HomeMy WebLinkAbout20110112000521 SLOPE EASEMENT 11/15/10 • • ti • After recording return document to: City of Auburn ATTN: City Clerk III I III III II II II I II I III I I II I I25 West Main S A uburn,Washington 98001-4998 20110112000521 PACIFIC NW TIT EAS 67.00 PAGE-001 OF 006 01/12/2011 12:09 KING COUNTY, WA Document Title: Slope Easement FAC 10-0005 Grantor: State of Washington, State Board for Community and Technical Colleges, Green River Community College,acting through the Department of General Administration Grantee: City of Auburn Legal Description:SW ''/ S9-T21N—R5E Assessor's Tax Parcel Number: a portion of 092105-9229 ‘k, , -yf; t� L 6 3(/ SLOPE EASEMENT a(7 7 The Grantor, State of Washington, State Board for Community and Technical Colleges, Green River Community College, acting through the Department of General Administration for and in consideration of mutual and offsetting benefits, does hereby quitclaim and convey unto the City of Auburn, a municipal corporation of the State of Washington, and its agents or assigns a permanent, non-exclusive slope easement over, under, upon and across the real property described in Exhibit"A" attached hereto and incorporated by this reference, together with the rights of ingress and egress, for the purpose of constructing and maintaining the slope improvements to be constructed by Grantee, including grading, stock piling, excavating and restoring the real property and/or the slope improvements. The slope easement is described in Exhibit"B"attached hereto and incorporated by these references. Upon completion of construction of the slope improvements, Grantee shall restore the easement area to a condition as close as reasonably possible to its pre-construction condition while maintaining the integrity of the slope improvements.or to such other state of restoration as mutually agreed upon by the parties. Grantor shall not perform any activities that may damage improvements built or constructed within the easement areas, including the planting of vegetation with damaging root structures or performing any excavation that would have the effect of weakening the support said improvements. Said Grantee shall have the right, without prior institution of any suit or proceeding at law,at times as may be necessary, to enter upon said easement for the purpose of constructing roadway improvements without incurring any legal obligation or liability therefore, provided that such construction shall be accomplished in such a manner that existing improvements shall not be disturbed or destroyed,or in the event they are disturbed or destroyed,they will be replaced in as good a condition as they were immediately before the property was entered upon by the • Grantee. The Easement shall be a covenant running with the land and shall be binding on the successors, heirs and assign of parties hereto. Y • 1 Project No. 09-11-054 (Aubum)SJF/CNS Page 2 of 3 Dated this IS day of N O V£M.h -L ,20 I V ACCEPTED BY: STATE OF WASHINGTON, State Board for Community and Technical Colleges, Green River Community Colleges, By: a`2 acting through the Dennis R. Dowdy / / / ,� Department Geneerr-all Administration Title: D�Gc.-14Y G "di/G�✓i�+r/� ��� "t'�, oward S. Cox,Chief Property Officer Real Estate Services Date: i/7 7 /O �'c"1� Date: • -IC, k; Jane Rushf•rd, Deputy Directo Title: Ski Date: �_l —� C7 APPROVED AS TO FORM: By: ` ��//J CIA-- Assistant Attorney General Date: \ t ! 3 //J` • • Project No. 09-11-054 (Aubum)SJF/CNS Page 3 of 3 STATE OF WASHINGTON ) • )ss. County of Thurston ) - yam/ I, the undersigned, a Notary Public, do hereby certify that on this J�tk day of tie , 20 , personally appeared before me HOWARD S. COX, Chief Property Officer, Real Estate Services, Department of General Administration, State of Washington, to me known to be the individual described in and who executed the within instrument, and acknowledged that he signed and sealed the same as the free and voluntary act and deed of the Department, for the purposes and uses therein mentioned, and on oath stated that he was duly authorized to execute said document. In Witness Whereof I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my official seal the day and year first above written. ,`" '+••• Z Notary Public in and for the\f Washington, t OT fip 5 I S Residing at Q/ re et_ jj My commission expires / 3-z/- /3 •O0 \e% /471 rms10,0 STATE OF WASHINGTON )ss. County of Thurston k I, the undersigned, a Notary Public,do hereby certify that on this I day of dve✓f4«- 20 /0 , personally appeared before me JANE RUSHFORD, Deputy Director, Department of General Administration, State of Washington, to me known to be the individual described in and who executed the within instrument, and acknowledged that she signed and sealed the same as the free and voluntary act and deed of the Department,for the purposes and uses therein mentioned,and on oath stated that she was duly authorized to execute said document. In Witness Whereof I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my official seal the day and year first above written. es P.OpeepS -de Ade ��' �4 1•'D tre 1 Notary Public in and for re e of Washington, t30TAfij' Residing at ' '---1 ° My commission expires ' 3 -2/- /3 L'�i gTq.Q`eN 89.,es oaAc• • EXHIBIT A SLOPE EASEMENT • STR:NWI/4-SE1/4-SW1/4-S9-T2IN-R5E,W.M. PARCEL 092105-9229-07 (REFERENCE:PACIFIC NORTHWEST TITLE COMPANY SUBDIVISION GUARANTEE#1109770 02/16/10) A SLOPE EASEMENT OVER, UNDER AND ACROSS A TRACT OF LAND LOCATED IN A PORTION OF NORTHEAST QUARTER OF THE SOUTHEAST QUARTER OF THE SOUTHWEST QUARTER OF SECTION 9, TOWNSHIP 21 NORTH, RANGE 5 EAST, W. M. IN KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON AND FURTHER DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: COMMENCING AT THE NORTHEAST CORNER OF SAID NORTHEAST QUARTER OF THE SOUTHEAST QUARTER OF THE SOUTHWEST QUARTER; THENCE ALONG THE EAST LINE THEREOF SOUTH 03°07'42"WEST 372.58 FEET TO THE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING;. THENCE NORTH 86°29'48"WEST 332.27 FEET; THENCE NORTH 03°09'51"EAST 122.58 FEET; THENCE NORTH 86°29'48"WEST 189.84 FEET TO THE EAST LINE OF THE PLAT OF COLLEGE VIEW RECORDED IN VOLUME 105 OF PLATS,PAGES 60 AND 61,IN KING COUNTY WASHINGTON; THENCE ALONG SAID EAST LINE SOUTH 03°09'51"WEST 404.47 FEET TO THE SOUTHEAST CORNER OF SAID PLAT AND THE SOUTH LINE OF SAID NORTHEAST QUARTER OF THE SOUTHEAST QUARTER OF THE SOUTHWEST QUARTER; THENCE ALONG SAID SOUTH LINE SOUTH 86°43'01"EAST 522.27 FEET TO THE EAST LINE OF SAID NORTHEAST QUARTER OF THE SOUTHEAST QUARTER OF THE SOUTHWEST QUARTER; THENCE ALONG SAID EAST LINE NORTH 03°07'42" EAST 279.88 FEET TO THE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING; EXCEPT THE EAST 30 FEET THEREOF CONVEYED TO KING COUNTY FOR 124TM AVENUE SOUTHEAST AS CONVEYED UNDER RECORDING NUMBER 5799262. SAID SLOPE EASEMENT BEING THE EAST 10.00 FEET OF SAID TRACT AND MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: (THE BEARINGS OF SAID SLOPE EASEMENT DESCRIPTION ARE BASED ON WASHINGTON STATE PLANE NAD-83 CITY OF AUBURN HORIZONTAL DATUM AND DIFFER FROM THE BEARINGS OF THE ABOVE DESCRIBED TRACT OF LAND): COMMENCING AT THE NORTHEAST CORNER OF THE ABOVE DESCRIBED TRACT OF LAND; THENCE NORTH 88°27'50" WEST ALONG THE NORTH LINE OF SAID TRACT 15.00 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING OF SAID SLOPE EASEMENT, • Slope Easement Page 3 of 5 THENCE SOUTH 01°09'40"WEST 280.06 FEET TO THE SOUTH LINE OF SAID TRACT; THENCE NORTH 88°41'03"WEST ALONG SAID SOUTH LINE 10.00 FEET; THENCE NORTH 01"0974F EAST 280.10 FEET TO THE NORTH LINE OF SAID TRACT; THENCE SOUTH 88°27'50"EAST ALONG SAID NORTH LINE 10.00 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING AND THE TERMINUS OF SAID SLOPE EASEMENT. SAID SLOPE EASEMENT CONTAINING 2,801 SQ.FEET,OR 0.06 ACRES,MORE OR LESS. G. ZO4 WAS�y %� y. p f 1 *è.J i ,�ALl.A1ATh d ' ryReid iddleton 1281341h St.SW Everett,WA 98204 425/741-3800 Slope Easement Page 4 of 5 _ _ _ _ EXHIBIT B 316TH _ST. SE • I T N S 88'28'16" E I� . I I 1 30' 30 II .I I I I I . I I H Lu I POINT OF BEGINNING I o Q N 88'27'50" W o Ile, 15.00' N I L L2, , N r I PARCEL #0921059229-07 c o I- N , LINE BEARING DISTANCE W 3 Ll N 88'41'03" W 10.00' , L2 S 88'27'50" E 10.00' .? g 0 o I . PROPOSED Z N 30'130' r SLOPE EASEMENT PROPOSED 801 SO. FT. PROPS (0.06 ACRES) or...............,, „»,,,,,,�, EAUSEMENT— I zi DOES NOT Lt , I- - SURVEY ANO DOES NOT PROPOSED j PURPORT TO SHOW ALL RIGHT—OF—WAY EASEMENTS OF RECORD. I— s� '�+,,,( 318th „ t. 728 134th Street SW Suite 200 WAY S£ Re I'd i dd l eto n�: Everett, Washington 98204 Ph: 425 741-3800 Slope Easement Page"5 of 5