HomeMy WebLinkAbout5181 RESOLUTION NO. 5 1 8 1
WHEREAS, in connection with the municipal functions and operafions of
the City of Aubum, the City provides various services, a number of which entail
fees; and
WHEREAS, the City Council provided for the adoption of a Fee Schedule
with the passage of Ordinance 5707; and
WHEREAS, in fhe course of reviewing City fees, and in keeping with the
philosophy of setting City fees in amounts reflective of actual costs, and in further
keeping with the intent to make City fees and charges consistently accessible, it
is appropriate to review and amend the fees and charges for City applications
and activities for which fees are charged to adjust for changes to be effective
January 2016.
Section 1. The City of Auburn Fee Schedule is hereby amended as set
forth in the attached "Exhibit A" and
Section 2. The Mayor is authorized to implement such administrative
procedures as may be necessary to carry out the directives of this legislation.
- - - - - - - - - -- - -- -
Resolution No. 5181
October 30, 2015
Page 1
Section 3. That this Resolution shall take effect and be in full force
upon passage and signatures hereon and on January 1, 2016.
Dated and Signed this 7� day of ����`-J
Da ielle E. Daskam, Gity Clerk
a iel B. He , City Attorney
- - - - - - - - - --- - - -
Resolution No. 5181
October 30, 2015
Page 2
� Effective AAarsh�9;-29�3Januarv 1. 2016
A. PLANNING FEES (Per Ordinance No. 5707, Ordinance No. 5715, Ordinance No. 5819,
Resolution No. 3797, Resolution No. 3953, Resolution No. 4070, Resolution No. 4117,
Resolution No. 4143, Ordinance No. 6077, Resolution No. 4272, Resolutioh No. 4424,
Ordinance No. 6276, Reso/ution No. 4552, Ordinance No. 6295, Resolution No. 4868,
Resolution No. 4880, Resolution 4964, Ordinance 6477, Resolution No. 5016 and
Resolution 5114.)
1. Application Fees: Applicatioris fo� any action itlentified below shall not be accepted for
filing, unless otherwise noted, until the fees per tHe below schedule have been paid to the
Cit .' �
Additional Meetin Fee be ond the s ecified number $259.00 er meetin
Additional Re-sutimittal Fee (covers one re=sutimittal for all land use $63.00 per
actions re-submittal
Address Assi nment $104.00 er address
Administrative Use Permits (covers 1 meeting with staff after which $880.00
additional meetin fees a I
A eal of Administrative Decision to Hearin Examiner $1,000.00
Binding Site Plan (covers 2 meetings with staff after which additional $1,139.00 + $62.00/lot
meetin fees a I
Boundary Line Adjustment :
Residential $518.00
Non-Residential includes mixed use ro ects $854.00
Bounda Line Elimination $500.00
Comp�ehensive Plan Map Amendments (covers 2 meetings with staff $2,070.00 (includes
after which additional meetin fees a I rezone a lication fee
Comprehensive Plan Text Amendments (covers 2 meetings with staff $1,000.00
after which additional meetin fees a I
Conditional Use Permits � (covers 2 meetings with staff after which
additional meeting fees apply)
Residential $1,000.00
All Other includes mized use ro�ects $2,000.00
Conditional Use Permits — Minor Adjustment (covers 1 meeting with
staff after which additional meeting fees apply)
Residential $414.00
All Other includes mixed use ro'ects $554.00
Critical Areas Review:
' Please nbte that the City of Auburn may colled a review fee on behalf of the Valley Regional Fire Authority for
certain land use and/or environmental reviews which fee is wlleded in addition to the City's required fees.
Z Per Auburn City Code, a modification to an approved binding site plan shall be processed in the same manner as
the original binding site plan approval. Therefore, the specified fee shall apply to a new or modified binding site plan
approval request.
� Fees for amendments to text or maps of the Comprehensive Plan apply only where an applicant seeks an
amendment affeding spedfic properties rather than the City generally or property within the City generally.
" Per Aubum City Code, a major adjustment to an appro4ed conditional use permii shall be processed in the same
manner as the original conditional use pertnit approval. Theretore, the specified fee shall apply to a new request for
conditional use permit approval or a request Tor a major adjustment to a previously approved conditional use permit
Page 1
On-site monitoring & reporting (required) of wetlands & other $300.00/monitoring
environmentally sensitive areass event
Critical Areas Reasonable Use Determination $259.00
City review of environmental studies, plans or reports (whether $259.00/study, plan or
submitted with another city application or not and includes one re- report
Critical Areas Variance — administrative $259.00
Critical Areas Variance — hearin examiner' e $1000.00
Current Use Taxation (covers 1 meeting with staff after which $800.00
additional meetin fees a I
Development Agreement—Amendment $2,200.00 + $60.00/lot
or dwellin unit
Downtown Urban Center Design Review (covers 1 meeting with staff $1,139.00
after which additional meetin fees a I
Environmental Review (covers 1 meeting with staff after which
additional meeting fees apply)
SEPA Checklist review' (includes City issuance of DNS, MDNS, or $802.00 + $259.00
DS as appropriate) /required study
Revised or Supplemental SEPA Checklist review' (includes City $350.00 + $259.00
issuance of Addendum, if appropriate) /required study
SEPA 3rtl Part Review Actual costs
Environmental Impact Statement $802.00 + actual costs
for preparation of draft
8 final statements
including labor,
materials, mailing &
other actual costs
relating to the drafting
8 circulating of the
Final Plats — Subdivisions (covers 2 meetings with sfaff after which $1,533.00 + $52.00/lot
additional meetin fees a I and 1 re-submittal
Final Plats — Short Plafs (covers 1 meeting with staff after which $750.00 + $25.00/lot
additional meetin fees a I and 1 re-submittal
Flexible Developrnent Alternatives Application Review (covers 1 $1,139.00
meeting with staff after which additional meeting fees apply and 1 re-
Hearing Examiner— Conduct of Hearing and Preparation of Decision Total hourly charge for
hearing examiner plus
associated expenses
to be paid by applicant
prior to issuance of
final decision
Flood lain Develo ment Permit $259.00
Flood lain Habitat Im act Assessment Re ort Review $250.00
Flood lain Habitat Miti ation Plan Review $250.00
5 For monitoring required over multiple years, the total monitoring fee for the reguired monitoring period shall be paid
�rior to final plat approval or issuance of Certificate of Occupancy or release of required financial security.
The total cost for the Hearing Examiner is in addition to the relevant application fee for applications requiring a
public hearing before ihe Heanng Examiner(e.g.conditional use permiQ.
Page 2
Combined Flood lain Habitat AssessmenUMiti ation Plan Review $500.00
City Acknowledgement Review of FEMA Flood Map Revision $100.00
A lication
Mining Permits (covers 3 meetings virith staff after which additional $3,623.00
meetin fees a I
Miscellaneous Administrative Decisions (i.g, sign area deviation, $500.00
written inter retations, administrative variances
Muiti-Family/Mixed Use Design Standards Compliance Review $1,139.00
(application covers 1 meeting with staff after which additional fees
a I
Plan Alteration or Vacation (application covers 1 meeting with staff $1,000.00/request
after which additional fees a I
Plat Modification (application covers 1 meeting with staff after which $1,000.00/request
addi4ional fees a I
Preliminary Plats — Subdivisions � (application covers 3 meetings with $3,000.00 +
staff after which additional fees a I $120.00/lot
Preliminary Plats — Short Plats (application covers 1 meeting with staff $1,449.00 + $60.00/lot
after which additional fees a I
Preliminary Site Plan Review (non-PUD) (application covers 1 meeting $1,035.00
with staff after which additional fees a I
Pre-application Meeting (application covers 1 meeting with staff after $259.00 —fee will be
which additional fees apply) applied towards any
related application
made within six
months of the date
the pre-application
meetin was held
PUD — Major Adjustment (application covers 2 meetings with staff $2,558.00
after which additional fees a I
Public Notice Boards:
2' x 4' public notice board $80.00
4' x 4' ublic notice board $136.00
Rezone ma amendment $1,760.00
School Impact Fee Collection:
Per Single Family Dwelling Unit $52.00
Per Multi-Famil Dwellin Unit $26.00
Shoreline (application covers 1 meeting with staff after which additional
fees apply):
Shoreline Exemption Determination $215.00
Shoreline Conditional Use Permite $1,139.00
Shoreline Substantial Development Permit6 $1,139.00
Shoreline Variancefi $1,139.00
Short Plat Modification (application covers 1 meeting with staff after $259.00/requested
which additional fees a I modification
Si n Permit $100.00
� A prior City Code amendment eliminated Planned Unit De4elopments (PUD). The PUD fees included herein are
applicable only to the existing previously approved PUDs.
e Application fee covers 2 meetings with staff after which additional meeting fees apply.
9 The City collects an application fee to cover the reasonable wst oi administration of the school impact fee program.
10 The City colleds an application fee to cover the reasonable cost of zoning compliance review in addition to the
building pertnit applicalion fee identified in Table 1-A, below.
Page 3
Site Plan Approval — PUD, Residential (application covers 1 meeting $1,139.00 + $62.00/lot
with staff after which additional fees a I or unit
Site Plan Approval - PUD, Non-residential (application covers 1 $1,139.00 + $62.00/lot
meetin with staff after which additional fees a I or unit
S ecial Home Occu ation Permits $259.00
Three-Party Outside Utility Extension Agreement - Site Specific $1,035.00 + plus the
Review (application covers 1 meeting with staff after which additional City's actual costs in
fees apply) performing under the
terms of the
agreement as
negotiated between
the arties
Type I Temporary Use Permit $96.00 + $48.00 per
extension re uest
Type II Temporary Use Permit $144.00 + $48.00 per
extension re uest
Variance (inclusive of Special Exceptions)`.
Per each residence on a single family lot $259.00
All other $575.00
Water/Sewer Certificate (outside of city limits for other than single- $311.00
Zoning Certification Letter:
Residential $52.00
Non-Residential includes mixed use develo ment $104.00
Zoning Code Text Amendment (application covers 1 meeting with staff $1,035.00
after which additional fees a I
2. BOOKS, MAPS, MATERIALS : ursuant to Resolution No. 3953
Com rehensive Plan Cost of Production
Downtown Plan Cost of Production
Downtown Plan A endices Cost of Production
Co ies of Codes and Ordinances Cost of Production
Ma s Cosf of Production
3. LAND CLEARING, GRADING AND FILLING FEES (Per Ordinance No. 6146, Resolution
No. 4272 and Resolution No. 4424.
Land Clearing:
Base Fee (forup to 1 acre) $311.00
1 to 5 acres Base Fee + $114.00/acre
Over 5 acres Base Fee + $83.00/acre
Grading and Filling Fe.es:
Base Fee (for up to 500 cubic yards) $311.00
500 to 250,Ob0 cubic yards Base Fee + $0.12/cubic yard
Over 250,000 cubic ards Base Fee + $0.02/cubic ard
4. BUILDING FEES (perOrdinance 5715, Ordinance 5819, Resolution No. 3773, Resolution
No. 3797, Resolution No., 3818, Resolution No. 3953, Resolution No. 4143, Ordinahce No.
6146, Resolution No..4272 Resolution No. 4424, and Resolution No. 5134.
a. Building Permit Fees: The fee for each International Building Code, International
Residential Code, Washington State Energy Code or Washington State Indoor Air Quality
Code buildin ermit shall be as set forth in Table 1-A, below.'Z
" Prices for printed materials do not inGude any taxes.
Page 4
$1.00 to$500.00 832.00
$501.00 to$2,000.00 $32.00 for the firsl $500.00 plus 56.00 for each additional $100.00, or fradion �hereof, lo end
fncludin $2,000.00
$2,001.00 ro$25,000.00 $122.00 for 1he first$2,000.00 plus$18.60 for each additional SI,000.00, or 6action lhereof, lo
and includin $25,000-00
$25,001.00 ro$50,000.00 $549.80 for�he�rst$25,000.00 plus$14.00 (or each additional$I,000.00,or Baction thereof, to
and includin $50.000.00
$SO,OOL00 ro$I00,000.00 $899-80 for lhe firn$50,000.00 plus$10-00 for each addiuonal$I,000-00,or Gac�ion lhereof,to
and inciudin $100,000.00
$100,001.00 to$500,000.00 $1,399.80 for the first$100,000.00 plus$9.00 for each additionnl$I,000.00,or 6ac[ion thereof,to
und includin $500000-00
$500,001.00 io$1,000,000.00 $4,999.80 for the�rst$500,000.00 plus$B.00 for each additional$I,000.00,or fraction thereof,to
ond includin $I,000,000.00
$I,000,000.00 nnd u $8,999.80 for Ihe first$I,000,000.00 lus$6.00 for each additional$I,000.00 or Gac�ion�hereof
O[her Inspec[ions end Fees:
I.Inspeclions oulside of nortnal business hours........................................._._........__................................._.._.._..___.._.._.._....,_..... $63.00 per hour
(minimum chargc-iwo hours)
2.Reinspection fees assessed undcr provisfons of Sec[ion 109,4.13......................_.,.,__.,.._..................._...._._....._...._._.,.,..._. $63.00 per hour
3-Inspeclfons for which no fee is specifmally indicated................_.,.._.,..,.........................__.._.......,,.,..,_.,.._._......................... $63.00 per hour
(minimum charge-one half hour)
4,Additionnl plan review required by changcs,addi[io�s or revisions to plans...._._._.,.._...._._.................................._.,.._.,,.._- $63.00 per hour
(minimum charge-one tialf hour)
5.For use of ouBide consullants for plan checking and inspections,or bolh ._...._._.,..,.._..................._..._..._..._._.,,._._......._.........AcWal wsls
�Or lhe[oml hourly rosl ro Ihejurisdiction,whichever is Ihe greales[.This rost shull include supervision,overheod,equipmenl,houdy wages
and fringe bcnefits of the employees involved.
'Actual costs include adminisvative and overhead cosls.
b. Mechanical Permit Fees: The fee for each permit issued under provisions of the
International Mechanical Code, International Fuel Gas Code, NFPA 54 (National Fuel Gas
Code), NFPA 58 (Liquefied Petroleum Gas Code), or the mechanical device provisions of
the International Residential Code shall be as set forth in Table 2-A, below. For new single-
family dwellings a flat rate permit fee of$185.00 may be charged in lieu of fees as
rescribed in Table 2-A.
Permit Issuente and Heeters:
1.For the issuance of each mechanical pertnit...................._......._._._......................................._._.........................................._._..._._... $26.00
2.For issuing wch supplemental permit for which�he original permit has nol expfrcd,been cancded or finaled........_......_._...._._...__.- $9.00
Unit Fee Srhedule
(Na�e.� Thelollowing do no�include permir-issi�ingfee J
1. Furneces:
For the installation or relocalion of(omed-air or gravity-�ype fumnce or bumer,including ducLS and venls
anached to such appliance up to and including 1000,000 Bn✓h(?9.3kV�..............................._......................_._.__._._....._........_... SI8.00
For lhe fnstallation or relocation of forced-air or gravity-type fumace or bumer,mcluding ducLS and venls
attached to such appliance over 100.000 Bw/h(293kV� ..........................._._...............................__._..._._._._.__._._.__.._.__.__. 522.00
For lhe insmllation or relocation of each Ooor fumace,incWding ven[...._._....._._._._._._._._......._......................................_......_. $18.00
For the installolion or relocation of each suspended heercr,recessed wall heater or Iloorvmounced unit heater.,....._._......_,..._._..._. $16.00
2. Appliance Venu:
For 1he in5tallntion,relocalion or repincement of each appliance venl inslalled and not included fn an applfance permit.,..._....,...._.,. $9.00
3. RepairsorAddifions:
For Ihe re air of,the al[era[ion of,or addition�o each heatin a liance,refri erafion unit,coolin unit,
'Z Please note that the City of Auburn may collect a review fee for the Valley Regional Fire Authority Tor certain permit
applications that is collected in atldition to the City's required fees.
Page 5
absorp[ion uni4 or each heuing,cooling absorplion or evaporalive cooling sysrem,including installa[ion
of conVOls regulated by the Mechanical Code._._.,.._.,_.............................._...._..............................................._......._...._...._._._.... $16.00
4. Boilers,Compressors enJ Atisarptian Sysrems:
For[he installation or relocetion of each boiler or compressor to end including 3 horscpower(10.6 kW)or each absorplion
system[o and fncluding 100.000 Btu/h(293 kW) ...._..................._...._._.,........................._.........................._.._............._._......_... 818.00
For[he mstallation or relocution of each boiler or compressor over 3 horsepower(10,6kN�ro and
including I S horsepox�cr(52.7 kN�,or each absorption system over 100,000 Btu/h(29.3 kW)to and
fncludiog 500,000 BtWh 046.6 k1� ............_..................._....._........_...._..,__...._._._.,__.._.,.._...._......._....................................... $3 L00
For Ihe inslallation or relocation of each boilcr or compressor over I S horsepower(52JkU�lo and including
30 horsepower(105.5 kU�,or each absarption syslcm over 500,000 Biu/h Q46.6k�i')to end including
I.000.000 Btu/h(293Jkq�..._......................................................................................._._._............................................................. 541.00
For the installation or rdocalion of each boiler or compressor over 70 horscpowcr(I OS.Sk1�to and
includfng 50 horsepower(176 kW),or each absorption system over 1,000,000 Blu/h(293.1 kW)lo
and including 1.750,000 Dtu/h(5129 kN� ..........................:.................................._._._._._.,.....................,...................................... $62.00
For ihe insmllalion or relocnuon of each boiler or compressor over 50 horscpower(176 kV.�,or
each absorpuon system over 1]50.000 Bh✓h(512.9 kW) ......................_._._._._._........................_....................._........._......_..... $102.00
5. Air Handlers:
For each air handling unft to and including 10,000 cubic fee[per minuw(cfm)(4719 Us),indudfng duc¢
anached�hereto _....._.._..._._._._._'_'_'_.._._._.._._._................................_._._........._._...._._._._._...._..__...._._._._..................._ SI2.00
Nafe:This fec does not apply lo an air-handling unil which is a ponion of a(actory-atsembled appliance,cooling system,
evaporative cooler or absorption mi�for which a permrt fs required elsewhere in Ihe Mechanical Code.
For each airvhandling unil over 10,000 cfm(4719 Vs) ..................._......._.............._._._.,.._..................................................._..._... $22.00
6. Evaporefive Coolers:
For each evapora[ive cooler other lhan a portable type..................................................................._............_._._..........,._.._.........._. $12.00
Z Ventila[ion and Exhaust:
For each ven[ilation fan connccted[o a single ducL.................._._...._....._.........._.,.._._._._._._......._..........................................._..._$9.00
For each ventilation system which is nol a portion o(eny heating or air-condiuoning system awhoriud by a permit...................._.. S 12.00
For the installa[ion of tach hood which is served by a mechanical ezhaust incWding the ducis for each hood ........................._....... EI2.00
8. Incinerators:
For the installa[ion or rclocalion of each domeslic-type incinera[or ...._...._....._.,.._.,,.,.._._..................................................._......_.. $22.00
For the ins[allation or relocntion of each commercial or indusvial-type incineralor..................................._.......,..,..,.._._,,,............... $I 5-00
9. Miscellaneous:
For each appliance or piece of equipment regulated by Ihe Mechanical Code but not classed in o[her
applfantt categories or far which no o[her fee fs Ifsted in the table........._....................._.........._...._._._._._......._._._......._.........._. $12.00
Other Inspections end Fecs: �
1.Inspeclions ouLSide of nortnal bus'iness hours,per hour(minimum charge-lwo hours) ...................................................................... $63.00
2.Reinspection fees assessed under provisions of Secuon 109.4.13 ... $61.003.Inspections for which no fee fs spccifically indicated,per hour
(minimum chargc--one-half hour) .........._........._..........._._._._._._._._._._............................................................................................ $63.00
3.Additional plan rcview rcquired by changes,additions or revisions to plans or[o plans for which
on inilial review hat been completed(minimum chargc--one-hnlf hour),...,._...._..,._._._................................................................... $63.00
'Or Ue rotai wst io ehejurisdfctioq whfchever is grcarest.This cost shall include supervision,overhead,equipment,hourly wages end&inge
benefi�s of�he em lo ccs invoived.
c. Plumbing Code Pertnit Fees: For new single-family dwellings a flat rate permit fee of
$185.00 ma be char ed in lieu of fees as rescribed in Table 3-A.
Permil Issuence:
I. For issuing each permi[ ....................................._._....,....._......._._......._....,.....,................................_.........................,.................. $24.00
2. Forissuingeachsupplemenmlpertnil ..........._._............_._._............_._._._._._._._._._...._...._..........._.,....._._._._..._._.._......_._ $12.00
Unil Fte Scheduk(in addition fo ilema I end 2 ebnve):
I. For each additionW plumbing fixmre on one vap or a sct of fislures on one lrop
(including waler.drainage piping and back�ow protection therefore)................................................................................................. $9.00
2. For each building sewer and each vaikr park sewer_._._._._...._.................._.,.._._._._......._._...................._._._._._............._...... $19-00
3. Rainwaler syslems-per drain(nside buildmg) ..,......_............................._.................................._.................................................... $9.00
4. Foreachwaterhenterand/orvem.................................................._......._.._...._.................._........__.._.......,..............,..,....._........_.. $9.00
5. For each i�dustrial waste preveaunent intcrccptor including iLS vap and venl,
excep[ki[chemtypc grease interceplors funclioning as fixture traps....................................................................................................$9.00
6. For each installation,alteration or repair or water piping anNor wamr veatment,each............................._..__................._..._._........ $9.00
7. For each re oir or el[eraGon of a draina e or vent i in ,each fix[ure .........................................................................._...,................ $9.00
Page 6
8. For each lawn sprinkler system on ony one meter including back➢ow prolec[ion devices Iherefore ....._..............................................$9.00
9. For atmospheric-type vacuum breakers nol included in ilem 12:
Iro 5 ............_....,......_.........................................._.._.,._....._......._...._...,.._.,.._.._,_,_,......_._......................................._............. $6.00
over5.each ._._._.._.,,._.._._........_............................................................................_._...............,..,.,,.._._._._.,.._...,.,.,.._.,.,,.,.._. $2.00
I0. For eech backflow protcctive device other Ihan etmosphcric typc vacuum brcakers:
2 inch(51 mm)diamctcr and smaller ...._._._........_._._._._._.,..,.._,_.,._.,,._._._................................_......_.........._.............._..... $33.00
over2 inch(51 mm)diameter ..............................................................._.,..,.._.,..,.._._.,........._....................................,................ $41.00
I I- For ini[ial fnslalla[ion and tcsting for a rcclaimed waler syslem .................._...._.,..,.._._._.,,._.,,.,..,,................._............_............... $35.00
12. For each annual cross�connection testing of a reclaimed wu[er system(excluding ini[ial test) .._...._.............................................. $35,00
13. For each medical gaz piping system serving one to fve inlel(s)/outlet(s)for a specific gas .._.._._._._._._.,.._.,.._._._._.._.,...._.__.-$57.00
14. Foreach additional medical gat inlet(5)/outlet(s) _._.._._,_,__..__.._......_._......................................................................_................$6,00
Olherinspectlonsend Fees:
I. Inspectionsoutsideofnormalbucinesshours..........._........_......_._.................................................................................................. $63.00
2. Reinspection fee....................._....,................._........._.,.._._._._._._,_.__...._...._....................................._......._............................. $63.00
3. Inspeclions for w�hich no fee is speciGcally indicaced..,_._........................................................................................................_..... $63.00
4. Addilional plan review required by changes,addilions or revisions to epproved plans(minimum chargt-one-half houi) ...............$63.00
"Pcr hour for each hour worked or Ihe rotW hourly wsl to thejurisdic[ion,whichever is greater.This cosl shall include supervision,overhead,
e ui men[,hourl wa es and Gin e benefits of all lhe em lo ecs involved.
Fees: Permit fees shall be assessed in accordance with this section. Fees specified shall be
adjusted for inflation each year based upon the Seattle Consumer Price Index. Fees shall be
rounded down to nearest whole dollar.
Appeal Fees: The fee for appeals of codes adopted pursuant to ACC Chapter 15 shall be
$170.00 lus total.hearin examiner costs.
Plan Review Fees: When submitted documents are required by Section 106.3 of the
Construction Administrative Code, a plan review fee shall be paid at the time of submitting the
submittal documents for plan review. Said plan review fee shall be 65 percent of the building
permit fee as shown in Table 1-A. The plan review fees specified in this section are separate
fees from the ermit fees and in addition to ermit fees.
Temporary Certificate of Occupancy Fees: There shall be a fee equal to ten percent of the
buildin ermit fee for issuance of a tem ora certificate of occu anc .
any other fees specified in this chapter, there shall be a fee schedule for certain
administrative procedures not ofherwise included as"set forth in the following schedule of
Adult Famil Home Ins ection $160.00
Demolition, ermit and ins ections Per Table 1-A
Relocation re-ins ection Per Table 1-A
Housing Inspection Actual City Cost, minimum
Chan e of Use Per Table 1-A
Sign Permits Unless except by Ch. 18.56
ACC, the fee shall accompany
each application for a sign
permit. The amount of the fee
shall be based upon the value of
the si n ursuant to Table 1-A.
6. RENTAL HOUSING BUSINESS LICENSE FEES(Per Resolutioh No. 4601, Ordinance No.
5882, Resolution.No.,4272, Resolution No. 4424.and Ordinance 64,77 :
a. The fee for a license to operate rental housing
businesses in the City, as defined in Chapter 5.22 of the
Auburn City Code (ACC) shall be b.ased on the total
number of units as follows:
One to four dwelling units $53.00/year
Five to 24 dwellin units $106.00/ ear
Page 7
Twenty-five or more dwelling units $212.00/year
Communal residence $150.00/ ear
b. The fee for a license to operate rental housing businesses in the city shall be for the license
year from January 1 to December 31, and each applicant must pay the full fee for the
current license year or any portion thereof during which the applicant has engaged in the
o eration of rental housin businesses.
c. The rental housing business license fee required tiy tliis chapter is in lieu of, and not in
addition to, the general business license fee required by Chapters 5.05 and 5.10 of the
Auburn City Code (ACC); provided, however, that any person required to obtain a rental
housing business license must also obtain a general business license, at no cost, pursuant
to Cha ters 5.05 and 5.10 of the Aubum Cit Code ACC .
d. Notwithstanding the provisions of sub-section (1) of this section, the fee for operating renfal
housing facilities for any single individual, partnership, corporation or entity shall not exceed
$424.00 er license eriod.
Rental housing business license renewals shall be for the period January 1 through December
31 of each ear.
7. Transportation Impact Fee Rate Schedule: (Per Ordiirance No. 5763 as amended by
Resolution No. 3953, Ordinance No. 6005, Resolution No. 4103, Reso/ution No. 4424,
Resolution 4964 aac�Resolutioh.No. 5114 and Resolution No: 5181.
Use Independent Trip Non-Downtown Downtown Fee
Land Use Code Variable Rate Fee Rate Rate
I General Light ��0 sf/gfa 0.97 $6-037.59 -
I General Heavy 120 sf/gfa 0.68 $4�45.96 -
Industrial Park 130 sf/ fa 0.85 $�96.65 -
Manufacturin 140 sf/ fa 0.73 $4343.43 -
Warehousin 150 sf/ fa 0.32 3.51 -
I Mini- 151 sflgfa 0.26 $a-481.87 -
Warehouse/Stora e
lJse � �wq A�a-B=ewatewa �Fee
l�a��)se 6s�e � 1�ate €�&�e Rate
ISingle-Family e','��^ °0�3,479.
detached Z�0 du 1.00 $3;4334�4.295.41 28
¢' aW��2.280.
Multi-Family 220-233 du 0.62 $�-�82.815.34 4Z
Mobile Home 240 du 0.59 $��2 027.43 $�8�2-�751.53
Senior Housin 251, 252 du 0.27 $��927.81 -
Lod in
� Hotel 310 room 0.60 $2-,�4&6�2 945.42 $�93-8�2385.7
Page 8
Motel 320 room 0.47 $�3-532 30725 -
MoVie Theater 444, 445 seat 0.08 $��191.94 $�-@�142.04
Health Club 492, 493 sf/ fa 3.53 $�-9�10.07 $�7.45
� Indeoendent IL�L' Non-Downtown Downtown Fee
Land Use �od.� y_ariabl� B�tg Fee_Bai� Rate
� Elementa School 520 stuiient 0.15 $a-8�-86250.36 $�47-�3185.27
I Middle School/Jr. 522 student 0.16 $�3�-9f424.14 $�49,-0�2313.87
Hi h
� Hi h School 530 student 0.13 $�9472.25 $2�7�7-'�349.47
� Church 560 sf/ fa 0.55 $�.b92.50 $a-4z1.85
Da Care Genter 565 sf/ fa 12.34 $a-@-9�22.72 $��3�16.81
Libra 590 sf/ fa 7.30 $8.�11.42 $�8.45
� Nos ital 610 sf/ fa 0.93 $�4.57 $2-943.70
I Asst. Living, Nursing 254, 620 bed 0.22 $69A��755.99 -
� GeneralOffice ���' sf/gfa 1.49 $�8.39 $4,�45.71
715, 750
Medical Office 720 sf/ fa 3.57 $�415.77 $@:��10.73
Post O�ce 732 sf/ fa 11.22 $�3-9�17.56 $9-4911.94
I Free Standing g13 sflgla 4.35 $6-4�8.07 $4,�,55.97
Discount Su erstore
I Free Standing 815 sf/gla 4.98 $�-4�10_65 $�7.88
Discount Store
Hardware/Paint Store 816 sf/ la 4.84 $�847.47 $4-395.53
Sho in Center 820 sf/ la 3.71 $�-9�6.31 $3�4.97
Car Sales - New 841 sf/ la 2.59 $9-�A11.70 $�8.66
� Car Sales - Used N/A s ace 0.28 $a-904-9�1264.57 $743�5935.78
I Automobile Parts g43 sf/gla 5.98 $�57.11 $4��5.26
Tire Store 848 sf/ la 4.15 $6-4�8.07 $4�45.97
Su ermarket 850 sf/ la 9.48 $�?4�15.64 $9�911.57
!)se Inderyender►t � AIeR-Bewntewn 6ew►�tev�-Gee
L�nd--l)se Gede aFafiable Rate �°� Rate
Convenience Market 851 sf/ la 52.41 $258�32.61 $�9-��24.13
I Home Improvement g62 sf/gla 2.33 $2-4�3.12 $a-�42.31
� Dru store w/o Drive- 880 sf/ la 8.40 $6�58.24 $4.@46.10
Page 9
Throu h
I Drugstore w/ Drive- 881 sf/gla 9.91 $�10_55 $6-297.80
Throu h
Furniture Store 890 sf/ la 0.45 $9-3�0.44 $9-�0:33
Use Indeaendent Tri Non-Downtown Downtoinrn Fee
Land Use Code Variable Rate Fee Rate Rate
Drive-in Bank 912 sf/ fa 24.30 $��423.71 $��-9417.54
Qualit Restaurant 931 sf/ fa 7.49 $�&�17.50 $a0-�-912.95
I High Turnover g32 sf/gfa 9.85 $�915_85 $9-3�11_73
I Fast Food Restaurant g33 sf/gfa 26.15 $�432=74 $a-9-2�24_22
w/o Drive-Throu h
I Fast Food Restaurant g34 sf/gfa 32.65 $32-4�40_87 $248430_25
w/ Drive-Throu h
I Espre.sso Stand w/ g38 sf/gfa 75.00 $��31_30 $�-4A23_16
Drive-Throu h
Auto Care Center 942 sf/ fa 3.11 $4:6�5.88 $3-4f4.35
Service Station 944 �p �3.87 ��16,783. $9�G69-9�12,420
79 .00
Service Station w/ g45 vf 13.51 ���Z•402.0 $',',--��9,177.
Mini-Mart P 5 52
Lakeland PUDA�exatier+-(Per Ordinance No. 4867 as amended bv Resolution No. 2955.
aadOrdinance No. 6176 ahd Resolution No. 5181.)
DetacHed Sinqle-
Familv Residential N/A du n/a 1 251.43 _
Attached Sinqle-
Familv/Multi-Familv N/A du n/a 8$ 12.26 _
Senior-Famil Unit N/A du n/a 279.12 -
Com"mercial/Retail N/A sflqfa n/a 325
Units -
A. Basic trip rates are based on the ITE Trip Generation Manual, 9th Edition.
B. Impact fee rate calculation is based upon the following methodology:
— Basic Trip Rate = PM Peak Hour Trip Generation (per unit of ineasure)
— Basic Trip Rate x Percent of New Trips x Trip Length Adjustment x Per Trip
Fee/(divide by) 1,000 for rate per square foot (where applicable) = Impact Fee Rate (per unit
of ineasure)
C. For land uses not specifically identified here, trip generation rates could be derived from ITE
or a special study by the applicant.
D. sf/GFA= S uare feet Gross Floor Area; sf/GLA= S uare Feet Gross Leasable Area;
Page 10
VFP=Vehicle Fueling Position.
E. Projects eligible for the Downtown Fee Rate are those located entirely within the boundary
identified on Fi ure 1.
Page 11
2. Truck-Dependant Land Use Supplementary Transportation, Impact Fee Rate Schedule:
� ._ __ Per Resolution No. 4.122 ar�d-Resolution No. 4424 and Resolution No. 5181. _
ITE Land Independent Truck Impact Fee Rate
Land Use Use Code Variable Tri Rate er s
Liglit Industry/Manufacturing 110, 130, sf/gfa $0.06 $0.11
Heav Indust 120 sf/ fa $0.04 $0.09
Sho in Center 820 sf/ la $0.01 $0.01
IT�� Indepe�rder�t ��uCk Impa6E-F�e-Rate
��^-o.,a�2 Use-6ede YaFiable
Car Sales 841 sf/ fa $0.09 $0.16
Su ermarket 850 sf/ fa $0.33 $0.64
Free-Standing Discount Store 813, 815,
861, 863, sf/gfa $0.10 $0.19
Home Im rovement Store 862 sf/ fa $0.37 $0.70
ITE Land Independent Truck Impact Fee Rate
Land Use Use Code Variable Tri Rate er sf
Restaurant 931 932 sf/ fa 0.63 $1.20
Fast Food Restaurant 933, 934 sf/ fa 2.87 $5.51
A. ITE Land Use Code based on ITE Trip Generation, 9th Edition
B. Impact fee rate calculation is based upon the following methodology:
- Truck Trip Rate = Daily Truck Trip Generation (per unit of ineasure)
- Truck Trip Rate x Per Trip Fee = Impact Fee Rate (per unit of ineasure)
C. For land uses not specifically identified in the table, trip generation rates could be derived
from a special study by the applicant.
D. sf/ fa=s uare feet of ross floor area
3. Impact Fees By Land Use - Revenue Credit = 20% (Per Ordinance No. 5977, Resolution
3953 and Resolution No. 4022
Land Use Totai Fire 8 EMS Adjustment Fire and EMS
Cost per Unit of (Revenue Credit) Impact Fee per
Development at 20% Unit of
Develo ment
Resideniial-All calcu/ations below are er dwellin unit- Total x Number of Units
Single Family, Duplex, Mobile $362.66 $72.53 $290.13
Multi-Famil $383.09 $76.62 $306.47
Non-Residential- All calculations be/ow are er s uare foot - Total x S uare Feet
Hotel/Motel $0.53 $0.11 $0.42
Hos itallClinic $1.05 $0.21 $0.84
Grou Livin $2.63 $0.53 $2.10
Office $0.29 $0.06 $0.23
Retail $0.62 $0.12 $0.50
RestauranUBar/Loun e $1.62 $0.32 $1.30
Page 12
Industrial/Manufacturin $0.11 $0.02 $0.09
Leisure/Outdoors $1.08 $0.22 $0.86
A riculture $0.71 $0.14 $0.57
Church $0.38 $0.08 $0.30
Schools/Colle es $1.07 $0.21 $0.86
GovernmenUPublic Buildin s $1.81 $0.36 $0.86
Casino $3.78 $0.77 $3.01
Jails $21.99 $4.40 $17.59
4. Facility Extension Fees: (Per Ordinance No. 5791 and amended by Ordinance IVo. 5819,
Resolution No. 3953, Resolution No. 4272, Resolution No. 4424 and Resolution No. 5114.)
The Facility Extension Application Fee is $552.00, plus $167.00 for each Facility (Water, Sanitary
Sewer, Storm Drainage, Street, private street and private storm systems wi4hin private streets).
Facility Extension Fees are the summation of the following categories (a+b+c+d), or $1,660.00,
whichever is greater.
a. For the combined linear footage of water, sewer, storm drainage and private storm drainage
within private streets:
The first 0 lineal feet (LF) to 1000 LF is chargecl at $5.50 per LF plus,
The next 1001 LF to 2500 LF is charged at $2.80 per LF plus,
Any additional over 2500 LF is charged at $1.65 per LF.
b. For the linear footage of streets and private streets:
The first 0 LF to 500 LF will be charged at $6.90 per LF plus,
The next 501 LF to 1000 LF will be charged at $4.10 per LF plus,
Any additional over 1000 LF will be charged at $1.10 per LF.
c. For non-linear extensions such as pump stations or traffic signals, the extension fee will be
determined by the City Engineer based on an estimate of the City's labor Cost associated with
the plan review, inspection, and administration of 4he application.
d. For that portion of the water or sewer facility located outside City Limits, but within existing
County (King or Pierce) right-of-way, an additional fee of $444.00 plus $5.00 per LF of the
combined water and sewer extension located in the existing County right-of-way applies.
Facility Extension Fees will be paid as follows:
a. Forty percent (40%) at the time of execution of the facility extension agreement.
b. Sixty percent (60%) upon the City's approval of the construction drawings and prior to the start
of construction.
Additional Review:
Each additional plan review beyond a 3`d review prior to plan approval will require an add'itional fee
of $512.00 be paid at the time of the additional review submittal. If the review requires more then 8
hours of staff time to complete an additional fee of $64.00 per hour will be charged and must be
paid prior to plan approval,
Additional plan review required by changes, additions or revisions to plans during construction will
require an additional fee of $256.00 be paid at the time the additional review is submitted and prior
to any review being completed. If the review requires more than 4 hours of staff time to complete
an additional fee of$64.00 per hour will be charged and must be paid prior to plan approval.
Page 13
5: Ri ht=of Wa Use Permit Fees: PeYOrdinanc`e�No. 6925 � -� -
T e A- Banner $30.00
T e B - Short Term $60.00
Type C - Long Term $100 for the 1� year / $30 for each
additional ear
Type D- Hauling $100.00 + estimated staff time @ $50 per
Street Closure-T e B or C $90.00
Sidewalk Closure-T e B or C $60.00
Parkin Closure -T e B or C $60.00
6. Franchise A reements: PerOrdinance,No. 6546 and Resolution No. 5114
Application/Renewal Application Fee (ACC $5,000.00 Nonrefundable Initial Fee + plus
13.36.040, ACC 20.06.120, ACC 20.06.130) the City's actual costs incurred in excess of
$5,000.00. Initial Fee is due at time of
application any additional costs beyond the
initial fee is due prior to the effective date of
the a reement.
Annual Administration Fee ACC 20.04.170 Actual Cit Gosts
Annual CAN Franchise Fee (ACC 13.36.230) 5% of Gross Revenue for the prior three
Other Annual Frenchise Fee (ACC 20.06.100) Statutorily Permissible Percent of Gross
7. Public Wa A reements: Per Ordinance No.6546, Resolution No.5114
Application/Renewal Application Fee (ACC $5,000.00 nonrefundable Initial Fee + plus
20.04.020, ACC 20.04.120) the City's actual costs incurred in excess of
$5,000.00. Initial Fee is due at time of
application any additional costs beyond the
initial fee is due prior to the effective date of
the a reement.
Annual Fee ACC 20.04.170 Actual Cif Costs
8. Ri ht-of-Wa Vacations: Per Resolution No. 4143 and Resolution No. 5114.
A lication Fee $1,500.00
Land Value Com ensation Per ACC 12.48.085
9. Utility System Development Fees: (Per Ordinance No. 5819 and amended by Resolution No.
3797, Resolution No. 3953, Ftesolution No. 4272, Resolution No. 4424, Resolution No. 5114,
� aad-Resolution No. 5134 ahd Resolution No. 5181.) Fbr all utilities, a charge in lieu of
assessment or payback charges may be applicable for the proportional share of the utility line
bein cbnnected to.
Page 14
a. Water Utility: Connection fees are comprised of a Water Service Installation Permit Fee and the
S stem Develo ment Char e as follows:
Meter Water Service Installation Permit Fee System
Size Existing Water Water Service & Meter Box Installed ti Cit •' Development
(In Service 8 Meter Paved Street Unpaved Street Charge(SDC)
Inches) BoX"
'/.or less $290.00 $2,250.00 Actual Cost $�,'o-�-o0'.^^6 423.00
1 $350.00 $2,450.00 Actual Cost $5,"-�.�oa6 423.00
1-1/2 $550.00 $3,350.00 Actual Cost $29;@�6-9A21 387.00
2 5680.00 $3,600.00 Actual Cost $33,4�4.9034 232.00
3 Actual Cost Actual Cost Actual Cost $�92�0968 528.00
4 Actual Cost Actual Cost Actual Cost $�94;5�498107,063.0
6 Actual Cost Actual Cost Actual Cost $�98,94§:99214,063.0
8 Actual Cost Actual Cost Actual Cost $�34��6,99342.514.0
10 Actual Cost Actual Cost Actual Cost $4�9;@�4-89492.415.0
*Installation of a water meter done by the City and the service either already exists or has been
installed tiy the developer.
*'Installation of the entire water service is done by the City.
"If ineter installation or retrofit involves installation of a fire s rinkler line, fee is Actual Cost.
b. Sanitary Sewer Utility: Connection fees are comprised of a permit Fee and the System
Develo ment Char e as follows:
Type Permit Fee System Development
Existing New Service Charge (SDC)*
SewerStub Line Re uired
Single Family Parcel $88.00 $155.00 $',°�82.383.00 Per
Other Parcels $88.00 $155.00 $','�92,383.00 Per
Side sewer repair on private $62.00
ro ert
Side sewer re air in ri ht-of-wa $105.00
'Except that for multifamily residential units with separate water meters for each family unit, the
sewer utility systems development charge will be calculated as one RCE per family unit.
** RCE, Residential Customer Equivalent - an RCE shall be as defined by the King County
Department of Natural Resources.
In addition to City sanita.ry sewer connection fees, there shall be a sanitary sewer connection fee
(King County Capacity Charge) imposed tiy King County to pay Capital Improvement fees to King
Count er the Kin Count Rate Schedule.
I c. Storm Drainage Utility: (Per Resolution No. 4566 and amended bv Resolution No. 5181)
Connection fees are comprised of a Permit Fee and the System Development Charge as follows
Type System Development Charge(SDC)
Single Family Residence 8 Duplexes(on $�-lfi2-991.190.00 per Parcel
Individual Parcels
Page 15
IOther Parcels $',',-�-o0'.^^1.190.00 per ESU"
'ESU, Equivalent Service Unit - A configuration of development of impervious surtaces esfimated to
contribute an amount of runoff to the City's storm dreinage system which is approximately equal to
fhat created by the average single family residential parcel. One ESU is considered equal to 2,600
square feet of pareel coverage by impervious surtaces. Per ACC 73.48.010.
When calculating the total SDC, a credit will be applied for the existing impervious area (New total SDC minus
calculated SDC for existing impervious area using fhe new definition of impervious surface as given in ACC
Pertnit Level" Permit Fee
Level 1 $210.00
Level 2 $400.00
Level 3 Base Fee +the Cumulative Additional Fees as indicated below:
Base Fee=$1,440.00 for up to 10,000 SF of disturbed area
Cumulative Additional Fee#1 = Base Fee+ $400.00 for 10,001 SF up to 43,560 SF (1
Acre)of disturbed area
Cumulative Additional Fee#2=Cumulative Additional Fee#1 + $100.00 per Acre for
each additional disiurbed Acre over 1 Acre
"'Permit le4els are determined as follows:
. Level 1 permits are for all projects that are not located in a Critical Area and add or replace less than 2,000
square feet of impervious surface area; and/or disturb less than 7,000 square feet of land.
. Level 2 permits are for all projects that add or replace 2,000 to 4,999 square feet of impervious surface
area; or disturb 7,000 square feet or more of land.
. Level 3 permits are for all projects that add 5,000 square feet or more of impervious surface area, or
convert'/. acres or more of native vegetafion to lawn/landscaped area, or convert 2.5 acres or more of
native vegetafion to pasture, or 4he new plus replaced impervious surface area is 5,000 square feet or
more and the value of improvements exceeds 50% of the assessed value of existing improvements.
10. Otfie� Utilit`y Fees: (Per Ordinance No. 5819, �Ordinance No. �5944, Resolution No. 3797,
Resolution No. 3953, Resolution No:4.42.4, Resolution No._5114 and Resolution No. 5134: .
Fi�e Service Line Permit 5 3-inch fire service line $135.00
N drant Permit and Ins ection Fee $238.00
H drant Meter Monthl Rate $44.85
Fire H drant Meter Wrench — Refundable De osit $38.00
Refundable De osit— H drant Meter with RPBA, Valve, and Wrench $1,965.00
Water Main Extension Purit Test Fee $181.00
Water Meter Test Fee, 2" or less $217.00
Water Meter Test Fee, reater than 2° At Actual Cost
Storm Draina e Re air Permit— Private S stem on Private Pro ert $31.00
Storm Draina e Re air Permit— S stem in Public Ri ht-of-Wa /Easement $57.00
Payback Administration Fees: (per Ordinance No. 5954)
Application Fee $500.00
Processing Fee $1,000.00
Area of S ecial Benefit Anal sis $500.00
" If the equipment is not retumed or is returned in a damaged condition,the deposit amount shall be forfeited.
Page 16
Transaction/Collection Fee $300.00
Outside Professional Services Time 8 Materials
Gonvenience shut off $25.00
Delin uent sFiut off $25.00
Late charge 1% per month of
outstanding bill
or $15.00
whichever is
Unauthorized turn on/off $60.00
Delin uent meter ull $65.00
Unauthorized fire line or water hook up $100.00 a iiay
fine from date
of discove
Returned checks each $20.00
Refusal of access er da $30.00
Closin final read $30.00
New account setu $25.00
Bill tenant $25.00
After_hours water turn on/off $30.00
Escrow estimates $25.00
11: Construction Permits: (Per Ordinance No. 5817, Reso7ution No. 3953, Resolution No. 4272;
and Resolution No. 4424.
Basic Fee BF $150.00
Hourly Inspection Rate (HIR):
Normal Business Hours $52.00
After Hours (includes weeknights, weekends, and holidays and will be $80.00
char ed at the after hours HIR x the duration of the work
For Excavation Type Work:
Length of Excavation (feet) Additional Fee (AF)
31 — 100 feet of excavation length $52.00
101 —250 feet of excavation length $155.00
251 — 500 feet of excavation length $259.00
501 — 750 feet of excavation length $362.00
751 — 1000 feet of excavation len th $466.00
Fee Calculation:
Permit Fee = BF + AF (for the appropriate length of excavation)
If the excavation exceeds 1,000 linear feet
Permit Fee = BF + $466.00 + (HIR.x (length of excavation — 1000/100)
For Non-Excavation Type WorK: This work includes any work in the public right-of-way that is not
covered by any other permits and includes such things as overhead utility work, geotechnical
borings, horizontal directional drilling and vault installation.
Permit Fee = BF + (HIR x Permit Duration in Days)
In Lieu of Fee: In lieu of the above stanclard retes, the city engineer or his/her designee majr
calculate the fee based upon current labor rates for administrative and inspection staff after
developing an estimate of staff effort involved. For projects that are expected to involve significantly
more than 1,000 feet of street excavation or when the sco e or duration cannot be accuratel
Page 17
estimated, the city engineer may establish a deposit account to manage permitee deposits in
advance of permit issuance for reimbursing actual labor costs of administering 4he permit. Such
deposit accounts will not be interest bearing and will be closed at the end of the permitted wbrk
when a final acco.unting of the permit administration cost shall be calculated and a final bill or credit
issued to the permitee.
12. Memorial Si n Pro ram: PerOrdinance No. 6137, and Ordinance No. 61_49 _ __. ______ __ ._ -.
Memorial Si n $150.00
73.Special Permits: (RerOrdinance No: 5817 and amended by Resolution No. 3953; Resolution
_ 'No. 4272 and Resolution No. 4,424:
Permit T e Base Fee Additional Per Linear Foot
Sidewalk $54.00 $1.10/foot for each foot over 25
linear feet
Residential Driveway $54.00 $1.65/foot for each foot over 20
linear feet•
Commercial Driveway $107.00 $2.20/foot for each foot over 48
linear feet*
'Drivewa widths are based on the width of the drivewa a Yon in the ri ht-of-wa .
14. Street Pa back A reements: Pe�Ordinance No. 6319 and Resblution No. 4624. ._ . _
A lication Fee $500.00
Processin Fee $1,000.00
Assessment Reimbursement Area Anal sis $1,000.00
Transaction/Collection Fee $300.00
Outside Professional Senrices when needed Time and Materials
Page 1 S
1: Animal License Fees
- .. _
.. ---- -
T �e Comments Cost
Juvenile 8 weeks to 6 months of a e $15.00
Altered Proofof s -a /neuter re uired $30.00
Unaltered $60.00
Senior Proof tliat pet i`s altered and proof tFiat owner is 62 years of $15.00
a e or older consistent with ACC 13.24 is re uired.
Disabled Proof that et is altered and -roof of disabilit re uired $15.00
Service Animal With a signed statement, on the City Form, indicating that the $0
owner of the animal has a disability and that the animal is a
service animal, no license fee shall_be char ed b the Cit .
Re lacement Ta $5.00
2: Late Pa ment Penal
Da s Past Ex iration T -e Additional Cost
45-90 Late Fee $15.00
91-135 Late Fee $20.00
136364 Late Fee $30.00
365 or more Late Fee $30.00 + rior ear's license fee
Page 19
D. AUBURN MUNICIPAL AIRPORT FEES (Per Ordinance No. 5707, amended by
Ordinance No. 5715 and Ordinance No. 5819, and amended by Resolution No. 3784,
Resolution 3797, Resolution No. 3841, Resolution No. 3953, Resolution No. 4117, Resolution
No. 4270, Resolution No. 4414, Resolution 4734, Resolution No. 4880, Resolution No. 5016,
� aad-Resolufion No. 5114, and Resolution No. 5181)
1. Lease Fees
Lease Type:
Open Single $�8�99194.00
Open Twin $��8224.00
Closed R-2 $394-99310.00
Closed R-9 & 10 $4-a�90420.00
Outside Tiedowns $�9970_00
Storage Rows 3-8 $�90114.00
Storage Units (185 sq. ft. — Buildings 9,10) $99-08101.00
Storage Units (298 sq. ft.) $�&99122.00
Stora e Units 380 s . ft. — Buildin s 9,10 $�?90155.00
The West End Hangars located on Hanga� rows 9 and 10 have an additional 298 square feet
each. There shall be an additional $110.00 er month surchar e for the additional s ace.
A security surcharge of $5.00 per month is charged, in addition to the base monthly rental fees
provided in this section, for each tie-down, each hangar door and each storage rental area,
which secu�ity surcharge fees are to be used for the provision of increased security at the
Auburn Municipal Airport (approved by Ordinance No. 5500 on January 16, 2001). For the
purposes hereof, each tie-down consists of the structures/facilities necessary to accommodate
one (1) regular sized light aircraft. Furthermore, the hangar doors to which the security
surcharge applies includes all hangars located at the Auburn Municipal Airport, including those
hangars built on land owned by the City but leased to private parties, and those hangars owned
in a condominium type ownership.
The above lease and security surcharge amounts are subject to applicable leasehold taxes,
which shall be paid by the tenant. The total charges, including the above lease rates plus lease
hold tax and surcharge shall be reflected in monthly billing rates. Tenants shall be given notice
as required by Ordinance or lease agreements. The Airport Lease rates shall be effective
Janua 1, 2014.
Payments. Payments are due on the first of each month, past due as of the 5 and late as of
the 15'". Payments not received by the 15'" incur a $10.00 late fee. Payments not received
after 30 da s from the due date incur an additional $25.00 delin uenc fee.
Automatic gate electronic cards. One automatic gate electronic card will be issued to each
City rental tenant free of charge. Any additional electronic cards requested by a tenant are
subject to a $25.00 fee. A $15.00 fee refund applies to all serviceable returned cards. An
additional $25.00 replacement fee will be assessed against fhe tenant for all lost or damaged
electronic cards. All electronic cards must be retumed to the airport at the time of lease
Each lease shall include an initial payment of first and last months' rent plus a damage deposit
in the amount of two times the monthly base rate. Each lease agreement shall also include
terms that au4horize 4he cit to a I the dama e de osit to outstandin char es on termination.
2: Dail Transient.Parkin overni ht
Tie Down $5.00
Open "T' $25.00
Ericlosed Han ar $35.00
3: Base Parkin Fee— Desi nated S aces
Page 20
� A base vehicle parking fee of $�4-9955_00 pe�month per designated space is charged. There
are ten designated spaces available on a first come basis for pilots to park or store a vehicle for
an extended period of time. All airport rules and regulations apply. A Vehicle Storage Permit
must be completed and appropriate fees paid. The storage of vehicles is for convenience for
the users of the Auburn Air ort and is month-to_month.
4._ Additional Air ort Fees
Gate Cards (each lease gets one card at no charge. Additional cards cost $25.00
$25.00. A $15.00 refund a lies to all serviceable retumed cards.
Aeronautical Business License (includes listing of your business on airport $250.00
si ns and ai o�t web a e.
Han ar Waitlist Fee 550.00
Page 21
E. POLICE DEPARTMENT FEES (Per Ordinance No: 5715 amended by Ordinance No. 6216,
5819, Resolution No. 3797, Resolution No. 3953, Resolution No. 4117, Resolution No.
4272, Resolution No. 4424, Ordinance 6216, Ordinance 6276, Resolution No. 4552,
Resolution No. 5016, and Resolution No. 5114. Fa/se Alarm fees per Ordinance No. 6216
� amended by Ordinance Nos. 6252 and 6345.))
T e Fees
Police Report/Collision Report (fee not charged where $13.25
re uested b victim or art involved
Visa Letter $10.00
Fingerprinting Fees (fee not charged where taking of $15.00/card
fin er rints is re uired b cit
Laminated Concealed Pistol License $3.50
Annual Alarm Registration Fees:
Residential $24.00
Commercial $24.00
Residential Low Income Senior Citizen/Disabled Citizen $12.00
Late Re istration Fee $25.00
Auburn Security Alarm License $10.00/each registered alarm
user to a maximum of$100.00
Late License Fee $25.00
Reinstatement Fee $100.00 plus $10.00/permitted
False Alarm Service Fees
Burglar False Alarm Service Fee" $100.00
Robbery, Panic and Burglary Crime in Progress False $200.00
Alarm Fee" $200.00
Supplemental Fee for Non-permitted Alarm System,
each alarm $100.00
Fee for false alarm caused by Monitoring Company or
Alarm Installation Company employee $100.00
First Dispatch Report during time of suspension
Each dispatch thereafter $25.00
Late Fee $25.00
Appeals $25.00
'The alarm administrator will waive the first false alarm fee
following the installation of an alarm system at a particular
Page 22
F. GITY CLERK FEES (Per Ordinance No. 5715; Ordinance No. 5819, Resolution No. 3797,
Resolution No. 4244, Resolution No. 5016, and Resolution No. 5114.)
Ty,pe Fees
Fees for public records—collection
Non-certified copies of public records $0.15 per page plus postage
Certified copies of public records $5.00 per page plus copying
Scanning paper copies to PDF $0.15 per page
CD duplication $5.00 per disk
DVD duplication $10.00 per disk
Fees for Auburn City Code book and supplements
Copy of Aubum City Code book (with latest supplement) $100.00 per code book
Supplements to the Auburn City Gode book $11.00 per copy
Page 23
G. CITY CEMETERY FEES (Per Ordinance 5715, Resolution No. 3797, Resolution No. 3953,
Resolution No. 4027, Reso/ution No. 4103, Resolution No. 4117, Resolution No. 4272
Resolution No. 4424, Resolution No. 4552, Resolution No. 4675, Resolution 4778,
� Resolution No. 4880, Resolution 5114�Resolution No. 5134 and Resolution No. 5181.)
___ Fees - --
- - T e--_ - - - - - - ._ — - - --
� Section 9A and 96 5��59��9 2.695.00
AII other adult graves $2,295.00
Child's Place $300.00
� Double Depth (includes 2 burial spaces / 2 liners) $4;499-:09 4,590.00
Sec4ion 9A and 96 (Quads and Upright monument plots) $4,995.00 each
Section 9B Plaza Estates $9,995.00 each
Ground Cremation Plots
Centennial Um Garden (single) $995.00
Centennial Um Garden (double) $1,895.00
Section 9 U ri ht Section Um Plots u fo 4 urns $3,195.00
Mausoleum (top rows available only) - single $f95:90 Sold Out
$',°,-�°� 2,195_00
Centennial Columbarium II (1 or 2 ums) - Row 3 Middle $�;�9�-99 1,895.00
Centennial Columbarium II 1 or 2 ums - Row 4 Bottom
Chapel of Memories - Interior Niches* Range From
12 ic 12 Single $�;1-95-,992.695.00 -
12 x 18 Double $�;595-,093.995.00
12 x 24 Family (up to 3 urns) $','�°�03,695.00 -
*The above niche prices incluiie one bud vase per niche. $5;995.996.495.00
Inurnment will be $595.00 per occasion. See guidelines for $6-,�-95-:096,995.00
additional pertinent information. A single inscription on the glass $�;29�.998,695.00
front is $225.00 lus tax. Urn's to be urchased se aratel .
Chapel of Memories - Exterior Niches"
Rows 4, 5, & 6 $2,695.00
Rows 2 � 3 $2,295.00
Rows 1, 7, & 8 $1,895.00
`If the niche (external) is to be used as a double niche, the
inurnment, inscription and tax will be due when a second urn is
laced. Row 1 is the bottom row
� $�93-,8�425 00 FOR CREMATION SERVICES.
Extended Land Use $495.00
Memo�ial Pla Le - $175 additional for inscri tion + tax $295.00
� "Chapel of Memories" rental for services $245�8 295.00
Opening and Closing -Ground Burials
Liner/Vault $1,295.00
Children's Place $295.00
Opening and Closing -Cremation
Cremation Plot $695.00
Niche $595.00
Page 24
Opening and Closing — Entombment $895.00
� Insoription $2�5-80240.00 + tax
Vault Installation $595.00 + tax
Marker Services
Flat Grass:
Setting Fee $295.00 + tax
Resetting Fee $150.00 + tax
New Inspection Fee for outside sales $175.00
Setting Fee $475.00 + tax
Resetting Fee $325.00
Vase Setting Fee $45.00 + tax
Recording Fee $100.00
Overtime Charge — per hour $175.00
Saturday Service Fee
Full Interment $795.00
� Cremation $38�-99425.00
Flower Vases: (prices include vase setting fee)
Standard $150.00
Deluxe Cast Zinc (gray or bronze zinc) $�9�5�0250.00
Deluxe Wall (brass) $a-95-:09250.00
Liners: Concrete Liner $695.00 + tax
Mountain View Vault $1,295.00 + tax
Vault Installation $595.00 + tax
Double Depth $895.00 + tax
Infant $200.00 to $800.00 +
Urn Encasement $225.00 + tax
Fo�estwalk Infor"mal Cremation Garden
Single 3' Single Ground Plot $1,295.00
Double 4' Double Grounii Plot $2,195.00- $3,995.00
Wishin Well Scatterin $295.00
Biode radable Urn $125.00 + taz
Add for 2" Inurnment $595.00
Granite Memorials Start At $395.00 +tax
� Add for 2" Marker Inscri tion $225-,9A240.00 + tax
Page 25
Page 26
H. PARKS AND RECREATION (Per Resolution No. 3797 and amended by Resolution No.
3953, Resolution No. 4117, Resolution No. 4272, Resolution No. 4424, Ordinance No. 6276,
� Reso/ution No. 4552, Resolution No. 4880, aad-Resolution No. 5016 and Resolurion No. .i181.)
Les Gove Buildin Resident Non-Resident
3 hour minimum $20.00/hour $25.00/hour
Seven da s a week 9 a.m. - 11 .m.
Res�idenE Alen-Resident
�-qe�r-aaia}a��ra $49-99�#�edc $�9-99/�euF
@a6is-K+4c,Fi�ea $2�99 $2�99
� Les Gove G mnasium Resident Non-Resident
Gymnasium (athletics practice, birthday parties, etc.) $30.00/hour $40.001hour
+ Hourly Facility + Hourly Facility
Attendant Fee Attendant Fee
When Re uired When Re uired
Gymnasium (tournaments, trade shows, fairs, etc.) $60.00/hour $75.00/hour
+ Hourly Facility + Hourly Facility
AttendantFee AttendantFee
When Re uired When Fte uired
Dama e De osit $300.00 $300.00
O tional Cleanin Fee $275.00 $275.00
Senior Activi Center Resident Non-Resident
Full Facility (includes basic kitchen use) $80.00/hour $100.00/hour
Available Friday evenings, Saturday and Sunday. Tables and
chairs for up to 200 people max. 3 hr. minimum, 5:30-11 p.m.
(Friday eve.); 5 hr. minimum, 9 a.m.-11 p.m.(weekend)
Additional cleanu time is available after 11 .m.
Rental Package Friday night & Saturday: 4 hours Friday and $1,200.00 $1,500.00
u to 12.hours of active use on Saturda
Rental Package Full Day Saturday or Full Day Sunday: up to $1,000.00 $1,300.00
12 hours_of active use on either da
Millennium Rooms $30.00/hour $40.00/hour
Friday only, 3 hour minimum, 5:30 - 11 p.m., 63 people per + Hou�ly Facility + Hou�ly Facility
room maximum, 3 rooms available; weekend options available Attendant Fee Attendant Fee
within 30 da s or less When Required When Requirecl
Weese & Rotary Rooms $20.00/hour $25.00/hour
Monday— Friday, 2 hour minimum, 5:30 - 11 p.m., 40 people + Hourly Facility + Hourly Facility
per room maximum; weekend options available within 30 days Attendant Fee Attendant Fee
o[ less When Required When Required
'Additional Cleanu time available 11:00 .m. —midni ht $80.00 $100.00
Damage & Cleaning Deposit (for Full Facility and Millennium $300.00 $300.00
room rentals without alcohol
Damage 8 Cleaning Deposit (for Full Facility and Millennium $500.00 $500.00
room rentals) wi4h aicohol ($1,000,000.00 excess liability
insurance re uired
Optional cleaning fee (fee required with use of alcohol in $275.00 $275.00
Commercial kitchen , , , $50.00 $50.00
added on to existin room rental.
Page 27
Use of dishes, tableware, pots, etc. added on fo an existinQ 50.00 5$ 0.00
room rental.
Commercial kitchen and cookware durinq Senior Center 15/hr 20/hr
o eratin hours.
Commercial kitchen and cookware when Senior Center is 2$ 5/hr 25/hr
closed 3 hour minimum
Basic Kitchen $25.00 $25.00
William C. Warren Buildin Resident Non-Resident
3 hour minimum $40.00/hour $50.00/hour
Seven da s a week 9 a.m. - 11 .m.
BaseballlSoftballlGrass Fields Resident Non-Resident
Reservations made in 1.5 hour increments
Youth $10.00/1.5 hour $13.00/1.5 hour
Adult $23.00/1.5 hour $30.00/1.5 hour
Field Li hts $30.00/1.5 hour $30.00/1.5 hour
Field Maintenance $30.00 er field $30.00 er field
Baseball/Softball/ Fastpitch Tou�naments 1 Day 2 Day
Reservations made for 1 or 2 da tournaments
Youth $700.00 $1,000.00
Adult $900.00 $1,300.00
Field Li hts $30.00/1.5 hour $30.00l1.5 hour
Synthetic Turf Fields Resident Non-Resident
Reservations made in 1.5 hour increments
Youth $45.00/1.5 hour $60.00/1.5 hour
Adult $60.00/1.5 hour $75.00/1.5 hour
Field Li hts $30.00/1.5 hour $30.00/1.5 hour
Game Farm Wilderness Park Cam rounds Resident Non-Resident
Daily, Open year round $25.00/night $25.00/night
7 ni hts maximum
Game Farm Wilderness Park Day Camp Area ResidenU Non-
Non-Resident Profit°�;�.n
Daylight hours, April 1 - October 15 $75.00/day $50.00/dav��lea
Minimum Rental: 1 da Pfe#+�
� Picnic Shelters Auburn rfesidents Non-residents
Game Farm Park Half Day* Full Day" Half Day' Full Day*
Single quadrant(max: 25)
Monday - Friday $30.00 $50.00 $40.00 $65.00
Saturday - Sunday N/A N/A N/A N/A
Full day
Mon-Sun (Full Shelter) 1-99 $120.00 $200.00 $150.00 $250.00
Mon-Sun (Full Sheiter) 100-199 $180.00 $300.00 $225.00 $375.00
Mon-Sun (Full Shelter) 200+ (must also rent N/A $375.00 N/A $475.00
Amphitheater $75.00 $125.00 $100.00 $175.00
Isaac Evans Park $60.00 $100.00 $75.00 $125.00
Lea Hill Park $60.00 $100.00 $75.00 $125.00
Roegner Park $60.00 $100.00 $75.00 $125.00
Game Farm Wilderness Park $60.00 $100.00 $75.00 $125.00
Les Gove Park $60.00 $100.00 $75.00 $125.00
Page 28
Mon-Sun Single Quadrant (max: 25) $30.00 $50.00 $40.00 $65.00
Mon-Sun (Full Shelter) 1-99 $120.00 $200.00 $150.00 $250.00
Mon-Sun (Full Shelter) 100-199 $180.00 $300.00 $225.00 $375.00
Mon-Sun Full Shelter 200+ NA $375.00 NA $475.00
Plaza Park ' Resident Group Non-resident Grouo
Hourl rate 6$ 0.00 75.00
Full da rate 360.00 4$ 50.00
� " Additional hourl fees am be a lied based on event/staffin needs
Rental Rate Schedule for Auburn Ave Theater Resident Non-Resident
Weekda s Mon-Thur $170.00 $215.00
Weekend Da s Fri., Sat., and Sun. $270.00 $340.00
� Rate Schedule considers one da to be an 8 hour block of time.
Damage deposit. The terms and conditions for full $300.00 $300.00
or partial refund of deposit apply to approval of
Check-Out List, including theater, equipment plot
Hou�ly commercial rate for meetings $35.00/hr $45.00/hr
2 hour min. for"4-wal" only of lobby, auditorium,
and sta e
Equipment not included: Use of any theatrical $30.00/hr $40.00/hr
e ui ment additional char e
$1,000,000 excess liabilit insurance re uired U on re uest U on re uest
Custodiai Fee $130.Q0 $130.00
Sound 8 Li ht Technician 25/hr 25/hr
� Sta e Hand 12lhr 12/hr
Rental Rate Schedule for Commercial Filmin Resident Non-Resident
Permit Fee $50.00
Still Photo ra h /Trainin and Industrial Films, etc $50.00 er 1/2 da $100.00 er da
Broadcast, Film, N, Commercial, etc. $75.00 er 1/2 da $150.00 er da
Electricity/Vllater Access, Park Maintenance Staff, Hourly staff cost
Vehicle Access
Dama e De osit $100.00
Im act Fees:
Park Im act Fees $3,500.00 er residential dwellin unit
Page 29
I. MULTIMEDIA DUPLICATION (Per Resolution No. 3953 and Resolution No. 4552.)
Product Cost
DVD Co $10.00 er disk
CD Co $5.00 er disk
Page 30
J. INFORMATION SERVICES AND GIS14 (Per Resolution No. 4272, Ordinance 6276,
Resolutron No. 4552, and Resolution No.4593 .) Much of the City's geographic data is available
for sale per the prices below plus Washington State sales tax. A signed public records request
form is required. Most public records requests can be completed within seven to ten business
days and will be delivered in ESRI Shapefile format without Metadata.
Product Cost
Ezisting Map $5.00 + tax
Custom Ma s an non-existin ma $50.00 er hour15 + tax
Di ital Data Re uests $50.00 er hour16 + tax
CD-Rom $5.00 + tax
All other re uests for data or information not s ecificall listed $50.00 er hour + tax
1d Hourly charge to complete any of the below(one hour minimum charge).
15 Flourly charge includes the cost of processing and providing custom map requests.
16 Hourly charge includes the cost of processing and proyiding digital data requesls.
Page 31
K. WAIVER OF FEES (PerResolution No. 5181).
1. The Mavor is authorized to waive anv fees for permits licenses, publications and
actions as authorized bv Sections 2.03.030 5.10.030 and 12.60.020 of the Citv Code.
2. The Mavor is also authorized to reduce and is vested with to discretion to reduce
in compellinq cases bv up to 50% anV fees for permits publications and actions where the
applicant — the partv responsible for pavment of such fees — is an orqanization exempt from
taxation under 26 US 501(c)(3) and where the permit(s) publication(s) and/or action(s) relate
directiv to the provision of charitable services to residents of the Citv of Auburn. Charitable
services are defined as events or services provided to the residents of Auburn free of charqe
and where the Citv is a sponsor of the specific event or service. For the purposes hereof,
"compellinq cases" mean instances where there is an extraordinary need (qreativ bevond
current and ordinarV need) for the charitable services that would be able to be provided. The
intent of this authorization is to empower the Mavor with sole discretion to waive some fees in
unique situations where there is a qreatly increased need for new charitable services to be
provided and where the reduction of fees to the Citv will not detrimentally impact the Citv's
abilitv to provide municipal services. This waiver does not include Impact Fees, Svstem
Development Charqes anv fees related to Franchise or Public Wav Apreements, Right-of-wav
Vacations Riqht-of-Wav Use Permits Facilitv Extensions, Police Deoartment Fees, Animal
Licensinq Fees and Penalties Banner Permit Fees, or Cemetery or Parks fees.
Page 32