HomeMy WebLinkAbout07-07-2014 FINANCE COMMITTEE AGENDACj'I Y, of AUBURN %1VAS I I I IG "I° "O ' CALL TO ORDER A. Roll Call B. Announcements C. Agenda Modifications CONSENT AGENDA A. June 16, 2014 Minutes* Finance Committee July 7, 2014 - 5:00 PM Annex Conference Room 1 AGENDA B. Claims Vouchers* (Coleman) Claims voucher numbers 429146 through 429591 in the amount of $4,650,987.48 and four wire transfers in the amount of $66,016.33 and dated July 7, 2014. C. Payroll Vouchers (Coleman) Payroll check numbers 534787 through 534815 in the amount of $266,695.93 and electronic deposit transmissions in the amount of $1,332,861.27 for a grand total of $1,599,557.20 for the period covering June 12, 2014 to July 2, 2014. III. ORDINANCES A. Ordinance No. 6510* (Coleman) An Ordinance of the City Council of the City of Auburn, Washington, amending Ordinance No. 6432, the 2013 -2014 Biennial Budget Ordinance, as amended by Ordinance No. 6456, Ordinance No. 6462, Ordinance No. 6472, Ordinance No. 6473, Ordinance No. 6474, Ordinance No. 6481, Ordinance No. 6502, authorizing amendment to the City of Auburn 2013 -2014 Budget as set forth in Schedule "A" and Schedule "B" IV. RESOLUTIONS A. Resolution No. 5080* (Bailey) A Resolution of the City Council of the City of Auburn, Washington, declaring certain items of property as surplus and authorizing their disposal V. DISCUSSION ITEMS A. Ordinance No. 6514* (Heid) An Ordinance of the City Council of the City of Auburn, Washington, creating a new Chapter 9.84 of the Auburn City Code relating to lewd conduct B. Revenue Manual* (Coleman) 2014 Revenue Manual Page 1 of 246 VI. ADJOURNMENT Agendas and minutes are available to the public at the City Clerk's Office, on the City website (http: / /www.auburnwa.gov), and via e -mail. Complete agenda packets are available for review at the City Clerk's Office. *Denotes attachments included in the agenda packet. Page 2 of 246 ,IIYO1: 'A U, B UR . N VVAS1IIN61CIN' Agenda Subject: June 16, 2014 Minutes Department: Attachments: Administration Minutes Administrative Recommendation: Information only. Background Summary: Reviewed by Council Committees: Councilmember: Wales Meeting Date: July 7, 2014 AGENDA BILL APPROVAL FORM Date: July 1, 2014 Budget Impact: $0 Staff: CA.A AUBURN * MORE THAN YOU IMAGINED Page 3 of 246 0' 0y' 0 [ R, OVA„ I I I ��O' C'O ' CALL TO ORDER Finance Committee June 16, 2014 - 5:00 PM Annex Conference Room 1 MINUTES Chair Largo Wales called the meeting to order at 5:01 p.m. in Annex Conference Room 1 located on the second floor of the City Hall Annex located at 1 East Main Street in Auburn. A. Roll Call Chair Wales, Vice Chair Holman and Member Yolanda Trout were present. Officials and staff members present included: Mayor Nancy Backus, City Attorney Daniel B. Heid, Chief of Police Bob Lee, Assistant Director of Public Works Services Randy Bailey, Assistant Director of Engineering Services /City Engineer Ingrid Gaub, Water Utility Engineer Susan Fenhaus, Finance Accounting Manager Rhonda Ewing, Acting Financial Planning Manager Tamara Baker, Community Development and Public Works Director Kevin Snyder, and City Clerk Danielle Daskam. B. Announcements There was no announcement. C. Agenda Modifications There was no change to the agenda. LWXG - I. A. Minutes of the June 2, 2014 Regular Meeting Vice Chair Holman moved and Member Trout seconded to approve the June 2, 2014 minutes as distributed. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 3 -0 B. Claims Vouchers (Coleman) Claims voucher numbers 428913 through 429145 in the amount of $3,164,926.23 and a wire transfer in the amount of $77,226.40 and dated June 16, 2014. Vice Chair Holman moved and Member Trout seconded to approve Page 1 of 3 CA.A Page 4 of 246 and forward the claims and payroll vouchers to the full Council for consideration. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 3 -0 C. Payroll Vouchers (Coleman) Payroll check numbers 534755 through 534785 in the amount of $844,629.13 and electronic deposit transmissions in the amount of $1,318,566.88 for a grand total of $2,163,196.01 for the period covering May 29, 2014 to June 11, 2014. See claims vouchers above for approval of payroll vouchers. III. DISCUSSION ITEMS A. Resolution No. 5076 (Snyder) A Resolution of the City Council of the City of Auburn, Washington, supporting a new funded Federal transportation program Community Development and Public Works Director Snyder explained that Resolution No. 5076 expresses support for Congress to pass a new funded federal transportation program. The National League of Cities has urged its member communities to reach out to their Congressional delegation to ensure that Congress authorizes a new comprehensive federal transportation program and provides full funding for federal transportation programs. Director Snyder stated that the lack of funding for the current federal surface transportation program, Moving Ahead for Progress in the 21st Century (Map -21) and the Highway Account of the Highway Trust Fund will impact the progress of current and future regional projects affecting Auburn's quality of life and economic development. The Resolution was discussed earlier today by the Public Works Committee which recommended a slight change to Section 3 to include the National League of Cities as one of the agencies to be notified of the Council's action, if passed. Resolution No. 5076 will be considered by the full Council later this evening. B. Ordinance No. 6510 (Coleman) An Ordinance of the City Council of the City of Auburn, Washington, amending Ordinance No. 6432, the 2013 -2014 Biennial Budget Ordinance, as amended by Ordinance No. 6456, Ordinance No. 6462, Ordinance No. 6472, Ordinance No. 6473, Ordinance No. 6474, Ordinance No. 6481, Ordinance No. 6502, authorizing amendment to the City of Auburn 2013 -2014 Budget as set forth in Schedule "A" and Schedule "B" Finance Accounting Manager Ewing presented Ordinance No &9J91of 3 CA.A Page 5 of 246 Budget Amendment No. 8 for the 2013 -2014 biennium. The proposed budget amendment includes fund balance adjustments, revenue adjustments, the additional full time employees, project carryforwards, additional project funding requests, and other miscellaneous spending authority. C. Ordinance No. 6512 ( Fenhaus) An Ordinance of the City Council of the City of Auburn, Washington relating to Street and Utility Payback Agreements, adding a new Chapter 3.25 (Payback Agreements) to the Auburn City Code, and repealing Chapter 12.70 and Sections 13.08.070 and 13.40.060 of the Auburn City Code Water Utility Engineer Fenhaus presented Ordinance No. 6512. The Ordinance amends City Code to provide a new Chapter 3.25, Payback Agreements, and repeals several sections of code. The amendments are in response to State law, which will become effective on July 1, 2014, and also consolidates several code sections into one chapter. IV. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business to come before the Committee, the meeting adjourned at 5:14 p.m. APPROVED this day of July, 2014. LARGO WALES, CHAIR Danielle Daskam, City Clerk Page 3 of 3 CA.A Page 6 of 246 ,IIYO1: 'A U, B UR . N VVAS1IIN61CIN' Agenda Subject: Claims Vouchers Department: Finance Attachments: Vouchers AGENDA BILL APPROVAL FORM Date: July 1, 2014 Budget Impact: $0 Administrative Recommendation: City Council approve the claims vouchers. Background Summary: Claims voucher numbers 429146 through 429591 in the amount of $4,650,987.48 and four wire transfers in the amount of $66,016.33 and dated July 7, 2014. Reviewed by Council Committees: Finance Councilmember: Wales Staff: Coleman Meeting Date: July 7, 2014 Item r: CA.B CA.B AUBURN * MORE THAN YOU IMAGINED Page 7 of 246 vchlist Voucher List Page: 1 07/01/2014 12:37:33 P M City of Au burn Bank code: 000 Voucher Date Vendor Invoice Description /Account Amount 175 6/18/2014 023061 PENSER NORTH AMERICA INC 30657 &30658 2014 TIME LOSS, MEDICALAND PPD CLAIM 503.00.580.303.25 3,111.85 Total : 3,111.85 176 6/19/2014 391840 WA STATE DEPT OF LICENSING LICENSES CONCEALED PISTOL LICENSES 651.237.104 702.00 Total : 702.00 177 6/25/2014 023061 PENSER NORTH AMERICA INC 30757 &30758 2014 TIME LOSS, MEDICALAND PPD CLAIM 503.00.580.303.25 2,202.48 Total : 2,202.48 178 6/13/2014 001320 STEWART TITLE COMPANY EARNEST MONEY ESCROW #14000200226, DORCO PROPERTY - 321.00.576.802.61 60, 000.00 Total : 60,000.00 429146 6/18/2014 001512 STANDARD INSURANCE JULY2014 Supplemental Life Pmt for M. Bale - 001.21.521.200.25 10.90 Total : 10.90 429147 6/18/2014 270540 WASTE MANAGEMENT OF WA, INC MAY2014 Waste Management Solid Waste Service 434.00.537.800.41 884, 388.89 Total : 884,388.89 429148 6/19/2014 286220 BNSF RAILWAY COMPANY TRACKING# 14 -49512 BNSF Permit Processing Fee. Agreement 432.00.590.100.65 600.00 Total : 600.00 429149 6/25/2014 019208 SCORE 683 CA. B Page 8 Of 246 Page: 1 vchlist Voucher List Page: 2 07/01/2014 12:37:33 P M City of Au burn Bank code: 000 Voucher Date Vendor Invoice Description /Account Amount 429149 6/25/2014 019208 SCORE (Continued) APRIL DEBT BILLING /2009 PDAJULY 1 001.20.592.230.83 515, 639.75 Total: 515,639.75 429150 6/25/2014 017991 MEHL, JULIE TEMP PC CHANGE FUND TEMPORARY PETTY CASH FUND FOR UP- COMING 001.143.700 3,000.00 Total: 3,000.00 429151 6/26/2014 020915 AUBURN VALLEY HUMANE SOCIETY 3RDQTR2014 AVHS CONTRACT - 3RD QTR 2014 PYMT 001.98.539.300.41 60, 657.15 Total: 60,657.15 429152 7/7/2014 018379 2 WATCH MONITORING INC. 10131 ELECTRONIC HOUSE ARREST PROGRAM- #10131 001.13.516.100.41 210.00 Total: 210.00 429153 7/7/2014 022844 4LEAF INC. J18241 AUB HIGH SCHOOL PROF INSP SVS - INV 001.17.524.200.41 1,200.00 Total: 1,200.00 429154 7/7/2014 022843 A& L SPORTS INC 99931106 New unit P064C per State contract with 550.00.590.100.64 26, 646.00 Sales Tax 550.00.590.100.64 2,211.62 Total: 28,857.62 429155 7/7/2014 110150 AA ASPHALTING, INC 0060012 -IN PAVE /ASPHALT PATHWAY AREAS AT BRANNAN 001.33.576.100.48 10, 412.00 Sales Tax 001.33.576.100.48 989.14 CA. B Page 9 Of 246 Page: 2 vchlist Voucher List Page: 3 07/01/2014 12:37:33 P M City of Au burn Bank code: 000 Voucher Date Vendor Invoice Description /Account Amount 429155 7/7/2014 110150 110150 AA ASPHALTING, INC (Continued) Total: 11,401.14 429156 7/7/2014 021166 ABDILL, CAROLL 2014 SENIOR REBATE 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 430.343.401 130.82 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 431.343.501 130.32 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 433.343.501 238.74 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 432.343.831 107.20 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 434.343.751 92.42 Total: 699.60 429157 7/7/2014 111620 ADVANCED SAFETY & FIRE SERVICE 132782 RECHARGE /SERVICE FIRE EXTINGUISHERS 001.33.576.100.41 125.60 132783 FIRE EXTINGUISHER SERVICE & 550.00.548.100.31 59.70 Sales Tax 550.00.548.100.31 5.67 Total: 190.97 429158 7/7/2014 014937 ALDRICH, DIANA M. 2014 SENIOR REBATE 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 430.343.401 130.82 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 431.343.501 130.32 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 433.343.501 238.74 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 432.343.831 107.20 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 434.343.751 92.42 CA. B Page 10 Of 246 Page: 3 vchlist Voucher List Page: 4 07/01/2014 12:37:33 P M City of Au burn Bank code: 000 Voucher Date Vendor Invoice Description /Account Amount 429158 7/7/2014 014937 014937 ALDRICH, DIANA M. (Continued) Total: 699.60 429159 7/7/2014 023806 ALTER, JONATHAN & IREDIA 067879 UTILITY REFUND 430.233.100 170.00 Total: 170.00 429160 7/7/2014 112350 ALLIANZ LIFE INSURANCE CO 007506 7/2014 -15 long term care insurance 001.98.517.210.46 75, 031.98 7/2014 -15 long term care insurance 001.98.522.220.46 31, 637.62 7/2014 -15 long term care insurance 001.98.522.210.46 19, 997.62 7/2014 -15 long term care insurance 001.98.522.200.46 2,707.00 Total: 129,374.22 429161 7/7/2014 021167 ALLSHOUSE, LINDA 2014 SENIOR REBATE 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 430.343.401 130.82 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 431.343.501 130.32 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 433.343.501 238.74 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 432.343.831 107.20 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 434.343.751 92.42 Total: 699.60 429162 7/7/2014 001393 ALMY, ROSSETTE 2014 SENIOR REBATE 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 430.343.401 130.82 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 431.343.501 130.32 Page: 4 CA. B Page 11 Of 246 vchlist Voucher List Page: 5 07/01/2014 12:37:33 P M City of Au burn Bank code: 000 Voucher Date Vendor Invoice Description /Account Amount 429162 7/7/2014 001393 ALMY, ROSSETTE (Continued) 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 433.343.501 238.74 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 432.343.831 107.20 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 434.343.751 92.42 Total: 699.50 429163 7/7/2014 113090 AMERICAN PLANNINGASSOC. 017318 -13113 MEMBERSHIP DUES FOR PLANNING 001.17.558.100.49 450.00 Total: 450.00 429164 7/7/2014 023809 AMERICAN PRIDE LENDING 075563 UTILITY REFUND 430.233.100 94.82 Total: 94.82 429165 7/7/2014 023801 ANARDI, WILLIAM 036527 UTILITY REFUND 432.233.100 101.94 Total: 101.94 429166 7/7/2014 013312 ANDERSEN, LEIF &ANGELA 074886 UTILITY REFUND 430.233.100 254.52 Total: 254.52 429167 7/7/2014 008532 ANDERSON, PATSY J 2014 SENIOR REBATE 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 430.343.401 130.82 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 431.343.501 130.32 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 433.343.501 238.74 Page: 5 CA. B Page 12 Of 246 vchlist Voucher List Page: 6 07/01/2014 12:37:33 P M City of Au burn Bank code: 000 Voucher Date Vendor Invoice Description /Account Amount 429167 7/7/2014 008532 ANDERSON, PATSY J (Continued) 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 432.343.831 107.20 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 434.343.751 92.42 Total: 699.60 429168 7/7/2014 018183 ANDERSON, RONALD W. 0608141 NV POLICE BACKGROUND INVESTIGATIONS - 001.13.516.710.41 650.00 0611141 NV POLICE BACKGROUND INVESTIGATIONS - 001.13.516.710.41 650.00 Total: 1,300.00 429169 7/7/2014 015106 ANDREWS, SANDRA 2014 SENIOR REBATE 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 430.343.401 130.82 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 431.343.501 130.32 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 433.343.501 238.74 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 432.343.831 107.20 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 434.343.751 92.42 Total: 699.60 429170 7/7/2014 022014 AT PRODUCTIONS 0522141 NV SOUND TECH SERVICES AT THE AUBURN AVE 001.33.575.280.41 650.00 0609141 NV SOUND TECH SERVICES AT THE AUBURN AVE 001.33.575.280.41 547.50 Total: 1,197.60 Page: 6 CA. B Page 13 Of 246 vchlist Voucher List Page: 7 07/01/2014 12:37:33 P M City of Au burn Bank code: 000 TINY STARS CLASSES: - 001.33.574.240.41 Voucher Date Vendor Invoice Description /Account Amount 429171 7/7/2014 022014 AT PRODUCTIONS HS MUSICAL /LIGHTING 001.33.574.240.41 40382 TINY STARS CLASSES: - LIGHTING (DESIGN, HANG, FOCUS AND BOARD 001.33.574.240.41 40391 MINI STARS CLASSES: - 001.33.575.280.41 565.00 40392 MINI STARS CLASSES: - Total: 565.00 429172 7/7/2014 110510 AT &T TELECONFERENCE SERVICE 42823250 -00001 AT &T Conference line - May usage - 518.00.518.880.42 49.82 Total: 49.82 429173 7/7/2014 114710 AUBURN CHAMBER OF COMMERCE 24469A 7/2014 visitor info ctr & tourism 001.98.558.100.49 3,333.34 7/2014 visitor info ctr & tourism 104.00.557.300.41 3,750.00 Total: 7,083.34 429174 7/7/2014 115160 AUBURN GYMNASTICS CENTER, INC 40375 TINY STARS CLASSES: - 001.33.574.240.41 40376 TINY STARS CLASSES: - 001.33.574.240.41 40381 TINY STARS CLASSES: - 001.33.574.240.41 40382 TINY STARS CLASSES: - 001.33.574.240.41 40391 MINI STARS CLASSES: - 001.33.574.240.41 40392 MINI STARS CLASSES: - 001.33.574.240.41 40397 58.00 145.00 116.00 87.00 174.00 232.00 CA. B Page 14 Of 246 Page: 7 vchlist Voucher List Page: 8 07/01/2014 12:37:33 P M City of Au burn Bank code: 000 Voucher Date Vendor Invoice Description /Account Amount 429174 7/7/2014 115160 AUBURN GYMNASTICS CENTER, INC (Continued) MINI STARS CLASSES: - 001.33.574.240.41 174.00 40398 MINI STARS CLASSES: - 001.33.574.240.41 232.00 40400 GIRLS MIGHTY STARS CLASSES: - 001.33.574.240.41 165.00 40403 MIGHTY STAR CLASSES: - 001.33.574.240.41 231.00 40405 GIRLS BEGINNER GYMNASTICS CLASSES: - 001.33.574.240.41 322.00 40408 GIRLS BEGINNER GYMNASTIC CLASSES: - 001.33.574.240.41 46.00 41099 TINY STARS CLASSES: - 001.33.574.240.41 232.00 41100 TINY STARS CLASSES: - 001.33.574.240.41 145.00 41105 MINI STARS CLASSES: - 001.33.574.240.41 232.00 41106 MINI STARS CLASSES: - 001.33.574.240.41 232.00 41111 MIGHTY STAR CLASSES: - 001.33.574.240.41 231.00 41114 GIRLS BEGINNER GYMNASTIC CLASSES: - 001.33.574.240.41 230.00 CA. B Page 15 Of 246 Page: 8 vchlist Voucher List Page: 9 07/01/2014 12:37:33 P M City of Au burn Bank code: 000 Voucher Date Vendor Invoice Description /Account Amount 429174 7/7/2014 115160 115160 AUBURN GYMNASTICS CENTER, INC (Continued) Total: 3,284.00 429175 7/7/2014 115550 AUBURN SCHOOL DIST #408 014907 FACILITY USAGE FOR AROUND THE BELL 001.33.574.240.45 300.00 14918 Auburn Riverside Theatre Rental. - 434.00.537.120.41 296.00 MAY2014 MAY 2014 SCHOOL IMPACT FEES 124.237.173 108, 429.64 Total: 109,025.64 429176 7/7/2014 115730 AUBURN TRAVEL FUND 3290 3296 3297 429177 7/7/2014 023529 AUDIO 21 INC 14 -522 PER DIEM -H KITCHEN, TRAINING CLASS IN 001.12.525.100.43 PER DIEM - J HOLMAN, AWC CONF IN SPOKANE 001.11.511.600.43 PER DIEM - W OSBORNE, AWC CONF IN 001.11.511.600.43 Rolls FM424 Four -Zone Mixer 518.00.518.880.35 TOA BA -235 Power Amps 518.00.518.880.35 TOA BS1030B 2 -Way Speakers 70V 518.00.518.880.35 Misc. Cable /Connectors 518.00.518.880.35 Installation labor - 8 hrs @ $46.50- 518.00.518.880.41 Sales Tax Total 122.00 134.20 134.20 390.40 460.00 478.00 1,290.00 48.26 372.00 CA. B Page 16 Of 246 Page: 9 vchlist Voucher List Page: 10 07/01/2014 12:37:33 P M City of Au burn Bank code: 000 Voucher Date Vendor Invoice Description /Account Amount 429177 7/7/2014 023529 AUDIO 21 INC (Continued) 518.00.518.880.35 216.25 Sales Tax 518.00.518.880.41 35.34 Total: 2,899.85 429178 7/7/2014 023821 AUSTIN, KENNETH 2014 SENIOR REBATE 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 430.343.401 130.82 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 431.343.501 130.32 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 433.343.501 238.74 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 432.343.831 107.20 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 434.343.751 92.42 Total: 699.50 429179 7/7/2014 005768 AVIATION MANAGEMENT GROUP LLC 6271 SECURITY FEE REIMB MAY 2014 435.00.546.100.41 1,370.00 6296 2014 MGMT SERVICES ATAIRPORT @ $29,780 435.00.546.100.41 29, 780.00 Total: 31,150.00 429180 7/7/2014 006120 AVIDEX INDUSTRIES, LLC 034737 Final invoice for Audio Video Systems 518.00.518.880.64 5,544.00 Sales Tax 518.00.518.880.64 526.68 035962 Original PO 13- 003434 518.00.518.880.41 1,107.48 Neckloop for ADAAssistive Listening CA. B Page 17 Of 246 Page: 10 vchlist Voucher List Page: 11 07/01/2014 12:37:33 P M City of Au burn Bank code: 000 Voucher Date Vendor Invoice Description /Account Amount 429180 7/7/2014 006120 AVIDEX INDUSTRIES, LLC (Continued) 518.00.518.880.35 157.24 Avidex Technical Services 518.00.518.880.41 430.00 freight 518.00.518.880.41 36.00 Sales Tax 518.00.518.880.41 149.48 Sales Tax 518.00.518.880.35 14.94 Total: 7,965.82 429181 7/7/2014 023739 AWA PARTNERS LLC DEPOSIT DEPOSIT FOR BRAVO'S "SOUND OF MUSIC 001.33.573.201.41 500.00 Total: 500.00 429182 7/7/2014 010599 BAILEY, ALICE E. 2014 SENIOR REBATE 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 430.343.401 130.82 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 431.343.501 130.32 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 433.343.501 238.74 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 432.343.831 107.20 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 434.343.751 92.42 Total: 699.50 429183 7/7/2014 014723 BAKER, DELEE ANN 41075 BALLERINA ENCHANTMENT CLASSES - 001.33.574.240.41 648.00 41122 BALLERINA ENCHANTMENT CLASSES - 001.33.574.240.41 270.00 Page: 11 CA. B Page 18 Of 246 vchlist Voucher List Page: 12 07/01/2014 12:37:33 P M City of Au burn Bank code: 000 Voucher Date Vendor Invoice Description /Account Amount 429183 7/7/2014 014723 014723 BAKER, DELEE ANN (Continued) Total: 918.00 429184 7/7/2014 019902 BALE, MICHAEL MAY 2014 Total Total Total 7.47 7.47 130.82 130.32 238.74 107.20 92.42 699.50 130.82 130.32 238.74 107.20 92.42 699.50 130.82 CA. B Page 19 Of 246 Page: 12 DENTAL PREMIUM PAID BY M. BALE 001.21.521.200.25 429185 7/7/2014 010661 BARBERA, JEANNE 2014 SENIOR REBATE 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 430.343.401 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 431.343.501 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 433.343.501 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 432.343.831 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 434.343.751 429186 7/7/2014 005338 BASTROM, MARJORIE 2014 SENIOR REBATE 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 430.343.401 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 431.343.501 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 433.343.501 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 432.343.831 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 434.343.751 429187 7/7/2014 000761 BAUER, MARILYN J. 2014 SENIOR REBATE 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 430.343.401 Total Total Total 7.47 7.47 130.82 130.32 238.74 107.20 92.42 699.50 130.82 130.32 238.74 107.20 92.42 699.50 130.82 CA. B Page 19 Of 246 Page: 12 vchlist Voucher List Page: 13 07/01/2014 12:37:33 P M City of Au burn Bank code: 000 Voucher Date Vendor Invoice Description /Account Amount 429187 7/7/2014 000761 BAUER, MARILYN J. (Continued) 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 431.343.501 130.32 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 433.343.501 238.74 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 432.343.831 107.20 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 434.343.751 92.42 Total: 699.50 429188 7/7/2014 016932 BEALS, RETA 2014 SENIOR REBATE 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 430.343.401 130.82 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 431.343.501 130.32 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 433.343.501 238.74 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 432.343.831 107.20 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 434.343.751 92.42 Total: 699.50 429189 7/7/2014 023755 BECKER, KAREN & MITCHELL 063362 UTILITY REFUND 433.233.100 131.20 Total: 131.20 429190 7/7/2014 019757 BENNETT, SANDRA 2014 SENIOR REBATE 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 430.343.401 130.82 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 431.343.501 130.32 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 433.343.501 238.74 Page: 13 CA. B Page 20 Of 246 vchlist Voucher List Page: 14 07/01/2014 12:37:33 P M City of Au burn Bank code: 000 Voucher Date Vendor Invoice Description /Account Amount 429190 7/7/2014 019757 BENNETT, SANDRA (Continued) 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 432.343.831 107.20 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 434.343.751 92.42 Total: 699.50 429191 7/7/2014 014918 BERGSTROM, PATRICIA 2014 SENIOR REBATE 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 430.343.401 130.82 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 431.343.501 130.32 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 433.343.501 238.74 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 432.343.831 107.20 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 434.343.751 92.42 Total: 699.50 429192 7/7/2014 021848 B -FORCE PROTECTION SECURITY 0296 JUNE SECURITY FOR PARKS 001.33.576.100.41 1,750.00 Total: 1,750.00 429193 7/7/2014 023817 BITETTO, JOSEPH 1792483 PARKS REFUND 001.347.699 500.00 Total: 500.00 429194 7/7/2014 023805 BJERKE, JOHN & STORMIE 067363 UTILITY REFUND 430.233.100 172.71 Total: 172.71 429195 7/7/2014 018444 BLISS, DIANA 2014 SENIOR REBATE Page: 14 CA. B Page 21 Of 246 vchlist Voucher List Page: 15 07/01/2014 12:37:33 P M City of Au burn Bank code: 000 Voucher Date Vendor Invoice Description /Account Amount 429195 7/7/2014 018444 BLISS, DIANA (Continued) 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 430.343.401 130.82 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 431.343.501 130.32 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 433.343.501 238.74 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 432.343.831 107.20 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 434.343.751 92.42 Total: 699.50 429196 7/7/2014 003856 BLISS, MAXINE 2014 SENIOR REBATE 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 431.343.501 130.32 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 433.343.501 238.74 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 432.343.831 107.20 Total: 476.26 429197 7/7/2014 015139 BLOCK, STEPHANIE 2014 SENIOR REBATE 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 430.343.401 130.82 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 431.343.501 130.32 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 433.343.501 238.74 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 432.343.831 107.20 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 434.343.751 92.42 Total: 699.50 429198 7/7/2014 020033 BLUE LINE TRAINING LLC 2190 Page: 15 CA. B Page 22 Of 246 vchlist Voucher List Page: 16 07/01/2014 12:37:33 P M City of Au burn Bank code: 000 Voucher Date Vendor Invoice Description /Account Amount 429198 7/7/2014 020033 BLUE LINE TRAINING LLC (Continued) REGISTRATION FEE FOR'LED BYALION' 001.21.521.200.49 129.00 Total: 129.00 429199 7/7/2014 021169 BOLLERUD, EDWARD 2014 SENIOR REBATE 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 430.343.401 130.82 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 431.343.501 130.32 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 433.343.501 238.74 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 432.343.831 107.20 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 434.343.751 92.42 Total: 699.50 429200 7/7/2014 023813 BONARI, DOROTHY 076510 UTILITY REFUND 430.233.100 247.87 Total: 247.87 429201 7/7/2014 123015 BORTLESON, GILBERT C 41123 INSTRUCTOR FOR LATE SPRING /SUMMER 001.33.574.240.41 100.00 41124 INSTRUCTOR FOR LATE SPRING /SUMMER 001.33.574.210.41 175.00 41125 INSTRUCTOR FOR LATE SPRING /SUMMER 001.33.574.240.41 50.00 41126 INSTRUCTOR FOR LATE SPRING /SUMMER 001.33.574.210.41 200.00 Page: 16 CA. B Page 23 Of 246 vchlist Voucher List Page: 17 07/01/2014 12:37:33 P M City of Au burn Bank code: 000 Voucher Date Vendor Invoice Description /Account Amount 429201 7/7/2014 123015 123015 BORTLESON, GILBERT C (Continued) Total: 525.00 429202 7/7/2014 023812 BREEZE, STEVE & KATIE 076507 Total Total Total 51.48 51.48 130.82 130.32 238.74 107.20 92.42 699.50 130.82 130.32 238.74 107.20 92.42 699.50 26, 780.23 CA. B Page 24 Of 246 Page: 17 UTILITY REFUND 430.233.100 429203 7/7/2014 019758 BRISCOE, MILDRED 2014 SENIOR REBATE 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 430.343.401 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 431.343.501 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 433.343.501 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 432.343.831 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 434.343.751 429204 7/7/2014 022370 BROTHERS, STACEY 2014 SENIOR REBATE 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 430.343.401 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 431.343.501 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 433.343.501 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 432.343.831 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 434.343.751 429205 7/7/2014 012304 BROWN AND CALDWELL 14217089 Stormwater Comprehensive Update - 432.00.590.100.65 Total Total Total 51.48 51.48 130.82 130.32 238.74 107.20 92.42 699.50 130.82 130.32 238.74 107.20 92.42 699.50 26, 780.23 CA. B Page 24 Of 246 Page: 17 vchlist Voucher List Page: 18 07/01/2014 12:37:33 P M City of Au burn Bank code: 000 Voucher Date Vendor Invoice Description /Account Amount 429205 7/7/2014 012304 012304 BROWN AND CALDWELL (Continued) Total: 26,780.23 429206 7/7/2014 023793 BROWN, GARY 019064 UTILITY REFUND 431.233.100 59.19 UTILITY REFUND 433.233.100 22.68 Total: 81.87 429207 7/7/2014 023822 BROWN, KAY 2014 SENIOR REBATE 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 430.343.401 87.21 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 431.343.501 86.88 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 433.343.501 159.16 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 432.343.831 71.47 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 434.343.751 61.61 Total: 466.33 429208 7/7/2014 018445 BROWNFIELD, KAREN 2014 SENIOR REBATE 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 430.343.401 130.82 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 431.343.501 130.32 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 433.343.501 238.74 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 432.343.831 107.20 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 434.343.751 92.42 Total: 699.50 429209 7/7/2014 006413 BRUAN, ALMA 2014 SENIOR REBATE Page: 18 CA. B Page 25 Of 246 vchlist 07/01/2014 12:37:33 P M Voucher List City of Au burn 130.82 Page: 19 Bank code: 000 130.32 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM Voucher Date Vendor Invoice Description /Account Amount 429209 7/7/2014 006413 BRUAN, ALMA (Continued) 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 430.343.401 130.82 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 431.343.501 130.32 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 433.343.501 238.74 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 432.343.831 107.20 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 434.343.751 92.42 Total: 699.60 429210 7/7/2014 006471 BRUNK, SHIRLEY 2014 SENIOR REBATE 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 430.343.401 130.82 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 431.343.501 130.32 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 433.343.501 238.74 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 432.343.831 107.20 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 434.343.751 92.42 Total: 699.60 429211 7/7/2014 022371 BURFOOT- DENOYER, CAROLYN 2014 SENIOR REBATE 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 430.343.401 130.82 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 431.343.501 130.32 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 433.343.501 238.74 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 432.343.831 107.20 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM CA. B Page 26 Of 246 Page: 19 vchlist Voucher List Page: 20 07/01/2014 12:37:33 P M City of Au burn Bank code: 000 Voucher Date Vendor Invoice Description /Account Amount 429211 7/7/2014 022371 BURFOOT- DENOYER, CAROLYN (Continued) 434.343.751 92.42 Total: 699.60 429212 7/7/2014 020166 BURNETT, FRANCES JANE 2014 SENIOR REBATE 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 430.343.401 130.82 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 431.343.501 130.32 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 433.343.501 238.74 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 432.343.831 107.20 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 434.343.751 92.42 Total: 699.60 429213 7/7/2014 016933 BUTLER, ROBIN L. 2014 SENIOR REBATE 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 430.343.401 130.82 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 431.343.501 130.32 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 433.343.501 238.74 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 432.343.831 107.20 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 434.343.751 92.42 Total: 699.60 429214 7/7/2014 130252 C R W SYSTEMS, INC. 14 -363 Standard Level Annual Technical Support 518.00.518.880.48 25, 500.00 Sales Tax 518.00.518.880.48 2,422.50 Page: 20 CA. B Page 27 Of 246 vchlist Voucher List Page: 21 07/01/2014 12:37:33 P M City of Au burn Bank code: 000 Voucher Date Vendor Invoice Description /Account Amount 429214 7/7/2014 130252 130252 C R W SYSTEMS, INC. (Continued) Total: 27,922.60 429215 7/7/2014 018447 CAMPBELL, SHARON 2014 SENIOR REBATE 429216 7/7/2014 021171 CAPPS, PEGGY 2014 SENIOR REBATE 429217 7/7/2014 023823 CARLISLE, WILLIAM 2014 SENIOR REBATE 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 430.343.401 130.82 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 431.343.501 130.32 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 433.343.501 238.74 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 432.343.831 107.20 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 434.343.751 92.42 Total : 699.60 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 431.343.501 130.32 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 433.343.501 238.74 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 432.343.831 107.20 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 434.343.751 92.42 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 430.343.401 130.82 Total : 699.60 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 430.343.401 130.82 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 431.343.501 130.32 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 433.343.501 238.74 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM CA. B Page 28 Of 246 Page: 21 vchlist Voucher List Page: 22 07/01/2014 12:37:33 P M City of Au burn Bank code: 000 Voucher Date Vendor Invoice Description /Account Amount 429217 7/7/2014 023823 CARLISLE, WILLIAM (Continued) 432.343.831 107.20 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 434.343.751 92.42 Total: 699.50 429218 7/7/2014 021172 CARRELL, CATHY 2014 SENIOR REBATE 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 430.343.401 130.82 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 431.343.501 130.32 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 433.343.501 238.74 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 432.343.831 107.20 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 434.343.751 92.42 Total: 699.50 429219 7/7/2014 016935 CASAD, DIANA L. 2014 SENIOR REBATE 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 430.343.401 130.82 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 431.343.501 130.32 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 433.343.501 238.74 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 432.343.831 107.20 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 434.343.751 92.42 Total: 699.50 429220 7/7/2014 006630 CASSIDY, DAVID & WAN DA 2014 SENIOR REBATE 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 430.343.401 130.82 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM Page: 22 CA. B Page 29 Of 246 vchlist Voucher List Page: 23 07/01/2014 12:37:33 P M City of Au burn Bank code: 000 Voucher Date Vendor Invoice Description /Account Amount 429220 7/7/2014 006630 CASSIDY, DAVID & WAN DA (Continued) 433.343.501 238.74 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 432.343.831 107.20 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 434.343.751 92.42 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 431.343.501 130.32 Total: 699.50 429221 7/7/2014 016936 CAVANAUGH, LOIS J. 2014 SENIOR REBATE 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 430.343.401 130.82 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 431.343.501 130.32 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 433.343.501 238.74 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 432.343.831 107.20 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 434.343.751 92.42 Total: 699.50 429222 7/7/2014 019871 CAW TECHNICAL SERVICES INC 94 -14 -186 INSPECTION ON INFLATABLES 001.33.574.240.49 375.00 Total: 375.00 429223 7/7/2014 021854 CENTURY WEST ENGINEERING CORP 234322 CP1324 airport asphalt rehab & seal 435.00.590.100.65 2,080.00 Total: 2,080.00 429224 7/7/2014 370450 CENTURYLINK 070714PHONES PHONE USAGE: JUNE 2014 -JULY 2014 518.00.518.880.42 2,867.13 CA. B Page 30 Of 246 Page: 23 vchlist Voucher List Page: 24 07/01/2014 12:37:33 P M City of Au burn Bank code: 000 Voucher Date Vendor Invoice Description /Account Amount 429224 7/7/2014 370450 CENTURYLINK (Continued) PHONE USAGE: JUNE 2014 -JULY 2014 505.00.524.500.42 45.76 PHONE USAGE: JUNE 2014 -JULY 2014 431.00.535.800.42 1,206.45 PHONE USAGE: JUNE 2014 -JULY 2014 436.00.536.100.42 4.28 PHONE USAGE: JUNE 2014 -JULY 2014 434.00.537.100.42 4.28 PHONE USAGE: JUNE 2014 -JULY 2014 430.00.534.100.42 8.56 PHONE USAGE: JUNE 2014 -JULY 2014 550.00.548.100.42 4.27 PHONE USAGE: JUNE 2014 -JULY 2014 430.00.534.800.42 1,327.87 PHONE USAGE: JUNE 2014 -JULY 2014 432.00.535.900.42 510.63 PHONE USAGE: JUNE 2014 -JULY 2014 001.33.576.680.42 327.32 Total: 6,306.66 429225 7/7/2014 023790 CHASE, CHERYL 0620141 NV ARTRAGEOUS ACTIVITY AT KIDS DAY 001.33.573.201.41 50.00 Total: 60.00 429226 7/7/2014 022630 CHRISTIAN FAITH CENTER JUN -AUG 2014 LEASE PAYMENT ON BEHALF OF V -NET 652.00.521.212.45 7,500.00 Total: 7,600.00 429227 7/7/2014 115760 CITY OF AUBURN 070714UTILITIES WATER- SEWER -STORM MAY -JUNE 2014 505.00.524.500.47 2,544.89 WATER- SEWER -STORM MAY -JUNE 2014 001.33.576.100.47 10, 090.77 Page: 24 CA. B Page 31 Of 246 vchlist Voucher List Page: 25 07/01/2014 12:37:33 P M City of Au burn Bank code: 000 Voucher Date Vendor Invoice Description /Account Amount 429227 7/7/2014 115760 CITY OF AUBURN (Continued) WATER- SEWER -STORM MAY -JUNE 2014 001.42.542.300.47 29.24 WATER- SEWER -STORM MAY -JUNE 2014 431.00.535.800.47 197.44 WATER- SEWER -STORM MAY -JUNE 2014 430.00.534.800.47 331.90 WATER- SEWER -STORM MAY -JUNE 2014 432.00.535.900.47 169.34 WATER- SEWER -STORM MAY -JUNE 2014 001.12.562.100.47 18.78 Total: 13,382.36 429228 7/7/2014 001627 CITY OF FEDERAL WAY 429229 7/7/2014 008837 CITY OF KENT PS -1538 R131690 R131694 PAYMENT ON BEHALF OF V -NET 652.00.521.211.51 PAYMENT ON BEHALF OF V -NET 652.00.521.214.51 PAYMENT ON BEHALF OF V -NET 652.00.521.211.31 PAYMENT ON BEHALF OF V -NET 652.00.521.211.41 PAYMENT ON BEHALF OF V -NET 652.00.521.212.43 PAYMENT ON BEHALF OF V -NET 652.00.521.212.49 PAYMENT ON BEHALF OF V -NET 652.00.521.210.51 PAYMENT ON BEHALF OF V -NET 652.00.521.211.51 PAYMENT ON BEHALF OF V -NET 652.00.521.214.51 Total 2,523.00 88.56 2,611.56 41.05 386.62 620.16 445.00 7,653.51 2,523.00 1,350.45 CA. B Page 32 Of 246 Page: 25 vchlist Voucher List Page: 26 07/01/2014 12:37:33 P M City of Au burn Bank code: 000 Voucher Date Vendor Invoice Description /Account Amount 429229 7/7/2014 008837 008837 CITY OF KENT (Continued) Total: 13,019.79 429230 7/7/2014 271890 CITY OF RENTON AR2242 PAYMENT ON BEHALF OF V -NET 652.00.521.211.51 2,523.00 PAYMENT ON BEHALF OF V -NET 652.00.521.214.51 958.74 Total: 3,481.74 429231 7/7/2014 281810 CITY OF SEATTLE POLICE DEPT P1106101 PAYMENT ON BEHALF OF V -NET 652.00.521.211.51 2,523.00 Total: 2,523.00 429232 7/7/2014 292970 CITY OF TUKWILA MAY2014 PAYMENT ON BEHALF OF V -NET 652.00.521.211.51 2,523.00 Total: 2,523.00 429233 7/7/2014 023820 CLINE, TAMI BUY BACK CEMETERY BUY BACK OF PROPERTY 436.343.609 1,500.00 Total: 1,500.00 429234 7/7/2014 133340 CLOWNS UNLIMITED INC 454907 INFLATABLE RIDES FOR KIDS DAY 001.33.573.901.45 3,032.60 454915 ROVING ENT. FOR KIDS DAY ON 6/20/14 001.33.573.901.41 550.00 Total: 3,582.60 429235 7/7/2014 012351 COCA COLA BOTTLING - NW DIV 4177303303 RESALE OF SOFT DRINKS 001.33.576.680.34 1,119.62 Total: 1,119.62 CA. B Page 33 Of 246 Page: 26 vchlist Voucher List Page: 27 07/01/2014 12:37:33 P M City of Au burn Bank code: 000 Voucher Date Vendor Invoice Description /Account Amount 429236 7/7/2014 020110 COCHRAN, JAMES C. 061714PERF SOUND BITES PERFORMER 001.33.573.901.41 700.00 Total: 700.00 429237 7/7/2014 016938 COLEMAN, LINDA MAXINE 2014 SENIOR REBATE 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 430.343.401 130.82 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 431.343.501 130.32 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 433.343.501 238.74 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 432.343.831 107.20 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 434.343.751 92.42 Total: 699.50 429238 7/7/2014 023824 COLLINS, CHARLES 2014 SENIOR REBATE 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 430.343.401 130.82 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 431.343.501 130.32 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 433.343.501 238.74 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 432.343.831 107.20 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 434.343.751 92.42 Total: 699.50 429239 7/7/2014 007461 COMCAST 8498340162108312 PAYMENT ON BEHALF OF V -NET 652.00.521.212.42 281.32 Total: 281.32 Page: 27 CA. B Page 34 Of 246 vchlist Voucher List Page: 28 07/01/2014 12:37:33 P M City of Au burn Bank code: 000 Voucher Date Vendor Invoice Description /Account Amount 429240 7/7/2014 023374 COMPUCOM SYSTEMS INC 62247036 Adobe Creative Suite v6.0 (CS6) Design 518.00.518.880.49 1,513.60 Adobe Creative Suite 6 Production 518.00.518.880.49 302.72 Adobe Creative Suite v6.0 (CS6) Design 518.00.518.880.49 2,097.38 ADDL USE TAX 518.00.518.880.49 3.91 ADDL USE TAX 518.237.200 -3.91 Sales Tax 518.00.518.880.49 367.88 62269315 Microsoft Office Professional Plus 518.00.518.880.49 8,203.50 Sales Tax 518.00.518.880.49 779.33 62282796 3 Operating System Licenses for new 518.00.518.880.49 1,709.76 Sales Tax 518.00.518.880.49 162.42 62336003 Microsoft Windows Remote Desktop 518.00.518.880.49 3,783.00 Sales Tax 518.00.518.880.49 359.39 62336004 Microsoft Windows Server 2012 R2 518.00.518.880.49 569.62 Sales Tax 518.00.518.880.49 54.12 Total: 19,902.72 429241 7/7/2014 000780 CONLEY, MILDRED 2014 SENIOR REBATE CA. B Page 35 Of 246 Page: 28 vchlist Voucher List Page: 29 07/01/2014 12:37:33 P M City of Au burn Bank code: 000 Voucher Date Vendor Invoice Description /Account Amount 429241 7/7/2014 000780 CONLEY, MILDRED (Continued) 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 430.343.401 130.82 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 431.343.501 130.32 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 433.343.501 238.74 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 432.343.831 107.20 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 434.343.751 92.42 Total: 699.50 429242 7/7/2014 023825 CUMMINGS, THELMA & WILEY 2014 SENIOR REBATE 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 430.343.401 130.82 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 431.343.501 130.32 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 433.343.501 238.74 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 432.343.831 107.20 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 434.343.751 92.42 Total: 699.50 429243 7/7/2014 140330 DAILY JOURNAL OF COMMERCE 3289223 8th St NE & 104th Ave Ad for Bid - DJC 102.00.594.420.65 513.00 3289518 M St Auburn Way Inters 14 -06 - 102.00.594.420.65 361.00 Total: 874.00 429244 7/7/2014 023808 DAISLEY, RICHARD 071981 UTILITY REFUND Page: 29 CA. B Page 36 Of 246 vchlist Voucher List Page: 30 07/01/2014 12:37:33 P M City of Au burn Bank code: 000 Voucher Date Vendor Invoice Description /Account Amount 429244 7/7/2014 023808 DAISLEY, RICHARD (Continued) 430.233.100 133.67 Total: 133.67 429245 7/7/2014 022713 DATAPROSE LLC DP1401364 Postage for Utility Statements - May 430.00.534.110.42 2,653.54 Postage for Utility Statements - May 431.00.535.110.42 2,653.54 Postage for Utility Statements - May 432.00.535.910.42 2,653.54 Postage for Utility Statements - May 434.00.537.110.42 2,653.53 Print, Prepare, Mail & NCOA svc for 430.00.534.110.41 1,180.99 Print, Prepare, Mail & NCOA svc for 431.00.535.110.41 1,180.99 Print, Prepare, Mail & NCOA svc for 432.00.535.910.41 1,180.99 Print, Prepare, Mail & NCOA svc for 434.00.537.110.41 1,180.97 Total: 15,338.09 429246 7/7/2014 000963 DAVIS, MARY M. 2014 SENIOR REBATE 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 430.343.401 130.82 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 431.343.501 130.32 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 433.343.501 238.74 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 432.343.831 107.20 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 434.343.751 92.42 Total: 699.50 Page: 30 CA. B Page 37 Of 246 vchlist 07/01/2014 12:37:33 P M Voucher List City of Au burn 130.82 Page: 31 Bank code: 000 130.32 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 433.343.501 Voucher Date Vendor Invoice Description /Account Amount 429247 7/7/2014 023826 DAY, JUDITH 2014 SENIOR REBATE 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 430.343.401 130.82 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 431.343.501 130.32 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 433.343.501 238.74 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 432.343.831 107.20 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 434.343.751 92.42 Total: 699.60 429248 7/7/2014 008425 DAY, LILLIAN E. 2014 SENIOR REBATE 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 430.343.401 130.82 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 431.343.501 130.32 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 432.343.831 107.20 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 434.343.751 92.42 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 433.343.501 238.74 Total: 699.60 429249 7/7/2014 000683 DECRENZA, GARYA. 2014 SENIOR REBATE 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 430.343.401 130.82 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 431.343.501 130.32 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 433.343.501 238.74 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 432.343.831 107.20 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM CA. B Page 38 Of 246 Page: 31 vchlist Voucher List Page: 32 07/01/2014 12:37:33 P M City of Au burn Bank code: 000 Voucher Date Vendor Invoice Description /Account Amount 429249 7/7/2014 000683 DECRENZA, GARY A. (Continued) 434.343.751 92.42 Total: 699.50 429250 7/7/2014 023748 DERRIG, DAVID 028120 UTILITY REFUND 430.233.100 228.05 Total: 228.05 429251 7/7/2014 141600 DIERINGER SCHOOL DIST MAY2014 MAY 2014 SCHOOL IMPACT FEES 124.237.171 6,430.00 Total: 6,430.00 429252 7/7/2014 023816 DIOLATA, ALAN 1792482 PARKS REFUND 001.347.699 24.00 Total: 24.00 429253 7/7/2014 018196 DREXEL INVESTMENTS LLC 076217 UTILITY REFUND 430.233.100 193.12 Total: 193.12 429254 7/7/2014 021174 DIXON, LEONA 2014 SENIOR REBATE 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 430.343.401 130.82 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 431.343.501 130.32 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 433.343.501 238.74 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 432.343.831 107.20 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 434.343.751 92.42 Total: 699.50 Page: 32 CA. B Page 39 Of 246 vchlist Voucher List Page: 33 07/01/2014 12:37:33 P M City of Au burn Bank code: 000 Voucher Date Vendor Invoice Description /Account Amount 429255 7/7/2014 142280 DON SMALL & SONS OIL DIST CO 291037 PETROLEUM PRODUCTS CNG & OTHER ON AN AS 550.00.548.680.32 25.30 55927 M &O bulk fuel purchase unleaded 550.141.100 34, 608.00 Sales Tax 550.141.100 4,728.19 56380 M &O bulk fuel purchase dyed diesel 550.141.100 8,162.10 Sales Tax 550.141.100 911.31 JULY2014 2014 PARKING LOT LEASE @ $1,300 / MONTH 505.00.524.500.45 1,300.00 Total: 49,734.90 429256 7/7/2014 022373 DONOVAN, RICHARD 2014 SENIOR REBATE 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 430.343.401 130.82 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 431.343.501 130.32 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 433.343.501 238.74 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 432.343.831 107.20 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 434.343.751 92.42 Total: 699.60 429257 7/7/2014 012887 DOWNS, BARBARAJ. 2014 SENIOR REBATE 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 430.343.401 130.82 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 431.343.501 130.32 Page: 33 CA. B Page 40 Of 246 vchlist Voucher List Page: 34 07/01/2014 12:37:33 P M City of Au burn Bank code: 000 Voucher Date Vendor Invoice Description /Account Amount 429257 7/7/2014 012887 DOWNS, BARBARAJ. (Continued) 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 433.343.501 238.74 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 432.343.831 107.20 Total: 607.08 429258 7/7/2014 160560 DREAMTIME GRAPHIC DESIGN 794 Design & production of Auburn Senior 518.00.518.780.41 1,400.00 Total: 1,400.00 429259 7/7/2014 010774 DUNHAM, EUGENE & CAROL 2014 SENIOR REBATE 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 430.343.401 130.82 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 431.343.501 130.32 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 433.343.501 238.74 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 432.343.831 107.20 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 434.343.751 92.42 Total: 699.50 429260 7/7/2014 012878 DYER, KATHLEEN 2014 SENIOR REBATE 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 430.343.401 130.82 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 431.343.501 130.32 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 433.343.501 238.74 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 432.343.831 107.20 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 434.343.751 92.42 Page: 34 CA. B Page 41 Of 246 vchlist Voucher List Page: 35 07/01/2014 12:37:33 P M City of Au burn Bank code: 000 Voucher Date Vendor Invoice Description /Account Amount 429260 7/7/2014 012878 012878 DYER, KATHLEEN (Continued) Total: 699.50 429261 7/7/2014 150420 ECONOLITE CONTROL PRODUCTS 113669 Backplates for project CP1322 - Annual 328.00.532.202.65 4,704.12 CM31229 CREDIT ON ORIGIANL PO 13- 003384 328.00.532.202.64 -2,956.50 Total: 1,747.62 429262 7/7/2014 018451 EDDY, DEBORAH 2014 SENIOR REBATE 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 430.343.401 130.82 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 431.343.501 130.32 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 433.343.501 238.74 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 432.343.831 107.20 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 434.343.751 92.42 Total: 699.50 429263 7/7/2014 019763 EDER, ANDREW & JOANNE 2014 SENIOR REBATE 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 430.343.401 130.82 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 431.343.501 130.32 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 433.343.501 238.74 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 432.343.831 107.20 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 434.343.751 92.42 Total: 699.50 Page: 35 CA. B Page 42 Of 246 vchlist Voucher List Page: 36 07/01/2014 12:37:33 P M City of Au burn Bank code: 000 Voucher Date Vendor Invoice Description /Account Amount 429264 7/7/2014 023781 ELLIOTT, DAVID 1789886 PARKS REFUND 001.347.699 34.00 1789887 PARKS REFUND 001.347.699 90.00 1789888 PARKS REFUND 001.347.699 110.00 Total: 234.00 429265 7/7/2014 022375 EMMETT, TERRYL 2014 SENIOR REBATE 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 430.343.401 130.82 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 431.343.501 130.32 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 433.343.501 238.74 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 432.343.831 107.20 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 434.343.751 92.42 Total: 699.50 429266 7/7/2014 010609 ENDRES, ERIC HERMAN 071614PERF ENTERTANIMENT FOR KIDS SUMMER STAGE 001.33.573.201.41 850.00 Total: 850.00 429267 7/7/2014 014948 ENERA, ROBERT 2014 SENIOR REBATE 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 430.343.401 130.82 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 431.343.501 130.32 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 433.343.501 238.74 Page: 36 CA. B Page 43 Of 246 vchlist Voucher List Page: 37 07/01/2014 12:37:33 P M City of Au burn Bank code: 000 Voucher Date Vendor Invoice Description /Account Amount 429267 7/7/2014 014948 ENERA, ROBERT (Continued) 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 432.343.831 107.20 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 434.343.751 92.42 Total: 699.50 429268 7/7/2014 019764 ENGLEHARDT, LEO 2014 SENIOR REBATE 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 430.343.401 130.82 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 431.343.501 130.32 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 433.343.501 238.74 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 432.343.831 107.20 Total: 607.08 429269 7/7/2014 151770 EQUIFAX INFORMATION SVS, INC 8560680 CREDIT CHECKS - PATRICIA MINKLER; DAVID 001.13.516.100.49 50.60 Total: 50.60 429270 7/7/2014 008758 EQUIPMENTWATCH 63762013 Rental Rate blue Book - Online Vol 1 & 001.32.532.200.49 1,950.00 Total: 1,950.00 429271 7/7/2014 012886 ERICKSON, ELIZABETH 2014 SENIOR REBATE 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 430.343.401 130.82 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 431.343.501 130.32 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 433.343.501 238.74 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM Page: 37 CA. B Page 44 Of 246 vchlist Voucher List Page: 38 07/01/2014 12:37:33 P M City of Au burn Bank code: 000 Voucher Date Vendor Invoice Description /Account Amount 429271 7/7/2014 012886 ERICKSON, ELIZABETH (Continued) 432.343.831 107.20 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 434.343.751 92.42 Total: 699.50 429272 7/7/2014 019765 ESAIAS, ANN 2014 SENIOR REBATE 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 430.343.401 130.82 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 431.343.501 130.32 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 433.343.501 238.74 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 432.343.831 107.20 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 434.343.751 92.42 Total: 699.50 429273 7/7/2014 152260 EXERCISE SCIENCE CENTER, INC 0618141 NV POLICE FITNESS ASSESSMENT - STACIE 001.13.516.710.41 135.00 Total: 135.00 429274 7/7/2014 013069 FEDERAL WAY SCHOOL DISTRICT MAY2014 MAY 2014 SCHOOL IMPACT FEES 124.237.174 6,786.00 Total: 6,786.00 429275 7/7/2014 020621 FEDERER, EUGENE 071486 UTILITY REFUND 434.233.100 38.49 Total: 38.49 429276 7/7/2014 160790 FINKBEINER DEVELOPMENT INC REFUND PAYBACK AGREEMENT #75 RIDGE AT WILLOW Page: 38 CA. B Page 45 Of 246 vchlist Voucher List Page: 39 07/01/2014 12:37:33 P M City of Au burn Bank code: 000 Voucher Date Vendor Invoice Description /Account Amount 429276 7/7/2014 160790 FINKBEINER DEVELOPMENT INC (Continued) 430.399.502 26, 828.69 Total: 26,828.69 429277 7/7/2014 023789 FIRSTAMERICAN TITLE 075928 UTILITY REFUND 430.233.100 348.48 Total: 348.48 429278 7/7/2014 023068 FOI COMMERCIAL INTERIORS INC 318170 CP1303 CITY HALL REMODEL PH 2 - INV 328.00.594.190.65 61, 681.35 Total: 61,681.35 429279 7/7/2014 021178 FOXWORTHY, HOLLY 2014 SENIOR REBATE 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 430.343.401 130.82 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 431.343.501 130.32 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 433.343.501 238.74 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 432.343.831 107.20 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 434.343.751 92.42 Total: 699.50 429280 7/7/2014 007674 FRAUSE GROUP, INC 0514 -9370 2014 NATURAL YARDCARE WRKSHP- MARKETING 434.00.537.120.41 467.16 2014 NATURAL YARDCARE WRKSHP- MARKETING 430.00.534.100.41 828.16 2014 NATURAL YARDCARE WRKSHP- MARKETING 432.00.535.100.41 828.16 Total: 2,123.48 Page: 39 CA. B Page 46 Of 246 vchlist 07/01/2014 12:37:33 P M Voucher List City of Au burn 130.82 Page: 40 Bank code: 000 130.32 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 433.343.501 Voucher Date Vendor Invoice Description /Account Amount 429281 7/7/2014 022376 FRINK, ROBERTA 2014 SENIOR REBATE 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 430.343.401 130.82 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 431.343.501 130.32 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 433.343.501 238.74 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 432.343.831 107.20 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 434.343.751 92.42 Total: 699.60 429282 7/7/2014 015113 FYLER, DONALD L. 2014 SENIOR REBATE 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 430.343.401 130.82 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 431.343.501 130.32 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 433.343.501 238.74 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 432.343.831 107.20 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 434.343.751 92.42 Total: 699.60 429283 7/7/2014 016943 GAHLEY, PAM 2014 SENIOR REBATE 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 430.343.401 130.82 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 431.343.501 130.32 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 433.343.501 238.74 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 432.343.831 107.20 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM CA. B Page 47 Of 246 Page: 40 vchlist Voucher List Page: 41 07/01/2014 12:37:33 P M City of Au burn Bank code: 000 Voucher Date Vendor Invoice Description /Account Amount 429283 7/7/2014 016943 GAHLEY, PAM (Continued) 434.343.751 92.42 Total: 699.60 429284 7/7/2014 018506 FRANKLIN & KRISTI KNOTT 036898 UTILITY REFUND 432.233.100 96.62 Total: 96.62 429285 7/7/2014 018506 SUMNER FOUR LLC 066891 UTILITY REFUND 430.233.100 19.62 Total: 19.62 429286 7/7/2014 016101 GEIST, KENNETH RICK 41159 INSTRUCTOR FOR SUMMER QUARTER COMBATIVE 001.33.574.240.41 224.00 Total: 224.00 429287 7/7/2014 017120 GEO- DYNAMICS 1 -10736 HOUSING REPAIR - -JANET LYBECK'S 119.00.559.200.63 4,999.99 Total: 4,999.99 429288 7/7/2014 012751 GILBERT, JOYCE 2014 SENIOR REBATE 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 430.343.401 130.82 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 431.343.501 130.32 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 433.343.501 238.74 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 432.343.831 107.20 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 434.343.751 92.42 Total: 699.60 Page: 41 CA. B Page 48 Of 246 vchlist Voucher List Page: 42 07/01/2014 12:37:33 P M City of Au burn Bank code: 000 Voucher Date Vendor Invoice Description /Account Amount 429289 7/7/2014 014938 GILDER, VANESSA K. 2014 SENIOR REBATE 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 430.343.401 130.82 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 431.343.501 130.32 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 433.343.501 238.74 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 432.343.831 107.20 Total: 607.08 429290 7/7/2014 018454 GILES, BEVERLY 2014 SENIOR REBATE 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 430.343.401 130.82 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 431.343.501 130.32 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 433.343.501 238.74 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 432.343.831 107.20 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 434.343.751 92.42 Total: 699.50 429291 7/7/2014 014942 GLOVER, MARIAN 2014 SENIOR REBATE 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 430.343.401 130.82 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 431.343.501 130.32 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 433.343.501 238.74 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 432.343.831 107.20 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 434.343.751 92.42 Page: 42 CA. B Page 49 Of 246 vchlist Voucher List Page: 43 07/01/2014 12:37:33 P M City of Au burn Bank code: 000 Voucher Date Vendor Invoice Description /Account Amount 429291 7/7/2014 014942 014942 GLOVER, MARIAN (Continued) Total: 699.50 429292 7/7/2014 012454 GOODBYE GRAFFITI SEATTLE 20229 EVER -CLEAN @ TERMINAL PARK FOR THE NEXT 001.33.576.100.41 588.02 Total: 588.02 429293 7/7/2014 019766 GOODFELLOW, LEROY 2014 SENIOR REBATE 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 430.343.401 130.82 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 431.343.501 130.32 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 433.343.501 238.74 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 432.343.831 107.20 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 434.343.751 92.42 Total: 699.50 429294 7/7/2014 019767 GOODWIN, BRUCE 2014 SENIOR REBATE 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 430.343.401 130.82 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 431.343.501 130.32 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 433.343.501 238.74 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 432.343.831 107.20 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 434.343.751 92.42 Total: 699.50 429295 7/7/2014 003510 GOOSEN, PHYLLIS 2014 SENIOR REBATE 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 430.343.401 130.82 Page: 43 CA. B Page 50 Of 246 vchlist Voucher List Page: 44 07/01/2014 12:37:33 P M City of Au burn Bank code: 000 Voucher Date Vendor Invoice Description /Account Amount 429295 7/7/2014 003510 GOOSEN, PHYLLIS (Continued) 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 431.343.501 130.32 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 433.343.501 238.74 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 432.343.831 107.20 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 434.343.751 92.42 Total: 699.50 429296 7/7/2014 021179 GRANT, MILDRED 2014 SENIOR REBATE 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 430.343.401 130.82 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 431.343.501 130.32 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 433.343.501 238.74 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 432.343.831 107.20 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 434.343.751 92.42 Total: 699.50 429297 7/7/2014 172070 GRAY & O S BO R N E INC 13608.00 -6 LAKELAND HILLS RESERVOIR IMPROVEMENTS, 430.00.590.100.69 10, 016.64 Total: 10,016.64 429298 7/7/2014 019769 GRAY, BETTY LOU 2014 SENIOR REBATE 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 430.343.401 130.82 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 431.343.501 130.32 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 433.343.501 238.74 Page: 44 CA. B Page 51 Of 246 vchlist Voucher List Page: 45 07/01/2014 12:37:33 P M City of Au burn Bank code: 000 Voucher Date Vendor Invoice Description /Account Amount 429298 7/7/2014 019769 GRAY, BETTY LOU (Continued) 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 432.343.831 107.20 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 434.343.751 92.42 Total: 699.50 429299 7/7/2014 023802 GREISING, DEBBIE 065899 UTILITY REFUND 430.233.100 186.14 Total: 186.14 429300 7/7/2014 023827 GRONEWOLD, GERALDINE 2014 SENIOR REBATE 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 430.343.401 130.82 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 431.343.501 130.32 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 433.343.501 238.74 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 432.343.831 107.20 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 434.343.751 92.42 Total: 699.50 429301 7/7/2014 180120 H D FOWLER CO C325819 CREDIT ON IRRIGATION PARTS 001.33.576.600.31 -56.19 C325823 CREDIT ON IRRIGATION PARTS 001.33.576.600.31 - 144.03 13617987 IRRIGATION PARTS 001.33.576.600.31 132.22 13617996 IRRIGATION PARTS Page: 45 CA. B Page 52 Of 246 vchlist Voucher List Page: 46 07/01/2014 12:37:33 P M City of Au burn Bank code: 000 Voucher Date Vendor Invoice Description /Account Amount 429301 7/7/2014 180120 H D FOWLER CO (Continued) 001.33.576.600.31 68.00 13636917 IRRIGATION ASSEMBLY PARTS 001.33.576.600.31 924.20 Total: 924.20 429302 7/7/2014 019770 HAIGHT, REIKO 2014 SENIOR REBATE 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 430.343.401 130.82 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 431.343.501 130.32 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 433.343.501 238.74 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 432.343.831 107.20 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 434.343.751 92.42 Total: 699.60 429303 7/7/2014 015107 HALVORSON, DOLORES 2014 SENIOR REBATE 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 430.343.401 130.82 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 431.343.501 130.32 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 433.343.501 238.74 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 432.343.831 107.20 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 434.343.751 92.42 Total: 699.60 429304 7/7/2014 023800 HANLEY, TARA & PATRICK 030961 UTILITY REFUND 430.233.100 164.70 Page: 46 CA. B Page 53 Of 246 vchlist Voucher List Page: 47 07/01/2014 12:37:33 P M City of Au burn Bank code: 000 Voucher Date Vendor Invoice Description /Account Amount 429304 7/7/2014 023800 023800 HANLEY, TARA & PATRICK (Continued) Total: 164.70 429305 7/7/2014 018457 HANNA, LAMEL 2014 SENIOR REBATE 429306 7/7/2014 004496 HARBIN, MARLENE 429307 7/7/2014 001294 HARLAN FAIRBANKS CO., LLC 2014 SENIOR REBATE 172721 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 430.343.401 130.82 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 431.343.501 130.32 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 433.343.501 238.74 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 432.343.831 107.20 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 434.343.751 92.42 Total : 699.60 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 430.343.401 130.82 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 431.343.501 130.32 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 433.343.501 238.74 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 432.343.831 107.20 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 434.343.751 92.42 Total : 699.60 CONCESSION SUPPLIES, SPECIALIZED REC 001.33.573.901.31 137.22 ADDITIONAL USE TAX 001.33.573.901.31 10.42 ADDITIONAL USE TAX 001.237.200 -10.42 CA. B Page 54 Of 246 Page: 47 vchlist Voucher List Page: 48 07/01/2014 12:37:33 P M City of Au burn Bank code: 000 Voucher Date Vendor Invoice Description /Account 429307 7/7/2014 001294 001294 HARLAN FAIRBANKS CO., LLC (Continued) Total: 429308 7/7/2014 023828 HARTZER, IONE 2014 SENIOR REBATE 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 430.343.401 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 431.343.501 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 433.343.501 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 432.343.831 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 434.343.751 Total: 429309 7/7/2014 021180 HAYES, STEPHEN 2014 SENIOR REBATE 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 430.343.401 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 431.343.501 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 433.343.501 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 432.343.831 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 434.343.751 Total: 429310 7/7/2014 181230 HEAD - QUARTERS 24425 portable Toilet Service 436.00.536.200.31 Total: 429311 7/7/2014 021310 HEILBORN, CAROLINE DISNEY /DIRECTOR DISNEY HIGH SCHOOL MUSICAL JR THEATER 001.33.575.280.41 Amount 137.22 130.82 130.32 238.74 107.20 92.42 699.60 130.82 130.32 238.74 107.20 92.42 699.60 77.00 77.00 2,000.00 CA. B Page 55 Of 246 Page: 48 vchlist Voucher List Page: 49 07/01/2014 12:37:33 P M City of Au burn Bank code: 000 Voucher Date Vendor Invoice Description /Account Amount 429311 7/7/2014 021310 021310 HEILBORN, CAROLINE (Continued) Total: 2,000.00 429312 7/7/2014 015109 HEIM, DEANN 2014 SENIOR REBATE 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 430.343.401 130.82 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 431.343.501 130.32 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 433.343.501 238.74 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 432.343.831 107.20 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 434.343.751 92.42 Total: 699.60 429313 7/7/2014 021182 HELSER, MAXINE & FRED 2014 SENIOR REBATE 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 430.343.401 130.82 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 431.343.501 130.32 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 433.343.501 238.74 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 432.343.831 107.20 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 434.343.751 92.42 Total: 699.60 429314 7/7/2014 009364 HERMANSON, JULIE & RICHARD 069560 UTILITY REFUND 431.233.100 30.75 UTILITY REFUND 433.233.100 101.74 Total: 132.49 429315 7/7/2014 023804 HIATT, CECILY 067131 CA. B Page 56 Of 246 Page: 49 vchlist Voucher List Page: 50 07/01/2014 12:37:33 P M City of Au burn Bank code: 000 Voucher Date Vendor Invoice Description /Account Amount 429315 7/7/2014 023804 HIATT, CECILY (Continued) UTILITY REFUND 430.233.100 147.97 Total: 147.97 429316 7/7/2014 023737 HICKS, MEGAN 0528141 NV SHIOW PROPS FOR SEUSSICAL 001.33.575.280.41 44.20 Total: 44.20 429317 7/7/2014 002766 HJELMAA, NORMAJ 2014 SENIOR REBATE 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 430.343.401 130.82 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 431.343.501 130.32 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 433.343.501 238.74 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 432.343.831 107.20 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 434.343.751 92.42 Total: 699.50 429318 7/7/2014 000506 HOBAN, MARIAN L. 2014 SENIOR REBATE 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 430.343.401 130.82 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 431.343.501 130.32 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 433.343.501 238.74 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 432.343.831 107.20 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 434.343.751 92.42 Total: 699.50 Page: 50 CA. B Page 57 Of 246 vchlist Voucher List Page: 51 07/01/2014 12:37:33 P M City of Au burn Bank code: 000 Voucher Date Vendor Invoice Description /Account Amount 429319 7/7/2014 018458 HOERTH, DORLIN 2014 SENIOR REBATE 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 430.343.401 130.82 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 431.343.501 130.32 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 433.343.501 238.74 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 432.343.831 107.20 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 434.343.751 92.42 Total: 699.50 429320 7/7/2014 006469 HOLGATE, EDITH 2014 SENIOR REBATE 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 430.343.401 130.82 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 431.343.501 130.32 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 433.343.501 238.74 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 432.343.831 107.20 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 434.343.751 92.42 Total: 699.50 429321 7/7/2014 019772 HOLLINGWORTH, FREDERICK 2014 SENIOR REBATE 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 430.343.401 130.82 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 431.343.501 130.32 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 433.343.501 238.74 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 432.343.831 107.20 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM Page: 51 CA. B Page 58 Of 246 vchlist Voucher List Page: 52 07/01/2014 12:37:33 P M City of Au burn Bank code: 000 Voucher Date Vendor Invoice Description /Account Amount 429321 7/7/2014 019772 HOLLINGWORTH, FREDERICK (Continued) 434.343.751 92.42 Total: 699.50 429322 7/7/2014 021183 HOLMAN, BERTHA 2014 SENIOR REBATE 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 430.343.401 130.82 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 431.343.501 130.32 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 433.343.501 238.74 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 432.343.831 107.20 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 434.343.751 92.42 Total: 699.50 429323 7/7/2014 010781 HOLMAN, DEBORAH J. 2014 SENIOR REBATE 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 430.343.401 130.82 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 431.343.501 130.32 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 433.343.501 238.74 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 432.343.831 107.20 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 434.343.751 92.42 Total: 699.50 429324 7/7/2014 010603 HOLMAN, RICHARD 2014 SENIOR REBATE 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 430.343.401 130.82 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 431.343.501 130.32 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM Page: 52 CA. B Page 59 Of 246 vchlist Voucher List Page: 53 07/01/2014 12:37:33 P M City of Au burn Bank code: 000 Voucher Date Vendor Invoice Description /Account Amount 429324 7/7/2014 010603 HOLMAN, RICHARD (Continued) 433.343.501 238.74 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 432.343.831 107.20 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 434.343.751 92.42 Total: 699.50 429325 7/7/2014 022378 HORTON, DESSIE 2014 SENIOR REBATE 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 430.343.401 130.82 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 431.343.501 130.32 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 433.343.501 238.74 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 432.343.831 107.20 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 434.343.751 92.42 Total: 699.50 429326 7/7/2014 006414 HOWAT, LAUREL T. 2014 SENIOR REBATE 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 430.343.401 130.82 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 431.343.501 130.32 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 433.343.501 238.74 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 432.343.831 107.20 Total: 607.08 429327 7/7/2014 021184 HOWE, MICHAEL 2014 SENIOR REBATE 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 430.343.401 130.82 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM Page: 53 CA. B Page 60 Of 246 vchlist Voucher List Page: 54 07/01/2014 12:37:33 P M City of Au burn Bank code: 000 Voucher Date Vendor Invoice Description /Account Amount 429327 7/7/2014 021184 HOWE, MICHAEL (Continued) 431.343.501 130.32 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 433.343.501 238.74 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 432.343.831 107.20 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 434.343.751 92.42 Total: 699.50 429328 7/7/2014 021185 HRADECKY, AARON 2014 SENIOR REBATE 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 430.343.401 130.82 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 431.343.501 130.32 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 433.343.501 238.74 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 432.343.831 107.20 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 434.343.751 92.42 Total: 699.50 429329 7/7/2014 022379 HUGHES, YVONNE 2014 SENIOR REBATE 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 430.343.401 130.82 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 431.343.501 130.32 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 433.343.501 238.74 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 432.343.831 107.20 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 434.343.751 92.42 Total: 699.50 CA. B Page 61 Of 246 Page: 54 vchlist Voucher List Page: 55 07/01/2014 12:37:33 P M City of Au burn Bank code: 000 Voucher Date Vendor Invoice Description /Account Amount 429330 7/7/2014 183150 HUMAN RESOURCE SERVICES NW 0624141 NV UNEMPLOYMENT COMPENSATION MANAGEMENT - 501.00.517.700.41 207.00 Total: 207.00 429331 7/7/2014 021186 HURINENKO, ROSEMARY 2014 SENIOR REBATE 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 430.343.401 130.82 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 431.343.501 130.32 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 433.343.501 238.74 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 432.343.831 107.20 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 434.343.751 92.42 Total: 699.50 429332 7/7/2014 019773 HUTCHENS, DOUGLAS 2014 SENIOR REBATE 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 430.343.401 130.82 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 431.343.501 130.32 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 433.343.501 238.74 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 432.343.831 107.20 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 434.343.751 92.42 Total: 699.50 429333 7/7/2014 000749 ICE, PEGGY 2014 SENIOR REBATE 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 430.343.401 130.82 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 431.343.501 130.32 Page: 55 CA. B Page 62 Of 246 vchlist Voucher List Page: 56 07/01/2014 12:37:33 P M City of Au burn Bank code: 000 Voucher Date Vendor Invoice Description /Account Amount 429333 7/7/2014 000749 ICE, PEGGY (Continued) 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 433.343.501 238.74 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 432.343.831 107.20 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 434.343.751 92.42 Total: 699.50 429334 7/7/2014 230000 ICON MATERIALS CORP 13 -05/ #5 &FINAL WEST VALLEY HWY SYSTEM PRESERVATION - 105.00.595.100.65 4,720.00 Total: 4,720.00 429335 7/7/2014 002701 INFORM PUGET SOUND 2557 POSTER DISTRIBUTION FOR SPECIAL EVENTS 001.33.573.901.44 284.20 2571 POSTER DISTRIBUTION FOR SPECIAL EVENTS 001.33.573.901.44 120.00 Total: 404.20 429336 7/7/2014 014921 INKSTER, JUDY 2014 SENIOR REBATE 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 430.343.401 130.82 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 431.343.501 130.32 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 433.343.501 238.74 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 432.343.831 107.20 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 434.343.751 92.42 Total: 699.50 429337 7/7/2014 007855 INTEGRATELECOM 12081540 Page: 56 CA. B Page 63 Of 246 vchlist Voucher List Page: 57 07/01/2014 12:37:33 P M City of Au burn Bank code: 000 Voucher Date Vendor Invoice Description /Account Amount 429337 7/7/2014 007855 INTEGRATELECOM (Continued) PHONE SERVICE 6/8/14- 7/7/14 001.33.576.600.42 108.62 PHONE SERVICE 6/8/14- 7/7/14 001.33.576.680.42 313.68 PHONE SERVICE 6/8/14- 7/7/14 518.00.518.880.42 2,275.71 PHONE SERVICE 6/8/14- 7/7/14 001.33.575.280.42 143.40 PHONE SERVICE 6/8/14- 7/7/14 436.00.536.100.42 88.62 PHONE SERVICE 6/8/14- 7/7/14 001.33.574.100.42 44.25 PHONE SERVICE 6/8/14- 7/7/14 430.00.534.800.42 44.25 Total: 3,018.53 429338 7/7/2014 023784 INTERACTION TRANSITION S.BENNETT /REG REGISTRATION FEE FOR'2014 SUMMER 001.21.521.230.49 60.00 Total: 60.00 429339 7/7/2014 023534 INTL CHILDRENS NETWORK 072014PERF THE MATSIKO WORLD ORPHANS CHOIR 001.33.573.201.41 100.00 Total: 100.00 429340 7/7/2014 023829 ISMINO, SILVIO BAZAN 2014 SENIOR REBATE 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 430.343.401 87.21 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 431.343.501 86.88 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 433.343.501 159.16 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 432.343.831 71.47 Page: 57 CA. B Page 64 Of 246 vchlist Voucher List Page: 58 07/01/2014 12:37:33 P M City of Au burn Bank code: 000 Voucher Date Vendor Invoice Description /Account Amount 429340 7/7/2014 023829 ISMINO, SILVIO BAZAN (Continued) 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 434.343.751 61.61 Total: 466.33 429341 7/7/2014 018911 IWASAKI, JOANNE 40955 INSTRUCTOR /FRAMING CLASS JUNE 2014 001.33.573.201.41 200.00 40987 WATERCOLOR CLASSES AT THE SENIOR SENIOR: 001.33.574.210.41 360.00 40988 WATERCOLOR CLASSES AT THE SENIOR SENIOR: 001.33.574.210.41 396.00 40989 WATERCOLOR CLASSES AT THE SENIOR SENIOR: 001.33.574.210.41 468.00 40998 WATERCOLOR CLASSES AT THE SENIOR SENIOR: 001.33.574.240.41 108.00 40999 WATERCOLOR CLASSES AT THE SENIOR SENIOR: 001.33.574.240.41 72.00 41214 WATERCOLOR CLASSES AT THE SENIOR CENTER: 001.33.574.210.41 252.00 Total: 1,856.00 429342 7/7/2014 020644 JACOBS ENGINEERING GROUP INC W3X65001 -04 2014 LOCAL ST PAVEMENT RECON - DESIGN 103.00.595.300.65 54, 923.21 Total: 54,923.21 429343 7/7/2014 021187 JACOBS, SHEILA 2014 SENIOR REBATE 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 430.343.401 130.82 Page: 58 CA. B Page 65 Of 246 vchlist Voucher List Page: 59 07/01/2014 12:37:33 P M City of Au burn Bank code: 000 Voucher Date Vendor Invoice Description /Account Amount 429343 7/7/2014 021187 JACOBS, SHEILA (Continued) 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 431.343.501 130.32 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 432.343.831 107.20 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 434.343.751 92.42 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 433.343.501 238.74 Total: 699.50 429344 7/7/2014 200450 JACOBSON, JACK 050214REIMB Jack Jacobson- CDL endorsement / 550.00.548.100.49 110.00 Total: 110.00 429345 7/7/2014 022802 JAMES GREER DRYWALL & PAINTING 353075 HOUSING REPAIR -- MARJORIE REYNOLDS' 119.00.559.200.63 4,993.20 Total: 4,993.20 429346 7/7/2014 012244 JILLIAN ENTERPRISES, LLC JULY2014 2014 THEATER LEASE @ $6369.68/MO 001.33.575.280.75 3,999.85 2014 THEATER LEASE @ $6369.68/MO 001.33.575.280.83 2,369.83 Total: 6,369.68 429347 7/7/2014 022380 JOHNSON, INA 2014 SENIOR REBATE 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 430.343.401 130.82 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 431.343.501 130.32 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 433.343.501 238.74 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM CA. B Page 66 Of 246 Page: 59 vchlist Voucher List Page: 60 07/01/2014 12:37:33 P M City of Au burn Bank code: 000 Voucher Date Vendor Invoice Description /Account Amount 429347 7/7/2014 022380 JOHNSON, INA (Continued) 432.343.831 107.20 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 434.343.751 92.42 Total: 699.50 429348 7/7/2014 022381 JOHNSON, ROBERT 2014 SENIOR REBATE 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 430.343.401 130.82 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 431.343.501 130.32 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 433.343.501 238.74 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 432.343.831 107.20 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 434.343.751 92.42 Total: 699.50 429349 7/7/2014 000803 JORDAN, CAROLE 2014 SENIOR REBATE 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 430.343.401 130.82 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 431.343.501 130.32 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 433.343.501 238.74 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 432.343.831 107.20 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 434.343.751 92.42 Total: 699.50 429350 7/7/2014 018462 JORDANGER, LARRY 2014 SENIOR REBATE 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 430.343.401 130.82 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM Page: 60 CA. B Page 67 Of 246 vchlist Voucher List Page: 61 07/01/2014 12:37:33 P M City of Au burn Bank code: 000 Voucher Date Vendor Invoice Description /Account Amount 429350 7/7/2014 018462 JORDANGER, LARRY (Continued) 431.343.501 130.32 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 433.343.501 238.74 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 432.343.831 107.20 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 434.343.751 92.42 Total: 699.50 429351 7/7/2014 016948 JORGENSON, LAURA M. 2014 SENIOR REBATE 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 430.343.401 130.82 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 431.343.501 130.32 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 433.343.501 238.74 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 432.343.831 107.20 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 434.343.751 92.42 Total: 699.50 429352 7/7/2014 210360 K C FINANCE 30569 DISPOSAL SERVICE OF SANITARY SEWER 431.00.535.800.51 361.01 34295 KC DNR ILA FOR WATER RESOURCE INVENTORY 001.98.558.100.41 6,788.66 35001329 Roads - Permits & Utility Inspection 431.00.590.100.65 894.00 Total: 8,043.67 429353 7/7/2014 210360 KING COUNTY RADIO 00437146 BUILD TEMPLATE FOR NEWAPX6000- Page: 61 CA. B Page 68 Of 246 vchlist Voucher List Page: 62 07/01/2014 12:37:33 P M City of Au burn Bank code: 000 Voucher Date Vendor Invoice Description /Account Amount 429353 7/7/2014 210360 KING COUNTY RADIO (Continued) 001.21.521.200.48 426.90 00437741 REPLACEMENT REMOTE SPEAKER MICS - (6) 001.21.521.200.35 584.73 Total: 1,011.63 429354 7/7/2014 210360 KCADMIN BLDG FILING FEES FILING FEES, LIENS 430.00.534.110.41 128.00 FILING FEES FILING FEES, LIENS 430.00.534.110.41 224.00 Total: 352.00 429355 7/7/2014 210360 K C FINANCE 35001627 Roads - Permits & Utility Inspection May 102.00.594.420.65 149.00 Total: 149.00 429356 7/7/2014 210360 K C TREASURY PARCEL000080- 0026 -03 2014 PP TAX STMTS, 2 PARCELS 505.00.524.500.49 7.71 PAR C E L781570- 0172 -07 2014 PP TAX STMTS, 2 PARCELS 505.00.524.500.49 7.58 Total: 15.29 429357 7/7/2014 019830 KELLER WILLIAMS REALTY 054249 UTILITY REFUND 433.233.100 89.25 Total: 89.25 429358 7/7/2014 022383 KELLUM, TERESA 2014 SENIOR REBATE 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 430.343.401 130.82 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM Page: 62 CA. B Page 69 Of 246 vchlist Voucher List Page: 63 07/01/2014 12:37:33 P M City of Au burn Bank code: 000 Voucher Date Vendor Invoice Description /Account Amount 429358 7/7/2014 022383 KELLUM, TERESA (Continued) 431.343.501 130.32 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 433.343.501 238.74 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 432.343.831 107.20 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 434.343.751 92.42 Total: 699.50 429359 7/7/2014 023797 KELLY, NEIL 028863 UTILITY REFUND 430.233.100 27.95 Total: 27.95 429360 7/7/2014 022384 KENNETT, ROY 2014 SENIOR REBATE 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 430.343.401 130.82 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 431.343.501 130.32 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 433.343.501 238.74 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 432.343.831 107.20 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 434.343.751 92.42 Total: 699.50 429361 7/7/2014 008857 KENYON DISEND, PLLC 181846 5/2014 legal svcs New Cingular Wireless 001.14.514.100.41 33.19 Total: 33.19 429362 7/7/2014 019774 KERR, JEROME 2014 SENIOR REBATE 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 430.343.401 130.82 Page: 63 CA. B Page 70 Of 246 vchlist Voucher List Page: 64 07/01/2014 12:37:33 P M City of Au burn Bank code: 000 Voucher Date Vendor Invoice Description /Account Amount 429362 7/7/2014 019774 KERR, JEROME (Continued) 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 431.343.501 130.32 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 433.343.501 238.74 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 432.343.831 107.20 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 434.343.751 92.42 Total: 699.50 429363 7/7/2014 018463 KICK, ETHEL 2014 SENIOR REBATE 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 430.343.401 130.82 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 431.343.501 130.32 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 433.343.501 238.74 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 432.343.831 107.20 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 434.343.751 92.42 Total: 699.50 429364 7/7/2014 004508 KIMBALL, JAMES 2014 SENIOR REBATE 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 430.343.401 130.82 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 431.343.501 130.32 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 432.343.831 107.20 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 434.343.751 92.42 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 433.343.501 238.74 Page: 64 CA. B Page 71 Of 246 vchlist Voucher List Page: 65 07/01/2014 12:37:33 P M City of Au burn Bank code: Voucher 000 Date Vendor Invoice Description /Account Amount 429364 7/7/2014 004508 004508 KIMBALL, JAMES (Continued) Total: 699.50 429365 7/7/2014 003341 KING COUNTY OFFICE OF FINANCE 1P- 0614 - 370656 Hidden Valley Vista Storm Outfall 432.00.590.100.65 473.55 Total: 473.55 429366 7/7/2014 008841 KING COUNTY PROSECUTORS OFFICE APR /MAY2014 PAYMENT ON BEHALF OF V -NET 652.00.521.211.51 14, 317.47 Total: 14,317.47 429367 7/7/2014 211210 KING COUNTY UMPIRESASSOC 0630141 NV UMPIRE'S FOR 2014 ADULT SOFTBALL LEAGUES 001.33.574.240.41 3,648.00 Total: 3,648.00 429368 7/7/2014 021332 KIVLEY, PATRICIA 2014 SENIOR REBATE 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 430.343.401 130.82 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 431.343.501 130.32 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 433.343.501 238.74 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 432.343.831 107.20 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 434.343.751 92.42 Total: 699.50 429369 7/7/2014 002322 KLEINBECK, JIM 060514REIMB UTILITY CART FOR THEATER 001.33.575.280.31 141.26 Total: 141.26 429370 7/7/2014 002641 KNIGHT, ARLENE C. 2014 SENIOR REBATE 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM CA. B Page 72 Of 246 Page: 65 vchlist Voucher List Page: 66 07/01/2014 12:37:33 P M City of Au burn Bank code: 000 Voucher Date Vendor Invoice Description /Account Amount 429370 7/7/2014 002641 KNIGHT, ARLENE C. (Continued) 430.343.401 130.82 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 431.343.501 130.32 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 433.343.501 238.74 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 432.343.831 107.20 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 434.343.751 92.42 Total: 699.60 429371 7/7/2014 023778 KOHOUTEK, STARLA 1787268 PARKS REFUND 001.347.699 65.00 Total: 66.00 429372 7/7/2014 022385 KOSKOVICH, PHYLLIS 2014 SENIOR REBATE 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 430.343.401 130.82 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 431.343.501 130.32 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 433.343.501 238.74 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 432.343.831 107.20 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 434.343.751 92.42 Total: 699.60 429373 7/7/2014 002639 KOUF, GLORIAJ. 2014 SENIOR REBATE 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 430.343.401 130.82 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 431.343.501 130.32 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM Page: 66 CA. B Page 73 Of 246 vchlist Voucher List Page: 67 07/01/2014 12:37:33 P M City of Au burn Bank code: 000 Voucher Date Vendor Invoice Description /Account Amount 429373 7/7/2014 002639 KOUF, GLORIAJ. (Continued) 433.343.501 238.74 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 432.343.831 107.20 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 434.343.751 92.42 Total: 699.50 429374 7/7/2014 023830 KOVACEV, KRASIMIRA 2014 SENIOR REBATE 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 430.343.401 130.82 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 431.343.501 130.32 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 433.343.501 238.74 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 432.343.831 107.20 Total: 607.08 429375 7/7/2014 021192 KRUEGER, JOANNE 2014 SENIOR REBATE 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 430.343.401 130.82 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 431.343.501 130.32 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 433.343.501 238.74 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 432.343.831 107.20 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 434.343.751 92.42 Total: 699.50 429376 7/7/2014 022386 KUCHMAN, SHARLEEN 2014 SENIOR REBATE 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 430.343.401 130.82 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM Page: 67 CA. B Page 74 Of 246 vchlist Voucher List Page: 68 07/01/2014 12:37:33 P M City of Au burn Bank code: 000 Voucher Date Vendor Invoice Description /Account Amount 429376 7/7/2014 022386 KUCHMAN, SHARLEEN (Continued) 431.343.501 130.32 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 433.343.501 238.74 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 432.343.831 107.20 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 434.343.751 92.42 Total: 699.50 429377 7/7/2014 019507 KWONG, LINDA 076309 UTILITY REFUND 430.233.100 134.19 Total: 134.19 429378 7/7/2014 016952 LAMBIDES, SANDRA 2014 SENIOR REBATE 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 430.343.401 130.82 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 431.343.501 130.32 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 433.343.501 238.74 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 432.343.831 107.20 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 434.343.751 92.42 Total: 699.50 429379 7/7/2014 010676 LARSEN, PHYLLIS J 2014 SENIOR REBATE 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 430.343.401 130.82 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 431.343.501 130.32 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 433.343.501 238.74 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM Page: 68 CA. B Page 75 Of 246 vchlist Voucher List Page: 69 07/01/2014 12:37:33 P M City of Au burn Bank code: 000 Voucher Date Vendor Invoice Description /Account Amount 429379 7/7/2014 010676 LARSEN, PHYLLIS J (Continued) 432.343.831 107.20 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 434.343.751 92.42 Total: 699.50 429380 7/7/2014 006377 LEE, BARBARA E 2014 SENIOR REBATE 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 430.343.401 130.82 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 431.343.501 130.32 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 433.343.501 238.74 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 432.343.831 107.20 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 434.343.751 92.42 Total: 699.50 429381 7/7/2014 016953 LEZARD, LEONARD 2014 SENIOR REBATE 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 430.343.401 130.82 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 431.343.501 130.32 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 433.343.501 238.74 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 432.343.831 107.20 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 434.343.751 92.42 Total: 699.50 429382 7/7/2014 023795 LIBADIA, RONALD 025077 UTILITY REFUND 432.233.100 6.95 UTILITY REFUND Page: 69 CA. B Page 76 Of 246 vchlist Voucher List Page: 70 07/01/2014 12:37:33 P M City of Au burn Bank code: 000 Voucher Date Vendor Invoice Description /Account Amount 429382 7/7/2014 023795 LIBADIA, RONALD (Continued) 434.233.100 10.37 UTILITY REFUND 430.233.100 231.34 Total: 248.66 429383 7/7/2014 018466 LOFQUIST, NITA 2014 SENIOR REBATE 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 430.343.401 130.82 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 431.343.501 130.32 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 433.343.501 238.74 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 432.343.831 107.20 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 434.343.751 92.42 Total: 699.50 429384 7/7/2014 022387 LONDINO, CORRINE 2014 SENIOR REBATE 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 430.343.401 130.82 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 431.343.501 130.32 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 433.343.501 238.74 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 432.343.831 107.20 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 434.343.751 92.42 Total: 699.50 429385 7/7/2014 022388 LOSS, CHERYL 2014 SENIOR REBATE 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 430.343.401 130.82 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM Page: 70 CA. B Page 77 Of 246 vchlist Voucher List Page: 71 07/01/2014 12:37:33 P M City of Au burn Bank code: 000 PATROL CARS: TRUNK TOTES FOR CARS 12, Voucher Date Vendor Invoice Description /Account Amount 429385 7/7/2014 022388 LOSS, CHERYL (Continued) 001.21.521.200.31 -26.19 24765 431.343.501 130.32 001.21.521.200.31 152.75 43966 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM RANGE: WOOD STAIN FOR TARGET BACKING - 433.343.501 238.74 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 432.343.831 107.20 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 434.343.751 92.42 Total: 699.50 429386 7/7/2014 019778 LOVE, LORI 2014 SENIOR REBATE 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 430.343.401 130.82 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 431.343.501 130.32 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 432.343.831 107.20 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 434.343.751 92.42 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 433.343.501 238.74 Total: 699.50 429387 7/7/2014 222200 LOWE'S HIW. INC 16130 PATROL CARS: TRUNK TOTES FOR CARS 12, 001.21.521.200.31 48.74 23926 RANGE: CREDIT FOR RETURN OF UNUSED 001.21.521.200.31 -26.19 24765 RANGE: SUPPLIES INCLUDING WOO, SCREWS & 001.21.521.200.31 152.75 43966 RANGE: WOOD STAIN FOR TARGET BACKING - 001.21.521.200.31 37.93 CA. B Page 78 Of 246 Page: 71 vchlist Voucher List Page: 72 07/01/2014 12:37:33 P M City of Au burn Bank code: 000 Voucher Date Vendor Invoice Description /Account Amount 429387 7/7/2014 222200 222200 LOWE'S HIW, INC (Continued) Total: 213.23 429388 7/7/2014 021193 LOYD, SYLVIA 2014 SENIOR REBATE 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 430.343.401 130.82 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 431.343.501 130.32 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 433.343.501 238.74 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 432.343.831 107.20 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 434.343.751 92.42 Total: 699.60 429389 7/7/2014 012034 LOZIER, RADINE 062014PC PETTY CASH REIMBURSEMENT FOR THE SENIOR 001.33.574.210.31 136.12 PETTY CASH REIMBURSEMENT FOR THE SENIOR 001.33.574.210.43 6.62 PETTY CASH REIMBURSEMENT FOR THE SENIOR 001.33.574.210.49 76.25 PETTY CASH REIMBURSEMENT FOR THE SENIOR 001.33.574.210.43 53.75 Total: 272.74 429390 7/7/2014 023807 LUCE, MATTHEW 069458 UTILITY REFUND 430.233.100 6.13 Total: 6.13 429391 7/7/2014 012329 LUMINANCE MEDIASERVICES 07- 0001159 SOUND EQUIPMENT RENTAL FOR VARIOUS 2014 001.33.573.901.45 405.15 Total: 406.16 Page: 72 CA. B Page 79 Of 246 vchlist Voucher List Page: 73 07/01/2014 12:37:33 P M City of Au burn Bank code: 000 Voucher Date Vendor Invoice Description /Account Amount 429392 7/7/2014 000694 MACDONALD, PATRICIA E. 2014 SENIOR REBATE 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 430.343.401 130.82 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 433.343.501 238.74 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 432.343.831 107.20 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 434.343.751 92.42 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 431.343.501 130.32 Total: 699.60 429393 7/7/2014 021194 MADISON, CAROLYN 2014 SENIOR REBATE 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 430.343.401 130.82 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 431.343.501 130.32 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 433.343.501 238.74 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 432.343.831 107.20 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 434.343.751 92.42 Total: 699.60 429394 7/7/2014 008531 MADRID, EVELYN 2014 SENIOR REBATE 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 430.343.401 130.82 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 431.343.501 130.32 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 433.343.501 238.74 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 432.343.831 107.20 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM Page: 73 CA. B Page 80 Of 246 vchlist Voucher List Page: 74 07/01/2014 12:37:33 P M City of Au burn Bank code: 000 Voucher Date Vendor Invoice Description /Account Amount 429394 7/7/2014 008531 MADRID, EVELYN (Continued) 434.343.751 92.42 Total: 699.60 429395 7/7/2014 022389 MADRONA, CHANDRA 2014 SENIOR REBATE 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 430.343.401 130.82 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 431.343.501 130.32 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 433.343.501 238.74 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 432.343.831 107.20 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 434.343.751 92.42 Total: 699.60 429396 7/7/2014 016955 MALET, VIRGINIA 2014 SENIOR REBATE 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 430.343.401 130.82 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 431.343.501 130.32 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 433.343.501 238.74 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 432.343.831 107.20 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 434.343.751 92.42 Total: 699.60 429397 7/7/2014 010598 MARCH, SHIRLEY 2014 SENIOR REBATE 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 430.343.401 130.82 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 431.343.501 130.32 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM Page: 74 CA. B Page 81 Of 246 vchlist Voucher List Page: 75 07/01/2014 12:37:33 P M City of Au burn Bank code: 000 Voucher Date Vendor Invoice Description /Account Amount 429397 7/7/2014 010598 MARCH, SHIRLEY (Continued) 433.343.501 238.74 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 432.343.831 107.20 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 434.343.751 92.42 Total: 699.50 429398 7/7/2014 001275 MARSH, SHIRLEY 2014 SENIOR REBATE 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 430.343.401 130.82 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 431.343.501 130.32 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 433.343.501 238.74 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 432.343.831 107.20 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 434.343.751 92.42 Total: 699.50 429399 7/7/2014 023814 MASTRO, MIKE 076557 UTILITY REFUND 430.233.100 103.79 Total: 103.79 429400 7/7/2014 021130 MATSON, JENNIFER HS MUSICAL /STAGE MGR STAGE MGR /KID WRANGLER FOR DISNEY'S 001.33.575.280.41 1,820.00 Total: 1,820.00 429401 7/7/2014 016074 MAUL FOSTER &ALONGI, INC 19974 CP0746 BILLING FOR 2/12/13, AUG -DEC 432.00.590.100.65 212.50 20018 CP0746 BILLING FOR 2/12/13, JANUARY Page: 75 CA. B Page 82 Of 246 vchlist Voucher List Page: 76 07/01/2014 12:37:33 P M City of Au burn Bank code: 000 Voucher Date Vendor Invoice Description /Account Amount 429401 7/7/2014 016074 MAUL FOSTER &ALONGI, INC (Continued) 432.00.590.100.65 2,460.00 20207 CP0746 BILLING DATED 3/11/13, FEBRUARY 432.00.590.100.65 3,767.50 20365 CP0746 BILLING DATED 4/10/13, MARCH 432.00.590.100.65 1,884.24 20556 CP074 MAY 9, 2013 BILLING DATE, APRIL 432.00.590.100.65 5,420.00 20750 CP0746 JUNE 9, 2014 PROF SVS BILL - MAY 432.00.590.100.65 6,490.00 Total: 20,234.24 429402 7/7/2014 015108 MCCLOSKEY, CAROLA. 2014 SENIOR REBATE 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 431.343.501 130.32 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 433.343.501 238.74 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 432.343.831 107.20 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 434.343.751 92.42 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 430.343.401 130.82 Total: 699.60 429403 7/7/2014 019401 MCCOLLAUM, DANIEL 060214REIMB Daniel McCollaum -boot reimbursement 431.00.535.800.22 119.45 Total: 119.46 429404 7/7/2014 022391 MCGUIRE, ROBERT 2014 SENIOR REBATE 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM Page: 76 CA. B Page 83 Of 246 vchlist Voucher List Page: 77 07/01/2014 12:37:33 P M City of Au burn Bank code: 000 Voucher Date Vendor Invoice Description /Account Amount 429404 7/7/2014 022391 MCGUIRE, ROBERT (Continued) 430.343.401 130.82 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 431.343.501 130.32 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 433.343.501 238.74 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 432.343.831 107.20 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 434.343.751 92.42 Total: 699.60 429405 7/7/2014 023783 MCGUIRE, THERESA 1789885 PARKS REFUND 001.347.699 350.00 Total: 360.00 429406 7/7/2014 023831 MCKENNA, JAMES & DONNA 2014 SENIOR REBATE 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 430.343.401 130.82 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 431.343.501 130.32 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 433.343.501 238.74 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 432.343.831 107.20 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 434.343.751 92.42 Total: 699.60 429407 7/7/2014 002856 MCROBERTS, JONI 2014 SENIOR REBATE 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 430.343.401 130.82 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 431.343.501 130.32 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM Page: 77 CA. B Page 84 Of 246 vchlist Voucher List Page: 78 07/01/2014 12:37:33 P M City of Au burn Bank code: 000 Voucher Date Vendor Invoice Description /Account Amount 429407 7/7/2014 002856 MCROBERTS, JONI (Continued) 433.343.501 238.74 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 432.343.831 107.20 Total: 607.08 429408 7/7/2014 023146 MEAD & HUNT INC. 242494 CP1321 airport Wildlife Hazard 435.00.590.100.65 2,085.67 243068 CP1321 airport Wildlife Hazard 435.00.590.100.65 1,568.33 244340 CP1321 airport Wildlife Hazard 435.00.590.100.65 10, 349.93 Total: 14,003.93 429409 7/7/2014 021195 MECKLE, MARVIN 2014 SENIOR REBATE 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 430.343.401 130.82 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 431.343.501 130.32 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 433.343.501 238.74 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 432.343.831 107.20 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 434.343.751 92.42 Total: 699.50 429410 7/7/2014 021196 MEDINA, YVONNE 2014 SENIOR REBATE 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 430.343.401 130.82 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 431.343.501 130.32 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM Page: 78 CA. B Page 85 Of 246 vchlist Voucher List Page: 79 07/01/2014 12:37:33 P M City of Au burn Bank code: 000 Voucher Date Vendor Invoice Description /Account Amount 429410 7/7/2014 021196 MEDINA, YVONNE (Continued) 433.343.501 238.74 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 432.343.831 107.20 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 434.343.751 92.42 Total: 699.50 429411 7/7/2014 017991 MEHL, JULIE 070714PC FRO YO, TEEN AFTER SCHOOL ADVENTURES 001.33.574.240.49 29.93 SCREWS, DRILL BITS FOR GAME FARM 001.33.574.220.31 11.11 PIZZA FOR AUBURN YOUTH COUNCIL 001.33.574.240.31 11.91 SUPPLIES FOR AUBURN YOUTH COUNCIL 001.33.574.240.31 21.48 MOVIE FIELD TRIP FOR AROUND THE BELL 001.33.574.240.49 36.00 DAYCAMP SUPPLIES 001.33.574.240.31 4.37 Total: 114.80 429412 7/7/2014 008534 MENEGHINI, DOLORES 2014 SENIOR REBATE 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 430.343.401 130.82 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 431.343.501 130.32 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 433.343.501 238.74 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 432.343.831 107.20 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 434.343.751 92.42 Total: 699.50 Page: 79 CA. B Page 86 Of 246 vchlist Voucher List Page: 80 07/01/2014 12:37:33 P M City of Au burn Bank code: 000 Voucher Date Vendor Invoice Description /Account Amount 429413 7/7/2014 232305 MENG, ARTHUR HAROLD 41133 SPRING QUARTER YOGA CLASSES: - 001.33.574.240.41 54.00 41135 SPRING QUARTER YOGA CLASSES: - 001.33.574.210.41 486.00 41137 SPRING QUARTER YOGA CLASSES: - 001.33.574.240.41 54.00 41138 SPRING QUARTER YOGA CLASSES: - 001.33.574.210.41 81.00 Total: 676.00 429414 7/7/2014 232610 METRO - KC DEPT OF FINANCE 30005918 June 2014 Metro Sewer Service Charges 434.00.537.800.41 1,244,721.36 Total: 1,244,721.36 429415 429416 7/7/2014 023775 METRO SEA -KC AMATEUR SOFTBALL 14 -105 TEAM FEES FOR ADULT SOFTBALL 001.33.574.240.49 420.00 Total : 420.00 7/7/2014 019782 MILAM, PATSY 2014 SENIOR REBATE 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 430.343.401 130.82 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 431.343.501 130.32 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 433.343.501 238.74 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 432.343.831 107.20 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 434.343.751 92.42 CA. B Page 87 Of 246 Page: 80 vchlist Voucher List Page: 81 07/01/2014 12:37:33 P M City of Au burn Bank code: 000 Voucher Date Vendor Invoice Description /Account Amount 429416 7/7/2014 019782 019782 MILAM, PATSY (Continued) Total: 699.60 429417 7/7/2014 021197 MILLER, BRADLEY 2014 SENIOR REBATE 429418 7/7/2014 018470 MILLER, KATHLEEN 2014 SENIOR REBATE 429419 7/7/2014 021221 MILLER, WANDA 2014 SENIOR REBATE 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 430.343.401 130.82 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 433.343.501 238.74 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 432.343.831 107.20 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 434.343.751 92.42 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 431.343.501 130.32 Total : 699.60 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 430.343.401 130.82 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 431.343.501 130.32 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 433.343.501 238.74 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 432.343.831 107.20 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 434.343.751 92.42 Total : 699.60 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 430.343.401 130.82 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 431.343.501 130.32 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 433.343.501 238.74 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM CA. B Page 88 Of 246 Page: 81 vchlist Voucher List Page: 82 07/01/2014 12:37:33 P M City of Au burn Bank code: 000 Voucher Date Vendor Invoice Description /Account Amount 429419 7/7/2014 021221 MILLER, WANDA (Continued) 432.343.831 107.20 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 434.343.751 92.42 Total: 699.50 429420 7/7/2014 010674 MITCHELL, SANDRA 2014 SENIOR REBATE 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 430.343.401 130.82 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 431.343.501 130.32 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 433.343.501 238.74 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 432.343.831 107.20 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 434.343.751 92.42 Total: 699.50 429421 7/7/2014 015103 MITZEL, ANN F. 2014 SENIOR REBATE 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 430.343.401 130.82 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 431.343.501 130.32 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 432.343.831 107.20 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 434.343.751 92.42 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 433.343.501 238.74 Total: 699.50 429422 7/7/2014 014274 MONSON, TRISHA 070714PC ENGINEERING: PARKING FOR TWO KING 001.32.532.200.43 28.00 FINANCE: MILEAGE REIMBURSEMENT FOR Page: 82 CA. B Page 89 Of 246 vchlist Voucher List Page: 83 07/01/2014 12:37:33 P M City of Au burn Bank code: 000 Voucher Date Vendor Invoice Description /Account Amount 429422 7/7/2014 014274 MONSON, TRISHA (Continued) 001.14.514.230.43 18.02 EMERGENCY MGT: DISPOSABLE HOT CUPS FOR 001.12.525.100.31 10.93 OVER /SHORT AFTER COUNTING BANK ON 001.369.810 -5.00 Total: 61.96 429423 7/7/2014 022393 MOOS, GRACE 2014 SENIOR REBATE 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 430.343.401 130.82 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 431.343.501 130.32 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 433.343.501 238.74 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 432.343.831 107.20 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 434.343.751 92.42 Total: 699.60 429424 7/7/2014 023832 MORRISON, MARY JO 2014 SENIOR REBATE 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 430.343.401 130.82 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 431.343.501 130.32 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 433.343.501 238.74 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 432.343.831 107.20 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 434.343.751 92.42 Total: 699.60 429425 7/7/2014 023833 MOSS, DEBRA 2014 SENIOR REBATE 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM Page: 83 CA. B Page 90 Of 246 vchlist Voucher List Page: 84 07/01/2014 12:37:33 P M City of Au burn Bank code Voucher 429425 429426 000 Date Vendor 7/7/2014 023833 MOSS, DEBRA Invoice (Continued) 7/7/2014 021904 MOUNTAIN STATES NETWORKING INC BO1O4705A BO1O4788 Description /Account 430.343.401 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 431.343.501 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 433.343.501 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 432.343.831 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 434.343.751 VOICE SERVICES - 518.00.518.880.64 Single phase AC power module for UCS 518.00.518.880.64 Power cord, C13 to C14 (recessed 518.00.518.880.64 UCS 2.5 inch HDD blanking panel (4 = 518.00.518.880.64 UCS SP7 300GB 6Gb SFF SAS 15K RPM HDD 518.00.518.880.64 ADDITIONAL BLADES - 518.00.518.880.64 UCS SP7 300GB 6Gb SFF SAS 10K RPM HDD 518.00.518.880.64 freight 518.00.518.880.64 Sales Tax 518.00.518.880.64 M &O Video surveillance project - 1520 550.00.590.100.64 1550 Series Pole -Mount Kit Total Amount 130.82 130.32 238.74 107.20 92.42 699.60 6,520.50 9,274.50 6,900.30 1,342.80 1,900.80 7,020.00 460.80 481.43 3,220.61 179.40 CA. B Page 91 Of 246 Page: 84 vchlist Voucher List Page: 85 07/01/2014 12:37:33 P M City of Au burn Bank code: Voucher 000 Date Vendor Invoice Description /Account Amount 429426 7/7/2014 021904 MOUNTAIN STATES NETWORKING INC (Continued) 550.00.590.100.64 203.40 freight 550.00.590.100.64 25.00 Sales Tax 550.00.590.100.64 38.74 Total: 37,568.28 429427 7/7/2014 016956 MUNDELL, JOYCE 2014 SENIOR REBATE 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 430.343.401 130.82 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 431.343.501 130.32 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 433.343.501 238.74 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 432.343.831 107.20 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 434.343.751 92.42 Total: 699.50 429428 7/7/2014 022394 MUTSCHLER, SHIRLEY 2014 SENIOR REBATE 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 430.343.401 130.82 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 433.343.501 238.74 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 432.343.831 107.20 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 434.343.751 92.42 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 431.343.501 130.32 Total: 699.50 429429 7/7/2014 006591 MYERS, EVELYN 2014 SENIOR REBATE 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM CA. B Page 92 Of 246 Page: 85 vchlist Voucher List Page: 86 07/01/2014 12:37:33 P M City of Au burn Bank code: 000 Voucher Date Vendor Invoice Description /Account Amount 429429 7/7/2014 006591 MYERS, EVELYN (Continued) 430.343.401 130.82 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 431.343.501 130.32 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 433.343.501 238.74 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 432.343.831 107.20 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 434.343.751 92.42 Total: 699.60 429430 7/7/2014 021198 MYERS, NORMA 2014 SENIOR REBATE 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 430.343.401 130.82 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 431.343.501 130.32 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 433.343.501 238.74 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 432.343.831 107.20 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 434.343.751 92.42 Total: 699.60 429431 7/7/2014 021199 NELSON, LANNA 2014 SENIOR REBATE 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 430.343.401 130.82 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 431.343.501 130.32 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 433.343.501 238.74 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 432.343.831 107.20 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 434.343.751 92.42 CA. B Page 93 Of 246 Page: 86 vchlist Voucher List Page: 87 07/01/2014 12:37:33 P M City of Au burn Bank code: 000 Voucher Date Vendor Invoice Description /Account Amount 429431 7/7/2014 021199 021199 NELSON, LANNA (Continued) Total: 699.60 429432 7/7/2014 023796 NELSON, MARK & MICHELLE 028762 Total Total Total 21.11 21.11 130.82 130.32 238.74 107.20 92.42 699.60 14.83 6.24 5.07 10.74 7.57 44.46 126.72 CA. B Page 94 Of 246 Page: 87 UTILITY REFUND 430.233.100 429433 7/7/2014 004702 NETHERTON, EVELYN 2014 SENIOR REBATE 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 430.343.401 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 431.343.501 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 433.343.501 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 432.343.831 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 434.343.751 429434 7/7/2014 023794 NEWCOMER, GERALD 022358 UTILITY REFUND 430.233.100 UTILITY REFUND 431.233.100 UTILITY REFUND 432.233.100 UTILITY REFUND 433.233.100 UTILITY REFUND 434.233.100 429435 7/7/2014 242150 NEXTEL WEST CORP 230388811 -079 Sprint aircards May 15 - June 14 518.00.518.880.42 Total Total Total 21.11 21.11 130.82 130.32 238.74 107.20 92.42 699.60 14.83 6.24 5.07 10.74 7.57 44.46 126.72 CA. B Page 94 Of 246 Page: 87 vchlist Voucher List Page: 88 07/01/2014 12:37:33 P M City of Au burn Bank code: 000 Voucher Date Vendor Invoice Description /Account Amount 429435 7/7/2014 242150 NEXTEL WEST CORP (Continued) Sprint aircards May 15 - June 14 001.21.521.200.42 39.99 Sales Tax 518.00.518.880.42 12.04 Sales Tax 001.21.521.200.42 3.80 Total: 182.66 429436 7/7/2014 018471 NGUYEN, NHU 2014 SENIOR REBATE 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 430.343.401 130.82 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 431.343.501 130.32 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 433.343.501 238.74 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 432.343.831 107.20 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 434.343.751 92.42 Total: 699.50 429437 7/7/2014 023741 NIRSCHL, GRACE COUNSELOR /MUSICAL HEAD COUNSELOR /KID WRANGLER FOR DISNEY 001.33.575.280.41 1,820.00 Total: 1,820.00 429438 7/7/2014 018472 NOEL, MARY 2014 SENIOR REBATE 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 430.343.401 130.82 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 431.343.501 130.32 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 432.343.831 107.20 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 434.343.751 92.42 Page: 88 CA. B Page 95 Of 246 vchlist Voucher List Page: 89 07/01/2014 12:37:33 P M City of Au burn Bank code: 000 Voucher Date Vendor Invoice Description /Account Amount 429438 7/7/2014 018472 NOEL, MARY (Continued) 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 433.343.501 238.74 Total: 699.50 429439 7/7/2014 001428 NORMAN, MARY 2014 SENIOR REBATE 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 430.343.401 130.82 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 431.343.501 130.32 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 433.343.501 238.74 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 432.343.831 107.20 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 434.343.751 92.42 Total: 699.50 429440 7/7/2014 001897 NORTHWEST PLAYGROUND EQUIP INC 36613 VET'S PARK PROJECT /PLAY EQUIPMENT, PARK 321.00.576.802.65 24, 321.83 Total: 24,321.83 429441 7/7/2014 151180 NORTHWEST RACING ASSOC., LP 0004391 -IN Logoed pole pad sponsorship of 3on3 104.00.557.300.41 3,500.00 Total: 3,500.00 429442 7/7/2014 023798 OBRIEN, PAT 029081 UTILITY REFUND 430.233.100 145.35 Total: 145.35 429443 7/7/2014 122670 OFFICEMAX CONTRACT INC 244268 6/6 - Packet printing - 518.00.518.780.41 102.96 CA. B Page 96 Of 246 Page: 89 vchlist Voucher List Page: 90 07/01/2014 12:37:33 P M City of Au burn Bank code: 000 Voucher Date Vendor Invoice Description /Account Amount 429443 7/7/2014 122670 OFFICEMAX CONTRACT INC (Continued) Sales Tax 518.00.518.780.41 9.78 244269 6/6 - Packet printing - 518.00.518.780.41 1,995.09 Sales Tax 518.00.518.780.41 189.54 277269 Copy paper - Museum 518.00.518.780.31 63.52 Sales Tax 518.00.518.780.31 6.03 327063 Packet printing - 6/12- 518.00.518.780.41 1,257.66 Sales Tax 518.00.518.780.41 119.48 342706 Packet printing - 6/13- 518.00.518.780.41 138.73 Sales Tax 518.00.518.780.41 13.18 342707 Packet printing - 6/13- 518.00.518.780.41 12.82 Sales Tax 518.00.518.780.41 1.22 342708 Packet printing - 6/13- 518.00.518.780.41 81.76 Sales Tax 518.00.518.780.41 7.77 342709 Packet printing - 6/13— CA. B Page 97 Of 246 Page: 90 vchlist Voucher List Page: 91 07/01/2014 12:37:33 P M City of Au burn Bank code: 000 Voucher Date Vendor Invoice Description /Account Amount 429443 7/7/2014 122670 OFFICEMAX CONTRACT INC (Continued) 518.00.518.780.41 8.80 Sales Tax 518.00.518.780.41 0.83 342710 Packet printing - 6/13- 518.00.518.780.41 16.21 Sales Tax 518.00.518.780.41 1.54 342711 Packet printing - 6/13- 518.00.518.780.41 425.01 Sales Tax 518.00.518.780.41 40.39 342712 Packet printing - 6/13- 518.00.518.780.41 24.52 Sales Tax 518.00.518.780.41 2.32 Total: 4,619.16 429444 7/7/2014 023403 OKAMOTO, CLIFFORD D. 071314PERF JULY 13TH, ENT @ THE AUBURN 001.33.573.201.41 100.00 Total: 100.00 429445 7/7/2014 019058 OLBRECHTS &ASSOC, PLLC 0604141 NV HE PROFESSIONAL SVS - MAY, 2014 SVS - 001.17.558.100.41 770.75 Total: 770.76 429446 7/7/2014 006977 OLIVER, CURTIS 2014 SENIOR REBATE 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 430.343.401 130.82 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 431.343.501 130.32 Page: 91 CA. B Page 98 Of 246 vchlist Voucher List Page: 92 07/01/2014 12:37:33 P M City of Au burn Bank code: 000 Voucher Date Vendor Invoice Description /Account Amount 429446 7/7/2014 006977 OLIVER, CURTIS (Continued) 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 433.343.501 238.74 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 432.343.831 107.20 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 434.343.751 92.42 Total: 699.60 429447 7/7/2014 018474 OLSEN -KIND, LAURIE 2014 SENIOR REBATE 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 430.343.401 130.82 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 431.343.501 130.32 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 433.343.501 238.74 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 432.343.831 107.20 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 434.343.751 92.42 Total: 699.60 429448 7/7/2014 006784 OLSON, ARLENE 2014 SENIOR REBATE 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 430.343.401 130.82 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 431.343.501 130.32 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 433.343.501 238.74 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 432.343.831 107.20 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 434.343.751 92.42 Total: 699.60 429449 7/7/2014 012752 ORTON, WANDA L. 2014 SENIOR REBATE Page: 92 CA. B Page 99 Of 246 vchlist Voucher List Page: 93 07/01/2014 12:37:33 P M City of Au burn Bank code: 000 Voucher Date Vendor Invoice Description /Account Amount 429449 7/7/2014 012752 ORTON, WANDA L. (Continued) 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 430.343.401 130.82 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 431.343.501 130.32 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 433.343.501 238.74 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 432.343.831 107.20 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 434.343.751 92.42 Total: 699.60 429450 7/7/2014 004563 OSTRANDER, SHIRLEY 2014 SENIOR REBATE 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 430.343.401 130.82 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 431.343.501 130.32 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 433.343.501 238.74 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 432.343.831 107.20 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 434.343.751 92.42 Total: 699.60 429451 7/7/2014 260240 PACIFIC POWER GROUP LLC 853069 -00 Generator Preventative Maintenance - 505.00.524.500.48 531.08 853070 -00 Generator Preventative Maintenance - 505.00.524.500.48 631.82 Total: 1,162.90 429452 7/7/2014 023811 PAL I C KA, JOHN 076382 UTILITY REFUND Page: 93 CA. B Page 100 Of 246 vchlist Voucher List Page: 94 07/01/2014 12:37:33 P M City of Au burn Bank code: 000 Voucher Date Vendor Invoice Description /Account Amount 429452 7/7/2014 023811 PALICKA, JOHN (Continued) 430.233.100 5.54 Total: 5.54 429453 7/7/2014 020416 PAPAJOHN'S PIZZA S3015 -14 -1002 PIZZA FOR PARKS AND RECREATIONAL 001.33.574.240.31 35.04 Total: 35.04 429454 7/7/2014 021202 PARKS, LEONA 2014 SENIOR REBATE 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 430.343.401 130.82 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 431.343.501 130.32 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 433.343.501 238.74 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 432.343.831 107.20 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 434.343.751 92.42 Total: 699.50 429455 7/7/2014 006381 PASCOE, NORMAA 2014 SENIOR REBATE 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 430.343.401 130.82 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 431.343.501 130.32 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 433.343.501 238.74 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 432.343.831 107.20 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 434.343.751 92.42 Total: 699.50 429456 7/7/2014 022395 PATTON, BERNICE 2014 SENIOR REBATE Page: 94 CA. B Page 101 Of 246 vchlist Voucher List Page: 95 07/01/2014 12:37:33 P M City of Au burn Bank code: 000 Voucher Date Vendor Invoice Description /Account Amount 429456 7/7/2014 022395 PATTON, BERNICE (Continued) 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 430.343.401 130.82 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 431.343.501 130.32 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 433.343.501 238.74 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 432.343.831 107.20 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 434.343.751 92.42 Total: 699.50 429457 7/7/2014 016025 PAULYESTER PRODUCTIONS HS MUSICAL /SOUNDS SOUND & PROJECTIONS FOR THE PRODUCTION 001.33.575.280.41 800.00 Total: 800.00 429458 7/7/2014 016025 PAULYESTER PRODUCTIONS AAT140624 SOUND TECH SERVICES FOR VARIOUS 2014 001.33.573.901.41 180.00 Total: 180.00 429459 7/7/2014 012214 PEARL BUILDING SERVICES 7939 2014 JANITORIAL SVCS FOR CITY FACILITIES 505.00.524.500.41 700.00 7940 2014 JANITORIAL SVCS FOR CITY FACILITIES 505.00.524.500.41 125.00 7941 2014 JANITORIAL SVCS FOR CITY FACILITIES 505.00.524.500.41 350.00 7942 2014 JANITORIAL SVCS FOR CITY FACILITIES 505.00.524.500.41 1,900.00 7943 Page: 95 CA. B Page 102 Of 246 vchlist Voucher List Page: 96 07/01/2014 12:37:33 P M City of Au burn Bank code: 000 Voucher Date Vendor Invoice Description /Account Amount 429459 7/7/2014 012214 PEARL BUILDING SERVICES (Continued) 2014 JANITORIAL SVCS FOR CITY FACILITIES 505.00.524.500.41 200.00 7944 MONTHLY JANITORIAL SRVS FOR THE 001.33.576.100.41 400.00 7945 MONTHLY JANITORIAL SRVS FOR THE 001.33.576.100.41 300.00 7946 MONTHLY JANITORIAL SRVS FOR THE 001.33.576.100.41 200.00 7947 MONTHLY JANITORIAL SRVS FOR THE 001.33.576.100.41 300.00 7948 MONTHLY JANITORIAL SRVS FOR THE 001.33.576.100.41 300.00 Total: 4,776.00 429460 7/7/2014 012756 PEARSON, BOBERT W. 2014 SENIOR REBATE 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 430.343.401 130.82 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 431.343.501 130.32 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 433.343.501 238.74 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 432.343.831 107.20 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 434.343.751 92.42 Total: 699.60 429461 7/7/2014 023061 PENSER NORTH AMERICA INC 38020 2014 MGMT FEES FOR L & I CLAIMS - 503.00.580.300.41 1,800.00 Page: 96 CA. B Page 103 Of 246 vchlist Voucher List Page: 97 07/01/2014 12:37:33 P M City of Au burn Bank code: 000 430.343.401 130.82 Voucher Date Vendor Invoice Description /Account Amount 429461 7/7/2014 023061 023061 PENSER NORTH AMERICA INC (Continued) Total: 1,800.00 429462 7/7/2014 015534 PETERSON, LESLEE JO 41432 432.343.831 107.20 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM MASSAGE CLASSES AT THE SENIOR CENTER: - 92.42 Total : 699.50 001.33.574.210.41 28.00 41433 MASSAGE CLASSES AT THE SENIOR CENTER: - 001.33.574.210.41 28.00 Total: 56.00 429463 7/7/2014 021203 PFEIFER, JOETTE 2014 SENIOR REBATE 429464 7/7/2014 012868 PHILLIPS, RITA KAY 2014 SENIOR REBATE 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 430.343.401 130.82 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 431.343.501 130.32 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 433.343.501 238.74 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 432.343.831 107.20 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 434.343.751 92.42 Total : 699.50 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 431.343.501 130.32 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 433.343.501 238.74 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 432.343.831 107.20 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 434.343.751 92.42 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 430.343.401 130.82 Total : 699.50 CA. B Page 104 Of 246 Page: 97 vchlist Voucher List Page: 98 07/01/2014 12:37:33 P M City of Au burn Bank code: 000 Voucher Date Vendor Invoice Description /Account Amount 429465 7/7/2014 021204 PI, KECHIN 2014 SENIOR REBATE 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 430.343.401 119.92 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 431.343.501 119.46 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 433.343.501 218.85 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 432.343.831 98.27 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 434.343.751 84.71 Total: 641.21 429466 7/7/2014 263070 PIERCE CO BUDGET & FINANCE DEP AR155947 ARMY CORPS OF ENG FEASABILITY FLOOD 001.17.558.100.49 3,994.92 Total: 3,994.92 429467 7/7/2014 263070 PIERCE COUNTYAUDITOR FILING FEES FILING FEES, LIENS 430.00.534.110.41 192.00 FILING FEES FILING FEES, LIENS 430.00.534.110.41 96.00 Total: 288.00 429468 7/7/2014 022396 PIPKIN, JAMES 2014 SENIOR REBATE 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 430.343.401 130.82 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 431.343.501 130.32 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 433.343.501 238.74 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 432.343.831 107.20 CA. B Page 105 Of 246 Page: 98 vchlist Voucher List Page: 99 07/01/2014 12:37:33 P M City of Au burn Bank code: 000 Voucher Date Vendor Invoice Description /Account Amount 429468 7/7/2014 022396 022396 PIPKIN, JAMES (Continued) Total: 607.08 429469 7/7/2014 013364 PORT OF SEATTLE POLICE VNET185 PAYMENT ON BEHALF OF V -NET 652.00.521.211.51 2,523.00 PAYMENT ON BEHALF OF V -NET 652.00.521.214.51 652.93 Total: 3,175.93 429470 7/7/2014 023738 POWELL, VIRGINIASHELBY 071614PERF ArtRageous Activity at Summer Event 001.33.573.201.41 289.00 Total: 289.00 429471 7/7/2014 021205 POWERS, MARY CLAIRE 2014 SENIOR REBATE 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 430.343.401 130.82 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 431.343.501 130.32 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 433.343.501 238.74 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 432.343.831 107.20 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 434.343.751 92.42 Total: 699.50 429472 7/7/2014 023773 PUBLIC SAFETY TESTING INC 2014 -5547 POLICE SERGEANT TESTING APRIL 29 -30, 001.13.516.710.41 8,417.24 Total: 8,417.24 429473 7/7/2014 265130 PUGET SOUND CLEAN AIR AGENCY 14- 012S /BAL INTERGOV PROF SVS FOR QTR 3 & 4 - INV. 001.17.558.100.51 17, 510.00 Total: 179510.00 CA. B Page 106 Of 246 Page: 99 vchlist Voucher List Page: 100 07/01/2014 12:37:33 P M City of Au burn Bank code: 000 430.343.401 130.82 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM Voucher Date Vendor Invoice Description /Account Amount 429474 7/7/2014 265220 PUGET SOUND ENERGY 070714ELEC /GAS 432.343.831 107.20 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM ELECTRIC /GAS CHARGES MAY /JUNE 92.42 Total : 699.60 505.00.524.500.47 28, 904.80 ELECTRIC /GAS CHARGES MAY /JUNE 001.33.576.100.47 5,513.83 ELECTRIC /GAS CHARGES MAY /JUNE 001.42.542.300.47 47, 245.57 ELECTRIC /GAS CHARGES MAY /JUNE 430.00.534.800.47 26,169.73 ELECTRIC /GAS CHARGES MAY /JUNE 431.00.535.800.47 1,651.68 ELECTRIC /GAS CHARGES MAY /JUNE 432.00.535.900.47 1,049.99 ELECTRIC /GAS CHARGES MAY /JUNE 102.00.594.420.65 145.32 400000117095 Academy Booster Pump Station - PSE 430.00.590.100.65 2,905.48 400000663569 Four PSE poles - 8th Street NE (CP1226 328.00.532.202.65 110.00 Total: 113,696.40 429475 7/7/2014 022397 PULLEN, WILLIAM 2014 SENIOR REBATE 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 430.343.401 130.82 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 431.343.501 130.32 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 433.343.501 238.74 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 432.343.831 107.20 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 434.343.751 92.42 Total : 699.60 CA. B Page 107 Of 246 Page: 100 vchlist Voucher List Page: 101 07/01/2014 12:37:33 P M City of Au burn Bank code: 000 Voucher Date Vendor Invoice Description /Account Amount 429476 7/7/2014 022398 PUTNAM, GAYLE 2014 SENIOR REBATE 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 430.343.401 130.82 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 431.343.501 130.32 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 433.343.501 238.74 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 434.343.751 92.42 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 432.343.831 107.20 Total: 699.50 429477 7/7/2014 020623 R.E. MULLINAX INVESTIGATIONS 14 -872 INVOICE NO. 14 -872- 001.13.516.710.41 650.00 Total: 650.00 429478 7/7/2014 018477 RAASCH, NELDA 2014 SENIOR REBATE 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 430.343.401 130.82 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 431.343.501 130.32 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 433.343.501 238.74 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 432.343.831 107.20 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 434.343.751 92.42 Total: 699.50 429479 7/7/2014 023786 RACEY, TAMARA DARLENE HS MUSICAL /LIGHTING LIGHTING (BOARD OPERATOR) FOR DISNEY 001.33.575.280.41 385.00 Total: 385.00 Page: 101 CA. B Page 108 Of 246 vchlist Voucher List Page: 102 07/01/2014 12:37:33 P M City of Au burn Bank code: 000 Voucher Date Vendor Invoice Description /Account Amount 429480 7/7/2014 020970 REBER RANCH INC. 832422 FARM ANIMAL SUPPLIES AT MARY OLSEN FARM 001.33.575.300.31 151.04 832567 FARM ANIMAL SUPPLIES AT MARY OLSEN FARM 001.33.575.300.31 -13.14 834166 FARM ANIMAL SUPPLIES 001.33.575.300.31 119.00 FARM ANIMAL SUPPLIES AT MARY OLSEN FARM 001.33.575.300.31 177.41 Total: 434.31 429481 7/7/2014 023192 RECESS MONKEY LLC 070914PERF KIDS SUMMERSTAGE ENTERTAINMENT 7 /9/14 001.33.573.201.41 850.00 Total: 850.00 429482 7/7/2014 023779 RED HAWK FIRE & SECURITY REFUND OVERCHARGED ON PERMIT FIR14 -0018 651.237.360 25.00 Total: 25.00 429483 7/7/2014 011267 REDFLEX TRAFFIC SYSTEMS INC RTS0006182 2014 PHOTO ENFORCEMENT PROGRAM 001.21.521.200.41 35, 743.13 Total: 35,743.13 429484 7/7/2014 023681 REED, MARJORIE REFUND PYMT IN ERROR TH KEYBANK LOCKBOX 001.263.900 188.80 Total: 188.80 429485 7/7/2014 019045 REGIONAL PROPERTIES LLC 067195 UTILITY REFUND 430.233.100 7.00 CA. B Page 109 Of 246 Page: 102 vchlist Voucher List Page: 103 07/01/2014 12:37:33 P M City of Au burn Bank code: 000 Voucher Date Vendor Invoice Description /Account Amount 429485 7/7/2014 019045 019045 REGIONAL PROPERTIES LLC (Continued) Total: 7.00 429486 7/7/2014 021676 RFI ENTERPRISES INC. 507690 429487 7/7/2014 023834 RICE, RICHARD 429488 7/7/2014 014926 RICHARDSON, ARLENE 507691 2014 SENIOR REBATE 2014 SENIOR REBATE Bosch Readykey Pro to Lenel ACS 518.00.518.880.48 15, 513.87 Sales Tax 130.82 518.00.518.880.48 1,473.82 City Hall Remodel - Security - 130.32 518.00.518.880.41 4,382.83 Sales Tax 238.74 518.00.518.880.41 416.37 432.343.831 Total : 21,786.89 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 430.343.401 130.82 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 431.343.501 130.32 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 433.343.501 238.74 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 432.343.831 107.20 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 434.343.751 92.42 Total : 699.50 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 430.343.401 130.82 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 431.343.501 130.32 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 433.343.501 238.74 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 432.343.831 107.20 CA. B Page 110 Of 246 Page: 103 vchlist Voucher List Page: 104 07/01/2014 12:37:33 P M City of Au burn Bank code: 000 Voucher Date Vendor Invoice Description /Account Amount 429488 7/7/2014 014926 RICHARDSON, ARLENE (Continued) 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 434.343.751 92.42 Total: 699.50 429489 7/7/2014 020948 RICHMOND AMERICAN HOMES 072359 UTILITY REFUND 433.233.100 74.47 Total: 74.47 429490 7/7/2014 272245 RICKERT, BARRY 0526141 NV CERT 34 Instructor 001.12.525.100.41 332.50 Total: 332.50 429491 7/7/2014 021012 RICOH AMERICAS CORPORATION 92560680 PAYMENT ON BEHALF OF V -NET 652.00.521.212.45 224.59 Total: 224.59 429492 7/7/2014 021040 R I CO H USA INC. 5031054368 Ricoh copier usage - May - 518.00.518.880.45 2,199.17 Sales Tax 518.00.518.880.45 208.92 Total: 2,408.09 429493 7/7/2014 019785 RIDLEY, BETTY 2014 SENIOR REBATE 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 430.343.401 130.82 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 431.343.501 130.32 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 433.343.501 238.74 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 432.343.831 107.20 Page: 104 CA. B Page 111 Of 246 vchlist Voucher List Page: 105 07/01/2014 12:37:33 P M City of Au burn Bank code: 000 Voucher Date Vendor Invoice Description /Account Amount 429493 7/7/2014 019785 RIDLEY, BETTY (Continued) 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 434.343.751 92.42 Total: 699.50 429494 7/7/2014 016959 RIGGS, VERNACORKIE 2014 SENIOR REBATE 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 430.343.401 130.82 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 431.343.501 130.32 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 433.343.501 238.74 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 432.343.831 107.20 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 434.343.751 92.42 Total: 699.50 429495 7/7/2014 010671 RINEHART, JOTA 2014 SENIOR REBATE 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 430.343.401 119.92 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 431.343.501 119.46 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 433.343.501 218.85 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 432.343.831 98.26 Total: 666.49 429496 7/7/2014 022399 RISE, PATRICIA 2014 SENIOR REBATE 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 430.343.401 130.82 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 431.343.501 130.32 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 433.343.501 238.74 Page: 105 CA. B Page 112 Of 246 vchlist Voucher List Page: 106 07/01/2014 12:37:33 P M City of Au burn Bank code: 000 Voucher Date Vendor Invoice Description /Account Amount 429496 7/7/2014 022399 RISE, PATRICIA (Continued) 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 432.343.831 107.20 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 434.343.751 92.42 Total: 699.50 429497 7/7/2014 018478 ROBINSON, BARRIE 2014 SENIOR REBATE 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 430.343.401 130.82 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 433.343.501 238.74 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 432.343.831 107.20 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 434.343.751 92.42 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 431.343.501 130.32 Total: 699.50 429498 7/7/2014 272630 RODARTE CONSTRUCTION INC 13 -04/ #9 2013 LOCAL ST PAVEMENT RECONSTRUCTION - 103.00.595.300.65 13, 872.48 2013 LOCAL ST PAVEMENT RECONSTRUCTION - 431.00.590.100.65 7,501.38 Total: 21,373.86 429499 7/7/2014 002860 ROGERS, JOHNNA 2014 SENIOR REBATE 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 430.343.401 130.82 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 431.343.501 130.32 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 433.343.501 238.74 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 432.343.831 107.20 Page: 106 CA. B Page 113 Of 246 vchlist Voucher List Page: 107 07/01/2014 12:37:33 P M City of Au burn Bank code: 000 Voucher Date Vendor Invoice Description /Account Amount 429499 7/7/2014 002860 ROGERS, JOHNNA (Continued) 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 434.343.751 92.42 Total: 699.60 429500 7/7/2014 006382 ROINE, STELLA IRENE 2014 SENIOR REBATE 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 430.343.401 130.82 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 431.343.501 130.32 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 433.343.501 238.74 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 432.343.831 107.20 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 434.343.751 92.42 Total: 699.60 429501 7/7/2014 014944 ROLAND, MARY L. 2014 SENIOR REBATE 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 431.343.501 130.32 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 433.343.501 238.74 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 432.343.831 107.20 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 434.343.751 92.42 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 430.343.401 130.82 Total: 699.60 429502 7/7/2014 023835 ROOS, DOROTHY 2014 SENIOR REBATE 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 430.343.401 130.82 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 431.343.501 130.32 Page: 107 CA. B Page 114 Of 246 vchlist Voucher List Page: 108 07/01/2014 12:37:33 P M City of Au burn Bank code: 000 Voucher Date Vendor Invoice Description /Account Amount 429502 7/7/2014 023835 ROOS, DOROTHY (Continued) 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 433.343.501 238.74 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 432.343.831 107.20 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 434.343.751 92.42 Total: 699.60 429503 7/7/2014 008510 ROY, JEAN 2014 SENIOR REBATE 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 430.343.401 130.82 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 431.343.501 130.32 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 433.343.501 238.74 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 432.343.831 107.20 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 434.343.751 92.42 Total: 699.60 429504 7/7/2014 000516 RUBLY, SHIRLEY 2014 SENIOR REBATE 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 430.343.401 130.82 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 431.343.501 130.32 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 433.343.501 238.74 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 432.343.831 107.20 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 434.343.751 92.42 Total: 699.60 429505 7/7/2014 002859 RUHL, ORALINE 2014 SENIOR REBATE Page: 108 CA. B Page 115 Of 246 vchlist Voucher List Page: 109 07/01/2014 12:37:33 P M City of Au burn Bank code: 000 Voucher Date Vendor Invoice Description /Account Amount 429505 7/7/2014 002859 RUHL, ORALINE (Continued) 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 430.343.401 130.82 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 433.343.501 238.74 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 432.343.831 107.20 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 434.343.751 92.42 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 431.343.501 130.32 Total: 699.50 429506 7/7/2014 023785 RUSH, MCKENZIE HS MUSICAL /DANCE INS ADVANCED DANCE ENSEMBLE INSTURCTOR FOR 001.33.575.280.41 800.00 Total: 800.00 429507 7/7/2014 004564 RYAN, LUCILLE G. 2014 SENIOR REBATE 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 430.343.401 130.82 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 431.343.501 130.32 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 433.343.501 238.74 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 432.343.831 107.20 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 434.343.751 92.42 Total: 699.50 429508 7/7/2014 016960 SAFFLE, BETTY J. 2014 SENIOR REBATE 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 430.343.401 130.82 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 431.343.501 130.32 Page: 109 CA. B Page 116 Of 246 vchlist Voucher List Page: 110 07/01/2014 12:37:33 P M City of Au burn Bank code: 000 Voucher Date Vendor Invoice Description /Account Amount 429508 7/7/2014 016960 SAFFLE, BETTY J. (Continued) 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 433.343.501 238.74 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 432.343.831 107.20 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 434.343.751 92.42 Total: 699.60 429509 7/7/2014 014917 SAGE, NORMAJ. 2014 SENIOR REBATE 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 430.343.401 130.82 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 431.343.501 130.32 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 433.343.501 238.74 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 432.343.831 107.20 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 434.343.751 92.42 Total: 699.60 429510 7/7/2014 280505 SAM'S CLUB DIRECT 0259 ITEMS FOR SPECIAL EVENTS AT THE SENIOR 001.33.574.210.31 184.52 1138 FOOD & SUPPLIES FOR SPECIAL OLYMPICS 001.33.574.240.31 277.50 2028 ITEMS FOR SPECIAL EVENTS AT THE SENIOR 001.33.574.210.31 115.53 2600 6/4/14 SEUSSICAL CONCESSIONS 001.33.574.240.31 298.20 3233 memorial day service items Page: 110 CA. B Page 117 Of 246 vchlist Voucher List Page: 111 07/01/2014 12:37:33 P M City of Au burn Bank code: 000 Voucher Date Vendor Invoice Description /Account Amount 429510 7/7/2014 280505 SAM'S CLUB DIRECT (Continued) 436.00.536.200.49 218.56 4344 PANTRY ITEMS FOR THE SENIOR CENTER 001.33.574.210.31 409.08 4523 6/11/14 SUESSICAL CONCESSIONS 001.33.574.240.31 247.26 4970 PRO SHOP SUPPLIES 001.33.576.680.31 186.86 5810 CONCESSIONS NEEDED FOR KIDS DAY 001.33.574.240.31 999.74 5811 6/18/14 SUESSICAL CONCESSIONS 001.33.574.240.31 290.47 8135 ITEMS FOR SPECIAL EVENTS AT THE SENIOR 001.33.574.210.31 114.67 8316 ITEMS FOR SPECIAL EVENTS AT THE SENIOR 001.33.574.210.31 41.13 Total: 3,383.52 429511 7/7/2014 018584 SAMUELSON, SARAH ELIZABETH HS MUSICAL /DIRECTOR THEATER CAMP AND PERFORMANCE DIRECTOR 001.33.575.280.41 5,500.00 Total: 5,500.00 429512 7/7/2014 023266 SAND, JULIE 052914REIMB MILEAGE REIMB 4/3/14 - 5/29/14 001.33.575.300.43 31.03 Total: 31.03 429513 7/7/2014 022403 SANDERS, STEVEN 2014 SENIOR REBATE Page: 111 CA. B Page 118 Of 246 vchlist Voucher List Page: 112 07/01/2014 12:37:33 P M City of Au burn Bank code: 000 Voucher Date Vendor Invoice Description /Account Amount 429513 7/7/2014 022403 SANDERS, STEVEN (Continued) 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 431.343.501 130.32 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 433.343.501 238.74 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 432.343.831 107.20 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 434.343.751 92.42 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 430.343.401 130.82 Total: 699.60 429514 7/7/2014 008706 SARAY, ILONA 2014 SENIOR REBATE 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 430.343.401 130.82 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 431.343.501 130.32 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 433.343.501 238.74 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 432.343.831 107.20 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 434.343.751 92.42 Total: 699.60 429515 7/7/2014 023836 SCHLECHT, JOHN 2014 SENIOR REBATE 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 430.343.401 130.82 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 431.343.501 130.32 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 433.343.501 238.74 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 432.343.831 107.20 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM CA. B Page 119 Of 246 Page: 112 vchlist Voucher List Page: 113 07/01/2014 12:37:33 P M City of Au burn Bank code: 000 90.00 Voucher Date Vendor Invoice Description /Account Amount 429515 7/7/2014 023836 SCHLECHT, JOHN (Continued) 001.33.574.240.41 434.343.751 92.42 0619141 NV Total: 699.50 429516 7/7/2014 015191 SCHMITKE, MARK 061914a 001.33.574.240.41 UMPIRE IN CHIEF DUTIES /TRAINING 429517 7/7/2014 019208 SCORE 429518 7/7/2014 023815 SCOTT. SAM 429519 7/7/2014 281230 SCOTTY'S GENERAL CONSTR, INC 429520 7/7/2014 023837 SEARCY, PAULINE 2014 SENIOR REBATE 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 430.343.401 130.82 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 431.343.501 130.32 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 433.343.501 238.74 CA. B Page 120 Of 246 Page: 113 001.33.574.240.41 90.00 061914b UMPIRE IN CHIEF DUTIES /TRAINING 001.33.574.240.41 105.00 0619141 NV UMPIRE IN CHIEF DUTIES /TRAINING 001.33.574.240.41 355.00 Total : 660.00 745 JUNE 2014 MEMBER CITY FEE - INVOICE #745 001.20.523.600.51 324, 824.83 Total : 324,824.83 0625141 NV PIANOS & PIANO TUNING FOR PIANOS ON 001.33.573.201.41 600.00 Total : 600.00 RETAI NAG E 2ND ST SE & F ST SR SEWER REPAIRS 431.223.400 4,706.86 Total : 4,706.86 2014 SENIOR REBATE 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 430.343.401 130.82 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 431.343.501 130.32 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 433.343.501 238.74 CA. B Page 120 Of 246 Page: 113 vchlist Voucher List Page: 114 07/01/2014 12:37:33 P M City of Au burn Bank code: 000 Voucher Date Vendor Invoice Description /Account Amount 429520 7/7/2014 023837 SEARCY, PAULINE (Continued) 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 432.343.831 107.20 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 434.343.751 92.42 Total: 699.50 429521 7/7/2014 022404 SELLERS, NANCY 2014 SENIOR REBATE 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 430.343.401 130.82 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 431.343.501 130.32 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 433.343.501 238.74 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 432.343.831 107.20 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 434.343.751 92.42 Total: 699.50 429522 7/7/2014 022369 SENTINEL FIELD SERVICES 017410 UTILITY REFUND 430.233.100 41.83 Total: 41.83 429523 7/7/2014 023177 SHANNON & WILSON INC 90248 LEA HILL RD /105TH HILLSIDE STABILITY 001.32.532.200.41 12, 098.65 SIGNAL POLE NE CORNER AWS /M ST SE- 102.00.594.420.65 1,457.82 Total: 13,556.47 429524 7/7/2014 013141 SILVERS, EARL 397449 1 QTY 952 3" SILVER KEEPSAKE URN 436.00.536.200.34 19.00 Page: 114 CA. B Page 121 Of 246 vchlist Voucher List Page: 115 07/01/2014 12:37:33 P M City of Au burn Bank code: 000 Voucher Date Vendor Invoice Description /Account Amount 429524 7/7/2014 013141 013141 SILVERS, EARL (Continued) Total: 19.00 429525 7/7/2014 018481 SMITH, DARLENE 2014 SENIOR REBATE 429526 7/7/2014 000521 SOLBERG, ELVA 429527 7/7/2014 285460 SPECTRUM SIGN CO INC 2014 SENIOR REBATE 16270 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 430.343.401 130.82 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 431.343.501 130.32 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 433.343.501 238.74 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 432.343.831 107.20 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 434.343.751 92.42 Total : 699.50 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 430.343.401 130.82 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 431.343.501 130.32 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 433.343.501 238.74 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 432.343.831 107.20 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 434.343.751 92.42 Total : 699.50 Custom banner signs personalized for 518.00.518.780.41 4,631.00 Change date on existing banner signs - 518.00.518.780.41 270.00 Sales Tax 518.00.518.780.41 465.60 CA. B Page 122 Of 246 Page: 115 vchlist Voucher List Page: 116 07/01/2014 12:37:33 P M City of Au burn Bank code: 000 Voucher Date Vendor Invoice Description /Account Amount 429527 7/7/2014 285460 285460 SPECTRUM SIGN CO INC (Continued) Total: 5,366.60 429528 7/7/2014 285640 SPILLMAN TECHNOLOGIES INC 27941 Spillman annual maintenance 7/1/14 - 518.00.518.880.48 42, 222.00 Sales Tax 518.00.518.880.48 4,011.00 Total: 46,233.00 429529 7/7/2014 015105 SPRINGER, MARILYN R. 2014 SENIOR REBATE 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 430.343.401 130.82 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 431.343.501 130.32 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 433.343.501 238.74 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 432.343.831 107.20 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 434.343.751 92.42 Total: 699.50 429530 7/7/2014 019295 STAN BONHAM COMPANY INC W27208 New mower unit# G080A Jacobsen AR -3 550.00.590.100.64 26,179.00 Sales Tax 550.00.590.100.64 2,487.01 Total: 28,666.01 429531 7/7/2014 017507 STATEWIDE SECURITY 14551 Service call 5/15/14 for security 518.00.518.880.41 308.00 Sales Tax 518.00.518.880.41 29.26 Total: 337.26 Page: 116 CA. B Page 123 Of 246 vchlist Voucher List Page: 117 07/01/2014 12:37:33 P M City of Au burn Bank code: 000 Voucher Date Vendor Invoice Description /Account Amount 429532 7/7/2014 021211 STINDE, WARREN 2014 SENIOR REBATE 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 430.343.401 130.82 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 431.343.501 130.32 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 433.343.501 238.74 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 432.343.831 107.20 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 434.343.751 92.42 Total: 699.60 429533 7/7/2014 004505 STINE, MARY 2014 SENIOR REBATE 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 430.343.401 130.82 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 431.343.501 130.32 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 433.343.501 238.74 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 432.343.831 107.20 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 434.343.751 92.42 Total: 699.60 429534 7/7/2014 023810 STOBIE, BOB & NANCY 076111 UTILITY REFUND 430.233.100 201.16 Total: 201.16 429535 7/7/2014 022405 STOKES, JEWELL 2014 SENIOR REBATE 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 430.343.401 130.82 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 431.343.501 130.32 Page: 117 CA. B Page 124 Of 246 vchlist Voucher List Page: 118 07/01/2014 12:37:33 P M City of Au burn Bank code: 000 Voucher Date Vendor Invoice Description /Account Amount 429535 7/7/2014 022405 STOKES, JEWELL (Continued) 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 433.343.501 238.74 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 432.343.831 107.20 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 434.343.751 92.42 Total: 699.50 429536 7/7/2014 021212 STOREY, JERILYN 2014 SENIOR REBATE 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 430.343.401 130.82 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 431.343.501 130.32 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 433.343.501 238.74 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 432.343.831 107.20 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 434.343.751 92.42 Total: 699.50 429537 7/7/2014 023740 STORY, DEAN HS MUSICAL /CONDUCTOR CONDUCTOR FOR SEUSSICAL THE MUSICAL 001.33.575.280.41 200.00 Total: 200.00 429538 7/7/2014 013148 SUN MOUNTAIN SPORTS INC 176514 SPECIAL ORDER FOR RESALE OF GOLF ITEMS 001.33.576.680.34 180.00 Total: 180.00 429539 7/7/2014 023838 TAGUCHI, SAKIKO 2014 SENIOR REBATE 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 431.343.501 130.32 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM Page: 118 CA. B Page 125 Of 246 vchlist Voucher List Page: 119 07/01/2014 12:37:33 P M City of Au burn Bank code: 000 Voucher Date Vendor Invoice Description /Account Amount 429539 7/7/2014 023838 TAGUCHI, SAKIKO (Continued) 433.343.501 238.74 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 432.343.831 107.20 Total: 476.26 429540 7/7/2014 114950 THE AUBURN DOWNTOWN ASSOC MAR2014 MAR 2014 EXPS - RENT, PAYROLL, TAXES, 121.00.543.100.31 247.10 MAR 2014 EXPS - RENT, PAYROLL, TAXES, 121.00.543.100.41 4,248.00 MAR 2014 EXPS - RENT, PAYROLL, TAXES, 121.00.543.100.42 240.71 MAR 2014 EXPS - RENT, PAYROLL, TAXES, 121.00.543.100.44 150.00 MAR 2014 EXPS - RENT, PAYROLL, TAXES, 121.00.543.100.45 775.00 MAR 2014 EXPS - RENT, PAYROLL, TAXES, 121.00.543.100.47 75.10 MAR 2014 EXPS - RENT, PAYROLL, TAXES, 121.00.543.100.49 184.30 Total: 6,920.21 429541 7/7/2014 023819 THE PLANNING & ZONING RESOURCE REFUND PERMIT FEES ON ZCL14 -0010, WITHDREW 001.345.810 104.00 Total: 104.00 429542 7/7/2014 009656 THOMPSON SMITCH CONSULTING GRP 26233 Consulting services for May 2014 001.98.513.100.41 11, 000.00 26234 Consulting services for May 2014 001.98.513.100.41 11, 000.00 Total: 22,000.00 Page: 119 CA. B Page 126 Of 246 vchlist Voucher List Page: 120 07/01/2014 12:37:33 P M City of Au burn Bank code: 000 Voucher Date Vendor Invoice Description /Account Amount 429543 7/7/2014 000808 THOMPSON, LEAH 2014 SENIOR REBATE 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 430.343.401 130.82 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 431.343.501 130.32 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 433.343.501 238.74 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 432.343.831 107.20 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 434.343.751 92.42 Total: 699.50 429544 7/7/2014 012331 TITLEIST 2866408 SUMMER GOLF BALLS, GLOVES & HATS FOR 001.33.576.680.34 4,107.81 2866409 SUMMER GOLF BALLS, GLOVES & HATS FOR 001.33.576.680.34 220.92 Total: 4,328.73 429545 7/7/2014 012331 FOOTJOY 5628467 SUMMER GLOVES AND FOOTWEAR FOR RESALE 001.33.576.680.34 60.37 5640426 SUMMER GLOVES AND FOOTWEAR FOR RESALE 001.33.576.680.34 928.79 Total: 989.16 429546 7/7/2014 023803 TRACZYK, BEN &ANGELA 066723 UTILITY REFUND 430.233.100 83.80 Total: 83.80 429547 7/7/2014 016448 TRAFFIC COUNT CONSULTANTS, INC 0562 2014 Traffic Counts- CA. B Page 127 Of 246 Page: 120 vchlist Voucher List Page: 121 07/01/2014 12:37:33 P M City of Au burn Bank code: 000 Voucher Date Vendor Invoice Description /Account 429547 7/7/2014 016448 TRAFFIC COUNT CONSULTANTS, INC (Continued) 429548 7/7/2014 022407 TRAINOR, KAREN 429549 7/7/2014 002867 TRENTMAN, FRANK 429550 7/7/2014 023353 TRINITY CONTRACTORS INC 001.32.532.200.41 2014 PEDESTRIAN COUNTS - 001.32.532.200.41 0577 2014 Traffic Counts - 001.32.532.200.41 Total 2014 SENIOR REBATE 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 430.343.401 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 431.343.501 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 433.343.501 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 432.343.831 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 434.343.751 Total 2014 SENIOR REBATE 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 430.343.401 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 431.343.501 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 433.343.501 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 432.343.831 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 434.343.751 Total 13 -20/ #4 &FINAL Amount 4,952.50 637.50 6,890.00 12,480.00 130.82 130.32 238.74 107.20 92.42 699.50 130.82 130.32 238.74 107.20 92.42 699.50 CA. B Page 128 Of 246 Page: 121 vchlist Voucher List Page: 122 07/01/2014 12:37:33 P M City of Au burn Bank code: 000 Voucher Date Vendor Invoice Description /Account Amount 429550 7/7/2014 023353 TRINITY CONTRACTORS INC (Continued) 2013 CITYWIDE SIDEWALK REPAIR - 328.00.542.302.65 46, 235.40 RETAINAGE 328.223.400 - 2,311.77 Total: 43,923.63 429551 7/7/2014 023777 TRNKA ENGINEERS CO 40514 -1783 DORCO/HERR PROPERTY ACQUISION PROF SVS 321.00.576.802.61 10, 962.00 Total: 10,962.00 429552 7/7/2014 150660 TYLER TECHNOLOGIES, INC 045 - 112025 Sales tax omitted from original invoice 518.237.200 5,015.43 Total: 6,016.43 429553 7/7/2014 371290 UTILITIES UNDERGROUND LOCATION 4050098 LINE LOCATION SERVICES ON AN AS 001.42.542.300.42 112.90 LINE LOCATION SERVICES ON AN AS 430.00.534.800.42 112.90 LINE LOCATION SERVICES ON AN AS 431.00.535.800.42 112.90 LINE LOCATION SERVICES ON AN AS 432.00.535.900.42 112.90 Total: 461.60 429554 7/7/2014 380030 VADIS CORP 19885 2014 LITTER CONTROL /RECYCLING SVCS- 434.00.537.800.41 11, 003.00 USE TAX 434.00.537.800.41 277.28 USE TAX 434.237.200 - 277.28 19905 CA. B Page 129 Of 246 Page: 122 vchlist Voucher List Page: 123 07/01/2014 12:37:33 P M City of Au burn Bank code: 000 Voucher Date Vendor Invoice Description /Account Amount 429554 7/7/2014 380030 VADIS CORP (Continued) 2014 LITTER CONTROL /RECYCLING SVCS- 434.00.537.800.41 3,309.00 USE TAX 434.00.537.800.41 220.04 USE TAX 434.237.200 - 220.04 19906 2014 LITTER CONTROL /RECYCLING SVCS- 434.00.537.800.41 3,309.00 USE TAX 434.00.537.800.41 220.04 USE TAX 434.237.200 - 220.04 Total: 17,621.00 429555 7/7/2014 380120 VALLEYAUTO REBUILD, INC. 70725 CASE # 14- 07798: TOW OF '00 HONDA CIVIC 001.21.521.200.41 262.80 70800 CASE # 14- 06319: TOW OF FORD MUSTANG - 001.21.521.200.41 262.80 Total: 525.60 429556 7/7/2014 380240 VALLEY COMMUNICATIONS CENTER 0014948 MAY 2014 - 800MHz RADIOS - 001.21.521.100.42 7,528.32 Total: 7,528.32 429557 7/7/2014 015073 VALLEY REGIONAL FIRE AUTHORITY MAY2014 MAY 2014 PERMIT & PLAN REVIEW FEES 651.237.360 11,961.81 Total: 11,961.81 429558 7/7/2014 023792 VAUGHN FAMILY LIVING TRUST 007678 UTILITY REFUND CA. B Page 130 Of 246 Page: 123 vchlist Voucher List Page: 124 07/01/2014 12:37:33 P M City of Au burn Bank code: 000 Voucher Date Vendor Invoice Description /Account Amount 429558 7/7/2014 023792 VAUGHN FAMILY LIVING TRUST (Continued) 430.233.100 118.78 Total: 118.78 429559 7/7/2014 111800 VERIZON WIRELESS 9726808661 PAYMENT ON BEHALF OF V -NET 652.00.521.212.42 755.16 Total: 766.16 429560 7/7/2014 021215 VOSS, MELODY 2014 SENIOR REBATE 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 430.343.401 130.82 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 431.343.501 130.32 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 433.343.501 238.74 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 432.343.831 107.20 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 434.343.751 92.42 Total: 699.50 429561 7/7/2014 390750 WA CITIES INSURANCE AUTHORITY 101127 STORAGE TANK POLICY - UST LIABILITY 550.00.548.100.46 5,529.00 Total: 5,529.00 429562 7/7/2014 391320 WA STATE AUDITOR L103493 May 2014 audit services - WA State 001.14.514.230.41 23, 376.86 Total: 23,376.86 429563 7/7/2014 392040 WA STATE DEPT TRANSPORTATION RE41 JA8235L004 CP0746 MILL CREEK INV RE 41 JA8235 432.00.590.100.65 1,184.62 RE41JA82351-005 Page: 124 CA. B Page 131 Of 246 vchlist Voucher List Page: 125 07/01/2014 12:37:33 P M City of Au burn Bank code: 000 Voucher Date Vendor Invoice Description /Account Amount 429563 7/7/2014 392040 WA STATE DEPT TRANSPORTATION (Continued) CP0746 MILL CREEK INV RE 41 JA8235 LOO5 432.00.590.100.65 2,458.69 RE41JA82351-006 CP0746 MILL CREEK INV RE 41 JA8235 LOO6 432.00.590.100.65 1,490.17 RE41JA82351-007 CP0746 PROF SVS - INV JA8235 L/JA8235 432.00.590.100.65 114.90 Total: 5,248.38 429564 7/7/2014 023839 WAGNER, DANIEL 2014 SENIOR REBATE 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 430.343.401 130.82 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 431.343.501 130.32 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 433.343.501 238.74 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 432.343.831 107.20 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 434.343.751 92.42 Total: 699.50 429565 7/7/2014 020828 WALES, LARGO 052214REIMB MILEAGE TO MTGS 5/1/14 - 5/22/14 001.11.511.600.43 111.33 Total: 111.33 429566 7/7/2014 014405 WALTERS, JOANNE S. 062314REIM PANTRY FOOD FOR THE SENIOR CENTER 001.33.574.210.31 368.21 Total: 368.21 429567 7/7/2014 013026 WARNER, JUDY 1789884 PARKS REFUND Page: 125 CA. B Page 132 Of 246 vchlist Voucher List Page: 126 07/01/2014 12:37:33 P M City of Au burn Bank code: 000 Voucher Date Vendor Invoice Description /Account Amount 429567 7/7/2014 013026 WARNER, JUDY (Continued) 001.347.699 50.00 Total: 50.00 429568 7/7/2014 023788 WARRIOR, KAYA HS MUSICAL/WRANGLER REC. LEADER /KID WRANGLER FOR DISNEY'S H 001.33.575.280.41 1,630.00 Total: 1,630.00 429569 7/7/2014 392520 WASHINGTON STATE PATROL 00054077 ACCEES USER FEES Q2 2014 (APR- JUNE), 001.21.521.300.42 534.00 Total: 534.00 429570 7/7/2014 393570 WATER MANAGEMENT LABS, INC 131229 WATER ANALYSIS ON AN AS REQUIRED BASIS 430.00.534.800.41 315.00 131302 WATER ANALYSIS ON AN AS REQUIRED BASIS 430.00.534.800.41 168.00 131457 WATER ANALYSIS ON AN AS REQUIRED BASIS 430.00.534.800.41 336.00 Total: 819.00 429571 7/7/2014 018105 WEBCHECK INC. 4899 Utility Billing Final Bill /Escrow 430.00.534.110.41 243.01 Utility Billing Final Bill /Escrow 431.00.535.110.41 243.01 Utility Billing Final Bill /Escrow 432.00.535.910.41 243.01 Utility Billing Final Bill /Escrow 434.00.537.110.41 242.97 Sales Tax 430.00.534.110.41 23.09 Page: 126 CA. B Page 133 Of 246 vchlist Voucher List Page: 127 07/01/2014 12:37:33 P M City of Au burn Bank code: 000 Voucher Date Vendor Invoice Description /Account Amount 429571 7/7/2014 018105 WEBCHECK INC. (Continued) Sales Tax 431.00.535.110.41 23.09 Sales Tax 432.00.535.910.41 23.09 Sales Tax 434.00.537.110.41 23.07 Total: 1,064.34 429572 7/7/2014 016964 WEISS, LINDAS. 2014 SENIOR REBATE 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 430.343.401 130.82 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 431.343.501 130.32 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 433.343.501 238.74 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 432.343.831 107.20 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 434.343.751 92.42 Total: 699.50 429573 7/7/2014 022476 WELLS FARGO /RODARTE 13 -04/ #9 2013 LOCAL ST PAVEMENT RECONSTR- ESCROW 103.00.595.300.65 730.13 2013 LOCAL ST PAVEMENT RECONSTR- ESCROW 431.00.590.100.65 358.92 Total: 1,089.05 429574 7/7/2014 019791 WESLEY, MARY 2014 SENIOR REBATE 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 430.343.401 130.82 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 431.343.501 130.32 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 433.343.501 238.74 Page: 127 CA. B Page 134 Of 246 vchlist Voucher List Page: 128 07/01/2014 12:37:33 P M City of Au burn Bank code: 000 Voucher Date Vendor Invoice Description /Account Amount 429574 7/7/2014 019791 WESLEY, MARY (Continued) 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 432.343.831 107.20 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 434.343.751 92.42 Total: 699.50 429575 7/7/2014 011024 WESTERN SYSTEMS 0000025445 New Iteris Vector Video Radar/Video 328.00.532.202.65 27, 594.85 Total: 27,594.85 429576 7/7/2014 394770 WESTERN WA FOOTBALL OFFICIALS 124 OFFICIALS FOR ADULT SPRING FLAG 001.33.574.240.49 2,517.28 Total: 2,517.28 429577 7/7/2014 394860 WESTHUSING, JAMES 061414REIMB PIZZA FOR TEEN COUNCIL 001.33.574.240.31 47.75 062114REIMB PIZZA FOR TEEN COUNCIL 001.33.574.240.31 36.96 062314REIMB PARKING FOR GAME WORKS TRIP 001.33.574.240.43 36.60 Total: 121.31 429578 7/7/2014 016965 WEYER, MILDRED M. 2014 SENIOR REBATE 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 430.343.401 130.82 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 431.343.501 130.32 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 433.343.501 238.74 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM CA. B Page 135 Of 246 Page: 128 vchlist Voucher List Page: 129 07/01/2014 12:37:33 P M City of Au burn Bank code: 000 Voucher Date Vendor Invoice Description /Account Amount 429578 7/7/2014 016965 WEYER, MILDRED M. (Continued) 432.343.831 107.20 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 434.343.751 92.42 Total: 699.50 429579 7/7/2014 022409 WHITE, PATRICK 2014 SENIOR REBATE 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 430.343.401 130.82 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 431.343.501 130.32 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 433.343.501 238.74 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 432.343.831 107.20 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 434.343.751 92.42 Total: 699.50 429580 7/7/2014 002872 WHITT, NELVA 2014 SENIOR REBATE 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 430.343.401 130.82 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 431.343.501 130.32 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 433.343.501 238.74 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 432.343.831 107.20 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 434.343.751 92.42 Total: 699.50 429581 7/7/2014 008437 WICKSTROM, LOIS E. 2014 SENIOR REBATE 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 430.343.401 130.82 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM Page: 129 CA. B Page 136 Of 246 vchlist Voucher List Page: 130 07/01/2014 12:37:33 P M City of Au burn Bank code: 000 ZUMBA GOLD CLASSES: - Voucher Date Vendor Invoice Description /Account Amount 429581 7/7/2014 008437 WICKSTROM, LOIS E. (Continued) 001.33.574.210.41 108.00 41197 431.343.501 130.32 001.33.574.210.41 297.00 41199 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM SILVER SNEAKES CARDIO, YOGAAND CLASSIS 433.343.501 238.74 41512 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 432.343.831 107.20 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 434.343.751 92.42 Total: 699.50 429582 7/7/2014 019055 WILLIAMS, ELIZABETH 2014 SENIOR REBATE 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 430.343.401 130.82 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 431.343.501 130.32 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 433.343.501 238.74 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 432.343.831 107.20 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 434.343.751 92.42 Total: 699.50 429583 7/7/2014 017788 WILLIS. MARGIE K. 40909 ZUMBA GOLD CLASSES: - 001.33.574.210.41 48.00 40912 SILVER SNEAKES CARDIO, YOGAAND CLASSIS 001.33.574.210.41 108.00 41197 SILVER SNEAKES CARDIO, YOGAAND CLASSIS 001.33.574.210.41 297.00 41199 SILVER SNEAKES CARDIO, YOGAAND CLASSIS 001.33.574.210.41 297.00 41512 CA. B Page 137 Of 246 Page: 130 vchlist Voucher List Page: 131 07/01/2014 12:37:33 P M City of Au burn Bank code: 000 Voucher Date Vendor Invoice Description /Account Amount 429583 7/7/2014 017788 WILLIS, MARGIE K. (Continued) ZUMBA GOLD CLASSES: - 001.33.574.210.41 50.00 Total: 800.00 429584 7/7/2014 015007 WINTERBURN, MARJORIEA 2014 SENIOR REBATE 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 430.343.401 130.82 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 431.343.501 130.32 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 433.343.501 238.74 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 432.343.831 107.20 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 434.343.751 92.42 Total: 699.50 429585 7/7/2014 023799 WISDOM, BRANDON & TRINA 029343 UTILITY REFUND 430.233.100 243.59 Total: 243.59 429586 7/7/2014 023782 WOOD, LAURIE 1789574 PARKS REFUND 001.347.699 80.00 Total: 80.00 429587 7/7/2014 023780 WOOD, TRUSTEE, EDMUND 065773 UTILITY REFUND 430.233.100 491.32 066319 UTILITY REFUND 430.233.100 305.39 Total: 796.71 Page: 131 CA. B Page 138 Of 246 vchlist Voucher List Page: 132 07/01/2014 12:37:33 P M City of Au burn Bank code: 000 Voucher Date Vendor Invoice Description /Account Amount 429588 7/7/2014 021218 WOODWARD, REX 2014 SENIOR REBATE 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 430.343.401 130.82 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 431.343.501 130.32 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 433.343.501 238.74 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 432.343.831 107.20 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 434.343.751 92.42 Total: 699.60 429589 7/7/2014 018484 YATES, GEORGE 2014 SENIOR REBATE 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 430.343.401 130.82 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 431.343.501 130.32 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 433.343.501 238.74 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 432.343.831 107.20 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 434.343.751 92.42 Total: 699.60 429590 7/7/2014 021220 ZIEGLER, DOROTHY 2014 SENIOR REBATE 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 430.343.401 130.82 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 431.343.501 130.32 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 433.343.501 238.74 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM 432.343.831 107.20 2014 SENIOR UTILITY REBATE PROGRAM CA. B Page 139 Of 246 Page: 132 vchlist Voucher List Page: 133 07/01/2014 12:37:33 P M City of Au burn Bank code: 000 Voucher Date Vendor Invoice Description /Account Amount 429590 7/7/2014 021220 ZIEGLER, DOROTHY (Continued) 434.343.751 92.42 Total: 699.50 429591 7/7/2014 234680 ZONES INTERNATIONAL 450 Vouchers for bank code : 000 450 Vouchers in this report S327216740101 S37260460101 2 year Dell support renewal Power Edge 518.00.518.880.48 Sales Tax 518.00.518.880.48 SolarWinds Maintenace - Technical 518.00.518.880.48 NPM SL2000 (up to 2000 elements) Annual 518.00.518.880.48 SolarWinds Maintenance - Technical 518.00.518.880.48 Sales Tax 518.00.518.880.48 2,183.53 207.44 1,588.18 2,621.89 885.67 484.10 Total : 7,970.81 Bank total : 4,717,003.81 Total vouchers : 4,7179003.81 CA. B Page 140 Of 246 Page: 133 %job ist 12:3? :33PM 0 ?Ip112p14 RGEp ON 6anK code ' p00 veadOT 0O MAO pR u k HEo TO TH 404E S A ESN voucher ERT1F `, 1Ej H RE N Beeo IHE O�PkMS HER �H VOUCHERS ,FURTHER OF MD AN GORREOT. 134 page: voucher List AmOUrrt City of Auburn pescriptionl Ncc °unt InVOice p1REO�OR OF F1NAN0 AUBURN G1TY EE OF THE T omx RS1GNEp F1,GT N DO HE EgY GEN E PMOUNt OF WE THEUNpE N \NpSH\N VOUCHER #42g5 AMOUNT OF cOUN01�, AUBU 146 THROUGH NSFERS W THE Y 2014. #42 ANO 4 WIRE TRA vOUGHER k S 7TH ON OF JU $4 650 987 48 $ 016 33 ARE APPROVEp T OHp,�R MEMBER MEMBER ►: P � 41 of 246 Page. 134 ,IIYO1: 'A U, B UR . N VVAS1IIN61CIN' Agenda Subject: Payroll Vouchers Department: Finance AGENDA BILL APPROVAL FORM Date: July 1, 2014 Attachments: Budget Impact: No Attachments Available $0 Administrative Recommendation: City Council approve payroll vouchers. Background Summary: Payroll check numbers 534787 through 534815 in the amount of $266,695.93 and electronic deposit transmissions in the amount of $1,332,861.27 for a grand total of $1,599,557.20 for the period covering June 12, 2014 to July 2, 2014. Reviewed by Council Committees: Finance Councilmember: Wales Staff: Coleman Meeting Date: July 7, 2014 Item r: CA.0 CA.0 AUBURN * MORE THAN YOU IMAGINED Page 142 of 246 ,IIY01: 'A U, B UR . N VVAS1IIN61CIN' AGENDA BILL APPROVAL FORM Administrative Recommendation: City Council to introduce and adopt Ordinance No. 6510. Background Summary: Ordinance No. 6510 (Budget Amendment #8) represents the eighth budget amendment for the 2013 -2014 biennium and the third budget amendment for 2014. For details, see the attached transmittal memorandum and supporting attachments. Reviewed by Council Committees: Finance, Public Works Councilmember: Wales Staff: Coleman Meeting Date: July 7, 2014 Item r: ORD.A ORD.A AUBURN * MORE THAN YOU IMAGINED Page 143 of 246 CITY OF *A(jEURN WASHINGTON To: City Council From: Shelley Coleman, Finance Director CC: Nancy Backus, Mayor Date: June 10, 2014 Interoffice Memorandum Re: Ordinance #6510 — 2013 -2014 Budget Amendment #8 The City's biennial 2013 -2014 budget is approved by Council as two one -year appropriations. Budget Amendments #1 through #5 amended the budget for calendar year 2013 and Budget Amendments #6 through #7 amended the budget for calendar year 2014. This amendment is the 8th budget amendment for the biennium and the 3rd budget amendment for calendar year 2014. Proposed amendments to the 2014 budget are as follows: Fund Balance Adjustments: This amendment adjusts citywide 2014 budgeted beginning fund balances to reflect actual ending balances as of the end of 2013. Citywide beginning fund balances are adjusted by a net increase of $19.7 million. Revenue Adjustments: This amendment reduces General Fund budgeted revenues by ($180,000). Revenues are being adjusted to reflect the anticipated reduction in revenue from the Muckleshoot Indian Tribe annual contribution for services rendered. This is consistent with the 2014 services funding agreement between MIT and the City (reduction of $95,000). This also includes a reduction in anticipated Liquor Excise tax revenues of ($85,000), which is a result of conflicting legislation in 2013 that was not resolved during the 2014 legislative session. This adjusts liquor revenue to the `lower revenue view' which the state is now following to calculate the distribution amounts. FTE Additions: This amendment authorizes 11 new FTE's: Project Survey Technician ( +1.0 FTE): Establishes a new FTE to assist with meeting the demand for completing capital improvement projects. This position will provide technical support for the survey and design of capital projects. This position will be funded 5% by the General Fund, remaining funding from the Street Funds capital projects (Fund 102 and Fund 105), as well as the Water, Sewer, and Storm Funds. Utility Locator ( +1.0 FTE): The Utility Locator will be responsible for locating water, sewer, storm and street lighting, traffic signal, and fiber optics throughout the City's infrastructures. This position will be funded equally by the General Fund and the Water, Sewer, and Storm Funds. SCADA/Telemetry Specialist ( +1.0 FTE): The SCADA/Telemetry Specialist will be responsible to maintain the City's new SCADA system. This position is Funded 40% by the Water Fund, 40% by the Sewer Fund, and 20% by the Storm Fund. ORD.A AUBURN � MORI:..I..HAN YOU IMAGIr94ge 144 of 246 Storm Water Management Inspectors ( +2.0 FTE's): The Storm Water Management Inspectors will be responsible for performing technical work related to implementation of the City's NPDES Phase 2 storm water permit requirements. These positions will be 100% funded by the Storm Fund. 5 Supernumerary Police Officer's ( +5.0 FTE): Over the past 40 months, the Auburn Police Department has averaged 4.9 vacancies per month. This budget amendment establishes five new Supernumerary Police Officer positions to allow the Police Department to go above authorized staffing levels in anticipation of personnel departures and securing more timely Basic Academy dates. Funded 100% by the General Fund. MIT Police Officer ( +1.0 FTE): Establishes a new FTE to support additional law enforcement services provided by the Auburn Police Department to the Muckleshoot Indian Tribe (MIT). This officer's primary duties will be on the reservation working with tribal members as well as other citizens on the reservation. Funding will be 100% reimbursed to the City by MIT. Budget of $76,000 includes salary and benefits for the months of June through December 2014. See Resolution No. 5056. Project Carryforwards: This amendment authorizes the carryforward of project budgets that were not completed in 2013 to include the following: $560,000 for Local Revitalization Projects (Fund 330), $175,000 for the Comprehensive Storm Drainage Plan Update (Fund 432), and $43,000 for Emergency Management grants (General Fund). Project Funding Requests: Project funding requests included in this budget amendment establishes spending authority for new projects or additional spending authority for existing projects. • Municipal Park Construction (Fund 321: $47,000) o Lea Hill Park (CP1003) - $47,000 for the completion of the Lea Hill park restroom; funded by Fund 328 REET 2 monies. • Capital Improvement Projects (Fund 328: $100,000) o ADA Pedestrian Push Button and Signal Improvements (CP1322). Funded by Transfer In from Fund 102. • Water Fund (Fund 430: $105,000) o Water System Comprehensive Plan (CP1403) - $105,000 increase in funding for project, approved by Council on 11/18/2013. • Airport Fund (Fund 435: $468,000) • Asphalt Rehabilitation and Seal Coat Project (CP1324) - $302,000 additional funding for the project; $287,000 or 95% is grant funded, 5% is Airport funded. • Enclose 15 Airplane Hangers - $126,000 funding for new project to enclose 15 existing open hangers with intent to generate additional rental income at the Airport. • Tenant Improvement Project (CP1401) - $40,000 additional budget for the Tenant Improvement Project at the 506 Building. Other Requests: Other requests included in this budget amendment establishes spending authority for new items such as contracts for services, receipt of grant revenues, purchase of vehicles and equipment, Innovation and Technology items, etc. General Fund (Fund 001: $549,500) • Police Extra Duty Overtime - $403,500 budget for extra -duty Police overtime which is reimbursed by contractors. Adjustment is the result of change in accounting methodology. • Muckleshoot Indian Tribe (MIT) - $84,000 for dedicated Police Officers' vehicle & IT upgrades, vehicle related expenditures and officer supplies; fully reimbursed by the MIT (includes $50,000 Transfer Out to Fund 550 and $13,000 Transfer Out to Fund 518). • Transfer In from Fund 437 - $31,000 to close out the Golf Course Fund. ORD.A AUBURN � MORI:..I..HAN YOU IMAGIr94ge 145 of 246 • Parks Department Programs - $27,000 for marketing and professional services related to art programs and the Farmers Market; grant funded by King Conservation grant ($15,000) and 4Culture grant ($12,000). • RAMPART grant for Emergency Management ($4,000). • Drug Forfeiture Fund (Fund 117: $15,000) o Alive and Free Program • Water Fund (Fund 430: $110,000) o Water Facilities Evaluation Study; increase in funding as approved by Council on 11/4/2013. Storm Drainage Fund (Fund 432: $129,700) • Two vehicles for the each of the Storm Water Management Inspector FTE's ($70,000). • IT equipment, cubicles, and furniture for the two Storm Water Management Inspector FTE's ($11,700). • Regional Stormwater Monitoring Program; $48,000 budget to cover annualized cost of participation in the program. • Solid Waste Fund (Fund 434: $24,000) o Recycling outreach; budget for outreach consultant and recycling flyers — 100% grant funded. • Airport Fund (Fund 435: $8,000) o MAI Appraisal; $8,000 for 5 year MAI Appraisal required for Airports with land leases. • Golf Course Fund (Fund 437: $31,000) o Transfer -Out from Golf Course Fund to General Fund; result of Golf Course Fund close -out. • Innovation & Technology Fund (Fund 518: $19,300) • IT equipment for the police vehicle purchased for the new Police Officer position dedicated to MIT ($12,600); Transfer In from the General Fund. • IT equipment for the two new Storm Water Management Inspectors ($6,700); Transfer In from the Storm Fund. • Equipment Rental Fund (Fund 550: $238,000) • Purchase of a Trackhoe 6523D ($118,000). • Purchase of two vehicles for the Storm Water Management Inspectors; Transfer In from the Storm Fund ($70,000). • Purchase of a police vehicle for dedicated Police Officer dedicated to MIT ($50,000). Council approval of proposed Ordinance No. 6510 would amend the 2014 budget as follows: Table 1: 2014 Budget as Amended 2014 Budget as Amended $ 263,451,008 Budget Amendment #8 (Ord #6510) 20,759,382 Revised Budget as Amended $284,210,390 Attachments: ❖ 1. Proposed Ordinance #6510 (budget adjustment #8). ❖ 2. Summary of proposed 2014 budget adjustments by fund and department (Schedule A). ❖ 3. Summary of approved changes to adopted 2014 budget by fund (Schedule B). ORD.A AUBURN � MOU..I..HAN YOU IMAGIr94ge 146 of 246 ORDINANCE. NO. 6510 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF AUBURN, WASHINGTON, AMENDING ORDINANCE NO. 6432, THE 2013 -2014 BIENNIAL BUDGET ORDINANCE, AS AMENDED BY ORDINANCE NO. 6456, ORDINANCE NO. 6462, ORDINANCE NO. 6472, ORDINANCE NO. 6473, ORDINANCE NO. 6474, ORDINANCE NO. 6481, ORDINANCE NO. 6.502, AUTHORIZING AMENDMENT TO THE CITY OF AUBURN 2013 -2014 BUDGET AS SET FORTH IN SCHEDULE °A" AND SCHEDULE 'B" WHEREAS, the Auburn City Council at its regular meeting of December 3, 2012, adopted Ordinance No. 6432 which adopted the City of Auburn 2013 -2014 Biennial budget; and WHEREAS, the Auburn City Council at its regular meeting of March 4, 2013, adopted Ordinance No. 6456 (BA #1) which amended Ordinance No. 6432 which adopted the City of Auburn 2013 -2014 Biennial budget; and WHEREAS, the Auburn City Council at its regular meeting of May 28, 2013, adopted Ordinance No. 6462 (BA #2) which amended Ordinance No. 6456 which amended the City of Auburn 2013 -2014 Biennial budget; and WHEREAS, the Auburn City Council at its regular meeting of August 5, 2013, adopted Ordinance No. 6472 (BA #3) which amended Ordinance No. 6462 which amended the City of Auburn 2013 -2014 Biennial budget; and WHEREAS, the Auburn City Council at its regular meeting of September 16, 2013, adopted Ordinance No. 6473 (BA#4) which amended Ordinance No. 6472 which amended the City of Auburn 2013 -2014 Biennial budget; and Ordinance No. 6510 June 10, 2014 Page 1 of 4 ORD.A Page 147 of 246 WHEREAS, the Auburn City Council at its regular meeting of December 2, 2013, adopted Ordinance No. 6481 (BA #5), which amended Ordinance No. 6473 which amended the City of Auburn 2013 -2014 Biennial budget; and WHEREAS, the Auburn City Council at its regular meeting of December 2, 2013, adopted Ordinance No. 6474 (BA#6), which amended Ordinance No. 6481 which amended the City of Auburn 2013 -2014 Biennial budget; and WHEREAS, the Auburn City Council at its regular meeting of March 17, 2014, adopted Ordinance No. 6502 (BA #7), which amended Ordinance No. 6474 which amended the City of Auburn 2013 -2014 Biennial budget; and WHEREAS, the City of Auburn deems it necessary to appropriate additional funds to the various funds of the 2014 budget as outlined in this Ordinance (BA #8); and WHEREAS, this Ordinance has been approved by one more than the majority of all councilpersons in accordance with RCW 35A.34.200. NOW THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF AUBURN, WASHINGTON DO ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. Amendment of the 2013 -2014 Biennial Budget. The 2013- 2014 Biennial Budget of the City of Auburn is amended pursuant to Chapter 35A.34 RCW, to reflect the revenues and expenditures as shown on Schedule "A" attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference. The Mayor of the City of Auburn, Washington is hereby authorized to utilize revenue and expenditure amounts Ordinance No. 6510 June 10, 2014 Page 2 of 4 ORD.A Page 148 of 246 shown on said Schedule "A" and Schedule "B ". A copy of said Schedule "A" and Schedule "B" is on file with the City Clerk and available for public inspection. Section 2. Severability. If any provision of this Ordinance or the application thereof to any person or circumstance is held to be invalid, the remainder of such code, ordinance or regulation or the application thereof to other person or circumstance shall not be affected. Section 3. Implementation. The Mayor is hereby authorized to implement such administrative procedures as may be necessary to carry out the directives of this legislation. Section.4. Effective Date. This Ordinance shall take effect and be in force five (5) days from and after its passage, approval and publication as provided by law. INTRODUCED: PASSED: APPROVED: NANCY BACKUS, MAYOR Ordinance No. 6510 June 10, 2014 Page 3 of 4 ORD.A Page 149 of 246 ATTEST: Danielle E. Daskam City Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORM: Ordinance No. 6510 June 10, 2014 Page 4 of 4 ORD.A Page 150 of 246 Schedule A Summary of 2014 Budget Adjustments by Fund Budget Amendment 98 Ordinance No. 6510 General Fund #001 Beg. Fund Balance 2014 Revenues 2014 Expenditures Ending Fund Balance General Fund 2014 Adopted Budget 8,311,010 50,553,102 54 496,330 4,365,782 BA#6 Ordinance 96474, 12.3.2013 5,238 690 5,047,826 4,393,501 5,893,015 BA#7 fOrdinance #6502, 3.17.2014 268,348 1144,2281 589,148 465,028 RANG (Proposed Ordinance #6510 Adjust 2014 Beginning FundBaiance 1,555,136 0 0 1,555,136 General Fund Revenues Muddeshool Indian Tribe Contribution - reimbursement for services. 0 95,000 0 95,000 Liquor Excise Tax - due to lower revenue distnbutions as a result of the 2014 0 85,000 0 85,000 Legislative Session. OperaUng Transfer In from Co" Course Fund 0 31,000 0 31,000 Eme"jency Mana emerd Ca onward of grant funds approved per Resolution No. 4960. 43,204 0 43,204 0 Recognize RAMPART grant. 0 4,401 4.401 0 Parks Department Knq Consecration District Grant for Farmer's Market 0 15,000 15,000 0 4Culture Grant for focal arts fun . 0 12,000 12,000 0 Police Department Increase budget for exlra-duty overtime, reimbursed by contractors, Expenditures are 0 403,500 403.500 0 no longer netted against revenue. New FTE - 5A Supernumerary Police Officer Positions funded effective 0 0 110,166 110,166 November 1, 2014 through December 31, 2014 (Sala & Benefits). Supplies, egtopmeryl, and start up costs for Basic Law Enfotoement Academy SLEA for 0 0 43,925 43,925 5 Supernumerary FT E's. New FTE - 1 -0 FTE for dedicated police services at Muddeshooi Indian Tribe (Mll), 0 75,564 75,564 0 effective June 2014. Reimbursed by Mrr, per Resolution No, 5056. Vehicle rchase or MIT dedicated pdire vehicle - to be reimbursed by Mrr, 0 50.000 50,000 0 pqr Resolution No. 5056. Transfer Out 10 ER &R Technology DClVidenfModem for MIT dedicated police vehicle - to be reimbursed 0 12,600 12,600 0 try MIT, per Resolution No. 5056, Transfer Out to rr. Reimbursement for vehide replacement, fuel; insurance; repairs and maintenance an 0 14,934 14,934 0 police vehicle dedicated to MIT ORoer - to be reimbursed by MIT, per Resolution No. 5056. Supplies for dedicated Police Officer M MIT - to be reimbursed by MIT, per Resolution No. 5056. 0 6,500 6,500 0 Public Worim Department New FTE - Project Survey Technician, 5% funded by the General Fund, 0 0 3,336 3,376 Street Department New FTE - Lififity Locator, 25% funded by the General Fund. 0 0 10,958 10,958 BA#8 Total 1,698,340. 445,499 806,088 1,237,751 2014 Revised B '16,416,387.611 65,902,199 60,287,066 11,031,520 Memo: Unrestricted GF Ending fund balance 11,031,620 Total Resources 1 Expenditures 8.011. General Fund Reserve Requirement 71,318,687 71,318,587 4,822,965 F.1BudtfM014 BudgenBArra - Begirving Ford Bal Ad1iASrhedule A& MBA45 -5ched A ant B.Asr Page 151 of 246 Page 1 Schedule A Summary of 2014 Budget Adjustments by Fund Budget Amendment #8 Ordinance No. 6510 Arterial Street Fund 010 Beg. Fund Balance 2014 Revenues 2014 Expenditures Ending Fund Balance 2014 Adopted Budget 856,364 3,849,658 3,892,270 813,762 BAM Ordinance #6474,12.3.20131 130,000 1,935,446 2,549,006 483,560 BA#7 jOrdinance #6502 3.17.2014 961,893 5,873,643 6,871,306 35,770 BA#8 (Proposed Ordinance 08510 Adjust 2014 Beginning Fund Balance 487,665 0 0 487,665 Reduce budget for the C' de Pedestrian & Arterial PKV5 to Annual 0 0 100,0%0 100,000 Traffic Signal Improvements (CPI 322) 10 fund the ADA pedestrian pLrsh button and signal improvements.. Transfer Out from Fund 10210 Fund 328 to fund the ADA poestrian push button 0 0 100,000 100,000 and signal improvements CP1322 above). New FTE - Project SuM Technician, 30% funded bry Fund 102. 0 0 16,265 16,265 BA#8 Total 487 B66 0 16,265 471,400 2014 Revised Budget 2,436,922 • 11,658,747 13,328,647 765,822 Tate! Resources l Expenditures 14,094,669 14,094,669 Local Street Fund 03 Beg, Fund Balance 2014 Revenues 2014 Expenditures Ending Fund Balance 2014 Adopted Budget 270,670 1,447,650 1,444,300 274,020 BANG Ordinance #8474,112.3.2013) 228,100 265,700 427,921 65,879 BAW Ordinance #6502.3,17.2014) 701,060 0 701,060 0 BA#8 (Proposed Ordinance #6610 Adjust 2014 Beginning Furl Balance 117,077 0 0 717,077 BAUB Total 717,077 0 0 717,077 2014 Revised Budget 1,916,907 1,713,350 2,573,281 1,056,976 Total Resources f Expenditures 3,630,257 3,630,257 F:46ud967M14 HudgeMA98 - Borrirng Fred Bel Ad1Scheade A 8 MAN - Schad A and B Am Page 152 of 246 Page 2 Schedule A Summary of 2014 Budget Adjustments by Fund Budget Amendment 08 Ordinance No. 6510 11atel Motel Fund 6104 Beg. Fund Balance 2014 Revenues 2014 Expenditures Ending Fund Balance' 2014 Adopted Budget 86,181 79,250 85,000 88,431 BA86 JOrdinance 86474 12.3.2013 0 0 0 0 BA#7 fOrdinanca 86502, 3,17.2014 0 0 0 0 BANG WroPosed Ordinance #6510 Ad'usl 2014 Beginning Fund Balance 45,670 0 0 45,670 BA#8 Total 45,670 0 0 45,670 2014 Revised Budget 131;861 78,250 85,000 126,101 Total Resources I Expenditures 211,101 211,101 Arterial Street Preservation Fund #I Beg. Fund Balance 2014 Revenues 2014 Expenditures Ending Fund Balance 2014 Adopted Budget 1,584,937 2,042,723 2,000,000 1,627,660 BANS (Ordinance 88474,12- 3.2013) 5,000 0 682,984 [677,984] BA#7 Ordinance 86502, 3.17.2014 623,600 0 623,600 0 RAM JProposed Ordinance 86510) Adjust 2014 Beginning Fund Balance 731,022 0 0 731,022 New FTE - Prqect Survey Technician, 5% funded by Fund 105, 0 0 2,711 2,711 HAM Total (731,022) O 2,T1 1 733 733 2014 Revised Budget 1,482,516 2,042,723 3,309,295 216,1143 Total Resources I Expenditures 3,525,238 3,525,238 F:'Bud ory12014 Budgat%BAM - Beginning Fund Bal AdilStliedule A 8 BMM#,S - Schad A and SAU Page 3 .A Page 153 of 246 Schedule A Summary of 2014 Budget Adjustments by Fund Budget Amendment #8 Ordinance No. 6510 Forfeiture Fund 17 Beg. Fund Balance 2014 Revenues :2014 Expenditures Ending Fund Balance 2014 Adopted Budget 917,468 2811,300 280,915 917,853 BA#6 (Ordinance #6474, 12.3.2013 0 0 1,733 1,733 BA#7 Ordinance #6502, 3.17.20141 0 0 14,000 (14,000) BA#8 (Proposed Ordinance #6510 Adjust 2014fleginning Fund Balance 206,114 0 a 206,114 Increase budget for the Alive & Free Program, 0 0 15,000 (15,000) BA#8 Total 206,114 0 15,000 221,114 e u Total Resources ! Expenditures 992,654 492,654 Housing and Community Development Grant Fund (9119 Beg. Fund Balance 2014 Revenues 2014 Expenditures Ending Fund Balance 2014 Adopted Budget 45,647 450,000 460,000 35,647 BA#6 Ordinance #6474,12.3.20113) 0 0 152 152 BAM Ordinance #6502, 3.17.2014 0 0 0 0 BA#8 (Orgposed Ordinance #6510 Adjust 2014 Beginning Fund Balance 8,124 0 0 6,124 t3A#6 Total 8,124 0 0 8,124 2014 Revised Budq 37,523 450,000 460,152 27 ;371 Total Resources xpenditures 487 ,523 487,523 FAB O iQ 1pry 014 Budgef4BA#8 - Begirring Furl Bad AdllSdredule A & BUMM • Srhed A and Bjdsx Page 154 of 246 age 4 Schedule A Summary of 2014 Budget Adjustments by Fund Budget Amendment #8 Ordinance No. 6510 Recreation Trails Fund #120 Beg. Fund Balance 2014 Revenues 2014 Expenditures Ending Fund Balance 2014 Adopted Budget 29,571 7,120 0 36 ,691 BA06 Ordinance 96474,12.3.2013) 0 0 0 0 BA#7 Ordinance 96502, 3.17.20141 0 0 0 0 BA#8 (Proposed Ordinance #6510 Adjust 2014 Beginning Fund Balance 16 0 G. 16 0 BA#8 Total 16 0 0 16 2014 Revised Budget 29,587 7,120 0 36,707 Total Resources ! Expenditures 36,707 36,707 Business Improvement Area Fund 21 Beg. Fund Balance 2014 Revenues 2014 Expenditures Ending Fund Balance 2014 Adopted Bu et 21,690 040 55,000 21,720 BA06 Ordinance 06474,12.3.2013 0 0 0 0 BAN? Ordnance 06502 3.17.2014 0 0 0 0 BA#8 {Proposed Ordinance #6510 Adjust 2014 Beginning Fund Balance 19,472 0 0 19,472 BA#8 Total 19,472 0 0 19,472 2014 Revised Budget 41,152 55,040 55.D00 41,192 Total Resources f Expenditures 96,192 96,192 Cumulative Reserve Fund #122 Beg. Fund Balance 2014 Revenue* 2014 Expenditures -Ending Fund Balance 2014 Adopted Budget 5,700,796..._. 3 000 1,434.624 4,269,172 BA#6 Ordinance 06474,12.3.2017 2,000,000 0 1,222,084 777,916 BA#7 Ordinance 06502 3.17.2014 0 0 1.640,000 (1,540,0001 SAM JProposed Ordinance #6510 Adjust 2014 Beginning Fund Baiance 527,332 0 0 527,332 BA#8 Total 527,332 0 0 527,332 2014 Revised Budget 8,228 128 3,000 4,198,708 4,034,420 Total Resources! Expenditures 8,231,128 8,231,128 F:13udgpLQireFiprlrj�014 BvOgefOAxB - Segming Fund Bal AdllSchedute A& 8SA#8 - Sched A and B,)dsx Page 155 of 246 Page 5 Schedule A Summary of 2014 Budget Adjustments by Fund Budget Amendment #8 Ordinance No. 6510 Mitt on Fees Fund (#124) V4 Beg. Fund Balance 2014 Revenues 2014 Expenditures Ending Fund Balance 2O Adopted Budget 2,531,402 955,185 426,050 3,060,537 BA#8 Ordinance #6474,M3.2013) 0 1,045,300 1,090 790 45,490 BA#7 Ordinance #6502, 3,17.2014 0 0 1,103 872 (1,103,872 BA#8(Proposed Ordinance #6510 Adjust 2014 Beginning Fund Balance 2,109,366 0 0 2 109,366 BA#8 Total 2,109,366 0 0 2,108,366 2014 Revised 8u et 4,640,768 -2,000,465 2,620,712 4,020,541 Total Resources 1 Expenditures 6,641,253 6,641 253 1998 Library Bond Debt #229 Beg. Fund Balance 2014 Revenues 2014 Expenditures Ending Fund Balance 2014 Adopted Bud et 48354 284,000 - 283,700 46,654 SAM Ordinance #6474.12.3.2013) 0 0 0 0 BAN? (Ordinance # M02,3.17.2014 0 0 0 0 BA#8 (Proposed Ordinance #6510 Adjust 2014 Beginning Fund Balance 46,354 0 0 46.354 SAM Total (46,354) 0 0 146,3541 2014 Revised Budget 0 284,000 293,700 300 Total Resources f Expenditures 284,000 284,000 2010 Annex A&B Bond Debt Fund #230 Beg. Fund Balance 2014 Revenues 2014 Expenditures Ending Fund Balance 2014 Adopted Budget 168 1,696 520 1,696,520 158 BA#6IOrdinance #6474,122 2013 0 0 0 0 BUT Ordinance #6502, 3.17.2014 0 0 0 0 SAM (Proposed Ordinance #6510) Adjust 2014 EL-ginning Fund Balance 159 0 0 158 8A#8 Total 158 0 0 Ilse) 2014 Revised Budget 0 1,696,620 1,696,520 0 Total Resources I Expenditures 1,696,620 1,696,520 FABudger Directwy42014 BudgeRBASS - 809mrg Field Bat Atl11Schad,& A & MA28 - SH1ed A and B.rdsr Page 6 ORD.A Page 156 of 246 Schedule A Summary of 2014 Budget Adjustments by Fund Budget Amendment #8 Ordinance No. 5510 2010 C&D Local Revltalimtlon Debt Fund 9231 Beg. Fund Balance. 2014 Revenues 2014 Expenditures Ending Fund Balance 2014 Adopted Budget 200 598,320 598,220 300 BA906 Ordinance #6474,12.3.2013) 0 0 0 0 BA#7 Ordinance #6502.L3.17.20141 0 0 0 O RAUB 113roposed Ordinance #6510) 0 Adjust 2014 Beginning Fund Balance 200 0 0 200 BAN Total 200 0 0 200 2014 Revised Budget 0 598,320 696,220 100 Total Resources Expenditures 598,320 598,321) LID Guarantee Fund #2491 Beg. Fund Balance • 2014 Revenues 2014 Expenditures Ending Fund Balance 2014 Adopted eu get 34,588 100 10,000 24,688 BAN Ordinance #6474,12.3.2013) 0 0 0 0 BA#7 {Ordinance #6502,3.17.20141 0 0 0 0 BAN [Proposed Ordinance 06510 Adjust 2014 Beginning Fund Balance 64 0 0 64 BAf18 Total (641 0 0 • 64 2014 Revised Bu of 34,524 180 10,000 24,624 Total Resources I Expenditures 34,624 34,624 LID #260 (#2501 Beg. Fund Balance 2014 Revenues 2014 Expenditures Ending Fund Balance 2014 Adopted Budget 369 56,393 56,273 389 BAN fOrdiname 0&474,12,3.2013) 0 0 0 0 SAW (Ordinance #8502, 3.17.2014] 0 0 0 O BAN (Proposed Ordinance 1)6510 Ad us12014 Beginning Fund Balance 7 0 0 7 BANS Total 7 0 0 7 2014 Revised Bu 376 56,393 56,373 •396 Total Resources Expenditures 56,769 66,769 FABW Ory 14 BudgetISA08 - Be fang Fled Bal AdASdwdJe A 8 B1BA#8 - sdwd A and B.Au Page 157 of 246 Page 7 Schedule A Summary of 2014 Budget Adjustments by Fund Budget Amendment 98 Ordinance No. 6510 LID #950 #276 Beg. Fund Balance 2014 Revenues 2014 Expenditures Ending Fund Balance 2014 Adopted Budget 0 7,246 7,246 0 BA96 (Ordinance #6474, 12.3.2013 0 0 0 0 BAN? Ordinance#6502,3.17.2014 0 0 0 0 RAM (Proposed Ordinance #6510 Adjust 2014 Beginning Fund Balance 10,888 0 0 10,888 BA#8 Total 10,888 0 0 10,888 2014 Revised Budget 10,888 7,248 0, Total Resources I E"ridltures 18,134 18,134' 2006 A & T Golf-Cemetery Fund 1123 Beg. Fund Balance 2014 Revenues 2014 Expendtures Ending Fund Balance 2014 Adopted Bud 0 0 0 0 BA#6 (Ordinance #6474, 12.3.2013 0 393,144 193,144 0 BAK7 Ordinance #6502 3.17.2014 0 0 0 0 BA#8 jProposod Ordinance #6510 Adjust 2014 Beginning Fund Balance 0 0 0 0 BA#8 Total 0 0 0 0 2014 Revised Budget 0 393,144 393,144 0 Total Resources I Expenditures 393,144 393,144 Municipal Park Construction Fund (W2111 Beg. Fund Balance 2014 Revenues 2014 Expenditures Ending Fund Balance 2014 Adopted Budget 325,267 18,171,700 113,433,353 60,967 BA#6 Ordinance #6474 1x.7.2013 45,000 ,983r269 7,915,500 22 769 BAtf7 Ordinance #6502 3.17.2014 0 1,365,883 1,365,893 0 BA#8 Pro ed Ordinance #6510 Adjust 2014 Beginning Fund Balance 104,212 0 0 104.212 Lea Hill Park completion of restroom CP1003 . Transfer In from Fund 328, REET 2 monies. 0 47,230 47,230 0 SAM Total 104,212 47,230 47,230 104,212 2014 Revised Budget 474,479 11,601 ;644 11 539,613 142,410 Total Resources 1 Expenditures 12,076,023 12,076,023 FiBudtmrIx14 BudgetlBAti9 - Begirding Fund Bal AdASd*dLde A 8 MAO - Schad A and B.idsx Page 158 of 246 page 8 Schedule A Summary of 2014 Budget Adjustments by Fund Budget Amendment #8 Ordinance No. 6510 Capital Improvements Fund (0328} Beg. Fund Balance 2014 Revenues 2014 Expenditures Ending Fund Balance 2014 Adopted Budget 4,586,304 1,524,819 1 097,300 5,013,823 13A#6 10rdinance 96474,12.3.20131 1,625,319 1,615,790 6,544,408 3,303,299 BA#7 (Ordinance #6502, 3.17.2014 702,206 79,568 781,774 0 BANG (Proposed Ordinance 96510 Adjust 2014 Beginning Fund Balance 2,189,098 0 0 2,189,098 Transfer In from Fund 102 to fund the ADA pedestdaa push button 0 100,000 100,000 0 and signal improvements (CP1322 . Lea Hill Park completion of reslroom CP1003. Transfer Out to Fund 321, REST 2 monies. 0 0 47,230 47,230 BANS Total 2189 098 100,000 147,230 2,141,868 Revised Budget 9,102,927 3,320,177 41,670,7112 3,852,392 Total Resources f Expenditures 12,423,104 12,423,104 Local Rev'galbation Fund 0 Beg. Fund Balance .2014 Revenues 2014 Expendibires Ending Fund Balance 2014 Adopted Budget 0 0 0 0 BANG Ordtnance#6474, 12.3.2013 0 0 0 0 BAN7 Ordinance #6502, 3.17.2014 0 0 0 0 BANS jProposed Ordinance #6510 Budgert Ca rd for Local Revitalization Projects. 559,070 0 559,070 0 BANG Total 559,070 0 559,070 0 2014 Revised Bu 659,070 0 559,070 0 Total Resources ! Expenditures 559,070 569,070 FABWO6nad .nAO14 Sudge11BA98 - Beginring Find Sal AdllSd,edule A & B1BA98 - Sdied A and B.dsx Page 159 of 246 Page 9 Schedule A Summary of 2014 Budget Adjustments by Fund Budget Amendment #8 Ordinance No. 6510 Gotf Course Debt Service Fund #417 Beg. Fund Balance 2014 Revenues 2014 Expenditures Ending Fund Balance 2014 Adopted Budget 0 393,144 393 144 0 SAM jOrdinance #6474,122.2013) 0 393,144 1393,144) 0 BA#7 fOrdinance #6502, 3.17.2014 0 0 0 0 SAf18 Proposed Ordinance 116510] This is in process. Adjust 2014 Beginning Fund Balance 1 I I (3,326,679) 0 0 {3,326,679) Close out Golf Debt Service Fund. 0 0 3,326.679 3,326,679 BANS Total 3,326,679 ) 0 (3,326,679) 0 2014 Revised Budget (3,326.679)' 0 (3,326,67 0 Total Resources ! Expenditures (3,326,679) (3,326,679) Water Fund 1#430 ) Beg. Fund Balance 2014 Revenues 2014 Expenditures Ending Fund Balance 2014 Adopted Budget 61618,981 13,562 749 16,516,114 3,665,616 9A#6 Ordinance #6474, 12.3.2013) 3,982,414 1,063,240 8,453,800 ( 1461 HAM (Ordinance #6.902 3.173014 4,193,683 0 4,193,683 0 BANS (Proposed Ordinance 06510 Adjust 2014 Working Capital Balance 605,674 0 0 605,674 Increase funding for Wager Facilities Evaluation Study. as approved by 0 0 110,291 110,291 Counal on 11/412013. increase funding for Water System Comprehensive Plan CP1403 , as 0 0 104,643 104,643 approved by Council on 11118/2013. New FTE - SCAD6gl!E SpeciariA, 40% funded by the Water Fund. 0 0 116,572 18,572 New FTE - Project Survey Technician, 20% funded by the Water Fund. 0 0 11,468 11,468 New FTE - Utility Locator, 25% funded by the Water Fund. 0 0 10,958 10,958 BA#8 Total 606,674 0 265,932 881,806 2014 Revised Budget 14,189,404 14,625,989 26,419,529 2,395,864 Total Resources 1 Expenditures 28,815,393 28,815,393 F:Y3Ud96DpcIoW0 14 S idgen8A" • Bepmng Fund Gal Aq%Sahedula A 8 MA48 - Schad A and B.X1U Page 10 RD.A Page 160 of 246 Schedule A Summary of 2014 Budget Adjustments by Fund Budget Amendment #8 Ordinance No. 6510 Sewer Fund (4431 ) Beg. Fund Balance 2014 Revenues 2014 Expenditures Ending Fund Balance 2014 Ado Budget 7,576 717 21 556 701 21 853,647 7,271,571 BA#6 Ordinance 66474 12.3.2013 0 14,006,575 13,911,530 95,045 BAN? Ordinance #6502, 3.17-2014 2,302,827 0 2,373,627 1,000 RAW (Proposed Ordinance #6510 Ad"ust 2014 WoOing Capital Balance 3,073,453 0 0 3,073,453 New FTE - SCADMTele Speciahist, 40% funded by the Sewer Fund. 0 0 18.572 18,572 New FTE - Protect Technician, 20% funded by the Sewer Fund. 0 0 11,468 {11,466] New FTE - M14 Locator, 25% funded §X the Sewer Fund. 0 0 10.958 10,958 BA#8 Total 3,013AS3 0 40 998 3,032 455 2014 Revised Budget 12,952,797 7,552,126 10,366,942 10,137,982 Total Resources 1 Expenditures 20,504,923 20,504,923 Storm Drainage Fund #432 Beg: Fund Balance 2014 Revenues 2014 Expenditures: Ending Fund Balance 2014 Adopted Budget 6,299,114 8,295,843 8,530,11M 7 064 101 RAW (Ordinance #6474 12.3.2013] 4,482,588 {5,501) 4,933,557 (456,470} BA#7 Ordinance #8502 3.17.2014 6,453,350 1,689,400 8,142,750 0 BA#8 (Proposed Ordinance 106510 Ad'ust 2014 Workiryg Ce 0 al Balance 1,647,113 0 0 1,647,113 Budget Carryforward for Comprehensive Storm Drainage Plan Update CP1405 . 175,000 0 175,000 0 New FTE's - 2.0 Storm Water M emerlt Inspectors -100% Funded by the Storm Fund. 0 0 108,432 108,432 Cubides and furniture for 2.0 Slonn Water Ma ement Ins ors. 0 0 5,000 5,000 Two vehicles one each for the Storm Waler Management Inspectors; Transfer Out 0 0 70,000 0,000 to ERBR. Technology ui for the Storrn Water Management Ins ors, including desklop 0 0 6.700 6,700 computer, phones. and i- ad Tablet; Transfer Out to IT Annual payment for participation in the Regional Slormwater Mordto6ng Program. 0 0 48,000 48,000 New FTE - Project Survey Technician, 20% f ended by the Storm Fund. 0 0 11,468 11,468 New FTE - Lffility Locator, 25% funded t7y the Slorm Fund. 0 0 10,958 10,958 New FTE - SCADArrelemetry Speciabsi, 20% funded by the Storm Fund. 0 0 9,284 9,284 BA#8 Total (1,472113 ) 0 444,842 (1,916,955 2014 Revised Budget 15,762,939 10,979,742 22,062,00S 4,690,677 Total Resources 1 Expenditures 26,742,681 26,742,681 F:1BudgbCji 1pryX14 BudgeraA#8 - Begnring Fund Dal Adl%Schetlile A a 919A#e - wired A and 8.4w Page 161 of 246 Page 11 Schedule A Summary of 2014 Budget Adjustments by Fund Budget Amendment #8 Ordinance No. 6510 Sewer Metro Fund #433 Beg. Fund Balance 2014 Revenues 2014 Expenditures Ending Fund Balance 2014 Ad Bu 0 0 0 0 BA#6 Ordinance #647412.3.2015 0 15 000,000 15,000,000 0 BA#7 Ordinance #8502 3.17.2014 0 0 0 0 BA#8 (Proposed Ordinance #6510 Adjust 2014 Working Capital Balance 1,826,811 0 0 1,826,811 BASS Total 1,826,811 0 0 1,820,811 2014 Revised Budget 1,826,811 15,000,000 15,000,000 1,820.011 Total Resources 1 Expenditures 16,826,811 16,826,811 Solid Waste Fund 34 Beg. Fund Balance 2014 Revenues 2014 Expenditures Ending Fund Balance 2014 Ado Budget 696,362 12 062 904 12,497,894 161,372 BA#8 Ordinance 08474, 12.3.2013 0 1 P087,595 43,830 1,043,765 BA1R7 Ordinance #6502, 3.17.20141 0 0 0 0 BA#8 (PE2posed Ordinance 06510) Adjust 2014 Working Ca hal Balance 908,198 0 0 908,198 Budget for Solid Waste oulrearh oonsultam and outreach flyers; recognition of 0 24,000 24,000 0 rant funding. BAN Total 908,198 24 000 24,000 908,198 2014 Revised Budget 1,504,560 13,174,499 12,565,724 2,113,336, Total Resources 1 Expenditures 14,679,059 14,679,059 F:Zv6po¢tdpryii2014 eudgeMASa - Be4nring Fund Bal Ac4lSchedde A& B13Aara -5died A and B.)dsx Page 162 of 246 Page 12 Schedule A Summary of 2014 Budget Adjustments by Fund Budget Amendment #8 Ordinance No., 6510 Ai rt Fund 5 Beg. Fund Balance 2014 Revenues 2014 Expenditures Ending Fund Balance 2014 Adopted Budget 644152 808,380 867,903 484,629 BA#5 Ordinance #6474,12.3.2013) 103,000 220 750 333,976 14,2261 BA47 Ordinance #6502 3.17.2014 7,930 134,256 168,666 10,380 BARB (Proposed Ordinance 46510 Ad"usl 2014 Working Capital Balance 146,202 0 0 146.202 Budget to increase funding for the Asphalt Rehabil on and Seat Coat Projed CP1324 ; 0 286,595 301,679 15,084 90% FAA Grard Funded, 5% Stale Grant Funded, 5% Ai it Funded. Budget for Capital Improvement Prqeci to enclose 15 existing o n hangers into dosed 0 0 126,000 126,000 ha is expected to have a 2 year Return on Imfestment. Increase budgel for Tenant Improvement Project at the 506 Building CP1401. 0 0 40.000 40,000 Budget for 5 Year MAI A aisal, which is reqtAred every 5 years for Airports with land leases, 0 0 8,000 8,000 BA#8 Total 146,202 286 695 475,679 42,882 2014 Revised Budget 801,2" 1,455,981 1,836,124 421,141 Total Resources! Expenditures 2,257,265 257,265 Cemetery Fund 0436 Beg. Fund Balance 2014 Revenues 2014 Expenditures Ending Fund Balance 2014 Adopted Budq0 58,852 1,049,010 1,024,384 83,478 BASS Ordinance M474,12.3.2013) 0 127,200 82,995 210,195 BA1t7 fOrdinance #8502, 3.17.2014 0 0 60,000 50,000 BA#8 (Proposed Ordinance #6510} Adjust 2014 Working Capital Balance 203,082 0 0 203,082 SAM Total 203,082 0 0 203,082 2014 Revised Budget 261,934 1,176,210 446,755 Total Resources 1 Expenditures 1,438,144 1,438,144 FN3udg Drectory42014 Budge0BAa8 - Begirnng Fund Bat Ad11Schedule A& B1BAA'a - Schad A and B.)dsx Page 13 6RD.A Page 163 of 246 Schedule A Summary of 2014 Budget Adjustments by Fund Budget Amendment #8 Ordinance No. 6510 Gott Course Fund #437) Beg. Fund Balance_ 2014 Revenues 2014 Expenditures Ending Fund Balance 2014 Adopted Budgg 91,134 1,521,430 1,537,577 74,987 BAN Ordinance 06474, 12.3.2013 91,134 (1,521,430) 1,537, 4,98 BA#7 Ordinance 06502, 3.17.2014 0 0 0 0 BANS (Proposed Ordinance #6510) Ca Balance Adjust 2014 Working ' This is in process. I 8,313,777 0 0 8,313,777 I Gose out Goff Course Fund - move to Fixed assets 0 a 8,282,777 8,282,777 Transfer Out to General Fund: remaining cash balance. 0 0 31 000 (31,000) BAN Tote! 8,313,777 0 8,313,777 0 2014 Revised Budget 8,313,777 0 8,313,777 0 ToU1 Resources 1 Expenditures 8,313,777 8,313,777 Insurance Fund #501 Beg. Fund Balance 2014 Revenues 2014 Expenditures Ending Fund Balance 2014 Ad Budget 1,782,470 2,000 204,400 1,580,079 BAN Ordinance #6474,12.3.2013) 0 0 0 0 SAN? (Ordinance #M2, 3.172014 0 0 0 0 BA#8 (Proposed Ordinance #6510 Adjust 2014 Working Ca ' ai Balance 33,252 0 0 33.252 BA#8 Total 13,252 0 0 331,252 2014 Revised Budget 1,815,731 2,000 204,400 1,813,331 Total Resources 1 Expenditures 1,817,731 1,817,731 FiButlgFrj i(grjo. A014 BudgenBAas - BegiMng Fund Bel AdpS edule A a BIBAMS - Sched A and B,3dsx Page 164 of 246 page 14 Schedule A Summary of 2014 Budget Adjustments by Fund Budget Amendment 88 Ordinance No. 6510 Facilities Fund #505 Beg. Fund Balance 2014 Revenues 2014 Expenditures Ending Fund Balance. 2014 Adopted Budget 972,003 3,432,500 3,447,704 956,799 BA86 10rdinance 88474, 12.3.2013 0 17,675 49,686 32,011 SAW Ordinance 86502, 3.17.2014 248,300 50,000 568,600 270,300 BANS (Proposed Ordinance 88510 Adjust 2014 Working Gaphal Balance 756,209 0 0 756,209 BA#8 Total 766,209 0 0 756,209 2014 Revised Budget 1,976,512 •3,500,175 4,065,990 1,410,697 Total Resources I Expenditures 5,476,687 5,478,687 Innovation and;Teehn Fund 9518 _ Beg. Fund Balance 2014 Revenues 2014 Expenditures Ending Fund Balance 2014 Adopted Budget 1,921,570 4,990,128 5,137179 1,774,517 BANG (Ordinance #0474, 12.3.2013 0 210,295 338,878 1128,6811 BA#7 Ordinance #8502, 3.17.2014 782,000 16,000 782,000 16,000 BA#8 Pr ed Ordinance #6510 Adjust 2014 Working CS PM Balance 702,442 0 0 702,442 Purchase of technology Hems that will be installed in the police vehicle used for dedicated _ 0 12,600 12,600 0 police services at Muckleshoot Indian Tnbe (MIT). Transfer In from the General Fund. Reimbursed by MR, per Resolution No. 5056. Technology Equipment for the Storm Water Management Inspectors. including desktop 0 6,700 6,700 0 computer, phones, and I ad Tablet; Transfer In from Storm Fund Fund 432). EMS Total 702,442 19,300 19,300 702,442 2014 Revised Budget 3,408,012 5,235,72i 6,277,355 2,364,378 Total Resources 1 Expenditures 8,641,793 8,641,733 F 1Budgejl arA014 Budgefl13A#8 - Beginring Fund Bal A41Schedule A & BULW -Schad A and B.idax Page 165 of 246 Page 15 Schedule A Summary of 2014 Budget Adjustments by Fund Budget Amendment #8 Ordinance No. 6510 Equipment Rental Fund (8550) Beg. Fund Balance 2014 Revenues 2014 Expenditures Ending Fund Balance 2014 Adopted Budget 3,235,D90 2,992,750 4,095 913 2,131,927 BAf/6 Ordinance 96474,12.3.2013 0 50,000 80,759 30,769 BAtt7 Ordinance 06502, 3.17.2014 861,030 280,000 1,301,340 760,310 BA#8 (Proposed Ordinance #6510 Adjust 2014 Working Capital Balance 1,824,324 0 0 1,824,324 Purchase of a Trackhoe 6523D in lieu of a Bacichoe - which was up for relAacement in 2010 0 0 177,833 117,833 but was not purchased. The Trackhoe will have gmater usage than replacing rt with a Backtwe. Two vehicles for the Storm Water Management Inspectors; Transfer In from the 0 70,000 70,000 0 Storm Fund Fund 432). Purchase of police vehicle for dedicated police services at Muddeshool Indian Tribe (MIT). 0 50.000 50,000 0 Transfer In from the General Fund. Reimbursed by MIT, per Resolution No. 5056. BA#8 Total 1,824,324 120,000 237,833 1,706,491 2014 Revised Budget 5,920,444 3,442,750 5,715,645 3,647,349 Total Resources I Expenditures 9,363,794 9,563,794 Fire Pension Fund 10811) Beg. Fund Balance 2014 Revenues 2014 Expenditures Ending Fund Balance 2014 A dopted Budget 2,482 786 73,000 180,860 2,374,926 BA96 Ordinance 96474,12.3.2013 0 231,000 207 230,793 BA#7 Ordinance #6502, 3.17.20141 0 O 0 0 BA88 jProposed Ordinance#6510 Adjust 2014 Beginning Fund Balance 35,795 0 0 35,795 BARB Total 35,795 Cl 0 35,795 2014 Revised Budget 2,446,991 304,000 181,067 2,569,924 Total Resources I Expenditures 2,750,991 2,750,991 FABudn€l ftjYy 014 BudgetlBA#8 -Beginning Fund Sal Adj%Schedule A & B1BAlt8 - Sched A and B.Arx Page 166 of 246 Page 16 Schedule A Summary of 2014 Budget Adjustments by Fund Budget Amendment #8 Ordinance No. 6510 Ciuneftry Endowment Fund (#7011 Bog. Fund Balance 2014 Revenues 2014 Expenditures Ending Fund Balance 2014 Adopted Budget 1,547,220 139,351 1,595,220 91,351 BA#6 JOrdinance 96474,12,3.2013 0 116,000) 0 16,000 BA#7 Ordinance #6502.3.117.20114) 0 0 0 0 BA#8 (Proposed Ordinance #65101 Adjust 2014 Beginning Fund Balance 6,907 0 0 6,907 BA#8 Total 16,907) 0 0 690 2014 Revised Budget 1,540,313 123,351 1,595,220 68,444 Total Resources ! Expenditures 1,663,664 1,663,664 Grand Total - All Funds Beg. Fund Balance -2014 Revenues 2014 Expenditures. Ending Fund Balance 2014 Adopted Budget 59,075,426 153,945 014 164,654,843 48,365,597 BA#6 fOrdinance #6474, 12.3.2013 117,748,977 5,231,042 20,436 667 2,643,352 BA#7 Ordinance 96502, 3.17.2014 18 106 027 9,W,522 31,161,209 3,710,660 BA#8 JPrDposed Ordinance 96510 18,716,758 1,042,614 8,079,276 12,680,106 2014 Revised Budget 114,647,188 169,563,202 224,331,995 59,878,395 Total Resources 1 Expenditures June lD, 2014 Prepared by Gly & AuhU Fnmrdel PlannM Depam�rd 294 ,210,390 284,210,390 FMudgpt�gir EQry52014 BudgenBAN8 - Beorvling Fund Bel AdlSchedlde A 8 BV6A#8 - Schad A end B.,dsx Page 167 of 246 Page 17 Sc' ite B 2014 Appropriations by Fund 2014 Adopted 8A#6 BA#7 13A#8 'Total 2014 Revised Fund Budget (Ord 6474) (Ord 6502) (Ord 6510) Amendments Budget General Fund #001 56,WA,l 121 10,286,516 124,120 2,043,839 12,454,475 71318587 Arterial Street Fund 6102 4,706,022 2,065,446 6,935,536 487,665 9,368,647 14,094 669 Laval Street Fund #103 1,71$.320 493,800 701,060 717,077 1,911,937 3,630,257 Hotel Motel Fuld 6104 165,431 45.670 45,670 211,101 Arterial Street PreservationFud 41105 3,627.660 5,000 623,600 731022 102,422 3525238 Dnig Forfeiture Fund #117 1,198,768 206,114 206,1141 992,654 Housrg and Commmly DevelwnerA Gram Fuld 0119 495,647 8,124 8,124 487.523 Raueation Trails Fund (61 20) 36,691 16 16 36,707 Susness Improvement Area Fund #121 76,720 19,472 19,472 96,192 Cunutative Reserve Fund #122 5,703,796 2,000,000 527,332 2,527,332 8,231,128 Mit' aban Fees Fund 6124 3,466,587 1,045,300 2,109,366 3,154,666 6,641,253 1998 Library Fund #229 330,354 46,354 46,354 284,000 2010 Annex A&B Sand Debt Fund #230 1,696.676 158 158 1,696,520 2010 C&D Local Revitalization Debt Furl #231 598,520 200 200 598,320 LID Guarantee Fund (#249) 34666 64 64 34,624 LID 0250 #250) 56,762 7 7 55,769 LID 0350 #275 7,246 10888 MAN 18134 Go# Corse Debt Service Fund #23 393,144 393,144 393.144 MLffmqW Park ComMiclion Furl 9321 18,496,967 7,938,269 1 365 883 151,442 6,420 944 12 076.023 Capffal [mpmvemerds Fund 9328 6,111,123 3,241,109 781,774 2,269,098 6,311,984 12,423.104 Loral Revilatization Fud #330 559.070 559,070 5599,070 Golf Corse Debt Service Fund 4417 393,144 (393,144) 3{ 326.679 (3,719,823) {3,326,679 WaterFud 9430 20,181,730 5,045,654 4,193,683 605,67e 8,633,663 28,815,393 Sewer Fund 4431 29,135,416 14,006,575 2,302,627 3,073,453 8,630,495 20,504,923 Storm Drawoge Fund 6432 15,594957 4.477,087 8,142750 1,472,113 11,147,724 26,742,681 Sewer Metro FLnd #433 15,000,000 1,826 811 16,826,811 16,826,811 Sold Waste Fund #434 12,659,266 1,087,595 932,198 2,019,793 14,679,059 Airport Fund (#435) 1,352,532 329,750 142,186 432,797 904,733 2,257,265 Cemet Fund #436 1,107,662 127,200 203,082 330,282 1,438,144 Golf Course Fund #437 1,612,564 1,612,564 8,313,777 6.701.213 8,313 777 lnsuanceFund 6501 1,784,479 33,252 33,252 1,817,731 Workers Compensation SeR Irisuanra Fund 0503 840,000 640,000 840,DD0 Fecililies Fund 4505 4,404,503 17,675 296 300 756,209 1.072.164 5,476.687 ImrnetionwWT Fund 6519 6,911,696 210,295 798,DD0 721,742 1,730,037 8,641,733 EquipmeM RentalFud #550 6,227,840 50,000 1,141.030 1,944,324 3,135,354 9,363,194 Fire Person Fund #611 2,555,786 231,000 35,795 195,205 2,750,991 Cemetery Endowment? Fud 9701 1,696,571 16,000 6,907 4 (22,9071 1,663,664 Total 213,020,440 22,980,019 27,450,549 20,759,382 71,189,950 284,210,390 Ana 10, 20, 4 Prspm�d by car of Awbmi Firmm i Plaming Dgmrhnert page la ORD.A Page 168 of 246 ,IIYO1: 'A U, B UR . N VVA S 1 I I N61 CI , Agenda Subject: Resolution No. 5080 Department: Public Works AGENDA BILL APPROVAL FORM Date: July 1, 2014 Attachments: Budget Impact: Resolution No. 5080 with attachments $0 Administrative Recommendation: Finance Committee recommend City Council adopt Resolution No. 5080. Background Summary: Community Development and Public Works Department - M &O Services, Equipment Rental: The equipment listed on Attachment A are either obsolete or no longer functional and beyond repair. The parts listed on Attachment A are for vehicles that are no longer owned by the City. The following vehicles have been replaced and there is more value in selling the vehicles than in retaining and repairing: P01 1A — Ford Crown Victoria — VIN: 2FAFP71V98X165153 — Fixed Asset 55000 P01 1A P016C — Ford Crown Victoria — VIN: 2FAHP71V39X141263 — Fixed Asset 55000 P016C P064B — Honda 1300P Motorcycle — VIN: JH2SC51796M400284 — Fixed Asset 55000 P064B The following vehicles have been totalled and replaced and may be retained for parts: P01 OA — Ford Crown Victoria — VIN: 2FAFP71V8X165152 — Fixed Asset 55000 P01 1A P065D — Honda Motorcycle — VIN: JH2SC51756M400296 — Fixed Asset 55000 P065D Reviewed by Council Committees: Finance, Public Works Councilmember: Osborne Staff: Bailey RES.A AUBURN * MORE THAN YOU IMAGINED Page 169 of 246 Meeting Date: July 7, 2014 Item r: RES.A RES.A AUBURN * MORE THAN YOU IMAGINED Page 170 of 246 RESOLUTION NO. 5 0 8 0 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF AUBURN, WASHINGTON DECLARING CERTAIN ITEMS OF PROPERTY AS SURPLUS AND AUTHORIZING THEIR DISPOSAL WHEREAS, the City of Auburn has a number of items which are no longer of use to the City; and WHEREAS, it would be appropriate to surplus the property and dispose of it by auction or other sale mechanism, or to dispose of it, in whole or in part, through gift to another governmental agency or an appropriate charitable non- profit entity, as deemed most expedient by the Mayor. NOW, THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF AUBURN, WASHINGTON HEREBY RESOLVES as follows: Section. 1. Purpose. That the property identified below is declared to be surplus, and the Mayor is authorized to dispose of and convey such property through appropriate sale or donation to another governmental agency or charitable non - profit entity. Community Development(Public Works Department — M&O Services: The equipment listed on the exhibit marked as Attachment A, incorporated herein by this reference, are either obsolete or no longer functional and beyond repair. The parts listed on Attachment A are for vehicles that are no longer owned by the City. The following vehicles have been replaced and there is more value in selling the vehicles than in retaining and repairing: Resolution No. 5080 June 26, 2014 Page 1 of 1 RES.A Page 171 of 246 P01 1A — Ford Crown Victoria — VIN: 2FAFP71V98X165153 — Fixed Asset 55000 P01 1A P016C — Ford Crown Victoria — VIN: 2FAHP71V39X141263 — Fixed Asset 55000 P016C P064B — Honda Motorcycle — VIN: JH2SC51796M400284 — Fixed Asset 55000 P064B The following vehicles have been totalled and replaced and may be retained for parts: P01 OA — Ford Crown Victoria — VIN: 2FAFP71 V8X165152 — Fixed Asset 55000 P010A P 65 — Honda Motorcycle — VIN: JH2SC51756M400296 — Fixed Asset 55000 P065D Section 2. Implementation. That the Mayor is authorized to implement such administrative procedures as may be necessary to carry out the directives of this legislation. Section 3. Effective Date. That this Resolution shall take effect and be in full force upon passage and signatures hereon. Dated and Signed this day of , 2014. CITY OF AUBURN NANCY BACKUS, MAYOR ATTEST: Danielle E. Daskam, City Clerk Resolution No. 5080 June 26, 2014 Page 2 of 2 RES.A Page 172 of 246 ATTACHMENT A Resolution No. 5080 (2 new) Motorola radio trunk boxes for motorcycles (1 box) miscellaneous LED lights, siren speaker and bracket for motorcycle (1 box) Honda 1300P misc body panels, 2 mirrors, windshield, rear cover piece (1 box) Whelen WPA112 mlc siren amp, PVP Communications radio interface, all LED light bar, red and blue, Whelen Par36 Led lights (1 box) Miscellaneous Red & Blue lights (2 boxes) Emergency lights (red & blue) off of Kawasaki Police MIC, front fairing lights with brackets, (1 box) 2 mountable light pods, 1 red, 1 blue LED, 1 red /blue strobe lamp assembly, no power supply (1 set used) Kawasaki KZ1000P carburetors (1 box) Whelen WPA112 mlc siren amp, LED lights, misc electrics, PVP Communication radio interface, (35 total) used Motorola VRM Modems 800 mhz 650's and 850's models (some with serial cables) (12 new) 9 pin serial cables (7 total) Kodiak laptop tray's/docking stations. (4) KDCF 27, (1) KDCF 73, (2) KDCF 74 (4 new) 6" PIA Trumpet Horn Speakers (2 used) Mobilevision VHS tape in car video systems, Recorder vault, cameras, cabling, misc extra microphones Miscellaneous consoles, mounts, parts Miscellaneous console parts Equipment trunk tray (out of Ford CV) (4) Sirens Assorted siren speaker brackets Misc parts for laptop mount (22) Tire chains miscellaneous sizes for 14" 15" 16" tires (7) Rear door window bars, fits Ford Crown Vic PIT bars (2) Partitions out of Ford Crown Victoria Lexan side wings Some mounting brackets Seat belt brackets Seat belts Attachment "A" to Resolution No. 5080 RI6.%l Page 173 of 246 (9) trunk gun cases, 43'/2' long, some have cipher locks (3) Motorola MCS2000 speakers (8) Whelen UPS64LX strobe power supplies (3) Motorola Spectra 9000 siren -p /a generator (2) Whelen PCCS9N Control Center (5) Whelen Remote 9 (9 outlet power switch) Assorted consoles as shown New after market console (blue color) (2) Lockable storage boxes w /keys. Fits Chev Tahoe? (2) Lockable storage boxes w /keys. Fits Chev Tahoe? Liquid tank baffle kit Tektronix printer ink cartridges, assorted colors Miscellaneous console parts and laptop mount Angled console (new) Miscellaneous Police lighting (visor lights, mirror head lights for Crown Victoria) Assorted vehicle jacks (2 sets) Cable chains: 1 #2324, 1 unknown size Assorted Ex -Mark mower filters: 3 Air filters- Kawasaki #110137022, 1 Air filter - Kawasaki #110137023, 1 Fuel filter - Kawasaki #490197001, 3 Ex -Mark Hydro oil Mters, 4 mower blades (6) coil springs (1) Mirror Fleetguard filters: 1 LF670 filter, 1 AF -253 air filter Generac filters: 4 #OD97723 air filters, 3 #087769 fuel filters John Deere filters: 2 # RE64913 air filters, 1 #AM11656 filter Belts misc sizes 1 new Code 3 LP6000 amber light bar, 47" long 1 new Code 3 LP6000 amber light bar, 55 " long 2 new Code 3 6000 series amber covers 1 used Whelen LED light.bar (police application) 3 new Generac air filters #73912 1 new Jotto Desk laptop mount 8 misc truck bumpers 2 truck tailgates Attachment "A" to Resolution No. 5080 RERW Page 174 of 246 Mac Tools Breakout Box and adaptors Ford breakout Box OTC Monitor 4000E Mastertech Tester Mac Tools A/C Refrigerant Management Center, R -12 and R134A automotive use. Vacuum pump operable, system will operate on R134A, but high side gauge bad. R -12 side has not been used in years and unknown if there are any issues. STORAGE TANKS Not Incudedi Snap On MT1552 12v Battery/Starting /Charging system Tester Non - Working Unit - -- circuit board bad Vetronix Work Station Cabinet, MTS 5200 Engine Analyzer, Mastertech Scanner, PXA -1000 Gas Analyzer, Misc Vehicle leads, adaptors, test leads for the equipment Monitor and PC (PC hard drive removed) Push bars and misc parts for Crown Victoria Partitions,window bars for Crown Victoria (4) PD lightbars (3) Consoles, incomplete units Attachment "A" to Resolution No. 5080 RL6.9%3 Page 175 of 246 ,IIYO1: 'A U, B UR . N VVAS1IIN61CIN' Agenda Subject: Ordinance No. 6514 Department: City Attorney Attachments: Administrative Recommendation: AGENDA BILL APPROVAL FORM City Council introduce and adopt Ordinance No. 6514. Background Summary: Date: June 11, 2014 Budget Impact: $0 This ordinance would allow the city - police and prosecution - to pursue cases where actual conduct may not constitute current violations of city ordinance, such as prostitution or indecent exposure. It is my understanding that the police have had to respond to conduct that could constitute Lewd conduct violations. This is certainly not the type of activity we would want to occur in public or within view of the public. It is another law enforcement tool. Reviewed by Council Committees: Finance, Municipal Services Councilmember: Peloza Staff: Heid Meeting Date: July 7, 2014 Item r: DI.A DLA AUBURN * MORE THAN YOU IMAGINED Page 176 of 246 ORDINANCE NO. 6 5 1 4 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF AUBURN, WASHINGTON, CREATING A NEW CHAPTER 9.84 OF THE AUBURN CITY CODE RELATING TO LEWD CONDUCT WHEREAS, the current provisions of the Auburn City Code (ACC) include provisions dealing with a variety of criminal conducts, including violations relating to public indecency and prostitution; and WHEREAS, in addition to the violations of public indecency and prostitution, it is also appropriate for the City Code to prohibit lewd conduct in public, and for law enforcement officers to enforce, laws relating to lewd conduct in public. NOW, THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF AUBURN, WASHINGTON, DO ORDAIN as follows: Section 1. Creation of new Chapter to City Code. That a new Chapter 9.84 of the Auburn City Code be, and the same hereby is, created to read as follows: Chapter 9.84 Lewd Conduct and Related Offenses Sections 9.84.010 Definitions. 9.84.020 Lewd conduct. 9.84.010 Definitions. As used in this chapter, the following definitions shall apply: A. A "lewd act" is: 1. An exposure of one's genitals, anus, or any portion of the areola or nipple of the female breast; or 2. The touching, caressing or fondling of the genitals or female breasts; or 3. Masturbation; or 4. Sexual conduct. B. "Public place" means an area generally visible to public view, and includes streets, sidewalks, bridges, alleys, plazas, parks, driveways, parking lots, automobiles (whether moving or not), and buildings open to the general public, including those which --------------- - Ordinance No. 6514 June 9, 2014 Page 1 of 3 DLA Page 177 of 246 serve food or drink or provide entertainment, and the doorways and entrances to buildings or dwellings and the grounds enclosing them, and businesses contained in structures which can serve customers who remain in their vehicles, by means of a drive - up window. C. "Sexual conduct" means sexual intercourse or any touching of the sexual or other intimate parts of a person done for the purpose of gratifying sexual desire of either party, whether such persons are the same or opposite sex. D. For purposes of this chapter, any activity is obscene- 1 . Which the average person, applying contemporary community standards, would find, when considered as a whole, appeals to the prurient interest; and 2. Which explicitly depicts or describes patently offensive representations or descriptions of: a. Ultimate sexual acts, normal or perverted, actual or simulated; or b. Masturbation, fellatio, cunnilingus, bestiality, excretory functions or lewd exhibition of the genitals or genital area; or C. Violent or destructive sexual acts including but not limited to human or animal mutilation, dismemberment, rape or torture; and 3. Which, when considered as a whole, and in the context in which it is used, lacks serious literary, artistic, political or scientific value. For purposes of this chapter, an activity is dramatic if the activity is of, relating to, devoted to, or concerned specifically or professionally with current drama or the contemporary theater. 9.84.020 Lewd conduct. A. A person is guilty of lewd conduct if he or she intentionally performs any lewd act in a public place or under circumstances where such act is likely to be observed by any member of the public. The act of breastfeeding or expressing breast milk is not lewd conduct. B. Lewd conduct is a misdemeanor. C. This section shall not be construed to prohibit: 1. Plays, operas, musicals or other dramatic works which are not obscene; 2. Classes, seminars and lectures held for serious scientific or educational purposes; 3. Exhibitions, performances or dances which are not obscene; or 4. Adult entertainment activities operating pursuant to and in accordance with Chapter 5.30 of the City Code. Section 2. Implementation_. The Mayor is hereby authorized to implement such administrative procedures as may be necessary to carry out the directions of this legislation. --------------- - Ordinance No. 6514 June 9, 2014 Page 2of3 DI.A Page 178 of 246 Section 3. Severability. The provisions of this ordinance are declared to be separate and severable. The invalidity of any clause, sentence, paragraph, subdivision, section or portion of this ordinance, or the invalidity of the application thereof to any person or circumstance shall not affect the validity of the remainder of this ordinance, or the validity of its application to other persons or circumstances. Section 4. Effective date. This Ordinance shall take effect and be in force five days from and after its passage, approval and publication as provided by law. INTRODUCED: PASSED: APPROVED: CITY OF AUBURN NANCY BACKUS, MAYOR ATTEST: Danielle E. Daskam, City Clerk APPbtOVE"_ TO FQRN14 A iel B. Heid, City Attorney Published: Ordinance No. 6514 .tune 9, 2014 Page 3 of 3 DI.A Page 179 of 246 ,IIYO1: 'A U, B UR . N VVA S 1 I I N61 CI , Agenda Subject: Revenue Manual Department: Finance Attachments: 4 014 Revenue Manual Administrative Recommendation: For discussion only. Background Summary: AGENDA BILL APPROVAL FORM Date: June 27, 2014 Budget Impact: $0 The purpose of this document is to provide the City Council and the general public a greater understanding of the major sources of City revenues and the laws and regulations governing each source. Reviewed by Council Committees: Finance, Public Works Councilmember: Wales Staff: Coleman Meeting Date: July 7, 2014 Item r: DI.B DI.B AUBURN * MORE THAN YOU IMAGINED Page 180 of 246 .......... D Page 181 of 246 May 2014 Dear Reader.• The purpose of this document is to provide the City Council and the general public a greater understanding of the major sources of City revenues and the laws and regulations governing each source. As with any organization, prudent long -term financial planning and a clear understanding of the available sources of revenue are critical to the sustainability of public services. This document provides the reader a general understanding of each of the City's major sources of revenue, the respective local and state regulations that govern each source, and a presentation of the historical (2010 -2013) and forecasted (2014) performance of each revenue source. If after reviewing this document you have remaining questions, please contact the Finance Department, Financial Planning Division, at (253) 804 -5019. Sincerely, Shelley Coleman, Finance Director .B Page Ir 2 of 246 City of Auburn Revenue Manual Table of Contents Introduction......................................................................................... ..............................4 Reader's Guide ..................................................................................... ..............................5 Taxes................................................................................................... ..............................6 PropertyTaxes ...................................................................................... ..............................7 Salesand Use Tax .............................................................................. ............................... 10 Summary of Utility and Other Tax Rates ............................................. ............................... 13 Cable TV Utility Tax and Franchise Fee ............................................... ............................... 14 CityUtility Taxes .............................................................................. ............................... 15 ElectricUtility Taxes .......................................................................... ............................... 16 NaturalGas Tax ................................................................................ ............................... 17 Solid Waste Tax — External ................................................................ ............................... 18 TelephoneTax .................................................................................. ............................... 19 AdmissionTax .................................................................................. ............................... 20 GamblingTax ................................................................................... ............................... 21 Hotel / Motel Excise Tax ................................................................... ............................... 23 LeaseholdExcise Tax ......................................................................... ............................... 24 RealEstate Excise Tax ........................................................................ ............................... 25 Licenses, Permits and Other Fees /Charges ............................................ .............................27 Business License Fee .......................................................................... ............................... 28 Mitigation/ Impact Fees ...................................................................... .............................29 ParkFees .......................................................................................... ............................... 30 PermitFees ....................................................................................... ............................... 31 AnimalLicenses ................................................................................. ............................... 32 Planning and Development Fees ........................................................... .............................33 Intergovernmental ............................................................................ ............................... 34 Criminal Justice Distributions from WA State ...................................... ............................... 35 Federal / State / Local Grants ............................................................. ............................... 36 Liquor Excise Tax Distributions from WA State ................................... ............................... 37 .13 Page 3 of 246 City of Auburn Revenue Manual Motor Vehicle Fuel Tax Distributions from WA State ......................... ............................... 38 Muckleshoot Casino — Reimbursement for services rendered .............. ............................... 39 StreamlinedSales Tax ........................................................................ ............................... 40 Fines, Forfeits and Other Revenues .................................................... ............................... 41 Finesand Forfeits .............................................................................. ............................... 42 Fire Insurance Premium Tax .............................................................. ............................... 43 Investment Income ........................................................................... ............................... 44 RentalIncome .................................................................................. ............................... 45 EnterpriseFunds ................................................................................. .............................46 AirportRevenues .............................................................................. ............................... 47 Cemetery Revenues — Operations and Endowed Care ........................ ............................... 48 WaterUtility Revenues ..................................................................... ............................... 49 SewerUtility Revenues ......................................................................... .............................50 Storm Drainage Utility Revenues ....................................................... ............................... 51 Solid Waste Utility Revenues ............................................................. ............................... 52 Appendix........................................................................................... .............................53 Historical Factors Affecting City Revenues ............................................. .............................54 City of Auburn Compared to Other WA Cities ...................................... .............................57 Taxes per Capita Comparison ............................................................... .............................58 Licenses and Permits per Capita Comparison ......................................... .............................59 Charges for Goods and Services per Capita Comparison ........................ .............................60 Fines and Forfeits per Capita Comparison ........................................... ............................... 61 City of Auburn Summary of Revenues by Category ............................... .............................63 City of Auburn Summary of Revenues per Capita .................................. .............................64 Credits................................................................................................ .............................65 .13 Page 4 of 246 City of Auburn Revenue Manual Introduction Washington State laws provide cities with the powers to establish and levy taxes, fees and charges for the purposes of financing government services. The City of Auburn collects revenue from these sources and deposits them into one of 34 funds managed by the City. Separate fund accounting is used to reflect legal restrictions imposed by these funds by either State law or City code (for example, rate revenues collected for water utility operations are deposited into the water utility fund and is, by law, limited for the purpose of financing the operating and capital needs of the water utility). The General Fund is the City's largest fund and is used to account for the majority of City resources. Approximately three - quarter of the City's General Fund revenues are derived from three (3) sources: property taxes (approximately 28 %); sales taxes (approximately 27 %); and utility taxes (approximately 22 %). The remainder of the City's resources are derived from licenses and permits, planning and permitting fees and charges, park recreation program fees, fines and forfeits, intergovernmental payments for services, and other miscellaneous sources such as investment interest and rental income. Other major funds (and sources of City revenue) include water, sewer, storm drainage and solid waste utility rate revenues, airport fees, charges, rents, real estate excise taxes, and mitigation /impact fees assessed upon new commercial and residential construction. Revenues collected from these sources are limited in purpose and can only be used to benefit specific programs (for example, water utility rate revenues are deposited into the water utility fund and can only be used to support water operating and capital expenditures). .13 Page 1 5 of 246 City of Auburn Revenue Manual Revenue Manual — A Reader's Guide Presentation and discussion of the City's revenues herein are presented as follows: IREVENUE- ELECTRIC u"r[LITYTAX DESCRWTION: EleLtri, utility taxes are used to support general Gty ope:raticms and arte . ria-I ------------ I ----------- street irnprc,vernients. : Revenue source and An description. His"r'ORICAL DATA: Gener4 Fund ard F-urj 105 2:0 110 A 2011 A 2012 A 2043 A 2014 AMU IB To U4 $ 3,547, 103 3,733, IdD 3,750,84t3 4, CH, 27C 5 4,038,T79 O'D GO i Historical collections, 0 presented both in tabular 3,01] O1.100 0 and graphic formats. '0001.0afo $1,100110.0100 $D 20110 A 2011 A 2GI12A 20,13 A 21014 Adj B BASE: Ple eleCt•L Utility tax rate IS 6%. 'ffie tax is applied on the total gross revenues, received frorn the ciperation cii electrical and power business eriterprises %vithin the City, I AIUBURIN CITY' �.,88.,040, Levy autlqmfty of 6,".' tax rate. The City 1120L�s tI'le Base for calculation or assessment of City rDL legislative basis (city code and CODE- alkmed uridei State laws. revenue source: including REVISED CODE 3,.21,87o: Establishes city authavky tO assess a utifity tax o(� V" OF WA: telephone rmatur'A gas, or steam ener gy and lirn!As the tax t0 a MI'laxir State laws). of six peycent(6�1,,�). Oty 0 Auburn Revenue Manual 15 .13 Page 6 of 246 City of Auburn Revenue Manual �O Taxes City of Auburn Revenue Manual of 246 REVENUE: PROPERTY TAX DESCRIPTION: Property tax is a tax placed on each piece of property within the City. This revenue is used to support general governmental purposes. Rates are expressed in "dollars per $1,000 of assessed value (AV) ". HISTORICAL DATA: General Fund, Fund 103, Fund 611 2010 A 2011 A 2012 A 2013 A 2014 Ad' B Total Property Tax $ 14,169,811 $ 14,566,894 $ 14,866,488 $ 14,415,456 $ 15,699,417 Total Assessed Value (in 000's) $ 7,765,878 $ 7,564,507 $ 7,225,550 $ 6,911,112 $ 7,288,023 City Levy Rate per $1,000 of AV $ 1.82 $ 1.93 $ 2.08 $ 2.10 $ 2.17 BASE: All land, buildings and residential homes within City limits. AUBURN CITY Each year the City adopts a Property Tax rate by ordinance. The CODE: ordinance is not codified. REVISED CODE OF 84.52.043: Established maximum levy rates for the various types of OVA: taxing districts (state, counties, cities, etc.). 84.55.010: Established a limitation on the increase in regular property taxes for taxing districts. .13 Page 8 of 246 City of Auburn Revenue Manual PROPERTY TAX The following table summarizes the local and overlapping regular and special LEVY RATES property tax levy rates for the City of Auburn. Note, there are several overlapping districts throughout the City of Auburn as well as several school districts; this includes only Auburn School District. Where Your Property Tax Dollars Go l ol- 41l- Auburn School District 16l -State 14l -City King Co 19l -All Others I JI, d 4�PIIII� nlUt Wd��l ,µ � 1 V I I � wmuu lw�um�,lw^ w.wmu a wNwrgala' wr II u III of II II I'uni ly aulpuu, WuNJ,.um,,.,����� I'pq'PYI ��II o�i'lll ...............^'Pu�,�''; ulmlww IJ�JItl wU a „Iw'wl Ia�vM�� ..., B Page 9 of 246 City of Auburn Revenue Manual 2012 2013 2014 Direct regular and special levies City of Auburn [a] $ 2.07527 $ 2.10000 $2.16739 Overlapping regular and special levies Auburn School District 6.14004 6.62190 6.50262 King County 1.41588 1.54051 1.51605 State of Washington 2.42266 2.56720 2.47044 Port of Seattle .22982 .23324 .21533 Emergency Medical Services .30000 .30000 .33500 Hospital District .50000 .50000 .50000 King County Library District .56992 .56743 .56175 Valley Regional Fire 1.18925 1.20479 1.20294 Authority King County Flood Zone .11616 .13210 .15369 King County Ferry District .00372 .00378 .00349 Subtotal - overlapping levies $ 12.88745 $ 13.67095 $ 13.46131 Total $ 14.96272 $ 15.77095 $ 15.62870 Source: King and Pierce County Department of Assessments [a] The maximum City levy rate is $2.3250. Rates are expressed in dollars per $1,000 of assessed value (AV). Where Your Property Tax Dollars Go l ol- 41l- Auburn School District 16l -State 14l -City King Co 19l -All Others I JI, d 4�PIIII� nlUt Wd��l ,µ � 1 V I I � wmuu lw�um�,lw^ w.wmu a wNwrgala' wr II u III of II II I'uni ly aulpuu, WuNJ,.um,,.,����� I'pq'PYI ��II o�i'lll ...............^'Pu�,�''; ulmlww IJ�JItl wU a „Iw'wl Ia�vM�� ..., B Page 9 of 246 City of Auburn Revenue Manual King Countv Library Distr $16 Hospital [ $151 Emergency Medic Services (EMS) $101 Port of Seattle $65 State of Washin $741 Property Tax Levied on a $300,000 Home - 2014 Where it Goes Valley Regional Fire, King County Flood Zone Kina r minh, Ferry District urn Auburn School District $1,951 0 of 246 City of Auburn Revenue Manual REVENUE: SALES AND USE TAX DESCRIPTION: Revenue from sales taxes is used to support general City services and local street repair and maintenance. The sales tax rate for the City of Auburn is 9.5% in the King County section of the City, and 9.4% in the Pierce County section of the City. The following table provides a breakdown of the sales tax rate. U1C'rr%01rA1 MA rA. General Fund. Fund 103. Fund 611 King County Pierce Count State rate 6.50% 6.50% City rate 0.85% 0.85% County rate 0.15% 0.15% Transportation (METRO) 0.90% 0.60% Regional Transit Authority 0.90% 0.90% Mental Health local tax 0.10% 0.00% Criminal Justice local tax 0.10% 0.10% Juvenile Facility local tax 0.00% 0.10% Zoo and Aquarium local tax 0.00% 0.10% Emergency Communications 0.00% 0.10% 9.50% 9.40% U1C'rr%01rA1 MA rA. General Fund. Fund 103. Fund 611 2010 A 2011 A 2012 A 2013 A 2014 Ad' B Sales & Use Tax $ 12,583,152 $ 12,818,411 $ 13,163,556 $ 14,572,991 $ 14,608,552 Sales Tax Credit for Annexation 1,408,532 1,466,220 1,542,272 1,694,630 1,404,590 Criminal Justice Sales Tax 1,248,969 1,347,647 1,401,995 1,516,946 1,231,185 Total $ 15,240,652 $ 15,632,279 $ 16,107,823 $ 17,784,567 $ 17,244,327 1 of 246 City of Auburn Revenue Manual BASE: This tax is imposed on all personal and business purchases of tangible property. AUBURN 3.60.010: Authorizes the tax. CITY CODE: REMISED 82.14: Provides authorization to the City to tax all taxable retail sales CODE OF and use events. WA: CITY The City has a diverse economy with approximately half of the City's ECONOMIC sales taxes derived from retail activity and automotive dealers. The PROFILE: following pie chart illustrates the major sources for the City's retail sales and use taxes for the latest 12 month period ending December 2013. 2 of 246 City of Auburn Revenue Manual 1 State 68.4°/ Sales Taxes - Where It Goes County 1.6% ansportation (METRO) 9.4% Regional Transit 9.4% 'vlental Health 1.1% riminal Justice 1.1% Where Your Sales Tax Dollars Go 68�- State 23�- King County 9�- City III up w�' I(ul v,,. d .m� IJi, i u I, u o . � °r � � u�d�ll�,u�•,, n�" �, u� �>'Ydn�6ulE.�dVI�, � v � 0,d'rt !� � r u , ", w of King County 3 of 246 City of Auburn Revenue Manual 1 Summary of Utility and Other Tax Rates 4 of 246 City of Auburn Revenue Manual 1 Maximum Allowable Current Authorized Tax under State law under City Code Auburn City Code Cable TV Utility Tax 6.0% 1.0% 3.42 Cable TV Franchise Fee 5.0% 5.0% 13.36.230 City Utility Taxes (Water, No limit. 7.0% 3.40.020 Sewer, Storm, Solid Waste) 3.41.020 (Solid Waste) Electric Utility Tax 6.0% 6.0% 3.88.040 Natural Gas Utility Tax 6.0% 6.0% 3.88.040 Solid Waste Tax - External No limit. 7.0% 3.41.010 Telephone Utility Tax 6.0% 6.0% 3.84.040 Admission Tax 5.0% 5.0% 3.52.010 Gambling Tax Card games 20.0% of gross receipts 4.0% of gross revenue 3.80.010 Punchboards /Pull tabs For profit 10% of net receipts 10% of net receipts Not for profit 10% of net receipts 10% of net receipts Amusement Games 2% of net receipts 2% of net receipts Bingo and Raffles 5% of net receipts 5% of net receipts Hotel /Motel Tax 2.0% 1.0% 3.58.010 Leasehold Excise Tax 4.0% 4.0% 3.44.010 Real Estate Excise Tax 0.50% (REET 1 and 2) 0.50% (REET 1 and 2) 3.56.010 4 of 246 City of Auburn Revenue Manual 1 REVENUE: CABLE TV UTILITY TAX AND FRANCHISE FEE DESCRIPTION: Cable television utility tax and franchise fee revenues are used to support general governmental services and the City's Arterial Street Preservation program. HISTORICAL DATA: General Fund and Fund 105 2010 A 2011 A 2012 A 2013 A 2014 Ad' B Cable TV Franchise Fee $ 806,721 $ 860,952 $ 885,044 $ 941,372 $ 878,310 Cable TV Utility Tax 160,408 161,950 166,102 174,105 171,654 Total $ 967,129 $ 1,022,902 $ 1,051,146 $ 1,115,477 $ 1,049,964 BASE: Gross revenues of the cable and satellite franchises. AUBURN CITY 3.42: Establishes the City's authority to levy a 1.0% cable TV utility CODE: tax to be used by the City in support of its arterial street system. The maximum tax rate allowable under state law is 6.0 %. 13.36.030: City's authority to grant franchises. 13.36.230: Defines franchise fees of 5% and the quarterly payment schedule. REVISED 80.32.010: Cities and counties may grant franchises. CODE OF WA: D1.13 Fay 5 of 246 City of Auburn Revenue Manual 14 REVENUE: CITY UTILITY TAXES DESCRIPTION: Utility taxes are used to support general City operations and arterial street improvements. HISTORICAL DATA: General Fund and Fund 105 2010 A 2011 A 2012 A 2013 A 2014 Ad' B Interfund Sewer Taxes $ 1,134,966 $ 1,191,454 $ 1,321,453 $ 1,691,577 $ 1,503,788 Interfund Water Taxes 663,491 690,188 754,424 854,719 928,540 Interfund Solid Waste Taxes 495,360 524,656 641,488 727,546 683,128 Interfund Storm Taxes 494,266 541,999 564,450 618,408 622,584 Total $ 2,788,083 $ 2,948,297 $ 3,281,816 $ 3,892,250 $ 3,738,040 BASE: Total revenues from City utility funds. AUBURN CITY 3.40.020: Establishes the City's authority to assess a 7.0% tax. State CODE: law does not provide a maximum rate. REVISED 82.16: Defines public utility tax. CODE OF 35.22.280: Authority to levy and collect taxes. There are no WA: restrictions on the tax rate. 6 of 246 City of Auburn Revenue Manual 1 REVENUE: ELECTRIC UTILITY TAX DESCRIPTION: Electric utility taxes are used to support general City operations and arterial street improvements. HISTORICAL DATA: General Fund and Fund 105 2010 A 2011 A 2012 A 2013 A 2014 Adj B Total $ 3,647,183 $ 3,739,160 $ 3,750,846 $ 4,059,276 $ 4,038,779 BASE: The electric utility tax rate is 6 %. The tax is applied on the total gross revenues received from the operation of electrical and power business enterprises within the City. AUBURN CITY 3.88.040: Levy authority of 6% tax rate. The City levies the CODE: maximum rate allowed under state laws. REVISED 35.21.870: Establishes city authority to assess a utility tax on CODE OF electricity, telephone natural gas, or steam energy and limits the tax to WA: a maximum of six percent (6 %). 7 of 246 City of Auburn Revenue Manual 1 REVENUE: NATURAL GAS TAX DESCRIPTION: Natural gas utility taxes are used to support general City operations and arterial street improvements. HISTORICAL DATA: general Fund and Fund 105 2010 A 2011 A 2012 A 2013 A 2014 Ad j 8 Total $ 1,472,202 $ 1,675,963 $ 1,576,954 $ 1,596,891 $ 1,757,554 BASE: The utility tax is based on the gross revenues from the operation of a public or privately owned utility (includes transportation). Use tax imposed on the individual consumer for the privilege of using natural gas. AUBURN CITY 3.61.010: Imposes Use tax. CODE: 3.88.040: Levy authority of 6% tax rate. The City levies the maximum rate. REVISED 35.21.870: Establishes city authority to assess a utility tax on CODE OF electricity, telephone natural gas, or steam energy and limits the tax to WA: a maximum of six percent (6 %). 82.14.230: Authorizes a city to impose a natural gas or manufactured use tax. 8 of 246 City of Auburn Revenue Manual 1 REVENUE: SOLID WASTE TAX r EXTERNAL DESCRIPTION: Solid waste utility taxes are used to support general City operations and arterial street improvements. HISTORICAL DATA: General Fund and Fund 105 2010 A 2011 A 2012 A 2013 A 2014 Adj B Total $ 177,208 $ 166,289 $ 134,680 $ 119,094 $ 117,385 BASE: The tax is applied on the total gross income derived from solid waste enterprises in the City, to include garbage, recyclables and yard debris. This tax revenue is collected solely from external refuse haulers operating within the City and does not include the customer base serviced by the City of Auburn (see Solid Waste Utility Fund). AUBURN CITY 3.41.010: Levy authority of 7% tax rate. CODE: REVISED 82.18: Establishes authority to assess a solid waste utility tax. CODE OF WA: 9 of 246 City of Auburn Revenue Manual 1 REVENUE: TELEPHONE TAX DESCRIPTION: Telephone utility taxes are used to support general City operations and arterial street improvements. HISTORICAL DATA: general Fund and Fund 105 2010 A 2011 A 2012 A 2013 A 2014 Adj B Total $ 2,540,160 $ 2,390,385 $ 2,297,352 $ 2,214,292 $ 2,451,284 BASE: A telephone business is defined as a business that provides access to a local telephone network, local telephone network switching service, toll service, cellular phone service, or coin phone service. AUBURN CITY 3.84.010: Defines the telephone business. CODE: 3.84.040: Authorizes a tax of six percent (6 %) on total gross operating receipts. The City levies the maximum rate. REVISED 35.21.870: Establishes city authority to assess a utility tax on CODE OF electricity, telephone natural gas, or steam energy and limits the tax to WA: a maximum of six percent (6 %). 82.04.065: Defines telephone and telecommunications businesses. D1.13 Fay 0 of 246 City of Auburn Revenue Manual 1 REVENUE: ADMISSION TAX DESCRIPTION: Admissions taxes are used to support general City operations. HISTORICAL DATA: Genera / Fund 2010 A 2011 A 2012 A 2013 A 2014 Ad j E Admission Tax $ 351,906 $ 353,825 $ 347,732 $ 324,906 $ 365,427 Less Transfer to Golf Course (39,704) (48,607) (49,028) (51,646) 0 Total $ 312,202 $ 305,218 $ 298,703 $ 273,260 $ 365,427 BASE: Tax is placed on charges for general admission, season tickets, cover charges, parking charges, etc. The tax is also included on food and beverage if entertainment is provided. The City levies an admission tax of five percent (5 %). By City policy, admission taxes collected from the Auburn Golf Course is transferred to the Golf Course fund and used to support general operating expenses. Starting in 2014, Golf Course operations is included as part of the Parks, Arts and Recreation General Fund budget. AUBURN CITY 3.52.010: Authorizes a tax of five percent (5 %). CODE: REVISED 35.21.280: Authorizes a city to establish a tax on admissions, up to a CODE OF maximum of 5.0 %. WA: 1 of 246 City of Auburn Revenue Manual REVENUE: GAMBLING TAX DESCRIPTION: This tax applies to all punch board games, pull tabs, bingo games, raffles, amusement games and card games played within the City limits. HISTORICAL DATA: Genera/ Fund 2010 A 2011 A 2012 A 2013 A 2014 Ad' B Card Games $ 145,786 $ 198,359 $ 218,923 $ 169,325 $ 208,464 Punch Board and Pull Tabs 50,250 53,385 38,633 28,750 35,175 Amusement Games 2,471 3,797 4,875 1,404 4,060 Bingo and Raffles 5,606 2,510 3,061 2,678 2,538 Total $ 204,112 $ 258,050 $ 265,491 $ 202,157 $ 250,237 BASE: Based on gross or net receipts of gambling within the City limits, as prescribed by state law. Net receipt is defined as gross receipts less amounts awarded as cash and merchandise. Charitable or non - profit organizations are exempt from the tax. AUBURN CITY 3.80.010: Authorizes a city to tax any person, association or CODE: organization engaging in gambling activities pursuant to a state license. D1.13 Fayl��i 2 of 246 City of Auburn Revenue Manual REVISED 9.46.110: Authorizes this tax on gross receipts of gambling activities. CODE 9.46.113: States that the tax collected on gambling activities must be used OF WA: primarily for the purpose of public safety. The following table summarizes the gambling taxes in effect. Non - Profit Amusement Games Bingo and Raffles 10% of net receipts 2% of net receipts 5% of net receipts 10% of net receipts 10% of net receipts 2% of net receipts 5% of net receipts D1.13 Fayl�� 3 of 246 City of Auburn Revenue Manual REVENUE: HOTEL / MOTEL EXCISE TAX DESCRIPTION: The Hotel /Motel Tax, also known as Lodging Tax, is levied on all lodging in hotels, rooming houses, tourist courts, motels or trailer camps within the City of Auburn and is used for the sole purpose of paying for the cost of tourist promotion activities. HISTORICAL DATA: Fund 104 2010 A 2011 A 2012 A 2013 A 2014 Ad j B Total $ 66,549 $ 65,058 $ 78,143 $ 90,581 $ 70,000 BASE: Applies to the sale or charge made for furnishing lodging by a hotel, rooming house, tourist court, motel or trailer camp. The state maximum Hotel /Motel tax rate is 2 %, however most Cities in King County are limited to 1% as the other 1% is allocated to the debt payment for Safeco and Century Link Fields. The City of Auburn levies a 1% Hotel /Motel tax. AUBURN CITY 3.58.010: Authorizes a tax of 1.0 %. CODE: 3.58.040: Designates all receipts for tourist promotion and tourism related activities. REVISED 82.08: Defines the lodging tax. CODE OF 67.28.120: Authorizes cities to acquire and operate tourism - related WA: facilities. 67.28.180: Authorizes the lodging tax - identifies the maximum rate of 2.0 %. D1.13 FayM 4 of 246 City of Auburn Revenue Manual REVENUE: LEASEHOLD EXCISE TAX DESCRIPTION: The City levies an excise tax on private lessees for occupying or using publicly owned real or personal property. Revenues are used to support general governmental services. HISTORICAL DATA: General Fund 2010 A 2011 A 2012 A 2013 A 2014 Adj B Total $ 37,985 $ 49,467 $ 39,262 $ 37,215 $ 50,754 BASE: Private lessees of public property, such as hangar rentals at the airport and rental houses on City owned property. Property owned by the state, counties, school districts, and other municipal corporations are subject to leasehold excise tax. The state rate is 12.84% of which 4% is returned to the City. AUBURN CITY 3.44.010: Authorizes imposition of tax. CODE: 3.44.020: Establishes the City tax rate of 4 %. 3.44.060: Authorizes the City to collect the tax on behalf of the State. REVISED CODE 82.29A.040: Grants authorization to cities to levy and collect a OF WA: leasehold excise tax, up to a maximum of 4 %. 82.29A.090: Distributions by the State Treasurer. D1.13 Fay 5 of 246 City of Auburn Revenue Manual REVENUE: REAL ESTATE EXCISE TAX DESCRIPTION: Real Estate Excise Tax (REET) is imposed on the sale of property and dedicated to local capital projects. Proceeds are placed in the capital improvement fund. HISTORICAL DATA: Fund 328 2010 A 2011 A 2012 A 2013 A 2014 Ad' B REET 1 $ REET 2 540,160 $ 540,098 743,582 $ 743,582 879,362 $ 879,362 1,112,949 1,112,949 $ 700,000 700,000 Total $ 1,080,258 $ 1,487,163 $ 1,758,725 $ 2,225,898 $ 1,400,000 BASE: Sales of property measured by the full selling price, which must include any liens, mortgages or other debt. Transfers of controlling interests in entities that own property in Washington State. AUBURN 3.56.010: Imposition of tax. CITY CODE: 3.56.040: Distribution of tax proceeds and limitations. REVISED 82.46.010: Authorizes the City to impose an excise tax of 1/4% on CODE OF each sale of real property that shall be used for local capital WA: improvements (REET 1). 82.46.035: Authorizes the imposition of an additional 1/4% excise tax which is to be used for local capital improvements (REET 2). (See table on following page for limitations of use). D1.13 pag�f 6 of 246 City of Auburn Revenue Manual LIMITATIONS ON USES OF REET From June 30, 2012 to December 31, 2016, a city can use the greater of one hundred thousand dollars or thirty five percent of REET revenues (not to exceed one million dollars per year) for the operations and maintenance of existing capital projects. REET 1 REET 2 Administrative facilities, bridges, Bridges, domestic water systems, domestic water systems, fire highways /roads /streets, sewer protection facilities, systems, sidewalks, storm highways /roads /streets, judicial systems, street lighting, and facilities, law enforcement facilities, traffic signals. libraries, parks, recreational facilities, flood control projects, sewer systems, sidewalks, storm systems, street lighting, traffic signals, trails. Source: RCW 82.46.010. 7 of 246 City of Auburn Revenue Manual Licenses, Permits and Other Fees /Charges 8 of 246 City of Auburn Revenue Manual REVENUE: BUSINESS LICENSES DESCRIPTION: Businesses located within the City, or that operates temporarily within the City, must obtain a business license. The annual fee for a business license is a flat $50 and covers the period of January 1 through December 31. HISTORICAL DATA: Genera/ Fund and Fund 727 2010 A 2011 A 2012 A 2013 A 2014 Ad' B Business Licenses $ 215,268 $ 195,377 $ 231,957 $ 236,162 $ 203,015 Business Improvement Area 65,234 58,678 56,734 69,475 55,000 Total $ 280,501 $ 254,054 $ 288,690 $ 305,637 $ 258,015 $300,000 $200,000 $100,000 M 2010A 2011 A 2012 A 2013 A 2014 Adj B BASE: Every business enterprise, including those with a temporary or portable sales location, shall first obtain from the City a general business license for the period of January 1st to December 31st of each calendar year. Business licenses are required under Auburn City Code. Businesses located within the Business Improvement Area (BIA) are assessed an additional fee of $.15 /leasable square feet, no less than $150 /year and no more than $1,500 /year (Ord. 4293). Revenues generated from the BIA are deposited directly into the BIA Fund (Fund 121) and may be used to support downtown improvements, marketing, or safety measures. AUBURN CITY ACC section 5 provides for regulation and enforcement of the City's CODE: business licenses. Ordinance No. 4293. REVISED 19.02: Establishes business regulations. CODE OF 35.87A.010: Authorizes Parking and Business Improvement Areas. WA: DI.B Fay 9 of 246 City of Auburn Revenue Manual REVENUE: MITIGATION / IMPACT FEES DESCRIPTION: Includes transportation, fire, traffic, park and school impact fees as well as wetland mitigation. The fees are used to mitigate costs associated with City growth and are imposed at the time of application to the City for a development activity permit. HISTORICAL DATA: Fund 124 2010 A 2011 A 2012 A 2013 A 2014 Ad' B Transportation Impact $ 794,967 $ 826,684 $ 1,282,567 $ 1,411,260 $ 800,000 Fire Impact /Mitigation 96,467 144,185 132,951 173,103 50,000 Traffic Mitigation 18,718 170,000 - 4,862 - Park Impact /Mitigation 141,797 30,432 10,500 39,500 20,000 School Impact /Mitigation 9,188 17,260 21,528 25,142 5,000 Wetland Mitigation 36,570 - - 38,594 - Total $ 1,097,708 $ 1,188,560 $ 1,447,547 $ 1,692,460 $ 875,000 BASE: Development occurring within the City of Auburn. AUBURN CITY Title 19: Establishes school, transportation, traffic, fire and park impact CODE: fees. REVISED 82.02.050 -100: Establishes regulations pertaining to impact fees. CODE OF WA: D1.13 r- cly 0 of 246 City of Auburn Revenue Manual REVENUE: PARK FEES DESCRIPTION: Park fees include charges for services at the Auburn Golf Course, recreational classes, athletic leagues, theatre performances and classes, senior center activities, concession sales, and special events. HISTORICAL DATA: General Fund 2010 A 2011 A 2012 A 2013 A 2014 Ad' B Golf Course Revenues $ 1,189,399 $ 1,159,227 $ 1,157,242 $ 1,217,633 $ 1,233,000 Recreational Classes 662,887 574,363 456,248 380,866 400,299 League Fees - 11,121 152,529 145,105 128,000 Theatre /Arts 84,183 110,350 144,292 148,169 114,500 Senior Center Programs 110,991 108,689 107,745 100,888 114,000 Special Events - - 8,231 99,926 72,750 Other 600 389 381 480 - Total $ 2,048,060 $ 1,964,139 $ 2,026,667 $ 2,093,067 $ 2,062,549 BASE: Parks, Arts and Recreation department programs and facilities associated with a fee. AUBURN CITY 3.68.010: Authorizes fees and charges for the use of City recreation CODE: programs and facilities. REVISED 67.20.010: Gives the city the authority to acquire and operate certain CODE OF recreational facilities. WA: D1.13 r- cly 1 of 246 City of Auburn Revenue Manual REVENUE: PERMIT FEES DESCRIPTION: Building permit fees include basic building, mechanical and electrical permit fees. Additional permit fees include plumbing, excavation, electrical inspection permits, alarm permits, street /curb permits, and other permits (concealed weapons permit fees). HISTORICAL DATA: General Fund 2010 A 2011 A 2012 A 2013 A 2014 Ad) B Building Permits $ 769,678 $ 1,104,185 $ 1,683,465 $ 2,101,174 $ 1,169,160 Plumbing Permits 116,903 213,299 196,022 208,691 123,624 Excavation Permits 78,188 76,442 76,567 105,945 51,000 Electrical Inspection Permits 43,228 60,617 65,174 86,143 41,208 Alarm Permits 57,431 93,204 59,828 104,818 50,000 Street /Curb Permits 22,694 15,989 17,827 55,888 12,240 Other Permits 8,526 10,404 13,803 15,824 10,000 Total $ 1,096,648 $ 1,574,140 $ 2,112,686 $ 2,678,483 $ 1,457,232 BASE: Fees are assessed on individuals, organizations, or businesses that purchase permits for the purpose of construction and /or building related activities. AUBURN CITY 15.08A.011: Adoption the of 2009 International Building Code. CODE: REVISED 19.27.031: Adoption of State Building Code by all cities and counties. CODE OF 19.27.100: Authorizes a city, town, or county of the state to impose WA: fees different from those set forth in the State Building Code. )1.13 PageAl 2 of 246 City of Auburn Revenue Manual REVENUE: ANIMAL LICENSES DESCRIPTION: Beginning January 1, 2013, the City of Auburn began providing animal licensing, animal control and animal sheltering (this service was previously provided by King County). HISTORICAL DATA: General Fund 2010 A 2011 A 2012 A 2013 A 2014 Adj B Total $ - $ - $ - $ 127,303 $ 240,000 BASE: A license fee is assessed on every dog and /or cat owned. With the implementation of the Auburn Valley Humane Society (AVHS) and animal control services being provided by the City of Auburn's police department, pet licensing revenue is now retained by the City effective January 1, 2013, per Resolution No. 4868. AUBURN CITY 6.04.010: Requires animal license on any dog or cat over the age of CODE: eight weeks of age. 18.31.230: Establishes the type and maximum number of animals permitted. REVISED 16.52.015: Defines law enforcement agencies and animal care and CODE OF control agencies. WA: D1.13 pag�T 3 of 246 City of Auburn Revenue Manual REVENUE: PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT FEES DESCRIPTION: Fees included in this category include plan check fees, zoning and subdivision fees, and FAC linear charges (fees assessed on projects that require extension of public facilities). HISTORICAL DATA: General Fund 2010 A 2011 A 2012 A 2013 A 2014 Adj B Plan Check Fees $ 467,282 $ 435,262 $ 1,091,442 $ 828,033 $ 584,590 Zoning /Subdivision Fees 133,961 40,998 63,454 109,790 83,236 FAC Linear Charges 83,681 33,154 67,988 178,789 71,055 Total $ 684,924 $ 509,414 $ 1,222,884 $ 1,116,612 $ 738,881 BASE: Fees are assessed on individuals, organizations, or businesses to review building plans, fees for zoning and subdivisions, and charges for the extension of public facilities. AUBURN CITY 15.08A.011: Adoption the of 2009 International Building Code. CODE: REVISED 19.27.031: Adoption of State Building Code by all cities and counties. CODE OF 19.27.100: Gives cities the authority to impose fees different from the WA: State Building Code. 4 of 246 City of Auburn Revenue Manual Intergovernmental 5 of 246 City of Auburn Revenue Manual REVENUE: CRIMINAL JUSTICE DESCRIPTION: These are state shared revenues distributed to cities based upon crime rate and /or population, and are used to support local law enforcement activities. HISTORICAL DATA: General Fund 2010 A 2011 A 2012 A 2013 A 2014 Adj B Total $ 185,608 $ 235,036 $ 238,147 $ 171,736 $ 88,880 BASE: State distributed money includes Criminal Justice (CJ) High Crime, CJ Violent Crime, CJ Special Programs, CJ Population, CJ Contracted Services and CJ DUI. State high crime distributions were discontinued in 2013 and 2014, reflecting a decline in the City's crime rate relative to the state -wide average. AUBURN CITY Not applicable. CODE: REVISED 82.14.320: Municipal criminal justice assistance account - eligibility and CODE OF use requirements. WA: 82,14.330: Municipal criminal justice assistance account, distribution based on crime rate and /or population. 6 of 246 City of Auburn Revenue Manual REVENUE: FEDERAL / STATE / LOCAL GRANTS DESCRIPTION: The City of Auburn actively seeks Federal, State, and Local grant funding for a variety of programs that benefit the City, such as transportation improvements, airport maintenance, park programs, and police services. HISTORICAL DATA: By Fund 2010 A 2011 A 2012 A 2013 A 2014 Ad' B General Fund $ 994,136 $ 790,643 $ 992,874 $ 362,754 $ 382,776 Other Funds 3,331,853 10,834,918 12,317,670 4,951,932 10,756,732 Total $ 4,325,989 $ 11,625,562 $ 13,310,544 $ 5,314,685 $ 11,139,508 By Source Federal $ 2,921,892 $ 8,707,161 $ 3,849,578 $ 2,415,660 $ 6,193,513 State 429,339 2,226,994 7,539,790 2,395,063 4,387,916 Local 974,758 691,406 1,921,176 503,962 558,079 Total $ 4,325,989 $ 11,625,562 $ 13,310,544 $ 5,314,685 $ 11,139,508 BASE: Grants are based on existing programs and competitive applications. AUBURN CITY Grants are applied for and accepted by Council via Resolution. CODE: REVISED Not applicable. CODE OF WA: 7 of 246 City of Auburn Revenue Manual REVENUE: LIQUOR EXCISE TAX AND PROFIT DESCRIPTION: These are state shared revenues distributed to cities based upon population to help pay for local policing of liquor establishments. HISTORICAL DATA: General Fund 2010 A 2011 A 2012 A 2013 A 2014 Ad' 8 Liquor Excise Tax $ 327,709 $ 335,127 $ 260,420 $ 47,724 $ 200,000 Liquor Profits 529,022 479,381 517,056 640,375 480,000 Liquor Store Sales - - 188,230 - - Total $ 856,732 $ 814,509 $ 965,706 $ 688,099 $ 680,000 BASE: Sale of spirits in their original package. Spirits include any beverage containing alcohol obtained by distillation, including wines with more than 24% alcohol by volume. AUBURN CITY Section 3.04.040: Establishes the "alcoholism funds" account which CODE: holds the 2% to be used for treatment programs. REVISED 82.08.150: Establishes the tax rate on certain sales of intoxicating CODE OF liquors. WA: 82.08.170: Apportions and distributes funds based on city population and authorized the one year moratorium of excise taxes. 66.24.620: Authorized privatization of distribution and sales effective June 1, 2012. D1.13 r- cly 8 of 246 City of Auburn Revenue Manual REVENUE: MOTOR VEHICLE FUEL TAX DESCRIPTION: These are state shared revenues distributed to cities primarily for road repair. The state motor vehicle fuel tax is 37.5 cents per gallon and the City's share is just under 3 cents. HISTORICAL DATA: General Fund. Fund 102, Fund 120 2010 A 2011 A 2012 A 2013 A 2014 Ad' B Total $ 1,461,709 $ 1,465,720 $ 1,444,724 $ 1,472,734 $ 1,476,423 $ 2,000,000 $1,500,000 $1,000,000 $ 500,000 $0 2010A 2011 A 2012 A 2013 A 2014 Adi B BASE: The total Motor Vehicle Fuel Tax (MVFT) rate is 37.5 cents per gallon. AUBURN CITY Authority is established by the RCW. CODE: REVISED 46.68.090: Distribution of statewide fuel taxes. CODE OF 47.24.040: Expenditures of MVFT to the street fund. WA: 47.30.050: Expenditures of MVFT to paths and trails. 82.36: Motor Vehicle Fuel Tax. 82.36.025: Establishes rate of tax. 82.38.030: Defines tax rate of special fuel. 9 of 246 City of Auburn Revenue Manual REVENUE: MUCKLESHOOT CASINO — REIMBURSEMENT FOR SERVICES RENDERED DESCRIPTION: This revenue is received from the Muckleshoot Indian Tribe (MIT) for reimbursement of police, street maintenance, and legal services provided by the City. HISTORICAL DATA: General Fund 2010 A 2011 A 2012 A 2013 A 2014 Adj B Total $ 652,155 $ 540,050 $ 730,376 $ 509,734 $ 700,000 BASE: Reimbursement of actual cost of services provided, reviewed and approved annually by the Muckleshoot Indian Tribe; governed by contractual agreement with the City. AUBURN CITY None. CODE: REVISED None. CODE OF WA: 0 of 246 City of Auburn Revenue Manual REVENUE: STREAMLINED SALES TAX DESCRIPTION: The Streamlined Sales Tax revenue source was implemented in 2008 as a way for cities to offset the negative fiscal impact of the Streamlined Sales and Use Tax Agreement (SSUTA), also known as `destination sourcing'. HISTORICAL DATA: General Fund 2010 A 2011 A 2012 A 2013 A 2014 Adj 8 Total $ 1,965,472 $ 1,987,348 $ 1,894,001 $ 1,952,778 $ 2,020,000 BASE: All taxable retail sales and events. This revenue source is collected by the Department of Revenue and distributed to cities quarterly. AUBURN CITY 3.60.010: Authorizes the tax. CODE: REVISED 82.14: Provides authorization to cities to tax all taxable retail sales and CODE OF events. WA: 1 of 246 City of Auburn Revenue Manual Fines, Forfeits and Other Revenues 2 of 246 City of Auburn Revenue Manual REVENUE: FINES AND FORFEITS DESCRIPTION: Fines and penalties are assessed upon individuals violating City code. HISTORICAL DATA: General Fund 2010 A 2011 A 2012 A 2013 A 2014 Adj B Traffic Infractions $ 725,523 $ 652,860 $ 593,132 $ 441,145 $ 653,250 Redflex Photo Enforcement 1,199,896 825,337 595,247 599,772 497,475 Parking Infractions 189,860 172,137 109,691 116,659 170,000 Criminal Non - Traffic 106,563 86,790 84,020 56,899 90,000 Criminal Traffic 64,290 63,996 61,019 35,826 64,000 Driving While Intoxicated 22,482 17,491 29,121 19,477 18,000 Other Revenues 193,819 134,517 121,056 166,906 76,956 Total $ 2,502,433 $ 1,953,129 $ 1,593,286 $ 1,436,685 $ 1,569,681 BASE: Persons who violate municipal laws which are punishable by fine or fee within the City of Auburn. AUBURN CITY Section 1 and 10 of the Auburn City Code governs civil penalties and CODE: vehicle and traffic safety. REVISED Various section governing civil penalties and public safety. CODE OF WA: D1.13 page 3 of 246 City of Auburn Revenue Manual 4 REVENUE: FIRE INSURANCE PREMIUM TAX DESCRIPTION: The state collects a two percent tax on the premiums of all insurance policies written, 25% of the revenue collected are distributed to cities and fire districts that have firemen's pension funds. HISTORICAL DATA: Fund 611 2010 A 2011 A 2012 A 2013 A 2014 Adj B Total $ 63,545 $ 66,375 $ 63,205 $ 70,036 $ 63,000 BASE: Net premiums received by authorized insurers. AUBURN CITY Authority for this tax was established by RCW. CODE: REVISED 48.14.020: Authorizes the state to impose this tax. CODE OF 41.16.050: Authorizes the distribution of the tax to the city to fund its WA: Fire Pension requirements. Distribution is based on the city's report to the State Treasurer on the number of paid firemen. Entire amount is deposited into the firemen's pension fund. 4 of 246 City of Auburn Revenue Manual REVENUE: INVESTMENT INCOME DESCRIPTION: This includes interest earnings on investments that are held or sold, net of investment fees. HISTORICAL DATA: Fund Types 2010 A 2011 A 2012 A 2013 A 2014 Ad' B General Fund $ 152,158 $ 86,932 $ 89,805 $ 45,977 $ 42,230 All Other Funds 427,302 304,665 231,540 208,180 197,494 Total $ 579,460 $ 391,596 $ 321,345 $ 254,157 $ 239,724 BASE: AUTHORITY: REVISED CODE OF WA: Interest rates from the state investment pool, interest on money market accounts, and interest from U.S. Government Securities. This is authorized by the City of Auburn Investment Policy, approved by Ordinance No. 3034. 35.39.030: Excess or inactive funds — Investments. D1.13 Page 5 of 246 City of Auburn Revenue Manual REVENUE: RENTAL INCOME DESCRIPTION: Rental income includes payments received for the use of City owned facilities such as room rentals at the Senior Center and other park facilities, fees for use of golf cart rentals, fees for use of all athletic fields, picnic shelters, and campsites. This category also includes revenues generated from Auburn Avenue Theatre rentals, cell phone tower leases at Game Farm Park, and other lease revenues. HISTORICAL DATA: Genera/ Fund, Fund 104. 321 and 505 2010 A 2011 A 2012 A 2013 A 2014 Ad' B General Fund $ 468,284 $ 572,812 $ 513,833 $ 493,878 $ 513,000 Hotel /Motel Fund 11,900 17,137 12,775 - 6,100 Municipal Parks Fund 64,261 59,736 52,169 52,801 55,000 Facilities Fund 133,067 80,066 97,527 107,574 82,800 Total $ 677,512 $ 729,751 $ 676,304 $ 654,253 $ 656,900 A $ 800,000 $ 600,000 $ 400,000 $ 200,000 $0 2010 A 2011 A 2012 A 2013 A 2014 Adj B BASE: All leased City owned properties and fees generated activities referenced above. This category does not include property leases, tie down and hanger rent at the Auburn Municipal Airport. Those revenues are included in this manual under Airport Revenues. AUBURN CITY 3.68.040: City Parks and Recreation - standards for setting fees and CODE: charges. REVISED Not Applicable. CODE OF WA: D1.13 Pag" 6 of 246 City of Auburn Revenue Manual Enterprise Funds 7 of 246 City of Auburn Revenue Manual REVENUE: AIRPORT REVENUES DESCRIPTION: Airport revenues are derived from hangar rents, tie downs, property leases and fuel flowage fees. HISTORICAL DATA: Airport Fund 2010 A 2011 A 2012 A 2013 A 2014 Ad' 8 Tie Down and Hangar Rent $ 364,602 $ 410,487 $ 390,745 $ 407,827 $ 380,500 Fuel Facility Rent 18,000 18,000 18,000 18,000 - Airport Security Service 15,977 15,530 15,443 15,481 15,000 Flowage Fees 10,705 10,454 10,380 10,380 12,000 Total $ 409,284 $ 454,471 $ 434,568 $ 451,688 $ 407,500 BASE: Hangar rentals, tie downs, property leases and fuel flowage fees. Due to the revised Airport contract in 2014, fuel flowage fees are based on a percentage of fuel pumped and fuel facility rent is no longer applicable. Auburn Municipal Airport is one of the busiest general aviation airports in Washington State. There are approximately 141,000 takeoffs and landings a year with 274 aircrafts based at the Airport. The Airport is owned by the City, but privately operated under contract. AUBURN CITY 3.04: Creates the airport fund and establishes uses of funds. CODE: REVISED 14.08.120: Grants cities the power to operate a municipal airport. CODE OF WA: D1.13 Pag" 8 of 246 City of Auburn Revenue Manual REVENUE: CEMETERY REVENUES - OPERATIONS AND ENDOWED CARE DESCRIPTION: This includes revenues from the sale of lots, liners, markers and related openings /closings. HISTORICAL DATA: Fund 436 and Fund 701 2010 A 2011 A 2012 A 2013 A 2014 Ad' B Lot Sales $ 285,711 $ 252,510 $ 281,407 $ 374,994 $ 330,000 Openings /Closings 179,393 211,457 194,181 209,319 200,000 Liners /Settings 136,210 172,603 167,811 184,667 165,000 Markers 99,810 104,957 171,507 158,882 144,000 Cemetery Endowment Care 52,156 44,829 48,660 37,506 32,000 Other Revenues 7,352 10,387 10,298 16,417 17,000 Total $ 760,633 $ 796,742 $ 873,864 $ 981,784 $ 888,000 BASE: Charges include lot sales, liners, markers, vases, mausoleum space, opening and closing fees, and miscellaneous cemetery revenues. AUBURN CITY 3.04.080: Establishes the cemetery fund and guidelines for its use. CODE: 3.04.090: Establishes the cemetery endowment care fund. 2.72.040: Created a board of five cemetery commissioners serving terms of five years. REVISED 68.52: Grants cities and towns authority to own and operate CODE OF cemeteries. WA: D1.13 Pag" 9 of 246 City of Auburn Revenue Manual REVENUE: WATER UTILITY REVENUES DESCRIPTION: The Water Utility bills customers a monthly base rate and consumption charge based on the quantity of water consumed. In addition, the Water Fund receives revenue from cell phone providers who rent space on City owned water towers. The City also provides water to the City of Algona and Water District #111 under wholesale agreements. HISTORICAL DATA: Fund 430 2010 A 2011 A 2012 A 2013 A 2014 Ad j B City Water Services $ 8,997,492 $ 8,918,617 $ 10,209,742 $ 11,551,283 $ 12,886,725 Application and Other Revenues 103,207 105,495 126,022 144,068 90,000 Rents, Leases and Concessions 46,521 52,385 50,122 51,840 50,000 Total $ 9,147,220 $ 9,076,497 $ 10,385,886 $ 11,747,191 $ 13,026,725 MG D` Water Sold 7.5 6.5 6.7 6.7 6.7 *Million Gallons Der Dav $14,000,000 $12,000,000 $10,000,000 $ 8,000,000 $ 6,000,000 $4,000,000 $ 2,000,000 $0 2010 A 2011 A 2012 A 2013 A 2014 Adj B BASE: Number of water accounts and volume of water consumed. AUBURN CITY 13.06: Establishes the City's water fund and rates and charges. CODE: REVISED 35.91: Municipal water and sewer facilities act. CODE OF 35.92.010: Authorizes cities to operate waterworks. WA: 35.92.025: Authorizes cities to charge for connection to the city water system. 30 of 246 City of Auburn Revenue Manual REVENUE: SEWER UTILITY REVENUES DESCRIPTION: The Sewer Utility bills customers a fee for wastewater collection and conveyance to King County for treatment. HISTORICAL DATA: Fund 431 and Fund 433 2010 A 2011 A 2012 A 2013 A 2014 Ad' B Metro Service Charge $ 11,423,732 $ 12,028,504 $ 12,616,197 $ 14,323,538 $ 14,500,000 City Sewer Services 3,969,859 4,105,670 5,405,875 6,806,771 7,206,431 Metro Industrial Charge 552,816 505,385 516,133 580,544 500,000 Application Revenues 21,824 27,590 47,082 53,394 25,000 Total $ 15,968,231 $ 16,667,149 $ 18,585,288 $ 21,764,247 $ 22,231,431 BASE: Number of sewer accounts and volume of wastewater discharged. AUBURN CITY 13.20.020: Establishes the sewer utility, rates and charges. CODE: REVISED 35.67.010: Defines system of sewerage. CODE OF 35.91: Establishes the municipal water and sewer facilities act. WA: 35.91.030: Authority to set rates. 35.92.020: Authority to acquire and operate sewerage and solid waste handling systems, plants, sites, or facilities. 1311.13 Fay 31 of 246 City of Auburn Revenue Manual REVENUE: STORM DRAINAGE UTILITY REVENUES DESCRIPTION: The Storm Drainage Utility bills customers for management, collection and conveyance of surface water runoff from roads and properties. HISTORICAL DATA: Fund 432 2010 A 2011 A 2012 A 2013 A 2014 Ad' B City Storm Drainage Services $ 6,399,873 $ 6,870,985 $ 7,330,241 $ 8,034,652 $ 8,521,917 Storm Application Revenues 41,853 67,390 149,339 149,651 60,000 Total $ 6,441,726 $ 6,938,375 $ 7,479,580 $ 8,184,303 $ 8,581,917 BASE: Number of storm drainage accounts and amount of impervious surface area such as parking lots. Credits are provided in the event of privately provided surface water management facilities. AUBURN CITY 13.48: Establishes the storm drainage utility, rates and charges. CODE: REVISED 35.21.210: Authorizes cities to provide storm drainage services and CODE OF systems. WA: D1.13 Fay 32 of 246 City of Auburn Revenue Manual REVENUE: SOLID WASTE UTILITY REVENUES DESCRIPTION: The Solid Waste Utility bills customers for garbage pickup. The Solid Waste Utility contracts with Waste Management. HISTORICAL DATA: Fund 434 2010 A 2011 A 2012 A 2013 A 2014 Adj B City Solid Waste Services $ 7,917,226 $ 8,021,907 $ 9,484,140 $ 10,650,203 $ 10,786,037 Yard Waste 183,565 642,517 801,747 911,909 921,369 Total $ 8,100,791 $ 8,664,423 $ 10,285,887 $ 11,562,112 $ 11,707,406 BASE: The rates charged to customers are dependent on the service level they choose - which is the container size and frequency of pick -ups. AUBURN CITY 8.08.060: Establishes the City's Solid Waste Fund. CODE: 8.08.170: Establishes the authority to establish fees and charges. 8.08.180: Establishes collection charges. REVISED 35.21.152: Establishes the authority for a city to handle solid waste CODE OF services. WA: 35.21.157: Establishes the procedures for rate increase notification. D1.13 Fay 33 of 246 City of Auburn Revenue Manual Appendix 34 of 246 City of Auburn Revenue Manual Historical Factors Affecting City Revenues City revenue collections can be affected by a variety of factors including regional and national economic conditions such as business cycles and periods of economic expansion and contraction (i.e., recessions); geo- political events which can affect consumer and business confidence, national equity markets and thus local economic conditions; and voter approved and State legislated mandates affecting City revenues. Since 1995, there have been several voter approved and State legislative actions that have permanently affected revenues for the City of Auburn. It is estimated that the cumulative effects of these actions have resulted in a permanent loss of $51.1 million to the City. A description of several of these key actions is presented below. Sales Tax Exemption on Purchase and Lease of Manufacturing Equipment, Retooling of Manufacturing Equipment, and General Research and Development 0995). Legislation was passed to exempt the purchase and lease of manufacturing equipment from state and local sales taxes. The next year further legislation was enacted exempting sales taxes on research and development and on the retooling of manufacturing equipment. Initiative 695 0999). In November 1999, the voters of Washington State approved Initiative 695, which repeals the State's long standing motor vehicle excise tax (MVET) and requires future voter approval of tax and fee increases proposed by state, county and local governments. The ruling was upheld on appeal at the Washington State Supreme Court. The loss of the MVET eliminated an average of $750 million annually as a funding source for local governments, transit systems and state transportation projects. The loss of MVET revenues was approximately 2% of total General Fund revenues. During 2000, State funding was provided to assist in the revenue losses. The City of Auburn received approximately $200,000 in 2001 and 2002. Early in 2003, the State discontinued this funding assistance. Initiative 747 (2001). One of the largest losses to City revenue is due to 1 -747 which limits property tax increases to the lesser of 1% or inflation. 1 -747 was passed by Washington State voters in November of 2001. This measure was declared unconstitutional by the King County Superior court on June 13, 2006. In November 2007, the State Supreme Court decision was to overturn 1 -747. Following this decision, the Washington Legislature approved House Bill 2416 reinstating the provisions of 1 -747 retroactively to 2002, restoring the one percent limit on property tax increases. DI.B Fay 35 of 246 City of Auburn Revenue Manual Initiative 776 (2002). The voters approved this initiative in the fall of 2002 to repeal the $15 local option vehicle excise tax levied in King, Snohomish and Douglas counties. The voters of these counties initially approved this tax and there was argument whether a statewide vote could repeal a local voted tax. After several court cases and subsequent appeals the state Supreme Court upheld the initiative. The loss to the City street program is approximately $450,000 annually. Streamlined Sales and Use Tax (SST) (2008). In 2003, the Legislature enacted Senate Bill 5783 to adopt several provisions of the Streamlined Sales and Use Tax Agreement. The agreement attempts to create a Sales Tax collection system that is uniform across all states. Washington State changed from a point of sale collection process to a point of delivery collection process in July 2008. Funding to mitigate the losses as a result of SST is currently being provided by the State. Liquor State Shared Revenue Distributions (2012). In 2012, as a part of the State Legislature's strategy to balance the State budget, local distributions of liquor excise taxes and liquor profits were suspended /reduced. Specifically, liquor excise taxes were temporarily suspended for the period July 1, 2012 to June 30, 2013 and was reinstated at approximately 65% of its original levels. Liquor profits were frozen at 2011 levels. 36 of 246 City of Auburn Revenue Manual nC � 0 0 D c 6 C -s 7 c v O h N $4.5 $4.0 $3.5 $3.0 $2.5 c 0 $2.0 $1.5 $1.0 $0.5 $0.0 City of Auburn Tax Loss from Washington State Legislative or Initiative Action 1996 -2014 Cumulative Loss = $51 Million L &I rate increases (Loss: $100K) I-A I-A I-A I-A N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N lD lD lD lD O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O lD lD lD lD O O O O O O O O O O N N N N N Ol V 00 lD O k� N W A Ln Ol V 00 lD O N N W A PERS rate increases (Loss: $840K) Liquor excise tax eliminated in State FY2013; partially restored in SFY 2014 (Loss: $561K) Repealed $15 local option vehicle excise tax (Initiative 776; Loss: 6.OM) Limit property tax to 1% (Initiative 747; Loss: $1.5M) Repeal of Motor Vehicle Excise Tax (Initiative 695; Loss: $12.8M) Limit property tax increase to rate of inflation (Referendum 47; Loss: $10.3M) Exemption of Sales Tax on Manufacturing and Equipment ($18.8M) City of Auburn compared to other Washington Cities When evaluating revenues between municipalities, one common methodology is to normalize the information on a per - capita basis. Based upon information collected and maintained by the Washington State Auditor's Office for calendar year 2012 (the latest year in which data is available on the SAO website), the following graphics provide some insight as to how the City of Auburn's General Fund revenues compare to surrounding jurisdictions in King County. Note that these comparisons are for the General Fund only and do not include revenues that are receipted into other funds such as rates from Water, Sewer, Storm Drainage and Solid Waste utility services, Real Estate Excise Taxes or the City's 1% of utility taxes that are earmarked for arterial street improvements. 8 of 246 City of Auburn Revenue Manual n Z 0 '-h D 6 G D M v v O N d7 Taxes per Capita: This graphic compares tax revenues /capita for all cities in King County. This revenue category includes all forms of taxes including property, sales, and utility taxes. In 2012, Auburn collected $560 in taxes on a per capita basis as compared to $440 for the City of Kent, $762 compared to the City of Renton, and $251 for the City of Federal Way. Variances in this statistic can reflect local economic differences such as the valuation of local properties, the local property and utility tax rates, or the number of large retail establishments, such as big -box retailers or destination -based shopping centers. $2,500 $2,000 $1,500 $1,000 $500 S- 2012 King County Tax Revenues /Capita v S z o v v t L 0 . o Y O d 'a LY d v N an a L a E on � v v d aj d co c Y ai ° o > E m O s o c O o O L o U o tv o o } 7 Y O l0 00 c to Z N J O] Source: Washington State Auditor's Office, Local Government Financial Reporting System n 0 b Licenses and Permits per Capita: This next graphic compares revenues from licenses and permits on a per capita basis. In 2012, Auburn collected $33 on a per capita basis as compared to $27 for the City of Federal Way, $37 for the City of Kent, and $32 for the City of Renton. Variances in this statistic can reflect the local level of development activity, the type of projects and the size of the fees and permits that it charges, and the amount of development activity that result in building permits and plan check fees. $160 $140 $120 $100 $80 $60 $40 $20 2012 King County Licenses & Permit Revenues /Capita cv — > c`a v — ,� O y O v -o v u >. c v v v w E Y n a v a CO LL O E o Y — O yo t Oo o F� O 0—J O - -O > o E m o O M O " m > iv E m .>i a '> E v •o '�, v Y y ~ v v - v g 3 Y Q E v N Q m Ev vv v m > E L � N `o v z Y E n o Y v -c° c o m 3 X N Z LL N O cO Y 'O Or w O O O m J m Z o Source: Washington State Auditor's Office, Local Government Financial Reporting System O N d7 nC �C 0 '-h 6 D M v v Charges for Goods and Services per Capita: This next category compares revenues from goods and services per capita. In 2012, Auburn collected $34 on a per capita basis as compared to $28 for Federal Way, $40 for Kent, and $72 for Renton. Variances in this revenue source can reflect the type and number of contracted agreements that a city has in place and the value of these agreements. $200 $180 $160 $140 $120 $100 $80 $60 $40 $20 2012 King County Charges for Goods and Services Revenue /Capita m w -O = -O — — 3 v m -6 � v -6 y C C L C U = L T v v U m m v C /6 C — O UJ O > O O (o = s (o f0 3 O c (o y v H > O — O (o UJ I (6 O v a Y v yo " — o v o v Y v v E — m m > c nn a o v o m 73> v� oc E v� ¢ o y 3 •� m o ¢ 3 a m vt Y U C y vt v 6 L Y UJ UJ O C O O w UJ U O E cO_ N O -O O z U U (o O uQ v N N c v L.L aj z E } m � O m z 4J J m Source: Washington State Auditor's Office, Local Government Financial Reporting System O N d7 n� 0 '-h 6 G D M v v Fines and Forfeits per Capita: This next category compares revenues from fines and forfeits per capita. In 2012, Auburn collected $22 on a per capita basis, as compared to $13 for Kent, $12 for Federal Way and $32 for Renton. Variances in this revenue source can reflect the type of activities that may generate fines and forfeits that a city has in place (for example photo enforcement cameras and the number of intersections monitored can affect the amount of revenue collected in this category). $70 $60 $50 $40 $30 $20 $10 2012 King County Fines & Penalties Revenue /Capita Y 2 'O C m = 'O = 'O L m u 'O U1 C >- m — w 'O w C w = t C Y w = w w u C O C ry C C C ro O O O O ry — UJ C C O 7 hp �n — — a O o o = c > y v 2 3 v a E 'O > 'O a> U Ev Y — o m E v a ❑ a > > — U CO -0 cc LL ❑ v v Z L r0 U O Q ry X co Qj Z >j Y LL N } N v m Z ry J UJ m N Source: Washington State Auditor's Office, Local Government Financial Reporting System O N d7 While these comparative per capita statistics provide interesting insights into the level of revenue collected between jurisdictions, it is important to be aware that there can be many factors affecting revenue collections and that the amount of revenue collected can often reflect the relative priorities of a community (for example, the type and level of utility taxes assessed or whether a jurisdiction has installed photo enforcement cameras). Therefore, while these comparisons make for interesting comparisons, conclusions should not and cannot be drawn without the benefit from a more in -depth analysis of publicly available information. 3 of 246 City of Auburn Revenue Manual 6 REVENUES BY CATEGORY* For all fund types TAXES Property Sales & Use Cable TV City Utility Electric Utility Natural Gas Utility Solid Waste - External Utility Telephone Utility Admissions Gambling Hotel /Motel Excise Leasehold Excise Real Estate Excise Tax (REET) Sub -Total LICENSES, PERMITS AND OTHER FEES /CHARGES Business Licenses Mitigation /Impact Fees Park Fees Permit Fees Animal Licenses Planning and Develompent Fees Sub -Total INTERGOVERNMENTAL REVENUES Criminal Justice Sales Tax Federal /State /Local Grant Liquor Excise & Profits Motor Vehicle Fuel Tax Muckleshoot Casino Streamlined Sales Tax Sub -Total FINES AND FORFEITS AND OTHER REVENUES Fines and Forfeits Fire Insurance Premiums Investment Income Rental Income Sub -Total ENTERPRISE FUND REVENUES Airport Cemetery Water Utility Sewer Utility Storm Drainage Utility Solid Waste Utility Sub -Total 2010 Actual 2011 Actual 2012 Actual 2013 Actual 2014 Adjusted Budget $ 14,169,811 $ 14,566,894 $ 14,866,488 $ 14,415,456 $ 15,699,417 15,240,652 15,632,279 16,107,823 17,784,567 17,244,327 967,129 1,022,902 1,051,146 1,115,477 1,049,964 2,788,083 2,948,297 3,281,816 3,892,250 3,738,040 3,647,183 3,739,160 3,750,846 4,059,276 4,038,779 1,472,202 1,675,963 1,576,954 1,596,891 1,757,554 177,208 166,289 134,680 119,094 117,385 2,540,160 2,390,385 2,297,352 2,214,292 2,451,284 312,202 305,218 298,703 273,260 365,427 204,112 258,050 265,491 202,157 250,237 66,549 65,058 78,143 90,581 70,000 37,985 49,467 39,262 37,215 50,754 1,080,258 1,487,163 1,758,725 2,225,898 1,400,000 $ 42,703,585 $ 44,307,126 $ 45,507,480 $ 48,026,412 $ 48,233,168 2010 Actual 2011 Actual 2012 Actual 2013 Actual 2014 Adjusted Budget $ 280,501 $ 254,054 $ 288,690 $ 305,637 $ 258,015 1,097,708 1,188,560 1,447,547 1,692,460 875,000 2,048,060 1,964,139 2,026,667 2,093,067 2,062,549 1,096,648 1,574,140 2,112,686 2,678,483 1,457,232 - - - 127,303 240,000 684,924 509,414 1,222,884 1,116,612 738,881 $ 5,207,641 $ 5,490,307 $ 7,096,475 $ 6,013,563 $ 5,631,677 2010 Actual 2011 Actual 2012 Actual 2013 Actual 2014 Adjusted Budget $ 185,608 $ 235,036 $ 238,147 $ 171,736 $ 88,880 4,325,989 11,625,562 13,310,544 5,314,685 11,139,508 856,732 814,509 965,706 688,099 680,000 1,461,709 1,465,720 1,444,724 1,472,734 1,476,423 652,155 540,050 730,376 509,734 700,000 1,965,472 1,987,348 1,894,001 1,952,778 2,020,000 $ 91,447,664 $ 16,668,225 $ 18,583,4918 $ 10,109,766 $ 16,104,811 $ 3,822,949 $ 3,140,851 $ 2,654,140 $ 2,415,130 $ 2,529,305 2010 Actual 2011 Actual 2012 Actual 2013 Actual 2014 Adjusted 2010 Actual 2011 Actual 2012 Actual 2013 Actual $ 407,500 760,633 796,742 873,864 981,784 Budget $ 2,502,433 $ 1,953,129 $ 1,593,286 $ 1,436,685 $ 1,569,681 63,545 66,375 63,205 70,036 63,000 579,460 391,596 321,345 254,157 239,724 677,512 729,751 676,304 654,253 656,900 $ 3,822,949 $ 3,140,851 $ 2,654,140 $ 2,415,130 $ 2,529,305 2010 Actual 2011 Actual 2012 Actual 2013 Actual 2014 Adjusted Budget $ 409,284 $ 454,471 $ 434,568 $ 451,688 $ 407,500 760,633 796,742 873,864 981,784 888,000 9,147,220 9,076,497 10,385,886 11,747,191 13,026,725 15,968,231 16,667,149 18,585,288 21,764,247 22,231,431 6,441,726 6,938,375 7,479,580 8,184,303 8,581,917 8,100,791 8,664,423 10,285,887 11,562,112 11,707,406 $ 40,827,884 $ 42,597,658 $ 48,045,073 $ 54,691,325 $ 56,842,979 Grand Total $ 102,009,874 $ 112,204,166 $ 121,888,617 $ 123,256,197 $ 129,341,940 *The above table represents major sources of revenue. Sources excluded from this revenue manual include beginning fund balances, working capital balances, and interfund transfers. 4 of 246 City of Auburn Revenue Manual 6 REVENUES PER CAPITA BY CATEGORY* For all fund types City Population King County portion Pierce County portion Total TAXES Property Sales & Use Cable TV City Utility Electric Utility Natural Gas Utility Solid Waste - External Utility Telephone Utility Admissions Gambling Hotel /Motel Excise Leasehold Excise Real Estate Excise Tax (REET) Sub -Total LICENSES, PERMITS AND OTHER FEES /CHARGES Business Licenses Mitigation/ Impact Fees Park Fees Permit Fees Animal Licenses Planning and Develompent Fees Sub -Total INTERGOVERNMENTAL REVENUES Criminal Justice Sales Tax Federal /State /Local Grant Liquor Excise & Profits Motor Vehicle Fuel Tax Muckleshoot Casino Streamlined Sales Tax Sub -Total FINES AND FORFEITS AND OTHER REVENUES Fines and Forfeits Fire Insurance Premiums Investment Income Rental Income Sub -Total ENTERPRISE FUND REVENUES Airport Cemetery Water Utility Sewer Utility Storm Drainage Utility Solid Waste Utility Sub -Total 70,180 70,705 71,240 73,235 73,967 2010 Actual 2011 Actual 2012 Actual 2013 Actual 2014 Adjusted 2010 Actual 2011 Actual 2012 Actual 2013 Actual $ 212 217 221 226 243 Budget 62,761 63,050 63,390 64,320 64,963 7,419 7,655 7,850 8,915 9,004 70,180 70,705 71,240 73,235 73,967 2010 Actual 2011 Actual 2012 Actual 2013 Actual 2014 Adjusted Budget $ 202 $ 206 $ 209 $ 197 $ 212 217 221 226 243 233 14 14 15 15 14 40 42 46 53 51 52 53 53 55 55 21 24 22 22 24 3 2 2 2 2 36 34 32 30 33 4 4 4 4 5 3 1 4 1 4 1 3 1 3 1 1 15 1 21 1 25 1 30 1 19 $ 608 $ 627 $ 639 $ 656 $ 652 2010 Actual 2011 Actual 2012 Actual 2013 Actual 2014 Adjusted Budget $ 4 $ 4 $ 4 $ 4 $ 3 16 17 20 23 12 29 28 28 29 28 16 22 30 37 20 9 8 10 2 3 10 7 17 15 10 $ 74 $ 78 $ 100 $ 109 $ 76 2010 Actual 2011 Actual 2012 Actual 2013 Actual 2014 Adjusted Budget $ 3$ 3$ 3$ 2$ 1 62 164 187 73 151 12 12 14 9 9 21 21 20 20 20 9 8 10 7 9 28 28 27 27 27 $ 135 $ 236 $ 261 $ 138 $ 218 $ 54 $ 44 $ 37 $ 33 $ 34 2010 Actual 2011 Actual 2012 Actual 2013 Actual 2014 Adjusted 2010 Actual 2011 Actual 2012 Actual 2013 Actual $ 6 11 11 12 13 Budget $ 36 $ 28 $ 22 $ 20 $ 21 1 8 1 6 1 5 1 3 1 3 10 10 9 9 9 $ 54 $ 44 $ 37 $ 33 $ 34 2010 Actual 2011 Actual 2012 Actual 2013 Actual 2014 Adjusted Budget $ 6 $ 6 $ 6 $ 6 $ 6 11 11 12 13 12 130 128 146 160 176 228 236 261 297 301 92 98 105 112 116 115 123 144 158 158 $ 582 $ 602 $ 674 $ 747 $ 768 Grand Total $ 1,454 $ 1,587 $ 1,711 $ 1,683 $ 1,749 *The above table represents major sources of revenue. Sources excluded from this revenue manual include beginning fund balances, working capital balances, and interfund transfers. D1.B Faye 5 of 246 City of Auburn Revenue Manual 6 City of Auburn Revenue Manual Prepared by: City of Auburn Finance Department 25 West Main Street /_' 11:11iTU11l_'R:TiI9ICM1:j, Shelley Coleman Finance Director Tamara Baker Financial Analyst 6 of 246 City of Auburn Revenue Manual 6