra Contract--March Page 4 of 4 DI.C Page 155 of 171 AUBURN RAY 1 III.1„\ CITY OF AUBURN and AUBURN SYMPHONY ORCHESTRA CONTRACT FOR TOURISM PROMOTION SERVICES It- THIS CONTRACT is made and entered into on the d day of 20 by and between the CITY OF AUBURN, a municipal corporation of the State of Washington, hereinafter referred to as the "City," and the AUBURN SYMPHONY ORCHESTRA, a not-for-profit corporation organized pursuant to 26 U S.0 501(C)(3), hereinafter referred to as the"Service Provider," on the following terms and conditions. WHEREAS, the City is interested in promoting and marketing Auburn as a tourist Destination; and WHEREAS, there are activities located and occurring withih the corporate boundaries of the City the promotion of which would be beneficial to the City and to the residents and businesses of the City, and WHEREAS one source of such activities is the Auburn Symphony Orchestra, the Service Provider,here in; and WHEREAS, a program of advertising for such events would help to insure the success of such activities by informing people about them encouraging people to attend and attracting tourists to the City, and WHEREAS, in order to advertise the City, attract visitors, and encourage tourism it would be advantageous for the City to contract with the Service Provider for promotional services in connection therewith. NOW THEREFORE THE PARTIES HERETO AGREE AS FOLLOWS 1 SCOPE OF SERVICES BY SERVICE PROVIDER The Service Provider shall provide tourism expansion services to the City through general support and through special marketing programs as follows: a. Listing the City of Auburn as the concert sponsor and including the City of Auburn in advertisements for such events. b. Develop brochures and pamphlets advertising the events including the City of Auburn as the home venue of the orchestra c. The Service Provider shall provide the City with their invoice a report with audience statistics, including zip code demographics of ticket buyers, and copies of all print/media and any KING FM schedules. . d. The Service Provider shall perform a Spring Symphony Concert performance on April 27 and 28, 2013. 2. TERM OF CONTRACT The Term of this Contract shall be from date of signing through April 29, 2013. 2013 Auburn Symphony Orchestra Contract—April Page 1 of 4 DI.C Page 156 of 171 3. COMPENSATION TO SERVICE PROVIDER Upon'receipt of a billing statement from the service Provider detailing the performance tasks completed in advance of the payment dates specified herein the City pay to the Service Provider as compensation for the 2013 services described above the total amount of Eighteen Thousand Seven Hundred and Fifty Dollars($18,750.00). 4. RECORDS INSPECTION AND AUDIT All compensation payments shall be subject to the adjustments for any amounts found upon audit or otherwise to have been improperly invoiced and all records and books of accounts pertaining to any work performed under this Contract shall be subject to inspection and audit by the City for a period of up to three 3 years from the final payment for work performed under this Contract. 5 CONTRACT ADMINISTRATION:This Contract shall be administered by Auburn Symphony Orchestra Manager Lee Valenta on behalf of the Service Provider and by Mayor or designee on behalf of the City Any written notices required by terms of this Contract shall be served or mailed to the following addressees unless changed by written notice to the other party If to the CityC ity of Auburn,25 West Main Street, Auburn WA 98001 If to the Service Provider:A uburn Symphony Orchestra, PO Box 2186, Auburn WA 98071 6 NOTICES All notices or communications permitted or required to be given under this Contract shall be in writing and shall be deemed to have been duly given if delivered A person or deposited in the United States mail postage prepaid for mailing by certified mail return receipt requested and addressed if to a party of this Contract to the address set forth next to such party s signature at the end of this Contract or if to a person not a party to this Contract to the address designated by a party to this Contract in the foregoing manner Any party may change his or its address by giving notice in writing stating his or its new address to any other party all pursuant to the procedure set forth in this section of the Contract. 7 INSURANCE. The Service Provider shall be responsible for maintaining during the term of this Contract and at its sole cost and expense insurance coverages in amounts not less than the amounts set forth herein below The Service Provider shall furnish evidence satisfactory to the City of all such policies During the term hereof the Service Provider shall take out and maintain in full force and effect the following insurance policies: a. Comprehensive general liability insurance including automobile and property damage insuring the City and the Service Provider against loss or liability for damages for personal injury death or property damage arising out of or in connection with the performance by thZ Service Provider of its obligations hereunder with minimum liability limits of $.1,D00,00000 combined single limit fob personal injury death or property damage in•anyohe occurrence. b Such workmen s compensation and other similar insurance as may be required by law 8. INDEMNIFICATION: The Service Provider shall indemnify and hold harmless the City and its officers agents and employees or any of them from any and all claims actions suits liability loss costs expenses and damages of any nature whatsoever by any reason of or arising out of the negligent act or omission of the Service Provider Its officers agents employees or any of them relating to or arising out of the performance of this Contract. If a final judgment is rendered against the City its officers agents employees and or any of therm or jointly against the City and the Service Provider and their respective officers agents and employees or any of them the Service Provider shall satisfy the same to the extent that such judgment was due to the Service Provider s negligent acts or omissions 9. RESTRICTION AGAINST ASSIGNMENT Service Provider shall not assign this Contract or any interest herein nor any money due or to become due hereunder without first obtaining 2013 Auburn Symphony Orchestra Contract—April Page 2 of 4 DI.C Page 157 of 171 the written consent of the City nor shall the Service Provider subcontract any part of the services to be performed hereunder without first obtaining the written consent of the City; 10 AMENDMENT MODIFICATION OR WAIVER: No amendment modification or waiver of any condition provision or term of this Contract shall be valid or of any effect unless made in writing signed by the party or parties to be bound or such party s or parties duly authorized representative s and specifying with particularity the nature and extent of such amendment modification or waiver Any waiver by any party of any default of the other party shall not effect or impair any right arising from any subsequent default Nothing herein shall limit the remedies or rights of the parties hereto under and pursuant to this Contract. 11 TERMINATION AND SUSPENSION. Either party may terminate this Contract upon Ninety 90 days written notice to the other party It is provided however that if the Service Provider has performed services pursuant to the Contract the Service Provider shall be compensated for such services in accordance with the rate of compensation provided herein 12. PARTIES IN INTEREST This Contract shall be binding upon and the benefits and obligations provided for herein shall inure to and bind the parties hereto and their respective successors and assigns provided that this section shall not be deemed to permit any transfer or assignment otherwise prohibited by this Contract This Contract is for the exclusive benefit of the parties hereto and it does hot create a contractual relationship with or exist for the benefit of any third party including contractors sub contractors and their sureties. r. 13. COSTS TO PREVAILING PARTY In the event of litigation or other legal action to enforce any rights responsibilities or obligations under this Contract the prevailing parties shall be entitled to receive its reasonable costs and attorney's fees. 14 APPLICABLE LAW This Contract and the rights of the parties hereunder shall be governed by the interpreted in accordance with the laws of the State of Washington and venue for any action hereunder shall be King County State of Washington provided however that it is agreed and understood that any applicable statute of limitation shall commence no later than the substantial completion by the Service Provider of the services. 15. CAPTIONS HEADINGS AND TITLES. All captions headings or titles in the paragraphs or sections of this Contract are inserted for convenience, of reference only and shall not constitute a part of this Contract or act as a limitation of the scope of the particular paragraph or sections to which they apply As used herein where appropriate the singular, shall include the plural and vice versa and masculine feminine and neuter expressions shall be interchangeable Interpretation or construction of this Contract shall not be affected by any determination as to who is the drafter of this Contract this Contract having been drafted by mutual agreement of the parties. 16. SEVERABLE PROVISIONS: Each provision of this Contract is intended to be severable If any provision hereof is found by a court of competent jurisdiction to be illegal or invalid or not applicable to any person or circumstance for any reason whatsoever such illegality invalidity or non applicability shall not affect the legality or validity of the remainder of this Contract or its applicability to other persons or circumstances. 17 ENTIRE AGREEMENT This Contract contains the entire understanding of the parties hereto in respect to the transactions contemplated hereby and supersedes all prior agreements contracts and understandings between the parties with respect to such subject matter 2013 Auburn Symphony Orchestra Contract--April Page 3 of 4 DI.C Page 158 of 171 18 COUNTERPARTS: This Contract may be executed in multiple counterparts each of which shall be one and the same Contract and shall become effective when one or more counterparts have been signed by each of the parties and delivered to the other party IN WITNESS WHEREOF the parties hereto have caused this Contract to be executed effective the day and year first set forth above: AUBURN SYMPHONY ORCHESTRA CITY OF AUBURN r4 Peter B. Lewis, yor Tltle:l_aL°n-ri'ct.Q / Qha u Date: 3'% 3 Date: MAR 2 2 2013 ATTEST, Danielle Daskam„City Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORM Daniel B Heid, City Attorney 2013 Auburn Symphony Orchestra Contract--April Page 4 of 4 DI.C Page 159 of 171 AUBURN WASHINGTON CITY OF AUBURN and AUBURN SYMPHONY ORCHESTRA CONTRACT FOR TOURISM PROMOTION SERVICES THIS CONTRACT is made and entered into on the 9" day of September 2013, by and between the CITY OF AUBURN, a municipal corporation of the State of Washington, hereinafter referred to as the "City," and the AUBURN SYMPHONY ORCHESTRA, a not-for-profit corporation organized pursuant to 26 U.S.C. 501(C)(3), hereinafter referred to as the "Service Provider," on the following terms and conditions. WHEREAS, the City is interested in promoting and marketing Auburn as a tourist Destination; and WHEREAS, the Auburn Symphony Orchestra, with'its history of drawing attendees from throughout the region, is experienced in cross-promotion'wilh other arts organizations and local businesses to provide a total entertainment experience which would be beneficial to the City and to the residents and businesses of the City; and WHEREAS, in order to advertise the City, attract visitors, and encourage tourism it would be advantageous for the City to contract with the Service Provider for,promotional services in connection therewith. NOW THEREFORE THE PARTIES HERETO AGREE AS FOLLOWS 1 SCOPE OF SERVICES BY SERVICE PROVIDER The Service Provider shall provide tourism expansion services to the City through general support and through special marketing programs as follows: a Listing the City of Auburn as the concert sponsor and including the City of Auburn in advertisements for such events. b. Develop brochures and pamphlets advertising the events including the City of Auburn as the home venue of the orchestra. c. The Service Provider shall provide the City with their invoice a report with audience statistics, including zip code demographics of ticket buyers, and copies of all print/media and any KING FM schedules. d. The Service Provider shall perform a Concert performance on September 15, 2013. e. Targeted marketing outreach to the Lea Hill and Lakeland Hills neighborhoods. I. In conjunction with the Auburn Chamber of Commerce, offer special ticket packages to employees of local area businesses. g. Coordinate a total entertainment package, including_dining, with local restaurants 2. TERM OF CONTRACT The Term of this Contract shall be from date of signing through September 21, 2013. 3. COMPENSATION TO SERVICE PROVIDER: Upon receipt of a billing statement from the service Provider detailing the performance tasks completed in advance of the payment Auburn Symphony Orchestra Contract—September Concert Page 1 o14 DI.C Page 160 of 171 dates specified herein the City pay to the Service Provider as compensation for the 2013 services described above the total amount of Twenty-Five Thousand Dollars and no cents ($25,000.00). 4. RECORDS INSPECTION AND AUDIT All compensation payments shall be subject to the adjustments for any amounts found upon audit or otherwise to have been improperly invoiced and all records and books of accounts pertaining to any work performed under this Contract shall be subject to inspection and audit by the City for a period of up to three 3 years from the final payment for work performed under this Contract. 5. CONTRACT ADMINISTRATION: This Contract shall be administered by Auburn Symphony Orchestra Manager Lee Valenta on behalf of the Service Provider and by Mayor or designee on behalf of the City Any written notices required by terms of this Contract shall be served or mailed to the following addressees unless changed by written notice to the other party: If to the City City of Auburn, 25 West Main Street, Auburn WA 98001 If to the Service Provider: Auburn Symphony Orchestra, PO Box 2186, Auburn WA 98071 6. NOTICES: All notices or communications permitted-or required to be given under this Contract shall be in writing and shall be deemed to have been duly given if delivered in person or deposited in the United States mail postage prepaid for mailing by certified mail return receipt requested and addressed if to a party of this Contract to the address set forth next to such party s signature at the end of this Contract or if to a person not a party to this Contract to the address designated by a party to this Contract in the foregoing manner Any party may change his or its address by giving notice in writing stating his or its new address to any other party all pursuant to the procedure set forth in this section of the Contract. 7 INSURANCE. The Service Provider shall be responsible far maintaining during the term of this Contract and at its sole cost and expense insurance coverages in amounts not less than the amounts set forth herein below The Service Provider shall furnish evidence satisfactory to the City of all such policies During the term hereof the Service Provider shall take out and maintain in full force and effect the following insurance policies: a. Comprehensive general liability insurance including automobile and property damage insuring the City and the Service. Provider against loss or liability for damages for personal injury death or property damage arising out of or in connection with the performance by the Service Provider of its obligations hereunder with minimum liability limits of $1,000,000.00 combined single limit for personal injury death or property damage in anyone occurrence. b. Such workmen s compensation and other similar insurance as may be required by law 8. INDEMNIFICATION: The Service Provider shall indemnify and hold harmless the City and its officers agents and employees or any of them from any and all claims actions suits liability loss costs expenses and damages of any nature whatsoever by any reason of or arising out of the negligent act or omission of the. Service Provider its officers agents employees or any of them relating to or arising out of the performance of this Contract. If a final judgment is rendered against the City its officers.agents employees and or any of them or jointly against the City and the Service Provider and'their respective officers agents and employees or any of them the Service Provider shall satisfy the same to the extent that such judgment was due to the Service Provider s negligent acts or omissions. 9. RESTRICTION AGAINST ASSIGNMENT Service Provider shall not assign this Contract or any interest herein nor any money due or to become due hereunder without first obtaining the written consent of the City nor shall the Service Provider subcontract any part of the Auburn Symphony Orchestra Contract—September Concert Page 2 of 4 DI.C Page 161 of 171 services to be performed hereunder without first obtaining the written consent of the City 10, AMENDMENT MODIFICATION OR WAIVER: No amendment modification or waiver of any condition provision or term of this Contract shall be valid or of any effect unless made in writing signed by the party or parties to be bound or such party s or parties duly authorized representative s and specifying with particularity the nature and extent of such amendment modification or waiver Any waiver by any party of any default of the other party shall not effect or impair any right arising from any subsequent default Nothing herein shall limit the remedies or rights of the parties hereto under and pursuant to this Contract. 11. TERMINATION AND SUSPENSION: Either party may terminate this Contract upon Ninety 90 days written notice to the other party It is provided however that if the Service Provider has performed services pursuant to the Contract the Service Provider shall be compensated for such services in accordance with the rate of compensation provided herein. 12. PARTIES IN INTEREST, This Contract shall be binding upon and the benefits and obligations provided for herein shall inure to and bind the parties hereto and their respective successors and assigns provided that this section shall not be deemed to permit any transfer or assignment otherwise prohibited by this Contract This Contract is for the exclusive benefit of the parties hereto and it does not create a contractual relationship with or exist for the benefit of any third party including contractors sub contractors and their sureties. 13. COSTS TO PREVAILING PARTY: In the event of litigation or other legal action to enforce any rights responsibilities or obligations under this Contract the prevailing parties shall be entitled to receive its reasonable costs and attorney's fees. 14. APPLICABLE LAW, This Contract and the rights of the parties hereunder shall be governed by the interpreted in accordance with the laws of the State of Washington and venue for any action hereunder shall be King County State of Washington provided however that it is agreed and understood that any applicable statute of limitation shall commence no later than the substantial completion by the Service Provider of the services. 15. CAPTIONS HEADINGS AND TITLES. All captions headings or titles in the paragraphs or sections of this Contract are inserted for convenience of reference only and shall not constitute a part of this Contract or act as a limitation of the scope of the particular paragraph or sections to which they apply As used herein where appropriate the singular shall include the plural and vice versa and masculine feminine and neuter expressions shall be interchangeable Interpretation or construction of this Contract shall not be affected by any determination as to who is the drafter of this Contract this Contract having been drafted by mutual agreement of the parties. 16. SEVERABLE PROVISIONS: Each provision of this Contract is intended to be severable If any provision hereof is found by a court of competent juripdiction to be illegal or invalid or not applicable to any person or circumstance for any reason whatsoever such illegality invalidity or non applicability shall not affect the legality or validity of the remainder of this Contract or its applicability to other persons or circumstances 17 ENTIRE AGREEMENT This Contract contains the entire understanding of the parties hereto in respect to the transactions contemplated hereby and supersedes all prior agreements contracts and understandings between the parties with respect to such subject matter Auburn Symphony Orchestra Contract—September Concert Page 3 of 4 DI.C Page 162 of 171 18. COUNTERPARTS This Contract may be executed in multiple counterparts each of which shall be one and the same Contract and shall become effective-when one or more counterparts have been signed by each of the parties and delivered to the other party IN WITNESS WHEREOF the parties hereto have caused this Contract to be executed effective the day and year first set forth above: AUBURN SYMPHONY ORCHESTRA Y OF AUB IR_ Title: n / 0- t 61 Peter B. Lewis, r Mayor Ps'L '"r Date: /Z /' Date: SEP 12 yM ATTTEST( OIQGLW S y 9.J Danielle Daskam, City Clerk APPR D AS ORM' D iel B. Heid Attorney Auburn Symphony Orchestra Contract—September Concert Page 4 of 4 DI.C Page 163 of 171 May 30, 2013 To: Maija McKnight, Cultural Programs City of Auburn From. L alenta, General Manager Auburn Symphony Orchestra Re: Invoice for contract between City of Auburn Auburn Symphony Orchestra Attached is an invoice for our tourism expansion services provided to the City of Auburn by the Auburn Symphony Orchestra. Per our agreement in the Scope of Services we have done the following: Season brochure featuring the City of Auburn as Auburn Symphony's major sponsor mailed in .July, 2012 to over 2300 area homes and businesses C Advertising button on Lakeland Hills website Y 40 radio spots on Classical KING-FM Periodic announcements to our email list of over 800 Concert schedule included on regional media calendar listings April 27-28,2013 Symphony program Presented our spring program The Rile of Spring, at Auburn Performing Arts Center, Saturday, April 27 at 7.30 pm and Sunday, April 28 at 2:30 pm. Mailed a postcard reminder,that included the City-as-sponsor logo, to over 2300 households on the symphony mailing list. Sent a press release advertising the conceit and listing the City as sponsor to 18 print media outlets including the Seattle and Tacoma newspapers, the Auburn Reporter, 6 broadcast outlets, and various regional websites. The City was prominently recognized as the sponsor-in the program including the city logo on the cover. Advertised in seven Reporter newspapers including two Auburn Reporter editions. The City was highlighted at the major sponsor City logo was included on over 450 posters distributed throughout the Puget Sand area. Attached are examples of the above documents. DI.C Page 164 of 171 i i March 14, 2013 To. Maija McKnight, Cultural Programs City of Auburn From: Lee Valenta, General Manager Auburn Symphony Orchestra Re: Invoice for contract between City of Auburn Auburn Symphony Orchestra Attached is an invoice for our tourism expansion services provided to the City of Auburn by the Auburn Symphony Orchestra. Per our agreement in the Scope of Services we have done the following: Season brochure featuring the City of Auburn as Auburn Symphony's major sponsor mailed in July, 2012 to over 2300 area homes and businesses Advertising button on Lakeland Hills website for each symphony program 40 radio spots on Classical KING-FM for full symphony programs March 10 chamber concert Behold the Bold Unrhrellaphant, 4 pm at St Matthew Episcopal Church Attendance was at our average of 130, including 40 children, to hear the combination of poetry and music, narrated by author Jack Prelutsky. Sent a flyer home with all 1", 2", and P grade students in the Auburn School District. j Organized two all-school assemblies at Lea Hill Elementary and Ilalko with a poetry performance by Jack Prelutsky,America's first Children's Poet Laureate. Mailed a postcard reminder, that included the City-as-sponsor logo,to over 2300 households on the symphony mailing list. Sent two email blasts to our list of over 850 The City was prominently recognized as the sponsor in the program including the city logo on the cover Organized an instrument petting zoo for the children prior to the concert. Organized music by junior high musicians during intermission.' Attached are examples of the above documents. ' I DI.C Page 165 of 171 i March G, 2013 To: Maija McKnight, Cultural Programs City f Aub rn From: Le V nta, General Manager' Auburn Symphony Orchestra Re: Invoice for contract between City of Auburn Auburn Symphony Orchestra Attached is an invoice for our tourism expansion services provided to the City of Auburn by the Auburn Symphony Orchestra. Per our agreement in the Scope of Services we have done the following: Season brochure featuring the City of Auburn as Auburn Symphony's major sponsor mailed in July,2012 to over 2300 area homes and businesses I February 24 chamber concert-180 people in attendance Presented a chamber concert Romantic Organ Treats at St Matthew Episcopal Church Sunday, February 24 at 4 pm Advertised the program on our website Posted a link to our website on the Lakeland Hills website Mailed a postcard reminder, that included the City-as-sponsor logo to over 2300 households on the symphony mailing list. Emailed a reminder to 850 households on our email list. The City was prominently recognized as the sponsor in the program including the city logo on the cover. Attached are examples of the above documents. DI.C Page 166 of 171 January 29, 2013 To Maija McKnight, Cultural Programs City of Auburn From: Lee Valenta, G ici I anager Auburn Symphony rchestra i Re: Invoice for contract between City of Auburn Auburn Symphony Orchestra Attached is an invoice for our tourism expansion services provided to the City of Auburn by the Auburn Symphony Orchestra. Per our agreement in the Scope of Services we have done the following: Season brochure featuring the City of Auburn as Auburn Symphony's major sponsor mailed in July, 2012 to over 2300 area homes and businesses Advertising button on Lakeland Hills website C 40 radio spots on Classical KING-FM January 19-20 Symphony program Presented our winter program The BeaulZofBrahnns, at Auburn Performing Arts Center, Saturday January 19 at 7.30 pm and Sunday,January 20 at 2:30 pm. Mailed a postcard reminder, that included the City-as-sponsor logo, to over 2300 households on the symphony mailing list. Sent a press release advertising the concert and listing the City as sponsor to 18 print media outlets including the Seattle and Tacoma newspapers, the Auburn Reporter, 6 broadcast outlets, and various regional websites. The City was prominently recognized as the sponsor in the program including the city logo on the cover. Advertised in seven Reporter newspapers including two Auburn Reporter editions. The City was highlighted at the major sponsor. City logo was included on over 450 posters distributed in.the Puget Sound area. Attached are examples of the above documents. Also included are additional documents reflecting recognition and appreciation for City sponsorship for our October 21 Music Especially for You concert and two chamber concerts: one at St Matthew Episcopal church on November 18 and a second at Green River Community College on November 30. Thank you for your support. DI.C Page 167 of 171 AGENDA BILL APPROVAL FORM Agenda Subject: WCIA 2014 Assessment Date: October 2, 2013 Department: Human Resources Attachments: WCIA 2014 Assessment Budget Impact: $0 Administrative Recommendation: Background Summary: Reviewed by Council Committees: Finance Councilmember:Partridge Staff:Heineman Meeting Date:October 7, 2013 Item Number:DI.D AUBURN * MORE THAN YOU IMAGINEDDI.D Page 168 of 171 X Y OF * BURN Interoffice Memorandum U WASHINGTON To: Brenda Heineman, Director of Human Resources and Risk Management From: Rob Roscoe, Assistant Director Date: October 1, 2013 Re:WCIA 2014 Assessment Auburn's Assessment Rate Auburn's 2014 WCIA annual assessment is $704,903 a $10,793 increase from the previous year. The increase is a result of a slight increase in Auburn's assessment rate from $0.900 to $0.904 coupled with an increase of 9,043 worker hours from the previous year. 2014 WCIA Liability Assessment 2014 2013 2012 WCIA's Funding $ 24,713,480 $ 24,386,645 $ 25,247,100 WCIA's Rate Increase 3.0% 2.8% 0.0% Group IV's Funding $ 10,122,950 $ 10,896,279 $ 11,426,845 Auburn's Rate Increase 0.40% 16.90% 0.55% Auburn's Assessment Rate $ 0.904 $ 0.900 1 $ 1.083 Auburn's L&I Worker Hours 1 779,886 770,843 757,555 Auburn's Assessmentl $ 704,903 $ 694,110 1 $ 820,470 Each member is assigned an assessment rate per worker hour. The member's assessment formula is based on two factors: worker hours multiplied by the assessment rate. Auburn's assessment rate is determined by an actuarial review of the City's previous five year loss history (for example: 2008-2012 losses determine 2014's rate increase or decrease). The City of Auburn's 2008-2012 totaled incurred losses were$1,145,378 compared with the Group IV average of$1,427,512. Page 1 of 3 AUBURN d MORE TI IAN YOU IMAGINED DI.D Page 169 of 171 City ofAuburn's WCIA Assessment Rate 1.200 1.100 1.000 0.900 0.904 Per Worker0-- 7— 0.800 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 WCIA Budget Increase In 2014 WCIA is increasing their rate collection by three percent (3%)from the previous year. The actual increase only reflects a 2.3%difference or a $326,835 increase from the previous year due to a reduction in the size of the actuarial group and removing their assessment from the budget. The increase is divided amongst five actuarial groupings within WCIA. Members are assigned into an actuarial group based upon their worker hours reported to labor and industries. Auburn is assigned to Actuarial Group IV with 779,886 worker hours. Worker Hours 2014 Funding Avg Rate Avg Increase Group 1 100,000-200,000 $ 2,801,359 $ 1.70 1.9% Group 11 200,000-300,000 $ 4,304,555 $ 1.20 4.2% Group III 300,000-400,000 $ 6,140,266 $1.03 0.80% Group IV 400,000-above $ 10,122,950 $ 0.85 4.2% Group V I Interlocals I $ 1,344,350 $ 0.36 1 1.7% Rate Capping WCIA is an insurance"pool" and the concept of pooling is designed to share losses amongst the collective group and limit any drastic rate fluctuations for any given year. To accomplish this WCIA places a member rate cap of+/-15% on individual member's annual assessment. The member's rate cap is in addition to any WCIA rate increase or decrease. For example, if the overall WCIA rate increases by 3%the most any City's rate could increase or decrease in any given year would be 18% (3%WCIA rate + 15% individual capped rate). Unfortunately for Auburn, in 2014, there were three Group IV cities that reached their maximum 18% cap leaving an unfunded balance to be spread equitably amongst the remaining Group IV members. Page 2 of 3 AUBURN + MORE THAN YOU IMAGINED DI.D Page 170 of 171 City of Auburn's WCIA Assements 1,200,000 1,000,000 d 800,000 600,000 400,000 200,000 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 City of Auburn's Total Incurred Losses 1,000,000 900,000 800,000 700,000 2009-2013 Claims are still developing 600,000 500,000 400,000 300,000 200,000 100,000 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 Page 3 of 3 AUBURN * MORE THAN YOU IMAGINED DI.D Page 171 of 171