HomeMy WebLinkAboutUntitled � . 'FY�:' . , �WI
�" 201312270�0290
;' M1M Ffotdit� s Aubum SW Bloek LLC sr�ua�+T r t�E ia° �9•ee
� 1�138'Fai�il6vJ Ayenue East,#300 vacE-00� �F 008
12/27/2 13 t0.08
°' �eattle,WA B81U2 KI� CO�rr' �
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:�. S�'�'F1�I/AFZ�` Tl•�'L;F_ '. �"°"� a 12/27/2013 10:04
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Eaerow Numbe't:, 130002Q083y � ?� � " °' '�::.. ,�
Fltetl tor Recortl aY$�queGl oF.:Sfox�drt.Tlt(o Quarq�a��C.o�eny•Natlona!Title SaMees
DOCUMENT$ TITLE(S): '':,w' "� a
arrenry Deed f
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RANTQRIs1� ,... ' ...,. ?`
City of fCuburn�' ,,
� Ho�dings.Aubu�i�$f/1�BIOak LLC ,,,
tns. Lf�':�r-8;�BIk;ES TOwn of SI¢upbter ��"'
�: .
AX PARCEL NUMBE��(3):,;",�r` %".,'•
81670-0225-04, 781�570-02APOS,and 7815"/0=025.6-02r"<,,.
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' Retytn Address:
,�� MW hloldfngs Aubum SW E31ock LLC
1936:'�airvicw Ave. E.N300
,6�aFt�e,)Vy�,98102 :
.,. .f1 .: ..,�
Abova�hislina reservad for recording infortne�ion.
' +� I
� [YefecCnat�� �(ifappl�ceble)�,,,,,NlA �
, •�s :' ?�L'irantorlparrp'wer, Ciiy of Aubum �
`':,.Q�ant�elAg3ignee/�'e,�'elicieryr.�M1db3oldings Auburn SW 9bck LI.0
,�''�Legal D�scnp,�ioNSTIZ• Ih�gi�l.ts. I-8,Blk 5 Town of Slaughter—see Exhibit
s ; ;'"q,for complete legal descriplion .
� Assbssor.!"s Tax.parcc�`7ON.;` 781570-0225-04,781570-0240-OS,and 761570•0250-
t `L �",.
For and in consideretion qf,the'�surtl pf"CF�hl�:;DO�LA►tS'j."510,00) and other good
and valua6le consideration, reCai�t pf whic}� is Nereb,y acknbwJedged, GrAntor, the City
of Auburn, a municipal co�porati�sn qf thc 5tale of'lNasfiing5on,.;,hereby conveys and
werrants Go,MW Holdings Auburn S�V �Iocf�.44C, G�Antee hcPCm, Ila;.successqrS,and
essigns,�ie property legplly described and'.depicied':in �xhifiit '��,�",a�lacfigd heFeto�!hnd
incorpo,cated Ncrein by this reference (ih�„ "Pcdpehy";) su,lu�Ct tb tf7e errc+rtted
enciimbran�,es dP;,scribed in Exhibil "B", attecl9'ed herele cyid incBP�Sor¢.4ed ;�er�in by
reFerGnce. -
I.�or end in,eonsideralion hereof,THE PARTIF,S HERrTO F�fRTH�R A'GR6E as
fpllow¢i Th�l if(;'ra�tce.,,fails lo comply wilh cach and every provi�ion"of'sec4�on 153 of
the prarchpse arFll,,sale agreement between thc Grenlor and the Grarrteg'; dnted M�y 20,
2p13, Ihis dee,,d sliall aeC.ome,null snd 4oid,at the oplion of lhe Orantor, wl7ich shal] have
the'ri�M to pA-enter;and:sake.pos�es�ion of the property as �hough this dced had not been
,,... �
On or before the;�'e=�ntry by�lJie;�r&nlor, the Grantor will pay the Graniee (i) the
Purchase Price stated�'i'n Section 3, (ii)'°an.y and all::�ransfer costs, if any, essociated with
the re-cntry by the Grantoi�, and,.(eii) reimi�ur,se G�snti� for all development cosls directly
related to the Venical Cd'�structiQn, �ncl�i$ing but noi"'limiteA to construction costs,
WSST, permi) and entitlement•�Feet, erchit�ctural antl ehgi�j¢e'ring fees, financing interest
and fees, inspection fees, and the like; Provided, thal ihe„GXantor;shall not pay any costs
from a third party, or any costs based oh GSa7itee'S qCtivi[ies as u broke�;
,,,, .: r :: , . ;; ;
(b) Provided, thnt if Graniee's lender'tom'mits'in yvritj.iig to cqli�pFeie"ih�, project
not luter�h�n 10 calendar days after the dale of the''�FantaT's noti�e �q'Gitantee and?lender
thet the Grantor intends to rr-enter and take possession Of tkre Prcroperi�, the`�rtantoi sfi�H;.
give lender such time us Crantor and lcnder shall agrc;e is rCasorlab{e,notwithsiand+ng the';, '".,
. � g p • � -. " . �,,.. ... ;.
ume limitaiions in Section 15.3.1 of this A reement,to com ]e(e ons�ruC,lio,n. ''.�` .
City of Auburn/MW I-loldings Aubum SW Block LL.0 ,�`
I2.24.1J "� `
1'age I ol'6
+, i'
`', `` This Wazranty Deed may be axecufed in wunte�parts, eact� of which st�all be an original,
` �baCafl of which shap constitute one and the same Warrenty Deed.
"" '� ;��fN WCTNES$ WHEREQzF, tHe perties have caused this instTUment to be executed by its
�'�, �. ,' prvQbr'afficei(s)this 7th day of December . 2013.
"� GYantof: Granta:
`'' .'�'he,City''o��AuSurii ` "�" � ,�•V�'r MW Holdlags Auburn SW Block LLC, I
�' ,q' � a Washington limited liability company
.,.�.' i'r",d" a ,,°'
' „�� .i% . a.�.:a
�`a., i�� "a� a ;r By: R.D. MerrID Real Estete Holdings,
�.- '` f, . r' . LLC a Washin on limited liabilit
:,,.. , B� Y
:r' ;'� company,
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By. . . .�� By:,, ,r,
Its: Meyor'� �. ',Its: r'S;V F': � �.,d
Date S18ned: �,�.,,'bafe Signgd'°�.�,a a-�o°,
B.r.'^A:� ��'��' .Y �
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1 cnhify thut 1 knnw or 6��6'salisfac�dry pvidenco:that �� �lL�o1�'��� �-Ihe
personSWho appear�d^b'9Core` rn�; and so�p'ereon(s npkno Icdgcd at he/sh e signed this
instrument, on oeth stated t�nt ��(adel�iej�;was ere aull�briied to execbte lhe instrument ond
acknowledged i�as�hc SVPIC}� an��es��f R':D.. M�rrill Reel Esmre Holdings,
LLC,a Woshingion Lirtdt�e. Liah�ity,y`bmphny;''the Mun, m�'MeiY,�b�,of MW Holdings Auburn
SW Block LLC, to Ee �he free and wky��ary.,act'oP S6cl�''pertq/partie's, for Ihc usea arid purpases
mentioned in this instrumrnt. " ,
t. ... : r
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Dated�oZ.�P���3 ..
, ��,. „ ..::..
STATE OF WASHING70N '^'�` � "'' � °
�e" A. . a�Pn�, � . .
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COMMISSIUN EXPIAES Notery Public in and'for)he:Swk of"•W r �•'`� �"
; ..,.....,.
OCTOBER 19, 2016 raiding a� 2: —::� :; �,.„�.
. My eppoinlment upires :� ;r' ;
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City of AubumlMW Holdings Aubum SW Block LLC �"'^°
12.24.13 " �'�
Page 2 of 6 . ��
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:'',ThSS Warranty Deed may be executed in counterparts, each of which shall be an original,
' bv'l ul1 of which sha11 constitute one and the same Warramy Deed.
i' ;�N,W13`I�lESS WHEREOF, the purties hnve caused this instrumcnt to be executed by ils
•� ,�pioper'office"r..(s}this 27th day of December , 2013.
.. ,,.r : ,; :
""^. ,''Oranlor:' : , ;:..,....,
T.6e C(ty 4f,AubNrp ', ,.,.,?', �'' MW Noldings Auburn SW Block LLC,
� ;; ,,•' � o"�� a Washingwn limited liability company
ss' r a.,Y J,, .� .,�.,s
,... ,r' ,..;r�:`�4'' ,,•vr �� ""'r By: R.D. Merrill Real Estate Holdings,
� P.
,r „` ., , �:.;;' LLC,a Washington limited liabilily
,.... '•,,,, company
�,+' lts: Managin� Member
. " �'A
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By: s'y: .
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Its: Mayo�,.,, ,...:Its:
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Date Signed '';L��u,�drii 3 Date'Si�ed: ' �»� `�
i —, a�.
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Dalc Signed:
S,TA'fE`Of�_ . )
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Cour"rFy„R,!�.,:.:' ' a`` .= ; � , -
I certify lhai I kpow`bY�J,havE,Setlsfaetory e'vidence that is �he
person who eppEqred befm`e,;me„and �s@id:;persoi�s) acknowledged tha� he/shdthty sfgned �his
instrument, on OBII7�"'9i'81Ld INBI �ie/she/th�j� ivas/were rai,uhorized to execute the instrumem and
ecknowledged It ns�he � af R.D. Merrlll Real Estate Holdings,
LLC, a Washington Limitcd Ujpbili�yryCOmpahy, jfie M�a�'rhg,fJlcmbcr of MW Holdings Auburn
SW Block LLC, to be the fr`ee„end,,.WoliNitary.:'acl �`}'such p'anyRparlies for �he uses end purposas
memioned in Ihis instrument. �° °°
Notery Public`iq;und for UYe S�aie„of"_�' ,
reslding at ;' ' '' ''`: : ' "',.
. .
,• : , .,�
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My nppomimuu expires' �'�� ;,,,,,•
Ci�y oPAuburn/MW Ffoldi�igs rluliurn SW Block LLC ,�' ���
I 2.24.I 3
Page 2 of 6 �'
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I cenify �hat``t,Jcnow pFheye sujisfac`fary evic�fq�,e"thgl Pctcr B, Lewis is the person who appeared
before me,and saitl�S'erson ackndwledged�}�q�rh�Isfi`P�signed this ins�rument,on oath siaied tha�he was
authorlrrd to execute ihk instt�ument anqrock�low��dgcJ it es ihe Mayo.r of �he City of Aubum, e
Weshingion municlpal c6rpo�e[lon,.�o bef the'freran¢•vo7ilntery ac� oGsi4�h pany for �he uses And
purposes mentioncd in this Instrumcnt. ;<`
Da�ed /o�d-(o�de/ 3 �,'.�".,.�`,�: ;� ,�,.,:r �.:: ,;�
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�e ���;��i F�lc�{,�,ry Pbb�lcln.�nd for,aho.,�Stste of �
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City ofAubum/MW Holdin�s Aubum SW Rlock LLC '�
12.24,13 `
Pnge 3 of 6
_ ;,l`
;'' Exhibit A
,'' ,;t ;. ,;•� .....
• ,d�LCfe 1 en0 2, Qlock 5, Town of Slaughtor, according to the plal thereof recorded In Volume 2 of
`E� { PIa1s,:paga 56;.records ol King County,Washington;
. , ,,...,,,,.,
'^°° , Togethar wlt�`t¢9t portion gf the vapated:alley eCjacent, which attached thereto by operation of
.la�µw, p�u�yfsuaPt Ib City.of Au6urn,Q,+�ifnanc�No, 5842, recorded under Reeording Number
�"�bn.�4V�K+�8Q��28�?• . �: � .p p
� �..��
Peroeb.�:` � r"��'f ,V� ," ��,a
':'�,, `�';�...^�1 ��` ;'� . � r , .
Lots 3 and 4,`81ock 5,;7owry'of$�'dughter,accOrd.ing.��he ptat thereof rewrded in Volume 2 of
Plats, page 58;records ot;king..Counc�,was,�in��xi,;
(8eing known es Lot A, C,fty qt AubOm L,�l LI�1'e AdJus�rnent;Number 11�1.Q5-0015, reoorded
under Rewrtling Number 26b601,:f)OOZ)6qj. ;N
Parcel 3: „
Lote 5, 6 entl the NoAh haN of Lots 7 and B,�Block S;,TOwn o1 Slaugry►er,2cCbrding ta the pl�l
thereof req'orded In Volume 2 of Plats, page 68,'`,recoltls'o.f.King`County;4VashingCqn; '' "�,
Except inat portiort,of seld Lot 5 conveyed to the,Ciry,ohdubum (dr speAt•purpases%und�r ;",
Recor�ng Ntlmber 20010508002856;
r.: ',.
Tog6ther with tkYe Sduth half of the vacated alley abutting Lots 5,fi�] aild 8�of sald¢lock`5,whkh
a[t�eheddhere�6 by CPeretion of law, pursuent to Clty of Aubum Ordln�nc�..Na,r$8A2, r5'corded
uAder R�cording Numbgr.200a07�8002028; � .
And tog'ONiar wltH��pie North �atl,of the vaceted elley abutUng Lots 3 and 4 of sa#d 8�ock 5,which
atiqched thereFti�ty operalron o61aw, pursuant to Clry of Auburn Ordinence No. 58�12, recorded
(Being known e9'.Lot`BY•�ity qiAuburp.y,ot Lfne AdJuatment Number LLA-05-OD15, recorded
underRecording'i�lumber�,p�18b11�0027647,i ,
n� �"y'
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.. 1, ��'fi.
City of Auburn/M W Holdinys Auburn SW 131ock LLC �
12:24.13 '
Pnge 4 o f 6 ;'
Erhibit B
1 :r 1. ,;;��ie`property herein descrfbatl is carcied on the 2013 tax rolls as exempt; however, fl will
° •�` ` beoortte taxebte from the date oi transfer to a taxable entlty and subjact to the Iien of real
"v„ r'��ptoperty taxes for prlor years, II any. (None now due and payable)
e":y�u�,oe..n��ff :. :, .��� �� �. �
?I'ax.Aceounl No.:'''; `"' 781570-0225-Oa
:Affac�9: Parcel 1 '`
, ; �, �,"
2 The property here�n t�@scdb�d is c8rrled Cb the 2013 tax rolls as exempt; however,It wlll
" $actlme'�a�,{Bble�'orR:the da(p.61'transt�/Ip�a'faxable enti[y and subJect to the lien of real
property taxes f,dr prJbr yq�r's,Frlf any.z.(NaTia now due and payable)
�, �• ;:
Tax Acc�'UTtf�NO.::' �� 75,�!57b-024D-�5
3. The property herein"descrlb '', , ` �}1� I � ,
Affects: Parcel2' '
, s �
"� ed,..ls c�r�letk'�on''Eha 2013 t�x rolls':;as 0xempt; however, It wlll
become taxable from lhe dat9'of�Fans�er+to a t��caple Endty,8ntk�ubJect to the Ilen ot real
property taxas for prlor ye��, If¢by. ;°�NOne dow lJ,ye end.�pe�ble)
TexAccount No,: 7'B°157�-02§P;D2 � ` � ;
A�edls; Parcel3 ' '�'
�',il. {i'� aw�.M��" .J
4, .Lieblliry fof'Sewer treatment capacRy charge5•ttlal may b9 eg4ess�tl but not`dl�los�rd fn
? the JS�blic re£ortls. (NOne now due and payebte) �.,
;' :F
�b. �aserripnt apd the terms and conditions thereof:
,.r �urPoSe: {� Sewerline " �.....,.
;�AffeG�s: . East 10 Feel of Parcel 3 <,,.. ;'+ :'
';,Rqc:brGe�' .:` :• '- February 18, 1969 "
�6COfdlhg�:NO.�r�..,�,, [. 46 72759 .�`'�,-r'�.
6i°•.Eas�meAt, Ineludipg thk torrtis;'COVenants and provisions theraol, reserved
byOrdinenc9,NQ:'' r ;5842
Approved 8� FNa'd: � ;' Jur�a•7,,20414 .,
In Favor D.t; �:' Cjly oi'tiQuhum:` `��
For. �- l�qlity(ies��+ea,8amenl ou.e,r, under and on the vacated alley
pprtions of ,r' `
Parcels.J,,�end 3
Rewrded: °'.;July�,�''20tl4 :�
Recording No.: ��UO$0708002b28;` ,�
7, Easement, including tHa tarms,caVenapts and`provisiCns Ifiereof, reserved
by Ordinance No.; 5842
Approved 8 Fifed: June 7,2004 �°�
In Favor Of: Pugat Sound Energy';., ,;. :' : �' .' .,�'' `'.
For: Ulility(leg)easamenl forrgas�nd �leotr�c seNlca ov�,r, undar
and on tha vacated alloy portions'of pgrcQls,�, 2,ahd 3
Racorded: July B, 2004 "': � 2' ' �: '•- '`
. •• ' , d' f :?',,,,...
Recording No,: 2004U708002028 ' .` �,........,.
.. �i � ��J�1 Y
B. Terms and condltlons of Boundary Llne Adjustmenl No. LLA-05•0015;.,
Recorded: January 17,2006 ,,,. /` '4,,, '"
Ciry of Aubum/MW Floldinbs Aubum SW Block LLC �'' '��
12.24.13 `�"�
Page 5 of 6
`:. ;:
'� Recording No.: 200801170o276a
Affects: Percels 2 end 3
p!' ,;', ,;9. _�iny.sarvlce, inslellation, connectlon, malntenance, tap,capacity,constructlon or
', �_' ; �rNlmbLrsamant chargas fit sewar, water, electricity or olhe�utlliliea, or for garbage
��;,` ;,.,Gollecflbn and dlsposaL (None now due antl peyable) ,
,. . ,,
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City of Auburn/MW Holdings Au6urn SW Block LLC ��� ' '
12.24.13 ''"^`
Pagr 6 of 6
� : . i �
;`WH6fJ RECOROED RETURN T0: L01312270m0293 �
'`, �� .:'•,., STEIJART TITLE WO 81.00 �
�Y� Aubum SW Block lLC P�E-�� � 010
:'� MV1± ,Holdi. ¢.. �zirness ae:e�
:' 1�38 Felti�f0w'qvenue East, #300 K=rx couHtt, ua �
"' u�edh:e,,WA 88102
�•"�,., ���F'U�,�:QR�' ;f':r';.
,. �� .���� z..��Z�.......,,A, E2647433
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,:;,t,.�'� � r 50•00 PGGE-001 OF 001 i
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EsoroviNumbeh 130002 `: ;�
Flled for Record oF�@gueE1 ot�''Sfowert T/No Quer�hqY'Coinpany-No0onal Ttt/e Servlcos
DOCUMENT8 71TLE(9): ':� ;� �t'
arranry Deetl , ?'' "
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iry ot'Aub�trn ...
, Hofdings1Aub,u7n'SE Block LLC
Lts. 1-8, Blk. 6,Tdwn o(.$IaughlQ�
81570-0285-01; 781570-0290-04(,'�8�1470-0295-09;78i57U-0300-02: 781570-0306-07
81570-0310-00' 781570-0327�Q1;7815 Q325,03' Zb157$-Q326.02•781670-02B0-0B
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.1'�:•��.:. _
.,'1 Retum Address:
;" M1N Ho{dings Aubum SE Block LLC �
193&�1'a�rvitw Ava G H30D
f ,�eq!'ile, V;�A.98�U2
`'*:..-:' �' ,,
is� Abore Ihis line rescrved for recording infortnation.
��". � .. '+ ..� :�' ;.....,,,�..
.,= >, ,'`
ReRrencM �(ifgp icablGl;,�,.N/A I
,�' ?' �,Gmnwr/¢orrp�ver: ,Cit,gofAuburn
1':,..(drantge"1Ag3igneelB'e��ieficlsryr:a�lyfW}!loldings Aubum SE Block LLC
,r' Leg¢I De�cri�lon/STRF� l;��,,,.T-8,Blk 6 Town ofSleughier—see Exhibii A for
„, � �;'' ,�''complete Icgul descrlpUon
Assessor's Tnx Narce6`f�N,i 7$'1570•0285-OI,781570-0?90-04,781570-0?95•09,
;° �8157Q,pa.00-02,781,SZQ.;0305-07,78177D-0310,
� i ;'786570-0327.01,781�IO�p325-03,781370-0126-02,
,'� and 7 8 1 570-0280•06`'s:, r .
For and in conslderation of t'he sUm:of�'EN DQi.1��1RS�($10,00) und other good '
and valuaple consideration, receipt of'i4hich iS:h�reby aqknoyvledged;•Gxantor, [he.,,Ciry
of Aubu.tri;`<� municipal corporetion of the Sta(e"o� W'ashingte�, k��reby„convyys;'�nd
wurrants to N1V!! Holdings Auburn SE 616'Fk LLC, Grart�ee heretin, i4s sUcce3sor�`und
assign$, the property legally described and depi�f'Cd i� Ex{iib�ti`',�C;" �tfached fiere,�o and
incoraioret��'°,,herein by this reference (the "Property");�sub}ect,� to ,iNe� perinitted
encifhibrarices: desFribed in Exhibit B ', attached he�eto ?'pnd'.:..inc4rporatqd herein hy
' Forrand in�ce7fisid'eration hereof, THE PARTfF.".S hI�RE"f0 FTURTFIER AGRE£as
�f911ows:°Thai il'p'rante� I'aifs to comply with each and every pravision tYt�tion 15.3 of
tt'ia:purchasp�''anY1 s� agreement belween the Grantor und the Grantee, <laled Mny 20,
2013;�Nuis•tleed;shqTl beComc n,ufl`ani�:•,void, at the option of the Grentor, which shall liave
lhe rigtit to re-�ntei�,,,�na ta 'e:possession]of the propcny as though ihis deed had not been
granted. '�'
, '��
On or before~Ihe rc-enlr,y„b� the Granfor, 4hc"('irantor will pay ihe Grantee (i) the ,
Purchase Price stated in SQclion 3;'(ii)any and All trmns�'er..costs, if any, associated with
the rc-entry by the Grantor, encj,,,(iii�) reimbtirse Graolea'for,uJF•development costs directly
reluted lo the Verticel Construction; inclucljrig ti`ut;not limi�ed to construction costs,
WSS'P, permit and entitlemem fees, a�chiteclural,{and engineering"fees;;.financing interesl
and fees, inspection fees, and the like. Provideck; lhat t�e Gxantpr._,Shall �ot pay any costs
from e third pany,or any costs based on Grafit2'e'g actcvilies as.a bY0ker7 ,
(b) Provided, thot if Granlee's lender commiis ir� wriiin�y`(o:cpfnple{�"lhe proj�ect
not later than I O cAlendnr days aftet lhe date of the Gr�nttin's nqlice,:'ia'Gr�rtt�e''and..`]eildec�,....,
. , .: , . , .
that the Granlor intends lo re-enter and take possession of the P.roperly, lhe G'i'snkUr'sha19' '> • °°°-•
ive ]ender such time as Gramor end lender shall u rec is reasonable;notw''s'rfiseendin 115� ` °��>�
b � g:. :..::
time limitniions in Seclton I5.3,I of this Agreement, to cymplete eonsl`i�{iction;;" ;' >'
City of Aubum/M W Holdings Auburn S8 Block I.LC � a 1'�
I2,24.iJ �, �,�
Page I of 8
, ;,.
This Warranly Deed may bc cxecuted in counterperts, ench oF which shall be an
��� or3ginal, but all of which shal! constitute one and the semc Warranly Deed.
.,,,.._ I
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City of Auburn/M W Holdings Aubum SE IIlock LLC � "
12.24.13 .
Augc 2 0l'8
T "4
`, IN''WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties havc caused this instrumrnt to be exec.vted by its
propgr officer{s)this 2 7th day of December ,2013.
.. `� �,'C3ranttSr:" Granlee:
�'S ' .:The�C[Ey oi�4ubum MW Holdings Auburn SE 13lock LLC,t.
"�:, , Weshington limited liebility company
�? �'��� � �'R By: R.D. MerrW Real Eetate Holdings,
�:� ,..:>
' ` .z,' �.. , "'� LLC,n Wsshington limited liability
;y^'.d`� ✓` "'., COITIPA[ly
.. ��" ,��'. '.�� ? ' [ts: Sole M er
�i� ��� ��� ���
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By. �IN� .1, „B� :.��.�iicrs
Its: Meyof �""" ^
Date Signed: Dete'Signedc L 27
... ''.
,,... `i�: ;V�.w�n�s;d�%'�:
ii�� i.:r .I
" ,�`� � Date Si�ed`.""�12 �.7
S7'ATEOF .� ..
i' ,�' �''` )ss. ��..
;�Couniy of.' � ) .'.
y tha 1 know,;or he , ; ,, :
K ��: -'. rlp11¢
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I"ocr�if +�� ,'� �'ve se�isfactory evidencc �hei UI���;a�+ . N•� a F, i�o�N" 'u t�e
pers'o'iYjwhti ep�fearyd byfore;me;%gnd��� id person s acknowledged thni ddsh the signed this
instrument, on ;aailt;,st�ted �Ha�'�ho/sh �hey as/ cre euthorised to execete the inswmrnt nnd
ecknowledgad i��.ps the c t +- oT R.D. Memll Real Esta�c Holdings,
LLC, u Washingt8a,Limi �iabi�Ry COfnRany;ihe:;Managing Member of MW HOldingS Aubum
SE BIOCk 1„L.C, to'b�'�the:free�end volumac'y ea of such Perrylpenies for the uses nnd purposee
mentioned in this insuvmcnt.P ,•
Daied�d 7�3 .. ; ., �
JENNIFER A VALENTA �1 �` A�� �+'alPr��
NOTARY PUBLIC NO�'p4blicinondfor;iheS�Ja'uf '
STATE OF WASHINOTON �dirig,at ` �I :''
COMMiSS104 EXPIFES Myeppointni:enti'xpires ,
96T0@�R tA, 8018 " ` ;` ::' ..,,
. �.. :�.
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Ciry of Aubum/MW Holdings Autium SE Block LLC p:,-'
12.24.13 '
Page 3 of 8
', �.�,
I vFi
`r� f,�l VVETNESS WHEREOF, tlie parlies tiave caused this instrument to be executed by its
''` ,pr4Pcrpfficer(s) thisz7th day of December , 2013.
... s, .
`�{,., ?� Granlbr;, Grantee:
.�+ ,,: .. _;. .. ,
, :: .....,��.
""'-••-' The CiRy ofAu6uro "'.,, M W Holdings Auburn 5E Block LLC,a
�' Weshington limited liability company
,.-. �.,°` �,
, _, :;;,,:� _,, ,: ,,.
'' .-',�,
�� ^;;a,�+'' .,., ,�� �� By: R.D. Merrill Real Estate Holdings,
, ,;�;N ? � LLC,a Washinglon ]imiled liability
� ;' y r'
� � �: ,;.,�" comPanY
"��,... j, �+ Its: Sole Member
c� r'
d' �r
. iy�'�,;,�
��..,.i IB �:
ByI `" r'q_VI � v,..0
�15: �V10y0f "� �15:'`��,�i'
Date Sigqed: /a-I.,�.ri�de i 3 '�I •-`Date SSgned: �"`��;
.,,,—T '''„ ,i
Y. n 1l
H. ?B ,,.,.:` ��' ''.
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Its: '..r ',`:
Do�c Signed""
s'�rn•re or• � ,�,,•' > ..
� <,. .• , , , . )ss.
Co{�nly of��� `;) : `'
l cerlify'��that I know,,or,,lluve;:5t1414fact�ry`evidence thnt is [he
person who up�eued��b'tiforer'me, aqd,;saiJ:.person(s) acknowledged �hat he/she/they signed [hle
instrumen�, on o`8{h steted,-�'ltrat hF1'shel�hey.!�was/were euthorized to execute the ins�rumem and
acknowledgrd It ns Ihe, • "��v� : of R.D. Mertiil Real Estate Holdings,
LLC, u Washington Limi}ed �iabifity �mnpeny, thE Managi�g Member of MW Holdings Aubum
SE Block LLC, �o be ihe FFee nni� Jolun�Ary �c� of.:sucta'pany/partics for �he uses and purposes
menlioned in Ihis instrumenl. ��
Daced ' - �
Nomry Phblic�in and I'o'r,the;S�ate of,.�•�:,
residfng at_. :' ::`
My appointmeni'expites : � r� ', ""
. ..,
s.. ,
City ofAuburn/MW Holdings Auburn Sr Block LLC !J�
Page 3 of B
. 'a.,.
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] cenify that 1 know or;havG saugfac�Ory ev��ence thah�Pe[er B, Lewis is the person who eppearcd
bafore me,ani?gaid pe�son ebkno�led`g'nd thal 1�'e/,�o"signed�his ins�rument,on oath siaied chui he was
ainhodzcd to exi�u{e the,,lnstnrineni und gF�hpwl'edged h as the Moyor of the City of Auburn, a
Washington municipal cyiFporation, to be�il�e free pnd volumary act ofsuch pany for the uses and
purposes mendoned in this•insCrumenL '� ,r""'�
Dated /�/LG�.Je/ 3 ; , �
� .�. �:�G1�'�,.�' . ,
````�\N�\\\NIh1'':,.,,.' ,:` �'.;.-.,` WiCR��L :�:O a.P�G;q!-�� �r'��::��,
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� �������'o„'�9s����' M 4I�PP&'oi�[mentexpires �,
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o �'
City of'Auburn/MW Holdings Aubum SE Block LLC � Y' ,+`�
12.24,13 `"
Page 4 of 8
�` Exhiblt A
r? (��arcel/tY GiCY of Aubum lot Llna AdJustment No, LLA-0003-95, recorded under Recording
,,, a,+NuinbeF•�9502'460980, recorda oF King County,Washington.
�, '� Aarcel 5:! � _
r' Lot 3, BJock,�„Town of SlaUghter,;a3ccort}Ing to tha plal thereof recordetl In Volume 2 of Plats,
`•,, p8ge 58, records qb'Kigg C9u�t'y,,1Nas,hjrigton.
;i ` ;r ;i. „�
Par0818:��.. 4,.�' ,::
., p'r.'��', 'y ''
Lot 4, Block 6, Town o�.SlaµtjhteFi��ortling'�Q the,p�l lhereof reeorded in Volume 2 of P1ets,
page 56, reco'rds o(,MI'ng Gounry',Was"hington, ,;'�...,,"'
Paroel7: a" �,;1 �;
,. ;f ;'' }. , , ....,,..,,,:, d� `'r
Lot 5, Bbck 6,7own oi Slavghtef;accd'rdlFlg to:ih,e`plat lhereoi recordCd�6n Volume 2 oT Plats,
page 68, records oi King Counry;:W�ahlqgronj' ,(
Excapt Ihat portion o}said Lot 5 convey�^d.(IS�lh2 Ci�y of AubuYn,for dght oywag,under Racording
Number 200•7.0619000373, records of King'Counry,M/ask�ingto�i: , "':t ,"' :,,
�� ,, a
� '::b.r'.. '�
Percel9;' ':4., µ �,.. ..,.'�.' ;,.
Lot 6�,:BIOCkB;':Towri;of Slaughter, according to fhe plat theieoi,'racdrde.airt�olume 2:of P�ats,
page 58, r9corq;s oi King County,Washington. ,,,
Piicel9f� ,. �:
,•lot 7, glp.ck'9, ToWn'�of SlauglYtar,according to the plat tharaof recorded in Volyjne 2�oi Plats,
'page 56, record5 Of KingCountq,Washington. ��
The Soufh BO fee�of Lol 8, g1qck 8„To�jrn of;5laughter, according to the plat thereot recorded In
Volume 2 of Plats;'p,ege�,6;rQcora's ol{�ir�&.;Co6nty;Washington;
Except that poNon of sald Lot 8 chn+^eyed to�fhe Clty qi Aupum by deeds reoortled under
Recording Numbers 7701270580 throu�h 7�012405Q3, Inclus(�e..,rewrtls of King County,
Weahinpton. ''.. . , ` '� : `.
Parcal1l; " ,
The North 29.60 feet of Lot 8, Block 8, Town of.$laughter,according lo�th�pletthareoT reco�ded
in Volume 2 of Plats, pege 58, records of King Cdurity,iNas�iingxon. '
Parcel 12: "
The South 30.2 feet ot the North 60 feel of Lol 8, Block 6, Town 6't Sl�ughler;�ac�oreling tq lhe ,,,
plat thereoi recorded In Volume 2 oi Plals, page 56, records of King Oounty;i WaShingtory ;�
� '': y...........
Parcel 13: �,''' y,
, Cily of Aubum/M W Holdings Auburn SE Block LLC �"�
12,24.13 ,�'"��
� PageSof'8 � i'�
i -
,'r, '��v.,
;'�Paroel B,CNy of Aubum Lol Llne Atljustmenl No. LLA-OD03-95, recortled untler Recortling
r NuYnber 9502180960, records of King County,Washington.
�i' }:'
... f' ,.�
"v N •:.
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.�: .i a...;i �
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n. �� ..�.. �i
}` i..
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.�� n.. ' .P�. i.
Ciry of Aubum/MW I�loldings Auburn SE Block LLC ,��,
12.24.13 '± �'',�
Page 6 of 8
,�` ;; Exhfblt B
�' .:' �' -:..
,. �`' ,;' 1. �1`he property heraln described Is carried on ihe 2013 tax rolls as exempt however, II wlll
`;� ;.•�becorrie laxable frorn the dale of transfer to e tazable enllty and subject to the Ilen of real
''^.�,: pYOpe�ty taxea,for pnor years, il any. (None now due and payable)
�,.,,... ,.
;` :.' ,�'Tax'Account.No.: ; ' .� .� ��781570-0285•0�
;' AHec{s: Pero�14 r"°^' w`
`'.. :'" ; •:�
2,..,The.'pro�iert�s'her�ln�d9scrlbe,�I�,Carried,b�r�'�lE�e 2013 tax rolls as exempt; however, It wil�
bec6me laKable,(rort�lhe d�t'g,roi traqSf�Y�tl a�zeble entity entl sub)ecl to the Ilen of real
propAtty taxes,,dor prior y�Aars�,�f any. ,(NOne how tlue and payable)
<�^.�. ,• r N• :.:.
rax A��o��c No„'� is��qaa�so-oa
Aflects: Parcel�,
. 1� "'F
3, The proparty hereln descilbeQ''is carrled�R11 the 2013 tax rolls asp9xempt; however, It wlll
become taxable (rom th�'dstA ol.d�an9ler"lo a,,tiixable entiry"a�d subJect to Ihe lien of reel
� propeAy texea for prior years,if8ny.;'(�fonQ;�now�u�;"sn�f'pay3bte)
'.,,Y ': .: �,�"
Taif"v�cC0Un2 NO.: 78157p-0296�Q, ' r'"'
9Nec1s::.Parcel8 `'a ,,, ��; a^
4. :�Tha p[opartp hereln deecribed Is carried on the 20y3 tax ro�l§�as exempt; hifw�er„it wlll
r' beciime lax3ble from the data of lrensfer to a Iazablb.�nGry and'9ub�ect tp�the'lieo ot real
` prppert;i texes for prlor years, It any, (NOne now due and'payeble')'
7ax gtcouFtit No._,,,, 761570-03UOA2 "' � �
''AflQits: F'arFel7 ..
,. ;.
''<•..,5. Tha p;ope'rty hry�'2i�tle4cribed is carried on the 2013 tax rolls es exempt; hnwever, It wlll
,. 6ecortie(axabla frdm tlie d�teod,transler to a tazable entiry and subject ro the Ilen of reai
��p�operty;lax8a top�prior years, ii any. (None now due and payable)
Tax Acco.unt No.: ;` `';, 78f57Q=0345•07
AHects: �ao,kel Q:�� +.,:,, .
B. The property hereln describ@b.ls carded dn the 201.3 tax rolls es exempt however, it wili
become taxable Irom i(ae dele pP'lransler to a taxeble.;entky and subjoct to lhe lien of real
proporty taxes for prlor yaets;•ft ar�. (Nona�now�du9 end,peyable)
Tax AccouM No.: 'k81570-037p=00;, � `�''
AHects: Parcel8 ..
7. Tha propeRy herein described Is carried on�lhe�2043 ta����oll�'as ezempt;.kowe'vef, It wlli
become taxable hom Ihe date of transfer to a f�xal�le eMity,Bnd;s'ubjB�Yto the lien o(real
property tazes for pdor yeara, 11 any. (None now due and;pay�ble).` ;'
Tax Account No.� 781570-0327•01 " i
Affects: Parcell0 ` ' : :
,. .�... � r�..
;� �:
City of AubumlMW �loldings Aubum SE Block LLC ' '�
12.24.13 ` '�
Page 7 of 8 r,
. ,.
. ' +;'
,8., The property hareln described Is carrled on The 2013 tax rolls as exempt; howeyer, It wlll
become taxable from Ihe tlate of Vansfer to e tezable entlty antl subject to the Ilen of reel
a'� '''',.property tanes toi prlor years, if any. (Nona now due and payeble)
��'��,,,;'�� �� � �'TsxAr,countNo.: 781670-0326-03
���'", ,..,(.{ftects; Paroelll
,,,,. :9. Yhe p'roperty heiein descrlbed.js,carrled on the 2013 tax rolla as e�empt; however, it wlll
,become taxable fr6m t�e Oate o��transfer lo a texable enUty and subject to the lien of real
? propQtty ta%esfor p�io�'yeare,,lf.sny, (None now due and payable)
,• a• } " , ,. ,,,.
'.. T�Accourt No '',. ''.,,.781570�'b32cr02
'Affe'Cts: P..afcel 'k�1 �' �
P �,...t r 'y
�'� `' �
10. Taxes fa�„�heyear:201 q;�a Ilen bu)ngf y.�E.�ue or payable.
TBx Account No.; >' 7815�D-0�'60-08
ANects: Parcell3 a�
t" 'y
11. Llablllty For sewer ireatment cdpaqHy ch9rges thel may.be es��s,�ed trut not discbsed fn
Ihe public records. (None.nqiv d4'e end p8yeblA)';':
12. Terms and condltlons of Boundery.�'ine:JltlJustmenl No. �LA-D003.8&,,,,
R4ca[ded: February 7B. 1885 ``:,,..s:.,,, ,:` � :' '°-. '`
,. ,.
RBCO�tliny No.: 9502160880 `':;; ,,, :: `�
AHects: Paroel 4 end other property �, , ,! � �
13: TerEihs'and conditionsoi survey recorded DecembAh.Q,;2DQ8 undel Recor,Cing`NuAiiber
_' 200817�0890A003 .Aflecls: Parcels 8,8, 10, 11 end 77 .
;��114. Eeeefient�nd the terms and condiUons thereol: '
r'Grat�fee: : Puget Sound Energy, Inc. '�^�: -
`'•.P,ylpose;��,; '� `. Overhead endlor underground elecVk system;�'
Aflectst` ,,` ;: ParCals 8,9 and 10
Recqr5e0: ,•` ; Auyu�t.25,20t1
�""ReCOrdlrtg N9.: a ' 20�tOB25D00426
15. Any servke, InstalW►lo,�, coptieetion;;majnlenence, tap,capacity, constructfon or
ralmburs�tn�nt cti�rg8s fo,f eew9[,,,Nalar, electricity or other utllltles, or for garbage
oollection eni�'tllsposal. (jJOne now dUe a,ad payabte)
+` .. ,'�° .., ��,.
,., y^�
City aPAuburn/MW Holdings Auburn SE Block LLC '' "�
12.24.13 ,r' �>"?
Page 8 of 8 '