HomeMy WebLinkAboutCP1122 Specs
2012 WSDOT
Project Number CP1122
Contract No. 14-08
Bid Opening Date: July 10, 2014
11:00 AM PDT
City of Auburn
Engineering Division
Community Development & Public Works Department
25 West Main St.
Auburn, WA 98001-4998
(253) 931-3010
FAX (253) 931-3053
Description of Work
The work provides for the construction of Project CP1122, 30th Street NE Area Flooding –
Phase 1. The major items of work include installing approximately 3,900 linear feet of 42-
inch gravity storm drainage pipe; approximately 860 linear feet of gravity storm drainage
pipes ranging in size from 4 to 30 inch; catch basin and manhole structures; water main and
sewer main pipe adjustment; upgrade pedestrian pushbutton system; induction loop detectors
replacement; removal and replacement of curbs, gutters, sidewalks, and driveways, and
fences; construction dewatering; trench shoring; pavement restoration and asphalt overlay;
traffic control; temporary erosion control; and site restoration.
Project Location
30th Street NE from C-Street NE to I-Street NE and I-Street NE from 30th Street NE to
approximately 150 feet south, then east along the north end of Brannan Park to the Brannan
Park Booster Pump Station.
Project Funding
This project is funded with City of Auburn monies.
Table of Contents
Invitation for Bids
Bidder’s Checklist
Proposal Form
Responsible Bidder Information
Proposed Equipment and Manpower Schedule
Local Agency Subcontractor List
Bid Bond
Contract Bond
Request to Sublet Work
APPENDIX ‘A’ Standard Details & Standard Plans
APPENDIX ‘B’ Prevailing Wage Rates
APPENDIX ‘C’ Construction Stormwater General Permit and SWPPP
APPENDIX ‘D’ Easements
The Office of the City Clerk will receive sealed bids at the Auburn City Hall, 25 West Main Street,
Auburn, Washington until 11:00 AM PDT on July 10, 2014, and will then and there be opened and
publicly read aloud at the City Hall. All bids shall be filed with the City Clerk on or before the time set for
bid opening.
The major items of work include installing approximately 3,900 linear feet of 42-inch gravity storm
drainage pipe; approximately 860 linear feet of gravity storm drainage pipes ranging in size from 4 to 30
inch; catch basin and manhole structures; water main and sewer main pipe adjustment; upgrade pedestrian
pushbutton system; induction loop detectors replacement; removal and replacement of curbs, gutters,
sidewalks, and driveways, and fences; construction dewatering; trench shoring; pavement restoration and
asphalt overlay; traffic control; temporary erosion control; and site restoration. The proposed bid range for
the project is from $2,700,000 to $3,200,000. The entire project, including cleanup, shall be physically
completed within 100 working days. This project is funded with City of Auburn monies.
All bid proposals shall be accompanied by a bid deposit in cash, certified check, cashier’s check or
proposal bond (surety bond) in an amount equal to five percent (5%) of the amount of such bid propos al.
Should the successful bidder fail to enter into such Contract and furnish satisfactory Contract Bond within
the time stated in the Bid Documents, the bid deposit shall be forfeited to the City of Auburn.
Disadvantaged, Minority, and Women’s Business Enterprises are encouraged to respond. The City of
Auburn does not discriminate on the grounds of race, color, religion, national origin, sex, sexual
orientation, age or handicap in consideration for a project award.
The Plans, Specifications, Addenda, Bidders List, and Bid Proposal Package for this project are
available exclusively through the City of Auburn’s online plan room. Access is provided by going to
Builders Exchange of Washington (http://www.bxwa.com) and clicking on: “Posted Projects”;
“Public Works”; “City of Auburn”, and “Projects Bidding”. Bidders are encouraged to “Register”
in order to receive automatic email notification of future addenda and to be placed on the “Bidders
List”. This online plan room provides bidders with fully usable online documents, with the ability to
download, print to your own printer, order document sets from numerous reprographic sources, and a
free online digitizer/take-off tool. Contact Builders Exchange of Washington at 425.258.1303 should
you require assistance.
The City reserves the right to reject any and all bids, waive technicalities or irregularities and to accept any
bid if such action is believed to be for the best interest of the City of Auburn.
Intended dates of publication:
Seattle Daily Journal of Commerce June 24, 2014 and July 1, 2014
Seattle Times June 24, 2014
Project Number CP1122
Contract No. 14-08
Bidder must execute and return with submittal:
The unit prices bid must be shown in the space provided. The proposal shall be filled in and
signed by the bidder.
To show contractor’s ability to perform jobs of a similar nature.
Provide a complete list of equipment and manpower to be used on project.
4. LOCAL AGENCY SUBCONTRACTOR LIST (Required on $1,000,000 or larger projects) List
all subcontractors who are proposed to perform the work of heating, ventilation and air
conditioning, plumbing, and electrical. Failure to submit this with the bid shall render the bid
nonresponsive. (Form 271-015 included for this purpose). See Section 1-02.6 (Preparation of
This form is to be executed by the bidder and the Surety Company unless cash, cashier’s check or
a certified check in the amount of 5% of the total bid accompanies bid. The amount of this bond
shall be not less than five percent (5%) of the total amount bid and may be shown in dollars or on
a percentage basis.
After the Contract is awarded, execute:
To be executed by the successful bidder in triplicate.
To be executed by the successful bidder and his surety company in triplicate.
To be submitted in triplicate.
To be submitted in triplicate.
Submitted in duplicate, showing the first 30 working days, to the Engineer one (1) working day
prior to the date of the Pre-construction Conference. To be provided in conformance with Section
1-08.3 (Progress Schedule) of the Standard Specifications.
One copy for each subcontractor and lower tier subcontractor shall be submitted and approved by
the City, prior to the subcontractor entering the project work site(s) to perform work. (Sample
form is included).
P R O P O S A L F O R M Page 1
30th Street NE Area Flooding – Phase 1
Contract No. 14-08 Project No. CP1122
Bid Opening: July 10, 2014
Bids received after this time will be returned to sender unopened in accordance with
Section 1-02.9 (Preparation of Proposal) of the Specificat ions.
The undersigned hereby certifies that:
1. The project site has been inspected.
2. The Bid Documents governing the work have been read and are thoroughly understood.
3. The bidder is willing and able to execute the Contract, provide a Contract Bond and
Evidence of Insurance within 7 calendar days following the receipt of the dated “Notice
of Award”.
4. The “Responsible Bidder Information” and “Proposed Equipment and Manpower
Schedule” forms have been completed and are enclosed with this Bid Proposal.
5. A “Local Agency Subcontractor List” per Section 1-02.6 (Preparation of Proposal) of the
specifications has been completed and is enclosed with this Bid Proposal if applicable. .
6. A 5% Bid Deposit has been enclosed with this Bid Proposal.
7. All addendums have been acknowledged in the space provided in this Bid Proposal.
8. The bidder will promptly undertake the work upon receipt of the dated “Notice to
Proceed” that will be issued within 5 working days of the contract execution date and
complete the work embraced in this improvement in accordance with the Contract
Documents at the following schedule of rates and prices, and it is understood t hat failure
to complete the work within the time stated in Section 1-08.5 (Time for Completion) of
the Specifications will be cause for assessment of liquidated damages in accordance with
Section 1-08.9 (Liquidated Damages) of the Specifications.
9. The City may choose to include additive and/or alternate bid items on the Proposal Form
and, if included, the City has the right to select any or all of the additive and/or alternate
bid items. The additive and/or alternate bid items selected shall be added to the basic
bid and the Contract award will be made based on the lowest and most acceptable total
bid including selected additives and/or alternates.
10. The method of payment will be made only on the unit prices for items appearing on this
Bid Proposal form.
11. The bidders must bid all items in the bid proposal. If any items are left blank or
represent $0.00, the bid may be disqualified.
NOTE: Unit prices for all items, all extensions and the total amount of bid must be shown.
All proposals shall be typed or written in ink.
P R O P O S A L F O R M Page 2
30th Street NE Area Flooding – Phase 1
Contract No. 14-08 Project No. CP1122
Schedule A: Street Improvements
No.Description Quantity Unit Unit Price Total Price
1 1-04 Minor Changes 1
ADJ.EQ. ADJ.$5,000.00
2 1-05 Record Drawings (Min. Bid $1000)1 LS LS $
3 1-09 Construction Site Sign(s)1 EA $$
4 1-09 Mobilization 1 LS LS $
5 1-10 Trafic Control Supervisor 1 LS LS $
6 1-10
Traffic Control Labor (Min. Bid
$38.00 per hour)480 HR $$
7 1-10 Sequential Arrow Sign 15 DAY $$
8 1-10 Portable Changeable Message Sign 15 DAY $$
9 1-10
Outside Agency Uniformed Police
Flagging Labor 1
ADJ.EQ. ADJ.$5,000.00
10 5-04
HMA Cl. 1/2-inch PG 64-22 (Class
B)1,580 TON $$
11 5-04 Planing Bituminous Pavement 11,570 SY $$
12 7-05 Adjust Manhole 14 EA $$
13 7-05 Adjust Catch Basin 18 EA $$
14 7-12 Adjust Valve Box 23 EA $$
15 8-01
Temporary Water Pollution/Erosion
Control 1
ADJ.EQ. ADJ.$2,500.00
16 8-09 Raised Pavement Marker Type 2 130 EA $$
17 8-14 Cement Concrete Sidewalk 100 SY $$
18 8-14
Cement Concrete Curb Ramp Type
Perpendiular A 1 EA $$
19 8-14
Cement Concrete Curb Ramp Type
Parallel A 2 EA $$
20 8-20 Induction Loop Vehicle Detector 8 EA $$
P R O P O S A L F O R M Page 3
30th Street NE Area Flooding – Phase 1
Contract No. 14-08 Project No. CP1122
Schedule A: Street Improvements Continued
No.Description Quantity Unit Unit Price Total Price
21 8-20 Induction Loop Bicycle Detector 1 EA $$
22 8-20
Pedestrain Traffic Signal
Modications, Complete 1 LS LS $
23 8-20
Install and Remove Temporary Video
Detection System 1 LS LS $
24 8-20 Adjust Existing Junction Box 1 EA $$
25 8-21 Permanent Signing 1 LS LS $
26 8-22 Paint Line 4,210 LF $$
27 8-22 Plastic Wide Line 4,700 LF $$
28 8-22
Plastic Crosswalk Stripe and Stop
Bar (24 inch wide)135 LF $$
29 8-22 Plastic Traffic Arrow 20 EA $$
30 8-22 Plastic Bicycle Lane Symbol 16 EA $$
31 8-22 Plastic Traffic Letter 12 EA $$
32 8-22 Removing Plastic Crosswalk Line 550 SF $$
33 8-23 Temporary Pavement Markings 5,000 LF $$
P R O P O S A L F O R M Page 4
30th Street NE Area Flooding – Phase 1
Contract No. 14-08 Project No. CP1122
Schedule B: Storm Utility Improvements and Street Restoration
No.Description Quantity Unit Unit Price Total Price
34 1-04 Minor Changes 1
ADJ.EQ. ADJ $25,000.00
35 1-07 SPCC Plan 1 LS LS $
36 1-07 Utility Potholing 6 EA $$
37 1-05 Record Drawings (Min. Bid $1000)1 LS LS $
38 1-09 Construction Site Sign(s)2 EA $$
39 1-09 Mobilization 1 LS LS $
40 1-10 Trafic Control Supervisor 1 LS LS $
41 1-10
Traffic Control Labor (Min. Bid
$38.00 per hour)1,280 HR $$
42 1-10 Sequential Arrow Sign 30 DAY $$
43 1-10 Portable Changeable Message Sign 30 DAY $$
44 1-10
Outside Agency Uniformed Police
Flagging Labor 1
ADJ.EQ. ADJ $10,000.00
45 2-01 Clearing and Grubbing 1 LS LS $
46 2-02
Removal of Structures and
Obstructions 1 LS LS $
47 2-02 Remove and Reset Fence 16 LF $$
48 2-02 Remove and Reset Bench 1 EA $$
49 2-02
Removal of Concrete or Asphalt
Pavement 5,360 SY $$
50 2-02 Remove Cement Concrete Flat Work 580 SY $$
51 2-02 Removal of Curb and Gutter 550 LF $$
52 2-03
Unsuitable Foundation Excavation
Incl. Haul 800 CY $$
53 4-02 Gravel Base 3,260 TON $$
P R O P O S A L F O R M Page 5
30th Street NE Area Flooding – Phase 1
Contract No. 14-08 Project No. CP1122
Schedule B: Storm Utility Improvements and Street Restoration Continued
No.Description Quantity Unit Unit Price Total Price
54 4-04 Crushed Surfacing Top Course 180.00 TON $$
55 5-04
HMA Cl. 1/2-inch PG 64-22 (Class
B)810.00 TON $$
56 5-04 HMA Cl. 1-inch PG 64-22 (Class E)2,430.00 TON $$
57 5-04 Asphalt Cold Patch 250.00 TON $$
58 7-04
Solid Wall Polyvinyl Chloride (PVC)
Storm Pipe, SDR-35, 4-Inch Diam.165.00 LF $$
59 7-04
Solid Wall Polyvinyl Chloride (PVC)
Storm Pipe, SDR-35, 6-Inch Diam.229.00 LF $$
60 7-04
Solid Wall Polyvinyl Chloride (PVC)
Storm Pipe, SDR-21, 8-Inch Diam.55.00 LF $$
61 7-04
Solid Wall Polyvinyl Chloride (PVC)
Storm Pipe, SDR-21, 12-Inch Diam.67.00 LF $$
62 7-04
Solid Wall Polyvinyl Chloride (PVC)
Storm Pipe, SDR-35, 12-Inch Diam.251.00 LF $$
63 7-04
Solid Wall Polyvinyl Chloride (PVC)
Storm Pipe, PS46, 18-Inch Diam.112.00 LF $$
64 7-04
Solid Wall Polyvinyl Chloride (PVC)
Storm Pipe, PS46, 30-Inch Diam.23.00 LF $$
65 7-04
Solid Wall Polyvinyl Chloride (PVC)
Storm Pipe, PS46, 42-Inch Diam.3,886.00 LF $$
66 7-04 Storm Sewer Television Inspection 4,790.00 LF $$
67 7-04
Special Class 50 Ductile Iron Pipe for
Storm Pipe, 12-Inch Diam.36.00 LF $$
68 7-05 Catch Basin Type 1 5.00 EA $$
69 7-05 Catch Basin Type 2, 48-Inch Diam.3.00 EA $$
70 7-05 Catch Basin Type 2, 72-Inch Diam.3.00 EA $$
71 7-05 Manhole 72-Inch Diam., Type 3 22.00 EA $$
72 7-05 Manhole 96-Inch Diam., Type 3 4.00 EA $$
73 7-05 Connect to Drainage Structure 15.00 EA $$
P R O P O S A L F O R M Page 6
30th Street NE Area Flooding – Phase 1
Contract No. 14-08 Project No. CP1122
Schedule B: Storm Utility Improvements and Street Restoration Continued
No.Description Quantity Unit Unit Price Total Price
74 7-05 Abandon Existing Manhole 4 EA $$
75 7-08 Pipe Foundation Material 2,500 TON $$
76 7-08 Imported Pipe Bedding 7,000 TON $$
77 7-08 Imported Pipe Trench Backfill 15,000 TON $$
78 7-08 Select Pipe Trench Backfill 400 TON $$
79 7-08
Controlled Density Fill (CDF) for
Filling Pipe 750 CY $$
80 7-08 Trench Shoring System 43,000 SF $$
81 7-09 Connect to Existing Water Main 20 EA $$
82 7-09
Special Class 52 Ductile Iron Pipe for
Water Main, 8-Inch Diam.40 LF $$
83 7-09
Special Class 52 Ductile Iron Pipe for
Water Main, 12-Inch Diam.410 LF $$
84 7-09 Blowoff Assembly, 2-inch 3 EA $$
85 7-12 Gate Valve, 12-Inch Diam.1 EA $$
86 7-12
Combination Air Release/Air Vacuum
Valve Assembly 1 EA $$
87 7-14 Hydrant Assembly 1 EA $$
88 7-15 Water Service Connection Renewal 2 EA $$
89 7-17
8-inch Sanitary Sewer Crossing
(through New Storm Structure)34 LF $$
90 7-17
12-inch Sanitary Sewer Crossing
(through New Storm Structure)23 LF $$
91 7-18
6-Inch Diam. PVC Side Sewer with 6-
Inch Diam. PVC Cleanout 250 LF $$
92 8-01
General Permit Documentation
Compliance 1 LS LS $
93 8-01
Temporary Water Pollution/Erosion
Control 1
ADJ.EQ. ADJ.$5,000.00
P R O P O S A L F O R M Page 7
30th Street NE Area Flooding – Phase 1
Contract No. 14-08 Project No. CP1122
Schedule B: Storm Utility Improvements and Street Restoration Continued
No.Description Quantity Unit Unit Price Total Price
94 8-01 ECS Lead 60 DAY $$
95 8-01 Silt Fence Installation and Removal 1,120 LF $$
96 8-01
High Visibility Fencing Installation
and Removal 950 LF $$
97 8-01 Wattle 1,460 LF $$
98 8-01 Inlet Protection 29 EA $$
99 8-02 Topsoil Type A 340 CY $$
100 8-02 Lawn Sod 2,010 SY $$
101 8-02
PSIPE Red Sunset Maple (Acre
Rubrum), 2-inch Caliper 1 EA $$
102 8-02
PSIPE Douglas Fir (Pseudotsuga
Menziesii), 7-foot Height 3 EA $$
103 8-03 Irrigation System Repair 1
ADJ.EQ. ADJ.$5,000.00
104 8-04
Cement Concrete Traffic Curb and
Gutter 550 LF $$
105 8-04 Cement Concrete Pedestrian Curb 80 LF $$
106 8-05 Dewatering System 5,600 LF $$
107 8-06
Industrial and Commercial Driveway
Apron 30 SY $$
108 8-09 Raised Pavement Marker Type 2 30 EA $$
109 8-12
Temporary Security (Chain Link)
Fence 920 LF $$
110 8-12 Remove and Replace Outfield Fence 120 LF $$
111 8-13 Monument Type B (Modified)3 EA $$
112 8-14 Cement Concrete Sidewalk 460 SY $$
113 8-14
Cement Concrete Curb Ramp Type
Perpendiular A 1 EA $$
P R O P O S A L F O R M Page 8
30th Street NE Area Flooding – Phase 1
Contract No. 14-08 Project No. CP1122
Schedule B: Storm Utility Improvements and Street Restoration Continued
No.Description Quantity Unit Unit Price Total Price
114 8-14
Cement Concrete Curb Ramp Type
Parallel A 2 EA $$
115 8-22 Paint Line 575 LF $$
116 8-22 Plastic Wide Line 900 LF $$
117 8-22
Plastic Crosswalk Stripe and Stop
Bar (24 inch wide)420 LF $$
118 8-22 Plastic Traffic Arrow 2 EA $$
119 8-22 Plastic Bicycle Lane Symbol 3 EA $$
120 8-22 Plastic Traffic Letter 4 EA $$
121 8-22 Removing Plastic Crosswalk Line 1,850 SF $$
122 8-23 Temporary Pavement Markings 1,200 LF $$
123 8-30 Joint Utility Trench 250 LF $$
P R O P O S A L F O R M Page 9
30th Street NE Area Flooding – Phase 1
Contract No. 14-08 Project No. CP1122
Bid Summary:
Subtotal Schedule A: Street Improvements $
Subtotal Schedule B: Storm Utility Improvements and Street Restoration $
Washington State Sale Tax (9.5%) $
Total Sales Tax $
Total Basic Bid $
Total Gross Bid (basic bid plus sales tax) $
If sales tax is shown for a schedule above sales tax should not be included in each bid item
price (Rule 170).
RECEIPT OF ADDENDA. I certify and acknowledge receipt of the following Addenda to
the Bid Documents and that due consideration thereof has been used in preparing and
submitting this Bid Proposal.
Date of Receipt
of Addendum
(NOTE: Failure to herein acknowledge receipt of the addenda may be considered an
irregularity in this proposal.)
P R O P O S A L F O R M Page 10
30th Street NE Area Flooding – Phase 1
Contract No. 14-08 Project No. CP1122
Submitted by:
I certify under penalty of perjury under the laws of the State of Washington that I am the
official authorized to submit this Bid Proposal on behalf of:
Phone #: FAX #: Email:
Authorized Official: Title:
(Please print name)
Authorized Official: Title:
(Please print name)
Place of Execution:
City and State
NOTE: 1. Bidder is a(n): [ ] Corporation [ ] Individual [ ] Partnership
[ ] Joint Venture [ ] Other
2. If the bidder is a corporation, its duly authorized officials must execute this
proposal. Incorporated in the State of
State Contractor State Contractor
License #: License Expiration Date:
State Unified Business Employment Security
Identifier (UBI) #: Department #:
State Excise
Tax Registration #: Federal Tax ID #:
Construction Contractors: Please use the following City of Auburn Tax Code Numbers on
retail sales where the labor and services are primarily performed in Auburn;
1. Number 1702 when the work is performed in King County
2. Number 2724 when the work is performed in Pierce County
Submit Bid Proposal to: Office of City Clerk
City of Auburn
25 West Main Street
Auburn, WA. 98001-4998
Bidder has been in business continuously from (year).
Bank Reference:
Bank Name Account Officer Phone No.
Number of regular full-time employees:
Number of projects in the past 5 years completed:
ahead of schedule on schedule behind schedule
Bidder has had experience in work comparable to that required for this Project:
As a prime contractor for years. As a subcontractor for years.
List the supervisory personnel to be employed by the Bidder and available for work on this
project (Project manager, Foreman, Site Superintendent, Engineer, etc.):
Name Title Years with firm
List below, non City of Auburn construction work successfully completed by the bidder
within the past five years which was similar in size, scope, and difficulty to the work herein
being bid upon.
Year Contract
Project Name Completed Amount Owner/Reference Name & Phone
List all projects undertaken in the last 5 years which have resulted in partial or final
settlement of the contract by arbitration or litigation in the courts:
Name of Client & Project
Total Claims Arbitrated
or Litigated
Amount of
of Claims
Has Bidder, or any representative or partner, ever failed to complete a contract?
[ ] No [ ] Yes If yes, give details:
Has Bidder ever had any Payment/Performance Bonds called as a result of its work?
[ ] No [ ] Yes If yes, please state:
Project Name Contracting Party Bond Amount
Has Bidder changed bonding companies in the last 3 years?
[ ] No [ ] Yes If yes, give details:
Has Bidder ever been found guilty of violating any State or Federal employment laws?
[ ] No [ ] Yes If yes, give details:
Has Bidder ever filed for protection under any provision of the federal bankruptcy laws or
state insolvency laws?
[ ] No [ ] Yes If yes, give details:
Has Bidder or any of its employees filed any claims with Washington State Workman’s
Compensation or other insurance company for accidents resulting in fatal injury or
dismemberment in the past 5 years? [ ] No [ ] Yes If yes, please state:
Date Type of Injury Agency Receiving Claim
Will you, upon request from the Cit y, fill out a detailed financial statement and furnish any
other information that may be required by the City? [ ] No [ ] Yes
The Bid Proposal signature warrants under penalty of perjury that the foregoing information
is true and accurate to the best of his/her knowledge. The Bid Proposal signature authorizes
the City of Auburn to verify all information contained herein.
(Use additional sheets, if required)
Equipment to be used:
Manpower schedule:
Project CP1122 - 30th Street NE Area Flooding – Phase 1
Failure to list subcontractors who are proposed to perform the work of HVAC (heating, ventilation and
air conditioning), plumbing, as described in Chapter 18.106 RCW, and electrical as described in
Chapter 19.28 RCW, or naming more than one subcontractor to perform the same work will result in
your bid being non-responsive and therefore void.
Subcontractor(s) that are proposed to perform the work of Heating, ventilation and air conditioning,
plumbing, as described in chapter 18.106 RCW, and electrical as described in chapter 19.28 RCW must be
listed below. The work to be performed is to be listed below the subcontractor(s) name. The requirement to
name the prime contract bidder’s proposed HVAC, Plumbing and electrical subcontractors applies only to
proposed HVAC, plumbing, and electrical subcontractors who will contract directly with the prime contract
bidder submitted the bid to the public entity.
If no subcontractor is listed below, the bidder acknowledges that it does not intend to use any subcontractor to
perform those items of work.
Subcontractor Name
Work to be Performed
Subcontractor Name
Work to be Performed
Subcontractor Name
Work to be Performed
Subcontractor Name
Work to be Performed
Subcontractor Name
Work to be Performed
Bidder’s are notified that in the opinion of the enforcement agency PVC or metal conduit, junction boxes, etc.
are considered electrical equipment and must be installed by a licensed electrical contractor, even if the
installation is for future use and no wiring or electrical current is connected during the project.
A licensed electrical contractor must be listed to perform the work.
DOT Form 271-015A EF Rev. 07/2011
Local Agency Name Local Agency Subcontractor List
CITY OF AUBURN Prepared in compliance with RCW 39.30.060 as amended
Local Agency Address
25 W. Main Street, Auburn, WA 98001 To Be Submitted with the Bid Proposal
BOND NO. ________________
That we, _______________________________________________________, as Principal,
(hereinafter called the “Principal”), and
______________________________________________, a corporation duly organized
under the laws of the ___________________________ as Surety, (hereinafter called the
“Surety”), are held and firmly bound unto the CITY OF AUBURN, Washington, as Obligee,
(hereinafter called the “Obligee”), in the sum of FIVE PERCENT (5%) OF TOTAL
AMOUNT BID not to exceed _____________________________________________
dollars ($_____________), for the payment of which sum well and truly to be made, the said
Principal and the said Surety, bind ourselves, our heirs, executors, administrators, successors
and assigns, jointly and severally, firmly by these presents.
WHEREAS, the Principal has submitted a bid for 30TH STREET NE AREA FLOODING
– PHASE 1, CP1122, 14-08
NOW THEREFORE, if the Obligee shall accept the bid of the Principal and the Principal
shall enter into a contract with the Obligee in accordance with the terms of such bid and give
such bond or bonds as may be specified in the bidding or contract documents with good and
sufficient surety for the faithful performance of such contract and for the proper payment of
labor and material in the prosecution thereof, or in the event of the failure of the Principal to
enter into such contract and give such bond or bonds, if the Principal shall pay to the Obligee
the difference not to exceed the penalty hereof between the amount specified in said bid and
such larger amount for which the Obligee may in good faith contract with another party to
perform the work covered by said bid, then this obligation shall be null and void, otherwise
to remain in full force and effect.
Name of Contractor
Signed by Principal
Surety Name
Signed by Surety
Project Number CP1122
Contract No. 14-08
Contract No. 14-08
THIS AGREEMENT AND CONTRACT, made and entered into, in triplicate, at Auburn,
Washington, this _____ day of ___________, 20___, by and between the CITY OF
AUBURN, WASHINGTON, a municipal corporation, and ,
hereinafter called the CONTRACTOR.
WITNESSETH: That, in consideration of the terms and conditions contained in the Contract
Documents entitled “CP1122, 30th Street NE Area Flooding – Phase 1,” which are by this
reference incorporated herein and made a part of this Contract, the parties hereto covenant
and agree as follows:
I. The CONTRACTOR shall do all work and furnish all tools, materials and equipment for
Project CP1122, 30th Street NE Area Flooding – Phase 1 __ installing approximately 3,900
linear feet of 42-inch gravity storm drainage pipe; approximately 860 linear feet of gravity
storm drainage pipes ranging in size from 4 to 30 inch; catch basin and manhole structures;
water main and sewer main pipe adjustment; upgrade pedestrian pushbutton system;
induction loop detectors replacement; removal and replacement of curbs, gutters, sidewalks,
and driveways, and fences; construction dewatering; trench shoring; pavement restoration
and asphalt overlay; traffic control; temporary erosion control; and site restoration for a unit
bid price of $_____________ and Washington State Sales Tax of $________ for a total
contract value of $___________ in accordance with and as described in the Contract
Documents which are by this reference incorporated herein and made a part hereof, and shall
perform any alterations in or additions to the work provided under this Contract and every
part thereof.
This Contract shall be executed by the Contractor and returned to the City within 7 calendar
days after the receipt of the dated notification of award and the Contract time shall
commence within 5 working days after execution of the Contract by the City and so
designated on the Notice to Proceed. Physical completion shall be within 100 working days
of the date on the Notice to Proceed.
If said work is not completed within the time specified, the CONTRACTOR agrees to pay
liquidated damages to the CITY OF AUBURN, as specified in Section 1-08.9 (Liquidated
Damages) of the Standard Specifications.
The CONTRACTOR shall provide and bear the expense of all equipment, work and labor of
any sort whatsoever that may be required for the transfer of materials and for constructing
and completing the work provided for in this Contract and every part thereof, except such as
are mentioned in the Contract Documents to be furnished by the CITY OF AUBURN.
II. The CITY OF AUBURN hereby promises and agrees with the CONTRACTOR to
employ, and does employ the CONTRACTOR to provide the materials and to do and cause
to be done the above described work and to complete and finish the same according to the
Contract Documents and the terms and conditions herein contained and hereby contracts to
pay for the same according to said Contract Documents and the aforesaid proposal hereto
attached, at the time and in the manner and upon the conditions provided for in this Contract.
III. The CONTRACTOR for himself, and for his heirs, executors, administrators, successors,
and assigns, does hereby agree to the full performance of all the covenants herein contained
upon by part of the CONTRACTOR.
IV. It is further provided that no liability shall attach to the CITY OF AUBURN,
WASHINGTON by reason of entering into this Contract, except as expressly provided
IN WITNESS WHEREOF the parties hereto have caused this Contract to be executed the
day and year first hereinabove written.
Nancy Backus, Mayor
this ____ day of _____________, 20___
Danielle E. Daskam, City Clerk
Daniel B. Heid, City Attorney
Authorized Official Signature
BOND NO. ________________
That we, the undersigned, ,
as principal, and , a corporation,
organized and existing under the laws of the State of
as a surety corporation, and qualified under the laws of the State of Washington to become surety
upon bonds of contractors with municipal corporations, as surety, are jointly and severally held and
firmly bound to the City of Auburn, Washington, in the penal sum of
____________________________________________________________________ dollars, for the
payment of which sum we jointly and severally bind ourselves and our successors, heirs,
administrators or personal representatives as the case may be.
This obligation is entered into in pursuance of the Statutes of the State of Washington and the
Ordinances of the City of Auburn, Washington.
Dated at Auburn, Washington, this ______ day of _____________________, 20____. Nevertheless,
the conditions of the above obligation are such that:
WHEREAS, the City of Auburn on the _____ day of ___________________, 20____, let to the
above bounden principal a certain Contract. The said Contract being numbered 14-08, and providing
for the construction of Project CP1122, 30th Street NE Area Flooding – Phase 1 - installing
approximately 3,900 linear feet of 42-inch gravity storm drainage pipe; approximately 860 linear
feet of gravity storm drainage pipes ranging in size from 4 to 30 inch; catch basin and manhole
structures; water main and sewer main pipe adjustment; upgrade pedestrian pushbutton system;
induction loop detectors replacement; removal and replacement of curbs, gutters, sidewalks, and
driveways, and fences; construction dewatering; trench shoring; pavement restoratio n and asphalt
overlay; traffic control; temporary erosion control; and site restoration (which Contract is referred to
herein and is made a part hereof as though attached hereto), and
WHEREAS, the said principal has accepted, or is about to accept, the said Contract, and undertake
to perform the work therein provided for in the manner and within the time set forth:
NOW, THEREFORE, if the above bounden principal shall faithfully and truly observed and comply
with the terms, conditions, and provisions of said Contract in all respects and shall well and truly and
fully do and perform all matters and things by them undertaken to be performed under said Contract,
upon the terms proposed therein, and any and all duly authorized modifications of said Contract that
may hereafter by made, and within the time prescribed therein, and until the same is accepted, and
shall pay all laborers, mechanics, subcontractors and material men, and all persons who shall supply
principal or subcontractors with provisions and supplies for the carrying on of said work and shall
hold said City of Auburn, Washington, harmless from any loss or damage occasioned to any person
or property by reason of any carelessness or negligence on the part of said principal or any
subcontractor in the performance of said work, and shall in all respects faithfully perform said
Contract according to law, and shall indemnify and hold the City of Auburn, Washington, harmless
from any damage or expense by reason of failure of performance, as specified in said Contract, and
The undersigned principal and the undersigned surety present this contract bond related to the
Contract, PROVIDED that this document shall not be enforceable unless and until the City of
Auburn awards and executes the Contract to the undersigned principal. No obligations under this
bond, for the performance of the above-referenced contract, shall be enforceable until the City of
Auburn has executed the contract to the undersigned principal.
The Surety, hereby agrees that modifications and changes may be made in the terms and provisions
of the aforesaid Contract without notice to Surety, and any such modifications or changes increasing
the total amount to be paid the Principal shall automatically increase the obligation of the Surety on
this Contract Bond in a like amount, such increase; however, not to exceed twenty – five percent
(25%) of the original amount of this bond without the consent of the Surety.
PROVIDED, however, that after the acceptance of this Contract and the expiration of the lien period,
and if there are no liens pending, then the penal sum of this bond, shall be reduced to either ten
percent (10%) of the value of the improvements to the City or two thousand dollars ($2,000),
whichever is greater, to warranty against defects appearing or developing in the material or
workmanship provided or performed under this Contract within a period of one (1) year after
acceptance. Not withstanding the reduction of this bond, the principal and surety shall hold the City
of Auburn harmless from all defects appearing or developing in the material or workmanship
provided or performed under this Contract within a period of one (1) year after acceptance, THEN
and in that event this obligation shall be void; but otherwise it shall be and remain in full force and
It is hereby expressly agreed that if any legal action is necessary to be brought under the conditio ns
of this bond, that the decisions of the Courts of the State of Washington shall be binding.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the above-bounden parties have executed this instrument this
_____________ day of _______________________, 20_____.
Attorney in Fact
Resident Agent’s Address & Phone Number
CP1122, 30th Street NE Area Flooding – Phase 1
* If no Federal Employer ID No., use owner’s Social Security No.
I understand and will ensure that the Subcontractor will comply fully with the
plans and specifications under which this work is being performed.
THIS REQUEST ______________________
PREVIOUS REQUESTS ______________________
SUBLET TO DATE ______________________
Form: FC155.doc
REF. H:\PROJ\CP1122-30th St NE Area Flooding Phase 1\ContractDocs\Plans and Specs Design\Final\Final CP1122 DIV0
The work on this project shall be accomplished in accordance with the Standard
Specifications for Road, Bridge, and Municipal Construction, 2012 edition as issued by the
Washington State Department of Transportation (WSDOT) and the American Public Works
Association (APWA), Washington State Chapter (hereinafter “Standard Specifications”).
The Standard Specifications, as modified or supplemented by these Special Provisions, shall
govern all of the work. The deletion, alteration, or addition to any subsection or portion of
the Standard Specifications is meant to pertain only to that particular portion of the section,
and in no way should it be interpreted that the balance of the section does not apply.
In case of conflict between the various elements of the Contract Documents, refer to Section
1-04.2 (Coordination of Contract Documents, Plans, Special Provisions Specifications, and
Addenda) of these Special Provisions for order of precedence.
The Special Provisions are documents that: supplement, add new specifications, replace, or
modify the Standard Specifications. To clarify the purpose of each section provided, Special
Provisions have the following section descriptions.
Supplement: Text supplements or adds clarification to that Section of the Standard
Revision: Parts of that Section of the Standard Specification are altered.
Replacement: Text replaces the entire identified Section of the Standard
New Section: This Section is a City of Auburn specification or is unique to this
project and will not be found in the Standard Specifications.
Deletion: This Section is deleted in its entirety.
Project Number CP1122
Contract No. 14-08
DIVISION 1 GENERAL REQUIREMENTS ............................................................... 1-1
1-01 DEFINITIONS AND TERMS ......................................................................................................... 1-1
1-01.3 DEFINITIONS ....................................................................................... Supplement ...... 1-1
Additive .............................................................................................................................................. 1-1
Alternate ............................................................................................................................................. 1-1
Business Day ...................................................................................................................................... 1-1
Contract Bond ..................................................................................................................................... 1-1
Contract Documents ............................................................................................................................ 1-2
Contract Time ..................................................................................................................................... 1-2
Dates................................................................................................................................................... 1-2
Bid Opening Date ............................................................................................................................ 1-2
Award Date ..................................................................................................................................... 1-2
Contract Execution Date.................................................................................................................. 1-2
Notice to Proceed Date .................................................................................................................... 1-2
Substantial Completion Date ........................................................................................................... 1-2
Physical Completion Date ............................................................................................................... 1-2
(April 2009, City of Auburn) ............................................................................................................ 1-2
Completion Date ............................................................................................................................. 1-2
Final Acceptance Date (September 2013, City of Auburn) ................................................................ 1-2
Notice of Award .................................................................................................................................. 1-2
Notice to Proceed ................................................................................................................................ 1-3
Traffic ................................................................................................................................................. 1-3
Bid Documents.................................................................................................................................... 1-3
Bid Proposal Package .......................................................................................................................... 1-3
City of Auburn .................................................................................................................................... 1-3
Contract Documents ............................................................................................................................ 1-3
Contracting Agency............................................................................................................................. 1-4
Current Edition.................................................................................................................................... 1-4
Equal Products .................................................................................................................................... 1-4
Estimate .............................................................................................................................................. 1-4
Incidental Work .................................................................................................................................. 1-4
Major Contract Bid Item ...................................................................................................................... 1-4
Or Equivalent ...................................................................................................................................... 1-4
Plans ................................................................................................................................................... 1-4
Shop Drawings .................................................................................................................................... 1-5
Special Provisions ............................................................................................................................... 1-5
Standard Details .................................................................................................................................. 1-5
Standard Plans..................................................................................................................................... 1-5
Standard Specifications ....................................................................................................................... 1-5
Supplemental Drawings and Instructions ............................................................................................. 1-5
1-02 BID PROCEDURES AND CONDITIONS ...................................................................................... 1-5
1-02.1 PREQUALIFICATION OF BIDDER ................................................... Replacement ...... 1-5
1-02.1 QUALIFICATIONS OF BIDDER ....................................................................... 1-5
1-02.2 PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS ........................................................ Replacement ...... 1-6
WORK ................................................................................................... Supplement ...... 1-6
1-02.4(1) GENERAL ............................................................................................. Supplement ...... 1-6
1-02.4(2) SUBSURFACE INFORMATION ........................................................... Supplement ...... 1-6
1-02.5 PROPOSAL FORM.............................................................................. Replacement ...... 1-7
1-02.6 PREPARATION OF PROPOSAL ..................................... Supplement/Replacement ...... 1-7
1-02.7 BID DEPOSIT......................................................................... Revision/Supplement ...... 1-8
1-02.9 DELIVERY OF PROPOSAL................................................................ Replacement ...... 1-9
1-02.10 WITHDRAWAL OR REVISION OF PROPOSAL .................. Revision/Supplement ...... 1-9
1-02.12 PUBLIC OPENING OF PROPOSALS ................................................... Supplement ...... 1-9
1-02.13 IRREGULAR PROPOSALS ....................................................................... Revision ...... 1-9
1-02.14 DISQUALIFICATION OF BIDDERS ..................................... Revision/Supplement .... 1-10
1-02.15 PRE-AWARD INFORMATION.................................................................. Revision .... 1-11
1-03 AWARD AND EXECUTION OF CONTRACT ........................................................................... 1-12
1-03.1 CONSIDERATION OF BIDS ..................................................................... Revision .... 1-12
1-03.3 EXECUTION OF CONTRACT ................................................................... Revision .... 1-12
1-03.4 CONTRACT BOND ............................................................... Supplement/Revision .... 1-13
1-03.7 JUDICIAL REVIEW ............................................................................ Replacement .... 1-14
1-03.8 CITY DETERMINATION .................................................................... New Section .... 1-14
1-04 SCOPE OF THE WORK ............................................................................................................... 1-14
1-04.3 CONTRACTOR-DISCOVERED DISCREPANCIES ............................ New Section .... 1-15
1-04.4(1) MINOR CHANGES ............................................................................... Supplement .... 1-15
1-04.6 VARIATION IN ESTIMATED QUANTITIES ........................ Supplement/Revision .... 1-15
1-04.11 FINAL CLEANUP ................................................................................. Supplement .... 1-16
1-05 CONTROL OF WORK ................................................................................................................. 1-16
MATERIALS ........................................................................................ New Section .... 1-16
STAKES ..................................................................................................... Revision .... 1-17
1-05.4(1) ROADWAY AND UTILITY SURVEYS............................................... New Section .... 1-17
1-05.4(3) RECORD CONSTRUCTION DRAWINGS ........................................... New Section .... 1-18
1-05.7 REMOVAL OF DEFECTIVE AND UNAUTHORIZED WORK ............ Supplement .... 1-21
1-05.10 GUARANTEES ..................................................................................... Supplement .... 1-22
1-05.11 FINAL INSPECTION .......................................................................... Replacement .... 1-22
1-05.11 FINAL INSPECTIONS AND OPERATIONAL TESTING ................................ 1-22
1-05.11(1) SUBSTANTIAL COMPLETION DATE ........................................................... 1-22
1-05.11(2) FINAL INSPECTION and PHYSICAL COMPLETION DATE ......................... 1-22
1-05.11(3) OPERATIONAL TESTING .............................................................................. 1-23
1-05.12 FINAL ACCEPTANCE ............................................................................... Revision .... 1-23
CONTRACTOR .......................................................................................... Revision .... 1-24
1-05.14(1) COOPERATION WITH OTHERS ........................................................ New Section .... 1-24
1-05.15 METHOD OF SERVING NOTICES .......................................................... Revision .... 1-25
1-05.16 WATER AND POWER ........................................................................ New Section .... 1-25
1-05.17 ORAL AGREEMENTS ........................................................................ New Section .... 1-25
1-06 CONTROL OF MATERIAL ......................................................................................................... 1-25
1-06.1(2) REQUEST FOR APPROVAL OF MATERIAL (RAM) ............................... Revision .... 1-25
1-06.1(4) FABRICATION INSPECTION EXPENSE ................................................. Deletion .... 1-25
1-06.7 SUBMITTALS ...................................................................................... New Section .... 1-25
1-06.7(1) SUBMITTAL PROCEDURES .......................................................................... 1-26
1-06.7(1)B SUBMITTAL CONTENT ................................................................................. 1-27
1-06.7(1)C REQUEST FOR SUBMITTAL APPROVAL FORM ......................................... 1-28
1-06.7(1)D SUBMITTAL REVIEW .................................................................................... 1-29
1-06.7(2) SCHEDULE OF SUBMITTALS ....................................................................... 1-30
1-07 LEGAL RELATIONS AND RESPONSIBILITIES TO THE PUBLIC ....................................... 1-31
1-07.1 LAWS TO BE OBSERVED ................................................................... Supplement .... 1-31
1-07.2 STATE TAXES .................................................................................... Replacement .... 1-31
1-07.2 STATE TAXES ................................................................................................. 1-32
1-07.2(1) STATE SALES TAX – RULE 171 .................................................................... 1-32
1-07.2(2) STATE SALES TAX – RULE 170 .................................................................... 1-32
1-07.2(3) SERVICES ........................................................................................................ 1-33
1-07.5(5) CITY OF AUBURN REQUIREMENTS ................................................ New Section .... 1-33
1-07.6 PERMITS AND LICENSES ................................................................... Supplement .... 1-33
1-07.9 WAGES ................................................................................................. Supplement .... 1-34
1-07.11(2) CONTRACTUAL REQUIREMENTS .................................................... Supplement .... 1-34
1-07.13(2) RELIEF OF RESPONSIBILITY FOR COMPLETED WORK .............. Replacement .... 1-35
TRAFFIC .................................................................................................... Revision .... 1-35
1-07.14(1) ATTORNEY’S FEES, COSTS, AND INTEREST ................................. New Section .... 1-35
1-07.15 TEMPORARY WATER POLLUTION/EROSION CONTROL .............. Supplement .... 1-35
1-07.15(1) PAYMENT ............................................................................................ Supplement .... 1-35
1-07.16 PROTECTION AND RESTORATION OF PROPERTY ........................ Supplement .... 1-36
AND MONUMENTS ............................................................................ New Section .... 1-36
1-07.16(2) VEGETATION PROTECTION AND RESTORATION ......................... Supplement .... 1-37
1-07.17 UTILITIES AND SIMILAR FACILITIES ............................................ Replacement .... 1-37
1-07.17(1) DISRUPTIONS TO CITY WATER AND SEWER SERVICES ......................... 1-38
1-07.17(2) UTILITY POTHOLING .................................................................................... 1-38
1-07.17(3) MEASUREMENT ............................................................................................. 1-39
1-07.17(4) PAYMENT ....................................................................................................... 1-39
1-07.18(1) GENERAL REQUIREMENTS .......................................................................... 1-39
1-07.18(2) ADDITIONAL INSURED ................................................................................. 1-40
1-07.18(3) SUBCONTRACTORS ...................................................................................... 1-41
1-07.18(4) EVIDENCE OF INSURANCE .......................................................................... 1-41
1-07.18(5) COVERAGES AND LIMITS ............................................................................ 1-41
1-07.18(5)A COMMERCIAL GENERAL LIABILITY.......................................................... 1-41
1-07.18(5)B AUTOMOBILE LIABILITY ............................................................................. 1-42
1-07.18(5)C WORKERS’ COMPENSATION ....................................................................... 1-42
1-07.18(5)D EXCESS OR UMBRELLA LIABILITY ............................................................ 1-42
1-07.23 PUBLIC CONVENIENCE AND SAFETY ............................................. Supplement .... 1-42
1-07.23(1) CONSTRUCTION UNDER TRAFFIC .................................... Supplement/Revision .... 1-43
1-07.23(1)A DUST AND MUD CONTROL AND STREET CLEANING .................. New Section .... 1-43
1-07.23(1)B DAILY CLEANUP AND MAINTENANCE ITEMS ............................. New Section .... 1-44
1-07.23(1)C CLOSURE RESTRICTIONS ................................................................. New Section .... 1-44
1-07.23(2) CONSTRUCTION AND MAINTENANCE OF DETOURS .. Supplement/Revision .... 1-44
1-07.23(3) PAYMENT ........................................................................................... New Section .... 1-46
1-07.24 RIGHTS OF WAY ............................................................................... Replacement .... 1-46
1-07.28 HAUL ROUTES ................................................................................... New Section .... 1-47
1-08 PROSECUTION AND PROGRESS .............................................................................................. 1-47
1-08.0 PRELIMINARY MATTERS ................................................................. New Section .... 1-47
1-08.0(1) PRECONSTRUCTION CONFERENCE............................................................ 1-47
1-08.0(2) HOURS OF WORK .......................................................................................... 1-48
EMPLOYEES ................................................................................................... 1-49
1-08.1 SUBCONTRACTING ............................................................................ Supplement .... 1-49
WITHHELD................................................................................................ Revision .... 1-50
1-08.3(1) GENERAL REQUIREMENTS ............................................................... Supplement .... 1-51
1-08.3(2) PROGRESS SCHEDULE TYPES .......................................................... Supplement .... 1-51
1-08.3(2)A TYPE A PROGRESS SCHEDULES .................................................... Replacement .... 1-51
1-08.3(5) PAYMENT .......................................................................................... Replacement .... 1-52
AND COMPLETED .............................................................................. New Section .... 1-52
1-08.3(7) PROGRESS MEETING ........................................................................ New Section .... 1-52
1-08.4 NOTICE TO PROCEED AND PROSECUTION OF THE WORK ............... Revision .... 1-52
1-08.5 TIME FOR COMPLETION ..................................................... Supplement/Revision .... 1-53
1-08.5(1) PROJECT CONSTRAINTS, SEQUENCES, AND MILESTONES ........ New Section .... 1-55
1-08.6(1) NO DAMAGE CLAUSE ....................................................................... New Section .... 1-55
1-08.7 MAINTENANCE DURING SUSPENSION ................................................ Revision .... 1-55
1-08.9 LIQUIDATED DAMAGES ......................................................................... Revision .... 1-55
1-08.9(1) PENALTIES ......................................................................................... New Section .... 1-56
1-09 MEASUREMENT AND PAYMENT ............................................................................................ 1-56
1-09.1 MEASUREMENT OF QUANTITIES .................................................... Supplement .... 1-56
1-09.2(1) GENERAL REQUIREMENTS FOR WEIGHING EQUIPMENT ........... Supplement .... 1-56
1-09.3 SCOPE OF PAYMENT .......................................................................... Supplement .... 1-56
1-09.4 EQUITABLE ADJUSTMENT .................................................................... Revision .... 1-57
1-09.6 FORCE ACCOUNT ............................................................................... Supplement .... 1-57
1-09.7 MOBILIZATION ................................................................................... Supplement .... 1-57
1-09.8 PAYMENT FOR MATERIAL ON HAND ............................................. Supplement .... 1-58
1-09.9 PAYMENTS ........................................................................... Revision/Supplement .... 1-58
1-09.9(1) RETAINAGE .............................................................................................. Revision .... 1-59
1-09.11 DISPUTES AND CLAIMS ......................................................................... Revision .... 1-60
1-09.11(1) DISPUTES REVIEW BOARD .................................................................... Deletion .... 1-60
1-09.11(2) CLAIMS ..................................................................................................... Revision .... 1-60
1-09.13 CLAIMS RESOLUTION............................................................................. Deletion .... 1-60
1-10 TEMPORARY TRAFFIC CONTROL ......................................................................................... 1-61
1-10.1 GENERAL ............................................................................................ Supplement .... 1-61
1-10.2(2) TRAFFIC CONTROL PLANS ............................................................... Supplement .... 1-61
1-10.3(1)B OTHER TRAFFIC CONTROL LABOR ................................................. Supplement .... 1-61
1-10.4 MEASUREMENT ....................................................................................... Revision .... 1-61
1-10.5 PAYMENT .......................................................................................... Replacement .... 1-62
CP1122 1-1 Special Provisions
30th Street NE Area Flooding – Phase 1
1-01.3 DEFINITIONS Supplement
(April 2006 City of Auburn)
Whenever the words “as directed”, “as required”, “as permitted”, or words of the like effect
are used, it shall be understood that the direction, requirement or permission of the City of
Auburn is intended. The words “sufficient”, “necessary”, “proper”, and the like shall mean
sufficient, necessary or proper in the judgment of the City of Auburn. The words
“approved”, “acceptable”, “satisfactory”, or other words of the like shall mean approved by,
or acceptable to, the City of Auburn.
(March 13, 2012 APWA GSP)
All references in the Standard Specifications to the terms “State”, “Department of
Transportation”, “Washington State Transportation Commission”, “Commission”,
“Secretary of Transportation”, “Secretary”, “Headquarters”, and “State Treasurer” shall be
revised to read “Contracting Agency”.
All references to “State Materials Laboratory” shall be revised to read “Contracting Agency
designated location”.
All references to “final contract voucher certification” shall be interpreted to mean the final
payment form established by the Contracting Agency.
The venue of all causes of action arising from the advertisement, award, execution, and
performance of the contract shall be in the Superior Court of the County where the
Contracting Agency’s headquarters are located.
A supplemental unit of work or group of bid items, identified separately in the proposal,
which may, at the discretion of the Contracting Agency, be awarded in addition to the base
One of two or more units of work or groups of bid items, identified separately in the
proposal, from which the Contracting Agency may make a choice between different
methods or materials of construction for performing the same work.
Business Day
A business day is any day from Monday through Friday except holidays as listed in Section
Contract Bond
The definition in the Standard Specification for “Contract Bond” applies to whatever bond
form(s) are required by the Contract Documents, which may be a combination of a Payment
Bond and a Performance Bond.
CP1122 1-2 Special Provisions
30th Street NE Area Flooding – Phase 1
Contract Documents
See definition for “Contract”.
Contract Time
The period of time established by the terms and conditions of the contract within which the
work must be physically completed.
Delete the heading Completion Dates and the three paragraphs that follow it, and replace
them with the following:
Bid Opening Date
The date on which the Contracting Agency publicly opens and reads the Bids.
Award Date
The date of the formal decision of the Contracting Agency to accept the lowest
responsible and responsive bidder for the work.
Contract Execution Date
The date the Contracting Agency officially binds the Agency to the Contract.
Notice to Proceed Date
The date stated in the Notice to Proceed on which the Contract time begins.
Substantial Completion Date
See Physical Completion Date.
Physical Completion Date
(April 2009, City of Auburn)
The day all work is physically completed on the project. All documentation required
under the contract and required by law does not necessarily need to be furnished by
the Contractor before the establishment of this date, unless identified in the Contract
Completion Date
The day all the work specified in the contract is completed and all the obligations of
the Contractor under the contract are fulfilled by the Contractor. All documentation
required by the contract and required by law must be furnished by the Contractor
before establishment of this date.
Final Acceptance Date (September 2013, City of Auburn)
The date upon which the Auburn City Council accepts the work as complete and
approves the final payment due the Contractor is the final acceptance date.
Notice of Award
The written notice from the Contracting Agency to the successful bidder signifying the
Contracting Agency’s acceptance of the Bid Proposal.
CP1122 1-3 Special Provisions
30th Street NE Area Flooding – Phase 1
Notice to Proceed
The written notice from the Contracting Agency or Engineer to the Contractor authorizing
and directing the Contractor to proceed with the Work and establishing the date on which
the Contract time begins.
Both vehicular and non-vehicular traffic, such as pedestrians, bicyclists, wheelchairs, and
equestrian traffic.
(March 2012 City of Auburn)
Bid Documents
Contract Documents may be referred to as “Bid Documents” before award and execution of
the Contract.
Bid Proposal Package
The documents to be submitted by the Contractor for bid consideration. The “Bid Proposal
Package” includes those documents identified in the Bidder’s Checklist, and may include,
but not be limited to the following:
Bidder’s Checklist
Proposal Form
Responsible Bidder Information
Proposed Equipment and Manpower Schedule
Local Agency Subcontractor List
Bid Bond
City of Auburn
See Contracting Agency
Contract Documents
The Standard Specifications for Road, Bridge and Municipal Construction 2012 (English)
edition, except as modified or superseded by these Contract Provisions, shall govern all
phases of work under this Contract and are, by reference, made an integral part of the
Contract Documents as if herein fully set forth.
Also incorporated into the Contract Documents by reference are:
1. City of Auburn “Standard Details”
2. Standard Plans (M21-01) for Road, Bridge and Municipal Construction as
prepared by the Washington State Department of Transportation, current
3. Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices for Streets and Highways,
current edition, and;
4. American Water Works Association Standards, current edition, and;
5. Work Zone Traffic Control Guideline, WSDOT, latest edition.
CP1122 1-4 Special Provisions
30th Street NE Area Flooding – Phase 1
The Contract Documents will be known as Project CP1122, 30th Street NE Area Flooding –
Phase 1.
Contracting Agency
City of Auburn, also referred to as the City, is responsible for the execution and
administration of the contract.
Current Edition
The latest specifications, standards, or requirements of the respect ive issuing agencies which
have been published as of the date that the work is advertised for bids, shall apply; except to
the extent that said standards or requirements may be in conflict with applicable laws,
ordinances, or governing codes.
Equal Products
The terms “or equal”, “approved equivalent”, etc., as used in the Contract Documents, shall
mean equal as determined by the Auburn City Engineer.
The term Estimate used in the Bid Proposal Form for Unit shall mean that the City has
included an estimated dollar amount for that bid item, only to provide a common proposal
for Bidders. All such dollar amounts are to become part of the Contractor’s total bid.
However, the City does not warrant expressly or by implication that the actual amount of
work will correspond with that estimate. Payment will be made on the basis of the amount
of work actually authorized by the Engineer and shall follow the requirements of 1-09.4 and
Incidental Work
The terms incidental to the project, incidental to the involved bid item(s), etc., as used in the
Contract Documents shall mean that the Contractor is required to provide the specified work
complete and the cost of such work shall be incidental and included in the unit contract
prices as specified in Section 1-04.1 (Intent of the Contract). No additional payment will be
Major Contract Bid Item
A major contract bid item is any bid item, unless specifically excluded in the special
provisions, for which the contract price amounts to 10 percent or more of the total contract
price as determined by the original proposed quantities and the unit contract prices at the
time of award.
Or Equivalent
A manufactured article, material, method, or work, which in the opinion of the Engineer, is
equally desirable or suitable for the purposes intended in the Contract Documents, as
compared with similar articles specifically mentioned therein.
The Contract Plans and the Standard Details or Standard Plans referenced in these Special
Provisions, which show location, character, and dimensions of prescribed work including
layouts, profiles, cross-sections, and other details.
CP1122 1-5 Special Provisions
30th Street NE Area Flooding – Phase 1
Shop Drawings
Same as “Working Drawings” as defined in the Standard Specifications.
Special Provisions
These provide modifications to the Standard Specifications. To clarify the purpose of each
section provided, Special Provisions have the following section descriptions.
Supplement: Text supplements or adds clarification to that Section of the Standard
Revision: Parts of that Section of the Standard Specification are altered.
Replacement: Text replaces the entire identified Section of the Standard
New Section: This Section is a City of Auburn specification or is unique to this
project and will not be found in the Standard Specifications.
Deletion: This Section is deleted in its entirety.
Standard Details
A document of specific plans or drawings developed and adopted by the City of Auburn,
Department of Public Works which show frequently recurring components of work that
have been standardized for use.
Standard Plans
A manual of specific plans or drawings developed, adopted and titled “Standard Plans
(M21-01) for Road, Bridge and Municipal Construction” prepared by the Washington State
Department of Transportation and the American Public Works Association, current edition;
Standard Specifications
The Standard Specifications for Road, Bridge and Municipal Construction, 2012 (English)
edition as issued by the Washington State Department of Transportation, hereinafter referred
to as the “Standard Specifications”.
Supplemental Drawings and Instructions
Additional instructions by the Engineer at the request of the Contractor by means of
drawings or documents necessary, in the opinion of the Engineer, for the proper execution
of the work. Such drawings and instructions are consistent with the Contract Documents.
Delete this Section and replace it with the following:
(January 2012, City of Auburn)
Bidders shall be qualified by experience, financing, equipment, and organization to do the
work called for in the Contract Documents. The Contracting Agency reserves the right to
CP1122 1-6 Special Provisions
30th Street NE Area Flooding – Phase 1
take whatever action it deems necessary to ascertain the ability of the bidder to perform the
work satisfactorily. This action may include a prequalification procedure prior to the bidder
being furnished a proposal form on any contract, or a pre-award survey of the bidder’s
qualifications prior to award.
(April 2006 City of Auburn)
The bidder shall fill out and sign the “Responsible Bidder Information” and the “Proposed
Equipment and Manpower Schedule” contained in the “Bid Proposal Package” of this
document. These forms must be completed and submitted with the bid.
(January 2012, City of Auburn)
Delete this section and replace it with the following:
Information as to where Bid Documents can be obtained or reviewed will be found in the
Call for Bids (Advertisement for Bids) for the work.
After award of the contract, plans and specifications will be issued to the Contractor at no
cost as detailed below:
To Prime Contractor No. of Sets Basis of Distribution
Contract Provisions 3 Furnished upon award.
Reduced plans (11” x 17”) 3 Furnished upon award.
Large plans (22” x 36”) 3 Furnished upon award.
Additional plans and Contract Provisions may be obtained by the Contractor from the source
stated in the Call for Bids, at the Contractor’s own expense.
SITE OF WORK Supplement
(March 2012 City of Auburn)
1-02.4(1) GENERAL Supplement
Minor variations and miscellaneous items may not be shown on the Contract Plans.
Contractors shall examine the site, become familiar with all conditions, and determine the
difficulties and work involved. The Contractor shall accept the site in the condition existing
at the time of the bid opening of the Contract.
(September 2013, City of Auburn)
This section is supplemented with the following:
Because of the varying soil composition and ground water levels encountered in various
areas and at different seasons of the year, the City of Auburn makes no representation of
such conditions as they may pertain to this project. The Contractor shall be responsible for
any and all cribbing, sheet piling, de-watering, or other construction methods or procedures,
which may be necessary to complete the project and additional compensation, will not be
allowed unless otherwise specified in this document.
CP1122 1-7 Special Provisions
30th Street NE Area Flooding – Phase 1
A complete copy of the Geotechnical Engineering Services Report is available for
inspection at the City of Auburn Public Works Department located at One East Main St,
Auburn, WA 98001, 2nd Floor or on the City of Auburn website at
1-02.5 PROPOSAL FORM Replacement
(June 27, 2011 APWA GSP)
Delete this section and replace it with the following:
The proposal form will identify the project and its location and describe the work. It will
also list estimated quantities, units of measurement, the items of work, and the materials to
be furnished at the unit bid prices. The bidder shall complete spaces on the proposal form
that call for, but are not limited to, unit prices; extensions; summations; the total bid amount;
signatures; date; and, where applicable, retail sales taxes and acknowledgment of addenda;
the bidder’s name, address, telephone number, and signature; the bidder’s D/M/WBE
commitment, if applicable; a State of Washington Contractor’s Registration Number; and a
Business License Number, if applicable. Bids shall be completed by typing or shall be
printed in ink by hand, preferably in black ink. The required certifications are included as
part of the proposal form.
The Contracting Agency reserves the right to arrange the proposal forms with alternates and
additives, if such be to the advantage of the Contracting Agency. The bidder shall bid on all
alternat es and additives set forth in the proposal forms unless otherwise specified.
(March 2009 City of Auburn)
Prospective bidders may obtain Bid Documents and a “Bid Proposal Package” for the
advertised project using the process specified in the “Invitation for Bids”.
1-02.6 PREPARATION OF PROPOSAL Supplement/Replacement
(June 27, 2011APWA GSP)
Supplement the second paragraph with the following:
4. If a minimum bid amount has been established for any item, the unit or lump
sum price must equal or exceed the minimum amount stated.
5. Any correction to a bid made by interlineation, alteration, or erasure, shall be
initialed by the signer of the bid.
Delete the last paragraph, and replace it with the following:
The bidder shall make no stipulation on the Bid For m, nor qualify the bid in any manner.
A bid by a corporation shall be executed in the corporate name, by the president or a vice
president (or other corporate officer accompanied by evidence of authority to sign).
A bid by a partnership shall be executed in the partnership name, and signed by a partner. A
copy of the partnership agreement shall be submitted with the Bid Form if any D/M/WBE
requirements are to be satisfied through such an agreement.
A bid by a joint venture shall be executed in the joint venture name and signed by a member
of the joint venture. A copy of the joint venture agreement shall be submitted with the Bid
Form if any D/W/MBE requirements are to be satisfied through such an agreement.
CP1122 1-8 Special Provisions
30th Street NE Area Flooding – Phase 1
(March 2012 City of Auburn)
The second sentence of the first paragraph is deleted and replaced with the following:
The City will not accept proposals from Contractors on documents included in the Bid
Proposal Package that are stamped “SAMPLE”. Such proposals will be deemed irregular
and rejected as identified in Section 1-02.13 (Irregular Proposals) of these Special
According to RCW 39.30.060, if the Total Base Bid for this project exceeds $1,000,000 the
bidder shall submit, as part of the bid, the names of the specific subcontractors, if awarded
the contract, who are proposed to perform the work of heating, ventilation and air
conditioning, plumbing as described in chapter 18.106 RCW, and electrical as described in
chapter 19.28 RCW or to name itself for the work. The bidder shall not list more than one
subcontractor for each category of work identified, unless subcontractors vary with bid
alternates, in which case the bidder must indicate which subcontractor will be used for
which alternative. Failure to name such subcontractors or itself shall render the bidder’s bid
non-responsive and, therefore, void. The Local Agency Subcontract List, has been included
herein for this purpose.
1-02.7 BID DEPOSIT Revision/Supplement
(January, 2012 City of Auburn)
This section is revised as follows:
The third and forth sentences of the first paragraph are deleted.
The last Paragraph is deleted and replaced with the following:
The failure to furnish a Bid deposit of a minimum of 5 percent with the Bid shall make the
Bid nonresponsive and shall cause the Bid to be rejected by the Contracting Agency.
(March 8, 2013 APWA GSP)
Supplement this section with the following:
Bid bonds shall contain the following:
1. Contracting Agency-assigned number for the project;
2. Name of the project;
3. The Contracting Agency named as obligee;
4. The amount of the bid bond stated either as a dollar figure or as a percentage
which represents five percent of the maximum bid amount that could be
5. Signature of the bidder’s officer empowered to sign official statements. The
signature of the person authorized to submit the bid should agree with the
signature on the bond, and the title of the person must accompany the said
6. The signature of the surety’s officer empowered to sign the bond and the
power of attorney.
If so stated in the Contract Provisions, bidder must use the bond form included in the
Contract Provisions.
CP1122 1-9 Special Provisions
30th Street NE Area Flooding – Phase 1
If so stated in the Contract Provisions, cash will not be accepted for a bid deposit.
1-02.9 DELIVERY OF PROPOSAL Replacement
(April 2006 City of Auburn)
Delete this section and replace it with the following:
The City will not consider proposals it receives after the time fixed for opening bids as
specified in Section 1-02.12 (Public Opening of Proposals).
Executed “Bid Proposal Package” documents shall be submitted in a sealed envelope
provided by the Bidder, to the following address:
Office of the City Clerk
City of Auburn
25 West Main Street
Auburn, WA 98001-4998
The sealed envelope shall be plainly marked with the Bidder’s firm name, return address
and telephone number, and in the lower left hand corner marked with “Sealed Bid for
Project CP1122, 30th Street NE Area Flooding – Phase 1; opening 11:00 AM PDT on July
10, 2014”.
Proposals sent by mail shall be sealed in a second envelope, also addressed and marked as
stated above.
(January 2012 City of Auburn)
The second sentence of the second paragraph is deleted.
The last paragraph is deleted.
This section is supplemented with the following:
Bidders may withdraw or revise their “Bid Proposal Package” by facsimile (fax). To be
official, these faxes must be received at City of Auburn Fax No. (253) 804-3116 before the
time set for opening bids. The official time of receipt will be the time and date posted by
the City’s fax machine on said fax.
Faxes shall be plainly marked with the Bidder’s firm name, return address and telephone
number and signed by the authorized official(s) whom signed the firms original “Proposal
Form” and also marked with “ATTN: OFFICE OF CITY CLERK, CITY OF AUBURN
NE Area Flooding – Phase 1; opening 11:00 AM PDT on July 10, 2014.”
(April 2006 City of Auburn)
Bid Proposal Packages will be opened and publicly read aloud at 11:00 AM PDT on July 10,
2014 by the City Clerk in the Auburn City Hall located at 25 West Main Street, Auburn
(March 2012 City of Auburn)
CP1122 1-10 Special Provisions
30th Street NE Area Flooding – Phase 1
Revise item 1 to read:
1. A proposal will be considered irregular and will be rejected if:
a. The bidder is not prequalified, when so required;
b. The Bid Proposal Package submitted by the bidder contains
documents marked “SAMPLE”;
c. The authorized Proposal Form furnished by the Contracting Agency
is not used or is altered;
d. The completed Proposal Form contains any unauthorized additions,
deletions, alternate bids, or conditions;
e. The bidder adds provisions reserving the right to reject or accept the
award, or enter into the contract;
f. A price per unit cannot be determined from the bid proposal;
g. The Proposal Form is not properly executed;
h. The bidder fails to submit or properly complete a Subcontractor List,
if applicable, as required in Section 1 02.6.;
i. The bidder fails to submit or properly complete a Disadvantaged
Business Enterprise Certification, if applicable, as required in Section
1-02.6; or
j. The Bidder fails to submit written confirmation from each DBE firm
listed on the Bidder’s completed DBE Utilization Certification that
they are in agreement with the bidders DBE participation
commitment, if applicable, as required in Section 1-02.6, or if the
written confirmation that is submitted fails to meet the requirements
of the Special Provisions;
k. The Bidder fails to submit DBE Good Faith Effort documentation, if
applicable, as required in Section 1-02.6, or if the documentation that
is submitted fails to demonstrate that a Good Faith Effort to meet the
Condition of Award was made;
l. The Bid Proposal Package does not constitute a definite and
unqualified offer to meet the material terms of the bid invitation.
m. More than one proposal is submitted for the same project from a
Bidder under the same or different names.
1-02.14 DISQUALIFICATION OF BIDDERS Revision/Supplement
(March 2014 City of Auburn)
Delete this Section and replace it with the following:
A Bidder will be deemed not responsible if the Bidder does not meet the mandatory bidder
responsibility criteria in either RCW 39.04.350(1) or ACC 3.12.022, as amended.
As evidence that the Bidder meets the mandatory bidder responsibility criteria, the apparent
two lowest Bidders must submit to the Contracting Agency within 24 hours of the bid
submittal deadline, documentation (sufficient in the sole judgment of the Contracting
Agency) demonstrating compliance with all responsibility criter ia. The Contracting Agency
reserves the right to request such documentation from other Bidders as well, and to request
further documentation as needed to assess bidder responsibility. The Contracting Agency
CP1122 1-11 Special Provisions
30th Street NE Area Flooding – Phase 1
also reserves the right to obtain information fr om third parties concerning a Bidder’s
compliance with the mandatory bidder responsibility criteria.
If the Contracting Agency determines the Bidder does not meet the mandatory bidder
responsibility criteria in either RCW 39.04.350(1) or ACC 3.12.022 and is therefore not a
responsible Bidder, the Contracting Agency shall notify the Bidder in writing, with the
reasons for its determination. If the Bidder disagrees with this determination, it may appeal
the determination within two (2) business days of the Contracting Agency’s determination
by presenting its appeal and any additional information to the Contracting Agency. The
Contracting Agency will consider the appeal and any additional information before issuing
its final determination. If the final determination affirms that the Bidder is not responsible,
the Contracting Agency will not execute a contract with any other Bidder until at least two
business days after the Bidder determined to be not responsible has received the Contracting
Agency’s final determination.
(April 2014 City of Auburn)
Supplement this section with the following:
The City of Auburn reserves the right to determine the lowest responsible bidder based on
factors other than just price, including but not limited to the following:
1. Liability exposure;
2. References and past performance;
3. Judgments entered against the bidder within the last five (5) years that shows
a history of failing to meet the terms of the contract;
4. History of claims with other agencies on similar projects;
5. Inadequate or ambiguous specifications;
6. Specifications have been revised;
7. Lowest responsible bid deemed not the best price obtainable;
8. Bids not independently arrived or submitted in bad faith (i.e., price fixing);
9. A determination made that all the necessary requirements of the bid process
have not been met;
10. Insufficient competition; and,
11. Other claims or other indications that cancellation or rejection of all bids is
clearly in the best interest of the City.
For the purpose of this criterion, ‘bidder’ shall include the registered construction company
submitting the bid, as well as the owner(s) of the company, and any other construction
companies the owner(s) may currently or previously have owned.
(August 14, 2013 APWA GSP)
Revise this section to read:
Before awarding any contract, the Contracting Agency may require one or more of these
items or actions of the apparent lowest responsible bidder:
CP1122 1-12 Special Provisions
30th Street NE Area Flooding – Phase 1
1. A complete statement of the origin, composition, and manufacture of any or
all materials to be used,
2. Samples of these materials for quality and fitness tests,
3. A progress schedule (in a form the Contracting Agency requires) showing the
order of and time required for the various phases of the work,
4. A breakdown of costs assigned to any bid item,
5. Attendance at a conference with the Engineer or representatives of the
6. Obtain, and furnish a copy of, a business license to do business in the city or
county where the work is located.
7. Any other information or action taken that is deemed necessary to ensure that
the bidder is the lowest responsible bidder.
(January 23, 2006 APWA GSP)
Revise the first paragraph to read:
After opening and reading proposals, the Contracting Agency will check them for
correctness of extensions of the prices per unit and the total price. If a discrepancy exists
between the price per unit and the extended amount of any bid item, the pr ice per unit will
control. If a minimum bid amount has been established for any item and the bidder’s unit or
lump sum price is less than the minimum specified amount, the Contracting Agency will
unilaterally revise the unit or lump sum price, to the minimum specified amount and
recalculate the extension. The total of extensions, corrected where necessary, including
sales taxes where applicable and such additives and/or alternates as selected by the
Contracting Agency, will be used by the Contracting Agency for award purposes and to fix
the Awarded Contract Price amount and the amount of the contract bond.
(April 2006 City of Auburn)
Section 1-03.3 (Execution of Contract) the first sentence of the first paragraph is deleted and
replaced with the following:
Within seven (7) calendar days after the receipt of the Notice of Award, the successful
bidder shall return the following:
1. The signed City prepared contract;
2. Insurance certificate as required by Section 1-07.18 (Public Liability and
Property Damage Insurance);
3. A copy of a business license to do business in the City of Auburn, King
County and in Pierce County (if applicable);
4. A copy of State of Washington Contractor’s Registration;
5. A satisfactory bond, including the Power of Attorney from the Surety, as
required by the law and Section 1-03.4 (Contract Bond); and
6. The City provided Retainage Document.
CP1122 1-13 Special Provisions
30th Street NE Area Flooding – Phase 1
Section 1-03.3 (Execution of Contract) third paragraph is deleted and replaced with the
If the bidder experiences circumstances beyond their control that prevents return of the
contract documents within seven (7) calendar days after the Notice of Award date, the City
may grant up to a maximum of seven (7) additional calendar days for return of the
documents provided the City deems the circumstances warrant it.
1-03.4 CONTRACT BOND Supplement/Revision
(April 2006 City of Auburn)
The “Contract Bond” shall remain in force for one year following the “Final Acceptance
Date” of the Contract to insure Contract defects during the one-year guarantee period in
compliance with Section 1-05.10 (Guarantees).
(October 1, 2005 APWA GSP)
Revise the first paragraph to read:
The successful bidder shall provide an executed contract bond for the full contract amount .
This contract bond shall:
1. Be on a Contracting Agency-furnished form;
2. Be signed by an approved surety (or sureties) that:
a. Is registered with the Washington State Insurance Commissioner, and
b. Appears on the current Authorized Insurance List in the State of
Washington published by the Office of the Insurance Commissioner,
3. Be conditioned upon the faithful performance of the contract by the
Contractor within the prescribed time;
4. Guarantee that the surety shall indemnify, defend, and protect the
Contracting Agency against any claim of direct or indirect loss resulting from
the failure:
a. Of the Contractor (or any of the employees, subcontractors, or lower
tier subcontractors of the Contractor) to faithfully perform the
contract, or
b. Of the Contractor (or the subcontractors or lower tier subcontractors
of the Contractor) to pay all laborers, mechanics, subcontractors,
lower tier subcontractors, material person, or any other person who
provides supplies or provisions for carrying out the work;
5. Be accompanied by a power of attorney for the Surety’s officer empowered
to sign the bond; and
6. Be signed by an officer of the Contractor empowered to sign official
statements (sole proprietor or partner). If the Contractor is a corporation, the
bond must be signed by the president or vice-president, unless accompanied
by written proof of the authority of the individual signing the bond to bind
the corporation (i.e., corporate resolution, power of attorney or a letter to
such effect by the president or vice-president).
CP1122 1-14 Special Provisions
30th Street NE Area Flooding – Phase 1
1-03.7 JUDICIAL REVIEW Replacement
(April 2006 City of Auburn)
Any decision made by the City of Auburn regarding the award and execution of the contract
or bid rejection shall be conclusive subject to the scope of judicial review permitted under
Washington Law. Such review, if any, shall be timely filed in the Superior Court of King
County, Washington.
(April 2007 City of Auburn)
The City reserves the right to determine the following.
1. Whether a proposal is irregular under the terms of Section 1-02.13,
2. Whether a bidder is not responsible under Section 1-02.14,
3. Whether any aspect of the bidding constitutes an informality that may be
waived, and
4. Whether any submittal from a bidder or contractor conform to the
requirements of Division 1.
(March 2012 City of Auburn)
The second paragraph is deleted and replaced with the following:
Any inconsistency in the parts of the contract shall be resolved by following this order of
precedence (e.g., 1 presiding over 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, and 7; 2 presiding over 3, 4, 5, 6, and 7 ; and
so forth):
1. Addenda;
2. Proposal Form;
3. Part 1: General Special Provisions, Division 1;
4. Part 2: Technical Special Provisions, Divisions 2 through 9;
5. Special Provisions Appendix (Excluding Appendix A);
6. Contract Plans;
7. City of Auburn Standard Details (Appendix A);
8. Work Zone Traffic Control Guideline, WSDOT, latest edition.
9. WSDOT/APWA Standard Specifications for Road, Bridge and Municipal
10. Standard Plans (M21-01) for Road, Bridge and Municipal Construction as
prepared by the Washington State Department of Transportation, current
11. Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices for Streets and Highways,
current edition; and
12. American Water Works Association Standards, current edition.
CP1122 1-15 Special Provisions
30th Street NE Area Flooding – Phase 1
(April 2006 City of Auburn)
Upon receipt of award of contract, the Contractor shall carefully study and compare all the
components of the Contract Documents and other instructions, and check and verify all field
measurements. The Contractor shall, prior to ordering material or performing work, report
in writing to the Engineer any error, inconsistency, or omission in respect to design or mode
of construction. If the Contractor, in the course of this study or in the accomplishment of
the work, finds any discrepancy between the Plans and the physical condition of the locality
as represented in the Plans, or any such errors or omissions in respect to the design or mode
of construction in the Plans or in the layout as given by points and instructions, it shall be
the Contractor’s duty to inform the Engineer immediately in writing, and the Engineer will
promptly do the same. Any work done after such discovery, until correction of the Plans or
authorization of extra work is given, if the Engineer finds that extra work is involved, will
be done at the Contractor’s risk. If extra work is involved, the procedure shall be as
provided in Section 1-04.4 (Changes) of the Standard Specifications.
1-04.4(1) MINOR CHANGES Supplement
Add the following to the identified section.
(April 2006 City of Auburn)
Minor Changes Equitable Adjustment
(October 1, 2005 APWA GSP)
Delete the first paragraph, and replace it with the following:
Payment to the Contractor will be made only for the actual quantities of work performed and
accepted in conformance with the contract. When the accepted quantity of work performed
under a unit item varies from the original proposal quantity, payment will be at the unit
contract price for all work unless the total accepted quantity of any contract item, adjusted to
exclude added or deleted amounts included in change orders accepted by both parties,
increases or decreases by more than 25 percent from the original proposal quantity, and if
the total extended bid price for that item at time of award is equal to or greater than 10
percent of the total contract price at time of award. In that case, payment for contract work
may be adjusted as described herein:
Supplement this Section with the following:
The quantities for the following items have been entered into the Proposal only to provide a
common proposal for bidders. Actual quantities will be determined in the field as the work
progresses, and will be paid at the original bid price, regardless of final quantity.
CP1122 1-16 Special Provisions
30th Street NE Area Flooding – Phase 1
Traffic Control Labor
Unsuitable Foundation Excavation Including Haul
Sequential Arrow Sign
Portable Changeable Message Sign
Gravel Base
Crushed Surfacing Top Course
HMA Cl. ½-inch PG 64-22 (Class B)
HMA Cl. 1-inch PG 64-22 (Class E)
Asphalt Cold Patch
Pipe Foundation Material
Imported Pipe Bedding
Select Pipe Trench Backfill
Imported Pipe Trench Backfill
Controlled Density Fill (CDF) for Filling Pipe
Trench Shoring System
ECS Lead
Topsoil Type A
Lawn Sod
Dewatering System
Cement Concrete Traffic Curb and Gutter
Cement Concrete Sidewalk
Paint Line
Induction Loop Vehicle Detector
Joint Utility Trench
These bid items shall not be subject to the provisions of 1-04.6 of the Standard
1-04.11 FINAL CLEANUP Supplement
(April 2006 City of Auburn)
Final cleanup shall also include cleaning out all storm drain pipe and structures and any
ditches that may have been filled during the work, replacing damaged surfacing, and putting
the site in a neat, orderly condition and, in respect to structures, cleaning all windows and
leaving buildings broom clean.
(April 2006 City of Auburn)
In the event that the Contractor shall request, or submit, an alternate design or material for
some portions of his work, the Engineer will consider such alternative designs with
reasonable promptness. Such request for either a design review from alternate plans
submitted by the Contractor, or request for a redesign initiated by the Contractor, as set forth
CP1122 1-17 Special Provisions
30th Street NE Area Flooding – Phase 1
above, shall be made in writing to the Engineer. When the Contractor submits plans for an
alternate design, it shall be in the form of reproducible drawings.
For each proposed substitution, the Contractor shall submit samples, descriptive and
technical data, and reports of tests to the Engineer for approval. The Contractor shall also
indicate the difference in contract cost by reason of the proposed substitution. No substitute
items shall be furnished or installed without the Engineer’s written approval.
Provided that such proposed alternate design or requested redesign appears reasonable and
satisfactory to the Engineer, the Engineer will perform an engineering review of the
proposed alternate design, or if requested by the Contractor, the Engineer will perform an
engineering redesign of the work to assure its compatibility within the framework of the
complete operating list or system ready for use between the contract limits.
The cost of the engineering review of the proposed alternate, or the cost of an engineering
redesign as requested by the Contractor if performed by the City or its authorized
representatives, will be deducted from amounts owed the Contractor at the actual rate for
direct payroll costs and direct expenses.
The Contractor shall reimburse the City for any resulting additional engineering charges and
for any charges for changes in the work of other contractors resulting from such substitution.
(April 2006 City of Auburn)
Replace the second sentence of the second paragraph with the following:
The allowable tolerance for the Contractor’s work shall not exceed 0.02 feet from lines,
grades, depths and cross-sections shown on the Plans or as established by the Engineer
unless otherwise specified in these contract documents.
(October 1, 2005 APWA GSP)
Unless otherwise specified, the Engineer shall furnish to the Contractor one time only all
principal lines, grades, and measurements the Engineer deems necessary for completion of
the work. These shall generally consist of one initial set of:
1. Slope stakes for establishing grading;
2. Curb grade stakes;
3. Centerline finish grade stakes for pavement sections wider than 25 feet; and
4. Offset points to establish line and grade for underground utilities such as
water, sewers, and storm drains.
On alley construction projects with minor grade changes, the Engineer shall provide only
offset hubs on one side of the alley to establish the alignment and grade.
(April 2006 City of Auburn)
The Contractor shall inform the Engineer at least three (3) working days in advance where
he intends to work, thus enabling the Engineer to set the engineering control point, lines,
and grades with a minimum of delay and interference. The Engineer may require additional
advance notice dependent upon survey requirements and scheduling.
CP1122 1-18 Special Provisions
30th Street NE Area Flooding – Phase 1
Delays caused by lack of stakes shall not be the basis for claims for additional compensation
by the Contractor.
(January 2014City of Auburn)
The following requirements are intended to provide the project Contractor with the
information necessary to furnish the City with satisfactory record construction drawings:
1. The Contractor shall be responsible for tracking all relevant field changes to
the approved construction drawings. These changes shall be clearly
identified in red ink in a comprehensive manner on one set of City-provided
Plans to be known as the “Record Construction Drawings”.
2. The Record Drawing set shall be used for this purpose alone, shall be kept
separate from other Plan sheets, and shall be clearly marked as Record
Drawings. The Record Drawings shall be kept on site, and shall be available
for review by the Contracting Agency at all times. The Contractor shall
bring the Record Drawings to each progress meeting for review when such
meetings are included in the Contract.
3. The quality of the Record Drawings, in terms of accuracy, clarity, and
completeness, is to be adequate to allow the Contracting Agency to modify
the computer-aided drafting (CAD) Contract Drawings to produce a complete
set of Record Drawings for the Contracting Agency without further
investigative effort by the Contracting Agency.
4. The record construction drawings shall identify all existing or abandoned
utilities that were encountered during construction that were not shown on
the approved construction drawings.
5. The Record Drawing markups shall document all changes in the Work, both
concealed and visible. Items that must be shown on the markups include but
are not limited to:
Actual dimensions, arrangement, and materials used when different
than shown in the Plans.
Changes made by Change Order or Field Directive.
Changes made by the Contractor as approved by the Engineer.
Accurate locations of storm drainage, sanitary sewer, water mains and
other water appurtenances, structures, conduits, light standards,
vaults, width of roadways, sidewalks, landscaping areas, building
footprints, channelization and pavement markings, etc. Include pipe
invert elevations, top of castings (manholes, inlets, etc.).
The record construction drawings shall identify all deviations from the approved
construction drawings as follows:
Sanitary Sewer
Type/size of structure
CP1122 1-19 Special Provisions
30th Street NE Area Flooding – Phase 1
Location to the nearest 1-foot horizontal
Rim elevations to the nearest 0.1-foot vertical
Invert elevations to the nearest 0.1-foot vertical
Pipe sizes to the nearest 1-inch inside diameter
Type of pipe
Location to the nearest 1-foot horizontal
Length between structures to the nearest 1 foot
Slopes based on invert elevations
Pipe sizes to the nearest 1-inch inside diameter
Side Sewers:
Type of pipe
Location from reference manhole to the nearest 1 foot horizontal and
consistent with the TV report
Location to the nearest 1-foot horizontal
Length between structures to the nearest 1 foot
Slopes based on the constructed invert elevations
Invert elevations at right -of-way lines to the nearest 0.5-feet vertical
Storm Drainage
Manholes/Catch Basins:
Type/size of structure
Location to the nearest 1-foot horizontal
Rim elevations to the nearest 0.1-foot vertical
Invert elevations to the nearest 0.1-foot vertical
Pipe sizes to the nearest 1-inch inside diameter
Type of pipe
Location to the nearest 1-foot horizontal
Length between structures to the nearest 1-foot
Slopes based on the constructed invert elevations
Pipe sizes to the nearest 1-inch inside diameter
Type of pipe and joints
Deflection of bends to the nearest 1 degree
Location to the nearest 1-foot horizontal
Location to the nearest 0.5-foot vertical between valves at 50-foot
stations and intersection with other utilities
Length between valves to the nearest 1 foot
CP1122 1-20 Special Provisions
30th Street NE Area Flooding – Phase 1
Pipe sizes to the nearest 1-inch inside diameter
Valves, Hydrants, Blowoffs, Air Vacs, and PRV’s:
Type of facility
Location to the nearest 1-foot horizontal
Meters and Services:
Type of service material
Location of service line to the nearest 1-foot horizontal
Meter location to the nearest 1-foot horizontal
Meter sizes to the nearest ¼-inch in diameter
Public Streets:
Centerline elevations to the nearest 0.1-foot vertical at 100-foot
Centerline slopes and vertical curve data based on the constructed
centerline elevations
Gutterline elevations to the nearest 0.1-foot vertical (if not a standard
crown section)
Gutterline slopes and vertical curve data based on the constructed
gutterline elevations (if not a standard crown section)
Driveway and Sidewalk:
Type of driveway (commercial or residential section)
Centerline driveway location to the nearest 1-foot horizontal
Driveway width to the nearest 1-foot horizontal
Sidewalk width to the nearest 1-foot horizontal
Type of buttons, reflectors, and curbs
General layout location to the nearest 1-foot horizontal
Type of signs
Location of signs to the nearest 1-foot horizontal
Location of luminaries, junction boxes and service cabinets to the
nearest 1-foot horizontal
Location of signal poles, junction boxes, service cabinets, and
controllers to the nearest 1-foot horizontal
6. At the time the Contractor transmits the comprehensive redline Record
Construction Drawings to the City, he shall certify that said drawings are in
CP1122 1-21 Special Provisions
30th Street NE Area Flooding – Phase 1
conformance to the above-referenced requirements and are an accurate
depiction of built conditions;
7. The City shall receive and approve the Contractor’s certified “Record
Construction Drawings” as specified herein prior to achieving physical
These Record Construction Drawings shall be kept current during the course of
construction by the Contractor and be available for review upon request by the
Engineer. If Record Construction Drawings are not kept current on a weekly basis,
the City may, at its discretion, withhold progress payments until such time as the
Record Construction Drawings are updated to reflect current construction changes as
required above. No measurement or payment will be made to complete the Record
Construction Drawings and their development shall be considered incidental to the
Payment will be made for the following bid item:
Record Drawings (Minimum Bid $1,000) Lump Sum
Payment for this item will be made on a prorated monthly basis for work completed in
accordance with this section up to 75% of the lump sum bid. The final 25% of the lump
sum item will be paid upon submittal and approval of the completed Record Drawings set
prepared in conformance with these Special Provisions.
A minimum bid amount has been entered in the Bid Proposal for this item. The Contractor
must bid at least that amount to be considered a responsive bid.
WORK Supplement
(October 1, 2005 APWA GSP)
Supplement this section with the following:
If the Contractor fails to remedy defective or unauthorized work within the time specified in
a written notice from the Engineer, or fails to perform any part of the work required by the
Contract Documents, the Engineer may correct and remedy such work as may be identified
in the written notice, with Contracting Agency forces or by such other means as the
Contracting Agency may deem necessary.
If the Contractor fails to comply with a written order to remedy what the Engineer
determines to be an emergency situation, the Engineer may have the defective and
unauthorized work corrected immediately, have the rejected work removed and replaced, or
have work the Contractor refuses to perform completed by using Contracting Agency or
other forces. An emergency situation is any situation when, in the opinion of the Engineer,
a delay in its remedy could be potentially unsafe, or might cause serious risk of loss or
damage to the public.
CP1122 1-22 Special Provisions
30th Street NE Area Flooding – Phase 1
Direct or indirect costs incurred by the Contracting Agency attributable to correcting and
remedying defective or unauthorized work, or work the Contractor failed or refused to
perform, shall be paid by the Contractor. Payment will be deducted by the Engineer from
monies due, or to become due, the Contractor. Such direct cost s shall include in particular,
but without limitation, compensation for additional professional services required, and costs
for repair and replacement of the Contractor’s unauthorized work.
No adjustment in contract time or compensation will be allowed because of the delay in the
performance of the work attributable to the exercise of the Contracting Agency’s rights
provided by this Section.
The rights exercised under the provisions of this Section shall not diminish the Contracting
Agency’s right to pursue any other avenue for additional remedy or damages with respect to
the Contractor’s failure to perform the work as required.
1-05.10 GUARANTEES Supplement
(September 2013 City of Auburn)
The work performed under these Contract Documents shall be guaranteed for a period of
one year beyond the “Completion Date” thereof against defective materials, equipment, and
workmanship and shall also include the landscape establishment required in the Contract per
Section 8-02.3(13) (Plant Establishment). Upon receipt of notice from the City of failure of
any part of the material, equipment or workmanship during the guarantee period, the
affected part or parts shall be replaced with new materials or equipment by, and at the
expense of, the Contractor. This guarantee shall be bonded in compliance with Section 1-
03.4 (Contract Bond).
The Contractor shall be available approximately sixty (60) calendar days prior to the
expiration of the one-year guarantee period to tour the project, with the Engineer, in support
of the Engineer’s effort to establish a list of corrective work required under the one-year
guarantee. Upon the receipt of written notice of such required corrective work, the
Contractor shall pursue vigorously, diligently, and without unauthorized interruption of the
City Facilities, the work necessary to correct the items listed.
1-05.11 FINAL INSPECTION Replacement
Delete the entire Section and replace with the following:
(April 2006 City of Auburn)
Substantial Completion Date shall refer to the Physical Completion Date.
(October 1, 2005 APWA GSP)
When the Contractor considers the work physically complete and ready for final inspection,
the Contractor by written notice, shall request the Engineer to schedule a final inspection.
The Engineer will set a date for final inspection. The Engineer and the Contractor will then
make a final inspection and the Engineer will notify the Contractor in writing of all
CP1122 1-23 Special Provisions
30th Street NE Area Flooding – Phase 1
particulars in which the final inspection reveals the work incomplete or unacceptable. The
Contractor shall immediately take such corrective measures as are necessary to remedy the
listed deficiencies. Corrective work shall be pursued vigorously, diligently, and without
interruption until physical completion of the listed deficiencies. This process will continue
until the Engineer is satisfied the listed deficiencies have been corrected.
If action to correct the listed deficiencies is not initiated within 7 days after receipt of the
written notice listing the deficiencies, the Engineer may, upon written notice to the
Contractor, take whatever steps are necessary to correct those deficiencies pursuant to
Section 1-05.7. The Contractor will not be allowed an extension of contract time because of
a delay in the performance of the work attributable to the exercise of the Engineer’s right
Upon correction of all deficiencies, the Engineer will notify the Contractor and the
Contracting Agency, in writing, of the date upon which the work was considered physically
complete. That date shall constitute the Physical Completion Date of the contract, but shall
not imply acceptance of the work or that all the obligations of the Contractor under the
contract have been fulfilled.
(October 1, 2005 APWA GSP)
It is the intent of the Contracting Agency to have, at the Physical Completion Date, a
complete and operable system. Therefore when the work involves the installation of
machinery or other mechanical equipment; street lighting, electrical distribution or signal
systems; irrigation systems; buildings; or other similar work, it may be desirable for the
Engineer to have the Contractor operate and test the work for a period of time after final
inspection but prior to the physical completion date. Whenever items of work are listed in
the Contract Provisions for operational testing, they shall be fully tested under operating
conditions for the time period specified to ensure their acceptability prior to the Physical
Completion Date. During and following the test period, the Contractor shall correct any
items of workmanship, materials, or equipment which prove faulty, or that are not in first
class operating condition. Equipment, electrical controls, meters, or other devices and
equipment to be tested during this period shall be tested under the observation of the
Engineer, so the Engineer may determine their suitability for the purpose for which they
were installed. The Physical Completion Date cannot be established until testing and
corrections have been completed to the satisfaction of the Engineer.
The costs for power, gas, labor, material, supplies, and everything else needed to
successfully complete operational testing, shall be included in the unit contract prices related
to the system being tested, unless specifically set forth otherwise in the proposal.
Operational and test periods, when required by the Engineer, shall not affect a
manufacturer’s guaranties or warranties furnished under the terms of the contract.
1-05.12 FINAL ACCEPTANCE Revision
(April 2006 City of Auburn)
In Section 1-05.12 (Final Acceptance), all references to “Final Contract Voucher
Certification” shall be deleted and replaced with “Final Pay Estimate”.
CP1122 1-24 Special Provisions
30th Street NE Area Flooding – Phase 1
(March 25, 2009 APWA GSP)
Revise the seventh paragraph to read:
Whenever the Contracting Agency evaluates the Contractor’s qualifications pursuant to
Section 1-02.14, it will take these performance reports into account.
1-05.14(1) COOPERATION WITH OTHERS New Section
(March 2014 City of Auburn)
Should the Engineer determine that a property owner, a utility company or the City has
adequate reason to avoid access closure, sewer or water shutoff at the time scheduled, the
Contractor shall reschedule his work to meet the new conditions.
During the course of this project, work will be performed by others adjacent to, or within,
the limits of this project. This project will require coordination of work as follows:
Relocation/Protection of Gas Mains, Underground Power, and Appurtenances
Anita Yurovchak
Puget Sound Energy
3130 S. 38th St
Tacoma, WA 98409
(253) 476-6304
Protection of Communications/Cable Lines and Appurtenances
Alex Harb
Century Link
23315 66th Ave. S.
Kent, WA 98032
(206) 345-4476
Protection of Communications/Cable Lines and Appurtenances
Darrell Vacca
410 Valley Ave NW, Suite 12-Bldg C
Puyallup, WA 98371
(206) 793-1244
Survey Monitoring for Ground Settlement at Private Driveway
Kim Truong
City of Auburn
25 West Main St.
Auburn, WA 98001
The Contractor shall cooperate with the City’s representative and conduct operations so that
the necessary construction of its project can be accomplished without interrupt ion, and the
CP1122 1-25 Special Provisions
30th Street NE Area Flooding – Phase 1
cost of the coordination and cooperation efforts shall be considered incidental to the
(March 25, 2009 APWA GSP)
Revise the second paragraph to read:
All correspondence from the Contractor shall be directed to the Project Engineer. All
correspondence from the Contractor constituting any notification, notice of protest, notice of
dispute, or other correspondence constituting notification required to be furnished under the
Contract, must be in paper format, hand delivered or sent via mail delivery service to the
Project Engineer’s office. Electronic copies such as e-mail’s or electronically delivered
copies of correspondence will not constitute such notice and will not comply with the
requirements of the Contract.
1-05.16 WATER AND POWER New Section
(October 1, 2005 APWA GSP)
The Contractor shall make necessary arrangements, and shall bear the costs for power and
water necessary for the performance of the work, unless the contract includes power and
water as a pay item, or unless provided for otherwise in these Special Provisions.
1-05.17 ORAL AGREEMENTS New Section
(January 2014 City of Auburn)
No oral agreement, conversation, or electronic mail (e-mail), excluding electronic submittals
outlined in Section 1-06 (Control of Material), with any officer, agent, or employee of the
City, either before or after execution of the contract, shall affect or modify any of the terms
or obligations contained in any of the documents comprising the contract. Such oral
agreement, conversation, or e-mail shall be considered as unofficial information and in no
way binding upon the City, unless subsequently put in writing AND signed by the City.
(February 2012 City of Auburn)
References to the WSDOT Form 350-071 are revised to read the City of Auburn Request for
Submittal Approval Form.
(June 27, 2011 APWA GSP)
Delete this section in its entirety.
1-06.7 SUBMITTALS New Section
(March 2014 City of Auburn)
This section applies to all items that are to be submitted to the Engineer for review,
approval, and acceptance, including, but not limited to:
CP1122 1-26 Special Provisions
30th Street NE Area Flooding – Phase 1
Non-Material Submittals (i.e haul routes, Traffic Control Plans (TCP’s), requests for
substitution, breakdown of lump sum items, schedules, road closure requests,
material samples, warranty documentation, Operations and Maintenance (O&M)
manuals, Spill Prevention, Control, and Countermeasure (SPCC) Plan, Stormwater
Pollution Prevention (SWPP) Plan, schedule of submittals, etc.);
Material Submittals (i.e. Request for Approval of Material (RAM), Request for use
of an item on the Qualified Product List (QPL)); and
Material Acceptance Documentation (i.e. Certification of Material Origin (CMO),
Manufacturer’s Certificate of Compliance (MCC), miscellaneous certificates of
compliance, mill and test reports, etc.).
(January 2014, City of Auburn)
Except as specified otherwise in the Contract Documents, all submittals shall be made
electronically and shall be transmitted via e-mail to PWSubmittals@auburnwa.gov. The
e-mail subject line of electronic submittals shall include the following: CP1122, 30th Street
NE Area Flooding-Phase1 - “Submittal Title”. Each electronic email shall be limited to 7
MB’s in size. All electronic submittals shall be clear, sharp high contrast electronic files in
Word 2007, Excel 2007 or PDF formats.
The City shall return one (1) electronic copy to the Contractor at the email address on record
with the City. The Contractor is responsible for distribut ing the electronic copies or making
the required number of hard copies of City returned submittals to its superintendent,
subcontractors and suppliers.
The Contractor may request to make submittals in hardcopy format instead of electronic
format. Such requests shall be made in writing and include an explanation of why the
Contractor is requesting to make hardcopy submittals. It will be at the Engineer’s sole
discretion whether the request is approved and no additional compensation or time extension
shall be granted in relation to the Engineer’s decision. Submittals allowed, directed, or
required as hardcopies shall be made in accordance with Section 1-06.7(1)A (Hardcopy
(March 2014, City of Auburn)
This section covers submittal of Shop Drawings, O&M Manuals, Product Samples and other
submittals, as determined or allowed by the Engineer, or as specified in the Contract
Documents to be submitted in hardcopy format for the Engineer’s review. The contents of
all hardcopy submittals shall be per Section 1-06.7(1)B (Submittal Content). All hardcopy
submittals shall accompany a completed City of Auburn “Request for Submittal Approval”
form as a cover sheet per Section 1-06.7(1)C (Request for Submittal Approval Form).
Unless specified otherwise in the Contract Documents, hardcopy submittals shall be made as
CP1122 1-27 Special Provisions
30th Street NE Area Flooding – Phase 1
1. Shop Drawings and other hardcopy submittals: Submit five (5) copies, one
(1) of which will be marked, stamped and returned to the Contractor. The
Contractor is responsible for making and distributing the required number of
additional copies of the City returned hardcopy submittals to its
superintendent, subcontractors and suppliers.
2. Product Samples: Unless stated otherwise in each individual specification
section referencing a product where a sample is requested, the Contractor
shall submit one (1) labeled product sample or one (1) set of manufacturers’
full range of colors and finishes as ordered by the Engineer and at no
addit ional cost to the Contracting Agency. Product samples or manufacturer
color palettes will not be returned to the Contractor.
(March 2014, City of Auburn)
All submittals shall include the following, where applicable:
1. Each submittal indicated in Section 1-06.7 (Submittals) shall include the City
of Auburn “Request for Submittal Approval” form as a cover letter. Any
submittals made without this form or without all of the required information
filled out by the Contractor, per Section 1-06.7(1)C (Request for Submittal
Approval Form), shall be rejected without review.
2. Each submittal shall include all of the items and materials required for a
complete assembly, system or Specification Section.
3. Submittals shall contain all o f the physical, technical and performance data
required by the specifications or necessary to demonstrate conclusively that
the items comply with the requirements of the Contract Documents.
4. Include information on characteristics of electrical or utility service required
and verification that such requirements have been coordinated with service
provided by the work and by other interconnected elements of the work.
5. Provide verification that the physical characteristics of items submitted,
including size, configurations, clearances, mounting points, utility connection
points and service access points, are suitable for the space provided and are
compatible with other interrelated items that are existing or have or will be
6. Label each Product Data submittal with the information required in this
Section. Highlight or mark every page of all Product Data submittals to
show the specific items being submitted and all options included or choices
7. Label each Shop Drawing and Sample with the information required in this
Section. Highlight or mark every page of every copy of all Product Data
submittals to show the specific items being submitted and all options
included or choices offered.
8. Additional requirements for submittals are contained in the Technical
Specification sections.
CP1122 1-28 Special Provisions
30th Street NE Area Flooding – Phase 1
9. Designation of work as “NIC” or “by others” shown on the Shop Drawings,
shall mean that the work will be the responsibility of the Contractor rather
than the subcontractor or supplier who has prepared the Shop Drawings.
A separate letter explaining deviations shall accompany any submittal(s) that contain
deviations from the requirements of the Contract Documents. The Contractor’s letter shall:
1. Cite the specific Contract requirement, including the Specification Section
and paragraph number, for which approval of a deviation is sought.
2. Describe the proposed alternate material, item or construction and explain its
advantages and/or disadvantages to the City.
3. State the reduction in Contract Price, if any, that is offered to the City.
(March 2014, City of Auburn)
Each Submittal shall include a City provided “Request for Submittal Approval” form
completed by the Contractor as follows:
1. For items being submitted to the City for the first time, check the “New Submittal”
box. The City will assign the item a submittal number. For items that have been
previously submitted and require a re-submittal, check the “Re-submittal of No. ___”
box and fill in the submittal number that was assigned by the City to the original
submittal. For submittals that are providing Material Acceptance Documentation for
a submittal that has been previously made, the Contractor will check the “Material
Acceptance Documentation for Submittal No.___” box and fill in the submittal
number that was assigned by the City for which the Contractor is supplying the
documentation for.
2. Fill in the Contract Number (I.E. ##-##) and Contract/Project Name;
3. Fill in the Project Identifying Number (I.E. CP####);
4. Fill in the Date of the Submittal;
5. Provide the Contractor’s name and, if applicable, the name of Subcontractor or
supplier who prepared the submittal;
6. The Contractor is encouraged to submit one material per form, however if more than
one material is listed on the form then provide a General Submittal Title that is
applicable to the group. If only one material is submitted on the form then this box
can be left blank, or provide the same name described in bullet point number 8. Do
not group non-like materials on the same form;
7. When applicable, provide the Bid Item number the submittal is referencing;
8. Provide a submittal description (be specific). For material submittals, provide the
Type of Material, the Manufacturer’s Product/Type, or the trade name of the
9. When applicable, provide the Name and the Location of the Fabricator or the
Manufacturer’s name or the Pit Number. This should be the actual manufacturer, not
the supplier or distributor,
CP1122 1-29 Special Provisions
30th Street NE Area Flooding – Phase 1
10. Provide the Contract Specification section number(s) or the page number the
submittal material is referencing, or you can list the Plan Sheet number; and
11. For material submittals, indicate whether the submittal is requesting use of the
Qualified Product List (QPL) or if the submittal is a Request for Approval of
Material (RAM) by checking the appropriate box. If the Contractor elects to use a
product listed in the QPL, the submittal documentation shall be prepared in
accordance with the instructions in the QPL program. If the Contractor elects not to
use the QPL or if the material is not listed in the QPL, then supporting
documentation for the RAM shall be submitted.
(March 2014, City of Auburn)
The Engineer will mark all submittals with one of the ‘Submittal Approval Code’ and one of
the ‘Material Acceptance Code’, if applicable, listed on the “Request for Submittal
Approval” form prior to returning it to the Contractor.
For Material submittals requesting the use of the QPL the Engineer will mark the “Request
for Submittal Approval” form with the appropriate QPL approval code found on the QPL
form. The QPL approval code is represented by a four (4) digit number.
The ‘Submittal Approval Code’ will indicate:
1. “NET” (NO EXCEPTIONS TAKEN) – Accepted subject to its compatibility
with future submissions and additional partial submissions for portions of the
work not covered in this submission. Does not constitute approval or
deletion of specified or required items not shown in the partial submission.
Does not constitute material acceptance.
REQUIRED) – Accepted subject to minor corrections that shall be made by
the Contractor and subject to its compatibility wit h future submissions and
additional partial submissions for portions of the work not covered in this
submission. Does not constitute approval or deletion of specified or required
items not shown in the partial submission. No resubmission is required.
Does not constitue material acceptance.
3. “AR” (AMEND AND RESUBMIT) – Rejected because of major
inconsistencies or errors which shall be resolved or corrected by the
Contractor prior to subsequent submittal. An amended resubmission is
4. “RR” (REJECTED – RESUBMIT) – Submittal does not conform to Plans
and Specifications in major respect. A new submission is required.
5. “NR” (NOT REVIEWED) – Submitted information is not required on
The ‘Material Acceptance Code’ will indicate:
CP1122 1-30 Special Provisions
30th Street NE Area Flooding – Phase 1
Code 1. Submit a “Satisfactory” Test Report for samples of materials to be
incorporated into project for acceptance – Material is approved and requires testing
for acceptance.
Code 2. Submit a Manufacturer’s Certificate of Compliance (MCC) for
“Acceptance” prior to use of material – Material is approved and requires a MCC for
Code 3. Submit Catalog Cuts for acceptance prior to use of material –
Material is approved and requires a catalog cut(s) for acceptance.
Code 4. Submit Shop Drawings for approval prior to fabrication of material –
Material requires an approved shop drawing for acceptance.
Code 5. Only “Approved for Shipment,” “WSDOT Inspected,” or
“Fabrication Approval decal” material shall be used. (Federal Projects Only)-
Fabricated material that requires a WSDOT inspected stamp or marking for
Code 6. Submit a Certificate of Materials Origin (CMO). (Federal Projects
Only)- Iron or steel material and requires a CMO for acceptance.
Code 7. N/A – This code is not used for material acceptance.
Code 8. Source Approved: - Material is approved and may be proprietary.
Material only requires a visual inspection for acceptance.
Code 9. Approval Withheld: Submit samples for preliminary evaluation. –
Material approval is withheld pending review of product samples or manufacturer’s
color palettes.
Code 10. N/A – This code is not used for material acceptance.
Code 11. Miscellaneous Acceptance Criteria: - Material is approved and
conditionally accepted.
Code 12. LAG – Approved Catalog Cut Documented with: □ Mfg. Cert. of
Comp. □ Visual Inspection - Material is approved with an approved Catalog Cut and
requires either a Manufacturer’s Certificate of Compliance or a Visual Inspection for
(January 2014, City of Auburn)
Within one (1) working day prior to the preconstruction conference, the Contractor shall
submit a Schedule of Submittals per Section 1-08.0(1) Preconstruction Conference. The
Schedule of Submittals shall include dates for which each submittal required by the Contract
Documents will be made. The Schedule of Submittals must be accepted prior to payment.
Identify the items that will be included in each submittal by listing the item or group of
items and the specification section and paragraph number under which they are specified.
Indicate whether the submittal is required for product review of proposed equivalents, Shop
Drawings, Product Data or Samples or required for product information only. It is the
Contractors responsibility to anticipate and provide all submittals required for the project.
CP1122 1-31 Special Provisions
30th Street NE Area Flooding – Phase 1
The time required to evaluate and review requests for submittals is not the same for all
submittals. The Contractor shall allow a minimum of ten (10) calendar days, unless
otherwise noted, for the Engineer’s review. The Contractor shall also allow adequate time
for manufacturer delivery at the construction site without causing delay to the work. All
submittals shall be in accordance with the approved Schedule of Submittals. Submittals
shall be made early enough to allow for unforeseen delays such as:
1. Failure to obtain favorable review because of inadequate or incomplete
submittal or because the item submitted does not meet the requirements of
the Contract Documents.
2. Delays in manufacture.
3. Delays in delivery.
1-07.1 LAWS TO BE OBSERVED Supplement
(October 1, 2005 APWA GSP)
In cases of conflict between different safety regulations, the more stringent regulation shall
The Washington State Department of Labor and Industries shall be the sole and paramount
administrative agency responsible for the administration of the provisions of the Washington
Industrial Safety and Health Act of 1973 (WISHA).
The Contractor shall maintain at the project site office, or other well-known place at the
project site, all articles necessary for providing first aid to the injured. The Contractor shall
establish, publish, and make known to all employees, procedures for ensuring immediate
removal to a hospital, or doctor’s care, for persons, including employees, who may have
been injured on the project site. Employees should not be permitted to work on the project
site before the Contractor has established and made known procedures for removal of
injured persons to a hospital or a doctor’s care.
The Contractor shall have sole responsibility for the safety, efficiency, and adequacy of the
Contractor’s plant, appliances, and methods, and for any damage or injury resulting from
their failure, or improper maintenance, use, or operation. The Contractor shall be solely and
completely responsible for the conditions of the project site, including safety for all persons
and property in the performance of the work. This requirement shall apply continuously,
and not be limited to normal working hours. The required or implied duty of the Engineer
to conduct construction review of the Contractor’s performance does not, and shall not, be
intended to include review and adequacy of the Contractor’s safety measures in, on, or near
the project site.
1-07.2 STATE TAXES Replacement
(June 27, 2011 APWA GSP)
Delete this Section, including Subsections, and replace with the following.
CP1122 1-32 Special Provisions
30th Street NE Area Flooding – Phase 1
The Washington State Department of Revenue has issued special rules on the State sales tax.
Section 1-07.2(1) through 1-07.2(3) are meant to clarify those rules. The Contractor should
contact the Washington State Department of Revenue for answers to questions in this area.
The Contracting Agency will not adjust its payment if the Contractor bases a bid on a
misunderstood tax liability.
The Contractor shall include all Contractor -paid taxes in the unit bid prices or other contract
amounts. In some cases, however, state retail sales tax will not be included. Section 1-
07.2(2) describes this exception.
The Contracting Agency will pay the retained percentage (or release the Contract Bond if a
FHWA-funded Project) only if the Contractor has obtained from the Washington State
Department of Revenue a certificate showing that all contract-related taxes have been paid
(RCW 60.28.051). The Contracting Agency may deduct from its payments to the
Contractor any amount the Contractor may owe the Washington State Department of
Revenue, whether the amount owed relates to this contract or not. Any amount so deducted
will be paid into the proper State fund.
1-07.2(1) STATE SALES TAX – RULE 171
WAC 458-20-171, and its related rules, apply to building, repairing, or improving streets,
roads, etc., which are owned by a municipal corporation, or political subdivision of the state,
or by the United States, and which are used primarily for foot or vehicular traffic. This
includes storm or combined sewer systems within and included as a part of the street or road
drainage system and power lines when such are part of the roadway lighting system. For
work performed in such cases, the Contractor shall include Washington State Retail Sales
Taxes in the various unit bid item prices, or other contract amounts, including those that the
Contractor pays on the purchase of the materials, equipment, or supplies used or consumed
in doing the work.
1-07.2(2) STATE SALES TAX – RULE 170
WAC 458-20-170, and its related rules, apply to the constructing and repairing of new or
existing buildings, or other structures, upon real property. This includes, but is not limited
to, the construction of streets, roads, highways, etc., owned by the state of Washington;
water mains and their appurtenances; sanitary sewers and sewage disposal systems unless
such sewers and disposal systems are within, and a part of, a street or road drainage system;
telephone, telegraph, electrical power distribution lines, or other conduits or lines in or
above streets or roads, unless such power lines become a part of a street or road lighting
system; and installing or attaching of any article of tangible personal property in or to real
property, whether or not such personal property becomes a part of the realty by virtue of
For work performed in such cases, the Contractor shall collect from the Contracting Agency,
retail sales tax on the full contract price. The Contracting Agency will automatically add
this sales tax to each payment to the Contractor. For this reason, the Contractor shall not
include the retail sales tax in the unit bid item prices, or in any other contract amount subject
to Rule 170, with the following exception.
CP1122 1-33 Special Provisions
30th Street NE Area Flooding – Phase 1
Exception: The Contracting Agency will not add in sales tax for a payment the Contractor or
a subcontractor makes on the purchase or rental of tools, machinery, equipment, or
consumable supplies not integrated into the project. Such sales taxes shall be included in
the unit bid item prices or in any other contract amount.
1-07.2(3) SERVICES
The Contractor shall not collect retail sales tax from the Contracting Agency on any contract
wholly for professio nal or other services (as defined in Washington State Department of
Revenue Rules 138 and 244).
(April 2006 City of Auburn)
The following list represents a portion of City of Auburn Code requirements dealing with
the preservation of public natural resources that affect or are affected by the proposed work.
Copies of applicable code are available in the City Clerk’s office at City Hall, 25 West Main
Street, Auburn, Washington. The City r ecommends that bidders review such materials
before submitting sealed proposals.
City of Auburn Code – Section 8.28: Defines general noise nuisances prohibited in the City
of Auburn.
City of Auburn Code – Sections 14, 16, 17, 18: Reviews types of permits required for
grading, land fills, mining, excavation, utility extension, building and all associated permits.
Requirements of City Code and the most current edition of the Uniform Building Code
adopted by the City apply in all cases. Permit applications are reviewed by the Planning
Department, Building Division and/or Engineering Division.
City of Auburn Code – Section 18.62: Permitting required for all mine-related activities
(including asphalt or concrete batching, rock crushing, and transportation to and from a
mine). Permit applications are reviewed by the Planning Department.
1-07.6 PERMITS AND LICENSES Supplement
(April 2006 City of Auburn)
The Contractor shall become familiar with all permits and licenses to be obtained and shall
insure that all their requirements are met. All required permits and licenses shall be
obtained and paid for by the Contractor.
A Construction Stormwater General Permit, issued by the Department of Ecology, has been
obtained for this project by the City. Non-compliance by the Contractor with any of the
permit requirements can result in penalties or fines for which the Contractor will be liable.
The Contractor shall keep a copy of all project permits, licenses and approvals at the job site
and readily available for reference. Copies of the Construction Stormwater General Permit
shall be made available on site by the Contractor to City staff and/or state and federal
regulatory staff upon request during site inspections which may occur at any time. A Copy
of the Construction Stormwater General Permit Requirements in Appendix C has been
provided for the Contractors convenient. The Contractor shall be responsible for completing
all monitoring and reporting required by the permit. The Contractor shall maintain the
authorized activities in good condition and all work shall be in compliance with permit and
approval terms and conditions. Payment associated with the cost to implement the
CP1122 1-34 Special Provisions
30th Street NE Area Flooding – Phase 1
Construction Stormwater General Permit Requirements will be made in accordance with
Section 8-01 (Erosion Control and Water Pollution Control).
1-07.9 WAGES Supplement
(April 2006 City of Auburn)
Inasmuch as the Contractor will be held responsible for paying the prevailing wages, it is
imperative that all contractors familiarize themselves with the current wage rates, attached
in Appendix “B” of this document, before submitting bids based on these Contract
Upon request, the Industrial Statistician, Prevailing Wage, Department of Labor and
Industries, PO Box 44400, Olympia, WA 98504-4850, (360.902.5316) will furnish
additional current prevailing wage data.
Prior to payment, the Contractor shall file a statement under oath with the City and with
Labor and Industries certifying the rate of hourly wage paid, and to be paid, each
classification of laborers, workmen, or mechanics employed upon the work by the
Contractor or subcontractor which shall be not less than the prevailing rate of wage
(Statement of Intent to Pay Prevailing Wage). Such statement and any supplemental
statements, which may be necessary, shall be filed in accordance with the practices and
procedures required by the Department of Labor and Industries.
All costs associated with Washington State Public Works Statute RCW 39.12, regarding
fees charged by the Department of Labor and Industries for approval of “Statements of
Intent to Pay Prevailing Wages” and the certification of “Affidavits of Wages Paid” shall be
paid by the Contractor and shall be considered incidental to the Contract and no additional
compensation will be made.
Pay Estimates will not be processed for payment until the Contractor and all Subcontractors
have completed a “Statement of Intent to Pay Prevailing Wages”. Retainages will not be
released until all “Affidavits of Wages Paid” have been certified by the Industrial
Statistician and releases received from the Department of Revenue, the Department of
Employment Security and the Department of Labor and Industries.
(April 2006 City of Auburn)
All contractors, subcontractors and vendors engaged in business with the City of Auburn
shall comply with the following guidelines:
A. All contractors, subcontractors and vendors who have 50 or more employees
and have contracts with the City of Auburn totaling more than $50,000
annually shall comply with the provisions of Executive Order 11246, as
amended, the implementing regulations of 41 CFR Chapter 60, and all other
related federal and state laws.
The City can provide language pertaining to its non-discrimination policy on
purchase orders, contracts and other relevant information.
The City will not knowingly do business with any bidder, contractor, subcontractor, or
vendor whose employment practices are discriminatory and not in compliance with
CP1122 1-35 Special Provisions
30th Street NE Area Flooding – Phase 1
applicable laws and regulations. The City reserves the right to determine the Contracto r’s,
Subcontractor’s, or Vendor’s normal employment practices, and will take whatever action it
considers appropriate should discriminatory employment practices be discovered.
WORK Replacement
(April 2006 City of Auburn)
This Section is deleted and replaced with the following:
The Contractor shall bear the risk of loss or damage for all finished or partially finished
work until Final Acceptance of the entire Contract. This includes all vandalism, theft, and
acts of God or nature.
(April 2006 City of Auburn)
Revise the first sentence to read:
When it is necessary for public traffic to utilize a roadway facility during construction, the
Contractor may, upon approval of a written request for each completed section, be relieved
of responsibility for damages to permanent work by public traffic under the following
(April 2006 City of Auburn)
The Contractor shall reimburse the City for attorney’s fees, whether incident to suit or not;
court costs; and other expenses incurred by the City in enforcing any provision of this
Contract, or made necessary by any default of the Contractor. Any charge by the City to the
Contractor, pursuant to the terms of this Contract, shall bear interest at the rate of 8% per
annum from the date of demand by the City, except that if such claims are satisfied from
funds withheld by the City from the Contractor, no interest shall be charged.
CONTROL Supplement
(March 2010 City of Auburn)
Supplement this Section with the following:
The Contractor shall implement erosion and sediment control (ESC) measures as necessary
to prevent erosion and to stop sediment-laden water from leaving the site and entering the
storm drain system. Measures shall be in accordance with, and conform to, the City of
Auburn Surface Water Management Manual, the Construction Stormwater Permit, and
Section 8-01 of these Special Provisions.
1-07.15(1) PAYMENT Supplement
Payment will be made in accordance with Sect ion 1-04.1 (Intent of the Contract) for the
following bid items:
SPCC Plan Lump Sum
CP1122 1-36 Special Provisions
30th Street NE Area Flooding – Phase 1
(April 2006 City of Auburn)
The Contractor shall not trespass upon private property and shall be responsible for all
injury or damage to persons or property, directly or indirectly, resulting from the
Contractor’s operations in completing this work. The Contractor shall comply with the laws
and regulations of the City of Auburn, County, State, and Federal governments relating to
the safety of persons and property and will be held responsible for, and required to make
good, all injury and damage to persons or property caused by the Contractor’s operations.
Sprinkler irrigation systems that encroach within the limits of improvements shall be
modified as necessary to ensure operation “equal or better than” the original condition upon
completio n of the improvements. This work will include, but not be limited to, cutting and
capping existing pipe, relocating existing risers and sprinkler heads, new pipe heads and
connections, and testing of the system.
The Contractor shall give a minimum of seven (7) working days prior written notification to
the owners of any ditches, landscaping, irrigation lines and appurtenances that interfere with
the work. The Contractor shall be liable for any damage to irrigation facilities by the
Contractor’s operations and shall restore such damaged facilities to “equal or better than”
original condition.
Asphalt concrete pavement or bituminous surfacing outside the project area that is disturbed
by the work shall be restored to its original condition. Asphalt paveme nt restoration shall
comply with the provisions of Section 5-02 (Bituminous Surface Treatment) and 5-04 (Hot
Mix Asphalt) of the Standard Specifications.
Existing cement concrete curb, gutter and sidewalk structures disturbed by the Contractor’s
operations shall be replaced to match existing, or as directed by the Engineer. Cement
concrete shall be Class 3000 with entrained air in conformance with Section 6-02 (Concrete
Structure) of the Standard Specifications.
Existing street shoulders disturbed by the Contractor’s operation shall be resurfaced with 6
inches of compacted Gravel Borrow and 2 inches of compacted Crushed Surfacing Top
Course sloped ½ inches per foot away from the paved street, or as directed by the Engineer.
Street shoulder restoration shall be in conformance with Section 4-04.3(11) (Shoulder
All other surfaces, mailboxes, fences, signs, lawn irrigation systems, etc., disturbed by the
project, shall be promptly replaced or relocated to original or better condition. Gravel
driveways disturbed by the work shall be resurfaced with a compacted 2-inch layer of
Crushed Surfacing Top Course. All ditches shall be reconstructed as indicated on the
drawings, or as directed by the Engineer.
The Contractor shall restore all disturbed landscaping in conformance with Section 8-02
(Roadside Restoration).
(April 2006 City of Auburn)
CP1122 1-37 Special Provisions
30th Street NE Area Flooding – Phase 1
All existing survey monuments and property corner markers shall be protected from
movement by the Contractor. All existing survey markers and/or monuments that must be
removed for construction purposes are to be referenced by survey ties and then replaced by
the Contractor. All existing property corner markers disturbed or removed by the
Contractor’s operations which, in the opinion of the Engineer, were not required to be
removed for construction purposes shall be replaced, at the Contractor’s own expense, by a
Professional Land Surveyor registered in the State of Washington. Resetting of property
corners for which there is no Record of Survey or Short Plat filed with the County Auditor
may require exhaustive and expensive resurvey. This includes the City of Auburn
benchmark system. Any damaged monuments must be reset to second order, first class
The Contractor shall notify the Engineer immediately if any private vegetation or
landscaping interferes with the work. Upon concurrence from the Engineer, the Contractor
shall give a minimum of three (3) days advance notification to the owners of any impacts to
private vegetation or landscaping that interferes with the work, whether shown on the plans
or not, or designated by the Engineer to be removed or protected. Work on private property
shall be consistent with Section 1-07.24 of the contract documents.
This section is deleted in its entirety and replaced with the following.
(April 2008 City of Auburn)
The Contract Plans show locations of various known existing above ground amenities and
obstructions. The location of known existing underground utilities, as shown on the
Contract Plans, are indicated based on available information and may not be exact. The
Contractor is responsible for determining their exact location.
A list of utilities and known contact persons will be available at the pre-construction
conference for the Contractor’s convenience. In most cases, the City has contacted these
utility companies, identifying the project elements and potential impacts to their facilities.
After Contract Award, the Contractor is responsible for coordination with the utility
companies and arranging for the temporary or permanent movement or adjustment of their
facilities within the project limits. No additional monetary compensation will be made to
the Contractor for delays caused by the actions of any utility company. Contract suspension
and/or additional work days may be considered for excessive delays to critical work path
elements caused by the actions of any utility company. The Contractor shall consider such
costs to be incidental to the other items of the Contract.
The Contractor must call the Utilities Underground Location Center (One-Call Center) for
field location, not less than two (2) and not more than ten (10) business days before the
scheduled date for beginning excavation that might affect underground utilities. A business
day is defined as any day other than Saturday, Sunday, or a legal Local, State, or Federal
holiday. The telephone number for the One-Call Center for this project is
CP1122 1-38 Special Provisions
30th Street NE Area Flooding – Phase 1
The Contractor is responsible for any breakage of utilities or services resulting from his
operations and shall hold the City and its consultants and agencies harmless from any claims
resulting from disruption of, or damages to, the same.
The appropriate utility company shall adjust existing telephone, power, gas, and television
cable facilities, unless otherwise noted in these Contract Documents.
The temporary removal, replacement, bracing or holding of any utility or structure,
including power and telephone poles, required to accomplish the work, shall be considered
incidental to the Contract. Raising, lowering or horizontal relocation of existing water
services not requiring additional material, where such relocation is required to accommodate
other work, shall be the responsibility of the Contractor and the cost shall be considered
incidental to the Contract.
The Contractor is responsible for the comp lete repair (including materials) of any City-
owned utility damaged by the work (including water services), whether or not shown on the
Contract Plans. Copper water service lines, if damaged, must be replaced in kind by one
continuous service line from the water main to the meter. Splicing will not be permitted.
The contractor shall repair any damage caused by broken water mains or services. All costs
associated with the repair of utilities shall be incidental to the Contract and additional
payment will not be allowed. The Contractor shall have sufficient materials and qualified
personnel available to effect immediate repairs of water and sewer lines that may be
damaged by the work.
(January 2014 City of Auburn)
All water service shutdowns caused by construction activities shall be requested by the
Contractor a minimum of four (4) working days in advance of the proposed shutdown, shall
be approved by the City a minimum of two (2) working days befo re the shutdown, and shall
be performed by City Water Utility staff. All water service disruptions shall be limited to a
maximum of 4 hours.
(April 2006 City of Auburn)
The Contractor shall physically locate, uncover, and document the location of underground
utilities where necessary or directed using methods and equipment acceptable to the
Engineer. The purpose of utility potholing is to allow sufficient time ahead of pipe laying
operations to identify underground conflicts, allow ample time to make minor adjustments
in pipe grade and/or alignment, and generally facilitate the Contractor’s work schedule.
The Contractor shall submit a potholing plan/schedule to the Engineer for review and/or
approval prior to commencing potholing or pipe laying operations. The plan shall show the
proposed location and clearly state the purpose for each proposed potholing location. The
Engineer may add or delete potholing locations.
In no way shall the work described under Utility Potholing relieve the Contractor of any of
the responsibilities described in Section 1-07.17 of the Standard Specifications and these
Special Provisions.
CP1122 1-39 Special Provisions
30th Street NE Area Flooding – Phase 1
1-07.17(3) MEASUREMENT
(March 2014 City of Auburn)
“Utility Potholing” will be measured per each pothole excavated that meets all of the
following conditions: 1) The pothole was excavated at least 96 hours ahead of pipe laying
or other contract work relevant to t he pothole. 2) The pothole is shown on the pothole plan
submittal approved by the Engineer. 3) The pothole data, including soil type, utility material
and size, horizontal location within 1/2 foot, and vertical location within 1/10 foot, is
provided in writing to the Engineer at least 72 hours ahead of pipe laying or other contract
work relevant to the pothole. 4) Pothole is not within 10 feet of any other pothole. No
adjustment shall be made for pothole depth or size. Potholes not eligible to be included in
the measurement for “Utility Potholing” shall be considered incidental to the other items of
the contract and no compensation will be allowed.
1-07.17(4) PAYMENT
(April 2006 City of Auburn)
Payment will be made in accordance with Section 1-04.1 (Intent of the Contract) for the
following bid item(s):
Utility Potholing Per Each
Payment for “Utility Potholing” will include all costs for locating, uncovering, and
documenting the underground location of utilities, as well as all subsurface and surface
restoration measures.
INSURANCE Replacement
This section is deleted in its entirety and replaced with the following.
(January 24, 2011 APWA GSP)
A. The Contractor shall obtain the insurance described in this section from insurers
approved by the State Insurance Commissioner pursuant to RCW Title 48. The insurance
must be provided by an insurer with a rating of A-: VII or higher in the A.M. Best’s Key
Rating Guide, which is licensed to do business in the state of Washington (or issued as a
surplus line by a Washington Surplus lines broker). The Contracting Agency reserves the
right to approve or reject the insurance provided, based on the insurer (including financial
condition), terms and coverage, the Certificate of Insurance, and/or endorsements.
B. The Contractor shall keep this insurance in force during the term of the contract and
for thirty (30) days after the Physical Completion date, unless otherwise indicated (see C.
C. If any insurance policy is written on a claims made form, its retroactive date, and
that of all subsequent renewals, shall be no later than the effective date of this Contract. The
policy shall state that coverage is claims made, and state the retroactive date. Claims-made
form coverage shall be maintained by the Contractor for a minimum of 36 months following
the Final Completion or earlier termination of this contract, and the Contractor shall
CP1122 1-40 Special Provisions
30th Street NE Area Flooding – Phase 1
annually provide the Contracting Agency with proof of renewal. If renewal of the claims
made form of coverage becomes unavailable, or economically prohibitive, the Contractor
shall purchase an extended reporting period (“tail”) or execute another form of guarantee
acceptable to the Contracting Agency to assure financial responsibility for liability for
services performed.
D. The insurance polices shall contain a “cross liability” provision.
E. The Contractor’s and all subcontractors’ insurance coverage shall be primary and
non-contributory insurance as respects the Contracting Agency’s insurance, self-insurance,
or insurance pool coverage.
F. The Contractor shall provide the Contracting Agency and all Additional Insureds
with written notice of any policy cancellation, within two business days of their receipt of
such notice.
G. Upon request, the Contractor shall forward to the Contracting Agency a full and
certified copy of the insurance policy(s).
H. The Contractor shall not begin work under the contract until the required insurance
has been obtained and approved by the Contracting Agency.
I. Failure on the part of the Contractor to maintain the insurance as required shall
constitute a material breach of contract, upon which the Contracting Agency may, after
giving five business days notice to the Contractor to correct the breach, immediately
terminate the contract or, at its discretion, procure or renew such insurance and pay any and
all premiums in connection therewith, with any sums so expended to be repaid to the
Contracting Agency on demand, or at the sole discretion of the Contracting Agency, offset
against funds due the Contractor from the Contracting Agency.
J. All costs for insurance shall be incidental to and included in the unit or lump sum
prices of the contract and no additional payment will be made.
(April 2006 City of Auburn)
In addition to the amount RCW 60.28 requires to be withheld from the progress or retained
percentage payments to the Contractor, the City of Auburn may, at its sole discretion,
withhold amounts sufficient to pay any property damage claim of which the City may have
knowledge and regardless of the informalities of notice of such claim, arising out of the
performance of this Contract, provided that the total amounts withheld for such purposes
shall not exceed three percent (3%) of the Contract price. The term “property damage
claim” shall not include any claim for personal injuries or any claim by persons furnishing
supplies or materials or performing labor for the Contractor. The amount withheld will not
be paid to the claimant by the City but will be held until either the Contractor secures a
written release from the claimant, obtains a court decision that such claim is without merit,
or satisfies any judgment in favor of the claimant on such claim.
(January 24, 2011 APWA GSP)
All insurance policies, with the exception of Professional Liability and Workers
Compensation, shall name the following listed entities as additional insured(s):
CP1122 1-41 Special Provisions
30th Street NE Area Flooding – Phase 1
the Contracting Agency and its officers, elected officials, employees, agents, and
The above-listed entities shall be additional insured(s) for the full available limits of liability
maintained by the Contractor, whether primary, excess, contingent or otherwise, irrespective
of whether such limits maintained by the Contractor are greater than those required by this
Contract, and irrespective of whether the Certificate of Insurance provided by the Contractor
pursuant to 1-07.18(3) describes limits lower than those maintained by the Contractor.
(January 24, 2011 APWA GSP)
Contractor shall ensure that each subcontractor of every tier obtains and maintains at a
minimum the insurance coverages listed in 1-07.18(5)A and 1-07.18(5)B. Upon request of
the Contracting Agency, the Contractor shall provide evidence of such insurance.
(January 24, 2011 APWA GSP)
The Contractor shall deliver to the Contracting Agency a Certificate(s) of Insurance and
endorsements for each policy of insurance meeting the requirements set forth herein when
the Contractor delivers the signed Contract for the work. The certificate and endorsements
must conform to the following requirements:
1. An ACORD certificate or a form determined by the Contracting Agency to
be equivalent.
2. Copies of all endorsements naming Contracting Agency and all ot her entities
listed in 1-07.18(2) as Additional Insured(s), showing the policy number.
The Contractor may submit a copy of any blanket additional insured clause
from its policies instead of a separate endorsement. A statement of additional
insured status on an ACORD Certificate of Insurance shall not satisfy this
3. Any other amendatory endorsements to show the coverage required herein.
(January 24, 2011 APWA GSP)
The insurance shall provide the minimum coverages and limits set forth below. Providing
coverage in these stated minimum limits shall not be construed to relieve the Contractor
from liability in excess of such limits. All deductibles and self-insured retentions must be
disclosed and are subject to approval by the Contracting Agency. The cost of any claim
payments falling within the deductible shall be the responsibility of the Contractor.
(January 24, 2011 APWA GSP)
A policy of Commercial General Liability Insurance, including:
CP1122 1-42 Special Provisions
30th Street NE Area Flooding – Phase 1
Per project aggregate
Premises/Operations Liability
Products/Completed Operations – for a period of one year following final acceptance
of the work.
Personal/Advertising Injury
Contractual Liability
Independent Contractors Liability
Stop Gap / Employers’ Liability
Explosion, Collapse, or Underground Property Damage (XCU)
Blasting (only required when the Contractor’s work under this Contract includes
exposures to which this specified coverage responds)
Such policy must provide the following minimum limits:
$1,000,000 Each Occurrence
$2,000,000 General Aggregate
$1,000,000 Products & Completed Operations Aggregate
$1,000,000 Personal & Advertising Injury, each offence
Stop Gap / Employers’ Liability
$1,000,000 Each Accident
$1,000,000 Disease - Policy Limit
$1,000,000 Disease - Each Employee
(January 24, 2011 APWA GSP)
Automobile Liability for owned, non-owned, hired, and leased vehicles, with an MCS 90
endorsement and a CA 9948 endorsement attached if “pollutants” are to be transported.
Such policy(ies) must provide the following minimum limit:
$1,000,000 Combined Single Limit
(January 24, 2011 APWA GSP)
The Contractor shall comply with Workers’ Compensation coverage as required by the
Industrial Insurance laws of the state of Washington.
(May 10, 2006 APWA GSP)
The Contractor shall provide Excess or Umbrella Liability coverage at limits of $1 million
per occurrence and annual aggregate. This excess or umbrella liability coverage shall apply,
at a minimum, to both the Commercial General and Auto insurance policy coverage.
This requirement may be satisfied instead through the Contractor’s primary Commercial
General and Automobile Liability coverage, or any combination thereof.
(March 2010 City of Auburn)
CP1122 1-43 Special Provisions
30th Street NE Area Flooding – Phase 1
In the last sentence of the first paragraph, replace the word “Highway” with the word
Traffic control and street maintenance for the safety of the traveling public on this project
shall be the sole responsibility of the Contractor and all methods and equipment used will be
subject to the approval of the City of Auburn. Contractors and their surety shall be liable for
injuries and damages to persons and property suffered because of Contractors operations or
any negligence connected with them.
The use of any project area by vehicles or pedestrians before project acceptance is not to be
construed as utilization by the City of Auburn.
The Contractor shall maintain normal two-way traffic through the work site(s) at all times,
unless the Engineer gives written permission to alter this requirement.
1-07.23(1) CONSTRUCTION UNDER TRAFFIC Supplement/Revision
(April 2006 City of Auburn)
All unattended excavations shall be barricaded at all times.
This section is supplemented with the following:
The Contractor shall obtain the approval of the Inspector of all barricading and lighting
before leaving the job site each day. Failure to provide proper barricading and lighting will
be cause for the City to call in a barricading company to install proper barricades and lights
and charge the Contractor for all costs incurred. Inspector approval shall not relieve the
Contractor of his legal responsibilities in case of project area accidents.
At the end of each working day, the Contractor shall place temporary patches or steel plates
over unfinished portions of trenches crossing traveled ways. Materia l for temporary patches
shall be hot or cold mix asphalt concrete. The cost for temporary patches or steel plates
shall be incidental to the Contract.
Any asphalt concrete paving, asphaltic cold patch, crushed surfacing or other material
required for maintaining traffic during the life of this Contract shall be placed by the
Contractor immediately upon request by the Engineer, in the amounts designated by the
Engineer. Payment for these materials will be at their respective unit Contract prices.
Traffic control devices that are in conflict with required construction traffic devices or
construction work shall be covered, removed and temporarily stored, or temporarily
relocated by the Contractor, as directed by the Engineer.
Flagging, signs, and all other traffic control devices shall be in accordance with Section 1-
10.3 (Traffic Control Labor, Procedures, and Devices).
(March 2010 City of Auburn)
The Contractor is responsible for controlling dust and mud within the project limits. All
streets outside the project limits used by the Contractor during the execution of this Contract
shall be kept clean. The Contractor shall be prepared to use the proper equipment necessary
to render the streets free of all mud, debris, and foreign materials. Any damage caused by
dust or mud accumulation on the streets and in the storm sewer system shall be the sole
responsibility of the Contractor.
CP1122 1-44 Special Provisions
30th Street NE Area Flooding – Phase 1
The Contractor’s cleaning actions must comply with the City of Auburn’s Surface Water
Management Manual (SWMM).
The Contractor shall provide for a clean surface on all surfaced roadways upon completion
of each day’s activities. Equipment required for this operation shall be on the job site or
available at all times. Failure to have this equipment on the job site or available may
necessitate a shutdown of the project.
Dust and mud control and street cleaning will be considered incidental to the other items
involved in the project, and no additional compensation will be made except for “Water” per
M gal. if shown as a bid item in Section 2-07 (Watering) of these specifications. If water is
not shown as a bid item, it shall also be considered incidental to the project. Where dust and
mud control activities cause erosion control measures to be activated in addition to those
already included in the TESC plan, no additional compensation shall be made to the
(April 2006 City of Auburn)
The Contractor shall clean all roadways, streets and appurtenances, including sidewalks
which are open for public use, of all material or debris that has been dropped or otherwise
deposited thereon, as a result of Contractor’s on- and off-site operations, at the conclusion of
each working day, and at such other times as deemed necessary by the Engineer to ensure
the safety of the traveling public and to prevent inconvenience to the public and owners of
private property adjacent to the project.
If the Engineer determines that roadways, streets, sidewalks, and appurtenances are not
properly cleaned to prevent public inconvenience, or the condition of the excavation or
disposal sites so warrant, the Contractor shall provide facilities to remove clay or other
deposits from tires, between wheels, and outside of truck beds before trucks and other
equipment will be allowed to travel over paved streets.
Any violation of the above requirements will be sufficient grounds for the Engineer to order
the roadways, streets and appurtenances cleaned or sprinkled by others, and to deduct all
costs of such cleaning or sprinkling from any money due, or to become due, to the
1-07.23(1)C CLOSURE RESTRICTIONS New Section
(October 2013 City of Auburn)
Full street closures will not be allowed. With the Engineer’s approval, lane closures will be
restricted as follows:
Lane closures on Auburn Way North will not be allowed between the hours of 5:00 am to
7:00 pm.
DETOURS Supplement/Revision
(April 2006 City of Auburn)
CP1122 1-45 Special Provisions
30th Street NE Area Flooding – Phase 1
This section is supplemented as follows:
The Contractor shall submit a written procedure for routing and maintenance of traffic. The
City of Auburn Engineering Division, City of Auburn Police Department, and the Valley
Regional Fire Authority must approve all street blockage, traffic routing, etc.
Streets may be closed to through traffic, unless otherwise specified in Section 1-07.23(1)C
(Closure Restrictions), with Engineer approval. The Contractor shall obtain written
approval from the Engineer at least fifteen (15) working days prior to an anticipated street
closure. Street closures shall be such that they provide for maximum public safety and
public convenience. They shall be opened to through traffic at such time as the work has
been completed, or as the Engineer may direct.
Street closures and detours shall provide for the following:
1. Reasonable access to, and egress from, the properties adjacent to the project
at all times.
2. At least one-way traffic on all existing roadways within the project limits
during working hours and at the end of each working day provisions for the
safe passage of two-way traffic during the non-working hours.
3. If the Contractor requires delays or limited term street closure beyond that
provided for herein, the request shall be submitted, in writing, for the
approval of the Engineer before the anticipated delay or closure. The delay
or closure request shall state the reason, the locations, the time and date, and
the duration of the required delay or closure.
4. The Contractor is required, at his own expense, to remove all excess
materials, debris, or other obstruction caused by his operation, from the
streets or alleys as the work progresses, whether within the project limits or
along haul routes. If the Contractor neglects to remove such materials or
obstruction and return streets, sidewalks, driveways, and roads in suitable
condition for traffic within one (1) working day after having received written
notice from the Engineer, the work may be done by the City of Auburn and
the cost thereof charged to the Contractor and deducted from money due, or
to become due, to the Contractor. The Contractor shall repair or replace any
streets, sidewalks, roads, or culverts damaged by his operations, to the
satisfaction of the Engineer and other concerned parties.
5. The Contractor must maintain convenient access for local traffic to
driveways, houses, and buildings along the work route. Such access shall be
maintained as near as possible to that which existed before construction
began. The Contractor shall provide ten (10) working days advance notice to
all property owners and tenants of street and alley closures or other
restrictions, which may interfere with their access. When the abutting
owners’ access across right-of-way lines is to be eliminated and replaced
under the Contract by another access, the existing access shall not be closed
until the replacement access facility is available.
The Contractor shall be responsible for making detailed notifications of detours and closures
as follows:
CP1122 1-46 Special Provisions
30th Street NE Area Flooding – Phase 1
1. The Contractor shall provide at least ten (10) working days advance written
notification to the local public transportation organization(s), School District,
Fire Authority and Police Department before the beginning of operations, so
that these agencies may reroute their emergency vehicles around the
construction zone. If the Fire Authority or Police Department determine that
rerouting is not possible, the Contractor shall provide reasonable access
through the construction zone at all times.
2. The Contractor shall notify all affected owners and agencies of all closures,
detours and traffic interruptions at least ten (10) working days in advance of
such closure. Notification shall be in writing and must include the beginning
and ending times and dates of traffic disruption(s), names of streets or
locations of alleys to be affected, detour routes, etc. The Contractor shall
give the Engineer written certification of all notifications before all traffic
disruptions. On large projects requiring extended traffic disruption, the
Contractor shall make additional notifications, as conditions require.
1-07.23(3) PAYMENT New Section
(April 2006 City of Auburn)
All Contract requirements specified in Section 1-07.23 (Public Convenience and Safety) and
subsections thereof will be considered incidental to the Contract unless otherwise specified.
1-07.24 RIGHTS OF WAY Replacement
Delete this section in its entirety, and replace it with the following:
(April 2006 City of Auburn)
Street right-of-way lines, limits of easements, and limits of construction permits are
indicated in the Plans. The Contractor’s activities shall be confined within these limits,
unless arrangements for use of private property are made.
Whenever easements or rights of entry have not been acquired prior to advertising, these
areas are so noted on the Plans. The Contractor shall not pro ceed with any portion of the
work in areas where right-of-way, easements or rights of entry have not been acquired until
the Engineer certifies to the Contractor that the right of way or easement is available or that
the right of entry has been received. If the Contractor is delayed due to acts of omission on
the part of the City in obtaining easements, rights of entry or right of way, the Contractor
will be entitled to an extension of time. The Contractor agrees that such delay shall not be a
breach of contract.
Whenever any of the work is accomplished on or through property other than public right of
way, the Contractor shall meet and fulfill all covenants and stipulations of any easement
agreements obtained by the City from the owner of the private property. Copies of the
easement agreements obtained by the City are attached as Appendix D.
The Contractor shall give forty-eight (48) hours notice to each property owner prior to entry
of each property. This includes entry onto easements and private property where private
improvements must be adjusted.
CP1122 1-47 Special Provisions
30th Street NE Area Flooding – Phase 1
The Contractor shall be responsible for providing, without expense or liability to the City,
any additional land and access thereto that the Contractor may desire for temporary
construction staging facilities, Contractor’s convenience, storage or materials, or other
Contractor needs. However, before using any private property, whether adjoining the work
or not, the Contractor shall submit to the City a completed “Property Owner Permission for
Construction” form. The “Property Owner Permission for Construction” form is available at
the City of Auburn Public Works Department. If the Contractor utilizes private property for
temporary construction facilities, storage of materials and equipment, employee parking or
other Contractor needs, a “Temporary Use Permit” shall be secured from the City of Auburn
in accordance with Section 18.46A.070 of the Auburn City Code. The Contractor must file
a written release with the City from all private property owners upon whose property the
Contractor’s operations has encroached before completion, unless such work was specified
in the Contract.
1-07.28 HAUL ROUTES New Section
(April 2006 City of Auburn)
Prior to moving any materials or equipment on public streets, the Contractor shall submit a
haul route plan to the Engineer for approval per Section 1-06.7 (Submittals). The plan must
be submitted ten (10) working days prior to hauling. The Engineer must approve the haul
route plan before hauling begins. Damage done to streets during the Contractor’s hauling
shall be repaired to pre-construction conditions at the Contractor’s expense.
If the Contractor hauls materials or equipment without an approved haul route plan or not in
accordance with an approved haul route, the Contractor may be assessed penalties per
Section 1-08.9(1) (Penalties).
(June 2013 City of Auburn)
Prior to the Execution of the Contract by the City and within five (5) working days of the
execution of the Contract by the Contractor, a preconstruction conference will be scheduled
between the Contractor, the Engineer and such other interested parties as may be invited.
The purpose of the preconstruction conference will be:
1. To review the initial progress schedule;
2. To establish a working understanding among the various parties associated or
affected by the work;
3. To establish and review procedures for progress payments, notifications,
approvals, submittals, etc.;
4. To establish normal working hours for the work;
5. To review safety standards and traffic control; and
6. To discuss such other related items as may be pertinent to the work.
CP1122 1-48 Special Provisions
30th Street NE Area Flooding – Phase 1
The Contractor shall prepare and submit electronically one (1) working day prior to the
preconstruction conference, the following, per Section 1-06.7 (Submittals):
1. A breakdown of all lump sum items;
1. A Schedule of Values per Section 1-09.1(2) of the Contract Documents. .
2. A preliminary schedule of submittals; and
3. A list of material sources for approval, if applicable, which shall be approved
prior to payment.
If the above submittals are not submitted electronically one (1) day prior to the pre-
construction conference, the Contractor shall bring hardcopies to the meeting per Section 1-
06.7(1)A (Hardcopy Submittals).
In addition, the Contractor shall prepare and submit the following at the preconstruction
1. Requests to Sublet for all remaining subcontractors not included in the bid
submittal which must be approved prior to payment.
1-08.0(2) HOURS OF WORK
(April 2007 City of Auburn)
Except in the case of emergency, or unless otherwise stated in the Special Provisions or
approved by the City, the normal straight time working hours for the contract shall be any
consecutive 8-hour period between 7:00 a.m. and 6:00 p.m. of a working day, with a
maximum 1-hour lunch break and a 5-day work week. The normal straight time 8-hour
working period for the contract shall be established at the preconstruction conference or
prior to the Contractor commencing the work.
Permission to work longer than an 8-hour period between 7:00 a.m. and 6:00 p.m. is not
required. Permission to work between the hours of 7:00 p.m. and 7:00 a.m. during
weekdays and between the hours of 6:00 p.m. and 9:00 a.m. on weekends or holidays may
also be subject to noise control requirements. If the Contractor desires to work during
restricted times, the Contractor shall submit a written request to the Engineer fourteen (14)
calendar days prior to the day for which the Contractor is requesting permission to work.
The written request will include specific days and times and description of work to be
performed and the reasons the work cannot be performed during the normal hours of work.
If approval is granted, it may be revoked at any time the City receives complaints from the
public or adjoining property owners regarding the noise from the Contractor’s operations.
The Contractor shall have no claim for damages or delays should such permission be
revoked for any reason.
Permission to work Saturdays, Sundays, and/or holidays for other than the agreed upon
normal straight time working hours, Monday through Friday, may be given subject to
certain other conditions set forth by the City or Engineer. These conditions may include but
are not limited to: requiring the Engineer or such assistants as the Engineer may deem
necessary to be present during the work; requiring the Contractor to reimburse the City for
the costs in excess of straight-time costs for the City employees who worked during such
times; considering the work performed on Saturdays and holidays as working days with
regard to the contract time; and considering multiple work shifts occur in a single 24-hour
period. Assistants may include, but are not limited to, survey crews; personnel from the
CP1122 1-49 Special Provisions
30th Street NE Area Flooding – Phase 1
City’s material testing lab; inspectors; and other City employees when, in the opinion of the
Engineer, such work necessitates their presence.
When holidays are referred to in the Contract Documents, the following days are holidays:
1. January 1st
2. 3rd Monday of January
3. 3rd Monday of February
4. Memorial Day (observed)
5. July 4th
6. Labor Day
7. November 11th
8. Thanksgiving Day
9. The day following Thanksgiving Day, and
10. Christmas Day
When any of these holidays fall on a Sunday, the following Monday shall be counted a non-
working day.
When any of these holidays fall on a Saturday, the preceding Friday shall be counted a non-
working day.
The days between December 25th and January 1st will classified as non-working days,
provided that the Contractor actually suspends work on the Project.
(October 1, 2005 APWA GSP)
When the Contractor elects to work on a Saturday, Sunday, or holiday, or longer than an 8-
hour work shift on a regular day, as defined in section 1-08.0(2) (Hours of Work), such
work shall be considered overtime work. On all such overtime work an inspector will be
present, and a survey crew may be required at the discretion of the Engineer. In such case,
the Contracting Agency may deduct from amounts due, or to become due, to the Contractor
for the costs in excess of the straight-time costs for employees of the Contracting Agency
required to work overtime hours.
The Contractor by these specifications does hereby authorize the Engineer to deduct such
costs from the amount due or to become due to the Contractor.
1-08.1 SUBCONTRACTING Supplement
(April 2006 City of Auburn)
This section is supplemented with the following:
Until the City has received and approved the “Request to Sublet” form provided by the City
and filled out by the Contractor for a specific Subcontractor, said Subcontractor shall not
begin any work within the project limits or within the City furnished sites. The Contractor
and Subcontractor shall bear all risks for any work begun outside such areas and for any
materials ordered by said Subcontractor before the “Request to Sublet” specific to said
Subcontractor is approved.
(October 1, 2005 APWA GSP)
CP1122 1-50 Special Provisions
30th Street NE Area Flooding – Phase 1
Revise the seventh paragraph to read:
On all projects funded with Contracting Agency funds only, the Contractor shall certify to
the actual amounts paid Disadvantaged, Minority, or Women’s Business Enterprise firms
that were used as subcontractors, lower tier subcontractors, manufacturers, regular dealers,
or service providers on the contract. This certification shall be submitted to the Engineer, on
the form provided by the Engineer, on 20 calendar days after physical completion of the
contract, whichever comes first.
(June 27, 2011, WSDOT GSP)
This section is revised as follows:
The following procedures shall apply to all subcontracts entered into as part of this Contract:
1. The Prime Contractor or Subcontractor shall make payment to the Subcontractor
not later then ten (10) days after receipt of payment from the Contracting Agency
for work satisfactorily completed by the Subcontractor, to the extent of each
Subcontractor’s interest therein
2. Prompt and full payment of retainage from the Prime Contractor to the
Subcontractor shall be made within 30 days after Subcontractor’s work is
satisfactorily completed.
3. For purposes of this Section, a Subcontractor’s work is satisfactorily completed
when all task and requirements of the Subcontract have been accomplished and
including any required documentation and material testing.
4. Failure by a Prime Contractor or Subcontractor to comply with these
requirements may result in one or more of the following:
a. Withholding of payments until the Prime contractor or Subcontractor
b. Failure to comply shall be reflected in the Prime Contractor’s
Performance Evaluation
c. Cancellation, Termination, or Suspension of the Contract, in whole or in
d. Other sanctions as provided by the subcontractor or by law under
applicable prompt pay statutes.
This clause does not create a contractual relationship between the Contracting
Agency and any Subcontractor as stated in Section 1-08.1. also, it is not intended to
bestow upon any Subcontractor, the Status of a third-party beneficiary to the
Contract between the Contracting Agency and the Contractor.
CP1122 1-51 Special Provisions
30th Street NE Area Flooding – Phase 1
The Contractor will be solely responsible for any additional costs involved in paying
retainage to the Subcontractors. Those costs shall be incidental to the respective Bid
1-08.3(1) GENERAL REQUIREMENTS Supplement
(April 2008 City of Auburn)
This section is supplemented with the following.
The Contractor shall submit a Preliminary Progress Schedule (first 30 working days) to the
Engineer no later than one (1) working day prior to the date of the Pre-construction
Conference. This preliminary schedule shall show work to be performed during the first
thirty (30) working days of the Contract. Acceptance of the Preliminary Progress Schedule
shall be required prior to the execution of the Contract by the City.
Failure to Maintain Progress Schedule. The Engineer shall periodically check actual
progress of the work against the progress schedule a minimum of two times per month.
Failure, without just cause, to maintain progress in accordance with the approved schedule
shall constitute a breach of Contract and shall constitute reason for invoking pertinent
portions of the Standard Specifications and Special Provisions. If, through no fault of the
Contractor, the proposed construction schedule cannot be met, the Engineer will require the
Contractor to submit a revised schedule to the Engineer for acceptance. The approved
revisions will thereafter, in all respects, apply in lieu of the original schedule.
Failure of the Contractor to follow the progress schedule submitted and accepted, including
revisions thereof, shall relieve the City of any and all responsibility for furnishing and
making available all or any portion of the project site from time to time, and will relieve the
City of any responsibility for delays to the Contractor in the performance of the work.
1-08.3(2) PROGRESS SCHEDULE TYPES Supplement
(April 2008 City of Auburn)
This section is supplemented with the following.
The City requires the use of a Type A Progress Schedule as detailed in Section 1-08.3(2)A
(Type A Progress Schedules) for this project.
1-08.3(2)A TYPE A PROGRESS SCHEDULES Replacement
(February 2014 City of Auburn)
An updated project schedule shall be submitted to the Engineer every two weeks.
(April 2008 City of Auburn)
Replace this section with the following:
The Contractor shall submit five (5) copies of a Type A Progress Schedule, showing total
working days, no later than ten (10) days after the date the contract is executed, or the first
working day of the contract, whichever is earlier. The schedule may be a critical path
method (CPM) schedule, bar chart, or other standard schedule format. Regardless of which
format is used, the schedule shall identify the critical path. The Engineer will evaluate the
CP1122 1-52 Special Provisions
30th Street NE Area Flooding – Phase 1
Type A Progress Schedule and approve or return the schedule for corrections within ten (10)
calendar days of receiving the submittal.
1-08.3(5) PAYMENT Replacement
(April 2008 City of Auburn)
Replace this section in its entirety with the following:
The cost of preparing the progress schedule, and any supplementary progress schedules, and
weekly schedules shall be considered incidental to the Contract and no other compensation
shall be made.
(April 2006 City of Auburn)
During construction, the Contractor shall maintain an action list of items to be corrected and
completed. The Contractor shall regularly add items and update the list as information
becomes available or as requested by the Engineer. The Contractor shall deliver a current
copy of the list to the Engineer at each progress meeting.
1-08.3(7) PROGRESS MEETING New Section
(October 2013 City of Auburn)
Progress meetings will be required during the execution of this contract. At a minimum,
weekly progress meetings will be conducted with the Contractor and City personnel.
Additional meetings may be required for coordination of Contractor work with other
contractors, agencies, or interested parties.
The determination of time, place, and frequency of required progress meetings will be
established at the Preconstruction Conference for this contract.
WORK Revision
Delete the first paragraph and replace it with the following:
(March 2010 City of Auburn)
The Notice to Proceed Date shall be determined at the Preconstruction Conference and shall
be within five (5) working days of the execution of the Contract by the City. The City will
send a dated and signed official “Notice to Proceed” to the Contractor. The Contract time
shall begin on the first working day following the “Notice to Proceed Date.”
The Contractor shall not commence with the work until the City has executed the Contract
and the Engineer has given the Notice to Proceed. The Contractor shall give the City at
least three (3) working days advance notice before beginning each phase of the work (such
as excavation, street paving, etc.). The Contractor shall commence construction activities
within ten (10) calendar days of the Notice to Proceed Date, unless otherwise approved in
writing. The Contractor shall diligently pursue the work to the physical completion date
within the time specified in the contract. Voluntary shutdown or slowing of operations by
the Contractor shall not relieve the Contractor of the responsibility to complete the work
within the time(s) specified in the contract.
CP1122 1-53 Special Provisions
30th Street NE Area Flooding – Phase 1
1-08.5 TIME FOR COMPLETION Supplement/Revision
(August 14, 2013, APWA GSP Option A)
Revise the third and fourth paragraphs to read:
Contract time shall begin on the first working day following the Notice to Proceed Date.
Each working day shall be charged to the contract as it occurs until the contract work is
physically complete. If substantial completion has been granted and all the authorized
working days have been used, charging of working days will cease. Each week the
Engineer will provide the Contractor a statement that shows the number of working days:
(1) charged to the contract the week before; (2) specified for the physical completion of the
contract; and (3) remaining for the physical completion of the contract. The statement will
also show the nonworking days and any partial or whole day the Engineer declares as
unworkable. Within 10 calendar days after the date of each statement, the Contractor shall
file a written protest of any alleged discrepancies in it. To be considered by the Engineer,
the protest shall be in sufficient detail to enable the Engineer to ascertain the basis and
amount of time disputed. By not filing such detailed protest in that period, the Contractor
shall be deemed as having accepted the statement as correct. If the Contractor is approved
to work 10 hours a day and 4 days a week (a 4-10 schedule) and the fifth day of the week in
which a 4-10 shift is worked would ordinarily be charged as a working day then the fifth day
of that week will be charged as a working day whether or not the Contractor works on that
Revise the sixth paragraph to read:
The Engineer will give the Contractor written notice of the completion date of the contract
after all the Contractor’s obligations under the contract have been performed by the
Contractor. The following events must occur before the Completion Date can be
1. The physical work on the project must be complete; and
2. The Contractor must furnish all documentation required by the contract and
required by law, to allow the Contracting Agency to process final acceptance
of the contract. The following documents must be received by the Project
Engineer prior to establishing a completion date:
a. Certified Payrolls (per Section 1-07.9(5))
b. Material Acceptance Certification Documents
c. Quarterly Report s of Amounts Credited as DBE Participation,
as required by the Contract Provisions.
d. Final Contract Voucher Certification
e. Copies of the approved “affidavit of Prevailing Wages Paid”
for the Contractor and all Subcontractors
f. Property owner releases per Section 1-07.24
(August 14, 2013 APWA GSP, Option B)
Revise the third and fourth paragraphs to read:
CP1122 1-54 Special Provisions
30th Street NE Area Flooding – Phase 1
Contract time shall begin on the first working day following one (1) calendar day after the
Notice to Proceed Date. If the Contractor starts work on the project at an earlier date, then
contract time shall begin on the first working day when onsite work begins.
Each working day shall be charged to the contract as it occurs until the contract work is
physically complete. If substantial completion has been granted and all the authorized
working days have been used, charging of working days will cease. Each week the
Engineer will provide the Contractor a statement that shows the number of working days:
(1) charged to the contract the week before; (2) specified for the physical completion of the
contract; and (3) remaining for the physical completion of the contract. The statement will
also show the nonworking days and any partial or whole day the Engineer declares as
unworkable. Within 10 calendar days after the date of each statement, the Contractor shall
file a written protest of any alleged discrepancies in it. To be considered by the Engineer,
the protest shall be in sufficient detail to enable the Engineer to ascertain the basis and
amount of time disputed. By not filing such detailed protest in that period, the Contractor
shall be deemed as having accepted the statement as correct. If the Contractor is approved
to work 10 hours a day and 4 days a week (a 4-10 schedule) and the fifth day of the week in
which a 4-10 shift is worked would ordinarily be charged as a working day then the fifth day
of that week will be charged as a working day whether or not the Contractor works on that
Revise the sixth paragraph to read:
The Engineer will give the Contractor written notice of the completion date of the contract
after all the Contractor’s obligations under the contract have been performed by the
Contractor. The following events must occur before the Completion Date can be
1. The physical work on the project must be complete; and
2. The Contractor must furnish all documentation required by the contract and
required by law, to allow the Contracting Agency to process final acceptance
of the contract. The following documents must be received by the Project
Engineer prior to establishing a completion date:
a. Certified Payrolls (per Section 1-07.9(5))
b. Material Acceptance Certification Documents
c. Quarterly Report s of Amounts Credited as DBE Participation,
as required by the Contract Provisions.
d. Final Contract Voucher Certification
e. Copies of the approved “affidavit of Prevailing Wages Paid”
for the Contractor and all Subcontractors
f. Property owner releases per Section 1-07.24
(April 2006 City of Auburn)
This Section is supplemented as follows:
The entire project, including cleanup, shall be physically completed within 100 working
days, beginning on the day after the “Notice to Proceed” date. The City, for justified
reasons, may extend the contract time.
CP1122 1-55 Special Provisions
30th Street NE Area Flooding – Phase 1
Late delivery of materials will be considered a justified reason for an ext ension if the
Contractor can show written evidence of a prompt order date after award of the Contract,
and a determined effort to acquire prompt delivery in the specified time.
If at anytime during construction requiring the use of the dewatering system, lowering the
water table 2 feet below the depth of the prevailing excavation level cannot be achieved
and/or when weather condition limits the paving capability as specified in Section 5-
04.3(16) (Weather Limitations) of the Standard Specifications, and per the direction of the
Engineer, the construction of the project shall be placed in suspension until the groundwater
elevation has receded to a level that dewatering can resume or to 2 feet or more below the
depth of the prevailing excavation level, and/or the paving conditions specified in Section 5-
04.3(16) (Weather Limitations) can be achieved.
If the project is placed in suspension, all open trenches shall be filled and 30th Street NE and
I Street NE shall be open to traffic with paved surfaces acceptable to the City and in a safe
condition per the Engineer’s approval. Temporary pavement (i.e asphalt cold patch) is not
allowed in driving lanes (except two-way left turn lane) and intersections, and permanent
marking is required on all paved surfaces.
1-08.6(1) NO DAMAGE CLAUSE New Section
(April 2006 City of Auburn)
If the Contractor is delayed at any time in the performance of the work by an act or neglect
of the City, by any separate contractor employed by the City, or by changes ordered in the
work, or by any cause which the City may decide justifies the delay, the time of completion
may be extended for such reasonable time as the City may decide. In no event shall any
such delays or extensions of time by the City be construed as cause or justification for
payment of additional compensation to the Contractor.
(October 1, 2005 APWA GSP)
Revise the second paragraph to read:
At no expense to the Contracting Agency, the Contractor shall provide through the
construction area a safe, smooth, and unobstructed roadway, sidewalk, and path for public
use during suspension (as required in Section 1-07.23 or the Special Provisions). This may
include a temporary road or detour.
(August 14, 2013 APWA GSP)
Revise the third paragraph to read:
For overruns in Contract time occurring before and after the established Physical
Completio n Date, liquidated damages shall be assessed on the basis of direct engineering
and related costs assignable to the project until the actual Completion Date. The Contractor
shall complete the remaining Work as promptly as possible. Upon request by the Pro ject
Engineer, the Contractor shall furnish a written schedule for completing the physical Work
on the Contract.
CP1122 1-56 Special Provisions
30th Street NE Area Flooding – Phase 1
1-08.9(1) PENALTIES New Section
(July 2013 City of Auburn)
If the Contractor implements traffic control without an approved traffic control plan or is not
in compliance with an approved traffic control plan per Section 1-10 (Temporary Traffic
Control), or if the Contractor hauls materials without an approved haul route or does not
follow an approved haul route per Section 1-07.28 (Haul Routes), the Contractor will be
assessed penalties equal to 10% of the calculated Liquidated Damages per Section 1-08.9
(Liquidated Damages) per incident or $100 per day, which ever is greater. A Traffic
Control incident is defined as, per day, per location. A Haul Route incident is defined as
one truckload of materials or equipment.
(April 2006 City of Auburn)
The quantities shown in the Proposal and Contract forms are estimates only, being given
only as a basis for bid comparisons. The basis of payment for each bid item will be the
actual work performed and measured in accordance with the Contract.
Where items are specified to be paid for by the ton, the Contractor is responsible for
providing a certified weight ticket to the Project Inspector for each truckload delivered. Pay
quantities will be prepared on the basis of these weight tickets, and tickets not received by
the Inspector will not be honored for payment.
EQUIPMENT Supplement
(April 2006 City of Auburn)
Supplement this section with the following:
Duplicate tickets shall be prepared to accompany each truckload of material delivered to the
1-09.3 SCOPE OF PAYMENT Supplement
(April 2006 City of Auburn)
Measurement and payment shall be in compliance with the Standard Specifications except
that payment will be made only for bid items listed on the Proposal Form (bid items may
also be listed or referenced in the “Payment” clause of each Section of these Special
Provisions). All other items required for the work shall be considered as incidental to the
Contract. A separate delivery ticket for each truckload of bulk material (gravel, crushed
rock, etc.) shall be furnished to the Inspector on the day it is delivered.
There will be no payment for “haul” for any bid item or portion thereof in this Contract. All
bid items dealing directly with or implying movement of any material to or from the project
area or in the project area itself are hereby understood to include full payment for all
movement of material.
CP1122 1-57 Special Provisions
30th Street NE Area Flooding – Phase 1
(April 2006 City of Auburn)
The first paragraph, Item 2b is revised to read as follows:
b. 1-09.6 (Force Account)
1-09.6 FORCE ACCOUNT Supplement
(October 1, 2005 APWA GSP)
Supplement this Section with the following:
Contracting Agency has estimated and included in the Proposal, dollar amounts for all items
to be paid per force account, only to provide a common proposal for Bidders. All such
dollar amounts are to become a part of Contractor's total bid. However, Contracting Agency
does not warrant expressly or by implication, that the actual amount of work will correspond
with those estimates. Payment will be made on the basis of the amount of work actually
authorized by Engineer.
1-09.7 MOBILIZATION Supplement
(April 2006 City of Auburn)
Mobilization shall include, but not be limited to, the following items: the movement of
Contractor personnel, equipment, supplies, and incidentals to the project site; the
establishment of an on-site office; securing suitable storage areas, and other facilities
necessary for work on the project; providing sanitary facilities for Contractor personnel;
obtaining permits or licenses required to complete the project, but not furnished by the City;
and other work and operations which must be performed or costs that must be incurred.
Also to be included in the lump sum bid price for “Mobilization” are the following:
1. Written clearance, per Section 1-07.24 (Right-of-Way) of the Specifications,
on forms provided by the Engineer, shall be obtained from all propert y
owners whose property is used for storage or other purposes.
2. The Contractor shall be responsible for providing and installing Road Work
Ahead signs at all key approach limits of the project and as directed by the
Engineer. The signs are to be erected before beginning construction and shall
remain in place for the duration of construction. They shall be mounted on
Contractor-provided posts, existing fixed structures, or substantial supports
of a semi-permanent nature. The Contractor shall remove signs at project
completion or when directed by the Engineer.
3. The Contractor is also responsible for distributing informational flyers to
affected property owners, as provided by the City and as directed by the
Engineer. The flyers shall be hand-delivered to these properties before the
start of construction and shall include the name of the project, funding
source, general contractor, approximate date for start and completion of
construction activities.
CP1122 1-58 Special Provisions
30th Street NE Area Flooding – Phase 1
The Contractor shall provide and install “Construction Site Sign(s)” in acco rdance with the
contract documents two (2) working days in advance of any on site construction activities.
Installation of the signs shall be in accordance with Section 1-10.3(3) (Construction Signs)
and Standard Detail GENERAL-02 (Temporary Construction Site Sign Board 4’x4’)
included in Appendix A. The unit contract price for “Construction Site Sign(s)” shall be full
payment for all equipment, labor and materials needed to construct, install, maintain,
relocate (if required), and remove (at completion of project).
Payment will be made in accordance with Section 1-04.1 (Intent of the Contract) for the
following bid items:
Mobilization Per Lump Sum
Construction Site Sign(s) Per Each
(February 2014 City of Auburn)
Payment for materials on hand shall only be considered for material that, in the sole opinion
of the Engineer, is stored in a safe, secure, and controlled environment .
1-09.9 PAYMENTS Revision/Supplement
(April 2006 City of Auburn)
In Section 1-09.9 (Payments), all references to “Final Contract Voucher Certification” shall
be deleted and replaced with “Final Pay Estimate”.
(March 13, 2012 APWA GSP)
Delete the first four paragraphs and replace them with the following:
The basis of payment will be the actual quantities of Work performed according to the
contract and as specified for payment.
The Contractor shall submit a breakdown of the cost of lump sum bid items at the
Preconstruction Conference, to enable the Project Engineer to determine the Work
performed on a monthly basis. A breakdown is not required for lump sum items that include
a basis for incremental payments as part of the respective Specification. Absent a lump sum
breakdown, the Project Engineer will make a determination based on information available.
The Project Engineer’s determination of the cost of work shall be final.
Progress payments for completed work and material on hand will be based upon progress
estimates prepared by the Engineer. A progress estimate cutoff date will be established at
the preconstruction conference.
The initial progress estimate will be made not later than 30 days after the Contractor
commences the work, and successive progress estimates will be made every month
thereafter until the Completion Date. Progress estimates made during progress of the work
are tentative, and made only for the purpose of determining progress payment. The progress
estimates are subject to change at any time prior to the calculation of the Final Payment.
The value of the progress estimate will be the sum of the following:
CP1122 1-59 Special Provisions
30th Street NE Area Flooding – Phase 1
1. Unit Price Items in the Bid Form — the approximate quantity of acceptable
units of work completed multiplied by the unit price.
2. Lump Sum Items in the Bid Form — based on the approved Contractor’s
lump sum breakdown for that item, or absent such a breakdown, based on the
Engineer’s determination.
3. Materials on Hand — 100 percent of invoiced cost of material delivered to
Job site or other storage area approved by the Engineer.
4. Change Orders — entitlement for approved extra cost or completed extra
work as determined by the Engineer.
Progress payments will be made in accordance with the progress estimate less:
1. Retainage per Section 1-09.9(1), on non FHWA-funded projects;
2. The amount of Progress Payments previously made; and
3. Funds withheld by the Contracting Agency for disbursement in accordance
with the Contract Documents.
Progress payments for work performed shall not be evidence of acceptable performance or
an admission by the Contracting Agency that any work has been satisfactorily completed.
The determination of payments under the contract will be final in accordance with Section
(April 2006 City of Auburn)
This section is supplemented as follows:
The Contractor shall submit to the City, no later than three working days after the 20th day
of each month, all documentation for payment for work completed during the previous
period. All monthly pay requests are subject to approval and verification by the Engineer.
Typical payment periods are from the 21st day to the 20th day of each month.
Errors, omissions, revisions or corrections in the original submittal for payment may result
in delayed payment. The Contractor is responsible for maintaining adequate records of bid
item quantities for the work completed for each monthly pay period. These quantities will
be subject to approval and verification by the Engineer.
All progress payments will be mailed to the address designated in writing by the Contractor
at the preconstruction conference.
1-09.9(1) RETAINAGE Revision
(April 2006 City of Auburn)
The fourth paragraph is revised to read:
Release of the retainage will be made 60 days following the “Final Acceptance Date”
(pursuant to RCW 39.12, and RCW 60.28) provided the following conditions are met:
1. On contracts totaling more than $35,000, a release has been obtained from
the Washington State Department of Revenue.
2. Affidavits of Wages Paid for the Contractor and all Subcontractors are on file
with the Contracting Agency (RCW 39.12.040).
CP1122 1-60 Special Provisions
30th Street NE Area Flooding – Phase 1
3. A certificate of Payment of Contributions Penalties and Interest on Public
Works Contract is received from the Washington State Employment Security
4. Washington State Department of Labor and Industries (per section 1-07.10)
shows the Contractor is current with payments of industrial insurance and
medical aid premiums.
5. All claims, as provided by law, filed against the retainage have been
resolved. In the event claims are filed and provided the conditions of 1, 2, 3
and 4 are met, the Contractor will be paid such retained percentage less an
amount sufficient to pay any such claims together with a sum determined by
the Contracting Agency sufficient to pay the cost of foreclosing on claims
and to cover attorney’s fees.
1-09.11 DISPUTES AND CLAIMS Revision
(June 2008 City of Auburn)
Revise this Section to read:
When protests occur during a Contract, the Contractor shall pursue resolution through the
Project Engineer. The Contractor shall follow the procedures outlined in Section 1-04.5.
If the negotiations using the procedures outlined in Section 1-04.5 fail to provide
satisfactory resolution of protests, then the Contractor shall provide the Project Engineer
with written notification that the Contractor will continue to pursue the dispute in
accordance with the provisions of Section 1-09.11. The written notification shall be
provided within 7-calendar days after receipt of the Engineer’s written determination that
the Contractor’s protest is invalid pursuant to Section 1-04.5. The Contractor’s written
notice of dispute shall indicate that the Contractor will submit a formal claim directly to the
Contracting Agency pursuant to Section 1-09.11(2).
In spite of any protest or dispute, the Contractor shall proceed promptly with the Work as
the Engineer orders.
1-09.11(1) DISPUTES REVIEW BOARD Deletion
(June 2008 City of Auburn)
Delete this Section and its Subsections in their entirety.
1-09.11(2) CLAIMS Revision
(June 2008 City of Auburn)
Revise the first sentence of the first paragraph to read:
If the Contractor claims that additional payment is due and the Contractor has pursued and
exhausted all the means provided in Sections 1-04.5 to resolve a dispute, the Contractor may
file a claim as provided in this section.
1-09.13 CLAIMS RESOLUTION Deletion
(April 2006 City of Auburn)
Section 1-09.13 (Claims Resolution) of the Standard Specifications is deleted.
CP1122 1-61 Special Provisions
30th Street NE Area Flooding – Phase 1
1-10.1 GENERAL Supplement
(January 2012 City of Auburn)
The Contractor shall provide flaggers, signs, and other traffic control devices not otherwise
specified as being furnished by the Contracting Agency. The Contractor shall erect and
maintain all construction signs, warning signs, detour signs, and other traffic control devices
necessary to warn and protect the public at all times from injury or damage as a result of the
Contractor’s operations which may occur on highways, roads, streets, sidewalks, or paths.
No work shall be done on or adjacent to any traveled way until all necessary signs and
traffic control devices are in place.
1-10.2(2) TRAFFIC CONTROL PLANS Supplement
(June 2013 City of Auburn)
Any Contractor-proposed Traffic Control Plan shall conform to the established standards for
plan development as shown in the MUTCD, 2009 Edition, Part VI, and the WSDOT Traffic
Control Plans TC1 through TC18, and the WSDOT Work Zone Traffic Control Guidelines,
latest edition. A separate pedestrian traffic control plan shall be required from the
Contractor if normal pedestrian travel is affected by the Contractors act ions. The Contractor
shall submit the Traffic Control Plan to the Engineer for review and approval at least five
(5) working days in advance of the time the traffic control devices, including signs, are
scheduled to be installed and utilized. The Engineer must approve the Traffic Control Plan
before any onsite work begins on the project. Any modifications or deviations from the
approved Traffic Control Plan will require review and approval by the Engineer. The
Contractor’s failure to obtain approval on Traffic Control Plans or to follow an approved
Traffic Control Plan may result in penalties being assessed per Section 1-08.9(1) (Penalties).
(April 2007 City of Auburn)
Outside edges of the traveled way may be delineated with traffic safety drums or tubular
markers providing that the requirements of Section 1-07.23(1) (Construction Under Traffic)
are met. Barricades must comply with TRAFFIC-05, Barricades, Moveable Type III.
(December 2008 City of Auburn)
When working within signalized intersections, the Contractor shall schedule and coordinate
the use of City provided uniformed police officers to control traffic. Contractor is
responsible for all coordination with the City of Auburn Police Department to secure a
uniformed police officer as required. This coordination shall be done a minimum of three
(3) working days in advance of the day a uniformed police officer is necessary. When the
City of Auburn Police Department is not able to secure a uniformed police officer, the
Contractor shall provide uniformed officers from outside police agencies and shall contract
for those services directly. The City will reimburse the Contractor for those services as
indicated in Section 1-10.5 (Payment) of these Special Provisions. Contractor shall notify
the Engineer prior to the use of outside agency police services.
1-10.4 MEASUREMENT Revision
(June 2014 City of Auburn)
CP1122 1-62 Special Provisions
30th Street NE Area Flooding – Phase 1
“Sequential Arrow Sign” will be measured by the day for each 24-hour day or partial day in
use. Signs not specifically approved for use will not be measured for separate payment.
“Portable Changeable Message Sign” will be measured by the day for each 24-hour day or
partial day in use. Signs not specifically approved for use will not be measured for separate
“Traffic Control Labor” will be measured by the hour.
1-10.5 PAYMENT Replacement
All costs for “Temporary Traffic Control” as specified in Section 1-10 (Temporary Traffic
Control) shall be considered incidental to the Contract and no additional compensation will
be made except as specified herein.
Payment will be made in accordance with Section 1-04.1 (Intent of the Contract for the
following bid items:
Traffic Control Supervisor Per Lump Sum
Traffic Control Labor (Min. Bid $38.00 per hour) Per Hour
Sequential Arrow Sign Per Day
Portable Changeable Message Sign Per Day
Outside Agency Uniformed Police Flagging Labor Equitable Adjustment
The lump sum contract price for “Traffic Control Supervisor” shall be full compensation for
all costs incurred by the Contractor in performing the contract work described in Section 1-
10.2(1)B (Traffic Control Supervisor).
The “Traffic Control Labor” unit contract price per hour, at the minimum price or more
stated in the bid form, shall be full pay for all costs for the labor provided for performing
those construction operations described in Section 1-10.3 (Traffic Control Labor,
Procedures and Devices) and as authorized by the Engineer. Payment under this item shall
be limited to the hours the worker is actually performing the work. Should the Contractor
determine that the cost for this work is greater than the minimum price shown, the
Contractor may bid a higher price. Should the Contractor write in a unit price less than the
minimum price shown, the minimum unit price shown shall govern and become part of the
The unit contract price bid per day for “Sequential Arrow Sign” shall be full compensation
for all costs of labor, materials and equipment incurred by the Contractor in performing the
contract work described in Section 1-10.3(3)B (Sequential Arrow Signs).
The unit contract price bid per day for “Portable Changeable Message Sign” shall be full
compensation for all costs of labor, materials and equipment incurred by the Contractor in
performing the contract work described in Section 1-10.3(3)C (Portable Changeable
Message Sign).
City of Auburn Uniformed Police Officers necessary for the project will be provided at no
cost to the Contractor by the City of Auburn. Payment for use of “Outside Agency
Uniformed Police Flagging Labor” will be per Section 1-09.4 (Equitable Adjustment) of the
Standard Specifications.
CP1122 1-63 Special Provisions
30th Street NE Area Flooding – Phase 1
Costs for scheduling and coordinating all uniformed police officers by the Contractor shall
be incidental to the contract.
REF. H:\PROJ\CP1122-30th St NE Area Flooding Phase 1\ContractDocs\Plans and Specs Design\Final\Final
CP1122 DIV1 AUB2012.docx
Project Number CP1122
Contract No. 14-08
Project Number CP1122 i-ii
30th Street NE Area Flooding, Phase 1 Special Provisions
Project Number CP1122 i-1
30th Street NE Area Flooding, Phase 1 Special Provisions
2-01 CLEARING, GRUBBING AND ROADSIDE CLEANUP ................................................ 1
2-01.1 DESCRIPTION SUPPLEMENT .......................................................................................... 1
2-01.2(2) DISPOSAL METHOD NO. 2 - WASTE SITE .......................................... SUPPLEMENT ......... 1
2-01.2(3) DISPOSAL METHOD NO. 3 - CHIPPING .................................................... REVISION ......... 1
2-01.3 CONSTRUCTION REQUIREMENTS ........................................................ SUPPLEMENT ......... 1
2-01.5 PAYMENT .............................................................................................. SUPPLEMENT ......... 1
2-02 REMOVAL OF STRUCTURES AND OBSTRUCTIONS ................................................ 2
2-02.1 DESCRIPTION ........................................................................................ SUPPLEMENT ......... 2
2-02.3 CONSTRUCTION REQUIREMENTS .............................................................. REVISION ......... 2
.................................................................................................... SUPPLEMENT ......... 2
2-02.3(4) REMOVE AND RESET FENCING ....................................................... NEW SECTION ......... 2
2-02.3(5) REMOVE AND RESET BENCH ........................................................... NEW SECTION ......... 3
2-02.3(6) REMOVE RAISED PAVEMENT MARKINGS ....................................... NEW SECTION ......... 3
2-02.3(7) SALVAGE .......................................................................................... NEW SECTION ......... 3
2-02.4 MEASUREMENT..................................................................................... SUPPLEMENT ......... 3
2-02.5 PAYMENT .............................................................................................. SUPPLEMENT ......... 4
2-03 ROADWAY EXCAVATION AND EMBANKMENT ...................................................... 4
2-03.1 DESCRIPTION .......................................................................REVISION/SUPPLEMENT ......... 4
2-03.3 CONSTRUCTION REQUIREMENTS .................................................................................... 4
2-03.3(7)C CONTRACTOR-PROVIDED DISPOSAL SITE ..................................... SUPPLEMENT ......... 4
2-03.4 PAYMENT .............................................................................................. SUPPLEMENT ......... 5
2-07.3 CONSTRUCTION REQUIREMENTS ........................................................ SUPPLEMENT ......... 5
2-07.4 MEASUREMENT..................................................................................... SUPPLEMENT ......... 5
2-07.4(1) WATER FROM CITY HYDRANTS ...................................................... NEW SECTION ......... 5
2-07.5 PAYMENT .............................................................................................. SUPPLEMENT ......... 6
2-09 STRUCTURE EXCAVATION .......................................................................................... 6
2-09.5 PAYMENT .................................................................................................... REVISION ......... 6
3-01 PRODUCTION FROM QUARRY AND PIT SITES ........................................................ 1
3-01.4 CONTRACTOR FURNISHED MATERIAL SOURCES ................................ SUPPLEMENT ......... 1
Project Number CP1122 i-2
30th Street NE Area Flooding, Phase 1 Special Provisions
3-04 ACCEPTANCE OF AGGREGATE .................................................................................. 1
3-04.3(8) PRICE ADJUSTMENT FOR QUALITY OF AGGREGATE ........................... DELETION ......... 1
4-02.5 PAYMENT .............................................................................................. SUPPLEMENT ......... 1
4-04 BALLAST AND CRUSHED SURFACING ...................................................................... 1
4-04.5 PAYMENT .............................................................................................. SUPPLEMENT ......... 1
DIVISION 5 SURFACE TREATMENTS AND PAVEMENTS BASES .................................. 1
5-04.1 DESCRIPTION .......................................................................SUPPLEMENT/REVISION ......... 1
5-04.2 MATERIALS ..........................................................................SUPPLEMENT/REVISION ......... 1
5-04.3 CONSTRUCTION REQUIREMENTS .......................................SUPPLEMENT/REVISION ......... 1
5-04.3(1) HOT MIX ASPHALT MIXING PLANT ........................................................ REVISION ......... 1
5-04.3(3) HOT MIX ASPHALT PAVERS ............................................SUPPLEMENT/REVISION ......... 1
5-04.3(5)A PREPARATION OF EXISTING SURFACES .......................SUPPLEMENT/REVISION ......... 2
5-04.3(5)D SOIL RESIDUAL HERBICIDE ..........................................REVISION/SUPPLEMENT ......... 3
5-04.3(7)A MIX DESIGN ................................................................................. REPLACEMENT ......... 3
5-04.3(7)A1 GENERAL ................................................................................... REPLACEMENT ......... 3
5-04.3(7)A2 MIX DESIGN VERIFICATION. ................................................................................... 4
5-04.3(7)A3 FIELD VERIFICATION TESTING PROCESS. ............................................................. 4
5-04.3(7)A4 IGNITION FURNACE CALIBRATION SAMPLES. ..................................................... 4
5-04.3(8) MIXING .................................................................................................... REVISION ......... 5
5-04.3(8)A1 GENERAL ........................................................................................... DELETION ......... 5
5-04.3(8)A2 AGGREGATE .............................................................................. REPLACEMENT ......... 5
5-04.3(8)A4 DEFINITION OF SAMPLING LOT AND SUBLOT ......................... REPLACEMENT ......... 5
5-04.3(8)A5 TEST RESULTS ......................................................................... REPLACEMENT ......... 6
5-04.3(9) SPREADING AND FINISHING ............................................REVISION/SUPPLEMENT ......... 7
5-04.3(10) COMPACTION ................................................................REVISION/SUPPLEMENT ......... 7
5-04.3(10)A GENERAL .....................................................................REVISION/SUPPLEMENT ......... 7
5-04.3(10)B1 GENERAL ........................................................................................... REVISION ......... 7
5-04.3(10)B3 LONGITUDINAL JOINT DENSITY ....................................................... REVISION ......... 7
5-04.3(10)B4 TEST RESULTS ................................................................................... REVISION ......... 7
5-04.3(12)B LONGITUDINAL JOINTS ...................................................................... REVISION ......... 7
5-04.3(12)C ASPHALT CONCRETE PAVEMENT BUTT JOINTS ......................... NEW SECTION ......... 8
5-04.3(14) PLANING BITUMINOUS PAVEMENT................................................ SUPPLEMENT ......... 8
5-04.3(17) PAVING UNDER TRAFFIC ...................................................................... REVISION ......... 8
5-04.3(21) ASPHALT COLD PATCH .................................................................. NEW SECTION ......... 9
5-04.5 MEASUREMENT........................................................................................... REVISION ......... 9
Project Number CP1122 i-3
30th Street NE Area Flooding, Phase 1 Special Provisions
5-04.5 PAYMENT .............................................................................SUPPLEMENT/REVISION ......... 9
5-04.5(1) QUALITY ASSURANCE PRICE ADJUSTMENTS ........................................ REVISION ........10
7-04.2 MATERIALS ................................................................................................. REVISION ......... 1
7-04. CONSTRUCTION REQUIREMENTS. ................................................................................ 1
PERMEABLE MATERIALS ........................................................... SUPPLEMENT ......... 1
7-04.3(1)G TELEVISION INSPECTION .............................................................. NEW SECTION ......... 1
7-04.4 MEASUREMENT..................................................................................... SUPPLEMENT ......... 1
7-04.5 PAYMENT ........................................................................................... REPLACEMENT ......... 1
7-05 MANHOLES, INLETS, CATCH BASINS, AND DRYWELLS ....................................... 3
7-05.1 DESCRIPTION ..................................................................................... REPLACEMENT ......... 3
7-05.2 MATERIALS ........................................................................................... SUPPLEMENT ......... 3
7-05.3 CONSTRUCTION REQUIREMENTS ........................................................ SUPPLEMENT ......... 3
7-05.3(1) ADJUSTING MANHOLES & CATCH BASINS TO GRADE .................... SUPPLEMENT ......... 4
7-05.3(2) ABANDON EXISTING MANHOLES........................................................... REVISION ......... 4
7-05.3(3) CONNECTIONS TO EXISTING MANHOLES ........................................ SUPPLEMENT ......... 4
7-05.3(5) CHANNELS FOR MANHOLES ............................................................ NEW SECTION ......... 5
7-05.5 PAYMENT .............................................................................................. SUPPLEMENT ......... 5
7-07 CLEANING EXISTING DRAINAGE STRUCTURES .................................................... 6
7-07.5 PAYMENT ........................................................................................... REPLACEMENT ......... 6
7-08 GENERAL PIPE INSTALLATION REQUIREMENTS .................................................. 6
7-08.1 DESCRIPTION ..................................................................................... REPLACEMENT ......... 6
7-08.2 MATERIALS ........................................................................................ REPLACEMENT ......... 6
7-08.3 CONSTRUCTION REQUIREMENTS SUPPLEMENT. ...................................................... 6
7-08.3(1) EXCAVATION AND PREPARATION OF TRENCH. ....................................................... 7
7-08.3(1)A TRENCHES ............................................................................................ REVISION ......... 7
7-08.3(1)B SHORING ......................................................................................... SUPPLEMENT ......... 7
7-08.3(1)C BEDDING THE PIPE ......................................................................... SUPPLEMENT ......... 7
7-08.3(2)B PIPE LAYING - GENERAL ................................................................ SUPPLEMENT ......... 7
7-08.3(2)G JOINTING OF DISSIMILAR PIPE....................................................... SUPPLEMENT ......... 8
7-08.3(2)L DEWATERING TRENCHES .............................................................. NEW SECTION ......... 8
7-08.3(3) BACKFILLING .................................................................................... SUPPLEMENT ......... 8
7-08.3(3)A VERTICAL CLEARANCE BETWEEN UTILITY LINES ...................... NEW SECTION ......... 8
7-08.3(4) PLUGGING EXISTING PIPE ............................................................. REPLACEMENT ......... 9
Project Number CP1122 i-4
30th Street NE Area Flooding, Phase 1 Special Provisions
7-08.3(5) PIPE TRENCH RESTORATION ........................................................... NEW SECTION ......... 9
7-08.4 MEASUREMENT .................................................................................... SUPPLEMENT ......... 9
7-08.5 PAYMENT ........................................................................................... REPLACEMENT ......... 9
7-09.1 DESCRIPTION ........................................................................................ SUPPLEMENT ........10
7-09.3(10) BACKFILLING TRENCHES ............................................................... SUPPLEMENT ........10
7-09.3(13) HANDLING OF THE PIPE .................................................................. SUPPLEMENT ........11
7-09.3(19) CONNECTIONS. ........................................................................................................... 11
7-09.3(19)A CONNECTIONS TO EXISTING MAINS ............................................ SUPPLEMENT ........11
7-09.3(19)B MAINTAINING SERVICE ................................................................ SUPPLEMENT ........11
7-09.3(19)C MECHANICAL JOINT RESTRAINT SYSTEM .................................. NEW SECTION ........11
7-09.3(21) CONCRETE THRUST BLOCKING ...................................................... SUPPLEMENT ........12
7-09.3(22) BLOWOFF ASSEMBLIES ............................................................... REPLACEMENT ........12
7-09.3(23) HYDROSTATIC PRESSURE TEST ..................................................... SUPPLEMENT ........12
7-09.3(24) DISINFECTION OF WATER MAINS ................................................... SUPPLEMENT ........12
7-09.3(24)J PREVENTING REVERSE FLOW ...................................................... SUPPLEMENT ........13
7-09.3(24)N FINAL FLUSHING AND TESTING ................................................... SUPPLEMENT ........13
7-09.4 MEASUREMENT. SUPPLEMENT ................................................................................... 13
7-09.5 PAYMENT SUPPLEMENT............................................................................................... 13
7-12 VALVES FOR WATER MAINS ..................................................................................... 14
7-12.3 CONSTRUCTION REQUIREMENTS. .............................................................................. 14
7-12.3(2) ADJUST VALVE BOXES .................................................................... NEW SECTION ........14
7-12.3(3) COMBINATION AIR RELEASE/AIR VACUUM VALVE.............................................. 14
ASSEMBLY NEW SECTION ........................................................................................................ 14
7-12.3(4) VALVE WRENCH EXTENSION BOX .................................................. NEW SECTION ........14
7-12.5 PAYMENT .............................................................................................. SUPPLEMENT ........14
7-14 HYDRANTS 15
7-14.3 CONSTRUCTION REQUIREMENTS ........................................................ SUPPLEMENT ........15
7-14.3(1) SETTING HYDRANTS ...................................................................... REPLACEMENT ........15
7-14.5 PAYMENT ........................................................................................... REPLACEMENT ........16
7-15 SERVICE CONNECTIONS ................................................................................................. 16
7-15.2 MATERIALS ........................................................................................... SUPPLEMENT ........16
7-15.3 CONSTRUCTION REQUIREMENTS ........................................................ SUPPLEMENT ........16
7-15.4 MEASUREMENT..................................................................................... SUPPLEMENT ........17
7-15.5 PAYMENT .............................................................................................. SUPPLEMENT ........17
7-17.2 MATERIALS ........................................................................................ REPLACEMENT ........18
7-17.3 CONSTRUCTION REQUIREMENTS .............................................................. REVISION ........18
7-17.3(1) PROTECTION OF EXISTING SEWAGE FACILITIES ............................ SUPPLEMENT ........18
Project Number CP1122 i-5
30th Street NE Area Flooding, Phase 1 Special Provisions
7-17.3(1)A SEWER LINE CONNECTIONS.......................................................... NEW SECTION ........18
7-17.3(2) CLEANING AND TESTING ................................................................. SUPPLEMENT ........18
7-17.3(2)A GENERAL .......................................................................REVISION/SUPPLEMENT ........18
7-17.3(2)C INFILTRATION TEST ............................................................................. REVISION ........19
PERMEABLE MATERIALS .......................................................... SUPPLEMENT ........19
7-17.3(2)H TELEVISION INSPECTION ............................................................ REPLACEMENT ........19
7-17.4 MEASUREMENT..................................................................................... SUPPLEMENT ........20
7-17.5 PAYMENT .............................................................................................. SUPPLEMENT ........20
7-18.3 CONSTRUCTION REQUIREMENTS ........................................................ SUPPLEMENT ........21
7-18.3(1) GENERAL ........................................................................................... SUPPLEMENT ........21
7-18.3 CONSTRUCTION REQUIREMENTS ........................................................ SUPPLEMENT ........22
7-18.4 MEASUREMENT..................................................................................... SUPPLEMENT ........22
7-18.5 PAYMENT .............................................................................................. SUPPLEMENT ........22
DIVISION 8 MISCELLANEOUS CONSTRUCTION ................................................................... 1
8-01 EROSION CONTROL AND WATER POLLUTION CONTROL .................................. 1
8-01.1 DESCRIPTION ........................................................................................ SUPPLEMENT ......... 1
8-01.3(1)A SUBMITTALS ..................................................................SUPPLEMENT/REVISION ......... 1
8-01.3(1)B EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL (ESC) LEAD .............................. REVISION ......... 1
8-01.3(1)G TEMPORARY WATER POLLUTION/EROSION ....................................... CONTROL ......... 5
INSTALLATION .............................................................................................. NEW SECTION ......... 5
8-01.5 PAYMENT .............................................................................................. SUPPLEMENT ......... 5
8-02 ROADSIDE RESTORATION ................................................................................................ 5
8-02.3 CONSTRUCTION REQUIREMENTS .................................................................................... 5
8-02.3(1) RESPONSIBILITY DURING CONSTRUCTION ..................................... SUPPLEMENT ......... 6
8-02.3(4)A TOPSOIL TYPE A ............................................................................. SUPPLEMENT ......... 6
8-02.3(5) PLANTING AREA PREPARATION ...................................................... SUPPLEMENT ......... 6
8-02.3(5)A PLACEMENT OF TOPSOIL .............................................................. NEW SECTION ......... 7
8-02.3(16) LAWN INSTALLATION ................................................................................................. 7
8-02.3(16)A LAWN INSTALLATION .................................................REVISION/SUPPLEMENT ......... 7
8-02.3(16)B LAWN ESTABLISHMENT ............................................................... SUPPLEMENT ......... 7
8-02.3(16)C LAWN MOWING.................................................................................... REPLACE ......... 8
8-02.3(16)D FERTILIZER FOR SODDED AREA ................................................. NEW SECTION ......... 8
8-02.4 MEASUREMENT....................................................................SUPPLEMENT/REVISION ......... 8
8-02.5 PAYMENT .............................................................................SUPPLEMENT/REVISION ......... 8
8-03 IRRIGATION SYSTEMS .................................................................................................. 9
8-03.1 DESCRIPTION ........................................................................................ SUPPLEMENT ......... 9
Project Number CP1122 i-6
30th Street NE Area Flooding, Phase 1 Special Provisions
8-03.2 MATERIALS ........................................................................................... SUPPLEMENT ......... 9
8-03.3 CONSTRUCTION REQUIREMENTS ....................................................... SUPPLEMENT ......... 9
8-03.3(3) PIPING ...............................................................................REVISION/SUPPLEMENT ......... 9
8-03.3(5) INSTALLATION .................................................................................. SUPPLEMENT ........11
8-03.3(6) ELECTRICAL WIRE INSTALLATION .................................................. SUPPLEMENT ........11
8-03.3(7) FLUSHING AND TESTING .................................................................. SUPPLEMENT ........11
8-03.3(9) BACKFILL .......................................................................................... SUPPLEMENT ........11
8-03.3(11) SYSTEM OPERATION ......................................................REVISION/SUPPLEMENT ........12
8-03.3(13) IRRIGATION WATER SERVICE ..................................................... REPLACEMENT ........12
8-03.3(14) IRRIGATION ELECTRICAL SERVICE ............................................ REPLACEMENT ........12
8-03.5 PAYMENT .............................................................................................. SUPPLEMENT ........12
8-04 CURBS, GUTTERS AND SPILLWAYS .............................................................................. 13
8-04.3 CONSTRUCTION REQUIREMENTS ........................................................ SUPPLEMENT ........13
8-04.3(1) CEMENT CONCRETE CURBS, GUTTERS, AND .......................................................... 13
SPILLWAYS SUPPLEMENT ......................................................................................................... 13
8-04.4 MEASUREMENT..................................................................................... SUPPLEMENT ........14
8-04.5 PAYMENT .............................................................................................. SUPPLEMENT ........14
8-05 TRENCH DEWATERING New Section ............................................................................... 14
8-05.1 GENERAL ........................................................................................................................... 14
8-05.1(1) DESIGN ........................................................................................................................... 15
8-05.1(2) DAMAGES ...................................................................................................................... 15
8-05.1(3) MAINTAINING EXCAVATION IN DEWATERING CONDITION ................................ 16
8-05.1(4) SYSTEM REMOVAL ...................................................................................................... 16
8-05.2 MEASUREMENT ................................................................................................................ 17
8-05.3 PAYMENT ........................................................................................................................... 17
8-06 CEMENT CONCRETE DRIVEWAY ENTRANCES .................................................... 17
8-06.1 DESCRIPTION ..................................................................................... REPLACEMENT ........17
8-06.2 MATERIALS ........................................................................................ REPLACEMENT ........17
8-06.3 CONSTRUCTION REQUIREMENTS .......................................REVISION/SUPPLEMENT ........18
8-06.4 MEASUREMENT..................................................................................... SUPPLEMENT ........18
8-06.5 PAYMENT .............................................................................................. SUPPLEMENT ........18
8-09 RAISED PAVEMENT MARKERS ................................................................................. 19
8-09.3 CONSTRUCTION REQUIREMENTS ..................................................... REPLACEMENT ........19
8-09.3(2) SURFACE PREPARATION .................................................................. SUPPLEMENT ........19
8-09.4 MEASUREMENT.................................................................................. REPLACEMENT ........19
8-09.5 PAYMENT ........................................................................................... REPLACEMENT ........19
8-12 CHAIN LINK AND WIRE FENCE................................................................................. 20
8-12.1 DESCRIPTION ........................................................................................ SUPPLEMENT ........20
Project Number CP1122 i-7
30th Street NE Area Flooding, Phase 1 Special Provisions
8-12.3(3) TEMPORARY SECURITY FENCING .................................................................. NEW ........20
8-12.3(4) REMOVE AND REPLACE OUTFIELD FENCE .................................................... NEW ........20
8-12.4 MEASUREMENT..................................................................................... SUPPLEMENT ........20
8-12.5 PAYMENT .............................................................................SUPPLEMENT/REVISION ........20
8-13.1 DESCRIPTION ........................................................................................ SUPPLEMENT ........21
8-13.2 MATERIALS ........................................................................................... SUPPLEMENT ........21
8-13.3 CONSTRUCTION REQUIREMENTS .................................................................................. 21
8-13.3(1) REFERENCE POINTS ......................................................................... NEW SECTION ........21
8-13.3(2) INSTALLATION ................................................................................. NEW SECTION ........21
8-13.4 MEASUREMENT.................................................................................. REPLACEMENT ........22
8-13.5 PAYMENT .............................................................................................. SUPPLEMENT ........22
8-14 CEMENT CONCRETE SIDEWALKS ........................................................................... 22
8-14.1 DESCRIPTION ..................................................................................... REPLACEMENT ........22
8-14.2 MATERIALS ........................................................................................... SUPPLEMENT ........22
8-14.3 CONSTRUCTION REQUIREMENTS .................................................................................. 23
8-14.3(1) EXCAVATION .................................................................................... SUPPLEMENT ........23
8-14.3(2) FORMS ............................................................................................... SUPPLEMENT ........23
8-14.3(3) PLACING AND FINISHING CONCRETE .............................REVISION/SUPPLEMENT ........23
8-14.3(5) DETECTABLE WARNING SURFACE ........................................................ REVISION ........24
8-14.4 MEASUREMENT..................................................................................... SUPPLEMENT ........24
8-14.5 PAYMENT .............................................................................................. SUPPLEMENT ........24
8-20.1(1) REGULATIONS AND CODE ................................................................ SUPPLEMENT ........25
8-20.2(1) EQUIPMENT LIST AND DRAWINGS ................................................ REPLACEMENT ........25
8-20.2(2) SALVAGED EQUIPMENT .................................................................. NEW SECTION ........26
8-20.3 CONSTRUCTION REQUIREMENTS .................................................................................. 27
8-20.3(1) GENERAL ........................................................................................... SUPPLEMENT ........27
8-20.3(2)A CONDUIT TRENCH CONSTRUCTION ............................................. NEW SECTION ........27
8-20.3(2)B CONDUIT TRENCH BEDDING ......................................................... NEW SECTION ........27
8-20.3(2)C CONDUIT TRENCH BACKFILL ....................................................... NEW SECTION ........27
8-20.3(4) FOUNDATIONS .................................................................................. SUPPLEMENT ........27
8-20.3(5) CONDUIT ........................................................................................... SUPPLEMENT ........28
8-20.3(8) WIRING .............................................................................................. SUPPLEMENT ........29
8-20.3(9) BONDING, GROUNDING .................................................................... SUPPLEMENT ........29
8-20.3(11) TESTING ..........................................................................REVISION/SUPPLEMENT ........29
8-20.3(14)C INDUCTION LOOP VEHICLE DETECTORS ..................................... SUPPLEMENT ........30
8-20.3(14)D TEST FOR INDUCTION LOOPS AND LEAD-IN CABLE ................... SUPPLEMENT ........30
8-20.3(14)E INDUCTION LOOP BICYCLE DETECTORS .................................... NEW SECTION ........30
Project Number CP1122 i-8
30th Street NE Area Flooding, Phase 1 Special Provisions
8-20.3(14)F ORDER OF WORK .......................................................................... NEW SECTION ........30
8-20.3(14)G TEMPORARY VIDEO DETECTION SYSTEM .................................. NEW SECTION ........31
8-20.3(14)H PEDESTRIAN PUSH BUTTONS AND SIGNS................................... NEW SECTION ........31
8-20.4 MEASUREMENT..................................................................................... SUPPLEMENT ........31
8-20.5 PAYMENT .............................................................................................. SUPPLEMENT ........32
8-21.3 CONSTRUCTION REQUIREMENTS SUPPLEMENT ..................................................... 32
8-21.3(5) SIGN RELOCATION ............................................................................ SUPPLEMENT ........33
8-21.5 PAYMENT SUPPLEMENT............................................................................................... 33
8-22.1 DESCRIPTION ........................................................................................ SUPPLEMENT ........33
8-22.3 CONSTRUCTION REQUIREMENTS ........................................................ SUPPLEMENT ........33
8-22.4 MEASUREMENT..................................................................................... SUPPLEMENT ........33
8-22.5 PAYMENT .............................................................................................. SUPPLEMENT ........34
8-23 TEMPORARY PAVEMENT MARKINGS ......................................................................... 34
8-23.1 DESCRIPTION SUPPLEMENT ........................................................................................ 34
8-23.2 MATERIALS SUPPLEMENT ........................................................................................... 34
8-23.4 MEASUREMENT SUPPLEMENT .................................................................................... 34
8-23.5 PAYMENT SUPPLEMENT............................................................................................... 34
8-30 JOINT UTILITY TRENCH (JUT) ................................................................. New Section ........34
8-30.1 DESCRIPTION .................................................................................................................... 34
8-30.2 MATERIALS ....................................................................................................................... 35
8-30.3 CONSTRUCTION REQUIREMENTS .................................................................................. 35
8-30.4 MEASUREMENT ................................................................................................................ 36
8-30.5 PAYMENT ........................................................................................................................ 36
9-03.8(7) HMA TOLERANCES AND ADJUSTMENTS............................................... REVISION ......... 1
9-05 DRAINAGE STRUCTURES, CULVERTS, AND CONDUITS ............................................ 1
9-05.15(1) MANHOLE RING AND COVER ......................................................... SUPPLEMENT ......... 1
9-05.15(2) METAL FRAME, GRATE, AND SOLID METAL COVER ............................................ 1
FOR CATCH BASINS OR INLETS ...................................................................... SUPPLEMENT ......... 1
9-14 EROSION CONTROL AND ROADSIDE PLANTING ........................................................ 2
9-14.1 SOIL 2
9-14.1(1) TOPSOIL TYPE A ............................................................................... SUPPLEMENT ......... 2
9-15 IRRIGATION SYSTEM Supplement ................................................................................. 2
9-15.1(2) POLYVINYL CHLORIDE PIPE AND FITTINGS ................................... SUPPLEMENT ......... 2
Project Number CP1122 i-9
30th Street NE Area Flooding, Phase 1 Special Provisions
9-15.5 VALVE BOXES ...................................................................................... SUPPLEMENT ......... 2
9-15.6 GATE VALVES ...................................................................................... SUPPLEMENT ......... 2
9-15.8 QUICK COUPLING EQUIPMENT ............................................................ SUPPLEMENT ......... 2
9-15.9 DRAIN VALVES..................................................................................... SUPPLEMENT ......... 3
9-15.11 CROSS CONNECTION CONTROL DEVICES ......................................... SUPPLEMENT ......... 3
9-15.17 ELECTRICAL WIRE AND SPLICES ....................................................... SUPPLEMENT ......... 3
9-15.18 DETECTABLE MARKING TAPE ........................................................... SUPPLEMENT ......... 3
9-22.1 MONUMENT CASES, COVERS AND RISERS.......................................... SUPPLEMENT ......... 3
9-29 ILLUMINATION, SIGNAL, ELECTRICAL ....................................................... Revision ......... 3
9-29.1 CONDUIT, INNERDUCT, OUTERDUCT .................................................. SUPPLEMENT ......... 4
9-29.2 JUNCTION BOXES, CABLE VAULTS, AND PULL BOXES ...................... SUPPLEMENT ......... 4
9-29.2(1)A STANDARD DUTY JUNCTION BOXES ............................................ SUPPLEMENT ......... 4
9-29.19 PEDESTRIAN PUSH BUTTONS................................................................... REVISION ......... 4
9-30 WATER DISTRIBUTION MATERIALS .............................................................................. 4
9-30.1(1) DUCTILE IRON PIPE .......................................................................... SUPPLEMENT ......... 4
9-30.2(1) DUCTILE IRON PIPE .......................................................................... SUPPLEMENT ......... 5
9-30.2(6) RESTRAINED JOINTS ........................................................................ SUPPLEMENT ......... 5
9-30.3(1) GATE VALVES (3-INCHES TO 12-INCHES) ..................................... REPLACEMENT ......... 5
9-30.3(4) VALVE BOXES .................................................................................. SUPPLEMENT ......... 5
9-30.5 HYDRANTS ........................................................................................... SUPPLEMENT ......... 5
9-30.6 WATER SERVICE CONNECTIONS (2-INCHES & SMALLER) ......................................... 6
9-30.6(1) SADDLES ....................................................................................... REPLACEMENT ......... 6
9-30.6(2) CORPORATION STOPS ...................................................................... SUPPLEMENT ......... 6
9-30.6(3) SERVICE PIPES .................................................................................. SUPPLEMENT ......... 6
9-30.6(5) METER SETTERS (METER YOKES) ................................................ REPLACEMENT ......... 6
9-30.6(5)A METER STOPS ............................................................................... NEW SECTION ......... 7
9-30.6(5)B METER CHECK VALVES ................................................................ NEW SECTION ......... 7
9-30.6(5)C CURB VALVES ............................................................................... NEW SECTION ......... 7
9-30.6(7) METER BOXES .................................................................................. SUPPLEMENT ......... 8
Project Number CP1122 2-1 Special Provisions
30th Street NE Area Flooding, Phase 1
2-01.1 DESCRIPTION ....................................................................................... Supplement
Clearing and grubbing shall be done to the construction limits shown on the plans
and as directed by the Engineer. When no clearing and grubbing limits are shown,
the clearing and grubbing limits shall be the smallest area required to complete the
other Contract Work.
Open burning will not be permitted on this project.
2-01.2(2) DISPOSAL METHOD NO. 2 - WASTE SITE .................................... Supplement
No waste site has been provided for the disposal of excess material. See also Section
1-07.6 (Permits and Licenses).
2-01.2(3) DISPOSAL METHOD NO. 3 - CHIPPING .............................................. Revision
Unsold chips shall not be spread on the project site unless approved by the Engineer.
Unsold chips shall be disposed of by Disposal Method No. 2.
2-01.3 CONSTRUCTION REQUIREMENTS .................................................... Supplement
Property owners are responsible for relocating or removing trees, shrubs, or any
other landscaping material within the work areas that they wish to save unless
specified elsewhere in the contract documents. The Contractor shall notify property
owners a minimum of five (5) working days in advance of clearing the site to allow
the owner time to remove landscape material.
All landscape materials that remain in the work area shall be removed and disposed
of by the Contractor, except when the Engineer specifically orders salvage or
Before removing landscaping material, the Contractor must receive written approval
from the Engineer to begin his work.
2-01.5 PAYMENT .............................................................................................. Supplement
Payment will be made in accordance with Section 1-04.1 (Intent of the Contract) for
the following bid items:
Clearing and Grubbing Per Lump Sum
Project Number CP1122 2-2 Special Provisions
30th Street NE Area Flooding, Phase 1
2-02.1 DESCRIPTION ....................................................................................... Supplement
The quantities listed below are to be included in the unit bid price for “Removal of
Structure and Obstruction.” They are estimates only and are provided for Contractor
convenience as a basis for bidding only. The Contractor shall verify the quantities
before bidding. The unit bid price for “Removal of Structure and Obstruction” shall
include all work specified in Section 2-02 (Removal of Structures and Obstructions)
whether listed below or not, except for the unit priced items listed in Section 2-02.5
The following named items shall be removed and legally disposed of off the project
site unless otherwise noted in this document.
Item Description Approximate
Catch Basins and Manholes 6 Ea
Storm Pipes 250 LF
Valve Box 1 EA
2-02.3 CONSTRUCTION REQUIREMENTS ........................................................ Revision
STRUCTURES ................................................................................ Supplement
The Contractor shall remove storm drainage structures as described in the plans or as
designated by the Engineer. The resultant void shall be backfilled with compacted
Gravel Borrow or as directed by the Engineer. All grates, frames and covers shall
remain City property and will be salvaged as specified in Section 2-02.3(9)
(July 2010 City of Auburn)
Pavement, sidewalks, curbs, and gutters shall be saw cut in such a fashion as to form
a neat break line. Saw cutting costs shall be included in the bid item involved.
2-02.3(4) REMOVE AND RESET FENCING ................................................... New Section
This work consists of removing and resetting interfering portions of fencing as
required for construction activities. The owner of the fence shall retain all
component parts unless otherwise stated in the Contract Documents.
Project Number CP1122 2-3 Special Provisions
30th Street NE Area Flooding, Phase 1
The Contractor is responsible for ensuring that the remaining fence is undamaged.
The Contractor at Contractor’s expense shall repair any damage caused by the
For the protection of pets and security of the property, the Contractor shall schedule
removal of fencing with the property owner at least 3 calendar days in advance.
Unless approved by the property owner, no site shall be left unfenced.
The fence shall be restored to pre-construction conditions or as directed by the
2-02.3(5) REMOVE AND RESET BENCH ....................................................... New Section
This work consists of removing and resetting existing bench as required for
construction activities. The existing bench shall be removed and properly stored for
later installat ion. The bench shall be set with concrete footings at new location
shown on the plan.
2-02.3(6) REMOVE RAISED PAVEMENT MARKINGS ................................ New Section
All raised pavement markings shall be removed before placing a new asphalt
concrete pavement overlay. Removal of markers shall be conducted in a manner that
prevents damage to existing pavement. Damage to the existing pavement caused by
Contractor operations shall be repaired by the Contractor at the Contractor’s
expense. Repairs shall be to the satisfaction of the Engineer.
2-02.3(7) SALVAGE ......................................................................................... New Section
All casings, pipe, frames, grates, covers, and other material of recoverable value
removed from the project shall be carefully salvaged and delivered to the City of
Auburn Maintenance & Operations Building (1305 “C” Street SW) in their existing
condition. The Engineer will determine what items are salvageable. The Contractor
shall provide notice to the Engineer three (3) working days prior to delivery of any
salvaged item. Items not identified to be salvaged shall become the property of the
Contractor and removed from the site.
2-02.4 MEASUREMENT ................................................................................... Supplement
Removal of Cement Concrete Flat Work and removal of concrete or asphalt
pavement will be measured by the square yard.
Removal and resetting of fencing and removal of concrete curb and gutter will be
measured by the linear foot.
Removal and resetting of bench will be measured per each.
Project Number CP1122 2-4 Special Provisions
30th Street NE Area Flooding, Phase 1
Removal of existing raised pavement markings will not be measured, but shall be
considered incidental to the various bid items.
2-02.5 PAYMENT .............................................................................................. Supplement
Payment will be made in accordance with Section 1-04.1 (Intent of the Contract) for
the following bid items:
Removal of Structure and Obstruction Per Lump Sum
Remove and Reset Fence Per Linear Foot
Remove and Reset Bench Per Each
Removal of Concrete or Asphalt Pavement Per Square Yard
Removal of Cement Concrete Flat Work Per Square Yard
Removal of Curb and Gutter Per Linear Foot
2-03.1 DESCRIPTION ......................................................................... Revision/Supplement
(July 2010, City of Auburn)
The second paragraph is supplemented as follows:
4. Removal Items being separately paid for under 2-02 of these contract
2-03.3(7)C CONTRACTOR-PROVIDED DISPOSAL SITE .............................. Supplement
If, during the course of this project, it becomes necessary to dispose of either excess
or unsuitable materials, the additional following requirements shall be observed:
1. In no case shall any waste materials be disposed of on any site within the
City limits of Auburn unless the Contractor has a valid Grading (Fill) Permit
according to Section 1-07.5(5) (City of Auburn Requirements) in this
2. Grading (Fill) Permits are issued by the City of Auburn Building Division
after all conditions have been met to the satisfaction of the Building Official;
3. The Grading Permits are issued to the legal owner of the property. Any
questions regarding the requirements should be directed to the City of
Auburn Building Division;
4. Any waste material disposed of outside the City limits of Auburn shall be at
Contractor risk. The Contractor is responsible to ensure that said Contractor
has complied with all local codes and ordinances;
Project Number CP1122 2-5 Special Provisions
30th Street NE Area Flooding, Phase 1
5. Failure to comply with the above requirements shall be grounds to withhold
payment of money due until such time as the requirements have been
6. Time lost by failure to satisfy these requirements shall be insufficient reason
for granting of extensions of Contract time.
2-03.4 PAYMENT .............................................................................................. Supplement
Payment will be made in accordance with Section 1-04.1 (Intent of the Contract) for
the following bid items:
Unsuitable Foundation Excavation, Incl. Haul Per Cubic Yard
2-07.3 CONSTRUCTION REQUIREMENTS .................................................... Supplement
When the Engineer determines that dust is a problem, the Contractor shall water to
control the dust in accordance with Section 1-07.23(1) (Construction Under Traffic),
Item 6 of, “When traffic must pass through grading areas”. All means to disperse
water shall be supplied by the Contractor. The Contractor shall have a water truck
available for watering.
2-07.4 MEASUREMENT ................................................................................... Supplement
No measurement for water will be made.
2-07.4(1) WATER FROM CITY HYDRANTS.................................................. New Section
The Contractor shall obtain a Fire Hydrant Permit from the City of Auburn Permit
Center (1 East Main Street) before taking of water from hydrants. Water will be
furnished by the City from the fire hydrant to be designated at the time a Fire
Hydrant Permit is obtained and in accordance with the terms of the Fire Hydrant
Permit. To obtain a Fire Hydrant Permit the applicant shall make a deposit of
$1,449.00 which covers the use of a water meter, hydrant wrench, brass adapter and
hydrant gate valve, and is refundable if returned in acceptable condition. When the
meter, hydrant wrench, and gate valve are returned in acceptable condition, the final
charge for water usage will be deducted from the $1,449.00 deposit and the balance
refunded to or paid by the applicant. The applicant shall pay a base fee of $43.33
per month and all water usage will be paid by the applicant at the rate of $3.45 per
hundred cubic feet. Meters will be read and billed monthly.
NOTE: These are current 2014 rates and may be revised periodically. The
Contractor shall be responsible to contact the City and verify these rates when
preparing the bid. Adjustment of these rates by the City will not be the basis for any
contract unit price adjustment.
Project Number CP1122 2-6 Special Provisions
30th Street NE Area Flooding, Phase 1
The Contractor shall furnish all required equipment and material necessary for
transporting the water from the hydrant, including gauges for testing (except the
meter, wrench and valve as stated above).
2-07.5 PAYMENT .............................................................................................. Supplement
Payment for “Water” will be considered incidental to the various bid items in the
contract; no additional payment will be made.
2-09.5 PAYMENT ................................................................................................... Revision
Delete the eighth paragraph.
Project Number CP1122 3-1 Special Provisions
30th Street NE Area Flooding, Phase 1
3-01.4 CONTRACTOR FURNISHED MATERIAL SOURCES ......................... Supplement
No source has been provided for any materials necessary for the construction of this
If the sources of materials provided by the Contractor necessitate hauling over roads
other than City streets, the Contractor shall make all arrangements for use of the haul
routes at no cost to the City.
All costs of acquiring, producing and placing material shall be incidental to the unit
Contract prices for the various items involved.
3-04.3(8) PRICE ADJUSTMENT FOR QUALITY OF AGGREGATE .................... Deletion
(May 2012, City of Auburn)
This section is deleted in it s entirety.
Project Number CP1122 4-1 Special Provisions
30th Street NE Area Flooding, Phase 1
4-02.5 PAYMENT .............................................................................................. Supplement
Payment will be made in accordance with Section 1-04.1 (Intent of the Contract) for
the following bid items:
Gravel Base Per Ton
4-04.5 PAYMENT .............................................................................................. Supplement
Payment will be made in accordance with Section 1-04.1 (Intent of the Contract) for
the following bid items:
Crushed Surfacing Top Course Per Ton
Project Number CP1122 5-1 Special Provisions
30th Street NE Area Flooding, Phase 1
5-04.1 DESCRIPTION ......................................................................... Supplement/Revision
Delete the second and third sentence of the first paragraph.
Supplement this section as follows:
HMA Class 3/8-inch, Class 1/2-inch, and Class 3/4-inch are designated as leveling
or wearing courses. HMA Class 1-inch is designated as a pavement base course. All
mixtures are considered dense graded HMA.
Where Contract Documents refer to HMA mixes A, B, B Modified, E, F or G, the
Contractor shall provide an equivalent PG type mix as indicated in the table below:
Specified Mix Equivalent
HMA Class A, B, B
HMA Cl. 1/2-inch PG 64-22
HMA Class E HMA Cl. 1-inch PG 64-22
HMA Class F HMA Cl. 3/4-inch PG 64-22
HMA Class G HMA Cl. 3/8-inch PG 64-22
5-04.2 MATERIALS ............................................................................ Supplement/Revision
Delete the following item from the list in the first paragraph:
Warm Mix Asphalt Additive 9-02.5
Delete the fifth paragraph (begins with “The Contractor may use warm mix
Supplement this section as follows:
Tack coat shall be emulsified asphalt grade CSS-1h as specified in Section 9-02.1(6)
(Cationic Emulsified Asphalt) and will be used at locations specified, or as directed
by the Engineer, and shall be applied in accordance with Section 5-04.3(5)A
(Preparation of Existing Surfaces).
5-04.3 CONSTRUCTION REQUIREMENTS ..................................... Supplement/Revision
5-04.3(1) HOT MIX ASPHALT MIXING PLANT .................................................. Revision
The last sentence of item 3 in the numbered list is deleted.
5-04.3(3) HOT MIX ASPHALT PAVERS ............................................ Supplement/Revision
Project Number CP1122 5-2 Special Provisions
30th Street NE Area Flooding, Phase 1
Replace the first sentence of the seventh paragraph with the following:
Reference lines for vertical control may be required.
This section is supplemented as follows:
When laying HMA, the paver shall be operated at a uniform forward speed
consistent with the plant production rate and roller train capacity to result in a
continuous operation. The auger speed and flight gate opening shall be adjusted to
coordinate with the operation.
5-04.3(5)A PREPARATION OF EXISTING SURFACES .................... Supplement/Revision
Replace the fourth paragraph with the following:
Unless otherwise approved by the Engineer, the tack coat shall be CSS-1h
emulsified asphalt. The CSS-1h emulsified asphalt may be diluted with water at a
rate not to exceed one part water to one part emulsified asphalt. The emulsified
asphalt shall not exceed the maximum temperature recommended by the emulsified
asphalt manufacturer.
This section is supplemented as follows:
The Contractor shall remove existing pavement markers and lane markers as
specified in Section 2-02.3(6) (Remove Raised Pavement Markers) of this document.
The Contractor shall remove existing plastic markings as specified in Section 8-22.4
(Measurement) of this document.
5-04.3(5)B PREPARATION OF UNTREATED ROADWAY .............. Supplement/Revision
Replace the first sentence of the first paragraph with the following:
The existing roadway shall be prepared and primed.
Replace the third sentence of the first paragraph with the following:
The aggregate shall conform to the requirements of Section 9-03.8 (Aggregates for
Hot Mix Asphalt) for HMA Class 1/2-inch or shall consist of other material
approved by the Engineer.
This section is supplemented as follows:
Before placement of HMA on untreated roadway, the Contractor shall apply soil
residual herbicides as specified in Section 5-04.3(5)D (Soil Residual Herbicide).
In areas used as turnouts or which will receive heavy service, the Engineer may
order a change in the grade to provide a greater depth of pavement.
If the Contractor protects the completed untreated surfacing materials to the degree
that the surface meets the requirements of Section 5-02.3(2)A (New Construction) at
the time of construction of the prime coat or the construction of the pavement if the
prime coat is not required, the Contractor will not be required to perform the work
Project Number CP1122 5-3 Special Provisions
30th Street NE Area Flooding, Phase 1
specified in Section 5-02.3(2)A (New Construction) but shall be compensated for the
item of work preparation of untreated roadway.
5-04.3(5)D SOIL RESIDUAL HERBICIDE ......................................... Revision/Supplement
Replace the first sentence of the first paragraph with the following:
The Contractor shall apply one application of an approved soil residual herbicide.
The first paragraph is supplemented as follows:
Any area that has not been paved within the time limit or that has been rained on,
shall be treated again at the Contractor’s expense. The herbicide shall be applied
uniformly in accordance with the manufacturer’s recommendations.
5-04.3(7)A MIX DESIGN .................................................................................. Replacement
(March 2010, City of Auburn)
Delete this section and replace it with the following;
5-04.3(7)A1 GENERAL ................................................................................... Replacement
Prior to the production of HMA, the Contractor shall determine a design aggregate
structure and asphalt binder content in accordance with WSDOT Standard Operating
Procedure 732. Once the design aggregate structure and asphalt binder content have
been determined, the Contractor shall submit the HMA mix design on DOT form
350-042 demonstrating the design meets the requirements of Sections 9-03.8(2)
(HMA Test Requirements) and 9-03.8(6) (HMA Proportion of Materials). HMA
accepted by nonstatistical evaluation requires a mix design verification. For HMA
accepted by commercial evaluation only the first page of DOT form 350-042 and the
percent of asphalt binder is required. In no case shall the paving begin before the
determination of anti-strip requirements has been made. Anti-strip requirements will
be determined by:
a. Testing by WSDOT in accordance with TM 718.
b. Testing by Contractor in accordance with WSDOT TM 718.
c. Historical aggregate source anti-strip use provided by WSDOT.
For commercial HMA, aggregate shall meet the requirements of Section 9-03.8
(Aggregates for Hot Mix Asphalt) for HMA Class ½-inch and asphalt binder shall
meet the requirements of Section 9-02.1(4) (Performance Graded Asphalt Binder)
for PG 64-22.
The mix design will be the initial Job Mix Formula (JMF) for the HMA being
produced. Any additional adjustments to the JMF will require the approval of the
Engineer and may be made per Section 9-03.8(7) (HMA Tolerances and
Project Number CP1122 5-4 Special Provisions
30th Street NE Area Flooding, Phase 1
Verification shall be accomplished by one of the following processes:
a. The Contractor shall submit samples to WSDOT State Materials Lab for
WSDOT verification testing in accordance with WSDOT Standard
Specifications. All costs associated with providing, submitting, and testing
the samples shall be included in the unit contract price for the associated
b. Reference a mix design that has been verified by the WSDOT State Materials
Lab on a previous project.
c. Reference a mix design that has been verified by the City of Auburn on a
previous project in accordance with section 5-04.3(7)A3 (Field Verification
Testing Process)
d. Perform Field Verification Testing on a sample of HMA provided by the
Contractor prior to paving.
Mix design verification is valid for one year from the date of verification. At the
discretion of the Engineer, agencies may accept mix designs verified beyond the
verification year with certification from the Contractor that the materials and sources
are the same as those shown on the original mix design.
The Contracting agency will collect three Production Samples of HMA per
AASHTO T 168 sampling procedures.
a. The Contracting agency will test one Production Sample in accordance with
section 5-04.3(8)A (Acceptance Sampling and Testing—HMA Mixture) for
field verification per the requirements of Section 9-03.8(7) (HMA Tolerances
and Adjustments).
b. If the test results from the first Production Sample are within the tolerances
of section 9-03.8(7) (HMA Tolerances and Adjustments)., the mix design
will be considered verified and the test results will be used as acceptance
sample number one.
c. If the test results from the first Production Sample are outside the tolerances
of section 9-03.8(7) (HMA Tolerances and Adjustments)., the other two
samples will be tested and the results of all three tests will be used for
acceptance in accordance with Section 5-04.5(1) and will be used in the
calculation of the CPF. The maximum CPF shall be 1.00.
Prior to the first day of paving, six Ignition Furnace Calibration Samples shall be
obtained to calibrate the Ignition Furnaces used for acceptance testing of the HMA.
Calibration samples shall be provided by the Contractor when directed by the
Project Number CP1122 5-5 Special Provisions
30th Street NE Area Flooding, Phase 1
Engineer. Calibration samples shall be prepared in accordance with WSDOT SOP
5-04.3(8) MIXING ................................................................................................... Revision
Delete the second sentence of the second paragraph.
5-04.3(8)A1 GENERAL ........................................................................................... Deletion
This section is deleted in its entirety.
5-04.3(8)A2 AGGREGATE ............................................................................... Replacement
(March 2010, City of Auburn)
Delete these sections and replace them with the following:
Acceptance of HMA shall be as defined under nonstatistical or commercial
Nonstatistical evaluation will be used for all HMA not designated as Commercial
HMA in the contract documents.
Commercial evaluation will be used for Commercial HMA and for other classes of
HMA in the following applications: restoration and adjustment to paved areas,
including driveway approaches, asphalt ramps, patching around utility struct ures,
and patching utility trenches outside the roadway section. Other nonstructural
applications of HMA accepted by commercial evaluation shall be as approved by the
Engineer. Sampling and testing of HMA accepted by commercial evaluation will be
at the option of the Engineer. Commercial HMA can be accepted by a contractor
certification letter stating the material meets the HMA requirements defined in the
5-04.3(8)A4 DEFINITION OF SAMPLING LOT AND SUBLOT ................... Replacement
(March 10, 2010 APWA GSP)
Delete this section and replace it with the following:
For the purpose of acceptance sampling and testing, a lot is defined as the total
quantity of material or work produced for each job mix formula (JMF) placed. Only
one lot per mix design will be expected to occur. The initial JMF is defined in
Section 5-04.3(7)A (Mix Design). The Contractor may request a change in the JMF
in accordance with Section 9-03.8(7) (HMA Tolerances and Adjustments). If the
request is approved, all of the material produced up to the time of the change will be
evaluated on the basis of tests on samples taken from that material and a new lot will
For proposal quantities less than 2500 tons sampling and testing for evaluation shall
be performed as described in 5-04.3(7)A3 (Field Verification Testing Process). The
verification sample referenced in item ’b’ of Section 5-04.3(7)A3 (Field Verification
Testing Process) may be used as an acceptance sample, additional testing will be at
the discretion of the Engineer. When using a previously verified mix design, testing
Project Number CP1122 5-6 Special Provisions
30th Street NE Area Flooding, Phase 1
for volumetric properties may be waived at the engineer’s discretion. At least one
acceptance sample is required when using this method of acceptance.
For proposal quantities greater than 2500 tons sampling and testing for evaluation
shall be performed as described in 5-04.3(7)A3 (Field Verification Testing Process),
for the first 2500 tons of mix placed. The verification sample referenced in item ’b’
of Section 5-04.3(7)A3 (Field Verification Testing Process) may be used as an
acceptance sample for the first 2500 tons of mix placed. Additional testing will be at
the rate of one sample per 800 tons of mix placed or as directed by the Engineer.
When using a previously verified mix design, testing for volumetric properties may
be waived at the engineer’s discretion.
5-04.3(8)A5 TEST RESULTS......................................................................... Replacement
(March 2010, City of Auburn)
Delete this section and replace it with the following:
When request by the Contractor, the Engineer will furnish the Contractor with a
copy of the results of all acceptance testing performed in the field within two
working days after the results are received from the outside testing lab hired by the
City. The Engineer will also provide the Composite Pay Factor (CPF) of the
completed sublots after three sublots have been produced. Sublot sample test results
(gradation and asphalt binder content) may be challenged by the Contractor. To
challenge test results, the Contractor shall submit a written challenge within 7-
calendar days after receipt of the specific test results. A split of the original
acceptance sample will be sent for testing to either the Region Materials Laboratory
or the State Materials Laboratory as determined by the Engineer. The split of the
sample with challenged results will not be tested with the same equipment or by the
same tester that ran the original acceptance test. The challenge sample will be tested
for a complete gradation analysis and for asphalt binder content. The results of the
challenge sample will be compared to the original results of the acceptance sample
test and evaluated according to the following criteria:
U.S. No. 4 sieve and larger Percent passing ±4.0
U.S. No. 8 sieve Percent passing ±2.0
U.S. No. 200 sieve Percent passing ±0.4
Asphalt binder Percent binder content ±0.3
Va Percent Va ±0.7
If the results of the challenge sample testing are within the allowable deviation
established above for each parameter, the acceptance sample test results will be used
for acceptance of the HMA. The cost of testing will be deducted from any monies
due or that may come due the Contractor under the Contract at the rate of $250 per
challenge sample. If the results of the challenge sample testing are outside of any
one parameter established above, the challenge sample will be used for acceptance of
the HMA and the cost of testing will be the Contracting Agency’s responsibility.
Project Number CP1122 5-7 Special Provisions
30th Street NE Area Flooding, Phase 1
5-04.3(9) SPREADING AND FINISHING ........................................... Revision/Supplement
Replace the last sentence of the first paragraph with the following:
Unless otherwise directed by the Engineer or specified in the Plans or in these
Special Provisions, the nominal compacted depth of any layer of any course shall not
exceed the following depths:
This section is supplemented as follows:
In all instances, wearing courses of 3 inches or greater shall be created using a
maximum depth of 1 ½-inch lifts.
5-04.3(10) COMPACTION .................................................................. Revision/Supplement
5-04.3(10)A GENERAL ....................................................................... Revision/Supplement
Replace the second sentence of the first paragraph with the following:
The comp leted course shall be free from ridges, ruts, humps, depressions,
objectionable marks, checking, cracking, or irregularities and shall conform to the
line, grade, and cross-section shown in the Plans or as established by the Engineer.
This section is supplemented as follows:
All compaction units shall be operated at the speed, within specification limits, that
will produce the required compaction.
5-04.3(10)B1 GENERAL......................................................................................... Revision
The third sentence of the second paragraph is replaced with the following:
The sublot locations within each density lot will be determined at the discretion of
the Engineer or by a representative from the outside testing lab hired by the City.
5-04.3(10)B3 LONGITUDINAL JOINT DENSITY ................................................ Revision
Replace the first sentence of the first paragraph with the following:
The Engineer may evaluate the HMA wearing surface for low density at the
longitudinal joint in accordance with WSDOT SOP 735.
5-04.3(10)B4 TEST RESULTS ................................................................................ Revision
Replace the first sentence of the first paragraph with the following:
The nuclear moisture-density gauge results of all compaction acceptance testing and
the CPF for each lot will be available to the Contractor within two working days
after the results are received from the outside testing lab hired by the City.
5-04.3(12)B LONGITUDINAL JOINTS .................................................................. Revision
Project Number CP1122 5-8 Special Provisions
30th Street NE Area Flooding, Phase 1
Replace the second paragraph including the numbered list with the following:
If a hot-lap joint is allowed, two paving machines shall be used; a minimum
compacted density in accordance with Section 5-04.3(10)B (Control) shall be
achieved throughout the traffic lane; and construction equipment other than rollers
shall not operate on any uncompacted HMA.
5-04.3(12)C ASPHALT CONCRETE PAVEMENT BUTT JOINTS ................. New Section
The Contractor shall provide butt joints where the new asphalt concrete pavement
meets the existing pavement as shown on the Plans or as directed by the Engineer in
a manner to produce a smooth riding connection to the existing pavement. The
depth of butt joint required shall be determined by the depth of new asphalt concrete
pavement specified on the Plans, but not less than 2 inches. The surface elevation of
new and existing Asphalt Concrete Pavement shall be the same at all butt joints.
All asphalt concrete joints shall be sealed with asphalt binder PG 64-22 per Section
9-02 (Bituminous Materials) or as directed by the Engineer.
5-04.3(14) PLANING BITUMINOUS PAVEMENT .......................................... Supplement
Planning of the existing pavement shall provide a surface that is slightly grooved or
roughened to ensure a bond to the ACP. The full depth beginning and end of each
lane of planning shall be squared-off to form a uniform, transverse joint.
The Contractor shall provide for safe vehicle travel over existing manholes, valve
boxes, catch basins, etc., for planed areas opened to traffic. Before opening the
roadway to traffic, any delaminating of the planed asphalt surface shall be removed
and the resulting holes patched with incidental HMA. Also, the surface shall be
cleaned by sweeping to remove dust and foreign matter.
Planning tailings may be used as trench backfill. They may also be used as crushed
surfacing when mixed with Crushed Surfacing per Section 9-03.9(3) (Crushed
Surfacing) per Section 4-04.3(3) (Mixing).
5-04.3(17) PAVING UNDER TRAFFIC ................................................................. Revision
Replace the first two sentences of the first paragraph with the following:
The Contractor shall keep intersections open to traffic at all times except when
paving an intersection or paving across an intersection. During such time, and
provided that there has been an advance warning to the public, the intersection may
be closed for the minimum time required to place and compact the HMA.
Replace the second paragraph with the following:
Before closing a road, advance warning signs shall be placed and signs shall also be
placed marking the detour or alternate route.
Project Number CP1122 5-9 Special Provisions
30th Street NE Area Flooding, Phase 1
5-04.3(21) ASPHALT COLD PATCH ............................................................... New Section
“Asphalt Cold Patch Mix” for temporary pavement patching shall be placed by the
Contractor immediately upon the request of Engineer as required for maintenance of
traffic as specified in Section 1-07.23(1) (Construction Under Traffic) in this
document. “The Asphalt Cold Patch Mix” shall be removed in its entirety before
asphalt concrete pavement is placed.
5-04.5 MEASUREMENT ........................................................................................ Revision
Replace the first sentence of the first paragraph with the following:
HMA Cl. ½-inch PG 64-22, HMA for Cl. 1-inch PG 64-22, , and Asphalt Cold
Patch will be measured by the ton in accordance with Section 1-09.2 (Weighing
Equipment), with no deduction being made for the weight of asphalt binder,
blending sand, mineral filler, or any other component of the HMA.
Delete the fourth paragraph.
5-04.5 PAYMENT ................................................................................ Supplement/Revision
Supplement this section with the following:
Payment will be made in accordance with Section 1-04.1, for each of the following
bid items that are included in the proposal:
HMA Cl. 1/2-inch PG 64-22 (Class B) Per Ton
HMA Cl. 1-inch PG 64-22 (Class E) Per Ton
Asphalt Cold Patch Per Ton
Planing Bituminous Pavement Per Square Yard
The unit contract price per ton for “Asphalt Cold Patch,” shall be full compensation
for all costs incurred to carry out the requirements of section 5-04.3(21) (Asphalt
Cold Patch) except for those costs included in other items which are included in this
sub-section and which are included in the proposal.
The quantity of “Asphalt Cold Patch Mix” necessary for this project is unknown. As
such, the quantity entered in the Proposal is arbitrary and intended to provide a
common bid base and these bid items are subject to Section 1-04.6 (Increased or
Decreased Quantities) of these Special Provisions.
All costs associated with providing, placing, and sealing new joints in the asphalt
concrete shall be considered incidental to the unit Contract price for “HMA Cl. 1/2-
inch PG 64-22”.
Project Number CP1122 5-10 Special Provisions
30th Street NE Area Flooding, Phase 1
Replace the fifth paragraph (begins with “Soil Residual Herbicide ___ft. Wide”)
with the following:
All cost incurred to obtain, provide and install herbicide for “Soil Residual
Herbicide” in accordance with Section 5-04.3(5)D shall be incidental to the bid
item(s) for HMA.
Supplement the eighth paragraph (begins with “Asphalt for Fog Seal” with the
If there is no bid item in the proposal for “Asphalt for Fog Seal” and a fog seal is
required, it shall be applied and the work shall be included in the unit contract prices
of the other work items.
Replace the ninth paragraph (begins with “Longitudinal Joint Seal” with the
Longitudinal Joint Seals between the HMA and cement concrete pavement will be
incidental to other items of work.
Replace the fourteenth paragraph (begins with “Anti-Stripping Additive” with the
All costs associated with obtaining, providing and mixing the “Anti-Stripping
Additive” in accordance with Section 5-04.3(7)A (Mix Design) shall be included in
the unit contract price per ton of the HMA.
5-04.5(1) QUALITY ASSURANCE PRICE ADJUSTMENTS ................................ Revision
Delete the fourth sentence of the first paragraph.
(March 10, 2010 APWA GSP)
Delete this section and replace with the following:
Statistical analysis of quality of gradation and asphalt content will be performed
based on Section 1-06.2 using the following price adjustment factors:
Table of Price Adjustment Factors
Constituent Factor “f”
All aggregate passing: 1 ½”, 1”, ¾”, ½”, 3/8” and No. 4 sieves 2
All aggregate passing No. 8 15
All aggregate passing No. 200 sieve 20
Asphalt binder 52
Project Number CP1122 5-11 Special Provisions
30th Street NE Area Flooding, Phase 1
A pay factor will be calculated for sieves listed in Section 9-03.8(7) for the class of
HMA and for the asphalt binder.
1. Nonstatistical Evaluation. Each lot of HMA produced under Nonstatisical
Evaluation and having all constituents falling within the tolerance limits of
the job mix formula shall be accepted at the unit contract price with no
further evaluation. When one or more constituents fall outside the
nonstatistical acceptance tolerance limits in Section 9-03.8(7), the lot shall be
evaluated in accordance with Section 1-06.2 to determine the appropriate
CPF. The nonstatistical tolerance limits will be used in the calculation of the
CPF and the maximum CPF shall be 1.00. When less than three sublots
exist, backup samples of the existing sublots or samples from the street shall
be tested to provide a minimum of three sets of results for evaluation.
2. Commercial Evaluation. If sampled and tested, HMA produced under
Commercial Evaluation and having all constituents falling within the
tolerance limits of the job mix formula shall be accepted at the unit contract
price with no further evaluation. When one or more constituents fall outside
the commercial acceptance tolerance limits in Section 9-03.8(7), the lot shall
be evaluated to determine the appropriate CPF. The commercial tolerance
limits will be used in the calculation of the CPF and the maximum CPF shall
be 1.00. When less than three sublots exist, backup samples of the existing
sublots or samples from the street shall be tested to provide a minimum of
three sets of results for evaluation.
For each lot of HMA produced under Nonstatistical or Commercial Evaluation when
the calculated CPF is less than 1.00, a Nonconforming Mix factor (NCMF) will be
determined. The NCMF equals the algebraic difference of CPF minus 1.00
multiplied by 60 percent. The Job Mix Compliance Price Adjustment will be
calculated as the product of the NCMF, the quantity of HMA in the lot in tons, and
the unit contract price per ton of the mix.
If a constituent is not measured in accordance with these Specifications, its
individual pay factor will be considered 1.00 in calculating the composite pay factor.
(March 10, 2010 APWA GSP)
Delete this section and replace it with the following:
The maximum CPF of a compaction lot is 1.00
For each compaction lot of HMA when the CPF is less than 1.00, a Nonconforming
Compaction Factor (NCCF) will be determined. THE NCCF equals the algebraic
difference of CPF minus 1.00 multiplied by 40 percent. The Compaction Price
Adjustment will be calculated as the product of the NCCF, the quantity of HMA in
the lot in tons and the unit contract price per ton of the mix.
Project Number CP1122 6-1 Special Provisions
30th Street NE Area Flooding, Phase 1
No revisions.
Project Number CP1122 7-1 Special Provisions
30th Street NE Area Flooding, Phase 1
7-04.2 MATERIALS ............................................................................................... Revision
Replace the first paragraph and list of materials with the following:
Only the pipe materials listed below are approved for use on City storm sewer
systems. Materials shall be in accordance with all provisions of the following
Solid Wall Polyvinyl Chloride (PVC) Pipe,
9-05.12(1) (Solid Wall PVC Culvert Pipe,
Solid Wall PVC Storm Sewer Pipe, and
Solid Wall PVC Sanitary Sewer Pipe)
Special Class 50 Ductile Iron Pipe for
Storm Sewer
9-05.13 Ductile Iron Sewer Pipe
The laying length for PVC (SDR-35) shall not exceed 14 feet.
Delete the last paragraph of this section.
NON AIR PERMEABLE MATERIALS .......................................... Supplement
If the test shows zero leakage after a five-minute test time, the Engineer has the
authority to accept and end the test immediately.
7-04.3(1)G TELEVISION INSPECTION .......................................................... New Section
All of the provisions of 7-17.3(2)H (Television Inspection) shall apply.
7-04.4 MEASUREMENT ................................................................................... Supplement
The television inspection work will be measured per linear foot.
7-04.5 PAYMENT ............................................................................................. Replacement
Payment will be made in accordance with Section 1-04.1 (Intent of the Contract) for
the following bid items:
Project Number CP1122 7-2 Special Provisions
30th Street NE Area Flooding, Phase 1
Solid Wall Polyvinyl Chloride (PVC) Storm Pipe, SDR-35, 4-inch
Per Linear Foot
Solid Wall Polyvinyl Chloride (PVC) Storm Pipe, SDR-35, 6-inch
Per Linear Foot
Solid Wall Polyvinyl Chloride (PVC) Storm Pipe, SDR-21, 8-inch
Per Linear Foot
Solid Wall Polyvinyl Chloride (PVC) Storm Pipe, SDR-21, 12- inch
Per Linear Foot
Solid Wall Polyvinyl Chloride (PVC) Storm Pipe, SDR-35, 12- inch
Per Linear Foot
Solid Wall Polyvinyl Chloride (PVC) Storm Pipe, PS46, 18-inch
Per Linear Foot
Solid Wall Polyvinyl Chloride (PVC) Storm Pipe, 30-inch Diam.,
ASTM 794, PS46.
Per Linear Foot
Solid Wall Polyvinyl Chloride (PVC) Storm Pipe, 42-inch Diam.,
ASTM 794, PS46
Per Linear Foot
Storm Sewer Television Inspection Per Linear Foot
Special Class 50 Ductile Iron Pipe for Storm Pipe, 12-Inch Diam Per Linear Foot
The unit contract price per linear foot for storm sewer pipe of the kind and size
specified shall be full pay for all work to complete the installation including the
Adjusting inverts to manholes
Cleaning and testing of pipes
Installing bedding and backfill materials within the trench
Disposal of surplus trench excavation
General pipe installation work including plugs and connections
Plugging existing pipes for abandonment
Bypass Pumping
The unit contract price per linear foot for “Storm Sewer Television Inspection” shall
be full pay for all work to complete the Television Inspection including all
associated flushing.
“Structure Excavation Class B” and “Structure Excavation Class B Including Haul”
for pipe trenching in accordance with all provisions of Section 2-09 (Structure
Excavation) shall be included in the unit contract price for the type and size of pipe
Project Number CP1122 7-3 Special Provisions
30th Street NE Area Flooding, Phase 1
7-05.1 DESCRIPTION ...................................................................................... Replacement
This work shall consist of constructing manholes, inlets, drywells, trash racks, and
catch basins and connecting to existing structures of the types and sizes designated
in accordance with the Plans, all provisions of the Specifications, and the Standard
Plans, in conformity with the lines and grades staked.
7-05.2 MATERIALS .......................................................................................... Supplement
Sanitary sewer and storm drain structures shall be constructed per the following
details, except as modified by the Contract Documents:
Manhole Type 1 (48-inch to 60-inch) WSDOT Standard Plan B-15.20-01
Manhole Type 2 (72-inch to 96-inch) WSDOT Standard Plan B-15.40-01
Manhole Type 3 (72-inch to 96-inch) WSDOT Standard Plan B-15.60-01
Catch Basin Type I WSDOT Standard Plan B-5.20-01
Catch Basin Type II WSDOT Standard Plan B-10.20-01
Manholes shall be complete with frames and covers. All manhole frames and covers
shall be bolt-down as shown in Standard Detail No. SEWER-04 (24” Dia. Manhole
Frame and Cover). Catch Basins shall be complete with frames and grates unless
otherwise specified on the plans to be provided with solid metal covers or manhole
frames and covers. Castings for manhole frames shall be gray iron or ductile iron
and covers and grates shall be ductile iron. All storm sewer grates shall have the
Manhole and catch basin steps and handholds shall be steel-reinforced copolymer
polypropylene (ASTM D4101) with ½ inch steel reinforcing bar (ASTM A615
Grade 60) and in conformance with ASTM C478.
The fabricator of all precast sanitary manholes shall seal them with Tamoseal
Cement Based Waterproof Finish or approved equal applied to all interior and
exterior surfaces in accordance with the manufacturer’s recommendations. The
Contractor shall have adequate product on hand to seal any field modifications to
sanitary sewer manholes.
Trash racks shall be constructed in accordance with Section 6-02 (Concrete
Structures), 6-03 (Steel Structures), and as detailed in the plans.
7-05.3 CONSTRUCTION REQUIREMENTS .................................................... Supplement
All pipes entering or leaving new or existing manholes, catch basins or inlets shall
be placed on firmly compacted bedding, particularly within the area of the manhole
excavation, which normally is deeper than that of the pipe trench. Special care shall
Project Number CP1122 7-4 Special Provisions
30th Street NE Area Flooding, Phase 1
be taken to see that the openings through which pipes or adapters (see below)
penetrate the manhole are completely and firmly rammed full of non-shrink grout to
ensure water tightness.
Manhole adapters will be provided when connecting PVC or Polyethylene pipes to
any new or existing manholes, catch basins or inlets. All manhole adapters for PVC
and Polyethylene pipe shall be of a style as required and manufactured for the
specific application with sufficient tangent at the ends to allow for proper joint
connections. Field fabrication manhole adapters will not be permitted. All manhole
adapters to be provided on this project must have approval from the Engineer in
writing before being installed on this project.
7-05.3(1) ADJUSTING MANHOLES & CATCH BASINS TO GRADE............ Supplement
Adjustment shall also be in accordance with Standard Detail No. TRAFFIC-12
(Adjustment of New and Existing Utility Structures to Finish Grade) in Appendix A
of this document. Manholes or catch basins shall not be adjusted until the asphalt
paving is completed, at which time the center of each structure shall be carefully
relocated from references previously established by the Contractor. The pavement
shall be cut in a restricted area and the base material removed to permit removal of
the frame or ring. The structure shall be adjusted to finish street grade. Temporary
access to manholes, catch basins, and water valves shall be provided as soon as
practical after paving.
The frame or ring shall be placed on concrete blocks and/or wedged up to the desired
grade. The asphalt concrete pavement shall be cut and removed, the dimensions of
which shall be equal to the inside dimensions of the opening plus 2 feet. The base
materials and crushed rock shall be removed and Class 3000 cement concrete shall
be placed so that the entire volume of the excavation is replaced to within, but not to
exceed 6 inches of the finished pavement surface. Once manholes or catch basins
have been adjusted to finished grade and the cement concrete backfill has cured (the
day following placing the cement concrete), the asphalt concrete class B patches
shall be placed and compacted with hand tampers and a patching roller within 48
hours or as directed by the engineer. A quick setting admixture shall be added to the
cement concrete backfill.
7-05.3(2) ABANDON EXISTING MANHOLES ..................................................... Revision
Replace “manhole” with “manhole or catch basin” in each instance.
7-05.3(3) CONNECTIONS TO EXISTING MANHOLES .................................. Supplement
Where shown in the plans or as directed by the Engineer, new storm drain lines shall
be extended to connect to an existing manhole or catch basin. The pipe extension
shall be the same diameter as the existing pipe. Dissimilar pipes shall be joined per
Section 7-08.3(2)G (Jointing of Dissimilar Pipe) of these Special Provisions.
Project Number CP1122 7-5 Special Provisions
30th Street NE Area Flooding, Phase 1
7-05.3(5) CHANNELS FOR MANHOLES ........................................................ New Section
Channels for manholes shall be made to conform accurately to the sewer grade, and
shall be brought together smoothly with well-rounded junctions. Channel sides shall
be carried up vertically to the crown elevation of the various pipes, and the concrete
shelf between channels shall be smoothly finished and warped evenly with slopes to
drain in accordance with WSDOT Standard Plans No. B-15.20-01, B-15.40-01, and
Channels for manholes shall be constructed with non-shrinking mortar. Mortar shall
be composed of approximately one part Type II Portland Cement, 1½ to 2 parts
sand, and 2 to 3 fluid ounces of water-reducing retarder per sack of cement. Sand,
cement, and water shall be as specified for concrete. Water-reducing retarder shall
meet ASTM C494 specification for chemical admixture for concrete.
7-05.5 PAYMENT .............................................................................................. Supplement
Payment will be made in accordance with Section 1-04.1 (Intent of the Contract) for
the following bid items:
Catch Basin Type 1 Per Each
Catch Basin Type 2, 48- Inch Diam. Per Each
Catch Basin Type 2, 72- Inch Diam. Per Each
Manhole 72-Inch Diam., Type 3 Per Each
Manhole 96-Inch Diam., Type 3 Per Each
Connect to Drainage Structure Per Each
Abandon Existing Manhole Per Each
Adjust Manhole Per Each
Adjust Catch Basin Per Each
The unit contract price per each for manholes, catch basins, and other structures
listed in this section shall be full pay for all work to complete the installation
including structure excavation, installation of bedding and backfill, cleaning, testing
and flushing, and extension and connection of existing pipe, channel installation, and
to complete final adjustment to finish grade.
Also see Section 2-09.3(3)D (Shoring and Cofferdams) for “Shoring or Extra
Excavation Class B” and Section 7-08 (General Pipe Installation Requirements) for
foundation material and imported bedding and backfill materials.
The unit contract prices for “Adjust Manhole”, “Adjust Catch Basin”, and “Adjust
Utility Box Cover” shall be full pay for all work including providing all materials
(including asphalt concrete patches), equipment and labor to adjust structures.
Project Number CP1122 7-6 Special Provisions
30th Street NE Area Flooding, Phase 1
The unit contract prices per each for “Connect to Drainage Structure” shall be full
pay for all work to complete the connection to existing drainage structure or existing
drainage pipe, including but not limited to: coring the existing structure, cutting the
existing pipe, repairs needed to restore the pipe to used, sealing the new connections,
materials, labor, and equipment.
Abandon of existing catch basin will be paid under “Abandon Existing Manhole.”
7-07.5 PAYMENT ............................................................................................. Replacement
Cleaning shall be considered incidental to the cost of the project. See also Section 1-
07 (Legal Relations and Responsibilities to the Public) in this document for pollution
control requirements.
7-08.1 DESCRIPTION ...................................................................................... Replacement
This information shall cover the general requirements for installing culverts, storm
sewers, sanitary sewers, and water mains. The Contractor shall also follow all
provisions of Sections 7-02 (Culverts), 7-04 (Storm Sewers), 7-09 (Water Mains), 7-
17 (Sanitary Sewers), and 1-07.23 (Public Convenience and Safety) as it applies to
the specific kind of work.
7-08.2 MATERIALS ......................................................................................... Replacement
Imported bedding, backfill and foundation materials shall meet the requirements of
the following sections:
Bedding Materials and Select Trench
9-03.9(3) (Crushed Surfacing)
Foundation Material 9-03.17 (Foundation Material, Class A)
Trench Backfill 9-03.19 (Bank Run Gravel for Trench
9-03.14(1) (Gravel Borrow)
Controlled Density Fill 2-09.3(1)E (Backfilling)
7-08.3 CONSTRUCTION REQUIREMENTS ...................................................Supplement .
All pipes shall be installed per the trench detail(s) shown on the plans or in
Appendix A.
Project Number CP1122 7-7 Special Provisions
30th Street NE Area Flooding, Phase 1
All references in this section (7-08) to the Standard Plan shall refer to the trenching
detail(s) shown on the plans or in Appendix A.
7-08.3(1)A TRENCHES .......................................................................................... Revision
The Second Sentence of the Third Paragraph is deleted and replaced with the
Extra Excavation Class B will not be allowed above the top of the pipe zone and
shoring is required for all excavations on the project. Shoring is the responsibility of
the Contractor and must meet the requirements of Section 2-09.3(3)D (Shoring and
The First Sentence of the Eighth Paragraph is deleted and replaced with the
If any of the excavated (also referred to as native) material meets the specifications
of material listed in Section 7-08.2 (Materials), the Engineer may require that such
material, in the quantity required, be selectively removed, stockpiled separately, and
used as pipe bedding, foundation material, or trench backfill instead of the quantities
of pipe bedding, foundation material, or trench backfill respectively.
7-08.3(1)B SHORING ........................................................................................ Supplement
The requirements of the Occupational Safety and Health Act (OSHA) and the
Washington Industrial Safety and Health Act of 1973 (WISHA), Chapter 296-155
WAC, and RCW Chapter 49.17, shall apply to all excavation, trenching and ditching
operations on this project. All trenches four (4) feet and over in depth shall be
shored in compliance with applicable Federal and State regulations. Extra
Excavation Class B will not be allowed.
7-08.3(1)C BEDDING THE PIPE ....................................................................... Supplement
Delete first sentence of the second paragraph and replace with the following:
Pipe bedding shall be per the trench detail(s) shown on the plans, or shown in
Appendix A, or as directed by the Engineer.
7-08.3(2)B PIPE LAYING - GENERAL ............................................................. Supplement
The Contractor shall use neat, vertical full-depth saw cuts for trenching through
existing asphalt or cement concrete pavement surfaced areas.
Project Number CP1122 7-8 Special Provisions
30th Street NE Area Flooding, Phase 1
All pipes shall be neatly cut using an approved mechanical cutter without causing
damage to the pipe.
7-08.3(2)G JOINTING OF DISSIMILAR PIPE .................................................. Supplement
Where new pipe is connected to existing pipe, the Contractor shall verify the type of
existing pipe and join pipes with a pipe adapter specifically manufactured for joining
the pipes involved or as directed by the Engineer.
7-08.3(2)L DEWATERING TRENCHES .......................................................... New Section
Where water is encountered in the trench, it shall be removed during pipe-laying
operations and the trench so maintained until the ends of the pipe are sealed and
provisions are made to prevent floating of the pipe. Trench water or other
deleterious materials shall not be allowed to enter the pipe at any time.
All “Normal Trench Dewatering” work associated with maintaining a trench suitable
for pipeline construction will be incidental and included in other items of work.
“Normal Trench Dewatering” is defined as dewatering methods occurring in, or
directly adjacent to, the trench, including trash pumps, sump pumps, or other
methods in the excavated areas. “Normal Trench Dewatering” does not include a
dewatering system such as well points, well screens, or deep wells.
Dewatering may be required for this project. See Section 8-05 for dewatering
system requirements. Where groundwater cannot be removed using “Normal Trench
Dewatering” methods, the dewatering system will be used to lower the water table 2
feet below the depth of excavation. The dewatering plan must be received ten (10)
calendar days prior to dewatering operations and approved by the Engineer before
underground utility installation begins.
7-08.3(3) BACKFILLING .................................................................................. Supplement
Unless otherwise shown in the plans “Select Pipe Trench Backfill” shall be used
where trenches are excavated across existing paved streets.
Unless otherwise shown in the plans “Controlled Density Fill” shall be used where
trenches are transverse to major arterial roadways. The Engineer may require
“Controlled Density Fill” where uniform compaction around other utilities,
foundations or other fixed objects is not possible.
7-08.3(3)A VERTICAL CLEARANCE BETWEEN UTILITY LINES .............. New Section
Where the vertical clearance between adjacent storm drainage lines, water or
sanitary sewer lines is 2 inches to 6 inches a pipe mitigation measure is required
between the two pipes as directed by the Engineer, which may include a cushion of
Project Number CP1122 7-9 Special Provisions
30th Street NE Area Flooding, Phase 1
crushed rock or controlled density fill. All costs necessary to furnish and install the
pad shall be considered incidental to pipe laying.
7-08.3(4) PLUGGING EXISTING PIPE ............................................................ Replacement
All existing pipes shown on the plans or designated by the Engineer to be abandoned
shall be plugged on the inlet and outlet ends for a dist ance of three times the
diameter with Class 3000 cement concrete. Care shall be used in placing the
concrete in the pipe to ensure that the openings are completely filled and thoroughly
All existing pipes shown on the plans or designated by the Engineer to be filled shall
be filled with controlled density fill (CDF) for the entire length of pipe specified.
7-08.3(5) PIPE TRENCH RESTORATION ....................................................... New Section
Trenches excavated as part of a new street construction shall be completed to
subgrade before placing surfacing materials and sidewalks. Final restoration will be
completed with the street surfacing.
In existing streets, sidewalks and other native or landscaped areas, the restoration
shall be to a minimum of the existing adjacent surfaces. Asphalt and cement
concrete pavement, sidewalks, etc., shall be replaced upon a firm unyielding base to
match existing surface thickness as directed by the Engineer. The minimum asphalt
concrete pavement repair section shall be two (2) inches thick.
7-08.4 MEASUREMENT .................................................................................. Supplement
Measurement for “Imported Pipe Trench Backfill”, “Select Pipe Trench Backfill”,
“Imported Pipe Bedding” and “Pipe Foundation Material” will be by the ton.
“Controlled Density Fill (CDF) for Filling Pipe” will be measured by the cubic yard.
Trench Shoring System will be measured by the Square Foot. Area of payment will
be one vertical plane measured along the centerline of the trench, including
structures. Measurement will be made from the existing ground line to the bottom of
the excavation for the length of the trench actually performed
7-08.5 PAYMENT ............................................................................................. Replacement
Payment will be made in accordance with Section 1-04.1 (Intent of the Contract) for
the following bid items:
Pipe Foundation Material Per Ton
Imported Pipe Bedding Per Ton
Project Number CP1122 7-10 Special Provisions
30th Street NE Area Flooding, Phase 1
Select Pipe Trench Backfill Per Ton
Imported Pipe Trench Backfill Per Ton
Controlled Density Fill (CDF) for Filling Pipe Per Cubic Yard
Trench Shoring System Per Square Foot
The unit contract price for “Pipe Foundation Material”, “Imported Pipe Bedding”,
“Select Pipe Trench Backfill,” “Imported Pipe Trench Backfill”, “shall include all
costs associated furnishing the material and all costs associated with the over-
excavation and disposal of the surplus and unsuitable trench excavation replaced by
these items.
The unit contract price for “Controlled Density Fill (CDF) for Filling Pipe” shall
include all costs associated with furnishing and placing the material, including labor
and equipment.
All costs associated with trenching, installing bedding and backfill materials within a
trench, disposal of surplus trench excavation, general pipe installation work
including “Normal Trench Dewatering,” plugs and connections, and plugging
existing pipes for abandonment shall be included in the unit contract price for the
type and size of pipe installed.
“Structure Excavation Class B” and “Structure Excavation Class B Including Haul”
for pipe trenching in accordance with all provisions of Section 2-09 (Structure
Excavation) shall be included in the unit contract price for the type and size of pipe
Payment for pipe trench restoration will be made under the applicable items listed in
the Proposal Form. If no pay items for the materials required for the trench
restoration are included in the bid proposal, pipe trench restoration shall be included
in the unit contract price for the type and size of pipe installed.
The unit contract price for Trench Shoring System shall include all costs associated
with designing, furnishing, and .installing the system in accordance with
requirements of Section 2-09.
7-09.1 DESCRIPTION ....................................................................................... Supplement
The Contractor shall also follow the requirements of Section 7-08 (General Pipe
Installation Requirements).
7-09.3(10) BACKFILLING TRENCHES............................................................ Supplement
Project Number CP1122 7-11 Special Provisions
30th Street NE Area Flooding, Phase 1
Water mains shall be installed with 42-inch minimum finished pipe cover, unless the
Engineer determines less cover is adequate where existing facilities, not to be
relocated, might interfere with the pipe laying operation.
7-09.3(13) HANDLING OF THE PIPE............................................................... Supplement
Strict adherence to the requirements preventing debris from entering the pipe will be
required, including plugging of pipe during transport, storage, and placement. If, in
the opinion of the Engineer, any pipe or fitting has been installed with dirt, foreign
material, or diesel residue in it, it shall be removed, cleaned, and re-laid at
Contractor expense.
7-09.3(19) CONNECTIONS.
7-09.3(19)A CONNECTIONS TO EXISTING MAINS ...................................... Supplement
The Contractor shall field verify all existing piping, dimensions, and elevations to
ensure proper fit prior to any connections being made to existing mains.
7-09.3(19)B MAINTAINING SERVICE ............................................................ Supplement
Water main shut-offs shall be in accordance with Section 1-07.17(1) (Disruption to
City Water Services).
7-09.3(19)C MECHANICAL JOINT RESTRAINT SYSTEM ........................... New Section
Restrainers shall be manufactured of ductile iron and shall meet or exceed all the
requirements of ANSI A21.11 (A WW A C 111) and ASTM A536. The restrainer
system shall provide anchoring ductile iron pipe and fittings, valves and PVC pipe to
mechanical joint pipe or fittings, or bell to spigot PVC pipe joints. The restrainer
shall accommodate the full working pressure rating of the pipe plus surge allowance.
In the assembly of the restrain device, the Contractor shall tighten the bolts to the
correct torque range as recommended by the restraint manufacturer. The restrainers
shall be painted black for ductile iron pipe and painted red for PVC pipe
applications. The restraining device shall not damage or lower the working pressure
of the pipe installed. Restrainers shall be properly stored to minimize sand and debris
build-up. Specifically, the twist-off-screws and associated threads shall be clean
(free of sand) prior to installation.
Restrainer specifically for DI pipe may be restrained by utilizing a joint restraint
gasket which includes a stainless steel locking segment vulcanized into the rubber
gasket. The gasket shall be rated for operating pressures up to 250 psi based on the
performance requirements of ANSI/ A WW A C 111/ A21.11.
Project Number CP1122 7-12 Special Provisions
30th Street NE Area Flooding, Phase 1
7-09.3(21) CONCRETE THRUST BLOCKING ................................................. Supplement
All bends, tees, dead-ends and crosses shall be blocked in accordance with Standard
Detail No. WATER-01 (Water Main Blocking) or anchored in accordance with
WSDOT Standard Plan B-90.40-00 in Appendix A of this document.
Where trench conditions are such that thrust restraint is not accomplishable with
concrete, the Contractor shall provide restrained joints in accordance with Section 9-
30.2(6) (Restrained Joints) to replace or supplement concrete blocking or anchors
and any such costs thereof shall be incidental. Supplement and replacement
restrained joints shall be provided as recommended by the manufacturer and
approved by the Engineer.
7-09.3(22) BLOWOFF ASSEMBLIES .............................................................. Replacement
Blow off assemblies shall be constructed at the locations shown on the Plans and in
accordance with Standard Detail No. WATER-03 (2” Permanent Blowoff Assembly
Detail) in Appendix A of this document.
7-09.3(23) HYDROSTATIC PRESSURE TEST ................................................. Supplement
Add the following sentence at the beginning of the first paragraph:
Hydrostatic tests shall be made on all new pipeline in accordance with the applicable
portions of this Standard Specification and ANSI/AWWA C600, except as modified
in this document.
Add the following sentence between the first and second sentence of the first
Test pressures shall not exceed the rated pressure of the valves when the pressure
boundary of the test section includes closed, resilient-seated gate valves or butterfly
Add the following sentence at the end of the second paragraph:
Sections of pipe between valves shall be pressure tested immediately upon
completion of each section. Each section shall be immediately backfilled upon the
Engineer approving the hydrostatic pressure test results.
7-09.3(24) DISINFECTION OF WATER MAINS .............................................. Supplement
The City will take bacteriological test samples. The Contractor shall insert
corporation stops in the main at all locations required to take bacteriological test
samples. If original test samples prove unsatisfactory, a charge of $20.00 will be
made for processing each additional sample.
Project Number CP1122 7-13 Special Provisions
30th Street NE Area Flooding, Phase 1
7-09.3(24)J PREVENTING REVERSE FLOW .................................................. Supplement
Prior to beginning the water main installation the Contractor shall prepare a plan
showing the intended method, in detail, which will be incorporated to insure the
prevention of reverse flows from entering the existing distribution system. The plan
shall meet the requirement of WAC 246-902-490.
The Contractor shall consider this plan as a submittal, and submit it per the
specifications in Section 1-06 (Submittals). The Engineer must approve this plan
prior to the Contractor starting work on the water main.
7-09.3(24)N FINAL FLUSHING AND TESTING .............................................. Supplement
Accomplish line flushing in accordance with the latest provisions of AWWA C601.
Flush all dead end mains with a temporary blow off in conformance with the
Standard Detail
No. WATER-04 (Temporary Blow Off Detail) in Appendix A of this document and
as directed by the Engineer. The Contractor is responsible for disposal of water
flushed from the line. An approved bacteriological test is required before connection
to the existing system. The City will measure water consumed for flushing.
7-09.4 MEASUREMENT................................................................................... Supplement
Measurement for payment of “Connect to Existing Water Main” will be per each.
7-09.5 PAYMENT ............................................................................................. Supplement
Payment will be made in accordance with Section 1-04.1 (Intent of the Contract) for
the following bid items:
Connect to Existing Water Main. Per Each
Special Class 52 Ductile Iron Pipe for Water Main 8-Inch Diam. Per Linear Foot
Special Class 52 Ductile Iron Pipe for Water Main 12-Inch Diam. Per Linear Foot
Blowoff Assembly, 2-Inch. Per Each
The unit contract price per linear foot for furnishing and placing water pipe of the
size, type and class specified shall constitute full compensation for all labor,
materials and equipment required for furnishing pipe and fittings, excavating,
placing, thrust blocking, flushing, placing backfill, testing, and disinfecting these
items, complete in place and ready for use and including extra depth excavation and
added work, where required, to place pipe under ditches, streams, and utilities.
The unit contract price per each for “Connection to Existing Water Main” shall
include all costs for furnishing labor, materials, and equipment necessary to cut into
Project Number CP1122 7-14 Special Provisions
30th Street NE Area Flooding, Phase 1
the main and make the connection complete in place including verification of
existing condition, temporary blocking, capping, t emporary blow offs and other
items required for testing including all required notifications to water users of
disruptions to their service.
The cost of valve assemblies shall be paid for under separate bid items.
Where bolted flanged joint pipe is used on this project, the flange shall be attached to
“Special Class 53 D.I. Pipe” and payment will be at the same rate as the unit contract
price for “Special Class 52 D.I. Pipe”, unless otherwise specified.
7-12.3(2) ADJUST VALVE BOXES ................................................................. New Section
“Adjust Valve Box” shall be in accordance with Standard Detail No. TRAFFIC-12
(Adjustment of New and Existing Utility Structures to Finish Grade) in Appendix A
of this document and the applicable portion of Section 7-05.3(1) (Adjusting
Manholes and Catch Basins to Grade).
ASSEMBLY ......................................................................................... New Section
“Combination Air Release/Air Vacuum Valve Assembly” shall be constructed at
locations shown on the plans and shall be a minimum of one (1) inch diameter in
accordance with Standard Detail No. WATER-02 (Typical Air and Vacuum Relief
Valve Detail) in Appendix A of this document.
7-12.3(4) VALVE WRENCH EXTENSION BOX ............................................. New Section
The Contractor shall provide for valve wrench extension box in accordance with
Standard Detail No. WATER-18 (Valve Wrench Extension Box) for deep buried
valves, where directed by the Engineer. Install “Valve Wrench Extension Box”
where the valve nut will exceed 48 inches below the top of the finished valve box
and finish grade for this project.
Payment for valve wrench extension box will be considered incidental to the unit
contract price for “Gate Valve, __ inch Diam.”.
7-12.5 PAYMENT .............................................................................................. Supplement
Payment will be made in accordance with Section 1-04.1 (Intent of the Contract) for
the following bid items:
Project Number CP1122 7-15 Special Provisions
30th Street NE Area Flooding, Phase 1
Gate Valve, 12- Inch Per Each
Combination Air Release/Air Vacuum Valve Assembly Per Each
Adjust Value box Per Each
The unit contract price per each for the valve specified shall be full pay for all work
to furnish and install the valve complete in place on the water main, including
trenching, jointing, blocking of valve, painting, disinfecting, hydrostatic testing,
valve box, valve wrench extension box, and marker post.
The unit contract prices for “Adjust Valve Box” shall be full pay for all work
including providing all materials (including asphalt concrete patches), equipment
and labor to lower the structure before planning (if the Contractor elects) and adjust
structures to finish grade after the overlay is complete.
7-14.3 CONSTRUCTION REQUIREMENTS .................................................... Supplement
A type 2BB Blue Raised Pavement Marker(s) is required at each hydrant location.
Location of the blue marker shall be 1-foot offset of centerline in the direction of the
hydrant at each hydrant location and as directed by the Engineer. Hydrants located
within 50-feet of the curb face of an intersection shall be marked on both streets. The
reflective surfaces of the raised pavement markers shall be perpendicular to the flow
of traffic. The Raised Pavement Markers shall be installed in accordance with
Section 8-09 (Raised Pavement Markers).
7-14.3(1) SETTING HYDRANTS ..................................................................... Replacement
Where shown in the plans, the “Hydrant Assembly” shall be installed perpendicular
to the supply main in accordance with Standard Detail No. WATER-07 (5 ¼”
M.V.O. Hydrant Setting Detail) in Appendix A of this document. A 6-inch resilient-
wedge gate valve with valve box in accordance with Section 7-12 (Valves for Water
Mains) shall be installed on each hydrant supply line.
All hydrants shall be inspected upon delivery in the field to ensure proper working
order. After installation, fire hydrants, auxiliary gate valves, and other
appurtenances thereto shall be subjected to a hydrostatic test and disinfection
procedures as specified in Section 7-09 (Water Mains).
After installation each hydrant shall receive 2 field-coats of paint. The first coat
shall be Formula B-1-57 iron oxide, and the second coat shall be Safety Yellow
Enamel conforming to Federal Specification TT-E-489C Enamel, Alkyd, Gloss,
Project Number CP1122 7-16 Special Provisions
30th Street NE Area Flooding, Phase 1
Federal Color No. 1063. The outside surface below the ground shall be coated with
asphalt varnish.
During the chlorination process for the newly laid pipe, all valves associated with
each “Hydrant Assembly” shall be operated while the pipeline is filled with the
chlorinating agent and under normal operating pressure.
Any hydrant not in service shall be identified by covering with a burlap or plastic
bag properly secured.
7-14.5 PAYMENT ............................................................................................. Replacement
Payment will be made in accordance with Section 1-04.1 (Intent of the Contract) for
the following bid items:
Hydrant Assembly Per Each
The unit contract price per each for “Hydrant Assembly” shall be full pay for all
work to furnish and install fire hydrant assemblies, including all costs for valves,
restrain systems, tees, tie rods, concrete blocks, gravel, painting, type 2BB pavement
marker(s), connecting to the water main, and all pipe required for the complete
installation of the hydrant assembly.
7-15.2 MATERIALS .......................................................................................... Supplement
Saddles (1½ inch & 2 inch services) 9-30.6(1) (Saddles)
Corporation Stops 9-30.6(2) (Corporation Stops)
Service Pipe & Tail Piece 9-30.6(3) (Service Pipes)
Meter Setters (Yoke) 9-30.6(5) (Meter Setters)
Meter Stops 9-30.6(5)A (Meter Stops)
Meter Check Valves 9-30.6(5)B (Meter Check Valves)
Curb Valves 9-30.6(5)C (Curb Valves)
Meter Boxes 9-30.6(7) (Meter Boxes)
Shutoff Valve Assembly 9-30.6(8) (Shutoff Valve Assembly)
7-15.3 CONSTRUCTION REQUIREMENTS .................................................... Supplement
Supplement this section with the following:
Water service connections shall be installed where shown on the drawings or where
directed by the Engineer in accordance with these documents and Standard Details,
WATER-13, WATER-14 and WATER-16, listed in Appendix A of this document.
Multiple service connections to the same main must be made with a 2 foot minimum
Project Number CP1122 7-17 Special Provisions
30th Street NE Area Flooding, Phase 1
separation at the main and be staggered horizontally, so that adjacent services are at
differing elevations along the pipe. The shutoff valve as shown in the WATER-13,
WATER-14 and WATER-16 Standard Details shall be installed as indicated in the
detail. Meter box and water meters shall not be placed in locations which are
subjected to vehicular traffic (including driveways, etc.) unless approved by the
Engineer and a traffic bearing meter box is provided. Tail pieces (that portion of the
service line between the meter and the property line) shall be furnished and installed
and shall be of the same material and size as the service line. Connection of the tail
piece to the service line from the building shall be made with compression couplings
or capped as appropriate. Service pipes shall be installed without joints from the
water main to the curb valve near or within the meter box. Tailpieces shall also be
installed without joints from the water meter outlet to its termination (18 inches
minimum beyond the meter but not beyond the right-of-way line). The existing ¾-
inch water meter shall be reinstalled to the new meter setter once the new 1-inch
service line, meter setter, and tailpiece, have been installed and the new meter box
has been adjusted to grade.
All new materials (service line, meter setter, tailpiece, and meter box) shall be used
for water meter relocations. Materials shall match existing size unless otherwise
shown on the plans.
7-15.4 MEASUREMENT ................................................................................... Supplement
Water Service Connection Renewal will be measured per each complete service
7-15.5 PAYMENT .............................................................................................. Supplement
Payment will be made in accordance with Section 1-04.1 (Intent of the Contract) for
the following bid items:
Water Service Connection Renewal Per Each
The unit contract price for each size of "Water Service Connection Renewal" shall
be per each, in place, and shall be full compensation for all labor, equipment and
materials necessary to renew existing water services, including new service line,
from the main to the meter, curb valve, meter yoke with angle check valve and angle
valve, meter box, tailpiece, and reconnecting the existing service.
Project Number CP1122 7-18 Special Provisions
30th Street NE Area Flooding, Phase 1
7-17.2 MATERIALS ......................................................................................... Replacement
Materials shall be in accordance with following Sections:
Solid Wall Polyvinyl Chloride (PVC) Pipe,
9-05.12(1) (Solid Wall PVC Culvert Pipe,
Solid Wall PVC Storm Sewer Pipe, and
Solid Wall PVC Sanitary Sewer Pipe)
Ductile Iron Pipe, Special Class 52 9-30.1(1) (Ductile Iron Pipe)
The laying length for PVC (SDR-35) shall not exceed 14 feet.
7-17.3 CONSTRUCTION REQUIREMENTS ......................................................... Revision
7-17.3(1) PROTECTION OF EXISTING SEWAGE FACILITIES ..................... Supplement
Connections to the existing system shall be plugged during the entire period of sewer
construction to prevent dirt, water, and debris from entering the existing system
7-17.3(1)A SEWER LINE CONNECTIONS ..................................................... New Section
7-17.3(2) CLEANING AND TESTING .............................................................. Supplement
7-17.3(2)A GENERAL ......................................................................... Revision/Supplement
Delete the first paragraph and replace with the following:
Sewers and appurtenances, where required in the Plans, shall be cleaned and tested
after backfilling by the low pressure air method except if the Engineer approves
hydrostatic testing of short sections of small diameter pipe.
Insert the following sentence between the first and second sentences of the last
Special sealants shall not be used to seal leaks and the use of any such materials will
be cause for rejection of the sewer lines.
Insert the following paragraph at the end of this section:
Before final acceptance, the Contractor shall have all sewer lines inspected by the
use of a television camera, utilizing a City approved private inspection services. An
approved list of inspection services may be obtained from the Engineer. Manholes
and other structures shall be cleaned and tested per Section 7-07 (Cleaning Existing
Drainage Structures).
Project Number CP1122 7-19 Special Provisions
30th Street NE Area Flooding, Phase 1
7-17.3(2)C INFILTRATION TEST.......................................................................... Revision
In the second paragraph,
“Maximum leakage (in gallons per hour)” = 0.16 x √H x D x L
√6 100
If the test shows zero leakage after a five minute test time, the Engineer has the
authority to accept and end the test immediately.
Cleaning and testing of pipes and structures shall be incidental to the pipe and
structure bid item.
7-17.3(2)H TELEVISION INSPECTION .......................................................... Replacement
Before final acceptance, the City shall require all sewer lines to be inspected by the
use of a television camera, utilizing City approved private inspection services.
After completion of the following, authorization from the City shall be required
before the Contractor can perform the initial television camera work:
1. The acceptable placement of applicable pipe, ballast, bedding, and backfill
2. The acceptable completion of all applicable channels and grout work.
3. The acceptable debris removal, cleaning, and flushing of all applicable pipes
and structures.
The television inspection requirements shall include the provisions of:
1. A color DVD television camera with a pan and tilt capacity in order to view
all main lines, lateral lines, and structures including channels.
2. A dye solution to be introduced in sufficient quantity to travel from the
structure that is the highest point of inspection to the downstream terminus of
the inspection limits. Red or purple dye shall be used for PVC pipe and
green dye for ductile iron and concrete pipe.
3. A one-inch reference ball to be mounted to the camera in order to drag along
the bottom of the pipe during the entire inspection procedure.
4. Linear measure references to be measured from the center of the beginning
structure to the center of the next inline structure and include t he direction of
flow. The locations of lateral pipes and all distinctive pipe conditions shall
be referenced to the centerline of the beginning structure. All structure
Project Number CP1122 7-20 Special Provisions
30th Street NE Area Flooding, Phase 1
references shall utilize the designated structure reference numbers shown on
the plans.
The following television inspection information shall be provided to the City:
1. A clear DVD which encompasses the limits of the inspection area and
including all reference data as described herein. The recorded reference time
and date for the start of each run shall also be indicated.
2. A written report shall be provided corresponding to the recorded inspection
and including all reference data as described herein. The report shall consist
of a written narrative of all distinctive pipe conditions including ponding
areas in excess of ¼ inch.
7-17.3(3) SANITARY SEWER CROSSING (through new storm structure)....... New Section
Where indicated in the Plans, the Contractor shall remove and replace portions of existing
sanitary sewer crossing pipe in conflict with the proposed storm drainage pipe. Contractor
shall excavate, and remove/dispose of a portion of the existing sanitary sewer crossing and
replace a new sanitary sewer pipe to extend through proposed new storm structure and re-
connect to the existing sanitary sewer pipe or structure in accordance to the details in the
plans. Existing sanitary sewer upstream flows shall be maintained at all time during pipe
removal and replacement.
7-17.4 MEASUREMENT ................................................................................... Supplement
Sanitary Sewer Crossing (through new storm manhole) will be measured per linear
7-17.5 PAYMENT .............................................................................................. Supplement
Payment will be made in accordance with Section 1-04.1 (Intent of the Contract) for
the following bid items:
8-inch Sanitary Sewer Crossing (through new storm structure) Per Linear Foot
12-inch Sanitary Sewer Crossing (through new storm structure) Per Linear Foot
The unit contract price per each for Sanitary Sewer Crossing (through new storm
structure) shall be full pay for furnishing new sewer pipe and assembling in place
the completed installation per the Contract Documents, including, removal and
disposal of existing sewer pipe; installation of new sewer pipe; connection fittings to
existing sewer pipes and manholes; joint materials and sewer pipe extension through
new storm structure; sewer pipe, sewer pipe bedding and backfill materials and
compaction; testing, and bypass pumping, if necessary.
Storm structure and installation will be paid under Catch Basin Type 2, 72-inch
Project Number CP1122 7-21 Special Provisions
30th Street NE Area Flooding, Phase 1
7-18.3 CONSTRUCTION REQUIREMENTS .................................................... Supplement
7-18.3(1) GENERAL .......................................................................................... Supplement
Side sewers shall be connected (where shown on the plans or directed by the
Engineer), using approved sewer saddle tees. Quantities of tees will vary depending
upon conditions encountered. All joints shall be approved rubber-gasketed joints
except the joint between the new and existing pipe that shall be made with approved
flexible transition couplings. Side sewers shall be installed to a minimum slope of
one percent or as shown on the plans unless otherwise directed by the Engineer and
shall be 6-inches diameter from the street sewer to the private property line. The
location of side sewers shall be marked at the end of the line inside the property, by a
pressure treated 4-foot long 2x4-inch board buried in the ground to a depth of 3-feet.
The lower side shall have a 2x4-inch cleat nailed to it to prevent withdrawal of the
stake. The exposed one-foot shall be painted traffic-yellow and the depth to the side
sewer or tee shall be indicated in black paint on the 2x4-inch board. In addition, a
length of 9-gauge galvanized wire shall extend from the plugged end of the side
sewer or tee to grade at the property line. The lower end of the wire shall be
securely fastened to a 1-foot length of 2x4-inch board placed near the plugged end of
the side sewer or tee. The upper end shall emerge at the 4-foot stake but shall not be
fastened to it. In addition, the letter ”S”, 2 inches high, shall be neatly imprinted in
the top of the curb before the concrete hardens to designate the side sewer location.
During construction in areas with more than one side sewer per structure, the
Contractor shall test each connected structure to verify which side sewer is used by
that structure. The test shall involve flushing every toilet or running every sink or
tub on each floor of each structure and directly observing which side sewer the
effluent discharges from. Only these side sewers shall be connected. All others are
to be abandoned in place per Section 7-08.3(4) (Plugging Existing Pipe).
Existing side sewers to be connected shall be trimmed to the limit of the right -of-
way except where otherwise shown on the plans and connected to the new sewer
with PVC SDR-35 with a diameter to match the existing side sewer or 6 inches,
whichever is greater.
The Contractor shall be responsible for verifying all City customers originally
connected to the sanitary sewer conveyance line are connected to the new sanitary
sewer conveyance line. Prior to project completion the Contractor shall document to
the City that all City customers have had their services re-established.
All pipes for side sewer and sewer stubs (pipes not ending in a manhole) shall be
adequately plugged or capped as directed by the Engineer.
Project Number CP1122 7-22 Special Provisions
30th Street NE Area Flooding, Phase 1
7-18.3 CONSTRUCTION REQUIREMENTS .................................................... Supplement
Where indicated on the Plans to relocate existing sanitary side sewer to
accommodate new improvements, the Contractor shall verify the existing plumbing
(elevations, alignment, etc.) and submit shop drawings to the City for approval prior
to construction. Customer’s sanitary sewer service shall be maintained at all time.
7-18.4 MEASUREMENT ................................................................................... Supplement
Measurement for “6 inch Diam. PVC Side Sewer with 6 inch Diam. PVC Cleanout
will be measured horizontally by the linear foot from the main through the cleanout
wye and to the connection point to the existing private service line. The length of
standpipe for the Cleanout will not be measured and shall be considered incidental to
this bid item.
7-18.5 PAYMENT .............................................................................................. Supplement
Payment will be made in accordance with Section 1-04.1 (Intent of the Contract) for
the following bid items:
6 Inch Diam. PVC Side Sewer with 6 Inch Diam. PVC Cleanout Per Linear Foot
The unit contract price per linear foot for “6 inch Diam. PVC Side Sewer with 6 inch
Diam. PVC Cleanout” shall be full pay for preparation of shop drawings, installation
and assembling in place the completed side sewer installation including all 6” PVC
cleanouts, connections, plugging, capping, pavement cutting, trenching, bedding and
select trench backfill material, and the completion of the installation to the required
lines and grades associated with the sanitary sewer conveyance line as shown in
Standard Details SEWER-01 and SEWER-02. The unit contract price shall also
include the removal and disposal of existing sanitary side sewer pipe.
Project Number CP1122 8-1 Special Provisions
30th Street NE Area Flooding, Phase 1
8-01.1 DESCRIPTION ....................................................................................... Supplement
The Contractor shall implement temporary erosion and sediment control (TESC)
measures as necessary to prevent erosion and to stop sediment -laden water from
leaving the site and entering the storm drain system. Measures shall be in
accordance with and conform to the City of Auburn Design Manual and these
Special Provisions. The Contractor shall construct all necessary elements and
provide other necessary materials, labor, and equipment.
Exposed slopes and excavations shall be protected. The Contractor shall maintain
and clean the facilities until final restoration has been placed and accepted. The
Contractor shall have adequate materials on the site to respond to weather changes
and shall modify the system to accommodate seasonal changes.
8-01.3(1)A SUBMITTALS ................................................................... Supplement/Revision
When a temporary erosion and sediment control (TESC) plan is not included in the
contract plans, the Contractor shall prepare a TESC plan and submit it to the
Engineer for approval prior to beginning construction. The TESC plan shall cover
all areas the Contractor’s work may affect both inside and outside the project limits.
When a Temporary Erosion and Sediment Control (TESC) Plan is included in the
Plans, the Contractor shall either adopt or modify the existing TESC Plan. If
modified, the Contractor's TESC Plan shall meet all requirements of the City of
Auburn Surface Water Management Manual (SWMM). The Contractor shall provide
a schedule for TESC Plan implementation and incorporate it into the Cont ractor’s
progress schedule. The Contractor shall obtain the Engineer’s approval of the TESC
Plan and schedule prior to the beginning of Work. The TESC Plan shall cover all
areas that maybe affected inside and outside the limits of the project (including al l
Contracting Agency-provided sources, disposal sites, and haul roads, and all nearby
land, streams, and other bodies of water).
The Contractor shall allow at least 5-working days for the Engineer to review any
original or revised TESC Plan. Failure to approve all or part of any such Plan shall
not make the Contracting Agency liable to the Contractor for any Work delays.
8-01.3(1)B EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL (ESC) LEAD ..................... Revision
(May 2012, City of Auburn)
The first sentence of the third paragraph shall be revised to read as follows:
Project Number CP1122 8-2 Special Provisions
30th Street NE Area Flooding, Phase 1
The ESC Lead shall inspect all areas disturbed by construction activities, all on-site
erosion and sediment control BMPs and all stormwater discharge points every
calendar week and within 24 hours of runoff events in which stormwater discharges
from the site or as directed by the Engineer.
The Contractor shall amend, revise, or replace the City provided Draft Storm Water
Pollution Prevention Plan, (Draft SWPPP), see Appendix C, to address the
Contractors specific means and methods of completing the work and to comply with
the Construction Stormwater Permit (General Permit) in Appendix C and the City’s
Surface Water Management Manual. The resulting document is the Storm Water
Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP).
The Contractor shall prepare and submit the SWPPP for City approval. Approval of
the SWPPP document is required prior to the beginning of any ground disturbing
activities. The Contractor shall allow at least five (5) working days for the
Engineer’s review of the SWPPP. Failure to approve all or part of any such plan
shall not make the Contracting Agency liable to the Contractor for any work delays.
The Contractor shall use, implement, modify, and document the approved SWPPP in
compliance with the General Permit. This work shall include, but is not be limited
to, the following:
Preparing, revising, maintaining the SWPPP in compliance with the General Permit;
Designing and planning, sediment control/erosion control measures, (BMPs), needed
to meet General Permit requirements;
Planning, performing and reporting of storm water monitoring.
Preparing and maintaining documentation required by the General Permit.
During construction, the Contractor shall modify the SWPPP to address specific site
conditions. The SWPPP and Contractor’s revisions shall consist of the Contractor’s
complete strategy to meet the requirements of the General Permit. The Contactor
shall include and modify as necessary the erosion control measures provided in the
Contract Plans. The Contractor shall review and modify the SWPPP as necessary to
be consistent with the actual work schedule, sequencing, and construction methods
that will be used on the project. The SWPPP and revisions shall meet the
requirements of the General Permit. The Contractor shall provide and maintain on-
site the standby equipment and materials to comply with the General Permit.
The SWPPP, including any Contractor revisions, shall document all the erosion and
sediment control Best Management Practices (BMPs) proposed, whether permanent
or temporary. The plan shall document installation procedures, materials,
Project Number CP1122 8-3 Special Provisions
30th Street NE Area Flooding, Phase 1
scheduling, and maintenance procedures for each erosion and sediment control
In addition, the SWPPP shall outline the procedures to be used to prevent high pH
stormwater or dewatering water from entering surface waters of the state. The plan
shall include how the pH of the water will be maintained in compliance with the
General Permit prior to being discharged from the project or entering surface waters.
SWPPP Contents
The SWPPP shall include narrative(s) and site plan(s) that address the following as
applicable to the Work:
Clearing Limits
Establishment of Construction Access
Flow Rate Controls
Sediment Controls
Soil Stabilization
Slope Protection
Drain Inlet Protection
Channels and Outlets Stabilization
Pollutant Controls
De-watering Control
Maintenance of Best Management Practices
Project Management
Protection of Low Impact Development Best Management Practices
The SWPPP will indicate discharge monitoring locations that shall also be clearly
marked in the field by the Contractor. The SWPPP will indicate the Contractor’s
process for controlling, monitoring, and reporting of turbidity and pH in discharges.
On-Site Documentation
The Contractor shall collect, prepare, compile, and maintain hardcopies of the
following documents on-site at all times while work is underway and shall make
them available in accordance with the General Permit requirements:
Bound notebook #1 with a cover labeled “SWPPP Documents”, with the following
contents separated by labeled tabbed dividers:
Permit Coverage Letter
Construction Stormwater General Permit
Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan
Erosion Control Plan
Bound notebook #2 with a cover labeled “SWPPP Site Log Book”, with the
following contents separated by tabbed dividers:
Erosion inspection reports.
SWPPP Modifications
Discharge Monitoring Reports (DMR)
Project Number CP1122 8-4 Special Provisions
30th Street NE Area Flooding, Phase 1
Spill Reports
Stormwater Monitoring Requirements
The Contractor shall conduct monitoring of discharges of stormwater runoff for
comparisons to benchmark values for turbidity and pH as described in the General
Permit. The Contractor shall provide weekly stormwater monitoring of the project
stormwater discharge locations for turbidity and pH as required in the General
Permit. The Contractor shall establish specific project sampling locations for
sampling and monitoring at each discharge location to determine background,
outfall, and downstream water quality conditions and provide these locations on a
map to be included in the SWPPP for approval.
The Contractor shall establish procedures that adapt to unanticipated events such as
severe storms, schedule adjustments, modified construction techniques, et c. to be
included in the SWPPP. Contractor shall submit any modifications to the procedures
to the Engineer for approval.
Contractor shall calibrate equipment according to manufacturers’ recommendations
and according to their specified schedule. If data appears suspect, the Contractor
shall perform additional calibrations immediately.
The Contractor shall complete all online reporting as required by the General Permit.
Turbidity and pH Exceedances
Following any exceedances of the turbidity or pH benchmarks, the Contractor shall
provide the following at no additional cost to the Contracting agency:
1. The necessary SWPPP revisions and on-site measures/revisions including
additional source control, BMP maintenance, and/or additional stormwater
treatment BMPs that are necessary to prevent continued exceedance of
turbidly and/or pH benchmarks.
2. The regulatory notification to the Dept of Ecology and to the Engineer of any
monitoring results requiring regulatory notification.
3. The additional daily sampling and reporting measures described in the
General Permit to verify when project site runoff is in compliance.
At no cost to the City, the Contractor shall be responsible for paying any fines levied
against the City for any failure by the Contractor to comply with the permit
requirements as listed in these specifications and as indicated in the permit(s)
included in Appendix C.
Project Number CP1122 8-5 Special Provisions
30th Street NE Area Flooding, Phase 1
8-01.3(1)G TEMPORARY WATER POLLUTION/EROSION ........................... CONTROL
INSTALLATION .................................................................................. New Section
This work consists of furnishing and installing all temporary water pollution and
erosion control items as detailed in the Contract Plans. If additional measures as
approved by the City are required beyond those shown in the Contract Plans, they
will be paid for under the unit cost bid item(s) determined by the Engineer to be
applicable, or, if the Engineer determines additional measures are not applicable to
unit cost bid item(s), the measures will be paid under the equitable adjustment bid
item for “Temporary Erosion and Sediment Control”.
8-01.5 PAYMENT .............................................................................................. Supplement
Payment will be made in accordance with Section 1-04.1 (Intent of the Contract) for
the following bid items:
General Permit Documentation Compliance Per Lump Sum
ESC Lead Per day
Inlet Protection Per Each
Silt Fence Installation and Removal Per Lineal Foot
High Visibility Fence Installation and Removal Per Lineal Foot
Temporary Water Pollution/Erosion Control Equitable Adjustment
Wattle Per Lineal Foot
Payment for “General Permit Documentation Compliance” per lump sum shall be all
costs associated with completing, maintaining, and updating of the SWPPP
documents and for the completion of the required monitoring and reporting shall be
included in the lump sum unit price for “General Permit Documentation
Payment for “Temporary Water Pollution/Erosion Control” will be per Section 1-
09.4 (Equitable Adjustment) of these Special Provisions. Payment for “Temporary
Water Pollution/Erosion Control” shall be for all TESC elements required for the
project that do not have a specific bid item provided, including development of the
TESC Plan and installation, maintenance, and removal of the TESC elements upon
project completion, final restoration, or as directed by the Engineer.
Payment for “Silt Fence Installation and Removal” shall include all costs to provide,
install, maintain, and remove silt fencing as required or as directed by the Engineer.
Project Number CP1122 8-6 Special Provisions
30th Street NE Area Flooding, Phase 1
8-02.3(1) RESPONSIBILITY DURING CONSTRUCTION............................... Supplement
Landscape construction is anticipated to begin after all curbs, sidewalks, rockeries,
utilities, and associated roadside work is completed.
The Contractor shall keep the premises clean, free of excess soils, plants, and other
materials, including refuse and debris, resulting from his work throughout the
planting operation. The Contractor shall maintain continuous pedestrian access and
shall not stockpile materials or park equipment in any manner that may create
hazards or obstacles to this access. At the end of each workday, and as each planting
area is completed, it shall be neatly dressed and all surrounding walks and paved
areas shall be cleaned to the satisfaction of the Engineer.
Cleaning by flushing into sewers will not be allowed. The Contractor shall remove
surplus soils, materials, and debris from the construction site and shall leave the
project in a clean condition at the conclusion of the work.
8-02.3(4)A TOPSOIL TYPE A ........................................................................... Supplement
Topsoil Type A is to be used for all planting and seeding areas and shall be tested in
an independent, certified soil testing lab to determine need for fertilizers and/or
amendments. Modify soil according to soil testing laboratory recommendations.
8-02.3(5) PLANTING AREA PREPARATION .................................................. Supplement
Upon approval of the subgrades by the engineer, topsoil shall be placed to required
depths for all seeded, sod, tree, shrub and groundcover areas. Topsoil and subgrade
material shall be cultivated to a depth of 6 inches. Cultivation of the soil shall be
done by farm disk, harrow, or other suitable equipment approved by the Engineer.
This operation should be done at right angles to the natural flow of water on slopes
unless otherwise directed by the Engineer. Remove rocks, roots, clods, stumps and
debris over 1 inch diameter. Lightly compact soil and establish a smooth and
uniform finished grade that protects against obstruction to surface drainage and
ponding. For bark mulched shrub and groundcover beds, finish grade prior to
placement of bark shall be 2 inches below top of adjacent finish grade.
Any exposed tree roots in cut slopes shall be neatly pruned at the finish grade and
the cuts treated with an approved sealer.
During sidewalk construction, any exposed tree or shrub roots shall be neatly pruned
at least 6 inches away from the proposed sidewalk and the cuts treated with an
approved sealer. Costs for pruning and treating exposed roots shall be considered
incidental to the Contract.
Project Number CP1122 8-7 Special Provisions
30th Street NE Area Flooding, Phase 1
8-02.3(5)A PLACEMENT OF TOPSOIL .......................................................... New Section
Topsoil shall be used to restore any landscape beds or planter areas disturbed by
construction within the right of way. Topsoil shall be evenly spread over all
cultivated planting and seeding areas to the following depths:
Seeded and lawn sod areas – 6 inch depth;
Shrub and groundcover areas – 6 inch depth unless otherwise shown on the plans.
Thoroughly incorporate amendments into topsoil by rototilling to a depth of 3 inches
in seeded areas and 5 inches in planting areas.
8-02.3(16)A LAWN INSTALLATION ................................................. Revision/Supplement
Lawn seeding will not be permitted on this project. “Lawn Sod” per Section 9-
14.6(8) (Sod) shall be laid smoothly in place in accordance with the typical
section(s) in the plans.
Prior to installing “Lawn Sod” all dry soil shall be moistened by sprinkling with
water. On sloped areas, the sod shall be laid with the long dimension parallel to the
toe or top of slope. The “Lawn Sod” shall be rolled and heavily watered by sprinkler
after placement.
8-02.3(16)B LAWN ESTABLISHMENT ........................................................... Supplement
The lawn establishment period shall begin immediately after all lawn planting has
been accepted by the engineer and shall continue for a per iod of 12 weeks after
physical completion.
The Contractor shall be responsible for watering and fertilizing the lawn areas during
the establishment period. 6-2-4 fertilizer shall be applied at 6-week intervals at the
rate of 1½ pounds of available nitrogen per 1,000 square feet per application during
the growing season of April through September.
After completion of the lawn establishment period, the Contractor shall request an
inspection by the Engineer. The Contractor shall correct all conditions
unsatisfactory to the Engineer within a 10-day period, weather permitting,
immediately following the inspection.
All costs associated with the lawn establishment period shall be considered
incidental to the Contract.
Project Number CP1122 8-8 Special Provisions
30th Street NE Area Flooding, Phase 1
8-02.3(16)C LAWN MOWING ................................................................................ Replace
Lawn mowing is not required on this project.
8-02.3(16)D FERTILIZER FOR SODDED AREA ............................................ New Section
Prior to placing sod, a 10-2-10 fertilizer shall be rototilled into the top 3 inches of the
soil at a rate of 4 pounds of available nitrogen per 1,000 square feet.
8-02.4 MEASUREMENT ..................................................................... Supplement/Revision
This section is supplemented as follows:
Topsoil Type “A” will be measured by the square yard for the surface area of the
landscape areas multiplied by the specified topsoil thickness for seeded and planting
areas, converted to cubic yards.
“Lawn Sod” will be measured by the square yard in place after installation of actual
lawn completed and accepted.
The last two paragraphs are deleted.
8-02.5 PAYMENT ................................................................................ Supplement/Revision
Payment will be made in accordance with Section 1-04.1 (Intent of the Contract) for
the following bid items:
Topsoil Type A Per Cubic Yard
Lawn Sod Per Square Yard
PSIPE Red Sunset Maple (Acre Rubrum), 2-inch Caliper Per Each
PSIPE Douglas Fir (Pseudotsuga Menziesii), 7-foot Height Per Each
The unit contract price per cubic yard for “Topsoil Type A” shall be full pay to
furnish and install Topsoil including all costs associated with preparing the Topsoil
for installation, for preparing the site prior to placement of the Topsoil including
removal of all excess material and debris, and for all costs associated with supplying
and using required soil amendments, and for furnishing all labor, tools, equipment,
and materials necessary to complete the work as specified.
The unit price per square yard for “Lawn Sod” shall be full pay for all costs
necessary for weed control within the area that the lawn sod is placed, to prepare the
area, sod the lawn, erect barriers, fertilize the sod, and establish lawn areas including
all required mowing, and for furnishing all labor, tools, equipment, and materials
necessary to complete the work as specified, including lawn establishment.
Project Number CP1122 8-9 Special Provisions
30th Street NE Area Flooding, Phase 1
Payment for lawn sod shall be made based on the following schedule:
85% After Initial Lawn Installation Acceptance
100% After Physical Completion
8-03.1 DESCRIPTION ....................................................................................... Supplement
This work also consists of the replacement and/or repair of existing irrigation
systems. Limits and location of existing irrigation systems are unknown but may
exists within the project limits.
8-03.2 MATERIALS .......................................................................................... Supplement
Washed sand shall meet the requirements of Section 9-03.8(4).
8-03.3 CONSTRUCTION REQUIREMENTS .................................................... Supplement
This section is supplemented as follows:
The Contractor shall submit catalog cuts of all heads, quick coupling valves and
controller to the Engineer for approval per the requirement of Section 1-06.7
(Submittals). See Section 9-15 (Irrigation System) for Materials.
Water service connections shall be made by the Contractor as indicated in the Plans
and such installations and equipment shall conform to the requirements set forth by
the Engineer.
8-03.3(3) PIPING.................................................................................. Revision/Supplement
(January 2010, City of Auburn)
This section is revised to read:
All water lines shall be a minimum of 18-inches below finished grade measured
from the top of the pipe or as shown in the Plans and shall be separated horizontally
and vertically by a minimum of 3-inches. All irrigation lines will be bedded with
sand to 3-inches below and on each side of the pipe. All live water mains to be
constructed under existing pavement shall be placed in steel casing jacked under
pavement as shown in the Plans. All PVC or polyethylene pipe installed under areas
to be paved shall be placed in irrigation sleeves. Irrigation sleeves shall extend a
minimum of 2-feet beyond the limits of pavement. All jacking operations shall be
performed in accordance with an approved jacking plan. Where possible; mains and
laterals or section piping shall be placed in the same trench. All lines shall be placed
a minimum of 3-feet from the edge of concrete sidewalks, curbs, guardrail, walls,
fences, or traffic barriers. Pipe pulling will not be allowed for installation and
placement of irrigation pipe.
Project Number CP1122 8-10 Special Provisions
30th Street NE Area Flooding, Phase 1
Mainlines and lateral lines shall be defined as follows:
Mainlines: All supply pipe and fittings between the water meter and the irrigation
control valves.
Lateral Lines: All supply pipe and fittings between the irrigation control valves and
the connections to the irrigation heads. Swing joints, thick walled PVC or
polyethylene pipe, flexible risers, rigid pipe risers, and associated fittings are not
considered part of the lateral line but incidental components of the irrigation heads.
This section is supplemented as follows:
Irrigation conduit shall be PVC pipe and be in accordance with Section 9-15.1(2)
(Polyvinyl Chloride Pipe and Fittings).
A. PVC Sleeves
All new piping and wiring to be installed under sidewalks and roadways shall be
placed in sleeves as specified in Section 9-15 (Irrigation System). Sleeves shall be
installed either by tunneling under existing surfaces or saw cutting and patching
surface to match existing condition.
B. PVC Pipe and Fittings
Due to the nature of PVC pipe and fittings, the Contractor shall exercise care in
handling, loading, unloading and storing to avoid damage. The pipe and fittings
shall be stored under cover and shall be transported in a vehicle with a bed long
enough to allow the length of pipe to lay flat, so as not to be subject to undue
bending or concentrated external load at any point. Any pipe that has been dented or
damaged shall be set aside until such damage has been cut out and the pipe is
rejoined with a coupling.
Solvent welded joints shall be given at least 15 minutes set-up time before moving or
handling. Pipe shall be partially center loaded to prevent arching and slipping. No
water shall be permitted in pipe until a period of at least 10 hours has elapsed for
solvent weld setting and curing.
Backfilling shall be done when pipe is not in an expanded condition due to heat or
pressure. Cooling of the pipe can be accomplished by operating the system for a
short time before backfilling, or by backfilling in the early part of the morning
before the heat of the day.
Before pressure testing, soluble weld joints shall be given at least 24 hours curing
No PVC pipe may be threaded or connected to a threaded fitting without an adapter.
The Contractor shall take great care to insure that the inside of the pipe is absolutely
clean. Any pipe ends not being worked on shall be protected and not left open.
C. Galvanized Pipe and Fittings
Project Number CP1122 8-11 Special Provisions
30th Street NE Area Flooding, Phase 1
All galvanized pipe, including risers and hose connections, shall be painted with at
least one coat of "Carbon Elastic Paint" to prevent acid corrosion. Cast fittings need
not be painted. Do not add any solvent to the paint. If the paint is too thick, heat
without applying direct flame. Care must be taken to thoroughly paint all male
treads. When painting is done before assembly, the paint should be touched up after
8-03.3(5) INSTALLATION ............................................................................... Supplement
This section is supplemented as follows:
Detectable marking tape shall be placed on all main and lateral lines, and elsewhere
as directed on the plans or by the Engineer.
8-03.3(6) ELECTRICAL WIRE INSTALLATION ............................................. Supplement
Splices shall be made with a dry-splice wire connector, PVC construction body and
snap-lock plug with copper crimp sleeve, three flapped openings for wires and sealer
packet such as Rainbird ST-03UL/PT-55 Snap-Tite, UL Wire Connectors and PT-55
Sealer System, Glendora, California or equal. Install per manufacturer’s
8-03.3(7) FLUSHING AND TESTING ............................................................... Supplement
This section is supplemented as follows:
Before backfilling and installation of automatic valve, all sprinkler lines with risers
inst alled and capped shall be flushed and pressure-tested at 150 psi with all joints
exposed. This pressure shall be maintained until all joints, fittings, and risers have
been inspected by the Engineer. Any leakage noted shall be corrected and the test
repeated until the system is watertight.
The final test must be performed and approved under the direction and supervision
of the Engineer.
The location, inspection and testing provisions of these specifications shall be
strictly adhered to. Any part of the sprinkler system backfilled before location,
testing, or approved inspection by the Engineer, will be completely uncovered and
exposed until approved for backfilling by the Engineer.
8-03.3(9) BACKFILL ......................................................................................... Supplement
Trenches under roads or paved areas shall be backfilled and tamped with a
mechanical tamper in successive 6 inch lifts. Paving shall be replaced to the
satisfaction of the Engineer. Jacking under paved areas will be allowed with
Engineer’s approval.
Project Number CP1122 8-12 Special Provisions
30th Street NE Area Flooding, Phase 1
Unless otherwise specified, trenches shall be deep enough to allow 18 inches cover
over sprinkler lines and 24 inches cover over supply lines. All trenches must be
straight and not have abrupt changes in grade. Bedding for irrigation lines shall be
washed sand from a minimum of 3-inches below to 3-inches above all irrigation
lines. Native material may be used as backfill for the remainder of the trench when
not in paved areas. Rocks larger than 3-inches in diameter shall be removed from
any native material used as backfill.
8-03.3(11) SYSTEM OPERATION ...................................................... Revision/Supplement
In the third paragraph, the last sentence is revised to read:
Potable water shall not flow through the cross-connection control device to any
downstream component until tested and approved for use by the City in accordance
with Section 8-03.3(12).
This section is supplemented as follows:
The Contractor shall perform sprinkler coverage tests to determine if coverage and
operation of the system is complete and satisfactory before the sprinkler system will
be accepted. If any part of the system is inadequate because of Contractor
workmanship or material, repairs or replacement shall be made at Contractor
expense and the test repeated until accepted by the Engineer.
This section is supplemented as follows:
Backflow preventer assembly shall be installed at location(s) shown on the plans.
8-03.3(13) IRRIGATION WATER SERVICE .................................................. Replacement
Water meter(s) will be installed at location(s) shown on the plans in accordance with
Section 7-15 (Service Connections).
8-03.3(14) IRRIGATION ELECTRICAL SERVICE ........................................ Replacement
Electrical service and or wires will be installed at location(s) shown on the plans in
accordance with Section 8-20.3(10) (Services transformer, Intelligent Transportation
System Cabinet).
8-03.5 PAYMENT .............................................................................................. Supplement
Payment will be made in accordance with Section 1-04.1 (Intent of the Contract) for
the following bid items:
Irrigation System Repair Equitable Adjustment
Project Number CP1122 8-13 Special Provisions
30th Street NE Area Flooding, Phase 1
The contract price per force account for “Irrigation System Repair” shall be full pay
for modifying existing systems where necessary in the field., including excavation,
backfilling, concrete foundations, piping, sprinkler heads, conduit, wiring, restoring
facilities destroyed or damaged during construction, salvaging existing materials,
and for making all required tests.
8-04.3 CONSTRUCTION REQUIREMENTS .................................................... Supplement
The letter “S”, 2-inches in height, shall be neatly imprinted into the top of the curb
before the concrete hardens at each side sewer location.
SPILLWAYS ...................................................................................................... Supplement
“Cement Concrete Traffic Curb and Gutter” shall be constructed in accordance with
WSDOT Standard Plan No. F-10.12-02. Reinforcing at catch basins shall conform
to Standard Detail No. STORM-11 (Curb & Gutter Reinforcing Detail) in Appendix
A of this document. The top of the curb shall have a 6 inch rise above the gutter
line, except the curb shall have a ½ inch lip at wheelchair ramps and a 1 inch lip at
driveways. Driveways and wheelchair ramps shall be per Standard Details in
Appendix A of this document. Curb cuts for wheelchair ramps and driveways shall
be considered incidental to the unit bid price for “Cement Concrete Traffic Curb and
Gutter” per linear foot. “Bumper Curb” shall be constructed in accordance with
Standard Detail No. TRAFFIC-01 (Bumper Curb Detail) in Appendix A of this
When slip-form equipment is used to place the curb and gutter, the concrete mix
design may be modified as follows: The Grade No. 2 coarse aggregate (1½ inch
minus) may be replaced by Grade No. 5 coarse aggregate (1 inch minus) when
required to accommodate the equipment.
The fourth paragraph of Section 8-04.3(1) (Cement Concrete Curbs, Gutters, And
Spillways) shall be deleted and replaced with the following:
Joints in the curb and gutter shall be spaced to match joints in the abutting driveways
and sidewalks or cement concrete pavement. All expansion/through joints shall
extend entirely through the curb and gutter section. Maximum joint spacing shall be
as follows:
A. ¾ inch expansion/through joints at 20-foot maximum spacing, or 3/8-inch
expansion/through joints at 10-foot maximum spacing;
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30th Street NE Area Flooding, Phase 1
B. 1/8 inch x 1 inch deep saw cut or scored joints per Standard Specification 8-
04.3(1) (Cement Concrete Curbs, Gutters, and Spillways) at intervening 10-
foot maximum spacing.
8-04.4 MEASUREMENT ................................................................................... Supplement
Measurement for “Cement Concrete Traffic Curb and Gutter” will not include
cement concrete curb and gutter which will be reinforced and poured integral with an
Industrial or Commercial Driveway Apron slab.
8-04.5 PAYMENT .............................................................................................. Supplement
Payment will be made in accordance with Section 1-04.1 (Intent of the Contract) for
the following bid items:
Cement Concrete Traffic Curb and Gutter Per Linear Foot
Cement Concrete Pedestrian Curb Per Linear Foot
8-05 TRENCH DEWATERING ..................................................................... New Section
8-05.1 GENERAL
The Contractor shall design and provide a dewatering system using accepted and
professional methods consistent with current industry practice to eliminate water
entering the excavation under hydrostatic head from the bottom and/or sides. The
Contractor shall design the system to prevent differential hydrostatic head that would
result in floating out soil particles in a manner termed as a “quick” or “boiling”
condition. The system shall not be dependent solely upon sumps or pumping water
from within the excavation where differential head would result in a quick condition,
which would continue to worsen the integrity of the excavation’s stability.
Where the Engineer determines that the Contractor cannot sufficiently dewater the
trench using the “Normal Trench Dewatering” described in Section 7-08.3(2)L
(Dewatering Trenches) of these Special Provisions, the Contractor shall provide a
dewatering system of sufficient size and capacity to prevent ground and surface
water flow into the excavation and to allow all work to be installed in a dry
The Contractor shall control, by acceptable means, all water regardless of source and
be fully responsible for disposal of the water.
The Contractor shall confine discharge piping and/or ditches to available easements
or to additional easements obtained by Contractor and provide necessary permits
and/or additional easements at no additional cost to the City.
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30th Street NE Area Flooding, Phase 1
The Contractor shall control groundwater in a manner that preserves strength of
foundation soils, does not cause instability or raveling of excavation slopes, and does
not result in damage to existing structures. Where necessary to these purposes, the
Contractor shall lower water levels in advance of excavation, utilizing wells, well
points, jet educators, or similar positive methods. The water level as measured by
piezometers shall be maintained a minimum of 2 feet below prevailing excavation
The Contractor shall commence dewatering prior to any appearance of water in
excavation and continue until work is complete to the extent that no damage results
from hydrostatic pressure, flotation, or other causes.
Open pumping with sumps and ditches shall be allowed, provided it does not result
in boils, loss of fines, softening of the ground, or instability of slopes.
The Contractor shall install wells and/or well points, if required, with suitable
screens and filters, so that continuous pumping of fines does not occur, arrange
discharge to facilitate collection of samples by the City. During normal pumping,
and upon development of well(s), levels of fine sand or silt in the discharge water
shall not exceed 5 ppm. The Contractor shall install sand tester on discharge of each
pump during testing to verify that levels are not exceeded.
The Contractor shall control grading around excavations to prevent surface water
from flowing into excavation areas.
No additional payment will be made for any supplemental measures to control
seepage, groundwater, or artesian head.
8-05.1(1) DESIGN
Contractor shall designate and obtain the services of a qualified dewatering specialist
to provide a dewatering plan as may be necessary to complete the work.
Contractor shall be responsible for the accuracy of the drawings, design data, and
operational records required.
Contractor shall be solely responsible for the design, installation, operation,
maintenance, and any failure of any co mponent of the system.
8-05.1(2) DAMAGES
Contractor shall be responsible for and shall repair without cost to the City any
damage to work in place, or other contractor’s equipment, utilities, residences,
highways, roads, railroads, private and municipal well systems, adjacent structures,
natural resources, habitat, existing wells, and the excavation, including, damage to
the bottom due to heave and including but not limited to, removal and pumping out
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of the excavated area that may result from Contractor’s negligence, inadequate or
improper design and operation of the dewatering system, and any mechanical or
electrical failure of the dewatering system.
The Contractor shall remove subgrade materials rendered unsuitable by excessive
wetting and replace with approved backfill material at no additional cost to the
Restoration of property damaged due to dewatering or settlement caused by the
dewatering system shall be the Contractor’s responsibility.
Dewatering shall be a continuous operation. Interruptions due to power outages or
any other reason will not be permitted.
The Contractor shall continuously maintain excavation in a dry condition with
positive dewatering methods during preparation of subgrade, installation of pipe, and
construction of structures until the critical period of construction and/or backfill is
completed to prevent damage of subgrade support, piping, structure, side slopes, or
adjacent facilities from flotation or other hydrostatic pressure imbalance.
The Contractor shall provide standby equipment on site, installed, wired, and
available for immediate operation if required to maintain dewatering on a continuous
basis in the event any part of the system becomes inadequate or fails. If dewatering
requirements are not satisfied due to inadequacy or failure of dewatering system,
perform such work as may be required to restore damaged structures and foundation
soils at no additional cost to City.
System maintenance shall include but not be limited to 24-hour supervision by
personnel skilled in the operation, maintenance, and replacement of system
components and any other work required to maintain excavation in dewatered
The Contractor shall abandon and remove from the site, in accordance with WAC
Chapter 173-160 and RCW Chapter 18.104, all groundwater control and monitoring
system elements. The Contractor shall be, or employ the services of, a water well
contractor licensed in the State of Washington to abandon all wells, and/or well
points. The Contractor shall assume ownership and responsibility for the disposal of
all removed groundwater control pumps, pipes, and other assorted system hardware.
The Contractor shall abandon and remove the groundwater control and monitoring
systems in such a manner that groundwater does not flow or seep through
groundwater control or monitoring system penetrations into any structure or facility.
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“Dewatering System” will be measured per linear foot along the construction
centerline. Only sections approved for dewatering by the Engineer will be included
in the measurements. Pipe lengths installed using “Normal Dewatering Methods,”
or installed using the dewatering system without approval from the Engineer will not
be included in the measurement for “Dewatering System.”
“Normal Trench Dewatering” as described in Section 7-08.3(2)L (Dewatering
Trenches) will not be measured for payment, but instead will be included in the per
linear foot price of the utility being installed.
8-05.3 PAYMENT
Payment will be made in accordance with Section 1-04.1 for the following bid item.
Dewatering System Per Linear Foot
The unit contract price for “Dewatering System”, per linear foot shall be full co mpensation
for the costs of all labor, tools, equipment, and materials necessary or incidental to install,
maintain, and remove a complete dewatering system, including all costs to continuously
operate the dewatering system, all power costs and connections, permits, pumps, wells,
pipes, fittings, and appurtenances.
8-06.1 DESCRIPTION ...................................................................................... Replacement
Driveway aprons shall be constructed in accordance with details shown on the plans
or as directed by the Engineer.
Driveway approaches shall be considered to be that portion of the private driveways,
which require removal and replacement to transition between the new cement
concrete driveway aprons and the existing private driveway. “Cement Concrete
Driveway Approaches” shall be constructed and finished as specified for driveways,
except they shall be 4-inch thick slabs and not reinforced.
8-06.2 MATERIALS ......................................................................................... Replacement
Materials shall meet the requirements of the following sections:
Portland Cement 9-01
Aggregates 9-03
Premolded Joint Fillers 9-04.1
Concrete Curing Materials and Admixtures 9-23
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8-06.3 CONSTRUCTION REQUIREMENTS ...................................... Revision/Supplement
The first paragraph is revised to read:
Cement concrete driveways shall be constructed with air entrained concrete Class
3000 conforming to the requirements of Section 6-02 (Concrete Structures).
Concrete driveways shall be cured per methods described in Section 5-05.3(13)
(Curing), with the following exceptions if the curing compound method is used:
The Contractor shall use Type I clear curing compound per Section 9-23 (Concrete
Curing Materials and Admixtures).
The Contractor shall not use white pigmented curing compound.
The curing agent shall be applied immediately after brushing and be maintained for a
period of 5 calendar days.
The Contractor shall have readily available sufficient protective covering, such as
waterproof paper or plastic membrane, to cover the pour of an entire day in event of
rain or other unsuitable weather.
Additional requirements for curing in hot weather shall be as follows:
In periods of low humidity, drying winds, or high temperatures, a fog spray shall be
applied to concrete after placement as soon as conditions warrant to prevent the
formation of shrinkage cracks. The spray shall be continued until conditions permit
the application of liquid curing membrane or other curing media. The Engineer shall
make the decision when the use of a fog spray is necessary.
Additional requirements for curing in cold weather shall be as outlined in Sectio n 5-
05.3(14) (Cold Weather Work).
8-06.4 MEASUREMENT ................................................................................... Supplement
Measurement for “Industrial or Commercial Driveway Apron” will be by the square
yard of finished surface including the cement concrete curb and gutter which will be
reinforced and poured integral with the driveway apron slab.
8-06.5 PAYMENT .............................................................................................. Supplement
Payment will be made in accordance with Section 1-04.1 (Intent of the Contract) for
the following bid items:
Industrial and Commercial Driveway Apron Per Square Yard
The unit contract price per square yard for “Industrial and Commercial Driveway
Apron” shall be full pay for all work to complete the installation including subgrade
preparation and integrated cement concrete curb and gutter.
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Payment for cement concrete curb and gutter will be in accordance with the
provisions of Section 8-04 (Curbs, Gutters, and Spillways), except for locations
where the curb and gutter is integral with the Industrial and Commercial Driveway
Payment for water will be in accordance with the provisions of Section 2-07
8-09.3 CONSTRUCTION REQUIREMENTS ................................................... Replacement
8-09.3(2) SURFACE PREPARATION ............................................................... Supplement
The Contractor shall pre-mark the layout of all channelization in accordance with the
plans and Standard Detail No. TRAFFIC-43 [Pavement Markings (Raised Pavement
Marker (RPM), Gore, Center, Skip & Turn Lane Stripe)] in Appendix A of this
document and receive approval from the Engineer before installing “Raised
Pavement Markers” (RPM’s). Pre-marks shall consist of painted spot markings or
other approved methods. The Contractor shall request the Engineer’s approval of
the pre-mark for channelization at least 2 full working days prior to installation of
the RPMs.
8-09.4 MEASUREMENT .................................................................................. Replacement
The quantity of reflective (Type 2) markers will be measured per marker furnished
and installed.
8-09.5 PAYMENT ............................................................................................. Replacement
Payment will be made in accordance with Section 1-04.1 (Intent of the Contract) for
the following bid items:
Raised Pavement Marker Type 2 Per Each
The unit contract price per each for “Raised Pavement Marker Type 2” shall be full
pay for furnishing and installing the markers in accordance with these specifications
including all cost involved with traffic control except for reimbursement for labor for
traffic control in accordance with Section 1-10 (Temporary Traffic Control).
Project Number CP1122 8-20 Special Provisions
30th Street NE Area Flooding, Phase 1
8-12.1 DESCRIPTION ....................................................................................... Supplement
Work shall include furnishing, erecting and maintaining Temporary Security (Chain
Link) Fence.
Work shall include removal and replacement of Outfield Fence.
8-12.3(3) TEMPORARY SECURITY FENCING ........................................................... New
Temporary Security Fencing shall be installed where shown on the Plans and as directed by
the Engineer. Temporary security fencing shall be a minimum of six (6) feet high chain link
with movable concrete bases. Access gate(s) shall be provided at all construction entrance
and exit points.
8-12.3(4) REMOVE AND REPLACE OUTFIELD FENCE ........................................... New
Contractor shall remove and replace the existing outfield fence located on the Brannan Park
site. The existing back-stop fence fabric shall be disassembled, temporarily stored on site,
and the existing foundation shall be removed to facilitate the proposed storm pipe
installation. Upon completion of the pipe installation a new cast in place foundation shall be
constructed with new posts and the back-stop fence fabric reinstalled in accordance with the
Contract Documents.
8-12.4 MEASUREMENT ................................................................................... Supplement
Temporary Security Fence will be measured by the linear foot of installed fence, along the
ground line, inclusive of gates.
Remove and Replace Outfield Fence will be measured by the linear foot.
8-12.5 PAYMENT ................................................................................ Supplement/Revision
Payment will be made in accordance with Section 1-04.1 (Intent of the Contract) for
the following bid items:
Temporary Security (Chain Link) Fence Per Linear Foot
Remove and Replace Outfield Fence Per Linear Foot
The unit contract price per linear foot for “Temporary Security Fence” shall include
all costs to provide, install, maintain, and remove fencing as required or as directed
by the Engineer.
Project Number CP1122 8-21 Special Provisions
30th Street NE Area Flooding, Phase 1
The unit contract price per linear foot for “Remove and Replace Outfield Fence”
shall include all labor, material, equipment, and miscellaneous incidentals to
construct outfield fencing in accordance with the details and specifications,
including, removal and disposal of existing posts and concrete footings; constructing
new footing; furnishing and installing new posts; and disassembly, temporarily
storing, and re-assembling existing chain link fabric on new post.
8-13.1 DESCRIPTION ....................................................................................... Supplement
This work consists of constructing, or adjusting, monuments, to proper grade, and
the furnishing and placing of materials and other related work in accordance with
Standard Detail Nos. TRAFFIC-21 (Poured in Place Monument, Type B Modified),
and TRAFFIC-22 (Monument Case and Cover) in Appendix A of this document.
8-13.2 MATERIALS .......................................................................................... Supplement
Monument cases and covers shall conform to Standard Detail TRAFFIC-22
(Monument Case and Cover) included in Appendix A of this document. Concrete
used for setting the monuments shall be Class 3000. Bronze plug markers will be
furnished by the City to the Contractor.
8-13.3(1) REFERENCE POINTS ...................................................................... New Section
The Engineer shall reference all monuments in advance of construction and shall
reset the points and grades at the proper time.
It shall be the responsibility of the Contractor to furnish materials and install
required castings in accordance with the plans and where directed by the Engineer.
The Contractor shall carefully protect all reference points to the monuments and
shall give the Engineer reasonable notice of the schedule for monument work in
order to avoid destruction of the points.
8-13.3(2) INSTALLATION ............................................................................... New Section
Where called for on the plans, or where directed by the Engineer, the Contractor
shall construct a poured “Monument Type A or Type B (Modified)” in accordance
with these specifications and Standard Detail Nos. TRAFFIC-20 (Poured in Place
Monument, Type A Modified) or TRAFFIC-21 (Poured in Place Monument, Type B
Modified) in Appendix A of this document. The bronze plug marker shall be
inserted in the concrete mix to the required line and grade. The concrete base shall
be placed on a well-compacted foundat ion. When Type B monuments are installed,
Project Number CP1122 8-22 Special Provisions
30th Street NE Area Flooding, Phase 1
the monument case shall be placed in such a manner that will not disturb the bronze
plug markers.
The Contractor shall install monuments after the final course of surfacing has been
placed. After the monument or monument case has been in place for a minimum of
three days, the roadway surface shall be patched in a workman like manner with
Class B asphalt concrete pavement as directed by the Engineer.
Where called for on the plans, or where directed by the Engineer, the Contractor
shall adjust existing monuments to the grade as staked or otherwise directed by the
Engineer. The existing cast iron case and cover shall first be removed and
thoroughly cleaned for reinstalling at the new grade.
8-13.4 MEASUREMENT .................................................................................. Replacement
Measurement of monuments will be by the unit for each type of monument complete
in place.
8-13.5 PAYMENT .............................................................................................. Supplement
Payment will be made in accordance with Section 1-04.1 (Intent of the Contract) for
the following bid items:
Monument Type B (Modified) Per Each
8-14.1 DESCRIPTION ...................................................................................... Replacement
This work shall consist of construction of cement concrete and special sidewalks,
including wheelchair ramps with detectable warning strips, driveway aprons and
driveway approaches in accordance with these Specifications, the Contract Plans and
the Standard Details in Appendix A of this document, or as directed by the Engineer.
8-14.2 MATERIALS .......................................................................................... Supplement
Materials shall also meet the requirements of the following sections:
Reinforcing Steel 9-07
The concrete for sidewalks and driveways shall be air entrained concrete Class 3000
in accordance with the requirements of Section 6-02 (Concrete Structures).
Project Number CP1122 8-23 Special Provisions
30th Street NE Area Flooding, Phase 1
8-14.3(1) EXCAVATION ................................................................................... Supplement
Excavation for sidewalk and for driveways shall be in accordance with Section 2-03,
(Roadway Excavation and Embankment).
Embankments shall be compacted by Method B as specified in Section 2-03.3(14)C
(Compacting Earth Embankments). Approved tampers shall be used in areas
inaccessible to normal compaction equipment.
The subgrade shall be graded to within 1 inch of established grade and the area
between the sidewalk and the adjacent private property line shall be shaped to line,
grade, and section shown on the plans before the forms are set.
8-14.3(2) FORMS ............................................................................................... Supplement
Low areas in the subgrade shall be backfilled with select materials or suitable native
material as directed by the Engineer and the backfill shall then be compacted to the
satisfaction of the Engineer. All high areas in the subgrade shall be cut down to
meet the subgrade requirements.
8-14.3(3) PLACING AND FINISHING CONCRETE........................... Revision/Supplement
This section is supplemented as follows:
Through joints and dummy joints shall be located and constructed in accordance
with Standard Details Nos. TRAFFIC-23 (Sidewalk with Landscape Strip) and
TRAFFIC-24 (Commercial/Industrial Sidewalk without Planter Strip) in Appendix
A of this document.
Dummy joints shall be formed by first cutting a groove in the concrete with a tee bar
of a depth equal to, but not greater than the joint filler material, and then working the
pre-molded joint filler into the groove. Pre-molded joint filler for both through and
dummy joints shall be positioned in true alignment at right angles to the line of the
sidewalk and be normal to and flush with the surface. Where the sidewalk will be
contiguous with the curb, it shall be constructed with a thickened edge as shown on
the Standard Detail No. TRAFFIC-24 (Commercial/Industrial Sidewalk without
Planter Strip).
Joints shall be edged with a ¼ inch radius edger and the sidewalk edges shall be
edged with a ½ inch radius edger.
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30th Street NE Area Flooding, Phase 1
The surface of the sidewalks shall be brushed with a fiber hair brush of an approved
type in a transverse direction except that at driveway and alley crossings it shall be
brushed longitudinally.
The fourth paragraph is revised to read:
Curb Ramps shall be constructed in accordance with WSDOT Standard Plan F-
40.12-02 (Parallel Curb Ramp), F-40.15-02 (Perpendicular Curb Ramps) in
Appendix A of this document and as detailed in the Plans. Curb ramps shall include
detectable warning surface per WSDOT Standard Plan F-45.10-01 (Detectable
Warning Surface). If any slope exceeds a maximum slope specified on the
Standard Plans or Contract Plans or if any dimension is less than a minimum
dimension specified on the Standard Plans or Contract Plans, the Contractor
shall replace the curb ramp or a portion of the curb ramp as necessary and
approved by the Engineer to bring the curb ramp into compliance. No
additional payment will be made for this corrective work.
8-14.3(5) DETECTABLE WARNING SURFACE .................................................. Revision
The first paragraph is deleted and replaced with the following:
The detectable warning surface shall be located as shown in the plans and in
accordance with WSDOT Standard Plan F-45.10-01 (Detectable Warning Surface)
in Appendix A of this document. Installation of the detectable warning surface shall
be in accordance with the manufacturer’s recommendation for placement in fresh
concrete, before the concrete has reached its initial set. Detectable warning surface
for installation on hardened cement concrete surfaces or asphalt concrete surfaces
will not be used in this contract.
8-14.4 MEASUREMENT ................................................................................... Supplement
Measurement for “Cement Concrete Sidewalk”, will be by the square yard of
finished surface, excluding the cement concrete curb and gutter area and the curb
ramp area.
8-14.5 PAYMENT .............................................................................................. Supplement
Payment will be made in accordance with Section 1-04.1 (Intent of the Contract) for
the following bid items:
Cement Concrete Sidewalk Per Square Yard
Cement Concrete Curb Ramp Type Perpendicular A Per Each
Cement Concrete Curb Ramp Type Parallel A Per Each
The unit contract price per square yard for “Cement Concrete Sidewalk”, “shall be
full pay for all work to complete the installation including subgrade preparation and
thickened edges where identified.
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Payment for cement concrete curb and gutter will be in accordance with the
provisions of Section 8-04 (Curbs, Gutters, and Spillways), except for locations
where the curb and gutter is integral with the Industrial and Commercial Driveway
Payment for water will be in accordance with the provisions of Section 2-07
8-20.1(1) REGULATIONS AND CODE ............................................................ Supplement
The fourth paragraph is deleted and replaced with the following:
The Contractor shall obtain an electrical permit from Washington State Department
of Labor and Industries. Electrical Service inspection will be performed by Labor
and Industries. Obtaining the permit and request for inspections is the responsibility
of the Contractor. The Contractor is advised that safe-wiring labels required by
Labor and Industries shall apply on this project.
8-20.2(1) EQUIPMENT LIST AND DRAWINGS ............................................. Replacement
(March 2013, City of Auburn)
This section is deleted in its entirety and replaced with the following:
Supplemental data for pole equipment, luminaries, splice kits, vehicle signal heads,
pedestrian signal heads, pedestrian push button assemblies, video detectors, PTZ
camera(s), junction boxes, conduit, conduit fittings, wiring, service/battery back-up
cabinet, controller cabinet (including controller and all other associated equipment in
the cabinet), preemption detectors and discriminators, and all other electrical
materials to be used on this project shall be submitted for approval before being
incorporated into the work. Quantity, pole height, davit arm length, and mast arm
length shall be indicated and consistent with the plans.
The Contractor shall submit supplemental data and material shop drawings for all
structural items. The shop drawings shall clearly identify the type of equipment to
be used and shall be stamped by a professional engineer registered in the State of
Washington. Shop drawings shall conform to the contract plans.
All material to be reviewed for the signal system shall be submitted in a single
The City of Auburn reserves the right to inspect the manufacturing process of all
materials. Final inspection and acceptance of the installed materials will not be
Project Number CP1122 8-26 Special Provisions
30th Street NE Area Flooding, Phase 1
given until final installation and testing has been completed on the system. Approval
to install materials and equipment must be obtained from the Engineer at the job site,
before installation.
The Contractor shall surrender to the City of Auburn all guarantees or warranties
acquired for materials as a normal trade practice in connection with the purchase or
as provided by the manufacturer for all materials used. The effective beginning date
for all guarantees or warranties shall be the date that activation of the system in
which the part(s) are used is complete and operational.
8-20.2(2) SALVAGED EQUIPMENT ............................................................... New Section
The Engineer shall be given three (3) working days notice prior to delivery of any
salvaged item.
Upon completion of constructing the induction vehicle loop detectors, the
Temporary Video Detection System shall be disconnected, protected from loss or
damage, carefully salvaged, and delivered to the City of Auburn Maintenance &
Operations Building (1305 “C” Street SW) in its existing condition. All Temporary
Video System components shall become the property of the City of Auburn after
removal. The Engineer shall be given three (3) working days notice prior to delivery
of any salvaged item.
All work related to salvaging or removal of existing system shall be considered
incidental to and included in the contract prices for “Temporary Video Detection
All work related to salvaging or removal of existing system shall be considered
incidental to and included in the contract prices for “Pedestrian Traffic Signal
Modifications, Complete” and/or “Induction Loop Vehicle Detector”. The following
item shall be salvaged in accordance with Section 2-02.3(9) (Salvage):
Pedestrian Push Button
Following removal of the existing pedestrian push buttons, the Contractor shall
protect the fixture and all component parts from loss or damage until such time as all
or part of the fixtures or poles are delivered to City of Auburn Maintenance and
Operations building. The Contractor shall replace lost, damaged, or destroyed
salvageable fixtures and component parts in kind at the Co ntractor’s expense. The
Contractor shall coordinate the receiving of equipment by the City and label each
salvaged item with the City contract number and location from which it was
salvaged. The label shall be a removable weather proof tag that will not damage or
mark the salvaged item.
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30th Street NE Area Flooding, Phase 1
8-20.3(1) GENERAL .......................................................................................... Supplement
The second paragraph is supplemented with the following:
Pedestrian signal downtime will not be allowed Monday thru Friday between the
hours of 6:00 AM and 9:00 AM and between 3:00 PM and 6:00 PM.
8-20.3(2)A CONDUIT TRENCH CONSTRUCTION ........................................ New Section
Conduit shall be placed in accordance with Standard Detail No. TRAFFIC-54
(Telecommunication and Luminaire Electrical Conduit Trench Detail). Surface
restoration of conduit trenches in existing streets, sidewalks and other native or
landscaped areas, shall be to a minimum of the existing adjacent surfaces. Asphalt
and cement concrete pavement, sidewalks, and driveways shall be replaced upon a
firm unyielding base to match existing surface pavement thickness. The minimum
asphalt concrete pavement repair section shall be 4 inches thick.
8-20.3(2)B CONDUIT TRENCH BEDDING .................................................... New Section
Bedding for conduit trenches in the sidewalk or driveway sections shall consist of
native material (provided aggregate is 1 inch minus) or crushed surfacing top course,
depending on soil, as approved by the Engineer. Bedding for conduit trenches in
roadway sections shall be crushed surfacing top course.
8-20.3(2)C CONDUIT TRENCH BACKFILL ................................................... New Section
Backfill for conduit trenches in the sidewalk or driveway sections shall consist of
native material (provided aggregate is 1 inch minus) or crushed surfacing top course,
depending on soil, as approved by the Engineer. Backfill for conduit trenches in
roadway sections shall be crushed surfacing top course.
8-20.3(4) FOUNDATIONS ................................................................................. Supplement
All foundations shall be Class 4000 reinforced concrete. Foundations shall
accommodate all required conduits.
Concrete shall be placed against undisturbed earth where possible. Before placing
the concrete, the Contractor shall block out around any other underground utilities
that may lie in the excavated base to prevent foundation adherence to the utility line.
Concrete foundations shall be troweled, brushed, and edged. Exposed anchor bolts
and conduits shall be promptly cleaned of any concrete after installation.
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30th Street NE Area Flooding, Phase 1
Where no sidewalk is planned or exists the top of the foundation shall be 12 inches
above roadway centerline. Poles and related appurtenance shall be a minimum of 2
feet from face of pole to face of curb where no sidewalk is present.
8-20.3(5) CONDUIT ........................................................................................... Supplement
(March 2013, City of Auburn)
Unless specified on the Plans or directed by the Engineer, metal conduit shall not be
Unless specified on the Plans or directed by the Engineer, open cut trenching in
accordance with Section 8-20.3(2)A, 8-20.3(B), and 8-20.3(2)C will be allowed for
the construction of conduits.
Location wire placed for conduit containing, or that are to contain, fiber optic cable
shall be 12 AWG.
Conduit shall be in accordance with all provisions of Section 9-29.1 (Conduit,
Innerduct, and Outerduct).
Conduit runs installed entirely under sidewalk, driveways, and landscape areas may
be Schedule 40 PVC unless otherwise noted on the plans. The same type and
schedule of conduit shall be used for the entire length of the run from outlet to outlet
and from Schedule 80 PVC conduit crossing the roadway to the nearest junction box.
Bends for conduits serving existing or future interconnect and fiber optic cables shall
be no less than 4 feet in diameter. All conduit ends shall have bell end PVC
Stubouts shall be installed as shown on the plan or as directed by the Engineer.
All conduit shall display the Underwriter Laboratories certification (UL Listed).
8-20.3(6) JUNCTION BOXES, CABLE VAULTS, & PULLBOXES ... Supplement/Revision
The Contractor shall remove and dispose of junction boxes for the existing system
that are no longer needed or as indicated on the Plan. All costs for removal and
disposal of junction boxes shall be considered incidental to the various bid items in
the contract; no additional payment will be made.
Junction boxes shall be installed in accordance with all provision of Sectio n 9-29.2
(Junctions Boxes, Cable Vaults and Pull Boxes) and in accordance with WSDOT
Standard Plan J-40.30-03 (Locking Lid Standard Duty Junction Box Type 8) and J-
40.10-03 (Locking Lid Standard Duty Junction Box Types 1 & 2). Junction Boxes
shall be of the types indicated on the plans. All Junction Boxes shall be equipped
with locking lids with Penta Head tamper resistant bolts.
Project Number CP1122 8-29 Special Provisions
30th Street NE Area Flooding, Phase 1
The junction box or the foundation for the junction box (if required) shall rest on a
pad of 5/8 inch minus crushed rock to a minimum depth of 6 inches. Six inches of
washed drain rock shall be placed inside the junction box and be spread evenly
around all conduits.
Box lids shall be inscribed with the message “TS” “LT”. The lids and frames shall
be hot dipped galvanized after they are inscribed.
The last paragraph is revised to read:
Junction boxes installed in sidewalks, walkways, and shared-use paths shall have
slip-resistant surfaces, be flush with the surface, and match the grade of the
sidewalk, walkway, and shared-use path. The junction boxes shall not be placed in
the traveled way, driveway area, curb ramps, curb ramp landings, or the gutter areas
associated with the curb ramps, except where noted on the plans. Junction boxes
shall installed in the sidewalks, walkways, or shared-use paths shall be Heavy Duty.
8-20.3(8) WIRING .............................................................................................. Supplement
All cable entering cabinets or junction boxes shall be neatly bundled and wrapped.
8-20.3(9) BONDING, GROUNDING ................................................................. Supplement
Bonding and Grounding shall be installed in accordance with Standard Details No.
TRAFFIC-50 (Uniform Luminaire Wiring Detail) and as detailed in the plans.
All junction boxes containing conductors carrying 120 volts or higher will have the
lid and frame bonded to the system ground. The connections to the lid and frame
will be made with approved compression type ring terminals. The braid will be of
sufficient length so that the lid may be easily removed and placed next to the
junction box. It will be routed around all cables so that it does not pass thorough any
cable loops. In the case of Type 8 junction boxes, both lids shall be bonded.
When loop lead-in wires or interconnect wire are the only wires in the junction box,
bonding is not required.
8-20.3(11) TESTING ............................................................................ Revision/Supplement
For traffic signal turn-on, City personnel will put the signal into operation. The
Contractor shall be present during the turn-on with adequate equipment to repair any
deficiencies of signal operation.
All newly installed signal and pedestrian heads shall be fully covered with black
plastic or yellow nylon cloth that is firmly attached, until the signal turn-on.
The last paragraph is revised to read:
Project Number CP1122 8-30 Special Provisions
30th Street NE Area Flooding, Phase 1
Unless approved by the Engineer, signal turn-on will only be allowed Monday
through Thursday (except for holidays or the day before a holiday), between the
hours of 9:00 a.m. and 2:00 p,m.
8-20.3(14)C INDUCTION LOOP VEHICLE DETECTORS .............................. Supplement
Loops shall be located and constructed as shown on the Plans and in accordance with
WSDOT Standard Plan No. J-50.12-00 to J-50.15-00.
Saw cuts shall not remain empty for a duration longer than twenty-four hours after
the saw cut is completed.
Loops shall be wound clockwise and consist of 4 turns of loop conductor.
From the loops to the junction box, the loop wires shall be twisted two turns per foot
and labeled at the junction box in accordance with the loop schematics included in
the plans. A 3/8-inch saw cut will be required for the twisted pair.
Loop wires shall be connected to the lead-in cable using compression sleeves and
sealed with 2-inch wide rubber mastic tape. An extra 10 feet of both loop wires and
lead-in cable shall be coiled neatly in the junction boxes for future work. Loops
shall be round and saw cuts shall be 6-foot diameter and shall be constructed using
equipment designed for cutting round loops. The equipment shall use a concave,
diamond-segmented blade. The saw cuts shall be vertical and shall be a minimum of
0.25 inches wide. The saw cut depth shall be minimum of 2 ½ inches and maximum
of 3 inches measured at any point along the perimeter. The bottom of the saw cut
shall be smooth. No edges created by differences in saw cut depths will be allowed.
The loop next to the stop bar shall be spliced in series per lane, mid and advance
loop wires shall be spliced in parallel. System loops shall be spliced into individual
home runs per lane.
8-20.3(14)D TEST FOR INDUCTION LOOPS AND LEAD-IN CABLE ........... Supplement
Continuity checks of pre-formed loops shall be done before installation, and both
continuity and resistance to ground after the loops are embedded in the pavement.
8-20.3(14)E INDUCTION LOOP BICYCLE DETECTORS .............................. New Section
Bicycle loop specification shall be the same as specified in Section 8-20.3(14)C
(Induction Loop Vehicle Detectors).
Bicycle loops shall be located and constructed as shown on the Plans
8-20.3(14)F ORDER OF WORK ....................................................................... New Section
Project Number CP1122 8-31 Special Provisions
30th Street NE Area Flooding, Phase 1
Prior to removal of the existing induction loop detectors, the Temporary Video
Detection System shall be operational.
8-20.3(14)G TEMPORARY VIDEO DETECTION SYSTEM ........................... New Section
The Contractor shall install City supplied Trafficon video detection equipment,
auxiliary equipment, cameras, housings, and mounts, and all required mounting
hardware, cables, connectors, and wiring per the manufacturer’s recommendations.
The camera housings will be Philips LTC 9380 Series Outdoor Housings or
approved equal. The detection cameras will be Rainbow CCTV BL58D or approved
equal. Coaxial cable will be 5 conductor cable ISDTEC X341667-00.
Cameras shall be installed where indicated on the plans or as directed by the
Engineer. Cameras shall be mounted on signal mast arms as shown in the plans
utilizing a City supplied cable strap pole Pelco Astro-Brac Extended Tilt & Pan
mount, Part AB-0169 with cable mount and 72-inch tube or approved equal.
Final adjustment of the cameras shall be done by the Contractor in the presence and
at the direction of the City of Auburn Traffic Signal Technician.
The City will furnish and install a Trafficon VIP3.2, which monitors two cameras, a
VIP set-up keypad, and LCD Monitor. The City will supply and complete all signal
cabinet terminations.
8-20.3(14)H PEDESTRIAN PUSH BUTTONS AND SIGNS ............................ New Section
Push buttons shall be in accordance with Section 9-29.19 (Pedestrian Push Buttons)
and installed per the manufacturer’s directions and recommendations.
Pedestrian push button assemblies shall be securely fastened to the signal standard or
pedestrian pole using stainless steel fasteners. Signal standards shall be drilled and
tapped for mounting push buttons. Push buttons shall be installed 42-inches from
the centerline of push buttons above sidewalk or ground level.
Pedestrian push buttons and assemblies shall be installed per WSDOT Standard
Plans J-20.11-01 and J-20.26-01.
8-20.4 MEASUREMENT ................................................................................... Supplement
The “Induction Loop Vehicle Detector” and “Induction Loop Bicycle Detector” shall be
measured per each.
The lump sump “Install and Remove Temporary Video Detection System” will not have a
specific unit of measurement.
Project Number CP1122 8-32 Special Provisions
30th Street NE Area Flooding, Phase 1
8-20.5 PAYMENT .............................................................................................. Supplement
Payment will be made in accordance with Section 1-04.1 (Intent of the Contract) for
the following bid items:
Pedestrian Traffic Signal Modifications, Complete Per Lump Sum
Induction Loop Vehicle Detector Per Each
Induction Loop Bicycle Detector Per Each
Install and Remove Temporary Video Detection System Per Lump Sum
Adjust Existing Junction Box Per Each
All Work related to salvaging, relocating or removal of existing system shall be
considered incidental to and included in the various contract prices for “Pedestrian
Traffic Signal Modifications, Complete” and “Install and Remove Temporary Video
Detection System”.
The lump sum contract price for “Pedestrian Traffic Signal Modifications,
Complete” shall be considered full payment for all costs for replacement or
installation of a co mplete and fully functional, including but not limited to all costs
for furnishing and installing pedestrian signal system, pedestrian push buttons, signal
poles, wiring, conduits, etc. as specified in the Plans.
The unit contract price per each for “Induction Loop Vehicle Detector” and
“Induction Loop Bicycle Detector” shall be full pay for furnishing and installing the
complete induction loops in accordance with the Plans and these specifications,
including connection to the existing junction boxes and removal of existing loops.
The Lump Sum contract price for “Install and Remove Temporary Video Detection
System” shall be full pay for all labor and equipment for installing, removing and
subsequent salvaging of the Video Detection system.
8-21.3 CONSTRUCTION REQUIREMENTS ................................................... Supplement
Signs shall be manufactured and installed in accordance with the current edition of
the Washington State Sign Fabrication Manual of the Department of Transportation,
and the Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices, and all provisions of Section 9-
28 (Signing Materials and Fabrication). Code numbers on the plans are in reference
to the Washington State Sign Fabrication manual.
Roadside mounted signs shall be mounted on 1¾ inch square steel posts, per
Standard Detail No. TRAFFIC-55 (Typical Sign Post Installation) in Appendix A of
this document. Signs located in sidewalks or paved areas only shall be installed with
Sono tubes per Standard Detail No. TRAFFIC-55 (Typical Sign Post Installation).
Project Number CP1122 8-33 Special Provisions
30th Street NE Area Flooding, Phase 1
Relocated signs shall be installed on new posts unless otherwise specified. Postholes
shall allow placement of backfill around the post in accordance with the Standard
Detail No. TRAFFIC-55 (Typical Sign Post Installation).
8-21.3(5) SIGN RELOCATION ......................................................................... Supplement
Costs for removing existing signs shall be considered incidental to the lump sum
contract price for “Permanent Signing”.
8-21.5 PAYMENT ............................................................................................. Supplement
Payment will be made in accordance with Section 1-04.1 (Intent of the Contract) for
the following bid items:
Permanent Signing Per Lump Sum
The lump sum contract price for “Permanent Signing” shall include, but not limited to, all
cost for installation of new signs with new posts, removing and relocating existing signs and
posts in accordance with the Plans and Contract Documents.
8-22.1 DESCRIPTION ....................................................................................... Supplement
Before installing pavement markings the Contractor shall pre-mark the layout of all
channelization and receive approval from the Engineer. Pre-marks shall consist of
painted spot markings or temporary pavement marking tape. The Contractor shall
notify the Engineer of intention to receive approval of the channelization pre-mark at
least 48 hours in advance.
8-22.3 CONSTRUCTION REQUIREMENTS .................................................... Supplement
Installation of pavement markings shall conform to Standard Detail Nos. TRAFFIC-
35 (Lane-Use Pavement Marking Detail), TRAFFIC-36 (34’ Wide Roadway,
Crosswalk and Stop Bar Detail), TRAFFIC-37 (44’ Wide Roadway, Crosswalk and
Stop Bar Detail), TRAFFIC-40 Pavement Markings (2-Lane 2-Way Traffic, Left
Turn Lane, 2-Way Left Lane and Standard Lane Markings), TRAFFIC-41 Pavement
Markings (2-Way Left Turn Lane with Left Turn Pocket), TRAFFIC-43 Pavement
markings (Raised Pavement Marker (RPM), gore Center, Skip & Turn Lane Stripe),
TRAFFIC-45 Bicycle Lane Markings (Right Turn Pocket),
8-22.4 MEASUREMENT ................................................................................... Supplement
“Plastic Crosswalk Stripe and Stop Bar (24 inch wide)” shall be measured per linear
foot of work completed and accepted.
Project Number CP1122 8-34 Special Provisions
30th Street NE Area Flooding, Phase 1
8-22.5 PAYMENT .............................................................................................. Supplement
Payment will be made in accordance with Section 1-04.1 (Intent of the Contract) for
the following bid items:
Paint Line Per Linear Foot
Plastic Wide Line Per Linear Foot
Plastic Crosswalk Stripe and Stop Bar (24 inch wide) Per Linear Foot
Plastic Traffic Arrow Per Each
Plastic Bicycle Lane Symbol Per Each
Plastic Traffic Letter Per Each
Removing Plastic Crosswalk Line Square Foot
Removal of existing paint and plastic pavement markings, other than plastic cross
walk line, shall be considered incidental to and included in the associated bid items
and no separate payment will be made.
8-23.1 DESCRIPTION ....................................................................................... Supplement
Temporary Pavement Markings shall only be used when the temporary striping is
anticipated to last less than 6 months. Phasing that will require temporary alignment
longer than 6 months should install striping per Section 8-22 (Pavement Marking).
8-23.2 MATERIALS .......................................................................................... Supplement
Adhesive for all temporary raised pavement markers shall be of a material that does
not mark or damage the existing pavement following removal of the raised pavement
8-23.4 MEASUREMENT .................................................................................. Supplement
Temporary Markings shall be measured per linear foot installed, with no deduction
for gaps in the line or markers.
8-23.5 PAYMENT ............................................................................................. Supplement
Payment will be made in accordance with Section 1-04.1 (Intent of the Contract) for
the following bid items:
Temporary Pavement Markings Per Linear Foot
8-30 JOINT UTILITY TRENCH (JUT) ........................................................ New Section
Project Number CP1122 8-35 Special Provisions
30th Street NE Area Flooding, Phase 1
Work includes Joint Utility Trench and conduit installation for franchise utility
Trench imported bedding, backfill and foundation materials shall meet the
requirements of the following sections:
Bedding Material 9-03.13(1) (Sand)
Trench Backfill 9-03.10 (Gravel Base)
Foundation Material 9-03.17 (Foundation Material, Cl. A)
The Joint Utility Trench is defined as the trench within the right-of-way or
easements, regardless of how many number of conduits, and as identified on the
Plans. Trench width and depth shall be per the details indicated in the plans. The
Contractor shall coordinate with all utility companies prior to construction and all
work shall conform to the utility companies’ construction standards, the Standard
Specifications and these Special provisions.
The conduit runs shown in the plans are schematic, however, they shall be followed
as closely as site conditions will allow and may be revised, as directed by the
Engineer, to allow for unforeseen obstructions.
Prior to proposed storm sewer trenching, Contractor shall coordinate with the utility
company for their installation of temporary conduits and cables to allow the
Contractor room to install the new storm pipe. Utility companies will install
temporary conduits on the ground surface adjacent to the existing building and utility
companies will pull in new cables; complete connections to Riverside East
retirement home; and remove the existing cables from the existing conduit in conflict
with proposed storm sewer.
Following the contractor’s installation of proposed storm sewer and catch basin
structures, Contractor shall install new conduits, appurtenances, as provided by
utility companies and under inspection of the utility company representative. The
Contractor shall install conduit system in accordance with the joint utility trench
details and specifications in the plans and furnished and install a minimum 3/8”
diameter pull rope in all conduits. The Contractor shall be responsible for trench
excavations, placement of conduits and pull rope(s), backfill, and restoration. The
Contractor may be required to place a concrete cap on the conduits in areas where
the minimum cover criteria cannot be met.
Project Number CP1122 8-36 Special Provisions
30th Street NE Area Flooding, Phase 1
Once the contractor has completed the installation, the utility companies will return
to the site to complete conduit system connections; installing new cables and
connections to the Riverside East retirement home; and remove the temporary cables
and conduit previously installed.
Joint Utility Trench will be measured per linear foot.
8-30.5 PAYMENT
Payment will be made in accordance with Section 1-04.1 (Intent of the Contract) for
the following bid items:
Joint Utility Trench Lineal Foot
The unit contract price per each for “Joint Utility Trench” shall be full pay for all
labor, material, tools, and equipment necessary to satisfactorily complete the work as
defined in the contract documents.
Trench backfill and pipe bedding shall be considered incidental to and included in
the “Joint Utility Trench” bid item.
Project Number CP1122 9-1 Special Provisions
30th Street NE Area Flooding, Phase 1
9-03.8(7) HMA TOLERANCES AND ADJUSTMENTS ....................................... Revision
Item 1 is deleted and replaced with:
(May 25, 2006 APWA GSP)
1. Job Mix Formula Tolerances. After the JMF is determined as required in
5-04.3(7)A, the constituents of the mixture at the time of acceptance shall conform
to the following tolerances:
Nonstatistical Commercial
Evaluation Evaluation
Aggregate, percent passing
1”, ¾”, ½”, and 3/8” sieves 6% 8%
U.S. No. 4 sieve 6% 8%
U.S. No. 8 sieve 6% 8%
U.S. No. 200 sieve 2.0% 3.0%
Asphalt Binder 0.5% 0.7%
These tolerance limits constitute the allowable limits as described in Section 1-06.2.
The tolerance limit for aggregate shall not exceed the limits of the control points
section, except the tolerance limits for sieves designated as 100% passing will be 99-
100. The tolerance limits on sieves shall only apply to sieves with control points.
9-05.15(1) MANHOLE RING AND COVER ..................................................... Supplement
Castings for manhole rings and covers and Catch Basin Type II shall conform to
Standard Detail No. SEWER-04 (24” Dia. Manhole Frame and Cover) in Appendix
A of this document.
FOR CATCH BASINS OR INLETS ................................................................... Supplement
Metal frames, grates and solid metal covers for catch basins or inlets shall conform
to WSDOT Standard Plan Nos. B-30.10-01, B-30.20-02, B-30.30-01, and B-30.50-
01 in Appendix A of this document unless otherwise specified. Castings for metal
frames shall be gray iron or ductile iron and covers and grates shall be ductile iron.
Solid Metal Covers shall conform to Standard Detail No. SEWER-04 (24” Dia.
Manhole Frame and Cover) in Appendix A of this document.
Project Number CP1122 9-2 Special Provisions
30th Street NE Area Flooding, Phase 1
9-14.1 SOIL
9-14.1(1) TOPSOIL TYPE A ............................................................................. Supplement
The topsoil shall be a loamy sandy loam textural class as determined by the U.S.
Department of Agriculture Classification System, free from materials toxic to plant
growth, noxious weed seeds, rhizomes, roots, subsoil, and debris. The Contractor
shall furnish sufficient quantities of topsoil for placement in all seeding areas (4 inch
depth topsoil) and planting areas (6 inch depth topsoil) and for tree and shrub
planting soil requirements, plus a reserve quantity for restoring additional areas
outside designated planting and seeding areas that are disturbed by the Contractor’s
9-15 IRRIGATION SYSTEM ........................................................................ Supplement
9-15.1(2) POLYVINYL CHLORIDE PIPE AND FITTINGS ............................ Supplement
The triple-swing joint assembly shall be constructed as detailed with Schedule 80
PVC nipples and “Marlex” street ells as manufactured by “LASCO Fluid
Distribution Products” or approved equal.
9-15.5 VALVE BOXES ..................................................................................... Supplement
Install a gravel sump at the bottom of each valve box.
The automatic control boxes shall be Model No. 1320 valve box with locking cover,
and extensions as required as manufactured by “Carson Industries, Inc.” or approved
9-15.6 GATE VALVES ..................................................................................... Supplement
The gate valve boxes shall be 5 and ¼ inch Roadway Valve Box #111129-03 with
cast iron “Water” cover #111026 as manufactured by “Ametek” or approved equal.
9-15.8 QUICK COUPLING EQUIPMENT ........................................................ Supplement
The quick coupler valves shall be Buckner QB5LRC10 quick coupling valves with
RC25001 valve keys or approved equal. Quick coupler valves shall be installed at
the point of connection at the end of the main line, and at each cluster of automatic
control valves.
Project Number CP1122 9-3 Special Provisions
30th Street NE Area Flooding, Phase 1
The quick coupling valve boxes shall be Model 910-12B 10 inch Round Valve Box
with locking green top extensions as manufactured by “Carson Industries, Inc.” or
approved equal.
9-15.9 DRAIN VALVES ................................................................................... Supplement
Drain valves shall be 1 inch diameter.
The drain valve box shall be 5 and ¼ inch Roadway Valve Box #111129-03 with
cast iron “Water” cover #111026 as manufactured by “Amtek” or approved equal.
9-15.11 CROSS CONNECTION CONTROL DEVICES ................................... Supplement
The Double check valve assembly shall be a Febco 805Y or approved equal sized to
match the irrigation meter size.
The Double-Check Valve Backflow Assembly Vault for ¾ inch to 2 inch assemblies
shall be a Carson molded box, or approved equal, and for assemblies larger than 2
inch a No. 25-TA Concrete Vault with Locking Metal Cover as manufactured by
PIPE, Incorporated or approved equal.
9-15.17 ELECTRICAL WIRE AND SPLICES .................................................. Supplement
Electrical wire shall be #14 UF wire. Utilize direct bury underground splice kits.
Do not splice or connect wires outside of valve boxes. Coil 3 feet length of wire at
each connection.
Provide four (4) extra valve wires (yellow) routed from the controller through each
valve box to the farthest valve.
9-15.18 DETECTABLE MARKING TAPE ....................................................... Supplement
Detectable marking tape shall be 3-inch wide detectable tape on main lines only.
9-22.1 MONUMENT CASES, COVERS AND RISERS.................................... Supplement
Castings shall be in accordance with Standard Detail No. TRAFFIC-22 (Monument
Case and Cover) in Appendix A of this document.
9-29 ILLUMINATION, SIGNAL, ELECTRICAL ............................................. Revision
Project Number CP1122 9-4 Special Provisions
30th Street NE Area Flooding, Phase 1
9-29.1 CONDUIT, INNERDUCT, OUTERDUCT ............................................. Supplement
As allowed in 8-20.3(5), Schedule 40 PVC may be used for conduit runs completely
located under sidewalk, driveways, or landscape areas. PVC conduit ends shall have
bell end PVC bushings.
9-29.2 JUNCTION BOXES, CABLE VAULTS, AND PULL BOXES .............. Supplement
All junction boxes shall have a galvanized frames and lids, with bonding screw. J-
Boxes shall bear the legend “TS” and “LT”. Junction boxes shall conform to
WSDOT Standard Plan No. J-40.30-03 in Appendix A of this Document.
9-29.2(1)A STANDARD DUTY JUNCTION BOXES ...................................... Supplement
Slip-Resistant Lid and Frame
(WSDOT January 7, 2013)
Both the slip-resistant lid and slip-resistant frame shall be treated with Mebac#1 as
manufactured by Harsco Industrial IKG, or SlipNOT Grade 3-coarse as
manufactured by W.S. Molnar Co. Where the exposed portion of the frame is ½ inch
wide or less the slip-resistant treatment may be omitted on that portion of the frame.
The slip-resistant lid shall be identified with permanent marking on the underside
indicating the type of surface treatment (“M1” for Mebac#1; or “S3” for SlipNOT
Grade 3-coarse) and the year manufactured. The permanent marking shall be 1/8
inch line thickness formed with a stainless steel weld bead.
9-29.19 PEDESTRIAN PUSH BUTTONS.............................................................. Revision
Replace the first paragraph with the following:
The Pedestrian Push Button Assembly shall be a Advisor AGPS manufactured by
H.D. Campbell Company, 1486 NW 70th Street, Seattle, WA 98117.
9-30.1(1) DUCTILE IRON PIPE ....................................................................... Supplement
All ductile iron pipe used on this project shall be “Special Class 52”, except pipe to
be joined using bolted flange joints shall be “Special Class 53”.
Project Number CP1122 9-5 Special Provisions
30th Street NE Area Flooding, Phase 1
9-30.2(1) DUCTILE IRON PIPE ....................................................................... Supplement
All pipe fittings, adapters and joints for ductile iron pipe shall be ductile iron
designed to AWWA Specification (unless otherwise approved in writing by the
Engineer) with sufficient tangent at the ends to allow for proper joint connections
and shall be coated to give protection to them equal to that given the pipe. Field
fabrication fittings will not be permitted. Flexible couplings shall be of the style as
required for specific application.
9-30.2(6) RESTRAINED JOINTS ..................................................................... Supplement
Restrained joint (R.J.) fittings shall be Megalug or Engineer approved alternate. All
welding associated with the restraint system shall be performed in the pipe
manufacturer’s shop. No field welding will be permitted.
9-30.3(1) GATE VALVES (3-inches to 12-inches) ........................................... Replacement
Resilient wedge gate valves shall be used on all 12” and smaller water lines and shall
be manufactured by Clow, American Darling, Waterous, Dresser M & H or Mueller
with epoxy-coated valve interiors. The valves shall conform to ANSI/AWWA
Specifications C-509 with a 200-psi working pressure rating. They shall be iron
bodied, bronze-mounted, non-rising stem and counterclockwise opening with a 2
inch square operating nut. All valves on the fire hydrant line(s) shall be 6-inch
diameter mechanical joint by flange. All other valves shall be either mechanical
joint by flange or Mechanical joint shackled to tees or crosses. Valve stems shall be
provided with O-ring seals.
9-30.3(4) VALVE BOXES ................................................................................ Supplement
Valve boxes shall be two-piece, adjustable, cast-iron (with additional extension
pieces, if necessary), as manufactured by the Olympic Foundry Company, or equal,
with a minimum inside diameter of 5 inch. The word “WATER” shall be cast in
relief on the top of all valve box covers. In addition, the letters “NC” shall be cast in
place on valve box covers for those valves that are normally closed. Valve box
covers shall be of a design and thickness so traffic will not allow them to be flipped
9-30.5 HYDRANTS........................................................................................... Supplement
Fire hydrants shall have two 2½-inch hose ports (National Standard Thread) and one
4½-inch pumper port (National Standard Thread) with caps and no chains, 1¼ inch
pentagonal operating nut (counterclockwise) opening, O-ring-type stuffing box,
automatic barrel drain, and 5¼ inch valve opening. Hydrants shall be equipped with
a 5” Storz adapter with blind cap, or approved equal. Hydrants shall conform to the
latest revision of AWWA Standard Specification No. C-502 for dry-barrel fire
Project Number CP1122 9-6 Special Provisions
30th Street NE Area Flooding, Phase 1
hydrants for ordinary water service. Hydrants shall be Mueller “Centurion” #A-423,
M & H Style 929 Resilient (Brass-to-Brass Seats), or American AVK 2780.
9-30.6(1) SADDLES ......................................................................................... Replacement
This section is deleted in it s entirety and replaced with the following:
Saddles for 1½ inch and 2 inch pipe taps and any taps into existing cast iron water
mains shall be epoxy-coated ductile iron, with double stainless steel straps and
cemented in place neoprene gaskets. Saddles shall have I.P.S. female threads.
9-30.6(2) CORPORATION STOPS ................................................................... Supplement
1½ inch and 2 inch corporation stops shall be installed with saddle at the pipe main.
The 1½ inch and 2 inch corporation stops shall be Mueller H-9969 or approved
equal with M. I. P. threaded inlets and outlets with a Mueller H-15451 or approved
equal F. I. P. thread by compression connection straight coupling suitable for
connecting to K-type copper tubing per Section 9-30.6(3)A (Copper Tubing).
Except when tapping into existing cast iron mains, ¾ inch and 1 inch corporation
stop inlets shall have tapered tapping threads per AWWA-C800 for insertion directly
into the pipe main, and the outlets shall have a compression connection suitable for
coupling K-type copper tubing per Section 9-30.6(3)A (Copper Tubing).
Corporation stops shall be Mueller H-15008 or approved equal. When tapping into
existing cast iron mains, ¾ inch and 1 inch taps shall adhere to Section 9-20.6(1)
9-30.6(3) SERVICE PIPES ................................................................................ Supplement
The City of Auburn allows Type K copper tubing for water service connections. All
connections to copper tubing will be with Mueller 110 Compression Connections or
approved equal unless otherwise specified.
9-30.6(5) METER SETTERS (Meter Yokes) .................................................... Replacement
This section is deleted in its entirety and replaced with the following:
Meter yokes shall conform to the following:
A. 1½ inch & 2 inch inlet and outlet legs have multi-purpose threaded ends with
a Mueller H-15428 or approved equal M. I. P. thread by compression
connection straight coupling suitable for connecting to K-type copper tubing
per Section 9-30.6(3)A (Copper Tubing) on the outlet;
B. ¾ inch & 1 inch inlet and outlet legs have F. I. P. threaded ends with a
Mueller H-14223 or approved equal M. I. P. thread multi-purpose thread on
the inlet and Mueller H-14227 or approved equal M. I. P. thread by
Project Number CP1122 9-7 Special Provisions
30th Street NE Area Flooding, Phase 1
compression connection straight coupling suitable for connecting to K-type
copper tubing per Section 9-30.6(3)A (Copper Tubing) on the outlet;
C. They shall be equipped with a brace pipe eye;
D. Dimensions; height from centerline of inlet/outlet pipe to the centerline of
met er inlet/outlet.
5/8 inch x ¾ inch yokes = 7 inch high;
1 inch yokes = 10 inch high;
1 ½ inch yokes = 12 inch min. high;
2 inch yokes = 12 inch min. high;
E. All yokes shall come equipped with angle stops per Section 9-30.6(5)A
(Meter Stops) located at the meter inlet connection and check valves per
Section 9-30.6(5)B (Meter Check Valves) located at the meter outlet
connection. Meter yokes shall be equal to the following:
1. 1 inch and ¾ inch service; yokes shall be Mueller B-2404-2 or
approved equal;
2. 1 ½ inch and 2 inch service; yokes shall be Mueller B-2422-2 or
approved equal;
9-30.6(5)A METER STOPS .............................................................................. New Section
Meter stops shall be angle-type with locking wing equal to the following:
A. ¾ inch and 1 inch service; stop shall be Mueller B-24265;
B. 1½ inch and 2 inch service; stop shall be Mueller B-24286;
9-30.6(5)B METER CHECK VALVES ............................................................ New Section
Meter check valves shall be angle-type equal to the following:
A. ¾ inch and 1 inch service; check shall be Mueller H-14244;
B. 1½ inch and 2 inch service; check shall be Mueller H-14244 with meter
9-30.6(5)C CURB VALVES ............................................................................. New Section
Curb valves shall be angle-type equal to the following:
A. ¾ inch, 1 inch, 1½ inch and 2 inch service; curb valves shall be Mueller B-
20200 with a Mueller H-15428 or approved equal M. I. P. thread by
compression connection straight coupling suitable for connecting to K-type
copper tubing per Section 9-30.6(3)A (Copper Tubing) on the inlet. Locate
curb valves in the meter boxes where possible and 1 foot outside the meter
boxes where the inside room is not available;
Project Number CP1122 9-8 Special Provisions
30th Street NE Area Flooding, Phase 1
9-30.6(7) METER BOXES ................................................................................ Supplement
Meter boxes shall be the following:
A. Boxes for ¾ inch meters shall be Raven RMB-13x24x12 or Mid-States
Plastics BCF Series MSBCF-1324-12 with Carson locking reader cover.
MSP ductile iron reader or solic cover shall be used in areas of vehicular
traffic or as required by the Engineer;
B. Boxes for 1 inch meters shall be Raven RMB-13x24x12 or Mid-States
Plastics BCF Series MSBCF-1324-12 with Carson locking reader cover.
MSP ductile iron reader or solic cover shall be used in areas of vehicular
traffic or as required by the Engineer;
C. Boxes for 1½ inch and 2 inch meters shall be Raven RMB-17x30x12 or Mid-
States Plastics MSBBCF-1730-12 with Carson locking reader cover. MSP
ductile iron reader or solic cover shall be used in areas of vehicular traffic or
as required by the Engineer.
NOTE: The Standard Details and Standard Plans which are applicable to this
project are herein provided for the Contractor’s convenience. Additional
Standard Details and Standard Plans are available from the City upon request.
TEMPORARY CONSTRUCTION SITE SIGN BOARD (4’ X 4’) ...........................................................GENERAL-02
SILT CONTROL FENCE ...................................................................................................................EROSION-03
CATCH BASIN PROTECTION ..........................................................................................................EROSION-04
BUMPER CURB DETAIL ..................................................................................................................TRAFFIC-01
TYPICAL PIPE TRENCH DETAIL .....................................................................................................TRAFFIC-03
BARRICADES ..................................................................................................................................TRAFFIC-05
POURED IN PLACE MONUMENT, TYPE ‘A’ MODIFIED ...................................................................TRAFFIC-20
POURED IN PLACE MONUMENT, TYPE ‘B’ MODIFIED ...................................................................TRAFFIC-21
MONUMENT CASE AND COVER .....................................................................................................TRAFFIC-22
SIDEWALK WITH LANDSCAPE STRIP ............................................................................................TRAFFIC-23
COMMERCIAL/INDUSTRIAL SIDEWALK WITHOUT PLANTER STRIP .............................................TRAFFIC-24
LANE-USE PAVEMENT MARKING DETAIL ......................................................................................TRAFFIC-35
34’ WIDE ROADWAY, CROSSWALK AND STOP BAR DETAIL ........................................................TRAFFIC-36
44’ WIDE ROADWAY, CROSSWALK AND STOP BAR DETAIL ........................................................TRAFFIC-37
61’ WIDE ROADWAY, CROSSWALK AND STOP BAR DETAIL ........................................................TRAFFIC-38
PAVEMENT MARKINGS (2-Lane 2-Way Traffic, Left Turn Lane, 2-Way Left
Turn Lane, and Standard Lane Markings .............................................................................TRAFFIC-40
PAVEMENT MARKINGS (2-Way Left Turn Lane with Left Turn Pocket) .............................................TRAFFIC-41
PAVEMENT MARKINGS (Raised Pavement Marker (RPM), Gore, Center,
Skip, and Turn Lane Stripe) .................................................................................................TRAFFIC-43
BICYCLE LANE MARKINGS (Right Turn Lane Drop) .........................................................................TRAFFIC-44
BICYCLE LANE MARKINGS (Right Turn Pocket) ..............................................................................TRAFFIC-45
UNIFORM LUMINAIRE WIRING DETAIL ..........................................................................................TRAFFIC-50
SIDE SEWER STUB .........................................................................................................................SEWER-01
PRIVATE SANITARY SIDE SEWER CLEANOUT ..............................................................................SEWER-02
24” DIA. MANHOLE FRAME AND COVER ........................................................................................SEWER-04
CURB & GUTTER REINFORCING DETAIL .......................................................................................STORM-11
WATER MAIN BLOCKING ................................................................................................................WATER-01
TYPICAL AIR & VACUUM RELIEF VALVE DETAIL ...........................................................................WATER-02
2” PERMANENT BLOW OFF ASSEMBLY DETAIL ............................................................................WATER-03
TEMPORARY BLOW OFF DETAIL ...................................................................................................WATER-04
5 ¼” M.V.O. HYDRANT SETTING DETAIL ........................................................................................WATER-07
¾” & 1” WATER METER AND SERVICE LINE INSTALLATION .........................................................WATER-13
1 ½” & 2” WATER METER AND SERVICE LINE INSTALLATION ......................................................W ATER-14
VALVE WRENCH EXTENSION BOX ................................................................................................WATER-18
CATCH BASIN TYPE 1 ...............................................................................................................B-05.20-01
CATCH BASIN TYPE 2 ...............................................................................................................B-10.20-01
MANHOLE TYPE 1 .....................................................................................................................B-15.20-01
MANHOLE TYPE 2 .....................................................................................................................B-15.40-01
MANHOLE TYPE 3 .....................................................................................................................B-15.60-01
CONCRETE INLET.....................................................................................................................B-25.60-00
RECTANGULAR FRAME (REVERSIBLE) ................................................................................... B-30.10.01
RECTANGULAR SOLID METAL COVER .................................................................................... B-30.20.02
RECTANGULAR VANED GRATE ...............................................................................................B-30.30-01
RECTANGULAR HERRINGBONE GRATE..................................................................................B-30.50-01
CONCRETE THRUST BLOCK ....................................................................................................B-90.40-00
CEMENT CONCRETE CURBS ................................................................................................... F-10.12-02
PARALLEL CURB RAMP ........................................................................................................... F-40.12-02
PERPENDICULAR CURB RAMP ................................................................................................ F-40.15-02
DETECTABLE WARNING SURFACE ......................................................................................... F-45.10-01
HIGH VISIBILITY FENCE ............................................................................................................ I-10.10-01
WATTLE INSTALLATION ON SLOPE .......................................................................................... I-30.30-01
ACCESSIBLE PEDESTRIAN PUSHBUTTON WITH CURB BASE ............................................... J-20.11-01
ACCESSIBLE PEDESTRIAN PUSHBUTTON (PPB) DETAILS..................................................... J-20.26-01
LOCKING LID STANDARD DUTY JUNCTION BOX TYPES 1 & 2 ............................................... J-40.10-03
LOCKING LID STANDARD DUTY JUNCTION BOX TYPE 8 ........................................................ J-40.30-03
TYPE 3 INDUCTION LOOP ........................................................................................................ J-50.12-00
INDUCTION LOOP DETAILS ...................................................................................................... J-50.15-00
NOTE: Wages including fringe benefits for each job classification shall be paid by the Contractor
and all Subcontractors in accordance with the higher rate appearing in the Washington
State or the Federal Wage Rates listed.
Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan
30th Street NE Area Flooding – Phase 1
Prepared For
Northwest Regional Office
3190 - 160th Avenue SE
Bellevue, WA 98008-5452
Owner Developer Operator/Contractor
The City of Auburn The City of Auburn TBD
25 West Main Street 25 West Main Street TBD
Auburn, WA 98001 Auburn, WA 98001 TBD
Project Site Location
30th Street NE, approximately from C Street to the east end of Brannan Park
Certified Erosion and Sediment Control Lead
Kim Truong
SWPPP Prepared By
Otak, Inc.
10230 NE Points Drive, Suite 400
Kirkland, WA 980033
(425) 822-4446
Michael Fadden, EIT
SWPPP Preparation Date
October 18, 2013
Approximate Project Construction Dates
December 2013
March 2014
1.0 Introduction ...............................................................................................................................1
2.0 Site Description ........................................................................................................................3
2.1 Existing Conditions ...........................................................................................................3
2.2 Proposed Construction Activities ......................................................................................3
3.0 Construction Stormwater BMPs ...............................................................................................5
3.1 The 12 BMP Elements .......................................................................................................5
3.1.1 Element #1 – Mark Clearing Limits ................................................................5
3.1.2 Element #2 – Establish Construction Access...................................................5
3.1.3 Element #3 – Control Flow Rates ....................................................................6
3.1.4 Element #4 – Install Sediment Controls ..........................................................7
3.1.5 Element #5 – Stabilize Soils ............................................................................8
3.1.6 Element #6 – Protect Slopes ............................................................................9
3.1.7 Element #7 – Protect Drain Inlets ....................................................................9
3.1.8 Element #8 – Stabilize Channels and Outlets ................................................10
3.1.9 Element #9 – Control Pollutants ....................................................................10
3.1.10 Element #10 – Control Dewatering ...............................................................11
3.1.11 Element #11 – Maintain BMPs ......................................................................12
3.1.12 Element #12 – Manage the Project ................................................................12
3.2 Site Specific BMPs ..........................................................................................................15
3.3 Additional Advanced BMPs ............................................................................................15
4.0 Construction Phasing and BMP Implementation ...................................................................16
5.0 Pollution Prevention Team ......................................................................................................17
5.1 Roles and Responsibilities ...............................................................................................17
5.2 Team Members ................................................................................................................17
6.0 Site Inspections and Monitoring .............................................................................................19
6.1 Site Inspection .................................................................................................................19
6.1.1 Site Inspection Frequency ..............................................................................19
6.1.2 Site Inspection Documentation ......................................................................20
6.2 Stormwater Quality Monitoring ......................................................................................20
6.2.1 Turbidity ........................................................................................................20
6.2.2 pH ...................................................................................................................21
7.0 Reporting and Recordkeeping ................................................................................................23
7.1 Recordkeeping .................................................................................................................23
7.1.1 Site Log Book ................................................................................................23
7.1.2 Records Retention ..........................................................................................23
7.1.3 Access to Plans and Records..........................................................................23
7.1.4 Updating the SWPPP .....................................................................................24
7.2 Reporting .........................................................................................................................24
7.2.1 Discharge Monitoring Reports .......................................................................24
7.2.2 Notification of Noncompliance......................................................................24
7.2.3 Permit Application and Changes ...................................................................24
Appendix A – Site Plans .........................................................................................................25
Appendix B – Construction BMPs .........................................................................................26
Appendix C – Alternative BMPs ............................................................................................27
Appendix D – General Permit ................................................................................................29
Appendix E – Site Inspection Forms (and Site Log) ..............................................................30
Appendix F – Engineering Calculations .................................................................................39
Appendix A Site plans
Vicinity map (with all discharge points)
Site plan with TESC measures
Appendix B Construction BMPs
Possibly reference in BMPs, but likely it will be a consolidated list so that the
applicant can photocopy from the list from the SWMM.
Appendix C Alternative Construction BMP list
List of BMPs not selected, but can be referenced if needed in each of the 12 elements
Appendix D General Permit
Appendix E Site Log and Inspection Forms
Appendix F Engineering Calculations (if necessary)
Flows, ponds, etc…
Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan
1.0 Introduction
This Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP) has been prepared as part of the NPDES
stormwater permit requirements for the 30th Street NE Area Flooding – Phase 1 construction
project situated in the SW and SE quarters of Section 06, Township 21 North, Range 5 East,
W.M., in Auburn, Washington. The site is located northeast of the interchange for State Route
167 and State Route 18. The existing site is roughly 4.4 acres, of which approximately 3 acres
are existing Right-of-Way along 30th Street NE, Auburn Way N, and I Street NE. The remaining
site area consists of a private driveway and approximately 1.2 acres of lawn along the north side
of Brannan Park. The proposed development consists of replacing approximately 4,000 linear
feet of existing 30-inch diameter storm sewer trunk line with a new 42-inch diameter pipe.
Construction activities will include asphalt concrete and cement concrete pavement removal,
excavation, backfilling, relocation of existing utility services, pipe and drainage structure
installation, pavement and sidewalk restoration, and landscape restoration.
The purpose of this SWPPP is to describe the proposed construction activities and all temporary
and permanent erosion and sediment control (TESC) measures, pollution prevention measures,
inspection/monitoring activities, and recordkeeping that will be implemented during the
proposed construction project. The objectives of the SWPPP are to:
1. Implement Best Management Practices (BMPs) to prevent erosion and
sedimentation, and to identify, reduce, eliminate or prevent stormwater
contamination and water pollution from construction activity.
2. Prevent violations of surface water quality, ground water quality, or
sediment management standards.
3. Prevent, during the construction phase, adverse water quality impacts
including impacts on beneficial uses of the receiving water by controlling
peak flow rates and volumes of stormwater runoff at the Permittee’s
outfalls and downstream of the outfalls.
This SWPPP was prepared using the Ecology SWPPP Template downloaded from the Ecology
website on October 15, 2013. This SWPPP was prepared based on the requirements set forth in
the Construction Stormwater General Permit, Stormwater Management Manual for Western
Washington (SWMMWW 2005). The report is divided into seven main sections with several
appendices that include stormwater related reference materials. The topics presented in the each
of the main sections are:
Section 1 – INTRODUCTION. This section provides a summary
description of the project, and the organization of the SWPPP document.
Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan
Section 2 – SITE DESCRIPTION. This section provides a detailed
description of the existing site conditions, proposed construction activities,
and calculated stormwater flow rates for existing conditions and post–
construction conditions.
Section 3 – CONSTRUCTION BMPs. This section provides a detailed
description of the BMPs to be implemented based on the 12 required
elements of the SWPPP (SWMMEW 2004).
IMPLEMENTATION. This section provides a description of the timing
of the BMP implementation in relation to the project schedule.
Section 5 – POLLUTION PREVENTION TEAM. This section identifies
the appropriate contact names (emergency and non-emergency),
monitoring personnel, and the onsite temporary erosion and sedimentation
control inspector
Section 6 – INSPECTION AND MONITORING. This section provides a
description of the inspection and monitoring requirements such as the
parameters of concern to be monitored, sample locations, sample
frequencies, and sampling methods for all stormwater discharge locations
from the site.
Section 7 – RECORDKEEPING. This section describes the requirements
for documentation of the BMP implementation, site inspections,
monitoring results, and changes to the implementation of certain BMPs
due to site factors experienced during construction.
Supporting documentation and standard forms are provided in the following Appendices:
Appendix A – Site plans
Appendix B – Construction BMPs
Appendix C – Alternative Construction BMP list
Appendix D – General Permit
Appendix E – Site Log and Inspection Forms
Appendix F – Engineering Calculations
Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan
2.0 Site Description
2.1 Existing Conditions
The proposed site is located along 30th Street NE from approximately C Street NE to Brannan
Park, situated in the SW and SE quarters of Section 06, Township 21 North, Range 5 East,
W.M., in Auburn, Washington. A site vicinity map and coordinates are provided in Appendix A.
The site is roughly 4.4 acres in size and includes portions of 30th Street NE, C Street NE, Auburn
Way N, I Street NE, a private driveway, and Brannan Park. The topography of the site and
surrounding properties are relatively flat. Subsurface soil mainly consists of alluvial deposits
ranging from silt to sand with varying amounts of gravel. Groundwater is expected to be
approximately 5 feet below the surface during the winter and spring months.
Roadway runoff is currently collected by catch basins on either side of the road and conveyed
east in the existing 30-inch diameter storm drain system to the Brannan Park Pump Station prior
to discharging to the Green River. At the point of discharge, the Green River is not included in
the Section 303(d) list under the State’s Clean Water Act. Roughly 3 miles downstream from the
point of discharge, The Green River is listed as a Category 5 polluted water of the state under the
State’s Clean Water Act Section 303(d) list, due to dissolved oxygen.
There are no critical areas on the site such as high erosion risk areas, wetlands, streams, or steep
slopes (potential landslide area). The Green River is located approximately 100 feet east of the
project limits.
2.2 Proposed Construction Activities
The north central area of Auburn has history of surface flooding with significant flooding
occurring about once every few years. The flooding along 30th Street NE was high enough to
overtop the sidewalk and inundated the immediate vicinity. In addition, the existing 30-inch
gravity storm drain that runs eastward along 30th Street NE to the Brannan Park Pump Station
does not have sufficient capacity and surcharges frequently.
The proposed flooding reduction improvement includes replacement of existing 30-inch diameter
storm sewer trunk line with new 42-inch diameter. Portions of the existing storm sewer system
will either be reconnected to the new system, be removed, or filled with CDF and abandoned in
place. Other existing underground utilities will be relocated, abandoned, or removed as necessary
to accommodate the new improvements.
Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan
Construction activities will include asphalt concrete and cement concrete pavement removal,
excavation, backfilling, relocation of existing utility services, pipe and drainage structure
installation, pavement and sidewalk restoration, and landscape restoration. The schedule and
phasing of BMPs during construction is provided in Section 4.0.
When underground activities are completed the site will be restored to existing conditions.
Roadway, asphalt path, driveway, curb, gutter and sidewalk will be restored. Landscape areas
will receive bark mulch or sod installation.
The following summarizes details regarding site areas:
Total site area: 4.4 acres
Percent impervious area before construction: 70 %
Percent impervious area after construction: 70 %
Disturbed area during construction: 1.5 acres
Disturbed area that is characterized as impervious (i.e.,
access roads, staging, parking): 1.3 acres
2-year stormwater runoff peak flow prior to construction
(existing): 1.58 cfs
10-year stormwater runoff peak flow prior to construction
(existing): 2.74 cfs
2-year stormwater runoff peak flow during construction: 1.58 cfs
10-year stormwater runoff peak flow during construction: 2.74 cfs
2-year stormwater runoff peak flow after construction: 1.58 cfs
10-year stormwater runoff peak flow after construction: 2.74 cfs
All stormwater flow calculations are provided in Appendix F.
Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan
3.0 Construction Stormwater BMPs
3.1 The 12 BMP Elements
3.1.1 Element #1 – Mark Clearing Limits
To protect adjacent properties and to reduce the area of soil exposed to construction, the limits of
construction will be clearly marked before land-disturbing activities begin. Trees that are to be
preserved, as well as all sensitive areas and their buffers, shall be clearly delineated, both in the
field and on the plans. In general, natural vegetation and native topsoil shall be retained in an
undisturbed state to the maximum extent possible. The BMPs relevant to marking the clearing
limits that will be applied for this project include:
Preserving Natural Vegetation (BMP C101)
High Visibility Plastic or Metal Fence (BMP C103)
Natural vegetation will be preserved in areas that will not be impacted by excavation.
High visibility plastic or metal fencing will be installed along project clearing limits and to
denote the project work area within Brannan Park. The fencing will be installed prior to site
Alternate construction access BMPs are included in Appendix C as a quick reference tool for the
onsite inspector in the event the BMP(s) listed above are deemed ineffective or inappropriate
during construction to satisfy the requirements set forth in the General NPDES Permit (Appendix
D). To avoid potential erosion and sediment control issues that may cause a violation(s) of the
NPDES Construction Stormwater permit (as provided in Appendix D), the Certified Erosion and
Sediment Control Lead will promptly initiate the implementation of one or more of the
alternative BMPs listed in Appendix C after the first sign that existing BMPs are ineffective or
3.1.2 Element #2 – Establish Construction Access
Construction access or activities occurring on unpaved areas shall be minimized, yet where
necessary, access points shall be stabilized to minimize the tracking of sediment onto public
roads, and wheel washing, street sweeping, and street cleaning shall be employed to prevent
sediment from entering state waters. All wash wastewater shall be controlled on site. The
specific BMPs related to establishing construction access that will be used on this project
• No BMPs to be implemented
Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan
The majority of the work will be within existing paved roadway, thus, the existing roadway
system will be utilized as construction access. Work within Brannan Park is minimized by
limiting construction activities to those associated with the utility improvements. The existing
paved and gravel access road/trail will be utilized as construction access.
Alternate construction access BMPs are included in Appendix C as a quick reference tool for the
onsite inspector in the event the BMP(s) listed above are deemed ineffective or inappropriate
during construction to satisfy the requirements set forth in the General NPDES Permit (Appendix
D). To avoid potential erosion and sediment control issues that may cause a violation(s) of the
NPDES Construction Stormwater permit (as provided in Appendix D), the Certified Erosion and
Sediment Control Lead will promptly initiate the implementation of one or more of the
alternative BMPs listed in Appendix C after the first sign that existing BMPs are ineffective or
3.1.3 Element #3 – Control Flow Rates
In order to protect the properties and waterways downstream of the project site, stormwater
discharges from the site will be controlled. The specific BMPs for flow control that shall be used
on this project include:
• No BMPs to be implemented
During construction, stormwater will be collected by existing catch basins and routed through the
existing storm sewer system and/or temporary by-pass system until the new storm sewer trunk
line has been installed and activated. The project will not increase impervious areas.
Alternate flow control BMPs are included in Appendix C as a quick reference tool for the onsite
inspector in the event the BMP(s) listed above are deemed ineffective or inappropriate during
construction to satisfy the requirements set forth in the General NPDES Permit (Appendix D).
To avoid potential erosion and sediment control issues that may cause a violation(s) of the
NPDES Construction Stormwater permit (as provided in Appendix D), the Certified Erosion and
Sediment Control Lead will promptly initiate the implementation of one or more of the
alternative BMPs listed in Appendix C after the first sign that existing BMPs are ineffective or
The project site is located west of the Cascade Mountain Crest. As such, the project must
comply with Minimum Requirement 7 (Ecology 2005).
In general, discharge rates of stormwater from the site will be controlled where increases in
impervious area or soil compaction during construction could lead to downstream erosion, or
where necessary to meet local agency stormwater discharge requirements (e.g. discharge to
combined sewer systems).
Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan
3.1.4 Element #4 – Install Sediment Controls
All stormwater runoff from disturbed areas shall pass through an appropriate sediment removal
BMP before leaving the construction site or prior to being discharged to an infiltration facility.
The specific BMPs to be used for controlling sediment on this project include:
• Silt Fence (BMP C233)
• Straw Wattles (BMP C235)
• Storm Drain Inlet Protection (BMP C220)
Silt fence will be installed where overland flow will travel outside the project work area. Silt
fence will be installed prior to construction activities.
Straw wattles will be installed where overland flow will travel outside the project work area and
it is impractical to install silt fence. Straw wattles will be installed prior to construction
Storm drain inlet protection will be installed on any catch basins that may receive sediment laden
runoff from the project site. Storm drain inlet protection will be installed prior to any site
activity that may result in sediment laden runoff.
Alternate sediment control BMPs are included in Appendix C as a quick reference tool for the
onsite inspector in the event the BMP(s) listed above are deemed ineffective or inappropriate
during construction to satisfy the requirements set forth in the General NPDES Permit (Appendix
D). To avoid potential erosion and sediment control issues that may cause a violation(s) of the
NPDES Construction Stormwater permit (as provided in Appendix D), the Certified Erosion and
Sediment Control Lead will promptly initiate the implementation of one or more of the
alternative BMPs listed in Appendix C after the first sign that existing BMPs are ineffective or
In addition, sediment will be removed from paved areas in and adjacent to construction work
areas manually or using mechanical sweepers, as needed, to minimize tracking of sediments on
vehicle tires away from the site and to minimize washoff of sediments from adjacent streets in
Whenever possible, sediment laden water shall be discharged into onsite, relatively level,
vegetated areas (BMP C240 paragraph 5, page 4-102).
In some cases, sediment discharge in concentrated runoff can be controlled using permanent
stormwater BMPs (e.g., infiltration swales, ponds, trenches). Sediment loads can limit the
effectiveness of some permanent stormwater BMPs, such as those used for infiltration or
biofiltration; however, those BMPs designed to remove solids by settling (wet ponds or detention
ponds) can be used during the construction phase. When permanent stormwater BMPs will be
Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan
used to control sediment discharge during construction, the structure will be protected from
excessive sedimentation with adequate erosion and sediment control BMPs. Any accumulated
sediment shall be removed after construction is complete and the permanent stormwater BMP
will be restabilized with vegetation per applicable design requirements once the remainder of the
site has been stabilized.
The following BMPs will be implemented as end-of-pipe sediment controls as required to meet
permitted turbidity limits in the site discharge(s). Prior to the implementation of these
technologies, sediment sources and erosion control and soil stabilization BMP efforts will be
maximized to reduce the need for end-of-pipe sedimentation controls.
Temporary Sediment Pond (BMP C241)
Construction Stormwater Filtration (BMP C251)
Construction Stormwater Chemical Treatment (BMP C 250)
(implemented only with prior written approval from Ecology).
3.1.5 Element #5 – Stabilize Soils
Exposed and unworked soils shall be stabilized with the application of effective BMPs to prevent
erosion throughout the life of the project. The specific BMPs for soil stabilization that shall be
used on this project include:
• Plastic Covering (BMP C123)
• Dust Control (BMP C140)
Plastic covering shall be kept on hand by the Contractor to provide short-term erosion protection
to disturbed areas as necessary.
Dust control will be implemented by the Contractor as necessary to prevent wind transport of
dust from disturbed soil surfaces for the duration of construction.
Alternate soil stabilization BMPs are included in Appendix C as a quick reference tool for the
onsite inspector in the event the BMP(s) listed above are deemed ineffective or inappropriate
during construction to satisfy the requirements set forth in the General NPDES Permit (Appendix
D). To avoid potential erosion and sediment control issues that may cause a violation(s) of the
NPDES Construction Stormwater permit (as provided in Appendix D), the Certified Erosion and
Sediment Control Lead will promptly initiate the implementation of one or more of the
alternative BMPs listed in Appendix C after the first sign that existing BMPs are ineffective or
Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan
The project site is located west of the Cascade Mountain Crest. As such, no soils shall remain
exposed and unworked for more than 7 days during the dry season (May 1 to September 30) and
2 days during the wet season (October 1 to April 30). Regardless of the time of year, all soils
shall be stabilized at the end of the shift before a holiday or weekend if needed based on weather
In general, cut and fill slopes will be stabilized as soon as possible and soil stockpiles will be
temporarily covered with plastic sheeting. All stockpiled soils shall be stabilized from erosion,
protected with sediment trapping measures, and where possible, be located away from storm
drain inlets, waterways, and drainage channels.
3.1.6 Element #6 – Protect Slopes
All cut and fill slopes will be designed, constructed, and protected in a manner than minimizes
erosion. The following specific BMPs will be used to protect slopes for this project:
• No BMPs to be implemented
The project site is relatively flat and there are no steep slopes to protect.
Alternate slope protection BMPs are included in Appendix C as a quick reference tool for the
onsite inspector in the event the BMP(s) listed above are deemed ineffective or inappropriate
during construction to satisfy the requirements set forth in the General NPDES Permit (Appendix
D). To avoid potential erosion and sediment control issues that may cause a violation(s) of the
NPDES Construction Stormwater permit (as provided in Appendix D), the Certified Erosion and
Sediment Control Lead will promptly initiate the implementation of one or more of the
alternative BMPs listed in Appendix C after the first sign that existing BMPs are ineffective or
3.1.7 Element #7 – Protect Drain Inlets
All storm drain inlets and culverts made operable during construction shall be protected to
prevent unfiltered or untreated water from entering the drainage conveyance system. However,
the first priority is to keep all access roads clean of sediment and keep street wash water separate
from entering storm drains until treatment can be provided. Storm Drain Inlet Protection (BMP
C220) will be implemented for all drainage inlets and culverts that could potentially be impacted
by sediment-laden runoff on and near the project site. The following inlet protection measures
will be applied on this project:
Drop Inlet Protection
• Catch Basin Filters
Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan
If the BMP options listed above are deemed ineffective or inappropriate during construction to
satisfy the requirements set forth in the General NPDES Permit (Appendix D), or if no BMPs are
listed above but deemed necessary during construction, the Certified Erosion and Sediment
Control Lead shall implement one or more of the alternative BMP inlet protection options listed
in Appendix C.
3.1.8 Element #8 – Stabilize Channels and Outlets
Where site runoff is to be conveyed in channels, or discharged to a stream or some other natural
drainage point, efforts will be taken to prevent downstream erosion. The specific BMPs for
channel and outlet stabilization that shall be used on this project include:
No BMPs to be implemented
During construction, site runoff will be collected and conveyed through the existing storm sewer
system to the Brannan Park Pump Station. Existing outfall will be maintained and utilized.
Alternate channel and outlet stabilization BMPs are included in Appendix C as a quick reference
tool for the onsite inspector in the event the BMP(s) listed above are deemed ineffective or
inappropriate during construction to satisfy the requirements set forth in the General NPDES
Permit (Appendix D). To avoid potential erosion and sediment control issues that may cause a
violation(s) of the NPDES Construction Stormwater permit (as provided in Appendix D), the
Certified Erosion and Sediment Control Lead will promptly initiate the implementation of one or
more of the alternative BMPs listed in Appendix C after the first sign that existing BMPs are
ineffective or failing.
The project site is located west of the Cascade Mountain Crest. As such, all temporary on-site
conveyance channels shall be designed, constructed, and stabilized to prevent erosion from the
expected peak 10 minute velocity of flow from a Type 1A, 10-year, 24-hour recurrence interval
storm for the developed condition. Alternatively, the 10-year, 1-hour peak flow rate indicated by
an approved continuous runoff simulation model, increased by a factor of 1.6, shall be used.
Stabilization, including armoring material, adequate to prevent erosion of outlets, adjacent
streambanks, slopes, and downstream reaches shall be provided at the outlets of all conveyance
3.1.9 Element #9 – Control Pollutants
All pollutants, including waste materials and demolition debris, that occur onsite shall be
handled and disposed of in a manner that does not cause contamination of stormwater. Good
housekeeping and preventative measures will be taken to ensure that the site will be kept clean,
well organized, and free of debris. If required, BMPs to be implemented to control specific
sources of pollutants are discussed below.
Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan
The facility is transportation-related and therefore not subject to the Federal requirements of the
Spill Prevention, Control, and Countermeasure (SPCC) Plan under the Clean Water Act (CWA).
If applicable, the Contractor shall prepare an SPCC Plan according to the Washington State
Department of Transportation (WSDOT) Requirements (see the WSDOT Standard Specifications
for Road, Bridge, and Municipal Construction 2004).
The facility does not require a Spill Prevention, Control, and Countermeasure (SPCC) Plan under
the Federal regulations of the Clean Water Act (CWA).
3.1.10 Element #10 – Control Dewatering
All dewatering water from open cut excavation, tunneling, foundation work, trench, or
underground vaults shall be discharged into a controlled conveyance system prior to discharge to
a sediment trap or sediment pond. Channels will be stabilized, per Element #8. Clean, non-
turbid dewatering water will not be routed through stormwater sediment ponds, and will be
discharged to systems tributary to the receiving waters of the State in a manner that does not
cause erosion, flooding, or a violation of State water quality standards in the receiving water.
Highly turbid dewatering water from soils known or suspected to be contaminated, or from use
of construction equipment, will require additional monitoring and treatment as required for the
specific pollutants based on the receiving waters into which the discharge is occurring. Such
monitoring is the responsibility of the contractor.
However, the dewatering of soils known to be free of contamination will trigger BMPs to trap
sediment and reduce turbidity. At a minimum, geotextile fabric socks/bags/cells will be used to
filter this material. Other BMPs to be used for sediment trapping and turbidity reduction include
the following:
Portable Water Storage Tanks (e.g. Baker Tank) for Sedimentation
Construction Stormwater Filtration (BMP C 251)
This site has high groundwater and will require trench dewatering to install the new storm sewer
improvements. Dewatering discharge will be filtered to remove suspended solids and sediment
prior to release from the site.
Alternate dewatering control BMPs are included in Appendix C as a quick reference tool for the
onsite inspector in the event the BMP(s) listed above are deemed ineffective or inappropriate
during construction to satisfy the requirements set forth in the General NPDES Permit (Appendix
D). To avoid potential erosion and sediment control issues that may cause a violation(s) of the
NPDES Construction Stormwater permit (as provided in Appendix D), the Certified Erosion and
Sediment Control Lead will promptly initiate the implementation of one or more of the
alternative BMPs listed in Appendix C after the first sign that existing BMPs are ineffective or
Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan
3.1.11 Element #11 – Maintain BMPs
All temporary and permanent erosion and sediment control BMPs shall be maintained and
repaired as needed to assure continued performance of their intended function. Maintenance and
repair shall be conducted in accordance with each particular BMP’s specifications. Visual
monitoring of the BMPs will be conducted at least once every calendar week and within 24 hours
of any rainfall event that causes a discharge from the site. If the site becomes inactive, and is
temporarily stabilized, the inspection frequency will be reduced to once every month.
All temporary erosion and sediment control BMPs shall be removed within 30 days after the
final site stabilization is achieved or after the temporary BMPs are no longer needed. Trapped
sediment shall be removed or stabilized on site. Disturbed soil resulting from removal of BMPs
or vegetation shall be permanently stabilized.
3.1.12 Element #12 – Manage the Project
Erosion and sediment control BMPs for this project have been designed based on the following
Design the project to fit the existing topography, soils, and drainage
Emphasize erosion control rather than sediment control.
Minimize the extent and duration of the area exposed.
Keep runoff velocities low.
Retain sediment on site.
Thoroughly monitor site and maintain all ESC measures.
Schedule major earthwork during the dry season.
In addition, project management will incorporate the key components listed below:
As this project site is located west of the Cascade Mountain Crest, the project will be managed
according to the following key project components:
Phasing of Construction
The construction project is being phased to the extent practicable in order
to prevent soil erosion, and, to the maximum extent possible, the transport
of sediment from the site during construction.
Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan
Revegetation of exposed areas and maintenance of that vegetation shall be
an integral part of the clearing activities during each phase of construction,
per the Scheduling BMP (C 162).
Seasonal Work Limitations
From October 1 through April 30, clearing, grading, and other soil
disturbing activities shall only be permitted if shown to the satisfaction of
the local permitting authority that silt-laden runoff will be prevented from
leaving the site through a combination of the following:
Site conditions including existing vegetative coverage, slope, soil
type, and proximity to receiving waters; and
Limitations on activities and the extent of disturbed areas; and
Proposed erosion and sediment control measures.
Based on the information provided and/or local weather conditions, the
local permitting authority may expand or restrict the seasonal limitation on
site disturbance.
The following activities are exempt from the seasonal clearing and grading
Routine maintenance and necessary repair of erosion and sediment
control BMPs;
Routine maintenance of public facilities or existing utility
structures that do not expose the soil or result in the removal of the
vegetative cover to soil; and
Activities where there is 100 percent infiltration of surface water
runoff within the site in approved and installed erosion and
sediment control facilities.
Coordination with Utilities and Other Jurisdictions
Care has been taken to coordinate with utilities, other construction
projects, and the local jurisdiction in preparing this SWPPP and
scheduling the construction work.
Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan
Inspection and Monitoring
All BMPs shall be inspected, maintained, and repaired as needed to assure
continued performance of their intended function. Site inspections shall
be conducted by a person who is knowledgeable in the principles and
practices of erosion and sediment control. This person has the necessary
skills to:
Assess the site conditions and construction activities that could
impact the quality of stormwater, and
Assess the effectiveness of erosion and sediment control measures
used to control the quality of stormwater discharges.
A Certified Erosion and Sediment Control Lead shall be on-site or on-call
at all times.
Whenever inspection and/or monitoring reveals that the BMPs identified
in this SWPPP are inadequate, due to the actual discharge of or potential
to discharge a significant amount of any pollutant, appropriate BMPs or
design changes shall be implemented as soon as possible.
Maintaining an Updated Construction SWPPP
This SWPPP shall be retained on-site or within reasonable access to the
The SWPPP shall be modified whenever there is a change in the design,
construction, operation, or maintenance at the construction site that has, or
could have, a significant effect on the discharge of pollutants to waters of
the state.
The SWPPP shall be modified if, during inspections or investigations
conducted by the owner/operator, or the applicable local or state
regulatory authority, it is determined that the SWPPP is ineffective in
eliminating or significantly minimizing pollutants in stormwater
discharges from the site. The SWPPP shall be modified as necessary to
include additional or modified BMPs designed to correct problems
identified. Revisions to the SWPPP shall be completed within seven (7)
days following the inspection.
Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan
3.2 Site Specific BMPs
Site specific BMPs are shown on the TESC Plan Sheets and Details in Appendix A. These site
specific plan sheets will be updated annually.
3.3 Additional Advanced BMPs
BMP C250: Construction Stormwater Chemical Treatment
BMP C251: Construction Stormwater Filtration.
Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan
4.0 Construction Phasing and BMP
The BMP implementation schedule will be driven by the construction schedule. The following
provides a sequential list of the proposed construction schedule milestones and the corresponding
BMP implementation schedule. The list contains key milestones such as wet season
The BMP implementation schedule listed below is keyed to proposed phases of the construction
project, and reflects differences in BMP installations and inspections that relate to wet season
construction. The project site is located west of the Cascade Mountain Crest. As such, the dry
season is considered to be from May 1 to September 30 and the wet season is considered to be
from October 1 to April 30.
Estimate of Construction start date: Dec. 2013
Estimate of Construction finish date: March 2014
Mobilize equipment on site: TBD
Mobilize and store all ESC and soil stabilization products: TBD
Install ESC measures: TBD
Install stabilized construction entrance: TBD
Begin clearing and grubbing: TBD
Preserving natural vegetation TBD
High visibility plastic or metal fence TBD
Silt fence TBD
Straw wattles TBD
Storm drain inlet protection TBD
Plastic covering TBD
Dust control TBD
Catch basin filters TBD
Construction stormwater filtration TBD
Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan
5.0 Pollution Prevention Team
5.1 Roles and Responsibilities
The pollution prevention team consists of personnel responsible for implementation of the
SWPPP, including the following:
Certified Erosion and Sediment Control Lead (CESCL) – primary
contractor contact, responsible for site inspections (BMPs, visual
monitoring, sampling, etc.); to be called upon in case of failure of any
ESC measures.
Resident Engineer – For projects with engineered structures only
(sediment ponds/traps, sand filters, etc.): site representative for the owner
that is the project's supervising engineer responsible for inspections and
issuing instructions and drawings to the contractor's site supervisor or
Emergency Ecology Contact – individual to be contacted at Ecology in
case of emergency.
Emergency Owner Contact – individual that is the site owner or
representative of the site owner to be contacted in the case of an
Non-Emergency Ecology Contact – individual that is the site owner or
representative of the site owner than can be contacted if required.
Monitoring Personnel – personnel responsible for conducting water
quality monitoring; for most sites this person is also the Certified Erosion
and Sediment Control Lead.
5.2 Team Members
Names and contact information for those identified as members of the pollution prevention team
are provided in the following table.
Title Name(s) Phone Number
Certified Erosion and Sediment Control Lead (CESCL) TBD TBD
Resident Engineer TBD TBD
Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan
Emergency Ecology Contact Jacque Klug 425- 649-7270
Emergency Owner Contact Kim Truong 253- 804-5059
Non-Emergency Ecology Contact TBD TBD
Monitoring Personnel TBD TBD
Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan
6.0 Site Inspections and Monitoring
Monitoring includes visual inspection, monitoring for water quality parameters of concern, and
documentation of the inspection and monitoring findings in a site log book. A site log book will
be maintained for all on-site construction activities and will include:
A record of the implementation of the SWPPP and other permit
Site inspections; and,
Stormwater quality monitoring.
For convenience, the inspection form and water quality monitoring forms included in this
SWPPP include the required information for the site log book. This SWPPP may function as the
site log book if desired, or the forms may be separated and included in a separate site log book.
However, if separated, the site log book but must be maintained on-site or within reasonable
access to the site and be made available upon request to Ecology or the local jurisdiction.
6.1 Site Inspection
All BMPs will be inspected, maintained, and repaired as needed to assure continued performance
of their intended function. The inspector will be a Certified Erosion and Sediment Control Lead
(CESCL) per BMP C160. The name and contact information for the CESCL is provided in
Section 5 of this SWPPP.
Site inspection will occur in all areas disturbed by construction activities and at all stormwater
discharge points. Stormwater will be examined for the presence of suspended sediment,
turbidity, discoloration, and oily sheen. The site inspector will evaluate and document the
effectiveness of the installed BMPs and determine if it is necessary to repair or replace any of the
BMPs to improve the quality of stormwater discharges. All maintenance and repairs will be
documented in the site log book or forms provided in this document. All new BMPs or design
changes will be documented in the SWPPP as soon as possible.
6.1.1 Site Inspection Frequency
Site inspections will be conducted at least once a week and within 24 hours following any
discharge from the site. For sites with temporary stabilization measures, the site inspection
frequency can be reduced to once every month.
Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan
6.1.2 Site Inspection Documentation
The site inspector will record each site inspection using the site log inspection forms provided in
Appendix E. The site inspection log forms may be separated from this SWPPP document, but
will be maintained on-site or within reasonable access to the site and be made available upon
request to Ecology or the local jurisdiction.
6.2 Stormwater Quality Monitoring
6.2.1 Turbidity Sampling
Monitoring requirements for the proposed project will include either turbidity or water
transparency sampling to monitor site discharges for water quality compliance with the 2005
Construction Stormwater General Permit (Appendix D). Sampling will be conducted at all
discharge points at least once per calendar week.
Turbidity or transparency monitoring will follow the analytical methodologies described in
Section S4 of the 2005 Construction Stormwater General Permit (Appendix D). The key
benchmark values that require action are 25 NTU for turbidity (equivalent to 32 cm
transparency) and 250 NTU for turbidity (equivalent to 6 cm transparency). If the 25 NTU
benchmark for turbidity (equivalent to 32 cm transparency) is exceeded, the following steps will
be conducted:
1. Ensure all BMPs specified in this SWPPP are installed and functioning as
2. Assess whether additional BMPs should be implemented, and document
revisions to the SWPPP as necessary.
3. Sample discharge location daily until the analysis results are less than 25
NTU (turbidity) or greater than 32 cm (transparency).
If the turbidity is greater than 25 NTU (or transparency is less than 32 cm) but less than 250
NTU (transparency greater than 6 cm) for more than 3 days, additional treatment BMPs will be
implemented within 24 hours of the third consecutive sample that exceeded the benchmark
value. Additional treatment BMPs to be considered will include, but are not limited to, off-site
treatment, infiltration, filtration and chemical treatment.
If the 250 NTU benchmark for turbidity (or less than 6 cm transparency) is exceeded at any time,
the following steps will be conducted:
1. Notify Ecology by phone within 24 hours of analysis (see Section 5.0 of
this SWPPP for contact information).
Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan
2. Continue daily sampling until the turbidity is less than 25 NTU (or
transparency is greater than 32 cm).
3. Initiate additional treatment BMPs such as off-site treatment, infiltration,
filtration and chemical treatment within 24 hours of the first 250 NTU
4. Implement additional treatment BMPs as soon as possible, but within 7
days of the first 250 NTU exceedance.
5. Describe inspection results and remedial actions taken in the site log book
and in monthly discharge monitoring reports as described in Section 7.0 of
this SWPPP.
Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan
7.0 Reporting and Recordkeeping
7.1 Recordkeeping
7.1.1 Site Log Book
A site log book will be maintained for all on-site construction activities and will include:
A record of the implementation of the SWPPP and other permit
Site inspections; and,
Stormwater quality monitoring.
For convenience, the inspection form and water quality monitoring forms included in this
SWPPP include the required information for the site log book.
The site log book is attached to the SWPPP.
7.1.2 Records Retention
Records of all monitoring information (site log book, inspection reports/checklists, etc.), this
Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan, and any other documentation of compliance with permit
requirements will be retained during the life of the construction project and for a minimum of
three years following the termination of permit coverage in accordance with permit condition
7.1.3 Access to Plans and Records
The SWPPP, General Permit, Notice of Authorization letter, and Site Log Book will be retained
on site or within reasonable access to the site and will be made immediately available upon
request to Ecology or the local jurisdiction. A copy of this SWPPP will be provided to Ecology
within 14 days of receipt of a written request for the SWPPP from Ecology. Any other
information requested by Ecology will be submitted within a reasonable time. A copy of the
SWPPP or access to the SWPPP will be provided to the public when requested in writing in
accordance with permit condition S5.G.
Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan
7.1.4 Updating the SWPPP
In accordance with Conditions S3, S4.B, and S9.B.3 of the General Permit, this SWPPP will be
modified if the SWPPP is ineffective in eliminating or significantly minimizing pollutants in
stormwater discharges from the site or there has been a change in design, construction, operation,
or maintenance at the site that has a significant effect on the discharge, or potential for discharge,
of pollutants to the waters of the State. The SWPPP will be modified within seven days of
determination based on inspection(s) that additional or modified BMPs are necessary to correct
problems identified, and an updated timeline for BMP implementation will be prepared.
7.2 Reporting
7.2.1 Discharge Monitoring Reports
[Prior to October 2008] If cumulative soil disturbance is smaller than 5 acres: Discharge
Monitoring Report (DMR) forms will not be submitted to Ecology because water quality
sampling is not being conducted at the site.
If cumulative soil disturbance is 5 acres or larger: Discharge Monitoring Reports (DMRs) will be
submitted to Ecology monthly. If there was no discharge during a given monitoring period, the
Permittee shall submit the form as required, with the words “No discharge” entered in the place
of monitoring results. The DMR due date is 15 days following the end of each month.
7.2.2 Notification of Noncompliance
If any of the terms and conditions of the permit are not met, and it causes a threat to human
health or the environment, the following steps will be taken in accordance with permit section
1. Ecology will be immediately notified of the failure to comply.
2. Immediate action will be taken to control the noncompliance issue and to
correct the problem. If applicable, sampling and analysis of any
noncompliance will be repeated immediately and the results submitted to
Ecology within five (5) days of becoming aware of the violation.
3. A detailed written report describing the noncompliance will be submitted
to Ecology within five (5) days, unless requested earlier by Ecology.
Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan
Appendix A – Site Plans
See Plan Sheets 3-7 for Survey Control and Existing Site Survey.
See Plan Sheets 8-12 for TESC and Demolition Plans.
Project Corridor
Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan
Appendix B – Construction BMPs
See TESC and Demolition Plans (Plan Sheets 8-12)
Preserving Natural Vegetation (BMP C101)
High Visibility Plastic or Metal Fence (BMP C103)
Silt Fence (BMP C233)
Straw Wattles (BMP C235)
Storm Drain Inlet Protection (BMP C220)
Plastic Covering (BMP C123)
Dust Control (BMP C140)
Portable Water Storage Tanks (e.g., Baker Tank) for Sedimentation
Construction Stormwater Filtration (BMP C 251)
Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan
Appendix C – Alternative BMPs
The following includes a list of possible alternative BMPs for each of the 12 elements not
described in the main SWPPP text. This list can be referenced in the event a BMP for a specific
element is not functioning as designed and an alternative BMP needs to be implemented.
Element #1 - Mark Clearing Limits Buffer Zones (BMP C102) Stake and Wire Fence (BMP C104) Alternative BMP not included in the SWMMWW (2005)
Element #2 - Establish Construction Access Construction Road/Parking Area Stabilization (BMP C107) Water Bars (BMP C203) Alternative BMP not included in the SWMMWW (2005)
Element #3 - Control Flow Rates Temporary Sediment Pond (BMP C241) Detention Pond or Vault Infiltration Trench Alternative BMP not included in the SWMMWW (2005)
Element #4 - Install Sediment Controls Straw Bale Barrier (BMP C230) Brush Barrier (BMP C231) Gravel Filter Berm (BMP C232) Vegetated Strip (BMP C234) Portable Water Storage Tanks (e.g., Baker Tank) for Sedimentation Materials on Hand (BMP C150) Detention Pond or Vault Alternative BMP not included in the SWMMWW (2005) Temporary Sediment Pond (BMP C241) Construction Stormwater Filtration (BMP C251) Construction Stormwater Chemical Treatment (BMP C250)
Element #5 - Stabilize Soils Nets and Blankets (BMP C122) Plastic Covering (BMP C123) Sodding (BMP C124) Topsoiling (BMP C125) Polyacrylamide for Soil Erosion Protection (BMP C126)
Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan
Surface Roughening (BMP C130) Gradient Terraces (BMP C131) Dust Control (BMP C140) Small Project Construction Stormwater Pollution (BMP C180) Early application of gravel base on areas to be paved Materials on Hand (BMP C150) Alternative BMP not included in the SWMMWW (2005)
Element #6 - Protect Slopes Surface Roughening (BMP C130) Gradient Terraces (BMP C131) Grass-Lined Channels (BMP C201) Channel Lining (BMP C202) Pipe Slope Drains (BMP C204) Subsurface Drains (BMP C205) Level Spreader (BMP C206) Triangular Silt Dike (Geotextile-Encased Check Dam; BMP C208) Straw Wattles (BMP C235) Materials on Hand (BMP C150) Alternative BMP not included in the SWMMWW (2005)
Element #8 - Stabilize Channels and Outlets Grass-Lined Channels (BMP C201) Channel Lining (BMP C202) Level Spreader (BMP C206) Check Dams (BMP C207) Triangular Silt Dike (Geotextile-Encased Check Dam – BMP C208) Materials on Hand (BMP C150) Alternative BMP not included in the SWMMWW (2005)
Element #10 - Control Dewatering Brush Barrier (BMP C231) Gravel Filter Berm (BMP C232) Vegetated Strip (BMP C234) Portable Water Storage Tanks (e.g., Baker Tank) for Sedimentation Materials on Hand (BMP C150) Detention Pond or Vault Alternative BMP not included in the SWMMWW (2005) Temporary Sediment Pond (BMP C241) Construction Stormwater Filtration (BMP C251) Construction Stormwater Chemical Treatment (BMP C250) Alternative BMP not included in the SWMMWW (2005)
Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan
Appendix D – General Permit
Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan
Appendix E – Site Inspection Forms (and Site Log)
The results of each inspection shall be summarized in an inspection report or checklist
that is entered into or attached to the site log book. It is suggested that the inspection
report or checklist be included in this appendix to keep monitoring and inspection
information in one document, but this is optional. However, it is mandatory that this
SWPPP and the site inspection forms be kept onsite at all times during construction, and
that inspections be performed and documented as outlined below.
At a minimum, each inspection report or checklist shall include:
a. Inspection date/times
b. Weather information: general conditions during inspection,
approximate amount of precipitation since the last inspection,
and approximate amount of precipitation within the last 24 hours.
c. A summary or list of all BMPs that have been implemented,
including observations of all erosion/sediment control structures or
d. The following shall be noted:
i. locations of BMPs inspected,
ii. locations of BMPs that need maintenance,
iii. the reason maintenance is needed,
iv. locations of BMPs that failed to operate as designed or
intended, and
v. locations where additional or different BMPs are needed, and
the reason(s) why
e. A description of stormwater discharged from the site. The presence
of suspended sediment, turbid water, discoloration, and/or oil
sheen shall be noted, as applicable.
f. A description of any water quality monitoring performed during
inspection, and the results of that monitoring.
g. General comments and notes, including a brief description of any
BMP rrepairs, maintenance or installations made as a result of the
h. A statement that, in the judgment of the person conducting the site
inspection, the site is either in compliance or out of compliance
with the terms and conditions of the SWPPP and the NPDES
permit. If the site inspection indicates that the site is out of
compliance, the inspection report shall include a summary of the
Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan
remedial actions required to bring the site back into compliance, as
well as a schedule of implementation.
i. Name, title, and signature of person conducting the site inspection;
and the following statement: “I certify under penalty of law that
this report is true, accurate, and complete, to the best of my
knowledge and belief”.
When the site inspection indicates that the site is not in compliance with any terms and
conditions of the NPDES permit, the Permittee shall take immediate action(s) to: stop,
contain, and clean up the unauthorized discharges, or otherwise stop the noncompliance;
correct the problem(s); implement appropriate Best Management Practices (BMPs),
and/or conduct maintenance of existing BMPs; and achieve compliance with all
applicable standards and permit conditions. In addition, if the noncompliance causes a
threat to human health or the environment, the Permittee shall comply with the
Noncompliance Notification requirements in Special Condition S5.F of the permit
Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan
Site Inspection Form
General Information
Project Name:
Inspector Name: Title:
Date: Time:
Inspection Type: □ After a rain event
□ Weekly
□ Turbidity/transparency benchmark exceedance
□ Other
Precipitation Since last inspection In last 24 hours
Description of General Site Conditions:
Inspection of BMPs
Element 1: Mark Clearing Limits
Location Inspected Functioning Problem/Corrective Action Y N Y N NIP
Location Inspected Functioning Problem/Corrective Action Y N Y N NIP
Element 2: Establish Construction Access
Location Inspected Functioning Problem/Corrective Action Y N Y N NIP
Location Inspected Functioning Problem/Corrective Action Y N Y N NIP
Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan
Element 3: Control Flow Rates
Location Inspected Functioning Problem/Corrective Action Y N Y N NIP
Location Inspected Functioning Problem/Corrective Action Y N Y N NIP
Element 4: Install Sediment Controls
Location Inspected Functioning Problem/Corrective Action Y N Y N NIP
Location Inspected Functioning Problem/Corrective Action Y N Y N NIP
Location Inspected Functioning Problem/Corrective Action Y N Y N NIP
Location Inspected Functioning Problem/Corrective Action Y N Y N NIP
Location Inspected Functioning Problem/Corrective Action Y N Y N NIP
Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan
Element 5: Stabilize Soils
Location Inspected Functioning Problem/Corrective Action Y N Y N NIP
Location Inspected Functioning Problem/Corrective Action Y N Y N NIP
Location Inspected Functioning Problem/Corrective Action Y N Y N NIP
Location Inspected Functioning Problem/Corrective Action Y N Y N NIP
Element 6: Protect Slopes
Location Inspected Functioning Problem/Corrective Action Y N Y N NIP
Location Inspected Functioning Problem/Corrective Action Y N Y N NIP
Location Inspected Functioning Problem/Corrective Action Y N Y N NIP
Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan
Element 7: Protect Drain Inlets
Location Inspected Functioning Problem/Corrective Action Y N Y N NIP
Location Inspected Functioning Problem/Corrective Action Y N Y N NIP
Location Inspected Functioning Problem/Corrective Action Y N Y N NIP
Element 8: Stabilize Channels and Outlets
Location Inspected Functioning Problem/Corrective Action Y N Y N NIP
Location Inspected Functioning Problem/Corrective Action Y N Y N NIP
Location Inspected Functioning Problem/Corrective Action Y N Y N NIP
Location Inspected Functioning Problem/Corrective Action Y N Y N NIP
Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan
Element 9: Control Pollutants
Location Inspected Functioning Problem/Corrective Action Y N Y N NIP
Location Inspected Functioning Problem/Corrective Action Y N Y N NIP
Element 10: Control Dewatering
Location Inspected Functioning Problem/Corrective Action Y N Y N NIP
Location Inspected Functioning Problem/Corrective Action Y N Y N NIP
Location Inspected Functioning Problem/Corrective Action Y N Y N NIP
Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan
Stormwater Discharges From the Site
Observed? Problem/Corrective Action Y N
Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan
Water Quality Monitoring
Was any water quality monitoring conducted? □ Yes □ No
If water quality monitoring was conducted, record results here:
If water quality monitoring indicated turbidity 250 NTU or greater; or transparency 6
cm or less, was Ecology notified by phone within 24 hrs?
□ Yes □ No
If Ecology was notified, indicate the date, time, contact name and phone number
Contact Name:
Phone #:
General Comments and Notes
Include BMP repairs, maintenance, or installations made as a result of the inspection.
Were Photos Taken? □ Yes □ No
If photos taken, describe photos below:
Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan
Appendix F – Engineering Calculations