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ORDINANCE NO. 6 5 5 8 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF AUBURN, WASHINGTON, AMENDING ORDINANCE NO. 6533, THE 2015-2016 BIENNIAL BUDGET ORDINANCE, AUTHORIZING AMENDMENT TO THE CITY OF AUBURN 2015-2016 BUDGET AS SET FORTH IN SCHEDULE "A" AND SCHEDULE "B" WHEREAS, the Aubum City Council at its regular meeting of December 1, 2014, adopted Ordinance No. 6533 which adopted the City of Auburn 2015-2016 Biennial budget; and WHEREAS, the City of Auburn deems it necessary to appropriate additional funds to the various funds of the 2015 budget as outlined in this Ordinance (BA#1); and WHEREAS, this Ordinance has been approved by one more than the majority of all councilpersons in accordance with RCW 35A.34.200. NOW THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF AUBURN, WASHINGTON DO ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. Amendment of the 2015-2016 Biennial Budget. The 2015- 2016 Biennial Budget of the City of Aubu�n is amended pursuant to Chapter 35A.34 RCW, to reflect the revenues and expenditures as shown on Schedule "A" attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference. The Mayor of the City of Auburn, Washington is hereby authorized to utilize revenue and expenditure amounts shown on said Schedule "A" and Schedule "B". A copy of said Schedule "A" and Schedule "B" is on file with the City Clerk and available for public inspection. Ordinance No. 6558 April 6, 2015 Page 1 of 3 Section 2. Severability. If any provision of this Ordinance or the application thereof to any person or circumstance is held to be invalid, the remainder of such code, ordinance or regulation or the application thereof to other person or circumstance shall not be affected. Section 3. Implementation. The Mayor is hereby authorized to implement such administrative procedures as may be necessary to carry out the directives of this legislation. Section 4. Effective Date. This Ordinance shall take effect and be in force five (5) days from and after its passage, approval and publication as prbvided by law. �IAR 16 20t5 FIRST READING: SECOND READING: APR - B 2015 PASSED: APR - 8 2015 APPROVED: APR - 8 2015 ��� �`/ °��� / _ /'D"�- /✓4�c y �c�'US NANCY BACKUS, MAYOR ATTEST: ��J�'�� D ielle E. Daskam, City Clerk ------------------------- Ordinance No. 6558 April 6, 2015 Page 2 of 3 APPROVED AS TO FORM: \ c> iel B. Heid, City Attorney PUBLISHED: �.-Y �l �*i.���u�.� r� �' Ordinance No 6558 April 6, 2015 Page 3 of 3 Schedule�A Summary of 2015'Budget AdJustments by Fund �Bud eCAmendment#1 Ordlnance No.6558 2075 2075 Eoding,Fund General Fund(#007) Beg.Fund 8alance Revenues Ezpendttures Balance General Fund 2015'Adopted Budget 14;592,724 58,767,680 62;813,278 70,54T,726 BA#1 �Ordinance#6558,:Proposed� 429;453 77,721 253,474 25J;700 GeneralFund Revenues Pro e Taaes - 473,700 - 473;700 Administretlon De artment GFbudget for Human Services pro rams 250,000 - 250,000 - EMPG grent funds - 40,792 40,792 - 2015 RAMPART grant - 4.940 4,940 - Con[ract wlth Public Health of Seattle 8 King County - - 220,000 (220,000) Communiry Development and Public Works Department Boeing Area Wide Redevelo menCPlan - 150,616 150,616 - CIF grant funtls for envlronmental mltlgatlon slte monitoring asslstance 35,000 - 35,000 - Aubum Environmental Park Master Plan 29,000 - 29,000 - CIF budget for housln element o(Comprehensive Plan 10,400 - 10,400 - GF�budget for aP rking��ns in downtown Auburn 10,000 - 10,000 - National Flood Insurance Program commun' ratln system evaluation 10,000 - 10,000 - Police Department Dlscontinue Photo Enforeement Pro ram - (600,000) (600;000) - Purchase of Lidars and ortable breath test equlpment(WASPC grant) - 7,672 7,672 - P.arks�Department GF tiudget for synthetic turf at Discovery Playground 36,000 - 36,000 - CIF bud et for powntown Theater Stud 25,000 - 25�,000 - C/F budget for Parks,Recreatlon B�Open Space Plan 14,000 - 14,000 - Non-Departrnental CIF bud et for e-Builder Project /O to F518] 10,053 - 10,053 - 2015 Revised Budget 15,022,177 58;845,401 63,066,752. 10,800,826, 'i Memo:�Unrestdcted GF Ending�fund�balance - - 10,800,826; Total Resouroes I Ezpendltures � ' i T 73;867,578 � � 73,867,578� 12.0°�General Fund Reserve 7arget as per.Policy 7,568,070� Page 1�of 10 4l1l2015 3:51 PM Schedule A Summary�o}2015 Budget AdJustments by Fund Butl eCAmendment#7 Ordlnance No.6558 , - � 2015 2015 Ending'�,Fund Arterial Street�Fund-(#702) � �Beg.FundiBalance Revenues � �Ezpendltures � igalance' 2075 Adopted 8udget 7,372,844 14,150,590 14,354,790 1,108;704 B/W7 �Ordinance p6558,Proposed) 793,983 5,714,238� 6,506,227 - CIF CP1179�AWS�Pedestrian Improvements Project) - 2,580,454 2;580,454 - GF CP1176(AWS��Pedestrian�lmprovements Pro'ect) 63,428 892,337 955,765 - CIF��budgetTorC222A0 S277th�5LCovidorlmprovements) 308,062 612.851 920,913 GF6utlget for CP7408(Maln Street Slgnal Upgratle ProJeet�_[fll�from F724] 315,000 138,768 453,768 - Add'I tunding for CP1179(AWS Pedestrian Improvements Project) - 449,606 449,606 - Add'I funding for CP7178(AWS PedesMan Im rovements ProJect) - 326,750 326;750 - C/F budget for CP7024'�Auburm.Way S and M St.Improvements) 41,634 255,091 296,725 - [fll from F724] CIF�bud et for CP1304 37th 8 B SL NW RR Crossln Safet Im rovements 55,806 239,604 295,410 - GF�grant fundsfor CP7218(Auburn Wa�Cortldor Improvements) - 160,877 160,877 - Add'I funding for C207A0(A St.NW:Exlenslon;Wetland Malnt.8 Monitoring) - 57,900 57,900 - � ll from F124 CIF��budget(ore-Bullder.ProjecC[flOtoF518] 10,053 - 10,053 - 2015 Revised Budget � 2,106;827 19,864,828 � 20,862,951 1,108,704 ToWI Resources/Ezpendltures 27,977,655 21,971�,655 - -� ' 2015� �2015 Ending�Fund LocalStreetFund�p103 - � ' Beg:�Fund�Balance Revenues Ezpendkures ' Balanee 2015 Ado ted�Bud et 1,196,068 1,752,500 2,600,000 348,568 BiW1 �Ordlnancei16558,Proposetl) 770,053 - 770,053 - CIF budget for CP1414(Loeal Street Improvements�P�ogram) 430,000 - 430,000 - CIF budget for CP1402 Citywide Pavement Patching and Overlay) 270,000 - 270,000 - C/F budget for CP1327 (Local Street Improvements�Program 60,000 - 60,000 - CIF budget for e-Builtler ProJeet [fl0 to F518] 10,053 - 10,053. - 2015 Revlsed Budget � 1,966,121 1,752,500 3,370;OSS 348;568! Total Resources I Expenditures 3;7,18,621 �3,718;621 Page 2 of 10 4/1/2015 3:51 PM Schedule A Summary of 2075'Budget AdJustments by Fund Bud et Amendment#1 Ordlnance No.6558 - 2015 2075 Ending Fund Merial Street Preservaqon Fund(#105) �Beg.Fund Balance �Revenues Expendltures Balanoe 2015 Adopted Budget 527,970 2,734�,700 2,195,410 461,200 BA#7 (Ordlnance#6558,Proposetl) 2,659,063 - 2;659,063 - GF budget for CP1402�(Cltywide Pa6ement Patching and Overlay) 2,260;500 - 2;268,500 - GF budget for CP1122�(30th S4Flooding) 227,230� - 227,230 - Add'I funding for CP1308(BNSF�Utility Crossing Pro ect) - - - GF'budget for CP1308��BNSF Utllity Crossing Project) 153,280 - 153;280 - C/F'budget tor e-8uilder Project [f/O to F518] 10,053 - 10,053 - 2015 Revfsed Budget � 3,180,977 �.2,134,700 4;854,473 461,200 Total Resources I Expenditures 5,315,673 5,315,673 ' . �2015 2015 EnBing Fund � Mitigatlon Fees Fund(#124)� - Beg.Fund Balance Revenues ExpendiWres �Balanoe 2075 Ado ted Budget 5,205,964 994,890 3,586,423 2,874,431 BA#1 (Ordinance#6558,Proposed) 370;273 400,000 -370;2�3 400,000 C/F�bud et for Teutsch Development Im act Fees(REET 2 funds) - 400,000 - 400,000 [fll irom F328] GF��budget for CP1406(Main Street Slgnal Upgrede Projeet) [T/O to F702] 138,768 - 138,768 - GF budget for CP7024(Auburn Way S and M Sl.ImprovementsL[TIO to F702� 115,896 - 115,896 - CIF budget for C207A0 A St. NW.Eztenslon,Wetland Malnt.8 Monitoring) 57,900 - 57,900 - /O to F102] CIF budget for CP0767 (Mahawks Plastics Wetland MltlgaUon) [fl0 to F328] a2;649 - 32,649 - GF budget(or CP1003(Lea�Hill Park ResUOOm) [f!O to F321] 25,000 - 25,000 - 2075 Revised Budget �_5,576,177 1,394,890 3,956,636� 3,014;471� Total Resources I Expenditures 6,971,067 6,971�,067' Page 3 of 10 4112015 3:51 PM Schedule A. �Summary.of 2015�Budget AdJustments by Fund Bud et Amendment#1 Ordlnance�No.6558 , , 2015 2075 ;Ending��Fund Munici al��ParkConsWCqonFund IR121�� � Beg.Fund�Balance Revenues Expendkures � �Balance 20�5 Ado ted Budget 427,106 620,130 540,000 �507,236 BP�F1 (Ordlnance#6558,�Proposed) 58,199 3,742;788 3,815,286 (14,299) Adlust budget Tor CPT412(Aubum Communiry and YouthReen Center) - 3,200.000 3,200,000 State gront and other sources'�DT blocks and parking garage CIF budget for CP1412-�Aubum Communi 8�Youthffeen Ctr)[Tll from�F328] - 260,762 260J62 CIF budget lor CP7018(Fenster.Levee Setback1lFetlerel 8 KCFCZD grants] - 150�,242 150,242 - AdJust budgel for CP1016(Fenster Levee Setback) (NCFCZD grant] - 86,929 101,228 (14,299� C/F budget for CP7003� Lea HIII-Park�Restroom) Ibfrom F124, F328 11,785 44,855 56,640 - CIF budget lor Parks AcquisltlonlDevelo ment 46,414 - 46.414 - 2015�Revised�Budget � - - 485;305 �4,362;918 4;355;296 ,492,997 ToWI Resources I Expendilures 4,848,223 4,848,223 � 2015 2015 Ending�FUnd Capltal Imp�ovements Fund(#328) Beg.Pund Balance ,Revenues� Expenditures � Balanee 2015 Ado ted 8udget 8,844,989 7,840,247 2,157,388 8,627,868 BA#1 (Ordlnance#6558, Pro osed) 763;677 �89,383 3;246;266 (2,993,266 AdJust budget for CP1412(Aubum Community and Youth/Teen Center) - - 2�200 000 (2 200 000) [fl0lo F321] C/F budgetlor Teutsch Dvlpmnl�lmpact Fees(REET 2 funds !O to F124 400,000 - 400,000 - GF'budget for CP7472'(Au6urn,Community 8 Youth/ieen Ctr) [RO to F321] 260;762 - 260,762 - Council Chamber remodel - - 120 000 (120,00p) TraKc calming(REET 2 funded) - - 100 000 (100,000) CIF budget for CP1407(Marchlni Meadows Improvements) 40,D00 30,000 70,000 - CIF�budget Tor Publlc Art(REET 2 funded 43,000 - 43,000 - GPbudget for CP0767�Mohawks,Plasties Wetland Mitigation) [Tll from F124] - 32,649 32,649 - InteAund loan for Alrport Hangar ProJect - 26,734 - 26 734, GF bud et for CP1003'� Lea HiII�Park Restroom 19,855 - 19,855 - 2075�Revlsed Budget 9,708,606 1,929,630 5,403;634 6,234,6031 TotalResourceslExpendl[ures 11,698,237 11,638,237 Page 4 0(10 4I1l2015 3:51 PM �SOhedule A Summary of 2015 Budget AdJustments by Fund Bud et Amendment#1 Ordlnanee No.6558� . 2075 2015 . Ending�Fund Loeal ReviWllzatlom�Fund'�#330 � Beg.Fund Balance �Revenues ;Expendltures � - Balanee 2075'Adopted Budget �229,370 250 229,620 - BA#1 �Ordlnance M6558,.Proposed) 329,450 - 329,450 - C/F�budget Tor Clty Downtown Publle'Parking Lot Reconfl�watlon 219,450 - 219,450 - GF-budget for MalmStreet Slreetsca e Urtan Design 110,000 - 110,000 - 2015 Revlsed Budget - �558;820 250 - �559;070 � - TotalResources/Ezpendttures 559,070 559,070 - _2015 2075 Ending Fund, Water Fund� #430 - �Beg.Fund Balance . Revenues Expendltures . Balanee 2015�AdoPtedBudget 45267fi3 79,758,319 78,370;729 5374,953 BA#1 Ordinance#6558,Pro osed) 8,855,102 - 8,855,702 - GF�budget,forCP091$(Well7.lmprovements) 3;129,882 - 3,129,882 - CIF�budgetforCP1219�Va11eyAC�MainReplacement) 1,313,628 - 1,313,628 - C/Fbud et for CP7707(FUlmer Well Fleld.lm rovements 1,07.1;772 - 1.071,772 - C/F 6udget for C512A0�IVell 4 Power d ChlorinaUon) 1,035,512 - 1�,035,512 - CIF budget for CP0765(Lakeland Hllls Reservolr 5lmprovements) 665,665 - 665,665 - C/F bud et for CP0909(Academy East Booster Pump Statlon) 312,044 - 312,044 - GF bud ebfor CP1308(BNSF Utiliry C�ossing Projecq 292,216 - 292.216 - GF'budget for CP1417 (West HiII�S dngs Im rovements 149,489 - 148,489 - C/F�budget for CP1224(Local Street Pavement Restoratlon) 136,305 - 136,305 - CIF�budget for CP1323(Local Street Pavement Restoratlon) 135,979 - 135,979 CIF�budget for CP1403(Water.Comprehensive Plan) 125,325 - 125,325 - GF,bud et�Tor CPt416(F SVeet) 100,000 - 100,000 - CIF�bud et for CP1471 Muckleshoot Indlan Trihe Master Me[ers 75,581 - 75;581 - GFbudget for on-call modeling 74,456� - 74,456 - � CIF budget Tor CP1202(AWS Flooding Improvements Phase 2) 47,269 - 47,269 - CIP�budget,for CP7320(M80'Storm D�ainage Imprvmnt Project) /O to F432] �50,019 - 50,019 - C/F budget for CP1317(Water Meter&Blllin �S stem`Im rovements 44,297 - 44,297 - CIF bud et for CP7414 Local Street Pavement Restorationl 34,980 - 34,980 - CIF budget for CP1178(AWS Dogwood to Fir St.SE) 24 895 - 24 895 GFbud etforCP7207 D-.StreeWtllitleslm rovemenfs) 24,485 - 24�,485 GF�budget for e-Builder Pro ect (TIO to F518 10,053 - 10,053 - GF budget for utllity bflling front counter rehab 1,250 - 1,250 - 2075 Revisetl Budget � 73,381,885. 19;158,319 27,165,237 5,374,953• Total Resouroes I Expendltures ,92,540,184 32,540,184 Page 5 of 10 4I1/2015 3:51 PM Sthedule A Summary of 2015.Budge6AdJustments by Fund Bud et Amendment#1 Ordinanee No.6558 �2075 2015 Ending Fund Sewer Fund(if431) Beg. Fund Balance Revenues Expendkures Balance 2015 Adopted Budget 70,794,820 7,985,084 9,954,207 8;825,705 BAfF7 (Ordlnance p6558, Proposed) 1,819,579 - 1,819,579 - CIF budget for CP1208�SSewer Pump Statlon Improvements) 898,047 - 898,047 - CIF budget for CP1308(BNSF Utlllry Crossin ProJect) 351,600 - 351,600 - CIF budget tor CP1202 (AWS Flooding Im rovements Phase 2) 342,805 - 342,805 - C/F�budget lor CP1404(Sewer Comprehenslve Plan) 147,771 - 141,771 - CIF budget for CP1414(Local Street Pavement Restoretlon) 34 566 - 34,566 - C/F budget for CP7320(M80 Storm Drelna e Imprvmnt Project TIO to F432 34,487 - 34,487 - CIF budget for e=BUilder Pro'ect [TIO to F518 10,053 - 10,053 - CIF budget for CP1323(Local Street Pavement Restoretion) 5.000 - 5,000 - CIF bud et for utili bllling front counter rehab 7,250 - 1,250 - 2015Revisetl Budget 72,614,399 7,985,084 17;773;780 8,825;703 Total Resources 1 Expenditures 20,599,483 20,599,483 Page 6 of 10 4/12015� 3:51 PM �Schedule A Summary of 2075�Budget AdJustments by Fund �Bud etAmendment#10rdlnanceNo.6558 . 2015 2015�. - .Ending�,Fund Storm'Dreinage Fund(#432) � �Beg.Fund Balance Revenues - �Ezpenditures 'Balanie 2015 Ado ted 8ud et 10,674,042 10,141;339 73,094,095 7,781,286 BAil1 (Ordlnance#6558,�Proposed) 4,J64,190 932,890 5;871,819 (574;739) ClFbudgetfor CP1722,S30th SL NE Area Floodin� Phase 1) 2,527,130 - 2-,527,130 - GF budget forCP7320(M80 Storm Drainage�ImprovemenFProJect) 375,071 883,636 1,258,707 - Add'I bud et for CP1202(AWS Floodln Improvemenls Phase 2) - - 532.994 (532,994) GFbudget for CP1308(BNSF�Utility Crossing ProJect) 420 980 - 420 980 - ClF�budget for CP7312(Mnual Storm Repai�8 Replaeement ProJect) 285,618 - 285,618 - GF'budget for CP7316(East Rldge�Manor Drelna e Improvement 276�,536 - 276,536 - CIF�budget for CP1109(Storm Plpeline Repalr 8 Replacement�Progrem) - 25,875 25,875 - C/F�budget for CP0746(Mill Creek Wetland 5K) 105,207 20,021 125,228 - GF'budget for CP7409(Oravetz Place SE Flooding Mitlgatlon-Pro�eet) 119;747 - 119,747 - � GFbudget for CP1405(Stortn Com rehensive Plan) 112,310 - 112.310 - ClFibudget to purchase vehicles for Stormwater M mt Ins ectors BA#8) 70,000 - 70,000 - [f/O lo F550] , Additional budgel for CP7708(City Wide Storm Pond Cleaning) - - 56,044 5( 6'044) CIF!budget for CP120Z(D��Street Utilities Im rovements 43,282 3,358 46,640 - ClF�budget for CP1202� AWS Flooding Improvements.Phase 2) 17,006 - 17,006 - AdJust budget for CP1016(Fenster Levee Setbaek) - - (14,299) 14,299 C/F.budget for e-Bullder.ProJeet [fl0 to F518] 10;053 - 1D;053 - GFbudget for utili billin front counter rehab 1,250 - 1,250 - 2015 Revised Budget � 15,038;232 1;1,074,229 ' 18,905,914 7,206;547. Total Resourees/Ezpe�ditures 26,112,461 26,112,461 2075-� 2015 . Ending.Fund Solid��Waste Fund #434) Beg.,Fund�Balance Revenues � Ezpendkures Balance 2015Ado ted�Bud eL 2,272,081 13,547,800 72,781,420 2,858,461 BAM1 (Ortllnance#6558,Proposed) 7;250 - 1;250 - GF budget for utill bllling front counter rehab 1,250 - 1,250 - 2015 Revlsed Budget� . 2,273,331 .13,347,800 12,762,670 �2,858,461 � ToWI Resources I ExpendiWres 15,627,1J7 15,621�,131� , Page 7 of 10 4I12015� 3:51 PM Schedule A Summary of 2015-Budget AdJustments by Fund Bud et Amendment#7 Ordlnance No.6558 � 2015 2015 EndingFund AI ort Fund il435) �Beg:Fund.Balanee Revenues Expendltures Balance 2075 Adopted Budget 682,748 1,060;369 1,451,OOB 292,109 B/W1 �Ofdinance#6558,Proposed) 65,729 100,227 792,684 (26;734) CIF budget for CP7324(Asphalt�Rehab and Seal Coat)�FAA and SWte grants] 47,439 65.231 112,670 - GF budget for CP1221 (Alrport�Master Plan)[FAA and State granfs 17,710 23,970 41,680 - Funding for repayment of intertund�loan for Airport Hangar ProJect - - 26,734 (26;734 CfF budget for englneering servlces lor the Wlltlltle Hazard Mgmt Plan 580 11,020 11,600 - �FAA and State grants� 2075'Revlsed Budget 748,477 1,160,590 1;643,692 265;374 Total Resources I Eapenditures 7,909,067 1,909,067 2015 2015 Ending Fund FacllNies Fund(#505�� Beg.Fund Balance .Revenues - Ezpendltures Balance 2075 Adopted Budget 1,546,227 �3,638,820 3,838;569 1,346,478 BA#7 (Ordinance M6558,.Proposed) 213,800 - 243,800 (30,000) CIF bud et for CI HaI1.Exterlor Cleaning Project 107,000 - 107,000 - C/F budget for City Hall Water Repellent and Seal Replacement Project 54,500 - 54,500 - CIF hudget for M80 Building Roof Replaeement ProJect 52,300 - 52,300 - Golf Course restaurant repalrs and�malntenance - - 30,000 (30,000) 2015 Revised Budget 1,760,027 3,638,820 4,082,369 1y316,478 Total Resources I Expenditures 5;798,847 5,398,847� Page 8 of 10 4/1I2015 3:51 PM �Schedule-A Summary o}2075 Budget AdJustments by Fund Bud et Amendment#1 Ordlnance No.6558 - 2015 2015 �Ending Fund Innovatlon and Technology Fund•(#578) Beg.Fund Balance �Revenues �Ezpendttures - 'Balanee � 2015 Adopted Budget 2,363,378 5,660;747 6;195,259 1;828,866 BA#� �Ordinance�#6558,Proposed) 785;266 70,373 855,639 - CIF,budget for network switch upgredes 91,964 - 91,964 CIF budget for server.replacements(EOL) 90,D00 - 90,000 - CIF-budget for electronic plan review 80,000 - 80.000 - CIF�bud et for Share oint 20'13 u rade 80,000 - 80,000 - GF�hudget for e-Builder ProJect /I hom GF,F102,F103,F105,F430,F431,F432 - 70,373 70,373 - Clf�budget Tor S ringbrook u grede 54,660 - 54,660 - GF�budgetforwirelessaccess olnt�WAP�expansion 50,000 - 50,000 - GFbud et for automated Iicense late reader ALPR)re laeement 44,000 - 44.000 - CIF budget for phone s tys em up rade 39,703 - 39 703 - GF�budget.for Spillman u grade 34,000 - 34,000 - GF�budget for CRW upgrade 30,000 - 30,000 - CIF budget for server infrastrueture upgratles� 30,000 30,000 - GFbudget for server upgrades 30.000 - 30,000 - CIF budget for 5 illman securiry 25,000 - 25;000 - CIF;budget for rfortnance evaluation software 24 D00� - 24,000 - CIF budget for Spllman�server migretion 21;462 - 21,462 - CIF bud et for cemete sokware upgrade 21�,000 - 21,000 - � CIF budget for GeWC fablets 18,745 - 18,745 - GF budget for hane system upgrede 18j297 - 18;297 - CIF budget.for Getac:tablet sokware 2,435 - 2,435 - 2015 Revised�Budget 3,148;644 5,731,120 - 7,050,898 1�,828,B661 Total Resources I Expenditures 8,879,764 8,879,764� � � � - � , 2015 . ' 2015 Ending'Fund � Equipment Rentaf:Fund(fF550) Beg.Fund,Balance Revenues Expenditures�. 8alanie 2015 Ado ted Bud et 4,324,274 4;210,470 �5,349,861 7,164;883� ' BA#7��Ordlnance#6558, Pro osed 713,953 70,000 1,055,276 (277,263) , GF budget for other vehicle purchases - 713,953 - 713,953. - Strcet swee er Unit#6926A - - 271,263 271,283) C/F hudget to urchase,vehlcles�for Stormwater Mgmt Ins ectors(BA#6 - 70,000 70,000� - , '� [fll trom F432] . 2015�Revlsed�.Budget. � - � - 5,038,227 4;280,470 6,405,077 2,913,620� i Total Resources I Ezpendltures 9,318;697 9,918,697 i '�.Page 9 of 10 4/1/2015 3:51 PM Schedule A Summary of 2015'Budget AdJustments by Fund Bud et Amendment pt Ordinance No.6558 2075 2015 •Ending Fund Grantl Total-All Funds •Beg.Fund Balance Revenues Expendltures .Balance . 2075 Adopted Budget 84,534,959 768,599228 182,194,484 70,939,709 BA#1 �Ordinancef16558, P�oposed) 22,992,902 71,197,675 36,847,118 (2,656,601) 2015 Revised Budgel 107;527,861 179,796;843� 219,041,602 68,283,102 Total Resources I Expendttures 287,324,704 287,324,704 Mardi2015 Preparetl by City ol Aubum Finaricial Planning DepaNnen� F.\BuEgel�irecloqA2015 Budge�Wmentlmenls\Butlget Amendment H7-201SBAa1-Schetl A antl Bxls Page 10 of 10 . 4l72015 3:51•PM Schetlule B 2075 Appropriations 6y Fund 2016Adapted BApi BAq2 �BAp3 �BAt14 Total � 2015Revised Fund� Budget �Ord 6558) Amendments Budget I GereralFUM k001 q],360,40/ sm,na so�,na �3.BS7.s�e Meria15Vee1 FuM 9102 15.4G3,<3/ 6,SOB,2i1 6.508,221 P,9fl,655 Loca15trce1 FurW N103 2.808,568 ]]0.05] 110,053 3,]18.821 MolelMO�eIFW p10G 234,031 234,031 Aher�al Street Preservalwn Funtl k105 2,656,fi10 2 659,083 2,659p63 5,315.8➢7 Or ForteiWreFUrM b111 602505 6D2,505 Housi entl Comm�nil Develo menl Gran[WnG #118 9]],911 C77,371 Recreatbn Trails FwM C120 C3,807 4184] Busniess Im rovement Frea FurM p121) 96,212 g8,2]Y Cumulatrve Reserve FuM(u122) B,B96,30C 8898,J04 Mi( ationFeesFwtl(p12a) 6.200.854 1]0,2i] ]10,21J 8.9]I.OB] 1898LWa FurW p779) 279,500 219.500 2010 Mrie�qBB BaM OeOt FwM(tl230) 1 695 91] 1,695.81� 2010 C3D local Rev'ilaGZation Debt FuM(k231� SM,B]] S9E 63] llp Guaiantee FunE N249 2a,569 2<,569 uo azw azw lIDp750 a2]5 15.121 15,121 GotlCourseOeMSeniceFmM N2J] 3BB,195 3B9,1B5 Muruci al Park ConsWClion FuM M321 1 Od],Y38 ]B00,98] 3.8�0,98] d,BaB,223 Ca �allm ovemenlsFUntl IR728 10]85,238 859,000 859.000 11638,231 Local RevitaLialwn FuM pJJO 229,620 329,A50 J29,650 559,070 GollCOUrseDeblServicaFuM pCl] WaterFunE NA30 �3.fi&5.082 B.B55.104 8.855.102 32.540,I6C Se�.erFvM aql IB,]]9.90a 1,B19,5]9 1.819.99 i0.59B,a83 StormDraina eFuM pA]� �O.B15.J81 5.29].080 529],OBOI 88,�12.681 Ser.erMMroFuM Ib7J 1B,Sa9.049' 1B.SC9.008 SoLdWasleFUM i143C 15,619,BBf 1,250 1,250I 15.621131 Ai riFUiq pd35 1193,11] 185,950 165,950 190908] Cemel FuM a436 1,P05A55 1,205055 GoH Course FuM p43� InsurarceFuM M501 1,814,1J1 181d,111 Werkers Com nsaUOn Sel/Inswanm Furrd p503 9BJ,100 98J 100 FadliliesFurM MWS S.1B5,04] �213,800 21],800 S,J9884� Inrovalion ark Terhrw Furq k518 8.024,125 655,638 855,639 B.BIB)BG E vi enl Rernal Funtl At550 8.53a,1a4 787,953 ]&1,95] 8.918,891 Fve Penspn FuM(C811 2.858,481 2.BSB,nE1 Cemeler EMawment Fw�E a701) 1 B91,Bfi4 1 65],B99 �Total - 263,774,187 34,190,517 36,790,517� �287,324;70d� 1L�rAA15 Reou�M W�Y d Ndm Fina�oY Plar✓°9 MyfGrcn Pepe 1