HomeMy WebLinkAboutItem Presented at the 11-04-2013 Meeting P�..�..,.,,�:�,•-��-�C' `y1a✓f,d-�z 3 . ��J �'si-HH�,n:-zt�. m� � CITY OF * * � -y- .�. ` � * _ � VV1�S:H I:N��T��1V � � • � ; � � , �' � � � ! � • • What �is project ma�nagement softw�are? • Why does the City need it? • Evaluation and selection • Overview of recommended software • Be nef it vs. Cost • N�ex�t Ste:ps • � � � e 0 � e � • Software progra1m that i�s speci�ficalily desig�ned - for project ma�nagement: — Manage project budgets and schedules — Project controls, reporting, and documentation — Support planning and programming o.f projects • Current software being util�ized by City Staff for other specific functions : — Permi�t Processing = CRW — Maintenance Management = Cartagraph — Financial Accounting = Eden � � � � e a � A � • A system of integrated tools packaged i�n a single comprehensive platform that provides : — Workflow process standardization and strearnii��ning — . A variety of reports with information compiled from differen�t data sources — Storage and tracking of project documentation electronically — Planning tools with scenario management and integrated Iinks to project schedules, budgets, and foreca�sts � — Tools �to en'hance public transparenc,y and custorner service D 0� �� 00 �� . _ ...e . . . . 00 . . _ ,_. O . . . O 0 . . 0 � _ O o � �J Y YYY�:lNV�=+V�=�/u �O O .,_. ...._,.. .. . . .� Tracks p.en�d�ing and fu��tu��re • �Tra�cks �e�ncumbra��nces �and costs expenses • Project cash fl:ow curves • Re�conciles trainsactions • Facilitates �proj;ect and with the genera'I ledger programmatic "What-if • Tracks overall fund ba�lance scenarios" and budgeting • Tracks and� summarizes � Used to approve and setup grant reimbursements encum�brances • Allows for ea rned value/progress analysis � o � � � s � o • � . � Keep up with the increasing need for capita�l projects. $60,000,000.00 22% Gap between $so,000,000.00 historic CIP production and $40,000,000.0o future demand $30,000;000.00 — SZO,000,000.00 S1o,000,000.00 $0.00 A AL PR 1ECT EX ENDITU ES FO ECAS ED PR JECT PENDI URES ��w �°°� �°tio �°titi �°titi Ja��� `�Q G�Q G�Q `�Q `�Q 0 ,yo� tih y�o ti� ti4� 0,�3' �,O �o ,LO ,y0 ,LO ti s • � . e . ° • � � � e � • Need to strea�mline and sta�nd.a��rd�ize project manageme.nt processes be�tween project managers, dep.a�rtme:nts, a�nd d:'iff:ere�nt types and si�zes o;f projects being implemen�ted . — Transportation (roadway preservation, roadway improvements, new roads, bridges) — UtiJi�ties ( repair & replacements, utility lines, pump stations, reservoirs, wells) — Parks, Golf Course, Cemetery, Airport — Municipal Buildings, Police, Comrnunity brnprovements (parking lots, building renovations, new buildings) J�� � � . _ . • � � � � , .�.��p '� � -G�iu � �� � � �", � Z.°J { �� ;', k � � f ��Q ' � ! �� � o °O o v � o n � . � o � . o U(J �� �• � � � � �. .�.,�-� ,� �•-� � '4,r��! Ol..y , � i� -U `+ u �l. _ � � � ;. a� :: �� �: .�;'� � � �. DED[1 �' D�;� ��� � _.,�,_,i J o. e � � � e � . � �. � � , e o.ti. 0n0 0 `; l"�f ai.�:s \ ,M- - , i� � � �a � �, , o� a��; � a ���.� ��'�� �o air�N� U U � ' �� � � ��• • U LJ ° Qs.� i � �. . �. �. O � � .. '1� Qr. '• � ,.� �� , � � � � S . o • . • � A � ' ' • ► Step 1) Eval.uated 5 available softwa�re packages ► Step 2) Detaiil,ed compa�rison of top 2 ► Step 3) Selected E-Builder for fu�rther evaluation ► Step 4) E-Builder detailed evaluation — Who else is using E-builder? — Meetings with current users (Port of Olympia) — Webinar by current users (�City of Arlington, Texas:) — Presentations by E-Builder — Working review of system — Attended Conference ��'' IM � o � �� _- __ _------ - _..._ • Function� lity — Fully integrated, cloud-based capital project and program management software with an agency based focus. — Offers graphical and tabular sumrnaries of projects and programs. — Can be integrated �wi;th the City's financial accounting software — Can be integrated with GIS and used as a powerful public information tool. — Provides mobile applications that allows in-the-field reporting, documenting, and coordination — Stores and integrates project information off-site, freeing up City server space and providing redundant back-ups � � ��' � �Sa9 ,;g � �� � � . 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Q e =F r�� �..1'�'� � .=�� � �4� ' � ;� , _�� ,;;a� L_==���� �_.J - �� ;� ; o . - . • • o - --- -- �f'��� AI ,-�-t UVU�o �UIC.f o O � � ! .-�� ��''���� � � � - ' ' ( ' - ° � � �'J `°J �' ' • °a � • • 0 • �y�-�^� mn�Rv�r � ° /,�� �"�"�J �.ens�:�sug� o ' � ' a ��J , o , � � � : • • . o : o S� � ; b �/±` .� �� "'--• �'� � � �� �fl���� � - �� ������� �t � � � �Q� �� �� � _ ---____-- _ .._ .___ _. _ _ . . • C u��sto m�e r �Se.rv�i�ce — 80% of clients are agencies or organizations — The president and CEO of the company is a civil engineer who works with other engineers, architects, and project managers to develop and constantly improve the software. — User feedback forum where users interact with other users to provide suggestions and input. — Quarterly updates to address user issues/feedback and to release upgra:des/enhancements. o C� C� C� 0� vs . ' OO �� \hI:JU U VU Ul� D �� � � � tJl7UVUU \"71:J 0 0 � � � ° U ��� P o � p oo �Bo� a � � o � �3� � e Ho�v woll �I�e City r�eet the �eed f� � increased ca�p�i�al �o�oject production ? o ° �° �0 vs . C�O�� QC� �1 � � ����.,� \JIJU U l5U UU` D � a D � � l:llhl`Il1�rJU U � � e � �� ° e V ' 0 �l:1lSl:lU�7 D 0� D Q � l:l`V'l`,UL"JU U U V � � � � �G'� � ° U . Increase in ca�p��ital project production capacity �by 13% o�r $3 . 2'SM per ye:ar D ° QC°� � °' 0� VSo � 'o �� � Increases capital project � Initial Costs = $ 159, 200 production capacity by � Setup/Configuration 13% or $3 . 25M per year � Infegration � Would need� to hire at ° E-BuilderTraining least 3 FTE's to realize the ° Internal Training same increase in � Annual Costs = $ 36,000 production . � Increases efficiency by estimated 6,500 hours or $470k an:nually $47�0,�00 �enefit vs. $36,�00 Cost �Annuall�� ��� II II � �s � � 0 0 0 ° 0 U"��l I�JU o , � " � �-------------- �--- ---__ -- __ � Split costs between fun.ds that pay for capital p�roj�ects. � Split percentages based generally on histo,ric staff salary alI'o�cation : � Transportation Funds ( 102, 103, 105) = 46% � Utilities Funds (430, 431, 432) = 41% � General Fund = 13% � Results in even split between each fund ( 102, 103, 104,, 430,, 431, 432, an,d General) : � On.e time setup/integration = $22,742 � Annual Cost = $5, 143 ��1��� c� �C� �C�� ��C� o � � � ► E-�uilder is a comprehensive p�oject rreanagerr�ent tool that can significantly improve the effectiveness a�d e#�ociency of project implementation. ► Consistent project controls, processes, documentation ► Standardized and strearnlined budget & schedule management ► Planning & programming optimizations ► Staff is asking for the Committee's support to ic�cl�ade this software on the City's 20�.3-2014 CVlid-�ier�nia0 Budget Amendment ► Launch Software in 2014