HomeMy WebLinkAboutCP1310 Doolittle Construction Contract 13-14 * * CITY OF_ ... �: �.�T T� Peter B. Lew1s, Mayor v - WASHINGTON 25 WesF Main Sfreet * Auburn WA 98001-4998 * www.auburnwa.goy * 253-931-3000 September4, 2013 CERTIFIED MAIL RETURN RECEIPT REQUESTED l� C��/��� , �'!;: 'Y�i�� ,� . v�;,, Doolittle Construction, LLC ���� �k�O,c�N 1900 118`h'Avenue SE '� • " ���'� >n;,, � Bellevue, WA 98005 '�� NOTICE'TO PROCEED RE: Project#CP1310, 2013 Arterial & Collector Crack Seal Project Contract#13-14 You are hereby notified to proceed.as of September 11, 2013 with the work on the above-referenced project, within the time period specified, in accordance with the provisions of the contract documents, copy enclosed. This project has 15 working days for completion. If you have any questions, please contact the City Inspector for the project, Rick Keely at 253-876-1926 or tfie Contract Administration Specialist JoAnne Andersen at 253-931-3012. Sincerely, ��-� �-rif/LQ Dennis Selle, P.E. City EngineeNAssistant PW Director Department of Public Works DSfja/mh Enclosure cc: Dani Daskam, City Clerk Jai Carter, Street Systems Engineer Rick Keely; Project Inspector File 13.1 T (CP1310) AUBURN* MO[ZE THAN YOU [MAGINED � CONTRACT Contract No. 13-14 THIS AGREEMENT AND CONTRACT, made and entered intq in triplicate, at Auburn, Washington, this �`k' dag of�,��at �1 2013, by and between the CITY OF AUBURN, WASHINGTON, a mtuucipal corporation, and Doolittle Construction, LLC, 1900 118`�Avenue SE; Bellewe, WA 98005, hereinafter called the CONTRACTOR. WIT'NESSETH: That, in consideration of the terms and conditions contained in the Contract Documents entitled "CP1310 , 2013 Arterial & Collector Crack Seal Project," which aze by tliis reference incorporated herein and made a part of this Contract, the parties hereto covenant and agree as follows: L The CONTRACTORsha11 do all work and furnish all tools, materials and equipment for Project CP1310 , 2013 Arterial & Collector Crack Seal Project — the installarion of an estimated 3.5 tons of crack seal on approximately 33 miles of azterial and collector streets throughout the City for a total oontract value of fifty-one thousand two hundred one dollazs ($51,201.00) in accordance with and as described in the Contract Documents which aze by this reference incorporated herein and made a part hereof, and shall perform any alterations in or additions to the work provided under this Contract and every part thereof. This Contract sha11 be executed by the Contractor and returned to the City within 7 calendar days after the receipt of the dated notification of awazd and the Contract time shall commence within 5 working days after execution of the Contract by the City and so designated on the Notice to Proceed. Physical complerion shall be witfiin 10 working days of the date on the Notice to Proceed. If said work is not completed within the time specified, the CONTRACTOR agrees to pay liqnidated damages to the CITY OF AUBURN, as specified in Sectiorr 1-08.9 (Liquidated Damages) of the Standazd Specifications. The CONTRACTOR shall provide and bear the expense of a11 equipment, work and labor of any sort whatsoever that may be required for the transfer of materials and for constructing and completing the work provided for in this Contract and every part thereof, except such as are mentioned in the Contract Documents to be furnished by the CITY OF AUBURN. II. The CITY OF AUBURN hereby promises and agrees with the CONTRACTOR to employ, and does employ the CONTRACTOR to provide the materials and to do and cause to 6e done the above described work and to complete and finish the same according to the Gontract Documents and the terms and wnditions herein contained and hereby conlracts to pay for the saxne according to said Contract Documents and the aforesaid proposal hereto attached, at the time and in the manner and upon the conditions provided for in this Contract. III. The CONTRACTOR for himself; and for his heirs, executors, administrators, successors, and assigns, does hereby agree to 1he full performance of all the covenants herein contained upon by part of the CONTRACTOR.. IV. It is further provided that no liability shall attach to the CITY OF AUBUI2N, WASHINGTON by reason of entering into this Contract, except as expressly provided herein. ; IN VJITNESS WHE.REOF the parties hereto have caused this Conlract to be executed the day and yeaz first hereinabove written. CIT OF AUBU , GTON. �� �� BY - �1 Peter . e "s,Mayor Countersigned: this '�day of S 6.�UN/'.�.e!Li, 2013 ATTEST: ��l6,r�t,a�`n,` �� Danielle E. Daskam,City Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORM: �� Daniel B. ei Ciry Attorney DOOLITTLE CONSTRUCT[ON, LLC ByT�:��� c6v Authorize�fficial Signature . r CONT.RAGTBOND CONTRACT NO. 13-14 BOND NO:. 023025921 . BOND TO C1TY OF AUBURN,WASHIIVGTON KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESEN7'S: That we,the undeisigied,Doolittle Construction,LLC, 1900118'�Avenue SE,Bellevue,. WA 98005 as ptincipal,and Libertv Mutual Insurance Comoanv .a corporarion, organized and existing under the laws of the State of Massachusetts as a surety corporation, and quslified under the laws of the State of Washington to bxome sutety upon bonds of contractors with mtmicipal cocporations, as surety, are jointly and seveially held and firmly bound to the Gity of Aubum, Washington,in the penal sum of fifly- one thousand two hundred one dollars($51,201.00),foi the paymart of which siun we jomtly and severally bind owselves and ou"r successors, heirs, administrators or personal rcpresentatives as the case may be. This obligation is entered into in ptusuance of the Statutes of the State of Washington and the Ordinances of the Ciry of Aubura,Washington D�ed at Aubum, Wastrington, this � day of ,QC���'".vw�C.[N , 2013. Nevertheless,the conditions of the abovo obligation are such that: WHEREAS, the City of Aubum on the ]9`" day of August, 2013, let to the above bounden principal a certain Contract. The said Contract being numbered 13-14,and providing foi the construction of Pmject CP1310 , 2013 Aiterial & Collector Crack Seal Project—installation of an estimated 3.5 tons of crack seal on approximately 33 miles of arterial and collector streets throughout the City (wlvch Conhact is referred to herein and is made a part hereof as though attacheci hereto),and WHEREAS, the said principal has accepted, or is about to accept, the said Contract, and undertake to perform th� work therein provided for in the manner and within the time set forth: NOW, THEREFORE, if the above bouaden principal shall faithfully and tnily observe8 and comply with the terms, condition§, and piovisions:of said Coatract in all respects and shap well and vuly and fully do and perform atl matters and things by them undercak� to be performed under said Contract, upcin the terms proposed therein, and any and all duly authorized modifications of said Conuact that may herbaRer by made, and within the time prescribed therein, and until the same is accepted, and shall pay ell laborers, mechanics, subcontractors and material men,and all peisons who shall supply principal or su�ntiactors with.provisions and supplies for the carrying on of said work and shall hold said City of Auburn,Washiugton,harmless from any loss oi damege occasioned to any pecson or pniperty by reason of any carelessness or negligence on the paft of said principal or mry subcontracWr in the performance of said work, and stiall in all respects faithfully perform said Conhact according to law, and shall indemnify aad hold the City of Aubum, Washingfon, harmless . &om any damage or expense by reason of failure of performance, as specified in said Conhsct,and The undersi�ed principal and the undersigned surery present this contract bond relateti,to ttie Condact, PROVIDED that this document shall not be enforceable unless and until the Cityof Aubum awards and executes the Contract to the undersi�ed principal. No obligations under this bond, for the performance of the above-referenced contract,shal( be enforceable until tbe City of Aubum has executed the contrsct tb the uadeisigned principal. The Surety, hereby agrees that modificarions and changes may be made in the terms and provisions of the afocesaid Contract without notice to Surety,.and any such modifications or changes increasing the total amouet to lie paid,the`Principal shall sutomatically increase tlie obligation"of the Sw�ety on this Contract Bond ia a like amount, such increase;however, not w exceed twenty=five percent(25%)of the original amount of this bond without the consent of the Surety. PROVIDED, however,that after the acceptance of this Convact and the expiration of the lien period,and.if there are no liens pending, then the penal.sum of this bond, shall be reduced to either ten percent(10%) of the value of the impmvements W the Ciry or two thousand dollars ($2,000), whichever is greater, to warranty against defects appearing or developing in the material orworkmanship provided or peiformed �iiider tlus Contract within a,period of one (1) year after acceptance. Not withstanding the reduction of this bond, the principal and surety shall hold the City of Auburn,hsrmless&om all defects appearing or developing in the material or workmanship provided or performed uncler this Contract witlrin a period of one (])year after acceptance,THEN and in that event this obligation shali be void; tiat otherwise it shall be and remain in full force and effect. It is hereby expressly agreed that if any legal action is necessary to be brought under the conditions of this bond, that the decisions of ttie Courts of the State of Washington sfiall be binding. IN WITNESS WI-IEREOF,the above-bounden parties haVe executed this instivment this z3rd day of August ,2013. By: r-�^-�/� �ooGttk •on,LLC,Prinoipal Liberty Mutual Insurance Company Surety By � _ 0 lC.�ZL;��' Auorney in Fact Holly E. Ulfers ' � :' 1001 4th Avenue, Suite 1300 ,'._, : ' :� SeaHle, WA 98154 ,TNIS PQWER OF ATTORNEY IS NOT VALfD UNLESS 1T IS PHINTED ON RED BACKGROUND. Thh PovetMAtlomay WdU the acb M dwm�rematl I�aG�,a�Mey have ao aWhmHy W�bbM Ihe Company exeept in 1he mannerand to dre axEeM hereio-slate0. - � � Certlfi�leNO. stmw Ameriran Fire and CasuattyCompany Liberty Mulual Inwrance Company The Ohio Cawalry Insurance Company West American Insurance Company POWER OF ATTORNEY �nawnaur�HSOriserrr�esea�rrrs: n�mame�r,�ac�wn�eo�r�an,eonwe�i��eo���a,yo�a�ma�a Me State otNaw Meor�lme�tlmt LibehYMNUaI h�wrance CompanY is a ca�P?�!�duly.orgmiimd under.the�mvs ofthe Sl�e of Mnsechus�ls.mM.WB�A�Inwo�ce Company � isacmporelionEi�hio�undermelmxsaturestamofuidimia(traein_c�d'aNycalkdme'Comp�ies7,P��m��YeWho�lyhereqisettoim.doeshareDyname.ca�uune eM�p01fq, Anoela n.ToniMn:Hdly F� Llltare•Marv A.�Doh6s��Nanev t�L_Hill:Rosa�e+-Palacios�Steven W.Pamer atl Mtlie dly af Seanle st�e ot WA B�h trNcritlually IiMge he mme tl�an one nmretl:�ib true mE lew(ul atlortmy�indatl b make.ema�,seel,-�.ak�xde�je md deGver.iw aW�on ds beheff m m�ety_anC as im aefaM 0ae4�e�.ry aiW all uMenakings,bonds.recngntrences a�d�otlier wrery obtlgellor�s..in pureuence M:tlfrse p2sems and.shell he�bindinA upon tlre Compa�ies m'rfUrey t�ave bean duy��brlha prsiderR mid�atlesled�bytlre a�e�ry ofttre Cortqnres In Ihehwx�piaper pereons, IN WITNESS WHEREOF,Mis Power of Attomey�hes heen suGSCrIOetl�by en auttarRed��offuxr or official of��tlie Companirs.arid the mrpo�ate seals of Ihe Companies have baen a�nCed . �g�p.y�yg 25In d8yot Juna � " 2ot3 . " - � • ,� �-�_ American Fire end Casualty Company 9 ,� � , =� / ��°1 ,.� � The Ohb Casually Insuram;e Company � } ` ,} r t . S (' Liberty MNuaI Insur�ce Comparry m 1� "ro l, � � � ^I � � 4��.,� ' ���`t WestAmencan Insurance Campany �� a �`� ..-J �' _:•' �'`' - /� ✓'j%` r��� � m �.,,,*.. .,..`..-� .a�'" �_.,.._-P sy: �•r-rtic�.er+. C STA'fEOF WASHINGTON �u Gregory .Davenport,Aasistant Sevemry IC r�p W COUNTV�OF KING � ��. i���On 9tls.ZSM -�dayM June- 2o�a �be(o�a me persw�aly eppearep�Gregory W. DavenpoR�+HO ecknowledged himeeB to he ihe AsaisteM Sacretay otAmecken �.F:. .V.m���Fua md Ca�uetly Company,��.Ube�ty htu�al h�wrerce Compm�Y.Ttre Ohio CmuellY Cort�penY�mid-VlkstAme�en Insu�ce Ccrtrysn5,mW.thal he,�as euch,bairig autlwAmd�so to Eo,� Mf�. p�?�.�azeate theYaegdng instrumeM for the puryoses Nerein wnteinetl hy signing an�beh9H ot tliemryoratlmfs by himself es a duly authorized ofAcer. � . ��- � � 5�W�.��IN WIITJE55 WHEREOF:�I have heieumo subscribad my name and affixed.my rrotanal�seal at Seattle,Washingron,on the tlay and year first above wAttea � Z Q,. C 4 � � 8 NLJLt wa-� - p n W r Y� � O i . _ _..,, KD�Riby.N PuWic ��_�' � ` � �: � C� TtisPasrofAlmmeybmetleandezeenedPursu�ItoeMhymNmAyMlhelo0ovdngBy-NwsandAWBoriralionsofAmariem�FuemidCasualtyCam�9,The0hioCasualqln�umxg�. mpW: �� Cm�eny IlbeAy MuWel hiwrenoB COmp�y.mM�Amafi�I�u�amb CAmpeny uMiiC�resop�Gons aie ibw In fi�face mM 9Hx1 iaetliig m fDOOws: " «,0�,.. m� ART�CLEN-OFFIf�tS-Sectionl2.PowerofAttomey.AiryofficerorWMroffitlaluftheCOfporatimautt�iadforthatpuryoseinwridngbythaChairtnanatlieP�esident,arWsubject:fl.=: ,C��Oo aeh @m�bn�as Me Chalmmn orthe P�esitlertt may qesaiba..shall eppoint euch a�eysdo-feel.as mey be�reoesgmy lo acl.in baheR af tlre Capo�etion Oo make,ezmCe::seal.= �.m. p e ydenowledge�anddeliverassuretyam�andallunCertakings.bonds,remgn¢ancesanQOUiersuretyoaigatlo�. Suc�attomeysirvfact,w6jetAtoMelimi64onssetforlhintheirrespeclire:—� . E m a�oi e�max sneo ne�e mn po�r m mrm nre co�orm�ny nre�r�eo�re a,a m�a m�y s��m,�ro�,a ro m�n n�o n�e sem a me cx�o�eon. wn�w:�� �••� ezeMed;audi insWmeMS ahall be as�bpMtr�es Hslpned by.tlre PreslderR mM el[�d to bY�5euet�cMY P����N B����Y�rrtatiw arattomey�inds[to�� >� . � �. tha provisions of tlris arede may be revuked at eny 6me by tha BoaN,the Chalrtnan,Me Presitleirt w by the afficer w olAcers grentlng wch Power or euthairy. . L� � = ART(CLE�7ml-Executbn otComrects-SECTION 5.Surety BonAs and Undertakings.Arry officer d.ihe Compairy aNhorced fur that purpose in writing by the dia'urtan or�tha presMent- `� > ar end wbjeU ta wch limitafions ea the cheirmen w tlle president may prescribe,shall eppdnt sud�aCOmeys-intact ae may be nacessary to act in behaH of the Compeny to make,ezeaEe, E.�� "S���.seal..advwudedge.and daliver as surety any and all undertakings,�6orWS,remgni�araes�and ather surery aGi9ations. Such attomeys-iMect subJect to the�limitatlons set�forth in�tlmir=a��. 2 � .respaelNe P�B of�atlomeY.�all havefull powerro bl�Ihe Compeny by tlb'nsiqne�m:miA-eRecutlon of a�rysueh imtrumerAS mid ro aCech tlreieta tlre seal of�tAe Cort�mry. NAren so_ O C - � �emaCeda�hinstrumartlasha116ambMdieOmHeignetlbYtlie�.Mes�de�rtend�atlested�MlMeaeqalery. . � v��. CerpBeale ol Desl nellon-The Presiderrt:of tlro Co � ~��� B �Y.�9:P�sumd to tlre Bylexn�af the Compmry;auNOASea G�epory W.Darenpart,Asslste'rt Seeretaryio�polrrt auch. - �etromeysiMeG aa may Oe�neeessary to ect an CMetf of tlre ComPeoY to-r�ke.execute.seel.aekoowledge mid-daliver m swaty mry end atl uM�.bonds.:rewgnirmues m�d � o�ruvetyobfgatioas. . - - � . . - - � AuthorlraUen-By unenimoua eonaerrt Mthe COmpenys Bomtl of Diredors�Ma.Corryiany�thel faniirvle or.meehemcelly rePmdueed sigrrelure of mry es�atmit aeeretery Mtlie Company,wherever appearing upon a certiGetl copy W any�power of allomey issuedby the Company in cronnecdon wIN surery honds,shell he velid antl bintling.upon�_the Cumpany with� tha same krce end�aNect as though mawally afAzed. � - , � � . - - I.�David M.Ceiey:�unOe�Slpnetl.ASSistanl Sep6tmyralAmetltan FUe�entl�:Cdsuett�!�Conlpmiy.The Ohio�Ca9uelly Insiumke Compeny..L�berly MuWal Imurance Compmg:m�d Wasl amaricen Gmu�mxe compmiyao naiaeyceruryu�ernre odqme�powerormmmeyawnsn creao�ega�u amu.true mw correacopyorme Fbv,ermacromeyexea,l�i uy sffid Compe�ba is in fu0 foma aM�eRec!mid ha9 rrot been rewked. . . . . �,,.,� �.IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF,1 have�ereunto set my hand a�M atflxed tha seals of saitl Companies tlils�Kday W'�,2p �3. �. � ,��1.!,t..� � r � .- .; - � ` i .,�� ( � . 1 7':�� '' i .,;.�i � � .� ! t'! o t., gy; .�n� , � 1'`t ��J _\. .�,! � , , � , '� �'� - �a�ritl M.Care ;AssisleM Secrelary . Y •4 / �.. /_ "�*�'-e 'n-�'-+"i� � �� .� -',=`� � ��� LAl3 72873 W2014 . 260�1W - " , Page1 of 2 4! Search > LIBERTY MUTUAL INSURANCE QOMPANY LIBERTY MUTUAL INSURANCE COMPANY General � Contact I. Llcensinq I AP,Fointments I ComQlalnts I Orders I National_Info I Ratings Back to Search� General information Contact information Name: LIBERN MUTUAL INSURANCE COMPANY Registered Mailing address Corporate family group: LiBERTY,,,MUT GRP Wh���th��, address 100 LIBERTY WAY O�ga�tiZatiOO-typ@: PROPERTY 175 BERKELEY ST DOVER, NH 03820 BOSTON, MA 02117 WAOIC: 733 Telephone NAIC: 23043 Teleph0�12 617-357-9500 617-357-9500 SY�h15: ACTIVE Adlilltted datC: 10/30/1933 _ _ . ._. . Ownership type: SroCK 'C back to mp Types of coverage authorized to sell Whe��=�h,�� Insurance types Gasualty Merine _ Ocean Marine Properly Surety Vehicle R bock to rop Agents and agencies that represent this company (Appointments) What.,=th,=, ��Vlew agents Vlew agencles - � ,?back to roy Company complaint history :Wh��=rh,s, �Vlew complalMS , ?beck to tnp�� Disciplinary orders 2008-2013 Wh�.�=.�,�,� No dlsdp!lnary orders are.found Looking for other orders?Our online orders search allows you to search a ten year history of all orders, induding enforcement orders, administrative orders, and general orders. T back�tap htto://www.insurance.wa�gov/consuuiertoollcit/Comnanv/ComnanvProfile.asnx?WAOIC=733 8/28/2013 Page2 of 2 . National information on insurance companies Want more information about this company?The,NAIC's Consu,mer,_Information..,�CIS�_,page allows you to retrieve national financial and coriiplafnt inforrtiation on insurenc'e companies,plus hes information and;tips to help you understand current insurance issues. ^back ro mp Ratings by financial organizations Tlie following organizations rate insurence companies on their financial strength and stability.Some of these companies chaPge for their services. A.M. Best Weiss Grou Ratin s Standa�d and Poor's 6or Mood 's IrtvesforsService Fitch IBCA Duff and Phel s Ratin s 4 bxk to top hftn•1/www,inanranr.ewaanv/�nncnmertnnikit/C'cimnanv/Cmm�anvPrnfile.acnx?WAnTC=733 $/2R/2013 _ Best's Credit Rating Center- Company Information for Liberry Mutual Insurance Company Page 1 of 2 Liberiy Mutual Insurance Company �PdnHhleoeoe � arxe.a�:aoxms wuc��aou FFJNik091MS170 AOtlraaa:175 BerkeleyBUeet AaslBneA to ���ae � Boston,MA 02117 compenies I?^,. �A te�r � llnttad Stetee tliat heve,M��� � We6:www.LIDeMMutuelOrouD.com ouf apinlon, � Phone:877-957-BSOU anexcelleMabllttytomeetllfeV � Faii:8175745956 � onpoinglnwranreobllgations. Baeetl on A.M.Besl's enalyels,051714-Llbertv Mutual Holtllna Comoenv Ine:Ie ihe AMB Ulflmate Parant antl ICentlfles t�e WpmOrt eMily of.MB arporete s6ucWre.View e lin M Overetlno Insurence aMtties ln thla slNClufe. � BeaYS Cretltt RaUn � ' � Vlew ell of the eamoenlea eealpneE thls relln8 ae a pert o(en AMB Retina lJntt. Bnfs Crotlit Ratln Anal n Flnonclel5tra Ih Ratln p/qra:q.M.Ben Compeny,Oldwick NJ � RaUng:. A(Ezmllent) 3enlor Flnenclal AnelysC W.Dolson Smlth,Ph.D., . Af1111aGOn Cotle: p(Paoletl) CFA Financlal 31ze Gategory: XV(ST Bllllon or groater) Aseistent Vlce PrasltlenC Mictieel J:Lagomersino, � Outlook: Stable CFA Aetlon:� Aftirmed E}fecBVe Deta: AuOUSt 14,2013 In1Uel Ratlnp OeL: Juna 30,1922 u oenaen yppyg�{,�. . . . Lon .Term louer Credlt Ratln Lonp-Terin: . �a' Outlook: Stable AcGOn: ARtrmed EtteiHVe Date: Aupuet.14,2013 � Initlal Rating DaM: Novem6er23,2004 � �� SaeuNTy Ratlnps . .. . . Oeteheuaa � ,�p( � Coupon � '=yg; g�p9 u�eera��ewnmWi��o� �'. 10ro9M997 600,000,000 USD 7.887X Surplus Noba bbb+ No tOMeNBee � 2SO,OOO,OOOUSU 7.878% SurplusNOtes bEb+ No OBM�NBB6 1b0,000,000USD 8.608Y. SurplusNOtes Ebb+ No ❑1 Denobe Intlleatirs Retlno � Relehtl FlnencWl antl Anel cal Dab � The follawln0���ke P�vide access to relatetl tleta�ewrda thet A.M.BeR Wllizes to p�ovitla flnenclal antl anelytical tlata on e canaolidetad or 6rench beais. 087080 LIbmN Mutual Insurenee ComoBnv Represenla Bnenclals forthe Cenade Branch of Mia leBel entlry. Sr9@ Re orfa and Newa �- Vlstt BesYS Newc antl Anerysis slte for the letest news ana oross reieasas}or this compeny entl tta A.M.Beet Group. . �{� AMB Cr6dlt RaooR-Inaurenee Profeselanel -InGUtles Beal's Finenclel Slrength Retlnp antl retionale along witlt comprohenslro enelyticel commentery,. � v� tletslleE Eusineas overvbw a�W key Bnenciel tlata. �Repotl Revislon Oate:8/1M2U13(represents Ne latert signifkant chenpe). � (�� Histo�lcel Repotls erc evailable in AM9 Crotltt Renort-Insurance Professlonel Archive. � V'� BesPs EzeeutNe Summary Raporm(Flnmelal Ovarvlew)-avalleble In three verslons,theee preseMellon alyle reparta Teeture belanea sheet,Income �'' MatemeM,�key tlnenGal parto�mance testa Inclutling profXablltty,Ilquitllty antl roserve enalysis. �ata 9latus:2013 BesCS SlatemaM Flle-PlC,US CoMelna tleta complleE ea oT e127/2073 OueIM Cmsa Chec4eE. ' • SlnolaComoanv-flveyeanofflnenclaldatespeGflrallyonthlscompeny. • Comoarism � -sldo-by-eltla flnanUel analysls MtNS mmpeny wllh a peer Broup ot uD a me ot�er companles you aeled. • Cemooelte -evelueta this wmpenys 9nenclals apelnat a peer gmup compostte.Report dlaplays both iha avarage antl tatal campoaMe of your selecled peer proup. �BaaYS Kev Retlno Gulde PreeendMon Reoort-includes Beri's Financlel Strenglh Reting entl flnanciel data as providetl in the most cutrcrrt etlltlon of .. BeaCa Key Rating OuWa�pmCUCb.�Our�ry Cm.a c�sc�cea�. � � Flnanclal antl Aealytical Protlucts � Beafe Ineurence Reoarts-Onllne-P/C.US 8 Ceneda �BesCS Kev Retlna GuMe-P/C.US&Canada � � BeBYs SletemeM Flle-PlC.U5 . Besl'sEfcecutNe3ummervReoart•ComoosHe-Prooerlv/Casuakv http:/Lwww3.ambest.com/ratings/enfities/SearchResults.aspx?URatingId=1389830&b1=0&A1tSrc... 8/28/2013 Best's CreditRating Center- Company Information for Liberty Mutual Insurance Company Page 7 of 2 B al' E �ve cu R ort-C mo A -P rtv/Cae ekv �Ben'e Sletemerit Flle-Glo�al BesYe Reauleton CeMer Ma�ket Shero Reuotls � Besl'e Ste[e Line-PIC.IlS BesCe Comoiate Chenaes antl RetircmaMa-P/C.11S/CN Be�'slnenanee mee •hibM(I 1-P/ BesYS�SChedule P(I.oae Resarvesl-P/G.U3 BesCa Reaulatorv CeMer�, . Basfe Sehetlule D fCOroorete Bondsl-US . BesPe Rennjule�(GOmmon 9�ocks)_L�g BesYe Sehedule D fMunitloal Bantlsl-11S Besl'e Schetlule D(Prefemetl noekal-US - �BeaYe Schedule F fReinaurence)-P/C.OS', ' � BeeYe Rci.��le�'-Hvhdd-P!G 8 LM.�S BesYe ScheCUle�A Ichart Term Investmental-P/C8'LM.US B el' Schetl la BA�(OLM1 LOna Tertn InV Nm Msl-P!G 8 L�+ US� . Europoan Unlan Oladewras A.M.Basl Comperry mtl Hs wbsidienes me nol ragulared m F�clemel Cretllt AssasameM Instidniona(ECAI)in the Eumpeen Union(EU).Cretlll retinB%�%%���y A.M.Best Compeny antl tta subsidlerlea can rwt he uae0 fot regulehry puryoses in ttie EU aa par Directive 2006l48/EC. �Auatrallan�ISCloeuroe � - AM.Beet pWtt Retlnps are atelemerrts ot apinbn end not atetementa of fad.They ere not rommmenEelbna lo buy,hold ot aell eny secuHlies or airy atharform of linar.cial pmtlud,Irelutlinp inawenco policies enE em rwt e rocommen�tion lo Ea usad lo mahe InvesMeM/puichasinp EeGeions.A.M.Beat AslaPacMlc Lttl le repletereE es e CreCil RaOrip Apersy In Auatialia antl Mlde e Finenciel Seniws Llcance number 471Q55 urWer Me Corywatioris AG W 200'I. � AM.Bee[Aeie-Pecmc Utl aedit rolinge antl erry ol�er relateC reaeerch are wt IntenEed for antl mual not be tliaWbuted to any penon in Austrelie other ihen e wholesele clierrt,as C�netl In the CorporeGOna Acl of 2001,Chsplar 7.The A.M:Beat wab�des aro nal intentled fw we by AusValien usert who are nol tlaflnetl as wlwleaele usars. Impottant NW ea:Ben's Ralinps re11aG our in0epentlent a0inlon,Cesetl on a comprehensiva quenlMative eM quelMelivo eveliiatbn ol e mm WM%balence¢haet sUenBU.W��unB Pe��anca and busineae pmflla.Theae ratirqa ere neitFet a wartenty ot e comperry's 9nenckl strength nor ita abllly to meet It6 Mancial oblipationa,indutllip Mwe M polieyhddere.Vew our m�im iwfiee tor wmviere amena. � Cualomar Servks�Protluct Support I Membar CanUr�Conteet IMO�Canero About A.M.Bea1�Slte Mep I Privary Policy�SewMtY I Terma ot Uee�Lepel 8 Lksnelnp . CopyrlpMm2013AM.BeatCOmpeny,InaALLRIGHTSRESERVED: � , h.M.8es1 NbrlCwltle Heetlquerters,Ambeat Roatl,OlNvkk,New Jeraey.08858,U.S.A http://www3.ambest.comlratings/entities/SeazchResults.aspx7URatingId=1389830&b1=0&AltSrc..: 8/28/2013 * crrY oF �- * Escrow Agreement For „ Retainage Declined WASHINGTON Doolittle Gonstruction, Inc., 1900 118"'Avenue SE, Bellevue, WA 98U05 (CONTRACTOR) acknowledges that they have been offered the option of setting , up an escrow agreement for-their retainage on Contract No. 13-14, Project No. CP1310, 2013 Arterial & Collector Crack Seal Project. Tfie CONTRACTOR declines to set up an escrow agreement and understands that the City w'ill hold the 5% retainage wifh no interest un4il the project is complete, accepted by 4he City, and ali releases and liens have been satisfied. �!`.-�--- ���� Authorized Sig re ^T�.�; T.�oo�{f�2 Print or Type Name eF0 Title g -2� �3 Date File: 13.11 (CP1310) �DjJRN * MORE THAN YOU IMAGINED -„ ' . Client#:324689 DOOUCON ACORD,� CERTIFICATE OF LIABILITY INSURANCE °"'�`�°"°°'�""' 8/26l2013 �THIS�CERTIPICATE IS ISSUED PS A AAA7TER OF INFORMATfON ONLY AND CONFERS NO R16HT3 UPON THE,CER'17FlCATE HOLDER�THIS- - CERTIFICATE DOES NOT AFFIRMATNELY OR NEGATNELY AMEND,�EXTEND OR ALTER THE COVERAGE AFFORDED BY THE POLICIES . . . . . . _ . . . . . ._ . ._ . . .. BELOW.THIS CERTIFICATE OF INSURANCE DOES NOT CONSTITUiE A CONTRACT BE7WEEN THE.ISSUING INSURER(S),AUTHORI�D REPRESENTATNE OR PROOUCER,AND THE CERTIFICATE HOLDER . . _ - --- . . . . _. _ .. . .. . . . . .. . ... IMPORTANT:If the certlflcate holder la an A��ITIONAL INSURED,the poltrypes)must be endorsed.IT SUBROGATION IS WAIVED,subJed to the terms and�eondltlons o1 the poltcy,certaln policles may require an endwaeme�A statement on this eerNHCate does not eoMer rlgMs to the eeRMieaLa holderin Ileu ot sueh endorsement(s.. pnooucErt Kibble&Prentiee,a USI Co XONN ,'1OB�M1'I�B3OO N,:670-362-8530 60� VII�OI1�$tfBB�$UItB 10�� . E�IWL Seattle,WA 88101 IN9U AFFORDMOCOVERAGE. WUCO .. iNy��A;Alaska Nffilonal lnsurance Co 38733 INSUREO IN9URER 0: I Dooltttte Constructlon LLC iNSUneac: � 190D 718th Avenue S.E. IN9UitER D: Bellevue,WA 98005 iruunea e: IN9URER P; COVERAGES� . CERTIFICATE�.NUMBERr. REVISION NUMBER: THIS IS�TO CERTIFY THAT THE POUCIES�OF lNSURANCE LISTED BELOW HAVE BEEN ISSUED TO THE INSURED NAMED ABOVE�FOR THE POLICY PERIOD INOICATED. NOTWRHSTANDINO��ANY �RE�UIREMEM, TERM�OR�CONDRIONOF ANY CONTRACTOR OTHER DOCUMENT WITH RESPECT TO WHICHTHIS CERTIFlCATE MAY�BE ISSUEA.OR MAY BERTAIN, THE INSURANCE.AFFORDm BY�THE�POLICIES DESCRIBED HEREIN IS SUBJECT TO ALL THE TERMS,. IXCLUSIONS AND CONDRIONS OF SUCN POLICIES. LIMITS SHOWN MAY HAVE BEEN pRpE�JDUCED BY PAID CLAIMS. LT�R TYPEOF418URANCE ADOL IlB � POLICYNUY9ER MWD � MMIU LIYRS A ����� X X 13BPS08289 2/18/2015 02H8/Z01 Enc�+occunrsEn� s1 000000 X ebau.�recw_c�ena.uaeiurv "�D s100000 CWM3MADE.�X OCCUR � MFD E%P aro SS OOO X PDDed:1,000 aFnsowuanoviwuar s1000000 c�auncc�cr�� s 000000 6EN'LAGfiREd1TELIMRMPLIESPER: PFIODUCf3-COMPlOPAGG S OOOOOO roucr X °' �oc WA Sto Ga s7 �00 G00 A ������' X X 13BA508289 2/1812013 02118/207 �BINEO SINGLE IJMR � 000 000 X IWVAUTO - B�DILY�WURY(Papemon) S' ILLLOWNFD SCHFDULED BODILYIWURY(Paractltlad) S � I1UN3 AUTQ4 X MIREDAUTQ4 X NON-0WNED PROPERTYDAMAGE s qU7p,g tl 1 s A X °�REW� X occun 138LU08289 2l18/2013 02l18/201 E/1CH OCCURRENCE s4 000 000 ��WB cwn+aµaoe ncor�cnre s4 000 000 DED � -X qEfENTION 'IOOOO � S� WORKERS COMPENBAItON. 'NC 9TAT1- � OTH- �ANDEMPLOVERB'LU181LITY� � � ANYPROPRIETOWPARTNER/E7CECU17VEY N E.L.EACHACCIOENT � $ OFFICER/MEMBERIXCWOEDI � N/A �.(Mantlatary In NXJ. . E.l.OISFASE-EA EMPLOVEE Ryes deevlCe untlx OESCRIPTIONOFOPERAT10N9Eebw E.LDISEASE-POLICVLIMR E DESCRIPIION OF OPERA710N8 f LOCATON8/VEXICLFS(Attac�ACORD 107.Addilbrol R�merke 8ehetlub.tl mon�pen I�rpu4a� . � - RE:Contraet#18-14,ProJeet#CP1370,2073 Arterial arid CollecWr,Craek Seal Projeet The General Llability,Automobile LlabilKy and Umbrella Liabflity policles Include a blanket automatic AddWonal Insured endorsement that provides Additfo�rallnsured status to the CerNflcate Holder, Contractlng Agency and its offleers,eleeted otflclals,employees,age�rts and volunteers only when there is a wrltte.n contraet tliat requlres sueh status,and only wlth regard to work pertormed on behalf of the named (See Attaehed DescrlpUons) . CERTiFlCATE HOLDER CANCELLATION � � - - City o}Aubum SH�ULD ANY OF THE ABOVE DESCRIBEU POLICIES BE CANCEILED BEFORE 7HE E7�IRATION DATE THEREOF, NOTICE W1LL BE DELNERm IN 25 West Maln Street ACCORDANCE WITH THE POLICY PROVISIONS. Aubum,WA 98007 nunio�o rseraeseNrnrrve CQ_e : o � �'� '�.,p.,,yr•1, � m 1888-2010 ACORU CORPORATION.All dghffi reaerved. . ACORD 25(2010/05) � p{y The ACORD name artd logo are regiatered marka of ACORD #510848874lM10472288 RAPZP —_. ___._ ._ _ _ __ _._, .._ __,^r---. ' � � � DESCRIPTIONS,(Contin..ued from Page 1�) � • • _y.� - - -- - - .. Insured.The General Llabtllty polley eoMalns a special endorsemant wNfi Primary and NonwrtMbutory wording. . . .. . . ,_-. , -,—._.. . ,___.. ..._� � � , . . ; ., . . . . . . . �. .i� � - , �.� � . , . � .. . .�...._.�......_..>_....__i_.._�._._:. _..,_.... .- < < ,.. .�_..v� �.__._..__ .:__.:__.� __.�--.. SAGRTA 25.3(2010105) 2 of 2 - #310846674JM10412288 . ° Ad�S�1�a�06�1 fN8�URANCE� COMPANY . ADDITIONAL INSURED (CON7RACTORS) - AUTOMA7IC STATUS WHEPI REGUIRED IN CONSTRUCTION A6REEMENT WITH YOU THIS ENDORSEMENT CHAMGES THE POLICY. PLEASE READ IT GAREFULLY. '1'his endorsement modifies insurance provided under the followfng: COMMERCIAL GENERAL LIABILIN COVERAGE PART 1. Who ts An Insured (Sectlon II) is amended to ii. supervisory, inspechon, or engineering ' fnelude as an insured arry person or organizatlon servtces. (heretn referted to as an additional insured), but onfy ff you are requit�ed to add t�at person ar a The insurance provided to the additional organizatton as an, insured to this polh.y by a insured, refeired Go in paragraph 1. aF this wrif6en contract.that is in effect prior to the"bodi�q andorsement, does not cover"bodily ir►jury"or injury°, property damage , or personai and property damage caused by your negligent e . � ,� • advertlsing injury°. acts and omissions in the pertormance of "your work' that accurs within the "producFs- 2. The insurance provided to the additlonal lnsuretl completed oparaUons hazard," unless the is lim3ted as follows: written coritrsct, referred to m paragraph 1. of thls endorsement, cor�tains a specific a, That person or organizatlon is only an requirement that you procure �compfeted additional frisured if, and oniy to the eutent operations coverdqe or coverage within the that, the injury or damage 1s caused by "products-completed operations hazard" for negqgent,acts or omissions af yau or your the additfonai insured. However, even ff suboonVac�or in the performance of "your coverage within the "products-completed work' to which fhe wrilten contrect applies: operatians hazard" is required by the writ�en The person ororgaeization does not qualif�r contrack such covwage is avaflable to the as an additional insured with respeot to injury addkfonal tnsured only ff the "bodily injury" or or damage caused in whote or in part by "properiy damage" occurs prior to the end of independerit negligeM ads or omissions of the time period during wfiich you are requlred such person or orgenization. by the written contract to provide such coverage or the expiration date of the policy, b. The insurance proNided to the additlonal whichever comes ftrst insured does not appy to "bodily Injury°; "property darr�ge°, or "personai and 3. If other valid and collectibie insurance,whether on advertis(ng injury"arising out of an archftecf's, a primary, excess, contlngent or any other besis, engineets, or surveyors rendering of or is ayatlable to the additional insured for a loss we failure to render any professianal sarvfces cover under this endorsement, then the Insurance induding: provlded by this endorsement is exoes§aver tFiat other insurence. However,the instirance pruvided L the preparing, approving, or failing to by this endorsemerrt will tie primary to other prepare or approve maps, dratin+ings, insurance on which the additionai irisured ie a opfnions, reports,surveys,change orders, named insured for the covered loss, if the wAtten d�ign or specffications; and conVact, refeRed to in paregreph 1. of this ANIC GL 106103 08 Page 1 of 2 Alas�aNa�ional . . YN9URANCE COMPANY . . endorsement, cordains a spedflc requirement that this insu�ance he primary or primary and non- contributory: fn That case we wfll not share wdih Ehat ofher insurance on a pro-rata or other basis. If the other insuransa available fio the ad�Honal insuretl,whether on a primary, excess, contlngent or arry other basis, is cover�ye for whlch it has been named as an additionel insured, then the cove2ge provided by this endorsement Is excess over3hatotherinsurance. This endorsement changes the pol'icy to whteh tt is attached and, unless olhervvise stated, is effective on the date Essued at-12:01 AM. standard tirrte at your mailing address shown in tfie poliey. The i�ormatfon 6elow is requlred oqty when Ehla endorsemer�t is Issuad subsequ�nt ta commeneemenf of tl�e poliey. Endorsement EffecUve Policy No. lnsured Endorsement No: Courtersigned Sy ANIC GL 1081 03 08 Page 2 of 2 � INB�E CO��� BLANKETADDITIONAL INSURED THIS ENDORSEMENT CHANGES THE POLICY. PLEASE READ IT CAREFULLY. This endorsement modifies insuwnce provided under the fiolloaring: BUSINESS AUTO COVERAGE FORM MOTOR CARRIER COVERAGE FORM TRUCKERS COVERAGE FORM Who �an Insured,(Seation.li A1 J is amended to inGude as an insured arry person or organizatian for whom you haye agreed in wrying to provlde insurance such es is afiorded by this Coverage Form, but only with tespect to I�bility arisfng out ot tFie ownership, maintenance or use ai°aufos"covered by this policy. This endurseafent changes the po4cy to which it Is attad�ed and,.unless otherwise stated, is effedive on ihe date issifed at 1201 AM.stant�rd time at your mai6ng address shaanln ihe�Iicy. 'Rre Infom�tlon below la required_ onty when this endoise�nent Is iasued subsequsM to comme�cemeM oi the poltay. Endorsemerrt EHecdve Policy No. insured Endorsement No. Cour�ersigned By ANIC CA 70412 05 � .f N S�/'L�!}i1.�E C.�/. . . (6) "Proparty damage"to property: (1) The owner or anyone else from whom you (i) Owned, occupied or used by, hira or borrow a "covered auto".. This (iF) Rented to, in the care, custody or exception does not apply if the "covered control of, o� over which pfiysical auto"is a trailer or semitrailer conneGed to a control is being exercised for any "�vered auto"you own. purpose by (2) Your "employee" if the "covered auto" is you, any of your "employees"; "yolunleer owned by that "employee" or a membet� of workers", any partnec or member(if you his or her household: are a partnership or joint venture), or any (3J Someone using a"covered auto"while.he or mem6er (if you are a limited liability she is working in :a busfness of selling; company). seryicing, repairing, parking or storing (2) Any person (other lhan your "employee" or "autos"unless that business is yours. . 'volunteer worker'), or any organization (4) Anyone other than your "emqloyees", while ading as your real estate manager. partners ('rf you,are a parfiership), members {3) Any person or organization having proper (if you are a limited lia6iliry companyJ, or a temporary custody of your property If you Iessee or borrower or any of their die,,but only: "employees", while moving property to or (a) With respect.to liability arising out of the from a"covered auto". maintenance or use of that propeAy;and (5) A paMer ('rf you are a partnership), or a member {rf you are a limited liability (b) Until your Iegai repregentative has been rqmpany)for a"cavered auto"owned:by him appointed. or tier or a member of his or her household. (4) Your legal representative'if you die, but oniy 6 ''Em I ees" with res ect to"bodil in u ' to with respect to dulies as such. That { � P°y p Y � ry representative will have all yaur rights and any fellow "employee" of the insured arising duties u�der this Coverage Part. out of and in the course of the felfow "employee's" employment . or whife c. My organization jrou newly acquire or form, performing dufies related to the conduct of otFie� than a partnership, joint venture or limited your business. liability company, and over which you maintain a Anyone liable foc the conduct of an insured ownership or majority interest, will quatify as a described above is also an insured; but only to Named lnsured iF there is no other sim ilar the exfent of thaf liabilit . insurance available to that organization. However: 3. Any additional insured under any policy of (1) Coverage under this provision is afforded °�nderlying insurance" will automatically be an only until the 90th day after you acquire or insured under this insurence. form the organization or the end of the policy �f coverage pro4ided to the additional insured is period„whichever is earlier; required by a contract or agreement, the most we (2) Coverage A does not apply to "bodily injury" Will pay on behalf of the.additional insured is the or "property tlamage" thal nccurced before amount of insurance required by the eontrad, less you acquired ar formed the organization; and any amounts payable by any "underlying insurance'. (3) Coverage B does not apply to "personal and qdditlanal insured coverage provided by this advertising Injury" arising out of an offense insurance will not be broader than coverage committed before you acquired ar formed the provldeil by the"underlying insurance". arganization. 2. Only wkh respect to liability arising out of the No person or organization Is an insured with respecTto ownership, mairrtenance or.use of"covered autos": �e conduct of atry curtent or past parfiership, joint venture or limited liabifity.company.that is not shown,as a You are an i�ured. a Named lnsured in the Declarations. � 6. Anyone else while using with your permission a "covered auto" you own, hire or borrow is also an insured except: CU 00 01 12 07 Insured Copy Page 10 of 17 • • • Page l of 2 }� Search > ALASKA NATIONAL INSURANCE COMPANY ALASKA NATIONAL INSURANCE COMPANY General � Contact� ucensina� Ap�olntments� Comglaints I Orders I National Info� Ratln_qs Back W Searah General information Contact information Name:ALASKA NATIONAL INSURANCE COMPANY Registered address Mailing address_ � Corporate family group: n/a wn�ismi:� 7001]EWEC LAKE RD 7001]EWEL LAKE RD_ Organization type: PROPERTY ANCHORAGE, AK 99502 ANCHORAGE,AK99502 WAOIC: 2a Telephone Telephone NAIC: 38733 907-248-2642 907-248-2642 StatUS: ACTIVE Admitted date: o5/zs/i9aa Ownership type: SrocK r n�x�� Types of coverage authorized to seil Wha�,9.�,�=, Insurancetypes Cesualty ' Marfne. Ocean Marine Property Surety Vehicle 4 beck ro mp Agents and agencies that represent this company (Appointments) Wha�..�=�,,z Vfew.agents Vlewapenelea ?back w_top Company complaint history WIM�19,[IIISZ Yiew mmplaiMS � � fbeckeimp� . . Disciplin.ary orders 2008-2013 ,�,��.��„ No dlsclplhwry orders are louiW Looking for other orders?Our online orders search allows you to search a ten year histary of all orders, inGuding enforcement orders, administrative orders, and generel orders. ?OB[k[o top httu://www.insurance.wa�¢ov/consumertoolkit/Comuanv/CompanvProfile.aspx?WAOIC=24 8/28/2013 Page 2 of 2 ' Nafional information on insurance companies Want mo�e informationabout this rnmpany7 The NAIC's Consumer Information jCIS�page allows you to retrieve _ . ----------_,._...---- -__ _ natiooal financial and complainYinformation oreinsurance companies, plus has informaGon and tips to fiNpyou understand current9nsurance issues: . Rbo[ktoCO� Ratings by financiai or.ganizations The.foliowing orgaNzations rate insurance companies on their financial strength and stability. Some of these companies charc�e for their services., A.M. Best Weiss Grou Ratin s Standard and Poor's Co Maod 's Investors Service Fitch IBCA Duff and Phel s Ratfn s ?uxteom� . .. hrin://ww�v.in.curance.wa.¢ov/consumertoolldt/Comuanv/ComoanvProfile.as�x?WAOIC=24 8/28/2013 - Bast's Credit Rating Center-Company Information for Alaska National Insurance Company Page 1 of 2 Alaska National Insurance Company �PrlMthlenaue (q AM.BeR0:Wi818 NNCP.JH777 FEINp:B3WTfe6t Addrose:700TJewel Leke RoaA Aselpnatl to�� � MUmepe.AKa9502-2e2s �^�^� k ��T � t�elhave,in�'�� �'. .�`r Web:wwweleakenetlonal.c m ouropinion,. _ Phons:9D7-248-2&i2 en excelleM a6111ty to�meet theh � � Pax:807-48&8252 anpolnp Inaurence obllBetbne. Besetl on A.M.BeaCa enah/aie,�s5vc3-Alenke Net(onel Corooretlon 19 the AMB Ultlmete Parant anE MeMllbe the topmost Oritity M the Ceryulete BWCturo.VbW e llat M Ooeretino In6urenee eMttiee In t�le a6ucluro. BaYS CroElt Retln s Flnmdtl Sbvn Ih Retln ������ A^°� Re8n0: A(Exralknt) Otllea:A.M.Beet ComPenY.OWwlck NJ . Flnanclel Siza IX(5250 MIIIion W 5500 Senlor Flnanclal Analyst Robert Vele'He CaMpory: MIObn) AplstnM Vice P�eeltlent GeisN J.AllonJl Oudook:. Sm71e , Actlon: Alflrmetl - EtfecUVa DaEe: Aupust 09,2�73 , Initlal RatlnO Dato: June 30,7987 u wmw���ern.w�.,ann R m�, Lon -Tarmis�uarC�aEltRetl �Lonp-7orm: e+ Outlook:�. S1a61e Ac1bn: AlNmetl ERactlre Daro: Aupuet 09,2013 Initlal R6tln0��:' June 18,2007 � R rts and News VIaR BesPe Newa enA AneyeU etta for the letast newe entl o�eea roleeees for thla company entl ka A.M.Beal Group. ((� AMB Crodlt Rsoort-Ineunne�Peofeselonel -IncWdes BeaCa Finenclal SGenpth Ra11n0 end rationab ebnp wlth rnmpm�enaNe anetyticel commaMary, ' 1� detailetl busirroaa overview end key flnenGei Cate. � Report Revbbn Dete:B/19/2013(roDroaente the lelesl slpnMkeM tlienpe). {�� Mlstmkal Reports ete evalla0b in aA a C..wnk Reoort•Inc���GreMeslanal AtChhre. 7=: — � BeaYs Ezwutiva Summary Raporla(Flnanclal Overvlew)-avai�aEb In Mrcs venbna,t�ese preaentaUon style�eporta(eeture Delenm shee4 Nwme % slatemeM,key flnendal peAoimen�teata incWtllnO Profllebllily,Ilqul0lty�end roaerve anatysb. Dau Suwe:4013 BesYS Stetemenl File-P/C,US Contelna dffie complletl ea IN e/27/2013 Quellry CmseCned�atl. • 81na1e Comeam-flve yaen o!IManclel tlele epeU�lmlty on this campeny. - Comoerben -sldo-by-eltle Menclal enalysis of thls wmpeny wllh e peer proup of up to Ove other compeniea you aelect. • Comeeelte -evaluate Nis wmyenys flnanclels aBalnst a peer group oompostla.Repon Aleplays boM Me averepe antl tWel composite of your xleatetl peer group. � .�BesCa Kav Ratlna Gultlo PreaonMtlon Reoort-Inclutles BeaPa Flnanelel Stronpl�Rotlnp end Manclel tlata ae pravltletl In the moelcurm�rt etlttlon of i BesfaKeYReWOGultlaprotlucte.(oumibGwC�rea�eal. Finanelal antl Anal ul Protlueu �B afa In�� Reoorle-Onllne•P/C 11S 8 Cenade 9esC K ReXnoC�ltl -P/C L�3Canatla BesPa StMemeM Ftle-PlC.L1S . Reo:frl C m ke-ProDeM/G M`i � nwvrc F.��!F!e c��gN Reoart-Gomearbm-ProoeM/CesueM BeeYe c�9{��Flle-C•bbal BesYe etete Line-P/G.IJ3. BaeCa Reae��rv Genler MetkM 3�are ReooRa BaeYS Meuranee E•oen%+EN+IEk(IEEI•PIG.U9 ' BeaCa eqi��le P(LOea Re!erveal-P/G�Lig BesYa Reaulelorv CeMer o-�m ce!W!ut.D fGwouate BonCS1-U9 . BedYe arheCUle D fCOmmon Stotkal•US � gesfa gdietlute D 1Munldoel BonCSI-11S BesYe cq�y�b D lPrefertad ttoeknl-LS g�s eq�.dule F(Reineurencel•PIQ Li3 hftv://www3:ambest.com/ratinQS/ernities/CompanyProfile.aspx7ambnum=2648&URatingId=1389... 8/28/2013 Best's CYedit Rating Center-Company Information for Alaska National Insurance Company Page 2 of 2 • ' e�ra sd,�a�b o•N�ene.aic a ini_us B6sCS BrheEUk BA ldhet Lonn Term Inv6�tmeMS1-P/G 8 LM.L1P Europsen Unlon Dbelwuns ' AM.Bml Compvry eM W subsiEluba an rrot rephmred m Eztamel Cntltt Assmsna�n 6�qhalans(ECAp In Ma Eaopaari UMOn(EU).CretlR�atlnpe lewa0 by A.M.Best Canpmry mM Ib eubsltllmbs can not be usadfot rapulotory purpoaes In Ma EU es pa 04ectNS 200N48IEG � Auetrollan Obclwum'.' '. . . . AM.Beat GeEtt Reth�s ero aletemmb d uVinwn erW nd slelemerrcs o/hec Thay are not recommentlatlons m EW.hdE a aeA anY aeaulibs uraty Mha(ortn of Merciel D��.mchdirp . . Ytmunnce po_Iklas mM me mt e rammmBn08tim to De Wetl Oo meke InwabnenVpud�aalrp tleciaioru.AM.Bpl As4-Pecilk LM b ragislmtl ac a Cradtt Ra6ip Aqney In Aualralla mW holEa a � " FYienciel SaMCen Licance wmbx 471055 uMar ihe Corporelbne Ad o12007. � _ _._ . . _. . . . . . . . . AM.Bost Asla-0eGik UA aedll tatinpa eM enY��IetaO reeeerM en rollnteMeO tor entl mwl not be dUWfubE b mry penm in Auatrnlie othar ihen a whdmab e�errt,m EMi�ed In iM Caporellaa Act c/7007;Clmptm 7.Tlie A.M.BealwaESqas are not InlantlBO for uae by Auetralim�uaan who are nd CeMeC Bs whobeeN wms. � . Imporla�rt Notlee;BeaYa Rallnpe relleq au�IntlepenEenl opinion,baeoq an a comprehansNa quenlitutive eM qualH¢Ilve evaWetlon o/a mmpanys bolunw ehaet etnnpM,opo�atinp pa�/armanca end bwlnem p�le.Theae mlirqs era nellher a warteny o(a componya9rwnciel sUe�qtlf rwr its ablliry to mae11U firentlal oDlpelbna,Inclutlln0�e to policyholdac Vbw our eritire mNee for mmpleta E�ell9. ' � " Cwlomm Sanice�Protluel5upport�Mombx Center�Contael IMO�Careere ,' Aba[AM.Best�Slb Map�PMacy Polky�Securlty�Tertns W Use�Lapal 8 Liunalnp , CopyripM02013 AM.8est Company,Iric.ALL RIGMTS RESERVED. A.M.Beat WarltlwWe HBBOquertels,AmDOSI Raetl.OkFxitl�,New Jerecy.OBB58,U.S.A . htm://www3.amhe�t.com/ratines/entities/ComnanvProfile.asnx?ambnum=2648&cURatineId=1389... 8/28/2013 � �-, � � _ ,-,.� CITY OF AUBURN h`;'r��.CO RACT CHANGE ORDER AGREEMENT NO. 1 L��� ,r,oK`� n���� "Contract No.,�iroject No.and Yroject Tifle: 13-94 CP1310, 2013 Arterial&Collector C'1 3 -!'� ' Crack SeafProiect cG� 1' -- Contractor Name and Addresa: Doolittle Construotion, LLC 190D 118th Ave SE Bellevue,WA 98005 ; I The Contractar is heretiy directed to malce the clianges W the Contract as described herein. This document and all , at[achments area supplemant ro the contrack All work,materials,measurements and unit bid prices for the type of construction involved shall be in accordance with the contract documents of the above named projact unless stated otherwise in this change ordar. Summary ofProposed Changes: L tncrease the number of contract workings days by 5 working days to a total of 15 working days in accordance with Section 1-08.5 of the Contract Documents. This change affects the number of working days speciffed on page xxvi of the Contract, and makes the number consistent with other sections of the 5pecifications. ' � � Sales i ltem 5ch. Sec.No. Ttem Description QuanHty p�y Unit Price Tota1 Price;, Tax i �+/-) _ (S) {+!-) (�'�M i _ - _ N I - ----- _ __- ---- _ _ _ _._ . N ( __._ .. _. _— — I N Subtotal $ - Washin�ton State Sales Tax(9.5%)on appiicable items $ - TOTAL $ - ! Base Amount Total incL Tax 1. Total Cost this GO $ $ - � ?.. Taat Cost Previous C/O . _ $ - $ - ' ��� 3. Ori inat Conti•acfAmount $ - - 51,201.00' $ 51,201.00 I 4. RevisedContractAmount $ 51,201.00 $ 59,201.00 � � This change order constitutes fult and complete compensadon for all la6or,a�uipment,materials,overhead,proFrt,any � en8 all indirect costs,and time adjustme�it to pa�fortn tNe above described changes. A{f other costs aro nun-compensible. ; All other terms and conditione of the ew�tract remain unchanged, . , ; Doolittle Con ucti n LLC Contractor: — '� Inapector: �°1e Project Manager: �°'�° City Engineer: p �o APProved by: °'�` Mapor, ajAubura nnie