HomeMy WebLinkAbout5146 RE$OLUTION NO. 5 1 4 6
WHEREAS, RCW 35.77.010 requires that the legislative body of each City
prepare and adopt a comprehensive Transportation Improvement Program (TIP)
for the ensuing six years, but only after conducting a public hearing; and
WHEREAS, a public hearing to review the 2016-2021 Transportation
Improvement Program for the City of Auburn was held on June 15, 2015 at the
hour of 7:00 p.m. in the Council Chambers of the Auburn City Hall, pursuant to
notice published in the legal newspaper of the City of Aubum on June 03, 2015.
Section 1. There is attached hereto and denominated as Exhibit "A," the
terms of which are incorporated herewith by reference as though fully set forth, a
designation of the streets within the corporate limits of the City of Auburn to be
improved in the manner therein set forth during the year set for the improvement
of such street or streets.
Section 2. That the City Engineer of the City of Auburn is hereby directed
to forward a certified copy of this Resolution to the Washington State Department
of Transportation for filing not more than thirty (30) days after the adoption of this
Section 3. That 4he Mayor is hereby authorized to implement such
administrative procedures as may be necessary to carry out the directions of this
Section 4. That this Resolution shall take effect and be in full force upon
passage and signatures hereon.
Resolution No. 5146
June 8, 2015
Page 1
DATED this /S day of June, 2015
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Danielle E. Daskam,
City Clerk
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aniel B. Heid,
City Attorney
Resolution No. 5146
June 8, 2015
Page 2
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Community Development and Public
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Transportation Section
Adopted June 15, 2015
City of'Auba�rn Transportation Improvement Program
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Adopted by Auburn City Council
June 15, 2015
Citv of Auburn
25 West Main Street
Auburn, WA 98001
Ciry ofAuburn Transportation Improvement Program
Cover Photos: Left: 24`h St SE Reconstruction, Right: Auburn Way South & M St SE
Citv o/'A�rharrn Trunsportatio�� /mprovement Program
WHEREAS, RCW 35.77.010 requires that the legislative body of each City
prepare and adopt a comprehensive Transportation Improvement Program (TIP)
for the ensuing six years, but only after conducting a public hearing; and
WHEREAS, a public hearing to review the 2016-2021 Transportation
Improvement Program for the City of Auburn was held on June 15, 2015 at the
hour of 7:00 p.m. in the Council Chambers of the Auburn City Hall, pursuant to
notice published in the legal newspaper of the City of Aubum on June 03, 2015.
Section 1. There is attached hereto and denominated as Exhibit "A," the
terms of which are incorporated herewith by reference as though fully set forth, a
designation of the streets within the corporate limits of the City of Aubum to be
improved in the manner therein set foRh during the year set for the improvement
of such street or streets.
Section 2. That the City Engineer of the City of Aubum is hereby directed
to forward a certified copy of this Resolution to the Washington State Department
of Transportation for filing not more than thirty (30) days after the adoption of this
Section 3. That the Mayor is hereby authorized to implement such
administrative procedures as may be necessary to carry out the directions of this
Section 4. That this Resolution shall take effect and be in full force upon
passage and signatures hereon.
City of Auburn Transpor{ation Improvement Program
DATED this_day of June, 2015
Danielle E. Daskam,
City Clerk
Daniel B. Heid,
City Attorney
City of Auburn Transportation Improvement Program
Table of Contents
ExecutiveSummary.:;�...........�:......................................................................................................... l
Introduction.::�.�:::.......::::::......::�.......:.�:.....................:........................................................................ 1
Projects & Financing Plan Summary .....:�:;.......:�::::::......:�:....:.::�:::.....,;:�:........�:.::.......�;.......:�:.....3
Finanaal Constraint & Fund Balance Summa_ry,._.,.........:........................................................... 13
RoadwayImprovement Projects.................................................................................................. 15
AWSPed Improvements (TIP# 2)............................................................................................::.. 15
Aubum Way Comdor(TIP#3)...............................,......................,............................................... 16
I Street NE Corridor(TIP# 4):.........:,:.........,:.........�:::.......�.�:......:.�:::......::.:........:�:;:.......:;:....:�::... 17
MStreet Underpass (TIP# 5) ....................................................................................................... 18
S 272"tl/277th Street (TIP# 6).........:.............,........,..,.......,,,,,.................,,.,.........,.........,.«,....,..... 19
ASt NW, Phase 2 (TIP# 8).:: ......:.. .:.:..... ........, ....,::.. .:::..... ......... .........20
AWS. Hemlock to Academy (TIP# 9) ..........................................................................................21
FStreet SE (TIP# 10)::..........:...............................,.::,,.......,,.,..........,,...................,.,......,.........,....22
MStreet NE (TIP# 11).................:.............................................................................................:... 23
Grade-Separated Crossing of BNSF Yard (TIP# 12).................................................................24
8th Street NE Widening (TIP# 15)..:�::.......:.:::........:�:::.....,:.........,�,.........,:........,�.._.......,:.......,_...25
49th Street NE (TIP# 16)..............................................................................................................26
46`h PI S Realignment (TIP#25)..............................,..................,...,..................»».........,.,..........27
Neighborhood Traffic Calming Program(TIP# 33) ......... ....,.-: .,::..... :.......: ..�.:..28
124th Ave SE Corridor Improvements, Phase 2 (TIP#40) .......................................................29
RStreet Bypass (TIP#41)...::�:.........,:..........�:......:�::::........:.:.........�:.........,�........:,,:..............,:.,... 30
SE 320th Street Corriddr Improvements (TIP#42)....................................................................31
AWS (SR-164) Corridor Safety Improvements (TIP# 43).......................................................... 32
West Valley Highway Improvements (15�' NW to W Main St) (TIP# 49) .......�:.�::......�::......�:::. 33
West Main St Corridor Improvements (TIP# 55)........................................................................34
AWS Gorridor Improvements(Fir to Hemlock) (TIP# 58),..........,,,,.................,,,.................,,.... 35
M Street SE Corridor(TIP# 60).........................................:............:..........::..........:,:......:,:......:,...36
AWSBypass(TIP# 61)................................................................................................................. 37
AWS Streetscape Improvements (TIP# 62)...........:.........::..........:�:........:�........:�.:�::....:�........�::.. 38
Lea H'ill Rd Segment 1 (TIP# 64).................................................................................................39
Lea Hill Rd Segment 2 (TIP# 65)....:::................................::........,;:,........:.........:.:.......................40
Lea Hill Rd Segment 3 (TIP# 66).................................................................................................41
West Valley Highway Improvements (SR-18 to 15�" SW) (TIP# 72) ....,.,.................................42
Stewart Road (Lake Tapps ParkwaY) (TIP# 73)....................................................................:....43
R St SE Corridor Extension (TIP# 74).....,»,..........,.....................................................................44
Intersection Signal 8 ITS Improvements.....................................:............:............:.......::......:.�:.45
M Street SE/12th Street SE Traffic Signal (TIP# 14)........:.......:.�....................,,.::,........,........:..45
Harvey Rd NE/8th 8t NE Intersection Improvements (TIP# 17)...............................................46
M St SE 8� 29`h St SE Intersection Safety Improvements (TIP# 18).........................................47
Aubum Way North/1 st Street NE Signal Improvements (TIP# 19)........:..........,:_..,.....:.:..........48
R St SE 8� 2151 St SE Intersection Safety Improvements (TIP# 20)..........................................49
Main Street Signal Upgrades (TIP# 21)...................................................................................... 50
Traffic Signal Improvements (TIP# 34)..................,....................,:,........,,..........,:..,......,........:..... S l
City ofAuburn Transportation Improvement Progrum
C St SW & 15�" St SW Intersection (TIP# 38).............................................................................52
124th Ave SE 8� Se 320�h St Intersection Improvements (TIP# 39) ..�:::........:�::.:..........�::......:.-.-53
Traffic Management Center Improvements (TIP# 47)................................................................54
A St SE & 6`" St SE Safety 8� Access Improvements (TIP# 48),.........,�.:.......�:::.:......:::�::::......:55
124`" ,4ve SE & SE 284`" St Intersection Safety (TIP# 45).........................................................56
ITS Dynamic Message Signs (TIP# 50).......................................................................................57
Lake Tapps Parkway ITS Expansion (TIP# 51).::............:�::::......:�::.....:�:::.......�::::..........:,:.........58
A St SE & Lakeland Hills Way Intersection (TIP# 52)................................................................59
AWS/124h Street SE Intersection Improvements (TIF# 53).......................................................60
Aubum Ave NE 8 3rd St NE Pedestrian & Access Improvements (TIP# 59).,::..........:.,::.......61
29th St SEIR St SE Intersection Improvements (TIP# 63).........................................................62
Traffic Signal Safety Improvemen4s (TIP# 67).......................................,.,........,.,,,.........,..,........63
37'� Street & A St SE Traffic Signal Safety Improvement (TIP# 68)........ ...:..:.. .,:..-......64
I St NE & 22nd St NE Roundabout Safety Improvement (TIP# 69) ...........................................65
Non-Motorized �Transit Improvements..:�.�::.:....�,:�::::,...,;::�....,:.�:::,....::�:::..:....:.:::.......::�:::::.....67
- - -- - _..
Riverwalk Drive SE Non-Motorized Improvements (TIP# 23) ....::.:.........�..........;.::.:.......,,::::.....67
AcademyDrive Multi-Use Trail (TIP# 24)....................................................................................68
MetroShuttle (TIP# 26).................................................................................................................69
Citywide Pedestrian Accessibility Program (TIP# 30).....,;,,_,........::.........:::.......::�:._:........,..�,:.,..70
Citywide Arterial Bicycle and Safety Improvements (TIP# 31)..................................................71
Citywide Sidewalk Repair and Improvements (TIP# 32)............................................................72
Downtown Transit Access Improvements (TIP# 44).....:..,.::....:.�::........:�:........:::::::.......:�.�:::.73
Evergreen Heights Safe Routes to School Improvements (TIP# 56) .......................................74
Preliminary Engineering 8 Miscellaneous Projects.__ _:::... :;.....; _ :::._ ,�:;._.J6
A Street NW, Phase 1 (TIP# 1).,.... ........ .....,. ..:.... :......, ......,. _ ..,,,.....76
Mohawk Plastics Site Mitigation (TIP# 13)..................................................................................77
A Street SE Safety Improvements Study (TIP# 27)....................................................................78
S 277th St-Wetland Mitigation (TIP# 29).....,;,...........,�;,....................:........................:........ .......79
104th Ave SE 8 Green River Road Study (TIP#46)..................................................................80
Kersey Way SE Corridor Study (TIP# 54).........................................,.........................................81
Pavement Preservation Projects.... :...... ........: .,♦:.. ::...... ....:, ...:,�:...83
15�' St SW Reconstruction (TIP# 7).....�::.........:.::........:,:......,,,�:::.....,:...:.....,.,::........:.:........::.,::..83
Lake Tapps Parkway Preservation (TIP#22)...............................................................................84
Annual Bridge Structure Preservation (TIP# 28):.....:..,�:::.......:�.;-:....:.�.�.........�::......:::::�:......�:::::.85
Arterial Preservation Program (TIP# 35).....................................................................................86
Arterial Crack Seal Program (TIP# 36)::::..........,:........,»�,,....,,,_,.......:.........,.,,:..........,,..,.......,:.,.87
Local Street Improvemenf Program (TIP# 37) ......... ......... ......... ......... ...........88
Arterial Bridge Deck Rehabilitation (TIP# 57) .............................................................................89
Auburn Way North Preservation (TIP# 70)..........:...........::...................:..........:::..........:::.......:...:90
15'" St NW/NE Preservation (TIP# 71)........................................................................................91
Project Summa�y Sheet ........................................................................Appendix A
2016-2021 TIP Project Map...:.........:......:.................................................Appendix B
City of Auburn Transportation Improvement Program
The Transportation Improvement Program (TIP) is a 6-year plan for transportation
improvements that support the City of Aubums current and future growth. The TIP along with
the Corriprehensive Transportation Plan (CTP) serve as sou�ce documents for fhe City of
Aubum Capital Facilities Plan which is a Comprehensiye Plan element requi�ed by
Washington's Growth Management Act. The program may be revised at any time by a majority
of the City Council after a public hearing.
The purpose of 4he TIP is to identify priority transp.ortation projects and assure that the city has
advanced plans as a guide in carrying out a coordinated transportation program. There are
always more prbjects than available revenues. Therefore, a primary objective of the TIP is to
integrate 4he two to produce a comprehensive, realistic program for the orderly development
and maintenance of our street system. Prbjects are recjuired to be included in the TIP in order
to be eligible for state and federal grants. Grant funding for projects listed may not yet be
Statutory Requirements
Six Year Transportation Improvement Program - RCW 35.77.010 requires that each city
prepare and adopt a comprehensive transportation improvement program for the ensuing six
calendar years consistent with its CTP. This six-year TIP shall be filed with the Secretary of the
Washington State Departrrient of Transpoitation (WSDOT) each year within 30 days of
Projects of Regional Significance - RCNV 35.77.010 also require.s each city to specifically set
forth those projects and programs of regional significance for inclusion in the fransportation
improvement progYam for that region. The 2016-2021 TIP includes five projects of regional
TIP Pro'ect Number P�o'ect Title
TIP#6 _ S 272nd/277th Street Co�rido'�
TIP#49 . _ West Valle Hi hwa 15th NW to W Main St
TIP# 58 AWS Corridor Im rovements Fir to Hemlock
TIP# 61 SR-18 to Auburn Wa South SR-164 B ass
TIP# 71 West Valle Hi hwa W Main St to 15th St SW
Execzttive Summary &Introdttction 1
City ofAuburn Transportution Improvement Program
Annual updates of the TIP begins with developing a revenue forecast to provide a reasonable
estimate of funding available to accomplish the transportation improvement needs. Since the
desire to construct transportation improvements typically exceeds the available forecast
revenue, it is necessary to establish some method of prioritizing the needs.
Transportation needs are identified by examining the latest information concerning level of
service, safety and accident history, growth trends, traffic studies and the City's adopted CTP.
The likelihood of receiving federal or state grants for various improvements, community
interests and values are also considered. All of these factors yield a prioritiied list of
transportation improvements.
Projects are placed into one of the following categories;
• Roadway improvements,
• Intersection, Signal & Intelligent Transportation System Improvements,
• Non-Motorized & Transit Improvements,
• Preliminary Engineering & Miscellaneous Projects, and
• Roadway Preservation Projects.
Each project is identified as a Capacity or Non-capacity improvement and those that lay within
the limits of a defined Arterial LOS Corridor per with Table 2-2 of the City's CTP are identified
accordingly. Capacity projects from the 6-year plan are incorporated into the CTP as Group A
projects. Longer term capacity projects are listed in the CPT as Group B Projects.
Detailed project costs and funding sources are identified and provided for each project listed in
the proposed TIP. The prioritized list is then financially constrained in the first three years to
reflect the financial projections to yield the six-year Transportation Improvement Program. After
completing all reviews and compiling the document, staff makes final recommendations to the
Planning and Community Development Committee and City Council for approval.
2 Execcrtive Sc�n�mary &Intradcection
Ciry of Aubc�rn Transportation /rnprovement Program
Projects & Financing Plan Summary
TIP# RoadwayProjects 2016 2017 2018 20'19 2020 2027 To[al
2 Auburn Wav S Pedestrian Imorovements fDoawood St SE to Fir St SEl
Capital Costs 5,000 - - - - - 5,000
Funding Sources:
Unresirictetl Street Revenue 5,000 - - - - - 5,OOo
Secured Fed&State Grants - - - - - - -
Traffc Impact Fees - - - - - - -
Other(MuckleShoot Tribe)
3 Aubum Wav Corridor(4th St NE to 4th St SEI
Capital Costs - - - 818,700 3,000,000 - 3,818,700
Funding Sources:
Unrestrictetl SVeet Revenue - - - 110,000 600,000 - 710,000
Unsecured Gran� - - - 708,700 2,400,000 - 3.,108,700
Traffc Impac[Fees
4 I Street NE Corridor(45th St NE to S 277th Stl
CapiWl Costs - - - 6,760,000 - - 6,760,000
Funtling Sources:
Unrestricted Street Revenue - - - - - - -
Unsecured Grant - - - - - - -
TreHic Impact Fees - - - - - - -
Other(Development) 6,760,000 6,760,000
5 M 5[reet Underoass(3rtl S[SE to 8th St SE)
Capital Costs 130,654 130,080 129,500 128,920 128,350 128,000 775,504
Funtling Sources:
Unrestricted Street Revenue - - - - - - -
Secured State Grant - - - - - - -
Traffic Impacl Fees 130,fi54 730,080 129,500 126,920 128,350 128,000 775,504
Traffic Mitigation Fees - - - - - - -
PWTFL - - - - - - -
6 S 272nd1277th Street Corridor
Capital Costs 6,881,800 - - - - - 6,881,800
Funding Sources:
Unrestricted Street Revenue - - - - - - •
Secured Fed&State Grants 4,000,000 - - - - - 4,000,000
Traifc Impact Fees 581,800 - - - - - 581,800
Other(DevelopmenQ 2,300,000 2,300,000
8 A Street NW,Phase 2
Capital Costs: - - - - 3,000,000 - 3,000,000
Funding Soutces:
UnresUicted S[reet Revenue - - - - - - -
Unsecured Grant - - - - - - -
Traffic Impact Fees - - - - - - •
Other(Development) 3,000,000 3,000,000
9 Auburn Way S(Hemlock to Academy)
Capital Costs: 200,000 - - - - - 200,000
Funding Sources:
Unrestrictetl Street Revenue - - - - - - -
Unsecured Granl - - - - • - -
Traffic Impact Fees 100,000 - - - - • 100,000
Other(MIT) 100,000 100,000
10 F Street SE Non-Motorized Imoroveme�ts
Capital Costs 250,000 1,800,000 - - - - 2,050,000
Funtling Sources:
Unrestrictetl Street Revenue - 160,000 - - - - 160,000
Secured Grant 200,000 - - - - - 200,000
Traffic Impact Fees 50,000 200,000 - - - - 250,000
Unsecured Grant 1,440,000 1,440,000
Projects & Financing Plan Summarv 3
City of Auburn Trcrnsportation Improvement Program
TIPp Roadway Projects 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2027 Total
11 M Street NE(E Main St to 4th St NEl
Capital Costs - - 100,�00 275,000 1,150,000 - 1,525,000
Funding Sources:
Unrestric�etl Street Revenue - - - - - - -
Unsecured Grant - - - 220,000 920,000 - 1,140,000
Traffic Impact Fees 100,000 55,000 230,000 385,000
12 Gretle-Separated Crossinv of BNSF Railvard
Capitai Costs - - - - - 1,125,000 1,125,000
Funding Sources:
UnresVicted Street Revenue - - - - - - -
Unsecured Grant - - - - - - -
Tra�c Impact Fees - - - - - -
Other(Developmenq 1 J 25,000 1,125,000
15 8th Street NE Widenina(Pike St to R St NE)
Capital Costs - - 450,000 1,000,000 - - 1,450,000
Funding Sources:
Unrestricted Street Revenue - - - - - - -
Unsecured Grant - - 360,000 800,000 - - 1,160,000
TraKc Impact Fees 90.000 200,000 290,000
16 49th Street NE(Auburn Wav N to I St NE)
Capital Costs - - - 850,000 2,500,000 - 3,350,000
Funding Sources:
Unrestricletl Street Revenue - - - - - - -
Unsecuretl Gran� - - - - - - -
Traffic Impact Fees - - - - - - -
Other(DevelopmenU 850,000 2,500,000 3,350,000
25 46th Place S Realianment
Capital Costs - - - - 825,000 - 825,000
Funding Sources:
Unres[ricted Street Revenue - - - - - - -
Unsecured Grant - - - - 575,000 - 575,000
Traffc Impac�Fees - - - - 250,000 - 250,000
33 N�h6orhood Traffic Caiminq Improvements
Capital Costs 100,000 100,0�0 100,000 100,000 100,000 100,000 600,000
Funding Sources:
Cap. Imp.Funtl Baiance - - - - - - -
Unsecured Grant - - - - - - -
REET 2 100,000 700,000 100,000 100,000 100,000 100,000 600,000
40 124th Avenue SE Corridor Imorovements ISE 312th to SE 318th1
Capital Costs - - 400,000 1,700,000 2,500,000 - 4,000,000
Funding Sources:
Unrestrictetl Street Revenue - - - - - - -
Unsecured Grant - - 300,000 880,0�0 2,000,000 - 3,180,000
Traffic Impact Fees 700,000 220,000 500,000 820,000
41 R Street Bwass
Capital Costs - - - - - 500,000 500,000
Funding Sources:
Unresiricte0 Street Revenue - - - - - - -
Unsecured Grant - - - - - - -
Traffic Impact Fees - - - - - - -
Other(Developmenp 500.000 500,000
42 SE 320th Stree[Gorridor Imorovements(116th Ave SE to 122ntl Ave SEl
Capi[al Costs 100,000 - 600,000 662,500 3,281,600 - 4,664,100
Funding Sources:
Unrestricted Street Revenue 100,000 - - - - - 100,000
Unsecured Grent - - 480,000 530,000 2,953,440 - 3,963,440
Traffic Impact Fees 120,000 732,500 328,160 580 660
4 Projects & Financing Pla�a Sc�mmary
Citv of Aubum Transpor�tntion lmprm�ement Program
71P# Roadwa Pro ects 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Total
43 Auburn Wav S fSR 1641 Corridor Safetv Imorovements IMuckleshoot Plaza to Doawootll _ y�347,665
Capital Costs 2,347,665 - - - -
Funding Sources:
Unrestricted Street Revenue - " . _ 1,951,313
Securetl Federal Grant 1,951,3i3 - - � _ 89,678
Traffic Impact Fees 89�678 " 306,674
Other WSDOT 306,674 - -
49 w Vallev Hi4hwav Imorovements(15th Street NW to W Main Streetl 3,700,000
Capital Costs - - 100.000 600,000 3,000,000 -
Funding Sources: _ _
Unreslrictetl Streel Revenue - - 2,880,000
Unsecured Grant - - - 480,000 2,400,000 -
Traffic lm act Fees - - 100,000 120.000 600,000 - 820,000
55 W Main St Multimodal Corridor and ITS Imorovements(WVH to Interur6an Trail) _ 3,494,400
CapiWl Costs 3,494,400 - - - '
Funding Sources: _
Unrestricled Street Revenue - - - _ _ 2,g70,240
Secured Grant 2,9��,24� - _ 209,650
Traffic Impact Fees 209,650 - - 314,510
Other Arterial Preserv.Fund 314,510 -
58 Auburn Wav S Corridor Improvements IFir to Hemlockl _ 5,000
CapiWl Costs 5,000 - - - -
Funtling Sources: _ _ 5,000
Unrestrictetl S[reet Revenue 5,000 - - '
Secured State Grant - - ' _
Traffic Impact Fees - - '
Other MIT -
60 M Street SE Corridor fBth S[SE to AWS1 6,675,000
CapiWl Costs - - - 1,925,000 4.750,000 -
Funding Sources: _ _
Unrestricted Street Revenue - - 4,675,000
Unsecured Grant - - - 925,000 3,750,000 -
Traffc Impaci Fees - - - 750,000 750,000 - 1,500,000
O[her Develo ment - 250 000 250 000 - 500 000
61 Auburn Wav S Bvpass
Capital Costs - -
- 5,000,000 10,000,000 15,000,000
Funtling Sources: .
UnresVicted Slreet Revenue - ' - _
Unsewred Grant - " - _
T�affic Impact Fees - - -
- 1,500,000 3,500,000 5,000,000
Other(WSDOT) - 3,500.000 6.500,000 t0,000,000
Other Develo ment - - -
62 A burn Wav S Streetscape Impro ements(SR-18 to M St SE) 4,750,000
Capital Costs - - - 1,950,000 2,800,000 -
Funding Sources: _ 200,000 200,000 - 400,U00
Unrestric[etl Street Revenue - - 4,35U,000
Unsewred Grant - - - 1.750,000 2,600,000 _
Traffic Impacl Fees � - �
Other -
64 Lea Hill Road Seament 1 (R St NE to 105th PI SE) 12,550,000
Capital Costs 100,000 - - 2.450,000 10.000,000 -
Funding Sources: _ _
UnresVicted Street Revenue - - 9,950,000
Unsecured Grant - - - 1,950,000 8,000,000 -
Traftic Im act Fees
100.000 - - 500,000 2,000.000 2.600,000
Projects & Financing Plnn Sarmmary 5
Ciry o/Acrburn Tran.�portation Improvemeret Program
TIP# RaadwayPro)ects 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Total
§,� Lea Hill RoaC Sea ent 2(105th PI SE to 112th Ave SE)
Capital Costs - - - - 3,500,000 8.500,000 12,000,000
Funding Sources:
Unrestricted Street Revenue - - � - - "
Unsecuretl Grant - - - - 2,9�0.000 7.100,000 10,000,000
Traffic Im act Fees 600,000 1,40q000 2.00Q000
¢¢ Lea Hill Road Seament 3 1112th Ave SE to 124th Ave SEI
CapiWl Costs - - - 1,000,000 3,000,000 - 4,000,000
Funding Sources:
Unreslncted Street Revenue - - - - "
Unsecured Grant - - - - 3,000,000 - 3,000,000
Traffic Im act Fees - 1,000,000 - t,000,000
72 W Vallev H'ahwav Imorovements ISR-18 to 15th St SWI
Capital Costs - 100,000 500,000 2,500,000 - - 3,700,000
Funding Sources:
Unrestrictetl Street Revenue - - - - - '
Unsewred Grant - - 400,000 2.000,000 - - 2,400,000
Traffc Impact Fees - 100 000 700.000 500,000 - - 700,000
73 Stewart Road Lake Taoos Parkwav Corcidor
CapiWl Costs - 100,000 - - - - 100,000
Funding Sources: 66,600
Unrestrictetl Street Revenue - 86,000 - - - -
Unsecuretl Grant - - ' - ' - �
Traffic Impact Fees - - 34,000
Traffic Miti ation Fees 34,000
74 R S[SE Corrfdor Eatension
CapfUl Costs - - - - 2,000.000 8,000,000 10,000,000
Funding Sources:
Unresiricted Street Revenue - - - - - - -
Unsecured Grant - - - - " - �
Traffic Impact Fees - - - - - -
Other(Developmenp - - - 2,000.000 8,000,000 �0,000,000
Subtotal,Roadway ProJects:
Capital Costs 13,614,519 2,230,080 2,379,500 22.120,120 50,534,950 28,353,000 119,232,169
Funtling Sources
Unrestnctetl Street Revenue 110,000 226,000 - 310,000 800,000 - 1,446.000
Grants 9,121,553 1,440,000 1,540,000 10,243,700 31,498,440 7,100,000 60,9d3,693
TreKclmpactFees 1,261.782 430,080 739,500 3,606,420 5.386,510 1,528,000 12,952,292
TraHic Mitigation Fees - 34,000 - - - - 34,000
REET 2 100,000 t00,D00 100,000 100,000 100,000 100.000 600,000
Other(WSDOT) 306,674 - - - 1,500,000 3,500,000 5,306,674
Other(�evelopmenq 2.300,000 - - 7.860,000 71,250,000 16,125.000 37,535,000
Other(MuGkleshoot Tnbe) 100,000 - - - - - 100,000
Other(Arter al Prese F ntll 314 510 - - - - - 314,510
TotalFunding 13,614.519 2,2�0,080 2,379,500 22,120,120 50,534,950 28,353,000 119,232,169
( Projccts & Financing Plan Siemmary
City q/��e�b�u-rr 7ran.iportatioi� G�iprurement Pro;ram
TIP# Intersection, Signal&ITS Projects 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 ToWI
14 M Street SE 8 12th Street SE TrafFlC Sianal
CapiWl Costs - - - 625,000 - - 625,000
Funding Sources:
Unrestric[ed Street Revenue - - . _ _ _ .
Unsecuretl Grant - - - 500,000 - - 500,000
Traffic Impact Fees - - _ _ _ _ _
_ Other(Development) 125 000 125 000
17 Harvev Road&8th Street NE Intersection Imorovements
CapiWl Costs 85.383 85,200 Sa,800 84,a00 84,400 84.200 508,383
Funtling Sources:
Unrestricted Street Revenue - - _ _ _ _ _
Unsecuretl Grant - . _ _ _ _ _
Tr2ffc Impact Fees 85 383 85 200 84 800 84 400 84 400 94 200 508 383
18 M Street SE 8 29th Street SE Intersection Imorovements
Capital Costs 50,000 - - 400,000 - - 450,000
Funding Sources:
Unrestriaed Street Revenue 50,000 - - 100,000 - - 150,000
Unsecuretl Grant - - - 300,000 - - 300,000
TraKc Impacl Fees - - _ _ _ _ _
�9 Auburn Wav N 81s[Street NE Smnal Imorovements
Capital Costs 50,000 - 550,000 - - - 60q000
Funding Sources:
Unrestrictetl Street Revenue 50,000 - 125.000 - - - 175,000
Unsecured Gran� - - 425,000 - - - 425,000
Traf9c Impact Fees
20 R Street SE 8 27st Street SE Intersect�on Imorovemen �
Capital Costs 75,000 - - 800,000 - - 875,000
Funding Sources:
Unrestrictetl Street Revenue 75.000 - - 100,000 - - 175,000
Securetl S�ate Grant - - - 700,000 - - 700,000
Traffic Impact Fees - _ _ _ . _ _
TraHic Mitiqation Fees
21 Mam Street Smnal Uoarades
Capital Costs 5,000 - - - - - 5,000
Funding Sources:
Unrestricted Street Revenue 5,000 - - - - - 5,000
Unsewretl Granf - _ . . _ _ _
Treffic Impact Fees - - - _ _ _ _
Traf(ic Mitiqation Fees
34 Traffic Sianal Imorovements
Ca0ital Costs 175,000 175,000 175,000 775,000 175,000 775.000 1,050,000
Funding Sources: , . . .
Cap. imp.Funtl Balance - - . _ _ . .
Unsecuretl Grant - - _ . _ . _
REET2 175 000 175,0�0 175,0�0 1�5 000 175,000 175,000 1,050,000
38 C Street SW 8 i5th Street SW Intersection Imnrovments
Capital Costs - 150.000 - 675,000 - - 1,025,000
Funding Sources:
Unrestric�ed Street Revenue - - - _ . . _
Unsecuretl Grant - - - 750,000 - - 750,000
Traff�c Impact Fees 150 000 125 000 275 000
Project.�� & Frncmciii�� Plirrr Summmti� 7
City ofAeebeeni Transportation /mpravementProgram
TIP# Intersection,Signal 8 ITS Projects 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Total
39 124th Avenue SE 8 SE 320th 5treet Intersection Improvements
Capital Costs 350,000 - - 1,500,000 - - 1,950,000
Funding Sources:
Unrestrided Street Revenue 775.000 - - 150,000 - - 325,000
Unsecuretl G�ant - - - 1,200,000 - - 1,200,000
Traffic Impacl Fees - - - - - - -
Olher(GRC) 175,000 150,000 325,000
45 124th Avenue SE 8 SE 284th Street Intersection Safetv Imnrovements
Capital Costs - 100,000 600,000 - - - 700,000
Funding Sources:
UnresVicted Street Revenue - - - - - - -
Unsecuretl Grant - - 450,000 - - - 450,000
TraKC Impact Fees 100,000 150,000 250,000
47 TrafFlC Manaoement Center Improvements
Capital Costs 25,000 - - - - - 25,000
Funding Sources:
Unrestricted Street Revenue - - - - - - -
Unsecured Grant - - - - - - -
Traffic Impac[Fees 25,00� Z5,000
48 A Street SE&6th Street SE SafeN&Access Imorovements
Capital Costs 50,000 - - - - - 50,000
Funding Sources:
UnresUicted Street Revenue - - - - - - -
Unsecured Grant - - - - - - -
Traffc Impacl Fees - - - - - - -
Other(BNSF) 50,000 50,000
� ITS Dvnamic Messaoe Sians
Capital Costs 150,000 150,000 150,000 150,000 150,000 - 750,000
Funding Sources:
Cap. Imp.Fund Balance - - - - - - -
Unsecured Grant - 120,000 120,000 120,000 120,000 - 480,000
REET 2 100,000 30,000 30,000 30,000 30,000 - 220,000
Other(WRA) 50,000 so,oao
51 E Vallev Hiahwav I7S Ezoansion
Capital Costs 705,000 900,000 - - - - 1,005,000
Funding Sources:
Unrestricted Streel Revenue - - - - - - -
Unsecured Granl 82,950 711,000 - - - - 793,950
Traffic Impact Fees 22,050 189,000 211,050
52 A Street SE&Lakeland Hills Wav SE Intersection Saferv&Caoacitv Imorovements
Capital Costs 75,000 - - - - - 75,000
Funtling Sources:
Unrestriaed Street Revenue - - - - - - -
Unsecuretl Grant - - - - - - -
TraffiC Impact Fees 75.000 75,000
53 Auburn Wav 5 812th Slreet Intersection Imorovemen[s
Capital Costs 100,D00 750,000 - - - - 850,000
Funding Sources:
Unrestrictetl S[reet Revenue 700,000 - - - - - 100,000
Unsecured Grant - 750,000 - - - - 750,000
Traffic Impact Fees
8 Projects &Financing Plan Summary
Caty ofAarburn Tran�s�ortah�on Improvement Program
TIP# Intersectlon,Signal&ITS Projects 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Total
59 Auburn Avenue&3rtl Street NE Pedestrian&Access Imorovements
Capital Costs - 50,000 300,000 - - - 350,000
Funding Sources:
Unrestric�ed Street Revenue - - - - - - •
Unsecured Grant - - 250,000 - - - 250,000
Traffc Impact Fees 50,000 50,000 700,000
63 29th Stree[SE 8 R Street SE Intersection Imorovements
Capital Costs - - - 1,800,000 - - 1,800,000
Funding Sources:
Unrestricted Street Revenue - - - - - - -
Unsecured Grant - - - 1,300,000 - - 1,300,000
Traffic Impact Fees 500,000 500,000
67 Citwvide Treffic Sianal SafeN Imorovement
Capital Costs 472,575 - - - - - 472,575
Funding Sources:
Unresiricted Street Revenue - - - - - - •
Secured Federal Grant 412,95 - - - - - 412,575
Traffic impact Fees - - - - - - -
68 37th Street SE 8 A Street SE Traffic Sianal Safetv Imorovement
Capital Costs 722,600 - - - - - 722,600
Funding Sources:
Unreslricted Slreet Revenue - - - � - - -
Securetl Federal Grant 635,360 - - - - - 635,360
Treffic Impac[Fees - - - - - - •
Arterial Preserv. Fund(105) 87,240 87,240
69 I S[reet NE 8 22ntl Street NE Roundabout Safetv Imorovement
Capital Costs 50.000 150,000 1,175,000 - - - 7,375,000
Funding Sources:
Unreslricted Street Revenue - - - - - - -
Unsecured Grant - 100,000 940,000 - - - 1,040,000
Traffic Impact Fees 50 000 50 000 235,000 - 335,000
Subtotal.Intersection.Sional 81TS Proiects:
Capital Costs 2,480,558 2,510,200 3,034,800 6,409,400 409,400 259,200 15,103,558
Funding Saurces:
Unrestrictetl Slreet Revenue 455,000 - 125,000 350,000 - - 930,000
Grants 1,730,885 1,681,OW 2,185,000 4,870,000 120,000 - 9,986,885
Traff�c Impact Fees 257,433 624,200 519,800 709,400 84,400 84,200 2,279,433
Traffic Mitigation Fees - - - - - - -
REET 2 275,000 205,000 205,000 205,000 205,000 '175,000 1.270,000
Arteriai Preserv. Fund(105) 87,240 - - - - - 87,240
Other(Development) - - - 125,000 - - 125,000
O[her(Green River College) �75,000 - - 150,000 - - 325,000
Other(WhiteRiverAmp.) 50,000 - - - - - 50,000
Other(BNSF) 50 000 - 50,000
7otal Funding 2,480,558 2,510,200 3,034,800 6,409,400 409,400 259,200 15,103,558
Projects &Fi�zm�ci�ig Plan Summnry 9
Ciry of Auburn Transportation Improvement Program
TIP: Non-MOtorized 8 Transit Projects 20i6 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Total
23 Riverwalk Drive SE Non-Motorized Improvements
Capital Costs - 100,000 600,000 - - - 700,000
Funding Sources:
Unrestricted Street Revenue - 100,000 700,000 - - - 200,000
Unsecuretl Grant - - 500,000 - - - 500,000
Traffc Impact Fees
24 Academv Drive Mul[i-USe Trail
Capital Costs - - - 425,000 425,000 - 850,000
Funding Sources:
Unrestricted Street Revenue - - - 42,500 42,500 - 85,000
Unsecured Grant - - - 382,500 382,500 - 765,000
TraHlc Impact Fees -
26 METRO Shuttle: Lakeland Hills Shuttle
Capital Costs 240,000 245,000 245,000 250,000 250,000 250,000 1,480,000
Funding Sources:
Unresirictetl Street Revenue 240,000 245,000 245,000 250,000 250,000 250,000 7,480,000
Unsecured Grant - - - - - - -
Traffc Impact Fees
30 CI[ywitle Pedestrian Accessibilitv and Safetv Proqram
Capital Costs 100,000 100,000 100,000 100,000 100,000 100,00� 600,000
Funding Sources:
Unres[rictetl Street Revenue 100,000 100,000 100,000 100,000 100.000 100,000 600,000
Unsecured Grant - - - - - - •
Tra(fic Impact Fees
� Citw✓ide Arterial Bicvcle antl Saten imorovements
Capital Casts 100,000 - 100,000 - 100,000 - 300,000
Funtling Sources:
Unreslricted Streel Revenue 100,000 - 100,000 - 100,000 - 300,000
Unsecured Grant - - - - - - -
Traffic Impact Fees
32 Citvwide Sidewalk Reoairs and Imorovements
Capital Costs 325,000 125,000 125,000 125,000 125,000 125,000 950,000
Funding Sources:
Cap. Imp.Fund Balance 25.000 25,000 25,000 25,000 25,000 25,000 150,000
Unsecured Grent 100,000 100,000 100,000 100,000 100,000 100,000 600,000
REET2 200,000 200,000
44 D_owntvwn Transit Center Access Imorovements
Capital Costs - 250,000 - - - - 250,000
Funding Sources:
Unrestrictetl Street Revenue - 50,000 - - - - 50,000
Unsecured Grant - 200,000 - - - - 200,000
Traffic Impacl Fees
56 Everoreen Heiahts Safe Routes to School Imorovements
Capital Costs - - - 790.000 563,000 4,620,000 5,973,000
Funding Sources:
Unrestricted Streel Revenue - - - 118,500 84,500 693,000 896,000
Unsecured Grant - - - 671,500 476,500 3,927,000 5,077,000
Traffic Impact Fees
Capital Costs 765,000 820,000 1,170,000 t,690,000 1,563,000 5,095,000 11,103,000
Funding Sources
Unrestricted Street Revenue 440,000 495,000 545,000 511,000 577,000 1,043,000 3,611,000
Gran[s 100,000 300,000 600,000 1,154,000 961,000 4,027,000 7,142,000
TrafFlc Impact Fees - - - - - - -
Cap. Imp.Fund Balance 25,000 25,000 25,000 25,000 25,000 25,00� 150,000
REET 2 200,000 200,000
Total Funding 765,000 820,000 1.170,000 1,690,000 1,563,000 5,095,000 11,103,000
10 Projects &Financing Plan Sccmrrcary
City ofAuberrn Trmvsportation Improvement Program
TIP# Pre.Eng.and Misc.Prqects 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Total
1 A Street NW,Phase 1
Capital Costs 25,000 25.000 25,000 25,000 25,000 25,000 150,000
Funding Sources:
Unrestricted Slreet Revenue - - - - - - -
Securetl Fed&State Grants - - - - - - -
Traffic Impact Fees 25,000 25.000 25.000 25,000 25,000 25,000 150,000
13 Mohawks Plastics Site Mitipation Proiect
Capital Costs 20,000 20,000 65,000 20,000 - - 125,000
Funding Sources:
Unrestrictetl Cap.tmp.Funds - - - - - - -
Unsecured Grant - - - - - - -
Traffic Impact Fees 20 000 20 000 65,000 20,000 - 125,000
27 A Street SE Saferi Imorovements Studv
Capital Costs 5,000 - - - - - 5,000
Funding Sources:
Unreslricted Street Revenue 5,000 - - - - - 5,000
Unsecured Grant - - - - - - -
Traffic Impact Fees -
29 S 277th Street Wetland Mitiqation
Capital Costs 5,000 - - - - - 5,000
Funding Sources:
UnresVicted SVeet Revenue 5,000 - - - - - 5,000
Unsecuretl Grant - - - - - - -
Traffic Impact Fees -
46 104th Avenue SE&Green River Road Stutly
Capital Costs 5,000 - - - - - 5,000
Funding Sources:
Unreshicted S[reet Revenue 5,000 - - - - - 5,000
Unsewred Grant - - - - - - -
Traffc Impacl Fees - - -
54 Kersev Wav SE Corridor Studv
Capital Costs 50,000 - - - - - 50,000
Funding Sources:
Unrestrictetl Street Revenue - - - - - - -
Unsecured Grant - - - - - - -
Traffic Mitioation Fees 50.000 50,000
Subtotal.Pre.Eno.and Misc.Proiects:
Capi[al Costs 110,000 45,000 90,000 45,000 25,000 25,000 340,000
Funding Sources
Unrestricted Slreet Revenue 15,000 - - - - - 15,000
Grants - - - - - - '
Traffc Impact Fees 45,000 45,D00 90,000 45,000 25,000 25,000 275,000
Traffic Mitiqation Fees 50 000 - 50,000
Total Funding 770,000 45,000 90,000 45,000 25,000 25,000 340,000
Projects &Fiieanci�zg Plan Su�nmary 11
Ciry ofAufia�rn Transportation Improvement Program
TIP# RoadwayPreservation Projects 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Total
7 15th Street SW Reconstruction
Capital Costs - - 375,000 3,000,000 - - 3,375,000
Funding Sources:
Arterial Preservation Funtl - - 75,000 500,000 - - 575,000
Unsecured Gran[ - - 300,000 2,500,000 - - 2,800,000
22 Lake Tapps Parkway Preservation(City limit to Lakeland Hills Way)
Capital Costs 124,380 828,470 - - - - 952,850
Funding Sources:
Arterial Preservation Fund 26,480 176,370 - - - - 202,850
Unsecured Grant 97,900 652,100 - - - - 750,000
28 Annual Bridge Structure Preservation
Capital Costs 50,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 300,000
Funding Sources:
Arterial Preserva[ion Fund 50,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 30Q000
Unsecuretl Grant - - - - - - -
35 Annual Arterial Preservation Progrem
Capital Costs 600,000 700,000 1,700,000 1,800,000 1,800,000 1,800,000 8,400,000
Funding Sources:
Arterial Preservation Fund 600,040 700,000 7,700,000 1,800,000 1,800,000 1,800,000 8,400,000
Unsecuretl Grant - - - - - - -
36 Annual Arterial Crack Seal Progrem
Capital Costs 100,000 100,000 100,000 700,000 100,000 100,000 600,000
Funtling Sources:
Artenal Preservation Fund 100,000 100,000 100,000 100,000 100,000 100,000 600,000
Unsecured Grant - - - - - - -
37 Local Streets Improvement Program
Capital Costs 1,600,000 1,600,000 1,600,000 1,600,000 1,600,000 1,600,000 9,600,000
Funding Sources:
Local St Preservation Funtl 1,600,000 1,600,000 1,600,000 1,600,000 1,600,000 1,600,000 9,600,000
Unsecuretl Grant - - - - - - .
57 Arterial Britlge Deck Rehabilitation
Capital Costs 100,000 100,000 100,000 100,000 100,000 100,000 600,000
Funding Sources:
Arterial Preservation Fund 100,000 100,000 100,000 100,000 100,000 100,000 600,000
Unsecured Grant - - - - - - _
70 Auburn Way N Preservatfon(22nd SVeet NE to 45th Street NE)
Capita�Costs 1,775,000 - - - - - 1,775,000
Funding Sources:
Arterial Preservation Funtl 887,500 - - - - - 887,500
Secured Grant 887,500 - - - - - 887,500
71 15th Street NE/NW Preservation(SR-167 to NE 8th Street)
Capital Costs 135,000 1,500,000 - - - - 1,635,000
Funding Sources:
Arterial Preservation Fund 67,500 750,000 - - - - 817,500
Secured Grant 67,500 750,000 - - - - 817,500
Subtotal.Preserva[ion Proiects:
Capital Costs 4,484,380 4,878,470 3,925,000 6,650,000 3,650,000 3,650,000 27,237,850
Funding Sources
Arterial Preservation Fund 1,831,480 1,876,370 2,025,000 2,550,000 2,050,000 2,050,000 12,382,850
Grants 1,052,900 1,402,100 300,000 2,500,000 - - 5,255,000
Local 5l Preservation Fund 1,600.000 1,600.000 1.600.000 7,600 000 1 fi00 000 1 600 000 9 600 000
Total Funtling 4,484,380 4,878,470 3,925,000 6,650,000 3,650,000 3,650,000 27,237,850
12 Projects 8c Financing Plun S�rmmary
City of Ae�ba�rn Transportntion Improvement Progrnm
Financial Constraint & Fund Balance Summary
PROJECT FINANCING SUMMARY: 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Total
RoadwayProjects 13,614,519 2,230,080 2,379,500 22,120,720 50.534,950 28,353,000 119,232,169
InL,Signal&ITS Projects 2,480,558 2,510,200 3,034,800 6,409,400 409,400 259,200 t5,103,558
Non-MOtorized Projects 765,000 820,000 1,170,000 1,690,000 1,563,000 5,095,000 11,103,000
Prel.Eng, antl Misc.Projects 110,000 45,000 90.000 45,000 25,000 25,000 340,000
Preserva[ion Proiects 4 484 380 4 878.470 3.925.000 6.650.000 3,650,000 3,65D,000 27,237,850
Total Costs 21,454,457 10,483,750 10,599,300 3fi,914,520 56,182,350 37,382,200 173,016,577
Unrestricted Street Revenue 1,020,000 721,000 670,000 1,171,000 1,377,000 1,043,000 6,002,000
Gran[s 11,405,338 4,823,100 4,625,000 18,767,700 32,579,440 11,127,000 83,327,578
Traffc Impacl Fees 1.564,215 1,099,280 1,349,300 4,360,820 5,495,910 1,637,200 15,506,725
Traffic Mi[igation Fees 50,000 34,000 - - - - 84,000
LocalStreet Pres. Fund 103 1,600,000 1,600,000 1,600,000 1,600,000 1,600,000 1,60D,000 9,600,000
Arterial Preservation Fund 105 2233,230 1,876,370 2,025,000 2,550,000 2A50,000 2,050,000 12,784,600
Cap.Imp. Fund Balance 25,000 25,000 25,000 25,000 25,000 25,000 150,000
REET2 575,000 305,000 305,000 305,000 305,000 275,000 2,070,000
Other(WSDOT) 306,674 - - - 1,500,000 3,500,000 5,306,67d
O[her(Development) 2,300,000 - - 7.985,000 11,250,000 16,125,000 37,660,000
Other(MUCkleshoot Tnbe) 100,000 - - - - - 100,000
Other(Green River College) 175.000 - - 150,000 - - 325,000
Other(WhiteRiverAmp.} 50,000 - - - - - 50,000
Other(BNSF) 50 000 - - - - 50,000
Total Funtling 21,454,457 10,483,750 10,599,300 36,914,520 56,182,350 37,382,200 173,016,577
Financial Constraint&Fund Balance Summary
2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 202't
Unrestricted Street Revenue 102
Beginning Fund Balance 949,756 464,756 278,756 143,756 (492,244) (1,334,244)
Forecast Annual Revenue 535,000 535,000 535,000 535,000 535,000 535,000
Proiect Expenses 1 020 000 721 000 670 000 1 171 000 1 377 000 1,043,000
End of Year Funtl Balance 464 756 278756 143J56 (492.244) (1,334,244) (7,842244)
Beginning Fund Balance 1,720,000 1,055,785 856,505 457,205 (2,953,615) (7,449,525)
ForecastAnnualRevenue 900,000 900,000 950,000 950,000 1,000.000 1,000,000
Proiect Eupenses 1 564 215 1 099 280 1 349 300 4 360 820 5 495.910 1,637,200
End of Year Fund Balance 1 055 785 856 505 457,205 (2,953,615) (7.449,525) (8.086,725)
Tra�c Mitigation Fees
Beginning Fund Balance 84,000 34,000 - - - -
Forecast Annual Revenue - - - - - -
Project Expenses 50 000 34 000 - - - -
End of Year Fund Balance 34,000 - -
Local Street Preservation Fund 103
Beginning Fund Balance 425,000 425,000 425,000 425,000 425,000 425,000
ForecastAnnualRevenue 1,600,000 1,600,000 1,600,000 1,600,000 1,600,000 1,600,000
Prolect Expenses 1 600 000 1 600 000 1 600 000 1 600 000 1 600 000 1.600,000
End of Year Fund 8alance 425,000 425.000 425,000 425.000 425,000 425,000
Arterial Preservation Fund 705
Beginning Fund Balance 445,000 111.770 135,400 110,400 (439,600) (439,600)
ForecastAnnualRevenue 1,900,000 1,900,000 2,000,000 2,000,000 2,050,000 2,050,000
Proiect Expenses 2 233 230 1 876 370 2 025 000 2.550 000 2 050,000 2,050,000
End of Year Pund Balance 111 770 135 400 110 400 (439,600) (439,600) (439 600)
Secured Grants 11,222,388 1 402,100 - - - -
UnsecuretlGrants 182,950 3421,000 4,625,000 18,767,700 32,579.440 11,127,000
Projects &Finczncing Pla�� S��mmarv 13
Ciry qfAaeb¢�rn Transportation Improvement Program
* � � :,�"
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14 Pr�ojects &Financing Plan Si�mmary
Citv ofAt+b��rn Transpo�•tation Lm�f�rorement Program
Six Year Transportation Improvement Plan TIP# 2
Project Title: Auburn Way S Pedestrian Improvements (Dogwood St SE to Fir St SE) STIP#AUB-NIA
Project No: cp1118
Project Type: Non-Motorized
Project Managec Jacob Sweeting LOS Corridor ID#4
This project will construct pedestrian improvements along Auburn Way S between Dogwood Streel SE and Fir Street SE lhat are consistent with WSDOT's SR-164 Roufe
Development Plan. The project includes sidewalk improvements, access management, a mid-61ock pedestrian crossing, conslruction of a U-turn wedge for eastbound
vehicles at Fir Street SE and street lighting.
Progress Summary:
The City was awarded $100,000 in federal funding and $740,830 in state funding in May 2011. Other funding source is Muckleshoot Indian Tribe coniribulion. Project
design began in 2012. Design was completed in 2014 and construction started in early 2015.
Future Impact on Operating Budget:
This project will have no impact on the opeialing budget for slreel maintenance.
AC[IVI[y: 2015 YE Bud et Forecast Pro ect Cost
Funding Sou�ces: Prior to 2015 Estimate 2016 2077 2018 2019 2020 2021 Beyontl 2021 Total P�oject Cos�
Unrest�icted Street Revenue 37.816 63,428 5,000 - - - - - - 10fi244
SecuredGran[s(Fed,State) 235,389 604,237 - - - - - - - 839,626
7raffic Impac(Fees - 115,000 - - - - - - - 115,000
Othe�(WSDOT) - 107,750 - - - - - - - 107750
Ofher(Comcasf, CLink) 19,368 179,275 - - - - - - - 198,643
Other Sources(MIT) 41.900 330,000 - - - - - - 371 900
Total Funding Sources: 534,473 1,399,690 5,000 • - - - • - 7,739,163
Capi[al Expenditures:
Design 334,473 6,500 - - - - - - - 34�,973
RigbtofWaY - - ' - - - ' ' - -
Consfmction 1393,190 5.000 7,398190
Total Ex enditures: 334,473 1,399,690 5,000 1 739163
Roadway hnprove�r�erit Projeets �g
Gty ofA:�burn Trnnsportation/mprovemen(Program
Six Year Transportation Improvement Plan TIP# 3
Project Title: Auburn WayCorridor�4th•.St NE to 4th St SE) STIPJF AUB-N/A
Projed No: c409a0
Project Type: Non-Capacity
Projed Managec TBD LOS Corridor ID#'2, 3
This projed is based on a pre-design study to improve pedestrian accessibility, appearance, and link the downtown area abng Aubum Way S between 4ih Sireet NE and
4lh Streel SE. The projed may include some pavement repairs. However, an overlay was completed as paA of the City's AAerial Pavement Preservalion Program in
2007. Allhough this was wnsidered a temporary fuc, the scope has been modified lo accouM for the pavement work.The projecl is approximately 0.5 milesdong.
Progress Summary:
The pavemenl poRion!has�been minimized due to the work completed in 2007 under lhe Arterial Pavement Preservation Program.
Future Impact on Operating Budget:
This project will have no impad on the operaling budget Tor slreet maintenance.
ACl'IVlly: 2076 YE Budget Forecest Fro ecl Cosl
Funding Sour[es: Pr1or to 2015� Eatlmata 2018 2017 2018 2079 2020 2021 Be ond 2027 Total Pro ecl Cost
�UnrasMctetlSfreelRevenue 78,251 - - - - 110,000 600,000 - - 788,251
UnsecuredGranf - - - - - 708,700 2,400,000 - - 3,108,700
REET - - ' ' ' ' - ' ' '
Traffic Impacf Fees - - - - - - - - - -
Other Sources
Totel Funding Sources: 78,261 - - • - 878,700 5,000,000 - - 3,886,957
Capltal Expendituree:
Design 78,251 - - - - 618,700 - - - 696,951
RightofWay - - - - - 200,000 - - - 200,0�0
Construction 3 000 000 3 000 000
Total Ex ondkures: 78 261 B1B 700 3 000 000 S 896 957
Rondwny Improve�nen( Projecls �6
CiJy q(Auburn Trnnsportalion /n:provement Progrnm
Six Year Transportation Improvement�Plan TIP# 4
Projed TiUe: I Street NE;Corridor(45th St NE to S 277th St) STIP#AUB-NIA
Project No: c415a0
ProjectType: Capacity
Project Manager. TBD LOS Corridor ID#21
The final alignment of the I Street Corridor is being analyzed as part of the Northeast Aubum Special Area Plan Environmenlal Impacl Study. A poAion of the ROW and
construction will be developer tunded. The cross section will likely be a 5-lane arterial per lhe city's Comprehensive Plan.
Progress Summary:
This project is development driven. Prior�ezpenditures were for design and consiruction of culvert crossing.
Future Impact on Operating Budget:
The annual maintenance cost for lhis:projecl is estimated-to be�$25,200.
Activity: 2015 YE Budget Forecast Prqect Cost
Funtling Sources:� Prior to 2016 Es[Imate 2016 -2017 7018 4079 2U20 2027 Beyond 2027 Total Project Cost
UnresMcYed Street Revenue - - - - - - - - - -
Unsecured Grenf - - - - - - - - - -
Tra�c Impac(Fees 7,892 - ' - - ' ' ' ' 3.892:.
OfherSowces(Development) - - - - - 6,760,000 - - - 6,760,000�
Ofher(Port ol Seattle)
Total Funding Sourees:� 3,892 - - - - 6,760,000 - - - 6,763,892,
Capltel ExpenEltureso-
Desgn 3,892 - - - - 460,000 - - - 463,892',
Righf o/Way - - - - - 1,020,000 - - - 1,020,000,
ConShudion 5280 000 5,280,000'
TotalEx ndltures: 3,892 6,760000 6,78J,B9Y�
Roudwuv Lnprovemen! Projecls �7
Ci[y ofAub��rn Trunsporinlion Improvemen( Program
Six Year Transportation Improvement,Plan TIP# 5
Project Title: M StreetUnderpass{3rd:St SE to Bth St SE) STIP�i AUB-N/A
ProjectMo: C201a0
Projed Type: Capaclty
Project�Manager: Ryan Vondrek LOS Corrldor ID#6
Construction of.a grade separated railroad crossing of M_Street�SE al the BNSF Stampede Pass tracks.
100% Design Drawings and right of way acquisition were completed in 2011. Construction started in early.2012 and was completed in 2014. Project is�now in PWTFL debt
repayment. Other Agencies are King Counry Metro Sewer, Port of Seatlle, Port of Tacoma, and BNSF Railway
Future�lmpact on Operating Budget:
The annual maintenance cost(or Ihis projed is estimated to be$21,827.
ACtivlty: 2015 YE Bud et Forecasl Pr ect Cost
FunEim�Sources: Priorto t015 Estimate 4016 2017 2018 2079 2020 2021 Be orM 2021 TotalPr actCosU
Unresfricted Sheef Revenue - - - - - - - - - -
SecuredGranfsfFed.SYafe) 9.731.90a ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' 9,731,904�
REET2 1,140.000 ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' 1,140.000�
Tra/ficlmpactFees�Constructan) 4,309,782 - - - - - - - - 4,309,782
Tralfic Impacl Fees�Debl Service) 140,190 131,233 730,654 130,080 129,500 128,920 128,350 128,000 2,372,OW 3,426,927
Trdffic Mitgafion Fees 660,000 - - - - - - - - 660,OW�
PW�FL(30 years) 3.284.857 ' - - - ' - ' - 3.284.857'
Other(Aqe�ies) 3 090,514 3,090 514�,
22,217,057 737,23] 130,854 730,080 729,500 728,920 7Z8,350 728,000 2,372,000 22,359,127i
Capital Expendltures:
Design 2,688,924 - - - - - - - - 2,688,924'
Po'ghtolWey 3,358,443� - - - - - - � - 3,358,443
Construcfion 16,169,690 - - - - - - - 16,769,690� �
PWTF Oe6f Service 148 190 131 233 130 654 130 O80 129 500 12B 920 128 350 128 000 2 372 000 3 426 927
22 217 057 131 t33 7�11654 130 0811 729 500 728 920 728 350 178 000 2 37 000- 42�59 17/
Rondwny Lnprovemenf Projecls �g
City of Aaburn Trnnsporintion/mprovemen! Progrnrn
Six Year Transportation,Improvement Plan TIP# 6
Project Title: S 272nd1277th St Corridor Capacity 8 Non-Motorized Trail Improvements STIP#AUB-42
ProjecGNo: c222a0
Project Type: Capacity
Project Manager: Ryan Vondrak LOS Corridor ID# 75
This project includes preliminary engineering,design, right of way acquisition and construction of major widening omS 277th Street, including the addilion of three`lanes,one '
westbound and two easlbound, a Class 1 trail, and slorm improvements. The projec[extends from Aubum Way North to:L Street NE,approximately 0.9 miles.
Progress Summary:
Federal design'and ROW grant was secured in 2012 through PSRC and state construclion grant was secured in 2013 through TIB.•Design consultant was'selected in 2013.
Envinonmental:permitting and design are in process. Staff is coordinating with the City of Kent and King�County to complete�annexation�of the roadway into the City of Auburn.
Aubum and Robertson Properlies Group execuled a project paAicipaling agreemenl in 2013. RPG is contributing funds and dedicating all necessary roadway frontage to the
Future Impact on Opereting Budget:
The annual mainlenance costs(or this project is estimated to be$27,250.
ACGVIIy: 2015YE Budget ForacastPrqeclCost
Funding Sourcas: Pdor to 2015 Estlmate 2016 �2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Beyond 20I1 Total Pro ect Cosf,
UnresMCfedS(reetRevenue 82,539 308,062 - - - - - - - 390,601
Secured Grants(Fed,Stale) 407,849 612,B51 4,000,000 - - - - - - 5,020,700
rra�liclmpactFees - - 5B1,B00 - - - - - - 581,800
Otlier(RPG) - - 2,900,000 - - - - - - 2,300,000
Totel Funding Saurces: 490,788 920,913 6,881,800 - - - - - - 8�;293;1D1
Capital Expendituies:
Pre-Design 10,448 - - - - - - - - 10,448
Design 479,940 900,913 - - - - - - - 1,380,853�
RighfolWay - 20,000 1,3�0,000 - - - - - - 1,320,000�
Conshuclion 5,581,800 S SB7 B00
Total EY enditures: 490 388 920 913 6 BBt 800 8 293 101
Rou�hru��/mprovemen! Projecls I 9
Crl}�ojAubur�i Transportation Improventen!Program
Six Year Transportation Improvement Plan T�� $
Project Title: A Street NW, Phase 2 (W Maln St to 3rd St N1N) STIP#AUB-N/A
Project No: cpxxxx
Project Type: Capaclty
Project Manager TBD LOS Corrldor ID# 76
Construd a multi�ane arterial from W Main St to 3rd St NW. This projed will�connecl A St NW, Phase 1 to lhe Sound Transit Station and lhe Central Business Dislrid. This�
project could be partially or/ully funded by development. The projecl is approximately 0.2 miles long.
Progress Summary:
The parking garage constructed by the Auburn Regional Medical Center completed a portion of this projed in 2009.
FuWre lmpact on Operating Budget
This project will have no impact on the operating�budget for street mainlenance.
AttiVity: �2075YE Bud et ForewstP�oectCosl
Funding5ources: Priorlo2016 Eslimate 2016 40t7 2018 2079 2020 �20Y7 .Be onA2021 TotalP ectCost
UnresMded Street Revenue - - - - - - - - . .
Unsecuretl Granl - - - - - - - - _ .
T2/hclmpactFees - - - - - - - - _ _
Other (Developer) 150 000 3 000 OOU 3 150 000
ToUI Funding Sources: 750,000 - - - - - �3,00O,OOa - - 1,150,000
Capital Expentlitures:
Design ' - - ' ' ' 250,000 - - 250.000
RghtofWay - - - - - - - . _ _
Cansfiucfion 150 000 2 750 000 2 900 000
TotalEx nditures: 150000 3,000000 7150000
Roud�+�ay/mprovemeM Projects Zp
City ojArrburn Trnnsporfnlion lmprovemenl Program
Six Year Transportation Improvement Plan TIP# 9
Project Title: AuburmWay S Improvements(Hemlock SbSE to Academy Dr SE) STIP#AUB-NIA
Project No: cpxxxx
Project Type: Capacity
Projec(Manager. TBD LOS Corridor ID#4
Widen Aubum Way S between Hemlock St SE and Academy Dr SE to accomodate lwo general purpose lanes in each diredion, cenler tum lanes, accessmanagement
medians, U-tums,wrb,gutter, sidewalk, illumination,transil stop improvemenis, new traKcsignals, Inlelligent Transportation Systems, slreetscape and slorm
improvemenls. The project length is approximately two miles:
Conceptual corridor plan will be coordinated with the MIT and WSDOT in 2015. Thisproject is planned as a partnership'betweemlhe Ciry of Auburn and ihe!MIT. Pre-
design eHort will produce.a projecl consiruction cosheslimate. Major grant funding is expecled lo come irom future federal competitions. This project will extend corridor
im rovements alon Auburn Wa S com leted under revious ro'ects.
Future lmpact on Operating Budget:
The annual maintenance cost tor lhis projed is eslimaled to be$25,000.
ACtiVity: 2075 YE Budget Forecast Pra ect Cost
Funding�5ourcea: Prlorto2015 Estlmate 2016 2017 2078 2079 Y020 2027� Be ond2027 TolalProectCOSt
�Unresfnctetl Sfreet Revenue - - - - - - - - - -
Unsecured G2nt � - - - - - - - - - -
Tra/fic Impact Fees - - 100.000 - - - - - - 100,000
O(her(Mln 100 000 - - - 100 000
TotalFunding.Sources: • - 200,000 - - - • - - 200,000
CaplWl Expenditurea:
Pr�Design - - 200,000 - - - - - - 20D,000
Design ' _ ' _ ' ' _ ' ' _
IZ'gh[olWay ' - ' - ' - ' - ' -
TotalEx endHurea: �200000 - 200000
Roaclivnv Improveme�rf Projecls 21
City.ofAubiirn Transportation Improvement Pragram
Six Year Transportation Improvement Plan TIP# 10
Project Title: F Street SE Non-Motorized Improvements (Downtown to Les Gove) STIPtF AUB-49
Project No: cp0911
Project Type: Capacity, Non•Motorized
Project.Manager: TBD LOS Corridor ID#N/A
The F St SE project includes pavement rehabilitation, installation of curbs, gutlers, bike lanes, sidewalks, ADA improvements, utility undergrounding, LED slreet lighting,
new iwo way cenler lefl turn-lane, aash attenualion at the supports for ihe BNSF railroad bridge, initiation ot Auburn SIaH Bikeshare pilot program, wa�nding signage
and a "Bicycle Boulevard"designation of roadway connections between Aubum City Hall and ihe Les Gove Park Campus. This project improves mobility and safety
along the corridor and will complete a gap in lhe non-motorized network between Aubum's Downtown and the Les Gove Community Campus. The major infrastruclure
improvements are approximately 0.3 miles long and lhe"Bicyde Boulevard"improvements are just over a mile long.
Progress Summary:
Preliminary design and survey work was completed�in 2009. Pederal GranLwas sewred in 2014(or design and ROW phases. Design phase was initiated in 2015.
Future Impact on Operadng Budget:
The annual maintenance cost for this project is estimated to be $4,100.
ACtlVlty: 2016 YE Bud et Forecast Pro ect Cost
Funding Sourcee: Prlor to 2076 Estimate 2076 �2077 2018 2019 2020 �2021 Be ond 2027� �TOtal Pro eet Cosl
UnreSlnctedSheetRevenue - - - 160,000 - - - - - 160,000
SeturedFetleralGrant - 320,000 200,000 - - - - - - 520,000
Tralfic Impect Fees 7,620 80,000 50,000 200,000 - - - - - 337,620
Unsecured Grant - - - 1 440 000 1 440 000
ToUI Funding Sourcee: 7,620 400,000 250,000 1,800,000 - - - - - 2,457,620
Capital Eapendilures:
Design 7,620 400,000 200,000 - - - - - - 807,620
RighfafWey - - 50,000 - - - - - - 50,000
ConstnicNon - 1 800 000 1 B00 000 �
Total Ea endlturee: 7,620 400,000 250,000 7 800,000 2,457,620
Rond�vny/mprovemenl Projecls 22
Cily ofAuburn Trunsporlation lmprovement Progrnm
Six Year Transportation Improvement Plan TIP# 11
Project Title: M Street:NE(E Main St to 4th St NE) STIPII AUB-N1A
Project No: asbdl2
Project Type: Capacity LOS Corridor ID#5
Project Manager: TBD
This projecl will conslrucba complete four-Iane slreeLsedion on M Sl NE belween soulh of E Main St and 4ih St NE.
Progress Summary:
Pre-design is planned to be completed during 201510 refine project scoperalignment, and cost.
Future Impact on Operating Budget:
The annual mainlenance cost for this project is estimated to be $1,500.
AttlVily: 2076 YE Budget Forecaal Pro ect Cost
Funding Sources: Priorto 2076 Eetlmate 2076 2077 2078 �2079 2020 2021 Be ond 2027 ToWI Pro eel Cost
Un�esfncfer/Sfree�Revenue - - _ 220,000 920,000 - - 1,140,000�
UnsecuretlGranf - ' - " . - 385,000�
Traffic Impad Fees - - - - 100,000 55,000 230,000
Ofher - - - _ - 1,626,000
ToWI Funding Sources:� - • • - 100,000 276,000 7,750,000
Capilal Expenditurea: - 175,000
�y9� _ _ _ - 100,000 75,000 - - _ 200,000
Right ofWay - - - - - 200,000 - " 1 150 000
Construction - - 1 150 000
ToWIEx andNures: '
100 000 276,000 1 150 000 7'625,000
Ronrhvav/nrproven�enl Projecls Z3
Ciry of A��burn Trnnspor�ation Improi�ement Program
Six YearTransportation Improvement Plan TIP# 12
Projec�Title: Grade-Separated Crossing of BNSF Rallyard STIP#AUB-NIA
Project No: cpxxzx
Projecl Type: Capacity
Project Manager: TBD LOS Corridor ID#N/A
Thisproject will grade-separate the crossing of ihe BNSF Railyard, either from SR-184o 6th,Street SE or from 15th Streel SW to A Sireet SE. The first altemative would
realign ihe SR-18 easibound ramp, grade separate lhe main noAh/south line and4he Stampede Passline, and connect to 6th SireebSE. The second allernative would
provide a new corridor from 15th Street SW to A Slreet SE in ihe vicinity of 12th Stree[SE and 17th Street SE, either via an overpass or underpass of ihe BNSF Railyard.
This new easUwest connection will improve access and circulation associated wilh the potential redevelopment ot the BNSF yard as an intermodal freight facility.
Future lmpact on Operating Budget:
ACtlVl�y: 2076 YE Budget Foreeast ProJect Cost
;Funding�5ouraee: Pdocto 2075: Estimate 2018 2077 2078 2079 7020 2021 Be ond 2027 Total Pro aet Cost
UnrestncteU Sreet Revenue - - - - - - - - - -
Unsecuretl Grent - - - - - - - - - -
Tialfic ImpeCt Fees - - - - - - - - - -
01her 1 125 000 31 000 000 32 125 000
7otalFunding Sourcea: - - - - - - - 1,725,000 �31,000,000 32,126,000
Capllal Expondilurea:
Design - - - - - - - 1,125,000 2,500,000 3,625,000
RightolWey - - - - - - - - 4,000,000 4.000,000 �
ConSfruction 24 500 000 24 500 000
TotalEx ndllures: 7725000 51,000000 J2126,000
Ron�hvny Improvement Projecls 24
City ofAuburn Trunsporinlian Improvemen! Prngram
Six Year Transportation Improvement Plan TIP# 15
Project Title: 8th Street NE Widening�(Pike St NEto R St NE) STIP#AUB-N/A
Project No: cpxxzx
Project Type: Capacity
Project Manager: TBD LOS Corridor ID#19
Widen 8ih Street NE to extend.the five-lane cross-section which currently exists to ihe west of.PikeSt NE'to R St NE by:providing amadditional:travel lane along the
south side of,the roadway.This is a,planning level cost estimate.
Progress Summary:
Future Impact on Operating Budget:
The annual mainlenance cost for lhis project is estimated to be$600.
ACilvlly: 2016 YE Bud et Forecast Pro ecl Cost
Funding Sources: Prior to 2015 Esllmate 2076 2077 2018 2019 -2020 2027 Be ond I027 ,Totel Pro ett Coat
UnresMcted Sfreef Revenue - - - - - - - - - -
UnsecuredGrenf - - - - 360,000 800,000 - - - 1,160,000
Treffic Impad Fees - - - - 90,000. 200,000 - - - 290,000
TotalFunding Sources:� - - • - 450,000 1,000,000 • • - 7,450,000
Capitel Exponditures:
Design - - - - 200,00� - - - - 200,000
RightolWey - - - - 250,000 - - - - 250,000
Consfruction 1�000 000 1 000 000
7otalEa endltures: 450000� 1�,000,000 1450000
ROGCIIVGy Improvement Projecls 25
Crty ofAuburn Transportation lmprovement Program
Six Year Transportation Improvement Plan TIP# 16
Project TiOe: 49th Street NE (Auburn Way N:to,I:St NE) STIP#AUB-NIA
�Project Na: cpxxxx
Projectlype: Capacity
Project Managec TBD LOS Corridor ID#29
Construct a'new easUwest corridor from Auburn Way N to I St NE. The exisling 49ih Streefcorridor extends B St NW to lhe west.This projecbalso includes a traffic
signal at lhe interseclion of Auburn Way North and 49th StreeL This roadway was evaluated and recommended in the NE'Special Planning Area. It is anticipated lhat
this will be constructed by future'developmeM. It is,approximately 0.75 miles.long.
Progress Summary:
Future Impact on Opera6ng Budget;
The annual mainlenance cost for this project is estimated lo be $27,050.
ACtlVlly: 2075 YE Butl et Forecast Pro ect Cost
Funding Sourcea:� Prior l0 2075 Estimate 2076 2017 �2018 2019 2020 �2027 Be ond 2021 Total Pro'ect Coat
UnresMctetl Street Revenue - - - - - - - - - -
Unsecwed Grenf - -. - - - - - - - -
Tralfic Imped Fees - - - - - - - - - -
Other(DevelopmentJ - - 850 000 2 500 000 3 350 000
Total Funding�5ourtas:� - - - - - 850,000 2,500,000 - - 3,350,000
Capital E:pendltures:
Design - - - - - 250,000 - - - 250,000
RightofWay - - - - - 600,000 - - - 600,000
Construction '2 500 00� 2 500 000
Total Ex entlitures: 850 000 2 500,000 1160 000
Roadway Improvement Projects 2(
Cil��ofAuburn Trnnsportulion/mprovement Program
Six Year Transportation.lmprovement Plan
TIP# 25
Project Title: 46th Place S Realignment STIP#AUB-N/A
Project No: cpxx�cx
Project Type: Capacity
Project Manager. TBD LOS Corridor ID#NIA
The project will realign 461h Place S to ihe south of S 321 st Street. The realignmenl will move the 46th Place S interseclion.with S 321st Street approximalely 350 feet to
the east of the wrrenblocalion. This will create two T-intersections (44th Avenue S and 46ih Place S) in;place of Ihe existing(our-leg intersection. The existing 46th�Place
S will be dead-ended to the south of S 321s1 StreeL The project wilbimprove safety and iraffic operations at the'intersedions.
Progress Summary:.
Right-oi-way for lhe realigned roadway will:be dedicated as part o(an adjacenl development projed.
Future Impact on Operating Budget:
The annual mainlenance cost for ihis project is,estimated to be $1,750. �
ACtlVlty:� 2075YE Budget ForecastProjectCOSt
Funtling Sources:� Prior to 2015 Estimate 2076 2077 �2018 2019 2020 �2021 Be ond 2027 Total Pro'ect Cost
Unrestricted SYreet Revenue - - - - - - - - - -
Unsecured Grant -. - - - - - 575,000 - - 575,000
Tra(fic Impacf Fees - - - - - - 250,0�0 - - 250,000
Tofal Funtling�.Sourees: - - • - - • 825,000 - - �826,000
Capilal EzpendiWres:•
Design - - - - - - 125,000 - - 125,000
RighfofWay - - - - - - 25,000 - - 25,000
Constmction 875 000 675 000
� TotalEc endiWrea: 825000 �626000
Roadway Lnprovement Projects Z7
City ofA:�burn Transporlalion lmprovement Program
Six Year Transportation Improvement Pian
TIP# 33
Project Tiue: Neighborhood Traffic Calming Program STIP#AUB-NIA
Projed No: cpzxzx
Projed Type: Non-Capacity
Project Manager: TBD LOS Corridor ID#N/A
This projecl will implemenl neighborhood traffic calming slralegies including street lighling, speed cushions, signage, speed radar signs,chicanes, lra�c circles, and other
approved traffic calming devices. Projects will be selected annually based on neighborhood'meetings, public surveys,and engineering studies.
Progress Summary:
Future Impact on Operating Budget:
This project wilhhave no impact on the operating budget for street maintenance.
AC[IVlly: 2075 YE Bud et Foracast Pro ect Coat
Funding Sourees: P.�lor to 2075 Eatlmate �2016 2077 2078 2079 1020 2021 Be on0-�2021 Total Pro ect Cost
FundBalance - - - - - - - - - -
Unsecured Granf - - - - - - - - - -
REET 2 - 100,000 100,000 100,000 100,000 100,000 100,000 100,000 - 700,000
Total Funding Sources: - 700,000 , 700,000 100,000 700,000 100,000 700,000 700,000 - 700,000
Capital F�cpendltures:
pesiyn - ' ' - - ' ' ' - -
Right ofWey ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' '
Construcfion 100 000 100 000 100 000 100 000 700 000 100 000 100 000 700 000
TotelEx endllures: 100000 100,000 700,000 100,000 100000 100,000 100000 700,000
Rondway Lnprovement ProjeGs 28
City ojAubrrrn Transportatio�r Improvemen! ProKrnm
Six Year Transportation ImprovementPlan TIP# 40
Project Title: 124th Ave SE Corridor'Improvements (SE 312th to SE 318th) STIP#AUB-N/A
Project No: cpxxxx
Project Type: Capacity
Projecl Manager. TBD LOS�Corridor ID#23
This praject will fund lhe design, right-of-way acquisilion, and consiruction of a four-lane section with bicycle and pedesirian facilities on 1241h Ave SE between SE 3181h
St and SE 312th St, and improvemenis to the signalized intersection of SE 3121h St and 124th Ave SE(including;adding bike lanes, dual westbound left-tum lanes, dual
southboundihrough=lanes, a.norihbound right-turn pocket,.ITS improvements, and,pedestrian safety improvements).
Progress Summary:
Phase 1 improvements between SE 31Bth•and SE 316th were completed by Green River College in 2012.
Future Impact on Operating Budget:
The annual maintenance cost for lhis,project is eslimated lo be $3,500.
ACtlVlly: 2075 YE Budget Foreeast Pro ect Coab
Funding Sources: Prior to 2075 Estimate 2016 2017 2078 4019 2020 2027 Be ond 2021 Total Pro act Cost
Unresfricfetl Sbeef Revenue - - - - - - - - - -
UnsecuredGrant - - - - 300,000 880,000 2,000,000 - - 3,180,000
TraRc Impad Fees - - - - 100,000 220,000 500,000 - - 820,000
Total Funding Sourcee: - - - - 400,000 1,100,000 �2,600,000 - - �,000,000
Capllal Eipendltures:
Pr�Design ' ' _ _ _ _ ' ' ' _
Design - - - - 400,000 - - - - 400,000
Righ10/Way - - - - - 1,100,000 - - - 1.100,000
Conshuction 2 500 000 2.500,000
Tolal Ex endlturae: 400,000 1,100,000 2,600,000 4,000,000
Rondwnv Improvemen! Project.s 29
City ofAuburn Transporlation/mprovemenl Program
Six Year Transportation Improvement Plan TIP# 41
Projed Title: R•Street Bypass(M Street SE;to SR-18) STIP#AUB-NIA
Project No: cpxxxz
Projecl Type: Capacity
P�ojed Manager: TBD LOS Corridor ID#NIA
This project will complete the design and consirudion of the:Bypass Rd, an arterial conneclion belween M Street and Auburn Black Diamond Road, paralleling ihe rail
line. The projecl will provide an aRerial connedion from ihe newly constructed M SireeYUnderpass b the Auburn Black+Diamond Road!interchange wilh SR-18 to keep
both vehicular and freight iraffic out of resitlenlial neighborhoods along R Street SE north of the Stampede Pass line. The arterial connection.may also provide
opportunities for partnering with the Muckleshoot Indian Tribe as lhey redevelop lhe Miles Pit area and as more definitive plans are developed for a potential new
WSDOT interchange on SR-18 in the vicinity of the project.
P.rogress Summary:
Future Impact on Operatlng Budget::
The annual maintenance cost for thisprojecl is eslimated to be $2,500.
ACtlVlty:� �2016YE Butl at ForecasfProectCost
FundingSourees: PNorto2075 �EStimete �2016 3077 2018 2079 40Y0 4021 8e ond�2027 TofalProectCost
Unresfncted Street Revenue - - - - - - - - - _
Unsecuretl Gran1 - - - - - - - - _ _
Tre(fic/mpact F.ees - - - - - - - _ _ _
Other(DevelopmentJ 500 000 5 700 000 6 200 000
Total Funding Sourees: • • - - - - - 600,000 5,700,000 6,200,000
CapiW I Expendituros:
�esi9n - - - - - - - 500,�00 - 500,000
RightofWey - - - - - - - - 1,800,000 1,800,000
Consfrucfion 3 900 000� 3 900 ODO
Total Ex enditurea: 500 000 5,700,000 6,2D0,000
Ron�lwuy/mprovement Projecrs 30
City of Auburn Transporlalron lmprovemen( Progrum
Six Year Transportation Improvement�Plan TIP# 42
Project Title: SE'320th�Street Corridor Improvements (116th Ave SE to 122nd Ave SE) STIPk AUB-N/A
Project No: cpx�ocx
Projecl Type: Capacity, Safety
Projecl Manager. TBD LOS Corridor ID#25
SE 320th St is a primary roule senring Green River College and adjacenl neighborhoods.There are very high volumes oT pedesirians, bicydisls, and iransit utilizing lhe
corridor. This project will fund the design, right-of-way acquisition, and conslruction o(non-motorized roadway and safety improvements including a!roundabout al 116th
Ave SE, adding bicyGe lanes, sidewalks, and sUeetlighting between 122nd Ave�S6and 1161h Ave SE. Project length is approximately.45 miles.
Progress Summary:
GRCC compleled the design and construction for the segment between 724ih Ave SE and'122nd Ave SE in 2013.Corridor pre-design is scheduled to start in 2016.
Construction schedule is,pending secunng tull funding.
Future Impact on Operating:Budget:
This project is nol expected to have a significant impact on operating budgets.
ACtlVity: 2016 YE Bud et Forecast Pro ect Coet �
Funding Sourcea: PNOrto 2075 �Estimate �2016 2077 2018 2018 2020 2021 Be ond 2021 Totsl Pro eet Cost'
Unresfrictetl Streef Revenue - - 100,000 - - - - - - 100,0001
UnsecuredGraN - - - - 480,000 530,000 .2,953,440 - - 3,963,440�
Trafic/mpactFees - - - - 120,000 132,500 328,160 - - 580,660�
Total Funding Sources: • - 700,000 - 600,000 662,500 3,281,600 - - 4,644,100
CepiW l Expantlitures:
Pre-Design - - 100,000 - - - - - - 100,000,
Design - - - - 600,000 250,000 - - - 850,000
RightofWay - - - - - 412;500 - - - 412,500�
ConsWCtion 3,287 600 3 281 600
_ -
ToUI Ec endilures: 100,000 600,000 662 500 7 Y81,600 4 644100 ,
Rondwav lmprovement Projecl.s 31
Ciry ofAuburn Transportation Improvement Program
SixYear Transportation Improvement°Plan
TIP# 43
Project Title: Auburn Way S (SR-164) Corridor Safety Improvements(Muckleshoot'Plaza to:Dogwood) STIP#AUB-44
Projed No: cp1218
Project Type: Capacity
Project Manager; Matt Larson LOS Corridor ID#4
This project will;improve.access management, including u-tums, upgrade iransit stops and sireet lighting,widen to accomodate Wm-lanes and pedesirian and bicycle
facilities, upgrade�pavement markings, inslall pedestrian signals and audible pedeslrian push buttons,and upgrade irafficsignals to change the phasing and to improve
lhe visibility of the signal heads. '
Progress Summary:
Grant funding was awarded;in 2012. Design began in 2012 and construdion isscheduled for 2016.
Future Impact on Operetingl8udget:
This projecDis expecled lo have a neglible impact on operaling budgels:
AGtlVlty: 2015 YE Budget Foretast Pro'ect Cost
Funtling Sources: Prior to 2015 .EStimate - 2076 2017 2018 2079 3020� 2021 Be ond2027 ToWI Pro ect Cosl �
Unrestricted Sfreef Revenue 2;7fiB - ` - - - - - - - 2;768 .
Granfs(FeqState,LOCaI) 90,470 283,325; ' 1,951,313 - - - - - - 2,339;108 ;
Trelfic Impect Feas - 160,322; B9,678� - - - - - - 250,000
Other(WSDOT) 306 674 306 6�4 ''
Total Funding Sources: 107;238 443,647 2,347,665 - - - - - - 2,892,650 I
Capital Expendltures:
Design 101;238 374,062 � - - - - - - - 475,300
Right ol.Way - 69,585 - - - - - - - 69,SB5
ConsVUCtion 2 347 665 2 347 865
Total Ex enditures: 701 278 443 647 ' 2 947,666� 2,892,550
Ronrtw�ry Improvement Projec(s 32
City of Auburn Transportdtion /mprovement Program
Six Xear Transportation lmprovement Plan TIP# 49
Projed Title: W Valley:Highway'Improyements',(,15th Street NW to W Main Street) STIP�F AUB-N/A
Project No: cp�oixx
Projed Type: Capacity
Projed Manager. TBD LOS Corridor ID#35'
This projectscope:includes pavement rehabilitation and re-channelizalion, roadway widening,.bicycle lanes, pedesinan facilities, roadway:ligfiting,,required storm system
improvements,.and Intelligent TranspoRatiomSystem Improvemenls.
Progress Summary:
Survey,;base mapping�and:pre-design are planned to be completed'in2018 to complete preliminary plans and refine project cost-estimate.
Future lmpact omOperating Budget:
This projecl willihave no'impacl on lhe'operating'budget forv street�maintenance.
ACtiVlty: 2016 YE Bud et Forecast Pro'ect Coat
Funding Sources: Prior to 2015� Estimate 2016�. 2017 2018 -2079 2020 2021 Be ond 2021 .Total Pro ect Cost
UnresfndeU Streef Revenue - - - - - - - ' - - -
Unsec�redGranf - - - - - 480,000 2,400,000 - - 2,880,000
Traffic Impact Fees - - - - 100,000 120,000 600,000 - - 820,000
Total Funding Sources: - - - - 700,000 600,000 3,000,000 - - 7;700,000
Capital Ezpenditures:
Design - - - - 100,000 600,000 - - - 700,000
Po�9hto/Way _ _ _ _ ' ' ' ' _ '
Construction 3.000 000 3 000 000
TatalEx enditures: 100000 600000 �3000000 3�700000
Rondway/mprovemen( ProjeGS 33
City ofAuburn Transporlalion/mprovement Program
Six Year Transportation ImprovemenYPlan TIP# 55
Project Sitle: W Main Street Multimodal Corridor and ITS Improvements(WVH�to Interurban Trail) STIP#AU8-50
Project No: CP,1415'
P�oject Type: Capacity
Project Manager: Kim Truong LOS Corridor ID# 71
This project will repurpose ihe exisling W Main St corridor within Auburn's designated Regional Growth Center and will consirud+lntelligent Transportalion Syslem (ITS)
improvertients serving local-and regional transportalion networks and a major commercial retail center. Improvements indude converting lhe exisling four-lane roadway
sedion to a three-lane'seclion including center two-way Ieft Wrn lane with new bike lanes, new sidewalks, new LED street lighting, and streetscape improvements
between Wesl Valley Highway and the:lnlerurban Trail. ITS Improvements include interconnecting and coordinating traffic signals From CSt NW along W Main St to W
Valley Highway south;to 15th St SW including two interchanges with SR=18 and one with SR=167.
Progress Summary:
Project was awarded federal'grant in 2014. Design,slarted in'2015,and conslruclion is scheduled�to begin in 2016.
�, Future Impact on Operating Budget:
This project will have_no impacl on the operating,budget(or•streetmaintenance.
Activity: �ots re BUdgat Foretest Project Cosl
Funding�Sources:� Priorto2016 Eatlmete YOtfi �2017� 2016 Y079 Y020 �2027 Beyond2021� SotalProJectCOat
'UnresMcled Sfreet Revenue � - 56,490 - - - - - - - 56,490
UnsecuredGrant - �804J00 2,970,240 - - - - - - 3;774�,340
Tralfic Impact Fees �4,538 - 209,650 - - - - - - 214,iB8
� Other,/ARenal Pres.Fund) 85 410 314 510 399 920
Total Funding�Sources5 4,638 �946,000 3,494,400 - - - - - • 4,4a4,978
Capital Expendltures:�
Pr�Design 4,538 - - - - - - - - 4,538
Design - 946,000 - - - - - - - 946,000
RlghtolWay - ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' -
Consfruction 3 494 400 7 494'400
Totel Ex endlturea: 4,536 �%6,000 3,494,400 4,444,938
Roadwny lmprovement Projec�s 34
City ofAi�burn Transporlu[ion Iniprovement Program
Six Year Transportation Improvement Plan TIP# 58
Project Title: AuburmWay S Corridor Improvements(Fir St SE to Hemlock;St SE) STIP#AUB-N/A
Project No: cp1119
Project Type: Capacity
Project Manager: Jacob Sweeting LOS�Corridor ID#4
This project will widen Auburn Way South between Fir St SE and Hemlock St SE to five lanes with curb, gutler, sidewalk, illuminatiomand storm improvemenls. A new
traffic signal will be constructed at Hemlock Sireeb56and connecl to Auburn's Intelligent Transportation System.
Progress Summaryc
Washington State Transportation Improvement Board(TIB)awarded the City grant funds in the amount of$2,426,400 on November 19, 2010. The Muckleshoot Indian
Tribe is•a project partner.and is contributing ROW dedications and�project funding in ihe amount$836,601.
Future Impact on Operaling Budget:
The annual maintenance cost for ihis projecl is estimaled to be $9,300.
ACtiVlty: 201SYE Bud et ForacastPro'ectCOSt
Funding Sources: Prforto Y075 Estimate 2016 �2017 2078 2079 2020 2021 Be ond 2027 Total Pro'ect Cost
UnresfncfedStreetRevenue 195,060 - 5,000 - - - - - - 200,060
SecuredSfeteG2nt 508,176 2,061�,951 - - - - - - - 2,570,127
Traffic Impad Fees �200,000 450,000 - - - - - - - 650,000
Other(Comcast,Clink) 94,107 142,967 -
Other(WSDOT) 116,038
Other(MIT) 101�006 735594 836600
TotnlFunding Sourcea: 1,098,349 3;506,560 5,000 - - - - - - a,256,787
Capital Expenditures:
Design 666,617 39,816 - - - - - - - 706,433
RighlofWay 431,732 - - - - - - - - 431,732
Consfruc�ion 9 466734 5 000 3 471734
Total Ex endltures: 1,098,349 3,506 650 6 000 4,609 899
Rondwuy Improvernent Projects 35
City of Auburn Transporlafion Improvemen! Progrum
Six Year Transportation ImproVement;Plan
TIP# 60
Project Title: M Street SE Corridor(Bth St.SE to AWS) STIP#AUB-NIA
Praject No: cpxxzx
Project Type: CapaCity
Project Manager. TBD LOS Corridor ID#6
Widen M Street SE into a multi-lane arterial between Sth:St SEand AWS. This project will improve mobility and is lied to corridor development. It is consistenl wilhdhe
Comprehensive Plan and contnbutes lo the completion oi a north/south arterial corridor.
Progress Summary:
Future Impact on Operating Budget:
' ACtlVlty:, 2075 YE Butl et F.orecastPro ect Cost
� Funding Sourees: PAOrto 2015 Estimate 2016 2077 2018 2019 2020 2021 Be ond 2027 Total Pro ect Cost
UnrestricteU Street Revenue - - - - - - - - - -
Unsecured Grent - - - - - 925,000 3;750,000 - - 4,875,000
Tralfic Impecf Fees - - - - - 750,000 750,000 - - 1,500,000' '
Ofher(Developmenf) 250 000 250000 500 000
7ota1 Funding Soureas: - - - - - 7,925,000 4,750,000 - - 6,675,000
Capital Expantlitures:
Desiyn - - - - - 650,000 - - - 650,000
RightoiWay - - - - - 1,275,000 - - - 1,275,000
Consfruction 4 750,000 4 750 000 �
ToWIE= entliWres: 1925,000 4;750,000 6676000 '
Rondway Lnprovement Projecls 36
City of Auburn Trunsportalion.lmprovemen!Program
Six Year Transportation ImprovementlPlan
TIP# 61
Proiect Title: Auburn Way S Bypass (Riverwalk Dr to SR-18 at R SkSE) STIP#AUB-NIA
P.roject No: cpx�otx
P.roject Type: Capacity
Froject Manager. TBD COS:Corridor ID# N/A
Description: I
This project,will construct a new roadway corridor lo bypass Aubum Way South.The new roadway will extend�from Riverwalk Drive to R Street SE to the•north of SR-18:A �'�
new connection to a,new iMerchange�with SR-18.
Frogress Summary:
Future Impact on Operating Budget:
ACtiVlty: 2015 YE Budget Forecast Pro ect CosL
Funding Sources: Prior to 2015 Estimate 2016 2017 2018 2079 �2020 2021 Be ond 2027 7otel Pro'ect Cost' �
Unrestnctetl Street Revenue - - - - - - - - - -
UnsecuredGrant - - - - - - - 4,800,000 43,560,000� 48,360,000
Tra�c Impac[Fees - - - - - - - - - -
Other(Development) 1 200 000 10 890 000� 12 090 000�
� Tolal F,unding Sources: - - - - • - - 6,000,000 54,450,000�. 60,450,000�
Capltal Ezpendttures:
Design - - - - - - - 6,000,000 - I 6,000,000'
RigA[.of�Way - - - - - - - - 6,000,000� 6,000,000 .
Consfrudion 48 450 000� 48 450 000,
Total Ez entlltures: 6 000 000 Sd 450 000� 60 450 000�
Roadwny Improvemen( Projecls 37
City ofAuburn Transpor[ation/rriprovement Program
Six Year Transportation�Improvement Plan, TIP# 62
Projed Sitle: Auburm Way&Streetscape Improvements (SR-18 to MiSt SE) STIP#AUB-NIA
ProjeIX No: cpxzxx
:Projed Type: Miscellaneous
Projed Manager: TBD LOS Corridor.ID#3
This project will�revitalize�and beaulify.Auburn Way S irom the-SR-18 interchange to the interseclion with M Street�SE. Proposed improvements include: enhancement of
crosswalks and,pedestnan linkages; new and repaired sidewalks;curb and gutler;.pedesirian ramps; new:landscaped medians; street trees; new lighting; pedestrian
benches;trash receptacles; recycling containers and other appropriale amenities:
Progress Summary:
F.uture Impact on Operating Budget:
� ACtivity: 2016.YE Budgeb Forecast Pro�ect Cost
Funding Sources: Priorto 2015 Estimate 2,076 2,077 2,018 2,079 2,020 :2,021 Beyond 2027 Total ProJect Coat
Unrestncted Street Revenue - - - - - 200,000 200,000 - - 400,000
UnsecuretlGrent - - - - - 1,750,000 2,600,000 - - 4�,950,000
Trellic Impacf Fees - - - - - - - - - _
ToGI Funding Sources: - - - - - 7,950,000 2,800,000 - - 4,750,000
Capltal Expenditures:
Design - - - - - 500,000 - - - 500,000
RightoiWay - - - - - 1,450,000 - - - 1,450,000
Constniction - 2,800,000 2,800,000
Total Ex nditurea: - - 1,950,000 2 800,000 4 750,000
Roudway Lnprovernent Projects 38
City of Auburn Trnnsportalron Improvemen!Progrnm
Six Yeac Transportation Improvement Plan TIP# 64
Project Title: Lea HilliRd Segment 1 (R St NE to 105th PI SE) STIP#AUB-N/A
Project No: cpxuxx
Project Type: Capacity
Project Manager. TBD LOS Corridor ID# 19
Widendhe existing roadway to:provide a four-lane cross sedion with pedeslrian and bicycle facilities. The project�includes widening the GreemRiver Bridge.
Progress Summary:
Three parcels along the future roadway alignmenl were procured in 2014. Corridor pre-design effort is planned lo begin in mid 2015 following adoption of ihe
Comprehensive'Transportalion Plan major update.
Future Impact on Operating Budget:
The annual mainlenance cost(or.ihis project is estimated lo be $18,300.
AGtiVity: 2015 YE Budget Forewst Project Cost
Funding Sourcea:� Priorto 4015 Estlmate �2016� 2017 2078 2079 �2020 2021 Be ond�2027' Total Pro ect Cost
UnrestnctedStreetRevenue - - - - - - - - -
UnsecuredGranf - - - - - 1,950,000 8,00�,0�0� - - 9,950,000
Tre(fic Impact Fees 430,000 50,000 100,040 , - - �500,000 2,000,000� - - 3,080,000
Total Funding Sources: 430,000 50,000 700,000 - - 2,450,000 70,000,000� - - 13,030,000
CapiW I Expenditures:�
Design - 50,000 100,000 - - 1,950,000 - - - i 2,100,000
RighfofWay 430,000 - - - - �500,000 - - - 930,000
ConsWCfion 10 000 000� 10 OOU 000
Total Ex endituree:� .430,000 50,000 100,000 2,450,000 70,000,000 73,030,000
Rondway Grrprovernent Projec(.r 39
City of Aubt�rn Transpor(alion/mprovement Program
Six Year Transportation Improvement Plan TIP# 65
Projed Title: Lea HilliRd Segment2 (105th,Pl SE to 112th Ave!SE) STIP#AUB-NIA
Project No: cpxxzx
Broject Type: Capacity
Project Manager. TBD LOS Corridor ID#19
Projecl includes widening lhe existing roadway to provide a (our-lane cross-sedion including pedestrian and bicycle facilities.
Progress Summary:
Future lmpact on Operating Budget:
The annual maintenance cost(or this project is eslimated to be $24;100.
ACtiVity: 2015 YE Budget Forecast Pro ect Cost
Funtling�Sources: Prlorto2015 Estimate 2016 2017 �2018 2079 2020 �2027 Be ontl2021' 7otslProectCost
Un2stncted Slreet Revenue - - - - - - - - - -
UnsecuredGrant - - - - - - 2,900,000 7,100,000 - 70,000,000
Treffic Impacf Fees - - - - - - 600,000 1,400,000 - 2;000,000
Total Funding Sources: - • - - • - �3,500,000 8;600,000 - 12,000,000
Cepitel E:penditures:
Design - - - - - - 2,000,000 - - 2,000,000
RighfolWay - - - - - - 7,500,000 - - 1�,500,000
Construction 8 500 0�0 8,500 000
TotalEx endltures: �3,500,000 8,500,000 12,000,000
Roadwny Lnprovement Projects 40
City ofA:�burn Trunsporlalion Improvemenl Progra�n
Six Year Transportation Improvement Plan TIP# 66
Project Title: 'Lea Hill Rd Segment 3�(A 12th Ave SE to 124th Ave'SE) STIP#AUB-NIA
Praject No: cpxxxx
Projed Type: Capacity
Projed Manager: TBD LOS Corridor ID#.19
� Description:
Project includes widening the:existing roadway to,provide a four-lane cross-sedion induding pedestrian and bicycle facilities.
Progress Summary:
Future Impact on Opereting Budget:
The annual mainlenance cost for lhis project is eslimated to'be$20,300.
ACtivlty:� 2075 YE 8ud eb Forecast Pro'ect Cost
Funding�Sources:� Priorto 2075 Estimate 2016 2017 2018 2079 2020 2021 Be ond 2021 .TOtal Pro ect Cost
Unresfricfed SYreel Revenue - - - - - - - - - -
UnsecuredGrant - - - - - - 3,000,000 - - 3,0�0,000
TralficlmpadFees - - - - - 1,000,000 � - - - 1�,000,000
Total Funding�Sources: - - - - - 7,000,000 3,000,000 - - 4,000,000
Capital E:penditures::
Design - - - - - 500,000 - - - 500,000
RighfofWay - - - - - 500,000 - - - �500,000
Conshuction 3 000 000 3 000,000
Total Ex nditu�es:� 1,000,000 3,000,000 4,000,000
Roudivny Improvemen( Projects 4�
City ofAuburn Transpor[alion/mprovemenl Program
Six Year Transportation Improvement Plan TIP# 72
Projed Title: W Valley Highway Improvements,�SR-18 to 15th St SW) STIP#AUBrNIA
ProjedNo: cpxxxx
Projed Type: Capacity
Project Manager. TBD �LOS'COrNdor ID#35
This project swpe includes pavement-rehabililation and re-channelization,�pedesirian and'bicycle facility improvements, improved roadway lighting, required storm system
improvements, interseclion.signal replacement at 15th St SW, and:Inlelligent Transportation System Improvements.
Progress Summary:
Survey,:base mapping and pre-design are planned lo be completed in 2016 to complete preliminary plans and refine project cost-estimale.
Future Impact on Operating Budget:
This projecl will have no impact on the operatingibudget for streetmaintenance..
AttlVity: 2076�YE Bud et Forecast Pro eet Cost
Funding.Sources:� Priorto 2016 Estlmate �7016 2017 2018 �2019 2020 2021 Be ond 2021 7otal Project Cost �
Unrestndetl Street Revenue - - - - - - - - _ _
Unsecured Grant - - - - 400,000 2,000,000 - - - 2,400,000 '
7ralfic Impacf Fees - - - 100,000 100,000 500,000 - - - 700,000
ToWI Funtling Sourees: - - - 100,000 500,000 2,600,000 - - - 3,100,000 ;
Capital ExpendHurea: I
Design - - - 100,000 500,000 - - - - 600,000 '�
RightofWay - - - - - - - - - ; _
ConsWCtion 2 500 000 2 500�000� '
. Tolal Ex endilures: 100 000 500 000 2 600 000 3 100 000
Roadway/mprovement Projecls 42
City ofAubt�rn Trnnsporlalion Improvement Program
Six Year Transportation Improvement Plan TIP # 73
Projed Title: Stewart Road��Lake Tapps Parkway Corridor) STIP#AUB-N/A
Projed No: N/A.
Projeq Type:. Capacity
Projed Manager. TBD LOS Corridor ID#N/A
This is a City of,Pacific project to widen the Stewart Road (Lake TappsiParkway)Corridoc This is lhe final segmenT of widening in:the City of Pacific which will tie in with
ihe ciry of:Sumnefsplanned final widening segment and new.bridge over lhe White rivec Completion of ihis corridor widening,isexpecled;lo significantly relieve traffic
congeslion iaAubum along the A StSE and C St SE corridors.
Cily of Pacific has iniliated preliminary road.design:and is applying�for grant funding�,to complete the project. City of Aubum contribulion is for consiruction phase only.
Future:lmpact on,Operating Budget:
There is no tuture impact to Aubum's operating tiudgets.
Attivity: 2015 YE Bud ef Forecast Pro ect Cost 7oWl ProJeet
Funding Sources: Prior to 2015 EsUmate 2016 2017 2078 2078 2020 2021 Be ond 2027 '� Cost
Unrestncted Streef Revenue - - - 66,000 - - - - - 66,000
Unsecured Grent - - - - - - - - - -
Trafic Impact Fees - - - - , - - - - -
Treffic Mi[igation Fees� 34 000 - - - - 34 000
TotalFunding Sources: - - - 100,000 • - - - - 100,000
Capital Expenditures:
Design - - - - - - - - - -
IZghtofWay ' - - ' ' ' - ' ' '
Construcfion 100,000 100 000
ToWIEx nditures: 100000� 700000
Rondwny 7mproveinent Projecls 43
Ciry of Au6urn Transportatio��/mprovemen�Program
Six Year Transportation Improvement Plan
Projed Title: R St SE Cortidor Extension STIPJF AUB-XX
P,rojed No: cpxxxx
Project Type: Capacity
Project Manager: TBD LOS Corridor ID#XX
This project will construct a new segment of R St SE approximately.7 miles long between 17ih St SE and the fulure bypass road conneding M St SE and Aubum Black
Diamond road.
Progress Summary:
Future Impact on Operating Budget:
The annual maintenance cosbfor this project is eslimaled to be$25,000.
ACtlVlty: 2076 YE Butl at Forecast Pro eel Coal Total P�oJeet
Funding Sources: Prlorto 2016 Estlmate 2016 2077 2018 2019 2020 f0I7 Be ond 2021 Cost
Unrestncfed S�reef Revenue - - - - - _ . _ _ _
- Unsecured Grent - - - - _ _ _ _ _ _
TralficlmpactFees - - - _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Other(Development) - 2 000 000 8 000 000 10 000 000�
7ota1 Funding Sources: - - - - - - 2,000,000 8,000,000 - 70,000,000
Capltal Expendkures:
Design - - - - - - 2,000,000 - - 2,000,000
WghtolWay ' ' ' - - ' ' _ ' '
ConstrucYion - 8 000 000 8 000 Q00� �
Total Ex enditures: 2 000 000 8 000 D00 70 000 000'
Rondwny bnproven�en! ProjeGS 44
City of Auburn Transpor(ation /mproremen(Program
Six Year Transportation Improvement Plan TIP# 74
Project Title: M St►eet SE 8 12th Street SE`Traffic Signal STIPtI AUB-N/A
Projecl No: cpzxxx
Project Type: Capacity
Project Manager: TBD LOS Corridor ID#6
This project inGudes the design, right of way acquisistion and conslruction of a'new traffic signal.
Progress Summary:
Future Impact on Operating�Budget:
The annual maintenance cost for this project is estimated to be $6,600.
ACtivity: 201&YE Budget Forecast Pro ect Cost
Funding Sources: Prlor l0 3075 Estimate 2076 2017 2018 2079 20Y0 Y027 Be ond 2021 Total Pro ecl CosP.
Unrast�icted Streef Revenue - - - - - - - - ' '
Unsecured Grant - - - - - 500,000 - - - 500,000
TraKc Impad Fees - - - - - - - - - -
Other(Developmen() - 125 000 - 125 000
Total Funding Sources: - - - - • 625,000 • - - 625,000
CepIW I Ezpenditures:
pyy9� ' ' ' ' ' 75,000 - - ' 75.000
RightofWay - - - - - 50,000 - - - 50,000'
co�s�NCnwr soo 00o soo oao
7oW1 Ex enditures: 6I6,000 626,000
/mersec�ion, Trn�c SrXnn(, & /nlelligen! Trnnsporinlion Syslems /mproveinenl Projects 45
City ofAuburn Tr�n.sporintion /mprovemen!Program
Six Year Transportation Improvement:Plan TIP# 17
Projed Title: Harvey Rd.NE 8 Bth St NE Intersectlon Improvements STIP#AUB-N/A
Project No: cp0611,
Projed Type: Capacity
Project Manager: None LOS Corridor ID#5,19
Add one eastbound throughlright lum-lane on 8th St NE to the west of Harvey Rd. Modify traffic signals and traffic channelization to accommodate ihe new lane. The
additional lane will reduce treffic delays and queuing�at the intersedion of Hervey Rd�and Bth St NE in all directions. This projecl will recanstrud M St NE from 4th St NE to Sth
St NE�,a segment of raadway approximately 0.3 miles long with a four-lane cross-seclion. The reconstrudion will address the existing poor pavement conditian and fill in-any
gaps in�ihe�sidewalk network.
Progress Summary:
Projed was.completed in 2010. Ongoing budget is for PWTFL debt payments.
Futurelmpacton Operatlng'Budget:
This project will have no impad on the operaling budgel(or sUeet maintenance.
ACfIVI�y: 2015YE Butl et ForecastPra'ectCOSI
Funding Saurces: Priorto 2015 EsOmate 2018 2017 �2078 2019� 2020 2047 Be ond 2027 Tofal Pro'ect Cost�
Unrestncfed Street Revenue - - - - - - - . _ .
Unsecured C�rent - - - - - - - _ _ _
Tra/ficlmpactFees(DebtService) 435,500 86,010 B5,3B3 B5,200 84,800 84,400 84,400 89,200 579,400 1,603,293
TreKc Impact Fees 264,500 - - - - - - - - 204,500�
PWTF 1,527,300 - 1527,300
Totel Funding Sources: 1,731;800 86,010 85,383 85.200 84,800 84,400 84,400 84,200 573,400 1,807,791
Capifal E�penditures:
Design 327,500 - - ' ' - ' ' ' 327.500
Right ol,Way 200,40� - - - - - - - - 200,400
Consfmdion 1�.203,900 ' ' ' ' ' ' 1.203.900
Lang Term Debt PWTF 435 500 B6 010 85 383 85 200 84 800 84 400 B4 400 04 200 573 400 1 603 293
Tolal E: onditwos: 1 731 600 86 010 85 383 85 200 84 800 84,400 84,400 84 200 573 400 1 807 793
/ntersection, Trnffic Signal. &/nlel/igen! Transporlatron Systems Improvement Projecls 46
City ofA»br�rn Trnnsporinlian /mprovement Program
Six Year Transportation Improvement Plan TIP# 18
Project Title: M Street SE 8 29th Street SE Intersection Safetyqmprovements STIP#AUB-N/A
Praject No: CPXXXX
Projed Type: Non-Capacity, Safety
Project Manager. TBD LO&Corridor ID#27
This project includes the design and construcfion of a new Iraffic signal.
Progress Summary:
M St SE 6 291h St SE is currenlly an all-way stop controlled interseclion, experiences significant congestion in the peak traKc hours, and has a documented high collision
history. Design is scheduled lo be compleled in 2016. Construction will be completed when projed is fully funded.
Future Impact on Operating Budget:
The annual maintenance cost tor ihis projecl is estimated to be $5;000.
ACtivlly:� 2075 VE Budget Forecast Pro ect Cost
Funding Soureac: PNOr to 2016 Estimate 2076 2077 2018 2079 �2020 2021 BeyonO 2021 Total Project Cost
Unresfricled Street Revenue - - 50,000 - - 100,000 - - - 150,000
UnsecuredGranl - - - - - -900,000 - - - 3�0,000
TreKc Impact Fees - - - - - - - - - -
TotalFunding Sourcee: - - 50,000 - - 400,000 - • - 450,000
Capltal Eapendiluree:
Design - - 50,000 - - - - - - 50,000
Righ�ofWay - - - - - - - - - -
Con5lrucfion 400 000 400 000
Total E: ntlilures: 50,000 400,000 450,000
Inlerseclion, TruJfic SiRnnl, & /nle!ligenl Trnnspnrinlron Systems Improvemenl Projecls 47
Ci[y ofAuburn Transporlalron Improvemen!Program
Six Year Transportation Improvement Rlan TIP# 19
Project Title: Auburn Way N 8 1st Street NE Signal Improvements STIP#AUB-N/A
Project No: cpxxxx
Project Type: Non-Capacity •
Project Manager. TBD LOSCorridor ID#2
This project will conslruct a new traffic signal with controller cabinet and battery backup along,with necessary intersection improvemenls.
Progress Summary:
Design is scheduled to be completed in 2015.
Future Impact on Operating Budget:
This project will have no impacl on ihe operating budgel focslreel maintenance.
ACtlVlty: 2076YE Budget ForecastProJactCOSt
Funding Sourcea: Priorto 2076 Eelimate 2076 �2077 2018 2079 2020 2021 Be onA 2021 Total Pro�ect Cosl
Un2stnctetl St2ef Revenue - - 50,000 - 125,000 - - - - 175,000
Granfs(Fetl.Sta/e,LOCaq - - - - 425,000 - - - - 425,000
Trefic Impecf Fees - - - - - - - - _ .
ToGI Funding Sourees: - - 60,000 - 550,000 - • - • 600,000
Capitnl Expendltures:
Design - - 50,000 - - - - - - 50,000
RightolWay - - - - 100,000 - - - - 100,000
Construc�ion 450 000 450 000
TotalEa endllures: 50 000 550,000 600,000
Inler.section, Trnffic Signal, & lntelligen( Trnn.sporlulion Systems Improvemen! Projects 4g
City of Auburn Transporlation Impronemen( Program
Six Year Transportation Improvement Plan TIP# 20
Project Title: �R Streeb,SE&.21st Street SE;Intersection Safety Improvements STIPIR AUB-N/A
Project No: CPXXXX
Project Type: �Non-Capaclty; Satety
Project Manager. TBD GOS Corridor ID#16'
Thisproject includes lhe design and construction ot a inlerseclion•safety improvements.
Progress Summary:
R ShSE&21 s4SbSE is currently an iwo-way stop conUolled intersection, experiences significant congestiomin the peak ira(fic hours, and has a documented high
collision�history. Analysis:lo determine appropriate inlersection controband design is scheduled to be completed in 2016. Construction will be completed when project is
full (unded.
Future Impact on Operating Budget:
The annual maintenance cost for this project is eslimated fo be $5,000.
ACtlVlty:� Y016 YE Budgel Forecast Project Cost
Funding Sources:� Prlor to 2075 Eatimato 2076 �2077 2018 2079 �2020 2021 Be ond 2027 7otal Pro oct Coal
Unreshictetl Street Revenue - - 75,000 - - 100,000 - - - 175,000
Unsecu2dGrant - - - - - 700,000 - - - 700,000
Treffic Impact Fees - - - - - - - - - -
Tra/fic Mdigafion Funds - - - - - - - - - -
ToGI Funtling�Sourcas:� - - 75,000 - - 800,000 - - • 876,000
Capitsl Expenditures:
Design - - 75,000 - - - - - - 75,000
Rlghf o/Way ' - ' ' - ' ' - ' '
Total Ez enditures: 76,000 800,000 876 000
Inlersection, Trufftc Signnl, & In(elligenl Trnnsporlalion Syslems Lnprovernen/ Projecls 49
Cily ofAubnrn Transporlation Improvemenl Program
Six Year Transportation Improvement Plan TIP# 21
Project Title: Main Street Signal Upgredes STIP#AUB-NIA
Project:No: cp1406
Project Type: Non-Capacity
Project Manager: Seth Wickstrom LOS Corridor ID#1A
Reconstrucl the existing traffic signals at C St NW and W Main St and aPE'Main St and Aubum Ave/A St SE.The new C St NW signal would provide protected left-lurn
phasing for C St,and would provide addilional safety related to the railroad pr�emption. The Aubum Ave/A St signal would=replace one of the City's oldest signals which
has exceeded its design life.
Frogress Summary:
Design slarted in 2014 and construclion is expeded to start in,2015:
Future Impact on Operating Budget:
This project will have'no impact on the opereling budget for street maintenance.
ACtIVI�y: 207bYE Budget ForecastProjectCost
� Funtling�Sources:• Prlorto 2015 Eetimate �2076 �2017 2078 2019 2020 2027 Beyond�2027 7ota1 Pra ect Cost
iUnrestricted�StreetRevenue - 315,000 5,000 - - - - - 320,000
Grents(Fed,Sfate,LOCaq - _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Trelfic Impad Fees - - - - - _ _ . _ _
Tra(fic Miflgalion Fees 11,232 138,760. - - - - - - 150,000
7otal Funding Sources: 71,232 453,768 5,000 - - - - • - 470,000
Capital Expenditures:
Desiqn 11.232 38.760 - - ' - ' - - 50,000
Righ(ofWay - - - - - - _ _ _ _
Constivc[ion - 415 000 5 000 420 000
TotalEz nditures: 11,232 453768 6,000 470,000
/nlersection, Traffic 5ignal, & /nte(ligent Transporintion•Syslerns Lnpravemen!Projec[s 50
Cily of Auburn Transporlation /mprovement Progrnm
Six Year Transportation ImprovemenYPlan TIP# 34
ProjectTitle: TrafTicSignallmprovements STIP#AUB=N/A
Projed No: Various
Project Sype: Non-Capacity(Annual) LOS CorridonlD#NIA ,
Project Manager: Scott Nutter
Thisprojed includes procuring capital equipment needed to;replace cabinets,video detedion cameras,conilicl monitors and,upgrade pedestrian pushburions to APS. This
project is also used'�to make safety improvementslo our signals like auxiliary heads and,flashing yellow artows, or capaciry improvements•like right tum overlap signals.
The City uses current traffic counts and accident dala to determine'intersections for these improvements.
Project coritinues to wmplete various intersection improvemenis.
Futurepmpact on Operating Budget:
This project will have no impact on the operating budgel for street maintenance.
ACtlVity: 2075 YE Budget Forecast Pro ect Cost �
Fundin9 Sources: Priorto 2015 �Eatlmate 2018 2077 2018 2019 2020 2021 Be ond 2021 Total Pro aet Cosl�.
Cap.Imp.Fund Balance - - " - _ _ _ _ -
Unsecured Granf - - - _ 1,225,000 .
REE72 - 175,000 175,000 175,00� 175,000 175,000 175,000 175.000
Ofher - - " - _ 1,225,000
ToGI Funding Sources: -. 175,000 175,000 175,000 .175,000 175,000 175,000 775,000
Capital Expenditures: _ 175,000
Design - 25,000 25,000 25,000 �25,000� 25,000 25,000 25,000
.Right of,Way - - " 1 050 000
Constmcfion 150 000 150 000 150 000 150 000� 750 000 750 000 150 000 �yy5 000
Total Ex enditures: 176,000 775 000 175 000 175 000'� � 175 000 17b 000 175 000 -
Intersection, Traffrc Signa[, &Inlelligenl Transportntion Syslems lrnprovemenl Projects 51
City of Auburn Transporiqlion /mprovemen( Progrum
Six Year Transportation Improvement Plan TIP # 38
Project Title: C StreebSW 8 15th Street SW lntersection Improvements STIPt1 AUB-N/A
Projed No: cp�axx
Projed Type: Capacity
Projecl Manager: TBD LOS Corridor ID#12, 13
This projecl will inslall a soulhbound right-lurn pocket, re-channelize ihe intersection to provide two southbound ihrough lanes;and replace lhe existing spanwire lraKc
signal with a new tra(fic signal.
Design is planned to begin in 2017.Conslruction will be sheduled once full funding is secured.
Future Impact on Operoting Budget:
The annual maintenance cost for ihis project iseslimated to be $2,500.
ACtlVlly: 2076 YE Bud et Forecast Fro ect Cost Total PioJett
Funding Sources: Prlorto 2015 Estimate 2016 2017 2078 2019 2020 2021 Be ond 2027� Coat
Unresfncted Street Revenue - - - - - - - - - -
UnsecuredG�ant - - - - - 750,000 - - - 750,000
Trelfic Impacf Fees - - - 150,000 - 125,000 - - - 275,000
TotalFUnding�Soureee: - • - 150,000 • 876,000 - - - 1,026,000
Capltel Expendlturea:
Oesign - - - 150,000 - - - - - 750,000
Po�ghtolWay ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' _ '
Consfrudion 875 000 875 000
TotalEx endllurea: 150000 876000 1025000
/ntersecrion, Trnffic Signnl, & Inlelligent Trnnsportu/ion,Syslems lmprove�nenl Projects 52
Cily ofAu6urn Trnnsporlulion bnprovenren! Progrmn
Six Year Transportation Improvement Plan 'LIP# 39
Praject Title: 124th Avenue-SE &SE 320th Street lntersection Improvements STIP#AUB-N/A
Praject No: cpzzzx
Projecl Type: Capacity
Praject Manager: TBD lOS Corcidor IDN 23, 25
This project will fund ihe design, right-of-way acquisilion, and conslruclion of improvemenis lo the intersection of SE 320th St and 124ih Ave SE. The inlersection is
located at lhe main enlrance lo Green River College•and will require addilional:on-site improvemenis to be consiructed.
Progress Summary:
Future Impact on Operating Budget:
The annual maintenance cost for this•project is eslimated lo be $2,500.
AC[IVlly: 2076 YE 8uA et Forecest Pro'act Cost
Eunding Soureee: Prior to 2075 Estlmate 2016� 2017 2018 2079 2020 2021 Be ond 2021 Total Pro ect Coat
Unrastncfed Sfreet Revenue - - 175,000 - - 150,000 - - - �25,000
UnsecuredGranf - - - - - 1,200,000 - - 1,200,000
TraKc Impect Fees - - - - - - - - - -
Other(GRC) 175 000 150 000 325 000
TotalFunding Sources: - - 350,000 - - 7�,500,000 - - • 7,850,000
Capital Expantlitures:
Design - - 350,000 - - - - - - 350,000
Righf o(Way ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' - '
conswceon rsoo 000 � soa o00
ToUIEa onditures: 350000 1�600000 7860000
/nrerseclion, Traffic Srgnal, & /ntelligen� Transporlalion Spslems bnprovement Projecls 53
City ofAuburn Transportation Improvement Program
Six Year Transportation Improvement Plan TIP# 47
Project Title: Traffic ManagementCenter Improvements STIP#AUB-N/A
Projed�No: Cpxxxx
Projed Type: Capacity,�ITS
Projea Manager: Pablo Para LOS Corridor ID#N/A
The.rapid growth of the City 1raKcsignaPand lntelligent TranspoAalion Systems infrastructure has severely strained the,capacity and reliability of the existing network
processing capabilities.This project will implement network communications, software, video, and physical.improvements to lhe Traffic'Management Center which will
improve the•network data processing speed, reliability,and redundancy improving lhe City's ability�to manage.the transportation system and respond to emergencies.
Additionally,these improvement will allow In(ormation 8 Technology staff to isolale the TrafficManagement data processing demands'from the Cily's generabfacility
security dala processing demands resulting in improvements to both processes.
Progress Summary:
Future Impact on�Operating Budget:
There.is�no impact to:the-streetimaintenance�budget.
Activity: 201b-YE Bud et Forewet Pro'ect Cost
�Funding Sources: Prlorto 2075 EsQmate �2076� 2017 2018 2079- 2020 �2021 Be ontl 2027 7otal Pro'ect Cost �
Unrestnrled Street Revenue - - - - - - - - - -
.UnsecuretlGrant - - - - - - - - - -
TrelficlmpecfFees - 125,000 -25,000 - - - - - - 750,000 .
Tofal Funding Sources: - 725,000 25,000 - - - • - - 160,000
Design - 5,000 - - - - - - - 5,000
WghtolWay ' _ _ _ _ ' ' ' _ _
Construc[ion 120 000 25 000 145 000
TotalEx ndilures: 125000 �25000 .150000
Intersectron, Traffic Signal, & In(e!ligen( Transportation Systems/mprovement,Projects 54'
City ofAiibi�rn Transportatio�a Improi�ement Program
Six Year Transportation Improvement Plan TIP# 48 �
Project Title: A Street SE&�6th Street SE Safety and Access�lmprovements STIP#AUB-N/A
Project No: cp�ocxx
Projecl Type: Non-Capacity
Project Managec TBD LOS CorridorlD# 10
Description:• ,
This project`is a partnership between Aubum and Budinglon Northem Santa!Fe Railway to:improve,the'inlersection of A St SE and 6lh�St SE. The scope ot lhe projed
includes adding a phase to lhe traffic signal for traffic enlering and exiting,the BNSF railyard.
Progress Summary:
Design and conslruction is planned4o be completed in 2016 pending agreemeM with BNSF.
Future Impact on'OperetingiBudget:
There is no impact to lhe slreel mainlenance budget.
ACtlVlty: 2015 YE Bud et Forecast Pro ect Cost
Funding Sources: Priorto 2075 Estimate 2016 2017 2078 2079 2020 �2021 Be ond 2021� ,TOUI Pro ect Coat
Unreslnded Sfreet Revenue - - - - - - - - - -
Unsew�ed Granf - - - - - - " - - - -
Tre�clmpactFees� - - - - - - - - - -
Other(BNSF) 50 000 50 000
ToWI Funding Sources: - - 50,000 - • - - - - 50,000
Design - - 70,000 - - - - - - II 10,000
Right of,Way - - - - - - - - - -
Constmcfion 40,0�0 4000� ,
ToWIEx endkures: 50000 50000
7ntersection, Traffic Signal, & /ntelligenl Trnnspor(ation Systems Improvemenl Projects 55
City ofAuburn Transportation/mprovement Program
Six Year'Transportation Improvement Plan TIP# 45
Project Title: 124th Avenue SE 8 SE 264th Street Intersection Safety lmprovements STIP#AUB-N/A
ProjecG,No: cpzxxz
Project�Type: Capacity, Safety
Project Manager. TBD LOS Corridor ID#23, 40,41
This projecl will complete the design:phase for intersection safety-and capacity improvements.
Future lmpact on Operating Budget:
ACflVity: 2015 YE Budget Forecast Pro ect Cost
Funding�Sources: Prlmto2075 Estimate 2016 2017 2078 2079 2020 2021 Be ond�2021 TotalProectCost
�UnresMcted SYreet Revenue - - - - - - - - - -
UnSeCUredGrant - - - - 450,000 - - - - 450,OD0�
TralficlmpacfFees - - - 100,000 150,000 - - - - 250,000�
ToUlFUnding�SourCas: - - • 700,000 600,000 - - - - 700,000�
Capilal Expendlturea: �
Design - - - 100,000 - - - - - 100,0001
Right ofWey - - - - 50,000 - - - - 50,0001
ConsWCtion 550 000 550 000�i
TotalEx nditures: 100000 600000 700,000:
Intersection, Traffic Signal, &/n!e!ligenl Trnnsportation Syste�ns Improvemenl Projects 56
City ofAuburn Transporlalion/mproi�ement Progrnm
Six Year Transportation;lmprovement Plan TIP# 50
Project Title: ITS Dynamic Message Signs STIP#AUB-NIA
Prajed No: cpxxxx
Project Type: Non-Capacity(ITS)
Froject Manager. TBD LOS Corridor ID#NIA
This',project funds the design and.constnidiomof Dynamic Message Signs at various locations throughout the City. Dynamic message signs are an importaM�ITS tool for
providing information to;roadway users. Priority locations for sigmplacement are based on the Comprehensive Transportation�Pians ITS map and include Aubum Way N,
Auburn Way S,W ValleyiHighway, BValley Highway, Lake Tapps'Parkway,and Cea HiII�Rd.
Progress Summary:
The first phase of ihis project is scheduled to begin in 2016 onsooner if grant funding becomes available.
Future Impact on Operating Budget:
The annual maintenance cosGfor this project is estimated to be $5,000.
ACtlVlty: 2015 YE Budgel Forecast Pro'act Cost
Funding�.Sources: Prior to 2075� Estimate 2016 2017 2018 2079' 2020 2021 Ba onC 2021 Total Pro ect Cost�
Cap.Imp.Fund Balance - - - - - - - - - -
Unsecured Grant - - - 120.000 120,000; 120,000 120,000 - - 480,000
REET2- - - 100,000 30,000 �30,OOOI 30,000 30,000 - � - 220,000
Other(WRA) 50000 - 50000
TotalFunding�Sources: - - 760,000 750,000 750,000� 150,000 750,000 - -. 750,000
Capkal Expendltures:
Design - - 15,000 15,000 15,000' 15,000 15,000 - - 75,000
RightolWaY - ' ' ' ' ' - - - -
Consfruction 135 000 135,000 135,000� 135 000 135 000 675 000
Total E: endRures: 750,000 -150,000 150,0001 750,000 150,000 750,000.
/ntersection, Traffic Signal, & /ntelligenl Transporlalion Systems /mprovement Projects 57
Ciry ofAiibi�rn Transportation/mprovement Program
Six Year Transportation Improvement Plan TIR# 51
Project Title: L•ake Tapps Parkway ITS!Expansion STIP#AUB-N/A
Projecl No: cpxzxx
ProjectType: Capacity
Project Manager: TBD LOS Corridor ID#17
The project.(unds lhe design, coordination, pertnitting, and construction of new ITS infrastructure along Lake Tapps Parkway from Lakeland Hills Way to East Valley
Highway,and along EasLValley Highway to'Lakeland Hills Way.The proposed ITS infrastructure'includes conduit, fiber,VMS signage, cameras, network communication
upgrades,and weather stations along the route.
Progress Summary:
Federal Grant application was submitted lo PSRC in May 2014. Projecl is currently on ihe contingency list.
Future Impact on Opereting Budget:
The annual maintenance cost for tliis project is estimated to be $5,000.
ACtlVlty: 2075 YE Bud et Forecast Pro ect Cost
Fundinq.Sources:� P�ior to 201b Estlmate 2076 2017 �2078 2019 2020 2027� Ba ond 2027 �Total Pro ect Cost
'UnresMcted Street Revenue - - - - - - - _ _ _
UnsecuredGranf - - 82,950 711,000 - - - - - 793,950
TrafficlmpactFees - - 22,050 189,000 - - - - - 211,050
Total,Funding Sources:� - - 105,000 900,000 - • - - - 7�,006,000
Capltal Expenditures:
- Desi9n - - 105,000 - - - - - - 105,000
RightofWay - - ' ' - - ' - ' ' _
Conshuction 900 000 .900 000
7otel E: enditures: - 705,000 900,000 1,005,000
Inlerseclion, Traffic Signal, & Intelligent Transportation Systenas/mprovement Projecls 5g
City of Auburn Transporlation /mprovemen!Program
Six Year Transportation ImproVement Plan TIP# 52
Project Title: A Street SE& Lakeland Hills Way SE Intereection•Safety.8 Capacity Improvements STIP#AUB-N/A.
Project No: CPXXX
Project Type: Capacity, Safety
Project Manager: TBD LOS Corridor ID# 10, 34
This projecl will,study traffic operations,safety, and prepare a preliminary design interseclion improvemenis.
Progress Summary:
Analysis, preliminary design, and construdion cost estimate will be compleled in 2016. Future phases will be programmed!as funding becomes available.
Future Impact on Opereting Budget:
This project will have no impad on the operating budget tor slreet maintenance.
ACtiVlty: 201b YE Budgel 'Forecest Pro'eet Cost
Funding5ources: �Priorto�2015 Estimate �2016 2077 �2018 2019 2020 2021 Be ond2021 TotalProectCoat
Unresfnded Street Revenue - - - - - - - - - -
Unsecuretl Giant - - - - - - - - - -
T2KclmpactFees - - 75,000 - - - - - - 75,000
Total Funding Sources: - - 75,000 • - - - - - 75,000
Capital Expenditures:
Design - - 75,000 - - - - - - 75,000
Right of 4Vay - - - - - - - - - -
Construction -
ToGI Ex enditures: 76 000 75 000
Intersection, Traffic Signal, &/nte!ligent Transportation Systen�s Improvemen!Projects 59
Cify ofAuburn Transpor�Alion/mprovemen[Program
Six Year Transportation Improvement Plan TIP# 53
Projed Title: Auburn Way S'8 12th�Street SE Intersection.lmprovements STIPii AUB-N/A
Projed No: cp1114
Projed Type: Capacity, Safety
Projed Manager: TBD LOS Corridor ID#3
The project will design multi-modal intersection improvements at the AWS/12th Street SE intersection.The improvements will include pedestrian access improvements;
channelization improvements to add bicycle lanes, new VaKc signal, and ITS upgrades.
Progress Summary:
Design is scheduled lo be completed in 2016. Construdion phase is•contingenl on future funding or the award of a grant.
F.uturelmpacton Operating Budget:
This project.will have no impacl on the operating budgebfor street maintenance.
Activily: 2016 YE Budget Foreeael ProJect Coat
Funding Souraes: Priorto 2015 Estimata 2076 �2077 2018 �2019 Y020 Y027 �Beyond 2027 �TotalPro�ect Cost
UnreshictedSfreetRevenue - - 100,000 - - - - - - 700,000
Unsecured Grent - - - 750,000 - - _ _ - 750,000
TraRC Impxt Fees - �50,000 - - - - - - - 50,000
Totel Funding Sources: - 50,000 100,000 750,000 - - - - - 900,000
Capilal Expendituras:
DeSign - 50,000 100,000 - - - - - - 150,000
RighfofWay - ' - ' ' ' ' _ _ '
Construcrion 750,000 750 000
ToUI Ec enditures: 60 000 100,000 750,000 800 000
buerseclron, Trn�c Signal, & In(elligenl Trunspor(ntion Sysle�ns 6nprove�nen! Projecls 60
City ofAuburn Trnnspor(ulionJmprovement Program
Six Year Transportation Improvement Plan TIP# 59
P.roject Title: AuburnrAvenue NE 8 3rd Slreet NE?Pedestrian &Access lmprovements STIP#AUB-N/A
Project Na: cp1023
Project Type: Capacity
Project Manager. TBD LOSCorridor'ID#2
This projecl will improve access, safety and operations for pedestrian,'bicyclists and motorized vehicles at lhe intersections ot 3rd St NE/Auburn Ave, 4ih St NE/Auburn
� Ave,and 4ih St NE/Aubum Way NoAh. Improvemenis include a new iraKcsignal and geometric improvements at 3rd'SCNE to add a missing,pedestrian crossing and
accomodate the noAhbound left-lum movement; improving pedeslrian facilities to meet ADA requiremenls,restricting uncontrolled accesses near the inlersection,and
modifying the lraffic signal at Aubum Way North and 4th St NE to eliminate ihe easUwest splR phase operation.
Progress Summary:
Survey and pre-design were started'in 2010-2011. Pre-design wilLbe completed in 2017, with construclion,scheduled tor 2018, pending gran4funding.
Future Impact on Operating Budget:
This project will have no impacfon the operating budget for streefmaintenance.
ACtiVlty: 2075 YE Budget Forecast Pro ett Cost
Funtling Sources: Prior to 7015 Estimato 2016 �2077 2018 2019 2020 2021 Beyond 2027 Total Pro ect Cost
Unresfncfed Street Revenue 8,778 - - - - - - - - 8.»8
UnseCUred Granf - - - - 250,000 - - - - - 250,000
Tralfic Impad Fees - - - 50,000 50,000 - - - - 100,000
REET2 - - - - - - - - - -
Total Funding�Sourees: 8,778 - - 50,000 300,000' - - - - �68,778
Capital Eapendilures:
Design 8,778 - - 50,000 - - - - - 58,778
� RighfofWaY - ' - - ' ' - ' - '
Construction 300 000 �300 000
Total E: endi[uree: 8 778 50 000 300 000 368 778
Intersection. Trnffic Signnl, & IntelliKen( Trnnsporinlion:Syslems Inrprovernenl Projecls 61
City ofAuburn Transportation Improvement Program
Six Year Transportation Improvement Plan TIP# 63
Project Title: 29th Street SE& R Street SE Intersection Improvements STIP#AUB-N/A
Projecl No: cpuuxu
Projed Type: Capacity
Projecl.Manager. TBD LO&Corridor ID#16,27
This project funds the design, right,of-way acquisilion and construction of intersection capacity and satety improvements at ihe 291h St SE/R Sl SE intersection.
Progress Summary:
Future Impact on Operating;Budget:
7his projecl will have no impact on the operating budget for street maintenance.
ACtivity: 2075 YE Budget Forecast ProJecCCost
Funding Sources: PNor.to 2015 Estimate 2016 2017 Y078 2079 2020 �Y027 8eyond 2021 Total ProJeet Cost
UnresMCtetl Sfreet Revenue - - - - - - - - -
Unsecu2dG2nf - - - - - 1,300,000 - - - 1,300,000
Traffic Impact Fees - -. - - - 500,000� - - - 500,000
Total Funding Sources: • - - - - 1,800,000� . . - 7,800,000
Capftal Ezpenditures:
Design - - - - - 350,000� - - - 350,000
RightofWay - - - - - 450,000 - - - 450,000
Construc[ion 1,000,000 1,000,000
Total Ex enditurea: 1,800,000 1,800,000
Interseclion, Traffic Signal; &Inle[ligent Transportution Sysleins Improvemen! Projects 62
Ci[y of Auburn Transportation lmprovemenl Program
Six Year Transportation Improvement Plan TIP# 67
Project Title: Traffic Signal Safety'Improvements STIP#AUB-52
Project No: CP7501
ProjectType: Non-Capacity,;Safety
Project Manager. Ryan Vondrak LOS Corridor ID#N/A
Improve traTfic signal phasing and timing; and'improve visibility of traffic signal heads.
Progress Summary:
Federal Grant was awarded�in 2014. Design phase began in 2015 and consiruction'is scheduled for completion in2016.
Future Impact on Operating Budget:
There is no impact lo ihe•sireet maintenance budget.
ACtlVity:� 201b YE Bud at Forecast ProJect Cost
Funding Sources:� Prlor to 2075 Estlmate ZOt6 2017 2078 2019 2020 2021 Be ond 2021� �TOtal Pro ect Cost
UnresMcted Street Revenue - �5,000 - - - - - - - 5,000
SecuretlFede2lGrant - - 472,575 - - - - - - 412,575
Tralfic Impact Fees - - - - - - - - - -
REET2 - 27,600 - - - - - - - 27,600
Tofal Funding�Sources:� - 32,600 412,575 - - - - - - 445,17fi
Capital Expenditures:�
Design - 32,600 - - - - - - - 32,600
Right olWay - - - - - - - - - -
ConsWCtion 412,575 412 575
Totsl Ex nditures:� 32,600 412,675 446,775
/ntersection, Tru�c Signal, &In(e/ligent Trnnsportation Systems /rnprovement Projects 63
City ofAuburn Transportalion /mprovemenl Progrum
Six Year Transporfation Improvement Plan TIP# 66
Project 7itle: A,Street SE?8 37th StreebSE Intersection Improvements STIP#'AUB-53
Project No: CP1502
Project Type: Non-Capacity, Safety
Froject Manager: Ryan Vondrak LOS CorridoriD# 10
Widen the intersedion for a u-turn, inslall,an interconnec[ed traffic signal, overlay lhe intersedion, and upgrade curb ramps:
Progress Summary:
Federal Grant was awarded in 2014.
Future Impact on Operating Budget:
The annual maiMenance cost�for this projed is estimated to be$2,500.
� ACtlVlly: Y075YE Bud�eb ForecastPro'ectCost
Funding Sources: Prior to 201b Estimare 2076 2017 2018 Y079 2020 2027 Be ond 2021�. �Total Pro ect Cost
Unrestncfed Street Revenue - 55,000 - - - - - - - 55,000'�
SecuretlFetleralGrant - 156,900 635,36� - - - - - - 792,260�
Tra(fic Impact Fees - - - - - _ _ _ _ _
Artenal Preserv.Funds(105) - 87 240 �87 240
ToWI Funding Sources: - 217,900 722,600 - • . _ _ _ gyq Spp
Capital Expanditures:
Pre-Design - 10,500 - - - - - - - 10,500
Design - 135,000 - - - - - - - 135,000
RightolWay - 86,400 - - - - - - - 66,400
Construcfion - 722 600 722 600'
Total Ex enditures: 211 900 722 600 g�q Spp
Intersection, Traffic Signul, &Inte/ligen! Transportation Syslems/mprovemenl Projec[s 64
Ciry of Auburn Transportalion/mprovemen[ Program
Six Year Transportation�Improvement Plan TIP# 69
Project Title: LStreet NE&22nd Street NE'Roundabout Safety�lmprovement STIP#AUB=N/A
Project No: cpxxx�c
Project Type: Capacity(Safety)
Project Manager. TBD �LOS Corridor ID# 21
This project includes ihe design and�consfrudion of a7oundabout al lhe 22nd Street�NE intersection with I Sireet NE. This is currently a all-way stop conirolled inlersedion
P�ogress Summary:
Preliminary Design_was initiated in 2015. Final desigmand construction are dependant on securing,full funding:
Future Impact on OperatingiBudget: I,
There is;no impact to ihe streel maintenance budget. !
ACtlVlty: 2015 YE Budget Forecast Pro'ect Cost
Funtling Sowces: Prior ta 2015 Estimate 2016� 2017 2018 2019 2020 �2021 Beyond 2021 �TOtal Pro ect Cost
UnresMcted Slreet Revenue - - - - - - - - - -
UnsecuretlGrent - - - 100,000 940,000 - - - - 1,040,000
TrafriclmpactFees - 50,000 50,000 50,000 235,000 - - - - 385,000
TotalFunding Saurces: - 50,000 50,000 150,000 1,776,000 - - - • 1,425,000
Capkal E:penditures:
Design - 50,000 50,000 750,000� - - - - - 250,000
Right of WaY _ _ _ ' _ ' _ ' ' _
ConsWCtion 1 175 000 1�7 75 000
Total Etc enditures: 50 000 60 000 750 000 7 17b 000 1 425 000
Intersecfion, Trnffic Signnl, & /nte[ligent Trunspor(ation Systems bnprovement Projects 65
Ci[��ojAir6urn Transportation Improvemenl Program
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/ntersection, Truffrc Srgnnl, &/nte!lrgent Transportation Systems Improve�nent Projecls 66
Ciry of Aa�ba�rn Ti•nnspor�a�ron Lnprovement Prograin
Six Year Transportation Improvement Plan TIP # 23
Projea TiUe: Riverwalk Drive SEiNon-Motorized Improvements STIP#AUB-N/A
Project No: cp�ocxx
Project Type: Non-Motorized
Project Manager. TBD LOS CorrldorlD# 27
This project will construct sidewalks, streetdighting, and storm improvements on,Riverwalk Drive SE between Aubum Way S and Howard Road:SE.
Progress Summary:
Design is anticipated lo begin�in 2016. Construction will be completed when funds are available.
Future Impact on Operating�.Budget:
The annual maintenance cosl forthis project is eslimaled lo be$1,000.
ACtiVlty: 2016�YE Bud et Forecast Pro ect Cost Total proJett
Funding Sau�ces: Prlo�to 2016 EsUmate 2076 2077 2018 2019 2020 2021 Ba ond 2021 Cost
UniesMcYed Street Revenue - - - 100,000 100,000 - - - - 200,000
UnsecuredGrant - - - - �500,000 - - - - 500,000
Tra�c Impacl Fees - - - - - - - - - -
TotalFUnding Sources: - - - 700,000 600,000 - - - - 700,000
Capilal EapendHures:
Design - - - 100,000 - - - - - 100,000
Po�ghfo/WaY ' ' _ _ ' _ _ ' ' '
Construcnon 600 000 800 000
ToUIEx enditures: 100000 600000 700000
Non-Motorized& Trnnsi� /ittprovemen! Projecls 67
City ofAuburn Transporlation/mprovement.Program
Six Year Transportation Improvement Plan TIP# 24
Project Title: Academy Drive Multi-Use Trail STIP#AUB-NIA
Project No: cpxxxx
Project Type: Class 1 Trail (Capacity)
Projed Manager TBD LOS Corridor ID# N/A
This projed will use existing Acadamy Dr right-of-way to creale a multi-use trail between the Green River Rd and Auburn Way S.
Progress Summary:
Future Impact on Opereting�8udget:
The annual maintenance cost for lhis projed is estimated to be$5,000:
ACtiVlly: 2015 YE Budget Forecast Project Coat
Funding�Sources: Prlorto2015� Eetimate Y016 2017 2018 2019 Y020 4027 Beyond2021 TotalProJectCoat
UniesMcfetl Sfieef Revenue - - - - - 42,500 42,500 - - B5,000
UnsecuredGrant - - - - - 382,500 382,500 - - 765,000
Tra�c Impact Fees - - - - - - - - - -
Total Funding Sources: - - • - • 425,000 425,000 - - 860,000
Capital Erpendllures:
Design - - - - - 100,000 - - - 100,000
RightofWaY - ' - - - - ' ' ' -
Construction 325,000 425,000 750,000
Total Ex ndltures: 426 000 425 000 850,000
Non-Motorized& Transit Improvement Projects 68
Cily ofA:�biirn Trunsporlation /mprovemen( Progrum
Six Year Transportation Improvement Plan TIP# 26
ProjectTdle: METROShuttle: LakelandHills.Shuttle STIP#AUB-N/A
Projed No: NA
Projed T.ype: Other
Projed Manager: Joe Welsh LOS CorridorlD# N/A
Opereting costs associated'with the Commuler Shuttle from4he Lakeland Hills neighborhood to.Aubum Station and King County Metro Transit's Route 910.
Progress Summary: �
�The Lakeland�Hills route��began in 2009, lhe community shuttle in 2010. Lakeland Hills SoundenShuttle is�a partnership�route with KC Metro and:Pierce transif currently �
authorized throughiMarch 2016. Route 910 is:a KC Metro Transit Now Partnership Program�unded through October2015. Funding shown below.assumes partnerships
'are extended into fuWre� ears.
Future Impact on Operating Budget:
�hisprojed will fiave�no impact omthe opereting budget(orslreet maintenance.
ACtivlty:� 2075 YE Budgel Fmecast ProJect Cost
Funding Sowces: Pilor to 2015 Estlmate 4076� 2017 2018 2019 �2020 2021 Beyond 2021 ,TOtal ProJect Cost
UnresmcfedStreetRevenue - 240,000 240,000 245,000 245,000! 250,000 250,000� 250,000 - 1,720,000 ��
Unsecured G2n( - - - - - - - - - -
REET - - - - - - - - - -
Other(Agencies) -
ToUI Funding Sources: - 240,000 240,000. 246,000 20b,000� 250,000 260,OOD 250,000 - 1;720,000
�Cxpltal ExpendiWres:
Design - - - - - - - - - -
RightolWay ' ' - - - ' ' ' - '
TransifService 240,000 240,000 245,000 245,000� . 250,000 250,000 250,000 1',720,OD0
ToGI Ex enditures: 24D,000 240,000 245,000 245,000� ' 2b0 000 260 000 250;OD0 7;720,000
Non-Mororized& Transrl Lnprovemenl Projects 69
City ofAubtrrn Transporta(ion Improvemenl Program
Six Year Transportation Improvement Plan TIP# 30
Project Title: Citywitle Pedestrian Accessibility and Safety Program STIP#AUB-NIA
Project No: cpxmoc
ProjectType: Non-Capacity �Annual)
Project Manager: Pablo Pare LOS Corridor ID#N/A
This is an annual progrem lo fund small pedestrian improvement projects al locations lhroughout the City. Projects are pnonlized annualty based on,pedestrian
demands, existing deficiencies, and citizen requests.
Progress Summary:
Future lmpact on Operating Budget:
This project will have no impacl on the operating budget for sireet maintenance.
Activity: 2076 YE Budget Foreeast Projeet Coat
Funding Sourcee: Prlor to 2015 Estlmate 2076 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Beyond 2021 Total Pro ect Cost
Unrestnctetl Street Revenue - - 100,000 100,000 100,000 100,000 100,000 100,000 - 600,000
UnsecuredG2nt - - - - - - _ _ _ _
REET - - - - - - - - - _
TreKc Impact Fees - - - - - - - - _ _
Total Funding�Sources: - - 100,000 700,000 100,000 100,000 700,000 100,000 - 600,000
Capitel Expenditurea:�
Design - - 15,000 15,000 15,000 15,000 75,000 15,000 - 90.000
RI9hf ol WaY ' ' _ _ ' ' ' ' _ '
Construction - 85,D00 85,000 85,000 85 000 85,000 B5,000 510,000
Total Ex enditures:• 100 000 100,OOU 100,000 1D0 000 100,000 100,000 B00 000
Non-Mo[orrzed& Transit Improvement Projects �p
City ojAuburn TransporlalionJmprovement Progrnm
Six Year Transportation Improvement Plan TIP# 31
Project Title: Citywide Arterial Bicycle-8 Safety Improvements STIP#AUB-NIA
ProjectNo: cpxxzu
Project Type: Non-Capacity (Safety)
Projed Manager: Various LOS Corridor ID# N/A
Thisis a,bi-annual program ro fund bicycle:and safety improvements on classified roadways. Projects areipnoritized annually based,upon field studies. Projed was
previously called"Citywide:Roadway Safety Infrastruclure Improvements".
Progress Summary:
Future Impact on Operating Budget:
This projed will have no impact on the operating budget for street maintenance.
Attivity: 2016 YE Budget Forecast ProJect Cost
Funtling Sources:� Prlorto 2015 Estlmate 2016 �2017 2078 2019 2020 2021 8eyond 2021 Total Projeet Cost
UnrestncfedSfreetRevenue - - 100,000 - 100,000 - 100,000 - - 300,000
Unsecured Grenf - - - - - - - - - -
Tra�c Impact Fees - - - - - - - - - -
Total Funding Sources: - - 100,000 - 100,000 - 100,000 - - 300,000
CapiWl Expentlitures:�
- Design - - 10,000 - 10,000 - 10,000 - - 30,000
Righfo/Way - - - - - - - - - -
Construcfion 90,000 90,000 90,000 270,000
Total�Ex nditures:� 100,000 700,000 700,000 500,000
Non-Motarized& Transil Improvement Projec[s 7�
Giry ofAubr�rn Transportdlion linproveinen[Program
Six YearTransportation Improvement Plan
Projed Title: Citywitle SiiJewalk Repairs&?Improvements STIP#AUB-N/A
Projed No: cp13011
Project Type: Non-Capacity(Annual)
Projea Manager: Jai Carter LOS.Corridor ID# WA
Projectfunds sidewalk improvements at mulliple locations throughout the Ciry. A sidewalk inventory was completed'in 2004. Annual projeds are selected based upon
criteria such as: gap closure, safe walking.routes to schools; completion ot downtown pedestrian corridor or"linkage",connectivity to transit service, ADA requirements,
and"Save our Streets"(SOS)project locations.
Progress Summary:
Future lmpact on Opereting!Budget:
This projed will havemo impact on:the operating budget�for street maintenance.
ACtlVity: 2015 YE Bud et Foreeast PioJect Cwt
Funding5ourcea: Priorto2015 Estimate 207fi 2017 2078 2019 d020 2021 Beyond�2027 TotalProJectCost�
Cap.Imp.FUndBalance - 147,50��, 25,000 �25�,000 25,000 25�,000 25,000 �25,000 - 297,500
UnsecumdGrent - - 100,000 100,000 100,000 100,000 100,000 100,000� - 600,000
REET 2 - 200,000! 200,000 - - - - - - 400,000
Total Funding Sourcee: - 347,500I J26,000 125,000 726,000 125,000 725,000 125,OOU - 1,297;500
Capital Expenditures: �
Design - - - - - - - - - _
Righto(Way ' - i - ' ' - ' - ' _
Conshuclion 347,500�� 325,000 125,000 125,000 125,000 725,000 125,000 1,297,500
ToGIE: enditures: 347,500' 346,000 125,000 125,000 125,000 125000 125,000 1,297,500
Non-Molorized& Transi!lmprovement ProjeGs �Z
Ciry of Auburn Transporlation Improvement Program
Six Year Transportation Improvement Plan TIP# 44
Project Title: Downtown TransiY,Center Access Improvements STIP#AUB-NIA
Project No: cpxxxx
Project Type: Non-Capacity, Transit
�Project Manager: TBD LOS Corridor ID#N/A
' Thisproject will modify channetizatiomand curb radii to improve;lurning radii fonlransit vehicles at the soulhwest corner of S Division Sl&3rdiSt+SW, and lhe southeast
corner'o(A St SW�2nd St SW.
Progress Summary:
F.uture Impact on Operating Budget:
The annuahmaintenance cost for this project is estimated to minimal.
ACtiVlty:� 2015 YE Budget Forewst ProJect Cost
Funding��Sources: Prlorto 2015 Eslimate 2076 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Beyond 2027 Total Project Cost
'Unresfricted SYreet Revenue - - - 50,000 - i - - - - 50,000
Unsecured Grant - - - 200,000 - i - - - - 200,000
Tralfic Impact Fees - - - - - j - - - - -
Total Funding�,Sources:� - - - 250,000 - - - - - �250,000
� Capilal Expenditures:
Design - - - 30,000 - - - - - 30,000
Righ(ofWay - - - - - - - - - -
Construction 220 000 220 000
_ _ _ _
TotalEx enditurea: 250,000 250000
Non-Motorized& Transit/mprovemen!Projects 73
City ojAuburn Transpor(ation lmprovement Progrmn
Six Year Transportation Improvement,Plan TIP#�56
Projed Title: Evergreen Heights,Safe Routes to School Improvements STIP#AU6-NIA
ProjeG No: cp�cxxx
ProjeG 7ype: Capacity, Non-Motorized
Projed Manager: TBD LOS Corridor ID#37
The projed will widen S 3161h Street from 51st Avenue�S�to the west of the Evergreen Elementary School frontage,and��561h Avenue S betweemS 316th�Street and S
318th Street The proposed widening will allow the adddion of bike lanes and•sidewalks on bolh�sides of the�street to match the existing roadway aoss-sedion lo the east
o(ihe school.A roundabout will be construded al the S 316th S1reeV56th Avenue S intersedion replacing lhe existing all-way stop-control and the school driveway will be
relocated to the west to align wdh the,roundaboul The reconstruction of S 316th Street includes Ihe vertiral alignmenl oT the existing roadway along lhe school frontage
which creates sight-distance problems associated wifh the school driveways,and at ihe intersedion with 56th Avenue S. Other project elemenis indude undergrounding
ot aerial utilities, slreet lighling, and upgrades to lhe storm water system.
Future Impact on Operating Budget:
This projed will have no impad on the operating budgel for sireet maintenance.
ACilVlly: -2075:YE . ;BUd et Forecaet Pro ect Cost
Funding Sourcea: Prlo�to 2016 Eetlmete 2016 207T �2018 2019 d020 202t Be ond 2021�. Total Pro ect Cost
UnresfncfedStreetRavenue - - - - - 118,500 84,500 693,000 - 896,000
UnsecuredG2nt - - - - - 871�,500 478,500 3.927,000 - 5,077,000
TraRc Impad Fees - - - - - - - - _ _
ToWI Funding Sources: - • - - - 780,000 663,000 4,620,000 • 5,97],000
CapiUl Expanditures:
Design - - - - - 790,000 - - - 790,000
RighfolWay - - - - - - 569,000 - - 569,000
Construcfion 4 620 000 4 620 000
ToWI Ex enditurea: 790 000 663 000 4 620 000 5 971000
Non-Mororized& TrunsitJmprovemen! Projects �q
Cily of Auburn Trnnsporin(ion'hnprovement Progrnm
T �
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* ��� THAN YOU 1�GIN��
Non-Molorrzed& Trnn.si( /mprovemen! ProjecGs 75
City ofA:�b��rn Trnnsporlation /mprovement Program
Six Year Transportation Improvement Plan TIP# 1
Project Title: A Street NW-.Phase 1 (3rd St NW to 1'4th St�NW) STIP#AUB-NIA
Project No: c207a0
Project Type: Capacity
ProjecGManagec Matt Larson LOS Corridor ID# 18
Conslructed a new multi-Iane aAenal from 3rd Streel NW to 141h Street,NW completing a missing link along ihe corridor. This projecfimproves mobilily and was tied to
corridor development. The projecClengih was approximately three-quarters of a mile. The City,purchased,ROW from the northern property owner. If the property
develops any access to A ST NW, some or:a portion of those funds may be reimbursed to the Cily(total;wst was$251,000).
Progress Summary:
Fre-design was compleled�priocto 2007. Final design and environmental permiping were compleled�in 2011. Conslruction was compleled in2012. The project is'now:in
� the wetlandimaiMenance'monitoring penod required�until 2023.
F.uture ImpacYon Opereting Budget:
� The annual maintenance cost foothis project is eslimated to be $25,830.
AC�IVIhI:' 2075YE Bud eF ForecastPro'eclCost
Funding Sources: Priorto 2015 Estlmata 2016 2017 2078 2019 ?020 2021 Be ond 2027� �7otal Pro'ect Cost
'�. UnresMCted Street Revenue 123,276 - - - - - - _ - '123276
i SecureU,Grenfs(Fed,Stafe) 6,562,702 - - - _ _ _ _ - 6,562;702
TrafficlmpactFees 999,953 407,900 25,000 �25,000 25,000� 25,000 25,000 25,000 150,000, ' 1;707;853
� Ofher/Devebper) 383381 983 3B1
ToWlFunding5ources: �8,069,372� .407,900 25,000 25,000 25,OU0 26,000 25,000 25,000- 760,000' � 8,777;272
� CaplWl Eapenditures:
Design 2,247,331 - 70.000 10,000 10,000 10.000 10,000 10,000 40,000 2,347;331
Rgh(o/Way 821,341 - - - - - - - - 821!341
Construction 5,000,640 - - - - - - - - 5,000,640
Monifonng - :407 900 15 000 I S 000 15 000� 15 000 15 000 15 000 110 000• 607 900
TotalEx anditurea: 6,069,372 407,900 25,000 25,000 25,000- 26000 25,000 25,000 15Q000� � 8777;212
Prelrmrnary Engineering dnd Misce[laneous Projecls 7C
. ;
City ofAuburn Trnnsporlalion lmprovement Program
Six Year Transportation Improvement Plan TIP# 13 I
Project Title: Mohawks Plastics Site Mitigation Project STIP#AUB-N/A
ProjecLNo: cp0767
Project Type: Non-Capacity
Project Manager. Jeff Dixon LOS Corridor ID#N/A
The projecFCOnsists of the design, constnidion, maintenance and;monkoring of�approximately 2:2-acres of wetland creation and approximately 0.4-acres of.wetland
enhancement within the Goedecke South P�operty owned.by�the Sewer Utility in order�to compensate for.approximately 1.6-acre welland losson the Mofiawk Plastics
property(Parcel#1321049056). The projecl was approved under an existing agreement approved by Resolution:No.4196,June.2007.
Progress Summary:
The Cily received the DOE WQ�Certification,WDFW�HPA,and on May 7, 2009,the�Army Corps oi:Engineers(Corps)404�wetland permit(NWS-2007-1913).
Subsequently, bid�specifications,and construdion�plans were prepared and wnstruclion began in Oclober 2009. Construction wascompleted in January 2010 and the
project is currently within the 10-year monitoring�period, which involves annual maintenance, monitoring and reporting.
FuWre'Impact on Operating Budget:�
It is anticipated thal annual maintenance, moniroring and reporting on the performance of the wetland mitigation projecl wil6be required for a period of 10 years, in
conformance with'permit requirements. After the successful-conclusion oi this 10-year moniloring period,which is anticipated to be in December 2019, ongoing
operation expenses should be minimal.
ACtivity: 2075 YE Bud M Forecest Pro ect Cosl
Funding Sourcea: Prlorto 2016 Estimate 2076 �2077 2018 2079 2020 2021 Be ond 2021 Total Pro'ect CosD.
Fund Belance - - - - - - - - ' '
Unsecured Grant - - - - - - - - - '
.TrafficlmpacfFees 480,906 25,000 20,000 20,000 65,000 20,000 - - - 630,906�
REET 2�(328) 78 283 - - - - 78 2831
7oWl Funding Sources: 569,789 �25,000. 20,000 •20,000 65,000 20,000 - - - 708,188!
Desi9n ' ' ' _ _ ' _ _ _ '
Righl olWaY _ _ ' _ ' ' _ ' ' '
ConsWC(ion 559 189 25 000�� 20 000 20 000 65 D00 20 000 709 189�
Total Ex endkures: 559 189 �25,OOOi 20,000 20 000 65,000 20 000 - - 709 189'�
Preliminary Engrneerrng and Misce[(aneous Projecls 77
City ofAuburn Trdnsporlation Improvement Program
Six YearTransportation Improvement Plan TIP# 27
Projeci Title: A Street SE:Safety lmprovements Study STIP#AUB-N/A
Projed No: cp1�110
Projea Type: Safety(Non-Capacity)
Project Manager: James-Webb LOS Corridor.ID# 10, 33
SWdy the A Streel SE corridor between 6th�Street SE and Lakeland'HiIIs�.Way�SE including 41st St SE from D St SE to�C�St SE. The_study will review the safety and
access needs of the traveling public and lhe adjacentproperties.
Progress Summary:
In;house pre-design was completed to refine project scope, alignment; and identify design issues. 2015 design will complele conceplual corridor plan for future
Future Impact on Operating;Budget:
ThissWdy will have'no impad on4he operating�budget for street-maintenance.
Attivity: 2015 YE Budget Forecast ProJeet Cost� ��'�
FundingSources: Priocto207b� Estimate 2076� 2077 2018 2019 2020 2027 Beyond2021� �iTOtalPro�ectCost �
UniesMcted SYreef Revenue 1,230 50,000 5,000 - - i - - - - 56�,230 �
Unsecured Grant - - - - - - - - _ - i
TraKc Impacf Fees - - - - - - - - _ _
Total Funding Sources: 7;230 50,000 6,000 - - - - - - 56;2yp �
Capilal Expenditures:
DeSign 1,230 50,000 5,000 - - - - - - 56�,230
RightolWay - - ' ' - - ' - ' _
,7otdlE: endltures: 1�230 50000 5,000 56230 �
Prelrmrnnr.y Engineering and Mrsce!laneous'Projects 7g
City ofAuburn Trnnsportalion /mprovemenl Program
Six Year Transportation lmprovement Rlam TIP#`29
Projed Title: S 277th Street-WetlandiMitigation STIP#AUB-N/A
Projecl No: c410a0
ProjedType: Non-Capacity
Projed Manager: Matt Larson LOSCorridor ID#iN/A
Wetland mitigation;for lhe S 277th St grade separation project.
Progress Summary: '
Thisisa 10,year obligation, which'began im2004.
Future Impact on Operating�Budget:
This projecl will have no impact on the operating!budget forsireet maintenance.
ACiivity:� 2075 YE Budget Forecast Pro ect Cost
Funding Sourees: Prlorto 2016 Estlmate 2076 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Be ond 2027 �7otal Project Cost�
Unrestncfed Street Revenue 290,091 50,000 5,000 - - - - - - 945,091
UnsecuredGrant - - - - - - - - - -
TraRc Impact Fees - - - - - - - - - -
Othe� 3 804� 3 804�
Total Funding Sources: 295,895 50,000 5,000 - - - - - - 348,895
CepIW I Expenditures:
Design 37,673 - - - - - - - - 37,673
RightofWay - - - - - - - - - -
II Conshuctlon 160,390 - - - - - - 160,390
MonitoNng -95'832 50 000 5 000 - - 150 B32 �
7otal Ex endltures: 297-895 SD 000 5 000 - 348 89b �
Prelrminary Engrneering and Misce!laneous Projects 79
Ciry ojAuburn Transpor(n(ion lmprovement Progra�n
Six Year Transportation Improvement Plan TIP# 46
Project 7itle: 104th Avenue SE 8 Green River Road':Study STIP#AUB-NIA
Project No: cpxxxx
Project Type: Non-Capacity, Safety
Project Manager: James Webb LOS Corridor ID#24
This projecl funds a pre-design study lo determine lhe righl-of-way, environmental and construction requirements for intersedion safety improvements. The projed is
antidpated to include sight-distance improvements, construding lum-lanes, channelization, environmental mitigation,signage and clear zone improvements.
Progress 5ummary:
Future lmpact on Opereting Budget:
This projed will have no impact on4he operaling budget for streel maintenance.
ACtivity: 2U75 VE Budget Foreceat Project Cost
�FUnding Sources: Pdor to 2015 Estimate 2016 4017 2018 �2019 2020 .2021 Be ond 2021 Total Pro act Cost
UnreshicfetlSlreefRevenue - - 5,000 - - - - - - 5,000
UnsecuredGrant - - - - _ _ . _ _ _
T2RC Impad Fees - - - - _ _ _ _ _ _
Total Funding Sources: - - 5,000 - . . . . - 5,000
Capkal Expenditures:
Design - - 5,000 - - - - - - 5,000
Right ol WaY ' ' ' ' ' _ _ ' _ '
TatalEx enditurea: 5000 5,000
Prelrmrnary Engineering and Misce/laneons Projecls gp
Ci[p of Aubnrn Trnnsparlalion lmprovemen[ ProKrmn
Six Year Transportation Improvement Plan TIP#�54
Projed Title: Kersey Way SE Corridor Study STIP#AUB-N/A
Projed No: cpxxxx
FrojeaType: Capacity
Project Manager: TBD LOS Corridor ID#36
This projed will study improvements to the Kersey Way SE corridor from the White River Bridge to the soulhem city limits.The study will develop the scope and costs for
horizontal/vertical geometric roadway improvements, roadside:hazard mitigation, slreel IigFiting and non-motorized irail construction.The projed lengih is-approximately
Mro miles.
Progress Summary:
Design study will begin�in 2016',following4he completion o6the update to the Comprehensive Transportation Plan. i ,
FuWre Impact on Opereting Budget: �
This projed will have no impact on the operating budget for street maintenance.
AttiVlty: 2075 YE Budget Forocaet Project Cbst
Funding Sources: Prlorto 2015 Estimate 2076 �Y017 2078 2079 �2020 2027 Beyond 2021 7ota1 Pro�ect Cost
UnresMcfed SYrcet Revenue - - - - - - ' ' " "
Gren(s/Fed,Sfale,LOCaq - - - - - - ' ' - -
Tra�c Mitigation Fees - - 50,000 - - - - - - 50,000
Other - -
TotalFunding Sources:� - - 60,000 - - - - - - 50,000
CapiWl Expenditurea:
Design - - 50,000 - - - - - - 50,000
RightolWaY ' - ' ' ' - - - - '
Total Ex enditures: 60 000 50 000
Preli�ninary Engineering�md A�liscellaneous Projects R 1
City ofAubarrn Trnn.sporlulion /mprovemen! Program
T �
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Prelrminnry Engineering and Misce!laneous Projecls 82
Citv ojAu6urn Trunsporlation /mproven�ent Program
Six Year Transportation Improvement Plan TIP# 7
Piaject Title: 15th Street SW Reconstruction STIP#AUB=N/A
Project No: cpxxzz
Project Type: Preservation
Project Manager. TBD LOS Corridor ID#12
This projed,will evaluate improvements to the Union Pacific at grade rail crossings as wel6as the vertical sight distance lo the Interurban Trail crossing4o the west of the �
Iracks.This project was originally scoped lo indude pavement preservation. The pavement preservation component could slill be combined with4his project, but is also
eligible for ihe Arterial Pavement Preservalion Program. A planning level cost estimate is provided.
Progress Summary:
Future Impact on Operating Budget:
This projecl will have no impact on lhe�operating budget for street maintenance.
ActiVity: 2015 YE Budget Forecest Pro�ect Cost
funding Sources: Prior to 2015 Estimate 7016 2017 �2018 2079 2020 3021 Beyond 2021 Total Pro ect Coat
Artenal Preservation Funtl - - - - 75,000 500,000 - - - 575,000
Unsecuretl Grant - - - - 300,000 2,500,000 - - - 2,800,000
Other -
Total Funding Sources: - • - - 175,000 3,000,000 - - - 3,]76,000
Capllal Expendltures:
Design - - - - 375,000� - _ - - 375,000
RigbfalWaY _ ' _ ' ' ' ' ' _ '
Construction � �3 000 000 3 000 000
ToWIEx andilures: �75,000: 5,000,000 7,975,000
Preserv�lion Projects 83
Crty ojAuburn Transportalion Improvement Program
Six Year Trensportation Improvement Plan TIP# 22
Project Title: Lake Tapps Parkway Preservation (City Limit to Lakeland Hills'Way) STIP#AUB-51
Project No: cpxxxx
Projecl Type: Preservation
Project Manager: Jai Carter L'OS Corridor ID#17
Descriptlon: The Lake TappS Parkway Preservation project will complete�a patch and�oveday of,pavement between'the Aubum/Sumner City limit and Lakeland�Hills Way
including all required ADA improvemenfs to curb ramps,sidewalks, and pedestrian signals:
Progress Summary:
Federal granl was awarded in 2014.
Future Impact omOpereting Budget::
There is no impad lo��.the�slreet�mainlenance budget.
AC�VIlyS 2075-,YE ; Budget ForecastProjecf Cos[s
'Funding Sourees: Priorto 2015. Estimate . 2016 2017 I018 2079 2020 2021 Beyond 2027 To[alProjeclCost
FunCBa/ance - - 26,480 176.370 - - - - - -202,850
SecuredGrant - - 97,900 652,100 - - - - - 750,000
Total Funding Sources: - - 124.380 828,470 - - - - - 952,850
Capital Expenditures:
Design - - I 124,380 ' - ' - ' - 124�,380
RightolWay - - - - - - - . _ _
Conshudion 82B 470 -g2g q7p
Total Ea enditures: 124 380 828,470 952,850
Preservalion Projecls gq
Crry of Auburn Transportation lmprovement Program
Six Year Transportation Improvement Plan T�P#,2$
Projeci Title: AnnualiBridge Structure Preservation STIP#AUB=N/A.
Projed No: Various
Projed Type: Non-Capacity, Preservation
Projed Manager. Scott!Nutter LOS CorridorlD# N/A.
This�isan annuabprogram to fund improvements to bridge structues identified by the city's annuaPbridge inspeclion program.
�Progress Summary:
Future Impact on Opereting�Budget:
ihis�projed will have�no impacl ondhe operating��budget for street maintenance.
AttlVlty:�� 2015YE Budgat ForecastProjectCost
FundingSources: PNorto2015� Estlmate 2016� 2077 2018 2019 �2020 2021 Beyond2021 �TotalProjectCOat
, Arterial Preservation Funtl - 50,000 50,000 50,000 50,000� 50,000 50,000 50,000 - 950,000
Granfs(Fed,S[ate,Locap - - - - - - - - - -
Tatal Funding Sourtes: - 50,000 50,000 50,000 . 50,000� 50,000 50,000 50,000 - �60,000 �
Capital Expenditures:
Design - 5,000 5,000 5,000 S,OOOi 5,000 5,000 5,000 - 35,000
RigAt of Way - ' ' - ' ' - ' - -
Canstmcfion 45,000 45,000 45,000 45,000� 45.000 45,000 45,000 315,000 �
Total Ex endilures: 50,000 50 000 50 000 5D 000'� 60 000 �50 000 50,000 - 550,000 �
Preservation Projects 85
City ofAuburn Transportation/mprovemenl Prograrn
Six Year Transportation Improvement�Plan
TIP# 35
�Broject Title: Arterial Street Preservation Progrem STIP#AUB-NIA
Project No: varies annually
Project Type: Non-Capacity, Preservation
Project Manager: Jai Carter LOS:Corridor ID# N/A
Description: Implemeni regular pavement maintenance and/or rehabilitalion of various classified streets citywide. These projects may inGude a corribination of overlays,
rebuilds, and spot repairs. This program is(unded ihrough a 1% ulility tax that was adopled by City Council during 2008:
Frogress Summary:
The 2015 construdion cycle'included the completion of4he 2014 preservation project and participalion in two utility projects in addition to,the annual 2015 project.
Future Impact on Operating'Budget:
There'is no impact lo lhe sUeet maintenance budget.
� ACtlVily:�• 2076 YE Budget Forecast Pro ect Costs
Funtling Sourees: Prior to 2015 Estlmate 2076 2017 2018 2019 2020 �2021 Be ond 2027 Total Pro ect Cost
ArtenelPreserve�ionFuntl - 4,575,293� 600,000 700,000 1,700,000; 1,800,000 1,800,000 1,800,000 - 12,975,293
Secured Federel Grant - - - - - _ _ _ _ _
,Other�ICON) 190 0001 190 000�
7ota1 Funding Sources: - 4,766,293: 600,000 700,000 1,700,000 1,800,000 7;800,000 7,600,000 - 73,765;293 -
Capitsl Eapendltures:
Design - t00,000I 50,000 50,000 50,000' ' Sq000 50,000 20,000 - 370,000
RghtolWay - - - _ _ _
Construction 4 685 293' 550 000 650 000 1 650 000' ' 1 75D 000 1 750 000 1 780 000 12 795 293�
TotalEx endllures: - 4765293 600000 700000 1700000 1800000 7�800000 7800000 75,765,293�
Preservntron Projec(s 86
City oJAuburn Transporlalion lmprovemen! Program
Six Year Transportation Improvement Plan TIP# 36
Pioject Title: Annual ArteriaUCracksealiprogrem STIP#AUB-NIA
Project No: cpxxxz
Project Type: Non-Capacity, Preservation
Project Manager: Jai Carter L:OS Corridor ID#N/A
Implement regular.maintenance o(various dassified streetsby sealing newly formed cracks. Sealing ihe cracks will prolong lhe life of lheipavement by stopping waler
from drainingiinto the sub-base o(the road.
Progress Summary:
Future Impact on Operating!Budget: I
There is no impact lo lhe streel maintenance budget.
ACtlVlly:� 2015YE Budget F.orecastPro'ectCOSts
Funding Sources: Pdor to 2015 Eatlmate 2016 2017 2018 2U19 2020 2021 Be ontl 2021 Total P�o'ect Cost�
Artenal Preservation Fund - 100,000; 100,000- 100,000 100,000�� 100,000 100,000 10�,000 - 700,000;
Unsecurer/Grant - - - - - - - - - -
Total Funding Sources:� - 700,OOOi 100,000 100,000 100,000. 100,000 100,000 100,000 - 700,000
Capital Ezpenditures:
Design - 10,000; 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 - 70,000
Right of WaY ' ' ' - - � ' - ' ' � -
Constmc�ion '90000' � 90000 90,000 �90�000' 90000 90000 9�000 - 630000
TotalE: enditures: 100,OODI 700000 700000 100000 - 700000 700000 100000� 700000 ,
Preservation P��ojecl.s 87
Ci[y ofAtrbe�rn Transporlqtion lmprovement Program
Six Year Transportatiomlmprovement Plan
Projed Title: Local Street;lmproyement Program STIP#AUB-N/A
Project No: Various
Projed Type: Non-Capacity, Preservation
Projed Manager: Jai Carter LOS:Corridor ID#NIA
The program preserves local(unclassified);sireets. The work indudes crack:sealing; asphalLpatching; pre-leveling,asphalt ovedays and roadway reconstruction.
Beginning in 2013 sales tax on construclion was dedicated by council lo fund this program.
Progress Summary:
This program has successfully completed overlays,chip seals and;complete reconstructions since 2005. The program will focus on compleling reconstruction needs in
addition to regular maintenance treatments.
Future Impact on�Opereting Budget:
There is�no impact to lhe sireel mainlenance:budget.
ACGVIIy: 2015 YE Bud et� Forecast Pro eet Cost
Funding Sources:� Priorto 2016 Estimate 2016 2017 �2018- 2019 2020 2021 Beyond 2021 7oW1 Bro ect Cost
LocalSheetMeserv.Fund - �3,218,665 1',600,000 1,600,000 1,600,000 1{600,000 1,600,000 1,600,000 - 12,818,665,
Unsecured Grsnf - - - - - - _ . _ _
ToWlFundingSourcea: - 3,218,665�. 1,600,000 1,600,000 �1,600,000 7,600,000 1,600,000 7,600,000 - 12,818,665�
Capital Expendkures:
Deslgn - 400,000 300.000 300,000 300,000 300,000 300,000� �300,000 - 2,200,000�
Right ol Way ' ' - - ' - ' ' ' _
Conslmction 2 B78 665. 1�300 000 1 300 000 1 300 000 1�300 000 1 300 000 1,300 000 10 678 665
Total Ex nditures: 3 218 665 1 600 000 . 1 600,000 7 600 000 7 600 000 1 600 000 1�600 000 12 B78 fi65
PreservntiomProjects gg
City.ofAuburn Transporlation /mproveme��t Program
Six Year Transportation Improvement Plan TIP# 57
Project Tille: Bridge Deck Preservation STIP#.AUB-N/A
ProjecbNo: cpx�cx
Project Type: Non-Capacity, Preservation
Project Manager: Scott�Nutter LOS Corridor ID# N/A
This is an annual program to fund lhe�rehabilitation of bridge decks as identified!by the Cily's annual bridge inspection program.
Progress Summaryi
R St SE SWck River Bridge deck repairs were completed in 2014.
Future Impact on OperatingiBudget:
This projed wil6have no impact on;lhe operating budget for street mainlenance.
ACt1Vlt�/: 2075 YE Bud et Forecast Pro ect Costa
Funding Sources`. Prior to 2015 Eatimate 2016 2077 �2078 2079 2020 2021 Be ond 2021 Total Pro ect Cosb
Artenal Preservation Fund - - 100,000 100,000 100,000 10�,000 100,000 100,000 - 60�.000�
UfildyTax - - - - - - - - - '
Bondproceeds - - - - - '
Total Funding Sourees: - - 700,000 100.000 100,000� 100,000 100,000 100,000 - 600,000!
Capital E:penditures:
Design - - - - - - - - - -
RightolWaY - ' - ' - ' - - - '
Construcfion 100,000 100 000 700 OOOI 100 000 100 000 100 000 600 000'
Total Ex enditures: 100 000 700 000 100 OOOi 100 000 100 000 100 000 600 000
Pre.servntion Project.s 89
City ofA:ib��rn Transporta(ion lmprovemen!ProgrAm
Six Yeac Transportation Improvement Plan� TIP# ZO
Projed Title: Auburn Way N Preservation (22nd St NE to 454hSt NE) STIP#AUBrl8
P.rojectNo: cpxxxx
ProjeaType: Non-Capacity; Preservafion
P.rojed Manager. Joel Chalmers LOS Corridor ID11 1
Description: The�project�proposes to.gnnd,and.oveday Aubum Way�N,from.the 22nd�StreeT NE to 45th StreefNE. The project will restore 7.3 lane miles of pavement,
upgrade 26 curb ramps to meel wrrent ADA standard, as we as remove unused driveway openings as an-.upgrade to non ADA complianl pedestrian faciliUes. The project
(unds the design,coordination, permilling,and construction of the pavement preservation projed.
Brogress Summary:
Federal Grant�funding�was securedin 2014.
Future Impact on Operating Budget:
There:is�no impact to the street maintenance budget.
ACtlVlty: 2075YE Budget ForewslProJeclCosts
Funding Sources: Pilorto 2075 Estimate 2016 2017 2078 2079 2020 2027 Beyond 2021 TotalPro eetCOSt
ArteiialPreservah"onFund - 80,000- 887,500 - - - - - - 967,500
SecuredFederalGrant - 80,000� 887,500 - - - - - - �967,500
ToWlFundingSources: - 160,000� � 1,776,000 - - - . - - 1,935,000
Capital Expentlimres:
Design - 160,000� - - - - - - - 160,000
Righf ol Way - - - - - - - - - _
Consfrucfion - 1,775,000 - 1�,775,000
7otal Er endlwres: 760 000' �7 775 000 1 935 000
Preservation Projects 90
City ofA:�barn Trunsportation lmprovemen[Progrnm
Six Year Transportation Improvement Plan TIP# 77
Project 7itle: 15th Street:NEINW Breservalioni(SR-167 to 8th St NE) STIP#_AUB�7
Prajed No: cpxxxx
Project Type: Non-Capacity,;Preservation
Project Managec Jai Carter LOS Corridor,ID#9
Description: The:project proposes to gnnd�and��overlay 15th StreeVNW/NE from the SR167�to Auburn'Way N; and�gnndland'overlay Harvey Road NE,from Aubum'Way N
to 8th StreebNE. The�project will restore 7.57 lane miles of�pavement, upgrade 30 curb remps to meet currenfADA standard;as�welPas��remove unused driveway openings
as an upgrade to non ADA compliant pedestriamiacililies: The projectdunds the design, coordination, permitling,and construction of the pavement preservation,project.
Progress Summary:
F.ederal Grant.Funding�was securred in 2014.
F.uture Impact on.Operating Budget:
There is�no impad to the street maintenance budget.
AttiVlty:� 2015YE Budget ForecastProjectCosts
Funding5ources: Priorta2015 Estimate 2076 �2077 2018 2079 2020 2021 Beyond2021 7oWIPro�ectCost
ARenal Preservafion Fund - - 67,500 750,000 - - - - - 817,500
SecuredFederelGrant - - 67,500 750,000 - - � - - 817,500
Total Funding Sources: . - - 735,000 7,500,000 - • - - - 1,635,000
CapitalExpentllWres: '
Design - - 135,000 - - - - - - 135,000
Righf of Way - - - - - - - - - -
Conshudion 1,500,000 1.500,000
ToWIEx endltures: 135,000 1,500,000� 1635000
Preservation ProjecGS 91
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1'reservalron Projects 92
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Intersection and ITS Improvements Preservation � City of Auburn
Non-Motorized�Transi[Improvemen[s Roadway Improvements Parks Aj�f7C'17C�lX � . �
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