HomeMy WebLinkAbout6522 ORDINANCE NO. 6 5 2 2 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF AUBURN, WASHINGTON, APPROVING THE FINAL PLAT OF ALICIA GLENN WHEREAS, the City of Auburn received a final plat application for the Plat of Alicia Glenn, Application No. PLT14-0003, the final approval of which is appropriate for City Council Action; and WHEREAS, the Preliminary Plat for this plat was approved by the King County Hearing Examiner on May 15, 2007 with identified conditions and requirements; and WHEREAS, the premises of the Plat of Alicia Glenn was annexed into the City of Auburn, effective January 1, 2008; and WHEREAS, the interlocal agreement between the City of Auburn and King County has expired and the construction improvements and final plat are being processed by the City of Auburn; and WHEREAS, based on the review given this Plat by the City, the City Council hereby makes and enters the following: FINDINGS OF FACT 1. Wayne Jones of Lakeridge Development LLC has made application for the Final Plat of "Alicia Glenn". 2. The preliminary plat (PLT08-0010 City File, L06P0003 King County File) was approved by the King County Hearing Examiner on May 15, 2007 as a single phase. 3. The preliminary plat of "Alicia Glenn" has been developed in accordance with all applicable conditions of the preliminary plat. ---------------- Ordinance No. 6522 July 14, 2014 Page 1 of 1 4. A Certificate of Improvements has been issued by the City Engineer, accepting completion of all required plat improvements. 5. The final plat includes one publicly dedicated tract, Tract C, for the storm drainage facility. CONCLUSIONS OF LAW 1. The Final Plat is in compliance and in conformity with applicable Zoning and Land Division Ordinances and other applicable land use controls. 2. The Plat is consistent with the Comprehensive Plan. 3. The Plat meets the requirements of Chapter 58.17 RCW. WHEREAS, insofar as the plat meets the requirements of applicable codes and plans, and the conditions and requirements of the preliminary plat, it is incumbent on the City Council to approved the final plat, as no new conditions or requirements can be added at this point. NOW THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF AUBURN, WASHINGTON, HEREBY RESOLVES AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. Approval. Alicia Glenn, a subdivision involving property located within the City of Auburn, Washington, which plat is legally described on Sheet 2 of 3 of the Final Plat and set forth below: THE SOUTH HALF OF THE SOUTHWEST QUARTER OF THE SOUTHEAST QUARTER OF SECTION 4, TOWNSHIP 21 NORTH, RANGE 5 EAST, W.M. IN KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON; EXCEPT THE EAST 3/8T" THEREOF; AND EXCEPT THE WEST 394.88 FEET OF THE EAST 889.75 FEET THEREOF; ALSO EXCEPT COUNTY ROADS; AND ALSO EXCEPT THAT PORTION CONVEYED TO KING COUNTY FOR PUBLIC ROAD BY WARRANTY DEED RECORDED UNDER RECORDING NUMBER 20070925000337. SITUATE IN THE CITY OF AUBURN, COUNTY OF KING, STATE OF WASHINGTON ------ ----- -- --- Ordinance No. 6522 July 14, 2014 Page 2 of 2 is hereby approved, and deemed to conform to the requirements for Plat approval pursuant to State and local law and Chapter 58.17 of the Revised Code of Washington and Section 58.17.140 thereof. Section 2. Constitutionality or Invalidity. If any section, subsection clause or phase of this Ordinance is for any reason held to be invalid or unconstitutional such invalidity or unconstitutionality shall not affect the validity or constitutionality of the remaining portions of this Ordinance, as it is being hereby expressly declared that this Ordinance and each section, subsection, sentence, clause and phrase hereof would have been prepared, proposed, adopted and approved and ratified irrespective of the fact that any one or more section, subsection, sentence, clause or phrase be declared invalid or unconstitutional. Section 3. Recordation. Upon the passage, approval and publication of this Ordinance as provided by law, the City Clerk of the City of Auburn shall cause this Ordinance to be recorded in the office of the King County Auditor's Division. Section 4. Implementation. The Mayor is hereby authorized to implement such administrative procedures as may be necessary to carry out the directions of this legislation. Section 5. Effective Date. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force five (5) days from and after its passage, approval and publication, as provided by law. --- ----- --- ----- Ordinance No. 6522 July 14, 2014 Page 3 of 3 INTRODUCED: JUL 21 2014 PASSED: JUL 21 2014 APPROVED: 'JUL 21 2014 CITY OF AUBURN ANCY S MAYOR ATTEST: Danielle E. Daskam, City Clerk APPR VED AS TO FORM: D I B. Weid, City Attorney Published: ;;��4 ---------------- Ordinance No. 6522 July 14, 2014 Page 4 of 4 Exhibit 5 May 15, 2007 OFFICE OF THE HEARING EXAMINER KING COUNTY,WASHINGTON 400 Yesler Way, Room 404 � Seattle, Washington 98104 Telephone (206) 296-4660 Facsimile (206) 296-1654 Email: hearez@metrokc.�ov REPORT AND DECISION SUBJECT: Department of Development and Environmental Services File No. L06P0003 Proposed Ordinance No. 2007-0132 ALICIA GLENN Preliminary Plat Application Location: Northeas[comer of the intersection of 124th Avenue Southeast and Soutkieast 304ih SVeet Applicant: Cory Marfin Pacific West Development LLC 2201 Lind Avenue Southwest, Suite I50 Renton, Washington 98055 Telephone: (206) 650-7544 King County: Deparlmen[of Development and Environmental Services(DDES) represented by Kim Claussen 900 Oakesdale Avenue Southwest Ren[on, Washington 98055 Telephone: (206) 296-7167 Facsimile: (206) 296-7051 SUMMARY OF RECOMMENDATIONS/DECISION: Department's Preliminary Recommendalion: Approve, subject to conditions Department's Final Recommendation: Approve, subject to condi[ions Examiner's Decision: Approve, subject to conditions EXAMINER PROCEEDINGS: Hearing Opened: March 29, 2007 Hcaring Closed: March 29, 2007 ORD.0 Page 103 of 280 L06P0003—Alicia Glenn 2 Participants at the public heazing and the exNibits offe�ed and entered are lis}ed in the attached minutes. A verbatim recording of the hearing is available in the office of the King County Hearing Examiner. FINDINGS, CONCLUSIONS & DECISION: Having reviewed the record in this matter, the Examiner now makes and en[ers the following: FINDINGS: 1. GeneralInformation: Developer. Pacific Wes[Development LLC 2201 Lind Ave SW, Suite 150 Renton, WA 98055 206-650-7544 Engineer: Baima& Holmberg 100 Front SVeet South Issaquah, WA 980 425-392-0250 STR: 4-21-OS Location: "Ihe site is located at the northeast corner of the intersection of 124ih Ave SE and SE 304'� St Zoning: R-4 Acreage: 5.76 acres Number of Lots: 3l Density: Approximately 538 units per acre Lot Size: Approximately 5,250 squaze feet Proposed Use: Single Family Detaclied Dwellings Sewage Disposal; City of Auburn Water Supply: Ciry of Aubum Fire District: Lea Hill No. 44 School DisVict: Auburn School Dis[rict No. 408 Application Completeness Date: January 20, 2U06 2. Except as modified herein, the facts set forth in the DDES reports to tlie Examiner and the DDES and King County Department of TransporiaGOn (KCDOT) testimony are found [o be correct and are incorpornted herein by reference. 3. The subject property is a rectangular parcel approximately 5.8-six acres in azca, locatcd in the northeast corner of the intersecGOn of 1241h Avenue Southeast and Southeast 304[h SVeet. I[lies in the Lea Hill area on the fringes of the urbanizing area east and northeast of Auburn and east and south of Kent.� Suburban-scale development is located to tbe north and east, while undeveloped tracts and rural-scale residential homesites also lie in ihe azea. The property is located in the Olson Creek tributary area of the Lower Green River subbasin. The terrai❑ consists of a gradual slope to Ihe west and southwest. No critical areas such as wetlands and � The Ciry of Kenl lias annexed an area of land in the norlhwes[comer of Ihe in�ersection. ORD.0 Page 104 of 280 LO6P0003—Alicia Glenn 3 streams are found onsite,and the property is vegetated mostly with pasture grasses and some trees, shrubs and groundcover. A single-family residence and outbuildings are located in the cenval portions of the site, around which the area is mostly cleared. 4. Applicant Pacific West Developmcnt LLC proposes subdivision of the property into 31 lots for de[ached singlo-family dwellings and additional tracts for recreation and drainage facilities. Public road access would be providcd by the extension of a new eas[-west public road from 124th Avenue Sou[heast in the northem portiop of the properly,which would terminate in a stub on the eastem boundary(for possible future extension e�sterly) wilh a[emporary cul-de-sac. Branching south from the east-west road would be a permanent cul-de-sac extending southerly to terminate in the south central portion of the site. Three private access tracts and/or join[use driveways will also be used for some lot access. No direct vchicular access would be allowed to the fronting roads, the King County Road Standards (KCRS) require that lot access be take❑ from the most minor road frontage of a lot, which in this case will require that access be taken from the internal roads and not from the extemal roads. The development will provide onsite recreation areas and amenities in the east central portion of the property, which will be convenient and accessible to all residents. 5. The proposed lot density would be approximately 538 dwelling units per acre, greater than the dcnsity normally pemiitted under the assigned R-4 zoning, achieved by utilizing a transfer of credits for nine lots under the counry's Transfer of Development Righ[s (TDR) provisions established in Chapter 21A37 KCC. 6. Existing site drainage flows toward the southwest comer and discharges to a catch basin in the northeast comer of the road intersection. The flow then runs west under 124th Avenue Southeast in a crosspipe, [hen enters Olson Creek (alca Tributary 0061). Olson Creek runs northwes[and west from there to fortn a confluence wi[h the Green River. The developmcnt's drainage plan contemplates collection of most project runoff and directing i[to a detention and water quality� facility located in a tract in the southwest comer of the site; it would be released under tbe Surface Wazer Design Manual's Conservation flow conuol standard and follow the natural discharge route to the wcst and to Olson Creek. The Conserva[ion ftow control standard provides appropriate drainage impact mipgation for existing erosion problems downstream in the Olson Crcek Canyon. 7. Traffic impacts of the proposed development will be adcquately mitigated under applicable County code requirements and through the imposition of a mitigation measurc under the Mitigated Determination of Non-Significance (MDNS) (issued by DDES as the responsible official pursuant ro the State Environmenial Policy Act(SEPA)). The devclopment has been granted a traffic Certificate of Concurrency under Chapter 14.70 KCC. The developmen[is also subject to the standard collection of MPS mitigation fee payments pursuant to Cbapter 14.75 KCC,which apply to each dwelling unit. No intersection-s[andard Level of Service (LOS) mitigation under Chapter 14.80 KCC is required, but the MDNS imposes mitigation for impacts at a High Accident Location (Fi.4L)affected by [he development's traffic, at the state highway SR-18 westbound/Southeast 304th Street on/off ramps, through the payment of an estimated paymenl amount of a pro-rata share of$750 per lot to the Washington State Departmen[of Transportation (WSDOT). Vehicular sight distance at the project ent.ry onto 124th Avenue Southcast is more than adequate and exceeds KCRS requirements. Urban standard fron[age ORD.0 Page 105 of 280 LOGP0003—Alicia Glenn 4 improvements will be installed along the property's road frontages; some may be installed under an upcoming proposed County Capital improvement Program Intersecuon improvement project. 8. Thc preponderance of the evidence in the record demonstrates that even though resident public schoolchildren would likely be bused to tl�eir respec[ive schools for the foresecable future,the schoolsare close enough that students may be rcquired to walk upon development of the site or sometime in lhe future. Depending on installation of the improvements reqwred for the proposed 380-10[ Verdana subdi0ision (within the City of Kent to the wesQ (its frontage improvements and signalized pedes[rian crossings at tUe 118th Avenue SoutheasUSoutheast 304th Street intersection and on 124'" Avenue Southeast neaz Mountainview High School), safe walkway conditions would be available for resident school pedestrians upon development of the subject subdivision. 9. Chapter 16.82 KCC's tree retention requircments apply to the proposal. A detailed trec rctention plan must be submitted with Ihe engineering plans for the subdivision consiruction. CONCLUSIONS: 1. The proposed subdivision, as conditioned below, would conform to applicable land use controls. In particular, the proposcd type of development and overall density arc specifically permitted under the R-4 zone and the additional TDR allowances under Chapter 21A37 KCC. 2. If approved subject to the conditions below, the proposed subdivision will make appropriate pro0isions for the topical items enumera[ed within RCW 58.17.110, and will serve the public health, safety and welfare, and the public use and interest. 3. The conditions for final plat approval set forth below are reasonable requiremen[s and in the public interest. 4. The dedications of land or easemen[s within and adjacent to the proposed plat, as shown on the revised preliminary plat submitled on November 6, 2006, or as required for final plat approval, are reasonable and necessary as a direct result of the development of this proposed plat, and are proportionate to the impacts oC thc development. DECISION: The prcliminary plat of the Alicia Glenn subdivision, as revised and received November 6, 2006,is approved subject to the followin� conditions of approval: L Compliance wilh all platting provisions ofTille 19A of the King County Code. 2. All persons having an ownership interest in the subject proper[y shall sign on the face of tbe final plat a dedication that includes the language set forth in King Couoty Council Motion No. 5952. 3. Thc plat shall comply witb the minimum density requirements of the R-4 zbne classi[ication. All lots shall mee[ the minimum dimensional requiremen[s of the R-4 zone classificalion or shall be ORD.0 Page 106 of 280 LO6P0003—Alicia Glenn 5 shown on the face of the approved preliminary plat, whichever is larger, except[hat minor revisions to the plat wfiich do not result in substantial changes may be approved at the discretion of the Departmcnt of Development and Environment Services. The applicant shall provide a TDR cerlificate, updated density calculation worksheet and acreage information with the submittal of the engineering plans and the final plat. If the TDR certificate cannot be obtained and/or the density calculations cannot be verified, the applicant shall revise the nucnber of lots based upon the allowable ma�cimum density. This will result in the loss of lots and likely reconfiguration. Any/all pla[boundary discrepancies shall be resolved ro tbe satisfaction of DDES prior to the subcnittal of the final plat documents. As used in this condition, "discrepancy" is a boundary hiatus, an overlapping boundary or a pbysical appuRenance which indicates an encroachment, lines of possession or a conflict of title. 4. All future residences constructed within this subdivision (excepl those constructed on Lots 1 and 2) are rcquired to be sprinkled per NFPA 13D unless the requirement is removed by the King County FirB Marshal or his/her designee. The Fire Code requires all portions of the exterior walls of swctures to be within 150 feet(as a person would walk via an approved route around the 6uilding) from a minimum 20-foot wide,unobstructed driving surface. To qualify for removal of the sprinkler requirement driving surfaces be[ween curbs must be a minimum of 28 feet in width wlien parking is allowed on one side of the roadway, and at least 36 feet in width when parking is permi[ted on bolh sides. No on-street pazking will be permitted in the cul-de- sacs. Additionally, [he driving surface of Tracts C, D, and E shall have a minimum unobs[ructed width of 20 Fect(no parking permitted); or respec[ive lots accessed via those tracts(Lots 8, 9, ]0,15, 16,19 and 20) will have to be sprinkled. Notc: modifications/increases to the road widtbs may result in the reconfiguration and/or loss of lots. 5. All construction and upgrading of public and private roads shall be done in accordance with the King County Road Standards established and adopted by Ordinance No. 11187, as amended (1993 KCRS). 6. The applicant shall ob[ain documcntation by [he King County Fire Protection Engineer certifying compliance with the fire flow standards of Chapter 17.08 KCC. 7. Final plat approval sball require full compliance with the drainage provisions set forth in King County Code 9.04. Compliance may msult in reducing the number and/or location of lots as shown on the approved preliminary plat. Preliminary review has identified the following conditions of approval which represent portions of the drainage requirements. All other applicable requirements in K.C.C. 9.04 and the 2005 King Counry Su�face Water Design Manual (SWDM) must also be sa[is£ed during engineering and final rediew. ORD.0 Page 107 of 280 L06P0003—Alicia Glenn 6 a. Drainage plans and analysis shall comply with the SWDM and applicable updates adopted by King County. DDES approdal of the drainage and roadway plans is required prior to any construction. b. Current standard plan notes and ESC notes, as established by DDES Engineering Review, shall be shown on the engineering plans. c. The following note shall be shown on the final recorded plat: "All building downspouts, footing drains, and drains from all impervious surfaces such as patios and driveways shall be connected to tbe pertnanent storm drain outlet as sfiown on the approved construction drawings # on file with DDES and/or the King County Department of Transportation. This plan sball be submitted with the applicalion of any building permit. All connections of the drains must be constructed and approved prior to [he final building inspection approval. For those lots that are designated For individual lot infiltration systems, the systems shall be constructed at the time of the building permit and shall comply with plans on file." 8. The stormwater facilities for this site shall be designed [o meet at a minimum the Conservation Flow Control and Basic Water Quality requirements in [he SWDM. 9. To implement the required Best Management Practices (BMP's) for treatment of stormwater,the final engineenng plans and technical information report(TIR) shall clearly demonstrate compliance with all applicable design standards. The requirements for best management practices are outlined in Chapter 5 of the SWDM. The design engineer shall address the applicable requirements on the final engineering plans and provide all necessary documents for implementation. 7'he final recorded plat shall include all required cov8nants, easements,notes, and other details to implement the required BMP's for site development. l0. 'Ilie following road improvements are required to be constructed according to the 1993 King County Road Standazds(KCRS): a. Road A shall be improved at a minimum to the urban subcollector street standard,wilh a temporary tumaround at the east end. A 2S right-of-way radius shall be dedica�ed at the southcast corner of proposed Lot 24 and the noahcas[ corner of proposed Lot 23. b. Road B shall be improved at a minimum to the urban minor acccss street standard. c. FRONTAGE: KCDOT CIP project 300205 for the SE 304ihSd124'" Ave SE intersection is planned for advertisement in tfie Spring of 2007 and construction scheduled for summer 2007. This project includes widening along both 124th Avenue SE and SE 304`" SVeet fronting this subdivision and a new `modem compact" roundabout at the intersection itselE Portions of the site frontage on 124'" Avenue SE will be constructed wi[h [he CIP, leaving the northerly 300 feet(approxima[ely) of the site frontage to be constructed with the subdivision improvements. i. If recording of[his subdivision is proposed prior to star[of the C.I.P. construction, in[erim pavement and shoulder widening witbin CIP limits is ORD.0 Page 108 of 280 L06P0003—Alicia Glenn � required along the subdivision frontages of both 124ih Ave SE and along SE 304`" St. A minimum 22 £oot width from centerline of both frontages is required, plus a shouldcr. An asphalt ovcrlay is also required per Section 4.01 of the KCRS. [n addition, 124'"Ave SE shall be improved north of the CIP construcUOn liviits [o [he oortherly subdivision boundary. �fhese improvements shall be built to Ihe urban minor anerial standard and provide a 22-foot width of paving east of the construction centerline, wi[h concrete curb, gutter and sidewalks and a roadway illumination system. An asphal}overlay is also required per seclion 4Al ofthe KCRS outside the limits of the CIP. Right-of-�eay dedication sha11 be consistent with the CIP `roundabout option' design, together with a 42-foot half-street nght-of-way option alon� the rcmainder of the subdivision boundaries on 124th Avenue SE and SE 304'" Street. ii. If recording of this subdivision occurs subsequent to the start of the CIP construction, 124th Avenue SE shall be improved north of the CIP construction limils [o the northerly subdivision boundary. Th:ese improvements shall be buil[to the urban Minor Arterial standard and provide 22-feet of paving width east of the conswction centerline of 124ih Avenue SE, concrete curb, guttcr and sidewalks and a roadway illumination system. An asphalt overlay is also required per Sec[ion 4AI of the KCRS outside the construction limits of CIP 300205. An additional twelve (12) feet of right-of-way width sball be dedicated along the portions of SE 304`" Street and 124`� Avenue SE beyond the construction limits of CIP 300205. d. The proposed joint use driveway and private access tracts shall comply at a minimum with Sections 3AI and 2.09 of the KCRS. These tracts sliap be owned and maintained by the lot owners served. Notes to this effect shall be shown on the engineering plans and the final plat. e. Modifications to the above road conditions may be considered according to the variance provisious in Scction 1.08 of the KCRS. 11. All u[ililics wittiin proposed rigbts-of-way musl be included within a franchise approved by the King Counry Council prior to final plat recording. 12. The applicant or subseguent owner shall comply with King County Code 14.75, Mitigation Payment System (MPS), by paying the required MPS fee and administration fee as determined by the applicable fce ordinance. The applicant has the option to eitber: (1) pay tbe MPS fee at the final plat recordin�, or(2)pay the MPS fee at the time of building pertnit issuance. If the first option is chosen, the fee paid shall be thc fce in effect at the time of plat application and a note shall be placed on the face of the plat that reads, "All fees required by King County Code 14.75, Mitigation Payment System (MPS),have been paid." lf the second option is chosen, the fee paid shall be the amount in effect as of the date of building permit application. ORD.0 Page 109 of 280 LO6P0003—Alicia Glenn 8 13. Lots within this subdivision are subject to King County Code Chapter 21A.43,which imposes impact fees to fund school system iinprov8ments needed to serve new development. As a condition of final approval, fifty percent(50%) of the impact fees due for tbe plat shall be assessed and collected immedia[ely prior ro the recording, using the fee schedules in effecl when the plat receives fioal approval. The balance of the assessed fee shall be allocated evenly to the dwelling units in the plat and shall be collected prior to building pemiit issuance. l4. There sball be no direct vehiculaz access to or from 124'"Ave SE or SE 304`"St. from those lots which abut it. A note to lhis effect shall appear on the engineering plans and the final plat. I5. Suitablc recreation space shall be provided consistent with the requirements of K.C.C. 2]A.14.180 and K.C.C. 21A. 14.190 (i.e., sport court[s], children's play equipment,picnic table[s], benches, etcJ. a. A detailed recreation space plan(i.e.,location, area calculations, dimensions, landscape specs, equipment specs, etc.) shall be submitted for review and approval by DDES and King County Parks prior to or concurrent with the submit[al of engineering plans. b. A performance bond for recreation space improvements shall be posted prior[o recording of the plat. 16. A homeowners' association or other workable organization shall be established to the satisfaction of DDES which provides for the ownership and continued maintenance of the recreation tract. 17. Sveet trees shall be provided as follows (per KCRS 5.03 and K.C.C. 21A.16.050): a. Trees shall be planted at a rate of one Vee for every 40 Feet of frontage along all roads. Spacing may be modified to accommodate sight distancc requirements for driveways and intersections. b. Trees shall be located witbin the stree[rigbt-of-way and planted in accordance with Drawing No. 5-009 of the 1993 Kin�County Road Standards, unless King County Deparhnent of Transportation detetmines that trees should not be located in the street right-of-way. c. lf King County de[ertnines that the required s[reet Vees should not be loca[ed within the nght-of-way, they shall be located no more than 20 feet from the sveet right-of-way line. d. The trees shall lie owned and maintained by the abutting lot owners or the homcowners association or other workable organization unless [he county has adopted a maintenQnce program. Ownership and maintenance shall be noted on the face of the final recorded plat. e. The species of trees shall be approved by DDES if located within the rigNt-of-way, and shalf not include poplar, cottonwood, soft maples, gum, any fruit-bearing trees, or any other tree or shrub whose roots aze likely [o obs[ruct sanitary or storm sewers, or that is not compatible with overliead utility lines. ORD.0 Page 110 of 280 LO6P0003—Alicia Glenm 9 E Tlie applicant shall submit a street tree plan and bond quantity sheet for review and approval by DDE3 prior ro engineering plan approval. g. The applicant shall contact Metro Service Planning at (206) 684-1622 to determine if 124'"Ave NE and/or SE 3041h St are on a bus route. If so, the sVeet tree plan shall also be reviewed by Melro. h. Ttie sveet trees must be installed and inspected, or a performance bond pos[ed prior to recording of[he plat. If a performance bond is pos[ed, tbe street trees must be installed and inspected within one year of recording of the plat. At the time of inspection, if the trces arc found to be installed per the approved plan, a maintenance bood must be su6mitted or the performance bond replaced with a maintenance bond, and held for one year. After one year, [he maintenance bond may be released afler DDES has completed a second inspection and de[ermined that the (rees have becn kept healthy and thriving. 1S. To implement K.C.C. Chapter 16.82 which applies to Ihe site, a detailed tree retendon plan shall be submitted with the engineering plans for the subject plat. The tree retention plan and engineering plans shall be consistent with the requirements of K.C.C. Chapter 16.82. Flagging and temporary fencin�of trees [o be retained shall be provided, consistent with K.C.C. 16.82. The placemen[ of impervious surfaces, 511 material, excavation work, or the slorage of construction materials is probibited within [he fenced areas around preserved trees, except for grading work permitted pursuant to KC.C. Chapter 16.82. A note shall be placed on the final plat indicating that the vees sbown to be retained on the Vee retention plan shall be maintained by the future owners of the proposed lo(s, consistent with K.C.C. Chapter 16.82. (Note that the trce retention plan shall be included as part of the final engineering plans for tbe subject p1atJ 19. To mitigate the significant adverse impact the project will liave at the High Accident Location (HAL)at the SR 18 WB/SE 304`h St. on/off ramps, the applicant shall pay a pro-rata share to WSDOT PIN# lO 188112G WIN #A01812G. The estimated amoun[of the pro-rata share is $750/lot. Evidence that payment of the.pro-rata shaze to WSDOT has been made or that an altemative financial agreement satisfac[ory to WSDOT lias been execu[ed by the applicant shall be providcd [o DDES prior to recordation of[hc subdivision. 20. Should resident public schoolchildren be required [o walk to any of their respeclive schools, based on school district information and official policy current as of the time of final plat review, and the proposed neazby verdaiaa subdi4ision development has no[by then installed its inteoded fron)age and crossing improvements nccessary for safe wa(king conditions for schoolchildren who would reside in the subject Alicip Glenn subdivision, appropriate provisions for safe pedes[rian facilities shall be made along the most direct and legal route(s)between the site and the respec[ive school(s) to gain written certification by the King County Department of Transportation (KCDOT),prior to final plat approval, that safe walking conditions will be in place prior to occupancy of any new residence in the development. ORD.0 Page 111 of 280 LOGP0003—Alicia Glenn 10 ORDERED May I5, 2007. Peter T. Donahue King County Hearing Examiner TRANSMITTED May I5, 2007 to the following parties and interested persons of record: City of Auburn Shupe Holmberg Sheri & Robert Mertens Planning Dept. Baima& Holmberg 30239 - 127th Pl. SE 25 W. Main St. 100 Front Street Soutb Aubum WA 98092 Aubum WA 98001-4998 Issaquah WA 98027 Pacific W. Developmeot LLC Seatde KC Health Dept. Scott& Tina Tenner Cory Martin E. DisL Environ. Health 30027 - 125th Ct. SE 2201 Lind Ave. SW, 5te. I50 14350 SE Eastgate Way Aubum WA 98092 Renton WA 98055 Bellevue WA 98007 Michelle Wilson Kim Claussen Lisa Dinsmore P.O. Box 2279 DDES/LUSD DDES/LUSD Aubum WA 98071 MS OAK-DE-0100 MS OAK-DE-0100 Nick Gillen Shirley Goll Kristen Langley DDES/LUSD DDES/LUSD DDES/LUSD MS OAK-DE-0100 MS OAK-DE-0100 MS OAK-DE-0100 Steve Townsend Larry West Kelly Whiting DDES/LUSD DDES/LUSD KC DOT, Rd. Srvcs. Div. MS OAK-DE-0100 MS OAK-DE-0100 MS KSC-TR-0231 Bruce Whittakcr DDES/LUSD MS OAK-DE-0100 NOTICE OF RIGHT TO APPEAL In order to appeal the decision of the Examiner, wriften notice of appeal must be filed with the Clerk of the King County Council with a fee of$250.00 (check payable to King County Office of Finance) on or before May 29, 2007. If a notice of appeal is filed, the original and six(6) copies of a written appeal statement specifying the basis for the appeal and azgument in support of the appeal must be filed with the Clerk of the King County Council on or before June 5, 2007. Appeal statements may refer only to facts contained in [he hearing record; new fac[s may not be presented on appeal. Filing requires actual delivery to the Office of the Clerk of the Council, Room 1025, King Coun.ty Courthouse, 516 3`tl Avenue, Seattle, Washington 98104,prior ro the close of business(4:30 p.m.) on the date due. Prior mailing is not sufficient if actual receipt by the Clerk does not occur within[he applicable time period. The Examiner does not haye authority to extend the time period unless the Office ORD.0 Page 112 of 280 LOGP0003—Alicia Glenn �� of the Clerk is not open on the specified closing date, in which even} delivery prior to the close of busincss on the next business day is sufGcient to meet the filing requirement. If a writtcn notice of appeal and filing fee are not filed within fourteen (14) calendar days of the date of Aiis report, or if a written appeal statemen[and argument are not filed within twenty-one (21) calcndar days of the datc of this report, the decision of the hearing examiner contained herein shall be the final decision of King County without the need for further action by the Council. MINUTES OF THE MARCH 29, 2007, PUBLIC HEARING ON DEPARTMENT OF DEVELOPMENT AND ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES FILE NO. L06P0003. Peter T. Donahue was the Hearing Examiner in this matter. Participating in thc hearing were Kim Claussen, Bruce Whittaker and Kris[en Langley representin� the Department; and Shupe Holmberg representing the Applicant. The following Exhibits were offered and entered into the record: Exhibit No. I Department of Development and Environmental Services file no. L06P0003 Extiibit No. 2 Department of Development and Environmental Services Preliminary report da[ed March 29, 2007 Exhibit No. 3 Application for Land Use Permit, received January 20, 2006 Exhibit No. 4 Environmental Checklist received January 2Q 2006 Exhibit No. 5 SEPA Miti�ated Determination ofNon-significance issued February l6,2007 Eichibit No. 6 Affidavi[of Posting indicaung a posting date of March 14, 2006; received by DDES on March 15, 2006 Exhibit No. 7 Plat map received November 6, 2006 (revisions) Exliibit No. S Level l Downstream Drainage Analysis by Baima & Holmberg dated January 17, 2006 Ezhibit No. 9 Revised Level I Downstream Drainage Analysis dated l 1/2/06 by Baima& Holmberg Exhibit No. l0 Conceptual grading/drainage plan received Nov. 6, 2006 (revision) Eichibit No. I I Wetland/Stream Recon by Altmann Oliver Assoc. da[ed 10/6/06 Exhibit No. 12 Landscape Park Design received I I/6/06 Ezhibit No. 13 SE 304'hSt./]24'"Ave SE ROW plans - annotated by Kris Langley KCDOT P7'D:gao LL06P0003 RPT ORD.0 Page 113 of 280 - FIRST A M RICAN �''�� �cO IIIIIIIIIII IIIIIIIIII IIIIIIIIIII (IIIIIIIIIII IIIIIIIII IIIIIIIIII IIIIIIIIII II 2015061900700• Return Address: PAGE-0 1E OFC 006 RO Auburn City Clerk KINGS COUNTY, UPT City of Auburn 25 West Main St. Auburn, WA 98001 RECORDER'S COVER SHEET Document Title(s) (or transactions contained therein): Final Plat-Ordinance No. 6522 Reference Number(s) of Documents assigned or released: DAdditional reference#'s on page_of document Grantor(s) (Last name first, then first name and initials) 1. City of Auburn Said documents wort Meet i4 record as an accommadatjon ormv, u,Y;: examine° fl to Orrnar ovan.,n..... Grantee: (Last name first) upon title. V Vµ Lakeridge Development LLC Legal Description (abbreviated: i.e. lot, block, plat or section, township, range) The South half of the SW quarter of the SE quarter of Section 4, TWP 21 N, R5E, WM in King County Additional legal is on page 3 of the document. Assessor's Property Tax Parcel/Account Number: 0129800010, 0129800020, 0129800030, 0129800040, 0129800050, 0129800060, 0129800070, 0129800080, 0129800090, 0129800100, 0129800110, 0129800120, 0129800130, 0129800140, 0129800150, 0129800160, 0129800170, 0129800180, 0129800190, 0129800200, 0129800210, 0129800220, 0129800230, 0129800240, 0129800250, 0129800260, 0129800270, 0129800280, 0129800290, 0129800300 ❑Assessor Tax#not yet assigned- ORDINANCE NO. 6 5 2 2 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF AUBURN, WASHINGTON, APPROVING THE FINAL PLAT OF ALICIA GLENN WHEREAS, the City of Auburn received a final plat application for the Plat of Alicia Glenn, Application No. PLT14-0003, the final approval of which is appropriate for City Council Action; and WHEREAS, the Preliminary Plat for this plat was approved by the King County Hearing Examiner on May 15, 2007 with identified conditions and requirements; and WHEREAS, the premises of the Plat of Alicia Glenn was annexed into the City of Auburn, effective January 1, 2008; and WHEREAS, the interlocal agreement between the City of Auburn and King County has expired and the construction improvements and final plat are being processed by the City of Auburn; and WHEREAS, based on the review given this Plat by the City, the City Council hereby makes and enters the following: FINDINGS OF FACT 1. Wayne Jones of Lakeridge Development LLC has made application for the Final Plat of"Alicia Glenn". 2. The preliminary plat (PLT08-0010 City File; L06P0003 King County File) was approved by the King County Hearing Examiner on May 15, 2007 as a single phase. 3. The preliminary plat of "Alicia Glenn" has been developed in accordance with all applicable conditions of the preliminary plat. Ordinance No. 6522 July 14, 2014 Page 1 of 1 4. A Certificate of Improvements has been issued by the City Engineer, accepting completion of all required plat improvements. 5. The final plat includes one publicly dedicated tract, Tract C, for the storm drainage facility. CONCLUSIONS OF LAW 1. The Final Plat is in compliance and in conformity with applicable Zoning and Land Division Ordinances and other applicable land use controls. 2. The Plat is consistent with the Comprehensive Plan. 3. The Plat meets the requirements of Chapter 58.17 RCW. WHEREAS, insofar as the plat meets the requirements of applicable codes and plans, and the conditions and requirements of the preliminary plat, it is incumbent on the City Council to approved the final plat, as no new conditions or requirements can be added at this point. NOW THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF AUBURN, WASHINGTON, HEREBY RESOLVES AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. Approval. Alicia Glenn, a subdivision involving property located within the City of Auburn, Washington, which plat is legally described on Sheet 2 of 3 of the Final Plat and set forth below: THE SOUTH HALF OF THE SOUTHWEST QUARTER OF THE SOUTHEAST QUARTER OF SECTION 4, TOWNSHIP 21 NORTH, RANGE 5 EAST, W.M. IN KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON; EXCEPT THE EAST 3/8TH THEREOF; AND EXCEPT THE WEST 394.88 FEET OF THE EAST 889.75 FEET THEREOF; ALSO EXCEPT COUNTY ROADS; AND ALSO EXCEPT THAT PORTION CONVEYED TO KING COUNTY FOR PUBLIC ROAD BY WARRANTY DEED RECORDED UNDER RECORDING NUMBER 20070925000337. SITUATE IN THE CITY OF AUBURN, COUNTY OF KING, STATE OF WASHINGTON Ordinance No. 6522 July 14, 2014 Page 2 of 2 is hereby approved, and deemed to conform to the requirements for Plat approval pursuant to State and local law and Chapter 58.17 of the Revised Code of Washington and Section 58.17.140 thereof. Section 2. Constitutionality or Invalidity. If any section, subsection clause or phase of this Ordinance is for any reason held to be invalid or unconstitutional such invalidity or unconstitutionality shall not affect the validity or constitutionality of the remaining portions of this Ordinance, as it is being hereby expressly declared that this Ordinance and each section, subsection, sentence, clause and phrase hereof would have been prepared, proposed, adopted and approved and ratified irrespective of the fact that any one or more section, subsection, sentence, clause or phrase be declared invalid or unconstitutional. Section 3. Recordation. Upon the passage, approval and publication of this Ordinance as provided by law, the City Clerk of the City of Auburn shall cause this Ordinance to be recorded in the office of the King County Auditor's Division. Section 4. Implementation. The Mayor is hereby authorized to implement such administrative procedures as may be necessary to carry out the directions of this legislation. Section 5. Effective Date. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force five (5) days from and after its passage, approval and publication, as provided by law. Ordinance No. 6522 July 14, 2014 Page 3 of 3 INTRODUCED: JUL 21 2014 PASSED: JUL 21 2014 APPROVED: 'JUL 21 2014 CITY OF AUBURN t ` d\-U° ANCY S MAYOR ATTEST: 49-1-4 a..0-el--------- Danielle E. Daskam, City Clerk APPR VED AS TO FORM:, Ai Dani-I B. `eid, City Attorney Published: , \ ALA , J •\ Sn \�_' '''' Ordinance No. 6522 July 14, 2014 Page 4 of 4 STATE OF WASHINGTON )ss. COUNTIES OF KING AND PIERCE ) I, Danielle Daskam, the duly appointed, qualified City Clerk of the City of Auburn, a Municipal Corporation and Code City, situate in the counties of King and Pierce, State of Washington, certify as follows: 1. The foregoing is a full, true and correct copy of Ordinance No. 6522 (the "Ordinance") duly passed by the Council and approved by the Mayor of the said City of Auburn, on the 21st day of July, 2014, as that ordinance appears on the minute book of the City. 2. Ordinance No. 6522 was published as provided by law in the Seattle Times, a daily newspaper published in the City of Auburn, and of general circulation therein, on the 24th day of July, 2014. Witness my hand and the official seal of the City of Auburn, this 31st day of October, 2014. anielle Daskam, City Clerk City of Auburn