HomeMy WebLinkAbout0830 ,- , ., J ~ o rmE'fAlrGJ!; NO. 830 Ali OaDIi!A]'iCE: Providing for the improvement of, all that portion of D street :i.E. situate between existing pavement in i,:ain Street bast and existing pavement in Fourth Street ,:.E. , all that portion 01' E ~treet ii.E. situ'lte between existing pavement in Lain street East and existing pavement in Fourth i:ltreet ;,.E. , all that portion of First Street ;1.E. situl'te betl'leen existinr pavement in C Street H.E. and proposed pavement in E Street :T.E., all that portion of Second ::itreet n.El. situate between existing pavement in C Street N.J!:. and proposed pavement in E .:>treet ~;.l~. , and all that portion of Third ::.treet A.E. situate between existing pavement in D Street ;,.E. and proposed pavement in ~ Street N.E. , all in the ~ity of Auburn, by the grading, paving and ourbing of said portions of ;) street :1.E. , E Street N.E. , ]'irst ptreet K.E., Second ptreet N.E., and Third Street ~.E., and the doing of other work properly inoidental thereto, all aocording to the plans and specifications on file with the City Clerk and in accordance with the Resolution of Intention providinF far Local Improvement District !;o. 99; approving and adopting said plans and specifications; creating Local Improvement Distriot ;;0. 99, and Local Improvement .l!'und, Distriot Ho. 99; providing for the assessIlJ3nt of the cost and expense of such improvement upon the property in said district and providing for the payment thereof by bonds of said district. THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF AUBUHH DO ORDAIN AS FClLLO',;S: Seotion 1. That all that portion of D Street N.~. situate between existing pavement in ~ain ;,treet ~ast and existing pavement in Fourth ~treet 3.1., all that portion of 1 ~treet ~.E. situate between exist ing pavement in r.;ain ;;,treet ~ast and existing pavement in Fourth Street :,.E. , all that portion of First ;;,treet H.~. situate between existing pavemE-nt in ~ street 11.:3. and proposed pavement in E..,treet N.}~., all that portion of Seoond >>treet H.E. situate between existing pavement in C Street ;i..w. and proposed pavement in l!: StrecJt IT.B., and all that portion of Third street ,..B. situate between exist- ing pavement in D street :T.E. and pro)osed pavement in :E street :1.E. , all in the City of Auburn, be improved by grading, pav!iing and curb- ing said portions of 1) street iT.E. , B street .T.E. , First 8tteet l:.E. , Seoond .,treet ::.1;., and Third street :'f.E. , and the doing of other work properly inoidental thereto, all aoco rding to the plans and specifi oa- tions for said improvement prepared by the City Engineer and now on file in the office of the Jity Clerk, and in acoordanoe with the Resolution of Intention providiN for Looal Improvement District No. 99 passed by the City 00uncil on ;,:ay 7, 1940. Seotion 2. That the plans and specifications for said improve- ment prepared by the Jity bngineer ani now on tile in the office of the City Clerk be and the seme hereby are, approved and adopted. Section 3. That the oost and expense of said improvement, including all necessary and incidental expenses, with the exoeption of such labor, materials and eCJ.uipment, ,if any, as may be oontribu- ted and furnished by the J!'ed.eral "orks Progress Administration, shall be borne by and assesGed against the property included in the assess- ment district hereinafter created, aooordillf to law. The City of Auburn shall not be liable in any manner for any portion of the cost -1- - .. , ~.. and expense of said improvement except as herein provided, and except as provided by Section 50f Chapter 209 of the Laws of iiashington of the year 1927. Section 4. That there is hereby established a local improvement distriot to be oalled Local .improvement Distriot No. 99, which said distriot is desoribed as follows: "All of the property between the termini of those portionG of said streets proposed to be improved liS afore- said and on eaoh side thereof, abutting upon, adjacent, vioinal or proximate to wch portions of said streets to a distanoe baok from the marginal lines thereof as provided by law." Seotion 5. That said improvements shall be made by the City of Auburn under t he supervision of the City Council thereof or such comuittee or persons as the city uouncil may designate and the City Engineer. Section 6. That there is hereby established in the Treasury of the City of Auburn a fund to be known as "Looal .improvement Fund, District ,"0. 99"; that all moneys }8id into the treasury of the City o~ Auburn on account of the cost and expense of improvements in said district Ghall be paid into and credited to said fund; and that all vmrrants drawn or issued by the City of .I.uburn in payment for im- provements in or expenses against said district shall be drawn upon and payable from said fund. .::ieotion 7. Payment for said in;.provement shall be made in the first instance by warrants a.ravm upon said Local Improvement ~'und, which warrar,ts shall bear interest at the rate of _~_ per cent per annum. Bonds bearing interest at the rate of ~~ per cent per annw~ pay'ble 0'1 or before 11... years rr:)Ill tjfeCrate of issuanoe shall be issued in payment of~e cost and expense of said im)rovement, \micn bonds sha~l be re~eemed by the colle0tion of special a~~essments to be levied and aesesseQ upon the property in said district, payable in I \) equal annual instaL.mentlO with interest at the rate of S /~ per cent per annum, under the mode "Payment by Bonds" as dtfinea by law. of "ection 8. r:,e City l'reasurer shall, upon I'eceipt of an assess- !lll;nt roll therefor, publish a notille in tl:.e official ne\.spaper 01 the City of .,"ubura for two c0Tlsecutive v,eokly iSb-leb thot such roll is in his hands for collection and that any asseSSEent thereon or any por- tion of a.1Y assescr~ent may be paiu at any time '..it;.;,in thL'ty (30) days fr;'ra the date of the first publication of said notioe, wi ,; aut interest, ;Jei,altj or cost, <u1Q that unless payment be made \.itl.in such time the sum J:emRininr unpaid thereafter llBY be paid in equal annual install- ment, the nUlooer of whioh annual install1Kmts shall be tl'/O les/.) than the nw,lber of vears whiCh said bond.s are to rUl" 'lith interest on the whule Ullpaid SULl so ,lharced at the I'ate of S!-:. p,~r ot:nt per annw,l, pF YL bl<; annue ,ly, and eac.1 y"ar t hereaft er (meto~' such installment:., to(eth<.r . it[. t;le interest due: tb..reon "Ild Uli all iuut.al:....,c.lts trH.-re- after tc bec:Oi.le due "rlall be coll ~ted in the DJlJ.nner ,bl.oviJed by lav:, -2- .. I \; .t ...' . ,. and unless payment be made at the time, such installment or install- ments shall bear interest at the rate of 11- ~ per cent per annum and may be colJ.ected and the lien. thereof enfurced in the manner provided by law. .section 9. Further proVl Slon shall be made by the City Counc il for the levy and collection of the assessments herein provided for and for the issue"nce of said bonds in payment of t l::'e cost and ex- pense of said improvement, such provision to be rode from time to time by ordinance. Section 10. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force five (0) days from and after its passage, approval and publication as re~uired by law. '. , .-..,. /..,. l::"THODUCED: June 19, 1940 PA;:,5;];D: June lit, 1940 APPROVED: June 1ft, 1940 , ~ .,/ ," - ~"'- /' ..".. .... _~~~~~.~W~ -, ~. . :.~- . ~~'i :> .... - ~-- -... ...- .... "Z'-J / :~ ~'. /".:"- .~ '-- - --_-:':~~ Attest:..~~," .;;, 'l!-' /J-. d~ (/ , ~~ayor , city Clerk Approved as to form: ~~~~ , City Attorney :>U1lL15IDD: June 21, 1940. -D- r" - , . ; ~" STATE OF WASHINGTON ) : S S COUNTY OF KING I, J. M. RYAN, the duly eleoted, qualified and acting City Clerk ot the City of Auburn, a munioipal oorporation of the third olass, situate in the County of King, State of Washington, do hereby oertify that the fore- going is a full true and oorreot oopy of Ordinanoe No. 830, of the ordi- nanoes of the City of Auburn, entitled "AN ORDINANCE: Providing for the improvement of, all that portion of D. Street N.E. situate between exist- ing pavement in Main Street East and existing pavement in Fourth Street N. E., Kk all that portion of E. Street N. E. situate between existing pavement in Main Street East ani existing pl.vement in Fourth Street N. E., all that portion ot First Street N.E. situate between existing pavement in C. Street N. E. ani proposed pavement il3. E. Street N.E., all that portion of Second Street N.E. situate between existing pavement in C. Street N. E. and pro- posed pavement in E. Street N. E..~d all that portion of Third Street N.E. situate bewteen existing pavement in D. Street N. E. and proposed pavement in E. Street N.E., all in the City of Auburn, by the grading, paving and curbing of said portions of D. Street N.E., E. Street N. E., First Street N.E., Seoond Street N.E., am Third Street N.E., end the doing of other work, properly inoidental thereto, ell aooording to the plans and speoifications on file with the City Clerk and in accordance with the Resolution of Inten- tion providing for Local Improvement Distriot No. 99j approving and adopting said piAns and speoifioationsj oreating Looal Improvemsnt Distriot No. 99, and Local Improvement Fund No. 99j providing for the assesment of the oost and expense of suoh improvement upon the property in said district and pro- viding for the payment thereol by bonda of said distriot" I further oertify that said Ordinance No. 830 was duly passed by the Counoil and approved by the Mayor of said City of Auburn, and published as provided by law in THE ABURN GLOBE REPUBLICAN, a weekly newspaper published in the City of Auburn, and of general ciroulation therein, on the 21st day of June 1940. Wi tness my band and the offioial seal of the City of Auburn, this the 23rd ~ay of July 1940. . . . .: C ~ .' - - v.'~':}.~ ~ -...: - .--., Ci ty of Auburn ,...._....... 7 ~~ ~"~-~,,.- "" ~ . ~ ---- ..~ ,... """"" ../~ ~-.~":' '/~,...,.._ _ i. -..., , \,; +:-.. -.; ~