HomeMy WebLinkAbout07-09-2014 SPECIAL CITY COUNCIL MEETING PACKETCIYOF A WASHINGTO Special City Council Meeting July 9, 2014 - 2:00 PM City Hall Council Chambers AGENDA I. CALL TO ORDER II. DISCUSSION ITEMS A. 2015 - 2016 Budget 101* III. ADJOURNMENT Agendas and minutes are available to the public at the City Clerk's Office, on the City website (http: / /www.auburnwa.gov), and via e -mail. Complete agenda packets are available for review at the City Clerk's Office. *Denotes attachments included in the agenda packet. Page 1 of 129 DI.A Ate )NASIlLNGTON AGENDA BILL APPROVAL FORM Agenda Subject: Date: 2015 - 2016 Budget 101 July 7, 2014 Department: Attachments: Budget Impact: Administration 2015 -2016 Budget 101 Workshop $0 Administrative Recommendation: Background Summary: Reviewed by Council Committees: Councilmember: Meeting Date: July 9, 2014 Staff: Item Number: DI.A AUBURN * MORE THAN YOU IMAGINED Page 2 of 129 U 4 C Page 3 of 129 * E ct nual Budget Vs Biennial Budget — p. 2 Review Budget Calendar — p. 3 0 Review Typical General Fund Department 2013/2014 — p.8 Review Capital Fund - Municipal Park Construction 2013/2014 4.1 8 �--I C`J Co r-4 O c\I i-z: 0 4_1 ..1 0.) +.1 Ct ,- o o 4_, .-4 co p., 0 gl..1'-' 71- CD Budget Challenges — p. 122 0 Page 4 of 129 Page 1 of 126 Saves Time W cip P451 0 b u ct c rao ct ct as 0 bC Tit 0 E (1) c, •r-0 0 g r ) 4cE ;-1 ct Ct le.421 (1.) C� 4 .° 0 Cal • 0 cn 0 L7 d biD 0 0 Page 5 of 129 Page 2 of 126 8 5 N V h F6 Budget Calendar 2 ez 11 gi r 0 See Handout b 1 2 6 Page 6 of 129 Page 3 of 126 4.0 4, 8 C. = 1 Cl (1-) g :8 co I 8 Pcs t.4-, ,— N r c-) r/) •E a c C\I (15 V F Ct CO � (1) Li. 77i t '—I c9 .ct as In LE a a = i °' T ' ti a) f ct 0 (1-) Td "Ci 0 c_ 0 41 rd 0 • gl-+ • E-( ❑ 0 ❑ u Page 7 of 129 Page 4 of 126 Budget Des cript on P a 101 lii=ignig Mayor & Council costs Facilities, Emergency Mgmt., Econ. Deu, Community S tics., Public Affairs 0 0 2 o E Mayor& Council Administration General gowmment employment, safety, court and building maintenance Hunan Resources General government finance costs Finance Director to 6 General government legal u aJ LIZ 8 ro v _ 0 E 5 cu a E E a u CDPW Director Community Dewlopment Generar gcwmment jail costs Police Chief Direct police department costs Police Chief cu 0 General engineering costs CDPW Director Pubric Works 2 0_ Parks Director Parks & Recreation S treet maintenance costs CDPW Director Citywide expenditures, fund transfers, fund balance & one -time expenditures Finance Director Non-Departmental Page 8 of 129 Page 5 of 126 Special Revenue and Debt Service Funds NNFT and grants for Arterial Street projects P roperty Tax Levy Lift for Local S treet projects 02 Arterial Street 03 Local S treet Lodging tax for promotion of touris m Finance Director CDPW Director Arterial Street P res e nation Forfeited drug money used for drug enforcement Police Chief Drug Forfeiture Police okertime Finance Director f a O 1 W c LPS I co 0 Community De eIopment Block Grants (CDR G) 19 Hous i rig/Corn mfy Dew [opme nt Dedicated funds for recreational trails Parks Director 20 Recreational Trails Financial acthity of the downtown area CDPW Director Impro►,ement Area Goemmental res eves Collection of mitiga-tion & impact fees Cumulative Res ene Mitigation Fees 1 Debt 5 ervice Funds Principal &Interest, 1998 bonds Finance Director 229 1998 Library Bond Principal & Interest, 2010 bonds Finance Director 230 City Hall Annex 2010 A &B 8 and Principal & Interest, 2010 bonds Principal & Interest, 2 Finance Director Golf Cours e m N Res eryes for s ecuri-y of LID% Finance Director LID Guarantee u d G � 0) a, E E g_ E E m b 6 J J G � ql al • c a a c c .c .c O a 275 LID #350 Page 9 of 129 Page 6 of 126 ti) C D L- L 0 a (1) V .r L Q) CZ c 1 C 4 V) L- Q6 4J C W 1 Tti 4J . a u Page 10 of 129 Page 7 of 126 SCU LL Review General cn a) Q.) 0 n 0 Ec..) +-I p cn .- C Up (I) O N 41 CO ct c..,) (1) c-i tie ,c19' +q ▪ 1—c-A .(1) 4a+c'?Jc1) "a *RI 0 a) ct co 1.1 ct la) N E S Pi +'j ago f__ ;_4 .4 oeft cL) bc cri - C O 0 0 0 D 0 Page 8 of 126 Parks, Arts and Recreation Department Parks, Arts and Recreation Director Daryl Faber 50.5 F.T.E. / \ Cemetery Supervisor (7) Senior Center Supervisor / Office Assistant J Recreation Coordinator J Program Specialist Senior Center Assistant (.5) Arts & Events Manager Special Events Coordinator J ( Arts Coordinator Theater Operations Specialist J J F.15.IEA Full -Time Equivalent Golf Course (8) Museum Director Curator J Recreation Programs Manager / Recreation \ \— Program • Coordinator (4) J / Program - Specialist /Teen • Programs J / Registration Clerk Secretary J Maintenance Manager J Maintenance Specialist (2) l Parks Maintenance (11) \ \ Automotive J Mechanic Teen Coordinator J Page 9 of 126 Page 12 of 129 PARKS, ARTS AND RECREATION DEPARTMENT MISSION STATEMENT Auburn Parks, Arts and Recreation is committed to protecting the City of Auburn's natural beauty through a vibrant system of parks, open space and trails while enhancing the quality of life for our citizens by providing outstanding recreational and cultural opportunities. DEPARTMENT OVERVIEW The Parks, Arts and Recreation Department focuses on providing a variety of facilities and programs for residents of all ages and interests including parks, recreation programs, arts and cultural activities, senior center services, a museum and historic farm, cemetery and golf course. The department works closely with the Auburn School District, Green River Community College, and other cultural and youth serving agencies in Auburn to provide facilities and services to citizens. We continue to focus on providing programs, community events and facilities, protecting our environment, and preserving historical and cultural opportunities in our community. 2011 & 2012 ACCOMPLISHMENTS • Increased on -line recreation registrations to 17 %. • Opened new Activity Center /Gymnasium at Les Gove Park and initiated new activities at the Gymnasium including teen afterschool program, Indoor Playground for toddlers, Birthday Party Packages, Climbing Wall opportunities, expanded youth and adult sport opportunities, and open gymnasium hours. • Expanded Community Garden Program to second site and expanded wheelchair accessible plots. • Added two new public art pieces to the City's collection - Civic Lanterns at City Hall Plaza and Auburn Valley Topography at the Gymnasium at Les Gove Park. • Initiated new downtown concert series and storefront studio program; moved ArtRageous festival downtown Auburn and combined with community Art Walk. • Expanded Petpalooza festival adding a traveling petting zoo, animal entertainment zone, and crazy animal races. • Expanded programming of the Auburn Avenue Theater adding two community theater productions and several different film series. • Named "Playful City USA" for fourth consecutive year. • Secured over $5,000 in sponsorships for the Auburn Senior Activity Center. 2013 & 2014 OBJECTIVES • Increase marketing of on -line recreation registration option. • Work with City Council committees to implement SMART goals. • Continue to grow the new afterschool intramural program. • Increase the number of sponsorships for youth sports programs. • Expand the youth and adult athletic programs in the gymnasium. • Initiate Outdoor Sculpture Gallery in downtown Auburn. • Continue to seek funding and opportunities to create mural program along the rail corridor. DI.A Page 13 of 129 Page 10 of 126 • Refine sponsor opportunities and continue to solicit sponsorships for major special events. • Continue to diversify performing art offerings and build a broad audience base for performing art programs. • Increase marketing efforts of rental facilities, including the Senior Center Millennium Rooms. • Provide oversight of proposed Community Center related to programming and cost of operation. • Increase Median and ROW maintenance standards as determined by budget allocation. DI.A Page 14 of 129 Page 11 of 126 Department Employees 001 Parks, Art and Recreation Parks FTE's TOTAL PARKS, ART & RECRE 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 35.00 35.50 35.50 35.50 35.50 35.00 35.50 35.50 35.50 35.50 0.5 FTE - half time Curator of Collections was eliminated in 2011. 1.0 FTE's - Senior Center Office Assistant was added in 2011. Full Time Equivalent (FTE) DI.A Page 15 of 129 Page 12 of 126 City of Auburn 2013 -14 Budget Planning Preliminary Budget General Fund - Parks 2012 2011 Adjusted 2012 2013 Actual Budget Estimate Budget 2014 Budget Expenditures Salaries & Wages Personnel Benefits Supplies Services & Charges Capital Outlays Debt Service Principal Debt Service Interest Interfund Payments for Services Total Expenditures 2,702,566 2,829,210 2,829,210 2,808,349 2,817,402 1,009,419 1,198,090 1,198,090 1,134,525 1,225,848 458,869 534,650 357,700 502,150 503,500 1,342,520 1,579,280 1,380,930 1,490,930 1,513,530 0 10,000 27,120 5,000 5,000 38,473 45,500 45,500 46,108 48,733 32,591 25,700 25,700 27,843 25,217 1,404,624 1,375,800 1,375,800 1,704,741 1,658,181 6,989,062 7,598,230 7,240,050 7,719,646 7,797,411 2013 -14 changes include: - Downtown art enhancements including Downtown Storefront Studio to display temporary art to vacant business space ($10,000 per year); and Downtown Outdoor Sculpture Gallery ($10,000 per year) - Increased funding for Downtown concerts "Soundbites" ($5,500 per year) - Mother /Son community event in September ($2,000 per year) - Increased funding for Senior Center van trips ($6,700 per year) Mayor approved program enhancements include $12,822 in funding for the following programs: - Automatic vehicle location (GPS) for city fleet ($8,941 in 2013 and $3,881 in 2014) DI.A Page 16 of 129 Page 13 of 126 09120/2012 ~ U) W ka {77 wQ.W I < COEMWCt W <a a I- C 11 CUC0O 1 r N N r C7 C7 Cc] 0 M f- r- n O in It 1n LL 573.201.13 4 M 0 0 0 d 0 n Cultural Arts Temp d 0 O O r. 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Yage 176 0 O 0 Line Items Total N 0) v m D D) co 0 O O 0 O En Change in Budge 1 Power for Mary Olson Farm 1,200.00 1 Power for Mary Olson Farm 1,200.00 Line Items Total 0.00 Line Items Total 1,200.00 Line Items Total 1 0 Change in Budget 1,200.001 1 Change in Budget Bu 0 00 ,.REP AIRS8�:MAINfENANCE;. E� ,w w' T� f� :_,,r ter: kF _ �.., �:+ �.::::,, �:, ,a,::...y.�.::.,:..._..�u::,r.� - e,,,uau.�, � " .�atu�t.•�il�a� S:..t �iUt"".u, "N� r � �s,�k.:i,�4., o..., .i.a �.. `�^`r``���`'�,."?� ..^.. ... .1... `��... a„A��3v3 ":��.;ct:,w�,,�;.f:,. iii l+�u�?��"��."�'�'����asr�"'uu�w . 2012 2013 2014 d o G u7 O O O O co 0 O O O co To f° N 1E L O 0) N - C 0 :I- L- 2 E a) N a) rn 'D m O O 0 o co E a) a) N 2 O O 0 o co Line Items Total 0 0 O ao Line Items Total O O O N 0) v a) O ca 0 0 O 0 Change in Budget O N O O O O O W Multimedia Allocation o O 0 O En Multimedia Allocation O O 0 3 Multimedia Services O O O O O 00 Line Items Total O O 0 0 Line Items Total O 0 0 0 10 Line Items Total O O O O En Change in Budget Change in Budget z] cel UJ ar1 Sql 'O? qn1 ed 0 .m-- k14) 0:4 K 4f#. 4w- 2 a. 09/20/2012 441 cv 0 Facilities Allocation - TB Facilities Allocation - TB 0 0 Lc; Facilities Services 0 145 Line Items Total d Line Items Total 0 0 d Line Items Total 0 a) a) 0 0 0 Change in Budget 0 C•1 0 0 10 0 .(3 0 c\I 8< a) it; CO .c .7.,0 C — CD CD 0. 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T T T CO CO CO ,(Oa O f O M h ` h L) sly'j' M (f) Lf) f iln{ 09/20/2012 0 0 0 0 0 N N Communication O O O O N co- Communication O O O O N Cellular Phone (8 Nextels) To ro N E 0 0 C J O O 0 O N c) Line Items Total O O O O N c) Line Items Total 0 O 0 a) 0 0) co 0 O 0 !A 0 0) co 0 d' O 0 N �= n 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 CO N V o0 LL m 0) o O CO ai 0 rn v ro ro 0 F- E Zvi -o acoi E a 0 CD 2 N 0 0 0 0 O O 0 0 CO N O O 0 O To 12 V, E 0 0 J O O O O 0 1- v E co a) o 0 o o 0 � CO a) N O) e E ui -o co E C N 0 C7 N O O O O o O 0 0 CO N O O O O 0 O 0 a) C 0 0) ro 0 O O 0 0 0) CO C O 0) ro 0 0 (1 W Fct 'J ZN w 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 CO 0 r- O O o () O) 0 0 to F-' W - xs y J co c o E V) W0 `o 02S L O Li V, N O O O O O co O O 0 O) 0 0 > W 02S c Y J a. 0 C O 0_ 0 W o 023 0 N li 1- 0 (.3 N O O O O O O O O o O O co o o _ co cr N O O O M 0 1 0 O - Ec.0 > •O ro 0 0 0 ro y 0 ro 0 c �.� 0 c C O N° 0 2 J -0 La ,c C al, c E 5o.c) 0 m o 5 O o- ` 0 0- m 5 O -0 0 o N a W o 0 E > 3 -0 Y C O ro N ro L 0 .V a0 N 3T o-orn O N N O ° L 0 N O 2 E.) .0 = �o.. 0 O 0 0) m 0 0) L 0 O O 0 Change in Budget 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 O N O Lo- co M 0 U � w o y 0 rtf . 0 o_ E' 3 o o 1 cl 0 023 ' a := o= 'O cal N N 0 0 0 O O d O O O_ •- O 1.6 O In CO M 0 0 U 7 W a) o CO ro 0 L o_ e' 3 0> IY t 05 a) •O V ro N Line Items Total N Line Items Total do iT pa6 ?! u) co 0 O C o -o w a(ca ' O) o co- co 0 0 al c ro ro ro o (fl Et 3 0 0 0) 0- c 0 C Y t 0 -0 O 0 0 c CD 0 � m CO ro N e Items Total 0 O 0 0 O) 0 0) ro 0 • O 0 O O O Change in Budget o N 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 -0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 O O O O N O O O N a M N N 1. 0 a W •- N CO 'ci' N CO r 0 0 0 0 0 0 O 0 0 0 0 0 0 o 0 0 0 0 0 0 .0 0 0 0 0 0 0 O 0 0 o N 0 0 O N :t M N M N 0 a U) LY � 0 a L o_ co co C ° O C O_ E c '—O .a N N p C_ 'O a o o o m W rn ^2 E `) o N ci . - N ) 'ct N (0 1� 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 O O O LL) O O O O N q M N N N N • a) 0) O1 co, h. 10. .-- N CO ' N (0 r CO 0. M 09/20/2012 h PARK FACILITIES kart N am' 00,' o d ro4 o o (xxO1 T T ST" T (D (D CD l:D 0 CO h h h N? O CO )A 47 in iIAI O O O O Line Items Total Line Items Total Line Items Total O O O O Change in Budget 0 N CO CO N 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 O O O O O O O O O O co O co O O O O O O O o o 0 0 o 0 o o o o o 0 O O O co O co (n 0 0 0 0 0 (n 0 0 0 co co N co (n st 0 (D (n O N N N N 06 w H P. ro 0 ro aE) 0 Y £2. _ (n a O = 0 i a) LL O ' O .J LY 07) w 'm = 3 m 1 w 0 j - a co _c' ~ = N I� 2 O U -00_ oZS '= L - = ` U 5 rn ro rn m co 0 �° w e ai ti) ° E co i;15 7 E o �0 • N ;0 m (� m ai • @i O aD a a 2 °� ro 12 o t O L 00 •N 0'O O= a) 03 '12 •0 p Q ro m P o &I) ) m m Q •u) a) Q Qom 0Hiu E a a a a a a (n O O O O a0 To O r- N (h st ID (D N (h d' O I` co a) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O (n 0 0 0 0 0 (() O O O CO CO N (n (n s t 1 - N 0 O (n O N N N N Pesticide Certifications Pesticide License Renewals ciiN 0 0) 8 ) N 0 rn ▪ a) U 5 N Y 0) __ N N • O C _ It = 0 F- 0 .D = C o 0 a) ro N (h d' (n (D I- a0 a) Os- .�-• m- �-• �- O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O 0 0 0 0 O O O O O O O O O O o O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O (f) O O O O O (f) O O o (D (h N (f) (n • r N O (D (n O N N N N m U U en in . 2 0 'c m Q ,0 0 N E N 0 O L N N •(D N 0) Q 0 Qm❑Him. - N (h Pesticide Certifications Pesticide License Renewals Reference Books /CD's N CO d' (n (D 1*~- CO CO I` CO T-Page 181 N Line Items Total O O O O co ti Line Items Total O Change in Budget O O O Change in Budget 0) W Ce (/) �k rke g h(Oa z w. W J' > N y0- ago 0- N, N ❑ ;❑1 Z >Z: LL. 114 W W F- ,F Z z, O N O N O O O O O a) O O O O O a) Line Items Total O O O O O co m m I` I` O (r) E = 0 O 8 0 0 0 U (hQ o' N Q) c a) Q 0 W0 a V) N O O O O rn ao Line Items Total O O O a) v c 0) 0 ro U Change in Budget O N _ O ro 0 0 U vQ : N d) 06 en • 0 W ro a(n O O O O (V 0) O O O O CD O O O O co" co O l- en E N a) o = t J a� 0) ro s U O = 0 a=) a 0 W O O O O ine Items Total O O O O N m Line Items Total O O O a) Change in Budget. Change in Budget Page 44 of 126 tin cn co :--1 al 0 •1.- C 4 cn 1 C '-c-it C co • ACS 0 L. CO CL 51 05 CI) Ct 6.. O C 03 Cfti C\l 0 • Page 48 of 129 Page 45 of 126 MUNICIPAL PARK CONSTRUCTION FUND The Parks Capital Improvement Fund -321 accumulates a portion of adult recreation fees for capital improvements at city parks. The Parks, Arts & Recreation department k responsible for the budget in this fund. 2011 & 2012 ACCOMPLISHMENTS • Completed construction of new Gymnasium and Climbing Wall at Les Gove Park. • Finalized and swap with Green River Community College to create new Lea Hill Park and prepared Master Plan for the new park. • Resurfaced tennis courts and added practice wall to Game Farm Park and resurfaced Pickle ball court to Game Farm Park. • Replaced playground equipment and updated plazas at Game Farm Park. • Opened off -leash dog area a Roegner Park. • Revitalized Shaughnessy Park with new playground, picnic area, and other refurbished sport amenities. • Purchased West Hill Lake property for future Park Development. • Completed bandstand /shelter at Discovery Playground. 2013 & 2014 OBJECTIVES • Complete construction of new Lea Hill Park. • Finalize funding package for Les Gove Community City and transform Parks, Arts and Recreation Administration building into Teen Center. • Expand off leash dog area program. • Complete 6 -year Parks & Recreation Open Space Plan. • Replace playgrounds at Brannan Park and Dykstra Park. DI.A Page 49 of 129 Page 46 of 126 DI.A City of Auburn 2013 -14 Budget Planning Preliminary Budget 321 Municipal Park Construction 2012 2011 Adjusted 2012 2013 2014 Actual Budget Estimated Budget Budget Revenue Beginning Fund Balance 347,083 784,767 784,767 613,497 325,267 Property Taxes (Prop 2 Levy) 116,435 120,000 120,000 120,000 120,000 Federal Grants 83,200 297,710 59,620 392,560 124,190 State Grants 70,165 137,210 55,030 194,090 115,840 Interlocal Grants 188,500 375,000 389,800 289,420 95,970 Intergovernmental Service (GRCC) 70,214 1,429,790 1,329,790 100,000 Recreational Classes 19,770 25,000 20,000 15,000 15,000 Investment Income 687 2,000 1,000 700 700 Rentals & Leases 39,966 38,000 40,000 40,000 40,000 Contributions & Donations 1,087,150 50,000 New Market Tax Credit 5,102,800 HUD 108 Loan 2,000,000 Proceeds from Sale (QALICB) 8,000,000 - Miscellaneous Revenue 1,878,100 - 5,000 Transfer In 1,716,950 888,420 159,620 60,000 Total Revenue 3,740,120 21,128,797 2,959,627 1,830,267 836,967 Expenditures Capital Outlays 2,955,353 20,689,130 2,326,130 1,485,000 756,000 Other Services & Charges 20,000 20,000 20,000 20,000 Debt Service Principal - - Debt Service Interest - - Undesignated Fund Balance 784,767 419,667 613,497 325,267 60,967 Total Expenditures 3,740,120 21,128,797 2,959,627 1,830,267 836,967 2013 -2014 Footnotes - State Grants include Interagency Committee for Outdoor Recreation grants for Fenster Levee Setback, Lea Hill and mist park Improvements - Federal Grants include grant funding for Fenster Levee Setback - Interlocal Grants include King Conservations Futures Grant for park acquisitions and Fenster Levee Setback - Green River Community College (GRCC) 2013 revenue includes $100I< for Lea Hill Park Replacement - Transfers in includes $50K from Park Mitigation Fees fund for miscellaneous park improvements and $1OK from the Stormwater Fund for Fenster Levee Setback Significant 2013 -14 capital projects include: 2013: Fenster Levee Setback, Park Acquisitions, and Lea Hill Park replacement 2014: Fenster Levee Setback, miscellaneous park Improvements, park acquisitions Page 47 of 126 Page 50 of 129 0 0 C C CD 0 � V m 0 0 08/15/2012 o N N.N? 0 0o; CO 0 P CO co N 0 N. h N. M O tf) L() to !_td), 0 N O O 0 O O 0 N m o Fo .5-, co a)a E 7 N N u) E 2 o o -00 Z J U N a) C 0 o a) N N t o Z ro o 0 o U U L LL- a o 2 E.@ c v = O C a) U !a 3 O O O O O O N O O O O O O N f6 m o F2 T ro o o 7 (I) , — m E m o 007 N •� J (7) a) c o o a) 0 o ro o •o " m c C) U o o o CLro o C a)) U m O O O O O O N ro a>i u) 7 a) u) -oo 7 m 0 c t(g) 0 •> oar os 0 . v o 0 ro m c o r U ro 7 0 as c v o ocu, . ro 0 O 0 Change in Budget O Change in Budget 0 o o 0 o o 0 O o 0 o o 0 o o 0 0 0 N LO (O 175, 000.00 n a 0 0 E 0 > c 0_2 a E m E > C N o 0 0 'N d d E cgfn > a) mU0- - a) 0 0 co 0- > o o 0 o o 0 o 0 0 o 0 0 0 0 0 LO' to N fo fo N a) 0 .0 Fenster Levee Setback O O 0 O O 0 Fo- 0 E a) a) J a) 0 E O 0. E a) 0 0 CO •d' LO (D I- 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 O to 0 0 0 0 0 1.6 tf1 N N d' L M O CO c en u, o a) a) E E ` o > 0_ u, E E 0.2 o d E - Y ,o u, Y ro @ ro D 0. Q a) m '� co. .E a) m ro u, a) 0 LL > N 0 0_ E ro 0 0 2 Lakeland Park #4 a) E U 0. c ro 0 ro J Fenster Levee Setback N M •d' fo I- CO O) O O O o O O O O O O O O O O O 0 0 0 0 d O u) O O M 100,000.00 O O O O 1,300,000.00 1,485, 000.00 Line Items Total N a) cn a a) N 0 ui E uroi 0 E c co o 0 a) E ° 0 2 ° E > o E ro 8 0 0. -0 co as a) 0. c E ,� ro c D_ o o N a ro o srP o ro 7 0 o Y •a7LL a € aro J 0 U c N LL 0 CD - •d• Q N a) 00 m 7 N 0= 0 a Na) 0 c0- roa. o. > (DO Q ii0JU N CO d' LC)Page CO 8 Line Items Total 1,959,100.00 0 O 0 O O Change in Budget O O Change in Budget N 0 OD a) CO 0 \ zz 00 w 00 0 Zli M \ / /uj< ' mmgm Zi zz o ,- 0o z 0 = <� ¥' _ }}°\ \ -J -J §ix \` a. /_�_ ®ƒ2 fel § dd2\\ § zzeeU- = =mm<; ■2 Ill E0 08/15/2012 o e • 0 0; 0 0,0. 01 I- N0««« orrr.L \ ) / 0 \ G § \ § 0 \ \ 8 \ \ § \ / 8 \ \ Change in Budget TZT. \ \ Change in Budget Page 49 of 126 TABLE PR -2 Capacity Projects: 1 Park Acquisitions /Development Capital Costs Funding Sources: Fund Balance CAPITAL FACILITIES PLAN PROJECTS AND FINANCING MUNICIPAL PARKS CONSTRUCTION FUND 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 Total 240,000 120,000 360,000 Grants (Fed,State,Local) 120,000 120,000 Bond Proceeds - KC Prop 2 120,000 120,000 240,000 Subtotal, Capacity Projects: Capital Costs 240,000 120,000 360,000 Non - Capacity Projects: 2 Issac Evans Park Capital Costs 25,000 70,000 - 95,000 Funding Sources: Fund Balance 25,000 50,000 75,000 Grants ( Fed,State,Local) - Other (Park Impact Fee) 20,000 20,000 3 Jacobsen Tree Farm Site Plan Capital Costs 12,000,000 12,000,000 Funding Sources: Fund Balance - Grants ( Fed,State,Local) 2,000,000 - 2,000,000 Other (Developer) 4,000,000 4,000,000 Bond Proceeds 6,000,000 6,000,000 4 Fulmer Park Improvements Capital Costs 50,000 - 50,000 Funding Sources: Fund Balance 50,000 - 50,000 Grants ( Fed,State,Local) Other (Park Impact Fee) 5 Auburn Community Center Capital Costs 17,660,000 17,660,000 Funding Sources: REET 1 679,100 679,100 NMTC 5,102,800 - 5,102,800 Other (TBD) 1,878,100 1,878,100 Other (QALICB) 8,000,000 8,000,000 Other (HUD 108 Loan) 2,000,000 2,000,000 6 Veteran's Park Improvements Capital Costs 50,000 50,000 - 100,000 Funding Sources: Fund Balance 50,000 50,000 - 100,000 Grants ( Fed,State,Local) Other 7 Les Gove Improvements Capital Costs Funding Sources: Fund Balance Grants (Fed,State,Local) Other 60,000 60,000 60,000 60,000 DI.A Page 53 of 129 Page 50 of 126 TABLE PR -2 Non - Capacitv Projects: 8 Rotary Park Improvements Capital Costs Funding Sources: Fund Balance Grants (Fed,State,Local) Other CAPITAL FACILITIES PLAN PROJECTS AND FINANCING MUNICIPAL PARKS CONSTRUCTION FUND 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 Total 30,000 30,000 30,000 30,000 9 Brannan Park Improvements Capital Costs Funding Sources: Fund Balance Grants (Fed,State,Local) Other 40,000 40,000 40,000 40,000 10 Misc. Parks Improvements Capital Costs 50,000 175,000 175,000 175,000 175,000 175,000 925,000 Funding Sources: Fund Balance 100,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 300,000 Grants (Fed,State,Local) - 75,000 75,000 75,000 75,000 75,000 375,000 Other (Park Impact Fee) 50,000 - 50,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 250,000 11 Cameron Park Capital Costs 55,000 55,000 Funding Sources: Fund Balance 25,000 25,000 Grants (Fed,State,Local) 30,000 30,000 Other - - 12 Game Farm Park Capital Costs 40,000 40,000 Funding Sources: Fund Balance 40,000 40,000 Grants (Fed,State,Local) - - Other 13 Gaines Park Capital Costs Funding Sources: Fund Balance Grants (Fed,State,Local) Other 30,000 30,000 30,000 30,000 14 Roegner Park Capital Costs Funding Sources: Fund Balance Grants (Fed,State,Local) KC Prop 2 50,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 15 Auburndale Park Capital Costs - 125,000 125,000 Funding Sources: Fund Balance 25,000 25,000 Grants (Fed,State,Local) - Other 100,000 100,000 16 Auburndale Park II Capital Costs Funding Sources: Fund Balance Grants ( Fed,State,Local) Other 25,000 575,000 600,000 25,000 400,000 425,000 175,000 175,000 DI.A Page 54 of 129 Page 51 of 126 TABLE PR -2 Non - Capacity Proiects: 17 Centennial Viewpoint Park Capital Costs Funding Sources: Fund Balance Grants (Fed,State,Local) Other CAPITAL FACILITIES PLAN PROJECTS AND FINANCING MUNICIPAL PARKS CONSTRUCTION FUND 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 Total 35,000 35,000 35,000 35,000 18 BPA Trail Lea Hill Capital Costs Funding Sources: Fund Balance Grants (Fed,State,Local) KC Prop 2 19 Lakeland Park #4 Capital Costs Funding Sources: Fund Balance Other 75,000 175,000 12 5, 000 75,000 75,000 75,000 100,000 50,000 30,000 30,000 25,000 - 30,000 5,000 20 Williams Pipeline Trail Capital Costs Funding Sources: Fund Balance Grants (Fed,State,Local) Other 21 Lea Hill Park Replacement Capital Costs Funding Sources: Fund Balance Grants (Fed,State,Local) Other (GRCC Reimb) 22 Fenster Levee Setback, Phase 2B Capital Costs Funding Sources: Grants (Fed,State,Local) Other (Storm) 23 Dykstra Park Improvement Capital Costs Funding Sources: Fund Balance Other 165,000 65,000 100,000 835,000 261,000 825,000 261,000 10,000 65,000 65,000 375,000 225,000 150,000 60,000 55,000 5,000 400,000 400,000 100,000 100,000 100,000 100,000 200,000 200,000 165,000 65,000 100,000 1,096,000 1,086,000 10,000 65,000 65,000 Subtotal, Non - Capacity Proiects: Capital Costs 1,245,000 636,000 18,140,000 12,450,000 975,000 610,000 34,056,000 SUMMARY: CAPITAL COSTS Capacity Projects Non - Capacity Projects Total Costs FUNDING SOURCES: Fund Balance Grants (Fed,State,Local) NMTC REET 1 Bond Proceeds KC Prop 2 Other Total Funding DI.A 240,000 120,000 - - 1,245,000 636,000 18,140,000 12,450,000 1,485,000 756,000 18,140,000 12,450,000 360,000 975,000 610,000 34,056,000 975,000 610,000 34,416,000 190,000 300,000 150,000 130,000 550,000 1,010,000 336,000 180,000 2,150,000 150,000 - - 5,102,800 - 679,100 - - - 6,000,000 120,000 120,000 - 100,000 50,000 165,000 12,028,100 4,070,000 225,000 1,485,000 756,000 18,140,000 12,450,000 975,000 Page 52 of 126 185,000 1,505,000 175,000 4,001,000 5,102,800 679,100 6,000,000 390,000 250,000 16,638,100 610,000 34,316,000 Page 55 of 129 MUNICIPAL PARKS CONSTRUCTION FUND (321) Six Year Capital Facilities Plan, 2013 -2018 Capital Facilities Plan Capital Projects Fund Project Title: Project No: Project Type: Project Manager: Park Acquisitions /Development cpxxxx Capacity Faber Description: Land acquisitions to occur based on demand and deficiencies including trails and corridors. Projects funding to potentially include the State Parks property adjacent to Game Farm Park. Progress Summary: Future Impact on Operating Budget: None Budget: 2012 YTD Actual 2013 12 Budget Budget Expenditures Budget Balance Adopted Budget - - - Budget Amendments - - - - Adjusted Budget - - - - Activity: 2012 YE 2013 Year End Funding Sources: Prior to 2012 Estimate 2013 Budget 2014 Budget Project Total Fund Balance - - - - - Grants (Fed,State,Local) - 350,000 120,000 - 470,000 Bond Proceeds - - - - - REET - - - KC Prop 2* - 120,000 120,000 120,000 240,000 Total Funding Sources: - 470,000 240,000 120,000 710,000 Capital Expenditures: Design - - - - - Acquisition - 470,000 120,000 120,000 590,000 Construction - - 120,000 - 120,000 Total Expenditures: 470,000 240,000 120,000 710,000 Forecasted Project Cost: Total 2015 2016 2017 2018 2013 -2018 Funding Sources: Fund Balance - - - Grants (Fed,State,Local) - - - 120,000 Bond Proceeds - - - REET - - - - - KC Prop 2' - - - - 240,000 Total Funding Sources: - - - 360,000 Capital Expenditures: Design - - - - - Acquisition - - - - 240,000 Construction - - - - 120,000 Total Expenditures: - - - - 360,000 rants i utner Sources: DI.A Page 53 of 126 Page 56 of 129 MUNICIPAL PARKS CONSTRUCTION FUND (321) Six Year Capital Facilities Plan, 2013 -2018 Capital Facilities Plan Capital Projects Fund Project Title: Project No: Project Type: Project Manager: Issac Evans Park cpxxxx Non - Capacity Faber Description: Repair trail throughout park, develop reforestation plan. Progress Summary: None Future Impact on Operating Budget: Increased mowing and utilities- $6,000 Budget: Adopted Budget Budget Amendments Adjusted Budget 2012 Budget YTD Actual Expenditures 2013 Budget 12 Budget Balance 25,000 - - - - - 25,000 - - - - - Activity: Funding Sources: Prior to 2012 2012 YE Estimate 2013 Budget 2014 Budget 2013 Year End Project Total Fund Balance Grants (Fed,State,Local) Bond Proceeds REET Other (Park Impact Fee)* - - - - - - - - - - 25,000 - - - - - - - _ - 25,000 - _ Total Funding Sources: Capital Expenditures: Design Right of Way Construction - - - - - - - - 25,000 - - 25,000 - - _ - 25,000 - 25,000 Total Expenditures: - - 25,000 - 25,000 Forecasted Project Cost: 2015 2016 2017 2018 Total 2013 -2018 Funding Sources: Fund Balance Grants (Fed,State,Local) Bond Proceeds REET Other (Park Impact Fee)* - - - - - 50,000 - - - 20,000 - - - - - - - - - - 75,000 - - _ 20,000 Total Funding Sources: Capital Expenditures: Design Right of Way Construction - - - - 70,000 - - 70,000 - - - - - - _ - 95,000 _ - 95,000 Total Expenditures: - 70,000 - - 95,000 Grants I Other Sources: DI.A Page 54 of 126 Page 57 of 129 MUNICIPAL PARKS CONSTRUCTION FUND (321) Six Year Capital Facilities Plan, 2013 -2018 Capital Facilities Plan Capital Projects Fund Project Title: Project No: Project Type: Project Manager: Jacobsen Tree Farm Site Plan cp0609 Non - Capacity Faber Description: Implement Master Plan for the development of this 31 acre site. Lea Hill area is deficient in park acreage. Progress Summary: Future Impact on Operating Budget: No significant impact due to master plan. Future park development will result in maintenance and utility expenses undeterminable at this time. Budget: Adopted Budget Budget Amendments 2012 YTD Actual 2013 12 Budget Budget Expenditures Budget Balance - - _ - - _ Adjusted Budget _ - - Activity: Funding Sources: Prior to 2012 2012 YE 2013 Year End Estimate 2013 Budget 2014 Budget Project Total Fund Balance 25,321 Grants ( Fec,State,Local) Bond Proceeds BEET Other (Development) - - - - 25,321 - - _ - _ - - _ - - - _ _ Total Funding Sources: 25,321 Capital Expenditures: Design Right of Way Construction - - - - 25,321 - - _ _ _ - Total Expenditures: _ - Forecasted Project Cost: 2015 Total 2016 2017 2018 2013-2018 Funding Sources: Fund Balance - Grants (Fed,State,Local) Bond Proceeds REET Other(Development) - _ 2,000,000 - 2,000,000 6,000,000 6,000,000 _ - - 4,000,000 - - 4,000,000 Total Funding Sources: - Capital Expenditures: Design - Right of Way - Construction - 12,000,000 - - 12,000,000 1,000,000 - - 1,000,000 - - _ 11,000,000 - - 11,000,000 Total Expenditures: - 12,000,000 - - 12,000,000 ources DI.A Page 55 of 126 Page 58 of 129 MUNICIPAL PARKS CONSTRUCTION FUND (321) Six Year Capital Facilities Plan, 2013 -2018 Capital Facilities Plan Capital Projects Fund Project Title: Project No: Project Type: Project Manager: Fulmer Park Improvements cpxxxx Non - Capacity Faber Description: Develop the new park amenities on and exchanged with the Water Utility, Progress Summary: Future Impact on Operating Budget: Increased maintenance of approximately $5,000 annually Budget: 2012 Budget YTD Actual Expenditures 2013 Budget 12 Budget Balance Adopted Budget Budget Amendments - _ - _ - _ - Adjusted Budget - - _ Activity: Funding Sources: Prior to 2012 2012 YE Estimate 2013 Budget 2014 Budget 2013 Year End Project Total Fund Balance - Grants (Fed, St ate, Local) - Bond Proceeds - REET - Other (Park Impact Fee)* - - 50,000 _ _ - - - 50,000 - - _ - Total Funding Sources: - Capital Expenditures: Design - Right of Way Construction - - 50,000 5,000 45,000 - _ - 50,000 5,000 - 45,000 Total Expenditures: - 50,000 - 50,000 Forecasted Project Cost: 2015 2016 2017 2018 Total 2013 -2018 Funding Sources: Fund Balance - Grants (Fed State,Local) - Band Proceeds - REET - Other (Park Impact Fee)" - - - - - - - _ _ _ - _ - 50,000 - - - Total Funding Sources: Capital Expenditures: Design - Right of Way - Construction - - - - - - - - - - - 50,000 5,000 45,000 Total Expenditures: - - - - 50,000 rants / Other Sources: DI.A Page 56 of 126 Page 59 of 129 MUNICIPAL PARKS CONSTRUCTION FUND (321) Six Year Capital Facilities Plan, 2013 -2018 Capital Facilities Plan Capital Projects Fund Project Title: Project No: Project Type: Project Manager: Auburn Community Center cp0925 Non - Capacity Faber Description: Construction of a new 20,100 s,f. Community Center facility and associated site improvements at Les Gove Park campus. The project includes 3,500 s.f. of administrative space of the Parks Department and numerous public meeting and activity spaces. All funding will go into an investment fund controlled by a community development entity and all funds will be drawn from that fund as the project is constructed. Progress Summary: Construction documents are complete and ready for bidding, permitting and construction. Future Impact on Operating Budget: The annual operating budget fiscal impact is estimated to be $200,000. Budget: 2012 YTD Actual 2013 12 Budget Budget Expenditures Budget Balance Adopted Budget - - - - Budget Amendments - - _ - Adjusted Budget - - - _ Activity: 2012 YE 2013 Year End Funding Sources: Prior to 2012 Estimate 2013 Budget 2014 Budget Project Total HUD 108 Loan* - _ NMTC* _ - REET I* 98,125 - - - 98,125 Other (MD)* - - - - Other (Solid Waste Fees)* 1,000,000 - - - 1,000,000 Proceeds from Sale to QALICB - - - - Other (Fund 328)* - - - _ Total Funding Sources: 1,098,125 - 1,098,125 Capital Expenditures: Property Acquisition - - - _ Design 1,093,125 _ 1,093,125 Professional Services - - - _ - Construction (MACC) 5,000 - - 5,000 Total Expenditures: 1,098,125 - - - 1,098,125 Forecasted Project Cost: Total 2015 2016 2017 2018 2013 -2018 Funding Sources: HUD 108 Loan* 2,000,000 - - - 2,000,000 NMTC* 5,102,800 .. - - 5,102,800 REET I* 679,100 - - 679,100 Other(TBD)* 1,878,100 - - 1,878,100 Proceeds from Sale to QALICB 8,000,000 - - 8,000,000 Total Funding Sources: 17,660,000 - - - 17,660,000 Capital Expenditures: Property Acquisition 8,000,000 - - 8,000,000 Design 663,000 - - - 663,000 Professional Services 1,856,900 - - - 1,856,900 Construction (MACC) 7,140,100 - - - 7,140,100 Total Expenditures: 17,660,000 - - - 17,660,000 rants i utner Sources; DI.A Page 57 of 126 Page 60 of 129 MUNICIPAL PARKS CONSTRUCTION FUND (321) Six Year Capital Facilities Plan, 2013 -2018 Capital Facilities Plan Capital Projects Fund Project Title: Project No; Project Type: Project Manager: Veteran's Park Improvements cpxxxx Non - Capacity Faber Description: Replace existing concrete paths, add a climbing toy with safety surfacing, upgrade spray pool or expand playground, improve irrigation coverage, selective tree removal and turf renovation. Progress Summary: Future Impact on Operating Budget: None Budget: Adopted Budget Budget Amendments Adjusted Budget 2012 Budget YTD Actual Expenditures 2013 Budget 12 Budget Balance - _ - - - - - _ - Activity: Funding Sources: Prior to 2012 2012 YE Estimate 2013 Budget 2014 Budget 2013 Year End Project Total Fund Balance Grants (Fed, State, Local) Bond Proceeds REET Other - - - - - - - - 50,000 _ - _ _ 50,000 _ - - 50,000 - - Total Funding Sources: Capital Expenditures: Design Right of Way Construction - - - - - - - - 50,000 5,000 45,000 50,000 - - 50,000 50,000 5,000 - 45,000 Total Expenditures: - - 50,000 50,000 50,000 Forecasted Project Cost: 2015 2016 2017 2018 Total 2013 -2018 Funding Sources: Fund Balance Grants (Fed,State,Local) Bond Proceeds REET Other - - - - - - - _ _ - _ - - 100,000 - - - Total Funding Sources: Capital Expenditures: Design Right of Way Construction - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 100,000 5,000 - 95,000 Total Expenditures: - - - 100,000 ources: DI.A Page 58 of 126 Page 61 of 129 MUNICIPAL PARKS CONSTRUCTION FUND (321) Six Year Capital Facilities Plan, 2013 -2018 Capital Facilities Plan Capital Projects Fund Project Title: Project No: Project Type: Project Manager: Les Gove Park Improvements cpxxxx Non- Capacity Faber Description: Interior Lighting and Site Amenities Progress Summary: Future Impact on Operating Budget: $5,000 Utilities Budget: Adopted Budget Budget Amendments Adjusted Budget 2012 Budget YTD Actual Expenditures 2013 Budget 12 Budget Balance - - - - _ _ - - - - Activity: Funding Sources: Prior to 2012 2012 YE Estimate 2013 Budget 2014 Budget 2013 Year End Pro ect Total Fund Balance Grants (Fed,State,Local) Bond Proceeds REET Other - - - - - - - - - - - - - 60,000 - - _ - - _ - - - Total Funding Sources: Capital Expenditures: Design Right of Way Construction - - - - - - - - - - - 60,000 10,000 _ 50,000 - - - - Total Expenditures: - - - 60,000 - Forecasted Project Cost: 2015 2016 2017 2018 Total 2013 -2018 Funding Sources: Fund Balance Grants (Fed,State,Local) Bond Proceeds REET Other - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 60,000 - - - - Total Funding Sources: Capital Expenditures: Design Right of Way Construction - - - - - - - - - - - - - 60,000 10,000 _ 50,000 Total Expenditures: - - - - 60,000 DI.A Page 59 of 126 Page 62 of 129 MUNICIPAL PARKS CONSTRUCTION FUND (321) Six Year Capital Facilities Plan, 2013 -2018 Capital Facilities Plan Capital Projects Fund Project Title: Project No: Project Type: Project Manager: Rotary Park Improvements cp0807 Non - Capacity Faber Description: Based on completed Master Plan, coordinate improvements with neighborhood and Rotary Club of Auburn to add walking path. Progress Summary: Future Impact on Operating Budget: None Budget: 2012 YTD Actual 2013 12 Budget Budget Expenditures Budget Balance Adopted Budget - - - - Budget Amendments - _ - Adjusted Budget - - - _ Activity: 2012 YE 2013 Year End Funding Sources: Prior to 2012 Estimate 2013 Budget 2014 Budget Project Total Fund Balance 27,700 - 27,700 Grants (Fed,State,Local) - - - - - Bond Proceeds - - - - REST _ - - Other 25,000 - 25,000 Total Funding Sources: 52,700 - - 52,700 Capital Expenditures: - Design _ - - Right of Way - - - - - Construction - - - - - Total Expenditures: - - - Forecasted Project Cost: Total 2015 2016 2017 2018 2013 -2018 Funding Sources: Fund Balance - 30,000 - - 30,000 Grants (Fed, State, Local) - - - Bond Proceeds - - .. - REET - - - - _ Other - - - - Total Funding Sources: - 30,000 - - 30,000 Capital Expenditures: Design - 5,000 - 5,000 Right of Way - - - - - Construction - 25,000 - - 25,000 Total Expenditures: 30,000 - - 30,000 rants i Utner Sources: DI.A Page 60 of 126 Page 63 of 129 MUNICIPAL PARKS CONSTRUCTION FUND (321) Six Year Capital Facilities Plan, 2013 -2018 Capital Facilities Plan Capital Projects Fund Project Title: Project No: Project Type: Project Manager: Brannan Park Improvements CPxxxx Non - Capacity Faber Description: Replace existing Playground Equipment and Field 4 Improvements Progress Summary: Future Impact on Operating Budget: None Budget: Adopted Budget Budget Amendments Adjusted Budget 2012 Budget YTD Actual Expenditures 2013 Budget 12 Budget Balance - - - - - - - - Activity: Funding Sources: Prior to 2012 2012 YE Estimate 2013 Budget 2014 Budget 2013 Year End Project Total Fund Balance Grants (Fed, State, Local) Bond Proceeds REET Other (Other Agency, Park Mitigation) * - - - - - - 40,000 - - - - - - - - 40,000 - - - _ Total Funding Sources: Capital Expenditures: Design Right of Way Construction - - - - - 40,000 5,000 - 35,000 - - - 40,000 5,000 35,000 Total Expenditures: - - 40,000 - 40,000 Forecasted Protect Cost: 2015 2016 2017 2018 Total 2013 -2018 Funding Sources: Fund Balance Grants (Fed ,State,Local) Bond Proceeds REET Other (Other Agency, Park Mitigation) * - - - - - - - .. - - .. - - - 40,000 - - - - Total Funding Sources: Capital Expenditures: Design Right of Way Construction - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 40,000 5,000 - 35,000 Total Expenditures: - - - - 40,000 rants r other Sources: DI.A Page 61 of 126 Page 64 of 129 MUNICIPAL PARKS CONSTRUCTION FUND (321) Six Year Capital Facilities Plan, 2.013 -2018 Capital Facilities Plan Capital Projects Fund Project Title: Project No: Project Type: Project Manager: Misc. Parks Improvements cpxxxx Non - Capacity Faber Description: Minor park improvements including shelters, roofs, playgrounds, irrigation and restrooms as denoted in the Parks Master Plan. Progress Summary: Future Impact on Operating Budget: None Budget: Adopted Budget Budget Amendments Adjusted Budget 2012 Budget YTD Actual Expenditures 2013 Budget 12 Budget Balance - - - - - - - - - - Activity: Funding Sources: Prior to 2012 2012 YE Estimate 2013 Budget 2014 Budget 2013 Year End Project Total Fund Balance Grants (Fed,State,Local) Bond Proceeds REET Other (Park Impact Fee)* 68,400 - - - - - - - - 100,000 - - - - 50,000 100,000 75,000 - - - 68,400 - - - 150,000 Total Funding Sources: Capital Expenditures: Design Right of Way Construction 68,400 - - 68,400 100,000 - - 100,000 50,000 - - 50,000 176,000 175,000 218,400 - - 218,400 Total Expenditures: 68,400 100,000 50,000 175,000 218,400 Forecasted Project Cost: 2015 2016 2017 2018 Total 2013 -2018 Funding Sources: Fund Balance Grants (Fed,State,Local) Bond Proceeds REET Other (Park Impact Fee)* 50,000 75,000 - - 50,000 50,000 75,000 - - 50,000 50,000 75,000 - 50,000 50,000 75,000 - - 50,000 300,000 375,000 - - 250,000 Total Funding Sources: Capital Expenditures: Design Right of Way Construction 175,000 - - 175,000 176,000 - - 175,000 175,000 - - 175,000 175,000 - 175,000 925,000 - 925,000 Total Expenditures: 175,000 175,000 175,000 176,000 925,000 Grants / Other Sources: DI.A Page 62 of 126 Page 65 of 129 MUNICIPAL PARKS CONSTRUCTION FUND (321) Six Year Capital Facilities Plan, 2013 -2018 Capital Facilities Plan Capital Projects Fund Project Title: Project No: Project Type: Project Manager: Cameron Park cpxxxx Non - Capacity Faber Description: Add landscaping to park as a buffer for housing and at play structure, and fencing at play structure. The project is identified in the adopted Parks Improvement Plan. Progress Summary: complete Future Impact on Operating Budget: None Budget: Adopted Budget Budget Amendments Adjusted Budget . 2012 Budget ................... - YTD Actual Expenditures 2013 Budget 12 Budget Balance _ - _ - - - - - Activity: Funding Sources: Prior to 2012 2012 YE Estimate 2013 Budget 2014 Budget 2013 Year End Project Total Fund Balance Grants (Fed,State,Local) Bond Proceeds BEET Other - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - _ - Total Funding Sources: Capital Expenditures: Design Right of Way Construction _ - - - - - - - - - - - - - _ Total Expenditures: - - Forecasted Project Cost: 2015 2016 2017 2018 Total 2013 -2018 Funding Sources: Fund Balance Grants (Fed,State,Local) Bond Proceeds REET Other 25,000 30,000 - - - - - - - - - - - _ - - - - _ 25,000 30,000 - - Total Funding Sources: Capital Expenditures: Design Right of Way Construction 55,000 5,000 - 50,000 - - - - - - - - - - - 55,000 5,000 - 50,000 Total Expenditures: 55,000 - - - 55,000 rants r utner Sources: DI.A Page 63 of 126 Page 66 of 129 MUNICIPAL PARKS CONSTRUCTION FUND (321) Six Year Capital Facilities Plan, 2013 -2018 Capital Facilities Plan Capital Projects Fund Project Title: Project No: Project Type: Project Manager: Game Farm Park Improvements cpxxxx Non - Capacity Faber Description: Playground and Plaza improvements. Complete 3rd play area, Progress Summary: complete Future Impact on Operating Budget: None Budget: Adopted Budget Budget Amendments Adjusted Budget 2012 Budget YTD Actual Expenditures 2013 Budget 12 Budget Balance 170,000 - 170,000 - - - - - - - - - Activity: Funding Sources: Prior to 2012 2012 YE Estimate 2013 Budget 2014 Budget 2013 Year End Project Total Fund Balance Grants (Fed, State, Local) Bond Proceeds REET Other - - _ _ _ _ - _ - - _ _ - - - - - - - - - - Total Funding Sources: Capital Expenditures: Design Right of Way Construction - - - - - - _ - - _ - - - - Total Expenditures: _ - - - Forecasted Project Cost: 2015 2016 2017 2018 Total 2013 -2018 Funding Sources: Fund Balance Grants (Fed, State, Local) Bond Proceeds REET Other - - - - - - - _ 40,000 - _ - - - - - - 40,000 - - - - Total Funding Sources: Capital Expenditures: Design Right of Way Construction - - - - _ - - 40,000 - - 40,000 - - - - 40,000 - - 40,000 Total Expenditures: - - 40,000 40,000 rants i utner Sources: DI.A Page 64 of 126 Page 67 of 129 MUNICIPAL PARKS CONSTRUCTION FUND (321) Six Year Capital Facilities Plan, 2013 -2018 Capital Facilities Plan Capital Projects Fund Project Title: Project No: Project Type: Project Manager: Gaines Park cpxxxx Non - Capacity Faber Description: Develop Horticulture Plan for the Park as indicated in the Parks Improvement Plan and repair boardwalk. Progress Summary: Future Impact on Operating Budget: None Budget: Adopted Budget Budget Amendments Adjusted Budget 2012 Budget YTD Actual Expenditures 2013 Budget 12 Budget Balance - - - - - - - - - - Activity: Funding Sources: Fund Balance Grants (Fed,State,Local) Bond Proceeds REET Other Prior to 2012 2012 YE Estimate 2013 Budget 2014 Budget 2013 Year End Project Total - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - _ - - - - - - Total Funding Sources: Capital Expenditures: Design Right of Way Construction - - - - - - - - - - - - - _ - - - - - - Total Expenditures: - - - - - Forecasted Project Cost: 2015 2016 2017 2018 Total 2013 -2018 Funding Sources: Fund Balance Grants ( Fed,State,Local) Bond Proceeds REET Other - - - - - - - - - - 30,000 - - - - - _ _ _ - 30,000 _ _ - - Total Funding Sources: Capital Expenditures: Design Right of Way Construction - - - - - - - - 30,000 10,000 - 20,000 - - - - 30,000 10,000 - 20,000 Total Expenditures: - - 30,000 - 30,000 rants i utner Sources: DI.A Page 65 of 126 Page 68 of 129 MUNICIPAL PARKS CONSTRUCTION FUND (321) Six Year Capital Facilities Plan, 2013 -2018 Project Title: Project No: Project Type: Project Manager: Roegner Park cpxxxx Non - Capacity Faber Capital Facilities Plan Capital Projects Fund Description: This project requires trail system maintenance, play structure replacement and riverbank stabilization. Progress Summary: Future Impact on Operating Budget: None Budget: Adopted Budget Budget Amendments Adjusted Budget 2012 Budget YTD Actual Expenditures 2013 Budget 12 Budget Balance - - - _ .. _ - _ - - _ Activity: Funding Sources: Prior to 2012 2012 YE Estimate 2013 Budget 2014 Budget 2013 Year End Project Total Fund Balance Grants (Fed, State, Local) Bond Proceeds REET Other (Prop Levy 2) - - - - - - - _ - - _ _ - _ - - - - - - - Total Funding Sources: Capital Expenditures: Design Right of Way Construction - - - - - - _ - - _ - _ - - - _ Total Expenditures: - - - Forecasted Project Cost: 2015 2016 2017 2018 Total 2013 -2018 Funding Sources: Fund Balance Grants (Fed, State, Local) Bond Proceeds REET Other (Prop Levy 2) 50,000 - - - - - _ _ - - - - _ - - - - 50,000 .. - .. Total Funding Sources: Capital Expenditures: Design Right of Way Construction 50,000 5,000 - 45,000 - - - - - - - - - - 50,000 5,000 _ 45,000 Total Expenditures: 50,000 - - - 50,000 DI.A Page 66 of 126 Page 69 of 129 MUNICIPAL PARKS CONSTRUCTION FUND (321) Six Year Capital Facilities Plan, 2013 -2018 Capital Facilities Plan Capital Projects Fund Project Title: Project No: Project Type: Project Manager: Auburndale Park cpxxxx Non - Capacity Faber Description: Develop a Master Plan for the Park, install an irrigation system, new play structure and improve signage. Progress Summary: Future Impact on Operating Budget: Utilities would increase by $5,000 Budget: Adopted Budget Budget Amendments Adjusted Budget 2012 Budget YTD Actual Expenditures 2013 Budget 12 Budget Balance - - - - - - - - - - Activity: Funding Sources: Prior to 2012 2012 YE Estimate 2013 Budget 2014 Budget 2013 Year End Project Total Fund Balance Grants (Fed,State,Local) Bond Proceeds REET Other (Other Agency)* - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Total Funding Sources: Capital Expenditures: Design Right of Way Construction - - - - - - - - - - _ - - - Total Expenditures: _ - Forecasted Project Cost: 2015 2016 2017 2018 Total 2013 -2018 Funding Sources: Fund Balance Grants (Fed, St ate, Local) Bond Proceeds REET Other (Other Agency)* 25,000 - - 100,000 .. .. - - - - - - - - - - - 25,000 _ - - 100,000 Total Funding Sources: Capital Expenditures: Design Right of Way Construction 125,000 15,000 - 110,000 - - - - - - - - - - 125,000 15,000 110,000 Total Expenditures: 125,000 - - - 125,000 Grants / Other Sources: DI.A Page 67 of 126 Page 70 of 129 MUNICIPAL PARKS CONSTRUCTION FUND (321) Six Year Capital Facilities Plan, 2013 -2018 Capital Facilities Plan Capital Projects Fund Project Title: Project No: Project Type: Project Manager: Auburndale Park II cpxxxx Non - Capacity Faber Description: Develop a Master Plan in 2014; improve the existing trail system and install signage and play structure. Progress Summary: Future Impact on Operating Budget: Increased utility costs of $2,000 Budget: Adopted Budget Budget Amendments Adjusted Budget 2012 Budget YTD Actual Expenditures 2013 Budget 12 Budget Balance - - - _ - _ - - - - - Activity: Funding Sources: Prior to 2012 2012 YE Estimate 2013 Budget 2014 Budget 2013 Year End Project Total Fund Balance Grants (Fed,State,Local) Bond Proceeds REET Other - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 25,000 - - - - _ - Total Funding Sources: Capital Expenditures: Design Right of Way Construction - - - - - - - k - - - - 26,000 25,000 _ - - Total Expenditures: - - - 25,000 - Forecasted Project Cost: 2015 2016 2017 2018 Total 2013 -2018 Funding Sources: Fund Balance Grants (Fed, State, Local) Bond Proceeds REET Other - - - - - - - - - 400,000 _ - - 175,000 - - - - - 425,000 - - 175,000 Total Funding Sources: Capital Expenditures: Design Right of Way Construction - - - - - - _ - 575,000 75,000 - 500,000 - - - - 600,000 100,000 - 500,000 Total Expenditures: - 575,000 - 600,000 ources: DI.A Page 68 of 126 Page 71 of 129 MUNICIPAL PARKS CONSTRUCTION FUND (321) Six Year Capital Facilities Plan, 2013 -2018 Capital Facilities Plan Capital Projects Fund Project Title: Project No: Project Type: Project Manager: Centennial Viewpoint Park cpxxxx Non - Capacity Faber Description: Develop a landscape plan for the park and remove antenna from building. Progress Summary: Future Impact on Operating Budget: None Budget: Adopted Budget Budget Amendments Adjusted Budget 2012 Budget YTD Actual Expenditures 2013 Budget 12 Budget Balance - - _ _ - - _ - Activity: Funding Sources: Prior to 2012 2012 YE Estimate 2013 Budget 2014 Budget 2013 Year End Project Total Fund Balance Grants (Fed,State,Local) Bond Proceeds BEET Other - - - - _ - - - - _ _ - - - - - - - - - Total Funding Sources: Capital Expenditures: Design Right of Way Construction - - - - - - _ - _ - _ _ _ Total Expenditures: - - Forecasted Project Cost: 2015 2016 2017 2018 Total 2013 -2018 Funding Sources: Fund Balance Grants (Fed, State, Local) Bond Proceeds REET Other - - - - - - - - - - - - 35,000 - - 35,000 - - - Total Funding Sources: Capital Expenditures: Design Right of Way Construction - - _ - - - - - - - _ - 35,000 7,000 - 28,000 35,000 7,000 - 28,000 Total Expenditures: - - - 36,000 35,000 es DI.A Page 69 of 126 Page 72 of 129 MUNICIPAL PARKS CONSTRUCTION FUND (321) Six Year Capital Facilities Plan, 2013 -2018 Capital Facilities Plan Capital Projects Fund Project Title: Project No: Project Type: Project Manager: BPA Trail Lea Hill cp0919 Non - Capacity Faber Description: Develop a feasibility /due diligence study to determine the extent of issue with trail design and alignments along the BPA corridor on Lea Hill between 132nd Ave SE and 108th Ave SE, from Jacobson Tree Farm to the east line of the Auburn Golf Course. Construct the Trail in subsequent phases. Progress Summary: Future Impact on Operating Budget: None Budget: Adopted Budget Budget Amendments Adjusted Budget 2012 Budget YTD Actual Expenditures 2013 Budget 12 Budget Balance - - - - - - - - - Activity: Funding Sources: Prior to 2012 2012 YE Estimate 2013 Budget 2014 Budget 2013 Year End Project Total Fund Balance Grants (Fed,State,Local) Bond Proceeds BEET Other (KC Prop. 2)" - - _ - _ _ - _ - - _ - _ _ - - - _ - Total Funding Sources: Capital Expenditures: Design Right of Way Construction - - - - - - - - _ - - _ - - - - Total Expenditures: - - - - Forecasted Project Cost: 2015 2016 2017 2018 Total 2013 -2018 Funding Sources: Fund Balance Grants (Fed,State,Local) Bond Proceeds REET Other (KC Prop, 2)* 75,000 - - - - 75,000 - - 100,000 75,000 _ _ 50,000 _ - _ - 225,000 - _ 150,000 Total Funding Sources: Capital Expenditures: Design Right of Way Construction 75,000 75,000 _ - 175,000 - - 175,000 125,000 - - 125,000 - - - 375,000 75,000 _ 300,000 Total Expenditures: 75,000 175,000 125,000 - 375,000 ants / Other Sources: DI.A Page 70 of 126 Page 73 of 129 MUNICIPAL PARKS CONSTRUCTION FUND (321) Six Year Capital Facilities Plan, 2013 -2018 Capital Facilities Plan Capital Projects Fund Project Title: Project No: Project Type: Project Manager: Lakeland Park #4 cpXXXX Non - Capacity Faber Description: Development and construction of an environmental community park. Trails, fencing, parking and visitor amenities are included in the project. Progress Summary: Future Impact on Operating Budget: Increased maintenance costs of $5,000 Budget: 2012 YID Actual 2013 12 Budget Budget Expenditures Budget Balance Adopted Budget - - - - Budget Amendments - - - - Adjusfed Budget - - - - Activity: 2012 YE 2013 Year End Funding Sources: Prior to 2012 Estimate 2013 Budget 2014 Budget Project Total Fund Balance - 25,000 - 25,000 Grants (Fed, State, Local) - - - - - Bond Proceeds - - - - _ REET - - - - - Ofher - - 5,000 - 5,000 Total Funding Sources: - - 30,000 - 30,000 Capital Expenditures: Design - - 6,000 - 6,000 Right of Way - - - - - Construction - - 24,000 - 24,000 Total Expenditures: - - 30,000 - 30,000 Forecasted Project Cost: Total 2015 2016 2017 2018 2013-2018 Funding Sources: Fund Balance - - 30,000 - 55,000 Grants (Fed, State, Local) - - - - - Bond Proceeds - - - - _ REET - - - - Other - - - 5,000 Total Funding Sources: - - 30,000 - 60,000 Capital Expenditures: Design - - - - 6,000 Right of Way - - - - - Construction - - 30,000 - 54,000 Total Expenditures: - - 30,000 - 60,000 rants i utner Sources: DI.A Page 71 of 126 Page 74 of 129 MUNICIPAL PARKS CONSTRUCTION FUND (321) Six Year Capital Facilities Plan, 2013 -2018 Capital Facilities Plan Capital Projects Fund Project Title: Project No: Project Type: Project Manager: Williams Pipeline Trail cpXXXX Non - Capacity Faber Description: Develop a design for a multi purpose trail over the Williams pipeline right -of -way, and construct the trail from Bridget Avenue SE to the White River Trail in the southeast part of the City. Progress Summary: Future Impact on Operating Budget: None Budget: Adopted Budget Budget Amendments Adjusted Budget 2012 Budget YTD Actual Expenditures 2013 Budget 12 Budget Balance - - - - - - - - - Activity: Funding Sources: Prior to 2012 2012 YE Estimate 2013 Budget 2014 Budget 2013 Year End Project Total Fund Balance Grants (Fed, State, Local) Bond Proceeds REET Other - - - - - - - - - - - - _ - - - - _ - - - Total Funding Sources: Capital Expenditures: Design Right of Way Construction - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Total Expenditures: - - - - - Forecasted Project Cost: 2015 2016 2017 2018 Total 2013 -2018 Funding Sources: Fund Balance Grants (Fed,State,Local) Bond Proceeds REET Other - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 100,000 100,000 _ - 200,000 100,000 100,000 - - 200,000 Total Funding Sources: Capital Expenditures: Design Right of Way Construction - - - - - - - - - - - 400,000 100,000 - 300,000 400,000 100,000 - 300,000 Total Expenditures: - - - 400,000 400,000 rants i utner Sources: DI.A Page 72 of 126 Page 75 of 129 MUNICIPAL PARKS CONSTRUCTION FUND (321) Six Year Capital Facilities Plan, 2013 -2018 Capital Facilities Plan Capital Projects Fund Project Title: Project No: Project Type: Project Manager: Lea Hill Park Replacement cp1003 Parks Daryl Faber Description: In coordination with the Community and Green River Community College, design and construct a new community park to meet the needs of the Lea Hill Community. This park will replace the existing Lea Hill Park. Progress Summary: Under Construction Future Impact on Operating Budget: Increased mowing and utilities- $6,000 Budget: Adopted Budget Budget Amendments Adjusted Budget 2012 Budget YTD Actual Expenditures 2013 Budget 12 Budget Balance - - - - - - - - - - - - Activity: Funding Sources: Fund Balance Grants (Fed,State,Local) Bond Proceeds REET Other (GRCC Reimb) Prior to 2012 2012 YE Estimate 2013 Budget 2014 Budget 2013 Year End Project Total - - - - - - - - 1,329,790 65,000 - 100,000 - - - - - - 65,000 _ - 1,429,790 Total Funding Sources: Capital Expenditures: Design Right of Way Construction - - - - 1,329,790 200,000 - 1,129,790 165,000 - 165,000 - - - - 1,494,790 2.00,000 1,294,790 Total Expenditures: - 1,329,790 165,000 - 1,494,790 Forecasted Project Cost: 2015 2016 2017 2018 Total 2013 -2018 Funding Sources: Fund Balance Grants (Fed,State,Local) Bond Proceeds REET Other (GRCC Relmb) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 65,000 _ - 100,000 Total Funding Sources: Capital Expenditures: Design Right of Way Construction - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 166,000 - _ 165,000 Total Expenditures: - - - - 165,000 Grants / Other Sources: DI.A Page 73 of 126 Page 76 of 129 MUNICIPAL PARKS CONSTRUCTION FUND (321) Six Year Capital Facilities Plan, 2013 -2018 Capital Facilities Plan Project Title: Project No: Project Type: Project Manager: Fenster Levee Setback, Phase 2B CP1016 Non - Capacity Andersen Description: The project will design and construct approximately 800 feet of levee setback along the left bank of the Green River at the City's Fenster Nature Park property. The project is intended to improve fish habitat and provide refuge for salmonids as well as create additional flood storage capacity during periods of higher river flow during /after storm events and /or when additional volumes of water are released from Howard Hanson Dam. This project will complete floodplain restoration and habitat improvements along an approximately two mile reach of the Green River that begins at Auburn Narrows in unincorporated King County and ends at Fenster Nature Park in Auburn. The City is partnering with King County and the Veteran's Conservation Corp to construct the project, which is scheduled to start in 2013 and be completed in 2014. Progress Summary: A 60% design has been completed for the project. The City has received $604,100 for the project in the form of grants from the state Salmon Recovery Funding Board (SRFB), the King Conservation District, and Puget Sound Acquisition and Restoration funds. An additional $300K in grant funding has been approved for the project from the 2012 WRIA 9 /KCD high priority project funds, and a $327K request to SRFB is pending decision in 3rd quarter 2012. Future Impact on Operating Budget: After construction, the project will need to be monitored and maintained for a minimum of five years to ensure that the setback levee is operating properly and the restoration plantings become successfully established. A separate program for monitoring and maintaining restoration sites has been proposed as part of the Planning Department operations budget. Budget: 2012 YTD Actual 2013 12 Budget Budget Expenditures Budget Balance Adopted Budget - - _ - Budget Amendments - - - - Adjusted Budget - - - - Activity: 2012 YE 2013 Year End Funding Sources: Prior to 2012 Estimate 2013 Budget 2014 Budget Project Total Other (Storm) 800 24,200 10,000 35,000 Grants (Fed,State,Local) 19,800 125,300 825,000 261,000 970,100 Bond Proceeds - - - REET - - - - - Total Funding Sources: 20,600 149,500 835,000 261,000 1,005,100 Capital Expenditures: Design 19,800 149,500 25,000 15,000 194,300 Right of Way 800 - - 800 Construction - 810,000 246,000 810,000 Total Expenditures: 20,600 149,500 835,000 261,000 1,005,100 Forecasted Project Cost: Total 2015 2016 2017 2018 2013 -2018 Funding Sources: Other (Storm) - - - - 10,000 Grants (Fecl,State,Local) - - - - 1,086,000 Bond Proceeds - - - - - REET - - _ - Total Funding Sources: - - - - 1,096,000 Capital Expenditures: Design - - - - 40,000 Right of Way - _ - - - Construction - - - - 1,056,000 Total Expenditures: - - - - 1,096,000 DI.A Page 74 of 126 Page 77 of 129 MUNICIPAL PARKS CONSTRUCTION FUND (321) Six Year Capital Facilities Plan, 2013 -2018 Capital Facilities Plan Capital Projects Fund Project Title: Project No: Project Type: Project Manager: Dykstra Park Improvement Faber Description: Replace existing Playground, improve picnic area and concrete sidewalk Future Impact on Operating Budget: None Budget: Adopted Budget Budget Amendments Adjusted Budget 2012 Budget YTD Actual Expenditures 2013 Budget 12 Budget Balance - _ _ - - _ - - Activity: Funding Sources: Prior to 2012 2012 YE Estimate 2013 Bud et 2014 Budget 2013 Year End Project Total Fund Balance Grants (Fed,State,Local) Bond Proceeds REET Other - - - - - - - _ 65,000 - - - - - - Total Funding Sources: Capital Expenditures: Design Right of Way Construction - - - - - - _ - - - - - 65,000 5,000 - 60,000 - - - - Total Expenditures: - - - 65,000 - Forecasted Project Cost: 2015 2016 2017 2018 Total 2013.20113 Funding Sources: Fund Balance Grants (Fed,State,Local) Bond Proceeds REET Other - - _ - _ _ _ - _ - - - _ - 65,000 - - - Total Funding Sources: Capital Expenditures: Design Right of Way Construction - - - - - - _ - - - _ - _ 65,000 5,000 - 60,000 Total Expenditures: - - - - 65,000 ources: DI.A Page 75 of 126 Page 78 of 129 Review Propriety Fund -Water cn 7d al U C C/5‘ t•41 Tid cn r--, A+ t . • ct :=LI ,4 8 co + _J ct ;_i c.) . 4 c..) ci) o cu +8 cn c..) r-rm .2 -t! c) -ck'5 P-i co "c.'1' "" cI) ILO ;--4 i'51ji i.. V) ct" CI) WO 1H C C E ct rci • , g c.) $..1 ct w r:ki cal ct cu fa, bc ct +-h t.4—c o .,i3 o0 ci.)c g w b10 4o .0 brj CI) F-1 "2 gf • --/-1 C-) 7) . L-1 4.. j ca) 0 • T-1 —,1 4.-J i=i Td aLl a c.) ma ct O 0 9 0 e 0 0 Page 79 of 129 Page 76 of 126 WATER UTILITY DIVISION MISSION STATEMENT Provide for the efficient, environmentally sound and safe management of the existing and future water system within Auburn's service area. DEPARTMENT OVERVIEW The Water Utility is responsible for providing potable water to Auburn's customers that meets or exceeds the regulations and recognized standards of today and into the future by efficiently administering, operating, and maintaining the water supply system. The utility will also continue to enhance its customer service through public education and information. A primary responsibility of the utility is implementing the Comprehensive Water Plan. 2011 & 2012 ACCOMPLISHMENTS • Completed the utility revenue and expense analysis. • Completed design and construction of the 132nd Ave SE Intertie to Tacoma Pipeline 5. • Completed construction of the 2009 AC Water main Replacement project. • Completed design and construction of the Lakeland Hills Reservoir 6 project. • Started construction of the Academy Booster Pump Station project. • Negotiated and executed an agreement to purchase water from Tacoma Public Utilities. • Completed construction of the Lakeland Hills Booster Pump Station project. • Started construction of the Well 1 Improvements project. • Started construction of the SCADA Upgrade project. • Initiated design of the Well 4 Power and Chlorination project. • Initiated design of the Valley AC Main Replacement project. • Initiated the Facilities Evaluation Study. • Initiated the Water Utility Meter & Billing System Improvements study. • Initiated Phase 1A (evaluation and analysis) of the Fulmer Well field Improvements project. • Continued to implement conservation initiatives. • Continued to replace undersized pipes for fire flow improvements and pipes in poor condition in conjunction with transportation and utility projects. • Continued monitoring system losses and fixing leaks when found. 2013 & 2014 OBJECTIVES • Utilize CarteGraph as a work order management system and continue to develop SOP's for updating databases in CarteGraph and GIS and Springbrook. • Complete construction of the Well 1 Improvements project. • Complete construction of SCADA Upgrades project. • Complete construction of the Academy Booster Pump Station project. • Complete design and construction of the Valley AC Main Replacement project. • Complete design and construction of the Well 4 Power and Chlorination project. • Complete design and construction of the Green River Pump Station Emergency Power project. • Complete design and construction of the Well 7 Emergency Power project. • Complete design and construction the Lakeland Hills Reservoir 5 improvements. • Complete the Facilities Evaluation Study. DI.A Page 80 of 129 Page 77 of 126 • Complete the Water Utility Meter & Billing System Improvements study and initiate construction of improvements. • Continue to upgrade the asset management databases through records evaluation and field investigation. • Continue to replace undersized pipes for fire flow improvements and pipes in poor condition in conjunction with transportation and utility projects. • Prepare for new water quality requirements. • Continue to review properties with Finance & IS to assure each developed property connected to the water system is billed for water and that the status of use is accurately reflected as the occupancy status changes to address issues such as foreclosure, fire, meth house, etc. DI.A Page 81 of 129 Page 78 of 126 Department Employees 430 Water FTE's Water FTE's TOTAL WATER FTE's 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 22.00 22.00 22.00 22.00 22.00 22.00 22.00 22.00 22.00 22.00 2.0 FTE's were moved from Finance to Water in 2009. Full Time Equivalent (FTE) DI.A Page 79 of 126 Page 82 of 129 City of Auburn 2013.14 Budget Planning Preliminary Budget 2011 430 Water Utility Actual 2012 Adjusted Budget 2012 2013 2014 Estimate Budget Budget Operating Budget Operating Revenue 343.400 Water Sales 8,904,449 9,616,750 9,618,750 11,633,722 12,871,725 343,431 Unmetered Water Sales 14,167 33,500 33,500 15,000 15,000 343.433 Water Application 90,214 91,900 91,900 60,000 60,000 343.440 PaybackAdmin Fee 0 0 0 30,000 30,000 362.500 Rents & Leases 0 0 0 50,000 50,000 Total Operating Revenue 9,008,830 9,744,150 9,744,150 11,788,7I1 13,026,725 Operating Expense 534.000.50 Salaries and Wages (2,025,117) (2,244,480) (2,244,480} (2,276,930) (2,297,144} 534.000,20 Personnel Benefits (813,008) 11,085,750) (1,085,750) (1,120,643} (1.253,129) 534, 000,30 Supplies (239,457) (321,300) (321,300) (294,593) (301,672) l,-r 534,000.40 Services & Charges (2,360,139) (3,897.510) (3,897,510) 14,399,925) 14,676,6251 jr[ 534,000.50 Intergovernmental ❑ ❑ 0 0 0 534,000,90 late rfund 6aym [ en for Services (1,019,045) (1.031,106) 11,031,100) (1,144,9291 (1,110,589) ti) 534.000.00 Depreciation & Amortization (2,080,657) (2,1170001 12,117,000) (2,284,800) {2,399,000) ,' Total Operating Expenses (3,537,463) (10,697,1401 110,697,140) (11,521,610) 111,978,259) Operating Income (Loss) 471,367 (952,990) (952,990) 266,902 1,048,466 C:1).. Non Operating Revenue (Exp) 361.110 Investment Income 56,418 61,000 61,000 47,000 47,000 369.900 Miscellaneous Revenue (Expanse) 841,545 315,500 215,500 169,024 169,024 ,�� 534.100.80 Debt Service Interest (424,275) (702,320) 1702,320) (677,7641 1653,439) V 534.100.80 Debt Service interest- New Debt' 0 0 0 (470,673) (455,352) Total Non Oper. Rev lExp) 473,688 1425,820) (415,820} {932,413) (892,767) Net Income (Loss) 045,055 11,378,8101 (1,376,810) (665,511) 155,699 Add/Deduct Items Not Affecting Working Capital (WIC) 535 801.00 Depreciation & Amortization 2,080,667 2,117,000 2,117,000 2,284,800 2,399,000 Net W/C From Operations 3,025,722 739,190 738,130 1,619,289 2,554,699 Other Resources and Uses 8ndget Resources Other Than Operations 337,069 Interlocal Grants 0 ❑ o ❑ 0 396.101 Contributed Cap-Sys Dev 283,462 450,000 450,000 320,000 320,000 396.102 Contributed Cap -Area Assmts 0 0 0 ❑ ❑ 396.104 Contributed Cap- Outside Dev 2475,187 0 tl 0 0 k 382.200 Band proceeds -New Revenue Bonds' 0 ❑ 0 6,575,000 0 tk 382.200 Bond Proceeds - New Revenue Bonds (reserves)' ❑ 0 0 826,957 0 391.800 public Works Trust Fund Loan 0 0 0 3,325,000 0 397.100 Transfer In 0 ❑ ❑ 0 0 399,500 Net Change in Restricted Assets 5,604 ❑ 0 0 0 399.000 [him 5uurres (18,715) 0 0 0 ❑ 1 Total Resources 2,446,538 450,000 450,000 11,046,957 320,000 F y Uses Other Than Operations �r 590100.00 Other Uses (2,888,055 ❑ 0 0 0 590.100.11 Inc In Fixed Assets - Salaries /Wages (182,373 (154,700) 1154,700) 1209,550) (115.960) 590100.21 Inc In Fixed Assets- Benefits (67,120 (54,200) (54,700) (73,342) (75,586) 597,100.55 Transfer Out (50,000 (50,0❑❑) (50,000) (30,0001 (50,000 ) 590.100.63 Inc in Fixed Assets - improvements 1157,060 0 0 0 0 590,10a64 Inc in Fixed Assets - Equipment (91,582 (177,500) (127,500) 0 0 590.100.65 Int in Fixed As sets-con structIon•' 16,035,059 113,694,700) 114,492,310) (7,407,108) (4,192,604) 590,100,70 Debt Service Principal (661,268 (661,300) (661,300) (1,000,037) (1,019,3741 590.100.70 Debt Service Principal New Debt• ❑ q tl p {356,284} (371,605) Total Uses 110,132,517 Net Change in WIC (4,660258 Beginning WIC 1/1 21,606,065 Ending W/C 12/31 16,945,810 Net Change in W/C 5 (4,660,258) (14,742,400) (15,540,0101 (9,099,321) 13,554,211) (14,351,8211 3,569,924 16,945,810 16,945,810 2,593,989 3,391,599 2,593,989 6,163,913 $ (13,554,2111 5 (14,351,8 1) 5 3,569,924 $ 13,050,431) (5,925,139) {6,06 0,911} L..4.J e 1 • 7J�� 6,163,913 I 3,113,482 abil1 /e5 • Assumes new debt and debt service per the Utility Rate Study approved by Counci) 04 /02/2012. •' 2012 Estimated construction expenditures include $2,7 M for water rights purchase. 2013 adjusted budget reflects forthcoming budget amendment. Amount of 2013 new revenue bonds to be determined based upon actual project timing. New program improvements In 2013 -14 Include following new FTEs (1003r utility supported and funded as part of capital prole cts)' Construction Clerk 11.0iFTE); Senior Project Engineer (2.OFTEs); Assistant Project Englnear (1.OFTE) and Utilities Support vehicle to support water and atarmwater field operations. New staff alto Includes a Customer Service Representative (1.0 FTE) toadcress Increased call volume frvmadditonal accounts. DI .A Page 80 of 126 Page 83 of 129 08/16/2012 U) IiJ uJpd � H r. 0_ cn IY re 2 ET L1 W < F- Q d Q O 't co 0 r) rr O U] Lr] 534.100.10 534.100.12 OVERTIME & OTHER WAGES 0 0 O O O O Overtime & other wages O O O Overtime & other wages O 0 0 4 a ID Overtime- Engineering 0 C O O O ri Line Items Total O O O r7 Line Items Total C} 0 c O Line Items Total a 4 O Change in Budget Change in Budget PERSONNEL BENEFITS 534,100.20 534.100.22 UNIFORMS & CLOTHING 0 N G 0 a 0 4 0 G 6 Line Items Total 0 4 Line Items Total 0 0 0 O O Line Items Total 0 O Change in Budget C7 0 Change in Budget 534.100.24 INDUSTRIAL INSURANCE O N N M O Oy L nO m LC em d m ❑ ro Crl 4 N N 0 n CV W I- 0 d} 0 _ ,_ a) E C C c 0,1 -E N W W N J U U ❑ p .. m a o it a D 2 o C C G 'N 6. d V 0 0 C O C G o a q0000 � 17.0000 6Z Z Z Z CO W W W W r N M sr Lry 0 �- C7 u0 co Q7 Li Qi Change in Budget Change in Budget ES or N La z z W r C J N 2 534.100.25 70 g co NI 0 M r o O O} f) Ch Ch N d7 a0 r v to L i c+1 � r t v c c c' . Fri 'AI W WW d � t co 6 fly 0 C ask W 'Q 'Q 0. 2 a 0. c a c` ❑ c 'c 'm 8 (.) 0 0 4 o 0p 0 0 c0 0 a I a V0.00,0 0 0 0 0 c z z z Z m W W W W r N r] Tr LA IO n IQ (0 cd 0 in E m m N I) N 0 it N 2 N N C N a m m 'DI = ID 'rn 'rn tL c 'a y W W t J re 0 W I- 0 .° 'o '2 Ct O A `_ 13 C 'C C 'y o 0 C] 0 in < o 0 0 0 0 0 Co 0 0 q6 0 0 0 0 CO W W W LJ r N M V 10 4 {Q N 0 0 O O 0 m ID m 1.) d r N N 0i 0) rn O) Line Items Total Change in Budget Change in Budget SUPPLIES OFFICE & OPERATING SUPPLIES 0 0 O ID 4 O in a O v 0 a u-� 0 0 n 0 0 0 47 Line Items Total d O 0 0 a a 0 I o I in in rt 0 O 4 Change in Budget a 4 0 Change in Budget 534.100.35 SMALL TOOLS & MINOR EQUIPMENT 0 N 0 NI Q N Page 81 of 126 co N O R 08/16/2012 T T T4. O d' d d' co 0 co co co M, O to to to ''to; o o O o 0 0 o N N O )` N- o co co Lo- -6 (/) E = a) E W rno c a) O c O c C o c w m o — N c O co 0 � N O O ((0 O (0 (O 0 N (D 0 CO e- 1.6 In r C a) a a) E ,c a °) c W 0 rnW a) c o) c 2 .o • a) o c C O O) c 0 c W u) 1) 0 CZ I— - ° N c O U m c U' E ° Z 0) C7 W U N CO 0 0 0 0 0 0 O O O O O O O In (f) (n 0) V ° E o. o• mw c m c c ° •O) c W� I 1- 6 °- -o N 3 O N Line Items Total (O M N 0) Line Items Total Change in Budget •• co O Change in Budget (1) w'in = 00W co `w W s�.) N 0t!a o eZ N rt 0' w Crh CO w1 W LL. _ 0. F- t2 d a3 d ?•i O O (=, O• T tTj M ;MI to ;LO, 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 O O O O O O O O O O (D O O O O O O O O O O In to- t(7 O (n (n N O N 0) V' co O _ O u) 2 0 0E- 0) O N 0 ', O co C O fn ,- a co c E O) 8 u) O c ? m c Q m •5 o W To C W U > N c0 1° N E V c , N .co c 2 2 .V a t1 ° H ' -° ° ° '= a) U m m 4-. co ° o m .3 m .°_ rn 0 -o o y m a) c >, c 17 al 0 a) u) O N (O/) O. 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O N CO Page (D 1- co 0) 0 O O O co 0) Change in Budget O O O O Change in Budget O N Communications O O O O O N Communications O O O O O N Line Items Total O O O O O N Line Items Total O O O O O N Line Items Total 0 0 O Change in Budget Change in Budget d O N O O O O O Line Items Total Line Items Total O O O O O 0 O O Change in Budget O O O Change in Budget a O N N co t1.11 (0, Page 82 of 126 2 ce W W WATER UTILITIES $d' T O N M 0 08/16/2012 N L U 2 T a 0 0 E O LL J 0 0 O co O d L U 2 T a 0 0 m LL a) J 0 O O O O Line Items Total 0 O O O O Line Items Total 0 0 O O O Line Items Total o co O Change in Budget Change in Budget Z N 0 N ' co: O )0).) x(0.7 Insurance Allocation Insurance Allocation Distributed Insurance Line Items Total Line Items Total Line Items Total Change in Budget Change in Budget 0 M 0 0 !! r3 o o o 0 o o O O O co co co N to = 0 >d o C) ,N U) O c c rn 0) O c c W O C O 0 O '� o ,c 2 (d Y CC 1- N O O 0 O 0 0 O O O co co co co co O N (n (n to to U) it) o c > N O c N E o) 'm c c O W O c m O 0 c O @ CC N co co co co O co co O O O co co co co co N 0 00 N a co > co co m 0 0— N a) cn CC cn c O w O c C CM O •C C) O 'N N M M) N MPage 1581 .)1.01 o o O co 10 Line Items Total co co O co co N 10 Line Items Total Line Items Total 0 O O co N Change in Budget Change in Budget 0 N (NA O N' co co; O C" O,O 05 Refi Revenue Bonds 05 Refi Revenue Bonds 05 Refi Revenue Bonds Line Items Total O O N 0) N Line Items Total Line Items Total O O CO Change in Budget O O N O N Change in Budget O L. 0! 2010 Revenue Bond - Interest o o o o o o o o co O O O co (7 co m N d' c c c N ai o ccs (xi (a J _1 _1 Tn. CC -D 'D "O U) c C c N d U N V) N C 2 ' 2 8 N I— I— I— J 0 to Vv) to ) ) - „U ,U ,U n C o m Y co co N C co co co >O a) co co co 0) N O 2 0) U 2 T (7) a?.. +'O N a) U U J iOoSo �d¢Zn N M d' 0 CO 0 0 O O O O O O O co O O (D (O O) _ O M co r N (O (O (0O N- A' (V O (V O N r CO '1' 2010 Revenue Bond - interest ublic Works Trust Fund Loan - r- N M V (f) (O O co O O co co co O co co co co o co O O O O O (O d O O co d N W CO c c 0 0 0 c c 4- 4 .2 N 2 2 I` I- (.0 Y Y N U U 0 CO a m > > , a) co (O N 0 0 0 NI NI a) O `)O `)O `)O a) (O O N N 00) — O C O C N N M d Line Items Total 1,090,708.00 Line Items Total 1,118,865.00 Line Items Total Change in Budget Change in Budget 534.100.90 INTERFUND PAYMENTS FOR SERVICES • a) 0) 08/16/2012 as tt Ww w 'w (f) U Q o Xt F-01 Z Z: w U)Z�,ZN w0Q�o ~—I Hd N g ❑ ❑j H�Z)Z Z LL kLL w r ww < 1- .�; Multimedia Allocation O O O O N- O"; N Multimedia Allocation Multimedia Services 0 0 O O O) 0 N Line Items Total 0 0 O O O) Line Items Total 0 O O O N O Line Items Total 0 O O 0 N Change in Budget O 0 - N N Change in Budget 0 0 O O O O O O 0 CO L6 O N O O O O O O O O) cri N- N '- (N 0 0 0 0 0 0 0) 0 O O N Facilities Services Annex Rent N O O O O 0 0 Line Items Total O O O O O) O) 0 Line Items Total O O 0 0 0) O CO Line Items Total 0 0 O O Change in Budget ,j. 0 l N O C O 8 O 0 U J O 0 U 0 NI- > O U N Q E o > ac L i 6 -o N C co N O O Q) a. CO 0. N Line Items Total co co Co o O co co CO co (O O M M Cr; Cr; O co M M M O 00 00 00 00 00 N O) CO" 1 N 7 O O 0. 0 U- N C C O O V C C m U Q Y 0) 0) W O w W N U r N t 'O U M °- .o o n- a) 0 ` a` a` a > N a-+ U V) 0 U) .9 .O ,N N _ Q O .) 0 fw/) J Z L U co u) < °> L O O D O D O co D a O(O O 0 7 0 7 0 7 N 0 C al O 0 0.0 0.0 0.N LL. El.), (...d C� ECG ECG E°o. L(nW Wc?Wc?Wc? u) 0 0 0 O 0 M O) m M IS Services O O 0 0 M O) m M Line Items Total N 0) A O) Line Items Total O co Change in Budget Change in Budget Page 84 of 126 t 0 r O 4- �y W 2 CL 08!1612012 O r N 0 O 0 0 V7 Line items Total 0 0 0 0 O 0 O 0 41 0 N - N 0 o 0 534.110.10 OVERTIME 534,110,12 0 0 0 Line Items Total 0 0 0 d M Line Items Total 0 O 0 Change in Budget 0 0 0 0 Change in Budget 534,110.20 PERSONNEL BENEFITS 534.110.24 INDUSTRIAL INSURANCE g er 0 N (i) N a S 7 0 n n m d N 0 512 Z rc N N v ci M1 N - � M N LAS 0) d} il} a) 6 y7 j C) � � C °a2 LE CY N N • M1 N Ik M1 Line Items Total 0 N Line Items Total 4 rj Change in Budget Change in Budget MEDICAL & LIFE INSURANCE 534.110.25 CO CO rrLO OrC Line Items Total Line Items Tatar N M1 Page Change in Budget Change in Budget 0 N 0 Office Supplies - Finance 0 0 0 Office Supplies - Finance 0 0 d CO Office Supplies - Finance O 0 0 O Line Items Total 0 0 Line Items Total 0 0 0 Line terns Total d 0 Change in Budget 0 G 0 Change in Budget 534.110.35 SMALL TOOLS & MINOR EQUIPMENT O N M rrs- 0 C.1 0 N d d O 0 , d 0 0 0 0 0 a a d 0 c0 N 0) . • m C .5 w vl RI N N 0 Q 0) 5 u. E 0 0 6 d 0) 0 n 0) 0) m Q Si C_ LE 4h U 4 • tU T v E C/i Line terns Total 0 0 Chaege in Budget 0 0 Change in Budget Vl uJ C7 � W tO W +� UJ u, J • Q Q uJ C/) trw 0 O a O r . O G T r r r 4 4 r) «) 4.3 u7 0 C9 0 N O O 0 0 o 0 o (0 O d N r LC, o Bank Credit Card Fees -TB r N i] 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 O O O 0 O O O CO M r LD 1� ol m li ' ul c▪ a U- 0 N • g Ca X Ll (> d o J Ltd _ ▪ C C LL CD CT) CL O o o O co 4[7 Bank Credit Card Fees r N Page 88 of 129 Page 85 of 126 0 O N 08/16/2012 O O 0 0 0 O o O O O O O O O O O o O O O (O If) M 00 0 (p r r (D M co a) c0 E a) -0 c 3 m N E O i 0) a) a m 0 Li a) o N .co 3 a (0 Y Y O O Y al O O N C - L Y C) c co 0 CO co U) 0) N Lien - filing fees 't u) CO r- co o o O O O O O O O O O O O O O 10 0 0 0 0 N In CO Oo 0 r r (0 a) a) co X a a) ) n al a E E n co `,- • Y Y Y 0 0 Y 0 C 0 0 0 0 a) a. t C) 0) ) m o a) O co C 0) (0 (0 r"- ao CT) Line Items Total Line Items Total 0 0 0 0 co co co co co co co co co co O O O O O O 0 0 o 0 o o co. co co co co co ti r N r O co c ro co c U)) o is x a E a) 0 co C O 2 0) 0)E C o 0 a) O 0 , U a a co .N 00 , a) E 2 Ea '8, '8 = 412 i co 0 Z' -Y O a) a) O) o� p N L v0- '- Y Cl m 0. Q (Q C c=a a s E 0 >>°) a°)) o m co M 1-- v= > J J O f N M N- co Q) Line Items Total Change in Budget O N O O O ti O O ti N Line Items Total Postage for CSG 1 0. 'T. ,d.; M t(1 O O O N M N Line Items Total O 0 O Change in Budget N ii tItt T''i Tj `� M Page 1691 Travel charges - Finance Travel charges - Finance 0 0 O fD Travel Charges (Finance) Line Items Total 0 0 O O O Line Items Total 0 0 O O (0 Line Items Total Change in Budget 0 0 O O (0 Change in Budget O N O N 0 0 0 0 0 0 O O If) 0 0 N I) 0 O O L N f0 = o a a) t N 2 _ Q) O) J E E c � ✓ 2 N F- a) a)� :) m O c o O 0 v) O 0 0 O 0 0 0) 0) 0) C C C a a a U) CO U) N 0 - a t • a) o m N 0 0 co O 0 0 O O O 0) 0) 0) C C C D. Q. a U) N U) ▪ N 0 0 0 0 O O co o N co O O O O W ; Ni ▪ N O O N Line Items Total Change in Budget Change in Budget O O O 0 0 m Line Items Total O O m M Line Items Total O 0 O Line Items Total Change in Budget Change in Budget Page 89 of 129 Page 86 of 126 08/16/2012 W W w d' rX ¢Qd w 534.800.00 534.800.01 2,399,000.00 0 N 2,284, 800.00 2,399,000.00 Line Items Total 2,284,800.00 2,117, 000.00 2.117, 000.00 Line Items Total 0 d N Change in Budget O 0 d a co w Change in Budget 0 J w w 2 H vict rn• 0 534.800.1 0 534.800.12 ort O O hY N O SV O 0 6 O to 4 v T ry o d 0 o at E 0 4 N N 0 • >. E a) 0- RS _CI CC • co 5 � IN 0 0 0 0 O 0 o uu 4 N E N D 0 4 a ,, e w a SCI .0 3 � 0 m ;3 I1'_ 111 •- N 0 0 O u7 Ui co Line Items Total C 0 3311 10 Line Items Total O 0 d 0 u] co Line Items Total 0 0 0 Change in Budget C 0 d Change in Budget 534.800.13 OTHER WAGES O N 0 N S 8 0 S S 0 N 0 0 0 d 0 a N Temporary Maintenance Staff O 0 d 6 10 N 0 0 0 a 0 Line items Total a 0 d 0 L1) M1 N Change in Budget 0 0 0 0 r~ Change in Budget PERSONNEL BENEFITS 534.500.22 UNIFORMS & CLOTHING 4 N C7 0 N_ O O 0 O 3M E. C, Line Items Total a 0 0 Line Items Total Line Items Total C) Change in Budget 8 0 6 rn Change in Budget 534.800.24 INDUSTRIAL INSURANCE O N Cr) 0 N 0 O Q Line Items Total 6 4 6 Line Items Total ('J 0 qi O 4 Change in Budget Change in Budget 534.800.25 MEDICAL & LIFE INSURANCE a 0 6 L ne Items Total p 0 0 Line Items Total Line Items Total b 0 6 Change in Budget Change in Budget 534.800.30 SUPPLIES OFFICE & OPERATING SUPPLIES 534.800.31 O N N a N Page 87 of 126 0 stn: 0 z 'o1 N 0. = F- W 08'1 11 WWW (10? Q <I 0. = ?IL'; Ou)O M to O 0,0) 000) 0o op .00 0 d' d' d' .d M O M M Mc )1 08/16/2012 0 o 0 0 0 M O Operations - Supplies O 0 0 0 0 M 0 Line Items Total 0 0 0 0 O O O O O O O d O O Operations - Supplies O O O O O O Operations Supplies Line Items Total O O O 0 0 Line Items Total 0 O d O O M Change in Budget O O O O Change in Budget M 0 Z -i AU-1 Oy Z tn N 4/) '1 0 O rCY 0 00 00 0 0 0 0 O O N (O N 0 0 0 0 O O o 0 O O (n O r O a c 0 0 0. 0 0 E O O 0 O O co- co Line Items Total O O O 0 0 (D 1- u) E 0 J y C 0 O n E O U caC O a E N 0 0 0 0 0 0 O O O O O O O O M O 0 (0 Radio Read MeterAdditional Costs 0 0 0 O O Change in Budget O O O co" 0 Change in Budget O O O O O co" M '1 0 s N O e-i JO N M b ,K)9 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 co 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 O0 000000000000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 O O M 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 )0 0 0 0 M r r M (n 0 r 0 (O )0 M O )f') )f) (n N r r N M N O O 0 o co LL0 0 f0 o 0 �—° c c o u) g° c v a) a) a) c c E c J N ` O a7 N 0 C ca 06 76 N U u) 1- (i 'Fa E -o a c otj a) N c4 in a) o o ti 2 a o o cn w V b a a� °� a C C N (.9 C 7 f0 a) 0 C a7 U C O C, .2 C a) (� a a) C 0 U, 2 "75 (� .0 a O (U N a) (U (DE 2'-` (i) ca .0 a) Y> c ) &E)> a) R 0) m 00=00 JJa0 >u>1-a> O r N v r N M,t u0 (0 r 00 O) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 O O O O O O O O O O O O O O 0 O 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 O 0 O O O O O M o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 O r co" 1.6 W O O (f) (n (O O O 0) N M N M O O O O co 0) M 0 N C O O 0 C C O N O (0 E 2 c v a) a) a) C C p a0 c ca (0 E v 0 o J C O N C N > U NH(� n- ,QW E -o Q C N ot3 N N o7f n a) y o c N o a) a) o T f/) O. a C C C U C C m o (0 a) u) . 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Locks for water stations. � 0 U v to to CO CU CP @ N ay] G C o 0 cg co 0 c!] cd N M Nr 0 0 0 0 0 10 Line- Items Total 0 Change in Budget 0 Change in Budget 590.100.65 CONSTRUCTION PROJECTS 0 N Q N 954,150.00 CD o G 0 0 0 0 0 0 10 O oD oo °o CD dp Lt, et cc,4 e0o o 0 °, O Lt, 0 {+) N LI) N LC3 N Ctl N ,LJ^J1 W E o. o w a E ca as > E p m� g�t5 E-i 8 I c 1 . 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Based on review of the department statistics from 2009 to 2012, we see the following: -Staff has decreased by 2.0 FTEs since 2009. - Phone calls to Utilities are increasing each year as follows: 2009 2010 2011 2012 % Change (09 -12) 49,000 51,600 65,000 81,300 +66% (2012 data projected based on 5 month average) - Staff is generating 7,000 more utility billing statements per year as follows. X2009 2010 2011 2012 %ff Change (09 -12) 222,900 222,100 226,200 230,000 +3.2 % (2012 data projected based on 5 month average) In addition, call volumes have increased with the addition of 3,500 new solid waste customers and an additional 400 -500 solid waste customers by the end of 2012. While the ability for customers to pay online has helped, the total number of calls - ceived has increased and are expected to continue increasing. The Accounting Specialists provide over -flow and back -up one coverage for the Customer Care Representatives. Due to the increase in phone calls, the Accouting Specialists are covering the counter and answering the phone significantly more. Below are the total calls received by the Accounting Specialists in April and May for the last three years. 2010 2011 2012 % Change (10 -12) April 121 201 412 +240% May 160 347 579 +260% Total: 281 548 991 +252% In addition, the numbers below are the phone stets for each Customer Care Rep during the months of April and May for the last three years. Customer Care Rep Calls (Each): 2010 2011 2012 % Change (10 -12) April 800 1,221 1,537 +92% May 730 1,283 1,733 +137% Total: 1,530 2,504 3,270 4-114% Funding request includes funding for 1.0FTE Customer Service Representative; desktop computer workstation; and Class receipt printer and related licenses and support. Alternatives Do not hire additional staff and allow increased workload to be addressed with existing staff configuration. Advantages of Approval -- proved staff efficiency and customer service. Implications of Denial If this request is not funded, the workload per FTE is expected to continue increasing. This will result in a longer hold times for customers, an increase in abandoned calls and longer lines at the customer service counter. DI.A Page 95 of 11b Page 98 of 129 gIDPBdgtRpt 8/16/2012 12:22:39PM Decision Package Budget Report City of Auburn Date ecsion „Package FIN 0007 New Cstomer Service Representative_ w 3'.,, (Cont�nuetl.)` Budget Year 06/26/2012 2014 Group mchaw Version Priority Duration Approval Status 0 1 One -Time Pending Staffing 1.0FTE Customer Service Representative Equipment Make & Model None. FISCAL DETAILS 2013 2014 Staffing 430.00.534.110.11 REGULAR SALARIES & WAGES 13,250.40 430.00.534.110.21 F.I.C.A. 1,013.76 430.00.534.110.23 PENSIONS 1,065,88 430.00.534.110.24 INDUSTRIAL INSURANCE 784.72 430.00.534.110.25 MEDICAL & LIFE INSURANCE 8,454.96 431.00.535.110.11 REGULAR SALARIES & WAGES 9,716.88 431.00.535.110.21 F.I.C.A. 743.28 431.00.535.110,23 PENSIONS 781.63 431.00.535.110.24 INDUSTRIAL INSURANCE 575.49 431.00.535.110,25 MEDICAL & LIFE INSURANCE 6,200.64 432.00,535.910.11 REGULAR SALARIES & WAGES 5,741.76 432.00,535.910.21 F.I.C.A. 439.20 432.00.535.910.23 PENSIONS 461.85 432.00,535.910.24 INDUSTRIAL INSURANCE 340.12 2.00,535.910.25 MEDICAL & LIFE INSURANCE 3,663.84 00,537.110.11 REGULAR SALARIES & WAGES 15,458.64 434.00.537.110.21 F.I.C.A. 1,182.72 434.00,537.110.23 PENSIONS 1,243.59 434.00.537.110.24 INDUSTRIAL INSURANCE 915.44 434.00.537.110.25 MEDICAL & LIFE INSURANCE 9,864.00 Total Staffing 81,898.80 Operating Expenditures 430.00,534.110.31 OFFICE & OPERATING SUPPLIES 1,694.00 431.00.535,110.31 OFFICE & OPERATING SUPPLIES 2,310.00 432.00.535.910.31 OFFICE & OPERATING SUPPLIES 1,001.00 434.00,537.110.31 OFFICE & OPERATING SUPPLIES 2,695.00 Total Operating Expenditures 7,700.00 Total Expenditures 89,598.80 Net Budget 89,598.80 13,700.64 1,048.08 1,310.02 787.74 9,623.88 10,047.12 768.72 960.66 577.70 7,057.44 5,936,88 454.32 567,73 341.43 4,170.60 15,984,48 1,222.56 1,528.28 918.96 11,227.20 88,234.44 165.00 225.00 98.00 262,00 750.00 88,984.44 88,984.44 DI.A Page 99 of 129 Page 96 of 126 gIDPBdgtRpt City of Auburn 6/28/2012 2:56:18PM STORM ecision Package„ ENG 0005_,;Construction Cle Date 06/13/2012 Budget Year Title Construction Clerk 2014 Group igaub Version Priority 0 1 Decision Package Budget Report `s Duration Ongoing Approval Status Pending Description of Improvement 1.0 FTE Construction Clerk, Project Funded position, to be filled in 2013. This position will provide support to the public works department in the administration of capital construction projects including assisting with required project documentation and tracking. Funding for this position will be from a portion of the design and construction engineering funds allocated from project budgets within the 102 (Arterial Street), 105 (Preservation), 430 (Water), 431 (Sanitary Sewer), and 432 (Storm Drainage) funds along with some general funds. Currently there is $5.35 Million of designated. engineering project funds available to support additional project funded positions such as this one. The $130 Million of programmed projects in the 2012 -2017 Capital Facilities Plan, which does not include any future grants the City may receive, continues to include a large amount of designated engineering funds that will be available to support this position. Only a minor portion of this position will be funded by the general fund since only a small number of the City's capital projects are general fund supported. This position is required to manage the volume of records associated with the payments to consultants & contractors to assure accurate records are available for State audits. Alternatives Continue to employ contract or temporary staff to complete this work or reduce the amount of projects that can be actively worked on each year. !vantages of Approval This position will provide needed administrative level support to the Construction Inspection, Project Management, and Contract Administration staff on capital projects allowing staff to meet federal and state mandates on required documentation on projects. Reduced training requirements of using temporary staff to meet this need and providing continuity of work through use of a permanent staff position. Permanent staff who can learn and apply state audit requirements can better contribute to improving the City's required project documentation. Implications of Denial Without this position the total number of projects that can be completed in a given year will be limited to insure the City is able to meet federal and state mandated documentation requirements on capital projects. Continued reliance on temporary staff to perform this sensitive administrative work. Staffing 1.0 Equipment Make & Model Equipment needed is a computer and phone only. FISCAL DETAILS 2013 2014 Water Fund (430) Sewer Fund (431) Stormwater Fund (432) DI.A Total Staffing and Operating Expenditures Page 97 of 126 15,970 15,450 15,970 15,450 46,244 46,350 78,184 77,250 Page 100 of 129 gIDPBdgtRpt 6/28/2012 3:09:32PM Date 06/14/2012 Budget Year City of Auburn WATER ecision„Package ENG 0006,. „Senior Project. Engmeec Group Version Priority Decision Package Budget Report Duration 2014 igaub 0 1 Ongoing Title Senior Project Engineer Approval Status Pending Description of Improvement 1.0 FTE Senior Project Engineer, Project Funded position, to be filled in 2013. This position will provide for management of project staff on a variety of Capital projects as well as complete project management of assigned Capital projects. This position will allow the department to increase the total number of active projects allowing more of the currently budgeted project workload to be completed. Funding for this position will be from a portion of the design and construction engineering funds allocated from project budgets within the 102 (Arterial Street), 105 (Preservation), 430 (Water), 431 (Sanitary Sewer), and 432 (Storm Drainage) funds along with some general funds. Currently there is $5.35 Million of designated engineering project funds available to support additional project funded positions such as this one. The $130 Million of programmed projects in the 2012 -2017 Capital Facilities Plan, which does not include any future grants the City may receive, continues to include a large amount of designated engineering funds that will be available to support this position. Only a minor portion of this position will be funded by the general fund since only a small number of the City's capital projects are general fund supported. Alternatives Defer capital projects to future budget years or reduce the total capital project workload to fit current resource levels. 'kdvantages of Approval axis position will allow for additional project management resources for capital projects allowing the current planned capital project workload in the 2012 -2017 Capital Facilities Plan to be met. This position will also strengthen the City's technical skills and resources to allow the City to be more competitive for state and federal grants. In addition, this position would improve the City's capacity for managing multi - disciplined projects. Implications of Denial Without this position, capital projects will need to be deferred until future budget years beyond the 2012 -2017 Capital Facilities Plan and the City's ability to meet grant implementation timelines may be impacted. Staffing 1.0 Equipment Make & Model Equipment needed is a computer, desk phone and cell phone only. FISCAL DETAILS 2013 2014 Water Fund (430) Sewer Fund (431) Stormwater Fund (432) Total Staffing and Operating Expenditures 96,134 97,914 21,255 20,982 21,254 20,981 138,642 139,877 DI.A Page 101 of 129 Page 98 of 126 gIDPBdgtRpt 6/28/2012 3:09:32PM Date 06/14/2012 City of Auburn SEWER )ecision Package: Project Engineer:_; Budget Year Group 2014 Title Senior Project Engineer igaub Version Priority 0 2 Decision Package Budget Report Duration Ongoing Approval Status Pending Description of Improvement 1.0 FTE Senior Project Engineer, Project Funded position, to be filled in 2013. This position will provide for management of project staff on a variety of Capital projects as well as complete project management of assigned Capital projects. This position will allow the department to increase the total number of active projects allowing more of the currently budgeted project workload to be completed. Funding for this position will be from a portion of the design and construction engineering funds allocated from project budgets within the 102 (Arterial Street), 105 (Preservation), 430 (Water), 431 (Sanitary Sewer), and 432 (Storm Drainage) funds along with some general funds. Currently there is $5,35 Million of designated engineering project funds available to support additional project funded positions such as this one. The $130 Million of programmed projects in the 2012 -2017 Capital Facilities Plan, which does not include any future grants the City may receive, continues to include a large amount of designated engineering funds that will be available to support this position. Only a minor portion of this position will be funded by the general fund since only a small number of the City's capital projects are general fund supported. Alternatives Defer capital projects to future budget years or reduce the total capital project workload to fit current resource levels, lvantages of Approval This position will allow for additional project management resources for capital projects allowing the current planned capital project workload in the 2012 -2017 Capital Facilities Plan to be met. This position will also strengthen the City's technical skills and resources to allow the City to be more competitive for state and federal grants. In addition, this position would improve the City's capacity for managing multi - disciplined projects. Implications of Denial Without this position, capital projects will need to be deferred until future budget years beyond the 2012 -2017 Capital Facilities Plan and the City's ability to meet grant implementation timelines may be impacted. Staffing 1.0 Equipment Make & Model Equipment needed is a computer, desk phone, and cell phone only. Furniture needed includes a desk, file cabinet, and chair. FISCAL DETAILS 2013 2014 Water Fund (430) 22,422 20,982 Sewer Fund (431) 97,300 97,914 Stormwater Fund (432) 22,420 20,981 Total Staffing and Operating Expenditures 142,142 139,877 DI.A Page 102 of 129 Page 99 of 126 gIDPBdgtRpt 6/28/2012 3:09 :32PM Date 06/14/2012 Budget Year 2014 Title Assistant Project Engineer City of Auburn STORM ecisior Package ENG OOQ8 As&stant_Pro�ect;Engmeer Group Version Priority Decision Package Budget Report Duration igaub 0 3 Ongoing Approval Status Pending Description of Improvement 1.0 FTE Assistant Project Engineer, Project Funded position, to be filled in 2013. this position will provide for technical and management assistants of project management staff on a variety of Capital projects. This position will allow the department to increase the total number of active projects allowing more of the currently budgeted project workload to be completed. Funding for this position will be from a portion of the design and construction engineering funds allocated from project budgets within the 102 (Arterial Street), 105 (Preservation), 430 (Water), 431 (Sanitary Sewer), and 432 (Storm Drainage) funds along with some general funds. Currently there is $5.35 Million of designated engineering project funds available to support additional project funded positions such as this one, The $130 Million of programmed projects in the 2012 -2017 Capital Facilities Plan, which does not include any future grants the City may receive, continues to include a large amount of designated engineering funds that will be available to support this position. Only a minor portion of this position will be funded by the general fund since only a small number of the City's capital projects are general fund supported. Alternatives Defer capital projects to future budget years or reduce the total capital project workload to fit current resource levels. Advantages of Approval This position will allow for additional project management resources for capital projects allowing the current planned capital project Jrkload in the 2012 -2017 Capital Facilities Plan to be met. This position will also strengthen the City's technical skills and resources to allow the City to be more competitive for state and federal grants. In addition, this position would improve the City's capacity for managing multi - disciplined projects. Implications of Denial Without this position, capital projects will need to be deferred until future budget years beyond the 2012 -2017 Capital Facilities Plan and the City's ability to meet grant implementation timelines may be impacted. Staffing 1.0 Equipment Make & Model Equipment needed is a computer and phone only. FISCAL DETAILS 2013 2014 Water Fund (430) Sewer Fund (431) Stormwater Fund (432) DI.A Total Staffing and Operating Expenditures Page 100 of 126 18,200 17,820 18,200 17,820 81,876 83,157 118,276 118,798 Page 103 of 129 gIDPBdgtRpt 8/13/2012 10:32:16AM Decision Package Budget Report City of Auburn Date Budget Year J6/28/2012 2014 ecsion_ Package WTR 0002 ,Utilities, Suppo Group Version Priority tcarlaw 0 1 ehacl Duration One -Time Approval Status Pending Title Utilities Support Vehicle Description of Improvement A vehicle to support storm water inspections, groundwater monitoring, water quality sampling, stream flow monitoring, and spill response activities. These activities require travel to sites through out the City and require transportation of large amounts of equipment such as sample containers, ice chest(s) computer, sample collection poles, data loggers, and hand tools. The cost of this improvement will be split between the Water and Storm Utility Funds. Staff is currently using a 10 year old retained vehicle with 106,000 miles and is unreliable because of electrical problems. Alternatives Use pool vehicles; however, this is not a good option because of the need to store equipment in the vehicle. Having government supplies pre - loaded in a pool vehicle would create an accountability challenge for securing government supplies & equipment and would reduce the pool vehicle to passenger carrying capacity. Advantages of Approval Overall productivity is increased by giving staff flexibility to schedule field activities anytime during the work day and not just when a pool vehicle is available. Consistent access to a vehicle also improves staff's response time to spills. The annual maintenance cost for the current retained vehicle is $8000 per year and would be used to offset some of the new vehicle costs. Implications of Denial -)st monitoring and inspection activities are time based with permit limits for completion such as monthly, quarterly, or ,inually. Without having a dedicated vehicle staff will have a difficult time finishing the work within the required time. Reduced spill response time. Staffing None Equipment Make & Model 1 vehicle to support utility field inspections. FISCAL DETAILS 2013 2014 Operating Expenditures 430.00.534.800.95 INTRFUND OPER RENTALS /LEASES 430.00.590.800.64 MACHINERY & EQUIPMENT 432,00.535.900.95 INTRFUND OPER RENTALS /LEASES 432.00.590.900,64 MACHINERY & EQUIPMENT Total Operating Expenditures Total Expenditures Net Budget 0,00 15,000.00 0.00 15,000.00 30,000.00 30,000.00 30,000,00 4,000.00 0.00 4,000.00 0.00 8,000.00 8,000.00 8,000,00 DI.A Page 104 of 129 Pogo 101 of 126 TABLE W -2 Capacity Projects: 1 Well 1 Improvements Capital Costs Funding Sources: Water Fund 355,000 PWTF Loan 3,325,000 2 Green River PS Emergency Power Capital Costs Funding Sources: Water Fund Bond Proceeds CAPITAL FACILITIES PLAN PROJECTS AND FINANCING WATER DIVISION 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 Total 3,680,000 3,680,000 355,000 3,325,000 90,000 600,000 690,000 90,000 600,000 690,000 3 Well 4 Power & Chlorination Capital Costs Funding Sources: Water Fund Bond Proceeds 4 Well 5 Upgrade Capital Costs Funding Sources: Water Fund Bond Proceeds 245,000 954,150 1,199,150 245,000 954,150 1,199,150 400,000 1,500,000 - 1,900,000 400,000 1,500,000 1,900,000 Subtotal, Capacity Projects: Capital Costs 3,925,000 954,150 490,000 Non - Capacity Projects: 2,100,000 7,469,150 5 Well Inspection and Redevelopment Program Capital Costs 150,000 150,000 150,000 450,000 Funding Sources: Water Fund 150,000 150,000 150,000 450,000 Bond Proceeds - - 6 Water Repair & Replacements Capital Costs 1,350,000 150,000 1,500,000 200,000 1,700,000 260,000 5,160,000 Funding Sources: Water Fund - 1,500,000 200,000 1,700,000 260,000 3,660,000 Bond Proceeds 1,350,000 150,000 - - - 1,500,000 7 Lakeland Hills Reservoir 5 Improvements Capital Costs 750,000 750,000 Funding Sources: Water Fund - - Bond Proceeds 750,000 750,000 8 Comprehensive Water Plan Capital Costs 330,000 330,000 Funding Sources: Water Fund 330,000 - 330,000 Bond Proceeds - - DI.A Page 105 of 129 Page 102 of 126 Non - Capacity Projects: 9 Well 7 Emergency Power Capital Costs Funding Sources: Water Fund Bond Proceeds 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 Total 75,000 440,000 515,000 75,000 440,000 515,000 10 Maintenance and Operations Expansion Capital Costs Funding Sources: 220,000 220,000 Water Fund 220,000 220,000 Bond Proceeds - 11 MIT Master Meters Capital Costs 80,000 400,000 Funding Sources: Water Fund 80,000 400,000 Bond Proceeds - 480,000 480,000 12 Street Utility Improvements Capital Costs 500,000 500,000 500,000 500,000 500,000 500,000 3,000,000 Funding Sources: Water Fund 500,000 500,000 500,000 500,000 500,000 500,000 3,000,000 Bond Proceeds 13 Fulmer Well Field Improvements Capital Costs 515,000 1,750,000 2,265,000 Funding Sources: Water Fund - 310,000 310,000 Bond Proceeds 515,000 1,440,000 1,955,000 14 Lea Hill PRV Station Improvements Capital Costs Funding Sources: Water Fund Bond Proceeds 50,000 400,000 - 450,000 50,000 400,000 450,000 15 Water Meter & Billing System Improvements Capital Costs 500,000 500,000 500,000 500,000 Funding Sources: Water Fund 500,000 500,000 500,000 Bond Proceeds 500,000 - - Non- Capacity Projects: 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2,000,000 1,500,000 500,000 2018 Total Subtotal, Non- Capacity Proiects: Capital Costs 3,765,000 3,530,000 3,175,000 2,040,000 2,350,000 760,000 15,620,000 SUMMARY: CAPITAL COSTS Capacity Projects Non - Capacity Projects Total Costs 3,925,000 954,150 490,000 2,100,000 7,469,150 3,765,000 3,530,000 3,175,000 2,040,000 2,350,000 760,000 15,620,000 7,690,000 4,484,150 3,665,000 4,140,000 2,350,000 760,000 23,089,150 FUNDING SOURCES: Water Fund 1,005,000 1,940,000 3,665,000 4,140,000 2,350,000 760,000 13,860,000 PWTF Loan 3,325,000 - - - - 3,325,000 Bond Proceeds 3,360,000 2,544,150 - - - 5,904,150 Total Funding 7,690,000 4,484,150 3,665,000 4,140,000 2,350,000 760,000 23,089,150 Page 106 of 129 DI.A Page 103 of 126 WATER FUND (430) Six Year Capital Facilities Plan, 2013 -2018 Capital Facilities Plan Enterprise Funds Project Title: Project No: Project Type: Project Manager: Well 1 Improvements cp0915 Capacity Lee Description: Hvdrogeologic evaluation Progress Summary: Future Impact on No significant impact. Budget: Adopted Budget Budget Amendments Adjusted Budget 2012 Budget YTD Actual Expenditures 2013 Budget 12 Budget Balance - - - - - - - - - - - - Activity: Funding Sources: Unrestricted Water Revenue Unrestricted Storm Revenue Bond Proceeds Other (PWTF loan) Total Funding Sources: Capital Expenditures: Design Right of Way Construction Total Expenditures: Prior to 2012 2012 YE Estimate 2013 Budget 2014 Budget 2013 Year End Project Total 127,614 - - - 551,010 831,900 - - 355,000 - - 3,325,000 - - - - 1,033,624 831,900 - 3,325,000 127,614 127,614 - - 1,382,910 500,000 - 882,910 3,680,000 - - 3,680,000 - - - - 5,190,524 627,614 - 4,562,910 127,614 1,382,910 3,680,000 - 5,190,524 Forecasted Project Cost: Funding Sources: Unrestricted Water Revenue Unrestricted Storm Revenue Bond Proceeds Other (PWTF loan) Total Funding Sources: Capital Expenditures: Design Right of Way Construction Total Expenditures: 2015 2016 2017 2018 Total 2013 -2018 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 355,000 - - 3,325,000 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 3,680,000 - - 3,680,000 - - - - 3,680,000 Grants / Other Sources: DI.A Page 104 of 126 Page 107 of 129 WATER FUND (430) Six Year Capital Facilities Plan, 2013 -2018 Capital Facilities Plan Enterprise Funds Project Title: Project No: Project Type: Project Manager: Green River PS Emergency Power cpxxxx Capacity TBD Description: Construction of facility improvements to house an emergency generator and associated electrical equipment. Progress Summary: Future Impact on Operating Budget: No significant impact. Budget: Adopted Budget Budget Amendments Adjusted Budget 2012 Budget YTD Actual Expenditures 2013 Budget 12 Budget Balance - - - - - - - - - - - - Activity: Funding Sources: Prior to 2012 2012 YE Estimate 2013 Budget 2014 Budget 2013 Year End Project Total Unrestricted Water Revenue Grants (Fed,State,Local) Bond Proceeds Other - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Total Funding Sources: Capital Expenditures: Design Right of Way Construction - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Total Expenditures: - - - Forecasted Project Cost: 2015 2016 2017 2018 Total 2013 -2018 Funding Sources: Unrestricted Water Revenue Grants (Fed,State,Local) Bond Proceeds Other 90,000 - - - 600,000 - - - - - - - - - - 690,000 - - - Total Funding Sources: Capital Expenditures: Design Right of Way Construction 90,000 90,000 - - 600,000 - - 600,000 - - - - - - - 690,000 90,000 - 600,000 Total Expenditures: 90,000 600,000 - - 690,000 Grants / Other Sources: DI.A Page 105 of 126 Page 108 of 129 WATER FUND (430) Six Year Capital Facilities Plan, 2013 -2018 Capital Facilities Plan Enterprise Funds Project Title: Project No: Project Type: Project Manager: Well 4 Power and Chlorination c512a0 Capacity TBD Description: Construct a new building at the Well 4 site to house a diesel - fueled standby generator and new hypochlorite disinfection equipment. Progress Summary: Future Impact on Operating Budget: No significant impact. Budget: Adopted Budget Budget Amendments Adjusted Budget 2012 Budget YTD Actual Expenditures 2013 Budget 12 Budget Balance - - - - - - - _ - - - _ Activity: Funding Sources: Prior to 2012 2012 YE Estimate 2013 Budget 2014 Budget 2013 Year End Project Total Unrestricted Water Revenue Grants (Fed,State,Local) Bond Proceeds Other 7,138 - - 35,000 - - - - - 245,000 - - 954,150 - 42,138 - 245,000 - Total Funding Sources: Capital Expenditures: Design Right of Way Construction 7,138 7,138 - 35,000 35,000 - - 245,000 65,000 - 180,000 964,150 - - 954,150 287,138 107,138 - 180,000 Total Expenditures: 7,138 35,000 245,000 954,150 287,138 Forecasted Project Cost: 2015 2016 2017 2018 Total 2013 -2018 Funding Sources: Unrestricted Water Revenue Grants (Fed, State, Local) Bond Proceeds Other - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - _ 1,199,150 - Total Funding Sources: Capital Expenditures: Design Right of Way Construction - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1,199,150 65,000 - 1,134,150 Total Expenditures: - - - - 1,199,150 Grants / Other Sources: DI.A Page 106 of 126 Page 109 of 129 WATER FUND (430) Six Year Capital Facilities Plan, 2013 -2018 Capital Facilities Plan Enterprise Funds Project Title: Project No: Project Type: Project Manager: Well 5 Upgrade cp0624 Capacity TBR Description: Construct a new well facility meeting current electrical and safety codes. The project will include emergency backup power and disinfection capability. Progress Summary: Future Impact on Operating Budget: No significant impact. Budget: Adopted Budget Budget Amendments Adjusted Budget 2012 Budget YTD Actual Expenditures 2013 Budget 12 Budget Balance - - - - - - - - - Activity: Funding Sources: Prior to 2012 2012 YE Estimate 2013 Budget 2014 Budget 2013 Year End Project Total Unrestricted Water Revenue Grants (Fed,State,Local) Bond Proceeds Other - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Total Funding Sources: Capital Expenditures: Design Right of Way Construction - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Total Expenditures: - - - - Forecasted Project Cost: 2015 2016 2017 2018 Total 2013-2018 Funding Sources: Unrestricted Water Revenue Grants (Fed,State,Local) Bond Proceeds Other 400,000 - - - 1,500,000 - - - - - - - - - - 1,900,000 - - - Total Funding Sources: Capital Expenditures: Design Right of Way Construction 400,000 400,000 - - 1,500,000 - - 1,500,000 - - - - - - 1,900,000 400,000 - 1,500,000 Total Expenditures: 400,000 1,500,000 - 1,900,000 Grants / Other Sources: DI.A Page 107 of 126 Page 110 of 129 WATER FUND (430) Six Year Capital Facilities Plan, 2013 -2018 Capital Facilities Plan Enterprise Funds Project Title: Project No: Project Type: Project Manager: Well Inspection and Redevelopment Program cpxxxx Non - Capacity TBD Description: Program for inspection and redevelopment of supply wells and springs necessary to ensure production at maximum capacity for efficient utilization. Progress Summary: Planned Future Impact on Operating Budget: None Budget: Adopted Budget Budget Amendments Adjusted Budget 2012 Budget YTD Actual Expenditures 2013 Budget 12 Budget Balance - - - _ - - _ - - - - Activity: Funding Sources: Prior to 2012 2012 YE Estimate 2013 Budget 2014 Budget 2013 Year End Project Total Unrestricted Water Revenue Grants (Fed, St at e, Local) Bond Proceeds Other - - - - - - 150,000 _ - - - - - - 150,000 - - - Total Funding Sources: Capital Expenditures: Design Right of Way Construction - - - - - - - - 150,000 20,000 - 130,000 - - - - 150,000 20,000 - 130,000 Total Expenditures: - - 150,000 - 150,000 Forecasted Project Cost: 2015 2016 2017 2018 Total 2013 -2018 Funding Sources: Unrestricted Water Revenue Grants (Fed, State, Local) Bond Proceeds Other 150,000 - - - - - - 150,000 _ - - - _ _ - 450,000 _ Total Funding Sources: Capital Expenditures: Design Right of Way Construction 150,000 20,000 - 130,000 - - - - 150,000 20,000 - 130,000 - - - - 450,000 60,000 - 390,000 Total Expenditures: 150,000 150,000 - 450,000 rants r utner Sources; DI.A Page 108 of 126 Page 111 of 129 WATER FUND (430) Six Year Capital Facilities Plan, 2013 -2018 Capital Facilities Plan Enterprise Funds Project Title: Project No: Project Type: Project Manager: Water Repair & Replacements cpxxxx Non - Capacity (R &R) Various Description: Distribution system repair and replacement projects required for meeting peak demands and reducing system losses. Projects will be coordinated with the Local Street Program and other utility projects. 2012 -2013 budget will be used for the Valley AC Main Replacement project. Progress Summary: Future Impact on Operating Budget: No significant impact. Budget: Adopted Budget Budget Amendments Adjusted Budget 2012 Budget YTD Actual Expenditures 2013 Budget 12 Budget Balance - - - - - - - - - - - - Activity: Funding Sources: Unrestricted Water Revenue Grants (Fed,State,Local) Bond Proceeds Other Prior to 2012 2012 YE Estimate 2013 Budget 2014 Budget 2013 Year End Project Total - - - - 120,000 - - - - - 1,350,000 - - - 150,000 - 120,000 - 1,350,000 - Total Funding Sources: Capital Expenditures: Design Right of Way Construction - 120,000 120,000 - - 1,350,000 - - 1,350,000 150,000 150,000 1,470,000 120,000 - 1,350,000 Total Expenditures: - 120,000 1,350,000 160,000 1,470,000 Forecasted Project Cost: 2015 2016 2017 2018 Total 2013 -2018 Funding Sources: Unrestricted Water Revenue Grants (Fed, State, Local) Bond Proceeds Other 1,500,000 - - - 200,000 - - - 1,700,000 - - 260,000 - - - 3,660,000 - 1,500,000 - Total Funding Sources: Capital Expenditures: Design Right of Way Constructlon 1,500,000 - - 1,500,000 200,000 200,000 - - 1,700,000 - 1,700,000 260,000 260,000 - - 5,160,000 460,000 - 4,700,000 Total Expenditures: 1,600,000 200,000 1,700,000 260,000 5,160,000 Grants / Other Sources: DI.A Page 109 of 126 Page 112 of 129 WATER FUND (430) Six Year Capital Facilities Plan, 2013 -2018 Capital Facilities Plan Enterprise Funds Project Title: Project No: Project Type: Project Manager: Lakeland Hills Reservoir 5 Improvements cp0765 Non - Capacity TBD Description: Paint the interior and exterior to preserve the life of the reservoir, add mixing equipment for improved water quality and safety improvements including seismic isolation valve and new ladder. Progress Summary: Future Impact on Operating Budget: No significant Impact Budget: Adopted Budget Budget Amendments Adjusted Budget 2012 Budget YTD Actual Expenditures 2013 Budget 12 Budget Balance - - - - - - - - - - Activity: Funding Sources: Unrestricted Water Revenue Grants (Fed,State,Local) Bond Proceeds Other Total Funding Sources: Capital Expenditures: Design Right of Way Construction Total Expenditures: Prior to 2012 2012 YE Estimate 2013 Budget 2014 Budget 2013 Year End Project Total 43,334 - - - 5,152 - - - 750,000 - - - - 48,486 - 750,000 - 43,334 43,334 - 5,152 5,152 - - 750,000 80,000 - 670,000 - - - - 798,486 128,486 - 670,000 43,334 5,152 750,000 798,486 Forecasted Project Cost: Funding Sources: Unrestricted Water Revenue Grants (Fed,State,Local) Bond Proceeds Other Total Funding Sources: Capital Expenditures: Design Right of Way Construction Total Expenditures: 2015 2016 2017 2018 Total 2013 -2018 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 750,000 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 750,000 80,000 - 670,000 - - - - 750,000 Grants / Other Sources: DI.A Page 110 of 126 Page 113 of 129 WATER FUND (430) Six Year Capital Facilities Plan, 2013 -2018 Capital Facilities Plan Enterprise Funds Project Title: Project No: Project Type: Project Manager: Comprehensive Water Plan cpxxxx Non - Capacity Lamothe Description: Update the Comprehensive Water Plan as required by Washington State Department of Health. Progress Summary: Future Impact on Operating Budget: No significant impact. Budget: Adopted Budget Budget Amendments Adjusted Budget 2012 Budget YTD Actual Expenditures 2013 Budget 12 Budget Balance - - - - - - - - - - Activity: Funding Sources: Unrestricted Water Revenue Grants ( Fed,State,Local) Bond Proceeds Other Prior to 2012 2012 YE Estimate 2013 Budget 2014 Budget 2013 Year End Project Total - - - - - - - - - 330,000 - - - - - - - Total Funding Sources: Capital Expenditures: Design Right of Way Construction - - - - - - - - - - - 330,000 330,000 - - - - - - Total Expenditures: - - 330,000 - Forecasted Project Cost: 2015 2016 2017 2018 Total 2013 -2018 Funding Sources: Unrestricted Water Revenue Grants (Fed,State,Local) Bond Proceeds Other - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 330,000 - - - Total Funding Sources: Capital Expenditures: Design Right of Way Construction - - - - - - - - - - - - - 330,000 330,000 - - Total Expenditures: - - 330,000 Grants / Other Sources: DI.A Page 111 of 126 Page 114 of 129 WATER FUND (430) Six Year Capital Facilities Plan, 2013 -2018 Capital Facilities Plan Enterprise Funds Project Title: Project No: Project Type: Project Manager: Well 7 Emergency Power cpxxxx Capacity TBD Description: Provide a generator for backup power to reliably meet demands in the Valley service area. Progress Summary: Future Impact on Operating Budget: No significant impact. Budget: Adopted Budget Budget Amendments Adjusted Budget 2012 Budget YTb Actual Expenditures 2013 Budget 12 Budget Balance - - - - - _ - - - - Activity: Funding Sources: Prior to 2012 2012 YE Estimate 2013 Budget 2014 Budget 2013 Year End Pro ect Total Unrestricted Water Revenue Grants (Fed,State,Local) Bond Proceeds Other - - - - - - - - - _ - - - Total Funding Sources: Capital Expenditures: Design Right of Way Construction - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Total Expenditures: - - - - - Forecasted Project Cost: 2015 2016 2017 2018 Total 2013 -2018 Funding Sources: Unrestricted Water Revenue Grants (Fed,State,Local) Bond Proceeds Other 75,000 - - - 440,000 - - - - - - - - _ 515,000 _ - - Total Funding Sources: Capital Expenditures: Design Right of Way Construction 75,000 75,000 - - 440,000 - 440,000 - - - - 515,000 75,000 _ 440,000 Total Expenditures: 75,000 440,000 - 515,000 rants i Utner Sources: DI.A Page 112 of 126 Page 115 of 129 WATER FUND (430) Six Year Capital Facilities Plan, 2013 -2018 Capital Facilities Plan Enterprise Funds Project Title: Project No: Project Type: Project Manager: Maintenance & Operations Facility Improvements cpxxxx Non - Capacity TBD Description: Improvements to M &O facilities and operations including remodel the existing building. Progress Summary: Future Impact on Operating Budget: No significant impact. Budget: Adopted Budget Budget Amendments Adjusted Budget 2012 Budget YTD Actual Expenditures 2013 Budget 12 Budget Balance - - - - - - - - - - - - Activity: Funding Sources: Unrestricted Water Revenue Grants (Fed,State,Local) Bond Proceeds Other Prior to 2012 2012 YE Estimate 2013 Budget 2014 Budget 2013 Year End Project Total - - - - - - - - - - - - 220,000 - - - - - - - Total Funding Sources: Capital Expenditures: Design Right of Way Construction - - - - - - - - - - - - 220,000 40,000 - 180,000 - - - - Total Expenditures: - - 220,000 - Forecasted Project Cost: Funding Sources: Unrestricted Water Revenue Grants (Fed,State,Local) Bond Proceeds Other 2015 2016 2017 2018 Total 2013 -2018 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 220,000 - - - Total Funding Sources: Capital Expenditures: Design Right of Way Construction Total Expenditures: - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 220,000 40,000 - 180,000 - - - - 220,000 Grants / Other Sources: DI.A Page 113 of 126 Page 116 of 129 WATER FUND (430) Six Year Capital Facilities Plan, 2013 -2018 Capital Facilities Plan Enterprise Funds Project Title: Project No: Project Type: Project Manager: MIT Master Meters cpxxxx Non - Capacity TBD Description: Install master meters to Muckleshoot Indian Tribe properties to ease account administration. Progress Summary: Future Impact on Operating Budget: No significant impact. Budget: Adopted Budget Budget Amendments Adjusted Budget 2012 Budget YTD Actual Expenditures 2013 Budget 12 Budget Balance - - - - - - - - - - Activity: Funding Sources: Unrestricted Water Revenue Grants (Fed,State,Local) Bond Proceeds Other Total Funding Sources: Capital Expenditures: Design Right of Way Construction Total Expenditures: Prior to 2012 2012 YE Estimate 2013 Budget 2014 Budget 2013 Year End Project Total - - - - - - - - - - - - 80,000 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 80,000 80,000 - - - - - - - - - 80,000 - Forecasted Project Cost: Funding Sources: Unrestricted Water Revenue Grants (Fed,State,Local) Bond Proceeds Other Total Funding Sources: Capital Expenditures: Design Right of Way Construction Total Expenditures: 2015 2016 2017 2018 Total 2013 -2018 400,000 - - - - - - - - - - - - - 480,000 - - - 400,000 - - 400,000 - - - - - - - - - - - - 480,000 80,000 - 400,000 400,000 - - - 480,000 Grants / Other Sources: DI.A Page 114 of 126 Page 117 of 129 WATER FUND (430) Six Year Capital Facilities Plan, 2013 -2018 Capital Facilities Plan Enterprise Funds Project Title: Project No: Project Type: Project Manager: Street Utility Improvements cpxxxx Non- Capacity TBD Description: Water main improvements in coordination with SOS and general arterial street improvements. Progress Summary: Future Impact on Operating Budget: No significant impact Budget: Adopted Budget Budget Amendments Adjusted Budget 2012 Budget YTD Actual Expenditures 2013 Budget 12 Budget Balance - - - - - - - - - - - Activity: Funding Sources: Unrestricted Water Revenue Grants (Fed,State,Local) Bond Proceeds Other Total Funding Sources: Capital Expenditures: Design Right of Way Construction Total Expenditures: Prior to 2012 2012 YE Estimate 2013 Budget 2014 Budget 2013 Year End Project Total - - - - 600,000' - - - 500,000 - - - 500,000 - - - 1,100,000 - - - - - - - 600,000 50,000 - 550,000 500,000 50,000 - 450,000 500,000 50,000 - 450,000 1,100,000 100,000 - 1,000,000 - 600,000 500,000 500,000 1,100,000 Forecasted Project Cost: Funding Sources: Unrestricted Water Revenue Grants (Fed, St at e, Local) Bond Proceeds Other Total Funding Sources: Capital Expenditures: Design Right of Way Construction Total Expenditures: 2015 2016 2017 2018 Total 2013.2018 500,000 - - - 500,000 - - - 500,000 - - - 500,000 - - 3,000,000 - - - 500,000 50,000 - 450,000 500,000 50,000 - 450,000 500,000 50,000 - 450,000 500,000 50,000 - 450,000 3,000,000 300,000 - 2,700,000 500,000 500,000 500,000 500,000 3,000,000 Grants / Other Sources: DI.A Page 115 of 126 Page 118 of 129 WATER FUND (430) Six Year Capital Facilities Plan, 2013 -2018 Capital Facilities Plan Enterprise Funds Project Title: Project No: Project Type: Project Manager: Fulmer Well Field Improvements cp1107 Non - Capacity Lamothe / Vondrak Description: Conduct an evaluation of the Wells 2, 6 and 7 facilities and the Fulmer Field Corrosion Control Treatment Facility to assess the supply and treatment capacity of the existing facilities and infrastructure. The evaluation will include an assessment of individual and total well supply capacities, a review of the treatment facility operating and control parameters, and recommendations for facility and control improvements based on the evaluation. Progress Summary: Future Impact on Operating Budget: No significant impact. Budget: 2012 YTD Actual 2013 12 Budget Budget Expenditures Budget Balance Adopted Budget - - - - Budget Amendments - - - - Adjusted Budget - - - - Activity: 2012 YE 2013 Year End Funding Sources: Prior to 2012 Estimate 2013 Budget 2014 Budget Project Total Unrestricted Water Revenue 2,855 400,000 - 310,000 402,855 Grants (Fed, State, Local) - - - - Bond Proceeds - 515,000 1,440,000 515,000 Other - - - - Total Funding Sources: 2,855 400,000 515,000 1,750,000 917,855 Capital Expenditures: Design 2,855 400,000 515,000 - 917,855 Right of Way - - - - - Construction - - - 1,750,000 - Total Expenditures: 2,855 400,000 515,000 1,750,000 917,865 Forecasted Project Cost: Total 2015 2016 2017 2018 2013 -2018 Funding Sources: Unrestricted Water Revenue - - - - 310,000 Grants (Fed, State, Local) - - - - - Bond Proceeds _ - - - 1,955,000 Other - - - - Total Funding Sources: - - - - 2,265,000 Capital Expenditures: Design - - - - 515,000 Right of Way - - - - - Construction - - - - 1,750,000 Total Expenditures: - - - - 2,265,000 Grants / Other Sources: DI.A Page 116 of 126 Page 119 of 129 WATER FUND (430) Six Year Capital Facilities Plan, 2013 -2018 Capital Facilities Plan Enterprise Funds Project Title: Project No: Project Type: Project Manager: Lea Hill PRV Station Improvements cpxxxx Non - Capacity TBD Description: Replace pressure reducing valve stations in the Lea Hill area. Progress Summary: Future Impact on Operating Budget: No significant impact. Budget: Adopted Budget Budget Amendments Adjusted Budget 2012 Budget YTD Actual Expenditures 2013 Budget 12 Budget Balance - - - - - - - - - - Activity: Funding Sources: Unrestricted Water Revenue Grants (Fed, St ate, Local) Bond Proceeds Other Prior to 2012 2012 YE Estimate 2013 Budget 2014 Budget 2013 Year End Project Total - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Total Funding Sources: Capital Expenditures: Design Right of Way Construction - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Total Expenditures: - - - - Forecasted Project Cost: 2015 2016 2017 2018 Total 2013 -2018 Funding Sources: Unrestricted Water Revenue Grants (Fed,State,Local) Bond Proceeds Other 50,000 - - - 400,000 - - - - - - - - - 450,000 - - - Total Funding Sources: Capital Expenditures: Design Right of Way Construction 50,000 50,000 - - 400,000 - - 400,000 - - - - - - - 450,000 50,000 - 400,000 Total Expenditures: 50,000 400,000 - 450,000 Grants / Other Sources: DI.A Page 117 of 126 Page 120 of 129 WATER FUND (430) Six Year Capital Facilities Plan, 2013 -2018 Capital Facilities Plan Enterprise Funds Project Title: Project No: Project Type: Project Manager: Water Meter & Billing System Improvements cpxxxx Non - Capacity TBD Description: Progress Summary: Future Impact on Operating Budget: Budget: Adopted Budget Budget Amendments Adjusted Budget 2012 Budget YTD Actual Expenditures 2013 Budget 12 Budget Balance - - - _ - - _ Activity: Funding Sources: Prior to 2012 2012 YE Estimate 2013 Budget 2014 Budget 2013 Year End Project Total Unrestricted Water Revenue Grants (Fed,State,Loca /) Bond Proceeds Other - 80,000 - - - - - 500,000 500,000 - - - 80,000 - 500,000 - Total Funding Sources: Capital Expenditures: Design Right of Way Construction - - - - 80,000 80,000 - - 500,000 - - 500,000 600,000 - - 500,000 580,000 80,000 500,000 Total Expenditures: 80,000 500,000 600,000 580,000 Forecasted Project Cost: 2015 2016 2017 2018 Total 2013 -2018 Funding Sources: Unrestricted Water Revenue Grants (Fed, State, Local) Bond Proceeds Other 500,000 - - 500,000 - - - - - - - - - - - 1,500,000 - 500,000 - Total Funding Sources: Capital Expenditures: Design Right of Way Construction 500,000 - - 500,000 500,000 - - 500,000 - - - - - - - 2,000,000 - - 2,000,000 Total Expenditures: 500,000 500,000 - - 2,000,000 rants / Utner Sources: DI.A Page 118 of 126 Page 121 of 129 6/17/2014 PERS 1 And TRS 1 UAAL At Jiuie 30, 2013 Funded Status on an Actuarial Value Basis (Dalian inAliffions] PERS TRS SERS PSERS LEOFF WSPRS Total Plan 1 Plans 2/3 Plan 1 Plans 2/3 Plans 213 Pksn 2 Plan 1 Plan 2 Accrued uability Valuation Assets Unfunded Liability 512,881 523.798 59,449 524,335 17 (5537) R •XPP201 •)06 17_Fukk15. PreRm_Evp_Study_fteport_AVR.iplx 58,016 58,406 03961 53,273 5180 54,410 56,859 5959 569.828 53,335 5224 55,516 57,862 51,009 565.458 (562) {5441 (51,107) (51,003) 1550) 5.1,370 Plain For Getting PERS 1 And TRS 1 Back On Track • New funding method adopted in 2009 U Requires higher employer UAAL contribution rates • Phasing in higher IJAAL rate requirements ■I FAIL requirements begin in 2015 • Expected fuLL funding dates (before assumption changes) ■ 2027 in PERS 1; 2025 in TRS 1 ■ Assumes required contributions are made and actuarial assumptions are realized ■ Full funding will occur soonerllater under optimistic/pessimistic outcomes NNW ► enp a4e; a ; o aai i DI.A Page 122 of 129 Page 119 of 126 6/17/2014 Funded Status By Plan At June 30, 2013 (DO (ars in Millions) Accrued Liability Valuation Assets Unfunded WWI Funded Status on an Actuarial Value Basis PERS TRS SERS PSERS LEOFF WSPRS Total Plan 1 Plan 213 Plan 1 Plan 213 Plan 213 Plan 2 Plan 1 Plan 2 512,884 523,798 59,449 58,016 53,273 5180 54,410 $6,859 5959 $8,053 $24,335 56,717 58,406 $3,335 5224 55,516 57,862 51, 54,831 52 732 •1 562 544 51,1 1.003 550 2013' 63% 102% 71% 105% 102% 124% 125% 115% 105% 94% 2012 69% 111% 79% 114% 110% 134% 135% 119% 114% 101% 201f' 71% 112% 81% 113% 110% 132% 135% 119% 115% 101% 2010' 71% 113% 81% 116% 113% 129% 127% 119% 118% 10296 2009' 705 116% 75% 118% 116% 128% 125% 128% 119% 99% 2008' 71% 119% 77% 125% 121% 127% 128% 133% 121% 100% 2007' 71% 12.05 76% 130% 126% 1205 123% 129% 1185 99% 2006 74% 121% 80% 133% 125% 99% 117% 116% 114% 100% 2005' 74% 127% 80% 134% 122% 11 /A 114% 114% 113% 95% 2001 81% 134% 88% 153% 137% WA 109% 117% 1185 105% 2003 82% 142% 89% 155% 138% 11 /A 112% 125% 123% 107% 2002 92% 158% 98% 182% 169% N/A 119% 137% 135% 118% 2001' 97% 179% 1005 197% 197% WA 129% 154% 147% 126% 2000" 98% 190% 100% 196% 170% WA 136% 161% 1526 131% •Msump fonormethoddlange. 0:4CP1•,2014106 17 Fum9Pieutu_ Studr_ee[ xLAVR.ppt. r enpv awl a a o a) 32 Funded Status By Plan With Different Interest Rate Assumption Funded Status at a 1% Lower interest Rate Assumption {Dolton in Aillions) PERS TRS SERS PSERS LEOFF WSPRS Total PL,n 1 Plan 213 Plan 1 Plan 2/3 Plan 213 Plan 2 Plan 1 Plan 2 Accrued Liability 514,012 527,818 510,272 59,523 53,806 5226 54.844 Valuation Assets 58,053 524,335 56,717 58,406 53,335 5224 55,516 Unfunded Liabili 55 959 53 53 555 51 137 5471 52 {5573} 2013 57% 87% 65% 88% 88% 99% 114% 96% 2012 64% 96% 73% 97% 985 108% 124.E 100% 58,212 57,862 5349 51,105 579,818 51,009 565,458 596 514 360 91% 100% 82% (Donors in aillions) Funded Status at a 1% Higher Interest Rate Assumption PERS TRS SERS PSERS LEOFF WSPRS Total Plan 1 Plan 213 Plan 1 Ptan 213 Plan 213 Plan 2 Plan 1 Plan 2 Accrued Liability valuation Assets Unfunded Liabili 511,914 520,600 58,741 56,838 52,845 58,053 524,335 56,717 58,406 53,335 735 52 ,r 1 568 5490 5147 54.039 55,808 5843 561,775 5224 55.516 57,862 51,009 565,458 578 1 52 054 516 k 683 2013 68% 118% 77% 123% 117% 153% 137% 135% 120% 2012 745 128% 85% 133% 1265 162% 7465 141X 129% rbaguwiasaguriamajic DI.A Page 123 of 129 Page 120 of 126 6/17/2014 Preliminary 2015-17 Employer Contribution Rates* Total Employer Contribution Rates Before ExpStudy Before ExpStudy After ExpStudy Current 7.9 %Ex•ROR 7.B%Ex.ROR 7.8% •ROR PERS TRS SERS 213 PSERS 2 LEOFF 1 WSPRS 1/2 9.03% 10.21% 9.64% 10.36% 0.00% 7.91% 9.47% 11.60% 10.26% 10.40% 0.00% 7.68% 'Excludes current administrative expense rate of 0. r8%. D:+ SCWy20i, n96- 17_ FuR.5.Prekwn_Dp_Sludy_khpxt_AVR.ppIX 9.95% 12.29% 11.92% 14.47% 10.75% 12.88% 10.72% 12.07% 0.00% 0.00% 7.84% 8.79% r enpy ale4 a 1 n apt 38 Preliminary 2015 -17 Member Contribution Rates Member Contribution Rates Before ExpStudy Before ExpStudy Current 7.9% ExpROR 7.8% ExpROR After ExpStudy 7.896 ExpROR PERS 2 4.92% 4.95% TRS 2 4.%% 4.93% SERS 2 4.64% 4.85% PSERS 2 6.36% 5.99% LEOFF 1 0.00% 0.00% WSPRS 112• 6.59% 6.36% 'SVSPR5 maximum employee rote rs 7.19% .1,5 -17 Futl1S.Prelim_F,p_Stvdi_!'•. 5.33% 5.25% 5.24% 6.21% 0.00% 6.52% 7.00% 6.79% 6.70% 6.89% 0.00% 7.19% DI.A Page 124 of 129 Page 121 of 126 Budget Challenges Sales Taxes o 4a cd tip C p-+ 4.) 1-1 bj) •� •" ct N bA (Du) 4e) . U p ,--1 E cocr co �--� cip c i Ct CI) PLI a +-4 r_i Ct t4 te Ct 4.) co Ct •r-+ Cl bk)� CI ❑ Page 125 of 129 Page 122 of 126 Budget Challenges 0 irc) L .41) ciD ct (i) 1_4 ct E r=1.1 cL) 0 a.) +_J 14114 CL O • Page 126 of 129 Page 123 of 126 Budget Challenges • 41% c A❑ ee�� ❑ 00 CI) } cu 1JJ -1 ti) ct -5 ICID) .,-1 cn o ci-4 (1) +-i g c\I° ✓ ct WO • ° '�, cn 0 '' 51 8 i ci) cl cf) up co o CD C) 0 E 41 N 1— ....4 ci co 0 4 , , k.) cid) c.) - co E- E=41 ;__, _k_i c d I • • • 4_1 4_i O Page 127 of 129 0 Page 124 of 126 a N Q� L!i O71- cp >ft% N J X L c1 CR L 4 Tax Base Prior Year 0 L i% increase co 4D 00 ci t- a °o 0 ccv New Construction 0 0 Fire Pension Fund 0 0 Re levy (2013 error) $7,798,248,523 $7,258,022,732 $2.077/$4000 AV $2.167/$1,000 AV Page 128 of 129 Page 125 of 126 4k. Page 129 of 129 Page 126 of 126