HomeMy WebLinkAbout5052 \ RESOLUTION NO. 5 0 5 2 A RESOLUTION OF THE GITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF AUBURN, WASHINGTON, AUTHORIZING THE MAYOR TO _. _ NEGOTIATE AGREEMENTS AND EXECUTE DOCUMENTS NECESSARYTO ACQUIRE PROPERTY RELATED TO 1EA HILL ROAD SEGMENT 1 IMPROVEMENTS WHEREAS, the City is planning corridor capacity and safety improvements to Lea Hill Road; and WHEREAS, the Lea Hill Road Segment 1 Project is in the City's 6-Year Transportatibn Improvement Program as TIP#64; and WHEREAS, the.corridor plan will require the acquisition of real property; and WHEREAS, real property acquisition costs for this project were amended into the City budget under Ordinance 6502; and WHEREAS, the policies and, procedures that will be followed in regard to negotiation and purchase for these properties is govemed by federal legislation and will be strictly adhered to; and WHEREAS, negotiation and purchase ofi these properties is in the best interest of the City. NOW, THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF AUBURN, WASHINGTON, HEREBY RESOLVES as follows: Resolution No. 5052 March 10,2014 Page 1 � Section 1. The Mayor is hereby authorized to negotiate agreements and execute all documents necessary to complete the acquisition of real property required for Lea HiII Road Segmertt 1 Improvements. Section Z. That the Mayor is hereby authorized to implement such administrative procedures as may be necessary to carry out the directives of this legislation. Section 3. That this Resolution shall take effect and be in full force upon passage and signatures hereon. Dated and Signed this�day of Y1�1 , 2014. CITY OFAUBURN A CY B i S MAYOR ATTEST: � �� Danielle E. Daskam, City Clerk , APPROVED AS TO FORM: n I B. Heid, � City Attorney Resolution No. 5052 March 10, 2014 Page 2 ,,. � � � ��� Flrst Amerion Title Inwrance Compa�ry � ��, •Y•••e,� I �.Y+ A rPi�Ci� 24722 1091f1 AVe SE,SM 100 l lI3l. L'Slf� � KeM,WA 98030-5322 Phn• (253)850-R30 F�- (800)589-0%5 esaow:kerrc.waf�firsmm.com Gty of Aubum May 14, 2014 25 Weat Main Fle No.: 4215-2211884(Mg) Aubum, WA 98001 Re: Propeity: 31921 Lea Hill Road,Aubum,WA 98092 TFie dosing of the above referenced transaction is now complete. For your records we enclose the following: (Keep ttiese instruments in a safe place as some of tfiem cannot be replaced.) • Final HUD-I Statement and/or Seriiement Statement Your Deed and Policy of Title Insurance will be forwarded separately. If checks are included in this padcage, please negotiate as won as powible. Should you have any qu�ons ar need further assistance, please wntact tfie undersigned. We at Rrst American 11Ue Insurance Company would like to take this opportuniry to thank you for the privilege of providing closing�services for this transai.tion. You are invited to cali Frst American Title Insurance Company for all your Utle and esQOw needs. We look forvuard to working with you in tlie future! Rrst American Title Insu2nce Comparry Kate Scott, Assistant for Trulene Glenn, Escrow O�cer ,�� � 3 3��f4-U�a� ( .a . .. . . . . �, ; First American Tide Insru�uice Company �I�A�"''�qO 2qM2 104th Ave SE,Sta 100• Kent,WA 98030-6322 I � � O/NCe Phone:(233)830-5P30 OMCe Fez:(800)SB40863 � Buyer's Fina1 Sett/ement Staterrrent � I PropeKy: 31921 Lea Hill Roed,Auburn,WA 98092 Flla No: 42152211884 � � OHiar: Trulene Glenn/kds �i � SattlementData:� 05/72/2014 . . � Dfs6ursament Date: D5/12l2014 �� PriM Date: DS/13/'2014,8:40 AM Buyer. Clty M Aubum - i � Addrase: ZS West Maln,Aubum,WA 88001 Seller� Capperstone Pl,operties LLC . Addrass: 3933 Lk Washington Blvd NE,Sulte 100,Kirkland,WA 98033 Lendsr Addreas: New Loan No.: � � • �� ' : � '���--��� CAa eDeseri Uon. .... .�,:�'� .•. �:� . �:�::� Bu erCha e' Bu�erCredlt -. � Consideration: � Total ConsWaratbn 201 000.00 . De osits in Escrow: � Pecel 1 No.4215194N af 05/72I2014 b LI M Aubum 247 362.06 ' Proratlone: '----- --- -- I . Co Tez•PafCelA 05117174fo07/01/l4 O 1177.Bfl� r 160.53 , � 1et 12 2D14-Pemel B OS/1?/74 to 07Ni/14 O 914. r. 39823 � i TiGe/Eacrow Char es to: TIIIeWarkCharqe IoFlrotAmarlcenTlGelnsurance POCM�8.70 i � � Com n�� 380.00 Sales Tax: 38.70 i A(Idi6onal Pe�cal Fee �o Flrst Ameriwn Tille Insumnce POC.510B.50 � Cam en $100.00 Sales Tax:$9.50 � � Eecrow/Cloeinp�Fee to Firet Amerlcan Tilb Ineurance Company$1,300.00 Selea Tex: 1,423.50 123.60 I - . RecoM Warten Deetl-Fnt to Firet American TNIe Ineurence Co n 74.00 ' , E�tclaeTex wKln Cou Treesurar'� 120b.00 EzcieeTe< toKl Cou Treesurer 3088.80 I ITotale � 247.352.06 247.352.08 / ��j�,,�6. i "4°�y,°"y��"' i .�'ryy i I i � � PoBS 1 Ot 1 . . �:` �I .��' ::., .,� ��a����. � ���������������� � ;'' I�TER RECORDING MAiL TO: 20140512001369 .. .i1� �' �. �`:. f RST AI�RRIGW D 75.00 � " Clll!.Of AUbW1� p�-001 OF 004 ,, : 25`W�Mdfn es�i2re0s� �e:ea '`s;.� � �; . . . ... KING COUNTY, YA ,. Aubutit�WA 98001�° ,,. ;- - ��� ;���::��' ..E266740i �� �:�, ,,�..� ��� � «� � ,.... ; �,'�" .�.� =z�t�oee.ee ;; ,. �aea ror aemro,m�aepaeu a:—`` "--� �_ - '�•,,•0'• „MO1r FGat AmM�n 11tle�iieuran(�!CempanY .'r <� �ARGAIN AFID•SALE"DEED "'' Ale No: 4215-2211884(tdg}::. ,``' '` '� oace: av�ze, xoia GrarKOr(e): CoPPersCone�� : ;� ,:;: ;,r ;` ,_..,,.,::.;: ;:. GYa�tee(5'N.'. 6tY of Aubum ;. '.,,...:,.. :' :, ;; ,:,, �: ,.:: Abbrevi8ied Legel: PTN L0T519 AND 20�BGOCK 7,�.;mLLMAN"S,AdBURM,IDALEAD6. TO THE GTY dF.SEA7TLE. DIV.NO:1,YOL l3a.P�..62.:1QN6 COUNS1f.....� ` Addigbnat taegal oq,page: : °' �� Ass�sor's'Tatc Parp�No(5): 333940060101 and 333940060309 ;�.....` ,�'TNE.�`�GRI,CNTOR(3!��CCPPER5TONE PROPERTIES, LLC, A WAS�iIN¢TO!(� LIMITED ' LIA6I� COMwANY, for:,and in co�deration of T� Dollars (;10.0fi) dnd 4�er valuable ton�deratlon,�'�t� haRd^;PaidA:bargaire, sells, comeys to C4lY ot Auburn,`a' Washinyton . ��MUnidpal Cbrporarlon;`the:Pollowin�d�a�ibed real estate,�t�[�in the Gounry of King,State of tNashdigLojl. LEGAL DESCRTP7ION: R�af PropErty;in tlte Ct�ti�y of Kfng,State of WasMngDOn,desaibed as foiiovas: , . ";; Legal Ver attached E�d�iti�t A�:':�.-s ,::. SubJect To: This corneyarue Is wbject to adven��s, oo�ditlok�s, r�stri�tioni'anq.-e�e�nis, if arry, a�ng tltle, which may appear in the puWic retord,�indudirx�-tiase d�owp'on arry�recordeff plat or survey. . . ,� .,� ��.. �... ":" ;> �. . r ;; . �;: vape 1 of 2 � :'IPB,iS-0S :�� .r r':;: . fja., " ,{. , ; , :. ,"APN:�7�,19b06G101 9mqein anE Sek Oeatl Poe No.:�215-miBBS(m� ,i� : ...� -m�llpumE Oata06/28/I01{ . .� .. . . . .....�,,. ' .° Go�erstctine�'I'roperties LLC , . .`1 f..� ::TH, ryn .n_.T ^,�j. . I''Nn)�` � �1• � M �..... By: Briai�Jessen,,.aiAa ge `"``.` 9a f,;. . . r 1 ,:� ,, . N �/ \ �'r By: Hugh Stewart, ManagRf , STATE OF�:,. Wa�ington j �... )-ss ;'` �, COUN7Y OF � ) ... ..... ,:. I ceirdh tliat 1 icnow or have satWacOory evidence that Brlaik7�.and Nu9b�S�ewart. is/are th�per;on(sk'who�ppeared before me,and said persorKs)adviodqledgeC that tieJsPieltlaEy slgrred ttils ir�trum�ht, v�i oath stated that he/she/theY Ware authorized ta.,P.x��.;fh�'lnstrumerd and 8cknpyvledged it es U,te•Mana9er of Coppe�sEone Propertle� LlC[o tl� Cae f�ee and wlurrtary ; aR�`suct4 party(i�for the:yses and purposes me doned In Mis instrumeiitE ;` �Ddted,,�� ,,, '� Notary Public in nd for the State of Wazhtngton R@Siding at: i�r2'3�"\ .' hiy apyointment exptres: (y`9—I g KARLA J. Hl1RSt�.� Noraav Pueiac BTAfFOfYYABNINdYf�l, ►.. OOIMS810NEi�EB ..� JUNE 9.2018 �" � .., ,�.. . ' Pagt 2 of 2 ..A. .:LPB f5-0S� . ':.,:. .,r E7WIBIT A a' . :�' LEGhI;'bESCRIh'{ION:Real propeRy in the County of 10ng,Smte of WashingDon,desaibed as .. ��: ,,.,.,, 'PARCEk A: LE1T519 kND,:2Q;.BLpCI(7,C.Qy^IlILLMAIN'S AUBIlRNDALE ADDITiON TO TNE CITY OF SEd'1TLEy D�VISION NGi:i,ACtORD�i T,O"TIfE.PU1T THEREOF,RECORDED IN YOLUME.13�OF PLATS,f PAGE IF2,IN I�IEylO��COU�ITaf:,WASHINGTON. . ;: : ">. ; ; ' .;!',•'•` a•"'� :p ;,' TpGET}IER WITl17HATpOR'IIOVt'ORy/ACAT�D�}{1NTRY ROAD NUMBER 273 AD70INING�WHICF�-1lPON`VA�ITION,AT'[q1CNE�TO SAID PR�S BY OPERATION OF IAWp - _ EXCEPT THAT POR7ION O�SrAID.P��;!��S�'f0 IaNG�NTY FOR N.D. LONGAI�R ROAD BY DEED RECQRDED UNDER REOORDZN6 NUMSER 856725; : AND EX�PTTFIAT PORTION THEREOF?CONVEYEI!''f0I�N6 GOUL!ITY FOR LEA FIILL ROAD REIR�ON BY DEW RECORDED UNDER'RECORCING NUM6ER•5�t33S28; AND EXCER7'THA?PORTION THEREOF LYIN6.��BASTER,N�'�f�t SOU7'Fi�RL1f OF L•`EA;'� NILL ROAD REViSION; �°. .,.. ,`, u:. AND EX�EPT 1'FIA'f PQRTION DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS:'.`'�"' ,.. BEGINWIN6 AT A POINT NORTH 89°59'00"WESf 1457.61 FEfT°AdD��IORTF.fib"0�"00' EAS7 30.00 FE�T FROM.17iE SOUTFI QUARTER CORNER OF SECTION�8y S.+DWNS+lIP 21 NOk7H,RI��6E S Ei1St,11VILLAME7TE MERIDIAN,IN IQNG COUNTY,V11A�iIN6TON; THENf•E NORTM 15°'i3'O,P°�.�AS'f 371.30 FEET: '•,><� TFIENCE SOUTFf 96°i8'30"EASTTO TNE WESiERLY BOUNDARY OF SAID LEA H2LL ROADi .,..,,:�.�_...,•. ;: . .;` :: .;�. .,.�.,.:. THENCE SOUTHERI.Y ANLi SOtJiHWESiENFrY ALONG THE WESTERLY AND NOR7HERLY BOUNDARY OF SAIp ROAD'�rTfS NP1?�RSECFiON 1NITN A LINE BEARIN6 NORTM 19°53'00° FAST FROR!�PO,�NT:OF¢EGIhNIhQi .;: ' T1IENCE SOIlTH 19°53�Itl"W�S'�';'T'O TNE f�OYNT�'OF BE�iINNING. PARCEL B: LOTS 19 AND 20�BLQCK 7r C.D.FIILLMA�'1'S kU�1R111�ALE ADbITI(!N TO THE CITY OP SEATTLE,DMSION NO. 1,ACCORDING 70 THE PLAT THE�#EOF,R�RDED dN VOLUME 13 OF PUITS�PAGE 62�IN KING'GOIMNTXr W1�H� +�"TONi,., BEGINNING AT A POINT NORTN 89°59'00°1NE5T 1A57,fi1 F�ET.AND NORiM b"0�'00" FJLST 30.00 FEEf FROM THE�UTM QUARTER WRNH�'OF SECfIOpI S,70WNSMIP 21 NORTH,RANGE 5 EpST.VIRLLAMET�E MERIDLWr IN IQNG`,CQUNTY,4VASHIN�+`FON� :' THENCE NORTN 19°53'00`EAST 371.30 FEET; : : " " '', :,• ,: .r ' - THENCE�tJT1186°18'30'EAST TO THE WESTERLY BOUNDARYaDF SA2D LEA FII�L" ;'. ..� �,......._.. ROAD: . .". - _ _ . . . . . � - -�': - . • . � ` �HEN6�SOUTHERLY AND SOUTHWE5IHt1.Y JLLONG TNE iN6TERLY AND NOR7HERLY �OUNDARY OF SAID ROAD TO 1TS INTERSECTION NRTH A LINE BEARING NORTH ,'�19°93'OG"'.RASi FRCM POINT OF BEGINI�IING; ;'� T}1E4(�5('1UTk(19°53'00"WFSr TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING; °'` TFjGEiHER W1T'H THAT PORTiON OF VACATED COUNTY ROAD NUMBER M3 � <, .pp�pIlylNGi.WFlICH,UPON VACAlION,ATTACHEO TO SAIO PREMIS�BY OPERATION �. : ..,.,.,. `�OF LAW: .r: - ,� . '�,.4 EXC€P'T THAT RORT,[4M OF.SA[{�'P�I�S�S CON�I�ED TO IQNG COUNTY FOR H.D. LONGAICER R07►D 8Y���RECORDED UNDER,RECGRDING NUMBER 856725; „ '.,. . •. . ' . . ' , ry1�T�b�O IaNG COUNTY FOR LEA HILL ANC EX[EPT'�MAT:,P�IRT�ON:THE�(f�'�, . ROAD REVISION BY DE�D iL�CaftD�R,�UNOFR RECORDING NUMBER 5433528. , �� � �.,. r` :' .: ' j` '' . . Ta�c Parcel ID No. 333940060291 and`333S40Q6�3Q9 : ` � .�... �.1� , '��` ���k �' Vi1 iM. .�n.� .r �'�.,.. ..,. '. :.,,;' . r' �. ';. : r ..� a.,. . n... rY , 1:: "d:.. �"�:�.:tY� . .. . - -s�s:- -