HomeMy WebLinkAbout5131 RESOLUTION NO. 5 1 3 1
WHEREAS, the Washington State Department of Ecology issues a National
Pollutant Discharge Elimination System Western Washington Phase II Municipal
Stormwater Permit that regulates the discharge of stormwater from municipal
stormwater systems; and
WHEREAS, the City operates a municipal stormwater system and is regulated
under the National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System Western Washington Phase
II Municipal Stormwater Permit; and
WHEREAS, the National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System Western
Washington Phase II Municipal Stormwater Permit requires development and
implementation of a Stormwater Management Program Plan; and
WHEREAS, the National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System Western
Washington Phase II Municipal Stormwater Permit requires submittal of the Stormwater
Management Program Plan to the Washington State Department of Ecology
Resolution No. 5131
February 10, 2015
Page 1
Section 1. The Stormwater Management Program Plan is approved for
implementation in the City of Auburn in substantial conformity with the Plan attached
hereto, marked as Exhibit "A" and incorporated herein by this reference.
Section 2. That the Mayor is authorized to implement such other
administrative procedures as may be necessary to carry out the directives of this
legislation, including submitting a copy of the Stormwater Management Program Plan to
the Washington State Department of Ecology.
Section 3. That this Resolution shall take effect and be in full force upon
passage and signatures hereon.
Dated and Signed this A-�day of AAC- J, 2015.
�L r I I -P)okku'-5
Danielle E. Daskam,
City Clerk
Dan' . Heid,
City Attorney
Resolution No. 5131
February 10, 2015
Page 2
Resolution No. 5131
Exhibit "A"
City of Auburn, WA
March 2015
Table of Contents City of Auburn 2015 SWMP Plan
1. INTRODUCTION........................................................................................................................................................1
1.1 Overview..........................................................................................................................................................1
1.2 Regulatory Background...................................................................................................................................1
1.3 City of Auburn Regulated Area........................................................................................................................2
1.4 SWMP Implementation Responsibilities..........................................................................................................2
1.5 Document Organization...................................................................................................................................2
2. STORMWATER MANAGEMENT PROGRAM ADMINISTRATION ...........................................................................3
2.1 Permit Requirements.......................................................................................................................................3
2.2 Planned 2015 Compliance Activities................................................................................................................3
3. PUBLIC EDUCATION AND OUTREACH ..................................................................................................................4
3.1 Permit Requirements.......................................................................................................................................4
3.2 Planned 2015 Compliance Activities................................................................................................................4
4. PUBLIC INVOLVEMENT AND PARTICIPATION ......................................................................................................6
4.1 Permit Requirements.......................................................................................................................................6
4.2 Planned 2015 Compliance Activities................................................................................................................6
5. ILLICIT DISCHARGE DETECTION AND ELIMINATION.........................................................:.................................7
5.1 Permit Requirements.......................................................................................................................................7
5.2 Planned 2015 Compliance Activities................................................................................................................7
6.1 Permit Requirements.......................................................................................................................................9
6.2 Planned 2015 Compliance Activities..............................................................................................................10
7. MUNICIPAL OPERATIONS AND MAINTENANCE.................................................................................................12
7.1 Permit Requirements.....................................................................................................................................12
7.2 Planned 2015 Compliance Activities..............................................................................................................13
8. COMPLIANCE WITH TOTAL MAXIMUM DAILY LOAD REQUIREMENTS............................................................14
8.1 Planned 2015 Compliance Activities..............................................................................................................15
9. MONITORING..........................................................................................................................................................16
9.1 Permit Requirements.....................................................................................................................................16
9.2 Planned 2015 Compliance Activities..............................................................................................................16
N.1PUB_WRKS1UtilitieslStorm',NPDES IAAdministratiomSwmps'Q015 S'NMP',Final 2015 S'NMP Plan Including Comments 20150317,Doca
Table 2-1. 2015 Stormwater Management Administration Program Work Plan......................................................3
Table 3-1. 2015 Public Education and Outreach Work Plan ..................................................................................5
Table 4-1. 2015 Public Involvement and Participation Work Plan...........................................................................6
Table 5-1. 2015 Illicit Discharge Detection and Elimination Work Plan...................................................................7
Table 6-1. 2015 Controlling Runoff from Development, Redevelopment, and Construction Sites Work Plan.........9
Table 7-1. 2015 Municipal Operations and Maintenance Work Plan....................................................................11
Table 8-1. 2015 Compliance with TMDL Load Requirements Work Plan.............................................................13
Table 9-1. 2015 Water Quality Monitoring Work Plan...........................................................................................14
H:SPUB_4URKS�UtilitieslStormINPDES WAdministration\SWMPsO15 SVVMPIPInal 2015 SWMP Plan Including Comments 20150317,doc,
1.1 Overview
This document presents the City of Auburn's Stormwater Management Program (SV/MP). Preparation and
maintenance of this SWMP Plan is required by the Washington State Department of Ecology(Ecology) as a
condition of the Western Washington Phase II Municipal Stormwater Permit(the Phase II Permit). The
Phase II permit covers discharges from regulated small municipal separate storm sewer systems (MS4s). The
SWMP Plan is intended to inform the public of the planned SWMP activities for the upcoming year.
The permit to discharge stormwater is designed to reduce the discharge of pollutants,protect water quality,
and meet the requirements of the federal Clean Water Act.
Appendix A includes acronyms and definitions from the Permit to help the reader understand the City's
Stormwater Management Program.
1.2 Regulatory Background
The National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) permit program is a requirement of the
federal Clean Water Act,which is intended to protect and restore waters for"fishable, swimmable"uses. The
federal Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has delegated permit authority to state environmental
agencies, and these agencies can set permit conditions in accordance with and in addition to the minimum
federal requirements. In Washington, the NPDES-delegated permit authority is the Washington State
Department of Ecology(Ecology).
In Washington,municipalities with a population of over 100,000 are designated as Phase I communities and
must comply with Ecology's Phase I NPDES Municipal Stormwater Pernnit.Auburn's population is below
the 100,000 threshold,so the City must comply with the Phase II Municipal Stormwater Permit.About 100
other municipalities in Washington must also comply with the Phase II Permit,as operators of small
municipal separate storm sewer systems (MS4s). Ecology's Phase II Municipal Stormwater Permit is available
on Ecology's website at
The Permit allows municipalities to discharge stormwater runoff from municipal drainage systems into the
state's water bodies (e.g., streams,rivers, lakes,wetlands,and aquifers) as long as municipalities implement
programs to protect water quality by reducing the discharge of"non-point source"pollutants to the
"maximum extent practicable" (MEP) through application of Permit-specified"best management practices"
(BMPs).The BMPs specified in the Permit are collectively referred to as the Stormwater Management
Program(SWMP) and grouped under the following Program components:
• Public Education and Outreach
• Public Involvement and Participation
• Illicit Discharge Detection and Elimination
• Controlling Runoff from New Development,Redevelopment,and Construction Sites
H:1PU6—WRKS1U61itieSlSiormglPQES IMdministrationtSWNIP0015 SWMP1Final 2015 SWN1P Plan Including Comments 20150317.doca
1:Introduction City of Auburn 2015 SWMP Plan
■ Municipal Operations and Maintenance
In addition to the SWMP components the Permit contains special conditions covering:
• Compliance with Total Maximum Daily Load requirements
• Monitoring and Assessment
• Reporting Requirements
The Permit issued by Ecology became effective on August 1,2013,was modified January 16,2014 and
expires on July 31,2018. The Permit requires the City to submit an annual report no later than March 31s,of
each year beginning in 2015,on progress in SWMP implementation. The Permit also requires submittal of a
SWMP Plan which describes proposed SWMP activities for the current calendar year. The SWMP Plan is to
be updated annually and be included in the submittal of the previous year's annual report.
1.3 City of Auburn Regulated Area
The Western Washington Phase II Pernnit applies to operators of regulated small MS4s that discharge
stormwater to waters of Washington State located west of the crest of the Cascade Range (west of the eastern
boundaries of Whatcom,Skagit,Snohomish,King,Pierce,Lewis and Skamania counties). For cities, the
Permit requirements extend to those areas of each City that drain to MS4s. Most of Auburn drains to MS4s
that ultimately discharge into the Green River,the White River,or Mill Creek. In addition, some portions of
the City drain to public infiltration facilities where the stormwater soaks into the ground.
1.4 SWMP Implementation Responsibilities
The Utilities Engineering Division in the Community Development and Public Works Department
coordinates the overall administration of efforts to comply with Permit requirements. The work plan tables
in each Chapter provide the lead departments for the associated task. Other major departments/divisions
included in the 2015 SWMP implementation are Maintenance and Operations (M&O),Human Resources
(HR),Development Engineering, Permit Center,Innovation and Technology(IT),and Parks.
1.5 Document Organization
The contents of this document are based upon Permit requirements and Ecology's "Guidance for City and
County Annual Reports for Western Washington,Phase II Municipal Stormwater General Permits."The
program components of this SWMP are organized as listed in the Permit:
• Section 2.0 addresses administering the City's Stormwater Management Program.
• Section 3.0 addresses public education and outreach.
• Section 4.0 addresses public involvement and participation.
• Section 5.0 addresses illicit discharge detection and elimination.
• Section 6.0 addresses controlling runoff from new development,redevelopment, and construction
• Section 7.0 addresses municipal operations and maintenance.
• Section 8.0 addresses comphance with TMDL requirements.
• Section 9.0 addresses monitoring.
Each section includes a summary of the relevant Permit requirements and a table showing the planned
activities for 2015. This document also includes acronyms and definitions in Appendix A for easy reference.
H:1PUB_WRKS'.UtilitiesStormtNPDES MAdministrat&SMFs12015 SWIMPTinal 2015 SWWtiiP Plan Including Comments 20150317.docx
This section of the SWMP describes Permit requirements related to overall Stormwater Management
Program administration, and planned compliance activities for 2015.
2.1 Permit Requirements
The Permit(Section SS.A) requires the City to fulfill the following actions during the 5-year Permit cycle:
• Develop and implement a Stormwater Management Program (SWMP) and prepare written
documentation (SNVMP Plan) for submittal to Ecology by March 31 of each year. The purpose of the
SWMP is to reduce the discharge of pollutants from the municipal stormwater system to the maximum
extent practicable and thereby protect water quality. The SWMP Plan is intended to inform the public
of the planned S\VMP activities for the upcoming calendar year, and any actions to meet the
requirements of S7 Compliance with Total Maximum Daily Load Requirements,and S8 Monitoring.
• Implement a program for gathering, tracking, maintaining, and using information to evaluate S\VMP
development,implementation and permit compliance and to set priorities.
• Coordinate with other permittees on stormwater related policies programs, and projects within
adjacent or shared areas.
• Coordinate between City departments to elinunate barriers to compliance with the terms of the permit.
2.2 Planned 2015 Compliance Activities
Auburn has positioned itself to maintain compliance. Table 2-1 presents the proposed work plan for the 2015
SWMP administration activities.
Program Table 2-1.2015 Stormwater Management Administration
Task ID Task Description Lead Compliance
Revise and update the City's Stormwater Utilities The SWMP submittal is due
SWMP-1 Management Program Plan(SWMP Plan)to identify Engineering by March 31st of each year.
planned SWMP activities for 2015.
Utilities Annual Reporting is due by
SWMP-2 Track program element implementation. Engineering March 31St of each year
beginning in 2015.
H.',PUB_W'RKS1Utilities\Storm�NPDES II'AdcunistratiomSWMPst2015 SWMP1Final 2015 SVVMP Plan including Comments 20150317 docx
This section describes the Permit requirements related to public education and outreach,and planned
compliance activities for 2015.
3.1 Permit Requirements
The Permit(Section S5.C.1) requires the City to fulfill the following actions during the 5-year Permit cycle:
• Prioritize and target education and outreach activities to specified audiences,including the general
public,businesses,residents/homeowners,landscapers,property managers, engineers,contractors,
developers,and land use planners to build general awareness and to effect behavior change with the
intent to reduce or eliminate behaviors and practices that cause or contribute to adverse stormwater
• Have an outreach program that is designed to improve the target audience's understanding of the
problem and what they can do to solve it.
• Create and/or partner with existing organizations to encourage residents to participate in stewardship
• Measure the understanding and adoption of the targeted behaviors for at least one target audience in at
least one subject area. Use the resulting measurements to direct education and outreach resources
most effectively.
• Track and maintain records of public education and outreach activities.
3.2 Planned 2015 Compliance Activities
The City plans to continue the program that has been developed over the last permit cycle.The target
audiences include:
• The general public
• Businesses (including home-based and mobile businesses)
• Residents/homeowners
• Landscapers
• Property managers
• Engineers,contractors, developers and land use planners
H.PUB_N'RKS,Utilities'•StormgNPDES IhAdministration\SWIVIPs12015 SWMP1Final 2015 S4VMP Plan Including Comments 20150317.docx
3: Public Education and Outreach City of Auburn 2015 SWMP Plan
Table 3-1 presents the work plan for the 2015 S%VMP public education and outreach activities.
Table 3-1.2015 Public Education and Outreach Work Plan
Task ID Task Description Lead Compliance
Continue collaboration with other NPDES
municipalities through Stormwater Outreach for Utilities
EDUC-1 Regional Municipalities(STORM)and Puget Sound Engineering
Starts Here efforts to promote regional education and
outreach programs.
Refine education and outreach strategy to supplement
existing education activities An example would be Utilities
EDUC-2 evaluating the current pet waste cleanup education Engineering
strategy and whether existing education activities
should be supplemented for better results. Refinements to existing
Implement new or modify existing education and public education and
outreach activities. An example would be Utilities outreach activities are on-
EDUC-3 implementing actions related to our Kid's Engineering going.
Day educational activities based on the evaluation
done after the 2014 event.
Staff training related to Surface Water Management
Manual Implementation/Technical Standards:
• Permitting
EDUC-4 Plan Review Utilities
Site Inspections Engineering
• Maintenance Standards.
Educate select city staff and elected officials to
EDUC 4a develop a common level of knowledge related to Low LID Core Team 2015
Impact Development stormwater management
Inform public employees,businesses and the general Utilities
EDUC-5 public of the hazards associated with illegal Engineering Ongoing
discharges and improper disposal of waste.
Provide stewardship opportunities such as planting Planning and 2015
EDUC-6 native plants and invasive species removal at the Public Works
Auburn Environmental park. Divisions
Measure understanding and adoption of pollution Utilities
EDUC-7 prevention and spill management by business Engineering February 2,2016
property managers/owners.
H:iPUB-WRKS�Utillties'\Storm,NPDES II'Admn,straiiomSWMPs�2015 SWNIP\Final 2015 SWMP Plan Including Comments 20150317.docy
This section describes the Permit requirements related to public involvement and participation,and planned
compliance activities for 2015.
4.1 Permit Requirements
The Permit(Section S5.C.2)requires the City to fulfill the following actions during the 5-year Permit cycle:
• Provide ongoing opportunities for public involvement and participation through advisory boards or
commissions,public hearings,watershed committees,public participation in developing rate structures
and budgets,or other similar activities. The public must be able to participate in the decision-making
processes,including development,implementation,and update of the S%VMP.
• Make the S%VMP Plan and Annual Compliance Report available to the public,by posting on the City's
website. Make any other documents required to be submitted to Ecology in response to Permit conditions
available to the public.
4.2 Planned 2015 Compliance Activities
The City of Auburn has a history of including the public in decision making. Table 4-1 below presents the
work plan for the 2015 S%VMP public involvement and participation activities.
2015 Public Involvement and Participation Work Plan
Task ID Task Description Lead Compliance
PI-1 Provide public involvement opportunities for annual Utilities Public involvement
SWMP update. Engineering opportunities will be available
Make SWMP document Report available to public by Utilities before the March 31,2015
PI-2 submittal.
posting on the City website. Engineering
H:\PUB_WRKS\Utilities Storm\NPDES II'AdmmistralionSWMPs\2015 S'NMP\Final 2015 SWMP Plan Includmg Comments 20150317.docx
This section describes the Permtt requirements related to illicit discharge detection and elimination (IDDE),
and planned compliance activities for 2015.
5.1 Permit Requirements
The Permit (Section S5.C.3) requires the City to fulfill the following actions during the 5-year Permit cycle:
• Implement an ongoing program to detect and remove illicit discharges, connections,and improper
disposal,including any spills into the municipal separate storm sewers owned or operated by the City.
• Maintain a storm sewer system map,have ordinances that prohibit illicit discharges, and implement an
ongoing program to detect and address illicit discharges.
• Publicly list and publicize a hotline or other local telephone number for public reporting of spills and
other illicit discharges. Track illicit discharge reports and actions taken in response through close-out,
including enforcement actions.
• Inform public employees,businesses and the general public of hazards associated with illegal
discharges and improper disposal of waste.
• Train staff on proper IDDE response SOPS and train municipal field staff to recognize and report
illicit discharges.
• Summarize all illicit discharges and connections reported to the City and response actions taken,
including enforcement actions,in the Annual Compliance Report;,identify any updates to the S\VMP.
5.2 Planned 2015 Compliance Activities
Table 5-1 presents the work plan for 2015 S\VMP illicit discharge detection and elimination activities.
Table 5-1.2015 Illicit Discharge Detection and Elimination Work Plan
Task ID Task Description Lead Compliance
IDDE-1 Continue to implement City-wide IDDE Program and Utilities Ongoing
develop any necessary supplemental IDDE activities. Engineering
IDDE-2 Continue to review and update storm system map to Utilities Ongoing
address data gaps and Permit requirements. Engineering/IT
IDDE-3 Integrate illicit discharge field screening into the public Utilities 2015
facility and catch basin inspection programs. Engineering
H:VPUB—WRKSWtililieslStormINPDES II1AdmmistratioMSWMPs&15 SINNIPfinal 2015 SWAP Plan Including Comments 20150317.docx
5:Illicit Discharge Detection and Elimination City of Auburn 2015 SWMP Plan
IDDE-4 Provided IDDE training to new hires in Utility Utilities Ongoing
Engineering and Maintenance&Operations. Engineering
H:IPUB_WRKS\Utilities\Storm'•NPGES IltA.dministration=',Ii?,IF's•20,15 SVVNIP',Final 2015 SIMMP Plan Includirq Comments 20150317.docx
This section describes the Permit requirements related to controlling runoff from new development,
redevelopment,and construction sites,and planned compliance activities for 2015.
6.1 Permit Requirements
The Permit(Section S5.C.4)requires the City to fulfill the following actions during the 5-year Permit cycle:
• Implement,and enforce a program to reduce pollutants in stormwater runoff(i.e.,illicit discharges) to
the municipal separate storm sewer system from new development,redevelopment,and construction
site activities.The program must apply to both private and public projects,including roads,and
address all construction/development-associated pollutant sources.
• Have adopted regulations (codes and standards),have plan review,inspection, and escalating
enforcement SOPs necessary to implement the program in accordance with Permit conditions,
including the minimum technical requirements in Appendix 1 of the Permit by December 31,2016.
• Review,revise and make effective local development-related codes,rules, standards,or other
enforceable documents to incorporate and require Low Impact Development(LID) principles and
LID best management practices (BMPs)with the intent of making LID the preferred and commonly-
used approach to site development by December 31,2016.
• Participate in watershed-scale stormwater planning under condition S5.C.4.c of the Phase I Municipal
Stormwater General Permit if required.
• Have adopted regulations (codes and standards) and processes to verify adequate long-term operations
and maintenance of new post-construction permanent stormwater facilities and BMPs in accordance
with Permit conditions,including an annual inspection frequency and/or approved alternative
inspection frequency and maintenance standards for private drainage systems as protective as those in
Chapter 4 of Volume V of the 2012 Ecology Stormwater Management Manual for Western
Washington by December 31,2016.
• Provide copies of the Notice of Intent(NOI) for construction or industrial activities to representatives
of the proposed new development and redevelopment.
• Provide training to staff on the new codes, standards, and SOPS and create public education and
outreach materials.
• Record and maintain records of all inspections and enforcement actions by staff.
• Summarize annual activities for the"Controlling Runoff' component of the Annual Compliance
Report;identify any updates to the SXVMP.
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6:Controlling Runoff from New Development,Redevelopment
and Construction Sites City of Auburn 2015 SWMP Plan
6.2 Planned 2015 Compliance Activities
The City has a program to help reduce stormwater runoff from new development and construction sites.
Table 6-1 presents the work plan for 2015 SWMP activities related to runoff control for new development,
redevelopment,and construction sites.
Table 6-1.2015 Controlling Runoff from Development,Redevelopment,and Construction Sites Work
Task ID Task Description Lead Compliance
Track and report construction,new development,and Planning/Permit
CTRL-1 redevelopment permits,inspections and enforcement Center On-going
Prior to clearing and construction,inspect all permitted
CTRL-1a development sites that have a high potential for Construction On-going
sediment transport.
CRTL-1 b Inspect all permitted development sites during Construction On going
Inspect all permitted development sites upon
CRTL-1c completion of construction and prior to final approval Construction Ongoing
Inspect all permanent stormwater treatment and flow
control BMPs/facilities and catch basins in new
CRTL-1d residential developments every six months until 90% Construction Ongoing
of the lots are constructed or construction has stopped
and site is fully stabilized.
Conduct annual inspection of all treatment and flow Utilities
CTRL-2 control BMPs/facilities(other than catch basins)—i.e., Engineering On-going
private systems
Begin process to update city code related to Storm Drainage
CTRL-3 controlling runoff from new development, Utility and 2016
redevelopment and construction site projects. Building Division
Begin process to develop and adopt a stormwater
management manual equivalent to the 2012 Storm Drainage
CTRL-4 Utility and
Stormwater Management Manual for Western 2016
Washington as amended in 2014. Building Division
H:\PUB—VVRKS Utilities�StormPIPDES II�.AdministrationlSWMPs12015 SWMP`=final 2015 SWMP Plan Including Comments 20150317,docn
6:Controlling Runoff from New Development,Redevelopment
and Construction Sites City of Auburn 2015 SWMP Plan
Begin process to review,revise and make effective Storm Drainage
development-related codes,rules,standards,or other Utility and
CTRL-5 enforceable documents to incorporate and require LID Planning 2016
principles and LID BMPs. Division
Provide copies of the"Notice of Intent for Construction
CTRL-6 Activity"and copies of the"Notice of Intent for Permit Center Ongoing
Industrial Activity"to representatives of proposed new
development and redevelopment.
Enforce local ordinances controlling runoff from sites Construction
CTRL-7 that are also covered by stormwater permits issued by and Code Ongoing
Ecology. Enforcement
H.'FUB_WRKS1Utilities\stormWPDES IMdministration',SWMPst2015 SWMP`.Final 2015 SWMP Plan Including Comments 20150317,docx
This section describes the Permit requirements related to municipal operations and maintenance,and planned
compliance activities for 2015.
7.1 Permit Requirements
The Permit(Section S5.C.5) requires the City to fulfill the following actions during the 5-year Permit cycle:
• Implement an O&M program,with the ultimate goal of preventing or reducing pollutant runoff from
municipal separate stormwater system and municipal O&M activities.
• Implement maintenance standards for the municipal separate stormwater system that are at least as
protective as those specified in the 2012 Stormwater Management Manual for Western Washington as
amended in 2014.
• Conduct annual inspection of all municipally owned or operated permanent stormwater treatment and
flow control BMPs/facilities and perform maintenance as needed to comply with maintenance
• Inspect all catch basins and inlets owned or operated by the City at least once no later than August 1,
2017 and every two years thereafter. Clean the catch basins if inspections indicate cleaning is needed
to comply with maintenance standards.
• Check treatment and flow control facilities after major storms and perform repairs as needed in
accordance with adopted maintenance standards.
• Have SOPs in place to reduce stormwater impacts associated with runoff from municipal O&M
activities,including but not limited to streets,parking lots,roads, or highways owned or maintained by
the City, and to reduce pollutants in discharges from all lands owned or maintained by the City.
• Train staff to implement the SOPs and document that training.
• Prepare Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plans (SWPPPs) for all heavy equipment maintenance or
storage yards identified for year-round facilities or yards,and material storage facilities owned or
operated by the City.
• Summarize annual activities for the"Pollution Prevention and Operations and Maintenance for
Municipal Operations"component of the Annual Compliance Report;identify any updates to the
H.tPUB_WRKS'UtilitieslStorm\NPDES WAdministration6WMPs12015 SWN1P,Pinal 2015 SWMP Plan Including Comments 20150317.docx
7.Pollution Prevention and 0&M for Municipal Operations City of Auburn 2015 SWMP Plan
7.2 Planned 2015 Compliance Activities
Table 7-1 presents the work plan for 2015 S\VMP activities related to municipal operations and maintenance.
Task ID Task Description Responsible Schedule Notes
Conduct annual inspection of all treatment and flow
control(other than catch basins)in the public system Utilities
MOM-1 and perform maintenance as triggered by the Engineering On going
maintenance standards.
Inspect 25%of the public catch basins before July 31,
MOM-2 2015 and perform maintenance as triggered by the M&O On-going
maintenance standards.
Perform street sweeping to reduce the amount of
MOM-3 street waste that enters the storm drainage M&O Ongoing
conveyance system.
Develop draft Low Impact Development maintenance Utilities
MOM-4 standards,levels of service and inspection Engineering 2015
procedures for adoption in 2016.
H:\PUB_WRKS\UtilitieslStormWPDES WAdmmistralioMSWMPs015 SWMP1Final 2015 SWAP Plan Including Comments 20150317.docc
The federal Clean Water Act requires that Ecology establish"Total Maximum Daily Loads" (TMDL) for
rivers,streams, lakes, and marine waters that don't meet water quality standards. A TMDL is a calculation of
the maximum amount of a pollutant that a water body can receive and still meet water quality standards.
After the TMDL has been calculated for a given water body,Ecology determines how much each source
must reduce its discharges of the pollutant in order bring the water body back into compliance with the water
quality standards. TMDL requirements are included in the stormwater NPDES permits for discharges into
affected water bodies.
Stormwater discharges covered under this Permit are required to implement actions necessary to achieve the
pollutant reductions called for in applicable TMDLs. Applicable TMDLs are those approved by the EPA
before die issuance date of the Permit or which have been approved by the EPA prior to the issue date of the
Permit or the date Ecology issues coverage under the Permit,whichever is later. Information on Ecology's
TMDL program is available on Ecology's website at«nxw.ec%T.wa.go,,,/programs/wq/tmdl.
In accordance with Permit condition S7 Compliance with Total Maximum Daily Load Requirements the City
must comply with the following TMDL.
Name of TMDL Puyallup Watershed Water Quality Improvement Project
Document(s) for Piyalli p River lllatershed.Fecal Colifomi Total Mavimarm Daily Load— lVaterQuality
TMDL Improvement Report and Implementation Plan,June 2011,Ecology Publication No. 11-10-
040. http://,,x,\-,-�N,.ecx-.wa.gov/bit)llo/1110040.11tml
Location of Original Puyallup river 16712,7498,White River 16711, 16708, 16709, Clear Creek 7501,Swan
303(d) Listings Creek 7514,Boise Creek 16706
Area Where TMDL Requirements apply in all areas regulated under the Permittee's municipal stormwater
Requirements Apply permit and discharging to water bodies listed within the specific requirement in tlus
TMDL section.
Parameter Fecal Coliform
EPA Approval Date September 2011
MS4 Pernuttee Phase I Permit: King County,Pierce County
Phase II Permit: Auburn,Ed ewood, Enumclaw,Puyallup, Sumner
H:1PUB_WRKS1Utilities'StermINPDES II',AdministrationlSWMPs 2015 SWMPPinal 2015 SWMP Plan Including Comments 20150317 docx
8.Compliance with Total Maximum Daily Load Requirements City of Auburn 2015 SWMP Plan
Actions required of the City under this TMDL include:
• Beginning no later than October 1, 2013,conduct twice monthly wet weather sampling of
stormwater discharges to the White River at Auburn Riverside High School to determine if specific
discharges from Auburn's MS4 exceed the water quality criteria for fecal cohform bacteria.
• Data shall be collected for one wet season.
• Data shall be collected in accordance with an Ecology-approved QAPP.
• Data collected since EPA TMDL approval can be used to meet this requirement.
These actions have been completed.
• For any of the outfalls monitored above showing discharges that exceed water quality criteria for
primary contact recreation:designate those areas discharging via the MS4 of concern as high priority
areas for illicit discharge detection and elimination efforts and implement the schedules and activities
identified in S5.C.3 of the Western Washington Phase II permit for response to any illicit discharges
found beginning no later than August 1,2014.
This action has been completed.
• Install and maintain pet waste education and collection stations at municipal parks and other
Permittee owned and operated lands adjacent to streams. Focus on locations where people
commonly walk their dogs.
8.1 Planned 2015 Compliance Activities
Table 8-1 presents the work plan for 2015 SWNIP activities related to TMDL requirement compliance.
Task ID Task Description Responsible Schedule Notes
Include summary of activities conducted in TMDL Utilities
TMDL-1 area to address TMDL parameter(fecal coliform)with Engineering March 31,2015
annual report to Ecology
Maintain pet waste education and collection stations Parks
TMDL 2 at municipal parks and other public lands adjacent to Department On-going
the White River and it's tributaries.
H PUB_4VRKS1UtilitiesiStorm'INPDES MAdministratioMS'NN1Ps12015 S4VMP�Final 2015 SIP)MP Plan Including Comments 20150317.docx
This section describes the Permit requirements related to water quality monitoring,and planned compliance
activities for 2015.
9.1 Permit Requirements
The Permit(Section S8) requires the City to either conduct Status and Trends Monitoring,and Effectiveness
Studies,or pay annually into a collective fund to implement monitoring through the Regional Stormwater
Monitoring Program (RSMP). The City corrunitted in 2013 to pay$45,096.00 annually into the collective
RSMP monitoring fund for both Status and Trends Monitoring and Effectiveness Studies.
All pernuttees are required to pay into the RSMP to implement the RSMP Source Identification Information
Repository(SIDIR). Auburn's annual payment will be$2,614.00.
Payments are due to the Department of Ecology by August 15th each year.
The City is required to provide the following monitoring and/or assessment data in each annual report:
• A description of any stormwater monitoring or studies conducted by the City during the reporting
period. If stormwater monitoring was conducted on behalf of the City,or if studies or investigations
conducted by other entitles were reported to the City,a brief description of the type of information
gathered or received shall be included in the annual report.
• An assessment of the appropriateness of the best management practices identified by the City for each
component of the SWMP;and any changes made,or anticipated to be made, to the BMPs that were
previously selected to implement the SWMP and why.
9.2 Planned 2015 Compliance Activities
Table 9-1 presents the work plan for 2015 SXVMP monitoring activities.
Table 9-1.2015 Water Quality Monitoring Work Plan
Task ID Task Description Lead Compliance
Pay$47,710.00 annually into the RSMP collective
MNTR-1 fund for implementation of Status and Trends Utilities Annual payment due by
Monitoring,Effectiveness Studies,and the Source Engineering August 15th.
Identification Information Repository.
H�PUB_tNRKSUtilitieslStormWPDES IIhAdministratloWSWMP0015 SWNRFinal 2015 SWMP Plan Including Comments 20150317.doc,<
Acronyms and Definitions
The following definitions and acronyms are taken directly from the Phase II Permit and are reproduced here
for the reader's convenience.
40 CFR means Title 40 of the Code of Federal Regulations,which is the codification of the general and
permanent rules published in the Federal Register by the executive departments and agencies of the
federal government.
AKART means all known, available, and reasonable methods,of prevention,control and treatment. See
also State Water Pollution Control Act,chapter 90.48.010 RCW and chapter 90.48.520 RCW.
All known, available and reasonable methods of prevention,control and treatment refers to the State
Water Pollution Control Act,chapter 90.48.010 RCW and chapter 90.48.520 RCW.
Applicable TMDL means a TMDL which has been approved by EPA on or before the issuance date of
this Permit,or prior to the date that Ecology issues coverage under this Permit,whichever is later.
Beneficial Uses means uses of waters of the state which include but are not limited to use for
domestic, stock watering,industrial,commercial,agricultural,irrigation,mining, fish and wildlife
maintenance and enhancement,recreation,generation of electric power and preservation of
environmental and aesthetic values,and all other uses compatible with the enjoyment of the public
waters of the state.
Best Management Practices are the schedules of activities, prohibitions of practices,maintenance
procedures, and structural and/or managerial practices approved by Ecology that,when used singly
or in combination,prevent or reduce the release of pollutants and other adverse impacts to waters
of Washington State.
BMP means Best Management Practice.
Bypass means the diversion of stormwater from any portion of a stormwater treatment facility.
Census defined urban area means Urbanized Area.
H:,PUB—WRKSIUfilities\StormINPDES llkAdministration\SWMPst2015 SWMP'\Final 2015 SWMP Plan Including Comments 20150317.docx
Circuit means a portion of a MS4 discharging to a single point or serving a discrete area
determined by traffic volumes,land use, topography or the configuration of the MS4.
Component or Program Component means an element of the Stormwater Management Program listed
in S5 Stormwater Management Program for Cities,Towns,and Counties or S6 Stormwater
Management Program for Secondary Permittees,S7 Compliance with Total Maximum Daily Load
Requirements, or S8 Monitoring of this permit.
Co-Permittee means an owner or operator of an MS4 which is in a cooperative agreement with at least
one other applicant for coverage under this permit. A Co-Permtttee is an owner or operator of a
regulated MS4 located within or in proximity to another regulated MS4.A Co-Permittee is only
responsible permit conditions relating to discharges from the MS4 the Co-Permittee owns or
operates. See also 40 CFR 122.26(b)(1)
CWA means Clean Water Act(formerly referred to as the Federal Water Pollution Control Act or Federal
Water Pollution Control Act Amendments of 1972) Pub.L. 92-500,as amended Pub. L. 95-217,Pub.
L. 95-576,Pub. L. (6-483 and Pub. L. 97-117,33 U.S.C. 1251 et.seq).
Director means the Director of the Washington State Department of Ecology,or an authorized
Entity means a governmental body,or a public or private organization.
EPA means the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency.
General Permit means a permit which covers multiple dischargers of a point source category within a
designated geographical area,in lieu of individual permits being issued to each discharger.
Ground water means water in a saturated zone or stratum beneath the surface of the land or below a
surface water body. Refer to chapter 173-200 WAC.
Hazardous substance means any liquid, solid,gas,or sludge,including any material, substance,product,
commodity,or waste,regardless of quantity,that exhibits any of the physical,chemical,or biological
properties described in WAC 173-303-090 or WAC 173-303-100.
Heavy equipment maintenance or storage yard means an uncovered area where any heavy equipment,
such as mowing equipment, excavators,dump trucks,backhoes,or bulldozers are washed or
maintained,or where at least five pieces of heavy equipment are stored on a long-term basis.
Highway means a main public road connecting towns and cities.
Hydraulically near means runoff from the site discharges to the sensitive feature without significant
natural attenuation of flows that allows for suspended solids removal. See Appendix 7 Determining
Construction Site Sediment Damage Potential for a more detailed definition.
Hyperchlorinated means water that contains more than 10 mg/Liter chlorine.
Illicit connection means any infrastructure connection to the MS4 that is not intended,permitted or used
for collecting and conveying stormwater or non-stormwater discharges allowed as specified in this
permit(S5.C.3 and S6.13.3). Examples include sanitary sewer connections,floor drams,channels,
pipelines,conduits,inlets,or outlets that are connected directly to the MS4.
Illicit discharge means any discharge to a MS4 that is not composed entirely of stormwater or of non-
stormwater discharges allowed as specified in this permit (S5.C.3 and S6.D.3).
H:PUB_WRKStUtilities�StornnO1PDES IIhAdministratioMSWMPsQ015 SWMPTinal 2015 SWMP Plan Including Comments 20150317.docx
Impervious surface means a non-vegetated surface area that either prevents or retards the entry of water
into the soil mantle as under natural conditions prior to development.A non-vegetated surface area
which causes water to run off the surface in greater quantities or at an increased rate of flow from the
flow present under natural conditions prior to development. Common impervious surfaces include,
but are not limited to,roof tops,walkways,patios,driveways,parking lots or stormwater areas,
concrete or asphalt paving,gravel roads,packed earthen materials,and oiled,macadam or other
surfaces which similarly impede the natural infiltration of stormwater.
Land disturbing activity means any activity that results in a change in the existing soil cover (both
vegetative and non-vegetative) and/or the existing soil topography. Land disturbing activities
include, but are not limited to clearing, grading, filling and excavation. Compaction that is
associated with stabilization of structures and road construction shall also be considered land
disturbing activity. Vegetation maintenance practices, including landscape maintenance and
gardening, are not considered land disturbing activity. Stormwater facility maintenance is not
considered land disturbing activity if conducted according to established standards and procedures.
LID means Low Impact Development.
LID BMP means low impact development best management practices.
LID Principles means land use management strategies that emphasize conservation,use of on-site
natural features,and site planning to minimize impervious surfaces,native vegetation loss, and
stormwater runoff.
Low Impact Development means a stormwater and land use management strategy that strives to mimic
pre-disturbance hydrologic processes of infiltration, filtration,storage, evaporation and transpiration by
emphasizing conservation,use of on-site natural features, site planning, and distributed stormwater
management practices that are integrated into a project design.
Low impact development best management practices means distributed stormwater management
practices,integrated into a project design,that emphasize pre-disturbance hydrologic processes of
infiltration, filtration, storage,evaporation and transpiration. LID BMPs include,but are not limited to,
bioretention/rain gardens,permeable pavements,roof downspout controls,dispersion, soil quality and
depth,vegetated roofs,minimum excavation foundations,and water re-use.
Material Storage Facilities means an uncovered area where bulk materials (liquid,solid,granular,
etc.) are stored in piles,barrels,tanks,bins,crates,or other means.
Maximum Extent Practicable refers to paragraph 402(p)(3)(B)(iii) of the federal Clean Water Act which
reads as follows: Permits for discharges from municipal storm sewers shall require controls to reduce
the discharge of pollutants to the maximum extent practicable,including management practices,control
techniques, and system, design, and engineering methods,and other such provisions as the
Administrator or the State determines appropriate for the control of such pollutants.
MEP means Maximum Extent Practicable.
MS4 means municipal separate storm sewer system.
Municipal Separate Storm Sewer System means a conveyance,or system of conveyances
(including roads with drainage systems,municipal streets,catch basins, curbs,gutters,ditches,
manmade channels,or storm drains):
(i) Owned or operated by a state,city,town,borough,county,parish,district,association, or other
public body(created by or pursuant to state law) having jurisdiction over disposal of wastes,
H:\PUB—WRKS\Utilities\StormINPDES IPAdmimstrationlSWMPs12015 SWNIPTinal 2015 SWNiP Plan Including Comments 20150317.docx
stormwater,or other wastes,including special districts under State law such as a sewer district,
flood control district or drainage district,or similar entity,or an Indian tribe or an authorized
Indian tribal organization, or a designated and approved management agency under section 208
of the CWA that discharges to waters of Washington State.
(ii) Designed or used for collecting or conveying stormwater.
(iii) Which is not a combined sewer;
(iv) Which is not part of a Publicly Owned Treatment Works (POT`V) as defined at 40 CFR
(v) Which is defined as "large" or"medium"or"small"or otherwise designated by
Ecology pursuant to 40 CFR 122.26.
National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System means the national program for issuing,modifying,
revoking, and reissuing,terminating, monitoring and enforcing permits,and imposing and enforcing
pretreatment requirements,under sections 307,402, 318,and 405 of the Federal Clean Water Act, for
the discharge of pollutants to surface waters of the state from point sources. These permits are
referred to as NPDES permits and,in Washington State,are administered by the Washington
Department of Ecology.
Native vegetation means vegetation comprised of plant species, other than noxious weeds, that are
indigenous to the coastal region of the Pacific Northwest and which reasonably could have been
expected to naturally occur on the site. Examples include trees such as Douglas Fir,western hemlock,
western red cedar,alder,big-leaf maple;shrubs such as willow, elderberry, salmonberry, and salal;and
herbaceous plants such as sword fern, foam flower,and fireweed.
New development means land disturbing activities,including Class IV General Forest Practices that are
conversions from timber land to other uses;structural development,including construction or
installation of a building or other structure;creation of hard surfaces; and subdivision,short
subdivision and binding site plans,as defined and applied in chapter 58.17 RCW. Projects meeting the
definition of redevelopment shall not be considered new development. Refer to Appendix 1 for a
definition of hard surfaces.
New Permittee means a city, town,or county that is subject to the Western lT%ashington
Mzrnzczpal Stormwater General Permit and was not subject to the permit prior to August 1,
New Secondary Permittee means a Secondary Permittee that is covered under a municipal
stormwater general permit and was not covered by the permit prior to August 1,2013.
NOI means Notice of Intent.
Notice of Intent means the application for,or a request for coverage under a General Permit
pursuant to WAC 173-226-200.
Notice of Intent for Construction Activity means the application form for coverage under the
Constmazon Stormwater General Permit.
Notice of Intent for Industrial Activity means the application form for coverage under the
General Permit for Stornzzvater Di rcharges Associated with Indu trial Activities.
NPDES means National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System.
H'PUB_WRKSIUtilitieslstorm\PlPDES IMdministratioMSWMPs\2015 SWMPtFinal 2015 SWMP Plan Including Comments 20150317.docx
Outfall means point source as defined by 40 CFR 122.2 at the point where a discharge leaves the MS4 and
discharges to waters of the State. Outfall does not include pipes,tunnels,or other conveyances which
connect segments of the same stream or other surface waters and are used to convey primarily surface
waters (i.e. culverts).
Permeable pavement means pervious concrete,porous asphalt,permeable pavers or other forms of
pervious or porous paving material intended to allow passage of water through the pavement section.
It often includes an aggregate base that provides structural support and acts as a stormwater reservoir.
Permittee unless otherwise noted,the term"Permittee"includes city,town,or county Permittee,Co-
Permittee,New Permittee, Secondary Permittee,and New Secondary Permittee.
Physically Interconnected means that one MS4 is connected to another storm sewer system in such a way
that it allows for direct discharges to the second system. For example, the roads with drainage systems
and municipal streets of one entity are physically connected directly to a storm sewer system belonging
to another entity.
Project site means that portion of a property,properties,or right-of-ways subject to land disturbing
activities,new hard surfaces,or replaced hard surfaces. Refer to Appendix 1 for a definition of hard
QAPP means Quality Assurance Project Plan.
Qualified Personnel means someone who has had professional trauung in the aspects of stormwater
management for which they are responsible and are under the functional control of the Permittee.
Qualified Personnel may be staff members, contractors,or volunteers.
Quality Assurance Project Plan means a document that describes the objectives of an
environmental study and the procedures to be followed to achieve those objectives.
RCW means the Revised Code of Washington State.
Receiving waters means bodies of water or surface water systems to which surface runoff is discharged
via a point source of stormwater or via sheet flow. Receiving waters may also be ground water to
which surface runoff is directed by infiltration.
Redevelopment means,on a site that is already substantially developed (i.e.,has 35%or more of existing
hard surface coverage),the creation or addition of hard surfaces;the expansion of a building footprint
or addition or replacement of a structure;structural development including construction,installation or
expansion of a building or other structure;replacement of hard surface that is not part of a routine
maintenance activity;and land disturbing activities. Refer to Appendix 1 for a definition of hard
Regional Stormwater Monitoring Program means,for all of western Washington,a stormwater-
focused monitoring and assessment program consisting of these components: status and trends
monitoring in small streams and marine nearshore areas, stormwater management program
effectiveness studies,and a source identification information repository(SIDIR).The priorities and
scope for the RSMP are set by a formal stakeholder group. For this permit term,RSMP status and
trends monitoring will be conducted in the Puget Sound basin only.
Regulated Small Municipal Separate Storm Sewer System means a Municipal Separate Storm
Sewer System which is automatically designated for inclusion in the Phase II stormwater permittmg
program by its location within an Urbanized Area,or by designation by Ecology and is not eligible
for a waiver or exemption under S1.C.
H:�PUB WRKS�Utilities,Storm\NPDES II'AdministrationlSWMPs�2015 SWMPTinal 2015 SWMP Plan Including Comments 20150317.doca
RSMP means Regional Stormwater Monitoring Program.
Runoff is water that travels across the land surface and discharges to water bodies either directly or
through a collection and conveyance system. See also "Stormwater."
Secondary Permittee is an operator of a regulated small MS4 which is not a city,town or county.
Sec6ndary Permittees include special purpose districts and other public entities that meet the criteria
in S1.B.
Sediment/Erosion-Sensitive Feature means an area subject to significant degradation due to the effect of
construction runoff,or areas requiring special protection to prevent erosion. See Appendix 7
Determining Construction Site Sediment Transport Potential for a more detailed definition.
Shared water bodies means water bodies,including downstream segments,lakes and estuaries that
receive discharges from more than one Permittee.
SIDIR means Source Identification Information Repository.
Significant contributor means a discharge that contributes a loading of pollutants considered to be
sufficient to cause or exacerbate the deterioration of receiving water quality or instream habitat
Small Municipal Separate Storm Sewer System means an MS4 that is not defined as "large"or
"medium"pursuant to 40 CFR 122.26(b)(4) & (7) or designated under 40 CFR 122.26 (a)(1)(v).
Source control BMP means a structure or operation that is intended to prevent pollutants from coming
into contact with stormwater through physical separation of areas or careful management of activities
that are sources of pollutants. The SIP IMIYIIV(2012) separates source control BMPs into two types.
Structural Source Control BMPs are physical,structural,or mechanical devices,or facilities that are
intended to prevent pollutants from entering stormwater. Operational BMPs are non-structural
practices that prevent or reduce pollutants from entering stormwater. See Volume IV of the
SIVAIMIF IV(2012) for details.
Stormwater means runoff during and following precipitation and snowmelt events,including surface
runoff,drainage or interflow.
Stormwater Associated with Industrial and Construction Activity means the discharge from any
conveyance which is used for collecting and conveying stormwater,which is directly related to
manufacturing,processing or raw materials storage areas at an industrial plant,or associated with
clearing,grading and/or excavation, and is required to have an NPDES permit in accordance with 40
CFR 122.26.
Stormwater Management Program means a set of actions and activities designed to reduce the discharge
of pollutants from the MS4 to the MEP and to protect water quality,and comprising the components
listed in S5 (for cities, towns and counties) or S6 (for Secondary Permittees) of this Permit and any
additional actions necessary to meet the requirements of applicable TMDLs pursuant to S7 Compliance
with TMDL Requirements, and S8 Monitoring and Assessment.
Stormwater Treatment and Flow Control BMPs/Facilities means detention facilities, treatment
BMPs/facilities,bioretention,vegetated roofs,and permeable pavements that help meet Appendix 1
Minimum Requirements #6 (treatment), #7 (flow control),or both.
SWMMWW means StormwaterltilanagenzentManualfor IYlestern [Ylasbington (2005).
SWMP means Stormwater Management Program.
H.''\PUB_WRKS\Utilities\storm\PIPDES IMcministrationlSWMPs\2015 SWMPtFinal 2015 SWMP Plan Including Comments 20150317.docz
TMDL means Total Maximum Daily Load.
Total Maximum Daily Load means a water cleanup plan. A TMDL is a calculation of the maximum
amount of a pollutant that a water body can receive and still meet water quality standards,and an
allocation of that amount to the pollutant's sources.A TMDL is the sum of the allowable loads of a
single pollutant from all contributing point and nonpoint sources.
The calculation must include a margin of safety to ensure that the water body can be used for the
purposes the state has designated.The calculation must also account for seasonable variation in water
quality. Water quality standards are set by states,territories,and tribes.They identify the uses for each
water body,for example,drinking water supply,contact recreation (swimming), and aquatic life support
(fishing),and the scientific criteria to support that use.The Clean Water Act,section 303,establishes
the water quality standards and TMDL programs.
Tributary conveyance means pipes,ditches,catch basins, and inlets owned or operated by the Perrruttee
and designed or used for collecting and conveying stormwater.
UGA means Urban Growth Area.
Urban Growth Area means those areas designated by a county pursuant to RCW 36.70A.110.
Urbanized Area is a federally-designated land area comprising one or more places and the adjacent
densely settled surrounding area that together have a residential population of at least 50,000 and
an overall population density of at least 1,000 people per square mile. Urbanized Areas are
designated by the U.S. Census Bureau based on the most recent decennial census.
Vehicle Maintenance or Storage Facility means an uncovered area where any vehicles are regularly
washed or maintained,or where at least 10 vehicles are stored.
Water Quality Standards means Surface Water Quality Standards,chapter 173-201A WAC, Ground
Water Quality Standards,chapter 173-200 WAC, and Sediment Management Standards,chapter
173-204 WAC.
Waters of the State includes those waters as defined as "waters of the United States"in 40 CFR Subpart
122.2 within the geograpluc boundaries of Washington State and "waters of the state" as defined in
chapter 90.48 RCW which includes lakes,rivers,ponds,streams,inland waters,underground waters,
salt waters and all other surface waters and water courses within the jurisdiction of the State of
Waters of the United States refers to the definition in 40 CFR 122.2.
H PUB—WRKS1UtilitieslStormiPlPDES II''AdministrationlSWNiPsO15 S'NN1P`,Flnal 2015 SWN1P Plan Including Comments 20150317,cm
City of Auburn Annual Report for 2014
National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System
Western Washington Phase II Municipal Stormwater Permit
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Submittals wommua"umx,"/
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Annual Report
Question Permit Questions
Number Section
1 S5.A.2 Attach updated annual Stormwater Management Program Plan (SWMP Plan). (S5.A.2)
Saved Document Name: Final Draft 2015 SWMP Plan_1_021020150140.pdf
2 S9.D.5 Attach a copy of any annexations, Incorporations or boundary changes resulting in an increase or
decrease In the Permittee's geographic area of permit coverage during the reporting period per S9.D.5.
3 S5.A,3 Implemented an ongoing program to gather, track, and maintain information per S5.A,3, including
costs or estimated costs of implementing the SWMP.
4 S5.A.5,b Coordinated among departments within theJurlsdIction to eliminate barriers to permit compliance.
4b S5.A.5.b Attach a written description of internal coordination mechanisms. (Required to be submitted no later
than March 31, 2015, S5.A,5.b)
Saved Document Name: Internal Coord 20150204 draft 4b 02042015=031 p f
5 S5.C.l.a.i Attach description of public education and outreach efforts conducted per SS.C.1.a.i and J.
and 11
Saved Document Name:City of Auburn 2014 Public Education
Summary 5 02102015 141.
6 S5�C.1.b Created stewardship opportunities (or partnered with others) to encourage resident participation in
activities such as those described in S5.C.11 b,
7 S5.C.I.b Used results of measuring the understanding and adoption of targeted behaviors among at least one
audience In at least one subject area to direct education and outreach resources and evaluate changes
in adoption of targeted behaviors. (Required no later than February 2, 2016, S5.C.I.lb)
7b S5.C.1.b Attach description of how this requirement was met.
a S5.C.2.a Describe the opportunities created for the public to participate in the decision making processes
involving the development, Implementation and updates of the Permittee's SWMP, (55.C.2.a)
Public comments were requested on the draft SWMP Plan.A public hearing was held at a
City Council meeting for the public to comment, or written comments were accepted.The
draft SWMP Plan was available for review on the City's website.
9 S5.C.2.b Posted the updated SWMP Plan and latest annual report on Your website no later than May 31,
b1tpo:Hsccureacooum.wn.gov/eov/wgwe6nnduDwgwobmohroittaDl/ av0uoxtionnojre.uspx?0... 2/10/2015 |
WQWebSubmittal- Search Page 2 of 7
S5.C.2.b List the website address.
http.//www.aubu.rnwa:gov/services/utilities ,storm_d g ater Eermit.htm
/ rarna a/stormw
10 S5 C.3.a,i- Maintained a map of the MS4 Including the requirements listed in S5,C.3.a.1.-vi.
11 S5.C.3 b,v Implemented a compliance strategy, including Informal compliance actions as well as enforcement
provisions of the regulatory mechanism described in S5.C.3.b. (S5.C.3.b,v)
Yes _._._.._. ._. ._.............._.._..._.._.._............._..._.. ........ ._......_.
12 S5.C.3.b.vi Updated, if necessary,the regulatory mechanism to effectively prohibit illicit discharges into the MS4
per S5.C.3.b.v1. (Required no later than February 2, 2018)
Not Applicable
12b Cite the Prohibited Discharges code reference
13 S5.C.3.c.1 Implemented procedures for conducting illicit discharge investigations in accordance with S5.C.3.c.i.
Yes ....._..___. ._._..._.._.._._..._.._..------._.. ._.. .._. _ _..__-.
13b S5.C.3.c.i Cite methodology
Illicit Connection and Illicit Discharge Field Screening and Source Tracing Guidance Manual
W S DO.E.�_....__..........
14 S5.C.3.c.1 Percentage of MS4 coverage area screened in reporting year per 55.C.3 c.i. (Required to screen 40%
of MS4 no later than December 31, 2017 (except no later than June 30, 2018 for the City of Aberdeen)
and 12%on average each year thereafter. (S5.C.3)
15 S5.C.3.c.ii List the hotline telephone number for public reporting of spills and other illicit discharges. (S5.C.3.c.1i)
931-3048 ._.............
15b S5.C.3.c.ii Number of hotline calls received.
16 S5.C,3.c.iii Implemented an ongoing illicit discharge training program for all municipal field staff per SS.0 3.c.iii.
Yes _ __...._.........._...._......._.._._................_._..........._.._._.............................................._..__......_.-...._..................,_............._.
17 S5.C.3,C.iv Informed public employees, businesses, and the general public of hazards associated with illicit
discharges and improper disposal of waste. (35.C.3.c.iv)
Yes _...._................ _.
17b S5.C.3.c.iv Describe the information sharing actions. (S5.C.3.c.iv)
Field maintenance staff recieved training on BMPs to prevent stormwater pollution for the
work they perform, ECOSS and King County Local Source Control programs provided spill
prevention and source control technical assistance to businesses, postcards were sent to
neighborhoods where illicit discharges were Investigated reminding residents to prevent
stormw a ter pollution.
18 S5.C.3.d Implemented an ongoing program to characterize, trace, and eliminate Illicit discharges Into the MS4
per S5.C.3.d.
19 S5.C.3.d.iv Number of illicit discharges, including Illicit connections, eliminated during the reporting year.
https://secureaccess.wa.gov/ecy/wgwebportal/wgwebsubmittal/ViewQuestionnaire.aspx?Q,., 2/10/2015
WQWebSubmittal- Search Page 3 of 7
20 S5,C.3,d.iv Attach a summary of actions taken to characterize, trace and eliminate each illicit discharge found by
or reported to the permittee. For each illicit discharge, include a description of actions according to
required timeline per S5.C.3,d.iv
Saved Document Name: 1 Auburn IDDE Tracking Form Data-20 02042015_0122.pdf
.............. ..............1.1-1. ............ ........1......... ..................................................... . ...... ............
21 S5.C,3.e Municipal illicit discharge detection staff are trained to conduct illicit discharge detection and
elimination activities as described in S5.C,3.o,
........... ................................... .......... .......... .......
22 S5.C,4,a Implemented an ordinance or other enforceable mechanism to address runoff from new development,
redevelopment and construction sites per the requirements of S5.C.4.a.
............ ...................................... ...... ............. ........... ............
24 S5.C.4.a.i Number of exceptions granted to the minimum requirements in Appendix 1. (S5.C.4,a.i., and Section 6
of Appendix 1)
....... ...... ..... ............ .................. ................ ...... ..... ......................................................................................................
25 S5,C 4 a I Number of variances granted to the minimum requirements In Appendix 1. (S5.C.4.a.i.,and Section 6
of Appendix 1)
..... .................... '......... ........ ...........1-........... .................. ..............
26 S5 CA b.1 Reviewed Stormwater Site Plans for all proposed development activities that meet the thresholds
adopted pursuant to S5 C 4.a.i. (S5.C.4.b.i)
................................................Yes..........................................................._.'_..................................- ............ ......... ............................................................................
26b S5.C.4.b.1 Number of site plans reviewed during the reporting period.
............... ........... . ..... ... .............
27 S5.C.4.b.ii Inspected, prior to clearing and construction, permitted development sites that have a high potential
for sediment transport as determined through plan review based on definitions and requirements in
Appendix 7 Determining Construction Site Sediment Damage Potential, or alternatively, Inspected all
construction sites meeting the minimum thresholds adopted pursuant to S5.C.4.a.l. (S5.C.4,bJi)
... ............ ...........-.............................. ...... ........... ............. ...... ............
27b S5,C.4.b.il Number of construction sites inspected per S5.C.4.b.ii.
... ... .... ...... .............I............ . ........... ... ..........
28 S5.C,4.b.iii Inspected permitted development sites during construction to verify proper installation and
maintenance of required erosion and sediment controls, (S5.CA.b.iIi)
........... .........
28b S5.C,4,b.iii Number of construction sites inspected per S5.C.4,b.iii.
......................................... .............. .................. .......................... ...... ..................
29 S5,C.4.b,1i, Number of enforcement actions taken during the reporting period(based on construction phase
ill and Inspections at new development and redevelopment projects). (S5.0 4.b.11, III and v)
........... ....................................................... ............ ........................ ................. ...............1.................. ................
30 S5,C.4.b.iv Inspected all permitted development sites that meet the thresholds In S5.C.4.a.i upon completion of
construction and prior to final approval OF Occupancy to ensure proper Installation of permanent
stormwater facilities. (S5.C.4.b.iv)
. ...............I.............................Yes..........I..................................... .......... .......... ..........
..... ............ ..............I............................I...........................................
31 S5.C,4.b.ii-
IV Achieved at least 80%of scheduled construction-related inspections. (S5.C.4,bJi-iv)
.. ........... .............. ......I.,..........
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WQWebSubmittal - Search Page 5 of 7
45 S5.C.5,a,ii Performed timely maintenance per S5.C.5.a.li.
46 S5.C.5.b Annually inspected all municipally owned or operated permanent stormwater treatment and flow
control BMPs/facilities. (S5.C.5.b)
_Yes._._.._._. _.._.._.._..._._.. ._.. ._. ..._.... ............._......_._............
.._..__._. .__..._.....__..........._........_............._............... _..._.,...,.......__..._.. ._. .__......
4615 S5,C,5.b Number of known municipally owned or operated stormwater treatment and flow control
BMPs/facllities. (S5.C.5.b)
........ .._. ._.._ ._..__._.__......._....._245.......... ._.._. ._......_................._.._....._..._.._..............................................._.. ........._........._._. ._. .__._._...,_..__....._._....._.._...._.. ._. .............._.._.._..._..
46c S5.C,5 b Number of facilities Inspected during the reporting period. (S5 C,5.b)
46d S5.C.5.b Number of facilities for which maintenance was performed during the reporting period, (S5.C,5 b)
47 S5.C.5.b If using reduced inspection frequency for the first time during this permit cycle, attach documentation
per S5.C.5.b.
Not Applicable
48 S5.C.5,c Conducted spot checks and Inspections (if necessary) of potentially damaged stormwater facilities after
major storms as per 55.C.5.c.
. .._........,................_........................_......................_...........__._.........................._........................................._......,....._......._......_................_........................._...._.........._....._................
49 S5.C.5 d Inspected all municipally owned or operated catch basins and inlets as per S5.0 5.d, or used an
alternative approach. (Required once no later than August 1, 2017 and every two years thereafter,
except once no later than June 30, 2018 and every two years thereafter for the City of Aberdeen)
Not Applicable
49b S5.C.5.d Number of known catch basins.
49c S5.C.5,d Number of catch basins inspected during the reporting period.
17 5 6..............._.
49d S5.C.5.d Number of catch basins cleaned during the reporting period.
....._.._..............._..,.....,._........_... ......._339 ........_........_.._.........._. _..._. ._. _. __.... _. ...
50 S5,C.5.d.1-II Attach documentation of alternative catch basin cleaning approach, if used. (S5,C.5,d,i or li)
Not Applicable
51 S5.C,5.f Implemented practices, policies and procedures to reduce stormwater Impacts associated with runoff
from all lands owned or maintained by the Permittee, and road maintenance activities under the
functional control of the Permittee. (S5,C.5.f)
52 S5.C.5.g Implemented an ongoing training program for Permittee employees whose primary construction,
operations or maintenancejob functions may impact stormwater quality. (S5.C.5.g.)
53 S5.C.5.h Implemented a Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan for all heavy equipment maintenance or storage
yards, and material storage facilities owned or operated by the Permittee In areas subject to this
Permit that are not required to have coverage under an NPDES permit that covers stormwater
discharges associated with the activity, (S5.C.5.h)
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WQWebSubmittal - Sourob Page ho{7
54 S7.A Complied with the Total Maximum Daily Load (TMDL)-specific requirements identified in Appendix 2.
55 S7.A For TMDLs listed in Appendix 2: Attach a summary of relevant SWMP and Appendix 2 activities to
address the applicable TMDL parameter(s), (S7.A)
Saved Document Name;City of Auburn 2014 TMDL Summary_55_021,,02015-0143.pdf
56 S8.A Attach a description of any stormwater monitoring or stormwater-related studies as described in S8,A.
Saved Document Name:City of Auburn 2014 Monitoring Summary-56_02102015_0143.pdf
57 SO.B.1 Participated in cost-sharing for the regional stormwater monitoring program (RSMP) for status and
trends monitoring. (S8.13.1)
58 SEI.C.1 Participated in cost-sharing for the regional stormwater monitoring program (RSMP) for effectiveness
studies. (SB,C.1) (Required to begin no later than August 15, 2014)
59 S8,D.1 Contributed to the RSMP for source identification and diagnostic monitoring information repository in
accordance with S8,D.1. (Required to begin no later than August 15, 2014)
60 G3 Notified Ecology In accordance with G3 of any discharge into or from the Permittees MS4 which could
constitute a threat to human health,welfare or the environment. (G3)
61 G3 Number of G3 notifications provided to Ecology
62 G3.A Took appropriate action to correct or minimize the threat to human health, welfare, and/or the
environment per G3.A,
63 S4.F,1 Notified Ecology within 30 days of becoming aware that a discharge from the Permittee's MS4 caused
or contributed to a known or likely violation of water quality standards in the receiving water, (S4,171)
64 S4.F,3.a If requested, submitted an Adaptive Management Response report In accordance with S4.F,3,a,
65 S4.F.3.d Attach a summary of the status of Implementation of any actions taken pursuant to S4,F.3 and the
status of any monitoring, assessment, or evaluation efforts conducted during the reporting period,
66 G20 Notified Ecology of the failure to comply with the permit terms and conditions within 30 days of
becoming aware of the non-compliance. (G20)
67 G20 Number of non-compllance notifications (G20) provided in reporting year.
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G20 List the permit conditions described In non-compliance notification(s),
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City of Auburn Annual Report for 2014
National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System
Western Washington Phase II Municipal Stormwater Permit
Question 1. Attach updated annual Stormwater Management Program Plan (SWMP Plan)
Attachment follows:
Resolution No. 5131
Exhibit "A"
Full document attached to
Resolution No. 5131
City of Auburn, WA
March 2015
4g V-05
. 0
City of Auburn Annual Report for 2014
National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System
Western Washington Phase II Municipal Stormwater Permit
Question 4b. Attach a written description of internal coordination mechanisms.
Attachment follows:
Question 4b. Description of internal coordination methods
SWMP Component Key Staff Positions Notes/Comments
Coordination of Permit implementation Water Quality Programs Coordinator(WQPC)(L),Storm WQPC works with lead staff in other
Drainage Engineer(S) departments/divisions to promote Permit
Coordination between jurisdictions with interconnected WQPC(L),Storm Drainage Engineer(5) WQPC communicates with neighboring M54 managers
M54's as necessary.
Stormwater Management Program Plan development and WQPC(L),Storm Drainage Engineer(S) WQPC leads update process. CDPW staff,the public and
updates City elected officials provide comments/suggestions.
Public Education and Outreach
Awareness building outreach WQPC(L),Utilities Engineering Group(5),Solid Waste WQPC and Utilities Engineering staff participate in the
Utility(S),Multimedia(S) regional STormwater Outreach for Regional
Municipalities(STORM)group and promote their events
within the City. The Storm Drainage,Water and Solid
Waste Utilities work together to coordinate messaging,
Multimedia provides technical production support.
Behavior change outreach WQPC(L),Utilities Engineering Group(S),Solid Waste WQPC and Utilities Engineering staff participate in the
Utility(S),Multimedia(5) regional STormwater Outreach for Regional
Municipalities(STORM)group and promote their events
within the City. The Storm Drainage,Water and Solid
Waste Utilities work together to coordinate messaging,
Multimedia provides technical production support.
Stewardship Environmental Services Manager(L),Environmental Environmental Services Program staff coordinate
Services Program(S),Parks Maintenance(5) stewardship events which are supported by Parks
Department staff
Measurement of understanding and adoption of targeted WQPC(L) Any reports on measurement and adoption of targeted
behaviors behaviors are routed to the WQPC for discussion by
Storm Drainage Utility staff for inclusion In the annual
report. Information in the report helps refine future
outreach efforts.
M:\PUB_WRKS\Uti1ftTm\Storm\NPDES Illgdminis tion\Annual Reports\2014 Report\Internal Coord 20150123 zls
Question 4b. Description of internal coordination methods
Public Involvement and Participation
Create opportunities for public participation in SWMP Plan WQPC(L),Storm Drainage Engineer(S) The WQPC schedules the public comment period and
updates public hearing to allow for comments on the SWMP
Post SWMP Plan and Annual Report on City website WQPC(L),Multimedia Department(5),Engineering The WQPC coordinates with Multimedia or Engineering
Services Administrative Staff(S) Services Administrative Staff to have the SWMP Plan
and Annual Report posted on the City's website.
Illicit Discharge Detection and Elimination
Mapping Storm Drainage Technician(L),Design Technician Storm Utility is conducting field inventory of storm
Supervisor(L),Storm Drainage Engineer(5),IT/GIS Division drainage assets and coordinating with IT/GIS to update
(S) GIS maps.The Design Technician Supervisor coordinates
with IT/GIS to ensure that capital projects are entered
into the City's GIS maps.
Prohibited discharge ordinance development/updates WQPC(L),Storm Drainage Engineer(5),Legal Department Storm Utility staff coordinate with the Legal Department
(S) and others to update city code as required.
Program to detect and identify non-stormwater discharges WQPC(L),Storm Drainage Technician(S),Water Resources Spill or dumping reports are received at Maintenance
and illicit connections to MS4 Technician(S),Storm Division Crew(S) and Operations(and through any other City staff). Once
received they are routed to the IDDE investigation team
(WQPC,Storm Drainage Technician,and Water
Resources Technician).The investigation team may
request assistance from storm maintenance staff if the
television truck,smoke testing,traffic control or
confined space entry are needed.The WQPC conducts
IDDE screening as part of the annual inspection of all
municipally owned or operated permanent stormwater
treatment and flow control BMPs/facilities.
Program to address illicit discharges,including spills and WQPC(L),Storm Drainage Technician(S),Water Resources Identified spills or illicit connections are initially
illicit connections,into the M54 Technician(S),Storm Division Crew(S),Code Enforcement addressed by the IDDE investigation team. Spill clean-up
(S) often requires the assistance of storm/streets
maintenance staff.The IDDE investigation team works
with the Building Division and Code Enforcement to
address illicit connections.
Training for staff responsible for identification, WQPC(L),Storm Drainage Technician(S),Water Resources The WQPC ensures IDDE identification and reporting
investigation,termination,cleanup,and reporting of illicit Technician(S) training is conducted for new staff and that the IDDE
discharges,spills and illicit connections I investigation team is kept up to date in their training.
H:\PUB WRKS\Utilitles\storm\NPDE511\Administration\Annual Reports\2014 Report\Internal Coord 20150123.,],,
Question 4b. Description of internal coordination methods
Recordkeeping WQPC(L) The WQPC maintains records pertaining to Illicit
Discharge Detection and Elimination.
Controlling Runoff from New Development,Redevelopment and Construction Sites
Ordinance that addresses runoff from new development, Storm Drainage Engineer(L),Development Engineer(S), The Storm Drainage Engineer is the lead on code
redevelopment and construction site projects Construction Manager(5),Legal Department(S) updates related to controlling runoff from new
development,redevelopment and construction sites and
coordinates updates with Development Services and
Construction Management to ensure that the changes
are communicated to review staff All code changes are
coordinated with the Legal Department.
Program for permitting,site plan review,inspection and Asst Director of Community Development Services(L),Asst Developers work with Planning staff prior to submitting
enforcement for private and public projects Director of Engineering/City Engineer(L),Development plans to ensure that their project will meet City zoning
Engineer(S),Storm Drainage Engineer(S),Construction standards and that environmental review is complete.
Manager(S) Developer plans are received through the City's Permit
Center The plans are routed through the development
review process including review by Development,Traffic
and Utility Engineers,Construction and the Building
Department staff. Approved development plans move
to Construction for inspection by the Construction
Inspection and Stormwater Management Inspection
staff during the construction phase. Public projects are
designed in house or by consultants under City contract
to meet City stormwater standards. Construction
oversight is provide by Construction Inspection and
Stormwater Management Inspection staff
Program to verify adequate long-term operation and Storm Drainage Engineer(L),Development Engineer(L), Development Engineering staff prepare and ensure that
maintenance of stormwater treatment and flow control Water Resources Technician(S),Storm Drainage permanent Maintenance and Inspection Easement
BMPS/facilities Technician(S) documents are approved and recorded for each
development project. Prior to recording,the documents
are reviewed and signed by the Storm Drainage
Engineer. Annual City budget includes allocations for
operation and maintenance of public stormwater
Make copies of"Notice of Intent for Construction Activity" Development Engineer(L),Development Review Engineer The Development Engineer and his staff provide Notice
and"Notice of Intent for Industrial Activity"available to (5) of Intent information to developers during the design
representatives of new development and redevelopment phase of development projects.
H:\PU B_WRKS\Utilities\Storm\NPDES INAdmimstmtion\Annual Reports\2014 Rep ort\Internal Cmrd 20150123 Al
Question 4b. Description of internal coordination methods
Train permitting,plan review,construction site inspection, Asst Director of Engineering Services/City Engineer(L), Training on the plan review process is conducted by the
and enforcement staff to conduct these activities Asst Director of Community Development Services(L), Asst Director of Engineering Services/City Engineer and
Development Engineer(L),Construction Manager(L) the Development Engineer. Construction site inspection
and enforcement staff training is coordinated by the
Asst Director of Community Development Services and
Construction Manager.
Low impact development code-related requirements Storm Drainage Engineer(L),Development Engineer(S), The City has organized a core group to implement Low
WQPC(S),Asst Director of Community Development Impact Development.The group,led by the Storm
Services(S),Building Official(S) Drainage Engineer includes Permitting,Planning,
Development Review,Building and Storm Drainage
Utility management level staff.
Watershed-scale stormwater planning WQPC(L) The WQPC will ensure that watershed-scale stormwater
planning is addressed when required.
Municipal Operations and Maintenance
Implement maintenance standards that are as protective, WQPC(L),Storm Division Crew(S) The WQPC utilizes maintenance standards that are
or more protective,of facility function than those specified equivalent to those in the Stormwater Management
in the Stormwater Management Manual for Western Manual for Western Washington when inspecting public
Washington treatment and flow control facilities. Maintenance and
Operations staff that are performing catch basin
inspection have been provided with equivalent
Annual inspections of all municipally owned or operated WQPC(L) The WQPC conducts inspections of all municipally
permanent stormwater treatment and flow control owned and operated permanent stormwater treatment
BMPs/facilities and flow control BMPs/facilities.
Spot checks of potentially damaged permanent Storm Division Manager(L),Storm Division Crew(S) Storm maintenance staff under direction of the Storm
Stormwater treatment and flow control BMPs/facilities Division Manager perform inspections after storm
after major storm events events to look for facility damage or maintenance needs.
Inspection of all catch basins or inlets at least once by Storm Division Manager(L),Storm Division Field The Storm Maintenance Division under direction of the
August 1,2017 and every two years thereafter Supervisor(S),Storm Division Crew(S) Storm Division Manager is responsible for completing
catch basin inspection and maintenance in accordance
with the schedule outlined in the Permit.
Establish an inspection program designed to inspect all WQPC(L),Storm Division Manager(L) The WQPC is responsible for inspection of public
sites and achieving at least 95%of inspections treatment and flow control facilities.The Storm Division
Manager is responsible for ensuring inspection of all
public catch basins.
H:\PUB_WRKS\Utilities\5torM\NPDES I\Administ2tion\Annual Reports\2014 Report\lntemal Coord 20150123.xlsx
Question 4b. Description of internal coordination methods
Implement practices,policies and procedures to reduce Asst Director of Public Works Operation Services(L),Parks The WQPC prepares documentation of practices,
stormwater impacts associated with runoff from all lands Maintenance Manager(L),Facilities Manager(L),WQPC policies and procedures to reduce impacts from City
owned or maintained by the City,and road maintenance (S) lands and maintenance activities.The Asst Director of
activities Public Works Operation Services,Parks Maintenance
Manager and Facilities Manager are responsible for
implementing those practices.
Train employees whose primary construction,operations Asst Director of Public Works Operation Services(L),Parks The Asst Director of Public Works Operation Services,
or maintenance job functions may impact stormwater Maintenance Manager(L),Cemetery Supervisor(L),Golf Parks Maintenance Manager,Cemetery Supervisor,Golf
quality Course Greens Superintendent(L),Facilities Manager(L) Course Greens Superintendent and Facilities Manager
ensure that new staff receive training on best
management practices to prevent stormwater pollution
from their work practices;including follow-up training to
address changes in procedures,techniques,
requirements or staffing. Documentation of training is
submitted to the WQPC.
Implement a Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan Asst Director of Public Works Operation Services(L),Storm The Asst Director of Public Works Operation Services,
(SWPPP)for all heavy equipment maintenance or storage Division Manager(S),Cemetery Supervisor(L),WQPC(S), Storm Division Manager and WQPC make up the
yards,and material storage facilities two Cemetery Maintenance Worker II positions(S) Pollution Prevention Team for Maintenance and
Operations. Two Maintenance Worker II positions make
up the Pollution Prevention Team for the Cemetery
These teams implement the SWPPPS,including annual
review and update(if needed).
Maintain records of inspections and maintenance or repair WQPC(L),Storm Drainage Manager(L),Vegetation All records of inspections and maintenance/repair
activities conducted by the City Manager(S),IT/GIS(L) activities are entered into the City asset management
software program.The WQPC records inspections and
Storm Maintenance staff(under supervision of the
Storm Division Manager record maintenance and repair
activities. IT/GIS assists with managing the asset
management software program.
TMDL Compliance
Beginning no later than October 1,2013,conduct twice Storm Drainage Technician(L),WQPC(S) This work has been completed.
monthly wet weather sampling of stormwater discharges
to the White River at Auburn Riverside High School
For any Dutfalls monitored that show discharges exceed WQPC(L),Storm Drainage Technician(S) This work has been completed.
water quality criteria for primary contact recreation:
designate those areas as high priority for illicit discharge
H'\PUB_WRKS\util'IUes\storm\NPDE511\gdminis tion\Ann-I Reports\2014 Report\Internal Coord 20150123.xlsz
Question 4b. Description of internal coordination methods
Install and maintain pet waste education and collection Parks Maintenance Manager(L) The Parks Maintenance Manager oversees installation
stations at municipal parks and other City owned and and maintenance of pet waste stations and disposal
operated lands adjacent to streams. Focus on locations receptacles.
where people commonly walk their dogs
Monitoring and Assessment
Status and trends monitoring Storm Drainage Engineer(L) The City is paying into the Regional Stormwater
Monitoring Program.
Effectiveness studies Storm Drainage Engineer(L) The City is paying into the Regional Stormwater
Monitoring Program.
Source identification and diagnostic monitoring Storm Drainage Engineer(L) The City is paying into the Regional Stormwater
Monitoring Program.
Annual Reporting WQPC(L),Storm Drainage Engineer(5) The WQPC receives and compiles data related to
implementation of the Municipal Permit with the
assistance of the Storm Drainage Engineer.The WQPC
fills out the annual report and is responsible for
submitting the report to the Department of Ecology.
H:\PUB_WRKS\Utilities\Storm\NPDES II\Admimstmtion\Annua1 Reports\2014 Report\Intemal Coord 201S0123A1
City of Auburn Annual Report for 2014
National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System
Western Washington Phase II Municipal Stormwater Permit
Question 5. Attach description of public education and outreach efforts conducted per S5.C.1.a.i and
Attachment follows:
City of Auburn 2014 Public Education and Outreach Summary
Public Education Activity Target Audience Comments
City Storm Drainage Web Site General Public City website provides general information on the
City's storm drainage program, links to the City's
SWMP and annual reports and lists the Spill
Reporting hone number.
City Storm Drainage Web Site Private Storm Facility Owners City website provides information on maintenance
and Managers standards for private storm drainage systems.
Stormwater Outreach for General public Auburn participated in this regional public education
Regional Municipalities program. PSSH branded information and items
STORM were distributed.
Puget Sound Starts Here City General public The Mayor issued a proclamation that May was
Proclamation Pu et Sound Starts Here Month
Solid Waste & Recycling Homeowners Provided information on disposal options for
Newsletter household hazardous waste and on keeping
hazardous waste out of stormwater. Included
reminder for pet owners to clean up pet waste.
Puget Sound Starts Here Vehicle owners The City advertised the Don't Drip and Drive
Don't Drip and Drive campaign on it's closed circuit television channel in
Campaign public facilities.
ECOSS Spill Kit Program Business types included Outreach and educational training was provided to
automotive,food service, gas 76 businesses in 2014. 46% of the businesses
stations, grocery marts and contacted spoke English as a second language.
Water Festival Fourth and fifth grade students 311 Auburn students attended Water Festival 2014
where they learned about stormwater, pollution
prevention, wetlands, salmon, drinking water and
sanitary sewer issues through hands on activities
and presentations.
Natural Yard Care Workshops Homeowners The three workshops were attended by between 20
and 32 people per session (39 unique households)
from the south valley area of Auburn (Main St south
to the White River). Attendees learned that they
could have beautiful, healthy yards while reducing
their de endence on pesticides and fertilizer.
Kid's Day School children and their One day fair where approximately 1,500 children
parents visited the Auburn Utilities booth and learned about
stormwater pollution prevention and other water
resource information.
Carwash Kit Program /IDDE Property owners/managers Kit checkout procedures continued to include a
process were the City verifies that a kit will function at
a site rior to it being check out for use.
Volunteer Vegetation Planting General public The City organized and led native plant planting at the
at the Fenster Nature Park Fenster Nature Park.
Volunteer Mulching at the General public The City organized and led an event to spread wood
Reddington Levee Setback chip mulch around native plants that had been planted
Site at the Reddin ton Levee Setback Site,
Volunteer Vegetation Planting General public The City organized and led native plant planting,
at the Auburn Environmental invasive species control and mulching opportunities at
Park the Auburn Environmental Park. Approximately 150
volunteers artici ated.
City of Auburn 2014 IDDE Education Summary
Public Education Activity Target Audience Comments
Rain Drain Postcard Homeowners in areas where Postcard was mailed to 63 residences in areas
illicit discharges are suspected where illicit discharges had been identified.
Rain Drain Postcard -updated Homeowners in areas where Developed a new postcard to send to addresses in
illicit discharges are suspected the vicinity of illicit discharges. Postcard reminds
residents that storm drains flow to the nearest river.
Includes illicit discharge reporting number and is a
"Puget Sound Starts Here" labeled product. Mailed
to 83 addresses in 2014.
Best Management Practices Municipal operations staff 81 municipal maintenance staff attended the training
Training to Prevent including Community on stormwater pollution prevention related to the
Stormwater Pollution for Development and Public work that they perform.
Municipal Operations Works Department and Parks,
Arts and Recreation
Department maintenance
ECOSS Spill Kit Program Business types included Outreach and educational training was provided to
automotive,food service, gas 76 businesses in 2014. 46%of the businesses
stations, grocery marts and contacted spoke English as a second language.
I poop, you scoop ad Ad was placed in the Lakeland The Lakeland Hills area includes the drainage basin
Hills HOA newsletter where Auburn has a fecal coliform TMDL.
Poop scoop information was This information is distributed The recycling newsletter is distributed in the
included in the City's recycling City wide Lakeland Hills TMDL emphasis area.
City of Auburn Annual Report for 2014
National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System
Western Washington Phase II Municipal Stormwater Permit
Question 20. Attach a summary of actions taken to characterize,trace and eliminate each illicit
discharge found by or reported to the Permittee. For each illicit discharge, include a
description of actions according to required timeline per S5.C.3,d.iv.
Attachment follows:
2014 Illicit Discharge Detection and Elimination Summary
and G3
[mnsvtuted a
3 Date Incident threat to human 10.Source 14 Corremon/ 15.Final
2.Unlpoe roily heagh or the 7.Imm0— 9.Howdld you kam about Tmnng 11.Indicator 12 Pollu[ant[sf Elimin—. Rewlutlon
Identifie, orted 6 Fre.uo., nt1 Respons0 the problem? Methods: Terting: Identified: 13.Source or Cause: Method Date 16.Field notes,-1.non .and other com —
134-00182 1/23/2014 Naturally--X No Yez Staff Refeml Visual—on color,—.I Natural Source bon—Fla No—Needed 1/23/2014 RcocR,d problem vnzidentlfledu iron c.—da
docharge Indictors
1400122 1/14/2014 One-Lime Spill or Yes Yes Staff Refeml —I loco. N t—d Vehicle Fluids Vehicle Other leaplain in 1114/2014 14.Spill o(oil(romavehicle accident Absorbanl,dtl were used
Discharge Field 16) to clean up the o8.
R1400341 2/10/2014 louden[not found No Yez ERTS V¢wl recon No[—d Not Id-111d Source NoI Identified Other leaplaln In 2/10/2014 Report of oil on mad wr/ace.In[ersemon l—ian dons not eort
Feld 16) in AUbum Sveebthat mayhm been In cortetTh/Itlenil0ed w ere
Invertigated.Ec.1o,was nonf.d that the imcdene may bein
Sumner inrtead of Auburn.
R34-00460 2/2112014 One-come Spill or No Yes Staff Referral Viwal recon Not Used Vehicle Fluids Vehku No Amon Needed 2/2]/2014 Reponctspillfmmvehiclecalltnan.Found—n—!'.coon
D—harge —.f remeeableaheen on pavement wrface.
R34-00552 3/3/2014 On—, Spills No Yes 5—Referral Visual-on Viwal mdiamrs Vehicl�Fluids Vehicle Other[eaplaln In 3/4/20]4 Repon.f veM1icle fluidsfroman acntlsni.loffusedab.1-1
Discharge Field 16) pads to pickup as much spill N fluid as p.svble.Pad,were
placed io the gutter line at aiN basins to try to atch atldnio.l
fkid/sheen.Pads were collected and disis.sed of on 3/4/]4.
11400588 3/11/2014 Intermittent Yes Yes Call from property owner ualrec.n Flow,Ind.,, Sewage/6ep1oIge Multlfamlly Ed—[ion/Technic 4/9/2014 Preliminary results ofa mlitorm tort indicated tnala ill�crt
Vival al AfTlatance, ciin or Eroken uwer line is DreunC Baud on Ne[ert
indicaors, Enfor< .sues and Inmsswage contaminatN stormwater wason the
Coliform ten Problem Not ground and dischargN from the property tludng rtorm everts
—1 d[..plain in tho nor—was turned over to code enf�rcementand
Field 16) [he building department.The p.,M manager was dl,...d 1.
pump residual contaminatN rt.rsnwa[er to a uwer cleanom.
Cora on Is in process
R14-00b10 3/10/2014 One-time Spill or No Yes ERTS Visual In., Visual indicators None Found Indurtrul Education/Fechnic 3/11/2014 Baud on ERTS.642365 WHW mspetti.n Sff responded.No
Ducharge .1AUlrtance,No e,d,n,,to bn pport he orted attivlry a vsibe InspeRrs
—.on Ndd roved
nvnagement proc[ke Inf.rmno'0n to the business
0.1400242 3/2112014 One-brae Spill or N. Yes ERTS,OtM1er Agency Refe —.1 n— Odra,Visual Vehicle Fluids Indurtrul,Vehicle No Action Needed 3/21/2014 Th,CAy red. .oil from the EPA that a spill had occured.
Discharge indictors Sufi vizrced the she and found that fuel had spilled on the.r..nd
whn.persona unknown were rtealing fuel from a parked—do
The spilled fuel entered a prisaM norm system Tha business
main[ n nager had apphld adsorbent and booms to
e of Me.II,and had rnportod[he spill-The manager
oc—weNng for DOE responu to determine what mathed t.
lean the parking 1.rd rtorm y—No fuel entered the,
nidpal M54.
0.3400796 3127/2014 One-time Spill or No Yes Visual observabon Visual recon Odor,Viwal Vehicle Fluids Vehcle Other leaplalm in 3/27/2014 Diesel ah—tracked over]/]mile of road wA—Trsll beome
Ducharge Indicators FwId 161 to,diRuu to foll.w bef.re a wurce cwld be idenufied
R14-00805 3128/2014 One-Lime Spill or Yes Yes -if Refeml —1 recon Od.r,—II C.nue[e Farm --Iction Educ[i.n/technic 3128/2014 A een Woil based convete forth r6—agent was rckasN
Ducharge Inch.— Rekue Oil .lAUirtance, fume mnrtmciion zRe after forms ore appliatbnzpnyer were
Bnr,,n.r/Operatic ono sidewalk d-ing a heavy rain.The sheen flowed ortloa
ns MOdifim[ion porous concrete moot and Into a rtorm dal.The—co,
,rotted[he problem by re ring potential vurces and
cleaned all remang shin from the area
814410887 4/7/2014 On--Spill., No Yes ERTS Visual—on Not UUd Ethylene glycol Public School No ion Needed 4/7/2014 Maintenance 1—cor was working on the schools
Ducharge heater/chilkr unit and spillNpronnn—N 15 gallons of
ethylene glycol The EG drained into[he onsiRe norm drainage
sytem h,,h leads m..school's storm pond.The pond
discharges directly to weten of thesta[e.No impact to the MS4.
2O14 Illicit Discharge Detection and Elimination Summary
and G3
(co aineda
3.Dateinckent Ihreaito human 10.Source 14 Cumeakn/ 15.Final
2 Dnique Inklally In—O,the 7a Immediate 9H—did you I..,about T—"U 11.lndcaror 12 P011utant(sl Elimination 0.esolution
Ida,niger r.o.nod 6 Fr iii ry entf Response? [1i4 problem? Method. Testing: IdeMdied' 13 Source,,GUS+: Method. DMe 16.Field rate;opbnati—,and other comments:
R14-009]0 a/16/2014 Onrnme SpAlor Yes Yes SoH Reteml V al—on Not USM Vehrde Fluids Vehcle Othi,r(e Wn in 4/1612014 Found oil sheen on mad.,tace for—blocks,followed the tail
Dbcharge Oa'd 161 a shopping center and be hind the building.Found where
absorbent had been applied and found a paper wffee cup Nil of
warts el.Pickedu panel bagged the coffee cup of pit and some
of—absorbent for disposal The property management
wn,was called and a mesn¢e Icft that more ck.—O vas
R-1051 4/25/-4 NA Hotline Vival recon Color,Ode, None Found Source N.ldemified No A.on Needed 4/25/2014 Anonymous railer reported diesel or antihecu bcing tlumped
V¢ualindicators mdmin No ewdenceo(dumpmgwasfoundo aa-
in roe do.—on norm
0.34-01061 4/29/2014 Orrtime Spol0r Yes Yes Pollutron Hotline Vial rnon V—al indicators Food Warte/Oil, Source Nor ldenufied an,,(uplain 1. 4/29/2014 Investsgation found Oat charcoal bm—as,ash and grease had
Dscharge charcwl Field 161 been dumped inro —1-tasin m an alleyway.Gtchbsin and
brfqueites downsveam rynem were cleaned Apo.card was xnt to a0
adores ntho 11riry notifying them that storm drains are for
0.14-D— 5/212014 Onetime Spill or Y. Yes Pollutron Hod— Vtsval—n Vsual indicators Vehicle Fluids Vehicle Other(eaplain in 5/212014 Spill Of motoroil from a vehicle..,den,Applied absorbent and
p;sch,rgp Field 16) —i,It up for du..LStreetSweeperwasusedrora-
resl dab—lair.
0.14-01176 5/9/2014 Unconfirmed NO Yes ERTS V.al recon V.al indicators None Found Unconfirmed Report No Action Needed 519/2014 rah(report of anemployee dumping warts liquids into a xwer
Repoli caled o o[he EPA who forvnrdetl the report to WSDOE.
Cky Investlgat—Inspected thin on and cook find no evldence of
llllca dlscM1a c
V714-03957 5111/2(114 One-Ome Spell or Yes Yo ERTS,Other Agenry Vi.alrewn Color,—I Np[Idennnad Source Not ldenufietl Etlucation/fechnic 511WO14 51,11 U4lMy doff rupondcd ip '=of an unknown
Ducharge 0.0.-1 indicators al ASSislan-. s.b- Ina Cry storm pond.Maierialmry be a—wlnt bul b
Problem NO[ wrydilute Noewdenreofdumpingwazfo..d uDSiream ofth,
Abated(uplaln In p„d.P.—will be Beni to the neighborh re
ood minding
Field lb) P.Ple to not use the—syrtem for waste dlzpeul.
0.14-01366 6/2/2014 Onr—Spill or Yes Yes Staff Referal —I recap W., l SedimenV-1 Vehicle Other(e.Plain In 6/21201¢ Scmitrvck and inter Breve orcrwdlnto dash that cpnveysa
DLCM1arge Indicators VeM1kie Fluid. Fisk 16) m.Due to the+cddent oil,dl met and an�R—were
zpilkd,tantemin+NnL soil and waxer in the dun.—uaii also
tort,.load of Iands I and soil amendmentsimp the ditch
(bags of aand,rock rt,,,manurq potting soil and bark mukhl.
DOE corrtaRed with NRC to provide cleanup aa—for the
cnnpnunatip,.Tow—Oany inn—mot—ae hebad
w the vale,load
0.34-01706 7/3/2D14 One-time Spill or Y- Yes Staff Referral ¢vat recon —1 indcaors Vehicle Fluids, Vohale O[no,(—fair in 7/3/2014 Warte Management garbage[Nrk mlied werand leaked
Discharge Dumping/Ffash Fleld 16) hydaullcdl.Absorbent pads andgnnumrabsarbenl were used
and clean u the oil.
0.24 8/1/2014 One--s illor Yes Yes Pollutron Hotline Vsual recon Npt Oxd Vehick Fluids Vehicle Other(aplain in 8/1/7014 OilspilJ from vehicle accident Appbedabsorber and swept It up.
Duchar a F.1d 16
0.25 ]/20./71134 One-time Spill,, Yes Yu Pollution Hotline V.al—on Noe USed Vehlck Fluids Vehcle Other(Mt—in 7/28/2014 Oil dained from a raving whicla.Staff.d absorbent to clean
Duch.,S. Rold 161 u p are a,wham the of had puddled.Vehicle on,ld rot be
R28 7129/2014 Ono-ume Spill or Ye. Yes Staff Referral Visual won Flow,Odor Sewage/Sep.,,Sanmry Werflow Other(esiplain in Sewege,ou from a Pruett swage lift statlon serving,
—harge Fled 10 mercM/mnnuhRUnng development Ctty mff con[atietl
Ne pwnertp Aop[he werflpw.The City roll be workng wkh the
R66 8/7/2.14 One-pine Spill or No Yes Staff Referral Vouai recon Will Paln[ Public Exalt(-pNinl Other(eYplalnm 8/7/2014 C,nGlner,(Iate.pail fell off,(a City of AUbum lmek and
Dbcharge Fkid]6) zDilled aDPmaimai eNlga¢on of paint of the road surface The
w rt was washetl from the road irrcq the#ort,ryrtem and a
eduator—k used to clean the water and paint from the catch
base V—nhoks
2O14 Illicit Discharge Detection and Elimination Summary
and G3
(t..ethmed a
3.Dal ncident threat w human 10 Source 14.[.creed../ 15.Final
2 Unique na,11, heahh or the 7a.I—ad— 9.How did You learn about Tracing 11.Intlia 0r 1Z Pollubnt(s) EN--Resolution
Idammar ra,n.d 6.Frequency nt) Response the problem] Methods: Tesdng. Id—Ified. B.S.Ym or Cause Method o^ Data 16.Field notes,mpla,,n ns.and otherc.mments.
RS95 9130/2014 One-time Spill or Ye[ Yes P.Ike tall Visual recon ii—i[indict..Vehkle Fluds Vehicle Othm(u Wn in 9/30/2014 Auburn POike called and,,.—ed spill response staff,.s.nd
Discharge Field 16) by ate rollover truck accident in ese fluids spilled d unng righting
andt.wmgofthetruck Staffprmndedoversightasthet—kwas
ngh[etl antl towed Andheeze spilled an the road sh0uber antl
oa the road wrtate.Anwrea:e:pfllad.n the mad w,fa.waa
immediateN e.omed wgn aba.rbent mraaponL
R676 LO/15/2014 Oncgme Spill or Yes Yes Pollution Hotline Vwal moon Odor,Visual Vehicle Fluids Vehkle Other(ezpkln In Fl 10/14/2014 Vehkc fled fl,,t6(gasand possbly W)onto road surface.
Oocliarge indi.[ors Absorbent was applied and cleaned up for disposal.Fluids did
of leave the mad wrface.
R772 10/31/2014 One-time Spill or No Yes Staff Referral Visual recon Odor,Visual V-d.Flufds Vehicle OA,tion Needed 10/3112014 Report ola sheen.n caeca runoff.Iktl in to NO thy.54ff
Discharge indicators responded and found sheen ftvm a couple drip spots being
washed ofthe meet by the rain No recove.bk fuel or oil was
pre M
R693 10/15/2014 0-11—Spills Yes Yes POIWti.n N.tline Visual recon Visual indicators Vehrtk FWdz Vehicle fre No Action Needed 10/16/2014 ftunnoff fmmfire flgMing acbvRturtafire of Nree semi wcks
Discharge dluharged vehicle fluids Into a short.s.pneM of piped ystem
and ditch bne.
R804 11/10/2014 O—tlmI Spillor Yes Yes Staff Refernl Visual rem. Viwalintllctors Late.paint Resident Education/ llnS12014 OUCh-geof.Airy liquld lntoa retch basinwas—,ad by the
Dittharge Technl.l Gry's data inventory crew NO flow was entering the lnle[[p the
Assirtance pipe upstream.The norm crew smoke[erted and[elevssed the
pipeline and while that wu occvring a neighb.dng property
[old invertigming staff that he had washed can a paint
brushrI..his d,,.—y d.in which u ded into the pipe The
p ,nyowner was provided—denbal BMPInbmntbn for
prevents.st Ilutiorl
,,,M Ll/26/2014 0 flaSpI1IIr No Yes Staff Referral Vlzualrecon Vlsuallnd-11 Foam .[Id.ntlfled Edutol /6/2014 Su w tl .v in a catch ain. rt p.,.—
Diuliarge P...rd mil d[. id—Mad.ne ether cinch basin wdh d,i.Condnued
neighborhood rveRlance over[he nest week didnt identity any further iswes.
This issue is occudng In other areas of[M1e[fry so may be from
u.l muses Samplescollectedon12110 12014 Analysis
indicted that wrfac[ants were non-detect and fecal cohform
ro wkhinn eforrtormwater.
R987 12/11/2014 O-1—Spill or N. Yez Staff Ref—I Visual recon Visualindi.—Vehicle Fluids Vehicle lmden[ No Action Needed 12/11/2014 Mm0ram0unt ofv,h.Ae fluid spiikd on road surface due tea
Dt ,_a •+ahicleaaMen[dudng heavy.in.Nofl.idwmfec.ve.ble.No
sheenwasobserved In adi,—vetch bad..
R901 11/24/2014 One-dine Spills No Yes Staff Refernl Visual recon Visual Indkators Turbid water ConmmRi.n site Issue had cleared 11/2412014 Turbrcl water reported veer the weekend.InspeNOn on Monday
Discharge up by the time mingsh—„dnoiswe Follow-up inspections were clear as
invertigatbn well
R923 12/4/2014 0-1.1 Spills N. Yes Staff Refernl Vuuai recon Msual indicators Vehkle Flulds VeMCIe N.Aaron Needed 12/4/2014=,d,.,ove.ble spill of veWCle flubs was found.—c-was
Oizrhar a utside Auburn i'unsdini.n.
R1008 12/]5/2014 Unknown No Yes Staff Referral VBUal recon Ysual indictors Foam Possibly natural Up-ii—system 12/16/2014 Fwm presem v,mecca catcM1 basin.No evid—,fan illicit
ses was lmpec or dbcharge.Si.”,issue b being an.—d U,.
Oita indiaadn it a be from na[u.l.uses.
R1031 12/18/2014 Nrtu.IN.tearing N. Yes S[a ff Referral Visual recon Visual indicators Iron ba—la Natural cause No Action Needed ll/18/2014 Report of brownwbstance In ditch I nvesdgatars determined
discharge [hat h sues iron bacteria
R3035 12/18/2014 One-Ume Spill or No Yes Staff Retinal Visual recon Vsual indicmors Plaster .—fa--, Refa=coda Open er from form manufactu.ing had I,—I.—i..the
Oecharge Inf.memen[ par king b[.fthe busmen.N.evidence Nat d had made it into
,ha dro discharge Ed.—regarding C2ty coda nnuiremens.
s conducted.Code enforzement wu.11.1 enbrce clean-
nic. 22/23/2014 One-dm<Spill or No Yes Staff Refernl V...I rerun Vi...I Mica,ors are washing BUpoingekaning Edu..—/technic 12/23/2014 Commercialpreswre washingrompany wu washing a building.
Oiuharge al Assirtanra Much of the marerol bemgrem.vetl was bird n1-and west..
Provided BMP rnf.mution end req—d that they sweep up and
bag Ne solids as they were washed from the build 119 to keep Ne
.In from wazhingNem Into Ne si0rm ystem
Rya_ utuaa—Wmrs syoonpa m.rm..waavee4...i.tt r,eia.inrcr...aa ra...o...e..
City of Auburn Annual Report for 2014
National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System
Western Washington Phase II Municipal Stormwater Permit
Question 55. For TMDLs listed in Appendix 2:Attach a summary of relevant SWMP and Appendix 2
activities to address the applicable TMDL parameter(s).
Attachment follows:
City of Auburn 2014 Puyallup River Watershed Fecal Coliform TMDL Summary
Action Comments
Completed second wet season of illicit discharge Sampling throughout the drainage basin did not
investigative sampling within the drainage basin produce results that would indicate the presence
draining the north end of the Lakeland Hills of an illicit connection to the MS4.
neighborhood into the White River.
Install and maintain a pet waste education and A pet waste education and collection station is
collection station. installed and maintained at the off leash park in
Roe ner Park.
I poop, you scoop advertising. An "I Poop, You Scoop"ad was run in the
Lakeland Hills Homeowner Association newsletter
Inspected catch basins and manholes within As part of the City's data inventory staff inspected
drainage basin to identify all inlets/outlets. and collected geographic data on approximately
95%of the storm catch basins and manholes
within the drainage basin. All inlets were verified
to ensure that illicit connections were not present.
No evidence of illicit discharge was noted.
H:\PUB_WRKS\Utilities\Storm\NPDES MAdministration\Annual Reports\2014 Report:City of Auburn 2014 TMDL Summary.docx
City of Auburn Annual Report for 2014
National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System
Western Washington Phase II Municipal Stormwater Permit
Question 56. Attach a description of any stormwater monitoring or stormwater-related studies as
described in S8.A.
Attachment follows:
City of Auburn 2014 Monitoring Summary
Monitoring Purpose Comments
Fecal coliform Illicit discharge The "T" basin which drains a portion of the
sampling investigation Lakeland Hills neighborhood was identified
as a high priority area for illicit discharge
investigation under the Puyallup River
Watershed Fecal Coliform TMDL. Sampling
within the basin did not indicate the
presence of an illicit connection.
Fecal coliform Illicit discharge Confirmed that fecal coliform was present in
sampling investigation discharge from private property. Property
owner identified and repaired a broken
waste pipe.
Fecal coliform and Illicit discharge Investigating the source of foam found in
surfactant sampling investigation the storm drainage system. Insignificant
fecal coliform and no surfactants were
found. Determined that the foam was
naturally occurrin g.
H:IPUB_WRKS1Utllitles\Storm\NPDES lMdministration\Annual Reports12014 Report\City of Auburn 2014 Monitoring Summary.doc