HomeMy WebLinkAbout12-16-2013 FINANCE COMMITTEE AGENDA PACKET Finance Committee December 16, 2013 - 5:30 PM Annex Conference Room 1 AGENDA I.CALL TO ORDER A.Roll Call B.Announcements C.Agenda Modifications II.CONSENT AGENDA A. Minutes of the December 2, 2013 regular meeting* B. Claims Vouchers* (Coleman) Claims voucher numbers 426449 through 426640 in the amount of $4,685,703.87 and three wire transfers in the amount of $41,666.00 and dated December 16, 2013. C. Payroll Vouchers (Coleman) Payroll check numbers 534330 through 534369 in the amount of $888,081.31 and electronic deposit transmissions in the amount of $1,288,364.96 for a grand total of $2,176,446.27 for the period covering November 28, 2013 to December 11, 2013. III.ORDINANCES A. Ordinance No. 6492* (Hursh) An Ordinance of the City Council of the City of Auburn, Washington, amending Section 2.03.040, and creating new Chapters 2.08 and 2.23 of the Auburn City Code related to the organization of City administrative government IV.RESOLUTIONS A. Resolution No. 5016* (Heid) A Resolution of the City Council of the City of Auburn, Washington, amending the City of Auburn Fee Schedule to adjust for 2014 fees B. Resolution No. 5020* (Tiedeman) A Resolution of the City Council of the City of Auburn, Washington, authorizing the Mayor to execute an addendum to the Interlocal Agreement between the City of Auburn and the City of Black Diamond for information services technology V.DISCUSSION ITEMS A. October 2013 Financial Report* (Coleman) B. Ordinance No. 6466* (Heid) Page 1 of 225 An Ordinance of the City Council of the City of Auburn, Washington, creating a new Section 10.12.410 to the Auburn City Code relating to inattentive driving C. Resolution No. 5019* (Sweeting) A Resolution of the City Council of the City of Auburn, Washington, authorizing the Mayor to accept a grant from the Washington State Transportation Improvement Board for construction of the South 277th Street Corridor Capacity and Non- Motorized Trail Improvement Project D. Auburn History Project (Mayor Lewis) VI.ADJOURNMENT Agendas and minutes are available to the public at the City Clerk's Office, on the City website (http://www.auburnwa.gov), and via e-mail. Complete agenda packets are available for review at the City Clerk's Office. *Denotes attachments included in the agenda packet. Page 2 of 225 AGENDA BILL APPROVAL FORM Agenda Subject: Minutes of the December 2, 2013 regular meeting Date: December 9, 2013 Department: Finance Attachments: Minutes Budget Impact: $0 Administrative Recommendation: Background Summary: Reviewed by Council Committees: Finance Councilmember:Staff: Meeting Date:December 16, 2013 Item Number:CA.A AUBURN * MORE THAN YOU IMAGINEDCA.A Page 3 of 225 Finance Committee December 2, 2013 - 5:30 PM Annex Conference Room 1 MINUTES I. CALL TO ORDER Chair John Partridge called the meeting to order at 5:30 p.m. in Annex Conference Room 1 located on the second floor of the City Hall Annex located at One East Main Street in Auburn. A. Roll Call Chair John Partridge, Vice Chair Largo Wales and Member John Holman were present. Officials and staff members present included: Mayor Peter B. Lewis, Parks, Arts and Recreation Director Daryl Faber, Finance Director Shelley Coleman, City Attorney Daniel B. Heid, Assistant Director of Public Works Dennis Dowdy, Principal Planner Jeff Dixon, Innovation and Technology Director Ron Tiedeman, Interim Director of Planning and Community Development Jeff Tate, and City Clerk Danielle Daskam. B. Announcements There was no announcement. C. Agenda Modifications Revised Resolution No. 5011 was distributed at the meeting and Resolution No. 4913 was moved from a discussion item to an action item under Resolutions. II. CONSENT AGENDA A. November 18, 2013 Minutes Vice Chair Wales moved and Member Holman seconded to approve the November 18, 2013 minutes as distributed. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 3-0 B. Claims Vouchers (Coleman) Claims voucher numbers 426246 through 426448 in the amount of $2,228,919.51 and one wire transfer in the amount of $546.00 and dated December 2, 2013. Page 1 of 6 CA.A Page 4 of 225 Committee members reviewed claims and payroll vouchers and briefly discussed claims voucher numbers 426325 and 426376. Vice Chair Wales moved and Member Holman seconded to approve the claims and payroll vouchers. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 3-0 C. Payroll Vouchers (Coleman) Payroll check numbers 534256 through 534329 in the amount of $386,209.32 electronic deposit transmissions in the amount of $1,325,225.31 for a grand total of $1,711,434.63 for the period covering November 14, 2013 to November 27, 2013. See claims vouchers above for approval of payroll vouchers. III. ORDINANCES A. Ordinance No. 6474 (Coleman) An Ordinance of the City Council of the City of Auburn, Washington, Amending Ordinance No. 6432, the 2013-2014 Biennial Budget Ordinance, as Amended by Ordinance No. 6456 Ordinance No. 6462, Ordinance No. 6472, Ordinance No. 6473, Ordinance No. 6481, and Authorizing Amendment to the City of Auburn 2013-2014 Budget as Set Forth in Schedule “A” and Schedule “B” Finance Director Coleman presented Ordinance No. 6474, the mid- term correction to the biennial budget and the first budget amendment for 2014. Updates to the Ordinance since the last Finance Committee meeting include: adjustments to the General Fund beginning fund balance, $1 million for Sewer-Metro wastewater revenues and payments to King County, $195,195.00 for purchase of public works project management software, $186,000.00 in grant funding from the Washington State Department of Ecology, park property purchase, police vehicle purchase, golf course operations and debt service moved from the enterprise fund to general governmental operations, a new Worker's Compensation Self-insurance Fund is created, and $6.0 million in funding for the construction of the Auburn Community Center is budgeted augmented by $3.0 million in state funding. Finance Director Coleman distributed a Project Budget Detail for the Auburn Community Center Project CP0925. The total estimated construction/development costs are $8,923.850.00. Funding sources include a $3 million grant from the State of Washington, $1,500,000.00 from the sale of the downtown catalyst block, $1,075,000.00 from the sale of Annex Suite 380, $1,459,219.00 from REET 1, $744,697.00 from the Sound Transit parking garage return of Page 2 of 6 CA.A Page 5 of 225 parking stalls, and $1,221,084.00 from the Cumulative Reserve Fund. Mayor Lewis stated the Les Gove Community Campus Committee requested that staff identify funds for the project and present the information in the form of a resolution to the Council. Vice Chair Wales stated the information on the Community Center funding was presented at the last Planning and Community Development Committee meeting. She also stated she believes the project is on a fast track because the project needs to be started this spring to ensure the state grant of $3 million is not lost. Finance Director Coleman reported the City has already spent $1.2 million on project development costs. Chair Partridge stated he had not seen any new information on the project since the special meeting of the Council this past summer. In response to a question from Vice Chair Wales, Finance Director Coleman stated that the governmental debt service fund includes payments for library, local revitalization promenade project, and the Annex building. Vice Chair Wales moved and Member Holman seconded to approve and forward Ordinance No. 6474 to the full Council for consideration. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 3-0 IV. RESOLUTIONS A. Resolution No. 4913 (Coleman) A Resolution of the City Council of the City of Auburn, Washington, identifying the City Council’s desire to move forward with funding preparations for the City of Auburn Community Center Finance Director Coleman presented Resolution No. 4913, which expresses the Council's desire to move forward with funding for the Community Center. Vice Chair Wales moved and Member Holman seconded to approve and forward Resolution No. 4913 to the full Council for consideration. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 3-0 B. Resolution No. 5009 (Coleman) A Resolution of the City Council of the City of Auburn, Washington, authorizing the Mayor and the City Clerk to execute an agreement for services between the City of Auburn and the Auburn Area Chamber of Page 3 of 6 CA.A Page 6 of 225 Commerce to operate a visitor information center, promote tourism awareness within the City and to provide services associated with supporting the City’s economic development efforts Finance Director Coleman presented Resolution No. 5009, which authorizes the annual contract with the Auburn Area Chamber of Commerce for operation of the visitor information center, promote tourism, and provide services associated with economic development. There is no change in the contract from 2013. There was a brief discussion regarding the history of the relationship between the City and the Chamber over the years and how it might change in the future. Vice Chair Wales moved and Member Holman seconded to approve and forward Resolution No. 5009 to the full Council for consideration. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 3-0 C. Resolution No. 5011 (Dowdy) A Resolution of the City of Auburn, Washington, declaring certain items of property as surplus and authorizing their disposal Assistant Director of Public Works Dowdy presented Resolution No. 5011, which declares a 2002 Ford pickup as surplus. The vehicle had over 93,000 miles and has been replaced. A revised Resolution No. 5011 was distributed at the meeting to remove the list of inventory parts that are not ready at this time to be surplused. Vice Chair Wales moved and Member Holman seconded to approve and forward Resolution No. 5011 to the full Council for consideration. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 3-0 V. DISCUSSION ITEMS A. Ordinance No. 6488 (Dixon) An Ordinance of the City Council of the City of Auburn, Washington amending sections 19.02.115, 19.02.120, 19.02.130 and 19.02.140 of the Auburn City Code relating to School Impacts Fees Principal Planner Jeff Dixon presented Ordinance No. 6488, which is the annual update of the school impact fees provided for under Chapter 19.02 of the Auburn City Code. The Auburn City Code provides that on at least an annual basis, the City Council shall review the information (Capital Facilities Plan and data) submitted by the Districts. Page 4 of 6 CA.A Page 7 of 225 The four school districts within Auburn include: Auburn School District, Dieringer School District, Kent School District, and Federal Way School District. Committee members reviewed a table reflecting the school impact fees proposed for multi-family and single family construction. Mr. Dixon reported the Auburn School District is proposing a fee increase for multi-family and a decrease in the single family rate. Dieringer and Kent School Districts are requesting fee increases for both categories of dwelling units. Federal Way has requested the impact fees remain the same. Staff recommends setting the Dieringer School District impact fees the same rate established by Pierce County. Ordinance No. 6488 was discussed by the Planning and Community Development Committee on November 25, 2013, and will be reviewed by the Planning and Community Development Committee on December 9, 2013. B. Resolution No. 5006 (Tiedeman) A Resolution of the City Council of the City of Auburn, Washington, authorizing the Mayor to execute an agreement between the City of Auburn and ID Consulting Solutions, LLC for wireless access point services Innovation and Technology Director Tiedeman presented Resolution No. 5006. The Resolution approves a professional services contract with ID Consulting Solutions for fiber and wireless infrastructure installation. The scope of services include the installation of wireless access points between the Muckleshoot Casino and City Hall. C. Resolution No. 5014 (Tate) A Resolution of the City Council of the City of Auburn Washington related to downtown redevelopment; authorizing the Mayor to extend the term of a Memorandum of Agreement with Ceradimm, LLC and the term of an option to purchase real property with Ceradimm, LLC, both approved by adoption of Resolution 4675, and to extend the term of an Exclusive Lease or Sale Listing Agreement with Coldwell Banker Danforth and Associates until December 31, 2015 Interim Planning and Development Director Tate presented Resolution No. 5014. Resolution No. 5014 authorizes the Mayor to extend the term of existing agreements with Ceradimm LLC and Coldwell Banker Danforth and Associates until December 31, 2015. There are three applicable agreements. The agreements were entered into to promote development in the downtown area. Page 5 of 6 CA.A Page 8 of 225 The Planning and Community Development Committee recommended approval of the Resolution and agreements at their last meeting. VI. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business to come before the Committee, the meeting adjourned at 6:25 p.m. APPROVED this _____ day of December, 2013. __________________________ __________________________ John Partridge, Chair Danielle Daskam, City Clerk Page 6 of 6 CA.A Page 9 of 225 AGENDA BILL APPROVAL FORM Agenda Subject: Claims Vouchers Date: December 9, 2013 Department: Administration Attachments: Vouchers Budget Impact: $0 Administrative Recommendation: City Council approve the claims vouchers. Background Summary: Claims voucher numbers 426449 through 426640 in the amount of $4,685,703.87 and three wire transfers in the amount of $41,666.00 and dated December 16, 2013. Reviewed by Council Committees: Finance Councilmember:Staff:Coleman Meeting Date:December 16, 2013 Item Number:CA.B AUBURN * MORE THAN YOU IMAGINEDCA.B Page 10 of 225 12/11/2013 Voucher List City of Auburn 1 3:42:47PM Page:vchlist Bank code :000 Voucher Date Vendor Invoice Description/Account Amount 140 11/26/2013 391840 WA STATE DEPT OF LICENSING LICENSES CONCEALED PISTOL LICENSES 651.237.104 180.00 Total : 180.00 141 12/3/2013 012330 US ARMY CORPS OF ENGINEERS CP0746 COST SHARE CP0746 MILL CREEK WETLAND 5K REACH 432.00.590.100.65 40,949.00 Total : 40,949.00 142 12/5/2013 391840 WA STATE DEPT OF LICENSING LICENSES CONCEALED PISTOL LICENSES 651.237.104 537.00 Total : 537.00 426449 11/26/2013 003341 KING COUNTY OFFICE OF FINANCE 1 CP1016 KC REIMBURSEMENT - INV. #1, 321.00.576.802.65 124,117.42 Total : 124,117.42 426450 12/2/2013 022983 METZLER, DOUG REFUND TENNANT DEPOSIT - UNIT 6 505.239.106 375.00 Total : 375.00 426451 12/2/2013 022982 WOOD, BARRY REFUND TENNANT DEPOSIT - UNIT 10 505.239.106 350.00 Total : 350.00 426452 12/2/2013 370370 U S POSTMASTER REPLENISH ACCT$1652 Account Replenishment for Seattle Bulk 518.00.518.780.42 10,000.00 Total : 10,000.00 426453 12/6/2013 233000 MICROFLEX INC 00021509 1Page:CA.B Page 11 of 225 vchlist Voucher.List Page: 2 12111l2013 3:42:47PM CiryofAubum Bankcode: 000 Voucher Date Vendor Invoice Description/Account Amount 428453 12/6Y2013 233000 MICROFLEX INC Co tlnued) Sept 2013 tax audit program 001.14:514230.41 801.03 Total : 801.03 426454 1216YL013 116120 AWC EMPLOYEE BENEFR TRUST DEC2013 AWC PREMIUMS FOR RETIREES- 1.98.517210.25 19.328.71 AWC PREMIUMS FOR REfIREES- 001.98.522.210.25 9,409.78 AWC PREMIUMS FOR RETIREES- 001.98.522220.25 17.597.99 Total: 46,338.48 426455 12/6/2013 023039 NCO FINANCIAL SYSTEMS INC CASE 725982 H y,SV US 2, .. 1(, S}U,b f[,i d JudgemerrtandOrdertoPay-r,^ 651237.908 873.54 i"I.L+M$7 (AS '(A S''k,b V I Totel: 873.54 426458. 12/11/2013 021672 US BANK 11133298000298581787 REG FEE(J SHEPARD).FOR BULLEfPROOF 00121.521.200.49 209.00 11133298000350223491 Heating Supplies for GSA Buildirg 007.33.576.100.37 77.66 11133298000350223509 TARPS AND BUNGI CORDS TO REPAIR SALT 001.42.542.300.31 5032 11133298000399121557 Emall Protection-MX Logic 518.00.518.880.49 744.60 71133298007583695526 MARCUS WHITMAN HOTEL- 001.15:515:100.49 7.62 11133298001599848436 Travel 6cpense for Rich Wagner Page: 2 CA.B Page 12 of 225 12/11/2013 Voucher List City of Auburn 3 3:42:47PM Page:vchlist Bank code :000 Voucher Date Vendor Invoice Description/Account Amount 426458 12/11/2013 (Continued)021672 US BANK 001.11.511.600.43 29.31 11133298083714726799 PLANTS FOR BRANNAN PARK PROJECT 321.00.576.802.65 802.64 11133298100240245551 SUPPLIES FOR HALLOWEEN EVENTS 001.33.574.240.31 66.74 11133298100240245636 HALLOWEEN EVENT SUPPLIES 001.33.574.240.31 225.06 11133298118000134794 NOV ORCA VOUCHERS 001.13.516.100.49 950.00 11133298152981785539 Supplies for Facilities Dept 505.00.524.500.31 105.45 11133298152981785810 PURELL~ 431.00.535.800.31 109.38 11133298152981788996 CLEVIS HOOK~ 550.00.548.100.31 27.97 11133298152981809180 6945A-SWEEPER BROOM BEARING~ 550.00.548.680.35 109.61 11133298158186924007 Rekey & Service at PRAB 505.00.524.500.31 2,013.71 11133298158188185680 PANSIES FOR VAIOUS PARKS 001.33.576.100.31 659.20 ADDITIONAL USE TAX 001.33.576.100.31 4.24 ADDITIONAL USE TAX 001.237.200 -4.24 3Page:CA.B Page 13 of 225 12/11/2013 Voucher List City of Auburn 4 3:42:47PM Page:vchlist Bank code :000 Voucher Date Vendor Invoice Description/Account Amount 426458 12/11/2013 (Continued)021672 US BANK 11133298163101144384 Vacuum Breaker Supplies 505.00.524.500.31 27.92 11133298163101144397 Return Vacuum Breaker Supplies 505.00.524.500.31 -27.92 11133298172984318971 STEEL TOE RUBBER BOOTS~ 550.141.200 1,401.91 11133298172984319136 STEEL TOE BOOT~ 550.141.200 82.39 11133298172984617671 Cites/Schools Dinner for Councilmembers 001.11.511.600.43 70.35 11133298200070502798 HALLOWEEN EVENT SUPPLIES 001.33.574.240.31 40.44 11133298262985112753 DOOR REPAIR AT PARKS MAINT 001.33.576.100.41 108.95 11133298298121752603 SPLIT RAIL POST LINE & SCREWS, CEMETERY 436.00.536.200.31 118.16 11133298300203369444 HALLOWEEN EVENT SUPPLIES 001.33.574.240.31 4.37 11133298577895014304 Mobile Radio Case, Pliers & Connecters 001.32.525.100.49 97.64 11133298824505096926 Airline Baggage Fee 001.11.511.600.43 20.00 11133298838000033243 P011A-SUSPENSION~ 4Page:CA.B Page 14 of 225 12/11/2013 Voucher List City of Auburn 5 3:42:47PM Page:vchlist Bank code :000 Voucher Date Vendor Invoice Description/Account Amount 426458 12/11/2013 (Continued)021672 US BANK 550.00.548.680.35 96.49 11133298838000033250 6206C-WINDOW REGULATOR AND MOTOR~ 550.00.548.680.35 122.41 11133298849188401692 PNWS - Advanced Asset Mgmt Training - 430.00.534.100.49 265.00 11133298980003559218 SIDEWALK LEVELING~ 001.42.542.300.48 602.25 11133298980013036611 P042G-PURGE SOLENOID VALVE~ 550.00.548.680.35 32.81 11133299000158158540 Gas for Rental car 001.11.511.600.43 5.59 11133299000202640998 PAPER & FILE FOLDERS, PARKS DEPT 001.33.574.220.31 110.98 11133299000202641079 MULTI COLORED PAPER, PARKS 001.33.574.220.31 143.99 11133299000625108252 PARKING-BOND COMPLIANCE SEMINAR 001.14.514.100.43 22.00 11133299002115783349 iPad data charge for Backus 001.11.511.600.42 30.00 11133299002115873496 Monthly iPad data charge for M. Hursh 001.11.513.100.42 14.99 11133299005289195015 LITTER BAGS FOR LITTER CREWS 434.00.537.800.31 1,262.60 11133299005289195171 5Page:CA.B Page 15 of 225 12/11/2013 Voucher List City of Auburn 6 3:42:47PM Page:vchlist Bank code :000 Voucher Date Vendor Invoice Description/Account Amount 426458 12/11/2013 (Continued)021672 US BANK LITTER BAGS FOR LITTER CREWS 434.00.537.800.31 1,165.47 11133299005289864602 Supplies for Auburn Golf Course 505.00.524.500.31 215.68 11133299005291534508 QUARRY SPALLS~ 001.42.542.300.31 1,407.76 11133299042000240018 6423D-FLAT REPAIR SERVICE CALL~ 550.00.548.680.48 117.18 11133299100272355054 Misc Engineering Dept Office Supplies 001.32.532.200.31 7.65 11133299100272355138 Misc Engineering Dept Office Supplies 001.32.532.200.31 8.16 11133299100272355211 Misc Engineering Dept Office Supplies 001.32.532.200.31 154.75 11133299100272355393 Misc Engineering Dept Office Supplies 001.32.532.200.31 6.24 11133299104023801072 DRILL BITS~ 430.00.534.800.31 16.07 11133299104023801101 RETURN DRILL BITS 430.00.534.800.31 -16.07 11133299152996371670 UTILITY BLADES~ 550.141.300 22.44 11133299152996401691 Electrical Timer for Auburn City Hall 001.33.576.100.31 131.28 6Page:CA.B Page 16 of 225 12/11/2013 Voucher List City of Auburn 7 3:42:47PM Page:vchlist Bank code :000 Voucher Date Vendor Invoice Description/Account Amount 426458 12/11/2013 (Continued)021672 US BANK 11133299200388300219 CLOTHING ALLOWANCE, PARKS MAINT 001.33.576.100.22 251.32 11133299200816600016 Pierce Co Relamp & Traffic Signal Heads 001.32.532.200.48 73.91 11133299200988400100 Travel Expense for Rich Wagner 001.11.511.600.43 6.89 11133299207653900053 PHOTO CELLS FOR STREET LIGHTS AND NUT 001.42.542.300.35 198.97 11133299286452000047 RENTAL OF LAMP TOWERS, PARKS MAINT 001.33.576.100.45 164.58 11133299299047314904 PARKING FEES, SEATTLE MEETING FOR 001.17.558.100.43 15.00 11133299300205517403 HALLOWEEN EVENT SUPPLIES 001.33.574.240.31 81.20 11133299300205517577 HALLOWEEN EVENT SUPPLIES 001.33.574.240.31 50.32 11133299394500731405 PLANNING SUPPLIES - NAME PLATE - INV. 001.17.558.100.31 18.94 11133299741174044493 COURIER SERVICES-AIR/GROUND - 001.17.558.100.49 65.25 11133300000053789943 CHILD ABUSE AND NEGLECT EXPERT CONSULT 001.21.521.210.41 97.89 11133300001724125751 PIZZA FOR PARENTS NIGHT OUT 7Page:CA.B Page 17 of 225 12/11/2013 Voucher List City of Auburn 8 3:42:47PM Page:vchlist Bank code :000 Voucher Date Vendor Invoice Description/Account Amount 426458 12/11/2013 (Continued)021672 US BANK 001.33.574.240.31 19.68 11133300002116089107 AT&T DATA PLAN - DAN'S IPAD 001.15.515.100.42 30.00 11133300002116218649 iPad data charge for Wales 001.11.511.600.42 30.00 11133300002116325956 TELECOM SVC/CRED CRD CALL 001.13.516.100.42 25.00 11133300002116408125 Monthly iPad data charge for Robertson 001.11.513.100.42 14.99 11133300036111651599 Hotel - WSU Eng & Architecture Advisory 001.11.511.600.43 261.32 11133300158122343979 HALLOWEEN EVENT SUPPLIES 001.33.574.240.31 16.43 11133300200599200213 Parking Expense for Wagner 001.11.511.600.43 37.12 11133300600137383270 Valley Cities luncheon - Michael Hursh, 001.11.513.100.43 44.52 11133300630122435571 Verizon Cell Phones 8/24-9/23 001.11.511.600.42 385.07 Verizon Cell Phones 8/24-9/23 001.11.513.100.42 110.02 Verizon Cell Phones 8/24-9/23 001.13.516.100.42 293.32 Verizon Cell Phones 8/24-9/23 001.14.514.230.42 165.03 Verizon Cell Phones 8/24-9/23 8Page:CA.B Page 18 of 225 12/11/2013 Voucher List City of Auburn 9 3:42:47PM Page:vchlist Bank code :000 Voucher Date Vendor Invoice Description/Account Amount 426458 12/11/2013 (Continued)021672 US BANK 001.15.515.100.42 164.83 Verizon Cell Phones 8/24-9/23 001.17.524.200.42 199.49 Verizon Cell Phones 8/24-9/23 001.17.557.200.42 55.01 Verizon Cell Phones 8/24-9/23 001.17.558.100.42 408.87 Verizon Cell Phones 8/24-9/23 001.17.562.100.42 55.01 Verizon Cell Phones 8/24-9/23 001.21.521.100.42 2,889.35 Verizon Cell Phones 8/24-9/23 001.21.521.210.42 496.38 Verizon Cell Phones 8/24-9/23 001.32.525.100.42 73.28 Verizon Cell Phones 8/24-9/23 001.32.532.200.42 589.57 Verizon Cell Phones 8/24-9/23 001.33.573.901.42 55.01 Verizon Cell Phones 8/24-9/23 001.33.574.100.42 55.31 Verizon Cell Phones 8/24-9/23 001.33.574.210.42 53.37 Verizon Cell Phones 8/24-9/23 001.33.574.220.42 353.88 Verizon Cell Phones 8/24-9/23 001.33.575.300.42 53.37 Verizon Cell Phones 8/24-9/23 001.33.576.100.42 329.86 Verizon Cell Phones 8/24-9/23 001.42.543.100.42 405.27 Verizon Cell Phones 8/24-9/23 103.00.595.100.42 34.94 Verizon Cell Phones 8/24-9/23 9Page:CA.B Page 19 of 225 12/11/2013 Voucher List City of Auburn 10 3:42:47PM Page:vchlist Bank code :000 Voucher Date Vendor Invoice Description/Account Amount 426458 12/11/2013 (Continued)021672 US BANK 117.00.521.210.42 349.30 Verizon Cell Phones 8/24-9/23 430.00.534.800.42 842.18 Verizon Cell Phones 8/24-9/23 431.00.535.800.42 382.28 Verizon Cell Phones 8/24-9/23 432.00.535.900.42 347.62 Verizon Cell Phones 8/24-9/23 434.00.537.100.42 18.27 Verizon Cell Phones 8/24-9/23 436.00.536.100.42 35.10 Verizon Cell Phones 8/24-9/23 437.00.576.600.42 18.27 Verizon Cell Phones 8/24-9/23 505.00.524.500.42 249.84 Verizon Cell Phones 8/24-9/23 518.00.518.780.42 55.01 Verizon Cell Phones 8/24-9/23 518.00.518.880.42 943.85 Verizon Cell Phones 8/24-9/23 550.00.548.100.42 70.20 11133300630122435977 Verizon Mifis- 9/3-10/2 001.11.513.100.42 40.01 Verizon Mifis- 9/3-10/2 001.17.524.200.42 200.05 Verizon Mifis- 9/3-10/2 001.17.558.100.42 80.02 Verizon Mifis- 9/3-10/2 001.21.521.200.42 2,057.72 Verizon Mifis- 9/3-10/2 001.32.532.200.42 160.04 Verizon Mifis- 9/3-10/2 430.00.534.800.42 473.45 10Page:CA.B Page 20 of 225 12/11/2013 Voucher List City of Auburn 11 3:42:47PM Page:vchlist Bank code :000 Voucher Date Vendor Invoice Description/Account Amount 426458 12/11/2013 (Continued)021672 US BANK Verizon Mifis- 9/3-10/2 431.00.535.800.42 327.26 Verizon Mifis- 9/3-10/2 432.00.535.900.42 253.40 Verizon Mifis- 9/3-10/2 518.00.518.880.42 189.27 Verizon Mifis- 9/3-10/2 001.42.543.100.42 180.05 11133300900010800013 POLYGRAPH TESTING SYSTEM (BASIC MACHINE 001.21.521.100.35 2,500.00 11133300900010800021 POLYGRAPH TESTING SYSTEM (BASIC MACHINE 001.21.521.100.35 1,550.00 11133300900013600021 5/8" MINUS FRANKLIN, PARKS MAINT 001.33.576.100.31 85.15 11133301000440866536 PANEL NAILS & BEADS, PARKS MAINT 001.33.576.100.31 17.45 11133301000440866544 Lighting Supplies for Auburn Theater 505.00.524.500.31 29.52 11133301000477407279 STAPLE GUN AND STAPLES FOR USE ON TEMP 001.42.542.300.31 24.31 11133301000477407295 Plumbing Supplies for Facilities Dept. 505.00.524.500.31 21.77 11133301000515241532 Electrical Supplies for Parks 001.33.576.100.31 33.07 11133301001808645664 LUNCH MEETING WITH KIP HERREN, AUBURN 001.11.513.100.43 22.46 11Page:CA.B Page 21 of 225 12/11/2013 Voucher List City of Auburn 12 3:42:47PM Page:vchlist Bank code :000 Voucher Date Vendor Invoice Description/Account Amount 426458 12/11/2013 (Continued)021672 US BANK 11133301153012951814 Rental Car in Pullman, WA for Wagner 001.11.511.600.43 106.54 11133301172984318930 CREDIT TO CORRECT PRICING ON INVOICE 550.00.548.100.31 -1,661.60 11133301286619300017 ADAPTER WITH CAP~ 430.141.100 158.79 11133301286619300025 METER RELOCATOR~ 430.141.100 1,758.53 11133301286619300066 COUPLINGS, BALL VALVE~ 430.141.100 548.00 11133301292013353238 PRESCHOOL CLASS SUPPLIES 001.33.574.240.31 17.32 11133301824501027797 Airline Baggage Fee 001.11.511.600.43 20.00 11133301824510460062 Baggage Fee- Assoc EM Mgrs Trip to Reno 001.32.525.100.43 20.00 11133301824511736072 Airline Service Fee 001.11.511.600.43 25.00 11133302000173850142 FLAT REPAIR 436.00.536.200.31 18.34 11133302000687088421 FOOD SERVICE PERMIT 001.33.574.210.49 55.00 11133302000815709831 CONTAINER, TOOL SET, WRENCH FOR PARKS 12Page:CA.B Page 22 of 225 12/11/2013 Voucher List City of Auburn 13 3:42:47PM Page:vchlist Bank code :000 Voucher Date Vendor Invoice Description/Account Amount 426458 12/11/2013 (Continued)021672 US BANK 001.33.576.100.31 78.70 11133302000815709849 AIR TOOL FOR CLEANING SMALL TOOLS AND 432.00.535.900.35 15.80 11133302000839984477 MOUNTED WALL HEATER~ 001.42.542.300.35 199.56 11133302000870705468 Wall Mount for Monitor 518.00.518.880.31 70.87 11133302000891875605 EXTENSION LADDER~ 432.00.535.900.35 135.78 11133302002117928269 BOB LEE'S MONTHLY IPAD SERVICE FEE 001.21.521.100.42 25.00 11133302002118217373 iPad Data Plan - Chrissy 518.00.518.880.42 14.99 11133302100002623943 SKEEN SWAT: BLACK COMBAT PANT/SHIRT; 001.21.521.100.22 576.10 11133302100218158310 INK CARTRIDGE 001.33.574.240.31 40.50 11133302100218158492 FOAM BOARD & ADHESIVE FOR THEATER 001.33.575.280.31 21.36 11133302100218249168 USB DRIVES (QTY 4 16 GB) & (QTY 1 8 001.21.521.100.31 62.82 11133302118000187242 GOOD TO GO PASS, TRIP TO GEORGE KENNY'S 001.33.574.210.43 5.25 11133302133029767717 13Page:CA.B Page 23 of 225 12/11/2013 Voucher List City of Auburn 14 3:42:47PM Page:vchlist Bank code :000 Voucher Date Vendor Invoice Description/Account Amount 426458 12/11/2013 (Continued)021672 US BANK NLC Conference Registration for Osborne 001.11.511.600.49 670.00 11133302158133867170 ESCORT MEAL, ETTA'S RESTAURANT 001.33.574.210.43 22.34 11133302200388300024 JACKET & PANTS, MIKE MILLER 001.33.576.100.22 131.38 11133302206970000068 SEDILLO: BIKE UNIFORM SHIRT & PANT~ 001.21.521.200.22 280.06 11133302207653100121 Supplies for Parks Maintenance 001.33.576.100.31 31.46 11133302286619400055 POLY PIPE, BRASS NIPPLE~ 430.141.100 918.31 11133302286619400071 HEX BOLT/NUT KIT, RING GASKET~ 430.00.534.800.31 27.47 11133302286619400089 CURB INLET~ 430.141.100 118.26 11133302286619400097 BRASS COUPLINGS, ADAPTORS~ 430.141.100 534.39 11133302286619400105 STEEL PIPE COUPLINGS~ 430.141.100 772.95 11133302286619400113 NEOPRENE GASKETS~ 430.00.534.800.31 433.62 11133302286619400121 REPLACEMENT VALVES, MEGA LUG, ADAPTORS 430.00.534.800.35 1,456.65 14Page:CA.B Page 24 of 225 12/11/2013 Voucher List City of Auburn 15 3:42:47PM Page:vchlist Bank code :000 Voucher Date Vendor Invoice Description/Account Amount 426458 12/11/2013 (Continued)021672 US BANK 11133302300198293132 AROUND THE BELL SUPPLIES 001.33.574.240.31 11.79 PRESCHOOL CLASS SUPPLIES 001.33.574.240.31 10.00 11133302700717189072 TICKET STOCK FOR THEATER 001.33.575.280.31 273.00 11133302732997869465 RETURN SUPPLIED FOR FACILITIES 505.00.524.500.31 -57.74 11133302733020755312 HONOR GUARD BELTS (QTY 4); GLOVES (QTY 001.21.521.200.22 241.40 11133302849469880089 SCA Networking Dinner for Peloza 001.11.511.600.49 45.00 11133302849541104508 SCA Networking Dinner for Holman 001.11.511.600.49 45.00 11133302849542086423 SCA Networking Dinner for osborne 001.11.511.600.49 45.00 11133302849542745739 ScA Networking Dinner for Wagner 001.11.511.600.49 45.00 11133302849543191057 SCA Networking Dinner for Wales 001.11.511.600.49 45.00 11133302900473400028 AIR HOSE TO INFLATE PIPE PLUG~ 432.00.535.900.35 97.91 11133302987109311544 REPAIR DOOR LOCK AT BRANNAN PUMP STATION 432.00.535.900.48 85.14 15Page:CA.B Page 25 of 225 12/11/2013 Voucher List City of Auburn 16 3:42:47PM Page:vchlist Bank code :000 Voucher Date Vendor Invoice Description/Account Amount 426458 12/11/2013 (Continued)021672 US BANK 11133303000101196460 T-Mobile in SWAT Van 117.00.521.210.42 50.49 11133303000173644546 6 PACK TERRY TOWELS, PARKS MAINT 001.33.576.100.31 6.22 11133303000173644553 Electrical Supplies for Parks Building 001.33.576.100.31 30.58 11133303000173644561 SECURING ITEMS TO WALLS FOR L&I 550.00.548.150.35 64.12 11133303000180315427 TRAILER TIRES~ 550.141.100 433.98 11133303000235686212 STARBUCKS - EMPLOYEE RECOGNITION 001.14.514.230.49 30.00 11133303000235910166 STARBUCKS - EMPLOYEE RECOGNITION 10/30 431.00.535.110.49 20.00 11133303000253479649 Monthly Cleaning of PRAB (July - Sept) 505.00.524.500.41 785.00 11133303000257743834 CABLE GROMMET AND HOLE SAW FOR FULMER 430.00.534.800.35 28.15 11133303000282675639 STARBUCKS-YOUTH COUNCIL REFRESHMENTS 001.33.574.240.31 22.23 11133303000933800784 POWER TOOL BATTERIES~ 431.00.535.800.31 108.51 11133303001959310752 LUNCH MEETING W/DIRECTORS 16Page:CA.B Page 26 of 225 12/11/2013 Voucher List City of Auburn 17 3:42:47PM Page:vchlist Bank code :000 Voucher Date Vendor Invoice Description/Account Amount 426458 12/11/2013 (Continued)021672 US BANK 001.11.513.100.43 30.23 11133303005299240201 WTC DUES 8/2013-8/2014 - DOUG LIEN 001.17.558.100.49 250.00 11133303083341442060 LANDSCAPING PLANTS FOR BRANNAN PARK 321.00.576.802.65 661.93 11133303100235522426 RETURN SUPPLIES 001.33.574.240.31 -22.96 11133303105294245956 Office Supplies for Facilities Dept 505.00.524.500.31 514.79 11133303163030434758 CARBIDE BUR SET~ 550.00.548.100.35 66.83 11133303200088300516 Misc. Supplies for Facilities Dept. 505.00.524.500.31 14.21 11133303200146800091 REPAIR & REFINISH OF POLICE OFFICER 001.21.521.100.22 204.75 11133303200732100328 ITE Parking Generation Manual for 001.32.532.200.49 106.40 11133303207069700025 THREADED PLUG FOR SEWER OR DRAIN~ 431.00.535.800.35 51.70 11133303207149800015 REFLECTIVE GUIDE POSTS FOR LOCATION 432.00.535.900.35 68.82 11133303395800610789 ENGRAVED MUGS FOR END OF PROBATION 001.21.521.100.31 93.08 11133303554825060262 17Page:CA.B Page 27 of 225 12/11/2013 Voucher List City of Auburn 18 3:42:47PM Page:vchlist Bank code :000 Voucher Date Vendor Invoice Description/Account Amount 426458 12/11/2013 (Continued)021672 US BANK G HIBBEN/MEMBERSHIP DUES 001.13.516.100.49 180.00 11133303733038797230 MANHOLE UMBRELLA~ 431.00.535.800.35 261.35 11133303733038807088 SINGLE CARBIDE BUR TOOL~ 550.00.548.100.31 8.80 11133303980004776024 ELECTIRCAL CONNECTORS~ 550.00.548.100.31 36.01 11133303980004776073 ELECTRICAL CONNECTORS~ 550.00.548.100.31 57.37 11133303980166664458 2014 WSRA MEMBERSHIP - K EDMAN 434.00.537.100.49 300.00 11133303987155933448 6517D-REKEY~ 550.00.548.680.48 24.09 11133304000457310649 SHIP WATER METER TO BADGER METER~ 430.00.534.800.42 8.54 11133304000490811363 PLANNING OFFICE SUPPLIES - EMAIL INV. 001.17.524.200.31 5.86 11133304000537106280 STARBUCKS-COFFEE FOR FINANCE MTG ON 001.14.514.100.49 30.55 11133304000543798591 Misc. Supplies for Auburn Ave Theater 505.00.524.500.31 11.56 11133304000546159924 USA AND POW-MIA FLAG FOR M&O~ 550.00.548.150.31 96.00 18Page:CA.B Page 28 of 225 12/11/2013 Voucher List City of Auburn 19 3:42:47PM Page:vchlist Bank code :000 Voucher Date Vendor Invoice Description/Account Amount 426458 12/11/2013 (Continued)021672 US BANK 11133304000561507775 MANUAL OF STYLE, GRAMMAR, USAGE BOOK 001.13.516.100.31 38.99 11133304000571873670 Pierce Co Relamp & Signal Tech Truck 001.32.532.200.48 50.83 11133304000571873688 SCREWS, ADHESIVE, CORNER BRACE, DUST 001.42.542.300.35 67.32 11133304000571873696 Plumbing Supplies for Facilities Dept 505.00.524.500.31 104.53 11133304000598436121 SHOP LIFT INSPECTION~ 550.00.548.150.48 870.53 11133304000637290000 SHEETING FOR SIGN BLANKS~ 001.42.542.300.35 877.10 11133304000640445229 Supplies for Mayor's Farewell Reception 001.11.513.100.49 92.75 11133304001995808057 ESCORT MEAL FOR "MYSTERY LUNCH" TRIP 001.33.574.210.43 13.13 11133304002119516169 AT&T iPad Data Plan 11/2013 Changed Plan 001.32.532.200.42 30.00 11133304003452205329 AT&T Modem in SWAT Van 117.00.521.210.42 37.45 11133304003990896950 Spokeo Information Services Subscription 001.32.532.200.49 14.85 11133304010181929735 Water Sampling & Inspection Tools 19Page:CA.B Page 29 of 225 12/11/2013 Voucher List City of Auburn 20 3:42:47PM Page:vchlist Bank code :000 Voucher Date Vendor Invoice Description/Account Amount 426458 12/11/2013 (Continued)021672 US BANK 432.00.535.100.35 76.65 11133304100253270643 RETURN OFFICE SUPPLIES 001.33.574.210.31 -14.22 11133304118000189832 Electrical Work Permit #2301062P 001.33.576.100.31 94.75 11133304200815800016 YELLOW PAINT~ 001.42.542.300.31 197.76 RENTAL OF STRIPER~ 001.42.542.300.45 142.35 11133304200816900013 BARRICADES/SIGNS~ 001.42.542.300.35 3,980.33 11133304207149900012 REFLECTIVE GUIDE POSTS FOR LOCATION 432.00.535.900.35 81.96 11133304207839200038 SKYJACK SCISSOR RENTAL, PARKS 001.33.576.100.45 136.89 11133304286211700054 FILTER AND WIPER INVENTORY~ 550.141.100 1,102.24 11133304300207899695 CONCESSION SUPPLIES 001.33.574.240.31 7.65 11133304328600262290 Re-opening - joint work of city depts, 001.11.513.100.43 176.30 11133304357223010197 PAPER SHREDDING SERVICE 001.33.574.100.41 49.50 11133304456002005145 RIBBON CUTTING RIBBON 20Page:CA.B Page 30 of 225 12/11/2013 Voucher List City of Auburn 21 3:42:47PM Page:vchlist Bank code :000 Voucher Date Vendor Invoice Description/Account Amount 426458 12/11/2013 (Continued)021672 US BANK 001.33.573.201.31 3.82 11133304733049146392 Bulletin Board Display for HR 505.00.524.500.31 88.48 11133304900016135211 RETURN OF ONE LICENSE 001.33.574.210.31 -72.28 11133304987103101972 KEYS FOR GAME FARM PARK GATE LOCK~ 430.00.534.800.35 52.56 REPLACE LOCK AT WEST HILL SPRING~ 430.00.534.800.48 275.06 11133305000715620838 PLANNING OFFICE SUPPLIES - EMAIL 001.17.524.200.31 38.25 11133305000724332235 CLEANING SERVICE, SENIOR CENTER RENTALS 001.33.574.210.41 190.00 11133305000928632034 TIE DOWN TO SECURE ITEMS AT M&O~ 550.00.548.150.31 21.88 11133305000928632042 Pipe Insulation Supplies 505.00.524.500.31 25.49 11133305000998402581 POWER CORDS FOR THEATER SOUND & LIGHTS 001.33.575.280.35 145.31 11133305002119635794 IPAD MONTHLY FEE, FABER 001.33.574.100.42 14.99 11133305002119984770 AT&T iPad Data Plan 11/2013 Changed Plan 001.32.532.200.42 30.00 11133305002120218119 AT&T iPad Data Plan 12/2013 Changed Plan 21Page:CA.B Page 31 of 225 12/11/2013 Voucher List City of Auburn 22 3:42:47PM Page:vchlist Bank code :000 Voucher Date Vendor Invoice Description/Account Amount 426458 12/11/2013 (Continued)021672 US BANK 001.32.532.200.42 14.99 11133305002120218911 AT&T iPad Data Plan 11/2013 001.32.532.200.42 14.99 11133305002120219455 IPad Data Plan 11/2013 001.32.532.200.42 14.99 11133305002120220065 AT&T iPad Data Plan 12/2013 Changed Plan 001.32.532.200.42 14.99 11133305002120220859 IPad Data Plan 11/2013 001.32.532.200.42 14.99 11133305004011092092 Supplies for Water Line at City Hall 505.00.524.500.31 73.72 11133305004021123616 SOUND CORDS & MIC STANDS FOR THEATER 001.33.575.280.35 19.69 11133305005304438988 Custodial Supplies 505.00.524.500.31 1,104.81 11133305063492532427 CRUSHED ROCK-STORM ~ 432.00.535.900.31 757.60 11133305069171407541 NELSON: PATROL BOOTS~ 001.21.521.200.22 120.45 11133305069171700911 BENAVENTE: PATROL BOOTS~ 001.21.521.200.22 126.45 11133305100275980926 OFFICE SUPPLIES FOR UTILITIES DEPT 434.00.537.110.31 6.24 OFFICE SUPPLIES FOR UTILITIES DEPT 22Page:CA.B Page 32 of 225 12/11/2013 Voucher List City of Auburn 23 3:42:47PM Page:vchlist Bank code :000 Voucher Date Vendor Invoice Description/Account Amount 426458 12/11/2013 (Continued)021672 US BANK 431.00.535.110.31 6.24 OFFICE SUPPLIES FOR UTILITIES DEPT 432.00.535.910.31 6.24 OFFICE SUPPLIES FOR UTILITIES DEPT 430.00.534.110.31 6.23 11133305100275981007 OFFICE SUPPLIES FOR UTILITIES DEPT 434.00.537.110.31 4.26 OFFICE SUPPLIES FOR UTILITIES DEPT 431.00.535.110.31 4.26 OFFICE SUPPLIES FOR UTILITIES DEPT 432.00.535.910.31 4.26 OFFICE SUPPLIES FOR UTILITIES DEPT 430.00.534.110.31 4.26 11133305100275981189 OFFICE SUPPLIES FOR UTILITIES DEPT 431.00.535.110.31 2.10 OFFICE SUPPLIES FOR UTILITIES DEPT 432.00.535.910.31 2.10 OFFICE SUPPLIES FOR UTILITIES DEPT 430.00.534.110.31 2.08 OFFICE SUPPLIES FOR UTILITIES DEPT 434.00.537.110.31 2.10 11133305100275981262 OFFICE SUPPLIES FOR UTILITIES DEPT 434.00.537.110.31 1.58 OFFICE SUPPLIES FOR UTILITIES DEPT 431.00.535.110.31 1.58 OFFICE SUPPLIES FOR UTILITIES DEPT 432.00.535.910.31 1.58 OFFICE SUPPLIES FOR UTILITIES DEPT 430.00.534.110.31 1.59 11133305100275981346 OFFICE SUPPLIES FOR UTILITIES DEPT 23Page:CA.B Page 33 of 225 12/11/2013 Voucher List City of Auburn 24 3:42:47PM Page:vchlist Bank code :000 Voucher Date Vendor Invoice Description/Account Amount 426458 12/11/2013 (Continued)021672 US BANK 434.00.537.110.31 14.70 OFFICE SUPPLIES FOR UTILITIES DEPT 431.00.535.110.31 14.70 OFFICE SUPPLIES FOR UTILITIES DEPT 432.00.535.910.31 14.70 OFFICE SUPPLIES FOR UTILITIES DEPT 430.00.534.110.31 14.68 11133305100276005590 CALENDAR REFILL 001.13.516.100.31 8.94 11133305100276005673 OFFICE SUPPLIES/HR 001.13.516.100.31 115.90 11133305104018453667 SAFETY SUPPLIES FOR L&I INSPECTION~ 430.00.534.800.31 117.21 11133305123057339404 BRANNAN PARK PROJECT, FENCING 321.00.576.802.65 1,127.85 11133305163050324426 Hotel for Intl Assoc of EM Managers, 001.32.525.100.43 528.45 11133305163050325126 Hotel Room for Intl Assoc EM Managers 001.32.525.100.43 322.41 11133305173059131193 CRUSHED ROCK-K ST ~ 432.00.535.900.31 143.11 11133305173059131201 CRUSHED ROCK-K ST ~ 432.00.535.900.31 155.39 11133305173059131219 CRUSHED ROCK-STORM~ 432.00.535.900.31 717.75 11133305200088300613 24Page:CA.B Page 34 of 225 12/11/2013 Voucher List City of Auburn 25 3:42:47PM Page:vchlist Bank code :000 Voucher Date Vendor Invoice Description/Account Amount 426458 12/11/2013 (Continued)021672 US BANK PARKS MAINT SUPPLIES 001.33.576.100.31 1,637.81 11133305200088300621 REPAIR CHOP SAW~ 001.42.542.300.48 61.69 11133305200815900021 LED Relamping 001.32.532.200.48 110.87 11133305207709500120 HELIUM TANK, SR CENTER 001.33.574.210.45 274.46 11133305263057197060 SOUND CORDS & MIC STANDS FOR THEATER 001.33.575.280.35 169.18 11133305273052421961 RESALE-COFFEE/GOLF PRO SHOP 437.00.576.680.34 269.64 11133305286211800028 6905C-SPARK PLUGS~ 550.00.548.680.35 94.08 11133305292013390913 AROUND THE BELL SUPPLIES 001.33.574.240.31 5.89 11133305305070306400 Admission to Drewel's Retirement for 001.11.513.100.43 157.24 11133305305188514608 POSTCARDS-COOKING OIL COLLECTION 434.00.537.120.42 61.35 11133305360764749766 BIRTHDAY PARTY PACKAGE SUPPLIES 001.33.574.240.31 9.63 11133305396500339925 Electrical Repair at PRAB 001.33.576.100.31 762.12 25Page:CA.B Page 35 of 225 12/11/2013 Voucher List City of Auburn 26 3:42:47PM Page:vchlist Bank code :000 Voucher Date Vendor Invoice Description/Account Amount 426458 12/11/2013 (Continued)021672 US BANK 11133305900010500097 PLANNING OFFICE SUPPLIES - INV. 001.17.558.100.31 134.44 11133305900010500113 PLANNING OFFICE SUPPLIES - INV. 999794-0 001.17.558.100.31 27.92 11133305900017353798 ASPHALT MIX~ 001.42.542.300.31 1,201.64 11133305900018600162 SWAT: ISRAELI 4" BANDAGES (QTY 12); RMT 001.21.521.100.35 802.28 11133305929120014031 SENIOR CENTER SUPPLIES 001.33.574.210.31 3.03 11133305980003559235 SIDEWALK LEVELING~ 001.42.542.300.48 3,008.36 11133306000154607709 SEND CAMERA BACK TO PEARPOINT~ 431.00.535.800.42 17.01 11133306000428415590 SUPPLIES FOR GOLF COURSE 437.00.576.680.31 45.58 11133306002120893514 AT&T iPad Data Plan 11/2013 001.32.532.200.42 14.99 11133306004029060298 DISHES FOR KITCHEN, SR CENTER 001.33.574.210.31 45.43 ADDITIONAL USE TAX 001.33.574.210.31 0.29 ADDITIONAL USE TAX 001.237.200 -0.29 11133306010181871208 26Page:CA.B Page 36 of 225 12/11/2013 Voucher List City of Auburn 27 3:42:47PM Page:vchlist Bank code :000 Voucher Date Vendor Invoice Description/Account Amount 426458 12/11/2013 (Continued)021672 US BANK 3 FACE SHIELDS FOR ER~ 550.00.548.100.22 45.56 11133306027889887030 Ricoh Copier Leases- October 2013 518.00.518.880.45 4,152.31 11133306100247470152 BIRTHDAY PARTY PACKAGE SUPPLIES 001.33.574.240.31 59.86 11133306100247544908 OFFICE SUPPLIES FOR FINANCE DEPT 001.14.514.230.31 102.91 11133306100247545087 OFFICE SUPPLIES FOR FINANCE DEPT 001.14.514.230.31 29.83 11133306153064758880 PRO GROW FOR BRANNAN PARK 321.00.576.802.65 1,670.42 11133306153068573897 ABSORBENT PADS, HALOGEN SPOTLIGHTS~ 550.141.300 253.04 11133306153068575447 OIL GUN NOZZLES~ 550.00.548.100.35 72.70 11133306200088300646 GLOVES FOR ENGINEERING~ 432.00.535.100.22 18.59 11133306200388300129 GRASS SEED~ 432.00.535.900.31 192.68 11133306273061656414 LED Relamping (Pierce Co.) 001.32.532.200.48 92.00 11133306292010851130 FOOD FOR PERFORMERS AT AUBURN AVE 001.33.575.280.31 44.06 27Page:CA.B Page 37 of 225 12/11/2013 Voucher List City of Auburn 28 3:42:47PM Page:vchlist Bank code :000 Voucher Date Vendor Invoice Description/Account Amount 426458 12/11/2013 (Continued)021672 US BANK 11133306391700804389 PATROL BOARD TAGS (SOTO, ORVIS) 001.21.521.100.31 4.93 11133306733066053405 6116C-HYDRAULIC FITTING~ 550.00.548.680.35 13.72 11133306733066512557 NLC Conference Registration for Wales 001.11.511.600.49 670.00 11133306849849980720 PSFOA-11/13 LUNCH MTG, R EWING~ 001.14.514.230.49 25.00 11133307002120999336 iPad data charge for Michael Hursh 001.11.513.100.42 14.99 11133307980002259801 6515D-INSERT FOR TRAILER HITCH~ 550.00.590.100.64 38.03 11133307980010311032 TOOL TO MEASURE SALT TO WATER RATIO FOR 001.42.542.300.35 375.35 11133307980029967552 MARKERS, GRIGSBY, MILLER, JACOBSON, RUUD 436.00.536.200.34 609.00 11133307980029967578 MARKERS: GREENE, WILHELM, OHRT 436.00.536.200.34 909.00 11133308000132629518 Electrical Supplies for Auburn Ave 505.00.524.500.31 33.84 11133308000173368786 October Cleaning of PRAB 505.00.524.500.41 215.00 11133308000179215536 Supplies for Golf Course 28Page:CA.B Page 38 of 225 12/11/2013 Voucher List City of Auburn 29 3:42:47PM Page:vchlist Bank code :000 Voucher Date Vendor Invoice Description/Account Amount 426458 12/11/2013 (Continued)021672 US BANK 505.00.524.500.31 415.19 11133308000201557343 Floor Mats for City Facilities 505.00.524.500.49 45.57 11133308000249397442 6515D-SPRAY ON LINER~ 550.00.590.100.64 602.25 11133308000269650075 Apparel for Facilities Dept. 505.00.524.500.48 352.88 addl use tax 505.00.524.500.48 2.92 addl use tax 505.237.200 -2.92 11133308000269650539 Apparel for Facilites Dept (Jim Becker) 505.00.524.500.48 197.05 11133308002121859140 IPad data charge for Dana Hinman 001.11.513.100.42 14.99 11133308002122031434 iPad Data Plan - Colin 518.00.518.880.42 14.99 11133308069172580566 SWAT TEAM: REPLACEMENT SI BALLISTIC LENS 001.21.521.100.22 114.51 11133308207653500019 Electrical Supplies for Facilities Dept 505.00.524.500.31 608.37 Network Data Cable Service 001.33.576.100.31 39.57 11133308207852801498 WSBA ANNUAL BAR DUES (DAN HEID) 001.15.515.100.49 350.30 11133308207852801506 29Page:CA.B Page 39 of 225 12/11/2013 Voucher List City of Auburn 30 3:42:47PM Page:vchlist Bank code :000 Voucher Date Vendor Invoice Description/Account Amount 426458 12/11/2013 (Continued)021672 US BANK WSBA ANNUAL BAR DUES (STEVE GROSS) 001.15.515.100.49 350.30 11133308207852801514 WSBA ANNUAL BAR DUES (DOUG RUTH) 001.15.515.100.49 350.30 11133308207852801522 WSBA ANNUAL BAR DUES (HARRY BOESCHE) 001.15.515.100.49 350.30 11133308207852801530 WSBA ANNUAL BAR DUES (STACY KRANTZ) 001.15.515.100.49 350.30 11133308263080774684 MANHOLE RISER SECTION-ORAVETZ RD SE~ 432.00.535.900.35 169.24 11133308849098785810 SCA Networking Dinner for Backus 001.11.511.600.49 45.00 11133309000377825895 Office Furniture for Planning Dept. 001.17.524.200.35 186.15 11133309000377826083 Office Furniture for Police Dept. 505.00.524.500.48 168.48 11133309000481063359 GOLF MAINT BATHROOM SUPPLIES 437.00.576.600.31 30.64 11133309000533628142 1/4" CLR VINYL CT CBL, CEMETERY 436.00.536.200.31 30.79 11133309000533628159 Electrical Supplies for Auburn Ave 505.00.524.500.31 70.08 11133309000533628167 Parts - School Zone Flasher Project 001.32.532.200.65 56.92 30Page:CA.B Page 40 of 225 12/11/2013 Voucher List City of Auburn 31 3:42:47PM Page:vchlist Bank code :000 Voucher Date Vendor Invoice Description/Account Amount 426458 12/11/2013 (Continued)021672 US BANK 11133309000533628175 Plumbing/HVAC supplies for M&O 505.00.524.500.31 43.81 11133309000567779795 Electrical Supplies for Auburn Ave 505.00.524.500.31 33.72 11133309002122209153 iPad Data Plan - Brian 518.00.518.880.42 14.99 11133309002122213957 iPad Data Plan - Ashley 518.00.518.880.42 14.99 11133309002122361590 Monthly IPAD DATA CHARGES - Tamie B 001.11.513.100.42 30.00 11133309002122464832 IPAD DATA PLAN 001.42.542.300.42 7.50 IPAD DATA PLAN 430.00.534.800.42 7.50 IPAD DATA PLAN 431.00.535.800.42 7.50 IPAD DATA PLAN 432.00.535.900.42 7.50 11133309027898498582 TLOxp MONTHLY CHARGES FOR PERSON/PHONE 001.21.521.210.41 144.50 11133309100002670111 B.ANDERSON: REPLACEMENT SWAT MULTI-CAM 001.21.521.100.22 217.50 11133309173097914499 FERTILIZERS FOR GOLF MAINT 437.00.576.600.31 118.72 FERTILIZER 001.33.576.100.31 180.00 31Page:CA.B Page 41 of 225 12/11/2013 Voucher List City of Auburn 32 3:42:47PM Page:vchlist Bank code :000 Voucher Date Vendor Invoice Description/Account Amount 426458 12/11/2013 (Continued)021672 US BANK 11133309173097914507 FERTILIZER FOR GOLF MAINT 437.00.576.600.31 102.29 11133309200088300163 Hardware Supplies for Desk Repair at AJC 505.00.524.500.31 0.44 11133309200816200047 SIGNAGE FOR CEMETERY 436.00.536.200.44 242.54 11133309206030700032 LANDSCAPE SUPPLIES, PARKS MAINT 001.33.576.100.31 262.80 11133309206397204217 PARKING - TEUTSCH DEVELOPEMENT TO DROP 001.17.558.100.43 2.00 11133309286619900037 RETURN MEGA LUG, SLEEVE 430.00.534.800.35 -114.17 11133309300193201075 SUPPLIES FOR DIGNITARY CHECK IN FOR 001.33.573.901.31 49.97 11133309309043137700 PARKING - MTG WITH DOW CONSTANTINE IN 001.17.558.100.43 16.00 11133309397300743080 PCARD STAMP~ 550.00.548.150.35 63.07 11133309400002000121 SUPPLIES FOR HR 001.13.516.100.49 9.01 11133309400008206854 INDOOR PLAYGROUND SUPPLIES 001.33.574.240.31 45.00 AROUND THE BELL SUPPLIES 001.33.574.240.31 20.00 32Page:CA.B Page 42 of 225 12/11/2013 Voucher List City of Auburn 33 3:42:47PM Page:vchlist Bank code :000 Voucher Date Vendor Invoice Description/Account Amount 426458 12/11/2013 (Continued)021672 US BANK PRESCHOOL CLASS SUPPLIES 001.33.574.240.31 10.67 11133309491000082128 NIX: ALTERATIONS TO HONOR GUARD UNIFORM 001.21.521.200.22 81.04 11133309643090830702 OCT WATER SERV - VERDANNA SEWER PUMP 431.00.535.800.47 44.73 11133309849132849282 JMB ENT - 100 G BAGS FOR STYROFOAM 434.00.537.120.31 89.99 11133309849175735927 Backupify- Social Media Backup Service 518.00.518.880.48 19.99 11133309849205363021 SUPPLIES FOR NEW YEARS EVENTS 001.33.574.210.31 86.10 11133309868024250000 OFFICE SUPPLIES/HR 001.13.516.100.49 14.24 11133309980194768472 GOLF ITEMS FOR RESALE 437.00.576.680.34 395.09 11133309980208431463 TRANSPORTATION COALITION EVENT 001.11.513.100.43 20.00 11133309980208431489 Chamber Breakfast for Admin. Staff 001.11.513.100.43 80.00 11133310000005995307 WIRELESS PHONE HEADSET SYTEM FOR 434.00.537.110.31 36.12 WIRELESS PHONE HEADSET SYTEM FOR 431.00.535.110.31 36.12 WIRELESS PHONE HEADSET SYTEM FOR 33Page:CA.B Page 43 of 225 12/11/2013 Voucher List City of Auburn 34 3:42:47PM Page:vchlist Bank code :000 Voucher Date Vendor Invoice Description/Account Amount 426458 12/11/2013 (Continued)021672 US BANK 432.00.535.910.31 36.12 WIRELESS PHONE HEADSET SYTEM FOR 430.00.534.110.31 36.13 11133310000015806270 PARTS FOR SIGN SHOP REPAIRS~ 001.42.542.300.35 102.34 11133310000019777774 Floor mats for Auburn Justice Center 505.00.524.500.49 23.67 11133310000019838212 Floor mats for Auburn City Hall 505.00.524.500.49 10.95 11133310000019838774 Floor mats for Auburn Ave. Theater 505.00.524.500.49 10.95 11133310000019838782 Floor mats for Golf Course Club House 505.00.524.500.49 16.43 11133310000049098233 SHIP SPOOL OF WIRE TO PEARPOINT~ 431.00.535.800.42 283.88 11133310000349590439 POLICE SQUIGGLES (QTY 500); POLICE OPEN 001.21.521.230.31 656.00 11133310000359605580 Employee appreciation luncheon 001.13.516.100.49 2,480.06 11133310000360541758 Fee for Good Eggs Breakfast 001.11.511.600.43 17.00 11133310000360541998 GOOD EGGS BREAKFAST 001.11.513.100.43 18.00 11133310000360542020 Good Eggs Breakfast Meeting for Peloza 34Page:CA.B Page 44 of 225 12/11/2013 Voucher List City of Auburn 35 3:42:47PM Page:vchlist Bank code :000 Voucher Date Vendor Invoice Description/Account Amount 426458 12/11/2013 (Continued)021672 US BANK 001.11.511.600.43 15.00 11133310000387729328 Apparel for Facilities Dept. 505.00.524.500.48 70.58 11133310000901163810 Laminate Paper 518.00.518.780.31 150.79 11133310000944268055 GARDEN TOOLS FOR GOLF MAINT 437.00.576.600.31 18.57 11133310000969619521 RUBBER SEAL CEMENT, LEAK STOPPER, PUTTY 430.00.534.800.31 112.51 11133310000969619539 WATER OFFICE LIGHT BULB @ M&O~ 430.00.534.800.31 7.10 11133310002123294714 ipad data charge for Hursh 001.11.513.100.42 30.00 11133310002123325542 IPAD DATA PLAN 432.00.535.900.42 14.99 11133310002123464184 iPad Data Plan- Patrick 518.00.518.880.42 14.99 11133310005105110473 Voiance-Language Line 9/2013-10/2013 518.00.518.880.42 138.00 11133310083745628000 PLANTS AND SHRUBS FOR BRANNON PROJECT 321.00.576.802.65 2,463.75 11133310100225764992 CDW-G- Epson Power Supply's 518.00.518.880.35 165.21 11133310100225768126 35Page:CA.B Page 45 of 225 12/11/2013 Voucher List City of Auburn 36 3:42:47PM Page:vchlist Bank code :000 Voucher Date Vendor Invoice Description/Account Amount 426458 12/11/2013 (Continued)021672 US BANK BIRTHDAY PARTY PACKAGE SUPPLIES 001.33.574.240.31 266.29 11133310100225868299 OFFICE SUPPLIES FOR FINANCE DEPT 001.14.514.230.31 32.06 11133310123107803600 INSTALLATION OF FENCE @ BRANNON PARK 321.00.576.802.65 832.20 11133310173109193741 CRUSHED ROCK-K ST~ 432.00.535.900.31 149.31 11133310185139473108 DOCUMENT RETRIEVAL COSTS 001.15.515.100.49 6.25 11133310185139473306 DOCUMENT RETRIEVAL COSTS 001.15.515.100.49 1.00 11133310200048400103 DONUTS FOR NATIONAL DONUT DAY 001.33.574.210.31 10.80 11133310200088300079 DUCT TAPE & SPRING SNAP LINK 436.00.536.200.31 45.27 11133310200088300368 MOISTURE ABSORBANT 001.33.576.100.31 21.87 11133310200088300376 BELT AND CABLE BAIL DRIVE 001.33.576.100.31 81.13 11133310200088300384 CHORE BOOT 15" STEEL TOE 001.33.576.100.31 135.77 11133310200088300392 NUTS AND BOLTS FOR PARKS MAINT. 001.33.576.100.31 1.64 36Page:CA.B Page 46 of 225 12/11/2013 Voucher List City of Auburn 37 3:42:47PM Page:vchlist Bank code :000 Voucher Date Vendor Invoice Description/Account Amount 426458 12/11/2013 (Continued)021672 US BANK 11133310200088300400 PINK FLAGGING TAPE 001.33.576.100.31 26.12 11133310200088300418 GENERATOR FOR HONDA 001.33.576.100.31 49.28 11133310200088300426 OUTLET BOX AND WIRE GROUNDS 001.33.576.100.31 13.53 11133310200088300434 OUTLET BOX AND CONNECTOR 001.33.576.100.31 7.86 11133310200088300442 PEAT MOSS 001.33.576.100.31 18.60 11133310200088300459 NUTS AND BOLTS FOR PARKS MAINT. 001.33.576.100.31 55.08 11133310200088300467 SCREWDRIVING BIT 001.33.576.100.31 19.70 11133310200088300731 WASHER HOSE/KINK FREE HOSE 001.33.576.100.31 74.19 11133310206509600218 GRINDER GUARD~ 430.00.534.800.35 31.56 11133310207653700011 Electrical Maintenace at City Facilities 505.00.524.500.31 19.57 11133310263108369788 SHOP TOWELS/COVERALL LAUNDRY SERVICE~ 550.00.548.100.49 130.98 11133310263108369796 SHOP TOWELS/COVERALL LAUNDRY SERVICE~ 37Page:CA.B Page 47 of 225 12/11/2013 Voucher List City of Auburn 38 3:42:47PM Page:vchlist Bank code :000 Voucher Date Vendor Invoice Description/Account Amount 426458 12/11/2013 (Continued)021672 US BANK 550.00.548.100.49 130.98 11133310263109435109 Coffee Supplies for Mayors Office 001.11.513.100.31 34.00 11133310273105469373 IMSA Membership Dues - Doug Dutcher 001.32.532.200.49 70.00 11133310286619000079 METER BOXES~ 430.141.100 1,182.08 11133310286619000087 FLEX COUPLINGS, VALVE BOX TOP~ 430.141.100 1,142.86 11133310286619000095 BRASS ADAPTERS~ 430.141.100 134.73 11133310310199064307 DIGGING OF HOLES FOR KABOOM BUILD 321.00.576.802.65 1,703.93 11133310357228010038 SHREDDING SERVICE AT M&O~ 550.00.548.100.41 9.90 SHREDDING SERVICE AT M&O~ 001.42.542.300.41 9.90 SHREDDING SERVICE AT M&O~ 430.00.534.800.41 9.90 SHREDDING SERVICE AT M&O~ 431.00.535.800.41 9.90 SHREDDING SERVICE AT M&O~ 432.00.535.900.41 9.90 11133310392500676617 PLAQUES FOR VETERANS DAY PARADE & CURB 001.33.573.901.31 183.46 11133310522728685214 Housatonic Project Viewer 2013 38Page:CA.B Page 48 of 225 12/11/2013 Voucher List City of Auburn 39 3:42:47PM Page:vchlist Bank code :000 Voucher Date Vendor Invoice Description/Account Amount 426458 12/11/2013 (Continued)021672 US BANK 518.00.518.880.48 18.00 11133310556451807145 Emergency Flasher Signs 518.00.518.880.42 12.96 11133310733106085600 P112A-REPLACE REAR GLASS AND RE-TINT~ 550.00.548.680.48 304.69 11133310733109739047 Electrical Supplies for Facilities Dept 505.00.524.500.31 131.28 11133310733109822207 STEP LADDERS~ 550.00.548.100.35 227.84 11133310849293328362 DISCOUNT CLEANING PROD - PLANNING 001.17.524.200.31 38.86 11133310987132500923 WELCOME BROCHURE - MOVE IN/MOVE OUT 434.00.537.120.42 88.70 11133311000073410162 EMERGENCY EYE WASH STATION FOR WATER~ 430.00.534.800.22 246.84 11133311000148253253 PARTIAL CREDIT FOR OFFICE SUPPLY ORDER 001.17.558.100.31 -31.06 11133311000184279415 Office Supplies for Mayors Office 001.11.513.100.31 440.87 11133311000348476675 POTTING SOIL FOR WINTER POTS 437.00.576.600.31 110.34 11133311000356519895 UPS Pro 1500 10-Outlet UPS System 518.00.518.880.35 193.80 11133311000361027447 39Page:CA.B Page 49 of 225 12/11/2013 Voucher List City of Auburn 40 3:42:47PM Page:vchlist Bank code :000 Voucher Date Vendor Invoice Description/Account Amount 426458 12/11/2013 (Continued)021672 US BANK Electrical Supplies for M&O 505.00.524.500.31 31.42 11133311000361027553 CHRISTMAS SUPPLIES, SR CENTER 001.33.574.210.31 16.37 11133311000402242281 EATING PLACES AND RESTAURANTS 001.33.574.210.43 17.00 11133311000434654508 MAINT SUPPLIES, CEMETERY 436.00.536.100.31 63.03 ADDITIONAL USE TAX 436.00.536.100.31 0.06 ADDITIONAL USE TAX 436.237.200 -0.06 11133311000446847434 LOCKING GRATE~ 432.141.100 116.62 11133311005320938997 6945A-SWEEPER PARTS~ 550.00.548.680.35 355.10 11133311024000007265 THANKSGIVING SUPPLIES 001.33.574.210.31 75.99 11133311026909041192 ZONAR CARDS~ 550.00.548.100.35 317.87 11133311069173501458 Supplies for Pitney Bowes machine 518.00.518.780.42 195.46 11133311100213451859 Misc Engineering Dept Office Supplies 001.32.532.200.31 3.06 11133311100213451933 Misc Engineering Dept Office Supplies 40Page:CA.B Page 50 of 225 12/11/2013 Voucher List City of Auburn 41 3:42:47PM Page:vchlist Bank code :000 Voucher Date Vendor Invoice Description/Account Amount 426458 12/11/2013 (Continued)021672 US BANK 001.32.532.200.31 60.21 11133311104018606357 LARGE METER REPAIR PARTS~ 430.00.534.800.31 32.58 11133311158197767588 WINTER PLANTS FOR CLUBHOUSE POTS 437.00.576.600.31 196.18 11133311207653800034 Lighting Supplies for Facilities Dept 505.00.524.500.31 70.43 11133311207711300018 Avidex Repair 518.00.518.880.48 284.23 11133311207852101852 WSBA ANNUAL BAR DUES (TRICIA SMALL) 001.15.515.100.49 350.30 11133311311087354406 FREIGHT FOR PLASTIC NOZZLE~ 550.141.300 4.93 11133311311087354505 PLASTIC NOZZLE~ 550.141.300 34.60 11133311311228294708 CRAFT ITEMS FOR SPECIALIZED REC PROGRAMS 001.33.574.240.31 21.64 11133311849342182751 WA CRIMINAL CODE PUBLICATIONS 001.15.515.100.31 40.46 11133311849432409767 SIRENNET.COM- 6516D AMBER LED LIGHT~ 550.00.548.680.35 118.23 11133311900016900078 ROTARY LUNCHEON, FABER 001.33.574.100.49 10.00 11133311929120017515 41Page:CA.B Page 51 of 225 12/11/2013 Voucher List City of Auburn 42 3:42:47PM Page:vchlist Bank code :000 Voucher Date Vendor Invoice Description/Account Amount 426458 12/11/2013 (Continued)021672 US BANK WELLNESS SUPPLIES 001.33.574.210.31 58.52 SALAD BAR SUPPLIES 001.33.574.210.31 61.85 SR CENTER SUPPLIES 001.33.574.210.31 39.54 11133311980000390751 Door Handle Repair at M&O 505.00.524.500.48 98.55 11133311980013036622 P072A-OIL PRESSURE SENSOR~ 550.00.548.680.35 17.96 11133311987187359760 6340A-KEYS~ 550.00.590.100.64 37.23 11133312000586332357 iPhone Chargers 518.00.518.880.31 24.00 11133312000657105534 IPHONE 4 USB CHARGERS (QTY 6) 001.21.521.210.31 20.88 11133312000712425059 BELT CLIP FOR PHONE~ 550.00.548.100.31 6.80 11133312000732010097 Electrical Supplies for Annex Building 505.00.524.500.31 18.72 11133312000732010220 LIGHT BULBS FOR SEWER~ 431.00.535.800.31 30.57 11133312000759142054 Custodial Supplies for M&O 505.00.524.500.31 141.44 11133312000759142153 GRAFFITI REMOVAL MATERIALS FOR BRANNAN 42Page:CA.B Page 52 of 225 12/11/2013 Voucher List City of Auburn 43 3:42:47PM Page:vchlist Bank code :000 Voucher Date Vendor Invoice Description/Account Amount 426458 12/11/2013 (Continued)021672 US BANK 001.42.542.300.31 109.72 11133312000759142161 GRAFFITI REMOVAL MATERIALS FOR BRANNAN 001.42.542.300.31 44.54 11133312002124477282 iPad data charge for Wagner 001.11.511.600.42 14.99 11133312002124603465 iPad Data Plan - Jim 518.00.518.880.42 14.99 11133312002124605452 iPad Data Plan - Scott 518.00.518.880.42 14.99 11133312002124711953 IPAD DATA PLAN 432.00.535.900.42 14.99 11133312004029081531 RETURN WELLNESS SUPPLIES 001.33.574.210.31 -23.99 11133312004029081544 DISHES FOR SENIOR CENTER 001.33.574.210.31 1,338.72 ADDITIONAL USE TAX 001.33.574.210.31 8.61 ADDITIONAL USE TAX 001.237.200 -8.61 11133312014000036322 CLEANING SUPPLIES, PARKS MAINT 001.33.576.100.31 914.41 11133312026911984911 PANTRY SUPPLIES, OCTOBER 001.33.574.210.31 458.19 11133312074312011427 OXYGEN, ACETYLENE FOR PARKS MAINT 001.33.576.100.31 74.65 43Page:CA.B Page 53 of 225 12/11/2013 Voucher List City of Auburn 44 3:42:47PM Page:vchlist Bank code :000 Voucher Date Vendor Invoice Description/Account Amount 426458 12/11/2013 (Continued)021672 US BANK 11133312083200105167 Off Site Secure Storage 518.00.518.880.49 216.10 11133312091903000100 Travel Expense for john Holman 001.11.511.600.43 3.75 11133312100218640604 LABELS FOR SENIOR CENTER 001.33.574.210.31 14.22 11133312153120951356 PLASTIC HOLE PLUG~ 550.00.548.100.31 2.55 11133312163125887283 Dinner Meeting for Mayor & Wales 001.11.511.600.43 41.25 11133312200185000015 EXCEL VINYL EXAM GLOVES FOR 001.21.521.300.35 26.34 11133312200816500037 SIGN FOR VETERANS DAY EVENTS 001.33.573.901.31 120.45 11133312200826900029 6432D-WATER MAT FOR ROLLER~ 550.00.548.680.35 161.05 11133312200892900016 P065D-DAMAGE ESTIMATE~ 550.00.548.680.48 121.81 11133312206567800088 SUPPLIES FOR CLEAN SWEEP 001.33.573.901.31 323.45 11133312206599000113 NEWSPAPER SUBSCRIPTION, NEWS TRIBUNE 001.33.574.210.49 31.25 11133312263124122035 CLEANING LES GOVE BUILDING & PRAB 44Page:CA.B Page 54 of 225 12/11/2013 Voucher List City of Auburn 45 3:42:47PM Page:vchlist Bank code :000 Voucher Date Vendor Invoice Description/Account Amount 426458 12/11/2013 (Continued)021672 US BANK 001.33.576.100.48 140.00 CLEANING WILLIAM C WARREN BUILDING 001.33.574.100.41 70.00 11133312286453500018 LEA HILL PS GENERATOR INSPECTION AND 430.00.534.800.48 854.10 11133312292010850894 FOOD FOR PERFORMERS AT AUBURN AVE 001.33.575.280.31 37.60 11133312300202182411 2014 FILE LABELS 001.21.521.300.35 262.14 11133312312109624304 RATCHET WRENCH BOX~ 430.00.534.800.35 23.32 11133312360878160125 MICROWAVE FOR PRAB KITCHEN 001.33.574.100.31 75.56 11133312868067310005 SUPPLIES FOR BIRTHDAY LUNCH 001.33.574.210.31 50.37 11133312900017854192 ASPHALT MIX~ 001.42.542.300.31 826.74 11133312902012427553 RENEWAL OF THE SEATTLE TIMES NEWSPAPER 001.21.521.100.49 58.50 11133312980015955535 AVE KIDS SHOW ADVERTISING 001.33.575.280.44 352.00 11133313000007049225 ALARM SECURITY - WILLIAM C WARREN 001.33.575.300.48 104.98 11133313000205283604 RETURN SCREEN MAGNIFIER 45Page:CA.B Page 55 of 225 12/11/2013 Voucher List City of Auburn 46 3:42:47PM Page:vchlist Bank code :000 Voucher Date Vendor Invoice Description/Account Amount 426458 12/11/2013 (Continued)021672 US BANK 550.00.548.100.35 -176.28 11133313000543397356 DELL LAP TOP HARD WIRE CHARGER~ 550.141.100 671.33 11133313000940995005 RETURN TRIMBLE METER HANDHELD TO BADGER 430.00.534.800.42 52.30 11133313002125064906 iPad data charge for Wales 001.11.511.600.42 14.99 11133313002125412139 iPad data charge for Peloza 001.11.511.600.42 14.99 11133313003479306323 AT&T Mayors Office Cell Phones 001.11.513.100.42 148.64 11133313005325155137 HEAT SHRINK TUBING AND HEAT GUN~ 431.00.535.800.35 761.06 11133313005326588380 Custodial Supplies for Senior Center 505.00.524.500.31 124.52 11133313100252636327 LOBBY PROMOTION DISPLAY, AUBURN AVE 001.33.575.280.31 31.73 11133313100252732506 STENO PADS (QTY 4); 5X8 WRITING PADS 001.21.521.100.31 83.69 11133313100607496852 BELT TIGHTENING KIT, PARKS MAINT 001.33.576.100.31 122.60 11133313102004677745 55 COLEMAN DRY BAGS, SOCCER LEAGUE 001.33.574.240.31 387.40 11133313116152010297 46Page:CA.B Page 56 of 225 12/11/2013 Voucher List City of Auburn 47 3:42:47PM Page:vchlist Bank code :000 Voucher Date Vendor Invoice Description/Account Amount 426458 12/11/2013 (Continued)021672 US BANK NOVEMBER 2013 RENTAL FOR PD RANGE~ 001.21.521.200.49 228.00 11133313200388400125 SPARK PLUG, PARKS MAINT 001.33.576.100.31 6.54 11133313200388400133 WIRE KIT, PARKS MAINT 001.33.576.100.31 9.19 11133313200388400141 HOSE, PARKS MAINT 001.33.576.100.31 64.32 11133313200388400158 THREAD LOCK, PARKS MAINT 001.33.576.100.31 28.13 11133313206970900082 D. ANDERSON: TRAFFIC RAIN GEAR~ 001.21.521.200.22 619.20 11133313292013450782 FOOD FOR PERFORMERS AT AUBURN AVE 001.33.575.280.31 76.68 11133313300204125218 Lunch for EOC Activation Veterans' Day 001.32.525.100.31 38.83 11133313313310953203 6918C-MOWER WHEEL~ 550.00.548.680.35 86.86 11133313357231010030 SHREDDING SERVICES FOR PD - SERVICE 001.21.521.100.41 95.70 11133313398300413892 ER LIGHTS AND WIRE GUARD~ 550.00.548.150.35 410.63 11133313499300126640 KOEN: EXAM; BORDETELLA INJECTION~ 001.21.521.200.41 133.60 47Page:CA.B Page 57 of 225 12/11/2013 Voucher List City of Auburn 48 3:42:47PM Page:vchlist Bank code :000 Voucher Date Vendor Invoice Description/Account Amount 426458 12/11/2013 (Continued)021672 US BANK 11133313499300126657 EXAM ON CANINE~ 001.21.539.300.49 26.00 11133314000373766773 Card Readers and iPhone Cases 518.00.518.880.31 132.00 11133314000632730540 LUNCH FOR 140 PEOPLE, VETERANS DAY 001.33.573.901.49 2,662.93 11133314000641709738 YELLOW PAGES ADVERTISING, CEMETERY 436.00.536.200.44 224.65 11133314002125669729 iPad Data Plan - Reba 518.00.518.880.42 14.99 11133314002125687622 AT&T DATA PLAN/DOUG LEIN - PURSHASE 001.17.558.100.42 14.99 11133314002126056298 iPad data charge for Partridge 001.11.511.600.42 14.99 11133314158104531447 Keys for Mayor's Staff 505.00.524.500.31 14.13 11133314253000755263 Lunch Mtg - RE: severe weather shelter 001.11.513.100.43 15.92 11133314400004111122 WEED CONFERENCE HOTEL ROOM~ 432.00.535.900.43 187.92 11133314400004111163 WEED CONF HOTEL ROOM- JOSH FRANZ INV 432.00.535.900.43 187.92 11133314400004111387 WEED CONF HOTEL ROOM- RICHARD KAMMEYER 48Page:CA.B Page 58 of 225 12/11/2013 Voucher List City of Auburn 49 3:42:47PM Page:vchlist Bank code :000 Voucher Date Vendor Invoice Description/Account Amount 426458 12/11/2013 (Continued)021672 US BANK 432.00.535.900.43 187.92 11133314400004111577 WEED CONF HOTEL ROOM- KENT REES~ 432.00.535.900.43 187.92 11133314400004111668 WEED CONF HOTEL ROOM- WILTON NGOTEL~ 430.00.534.800.43 187.92 11133314462978870044 FRITH: INVESTIGATIONS VEST CARRIER~ 001.21.521.210.22 523.14 11133314816001319934 FSH- Pay Phone Service 518.00.518.880.42 119.46 11133314900017001857 PUMP SEPTIC TANK AT GAME FARM 001.33.576.100.41 766.50 11133315000175007456 UTILITY KNIFE, GASKETS~ 430.00.534.800.35 16.40 11133315002126425492 Monthly iPad data charge for Holman 001.11.511.600.42 14.99 11133315002126650727 iPad data charge for Osborne 001.11.511.600.42 14.99 11133315100196014661 CDW-G-Epson USB Cables 518.00.518.880.35 9.76 11133315163154086679 Public Education Supplies 432.00.535.100.49 825.00 11133315360939350266 SUPPLIES FOR SANTA BREAKFAST 001.33.574.240.31 8.00 AROUND THE BELL SUPPLIES 49Page:CA.B Page 59 of 225 12/11/2013 Voucher List City of Auburn 50 3:42:47PM Page:vchlist Bank code :000 Voucher Date Vendor Invoice Description/Account Amount 426458 12/11/2013 (Continued)021672 US BANK 001.33.574.240.31 13.00 PRESCHOOL CLASS SUPPLIES 001.33.574.240.31 12.62 11133316000244228274 UPS Shipping fee 518.00.518.780.42 38.20 11133316000244228282 UPS Shipping Fee 518.00.518.780.42 25.14 11133316000244228290 UPS Shipping Fee 518.00.518.780.42 29.94 11133316000244228308 UPS Shipping Fee 518.00.518.780.42 35.67 11133316000244253892 UPS Shipping Fee 518.00.518.780.42 175.04 11133316000373164555 SUPPLIES FOR GOLF COURSE 437.00.576.680.31 5.58 11133316002126728084 DATA CHARGE FOR SHELLEY'S IPAD 001.14.514.100.42 25.00 11133316018607272762 UNDERCOVER VEHICLE LEASE~ 550.00.548.680.45 697.06 11133316018607272770 UNDERCOVER VEHICLE LEASE~ 550.00.548.680.45 697.06 11133316018607272788 UNDERCOVER VEHICLE LEASE~ 550.00.548.680.45 697.06 11133316074316011171 ACETYLENE, PARKS MAINT 50Page:CA.B Page 60 of 225 12/11/2013 Voucher List City of Auburn 51 3:42:47PM Page:vchlist Bank code :000 Voucher Date Vendor Invoice Description/Account Amount 426458 12/11/2013 (Continued)021672 US BANK 001.33.576.100.31 171.09 11133316100230208021 CDW-G- Epson TM H6000IV Receipt Printers 518.00.518.880.35 2,710.22 11133316173161826719 GLOVES~ 550.141.200 891.70 11133316286619200012 NYLON SADDLE, BALL STOP~ 430.141.100 1,335.44 11133316286619200020 BRASS NIPPLE~ 430.141.100 39.03 11133316286619200038 COUPLINGS~ 430.141.100 860.13 11133316286619200046 VALVE STEM~ 430.141.100 170.65 11133316317013934109 MUTT MITTS, PARKS MAINT 001.33.576.100.31 675.52 11133316643163523680 PROPANE, PARKS MAINT 001.33.576.100.32 531.14 11133316733119024587 RETURN STEP LADDERS 550.00.548.100.35 -227.84 11133316900013700015 Leak Repair at M&O 505.00.524.500.31 553.00 11133316980003554144 CORE DRILL HOLES, LEA HILL PARK 001.33.576.100.41 1,456.35 11133317000587871127 51Page:CA.B Page 61 of 225 12/11/2013 Voucher List City of Auburn 52 3:42:47PM Page:vchlist Bank code :000 Voucher Date Vendor Invoice Description/Account Amount 426458 12/11/2013 (Continued)021672 US BANK Office Supplies for Mayors Office 001.11.513.100.31 144.97 11133317000720259628 CONCRETE BLOCKS TO REPLACE OLD YARDAGE 437.00.576.600.31 23.65 11133317000720259636 GRAFFITI REMOVER~ 001.42.542.300.31 31.27 11133317000758450404 Painting Supplies for Facilities Dept 505.00.524.500.31 8.23 11133317000810115107 ESCORT MEAL, SENIOR TRIP 001.33.574.210.43 12.84 11133317000811986907 School Zone Flasher Project 001.32.532.200.65 22.70 11133317000841991260 ESCORT MEAL, SENIOR CENTER 001.33.574.210.43 14.99 11133317002127742307 iPad Data Plan - Kristin 518.00.518.880.42 14.99 11133317002127856453 AT&T DATA PLAN/NANCY WELCH - PURCHASE 001.17.558.100.42 14.99 11133317004228343592 PIERSON: REGISTRATION FOR MAKING THE 001.21.521.100.49 149.00 11133317026930468905 REPAIR SEWER CAMERA~ 431.00.535.800.48 1,204.49 11133317091501001336 Warranty for Microsoft Surface test 518.00.518.880.35 163.16 52Page:CA.B Page 62 of 225 12/11/2013 Voucher List City of Auburn 53 3:42:47PM Page:vchlist Bank code :000 Voucher Date Vendor Invoice Description/Account Amount 426458 12/11/2013 (Continued)021672 US BANK 11133317123177936192 REPAIR BRIDGE RAIL~ 001.42.542.300.48 4,370.53 11133317173176604649 BARRICADE 4FL, PARKS MAINT 001.33.576.100.31 446.32 11133317206084300027 10 4" VASES, 10" 8" PLASTIC CRYPT VASES 436.00.536.200.34 152.62 11133317207342600026 GAS/OXYGEN FOR WELDER AND CUTTING TORCH 550.00.548.100.31 153.40 11133317207653300161 Electrical Supplies for Senior Cneter 505.00.524.500.31 20.96 11133317273173243266 ADVERTISING FOR VETERANS DAY PARADE 001.33.573.901.44 680.00 11133317700429367199 GATE VALVE KEY~ 430.00.534.800.35 105.01 11133317733171730679 Maintenance/Service Call for Senior 505.00.524.500.31 974.29 11133317838000035013 P022H-SUSPENSION PARTS~ 550.00.548.680.35 113.56 11133317849996103347 SCA Networking Dinner for Mayor Lewis 001.11.513.100.49 45.00 11133317987105901341 FENCING AT 10406 LEA HILL RD SE~ 430.00.534.800.48 2,896.28 11133318000098838994 INDOOR PLAYGROUND SUPPLIES 53Page:CA.B Page 63 of 225 12/11/2013 Voucher List City of Auburn 54 3:42:47PM Page:vchlist Bank code :000 Voucher Date Vendor Invoice Description/Account Amount 426458 12/11/2013 (Continued)021672 US BANK 001.33.574.240.31 33.84 PRESCHOOL CLASS SUPPLIES 001.33.574.240.31 30.00 11133318000144105075 Water Filter Supplies for Facilities 505.00.524.500.31 55.67 11133318000189872217 THRESH HOLD FOR SIGN SHOP ROLL UP DOOR 001.42.542.300.35 87.53 11133318000195756842 SAFETY CABINET FOR WATER DEPT~ 430.00.534.800.35 1,906.62 11133318000852031356 MAINTENANCE; OIL CHANGE; INSPECTION; 001.21.521.100.48 37.07 11133318000999706480 POLICE BATTERY DELAY SWITCH~ 550.141.100 328.85 11133318002128159054 MONTHLY IPAD DATA FEE 001.11.513.100.42 30.00 11133318002128406885 AT&T DATA PLAN/CHRIS ANDERSEN - 001.17.558.100.42 14.99 11133318002128408733 AT&T DATA PLAN/ELIZABETH CHAMBERLAIN - 001.17.558.100.42 14.99 11133318002128411240 AT&T DATA PLAN/DARCIE HANSON - PURCHASE 001.17.558.100.42 14.99 11133318005338772738 Custodial Supplies for Senior Center 505.00.524.500.31 345.12 11133318040100058716 T MENDOZA/HOTEL ACCOMMO. WHILE 54Page:CA.B Page 64 of 225 12/11/2013 Voucher List City of Auburn 55 3:42:47PM Page:vchlist Bank code :000 Voucher Date Vendor Invoice Description/Account Amount 426458 12/11/2013 (Continued)021672 US BANK 001.21.521.100.43 838.10 11133318091507000513 Keyboard for Microsoft Surface test unit 518.00.518.880.35 147.80 11133318091509000230 Microsoft Surface test unit 518.00.518.880.35 989.89 11133318100212481819 TONER, SR CENTER 001.33.574.210.31 178.47 11133318104018529024 2" X 10' EYE-EYE SLING 436.00.536.100.31 124.16 11133318161301044152 Plumbing Supplies for PRAB 505.00.524.500.31 48.63 11133318163180468718 CRUSHED ROCK-ORAVETZ RD SE~ 432.00.535.900.31 133.60 11133318163180468726 CRUSHED ROCK-ORAVETZ RD SE~ 432.00.535.900.31 131.83 11133318173180652847 SAFETY PANTS AND JACKET~ 550.141.200 424.61 11133318173180653159 SAFETY VESTS~ 550.141.200 605.00 11133318200088300154 GRAY SPRAY PAINT, PARKS MAINT 001.33.576.100.31 8.74 11133318200088300162 HINGE CONTIN, PARKS MAINT 001.33.576.100.31 12.03 11133318200088300170 55Page:CA.B Page 65 of 225 12/11/2013 Voucher List City of Auburn 56 3:42:47PM Page:vchlist Bank code :000 Voucher Date Vendor Invoice Description/Account Amount 426458 12/11/2013 (Continued)021672 US BANK ULTRA DAWN & BROOM, PARKS MAINT 001.33.576.100.31 31.17 11133318200088300188 CLEANER, FILTER & FORK MANURE - PARKS 001.33.576.100.31 132.98 11133318200088300592 WORK CLOTHS, PARKS MAINT 001.33.576.100.31 19.70 11133318200088402649 PICNIC SHELTER FOR HIKE, SR CENTER 001.33.574.210.31 73.84 11133318206599000406 TACOMA NEWS TRIBUNE SUBSCRIPTION, 436.00.536.100.31 266.40 11133318207525805235 Good2Go Account Replenishment 001.11.513.100.43 220.00 11133318207528808269 Bridge Toll for Mayor Lewis 001.11.513.100.43 5.25 11133318207653400051 Lighting Supplies for AJC 505.00.524.500.31 41.17 11133318300193687264 TEEN SUPPLIES 001.33.574.240.31 8.77 LATE NIGHT SUPPLIES 001.33.574.240.31 125.80 11133318321400261822 Lunch Mtg - Mayor, Michael Hursh~ 001.11.513.100.43 40.00 11133318418008671646 PLANNING MISC FEES FOR POSTAGE - 001.17.558.100.31 6.97 11133318517550884887 56Page:CA.B Page 66 of 225 12/11/2013 Voucher List City of Auburn 57 3:42:47PM Page:vchlist Bank code :000 Voucher Date Vendor Invoice Description/Account Amount 426458 12/11/2013 (Continued)021672 US BANK ARMORED CAR SERVICE, CEMETERY 436.00.536.100.41 427.83 11133318929100010533 LATE NIGHT SUPPLIES 001.33.574.240.31 23.16 11133318980013036658 6718A-OIL COOLER HOSE KIT~ 550.00.548.680.35 150.57 11133318980031039921 LEA HILL PS RODENT TRAPS AND MONITORING 430.00.534.800.48 49.28 11133318980232698805 WHITE ROAD SALT~ 001.42.542.300.31 4,230.57 11133318987156694588 EXTRA KEY MADE FOR DEPOSIT BAG 001.33.574.210.41 2.19 11133319000011192238 AWC Automated Traffic Cameras Workshop 001.32.532.200.49 25.00 11133319000184422107 CALENDAR, HEAVY DUTY TAPE DISPENSER, 001.33.574.220.31 264.49 11133319000310931998 BIRTHDAY PARTY PACKAGE SUPPLIES 001.33.574.240.31 81.19 LATE NIGHT SUPPLIES 001.33.574.240.31 39.47 11133319000336445429 Label Tape 518.00.518.880.31 16.18 11133319000340131288 Verizon Cell Phones - 9/24-10/23 437.00.576.600.42 18.29 Verizon Cell Phones - 9/24-10/23 57Page:CA.B Page 67 of 225 12/11/2013 Voucher List City of Auburn 58 3:42:47PM Page:vchlist Bank code :000 Voucher Date Vendor Invoice Description/Account Amount 426458 12/11/2013 (Continued)021672 US BANK 505.00.524.500.42 242.76 Verizon Cell Phones - 9/24-10/23 518.00.518.880.42 725.22 Verizon Cell Phones - 9/24-10/23 550.00.548.100.42 70.28 Verizon Cell Phones - 9/24-10/23 001.14.514.230.42 110.78 Verizon Cell Phones - 9/24-10/23 001.11.511.600.42 385.28 Verizon Cell Phones - 9/24-10/23 001.11.513.100.42 165.12 Verizon Cell Phones - 9/24-10/23 001.13.516.100.42 394.27 Verizon Cell Phones - 9/24-10/23 001.15.515.100.42 164.95 Verizon Cell Phones - 9/24-10/23 436.00.536.100.42 35.14 Verizon Cell Phones - 9/24-10/23 001.17.524.200.42 199.64 Verizon Cell Phones - 9/24-10/23 001.17.557.200.42 55.04 Verizon Cell Phones - 9/24-10/23 001.17.558.100.42 409.11 Verizon Cell Phones - 9/24-10/23 001.17.562.100.42 55.04 Verizon Cell Phones - 9/24-10/23 001.21.521.100.42 2,811.08 Verizon Cell Phones - 9/24-10/23 001.21.521.210.42 496.67 Verizon Cell Phones - 9/24-10/23 001.32.525.100.42 73.33 Verizon Cell Phones - 9/24-10/23 001.32.532.200.42 590.13 Verizon Cell Phones - 9/24-10/23 58Page:CA.B Page 68 of 225 12/11/2013 Voucher List City of Auburn 59 3:42:47PM Page:vchlist Bank code :000 Voucher Date Vendor Invoice Description/Account Amount 426458 12/11/2013 (Continued)021672 US BANK 001.33.573.901.42 55.04 Verizon Cell Phones - 9/24-10/23 001.33.574.100.42 61.06 Verizon Cell Phones - 9/24-10/23 001.33.574.210.42 53.43 Verizon Cell Phones - 9/24-10/23 001.33.574.220.42 354.28 Verizon Cell Phones - 9/24-10/23 001.33.575.300.42 15.97 Verizon Cell Phones - 9/24-10/23 001.33.576.100.42 321.62 Verizon Cell Phones - 9/24-10/23 001.42.543.100.42 402.51 Verizon Cell Phones - 9/24-10/23 103.00.595.100.42 34.96 Verizon Cell Phones - 9/24-10/23 117.00.521.210.42 349.51 Verizon Cell Phones - 9/24-10/23 430.00.534.800.42 842.77 Verizon Cell Phones - 9/24-10/23 431.00.535.800.42 382.67 Verizon Cell Phones - 9/24-10/23 432.00.535.900.42 342.65 Verizon Cell Phones - 9/24-10/23 434.00.537.100.42 18.29 11133319000340133920 Verizon Mifis - 10/3-11/2 001.11.513.100.42 40.01 Verizon Mifis - 10/3-11/2 001.17.524.200.42 200.05 Verizon Mifis - 10/3-11/2 001.17.558.100.42 80.02 Verizon Mifis - 10/3-11/2 001.21.521.200.42 1,765.62 59Page:CA.B Page 69 of 225 12/11/2013 Voucher List City of Auburn 60 3:42:47PM Page:vchlist Bank code :000 Voucher Date Vendor Invoice Description/Account Amount 426458 12/11/2013 (Continued)021672 US BANK Verizon Mifis - 10/3-11/2 001.32.532.200.42 160.04 Verizon Mifis - 10/3-11/2 001.42.543.100.42 180.05 Verizon Mifis - 10/3-11/2 430.00.534.800.42 473.45 Verizon Mifis - 10/3-11/2 431.00.535.800.42 253.40 Verizon Mifis - 10/3-11/2 432.00.535.900.42 253.40 Verizon Mifis - 10/3-11/2 518.00.518.880.42 160.03 11133319000525842451 GRAFFITI REMOVAL SUPPLIES ON 41ST SE~ 001.42.542.300.31 126.07 11133319000543054063 ANTI FREEZE & SHOP HAND GRINDER FOR 001.33.576.100.31 41.45 11133319000595662284 Misc Supplies for Facilities Dept 505.00.524.500.31 7.64 11133319000607640476 Email Protection Service - MX Logic 518.00.518.880.49 744.60 11133319000941024002 PD MOTORCYCLE GRAPHICS~ 550.141.100 1,068.72 11133319000941024044 P019E-GRAPHICS FOR PD MOTORCYCLE~ 550.00.590.100.64 312.08 11133319000941024085 P0321-GRAPHICS FOR PD MOTORCYCLE~ 550.00.590.100.64 312.08 11133319000952035913 60Page:CA.B Page 70 of 225 12/11/2013 Voucher List City of Auburn 61 3:42:47PM Page:vchlist Bank code :000 Voucher Date Vendor Invoice Description/Account Amount 426458 12/11/2013 (Continued)021672 US BANK P016D-GRAPHICS FOR PD MOTORCYCLE~ 550.00.590.100.64 312.08 11133319000952035939 P012B-GRAPHICS FOR PD MOTORCYCLE~ 550.00.590.100.64 312.08 11133319000952035970 P011B-GRAPHICS FOR PD MOTORCYCLE~ 550.00.590.100.64 312.08 11133319000952035996 P017B-GRAPHICS FOR PD MOTORCYCLE~ 550.00.590.100.64 312.08 11133319000952036010 P035I-GRAPHICS FOR PD MOTORCYCLE~ 550.00.590.100.64 312.08 11133319000976989434 Lunch Mtg - Mayor, Michael Hursh 001.11.513.100.43 30.14 11133319005342519926 P015B-POLICE BATTERY DELAY TIMER~ 550.00.548.680.35 138.28 11133319063638711020 AGGREGATE/ROCK~ 001.42.542.300.31 147.55 11133319104019257012 NUTS AND BOLTS~ 431.00.535.800.31 8.26 11133319104019257020 HASP, CLAMP, KNOT CUP BRUSH/WHEEL FOR 431.00.535.800.35 104.46 11133319105002190409 NATIONAL LEAGUE OF CITIES LUNCH, FABER 001.33.574.100.49 36.58 11133319133199483609 NLC Conference Registration for Wagner 001.11.511.600.49 895.00 61Page:CA.B Page 71 of 225 12/11/2013 Voucher List City of Auburn 62 3:42:47PM Page:vchlist Bank code :000 Voucher Date Vendor Invoice Description/Account Amount 426458 12/11/2013 (Continued)021672 US BANK 11133319163190572839 PARKING, WASH CONVENTION CENTER, 001.33.574.100.49 12.00 11133319163190572904 Parking Expense for Wagner 001.11.511.600.43 17.00 11133319200088300013 BACKPACK BLOWER~ 432.00.535.900.35 465.33 11133319200127167167 Long Distance for Oct 2013 518.00.518.880.42 601.55 11133319200388300264 TARP AND CLIPS FOR PUMP TRAILER STORED 430.00.534.800.31 86.84 11133319200388300389 CLOTHING ALLOWANCE, JAMIE MOORE 001.33.576.100.22 81.99 11133319200815800027 MESH FILTER KIT, PARKS MAINT 001.33.576.100.31 122.60 11133319200815800043 TRAFFIC WHITE PAINT, AEROSOL - PARKS 001.33.576.100.31 208.66 11133319200815800050 PRESSURE VALVE, PARKS MAINT 001.33.576.100.31 144.54 11133319200815800068 TRAFFIC WHITE AEROSOL PAINT, PARKS MAINT 001.33.576.100.31 104.33 11133319200815800076 TRAFFIC WHITE AEROSOL PAINT, PARKS MAINT 001.33.576.100.31 156.50 11133319200816000064 CROSS WALK/AHEAD/ARROW SIGNS~ 62Page:CA.B Page 72 of 225 12/11/2013 Voucher List City of Auburn 63 3:42:47PM Page:vchlist Bank code :000 Voucher Date Vendor Invoice Description/Account Amount 426458 12/11/2013 (Continued)021672 US BANK 001.42.542.300.35 473.59 11133319200826400015 WATER PARTS-BILLED TWICE TO BE CREDITED 550.00.548.100.31 142.53 11133319273192562124 SHOP TOWELS/COVERALLS LAUNDRY SERVICE~ 550.00.548.100.49 130.98 11133319292011050091 COOKIES FOR SENIOR CENTER COFFEE HOUR 001.33.574.210.31 5.00 11133319300203191066 Cupcakes for CERT Final Drill & 001.32.525.100.31 17.87 11133319327800071744 LAWN MAINTENANCE, LINEAL PARK TRAIL 001.33.576.100.41 1,571.33 11133319460100189521 SAFETY DIAMOND BLADES~ 430.00.534.800.35 399.00 11133319733193108704 Lighitng Supplies for Facilities Dept 505.00.524.500.31 90.93 11133319733196141173 60 YDS PRO GROW, BRANNAN PARK 321.00.576.802.65 1,113.62 11133319980013036681 BRAKE INVENTORY~ 550.141.100 6,165.29 11133320000229376439 6926A-FLAT REPAIR~ 550.00.548.680.48 38.88 11133320000229376504 6721D-FLAT REPAIR~ 550.00.548.680.48 32.85 11133320000229376686 63Page:CA.B Page 73 of 225 12/11/2013 Voucher List City of Auburn 64 3:42:47PM Page:vchlist Bank code :000 Voucher Date Vendor Invoice Description/Account Amount 426458 12/11/2013 (Continued)021672 US BANK TIRE INVENTORY~ 550.141.100 322.46 11133320000229377263 TAPE DISPENSER, PENS 001.33.574.220.31 103.01 11133320000649085174 STAINLESS STEEL BELL PITCHER 001.13.516.100.49 42.57 11133320000689341495 iPhone/iPad Chargers-lightning cables 518.00.518.880.31 127.02 11133320000700820048 MARKER: SATA 436.00.536.200.34 195.00 11133320000700820055 MARKER: PETERSEN 436.00.536.200.34 150.00 11133320000700820063 MARKER: BARROWS 436.00.536.200.34 270.00 11133320000786891541 UPS Shipping Fee 518.00.518.780.42 54.87 11133320000793662307 Parking for Digital Cities Award 518.00.518.880.49 7.00 11133320004907302938 PELICAN 7060 LED RECHARGEABLE 001.21.521.200.35 719.17 11133320005346238330 6781B-REPAIR FENDER, DOOR~ 550.00.548.680.48 994.37 11133320100200899176 OFFICE SUPPLIES 001.33.574.210.31 58.04 64Page:CA.B Page 74 of 225 12/11/2013 Voucher List City of Auburn 65 3:42:47PM Page:vchlist Bank code :000 Voucher Date Vendor Invoice Description/Account Amount 426458 12/11/2013 (Continued)021672 US BANK 11133320100200899259 BANK BAGS, SR CENTER 001.33.574.210.31 40.35 11133320123338010025 Business Cards-Jason Arbogast/Bill 518.00.518.780.41 102.93 11133320123338010033 Business Cards-Amber Mund, Mark 518.00.518.780.41 257.33 11133320123338010041 2750 Mayor City Hall Letterhead 518.00.518.780.41 476.98 11133320123338010058 Business Cards-Elizabeth Chamberlain, 518.00.518.780.41 102.93 11133320153203552444 90 YDS PRO GROW, BRANNAN PARK 321.00.576.802.65 1,670.42 11133320163209391434 Parking Expense for Wagner 001.11.511.600.43 12.00 11133320163209392812 Parking for Digital Cities Award 518.00.518.880.49 10.00 11133320200083900073 RSO Rutherford Postcards 518.00.518.780.41 262.67 11133320200083900081 RSO Calflooking Postcards 518.00.518.780.41 262.67 11133320200083900099 Mailing of Parks Dept. Sponsorship 518.00.518.780.41 169.83 11133320200083900107 RSO Sullivan Postcards 65Page:CA.B Page 75 of 225 12/11/2013 Voucher List City of Auburn 66 3:42:47PM Page:vchlist Bank code :000 Voucher Date Vendor Invoice Description/Account Amount 426458 12/11/2013 (Continued)021672 US BANK 518.00.518.780.41 402.72 11133320200088300234 CUTTING TOOLS, PARKS MAINT 001.33.576.100.31 78.81 11133320200388300394 2013 JEANS PURCHASE FOR RUSS BAERNY~ 430.00.534.800.22 87.58 11133320207653500021 Electrical Maintenance Supplies 505.00.524.500.31 175.50 11133320207663300011 FOAM EAR PLUGS~ 430.00.534.800.22 29.58 11133320273205738379 SHOP TOWELS/COVERALLS LAUNDRY SERVICE~ 550.00.548.100.49 130.98 11133320286000000140 20 Reams of specialty printing paper 518.00.518.780.41 259.18 11133320286000000157 9 Reams of specialty printing paper 518.00.518.780.41 62.59 11133320286000000165 4 Reams specialty printing paper 518.00.518.780.41 32.95 11133320292010990542 FOOD FOR PERFORMERS, AUBURN AVE THEATER 001.33.575.280.31 47.91 11133320320387413506 NYSCA ONLINE MEMBERSHIP FEES 001.33.574.240.49 910.00 11133320360003983821 Supplies for PRAB 505.00.524.500.31 91.45 11133321000148190482 66Page:CA.B Page 76 of 225 12/11/2013 Voucher List City of Auburn 67 3:42:47PM Page:vchlist Bank code :000 Voucher Date Vendor Invoice Description/Account Amount 426458 12/11/2013 (Continued)021672 US BANK IT Budget Comcast -Internet connections 518.00.518.880.42 716.86 Engineering Traffic cameras Comcast 001.32.532.200.42 319.43 Golf Course Internet/Cable Connections 437.00.576.680.42 305.95 Theater Cable/Internet 001.33.575.280.42 177.20 Senior Center Internet 001.33.574.210.42 70.85 11133321000177924306 SHIP TO PEARPOINT~ 431.00.535.800.42 27.88 11133321000320162580 SUPPLIES FOR SHOP, PARKS MAINT 001.33.576.100.31 13.52 11133321003402166125 Trimble Units Data Plan 001.32.532.200.42 85.70 PD Bait Car Data Plan 117.00.521.210.42 15.49 11133321118000100010 RETURN OF 8 CHLORINE DRUMS 430.00.534.800.31 -160.00 11133321118000100015 6 DRUMS CHLORINE/PREVIOUS CREDIT FOR 4 430.00.534.800.31 515.10 11133321158169226322 Work Boots for Jeff M 505.00.524.500.22 132.91 11133321163210368404 Parking Expense for Wagner 001.11.511.600.43 15.00 11133321163217489581 67Page:CA.B Page 77 of 225 12/11/2013 Voucher List City of Auburn 68 3:42:47PM Page:vchlist Bank code :000 Voucher Date Vendor Invoice Description/Account Amount 426458 12/11/2013 (Continued)021672 US BANK Hotel for NLC Conference - Bill Peloza 001.11.511.600.43 788.97 11133321163217489599 Hotel - NLC Conf for John H & Wayne O 001.11.511.600.43 650.25 11133321163217489607 Hotel for Largo Wales for NLC Conf 001.11.511.600.43 650.25 11133321403200011105 Parking Expense for Peloza 001.11.511.600.43 8.00 11133321900014653300 NUMERICAL PHOTO MARKERS~ 001.21.521.210.31 243.00 11133321980013036661 6740A-REPAIR ELECTRICAL SYSTEM~ 550.00.548.680.48 195.46 11133321980100010039 Online Streaming of Council Meetings 518.00.518.880.42 300.00 11133321980157838150 2000 Water Flushing door hangers 518.00.518.780.41 272.00 11133321980157838176 Nov-Dec 2013 Snr Center Activity Book 518.00.518.780.41 2,088.96 11133321980157838184 636 Late Night postcards & mailing 518.00.518.780.41 136.00 11133321987154456514 1150- Halloween Ball Booklets 518.00.518.780.41 617.03 11133321987164684436 KEYS FOR EASEMENT MACHINE~ 431.00.535.800.35 45.99 68Page:CA.B Page 78 of 225 12/11/2013 Voucher List City of Auburn 69 3:42:47PM Page:vchlist Bank code :000 Voucher Date Vendor Invoice Description/Account Amount 426458 12/11/2013 (Continued)021672 US BANK 11133322000548299742 Custodial Supplies for Senior Center 505.00.524.500.31 164.70 11133322000630881886 PUNCH BOWLS & DRINK DISPENSER FOR EVENTS 001.33.573.901.31 53.02 11133322000711533950 CONTRACTOR BAGS, CEMETERY 436.00.536.200.31 28.45 11133322000739921013 Electrical Supplies for Auburn Ave 505.00.524.500.31 77.69 11133322000793844564 TAPE MEASURE, WASHERS, NUTS, HASP, 431.00.535.800.35 54.08 11133322000793844960 HASP~ 431.00.535.800.35 14.21 11133322001125392420 Gas for City Vehicle 001.11.513.100.43 16.07 11133322010182367180 SUPPLIES FOR INDOOR PLAYGROUND 001.33.574.240.31 54.73 11133322207653600050 PHOTO CELLS FOR STREET LIGHTS~ 001.42.542.300.35 110.92 11133322286599900013 JIMMY DORSEY BRAVO ADVERTISING 001.33.573.901.44 450.00 11133322849485373966 SIRENNET.COM -6516D FLANGE FOR LINEAR 550.00.548.680.35 20.13 11133322900014119253 PROF SERVICES FOR WEBSITE - INV NO 69Page:CA.B Page 79 of 225 12/11/2013 Voucher List City of Auburn 70 3:42:47PM Page:vchlist Bank code :000 Voucher Date Vendor Invoice Description/Account Amount 426458 12/11/2013 (Continued)021672 US BANK 001.17.558.100.41 1,575.00 11133322900014219269 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES FOR WEBSITE - INV 001.17.558.100.41 1,575.00 11133322929090013723 WELLNESS SUPPLIES 001.33.574.210.31 356.85 SALAD BAR SUPPLIES 001.33.574.210.31 89.78 11133323000119751898 WHITE LED LIGHTS FOR DOWNTOWN~ 001.42.542.300.35 32.78 11133323000119751906 PIPE, ADAPTER, CRIMP RINGS~ 430.00.534.800.31 57.08 SHORT ARM HEX KEY SET, CRIMPING TOOL~ 430.00.534.800.35 119.86 11133323000148327769 FOAMING SEAL, GLOVES & GARBAGE CAN 437.00.576.600.31 44.61 11133323000148328015 PIPE STRAP, ANCHOR, ADAPTER~ 430.00.534.800.31 22.41 11133323000148328023 Electrical Supplies for Auburn Ave 505.00.524.500.31 26.43 11133323000193436044 CALENDAR PAGES FOR 2014 001.33.573.901.31 37.12 11133323000204108814 RUBBER MAT/TOWEL CLEANING SERVICE FOR 437.00.576.600.41 16.43 11133323000204108822 MAT/TOWEL/SHOP TOWEL SERVICE FOR PARKS 001.33.576.100.41 16.43 70Page:CA.B Page 80 of 225 12/11/2013 Voucher List City of Auburn 71 3:42:47PM Page:vchlist Bank code :000 Voucher Date Vendor Invoice Description/Account Amount 426458 12/11/2013 (Continued)021672 US BANK 11133323000204108905 MAT/TOWEL/SHOP TOWEL SERVICE FOR PARKS 001.33.576.100.41 16.43 11133323000211920607 BANK DEPOSIT BAGS FOR FINANCE DEPT 001.14.514.230.31 576.52 11133323000889561451 OCT ADS - BRAVO SERIES 001.33.575.280.44 620.00 OCT AD - LIFESTYLES AFTER 50, SR CTR 001.33.574.100.44 542.25 OCT CITY ADS / WEBSITE ADS 518.00.518.780.44 1,140.00 11133323000895777927 MARKER: HENSEL 436.00.536.200.34 85.00 11133323000895777935 MARKER: DARBY 436.00.536.200.34 310.00 11133323000895777943 MARKER: HAUGEN 436.00.536.200.34 230.00 11133323000895777950 MARKER: KIM 436.00.536.200.34 85.00 11133323000895777968 MARKER: ENGELSTAD 436.00.536.200.34 85.00 11133323000895777976 MARKER: WALCH 436.00.536.200.34 85.00 11133323000968175645 MOVIE FOR SENIOR CENTER 001.33.574.210.49 0.42 11133323100222452696 71Page:CA.B Page 81 of 225 12/11/2013 Voucher List City of Auburn 72 3:42:47PM Page:vchlist Bank code :000 Voucher Date Vendor Invoice Description/Account Amount 426458 12/11/2013 (Continued)021672 US BANK OFFICE SUPPLIES 001.15.515.100.31 82.65 11133323133238904785 ATOMIC BLADE, PARKS MAINT 001.33.576.100.31 220.37 11133323163233012805 SEMINAR REGISTRATION - DEALING 001.42.542.300.49 134.00 11133323163233015667 BOOK FOR SEMINAR - DAVID ORNSBEY 001.42.542.300.49 34.93 11133323173237219801 FERTILIZERS/FUNGICIDES FOR GOLF MAINTS. 437.00.576.600.31 279.10 11133323173237219819 FERTILIZERS/FUNGICIDES FOR GOLF MAINT. 437.00.576.600.31 592.30 11133323200088300066 Electrical Supplies at AJC 505.00.524.500.31 29.55 11133323207653700081 Electrical Maintenance Supplies 505.00.524.500.31 132.80 11133323207721000018 DOT PHYSICAL-BRENT RANKIN~ 430.00.534.800.22 55.00 11133323207839500038 RENTAL OF SCISSOR JACK FOR PARKS~ 001.33.576.100.45 136.89 11133323286199900109 ADVERTISING FOR VETERANS DAY EVENTS 001.33.573.901.44 467.52 11133323286199900125 PERFORMING ART ADVERTISING 001.33.573.201.44 348.48 72Page:CA.B Page 82 of 225 12/11/2013 Voucher List City of Auburn 73 3:42:47PM Page:vchlist Bank code :000 Voucher Date Vendor Invoice Description/Account Amount 426458 12/11/2013 (Continued)021672 US BANK PERFORMING ART ADVERTISING 001.33.575.280.44 784.08 11133323286564100375 CELL, ULTRA SENSOR - PARKS MAINT 001.33.576.100.31 177.06 11133323286837500269 LUNCH W/MAYOR CERTIFICATE REDEMPTION 001.11.513.100.43 34.39 11133323300199585598 CONCESSION SUPPLIES 001.33.574.240.31 83.59 11133323360066582152 PRESCHOOL CLASS SUPPLIES 001.33.574.240.31 4.00 INDOOR PLAYGROUND SUPPLIES 001.33.574.240.31 5.00 SUPPLIES FOR AROUND THE BELL 001.33.574.240.31 6.26 11133323390800346043 Electrical Repair at PRAB 505.00.524.500.31 74.46 11133323733235325211 60 YDS PRO GROW, BRANNAN PARK 321.00.576.802.65 1,113.62 11133323733238876178 Lighting Supplies for City Hall 505.00.524.500.31 136.40 11133323987126485722 REPLACED FENCING AT NW B ST~ 432.00.535.900.48 2,644.42 11133323987130602833 SAFE & LOCK SERVICES AT PARKS MAINT SHOP 001.33.576.100.41 180.68 11133324000177745145 OFFICE SUPPLIES AND CALENDARS~ 73Page:CA.B Page 83 of 225 12/11/2013 Voucher List City of Auburn 74 3:42:47PM Page:vchlist Bank code :000 Voucher Date Vendor Invoice Description/Account Amount 426458 12/11/2013 (Continued)021672 US BANK 430.00.534.800.31 402.85 OFFICE SUPPLIES AND CALENDARS~ 431.00.535.800.31 159.13 OFFICE SUPPLIES AND CALENDARS~ 432.00.535.900.31 121.32 OFFICE SUPPLIES AND CALENDARS~ 001.42.543.100.31 186.88 11133324000512217694 CAUTION TAPE TO SECURE JOB SITES~ 432.00.535.900.31 26.24 11133324000512217702 PLIERS AND WRENCH SET, SCREWDRIVER SET, 430.00.534.800.35 103.92 11133324000540007372 PAINT SUPPLIES FOR GOLF MAINT. 437.00.576.600.31 4.12 11133324000540007398 BATTERIES FOR CAMPGROUND HOST FLASH 001.33.574.220.31 13.11 11133324000540007406 CLEAN SWEEP SUPPLIES 001.33.573.901.31 4.36 11133324000583986680 MAINT SUPPLIES, CEMETERY 436.00.536.100.31 63.03 ADDITIONAL USE TAX 436.00.536.100.31 0.06 ADDITIONAL USE TAX 436.237.200 -0.06 11133324000585977224 Misc. Supplies for Facilities Dept 505.00.524.500.31 16.37 11133324001292735595 LOCKING GRATE~ 432.141.100 116.62 74Page:CA.B Page 84 of 225 12/11/2013 Voucher List City of Auburn 75 3:42:47PM Page:vchlist Bank code :000 Voucher Date Vendor Invoice Description/Account Amount 426458 12/11/2013 (Continued)021672 US BANK 11133324002131654580 TELECOM SVC/CRED CRD CALL 001.13.516.100.42 14.99 11133324100222046132 6923A-LOW AIR SWITCH~ 550.00.548.680.35 29.41 11133324100222173341 OFFICE SUPPLIES/POLICE~ 001.21.521.100.31 147.66 11133324133248544900 IMSA Membership Dues - Mark Bjork 001.32.532.200.49 70.00 11133324153242194388 RENTAL OF EXCAVATOR W/ BUCKETS~ 550.00.548.100.45 4,927.50 11133324163243699251 SEMINAR REGISTRATION - DEALING WITH 001.42.542.300.49 134.00 11133324163243702246 BOOK FOR SEMINAR - KEAKA FRANK~ 001.42.542.300.49 34.93 11133324163249115912 Replacement TV for Traffic Cameras - ENG 518.00.518.880.35 365.71 11133324173240133681 COTTON LINED GLOVES~ 550.141.200 365.94 11133324200088300016 WEED EATER BLADES~ 432.00.535.900.35 172.83 11133324200088300347 CODE ENFORCEMENT SUPPLIES - RECEIPT 001.17.524.200.31 62.06 11133324200088300453 NUTS, BOLTS, HARDWARE - PARKS MAINT 75Page:CA.B Page 85 of 225 12/11/2013 Voucher List City of Auburn 76 3:42:47PM Page:vchlist Bank code :000 Voucher Date Vendor Invoice Description/Account Amount 426458 12/11/2013 (Continued)021672 US BANK 001.33.576.100.31 22.52 11133324200088300461 UNIV COVER, PARKS MAINT 001.33.576.100.31 14.75 11133324200088300628 ROUGHNECK TOTE, PARKS MAINT 001.33.576.100.31 21.89 11133324200816300038 CITY LIMITS SIGN~ 001.42.542.300.35 382.70 11133324206199000202 10 1/2 X 16 TUFFGARD BUBBLE MAILERS 001.21.521.300.31 77.35 11133324206970600010 MERTENS: PATROL JUMPSUIT~ 001.21.521.200.22 521.84 11133324207149200021 SIGNS RENTAL~ 430.00.534.800.45 42.16 11133324207588700076 PARKING FEES FOR SEATTLE 001.17.558.100.43 9.00 11133324286131600067 RENTAL OF BARRICADES, SIGNS, CONES FOR 001.42.542.300.45 3,810.16 11133324286178300019 CHECK VALVE-WEST MAIN STORM~ 432.00.535.900.48 994.28 11133324286480100247 Water Filter Supplies 505.00.524.500.31 54.57 11133324286619600047 REPLACE BROKEN OLD 5 1/4 EDDY HYDRANT 430.141.100 2,106.39 11133324324178287502 76Page:CA.B Page 86 of 225 12/11/2013 Voucher List City of Auburn 77 3:42:47PM Page:vchlist Bank code :000 Voucher Date Vendor Invoice Description/Account Amount 426458 12/11/2013 (Continued)021672 US BANK 300 Winter Puch Cards (12 Round, 8 518.00.518.780.41 167.60 11133324324178287601 100 Winter Puch Cards - 12 Round 518.00.518.780.41 55.87 11133324324178287700 600 Postcards (Small Works), 200 Small 518.00.518.780.41 441.10 11133324324201679204 DEFTECH 40MM LAUNCHER FOR CDU~ 001.21.521.100.31 1,929.67 11133324517550451663 NOV ARMORED CAR SRV FOR PARK REC 001.33.574.100.41 502.78 11133324600159157258 OFFICE SUPPLIES FOR THE MUSEUM 001.33.575.300.31 41.89 11133324733245510140 60 YDS PRO GROW, BRANNAN PARK 321.00.576.802.65 1,113.62 11133324733249047115 6915B-HYDRAULIC SEAL KIT~ 550.00.548.680.35 91.08 11133324900015300010 5/8 MINUS FRANKLIN - PARKS MAINT 001.33.576.100.31 84.68 11133324900015300028 ROCK, 2 MAN BLUE ALGONA - PARKS MAINT 001.33.576.100.31 114.24 11133324980029967502 MARKER: NGUYEN 436.00.536.200.34 570.00 11133324980029967528 MARKER: EAGAN 436.00.536.200.34 360.00 77Page:CA.B Page 87 of 225 12/11/2013 Voucher List City of Auburn 78 3:42:47PM Page:vchlist Bank code :000 Voucher Date Vendor Invoice Description/Account Amount 426458 12/11/2013 (Continued)021672 US BANK 11133324980029967569 MARKER: DOGEN 436.00.536.200.34 85.00 11133324987176729176 KEYS FOR TRUCKS 6505/6403 MESSAGE BOARD 001.42.542.300.35 24.80 11133325000003054753 CUSTOMIZED LAWN PLAN, CEMETERY 436.00.536.200.31 708.65 11133325000184505283 CARD HOLDER-TO BE RETURNED~ 550.00.548.100.31 14.96 11133325000184505937 BINDERS & DIVIDERS - GOLF COURSE 437.00.576.680.31 69.26 11133325000664387138 LITTER PICKERS FOR LITTER CREWS 434.00.537.800.31 196.88 11133325000699702111 UPDATING OF ALARM SYSTEM AT GOLF MAINT. 437.00.576.600.41 448.00 11133325000751165330 Verizon- Howard Hanson Dam Modem 001.32.532.200.42 120.06 11133325000840999228 Misc. Supplies for City Council 001.11.511.600.49 49.08 11133325000903961321 SUPPLIES FOR SINK REPAIR, PARKS MAINT 001.33.576.100.31 68.23 11133325000903961339 Misc. Supplies for Facilities Dept 505.00.524.500.31 7.64 11133325000908801381 FOR MOVIE PROGRAM, SR CENTER 78Page:CA.B Page 88 of 225 12/11/2013 Voucher List City of Auburn 79 3:42:47PM Page:vchlist Bank code :000 Voucher Date Vendor Invoice Description/Account Amount 426458 12/11/2013 (Continued)021672 US BANK 001.33.574.210.49 13.13 11133325000932953703 MASTER LOCK~ 430.00.534.800.35 17.49 11133325001305762973 ESCORT MEAL, SENIOR TRIP 001.33.574.210.43 23.91 11133325001323036392 Lunch Mtg - Michael Hursh, Eric 001.11.513.100.43 35.00 11133325002132270666 AT&T DATA PLAN/DUANNA RICHARDS - 001.17.558.100.42 14.99 11133325005357808528 STAR SPORTSMANSHIP - BASEBALL 3-6 001.33.574.240.41 288.00 STAR SPORTSMANSHIP - BASEBALL 7-12 001.33.574.240.41 128.00 STAR SPORTSMANSHIP - GIRLS FASTPITCH 3-6 001.33.574.240.41 192.00 STAR SPORTSMANSHIP - GIRLS FASTPITCH 001.33.574.240.41 32.00 STAR SPORTSMANSHIP - T BALL 001.33.574.240.41 352.00 STAR SPORTSMANSHIP - CUB CLINIC 001.33.574.240.41 256.00 STAR SPORTSMANSHIP - SOCCER 001.33.574.240.41 1,696.00 STAR SPORTSMANSHIP - FLAG FOOTBALL 001.33.574.240.41 256.00 11133325042000610036 TIRE INVENTORY~ 550.141.100 2,329.52 11133325091753000205 79Page:CA.B Page 89 of 225 12/11/2013 Voucher List City of Auburn 80 3:42:47PM Page:vchlist Bank code :000 Voucher Date Vendor Invoice Description/Account Amount 426458 12/11/2013 (Continued)021672 US BANK Parking Expense for Holman 001.11.511.600.43 2.00 11133325091753000239 Parking Expense for Backus 001.11.511.600.43 2.00 11133325091857000234 Travel Expense for Michael Hursh 001.11.513.100.43 3.75 11133325100224391361 INK FOR SHOP PRINTER, PARKS MAINT 001.33.576.100.31 67.88 11133325133258859072 IMSA Membership Dues - Scott Nutter 001.32.532.200.49 70.00 11133325133259139848 TINE-HOLLOW, CARBIDE 437.00.576.600.31 481.80 11133325158132708527 Building Key for Doug Lein 505.00.524.500.31 13.03 11133325163251346075 HOTEL ACCOMMODATIONS WHILE ATTENDING 117.00.521.210.43 358.11 11133325163251346232 HOTEL ACCOMMODATIONS WHILE ATTENDING 117.00.521.210.43 358.11 11133325173258710320 Public Education Supplies 432.00.535.100.49 500.00 11133325200122000081 CONNECT GENERATOR AT EMERALD PARK PS~ 432.00.535.900.48 484.60 11133325200816400043 REPLACEMENT SIGN ON CLUBHOUSE GATE 437.00.576.600.31 40.52 80Page:CA.B Page 90 of 225 12/11/2013 Voucher List City of Auburn 81 3:42:47PM Page:vchlist Bank code :000 Voucher Date Vendor Invoice Description/Account Amount 426458 12/11/2013 (Continued)021672 US BANK 11133325200816400050 ALUMINUM RIVETS FOR SIGN INSTALLATION~ 001.42.542.300.35 295.65 11133325200860900050 Lunch mtg-Transportation, Transit & 001.32.532.200.31 128.44 11133325206397801160 PARKING FOR SENIOR TRIP 001.33.574.210.43 7.25 11133325207653800129 PHOTO CELLS FOR STREET LIGHTS~ 001.42.542.300.35 88.04 11133325207653900093 PHOTO CELL LAMPS~ 001.42.542.300.35 36.68 11133325207653900119 SPLICING KIT~ 001.42.542.300.35 96.12 11133325207653900127 PHOTO CELL CONTROL~ 001.42.542.300.35 218.58 11133325286619700044 BREAKAWAY REPAIR KIT~ 430.141.100 218.84 11133325286619700051 12" FLANGE GATE VALVE, MEGA LUG~ 430.141.100 1,681.04 11133325286619700069 BOLT AND NUT KIT, GASKET~ 430.00.534.800.31 34.57 11133325300203212279 PRINT CARTRIDGES 001.33.574.220.31 361.97 11133325357239010038 PD SHREDDING SERVICES - DATE OF SERVICE 81Page:CA.B Page 91 of 225 12/11/2013 Voucher List City of Auburn 82 3:42:47PM Page:vchlist Bank code :000 Voucher Date Vendor Invoice Description/Account Amount 426458 12/11/2013 (Continued)021672 US BANK 001.21.521.100.41 82.50 11133325715567775592 AMUSEMENT PARKSCIRCUSES 001.33.574.240.49 2,583.02 11133325733253575463 FLAMMABLE SAFETY CABINET FOR GOLF MAINT. 437.00.576.600.31 1,547.24 11133325849804555944 SIRENNET.COM- P042G BLUE PREDATOR LED 550.00.548.680.35 98.93 11133325849808797682 J MACNAB/WA ST FARM MKT CONFERENCE REG 001.33.573.901.49 195.00 11133325849809679756 T GINTHER/WA ST FARM MKT REG 001.33.573.901.49 195.00 11133325952302503083 NATURAL BALANCE DOG FOOD FOR PATROL 001.21.521.200.31 251.83 11133325980013036626 P042G-HOSE~ 550.00.548.680.35 33.00 11133325980029967501 MARKER: GUTSCHE 436.00.536.200.34 230.00 11133325980029967519 MARKER: CARLEY 436.00.536.200.34 585.00 11133325980029967584 MARKER: LOMAX 436.00.536.200.34 85.00 MARKER: O'BRIEN 436.00.536.200.34 150.00 11133325980031303583 BLUE MULTI TASK GLOVES, PARKS MAINT 82Page:CA.B Page 92 of 225 12/11/2013 Voucher List City of Auburn 83 3:42:47PM Page:vchlist Bank code :000 Voucher Date Vendor Invoice Description/Account Amount 426458 12/11/2013 (Continued)021672 US BANK 001.33.576.100.31 299.88 11133325987120001770 SUPPLIES TO REPAIR ENTRY WAY GATE 437.00.576.600.31 49.20 11133325987127376555 ORANGE JACKET INVENTORY~ 550.141.200 500.42 11133326000068956628 MOVIE RENTAL, SENIOR CENTER 001.33.574.210.31 1.31 11133326000125889838 ALARM SYSTEM MONITORING, WILLIAM C 001.33.576.100.41 52.49 11133326000268082464 MARKER: NASH 436.00.536.200.34 375.00 11133326000297851111 Misc. Supplies for Facilities Dept 505.00.524.500.31 18.23 11133326000297851129 LITTER PICKERS FOR LITTER CREWS (TO BE 434.00.537.800.31 196.88 11133326000297851298 CREDIT - LITTER PICKERS FOR LITTER CREWS 434.00.537.800.31 -196.88 11133326000355989761 Warranty for 3 TVs 518.00.518.880.35 260.00 11133326000368874703 SUPPLIES FOR INDOOR PLAYGROUND 001.33.574.240.31 45.43 PRESCHOOL CLASS SUPPLIES 001.33.574.240.31 10.00 BIRTHDAY PARTY PACKAGE SUPPLIES 001.33.574.240.31 45.43 83Page:CA.B Page 93 of 225 12/11/2013 Voucher List City of Auburn 84 3:42:47PM Page:vchlist Bank code :000 Voucher Date Vendor Invoice Description/Account Amount 426458 12/11/2013 (Continued)021672 US BANK 11133326000380662466 Lighting Supplies for Facilities Dept 505.00.524.500.31 26.66 11133326000380662474 Misc Transportation Section Supplies 001.32.532.200.35 36.03 11133326000380662482 SCREW, SMALL SHED, POLYSTYRENE~ 430.00.534.800.35 391.34 11133326001399390119 ESCORT MEAL, ROCKY KIRWIN 001.33.574.210.43 19.00 11133326001431895522 Coffee for mtg - Michael Hursh & Mayor 001.11.513.100.43 5.26 11133326016000000018 PARKING EXPENSE 001.11.513.100.43 3.00 11133326026964450871 CRAIGS LIST/ADVERTISING SERVICES 001.13.516.100.44 25.00 11133326118000193713 B. LEE HOTEL ACCOMMODATIONS WHILE 001.21.521.100.43 276.90 11133326123267508843 INSTALLATION OF SCHOOL PLAYSET AT LEA 001.33.576.100.41 5,004.15 11133326153268198517 CHEST AND HIP WADERS~ 432.00.535.900.22 159.83 11133326153269542748 SENIOR TRIP, ARGOSY XMAS SHIP FESTIVAL 001.33.574.210.49 1,051.20 11133326200071158091 TEEN CONCESSION SUPPLIES 84Page:CA.B Page 94 of 225 12/11/2013 Voucher List City of Auburn 85 3:42:47PM Page:vchlist Bank code :000 Voucher Date Vendor Invoice Description/Account Amount 426458 12/11/2013 (Continued)021672 US BANK 001.33.574.240.31 6.24 11133326200816500072 STREET/TRAFFIC SIGNS~ 001.42.542.300.35 281.42 11133326200826900064 6432D-PARTS FOR ASPHALT COMPACTOR~ 550.00.548.680.35 107.44 11133326200826900093 CREDIT FOR DOUBLE BILLING 550.00.548.100.31 -142.53 11133326207499600426 LATEX GLOVES~ 550.141.300 800.56 11133326263266126195 REPLACEMENT GLASS AT GOLF MAINT BUILDING 437.00.576.600.41 585.83 11133326286211500045 P032H-WIPER MOTOR~ 550.00.548.680.35 129.41 11133326300208287670 PARKS SUPPLIES 001.33.574.220.31 2.19 11133326396500351529 Electrical Repair at M&O 505.00.524.500.31 121.14 11133326522154266812 PLANNING OFFICE SUPPLIES - INV NO. 001.17.524.200.31 59.44 11133326733268230832 PARTS/ENGINE FOR BEVERAGE CART 437.00.576.600.31 2,630.30 11133326900017100036 ROTARY LUNCHEON, FABER 001.33.574.100.49 10.00 11133326980029967534 85Page:CA.B Page 95 of 225 12/11/2013 Voucher List City of Auburn 86 3:42:47PM Page:vchlist Bank code :000 Voucher Date Vendor Invoice Description/Account Amount 426458 12/11/2013 (Continued)021672 US BANK MARKER: HORSLEY 436.00.536.200.34 765.00 11133326980029967567 MARKER: WALDRIP 436.00.536.200.34 195.00 11133326980045299668 REG FOR J FERGUSON/MECHANIC SEMINAR 437.00.576.600.49 80.00 11133327000218055104 TIRE INVENTORY~ 550.141.100 768.49 11133327000218055286 6906B-TIRES~ 550.00.548.680.35 449.94 11133327000433544777 STAINLESS STEEL PITCHER 001.13.516.100.49 43.75 11133327005362156997 Custodial Supplies for Facilities Dept 505.00.524.500.31 2,341.12 11133327122326010021 PW Contracting Costbook 2014 001.32.532.200.49 69.70 11133327206688001018 YOUTH COUNCIL REFRESHMENTS 001.33.574.240.31 55.42 11133327206699000480 TAPE MEASURE FOR GOLF MAINT. 437.00.576.600.31 24.30 11133327207653000025 Lighting Supplies for AJC parking lot 505.00.524.500.31 46.95 11133327273273644262 SHOP TOWELS/COVERALLS LAUNDRY SERVICE~ 550.00.548.100.49 130.98 86Page:CA.B Page 96 of 225 12/11/2013 Voucher List City of Auburn 87 3:42:47PM Page:vchlist Bank code :000 Voucher Date Vendor Invoice Description/Account Amount 426458 12/11/2013 (Continued)021672 US BANK 11133327327431584501 6918B-WHEEL RIMS~ 550.00.548.680.35 87.35 11133327600172873960 ADDITIONS TO CITY'S SANTA SUIT 001.33.573.901.31 22.92 11133327849937888038 TOOLTOPIA-WRENCHES AND SOCKETS~ 430.00.534.800.35 122.11 11133328000099074258 DISH SOAP FOR SHOP, PARKS MAINT 001.33.576.100.31 5.23 11133328000178129817 STORAGE TOTE FOR CITY HALL XMAS LIGHTS 001.33.576.100.31 9.83 11133328001521078631 LATE NIGHT SUPPLIES 001.33.574.240.31 13.12 11133328001541680937 MEALS FOR PERFORMERS, AUBURN AVE 001.33.575.280.31 101.78 11133328100267197235 OFFICE SUPPLIES FOR UTILITIES DEPT 434.00.537.110.31 23.76 OFFICE SUPPLIES FOR UTILITIES DEPT 431.00.535.110.31 23.76 OFFICE SUPPLIES FOR UTILITIES DEPT 432.00.535.910.31 23.76 OFFICE SUPPLIES FOR UTILITIES DEPT 430.00.534.110.31 23.76 11133328100267227842 2014 DAY PLANNER 6 7/8 X 8 3/4 (QTY 2) 001.21.521.100.31 13.62 11133328292011050447 HOSPITALITY FOR PERFORMERS (RANDY 87Page:CA.B Page 97 of 225 12/11/2013 Voucher List City of Auburn 88 3:42:47PM Page:vchlist Bank code :000 Voucher Date Vendor Invoice Description/Account Amount 426458 12/11/2013 (Continued)021672 US BANK 001.33.575.280.31 65.47 11133328700001971280 VALLEY CITIES LUNCHEON MEAL EXPENSE FOR 001.11.513.100.43 26.07 VALLEY CITIES LUNCHEON EXPENSE FOR 001.11.513.100.43 20.64 11133328980003554199 4" CORE DRILL HOLES 14" DEEP 001.33.576.100.41 2,737.50 11133328987130173376 Supplies for Senior Center 505.00.524.500.31 129.83 Total : 286,760.75 426459 12/16/2013 016804 3 WIRE GROUP SERVICE INV2638102 Contractor Kit for Senior Center 505.00.524.500.48 228.09 Total : 228.09 426460 12/16/2013 110150 A A ASPHALTING, INC 0055650-IN PLACING OF CRUSHED ROCK AND WEED KILLER 001.33.576.100.31 3,777.75 Total : 3,777.75 426461 12/16/2013 020509 A WORKSAFE SERVICE INC 184368 POLICE DRUG TESTS - AARON ALLEN; 001.13.516.710.41 208.00 Total : 208.00 426462 12/16/2013 115190 AGRI SHOP, INC 31832/1 Toolbox 001.32.525.100.35 16.99 Lighter refill 001.32.525.100.35 4.49 Flexible lighter 88Page:CA.B Page 98 of 225 12/11/2013 Voucher List City of Auburn 89 3:42:47PM Page:vchlist Bank code :000 Voucher Date Vendor Invoice Description/Account Amount 426462 12/16/2013 (Continued)115190 AGRI SHOP, INC 001.32.525.100.35 7.49 Pliers/adj wrench set 001.32.525.100.35 12.99 Mini tool set 001.32.525.100.35 9.97 Sales Tax 001.32.525.100.35 4.93 Total : 56.86 426463 12/16/2013 111950 ALBERTSONS LLC 6030375100035408 COOKING CLUB SUPPLIES, SPECIALIZED 001.33.574.240.31 13.96 COOKING CLUB SUPPLIES, SPECIALIZED REC 001.33.574.240.31 29.93 YGC SUPPLIES, SPECIALIZED REC 001.33.574.240.31 74.50 YCG SUPPLIES, SPECIALIZED REC 001.33.574.240.31 60.63 Total : 179.02 426464 12/16/2013 003949 ALMY, ROBERT 112713LEOFF LEOFF 1 DENTAL EXPENSE REIMBURSEMENT 001.98.517.210.25 153.00 LEOFF 1 PHARMACY EXPENSE REIMBURSEMENT 001.98.517.210.25 433.31 Total : 586.31 426465 12/16/2013 022984 ALVAREZ, ANICETO REFUND PET LICENSE FEE #3521 001.322.300 30.00 Total : 30.00 426466 12/16/2013 013634 ANDERSON, LOREN W.120313LEOFF LEOFF 1 DENTAL EXPENSE REIMBURSEMENT 001.98.517.210.25 412.30 89Page:CA.B Page 99 of 225 12/11/2013 Voucher List City of Auburn 90 3:42:47PM Page:vchlist Bank code :000 Voucher Date Vendor Invoice Description/Account Amount 426466 12/16/2013 (Continued)013634 ANDERSON, LOREN W. MEDICARE/LEOFF LEOFF 1 MEDICARE PART B REIMBURSEMENT 001.98.517.210.25 1,198.80 LEOFF 1 PHARMACY REIMBURSEMENT CLAIM 001.98.517.210.25 365.23 Total : 1,976.33 426467 12/16/2013 393720 ARAMARK UNIFORM SERVICES 655-7107608 Floor Mat Service at Auburn Theater~ 505.00.524.500.49 10.95 655-7107609 Floor Mat Service at AJC~ 505.00.524.500.49 23.67 655-7107610 Floor Mat Service at City Hall~ 505.00.524.500.49 10.95 655-7119498 Floor Mat Service at Auburn Theater~ 505.00.524.500.49 10.95 655-7119499 Floor Mat Service at AJCr~ 505.00.524.500.49 23.67 655-7119500 Floor Mat Service at City Hall~ 505.00.524.500.49 10.95 655-7120045 Floor Mat Service at Golf Course Club 505.00.524.500.49 16.43 655-7131257 Floor Mat Service at Auburn Theater~ 505.00.524.500.49 10.95 655-7131258 Floor Mat Service at AJC~ 505.00.524.500.49 23.67 655-7131259 90Page:CA.B Page 100 of 225 12/11/2013 Voucher List City of Auburn 91 3:42:47PM Page:vchlist Bank code :000 Voucher Date Vendor Invoice Description/Account Amount 426467 12/16/2013 (Continued)393720 ARAMARK UNIFORM SERVICES Floor Mat Service at City Hall~ 505.00.524.500.49 10.95 Total : 153.14 426468 12/16/2013 022014 AT PRODUCTIONS santa/inv CHRISTMAS TREE LIGHTING 001.33.576.100.41 2,500.00 Total : 2,500.00 426469 12/16/2013 020845 AUBURN ART WALK 051013INV Arts Project Support ReGrant: Art Walk 001.33.573.201.41 1,000.00 Total : 1,000.00 426470 12/16/2013 115160 AUBURN GYMNASTICS CENTER, INC 074731 UTILITY REFUND - 1604 15TH ST SW #104 434.233.100 339.99 Total : 339.99 426471 12/16/2013 115550 AUBURN SCHOOL DIST #408 NOV2013 NOV 2013 SCHOOL IMPACT FEES 124.237.173 203,932.53 Total : 203,932.53 426472 12/16/2013 115730 AUBURN TRAVEL FUND 3236 PER DIEM - T MENDOZA, KRONOS USER CONF 001.21.521.100.43 274.40 3237 PER DIEM - B LEE, WASPC FALL CONF IN 001.21.521.100.43 78.20 3241 PER DIEM - L PEARSON, CNOA TRAINING IN 117.00.521.210.43 204.00 3242 PER DIEM - T GLENN, CNOA ANNUAL 117.00.521.210.43 204.00 91Page:CA.B Page 101 of 225 12/11/2013 Voucher List City of Auburn 92 3:42:47PM Page:vchlist Bank code :000 Voucher Date Vendor Invoice Description/Account Amount 426472 12/16/2013 (Continued)115730 AUBURN TRAVEL FUND 3243 PER DIEM - D O'NEIL, CNOA ANNUAL 117.00.521.210.43 204.00 Total : 964.60 426473 12/16/2013 020822 BANK OF AMERICA/SCARSELLA BROS 11-01/#21 M St SE Grade Separation (Underpass), 102.00.594.420.65 2,625.00 Total : 2,625.00 426474 12/16/2013 023038 BENNETT, PANDA 1706144 PARKS REFUND 001.347.699 120.00 Total : 120.00 426475 12/16/2013 023045 BENSON, BJORN 026864 UTILITY REFUND - 11240 SE 320TH PL 430.233.100 224.18 Total : 224.18 426476 12/16/2013 021848 B-FORCE PROTECTION SECURITY 0209 SECURITY FOR NOVEMBER 2013 436.00.536.100.41 500.00 Total : 500.00 426477 12/16/2013 023047 BILODEAU, THOMAS & CANDY 033830 UTILITY REFUND - 1205 31ST ST NE 430.233.100 209.18 Total : 209.18 426478 12/16/2013 122490 BLUMENTHAL UNIFORM CO, INC 27358-01 BLAKE: REPLACEMENT VEST~ 001.21.521.230.22 870.53 Total : 870.53 426479 12/16/2013 286220 BNSF RAILWAY COMPANY 90085405 92Page:CA.B Page 102 of 225 12/11/2013 Voucher List City of Auburn 93 3:42:47PM Page:vchlist Bank code :000 Voucher Date Vendor Invoice Description/Account Amount 426479 12/16/2013 (Continued)286220 BNSF RAILWAY COMPANY Track Work for M St Underpass Proj~ 102.00.594.420.65 15,022.89 90085408 Flagging for M St Underpass Project~ 102.00.594.420.65 963.13 Total : 15,986.02 426480 12/16/2013 122520 BOARD, MURRAY 111313LEOFF LEOFF 1 DENTAL EXPENSE REIMBURSEMENT 001.98.517.210.25 277.00 Total : 277.00 426481 12/16/2013 123150 BOWDEN, HELEN J.112513LEOFF LEOFF 1 PHARMACY REIMBURSEMENT CLAIM 001.98.517.210.25 100.62 Total : 100.62 426482 12/16/2013 012304 BROWN AND CALDWELL 14204019 On -Call Storm & Sewer Utility Modeling 432.00.535.100.41 6,215.53 Total : 6,215.53 426483 12/16/2013 242330 C & M GLASS CO., INC 2056 Replacement Glass at ~ 505.00.524.500.48 443.20 Total : 443.20 426484 12/16/2013 013685 CAROLLO ENGINEERS, INC 0131514 Water Utility Modeling Support, AG-C-363 430.00.534.100.41 13,354.25 Total : 13,354.25 426485 12/16/2013 012515 CASCADE GOLFER / VARSITY 1213CG-1 Cascade Golfer Display Advertisement 518.00.518.780.44 1,000.00 93Page:CA.B Page 103 of 225 12/11/2013 Voucher List City of Auburn 94 3:42:47PM Page:vchlist Bank code :000 Voucher Date Vendor Invoice Description/Account Amount (Continued)Total : 1,000.00 426485 12/16/2013 012515 012515 CASCADE GOLFER / VARSITY 426486 12/16/2013 131540 CASH & CARRY 060239 GROCERIES FOR THE SENIOR CENTER 001.33.574.210.31 145.35 Total : 145.35 426487 12/16/2013 022264 CAYCE & GROVE NOV2013 BLANKET PURCHASE ORDER FOR PUBLIC 001.13.516.100.41 33,750.00 Total : 33,750.00 426488 12/16/2013 370450 CENTURYLINK 121613PHONES PHONE SERVICE OCT/NOV 518.00.518.880.42 885.39 PHONE SERVICE OCT/NOV 431.00.535.800.42 1,220.33 PHONE SERVICE OCT/NOV 436.00.536.100.42 4.02 PHONE SERVICE OCT/NOV 434.00.537.100.42 4.02 PHONE SERVICE OCT/NOV 430.00.534.100.42 8.08 PHONE SERVICE OCT/NOV 550.00.548.100.42 4.04 PHONE SERVICE OCT/NOV 430.00.534.800.42 1,386.20 PHONE SERVICE OCT/NOV 432.00.535.900.42 464.01 PHONE SERVICE OCT/NOV 437.00.576.680.42 312.06 Total : 4,288.15 426489 12/16/2013 022630 CHRISTIAN FAITH CENTER DEC2013-FEB2014LEASE PAYMENT ON BEHALF OF V-NET 652.00.521.212.45 7,500.00 94Page:CA.B Page 104 of 225 12/11/2013 Voucher List City of Auburn 95 3:42:47PM Page:vchlist Bank code :000 Voucher Date Vendor Invoice Description/Account Amount (Continued)Total : 7,500.00 426489 12/16/2013 022630 022630 CHRISTIAN FAITH CENTER 426490 12/16/2013 131890 CHS - CENEX HARVEST STATES INC 250890 Propane Gas at Auburn Golf Course 505.00.524.500.32 1,883.40 Total : 1,883.40 426491 12/16/2013 115760 CITY OF AUBURN 121613UTILITIES WATER, SEWER, STORM SERV FOR NOV/DEC 505.00.524.500.47 4,405.22 WATER, SEWER, STORM SERV FOR NOV/DEC 001.33.576.100.47 6,512.73 WATER, SEWER, STORM SERV FOR NOV/DEC 001.42.542.300.47 1,125.45 WATER, SEWER, STORM SERV FOR NOV/DEC 431.00.535.800.47 192.74 WATER, SEWER, STORM SERV FOR NOV/DEC 432.00.535.900.47 170.37 WATER, SEWER, STORM SERV FOR NOV/DEC 001.17.562.100.47 17.41 WATER, SEWER, STORM SERV FOR NOV/DEC 321.00.576.802.65 1,817.09 Total : 14,241.01 426492 12/16/2013 122820 CITY OF BONNEY LAKE, WA 19942500000 PUMP STATION AT KERSEY WAY - 2013 WATER 430.00.534.800.47 76.50 19943720100 PUMP STATION AT 7100 LAKE TAPPS DR SE - 431.00.535.800.47 22.10 19943910000 PUMP STATION AT 2610 LAKE TAPPS PKY SE 431.00.535.800.47 22.10 Total : 120.70 426493 12/16/2013 271890 CITY OF RENTON OCT2013 95Page:CA.B Page 105 of 225 12/11/2013 Voucher List City of Auburn 96 3:42:47PM Page:vchlist Bank code :000 Voucher Date Vendor Invoice Description/Account Amount 426493 12/16/2013 (Continued)271890 CITY OF RENTON PAYMENT ON BEHALF OF V-NET 652.00.521.211.51 2,523.00 PAYMENT ON BEHALF OF V-NET 652.00.521.214.51 710.71 Total : 3,233.71 426494 12/16/2013 133540 CODE PUBLISHING CO, INC 45114 AUBURN CITY CODE WEB HOSTING FOR 12/13 001.15.514.300.49 350.00 Total : 350.00 426495 12/16/2013 022579 COLDWELL BANKER 065285 UTILITY REFUND - 31589 115TH AVE SE 430.233.100 79.85 Total : 79.85 426496 12/16/2013 133610 COLEMAN, SHELLEY 112713REIMB MILEAGE TO MTGS 10/1/13-11/27/13 001.14.514.100.43 72.32 Total : 72.32 426497 12/16/2013 008838 COMPLETE OFFICE SOLUTIONS 1015732-0 PAYMENT ON BEHALF OF V-NET 652.00.521.211.31 804.63 Total : 804.63 426498 12/16/2013 023046 CONNER, AMY 033092 UTILITY REFUND - 1909 U ST NE 430.233.100 278.18 Total : 278.18 426499 12/16/2013 014391 COPPER FALLS RESTAURANT 120113INV FOOD FOR GOLF TOURNAMENT ON 12/1, CA 651.237.142 1,926.59 120513INV FOOD FOR GOLF TOURNAMENT ON 12/5, MEN'S 96Page:CA.B Page 106 of 225 12/11/2013 Voucher List City of Auburn 97 3:42:47PM Page:vchlist Bank code :000 Voucher Date Vendor Invoice Description/Account Amount 426499 12/16/2013 (Continued)014391 COPPER FALLS RESTAURANT 651.237.142 1,398.85 Total : 3,325.44 426500 12/16/2013 022981 COPSEY, ROBERT REFUND PET LICENSE FEE #2493 001.322.300 30.00 Total : 30.00 426501 12/16/2013 021702 CRAWFORD CODRINGTON LEGAL PLLC 008 CONFLICT COUNSEL SERVICES RENDERED #008 001.13.516.100.41 200.00 Total : 200.00 426502 12/16/2013 023055 CRISCIONE, GARY & LELA 073379 UTILITY REFUND - 813 50TH ST SE 430.233.100 311.02 Total : 311.02 426503 12/16/2013 140510 DAROUGH, DORIS G 113013LEOFF LEOFF 1 LONG TERM CARE FOR THE MONTH OF 001.98.517.210.25 8,100.00 Total : 8,100.00 426504 12/16/2013 396120 DASKAM, DANI 121113PC REIMBURSEMENT FOR KING COUNTY CLERK 001.15.514.300.43 11.99 REIMBURSEMENT FOR KING COUNTY CLERKS 001.15.514.300.43 14.18 REIMBURSEMENT FOR ATTENDANCE AT KING 001.15.514.300.43 25.12 Total : 51.29 426505 12/16/2013 020056 DAVID T. SPANGLER COMPANY LLC 05 Consulting services - Auburn history 001.11.513.100.41 3,500.00 97Page:CA.B Page 107 of 225 12/11/2013 Voucher List City of Auburn 98 3:42:47PM Page:vchlist Bank code :000 Voucher Date Vendor Invoice Description/Account Amount (Continued)Total : 3,500.00 426505 12/16/2013 020056 020056 DAVID T. SPANGLER COMPANY LLC 426506 12/16/2013 002576 DAVID, SHELLY 112013REIMB PER DIEM - DV CONF IN JACKSONVILLE 001.15.515.100.43 192.20 Total : 192.20 426507 12/16/2013 004215 DAVIS DOOR SERVICE INC.176619 Door Repairs at Auburn City Hall 505.00.524.500.48 479.61 176838 Door Repairs at Auburn Justice Center 505.00.524.500.48 315.36 Total : 794.97 426508 12/16/2013 141590 DERAITUS, PETER 112013REIMB Water Operartor Cert Renewal #3969 for 430.00.534.800.49 42.00 Total : 42.00 426509 12/16/2013 142280 DON SMALL & SONS OIL DIST CO 197 2ND HALF 2013 PP TAX ON PARKING LOT 505.00.524.500.49 1,703.83 286728 PETROLEUM PRODUCTS ON AN AS REQUIRED 550.00.548.680.32 26.87 45624 Bulk fuel for M&O facility, Bulk red 550.141.100 8,341.20 Sales Tax 550.141.100 931.47 45625 Bulk fuel for M&O, regular unleaded 87 550.141.100 30,027.22 Sales Tax 550.141.100 4,814.86 98Page:CA.B Page 108 of 225 12/11/2013 Voucher List City of Auburn 99 3:42:47PM Page:vchlist Bank code :000 Voucher Date Vendor Invoice Description/Account Amount 426509 12/16/2013 (Continued)142280 DON SMALL & SONS OIL DIST CO 45776 Fuel Distribution for COA Facilitites 505.00.524.500.32 3,285.01 45785 CLEAR GAS AND DIESEL FUEL, CEMETERY 436.00.536.200.32 3,117.44 Total : 52,247.90 426510 12/16/2013 142340 DOORMAN SERVICE CO 61088 REPAIRS ON ROLL UP DOORS FROM BREAK IN 437.00.576.600.41 419.71 Total : 419.71 426511 12/16/2013 023053 DUDLEY, TONI 071426 UTILITY REFUND - 1915 69TH ST SE 431.233.100 292.42 UTILITY REFUND - 1915 69TH ST SE 433.233.100 103.79 Total : 396.21 426512 12/16/2013 143000 DUKES, MARION 110813LEOFF LEOFF 1 DENTAL REIMBURSEMENT APPROVED 001.98.517.210.25 1,553.90 Total : 1,553.90 426513 12/16/2013 150420 ECONOLITE CONTROL PROD, INC 108986 Replacement Signal Cabinet-Truck 001.32.532.200.64 17,440.00 Sales Tax 001.32.532.200.64 1,656.80 Total : 19,096.80 426514 12/16/2013 021360 ELECTRONIC RECYCLERS INC 074017 UTILITY REFUND - 2302 W VALLEY HWY N 300 434.233.100 359.50 99Page:CA.B Page 109 of 225 12/11/2013 Voucher List City of Auburn 100 3:42:47PM Page:vchlist Bank code :000 Voucher Date Vendor Invoice Description/Account Amount (Continued)Total : 359.50 426514 12/16/2013 021360 021360 ELECTRONIC RECYCLERS INC 426515 12/16/2013 009942 EMERGENCY COMMUNICATIONS ECN-015414 Annual Contract 001.32.525.100.45 5,000.00 Mapping Layer 001.32.525.100.45 250.00 Total : 5,250.00 426516 12/16/2013 023056 EVO 074690 UTILITY REFUND - 1302 29TH ST NW 434.233.100 236.21 Total : 236.21 426517 12/16/2013 010364 FCS GROUP, INC 2139-21311114 UTILITY COST OF SERVICE, RATE, SDC STUDY 430.00.534.100.41 3,802.50 UTILITY COST OF SERVICE, RATE, SDC STUDY 431.00.535.100.41 1,901.25 UTILITY COST OF SERVICE, RATE, SDC STUDY 432.00.535.100.41 1,901.25 Total : 7,605.00 426518 12/16/2013 013069 FEDERAL WAY SCHOOL DISTRICT NOV2013 NOV 2013 SCHOOL IMPACT FEES 124.237.174 3,393.00 Total : 3,393.00 426519 12/16/2013 023057 FERNANDEZ, FERNANDO 112513REIMB BLD UNIFORM/BOOTS/FERNANDO - 11/25/13 001.17.524.200.22 136.86 Total : 136.86 426520 12/16/2013 008661 FIRE PROTECTION INC.15123 Sprinkler Repairs at Senior Center 505.00.524.500.49 3,260.92 100Page:CA.B Page 110 of 225 12/11/2013 Voucher List City of Auburn 101 3:42:47PM Page:vchlist Bank code :000 Voucher Date Vendor Invoice Description/Account Amount (Continued)Total : 3,260.92 426520 12/16/2013 008661 008661 FIRE PROTECTION INC. 426521 12/16/2013 005710 FISHER, FRED 120213LEOFF LEOFF 1 DENTAL REIMBURSEMENT APPROVED 001.98.522.220.25 63.00 120213LEOFF LEOFF 1 PHARMACY REIMBURSEMENT CLAIM 001.98.522.220.25 34.00 Total : 97.00 426522 12/16/2013 011917 FISK, JAMES 112613LEOFF LEOFF 1 DENTAL EXPENSE REIMBURSEMENT 001.98.522.220.25 119.00 120213LEOFF LEOFF 1 PHARMACY REIMBURSEMENT CLAIM 001.98.522.220.25 87.29 Total : 206.29 426523 12/16/2013 161410 FLEX-PLAN SERVICES, INC.228362 FLEX-PLAN SERVICES, INC~ 001.14.514.230.41 194.40 Total : 194.40 426524 12/16/2013 022943 GALLO, GREG 068607 UTILITY REFUND - 6207 HAZEL LOOP SE #B 434.233.100 30.00 Total : 30.00 426525 12/16/2013 023043 GATLIN, WOODROW & DONNA 018396 UTILITY REFUND - 1531 55TH CT SE 430.233.100 247.98 Total : 247.98 426526 12/16/2013 020643 GENESIS MARKETING INC.AACC-13-12 2013 social media fee & search engine 104.00.557.300.41 1,604.00 101Page:CA.B Page 111 of 225 12/11/2013 Voucher List City of Auburn 102 3:42:47PM Page:vchlist Bank code :000 Voucher Date Vendor Invoice Description/Account Amount (Continued)Total : 1,604.00 426526 12/16/2013 020643 020643 GENESIS MARKETING INC. 426527 12/16/2013 023059 GENTLE DENTAL LAKELAND HILLS REFUND BUSINESS LICENSE INSPECTION FEE 001.321.900 63.00 Total : 63.00 426528 12/16/2013 023052 GOOD, WAYNE 068451 UTILITY REFUND - 6125 ISACC AVE SE #B 434.233.100 43.59 Total : 43.59 426529 12/16/2013 012454 GOODBYE GRAFFITI SEATTLE 19066 21ST ST PLAYGROUND 3 MONTH GRAFFITI 001.33.576.100.41 390.92 Total : 390.92 426530 12/16/2013 171620 GOSNEY MOTOR PARTS, INC 597075 MOTOR PARTS ON AN AS REQUIRED BASIS 550.00.548.100.31 174.65 597096 P0426-MOTOR PARTS ON AN AS REQUIRED 550.00.548.680.35 209.00 597158 P038F-MOTOR PARTS ON AN AS REQUIRED 550.00.548.680.35 20.81 597181 MOTOR PARTS ON AN AS REQUIRED BASIS 550.00.548.100.31 28.45 597188 P015B-MOTOR PARTS ON AN AS REQUIRED 550.00.548.680.31 13.07 597344 MOTOR PARTS ON AN AS REQUIRED BASIS 550.141.100 141.98 597476 102Page:CA.B Page 112 of 225 12/11/2013 Voucher List City of Auburn 103 3:42:47PM Page:vchlist Bank code :000 Voucher Date Vendor Invoice Description/Account Amount 426530 12/16/2013 (Continued)171620 GOSNEY MOTOR PARTS, INC P016A-MOTOR PARTS ON AN AS REQUIRED 550.00.548.100.31 91.21 P016A-MOTOR PARTS ON AN AS REQUIRED 550.00.548.680.35 369.00 597479 MOTOR PARTS ON AN AS REQUIRED BASIS 550.141.100 12.02 597495 MOTOR PARTS ON AN AS REQUIRED BASIS 550.141.100 136.95 597545 P016A-MOTOR PARTS ON AN AS REQUIRED 550.00.548.680.35 8.26 597624 MOTOR PARTS ON AN AS REQUIRED BASIS 550.00.548.100.35 67.81 598227 MOTOR PARTS ON AN AS REQUIRED BASIS 550.00.548.100.31 52.17 598228 MOTOR PARTS ON AN AS REQUIRED BASIS 430.00.534.800.35 12.46 Total : 1,337.84 426531 12/16/2013 171920 GRALL, COY FRANKLIN 100713LEOFF LEOFF 1 DENTAL EXPENSE REIMBURSEMENT 001.98.522.220.25 170.00 Total : 170.00 426532 12/16/2013 023042 GRASS, ISADORA 074335 UTILITY REFUND - 1021 E ST SE 434.233.100 375.39 Total : 375.39 426533 12/16/2013 017249 HASH, ERIN 112113REIMB 103Page:CA.B Page 113 of 225 12/11/2013 Voucher List City of Auburn 104 3:42:47PM Page:vchlist Bank code :000 Voucher Date Vendor Invoice Description/Account Amount 426533 12/16/2013 (Continued)017249 HASH, ERIN MILEAGE REIMB 11/05-11/21 001.33.575.300.43 44.92 Total : 44.92 426534 12/16/2013 181230 HEAD-QUARTERS 25398 PORTA POTTY RENTALS FOR VARIOUS PARKS 001.33.576.100.45 439.25 3355-1 PORTA POTTY RENTALS FOR VARIOUS PARKS 001.33.576.100.45 767.25 Total : 1,206.50 426535 12/16/2013 181560 HENDERSON, ED 092013LEOFF Dental Reimbursement 001.98.522.210.25 1,230.25 Total : 1,230.25 426536 12/16/2013 181730 HERNDAY, SUSAN 400W GRAPHIC DESIGN 001.33.575.300.41 375.00 401W GRAPHIC DESIGN 001.33.575.300.41 175.00 402W GRAPHIC DESIGN 001.33.575.300.41 850.00 Total : 1,400.00 426537 12/16/2013 023049 HILL, DANIEL & ANGELA 059778 UTILITY REFUND - 1710 37TH WAY SE 430.233.100 15.00 Total : 15.00 426538 12/16/2013 020830 HOLMAN, JOHN H 090513REIMB TRAIN FARE TO PSRC MTG ON 9/5 001.11.511.600.43 3.75 104Page:CA.B Page 114 of 225 12/11/2013 Voucher List City of Auburn 105 3:42:47PM Page:vchlist Bank code :000 Voucher Date Vendor Invoice Description/Account Amount 426538 12/16/2013 (Continued)020830 HOLMAN, JOHN H 112013REIMB MILEAGE TO SCA NETWORKING DINNEER IN 001.11.511.600.43 16.39 Total : 20.14 426539 12/16/2013 013651 HUHTALA, DAVE 112513REIMB BAT Certification Renewal #B5779 for 430.00.534.800.49 42.00 Water Operator Cert Renewal #11600 for 430.00.534.800.49 42.00 Total : 84.00 426540 12/16/2013 183150 HUMAN RESOURCE SERVICES NW 112413INV UNEMPLOYMENT COMPENSATION MANAGEMENT 501.00.517.700.41 207.00 Total : 207.00 426541 12/16/2013 230000 ICON MATERIALS CORP 13-05/#2 WEST VALLEY HWY SYSTEM PRESERVATION~ 105.00.595.100.65 209,062.30 Total : 209,062.30 426542 12/16/2013 004894 INTERNATIONAL CODE COUNCIL 2980484 MEMBERSHIP RENEWAL - INV. NO. 2980484 001.17.524.200.49 125.00 Total : 125.00 426543 12/16/2013 020644 JACOBS ENGINEERING GROUP INC W3C63101-13 SEWER PUMP STATION IMPROVEMENTS-DESIGN 431.00.590.100.65 556.33 Total : 556.33 426544 12/16/2013 022717 JENNINGS NORTHWEST LLC 13-10/#2 D Street Utility Improvements, Contract 431.00.590.100.65 50,765.74 D Street Utility Improvements, Contract 105Page:CA.B Page 115 of 225 12/11/2013 Voucher List City of Auburn 106 3:42:47PM Page:vchlist Bank code :000 Voucher Date Vendor Invoice Description/Account Amount 426544 12/16/2013 (Continued)022717 JENNINGS NORTHWEST LLC 430.00.590.100.65 28,586.19 D Street Utility Improvements, Contract 432.00.590.100.65 28,586.19 RETAINAGE 430.223.400 -1,305.31 RETAINAGE 431.223.400 -2,318.07 RETAINAGE 432.223.400 -1,305.31 Total : 103,009.43 426545 12/16/2013 001398 JEWELL, JOSEPH BERNARD 123113/PERF NEW YEARS LUNCH ENTERTAINMENT AT THE 001.33.574.210.41 300.00 Total : 300.00 426546 12/16/2013 019689 JOHANSEN EXCAVATING INC.13-16/1ST&FINAL HIDDEN VALLEY EMERGENCY STORM REPAIR~ 432.00.590.100.65 136,831.42 Total : 136,831.42 426547 12/16/2013 013894 JONES, JASON 112713REIMB VIDEO SUPPLIES 518.00.518.780.31 66.77 Total : 66.77 426548 12/16/2013 018308 K & A LANDSCAPE SUPPLY LLC 626 FINE DARK BARK FOR BRANNAN PARK 321.00.576.802.65 788.40 Total : 788.40 426549 12/16/2013 210360 K C FINANCE 31041 KC WLRD SECOND WAT RESOURCES INVENTORY 001.98.558.100.41 6,788.67 31650-31655 106Page:CA.B Page 116 of 225 12/11/2013 Voucher List City of Auburn 107 3:42:47PM Page:vchlist Bank code :000 Voucher Date Vendor Invoice Description/Account Amount 426549 12/16/2013 (Continued)210360 K C FINANCE King County Storm Pond Cleaning~ 432.00.590.100.65 44,511.65 35001294 King County Sewer Utility Permit & 431.00.590.100.65 149.00 Total : 51,449.32 426550 12/16/2013 210360 K C ADMIN BLDG FILING FEES FILING FEES, LIENS 430.00.534.110.41 936.00 FILING FEES FILING FEES, LIENS 430.00.534.110.41 648.00 Total : 1,584.00 426551 12/16/2013 019027 KALLCENTS E25950113013 PAYMENT ON BEHALF OF V-NET 652.00.521.212.42 36.57 Total : 36.57 426552 12/16/2013 017832 KATOPIA DESIGN 740 10.65 hours @ $40/hr for design work 518.00.518.780.41 426.00 Total : 426.00 426553 12/16/2013 003120 KEY BANK/RODARTE CONSTRUCTION 12-02/#8 ACADEMY BOOSTER PUMP STATION IMPV-ESCROW 430.00.590.100.65 9,607.50 Total : 9,607.50 426554 12/16/2013 011760 KING COUNTY DIRECTORS ASSN 3741752 Shipping of floors from Great Floors to 505.00.524.500.49 1,499.71 Total : 1,499.71 426555 12/16/2013 011257 KOSKO, KELLY 112513REIMB 107Page:CA.B Page 117 of 225 12/11/2013 Voucher List City of Auburn 108 3:42:47PM Page:vchlist Bank code :000 Voucher Date Vendor Invoice Description/Account Amount 426555 12/16/2013 (Continued)011257 KOSKO, KELLY BLD UNIFORM REIM BOOTS - KOSKO 11/25/13 001.17.524.200.22 122.63 Total : 122.63 426556 12/16/2013 021404 LENNAR NORTHWEST INC.073979 UTILITY REFUND - 13009 SE 308TH ST 430.233.100 111.77 UTILITY REFUND - 13009 SE 308TH ST 431.233.100 3.57 UTILITY REFUND - 13009 SE 308TH ST 432.233.100 2.96 UTILITY REFUND - 13009 SE 308TH ST 433.233.100 6.76 Total : 125.06 426557 12/16/2013 021010 LIGHT EXCAVATION SERVICES LLC 004-674 INSPECT AND REPAIR TRAILER 436.00.536.200.31 886.95 Total : 886.95 426558 12/16/2013 023041 LOBB, DAVID 012950 UTILITY REFUND - 815 7TH ST SE 430.233.100 391.27 Total : 391.27 426559 12/16/2013 222200 LOWE'S HIW, INC 09964 Handtruck 001.32.525.100.35 80.72 Sales Tax 001.32.525.100.35 7.67 Total : 88.39 426560 12/16/2013 012329 LUMINANCE MEDIA SERVICES 07-001015 LIGHTING AND TECH SERVICES 001.33.575.280.41 383.25 108Page:CA.B Page 118 of 225 12/11/2013 Voucher List City of Auburn 109 3:42:47PM Page:vchlist Bank code :000 Voucher Date Vendor Invoice Description/Account Amount 426560 12/16/2013 (Continued)012329 LUMINANCE MEDIA SERVICES 07-001016 LIGHTING AND TECH SERVICES 001.33.575.280.41 150.00 Total : 533.25 426561 12/16/2013 022965 MAALOULI, GEORGE & PATRICIA 006840 UTILITY REFUND - 2613 RIVERWALK DR SE 430.233.100 175.59 Total : 175.59 426562 12/16/2013 021051 MACDONALD MILLER FACILITY SVC049942 Diffuser Maintenance at AJC 505.00.524.500.48 407.89 SVC050426 Routine Service Call for Senior Center 505.00.524.500.48 206.63 Total : 614.52 426563 12/16/2013 021841 MCKINNEY VEHICLE SVC 074498 UTILITY REFUND - 4450 B ST NW 434.233.100 160.79 Total : 160.79 426564 12/16/2013 231930 MCKINSTRY CO LLC 2439213 HVAC Maintenanc at City Hall Bldg.~ 505.00.524.500.48 372.30 2554913 HVAC REPAIR & MAINTENANCE~ 505.00.524.500.41 1,363.82 2555813 HVAC REPAIR & MAINTENANCE~ 505.00.524.500.41 207.59 HVAC Repair & Maintenance. add 4 505.00.524.500.41 553.71 2555913 109Page:CA.B Page 119 of 225 12/11/2013 Voucher List City of Auburn 110 3:42:47PM Page:vchlist Bank code :000 Voucher Date Vendor Invoice Description/Account Amount 426564 12/16/2013 (Continued)231930 MCKINSTRY CO LLC HVAC Repair & Maintenance. add 4 505.00.524.500.41 778.00 2698213 HVAC Maintenance at Annex Bldg.~ 505.00.524.500.48 5,441.49 2699113 HVAC Maintenance at Annex Bldg.~ 505.00.524.500.48 525.60 Total : 9,242.51 426565 12/16/2013 017991 MEHL, JULIE 121613PC WRAPPING PAPER FOR TREE OF GIVING 001.33.573.901.31 21.86 HOSPITALITY SUPPLIES FOR VETERANS DAY 001.33.573.901.31 43.32 Total : 65.18 426566 12/16/2013 015935 MERCHANTS CREDIT CORP 059423 UTILITY REFUND - 32124 58TH PL S 431.233.100 13.36 UTILITY REFUND - 32124 58TH PL S 433.233.100 2.58 Total : 15.94 426567 12/16/2013 232610 METRO - KC DEPT OF FINANCE 30003960 King County Metro Sewer Charges 433.00.535.800.51 1,220,643.79 Total : 1,220,643.79 426568 12/16/2013 016297 MIKE'S TRAPPING 120213INV PEST REMOVAL SERVICES ON AN AS REQUIRED 432.00.535.900.41 300.00 Total : 300.00 426569 12/16/2013 019308 MILES RESOURCES LLC 13-06/#3 110Page:CA.B Page 120 of 225 12/11/2013 Voucher List City of Auburn 111 3:42:47PM Page:vchlist Bank code :000 Voucher Date Vendor Invoice Description/Account Amount 426569 12/16/2013 (Continued)019308 MILES RESOURCES LLC 2013 PAVEMENT PATCH, CHIPSEAL, OVERLAY 103.00.595.300.65 9,817.65 2013 PAVEMENT PATCH, CHIPSEAL, OVERLAY 105.00.595.100.65 59,870.34 Total : 69,687.99 426570 12/16/2013 023040 MILLER, TODD & KRISTINE 010671 UTILITY REFUND - 6214 NATHAN AVE SE 431.233.100 35.74 Total : 35.74 426571 12/16/2013 234450 MOTOROLA, INC 50098452 RADIO UPGRADE FOR PD 001.21.521.100.49 9,293.27 Total : 9,293.27 426572 12/16/2013 014285 NATIONAL BUSINESS FURNITURE MK415885-ZEF Furniture Installation for Public Works 505.00.524.500.49 202.58 MK416308-OTG BLD MINOR EQUIP - CHAIR - INV. 001.17.524.200.35 164.49 MK416782-BUD Council Work Surfaces 001.11.513.100.49 586.14 MK41737-BUD Panels for PW Admin Staff Cubicles~ 001.32.532.200.35 2,008.58 MK417753-NIN PETITE TASK CHAIR 001.13.516.100.49 261.70 MK417885-HAL Z BASES FOR 6 LOCKERS, GREY (MEN'S 001.21.521.100.48 168.48 MK418056-OTG 111Page:CA.B Page 121 of 225 12/11/2013 Voucher List City of Auburn 112 3:42:47PM Page:vchlist Bank code :000 Voucher Date Vendor Invoice Description/Account Amount 426572 12/16/2013 (Continued)014285 NATIONAL BUSINESS FURNITURE Arms for Office Assistant Chair ~ 001.32.532.200.35 42.23 Total : 3,434.20 426573 12/16/2013 023044 NEFF, RACHEL 021223 UTILITY REFUND - 320 A ST NE 430.233.100 39.63 Total : 39.63 426574 12/16/2013 242200 NICAISE, THOMAS 111513REIMB DOL Renewal of CDL Endorsement for 430.00.534.800.49 85.00 Total : 85.00 426575 12/16/2013 122670 OFFICEMAX CONTRACT INC 005809 Packet Printing 10/25/13 518.00.518.780.41 156.12 Sales Tax 518.00.518.780.41 14.84 005810 Packet Printing-10/25/13 518.00.518.780.41 448.59 Sales Tax 518.00.518.780.41 42.62 085322 Copier Paper- City Hall Annex 518.00.518.780.31 317.60 Sales Tax 518.00.518.780.31 30.17 085347 Copier Paper -City Hall 518.00.518.780.31 635.20 Sales Tax 518.00.518.780.31 60.35 112260 112Page:CA.B Page 122 of 225 12/11/2013 Voucher List City of Auburn 113 3:42:47PM Page:vchlist Bank code :000 Voucher Date Vendor Invoice Description/Account Amount 426575 12/16/2013 (Continued)122670 OFFICEMAX CONTRACT INC Packet Printing 11/1/13 518.00.518.780.41 120.50 Sales Tax 518.00.518.780.41 11.44 112261 Packet Printing 11/1/13 518.00.518.780.41 246.43 Sales Tax 518.00.518.780.41 23.42 112262 Packet Printing 11/1/13 518.00.518.780.41 113.52 Sales Tax 518.00.518.780.41 10.78 175552 Copier Paper- M&O 518.00.518.780.31 127.04 Sales Tax 518.00.518.780.31 12.07 223945 Packet Printing~ 518.00.518.780.41 162.69 Sales Tax 518.00.518.780.41 15.45 223946 Packet Printing~ 518.00.518.780.41 188.28 Sales Tax 518.00.518.780.41 17.88 310602 Packet Printing 11/14/13 518.00.518.780.41 216.36 Sales Tax 518.00.518.780.41 20.55 113Page:CA.B Page 123 of 225 12/11/2013 Voucher List City of Auburn 114 3:42:47PM Page:vchlist Bank code :000 Voucher Date Vendor Invoice Description/Account Amount 426575 12/16/2013 (Continued)122670 OFFICEMAX CONTRACT INC 329601 Packet Printing 11/15/13 518.00.518.780.41 142.91 Sales Tax 518.00.518.780.41 13.58 329602 Packet Printing 11/15/13 518.00.518.780.41 201.47 Sales Tax 518.00.518.780.41 19.14 352127 OFFICE MAX SUPPLY ORDER INV.352127 001.15.514.300.31 46.69 442195 Packet Printing 11/22/13 518.00.518.780.41 320.99 Sales Tax 518.00.518.780.41 30.49 442196 Packet Printing 11/22/13 518.00.518.780.41 525.61 Sales Tax 518.00.518.780.41 49.93 468096 Packet Printing 9/20/13 518.00.518.780.41 115.89 Sales Tax 518.00.518.780.41 11.00 468097 Packet Printing- 9/20/13 518.00.518.780.41 124.24 Sales Tax 518.00.518.780.41 11.81 496227 114Page:CA.B Page 124 of 225 12/11/2013 Voucher List City of Auburn 115 3:42:47PM Page:vchlist Bank code :000 Voucher Date Vendor Invoice Description/Account Amount 426575 12/16/2013 (Continued)122670 OFFICEMAX CONTRACT INC Copier Paper- Annex 518.00.518.780.31 635.20 Sales Tax 518.00.518.780.31 60.35 626367 Copier Paper -Parks 518.00.518.780.31 254.08 Sales Tax 518.00.518.780.31 24.15 664160 Packet Printing 10/3/13 518.00.518.780.41 334.12 Sales Tax 518.00.518.780.41 31.75 681347 Packet Printing - 10/4/13 518.00.518.780.41 237.88 Sales Tax 518.00.518.780.41 22.60 681348 Packet Printing - 10/4/13 518.00.518.780.41 156.53 Sales Tax 518.00.518.780.41 14.87 787024 Packet Printing - 10/12/13 518.00.518.780.41 37.63 Sales Tax 518.00.518.780.41 3.58 787025 Packet Printing - 10/11/12 518.00.518.780.41 100.05 Sales Tax 518.00.518.780.41 9.50 115Page:CA.B Page 125 of 225 12/11/2013 Voucher List City of Auburn 116 3:42:47PM Page:vchlist Bank code :000 Voucher Date Vendor Invoice Description/Account Amount 426575 12/16/2013 (Continued)122670 OFFICEMAX CONTRACT INC 895119 Packet Printing 10/18/13 518.00.518.780.41 212.75 Sales Tax 518.00.518.780.41 20.21 895120 Packet Printing 10/18/13 518.00.518.780.41 279.47 Sales Tax 518.00.518.780.41 26.56 895121 Packet Printing 10/18/13 518.00.518.780.41 217.87 Sales Tax 518.00.518.780.41 20.70 910216 COPY PAPER FOR PD (QTY 15 BOXES)~ 001.21.521.100.31 521.66 Total : 7,827.16 426576 12/16/2013 013832 ORKIN, INC.88893917 Pest Control at Senior Center 505.00.524.500.49 75.84 Total : 75.84 426577 12/16/2013 260847 PACIFIC RIM ENVIRONMENTAL, INC 40022 Inspection for Pump House~ 430.00.590.100.65 1,290.00 Total : 1,290.00 426578 12/16/2013 020416 PAPA JOHN'S PIZZA S3015-13-0931 PIZZA FOR PARKS & REC PROGRAMS 001.33.574.240.31 26.28 S3015-13-919 PIZZA FOR PARKS & REC PROGRAMS 116Page:CA.B Page 126 of 225 12/11/2013 Voucher List City of Auburn 117 3:42:47PM Page:vchlist Bank code :000 Voucher Date Vendor Invoice Description/Account Amount 426578 12/16/2013 (Continued)020416 PAPA JOHN'S PIZZA 001.33.574.240.31 26.28 Total : 52.56 426579 12/16/2013 261460 PARAMETRIX INC 20-20183 M&O BOUNDARY LINE ADJUSTMENT~ 432.00.590.100.65 1,648.11 20-20281 M&O BOUNDARY LINE ADJUSTMENT~ 432.00.590.100.65 3,551.89 M&O BOUNDARY LINE ADJUSTMENT~ 432.00.590.100.65 8,645.61 20-20317 RECORD OF SURVEY CATCH BASIN B ST SE ROW 432.00.535.100.41 3,154.45 Total : 17,000.06 426580 12/16/2013 016025 PAUL YESTER PRODUCTIONS AAT131202 SOUND TECH SERVICES AT AUBURN AVE. 001.33.575.280.41 150.00 Total : 150.00 426581 12/16/2013 016179 PETEK, PH.D, THOMAS C.8536 POLICE PSYCHOLOGICAL EVALUATION - 001.21.521.100.41 300.00 Total : 300.00 426582 12/16/2013 262670 PETERSEN BROTHERS INC 13-03/#2 CITYWIDE GUARDRAIL IMPROVEMENTS~ 102.00.594.420.65 225,013.86 Total : 225,013.86 426583 12/16/2013 262690 PETERSEN, WILLIAM R 120213LEOFF LEOFF 1 PHARMACY REIMBURSEMENT CLAIM 001.98.522.210.25 48.37 Total : 48.37 117Page:CA.B Page 127 of 225 12/11/2013 Voucher List City of Auburn 118 3:42:47PM Page:vchlist Bank code :000 Voucher Date Vendor Invoice Description/Account Amount 426584 12/16/2013 015534 PETERSON, LESLEE JO 40231 MASSAGE CLASSES AT THE SENIOR CENTER:~ 001.33.574.210.41 28.00 Total : 28.00 426585 12/16/2013 022970 PFAFF, ROBERT 055413 UTILITY REFUND - 30118 118TH AVE SE 430.233.100 189.25 Total : 189.25 426586 12/16/2013 263070 PIERCE COUNTY AUDITOR FILING FEES 2013 FILING FEES, LIENS 430.00.534.110.41 216.00 FILING FEES 2013 FILING FEES, LIENS 430.00.534.110.41 504.00 Total : 720.00 426587 12/16/2013 023051 PINTZ, JOSEPH & NANCY 064662 UTILITY REFUND - 5113 PERRY DR SE 430.233.100 177.05 Total : 177.05 426588 12/16/2013 263360 PITZL, WILLIAM 110113LEOFF LEOFF 1 DENTAL EXPENSE REIMBURSEMENT 001.98.517.210.25 240.30 Total : 240.30 426589 12/16/2013 265220 PUGET SOUND ENERGY 121613GAS/ELECT ELECT & GAS SERV FOR OCT/NOV 001.42.542.300.47 86,368.45 ELECT & GAS SERV FOR OCT/NOV 430.00.534.800.47 2,842.23 ELECT & GAS SERV FOR OCT/NOV 431.00.535.800.47 3,081.15 Total : 92,291.83 118Page:CA.B Page 128 of 225 12/11/2013 Voucher List City of Auburn 119 3:42:47PM Page:vchlist Bank code :000 Voucher Date Vendor Invoice Description/Account Amount 426590 12/16/2013 012126 RAILROAD MANAGEMENT CO III, LL 302607 Railroad Management Sewer Crossing~ 431.00.535.800.51 146.16 302622 Railroad Management Sewer Crossing~ 431.00.535.800.51 146.16 Total : 292.32 426591 12/16/2013 020970 REBER RANCH INC.767648 FARM ANIMAL SUPPLIES 001.33.575.300.31 575.16 Total : 575.16 426592 12/16/2013 011267 REDFLEX TRAFFIC SYSTEMS INC RTS0004760 2013 PHOTO ENFORCEMENT PROGRAM 001.21.521.200.41 53,793.14 Total : 53,793.14 426593 12/16/2013 020948 RICHMOND AMERICAN HOMES 070393 UTILITY REFUND - 6615 QUINCY AVE SE 431.233.100 72.23 UTILITY REFUND - 6615 QUINCY AVE SE 433.233.100 7.07 071240 UTILITY REFUND - 6621 QUINCY AVE SE 433.233.100 40.30 071795 UTILITY REFUND - 5522 CHARLOTTE AVE SE 430.233.100 138.61 072245 UTILITY REFUND - 5606 CHARLOTTE AVE SE 430.233.100 45.00 072247 UTILITY REFUND - 5526 CHARLOTTE AVE SE 430.233.100 110.74 073813 119Page:CA.B Page 129 of 225 12/11/2013 Voucher List City of Auburn 120 3:42:47PM Page:vchlist Bank code :000 Voucher Date Vendor Invoice Description/Account Amount 426593 12/16/2013 (Continued)020948 RICHMOND AMERICAN HOMES UTILITY REFUND - 29110 120TH WAY SE 431.233.100 33.52 Total : 447.47 426594 12/16/2013 272245 RICKERT, BARRY 112113INV CERT Instructor 001.32.525.100.41 245.00 Total : 245.00 426595 12/16/2013 021012 RICOH AMERICAS CORPORATION 91137830 PAYMENT ON BEHALF OF V-NET 652.00.521.212.45 213.46 Total : 213.46 426596 12/16/2013 272630 RODARTE CONSTRUCTION INC 12-02/#8 ACADEMY BOOSTER PUMP STATION IMPRVMNTS 430.00.590.100.65 200,796.75 13-04/#5 2013 LOCAL ST PAVEMENT RECONSTRUCTION~ 103.00.595.300.65 287,769.32 2013 LOCAL ST PAVEMENT RECONSTRUCTION~ 430.00.590.100.65 937.00 Total : 489,503.07 426597 12/16/2013 019120 ROSELLE, DAVID 112113REIMB Water Operator Cert Renewal #1639 for 430.00.534.800.49 42.00 Total : 42.00 426598 12/16/2013 014110 SATCOM DIRECT COMMUNICATIONS 57288057 SAT PHONE INVOICES FOR YEAR 2013~ 001.32.525.100.42 99.90 Total : 99.90 426599 12/16/2013 280865 SCARSELLA BROS INC 11-01/#21 M Street SE Grade Separation 120Page:CA.B Page 130 of 225 12/11/2013 Voucher List City of Auburn 121 3:42:47PM Page:vchlist Bank code :000 Voucher Date Vendor Invoice Description/Account Amount 426599 12/16/2013 (Continued)280865 SCARSELLA BROS INC 102.00.594.420.65 49,876.72 Total : 49,876.72 426600 12/16/2013 019208 SCORE 546 PAYMENT ON BEHALF OF V-NET 652.00.521.211.41 810.00 Total : 810.00 426601 12/16/2013 022477 SEAFAIR PARADE MARSHALS SANTA/INV PARADE MARSHAL SERVICES FOR 2013 EVENTS 001.33.573.901.41 333.34 Total : 333.34 426602 12/16/2013 022369 SENTINEL FIELD SERVICES 063628 UTILITY REFUND - 3008 SCENIC DR SE 430.233.100 17.41 Total : 17.41 426603 12/16/2013 015690 SHARP ELECTRONICS CORP E123840-701 Sharp Copier for Finance Utilities~ 518.00.518.880.35 2,017.63 Sales Tax 518.00.518.880.35 191.67 Total : 2,209.30 426604 12/16/2013 001187 SHRED-IT USA INC 9402872581 ACCT#1003665 - 2013 SHREDDING SERVICES 001.11.511.600.49 13.80 ACCT#1003665 - 2013 SHREDDING SERVICES 001.13.516.100.49 13.80 ACCT#1003665 - 2013 SHREDDING SERVICES 001.15.514.300.49 13.80 ACCT#1003665 - 2013 SHREDDING SERVICES 001.15.515.100.49 13.79 9402872714 121Page:CA.B Page 131 of 225 12/11/2013 Voucher List City of Auburn 122 3:42:47PM Page:vchlist Bank code :000 Voucher Date Vendor Invoice Description/Account Amount 426604 12/16/2013 (Continued)001187 SHRED-IT USA INC ACCT#1009564 - 2013 SHREDDING SERVICEXS 001.14.514.230.49 22.75 ACCT#1009564 - 2013 SHREDDING SERVICEXS 001.32.525.100.49 11.32 ACCT#1009564 - 2013 SHREDDING SERVICEXS 001.32.532.200.49 11.32 ACCT#1009564 - 2013 SHREDDING SERVICEXS 518.00.518.880.49 9.80 Total : 110.38 426605 12/16/2013 005003 SOUND PUBLISHING, INC 591291 ADVERTISING FOR THE MUSEUM 001.33.575.300.44 345.00 Total : 345.00 426606 12/16/2013 014047 SPARAGNO, STEVE 023042 UTILITY REFUND - 1021 E ST SE 430.233.100 215.83 Total : 215.83 426607 12/16/2013 004341 STATE OF WA SUPREME COURT PR-9372 Washington Supreme Court-Printing Costs 001.15.515.100.49 5.44 Total : 5.44 426608 12/16/2013 023048 STRELYUK, NADEZHDA 058740 UTILITY REFUND - 5421 S 296TH CT 432.233.100 1,706.18 Total : 1,706.18 426609 12/16/2013 287590 SWANLUND, MIKE 081316 ROTOVATE P-PATCH 001.33.576.100.41 125.00 Total : 125.00 426610 12/16/2013 222370 THE LOCK SHOP 825234 122Page:CA.B Page 132 of 225 12/11/2013 Voucher List City of Auburn 123 3:42:47PM Page:vchlist Bank code :000 Voucher Date Vendor Invoice Description/Account Amount 426610 12/16/2013 (Continued)222370 THE LOCK SHOP Rekey & Service Call at COA Buildings 505.00.524.500.49 895.33 Total : 895.33 426611 12/16/2013 012331 TITLEIST 2209074 CHRISTMAS SALES AND SPECIAL ORDERS 437.00.576.680.34 1,093.19 Total : 1,093.19 426612 12/16/2013 012331 FOOTJOY 5321850 FALL BALLS, GLOVES & HEADGEAR FOR PRO 437.00.576.680.34 120.93 Total : 120.93 426613 12/16/2013 005027 ULLRICH, SANDRA 111313REIMB MILEAGE TO ATTEND MTG IN REDMOND 001.21.521.300.43 36.25 Total : 36.25 426614 12/16/2013 023050 US JESCO INTL LTD 064621 UTILITY REFUND - 4114 B PL NW #106 434.233.100 563.23 Total : 563.23 426615 12/16/2013 371410 UTILITIES SERVICE CO. INC 8620 AVHS Well Decommissioning 505.00.524.500.48 23,712.23 8661 F St Pump Station-Equip, Labor, 431.00.590.100.64 44,500.00 Sales Tax 431.00.590.100.64 4,227.50 8661A F St Pump Station-Equip, Labor, 431.00.590.100.64 14,617.00 123Page:CA.B Page 133 of 225 12/11/2013 Voucher List City of Auburn 124 3:42:47PM Page:vchlist Bank code :000 Voucher Date Vendor Invoice Description/Account Amount 426615 12/16/2013 (Continued)371410 UTILITIES SERVICE CO. INC Sales Tax 431.00.590.100.64 1,388.62 Total : 88,445.35 426616 12/16/2013 380030 VADIS CORP 19567 2013 LITTER CONTROL/RECYCLING SVCS~ 434.00.537.800.41 10,735.00 USE TAX 434.00.537.800.41 270.51 USE TAX 434.237.200 -270.51 Total : 10,735.00 426617 12/16/2013 380240 VALLEY COMMUNICATIONS CENTER 0014519 800MHz radio invoices for year 001.32.525.100.42 195.00 Total : 195.00 426618 12/16/2013 015073 VALLEY REGIONAL FIRE AUTHORITY NOV2013 NOV 2013 PERMIT & PLAN REVIEW FEES 651.237.360 21,387.40 Total : 21,387.40 426619 12/16/2013 111800 VERIZON WIRELESS 9714825605 PAYMENT ON BEHALF OF V-NET 652.00.521.212.42 694.99 Total : 694.99 426620 12/16/2013 023054 VU, LINH 072771 UTILITY REFUND - 1805 26TH ST SE 430.233.100 108.17 Total : 108.17 426621 12/16/2013 391130 WA ROCK QUARRIES INC 20872 LANDSCAPE ROCK FOR AUBURN 001.33.576.100.31 1,258.12 124Page:CA.B Page 134 of 225 12/11/2013 Voucher List City of Auburn 125 3:42:47PM Page:vchlist Bank code :000 Voucher Date Vendor Invoice Description/Account Amount (Continued)Total : 1,258.12 426621 12/16/2013 391130 391130 WA ROCK QUARRIES INC 426622 12/16/2013 392040 WA STATE DEPT TRANSPORTATION RE41JA8235L001 CP0746 OCT PROJ COST - INV RE R1 JA8235 432.00.590.100.65 959.53 Total : 959.53 426623 12/16/2013 392100 WA STATE EMP SECURITY DEPT 13-104121-RDU-J5 PAYMENT ON BEHALF OF V-NET 652.00.521.211.49 5.50 13-104122-RDU-J5 PAYMENT ON BEHALF OF V-NET 652.00.521.211.49 6.00 Total : 11.50 426624 12/16/2013 020828 WALES, LARGO 101713REIMB MILEAGE TO MTGS 10/3/13-10/17/13 001.11.511.600.43 51.98 112113REIMB MILEAGE TO PC REGIONAL COUNCIL MTG ON 001.11.511.600.43 25.43 Total : 77.41 426625 12/16/2013 014405 WALTERS, JOANNE S.112613REIM GROCERIES FOR THE SENIOR CENTER PANTRY 001.33.574.210.31 415.37 Total : 415.37 426626 12/16/2013 020221 WARM, BERT & VICKI 074393 UTILITY REFUND - 301 N ST NE 430.233.100 44.46 Total : 44.46 426627 12/16/2013 017787 WASHINGTON ENERGY SERVICES REFUND WITHDREW PERMIT, WEB13-0148 001.322.110 26.00 125Page:CA.B Page 135 of 225 12/11/2013 Voucher List City of Auburn 126 3:42:47PM Page:vchlist Bank code :000 Voucher Date Vendor Invoice Description/Account Amount (Continued)Total : 26.00 426627 12/16/2013 017787 017787 WASHINGTON ENERGY SERVICES 426628 12/16/2013 392520 WASHINGTON STATE PATROL I14003899 BACKGROUND CHECKS FOR NOVEMBER 2013 001.13.516.100.49 50.00 I14003900 BACKGROUND CHECKS FOR NOVEMBER 2013 001.13.516.100.49 190.00 Total : 240.00 426629 12/16/2013 006740 WASHINGTON2 ADVOCATES, LLC 4615 WA Advocates consulting services - 001.98.513.100.41 15,000.00 Total : 15,000.00 426630 12/16/2013 270540 WASTE MANAGEMENT OF WA, INC NOV2013 Waste Management Solid Waste 434.00.537.800.41 814,206.89 Total : 814,206.89 426631 12/16/2013 393570 WATER MANAGEMENT LABS, INC 126400 WATER ANALYSIS ON AN AS REQUIRED BASIS 430.00.534.800.41 504.00 126533 WATER ANALYSIS ON AN AS REQUIRED BASIS 430.00.534.800.41 483.00 126575 WATER ANALYSIS ON AN AS REQUIRED BASIS 432.00.535.100.41 605.00 126576 WATER ANALYSIS ON AN AS REQUIRED BASIS 001.32.532.200.41 48.00 Total : 1,640.00 426632 12/16/2013 004433 WEBB, DONALD 112713LEOFF LEOFF 1 DENTAL EXPENSE REIMBURSEMENT 001.98.517.210.25 247.00 126Page:CA.B Page 136 of 225 12/11/2013 Voucher List City of Auburn 127 3:42:47PM Page:vchlist Bank code :000 Voucher Date Vendor Invoice Description/Account Amount 426632 12/16/2013 (Continued)004433 WEBB, DONALD LEOFF 1 PHARMACY EXPENSE REIMBURSEMENT 001.98.517.210.25 26.54 Total : 273.54 426633 12/16/2013 022476 WELLS FARGO/RODARTE 13-04/#5 2013 LOCAL ST PAVEMENT RECONSTRUCTION~ 103.00.595.300.65 15,145.75 2013 LOCAL ST PAVEMENT RECONSTRUCTION~ 430.00.590.100.65 44.83 Total : 15,190.58 426634 12/16/2013 011495 WHITWORTH PEST SOLUTIONS INC.194492 Pest Control at AJC~ 505.00.524.500.49 164.67 209885 Pest Control at Auburn Golf Course~ 505.00.524.500.49 60.23 209899 Pest Control at Gambini Bldg~ 505.00.524.500.49 251.85 210777 Pest Control at Golf Course~ 505.00.524.500.49 60.23 Total : 536.98 426635 12/16/2013 017788 WILLIS, MARGIE K.39663 YOGA AND ZUMBA CLASSES AT THE SENIOR 001.33.574.210.41 60.00 39962 ENHANCE FITNESS CLASSES:~ 001.33.574.210.41 300.00 39963 ENHANCE FITNESS CLASSES:~ 001.33.574.210.41 111.00 39964 127Page:CA.B Page 137 of 225 12/11/2013 Voucher List City of Auburn 128 3:42:47PM Page:vchlist Bank code :000 Voucher Date Vendor Invoice Description/Account Amount 426635 12/16/2013 (Continued)017788 WILLIS, MARGIE K. ENHANCE FITNESS CLASSES:~ 001.33.574.210.41 180.00 39967 YOGA AND ZUMBA CLASSES AT THE SENIOR 001.33.574.210.41 36.00 39970 YOGA AND ZUMBA CLASSES AT THE SENIOR 001.33.574.210.41 50.00 Total : 737.00 426636 12/16/2013 005627 WILSON, EDWARD J.120213LEOFF LEOFF 1 PHARMACY REIMBURSEMENT CLAIM 001.98.517.210.25 117.37 Total : 117.37 426637 12/16/2013 396240 WOLTERS, ED 111913LEOFF LEOFF 1 PHARMACY REIMBURSEMENT CLAIM 001.98.517.210.25 76.00 111913LEOFF LEOFF 1 DENTAL EXPENSE REIMBURSEMENT 001.98.517.210.25 130.00 Total : 206.00 426638 12/16/2013 006990 WONDERWARE PACWEST 403865 Invensys Customer First - Standard 430.00.534.800.35 9,139.00 Invensys Customer First - Standard 432.00.535.900.35 2,636.25 Invensys Customer First - Standard 431.00.535.800.35 5,799.75 Sales Tax 430.00.534.800.35 868.21 Sales Tax 432.00.535.900.35 250.45 Sales Tax 128Page:CA.B Page 138 of 225 12/11/2013 Voucher List City of Auburn 129 3:42:47PM Page:vchlist Bank code :000 Voucher Date Vendor Invoice Description/Account Amount 426638 12/16/2013 (Continued)006990 WONDERWARE PACWEST 431.00.535.800.35 550.97 Total : 19,244.63 426639 12/16/2013 014038 WSAPT MEMBERSHIP/SHRADER MEMBERSHIP FEES WSAPT - SHRADER - 001.17.558.100.49 35.00 Total : 35.00 426640 12/16/2013 023058 YOU FIRST DENTAL CARE REFUND BUSINESS LICENSE INSPECTION FEE 001.321.900 63.00 Total : 63.00 Bank total : 4,727,369.87 193 Vouchers for bank code :000 4,727,369.87Total vouchers :Vouchers in this report 193 129Page:CA.B Page 139 of 225 12/11/2013 Voucher List City of Auburn 130 3:42:47PM Page:vchlist Bank code :000 Voucher Date Vendor Invoice Description/Account Amount I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THE GOODS AND/ OR SERVICES CHARGED ON THE VOUCHERS LISTED HEREIN HAVE BEEN FURNISHED TO THE BEST OF MY KNOWLEDGE. I FURTHER CERTIFY THE CLAIMS HEREIN TO BE VALID AND CORRECT. ____________________________ DIRECTOR OF FINANCE WE, THE UNDERSIGNED FINANCE COMMITTEE OF THE AUBURN CITY COUNCIL, AUBURN WASHINGTON, DO HEREBY CERTIFY THAT VOUCHER #426449 THROUGH VOUCHER #426640 IN THE AMOUNT OF $4,685,703.87 AND THREE WIRE TRANSFERS IN THE AMOUNT OF $41,666.00 ARE APPROVED THIS 16TH DAY OF DECEMBER 2013. ______________________ CHAIR _______________________ MEMBER ________________________ MEMBER 130Page:CA.B Page 140 of 225 AGENDA BILL APPROVAL FORM Agenda Subject: Payroll Vouchers Date: December 9, 2013 Department: Administration Attachments: No Attachments Available Budget Impact: $0 Administrative Recommendation: City Council approve the payroll vouchers. Background Summary: Payroll check numbers 534330 through 534369 in the amount of $888,081.31 and electronic deposit transmissions in the amount of $1,288,364.96 for a grand total of $2,176,446.27 for the period covering November 28, 2013 to December 11, 2013. Reviewed by Council Committees: Finance Councilmember:Staff:Coleman Meeting Date:December 16, 2013 Item Number:CA.C AUBURN * MORE THAN YOU IMAGINEDCA.C Page 141 of 225 AGENDA BILL APPROVAL FORM Agenda Subject: Ordinance No. 6492 Date: December 10, 2013 Department: Administration Attachments: Ordinance No. 6492 Budget Impact: $0 Administrative Recommendation: City Council introduce and adopt Ordinance No. 6492. Background Summary: With the election of a new Mayor and the individual prerogatives of the new Mayor's administration, it is understandable and reasonable that changes would be made that better suit the new administration. Ordinance No. 6492 reflects changes in the City's organizational structure with the commencement of the new Mayoral administration. Reviewed by Council Committees: Planning And Community Development Councilmember:Backus Staff:Hursh Meeting Date:December 16, 2013 Item Number:ORD.A AUBURN * MORE THAN YOU IMAGINEDORD.A Page 142 of 225 ORDINANCE NO. 6 4 9 2 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF AUBURN, WASHINGTON, AMENDING SECTION 2.03.04U, AND CREATING NEW CHAPTERS 2.08 AND 2.2_3 OF .THE AUBURN CITY CODE RELATED TO THE ORGANIZATION OF CITY ADMINISTRATIVE GOVERNMENT WHEREAS, the City of Aubum has functioned very well with its organizational structure and its capable and qualified employees; and WHEREAS, with the election of a new Mayor and the individual prerogatives of the new Mayor's administration, it is understandable and reasonable that changes would be made that better suit that administration; and WHEREAS, in connection with the commencement of the new Mayoral administration, it is appropriate that changes affecting the administration be reflected in the City Code. NOW, THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF AUBURN, WASHINGTON, DO ORDAIN as follows: Section 1. Amendment to Citv Code. That section 2.03.040 of the Aubum City Code be and the same hereby is amended to read as follows: 2.03.040 Appointrnent of appointive officers. The ayeFMavor shall appoint, and at his/her pleasure may remove, all sitjr-C appointive officers, subject to the provisions of any applicable law, rule or regulation pertaining to civil service, state law or city ordinances. This appointive authority applies to acting, interim and permanent appointive officers: Appointive officers are as follows: A. Department Directors. 1. City attefaeyAttornev; 2. Finance d+res Director; 3. Human reseE esResources/isk—Risk aaaaager eat-Manaaement diFesteFDirector, 4. Innovation and Technoloqv $iFesteFDirector; 5. Parks and fesFea ie-Recreation difesteFDirector, 6. Ordinance No. 6492 December 11, 2013 Page 1 of 4ORD.A Page 143 of 225 Director of CommuniN Develoament and Public wer s-Works ef; 7. Police spie#Chief. 8 Director of Administ ation B. Assistant Department Director Positions. 1. Assistant si4 C a eFae Attornev; 2. Assistant ryeGse-Police skiie Chief, subject to stv+4-Civil ser ice Service alesRules; 3. Assistant Director of En ineerin City e gi ee En ineer Communitv Developmentand Public Works). 4. Assistant Director of Public Works (Communitv Development and Public Works). 5. Assistant Director of Communitv Development (Communitv Development and Public Works). 6. Assistant Director of Human Resources and Risk Manaaement. C. Administrative Employees. 1. Administrative sesFetar-Secretarv (aaaye Mavor and sit r-C seaasia'sCounciPs e#iceOffice ; 2. Economic deve4ep ae r Develoqment faaaaQeFManaper; 3. Executive assistar-Assistantto the faayeFMavor; 4. Intergovernmental seaEises-Services seefd+aate Coordinator; 5. Communicationsls ait r-Communitv e6at+easRelations. D. Temporary assignment positions, including 6ut not limited to {is Public sa#eEy-Safe diree e-Director or pa li Public safeEy-Safe kiie Chief and 4y-Deputv elise-Police s#ie€Chief, or equivalent positions. It is provided, however, that appointment or termination of the sit r-C at e aejr-Attornev shall be subject to confirmation by a majority of the member§of the sit y-Ci se as+lCouncil. It is further provided that termination of the Police Chief shall be subiect to anv aaplicable statwtes or rules reaarding termination of a police chief for cause. (Ord. 6287 § 2, 2010; Ord'. 6165 § 1, 2008; Ord. 5963 1, 2005; Ord. 5870 § 1, 2004; Ord. 5635 § 1,'2002; Ord. 5858 § 1 (Exh. A), 2001; 1957 code § 1.03.040.) Section 2. Amendment to Citv Code. That a new Chapter 2.08 of the Auburn City Code be and the same hereby is created to read as follows: Chapter 2.08 Departrnent of Administration Sections: 2.08.010 Created. 2.08.020 Powers and Duties 2.08.030 Director- Du4ies 2.08.010 Created. There is created a Department of Administration of the City, which shall be under the supervision of the Director of Administration. Ordinance No. 6492 December 11, 2013 Page 2 of 4ORD.A Page 144 of 225 2.08.020 Powers and Duties. The Department shall be responsible for the following functions 1. Administrative operations ofthe Mayor's Office. 2. Emergency Management. 3. Economic Development. 4. PublicAffairs. 5. Facilities Management 6. Community Services, including but not limited to neighborhood programs, and veterans and human services. 7. Govemment Relations. 2.08.030 Director— Duties. The Mayor shall appoint a Director of Administration who shall supervise and administer the department, and who shall perform additional duties as assigned by the Mayor. Section 3. Amendment to Citv Code. That a new Chapter 2.23 of the Aubum City Code be and the same hereby is created to read as follows: Chapter 2:23 Community Development and Public Works Department Sections: 2.23.010 Created. 2.23.020 Powers and Duties 2.23.Q30 Director— Duties 2.23.010 Created. There is created a Community and Development and Public Works Department of the City, which shall be under the supervision of the Director ofi Community and Development and Public Works. 2.23.020 Powers and Duties. The Community and Deyelopment and Public Works Department shall have the powers and duties ofthe Planning and Development Department as set forth in Chapter 2.25 ACC, and the Pu61ic Works Department as set forth in Chapter 2.27 ACC. 2.23.030 Director— Duties. The Director of Community and Development and Public Works shall have the duties of the Director of Planning and Development as set forth in ACC 2.25.020 and the Director of Public Works as set.forth in Chapter 2.27 ACC. Ordinance No. 6492 December 11, 2013 Page 3 of 4ORD.A Page 145 of 225 Section 4. Imolementation. The Mayor is hereby authorized to implement such administrative procedures as may be necessary to carry out the directions of this legislation. Section 5. Severabilitv. The provisions of this ordinance are declared to be separate and severable. The irivalidit r of any clause, sentence, paragraph, subdivision, section or portion of this ordinance, or the invalidity of the applicafion thereof to any person or ciPcumstance shall not affect the validity of the remainder of this ordinance, or the validity of its application to other persons or circumstances. Section 6. Effective date. This Ordinance shall take effect and be in force five days from and after its passage, approval and publication as provided by law. INTRODUCED: PASSED: APPROVED: CtTY OF AUBURN PETER B. LEWIS, MAYOR ATTEST: Danielle E. Daskam, City Cle lc APPR D AS TO FORM: Daniel B. Hei , ity Attorney Published: Ordinance No. 6492 December 11, 2013 Page 4 of 4ORD.A Page 146 of 225 AGENDA BILL APPROVAL FORM Agenda Subject: Resolution No. 5016 Date: December 11, 2013 Department: Legal Attachments: Resolution No. 5016 Budget Impact: $0 Administrative Recommendation: For discussion. Background Summary: The City Council provided for adoption of the City of Auburn Fee Schedule in the adoption of Ordinance No. 5707. In the course of reviewing City fees, and in keeping with the intent to make City fees reflective of actual costs, it is appropriate to revise and amend the fees and charges for City applications and activities for which fees are charged to adjust for changes to be effective January 1, 2014. Reviewed by Council Committees: Finance, Public Works Other: Legal Councilmember:Partridge Staff:Heid Meeting Date:December 16, 2013 Item Number:RES.A AUBURN * MORE THAN YOU IMAGINEDRES.A Page 147 of 225 RESOLUTION N0. 5 0 1 6 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF AUBURN, WASHINGTON, AMENDING THE CITY OF AUBURN FEE SCHEDULE TO ADJUST FOR 2014 FEES WHEREAS, in connection with the municipal functions and operations of the City of Aubum, the City provides various services, a number of which entail fees; and WHEREAS, the City Council provided for the adoption of a Fee Schedule with the passage of Ordinance 5707; and WHEREAS, in the course of reviewing City fees, and in keeping with the philosophy of setting Ciry fees in amounts reflective of actual costs, and in further keeping with the intent to make City fees and charges consistently accessibie; it is appropriate to review and amend the fees and charges for City applications and activities for which fees are charged to adjust for changes to be effective January 2014. NOW, THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF AUBURN, HEREBY RESOLVES as follows: Section 1. The City of Aubum Fee Schedule is hereby amended as set forth in the attached "Exhibit A" and Section 2. The Mayor is authorized to implement such administrative procedures as may be necessary to carry out the directives of this legislation. Section 3. That this Resolution shall take effect and be in full force upon passage and signatures hereon and on January 1, 2014. Resolution No 5016 December 2, 2013 Page 1 of 2RES.A Page 148 of 225 Dated and Signed this day of 2013. CITY OF AUBURN PETER B. LEWIS MAYOR ATfEST: Danielle E. Daskam, City Clerk APPR VE AS T FOR : Daniel B. Heid, City Attomey Resolution No. 5016 December 2, 2013 Page 2 of 2RES.A Page 149 of 225 CITY OF AUBURN FEE SCHEDULE FEES FOR CITY PERMITS. LICENSES. PUBUCATIONS.AND ACTIONS Effective anuarv 1, 2014 A. FLANNING_SIN4'tAND 68AAAAkiNF#-DEVELOPMENT DEPARTAIIENT FEES Per Ordinance No: 5707, Ordinance No. 5715, Orcfinance No. 5819, Reso/ution No. 3797, Resolution No. 3953, Resolution No. 4070, Resolution No. 4117, Reso/ution No. 4143, Ordinance No. 6077, Reso/ution No. 4272, Resolution No. 4424, Ordinance No. 62 6, Resolution No. 4552,_Ordinance No. 6295, Resolution No. 4868, Resolution No. 4880, Resolufion 4984-aad Ordinance 6477. and Resolution No. 5016.) 1. APPLICATION FEES: Applications for any action identified below shall not be accepted for filing, unless othervvise nated, until the fees per the below schedule have been paid to fhe City.' Appliaation Type Fee Additional Meeting Fee (bevond the sqecified number) 458-99259.00 per meeting occuRence Additional Re-submittal Fee (fee covers one re-submittal for all land $63.00 qer re-submittal use actionsl Address Assignment 104.00 per address Administrative Use Permits ("application fee covers 1 meeting with $880.00 staff after which additional meeting fees apply) Appeal of AdminisVative Decision to Hearing Examiner 1,000.00 Binding Site PIan2 ('application fee covers 2 meetings with staff after $1,139.00 + $62.00/lot which additional meeting fees apply) Boundary Line Adjustment: Residential 518.00 Non-Residential (includes mixed use projects) 854.00 Boundary Line Eliminationl 500.00 Comprehensive Plan Map Amendments' ("application fee covers 2 $2,070.00 (incl. meetings with staff after which additional meeting fees apply)rezoning application) Comprehensive Plan Text Amendments' (`Application fee covers 2 $1,000.00 meetings with staff after which additional meeting fees apply) Conditional Use Permits ('app ication fee covers 2 meetings with staff affer which additional meeting fees apply): Residential 1,000.00 All Other Uses (includes mixed use projects) 2,000.00 Conditional Use Permits` - Minor Adjustment ('application fee covers Please note that the City of Aubum may collect a review fee on hehalf of the Valley Regional Fire Authority for certain land use and/or environmeMal reviews which fee is eollected in addRion to the City's required fees. Per Aubum City Code, a modiflcatlon to an approved binding sRe plan shall be processed in the same manner as the original binding site plan approval. Therefore,the specified fee shall apply to a new or modfied bindfng site plan approval request. 3 Fees for amendmerds to text or maps of the Comprehensive Plan apply only where an applicant seeks an amendment afFeding spedfic properties rather than the City generally or property within the City generally. Page 1 RES.A Page 150 of 225 Application Type Fee 1 meeting with staff after which additional meeting fees apply): Residential 414.00 All Other Uses (includes mixed use projects) 554.00 Critical Areas AFdiaaaeeReview: On-site manitoring & reporting (required) of wetlands & other $300.00 per monitoring environmentally sensitive areas5 event Critical Areas Reasonable Use Detertnination 259.00 os,,,e..,g6gg;pg259.00 oer Citv review of s r sal--a easenvironmental studies, plans or studv. plan or reaort reports whether submitted with another citv apolication or not and includes one. e-sutimittap S2z5&98 ae.e.....,:..•.... Critical Areas Variance-administrative 259.00 Critical Areas Variance-hearing examiner'- 1,000.00 Current Use Taxation ('application fee will cover 1 meeting with staff $800.00 after which additional meeting fees apply) DeyelopmeM Agreement-Amendment 2,200.00 + $60.00l1ot or dwelling unit Downtown Urban Center Design Review ("application will cover 1 $1,139.00 meeting with staff after which additional meeting fees apply) Erivironmental Reviews (•application fee covers 1 meeting with staff after which additional meeting fees apply): SEPA Checklist reviewl (includes City issuance of DNS, $802.00+259.00 per MDNS, or DS as appropriate) required special study Revised or Supplemental SEPA Checklist review'- (includes $350.00 +259.00 per City issuance of Addendum,if appropriate) special study a....i cic,cc c ap S6ye , SEPA 3rd party review Actual costs Environmental Impact Statement 802.00 + actual costs for prepara4ion of draft final statements including labor, materials; mailing 8 other actual costs Per Aubum City Code, a major adjustment to an approved conditional use permit shall be processed in the same manneras the original conditlonal use perrnit approval. Therefore, the speafied fee shall apply to a newrequest for conditional use pertnit approval or a request for a major adjustment to a previously approved conditional use permft epproval. 5 For monitoring required over multiple years,the total monitoring fee for the required monkoring period shall be paid prior to final plat approval or issuance of Certificate of Occupancy or asse tance-r I se of required financial en se ur' . Page 2 RES.A Page 151 of 225 Application Type Fee relating to the drafting 8 circulating of the EI3 OvA Alnkine Cn rd W'roocv> Final Plats - Subdivisions ("application fee will cover 2 meetings with $1,533.00+ $52.00 per staff after which additional meeting fees apply) (includes 1 re- lot submittal Final Plats - Short Plats ('application fee will cover 1 meeting with $750.00 + $25.00 per staff after which additional meeting fees apply) (includes 1 re- lot submittal Flexible Development Altematives Aoolication Review (•appiication $1,139.00 fee will cover 1 meeting with staff after which additional meeting fees apply) Hearing Examiner- Conduct of Hearing and Preparation of Decisione Totaf hourly charge for hearing examinerplus associated expenses to be paid by applicant prior to issuance of final decision S9 Floodplain development permit 9-99259.00 Floodolain Habitat Impact Assessment Report Review ea-(sta ad $250.00 N Floodelain Habitat Mitigation Plan Review 250.00 Combined Floodafain Habitat 1 asFAssessmenUMitigation Plan $500.00 Review-ee CiN Acknowledaement Review of FEMA Flood Map Revision 100.00 Aoolication Mining Permits ("application fee covers 3 meetings with stafF after $3,623.00 which additional meeting fees apply) Miscellaneous Administrative Decisions (i.e. sign area deviation, $500.00 written interpretations, administrative variance. etc.) Multi-Family/Mixed Use Design Standards Compliance Review $1,139.00 application fee will cover 1 meeting with staff after which additional meeting fees apply) Plat Alteration or Vacation ("application fee covers 1 meeting with $1,000.00 per request staff after which additional meeting fees apply.) Plat Modification (•application fee covers 1 meeting with staff after $1,000.00 per request which:additional meeting fees apply.) Preliminary Plats-Subdivisions("application fee covers 3 meetings $3,000.00+ with staff after which additional meeting fees apply.) 120;00/lot Preliminary Plats - Short Platsl (*application fee covers 1 meeting $1,449.00 +_$60.00/lot 8 The total cost for the Hearing Examiner is in addition to the relevant epplication fee for applicetions requiring a public hearing before the Hearing Examiner(e.g.conditional use permR). Page 3 RES.A Page 152 of 225 Applieation Type Fee with staff after which additional meeting fees apply.) Freliminary Site Plan Review (non-PUD) ('application fee will cover 1 $1,035.00 meeting with staff after which additional meeting fees applyj Pre-application Meeting ('application fee covers 1 meeting with staff $259.00—fee will be after which additional meeting fees apply.) applied towards any related application made w/in 6 months of the date the pr appiication meeting was held. PUD — Major Adjustment' ('application fee covers 2 meetings with $2,588.00 staff afterwhich additional meeting fees apply:) Public Notice Boarcls: 2' x 4' oublic notice board 80.00 4' z 4' ou6lic notice board 136.00 Rezone (map amendment) 1;760.00 School Impact Fee Collection:e Per Single Family Dwelling Unit 52.00 Per Multi-Family Dwelling Unit 26.00 Shoreline ('application fee covers 1 meeting with staff after which additional meeting fees apply): Shoreline Exemption Determin8tion 215.00 Shoreline Conditional Use Pertnit 1,139.00 Shoreline Substantial Development Permit$ 1,139.00 Slioreline Variance 1,139.00 a--448-99 Short Plat Modification (*application fee will cover 1 meeting with staff $259.00 per requested after which additional meeting fees appiy) mod cation Sign Permit 100.00 Site Plan Approyal — PUD, Residentiale ("application fee covers 1 $1,139.00+ $62.00/lot meeting with staff after which additional meeting fees apply.) or unit Site Plan Approval - PUD, Non-residential8 (' application fee covers 1 $1,139.00+ $62.00/lot meeting with staff after which additional meeting fees apply.) or unit Special Home Occupation Permits 259.00 Three-Party Outside Utility Extension Agreemer t - Site Specific $1,035.00+ plus the Review. ("application fee covers 1 meeting with staff after which City's actual costsin additional meeting fees apply.) performing under the terms of the agreemerrt as negotiated between the parties A prior City Code amendment eliminated Planned Unit Developments (PUD). The PUD fees included herein are applicable only to the existing previously approved PUDs: Application fee covere 2 meetings with staff after which add'Rional meeting fees apply. a The City irflpesesc llects an application fee to cover the reasonable cost of administration of the school impad fee 4rogram. The Citv collects an aoolication fee to cover the reasonable cost of zonina comoliance review in addition to the buildina oermit aoolication fee identified in Table 1-A, below. Page 4 RES.A Page 153 of 225 Application Type Fee Type I Temporary Use Permit 96.00 + $48.00 per extension request Type II Temporary Use Permit 144.00+ $4g.D0 per eztension requesf Variance'-(inclusive of Special Exceptions): Per each residence on a single family lot 259.00 All Other 575.00 Water/Sewer Certificate'- (outside of city limits for other than single- $311.00 family) Zoning Gertification letter. Residential 52.00 Non-Residential (includes mixed use development) 104.00 Zoning Code Text Amendment ('applica4ion fee covers 1 meefing with $1,035.00 staff after which additional meeting fees apply.) 2.BOOKS, MAPS, MATERIALS :"(pursuant to Resolution No. 3953) Descriution: Fee Comprefiensive Plan Cost of Production Downtown Plan Cost of Produdion Downtown Plan Appendices Cost of Production Gopies of codes and ordinances Cost of Production Maps Cost of Producfion 3. LAND CLEARING, GRADING AND FILLING FEES (Per Ordinance No. 6148, Resolution No: 4272 and Resolution No. 4424.) Land Clearing Fees: Base Fee (for up to 1 acre) 311.00 Additional Fees: 1 to 5 Acres Base Fee + $114.00 peracre Over 5 Acres Base Fee + $83.00 per acre Grading and Filling Fees: Base Fee: 311.00 Additional Fees: For500 to 250,000 Cubic Yard (CY) Base Fee + $0.12 per CY Prices for priMed matedals do not indude any taxes. Page 5 RES.A Page 154 of 225 Land Clearing Fees: Over 250,000 Cubic Yards (C` Base Fee + $0.02 per CY 4. PERMIT FEES (per Ordinance 5715, Ordinance 5819, Resolution No. 3773, Reso/ution No. 3797, Resolution No. 3818, Resolution No. 3953, Resolution No. 4143, Ordinance No. 6146; Resolution No. 4272 and Resolution No. 4424.) a. Building Pertnit Fees: The fee for each International Building Code, International Residentiaf Code, Washington State Energy Code or Washington State Intloor Air Quaiity Code building permit shall be as set forth in Table 1-A, below.12 Tabie 1-A BU[LDING PERMIT FEES TOTAL VALUATION FEE S I.00 m$500.00 32.00 SSOLOOtoS2.000.00 532.00 for thrflrst$SOO.00 plus 56.00 for eech eddiGonel $100.00, or trectlon Natof, m end includin $2 000.60 S2,OOI.00 to$24,000.00 I I4.00 for the first$2,000.00 plus.$18.60 for eecA edditional$I,000.00,or frestion.ihercof,to end includin $25 000.00 25,001.00 W 550,000.00 544.00 for the first 525,000:00 plus$14.00 for eech additional E I,000.00,ar frec[ion ihereof,ta and includin SSQ000.00 550,001.00 to SI00,000.00 E903.00 for the first 550,000.00 plus SI0.00 for each edditional SI,000.00,or fraztion Nawf,to end includin SIOOOOO.W S I00,001.00 0o 5500,000.00 S 1.397.00 for the firs[SI00,000.00 plus 59.00 for each additional SI,000.00,or&actlon Ih rwf,W and ' includin 5500,000.00 5500,001.00 ro SI,000,000.00 54,912.00 for ihe fust$500,000.00 plus 58.00 for each additionel E I.000.00,or fiectian thereo m end includin SI 000 000.00 51.000,000.00 end u 58,769.00 for the first 51,000,000.00 lus 56.00 for each additional 51.000.00 or frection thercof - Otber Impeetlone aod Faa: l.Inspections outtide of no mel busifrcss hours............................................................................................................................563.00 per hour' minimuin cA erge—two hours) 2.Reinspection fxs auased under.provisions of Section 109.413..............................................................................................S63.00 per hour 3.lnspeetioas for whieh no fa is spa cally indiceted................................................................................................................f63.00 per hour' minimum charge—one half hour) 4.Addidmial plan review rcquircd by changes edditions or rcvisions W plens.............................................................................563.00 per hour'. minimuin cherge—one haif hour) 5.For use of outside consuitents for plen chaking end inspeaions,or both ......................................................................................Actuel costs' FOOTNOTES: Or the rotal hourly eost to the jurisdiction,whichever is the eetest.This cost shall include supervision,merhead,equipmrnt,hourly waga and fringrba u ofthe employea involved. Acwal costs include edministrative end werheed costs. b. Mechanical Permit Fees: The fee for each permit issued under provisions of the International Mechanical Code, Intemational Fuel Gas Code, NFPA 54 (National Fuel Gas Code), NFPA 58 (Liquefied Petroleum Gas Code), or the mechanical device provisions of the Intemational Residential Code shall be as set forth in Table 2-A, below. For new single-family Please note that the City of Aubum may collect a review fee for the Valley Regional Fire Authority far certain pertnk applications that is wllected in eddition to the City's required fees. Page 6 RES.A Page 155 of 225 dwellings a flat rate permit fee of$185.00 may be charged in lieu of fees as prescribed in Table 2-A. Table 2-A MECHANTCAL PERMIT FEES Permit Wusott end Heaten: 1.For the issuance of eech mechenical permit........................................................................................................................................... 526.00 2.For issuing each supplementel permit for which the originel permit has not expirod,been canceled or f naled....................................... $9.00 Ooit Fa Sc6edulc Note:The following da nof inc(ude permiFissuing fee.) L Furnacea: For the installation or rolocation of forced-air or graviry-rype fumace or bumer,includ'mg ducts and venis mached W such applim ce up to d including 1000 000 Bu lh(29.3kV........................................................................................... $18.00 For the installation or relocation of forced-eir or gaviry-type iLmace or bumer,including duc[s end venu eneched m such epplience over 100.000 Bdilh(29.3k1'1 ................................................................................................................... $22.00 For the installation or rolocazion of each floar fumece.including vrnt............................................................................................... $18.00 For the installetion or relocation of eech suspended heater,rec ssed well heeter or floor-mounted unit heater................................... $I B.00 2. Appliance Venb: For ihe installetion,relocaUOn or replacement of each applianct vent instelled and not included in an eppliance permit..................... $9.00 3. Repaira or Additlooa: For the repair of,the alteration of,or addition to each heeting appliance,rofrigeration unit,cooiing unit, absorytion unit,or each heating,cooling,absorption or evaporetive cooling system,including instellation ofcontrols regulated by the Mechanical Code..................................................................................................................................... $16.00 4. Boilen,Compreeson aod Abaorp0oo Syahma: Por the installation or relocetion of eac6 boikr or comprossor to and including 3 horsepowa Q 0.6 kV or eacti absorytion system W and including 100.000 BUilh(29.3 k .............................................................................................................................. $18.00 For the installation or relocetion of each boiler or compressor over 3 horsepower(10.6k1i to and including I S horsepower(52.7 k1,or eac6 absorption system ova 100,000 Btulh(29.3 kN m and including 500 000 Bpilh(146.6 k1'h................................................................................................................................................... $31.00 For the installation or relocation of each boiler or compressor over I S horsepower(527k1 to and ioctuding 30 horsepower(]05.5 kN,or eacM absorption systtm over 500,000 Btu/h(146bkN to and including 1.000,000 Btulh(293.Ik................................................................................................................................................................. $41.00 For the insmllation or rolocetion of eech boiler or compressor over 30 horsepower(I OS.SkI to end including 50 horstpowtt(176 kN,or each absorytion system ava 1,000,000 BtWh(293.1 kN to and inciuding 1.750.000 Btu/h(512.9 kN ......................................................................................................................................... 562.00 For the installation or relocadon of each baiier or compressor over 50 horsepower(176 k15,or cach absorption system over 1.750.000 Bw/h(512.9 kN ................................................................................................................ $102.00 5. Afr Handlers: For each air hendling unit to end including 1 Q000 cubic fcet per minute(cfm)(4719 I/s),including ductc eaachedthereto ................................................................................................................................................................................... $12.00 Note:This fee does not appiy[o an air-handling unit which is a portian of a factory-assembied appliance,cooling system, eveporative cooler or absorp[ion unit for whic6 a pem it is required elsewhere in the Mec6anical Code. For each air-handling unit over 10,000 c&n(47 t9 Us) ....................................................................................................................... $22.00 6. Evapondve Coolers: For each eveporalive cooler athtt then a portable type ....................................................................................................................... $12.00 7. Vendladon and Exhauat: For each vontiladan fan wwected m a single dua.................................................................................................................................$9.00 Fm each vrnulauan systcm which is not a portion of any heating or aio-condi0oning system aWhorized by a pe`mit ....................... $12.00 For the insmllation of oach hood which is served by a mechenicel exheust,including tht ducts for each hood .................................. SI2.00 8. Incinererore: For the installa[ion or rclacetion of each domertic-type incineretor.................................................................................................... $22.00 For the installation or relocation of each commercial or industrial-rype incineraWr............................................................................ 518.00 9. Miudleneous: For each appliance or piece of equipment reguleted by the Mahanical Code but no[classed in other appliance ce[egories ar for which no othv fce is listed in tho table..................................................................................................... $12.00 Page 7 RES.A Page 156 of 225 Othcr toepectiona and Fees: 1.Inspections ouGSide of normal businus haurs.Ptt how(minimum cherge—two hours) ...................................................................... $63.00 2.Reinspecdon.fees essased under pmvisions of SecUon f09.4.13 ...$61.003.Inspecuons tor which no fee is specificelly indicsted,pu hour' ininimum charge—ono-helf hour)........................................................................................................................................................... 563.00 ' 3.P.dditionei plm review required by changes;additions or revisions to plens m w plens for which en initiel review had ban complercd(minimum cherge-one-hel.f hour)..........................................................................................:.. 563.00 . Or the toml cost to the jurisdicbon,whichevor is grceatest This cost sMdl include supervision,ovtrheeQ equipmen4 hourly weges end fringe. brne6ts o(the em lo-ees invalved. c. Plumbing Code Permit Fees: For new single-family dwellings a flat rate permft fee of$185:00 may be charged in lieu of fees as prescribed in Table 3-A. Table 3-A PLUMBING PERMIT FEES Page 8 RES.A Page 157 of 225 Permit Issuaua: I. For i5suing eaCh permit .................................................................................................................................................................... 524.00 2. For issuing each supplemental permit ............................................................................................................................................... 512.00 Unit Fee Scheduie(fo eddidon ro Items 1 end 2 above): 1. For eech edditionel plumbing fixture on one trap or e set ot£xwres on one trap includ'mg water.drainege piping and bacldlow prolectlon thereforc)................................................................................................. 59.00 2. For each building sewor and cach uaila perk sewtt.......................................................................................................................... 519.00 3. Rainwater systems•per dlain(ifaide building) .................................................................................................................................. E9.00 4. For each water heeter end/ar vrnt........................................................................................................................................................ $9.00 5. For eech industriel waste preVeaGnent intercepWr including its trep end vent, except kitchrndYP 6 e ioterceplors Cwctioniog as fixdue traps ...................................................................................................59.00 6. For each installatioM alteration or rcpeir or wata piping and/or waur treevnent,wch ....................................................................... $9.00 7. Fm each repair m altcaGOn of a d ainage rn vrnt yiping,wch fiMUre ................................................................................................ 89.00 8. For eech lewn splinkla system on any one meter including bacldlow prouction devices thaefore.....................................................59.00 9. Fm etrnospheric-type vacuum breakers not included in item l2: W 5 ................................................................................................................................................................................................ 56.00 over5,each ...................................................................................................................................................................................... $2.00 10. For each bacldlow pmtective device other ihan eunosphaic rype vacuum brcakers: 2 inch(51 mm)diameter and smella............................................................................................................................................... 59.00 wa2 inch(S I mm)diamercr ........................................................................................................................................................ S17.D0 1 l. for initial inscallation and testing tor a roclaimed water system........................................................................................................ $35.00 12. for each annual cross-connectian testing af a reclaimed wester system(excluding inidel test) ........................................................ $35.00 13. For eech medicel gns piping system serving one to five inlet(sNouUet(s)Tor a specific gas...............................................................557.00 14. For each addifional medical gas inleKs)/outlet(s) .................................................................................................................................56.00 O her lospeetiona and Fees: l. Inspections outside ofnormei business hours.................................................................................................................................... 563.00 2. Reinspection tee................................................................................................................................................................................ $63.00 3. Inspecdons for which no fa is specificelly indicetcd ...................................................................................................................... $63.00 4. Additional plen miew requircd by changes,edditions or misions to approved plens(minimum charge•one-hdF hour) ...............$63.00 Per hour fin each hour wmked or he totel houriy cost W he jurisdiction,whicheva is greata.This cost shail inciude suprnision,overheaQ equipmrnt,haurly wages and fringe benefits of all ihe employces imoived. Fees: Pertnit fees shall be assessed in accordance with this section. Fees spec ed shall be adjusted for inflation each year based upon the Seattle Consumer Price Index. Fees shali be rounded down to nearest whole dollar. Appeal Fees: The fee for appeals of codes adopted pursuant to ACC Chapter 15 shall be 110.00 plus total hearing examiner costs. Plan Review Fees: When submitted documents are required by Section 106.3 of the Construction Administrative Code, a plan review fee shall be paid at the time of submitting the submittal documents for plan review. Said plan review fee shall be 65 percent of the building permit fee as shown in Table 1-A. The plan review fees specified in this section are separate fees from the permit fees and in addition to permit fees. Temporary Certificate of Occupancy Fees: There shall be a fee equal to ten percent of the building pertnk fee for issuance of a temporary cert cate of occupancy. 5. ADMINISTRATIVE PROCEDURES AND MISCELLANEOUS INSPECTIONS: In addition to any other fees specified in this chapter, there shall be a fee schedule for ceRain administrative procedures not otherwise included as set forth in the following schedule of fees: Adult Family Home Inspection 160.00 Demo ition, permit and inspections Per Table 1-A Page 9 RES.A Page 158 of 225 Relocation (pre-inspection)' PerTable 1-A Housing inspection Actual city cost, minimum $21.00 Change of use Per Table 1-A Sign pertnits Unless except by Ch. 18.56 ACC, the fee shall accompany each application for a sign permit. The amount of the fee shall be based upon the velue of the sign pursuant to Table 1-A. 6. RENTAL HOU$ING BUSINESS UCENSE FEES (Per Resolution No. 4601, Ordinance No. 5882, Resolution No. 4272, Resolution No. 4424 and Ordinance 6477): 1) The fee for a license to operate rer tal housing businesses in the Cit r, as defined in Chapter 5.22 of the Aubum City Code (ACC) shall be based on the total number of units as fioliows: a) One to four dwelling units: $53.00 per year, b) Five to 24 dwelling units: $106.00 per year; c) Twenty-five or more dwelling units: $212.00 per year. d) Communal residence: $150.00 per year 2) The fee for a license to operate rerrtal housing businesses in the city shall be for the license year from January 1 to December 31, and each applicant must pay the full fee for the current license year or any portion thereof during which the applicant has engaged in the operation of rentaFhousing businesses. 3) The rental housing business license fee required by this chapter is in lieu of,,and not in addition to, the general 6usiness license fee required tiy Chapters 5.05 and 5.10 of the Aubum City Code (ACC); provided, howeyer, that any person required to obtain a rental housing business license must also obtain a general business license, at no cost, pursuant to Chapters 5.05 and 5.10 of the Aubum City Code (ACC). 4) Notwithstanding the provisions of sub-section (1) of this sectian, the fee for operating rental housing facilities for any single individual, partnership, corporation or entity stiall not exceed $424.00 per license period. For the 2010 calendar year only, rer tal housing business license renewals shall be valid for the period July 1, 2010 to December 31, 2010 subject to the payment of one-haff of the spec ed fee. For the 2011 calendar :year and subseGuent calendar years, rentaf housing business license renewals shail be for tFie period January 1 through December 31. Page 10 RES.A Page 159 of 225 7. ANIMAL LICENSING FEES AND PENALTIES (PerReso/ution No. 4868): Animal License Fees Type Comments Cost Juvenile 8 weeks to 6 months of age 15.00 Altered Proof:of spay/neuter required 30.00 Unaltered 60.00 Senior Proofthat pet is altered and proof tliat owner is 62 years of age $15.00 or older consistent with ACC 13:24 is required Disabled Proof that pet is altered and proof of disability required 15:00 Service Wdh a signed statement, on the City Form, indicating that the 0.00 Animal owner of the animal has a disability and that the animal is a service animal, no license fee shall be charged by the City. Replacement 5.00 Tag Late Payment Penalty Days Past Expiration Type Additional Cost 45-90 Late fee $15.00 91-135 Late fee $20.00 136-364 Latefee $30.00 365 or more Late fee $30.00 + prior year's`license fee Page 11 RES.A Page 160 of 225 B. AUBURN MUNICIPAL AIRPORT FEES (Per Ordinance No. 5707, amended by Ordinance No. 5715 and Ordinance No. 5819, and amended by Reso/utron No. 3784, Resolution 3797, Resolution No. 3841, Resolution No. 3953, Reso/ution No. 4117, Resolution No. 4270, Resolution No. 4414, Reso/ution 4734, aae-Reso/ution No. 4880. and Resolution No. 5016) 1.Lease Fees: Lease Tvpe Fee Open Single f9186.24 Open Twin 2 1-99217.42 Glosed R-2 2 @-289.51 Closed R-9 & 10 3 8 44 8.59 Outside Tiedowns 61-3563_96 Storage Rows 3-8 8 6 108.85 Storage Units (185 sq. ft. — Buildings 9, 10) 84-96_89 Storage Units (298 sq. ft.) 3-a 116.77 Storage Units (380 sq. ft. —Buildings 9, 10) 4-6 148.96 The West End Hangars located on Hangar rows 9 and 10 have an additional 298 square feet each. There shall be an additional $100.00 per month surcharge for the additional space. A security surcharge of $5.00 per month is charged, in addition to the base monthly rental fees provided in this sedion, for each tieiJown, each hangar door and each storage rental area, which security surcharge fees are to be used for the provision of increased security at the Aubum Municipal Airport (approved by Ordinance No. 5500 on January 16, 2001). For the purposes hereof, each tie-down consists of the structuresffacilities necessary to accommodate orie (1) regular sized light aircraft. Furthermore, the hangar doors to which the security surcharge applies includes all hangars located at the Aubum Municipal Airpork including those hangars built on land ovmed by the Cky but leased to private parties, and those hangars owned in a condominium type ownership. The above lease and security surcharge amounts are subject to applicable leasehold taxes, which shall be paid by the tenant. The total charges, including the above lease rates plus lease hold tax and surcharge shall be reflected in monthly billing rates. Tenants shall be given notice as required by Ordinance or lease agreemerrts. The Airport Lease rates shali be effective January 1, 28432014. Payments. Payments are due on the first of each month, past due as of the 5th and late as of- the 15'". Payments not received by the 15'" incur a $10.00 late fee. Payments not received after30 days from the due date incu an additional $25.00 delinquency fee. Automatic gate electronic cards. One automatic gate.electronic card will be issued to each tenaM free of charge. Any additional eiectronic cards requested by a tenant are subject to a 25.00 non refundable fee. A $25.00 replacement fee wiil be assessed against 4he tenanYfor ail lost or damaged electronic cards. All electronic cards must be retumed to the airport at the time of lease expiration. Page 12 RES.A Page 161 of 225 Each lease shall include an initial payment of first and last months' rent plus a damage deposft in the amount of two times the monthly base rate. Each lease agreement shall also include terms that authorize the city to apply the damage deposit to outstanding charges on termination. 2. Daily Transient Parking (overnight) Rate Tie Down 5.00 Open "T" 25.00 Enclosed Hanger 35.Q0 3. Base Parking Fee— DesignatedSpaces Abase vehicle parking fee of$852_50 per month per designated space is charged. There are ten designated spaces available on a first come basis for pilots to park or store a vehicle for an extended period of4ime:All airport rules and regulations apply. A Vehicle Storage Permit must be completed and appropriate fees paid. The storage of vehicles is fior convenience for the users of the Aubum Airport and is month-to-month. 4.Base Parking Fee—Tie Down Area Spaces A base fee of $100 per month is charged for use of vacant tie down area spaces for line controlled hobby aircraft. A designated area will be detertnined by the Airport Manager and a Memorandum of Understanding will be completed and signed by authorized individuals. This is a morrthly fee charged from time to time for hobtiy club use. 5. Additional Airport Fees Gate Cards (each lease gets one card at no charge. Additional cards cost $25.00 25.00 non refundable) Aeronaufical Business License (inc/udes listing of your business on 250.00 airport signs and airpoR webpage.) Flanger Waitlist Fee 50.00 Page 13 RES.A Page 162 of 225 C. POLICE DEPARTMENT FEES (Per Ordinance No. 5715 amended by Ordinance No. 6216, 5819, Reso/ution No. 3797, Reso/ution No. 3953, Resolution No. 4117, Resolution No. 4272, Reso/ution No. 4424, Ordinance 6216, Ordinance 6276,aad Reso/ution No: 4552 and Reso/ution 'No. 5016. False A/arm fees per Ordinance No. 6216 amended by Ordinance Nos. 6252 and 6345:)) Type Fees Police Report/Collision Report (fee not charged where requested by $13.25 vic4im or party involved) sa Letter 5.00 Fingerprirrting Fees (fee not charged where taking of fingerprints is $15.00 (per card) required by cityj . Laminated Concealed Pistol License 3.50 89 S#5-9 AFPrSR6 Annual Alarm Registration Fees: Residentiaf 24.00 Commeroial 24.00 Residential low Income Senior CitizeNDisabled Citizen 12.00 Late Registration Fee 25.00 Aubum Security Alarm License 10 per each registered alarm user to a maximum of$100 annually Late License Fee 25.00 Reinstatement Fee 100.00 plus $10 per permitted user False Alarm Service Fees: Burglac False Alarm Service Fee" 100.00 Robbe.ry, Panic and Burglary Crime in Progress False Alarm Fee' 200.00 Supplemental Fee for Non-permitted Alarm System, each alarm 200.00 Fee for false alarm caused by Monitoring Company or Alarm $100.00 Insfaliation Company employee Eirst Dispatch Report during time of suspension 100.00 Each dispatch thereafter 25.00 Cffie fee 25.00 Appeals 25.00 The alarm administrator will waive the first false alarm fee following the installa4ion of an alartn system at a particular address. Page 14 RES.A Page 163 of 225 D. CITY CLERK FEES (Per Ordinance No. 5715, Ordinance No. 5819, Resolution No. 3797, aabl-Resolufion No. 4244 and Reso/ution No: 5016.) Tvae Fees Fees for public records—Collection Non-certified copies of public records 0.15 per page Non-cert ed color copies Qetter and legal sized) 0.55 per page Non-certifed'color copies (11x17) 1.10 perpage Certified copies of public records 4.00 per page Non-certified copies of public records where a search or 4.00 for 1"page and documentation is required) 2.00 each add'I page Scannina oaper cooies to PDF 0.15 oer paae CD duolication 5.00 oer disk DVD duolication 10.00 oer disk Fees for Aubum City Code book and supplements Copy of Aubum City Code boak (wi4h latest supplement) 100.00 percode baok Supplements to the Aubum City Code book 11.00 per copy. Page 15 T______ RES.A Page 164 of 225 E. CITY CEMETERY FEES (Per Ordrnance 5715, Reso/ution No. 3797, Resolution No. 3953, Resolution No. 4027, Resolution No. 4103, Reso/ution No. 4117, Resolutron No. 42Z2 Reso/ution No. 4424, Reso/ution No. 4552, Reso/ution No. 4675,Resolution 4778 and Reso/ution No. 4880.) GRAVES Section 9A and 96 2,395.00 -$2,495.00 Ail o4her adult graves 1,99.5.00-$2,195.00 Child's Place 300.00 Double Depth (indudes 2 burial spaces/2 liners) 4,390.00 Section 9A 8 9B (Quads 8 Upright monument plots)3,995.00 each Section 96 (Dry riverbed area—Block 41A) 4,995.00 each new GROUND CREMATION PLOTS Centenniai Um Garden (single) 695.00-$995.00 Centenniai Um Garden (double) 1,295.00 Section 9 Upright Section Um Plots (4 ums) 3,195.00 NICHES Mausoleum (top rows available only) Single 695.00 Centennial Columbarium II (1 or 2 ums) Row 1 Top SOLD OUT Row 2 Middle SOLD OUT Row 3 Middle 1,795:00-$1,895:00 Row 4 Bottom 1,695.00-$1,795.00 CHAPEL OF MEMORIES— INTERIOR NICHES' Niche Dimensions 12 x 12 Single 2,195.00—$3,595.00 12 x 18 Double 3,295.00—$5,995.00. 12 ic 24 Family (up to 3 ums) 6,895.00—$8,295.00 The above niche prices include one bud.vase per niche. Inumment will be $395.00 - $495.00 per occasion. See guidelines for addftional pertinent information. A single inscription on the glassfroM is $tt5:00- $195.00 plus tax. Um's to be purchased separately. CHAPEL OF MEMORIES—EXTERIOR NICHES" Rows 4, 5 8 6 Rows 2 & 3 Rows 1, 7 & 8 Niche 2,695.00 2,295.00 1,895.00 If the niche (extemal) is to be used as a double niche, the inumment, inscription and tax will be due when a second um is placed. (Row 1 is the bottom row) OVERTIME WILL BE CHARGED AT $150.00 - $175.00 PER HOUR. AFTER 4:30 P.M., MONDAY THROUGH FRIDAY. THE SATURDAY SERVICE CHARGE IS $595.00 - $695.00 FOR FULL INTERMENT AND 8325.00-$395.00 FOR CREMATION SERVICES. EXTENDED LAND USE 495.00 MEMORIAL PLAQUE - $175.00 additional for inscription +tax 295.00 SERVICES Chapel of Memories" rental for services 195.00 Opening and Closing—Ground Burials LinerNault 1,195.00-$1,295.00 Children's Place 295.00 Page 16 RES.A Page 165 of 225 Opening and Closing-Cremation ForestWalk 495.00- $595.00 Cremation Plot 495:00-$595:00 Niche- $175.00 - $195.00 for additional inscription +tax $395.00 Opening and Closing - Entombment - $175.00 - $195.00 $895.00 inscripfion +tax Vauk Installation +tax 395.00 Marker Services Flat Grass:. Setting Fee +tax 295.00 f2esetting Fee+tax 150.00 New Inspection Fee for outside sales 150.00 UprigM: Setting Fee +tax 425.00 Resetting Fee 325.00 Vase Setting Fee +tax 45.00 Recording Fee 100.00 Overtime Charge-per hour 175.00 Saturday Service Fee Full Interment 595.00 -$695.00 Cremation 325.00 -$395.00 MATERIALS Flower Vases: (prices include vase setting fee) Standard 125.00 Deluxe Cast Zinc(gray or bronze zinc) 175.00 Deluxe Wall (brass) 175.00 Liners: Concrete Liner+tax 595.00- $695.00 Mountain View Vault (+ installation fee&tax) 795.00- $995.00 Double Depth +tax 895.00 Ir fant +tax as required Um Encasement +tax 195.00 Vault Installation +tax 395.00 -$495.00 FORESTWALK INFORMAL.CREMATION GARDEN Single 3'Double 4' Single Ground Plot $695.00-$995.00 Double Ground Plot $2,195.00-$3,995:00 Featu e S'ite 4' Wshing Well Double Ground Plot $SOLD OUT Scattering 295.00 monument and tax Biodegradable Um 125.00 + tax Add for 2ntl Inurnment 495.00 Granite Memorials Start At 295.00 +tax Add for 2n° Marker Inscription $195A0+tax Page 17 i RES.A Page 166 of 225 F. PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT FEE3 1. 7ransportaUon Impact Fee Rate Schedule: (Per Ordinance No. 5763 as amended by Reso/ution No. 3953, Ordinance No. 6005, Resolution No. 4f03, Resolution No. 4424, and Reso/ution 4964.) ITE Land Use Independent Non-DowntownFee Downtown Land Use Code Variabte Trip Rate Rate Fee Rate Industrial General Light 110 sf/gfa 0.97 6.43 IndusUial Generai Heavy 120 sf/gfa 0.68 5.05 Industrial IndusVial park 130 sf/gfa 0.85 5.64 Manufacturing 140 sflgfa 0.73 4.84 Mini- 151 sf/gfa 0.26 1.59 warehouse/storage Residential Single-Family 210 du 1.00 3,641.36 $2,949.50 detached) MuR'rFamily 220- du 0.62 2,386.65 $1,933.19 233 Mobile Home 240 du 0.59 1,718.72 $637.09 Senior Housing 251, du 0.27 786.53 252 Lodging Hotel 310 room 0.60 2,496.93 $2,022.52 Motel 320 room 0.47 1,955.93 Recreational Movie Theater 444,seat 0.08 162:72 $120.41 445 Health Club 492, sflgfa 3.53 8.54 6.32 493 Insfitutional Elementary school 520 Student 0.15 212.24 $157.06 Middle school/Jr. 522 Student 0.16 359.56 $266.07 High High scliool 530 Student 0.13 400.34 $296.25 Church 560 sf/gfa 0.55 2:12 1.57 Day care center 565 sf/gfa 12.34 19.26 14.25 Library 590 sf/gfa 7.30 9.68 7.17 Page 18 RES.A Page 167 of 225 Medical Hospital 610 sf/gfa 0.93 3.87 3.14 Asst: Living, 254,bed 0.22 840.88 Nursing Home 620 Ofilce General office 710, sf/gfa 1.49 7.12 4.84 715, 750 Medical office 720 sf/gfa 3.57 13:37 9.09 Post offce 732 sf/gfa 11.22 14.88 10.12 Retail Free Standing 813 sf/gla 4.35 6.84 5.06 Discourrt Superstore Free Standing 815 sf/gla 4.98 9.03 6.68 Discount Store Hardware/paint 816 sf/gla 4.84 6:34 4.69 store Shopping Center 820 sf/gla 3.71 5:35 3.96 Car sales- New 841 sf/gla 2.59 9.92 7.34 Car sales- Used NA space` 0.28 1,072.02 $793.29 Automobile Parts 843 sf/gla 5.98 6.03 4.46 Sales Tire Store 848 sf/gla 4.15 6.84 5.06 Supemiarket 850 sf/gla 9.48 13.26 9.81 Conyenience 851 sf/gla 52.41 27.65 20.46 Merket Home Improvement 862 sf/gla 2.33 2.65 1.96 . Sup.erstore Drugstore wRhout 880 sf/gla 8.40 6.98 5.17 Drive-Through Drugstore with 881 sf/gla 9.91 8.94 6.62 Drive-Through Fumiture store 890 sf/gla 0.45 0.38 0;28 Services Drive-in'bank 912 sf/gfa 24:30 20.10 14.87 Quality Restaurar t 931 sf/gfa 7.49 14.84 10.98 High tumover 932 sf/gfa 9.85 13.44 9.94 Restaurant Fast Food 933 sf/gfa 26.15 27.75 20.54 Restaurant without Drive-Through Fast Food 934 sf/gfa 32,65 34.65 25.64 Restaurant with Space is individual vehicle sales space:70 vehides for sale=70 vehide spaces. Page 19 RES.A Page 168 of 225 Drive-Through Espresso Stand 938 sf/gfa 75.00 26.53 19.63 with Driye-Through Auto care cerrter 942 sf/gfa 3.11 4.98 3.69 Service station 944 vfp 13.87 14,228.16 $10,528.84 Service station with 945 vfp 13.51 10,513.62 $7,780.08 mini-mart Notes: A. Basiatrip rates are based on the ITE Trip Generation Manual, 9th Edition. B. Impact fee rate calculation is based upon the foliowing methodology: Basic Trip Rate = PM Peak Hour Trip Generation (per unit of ineasure) Basic Trip Rate x Percent of New Trips x Trip Length AdjustmeM x Per Trip Fee/(divide by) 1,000 for rate per square foot (where applicable) = Impact Fee Rate (per unit of ineasure) C. For land uses not specifically ident ed here, trip generation rates could be derived from ITE or a special stucly by the applicant. D. sf JGFA= Square feet Gross Floor Area; sf/GLA= Square Feet Gross Leasable Area; VFP=Vehicle Fueling Position. E. Projects eligible for the Downtown Fee Rate are those located entirely within the boundary ident ed on Figure 1. 2. Truck-Dependant Land Use Supplementary Transportation Impact Fee Rate Schedule: (Per Reso/ution No. 4122 and Reso/ution No. 4424.) Land Use ITE Land Use Independent Truck Trip Impad Fee Code Variable Rate Rate (per s lndustrfal Light IndustrylManufacturing 110, 130, 140 sf/GFA 0.06 0.11 Hea4y Industry 120 sf/GFA 0.04 0.09 Retail Shopping Cerrter 820 sf/GLA 0.01 0.01 CarSales 841, NA sf/GFA 0.09 0:16 Supermarket 850 sf/GFA 0.33 0.64 Free-Standing Discount Store 813, 815, 861, 863, 864 sf/GFA 0.10 0.19 Home Improvement sf/GFA Superstore 862 0.37 0.70 Services Restaurant 931, 932 sf/GFA 0.63 1.20 Fast Food Restaurant 933, 934 sf/GFA 2.87 5.51 Notes: A. ITE Land Use Code based on ITE Trip Generation, 9th Edition B. Impact fee rate calculation is based upon the following methodology: Truck Trip Rate = Daily Truck Trip Generation (per unit of ineasure) Truck Trip Rate x Per Trip Fee = Impact Fee'Rate (per unR of ineasure) Page20 RES.A Page 169 of 225 C. For land uses noYspec cally identified in the table, trip generation rates could be derived from a special study by the applicant. D. sf/gfa=square feet of gross floor area; sflgla= square feet of gross leasable area 3. Impact Fees By Land Use - Revenue Credit = 20% (Per Ordinance No. 5977, Resolution 3953, and Reso/ution No. 4022) Total Adjustment Fire and EMS Fire and EMS Revenue Impacf Fee Cost Credft) At Per Land Use Per UnR Of 20% Unit of Development Development Residential Single Family, Duplex, Mobile Home $ 362.66 72.53 $ 290.13 per dwelling unit Multi-family 383.09 76.62 306.47 per dweliing unit Non-Residential Hotel/Motel 0.53 0.11 0.42 per sq ft HospitaUClinic 1.05 0.21 0.84 per sq ft Group Living 2.63 0.53 2.10 per sg ft Office 0.29 0.06 0.23 per sq ft Retail 0.62 0.12 0.50 per sq it RestauranUBar/Lounge 1.62 0.32 1.30 per sq ft IridustriaUManufacturing 0.11 0.02 0.09 per sq ft Leigure/Outdoors 1.08 0.22 0.86 per sq fi Agriculture 0.71 0.14 0.57 per sq ft Church 0.38 0.08 0.30 per sq ft 8chaols/Colleges 1.07 0.21 0.86 per sq ft GovemmenUPublic Buildings g 0.36 1,45 per sq ft Casino 3.78 0• 3.01 per sq ft Jails 21.99 4.40 17.59 per sq ft 4.Facility Extenslon Fees: (Per Ordinance No. 5791 and amended by Ordinance No. 5819, Resolution No. 3953, Reso/ution No. 4272 and Resolution No. 4424.) The Facility Extension Application Fee is $552.00, plus $167.00 for each Facility (Water, Sanitary Sewer, Storm Drainage, Sfreet, private street and private stortn systems within private streets).. Faciiity Extension Fees are the summation of the foilowing categories (a+b+c+d), or $1,660.00, whicfiever is greatec a.For the combined linear footage of water, sewer, storm drainage and private stortn drainage within private streets: Page 21 RES.A Page 170 of 225 The firstA lineal feet (LF) to 1000 LF is charged at $5:50 per LFplus, The next 1001 LF to2500 LF is charged at$2.80 per LF plus, Any additional over 2500 LF is charged at$1.65 per LF. b.For the linear footage of streets and private streets: The firstA LF to 500 LF wilF be charged at $6.90 per LF plus, The next.501 LF to 1000 LF will be charged at$4.10 per LF plus, Any additional over 1000 LF will be charged at $1.10 per LF. c.For non-linear extensions such as pump stations or traffic signals, the extension fee will 6e determined by the City Engineer based on an estimate of the City's labor Gost associated with the pfan review, inspection, and administration of the application. d.For that portion of the water or sewer facility located outside City Limits, but within ezisting County (King or Pierce) right-of-way, an additional fee of $444.00 plus $5.00 per L,F of the combined water and sewer extension located in the existing County right-of-way applies: Facility Extension Fees will be paid as follows: L Forty percent (40%) at the time of execution of the facility extension agreement. 2. Sixty percent (60%) ugon the City's approval of the construction drawings and prior to the start of construction. 5. Right-of Way Use Permit Fees: (Per Ordinance No. 6125) Type A—Banner: 30.00 Type B—Short tertn:60.00 Type C— Long term:100 for the 1 g'year 1$30 for each additional year Type D— Hauling: 100.00 + estimated staff time $50 per hour Street Closure—Type B or C: 90.00 Sidewalk Closure—Type B or C: $60.00 Parking Closure—Type B or C: 60.00 6.Flood Control Zone Permit: (repealed by Ordinance No. 6295) See Planning fees. 7. Street and Alley Vacations: (Per Resolution No. 4143) 750.00 8:Utilky System Development Fees: (Per Ordinance No. 5819 and amended by Resolution No. 3797, Reso/ution No. 3953, Resolution No. 4272 and ResoJution No. 4424.) For all utilfties, a charge in lieu of assessment or payback charges may be applicable for the Page 22 RES.A Page 171 of 225 proportional share of the utility line being connected to. a. Water Utitity: Connection fees are comprised of a Water Service Installation Permft Fee and the System Development Charge as follows: Meter Water Service Installation Permit Fee System Size Ezisting Water Water Service& Meter Box Installed b C' "" Development pn Inches) Service 8 Meter Box' Paved Str'eet Un aved Street Gharge(SDC) or less 5212.00 2 175.00 S1 170.00 S2 424.00 1 280.00 52;380.00 1 475.00 S4 048.00 1-1/2 450.00 3,210.00 52,305.00 8 072.00 2 5580.00 3 488.00 2,588.00 12 920:00 3 Actual Cost Actual Cost Actual Cost 24,240.00 4 Adual Cost Actual Cost Actual Cost S40 408.00 6 Actual Cost Actual Cost Actual Cost 80 792.00 8 Actual Cost Actual Cost Actual Cost 129 280.00 10 Actual Cast Actuaf Cost Actual Cost 135 971.00 Installation of a water meter done by the City and the service either already exists or has been installed by the developer. Installation of the entire water service is done by the City. b. Sanitary Sewer Utility: Connection fees are comprised of a Permit Fee antl the System Development Charge as follows: Type Permit:Fee System Development Existing Sewer New Service Line Charge(SDC)" Stub Re uired Single Family 88.00 155.00 850.00 Per Parcel Parcel OtFie Parcels 88.00 155:00 850.00 Per RCE"" Side sewer repair 62.00 on rivate ro e Side sewer repair 105.00 in ri ht-afwa Except that for multifamily residential units with separate water meters for each family unit; the sewer utility systems development charge will be calculated as one RCE per family unit. RCE, Residential Customer Equivalent - an RCE shall be as defined by the King CouMy Department of Natural Resources. In addition to City sanitary sewer connection fees, there shall be a sanitary sewer connedion fee imposed to pay Capital Improvement fees to King County per the King County Rate Page 23 RES.A Page 172 of 225 Schedule. c. SWrm Drainage Utility: (PerReso/ution No. 4566) Connection fees are comprised of a Permit Fee and the System Development Charge as follows: SYSTEM DEVELOPMENT CHARGE SDC Type System DevelopmeM Charge(SDC) Single Femily Residence 8 Duplexes(an 1,162.00 per Parcel Jndividual Parcsls Other Parcels 1,162.00 per ESU' ESU, Eqqiyalent Service Unit-A configuration of development of impervious surtaces estimated to coMribufe an amount of runoff to the City's storm drainage sysfem which is approximatety equal to that created by the average single family resideMial parcel. One ESU'is considered equal to 2,600 square feet of parcel coverage by impervious surtaces. Per ACC 13.48.010. When calculating the total SDC, a credit will be applied for the existing impervious area (New total SDC minus calculated SDC for existing impervious area using the new definition of impervious surface as given in ACC 13.41.010j.. STORM PERMIT FEE Pertnit Level"" Permit Fee Level 1 210.00 Level 2 400.00 Level 3 Base Fee+the Gumulative Additional Fees as indicated below: Base Fee=$1,440.00 for up to 10,000 SF of disturbed area Cumulative Additional Fee#7 =Base Fce+$400.00 for 10,001 SF up ro 43,580 SF(1 Acre)of disturbed area Cumuletive Additional Fee#2=Cumulalive Additional Fee#1 + 100.00 per Acre for each add'Rional disturbed Acre over 1 Aae Permit levels are determined as follows: Level 1 permits are for all projects tFiat are not located in a Critical Area and add or replace less than2,000 square feet of impervious surface area; and/or disturb less than 7,000 square feet of land. Level2 permits are for all projects 4hat add or 2place 2,000 to 4,999 square feet of impervious surface area; or disturb 7,000 square feet or more of land. Level3 permits are forall projects that: Page 24 RES.A Page 173 of 225 add 5,000 square feet or more of impervious surface area, or convert'/.acres or more of native vegetation to lawn/landscaped area, or convert 2.5 acres or more of native vegetation to pasture, or the new plus replaoed impervious surface area is 5,000 square feet or more and the value of improvements exceeds 50% of the assessed value of existing improvements. 9. Other Utility Fees: (Per Ordinance No. 5819, Ordinance No. 5944, Resolution No. 3797; Resolution No. 3953 and Resolution No. 4424.) Fire Service Line Permit 135.00 Fire 1-lydrant Permits Fire Hydrant Permit and Inspection Fee 238.00 Hydrarrt Meter Morrthly Rate 31.00 Hjrclrant Meter VVeekly Rate 31.00 Hydrant Meter Wrench—Refundable Deposit 26.00 Deposit—Hydrant Meter with RPGA Wrench and VaNe 1,449.OQ Water Main eMension purity test fee 181.00 Water Meter test fee, 2"or less 217.00 Water Meter test fee greater than 2" At Actual Cost Storm Drainage Repair Permit Private Storm System located on Private Property 31.00 Storm System located in Public Right-of-Way/Easement 57.00 Payback Administrative Fees: (Per Ordinance No. 5954) Appiication Fee 500.00 Processing Fee 1,0.00.00 Area or Special Benefit Analysis 500.00 TransactioNCollection Fee 300:00 Outside Professional Services Time and Materials 10. Construction Permits: (Per Ordinance No. 5817, Reso/ution No. 3953, Resolufion No. 4272, and Resb/ution No. 4424.) The fees for Construction Permits are as follows: Basic Fee (B 150.00 Hourly Inspection Rate (HIR) Normal Business Hours 52.00 After Hours (after hours work includes weeknights, weekends,80.00 and holidays and wili be at the after hours HIR x the duration of the work. For Excavation Type Work: Lenath of Excavation (feet) Additional Fee (AF) 31 —100 52.00 Page 25 RES.A Page 174 of 225 101 —250 155.00 251 —500 259.00 501 —750 362.00 751 — 1000 466.00 Pertnit Fee = BF +AF (for the appropriate length of excavation) If the excavation exceeds 1000 linear feet the following will be used: Permit Fee = BF+ $466.00 + (HIR x (Length of Excavation— 1000)l100) for Non-Excavation Type Work: This work includes any work in the public right-of-way that is no4 covered by any other permits and includes such things as overhead utility work; geotechnical borings, horizontal directional drilling and vauR installation. Pertnit Fee= BF + (HIR x Permit Duration in days) In Lieu of Fee: In lieu of the above standard rates, the city engineer or hislher designee may calculate the fee based upon current labor rates for administrative and inspedion staff aker developing an estimate of staff effort involved. For projects that are expected to involve significantly more than 1,000 feet of street excavation or when the scope or duration cannotbe accurately estimated, the city engineer may establish a deposit account to manage permitee deposits in advance of permit issuance for reimbursing actual labor costs of administering the permR: Such deposit accounts will not be interest bearing and will be closed at the end of 4he permitted work when a final accounting of the permit administration cost shall be calculated and a final bill or credit issued to the permitee. 11. Memorial Sign Program: (Per Ordinance No. 6137, and Ordinance No. 6149) Memorial Sign 150.00 12. Special Pertnits: (Per Ordinance No. 5817 and amended by Reso/ution No. 3953, Resolution No. 4272 and Reso/ution No. 4424.) Permit Tvoe Base Fee Additional Per Linear Foot Fee Sidewalk 54.00 1,:10 per foot for each foot over 25 Linear Feet Residential Driveway 54.00 1.65 per foot for each foot over 20 Line.arFeet* Commercial Driveway 107:00 $2:20 per foot for each foot over48 Linear Feet' Driveway widths are based on the width of the driveway apron in the right-of-way. 13. Street Payback Agreements: (PerOrdinance Na 6319 and Reso/ution No. 4624.) Appiication Fee 500.00 Processing Fee 1,000.00 Assessment Reimbursement Area Analysis 1,000.00 Transaction/CollecEion Fee 300.00 Page 26 RES.A Page 175 of 225 Outside Professional Services (when needed) Time and Materials Page 27 RES.A Page 176 of 225 G. PARKS AND RECREATION (Per Reso/ution No. 3797 and amended by Reso/ution No. 3953, Reso/ution No. 4117, Resolution No. 4272, Reso/ution No. 4424, Ordinance No. 6276, Resolution No. 4552 aad-Reso/ution No. 4880. and Resolution No. 5016.) Les Gove Buildin Resident Non-Resident 3 hour minimum 3520/hour 925/hour Seven da s a week 9 a.m. - 11 .m. Parks Arts 8 Reereation Administration Buildin Resident Non-Resident 3 hour minimum 940lhour 3 50/hour Frida 530 - 11 .m.• Saturda and Sunda 9 a.m. - 11 .m. BasicKitchen 25 25 Gvmnasium (ethletics aractice, birthdav oarties, etcJ 30/hour 0/liour Hourlv Facilitv + Hourlv Facilitv Attendant Fee Attendant Fee When Re uired When Re uirecl Gvmnasiam (toumaments.trade shows, fairs, etc.) 60/hour 75/hour Hourlv Facility + Hourly Facility Attendant Fee Attendant Fee When Re uired When Re uired Dama e De osit 300 300 O tional Cleanin Fee 275 275 SeniorActivi Center Resident Non-Resident Full Facility (includes basic kitchen use) 80/hour 100lhour Available Friday evenings, Saturday and Sunday. Tables and chairs for up to 200 people max. 3 hr. minimum, 5`30-11 p.m. Friday eve.); 5 hr. minimum, 9 a.m.-11 p.m.(weekend) Additional cleanu time is available after 11 .m. Rental Package Friday night& Saturday: 4 hours Friday and 1,200 1,500 u to 12 hours of active use on Saturda Rental Package Full Day Saturday or Full Day Sunday: up to 1,000 1,300 12 hours of active use on either da Millennium Rooms 93a/hour 40/hour Friday only,3 hoarminimum, 5:30 - 11 p:m., 63 people per Hourlv FaciliN + HourlvFacilitv room:maximum, 3 rooms available; weekend options available Attendant Fee Attendant Fee within 30 da s or less When Required When Reauired Weese & Rotary Rooms 520/hour 2825/hour Monday—'Friday, 2 hour minimum,5:30- 11 p.m., 40 people + Hourlv Faciiitv + Hourlv Facilitv per roomi maximum; weekend o tions available within 30 davs Attendant Fee Attendant Fee or le§s When Reauired When Reauired ' Additional Cleanu time available 11:00 .m. — midni ht 80 100 Damage & Cleaning Deposit (for Full Facility and Millennium 300 300 room rentals without alcohol Damage & Cleaning Deposit (for Full Facilityand Millennium 500 500 room rentals) with alcohol ($1,000,000 excess liability insurance re uired O tional cleanin fee fee re uired with use of alcohol in 259275 259275 Page 28 RES.A Page 177 of 225 facili Corrimercial kitchen anclloruse of dishes tableware ots etc. 50 50 i Basic Kitchen ' 25 25 William C. Warren Buildin Resident Non-Resident 3 hour minimum 3640/hour 50/hour Seven da a week 9 a.m. - 11 .m. BasebalUSoftball/Grass Fields Resident Non-Resident Reservations made in 1.5 hour increments Youth 7-.g910/1.5 8913/1.5 hour hour Adult 23/1.5 hour $2 b930/1.5 hou Field Li Ms 30/1.5 hour $30/1.5 hour Field Maintenance 3O per $-30 per field field BasebalUSoftbalU Fastpitch Toumaments 1 Day 2 Day Reservations made for 1 or 2 da toumaments Youth 700 1000 Adult 900 1300 Field Li hts 30/1.5 hour $30/1.5 hour Synthetic Turt Fields Resident Non-Resident: Reservations made in 1.5 hour increments Youth a645/1.5 hour $4g60/1.5 hour Adult 4 80/1.5 hour $6975/1.5 hour Field,Li hts 30/1.5 hour $30/1.5 hour Game Farm Idemess Park Cam rounds Resident Non-Resident Daily, Open year round 25/night 25lnigM J ni Ms maximum GameFartn Wilderness Park Da Cam Area Resident Non-Resident Daylight hours, Aprii 1 -October 15 75/day 50 Non Profd Minimum RentaL 1 da Pienie Shelters Auburn residents Non=residents Game Farm Park Half Day" Full Day' HalfDay" Full Day" Single quadrant(max: 25) Monday-Friday 630 4850 540 5965 Saturday-Sunday N/A N/A N/A NIA Fuf/day Mon-Sun Full Shelter 1-99 9120 68200 $88150 $98250 Page 29 RES.A Page 178 of 225 Mon-Sun (Full Shetter) 100-199 9180 $F49300 $b0225 $99375 Mon-Sun (Full Shelter) 200+ (must also rent N/A 399375 N!A 37 475 amphitheater) Amphitheater 875 189125 $6b100 $38175 I§aac Evans Park 4A60 9100 5975 489125 Lea Hi1lPark 4960 9100 6975 499125 Roegne Park 4960 9100 g975 99125 Game Fartn Idemess Park 4A60 9100 g875 498125 Les Gove Park 60 1 00— 7S 125 un§et Park Mon-Sun Single Quadrant (max; 25) 2930 4950 2 40 065 Mon-Sun (Full Shelter) 1-99 91?0 8200 $488150 $2A6250 Mon-Sun (Full Shelter)100-199 28180 $248300 $9225 $A9375 I Mon-Sun Full Shelter 200+ NA 596375 NA 475 Rental Rate Schedule for Aubum Ave Theater Resident Non-Resident Weekda s Mon-Thur 170.00 5200.00 Weekend Da s Fri., Sat. and Sun. 270.00 320.00 Damage deposit.7he terms and condftions for full 300.00 300.00 or partial refund of deposit apply to approVal of Check-Out List, including theater, equipmeM plot restordtion. Hourly commercial rate for meetings S35/hr 35/hr 2 hour min, for"4-waP only of lobby, auditorium, and sta e Equipment nof included: Use of any theatrical 30/hr 30/hr ui merit addRional cha e 1,000 000 ezcess lia6ili insurance r uired U on r uest U on uest Cleanin Fee 100.00 100.00 Rental Rate Schedule for Commercial Filmin Resident Non-Resident Permit Fee 50 Still Photo ra h lTrainin and Industrial Films etc 50 er 1/2 da 100 r da Broadcasf Film N Commercial etc. 75 er1/2 da 150 er da _ Electricitv/Water Access, Park Maintenance Staff; Hou lv staff cost Vehicle Access Dama e De osit 100 Im act Fees: Pa lc Im act Fees 3 500.00 erresidential dwellin unit Page 30 RES.A Page 179 of 225 Page 31 RES.A Page 180 of 225 H. MULTIMEDIA DUPLICATION (Per Resolution No. 3953 and Resolution No. 4552.) DVD coov CD copy 10.00 per disc 5:00 per disk A Page 32 RES.A Page 181 of 225 I.INFORMATION SERVICES AND GIS" (Per Resolution No. 4272, Ordinance 6276, Resolution No. 4552, and ResoJution No.4593 .) Much of the City's geographic data is available for sale per the prices below plus Washington State sales tax. A signed public records request form is required. Most public records requests can be completed within seven to ten business days and wiil be delivered in ESRI Shapefile formaYwithout Metadata. Maps Ezisting Map 5.00 +tax Custom Maps (any non-existing map) 50.00 per hour" +tax Data Digital Data Requests 50.00 per hour15 +tax Miscellaneous CD-Rom 5.00 +tax All other requests for data or infortnation not specifically listed. 50.00 per hour+tax Hourly charge to complete any of the below(one hour minimum charge). HouAy charge indudes the cost of processing anii providing custom map requesls. g HouAy charge indudes the cost of processing and pro d'mg digital data requests. Page 33 RES.A Page 182 of 225 AGENDA BILL APPROVAL FORM Agenda Subject: Resolution No. 5020 Date: December 10, 2013 Department: Information Services Attachments: Resolution 5020 Black Diamond IT Services Ammendment Amended Exhibit A and Exhibit B Budget Impact: $(39,600) Administrative Recommendation: City Council adopt Resolution No. 5020. Background Summary: City of Auburn committees, council and Mayor approved resolution 4990 September 16, 2013 authorizing IT services with Black Diamond Police Department. Since inception of this agreement, Black Diamond has found added savings to their operation and an increased support level due to an economy of scale. The concept of shared services and support continues, and includes other agencies like VRFA, City of Algona, and City of Pacific. Staff recommends approval of Resolution 5020. Auburn Innovation & Technology has been providing support to the City of Black Diamond for approximately two months. The combined services model, assists with technical services but also provides an economy of scale for software, purchasing and group discounts not readily available by individual agencies. Reviewed by Council Committees: Finance, Public Works Councilmember:Partridge Staff:Tiedeman Meeting Date:December 16, 2013 Item Number:RES.B AUBURN * MORE THAN YOU IMAGINEDRES.B Page 183 of 225 -------------------------------------- Resolution No. 5020 December 11, 2012 Page 1 of 2 RESOLUTION NO. 5 0 2 0 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF AUBURN, WASHINGTON, AUTHORIZING THE MAYOR TO EXECUTE AN ADDENDUM TO THE INTERLOCAL AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE CITY OF AUBURN AND THE CITY OF BLACK DIAMOND FOR INFORMATION SERVICES TECHNOLOGY WHEREAS, on September 16, 2013, the City of Auburn entered into an Interlocal Agreement with the City of Black Diamond for Black Diamond’s Police Department; and WHEREAS, Black Diamond wishes to expand the services provided by Auburn. NOW, THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF AUBURN, KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON, HEREBY RESOLVES as follows: Section 1. The Mayor is authorized to execute an Addendum to Interlocal Agreement between the City of Auburn and the City of Black Diamond relating to information technology, which Addendum shall be in substantial conformity with the Addendum attached hereto as Exhibit “A”. Section 2. The Mayor is hereby authorized to implement such administrative procedures as may be necessary to carry out the directives of this legislation. Section 3. This resolution shall be in full force and effect upon passage and signatures hereon. RES.B Page 184 of 225 -------------------------------------- Resolution No. 5020 December 11, 2012 Page 2 of 2 Dated and Signed this _____ day of _________________, 2013. CITY OF AUBURN _______________________________ PETER B. LEWIS, MAYOR ATTEST: _________________________ Danielle E. Daskam, City Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORM: _________________________ Daniel B. Heid, City Attorney RES.B Page 185 of 225 Page 1 ADDENDUM NO. 1 ADDENDUM TO INTERLOCAL AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE CITY OF BLACK DIAMOND AND THE CITY OF AUBURN RELATING TO INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY THIS ADDENDUM is made and entered into this_____ day of __________________ , 20____, by and between CITY OF BLACK DIAMOND ("Black Diamond"), a municipal corporation of the State of Washington, and the CITY OF AUBURN, a municipal corporation of the State of Washington (hereinafter referred to as "Auburn"), as an addendum to the Agreement between the parties for Information Technology Services executed on September 16, 2013, , (“Original Agreement”) pursuant to the Interlocal Cooperation Act, Chapter 39.34 of the Revised Code of Washington (RCW). RECITALS: 1. The parties entered into an Interlocal Agreement for Information Technology Services to be provided by Auburn to Black Diamond for Black Diamond’s Police Department. 2. Black Diamond wishes to expand the information technology services provided by Auburn. NOW THEREFORE in consideration of their mutual covenants, conditions and promises, the PARTIES HERETO HEREBY AGREE as follows: 1. Section 2 of the Original Agreement is amended to read as follows: 2. AMENDMENT REQUIRED FOR ADDITIONAL SERVICES In the event additional IT services are required by Black Diamond or reduction in services are necessary beyond those specified in Exhibit A and the compensation listed in this Agreement, and further provided that Auburn has the time and resources to provide such additional services and is willing to provide such services, a contract amendment shall be set forth in writing and shall be executed by the respective parties prior to Auburn’s performance of the additional IT services, except as may be provided to the contrary in Section 3 of this Agreement. Upon proper completion and execution of an Amendment for additional services, such Amendment shall be incorporated into this Agreement and shall have the same force and effect as if the terms of such Amendment were a part of this Agreement as originally executed. The performance of services pursuant to an Amendment shall be subject to the terms and conditions of this Agreement except where the Amendment RES.B Page 186 of 225 Page 2 provides to the contrary, in which case the terms and conditions of any such Amendment shall control. In all other respects, any Amendment shall supplement and be construed in accordance with the terms and conditions of this Agreement. 2. Sections 1 and 4(f) of the Original Agreement are amended to strike the reference to the Black Diamond Police Department or “BDPD,” and to insert “Black Diamond” in its place. 3. Exhibits A and B of the Original Agreement are replaced with Exhibits A and B to this Addendum. 4. REMAINING TERMS UNCHANGED: That all other provisions of the Original Agreement shall remain unchanged, and in full force and effect. IN WITNESS WHEREOF the parties hereto have executed this Agreement as of the day and year first above written. CITY OF AUBURN ___________________________________ Peter B. Lewis Auburn Mayor CITY OF BLACK DIAMOND ___________________________________ Black Diamond Mayor Attest: ___________________________________ Danielle Daskam, Auburn City Clerk Attest: ___________________________________ Brenda L. Martinez, Black Diamond City Clerk Approved as to form: ___________________________________ Daniel B. Heid Auburn City Attorney Approved as to form: ___________________________________ Print Name:________________________ Title: ______________________________ RES.B Page 187 of 225 INTERLOCAL AGREEMENT City of Black Diamond Addendum, December 10, 2013 Page 1 of 4 EXHIBIT A SCOPE OF SERVICES Services Provided: · Onsite Auburn IT Staff Presence: Auburn primary support function will be via remote access and administration with primary contact and support provided through email: helpdesk@auburnwa.gov and phone support. Remote login and various technical configuration management will be utilized to minimize onsite and travel charges. Under this service level, City of Black Diamond will be allotted “onsite presence” 1 day (7.5 hours) per week hours per month or up to 416 hours per year specific to meeting support and technical requirements. Auburn IT staff will also respond onsite to all technical matters not repairable remotely, and will attempt to respond to non-critical items in multiples to minimize trips where possible. · General network and desktop support · GIS and Mapping Services shall be provided on a per project basis, with printing costs the responsibility of Black Diamond based on current Auburn rate schedules. · Maintenance and management of Servers and “back-end” equipment to include: o Telephones, sound equipment, servers, network equipment (routers, firewalls, switches) o Server administration, including user setup, access, email and help desk functionality · Public Meetings: (set-up and attendance at meetings to run equipment included in monthly fee “on-site presence” not to exceed 416 total hours in a year) · Purchasing: Recommendations, quotes, vendor discussions. Purchasing, purchase orders and requisitions will be the responsibility of Black Diamond. o Black Diamond can be added to certain City of Auburn software and hardware agreements to receive similar cost savings where applicable. Such areas including Microsoft volume licensing, Spillman, Sharepoint, Antivirus protection, Netmotion and others. · Web Services – o Website updates, postings, and monitoring o Meeting audio conversion and website upload o Website design recommendations and future planning · Backup operations, offsite storage and disaster recovery o Auburn will evaluate current backup and disaster contingency plans and make recommendations. Typically this includes weekly offsit storage which is paid for by customer, and daily incremental and differential backups. o Disaster recovery may result in an addition of services, or evaluation and recommendation to enhance business continuity and operations based on current procedures. · Application and software end user support · Vendor coordination and management as needed · Operating system, and software patch management RES.B Page 188 of 225 INTERLOCAL AGREEMENT City of Black Diamond Addendum, December 10, 2013 Page 2 of 4 · Limited GIS services and consulting with printed material at cost · Technical recommendations including: o Long and short term strategic planning o Disaster recovery and business continuity planning o Technology budget recommendations and planning o Audit documentation and assistance with CJIS and W CIA annual audits Requesting support: All requests for service should be emailed to helpdesk@auburnwa.gov. Phone calls will be accepted as well, however tracking tickets and support via our help desk system is preferred with a follow up phone call from Auburn staff. The request will be forwarded to City of Auburn technical staff for resolution. Persons authorized to request support on a non-emergency basis are City of Black Diamond employees or their designee. Service levels: For requests e-mailed Monday through Friday from 7:00 am to 5:00 pm, we will try to respond within 30 minutes. During high call volumes, we will assist you as soon as possible. With authorization of Mayor, City Administrator or Police Chief, support outside regular business hours will be provided on an emergency basis. If you need an immediate response during off hours and have the appropriate authorization, please email helpdesk@auburnwa.gov with the name of authorizing person and nature of issue or call 253-876-1947. Your issue will be forwarded to the on-call technician for resolution. Service Limitations: · City of Auburn will assist and provide recommendations on network security but security remains the responsibility of City of Black Diamond. · City of Auburn will document, and present information relevant to technical audits however compliance will be the responsibility of Black Diamond, including CJIS and ACCESS Audits. · City of Auburn will assist and provide installation and recommendations on hardware and software purchases. All hardware and software purchases are the responsibility of City of Black Diamond. Additional Services: City of Auburn may provide additional services, or alter existing services through the appropriate approval process and addendum. Additional services include but are not limited to: GIS Services Licensing Support : Netmotion and Virus Protection RES.B Page 189 of 225 INTERLOCAL AGREEMENT City of Black Diamond Addendum, December 10, 2013 Page 3 of 4 Web Application and Design Services Publishing and Design Services Multimedia/ Film Services Billing: All service will be billed monthly according to Exhibit B. Services that are billed on an hourly basis will include a brief description of the service and the department where the service was performed. Monthly charges for service are based on an estimated 400 helpdesk requests annually. In the event annual helpdesk requests exceed 400 tickets, City of Black Diamond agrees to negotiate these additional services which may include mutually agreed adjustments to monthly service charges. RES.B Page 190 of 225 INTERLOCAL AGREEMENT City of Black Diamond Addendum, December 10, 2013 Page 4 of 4 EXHIBIT B COST OF SERVICES Support Function Operating Hours Billing rate Monthly cost General Network and desktop maintenance and support including operating system patch management, virus system software management, general troubleshooting and problem resolution that can be via remote access/phone and minimal Black Diamond Auburn office visits where deemed possible allowing equipment drop off and minimal hands on configuration support. M - F, 7 a.m. - 5 p.m. excluding holidays $3300.00 / month effective January 2, 2014 and monthly thereafter $3300.00 Network and desktop repair and maintenance that require onsite support. M - F, 7 a.m. - 5 p.m. excluding holidays Included. Mileage billed separately and based on IRS standard mileage rates Per hour as required All support responses by City of Auburn technical support staff. Note: COA technical support staff will not respond without authorization from City of Black Diamond Mayor, Police Chief or City Administrator. Non business hours, afterhours, emergency response $110.00 / hour with one hour minimum plus mileage based on IRS standard mileage rate Per incident as required Netmotion Client Software n/a Evaluation Option Per Client Virus Protection Software n/a Evaluation Option Yearly RES.B Page 191 of 225 AGENDA BILL APPROVAL FORM Agenda Subject: October 2013 Financial Report Date: December 4, 2013 Department: Finance Attachments: October Financial Report Budget Impact: $0 Administrative Recommendation: For discussion only. Background Summary: The purpose of the monthly financial reports is to summarize for the City Council the general state of Citywide financial affairs and to highlight significant items or trends that the City Council should be aware of. The following provides a high level summary of the City’s financial performance. Further detail can be found within the attached financial report. The October status report is based on financial data available as of November 26, 2013 for the period ending October 31, 2013. Sales tax information represents business activity that occurred in August 2013. General Fund: The General Fund is the City’s largest fund and is used to account for the majority of City resources and services except those required by statute or to be accounted for in another fund. Through October 2013, General Fund revenues totaled $47.1 million and were sufficient to support total General Fund expenditures of $43.7 million. Overall, General Fund revenues exceed budget by $2.0 million, and exceeded collections for the same period last year by $1.5 million. The increase in revenues over the previous year are due to several factors and include an increase in property taxes of $1.8 million. Per the 2013-2014 budget, Local Street Fund street repairs are funded from sales taxes on construction; previously these repairs were funded with property taxes. Other significant factors contributing to the improvement in General Fund revenues over the previous year include building permits (up $447,000), and City utility taxes (up $356,000). Total building permit revenues collected through October totals AUBURN * MORE THAN YOU IMAGINEDDI.A Page 192 of 225 $1.8 million and compares to budget of $1.6 million. Year to date building permits issued through totaled 779, and compares to 763 during the same period last year. Progress on significant projects around the City include the Franciscan Medical Pavilion, which is nearing completion and is expected to open during the first quarter 2014. Construction continues for the Auburn High School renovation project, which should be completed in time for the first day of school next year. In the downtown core, ground-breaking is scheduled to occur in early December for the Trek building and building permits have been requested for redevelopment of the Teutsch property, which will eventually house a six-story mixed use building. General Fund expenditures totaled $43.7 million and compare to budget of $46.7 million and $44.2 million for the same period last year. After adjusting for one-time expenses in 2012, 2013 expenditures to date are comparable to 2012 levels. During the month of October, 452 pet licenses were sold (as compared to 931 in 2012) resulting in $15,930 in revenue. Year-to-date, 4,328 licenses have been sold (compared to 5,664 in 2012) bringing in a total of $132,850. Enterprise Funds: The City’s eight enterprise funds account for operations with revenues primarily provided from user fees, charges or contracts for services. At the end of October, the Water fund’s net operating income decreased to $715,900 (as compared to income of $976,500 in the previous year) reflecting purchased water payments to Tacoma Public Utilities. The Sewer fund ended with a $489,900 operating loss (compared to an operating loss of $1,105,300 the previous year, excluding Metro); the Sewer-Metro Utility ended the period with operating income of $234,900; and the Stormwater Utility ended with operating income of $844,200 (as compared to an operating loss of $219,300 the previous year). The Golf Course ended the period with an operating loss of $141,900 compared to an operating loss of $186,900 for the same period last year and reflects an improvement in the year-to-date rounds played at the Golf Course (44,540 compared to 43,286 for the same period last year). The number of rounds played in October improved as a result of drier weather conditions (1.6 inches of rain as compared to an average of 3.5 inches). The Cemetery ended October with net operating income of $65,900 compared to an operating loss of $121,200 for the previous year, reflecting an increase in operating revenue and a decrease in salaries/benefits expenditures. Internal Service Funds: Internal Service Funds provide services to other City departments and include functions AUBURN * MORE THAN YOU IMAGINEDDI.A Page 193 of 225 such as Insurance, Facilities, Innovation and Technology, and Equipment Rental. All funds have sufficient revenues to cover year-to-date expenditures. Investment Portfolio: The City’s total cash and investments at the end of October was $111.3 million and compares to $112.1 million the month prior. Reviewed by Council Committees: Finance Councilmember:Staff:Coleman Meeting Date:December 16, 2013 Item Number:DI.A AUBURN * MORE THAN YOU IMAGINEDDI.A Page 194 of 225 Monthly Financial Report October 2013 General Fund 2012 Summary of Sources and Uses Annual Budget YTD BudgetYTD ActualYTD Actual Amount Operating Revenues Property Tax 14,299,417.00$ 12,979,517.00$ 13,342,633.22$ 11,523,422.52$ 363,116.22$ 2.8 % Sales Tax 11,695,309.00 9,605,100.0010,321,225.6410,578,432.24 716,125.647.5 % Sales Tax - Annexation Credit 1,397,602.00 1,146,700.00 1,390,937.12 1,249,655.89 244,237.1221.3 % Criminal Justice Sales Tax 1,225,059.00 1,016,100.00 1,249,442.20 1,153,614.89 233,342.2023.0 % Brokered Natural Gas Tax 301,500.00 263,300.00 235,920.22 265,787.01 (27,379.78)(10.4)% City Utilities Tax 2,991,933.00 2,539,900.002,800,630.02 2,444,836.97 260,730.0210.3 % Admissions Tax 363,609.00 361,500.00 323,438.64 342,731.32 (38,061.36)(10.5)% Electric Tax 3,340,500.00 3,340,500.003,297,976.03 3,151,923.19 (42,523.97)(1.3)% Natural Gas Tax 1,201,900.00 1,201,900.00 1,035,822.44 1,113,400.11 (166,077.56)(13.8)% Cable TV Franchise Fee 808,000.00 808,000.00 854,446.55 812,228.47 46,446.555.7 % Cable TV Franchise Fee - Capital 62,000.00 54,300.00 62,701.38 47,268.79 8,401.3815.5 % Telephone Tax 2,032,574.00 1,658,100.00 1,455,809.27 1,597,586.22 (202,290.73)(12.2)% Garbage Tax (external)151,504.00 131,500.00 83,209.97 95,741.79 (48,290.03)(36.7)% Leasehold Excise Tax 50,501.00 33,300.00 27,942.02 28,792.15 (5,357.98)(16.1)% Gambling Excise Tax 247,965.00 196,600.00 207,796.99 205,725.04 11,196.99 5.7 % Taxes sub-total 40,169,373.0035,336,317.0036,689,931.7134,611,146.601,353,614.713.8 % Business License Fees 202,005.00 116,200.00 120,070.00 133,704.50 3,870.003.3 % Building Permits 1,899,966.00 1,567,800.00 1,800,425.47 1,353,503.03 232,625.4714.8 % Other Licenses & Permits 454,413.00 369,413.00 600,227.07 321,501.96 230,814.0762.5 % Intergovernmental (Grants, etc.) - (1)4,661,784.00 4,016,946.00 4,110,901.505,003,499.70 93,955.502.3 % Charges for Services: General Government Services 94,467.00 78,300.00 95,298.47 99,083.70 16,998.4721.7 % Public Safety 17,300.00 15,600.00 19,579.80 204,557.78 3,979.8025.5 % Development Services Fees 963,458.00 846,100.00 973,628.59 1,122,531.45 127,528.5915.1 % Culture and Recreation 809,717.00 717,200.00 777,470.61 775,846.25 60,270.618.4 % Fines and Forfeits 1,556,500.00 1,326,900.00 1,187,849.00 1,314,422.81 (139,051.00)(10.5)% Fees/Charges/Fines sub-total 10,659,610.009,054,459.009,685,450.5110,328,651.18 630,991.517.0 % Interests and Other Earnings 64,900.00 49,700.00 38,705.78 70,456.25 (10,994.22)(22.1)% Rents, Leases and Concessions 308,000.00 244,400.00 263,309.08 264,106.85 18,909.087.7 % Contributions and Donations 41,000.00 33,900.00 46,222.10 44,058.54 12,322.1036.3 % Other Miscellaneous 92,200.00 79,600.00 69,247.20 106,685.48 (10,352.80)(13.0)% Transfers In 267,000.00 267,000.00 193,548.00 17,000.00 (73,452.00)(27.5)% Insurance Recoveries - Capital & Operating 25,000.00 15,705.35 132,956.27 142,057.49 117,250.92 746.6 % Other Revenues sub-total 798,100.00690,305.35743,988.43 644,364.61 53,683.087.8 % Total Operating Revenues 51,627,083.00$ 45,081,081.35$ 47,119,370.65$ 45,584,162.39$ 2,038,289.30$ 4.5 % Operating Expenditures Council & Mayor 1,020,762.99$ 850,635.83$ 844,721.51$ 737,825.32$ 5,914.32$ 0.7 % Municipal Court & Probation 682,424.39 623,390.00 535,240.71 2,868,161.48 88,149.2914.1 % Human Resources 1,608,800.00 1,309,000.00 1,155,865.35 698,695.43 153,134.6511.7 % Finance 1,315,343.78 1,087,444.00 956,073.17 936,612.15 131,370.8312.1 % City Attorney 1,836,346.17 1,529,100.00 1,556,718.20 1,352,970.53 (27,618.20)(1.8)% Planning 4,007,214.94 3,339,345.78 3,142,668.63 3,123,153.63 196,677.155.9 % Community & Human Services 1,272,579.74 1,128,680.00 725,236.49 888,990.48 403,443.5135.7 % Jail - SCORE 7,046,419.00 6,194,344.67 6,197,046.02 3,019,158.51 (2,701.35)(0.0)% Police 20,136,997.21 16,441,197.0015,646,080.6314,816,083.68 795,116.374.8 % Engineering 2,836,440.40 2,317,940.00 2,234,554.31 2,079,903.33 83,385.693.6 % Parks and Recreation 8,138,564.48 6,824,600.006,774,553.05 6,124,981.80 50,046.950.7 % Streets 3,273,353.35 2,584,900.00 2,336,150.04 2,329,923.05 248,749.969.6 % Non-Departmental 2,962,767.93 2,508,973.28 1,608,931.72 5,246,816.02 900,041.5535.9 % Total Operating Expenditures 56,138,014.38$ 46,739,550.55$ 43,713,839.83$ 44,223,275.41$ 3,025,710.72$ 6.5 % 2013 2013 YTD Budget vs. Actual Favorable (Unfavorable) Percentage (1) Streamlined Sales Tax mitigation payments represent intergovernmental revenues from the State of Washington and are presented above in the Intergovernmental Revenue category. For the first ten months of 2013, $1,620,508.12 in Streamlined Sales Tax mitigation payments is included and is based upon the actual and anticipated 2013 Streamlined Sales Tax mitigation payments of $2,000,000.00. This is reconciled at the end of each quarter and is based upon actual distributions from the State. 1DI.A Page 195 of 225 Monthly Financial Report October 2013 Overview This financial overview reflects the City’s overall financial position for the fiscal period ending October 31, 2013 and represents financial data available as of November 26, 2013. The budgeted year-to-date revenues and operating expenditures are primarily based on collection/disbursement average for the same period of the two years prior. General Fund revenues totals $47.1 million as of the end of October 2013 and compares to previous year to date collections of $45.6 million and budget of $45.1 million. Year to date improvement in General Fund revenue performance is primarily due to continued strength in sales tax revenues, increased City utility tax revenues, and increased revenues from development activity. General Fund expenditures totals $43.7 million as of the end of October 2013 and compares to previous year to date expenditures of $44.2 million and budget of $46.7 million. Department spending is within budget and expectations, with the majority of under-expenditures due to timing of expenditures and salary savings from current and earlier vacancies. $0.0 $10.0 $20.0 $30.0 $40.0 $50.0 $60.0 Revenues Expenditures Mi l l i o n s General Fund Revenues vs. Expenditures 2013 Actual 2013 Budget 2DI.A Page 196 of 225 Monthly Financial Report October 2013 Revenues The combined total of property tax, sales/use tax, utility tax, gambling, and admissions tax provide approximately 80% of all resources supporting general governmental activities. The following section provides additional information on these sources. Property Tax collections to date totals $13.3 million and compare to collections of $13.4 million for the same period the previous year, after adjusting for transfers to the Local Street Fund (SOS) program 1 . The majority of property tax revenues are collected during the months of April and October, coinciding with the due date for the County property tax billings. $0.0 $2.0 $4.0 $6.0 $8.0 $10.0 $12.0 $14.0 $16.0 JanFebMarAprMayJunJulAugSepOctNovDec Mi l l i o n s Property Taxes 2013 budget 2013 actual to date 2012 actual * Per 2013-2014 budget, Local Street Fund (Fund 103) street repairs are funded from sales taxes on construction. 1 In 2012, property taxes for the same period totaled $13,357,982.75. Of this amount, $11,523,422.52 was distributed to the General Fund and $1,834,560.23 was distributed to the Local Street Fund (Fund 103). 3DI.A Page 197 of 225 Monthly Financial Report October 2013 Sales tax distributions Citywide totaled $11.8 million of which $10.3 million was distributed to the General Fund and $1.5 million to the Local Street Fund (SOS) program.* $0.0 $2.0 $4.0 $6.0 $8.0 $10.0 $12.0 $14.0 JanFebMarAprMayJunJulAugSepOctNovDec Mi l l i o n s Sales & Use Tax (Net of Revenue from Construction) 2013 budget 2013 actual to date 2012 actual * Per 2013-2014 budget, Local Street Fund (Fund 103) street repairs are funded from sales taxes on construction. Total transferred year to date through October: $1,473,310.38. The graphic above presents sales taxes under the current policy. The following table breaks out the City’s base sales tax, excluding Criminal Justice, Annexation Credit and Streamlined Sales Tax Mitigation by major business sectors. Note: 2012 actuals for the Manufacturing sector include an adjustment of -$74,000 by the State Department of Revenue as a result of an audit. 20122013 Component GroupActualActualAmount Construction 926,842.251,473,310.69546,468.4459.0 % Manufacturing 317,062.04516,262.19199,200.1562.8 % Transportation & Warehousing48,156.9436,250.00(11,906.94)(24.7)% Wholesale Trade 1,103,711.141,062,286.88(41,424.26)(3.8)% Automotive 2,506,212.472,643,673.17137,460.705.5 % Retail Trade 3,236,542.333,481,869.93245,327.607.6 % Services 2,396,964.112,530,712.18133,748.075.6 % Miscellaneous 50,819.5449,557.53(1,262.01)(2.5)% YTD Total 10,586,310.8211,793,922.571,207,611.7511.4 % Change from 2012 October-2013 Comparison of Sales Tax Collections by SIC Group Percentage 4DI.A Page 198 of 225 Monthly Financial Report October 2013 As shown on the prior page, the areas showing the largest amount of increase in revenues compared to 2012 are in the construction trade and the retail trade categories. These changes reflect the increased level of construction activity within the City as well as improvement in general economic conditions and consumer spending. In general, consumer spending accounts for approximately two-thirds of economic activity. Year to date sales tax revenue on construction, which is transferred to the Local Street Fund (Fund 103) for local street repair and maintenance, totals $1,473,000 and exceeds budget by $312,000, reflecting increased commercial and residential construction activity throughout the City. $0.0 $0.2 $0.4 $0.6 $0.8 $1.0 $1.2 $1.4 $1.6 $1.8 $2.0 JanFebMarAprMayJunJulAugSepOctNovDec Mi l l i o n s Sales Tax on Construction Transfer 2013 budget 2013 actual to date 5DI.A Page 199 of 225 Monthly Financial Report October 2013 Utility Taxes consists of City interfund utility taxes (Water, Sewer, Storm and Solid Waste) and external utility taxes (Electric, Natural Gas, Telephone and Solid Waste). Utility tax collections through October were $8.7 million and compares to $8.4 million collected the same period last year. $0.0 $2.0 $4.0 $6.0 $8.0 $10.0 $12.0 JanFebMarAprMayJunJulAugSepOctNovDec Mi l l i o n s Utility Tax 2013 budget 2013 actual to date 2012 actual As shown in the table below, increased collections from City interfund utilities partially offset lower than expected collections from private utility providers. A mild winter has reduced consumer heating demands and resulted in a decline in electric and natural gas revenue collections. Earlier this year, the Washington Utilities and Transportation Commission approved a rate decrease for natural gas - which reduced the residential rates by approximately 7% and commercial rates by approximately 10%. This rate decrease was a result of an abundant domestic supply of natural gas. Telephone utility tax revenues are under budget by $202,000 year to date, reflecting the rapid change in this industry as more individuals move from traditional land lines to cellular and internet-based phone services. 201220132013 Month ActualBudgetActualAmount Amount City Interfund Utility Taxes2,444,836.972,539,900.002,800,630.02355,793.05 14.6 %260,730.02 10.3 % Electric 3,151,923.193,340,500.003,297,976.03146,052.84 4.6 %(42,523.97)(1.3)% Natural Gas 1,113,400.111,201,900.001,035,822.44(77,577.67)(7.0)%(166,077.56)(13.8)% Telephone 1,597,586.221,658,100.001,455,809.27(141,776.95)(8.9)%(202,290.73)(12.2)% Solid Waste (external)95,741.79131,500.0083,209.97(12,531.82)(13.1)%(48,290.03)(36.7)% YTD Total 8,403,488.288,871,900.008,673,447.73269,959.45 3.2 %(198,452.27)(2.2)% October-2013 Utility Tax by Type 2013 vs. 2012 Actual 2013 vs. Budget Percentage Percentage 6DI.A Page 200 of 225 Monthly Financial Report October 2013 Cable TV Franchise Fees, which are collected quarterly, totals $855,000 and exceeds budget by $46,000 or 5.7%. $0 $100 $200 $300 $400 $500 $600 $700 $800 $900 1st Quarter2nd Quarter3rd Quarter4th Quarter Th o u s a n d s Cable TV Franchise Fee 2013 budget 2013 actual to date 2012 actual Licenses and Permits include business licenses, building permits, plumbing, electric and other licenses and permit fees. Building permit fees and business licenses make up 80% of the annual budgeted revenue in this category. Total building permit revenues collected through October totals $1.8 million and compares to budget of $1.6 million. Year to date building permits issued through October totals 779, and compares to 763 during the same period last year. Major projects contributing to revenues this year include the Auburn High School Modernization project, the remodel of The Outlet Collection – Seattle, various projects at Boeing, the Franciscan Medical Pavilion, the Walter E. Nelson Building (janitorial supply distributor) as well as several housing developments including The Ridge at Bowman Creek, Auburn 40 PUD, Lakeland East, and Kendall Ridge. 7DI.A Page 201 of 225 Monthly Financial Report October 2013 $0.0 $0.2 $0.4 $0.6 $0.8 $1.0 $1.2 $1.4 $1.6 $1.8 $2.0 $2.2 JanFebMarAprMayJunJulAugSepOctNovDec Mi l l i o n s Building Permits 2013 budget 2013 actual to date 2012 actual Business License revenues collected to date totals $120,000 and is on target with budget. The graphic below reflects the timing of payments by business owners, where the majority of business license payments are collected during the first two months of the year and the last month of the year. $0 $20 $40 $60 $80 $100 $120 $140 $160 $180 $200 $220 $240 JanFebMarAprMayJunJulAugSepOctNovDec Th o u s a n d s Business Licenses 2013 budget 2013 actual to date 2012 actual 8DI.A Page 202 of 225 Monthly Financial Report October 2013 Intergovernmental includes Grants (Direct & Indirect Federal, State and Local), state shared revenues and compact revenue from the Muckleshoot Indian Tribe (MIT). Collections to date total $4.1 million. October includes the 4th quarter payment from MIT and also includes the first quarterly distribution of Liquor Excise Tax revenues this year of $47,700 since the State legislature mandated a one-year black out period which ended June 30 as a means to balance the State budget. 201220132013 Revenue ActualBudgetActualAmount Amount Federal Grants 607,501.6435,400.0083,124.47(524,377.17)(86.3)%47,724.47 134.8% State Grants 124,457.47127,800.00145,173.6720,716.20 16.6 %17,373.67 13.6% Interlocal Grants 15,048.9225,900.0058,485.7843,436.86 288.6 %32,585.78 125.8% State Shared Revenue3,532,276.483,257,346.003,228,990.33(303,286.15)(8.6)%(28,355.67)(0.9)% Muckleshoot Casino Emerg.711,063.00565,000.00564,895.00(146,168.00)(20.6)%(105.00)(0.0)% Intergovernmental Service13,152.195,500.0030,232.2517,080.06 129.9 %24,732.25 449.7% YTD Total 5,003,499.704,016,946.004,110,901.50(892,598.20)(17.8)%93,955.50 2.3% October-2013 Intergovernmental 2013 vs. 2012 Actual2013 vs. Budget % Change % Change State shared revenue includes actual and anticipated Streamlined Sales Tax mitigation payments in the amount of $1,620,508.12 through October. Charges for Services consists of general governmental services, public safety, development service fees and cultural & recreation fees. Development service fees and culture and recreation fees make up over 85% of the revenue within this category. Development service fee collections through October, which primarily consist of plan check fees, exceed budget by $128,000 to date. Plan check fees collected in October totaled $64,000 and included projects such as Kendall Ridge, Edgeview subdivision, and the Omega storage facility located on West Valley Highway. The year over year decline in development service fees reflect plan check fees for the Auburn High School Modernization and the Boeing re-roofing projects both of which were received in 2012. Culture and recreation revenues are $60,000 higher than budget; reflecting increased activity from City special events and league fees. The year over year decline in Public Safety charges reflect the elimination of Adult Probation revenue (these revenues are retained by King County under the City-King County District Court contract). 20122013 2013 Revenue ActualBudgetActualAmount Amount General Government99,083.7078,300.0095,298.47(3,785.23)(3.8)%16,998.47 21.7 % Public Safety 204,557.7815,600.0019,579.80(184,977.98)(90.4)%3,979.80 25.5 % Development Services1,122,531.45846,100.00973,628.59(148,902.86)(13.3)%127,528.59 15.1 % Culture & Recreation775,846.25717,200.00777,470.611,624.36 0.2 %60,270.61 8.4 % YTD Total2,202,019.181,657,200.001,865,977.47(336,041.71)(15.3)%208,777.47 12.6 % October-2013 Charges for Services by Type 2013 vs. 2012 Actual2013 vs. Budget Percentage Percentage 9DI.A Page 203 of 225 Monthly Financial Report October 2013 Note: August 2012 collections include plan check fees related to the Boeing re-roofing project as well as fees paid by the Auburn School District for the Auburn High School modernization and reconstruction project. [Source: August 2012 monthly financial report] $0.0 $0.2 $0.4 $0.6 $0.8 $1.0 $1.2 $1.4 JanFebMarAprMayJunJulAugSepOctNovDec Mi l l i o n s Development Service Fees 2013 budget 2013 actual to date 2012 actual $0 $100 $200 $300 $400 $500 $600 $700 $800 $900 $1,000 JanFebMarAprMayJunJulAugSepOctNovDec Th o u s a n d s Culture & Recreation 2013 budget 2013 actual to date 2012 actual 10DI.A Page 204 of 225 Monthly Financial Report October 2013 Fines & Penalties include traffic and parking infraction penalties, Redflex photo enforcement violations, criminal fines (including criminal traffic, criminal non traffic and criminal costs) as well as non court fines such as false alarm and shopping cart fines. Total revenue to date is $1.2 million and compares to budget of $1.3 million. Civil Infraction Penalties include traffic infractions and other non-parking infractions. The majority of the revenues collected in this category relate to traffic infractions. Year to date through October, a total of $379,000 has been collected for traffic infractions, compared to $513,000 for the same period last year. 201220132013 Month ActualBudgetActualAmount Amount Civil Penalties 14,292.2512,100.0016,018.141,725.89 12.1 %3,918.14 32.4 % Civil Infraction Penalties 517,871.80559,500.00383,392.85(134,478.95)(26.0)%(176,107.15)(31.5)% Redflex Photo Enforcement460,244.84411,500.00473,458.7413,213.90 2.9 %61,958.74 15.1 % Parking Infractions 96,332.82149,800.00105,213.148,880.32 9.2 %(44,586.86)(29.8)% Criminal Traffic Misdemeanor79,694.0072,200.0048,978.84(30,715.16)(38.5)%(23,221.16)(32.2)% Criminal Non-Traffic Fines76,061.4978,200.0050,651.37(25,410.12)(33.4)%(27,548.63)(35.2)% Criminal Costs 14,178.0511,500.0025,422.1811,244.13 79.3 %13,922.18 121.1 % Non-Court Fines & Penalties55,747.5632,100.0084,713.7428,966.18 52.0 %52,613.74 163.9 % YTD Total 1,314,422.811,326,900.001,187,849.00(126,573.81)(9.6)%(139,051.00)(10.5)% October-2013 Fines & Forfeits by Type 2013 vs. 2012 Actual2013 vs. Budget Percentage Percentage $0.0 $0.2 $0.4 $0.6 $0.8 $1.0 $1.2 $1.4 $1.6 $1.8 JanFebMarAprMayJunJulAugSepOctNovDec Mi l l i o n s Fines & Penalties 2013 budget 2013 actual to date 2012 actual 11DI.A Page 205 of 225 Monthly Financial Report October 2013 $0 $100 $200 $300 $400 $500 $600 $700 JanFebMarAprMayJunJulAugSepOctNovDec Th o u s a n d s Redflex Photo Enforcement 2013 budget 2013 actual to date 2012 actual Miscellaneous revenues primarily consist of income from facility rentals; other sources within this category include investment earnings, contributions & donations and other miscellaneous income. Total revenue collected to date is $417,000 compared to budget of $408,000. 201220132013 Month ActualBudgetActualAmount Amount Interest & Investments 70,456.2549,700.0038,705.78(31,750.47)(45.1)%(10,994.22)(22.1)% Rents & Leases 264,106.85244,400.00263,309.08(797.77)(0.3)%18,909.087.7 % Contributions & Donations44,058.5433,900.0046,222.102,163.564.9 %12,322.1036.3 % Other Miscellaneous Revenue106,685.4879,600.0069,247.20(37,438.28)(35.1)%(10,352.80)(13.0)% YTD Total 485,307.12407,600.00417,484.16(67,822.96)(14.0)%9,884.162.4 % Miscellaneous Revenues by Type October-2013 2013 vs. 2012 2013 vs. Budget Percentage Percentage Real Estate Excise Tax (REET) revenue is receipted into the Capital Improvement Projects Fund and is used for governmental capital projects. Total revenue at the end of October was $1.7 million and exceeds budget and prior year actuals by $568,000 and $259,000 respectively, reflecting a robust local and regional real estate market. As shown in the table below, REET revenues collected in October totals $261,000 and compares to $483,000 collected the same month in 2012. It is important to note that October 2012 had a large spike in REET revenues due to the sale of Auburn Regional Medical Center. 12DI.A Page 206 of 225 Monthly Financial Report October 2013 2012 2013 2013 Month ActualBudgetActualAmountPercentageAmountPercentage Jan 61,442.4971,106.27113,614.7952,172.3084.9%42,508.5259.8% Feb 155,948.4285,001.51107,484.61(48,463.81)-31.1%22,483.1026.5% Mar 136,790.25159,419.95143,198.356,408.104.7%(16,221.60)-10.2% Apr 73,078.0272,572.39124,445.4951,367.4770.3%51,873.1071.5% May 92,567.53124,286.11162,750.3670,182.8375.8%38,464.2530.9% Jun 96,292.0599,944.08177,379.5281,087.4784.2%77,435.4477.5% Jul 152,248.61177,428.46267,976.11115,727.5076.0%90,547.6551.0% Aug 119,924.2590,201.91200,626.5680,702.3167.3%110,424.65122.4% Sep 112,406.7575,348.48183,506.7171,099.9663.3%108,158.23143.5% Oct 482,980.66219,270.33261,387.96(221,592.70)-45.9%42,117.6319.2% Nov 108,095.04112,080.14 ##########-100.0%(112,080.14)-100.0% Dec 174,868.17113,340.35 (174,868.17)-100.0%(113,340.35)-100.0% YTD Total1,483,679.031,174,579.511,742,370.46258,691.4317.4%567,790.9548.3% Real Estate Excise Tax Revenues 2013 vs. 20122013 vs. Budget October-2013 Note: October 2012 revenue increase reflected in the graphic above was due in part to the sale of $0.0 $0.2 $0.4 $0.6 $0.8 $1.0 $1.2 $1.4 $1.6 $1.8 $2.0 JanFebMarAprMayJunJulAugSepOctNovDec Mi l l i o n s Real Estate Excise Tax 2013 budget 2013 actual to date 2012 actual the Auburn Regional Medical Center to Multicare. 13DI.A Page 207 of 225 Monthly Financial Report October 2013 Pet Licensing During the month of October, 452 pet licenses were sold resulting in $15,930 in revenue. Year- to-date revenues total $132,850, surpassing the 2013 budget goal of $96,000. During the same month in 2012, 931 licenses were sold, resulting in $27,014 in revenue to King County. 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 Ja n Fe b Ma r Ap r Ma y Ju n Ju l Au g Se p Oc t No v De c Nu m b e r o f L i c e n s e s S o l d Month Pet License Sales By Month 2013 vs 2012 2013 Licenses Sold 2012 Licenses Sold 2013 Budget Goal: $ 96,000 or more 2014 Budget Goal: $240,000 or more Year-to-Date Revenue 2013 (through October) = $132,850 Year-to-Date Licenses 2013 (through October) = 4,328 Year-to-Date Licenses 2012 (through October) = 5,664 as reported by King County $0 $2,000 $4,000 $6,000 $8,000 $10,000 $12,000 $14,000 $16,000 $18,000 Ja n Fe b Ma r Ap r Ma y Ju n Ju l Au g Se p Oc t No v De c Li c e n s e R e v e n u e Month Pet Licensing Revenue By Month 2013 2013 License Revenue 14DI.A Page 208 of 225 Monthly Financial Report October 2013 0 2,000 4,000 6,000 8,000 10,000 12,000 $0 $20,000 $40,000 $60,000 $80,000 $100,000 $120,000 $140,000 Ja n Fe b Ma r Ap r Ma y Ju n Ju l Au g Se p Oc t No v De c Nu m b e r o f L i c e n s e s S o l d Li c e n s e R e v e n u e Month Cumulative Pet Licensing Revenue & Sales 2013 vs 2012 2013 License Revenue (L) 2013 License Revenue (Budget Goal: $96,000) 2013 Licenses Sold (R) 2012 Licenses Sold (R) Enterprise Funds The detailed Working Capital and Fund Balance statements for Enterprise and Internal Service funds can be found in the Appendix at the end of this Report. The Water Utility’s net operating income decreased from $976,500 in 2012 to $715,900 in 2013, primarily reflecting the effects of the cost of purchased water through Tacoma Public Utilities. $0 $200 $400 $600 $800 $1,000 $1,200 $1,400 $1,600 JanFebMarAprMayJunJulAugSepOctNovDec Th o u s a n d s Water Revenues vs Water Sold 2013 vs 2012 2012 Water Sales ($) 2013 Water Sales ($) 2012 Water Sold (ccf) 2013 Water Sold (ccf) The Sewer Utility ended the period with a $489,900 net operating loss and compares to a $1,105,300 net loss for the same period in 2012 (excluding Metro wastewater treatment revenues and expenditures, which are now being tracked separately in the Sewer-Metro fund). The Sewer-Metro Utility ended October with net operating income of $234,900. 15DI.A Page 209 of 225 Monthly Financial Report October 2013 The Stormwater Utility ended the period with $844,200 in net operating income which compares to an operating loss of $219,300 for the same period last year. The number of rounds played at the Auburn Golf Course (AGC) in October totaled 3,243 as compared to 2,503 for the same period last year, reflecting a much dryer month than in 2012, and helped to improve year-to-date rounds to 44,540 versus 43,286 rounds in 2012. The AGC ended October with a net operating loss of $141,900 compared to a loss of $186,900 for the same period last year. $0 $50 $100 $150 $200 $250 $300 JanFebMarAprMayJunJulAugSepOctNovDec Th o u s a n d s Golf Course Operating Revenues & Expenditures By Month 2013 vs 2012 2013 Bud. Revenue 2013 Act. Revenue 2012 Act. Revenue 2013 Act. Expenses $0 $200 $400 $600 $800 $1,000 $1,200 $1,400 $1,600 JanFebMarAprMayJunJulAugSepOctNovDec Th o u s a n d s Cumulative Golf Course Revenues & Expenditures 2013 vs 2012 2013 Bud. Revenue 2013 Act. Revenue 2012 Act. Revenue 2013 Act. Expenses The Cemetery Fund ended October with operating income of $65,900 compared to a $121,200 net operating loss for the same period last year which reflects a decline in Cemetery operating expenditures and an increase in operating revenue. In October, the number of interments at the Cemetery totaled 17 (6 burials, 11 cremations) which compares to 21 (9 burials, 12 cremations) for 16DI.A Page 210 of 225 Monthly Financial Report October 2013 the same period last year. Year-to-date interments total 189 (88 burials, 101 cremations) compared to 208 (90 burials, 118 cremations) in 2012. $0 $20 $40 $60 $80 $100 $120 $140 JanFebMarAprMayJunJulAugSepOctNovDec Th o u s a n d s Cemetery Operating Revenues & Expenditures By Month 2013 vs 2012 2013 Bud. Revenue 2013 Act. Revenue 2012 Act. Revenue 2013 Act. Expenses $0 $100 $200 $300 $400 $500 $600 $700 $800 $900 JanFebMarAprMayJunJulAugSepOctNovDec Th o u s a n d s Cumulative Cemetery Revenues & Expenditures 2013 vs 2012 2013 Bud. Revenue 2013 Act. Revenue 2012 Act. Revenue 2013 Act. Expenses 17DI.A Page 211 of 225 Monthly Financial Report October 2013 Internal Service Funds Operating expenditures within the Insurance Fund represents the premium cost-pool that will be allocated monthly to other City funds over the course of 2013. As a result, this balance will gradually diminish each month throughout the year. No significant variances are reported in the Facilities, Innovation & Technology, or Equipment Rental Funds. All funds have sufficient revenues to cover year-to-date expenditures. Contact Information This report is prepared by the Finance Department. Additional financial information can also be viewed at our website: http://www.auburnwa.gov/. For any questions about the report please contact us at mchaw@auburnwa.gov or scoleman@auburnwa.gov. 18DI.A Page 212 of 225 Investment Purchase Purchase Maturity Yield to Type Date Price Date Maturity State Investment Pool Various 95,372,375$ Various 0.13% KeyBank Money Market Various 11,660,190 Various 0.15% US Treasury 05/04/1990 57,750 05/15/2016 5.72% FFCB 4/11/2013 3,000,000 4/11/2016 0.43% FNMA 9/6/2013 1,000,000 9/6/2016 1.00% LAKUTL 9/25/2013 235,919 11/1/2017 1.90% Total Cash & Investments 111,326,234$ 0.151% Investment Mix % of Total State Investment Pool 85.7%Current 6-month treasury rate 0.08% KeyBank Money Market 10.5%Current State Pool rate 0.13% US Treasury 0.1%KeyBank Money Market 0.15% FFCB 2.7%Blended Auburn rate 0.15% FHLMC 0.0% FNMA 0.9% LAKUTL 0.2% 100.0% City of Auburn Investment Portfolio Summary October 31, 2013 Summary 19DI.A Page 213 of 225 SALES TAX SUMMARY OCTOBER 2013 SALES TAX DISTRIBUTIONS (FOR AUGUST 2013 RETAIL ACTIVITY) 2012 Annual Total 2012 YTD 2013 YTD YTD 2012 Annual Total 2012 YTD 2013 YTD YTD NAICS CONSTRUCTION (Nov '11-Oct '12)(Nov '11 - Aug '12)(Nov '12 - Aug '13)% Diff NAICS AUTOMOTIVE (Nov '11-Oct '12)(Nov '11 - Aug '12)(Nov '12 - Aug '13)% Diff 236 Construction of Buildings 483,408.87 346,201.39 721,678.36 108.5%441 Motor Vehicle and Parts Dealer 2,795,163.85 2,321,966.75 2,444,137.61 5.3% 237 Heavy and Civil Construction 114,822.92 91,455.72 90,418.86 -1.1%447 Gasoline Stations 223,463.26 184,245.72 199,535.56 8.3% 238 Specialty Trade Contractors 622,980.45 489,185.14 661,213.47 35.2%TOTAL AUTOMOTIVE 3,018,627.11$ 2,506,212.47$ 2,643,673.17$ 5.5% TOTAL CONSTRUCTION 1,221,212.24$ 926,842.25$ 1,473,310.69$ 59.0%Overall Change from Previous Year 137,460.70$ Overall Change from Previous Year 546,468.44$ 2012 Annual Total 2012 YTD 2013 YTD YTD 2012 Annual Total 2012 YTD 2013 YTD YTD NAICS RETAIL TRADE (Nov '11-Oct '12)(Nov '11 - Aug '12)(Nov '12 - Aug '13)% Diff NAICS MANUFACTURING (Nov '11-Oct '12)(Nov '11 - Aug '12)(Nov '12 - Aug '13)% Diff 442 Furniture and Home Furnishings 226,308.94 185,384.70 194,878.26 5.1% 311 Food Manufacturing 2,932.07 2,660.53 1,413.15 -46.9%443 Electronics and Appliances 145,390.62 122,221.64 138,800.17 13.6% 312 Beverage and Tobacco Products 5,855.42 4,657.73 6,199.06 33.1%444 Building Material and Garden 425,493.64 344,677.29 375,394.65 8.9% 313 Textile Mills 569.85 80.52 228.49 183.8%445 Food and Beverage Stores 341,378.74 283,317.50 276,200.29 -2.5% 314 Textile Product Mills 4,456.85 3,964.65 3,197.81 -19.3%446 Health and Personal Care Store 148,812.47 126,380.43 145,933.23 15.5% 315 Apparel Manufacturing 217.67 205.42 272.26 32.5%448 Clothing and Accessories 772,153.02 634,349.70 723,464.51 14.0% 316 Leather and Allied Products 58.91 57.58 8.19 -85.8%451 Sporting Goods, Hobby, Books 120,507.49 101,981.55 99,683.18 -2.3% 321 Wood Product Manufacturing 31,417.29 22,567.23 63,574.76 181.7%452 General Merchandise Stores 967,039.39 821,600.38 816,362.61 -0.6% 322 Paper Manufacturing 3,943.50 3,257.05 2,956.61 -9.2%453 Miscellaneous Store Retailers 508,326.14 394,808.96 448,480.22 13.6% 323 Printing and Related Support 28,275.22 23,795.74 20,563.62 -13.6%454 Nonstore Retailers 268,502.71 221,820.18 262,672.81 18.4% 324 Petroleum and Coal Products 10,532.00 9,042.53 8,140.48 -10.0%TOTAL RETAIL TRADE 3,923,913.16$ 3,236,542.33$ 3,481,869.93$ 7.6% 325 Chemical Manufacturing 8,088.54 6,277.51 7,448.36 18.7%Overall Change from Previous Year 245,327.60$ 326 Plastics and Rubber Products 9,468.87 7,940.28 7,605.95 -4.2% 327 Nonmetallic Mineral Products 17,323.71 13,749.63 16,286.22 18.4% 331 Primary Metal Manufacturing 1,765.68 1,713.01 614.06 -64.2%2012 Annual Total 2012 YTD 2013 YTD YTD 332 Fabricated Metal Product Manuf 24,964.99 20,008.74 9,130.13 d -54.4%NAICS SERVICES (Nov '11-Oct '12)(Nov '11 - Aug '12)(Nov '12 - Aug '13)% Diff 333 Machinery Manufacturing 12,890.22 9,955.37 17,965.44 80.5%51*Information 396,353.38 329,259.59 362,383.40 10.1% 334 Computer and Electronic Produc 10,260.16 7,711.07 11,399.97 47.8%52*Finance and Insurance 53,290.56 39,842.27 b 77,038.24 93.4% 335 Electric Equipment, Appliances 426.32 343.71 1,105.86 221.7%53*Real Estate, Rental, Leasing 326,259.42 254,259.80 229,707.58 -9.7% 336 Transportation Equipment Man 187,175.19 142,320.25 a 292,978.82 105.9%541 Professional, Scientific, Tech 173,274.20 142,126.58 151,467.36 6.6% 337 Furniture and Related Products 18,721.33 15,498.84 20,632.13 33.1%551 Company Management 15.78 13.58 81.11 497.3% 339 Miscellaneous Manufacturing 25,368.10 21,254.65 24,540.82 15.5%56*Admin. Supp., Remed Svcs 334,354.06 221,889.99 283,021.03 27.6% TOTAL MANUFACTURING 404,711.89$ 317,062.04$ 516,262.19$ 62.8%611 Educational Services 53,671.83 40,003.08 37,279.51 -6.8% Overall Change from Previous Year 199,200.15$ 62*Health Care Social Assistance 114,832.81 23,908.69 29,137.85 21.9% 71*Arts and Entertainment 153,417.34 138,558.78 133,659.05 -3.5% 72*Accomodation and Food Svcs 920,555.95 764,479.15 808,396.18 5.7% 2012 Annual Total 2012 YTD 2013 YTD YTD 81*Other Services 388,278.72 325,881.92 326,542.67 0.2% NAICS TRANSPORTATION AND WAREHOUSING (Nov '11-Oct '12)(Nov '11 - Aug '12)(Nov '12 - Aug '13)% Diff 92*Public Administration 142,187.99 116,740.68 91,998.20 -21.2% 481 Air Transportation 0.00 0.00 0.00 N/A TOTAL SERVICES 3,056,492.04$ 2,396,964.11$ 2,530,712.18$ 5.6% 482 Rail Transportation 19,181.85 18,235.33 8,852.65 -51.5%Overall Change from Previous Year 133,748.07$ 484 Truck Transportation 10,245.48 8,439.79 (4,146.48)c -149.1% 485 Transit and Ground Passengers 268.22 268.22 93.19 -65.3% 488 Transportation Support 18,841.37 15,592.40 20,462.32 31.2%2012 Annual Total 2012 YTD 2013 YTD YTD 491 Postal Service 470.02 333.18 728.44 118.6%NAICS MISCELLANEOUS (Nov '11-Oct '12)(Nov '11 - Aug '12)(Nov '12 - Aug '13)% Diff 492 Couriers and Messengers 568.35 438.66 1,089.61 148.4%000 Unknown 1.04 1.04 0.00 -100.0% 493 Warehousing and Storage 5,376.49 4,849.36 9,170.27 89.1%111-115 Agriculture, Forestry, Fishing 2,868.29 2,244.02 3,408.85 51.9% TOTAL TRANSPORTATION 54,951.78$ 48,156.94$ 36,250.00$ -24.7%211-221 Mining & Utilities 30,228.91 26,041.25 19,432.64 -25.4% Overall Change from Previous Year (11,906.94)$ 999 Unclassifiable Establishments 27,601.09 22,533.23 26,716.04 18.6% TOTAL SERVICES 60,699.33$ 50,819.54$ 49,557.53$ -2.5% Overall Change from Previous Year (1,262.01)$ 2012 Annual Total 2012 YTD 2013 YTD YTD NAICS WHOLESALE TRADE (Nov '11-Oct '12)(Nov '11 - Aug '12)(Nov '12 - Aug '13)% Diff 423 Wholesale Trade, Durable Goods 1,137,932.04 972,362.05 922,468.94 -5.1%GRAND TOTAL 13,037,325.52$ 10,586,310.82$ 11,793,922.57$ 424 Wholesale Trade, Nondurable 153,721.30 126,960.23 135,801.47 7.0%Overall Change from Previous Year 1,207,611.75$ 11.4% 425 Wholesale Electronic Markets 5,064.63 4,388.86 4,016.47 -8.5% TOTAL WHOLESALE 1,296,717.97$ 1,103,711.14$ 1,062,286.88$ -3.8% Overall Change from Previous Year (41,424.26)$ a. Wa. State Dept of Revenue audit adjustment to sales tax returns for period Nov 2011 (adjustment: -$73,971). b. Wa. State Dept of Revenue audit adjustment to sales tax returns for period Dec 2011 (adjustment: -$20,014). c. Wa. State Dept of Revenue audit adjustment to sales tax returns for period Jan 2013 (adjustment: -$11,382). d. Wa. State Dept of Revenue audit adjustment to sales tax returns for period May 2013 (adjustment - $30,493). 10/28/13 file:Monthly Sales Tax Report.xls Prepared by Auburn Finance Department 20DI.A Page 214 of 225 INNOVATION EQUIPMENT & TECHNOLOGY RENTAL OPERATING REVENUES Charges For Service 9,820,894.82 5,667,269.17 - 6,781,742.77 10,761,838.01 12,817.52 812,741.04 990,494.22 - - - - Interfund Charges For Service - - - - - - - - - 2,925,835.00 3,984,105.00 2,452,758.04 Sewer Metro Service Revenue - - 12,278,860.56 - - - - - - - - - Rents, Leases, Concessions, & Other - - - - - 510,205.79 - 383,810.21 - 104,647.50 65,743.25 - TOTAL OPERATING REVENUES 9,820,894.82 5,667,269.17 12,278,860.56 6,781,742.77 10,761,838.01 523,023.31 812,741.04 1,374,304.43 - 3,030,482.50 4,049,848.25 2,452,758.04 OPERATING EXPENSES Salaries & Wages 1,918,562.97 1,263,230.74 - 1,679,096.38 325,098.37 17,262.92 325,499.90 496,528.69 - 528,439.86 1,150,602.41 392,465.64 Benefits 867,588.57 556,760.76 - 733,324.34 148,671.30 5,656.82 160,836.20 242,684.88 - 233,284.62 476,860.31 175,021.23 Supplies 137,147.10 53,973.55 - 66,282.53 39,270.56 285.70 115,145.18 236,231.67 - 87,287.12 139,001.85 679,366.08 Other Service Charges 3,344,133.31 1,895,523.25 - 1,095,698.81 901,983.36 415,283.32 50,429.55 149,497.04 339,235.55 1,179,650.04 1,272,216.93 386,508.56 Intergovernmental Services - 2,481.81 - 11,740.65 309,752.04 - - - - - - - Waste Management Payments - - - - 7,579,235.98 - - - - - - - Sewer Metro Services - - 12,043,943.80 - - - - - - - - - Interfund Operating Rentals & Supplies 930,634.01 814,116.28 - 1,076,471.65 150,750.00 - 46,830.00 137,080.00 - 99,340.00 251,420.00 206,318.35 Other Expenses - - - - - - - - - - - - Depreciation & Amortization 1,906,955.98 1,571,054.65 - 1,274,898.64 15,682.74 336,073.35 48,069.51 254,199.62 - - 384,481.64 586,331.87 TOTAL OPERATING EXPENSES 9,105,021.94 6,157,141.04 12,043,943.80 5,937,513.00 9,470,444.35 774,562.11 746,810.34 1,516,221.90 339,235.55 2,128,001.64 3,674,583.14 2,426,011.73 OPERATING INCOME (LOSS)715,872.88 (489,871.87) 234,916.76 844,229.77 1,291,393.66 (251,538.80) 65,930.70 (141,917.47) (339,235.55) 902,480.86 375,265.11 26,746.31 NON-OPERATING REVENUES & EXPENSES Interest Revenue 21,333.49 17,487.94 39.00 20,827.64 1,120.12 1,345.44 338.75 577.22 1,827.69 2,393.43 4,284.88 7,635.03 Contributions - - - 69,770.47 27,735.13 - 55.00 - - 42,270.00 - - Other Non-Operating Revenue 118,172.53 144,697.01 - 33,215.99 1,930.00 2,050.00 (0.50) - - - 23,581.05 33,631.28 Gain (Loss) On Sale Of Fixed Assets - - - - - - - - - - - (10,858.56) Debt Service Interest (242,692.73) (19,099.90) - (157,207.91) - (23,137.50) (11,133.72) - - - - - Other Non-Operating Expense - - - - - - - - - - - - TOTAL NON-OPERATING REVENUES & EXPENSES (103,186.71) 143,085.05 39.00 (33,393.81) 30,785.25 (19,742.06) (10,740.47) 577.22 1,827.69 44,663.43 27,865.93 30,407.75 PLUS ITEMS NOT EFFECTING WORKING CAPITAL Depreciation 1,906,955.98 1,571,054.65 - 1,274,898.64 15,682.74 336,073.35 48,069.51 254,199.62 - - 384,481.64 586,331.87 NET WORKING CAPITAL FROM OPERATIONS 2,519,642.15 1,224,267.83 234,955.76 2,085,734.60 1,337,861.65 64,792.49 103,259.74 112,859.37 (337,407.86) 947,144.29 787,612.68 643,485.93 Increase In Contributions - System Development 1 530,008.00 2,346,461.50 - 616,271.35 - - - - - - - - Increase In Contributions - Area Assessments 224.13 3,243.22 - - - - - - - - - - Increase In Contributions - Other Governments - - - - - 108,744.88 - - - - - - Increase In Contributions - Other Funds - - - - - - - - - - - - Increase In Contributions - FAA - - - - - - - - - - - - Proceeds of Debt Activity 8,651,428.91 - - 5,235,686.06 - - - - - - - - Operating Transfers In - - - - - - - 49,524.72 - - - - Increase In Restricted Net Assets 12,198.33 14,884.80 - - - 4,869.67 - - - - - - Decrease In Long-Term Receivables - 112,500.00 - - - - - - - - - - Increase In Deferred Credits - - - - - 3,209.34 - - - - - - TOTAL RESOURCES OTHER THAN OPERATIONS 9,193,859.37 2,477,089.52 - 5,851,957.41 - 116,823.89 - 49,524.72 - - - - Net Change In Restricted Net Assets 771,797.11 1,602,567.51 (1,460,182.19) 345,657.31 - 4,869.67 - (14,360.90) - - - (31,005.06) Increase In Fixed Assets - Salaries 194,375.78 50,056.47 - 132,024.03 - - - - - - - - Increase In Fixed Assets - Benefits 76,516.25 21,088.94 - 55,995.11 - - - - - - - - Increase In Fixed Assets - Site Improvements 34,101.57 - - 11,782.20 - - - - - - - 8,470.78 Increase In Fixed Assets - Equipment - - - 17,960.19 - - - - - - 233,069.75 177,918.46 Increase In Fixed Assets - Construction 4,641,883.83 241,097.32 - 1,054,687.77 - 126,624.25 - - - - - - Operating Transfers Out 50,000.00 50,000.00 - 124,000.00 - - - - - 736,684.96 - 7,000.00 Debt Service Principal 629,868.48 288,261.96 - 140,700.00 - - - - - - - - TOTAL USES OTHER THAN OPERATIONS 6,398,543.02 2,253,072.20 (1,460,182.19) 1,882,806.61 - 131,493.92 - (14,360.90) - 736,684.96 233,069.75 162,384.18 NET CHANGE IN WORKING CAPITAL 5,314,958.50 1,448,285.15 1,695,137.95 6,054,885.40 1,337,861.65 50,122.46 103,259.74 176,744.99 (337,407.86) 210,459.33 554,542.93 481,101.75 BEGINNING WORKING CAPITAL - January 1, 2013 10,196,281.10 12,072,579.09 - 10,218,848.21 1,018,487.34 818,912.00 182,098.05 90,691.62 2,028,681.08 1,473,040.96 2,885,527.19 5,559,564.94 ENDING WORKING CAPITAL - October 31, 2013 15,511,239.60 13,520,864.24 1,695,137.95 16,273,733.61 2,356,348.99 869,034.46 285,357.79 267,436.61 1,691,273.22 1,683,500.29 3,440,070.12 6,040,666.69 NET CHANGE IN WORKING CAPITAL 5,314,958.50 1,448,285.15 1,695,137.95 6,054,885.40 1,337,861.65 50,122.46 103,259.74 176,744.99 (337,407.86) 210,459.33 554,542.93 481,101.75 ENTERPRISE FUNDS INTERNAL SERVICE FUNDSWORKING CAPITAL The following table presents the Working Capital Statement for each of the City's Enterprise and Internal Service funds. Working Capital is generally defined as the difference between current assets and current liabilities. CEMETERY GOLF INSURANCE FACILITIESWATERSEWERSEWER METRO STORM SOLID WASTE AIRPORT 21DI.A Page 215 of 225 INNOVATION EQUIPMENT & TECHNOLOGY RENTAL OPERATING REVENUES Charges For Service 9,820,894.82 5,667,269.17 - 6,781,742.77 10,761,838.01 12,817.52 812,741.04 990,494.22 - - - - Interfund Charges For Service - - - - - - - - - 2,925,835.00 3,984,105.00 2,452,758.04 Sewer Metro Service Revenue - - 12,278,860.56 - - - - - - - - - Rents, Leases, Concessions, & Other - - - - - 510,205.79 - 383,810.21 - 104,647.50 65,743.25 - TOTAL OPERATING REVENUES 9,820,894.82 5,667,269.17 12,278,860.56 6,781,742.77 10,761,838.01 523,023.31 812,741.04 1,374,304.43 - 3,030,482.50 4,049,848.25 2,452,758.04 OPERATING EXPENSES Administration 2,423,329.00 1,740,690.11 - 2,312,218.65 604,130.79 423,884.97 196,897.75 191,996.51 339,235.55 - - 730,856.48 Operations & Maintenance 4,774,736.96 2,845,396.28 - 2,350,395.71 1,271,394.84 14,603.79 501,843.08 1,070,025.77 - 2,128,001.64 3,290,101.50 1,108,823.38 Waste Management Payments - - - - 7,579,235.98 - - - - - - - Sewer Metro Services - - 12,043,943.80 - - - - - - - - - Depreciation & Amortization 1,906,955.98 1,571,054.65 - 1,274,898.64 15,682.74 336,073.35 48,069.51 254,199.62 - - 384,481.64 586,331.87 TOTAL OPERATING EXPENSES 9,105,021.94 6,157,141.04 12,043,943.80 5,937,513.00 9,470,444.35 774,562.11 746,810.34 1,516,221.90 339,235.55 2,128,001.64 3,674,583.14 2,426,011.73 OPERATING INCOME (LOSS)715,872.88 (489,871.87) 234,916.76 844,229.77 1,291,393.66 (251,538.80) 65,930.70 (141,917.47) (339,235.55) 902,480.86 375,265.11 26,746.31 NON-OPERATING REVENUES & EXPENSES Interest Revenue 21,333.49 17,487.94 39.00 20,827.64 1,120.12 1,345.44 338.75 577.22 1,827.69 2,393.43 4,284.88 7,635.03 Other Non-Operating Revenue 118,172.53 144,697.01 - 102,986.46 29,665.13 2,050.00 54.50 - - 42,270.00 23,581.05 33,631.28 Gain (Loss) On Sale Of Fixed Assets - - - - - - - - - - - (10,858.56) Other Non-Operating Expense (242,692.73) (19,099.90) - (157,207.91) - (23,137.50) (11,133.72) - - - - - TOTAL NON-OPERATING REVENUES & EXPENSES (103,186.71) 143,085.05 39.00 (33,393.81) 30,785.25 (19,742.06) (10,740.47) 577.22 1,827.69 44,663.43 27,865.93 30,407.75 612,686.17 (346,786.82) 234,955.76 810,835.96 1,322,178.91 (271,280.86) 55,190.23 (141,340.25) (337,407.86) 947,144.29 403,131.04 57,154.06 Contributions 1 530,232.13 2,349,704.72 - 616,271.35 - 108,744.88 - - - - - - Transfers In - - - - - - - 49,524.72 - - - - Transfers Out (50,000.00) (50,000.00) - (124,000.00) - - - - - (736,684.96) - (7,000.00) TOTAL CONTRIBUTIONS & TRANSFERS 480,232.13 2,299,704.72 - 492,271.35 - 108,744.88 - 49,524.72 - (736,684.96) - (7,000.00) CHANGE IN FUND BALANCE 1,092,918.30 1,952,917.90 234,955.76 1,303,107.31 1,322,178.91 (162,535.98) 55,190.23 (91,815.53) (337,407.86) 210,459.33 403,131.04 50,154.06 BEGINNING FUND BALANCE - January 1, 2013 67,719,034.00 73,319,311.00 1,460,182.00 49,964,488.00 1,128,442.00 9,439,263.00 872,103.00 8,578,904.00 2,028,681.00 1,415,971.00 4,069,294.00 10,502,921.00 ENDING FUND BALANCE - October 31, 2013 68,811,952.30 75,272,228.90 1,695,137.76 51,267,595.31 2,450,620.91 9,276,727.02 927,293.23 8,487,088.47 1,691,273.14 1,626,430.33 4,472,425.04 10,553,075.06 1 Sewer contributions reflect System Development Charges resulting from the Goedecke land swap agreement with the WA Department of Transportation. FUND BALANCE ENTERPRISE FUNDS INTERNAL SERVICE FUNDS The following table provides an analysis of each of the City's Enterprise and Internal Service funds - showing 2013 revenues and expenditures by fund. INCOME (LOSS) BEFORE CONTRIBUTIONS & TRANSFERS CEMETERY GOLF INSURANCE FACILITIESWATERSEWERSEWER METRO STORM SOLID WASTE AIRPORT 22DI.A Page 216 of 225 AGENDA BILL APPROVAL FORM Agenda Subject: Ordinance No. 6466 Date: November 21, 2013 Department: Administration Attachments: Ord 6466 Budget Impact: $0 Administrative Recommendation: City Council introduce and adopt Ordinance No. 6466. Background Summary: Ordinance 6466 seeks to create a new section 10.12.410 to the Auburn City Code relating to the traffic violation of inattentive driving. Among the various traffic code violations included in the City Codes are violations most of which come from state law, consistent with the uniformity that one would expect among traffic violations as one person drives from one jurisdiction to another. However, there are times when traffic violations under state law do not cover instances that might be appropriate for action within a city. A city is allowed, pursuant to the authorizing statutes in Title 35A and the Constitution (Article 8 Section 7 of the state constitution) in this regard, it is advantageous for the City of Auburn to include in its traffic code provisions a violation that addresses instances when drivers are inattentive, a lesser violation then when a driver is negligent or reckless. This would give the police a tool that would accommodate some flexibility where the violation does not necessarily constitute action that is criminally chargeable but yet should be addressed as a traffic infraction under City codes. Reviewed by Council Committees: Councilmember:Peloza Staff:Heid Meeting Date:December 16, 2013 Item Number:DI.B AUBURN * MORE THAN YOU IMAGINEDDI.B Page 217 of 225 ---------------------------- Ordinance No. 6466 June 7, 2013 Page 1 of 3 ORDINANCE NO. 6 4 6 6 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF AUBURN, WASHINGTON, CREATING A NEW SECTION 10.12.410 TO THE AUBURN CITY CODE RELATING TO INATTENTIVE DRIVING WHEREAS, the City of Auburn has in its traffic codes, provisions that are derived from state statute, so that major traffic violations are somewhat uniform across the state among the various prosecuting jurisdictions; and WHEREAS, cities, nevertheless, have the discretion and authority to identify separate violations that relate to their enforcement responsibilities, including criminal, civil and traffic violations that may be different than and/or supplementary to state law, and that more specifically address community needs; and WHEREAS, currently, state statutes provide provisions prohibiting negligent driving in the second degree as defined in Section 46.61.525 of the Revised Code of Washington (RCW); and WHEREAS, in order to address those instances that may not fully encompass the conduct intended to be covered by negligent driving in the second degree, cities can add to their city codes, provisions that address problematic driver conduct that may not constitute or rise to the level of negligent driving; and WHEREAS, it is advantageous for the City of Auburn to have included in its codes a provision that covers inattentive driving as those terms can be defined DI.B Page 218 of 225 ---------------------------- Ordinance No. 6466 June 7, 2013 Page 2 of 3 to address those types of traffic related violations that would not necessarily constitute or fall within the scope of negligent driving in the second degree. NOW, THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF AUBURN, WASHINGTON, DO ORDAIN as follows: Section 1. New Section to City Code. That a new section 10.12.410 of the Auburn City Code be and the same hereby is created to read as follows: 10.12.410 Inattentive driving. A. It is unlawful for any person to operate a motor vehicle in an inattentive manner upon any highway within the city or way open to the public within the city that is maintained primarily for public use and is adjacent to any highway. B. For the purpose of this section, inattentive manner means the operation of a vehicle in a manner that: (1) Fails to maintain a careful lookout for persons or property in the direction of travel, or (2) Evidences a lack of: (a) Attentiveness required to safely operate the vehicle: (i) under the prevailing conditions, including, but not limited to, the nature and condition of the roadway, the weather conditions, the presence of pedestrians, or the presence of other traffic; or (ii) caused by the driver directing focus or attention to something other than driving the motor vehicle; or (b) Attentiveness that would permit the driver of a motor vehicle to observe anything resting on, or traveling on, or entering the roadway in time to take appropriate action as circumstances require. C. For the purposes of this section, the term “highway” is defined as set forth in RCW 46.04.197 and the term “way open to the public” is defined as set forth in WAC 200-200-015(8). D. The offense of operating a vehicle in an inattentive manner shall be considered to be a lesser offense than, but included in the offense of, negligent driving in the second degree as set forth in RCW 46.61.525. E. A violation of this section shall be a traffic infraction punishable by a monetary penalty of two hundred fifty dollars ($250.00), plus all mandatory court costs, fees, and assessments. DI.B Page 219 of 225 ---------------------------- Ordinance No. 6466 June 7, 2013 Page 3 of 3 Section 2. Implementation. The Mayor is hereby authorized to implement such administrative procedures as may be necessary to carry out the directions of this legislation. Section 3. Severability. The provisions of this ordinance are declared to be separate and severable. The invalidity of any clause, sentence, paragraph, subdivision, section or portion of this ordinance, or the invalidity of the application thereof to any person or circumstance shall not affect the validity of the remainder of this ordinance, or the validity of its application to other persons or circumstances. Section 4. Effective date. This Ordinance shall take effect and be in force five days from and after its passage, approval and publication as provided by law. INTRODUCED: __________________ PASSED: _______________________ APPROVED: ____________________ CITY OF AUBURN ATTEST: ______________________________ PETER B. LEWIS, MAYOR ________________________ Danielle E. Daskam, City Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORM: _________________________ Daniel B. Heid, City Attorney Published: _________________ DI.B Page 220 of 225 AGENDA BILL APPROVAL FORM Agenda Subject: Resolution No. 5019 Date: December 9, 2013 Department: Public Works Attachments: Resolution No. 5019 Vicinity Map Budget Impact: $0 Administrative Recommendation: City Council adopt Resolution No. 5019. Background Summary: Resolution No. 5019 authorizes the Mayor to accept the Washington State Transportation Improvement Board (TIB) grant for $4,000,000.00 to complete the funding for the S 277th St Corridor Capacity and Non-Motorized Trail Improvement project. The S 277th St Corridor Capacity and Non-Motorized Trail Improvement project consists of intersection improvements and major roadway widening on S 277th St from Auburn Way North to L Street NE. Project components include adding two new eastbound through lanes, one new west bound through lane, a Class I separated non-motorized trail, street lighting improvements, storm drainage improvements, streetscape improvements, Intelligent Transportation System (ITS) improvements, intersection capacity and safety improvements, and auxiliary turn lanes at Auburn Way North, D Street NE, and the future I Street NE. Project length is approximately 3,300 feet. This project previously received a federal grant in the amount of $1,020,700.00 to finance the design, environmental permitting, and property acquisition phases of the project and the City has entered in to a participation agreement with the Robertson Properties Group (RPG) to assist with financing construction of the project. This TIB grant completes the financing for construction. Reviewed by Council Committees: Finance, Public Works Councilmember:Wagner Staff:Sweeting Meeting Date:December 16, 2013 Item Number:DI.C AUBURN * MORE THAN YOU IMAGINEDDI.C Page 221 of 225 AUBURN * MORE THAN YOU IMAGINEDDI.C Page 222 of 225 RESOLUTION NO. 5 0 1 9 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF AUBURN, WASHINGTON, AUTHORIZING THE MAYOR TO ACCEPT A GRANT FROM THE WASHINGTON STATE TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT BOARD FOR CONSTRUCTION OF THE SbUTH 277TH STREET CORRIDOR CAPACITY AND NON-MOTORIZED TRAIL IMPROVEMENT PROJECT WHEREAS, the Ciry desires to impro4e the safety, capacity, and efficiency of South 277th Street ("S. 277th"); and WHEREAS, the need for corridor improvements on S. 277 h Street corridor is recognized in Aubum's adopted Transportation Improvement Program; and WHEREAS, widening S. 277"' Street from Aubum Way North to L Street NE, thereby completing the expansion of the only two lane segment on the street corridor between. SR-99 and SR-18 will improve the safety, capacity, and efficiency of S. 277 n Street;and WHEREAS, the City received a grant in the amount of $4,000,000.00 from the Washington State Transportation Improvement Board (TIB) to assist in the construction of the S. 277t" Street Corridor Capacity and Non-Motorized Trail Improvement Project; and WHEREAS, it is in the best interest of the City to use grant monies to finance capital improvements to the transportation system, NOW, THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF AUBURN, WASHINGTON, HEREBY RESOLVES as follows: Resolution No. 5019 December9, 2013 Page 1 of 2 DI.C Page 223 of 225 Section 1. That the Mayor is hereby authorized to accept the grant for 4,000,000.00 for the S. 2T/"' Street Corridor Capaciry and Non-Motorized Trail Improvement project. In addition, the Mayor is hereby authorized to execute any necessary agreements required by the Washington State Transportation Improvement Board for the Project, and to expend up to the total amount of the grant of 4,000,000.00 in accordance with the City's budget and the grant agreement. Section 2. That the Mayor is authorized to implement such other administrative procedures as may be necessary to carry out the directives of this legislation. Section 3. That this Resolution shall take effect and be in full force upon passage and signatures hereon. Dated and Signed this day of 2013. CITY OF AUBURN PETER B. LEWIS MAYOR ATTEST: Danielle E. Daskam, City Clerk APP Daniel B. Heid; City A ey Resolu6on No. 5019 December 9, 2013 Page 2 of.2 DI.C Page 224 of 225 DI.CPage 225 of 225