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ORDINANCE NO. 6 5 7 1 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF AUBURN, WASHINGTON, AMENDING ORDINANCE NO. 6533, THE 2015-2016 BIENNIAL BUDGET ORDINANCE, AS AMENDED BY ORDINANCE NO. 6558, ORDINANCE NO. 6563, AND ORDINANCE NO. 6570, AUTHORIZING AMENDMENT TO THE CITY OF AUBURN 2015-2016 BUDGET AS SET FORTH IN SCHEDULE "A" AND SCHEDULE "B" WHEREAS, the Aubum City Council at its regular meeting of December 1, 2014, adopted Ordinance No. 6533 which adopted the City of Auburn 2015-2016 Biennial budget; and WHEREAS, the Auburn City Council at its regular meeting of April 6, 2015, adopted Ordinance No. 6558 (BA#1) which amended Ordinance No. 6533 which I adopted the City of Aubum 2015-2016 Biennial budget and i WHEREAS, the Aubum City Council at its regular meeting of July 6, 2015, I adopted Ordinance No. 6563 (BA#2) which amended Ordinance No. 6558 which amended the City of Auburn 2015-2016 Biennial budget; and WHEREAS, the Auburn City Council at its regular meefing of December 7, 2015, adopted Ordinance No. 6570 (BA#3) which amended Ordinance No. 6563 which amended the City of Auburn 2015-2016 Biennial budget; and WHEREAS, the City of Auburn deems it necessary to appropriate additional funds to the various funds of the 2016 budget as outlined in this Ordinance (BA#4); and I WHEREAS, this Ordinance has been approved by one more than the ' majority of all councilpersons in accordance with RCW 35A.34.200. ------------------------ � Ordinance No. 6571 November 9, 2015 Page 1 of 3 NOW THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF AUBURN, WASHINGTON DO ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. Amendment of the 2015-2016 Biennial Budget. The 2015- 2016 Biennial Budget of the City of Auburn is amended pursuant to Chapter 35A.34 RCW, to reflect the revenues and expenditures as shown on Schedule "A" attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference. The Mayor of the City of Auburn, Washington is hereby authorized to utilize revenue and expenditure amounts shown on said Schedule "A" and Schedule "B". A copy of said Schedule "A" and Schedule "B" is on file with the City Clerk and available for public inspection. Section.2. Severability. If any provision of this Ordinance or the application thereof to any person or circumstance is held to be invalid, the remainder of such code, ordinance or regulation or the application thereof to other person or circumstance shall not be affected. Section 3. Implementation. The Mayor is hereby authorized to implement such administrative procedures as may be necessary to carry out the direc4ives of this legislation. Section 4. Effective Date. This Ordinance shall take effect and be in force five (5) days from and after its passage, approval and publication as provided by law. ------------------------ Ordinance No. 6571 November 9, 2015 Page 2 of 3 FIRST READING: NOV 1 6 2015 SECOND READING: DEC - 7 2D15 PASSED: DEC - 7 2D15 APPROVED: �€L - ��� NANCY C4 S, Iv1AYOR ATTEST: �����9� Dariielle E. Daskam City Clerk APPROVED A FORM: Da iel B. Heid City Attorney PUBLISHED: �+,+��G,�°!-� S'�'�' 'L`"Zl'l`� /�-.�..`'J ------------------------- Ordinance No. 6571 November 9, 2015 Page 3 of 3 Schedule A Summary of 2016 Budget Adjustments by Fund Budget Amendment#4(Ordinance#6571� Beg.Fund 2016 2016 Ending Fund Balance Revenues E:penditures Balance � General Fund p001 _, 2078 Ado�ted Budyet,__'____'__'______"_'____'_'___'___"__"_"_'___'_"__'_10�647�126_00 ,_59�J54y240.00."fi4�735y529.00.___Sy7fi5�837:00 . ___�_.__._�_._�._��__.�_.'_'__�'_"_'_."__"__'____—'___'__'_—_'_'__'_—_'___'_—'___.—__'__'_.____'__""._�_._.__. BAif4�Ordinance#6571,Pro�oser�___ 2,634,706.56 359,000.00 2,496,746.70 496,560.46 GeneralFund Revenues: _Ad�ust Beyinniny Fund Balance for Budc�et Amendments_in,2015__ __.___._.___.__2,634,306_56_.____ _______.____ ___. _2,634_]06_56� Increase Sales Taz Revenues __� �_____^____________________ 5001000_00________, 5001000 00 Increase PropertxTa:Revenues __,___,___,_�___�._.__.__._.__,_.__.___� 600y000.00,.__._�_,___.___,_.__.600i000 00 Increase Local Sales_ Criminal Justice Ta:Revenues _ _______ ____ _____`___�1502000.00_____________ 150,000 00 �Eliminate Cnmmal Justice Fi�h Cnme Tax�Revenues tor 2016 ____�______________^___�96 000 0 J ______________i96 000 00� �Retluce Eleclnc 8 Natu�al Gas 880 Tax Revenues _ ____________________________�165,00O.00f ____________l455 000:00� IncreaseBuildin andPlumbin PermitRevenues 10000000 100000�00 -- �- �--9------�--9---�----�-----�-----�---�- -�------------�---=—�-- -- �--__--•--.—_---�-----�---- Inuease Liguor Excise Taa Revenues • 100,000.00 • 100,000.00 _.._...."._._""' "'.._._._._._.."__"'_"""'__'_""'_"'_'.._..'_""'__""'___'___'__"__"_'_"_"_""""__._..__._.._...._..'_""__'_'__' Reduce Revenues from the Ci of AI ona for Services No Lon er Provided 30 000.00____ 30 000.00 . �'--•-�--�-�---�- - ��---�--�-----�---�---�-�-�---•_--._._.._.!_.z - -� -�---�---�----i._�_._._1. Increase Miscellaneous Revenues mostl PCard rebales 602000.00___�_W___� 50i000.00 i.___.Y.�_--•----1-•---�---�--•---�----�---•--�---�--•-- - _Operatin�Revenues for Community 8 Youth/Teen,Cenler________ ___________40,000.00_ - W 40,000:00 Human Resources Depariment_ __________ __ -'--'--._._._...--"- --"--'-'---'--'---`---.—.___..-.-.—'.-------'---"---�--....------------�---�--°---'--'-'--'-"--' _Increase Charqes�from Kiny CountY tor�isirict Court Services___________ __ - - 336,400.00 (336,400:001 _New FTE_Human Resources Coordinator f88��_'__ ___'___'_ '_"___'_ __'___'__"_"__'__"_"______'__ 99i457.60.___.'199 457 601. Parks De artment: ---�e-------�-•---�-------_.___._____-------�---------�-�---�------------�---------�----------�----------------- _Operatin�Costs for Commun�8 YoulhlTeen Cenler _ _� _________________________ ___________ 95,000.00__ _�(95_000:001 New FTE�-Ba,ks Horticul[uralist 100 681 00 100 687 00 '_— _._____ __. _ —_.___' __'_"'___'_r.—_'_ _.�.'__'_ "'_"'__ _"'__'__ '_'_'_'—___'__'_ _"__'___.� .___""'� _NewFTE�.Recreation�ecialist -----.------_---.---,-- . - --.-.---.---.--.---.-----.---.----_-.---56i434.00.----556,434_00�. _Waye A�usiment Tor Non-Benefitted Part Time Emflo�rees(Irom BIW21,___._.___.___,__,___.___.___.___,______.__ 44_135.00 _____144i135:00� Public Works DeQariment_ _ ...."""..__.'.' "'....__"__..__.._.._..__""'_'__"'_—_'__""""'_'__'_"'_"_"__"""'_""_'_'__"'�___'_"'_"'__'_"'__'__'_'_"_"'..__._.._._._. New FTE!_Assistant Treftic Enyineer�30Yo1_____'___'____'_"""_"__'____'_"_'______'___'__"___"__'___""_"_45,053.00.___._l45,053:00�. Streets De arlment '_�_____—__•__"_--'_______._'.'________.'_'_'___'_.__"___""'____"__"'______'_"__"___'__'_—.'_'—_'_.__. Ad�st Budyet for Reclassification of ERBR�SuPemumere�r r Position____________ _____________________�2_500.0�_____2,500.00 Communillr Development Deparlment:________�_ _Cost Recovery Stu�_Development Fees.___'__'__'__'___'___' ___'_'______'__'_""'____'_ __'_'___50_000.00.___'_j50,000:001. SCORE: ___--'___—_.__'___'_�_'___'___._._��.��.___'___'__'.___._'.__.'___'___'__'___'—"__'—'_—__'_"___'___'___.'____.___.-�—. IncreaseAuburnConlribution - _______________50,000.00___!50_000_00� FVIUJge�D'vec�oM2015 Bud¢eN3udgn Ammdmrni+4�?015'�I3A Nu�(r<vised�xlsm(Sched A) �agC � o�� �0 1 VA2015 J�.51 PM Schedule A Summary ot 2016 Budget Adjustments by Fund Budget Amendment#4(Ordinance#6571) Beg.Fund 2076 2016 Ending Fund Balance Revenues Expendituies Balance Police De artment: _--�p--�-------�----�------�---�-�---�--------------�-------------------___-------�--�-----�------�------�--- Eliminate Bud,get(or Photo Entorcement ProUram Ihom BAi111_ _ ______��O,OOO.OJ__.�600,000.0��_� Increase VallexCommuniwlions Cha� _______�_________�,_______________�_____�____ 265,000_00 __1265,000:001 Increase Budyet(or Smart Phones___________ _______ _ ___ _ _______ _ _____________ 55 000.00� __ j55 000 001 ____ . .. _' _ _NewFTE.--BicycleOKcer-'- --'--'-'-'----'-" ---- -'-'- '-'--...- '---"-'- -"--.�""-'�---'-"'-- .- � 122,14000._..__..�.12214000�.. New FTE- CRT_Officer 120,540_00 120,640.00 -----�----�-------------------------=----=-�-- --.L__._._1. Adminisiration De�arimenl: _NewFTE_ Nei�hborhood.Proc�ramsl�cialProiectsCoordinator _�____�,___,___,__.___,___,______.____.__._710i000.00 ___.5170_000:00� Non•De�artmental: _.._ ..._.__._..__._.____...__..__._.__"__'__"'__'_'__'•'_____'___'___—'___'_"__'—_'__"'__'___'___'—_'____'_ '___"_"'_'.._..__.._._.__._.._..__. Transfer CemeterY Debt Service to the GF Lom BA��______________________ - 61,922.00 ___i67,922:001 __Reserve Sales_Tax Credit Revenues iTransFer to F722L______________ _____________________ 1,500,00a:oo'__��_soo 000:oo� General Funtl multi le de arlmeMS : _.__._.__!.__._P_._._....E..__._._._.1.__._._.__._.__._.__.."_"""""_'_""'.._._.__._._._..__'___'_"'_'_"'_'__""'_"'__'___"'_""""_'_'..____."_"'_"__'_"'_• _Reallocate Budget to ReFlect Vacant Finance Position Move to CDPW Sfrom BAp21_..___._.���_._.�T.___���_..�T._�.�12�516;5� _.,_, 12i616:60 Revised 2076 Budget-FurM 001 15,181,452.56 59,719,240.00 67,232,275.10 5,662,397.46 �AAerial Street Fund� p102 � '_._2016�Ad�ted Bud_yet."""__'_�"'_"'_"""�_""'_"__"'_"'_"""�""'_'._._1r108a704A0__12�088�787.00_ 12A920i712.00.__,_,_876a779:00 '_"_"'__'____'_"""'_"""'_""'_"_""'_""".._..'_"'__'_'_'_""'...""____..__.___....._.._'_._._'_.._......."_"'__.__.._...._.._.._..__""""._"...'_""__'__'_'_"___._._.._. __ BAfF4�Ordinance i76577, Pr�sN�___'___'_'___'__'___'___'___'___'__'___'_'___'__'920,524.35___2.781,537.00._'.3,450_392.00.___. 251,469.75�. .Adjust Beyinniny Fund Balance for Bud�et Amendments in 2015 ____:616�324.36 .,_______�.___.__�_.__515,324.36 . " _'____ _'_ __'___'_"_____'�_'_ _ . _Adjust(or Inc�eased Debt Service Costs on PWTF Loan T(_ranster in from F124�___ - 1y600.00._____1i600�00 � - _.��__'_—'_-_'__—___-_'_ __"_"__�_.�_� _.__'___'_""" New FTE�.-Assistant TraNit En�ineeri70%!_...._.._.__._.___.__._"'_'_'__'___._._._._.._..__._._.__._.'—_"'__"___-_._._._._.__13yS55.00.._.__.^.(73.365;00�. Incr Budc�et tor Transit Partnersh�s wl F(in�8 Pierce Counties�TlF in from F328�______________ 110,000.00 170�000.00 __________ Atljust Grants per 2016_2027 CFP � _______ _ __________ _ 265,577.OU.___ 265_573.00 ___ ______ Carr�Forward Capital P��ects eer 2016-2027 CfP ___405,000.00_ 405 000.00 _ _Inuease Budyet(or C�tal�Proiects�er 2016_2021 CFP,incL TIF in.from F724L_________._____2,404,364.00___2,664,864.00 ____5250,600:00�, Revised 2016 Budget-Fund 102 2,029,028.35 14,870,324.00 15,771,104.00 7,128,248.35 F:�Budgei D'vttmr�i015 DudgeD➢udge Amendmrn�=1-201S➢A No J(recised�_dsm(Sched A) �age 2 0�� �0 I V�2015 3�53 PAf Schedule A Summary of 2016 Budget Adjustments by Fund Budget Amendment#4(Ordinance#6577) Beg.Fund 2016 2016 Ending Fund Balance Revenues Expenditures Balance LocaPSUeetFund if103 2016 Ado ted BudAet.__.___.___.___.__ 348 568_00___1�602a600.00.__._7a600i000.00,_,. 357 068;00 . _. . . . . .�..�.........�.�..�..��.� . . . . .�_... _J .. . .1 . .�.�.�.�.��.�.�..�.�.�..�.�.�.�._.._.. .�._�._.�..�.�.�.�.�.�..�..�.... . ._.._.._.�.�.�.�.. .�. . .. . . . �.. �.. . . . . .. . . .. . . . .�.�..�..�.�..�. BAN4(Ordinance#6571,Proeoser�___'___'_'____' '___'___'__'_______________'_76.856_72___160,000.00__'__ 40,053.00.___. 796.803.12 Ad�just Beginnin�Fund Balance tor�Bud�et Amendmenls in.2015_______________76,856_12_ _ ______._ V __ 76,866.12 _— '___" ' """— _NewFTE-AssistantTraHicEn�neeriSO%Z--"--'-- ._._._.__ ...---._.__.... .__ _..__.--- -...---._ . 40053.00.----'-f40,06J:00�. Increase Revenues trom�Sales Tax From Construction _,_,_,_._,_�_,_�_.__,___.___.__A 160y000.00__ - 160i000:00 Revised 2076 Budget-Fund 103 425,424.12 1,762,600.00 1,640,053.00 547,877.72 �HotellMotel�TaxFund N104 '_2018 Ado�ted Bud�e�._"___'___'___'___'_'__________"'__'___'___'_"'___'_'______148,031_00_'___94,940.00___86_000_00 ___'_156,971_00 ". BAif4�OrdinancellG571, Pro�os�'__'___'___""�'_"'__Y_________+"'6:904_58"__'_"' '"'_700_000.00.'"i93_085.42a. "_"____'___._—_..'_'____'_"__'___'_'___'__—._.__.___.�_._"'__'_'_'_'___._._.__._.'__.'_.__.___._"."____""_"'_'_"_._�_._.__..__.__._._._._. Ad�ust Beyi�nin�Fund_Balance tor Bud�et Amendments in 2015_________________6,904_68____ _ __:____ _______________ 6y904.58 _New G�ants and AdveRising_"__ __'__ _""'___ __'___'_a_'__" ""__'__'_____'__'____"__' 100_000.00___5100 000_001. Revised 2078 Butlget-Fund 104 754,935.58 94,940.00 186,000.00 63,875.58 Arterial Street Preservation Fund #106 2016Ad�ed Bud�et.___'__'___'___"________ '___'___"_____'_ '_________ 461,200.00__3,727,J00.00 3,351,390_00 2J7.110.00 _-_BAN4;Ordinence.#657� Proposed�_—._—'-'_—'--.--_---___,_--,--„_-,-,--_,_—(713_936.10�._ _.f90yU00_MM� ,_ 125i207_00�___.1178i729,10�.. _.__.____.___.___.__..___.___.___.____._..___._._..--'-""".._.___._.._.._.__.._.__.._.._.__.._..._....._._....._._.._._._._._._._......._..---._...._._..-'-'---.._...._._.__._._...._......_.___. Ad]ust Beginnin�Fund Balance(or Bud�et Amendments in 2015______ __�___(713,936_1�_____________-___1113,836.7� Reduce Transler lor S71h St SE%A St SE TraKc SiynalslTrans(er out to F102�_______________ ___i65,260.�_ 65_T60.00 Reduce Electric and Natural Gas 880 Tax Revenues _________________.___.___.___,f80,000.0�____________190_000:00� — __' _'__'__"___"__'_. __ . New FTE_Assistant TraRic En�neeri90%!_"""' ' __'___'__"_"____'___'___'__ _._._._' _' _. .__.�_.___�_40_053 00...._._._�.40�05J:00]. Revised 2016 Budget-Fund 705 347,263.90 3,037;300.00 3,326;183.00 58,380.90 :Dru Forteiture Fund p117 - 2076 Adopted Bud�et..__..."__'___"'_ ""_._._._.'. '._._'.'."...._._ ... 298,067.00 97,100.00 273,028.00 122,129.00 "._�_.._"__.__'___._._._.__...'�"'__'__._.___._._�._.__.___._.__....__°'___""'_'._.____.___'_"_"'—"'___'___'___"'_____"'_"__"_ "__'_'_' ".BApd(Ordinance N657�Pro�,osN�__"'_"_'_"""_"'__'___'—'_�___'_'__"'__�.415_95______—__"_'___—__ 34i475.95 _.AdLst Beginniny Fund Balance tor Bud�et Amendments in 2076-Y.__.__�_______._34,416_96_.___.___._ _�___.__._a__ __ 34,415.95 Revised201fi'Budgel-Fund117 332,472.95 97,100.00 273,028.00 156,544.95 F:`liwige�Dve.iorJ�015�udgenDudgei Mienelmem W-2015�DA 40 4(recised�.xlsm(Sched A) Page 3 0l l� I V42015 3:53 PM Schedule A Summary of 2016 Budget Adjustments by Fund Budget Amendment#4(Ordinance#6571) Beg.Fund 2016 2016 Ending Fund Balance Revenues Expenditures Balance Housin 8 Comm Oevelo Fund #119 2076 Ad�ed Bud�et _ 371371.:00____4501000.00,____440y000.00.___._ 47_377;00 , '_"_"""__"___"_"__'___'_—_'___'___'____'_"__"_—____'___'—'___'_'__"'_""'__"'_"'__"__'___"_"—_—"'_'._�_.__._�_._..__. _. BAq4(Ordinance N6571_Pro�osed�_ 17,633.27 - - 17,533.21 "_"'__"_"'_'_"_'__._..__._.__..'_'_..__._._'__'.•__._"___._"'_"".__."'.___"'.'__.__"'.'.""."'__'___"______'__'__'._""_'__'___'__'___'_'__' _Ad�ust Be�nniny Fund Balance lor Budc�et Amendments in 2015 _ _____________17,579_27__________________________77,533.27 Revised 2016 Budget-Fund 119 54,904.21 450,000.00 440,000.00 64,904.21 �Recreation Trails Fund p120 . . __2016 Ad�ed Bud�et._"'___"'__'___'___'_'__"_ 41,847.00 7,130.00 - 50.977.00 ___._'—_'.____"_'_'_—_..__._—_"__.."__"__.._.__'_"'__"__"'__'___""'—__'_____'_"'___"—"___"__"—_'_'__'_'.__._._..._._....._..._...."_'_"'.._..."'. ---BA#4�Ordinance#6571,Pr�ose�•___.___._—_.________.___.___.__.___________..I760_74L.—_.___.____.__.___.___.___.__._._._._5760.74�. _.Ad'�ust Bey�nning Fund Balance to�Bud�et Amendmenls in.20i6��`---•-•--�._�17G0.74l��------------•--�---•--�I76o.74�. Revised�2016Budgel-Fund120 43,086.26 7,730.00 50,216.26 181A Fund M121 2076�Ado tedBud et 41272.00 55060.00 55000.00 47332.00 --'---'-'-'-1!-'---..$__..__.---'---'__-'---'-'--._.__._._-'-'--•----'---'--"---._.___.___._._..�..--'--_.___.__z.__.__.._.-'---._i_._._...._..____._._i_.._.___. ___BAf74(Ordinance.#6571.Pr�oseJ___'___'___'__'___"__'___'—'__'____--_�9.841_J7�___---_ '_—_.___.___.���:37�.. _Adjust Beyinniny Fund Balance for Bud�et Amendments in_2015 _____________f9,841_37�___.________.__ _ __ __-_(9,841.37�. Revised 2076 Budget-Fund 121 �91,430.69 55,060.00 55,000.00 37,490.63 Cumulative Reserve Fund #122 '__2016 Ado�ted Bud�et.'_'___'_______"__'_"__"_'___'___'_______'__'___'_'______6,238,304.00_____'74_200.00.__'1,917_084.00.__ 4,335,420.00 .'• BAM4(Ordinance q6671�Pro�o—ser�___'__�__.__'.__"�_�.��_ _�7�577�482_27__7,500y000.00."'_"'_"'_"'_ Ji077s482.23 _,Adiust Beginniny Fund Balance(or Bud�et Amendmenls in 2075_ � �__ _�W_�1,577,482,23__�� ��. __.___.___1i617,482.23 _ _ '_ '__' ""_' '_______'_ Reserve Annexation Sales 7a:Credrt Revenues Trans(er in trom GF 7,600,000.00 1 500 000 00 _"""'_ """" _...._._._._....._. ._..�._._. _..."'_'._._..Z._.._...__.._ Revised 2016 Budget-Fund 722 7,765,768.23 1,514,200.00 7,917,084.00 7,352,902.23 F:�Budae�Du«�oM2015 Dudoe��Budee�Amrndmrni=J�201SDA No J(rccised�.xlsm(Sched A) Page 4 of 10 I I/�2015 3:53 PM Schedule A Summary oi 2016 Budget Adjustments by Fund Budget Amendment#4(Ordinance#6571) Beg.Fund 2016 2016 EnAing Fund Balance Revenues Expenditures Balance Miti ation Fees Fund p124 2016 Ado ted Bud et _________2,6141d31.;00_,_�_994s890_00.___7 227affi7:00.._ 2 387,494.00 ......��...�.�.�.�..�.�.�..�.�....�.��..��'��_'___'__�._�_�.�.��.�.�.___._________._ _�....1..�....�......�.�_. __...._..._.�._._.�__._.._._..�.._._....�..���.�..��..�....._.._......_._.._._._._._._.�.�..�..�.�.�.�.�.....�...��..��...�....�'_'___'_��..�.�.�'��'����..����..��._._._..__.�.�.��.�.�..�....��.._.._..��..�..�....�._....._..... --. BAD4(Ordinance.#6577,Pro�ose�"_"""_""__'_'_""'__'__._...._._.._..._._..__...""""'___"'_.'.807,ssa.aa_....---...---.--_—.--_--s�s,100.00 ___ j73�435.52).. .Adjust Beyinn�Fund Balance for Bu�t Amendments in 2075___.__.___.______ �27T,7B6_b2l.__________� _�_ �___.�(277,185.5� Adjust frn Increased Debt Service Cosis on PWTF Loan 1,600.00� 1,600.00 - _. _�__._._.1. _Increase Transfer of Imeact Fees to Fund 102 Per 2016_2021 CFP______._ � .__�______��j4i650.00.___i3Yii 50:001 Reduce Transfer of Impacl Fees to Fund 102_per 2076_2027 CFP ___+ __�540,000.0�__. 54D 000:00 _Carty Forward Transfer of Impact Fees to Fund 102 per 2016�2021 CFP___�_____7,078,860�00_.___,_________ 1�078,850_00 _____��_ Revised 2016�Budgel•Fund 724 �9,416,095.48 994,890.00 2,096,927.00 2,374,058.48 'LID�350 Fund' #276 � ---2016 Ado�ted Bud�et, -'-'--'-- ' ' 7,874.00 _ .... 7,256A0.-----.7_246.00__ __ 7_884:00 __.._.__.__.._____.____..___.__.___.___.____.__._._._.__.__._-_.___.___.___.__.—_.____.___.__.___.__._.__.....__._.____..__.__._._._._.__._.__._.__.___.___. BAtF4(Ordinance#6571.Pr�osed�_"___ '_" _""______"__'__'__ _ 1,985.40 - - 7.995.40 _Adf ust�inniny_Fund Balance for:Bud�et Amendments in_2075 __.__.___._.________1,995_40 __ __ _____.___.__,1_g95.40 , Revised 2076 Budget-Fund 275 9,869.40 7,256.00 7,246.00 9,879.40 ',parks CbnstiuctiodFUnd #321 2016 Ado�ed Bud_yet _____ 507,236.00 9,016,000.00 9,155,000.00 368,236.00 ""'_"""'_"'__'___'___'__"__'_____.'_'._.'_'.__.'__'___'__'_"___.____._.___.__._.__...""....._._._.___..__._.._._.__'__"_._._._._.___.___'__'_-_'-•--' ___BA#4(Ordinance#6571,Pr�osed�,_____ _ ___ _____ ___ 282166,33_,._,_f3�000�000;0�__ l3�000�000:00) _ 28�166.33 ....__..__.._._._._._....._._.__'."""'_._._._...."'_""'_""".__"__'_"_'_'_"_'__"_"""'__'___'__.___'___"_"'_"'___'__.___._._._.._._.._..__.._.__..__._._.._.�. _Ad�, �ust Be�yinnin�Fund Balance for Budyet Amendments in 2016_ __ __ _____ ____28,166_33__________________________ 28,166.33 _Ad'Lusl Budyet(or Auburn Comm 8 Youth(feen Center�liom BApt�lTlF from FS28�____________�3 200 000.00�_13,200,000.0�__ ____� _Increase 8udget for Root CuHing and Other ParkslTreils Sa}ety Imerovemenis ______ _______200,000.00_ 200,000.00 ______ Revised 2076 Budget-Fund 321 535 402.33� 6,016,000.00 6,155,000.00 396,402.33 F"S7udgnD'vccmrv'�OISBuden�DudgeAmrndmnuw-?015`BANo�(mised�.alsm(SahedA) Page5ol �� 11/a20157:57PM Schedule A Summary of 2016 Budget Adjustments by Fund Budget Amendment#4(Ordinance#6571� Beg.Fund 2076 2076 Ending Fund Balance Revenues E:penAitures 8alance �Ca ital��lm rovements Fund p328 2016 Ado ted Bud et 8,627s86B:00,.,,..,_..1,�756�036;00_ _, 51567,�324;00,,.,__ 4�822a580:00 .._...._.._.__.._�_.___...9..._._.._._.._....._�_.._._._..""""__"._._._._._.._._...__...."""".._._._._._.._""_'.._.._. __._BA714�Ordinence.p6577,Pr�ser�__ ___` _____.__ ___�_____.______,1,963.636_22L__1,200.000_00.__.�1;zss_000:o�---.a4i;as3.ia: Ad�Lt Beginniny Fund Balance For Budget Amendments in_2016___ _�___ _._�,9W,676_22l.______ ____�(1,963,636.22� _AdiBu�et(or Aubum Communrty 8 Youth/Teen Center Irom BAlt1�1'!f to FJ21!_____ _____ __�2,200_000.�__2_200,000.00 .Adjust Budqet for Expec[ed REET Revenues � ______________�� __ __ti2001000_00_ �__ �_ -�__�_1i200y000:00 _ .� '��__'—___ Tronsfer REET2 Funds to Fund 102 Ee�2016=2021 CFP�______ _ _ _ _ ______ _ _270�000 00 (210x000.00� ___.___..__�_.� __._�_._'—___ _' '__'._.__"'__'_ .__._. ,Purchase Kin�CountX Public Heallh Buildin�,_,�REET7 __ ____ ______________ - ____425�000�.00_ �425A000.00� � Transter FunAS to F321 (or Root CuttinAand Parks/irail Safetx_REET2__ �______.____.__�______ 200_000.00 __i200 000 001 _.T/F REET2 Funds tor Transit Partnershps wl Kiny 8 Pierce Counties� IF to F70J__ __________________ ___110_000.00 ___5110 000_0� Revised 2016 Budget-Fund 928 6,664,251.78 2,856,036.00 4,706,324.00 5,J73,90.1.78 Local Revitalization Fund� p330 ,._._2076 Ado�ted Bud�et.__'___ ' ' ' ' __._.__'_"____'_—_'_"....'_'_"___"__'_'__""""__.__._—_._______..___'__._._._._.._.__..._..'_'__"'_'_"_""'_""'_"_.__""_.._.__._...._....."_..__._..'_._'._._.._...._.. __BAl14(Ortlinance N6577_Pro�ose�:_ 329,450.00 - ________ _ . 329:460:00 _AJust Be�inniny Fund Balance�tw Bud�et Amendments In.2018___,__,___.____.W,�2B1450_00_______�___________.______ 329,4b0.00 . Revised 2016 Budget-Fund 330 729,450.00 329,460.00 Water Fund� M4S0 2016 Ado�ted Bud�et _ 5�374�953:00_,_14�26416J6.00__.76a748�910.00�� 3�890i679:00 ____BAt14,Ordinance#5571_Pr�s� ____"_____'______'___'____'_"__--'"510,045_57_.__3,050,000.00__"2,572_199_1B.'_'. 987_846.33 _ _Ad�ust Beginniny Fund Balance tor Bud�et Amentlments in.2016_________ _ 2,260,556_51_,____ _ __ � � �_2,260,666.51 _Ad�ustBud.yetDuetoReclass�ficat�onofERBRSupernumerexPosrt�on __ __________ _�______�2,500.00J __2,500.00 ' __'_ ._'__ Reallofate Bud[�et to ReFlect Vacant Finance Posi4on Move�to COPW�(hom BAN21_______ _ ______ __ _ _,___ ____ 6�689,98�_____(5i889,38� "'�'__"'_'_ "_"_'._ _. _Reduce WIC Balance for Debt Not Issued in 2015 _ _ ______ ___ � �1 B50 000 00! __ �1 850 000 00� _ __.__ -.._.___. .._...._. _2016�Debt for.C��lal Pro�ectsper 2016_2021 CFP_� ____ _ _ ___________ __ ___3,060,000.00 35060_000�00 ___________ CarrLForward Capital Pr�ects per 2078� 2021 CFP ____ ________ _____99 489 00____,______ 99 489 00 Increase Budget for Ca�ital P.rojecisper 2076:-2021�CFP _____ _______________ _ _ _ ______ 1,265;000.00.__i1 265s000.001 _New FTE_�Human Resources Coordinalor,4Y,!__._________________ _____ _ ______________ __ 4,520.80 _____L,520.80� Revised 2016 Budget-FunA 430 5,884,998.57 77,314,636.00 18,327,109.78 4,878,525.33 FdBwiee�DfrecioM2015�udee��Budee�.Wrndmrn��1-?OIS�OA No d(rev{sed)_r.lym($ched A) Page 6 of 1 U I W'1015 3:51 PM Schedule A Summary of 2016 Budget Adjustments by Fund Budget Amendment#4(Ordinance#6571� Beg.Fund 2076 2018 Ending Fund Balance Revenues Expenditures Balance Sewer Fund tF431 '_'_2018 Ado�ted Budqet __________�__'___� __'_'___Y8�826f703.00 __8 771.011.00__. 9.79y077.00.__ 7i409,637;00 '___""�__'�__'___""_._—______'—_'__'_—_'___'_"'_""_""'__'_—___"_"'_'___'_'_—_"_'___'�"'_'.�_.�.__"_"_' . BAq4,Ordinance#6577,Pro�osed�_:_ 726,460.61 - 39,374.18 687,086.43 "__'_--"'___..'_—"_'__.`___�_'—'._.'__'_"'__'___'___'__""_'__"'_'_"""__'__'___'___"__'_"_'___'..__.______'___'___'_"'_'__'_'_—' Adjust Beyinniny�_Fund Balance for Bud�et Amendments in 2075______________726,460_61 _________ ____________726,460.61 Reallocate Bud�et to Reflect Vacant Finance Position Move to CDPW(from BA�_________________ 5,689_38 __�6_689_38� New FTEs•Two GIS Inv Techs 8 Vehicle�iarlial tundin9; balance in Stor�______�______,_________37i664.00.�_�(31,664;001 __ �� '_ .�_ ' __ , ' Ad�ust Bud�et Due lo Reclassifca,tion ol ERBR Supernumerarx Position_ _ - (2A500 00� __ __ 2_500:00 "". _._.. __.__ ____._. _�_....-. _._�_._.____ ._.__. New FTE Human Resources Coordinator�4h�_ • - 4 520 80 _ �4 520 80, _.__._�"'__'__ "'__"" '_�_'__"" _""""_""_"' '_"'.__'_'____"""'_"'_"___"_'__"'_.__._�_._i __..__ �._._._ .. Revised 2016 Budget-Fund 431 9,552,763.67 8,177,011.00 9,832,451.18 7,890;723.43 !Slorm Dreina e Fund i1432 2016�Ado�ted Budyet..__. �"" A"_"___'_'___'_ '_ '_'___'___"_"'_ '_'__"'___'__7l781,286_00 9 676161.00 9,784,750.00 7,572,777.00 "._.__..__.._. . ' ' ' _ _ __ _'.___t' � —"'__'___"""'_'____.__..____._..__. '_ BAfF4(Ordinance 06571.Pr�oser�:_ ____ ________'__ _427,2W_86 ___. 50.000.00_"__T02,391.28__ 274.87258 "__"__"'___'___'_____'___'___"'__'__—'__'___"'_"__'_"—_'__.'_"'_.___.___._.._.___'___"______—__._'.___.'__'___'___'__'___'_'__. _Adjust Beyinniny Fund Balance for Bud�et Amendments in 20�5........ ._. ...._.........._'____.'__'_427.263_86_...._ _._. _._.�;__..._....._._._.___....."'_"_"..d27,26J:86 _Reallocate.Bud�et to Re(lect Vacanl Finance Posilion Move,lo CDPW,�from BAl12!_,___,_,_ _,___.,____,________,_,__ 71i379.48 � __._i77i379 481. Adiust Bud,yet Due to Reclassification o(ERBR Supemumerar�Position ________________�______�2y600.00 2�500;00 �_.___ �Add Bud�et fo�Outreach Consulfant Related lo Low Impad Development _____________ _ 75,000_00 __i7b,000.0� New FTEs-Two GIS Inv Techs 8 Vehicle,�arlial fundin�balance in Sewe�).______ _____ _____ _50,000.00____119,997.00 __!63_981:00� "_ '___"_—'_—_ __"'__'___'___' _'___'_ .New FTE_.Human Resources Coordinator f4°k�__ __ ____ _ ____ ____ _ _ ___ _ __ _ ____ 4 620_80 __ _ _ �4 520 80� Revised 2076 Budget-Fund 432 8,208,649.86 9,626;161.00 9,987,127.28 7,847,SB9.58 �Sewer Metro Sub Fund p433 _ _2016:Atlo�ted Budget _ _ _ _ 2,492,148.00 16,J33,387.00 16,317,200.00 2,SOB,995.00 '_"____'____'___'___'__'__"'___'___'___._.___'__'___'_—_'___'___'__'___"""""___'_"_'__'_—_'_"_"__'___...._""_'_"'__"'_"___'_"___'_._—. '__BAp4(O�dinance if6577,ProposN�___.'__._'__.__.'__'___'___'___'__'__'._"_____�46�911.O6L,___'__—__'_'______'_____5346,911:06�.. _Ad�ustBeyinninyFundBalancefor�Bud�etAmendmenlsin.2015_�__�,.��_�346,977.06�,W�— __�_ __�_,�___1346_911:061 Revisetl 2016 Budget-Fund 4S3 2,145,236.94 16,393,387.00 16,317,200.00 2,167,423.94 F:�Rudgn D'uec�oM�015 13udgenftudga Tmrndmrni 4J-2015'�BA No i(reviud�r,lsm(Sch�d A) Page 7 0l' 10 I Vai1015 3:53 Y�f Schedule A Summary of 2016:Budget Adjustments by Fund Budget Amendment#4(Ordinance#6571) Beg.Fund 2016 2016 Ending Fund Balance Revenues Expenditures Balance Solid,Waste�Fund q434 2016 Adoeted Bud�et __________________ __ _ 2�868�461 00_,_13�427y400.00_13�040i602.00.__ 3i245,259:00„ '__BAiM�OrAinante,716571_P_�oSN� _____'_'___"_"___'__'___'______'_ '_'___'___.223.815.95'___' __'�' _�5_689.6�_____229.505.57 _.Ad�ust Beyinniny Fund Belance for Bud�et Amendments in 2015 __223,815_96_._.___ __.__._ � � __223,815.95 � _Reallowte Bud�et to Reflect Vacant Finance Position Move.to CDPW Strom BAp2�_______________________(5 689.62! ____ 5_689.62 Revised 2016�Budget•Fund 414 5,082,276.95 1J,427,400.00 13,034,972.38 3,474,764.57 Air ort Fund N0.15 __ 2016 Adopted Bud_yet__________________ _______292,709_00____887,900.00____826,807.00 ____347,202:00 '_'___'_____"__'.___"_'___'___"__"_"_'___.__'___'___'___'__"__.___'_'___"__.'_'___'__"___'_______'__'___'______.'__.�.__.-.—. BAp4(Ordinance It657a Pr�ose��:._ . . . . ...�18a273 67l,--"'--'----'- 40�101.72._� ._�(58�J75.391. _.._._.._.._....._._....._._..._....._........._......_.._.._.._..._.._...._._.._.._._._...__.._...____.._.._..-..__._...._.._"_._......_._..___........_.___....""'.._.___..._..__..__.._......._......__..._�_..__......_�_._.._._._.._.._._._. _AdAust Beyinniny Fund Balance for Bud�et Amendments in 2015 __,18,273_67L__________ � j78;273:67� Funding for Repayment o(Intertund Loan(or Air�ort Han�ar Pro�ect J(rom BApi _________________ 40_101.72____i40,101.721 Revised 2016�,Budget-Fund 435 273,835.33 881,900.00 866,908.72 288,826.67 - :Cemete Fund p436 _2016'Adopted Budyet __ _ __ _ _ ____ __ _ _ 156,448.00 1,178,300.00 1�,096,229.00 236,579.00 "_BAq4(Ordinance.N6577,P��sed�_--.---'-_---.--,---'---.---.---.--.---,-,---,---.784,237_35_"_"'_________.____8_191.94.___„176_105.41 , _Adjust Beginniny Fun_d Balance(or Bud_get Ame�d_ments in 2016 �_��___.184.237.36____���_.__.�� � � __, 1&1,237.3b � _Waye A�ustment lor Non•Beneftted Part Time Emp�ees Lrom BAN2�._�_____________________________ 8,740.00 __�8_740:0� _ ' _' _'__'_'_ _ " ___ _ Reallocate Budyet to Reflect Vacanl Finance Posilion Move to CDPW�!(rom BAN2� __ _ ____(2 276.0� 2,276.06 _._'_'_ '._'___.. .�_ '. _ __'_._ ._'_ _.__ __._���' .� 1_'__ .___'__"____'__. _Transfer Cemete�Debt Service to ihe General.Fund(from BAfF3� ____ ____ _ ___ _____ _ • _ l67,922.00)_ __ 61,922:00 New FTE OKce Assistanl _63,590 00 6S 590.00 ... .---------- -� �- �---�---� ---�--�-----�---�--------�- �-�---�-- --�------�-----=----- --�-----i.�_._._1. Revised 2016 Budget-Fund 436 340,685.�5 7,778,300.00 1,106,360.% 412,624.47 .Insurance Fund qb01 _2016 Ad�ted Bud�et ____ 1,395,251.00 1,000.00 278,900.00 1 177,331.00 ._.__._.___.___'_'_'__''''''_'''''__'''_'''''_'''__'___._...'_'''''''._.__._.'_''''''''_.''_'''__''''___'_''_''_'''''_''''''.._.._.....e..''_._'._'_''' '_'_BAqd Ordinance�N6571�Pr�ose�•__"__"_'_"""_'___'___'___"_�.�W.�.��._.�.�_..�_�..-40�925._67�.��."'__'___"__'___'__�"_"'_"�40a925:67 . '_._ ��__.__.___._.__. _'_'__"'__'___'___'__"'___""'__""_"__"� _"__'______"'_._r..'_'._��___.� �Adjust Beyinniny Fund Balance for�Bud�et Amendments in.2015 � �_ � __._40,925.67 _ � � ���______ �40,925.67 . Revised 2016 Budget-Fund 501 1,436,756.67 7,OD0.00 218,900.00 1,218,256.67 F:�Audgn D'uecmrJ�015 I3ude<nBudget Amendmart W-2015�BA No 4(recised).Xlvn(Sched A) Page 8 of 10 I I/i�2015 1�51 PD1 Schedule A Summary of 2016 Budget Adjustments by Fund Budget Amendment#4(Ordinance;#6571) Beg.FUnd 2076 2076 Ending Fund Balance Revenues Expenditures Balance Workers'Com Fund� N503 ,._._2076_AdoptedBudget...."__"�_"'_""_'.._._.._._..__._.__.___._._ . . _._._�_.166�499_00_'___863.100.00.'_"_854i�10.00.._ ..._..176x289;00_. '_"'_.."'___'._�_.__""..__"'_"__""'__'_"'__"'._�_.__._._._..-.."_"'_"'__'_"'__'___'__'__._.___"_"'_"'____'__"_"'_"'__�__'_____'___' BAp4 Ordinance#6577,Pro osed : 317,003_80 317,OOJ:BO _Ad�ust Beginniny Fund Balance for Budyet Amendmenls in 2075Y __ 317,003.80____^��______ 717 003:80 _ Revised 2016 Budget-Fund 503 483,502.80 863,100.00 854,�10.00 492,292.80 Facilities Fund qb05 __2016Ado�tedBud�e1 _____ 7,346,478.00 3,598,400.00 3;797,528.00 7,147,350.00 '_ BA#4�O�dinance#6671.Pr�sN� __'___'_'___"__________________'__"_'___'___618.684_61___'______'__46,520.00 _ 572,164.61 . Adjust Beyinniny Fund Balance for Bud�et Amendments in 2015__.__._.___.___618,664.67 �_�__�_—_____.___.__ ,_�� _. 618�684:61 Increase ParkinQ Cosis for Sirattord Lot(rent and taxes�_________________:_______ ___ _ ____ ___ q6 620 00 ____�46 520.001 Revised 2016 Budget•Fund 505 1,965,162.67 3,598,400.00 3,844,048.00 1,719,514.61 Innovalion 8 Technolo Fund #518 _ Y016 AdoPtted Budyel _____ 1,828,866.00 6,639,465.00 5;582,583.00 1;886,748.00 ____BAp4�Ordinance#6571.Pr�osN�___'___'_'___'__'_________,___________"'__"___.394,683_07__ _,_70,000.00.'_'___"_'_ _'.404_683.07 "__'___""'_'__"'_'______.__'___._.—_'_"__'_—'___—_'___'_._.__.___.__._�""__'__'...'__'_'__"__.__'_.__'.___"'..._.__.._._._._._._. Adjus[Be�innin�Fund:Balance for Bud�et Amendments in.2075______� __�____394a683.07_____ _a______ _ _ - .794�689:07 _.__. _.._....._..__.. . ...._._. _.�-.._. Computers 8 Phones�tor New FTEs - 10,OOO.UO - 10,000.00 -._._.._ _ __-.._._._._.__.._._.._.. _.___._._._.._.__.._�._.___.__.___._.__ Revised 2076 Budget-Fund 518 2;223,549.07 5,649,465.00 5,582,583.00 2,290,431.07 .E ui ment Rental Fund N650 - 2076 Ado led Bud t 3,184 883.00 �669 480.00 4 638 014.00 2 276 749.00 ._'___'__'_�_'___'�_'�_'___'_��.���.���'�'���.��'���.���._�_'___'__._�_'�.���._��.��J�.��.���I�L____�.�3�.�1�.��.�.��.l._._L_._.__. .���...�_'�'��.���.___'__'���'���'__�_'_��.�'�__.__'a__.___'�_�'��.�.��.�.�.�.�.���.����_'__�_'___'��'��'��.��.���'�__'___'��.���.�'��. .._, BAq4�Ordinanceq6571_Pro�oser�_"._.__....."___._._.___._.__._._._.__"" '___._._�_.._"'.491,597_94___ _, 37_000.00._"_ _'L,046.0�___' S29,644.00 ""_'__�.__"'___.__.___—_'__""__'_"'__'__"'__._.__._.__.._._.._..__.._.__.._'_"'..._.._._._._._._....._.__....."'..___"�_'.._._..."".._.._._.�_.__.._.."'___'_"— ,AdAust_Beqinnin�g Fund Balance for Bud�et Amendments in 2015_________ ____491,597_84___________ __ ____ ______ __. 491,597:94 _Adjust Budyet for Police Vehicle Reelcmnt Moved from 2016 to-2015 Lrom BA#2�_____ `_____________j45,770.00) ___45s770.00 Reallofate Budget-to Reflect Vacant Finance Posrtion Move lo CDPW�trom BAp1_.—_____.___.___.�_._��__.___.L2.�z�6.06) 2�276.06 Increase Due to Reclassification of ERBR S�rnumerarYPosition _______________________ __ 70i000.00 ____�(10i000:00� _New Vehicle(or GIS Invent�Techs�ewer and SformL`_____________ 37,000_00��__ 37i000.00 _�_ ______ Revised 2016 Budget-Fund 550 3,676,480.94 3,706,480.00 4,636,967.94 2,745,993.00 F:�Buded Dua�on'd015 UudeePBudeei rlmrnmnrn�W�2015'DA No](m'iscd).�sm(Sched A) E�aQC�o�� �� I I/a4015 PS!PM Schedule A Summary of 2016 Budget Adjustments�by Fund Budget Amendment#4(Ordinance#6571) Beg.Fund 2076 2016 Ending Fund Balance Revenues Expenditures Balance Fire Pension Fund M617 2016 Ad�ted Bud�et ______ _2�486,300:00. 76,000.00 170 659.00 2 397 641.00� '_'___"'_'_ _"""__"'__'_..__""_'__._._._.._._.__._..__.__._.__._._._..-..__ .. ...""'._._._.__.._.......__...._._.._�_._.____._.__.�.._._.i._._._._. --'-BAq4�Ordinence.#6571�P��sN�_--'--'---'------_-- ----------'-28'.980.88----------'--'---'---'-----'- 28,980:88 , _Ad�Lst Beyinniny Fund Balance for 8udget Amendments in_2016 __ __.___.____28,980_88_._ � _ __, _, __ _ ____ 28,980.88 Revised 2016 Budget-Fund 617 2,515,280.88 76,000.00 170,659.00 2,420,621.88 Cemete EndowmentFUnd N701 '__2016Ado�tted8ud9?t.__.___.___.'__'___'_'___'__.______'___"_"__'___'_'___.__7�697�864.00'.'___34_200.00.'_'___.___.___'__ 1_732.064.00 . _. BAN4(Ordinance p6571,Proposer�_----------- - ------.--.---.-.---.---.,24�015_99L.___.___.___'.__._________.____�24_016:99).. ""_'_"_"..._�_.___.__'___._�_.__._.___._.___._._.___.'__'___'___'__'___'_'___'___'__.�_.___.___"__"_____'___'______.__._.__.__'.._._._. .AdjustBe�innin�yFund�,Balancefor.Bud�etAmendmentsin2016__ __�_ T_ ___ ,24,015_99) _�____________ __�_� __ __�24y015:99� Revised 2016 Budget-Fund 701 1;673,848.07 34,200.00 1;T08,048.01 Grand Total��-All Funds 2016 Ado�ted Budse[.__'___'___'___'___'_"__"_'_�_'___'___'___'___" . .___'_TOr9393707_00_, 769�2971448.07 _185s615,187.63.__54y721iJ7:00 . TOTALBAR4 Ortlinance#6577 7;855,423.37 6,057,537.00 5;584,066.72 B;a28,893!59 Revised 2016 Budget 78,795,130.31 175,754,985.00 791,099,284.72 63,050,830.59 254,150,175.31 254,750,715.31 F:�Bud¢ei D'uamrJ�015 Bud¢enDudga Amrndmrni w-2015�11.4 No a(re�iscd�,sism(Sched A) Page 10 of 10 I I/.12015 3�53 PM Schedule 6 2016 Appropriations by Fund - 2016 2016� � Adopted BAp4 Total Revised Fund � Budget (Ord#6571) Amendments Budget GeneralFund (#001) 69,901,366 2,993,307 2,993,307 72,894,673 Artenal Slreet Fund (#102) 13;197,491 3�,701;861 3,701,861 76,899,352 LocalStreet Fund(#103) 1,951,068 236;856 236,856 2,187,924 Hotel Motel Fund (#104) 242,971 6,905 6,905 249,876 Arterial Street Preservation Fund(#105) 3,588,500 (203,936) (203,936) 3,384,564 Dru Forfeiture Fund #117) 395,157 34,416 34,416 429,573 Housing and Communiry Development Grant Fund (#119 487,371 17,533 17,533 504,904 Recreation Trails Fund (#120) 50,977 (761) (761) 50,216 Business Improvement Area Fund #121) 96,332 (9,841 (9,841) 86,491 Cumulative Reserve Fund (#122) 6,252,504 3,017,482 3,017,482 9,269,986 Mitigation Fees Fund(#124) 3,609,321 801,664 807,664 4,410,985 1998 Library Fund (#229) 285,100 - - 285,100 2010 Annex A8B Bond Debt Fund(p230) 1,688,444 - - 1,688,444 2010 C8D Local Revitalization Debt Fund (ti231) 592,472 - - 592,472 LID Guarantee Fund(#249) 22,589 - - 22,589 LID#250(#250) - - - - LID#350(#275) 15,730 1,995 1,995 17,125 Goli Course Debt Service Fund(#237) 351,553 - - 351,553 Munidpal Park Conslruction Fund(#321) 9,523,236 (2,977,834) (2,971,834) 6,551,402 Ca ilal Improvemenls Fund(tt328) 10,383,904 (763,636 (763,636) 9,620,268 Local Revitalization Fund(#330) - 329,450 329,450 329,450 Golf Course Debt Service Fund(ik17) - - - _ Water.Fund-(#430) 19,639,589 3;560,046 3,560,046 23,199,635 ' SewerFund (#431) 16,996;714 726,461 726,461 17,723,175 Storm Drainage Fund (#432) 17,357,447 477,264 477,264 17,834,711 Sewer Metro Fund (#433) 18,825,535 (346,911) (346,917 18,478,624 Solid Waste Fund (#434) 76,285,861 223,816 223,876 16,509,677 AirporiFund (#435) 1,174,009 (18,274) (18,274) 1,155,735 Cemetery Fund (#436) 1,334,748 184,237 184,237 1,510,985 Gol(Course Fund(#437) - - - _ Insurance Fund (#501) 1,396,231 40,926 40,926 1,437,157 Workers CompensaGon Self Insurance Fund (#503) 1,029,599 317,004 317,004 1,346,603 Facilities Fund (#505) 4,944,878 618,685 618,685 5,563,563 Innovation and Technology Fund(#518) 7,468,331 404,683 404,683 7,873,014 Equipment RentalFund (#550) 6,854,363 528,598 528,598 7,382,961 Fire Pension F.und (�61�1) 2,562,300 28,981 28,981 2,591,261 Cemetery Endowment Fund (#701) 1,732,064 24,016 (24,016) 1,708,048 �Total 240;237,155' 13,972,960 13,972,960 254;150;115 � F:18udgel Direclory�2075 Budgel\Budget Amendment#4 -20151BA No 4(revised).xlsm (Sched B) 11/4/2015 3:54�PM