HomeMy WebLinkAbout6533 ORDINANCE NO. 6533 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF AUBURN, WASHINGTON, ADOPTING THE 2015-2016 BIENNIAL BUDGET FOR THE CITY OF AUBURN, WASHINGTON THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF AUBURN, WASHINGTON, DO ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. That pursuant to the provisions of Chapter 35A.34, the Mayor of the City of Auburn has heretofore duly completed and placed on file with the City Clerk of the City of Auburn a preliminary biennial budget for 2015-2016, and that notice was thereupon duly published, as required by law, stating that the Mayor had completed and placed on file such preliminary budget and a copy would be furnished to any taxpayer who would call therefore at the office of the City Clerk, and that the City Council of the City of Auburn would meet on November 17, 2014 at 7:30 p.m. for the purpose of fixing the budget and any taxpayer might appear at such time and be heard for or against any part of such budget, and designated the place of such meetings as the Council Chambers of Auburn City Hall, 25 West Main Street, Auburn, Washington; That the Mayor of the City of Auburn duly provided a suitable number of copies of such detailed preliminary budget to meet the reasonable demands of taxpayers therefore; That the Mayor and the City Council of the City of Auburn met at the time designafed in said notice in the Council Chambers of 4he Auburn City Hall, 25 West Main Street, City of Auburn, on November 17 at 7:30 p.m.; That any and all taxpayers of the City of Auburn were given full opportunity to be heard for or against such budget; That the City Council Ordinance No. 6533 November 17, 2014 Page 1 of 1 has conducted public hearings on September 15, 2014 and November 17, 2014 to consider this preliminary budget; That at said meetings said budget was considered; and that, at the meeting held by the City Council on the 1st day of December 2014 the City Council considered modifications of said budget and thereafter approved the 2015-2016 biennial budget for the City of Auburn as herein adopted by this Ordinance as shown on Schedule A. Section 2. Implementa4ion. The Mayor is hereby authorized to implement such administrative procedures as may be necessary to carry out the directives of this legislation. Section 3. Effective Date. This Ordinance shall take effect and be in force five (5) days from and after its passage, approval and publicafion as provided by law. INTRODUCED: DEC 12014 PASSED: DEC 1 �014 APPROVED: DEC 12014 N9�,NCY B K S, MAYOR ------------------------- Ordinance No. 6533 November 17, 2014 Page 2 of 2 ATTEST: ��d�� Danielle E. Daskam City Clerk APPROVED TO FORM: ' I B. Heid City Attorney PUBLISHED��Q��d�i5�.-�,�.Q<,��1-G�T-�-^�-J ------------------------ Ordinance No. 6533 November 17, 2014 Page 3 of 3 Schedule A 2015 Budget Summary by Fund Beginning 2015 2075 Ending Fund Fund Balance Resourees Expenditures Fund Balance GENB�P.LFUND $W.592,724 $58,767,680 $62,813,278 $10,547,126 Arleial3r� 1,312,&44 W,150,590 14,354,730 1,108,704 N Lpc�al Q�ec{ 1,196,068 1,752,500 2,600,000 348,568 0 Z Hotd/MOIm T�c 139,991 94,040 86,000 M8,031 � w Arterial 3rce1 F7e�vation 521,970 2,134,700 2,195,410 461,200 � � DrugForfeWre 505,405 97,W0 304,448 298,057 � Housng&Community Devtlapmart 27,371 450,000 440,000 37,371 Q RECrealionalTrails 36,717 7,130 43,847 � Busn�Improvem�tArea _47,212 55,060 55,000 41,272 CumulativeF�ve 5,582,204 1,3W,W0 658,000 6,238,304 Mitiga[ion Fees 5,205,964 994,890 3,586,423 2,6M14,431 1998 Libray Bond - 279,500 279,500 U City Hall Annec 20 W A8B Bontl 1.695,917 1,695,917 - � Lncal Re✓italizalion 2010 C&D Bond 594,637 594,617 20 F- GolfCour� 389,195 389,195 - p LID Guarantee 24,549 20 2,000 22.569 LID#350 7,864 7,257 7,247 7,874 Q � Municipal Pak Con4ruc[ion 427,106 620,130 540,000 _ 507,236 2 �. Capital Improvanads 8,944,989 1.840,247 2,157,368 8,627,868 V L Lncal Raitalizalion 229.370 250 229,620 y Weter 4,526,763 19,158,319 18,310,729 5,374,953 Z �,ver 'N1,794,820 7,985,084 9,954,201 8,825,703 � �verMetro 2,447,371 16,101,737 16,056,900 2.492,148 � 3orm Dranage 70,674,042 10,M1,339 13,034,095 7J81,2B6 � �lid Wa4e 2,272,097 13,347,800 12,767,420 2,858,461 ~ Airport 682,748 1,060,369 1,451,OOB 292,709 � Csnelery 726,755 1,078,300 1,048,607 156,448 �U Insirance 1,613,731 7,000 218,900 1,395,231 � o Wa�kerSCompeisition 123,000 860,100 876,601 166,499 ¢ z Facililies 1,546,227 3,638,820 3,838,569 1,346,478 � LL Innovffiion and Ts9inology 2,363,378 5,660,747 6,195,259 1,828,866 � ? Equipmart Rental 4,324,274 4,270,470 5,349,861 3,184,883 a N _ O U Z 7 7 � LL FrePen9on 2,580,487 76,000 170,181 2,486,300 � bN Z � a5z � LL Cenetay Endowm�t Care 1,663,664 34;200 1,697,864 TOTAL $84,534,959 $768,599,228 3182,194,484 $70,939,703 TOTALBUDGET $253,73a,187 $253,134,187 Ordinance No. 6533 November 17, 2014 Page 4 of 4 Schedule A 2016 Budget Summary by Fund Boglnning 2016 YOt6 Entling Fund Fund Belanee Rosources E�cpentlituros Fund Balanca GENERP.LFUND $10,547,46 $59,354,240 $64,735,529 55,765,837 Arteial8re� �108,704 72,088,787 4,320,7T2 876,779 N Local3r� 348,568 1,602,500 1,600,000 351,068 0 Z Hottl/Motd T� 148,031 94,940 86,000 756,977 � LL w ArtaialflregR�v3ion 461,200 3,tt7,300 3,357,390 237,1'q � � Drug Forlelure 298,057 97,700 273,028 122,49 � Housng 8 Communiry Deodopmmt 37,371 450,000 440,000 47,377 � Rarm[iOnalTrtilS 43,847 7,130 50,977 ¢ � Busn�ImprovenpntArea 47,272 55,060 55,000 41,332 Cumui�iveR�ve 6,238,304 14,200 1,917,08a 4,335,420 Mitig�ion Fees 2.6W.431 994,090 1,221,827 2,387,494 7998 Li6ray Bond 285,100 285,100 - �? Cily Hall Annac 2010 A88 Bond 1,688,444 7,688,444 - I5 lpd RLVitalization 2070 C8D Bontl 20 592.452 592,432 40 tlJ � Golf Cour� 351,553 351,553 - p LIDGuaaitee 22.569 20 2,000 20,589 LID#350 7,874 7,256 7.24fi 7,884 Q r Munidpal Pak Con3ruction 507,236 9,07G,000 9,155,000 _ 368,236 Q � Capitallmprovemaits 8.627,B6B 1,756,036 5,561,324 4,822,580 V Lnd Rcvila117a�1On - y W�g 5,374,953 14,264,636 15,748,910 3,890,679 Z gwa 8,825,703 B,fl1,011 9,793,077 7.203,637 � 2waMelro 2.492.k8 16,333,387 1G.317,200 2,SOB,335 � 3ormDranage 7.781,286 9,576,761 9,784,730 �,572.717 � �lid Wa4e 2,858,461 13,427,400 13.040,602 3,245,259 � Airport 292,709 881,900 826,807 347,202 Cem�ay 156,448 1.178,300 1,098,229 236,519 cwi Invran� 1,395,231 1,000 218,900 1,177,331 � o WorkeSCompensIIion 166,499 863,100 854,310 175,289 Q � Failities 1,346,478 3,598,400 3,787,528 1,W7,350 � � Innov�iona�tl Technology 1.B28,B66 5,639,465 5,582,583 1.885,748 � 3 Fi�uipmertRHnal 3,794,BB3 3,669,480 4,638,OW 2,216,349 � N a p U Z � � O LL Flre�9on 2.486,300 76,000 170,659 2,391,641 bN Zo < Z � � Cenetay Endowmeit Care 7,697,864 34,200 L732,064 TOTAL $70.939.703 5769,297,448 5185,575,218 $5a.72t933 TOTALBUDGET $240,237,151 5240,237,151 "'_""""'"""'""'_"' Ordinance No. 6533 November 17, 2014 Page 5 of 5