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City of Auburn
Management of
Mountain View Cemetery
Request for Proposals
November 2013
City of Auburn
Mountain View Cemetery
Request for Proposal
Request for Proposal
Cemetery 2012 Comprehensive Annual Financial Report
Auburn Cemetery Code
Aerial Photo
Maintenance Frequency Chart
City of Auburn
Mountain View Cemetery
Request for Proposal
The City of Auburn is requesting proposals for Cemetery management services at Auburn
Mountain View Cemetery. The City’s needs are outlined in the following Request for Proposal
The following time schedule is an approximate guide to the process and the accompanying
dates, which should result in the implementation of contract for management services at the
Issue RFP November 15-30, 2013
Site Tour 2 PM, January 8, 2014
Deadline for Submittal of Proposals January 24, 2014
Interview with Selected Proposers by February 21, 2014
Preliminary Selection of Firm by February 28, 2014
Final selection and contract approval by City Council on or before May 1, 2014.
a) All proposals and questions should be directed to:
Daryl Faber
Parks, Arts and Recreation Director
910 9th Street SE
Auburn WA 98002 dfaber@auburnwa.gov
b) All proposals must be in a sealed envelope and clearly marked in the lower left-hand corner:
“RFP – Cemetery Management Services”.
c) All proposals must be received by January 24 at 4:00 pm. Three (3) copies of the RFP must
be presented and one electronic copy (CD, thumb drive or email). If an electronic copy is
received via email it must be received no later than close of business, January 24, 2014.
Late proposals shall be returned unopened.
d) Proposals may be sent by mail or turned in personally; however, if sent by mail, the
responsibility for delivering a proposal to the City before the deadline is wholly upon the
e) Proposals should be prepared simply and economically, providing a straight forward concise
description of provider capabilities to satisfy the requirements of the request. Special
bindings, colored displays, promotional materials, etc. are not desired. Emphasis should be
on completeness and clarity of content.
f) All proposals must include the following information:
a. The names of individuals who will be working on the proposed services and their
area of responsibility.
b. Specific experience of individuals relative to the request for proposal requirements.
City of Auburn
Mountain View Cemetery
Request for Proposal
c. Provide at least three (3) references, including entity name, contact person,
telephone number and services used.
The cemetery was established in 1890 on 40 acres by 120 citizens. It now encompasses
over 60 acres of beautiful grounds and enjoys sweeping views of the Auburn Valley and
Mt Rainier. Mountain View Cemetery currently performs approximately 250 Burial and Interments annually. In addition to over 40 acres of space for burials, Mountain View
Cemetery offers a variety of specialized areas to suit a variety of needs. A northwest-
themed Chapel of Memories Columbarium provides stunning views of Mt. Rainier and
the Cascade Range with options for either indoor glass-front or outdoor granite-front
niches. The beautiful and serene Forest Walk area is a wooded setting for informal urn placement and memorialization. Child’s Place is a specifically designed section for
toddler and infant burial. The Veterans section is available to those currently enlisted and
those who have been honorably discharged from the United States Armed Forces and is
also available for spouses of those individuals. Mission Statement
Mountain View Cemetery shall be a sacred place to comfort and strengthen the
community through responsible stewardship and compassionate ministry by being: Attentive by listening and understanding;
Respectful by being courteous, prompt and caring;
Professional by maintaining and creating beautiful grounds
Thorough in documenting records; Dedicated to protecting the faith and trust the community has placed in it.
Cemetery Goals as set forth in the City’s 2013-2014 biennial budget: Improve revenue from property sales through improved marketing;
Minor repairs and painting of the maintenance shop;
Foster community events in the Cemetery;
Reduce reliance on fund support from the General or Cumulative reserve funds.
Scope of Work for the RFP shall include:
Sales, Administration and Management includes the every day operation of the office
responsibilities including but not limited to, keeping track of and scheduling burials, internments and niche space allocations, handling financial responsibilities such as
receiving payments, payment of bills and developing budgets for cemetery operations, as
well as day-to-day oversight of cemetery operations, including coordinating the other
aspects of cemetery work. This facet would also be responsible for selling cemetery
City of Auburn
Mountain View Cemetery
Request for Proposal
services and keeping records of such sales, advertising and promoting the cemetery and
working with City officials in connection with all of these responsibilities.
Operations, Maintenance and Tree Care includes mowing, pruning and landscaping responsibilities, including all grounds-keeping responsibilities not directly related to internment and burial services.
Interment and Burial Services includes providing on-site funeral services and
responsibilities such as but not limited to excavations, burials and related landscape recovery.
VI. QUALIFICATIONS/MANDATORY REQUIRMENTS In order to measure the qualifications of the proponents, each proponent of a proposal
shall also include the following information:
• Years in the Turf Care Industry.
• Years in the Cemetery Industry.
• A description of proponent’s knowledge of the legal requirements involved in cemetery operations.
• Information of showing adequate financial strength to take on the proposed work.
• Contractor performance record related to area of the scope of work.
• Information of showing proponent’s ability to finance proponent’s business operation.
• Information of showing proponent’s background and experience with work
related to the scope of work.
• Proponent’s Proposed Business/Operations Plan (including staffing and
management plan).
• Cost of turf care service delivery to the City, based on a frequency chart the City
is providing, attached.
• Proposed Staffing and Operations Plan, to include the cost to provide Burial and
other Funeral Services
A committee of City personnel will evaluate and rate the proposals, giving consideration
to these criteria:
• Proponent’s experience for the identified scope of work elements;
• Proponent’s qualifications;
• Proponent’s approach to the project.
City of Auburn
Mountain View Cemetery
Request for Proposal
Applicants must present their services and applicable features in a clear and concise
manner in the same sequence as the RFP document stipulates. (Section VI) Applicant
must provide an explanation of how their services and features meet the
Qualifications/Scope of Work Elements desired.
Experience/Suitability Criteria Evaluation – 50%
a) Based on the extent of experience and suitability of the proposal and how it meets the
Cemetery’s needs.
b) Describe Administrative and management style and innovative approaches your firm
may bring to the Cemetery. Price/ Revenue Evaluation – 20%
References and Professional expertise – 20%
a) Which skills, talents and professional experiences does the proposer have? b) What is the track record of the proposer and the likely delivery and quality of services?
Each proposer must supply a list of references for the work and services performed
similar to those requested in the RFP.
Completeness and presentation – 10%
The entire proposal will be evaluated on its clarity, comprehensiveness, and ease of identifying
pertinent information and suitability of the product and services.
Three (3) copies of the Proposal and one electronic copy (CD, thumbdrive, or email must be
delivered to Daryl Faber, Parks, Arts and Recreation Director, City of Auburn, 910 9th Street SE
Auburn, WA 98002, telephone number (253) 804-5044 by 4:00 p.m. January 24, 2014.
No proposals will be considered which are received after the deadline. Proposals received after
the scheduled closing time shall be returned to the vendor unopened.
Proposals may be sent by mail or turned in personally; however, if sent by mail, the
responsibility for delivering a proposal to the City before the deadline is wholly upon the
A Committee will make a recommendation for the award of the contract to the person or
persons whose proposal is determined to be the most suitable for the City, and the City reserves
City of Auburn
Mountain View Cemetery
Request for Proposal
the right to negotiate a contract or contracts based upon the proposal(s) received considering all
the criteria as set forth in this Request for Proposal.
The City retains the right to request contractors who meet the mandatory criteria to present its
proposal to the committee. Each presentation will be evaluated on the clarity,
comprehensiveness, and ease of identifying pertinent information and suitability of the product
and services.
The Committee reserves the right to recommend a contract award based upon the written
proposal, without further discussions. Should the committee determine that further discussions
would be in the best interest of the Cemetery, the Committee shall establish procedures and
schedules for conducting discussions, presentations, and negotiations and will notify qualified
proposers. When in the best interest of the Cemetery, the Committee may permit all qualified
proposers, those who meet the mandatory criteria, to revise their proposals by submitting “best
and final” Proposal.
The City of Auburn reserves the right to reject any and/or all proposals, and waive any
informality in proposals.
City of Auburn: 2012 CAFR Fund Financial Statements and Schedules
Airport Cemetery Funds
Current Assets:
Cash and Cash Equivalents 930,485$ 217,234$ 1,147,719$
Restricted Cash:
Customer Deposits 48,120 - 48,120
Due From Other Governmental Units 38,915 - 38,915
Inventories - 14,084 14,084
Total Current Assets 1,017,520 231,318 1,248,838
Noncurrent Assets:
Capital Assets:
Land 3,653,343 342,836 3,996,179
Buildings and Equipments 2,643,397 1,022,267 3,665,664
Improvements Other Than Buildings 8,575,896 1,143,417 9,719,313
Construction in Progress 40,048 - 40,048
Less: Accumulated Depreciation (5,404,043) (1,305,704) (6,709,747)
Total Capital Assets (Net of A/D)9,508,641 1,202,816 10,711,457
Total Noncurrent Assets 9,508,641 1,202,816 10,711,457
Total Assets 10,526,161 1,434,134 11,960,295
Current Liabilities:
Current Payables 35,488 49,220 84,708
Employee Leave Benefits - Current 1,851 11,820 13,671
General Obligation Bonds Payable - Current 115,000 - 115,000
Customer Deposits 48,120 - 48,120
Total Current Liabilities 200,459 61,040 261,499
Noncurrent Liabilities:
Employee Leave Benefits 642 4,101 4,743
General Obligation Bonds Payable 885,797 496,890 1,382,687
Total Noncurrent Liabilities 886,439 500,991 1,387,430
Total Liabilities 1,086,898 562,031 1,648,929
Invested in Capital Assets, Net of Related Debt 8,507,844 705,926 9,213,770
Unrestricted 931,419 166,177 1,097,596
Total Net Position 9,439,263$ 872,103$ 10,311,366$
City of Auburn, Washington
December 31, 2012
City of Auburn: 2012 CAFR Fund Financial Statements and Schedules
Airport Cemetery Funds
Charges for Services 25,823$ 825,161$ 850,984$
Interest - 607 607
Other Operating Revenue 571,865 - 571,865
Total Operating Revenues 597,688 825,768 1,423,456
Operations & Maintenance 11,092 626,276 637,368
Administration 481,264 279,077 760,341
Depreciation/Amortization 397,164 67,647 464,811
Other Operating Expenses 171 11,422 11,593
Total Operating Expenses 889,691 984,422 1,874,113
Operating Income (Loss)(292,003) (158,654) (450,657)
Interest Revenue 2,123 392 2,515
Other Non-Operating Revenues 56,203 15,179 71,382
Gain (Loss) on Sale of Capital Assets - (50) (50)
Interest Revenue (Expense)(58,218) (21,773) (79,991)
Total Non-Operating Revenue (Expense)108 (6,252) (6,144)
Income (Loss) Before Contributions & Transfers (291,895) (164,906) (456,801)
Transfers In (Note 5)- 222,300 222,300
Change in Net Position (291,895) 57,394 (234,501)
Total Net Position - Beginning 9,731,158 814,709 10,545,867
Total Net Position - Ending 9,439,263$ 872,103$ 10,311,366$
City of Auburn, Washington
For the Year Ended December 31, 2012
City of Auburn: 2012 CAFR Fund Financial Statements and Schedules
Page 1 of 2
Non Major
Airport Cemetery Funds
Cash Received From Users 581,952$ 825,768$ 1,407,720$
Cash Paid to Suppliers (446,144) (270,533) (716,677)
Cash Paid for Taxes (171) (11,422) (11,593)
Cash Paid for Inventory - (3,871) (3,871)
Cash Paid to Employees (25,958) (652,713) (678,671)
Net Cash Provided (Used) By Operating Activities 109,679 (112,771) (3,092)
Operating Grant Received 38,915 - 38,915
Other Non-Operating Gain 17,288 - 17,288
Transfers from Other Funds - 222,300 222,300
Net Cash Provided (Used) by Non-Capital Financing Activities 56,203 222,300 278,503
Purchase of Capital Assets (140,966) - (140,966)
Capital Grant (38,915) - (38,915)
Principal Payment on Debt (105,000) - (105,000)
Interest Payment on Debt (50,474) (22,267) (72,741)
Net Cash Provided (Used) for Capital and Related Financing Activities (335,355) (22,267) (357,622)
Interest Received 2,123 15,571 17,694
Net Cash Provided (Used) in Investing Activities 2,123 15,571 17,694
Net Increase (Decrease) in Cash and Cash Equivalents (167,350) 102,833 (64,517)
Cash and Cash Equivalents - Beginning of Year 1,145,955 114,401 1,260,356
Cash and Cash E quivalents - End of Year 978,605$ 217,234$ 1,195,839$
Cash and Cash Equivalents 930,485 217,234 1,147,719
Restricted Cash - Customer Deposits 48,120 - 48,120
Total Cash 978,605$ 217,234$ 1,195,839$
City of Auburn, Washington
For the Fiscal Year Ended December 31, 2012
City of Auburn: 2012 CAFR Fund Financial Statements and Schedules
Page 2 of 2
Non Major
Airport Cemetery Funds
Operating Income (Loss)(292,003)$ (158,654)$ (450,657)$
Depreciation 397,164 67,647 464,811
Asset (Increases) Decreases:
Inventory - (3,871) (3,871)
Liability Increases (Decreases):
Accounts & Vouchers Payable 20,586 (1,057) 19,529
Deposits Payable (15,736) - (15,736)
Wages & Benefits Payable 17 (2,518) (2,501)
Compensated Absences Payable (349) (14,318) (14,667)
Total Adjustments 401,682 45,883 447,565
Net Cash Provided (Used) by Operating Activities 109,679$ (112,771)$ (3,092)$
Capital Assets Acquired by Contributed Capital - - -
Total Non Cash Investing, Capital and Financing Activities -$ -$ -$
City of Auburn, Washington
For the Fiscal Year Ended December 31, 2012
Parks and Recreation – cemeteries
2.21.010 Created.
For the purpose of providing for the proper maintenance and operation of public parks,
playgrounds, recreational facilities and cemeteries belonging to the city, there is created and
established a department of the city to be known as the parks and recreation department. (Ord. 3818 §
1, 1982; 1957 code § 1.16.010.)
2.21.020 Powers and duties.
The parks and recreation department shall have all the powers to perform all the duties
provided by the laws of the state relating to park and recreational departments in cities of the third
class. The parks and recreation department shall have the management of the park, playground system,
cemeteries and the administration of the rules and regulations provided by the mayor and city council
for the management of municipal parks, recreation areas, and cemeteries. (Ord. 3818 § 1, 1982; Ord.
2912 § 1, 1976; 1957 code § 1.16.020.)
2.21.030 Director – Appointment – Duties.
The mayor shall appoint a director of parks and recreation who is the best-trained and qualified
person available therefor, and he shall be the head of the parks and recreation department. The director
shall have charge of the management of the park and playground system and cemeteries of the city and
of the appointment and supervision of qualified employees for the effective operation of the public park
and recreation system and cemeteries of the city. The director shall have such other powers and duties
as may from time to time be imposed and conferred upon him by law or ordinance. (Ord. 5635 § 6,
2002; Ord. 3818 § 1, 1982; 1957 code § 1.16.030.)
Chapter 2.72
2.72.010 Annexation of property to city.
2.72.020 Description of property.
2.72.025 Definitions.
2.72.030 Name.
2.72.040 Board of commissioners.
2.72.050 Graves subject to rules and regulations.
2.72.060 Rules and regulations – Purpose – Amendments.
2.72.070 Endowed care.
2.72.080 Survey and plat.
2.72.090 Grade.
2.72.100 Reservation of grave space.
2.72.110 Rights attaching to graves.
2.72.120 Title and rights to cemetery plots.
2.72.130 Permission to remove remains.
2.72.150 Funerals, interments and committals.
2.72.170 Notice of interments.
2.72.180 Interments per individual grave.
2.72.190 Death certificate.
2.72.200 Interment agreement.
2.72.210 Interment of friends.
2.72.220 Location of grave.
2.72.230 Transfer of grave after interment.
2.72.250 Care and improvements.
2.72.260 Individual decorations.
2.72.270 Trimming and pruning trees and shrubs.
2.72.280 Monuments, headstones, markers.
2.72.290 Funerals, burials and committals – Days allowed.
2.72.300 Cemetery fees and charges.
2.72.305 Welfare burials.
2.72.310 Miscellaneous regulations – Exceptions.
2.72.330 Marker setting by private parties.
2.72.331 Mountain View Cemetery fees and charges.
2.72.010 Annexation of property to city.
The following described real estate, Lots 60, 61, 71 and 72, West Auburn Five Acre Tracts,
county of King, state of Washington, is incorporated into and made a part of the city. (1957 code §
2.72.020 Description of property.
A. The legal description of the cemetery property is described as follows:
1 For statutory provisions authorizing third-class cities to acquire and plat land for cemetery purposes and to
provide for the regulation thereof, see RCW 35.24.300; for provisions on public cemeteries, see Ch. 68.12 RCW; for
provisions on city cemeteries in code cities, see RCW 35A.68.010.
That portion of the south half of Section 14, Township 21 North, Range 4 East, W.M., described
as follows:
Beginning at the westerly corner of Block 118, Plat of Auburn Cemetery according to plat of
record in Volume 45, pages 45 and 46, Records of Plats of King County, Washington, then north 25
degrees 21 minutes 07 seconds, east 401.5 feet to the westerly corner of Block 7, said plat, then north
64 degrees 38 minutes 53 seconds, west 642.0 feet, then south 25 degrees 21 minutes 07 seconds, west
436.0 feet, then south 64 degrees 38 minutes 53 seconds, east 4.0 feet, then south 25 degrees 21
minutes 07 seconds, west 178.32 feet to the marginal line of Mt. View Drive, then easterly on said
marginal line on a curve to the right, radius of 821.25 feet, central angle of 14 degrees 30 minutes, a
curve distance of 207.84 feet, then south 86 degrees 43 minutes, east 199.34 feet, then on a curve to
the right, radius of 244.54 feet, central angle of 40 degrees 54 minutes, a curve distance of 174.56 feet,
then south 45 degrees 49 minutes, east 30.0 feet, then on a curve to the left, radius of 375.58 feet,
central angle of 11 degrees 30 minutes 13 seconds, a curve distance of 75.41 feet, then north 25
degrees 21 minutes 07 seconds, east 58.32 feet to point of beginning.
This description comprises parts of Tracts 60, 61, 71 and 72 of West Auburn Five Acre Tracts and
vacated street adjoining, all of Blocks 1 to 48, inclusive, of Fourth Addition plat of Auburn Cemetery and
avenues and lanes therein and portions of unplatted northwest quarter, southeast quarter, Section 14,
Township 21 North, Range 4 East, W.M.
B. The real estate described in subsection A of this section shall be used solely and exclusively
for cemetery purposes. (1957 code §§ 10.02.310, 10.02.320.)
2.72.025 Definitions.
A. “Burial” means the placement of human remains in a grave.
B. “Cemetery” means any one, or combination of more than one, of the following, in a place
used, and dedicated for cemetery purposes:
1. A burial place for earth interments;
2. A mausoleum for crypt interments;
3. A columbarium, for interment of cremated remains.
C. “Columbarium” means a structure or other space containing niches for permanent inurnment
of cremated remains.
D. “Committal” means that part of a funeral service which commits the remains of the deceased
to their final resting place.
E. “Cremated remains” means a human body after cremation in a crematory.
F. “Crypt” means a space in a mausoleum of sufficient size, used or intended to be used, to
entomb uncremated human remains.
G. “Funeral” means a memorial service for a deceased person.
H. “Grave” means a space of ground in a cemetery, used or intended to be used for burial.
I. “Companion grave” means two single graves side by side or one double depth grave.
J. “Grave owner” or “owner” means any person in whose name an interment plot stands of
record as owner, in the records of the cemetery authority.
K. “Human remains” or “remains” means the body of a deceased person, and includes the body
in any stage of decomposition except cremated remains.
L. “Interment” means the disposition of human remains by cremation and inurnment,
entombment, or burial in a cemetery.
M. “Marker and/or memorial” means any grave marker, headstone or monument that is
intended to permanently mark a grave.
N. “Mausoleum” means a structure or building for the entombment of human remains in crypts
in a place used, or intended to be used, for cemetery purposes.
O. “Niche” means a space in a columbarium or urn garden used, or intended to be used, for
inurnment of cremated human remains.
P. “Plot” means a grave, niche or crypt.
Q. “Vault” or “liner” means any container which is buried in the ground and into which human
remains are placed in the burial process. (Ord. 4485 § 2, 1991.)
2.72.030 Name.
The municipal cemeteries of the city are situated on the following described real estate:
Auburn Mountain View Cemetery:
Plats of Mountain View Cemetery Vol. 8-2
1st addition to Mountain View Cemetery Vol. 9-30
2nd addition to Mountain View Cemetery Vol. 20-4
3rd addition to Mountain View Cemetery Vol. 26-41
Auburn Cemetery Revised 4th Addition and lands adjacent Vol. 78-58 and 59.
Northwest quarter of the southeast quarter of Section 14-21-4 LESS portion platted LESS
county road and LESS State Road No. 69 and LESS portion of east 470.26 lying east of
Cemetery Road.
Tracts 60, 61 and 72, West Auburn Five Acre Tracts.
Pioneer Cemetery:
Commencing two rods east of the southeast corner of the southwest quarter of the
southwest quarter of section 7, Township 21 North, Range 5 East W.M.; thence east 13
rods; thence north 13 rods; thence west 13 rods; thence south 13 rods to the place of
beginning. A trustee’s deed dated June 8, 1962 legally dedicated this property to the city
for use as a cemetery. (Ord. 4485 § 3, 1991; 1957 code § 10.02.330.)
2.72.040 Board of commissioners.
There is created a board of five cemetery commissioners in and for the city, and such cemetery
commissioners shall be appointed by the mayor of the city, and such appointments shall be subject to
confirmation by the city council, and terms of the commissioners to be five years. Commissioners of the
board shall be subject to removal in accordance with the provisions of Chapter 2.30 ACC as it currently
exists or as it may be amended hereafter. The board shall advise the mayor and city council on policy
matters relating to long range planning, capital improvements, fee structure, cemetery expansion, rules
and regulations, and budget of all cemeteries belonging to the city. The board shall not have authority to
enter into any contract, incur any indebtedness, or take any personnel action unless specifically
authorized by the mayor and city council. The board shall have the right to designate certain portions of
the city’s cemeteries for the burial of infants, single and double depth burials, persons of a particular
religion, certain areas where no monuments shall project above the surface of the ground, the
interment of cremated remains, and the burial of veterans. The board may also solicit or receive on
behalf of the city council any gifts or bequests of money for cemetery purposes; however, gifts of real or
personal property will not be accepted without prior approval of the city council. A meeting of the board
shall be held at least four times a year. (Ord. 5803 § 10, 2003; Ord. 4485 § 3, 1991; Ord. 3818 § 3, 1982.)
2.72.050 Graves subject to rules and regulations.
All graves in the Auburn cemeteries are conveyed to the purchaser by warranty deed when paid
for, but the rights of the purchaser therein are subject to such rules and regulations as are to be made
from time to time by the city council. (Ord. 4485 § 3, 1991; Ord. 3818 § 4, 1982; 1957 code § 10.02.010.)
2.72.060 Rules and regulations – Purpose – Amendments.
The rules and regulations contained in this chapter are made only for the benefit of the grave
owners and are designed to limit their rights insofar as such limitations are for the benefit of all. If rules
and regulations are not made, the exercise by certain ones, of what would seem to be their proper
rights, would interfere with the rights and enjoyment of others, as well as destroy the general scheme
and beauty of the property. No rule has been adopted except as is necessary to preserve the rights of all
for whom the city considers itself the trustee.
These rules and regulations may be changed or amended at any time by the city council, and will
be so changed and amended when any rule is found to be detrimental to the best interests of the grave
owners as a whole or when new conditions require the adoption of other or further regulations.
Copies may be had upon application to the city clerk. (Ord. 4485 § 3, 1991; 1957 code §
2.72.070 Endowed care.
No graves, niches, crypts, will be sold in the Auburn cemetery without endowed care. “Endowed
care” includes the upkeep of driveways and walks and other improvements belonging to the cemetery,
mowing the grass at reasonable intervals, pruning shrubs and trees and such work as shall be necessary.
(Ord. 4485 § 3, 1991; 1957 code § 10.02.030.)
2.72.080 Survey and plat.
All lots are surveyed and platted and the plat or plats duly recorded in the auditor’s office of
King County, Washington, and in the city clerk’s office. (Ord. 4485 § 3, 1991; 1957 code § 10.02.040.)
2.72.090 Grade.
The grade of all lots is established when the ground is surveyed and no change by the grave
owner will be allowed. (Ord. 4485 § 3, 1991; 1957 code § 10.02.050.)
2.72.100 Reservation of grave space.
Persons desiring to reserve a grave space or niche may do so. The cemetery staff will hold a
specific grave or niche for 30 days for pending purchase. There will be no charge for the service. (Ord.
6189 § 1, 2008; Ord. 4485 § 3, 1991; Ord. 3956 § 2, 1984.)
2.72.110 Rights attaching to graves.
All graves in the Auburn cemetery will be sold with endowed care without additional charge and
are conveyed by deed for burial purpose only. They are exempt from taxation and cannot be sold for
debt or mortgaged. (Ord. 4485 § 3, 1991; 1957 code § 10.02.070.)
2.72.120 Title and rights to cemetery plots.
Title and rights to cemetery plots shall be governed by Chapter 68.32 RCW, as now and
hereafter amended. (Ord. 4485 § 5, 1991.)
2.72.130 Permission to remove remains.
Provisions concerning permission to remove remains shall be governed by state law in Chapter
68.50 RCW as now or hereafter amended. (Ord. 4485 § 5, 1991.)
2.72.150 Funerals, interments and committals.
Funerals, interments and committals within the cemeteries will be under the control of the
cemetery staff or the appropriate authority. All graves shall be opened and closed by employees of the
cemetery. Charges for interments shall be recommended by the board cemetery commissioners and
approved by the city council, exclusive of special services requested by the family or necessary because
of special circumstances. All cemetery charges must be paid prior to interment. All interments shall be in
a concrete receptacle designed and manufactured for this purpose. Liners used shall be sold solely by
the city. (Ord. 4485 § 6, 1991; Ord. 3818 § 4, 1983; 1957 code § 10.02.120.)
2.72.170 Notice of interments.
Whenever interments are to be made, previous notice of at least eight regular working hours
must be given in order that the grave may be properly prepared. (Ord. 4485 § 6, 1991; 1957 code §
2.72.180 Interments per individual grave.
The interment of two bodies in one grave will not be allowed in areas designated for single
depth burials; only three cremated remains or one casket and two cremated remains per single grave
are allowed. The interment of two bodies in one grave is allowed only in designated areas. Only
cremated remains may be buried in Pioneer Cemetery. No interment other than that of a human being
will be permitted. (Ord. 6306 § 1, 2010; Ord. 4485 § 6, 1991; 1957 code § 10.02.150.)
2.72.190 Death certificate.
No interment will be permitted without the proper death certificate or burial permit as required
by the health authorities. Cremated remains must be accompanied by a copy of the burial or transit
permit or other document acceptable to the cemetery to certify identity of the cremated remains. (Ord.
4485 § 6, 1991; 1957 code § 10.02.160.)
2.72.200 Interment agreement.
When a grave is owned jointly, a permit for interment will be granted to either an owner or the
heirs. An agreement may be made between common owners as to the right of burial, but the city will
not undertake to enforce such agreement. (Ord. 4485 § 6, 1991; 1957 code § 10.02.170.)
2.72.210 Interment of friends.
A grave, niche or crypt is intended as a family burial place of the purchaser, and therefore, while
the purchaser may permit the interment of one not a member of his family, an heir cannot permit such
an interment except by unanimous consent of all owners, but in no case shall any remuneration or
consideration be accepted therefor.
Grave owners who desire to give the privilege for future interment to relatives or friends
without consideration must file such instructions with the city in writing, duly signed and acknowledged
before a notary. A fee will be charged for recording names on the books of the city for each proposed
interment. (Ord. 4485 § 6, 1991; 1957 code § 10.02.180.)
2.72.220 Location of grave.
When an interment is to be made, the person requesting it must show or designate the exact
position of the grave and give the order in person or in writing.
Interments will not be made in graves which have not been paid for in full. (Ord. 4485 § 6, 1991;
Ord. 3818 § 4, 1983; Ord. 3002 § 1, 1976; 1957 code § 10.02.190.)
2.72.230 Transfer of grave after interment.
While there is an interment upon any grave, the city cannot consent to the transfer or
conveyance of the grave in whole or in part by anyone other than the original owner, nor will the city
recognize the right of any party claiming burial in any grave so transferred or conveyed unless the
permission of the owner or the legal representative is entered on the records of the city. (Ord. 4485 § 6,
1991; 1957 code § 10.02.200.)
2.72.250 Care and improvements.
All work in the care and improvement of lots and graves shall be done by employees of the
cemetery. No lot or grave shall be defined by fence, railing, coping, hedge, or by any other marking. No
grave shall be decorated with any trees, shrubs or plants. (Ord. 4485 § 6, 1991; 1957 code § 10.02.220.)
2.72.260 Individual decorations.
A. Cut Flowers and Bouquets. Cut flowers and bouquets are allowed year round. All cut flowers
and bouquets must be placed in cemetery approved vases set level with the ground. Such vases shall be
in a concrete or granite block 10 to 12 inches square. A suitable vase for each grave will be furnished
and set by cemetery staff at a charge fixed by city council. Cut flowers and bouquets will be removed
from graves as soon as they become wilted or unsightly.
B. Artificial Flowers and Decorations. Artificial flowers, potted plants and other decorations must
be less than 24 inches in height and will be removed when they become wilted or unsightly. They are
allowed only from December 1st to the end of February, subject to the following exceptions:
1. New burials: all flowers, plants, easels and decorations will be allowed to remain for 48 hours
following a new burial. Persons wishing to retain any of the items must remove them within 48 hours
after interment.
2. City observed holidays: from March 1st to November 30th, artificial flowers and decorations
will be allowed only three days prior to, the day of and the day following city observed holidays.
3. Christmas decorations: Christmas decorations shall be removed within two weeks after
Christmas Day. (Ord. 4485 § 6, 1991; 1957 code § 10.02.230.)
2.72.270 Trimming and pruning trees and shrubs.
No person except authorized city personnel shall trim or prune or remove any part of the trees
or shrubs in the cemetery. If any tree or shrub situated on any grave by means of its roots, branches or
otherwise becomes detrimental, dangerous or objectionable to the adjacent graves, walks or avenues,
the city shall have the right to enter upon the grave and remove the trees or shrubs, or any trees or
parts thereof as it may see fit. (Ord. 4485 § 6, 1991; Ord. 3818 § 4, 1982; 1957 code § 10.02.240.)
2.72.280 Monuments, headstones, markers.
The cemetery will make available for purchase: monuments, headstones, markers. The staff will
construct foundations and borders on markers when required. Marker setting fees must be paid prior to
the setting. Markers must be set flush with the surface of the ground, except in areas designated for
upright monuments. Where monuments, headstones or markers are placed upon any grave, no removal
of the same will be permitted to be made under the claim that they are not paid for or other pretense,
without the written authority of the cemetery coordinator. Grave owners must keep in good repair all
stone or monumental work upon the graves. The city does not bind itself to maintain, repair or replace
any grave markers or monumental structures erected upon the grave. A maximum of two markers per
grave or companion graves will be allowed. (Ord. 4485 § 6, 1991; Ord. 3818 § 4, 1982; 1957 code §
2.72.290 Funerals, burials and committals – Days allowed.
A. Except in cases of emergency, funerals, burials and committals are not allowed on Sunday.
B. The city council, upon recommendation by the cemetery board, may at its discretion make an
additional charge for Saturday or recognized city holiday funerals, burials or committals. (Ord. 4485 § 6,
1991; Ord. 3818 § 4, 1982; 1957 code § 10.02.260.)
2.72.300 Cemetery fees and charges.
All cemetery fees and charges shall be recommended by the board of cemetery commissioners
and approved by the city council, and shall remain in effect until a new schedule is approved by the city
council. (Ord. 5305 § 1, 1999; Ord. 5229 § 1, 1999; Ord. 5036 § 1, 1997; Ord. 4852 § 1, 1996; Ord. 4485 §
6, 1991; Ord. 3818 § 4, 1982; 1957 code § 10.02.270.)
2.72.305 Welfare burials.
From and after the effective date of the ordinance codified in this chapter, a person who resides
in the city limits of Auburn at the time of death, and who at the time of death is receiving state welfare
assistance, will be eligible for a reduction in fees and charges.
A ground burial for an eligible person, in an area designated by the cemetery board, will be
discounted 50 percent for property, opening/closing, and recording fee.
An inurnment of cremated remains for an eligible person, in an area designated by the cemetery
board, without the possibility of disinterment, will be performed at no cost. (Ord. 4632 § 2, 1993; Ord.
4485 § 7, 1991.)
2.72.310 Miscellaneous regulations – Exceptions.
Picking flowers, breaking or injuring trees or shrubs or in any way injuring any monument or
headstone is prohibited and liable to severe penalty according to state law.
If anything is placed on a grave which is deemed improper, it will be removed. Patrons are
requested not to offer money to the staff. Bills due the city for labor and materials and supplies are a
lien on the grave until paid. The city council shall have the right to make exceptions from the foregoing
rules when deemed advisable. Such exceptions shall not be considered as rescinding or waiving any of
these rules. Any waiver that may be made by the city council shall not be or considered to be a
continuing waiver and shall not bar the city or city council from enforcing the usual rules and regulations
at any later time if it may be desired so to do. (Ord. 4485 § 6, 1991; 1957 code § 10.02.280.)
2.72.330 Marker setting by private parties.
The marker setting fees for setting of markers by private parties shall be as established in the
city of Auburn fee schedule. Any such private party will have to meet the cemetery specifications on the
border size of the marker and cleanup of the area when finished. The private party will also be required
to have the work signed off by the cemetery coordinator to make sure it does meet cemetery standards.
(Ord. 5715 § 4, 2002; Ord. 4485 § 6, 1991; Ord. 3872 § 1, 1983.)
2.72.331 Mountain View Cemetery fees and charges.
The fees and charges for services at the Mountain View Cemetery shall be as established in the
city of Auburn fee schedule. (Ord. 5715 § 5, 2002; Ord. 5305 § 1, 1999; Ord. 5229 § 1, 1999.)
2.80.030 Designation, status, qualifications and term of emergency interim successors.
A. Appointive Officers. The mayor shall, within 30 days following the effective date of the ordinance
codified in this chapter, designate for appointive officers including the city attorney, chief of police, fire chief,
public works director, finance director, planning director, parks director, personnel director, city clerk, and the
supervisors of maintenance and operations, streets, water, sewer, building, airport and cemetery divisions an
emergency interim successor to each of these officers.
3.04.080 Cemetery fund – Establishment – Funding – Use.
There is created and established a separate fund to be known as a “cemetery fund” for the purpose of
depositing therein all revenues received in the operation of the cemetery of the city, except such revenues as
are covered in ACC 3.04.090. The cemetery fund shall be a fund separate and apart from any and all other
funds and shall be set up and operated by the finance director of the city, and said funds shall be used to pay
all expenses incurred in the operation and maintenance of the Auburn cemetery. All revenues from the
operation of the cemetery of the city are to be deposited into the fund and all expenses itemized in the
cemetery section of the budget for the city are to be paid out of the cemetery fund. (1957 code § 1.36.020.)
3.04.090 Cemetery endowment care fund – Creation – Funding.
There is created a fund to be known as the “cemetery endowment care fund,” into which there shall be
paid the cemetery endowment care fee imposed on the sale of each grave, each niche and each crypt as such
fee is set forth in the city’s fee schedule. The fund shall be irreducible in principal and no part of the income
therefrom shall ever be used for any other purpose than as specified in ACC 3.04.120. (Ord. 6447 § 1, 2013;
Ord. 3972 § 1, 1984; Ord. 3853 § 1, 1983; 1957 code § 1.36.030.)
3.04.100 Cemetery endowment care fund – Investment.
City of Auburn cemetery endowment care funds shall be invested in accordance with the provisions of
RCW 68.44.030 and 30.24.020 of the laws of the state of Washington subject to the following restrictions:
A. No officer or director of the city of Auburn cemetery authority, trustee of the endowment care or
special care funds or spouse, sibling, parent, grandparent, or issue of such officer, director, or trustee, shall
borrow any such funds for himself, directly or indirectly.
B. No funds shall be loaned to the cemetery authority, its agents, or employees, or to any corporation,
partnership, or other business entity in which the cemetery authority has any ownership interest.
C. No funds shall be invested with persons or business entities operating in a business field directly
related to cemeteries including, but not limited to, mortuaries, monument production and sales, florists, and
rental of funeral facilities.
D. Notwithstanding any other provisions contained in this section, funds may be invested in any
commercial bank, mutual savings bank or savings and loan association duly chartered and operating under the
laws of the United States or statutes of the state of Washington.
E. The Auburn finance director is authorized to acquire and retain every kind of property, real,
personal, or mixed, and every kind of investment specifically including but not by way of limitation,
debentures and other corporate obligations, and stocks, preferred or common, which men of prudence,
discretion and intelligence acquire for their own account. (Ord. 3705 § 2, 1981.) 3.04.110 Cemetery endowment care fund – Keeping – Money payments.
All money received or obtained in the manner provided in ACC 3.04.090 shall be deposited with the
finance director and shall be kept separate and apart in the fund known as the cemetery endowment care fund
and shall be paid out by the finance director only upon vouchers drawn by the order of the city council and
endorsed by the mayor and attested by the city clerk. (Ord. 3818 § 5, 1982; 1957 code § 1.36.032.) 3.04.120 Cemetery endowment care fund – Use.
The net interest or income from investments made of the fund created by ACC 3.04.090 shall be used
only and exclusively in the care of the lots and in the improvement or embellishment of the cemetery or the
erection or preservation of any buildings or structures, fences or walks erected or to be erected upon the
cemetery or for the repair, preservation, erection or renewal of any tomb, monument, grave, stone, fence,
railing or other erection in or around the cemetery lot or plat or for planting and cultivating trees, shrubs, flowers
or plants in or around the lot or plat or for improving or embellishing the cemetery in any other manner or form
consistent with the design and purpose of the city; provided, the expenditure of the income from the fund and
the purpose for which it is to be used shall be first authorized by the city council and such authorization entered
upon its minutes. (1957 code § 1.36.033.)
Information shown is for general reference purposes only and does not necessarily represent exact geographic or cartographic data as mapped. The City of Auburn makes no warranty as to its accuracy.Map ID: 4077
Parks, Recreation & Open Space Plan Mountain View Cemetery
Printed On: 8/13/2012
Auburn More Than You Imagined
Lawn services
Mow & trim 36 2 3 4 4 5 4 4 5 3 1 1
Hard surface edging 17 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 1 1
Soft bed edging 17 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 1 1
Insect/disease control
Turf treatments
Turf fertilizing/broadleaf 2 1 1
Turf fertilizing 1 1
Bed Care
Pre-emergent weed control 2 1 1
Weeding 20 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 1
Spray weed control 10 1 1 2 1 1 2 1 1
Bed pruning 4 1 1 1 1
Shrub fertilization 1 1
Insect/disease control
Marker Edging 5 1 1 1 1 1
General Activities
Litter collection
Leaf collection 3 1 1 1
Water feature 4 1 1 1 1
Irrigation startup 1 1
Irrigation monitoring 4 1 1 1 1
Annual installation 2 1 1
Mulch/bark 1 1
As needed on time & material basis
As needed on time & material basis
As needed on time & material basis
Mountain View Cemetery - Auburn
Frequency Chart