HomeMy WebLinkAbout04-16-2014 HEARING EXAMINER AGENDA - VARIANCE SPECIAL EXCEPTION APPLICATION New Cingular Wireless PCS LLC, d.b.a. AT&T Mobility File # VAR14-0003 I. GENERAL INFORMATION: Application Date: January 30, 2014 Applicant: Brandon Olsen, New Cingular Wireless PCS LLC, d.b.a. AT&T Mobility 19801 SW 72nd Ave STE 200 Tualatin, OR 97026 Agent: George Pierce, Ryka Consulting 918 S Horton St STE 1002 Seattle, WA 98134 Property Owner: Margaret Robinson, Senior Counsel American Tower Management, LLC 10 Presidential Way Woburn, MA 01801 Project Description: Special Exception pursuant to City Code Section 18.70.020.A.3 to increase the height of the existing approx. 99 foot high Wireless Communication Facility (WCF) tower by 20 feet (20.2%), add new antennas, construct a 230 square foot associated equipment shelter surrounded by an extension of the existing fence on a site zoned R5, Residential. Proposed Location: 5811 Panorama Drive SE, Auburn WA 98001 The site is within the NE quarter, of the NW quarter of Section 6, Township 21 North, Range 5 East, W.M. Pierce County, Washington. Parcel Number: Pierce Co. Assessor‟s Parcel #0520062013. Agenda Subject: Special Exception for Expansion of a Non-Conforming Use, AT&T – File No. VAR14-0002 Date: April 3, 2014 Page 2 of 16 Agenda Subject: Special Exception for Expansion of a Non-Conforming Use, AT&T – File No. VAR14-0002 Date: April 3, 2014 Page 3 of 16 II. SEPA STATUS: The project is not SEPA exempt. An addendum to the previous Final Determination of Non- Significance (DNS) File # SEP09-0020 was issued on March 31, 2014. III. FINDINGS OF FACT: 1. The Comprehensive Plan designations, zoning designations and existing land uses of the subject site and surrounding properties are: Comprehensive Plan designation Zoning classification Current Land Use Project Site Single Family Residential R5, Residential, Five Dwelling Units per Acre Wireless Communication Facility (WCF) North Single Family Residential Lakeland Hills Planned Unit Development (PUD) Single-family residences South Single Family Residential Lakeland Hills Planned Unit Development (PUD) Single-family residences West Single Family Residential and Public & Quasi-Public Lakeland Hills Planned Unit Development (PUD) Single-family residences and municipal water storage facility East Single Family Residential Lakeland Hills Planned Unit Development (PUD) Single-family residences 2. On January 30, 2014, George Pierce of Ryka Consulting on behalf of Branson Olsen of New Cingular Wireless PCS, LLC, d.b.a. AT&T Mobility, Applicant, and on behalf of Margaret Robinson, Senior Counsel of American Tower Management, LLC, Property owner, applied for a Special Exception to expand an existing non-conforming use. More specifically, the proposal seeks to increase the height of the existing approx. 99-foot high wireless communication facility (WCF) tower by 20 feet (20.2%), add twelve new antennas, four per sector on boom gates, construct an approximately 230 square foot associated equipment shelter surrounded by an extension of the existing fence on a site zoned R5, Residential (Five Dwelling Units Per Acre). 3. A Special Exception is required for the proposal since the zoning designation of the subject property is R5, Residential (Five Dwelling Units per Acre) and the existing wireless communication facility (WCF) is nonconforming to the use regulations of this zone. It is non-conforming because wireless communication facilities are not allowed in this Residential zoning district with the exception of Type 1-D wireless communication facilities per ACC 18.31.100.K (Type 1-D, WCF are antenna located on existing water towers, athletic field light poles, or similar public utility infrastructure not located within Agenda Subject: Special Exception for Expansion of a Non-Conforming Use, AT&T – File No. VAR14-0002 Date: April 3, 2014 Page 4 of 16 public street right-of-way). The current use is as privately-owned site and tower for wireless communication facilities. 4. Per Auburn City Code (ACC) 18.04.912, the city defines the following types of WCF: “18.04.912 Wireless communications TYPE 1. Type 1 are new antennas erected on existing buildings or nonresidential structures. There are four separate Type 1 categories described as follows: 1-A. The combined height of the antenna together with the height of the existing building cannot be 25 percent greater than the existing building or exceed the height limitation of the zone in which the building is located. 1-B. The combined height of the antenna together with the height of the existing building cannot be 50 percent greater than the existing building or exceed the height limitation of the zone in which the building is located. 1-C. The combined height of the antenna together with the height of the existing building is 50 percent greater than the existing building or exceeds the height limitation of the zone in which the building is located. The height limitation of the zone can only be exceeded by 25 percent. 1-D. Antenna located on existing water towers, athletic field light poles, or similar public utility infrastructure not located within public street right-of-way. The height limitation of the WCF will be 10 percent of the existing structure height, but may be increased to a maximum of 20 percent with an administrative use permit and may be increased to a maximum of 30 percent with a conditional use permit. The height limitation of the zone may be exceeded relative to the above provisions allowed for a 1-D facility. TYPE 2. Type 2 are new antennas erected on existing (primary) support structures that have previous city approvals. There are two separate Type 2 categories described as follows: 2-A. Must meet height requirements of previous approval and is limited to 50 percent total (cumulative) expansion of equipment area. 2-B. Has greater height requirements than previous approval and allows for more than a 50 percent expansion of the equipment area. TYPE 3. Type 3 is the erection of new (primary) support structures. There are two separate Type 3 categories described as follows: 3-A. Monopoles that are 75 feet or less in height. 3-B. Monopoles that are more than 75 feet in height or lattice towers of any height. “ 5. Per Auburn City Code (ACC) 18.31.100.K the City defines the following types of WCF and the zoning district in which they are allowed: Agenda Subject: Special Exception for Expansion of a Non-Conforming Use, AT&T – File No. VAR14-0002 Date: April 3, 2014 Page 5 of 16 “K. Zones in Which WCF Are Permitted. The following table illustrates which zones the types of facilities as defined by ACC 18.04.912(J) are allowed in and which permits are required. Microcells, as defined by ACC 18.04.912(G), are allowed only in residential zones and shall be permitted outright pursuant to the provisions of ACC 18.04.912(G). Type of Permit Required Zone Permitted Outright Administrative Use Permit Conditional Use Permit All Zones 1-D 1-D1 1-D2 RO-H 1-A 1-B 1-C C-N 1-A 1-B 1-C C-1 1-A 1-B 1-C C-2, DUC 1-A 1-B 1-C C-3 1-B, 2-A 1-C, 2-B, 3-A 3-B M-1, EP 1-B, 2-A 1-C, 2-B, 3-A 3-B M-2 1-B, 2-A 1-C, 2-B, 3-A 3-B P-1 1-B, 2-A 1-C, 2-B 3-A3 I 1-A 1-B 1-C LF 1-A 1-B 1-C 1. Allowance for the WCF to extend to a height of 20 percent of the supporting structure. 2. Allowance for the WCF to extend to a height of 30 percent of the supporting structure. 3. The maximum height allowed, including antennas, is 45 feet." 6. A non-conforming structure or use may be expanded if a Special Exception is approved by the Hearing Examiner pursuant to Auburn City Code (ACC) Section and 18.70.020.A.3 of the Zoning Ordinance, which states: “18.70.020 Special exceptions. A. Only the following special exceptions may be granted by the hearing examiner after a public hearing is held pursuant to ACC 18.70.040: . . 3. A nonresidential structure or use which becomes a legal nonconforming structure or use after the effective date of the ordinance codified in this title may be permitted, by means of a special exception, to expand the existing use or structure up to 25 percent of the use or structure existing at the time of the Agenda Subject: Special Exception for Expansion of a Non-Conforming Use, AT&T – File No. VAR14-0002 Date: April 3, 2014 Page 6 of 16 adoption of this title; provided further, that the addition otherwise meets the standards of this title and other requirements of the city. This section does not allow the expansion of a use or structure which would be inconsistent with a previously authorized conditional use permit, special property use permit, contract rezone, or binding agreement between the city and the property owner. This section also does not allow the expansion of any nonconforming hazardous material storage.” A similar code provision is found within the zoning code chapter related to regulation of nonconforming uses and structures at Auburn City Code (ACC) Section 18.54.060.H: “18.54.060 Maintenance, damage repairs and restorations, additions, enlargements, moving or relocation of nonconforming structures, and residential structures. . . H. A nonresidential structure or use which becomes a legal nonconforming structure or use after the effective date of the ordinance codified in this title may be permitted by means of a special exception issued by the hearing examiner pursuant to ACC 18.70.020 to expand the existing use or structure up to 25 percent of the use or structure existing at the time of the adoption of the ordinance codified in this title; provided further, that the addition otherwise meets the standards of this title and other requirements of the city. This section does not allow the expansion of a use or structure which would be inconsistent with a previously authorized conditional use permit, special property use permit, contract rezone, or binding agreement between the city and the property owner. This section also does not allow the expansion of any nonconforming hazardous material storage.” 7. This request for the Special Exception has been reviewed with the Planning Director and the Assistant City Attorney. The Planning Director in reviewing the zoning code determined that the special exception process in ACC 18.70.020A (3) is the appropriate process for this proposal. ACC 18.56.060H (Nonconforming Structures and Uses) allows expansion up to 25% under the Special Use Exception. ACC 18.70.020A(3), provides that non-residential use which becomes non-conforming “after the effective date of this ordinance” may be permitted to expand up to 25% of the use or structure existing at this time. The Director determined a variance is not appropriate because the city‟s zoning code provides a more specific process for expansion of nonconforming structures and uses. 8. The 0.95-acre site is located on the north side of the public street of Panorama Drive SE, between Francis Court SE and Hazel Court SE. The character of the vicinity is predominantly a residential neighborhood. 9. The 0.95-acre (41,340 square foot) site is located near a high point in elevation for the vicinity. The site occurs at an elevation of 574 above sea level and the single family residential properties developed to the east are approximately 25 feet lower in ground surface elevation. The municipal water supply facility located to the northwest is at a Agenda Subject: Special Exception for Expansion of a Non-Conforming Use, AT&T – File No. VAR14-0002 Date: April 3, 2014 Page 7 of 16 similar and slightly higher elevation of 576 feet. The wireless communication facilities are located in the central portion of the site surrounded by mature, native vegetation that has historically been retained. The native vegetation consists of mature Douglas fir trees, Black Cottonwood trees, and understory vegetation. 10. The existing WCF consist of an approximately 99-foot high lattice-type tower with an approximately 2,680 square foot equipment area defined by a 6-foot high galvanized chain link fence with razor wire at the top. Located within the fenced yard and north of the tower are two, single-story equipment buildings, one with an attached minor storage shed. The yard also contains a separate pad containing an emergency power generator. Vehicle access to the WCF is provided by a gravel driveway to the Panorama Drive SE, secured by a locked metal gate. 11. The property has been the subject of a previous request for a special exception to expand a non-conforming use as follows: On June 23, 2009 the City received an application (City File # MIS09-0008) for a Special Exception from Sarah Telschow of RealCom Associates LLC on behalf of Verizon Wireless, a new carrier at this location, for the site preparation and installation of nine (9) panel antennas to an existing non-conforming tower on a site zoned R5, Residential in order to accommodate a new wireless communication provider. Additional improvements proposed as part of this proposal included an equipment shelter and backup emergency power generator within an existing lease area. On September 9, 2009, a public hearing was held by the City‟s Hearing Examiner on the Special Exception Application to expand an existing non-conforming use under the process identified in ACC 18.70.020, “Special Exceptions”. No one other than staff and the Applicant testified. On September 21, 2009, the Hearing Examiner issued a written decision approving the request (City File # MIS09-0008) without conditions. There were no requests for reconsideration or appeals of this decision. Building (alteration) permits were subsequently issued (File # ALT09-0305) on January 29, 2010 and the project constructed. 12. The Application materials from this prior application indicate as well as the “Findings of Fact” from the previous hearing examiner decision (File # MIS09-0008) indicate: “The subject site was developed prior to its annexation into the City in 1998, and the original lattice tower was approved by Pierce County in a 1965 building permit. Pierce County records do not have detailed information regarding the tower‟s approval. “ 13. As indicated by the Applicant‟s representative in their January 22, 2014 letter from Gisele Lima, Radio Frequency Engineer, AT&T Mobility, the project is needed to provide coverage in the City of Auburn and specifically the Lakeland Hills neighborhood. The letter indicates based on radio frequency planning tools and other data collected by the Applicant, the vicinity has been identified as requiring an upgrade to achieve 4G LTE (data) service. The letter provides the following justification for the request: Agenda Subject: Special Exception for Expansion of a Non-Conforming Use, AT&T – File No. VAR14-0002 Date: April 3, 2014 Page 8 of 16 “The existing tower is 98‟-11” tall, with an attached FM antenna. The antennae of another wireless carrier, Verizon, are already attached to the structure at a centerline of 87‟-9”. Due to required separation of 9‟ between two wireless carriers to prevent radio frequency interference, the minimum available centerline elevation the Applicant‟s antennae are 70‟-11”. But due to area topography, existing mature tree heights in the area, and the Applicant‟s coverage needs, the Applicant proposes to extend the existing structure by 20‟ and co-locate their antennas at a 105‟ centerline. According to the enclosed coverage propagation maps, this height is the minimum required to obtain the Applicant‟s coverage objective. As depicted on the enclosed propagation maps, a 70‟-11” antenna centerline would not sufficiently resolve the coverage gap, but a 105‟ antenna centerline would sufficiently resolve the coverage gap and meet coverage objectives.” 14. As indicated by the Applicant‟s representative in the January 22, 2014 letter from Gisele Lima, Radio Frequency Engineer, AT&T Mobility, the Applicant considered three other alternative locations to this proposal. These locations were evaluated and eliminated as not feasible mostly due to insufficient height to meet coverage objectives as listed in the letter. 15. The property has had the Comprehensive Plan Designation of “Single Family Residential‟ and the zoning of the property was originally „R1, Residential (8,000 square foot minimum lot size)‟ at the time of the property annexation to the City. The R1 zoning category was subsequently changed to R5, Residential (Five dwelling units per acre) by Ordinance # 6245 in June of 2009. 16. The property is zoned R5, Residential (Five dwelling units per acre). The stated purpose of the R5 district as stated at ACC 18.07.010 is to: “18.07.010 Intent (of the R5 zoning district). The R-5 single-family residential zones are intended to create a living environment of optimum standards for single-family dwellings. It is further intended to achieve development densities of four to five dwelling units per net acre. This zone will provide for the development of single-family detached dwellings and for such accessory uses as are related, incidental and not detrimental to the single-family residential environment. 17. The City of Auburn Comprehensive Plan designates this site as “Single Family Residential” The City‟s Comprehensive Plan describes the purpose of this designation as follows: “Single Family Purpose: To designate and protect areas for predominantly single family dwellings. Description: This category includes those areas reserved primarily for single family dwellings. Implementing regulations should provide for an appropriate range of lot sizes, clustered and mixed housing types as part of a planned development. Agenda Subject: Special Exception for Expansion of a Non-Conforming Use, AT&T – File No. VAR14-0002 Date: April 3, 2014 Page 9 of 16 Compatible Uses: Single family residences and uses that serve or support residential development, such as schools, daycare centers, churches and parks shall be considered appropriate and may be permitted on a conditional basis. Other public buildings and semi-public uses may be permitted if designed and laid out in a manner which enhances rather than detracts from the residential character of the area. In siting such uses, however, special care shall be given to ensuring adequate parking, landscaping, and traffic circulation with a minimum of conflict with residential uses. Uses which generate significant traffic (such as large churches) should only locate on developed arterials in areas zoned for institutional uses. Intrusion of industrial uses into any of these single family areas shall be prohibited. Only very limited commercial uses such as home occupations or strictly limited appropriate conditional uses can be allowed. Planned developments should be favorably considered in these designations in order to allow optimal flexibility. In providing such flexibility, the emphasis should be on small alley-loaded lot single family development, limited low density multifamily housing and a mixture of types, and design diversity should be sought. Except where conditional use permits have been previously granted, alternate structure types should not exceed more than 40 percent of the units, and alternative structures should in most cases contain no more than four dwelling units each. However, where substantial offsetting community benefits can be identified, such alternative structures may be allowed to contain more than three units each. Criteria for Designation: Areas suitable for this designation include those areas designated in goals and policies of this Plan as single family areas. Consistent with those policies, areas within the Community Serving Area of the City suitable for this category should be reserved for these uses. This designation should also be applied to areas adjacent to lower density residential plan designations. The Comprehensive Plan is used by the City to guide decisions on amendments to the City‟s zoning code, decisions on development regulations, and to guide site-specific land use decisions -- all of which must be consistent with the Comprehensive Plan. 18. The proposed development is not exempt from environmental review under the State Environmental Policy Act (SEPA) categorical exemption thresholds. After review of the proposal, an addendum to a previous Final Determination of Non-Significance (SEP09- 0020) was issued March 31, 2014. 19. Staff conducted a site visit on April 3, 2014 to verify the proposal and surroundings. Agenda Subject: Special Exception for Expansion of a Non-Conforming Use, AT&T – File No. VAR14-0002 Date: April 3, 2014 Page 10 of 16 20. A Notice of Application and notice of the hearing was posting on the site, mailed to properties within 300 feet and published in the newspaper on or before March 31, 2014 in accordance with ACC 14.07.040 “Methods of providing notice”. 21. The application was received on January 30, 2014. The Application was determined complete on March 13, 2014. A decision on the proposal is expected to be issued within the 120-day timeframe of ACC 14.11.010, „Time limits‟. CONCLUSIONS: ACC Section 18.70.020.B provides criteria for Special Exceptions: A. Consideration shall be given to the nature and condition of all adjacent uses and structures prior to authorizing; Staff Analysis: The subject property is surrounded by single family residences except to the northwest which contains a municipal water storage facility (vertical water tank) constructed in 2011. The public right-of -way of Panorama Drive SE borders the site to the south. All of the surrounding properties are zoned Lakeland Hills Planned Unit Development (PUD). The site is an island of the R5, Residential zoning designation different from its surroundings resulting from the ownership pattern existing at the time of annexation to the City. The proposed tower extension and equipment shelter construction is proposed to provide high quality 4G LTE service to homes and automobiles in the Lakeland Hills neighborhood and vicinity to meet the voice and data needs of AT&T customers. The proposed tower addition would be most visible from the adjacent residences and streets, including Panorama Drive SE (See photo simulations provided with the application). However, the existing on-site 77‟ to 87‟ tall trees assist in partially obscuring views of the tower. The ground level equipment shelter and generator are more effectively screened by the existing vegetation. Granting this special exception to allow the tower addition, antennae and equipment installation is not anticipated to change the existing character of the facility and will not materially change the developed nature from the current conditions. As described by the Applicant, the proposal will not create any significant impact to the surrounding area and is consistent with the developed character of the current use. B. That the authorizing of such special exception will not be materially detrimental to the public welfare or injurious to property in the zone or vicinity in which the property is located; Staff Analysis: The proposed expansion will be subject to all applicable City codes, building codes and regulations. The proposed tower addition represents less than a 20.2% percent increase in height to the tower (Change from 98‟-11” to 118‟-11” feet). The existing WCF consist of a tower and equipment areas within an approximately 2,680 square foot equipment area defined by a 6- Agenda Subject: Special Exception for Expansion of a Non-Conforming Use, AT&T – File No. VAR14-0002 Date: April 3, 2014 Page 11 of 16 foot high chain link fence. The proposed expansion of the equipment area measures approximately 16 feet by 35 feet or a fenced 560-square-foot expansion area. This represents an approximately 20.9 percent increase of the equipment yard area. The current request for a special exception does not exceed 25 percent, the maximum expansion allowed by the special exception process (ACC 18.70.020.A) The Application for expansion was reviewed by various City Divisions and the Valley Regional Fire Authority (VRFA). The Building Division noted that a structural evaluation will be necessary associated with the building permit to demonstrate that the tower and its foundation is sufficient to support all imposed loads of the new, existing antennas plus the increase in tower height. This would also apply to any other equipment attached to the tower. The Engineering Division noted that the project will require a storm permit that is anticipated to be a Level 1 Storm Permit. A grading permit may also be required if the construction should exceed more than 500 cubic yards of earthwork. The proposal was reviewed by the City‟s Utilities Division, however the proposed WCF addition will not require use of, or increase demand for public utilities. The proposed tower addition would be most visible from the adjacent residences and from Panorama Drive SE (See photo simulations provided with the application). However, the existing on-site 77‟ to 87‟ tall trees assist in partially obscuring views of the tower. The ground level equipment shelter and generator are more effectively screened by the existing vegetation. The “Applicant‟s Responses to ACC 18.31.100” document, accompanying their application, indicates City code required landscape visual screening of the WCF is proposed with the following method: “Existing vegetation on the site fully screens the existing above ground support equipment from view. As proposed, existing vegetation will also fully screen the proposed above ground support equipment from view. The Application requests approval to use existing on-site vegetation to meet the landscaping requirements set forth in city code. Photographic evidence is provided within the application package.” Using existing vegetation to provide the required visual landscape screening is allowed by city code. However, the proposed fence extension for expansion of the ground level equipment area will require elimination of a portion of the existing landscape buffer. The resultant distance from the fence to the south property line will be approximately forty feet and twenty feet of this is the gravel driveway which does not contribute to visual screening. Since the existing vegetation in this area consists of a mixture of Himalayan blackberry vines and shrubs in the area, there is likely a need to supplement the vegetation in this area with additional native plantings to ensure continued visual screening. A condition of approval is proposed to provide a landscape plan for supplemental native plantings on the south side to ensure continued visual screening of ground level equipment with the proposed reduction in landscape buffer. The “Applicant‟s Responses to ACC 18.31.100” document, accompanying their application materials, comments on City code required painting of WCF support structures to allow them to blend into the surroundings through the use of grays and blues is proposed. The code provides that each application is required to be evaluated individually. The Applicant indicates the tower extension would match the existing tower design and colors. However, Agenda Subject: Special Exception for Expansion of a Non-Conforming Use, AT&T – File No. VAR14-0002 Date: April 3, 2014 Page 12 of 16 this only addresses the tower component and not the other equipment attached to the tower. To reduce or avoid visual impacts to the extent possible, a condition of approval is proposed to provide a color or material samples to ensure that not only the tower extension, but the equipment attached to the tower is manufactured in a color or coated in a color, such as paint, to be as similar as possible to the existing galvanized metal color of the tower (gray). The proposal is not anticipated to be injurious to public health. As indicated in the “Letter from Engineering Manager dated December 20, 2013, accompanying the application, the proposed operation of the WCF will transmit at frequencies in the range of 734 to 892 MHz and 1,930 to 2,145 MHz as licensed by the Federal Communications Commission (FCC). As indicated, the power densities calculated for each sector of the proposed facility will be well below the maximum Federal Communications Commission exposure levels and is proven safe according to federal guidelines. The proposal will not cause any habitable areas of the structure to exceed the Federal Communications Commission's worst case limits for human exposure to radio frequency electromagnetic radiation fields. Also, as indicated the proposed facility is not anticipated to interfere with other communication facilities. The site is monitored 24 hours a day, seven days a week by a national operations center to insure normal operations. With the conditions proposed, the special exception, if granted will not significantly alter the character of the neighborhood or be detrimental to surrounding properties in which the property is located. C. The authorization of such special exception will be consistent with the spirit and purpose of the zoning code. Staff Analysis: The stated purpose of the zoning code is to: “18.02.030 Purpose. A. The purpose of this title is to implement the city's comprehensive plan. This title will be used to further the growth and development of the city consistent with the adopted comprehensive plan and it‟s implementing elements. This title will also further the purpose of promoting the health, safety, morals, convenience, comfort, prosperity, and general welfare of the city's population and to prevent and abate public nuisances. B. The specific zones and regulations set out in this title are designed to: 1. Provide adequate public facilities and services, including utilities, roads, schools, and parks in conjunction with development; 2. Provide housing with essential light, air, privacy, and open space; 3. Facilitate the safe and efficient movement of traffic on the city's streets; 4. Stabilize and enhance property values; 5. Facilitate adequate provisions for doing public and private business and thereby safeguard the community's economic structure upon which the prosperity and welfare of all depends; and 6. Through such achievements, help ensure the safety and security of home life, foster good citizenship, and create and preserve a more healthful, serviceable and attractive municipality and environment in which to live.” Agenda Subject: Special Exception for Expansion of a Non-Conforming Use, AT&T – File No. VAR14-0002 Date: April 3, 2014 Page 13 of 16 The Special Exception, if approved would be consistent with the growth and development purpose of the Comprehensive Plan and assist in promoting private enterprise for community economic vitality. Specifically, the intent of the Special Exception provision in the zoning code is to allow the Hearing Examiner to approve limited expansions of existing non-conforming uses and development. The Applicant is proposing to increase tower height and yard area to increase the efficiency and capacity of their communication services. The proposed addition is less than the maximum increase of 25 percent that could be authorized. Staff believes it is reasonable to allow the expansion of the non-conforming structure to accommodate an incremental upgrade to the facility. D. This section does not allow the expansion of a use or structure which would be inconsistent with a previously authorized administrative use permit, conditional use permit, special property use permit, contract rezone, or binding agreement between the city and the property owner. This section also does not allow the expansion of any nonconforming hazardous material storage. Staff Analysis: The subject site was developed prior to its annexation into the City in 1998, and the original lattice tower is believed to be approved by Pierce County by a 1965 building permit. Pierce County records do not have detailed information regarding the tower‟s approval. Since no previous administrative use or conditional use permit is known to exist, the expansion if approved is not known to violate any previously authorized conditional use permit, special property use permit, contract rezone, or binding agreement. Also, the proposal so does not propose any expansion of any nonconforming hazardous material storage, which is prohibited. Staff finds the request meets the criterion, as conditioned. V. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Based upon the application materials presented and Findings of Fact and Conclusions of the staff report, Staff recommends that the Special Exception, File # VAR14-0003 be approved with the following five conditions: VI. CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL: 1. Prior to the issuance of building permits, the plans for the proposed WCF tower extension and equipment installation shall be reviewed and approved by the Planning Director or designee to ensure consistency with the application materials and decision on the Special Exception approved by the Hearing Examiner. Agenda Subject: Special Exception for Expansion of a Non-Conforming Use, AT&T – File No. VAR14-0002 Date: April 3, 2014 Page 14 of 16 2. In order to meet code requirements of ACC 18.31.020.F, that limit the use of barbed wire to the city‟s P-1, M-1 or M-2 zones and provides that no fence in other zoning districts may include the use of barbed wire, the extension of the fence as part of this proposal shall not include the installation of barbed wire or razor wire for the portion of the fence that an expansion of the yard enclosure. Barbed wire can remain on the existing portion of fence. 3. A structural evaluation is required for City review prior to authorization of the building permit. A licensed design professional shall perform an analysis to determine the structural integrity of the proposed tower extension, the number of new and existing antennas on the existing tower and all other additions. The analysis shall determine that the tower and its foundation shall be sufficient to support all imposed loads of the new, existing antennas plus the increase in tower height. This also applies to any other equipment attached to the tower. The submittal shall be reviewed and approved with the building permit. 4. Compatible color is required of the tower and tower mounted equipment. To reduce or avoid aesthetic impacts and comply with ACC 18.31.100.F, „Aesthetics‟, at the time of building permit application, the Applicant shall provide color or material samples or other methods (such as photographic simulations, etc.) to ensure that not only the tower extension, but that other equipment attached to the tower is manufactured in a color or coated in a color, (such as paint) as similar as possible, to the existing galvanized metal (gray) color of the tower. The submittal shall be reviewed and approved by the Planning Director or designee. 5. A supplemental landscape plan is required. The proposed fence extension for expansion of the ground level equipment area will eliminate a portion of the existing site landscape buffer. Since the existing vegetation in this area consists of a mixture of Himalayan blackberry vines and shrubs in the area, there is likely a need to supplement the vegetation in this area with additional native plantings to ensure continued visual screening given the buffer reduction. At the time of building permit application, the Applicant shall provide a landscape plan for supplemental native plantings to be located south of the new equipment area to ensure continued visual screening of ground level equipment. The submittal shall be reviewed and approved by the Planning Director or designee. VII. EXHIBIT LIST: Exhibit 1 Staff Report Exhibit 2 Special Exception Application Materials: 2A Completed Application Form 2B Letter of Authorization 2C Request for Special Exception Narrative, Received January 30, 2014. 2D SD242 Lakeland Hills Way & Elizabeth Ave SE Project Plans, Sheets T-1, C-1, & A-1 thorough A-2, B.J. Thomas P.E., December 13, 2013. 2E Applicant‟s Responses to ACC 18.31.100, Received January 30, 2014. 2F Letter to City re: Rational and alternatives, Gisele Lima, Radio Agenda Subject: Special Exception for Expansion of a Non-Conforming Use, AT&T – File No. VAR14-0002 Date: April 3, 2014 Page 15 of 16 Frequency Engineer , AT&T Mobility, January 22, 2014 2G Letter to City re: Radio Frequency and Density, Ken Seymour, Engineering Manger at Mobility, December 20, 2013. 2H Federal Communications Commission Antenna Structure Registration TOWAIR Determination Results, January 27, 2014 2I SD2442- Lakeland Hills Way & Elizabeth Ave SE RF Service Map, AT&T, December 23, 2013. 2J SD2442- Lakeland Hills Way & Elizabeth Ave SE RF Service Gap Exhibits, AT&T, Received January 30, 2014. 2K Aerial Photo (1) and Ground Level Photos of Equipment Yard (3), Received January 30, 2014. 2L Photo-simulations of tower height increase (aerial and four “Before and After”) AT&T, Received January 30, 2014. Exhibit 3 2012 Aerial photo of the site and vicinity Exhibit 4 City Zoning Map Exhibit 5 City Comprehensive Plan Map Exhibit 6 Addendum to previous Determination of Non-Significance (SEP09-0020) Exhibit 7 Notice of Application/Notice of Public Hearing Exhibit 8 Affidavit of Publication Exhibit 9 Affidavit of Mailing Exhibit 10 Affidavit of Posting Exhibit 11 Hearing Examiner decision on the previous Special Exception, File #MIS09-0008, Verizon Exhibit 12 Staff report on the previous Special Exception, File #MIS09-0008, Verizon Exhibit 13 Copy of screen shot of Pierce County historical permit records Staff reserves the right to supplement the record of the case to respond to matters and information raised subsequent to the writing of this report. Agenda Subject: Special Exception for Expansion of a Non-Conforming Use, AT&T – File No. VAR14-0002 Date: April 3, 2014 Page 16 of 16 Request for Special Exception New Cingular Wireless PCS, LLC (Applicant) requests approval through a Special Exception to increase the existing wireless structure located on Panorama Dr. SE (47.256200, -122.219941 / Parcel #: 0520062013) by 20.2% of the existing structure (20’ tower extension); collocate its antennae on the extended, existing structure; and construct an 11’ 5” x 20’ equipment shelter to house associated radio equipment at the base of the existing structure (see enclosed site plans). The proposed equipment shelter would be surrounded by an extension of the existing chain link fencing on site. Utilities will be provided from existing facilities located on Panorama Dr. SE. Written Statement Under ACC 18.70.020.B, in reviewing applications for special exceptions, the Hearing Examiner shall consider: 1. The nature and condition of all adjacent uses and structures; and Applicant Response: All structures adjacent to the subject property are single-family residences, except the parcel to the northwest, which contains a new city-owned water tank. The single-family residences and water tank are all in good condition. To the best of the Applicant’s knowledge, obtained through due diligence and good faith effort, the proposed extension and equipment shelter would not be inconsistent with previously authorized permits for the existing structure, in accord with ACC 18.70.020. The subject property was previously part of Pierce County before annexation into the City of Auburn. Though the Applicant contacted Pierce County and the City of Auburn, the Applicant was unable to locate a copy of any previously authorized permits for the existing structure. The proposed extension and equipment shelter construction will ensure ubiquitous, high-quality 4G LTE service in automobiles and homes in the Lakeland Hills Way and Elizabeth Avenue SE vicinity. 4G LTE technology is essential to meeting the voice and data needs of AT&T customers in this area, particularly as many AT&T customers now use their mobile device as their primary phone. While voice service may be acceptable in some areas, AT&T needs to provide the 4G LTE technology upgrade so no neighborhood is denied high quality voice and data service. AT&T requires 9’ of separation distance between the Verizon antennae currently located on the existing structure and the proposed AT&T antennae to be located on the structure to minimize the risk of signal interference between the two sets of antennae. 2. Materially detrimental impacts to public welfare or injuries to property in the zone or vicinity in which the property is located; and Applicant Response: Public welfare will not be affected by the installation of the Applicant’s antennae and equipment. The Applicant proposes to install the equipment within a communications shelter at the base of the existing wireless structure. The existing chain link fencing on the property would be extended to surround the proposed equipment shelter. With the extended chain link fencing and existing mature and ground vegetation on the property, the proposed equipment shelter will not be visible from the public right-of-ways. Any noise emitted by equipment within the proposed shelter will meet local and State noise requirements. The Applicant has also provided documentation from a licensed Radio Frequency Engineer stating the proposed facility will emit radiofrequency emissions below the maximum FCC exposure levels and is categorically proven safe, according to Federal Guidelines. The proposed wireless facility will not be injurious to property in the zone (R-5) or vicinity in which the property is located. The R-5 zoning district is “intended to create a living environment of optimum standards for single-family dwellings.” ACC 18.07.010D. 4G LTE technology is essential to meeting the voice and data needs of AT&T customers in this residential area, in their homes and in their vehicles. The existing structure owner, American Tower Corporation (ATC), will perform a thorough engineering analysis of the structure and will provide the Applicant with any required structural reinforcements to extend the structure an additional 20’ and collocate its antennae on the extended structure. Both ATC and the Applicant have a national operations center, and the Applicant is capable of monitoring the proposed facility 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. 3. Consistency with the spirit and purpose of ACC Title 18 (Zoning). Applicant Response: The purpose of ACC Title 18 (Zoning), in relevant part, “is to implement the City’s comprehensive plan. [ACC Title 18 is] used to further the growth and development of the city consistent with the adopted comprehensive plan and its implementing elements… [and promote] the health, safety, morals, convenience , comfort, prosperity, and general welfare of the city’s population.” ACC 18.02.030A. Chapter 6 of the City comprehensive plan recognizes the rapid change of telecommunications technology, which for wireless service, consists of voice, messaging, and data service. City Comprehensive Plan, Private Utilities Element, page 6-2. The proposal would provide ubiquitous, high quality 4G LTE wireless service in automobiles and homes in the Lakeland Hills Way and Elizabeth Avenue SE vicinity, consistent with comprehensive plan Private Utilities Element goals, objectives, and policies. The existing structure is a legal, nonconforming structure under ACC 18.70.020A.3 located within a residential use zone. The existing structure was built prior to the adoption of the present ACC Title 18. The Applicant requests approval of a Special Exception by the Hearing Examiner, to increase the structure height by 20.2%. Under ACC 18.54.060.H, the Hearing Examiner may grant approval for a 25% increase. Consistent with ACC 18.31.100C.2, the maximum height of the extended structure will not exceed 120’. The Applicant is proposing a 20’ tower extension, which will allow the Applicant’s antennae the minimum height necessary to meet the coverage objectives and gap-in-service. The Applicant performed a site candidate analysis prior to selecting the subject wireless structure. This analysis is provided within the application materials (SD2442 RF Justification Letter). With the increased use of wireless communication devices and increased demand for voice and data, it has become increasingly necessary to provide wireless coverage within residential use zones. The Applicant has identified a gap-in- service along Lakeland Hills Way and the surrounding residential area, and the only available structure for collocation within the search ring area is the subject wireless structure located on Panorama Dr. SE (No Situs address listed with Pierce County). The available elevation on the existing structure is 70.9’. At 70.9’ the Applicant’s antennae would suffer a degraded propagation due to the existing mature trees located on the subject parcel, which range between 60’ and 87’ high. The Applicant’s antennae must have the ability to project a signal above the existing tree line. The Applicant’s antennae must also have a 9’ separation from existing Verizon antennae on the structure, to ensure no signal interference between the Verizon antennae and the Applicant’s antennae. The Applicant has provided Coverage Maps with existing coverage, coverage at 70.9’, and coverage at 105’ with tower extension (SD2442 Height Justification). RF propagation at 105’ is shown to meet the existing gap-in-service, whereas propagation at 70.9’ fails to cover areas along Lakeland Hills Way SE and the residential areas to the east.   T- 1 TI T L E S H E E T N E LANOI EGSR PRFSEO D E E 37 0 4 1 R N E SI ET R I G F O E ASTT NGI TNO W HSA B . J . T H OMAS PR O J E C T I N F O R M A T I O N : IS S U E D F O R : RE V I S I O N H I S T O R Y : PL A N S P R E P A R E D B Y : LI C E N S U R E : EQ U I P M E N T : DR A W I N G I N F O R M A T I O N : DR A W I N G T I T L E : DR A W I N G N U M B E R : DO N O T S C A L E D R A W I N G S . C O N T R A C T O R M U S T V E R I F Y AL L D I M E N S I O N S A N D A D V I S E C O N S U L T A N T S O F A N Y ER R O R S A N D O M I S S I O N S . A L L P R E V I O U S I S S U E S O F T H I S DR A W I N G A R E S U P E R S E D E D B Y T H E L A T E S T R E V I S I O N . TH E I N F O R M A T I O N C O N T A I N E D I N T H I S S E T O F DO C U M E N T S I S P R O P R I E T A R Y B Y N A T U R E . A N Y U S E O R DI S C L O S U R E O T H E R T H A N W H I C H I S R E L A T E D T O N A M E D CL I E N T I S S T R I C T L Y P R O H I B I T E D . NE W A N T E N N A S & N E W E Q U I P M E N T . SD 2 4 4 2 LA K E L A N D H I L L S W A Y & E L I Z A B E T H A V E S E PA N O R A M A D R I V E S E AU B U R N , W A 9 8 3 9 0 ZO N I N G B. J . T H O M A S , P . E . 76 0 7 8 0 T H A V E N E MA R Y S V I L L E , W A 9 8 2 7 0 20 6 - 8 5 1 - 1 1 0 6 1 IS S U E D D E S I G N R E V I E W 11 / 4 / 2 0 1 3 BJ T BO 2 RE V P E R R E D L I N E S 12 / 3 / 2 0 1 3 BJ T BO 3 RE V . P E R R E D L I N E S 12 / 5 / 2 0 1 3 B J T B O 4 MI N O R R E V 12 / 9 / 2 0 1 3 B J T B O 5 RE V P E R R F C O M M E N T S 12 / 1 3 / 2 0 1 3 B J T B O NO . D E S C R I P T I O N : DA T E : AP P V . BY : CH K . BY : DR A W N B Y : C H K . B Y : A P P V . B Y : BO BJ AA L Yo u r w o r l d . D e l i v e r e d . & VICINITY MAP DRIVING DIRECTIO N S FROM AT&T MOBILITY IN REDMOND:1. HEAD EAST ON NE 72ND WAY TOWARD 164TH AV E N E 1 4 4 F T 2. TAKE THE 1ST RIGHT ONTO 164TH AVE NE 203 FT3. TURN RIGHT ONTO BEAR CREEK PKWY 0.3 MI4. TURN LEFT ONTO LEARY WAY NE 0.3 MI5. TAKE THE RAMP ONTO WA-520 W 5.0 MI6. TAKE THE INTERSTATE 405 S EXIT TOWARD RENT O N 0 . 2 M I 7. MERGE ONTO I-405 S 12.2 MI8. TAKE EXIT 2A TO MERGE ONTO WA-167 S TOWAR D K E N T / A U B U R N 14.2 MI9. TAKE THE EXIT TOWARD ALGONA PACIFIC 0.3 MI10. TURN LEFT ONTO ELLINGSON RD 1.5 MI11. TURN RIGHT ONTO A ST SE 0.7 MI12. TURN LEFT ONTO LAKELAND HILLS WAY SE 0.8 M I 13. TURN RIGHT ONTO 55TH WAY SE 210 FT14. TAKE THE 1ST LEFT ONTO HAZEL AVE SE 0.2 MI15. TURN RIGHT ONTO PANORAMA DR SE 154 FTDISTANCE: 36 MILESAPPROXIMATE TRAVEL TIME: 45 MINUTES PR O J E C T T E A M P R O J E C T D E S C R I P T I O N ZONING INFORMAT I O N SITE NUMBER:SD2442SITE NAME:LAKELAND HILLS WAY & ELIZ A B E T H A V E S E SITE ADDRESS:PANORAMA DRIVE SEAUBURN, WA 98001PARCEL #:0520062013CURRENT ZONING:R-5 (RESIDENTIAL)JURISDICTION:CITY OF AUBURNGOVERNING CODE:2012 IBCBUILDING TYPE:--SITE TYPE:UNSTAFFED TELECOMM FAC I L I T Y LEGAL DESCRIPTI O N SEE SURVEY SHEET FOR LEGAL DESCRIPTION. AT & T P R O P O S E S T O C O N S T R U C T A N U N S T A F F E D TE L E C O M M U N I C A T I O N S F A C I L I T Y C O N S I S T I N G O F E Q U I P M E N T LO C A T E D W I T H I N N E W S H E L T E R W I T H ( 1 2 ) N E W A N T E N N A S A N D ( 2 4 ) RE M O V E R A D I O H E A D S O N N E W B O O M G A T E S L O C A T E D O N EX I S T I N G L A T T I C E T O W E R . NE W 2 0 ' T O W E R E X T E N S I O N O N E X I S T I N G L A T T I C E T O W E R . EX T E N D E X I S T I N G C H A I N L I N K F E N C E C O M P O U N D T O AC C O M M O D A T E N E W A T & T S H E L T E R . DR A W I N G I N D E X CO N T A C T T I T L E C O N T A C T I N F O R M A T I O N GENERAL LOCATION MAPUTILITY PURVEYO R POWER COMPANY:PSE1-888-225-5773TELCO COMPANY:CENTURYLINK1-877-548-6869 TO W E R OW N E R : AM E R I C A N T O W E R C O R P O R A T I O N 11 6 H U N T I N G T O N A V E . 1 1 T H F L O O R BO S T O N , M A 0 2 1 1 6 SU R V E Y O R : T- 1 T I T L E S H E E T & P R O J E C T D A T A C- 1 L A N D S U R V E Y ( B Y O T H E R S ) C- 2 L A N D S U R V E Y ( B Y O T H E R S ) A- 1 O V E R A L L S I T E P L A N A- 1 . 1 E N L A R G E D S I T E P L A N A- 2 S I T E E L E V A T I O N DW G : DR A W I N G D E S C R I P T I O N : DW G : DR A W I N G D E S C R I P T I O N : Yo u r w o r l d . D e l i v e r e d . & AP P L I C A N T : A T & T M O B I L I T Y 19 8 - 1 S W 7 2 N D A V E # 2 0 0 TU A L I T I N , O R 9 7 0 2 6 BR A N D O N O L S E N IM P L E M E N T A T I O N MA N A G E R : AT & T M O B I L I T Y BY R O N J A R N A G I N EM A I L : b j 4 4 6 7 @ a t t . c o m SI T E AC Q U I S I T I O N : ZO N I N G : R Y K A C O N S U L T I N G GE O R G E P I E R C E 91 8 S O U T H H O R T O N S T R E E T S U I T E 1 0 0 2 SE A T T L E , W A 9 8 1 3 4 20 6 . 4 0 6 . 5 1 1 7 C e l l gp i e r c e @ r y k a c o n s u l t i n g . c o m AP P R O V A L / S I G N O F F O F C O N S T R U C T I O N D R A W I N G S CO N S T R U C T I O N C O O R D I N A T O R : DA T E : LA N D L O R D ' S R E P R E S E N T A T I V E : PR O J E C T M A N A G E R : SI T E A C Q U I S I T I O N : ZO N I N G : SI T E A C Q U I S I T I O N M A N A G E R : CO N S U L T A N T G R O U P S I G N O F F SI G N A T U R E RE V I E W E R S S H A L L C L E A R L Y P L A C E I N I T I A L S A D J A C E N T T O EA C H R E D L I N E N O T E A S D R A W I N G S A R E B E I N G R E V I E W E D . CO M P L I A N C E : CO N S T R U C T I O N M A N A G E R : DE P L O Y M E N T M A N A G E R : EQ U I P M E N T E N G I N E E R : IN T E R C O N N E C T : OP E R A T I O N S : AT & T S I G N O F F : RF E N G I N E E R : DA T E : SI G N A T U R E RF E N G I N E E R M A N A G E R : CO D E C O M P L I A N C E AL L W O R K A N D M A T E R I A L S S H A L L B E P E R F O R M E D A N D I N S T A L L E D I N AC C O R D A N C E W I T H T H E C U R R E N T E D I T I O N S O F T H E F O L L O W I N G CO D E S A S A D O P T E D B Y T H E L O C A L G O V E R N I N G A U T H O R I T I E S . NO T H I N G O N T H E S E P L A N S I S T O B E C O N S T R U C T E D T O P E R M I T WO R K N O T C O N F O R M I N G T O T H E S E C O D E S : 20 1 2 I N T E R N A T I O N A L B U I L D I N G C O D E 20 0 9 I N T E R N A T I O N A L M E C H A N I C A L C O D E 20 1 2 I N T E R N A T I O N A L F U E L G A S C O D E 20 1 2 N F P A 5 4 - N A T I O N A L F U E L G A S C O D E (P R O P A N E I N S T A L L A T I O N S O N L Y ) 20 1 1 N F P A 5 8 - L I Q U E F I E D P E T R O L E U M G A S C O D E (P R O P A N E I N S T A L L A T I O N S O N L Y ) 20 1 2 I N T E R N A T I O N A L F I R E C O D E 20 1 2 U N I F O R M P L U M B I N G C O D E 20 1 1 N A T I O N A L E L E C T R I C A L C O D E 20 0 7 N A T I O N A L E L E C T R I C S A F E T Y C O D E LO C A L B U I L D I N G C O D E O R D I N A N C E S AN S I / T I A / E I A - 2 2 2 - G NF P A - 1 0 1 - L I F E S A F E T Y C O D E PROJECT INFORMATIONTHIS IS UNSTAFFED AND RESTRICTED EQUIPMENT AND WILL BEUSED FOR THE TRANSMISSION OF RADIO SIGNALS FOR THEPURPOSE OF PROVIDING PUBLIC CELLULAR SERVICE.AT&T CERTIFIES THAT THIS TELEPHONE EQUIPMENT FACILITY WILLBE SERVICED ONLY BY AT&T EMPLOYEES AND THE WORKASSOCIATED WITH ANY EQUIPMENT CANNOT BE PERFORMED BYHANDICAPPED PERSONS. THIS FACILITY WILL BE FREQUENTEDONLY BY SERVICE PERSONNEL FOR REPAIR PURPOSES. PURSUANTTO THE AMERICANS WITH DISABILITIES ACT (ADA), APPENDIX BSECTION 4.11. (5)(b), THIS FACILITY IS EXEMPT FROM THAT ACT.NO POTABLE WATER SUPPLY IS TO BE PROVIDED AT THIS LOCATION.NO WASTE WATER OR SOLID WASTE WILL BE GENERATED AT THISLOCATION.AT&T MAINTENANCE CREW (ONE PERSON) WILL MAKE AN AVERAGEOF ONE TRIP PER MONTH AT ONE HOUR PER TRIP. RY K A C O N S U L T I N G NI C O L E B A T E M A N 91 8 S O U T H H O R T O N S T R E E T S U I T E 1 0 0 2 SE A T T L E , W A 9 8 1 3 4 20 8 . 8 4 1 . 7 9 3 0 C e l l NB a t e m a n @ r y k a c o n s u l t i n g . c o m CO R N E R S T O N E E N G I N E E R I N G , I N C . 14 2 0 1 N E 2 0 0 T H S T , S U I T E 2 0 0 WO O D I N V I L L E , W A 9 8 0 7 2 OF F I C E # : 4 2 5 - 4 8 7 - 1 7 3 2 SD 2 4 4 2 LAKELAND HILLS W A Y & E L I Z A B E T H A V E S E PA N O R A M A D R I V E S E AU B U R N , W A 9 8 3 9 0 LATITUDE 47° 15' 2 2 . 3 2 " N L ON G I T U D E 1 2 2 ° 1 3 ' 1 1 . 7 9 " W GR O U N D E L E V A T I O N - 5 7 5 . 3 ' AT C # 8 9 5 2 3 PR O J E C T CO N S U L T A N T : RY K A C O N S U L T I N G 91 8 S O U T H H O R T O N S T R E E T S U I T E 1 0 0 2 SE A T T L E , W A 9 8 1 3 4 CO N S U L T I N G EN G I N E E R : B. J . T H O M A S , P . E . 76 0 7 8 0 T H A V E N E MA R Y S V I L L E , W A 9 8 2 7 0 MO B I L E # : 2 0 6 - 8 5 1 - 1 1 0 6 X X X X X |||||||||||| | | | | | ||||||||||||| | | | | | | | | | ||||||||| | | |||||||| X X X X P P P P P P P P PPTT P P T T T T T P TP TP OV E R A L L SI T E P L A N A- 1 20'40'20'10'0 OVERALL SITE PLAN22x34 SCALE: 1" = 20'11x17 SCALE: 1" = 40' N E LANOI EGSR PRFSEO D E E 37 0 4 1 R N E SI ET R I G F O E ASTT NGI TNO W HSA B . J . T H OMAS PR O J E C T I N F O R M A T I O N : IS S U E D F O R : RE V I S I O N H I S T O R Y : PL A N S P R E P A R E D B Y : LI C E N S U R E : EQ U I P M E N T : DR A W I N G I N F O R M A T I O N : DR A W I N G T I T L E : DR A W I N G N U M B E R : DO N O T S C A L E D R A W I N G S . C O N T R A C T O R M U S T V E R I F Y AL L D I M E N S I O N S A N D A D V I S E C O N S U L T A N T S O F A N Y ER R O R S A N D O M I S S I O N S . A L L P R E V I O U S I S S U E S O F T H I S DR A W I N G A R E S U P E R S E D E D B Y T H E L A T E S T R E V I S I O N . TH E I N F O R M A T I O N C O N T A I N E D I N T H I S S E T O F DO C U M E N T S I S P R O P R I E T A R Y B Y N A T U R E . A N Y U S E O R DI S C L O S U R E O T H E R T H A N W H I C H I S R E L A T E D T O N A M E D CL I E N T I S S T R I C T L Y P R O H I B I T E D . NE W A N T E N N A S & N E W E Q U I P M E N T . SD 2 4 4 2 LA K E L A N D H I L L S W A Y & E L I Z A B E T H A V E S E PA N O R A M A D R I V E S E AU B U R N , W A 9 8 3 9 0 ZO N I N G B. J . T H O M A S , P . E . 76 0 7 8 0 T H A V E N E MA R Y S V I L L E , W A 9 8 2 7 0 20 6 - 8 5 1 - 1 1 0 6 1 IS S U E D D E S I G N R E V I E W 11 / 4 / 2 0 1 3 BJ T BO 2 RE V P E R R E D L I N E S 12 / 3 / 2 0 1 3 BJ T BO 3 RE V . P E R R E D L I N E S 12 / 5 / 2 0 1 3 B J T B O 4 MI N O R R E V 12 / 9 / 2 0 1 3 B J T B O 5 RE V P E R R F C O M M E N T S 12 / 1 3 / 2 0 1 3 B J T B O NO . D E S C R I P T I O N : DA T E : AP P V . BY : CH K . BY : DR A W N B Y : C H K . B Y : A P P V . B Y : BO BJ AA L Yo u r w o r l d . D e l i v e r e d . & 25'25'TR. D(WATER TANK) TR . B PLANTER STRIP N 30°04'23" E199.79' S 59°50'51" E 199.97' S 30°13'43" W 214.26' N 55°41'50" W 199.93' 140.60' H A Z E L A V E S E PANORAMA DR SE S67°34'24"E 205.45' TL # 0 5 2 0 0 6 2 0 1 3 41 , 3 4 0 ± S . F . 0. 9 5 A C . (ASPHALT ROAD) GRAVEL DRIVE G A T E EDGE OFTREES & BRUSH LANDSCAPING GA T E CH A I N - L I N K F E N C E W/ B A R B W I R E & RA Z O R W I R E BR U S H & T R E E S BR U S H & T R E E S GE N E R A T O R ON C O N C S L A B PO W E R M E T E R (T Y P ) CO N C ST O O P BUILDING BUILDING ST O R A G E S H E D TO P O F B A N K CO N C S L A B @ TO W E R L A D D E R 98 . 9 ' H I G H LA T T I C E T O W E R CONC WALK (P) 15'-8" x 35'-2" CHAIN LINK FENCE W/ 3 STRAND OF BARBED WIRE(EXTEND FROM & MATCH (E) CHAIN LINK FENCE COMPOUND)W/ NEW 11'-5" x 20'-0" AT&T EQUIPMENT SHELTER WITHIN(SEE SHT. A-1.1 FOR ENLARGED SITE PLAN) (E ) 9 8 . 9 ' A G L L A T T I C E T O W E R W / N E W 2 0 ' T O W E R E X T E N S I O N & ( P ) ( 1 2 ) A T & T A N T E N N A S ( 4 P E R S E C T O R ) O N N E W B O O M G A T E S (S E E S T R U C T U R A L D E S I G N F O R T O W E R E X T E N S I O N D E T A I L S ) (S E E S H T . A - 1 . 1 F O R E N L A R G E D S I T E P L A N ) (E) TRANSFOR M E R # 5 7 0 5 7 2 / 1 5 7 3 3 1 TO BE USED BY AT&T AS PO W E R S E R V I C E P O I N T (P) U/G UTILITIES (E ) C O M C A S T F I B E R H A N D H O L E TO B E U S E D B Y A T & T A S T E L C O S E R V I C E P O I N T (P ) U / G U T I L I T I E S 97'-3"(P) 10' WIDE UTILITY EASEMENT 52 ' - 3 " 79 ' - 4 " (P ) 1 0 ' W I D E U T I L I T Y E A S E M E N T X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| | | | | | | | | | | | | | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| XXXXXXXXX X X X X X X X X X PPP PPPPPPPTTTTTTTTTT PPPTTTTTTTTTPPPPPPTTTTTPPPPPP EN L A R G E D SI T E P L A N A- 1 . 1 N E LANOI EGSR PRFSEO D E E 37 0 4 1 R N E SI ET R I G F O E ASTT NGI TNO W HSA B . J . T H OMAS PR O J E C T I N F O R M A T I O N : IS S U E D F O R : RE V I S I O N H I S T O R Y : PL A N S P R E P A R E D B Y : LI C E N S U R E : EQ U I P M E N T : DR A W I N G I N F O R M A T I O N : DR A W I N G T I T L E : DR A W I N G N U M B E R : DO N O T S C A L E D R A W I N G S . C O N T R A C T O R M U S T V E R I F Y AL L D I M E N S I O N S A N D A D V I S E C O N S U L T A N T S O F A N Y ER R O R S A N D O M I S S I O N S . A L L P R E V I O U S I S S U E S O F T H I S DR A W I N G A R E S U P E R S E D E D B Y T H E L A T E S T R E V I S I O N . TH E I N F O R M A T I O N C O N T A I N E D I N T H I S S E T O F DO C U M E N T S I S P R O P R I E T A R Y B Y N A T U R E . A N Y U S E O R DI S C L O S U R E O T H E R T H A N W H I C H I S R E L A T E D T O N A M E D CL I E N T I S S T R I C T L Y P R O H I B I T E D . NE W A N T E N N A S & N E W E Q U I P M E N T . SD 2 4 4 2 LA K E L A N D H I L L S W A Y & E L I Z A B E T H A V E S E PA N O R A M A D R I V E S E AU B U R N , W A 9 8 3 9 0 ZO N I N G B. J . T H O M A S , P . E . 76 0 7 8 0 T H A V E N E MA R Y S V I L L E , W A 9 8 2 7 0 20 6 - 8 5 1 - 1 1 0 6 1 IS S U E D D E S I G N R E V I E W 11 / 4 / 2 0 1 3 BJ T BO 2 RE V P E R R E D L I N E S 12 / 3 / 2 0 1 3 BJ T BO 3 RE V . P E R R E D L I N E S 12 / 5 / 2 0 1 3 B J T B O 4 MI N O R R E V 12 / 9 / 2 0 1 3 B J T B O 5 RE V P E R R F C O M M E N T S 12 / 1 3 / 2 0 1 3 B J T B O NO . D E S C R I P T I O N : DA T E : AP P V . BY : CH K . BY : DR A W N B Y : C H K . B Y : A P P V . B Y : BO BJ AA L Yo u r w o r l d . D e l i v e r e d . & EN L A R G E D S I T E P L A N 22 x 3 4 S C A L E : 3 / 1 6 " = 1 ' 11 x 1 7 S C A L E : 3 / 3 2 " = 1 ' 15'-8"35'-2"5'20'3'11'-5" (P ) A T & T M E T E R MO U N T T O S H E L T E R W A L L EDGE OF TREES & BRUSH(CLEAR AS NEEDED FOR NEW AT&T PROJECT)(P) 11'-5" x 2 0 ' A T & T EQUIPME N T S H E L T E R (P ) A T & T I C E B R I D G E (P) 15'-8" x 35'-2" CHAIN LINK FENCE W/ 3 STRAND BARBED WIRES(EXTEND FROM & MATCH (E) CHAIN LINK FENCE COMPOUND) LANDSCAPING (E ) G A T E BR U S H & T R E E S (E ) G E N E R A T O R ON C O N C S L A B (E ) C O N C S T O O P (E) BUILDING (E) BUILDING (P ) A T & T C A B L E L A D D E R R O U T E U P ( E ) T O W E R (E ) C O N C S L A B @ T O W E R L A D D E R (E ) 9 8 . 9 ' A G L L A T T I C E T O W E R W / N E W 2 0 ' T O W E R E X T E N S I O N (P ) ( 1 2 ) A T & T A N T E N N A S ( 4 P E R S E C T O R ) & ( P ) ( 2 4 ) R R H U N I T S ( 8 P E R S E C T O R ) MO U N T E D O N N E W B O O M G A T E A T T A C H E D T O ( E ) T O W E R NE W G R A V E L TH R O U G H O U T (P ) D I S T R I B U T I O N U N I T ( T Y P O F 4 T O T A L ) (E) CHAIN LINK FENCE COMPOUNDW/ 3 STRAND BARBED WIRES(P) U/G UTILITIES(E) GATE (P) 10' WIDEUTILITY EASEMENT (P ) C O N C S T O O P XXXXXXXXXX X XXXXXXXXXX X XXXXXXXXXX X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X A- 2 SI T E EL E V A T I O N N E LANOI EGSR PRFSEO D E E 37 0 4 1 R N E SI ET R I G F O E ASTT NGI TNO W HSA B . J . T H OMAS PR O J E C T I N F O R M A T I O N : IS S U E D F O R : RE V I S I O N H I S T O R Y : PL A N S P R E P A R E D B Y : LI C E N S U R E : EQ U I P M E N T : DR A W I N G I N F O R M A T I O N : DR A W I N G T I T L E : DR A W I N G N U M B E R : DO N O T S C A L E D R A W I N G S . C O N T R A C T O R M U S T V E R I F Y AL L D I M E N S I O N S A N D A D V I S E C O N S U L T A N T S O F A N Y ER R O R S A N D O M I S S I O N S . A L L P R E V I O U S I S S U E S O F T H I S DR A W I N G A R E S U P E R S E D E D B Y T H E L A T E S T R E V I S I O N . TH E I N F O R M A T I O N C O N T A I N E D I N T H I S S E T O F DO C U M E N T S I S P R O P R I E T A R Y B Y N A T U R E . A N Y U S E O R DI S C L O S U R E O T H E R T H A N W H I C H I S R E L A T E D T O N A M E D CL I E N T I S S T R I C T L Y P R O H I B I T E D . NE W A N T E N N A S & N E W E Q U I P M E N T . SD 2 4 4 2 LA K E L A N D H I L L S W A Y & E L I Z A B E T H A V E S E PA N O R A M A D R I V E S E AU B U R N , W A 9 8 3 9 0 ZO N I N G B. J . T H O M A S , P . E . 76 0 7 8 0 T H A V E N E MA R Y S V I L L E , W A 9 8 2 7 0 20 6 - 8 5 1 - 1 1 0 6 1 IS S U E D D E S I G N R E V I E W 11 / 4 / 2 0 1 3 BJ T BO 2 RE V P E R R E D L I N E S 12 / 3 / 2 0 1 3 BJ T BO 3 RE V . P E R R E D L I N E S 12 / 5 / 2 0 1 3 B J T B O 4 MI N O R R E V 12 / 9 / 2 0 1 3 B J T B O 5 RE V P E R R F C O M M E N T S 12 / 1 3 / 2 0 1 3 B J T B O NO . D E S C R I P T I O N : DA T E : AP P V . BY : CH K . BY : DR A W N B Y : C H K . B Y : A P P V . B Y : BO BJ AA L Yo u r w o r l d . D e l i v e r e d . & EXISTING SOUTH ELEVATION22x34 SCALE: 1/8" = 1'11x17 SCALE: 1/16" = 1' P R O P O S E D S O U T H E L E V A T I O N 1A-2 2A- 2 EXISTING CARRIER RAD CENTER87'-9" AGL TOP OF EXISTING LATTICE TOWER98'-11" AGLBOTTOM EXISTING CARRIER ANTENNAS83'-11" AGL TOP OF EXISTING FM ANTENNA117'-11" AGLGROUND LEVEL (E) FM ANTENNA (BY OTHERS)(E) CARRIER ANTENNAS (BY OTHERS)(E) CARRIER MICROWAV E A N T E N N A ( B Y O T H E R S ) (E) CHAIN LINK FENCE W / 3 S T R A N D B A R B E D W I R E S TO P O F P R O P O S E D L A T T I C E T O W E R E X T E N S I O N 11 8 ' - 1 1 " A G L TO P O F E X I S T I N G F M A N T E N N A 13 7 ' - 1 1 " A G L GR O U N D L E V E L (E ) F M A N T E N N A ( B Y O T H E R S ) (E ) C A R R I E R M I C R O W A V E A N T E N N A ( B Y O T H E R S ) (E ) C H A I N L I N K F E N C E W / 3 S T R A N D B A R B E D W I R E S TO P O F P R O P O S E D A T & T A N T E N N A S 10 9 ' - 0 " A G L PR O P O S E D A T & T R A D C E N T E R 10 5 ' - 0 " A G L TO P O F E X I S T I N G L A T T I C E T O W E R 98 ' - 1 1 " A G L 20 ' (P ) 2 0 ' T O W E R E X T E N S I O N (P ) ( 1 2 ) A T & T A N T E N N A S ( 4 P E R S E C T O R ) & ( P ) ( 2 4 ) R E M O T E R A D I O H E A D S ( 8 P E R S E C T O R ) MO U N T E D O N N E W B O O M G A T E A T T A C H E D T O ( E ) T O W E R (P ) D I S T R I B U T I O N U N I T ( T Y P O F 4 T O T A L ) (P ) A T & T C A B L E L A D D E R ( T Y P ) FO R R O U T I N G O F N E W C A B L E S (P ) A T & T I C E B R I D G E (P ) 1 1 ' - 5 " x 2 0 ' A T & T E Q U I P M E N T S H E L T E R (P ) C H A I N L I N K F E N C E W / 3 S T R A N D B A R B E D W I R E S (E X T E N D F R O M & M A T C H ( E ) C H A I N L I N K F E N C E C O M P O U N D ) 22 x 3 4 S C A L E : 1 / 8 " = 1 ' 11 x 1 7 S C A L E : 1 / 1 6 " = 1 ' (E ) C A R R I E R A N T E N N A S ( B Y O T H E R S ) EX I S T I N G C A R R I E R R A D C E N T E R 87 ' - 9 " A G L BO T T O M E X I S T I N G C A R R I E R A N T E N N A S 83 ' - 1 1 " A G L BO T T O M O F P R O P O S E D A T & T A N T E N N A S 10 1 ' - 0 " A G L TO P E X I S T I N G C A R R I E R A N T E N N A S 91 ' - 7 " A G L 9' S E P A R A T I O N M I N TOP EXISTING CARRIER ANTENNAS91'-7" AGL Applicant Responses to ACC 18.31.100 18.31.100 Wireless communications facilities siting standards. The following siting standards are intended to guide the location and development of wireless communications facilities (WCF as defined by ACC 18.04.912 but not including microcells) on properties regulated under this title. The siting of microcells shall be in accordance with siting of microcells found in ACC 18.31.110. A. Separation between Facilities. 1. New, Freestanding Primary Support Structures. a. The minimum separation, i.e., distance, between a proposed monopole (that is 75 feet or less in height) and any other existing primary support structure, of any height, shall be the height of the proposed monopole, including antenna, multiplied by a factor of 10. b. The minimum separation, i.e., distance, between a proposed monopole (that is more than 75 feet in height, or lattice towers of any height) and any other existing primary support structure, of any height, shall be the height of the proposed monopole, including antenna, multiplied by a factor of 20. 2. The distance between primary support structures shall be measured by following a straight line, without regard to intervening buildings, from the base of one support structure to the base of the other support structure(s). 3. A primary support structure would be considered “existing” if a conditional use permit or administrative use permit has been issued and is still valid for sites which have not been built upon. APPLICANT RESPONSE: Not applicable. The Applicant is not requesting a new, freestanding primary support structure. In an email dated 10/7/2013, City staff confirmed that the existing structure on which the Applicant seeks to co-locate equipment is a legal, non-conforming structure under the City code. B. Co-Location Requirements. 1. For monopoles that are more than 75 feet in height and lattice towers of any height (Type 3-B facilities), the owner of the property shall execute and provide evidence of a nonexclusive lease with the carrier that allows for other carriers to place antennas on the structure. APPLICANT RESPONSE: The existing structure is a 98’-11” lattice tower owned and operated by American Tower Corporation (ATC). ATC also owns the underlying property and has provided the Applicant with a Letter of Authorization to submit any required applications to collocate the Applicant’s equipment on the subject tower. 2. Any application for a Type 3-B facility shall include technical justification that an existing Type 3-B facility with a nonexclusive lease could not be used instead of constructing a new tower. APPLICANT RESPONSE: Not applicable. The Applicant is not proposing a new Type 3-B facility. The Applicant is requesting to extend the existing Type 3-B facility by 20.2% to allow the Applicant’s radiofrequency to propagate effectively along Lakeland Hills Way and the surrounding residential areas. The Applicant requests the minimum height necessary to meet this coverage objective and has provided technical justification (Propagation Maps). C. Height. 1. Unless otherwise provided for, the height of any primary support structure and/or antenna shall not exceed the height limitations of the zone. 2. The maximum height of any primary support structure shall not exceed 120 feet. 3. There shall be no variances allowed to the height limitations. 4. The carrier shall provide evidence that the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) has approved the location of a primary support structure relative to the Auburn Municipal Airport. 5. Unless otherwise restricted by this section, building- or structure-mounted antennas may extend a maximum of 15 feet above the maximum height permitted for structures within the zone. 6. Antennas that are mounted on structures that do not otherwise have a height restriction may be allowed to increase the overall height of the structure by no more than 10 percent of the height of the structure unless additional approvals are obtained. APPLICANT RESPONSE: The existing lattice tower is a legal, non-conforming structure and was constructed prior to the transfer of the underlying parcel from Pierce County to the City of Auburn. The Applicant requests approval of a Special Exception under the City code to increase the structure by 20.2% (20’).. The proposed height of the lattice tower after the 20’ extension will be 118’-11”. The Applicant has provided a copy of the TOWAIR report, which demonstrates FAA registration is not required for the proposed tower extension. Furthermore, the tower owner, ATC, will file all necessary FAA/FCC documentation to meet compliance standards. D. Setbacks. 1. All equipment shelters, cabinets, support structures or other above-ground facilities shall meet the setback requirements of the zone in which located except as follows. All equipment shelters, cabinets, or other above-ground facilities used to support primary support structures shall be set back the same distance required of the primary support structure. All equipment shelters, cabinets, or other above-ground facilities within a nonresidential zone shall be set back a minimum of 50 feet from any adjacent R zone. APPLICANT RESPONSE: The subject property is located within the R-5 zoning district. Setback requirements for the R-5 zoning district are set forth within ACC 18.07.030. The Applicant’s proposed 11’-5” x 20’ equipment shelter shall be placed at the base of the existing tower so that the shelter is located more than 50’ from any lot line (Site Plans). 2. The minimum distance from any primary support structure, of any height, to any residentially zoned parcel of property shall be a distance equal to the overall height of the primary support structure (including antennas) multiplied by a factor of two. APPLICANT RESPONSE: As confirmed by City staff in an email dated 10/7/2013, the existing tower is a legal, nonconforming structure under the City code. To the best of the Applicant’s knowledge, following due diligence and good faith effort to locate previously authorized permits, the existing tower is not inconsistent with previously authorized permits. The Applicant requests approval of a Special Exception to add a 20’ tower extension, resulting in the minimum height required to meet the Applicant’s coverage objective. 3. Where possible, roof-mounted antennas and equipment shelters and/or cabinets are to be placed towards the center of the building, or away from public views. Equipment shelters and/or cabinets shall be screened by a parapet or similar architectural feature. APPLICANT RESPONSE: Not applicable. The Applicant does not propose to install equipment shelters or cabinets on a rooftop. E. Fencing and Landscaping. 1. Fencing. Fencing is required to enclose all above-ground support equipment that is associated with primary support structures. Fencing will be 100 percent sight-obscuring, as defined in ACC 18.31.020(C)(2), if visible from a public right-of-way or less intense zone. Equipment shelters and/or cabinets shall be enclosed by fencing a minimum of six feet in height. Fencing shall meet the sight distance requirements of the city design and construction standards. APPLICANT RESPONSE: Existing vegetation on the subject property fully screens the existing above ground support equipment from view. The proposed equipment shelter will be installed on the property in such a way that existing vegetation will also screen the proposed shelter from view from the public right-of-way (Site Plans, Sheet A-1; Photosimulations). In addition, the Applicant would extend the existing 6’ chain link fencing on the subject property to surround the proposed equipment shelter. Under ACC 18.31.020(C)(2), a 100 percent sight-obscuring fence is made of “material which totally conceals the subject use from adjoining uses.” Because existing vegetation on the property will fully screen proposed above ground support equipment from view, site-obscuring fencing is not proposed. 2. Landscaping. a. Where above-ground support equipment is visible from a public right-of-way, a minimum width of five feet of Type II landscaping as defined in ACC 18.50.040 will be provided on the exterior of the enclosing fence in order to effectively screen the equipment from the public right-of-way. Landscaping shall meet the sight distance requirements of the city design and construction standards. b. Where facilities are visible from adjacent residential uses, a minimum width of five feet of Type I landscaping as defined in ACC 18.50.040 will be provided on the exterior of the enclosing fence in order to effectively screen the equipment from the adjacent residential uses. c. Existing on-site vegetation may be used to meet the landscape requirements if approved by the planning director. APPLICANT RESPONSE: Existing vegetation on the subject property fully screens the existing above ground support equipment from view. As proposed, existing vegetation will also fully screen proposed above ground support equipment from view. The Applicant requests approval to use existing on-site vegetation to meet the landscaping requirements set forth within City code. Photographic evidence is provided within the application package. F. Aesthetics. 1. In order to minimize any potential, negative aesthetic impacts from new primary support structures including protecting views to and from residential neighborhoods, mitigation may be required to blend the facilities in with the adjacent development or environs. Typical solutions for the support structure might include: an extension of the building, a component of a sign structure, disguising the facility as a tree, planting of tall trees, moving the location of the facility, painting or texturing the facility, etc. APPLICANT RESPONSE: Not applicable. The Applicant does not propose a new primary support structure. 2. Building- or roof-mounted antennas will be painted or textured to blend with the adjacent surfaces. APPLICANT RESPONSE: Not applicable. The Applicant does not propose building or roof-mounted antennas. 3. No lettering, symbols, images or trademarks large enough to be legible to occupants of vehicular traffic on any adjacent street shall be placed on or affixed to any part of the WCF, unless required by the FCC or FAA. APPLICANT RESPONSE: The Applicant understands and will comply. 4. Except as specifically required by the FAA (but must be approved by the city), freestanding primary support structures shall be painted a color that best allows them to blend into the surroundings. The use of grays, blues and greens might be appropriate; however, each application shall be evaluated individually. APPLICANT RESPONSE: As proposed, the extension of the existing lattice tower would match existing tower design and colors. G. Lighting. 1. Freestanding support structures shall not be artificially lighted, unless required by the FAA or other applicable authority. Any proposed lighting shall be submitted at the time of the initial application. Any lighting must be reviewed and approved by the city. APPLICANT RESPONSE: The Applicant understands and will comply. The existing tower does not contain artificial lighting. The Applicant does not propose any lighting. The FAA or other applicable authority has not required any lighting at this time. 2. Security lighting used to light the equipment facility shall be directed downward, shielded and kept within the boundaries of the site. APPLICANT RESPONSE: The Applicant understands and will comply. All proposed lighting will meet this criterion. H. Abandoned Facilities. 1. Any WCF which is not utilized for a period of nine months or more will be considered abandoned. 2. Any WCF which falls into a state of disrepair as determined by the planning director will be considered abandoned. 3. Any WCF considered to be abandoned must be removed completely within 90 days from the date of notification by the city’s code enforcement personnel. The code enforcement personnel may extend the 90-day period should a valid application for use of the facility be submitted to the city. APPLICANT RESPONSE: The Applicant understands and will comply. I. Noise. For the purposes of this section, WCF will be considered a Class B, commercial, noise source pursuant to WAC 173-60-040. APPLICANT RESPONSE: The Applicant understands and will comply. The existing wireless facility contains two (2) equipment shelters, with HVAC units and a stand-alone generator. To the best of the Applicant’s knowledge, considering the existing equipment and natural vegetation present on the site, the proposed equipment will not exceed the criterion listed in WAC 173-60-040. As a condition of approval, the Applicant shall provide a noise report signed by an authorized engineer to demonstrate compliance with WAC 173-60-040 and the City noise ordinance, if required. J. Supplemental Information Required for Applications. In addition to the information that is otherwise required for an application for a permit for a WCF, the following is also required: 1. For a new primary support structure and related equipment, the applicant shall provide the carrier’s master network plan for the city showing the carrier’s existing WCF locations and narrative explaining the potential WCF locations over the next year, if known. The applicant shall also provide technical justification supporting the need for the height of the primary support structure and why a shorter support structure could not be utilized. Any application for a Type 3-B facility shall provide technical justification as to why a Type 3-A facility could not be utilized instead to adequately serve the Auburn community. APPLICANT RESPONSE: Not applicable. The Applicant does not propose a new primary support structure. The Applicant has provided technical justification to increase the existing legal, nonconforming structure by 20.2%. 2. Narrative description of the facility including whether there is capacity on the proposed structure for more antennas, methods for minimizing visual impacts of the facilities, etc. APPLICANT RESPONSE: The Applicant has provided a Written Statement as part of this application. 3. A color swatch for the proposed primary support structure. APPLICANT RESPONSE: The Applicant proposes to match the existing design and color of the lattice tower. The existing structure is finished in a dull, metallic grey. 4. Photographs or similar illustrations that show a reasonable likeness of the proposed facility including the antenna arrays and above-ground support equipment. APPLICANT RESPONSE: The Applicant has provided the required photographs as part of this application (Photosimulations). K. Zones in Which WCF Are Permitted. The following table illustrates which zones the types of facilities as defined by ACC18.04.912(J) are allowed in and which permits are required. Microcells, as defined by ACC 18.04.912(G), are allowed only in residential zones and shall be permitted outright pursuant to the provisions of ACC 18.04.912(G). Type of Permit Required Zone Permitted Outright Administrative Use Permit Conditional Use Permit AllZones 1-D 1-D1 1-D2 RO-H 1-A 1-B 1-C C-N 1-A 1-B 1-C C-1 1-A 1-B 1-C C-2, DUC 1-A 1-B 1-C C-3 1-B, 2-A 1-C, 2-B, 3-A 3-B M-1, EP 1-B, 2-A 1-C, 2-B, 3-A 3-B M-2 1-B, 2-A 1-C, 2-B, 3-A 3-B P-1 1-B, 2-A 1-C, 2-B 3-A3 I 1-A 1-B 1-C LF 1-A 1-B 1-C 1. Allowance for the WCF to extend to a height of 20 percent of the supporting structure. 2. Allowance for the WCF to extend to a height of 30 percent of the supporting structure. 3. The maximum height allowed, including antennas, is 45 feet. APPLICANT RESPONSE: The Applicant proposes to collocate its equipment on an existing legal nonconforming structure (lattice tower) located in the City’s R-5 zoning district, and requests approval of a Special Exception under the City code. As documented within the Alternative Candidate Analysis, this candidate provides the maximum signal strength and penetration for the Applicant and prevents further proliferation of wireless structures in the City of Auburn, including the Lakeland Hill Way neighborhood and the surrounding residential areas. DATE: December 20, 2013 TO: The City of Auburn Planning Department RE: Proposed Radio Site: SD2442 @ Panorama Drive SE, Auburn, WA 98001 Dear Planner, The proposed facility noted above will transmit at frequencies in the range of 734 to 892 MHz and 1,930 to 2,145 MHz as licensed by the Federal Communications Commission with ERP’s less than 1,000 watts. The worst case general population exposure limit per the FCC Public Standards OET Bulletin 65 occurs at 734 MHz and is 0.4893 mW/cm2. The worst case for the 1,500 to 100,000 MHz band is 1.0 mW/ cm2. The power density calculations for each sector of the proposed facility (typically will be within 1 to 10% of the FCC limit) will be well below the maximum FCC exposure levels and is categorically proven as safe, according to Federal Guidelines. The Power Density values will be in compliance and the antennas will not cause any habitable area of a structure to exceed the Federal Communication Commission’s worst case limits for human exposure to radio frequency electromagnetic fields. The proposed facility should not interfere with other communications facilities. Our sites are monitored 24/7 by a national operations center to insure all is operating normally. In addition, we have local technicians who make routine visits to cell sites to make repairs when needed. I certify that this information is true to the best of my knowledge. Regards, Ken Seymour, FCC License Number PG-13-16349 Engineering Manager AT&T Mobility SD2442 -Lakeland Hills Way & Elizabeth Ave SE RF Service Map December 23, 2013 © 2013 AT&T Intellectual Property. All rights reserved. AT&T and the AT&T logo are trademarks of AT&T Intellectual Property. © 2013 AT&T Intellectual Property. All rights reserved. AT&T and the AT&T logo are trademarks of AT&T Intellectual Property. 2 Site Selection Process for this Location AT&T is proposing a new site SD2442 Lakeland Hills Way & Elizabeth Ave SE in an AT&T service area that has a significant coverage service gap, this is represented on Exhibit A, current AT&T Service. This determination is a combination of customer complaints, service requests and RF design analysis. The targeted service gap expands over an area of 0.67 miles2 which includes a population of Lakeland Hills consisting of mainly residential. The proposed Wireless Communication Facility with a minimum antenna height of 105 feet will provide the required signal improvement in conjunction with the current network. Exhibit B service coverage map demonstrates the acceptable expanded level of service that will be provided with the addition of the new proposed site at a height of 105ft (antenna RAD center height). This is where an AT&T handset can be reliably used to make and receive telephone calls in the presence of varying receive signals. A reduced antenna height will have a negative influence on the signal path due to Radio Frequency diffraction and scattering because of terrain and clutter (large growth trees located on the parcel average from 60’ to 87’)that has a direct effect on propagation distance between the WCF and the handset. Exhibits C shows that lowering the antenna height to 70.9ft has a significant negative impact to resolving the gap in service. © 2013 AT&T Intellectual Property. All rights reserved. AT&T and the AT&T logo are trademarks of AT&T Intellectual Property. 3 Exhibit A -Existing Coverage © 2013 AT&T Intellectual Property. All rights reserved. AT&T and the AT&T logo are trademarks of AT&T Intellectual Property. 4 Exhibit B –Service Coverage with Proposed 105ft New Site © 2013 AT&T Intellectual Property. All rights reserved. AT&T and the AT&T logo are trademarks of AT&T Intellectual Property. 5 Exhibit C –Service Coverage with Proposed 70.9’ New Site AT&T Proprietary (Internal Use Only)Not for use or disclosure outside the AT&T companies except under written agreement SD2442 -Lakeland Hills Way & Elizabeth Ave SE Appendix Technology Frequency Band Morphology UMTS LTE 700 850 1900 AWS WCS Dense Urban Urban Suburban Rural x x x SD2442 Service Gap AT&T is proposing a new site SD2442 Lakeland Hills Way & Elizabeth Ave SE in a service area that has both a Coverage service gap as can be seen on the exhibits indicated by AT&T Service as it stands today. The New Cell site with antenna height at minimum of 94’ and at the location indicated would be required in order for AT&T to improve service to it’s customers. Coverage Gap •1 Mile2 •Gap at Lakeland Hills residential area Exhibit –Existing Site Configuration Service Area BEFORE Site Implementation N Exhibit -Proposed New Cell Site Service Area AFTER Site Implementation N Aerial View Sitewalks VAR14-0003, 2012 Aerial Photo Printed Date: Information shown is for general reference purposes only and does not necessarily represent exact geographic or cartographic data as mapped. The City of Auburn makes no warranty as to its accuracy. Map Created by City of Auburn eGIS 4/2/2014 VAR14-0003, Zoning Map Printed Date: Information shown is for general reference purposes only and does not necessarily represent exact geographic or cartographic data as mapped. The City of Auburn makes no warranty as to its accuracy. Map Created by City of Auburn eGIS 4/2/2014 VAR14-0003, Comprehensive Plan Map Printed Date: Information shown is for general reference purposes only and does not necessarily represent exact geographic or cartographic data as mapped. The City of Auburn makes no warranty as to its accuracy. Map Created by City of Auburn eGIS 4/2/2014 YOF Nancy Backus, Mayor WASH 1 qGTON 25 West Main Street * Auburn \A/A 98001-4998 www,aLibui,tiwa.gov * 253-93 1-3000 A&MLSIVW1111hy, TO: Interested Parties FROM: Jeff Tate, Assistant Director of Community Development DATE: March 19, 2014 RE: Notice of Addendum to Final Determination of Non-Significance Original File No. SEP09-0020) Please find enclosed a copy of an Addendum to the Final Determination of Non-Significance and a Checklist Addendum for the Referenced Project in compliance with the requirements of WAC-1 96- 11-625. If you have any questions regarding this process or document, please contact Jeff Dixon, Principal Planner, at idixonC@,auburnwa.gov or (253) 804-5033. AUBURN * MORE THAN YOU IMAGINU) AT &T TOWER ADDITION TO AN EXISTING 99 -FOOT WCF TOWER DETERMINATION OF NON - SIGNIFICANCE (SEP09 -0020) ADDENDUM ISSUING AGENCY: City of Auburn, Department of Community Development & Public Works 25 West Main Street, Auburn, Washington 98001 -4998 DATE OF ISSUANCE: March 19, 2014 PROPOSAL: Modification of an existing wireless communication facility (WCF) More specifically, a Special Exception to increase the height of non- conforming WCF tower of approximately 99 feet in height by 20 feet 20.2 %), add 12 new antennas, and construct a 230 square foot equipment shelter for associated radio equipment surrounded by an extension of the existing fence. The existing tower is located on 0,95 - acre site having a Comprehensive Plan designation of "Single Family Residential" and is zoned R5, Residential. LOCATION: 5800 block of Panorama Drive SE (Parcel No. 0520062013) within the NE Y4 of the NW % of Section 6, 21 N, R5, East, W.M. APPLICANT: George Pierce, Ryka Consulting on behalf of New Cingular Wireless PCS, LLC, d.b.a. AT &T REASON FOR ISSUING ADDENDUM: The original project proposal and the subsequent environmental review Determination of Non- Significance SEP09 -0020) issued August 25, 2009 considered the site preparation and installation of nine (9) panel antennas to an existing legal non- conforming tower in order to accommodate a new wireless communication provider. Improvements also included an equipment shelter and a back -up emergency diesel generator within the existing fenced lease area on a 0.95 -acre site containing an existing wireless communication facility. This proposed revision includes increasing the height of non - conforming WCF tower of approximately 99 feet in height by 20 feet (20.2°/x), add 12 new antennas, and construct a 230 square foot equipment shelter for associated radio equipment surrounded by an extension of the existing fence. The project changes have been reviewed for probable, significant adverse environmental impacts. The review did not result in the identification of such impacts; therefore, an addendum is sufficient to satisfy the City's responsibilities under the State Environmental Policy Act (SEPA). LEAD AGENCY: City of Auburn, Community Development and Public Works RESPONSIBLE OFFICIAL: Jeff Tate, Assistant Director of Community Development CONTACT PERSON: Jeff Dixon, Principal Planner, (253) 804 -5033 or jdixon @auburnwa.gov CHECKLIST ADDENDUM SEP09 -0020 INTRODUCTION: This addendum has been prepared to provide additional information regarding the modification of the project to include increasing the height of non - conforming WCF tower of approximately 99 feet in height by 20 feet (20.2 %), add 12 new antennas, and construct a 230 square foot equipment shelter for associated radio equipment surrounded by an extension of the existing fence. The existing tower is located on a 0.95 -acre site having a Comprehensive Plan designation of "Single Family Residential" and is zoned R5, Residential. The original project considered the site preparation and installation of nine (9) panel antennas to an existing legal non - conforming tower in order to accommodate a new wireless communication provider. Additional improvements include an equipment shelter and a back -up emergency diesel generator within the existing fenced lease area on a 0.95 -acre site containing an existing wireless communication facility. This original project was reviewed under the State Environmental Policy Act (SEPA) requirements in July 2009, and a Final Determination of Non - Significance was issued on August 25, 2009. ANALYSIS OF POTENTIAL IMPACTS RESULTING FROM THE REVISION OF THE PROJECT The original project proposal and the subsequent environmental review of the proposed action considered the site preparation for installation of ground equipment and generator and the installation of additional antennas within a fenced yard on a developed 0.95 -acre site (original Project). The existing wireless communication facility is considered non - conforming because the site is residentially zoned and new wireless communication facilities of primary support structures are not allowed in this zoning district. The site was developed while in Pierce County and subsequently annexed to the City of Auburn in 1998. Under the revised proposal, only minor amounts of earthwork, ground disturbance, or increases in impervious surface are proposed. The site has been previously developed with an approximately 99 -foot lattice tower and associated concrete equipment pads within a fence yard. The site is surrounded by trees and native vegetation. It is concluded that the additional construction will not create additional environmental impacts not already identified as a result in the previous environmental review. This conclusion is based on the following: 1. The proposed construction is located within an already developed 0.95 -acre site containing an existing approximately 99 -foot tower within an approximately 2,680 square foot fenced yard. The site has previously been disturbed by construction of wireless communication facilities. The use is not proposed to change. 2. The site is screened by existing mature native vegetation. At the narrowest, this landscape setback is approximate 54 feet (to the east). 3. The proposed action involves installation of ground equipment and equipment mounted to the existing structures on the site. Only minor amounts of earthwork, ground disturbance, or increases in impervious surface are proposed. 4. The area of the construction is surrounded by areas predominantly developed for single family residential use. A parcel to the west is zoned P1, "Public Use" and is used for municipal water supply tank. The site is not identified as containing environmental critical areas. 5. The proposal is not anticipated to result in an increase in vehicle trips or parking generation since it minimally intensifies the use. Parking areas already exist on -site and accessed via Panorama Drive SE. 6. The proposal will be required to secure city construction approvals and meet city development standards. From:Madeline Chaney To:Jeff Dixon Subject:tower construction documentation for 5811 Panorama Drive SE Date:Saturday, March 29, 2014 9:12:35 AM Attachments:Pierce County Permit Information.pdf Hi Jeff, Thanks for your time on Friday taking in my applications for Verizon Wirelessantenna addition at 5811 Panorama Dr. (APN 0520062013). Attached is theinformation that my colleague, Sarah Telschow, obtained from Pierce County back in2009 when Verizon Wireless obtained permits for their initial installation of 9 antennas on the subject tower. This screen shot from Pierce County shows the subject tower having beenconstructed in 1965 for Pacific Northwest Bell Telephone’s use as a microwave tower. This is the only information that was available from the County back in 2009 when Sarah was working on this site. I hope this information is helpful. Thank you, Madeline Chaney Odelia Pacific Corp. 1215 4th Ave, Suite 1900 Seattle, WA 98161 Desk-(206) 490-3823 Mobile –(425) 346-0128 mchaney@odelia.com