HomeMy WebLinkAbout03-23-2015 TRANSPORTATION BENEFIT DISTRICT BOARD AGENDAA N-nr or �� • fft WASH I NG"I'ON CALL TO ORDER II. ACTION Auburn Transportation Benefit District March 23, 2015 - 4:00 PM Council Chambers AGENDA A. 2014 Annual Report* (Snyder) Transportation Benefit District Board to approve the 2014 Annual Report III. DISCUSSION ITEMS A. Discussion and Possible Direction on Board Preference(s) for Funding Alternatives Authorized under Chapter 36.73 RCW (Transportation Benefit Districts) and Chapter 3.23 (Transportation Benefit Districts) of the Auburn City Code* (Snyder) IV. ADJOURNMENT Agendas and minutes are available to the public at the City Clerk's Office, on the City website (http: / /www.auburnwa.gov), and via e -mail. Complete agenda packets are available for review at the City Clerk's Office. *Denotes attachments included in the agenda packet. Page 1 of 25 C -M OF AUBURN WASH E NG1'( -)N AGENDA BILL APPROVAL FORM Agenda Subject: Date: 2014 Annual Report March 17, 2015 Department: Attachments: Budget Impact: Public Works cover Memo $0 Annual Report Administrative Recommendation: The Board approve the 2014 Annual Report required pursuant to RCW 36.73.160. Background Summary: Reviewed by Council Committees: Councilmember: Staff: Snyder Meeting Date: March 23, 2015 Item Number: ACT.A ACT.A AUBURN * MORE THAN YOU IMAGINED Page 2 of 25 Memorandum DATE: March 18, 2015 TO: Nancy Backus, Board Chairperson Board of Directors of the Auburn Transportation Benefit District FROM: Kevin Snyder, AICP, Director, Auburn Community Development and Public Works CC: Shelley Coleman, Treasurer /Auburn Finance Director Dan Held, Legal Advisor /Auburn City Attorney Dam Daskam, Clerk of the Board/Auburn City Clerk Ingrid Gaub, PE, City Engineer /Assistant Director, Auburn Engineering Services Randy Bailey, Assistant Director, Auburn Maintenance & Operations Services SUBJECT: March 23, 2015 Transportation Benefit District Board Meeting The Auburn Transportation Benefit District Board is scheduled to meet on Monday, March 23, 2015, 4:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m., City Council Chambers of Auburn City Hall, 25 West Main Street, Auburn, WA 98001. The agenda items for the meeting are: 1. Board approval of 2014 Annual Report required pursuant to RCW 36.73.160. 2. Discussion and possible direction on Board preference (s) for funding alternatives authorized under Chapter 36.73 (Transportation Benefit Districts) and Chapter 3.23 (Transportation Benefit Districts of the Auburn City Code. For the first agenda item, the Board will be asked to take positive motion action to accept the 2014 Annual Report. For the second agenda item, there is no official action required of the Board. Rather, Board consensus will be sought on one or more potential funding alternatives for additional review and possible future action consideration by the Board. Please find attached the following attachments for the Board's review prior to the March 23rd meeting: Attachment 1: 2014 Annual Report Attachment 2: March 18, 2015 Transportation Benefit District (TBD) Funding Options Memorandum from Shelley Coleman, TBD Treasurer /Auburn Finance Director Attachment 3: March 23, 2015 Transportation Benefit Districts (TBD) — Statutory Overview & Funding Alternatives Discussion ACT.A Page 3 of 25 ATTACHMENT 1 AUBURN TRANSPORTATION BENEFIT DISTRICT 2014 ANNUAL REPORT (RCW DATED MARCH 23, 2015 Pursuant to RCW 36.73.120, the Auburn Transportation Benefit District shall issue an annual report, indicating the status of transportation improvement costs, transportation improvement expenditures, revenues, and construction schedules, to the public and to newspapers of record in the district. The Auburn Transportation Benefit District was formed on September 19, 2011 with the passage of Ordinance No. 6377 by the Auburn City Council. The Auburn Transportation Benefit District was established in accordance with the statutory provisions of RCW 36.73 (Transportation Benefit Districts). Subsequent to its formation the Auburn Transportation Benefit District Board has not, through its own authority or through voter approval, implemented a funding mechanism(s) to make or fund transportation improvements necessitated by economic development and to improve the performance of the transportation system within the geographic boundaries of the District. Therefore, at this time, the Auburn Transportation Benefit District does not have any substantive report for the status of transportation improvement costs, transportation improvement expenditures, revenues and construction schedules. Following Board acceptance of this Annual Report, it shall be made available to the public and to newspapers of record within the District. ACT.A Page 4 of 25 C -M OF AUBURN AGENDA BILL APPROVAL FORM Agenda Subject: Discussion and Possible Direction on Board Preference(s) for Funding Alternatives Authorized under Chapter 36.73 RCW (Transportation Benefit Districts) and Chapter 3.23 (Transportation Benefit Districts) of the Auburn City Code Date: March 17, 2015 Department: Attachments: Budget Public Works TBD Funding OpticnsMemo from Director Coleman Impact: PowerNint $0 Administrative Recommendation: Background Summary: Reviewed by Council Committees: Councilmember: Staff: Snyder Meeting Date: March 23, 2015 Item Number: DI.A DI.A AUBURN * MORE THAN YOU IMAGINED Page 5 of 25 CITY OF * AtjBijiK Finance Department WASHINGTON Memorandum ATTACHMENT 2 To: Nancy Backus, Board Chairperson, Auburn Transportation Benefit District From: Shelley Coleman, TBD Treasurer /Auburn Finance Director Date: March 18, 2015 Re: Transportation Benefit District (TBD) Funding Options The City formed a TBD in September 2011. To date there have been no revenues collected. There are several revenue options available under the law, most requiring voter approval: • Excess Property tax levy for one year to fund operations or multiple years to repay long terms bonds issued to fund capital projects; • Sales and Use Tax levy -up to two - tenths of one percent (.002) or $.002 on the selling price of taxable items within the TBD; • Vehicle License fees may be increased from a maximum of $20 to $100 with voter approval; and • Tolls maybe imposed with voter approval on streets within the TBD boundaries, subject to approval by the tolling authority, the State Transportation Commission, for city streets. There are a few revenue options that do not require voter approval: • Vehicle license fees up to a maximum of $20 per vehicle; • Impact fees, however they must be credited against any impact fees imposed by the City; • Local Improvement District (LID) assessments. The City may impose a special benefit assessments for LID's via the petition method Funds can only be used on 'transportation improvements' per RCW 36.75.015 and the improvements must be included in the regional plan. To meet the regional plan requirement, the Page 1 of 2 DI.A AUBURN MORE THAN YOU IMAGII *e 6 of 25 City files its six -year Transportation Improvement Plan (TIP) with Puget Sound Regional Council (PSRC) who incorporates the City's TIP with their regional plan. Also, the improvements must be performed on arterial streets or streets of major significance. Below is a matrix showing funding options. (The LID assessment is not included here but would follow the same process as any LID formed by the City.) Page 2 of 2 DI.A AUBURN* MORE THAN YOU IMAGIIge 7 of 25 $20 -$100 License Fee .2% Sal es & Use Tax Ad Valorem Property Taxes in Excess of the 1% Limik Ad Valorum Property Tax to Retire GO Bonds Issued for Capital Purposes Only. Commercial Construction Fees Road Tol Is Levied for the amount Impose fees on Each additional Estimated Annual Revenues $700k -$3.5M $3.7M 0 1% generates of the debt service building Impose a toll, $172k. annually until debt is construction or retired. land development. Voter Approval No and Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Taxes, fees, charges, some Fees up to $20 per Based on 2614 Can exceed the Voted Go Bonds, with Fees and charges Collection vehicles licensing fees, and tab do not require taxable retail 1% limit for a maturities not would be net of dependent on tolls require approval by a voter approval; sales in the City one year period. exceeding 40 years. any transportation District voter majority of voters in the Fees $21 -$100 of $1.83B. Amount of impactfee approval. District, voting on a per tab do require indebtedness: non voter imposed by a city proposition, at a general or voter approval. approved up to 1.5 %of or county. special election. All AV ($123M) or 5% of AV propositions must include ($410,0D0,000). specific description of the improvement(s). Authorizing RCW 36.73.D65 36.73.D40 36.73.060 36.73.060 -.070 36.73.120 36.73.065 Page 2 of 2 DI.A AUBURN* MORE THAN YOU IMAGIIge 7 of 25 ATTACHMENT 3 Auburn Transportation Benefit District Meeting March 23, 2015 Transportation Benefit Districts (TBD) - Statutory Overview & Funding Alternatives Discussion Fast Facts: Transportation Benefit Districts authorized by Washington State Legislature in zoos (RCW 36.73) 6o Transportation Benefits Districts established statewide between zoos and 2014: 57 cities 3 counties Between zoos and 2Oo8, the following funding efforts have occurred: 35 TBDs have imposed $20.00 vehicle license fee 1 TBD has imposed a slo.00 vehicle license fee (Burien) 14 TBDs have obtained voter approval of a sales tax DLA Page 9 of 25 36.73 Mane p0rta • ton Benefit CW36- 73.010 • icts ) (intent): pistr The legislature finds gublic and that the citizens of e private sectors � the sta fostered throe h e rs �n addressin tra to can benefit b co fund transportation enhanced capability nsportation needs. °perpera of the improve the portation improveme for cities This cooperation improvements necessitated b' town and counties to 1On can legislature tpe�ormance of the transportation eCOno make encourage ansp0rtation s mac deVe►0 and private sector to reS ge.lO1nt efforts b the Ystem. It is the intent and to state high�,ays co pond to the need fo state, local governments/ of the allowing county roads those trans nments/ and the g cities, towns , and city streets This portat;on irn order to respond and counties to establish goal can be better achieve on resulting from the specialtran I'sh better achieved seeks in to facilitate private sector al transportation need benefit districts by acilitate the equitable for the and economic 0 cts �n developments ma quitable partici a Pub,, c good T Opportunities costs. y generate the need p t1On °f private developers legislature also for el those improvements °pers whose DVA P ments in the improvement p vement Page 10 of 25 arspoCtd�,. -- o,� t�G OX p . ,.-fir fan tour y t Tray y...el ��� , at'or p city, r O�e ec . `carte 015 s °�' ate °r � 21. P p ref6.13 e tr ay p an�Z .02o� �c� 3 �n th ' r °r g 6 �13 tate� . gyred �arr� g CW 3 s o{ s ac�t11 on cotta t�or p . • d �r R hv� all h cap ortat� Ong orta ert�f �e hag ce hag ansp transp as �d eX�st�ng • �f�car ther tr arce he . d;ct�on e� or a� sign . and 0 . r�f�c c��de t • �r�s t �r n e nor anon, ode s '� Aso �r trren s oj r g ort tat, a s or • ry es ter �a� tr arse � or s cts r� y • ��t�es � a\ ar �b�\c Bona rode iac� r�nc`p ' or p of reg ert. P these p ortat� arts a e'm ce of arse r ° gr rrar g teran tr s and p and ,main o{ 25 roject � °n deCn and page �1 p ortat� r� anon tr ansp . r ese anon, p open ° ra, \*" pr g 0\.N RCW 36-73.020(:L): TBDs can acquire, construct, improve, provide and fund transportation improvements within the District that are consistent with existing state, regional or local transportation plans and necessitated by existing or reasonably foreseeable congestion levels .... To extent practicable, TBDs shall consider the following criteria when selecting transportation improvements: Reduced risk of transportation facility failure and improved safety Improved travel time Improved air quality Increases in daily and peak period trip capacity Improved modal connectivity Improved freight mobility Cost - effectiveness of the investment Optimal performance of the system through time Improved accessibility for or other benefits to persons with special transportation needs Other criteria established by governing body DLA Page 12 of 25 me General: Must be established by the legislative authority of a city or county Members of the establishing legislative body = governing body of TB D Quasi - municipal corporation Independent Taxing Authority — Article VII, Section 1, State Constitution Taxing District — Article II, Section 1, State Constitution Page 13 of 25 Cor'P °rate of pkjb"lc'P tat�te es P11 po`N a1�y �onferredby es� Staff and Servic Spec�f1� \oye �thority to hire e'�'p ropert`I P ter lnto cOntra�t5 rea, and persona, p En of t Hold and d�sp�se 1"p ercen d be sped taX �n eX�esso°v d y p; strict See an Pert"y hen appr `evy ad valorem qvo ar period `N Page A4 of 25 tion {Or 1y 1�m�ta voters 00. Provide for retirement �SSUed for ►rement ° f voter -a rcap►tal Of pprOVedgenera► o . valorem property only — b lev bl�gat ;on bo authorized p tY tax levies ; Y y'ng bond retirement nds — by pistrict voters n eXCeSS of 1 Percent ad If approved b ent /�mitat ;on if approved majority of District ed taxes ict voters, impose fees, charges pOSe or in District t g and to/is crease alread that Incorporate Y impose b p to all of the boundaries within voter approval, governing b °d n a jurisdiction body following may Up to a$20 vAhc, ►� g wITH�UT Fee or char � (K(- W 36.73.o6S) Dl.q charge on building constructi on or land development (RCw36.73.i20) Page 15 of 25 orate r" " ee rebate vi - � exceed are °'` ob��gat�U� I erty `,I Cor'P h�c�e f r�otto enera �e prop ;sr a ve bonds roped g { taXab EStabv at\ °r' ter app valve ° eras obi g none° t of the er ve gen tand�ng ercen 65 -0 th �s5 her ovt5 a� t° 1.5 p 46 �� °n BM of ess eav RCw 3g . d ebtedn ce `Nth �� ;strict accordar' �on> the p onas \\ e `stmt v enve b . �°nS -R g �ssve re ovs Prove ;strict t�on5 . ce��ane gent d d dona Mss `r,�pro�e rants an a �oca� 4gs 6 ofi Form endjvse Page 1 t and eXp ;n eats Accep t dox, `N em�nen hay � p Exercise fior scr ee t and D \.P COOVac t hag Established with passage of Ordinance No. 6377 by Auburn City Council on5eptember1q, 2011: District encompasses corporate boundaries of City of Auburn Governing Board of Auburn TBD = Auburn City Council Meetings of TBD governed by procedural rules applicable to Auburn City Council Mayor is Chairperson of Auburn TBD Auburn City Attorney is Legal Advisor to Auburn TBD Auburn Finance Director is Treasurer for the Auburn TBD DLA Auburn City Clerk is Clerk to the Board Page 17 of 25 �� ' •�� 3•z3.0 .....The trans 40): be made in pO�ation improve its in frastru structure to 'gents funded b Protect the ��t � Y the failure to reduce Y s long-term d Strict shall e, to improve the risk of invest infrastructure ov Safety, to �ont�n� transpo�ation facility in replacement time, to avoid e Optima/ cility ments in the to more ex pens of within the Cit e and to improve Pensive infrastructure he Y °f Auburn.,, Dissolutio model connectivity Auto n of p�strict () CC3 23.0 0 . eti�- 'eallydissolve n 51• been r d when have d and all of the all Indebtedness of been satisfied, district s antic i the distric gated t has responsibilities Page 18 of 25 d proceea,, I% j Aube act ;ons an Charter govern the Charter g dude' d rocedures ;��es of Boar ►n rarr,s an p Art n-�gD � . 1es� prog d p;str►ct ur s of Aub istrict p° ►c - r ers °n) an Power �er�1ent � Xcept Cha► p lisp and ►'mp °i{ ;cers Ce Estab ve Board 0 Dint and rem eats App ees and ag debtedness e,�'pl °Y d incur ►n s money an . tract fund Borrow tment of D►s vide for ►Hues res ;dents P r° Comr�nittees to � c►tY sh Board _limited page 1,90125 Estab�► o,mrn►ttees dv isorY C State \ aw Cr e ate A ste nt `N ►th o�ers cons► pI.A Other p .e Save Our Streets (SOS) Program: Focused on crack sealing, asphalt patching, pre - leveling, asphalt overlays and reconstruction of local (unclassified) City streets $2.6 million in 2015 s1.6 million in 2016 Funded from combination of Construction Sales Tax and other city funds Arterial Street Preservation Program: Focused on regular pavement maintenance and /or rehabilitation of classified City streets —overlays, rebuilds, spot repairs 61.96 million in 2015 $2.7 million in 2016 Funded from 1% utility tax adopted in 2008 and Street Preservation Funds Important Point: To fully address short -term and long -term street maintenance and operation needs within the TBD boundary, s5 -6 million annually is needed. Page 20 of 25 Potential Implementation Options— Raising and Investment of Funds: Raising of Funds: Board Action Only (No Voter Approval): $20.00 Vehicle License Fee Fee or charge on building construction or land development Vote r Ap p rova l : Sales Tax General Obligation Bonds Revenue Bonds DI.A Local Improvement District Page 21 of 25 .%P p 3�.� j.W-- .,tarin a��,.,. tares a�,,,. $2 °$ a,,u °ftax R d use n to any other nder chapters The rate in the provisions ales an to . m °seas addit,o e state v f the 61 of a sales taXI or is is in xable by th o�ndarie5 ° of S�blect a j-1)(306 � . section the case Lion �2i °f th 6.73 RCw m y1 -el this wh° are to within the b 'n Pace �n din ....,,e -36-73 i f not 3 author ose persons event t of the self gas provide This Earl � r a period e tar Th cted from th ce of any ,,),,\)\e one Percen tar. EXcept . n ten years' eXtended fo cone he °cc�rren of se ceed� g be the election. on t d fw ° "tenthsthe case °f a v eriod eX • secti °n' may up of eXcee , �sed� ,n osed for a P of this tern voting at maybe shall n the articke not be ►,p subsection �2) e of the v° 201 0 vai�e Of a ta'y' may itions °f su • ,five vot after 1U1y . are er the c°nd ith an a, der this section this section secfionI the er 1re'ments of osed end ten years imposed Un ece�ved end \th the regv ,mP eXceed'�ng tax initially the moneys r ccordance w no sales ears ,f -a pr °red ten y ss incurred �n a dance with 2 The voter p exceeding ebtedne actor or a period ent of Ind ent in osed f repaym 1On mist be ape 22 0125 �fnp r the nder this sect page dedicated f° RCS' ed � chapter 36.73 the tax impos received from r 6 73 RCVV . �3� M °ney is of chapte 3 eCkW,emen t Potential Implementation Options - Raising and Investment of Funds (Continued): Most jurisdictions = $20.00 Vehicle License Fee Treasurer - $87S,000 (est.) raised with Board approval of $20.00 Vehicle License Fee Sales and Use Tax Option: Treasurer — Up to $3.7 million es Sales a C t.) raised with voter approval o and Use Tax PP of a .2 /0 Important Point —This approach " residents. pp captures" more than just Aubur ... non - residents who use Auburn streets n pay for their improvement o would also help to DI.A peration and maintenance. Page 23 of 25 _..ease in Sales and �Se taX in" ``"� with an orts for gossil0e dealing rushed e are Should nit be t the f act Hare to a�cep .eat _ raising a t hat they are ge*lting unpop�lar d to understand Se tax increase Citizens ne to a sales and inforrr'ation effO�� for agreeing education) public versations on..golny ears of public ��n vired Board or the y for discuss and theTBD Mukt:jqkei0flIfnS � eeded.-be ll �� �harnp Page 24 of 25 p,tulbufO City cokjf16 0I.PP End ol Presentation p\.P, Page 25 of 25