HomeMy WebLinkAbout0865 " ......-'...... ",I.,;. """"- - r" , ... .' .Q.!!.~l!U.N Q.! !.Q.. 865 --- AN ORDINANCE providing for the improvement of: all that portion of H Street N. E. between its intersection with Main Street East and its intersection with Fourth Street N. E., all that portion of Fourth Street N. E. between its interseotion with R Street N. E. and its interseotion with J street N. E., all that portion of X Street N. E. between its interseotion with Main Street East end its intersection with Fourth Street N. E., all that portion of First Street N. E. between its interseotion with J Street N. E. and its interseotion with M Street N. E., all that portion ot Third Street N. E. between its intersection with K Street N. E., end its interseotion with M Street N. I., and all that portion of M Street N. E. between its interseotion with Fourth Street N. E. and the North end of an existing water 1IlIl:l.n in M Street N. E., whioh North end is in front of Lot 21 in Blook "B" of Witt's First Addition to Auburn, all in the City of Auburn, by the laying therein of water ma1.ns to oonnect with existing water mains of the munioipally owned water system of the City. of AUbUl.'n, and by the doing of other lIOrk neoes.ery and inoidental tharetoj oreating Looal ~arement Di.triot No. 100 and Local Improvement Fund District No. 100; prOViding for the as.es.ment of seventy-five (75%) per cent of the oost and expenses of .aid improvement upon the property in said district, as provided by law. THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF AUBURN DO ORDAIN AS FOu.oWS: Seotion 1. That all that portion of E Street N. E. situate between its interseotion with Main Street East and its intersection with Fourth Street N. E., all that portion ot Fourth Street N. E. situate between its interseotion with H Street N. E. and it. inter- seotion with J street N. E., all that portion of K Street N. E. eituate between its intersection with Main Street East and its intersection with Fourth Street N. E., all that portion of First Strest N. E. situate between its interseotion with J Street N. E. and its interseotion with M Street N. E., all that portion of Third Street N. E. situate between its interseotion with K street N. E. and its intersection with M Street N. E., and all that portion of M Str6et N. E. eituate between its interseotion with Fourth street N. E. and the North end of an existing City ot Auburn water main in M Street N. E., which North end is in front of Lot 21 in Block "B", 1ritt's First Addition to Auburn, all in the City of Auburn, be improved by the acquisition and laying. therein of oast iron water mains to oonneot with existing City ot Auburn water mains on Main street East, J Street N. E., Fourth Street N. E., and AI Street N. E., as a part of the llIUIlicipally owned water system of the City of Auburn, and the doing of other work inoidental thereto, inoluding neoessary fittings, valves and fire hydrants, all in accordanoe with the plans and speoiticationB therefor prepared by the Hater Committee and the City Engineer of the City of Auburn and now on file in the offioe of the City Clerk, whioh plans and speoifica- tions were prepared pursuant to and in aocordanoe with the initial resolution providing for Looal Improvement Distriot No. 100. Seotion 2. That seventy-five (75%) per oent of the ooet and ex~nse8 of said improve- ments, including all neoessary and inoidental expenees, shell be borne by and assessed against the property inoluded in the assensDlent distriot hereinafter oreated aooording to law. The City of Auburn shall be liable for and shall pay twenty-five (25%) per oent ot the oost and ex~naes of said improvement, inoluding all necessary and inoidental expenses. Section 3. That there is hereby established a L90al Improvement District to be des- ignated Looal Improvement Distriot No. 100, which said district is desoribed sa follows: "All of the property between the termini of those portions of said streets to be improved as aroresaid and on each side ihereof, abut- ting upon, adjaoent, vicinal or proximate to suoh portions ot said streets to a distanoe baok from the marginal lines thereof, sa prarided by law." Section 4. That said improvaments shall be made by the City of Auburn under the supervision of the City Council thereof. or such committee or person or persons as the City Council may designate. , " ~i~ J' ~':~ '. " ~", ,... lO'} =- ~~~ , , . " , ... ." I' Seotion 5. That there is hereby established in the Treaeury of the City of Auburn a fund to be designated as Looal Improve~nt Fund Diltriot No. 100. That all money paid into the Treasury of the City ot Auburn on aocount of the cost and expenses in said improv&ment district shall be paid into and oredited to eaid fund, snd that all warrents drawn or iseued by the City of Auburn in payment for improvements in or ex- penses against said district shall be drawn upon and payable from Baid tund. Seotion 6. That ths oost and expense of said improvement shell be dSfrayed and paid from the avails of Ilpecial assessments payable by the mode of "iIlDnediate payment", whereby such speoial ll.lSessments shell be due and collectible at onOB, and not in inatallments . Section 7. The City Treaaurer shell, upon reoeipt ot an assessment roll for suoh improvement, publish a notice in the offioial newspaper of said oity, for two oonseo- utive weekly illsues, that suoh roll is in hie hands for oollection, and that any Blsellsment thereon, or any portion of any assessment, may be paid at any time within thirty (30) days from the date of tirst publioation of said notice; without interest, penalty or oosts, and that unless payment be made within such time such assessment, or suoh unpaid portion thereof, will become delinquent end will bear a penalty ot tive (5%) per oent thereon. Delinquent aesesements, inoluding penalti.s thereon, Ilhall bear interest from date of delinquenoy until paid at the rate of SloJ. (to ~_ per oent per annum, and may be oolleoted and a lien thereot enforoed, in the manner pr01'ided by law. Seotion 8. Further provision shall be made by the City Counoil for the collection of the assessments herein provided for, suoh provision to be made from time to time by ordinanoe. INTRODUCED January 4, 1944. PASSED January 4, 1944. APPROVED January 4, 1944. ATrEST: ~i#~ M A 0 R . APPROVED AS TO FCIlM: ~(~(C.~, . - TY ATTORNEY. Published January J ~ , 1944. / I / "---.. ",," r r STATE OF WASHINGTON COUNTY OF KING, I, J. M. Ryan, the d~ly eleoted, qualified and aoting City Clerk of the City of Auburn, a munioipal oorporation of the third olass, situate in the County of King, State of Washington, do hereby oertify that the foregoing is a full, true and correot oopy of Ordinanoe No. 865, of the ordinanoes of the said The City of Auburn, entitled "AN ORDINANCE providing for the improvement of: all that portion of H Street N.E. between intersection with Main Street East and its interseotion with Fourth Street N.E., all that portion of Fourth Street N.E. between its interseotion wi th H. Street N.E.. and its interseotion with J Street N.E., all that portion of K Street N.E. between its interseotion with Main Street East and its interseotion with Fourth Street N.E., all that portion of First Street N.E. between its interseotion with J Street N.E. and its intersection with M street N.E., all that portion of Third Street N.E. between its interseotion with K Street N.E., and its interseotion with M Street N.E., and all that portion of M Street N~. between its interseotion with Fourth Street N.E. ad the North End of an existing water main in M Street N.E., whioh North end is in front of Lot 21 in Blook ~R" of Witt's First Addition to Auburn, all in the City ot Auburn.-by the laying therein of water mains to conneot with existing water mains of the munioipally owned water system of the City of Auburn. and by the doing of other work neoessary and inoidental thereto, oreating Looal Improvement Distriot No. 100 and Looal Improvement Fund Distriot No. 100j providing for the n assessment of seventy-five (75%) per oent of the oost and expenses of said improve- ment upon the property in said distriot, as provided by law. I further oertify that saidOrdinanoe No. 865 was dply passed by the Council and approved by the Mayor of the said The City of Auburn, and published as provided by lawUn The Auburn Globe-News, a weekly newspaper published in the City of Auburn, and of general oirculation therein, on the twelth day of January, A.D., 1944. Witness my hand and the offioial seal of the City. of Auburn, this twenty- second day of June, A.D., 1945 crt the City of Auburn ,- - _. '- . -"-~ ~ " -